1 minute read
from Los Gatan 5-31-2023
by Weeklys
Commission, from page 1
Later in the meeting, he would be called upon to explain about the work being done to form a nonprofit that can support whatever policy direction is decided upon.
Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation (LGS Rec) representatives also attended, paying close attention as the commission discussed a report they’d prepared about their operations.
Commissioners discussed whether it was better to include two separate documents as one file when sending it on to Council.
Staff Liaison Ryan Baker said it doesn’t really matter as both reports will appear back-to-back in any event.
Commissioner George Rossmann said he felt “they cover a great deal” of information that will be important for the Council to be aware of.
Maureen Heath was also in attendance and was selected for an honor
New Assistant Town Manager
An error appeared in the May 24 article titled “Mountains offer testing ground for new wildfire prevention philosophy.” The reason a piece of equipment with rubber wheels was selected for vegetation management work was because it put less strain on the landscape.
for her work on seniors issues.
It was clear commissioners felt her contributions had been outstanding, as they unanimously forwarded her name for the 24th annual Seniors of Distinction Awards, which is sponsored by the Terraces of Los Gatos retirement community.
When Picraux spoke, he took his time to walk commissioners through the steps involved in getting the nonprofit up and running.
They’re currently reaching out to people who may want to be involved and getting a handle on what its scope will be, before submitting paperwork to the government for official recognition, hopefully later this summer, he said.