MA AYY 1 3 --1199 , 201 2 0 1 5 | VO V O L . 3 1 , N O .1 . 1 0 | S I L I C O N VA V A L L E Y, Y, C A | F R E E
Greg Ramar
The Jinx that keeps on giving p8
Life Cycle SV cycling groups take new spin on social justice
By Jennifer Wadsworth p14 metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
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6 Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen to I SAW YOU, Metro, 380 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.
LeftOver It
comments com mments@metr onnews.coom RE: “HEAD HUNT HUNTING,” TING,,” NE NEWS, WS, MAY MA AY 6
The h state s refuse refuses f es to fund f d Fi Fish i h and ish dW Wildlife iilldlife ldlif warden ward den positions. position ns. N Nothing othing o new here. VOLTAIRE’S V OLTA AIRE’S ANGR ANGRY Y LLOVE OVE VIA SAN SAN JOSE JOSE INSIDE BACK, BOY,” RE: “BRING IT B ACK, BO Y,” THE FLY, FLY, MAY MA AY 6
Any website tthat writes the ffollowing ollowing wor ds cannott be taken seriously: words “Mayor Chucc cardo.” YYes, es, that ’s their Chuccardo.” that’s way of being derogatory derogatory to the cur rent mayor. mayoor. A clearly biased site, current so hopefully no n independent voters will bother w ith The Daily Fetch with M.R. VIA SAN SAN A JOSE JOSE INSIDE
Deerrick Sharp Robinson Oakland Stand Derrick Staand Up!!! U p!!! #SupportOutOwnMovement @SIKSEENT @SIK SEENT VIA TWITTER RE E: “BRE W BO OM,,” SIPS, SIPS, MAY MA AY 6 RE: “BREW BOOM,”
co congrats ongrats to @SCVBrew @SCVBrewer wer - can ’t wait to stop in can’t @SENDERSS VIA TWITTER @SENDER
TTotally ootally awesome co concert. ncert.. Fel Feltt as if they went a bitt over time? I dunno. Just cause the opening bands after their las st songs last exited so abruptly y. SStill till went way abruptly. too quickly y, though. Always does. quickly, DAN D AN MAR MARTT VIA FFACEBOOK ACEBO OOK
You, sir, are what Brad Paisley, in an ill-advised 2013 collaboration with LL Cool J, calls an “accidental racist.” Remember that song? No? Well, lucky you. Anyway, I’m sure it was a show of hospitality when I came over to hang out with your son, my friend, and you offered me some leftover Chinese food. You probably thought the stars had aligned by bringing in “an Oriental” the day after you over-ordered shrimp chow mein, orange chicken and an extra helping of egg rolls from Panda Express. What a coincidence, you must have thought, that your son would come home with a friend from the same country of origin as your meal the night before. Except I’m not Chinese, I’m Filipino. While I was more amused than offended—and still ate your leftovers, thank you much—you reaffirmed for me the feeling that elderly white dudes still think we “all look the same.”
Great art Great article ticle by @Gary_Singh on our #C #CreativeCollisions CreativeCollisions event, Ba Ballet allet + W Wearables earables + YYou, ou, in th the he @Metr @MetroNewspaper oNewspaper @THETECHMUSEUM @THETE ECHMUSEUM VIA TWITTER
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
JULY 24-AUGUST 1, 2015 metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
North N orth Egg Egg San Jose’s San Jose’s Dist District trict 4 City Council rrace ace has been whittled too two candidates, T IM O ROZCO and annd MANH MANH NG UYEN, and TIM OROZCO NGUYEN, the latter has qu uite a lif quite lifee story—as well as some GATSBYish GA ATSBYish intrigue.. Manh owns a media compan ny that br oadcasts and company broadcasts ppublishes in Vietnamese. Viettnamese.. He utilized these ample rresources—content esourcess—content and advertising evenue—to su rrevenue—to support upport his campaign and edge LLAN AN DIEP for for second place in the primary by 13 votes. vootes.. But ther theree is some mystery sur rounnding Manh beyond how he surrounding uses his compan ny’s rresources. esources.. In November company’s of last year nh says,, he rrented ented an year,r, Man Manh apartment in D4 4—just a month bef ore D4—just before launching his ca ampaign. Why would this campaign. be necessary? ItIt’s t’ss complicated. complicated. Nguyen rremains emains mar riedd to his wife, wife,, even though married they’ve technica ally been separ ated ffor or the technically separated last decade.. He says s they have lived in the same home ““on on and off off”” since that time,, but sour cees tell Fly that Nguyen has sources been living in a diff erent house,, behind his different media company y’s office on South Second company’s SStreet, treet,, ffor or years.. If true, his new apartme ent could apartment They be seen as an aattempt ttempt Did to carpetbag hiss way What? into office—can ndidates office—candidates SEND TIP TIPSS TTO O ar required to live live in aree required FLY@ FL LY Y@ the district they hope to METR ONEWS. METRONEWS. rrepresent. epresent.. Nguyen Nguyeen says COM CO M he sometimes works w s late work and stays overn ight at his overnight office,, but he’s he’s most m definitely a D4 rresident. esident. CCampaign ampaign rrecords ecords d and a check with the county Registrar Registrarr of Voters Voters list his ex-wife’s ex-wife’s home on Sier ra Road as his current current place Sierra of rresidence. esidence.. But But a check with the county A ssessor’s Officee shows he tr ansferred Assessor’s transferred contr ol of the ho ome to his ““ex” ex” in 2009. That control home same year he fil led ffor or bankruptcy y, he says, filed bankruptcy, because he couldn’t coulldn’t aff ord payments on afford the Second SStreet treet pr opertyy. He also cr eated property. created a new media co ompany in 2009 under company contr t oll off a ffemale emale l business b i partner t namedd control M Y DUON G. Manh Manh says that partnership MY DUONG. was strictly busi iness and has since been business dissolved.. But that thhat hasn’t hasn’t stopped persistent rumors of Manhh having mul tiple wives.. “Not multiple cor rect,”” he says s.. “I have rrelationships elationships with correct,” says. diff erent womenn but never leave my wif e.” different wife.”
Photoo CCourtesy Phot o esy of HB ourt HBO O
NorCal Jinx SOUL S OUL WINDO WINDOWS WS R Robert obert Dur Durst’s rst’s long blank stare chilled vi viewers iewers of the six-part HBO doc documentary, cumentary y, The Jinx.
Robert R obert Durst do documentary ocumentary sp sparks arks renewed r focus on disappearan disappearance nce of N Northern orthern California C girl BY B Y GE GEOFFREY OFFREY DUNN
CCENTRIC CCENTRI C millionaire millionairre and accused murderer murdere er Robert R obert Durst aw awaits aits extradition extr adition from Louisiana L o ouisiana to California California for the th he alleged killing of his confidante co onfidante Susan Berman in i D December 2000. Meanwhile, Mean nw while, sources sources with kn knowledge nowledge of the ccase ase indic indicate ate tha that at ffederal ed l in ederal iinvestigators veestigators ti t ccontinue ontinue ti t ffocus to ocus on n Durst as a "p "person erson of inter interest" est" in n the unsolv unsolved ed disapp disappearance earance of Northern N orthern C California aliffornia o teenager Kar Karen e en M Mitchell in 19 1997. 97. six-partt Durst, the subject of the six-par documentary Jinx,, H HBO do cumentary series The Jinx an and nd whose wif wife, fe, Kathie Durst, firstt
went missing in 19 1982 82 in n a ccase ase that rremains emains unsolv unsolved, ed, w was aass arr arrested ested in Louisiana L ouisiana last month just j b before effo ore episode. was the climactic final epis ode. He w aas charged char h ged db byy L Louisiana ouisiana officials offi i l on drug and weap weapons ons cha charges, arges, which weree dr wer dropped opped late last month, and b byy ffederal ederal e pr prosecutors osecutors ffor or or p possession ossession of a firearm fir earm ffollowing ollowing o a ffelony eelon ny cconviction. on nviction. v Met ro’s sister ne wspaaper, North Metro’s newspaper, Bay Bohemian ained a pr eviously Bohemian,, obt obtained previously unr eleased rreport eport fr om m the unreleased from Mendo cino C ounty Sh heriff's O ffice Mendocino County Sheriff's Office det ailing Durst's arr estt in Ma ay of detailing arrest May 19 95 (first rreported eported Ma arch 2 5) ffor or o 1995 March 25) "driving under the infl fluence" and influence" p ossession of marijuan na just outside possession marijuana of Mendo cino. Mendocino. Durst's pr esence in— —and presence in—and familiarit orthern t familiarityy with—N with—Northern C aliffo ornia pla ayys a critic cal rrole ole in the California plays critical curr ent murder murder char gees he is facing in current charges L os Angeles Los Angeles..
A ccordin ding to the h se ven-page rreport, eport, According seven-page ay 10 95, Durst w as sp ottted t b on Ma May 10,, 19 1995, was spotted byy a member member of the Mendo cino C ounty Mendocino County Sheriff's O ffice on L ansing Str eet Office Lansing Street st anding o utside his light blue F ord standing outside Ford T aurus a .A ccording to the rreport, eport, he Taurus. According "st aggered d to the rrear ear of the vvehicle" ehicle" "staggered and w aas "s waying y side to side ." He got was "swaying side." back into the t T aaurus, headed nor th, Taurus, north, ""crossed ossed o ver the yyellow ellow line and then "cr over thr ee time es." three times." The sher riff's offic er had tr ouble sheriff's officer trouble get tting t Du urst to pull o ver, as he getting Durst over, seemed "c o onfused as to m ." "confused myy demands demands." Once stopp ped, Durst, rreeking eeking of Once stopped, alc ohol, ac cording to the rreport, eport, alcohol, according "st aggered d" tow ard the offic er. He had d "staggered" toward officer. difficult ty finding fi his w allet a and, in difficulty wallet "a slurr ed sp sspeech," eech," ask ed the offic er slurred asked officer wh hy he had db een stopp ed. Durst why been stopped. acknowled onsumed dged that he had cconsumed acknowledged "a b ottttle of o wine" at C affe Beaujolais bottle Cafe Beaujolais,, a p opular rrestaurant e aurant in Mendo est cino. popular Mendocino. then Durst th hen failed a series of field sobriety sobriety te tests sts administer administered ed at the scene: keep balancee scene: he ccouldn't ouldn't k eep his balanc g; he had tr ouble ccounting; ounting; on one leg leg; trouble he ccouldn't ouldn't st and without sswaying; wayying; stand he ccouldn't ouldn't touch the tip of his nose.. The offic nose o officer er had to stop him
the wher whereabouts eaabouts of Durst at the time of Mitchell's Mitchellll'ss disapp disappearance, earance, Birkb Birkbeck eck told me in an inter interview view that he has seen cr credit edit ccard ard rrecords ecords of Durst's indic indicating ating that t "Durst arrived arrived in Eureka Eur eka on the morning of Mitchell's disappearance." disapp earan nce." was arrested New When Durst D w as arr ested in N ew lastt month, authorities Orleans las Birkbeck's ffound o ound ttwo wo ccopies opies of Birkb eck's book possession. According b ook in hiss p ossession. A ccording Birkbeck, to Birkb eck k, during Durst's trial ffor or o murder, Durst—based mur der, Du urst—based based on his rreading eading Birkbeck's book—expressed of Birkb eck k's b ook k— expressed member defense cconcern oncern to a memb er of his def feense team that he soon bee indicted h would so on b murder ffor o or the mur rder of Mitchell. Real estate obtained R eeal est a rrecords ate ecords obt ained ffor or o storyy in indicate this stor ndicate that Durst also owned a pa pair properties air of pr operties in San Francisco the late 19 1990s Francisc o during d 90s and early 20 2000s. 2 00s. He used dozens different of diff ffeerentt aliases as he zigzagged across acr oss the ccountry, ountry, living what Birkbeck Birkb eck characterizes ch haracterizes as a "strange vagabond vagab ond lif llife, fe, using false identities anybody." ffor o or rreasons easons unknown to an nyybodyy.." 2001, In 20 01, Durst rrelocated elocated Galveston, Texas, wheree in to Galv esto on, T exas, wher September neighbor so-Septemb err his neighb or and so best was ccalled alled b est friend, Morris Black, w as dismembered ffound o ound dism membered in garbage bags that had been dumped h b een dump ed into Galveston Bay. Galveston Ba B ay. Durst, who had also dressed Galveston d dr essed d as a woman in i Galv G l eston t the Dorothy Ciner,, and used th he name Dor oth hy Ciner was acquitted first-degree murder w as ac quitttted on first - degree mur der charges based self-defense. charges bas sed on self f- deffense e . Prosecutors believe Pr osecuttors b elieve that Durst flew the Arcata-Eureka Airport fle w into th he Ar cata-Eureka Airp ort around Dec. 2000, ar ound De c. 19, 20 00, and then drove Los dr ove to L o Angeles to kill Berman. os placee Durst in Phone rrecords ecor o ds plac Garberville morning,, Garb ervillee the ffollowing ollowing morning o south Highway heading sou uth on High way 101. A alleged have lletter, let ter, alleg ll ged d in i The Th Jinx Ji to ha h ave been written byy Durst, app appears b een writ teen b ears directly to dir ectly link l him to Berman's murder. Police Beverly mur der. P o e in Be olic verly Hills Dec.. 23, the rreceived eceived a note n on Dec day before body was da ay b effo ore Berman's b ody w as discovered, disc overed,, that has a similar handwriting style misspellings handwritin ng st yle and missp ellings weree cconsistent that wer onsistent with a separate letter Durstt sent to Berman. let ter Durs In The Jinx, Jiinx, an irritated irritated Durst says sa ays y that h he he arrived arrived d in Trinidad i id d "long before beffo orre December December 23rd, 23rd, long before b effo ore Christmas." Chriistmas." It couldn't couldn't have long. ha ave been been that t long. According According to numerous numer ous news news sources, sources, Durst was was married to his current current wife, wiffe, Debrah Lee L ee Charatan, Charattan, in Manhattan Manhattan on December Dec ember 11.
9 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
from w from walking alking into traffi traffic. ffic. Durst w was as a subsequently ttaken aken to the t sheriff sheriff'ss substation subst ation in F Fort ort Brag Bragg, gg, wher wheree he was w as administered administered a urin urine ne test. An en envelope velope ccontaining ontain ning $3,70 $3,700 0 with in ccash ash and a baggie wi ith less than ouncee of marijuanaa w was an ounc as ffound o ound trunk—a in Durst's trunk k—a — ccombination om mbination that would rrepeat itself epeat itsel lf in Durst's encounters law next enc ounters with the la aw ffor or the ne o xt decades. ttwo wo dec ades. Then, in classic c Durst fashion, with phrasing familiar anyone watched Jinx,, to an yone who w atcheed The Jinx uttered moneyy and Durst ut tered that "thee mone have marijuana is mine and d that I ha ave always smoked alw ayys smok ed it, eeven ven n as a kid. ... So what's the big deal?" was the Durst w as rreleased eleased th he ffollowing o ollowing $9,500 bail. morning on $9,50 0 ba ail. The rresult esult showed was of the urine test showe ed he w as below blood b elow the legal blo od alc aalcohol ohol limit. next day, father Seymour The ne xt da ay, Durst's fa ather Se ymour suffered debilitating stroke. suff ffeered a debilit ating str oke. Within matter days, W iithin a mat ter of a ffew ew da ayys, Durst appeared New York Cityy at the app eared in N ew Y ork o Cit hospital bed stricken father,, hospit al b ed of his stric cken father who died shor shortly tly after his eldest son's visit. arrest Only months prior to o his arr est in Mendocino, purchased Mendo cino, Durst had pur chased an ocean-view thee rural outp outpost o cean-view home in th ost of Trinidad on the Hum Humboldt mboldt ccoast. oast. move immediately His mo ve west ccame ame im mmediately leaving position after lea avving his p ositio on with the Corporation D tC Durst orporation ti and d losing l i a battle ccontentious ontentious internal ba attttle with his brother, Douglas yyounger ounger br other, Doug glas Durst, ffor o or billion-dollar ccontrol ontrol of the family's billionb dollar Manhattan estate Manhat ttan rreal eal est ate empir eempire. e. Durst lived liv ed in his ccoastal oastal rretreat etreat e off and on Berman until the killing of Berm man in the 2000. winter of 20 00. In November November 1997, 19977, 16-year-old 16 6-year- old Karen disappeared Kar en Mitchell disapp e ed after ear getting get ting into a ccar ar with an a older male aunt's storee at a when h she h left l ft her h aunt' ' stor 's Eureka. According Mattt mall in Eur eka. A ccordiing to Mat Birkbeck, bestselling Birkb eck, author of thee b estselling profile, Secret: Bizarree pr ofile, A Deadly Secr reet: The Bizarr Story Robert Durst and Chilling St toorry of R oobert Dur rsst (just byy Berk Berkeley/Penguin), rre-released e-released b eley//Penguin), Durst—often dressed Durst — often dr essed as a a woman— frequented shoee stor storee owned b byy fr equented a sho Mitchell's aunt and a homeless h shelter at which Mitchell vvolunteered. olun nteered. Birkbeck Birkb eck also noted that t a drawing suspect ccomposite omposite dra d aw wing off the th susp ect last l bears seen with Mitchell b earrs a striking particular, rresemblance esemblance to Durst, in i par ticular, broad wire-rimmed the br oad wir e-rimmed d glasses that woree at the time of Mitchell's Durst wor disappearance. disapp earance. Humboldt While officials in Hu umboldt County have C ounty ha ave rrefused efused to o acknowledge metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
WEB:: WEB TTWITTER: W ITTER: @sanjoseinside
An inside look at San Jose politicss
COLOR BIND San Jose J police are under the microscope p p
data after new da ata became available on stops by race.
Reporrt: SSJPD Report: JPD Dispr Disproportionately o oportionately TTargets ar a gets Latinos, Bla Blacks acks The longst taand ding p erceeption that San longstanding perception JJose ose p olice disp proportionately ttarget arrgget police disproportionately ccertain ertain racial minorities m w aas cconfirmed onfirmed was last week. Wh hile Afric an Americ ans and While African Americans L atinos ti mak ke up u a thir thi d off the th cit itty, the th ey Latinos make third city, they ac count o ffor or o ttwo-thirds w -thirds of traffic stops wo account stops.. L ast yyear, eear, th he San JJose ose P olice Last the Police ailed Depar tment b egan tracking det Department began detailed inf fo ab out eevery veery time an offic er stopp ed info about officer stopped a civilian, eeven veen n if the stop didn n’t ’ end in didn’t an arr reest. The p olicy w aas rreluctantly eeluctantly arrest. policy was ehest of Indep endent adopted at thee b behest Independent P olice A uditorr L aDoris C ordell to Police Auditor LaDoris Cordell addr ess cconcerns oncerrns of racial pr rofiling o g. address profiling. The rresulting esultin ng dat a, rreported eported o ver e the data, over week kend e db h Mercury he M rcur Mer c ry News, New ws, offers off ffers ffe weekend byy th the detaiiled breakdown break kd down of police police the most detailed t city’s cittyy’s history. history. It also detentions in the appears to validate valiidate suspicions from from local locaal appears grou ups that police police single out civil rights groups Lattinos as suspects suspects more more blacks and Latinos whiite and Asian Asian s counterparts. co ounterparts. than their white Police report reporrt that African African Americans, Americcaans, Police mak ke up 3 percent perceent of San Jose’s Jose’s who make population, account acccount for fo or 8 percent percent of population, Latinos a , 33 percent percent of the traffic stops; Latinos, population but bu ut 57 percent perceent of police police population stops. More More than th han 75 percent percent of people people stops. frisk ked e and had d their car car searched searched were were frisked Latino o. Just Just 6 percent percent of all black or Latino. n an arrest—7 arrestt—7 — percent percent each stops ended in fo or blacks and Latinos, Latinos, 3 percent percent for for o for Asians and 5 percent percent of whites. whites. Asians tar argeted g by police, police, whites Though targeted less by
w e more wer morre likely lik keely to carry carry drugs (16 were per e cent) than African Africcaan Americans Americans (14 4 percent) per e cent) and Latinos Latinos (12 percent). percent). percent) Police defended deffended e numbers, saying saayyiing Police the numbers, th hey target he targett high-crime hi h crime highi areas areas that th t tend t nd ten d to t they be more more populated populated with Latinos. Latinos. be Maayo or Sam Liccardo Liccardo issued a Mayor statement a replete with pandering but bu ut statement replete allso calls calls to action. The former fo ormer may maay also haave been been an attempt attttempt to soften the have bllow w. Liccard Licccard called caalled SJPD “the “the nation’s nation n’s blow. m professional, proffeessional, highly-trained highlyy--trained police pollice most offi fficers,” before beffo ore pivoting pivvo oting to a push for fo or officers, eq quipping officers officers with body body cameras caameraas equipping w yeearr. Police Police CHief Larry Larry within the year. Esquiv Es iveell has h sought h to delay d lay body dela body d Esquivel cameras a lik keelyy cameras until late 2016—most likely lo ong after he retires. retirres e. long avvailable to me m “The analysis made available raaises significant significcaant questions that deserve deserrve raises fu urther scrutiny scrutin ny and public discussion, discussio on,” further Liiccardo said later in his statement, statement, Liccardo ad dding that the city citty has agreed agreed to hir re adding hire n outside consultant co onsulttaant to conduct conduct an n an in ndependent review revie v w of the data. dattaa. independent ago, Cordell Cordell called caalled it a Some weeks ago, gllaring red red flag that the SJPD has ne eveer glaring never on nce upheld a citizen complaint complaint about about o once biias-based policing policing and urged urged the city citty bias-based o broaden broaden the scope scope of inquiry inquiry into o to th hose allegations. allegations. Liccardo Liccaarrd do echoed echoed her heer those rec e ommendation, saying saayying he plans to o recommendation, expand x oveersight of police. policce. expand civilian oversight —Jeenniffeer Wadsworth Waadsworth —Jennifer
500,000 500 0 000 0,000
In a rreluctant eluctant win for for transparency, Clara tr ansparencyy, Santa Cla ara County won’t get the ssecret ecret technology According cell phone spying techn nology Sheriff Laurie Smith has been b pushing. A ccording last couldn’t contractual to a memo rreleased eleased las st week, week the county said it couldn n’tt rreach n each a contr actual agreement manufacturer controversial agr eement with Harris Harris Corp., the manuf acturer of the co ontroversial ““stingray” stingray” cellphones device, which tricks cel llphones into connecting to a rremote em mote tower that allows ffor or enforcement tracking. February, Board Supervisors law enf orcement tr ackiing. In February y, the county Boar d of Super visors signed off $500,000 grant off Homeland Security to pay on the use of a $500,0 000 gr ant from from the Department o technology. County Supervisor ffor or the technology y. Cou unty Super visor Joe Simitian had been b critical over the lack transparency process, saw demonstration of tr ansparency in the pr ocess, saying he never once sa aw a demonstr ation of how tracking documents the cell phone tr acking g technology would be used or doc cuments on the device’s Undersheriff Hirokawa capabilities. Undersher riff John Hir okawa rreportedly eportedly told the Mer Mercury cury Newss that the Sheriff’s contract Sheriff ’s Office wass disappointed that the contr act fell fell through. through. He added, “Maybe theree that would do Maybe there there will be something so omething out ther o the job but not rraise aise the suspicions of those concerned." con ncerned." Those “suspicions” “suspicions ” might migh ht be better alleviated if the next proposed prevents proposed purchase purchasse doesn’t include a non-disclosure non-disclosurre agreement agreement that pr events any public vetting of surveillance su urveillance technology. technologyy. This lack of o sunshine regarding regarding “stingray”-like dropped, “stingray”-like devices is so clouded that some criminal cases have been dr opped, because of the company’s information compan ny’s hesitancy to rrelease elease inf ormattion on the devices.
Sharkss Exte Shark Extend end Lease to Stay Staay in San Jose San JJose ose will rremain emain ho home ome base ffor or o the Sharks Sharks,, put putting tting t to rrest est rumors that the ho hockey ckey club ccould ould up and mo move ve to another cit city. ty. Mayor Ma ayor Sam Lic Liccardo cardo and Sharks Sports Sp orts and Enter Entertainment tainm ment C COO OO JJohn ohn T Tortora or o tora held a pr p presser esser Frida Friday ay to ttalk alk about about the long-te long-term erm lease that ccould ould k keep eep the NHL franchise f at the SAP S AP C Center enter thr through ough 2040. 2 The Cit Cityy Council C ouncil will vvote ote on the t agr agreement eement May Ma ay 19. Under U nder the ne newly wly ne negotiated gotiated ccontract, ontract, the Sharks wi will ill ccontinue ontinue to run the city-owned citty-owned SAP SAP A Center—the Center—the team’s team ’s home (despite se sseveral veral e name changes) since since the facil facility litty first op opened ened
in 1993. 1993. St Starting a ting in 2026, the lease will ar ccome ome up ffor o or rrenewal enewaal on a yyearly early basis basis.. Leading L eading up to the announcement, announcement, the Sharks lobbied the city citty to rre-invest e-in nveest lease pa payments ayym ments into the facilit facility’s tyy’s modernization mo dernizaation to keep keep e up with ne new w arenas ar enas like like L Levi’s evi’s St Stadium adium in Santa Santa Clara and the t under under-development -development Warriors arena a ena set to op ar open en on the San Francisco Francisco w waterfront aaterfront in 2018. The city citty agr agreed eed to divvy up the ccost ost of up upgrades g grades to S SAP AP P, including a new ne w rroof—estimated ooff—estimated to ccost ost at least $3 million—and million— —and vventilation entilation system. system. Hop Hopefully efully that o overhaul verhaul will ccarry arry over o veer to a rroster o oster that ccan an get back in the playoffs.—Jennifer plaayo off ffs.—Jeenniffeer W Wadsworth aadsworth
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MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
Photo Courtesy C of MACLA MACLA
Quarter Club
RHYTHM R H Y THM & DUES DUES Live i music i is i one off th the h many he yL Latino atino i and d Chicano hi ar arts rts MA MACLA CLA h has as championed h pi d iin n its i 255 y years years..
MACLA MACLA A celebrates legac legacy cy of meshing ne new ew school, schoo ol, tradition on 25th 25tth anniversary BY B Y GARY GARY SINGH
HIS WEEKEND, WEEKEND D, MACLA MACLA celebrates cele ebrates its 25th anniversary, ann niversary y, not only via its annual Latino Auction, Art Auction n, but also with a celebration celebratiion to repurpose Parque P arque de los Pobladores Pobladores across the street. MACLA MA AC CLA (M (Movimiento Mo ovvimiento de Ar Arte te y Latino Americana) Cultura L atino o Americ caana) began began as Latino Chicano arts advocacy aL atino and Chic C ano ar ts adv vocacy group 1980s, it’s gr oup at the end e of the 19 80s, and it ’s grown nationally-recognized gr own into a nationally n y-r - ecognized institution. What’s more, ttangible angible institu ution. What ’s mor e, architect Teddy associate ar chitect T eedd dy Cruz,, an asso ciate professor culturee and pr offeessor in public pu ublic cultur urbanism at U.C. U..C. San Diego, Diego, will reveal reveeal this weekend grand plans th his week kend e to salvage sun-baked the hideous su un-bak keed splotch of
in ineffectual neff ffeectual cconcrete oncrete at the nor northern thern n end Parque Pobladores. en nd of P arque de los P obladores. The Th he city ci itty scr screwed ewed the park up a ffew ew yyears earss ago byy ripping out tr trees b ees and rreplacing eplacing them th hem pavement. w pa with aveement. ement Expect permanent stage Exp ect a p ermanent st age plus modular multipurpose pl lus mo dular and multipurp ose transforming spacee ccomponents, o onents, transf omp fo orming the spac into plaza in nto a vibrant,, multidimensional pla aza engagement— off public and cultural engagement t— know, likee something yyou’d yyou o know ou w, lik o ou’d find d any in n an ny rreal eal city citty anywhere an nywher y e else. else. Other Otherr than won’t th han that,, I won ’t spoil spoil it. You’ll Yo ou’ll have haave to show transpires. sh how up and see what transpir es. here, The main gig her e, though,, is MACLA’s 25th anniversary. M MA ACLA C A’s 2 5th h anniv iveersary. Around Around d the late-1980s, th he mid- to late -1980s, seemingly endless began en ndless cconstruction onstruction b egan to slaughter slaugghter downtown. do owntown. The city citty was waas tearing up p the streets st treets to build the light rail ssystem, ystem, y , driving dr riving rretailers etailers out of business left and pockets an nd right. Skid rrow ow areas areas and p ock kets e entertainment ghettos off adult enter tainment ghet tttos still
percolated. raged about p ercolated. Debates rag ged ab out the futuree of the cit city, futur ty, its socio-economic socio c -economic makeup, policies mak keup e , housing p oliciies and its investments life. in nveestments in culturall lif fe. JJust ust a ffew ew earlier, Chicano-themed yyears eears earlier r, a Chic ano-themed cultural Centro Cultural Gente,, ccenter, enter, the C entro Cultu ural de la Gente shop.. had closed up shop Ass the ’8 ’80s woree on,, practically A 0s wor practically all city’s of the cit tyy’s funding ffor o orr the arts arts went moree “vanilla “vanilla” to mor vanillaa” forms forms o s of cultural production provocative pr oduction and a ffew ew pr p ovocativve heroes began her oes b egan to get sick k of it,, so they they stepped stepp ed up to the platee and made their heard. Maribel Alvarez was vvoices o oices hear d. Marib el Alvar A ez w aas one people MACLA of those p eople and MA ACLA essentially began advocacy organization, b egan as an adv vocaacy or o ganization, embroidering threads embr oidering the thr eaads of the civil rights,, anti-poverty Chicano rights anti-pover e ty and d Chic ano movements mo oveements with an eever-expanding ver e -expanding x Latino identity. L atino identit ty. Together, Togetheer, these threads threads ensured ethnic-based arts ensur ed ethnic -based based ar rts ccould ould flourish in San JJose. ose. “MACLA was steeped social“MA ACLA C w aas steep e in so ed cialadvocacy from beginning, change adv vocacy fr om the t b eginningg,” Alvarez me.. “In thee vvery Alvar ez told me eery early stages bee more st ages we thought we would w b more like umbrella facilitate lik ke an umbr ella so we ccould ould facilit ate people instead that ffor o or other p eople in nstead of our
energy own,, but the th he ener gy was was a there there to Latino rreally eally bringg back some of that L atino creativity cr eativitty aand harness it.” MACLA’s attitude was edgy, MA CLA A’s at tttitude w aas edg gy, political, politiccaal, fresh, high-quality, fr esh,, high-qualitty, eexperimental xp x erimental and establish movement, it rreally eally did d est ablish a mo oveement, which laterr eevolved vo olvved e into an actual physical space First Street. ph hyysical spa ace on South F irst Str eet. It became cultures, b eccame a a rrepository epository of yyouth o outh cultur es, Chicano poetics, art, Chic ano p oetics, performance perfo ormance ar t,, and several eeven veen se veeraal other ethnic persuasions. persuasions. Ass a group, MACLA papers, A group, MA CLA published pap ers, grants, rreceived eceivveed gr rants, and made itself known throughout thr oughou ut the ccountry. ountry. Organizations Organizations likee the An Andy Foundation, lik ndy Warhol F oundation, Ford Foundation several the F ord F o oundation and se veeral across USA others acr o the US oss A became became aaware war ae MACLA accomplished of all that MA M AC CLA had ac complished before most people b effo ore mos st p eople in San JJose ose eeven ven e understood was. understo od what MACLA MACLA w aas. That’s That’s ttypical ypic y al San n JJose, ose, of ccourse. ourse. MACLA But eeventually, ven ntuallyy, MA CLA did indeed local governments. People infiltrate lo ocal go overnments. P eople positions power i p in osition iti ns off p ower actually t ll li listened t d MACLA, was to MA CLA A, realizing realizing its message w as politics— rreal—not eal—not crust ccrusty ty old ethnic p olitics— growing and rrepresented epressented a gr owing ttapestry apestry of movements important mo vementts vastly imp ortant to the landscape Even ndscape of San JJose. ose. Ev en cultural lan better, unlike organizations, b etter, unl like other or ganizations, theyy stuck the k it out and rrefused efused to leave downtown. lea ave down ntown. Today, MACLA programs T odaay, M MA CLA pr ograms cuttingcutttingt material basis.. The edge mate rial on a rregular egular basis 500 First Street, b ildi att 50 building 0 South S hF i S irst Str eet, ’50s-era dealership,, fformerly ormerly a ’50so era auto dealership belongs MACLA now, officially b elongs to MA CLA now w, was secret and after I w as shown secr et plans what’s storee ffor ffor or what o ’s in stor or that ttwo-story o wo-story was say ccomplex, omplex, I w as quite thrilled to sa ay the least. Looking 255 years, L ookingg back on 2 yeears, Alvarez Alvarez says saayys she’s byy what MA MACLA she ’s blown n aaway way b CLA has accomplished sincee the b beginning. ac complish hed sinc eginning. As As a movement, paved way mo oveementt,, it pa aveed the w ay a quarterquarterrso.. ccentury entury ago o and ccontinues ontinues to do so “MACLA helped “MA ACLA C A rreally eeally help ed redefine redefine e ethnic sensibilities,,” Alvar Alvarez “We were sensibilities ez said. “W We wer re vvery er ey sophisticated Wee wer weree sophistic cate a ed and ccosmopolitan. osmop o olitan.. W edgy were vvery eerry edg gy and a we wer re vvery er e y traditional at time. the same tim me. what different “But wh hat is diff ffeerent now is that MACLA starting MA AC CLA is st arting to finally get that locally, rrecognition, ecognition n,, lo caallyy, and show that support it has the su upport and the ccapacity apacit a ty amazing partt of the to do amaz zing things as par fabric..” downtown n fabric MAY M AY
6-9pm 69pm
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MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
Xkkfie\pj c\^Xc j\im`Z\j
14 metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
What., Good Karma Bikes extends a lifeline when foster care cuts the cord
Greg Gr eg Ramar
BREAKING B R E A KING THE THE CYCLE CYCLE Thanks to the con concerted ncerted help of social servicess and Good K Karma, arma, Todisco transportation. former fosterr youth Misty T odisco now hass a home, job and transportati ion.
ISTY IST TY T TODISCO ODISCO guides customers cu ustomers through ro rows ws of bicycles, bicycles, co confidently onfidently rattling rattling off the merits merrits of cruisers and fixed-gears, fixed-g gears, road and mountain, folding, recumbent and tandem. tandem m. Until she took a sales clerk clerrk job job at Good K Karma arma Bike Bikes—a es—a nonprofit that repair repairss bikes for free on weekends, weeken nds, largely for homeless clients, c clients , and sells them secon secondhand ndhand during the week—she never paid the hobby much mucch thought. thought.
“I didn didn’t ’t rreally eally gr grow ow up with it,” sa ssays ayys T odisco, 24,, her thin frame clad in a Todisco, kelly k e gr elly green een Go Good od Karma ssweatshirt, weatshirt, t b oott-cut jeans and sensible black boot-cut shoes. sh hoes. “N “No o one to took ok me out and ttaught a aught me how to ride ride.. Onc Oncee in a w while someone,, like someone like thr through ough a char charity ritty on n Christmas e. Christmas,, would donate a bik bike. But Bu ut it ne never ver lasted.” In ffoster oster o ccare, are, an anything nyything valuabl valuablee disappears. di isappears. “You “Y Yo ou mo move ve so often, things get lost—or lo ost— or stolen,”” sa says ayys T Todisco, odisco, who o spent sp pent the bulk of her childho childhood, od, from fr o ages 3 to 19, b om bouncing ouncing fr from om group gr roup home to ffoster o oster par parents ents up to t eight ei ght times a yyear. ear. That meant no o ccellphone, e ellphone , no ccomputer. omputer. Music w was a as
ccensored, ensored, eeven ven top 40 radio st stations. ations. Friends wer le to k eep, as weree a struggl struggle keep, gr group oup homes rrequire equire back b background ground checks on guests hyyssical ccontact ontact guests.. Ph Physical w was as disc discouraged—no ouraged—no hugs h hugs,, eeven ven among p eers. peers. “My so social cial skills wer were re at a minimum,”” she sa ays y . “I It all kind of says. “It hinder hindered ed m myy abilit abilityy to o mak makee friends friends.” .” In isolation,, her cconfidence on nfidence falter faltered. ed. But none of th that hat ccomes omes acr across oss in the w way ay she gr ggreets eets customers ccoming oming into the 8,000-square-foot 8,0000 square-ffoot Sunol Str Street eet w warehouse, arehousse, w warm arm and welc welcoming.There’s oming.There’s a lo lot ot to lo look ok fforward orward to now o now. w. After ttwo wo yyears eears living out of an old sedan,, unable un nable to afford aff ffo ord a plac placee even even while wor working rking ttwo wo jobs, jobs,
ent Todisco T odisco in April ffound o ound a rroom oom to rrent until she finds fi her own studio and a full-time jo job. ob. “I’v gottten mor “I’vee gotten moree done in ttwo wo weeks her heree than I did in ttwo wo yyears ears when I w a homeless as ,” she sa ayys. “I was homeless,” says. would find d tons of housing housing,, but no one w anteed to rrent ent to a single mom. wanted mom.”” Eventually, Ev entuaallyy, she turned to The Hub,, a Santa Hub San nta Clara CountyCountyrun rresource esourrce ccenter enter ffor o or ffoster o oster yyouth, outh, wh which hich cconnected onnected her to a transitional transitiona al housing pr program ogram and a part-time part-timee job at Go Good od Karma. ough the Through Thr t the ccombined ombined help of so social cial services seervices and st stable able work at the bik bikee nonpr nonprofit, ofit, she secur secured ed a place place for fo orr her 2-year-old 2-year- old daughter
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
Greg Gr eg Ramar
HANDY HAN DY P PLAN L AN P Paul aul Solorio S is one among the first crop c of former foster youth in Good K Karma’s arma’s T Transitional ransitional Ag Aged ged Y Youth outh o (T (TAY) TAY) program, which teaches partic participants ipants how to fix and sell bike bikes. es. to sleep eevery very night,, att a cconsistent onsistent time.. Instead of just th time the he McDonald’ McDonald’ss playground, pla ayyground, her lit little tle girl g ccan an pla play ay with her own to toys ys in her h own rroom. oom. A plac placee wher wheree T Todisco odisco ccan an saf safely feely storee a bik stor bikee of her own own, n, a purple Trek Tr ek she fixed up herse herself. elff. Todisco T odisco is among the first cr crop op in a pilot pr program ogram at Go Good ood Karma that off offers ffeers technic technical al training train ning and job placement plac ement ffor o or fformer o ormer ffoster o oster youth, youth,, who age out of the public sup support pport ssystem yystem at midnight on their 18th bir b birthday. thdaay. Often, theyy have the haave no one to turn n to to,, lea leaving avving them pr prone one to homeless homelessness, sness, drug use and crippling anxiet anxiety. ty. Moree than half suffer Mor suff ffeer e mo moderate derate to se severe vere ment mental al illnes illness, s, ac according cording
to California-based Califforn o nia-based nonpr nonprofit ofit Cities Cities,, Counties C ounties an and nd Scho Schools ols P Partnership. artnership. Worse, W o orse, they they eexperience xperience P Post ost Traumatic Str Stress ess Disor Disorder der at ttwice wice the rate of ccombat ombat vveterans. eterans. W Within iithin the first ttwo w yyears wo ears of emancipation, as it’s it’s called called d in bur bureaucratic eaucratic parlanc parlance, e, 255 p 2 percent ercent end up in jail. W Within iithin the first 18 months months,, mor moree than half become b ecome ho homeless. omeless. Only 40 p percent ercent finish high scho school. ol. While 70 p percent ercent say sa ay they they w want a to go to ccollege, ant ollege, ffewer ewer than 1 p percent ercent graduate with a degree. degr ee. Most Mo ost liv livee b below elow the ffederal ederal e poverty p overty lin line ne ffor o or the first fiv fivee yyears ears of adulthood. adultho od.. “This is a gr group oup of yyoung oung ffolks o olks who ha have ave b been een failed b byy the ssystem,” ystem,””
Go Good od Karma Karma’s ’s V Vice iice Pr President esident o off Operations Op erations Cindy Ahola sa says. ayys. ““And And we ar A aree that ssystem. ystem. The They’ve y’ve been b een ttaken aken in b byy us us,, b byy the ccounty, ou unty, the st state. ate. W Wee ar aree the par parents, ents, an and nd we ha have ave a rresponsibility esponsibility ffor or the o these ese yyoung oung ffolks. o olks. I ffeel eeel lik likee the they’ve y’ve b been een fforgotten or o gotten enough alr already.” eadyy.” The nasc nascent ent pr program ogram teachess fformer ormer o ffoster oster o yyouth outh how to bui build, ild, fix and appraise bik bikes, es, dra draw aw ne new w customers and sell online online,, a mix mixture xture of mark marketing eting and technic technical al kno knowowhow along with ccollege ollege and ccareer arreer mentoring.. JJim mentoring im Gar Gardner, dner, the optoelectronics opto electronics PhD and fformer o ormeer engineer who ffounded o ounded the non nonprofit nprofit in 20 2009, 09, hop hopes es to sc scale ale the pr program ogram
up and out, fr from om Sa San an JJose ose to East Palo P alo Alto and,, eeventually, ven ntuallyy, in other ccommunities ommunities as a p path ath to upw upward ard mobilityy ffor mobilit or o vulnera vulnerable able yyoung oung adults adults.. “Bicycles “Bicy cles ar aree the medium m in which we work,”” Gar Gardner dner sa ssays. ays y . “But this isn’t isn ’t about about bik bikes. es. R Really eeally it it’s ’s ab about out people, p eople, ab about out off offering ffeeriing them a path to change the trajec trajectory ctory of their lif life.” fe.” Good Go od Karma is pa part art of a gr growing owing number numb er of gr groups oups iin n Silic Silicon on V Valley alle a y to mer merge ge cy cycling cling an and nd so social cial justic justice, e, or tr treat eat them as tho though ough the theyy weree ne wer never ver separate separate. e. A Ass the ccost ost of living climbs climbs,, bicy bicycles clles ha have ave b become ecome increasingly incr branded ed as a vvehicle ehicle ffor o or easingly brande
Greg Gr eg Ramar metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
FREEDOM F R E E D OM T TO OR RIDE IDE A growing number off cycling groups groups, s, including sec secondhand ondhand bike shop and fix-it clin clinic nic Good K Karma, arma, have adopted d social justice missions missions.. cial change social so change, e, grassr grassroots oots activism and p ersonal autonom oor personal autonomyy the p poor and d mar marginalized. ginal i lized. li l d
Social T Transportation ransportation a While workin working ng ffor o or Americ Americorps orps at Fisher F isher Middlee Scho School ol in San JJose’s ose’s predominantly pr edominanttly workingworking-class class East Side assidy Kakin w as struck b Side,, C Cassidy was byy the numb number er of o students whose liv lives es byy their immediate seemed cconfined onfi fined b surroundings. surr oundingss. ““A A lot of these th hese kids had ne ver b een never been outside their own neighb neighborhood,” orhood,”” says sa ayys Kakin,, a 23-year-old 23-year- old p political olitical scienc o U niversity of sciencee grad of University California, Santa “We’d C aliffo ornia, Sa anta Cruz. “W We’d ask what ccollege ollege the anted to go to theyy w wanted and the theyy wou would uld almost alw always ayys sa say ay San JJose ose St State—that atee—that w was as the only one the w.” theyy kne knew.” When he teamed t up with ccollege ollege buddy A Adrian n Bak Baker-Kang, er-Kang, 22, drian to st start art the East E San JJose ose Bicy Bicycle cle Cooperative, C ooperative, a fr free ee after after-school -school bikee clinic ffor bik orr some of those same o students,, the pair made a p students point oint of getting get ting their mentees to eexplore xplore the city. cit y. The Theyy to took o them on gr ok group oup rides rides,, public riding past pu ublic parks and stopping at various bike shops,, showing them ke shops bik
th the he safest saffeest rroutes outes thr through ough the hea heart art y. off the cit city. “H “Ha avving i access access to yyour our ccommunity ommu unit iy “Having in n that w way ay has a huge ps psychological ychologic g al impact,” im mpact,”” Kakin sa says. ayys. “On yyoung oung people, p e eople , esp especially. eciallyy. If the they’re y’re seeingg so o lit tttle of the world, I think it do oes little does lim mit their dr eams.” limit dreams.” The tr eks also undersc ored the treks underscored da angers of cy cling thr ough an dangers cycling through un nderserved swath swath of the city— city— underserved in nadequate infrastructure infrastructure and inadequate in ncomplete bike bike lanes along bus incomplete busyy rroadways. o d ays oadw y . San Jose Jose as a whole h l claim l ims claims on ne of the highest rates of bicy cle one bicycle fa atalities of an citty in the Bay Baay Area. Area. e fatalities anyy city P e edestrian and cy clist fat alities in San Pedestrian cyclist fatalities JJose o rreached ose eached a ttwo-decade wo w -decade high in n 20 013 with 26 deaths according to the 2013 deaths,, according Sa an JJose ose P olice Depar tment. In 20 015, San Police Department. 2015, ci ittywide y traffic deaths—most of th hem citywide them in nvolving cy clists and p edestrians— — involving cyclists pedestrians— eexceeded x eeded the numb xc er of homicide es number homicides in n San JJose. ose. Overwhelmingly, Overwhelminglyy, those thosse de eaths and injuries ar concentratted deaths aree concentrated in n the East Side partly because because of Side,, partly auto-centric infrastructuree that au uto-centric infrastructur cr rowds out bik es and other fforms o orms of crowds bikes tr ransportation. transportation. “That ’s a big priorit o or us ,” Ka akin “That’s priorityy ffor us,” Kakin says. “We sa ays y . “W We teach kids how to build d nd fix bikes, bikes, but also how to saf feely and safely an
naavigate navigate v an urban en environment.” v onment.” vir L argely b ecause of a gr oundswell Largely because groundswell off adv advocacy d ocacy fr ffrom om the h cy cycling cling li ccommunity, ommunity, the cit cityy has h dra drawn aw wn up plans to build mor re cconnected onnected more bikeways bik eways y past scho schools ols and ccommunity ommunity ccenters enters al along long major thoroughfares thor oughfares lik likee Kin King ng and Stor Storyy rroads. oads. P Paul aul Smith, San n JJose’s ose’s deput deputyy director dir ector of transp transportation, ortation, a has made the eastern half of thee cit cityy a priorit priority, y, point Bikee making a p oint to ridee in Bik Party’s P arty’s East Side offsh offshoot hoot led b byy bik bikee activist JJustin ustin Triano Triano.. Cycling Cy cling has long b been e used to een address addr ess so social cial issues issues,, sa says ayys C Colin olin Heyne, He yne, deput deputyy dir director ecto or of the Silic Silicon on Valley V aalley Bicy Bicycle cle C Coalition. oalitio on. L Leading eading entury, he notes notes,, up to the 20th ccentury, bicycles bicycles dr drove ove the wom women’s men’s suffrage and lib liberation eration mo movement, vem ment, giving previously previously homebound homeboun nd women physical ph hyysical freedom, freedom,, enab enabling bling them to organize organize mor moree eff effectively. ffeectivvelyy. More recently, recentlyy, as ffears ea ears ab out More about income gentrification income inequality inequality and d gentrific ation heighten in p post-recession ost-recesssion Silic Silicon on Valley, Valle a y, ther there’s e’s b been een a rrenewed enewed ffocus ocus on cycling cycling as a p political olitical a to tool ol rather than just a hobb hobbyy for fo or the L Lance ance Armstrong-wannabe crowd.” Armstrong-wannabe “L ““Lycra ycra cr owd.” “Bicycles “Bicycles ha have ave deep p rroots oots in
social activism,” Heyne says. so cial activ vism,”” He yne sa ayys. “But have these past three three years years ha ave seen a bigger broaden much bigg ger push to br oaden the cycling movement downtrodden cy cling mo ovement to downtr odden ccommunities ommunitties instead of just riders.” rrecreational ecreation nal riders .” Free likee Bik Bikee Chur Church Fr ee fix-it fix--it clinics lik ch Santaa Cruz or the San JJose Bikee in Sant C ose Bik Silicon have always Clinic in Silic S on Valley Valle a y ha ave alw ayys serving poor ffocused ocused on n ser ving the p oor and homeless, h homeless l , some off whom h struggle t l tto afford public aff ffo ord pub blic transportation. transportation. Cycling Cy cling often intersects with strikes, movements strik es, political pollitical mo vements and says Andrew ccommunity ommunitty ccauses, auses, sa ayys Andr ew Boone, Bo one, who wh ho ffounded ounded o I Walk,, I Bike, Bik e, I Vote Vo otte to hold public officials accountable transportation ac countab ble on transp ortation and access issues. began ac cess issue es. When the 49ers b egan blocking blo cking off o the public St. Thomas Aquinas Santaa Clara on A quinas Trail T in Sant days, cyclists game d da ayyss, Boone B one rallied Bo lli d cy clists li to protest meetings.. protest at City Citty Council Council meetings Last staged L ast year, year, he h st aged demonstrations n JJose’s ose’s new new sidewalksidewalk kagainst San cycling ban, cy cling ban n, which he ffeared eeared would open door op en the do d or to racial profiling profiling and unnecessarily practicee unnec essarrily criminalize a practic bee more effectively that mightt b more eff ffeectively curtailed moree bik bikee lanes or a cur tailed with w mor education public edu ucation ccampaign. ampaign. “There’s there, “Ther e’s a natural eextension xtension ther e, between b etween biking biki and b d ccommunity ommunity involvement,” agrees in volvemeent,”” agr ees Baker-Kang Baker-Kang Co-op.” ose Bike Bike C o - op.” of the Eastt San JJose riding,, yyou When yyou’re ou u’re out riding ou see infrastructuree in these the lack off infrastructur neighborhoods, especially wheree neighb orh hoods, esp ecially wher Side.. Y You we work in n the East Side ou see o cityy yyou’re firsthand the t cit ou’re living in, cross-section culturee the cr oss-section of class and cultur political and p oliticcal influence influence and how that affects way around.” aff ffeects the w ay we get ar ound.” Lepe, Chris L e e, a planner ffor ep o or the transportation advocacy transp ortation a advocacy nonprofit nonprofit TransForm, way TransF orm m,, also sees cycling cycling as a w ay to address yawning between address the ya awning w gap b etween poor Silicon Valley. rich and p oor in Silic on V aalley. “We’re people “W We’re tr ttrying ying to help p eople living,” says Lepe, rreduce educe thee ccost ost of living ,” sa ays y L epe, Side nativee who ffor an East Sid de nativ o or yyears ears rrelied elied on a $6 $60 0 garage sale rroad oad bik bikee as his prim primary mary vehicle. vehicle. “Housing and wo biggest transportation transp ortation a are are the ttwo sources spending families.. F For sour ces of sp ending ffor o or families or manyy households, man hou useholds, those ccombined ombined percent ccosts osts ccan an ttake ake up to 75 p ercent or moree of th mor their heir inc income. ome. A Att least in the meantime, ways meantime e, while we work on w ayys to address address the affordable aff ffo ordable housing crisis,, we can crisis can help them cut those transportation givee them transp ortation a ccosts osts and giv
Starting Linee More than the diplom More diploma ma aawarded warded at the end of Go Good od Ka Karma’s rmaa’s bik bikee Isaac Barroccertification ertification ccourse, ourse, Isa aac Barr omarked moment Deleal mark ed his mom ment of achievement achie vement with a rrose-colored o - colored ose Sak ae Ring yo, which he h built fr om Sakae Ringyo, from the steel frame up up.. “There’s “Ther e’s no b better etter ffeeling eeeeling than building and fixing up something yyourself, ourselff,” sa says ayys Barr Barro-Deleal, o-Deeleal, 20,, who, who, lik odisco, gr ew up in n Sant likee T Todisco, grew Santaa Clara County’s C ountty’ y s ffoster o oster ccare are ssystem. ysstem. “The brak es to ok me fforever. o oreverr. I w asn’t go od brakes took wasn’t good with them. So when I finally fi figur ed figured it out, I w was aas pretty pretty proud prou ud of m myself. yselff.” Sincee sswitching Sinc witching fr from om m public transit to biking biking,, he he’s ’s lost 8 80 0p pounds.“For ounds.“For an ybody in transition, a bicy cle ccan an anybody bicycle bee a p b powerful owerful to tool ol to get g ar around,” ound,”” says, mention Ahola sa ayys, not to men ntion the impact on someone someone’s ’s ment m mental al and physical ph hyysical health. “It ccan an nb bee fr free ee or cheap,, yyou cheap ou don don’t ’t need a lic license ense and
you ccontrol ontrol o yyour our schedule so yyou ou ccan an you work k, to the unemplo yment get to work, unemployment office, to get geet medic al ccare, are, to run office, medical errands and livee indep independently.” d liv endentlyy.” Hopefully, says, Hopefulllyy, Ahola sa ayys, that physical freedom ph hyysical fr e eedom translates to economic mobility. economic mobilit m y. “The other partt of this ffor oth her par o or me is that it’s partt of m myy job to help it’s now w par other people,” Barro-Deleal. peop ple,” adds Barr o -Deleal. “That good, make “Th t ffeels eeels l go od, d knowing k i yyou ou mak ke a difference way.” diff ffeerence that w ay.” According survey Accordin ng to a sur vey of clients who rrely Good Karma’s first-ely on n Go od Karma’ ’s first come-first-served bikee come-first-ser s ved weekend weekend bik clinic, bikee clinic, more more than half rrely ely on a bik makee m money to mak oney rrecycling, ecycling, ffewer ewer than 15 p percent have errcent ha ave a rreliable eliable job and 8 89 percent aree homeless homeless.. N Nearly 9p ercent ar early half bik bikee mor m moree than 2 255 miles a week, putting putting wear weear and tear on bik bikes es the theyy otherwise other h wise i ccouldn’t ouldn ld ’t ’ aff afford ffo fford to fix. fi Fourteen Fourteen p percent ercent ar aree vveterans. eterans. Gardner Gardner ffounded ounded Go o Good od Karma after seeingg a homeless man on a rickety rickety bi bike, ike, which inspir inspired ed him to laun launch nch a fr free ee fix-it clinic for fo or anyone anyone who needed a hand in St. James James P Park. ark. He eeventually ventually expanded expanded op o operations erations to a w warehouse arehouse headquartered headquarteered on Sunol Str Street eet in downtown n San JJose. ose. In launching the h program program m ffor o or ffoster o oster yyouth, outh, h Gardner Gardner says, saayys, he ffeels eeels lik likee he he’s ’s brought brought th the he charit charityy full cir circle. cle. “All “A All we do d is fix bik bikes,” es,” he sa says. ayys. “We have “W We don’t don’t ha ave ccase ase management, we don don’t have services, ’t ha ave addiction ser vices, we don’t housing—even don’t have haave housing— even though aree aall services many those ar ll ser vices man ny of our clients need. curee need d. So working on the cur side, always disadvantage. side, we’re we’re alw ayys at a disadvant age. That’s That’s what what got us to ffocus ocus on prevention.” prevention n.” About About a quar quarter ter of ffoster oster yyouth o outh aging out of o the ssystem ystem b become ecome homeless, homeless, he h sa says, ayys, citing a figur figuree from from the U United nited St States ates Interagency Council Council on n Homelessness Homelessness.. “We “W We could cou uld intercept intercept that trajectory,” trajectory,” Gar Gardner dner sa says. ayys. “When a lot of yyoung ou ung p people eople ccome ome to us, from us, they’re they’re cconvinced on nvvinced fr om their experiences theyy ha have experiencess that the ave nothing of value to add. … It rreally took eally to ok me just a ffew starting Good ew weeks w [after st arting Go od Karma] to see that this whole thing is about self-esteem about sel lff- esteem and rreparation. eparation. When yyou that’s ou fix something that ’s broken, broken, there’s theere’s an intrinsic rreaction. eaction. You anyone Yo ou don’t don’t need n an yone to tell yyou, ou, ‘Good job.’.’ Y You it.”” ‘Good job ou o ffeel eeel it.
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
efficient, ccost-effective ost- eff ffeective w ways ayys to get around.” ar ound.” Bay Ba ay Ar Area-based ea-based R Red, eed,, Bik Bikee and Green 2007 Gr een launched in 20 0 to get 07 moree Afric African Americans mor an Americ a to opt ans bicycles over group’s ffor or bicy o cles o ver ccars. ars. The T gr oup’s manifesto points manif festo e points out that t biking gives way giv es black ccommunities ommunitiies a w ay to environmental injustice, rally against en vironm mental injustic e, bear as minorities tend to b ear the brunt problems likee off public bli health h l h pr oble blems lik chronic asthma and other chr o onic diseases poor neighborhoods. endemic to p oor neigh hborhoods. nonprofit drew strong The nonpr ofit dr ew str rong a strong str ong ffollowing ollowing o of ccommunity om mmunity political activists.. Cy Cycling and p olitical activists C cling groups, ironically, weren’t entirely gr oups, ir onicallyy, wer e ’t entir en ely supportive because supp ortive b ecause thee rides tend bee slower slower,, along lesss challenging to b cyclists don’t rroutes outes and some of thee cy clists don ’t helmets.. wear helmets cycling “On the one hand,, ccy cling is just way around,” aw ay to get ar ound,”” sa ssays ayys Allison Mannos,, 30, who cco-founded Mannos o -ffounded o Communities Multicultural C ommu unities ffor o or Mobility, bikee adv advocacy group oup that Mobilit y, a bik ocacy a gr offers off ffeers legal workshops, workshops, lights and hundreds low-income helmets to hundr eds of o low-inc ome cyclists Los Angeles.. “But b byy cy clists in L os Angeles ffocusing ocusing on ccommunities ommunitties of ccolor, olor, on underserved populations, start underser ved p opulatio ons, yyou ou st art bikee adv advocacy to see how bik ocacy a cconnects onnects environment, safety, to the en vironment, to o saf feety, to economic mobilityy and ec onomic mobilit d to a bigger social movement.” so cial mo vement.”
N one of th hem will let yyou ou o down,, but None them the ey each off o ffeer something diff ffeerent. they offer different. metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
2. JJ.T. .T T.. MCHA ART’S — This is a gr eat slic e. MCHART’S great slice. Thick but not to o thick. Gr eat cheese too Great and ttasty asty p epperonis. The b est w ay to pepperonis. best way describ ’s eexactly xactly what 4thh Str Street eet describee is it it’s Pizza do Pizza in downtown owntown San Jose Jose should aspire aspire to. to. 19732 19 Stevens Sttevens Cr Creek reeek Blv Blvd., d., Cupertino. Cupertino. 408.255.0500. 4 3. CICERO’S CICERO’S PIZZA — A truly great great thin crust pepperoni pepperoni pizza. pizza. Just Just crispy no crispy enough. enou ugh. Only drawback: draawback: w delivery. delivery. Its Its location location has limited my my interactions interacctions with the pies. pies. 6138 Bollinger Rd, Rd, d Cupertino. Cupertino. 408.777.0690. 408.7777..0690. 4. BIBO’S NEW NEEW YORK YORK PIZZA — This place place is a Yelp Yelp e favorite faavorite and with good aree good reason—its reaso on—its massive massive slices slices ar consistently Great eat bang consistenttly delicious. delicious. Gr for on fo or the buck buck and now aavailable vailable v Door Jose. Door Dash. Dash h. 1431 Bird Bird Ave., Ave., San J oose. 408.217.9084. 408.2177..9084.
Pizza Heaven
FUGGEDABOUTIT F UGGEDA BOU O TIT After extensive resear research ch A Slice of N New ew Y York ork o has the best pizza in the South Bay Bay. y.
A pizza a aficionado breaks brreaks down th the e Top Silicon Valley T op o 10 joints in Silic con V alley a BY B Y JOSH KOEHN KOEHN
BOUGHT BOUGHT T THE BEST pizz pizza a in Silicon Valley Valley on Saturday. Saturday. Not N ot the best in the way way some people people l say, say y, “I just best Saturday.” had the bes st Saturday .” These don’t pizza. people don ’t know pizz a. people These peop ple spend Saturdays hiking Alum m Rock and talking themselvess into gluten allergies.. I ate pizza allergies a the best pizz a Saturday, on Saturday y, during the middle day, of the day y, and a I ate all of it. Saturday.. That is the best Saturday
This w wasn’t asn a ’t just an ordinary ordinary enc ounter with witth a piz za,, though. This encounter pizza, w as a cconfirmation onfirm mation hearing For was hearing.. For the past fiv yeears I have haave been been on a fivee years entiffy the best best pizza pizza in mission to ide identify Silic on V alle a y. As As a piz za aficionado, aficionado, I Silicon Valley. pizza should la ay outt m record: I w aas lay myy track record: was
tu tutored utored in the w ways ayys of piz pizza za at a yyoung o ou ung ag ge—m my dad rrefused efused to shar age—my sharee so hee ju ust started started buying me m es. just myy own pie pies. I’v ve also appr enticed in piz za joints I’ve apprenticed pizza joints.. F i w irst aas Mount ain Mik e’s, with it ’s First was Mountain Mike’s, it’s cr risp py little littttle nick el p epperonis, and crispy nickel pepperonis, th hen there there w aas R o ound T aable—twice. then was Round Table—twice. Th he sec ond stint ccame ame in ccollege. ollege. I The second w orked on the line and as a deliv erry worked delivery gu uyy. I know eevery very st age of a piz za. guy. stage pizza. W iith m esume b effo ore yyou, ou, With myy rresume before I’m m happ eport we ccan an end th he happyy to rreport the sp peculation. A Slice Slice of N ew York, Yo ork, speculation. New lo ocated in a Ste veens Cr eek Boule vaard located Stevens Creek Boulevard cu ubbyhole, ttakes akes the cr own as the cubbyhole, crown b e slic est Silicon Valley. Valle a y. Before Beffor o e I go best slicee in Silicon in nto wh hy, a few few notes: into why,
• This T is an objectiv objectivee and subjective subjective exercise. Theree is a sa saying: exercise. Ther ying: “Pizza is lik llikee sex—even sex—even when it’s it’’s bad, bad, it’s it’’s still pretty prretty e good.” goood.” This is true. true. But when it’ss really reallly good, goood, it’s it’’s nirvana. nirvana. • I’ve I’vve excluded excluded national chains. chains. Pizzaa Hut Huut is a threat threat just below below climate climate change chaange and annd Domino’s Domino’s recent rec e ent rebrand rebrrand a is nothing nothiing
morre than cr more crotchless otchless pan panties nties on a pi pig. g. Gourmet are abomination. • Gourm et pizzas ar re an ab bomination. Artichokes belong Artic hokkes and cchicken hicken e be lo g on pizza lon like lik ke Bill PPaxton axt a ton o needs a ffourth oouurth nipple. FFor or o wee stic stickk with cclassic cconsistency, onsisttenc e y, w lassssic ppepperoni. epperroonii. presents issues • Deep Dishh pr resents is sssuees I’I’d ’d rrather ather a not discuss. love anyone disc ussss. I lo ve CChicago, hicagoo, butt any yoone who eeats ats knife dead pizza with a knif fe and ffork ork o k is de ad ttoo me. A SLI CE OF NE WY ORK is the t closest SLICE NEW YORK thing to p erfection e yyou’ll o ’ll find ou perfection ar ound d these h par ts. Th h gar he gantuan around parts. The gargantuan giant slic es ffold old in the hand just o slices right,, and the sauc as subtle hints saucee ha has of ssweetness weetness to pair with w a lit tttle little kick. The cheese is alw wayys on p oint always point and the p epperonis ar re big pepperonis are big,, thin and crisp ake m p za seriously y, crisp.. Sinc Sincee I ttake myy piz pizza seriously, I ne ver eat at the San JJose ose lo cation. never location. (F ull disclosur e: I ha aven e ’t b een to the (Full disclosure: haven’t been Sunn yvale sp ot.) This rrenders enders the Sunnyvale spot.) ambienc e cconfines ed onfines of ambiencee and cramp cramped ASONY irr elevant. Th his is the kind irrelevant. This of piz za yyou ou w ant to st tretch out with pizza want stretch at home home.. Howe eveer, while Slic ew Y ork o However, Slicee of N New York (34 43 Ste vens e Cr eek Blv vd d.,, San JJose. ose. (3443 Stevens Creek Blvd., 40 8.2477..5423) is gr eat,, itt isn ’t the 408.247.5423) great, isn’t only go od piz za in Silic o V on aalley. I’v ve good pizza Silicon Valley. I’ve ccompiled ompiled a T o op 10 list of o the b est joints Top best joints..
PINOCCHIIO’S PIZZA N O. 2 — There There are are 5. PINOCCHIO’S NO. tw wo Pinnochios Pinnochios in Gilroy Gilroy but this is the two spot. Massive Massiivve slices slices and addicting sauc spot. saucee cheesee. Service Service is always alw wayys great. great. 7041 and cheese. Montteerrey St., Stt., Gilroy. Gilrroy. 408.848.4000. Monterey pizza 6. HIGH FIVEE PIZZA — I eat this pizza my wife’s w fe’s family and then I just wif with my keeep eating. eatingg. They’ve They’ve learned not to get keep bettw ween me m and a slice. slice. 171 Branham between Laanee, San Jose. Joose. 408.629.6800. Lane, 7. AMICI’S AMICI’S — This might be be the secondsecond7. best pizza, pizza,, but it falls short short because because best prices e . The pizza pizza is legit,, though, of its prices. slightly charred charred crust and with its slightly pepperonis. It does does the curled dime pepperonis. suff ffeer a bitt from from a grease grease complex. complex. suffer MULLTIPLE T E LOCATIONS LOCA ATIONS T MULTIPLE Y HEAR T— R eally e big, che wy 8. PIZZA MY HEART Really big, chewy slices with h salty salty pepperoni pepperoni and ssweet weet slices sauce. Unfortunately, Unffor o tunatelyy, the saltier sauce. meat, the gr eater the gr ease. the meat, greater grease. MULLTIPLEE LOCATIONS LOCATIONS MULTIPLE JAKE’S — A great great pizza pizza that hits 9. JAKE’S butttons. Only drawback draaw wback is all the buttons. h some sharp edges and the crust has roof off yyour our mouth will pa ay the the roof pay price. MULTIPLE MULLTIPLE LOCATIONS LOCATIONS price. BLUE LINE LINE N PIZZA — A genuinely 10. BLUE crispy pizza pizza z with very very salt crispy saltyy pepperonii and parmesan. Fant astic pepperoni Fantastic cheese. Prep Prep e ffor o or the gr ease slides cheese. grease slides.. MULLTIPLEE LOCATIONS LOCATIONS MULTIPLE PA PAPP PPAGEORGGEO PIZZA — A BONUS: PAPPAGEORGGEO m on the South Side hidden gem Side.. pizza wins on pric point but This pizza pricee point sauce and a cheese deliver deliver with a the sauce eearl Ave., Ave., San J oose. spicy kick. 4658 P Pearl Jose. 408.2677..97700. 408.267.9700.
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
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MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
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MAP IT We Sushi will be one of several food trucks at Evergreen Village Square this weekend.
Truckulent Delicacies
an Francisco’s leading street food organizer, Off the Grid, has made its march south with its first weekly klatch in San Jose held May 9, as well as a couple others in Mountain View and Palo Alto. The popular company debuted a new weekend lunchtime market earlier at Evergreen Village Square, filling the void between Friday’s art/ wine walks and Sundays’ farmers markets with a bevy of food trucks, including Los Tolucas, Brother Baby’s BBQ, We Sushi, Dil Se, Hongry Kong and Drewski’s Hot Rod Kitchen. This weekend’s lunchtime reprisal will feature live cooking demos and additional food trucks such as Baba Kabob and Hela Gela. SJMADe will bring local makers and craft vendors for a pop-up shop along with live music by local artists. The every-Saturday event in Evergreen Village Square marks the company’s third South Bay location, following markets in Cupertino and Sunnyvale. An Off the Grid dinner market featuring 10 food trucks will take place the day prior, from 5 to 9pm Friday, outside the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. The museum will keep its doors open afterhours for the block party, with live music and curbside cuisine from Cluck It Up, 3-3-3, Los Tolucas, Porky’s SJ, 3 Brothers Kitchen, Judie’s Locos Tacos, O Mi Ninja and more. On Monday, Palo Alto will see its first-ever Off the Grid event with a pop-up wine and beer bar from 5 to 9pm outside the Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel. Food trucks due to stop by the Palo Alto market include We Sushi, Lobsta Truck, Rocko’s Ice Cream Tacos and Soulnese. In addition to its flagship event at Fort Mason in San Francisco, Off the Grid hosts more than 40 weekly markets and 180 vendors in its network. Off the Grid might offer a little competition to San Jose-based food truck impresario Ryan Sebastian, who runs Moveable Feast and organizes the wildly popular San Jose Taco Festival of Innovation and Electronic Sriracha Festival.—Christiana Cobb OFF THE GRID weekly market, 11am-3pm Saturday, 4075 Evergreen Village Square, San Jose.
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with this coupon. Expires 5.26.15. • Good for entire party.
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metroactive m metr troacctive ttive
*wed h *fri hu wedd *tthu fi
Back Bar SoF SoFA, FA, A San Jose Wed, W ed, 9pm, $5 Japan and What do SSteve teve Buscemi, B the ffable able of The Tortoise Tortoise o and the Haree have in common? Har common? Meh… Not However,, Mr Mr.. Pink, the island a lot. However M moral nation and the ancient a ffable able mor al aree at least tenuously ar tenuuously connected to the Gaja, Gebo Gebbo and Aesop show Back SoFA. coming up at Ba ack Bar SoF A. L.A.Gaja based emcee Ga aja rrecently ecently rreleased eleased audio of an epicc rrap ap battle between Boardwalk Empiree himself and the Boar dwalk Empir star,, Gebo is from star from Japan—and spits almost exclusively exclusiveely in his native of the Living tongue—and Aesop, A I shouldn’t Legends crew, crew, well… w shouldn’t that have to spell tha at one out ffor or you. (NV)
CHOICESS B CHOICE BY: Y: John Flynn Nick Veronin Veronin e
Everywhere Everywhere Day, Th All Day Thu, D y, Free F ee Fr
Caravan Lounge, Caravan Lounge, San Jose Fri, 10pm, 10pm m, Free Free
beautiful It is stupid be eautiful outside and we could all use some sun and exercise. Plus, around exer cise. Plu s, moving ar ound for for minutes brain just 20 minu utes makes your br ain wholee bunch of ffeel-good spew a whol eel-good chemicals. Luckily, Luckily u y, you don’t don’t have to huff and puff all on your Thursday.. lonesome, att least not on Thursday Bike To To Work Workk Day is May 14, and Bicycle Coalition the Silicon Valley Valley a encourage is pitching in n to encour age and treks both long an nd short tr eks to the office—offering free office—off e ering free swag, snacks snacks and rrefreshments efreshm ments ffor or participants “Energizer at dozens of “Ener gizer SStations”—strategically tations”—sstrategically located at thoroughfares bike-friendlyy thor oughfares from from Jose South San Jo ose all the way up the Peninsula. (JF) F) P eninsula. (J
Incorporating elements of stoner Incorpor a ating metal, death deaath metal, metalcore metalcore and nu-metal, nu-m metal, this Tempe, Teempe, Ariz. quartet ppack ack their songs to espective the brim with w their rrespective influences. influence s. Plodding sludge, interlocking interlocki ng harmonic riffs, double-bass, punchy do ouble-bass, explosive breakdowns, br eakdow wns, guttural guttural screams screams and eerie melodies that take dissonantt left-turns—calling left turns calling to mind the haunting vocal stylings of frontman, Moreno. Deftones fr ontman, Chino Mor eno. Four Skin come to the CCaravan aravan on Skyy Flight Tour, their Darkk Sk Toour, along with the LLong ong Beach stoner metal trio, Sterile Sterille Jets. (NV)
Stanfor Stanford’s o d’s Bing Concert Hall, P alo Al A to Palo Alto Fri, 7:30pm, 7:3 30pm, $30-$45
Rocckbarr, San Jose Rockbar, Fri,, 7pm, $15-$18
NPR. Ah,, NPR R. That lone outpost of quality terrestrial ter restrrial rradio adio programming programming in an otherwise barren other w bar wise ren hellscape of shock jockery, jockery y, inane banter and nauseating The pop. Th he network’s hit show, show w, “Selected Shorts”” features Shorts features accomplished workss actors rreading eading the choicest work from fr om America’s America A ’s finest writers.. Jane KKaczmarek—better aczmaarek—better known as the volatilee LLois ois from from Malcolm in the Middlee—will host this evening of refined refinedd fun and read read a piece by Diane Cook. New theatree pillar, N York Yoork theatr pillarr, David Strathairn, Alcarón, Strathaairn, will rread ead Daniel Alcar ón, and thee TonyToony- and Emmy-nominee, Kate Kate Burton, Buurton, will conclude the evening with a piece by Dave Eggers.. Each actor will w bring these rich narratives narratives to life life withh enchanting passion.. (JF)
In the t late ’80s, Faster Pussycat captured cap ptured the hedonistic vibe at thee sunset of the Sunset SStrip. trip. The glam gla m metal band’s biggest album, Wake W aake Me When It It’s ’s Overr, went gold, thankss to the br brokengold, largely largely thank okenhome Pain.” hom me ballad, “House of P ain.” The smash smash single opens with a wailing harmonica frontman harrmonica and ffollows ollows fr ontman Taime Taim a me Downe as he rrelives elives the moment imperfect mooment when his imperf ect father fathher left for for the last time. Faster broke Fasster Pussycat br oke up just as grunge gruunge was taking off and never truly truly rreunited. eunited. Now, Now w, Downe has reinvented reinnvented their sound, leaning more moore toward toward the industrial end of the t rock rock spectrum, while still maintaining maintaining the melancholy chic of his h group’s group’s early years. (JF)
oncerts * cconcerts May 20 at SShoreline horeline Amphitheatre Amphitheatre
ERYKAH ER RYKAH Y B BADU ADU May 22 22-24 -24 at Mountain Winery
FFANIMECON ANIMECON May 22-24 22-24 at City National Civic
BRIAN WIL WILSON SON June 18 1 at Mountain Winery
VANS V ANS W A WARPED ARPED TOUR TOUR June ne 20 at SShoreline horeline Amphitheatre Amphitheatre
NICKELBACK NICKELB ACK June une 2244 at Shoreline Shoreline Amphitheatre Amphitheatre
SMASH SMA SH MOUTH June 2244 at Mountain Winery
LADY LAD Y ANTEBELL ANTEBELLUM UM June une 26 att SShoreline h eline hor li Amphitheatre Amphitheatr A hith t e
T GRA THE GRATEFUL AT TEFUL DEAD June 227-28 7-28 at Levi’s SStadium tadium
THE R ROOTS OOTS June 28 2 at Mountain Winery
BOZZ SCA BO SCAGGS GGS Julyy 7 at Mountain Winery
RUSH R USH July 23 at SSAP AP Center
*sat TWIN LAKES LAKES Caffe Fr Caffe Frascati, ascati,, San Jose Free Sat, 8pm, Fr ee great Like so many gr eat things, TTwin w win Lakes crisp, just sorta happened. The crisp p,, cool, Australian group was Austr alian indie-pop gr oup w as begun project Garven— as a side pr oject of Eddie Gar v ven— bassist and backing vocalist ffor o The or Seabellies.. Garven Garven was rrecording ecording d his home jam sessions with four four o (two accomplished accomplices (tw wo hold music degrees) degrees) when an opportunity oppoortunity presented itself.. TTwin to play pr esented itself win w Lakes L was born. Their debut single,, “Glacier,” “ “Glacier r,,” siren uses chilly sir en calls, crashing crashingg hi-hats, groove and a slow-building bass gr ooove to back the anguished force force of Garven’s Gar G ven’s nuanced vocals.. It sounds like a mixturee of the atmospheric ffolk mixtur o of Bon olk Iver with some ballad rrock ock andd prickly electronic electr onic influences.. (JF)
FLUME FL UME Stanford’s Fr Stanford’s Frost ost Amph Amphitheatre, hitheatre, P alo Al to Palo Alto Sat, 2pm, $43 Flume Born Harley SStreten, treten, Flum me started production making beats on a pr odu uction program cereal pr ogram that came in a cer eal box. Australian Since then, this cherubicc Austr alian producer surged pr oducer has sur ged to the top of the EDM charts. “Holdin’ “Holddin’ On,” from the lead single fr om his self-titled debut solo rrelease elease went double bangers platinum. His low-key ba angers genree to ggenre. saunter from from genr enre. Bendy, vocals Bendy y, disembodied voc als moan squeakyy riffs bef before dropping squeak ore dr opping to trap ap synths sub-human depths overr tr ’n’ bass. andd evolved l d drum d ’’n’ bba ss. On O “Sleepless,” waves of melancholy meelancholy crash loops cr ash into irresistible irresistible snares snares and tinkly, tinkly, tip-toeing piano. piaano. He operates oper ates solely in bold sounds s designed to break break your brain. b ain. (JF) br
BOOGIE ON N THE AVENUE A VENUE V Historic Downtown C Campbell ampbell Sat, 10am, Free Free For 37 years, Campbell Campbell has been throwing thr owing an annual party. party. The Boogie on the Avenue Avenuue festival festival ffeatures eatures live music on o two stages, and performances performances from frrom more more than 125 national artists. Every year, year, the streets streets of downtown downttown Campbell Campbell aree lined with booths ar booths from from local businesses, artists and and crafters, crafters, along with international internatioonal cuisine spicy, vendors ffocusing ocusing on the spicy y, comfort finger-licking comf o ffood ort ood of New Theree will bee plenty ffor Orleans Ther Orleans. or all Corner”” ages, including the “Kid’s “ Corner craft brews. and special prices onn cr aft br ews. attract The event is known to t attr act over 40,000 people to the sleepy Parking arking and Silicon Valley Valley town. P free. (JF) admission is fr ee. (JF F)
West W eest V Valley aalley Colleg Collegee Theater, Theaterr, Saratoga Sarratoga a $10-$20 20 Sun, 3pm, $10-$ wraps The Winchester Orchestra Orrchestra wr aps its workss by Friedrich von season with work Flotow, Pietroo Mas Mascagni Ruggieroo Flotow w, Pietr cagni and Ruggier Maurice Leoncavallo, Mauri ice Ravel, and performances aree TTchaikovsky. chaikovsk c y. Thesee perf ormances ar special,, as the orchestra’s orch hestra’s ffounder ounder and conductor emeritus, emeritus,, Henry orchestra’s Mollicone, will join the or chestra’s conductor,r, Mi Michael new conductor chael DiGiacinto inaugural at the conclusion of o his inaugur al season. Mollicone will w lead the orchestra or chestra in Flotow’s Flotow w’s “Overture” “Overture” to operaa Martha the comic oper M ; Mascagni’s “Interlude” from the operaa CCavalleria “Interlude” fr om th he oper aavalleria Rusticano; Leoncavallo’s Leoncavvallo’s “Interlude” “Interlude” from operaa I P fr om the oper Pagliacci a agliacci i; and Ravel's Boler Boleroo. DiGiacinto DiG Giacinto will conduct Tchaikovsky’s Tchaikovsk c y’s SSymphony yymp mphony No.. 2. (NV)
July 255 at SJSU SJSU Event Center
DARIUS D ARIUS RUCKER RUCKER July uly 31 at SShoreline horeline Amphitheatre Amphitheatre
M MICHAEL MCDONALD August 3 at at Montalvo Arts Center
SSAN AN JOSEE JJAZZ AZZ SUMMER FE FEST ST August 77-9 -9 at a Downtown San Jose
CHRIS IS ISAAK AAK August 14 at Mountain Winery
CHRIS HARD HARDWICK WICK August 15 1 at CCalifornia alifornia Theatr Theatree
SHANIA TW TWAIN WA AIN August A ugust 17 at SSAP AP Center
DIERKSS BENTLE DIERK BENTLEY Y August 21 at SShoreline horeline Amphitheatre Amphitheatre
RODGRIGO R O ODGRIGO Y GABRIELA June 28 2 at Mountain Winery For musi music ic updates and contest giveaway giveaways, ys, like us on Facebook at metr
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
24 metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
metroactive ARTS
Glass House
HEART H E A RT OF OF GLASS G A SS R GL Roberta oberta Eichenberg’ Eichenberg’ss ‘Knotted ‘ H Heart’ eart’ is one of 50 pie pieces eces glass-based Domini’s of glass-base ed art on display at Anno Dom mini’s new exhibit.
‘SPECTRUM’ ‘‘S SPECT TRUM’ explore explores l s the h incredibl incredible d blle l possibilities possib bilities of an underrated und derrated medium m BY B YT TAD AD A MAL M MALONE ONE
N ANNO ANNO DO DOMINI’S MINI’S stunning SPECTRUM, new exhibit, exh hibit, SPECTRUM M,, glass is liter literally ally and metaphorically metaph horically transformed transformed in ways both unorthodox ways bot th unorthodo x and unconventional, unconventional, forcing the viewer to rradically adically alter their perception of what can be done with the t medium. Att first glance, A glan nce, the eexhibition xxhibition seems have nothing glass.. to ha ave nothin ng to do with glass speaking, Strictly sp eakiingg, almost nothing on display actually looks like displa ay actuall ly lo oks lik ke the material However, as we usually enc eencounter ounter it. Howe veer, upon possibilities up on closer inspection, in nspection,, the p ossibilities of eexpression xxpression thr tthrough ough the often underrated medium m seem endless: a ring p pop, op, robot robot o figurines, figurines, a human heart, shapes, interactive hear t,, abstractt shap es, interactiv ve
deesigns and a wr designs wrench ench yyou’d ou’d ha have ave to drop before it’s metal. dr rop b effor o e rrealizing ealizing it ’s not met al. SPECTRUM name, Living up to the SPECTR UM M name e, each piecee of ar artt is a world unto its own. ea ach piec o goes In n terms of the medium,, the eexhibit xxhibit go es beyond seemingly b eyond o the p plausible into the seemin ngly gy impossible, sculptures im mpossible, with eeye-popping ye-popping sculptu ures and installations, an nd inst allations, which ccontain ontain elements art, el lements of ffolk o olk ar t,, abstractionism, surrealism, su urrealism,, eexpressionism, xxpressionism,, futurism and a other artt mo movements. ot ther ar oveements. One of the wonders of the show iss the scale. No piecee is mor moree than a ccouple sc cale. N o piec ouple o e ffeet eeet makes art—seen ttall. a But that only mak all. kees the ar rt—se s en labyrinthine detail— in n its minute but lab byyrinthine det taail— — moree ccompelling. eeven ven e mor ompelling. The rresult esult is lik llike ke visiting tiny worlds. vi i iti tin isiting ti ny glass l worlds ld . Even Ev veen the cconventional on nventional works— vases, pottery va ases, and other ttypes ypes of p ottttery demonstrate singular de emonstrate an undeniably singul ar and imaginativee appr approach. an nd imaginativ oach. Glass droplets impossibly within dr roplets imp ossibly dangling withi in larger piecee of glass glass,, a ra ray a lar ger piec ay gun,, a miniaturee lif life-like scenes m miniatur fe-like picnic ttable, able, sc en nes
glass—these aree just a ffew etched into glass—thes se ar ew pieces display. of the 50 piec es on disp plaay. artists arrived How the ar tists arriv veed at all these possibilities storyy in itself itself—one p ossibilities is a stor f—one of laborious meticulous and lab oriou us work. Using Ussing from eeverything veerything fr om neon glass gglass,, to glass metal, artists created infused with met al,, the ar tists cr reeated unique pieces. a set of strange and uniq que piec es. methods creation aree radic radical The metho ds of cr eation n ar al in their own right. Etch hing in glass Etching glass,, ccold-working, old-working old workingg, hot t--worki workiingg, st taaining; hot-working, staining; it ’s a brain-shattering brain-shattttering combination combination o it’s of eexperiments—equal xxperiments—equal pa arts scienc e, ar parts science, artt and alchem my. alchemy. The variet ty of ccontent onten nt is also rreflected eflected variety in the ar tists themselv veess. Ev veeryo one fr om artists themselves. Everyone from ar eestablished—if ablished—if artt students of glass to est not not able—artists ar eatur e ed in notable—artists aree ffeatured SPECTR UM M.. Ar tists as fa ar flung as SPECTRUM. Artists far JJapan apan and N ew Y o ork ha ave work in the New York have show w. However, Howeveerr, a go od p ortion of the show. good portion eexhibitors, xxhibitors hibi , including i l di cur rators V aalerie l i curators Valerie P ohorsk ky and JJonathan o onathan nY ao a , ar ose Pohorsky Yao, aree San JJose St taate U niv n veersitty alumni State University alumni.i. The curators' piec es ar aaree very veery diff ffeerent pieces different fr om each other r. P ohorssk kyy’s “C adi from other. Pohorsky’s “Cadi Cruiser oded ccat aat riding riiding a lobster Cruiser,,” a ho hooded lobster,, is b oth ccolorful olorful and pla ayyfully crafted. both playfully By ccomparison omparison Y aao o’s pie ece is an opaque Yao’s piece opaque,,
cr ysttaal-colo o ored vasiform vasiffo orm sculptur crystal-colored sculpturee emb ossed with w intric cate a designs embossed intricate designs.. While all of o the works ar aree fascinating worlds-with hin-themselvvees, some of worlds-within-themselves, the most not n taable pieces pieces include Anna notable Mlasowsk kyy’s “N exxt to N othingg,” in Mlasowsky’s “Next Nothing, which a hid dden message is rrevealed evealed e b hidden byy br eathing on o a small strip of glass; Biagio breathing Sc arpello’s “C ““Convey on nvey C ondensed,” an Scarpello’s Condensed, assembly lin ne-lik ke installation insttaallation of moving mo ovving line-like glass spher e and R es; o oberta Eichenb erg’s spheres; Roberta Eichenberg’s “T Tw wisted Hear H t,” a human heart heart ccast aast in “Twisted Heart, murk ky glas ss. murky glass. “W We have haave lib erty the to show this “We liberty stuff, ff,” Anno ff” o Domini's cco-owner, o-ownerr, Cherri L ak key sa ays y , speaking speaking to her galler y’s Lakey says, gallery’s willingnesss to ttake ak ke a chanc chancee on a show lik ke SPECTR RUM, with it ’s m yyriad ar tists like SPECTRUM, it’s myriad artists and outside e-the-box ccomposition. omp o osition. outside-the-box That wil llingness to push the willingness b oundariess is something that the boundaries SPECTR RU UM M curators and ffeatured eeatured artists artists SPECTRUM V aalerie Pohorksy Poh horkssy and JJonathan onathan Y aao Valerie Yao underst d taand d “The d. “Th ey to ttook ok k a risk i k on us and d understand. “They we ’re incr ed dibly grateful,” sa ays y P ohorsk ky. we’re incredibly says Pohorsky. Be eyond o pr p ovviding eexposure, xxposure, the Beyond providing eexhibition xxhibition giv g vees artists artists the a chance chance gives to build rrelationships ellationships with their ccontemporaries ontemporraries ar ound the world. around That ’s a val luable opp ortunitty ffor or those o That’s valuable opportunity who work with w glass glass.. The medium rrequires equires collaboration: colllaboration: an aaverage veerage of people ar 2-6 people aree needed to help in the eation off each piec cr e. “Glass is alw ways y creation piece. always one off thos h se things hi wher h e people people l need d those where to help yyou, ou o u,” Pohorsky Pohorsk ky says. saayys. P ohorsk ky and Y aao are are graduates of, off, Pohorsky Yao and now ccollaborators o orators in,, The Pilchuck ollab Glass School—an School—an o internationallyyinternationallyenowned institution nor rrenowned th of north Seat tttle. So ar aaree man ny of SPECTR UM’s Seattle. many SPECTRUM’s ccontributing ontributin ng ar tists. According According to the artists. curators Seeattttle has a bur rggeoning glasscurators,, Seattle burgeoning blowing ccommunity, o ommunitty, p opulated b populated byy a variet ty of ar aartisans tisans and fine ar tists. variety artists. The sc en ne surr ounding the scho ol is scene surrounding school a bit mor ke a mason ccarvers aarvers e union moree lik like than an ar t tistic ccollective, ollectivve, Y ao a sa ayys, artistic Yao says, ccomparing omparingg it to a “fraternal or derr.” This order. is due b oth h to the natur re of working both nature with glass ay the mainstr eam glass,, aand the w way mainstream ar vviews ws the medium—as home artt world vie dec cor o or ut tilitarian,, as opp osed to fine decor utilitarian, opposed ar t. SPECTR RUM M demonstrates just how art. SPECTRUM wr ro ong thatt vie wpoint is b tttering all wrong viewpoint byy shat shattering pr econcepttions ab out what a glass ar preconceptions about artt eexhibit xxhibit ccan aan nb e. be.
13 Free Fr ee
SPECTRUM SPEC T RUM Anno Domini, San Jose
ARTS TS metroactive metr oactivve AR HOMEWARD HOME WARD BOUND At the turn of the 19th Century At Century, y, a quarter of a million orphans were weere from home. sent fr om New YYork ork o to new hom me. production This pr oduction blends art with story. history to tell this little-told stor ryy. Theatree $15-$38.. Sep 18-Oct 11. Theatr Pedro Square. on San P edro Squar e.. San Jose.
EXIT,, PUR EXIT PURSUED SUED B BY Y A BEA BEAR AR TToo teach her abusive husband a straps chair lesson, Nan str aps him to a cha air troubled as she rreenacts eenacts their tr oubled past with the help of a friend and a stripper.. Then,, ffor or the finale, a stripper she’ll honey, she ’ll slather him in honey y, andd rrelease elease a bear into the rroom. oom. May M 14-- Jun 14.. $17 $17-$32. 14 -$32.. City Lightss Company. Theater Company y. San Jose.
CHINGLISH Daniel,, an American business Daniel man, heads to China to make a correctly translating ffortune ortune on cor rectly tr anslatinng from English, signs fr om Mandarin to Englis sh, arrives but when he ar rives he finds culture, that language, cul ture,, and the love ends up getting lost in th he translation. $17-$42. tr anslation.. Jun 13-28. 13-28. $17 -$442. Palo Alto Palo Alto P alo Al to Players.. P alo Al to
URINETOWN URINET OWN This musical with the eyegrabbing Broadway oadw gr abbing title took over Br way in 2011. The modern classic enters enteers where a laughably ffamiliar amiliar world wher re scarce water is so scar ce that private aree banned,, opening the toilets ar heroo to rise up door ffor or an unlikely her ffor or all of our number 1 rights.. May May 28-June 27.7. $18-$28 Bus Barn 28June 27 Theater.. LLos Altos Theater os Al tos Stage Stage Company. Compaanyy. Altos. LLos os Al tos.
ANGELSS IN AMERICA ANGEL TTony oony KKushner's ushner's pr provocative ovocative drama identity, dr ama tackles identity y, sex, ppolitics, rreligion, eligion, g and rrace ace in this th his late 20th century masterpiecee backdrop set against the black backdr opp of AIDS. $28-$32. May 21-Jun 21-Jun Theatree at Foothill 8. LLohman ohman Theatr Altos College. LLos os Al tos Hills.
BIRDS OF A FEA FEATHER AT THER We all know the grizzled, We hard-alcohol detective har d-alcohol soaked detectiv ve from Well, fr om old movies. W ell, this noir”” puts a lady in th the ““stage stage noir he seekss to find gumshoes as she seek find moree elusivee love, something mor than any criminal. May 1-24. 1-24. Pear Avenue $10-$35. The P ear A venue Theatre. View.. Theatr e. Mountain View
YOU CAN’T GET THERE YOU FROM FR OM HERE Late May Triton Triton r Museum- Ha Hall all Pavillion, Clara. P avillion, Santa Clar a.
UNLACED, UNLA CED, A D DANCE ANCE SERIE SERIESS This dance display brings to the fforefront orefront the massive talents of Helen Pickett, Michael Smith, Adam Hougland in this world premiere pr emiere of a ballet buffet. buffet. $23-$71. $23 -$71. Thru Jun 6. Smuin Ballet. Mountain View Center Performing ffor or P erforming Arts.
Textiles Teextiles from from the Collection of Robert and Joy Totah Tootah Hilden. Thru July 5. San Jose.
TRITON TRIT ON MUSEUM OF AR ART T “Current Images CCalling “Current alling on SStories tories and Legend”” by Ron Guzman Thru July 8.. Santa Clara. Clara.
Monthly Midtown Beat Show Show.. San Jose.
“Reigning Art Art”” Kyoko Kyoko Fischer. Fischer. Thru Apr 25. “Silicon Valley Valley Open Studios” Studios” Thru May 30. Palo Alto. P alo Al to.
MUSEUMS CANTOR CANT OR AR ARTS TS CENTER “Promised Land” W “Promised Works orks by Lawrence. Jacob Lawr ence. Thru August “Pop from 3. “P op Art fr om the SFMOMA Anderson Collection” Collection” ffeaturing eaturing workss by W Warhol, work arhol, Johns, Lichtenstein, and others. Thru O t 26. Oct 26 SStanford. t ford. tanf d
CHILDREN’S DISC DISCOVERY OVERY MUSEUM “Voyage to Vietnam” “Voyage Vietnam” The beauty, beauty y, sights, and sounds presented of this country pr esented through thr ough the lens of the TTet eet Festival. San Jose.
LLOS OS GA GATOS ATOS CCOMPANY OMPANY “Zulugrass Jewelry Gallery”,, “Zulugrass ffeaturing eaturing the colorful clothing and ornaments adorned by the Great Maasai tribe of the Gr eat Rift Valley Valley of KKenya enya and TTanzania. anzania. a “Woodcarvings Val Gardena, “W oodcarvings of V al Gar dena, Italy,” handcrafted Italy y,,” ffeaturing eaturing handcr afted woodcarving figures. woodcar ving figur es.
Jazz paintings by Bruni Sablan. Mon-Sat, 1-6pm. San Jose.
GALLERY GALLER Y HOUSE Photo B ob Shomler Photo Bob
Featuring F eaturing Principal Principal Dancers Dancers from from San San F Francisco rancisco B Ballet allet
First Fridays ffeature eature new demonstrations, artwork, demonstr ations, and conversations with artists. San Jose.
KALEID GALLER GALLERY Y “Hark” work by over 60 artists. Thru Jan 16. San Jose.
Guest G uest A Artists rtists Frances Frances C Chung hung
Tiit T iit Helimets Helim l ets
“Latino Art Now Now”” rreflects eflects on the critical edge and interventions aesthetic inter ventions within contemporary contempor ary Chicano art. Thru May 16. San Jose.
Maestra M aestra B Barbara a r b a ra D Day ay T Turner ur u ner aand nd m musicians usicians ffrom rom San San Jose Jose Chamber Chambe m r Orchestra Orchestra
California C aliforrnia Theater Theater
“Possibilities of P “Possibilities Paper” aper ” LLucas ucas Artist Fellows contribute 40 works. Saratoga. work s. Thu May 31. Sar atoga.
PALO P ALO AL ALTO TO AR ART T CENTER “YYoouth Art and CCultural “Youth ultural workss KKaleidoscope.” aleidoscope.” Diverse work show the talents of the area’s area’s children. Palo Alto. childr en. Thru May 31.. P alo Al to.
SAN JOSE INSTITUTE SAN INSTITUTE OF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY AR T “Somebody Else’s Else’s Prints Prints”” Bruce Connors. Thru May 16. San Jose.
“Postdate Photogr “Postdate Photography aphy and Inherited History in India,” Thru August 2nd. “City Limits, City Life” Lif e” Thru Jun 14.. “Maker Space” Space” 17. thru Jan 17 7. TTue-Sun, uue-Sun,, 11am-5pm, closed Mon. Mon San Jose. Jose
“Blood SSweat weat TTeal” eeal” Shark Sharkss inspired inspir ed Art. San Jose
““A A Common Thr Thread: ead:: Stitching Stitching curated ” guest cur ated by Susan O’Malley. “Kawandi O’Malley y. Thru July 5. “K awandi Adventure” Quilts Adventur e” Quil ts by Margaret Margaret Fabrizio. Thru July 5. “Bedouin
Photo P hoto Da Dave ve LLepori epori
Fri. F ri. May May ay 22 2 & Sat. Sat. May May ay 23, 8p.m. 8p.m. m
Opus O pus of o the the Soul Soul
San P Pedro edro Squar Squaree Market hosts its monthly last Saturday, alternative Satur dayy, al ternative concert. Free. Pedro Squaree Market. Fr ee. San P edro Squar San Jose. A hotbed of live jazz talent, organized or ganized by San Jose Jazz. Pedro Every Fri, 77-9pm. -9pm. San P edro Square Squar q e Market,, San Jose.
Margaret M argaret Win Wingrove g oPrPresents gr veseentsD Dance ance C Company ompany
SOUTH FIR FIRST ST BILLIARDS "Art Lif "Art Lifer" er" by Alfr Alfredo edo Reyes and Debbie Doherty with from music fr om DJ Mystik Mike. ““Assemble!” Assemble!” a MESHcollective show.. W Works show orks by various artists. San Jose.
WORKS W ORKS SSAN AN JOSE Pieces fr from om Benefit Art Auction. San Jose.
SSan an Jose Jose D Dance ance The Theater eater • ssjDANCEco jDANCEco • O Opera pera SSan an JJose ose
Tickets T ickets $25-$65 Senior Senior n & Student Student Discounts Discounts aavailable vailable Call: C all: 408-792-4111 408-7992-4111 M-F M-F 10a.m.-5p.m. 10a.m.-5p.m. 345 S. S. First Firrst St. St. Downtown Downtown San San Jose Jose w
25 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 metr metr m
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METROACTIVE.COM METR OACTIVE.COM metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19 2015
THE WILL TO LIVE The work of of Jaime Lakatos, now on display at Empire Seven Studios, explores nature’s perseverance in the face of destruction and disaster.
Blackened Beauty THOUGHTFUL, SURREAL AND magical, the latest exhibit at Empire Seven Studios—Cinderscape, by Oakland-based artist and designer, Jaime Lakatos— explores the devastating impact humans have had on the natural world. Lakatos' art is both disturbing and familiar—all dusted with a touch of fantasy. Her sculptures of animals are brooding, dark and sometimes ambiguous. Some are spotted with patches of real fur; others support stuffed birds on their backs; all feature a texture reminiscent of Cinderscape charred wood. Thru May 29, Free While her twisting, blackened statues and busts are Empire Seven Studios disconcerting, her paintings are sleek and elegant. These empireseven white canvases, populated with clusters of animal forms, offer a quiet, peaceful respite from the destruction and dystopia present in her sculptures. But even then, there is a finality lurking in the brightly patterned drawings that creates a continuity with her three dimensional works. Lakatos' art laments the destruction of our natural environment—her charred sculptures bearing small fragments of the life that once was; the bright patterns woven into her paintings represent the tenacity and vibrancy of the life that still is. The experience is both beautiful and unnerving. As a graduate of The Rhode Island School of Design, as well as a decade-long employee of the Oakland Museum, Lakatos' long history in the art world is evident in the sheer scope and intricacy of her work. Her interests also inform her art: the human body, the natural world, cabinets of curiosities, and other oddities. On average, each sculpture takes a week to complete, Lakatos says. Though the surfaces of her effigies appear to be charred wood, they are, in fact, composed of plaster, sawdust and graphite. The trick to replicating the texture and color of burnt branches is in randomness, she explains. It’s an effect that is quite difficult to achieve purposefully. “Plaster sets quickly,” she says, “so there's no room for mistakes.” There is also the quasi-taxidermy work required to give her sculptures their jarring semblance of life. Using methods learned from a taxidermist friend, Lakatos did everything from rehydrate moths to bending neon tubing into the shape of glowing elk antlers to fully realize her art. Some of the animals used (all of which died of natural causes) include butterflies, moths, birds and a red fox. Lakatos' work can feel menacing, but it’s not deliberately so. If anything, her sentiments are mournful. Cinderscapes is a look at the seemingly inexhaustible willfulness of life—and it’s ability to persevere in spite of cruelty and human folly.—Tad Malone
metroactive FILM
KILLER K ILLER QUEEN QUEEN Greta a Garbo is as stunning as ever in n ‘Queen Christina,’ playing M May a 13-14 at the Stanford Theatre.. ay
Garbo’s fam Garbo’s famous mous role as ‘‘Q ‘Queen Que een Christina Christina’’ ages. is a fairy y tale for the age es. BY B Y RICHARD V VON O N BUS BUSACK ACK
HINK OF OF Queen Qu ueen (1933) Christina (1 1933) as a fairy tale. Restless R with her duties, du uties, a herself queen disguises h erself as a her man and leaves he er court to Snowbound go hunting. Snowb bound at an inn, she meets the e love of her life. As p pressure mounts m on her to make a roy a marriage, al royal her own kingdom becomes too dangerous for her lover r, a lover, foreigner of low rrank. a ank. The p political olitical side of this t stor storyy is lik dy p oliticall side of the likee the stur sturdy political rrecent ecent Cinder ella. It gr ounds the Cinderella. grounds
romance, overcoming romance, overcoming the asp aspects ects of makee a 2015 a 1933 film that might mak audience poor audienc di e snicker. sn nick i ker. These Th include i l d p oor projection, stagy rrear ear pr ojecttion, moments of st agy gesticulation, too-visible gesticulatio on,, and the to o-visible false unforgettable facee of eeyelashes yeelashes on n the unf fo orgetttable fac Greta Garbo. Gr eta Garb bo. moree than a flut flutter It ttakes akes mor m ttter of Garbo falseness to o rrob ob Garb o of her still very very effect closeup.. And the final lethal eff ffeectt in closeup moments of o Queen Christina include one of the most m famous closeups history in the histo ory of cinema. Director Director Rouben Mamoulian created R o ouben Ma amoulian cr eated the shot byy ordering piecee of glass b orderingg a sliding piec to change the t width of the lens as moved. the ccamera ameraa mo ved. Thus armed,, he 85-foot between Garbo closed the 85-f 8 foot gap b etween Garb o keeping and the ccamera, am mera,, k eeeping her in ffocus ocus throughout thr oughoutt the shot. “Have heard “Ha ave yyou o eever ou ver hear d of ttabula abula a
rasa?? I w want facee to b bee a bl blank rasa ant a yyour o our fac lank piecee of pap paper. writing piec er. I want want the writin ng bee done b byy every member to b every memb er off the audience. That’s Mamoulian, audience.” That ’s Mamoulian n, Tom Milne’s book quoted in T o om Milne ’s eexcellent xcellentt b ook director. Here, Garbo on the dir ector. Her e, Garb o is no n boldly longer a queen, but a woman b o oldly travelling alone.. It It’s tra avelling into the world orld alone ’s an way immensely eexhilarating xhilarating w ay to frame f ending.. a tragic ending Christina’s falls In 1632,, Christina’ ’s father fall ls in battle. He’s asked is,, and bat tle. He ’s ask ed who he is d he answers words: was ans wers with his last wor ds: “I w as Sweden…”” Cr Crowned the King of Sweden… owneed little her as a lit ttle t girl, Christina leads he er Thirty Years’ nation as it enters the Thir ty Y e ears’ War—between Protestants War —between the Pr otestantss and Catholics. the C atholics. deemed The rreal eal Queen Christina,, deem med Minerva North” ““the the Miner va of the N orth h” for for o her heer intelligence, and intelligenc e, was was a an androgyne androgyne y an nd perhaps Pre-Code movie p erhaps a lesbian. This Pr e-Code mo m ovvie byy the serious acknowledges that b Garbo gives waiting kiss Garb o giv vees her lady in w aaitin ng (Elizabeth Young). Ebba (Elizab eth Y o oung). Out hunting, hun nting, dressed Three dr essed in Thr ee Musketeers Musk keeteers era
97 MIN
Unrated Unr ated
27 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
plumes ccostume ostume of giant plum mes and ccartwheel artw wheel hats,, Christina enc encounters hats oun nters the Spanish p party her par ty arriving into he er kingdom. “Garbo Laughs!” “Garb oL aughs!”” claimed c the posters actresses’ p osters six yyears ears laterr ffor or o the actr esses’ penultimate movie Ninotchka. p enultimate mo vie Ninot N tcchka. She good here, well—over has a go od laugh her re, as well— over stagecoach broken a st agecoach br oken down in the snow,, ccontaining snow ontaining an irate Spanish ambassador (the Ian n McShanish JJohn ohn Gilbert). ambassador believes Gilb ert). The ambass sador b elieves traveler bee a lad. After this passing tra aveler to t b they’re share the yy’rre fforced o orced to shar re a rroom oom at the crowded truth cr owded inn,, the tru uth ccomes omes out. Theree is far farce here, Ther ce her e, just as it sounds.. The edge of barbarism sounds Sweden, is visible in this Swe den, with grotesque outlandish furs and gr otesque wooden sculpture, wo oden ffolk o olk sculptu ure, and huge Viking It’s V iking i ttankards. ankards. It ’s surprising to see historical so much historic al ssweep w weep in what bee dismissed as a woman woman’s would b ’s picturee to today. pictur daay. The film fi includes a dangerous fight, cloaked danger ous ssword word fig ght,, and cloak ed riders on horseback anticipating Mamoulian’s Zorro. Mamoulian ’s later Mark M of Z orr o o. Garbo’s brainyy But it is Garb o’s film. fi The brain actress Lamarr oncee summed actr ess Hedy L amarrr onc secret glamour: “stand up the secr et of glam mour: “st and still and lo look stupid.” Garbo’s ok stupid .” Garb o’s isn’t stillness,, but in glamour isn ’t seen in n stillness measured, tempo. measur ed, slow tem mpo. Mamoulian paced actress with metronome, pac ed his actr ess wit th a metr onome, pondered bedas she silently p ondeered the b edchamber wheree she she’s about chamb er wher ’s learned ab out love. She’s beguiled byy lo ve. She ’s a curator b eguiled b artifacts, strange ar tifacts, as ssome Debussian plays piano pla ays y on the ssoundtrack. oundtrack. Then line:: “I ha have been the memorable line ave b een future, memorizing this rroom. oom. o In the futur e, myy memor memory, shall livee a gr great in m y, I sha all liv eat Later scene deal in this rroom.” oom.” L ater this sc ene is mirrored scene mirr ored in a death sc ene Christina observes. looks up,, and then to obser ves. She lo oks up u people around her,, as if death, the p eople ar ound her h too, weree a ne new discovery. to o, wer w disc covery. Garbo’s cinematic Garb o’s own cinem matic ccareer areer would it’s end eight yyears eears after this film. If it ’s hard being har d to imagine b ein ng a rroyal oyyal who gives crown, it’s accept giv vees up her cr own,, it t’s easier to ac cept all-too-real star dispelling the all-to o-real ttale ale off a st ar disp elling screen. the shadows ffollowing o ollowin ng her on scr een. tired being Garbo’s “I’m tir ed of b eing a ssymbol, ymbol,” Garb o’s says, weeping throne Christina sa ayys, weepin ng on her thr one With weariness, facee at night. W ith i its wea ariness, the fac that ttantalized antalized the world w signals its abdication ab dication to ccome. ome. metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
Now No ow Pla Playing yyingg
MINIMAL MAX The titular character, (Tom Hardy) takes a back seat to Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road.’
‘Mad’ Motors THE TITLE CHARACTER seems along for the ride in George Miller’s very good looking reimagining of the post-apocalyptic fantasy world he first delivered in 1979. Synthesia has set in, with the help of CGI; the trucks no longer have weight and can practically dance on their back wheels. No longer are we among the heat and flies of the real Australia, but an imaginary world of various deserts—soft sand, Canyonlands arches, and a terrain of blue-lit muck with crows and weird burlap-clad stilt-people. The film’s actual protagonist is Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron). She’s escaping with a group of slave chicks who had been doomed to become the brood sows of the horrible old ruler of that fortified oasis— The Citadel. He (Hugh Keanes-Byrne) is Immorten Joe, a leprous beast in a formfitting plastic shell and a snarling gorillatooth mask. He lives on fresh mother’s milk, like the dying John D. Rockefeller. Furiosa’s truck encounters a captive, who is used as a hood ornament for a significant part of the movie. This would be Max. Where Mel Gibson externalized Catholic suffering, Tom Hardy’s Max is more introverted: he has to fight off an armada of road-raging maniacs through a layer of PTSD-thickened disbelief. He’s not angry, he really is mad—he has hallucinations, malign
ones of the people he failed to save. He practically has tics. But in the most satisfying last half hour, Max comes into his own: crawling over the hoods of rigs roaring through the vast flatness (glittering in John Seales’ photography) he spits mouthfuls of nitro into the truck’s intakes to Mad Max: Fury Road give them an extra charge. What looks a little too R; 120 Min. much like Cirque de Soleil Valleywide in the previews turns out to have a purpose—the sticks attached to the armored dune buggies aren’t balancing poles for acrobats, but something like bowsprits on a whaling ship, to get harpooners up close to their target. The last third wakes up as a rival civilization to The Citadel emerges: a small group of matriarchs called, I’m sorry to say, “the Vulvalini.” The only analogue to Bruce Spence’s grinning gyro pilot in the other Maxes is “The Seed Carrier,” played by Melinda Jaffer, a pleasing cross of Vanessa Redgrave and Walter Brennan. Good faces help; conversation gets lost among the roaring engines. What’s audible is Tarzan versions of inspirational ideas: “They’re looking for hope. What about you?” “Redemption.” —Richard von Busack
The fun funkiest nkiest documentary ever baseball—comparee and made about a baseball—compar contrast moree encyclopedic contr asst with the mor work ooff KKen en Burns, a filmmaker could who co ould squeeze the funk out of Brown. James Br own. Subject is No.. 17 of the Pittsburgh Pirates: Pittsbu urgh Pir ates:: Dock Ellis, ever throwing ffamous amouss ffor or allegedly thr owing a nohitter (a (a “no “no no” no” in baseball slang) brains while ttripping ripping his br ains out on LSD. Alili of Baseball”” later regretted “The A regretted this ffeat, eaat, and later became a drug counsellor. counse ellor. Only someone who loved and rresearched essearched Ellis could have walked the linee as well as director director Jeffery Jeffery J. J. here, Radice has her e, balancing the scary wackiness wackin ness of the self-indulgent ’70s Ellis’s afterlife. with El lis’s clean and sober afterlif e. was troublemaker, Ellis wa as a tr oublemakerr, the last of the great g eat beanballers:: “Part gr “Part of plate the pla ate is yours, and part of the theory. plate iss mine,” was his theory y. He part was pa art of the then-blackest team baseball, Pirates, in base eball the ’71 eball, 71 Pir ates with ates, teammates teamm mates including Willie Stargell Stargell martyred and thee martyr ed Roberto Clemente. aplenty. Ellis ffaced acced rracism acism aplenty y. The most touching heree is the reading touchin ng moment her reading from aloud of o a noble letter of support fr om Jackie Robinson. TTrying rrying to avoid a dull story, rrecovery ecoverry story y, Radice edits in ’70s Dugout”” campy anti-drug film “The Dugout starring ringg Mamie Van star Van Doren’s Doren’s fformer ormer arm-candy Bolinsky; it’s arm-ca andy Bo Bolinsk y; it ’s produced produced burger-baron Krocs by the bur ger-baron Kr ocs who (this inside Padres, is insid de baseball) owned the P adres, team Ellis’’ acid-soaked the tea am that ffell ell to Ellis acid soaked prowess. It’s pr owesss. It ’s full of talking faces, faces, but great weathered Interviewees gr eat weather w ed ffaces. aces. Inter viewees Ellis’’ brutalized second wif wife, includee Ellis e, Clemente’s Clemen nte’s widow and son, and fformer ormer U.S. poet poet laureate laureate Donald Hall,, as well as ex-Bucks ex-B Bucks pitcher Larry Larry Demery who sums suums up the milieu:: “I give the Pirates Pir atess organization organization credit credit for for drafting drafting pitchers pitcher rs who were were fucking crazy.” crazyy..” Intoxication Intoxica ation is such a remarkable remarkable catalyst catalys st for for larger-than-life larger-than-life behavior that even evven Dr. Dr. Johnson’s Johnson’s ffamous amous quote “He He who whho makes a beast of himself fforgets orgetss the pain of being a man” man” seems inadequate somehow. somehow. (Netflix on Demand) Dem mand)) (RvB)
MONTAGE MONT TAGE OF HE HECK CK Brett Br ett Morgan’s M gan’s documentary KKurt Mor urt Cobain: Cobainn:: Montage of Heck is a captivating, captivaating, immersive exploration exploration of one of Seattle’s Seattle’s most ffamous amous music icons. The T wealth wealth of archival archival video, audio, drawings d awings and notebook material dr offer offer ann intimate portrait portrait of a brilliant, yet troubled trouubled artist. artist Morgan Morgan n was granted granted full access to Cobain’s archives Cobain n’s ar chives and spent eight years painstakingly poring over p materials. materiaals. The process process is evident in the storytelling, storyteelling, which unfolds unfolds not with a singlee narrator, narrator, but a spectacular collagee of Cobain artifacts, artifacts, virtually enabling enablinng the deceased to tell his own story. storyy.
Thee interviews interviews with family family and friends offer offer e glimpses into Kurt’s Kurt’s character, character, butt rarely rarely divulge new insight into his life’s story. Moree rrevealing life’s story y. Mor evealing are are thee interviews interviews with Cobain. Sitting alongside alongside his van on an early Nirvana Nirvana tour touur he flatly announces, “We’re “We’re trying trying to become more more successful so we can have a more more comfortable comfortable life.” life.” Later, Latter, after the trappings trappings of celebrity have havve begun to wear on him he says, “I feel feel like I’m being evaluated 24 24 hours a day.” interview daayy.” . In a brief inter view with Don, Kurt’s Kurrt’s father, father, he is frustratingly frustratingly mute, thee opportunity lost ffor or him to explain his troubled troubled rrelationship elationship with his son. As comfortable As a person never comf ortable with thee level of success he achieved, it’s it’s hard hard to imagine Cobain feeling feeling alright alright with the depth and intimate examination portrayed exaamination portr ayed here. here. In onee revealing revealing animated sequence, a tape taape of Cobain’s Cobain’s voice is played, detailing detailing the story of his first sexual encounter. enccounter. After his classmates learn of of the the incident KKurt urt says, “I got out of class and the kids were c were there there to make couldn’t ’t handle the make fun of me. I couldn ridicule, ridicule, so I went to the train train tracks tracks to kill k myself.” myself.” Later, Latter, animated renderings renderings of Cobain’s Cobbain’s violent and disturbing notebook illustrate nottebook sketches illustr ate his angst-ridden process. anggst-ridden thought pr ocess. As As an artist, KKurt urt was willing to bare barre his soul, but not accept the accompanying acccompanying recognition recognition and acclaim. accclaim. Thee final third third of the film focuses focuses on Cobain’s Cobbain’s rrelationship elationship with Courtney Love Lovve and their child, Frances Frances Bean. Scenes Sceenes of the pair in their Los Los Angeles Anggeles apartment show a silly, sillyy, loving loviing interaction interaction between a young, druggy druuggy couple. Perhaps Perhaps the film’s film’s most most revealing revealing moment is when Love considered Lovve admits she consider ed sleeping with with someone else while married married andd that, “My desire desire to cheat on KKurt urt made made him suicidal.” Thee rresult esult was Cobain taking 67 Rohypnols Rohhypnols mixed with champagne in a hotel room room in Rome. At At the time, thee incident was reported as an reported p accident, acccident, but Love Love now confirms Kurt Kurt wass trying to kill himself stating that “there “there was a definite suicidal urge.” urge.” Thee sheer magnitude of source source material, material, research research and stunning visual composition com mposition make a strong strong case ffor or Montage Montage of Heck as the definitive Kurt Kurrt Cobain documentary. documentaryy. It would be hard hard to imagine where where to go from from here. here. Overall, Overall, the film serves serves as a thorough thoorough investigation into the life life of a loving, but tortured tortured man. Kurt Kurt hated hatted being humiliated and wanted nothing notthing more more than an intrinsic role role in a close family. family. That desire desire was held so intently that when cracks i cracks within his own family family began to surface, surface, he became beccame shattered shattered beyond rrepair. epair. (‘Kurt (‘K Kuurt Cobain:: Montage of Heck’ has received reeceeived a limited theatrical release release e worldwide worrldwide and is available on HBO Go andd HBO Now.) Now w..)) (Ben Allen)
Dynamic Duo
KITCHEN K ITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDEN TI A L Hutch H Harris arris and K Kathy ath hy F Foster oster recorded their self self-ti self-titled tiitled LP LP, P, ‘Hutch and K Kathy,’ athy y,,’ before Pop Records. at home, shortly befo ore forming The Thermals and signing to Sub P op R ecords.
The Therm Thermals mals co-founder co-founders rs Hutch and Kathy unplug, K athy un a nplug, get back to t basics BY B Y NICK VER VERONIN ON IN
OST PEOPLE PEOPLE P do their punk band ban nd first and then the mellower project comes proj ect co omes later in life,” Hutch Harris Harrris says, says, recalling a conversation converrsation he recently had about ab bout the natur al order of a typical natural musical career career.. The Cup Cupertino ertino nativ native ve and ffounding ounding memb o er of in ndie-punk trio member indie-punk The Thermals ended u p doing things up the other w ay ar —plaayying in ound— way around—playing the plo dding, sho egazee-y Haelah,, the plodding, shoegaze-y b opping, indie -pop gr o ,U oup rban bopping, indie-pop group, Urban L egends, and the indie -fo -f olk two-piece two-piece Legends, indie-folk Hutch and Kath hy (with h Thermals ccooKathy
ffounder ounder Ka o Kathy ath hy F Foster) oster) b before effo ore turning eeverything verything up to 11. F ortunattelyy— —both ffor o or Harris and Fortunately—both F oster t , as well w ll as fans f th i solitary solit litary Foster, off their self f--titled release—the release e —the South Bay-bred Baay--bred self-titled duo are are revisiting reviisiting the material from from their 14-track 14-tracck 2002 2002 album. Hut tcch and Hutch Kathy was waas issued isssued on vinyl vin nyl y for fo or the first time this April, Ap pril,, and the pair will be be hit ttting the road road this month in support support hitting of the release, releasse, kicking off their tour with a hometown hom metown show this Thursday Thursdaay at Café Caffé Stritch. Strittch. Harris met m F oster, who gr ew up in Foster, grew Sunn nyyvale, shortly shortly after graduating Sunnyvale, fr om high scho sschool. ol. The ayeed from Theyy pla played to gether in n ttwo wo bands—first Haelah together and later U rban L egends. A ttter Urban Legends. Ass the lat latter gr oup b ecame a incr easingly serious group became increasingly serious,, the onsid dered mo ving to San theyy cconsidered moving Francisc o, but b ultimately opted to Francisco, rrelocate elocate to P ortland instead. The y’ve Portland They’ve
ccalled alled the P acific N orth hw west hom me Pacific Northwest home sinc 98. sincee 19 1998. “It w aas just much cheap er,” Har rris was cheaper, Harris sa ayys, rreflecting eflecting on the decision to lea lleave ave says, Silic con o Valley. Valle a ey. “That w aas the main n Silicon was rreason. eason. Even Evveen San JJose ose w aas to o eexpensive. xp x ensivve.” was too N ot long after making the mo ove, Not move, Harris and F oster b egan work on what Foster began would b eccome o Hutch and Kath hy. F illed become Kathy. Filled with rat tttling ttambourines, aambourines, w aveeriing rattling wavering or rggan,, bright steel strings and soul lful organ, soulful harmonic ecorded harmonicaa bridges bridges,, the theyy rrecorded Hut tcch and Kathy themselv ves e , entir e on ely Hutch themselves, entirely vint taage rreel-to-reel eel-to-reel ttape aape machines vintage machines.. He and F oster to ok their time with w Foster took the album,, Harris sa ayys—laayying dow own says—laying down tracks o veer the span of ttwo w wo yyears, eears, fr ffrom om over 20 00 to 20 01. And while “it ffeels eeels lik ke 2000 2001. like fforever oreveer ago o gw writer ago,,” the singer and song songwriter sa ayys b oth h he h and dF oster ar eery pr p oud d says both Foster aree vvery proud of the material to this da ay. “T To us t day. “To us,, that rrecord ecord holds up rreally eally well,, just b ecaause ec because we to ok so much time to get it rig ghtt— —to took right—to get it the w ay we w aanted it.” way wanted Shortly after finishing the rrecord, ecor o d, Shortly the duo to ok their songs on the rroad— oad— took only to quickly rreturn eturn to P ortlan nd Portland
14 9pm
Free Fr ee
HUTCH HUT CH H AND KKATHY ATHY CCafe afe SStritch, tritcch, San Jose caf
29 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
metroactive MUSIC
up on learning that Sub S P op R eecords upon Pop Records w aas inter ested in a pu unk ky demo Harris was interested punky had rrecorded ecorded using a diff ffeerent monik keer: different moniker: The Thermals Thermals.. It w aas a pleasant su urprise, Harris says. saayys. was surprise, He had rrecorded ecorded the songs in the brief span b ettw ween the ccompletion o om mpletion of Hut tch c between Hutch and Kathy and the tou urr. In that shor tour. shortt window he had mana aged to slip a ccopy op py managed to Death C ab F or Cu utie fr ontman Ben Cab For Cutie frontman Gibbar d—an ac quain nttaance he ’d made Gibbard—an acquaintance he’d while pla ayying shows in i and ar ound playing around P ortland. tl d Gibbar Gibb d, in d, in turn, t , had h d passed d Portland. Gibbard, the demo on to his th hen-record label. label. then-record “Sub P op w aas actually actu ually emailing us Pop was while we wer at tour aas weree on tha that tour,, which w was craz zy, y” y” Harris rremembers. ememb bers. “The Thermals crazy, wer en n’t ’ eeven ven e a band yyet. eet. It w as a just some weren’t was rrecordings ecordings I had done e.” done. Harris and F oster hustled h back to Foster P ortland to put a ban nd to getherr. The Portland band together. Thermals would go on o to rrecord ecord six LP s, man ny more more EP s, and a pair of liv ve LPs, many EPs, live albums lb . Their Th i thir hi d rrecord, e ord, ec d The Th Bo B dy, dy albums. third Body, The Blo od, The Machin ne, garner ed critic al Blood, Machine, garnered critical ac claim fr om the lik kes of NPR,, Pitchf fo ork acclaim from likes Pitchfork and The A V Club. Club. AV Harris sa ayys he and dF oster ar happy says Foster aree happy to b evisiting the material m mor bee rrevisiting moree than a dec ade sinc ey fi first laid it down decade sincee the they to ttape. ape. “It t’s quieter; it ’s no ot as manic as those “It’s it’s not early Thermals rrecords, ecords d ,” he sa ayys, noting says, that he ccan aan underst an nd wh hy musicians understand why so ccommonly ommonly l pr rogresss fr ffrom om punk k to progress plucking at ac oustic guit gguitars. taars. “We’ve “W We’vve b een acoustic been doing The Thermals ffor o or 13 or 14 yyears eears now w,” sa ayys Harris o turns 40 this yyear. eearr. now, says Harris,, who “It ’s nic nd do something “It’s nicee to go back an and mellow at this p oint our o lif fe.” point life. But neither Harris osterr, ha ave Harris,, nor F Foster, have an ny plans to hang up their t electric guit taars any guitars or unplug their amps amps.. After the Hutch and Kath hy tour r, Harris Harriis sa ays y there there is Kathy tour, says definitely mor re Thermals Therm mals music to ccome. ome o . more And when it do es, he sa ayys the does, says hometown fans ccan an expect expect to see a lo cal local Thermals show w. show. “W We always alw wayys w ant a to t ccome ome back to “We want San JJose, ose,” he sa ayys, reminiscing rem miniscing ab out says, about p erforming o at variou us South Ba ay performing various Bay vvenues—including eenues—including the th he C araavan v L ounge, Caravan Lounge, L os Gatos Outhouse and a Knights of Los C olumbus Hall in Cu upertino. “The Columbus Cupertino. shows ar wayys go od. W aree alw always good. Wee would ccome ome her veen if we didn n’’t ha ave the heree eeven didn’t have hometown cconnection. onnectio on.” metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
metroactive metr oactivve MUSIC
AGENDA A GENDA LLOUNGE OUNGE Every W Wed, ed, 8pm: Salsa W ednesdays w/ fr ee dance Wednesdays free lessons. Every Thu, 9pm: Banda Night. San Jose. Everyy Sunday: Hip Hip-hop hop & rreggae. eggae. San Jose.
ART AR T BOUTIKI Thu, May 14, 7:30pm: Dahvee Dahveed ed Behr oozi Quartet. Fri, May 15 5, Behroozi 15, 7:30pm: TTwin w win Lakes, The Oddd Army Army.. Sat, May 16, 7:30pm: The Evangenitals, The D T’s, DT’s, Elflock. San Jose.
THE B BACK ACK B BAR AR SOF SOFA A Every W Wed, ed, 9pm: The CCypher, ypher, ffeat. eat. Hip-hop, Jungle, Soul, Reggae, Dubstep, TTrap, rap, Br eakBeat, House and mor e.. BreakBeat, more. San Jose
THE CA CATS ATS Wed,, May 13,, 7pm:: A Wed, Acoustic coustic Madness. Thu,, May 14,, 8pm:: Out of the Blue.. Fri,, May 15,, 8pm: Vinnie Johnson Band.. Sat,, May 16,, 8pm:: Johnny Neri Band.. Every Sun,, 6pm:: Joe Ferrara. Ferrara.. LLos os Gatos.
CITY NATIONAL NA AT TIONAL CIVIC Sat, May 16, 7:30pm: The Piano Guys. San Jose.
DANA D ANA SSTREET TREET CCOFFEE OFFEE Every 2nd Mon, 7pm: Ukulele View.. Jam. Mountain View
FLINT CENTER Sat, May 16, 8pm: P Peninsula eninsula 17, SSymphony. ymphony. Sun, May 17 7, 2:30pm: CCalifornia alifornia YYouth oouth SSymphony. ymphony. Cupertino. Cupertino.
FFOX OX THEATRE THEA AT TRE Fri, May 15, 8pm:: In My Life Life (A Beatles Tribute). Trribute). ribute) Redwood City City. y.
Every W Wed: ed: DJ 512. Every Thu Thu: u: DJ Nico & Neeber. Neeber. Every Fri: DJ Benofficial & Clay Clay.. Every Sat: DJ Ready Rock. Rock San Jose. Josee. e
CARDIFF LLOUNGE OUNGE Every TTues, uues,, 10pm: Resident DJ Gabriel Black pr esents Beat presents CCulture. ulture. Every Wed, Wed, 10pm: Rubber Soul w/ W en Davis, Wen Nappy y, CCutso, utso, and Golden Childd Nappy, (Hip-Hop). Every Thu, 10pm: Roger Mor ehouse Pr esents Morehouse Presents Foxy Thursdays. Campbell Campbell
CHARLEY'S CHARLE Y'S LLGG Everyy W Wed, ed,, 10pm: p Wi3r Wi3rdd W ednesdays. Every Thu, 7pm m: Wednesdays. 7pm: Speakeasy Saloon w/ live Country music. LLos os Gatos.
C&J’S SPOR SPORTS TS B BAR AR Every Thu, 10pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Every Fri & Sat: Live Music orr DJ a. DJ.. Santa Clar Clara.
Every Thu: No Cover night. Saturday Every Sat: Satur day Nite Live Show.. Cupertino. Music Show Cupertino.
WOODHAMS W OODHAMS LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri: Live music. Santa Clar Clara. a.
Jazz/Blues/ W oorld World AGAVE A GA AVE V
Every Sun, 6pm: Irish Music. Sunnyvale.
Fri-Sat:: Live Music. Santa Clara. Clara.
Every W Wed ed and Sun, 10pm: KKaraoke araoke with DJ Hank. Fri, May 8, Superbad. Sat, May 9, DJ Thomas. Every Mon: In House Darts/Foosball. Everyy TTue: uue: Pubstumpers TTrivia. rivia. r
DJ’s Friday Friday, y, & Satur Saturday day night. San Jose.
Every Thu: Banda La Unica. Every Fri, 6:30pm: Mariachi Mariachismo. San Jose
Fri, May 15, 9:30pm: Dope Collective, SSweet weet Hayah, Solganix. Sat, May 16, 9:30pm: Peter P eter Brown Brown Memorial Concert. Every Sun, 8pm: Acoustic A coustic Jam. TTue, uue, May 19, 8pm: Aki KKumar’s umar ’s Band. Every Fremont. Thurs: DJ Mist. Fr emont.
NORMANDY HOUSE NORMANDY LLOUNGE OUNGE Every Thu, 9:30pm: DJ night Vex. w/ DJ BenOfficial & DJ V ex. Every Fri and Sun, 9:30pm: NoWrath. KKaraoke araoke w/ DJ NoW rath. Santa Clara. Clara.
Every W Wed, ed, 8pm:: Salsa.. Every Thu,, 9pm:: Banda Night.. San Jose.
ANGELICA’S ANGELICA ’S BISTRO BISTRO Every TTue: uue: Jazz TTuesdays. uuesdays. Thu, May 14,, 7:30pm: Remy Felch. Fri, May 15,, 6:30pm:: Hiram Hiram KKaailau aailau Bell. 8:30pm:: Dee Dee Simon sings Whitney Houston. 17, Peter Daldry. S t, May Sat, M 17 7, 6pm: 6 Peter t Daldry D ld y. 8:30pm: The Nancy Gilliland City. TTrio. rrio.. Redwood City y.
BLUE BL UE NO NOTE TE LLOUNGE OUNGE Every TTue, uue, 7:30pm: YYoshi ooshi Senzaki Band. Every Sun: Jazz or Blues. Milpitas.
Every Fri: Blue Rock Showcase. Every Sat: Live Featured Show.. Every Sun: Featur ed Show Saratoga. Jazz & Blues Jam. Jam Sar atoga atoga.
Every W Wed: ed:: JJ.C. .C.. Smith Jam. ThuSat: Live Music. LLos os Gatos.
THE QU QUARTER ARTER NO NOTE TE Every Mon, W Wed ed & Thu: Pr Proo Jam. Sunnyvale.
RED R ROCK OCK CCOFFEE OFFEE Sat, May 16, 8pm: JJ.. Leigh SStone. tone. Mountain View View..
SAN PEDR SAN PEDRO O SQU SQUARE ARE MARKET Thu, May 14, 7pm: Jer Jerry ry Saucedo Duo. Fri, May 15, Pamela 7pm: P amela Rose & Wayne Wayne de la Cruz. Sat, May 16, 7pm: KKaye aye Bohler Band. San Jose.
SSAP AP CENTER Mon/TTuue, May 18/19, Mon/Tue, 7:30pm: U2. San Jose
Every W Wed: ed: W Wax ax W WednesdayednesdayAll Vinyl DJ Set. Thu, May 14, 9pm: Hutch & KKathy, athyy, Allie Goertz, Goert z, Survival Survival Guide. Sat, Marcus May 9, 8pm: Mar cus Shelby Residency.. Every Sun, 7pm: Residency Eulipions Jazz Jam Session Peppe Merolla. w/ P eppe Mer olla. San Jose.
CAFFE FRA FRASCATI SCA AT TI Fri, May 15, Fri 15, 8pm:: Scott Siskund. Siskund Sat,, May 16,, 8pm: TTwin win Lakes. w Operaa Night.. First First Fri,, 8pm:: Oper Sat,, 8pm:: KKavanaugh avanaugh Brothers Brothers Celtic Cel tic Experience.. San Jose.
CASCAL CA SCAL Every Fri & Sat: Live Music. Mountain View View..
31 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
Rock/Pop/ Rock/Pop/ Hip-Hop
More More listings:
metroactive metr oactivve MUSIC metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
31 CLUB CL UB FOX FOX Every W Wed: ed: Club Fox Blues Jam. Fri, May 15, 8pm: Or Orqq TTaino. aaino. Redwood City City..
DANA D ANA SSTREET TREET COFFEE COFFEE Every 2nd Mon, 7pm: Ukulel Ukulele le Jam. Mountain View View..
WEDNESDAY 5/13 | 9:00 pm Wax Wednesdays: All Vinyl Dj Night Garage | Psych | Soul | Jazz | Indie THURSDAY 5/14 | 9pm Hutch & Kathy, Allie Goertz, Survival Guide (Indie) FRIDAY 5/15 | 9pm TBA SATURDAY 5/16 | 7pm Lecture | 8:30pm Music Marcus Shelby Residency: Bessie Smith (Jazz) SUNDAY 5/17 | 7pm-11pm The Eulipions Jazz Jam Session 374 South First Street | San Jose |
HEDLEY HEDLE Y CL CLUB UB A AT T HO TEL DE ANZA HOTEL Every 1st and 3r 3rdd W Wed: ed: Jazzz Jam. San Jose.
HUKILAU HUKILA U Fri-Sat, 8pm: Hawaiian mus music. sic. San Jose.
JJ.J.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S .J.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BL BLUES UES CAFE Blues and Jazz every night. CCall all ffor or inf o. San Jose. info.
Thu 5/14
Vip Night & Thirsty Thursdays
Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;FLAHERTYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;FLAHER TYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
Fri 5/15
Every TTue, ue, u 7:30pm: Irish music. Fourth Sat, 10pm: South American Hits. View.. Mountain View
TRAIL DUS DUST T BBQ Fri, 6-9pm: 6-9pm: Live blues, rroots oots Morgan and Americana. Mor gan Hill.
Wed, May 13, 7pm: Scott Wed, Goldber g. Every Thu:: Akiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Goldberg. Blues Jam. Fri, May 15, 8pm: Ryan & Cece. Sat, May 16, 8p pm: 8pm: Little Jonny & the Giants. Su un, Sun, May 17 7, 3pm: Little LLouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jaz zz 17, Jazz Band. San Jose
Fri-Sat, 66-9pm: 9pm: Jazz ffor or dinner.. San Jose. dinner
DJ night with $penmoney
LITTLE LLOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BBQ
Game Night... beer pong, video games, pool and also Our New weekly party, Touch Base
Sun 5/17 Mon 5/18 Tue 5/19
SMOKING PIG BBQ Fri, May 15,, 8:30pm: Lucky Lucky LLosers osers w/ Kathy Kathy Lemons & Berkowitz. Phil Berkowit z. Sat,, May 16, 8:30pm: TTerrie eerrie Odabi.. Fremont. Fremont.
Every Sun: Irish Music. Sunnyvale.
LILLY LILL Y MACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
Every W Wed, ed Fri, ed, Fri and Sat, Sat 5pm 5pm: m: Belly dancing. Every TTue, uue, 4pm: Live Jazz Music w/ Johnny Williams. Every Thu:: Live A coustic Guitar Music. Acoustic Mountain View View..
Sat 5/16
Sat, May 16, 8pm: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. San Jose.
Every 2nd and 4th Thu, 77-9pm: -9pm: Balistreri. Don Balistr eri.. Every Sat, Everyy 77-9:30pm: -9:30pm: p Live jazz. j 3rdd Sat, 9pm: Randy 1st and 3r Whiting and â&#x20AC;&#x153;@Jazz.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? San Jose.
MOROCCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOR OCCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
Wed 5/13
Thu,, 9pm:: Live Music.. Sun,, 5p 5pm: m: Reggae music. Tue, Tuue, 6:30pm:: Live L Irish Rock. San Jose.
POOR HOUSE BIS BISTRO TRO Every W Wed: ed: Blues & Br Brews ews w/ w Sid Mor ris & Kyle Kyle Jester. Jester. Th u, Morris Thu, May 14, 6pm: Mike Osborn is Band. Fri, May 15, 6pm: Den Denis Jones Band. Sat, May 16, 6pm: Jeffr ey Half ord & the Jeffrey Halford Healers. Sun, May 17 7, 2pm: 17, Andr ry & ZZydeco ydeco Ban nd. Andree Thier Thierry Band. San Jose.
More listings: More
Open p Mic/ d CComedy omedy ANGELICAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ANGELICA â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BIS BISTRO TRO Every TTue: uue: Open Mic Tuesdays. Tuuesdays. Redwood City. City.
ART AR T BOUTIKI Thu, Mar 5, 6pm: Open Mic. San Jose.
BAMBOO B AMBOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Mon, 7pm: Musical open mic ffor or singer/songwriters. Sign Free. up at 7pm. Fr ee. San Jose.
BLUE BL UE R ROCK OCK SHOO SHOOT T Thu, 7pm: Musical open mic. San Jose.
CAFFE FRA FRASCATI SCA AT TI Every Mon, 8pm: CommediaMic ffor O Open Mi or Comedy. C Comedy d . Tue, Tue, u 7pm: Open mic. San Jose.
Sat, May 9, 7pm: Spark and Whisper.. LLos Whisper os Gatos.
Fri, 9pm, Sat, 7pm and 9:15pm: Sportz. Comedy Sport z. San Jose.
C&W/Folk C&W W//FFoolk
DANA D ANA SSTREET TREET CCOFFEE OFFEE Every 2nd Mon, 7pm: Ukulele Jam. Mountain View. View.
CHARLEY'S CHARLE Y'S LLGG Every Thu, 7pm: Speakeasy Saloon w/ live Country music. Every TTue, ue, u 7pm: TTuesday uesday u Bluesday w/ live Blues music. LLos os Gatos.
MIS MISSION SION PIZZA Thu/Fri, May 14/15, 7pm: Mill Creek Cr eek Ramblers. Sat, May 16, Fremont. 7pm: Footprint. Fr emont.
ORCHARD OR CHARD V VALLEY ALLEY CCOFFEE OFFEE Every Thu: A Acoustics coustics Music Nights. Every Fri & Sat: Acoustics/Bands A coustics/Bands Music Nights. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, W ed, 9pm: Comedy Caravan. Caravan.
THE CA CATS ATS Every TTue: uue: Funny Farm hosted Escobar.. by Butch Escobar
CITY EESPRESSO SPRESSO Fri, 7pm: Open mic. San Jose.
CITY NA NATIONAL AT TIONAL CIVIC Sat, Apr 18, 7:30pm: Hil Hil Hilarious. San Jose
IMPROV IMPR OV Wed,, May 13,, 8pm:: Ladies LLove Wed, ove Improv. the Impr ovv. Thu,, May 14,, 8pm: Branded Funny. Br anded Funny y. Fri/Sun,, May 15-17, 15-17 17, various times:: Lil Duval. Sat/Sun,, May 16/17, 16/177, 1/3pm: Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Show. Childr enâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Show w. Sun,, May 10, 7pm:: Nurses Night Out.. San Jose.
LIQUID Wed, 9pm: Poetic Wed, Poetic Justice Open Mic. San Jose.
Every Sun: Jam Session. Every Wed: W ed: Marty and Annika. Every Pete Weston Thu: P ete W eston
Every W Wed, ed, 7:30pm: Country Wednesday. Get Down W ednesday. Every Att The Thu, 7:30: Swinginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Swinginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; A Rack Dance Lessons. Every Fri, 9pm: Country Get Down Friday.. Fr Fremont. Friday emont.
Wed, May 13, 6pm: Dark Wed, Hollow uue, May 19, 6pm: Hollow.. TTue, CCabin abin Fever Fever.. San Jose.
Every 1st Sun: Doug Youngâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Youngâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s o Acoustic A coustic Guitar Night. $10. LLos os Gatos.
Sun, 9:30pm:: Comedy. Comedyy. San Jose. Mon, 7pm: Open mic. Fr Free. ee. D Downtown t SSan JJose.
POOR HOUSE BIS BISTRO TRO TTue, uue, 6pm: Open mic. San Jose.
QUARTER QU ARTER NO NOTE TE Mon: Comedy. Comedyy. No cover cover.. Sunnyvale.
33 MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
KEITH ALBERSTADT: ALBERSTADT: T The stand-up comedian is at R Rooster ooster T T.. F Feathers eathe ers from Thu-Sun. Mon, 7pm: CCavin avin and King’s View.. Open Mic. Mountain View
BENNIGAN’S GRILL Sat, 9pm: KKaraoke araoke evenings. Clara. Santa Clar a.
Thu-Sun, May 77-May -May 10, Alberstadt. various times: KKeith eith Albersta adt. Wed, Every W ed, 8pm: New TTalent aalent Showcase. Sunnyvale.
WOODHAMS W OODHAMS LLOUNGE OUNGE Mon: Comedy open mic with Pete Clara. P ete Munoz. Santa Clar a.
WORKS/SAN W ORKS/SAN JOSE 2nd Thu, 7pm: W Words ords Dr Drawing awing Music. San Jose.
Karaoke Kar aoke 7B BAMBOO AMBOO Wed-Sat, 9pm: KKaraoke. Wed-Sat, araoke. TTue, uue, 9pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. San Jose.
7 SSTARS TARS B BAR AR & GRILL Fri-Sat, 8pm:: Karaoke. Karaoke. San Jose. Josee.
ALEX’S ALEX ’S 49ER 49ER INN Nightlyy, 9pmNightly, 9pm-2am: 2am: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
APPARITION APP ARITION Every 2nd Thu: Gothic, karaoke. Lidoo, industrial kar aoke. Club Lido, San Jose.
THE B BACK ACK B BAR AR TTue uue thru Sat:: Karaoke. Karaoke. San Jose. Jose.
THE BEAR BEARSS Fri, 9pm: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
THE CARA CARAVAN AVAN Mon, 10pm: Mandatory Monday KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
TTue: uue: KKaraoke. araoke. LLos os Gatos.
Fri, 9pm: KKaraoke araoke Friday Nights. Santa Clara. Clara.
Thu, 9pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Clara. Santa Clar a.
Fri: KKaraoke araoke Fridays. Sunnyvale.
Mon, Thu & Sat, 9pm-Close: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
TTue, uue, 7pm: KKaraoke araoke w/ SSteve teve TTiger. iger. CCupertino. upertino.
BOGART’S BOGAR T’S LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, Fri & Sun, 9pmWed, 9pm-1am: 1am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale.
DASILVA’S D ASILVA’SS BR BRONCOS ONCOS Wed: KKaraoke. Wed: araoke. Thu, 9pm9pm-1am: 1am: Clara. KKaraoke. araoke. Santa Clar a.
Wed, W ed,, 10pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. San Jose.
Thu: KKaraoke. araoke. LLos os Gatos.
BRANHAM LLOUNGE OUNGE TTue: uue: KKaraoke araoke with Medik & Sean Blak. San Jose.
Wed-Sat & TTue, Wed-Sat uue, 9pm9pm-2am, 2am, & last Sun of every month, 22-7pm: -7pm: 7 B&S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed and Sun,, 10pm: Wed p KKaraoke araoke w/ DJ Hank. San Jose.
Thu, 8pm: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
Sun--Tuue, 10pm: KKaraoke. Sun-Tue, araoke. CCupertino. upertino.
Sun, 7pm-close: Uncle Dougie Show.. P Palo Alto. Show alo Al to.
Fri & Sat: KKaraoke araoke night. San CCarlos. arlos.
Thu, 9pm: KKaraoke. araoke. View.. Mountain View
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metroactive metr oactivve MUSIC
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METROACTIVE.COM METR OACTIVE.COM metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
WILLOW WILL OW DEN: DEN: Drin Drinks, nkss, karaoke, karaoke dancing and mor more re at The W Willow illow i Den Den.
GALAXY Thu, 9pm9pm-2am: 2am: August. Milpitas.
Thu, 9pm: DJ Davey K. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, W ed, 9pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
KING OF CL CLUBS UBS Thu & Sun-Mon, 8:30pm: Bruce of KKOR OR Karaoke. Karaoke. Mountain View View..
Wed, W ed, 7pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
THE GOOSET GOOSETOWN OWN LLOUNGE OUNGGE Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Glen.
THE HUDDLE Wed--TThu and Sun, 9pm: Wi Wed-Thu Wild ld Nights Karaoke. Karaoke. Fr emont. Fremont.
ISLAND CAFE & B BAR AR Fri-Sat, 9pm: KKaraoke. araoke. S Sunnyvale. l
Thu, 9pm. Mountain View View....
M 9pm: Mon, 9 Karaoke. Karaoke. k San S Jose. J
Thu: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale.
Wed & Sun, 7pm-close: Wed KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
TTue: ue: u KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
Thu, 8pm: Chris. Santa Clar Clara. a.
TTue, uue, 8:30pm: A Acoustic coustic kar aoke with Sam Marshall. karaoke Woodside. W oodside.
Sat: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed,, 9:30pm: Wildside.. No cover Wed, cover.. Sun,, 9pm:: Joe.. Santa Clara. Clara.
Sun: KKaraoke araoke ffor or the Indust Industry. ry. No cover cover.. San Jose.
Fri-Sat, 9:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Santa Clar a. Clara.
Sun, 10am: Psycho Karaoke. Karaoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed and Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: Wed Doug. Sunnyvale.
TTue: uue: Karaoke. Karaoke. Sunnyvale.
Wed & Sun, 9:30pmWed 9:30pm-1:30am: 1:30am m: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
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Sun,Mon,Tues & Weds 6pm till 2am. Thurs 1pm till 2am. Fri & Sat. 1pm till 3am 328 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose PINKPOODLE COM s 18yrs.+ w/ID
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
-4 # "*5 *+ "/4 *+ -/''7 /!4 Ä * --
metroactive metr oactivve MUSIC metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
34 RED SSTAG TAG LLOUNGE OUNGE Nightly kar karaoke, aoke, 9pm9pm-1:30am. 1:30aam. San Jose.
BAMBOO B AMBOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sat: DJ or Live info. Entertainment. CCall all ffor or inf o. San Jose.
Thu-Sat,, 9pm:: DJ CCurtis. urtis.. San Jos Jose. se.
Every Thu, 8pm: A Atomic tomic Dance Club. $5. San Jose.
TTue, uue, 7pm: Live Band KKaroake. aroakee. San Jose
SHERWOOD SHER WOOD INN Thu-Sun, 8:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
SOUTH FIR FIRST ST BILLIARDSS Sun: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
SSTATION TAT TION 55 Thu: JR. Sun: JR Diaz Familyy KKaraoke. araoke. TTue: uue: James. Gilr Gilroy. oyy.
THREE FLAME FLAMESS RE STAURANT RESTAURANT Every Mon, W Wed, ed, Sun, 8pm to closing: KKaraoke. araoke. Every TTue uue and Thu, 9pm to closing g: closing: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
SAN PEDR SAN PEDRO O SQU SQUARE ARE MARKET Every Thu, 7:30pm7:30pm-9:30pm: 9:30pm:: KKaraoke araoke Club. San Jose.
WILLOW WILL OW DEN Every W Wed ed at 9:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Glen.
Nightlyy, 7pm: DJ and dancing. Nightly, CCupertino. upertino upertino.
BRANHAM LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed:: Almaden Valley Wed: Valley Beer P Pong ong ONEmanARMY. with DJ ONEmanARMY Y. Thu: Vintage (80s,, 90s,, Pop, Pop,, Rock, Q.. Fri: Hip Hop) with DJ David Q Control DLuzion. Quality Contr ol with DJ DL uzion. Sat:: LLounge ounge Life Life with DJ Krucial NESSrock. and DJ NESSr ock.. San Jose.
TTue-Thu uue--TThu & Sat: KKaraoke. araoke.
Dancee Clubs Danc Clubs
LLOFT OFT B BAR AR AND BIS BISTRO TRO Fri:: LLoft oft Fridays w/ DJ Exr Exrated, ated, J-Quest.. Sat: The Upstairs P Party arty RQ,, DJ w/ DJ Howhigh,, DJ RQ Sequence, q , DJ Christylz. y . San Jose.
MOTIF MO TIF Every 4th Sat: Thrive. Sun: Members Only. Onlyy. San Jose.
MYTH T TAVERNA AV VERNA LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 9pm:: Ther Therapy apy Thursday. Thursdayy. Fri, 9pm:: Soul Therapy. Therapyy. San Jose.
Sat, May 16, 10pm: DJ Spider. Spider. Sunnyvale.
Wed: DJ 512. Thu: DJ Nico & Wed: Neeber Benofficial Neeber.. Fri: DJ Benofficial. Sat: DJ Ready Rock. San Jose.
CARDIFF LLOUNGE OUNGE Every 2nd and 4th Sun: Return of the Boom Zap, underground electronic under ground electr onic music. Campbell. Campbell.
Every W Wed: ed: Wingy Wednesdays. W ednesdays. Every Thu: TTanked anked a Thursdays w/V w/VJ VJ DVS Dave. Every Fri: VJ VJ One. 2nd Saturdays, and 4th Satur days, 10pm: Dluzion. San Jose.
Wed: EDM Music. Fri-Sat, Wed: (follows 10pm: DJ (f ollows live music). os Gatos. LLos
Thu, 10:30pm: Reggae Thursdays. Fri: DJ TTony. oony. Sun, 11:30am: Bottomless Mimosa. Mountain View View..
Fri & Sat: Dance Club events. San Jose.
DIVE B BAR AR Thu-Sat, 10:30pm: Rotating Guest DJs.
More listings: More
Fri,, May 15,, 10pm: SStrobe trobe ft. DJs Patrix, LLuxe, uxe, P atrix,, Method,, Bandit. Sat,, May 16,, 10pm:: DJs Donnie D, Ejizel.. San Jose.
Fri-Sat, 8pm: Old School Dance P artyy. San Jose. Party.
Fri, 9pm9pm-1:30am: 1:30am: DJ JR. Sat, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm1:30am: DJ John Rola. San Jose.
Wed, 9pm: Wine W Wed, Wednesdays. ednesdays. Thu: Liquid Thursdays, with guest DJs spinning hip-hop, TTop op o 40 and R&B. Fri, 9pm: Flashback Fridays. $10. Mon: Industry. Industry y. San Jose.
Every Thu: Everybody Get Get’s ’s Lei’d with DJ Aspect. Aspect. Every Sat: Satur day Cooldown with DJSaturday LLuzion, uzion, Ill traxx, WreckaNoize WreckaNoize & Illtraxx, HiGr ade. Every Tues: Tues: u : TTWOSdays. WOSdays. HiGrade. San Jose.
JOHNNY V’S AGENDA A GENDA Wed: Salsa W Wed: Wednesdays. ednesdays. Th Thu: u: Shakalosos Banda Nights. Vybez. Jose Sun: Reggae V ybez. San Jos se
AJ’S B BAR AR DJs and dancing every nigh night. t. Mon-Sat, 6pm6pm-1am; 1am; Sun, 8pm-12:30am. 8pm12:30am. San Jose
APPARITION APP ARITION Thu, 9pm: $5. Club Lido, San Jose.
Mon: ReToxx. ReTTooxx. TTue: uue: TTrap rap Shop. W ed: Hip-Hop/ TTop oop 40. Thu/ Wed: Fri/Sat: 70s, 80s, 90s Funk, House. Sun: Slow Jams, KKaroake aroake Dance Party. Party. San Jose.
KATIE KA AT TIE BL BLOOM’S OOM’S Thu-Sat, 9:30pm: DJs and dancing. CCampbell. ampbell.
LIQUID Fri:: DJs & dancing.. Every 2nd Sat: Girls & Champagne.. San Jose.
WILLOW WILL OW DEN Every W Wed: ed: KKaraoke araoke at 9:30 p.m.;; Every Thu: $2 Drink p.m. Night; Every Fri/Sat: DJs ffeaturing eaturing a variety of TTop oop 40, Hip Hop, EDM; Every Sun: Service Ser vice Industry Night (1/2 drinkss w/industry car card). off drink d). Willow Glen.
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
A LLT TERNA AT TIVE MEDICINE metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
A LLT TERNA AT TIVE MEDICINE metr | | metr | M MAY AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015
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““Audible” Audible” is an audiob ook pr oducer; it audiobook producer; shouldn’t describee yyour girlfriend’ss but butt. shouldn n’t ’t describ our girlfriend ggirlfriend’ ttt. Okay, grew military Ok kay, so she gr ew up in n a milit taarry family—the trying family y—the — lone sister tr ying to fit in with the “band of br brothers. (Semper fffffffffft!) others.” (S emper ff ffff ffff ff ffff ff ffff ff fftt!) ff But that w was this now. as a then, and th his is now w. These days, spots lady da ays y , if she sp ots some lad dy with 11 items in lane, the “10 items or less” lane e, I’m guessing she doesn’t order do esn n’’t whip out the sat phone p to or rd der drone strike woman’s a dr ro one strik ke on the wom man n’s minivan. Likewise, aren’t unreasonable Lik kewise, you yo ou ar en n’t ’ unr e easonable in asking her to rrespect difference espect the diff d ffeerence between free too-free b ettw ween fr ee eexpression xpr x reession and a to o-fr free eexpression. xpr x ession. ((Your Your o rrole o ole in the t rrelationship elationship shouldn’t bee “C “Courage Under Fire. ”) shouldn n’’t b ourage U n F nder irre.”) view being gross Some ccouples ouples do vie ew b eing gr oss in front endurancee test fr ro ont of each other as an enduranc love—a sortt of “Sur “Survivor: Baño”—as ffor o or lo ove—a sor viivvo or: El Baño ”—as they’ve special if the eyy’ve got something so s sp ecial that transcends beloved it transc cends e their seeingg their b elo oved straining on the thr throne. sure, one. And, A sur e, if yyou o ou love they don’t lo ve someone and the ey get g sick, yyou ou don n’’t loving because stop lo ovving them b ecausee yyou’re o ou’rre holding their hair back while the they’re eyy’rre p pukingg their is, it’s hard guts out. But the rreality ealitty is s, it ’s har rd enough keep sexy alivee o over to k eep e the se exy aliv ver e time when make effort. Ass ffor yyou ou rreally eally mak ke an eff ffo ort. tA or yyour o our girlfriend’ss insistenc insistencee on cr girlfriend’ ccrop-dusting op-dusting her
way across the bedroom, way way acr oss th he b edroom, w ay to clear a room, lady—of sexual attraction. room, om lady y—of all se exual x at tttraction. traction Explain to o yyour our girlfriend that of course there’ll bee the o occasional accidental course ther e’ll b ccasional a ac cidental toot class.. ((To toot in yyoga oga class To air is human!) But lo love involves treating ve in nvolv o vees tr eating someone as if they matter. Even theey mat ttterr. Ev en when yyou o ou think their concerns are “weird. (Crazy concceerns ar re “weir d.” (Craz zy that yyou ou don’t don n’’t find it the height of ffemininity emininit e ty when yyour sexytime our girlfriend g interrupts se exyytime with “C “Come myy finger finger!”) ome on, pull m !”) Tell that hurt T ell e her th hat yyou’re o ou’rre hur rt that yyour o our feelings don’t feeelings don n’’tt seem to mean enough ffor o or her to cur curtail behavior taiil her b ehaavvior in the most minor w way—the way surely ay—the — w ay that she sur ely does parties around does at ccocktail ockttail a par ties and ar round o her patients. (Please patients. (Ple ease tell me that as some tearful about tearrfful guy tells t her ab out his traumatic childhood, she isn’t childhood, sh he isn n’t ’ lifting a leg and letting “Wow, letttting one rip: r “W Wo ow w, those nightshade vegetables don’t agree vegettables a rreally e eally don n’’t agr ee with me!”) keeps keeping givee some If she k eep e ps on k eeping e on, giv thought to whether she’s loving w she ’s lo ovving enough for seeing. fo or yyou ou to ccontinue o ontinue seeing g. When yyou ou have girlfriend haave a girlfri iend who blows yyou ou aaway, way, it should pr probably bee with her kindness kindness,, rob o ably b intelligence, beauty—and intelligence, and b eautty— —and not the chimichangas chimichangaas she had ffor or lunch. o
I’’d really like the guy I’m I’d I dating to compliment me more. m I know he’s he’s superattracted to me, but he’s he’s not very complimentary, complimentary y, and an nd it makes me feel that comp he doesn’t doesn’t think I’m pretty. p pretty y. How How do I get him to compliment pliment me without the I look hot?”—Insecure awkward, “Don’t “Don’t you think t Unfortunately, tend poorly Un nffor o tunatelyy, men ten nd to do p oorly at hint hint-taking. So,, no no,, yyou stand t-t -taakingg. So o ou ccan’t an an’t ’t just st tand a next new neexxt to the kitchen ttable able a in i yyour o our cute ne ew skirt laying Doritos shapee skirrt after la ayying out Dori itos in the shap of a question mark. But b because eccause a male sexuality it’s seexualit x ty is visual, it t’s ccomforting o omf mffo orrtting to know that yyour boyfriend’s looking across party o our b oyyfriend’s lo king acr oss a par rty ok at yyou want o ou and thinking “I w aant yyou” o ou” and not “I w want move over aant yyou o ou to mo ove o verr so I ccan an see that hot woman b behind ehind yyou. o ou.” And it turns out that ccomplimenting o omplimenting yyou o ou is actually good too. Research good ffor o or him, to o. R eesearch c on gratitude by psychologist Algoee suggests that by ps sycchologist Sara Algo the sto stock-taking goes person’s ck k-t -taking a that go ess into a p erson n’s expressing appreciation partner exxprressing e appr reeciation ffor o their par or tner works as a sor sortt of emotion emotional Post-it note,, nal P ostt-it - note reminding they have reminding them of how go ggood od the ey ha ave it. And the appr appreciation itself leave eciation itsel lf tends to lea ave
both partners more bonded both par tnerrs ffeeling eeeling mor re b onded and satisfied with h the rrelationship. elationship. Instead off fishing for in fo or a compliment compliment o the moment—yicky momentt—yyick ky and humiliating— take tak ke advantage advantage a of how men like lik ke to know they’re theeyy’re making makiing their woman happy happy and tell him (and d remind remind him, if necessary) necessarry) y that you you love love hearing it when he thinks you you look look good. good. But you you might also recognize omplimenting recognize that th hat he’s he’s been been ccomplimenting you, you, just nott in a chatty chattty way. way. (As (As you you noted, “I know to kno ow he’s he’s super-attracted superr--atttracted t me. me.””)) And sure, su ure, there there are are men out there there who’d who’d be be farr more more naturally verbal verbal about about their feelings—men feeelingss—men who haven’t haaveen n’t ’ exactly exactly x walked walk a ked e a mile mille in your your o stilettos stilettttos but have haave a pair that looks lo ooks a lot like lik ke them in size 14 extra-extra-wide. exxtra-exxtra-w wide.
©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights r reserved. Got a problem? W Write rite Amy Alkon, 380 SS.. First St., San Jose Jose, e, CA 95113, or email adviceamy@
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My girlfriend of a yearr is 51 and lovely in most areas— areas—except —except one: She often recently audibly. passes gas and recent ly started belching audibly y. She e is a psychotherapist, However, grew dresses nicely and hass a great figure. H oweverr, she gr rew up in a maledominated, military home. “weird”” an and sensitive”” to be h She thinks I’m “weird nd ““overly overly o sensitive behaviors, like “feminine”” disturbed by these beh haviorss, but I, like most men, lik ke the whole “feminine thing. I now feel less attracted her, a to her r, and our sex life e has diminished some way.—Bummed somewhat. I wonder whether w I’m being tested in som me way y.—Bummed .
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Thee following following pe person(s) erson(s) is (are) (are) doing business siness as: Lotus Lottus Spa, 74 74 S. 1st S Street, treet, San Jose, CA, CA, 95113, 95113, TDN N, LL LCC, 916 916 Stone Stone Glen TDNN, LLC, Ct., San Jose, CA, CA, A 95122. 95122. This business iss conducted by by a limited liability company. compannyy. Above Above entity was formed in the state of CCalifornia R egistrant bega an tr ansacting business Registrant began transacting under the fictitio ous business name or fictitious names listed he erein on 4/20/15. 4/20/15. herein R efile fil off pr eviou i us file fil number b #601348 #601348 with ih Refile previous changes /s/Giao /s/Giao X. Nguyen Nguyen CEO #201508040190 #20150804 40190 This statement was w filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara C a County on 4/20/201 Clar 5. 4/20/2015. (pub Metro Metro 5/1 3, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/0 3/2015) 5/13, 6/03/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSI U NESS NAME STATEMENT STATTEM MENT #604636 The following following person(s) p is (are) (are) doing business as: Tuba’ Tuuba’ss,, 1979 1979 Harris Ave., Ave., Apt #2, San Jose, CA, CA, A 95124, 95124, Fatima Fatima Farid. Farid. This business iss conducted by by a individual individual. R egistrant has not yet yet begun tr ansacting Registrant transacting business underr the fictitious business name or namess listed herein herein on. /s/F atima Farid Faridd /s/Fatima This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara CClara County on 5/07/2015. 5/07/2015. (pub Metro Metro 5/13, 5/113, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/03/2015) 6/03/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSI U NESS NAME SSTATEMENT TATTEM MENT #604687 The follo following wing person(s) p is (are) (are) doing business as: MK MK TTransport, ranspor p t,, 311 33114 4R Rasmus asmus Circle, Cir cle, San Jose, Josee, CA, CA, 95148, 95148, David Nguyen. Nguyen. This business iss conducted by by a individual. Registrant R egistrant has not yet yet begun tr transacting ansacting business underr the fictitious business name or namess listed herein. herein. /s/David Nguyen Nguyen e This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa CClara Clara County on 5/08/2015. 5/08/2015. Metroo 5/13, 6/03/2015) (pub Metr 5/113, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/0 3/2015)
SSTATEMENT TATEMENT T OF A ABANDONMENT BANDONMENT OFF USE OF FICTITIOUS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS BUSINESS NAM ME NAME #603996 # 603996 Thhe follo The following wing person(s) / entity (ies) has has / have h e abandoned the use of the fictitious hav fictitioous bu usiness name(s): Lotus Lotus Spa, 74 74 s. 1st business S t eet, San Jose, CA tr CA 95113, 95113, Giao X Nguyen, Nguyyen, Street, 91 16 Stone Stone Glen Court, Court, San Jose, CA, CA, 95122. 95122. 916 Fil led in Santa Clar 2/11/20115 Filed Claraa County on 2/11/2015 un nder file #601348 #601348 This business was under co onducted by by an gener al par tnership conducted general partnership /s s/Giao X. Nguyen Nguyen /s/Giao Th his statement was filed with the County Countty This Cl lerk of Santa Clara Clara County on 4/20/2015. 4/20/20 015. Clerk (p pub Metr 3, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/0 3/20115) (pub Metroo 5/1 5/13, 6/03/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME NA AME STATEMENT STATTEMENT #604656 Thhe follo The following wing person(s) is (are) (are) doing business bu usiness as: W Wonderful onderful Life Real Real Estate,, 903 90 03 Lanewood Dr., Dr., San Jose, CA. CA. 95125, 95125, Joseph Jo oseph Messineo. Messineo. This Th his business is conducted by by an individ individual. dual. R e ant began tr egistr ansacting business Registrant transacting un nder the fictitious business name or under na ames listed her ein. names herein. R e of previous efile previous file #56 1826 with Refile #561826 ch hanges /s/Joe Messineo changes Th his statement was filed with the County Countty This Cl lerk of Santa Clara Clara County on 5/07/2015. 5/07/20 015. Clerk (p pub Metr 3, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/0 3/20115) (pub Metroo 5/1 5/13, 6/03/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME NA AME SSTATEMENT TATTEMENT #604575 # 604575 Thhe following The following person(s) is (are) (are) doing business bu usiness as: Curbside Cuisine, 1660 1660 Triton Trritton Ct., Ct t., Santa Clara, Clara, CA, CA, 95050, 95050, CChung hung Hsiao Fu. Fu. This Th his business is conducted by by a individu individual. ual. Registrant R e ant has not yet egistr yet begun tr transacting ansacting business bu usiness under the fictitious business nname orr names listed her herein. ein. /s/Chung /s s/Chung Hsiao Fu Fu This Th his statement was filed with the County Countty Clerk Cl lerk of Santa Clara Clara County on 5/06/2015. 5/06/20 015. (pub (p pub Metr Metroo 5/1 5/13, 3, 5/20, 5/27, 5/27, 6/0 6/03/2015) 3/20115)
9p Af_e IXjdljj\e 9p Af_e IXjdl ljj\e
The following following person(s) is (are) (are) doing Barbershop, business as: Paradox Paradox Barb bershop, 11409 409 W.. San Carlos St., W St., San Jose, Josee, CA, CA, 95126, 95126, PParadox aradox Barbershop LLC. LLC. This business is conductedd by by a limited liability company y. company. Abo ve entity was formed in i the state of Above California R egistrant has not yet yet beg gun tr ansacting Registrant begun transacting business under the fictitio ous business name fictitious or names listed herein. herein. /s/Jeff Pham Owner/CEO #201 510410211 #201510410211 This statement was filed with w the County Clerk of Santa Clar Countty on 4/27/2015. 4/27/2015. Claraa County (pub Metro Metro 5/1 3, 5/20, 5/27, 5//27, 6/0 3/2015) 5/13, 6/03/2015)
The following followinng person(s) is (are) (are) doing 2400 business as:: Cafe Paradise, Paradise, 2 400 Monterey Monterey Hwy, Hwy y, San Jose, Josse, CA, CA, 95111, 95111, Good Life Entertainment Enter tainmeent LLC, LLLCC, 490 490 El Camino Real, Real, Belmont, CA, CA, A 94002. 94002. This business businesss is conducted by by a limited liability company. companyy. Abo ve entityy was formed in the state of Above California R egistrant bbegan egan tr ansacting business Registrant transacting under the fictitious ficctitious business name or names listedd herein herein on 4/17/15. 4/17/15. /s/Br etta Hembree Heembree /s/Bretta Manager #201 2251101 0 47 #201225110147 This statement statemeent was filed with the County Clerk of San ta Clara Clara County on 4/22/2015. 4/22/2015. Santa (pub Metro Metro 4/29, 4 , 5/06, 5/13, 4/29 5/13, 5/20/2015) 5/20/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS #604334 NAME SSTATEMENT TATTEMENT #604 4334 The follo following wing person(s) is (are) (are) doing business as: Fresh Fresh On Firs First, st, 785 785 S. 1st Street, Street, San Jose, CA, CA, 95113, 95113, Efren Efren Hernandez, 495 495 N. San Pedro Pedr e o St., St., San Jose, CCA, A, 95110. 95110. This business is conductedd by by a individual individual. Registrant R egistrant has not yet yet beg begun gun tr transacting ansacting business under the fictitio fictitious ous business name or names listed herein. herein. /s/Eferen /s/Efer en Hernandez This statement was filed with w the County Clerk of Santa Clara Clara County Countty on 4/29/2015. 4/29/2015. (pub Metro Metro 5/6, 5/13, 5/13, 5/20, 5/2 20, 5/27/2015) 5/27/2015)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SSTATEMENT TATTEMENT #604028 #6040 28 The follo Th ffollowing ll wing i person(s) ( ) is i (are) ( e)) ddoing (ar i business as: Authentic Home Hoome Detailing, 2590 2 590 Lafayette Lafayette S St., t., Santa Clara, Clara, CA, CA, 95054, 95054, Johnathan Charles Turner, Turner u r, 1920 1920 Avenida Avenida De Las Rosas, Rosas, Santa Clara, Clara, CA, CA, A 95054. 95054. This business is conductedd by by a individual. Registrant R egistrant has not yet yet beg begun gun tr transacting ansacting business under the fictitio fictitious ous business name or names listed herein. herein. Refile R efile of pr previous evious file #60 #600562 0562 after 40 days of expiration expiration date. /s/Johnathan Turner Tuurner This statement was filed with w the County Santa Clara Cl k off S Clerk t Cl Clara County C tty on 4/21/2015. Count 4/21/201 / / 5. Metroo 4/29 4/29,, 5/06, 5/13, 5/20/2015) (pub Metr 5/13, 5/20/201 5)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT STATTEMENT #603805 The follo following wing person(s) is (are) (are) doing business as: Super Heroes Heroess Pet Pet Car Care, e, 812 812 N 8th St., St., San Jose, CA, CA, 95112, 951112, Janine Marie S tevens. Stevens. This business is conductedd by by a individual. Registrant R egistrant began tr transacting ansacting business under the fictitious business busineess name or names listed her herein ein on 5/10/2005. 5//10/2005. Refile R efile of previous previous file #46 #461386 1386 after 40 days of expiration expiration date. /s/Janine Marie Stevens Stevens This statement was filed with w the County Clerk of Santa Clar Countty on 4/16/2015. 4/16/2015. Claraa County 5) (pub Metro Metro 4/29 4/29,, 5/06, 5/13, 5/13, 5/20/201 5/20/2015)
FICTITIOUSS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SSTATEMENT TATEMENT T #603425 The follo following winng person(s) is (are) (are) doing business as:: Oldtree Oldtree R Residential esidential V Villa, illa, 11741 741 Oldtree O ldtree Ct., San S Jose, CA, CA, 95131, 95131, Avelino Avelino Muan 659 N. Muan, N 13th 13th St., St., t San Jose, Jose CA, CA, A 95112. 95112. 2 This business businesss is conducted by by a individual. Registrant R egistrant bbegan egan tr transacting ansacting business under the fictitious ficctitious business name or names listedd herein herein on 4/6/15. 4/6/15. /s/Avelino /s/A Avelino Muan M This statement statemeent was filed with the County Clerk of San Santa ta Clara Clara County on 4/06/2015. 4/06/2015. (pub Metro Metro 4/29, 4 , 5/06, 5/13, 4/29 5/13, 5/20/2015) 5/20/2015)
FICTITIOUSS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS #602907 NAME STATEMENT STATEMENT T #602907 The follo following winng person(s) is (are) (are) doing business as:: 1. TTotal ootal R Recycling ecycling Solution, Inc, 2. TRS, Inc, 2915 2 5 Daylight W 291 Way, ayy, San Jose, CCA, A, 95111, 95111, . This business businesss is conducted by by a Corporation. Corpor ation.. Above Abo ve entityy was formed in the state of California Registrant R egistrant has has not yet yet begun tr transacting ansacting business un under der the fictitious business name or names listed listed herein. herein. /s/Tri /s/T Trir LLuu uu PPresident resident #3723918 #37 23918 This stateme statement ent was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Santa Clara Clara County on 3/20/201 3/20/2015. 5. Metroo 4/29, (pub Metr 4 , 5/06, 5/13, 4/29 5/13, 5/20/2015) 5/20/2015)
FICTITIOUSS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT STATEMENT T #603592 The follo following winng person(s) is (are) (are) doing business as:: Mount’em Santa Clara, Clara, 7321 7321 Maple St., St., Gilroy, G oy, CA, Gilr CA, 95020, 95020, R Robert obert Gamble. G amble. This business businesss is conducted by by a individual individual. Registrant R egistrant has has not yet yet begun tr transacting ansacting business under under the fictitious business name or names lis listed ted herein herein on. /s/Robert /s/R obert G Gamble amble This statement statemeent was filed with the County Clerk of San Santa ta Clara Clara County on 4/09/2015. 4/09/2015. (pub Metro Metro 4/22, 4 2, 4/29 4/2 4/29,, 5/06, 5/13/2015) 5/13/2015)
REAL EST ESTATE TAT E S SALES ALES Mtn. of T Tao ao Practice T Practice Tai aai Chi on your yo ourr 450 sq. ft. sk sky ky deck with panoramic vie ews str etching views stretching fr om Monter ey Bay Baay to Big B Basin St ate from Monterey State P ark. Off-grid Off ff--grid accommodations accommodations with Park. a 24 ffoot oot yur rate bathr oom yurtt and separ separate bathroom structur e. Private ac cess to C astle structure. access Castle R ock State State P ark and o ver e 30 miles of Rock Park over maint ained hiking trails s. Asking Asking pric maintained trails. pricee $349,0 00. C all Debbie at a 40 8.395.5754 $349,000. Call 408.395.5754 or visit www w.donnerland .
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Sunn Sunny ny hillside lot in Bea Bear ar Cr Creek eek Est Estates. ates. P ower, w aater and septic aavailable! vailable! v Power, water C ompleted Geotechnic a rreport. al eport. t Completed Geotechnical (Expir ed) building p erm mit with house (Expired) permit plans appr oved b ountty. Gr eat approved byy ccounty. Great ccommute ommute lo cation. P ooll and T eennis location. Pool Tennis courts nearb y. Possible Possible owner o courts nearby. ďŹ nancing aavailable. vvailable. Asking Asking pric 225,000. C all pricee $ $225,000. Call Debbie at 40 8.395.5754 or visit www w. 408.395.5754 www.
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FREE W WILL ILLL A ASTROLOGY STROLOGY ARIESS (Mar ARIE (March ch 21-April 19): Th Thee danger of rresisting esisting
a temptation too str strenuously enuously is that the temptation prevent from might depart. I suggest that youu pr event this fr om throwing yourself mercy happening. Without thr owing yo ourself at the mer cy of coax around the temptation, see if you can co oax it to stick ar ound longer.. Why? In my vi view, ffor or a while longer iew w, it's playing a useful life. rrole ole in your lif e. It's motivating you y to change some things that rreally eally do need to be changed. On the other suree that it sho should hand, I'm not yet sur ould become anything moree than a temptation. It migh might serve mor ht ser ve you best that way,, not as an object of your sat satisfied desire. way tisfied desir e.
TAURUS T AURUS (April 20-May 20): My My astrological astrological
discourage from colleagues discour age me fr om talking to you Bulls about financial matters. "Most TTauruses aauruses know 10 times moree about the mystery of mone money mor ey than you will ever know," know w," said one. "Their excellentt instincts trump any offer." astrologer concurred, tips you could off er." Another as trologer concur red, noting, "The financial advice youu give TTauruses aauruses will worst simplistic."" A thir thirdd at best be rredundant edundant and at wor rst simplistic. colleague summed it up: "Off erinng TTauruses aauruses guidance "Offering sex."" So, about money is like counseling Scorpios S about sex. although al though I'm shy about providing providingg recommendations, recommendations, I will say this: The next five weeks weeks will be a ffavorable avorable time to set in motion the plans to GETT RICHER QUICKER!
GEMINI (May 2121-June June 20): "En "Endings ndings to be useful
must be inconclusive, ote scie ence fiction novelist inconclusive,"" wr wrote science Samuel R. Delany Delany.. I endorse that theory ffor or your use in weeks. Interweave from the coming week s Inter s. weave itt with this advice fr om Shepard: temptation towards playwright Sam Shepar d: "The te emptation towar ds rresolution, esolution, towar towards ds wrapping wrapping upp the package, seems to me a ter terrible rible tr trap. ap. Why not bee mor moree honest with the endings aree the ones moment? The most authentic en ndings ar which ar aree alr already eady rrevolving evolving towa towards ards another beginning. beginning."" words, In other wor ds, Gemini, don't be attached to neat finales and splashy climaxes. Consider the t possibility that you can simply slip fr free ee of the compl complicated licated past and head towardd the future towar future without muchh ffanfare. anfare.
CANCER (June 2121-July July 22): In mythic terms, you
should be headed ffor or the winne winner's r's cir circle, cle, which is inside pleasuredome. parade the pleasur edome. The par ade inn your honor should ffollow ollow the awar emonyy, andd let's hope you will be awardd cer ceremony, crown on the lead float wearing a gold cr own and holding a rreal eal magic wand while being sung s to by a choir of you. people you love and who love yo ou. If ffor or any rreason eason you aree not experiencing some versi version ar on of these metaphors, urge why.. Or be better I ur ge you to find out why tter yet, get busy on planning a homecoming or gr adduation party or awar graduation awardd ceremony yourself.. Fr From astrological cer emony ffor or yourself om an astr ological perspective, you have a mandate to be rrecognized ecoggnized and appr appreciated eciated offer ffor or the gifts you off er the world..
Ask k your ben benefits nefits ma anager g to schedule s manager a tr rial delive ery today trial delivery
LEO LE O (July 23-Aug. 23-Aug. 22): British Field F Marshal Arthur
W ellesley was a brilliant militaryy commander Wellesley commander.. Renowned ffor or his ability to beatt lar larger ger armies, he also had gr great eat skill at minimizing los loss ss of life life among his own tr troops. oops. His most ffamous amous tri triumph iumph took place in that defeated 1815, when he led the fforces orces tha at def eated Napoleon Bonaparte at W Waterloo. aterloo. In the aftermath, afftermath, the French French tyrant and went into tyr y ant lost his power p into exile. What was the secret secr et of W Wellesley's ellesley's success? "B "Bonaparte's Bonaparte's plans wer weree made in wir wire," e," he said. "Mine we were ere made in string. string."" In words, Wellesley's strategy moree flexible other wor ds, W ellesley's str ategy was mor and adaptable. A Ass cir circumstances cumstancees changed, it could be rrearranged earranged with gr greater eater ease. Th That's hat's the appr approach oach I rrecommend ecommend ffor or you in the coming cominng days.
VIRGO VIR GO (Aug. 23 23-Sept. -Sept. 22): YYou oouu may not be str strong ong
enough to take a shot at a daunting daunnting challenge that's five levels beyond your previous previouss best. But I think you aree at least ready ar ready to try a tricky tricky challenge that's one level higher than where where you have havve been operating. operating. And that, in my opinion, is a more more practical practical use of your courage. cour age. I think it would be a waste waaste of your energy energy to get wrapped wrapped up in grandiose grandiose fantasies fantasies about impossible perfections. perfections. As As long as you don't over overreach, reach, miracles. you can accomplish small mir accles.
408 8 778 6476 6 hi5pr o m
LIBRA (Sept. 23 23-Oct. -Oct. 22): I sus suspect spect you ar aree about contenders to experience some prime conte enders ffor or The Most Unusual Adventures Adventures of 2015. Ar Aree you thor thoroughly oughly prepared? pr epared? Of course not. There's There'ss no way you can be totally rready eady to adapt to unpredictable unpredictable wrinkles and change your mind at a moment's moment's notice. But that's exactly what will make these ex experiments periments so fun. That's why they will be eff effective ectivee in building up your rresilience esilience and willpower willpower.. For bes best st rresults, esults, apply your
By yR ROB OB BREZSNY week of M May ay 13
nighttime thinki ng to daytime activities, and vice versa. thinking Spend minimal time t on rresponsibilities esponsibilities that don't teach you noble truths about your fellow fellow madmen and madwomen. Now w here's here's my big question: How can you extra tap into the extr ra power you will need during your rite of passage?
SCORPIO SC ORPIO (Oc (Oct. ct. 23-Nov. 23-Nov. 21): Many modern
astronomers astr onomers are are allergic allergic to astrology, astrologyy, but from from my perspective there therre is no inherent inherent conflict between the two fields. Four of o history's greatest greatest astronomers astronomers weree pr practicing wer acticing astrologers, astrologers, after all: Johannes Kepler, Kepler, Galileo Galilei, TTycho yycho Brahe, Brahe, and Pierre Pierre Gassendi. One of college, my friends in co llege a Scorpio woman named Martha llege, Maiden, is a first first-rate t-rate astr astrologer ologer who got a degree degree in astronomy NASA. astr onomy and became b a top scientist at NA SA. In finding apparent the spirit of find ing rreconciliation econciliation between appar ent opposites, I'm ha happy appy to say that you ar aree now a virtual virtuoso in your ability to rreconcile apparent econcile both appar ent actual opposites and ac ctual opposites. I invite you to use this flair aptitude with fla air and daring.
SSAGITTARIUS AGITT TARIU A US (Nov (Nov.. 22 22-Dec. -Dec. 21): Sagittarian
in the sport of ar archery. Matt SStutzman tutzman competes c chery. He's the world's rrecord ecord holder ffor or longest accur accurate ate shot, having hit a target target g 230 yards yards away. away. What makes his accomplishmentt so extraordinary extraordinary is the fact fact that he was born without withouut any arms. He holds each arrow arrow in his mouth and grasps g asps the bow with his right foot gr foot and the help of a chest harness. In the spirit of this armless archer, archer, and a in accordance accordance with your current current astrological astr ological omens, omeens, I invite you to initiate an attempt to triumph over one of your so-called disadvantages.
CAPRICORN CAPRIC ORN N (Dec. 22 22-Jan. -Jan. 19): LLong ong bef before ore LLou ou
Reed rrecorded ecorded th he song "W alk on the Wild Side, the "Walk Side,"" Nelson Algren Algren wrote w ote a novel titled A W wr Walk aalk on the Wild Side. It depicts depicts the luxuriant depravity depravity of New Orleans' Fr ench Quarter in the 1930s. One of Algren's Algren's French most enduring bits b of spiritual advice goes as follows: follows: "Never m "Never,r, ever ever,, no matter what else you do in your whole lif e, never sleep with anyone whose tr oubles are are worse life, troubles than your own." own." What do you think of that, Capricorn? Capricorn? Even if you don't don't rregard egard it as a universal rule that you should unf ailingly obey observe it in the unfailingly obey,, I suggest you observe coming week s. For F the sake of your mental hygiene, be weeks. extr absorb extraa discerning about what influences you absorb— not just in bed, but b everywhere. everywhere.
AQUARIUS A QUARIUS (Jan. ( 20-Feb. 18): The cosmos has
authorized you to t be hungrier than usual. You You o may also ffeel eel free free to respond respond to your enhanced hunger with an extr aggressive quest to be fed. fed. Therefore: Therefore: Be extraa aggressive voracious! avid, ardent, vor acious! Risk being b ardent, and even agog. Fill yourself up with pudding, pleasur e, pr aise, peace, perk pleasure, praise, perkss and privileges. Anything A else you'd like to engor engorge? ge? If unenlightened some unenlighte ened person questions your right to claim the bigges st piece and the sweetest taste and the biggest best fuel, inf inform orm m them that your astr astrologer ologer says you have ul ultimate timate permission. peermission.
PISCESS (Feb. 19-Mar PISCE 19-March ch 20): Is ther theree an inter interesting esting ally whose path rrarely arely cr crosses osses yours? Do you dr draw aw inspiration inspir ation fr from om a like-minded dynamo who is not fully available? Has H ffate ate kept you and a friend fr from om getting as close as you would wish? A According ccording to my astrological rreading eading of the as strological omens, rrelationships elationships like these could beco become ome mor moree substantial in the coming weeks. dream moree rrobust week s. The dr eam of a mor obust connection could ripen into an opp opportunity portunity to actually collabor collaborate. ate. So be alert ffor or the ope openings, nings, and be pr prepared epared to do what's necessary to go deeper deeper.. Homework: Im Imagine magine that everything important you u know is condensed into a single symb symbol bol or image. What is it? Fr eeWillAstrology o Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
CECIL@METRONEWS.COM MAY M AY 13-19, 13 -19, 2015 | metr | | metr
The trend in computers is to store all your files "in the cloud." That doesn't mean they're up in the sky; they're in a big hard drive somewhere. But that got me wondering: How secure is the cloud? Are we one good case of sunspots or an electromagnetic pulse away from losing it all?—Richard Aldrich, Napa, California All of it, no. But the situation is more complex than cloud promoters would have you believe. One problem is the term “cloud.” It suggests that core computing resources— not just storage but also processors and communications infrastructure—reside in some unknowable realm, like Valhalla or the quantum foam. This is crap, as you know; the stuff lives on physical machinery. However, it’s not just “a big hard drive somewhere.” Rather, copies of your data presumably are distributed among multiple servers in widely separated locations, so no single disaster can destroy it or render it inaccessible. Nothing in the usual definitions of cloud computing requires this. Rather, one abstraction—the cloud—is expressed in terms of other abstractions, such as “pooled resources,”“rapid elasticity” (meaning resources can be scaled up or down as needs change), and “measured service.” The metric cited most often is availability—the percentage of time the cloud is accessible. The higher the availability, the better. But it comes at a cost. About that machinery. I once toured a data center, commonly known as a server farm. It was cool but spooky: a vast array of dimly lit server racks. No people, no activity except blinking LEDs, no sound but a faint whir. The place was as impregnable as human ingenuity could make it—fingerprint scanners to gain entry, on-site generators to provide instant backup in the event of blackout. The real security of the cloud is there are many server farms, and they can’t all go offline, can they? Here we get back to availability. Most business people know that when it comes to cloud computing they should demand “five nines” availability—i.e., access to data, applications, etc. 99.999 percent of the time. This works out to downtime of about five minutes per year. Amazon Web Services, currently the leading provider of cloud computing, offers a service level agreement (SLA) essentially guaranteeing your data will survive any catastrophe short of the end of the world. That means installing redundant instances of said data and related services on server farms around the globe, with 24/7 monitoring to spin up a new stack and copy everything
over automatically if an old server starts to wobble. But five nines is expensive, and for most businesses unnecessary. A cheaper option is 99.9 percent availability, in which redundant virtual servers are implemented on (say) three data centers scattered around Virginia. But this is riskier. In June 2009, lightning caused Amazon’s cloud computing service to go offline for four hours. That same year Rackspace had to issue $3 million in service credits after a power outage took down its Dallas data center. In June 2012 a storm disrupted an Amazon data center for hours in Virginia, knocking out Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites. In these cases data wasn’t destroyed, just rendered temporarily inaccessible. But if all the data instances are in the same region, which is what many Amazon cloud customers wind up buying, they’re theoretically vulnerable to large-scale natural disasters and yes, even sunspots and electromagnetic pulse. Other perils lurk. Since cloud computing is multi-tenant, there’s a nonzero chance somebody pulling down her data could get yours accidentally. You’ve got non-cloud-specific hazards such as hacking and Internet slowdowns. Or, commonly, an IT jamoke misconfigures something and . . . oops. Am I warning you off the cloud? No, just trying to demystify it. Whatever the risk, the cloud is the only practical way to store data long term. Banks have downsides too, but nobody seriously thinks stashing cash in a mattress is better. Bad things can happen to data: hard drives crash; laptops get stolen; backups are lost or become unreadable. Think of the storage technologies that have come and gone: punch cards and punched paper tape; Volkswagen-tire-sized platters for mainframe hard drives; half-inch magnetic tape and cassette tape; 8-, 5.25-, and 3.5inch floppy disks; Bernoulli, Zip, and Jaz cartridges. Even CD-ROMs are starting to fade away. If you have vital data stored on one of these media but not the device to read it, you’re hosed. The point is, data is fragile and the technology used to store it is ephemeral. Better to turn your data over to experts who supposedly can make it safe and accessible.
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