3 minute read
from Los Gatan 3-15-2023
by Weeklys
• Someone stole a vehicle’s catalytic converter on W. Parr Avenue.
• A caller reported children playing in a batting cage on Fisher Avenue at 9pm, because they were trying to go to sleep.
• Someone disassembled electrical panels on S. Turner and Shore streets.
• Two juveniles reportedly stole an unknown amount of merchandise from a store on the 15700 block of Los Gatos Boulevard.
• A caller reported their neighbors were scared of an unknown van that was parked on Worcester Loop. The van reportedly had a solar panel on top, and the driver was listening to music.
• A woman was arrested for trespassing after she was earlier banned from a store on the 15500 block of Union Avenue due to an “issue with an employee who is her ex-boyfriend.”
• A man was arrested on S. Santa Cruz Avenue after he was reported for “smoking something out of a glass pipe” at 6:03pm.
• An unknown suspect stole a bag of clothing from a vehicle parked on Los Gatos Boulevard.
• Someone stole a mattress that was slated for a return to Amazon on Calle Marguerita.
• A man was arrested for obstructing an officer on the 100 block of S. Santa Cruz Avenue at 6:30pm.
• Vehicles were burglarized on Grays Lane and Elm Street.
• A woman was arrested for battery on the 100 block of Tait Avenue at 10:21am.
March 10
• A man reportedly stole a pair of shoes from a front porch on University Avenue.
March 11
• A man was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol on the first block of N. Santa Cruz Avenue at 2:07am.
• A caller, who was getting her nails done at a business on N. Santa Cruz Avenue, said a man playing a guitar across the street was “disrupting her” at 11:52am.
• An unknown suspect slashed a vehicle’s tires on Capri Drive and Division Street.
• A man was arrested for obstructing a peace officer and having a felony warrant on the 200 block of El Cajon Way at 3:52pm.
• Two homes were reportedly burglarized on Lora Drive and Lu Ray Drive.
• A man and a woman were arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance on Los Gatos Boulevard and Gateway Drive at 8:46pm.
Information is compiled from public records released by the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department.