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Outpriced by the big city, young families are packing it in for the North Bay p14

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¡Muc Muchas felicidades! chas fe elicidad des! Ganadores Ganador es dell campeonato de pod poda da del con condado dado de S Son Sonoma oma 2014 El 7 de mar marzo, zo, la c comunidad o omunidad viníc vinícola ola del c condado o ondado de Sonoma se dio o cita par para a ffestejar estejar a nues nuestros tros tr trabajadores abajadores viníc vinícolas olas po por or ttodo odo lo que hac hacen en par para a mant mantener ener nuestros nues tros viñedos saludables. s Nada es más iimportante mportante que el art arte e de e la poda de viñedos, el cual pe permite ermite cr crear ear las c condiciones ondicion nes adecuadas par para a las uv uvas vas cultiv cultivadas adas y pr producir oducir vinos de e calidad en cada c cosecha. osech ha. La impr impresionante esionante dem demostración ostración de velocidad, v elocidad pr elocidad, precisión ecisió ón y e exactitud xactitud de los gana ganadores adores del Campeona Campeonato to d de P Poda oda es un ejemplo perf perfecto ecto de d nues nuestro tro talent talentoso oso equi equipo ipo de tr trabajo abajo — quienes rrepresentan epresentan la columna c olumna v vertebral ertebral de la indus industria tria viníc vinícola ola d del el c condado ondado de Sonoma.

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Congratulations to our top four winners: (left to right) Juan Carlos Alvarenga, Redwood Empire Vineyard Management, Alexander Valley (4th place); Juan Antonio Lopez, Bevill Vineyard Management, Dry Creek Valley (3rd place); Luis Ortiz, Vinepro Vineyard Management, Alexander Valley (2nd place); and Rosalio Saucedo Solorio, Seghesio Family Vineyards, Alexander Valley (1st Place).

2014 Sonoma Sonoma o County Prunin Pruning ng Championship Winn W Winners ers community On March March 7, 7, the Sonoma Sonoma County County winegrowing winegrowing w community gathered gathered to to celebrate celebrate our vineyard workers o ur v ineyard w ork kers ffor or everything everything they they do d to to keep keep our vines healthy. healtthy. more significant craft off vine pruning tha thatt Nothing is mor e sig gnificant than the cr aft o sets the sstage grapes every vintage.. T The tage ffor or quality q wine gr apes e very y vintage he Pruning Champion Championship impressive display nship winners’ impr essive displa y of speed, precision accuracy perfect example talented pr ecision and ac cu uracy is a perf ect e xample e of our talent ed workforce backbone County’s industry. w orkforce — the ba ackbone of Sonoma C oun nty’s wine indus try.




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847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707.527.1200 Fax: 707.527.1288

Editorial Team Nicolas Grizzle, Staff Writer /Special Issues Editor, ext. 200 Tom Gogola, Contributing Editor, ext. 106 Gary Brandt, Copy Editor, ext. 150 Charlie Swanson, Calendar Editor, ext. 203

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NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN [ISSN 1532-0154] (incorporating the Sonoma County Independent) is published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc., located at: 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Phone: 707.527.1200; fax: 707.527.1288; e-mail: editor@bohemian.com. It is a legally adjudicated publication of the county of Sonoma by Superior Court of California decree No. 119483. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, National Newspaper Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Verified Audit Circulation. Subscriptions (per year): Sonoma County $75; out-of-county $90. Thirdclass postage paid at Santa Rosa, CA. FREE DISTRIBUTION: The BOHEMIAN is available free of charge at numerous locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for one dollar, payable in advance at The BOHEMIAN’s office. The BOHEMIAN may be distributed only by its authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.The BOHEMIAN is printed on 40 % recycled paper.

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Cover illustration by Trevor Alixopulos. Cover design by Tabi Zarrinnaal.

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The trees now blooming in downtown Santa Rosa look great but smell like funky old wax.

This photo was taken in Santa Rosa. Submit your photo to photos@bohemian.com

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Trevor Alixopulos is a Sonoma County–raised cartoonist and illustrator who has drawn for everyone from the Bohomeian to ‘Maximum RocknRoll’ to ‘Playboy.’ His graphic novel, ‘The Hot Breath of War,’ is available from Sparkplug Comic Books. See his work at www.alixopulos.com.


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Brain Care with Light Therapy


NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM



Rhapsodies Ride the Rails

Supreme Court ruling puts bike trail projects in jeopardy BY TOM GOGOLA


orth Bay bicyclists take note: a Supreme Court ruling this week may affect area bike trails created under “rails to trails” initiatives that reclaimed abandoned rail-beds and easements and turned them into recreational corridors.

On Monday, the court ruled 8–1 in favor of a landowner in Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust et al v. United States. At issue in Brandt was a Wyoming landowner whose property is crossed by a nowabandoned Pacific Railroad Company rail line that goes on for several dozen miles. The 1875 General Railroad Right-of-Way Act sought to retain the government’s “reversionary interest” in land under rail-beds and easements. Brandt sued the federal government to stop a proposed extension of a rail-trail through his property. He lost in appellate court but found favor with the Roberts Court. Chief Justice John Roberts posed the pivotal question in his majority opinion: “When the railroad abandons land granted under the 1875 act, does it go to the Government, or to the private party who acquired the land underlying the right of way?” The court said ownership should revert to the landowner. Justice Sonia Sotomayor filed the lone dissenting opinion. “By changing course today, the Court undermines the legality of thousands of miles of former rights of way that the public now enjoys as means of transportation and recreation. These former rail corridors are public assets in which we all share and benefit.” Residents here know that. The Washington, D.C.–based Rails to Trails Conservancy turned its attention to Sonoma County in November 2009 when it named the West County and Joe Rodota trails its “Trail of the Month.” It noted that the more urbanized Joe Rodota Trail backs up onto numerous businesses and backyards. In a statement, the conservancy said the Supreme Court ruling threatens existing rail-trails, “mainly in the West, that utilize federally granted rightsof-way.” Sotomayor warned that the court’s ruling opens the door to landowners along rail-trails whose financial interest in making a property claim may trump public-interest altruism. Citing a Justice Department study, Sotomayor wrote, “Lawsuits challenging the conversion of former rails to recreational trails alone may well cost American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.” Tom Gogola is contributing editor at the ‘Bohemian.’ Open Mic is a weekly feature in the ‘Bohemian.’ We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 350 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.

Where Do They Go?

What I find difficult to understand is, if there are no prisons (“Imagine No Prisons,” March 5), then what do we do with all of the thousands of people who commit serious, violent crimes each year? Are they just scolded and set free to go back out on the streets and repeat their crimes? Just let them be and go back out and continue to kill, rape, pillage and steal? I am confused about Steve Martinot’s position on this.


Bee Correct Thank you for giving the honeybees some attention (“The Hive Minders,” Feb. 26). The article, on the whole, was very good. There were some errors I would like to see corrected. It is not true that “without the honeybee, we’d be eating a diet, basically, of oat gruel.” Many things are pollinated by wind and other insects. We would see a limited amount of some of our favorite fruits and vegetables, that is true. For example, walnuts and grapes are windpollinated. Bumblebees are the insects that pollinate tomatoes. If a mouse should enter a beehive and die in it, the bees would encase the dead mouse in propolis, not wax. Propolis is a wonderful substance the bees gather from the sap of trees on their back legs. It is a great sanitizer, and also works as weather stripping for the hive. The queen is surrounded by the females who feed her and groom her all day and night. The males are not part of the queen’s helpers. They are called drones and do nothing but mate with her, as the author correctly states later. The Sonoma County Beekeepers’ Association meets monthly, not

bimonthly. I was sorry you did not include the association’s web site in the article, as it has a lot of good information about bees and even has an extensive list of plants that are beneficial to their survival. The website is www.sonomabees.org.


Waiting for the Worms Appreciated your article on bees (“The Hive Minders,” Feb. 26), with some hopeful signs. However, I’ve been wondering about a possible decline in earthworms. Years ago I remember seeing hundreds of them all over this area after a good rain, not so much in the past few years. I’ve not found anything on the internet on the subject.


Participatory Democracy I appreciate a fellow Democrat’s point (Open Mic, March 5), but nothing changes the fact that in this case a vote for the Farm Bill was in fact a vote to cut SNAP. Yes, “balance and tough decisions need to be made,” and sure, you can dismiss criticism of the yes vote as arm-chair quarterbacking if you like. I would call it participatory democracy: holding our representatives accountable for their votes (or lack thereof). Everyone in the House voting on this bill had to make those tough decisions referred to. Yet George Miller, Henry Waxman, Barbara Lee, Anna Eschoo, Maxine Waters and a host of other Democrats voted against the bill, with many of them having gone on record about the SNAP cuts being a primary factor for the direction of their vote. Standing against SNAP cuts was always a principled stand to vote against budget cuts made on the backs of the

Rants By Tom Tomorrow

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poorest one quarter of us who need that extra $90 a month in beneďŹ ts. Like Alice Chan, I would have preferred Huffman’s vote go in the other direction. We’re accustomed to principled leadership in this district from Woolsey and Boxer; it remains to be seen if we’re getting comparable representation these days. Being somewhat familiar with Alice Chan, I have no doubt that she did make her feelings known to Rep. Huffman prior to arm-chair quarterbacking.


Dept. of Corrections In our recent “Hive Minders� cover story (Feb. 26), the name of Katia Vincent, co-owner of Beekind in Sebastopol, was misspelled. We regret the error.

THE ED. Write to us at letters@bohemian.com.

Top Five 1 Hey NSA: all is forgiven

if you ďŹ nd that missing Malaysian jumbo jet


GaliďŹ nakis, O’Reilly and Barkley have something in common: Obama interview


Bieber and Snowden at SXSW (no, that’s not a band, they were actually there)


Marsalis and band give pre-show talk to students at Wells Fargo Center

5 Why is daylight-savings time still a thing? That lost hour hits hard come Monday



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Paper THE

Gabe Meline

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CHANGING KEYS Patrick Carney of the Black Keys plays at Bottlerock 2013. New producers have announced a smaller scale for this year’s festival.

Bottlerock v.2.0 Napa’s biggest concert returns on smaller scale BY NICOLAS GRIZZLE


ottlerock, the largest festival Napa has ever seen, is back for a second year—but this time with new owners and producers, a shorter schedule, fewer bands and, hopefully, fewer outstanding debts left to pay at the end of it all. Last year’s festival was a hit with

music fans, but left vendors singing the blues, with first-time festival producers Bob Vogt and Gabe Meyers eventually filing for bankruptcy after owing nearly $10 million to several business that provided services to the event. This year’s producer, Latitude 38 (formerly known as GSF Entertainment LLC) is also made up of local investors hosting a major music festival for the first time. But they promise it will be different.

The group includes David Graham, Jason Scoggins, Joe Fischer and Justin Dragoo. Fischer has worked with Copia, the defunct wine museum and tasting center that now serves as will-call ticket pickup for Bottlerock. Graham is involved with tech startups, Scoggins cofounded an automotive media group and Dragoo is president of a Napa winery. The festival director is Steve Macfadyen, who was most recently

entertainment director of a 2,000seat concert center at an Indian casino in Central California. According to the L38’s website, “The company is completely separate and in no way connected with BR Festivals, the producer of the 2013 Bottlerock festival. No one from BR Festivals is a part of the management team at L38.” It also states that L38 has purchased the name, some festival equipment and the deposits with the Napa Valley Expo, but not the debt. “L38 is not assuming BR Festivals’ obligations, and does not control how BR Festivals handles its debts,” says the site. One paragraph later it adds, “Through a combination of negotiated agreements and future work arrangements with vendors that are critical to future festivals, L38 is reducing the overall pool of claims awaiting payment.” The company has “worked to eliminate over half of the debt on the records,” the purchasers say, but do not explain how or in what way L38 was involved in the debt restructuring. The stagehands’ union, Local 16, is still owed $300,000, but is back on board for this year’s festival. L38 has paid the $300,000 owed to the Expo Center and over $100,000 owed to the city from last year’s event. They’ve promised to pay the $800,000 Expo Center rental fee for this year’s festival, as well as estimated costs to the city for traffic management, police and other expenses before the festival takes place. Officials from L38 were not available to comment on questions regarding finances before press deadline, but spokesperson Gwen McGill says there will be over 40 bands on four stages at this year’s event. “There are a lot of things still falling into place in terms of schedules, stages and artists.” About $20 million was spent to host the first-time festival—with about $7 million reportedly going to bands like the Black Keys, Kings of Leon, Zac Brown Band, Jane’s Addiction and others (there were over 60 bands). Most of them required up-front deposits. “It’s insane that they were so reckless,” says concert promoter Rick Bartalini, who currently books talent at the Green Music Center, among other venues. The focus in

‘Latitude 38 is not assuming BR Festivals’ and does not control how they handle their debt.’ Napa’s Uptown Theatre, a partner in last year’s event, will not be involved this year, says McGill. BR Festivals lost $500,000 after a deal last year to buy it for $12 million fell through. The theater also lost its booking agent, Sheila Groves-Tracey, who was also owed a substantial amount of money in the wake of Bottlerock 2013. She now owns the Twin Oaks Tavern in Penngrove and has significantly raised the profile of live music at the historic venue thus far. Details are scant about this year’s Bottlerock, with the lineup announcement coming Friday. But some information has been trickling out from the L38 camp. Presale tickets for Napa residents only went on sale for three days on March 7, at a discounted rate of $129 for single day, $229 for threeday and $529 for VIP three-day passes. Tickets purchased last year for Bottlerock 2014, which went on sale in the rock and roll afterglow of 2013’s festival, will be refunded or honored at the gate, since the date has changed since then. The dates of the festival are May 30– June 1.


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2013 wasn’t entirely on music, with dozens of wineries featured in popup tasting rooms and even standup comedy in the main expo hall. The ambitious project is now being scaled down. Bottlerock 2014 will run three days instead of last year’s five, and there will not be any standup comedy. Food and wine will still be a large draw, but the bands remain the focus of the event, say the producers.

The Napa County Republican Party Central Committee hosted a Tuesday-night event with State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly on the heels of a recent tweet Donnelly sent out that compared President Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Donnelly, a GOP candidate for governor who represents California’s 33rd District, said his eyebrow-raising accusation was made in the context of Obama’s gun-control policies. Obama-asHitler comparisons are nothing new in this, the sixth year of his presidency. In that time, the Twin Peaks–based lawmaker has clearly learned the Tea Party trick of character assassination by way of meat-fisted obfuscation: see, he wasn’t comparing Obama to Hitler, per se, but it’s just that they both support “taking your guns away”—and you know where that can lead. Faced with criticism over the Hitler comparison, Donnelly doubled-down on the comparison and accused Obama of being a dictator. Donnelly himself had his gun taken away, as numerous press outlets have reported, when he tried to bring a loaded Colt .45 handgun onto a Sacramentobound airplane in Ontario in 2012. At first he claimed that he’d forgotten he was packing, then danced around questions from the Sacramento Bee about whether he had a concealed weapons permit (he didn’t) before accepting a plea deal that included three years of probation on misdemeanor gun charges. A Feb. 25 report in the L.A. Times noted that the gun wasn’t registered to Donnelly, but to an elderly woman in San Bernardino. Donnelly will square off in a June GOP primary against Neel Kashkari, the telegenic former U.S. Treasury official who gained national attention for his congressional testimony following the 2008 nearcollapse of the American economy. The Napa Republican Party didn’t respond to inquiries from the Bohemian. Nor did Donnelly. —Tom Gogola

5 th Annual

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$10 $15 $20

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Presented by SONOMA COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD The Bohemian started as The Paper in 1978.

Dining Nicolas Grizzle

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BURGERLICIOUS Chef Carlo Cavallo and proprietor Codi Binkley show off some tasty meat at their Sonoma restaurant.

Crowning Glory Sonoma’s Burgers & Vine elevates American classics BY JONAH RASKIN


r eons, I’ve eaten ravenously in the spiffy restaurants on the plaza in Sonoma. From now on, however, my first choice will be Burgers & Vine (“B&V” to those in the know), the much buzzed-about eatery, saloon, live music joint, ice cream parlor and mini dance palace. Co-created by Codi Binkley and

Carlo Cavallo, B&V is sweeping stolid Sonoma off its feet. Sure, there are other destinations on the plaza that offer burgers, but there’s no real competition. B&V is a bold experiment for Cavallo, though he’s already an award-winning chef who has prepared gourmet food for years at the Sonoma-Meritage Oyster Bar & Grille. “I’m going in a radically different direction from what I’ve done my whole career,” he says, a week before his new haunt opened to the public.

At B&V, the all-American hamburger is king, barbecue is the crown prince, and milk shakes—with or without booze— are a banquet by themselves. Beers, with names like Draft Punk Pale Ale, are brewed in the vast basement of the building, which was once the old Sonoma Creamery. At the elegant 42-footlong burnished redwood bar, savvy bartenders serve exotic cocktails. There’s also an oldfashioned lounge on one side of the room and a nifty dance floor

for romancing cheek-to-cheek on weekends when bands take the stage. Seven years ago, Binkley, who was born and raised Dallas, Texas, and Cavallo, who hails from Verona, Italy, put their heads together and came up with the bright idea for a wine country barbecue joint that would appeal to kids, parents, tourists and townies. Texas barbecue and Willie Nelson’s brand of country music fueled Binkley’s boyhood; Cavallo didn’t wolf down his first hamburger (a Whopper at Burger King) until he arrived in America. Still, barbecue isn’t totally new territory for the chef. In 2009, Cavallo won the top prize in the National Beef Cook-Off, sponsored by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Now, after seven years of prep, he’s having the time of his life flipping burgers at B&V’s state-of-the-art grill. “If chefs like Thomas Keller at the French Laundry can flip burgers, I can, too,” Cavallo says. Now he’s cooking juicy onethird-pound hamburgers that come with all the fixings on brioche or gluten-free buns ($8). The beef is locally sourced, and lovingly handled. There’s a tasty vegan burger ($10) and a scrumptious surf-and-turf plate with Kobe beef, prawns and truffle aioli ($16). The snazzy kitchen will also serve up hefty portions of oak-smoked brisket, ribs, prime rib and chicken (prices to be set). “We’ve created a place for the whole community to relax, have a good time and feel at home,” Brinkley adds with a smile. On opening day, I sample the spicy chicken wings ($6), the hand-cut fries ($3) and the wild Alaskan salmon burger ($13). I can’t resist a milkshake with bourbon, vanilla gelato and caramel ($6). Bartender Ashley Cuellar watches me eat with glee. “This place is very bohemian,” she says. “We’re going with the flow. I see you are, too.” Burgers & Vine, 400 First St. East, Sonoma. 707.938.7110.

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overlooking bay. Lunch and dinner daily. (Cash only.) 350 Harbor Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.FISH.

Our selective list of North Bay restaurants is subject to menu, pricing and schedule changes. Call first for confirmation. Restaurants in these listings appear on a rotating basis. For expanded listings, visit www.bohemian.com.

$$-$$$$. Casual dining with panoramic Marin views and a California-cuisine take on such classic fare as steaks, fresh seafood and seasonal greens. Complete with custom cocktails. Lunch and dinner daily; Sunday brunch. 850 Lamont Ave, Novato. 415.893.1892.

COST: $ = Under $12; $$ = $13-$20; $$$ = $21-$26; $$$$ = Over $27

Rating indicates the low to average cost of a full dinner for one person, exclusive of desserts, beverages and tip.

S O N OM A CO U N T Y Applewood Inn California cuisine. $$$. California wine country food inspired by European traditions. Dinner daily; midweek locals’ specials. 13555 Hwy 116, Guerneville. 707.869.9093. Betty’s Fish & Chips Seafood. $-$$. Cheerful, bustling, totally informal eatery serving authentic Brit fare. Lunch and dinner daily. 4046 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.539.0899.

Casino Bar & Grill California. $. Chef Mark Malicki is a true Sonoma County star, serving up a changing menu of locally sourced, inspired creations. Unpretentious, creative and affordable, Casino is a whispered-about landmark among locals in the know. Dinner nightly. 17000 Bodega Hwy, Bodega. 707.876.3185.

Charcuterie French Mediterranean. $$. Intimate bistro has casual European wine-bar feel. Lunch and dinner daily. 335 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.431.7213. Flavor California cuisine. $-$$. Fresh and organic white-tablecloth food at paper-napkin prices. Lunch and dinner daily; breakfast, Wed-Sun. 96 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa. 707.573.9695.

Hamburger Ranch & Pasta Farm American. $. Old-fashioned, informal mom’n’-pop roadhouse. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 31195 N Redwood Hwy, Cloverdale. 707.894.5616.

Juanita Juanita Mexican. $. Fun and funky. Lunch and dinner daily. 19114 Arnold Dr, Sonoma. 707.935.3981.

Sebastopol flair. Zagat-rated, consistently excellent and surprisingly innovative. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat; dinner, Sun. 119 S Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.6614.

LoCoco’s Cucina Rustica Italian. $$-$$$. Authentic rustic-style Italian with a touch of Northern California, and a favorite with those in the know. Get the cannoli! Lunch, Tues-Fri; dinner, Tues-Sun. 117 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.2227.

Shige Sushi Japanese. $-$$. Small space in downtown Cotati has big dreams. Lunch specials in bento format, of course, but try the nigiri for dinner. Lunch, Tues-Fri; dinner, Tues-Sun. 8235 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.9753.

Shiso Asian $$ Extensive modern Asian menu with emphasis on sushi–sashimi, nigiri and specialty rolls– made from local ingredients. Ask for the omakase. Dinner daily. 19161 Hwy 12, Sonoma. 707.933.9331.

Spoonbar Regional cuisine. $$. Chef Louis Maldonado’s market-driven menu includes such creative dishes as chickpea-crusted avocado, slow-cooked beef petite tender, and Spanish octopus with bonito brioche, daikon radish, snap peas, and charred japapeno vinigrette. Lunch, Thursday-Monday; dinner daily. 219 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.433.7222.

Thai Issan Thai. $$. Popular full-spectrum Thai restaurant. Lunch and dinner daily. 208 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.762.5966.


K&L Bistro French. $-$$$.

Fish Seafood. $$-$$$.

This comfortable restaurant serves fine food with a friendly

Incredibly fresh seafood in incredibly relaxed setting

Hilltop 1892 American.

Perfect casual spot for dinner before the movie. Try the panéed chicken and butternut squash ravioli. Lunch and dinner daily. 1414 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.9300.

Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen Eclectic. $$-$$$. As comfortable as it sounds, with a rich and varied melting pot of a menu. Lunch and dinner daily. 1327 Railroad Ave, St Helena. 707.963.1200.

Fazerrati’s Pizza. $-$$.

Splendid, authentic French cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. 507 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.927.3331.

Great pie, cool brews, the game’s always on. Great place for post-Little League. Lunch and dinner daily. 1517 W Imola Ave, Napa. 707.255.1188.

Nick’s Cove Seafood/

French Laundry

Left Bank French. $$-$$$.

contemporary American. $$$$. Fresh from the bay oysters, upscale seafood, some steaks and a great burger. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 23240 State Route 1, Marshall. 415.663.1033.

Definitive California Cuisine. $$$$. What else is there to say? Chef Thomas Keller’s institution is among the very best restuarants in the country. 6640 Washington St., Yountville. 707.944.2380.

The William Tell House American & Italian.

La Toque Restaurant

$$. Marin County’s oldest saloon. Casual and jovial atmosphere. Steaks, pasta, chicken and fish all served with soup or salad. Lunch and dinner daily. 26955 Hwy 1, Tomales. 707.878.2403

Yet Wah Chinese. $$. Can’t go wrong here. Special Dungeness crab dishes for dinner; dim sum for lunch. Lunch and dinner daily. 1238 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.460.9883.

N A PA CO U N T Y Bistro Jeanty French. $$$. Rich, homey cuisine. A perfect choice when you can’t get a chance to do your Laundry. Lunch and dinner daily. 6510 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.4870.

Boonfly Cafe California cuisine. $-$$. Extraordinary food in an extraordinary setting. Perfect pasta and mussels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 4080 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 707.299.4900.

Bouchon French. $$$. A Keller brother creation with a distinctly Parisian bistro ambiance, offering French classics. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 6534 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.8037.

Checkers California. $$.

French-inspired. $$$$. Set in a comfortable elegantly rustic dining room reminiscent of a French lodge, with a stone fireplace centerpiece, La Toque makes for memorable special-occasion dining. The elaborate wine pairing menus are luxuriously inspired. Dinner daily. 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.5157.

Pizza Azzurro Italian. $. Run by a former Tra Vigne and Lark Creek Inn alum, the pizza is simple and thin, and ranks as some of the best in the North Bay. Lunch and dinner daily. 1260 Main St (at Clinton), Napa. 707.255.5552.

Red Rock Cafe & Backdoor BBQ American. $-$$. Cafe specializing in barbecue and classic diner fare. Messy, delicious. Lunch and dinner daily. 1010 Lincoln Ave, Napa. 707.252.9250.

Redd California cuisine. $$$$$. Rich dishes balanced by subtle flavors and careful yet casual presentation. Brunch at Redd is exceptional. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 6480 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2222. Siena California-Tuscan. $$$$. Sophisticated, terroirinformed cooking celebrates the local and seasonal, with electric combinations like sorrel-wrapped ahi tuna puttanesca. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 875 Bordeaux Way, Napa. 707.251.1900.


Wines of March The ides of March may be upon us, but they aren’t going anywhere until you head to a couple of area culinary events this week, in Napa and Sonoma counties. The 2014 Savor Sonoma Valley, held over the weekend of March 15–16, will feature the wares of 26 wineries from the region, all of whom offer 2013 vintages straight from the barrel. The event promises a Sauvignon to nuts experience. You can meet winemakers, drink their wine, check out local art and local music, and enjoy dishes from local restaurants paired with an appropriate wine. A few of the vineyards that’ll be representin’: Arrowood, Benziger, Pangloss Cellars, Talisman Wines and others. Savor Sonoma Valley is also offering a bunch of cool promotions and deals for the event—go to WineCountry.com A weekend pass to Savor Sonoma will run you $65. Designated drivers can roll for $20. A Sunday-only deal will set you back $50 (the designated driver pays $10 for a Sunday-only pass). Meanwhile, over in Yountville, there’s another great drinks-’n’-food-focused weekend event. The Taste of Yountville takes place March 14–16, and is essentially a three-day street fair with tasting menus and microbrews on offer, not to mention wines from dozens of Napa Valley vineyards. Tasting tickets cost $1 each and, at past events, have been redeemable for food at such places as Bouchon Bakery, Bottega, Hurley’s Restaurant and wine at Cliff Lede, Domaine Chandon and others. The event schedule includes a “Taste of Yountville” passport program—get your passport stamped five times, and you’ll be in the running to win some top-notch swag from participating Yountville businesses. On Friday, 5–7pm, the Yountville Community Center will host an artist reception featuring wine and small bites, and art. That’s a $10 ticket. The rolling Saturday street party is free to attend, with $1 tasting tickets and the aforementioned “passport.” There’s art for sale all day Saturday and Sunday at the Community Center, and a bunch of chef demonstrations and garden tours, too.—Tom Gogola

Most reviews by James Knight. Note: Those listings marked ‘WC’ denote wineries with caves. These wineries are usually only open to the public by appointment. Wineries in these listings appear on a rotating basis.


for the Pinot, stay for the Syrah. 235 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. Open daily, 10:30am–5:30pm. 707.431.9400.


Annadel Estate Winery Long before there

Loxton Cellars At Loxton,

Castello di Amorosa

was an Annadel State Park, there was an Annadel Winery. After 120 years, it’s open for business again. The winery ruins host weddings, while intimate tastings are on the porch of the 1886 ranch house. 6687 Sonoma Hwy., Santa Rosa. History tour and tasting by appointment. $25. 707.537.8007.

Benovia Winery Unfussy cellar tasting in barn-style winery, refined Chard and Pinot; but “ooh, have you had their Zinfandel?” 3339 Hartman Road, Santa Rosa. By appointment only, 10am–4pm daily. 707.526.4441. Dutton-Goldfield Winery Spacious, clean and bright, otherwise not much to recommend it–except a stellar lineup of finely crafted, fruit-forward wines. 3100 Gravenstein Hwy. N., Sebastopol. 10am–4:30pm daily. $10 tasting fee. 707.827.3600.

Fort Ross Vineyard & Winery Pinot meets Pinotage at the edge of the continent. Take the turnoff to Meyers Grade Road and don’t look back. 15725 Meyers Grade Road, Jenner. Open daily, 10am–6pm. Tasting fee, $10. 707.847.3460.

John Tyler Wines For decades, the Bacigalupis have been selling prized grapes to the likes of Chateau Montelena and Williams Selyem. Now, the third-generation wine growers offer the pick of the vineyard in their own tasting room, brandnew in 2011. Graceful Pinot and sublime Zin. 4353 Westside Road, Healdsburg. Open dail,y 10:30am–5pm. Tastings $10. 707.473.0115.

La Crema Winery Stylish salon offers hip urbanites limited-release country cousins of the top-selling restaurant brand. Pop in

the shingle of Aussie Chris Loxton, who forewent a career in physics to save space-time in a bottle, Syrah and Shiraz are king. 11466 Dunbar Road, Glen Ellen. By appointment. 707.935.7221.

Mercury Geyserville No fee, 20 percent discount for Sonoma County residents and 12-pack wooden crates of mini-jug wine; two turntables, an LP record player–put on your winged shoes, it’s time to party in sleepy Geyserville! Also pickled comestibles, jam, peppers–and pretty good Pinot, Cab, Cab Franc, and Merlot. 20120 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville. Open daily, 11am– 6pm. No fee. 707.857.9870.

Novy Family Winery Daily tastings by appointment in a no-nonsense warehouse, and is better known as a celebrated member of the “Pinot posse” by its other moniker, Siduri. 980 Airway Court, Ste. C, Santa Rosa. 707.578.3882.

Red Car Wine Co. Lay some track to the “Gateway to Graton” and take your palate on a ride with Boxcar Syrah and Trolley Pinot from Sonoma Coast vineyards. Next stop: Côte-Rôtie on the way to Beaune. 8400 Graton Road, Sebastopol. Open daily, 10am-5pm. Tasting fee $10. 707.829.8500.

Roche Carneros Estate Chardonnay is king. 122 W Spain St, Sonoma. Open daily, 10am– 5pm. 707.935.7115.

Rochioli Vineyards & Winery White House scrapbook details dozens of luncheon menus featuring waiting-list-only Rochioli wine. Tony Blair had a special relationship with the West Block Pinot. 6192 Westside Road, Healdsburg. Thursday– Monday 11am–4pm. 707.433.2305.

Not only an “authentic Medieval Italian castle,” but authentically far more defensible than any other winery in Napa from legions of footmen in chain mail. In wine, there’s something for every taste, but don’t skip the tour of great halls, courtyards, cellars, and–naturally–an authentic dungeon. . 4045 N. St. Helena Hwy., Calistoga. 9:30am–5pm. Tasting fees, $10–$15; tours, $25–$30. Napa Neighbor discounts. 707.967.6272.

Far Niente (WC) Far Niente was founded in 1885 by John Benson, a ’49er of the California Gold Rush and uncle of the famous American impressionist painter Winslow Homer. The estate boasts beautiful gardens as well as the first modern-built wine caves in North America. 1350 Acacia Drive, Napa. By appointment. 707.944.2861. Hess Collection Winery An intellectual outpost of art and wine housed in the century-old Christian Brother’s winery. Cab is the signature varietal. 4411 Redwood Road, Napa. Open daily, 10am–4pm. 707.255.1144.

Smith-Madrone Riesling is Smith-Madrone’s main fame claim. Its Riesling has steadily gained fame while Napa Valley Riesling in general has become a rare antique. 4022 Spring Mountain Road, St. Helena. By appointment. 707.963.2283. Trahan Winery In the fancy heart of downtown Napa, a low-budget “cellar” where wines are shelved, with clever economy, in stacks of wood pallets; vibes are laid-back and real. Carneros Chardonnay and fruity but firm and focused Cab and Merlot from Suisin Valley, Napa’s much less popular stepsister to the east. 974 Franklin St., Napa. Open daily, noon–5:30pm. Tasting fee, $15. 707.257.7477.

Swig Emerald Aisle

Skip the green beer and try a fresh, local Irish red—if you can find it BY JAMES KNIGHT


ne afternoon in the week leading up to Saint Patrick’s Day, it was harder to locate a single Irish-style red ale than to find a four-leaf clover (of which I once found three in an afternoon).

Bless Moylan’s Brewery and their faithful for keeping Paddy’s Irish Red Ale (22-ounce) readily available in local markets. Once a personal favorite, this bronze-hued ale (quite a bit lighter than Smithwick’s, for Irish ale geeks out there) seems less robust than past batches, but there’s something about the sweet, malty aroma that distinguishes it from the average California pale ale. Sister company Marin Brewing makes a St. Brendan’s Irish Red Ale. Bless also newcomer Warped Brewing in Sebastopol. Assistant brewer Mark Lagris says that in their fifth week of operation, they already have an Irish red ale settling in the tank. It’ll be available on tap by Saint Patrick’s Day. Tentatively called Red Circle of Death, it’s “Irish” because of the particulars of the mash bill, says Lagris, and it’s fermented with a specific yeast strain. In Petaluma, Dempsey’s Brewery has, at times, released its Sonoma Irish Ale in 22-ounce bottles. On a darker note, despite advertised bottles, Third Street Aleworks’ Blarney Sisters Dry Irish Stout is currently only available on tap. For me, Blarney Sisters is a successful Irish-style stout largely because it doesn’t remind me of soy sauce (which is not necessarily a bad quality). Mellow but substantial, it’s a smooth mouthful of charred grain and cocoa, with a reasonably compact head. Also rich and dark, but weighing in at just 5 percent alcohol, Moylan’s releases Dragoons Dry Irish Stout in keg and bottle (which I was unable to locate this time around), while in Cloverdale, Ruth McGowan’s Dry Irish Stout is just 4.5 percent ABV. It might be argued that the whole point of these sorts of themed drinking holidays is to obtain said nation’s bestselling alcoholic beverage, drink up, and be done with it. There’s plenty of Guinness, so who needs Irish-style stout? Well, there was a time when the term “beer snob” was as laughably incongruous as, say, “Irish real estate bubble.” It’s a different time. And I like to have delicious choices from this style of ale that, like Guinness, tastes best when fresh and served not many miles from where it’s made.

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NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Flourishing Transplants They like afternoon sun, not too much water and Petaluma’s slower pace BY DAEDALUS HOWELL


he Miwok called it “Péta Lúuma.” The Spanish reduced it to “Petaluma.” I tried to get “Lumaville” to stick when “P-Town” seemed to be gaining ground, only to have the annual bumper crop of teens rechristen it “Deadaluma,” just like always. Now, if anecdotal reports prove true, a sizable influx of thirty- to forty-somethings from San Francisco and the East Bay are moving to Petaluma who simply call it “home.”

“I hear the story almost every day,” says Natasha Juliana, owner of WORK, a co-working space in the city’s downtown. “It’s gotten comical. Especially

young families with young kids and parents in their 30s and 40s. They’re coming from San Francisco, the East Bay, and even farther away, like New York and

Chicago,” she says. “And then we also see a lot of people who grew up here, went away for a long time, had children and have moved back.” What Juliana hasn’t seen are people younger than 30 moving to Petaluma. “There are very few twenty-somethings,” she observes. This stands to reason, since it’s traditionally the twentysomethings, like my younger self, that flee the suburbs and head straight for the cities. I split from my native Petaluma

15 years ago on a self-imposed exile to pursue big-city ambitions, only to ultimately wish I hadn’t. When my wife was enticed to leave her natural foods company marketing position in the East Bay to take one in Sonoma County, it meant we could move to Petaluma. I could repatriate to my home town. But, as anyone with any years on them will tell you, where you grow up is a time, not a place. Petaluma is barely recognizable to me. Now it’s so much cooler than when I was an

Cool ’Burbs While showing us our future home, the woman showing the house namedropped critically lauded singer-songwriter Sean Hayes, who had moved with his young family to Petaluma only months prior. I’d known and appreciated his work in the city and found his presence on the block somehow assuring. Could the ’burbs be cool? “Why Petaluma?” asks Hayes, who had lived in San Francisco for 20 years. “Intuition. Mostly my wife’s. We were living in a small one bedroom in the Mission in San Francisco. We knew we were going to have a second baby. Decided north. We’ve been very happy up here—great town.” The Hayeses aren’t the only ones who have “decided north” in recent months. Dozens upon dozens of mostly creative professionals, many of whom have young children, are moving to Petaluma. Albeit, all evidence of this migration is unsubstantiated; there is no hard data—yet—just observations made by myself and others. For example, a new preschool opened in Petaluma last fall in which every single student is the child of a transplanted family that moved from the East Bay or San Francisco, mostly in the last year. And this kind of situation arises again and again in local conversations. Who are these people and why are they moving to Petaluma? The reasons are myriad but cluster around three primary themes: economic pressures in the surrounding cities driving up the cost of housing; a desire for a community-centric creative and sustainable lifestyle with a bucolic backdrop; and the need to accommodate the spate of kids everyone had when they panicked and realized they were staring down the barrel at 40. Speaking with some newly minted Petalumans is a bit like watching a supercut of the Manchurian Candidate:

“Petaluma is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful small town I’ve ever known in my life.” I’ve heard the same breathless sentiment coming from my own mouth when asked why I moved here. It’s all true, but hearing it aloud helps me believe it, helps me believe that ditching a hip neighborhood in Oakland for the comparatively staid environs of Sonoma County was the right decision. Sure it was, because (a) I always felt 15 years too old for it anyway, and (b) where the hell else could I go to feel even vaguely relevant? Try as I might to find a Petaluma naysayer for a reality check, none would go on record. They fear, I surmise, as I do, that we might become the twist in a Shirley Jackson story wherein the townsfolk stone us to death. (And not in the “Sonoma Coma” kind of way.)

each other. The New York Times recently fawned over the city’s restaurants. Even the cows and their pervasive stink contribute to the local charm—and you can have them delivered to your door as organic steaks through a community supported agriculture service. For that matter, food— especially locally cultivated grub—is a big draw. “It’s nicely located, and centrally located. Have you seen the restaurants?” says Don Frances over mason jars of beer from Petaluma’s own Lagunitas Brewing Company at Ray’s Tavern. The neighborhood hub, with weekly live music and a menu rife with specialty sammies boasting local street names (the Western Avenue BLT is selfexplanatory), has evolved from family-owned corner store into microbrew mecca and artisanal sandwich shop. Frances and his family moved from Davis to Petaluma when he was appointed news editor of the Sonoma Index-Tribune last February. “I want that nice blend of city and country, and we have got it. I like a city that ends—meaning you get to the actual end of it—and this is one,” he says. “There aren’t that many, especially if you want a city that’s worth a damn as a city but not part of some megalopolis that never really ends.” But are we all drinking the Pinotflavored Kool-Aid and calling it Lagunitas? With its hands on the spigot is the city itself, which has made a concerted effort to market Petaluma and its various attractions to businesses seeking to employ “knowledge workers.” A letter from Mayor David Glass, printed in an advertising supplement circulated last October, declares that “Petaluma has been a center of industry and innovation in the Bay Area for 150 years. Today it’s the corporate home of global brands like Lagunitas, CamelBak, Traditional

Are we all drinking the Pinotflavored Kool-Aid and calling it Lagunitas?

Redefining ‘Small Town’ Aesthetic Prior to moving back, I clued into certain cultural indicators that the city had changed from one groping for an identity (saddled as it was between Sonoma’s wine trade and Marin’s cultural clinch on what many imagined Northern California to be) to one that’s rapidly redefining the potential for a small town to support creativity, entrepreneurism and sustainability in an affordable and family-friendly package. Take, for example, WORK, a co-working space where entrepreneurs and freelancers of various stripes get the job done in the heart of downtown—finally, a place where building one’s own personal empire is embraced and encouraged. Across the street is Acre Coffee, where one can get single-origin, direct-trade, French-pressed drinks, just as one would at the cafe’s San Francisco location. There are three wine bars within staggering distance of

Medicinals, Enphase and Athleta.” The approach dovetails nicely with a larger county-wide effort to attract businesses in fields populated by creative professionals, which the Sonoma County Economic Development Board broadly defines as those working in science and engineering, architecture and design, management and finance, education, the arts, and music and entertainment. Last month the EDB convened a “Creative Arts Focus Group” to assess how it might help this “cluster” become a steady economic driver. Participants were asked to break into groups and answer questions like “what are the three biggest opportunities for growing/sustaining your business in the next three to seven years?” A consistent theme, writ large on the groups’ self-adhesive flipcharts, was the notion of attracting and retaining talent through Sonoma County’s copious lifestyle offerings. After all, we’re “America’s premier wine, spa and coastal destination,” as our tourism bureau happily reminds. And, as the southernmost tip of the county, Petaluma is the gateway to this Xanadu. “I do not have any specific statistics that would allow me to confirm your observations about creative professionals moving to Petaluma,” says Ingrid Alverde, the city of Petaluma’s economic development manager, via email. “That said, I, too, have met many creative professionals in my work with the city. I can say that Petaluma’s quality of life is unmatched in the Bay Area because of its affordable living, mixed with its great location and its historic downtown. Petaluma also has a strong sense of community and many venues for art, music and theater.”

The G-Word Notions of gentrification arise every time a demographic shift occurs in a specific locale. Is that what’s happening here? By the strictest definition, no. It was already like this when we got here. “It feels more real and

) 16

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angry young man—or at least I’m finally able to get over myself and enjoy Petaluma on its own terms. Actually, make that its new terms.

Petaluma ( 16

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Spreckels Performing Arts Center 5409 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park 6SUHFNHOV %R[ 2I¿FH ‡ VSUHFNHOVRQOLQH FRP

it doesn’t feel so suburban. It’s not like suburban sprawl,â€? says WORK’s Juliana. “[I can go] four minutes outside of town and be in real working farmland. There’s a quality to Petaluma that’s really authentic, partly just because of the history and the agricultural history. It has a diversity of people still living here. It’s not Mill Valley.â€? The Mill Valley factor has long loomed over Petaluma. In the ’80s there was a palpable sense of Marin County envy—we were so close yet so far away from the money, hot tubs, Beemers and cocaine. The ’90s did no favors for Petaluma, resulting in a decade of “alternativeâ€? self-deceptions and dotcom dilettantism that made us look like Marin’s self-mutilating younger sibling. It wasn’t until this century that Petaluma realized the intrinsic lifestyle value of its rural village roots and embraced it wholly. Couple this with Sonoma County’s upgrade from “Redwood Empireâ€? to “Wine Country,â€? and suddenly we’re trendsetters. But does inuence necessarily lead to affluence, speciďŹ cally of the kind that would make Petaluma fear it was turning into Mill Valley? “I have a lot of friends who worry about that,â€? observes Juliana, who is conďŹ dent Petaluma will maintain its community-driven values. “But you also have to evolve as a town, otherwise you become a desolate ghost town.â€? Anyway, Petaluma tried gentriďŹ cation before. The results were meh. In the early aughts, plug-’n’-play developments like the so-called Theater District were designed to emulate the urban density of cities—retail and restaurants downstairs, loft-like apartments upstairs. It’s urban design by way of a prĂŞt-Ă -porter mentality, and may attract a certain kind of PrĂŞt-Ă -luman, but by and large the recent arrivals are speciďŹ cally attracted to the older (by a century) west-side architecture and a decidedly small-town way of life. More to the point, the families

moving to Petaluma are not gentriďŹ ers themselves so much as the fallout from the latest waves of gentriďŹ cation occurring in the urban neighborhoods they departed. Demand for real estate in San Francisco has driven the market into the stratosphere. A three-bedroom ďŹ xer-upper in the Glen Park neighborhood near Noe Valley recently sold for $1.425 million. Homes in Petaluma can be had for one-third as much, though this is likely to change as inventory decreases. “Homes are selling as soon as they come on the market,â€? says Martha O’Hayer, a realtor at the Petaluma branch of Coldwell Banker. “Savvy investors are buying their homes now, renting them until they are ready to leave the City and East Bay with the intention of heading here when they are ready for a lifestyle change.â€? Homes on Petaluma’s tonier, older west side start at the mid-$300,000s but can reach a cool million in the prestige neighborhoods in the “number and letterâ€? streets. Comparatively, homes east of Highway 101, where track developments limned by strip malls dominate, hover between $300,000 and $500,000. Seven months ago, therapist Rachael Newman purchased a home with her husband near Petaluma’s downtown. Since the arrival of their son, they were rapidly outgrowing their houseboat in Sausalito. It was time to take the plunge (north—not into the Bay). “It just felt like the town of Sausalito wasn’t really quite right for ‘forever’ for us,â€? says Newman. “Petaluma feels like a place where we can really raise our children and grow old.â€? She adds with a laugh, “We’re a clichĂŠ at this point, I guess.â€? Juliana puts it this way: “Honestly, this is the ďŹ rst place where I feel really at home. I feel like I ďŹ t in.â€? I concur completely. Sweet home Deadaluma, Lord, I’m coming home to you. Daedalus Howell lives and writes in Petaluma. DHowell.com.

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CULTURE The week’s events: a selective guide

WE SING, WE DANCE Jason Mraz performs an evening of acoustic music at the Green Music Center, March 16. See Concerts, p23.





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Boomer Baby

Brave It

In the age of digital,, there there is something so fundamentally cool about being able to hold an art print in hand,, crafted c afted in paint cr and paper red or stenciled. paper,, etched or layer layered This week, Sonoma SState tate University and the Southern Gr aphics Cou uncil together Graphics Council collect a huge ar ray of works workks by printmakers array fr om up and down the West West e Coast, from rrepresenting epresenting a wide rrange angee of styles and techniques.. Highlights of the t exhibit include the contr ontemporary asting co contrasting contemporary woodcutting of Seattle ’ss Chris C P apa, the apa, Seattle’s Papa, wooly blanket art of L.A.. artist a Chris Johanson and the fine prin nts of Santa prints Rosa artist and teacher KKevin e Fletcher evin Fletcher.. ‘W est Coast Ink:: Printmak king fr om San ‘West Printmaking from Diego to Seattle’ opens wi th a rreception eception on with Thursday y, Mar ch 13,, at thee Sonoma SState tate Thursday, March University Art Gallery ve., Gallery.. 18011 E. Cotati A Ave., Rohnert P ark. 4pm.. 707.664.2295. 7077..66 64.2295. Park.

Since being taught to tap at age 14, d Savion Glover has master tap dancer made it his life’s life’s work. Forming the HooFeRzCL u (T uB LHS) dance ensemble in HooFeRzCLuB (TLHS) his hometow wn of Newark, N.J hometown N.J.,., Glover is most known n as the TTony oony A ward–winning Award–winning chor eograph her of the 1996 Br oadway choreographer Broadway hit Bring in ’da Noise, Bring in ’da Funk. innovator, Equal parts virtuoso and innovator, brings his latest pr oduction, Glover brings production, STePz ST TeePz, to thee North Bay Bay.. Combing the best of tr adiitional dance and Glover ’ss traditional Glover’s own young and a funk styling, and backed by a versatile versatile ensemble, this exuber ant exuberant dance celeb ration happens Friday y, celebration Friday, Mar ch 14, att the Marin Center’s Center ’s V eterans March Veterans Memorial Au uditorium. 10 Avenues Avenues of Auditorium. the Flags, San Saan Raf ael. 8pm. $20–$45. Rafael. 4415.499.6800. 15.499.6800.

There’s no topic that humorist and aauthor There’s uthor Dave Barry Barry won ’t take on,, no matterr how won’t little he knows about it. The Pulit zer Prize– Pulitzer winning writer of a nationally syndica ated syndicated column that rran an ffor or 22 years tackles everyday subjects like tr avel and mon ney in travel money humor ous,, insightful ways.. Bar ry’s lat test humorous, Barry’s latest book, YYou ou o CCan aan Date Boys When YYou’re oou’re Fortyy, enthood and family family a in includes stories of par parenthood ast-paced modern world.. Looking Lookin ng back our ffast-paced chaperoning both a Justin Bieber on chaperoning mitzvah, zvah, Barry Barry offers offers e up concert and a bat mitzvah, signature witticism twice on March March c 14, his signature assage as partt of the first at noon at Book P Passage store’s Liter ary LLuncheon uncheon series (51 Ta TTamal amal store’s Literary Madera;; $55 with lunch lu unch Vista Blvd.,, Corte Madera; 415.9277..0960),, then at an and book;; 415.927.0960), ance at the Mystic Theatre Thheatre evening appear appearance etaluma Blvd N.,, P etaluma;; $15– –$35; (23 P Petaluma Petaluma; $15–$35; 7077.7 . 65.2121) at 8pm. 707.765.2121)

Breaking down stuffy ster Breaking stereotypes eotypes with their casual chamber music concert series, Brave Brave New Mu sic hosts the Music New YYork–based ork–based C ataalyst Quartet at Catalyst Healdsbur g’s Shed, th he innovate agr arian Healdsburg’s the agrarian center for an eveningg of music in an center,, for unconstr ained atmosp phere. The ffamed amed unconstrained atmosphere. quartet themselves ar re dedicated to are modernizing the per ception of classical perception music, presenting presenting her heree pieces by acclaimed contempor ary composers contemporary Philip Glass, Glass Joan TTower ow wer and Latin jazz composer P Rivera, as well as aquito D’R Paquito D’Rivera, an original piece. Craft Crafft beers and local wines will be on handd when the CCatalyst atalyst Quartet perf orms on TTuesday, uesday, Mar ch 18, performs March at Shed. 25 North St., St., Healdsburg. Healdsburg. 7pm. $25. 707.431.7622. 7077..431.7622.

—Charlie —C h lie S har Swanson wanson

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Arts Ideas VINE INSPIRATION A Merlot cutting is transformed into a candelabrum at Santa Rosa’s Functional Art, Incorporated.

Something New Sonoma County artisans give new life to castoff materials BY JIM BRUMM


he Japanese have a tradition of repairing broken pots with a lacquer resin laced with gold, a process called kintsugi. Repairing the pot this way emphasizes the flaw and is considered to enhance its beauty and value. Indeed, sometimes the old, weathered and seasoned can be more beautiful than the new. According to the state’s official

website, Californians generate over 50 million tons of waste each year. Much of that “waste” is made up of wood, metal, glass and other materials that could, like a cracked Japanese pot, be repaired, reused and repurposed. Living as we are in a “use it and throw it away” society, it’s easy to grow complacent about what we toss in the trash. But some in Sonoma County are working to reverse this trend. Sonoma County artist and designer Seth Richardson is part of a vanguard of creative thinkers

who are reenvisioning notions of disposability. After years in the construction industry, he now creates furniture and home accents from reclaimed items. “I don’t like seeing good material go into landfills,” says Richardson, who frequently scours junkyards and landfills to find material for his creations. “I like to find things that have a story, then help those things retell their story, but with a happy ending.” In 2011 Richardson started Functional Art, Incorporated,

and began putting his vision into practice. His work can be seen mostly in homes, offices, restaurants and tasting rooms. Located on Industrial Drive in Santa Rosa, Functional Art is the only business in the district creating original pieces. Every turn in his studio reveals another surprise. Recently, Richardson built a set of picnic tables using wood rescued from a set of bleachers at a Kansas City high school. Other pieces include lighted wall sconces fashioned from recycled oak barrel staves and a stunning three-dimensional wall sculpture made up of beach rocks and reclaimed seasoned wood. “I don’t always plan before beginning a project,” says Richardson. “I take existing items and ask myself, what could I do with this—what could this become?” Sebastopol artist and craftsman Chris Lely and his partner Nick Howard recently started a company, Lely-Howard, creating unique furniture from castoffs, including one-of-a-kind custom tables using old-growth Douglas fir from a recently demolished building in downtown Petaluma. “We love the idea of repurposing,” says Lely. “The old lumber has great character and beauty.” Lely began crafting furniture when work in the construction business fell off due to the lagging economy. “Suddenly, no one was hiring,” he says. “I began finding things that were lying around and turning them into something else. There’s a real market for this. Lots of people are looking for the industrial, reclaimed look. We use lumber, old carts or metal wheels and make something new and unique. It’s not just something to look at; it’s something you can use.” This trend toward making and

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March 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 at 8:00 PM March 8, 9, 15, 16 at 2:00 PM Burbank Auditorium, Santa Rosa Junior College 1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa Campus


SEASON 2013/2014

19 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM

buying items made from repurposed materials has also spurred some businesses to warehouse and supply these materials to craftsmen and DIY-ers. Joel Fox owns and operates one of these businesses, Beyond Waste, in Cotati. “We take reclaimed Douglas fir and redwood and turn it into flooring and wainscoting,” says Fox. “We were doing salvage work and deconstruction. At the time, there weren’t many people repairing or reclaiming materials. But when we began custom-milling beautiful flooring from salvaged wood, we couldn’t make it fast enough. Our customers love the character and the flaws in the wood.” Even the Sonoma County Probation Camp, which runs a 24bed facility for young men ages 16 to 18, has gotten onboard the recycling train. There, the crews learn carpentry and welding by creating benches, picnic tables and fire rings from reclaimed wood and metal, which is then offered for sale to the public and California’s state parks. “Sometimes,” says Richardson. “I think of that old wedding rhyme— something old, something new, something borrowed . . .” He laughs, adding, “I guess the ‘something blue’ part is how I feel when I let a piece go to its new home.” Local activist Lauren Shalaby is making plans with Richardson to create a nonprofit in alignment with Functional Art, which will teach at-risk youth how to work with repurposed materials. “We throw so much away,” says Shalaby, “and much of it goes into landfills or to foreign countries, where they recycle it and sell it back to us. Our plan is to come up with ways to keep those resources here while teaching a new generation about conservation and recycling. Children will have the opportunity to learn craft skills, art, welding, design and carpentry, and see their efforts actually being used in their community. We want to teach kids that they can impart new life to old things. “We want to build a bridge between the way things are and the way they can be.”

TICKETS ONLINE www.santarosa.edu/theatrearts TICKETS $10-$15 BOX OFFICE 707.527.4343 RECOMMENDED FOR AGE 14 AND ABOVE.

The Cherry Orchard is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.

Stage Tom Chown

NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM


CHERRY PICKED Molly Umholtz, Devin Winter and Grace Kent in SRJC’s ‘Cherry Orchard.’

Chekhov List 33/14 /14 – 3/20 3 / 20

Two North Bay productions stage Russian master

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nton Chekhov’s plays are like magic tricks.

Whether writing vast multiactor epics or slapstick short-form farces, Chekhov had a way of burying the typical forward action of his plots in the evolving emotional lives of his characters. In so doing, Chekhov keeps audiences looking for the story in the wrong places until—abracadabra!—we suddenly see that the real story was happening somewhere else. For an audience willing to be patient and enjoy the musicality and ingenious humor of the language, an evening of Chekhov— if performed by actors who get what they’re doing—can be an aweinspiring experience. And for actors, the chance to bounce one’s craft against the massive wall of Chekhov’s genius can be

transformative and life-changing. Which is why theater companies love doing Chekhov. In Santa Rosa, two separate companies have just opened shows by Chekhov, giving audiences a chance to see the vast range of his talent, from a cluster of his playful one-acts being staged by the Imaginists to what many believe to be Chekhov’s crowning achievement, the mournfully brilliant Cherry Orchard, presented by a cast of student actors and professionals at Santa Rosa Junior College. Asking beginning actors to tackle Chekhov is a little like sending a rookie out during the Super Bowl, but college theater arts programs would not be doing their job if they didn’t allow students to have a go at a Chekhov play now and then. Director Leslie McCauley has built an actual cherry orchard inside the Burbank Theater, with faux trees all over the place, including a few out in the seats. The story of a family of once wealthy landowners making all the wrong decisions as they face the loss of their oncethriving estate will have plenty of resonance for modern audiences, some of whom might be surprised to discover Chekhov used the phrase “the 99 percent” to describe the have-nots in a play 110 years old. At the Imaginists, Tobacco, Sparks, Fireworks, Chekhov looks to be a typically inventive bit of experimental theater, with three of Chekhov’s funnier shorts. On the Harmfulness of Tobacco is a one-person play in which a man attempts to give a lecture but can’t stay on the subject. The Proposal is a farce about marriage and the art of arguing. And Dirty Tragedians and Unclean Playwrights is, well, flat-out indescribable. Whether in the mood for Chekhov as a full meal or as tasty little bites, now is a good time to sink your teeth into one of the greatest writers who ever lived. ‘The Cherry Orchard’ runs through March 16 at Santa Rosa Junior College (www.santarosa.edu/ theatrearts); ‘Tobacco, Sparks, Fireworks, Chekhov’ runs through March 22 at the Imaginists (www.theimaginists.org).



NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM


GOING UP Tilda Swinton and Ralph Fiennes (right) take a quirky ride in Wes Anderson’s hotly anticipated new film.

Grand Skullduggery Murder, fascists, and a coming war make for a lively stay in ‘Budapest Hotel’ BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


pproaching Wes Anderson’s mostly delightful Grand Budapest Hotel can give you that same foreboding you feel when encountering the word “artisanal.” It’s seriously underfemaled, and it pauses to congratulate itself for its cleverness. At worst, Anderson is a director of ducky films, but this nested story of European skullduggery seems to have more of a spine than anything he’s made since Fantastic Mr. Fox.

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a tale told by the proprietor of a declining luxury hotel during the 1960s in the Slovenia-like nation of Zubrowka. F. Murray Abraham is the turtlenecked proprietor Moustafa, a man who looks as haunted as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. In a conversation over dinner, Moustafa tells a young writer (Jude Law) about the life he led between the wars. In those days, he was mentored by the suave concierge M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes, terrifically louche), a heavily scented, indifferently heterosexual squire to wealthy elderly

women. When Gustave’s oldest client (Tilda Swinton, grotesque in old-age makeup) bequeaths him a valuable painting the upstart hotelier becomes involved with blueblooded fascists played by Adrien Brody and Willem Dafoe as his leather-wrapped thug, Jopling. Jailbreaks, alpine assassination, harrowing castles and political discord make this an unusually ripsnorting Anderson film. Far more like him are his asides: mentions of a far-off land called Dutch Tanganyika, rides on the trams of the gloomy capital city, Lutz, and a visit to the Bureau of Labor and Servitude. Anderson styles his productions American Empirical, and he finally seems to have a fully running studio: a script department, a tabletop special effects lab, a first-rate music department and a stable of actors, including an artistically disfigured Saoirse Ronan, Harvey Keitel as a bald convict and Jeff Goldblum in spectacles that make him look like Sartre. ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ opens soon in select theaters.



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Concerts Clubs & SONOMA COUNTY Venues Catalyst Quartet New York-based string quartet plays contemporary compositions. Mar 18, 7:30pm. $25. SHED, 25 North St, Healdsburg. 707.431.7433.

Glen Miller Orchestra The world famous big band gives a special afternoon show. Mar 15, 3pm. $30-$45. Wells Fargo Center, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

SONOMA COUNTY Annex Wine Bar Thurs-Sat, live music. 865 W. Napa St., Sonoma. 707.938.7779.

Aqus Cafe

A rare acoustic performance by the vibrant songwriter. Mar 16, 8pm. $95-$125. Green Music Center, 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park.

Mar 14, Lumanation. Mar 15, Wild Green. Mar 16, Irish music ceili session. Mar 17, Drake Terrace Band. Mar 18, Advance Directives. Second Wednesday of every month, Jazz Jam. Second Thursday of every month, open mic night. Third Wednesday of every month, West Coast Singer Songwriter Competition. 189 H St, Petaluma. 707.778.6060.

North Bay Sinfonietta

Chrome Lotus

The orchestra is committed to presenting lesser-known works in addition to classic pieces from their repertoire. Mar 14, 8pm. $5. Ingram Hall, First Presbyterian Church, 1550 Pacific Ave, Santa Rosa.

Fri, Sat, Live DJs. 501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.843.5643.

Jason Mraz

MARIN COUNTY Big Brother & the Holding Company Dynamic rock band is reinventing itself. With the Tom Finch Band. Mar 14, 9pm. $15-$20. 19 Broadway Club, 19 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.

Haifa Symphony Orchestra of Israel The leaders of original Israeli compositions are making their U.S. debut. Mar 15, 8pm. $20-$45. Marin Center’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Magical Music of Disney Marin Symphony presents this family-friendly musical journey. Mar 16, 3pm. $15-$45. Marin Center’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Wake the Dead World’s first Celtic Grateful Dead Jam Band is a romp. Mar 16, 3pm. $18-$22. Studio 55 Marin, 1455 E Francisco Blvd, San Rafael. 415.453.3161.

Dry Creek Kitchen Mar 17, Carlos Henrique Pereira and Randy Vincent Duo. Mar 18, Chris Amberger and Randy Vincent. 317 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.431.0330.

Epicurean Connection Mar 12, Layla Musselwhite. Second Thursday of every month, open mic with Josh Windmiller. Mar 14, Ian Franklin and Infinite Frequency. Mar 15, Whiskey Circumstance. Mar 16, Leslie Greer. 122 West Napa St, Sonoma. 707.935.7960.

Flamingo Lounge Mar 14, Decades. Mar 15, Elsa Denton Band. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.8530.

French Garden Mar 14, Haute Flash Quartet. Mar 15, New Skye Band. 8050 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. 707.824.2030.

Gaia’s Garden Third Sunday of every month, Jazz Jam. 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.544.2491.

Green Music Center Mar 12, Trio Ariadne. Mar 15, Estrella Morente. 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park.

Heritage Public House Mar 15, Manzanita Falls with Ash Thursday. Wed, North Bay Blues Jam. 1901 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.540.0395.


Mar 14, Midori and Ezra Boy. Mar 15, Highway Poets. Mon, Monday Night Edutainment with Jacques & Guac. Tues, 7:30pm, open mic night. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.

Hopmonk Sonoma Mar 14, Tony Gibson. Mar 15, the Hellhounds. Wed, Open Mic. 691 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.935.9100.

707.829.7300 70 7. 829 . 7 3 0 0 S E B AS T OP OL 230 PETALUMA AVE 2 30 P E TA L U M A A V E | SEBASTOPOL





Hotel Healdsburg Mar 15, Susan Sutton Trio with Piro Patton and Tom Hassett. 25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.

Lagunitas Tap Room Mar 12, New Skye Band. Mar 13, Gypsy Jazz Caravan. Mar 14, Wilson-Hukill Blues Review. Mar 15, Jinx Jones. Mar 16, Disorderly House Band. Mar 19, Jason Bodlovich. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.

Main Street Station Mar 12, Greg Hester. Mar 14, Gypsy Cafe Oldies Night. Mar 19, Pocket Canyon Ramblers. Mon, Gypsy Cafe. Thurs, Susan Sutton Jazz Piano. Sun, Kit Mariah’s Open Mic Night. 16280 Main St, Guerneville. 707.869.0501.

NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM


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Murphy’s Irish Pub Mar 15, the Perfect Crime. Mar 16, the Sean Carscadden Trio. Wed, trivia night. 464 First St E, Sonoma. 707.935.0660.

Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch

Mystic Theatre Mar 13, Brother: Celtic Tribal Celebration. Mar 15, Galactic. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.

Newman Auditorium Mar 14, Bennett Friedman Quartet. Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.527.4372.

Occidental Center for the Arts Mar 14, the Claire Lynch Band. Mar 16, Kirk Whipple & Marilyn Morales. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.

Phoenix Theater Mar 14, Soup Sandwich. Mar 15, Infected Mushroom. . 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.

Quincy’s Mar 15, the Road Crew. 6590 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park. 707.585.1079.

R3 Hotel Piano Bar Mar 14-15, Joe Wicht. 16390 Fourth St, Guerneville. 707.869.8399. )


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Mar 14 JIMI Z Fri



Mar 15 Sun

Mar 16 Fri

Mar 21 Sat

Mar 22 Sun

Mar 23 Fri

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Music ( 23



NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM

Redwood Cafe Mar 15, Planet Waves. Thurs, Open Mic. Second Wednesday of every month, Sound Kitchen. Second Friday of every month, J&H Big Band. Third Wednesday of every month, Prairie Sun. Third Sunday of every month, Gold Coast Jazz Band. Third Monday of every month, Neil Buckley Octet. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7868.

Rio Nido Roadhouse Mar 15, Crossroads Drifters Band. 14540 Canyon 2 Rd, Rio Nido. 707.869.0821.

Connect the Dots

Sally Tomatoes

S.F. band Ash Thursday return home to North Bay

Mar 14, 29th St Swingtet. 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.665.0260.

Santa Rosa High School Mar 15-16, From the New World. 1235 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa.

Sprenger’s Tap Room Mar 18, Norbay Pyrate Punx. 446 B St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8277.

Stout Brothers Mar 12, Herb in Movement. Mar 13, Kyle Martin Band. Mar 15, Marshall House Project. Mar 19, Molly Konzen. 527 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.636.0240.

The Sunflower Center

Wed, Mar 12 10:15am– 12:40pm 7–10pm

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Mar 14, David Casselman and friends. 1435 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.792.5300.

Toad in the Hole Pub Showtimes: Sun–Thur 8pm / Fri & Sat 9pm

K_li *&(* BLUES, ROCK & SOUL

The Sticky Notes =i` *&(+ SPACE JAZZ

The Machiavelvets JXk *&(, ROCK

The AllwaysElvis Band Jle *&(- CHARITY EVENT

Flat Broke & Busted / Black Sails / Brothers Horse Christos HD / The Big Snake Situation

Mar 15, Girls + Boys. Third Sunday of every month, Hand Me Down. 116 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8623.

Tradewinds Mar 14, Pro Jam Super Session. Mar 15, Detroit Disciples. Mar 19, Ralph Woodson. Mon, Blues Defenders Pro Jam. Tues, Jeremy’s Open Mic. Thurs, DJ Dave. 8210 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7878.

The Pat Jordan Duo Kl\ *&(/ 2GINGERS WHISKEY

Whiskey Tip


The Altered Egos Band

Raised in Point Reyes Station, Scheiding spent her formative years in Sonoma County, fronting acts like Escape Engine and No More Stereo, and building an intensely personal catalogue of rock albums with an ever-evolving flair. Along with Scheiding in Ash Thursday are Niki Marie (vocals, keyboards), Betsy Adams (guitar), Andrew Ryan (drums) and Anderai Maldonado (bass). Naturally collaborative, the band sound tightly focused on Bravery, the follow-up to the band’s 2013 debut EP, The Strength to Come Apart. Over the course of Bravery’s six tracks, Ash Thursday deliver electro-backed foot stompers, straight-up pop ballads and emotionally charged rock anthems. They appear with Santa Rosa indie ruffians Manzanita Falls in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March 15, at Heritage Public House. 1901 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. 9pm. 707.540.0395.—Charlie Swanson

Twin Oaks Tavern Mar 14, Crazy Famous with HugeLarge. Mar 15, the Rhythm Rangers. Mar 17, Kyle Martin Band. Every other Wednesday, Dixie Giants. 5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 707.795.5118.


Pop-smart and rock-solid, the eclectic indie music of San Francisco’s Ash Thursday shines, with vocalist-guitarist Ash Scheiding turning in an impressive and expressive batch of songs on the band’s latest EP, Bravery.

Mar 13, the Sticky Notes. Mar 14, Machiavelvets. Mar 15, the Allways Elvis Band. Mar 16, the Big Snake Situation. 1910 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa.


Angelico Hall

Mar 12, Adam Traum and Jack Hines. 256 Petaluma Blvd North, Petaluma. 707.773.7751.

Mar 16, Valencia to Andalusia: Music of Spain. Dominican University, 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael.

MARIN COUNTY 142 Throckmorton Theatre Mar 12, the Black Brothers Band. Mon, Open Mic with Derek Smith. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Dance Palace Mar 14, Just Friends. Mar 15, Keola and Moanalani Beamer. Fifth and B streets, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1075.

George’s Nightclub Mar 13, Pepe y Su Orquesta.

Wed, salsa and bachata. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.226.0262. Mar 14, David M’ore. Mar 15, Vinyl. Wed, Open Mic. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.892.6200.

Marin Center Showcase Theatre Mar 16, Men of Worth. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Mt Tamalpais United Methodist Church Mar 14-15, Valencia to Andalusia: Music of Spain. 410 Sycamore Ave, Mill Valley.

19 Broadway Club Mar 12, the Weissmen. Mar 13, Soul Discipilz. Mar 15, Jerrr Hannan. Mar 16, Todos Santos. Mar 19, Eugene Huggins Band. Mon, 9pm, open mic. Tues, Bluesday Piano Night. 19 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.

Open Secret Mar 14, the Dharma Bums. Mar 15, Radiance Kirtan Band. 923 C St, San Rafael. 415.457.4191.

Osher Marin JCC Mar 15, Flying With Dragons. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.

Osteria Divino

100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773.


Downtown Joe’s Brewery & Restaurant

Mar 13, Emma Lee. Mar 14, the Gravel Spreaders. Mar 15, Beso Negro. Mon, reggae. Wed, Larry’s karaoke. Sun, open mic. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.

Station House Cafe Mar 16, Caroline Dahl. Third Monday of every month, Blue Monday with Paul Knight. 11180 State Route 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1515.

Sweetwater Music Hall Mar 12, Tender Mercies. Mar 14, Tainted Love. Mar 15, Sila. Mar 16, Arann Harris and the Farm Band. Mar 18, Jason Crosby and friends. Mar 19, Achilles Wheel. Mon, Open Mic. Every other Wednesday, Wednesday Night Live. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.3850.

Terrapin Crossroads through Mar 19, Terrapin Family Band. through Mar 21, Walking Spanish. Mar 15, American Babies. Thurs, San Geronimo. Fri, 4:20 Happy Hour with live music. Sun, Midnight North.

Mar 12, Jonathan Poretz. Mar 13, Passion Habanera. Mar 14, Rob Reich Trio. Mar 15, Denise Perrier. Mar 16, Marcelo Puig and Seth Asarnow. Mar 18, Michael Fecskes. Mar 19, Noel Jewkes. 37 Caledonia St, Sausalito.


Mar 14, Levi Lloyd & the 501 Band. Mar 15, the Voltones. Mar 17, the Sorry Lot. Wed, Jumpstart. Sun, DJ Night. 902 Main St, Napa. 707.258.2337.

Hydro Grill Sun, 7pm, Swing Seven. Fri, Sat, blues. 1403 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.9777.

Molinari Caffe Thurs, Open Mic. 815 Main St, Napa. 707.927.3623.

Rainbow Room Sun, salsa Sundays. Fri, Sat, 10pm, DJ dancing. 806 Fourth St, Napa. 707.252.4471.

Silo’s Mar 15, SuperHuey. Wed, 7pm, jam session. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.

Uva Trattoria Mar 19, James and Ted. Mar 12, Tom Duarte. Mar 13, Duo Gadjo. Mar 14, Jack Pollard and Dan Daniels. Mar 15, Jackle and friends. Mar 16, Trio SoleĂĄ. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.

25 Monday ~ Open Mic Night with Austin

DeLone 7:30pm

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Tender Mercies

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Vickrey & Jim Bogios of the Counting Crows

with Windshield Cowboys 7KXU 0DU ‡ SP

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SILA “Super African� CD Release Party with Native Elements 6XQ 0DU ‡ SP

Arann Harris & the Farm Band Kids' Show! 7XH 0DU ‡ SP

Jason Crosby & Friends featuring Dan "Lebo" Lebowitz (ALO) and Stu Allen :HG 0DU ‡ SP

Achilles Wheel with Emily Yates )UL 0DU ‡ SP

David Bromberg Quintet with Jill Cohn 6XQ 0DU ‡ SP

The Straits

Performing their Dire Strait Hits

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Fri 3⠄14 ˜ Crazy Famous plus HUGElarge Sat 3⠄15 ˜ The Rhythm Rangers Open Mic Night with Carl Green Sun 3⠄16 ˜ 7pm Mon 3⠄17 ˜ Kyle Martin Band St Paddy’s Day Party! 5pm Tue 3⠄18 ˜ Levi’s Workshop Wed 3⠄19 ˜ The Dixie Giants 8:30pm Thu 3⠄20 ˜ Karaoke Party with

Panama Hotel Restaurant


Mar 12, the Machiavelvets. Mar 13, Wanda Stafford. Mar 16, Lisa Stano. Mar 18, Swing Fever. Mar 19, Todos Santos. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993.

Rick SpringďŹ eld

Fri & Sat Nights: Rasta Dwight's BBQ!

Actor-musician plays a “stripped-down� solo acoustic show. Mar 13 at Yoshi’s S.F.

5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove

Rancho Nicasio Mar 14, Jimi Z and the Goodtime Band. Mar 15, Mad Maggies. Mar 16, Caribbean Bleu. Town Square, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.

Sausalito Seahorse Tues, Jazz with Noel Jewkes and friends. Wed, Tango with Marcello and Seth. Sun, salsa class. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito.

Sleeping Lady Mar 14, Kevin Hayes. Mar 15, Rhythm Addicts. Mar 16, the Gas Men. Mar 17, A Wild Kettle of Fish. Mar 19, Migrant Pickers & Friends. Mon, 8pm, open mic with Simon Costa. Sat, Ukulele

Legendary prog-rock outfit unleash their epic catalogue. Mar 12 at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.

DJ Hewy Dawg!



The Space Lady S.F. outsider icon’s take on pop music is not to be missed. Mar 14 at Elbo Room.

Nils Frahm Berlin-based contemporary composer shares his poignant piano experimentation. Mar 16 at the Independent.

Mike Gordon Phish bassist rocks with surprisingly sophisticated jams from his latest album. Mar 18 at the Fillmore.

Find more San Francisco events by subscribing to the email newsletter at www.sfstation.com.


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NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM

Hopmonk Novato

Jam Session. Sun, 2pm, Irish music. Second Wednesday of every month, Acoustic Guitar Showcase. 23 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.485.1182.

Arts Events

NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Galleries RECEPTIONS Mar 13 Marin Community Foundation, “California Dreamin,” includes art and sculpture by Bay Area foreign-born artists. 4:30pm. 5 Hamilton Landing, Ste 200, Novato. University Art Gallery, “West Coast Ink” explores printmaking from Seattle to San Diego. 4pm. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park. 707.664.2295.

Mar 15 Calabi Gallery, “Inaugural Group Exhibition,” celebrates Calabi Gallery’s reopening after relocating from Petaluma to Santa Rosa. 3pm. 456 Tenth St, Santa Rosa. 707.781.7070.

THE ATRE, NAPA SSat. at. March March 22 22 Music Mu sic and and M Memories emories of

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Local Color Gallery, “Air Bourne & Water Bourne,” featuring the art of Diane Majundar. 1pm. 1580 Eastshore Rd, Bodega Bay. 707.875.2744.

Mar 16 Dutton-Goldfield Winery, “Jim Freed,” exhibit of the artist. 1pm. 3100 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol. 707.827.3600.

Wed. W ed. April April 23 23



SONOMA COUNTY Art Without Labels


Through Mar 31, “Things That Laugh in the Night,” featuring the artwork of Michael Cheney. 111 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.775.3794.

Wed. W ed. M May ay 21 21 & TThur hur M May ay 2 22 2

Arts Guild of Sonoma


Through Mar 29, “Repo Show,” the annual green-themed exhibit of works from recycled sources. $10. 140 E Napa St, Sonoma. Wed-Thurs and SunMon, 11 to 5; Fri-Sat, 11 to 8. 707.996.3115.

SSat. at . M May ay 10 10


SSat. at . M May ay 2 24 4



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Calabi Gallery Mar 15-Apr 26, “Inaugural

Group Exhibition,” celebrates Calabi Gallery’s reopening after relocating from Petaluma to Santa Rosa. 456 Tenth St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sat, 11 to 5. 707.781.7070.

Charles M Schulz Museum Through Jul 6, “From the Pen to the Comic Pages,” exhibits the evolution of the comic strip. Through Apr 27, “Starry, Starry Night,” featuring Peanuts characters under the night sky. Through Aug 11, “Heartbreak in Peanuts,” over 70 comic strips focusing on lost love. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, noon to 5; Sat-Sun, 10 to 5. 707.579.4452.

Dutton-Goldfield Winery Mar 12-May 13, “Jim Freed,” exhibit of the artist. 3100 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol. Daily, 10am to 4:30pm. 707.827.3600.

Eggen & Lance Chapel Through Mar 31, “Simple Healing,” with artist Sara Bell. 1540 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.545.3747.

Gallery One Through Apr 27, “Mixed Media Invitational,” exhibits by Tracy Bigelow Grisman, Gerald Huth, Joycenew Kelly and Judith Klausenstock. 209 Western Ave, Petaluma. 707.778.8277.

Graton Gallery Through Mar 30, “Small Works Show,” juried by Bob Nugent. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. TuesSun, 10:30 to 6. 707.829.8912.

Hammerfriar Gallery Through May 4, Gordon Onslow Ford, John Anderson and Robert Percy exhibit their abstract work. 132 Mill St, Ste 101, Healdsburg. Tues-Fri, 10 to 6. Sat, 10 to 5. 707.473.9600.

Helen Putnam Community Room Through Mar 14, “Annual Library Show,” presented by the Petaluma Arts Association and the Friends of the Library. Art by PAA members, special feature on artist Darold Graves. Petaluma Library, 100 Fairgrounds Dr, Petaluma. Mon and Thurs-Fri, 10 to 5; TuesWed, 10 to 8 707.763.9801.

Laguna de Santa Rosa Environmental Center Through Mar 25, “Once Upon a Wetland,” art by Ane Carl

Rovetta. 900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.527.9277.

Local Color Gallery Through Apr 14, “Air Bourne & Water Bourne,” featuring the art of Diane Majundar. 1580 Eastshore Rd, Bodega Bay. Daily, 10 to 5. 707.875.2744.

Mahoney Library Gallery Through Mar 13, “Investigation of Pen and Ink,” features art from Obie Bowman and Ross Grossman. SRJC, 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma. Mon-Thurs, 8 to 9; Fri, 9 to 1; Sat, 10 to 3. 707.778.3974.

Occidental Center for the Arts Through Apr 27, “Pointless Sisters Quilt Show” 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.

Petaluma Arts Center Through Mar 16, “Form and Finish,” sculptures by Michael Cooper and John de Marchi. 230 Lakeville St at East Washington, Petaluma. 707.762.5600.

Petaluma Historical Museum & Library Through Mar 16, “It’s All About the Music,” featuring tribute to Nelson Mandela. 20 Fourth St, Petaluma. Wed-Sat, 10 to 4; Sun, noon to 3; tours by appointment on Mon-Tues. 707.778.4398.

RiskPress Gallery Through Mar 26, “Funhouse: Works on Paper,” featuring Laura Postell and Grace Levine. 7345 Healdsburg Ave, Sebastopol. No phone.

Rohnert ParkCotati Library Through Mar 15, “Library Art Show,” showcases local artists. 6250 Lynne Conde Way, Rohnert Park. 707.584.9121.

Sebastopol Center for the Arts Through Apr 4, “In the Red,” 282 S High St, Sebastopol. Tues-Fri, 10 to 4; Sat, 1 to 4. 707.829.4797.

SoCo Coffee Through Mar 31, “Ed Coletti Exhibit,” on display through the month of March. 1015 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.433.1660.

Sonoma County Museum Through May 4, “Camellia Has

Steele Lane Community Center Through Apr 24, “Portrait Project� combines photo and art for portraits by 50 local artists. 415 Steele Lane, Santa Rosa. Mon-Thurs, 8 to 7; Fri, 8 to 5. 707.543.3282.

University Art Gallery Mar 13-Apr 13, “West Coast Ink� explores printmaking from Seattle to San Diego. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park. Tues-Fri, 11 to 4; Sat-Sun, noon to 4. 707.664.2295.

Windsor Library Through Mar 19, “Windsor Library Art Show,� with exhibits based on Elmer Rice’s play, Street Scene. 9291 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor. MonSat, 1 to 5. 707.838.1020.

MARIN COUNTY Art by the Bay Weekend Gallery Through Mar 30, “Beyond Geometry,� paintings by Jon Langdon. 18856 Hwy 1, Marshall. 415.663.1006.

Gallery Bergelli Through Mar 30, “Group Show,� new works by the gallery artists, including Martin Riveros Baxter and Anna

Through Mar 23, “Igor Sazevich: Glancing Back–Stepping Forward,� a solo exhibition of the Inverness painter. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. WedMon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347.

Marin MOCA Through Apr 13, “Emerging Artists of the Bay Area,� featuring five bright new talents. Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato. Wed-Sun, 11 to 4, 415.506.0137.

Marin Society of Artists Gallery Through Mar 29, “Rising Stars,� showcases and honors talented young artists. Free. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. Mon-Thurs, 11am to 4pm; Sat-Sun, noon to 4pm. 415.454.9561.

MINE Art Gallery Through Mar 30, “vision/ color/love,� works by Nicole Cameron, Richard Dieterich, Sherry Petrini and Nick Wildermuth. 1820 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Through Mar 20, “Red,� is just that–all things red! 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. Tues-Sat, 10 to 2; also by appointment. 415.388.4331.

di Rosa Through Apr 6, “Inherent Vice: This Is Not a Bruce Conner Exhibition,â€? Will Brown works with Bruce Conner collaborators to make a fluctuating exhibition related to the artist. Through Apr 27, “Lost and Found: Elisheva Biernoff and Floris SchĂśnfeld,â€? exhibits the overlooked and the unfamiliar with fascinating range. 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. Wed-Sun, 10am to 6pm 707.226.5991.

ANNIVERSARY SALE! (25 winners)

Antique Society

2661 Gravenstein Hwy So. (Hwy 116) Sebastopol ‹ www. AntiqueSociety .com

Open Daily! Cafe on Site! 707.829.1733

Napa Valley Museum

At the Veterans Building 282 South High St. Sebastopol, CA 95472 707.829.4797 www.sebarts.org

Through Mar 23, “Thinking Outside the Bottle,� exploration of the artistic passions of the people behind the wine. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. Tues-Sun, 10am to 4pm. 707.944.0500.

Outdoor Storage Outdoor Storage S ystems & Indoor Indoor Systems Furnishings F urnishings


of 80% of 80% recycled r e c y c le d w wood ood and an d bamboo bamboo TThis his successful success f ul green gr e en business b usiness is is n now ow rready ea d y ffor or partnership par tner ship and/or and/or aquisition aq uisit ion n

SOB with Steele, O’Brien & Bolt Three comedic minds come together on the Ides of March. Mar 15, 8pm. $20-$25. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.

Stand Up Comedy Second Fri of every month. $10. Redwood Cafe, 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati, 707.795.7868.

Osher Marin JCC Through Apr 7, “Sacred Words,� interfaith art. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.


Studio 333

Embassy Suites Hotel

Wednesdays. through Apr 9, “Paint and Wine Party,� where local artists host colorful workshops amidst music and wine. $49. 333 Caledonia St, Sausalito. Mon-Sat, 11-5. 415.331.8272.

Mar 15, 8pm, St. Patricks Day Singles Dance. $10. 101 McInnis Pkwy, San Rafael.

Marin Center’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium Mar 14, 8pm, STePz

) 28


Productions P roductions

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Cactus #1 Echinocereus cinerascens

Mar 15-Apr 27, “Discovered,� four emerging artists are awarded $2,000 each and put on exhibit. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. Wed-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.939.SVMA.

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27 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM

Fallen,� the first US exhibit featuring contemporary Korean artists’ reflections on the Jeju uprising. Through Jun 1, “Precious Cargo,� exhibition of California Indian cradle baskets. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11 to 4. 707.579.1500.

& dolls s pottery & art s architectural items s

CARTOGRAPHY Work by emerging artists Maura Harrington (above), Erik Castro, Miles Votek and Stanley Abercrombie is featured in the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art’s ‘Discovered’ exhibit. See Galleries, below.

s every era & style s jewelry s furniture s

fruit labels s 100 dealers & a cafe on 1 level! s a huge place to browse! s toys

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM

28 A E

( 27

with Savion Glover, The tap master and his dance company display amazing moves. $20$45. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael 415.499.6800.

Roco Dance Mar 15, 8pm and Mar 16, 4 and 7pm, BodyLanguage Show, New and revised works by local dance groups ranging from modern to jazz and even break-dancing. $8$12. 56 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax 415.546.1590.

Events Across the Summer Sky Through Mar 16. SRJC Planetarium, Lark Hall 2001, 1502 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, 707.527.4465.

Mother Ireland A magical celebration of Irish words, music and song. Mar 16, 2pm. Dance Palace, Fifth and B streets, Pt Reyes Station, 415.663.1075.

Purim Palooza Carnival for all ages. Mar 16, 11:30am. Free. Osher Marin JCC, 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael, 415.444.8000.

The Sea Ranch An illustrated presentation, book signing and wine reception that looks back at the last 50 years and ahead to the next 50. Mar 13, 5:30pm. $20. Artefact Design & Salvage, 23570 Arnold Dr, Sonoma, 707.933.3010.

A Shaman’s Guide to Deep Beauty Francis Rico leads an interactive evening of healing and awakening. Mar 14, 7:30pm. Songbird Community Healing Center, 8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati, 707.795.2398.

Silver Light Spirit Salon Mar 13, 6:30pm. $40. The Sunflower Center, 1435 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, 707.792.5300.

Field Trips Journey into a Mindful Hike Explore the concept of “Walking Meditation.” Mar 16, 10am. Jack London State Park,

2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen, 707.938.5216.

Family Nature Walk Petaluma Wetlands Alliance leads family walks, one to two hours. Sat, Mar 15, 10am. Shollenberger Park, Parking lot, Petaluma.

Sunset & Full-Moon Walk Bring a flashlight and a sense of adventure. Mar 15, 6pm. Free. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, 707.833.5712.

Sunset Hike & Picnic Led by Heather Knoll. Preregistration is required. Mar 12, 6pm. Bohemia Ecological Preserve, 8759 Bohemian Hwy, Occidental.

Wildlife of Western Sonoma County Mar 15, 1pm. Armstrong Woods State Reserve, Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville.

Film Boudu Saved From Drowning The 1932 Renoir classic shot on the streets of Paris screens as part of the Sonoma Film Institute. Fri, Mar 14, 7pm and Sun, Mar 16, 4pm. Sonoma Film Institute, Warren Auditorium, SSU, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 707.664.2606.

Ghosts of Jeju Documentary screens with a discussion with filmmaker Regis Tremblay. Mar 13, 7pm. $7-$10. Sonoma County Museum, 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa, 707.579.1500.

Petaluma Film Alliance Spring Cinema Series The new Spring Cinema Series features a kaleidoscope of rarely screened international gems, brand-new awardwinning documentaries with directors in conversation, Hollywood classics and some of this year’s top Oscar contenders. Wed through May 14. Carole L Ellis Auditorium, 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma, 415.392.5225.

Run & Jump Q&A afterward with actor Will Forte and director Steph Green. Mar 15, 5:30pm. $20. Cameo Cinema, 1340 Main St, St Helena, 707.963.3946.

The Phantom Carriage Mar 15, 7pm. Jarvis Conservatory, 1711 Main St, Napa, 707.255.5445.

Food & Drink Celts & Vikings Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner Mar 15, 5pm. $20-$24. Sons of Norway Hall, 617 W Ninth St, Santa Rosa.

Corned Beef & Cabbage Feed Mar 15, 6pm. Hollydale Community Clubhouse, 10250 Field Ln, Forestville, 707.887.0330.

MVDW Pop-Up Dinner Family-style dinner from chef David Wilcox, featuring music by Gaucho and the Quiet Men. Mar 13, 6pm. $10-$87. Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.3850.

Oysters & Loire Valley Wines Celebration Through Mar 14. Left Bank Restaurant, 507 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, 415.927.3331.

St Patrick’s Dinner Theater Featuring “The Seafarer,” a play by Irish playwright Conor McPherson. Mar 13-14, 6pm. Murphy’s Irish Pub, 464 First St E, Sonoma, 707.935.0660.

Savor Sonoma Valley Taste, sample, mingle and meet the winemakers from 26 wineries throughout Sonoma Valley. Mar 15-16. $65. Sonoma Valley wineries, Wine Country, Sonoma, 707.431.1137.

Taste of Yountville The annual event–including the town’s signature street party and the Napa Valley Open Studio Art Show–pulls out all the stops for tasty fun all weekend. Mar 14-16. Yountville Community Hall, 6516 Washington St, Yountville.

Lectures Aging as a Spiritual Practice A book Study in five sessions. Fri, 1pm. through Apr 11. Point Reyes Presbyterian Church, 11445 Shoreline Hwy, Pt Reyes Station, 415.663.1349.

Altered Book Workshop Instructed by Virginia Simpson-Magruder. Sat, Mar 15, 1pm. Marin MOCA, Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato, 415.506.0137.

Archaeology: Rewriting Early Christian History


This four-day series of workshops and lectures is sponsored by Westar Institute. Mar 19-22. $20-$245. Flamingo Resort Hotel, 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa, 503.375.5323.

Encaustic Workshop Instructed by Eileen Goldenberg. Mar 16, 10am. Marin MOCA, Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato, 415.506.0137.

The Good Company: Profit, Ethics, & Sustainability Dr Robert Girling discusses how diverse companies are serving the community and healing the planet. Mar 14, 12pm. $28. La Gare Restaurant, 208 Wilson St, Santa Rosa, 707.528.4355.

Natural History Talk & Walk Archeologist E Breck Parkman traces the fascinating history of Sugarloaf. Includes some walking. Mar 15, 6pm. $5. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood.

Wes Nisker Bestselling author leads Napa Valley Meditation Group. Mar 18, 7pm. Unitarian Universialist Fellowship, 1625 Salvador Ave, Napa.

The Philosophical Baby Alison Gopnik, PhD, outlines new discoveries in our scientific understanding of babies and young children. Includes pre-lecture reception. Mar 13, 6pm. Free. Bay Area Discovery Museum, Fort Baker, 557 McReynolds Rd, Sausalito, 415.339.3900.

Petaluma Wildlife Museum Insects, art and conservation with artist Kevin Clarke. Mar 14, 5:30pm. $5. 201 Fair St, Petaluma. 707.778.4787.

Roots to Stalk Workshop Get creative with seasonal vegetables for everyday cooking and more formal meals. Mar 15, 11am. $45. SHED, 25 North St, Healdsburg, 707.431.7433.

Soul Art Workshop Learn about using art to connect with your deeper intuition. Mar 15, 10am. $329. Art Works Downtown,

There’s Always Tomorrow Cartoonist loved by the left speaks in Santa Rosa Since debuting in the SF Weekly nearly 25 years ago, Tom Tomorrow’s satirical cartoon strip This Modern World has skewered the politically powerful and the gullible masses with colorful art and deadpan humor. Beloved by liberals, held in contempt by conservatives, Tomorrow is the pen name for editorial cartoonist Dan Perkins, whose work appears across the country week after week, delivering big laughs over serious issues. This week, Tom Tomorrow, 2013 winner of the esteemed Herblock Prize for editorial cartooning, speaks at the Charles M Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa. As part of the museum’s ongoing Second Saturday Cartoonist series, Tomorrow will present a talk, meet with guests and sign books. Focusing primarily on This Modern World, which he has self-syndicated since 1988 (and currently running in the Bohemian), Tomorrow will discuss and demonstrate the signature style of clip art aesthetics and retro ’50s charm he employs to belie an assaulting wit. Tom Tomorrow speaks Saturday, March 15, at the Charles M Schulz Museum. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 2pm. 707.579.4452.—Charlie Swanson

1337 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.451.8119.

Center, 2050 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa.

Stephen Andrews

Talking Back to Dr Phil

As part of the California Native Plant Society. Andrews’ topic is “Drought, Soil and Your Backyard.” Mar 18, 7:30pm. Luther Burbank Art and Garden

Featuring counselor, educator and attorney David Bedrick. Mar 14, 7pm. Free. Center for Spiritual Living, 2075

Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa, 707.546.4543.

“This Modern World” writer talks and signs from his latest. Mar 15, 2pm. Charles M Schulz Museum, 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa, 707.579.4452.

Readings Book Passage Mar 12, 7pm, “A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain” with Adrianne Harun. Mar 13, 7pm, “The Shining Sea” with George Daughan. Mar 14, noon, “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” with Dave Barry. Mar 14, 7pm, “The Faithful Scribe” with Shahan Mufti. Mar 15, 7pm, “Fierce Medicine” with Ana Forrest. Mar 15, 7pm, “Trying Not to Try” with Edward Slingerland. Mar 16, 7pm, “A Wolf Song” with Lisa Osina. Mar 17, 7pm, “Redeployment” with Phil Klay. Mar 18, 7pm, “The Story of the Jews” with Simon Schama. Mar 19, 7pm, “Murder in Pigalle” with Cara Black. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera 415.927.0960.

Santa Rosa Copperfield’s Books Mar 18, 5pm, “Don’t Even Think About It” with Sarah Mlynowski. 775 Village Court, Santa Rosa 707.578.8938.

Marin Theatre Company Mar 17, 7pm, New Play Reading Series: The Ironbound, MTC’s ongoing series offers exciting script-in-hand readings of new plays by emerging playwrights. Followed by a talk with the playwright, director and actors. Free. 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley 415.388.5208.

Mystic Theatre Mar 14, 8pm, “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” with Dave Barry. $15-$35. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma 707.765.2121.

Open Secret Mar 14, 7:30pm, “The Curve of the World” with Andy Douglas. 923 C St, San Rafael 415.457.4191.

Point Reyes Presbyterian Church Mar 15, 3pm, “The Small Heart of Things” with Julian Hoffman. Free. 11445 Shoreline Hwy, Pt Reyes Station 415.663.1349.

Tudor Rose Tea Mar 16, 2pm, High Tea with

Times vary. Tues-Sun through Mar 16. $37-$53. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.5208.


Lonesome West

Are We There Yet? Produced by Off the Page Reader’s Theater, showcasing works by local writers on the theme of “journeys.” Mar 14, 7:30pm. $15. Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S High St, Sebastopol, 707.829.4797. Produced by Off the Page Reader’s Theater, showcasing works by local writers on the theme of “journeys.” Mar 15, 7:30pm. $15. Arlene Francis Center, 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa, 707.528.3009.

Arms & the Man

Two brothers living alone in their father’s house after his recent death have violent disputes over the most mundane topics. Every other Sat, 8pm. through Apr 12. $10$25. Studio Theatre, Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa, 707.523.4185. A staged reading of a new play written and directed by Will Marchetti. Mar 19, 8pm. $12$15. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.

Sid the Science Kid Live! Based on the PBS kids TV series. Mar 12, 6:30pm. $16-$21. Wells Fargo Center, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, 707.546.3600.

Beauty Queen of Leenane

For young audiences, and the young at heart. Fri-Sun through Mar 16. $5. Steele Lane Community Center, 415 Steele Lane, Santa Rosa, 707.543.3282.

The Cherry Orchard Anton Chekov’s masterful tragicomedy, starring veteran Broadway actor Craig Mason and directed by Leslie McCauley. Thurs-Sun through Mar 16. Burbank Auditorium, SRJC, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa.

Footloose A Throckmorton Youth Performers production of the explosive movie musical. FriSun through Mar 16. $14-$18. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.

The Importance of Being Earnest Directed by Michael Tabib, the play features a seasoned cast well equipped to provide an evening of fun, frolic and joyous laughter. Fri-Sun through Apr 12. $15-$20. Russian River Hall, 20347 Hwy 116, Monte Rio, 707.849.4873.

Lasso of Truth World premiere of this story detailing the origin of Wonder Woman through her creator, William Moulton Marston.

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Nice Mean People

Presented by the Ross Valley Players, this romantic comedy is packed with wit. Thurs-Sun through Apr 13. $13-$26. Barn Theatre, Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross, 415.456.9555. Darkly comic tale of Maureen Folan, a plain and lonely woman in her early 40s, and her aging mother. Every other Fri, 8pm and Every other Sun, 2pm. through Apr 13. $10-$25. Studio Theatre, Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa, 707.523.4185.


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Snow White & Rose Red

The Taming of the Shrew A Wild West take on Shakespeare’s classic tale of a courtship gone wrong. Fri-Sat, 8pm and Sun, 2pm. through Mar 16. $10. College of Marin Kentfield Campus, 835 College Ave, Kentfield.

Underneath the Lintel A one-man tour de force starring John Shillington and directed by John Craven. Mar 13-30. $25. Main Stage West, 104 N Main St, Sebastopol.

The Wizard of Oz This spectacular Broadwaystyle production recreates all the vivid wonder of the beloved American classic. Fri-Sun through Mar 16. Lincoln Theater, 100 California Dr, Yountville, 707.226.8742.

The BOHEMIAN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to calendar@bohemian. com, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Events costing more than $65 may be withheld. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.






NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 1 2-1 8, 2014 | BOH E MI A N.COM

Tom Tommorrow Speaks

Yiyun Li, The author reads from “Kinder Than Solitude.” $55. 733 Fourth St, Santa Rosa.

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 1 2-1 8 , 20 14 | BO H E M I AN.COM




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For the week of March 12

ARIES (March 21–April 19) “There was another life that I might have had, but I am having this one.â€? So says a character in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel The Unconsoled. At this juncture in your life story, Aries, it might be healing for you to make a similar declaration. Now is an excellent moment to say a ďŹ nal goodbye to plot twists that you wished would have happened but never did. To do so will free up stuck energy that will then become available for future projects. You may even awaken to exciting possibilities you haven’t imagined yet. TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

In May 2011, two Nepali men reached the top of Mt. Everest after a six-week climb. Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa and Sano Babu Sunuwar had prepared an unprecedented way to get back down off the mountain. Strapping themselves to a single parachute, they leaped off and paraglided for 45 minutes, landing near a Sherpa village thousands of feet below the summit. I suggest you look around for a metaphorical version of a shortcut like that, Taurus. Don’t do the next part of the journey the same way you did the previous phase. Take a more direct route. Enjoy an alternate adventure. Give yourself a fresh challenge.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Seeking wisdom and chasing after pleasure are polar opposites, right? You must devote yourself to either one or the other, correct? You can be an enlightened servant of the greater good or else an exuberant hedonist in quest of joy, but not both. True? No. No. No. False. Wrong. Here’s the bigger truth: now and then, grace periods come along when you can become smarter and kinder by exploring the mysteries of feeling really good. Can you guess when the next of these grace periods will arrive for you, Gemini? Here’s the answer: It’s here now! CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Humans walked on the moon before anyone ever had the simple idea to put wheels on suitcases. Unbelievable, right? Until 1972, three years after astronauts ďŹ rst walked on the lunar surface, travelers in airports and train stations had to carry and drag wheel-less containers full of their belongings. I suspect that a comparable outof-sequence thing may be going on in your own life, Cancerian. In some ways you are totally up-to-date, and in other ways you are lagging behind. Now would be a good time to identify any discrepancies and start correcting them. Metaphorically speaking, I’d love you to have rolling luggage by the next time you take a journey.

LEO (July 23–August 22) Have you ever heard of the Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot? You know, one of those big, hairy, humanoid beasts that walks upright and lives in dense forests? Scientists assure us that there is no such thing. But then they used to say the same thing about the platypus. It was a myth, they declared, a ďŹ gment of explorers’ vivid imaginations. A duck-billed, egg-laying mammal simply could not exist. When the respected British zoologist George Shaw claimed there was indeed such a creature, he was mocked by his contemporaries. Eventually, though, the truth emerged, and Shaw was vindicated. I suspect that you Leos will soon experience an event akin to the discovery and conďŹ rmation that the platypus is real. VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Kyoka is a Japanese word that means a ower reected in a mirror. I suggest you use it as a metaphor to help you understand what’s happening in your life right now. Here are some clues to jumpstart your ruminations. Are you more focused on the image of what you love than on what you love? If so, is there anything wrong with that, or is it perfectly ďŹ ne? Are you more interested in ephemeral beauty that you can admire from afar than in tangible beauty you can actually touch? If so, is there anything wrong with that, or is it perfectly ďŹ ne? Should you turn away from a dreamy surrogate and turn toward the real thing? If so, why? LIBRA (September 23–October 22)

A British researcher poured 300 million facts into a computer program designed to determine the most boring day in history. The winner was April 11, 1954. It was selected because almost nothing important happened except an election in Belgium. I’m wondering if you Libras

might reach that level of blah sometime soon. The astrological omens suggest it’s a possibility. And frankly, I hope that’s exactly what happens. You need a break from high adventure and agitated activity. You would beneďŹ t from indulging in some downtime that allows you to luxuriate in silence and stasis. The time has come to recharge your psychic batteries.

SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) You won’t be the recipient of good luck in the coming days. Nor will you experience bad luck or dumb luck or weird luck. No, Scorpio. The serendipitous slew of synchronicities that will slip and slide into your sphere requires a new word, which I have coined for this occasion. That word is “shluck.â€? Shluck is a cracked yet plucky sort of backwards luck that provides you with an abundance of curious slack. Shluck slings your way a series of happy accidents and curious coincidences that give you experiences you didn’t even realize you needed. To take maximum advantage of shluck’s beneďŹ ts, you have to dispense with your agendas and drop your expectations.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) In the old fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,â€? the poor woodcutter Ali Baba is collecting ďŹ rewood in the forest when he spies a gang of thieves bragging about their exploits. Observing them from a hiding place, he hears them chant a phrase, “Open sesame.â€? This magically unseals the opening to a cave that happens to be full of their stolen treasure. Later, when the thieves have departed, Ali Baba goes to the cave and says “Open sesameâ€? himself. The hocus-pocus works. He slips into the cave and steals a bag of gold from the robbers’ plunder. This story has resemblances to an adventure you could enjoy sometime soon, Sagittarius. I suspect you may discover your own version of “open sesame.â€? It will give you access to a less literal and more legitimate bounty. CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) Your ability to heal rifts and bridge gaps is unusually high. You could connect seemingly irreconcilable elements and forge apparently impossible links. Former allies who have become estranged might be moved to bond again through your compassionate intervention. I’m not promising amazingly miraculous feats of uniďŹ cation, but I’m not ruling them out, either. You have a sixth sense about how to create interesting mixtures by applying just the right amount of pressure and offering just the right kind of tenderness. AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)

My friend Harry said he wanted to teach me to play golf. “Are you kidding?� I asked him incredulously. “The dullest game on the planet?� He tried to convince me that it would provide lots of interesting metaphors I could use in writing horoscopes. “Name one,� I challenged him. He told me that “Volkswagen� is a slang term that describes what happens when a golfer makes an awkward shot that nevertheless turns out to be quite good. “Hmmm,� I replied. “That is exactly the theme I have decided on for the Aquarius horoscope.�

PISCES (February 19–March 20)

Do you remember being in your mother’s womb? Probably not. But here’s what I know about that time: In the ďŹ rst few weeks after you were conceived, your body grew at a very rapid rate. Once you were born, if you had continued to expand and develop with that much vigor, you would literally have grown to be as big as a mountain by now. So let’s be thankful you slowed down. But I do want to sound an alert and let you know that you are currently in a growth spurt with some metaphorical resemblances to that original eruption. It’s basically a good thing. Just be aware that you may experience growing pains.

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.

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