Secret Sauce Sonoma County chefs share the sources of their inspiration p15
Drink Drin k Your Your Fluoride Fluoride p8 | Cider C Comes omes of o A Age ge p13 | St Stewart ewart C Copeland, opeland, Composer Composer p21
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March 6 – March 22!
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That T hat ffeeling eeling you you g get et w when hen you you find fiind a g great r e at b booth ooth the bbest est w way ay ttoo ddescribe escribe a vvisit isit a our ffavorite avorite ssummer ummer festival, festival, iiss the att y your ttoo NNative ative RRiders. ider s . FFrom rom ccustom u s to m m made ade lleather eather cclothing lothing ddripping ripping iinn ffringe ringe ttoo ccolorful olor ful ffeather eather aaccessories, cces sories , tthe he sstore tore ffeels eels llike ike a rrare are jjourney ourney bback ack ttoo a ttime ime w when hen qquality ualit y aand nd ooriginality riginalit y m matters. at ter s . TThe he eexperience xperience ccontinues o ntin u e s w with ith eve every r y nnew ew ttreasure reasure yyou ou ddiscover. iscover. TThere’s here’s lleather eather hhides, ides , tturquoise urquoise aand nd ssilver ilver jjewelry, ewelr y, TTandy andy pproducts, roduc t s , ccraft raf t ffindings, indings , bbohemian ohemian cclothing, lothing, ssage, age, sweetgrass, sweetgras s , iincense, ncense, PPanama anama hats, hat s , hand-crafted hand- craf ted knives, knives , Mountain Mountain T-shirts, T-shir t s , ccustom ustom lleather eather bbelts elt s aand nd NNative ative AAmerican merican aart. r t. TThe h e llist ist ccould o uld ggoo oonn aand n d oonn bbut ut ssuffice uf f ice ttoo ssay, ay, tthis his iiss ddefinitely ef initely the th e most m ost enjoyable enjoya ble place pla ce to to shop sh op for for yourself yo ur s elf or or bbuy uy tthat hat uunique niq u e ggift if t ffor or tthat hat sspecial p e cial pperson. er s on . TThey’re h ey ’re eenviro-conscious nviro - cons cio us ttoo! o o! Between B et we en the th e nostalgic n ostalgic ttunes un e s pplaying l ay i n g aand n d the th e friendly f rien dly ffaces, a ce s , itit just just ddoesn’t o e sn’t get g et better b et ter than tha n Native Native Riders. Rid er s . They T h ey making ma king going g oing local lo c al so s o easy. e asy. Enjoy! E n j oy!
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CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR TOP FOUR WINNERS: (left to right) Alberto Avina, Grace Ranch (4th place); Samuel Campos, Vimark Vineyards (3rd place); Gustavo Rico, Seghesio Family Vineyards, (2nd place); and Rosendo Avila, Emeritus Vineyards (1st Place).
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Sonoma Community Center
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847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707.527.1200 Fax: 707.527.1288 Editor
Stett Holbrook, ext. 202
News Editor Tom Gogola, ext. 106
Copy Editor Gary Brandt, ext. 150
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Get G et m more ore e entries n t r ie s w when hen y you ou p play lay a all ll y your our ffavorite avorite g games. ame s . 25 P OINTS = 1 ENTRY ENTRY POINTS
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CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN [ISSN 1532-0154] (incorporating the Sonoma County Independent) is published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc., located at: 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Phone: 707.527.1200; fax: 707.527.1288; e-mail: It is a legally adjudicated publication of the county of Sonoma by Superior Court of California decree No. 119483. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, National Newspaper Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Verified Audit Circulation. Subscriptions (per year): Sonoma County $75; out-of-county $90. Thirdclass postage paid at Santa Rosa, CA. FREE DISTRIBUTION: The BOHEMIAN is available free of charge at numerous locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for one dollar, payable in advance at The BOHEMIAN’s office. The BOHEMIAN may be distributed only by its authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.The BOHEMIAN is printed on 40 % recycled paper.
Published by Metrosa, Inc., an affiliate of Metro Newspapers ©2015 Metrosa Inc.
Cover photo by Dawn Heumann. Cover design by Tabi Zarrinnaal.
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Dawn Heumann
nb PASTA PERFECT Local chefs are gearing up for Sonoma County Restaurant Week, p15.
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What a Waste
Nice article on the composting and cover-cropping practices by Chateau Montelena (“Dirt Farmers,” Feb. 25). One thing that jumped out at me and that’s worthy of another article is how much more work needs to be done to prevent food waste in the first place. When food waste or food scraps are generated, we need to
make sure that what is perfectly edible and nutritious gets to hungry people first and then to compost or energy generation. The work of groups like Food Shift or needs to be front and center in this effort. Also, businesses in the waste-management sector need to transform their models from making money off waste to making money by preventing waste.
It’s only a matter of time before the Press Democrat announces Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo’s reelection campaign, and endorses him. All I can say to the people of Sonoma County is: Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us over and over again, we must all be Efren idiots.
By Tom Tomorrow
No More Mega-Wineries
Thanks for running Shepherd Bliss’ excellent Open Mic column (“Enough Is Enough,” Feb. 25) about the growing backlash against winery overdevelopment. Despite the fact that the Guy Fieri winery project was recently rejected by the Sonoma County Planning Commission, this was only one of two winery projects to be rebuffed in the past several decades. With California in the middle of one of the most severe droughts on record, it’s hard to fathom why proposals for winery/resort/event center projects continue to be considered by our county. Napa Valley supervisors have had an ongoing discussion about limiting new wineries because they are running out of space and water. It’s time to consider a moratorium on major winery/event center developments. Let’s take a lesson from Napa County and learn from their mistakes before it’s too late.
PADI SELWYN Sebastopol
Dept. of Corrections In last week’s “Ghost Stories” article, Tom Gaffey’s name was misspelled. We apologize to Tom, and we regret the error.
THE ED. Haunted by Errors for All Eternity
Write to us at
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Choose Wisely, Supervisors
Living in a post–Andy Lopez world BY THOMAS D. BONFIGLI
ack in December of 2013, in the aftermath of the police shooting death of Andy Lopez, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors created the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Task Force.
I cannot overemphasize the gravity of the work that this task force has performed, and how important it is going to be for our supervisors to pay heed to its many forward-thinking recommendations. Accordingly, I ask all supervisors to meet their true responsibilities as leaders and resist any temptation to shirk and scuttle these recommendations; rather, these must be strengthened where necessary and adopted with enthusiasm and gusto, including sending Sheriff Steve Freitas a letter asking him to remove Erick Gelhaus from patrol duty and the creation of a community oversight board with both subpoena and investigatory powers. The task force recommendations were born out of the concept of participatory community discussions. These discussions were sponsored by the Community Engagement and Healing Subcommittee and are reflective of an abiding desire to ensure that law enforcement is fully accountable to the public. We in this community well understand that in a post–Andy Lopez world, the failed policies of the past, if allowed to stand, will continue to serve as impediments to meaningful change. Here are questions the public should be asking the supervisors: Will you take a bold, brave stand against police brutality, police shootings and in-custody jail deaths? Will you intrepidly display your power as a chartered governmental body and take proactive measures to curb these shameful occurrences so that you may take your place in history on the side of right? That choice, ultimately, is going to be up to them. I will close with these inspiring words from poet Ezra Pound, which I urge our supervisors to keep in mind as they ponder the message above: “It was you that broke the new wood, / Now is a time for carving.” Thomas D. Bonfigli lives in Santa Rosa. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the ‘Bohemian.’ We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 350 words considered for publication, write
ANIMAL HEALING ARTS Holistic Veterinary Medicine Integrative Wellness Care Over 18 years experience
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Paper F NO Anti-fluoridation protesters in San Francisco make their views known.
Brush to Judgment Sonoma County officials consider community fluoridation— needless to say, there’s opposition BY TOM GOGOLA
o you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
That’s a line from Dr. Strangelove— and if you thought fluoridation was an antiquated debate from a bygone era, you haven’t learned to stop worrying and love the fluoridation.
Sonoma County is in the midst of a contentious process that could lead to the fluoridation of its drinking water. But wasn’t this debate settled years ago? Apparently not. A county fluoridation advisory committee is tasked with making a recommendation on “community fluoridation” to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, which would be done through the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA).
Flouridation, proponents say, will help fight tooth decay in a county where studies have found at least half the kids in need of better dental care. Opposing views, to put it mildly, run strong. Judith Iam is a Sonoma County fluoridation opponent who cites what she calls “the precautionary principle,” which says that “if there’s any reason where something might give one pause, don’t do it. Find another way to do
this.” She agrees with the goal— preventing kids from having tooth decay—but argues that “there are direct ways to do that without medicating everybody. “There are lots of studies,” she adds, that link fluoridation to “thyroid, bone and brain issues. I don’t want any of that.” Iam additionally cites costs to the county to study an issue that she says should be dead and buried. Even as nearly three-quarters of Americans consume fluoridated water, strong viewpoints over community fluoridation render the issue as controversial as antivaccination activism, one of those intersections in American civic discourse where left meets right. Opponents cite health hazards associated with fluoride—fluorosis, calcified glands, thyroid disease. More libertarian-minded opponents say they are being force-fed a drug against their choice. Proponents say it’s a mineral additive, not a drug, and one of the most common substances on earth. Like salt or vitamin A, they argue, you need fluoride, but too much of it can be toxic. “It’s effective, cost-effective and it’s very safe,” says Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Karen Milman. “The more detailed reviews don’t show negative health impacts. Both sides of this issue are concerned about health—we’re all concerned.” Milman says that she respects opponents of fluoridation but believes that many offer “a values or belief argument over a science argument. It’s a very passionate issue.” Fluoridation is a class and a cultural issue in Sonoma County. The county website heralds the benefits of fluoridation and highlights that the county’s poorest residents, many of them Latino, have poor dental health. The biggest direct benefit, says Milman, would be in Santa Rosa, where the infrastructure would make it possible to give a full fluoride dose to residents. But residents around the county would benefit, she says. The county is deep into a multiyear effort to provide enhanced dental health through community dental clinics and other measures.
D EBRIEF ER Sugar and Gas
swatted back the San Francisco move to tax soda.
Friday, Feb. 27, was the dropdead date for lawmakers in Sacramento to introduce new bills for consideration. Hundreds of bills were introduced at the last minute that day, and there are now over 2,000 new bills for the State and Assembly to consider. They include everything from the two big, hot culture-war ones making headlines (mandatory vaccination for measles and an assisted suicide bill) to other single-issue type stuff, such as a law calling for mandatory bike helmets for adults.
So too fracking. The Western States Petroleum Association lobbying group (WSPA) has poured millions, if not bazillions, into defending the earthquake-enhancing, water-wasting, toxic process of hydraulic fracturing in the state. Fracking’s been going on here for three decades, but only recently fell under legislative scrutiny through 2013’s SB 4.
Each year there are bills that get introduced, only to be shot down in a urry of high-volume industry lobbying and corporate meddling in the democratic process. Two issues that jump to mind this year and which fall into that category: soda taxes and fracking bans. This year, for the third year running, a state lawmaker introduced a sugary beverages bill, which would force Big Soda to put a warning on the label that says this junk will give you diabetes. State Sen. Bill Monning, D-Carmel, introduced SB 203, a bill that will likely go nowhere, if history is any indication. Who needs the Koch brothers when you have the Coke lobby? The soda pop industry has pushed back hard against these bills in years past, and the bills have died on the vine in Sacramento. A recent report on KQED radio highlighted that the soda war has been lost in Sacramento but rages on in enlightened localities eager to push back against staggering rates of childhood diabetes. Stymied in Sacramento, some municipalities around the state have taken it on themselves to regulate soda consumption, with varying degrees of success. Last year the debate went local, as Berkeley and San Francisco both attempted to levy a tax on ďŹ zzy sugar drinks. Berkeley prevailed in its effort, but intense industry pressure—to the tune of $7.7 million spent by Big Soda—
And, as the debate over fracking intensiďŹ ed in the state, so to did WSPA’s lobbying efforts. A welltraveled factoid that emerged from the California Secretary of State earlier this year: WSPA spent nearly $9 million in lobbying in 2014— twice the previous year. It appears that state lawmakers have moved on from throwing hopeless bills across the transom that call for a ban. Instead they are trying to hold the industry accountable for groundwater contamination and other fallout. A bill from Das Williams, D-Santa Barbara, would force the industry to bring its practices into compliance with federal water-safety standards. As in the soda ďŹ ght, numerous localities around the state have taken it on themselves to pass local anti-fracking measures in the absence of tough statewide legislation. An environmental review mandated by SB 4 is expected in July. When SB 4 passed in 2013, the industry was given until July to expand its operations without any meddling from the state whatsoever. Meanwhile, the industry has poured money into places like Santa Barbara through Big Oil front groups such as Californians for Energy Independence. According to numerous online sources, that group spent nearly $7 million to defeat a local anti-fracking proposition in 2014. Meanwhile, does anyone remember a recent U.S. government study that said 96 percent of Monterey Shale gas and oil resources are unreachable by fracking or other means?—Tom Gogola
The Bohemian started as The Paper in 1978.
Restaurant Re staurant W Week eek e k
50 5 M 505 Mendocino endocino A Ave, ve, S Santa anta Rosa Ro s a s (OUSE "EER s (OUSE "EER WWW THEBRASA COM W W W THEBRASA COM
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es alades Quinoa & Roasted Carrot Garden Niçoise French Green Lentil Full Catering Orchard Harvest Menu Available Salade Verte
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The ďŹ nal pillar is uoridation, says Milman. Here’s some of the backdrop: In 1996, California lawmakers passed AB 733, which set the stage for today’s ďŹ ght over uoridation. That law said that any water district with more than 10,000 hookups had to introduce uoride into the water supply—but only if it could pay for it without passing the cost to consumers. Critics noted that the bill was essentially a voluntary uoridation program with a huge loophole that places like Sonoma County jumped through. But now, even if the supervisors vote in favor of uoridation, the county would ďŹ rst have to commission an engineering study to ďŹ gure out how to do it. County officials estimate uoridating the water will cost upwards of $600,000 annually. They don’t even know if ouridation’s going to be enacted here, let alone how they’ll pay for it. “We’re not there yet,â€? says Milman. “The county board of supervisors is still assessing whether this is feasible and whether to go forward with it.â€? In 2006, Milman says, California ranked 48th out of 50 states when it came to statewide uoridation. Between 2008 and 2013, California’s uoridated water supply jumped from 27 percent to 58 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and the California State Health Department. Regionally, San Francisco and Oakland both uoridate their water. Napa County does not. Santa Rosa and Cotati get water from the SCWA, and Cotati is on record in opposition to uoridation. But local opposition may be moot. A 2006 state law would supersede local antiuoridation laws. The uoridation battle lines are hardening. As the county continues with its studies, the advocacy group Clean Water Sonoma-Marin is gearing up for the long ďŹ ght ahead. They’re crowdfunding an appearance by a former government scientist, who’ll speak to the danger of uoride in April. There’s no timetable from the county about when it might come to a decision, says Milman.
Our selective list of North Bay restaurants is subject to menu, pricing and schedule changes. Call first for confirmation. Restaurants in these listings appear on a rotating basis. For expanded listings, visit COST: $ = Under $12; $$ = $13-$20; $$$ = $21-$26; $$$$ = Over $27
Rating indicates the low to average cost of a full dinner for one person, exclusive of desserts, beverages and tip.
S O N OMA CO U N TY Carneros Bistro & Wine Bar Californian. $$$$. As fancy as foie graschestnut froth parfait for dinner, as simple as huevos rancheros for breakfast, and all superb. Bre0akfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 1325 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.931.2042.
El Coqui Puerto Rican. $-$$. Authentic and delicious Puerto Rican home cooking. Plan on lunching early–the place fills up fast. Lunch and dinner daily. 400 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.542.8868. Hana Japanese. $$$-$$$$. An oasis of cool tucked away in the atmosphereless Doubletree Hotel complex. Reservations on the weekend a must. Lunch and dinner daily. 101 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.586.0270.
La Hacienda Mexican. $$. A family-style Mexican eatery with a Michoacan touch. Lunch and dinner daily. 134 N Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale. 707.894.9365.
Osake Sushi Bar & Grill Japanese. $$$. Gourmet sushi, exotic seasoned seaweed salad, robata grill specialties and premium sakes. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat. 2446 Patio Ct, Santa Rosa. 707.542.8282.
Royal China. Chinese. $$. Smart décor, professional service, very solid wonton soup. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat; dinner, Sun. 3080 Marlowe Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.545.2911.
Spoonbar Regional cuisine. $$. Chef Louis Maldonado’s market-driven menu includes such creative dishes as chickpea-crusted avocado, slow-cooked beef petite tender, and Spanish octopus
with bonito brioche, daikon radish, snap peas, and charred japapeno vinigrette. Lunch, Thursday-Monday; dinner daily. 219 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.433.7222.
Thai Taste Restaurant Thai. $-$$. Lovely ambiance and daily specials showcase authentic Thai flavors. A hidden gem in Santa Rosa’s Montecito neighborhood. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Fri; dinner, Sat. 170 Farmers Lane #8, Santa Rosa. 707.526.3888.
Willi’s Wine Bar Small
Left Bank French. $$-$$$. Splendid, authentic French cuisine. Lunch and dinner daily. 507 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.927.3331.
M&G’s Burgers & Beverages American. $. The ultimate in American cuisine. Crispy fries, good burgers and friendly locals chowing down. Lunch and dinner daily. 2017 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax. 415.454.0655.
Piatti Italian. $$-$$$.Rustic, seasonal, Italian food. Kidfriendly. Lunch and dinner daily. 625 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.380.2525. Pier 15 American. $$. Fun, tucked-away old-fashioned spot overlooking hidden harbor. Great place for breakfast at a bar, too. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, SatSun. 15 Harbor St, San Rafael. 415.256.9121.
plates/wine bar. $$$. Bistro dishes and extensive wine list. A terrific place to dine before a show at the Wells Fargo Center. Lunch, Tues-Sat; dinner daily. 4404 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.526.3096.
Robata Grill & Sushi
Wolf House Californian. $$. Stick with the simple, classics dishes, as they always shine. Lunch, Mon-Fri; dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 13740 Arnold Dr, Glen Ellen. 707.996.4401.
Salito’s Crab House
MARIN CO U N T Y Cafe Reyes Pizza. $$. At the end of the main drag in West Marin’s quintessential small town sits a wood-fired oven serving piping pizzas of perfection. Beer and oysters can be had as well. Lunch and dinner, Wed–Sun. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.9493. Frantoio Italian. $$-$$$. Perennial winner of SF Chron’s “100 Best,” Frantoio also produces all of its own olive oil. Dinner daily. 152 Shoreline Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.289.5777.
Hilltop 1892 American. $$-$$$$. Casual dining with panoramic Marin views and a California-cuisine take on such classic fare as steaks, fresh seafood and seasonal greens. Complete with custom cocktails. Lunch and dinner daily; Sunday brunch.
Japanese. $$. Mmm. With thick slices of fresh sashimi, Robata knows how to do it. The rolls are big winners. Lunch, MonFri; dinner daily. 591 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.381.8400. Seafood . $$$. Waterfront setting with extensive marine menu plus steak and other American staples. Lunch and dinner daily. 1200 Bridgeway Ave, Sausalito. 415.331.3226.
Sushiholic Japanese. $$$$. A nice addition to the local lineup, with a lengthy and wellcrafted repertoire including uncommon dishes like nabeyaki udon, zaru soba, yosenabe and sea bass teriyaki. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat. Rowland Plaza, 112-C Vintage Way, Novato. 415.898.8500.
Yet Wah Chinese. $$. Can’t go wrong here. Special Dungeness crab dishes for dinner; dim sum for lunch. Lunch and dinner daily. 1238 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.460.9883.
N A PA CO U N T Y Ad Hoc American. $$-$$$. Thomas Keller’s quintessential neighborhood restaurant. Prix fixe dinner changes daily. Actually takes ) reservations.
Restaurant Week Prix Fixe Menus $ 10 LUNCH The Picadillo Joe seasoned ground beef with eggs, rice and plantains, served with ice tea $
29 DINNER Citrus Ceviche or Plantain Chips and Avocado Dip Carne Guisada stewed beef or Pollo al Horno baked chicken thighs both served with beans and rice and sweet plantains
Coconut Flan or Cheese Flan
400 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa 707.542.8868
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850 Lamont Ave, Novato. 415.893.1892.
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Tides Wharf & Restaurant
No Seats Available‌without a view of the bay! A “Localsâ€? Favorite since the 1930’s $
29 DINNER MENU Angel Hair Pasta Scampi Style FIRST COURSE CHOICE OF New England Style Clam Chowder‌with Oyster Crackers Bodega Bay Seafood Chowder‌with Oyster Crackers Mixed Green Salad‌with Bay Shrimp and Choice of Dressing Bay Shrimp Cocktail Fried Calamari
‌prawns, light tomato sauce, basil
DESSERT CHOICE OF Tiramisu‌ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, rum and coffee Ice Cream
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Dining ( 11 6476 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2487.
Wine Times
Bistro Jeanty French. $$$. Rich, homey cuisine. A perfect choice when you can’t get a chance to do your Laundry. Lunch and dinner daily. 6510 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.4870.
Aventine Glen Ellen is pairing up with pioneering California winemaker Sam Sebastiani for a special winemaker dinner March 31. Sam Sebastiani, patriarch of the Sebastiani winemaking family, will pair four of his La Chertosa wines with four dishes. Chef Adolfo Veronese’s meal includes a crudo plate with ahi, shrimp and marinated octopus paired with La Chertosa 2012 reserve Chardonnay; house-made veal tortellini with English peas, fried porcini mushroom in a sage cream sauce and the 2012 reserve Zinfandel; roasted prime beef tenderloin paired with the 2012 reserve Sangiovese; and a cheese course featuring the 2010 La Chertosa Cabernet Sauvignon “Winemaker Remembrance. La Chertosa wines are produced primarily from grapes grown in red, Tuscan-like soils in Sonoma and Amador counties. The wines are named for the 14th century Renaissance monastery in the Tuscan valley of Farneta where the Sebastiani ancestral roots began. It’s the place where Sam Sebastiani’s grandfather Samuele Sebastiani reportedly learned to make wine. Samuele came to Sonoma in 1893 and compared the area’s soil, climate and hills to Farneta. He founded Sebastiani Winery in 1904, one of the first wineries in California. The winemakers dinner is $100, plus tax and tip. Call 707.934.8911 or visit for more information.—Stett Holbrook
Boonfly Cafe California cuisine. $-$$. Extraordinary food in an extraordinary setting. Perfect pasta and mussels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 4080 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 707.299.4900.
Bouchon French. $$$. A Keller brother creation with a distinctly Parisian bistro ambiance, offering French classics. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 6534 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.8037. Carpe Diem Wine Bar
Californian. $-$$. Right in the heart of downtown Napa, Carpe Diem’s contemporary and innovative menu includes a variety of seasonal flatbreads, an ostrich burger, the famed short-rib sliders and much more. Over 45 wines by the glass, six draft beers and an impressive reserve wine list round out this warm, inviting space. Dinner daily. 1001 Second St., Napa. 707.224.0800.
FumĂŠ Bistro & Bar
Dinner Special Dinner Special ffor or Tw o–$20 Two–
(Reg. (R eg. $3 35) 5)
Chicken Tandoori Chicken Tan a door i + Chicken C hicken Tikka Tikka Masala M a s al a orr a vvegetarian o egetar ian eentree n t re e iincludes ncludes Samosa, Samosa, Naan Naan & Rice R ice Mon–Thur M on–Thur only. only. Show Show ad. ad .
$ 99
8 Lu Lunch nch Buffet Bu f f e t
Wine Road Barrel Tasting March 7 & 8 and 14 & 15 11–4pm each day WINE & FOOD PAIRING, WINERY TOURS AND SPECIAL DISCOUNTS! Taste our barreled 2014 Chardonnay, as well as our California Chardonnay Champagne, excellently paired with Blue Cheese Popcorn! We will also be tasting our Sweet Cuvee California Champagne paired by our chef with Meyer Lemon Mini Cupcakes! CELEBRATE RESPONSIBLY.
incl. in cl. ssoft of t d drinks, r ink s, M M–Sat, –Sat, sshow how ad ad
House of Curry & Grill 7707.579.5999 07.579.5999 4409 09 M Mendocino endocino A Ave, ve, D Downtown owntown SSanta anta Rosa Ro s a w w w.houseofcurr yandgr
California cuisine. $$$. California bistro fare that nearly always hits the mark. Lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 4050 Byway E, Napa. 707.257.1999.
Gillwoods Cafe Diner. $-$$. Classic hometown diner, specializes in the homemade. Breakfast and lunch daily. 1313 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.1788. Gott’s Roadside Tray Gourmet Diner. $-$$. Formerly Taylor’ Automatic Refresher. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 933 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.3486. Also at Oxbow Public Market, 644 First St, Napa. 707.224,6900.
La Toque Restaurant
French-inspired. $$$$. Set in a comfortable elegantly rustic dining room reminiscent of a French lodge, with a stone fireplace centerpiece, La Toque makes for memorable special-occasion dining. The elaborate wine pairing menus
are luxuriously inspired. Dinner daily. 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.5157.
Pizza Azzurro Italian. $. Run by a former Tra Vigne and Lark Creek Inn alum, the pizza is simple and thin, and ranks as some of the best in the North Bay. Lunch and dinner daily. 1260 Main St (at Clinton), Napa. 707.255.5552.
Red Rock Cafe & Backdoor BBQ American. $-$$. Cafe specializing in barbecue and classic diner fare. Messy, delicious. Lunch and dinner daily. 1010 Lincoln Ave, Napa. 707.252.9250.
Redd California cuisine. $$$$$. Rich dishes balanced by subtle flavors and careful yet casual presentation. Brunch at Redd is exceptional. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 6480 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2222. Siena California-Tuscan. $$$$. Sophisticated, terroirinformed cooking celebrates the local and seasonal, with electric combinations like sorrel-wrapped ahi tuna puttanesca. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 875 Bordeaux Way, Napa. 707.251.1900.
Breweries Bear Republic Brewing Company One of the originals on the North Bay craft-beer scene, this family-owned brewery only gets better with age. Most famous for Racer 5, the Healdsburg location offers a surprisingly diverse selection of beers beyond the better-known names. 345 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. 707.433.2337. www.
Carneros Brewing Company The focus is on flavor, not high ABV, with a Hispanic influence, at least on names of brews like Jefeweizen and Cervesa Pilsner. 22985 Burndale Road, Sonoma. 707.938.1880.
HopMonk Tavern Founded by Dean Biersch of Gordon-Biersch, HopMonk offers house-brewed beers Kellerbiers and Dunkelweizens, in addition to an impressive rotating list of seasonal craft beers from California and beyond. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 707.829.7300. 691 Broadway. Sonoma. 707.935.9100. www.
101 North Brewing Company A new addition to the North Bay craft beer scene, this brewery’s Heroine IPA has 101 North winning at the beer game just out the gate. Based in Petaluma, put it on your “oneto-watch” list. 1304 Scott St., Ste. D. Petaluma. 707.778.8384.
Ruth McGowan’s Brew Pub Straight outta Cloverdale, Ruth McGowan’s citrus wheat ale makes summer days fly by just right. During the colder days of winter, try the dry Irish stout. 131 E. First St., Cloverdale. 707.894.9610. www.
Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. With a focus on German-Style beers (try the Uncle Jack’s kolsch or the Summer Altbier, when available) and California ales, Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. boasts a good-looking lineup of ales. 750 W. Napa St.,
Sonoma. 707.938.7422. www.
St. Florian’s Brewery Started by local firefighter Aron Levin and his wife, Amy, St. Florian’s Brewery has exploded of late. The company has plans to expand its space, staff and line of beers. St. Florian’s also gives back, donating 5 percent of all profits to community and fire-related organizations. 7704-A Bell Road, Windsor.
Stumptown Brewery A day on the river isn’t complete without a stop at Guerneville’s best (and only) brewery. Better yet, sip ale on the expansive patio overlooking the Russian River, and let those kayakers do all the work for you. 15045 River Road, Guerneville. 707.869.0705. www.
Third Street Aleworks Third Street is sometimes overshadowed by a worldrenowned brewery just around the corner, but their Bombay rouge—a malty, drinkable IPA—can hold its own in a roomful of crowded beers. 610 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.523.3060. www.
MARIN CO U N TY Baeltane Brewing & Tasting Room Marin brewery proudly produces artisanal ales specializing in Belgian, French and West Coast Ale styles. Enjoy a pint in the inviting tasting room featuring live music and absolutely zero TVs. 401-B Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato. 415.883.2040.
Broken Drum Brewery & Wood Grill Voted Best North Bay brewpub by Bohemian readers in 2011, the time is right to stop in for a handcrafted German lager, bock or summer golden ale at San Rafael’s friendliest beer establishment. 1132 Fourth St., San Rafael. 415.456.HOPS. www.
Mill Valley Beerworks If there is a beer heaven, it
might look a little like this Mill Valley gem of a spot. An impressive draft list is well stocked with old and new favorites. 173 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 415.888.8218.
Moylan’s Brewery & Restaurant At Moylan’s, the M stands for malty. Hit up this Novato landmark for traditional ales that won’t fail the taste test. 15 Rowland Way, Novato. 415.898. HOPS.
Pizza Orgasmica & Brewing Company What goes together better than beer and pizza? Not much. Wash down a hefty slice of pepperoni with an Orgasmica kolsch, a cold-aged ale with a crisp, refreshing finish. 812 Fourth St., San Rafael. 415.457.BEER. www.
N A PA CO U N TY Downtown Joe’s Restaurant & Brewery Boasts a brewery built by Chuck Ankeny—the great-grandson of Adolf Hamms—this Napa mainstay has serious historical chops. Try the palate-altering Golden Thistle Very Bitter ale, and prepare to be amazed. 902 Main St., Napa. 707.258.2337.
Napa Smith Brewery Brewer Don Barkley was part of the revered New Albion Brewery, America’s first craft brewery since Prohibition, back in 1978. He’s now part of the team creating goldmedal winning IPAs, wheat beers, pilsners and more at Napa Valley’s only production brewery. 1 Executive Way, Napa. 707.254.7167.
Napa Valley Brewing Company Located within the Calistoga Inn, this brewery produces an admirable Dugan oatmeal stout that just might replace your next egg-andbacon breakfast. What’s for dinner? Why, a Calistoga porter, of course! 1250 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga. 707.942.4101.
Cider 101 Shedding some light on the craft-cider boom BY JAMES KNIGHT
ider drinkers are thirsty. Not only for a low-alcohol, refreshing alternative to beer and wine, but also for knowledge, insight and tips on how to appreciate and evaluate the applebased beverage category that’s growing by 70 to 90 percent a year. Tilted Shed Ciderworks and cider blogger Tom Wark have teamed up to help. Over a year ago, having spent some 25 years in the marketing and writing side of the wine business, Wark had never heard anyone mention cider much, until one day a friend twisted his arm to try a few over lunch. “No, no,” the friend answered his objections, “this is different.” And none of the six or seven craft ciders tasted anything like the “liquefied Jolly Rancher” he had expected from mass-market cider. “It was a revelation to me,” says Wark. When he looked for more information on craft cider, he found it lacking. So he started his own blog, the Cider Journal. Tilted Shed Ciderworks’ Scott Heath and Ellen Cavalli opened a tasting room at their Windsor production space in October 2014, and cleared out a spot amid a jumble of tanks and barrels for their first cider appreciation seminar last fall. “There’s an upper echelon of cider makers in America,” Wark told a crowd of budding cider fans, “and you’re in one.” After a look at the history of cider—the first mention is in 55 B.C.— Cavalli and Wark introduced the aroma and flavor categories used to evaluate cider. A cider’s spicy component may range from sweet cinnamon to white pepper, for instance, and its “funk” can vary from the yeasty/bread side of the spectrum, to tangy/sour and on to musty/barnyardy—not in a bad way at all. Tilted Shed’s Graviva! is a Gravenstein blend, and at just 1 percent residual sugar (similar to a Brut sparkling wine) is the sweetest they offer. Barred Rock is aged in Hooker House bourbon barrels; Inclinado is a cloudy, Spanish-style sour cider; January Barbecue is reminiscent of the smell of a wool sweater after a campfire at the beach. A version released this February was made with apples smoked with Zazu Kitchen’s Black Pig bacon. Also look for Tilted Shed when they pair up with cheese specialist Janet Fletcher at the Flavor Summit at the Culinary Institute of America-Greystone, March 13, and the California Artisan Cheese Festival, March 21. 7761 Bell Road, Windsor. Cider Salon #2: Cider Appreciation 101, Saturday, March 7, 2–4pm. $30 (waiting list only). Tasting room closed day of seminar, open most Saturdays, 11am–4pm. 707.657.7796.
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Bay View Restaurant & Bar AT THE INN AT THE TIDES
Traditional Italian Cuisine 29 DINNER MENU
6 Annual
:UPPA DEL 'IORNO‌soup of the day Insalata Bay View‌organic mesclun mix, radishes, pumpkin seeds, Italian dressing 'NOCCHETTI DI 0OLENTA AL &ORMAGGI ‌polenta gnocchi, four cheese sauce
&ETTUCCINE 0AGLIA E &IENO ALLA 0APALINA ‌mushrooms, prosciutto, peas, light cream sauce 'RILLED 3ALMONxsauteed spinach, mashed potatoes #HICKEN 0ICATTAxsliced breast of chicken sautÊed with lemon and capers spinach, mashed potatoes 6EAL 0ICCATAxtender veal cutlet sautÊed with lemon and capers spinach, mashed potatoes
DESSERT CHOICE OF Croissant & Dried Fruit Bread Pudding ‌bourbon caramel sauce 7ARM #HOCOLATE ,AVA #AKE‌moist chocolate cake with a heart of creamy rich chocolate 3ATURDAY %VENING 0IANO "AR s -EETINGS "ANQUETS 2ECEPTIONS 7ELCOME /0%. &/2 $)..%2 7EDNESDAY 4HURSDAY 3UNDAY s "AR n PM s $)..%2 n PM &RIDAY 3ATURDAY s "AR n PM s $)..%2 n PM
m a rc h 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 5
$10 $15 $20
$19 $29 $39
Grand Opening Special!
2 for 1
Garlic foccaccia crouton, Vella Dry Jack, bacon and black pepper Parmesan dressing
Floats and Lucia #3 Light Sessions Floatation Therapy is a great way to relax and unwind yourself and your mind. Each treatment room has its own private shower for your total comfort and relaxation. We are also very excited to have our very own Lucia #3 hypnagogic light experience, “neuro art�, where you become the artist. You have to try it to believe it! First and only one available in Northern California. Opening early March.
Creamy grits and winter greens
707.827.9700 5755 MOUNTAIN HAWK WAY SANTA ROSA, CA 95409
Float $ 75 60 min
Light $ 20 20 min
Theta Wave Float Spa 130 S. Main St. #204, Sebastopol 707.861.9227
Chocolate coulis, marshmallow cream
and Daniel Kaden share chef duties at Backyard in Forestville.
Dawn Heumann
For Sonoma County chefs, inspiration comes from near and far
hen h en n I was was a full-time f ll time restaurant fullrestaurant u critic, there th here were were two tw wo thin things h gs I loved lo l ved d aabout bo out the the job. job. Not Not surprisingly, surprisin ngly, I enjoyed en njjoyed dining dining out out u for for a living. living. There ways putting thee ta table Th e e are er are worse worse w ays of p u uttin g ffood ood on th ble th tthan an eeating ating food food on the the table. table. But But just as as enjoyable en njoyable was was learning learning about abo out the the sources sources of inspiration history in spiration and and personal p onal hi pers story that that commingled com mmingled to create create a chef’s chef e ’s vision. vision.
Francesco F rrancesco T Torre orre o Canneti C anneti Roadhouse Roadh house Italiana Italiana It’s just like like yyour our Itali Italian ian gr grandma andma us used ed to mak makee iis, s, perhaps, perhaps, the the most most overused overused clich clichéé in ffood ood writing, writin g, but but in Francesco Frances e co Torre’s Torre’s case, case, well, well, w what hat ccan an you you do do?? “Everyone “E veryone has has a grandma grrandma who who ch chefs, efs, an and d oftentimes, oft entimes, it’ it’ss just a story story th they ey ttell. ell. Thi Thiss iiss a rreal eal story,” st ory y,” says says T Torre. orre. His His old-school old-school inspiration inspiration takes ta kes the the form form of a daily dail a y ritua rituall h hee le learned arned aass a child in Italy. Italy. “I put put the the ragu ragu on at a eight in th thee m morning,” orning,” ssays ays T Torre, orre, w which hich iiss jjust ust h how ow gr grandma andma F Fina ina us used ed tto o do it b back ack in their their small small Tuscany Tuscany town. town. T Torre orre
day ccooks ooks the the meat meat sauce sauce aall ll d ay long long at Canneti Canneti Roadhouse Italiana Forestville, where hiss R oadhouse Ita liana in F orestville, w here hi bolognese joinss oth other dishes inspired and bologn ese join er di shes e in spired an d inherited from in herited fr om grandma’s grandma’s ccookbook. ookbook. Torre T orre is is a 41-year-old 41-year-old middle mid ddle child who who got dropped dr opped off at grandma’s grandma’s and a d helped an helped her her make make dinner. boyhood dinn er. These These ffondly ondly rrecalled ecalled bo yhood days days inspired in spired him to to go to to cooking cookiing school, school, he he says, says, as as hee lays other grandmother’s finest h lays out out some some oth er of g randmother’s fin est from fr om his his homeland: homeland: the the prosciutto pros o ciutto ravioli, ravioli, the the pasta fagioli. p asta e fa gioli. Those days Th ose d ays aalso lso inspired inspired d his his Sunday Sunday trattoria trattoria menu and thee m enu that’s that’s all all about about family family an d ssharing haring at th Torre modern rroadhouse. oadhouse. T orre mostly mostly works work o sam odern Italian Italian menu m enu that that can can also also transport transpo ort you you to to a Tuscan Tuscan village kinds thee S Sabbath. vill age with all all kin ds of goodness goo odness on th abbath.
Michael Amsler Amsler
Ass a rule A rule,, ch chefs efs ar aree an eclectic, creative creative and, and, dare darre I say, say, bohemian bohemian lot. How How and and why why they they stepped stepped into th into thee kit kitchen chen iiss bo bound ound to to off offer ffer up ssome ome good st stories o ories an and, d, m more ore oft often en th than an n not, ot, some some delicio delicious us food. food. Ass S A Sonoma onoma C County ounty Restaurant Restaurant W Week eeek (M (March arch 9–15) 9–15) kicks kicks off next next Monday, Monday, we we thought th hought we’d we’d check check in with some some of the the p participating artticipating ch chefs efs and and ask ask them them m what what di dishes shes and and people had had the th t e gr greatest eatest impact impact on th em. I hope hope it makes makess you you hungry. hungry. If it does, check check k out out the the many many restaurants restaurants offering offering special special meals meals at them. gr eat prices prices for for restaurant restaaurant week week k right h here, here,—Stett www.sonomacountyrestaurantweek k g.—Stett Holbr k.or H lb ookk great Holbrook
There’s here: T here’s a deep, deep, direct direct inspiration inspiratio on at work work h ere: Torre thee ssurrounding thee T orrre wanders wanders th urrounding ffecundity e undity of th ec Forestville They make F orest e ville eatery eatery for for ingredients. ingredientss. Th ey m ake charcuterie, thee br bread and thee oli olive ch arcuterie, th ead an d th ive oil, and and they thee pr produce that th ey cultivate cultivate a lot of th oduce th at winds winds up on the t e menu. th menu. He’ll He’ll pick herbs herbs for for the the rosemary rosemary check thee ssheep ffocaccia, ocaccia, ch eck in on th heep on n the the farm. “I and lettuces day,” pick k wild flowers flowers an d wild lettuc e eevery es very d ay,” he he wee ssource our ssays, ays, s, ““and and of ccourse ourse w ource a lot l of o ur stuff locally.” loc ally.” brings W Which brings him to to his his second second inspiration: inspiration: Giuseppina Gi useppina Mosca. Mosca. changed my life,” ““She She ch anged the the course course of m y lif fe,” ssays ays Torre, worked under T orrre, who who w orked un der Mosca Mosca at a the the Michelin Michelin two-star Bottaccio before tw o-star Il Botta ccio in Montignoso, Montignos o o, Italy Italy bef ore graduating chef—and gr aduatin d g tto o eexecutive xecutive ch ef—an nd
) 16
NO R RTH TH BAY B A Y BO B O H E M IIA AN | MAR M ARC CH 4 4-1 - 1 0, 0 , 201 5 | BOH B OH EMI E MI AN A N.COM .C O M
Dish by Dish
COOKING COUPLE Marianna Gardenhire
Michael Amsler
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
16 Chefs ( 15
love to eat and cook, but the dish that sticks out is a simple roasted chicken. There is something so perfect about a roasted chicken that simultaneously makes me hungry and inspires me.” (Go to to see his recipe.) Simple doesn’t mean easy. “The roasted chicken is very simple, but simple dishes are sometimes the most difficult to execute because they need finesse in the technique. With my food, I try to keep it simple and focus on solid technique while taking some risks with flavor profiles.”—Mina Rios Peter Lowell’s, 7385 Healdsburg Ave., Sebastopol. 707.829.1077.
Brian Anderson Bistro 29
HIGH PERFORMANCE Ari Weiswasser opened the excellent Glen Ellen Star with his wife, Erirn Benziger-Weiswasser, in 2012.
before emigrating to the United States. “Everything was made to order,” he says. “It was difficult but it was the best quality food.” —Tom Gogola Canneti Roadhouse Italiana, 6675 Front St., Forestville. 707.887.2232.
Mateo Granados Mateo’s Cocina Latina It’s that busy time before dinner service, and Mateo Granados’ kitchen is in full swing. Smiling and energetic, he feels at home here after years in fine-dining spots such as 42 Degrees, Masa’s, Manka’s Inverness Lodge and Healdsburg’s Dry Creek Kitchen. Granados came to the United States when he was 23, and his family still lives in Mexico. Not surprisingly, an inspirational dish for him has been Yucatán tamales. “My mom used to make them for the whole family,” he says. After proving himself in respected, high-end establishments, Granados decided
to go back to basics—a farmers market stall, then a mobile restaurant touring wineries—and he found himself thinking of his roots. “I think I was looking for a personal, comforting food, being homesick, and decided to replicate it. I want to show the world what I loved eating when I was growing up,” he says. “The tamales are made with organic olive oil, toasted banana leaves, tortillas and gravy. We serve them with a fried egg. They’re amazing.” He’s well aware of the cultural and culinary gaps between the Yucatán and the decidedly moneyed Healdsburg, but prefers to celebrate them. “Cooking tamales at Mateo’s taught me consistency is very important, every ingredient matters and the technique has to be precise, otherwise the price of the tamale we charge is not worth it.” —Flora Tsapovsky Mateo’s Cocina Latina, 214 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. 707.433.1520.
Joseph Zobel Peter Lowell’s
If you have yet to visit Peter Lowell’s in Sebastopol, it’s time you did. The strictly organic, rustic Italian menu is far from ordinary. Take such examples as the pizza tedesco with shaved potato, sauerkraut, bacon, Gruyère and crème fraîche, or the gnocchi alla romana with rabbit sugo and wild mushrooms— nothing typical here. The restaurant is farm-fresh (they have their own and draw from a hyper-local roster of purveyors) and proud of it . Chef Joseph Zobel’s culinary education began with mom. “My main inspiration comes from my mother, who is a great cook,” says Zobel. From mom, he attended the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and continued to work in the city for eight years for many talented chefs. What dish most inspired him? “There are so many dishes I
When Brian Anderson was a kid, his grandmother was cook for reform-school youngsters released from the Preston Castle boys prison in Ione, Amador County, in northeastern California, which the Bistro 29 chef-owner says was “about as exciting as it gets.” The youth were sent to a firefighters’ camp associated with the prison once they turned 18. His grandmother cooked food for the reform schoolers as they’d go fight forest fires for the state of California. How cool is that? “She cooked there, she worked there for years,” recalls Anderson, 44. “She was an Italian woman, and she always made food for us too.” Favorite dishes? “Her gnocchi and the ravioli that she made were our favorite things. I do one form of gnocchi on and off the menu here and there,” he says, which includes a fromage blanc and potato, garlic, mushrooms, kale and parmesan cheese version. “I steer away from the marinara sauce or the meat sauce that my grandmother used to feed me,” Anderson says with a laugh— before moving on to his other inspiration: “The food that my mother-in-law made.” More to the sweet point, her profiteroles with homemade ice cream. The story: Anderson was a former professional bike racer
Bistro 29, 620 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 707.546.2929.
Ari Weiswasser Glen Ellen Star The shining star of Glen Ellen Star is undoubtedly the woodfired oven. Around it is a casual but professional space fit for chef Ari Weiswasser’s relaxed yet intense persona. The menu is almost classic California fare, with pop-ups of sumac, feta and harissa. “I grew up in Philadelphia and started working at a restaurant at 14. One of the first things I got to make—and taste—was the Mediterranean mezza plate: hummus and tabouli, moussaka, babaganoush,” explains Weiswasser. “Fourteen is an impressionable age as it is, but I was especially impressed with the colors and flavors. I was discovering olive oil, preserved lemons, sumac. It was my favorite food to eat, an eye-opening experience to true ethnic cuisine.” A couple of years later, Weiswasser visited Israel, which took him a step further. “Eating street food like shawarma made me realize what I love about food,” he said. Glen Ellen Star opened in 2012 and came after a fruitful career on the East Coast and the farthest place from shawarma imaginable—the French Laundry. Glen Ellen Star is a mixture of both worlds—high-end style and big, approachable flavors. “At the restaurant, we cook food that’s inspired by Argentina and Spain and anything with a woodfired oven,” explains Weiswasser. “Both cuisines are bold, fresh, interesting and inspiring. Having
said that, the restaurant has a classical French foundation. It’s nice to apply that foundation and knowledge with fresh vegetables and local ingredients.”—F.T. Glen Ellen Star, 13648 Arnold Drive, Glen Ellen. 707.343.1384.
Brandon Guenther Rocker Oysterfeller’s With a name like Rocker Oysterfeller’s, the restaurant demands your attention and beckons you to stop for a closer look. Located in the Valley Ford Hotel south of Bodega Bay on Highway 1, the restaurant is a pearl of a find. As you might expect, the restaurant’s oysters, including an appetizer featuring Tomales Bay Oysters, arugula, bacon, cream cheese and a cornbread crust, are the specialty here. And it’s OK to overindulge; overnight accommodations are just steps away. Chef and owner Brandon Guenther was schooled in hotel and restaurant management and cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale, Ariz. Why he became a chef may have something to do with a gut feeling he once had. Literally. “Inspiration came from my hearty appetite and need to fulfill it,” he says. “My parents were great cooks, each with their own strengths, which I learned and which began my journey in the kitchen.” The one dish the fed Guenther’s yearning to cook:—“Tacos!” “I grew up near the Mexican border and spent a fair amount of time on the other side. I developed a passion for the street tacos of Sonora, Mexico, and have been taco-ing ever since.” And there’s our answer for why beer-battered fish tacos appear on a mostly Southern-inspired menu. “The foods of Mexico taught me a great deal about balance of flavor,” he says. “Salty, sweet, savory, spicy and sour can be found in a majority of dishes throughout Mexico; this is the basis for all cooking—using contrasting flavors in ) 18 harmonizing ways to
17 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 201 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
before he became a chef, and was riding in France in the early 1990s. “I lived with my future inlaws for a short period of time,” he says, recalling that first encounter. It was . . . love at first bite? “I was, like, these are the best things ever!” he says. And Anderson wasn’t just being a cream puff with his mother-inlaw: “I’ve always had profiteroles on the menu. Crepes, too.”—T.G.
Chefs ( 17
18 NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 4-1 0, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
tantalize the palate and excite the senses.”—M.R.
Rocker Oysterfeller’s, 14415 Shoreline Hwy., Valley Ford. 707.876.1983.
Marianna Gardenhire
the startt of
CELEBRATE CE LEBRATE Na Napa’s pa’s n new ew Comm unity A rts Ce enter! Community Arts Center! Our “feet-on-the-ground-withOur “fe eet-on-the-ground-withh igh-hopes” m enu iincludes nclludes high-hopes” menu
FUN * FOOD D FOTOS * FRIVOL FRIVOLITY LITY AND A ND tthe he e announcement announcement nt o off o our ur
2015-16 sea 2015-16 season son off show shows s with special w ith speci al sneak sneak preview w performances! perrf orm o ancces!
SAT. SA T. M Mar ar 21st 21st 6p 6pm-9pm m-9pm $75 pe erson $75 perr pe person (($50 $50 tax tax deductible) dedu uctible)
Lucky Lucky Penny Penny Community A rts Center, Center, Community Arts 1758 175 8 Industrial Industrial Way, Way, Napa Na pa a G et ttickets ickets & iinfo nfo a Get att OOXFN\SHQQ\QDSD FRP XFN\SHQQ Q\QDS Q D FRP
A 501c 501c3 3n non-ƉƌŽĮƚ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ on-ƉƌŽĮƚ Žƌ Ž ŐĂŶŝnjĂ ƟŽŶ
seasonality, and using every piece of the animal, and making something beautiful out of it.”—T.G. Backyard, 6685 Front St., Forestville. 707.820.8445.
Liza Hinman
The Spinster Sisters
Marianna Gardenhire at Backyard, in Forestville, peruses her Restaurant Week menu and stops at the coppa salad. The charcuterie . . . ah, the charcuterie, here offered as offerings of cured Tamworth pig with wild fennel, fennel pollen, pickled mustard seeds and dried kalamata olives. “What I like about this dish and what it means to me is that I grew up with a single mother who cooked every day,” says Gardenhire, a full-blooded Greek on her maternal side. She grew up with her mom and her widowed grandfather, and part of the ritual was to go to market every day. Her mother’s meals, she says, were so much more than mac and cheese. “They were full meals, wellrounded and drawn from seasonal ingredients. So much was about what was coming from the garden, what was fresh,” says Gardenhire. She took the inspiration from her mother, Carol, all the way through the Culinary Institute of America where she met her husband and Backyard co-owner/ chef Daniel Kaden. Gardenhire grew up in the Mojave Desert and recounts how her grandfather “always had buckets of olives curing.” She, in turn, cures them every year too, and offers just-unsealed 2013 olives with the coppa, untouched by lye. That’s just one of the “the old traditions that you continue to do,” she says—while keeping it local and sustainable. (The Tamworth pork comes fromSebastopol’s Green Star Farms.) “For me, this dish encompasses seasonality,” she says. “The
Santa Rosa’s Spinster Sisters eatery has been on the local and national radar since it opened in 2012. Having won the attention of Wine Enthusiast, Wine & Spirits and Gayot says a lot about this modern American hot spot whose momentum continues to build. Chef and co-owner Liza Hinman says her introduction to the kitchen was a practical one. “I realized that if I wanted to eat better, I’d need to teach myself how to cook, so I became a chef out of a need to explore and eat better food than I did as a child.” A stint at the late Gourmet magazine deepened her education. “I absorbed so much knowledge,” says Hinman. “My eyes were opened to a world of food and restaurants I never knew. From there, I moved to San Francisco and attended the California Culinary Academy and worked at some great restaurants before migrating up to wine country.” Surrounded by such ethnically diverse cuisine, it’s understandable why no single dish alone influenced Hinman’s desire to cook. “There is no one dish that inspired me, but rather a thirst to understand lots of dishes: polenta, pad Thai and mole—how these dishes are made by the cultures that created them and how I can recreate them at home. It’s an ongoing learning process.” Diners get to be part of that process. “I consider the Spinster Sisters a laboratory allowing me to use both the new and familiar flavors— and share them with our diners and my fellow cooks.”—M.R. Spinster Sisters, 401 South A St., Santa Rosa. 707.528.7100.
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Crush The week’s events: a selective guide
Punk Roots
Singer and songwriter Joshua James Esterline has spent the last 20 years playing everything from punk and heavy metal to traditional folk and Americana. Esterline’s current solo project, Acousta Noir, reflects his musical roots (he hails from the small town of Roseburg, Ore.) and the life of a country boy in the Pacific Northwest. Acousta Noir’s debut LP, Suffer & Overcome, features traditionally styled folk fueled by a passionate punk aesthetic that’s at once familiar and wholly new. This week, the North Bay Hootenanny presents Acousta Noir on Thursday, March 5, at Epicurean Connection, 122 W. Napa St., Sonoma. 7:30pm. 707.935.7960.
Global Voices In celebration of International Women’s Day, the all-female, globally renowned vocal ensemble Kitka presents a special world-music concert that explores the experiences of women the world over. The rich harmonies of Kitka are inspired by the traditional folk songs of Eastern Europe, especially Slavic and Balkan repertoires. Formed in Oakland in 1979, they have been praised for their intricate arrangements and versatile artistry, and for making a classic folk tradition available to modern audiences. Kitka bring their choral creations Friday, March 6, to the San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Geronimo. 8pm. $28–$35. 415.488.8888.
On the River Napa native and current vice mayor Scott Sedgley is a bit of a history buff. His community involvement includes three decades as a docent at Bale Grist Mill State Historical Site in St. Helena, and he currently holds a position on the board at the Napa County Historical Society. This week, Sedgley invites the public to join him on the Riverboat Captains and Mansions Walking Tour in Napa’s historical Abajo neighborhood. Sedgley will offer stories about the era when riverboats plied the Napa River, and point out the spectacular centuriesold homes that are still standing. Revisit the past on Saturday, March 7, at Napa River Inn’s Hatt Building, 500 Main St., Napa. 10am. $5–$10. 707.255.1836.
Treasured Tapestries In 1951, under the shadow of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egyptian art professor Ramses Wissa Wassef founded an art center and school that embraced ancient practices of tapestry making. The center flourished, and many of its tapestries are now considered Egyptian national treasures. Engineer and entrepreneur David Williams was captivated by these works, and has become an expert and collector. This week, he presents a lecture titled ‘Tapestries of Egypt: An Experiment in Creativity,’ and is joined by artist and conservator Joyce Ertel Hulbert in discussing the tapestry medium as a vehicle for creative expression. Wednesday, March 11, at Calabi Gallery, 456 10th St., Santa Rosa. 7pm. 707.781.7070.
—Charlie Swanson
SNAKE CHARMER Sean Hayes plays some powerful stuff March 7 at the HopMonk Tavern in Sebastopol. See Concerts, p25.
EX-POLICE Stewart Copeland bridges classical and rock in his collaboration with Jon Kimura Parker.
New Score
Stewart Copeland leads all-star chamber music quintet in Green Music Center appearance BY CHARLIE SWANSON
or legions of fans, Stewart Copeland is beloved as founder and drummer of the Police. But his vast body of work also includes numerous film scores and, recently, a full-time gig composing orchestral works. March 8, Copeland performs his newest work at the Green Music Center’s Weill Hall. Titled “Off the Score,” it’s a collaboration with
famed concert pianist Jon Kimura Parker. Originally commissioned by the University of Texas, the music mixes classical works and a freewheeling rock sensibility. “There is very sharp divide in the two great families of musicians: readers and players,” explains Copeland from his office in L.A.. “And they each approach music in a very different way. The orchestral player, reading [music], connects to the music with his eyes, it’s a visual connection with the conductor, the baton, the notes
on the page. All of those players have to be dedicated to the page, and their fingers wait for a signal from their eyes. “The rock or jazz musician,” he continues, “connects to the music with his ears. His eyes can be closed, but his ears are guiding him. And he’s thinking on his feet, he can make it up as he goes along.” For Copeland, a lifetime of worldly influences and decades as a film composer have allowed him to cross the boundary between
these two types of players with relative ease. The “Off the Score” concert reflects the two sides of this musical coin, with occasionally spontaneous renditions of classical works, as well as original compositions. Copeland illustrates his technique through a recollection. “When I was a kid walking along in two-four time, I had the music of Stravinsky and Ravel going around in my head, in all kinds of different exotic meters,” he recalls. “But in my mind, playing along in two-four time, I developed this thing of applying contrary rhythms to those meters. I’ve been playing rock drums to Ravel for as long as I can remember.” Further inspiration for this program came after Copeland met Parker. “He’s been interested in improvisation,” says Copeland. “He’s always felt he’d love to jump off the cliff and transgress the line of improvisation, which fills most orchestral players with dread.” Joining the two onstage are three immensely talented players, including Yoon Kwon, first violin in the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, who also plays in rock bands around New York City. “She has a technique beyond anything I’ve ever found in session players, even the triple-scale cats here in Los Angeles,” says Copeland. The performance continues Copeland’s lifetime of innovative and transformative work. Chamber music may never be the same again. Stewart Copeland and Jon Kimura Parker present ‘Off the Score’ on Sunday, March 8, at Green Music Center’s Weill Hall. 1801 East Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park. 7pm. $35. 866.955.6040.
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Daniel Cavazos
Arts Ideas
Stage Tom Chown
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
NO TURNING BACK Katherine Renee Turner excels in her role as Jekesai.
Lost and Found ‘Convert’ explores timeless themes of identity BY DAVID TEMPLETON
hange is kind of a tricky business.”
This pithy pronouncement, uttered in the opening scenes of Danai Gurira’s astonishing period drama The Convert, is both an understatement and a warning. Set in Colonial Africa in the late 1800s, the absorbing play follows a young African woman whose conversion to Catholicism puts her at the center of a violent cultural shift. As the occupying English empire imposes its rule, one of its tools of dominance is the church and its war on “pagan” practices. Young Jekesai (a transcendent performance by Katherine Renee Turner) has sought shelter at the cement-floored home of Mr. Chilford (Jabari Brisport), a pro-English Shona convert. The
Shona are the largest ethnic group in Zimbabwe. Bare-breasted, terrified and speaking no English, the newcomer hopes to escape forced marriage to an elderly villager (L. Peter Callender, comically menacing perfection). Chilford, along with his friend Chancellor (Jefferson A. Russell) and the latter’s educated fiancée, Prudence (Omoze Idehenre, amazing), have traded in their native names and dress for proper Victorian substitutes. As a result, they’ve incurred the suspicions of the locals, who call them traitors. Jekesai has been brought to Chilford by her cousin, Tamba (JaBen Early), whose mother, Mai Tamba (a wonderful Elizabeth Carter), works there as a servant. It’s a job she keeps by feigning conversion to Christianity, erroneously reciting prayers (“Hail Mary, full of ghosts!”) while secretly maintaining her old customs. Mai Tamba encourages Jekesai— quickly dressed in “proper” attire and renamed Ester—to follow suit, not guessing the young woman will take to Christianity so quickly and passionately. As local anger grows, Ester’s faith is put to increasingly impossible tests, her love of Jesus competing against her commitment to family, country and her most basic identity. Gorgeously written by Gurira and guided with exceptional skill by director Jasson Minadakis, The Convert only stumbles in its final moments, with a perplexing twist that seems less the inevitable result of previous actions, and more a calculated attempt at giving the play some shock value. It’s a tiny issue in a play of monumental power and insight. “You are lost!” Mai Tamba tells Ester. “Forgetting the ways of your people!” The play is a must-see. It illustrates, with impeccable beauty, how the changes we experience can affect more than just us. They also change our families, our communities and, sometimes, the world. Rating (out of 5): ‘The Convert’ runs Tuesday–Sunday through March 15 at Marin Theatre Company. 397 Miller Ave., Mill Valley. Times vary. $20–$58. 415.388.5208.
23 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 201 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
WHALE OF A FILM Director Andrey Zvyagintsev has created a masterpiece of
Russian cinema.
The Dispossessed
In ‘Leviathan,’ a Job-like figure fights for his home BY RICHARD VON BUSACK
ndrey Zvyagintsev’s magnificent Leviathan sources the Book of Job and perhaps Tolstoy’s variation on that story, “God Sees the Truth, But Waits.”
Jehovah’s question in Job 41:1 (“Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope?”) gives the fascinatingly somber film its title. It is, among other things, the ultimate fictional study of life under Putin, and I don’t doubt it’s the kind of film they could kill you for making. On Russia’s frosty northern Pacific coast, Kolya (Aleksei Serebryakov) is in the final stages of a lopsided battle with his town’s childish, selfsatisfied mayor Vadim (Roman Madyanov), who wants to grab the house Kolya lives in—the house built by Kolya’s grandfather. The mayor offers him a fraction of what the property is worth. Determined to fight, Kolya recruits his old army comrade, Dmitri (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), now a well-connected Moscow lawyer, who, despite his courage, only accelerates the crisis. The lawyer’s smoothness contrasts with Kolya’s half-drunken, coarse demeanor, and pretty soon, Kolya’s pretty, dissatisfied wife (Elena Lyadova) becomes sexually interested in the stranger. The seascapes grow on you as Kolya’s ramshackle wooden place becomes more homey, more worth fighting for. The sunrises on that iron-cold sea are heartbreaking, but so is the waste and corrosion in this widescreen landscape—the rotting skeletons of boats, the houses left half-burnt. Dispossession is the big story of the last 500 years— probably longer—and this masterpiece of Russian cinema presents the search for justice and a God’s-eye view of human greed. “Everything is everyone’s fault,” a bystander says at one point in the film, but director Zvyagintsev lets us know who’s to blame. When Vadim and his confederates meet in his office, we see on the wall above them a photo of Putin, head cocked, his pose saying, “I’m watching you.” ‘Leviathan’ opens Friday, March 6, at Summerfield Cinemas, 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. 707.522.0719.
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Upcoming Concerts at Sebastopol Community Cultural Center
Joe Craven and Mamajowali
Jo Chattman
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
West African music, old time Americana and spirited originals
Friday, March 6, 8 pm Tickets: Premium $27 General $22 advance /$25 door
Cheryl Wheeler Americana Folk with a hint of humor
with Kenny White Friday, March 13, 8 pm Tickets: Premium $35 General $30 advance /$33 door
Also Coming Soon Beatles Sing-Along – March 28th Ukulele Festival – April 4th Blame Sally – April 10th
Tickets and Information: or 707-823-1511
FREE RANGE Martin Sexton’s latest
album moves from genre to genre.
Man at Work
On the road with Martin Sexton LIVE MUSIC & DANCING EVERY FRI & SAT NIGHT!
Doors 8pm/Show 9:30/$10 Adv–$12 Door MAR 6 > Rock, Dance, Groove
Apple Z MAR 7 > Classic Rock, Funk, Soul, Techno Dance
Lumberyard MAR 13 > Alternative, Rock, Blues, Americana
Girls & Boys MAR 14 > Rhythm and Blues
UB707 MAR 20 > Classic Rock
Featherwitch MAR 21 > Party Band
Stereo Bounce MAR 27 > Dance, Party, Rock
Notorious 2777 4th Street | Santa Rosa
ny list of hardest working musicians should include the name Martin Sexton. He’s released 10 full-length studio albums over a 20-year career, and has commonly spent a year or more touring behind each release. But when he steps onstage for his March 7 show at City Winery in Napa, he won’t be complaining. “You can do anything for 20 years. You could be a taste tester at Ben & Jerry’s, and that can get old after 20 years,” Sexton, who recently released a new CD, Mixtape of the Open Road, says in a recent phone interview. “But by the grace of God, I love the work,” he says. “I love finishing an album and getting on the
horse and starting the [touring] cycle like we are right now, doing the interviews, meeting people, throwing the shows, signing the records. I love all that. And I love the performance most of all.” Audiences have obviously responded to what Sexton brings to the table. A career that started with the 1992 debut release In the Journey (he sold some 20,000 copies of that album while busking at shows) went on to include a pair of major-label releases for Atlantic Records (The American in 1998 and Wonder Bar in 2000), and since then, has featured six more albums on his own Kitchen Table Records label. Sexton has never had a radio hit. Nevertheless, he now headlines theaters and large clubs nationwide, largely due to wordof-mouth raves that draw fans year after year. As its title suggests, the new album was inspired in part by mixtapes—those collections of songs friends put together for each other on cassettes back in the old days, and more recently on CDs. The album boasts the diversity that’s common on mixtapes. There’s shuffling retro-country (“Do It Daily”), acoustic folk (“Set in Stone”), rootsy jazz (“Doin’ Something Right”), bluesy soul (“Give It Up”), Grateful Dead– ish rock (“Shut Up and Sing”) and rowdy, fuzzed-up rock (“Remember That Ride”). “My records have always been very rangy,” Sexton says. “I’ve always taken a tip from [the Beatles’] Abbey Road and the White Album, to range from ‘Blackbird’ to ‘Helter Skelter’ on the same album. I’ve always dug that. I’ve loved the whole journey of an album, where it ranges from this quiet thing to a big thing. So on this record, I just stepped on the gas and headed in that direction, and made it even more of a mixtape.” Martin Sexton plays with Brothers McCann March 7 at City Winery, 1030 Main St., Napa. $35–$45. 707.260.1600.
Concerts SONOMA COUNTY Sean Hayes The songwriter’s dynamic folk rock comes alive in this intimate performance, with John Courage opening. Mar 7, 8pm. $22-$26. HopMonk Sebastopol, 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.
Honk Voyage! Fundraiser The Dixie Giants, Corner Store Kids, Easy Leaves and others play this benfit aimed at sending the Hubbub Club volunteer brass band to the Honk! music fest. Mar 6, 6pm. 755 After Dark (Aubergine), 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.
MARIN COUNTY Kitka Women’s vocal ensemble is considered the foremost interpreter of Balkan and Slavic choral repertoire working in the United States. Mar 6, 8pm. $28-$35. San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo. 415.488.8888.
Rebirth Brass Band Two shows from the New Orleans institution that has gone from the streets of the French Quarter to playing festivals and stages all over the world. Mar 6, 8 and 10:30pm. $30-$35. Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.3850.
NAPA COUNTY Ozomatli L.A. band infuses electrocumbia, garage rock, hip-hop, and PĂŠrez Prado mambo with dynamic chops and attitude. Mar 6, 8pm. $35-$40. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.
Clubs & Venues SONOMA COUNTY
Hogan. Mar 8, 2pm, Riner Scivally Jazz Duo. 95 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.576.7765.
Bertolini Student Center Mar 4, 12pm, Rita Lackey and friends. SRJC, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.527.4266.
Burgers & Vine Mar 6, the Highway Poets. Mar 7, DJ Roots. 400 First St E, Sonoma. 707.938.7110.
D’Argenzio Winery Mar 5, Luvplanet. 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.280.4658.
Dry Creek Kitchen Mar 9, Ian Scherer and Joel Kruzic Duo. Mar 10, Susan Sutton and Piro Patton Duo. 317 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.431.0330.
Epicurean Connection Mar 5, Acousta Noir (Joshua James Esterline). Mar 6, the Jellyrolls. Mar 7, John Underwood and Elspeth Summers. 122 West Napa St, Sonoma. 707.935.7960.
Green Music Center Mar 7, Murray Perahia. Mar 8, Stewart Copeland and Jon Kimura Parker. Mar 10, Concert Jazz Ensemble. 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.
Healdsburg Library Mar 4, Four Shillings Short: Around the World in 30 Instruments. 139 Piper St, Healdsburg. 707.433.3772.
HopMonk Sebastopol Mar 5, JD & the Straight Shot. Mar 6, Dgiin. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.
HopMonk Sonoma Mar 6, Sean Carscadden. Mar 7, Bryan Goodrich. 691 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.935.9100.
Hotel Healdsburg Mar 7, Anne Sajdera Trio with Gary Brown and Dezon Claiborne. 25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.
Lagunitas Tap Room Mar 4, JimBo Trout. Mar 5, A Thousand Years at Sea. Mar 6, La Mandanga. Mar 7, Rusty String Express. Mar 8, Brothers McCann. Mar 11, Tony Gagarin. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.
Murphy’s Irish Pub Mar 6, Full Circle. Mar 7, Andrew Freeman. Mar 8, Winoceros. 464 First St E, Sonoma. 707.935.0660.
Mystic Theatre Mar 6, Blackhawk & the Outlaws. Mar 7, Bettye Lavette. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.
Northwest Regional Library
Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch
D I N N E R & A S H OW
IPBONE R EDDING Mar 6 L Singer, Multi-instrumentalist 8:00/ No Cover
“Northbay’s Best Band� Nominee SAN GERONIMO In the Hard Charging Americana Rancho Room 5:00
Mar 7 The Blues Broad Rocks Out! 8:30 Mar 8
HE PINE NEEDLES Mar 13 T Acoustic JazzGrass 8:00 / No Cover Fri
Occidental Center for the Arts
Petaluma Historical Museum Mar 8, 2:30pm, Cora Allegro. 20 Fourth St, Petaluma. 707.778.4398.
Phoenix Theater Mar 7, Bleached Signals with Nick Tara. 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.
Mar 14 Mar 15
Best of the 60’s REVOLVER 8:30 Irish Night with
Mar 20 Sat
Mar 28
25 Monday ~ Open Mic Night with Austin
DeLone 8pm
:HG 0DU ‡ SP ‡
Mar 7, 2:30pm, Santa Rosa Symphony String Quintet. Free. 150 Coddingtown Center, Santa Rosa. 707.546.2265.
Mar 6, Four Shillings Short: Around the World in 30 Instruments. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.542.7143.
Fireside Dining 7 Days a Week
Heartless Bastards with
Lee Gallagher and the Hallelujah )UL 0DU ‡ SP SP ‡ $OO $JHV TWO SHOWS! *UDPP\ $ZDUG :LQQLQJ
Rebirth Brass Band 6DW 0DU ‡ SP ‡ $OO $JHV
Megan Slankard with
Matt Jaffe & The Distractions, Caroline Sky 6XQ 0DU ‡ SP ‡ $OO $JHV
Tribe of The Red Horse
Tribute to Neil Young & Crazy Horse 0RQ 0DU ‡ SP ‡ $OO $JHV ‡ )5((
Portland Americana with Folk-Rock Band Quiet Life 6:00
Great Dance Band!
Soulful Rock 8:00 “Northbay’s Best Band� Nominee
Easter Sunday Buffet
A PR 5, 10AM–4PM Reservations Advised Reservations Advised
On the Town Square, Nicasio
7XH 0DU ‡ SP ‡ $OO $JHV
Dharma Bums feat
Tim Carbone from Railroad Earth )5(( 7,%(7 &21&(57 7KX 0DU ‡ SP ‡
Billy Joe Shaver
with The Easy Leaves (duo) )UL 0DU ‡ SP ‡
Foreverland An Electrifying 14-Piece Michael Jackson Tribute 6DW 0DU ‡ SP ‡ $OO $JHV
Howlin Rain
with The Blank Tapes, The Shelters 19 Corte Madera Ave Mill Valley
CafĂŠ 415.388.1700 | Box Office 415.388.3850
707.829.7300 70 7. 829 . 7 3 0 0 SEBASTOPOL E B AS T OP OL 230 PETALUMA AVE 2 30 P E TA L U M A A VE | S
Redwood Cafe Mar 6, Chime Travelers. Mar 7, Full Steem. Mar 8, 11am, Richard Torres. Mar 8, 6pm, Irish Jam Session. Mar 11, Sound Kitchen. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7868.
Rio Nido Roadhouse Mar 7, the Pulsators. 14540 Canyon 2 Rd, Rio Nido. 707.869.0821.
Rocker Oysterfeller’s Mar 7, Lucky Drive Bluegrass Band. 14415 Hwy 1, Valley Ford. 707.876.1983.
Rossi’s 1906
McNearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dining House )YLHRMHZ[ Â&#x2039; 3\UJO Â&#x2039; +PUULY FRI 3/6 Â&#x2039; ! 74 +669: Â&#x2039; *6<5;9@
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Mar 6, Diamond Ridge. Mar 7, Backtrax. 401 Grove St, El Verano. 707.343.0044.
:(; Â&#x2039; ! 74 +669: Â&#x2039; 5,> 693,(5: 69*/,:;9( *()(9,; :/6>
Ruth McGowanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brewpub
>,+ Â&#x2039; 7PM DOORS Â&#x2039; SINGER SONGWRITERS
Mar 6, Greenhouse. Mar 7, Mark and Cindy Lamier. 131 E First St, Cloverdale. 707.894.9610.
Green Music Center Schroeder Hall Mar 4, 2pm, Instrumental Repertory Recital. Mar 6, guitarist JĂŠrĂ´me Mouffe. Mar 8, Wind Power. 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.
Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Roma Roasters
Monroe Dance Hall
Sebastopol Community Center
Mar 6, Ricky Alan Ray Band. Mar 7, Bee Rays with Amy
Mar 6, DJ Steve Luther. Mar 7, Mark St. Mary Zydeco Band.
Mar 6, Joe Craven and Mamajowali.
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1400 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.529.5450.
Music ( 25
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390 Morris St, Sebastopol. 707.874.3176.
Wed, Mar 4 8:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:00am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 10:15amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE 12:40pm Youth and Family 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10pm SINGLES & PAIRS Square Dance Club Thur, Mar 5 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:40pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7:15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10:30pm CIRCLES N' SQUARES Square Dance Club Fri, Mar 6 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:40am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm DJ Steve Luther hosts TOP 40 DANCE HITS! Sat, Mar 7 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm DJ Steve Luther presents MARK ST. MARY ZYDECO BAND Sun, Mar 8 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE with alternating instructors 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm Steve Luther DJ COUNTRY WESTERN LESSONS AND DANCING Mon, Mar 9 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Tue, Mar 10 8:40â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:40am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:40pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm RAZZMATAZ FOLK DANCE CLUB
Santa Rosaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Hall since 1922
1400 W. College Avenue â&#x20AC;˘ Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 â&#x20AC;˘
707.260.1600 napa/tickets 1030 Main St. Napa
The Soundtrack of Hawaii Sun / Mar 8 / 3pm
with the Napa Youth F IL M Chamber Ensemble Tue / Mar 17 / 7:30pm
SF GAY MENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CHORUS
755 After Dark Mar 7, Moonlight Trio and Motel Drive. 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.
WED MAR 4 Â&#x203A; 7pm
Relaunch! THU MAR 5 Â&#x203A; 7pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;12am Â&#x203A; FREE Political Folk / Conscious Hip Hop / Protest Rock
Toad in the Hole Pub
HUBBUB CLUB / DIXIE GIANTS / EASY LEAVES / more SAT MAR 7 Â&#x203A; 9pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;12am Â&#x203A; $15 Rock n Roll / Cambiabilly
MOTEL DRIVE / JESSICA ROSE Only North Bay Appearance SUN MAR 8 Â&#x203A; 8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm Â&#x203A; $5 Alt Rock / Punk / Indie
BOX OFFICE POISON AUDIOBAHN / more TUE MAR 10 Â&#x203A; 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm Â&#x203A; FREE Grateful Dead Dance Party
DEAD DANCELive Music, DJ, Vendors Open 4pm Tuesâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sun <> Happy Hour 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol CA
Tattoo Removal has never been easier.
Tuesday Night Flick F IL M Tue / Mar 31 / 7pm
Mar 6, DJ Lurch. Mar 7, the Wrecking Balls. 8210 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7878.
Twin Oaks Tavern Mar 4, the Dixie Giants. Mar 5, Leviâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Workshop with Levi Lloyd. Mar 6, the Grain. Mar 7, Third Rail. Mar 8, Blues and BBQ with Sky Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Banion Band. Mar 9, Blues Defenders Pro Jam. Mar 11, Old School Country Band. 5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 707.795.5118.
Whiskey Tip Mar 6, Levi Lloyd and friends. Mar 7, blacklight party featuring Iriefuse. Mar 8, Sunday Bumps. 1910 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.843.5535. Mar 4, David Thom and friends bluegrass. Mar 5, Enchanted Bass showcase. Mar 6, Tracorum with Lazyman. Mar 7, Katdelic with MC Radioactive. Mar 10, Lumanation. 256 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.773.7751.
Laser technology has made it possible to remove unwanted tattoos via a faster and safer method than ever before. Call for consultation information and appointment.
MARIN COUNTY Dance Palace #% &cW Bc FTbc B^]^\P Â&#x201C; & & ("' #!"
Mar 6, John Reischman and the Jaybirds. Mar 7, 2pm, Mother Ireland music and storytelling. 503 B St, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1075.
Periâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Silver Dollar
Mar 6, world music concert with Todd Boston, Silvia Nakkach & Matthew Schoening. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.
Mar 4, the Weissmen. Mar 5, Burnsyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sugar Shack. Mar 6, Lumanation. Mar 7, Kingsborough. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910.
Mt Tamalpais United Methodist Church
Rancho Nicasio
Mar 11, 7pm, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fate Knocksâ&#x20AC;? philharmonic dress rehearsal concert. 410 Sycamore Ave, Mill Valley.
19 Broadway Club Mar 4, Fighting Smokey Joe. Mar 5, the Shut Yer Von Trapp Family. Mar 6, First Friday reggae night with Broken Silence Sound System. Mar 7, Mojo Rising. Mar 8, 5pm, Buddy Owen Band. Mar 8, 9pm, Jim Pasquel and friends. Mar 10, Jeb Brady Band. Mar 11, Sergei & Full Soul Jacket. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.
Mar 6, LipBone Redding. Mar 7, the Annie Sampson Band. Mar 8, San Geronimo. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.
Sausalito Seahorse Mar 5, Judy Hall Quartet with Pamela Joy. Mar 6, Doc Kraft. Mar 7, Wobbly World with Freddy Clarke. Mar 8, Fito y su Clasicos de Cuba. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.2899.
Sleeping Lady
Mar 8, 5pm, New Century Chamber Orchestra. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.
Mar 4, Simon Costa and Chris Brown. Mar 5, Danny Uzilevsky. Mar 7, La Mandanga. Mar 10, Drake High Jazz Band. Mar 11, Teja Gerken acoustic showcase. 23 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.485.1182.
Panama Hotel Restaurant
Smileyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Schooner Saloon
Mar 4, Donna Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;acuti. Mar
Mar 6, JimBo Trout and the
Osher Marin JCC
San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s City Guide
Stars Montrealâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s indie-rock synth exports celebrate life and music on their latest album, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No One Is Lost.â&#x20AC;? Mar 5 at the Fillmore.
Swervedriver Popular â&#x20AC;&#x2122;90s shoegaze group is back to their ethereal ways with new U.S. tour. Mar 6 at Great American Music Hall.
Adam Theis Trombonist and crew dig into the music on Charles Mingusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1959 classic, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mingus Ah Um.â&#x20AC;? Mar 8 at SF JAZZ Center.
Every Tuesday * Trivia Night - 7:30pm Every Wednesday * Open Mic - 9pm
Mar 6, Chloe Jean. Mar 7, PUSH featuring Dan Ashley. Mar 8, 11:30am, Adrian West Trio. Mar 8, 6:30pm, Marin School of the Arts spring concert. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600.
Mar 7 *
Finneganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marin
Mat Kearney
Mar 5, Craig Corona. 877 Grant Ave, Novato. 415.899.1516.
Oregon-based singer songwriter is pop done right on his new nostalgia-tinged album, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just Kids.â&#x20AC;? Mar 10 at the Warfield.
with Special Guest Liz Carroll Tue / Mar 4 / 8pm
Mar 8, the Gyspsy Jazz Trio. 116 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8623.
Marin Center Showcase Theatre
5, Ryan Schaeffer and Ian Mcardle. Mar 8, Shuster and Bay. Mar 10, J. Kevin Durkin. Mar 11, John Hoy. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993.
Emmy Award-Winning Comedian Fri / Mar 27 / 8pm
Mar 6, Weekend at Bernies. Mar 7, Bill Decker Band. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.664.0169.
KING NAMOA / THE HOWLIN TRAMPS / more FRI MAR 6 Â&#x203A; 6pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;12am Â&#x203A; $15 Brass Marching Bands / Folk / Jazz
Jake Heggieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;For a Look or a Touchâ&#x20AC;? Sun / Mar 22 / 5pm
Matt Moller. Mar 5, Loose Blues with the Soulshine Blues Band. Mar 6, Pride & Joy. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.892.6200.
in the blue room
Cash For Gold & Airshow Disaster Mar 8 * Elspeth Summers, Frankie Boots, Three Legged Sister, & Joshua James Jackson Mar 12 Hip Hop Night Mar 14 * The Rusty String Express w w w. r oa r i n g -d o n k e m
Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nightclub Mar 6, Son de Cana. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.226.0262.
HopMonk Novato Mar 4, open mic night with
Gondwana Chilean reggae band brings forth a fresh blend of Latin and Jamaican rhythms. Mar 9 at the Independent.
Find more San Francisco events by subscribing to the email newsletter at
Fish People. Mar 7, Alcyon Massive. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAR C H 4-1 0, 201 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mar 7, Kirtans with Robert Gass. 5000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Woodacre. 415.488.0164.
Station House Cafe Mar 8, Paul Knight and friends. 11180 State Route 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1515.
Studio 55 Marin Mar 7, Goitse. 1455 E Francisco Blvd, San Rafael. 415.453.3161.
Sweetwater Music Hall
Terrapin Crossroads Mar 5, Lazyman. Mar 7, Rattlebox featuring Barry Sless. Mar 8, Midnight North. Mar 11, Nicki Bluhm & the Gramblers. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773.
NAPA COUNTY City Winery Napa Mar 4, Tierney Sutton with Mads Tolling Quartet. Mar 5, Los Cenzontles. Mar 7, Martin Sexton. Mar 8, Hapa. Mar 9, Cheryl Wheeler. Mar 10, Marco Benevento with Superhuman Happiness. Mar 11, Billy Joe Shaver. 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.
Silo’s Mar 5, Todd Morgan & The Emblems with JourneyDay & Jade Luvdae. Mar 6, Parlor Tricks and the Royal Deuces. Mar 7, Dakila with Acoustigroove. Mar 8, Steve Sage and friends. Mar 9, Wild Ones with the Frail. Sold-out. Mar 11, Syria T Berry. Wed, Mike Greensill jazz. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.
Uptown Theatre Mar 6, the Official Blues Brothers Revue. 1350 Third St, Napa. 707.259.0123.
Uva Trattoria Mar 4, Nate Lopez. Mar 5, Dan & Margarita. Mar 6, Tony Macaroni Trio. Mar 7, Bernard & the Old School Band. Mar 8, Tom Duarte. Mar 11, Justin & David. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.
White Barn Mar 8, the Vinifera Trio. 2727 Sulphur Springs Ave, St Helena. 707.251.8715.
Around the World Four Shillings Short cross the musical globe This week, neo-Celtic folk duo Four Shillings Short come to the North Bay for a series of educational concerts titled “Around the World in 30 Instruments.” Look for them to do exactly that, as they pick banjos, mandolins, sitars and more along their musical trek. At the heart of Four Shillings Short, which has become a musical institution in the South Bay Area since 1985, is Irish-born, multi-instrumentalist Aodh Og O’Tuama. Anchoring a rotating group of Northern California’s foremost Celtic and world-music players, O’Tuama has lived the minstrel life, performing his eclectic array of folk around the country and around the world. And since the late 1990s, he’s done it with his wife, musician Christy Martin, by his side. Martin is a native Californian, and her previous folk band, Your Mother Should Know, showed off her abilities at exotic instruments. Now, as a permanent part of Four Shillings Short, she joins O’Tuama in exploring the music of India, Ireland, Scotland, Medieval and Renaissance Europe, and America’s blues and folk. The pair will also offer captivating storytelling, dazzling vocal harmonies and family-friendly humor when they perform this week. Four Shillings Short perform “Around the World in 30 Instruments” on Wednesday, March 4, at the Healdsburg Library (139 Piper St., Healdsburg, 7pm. Free. 707.433.3772) and on Friday, March 6, at the Occidental Center for the Arts, (3850 Doris Murphy Ct., Occidental, 7pm. $10–$15. 707.542.7143).—Charlie Swanson
Jewelry by Regina Imbsweiler
Mar 4, Heartless Bastards. Mar 7, Megan Slankard. Mar 10, Dharma Bums featuring Tim Carbone. Mar 11, Crossroads Music School concert. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.3850.
fine & fashion jewelry t handmade gifts 146 N. Main St., Sebastopol t 707.829.3036 t
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Arts Events Galleries
meditative movements of the natural world. 105-A Plaza St, Healdsburg. 707.433.1270.
Calabi Gallery
RECEPTIONS Mar 6 COM Fine Art Gallery, “Drama Department 50th Retrospective Exhibition,” a half century of theater productions are seen in archived set designs, costumes, pictures, programs and more. 7pm. College of Marin, 835 College Ave, Kentfield. 415.485.9494. Occidental Center for the Arts, “Rebirth,” local artists working in all media exhibit their interpretation of the theme. 5pm. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.542.7143.
Mar 7
Through Mar 28, “Art Inspired by the Natural World,” gallery artists get outside and get inspired with works ranging from the traditional to the abstract. 456 10th St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.781.7070.
Charles M. Schulz Museum Through Apr 13, “Juxtapositions,” from Lucy’s psychiatric advice to Charlie Brown’s apprehensions, this exhibition follows the sophistication of Schulz’s writing in over 70 comic strips. Through Apr 26, “Peanuts in Wonderland,” a Peanuts-style tribute to the classic Lewis Carroll tale, including Snoopy masquerading as the Cheshire Beagle. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, noon to 5; Sat-Sun, 10 to 5. 707.579.4452.
Toby’s Feed Barn, “Mapping a New Geography of Hope,” juried selection of art from painting to sculpture to fabric arts that meditates on and extends the theme of women and the land. 2pm. 11250 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1223.
Through Mar 27, “National Arts Program,” exhibit features the artwork of 200 local artists of all ages and backgrounds. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, 8 to 7; Sat, 9 to 1 707.543.3737.
Mar 11
Graton Gallery
Helen Putnam Community Room, “Spring Library Show,” works by artist members of the Petaluma Arts Association consist of watercolors, photography, sculpture, ceramics and more. 5pm. Petaluma Library, 100 Fairgrounds Dr, Petaluma. 707.763.9801.
SONOMA COUNTY Agrella Art Gallery Through Mar 12, “30 Years of SRJC Printmaking,” prints by art faculty and staff are on display. SRJC, Doyle Library, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. Mon-Thurs, 10 to 4; Sat 12 to 4. 707.527.4298.
Akoia Day Spa Through Mar 31, “NatureMonks,” original paintings by Sonoma county artist Clay Vajgrt explore the
Finley Community Center
Through Apr 4, “Small Works,” annual juried show. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. TuesSun, 10:30 to 6. 707.829.8912.
Herold Mahoney Library Gallery Through Mar 26, “Pepperwood Preserve: Paintings by Marsha Connell” explores the synergy of art and science, as paintings and drawings of the Preserve’s landscape highlight the biodiversity of the park. SRJC, 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma. Mon-Thurs, 8 to 9; Fri, 9 to 1; Sat, 10 to 3. 707.778.3974.
Kitty Hawk Through Mar 30, “Scantily Clad,” the revealing letterpress art of Lyn Dillin displays. 7203 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. Wed-Sun, 11am to 5pm. 847.226.3280.
Laguna de Santa Rosa Environmental Center Through Apr 29, “Celebrating
the Wild,” artist Molly Eckler exhibits paintings inspired by the wildlife of the Laguna 900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.527.9277.
Petaluma Arts Center Through Mar 8, “Work and Play: The Eames Approach,” three generations of creativity and wide-ranging invention, featuring the works of legendary design duo Charles and “Ray” Eames, their daughter Lucia and granddaughter Llisa. 230 Lakeville St, Petaluma. 707.762.5600.
Petaluma Historical Museum Through Apr 26, “The Many Faces of Petaluma,” exhibit celebrates the ethnic and cultural diversity and the Jewish community within the city. 20 Fourth St, Petaluma. Wed-Sat, 10 to 4; Sun, noon to 3; tours by appointment on Mon-Tues. 707.778.4398.
Riverfront Art Gallery Through Mar 8, “Winter Invitational,” showcases a variety of metal, wood, ceramic and other art. 132 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. Wed, Thurs and Sun, 11 to 6. Fri-Sat, 11 to 8. 707.775.4ART.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts Through Mar 29, “Peoples,” juried, multi-media exhibit focuses on representation of the body and the essence of human experience. 282 S High St, Sebastopol. Tues-Fri, 10 to 4; Sat, 1 to 4. 707.829.4797.
Sonoma County Museum Through Apr 5, “IndiVisible,” exhibit explores the experience of Native Americans and African-Americans. Through Apr 20, “Thistle and Twitch,” Alison Sarr’s art is informed by artistic traditions from the Americas to Africa and beyond. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11am to 4pm. 707.579.1500.
The Sonoma House at Patz & Hall Through Apr 5, “Art Harvest,” the gallery’s ongoing series of quarterly shows continues with the art of Erin Parish. 21200 Eighth St E, Sonoma. Thurs-Mon; 10am to 4pm 707.265.7700.
QUIEN ES MAS MACHO? Director Doris Dörrie explores women in the macho
world of mariachi in award-winning doc ‘Que Caramba Es la Vida.’ See Film, adjacent page. The Tibetan Gallery & Studio Mar 7-15, “The Mystical Arts of Tibet,” monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery spend a week at the gallery, offering Medicine Buddha sand mandalas, dharma teachings and yoga class by MC Yogi. All donations benefit the monks. 707.509.3777. 6770 McKinley #130 (in the Barlow), Sebastopol. WednesdaySunday, Noon-7pm and by appointment.
MARIN COUNTY Corte Madera Library Through Mar 23, “North Bay Views,” watercolors by Robert Carleton display. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444.
Desta Art & Tea Galley Through Mar 26, “Dwelling in Art,” featuring artwork from several renowned Bay Area artists working in different media. 417 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo.
Gallery Route One Through Mar 15, “Looking Back, Going Forward” displays the mixed media of Andrew Romanoff along with work by Reenie Charriere, George-Ann Bowers and Sheri Park. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. WedMon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347.
500 Palm Dr, Novato. Wed-Sun, 11 to 4, 415.506.0137.
Marin Society of Artists Gallery Through Mar 21, “Medium,” juried exhibit will be displayed by medium–oil, sculpture, printmaking, etc. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. Mon-Thurs, 11am to 4pm; Sat-Sun, noon to 4pm. 415.454.9561.
O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Through Mar 26, “Black & White and Shades of Gray,” multi artist show highlights only these colors in a fascinating look at neutral tones. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. Tues-Sat, 10am to 2pm; also by appointment. 415.388.4331.
Osher Marin JCC Through Mar 26, “Giving as a Work of Art,” artist Chris Hellman presents a botanical series of watercolor paintings. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.
San Geronimo Valley Community Center
NAPA COUNTY di Rosa Through Apr 26, “the fallibility of intent,” the first Bay Area exhibition of British-born, San Francisco-based artist Richard T. Walker explores language, music and the human condition. 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. Wed-Sun, 10am to 6pm. 707.226.5991.
Napa Valley Museum Through Mar 15, “Big Shot,” the photography of Guy Webster, an innovative rock ‘n roll photographer, spans music, films and politics. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. Tues-Sun, 10am to 4pm. 707.944.0500.
Napa Valley Roasting Company Through Mar 29, “Eileen Reis Photography Exhibit,” the Napa Valley photographer displays a selection of glowing landscapes and mysterious skyscapes. 948 Main St, Napa.
Through Mar 30, “From the East to the West,” solo exhibit of multi-media photography from Gaetano De Felice. Reception, Mar 15 at 3pm. 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo. 415.488.8888.
Edgy and thought-provoking comedy. Mar 7, 8pm. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.
Marin MOCA
Seager Gray Gallery
Taking the High Road
Through Apr 5, “Legends of the Bay Area: Lawrence Ferlinghetti,” the artist, poet and activist is celebrated in this extensive exhibit. Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field,
Through Mar 29, “Fresh Paint,” solo exhibit by Leslie Allen demonstrates her abstract abilities. Reception, Mar 13 at 6pm. 108 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley.
Sherry Glaser presents her latest one-woman-show full of comic confessions from behind the cannabis curtain. Mar 7, 8pm. $20. Occidental Center for the Arts, 3850
Scott Capurro
Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental, 707.684.0177.
Astronaut Lullabies A special live concert experience with Jim and Kathy Ocean, exploring inner and outer space. Sun, Mar 8, 3pm. $10-$20. SRJC Planetarium, Lark Hall, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, 707.527.4465.
The Stones Cry Out
Annual fundraiser boasts magic, music and silent auction. Mar 7, 6pm. $50-$100. Napa Valley Museum, 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville, 707.944.0500.
Second of two films about Palestine from women filmmakers describes the struggles of Palestinian Christians to remain in their homeland after it was partitioned in 1948. Mar 7, 2pm. by donation. First Methodist Church, 2150 Giffen Ave, Santa Rosa.
Sketch Writing Workshop Write and perform in your own comedy sketches in this four-week workshop. Mar 7, 2pm. $200. Community Media Center of Marin, 819 A St, San Rafael, 415.342.1784x14.
Beginning Tai Chi Classes
Food & Drink
Learn the relaxing techniques that increase energy, flexibility and balance. Mon, 10:30am. Christ Church United Methodist, 1717 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa.
Field Trips
Center Literary Cafe
Desire Trails
Home Cheesemaking Class
Embark on a Headlands trail with an artist, writer, or civic leader whose poetic turns on the land will shift your interpretation of the locale. Mar 8, 12pm. $25-$35. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito, 415.331.2787.
Award-winning cheese maker Sheana Davis leads a monthly class that features new cheeses each session. Second Sun of every month, 1pm. $55. Epicurean Connection, 122 West Napa St, Sonoma, 707.935.7960.
Headlands Art Adventure
Pair up Loire Valley wines with oysters on the half shell. Mar 11-15. Left Bank Brasserie, 507 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, 415.927.3331.
Meeting of poets, writers and artists with rotating speakers and readings. Second Wed of every month, 7pm. Healdsburg Senior Center, 133 Matheson St, Healdsburg.
Community Meditation Practice Sitting and walking meditation with free instruction. Followed by tea and snacks. Sun, 9am. Free. Santa Rosa Shambhala Meditation Center, 709 Davis St, Santa Rosa, 707.545.4907.
Drop-In Meditation Classes for all levels include guided meditation and brief commentary. Kids welcome. Ongoing. $10. Mahakaruna Buddhist Center, 304 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma, 707.766.7720.
Future Present Event series employs different artist to predict our future world in widely inventive ways. Tues, 7pm. through Mar 24. $85-$100. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito, 415.331.2787.
Kundalini Meditation Tues, 7pm. Free. Keene Acupuncture, 7 Fourth St, Ste 50, Petaluma.
Low-Cost Physicals Family physicals for adults and children by appointment. Ongoing. $20-$65. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 707.664.2880.
Meditation Group for Mothers Mindful meditation and sharing experiences for benefit of mothers and their children. Wed, 8:30am. $10. Shambhala Meditation Center, 255 West Napa St, Ste G, Sonoma.
The natural art work of Andy Goldsworthy is inspiration to create your own momentary art in nature. Mar 7, 11am. Free. Point Bonita YMCA, 981 Fort Barry, Sausalito, 415.331.9622.
Wildflower Walk Take a walk into early spring with the first of the 2015 Nature Series walks at the park. Mar 7, 10am. $10 plus parking. Jack London State Park, 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen, 707.938.5216.
Film Que Caramba Es la Vida Celebrating women in film, director Doris DĂśrrie follows young female mariachi musicians as they break custom and tradition to follow their passion. Fri, Mar 6, 7pm and Sun, Mar 8, 4pm. $7. Sonoma Film Institute, Warren Auditorium, SSU, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 707.664.2606.
States of Grace The powerful documentary on loss, resilience and recovery screens with the filmmakers and subjects in person for Q&A. Mar 7, 7:30pm. $10. Dance Palace, 503 B St, Pt Reyes Station, 415.663.1075.
Chef Gator Prix Fixe Dinner
Sebastiani Theatre 29
Mar 10, 7pm. Fenix, 919 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.813.5600.
Oysters & Wine
Best in Napa
Yo el Rey Roasting and Arthouse 1217 Washington St Downtown Calistoga
May 18 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (1962) June 15 AMERICAN GRAFFITI (1973) Tickets for this series are $9
Also Showing:
Selma The Imitation Game Movies call 707.996.2020 Tickets call 707.996.9756 SONOMA
Lectures The Animate Life of Objects Rod Kiracofe talks with Bay Area artist and educator Abner Nolan about the ways in which we construct meaning around anonymous, hand-made objects. Mar 7, 2pm. $12-$15. Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, 551 Broadway, Sonoma, 707.939.SVMA.
Claiming Citizenship at the Panama-Pacific Expo of 1915 Abigail Markwyn discusses the varied ways that Bay Area racial, ethnic, and religious groups used the PPIE of 1915 to claim their stake in American society. Mar 9, 6pm. $10-$15. USF Santa Rosa Campus, 416 B St, Santa Rosa.
How to Start Seeds Hands-on demonstration will answer all your seedling questions. Mar 8, 11am. $20. The Stone House, 147 E Spain St, Sonoma, 415.533.3106.
Pleasures of the Heart First Monday, womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salon.
) 30
California Buckeyes by Lucy Martin, 2014
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Museum Magic
( 29
NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | MAR C H 4-1 0, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Second Monday, coed discussion group. Second Mon of every month, 7pm. Pleasures of the Heart, 1310 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.482.9899.
Riverboat Captain & Mansions Walking Tour Napa County Landmarks leads a walking tour around the riverfront of the historic Napa Abajo neighborhood. Mar 7, 10am. $5-$10. Napa River Inn, 500 Main St, Napa, 707.255.1836.
Tapestries of Egypt: An Experiment in Creativity Lecture on Egyptian tapestry weaving by David Williams is followed by discussion with Joyce Ertel Hulbert on contemporary tapestry weaving. RSVP required. Mar 11, 7pm. Calabi Gallery, 456 10th St, Santa Rosa, 707.781.7070.
Tibet Lecture Series H.G. Gala Rinpoche gives a series of talks about both ancient and modern aspects of Tibet, as part of the “Mystical Arts of Tibet” exhibit. Mar 9-15. $15. The Tibetan Gallery & Studio, 6770 McKinley #130 (in the Barlow), Sebastopol, 707509-3777.
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2425 Cleveland Ave, Suite 175, Santa Rosa Highway 101 at Steele Lane, next to Big 5
US & Latin American Relations in the 21st Century A taped message by Latin history professor Miguel Tinker Salas is followed by comments by Martin Sanchez, founder of Mar 5, 7:30pm. $5-$10. Redwoods Presbyterian Church, 110 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, 415.924.3227.
Vulnerable Marin Environmental talk looks at climate change in Marin. Mar 11, 7pm. First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael, 1510 Fifth St, San Rafael.
Readings Arlene Francis Center Mar 7, 7:30pm, SoundSpace, poetry readings, dance and music. $5-$10. 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa 707.528.3009.
Book Passage Mar 4, 7pm, “Dreaming Spies” with Laurie R King. Mar 5, 7pm, “Will Starling” with Ian Weir. Mar 6, 7pm, “The Whites” with Richard Price (aka Harry
Brandt). Mar 7, 1pm, “Thieving Forest” with Martha Conway. Mar 7, 4pm, “We Are Pirates” with Daniel Handler. Mar 8, 7pm, “Free Yourself” with Carolyn Hobbs. Mar 9, 7pm, “Becoming Richard Pryor” with Scott Saul. Mar 10, 7pm, “I Am Radar” with Reif Larsen. Mar 11, 12pm, “Live Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer is Much Faster)” with Dave Barry, a literary lunch. $55. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera 415.927.0960.
Sebastopol Copperfield’s Books Mar 7, 7pm, “Talking Story” with Marie-Louise Phan-Le. Mar 9, 7pm, “Some Other Town” Elizabeth Collison. 138 N Main St, Sebastopol 707.823.2618.
Flamingo Resort Hotel Mar 11, 7pm, “Live Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer is Much Faster)” with Dave Barry, presented by Copperfield’s Books. $20. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa 707.545.8530.
San Rafael Copperfield’s Books Mar 6, 7pm, “Granada” with Steven Nightingale. 850 Fourth St, San Rafael 415.524.2800.
Sebastopol Grange Hall Mar 11, 7pm, “Let It Shine: The 6,000-Year Story of Solar Energy” with John Perlin. $5, 707.829.3154. 6000 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol.
Theater 10-Minute Play Festival Eight young playwrights show off their short works. Mar 7, 2pm. $5. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.5208.
42nd Street Put on by the Throckmorton Youth Performers; who provides engaging and educational theatrical experiences for young people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. Mar 6-15. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.
Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds With the reggae music of Bob Marley, this modern-day fairytale will fill your children with positive vibrations. Mar 7-15. $18-$22. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.5208.
Bonnie & Clyde A musical adaptation of the electrifying true story that captured the excited attention of an entire country. Through Mar 15. $25-$37. Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa, 707.523.4185.
The Comedy of Errors Beloved director James Dunn helms the College of Marin’s presentation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. Mar 6-22. $10$20. College of Marin Kentfield Campus, 835 College Ave, Kentfield, 415.485.9555.
The Convert The Bay Area premiere of this heartfelt story of a young girl torn between between colonial and ancestral ways of life. Through Mar 15. $35$51. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.5208.
Les Miz: The Purim Spiel Congregation Beth Ami’s 10th annual Purim Spiel is a hilarious send up of the classic musical Les Miserables. Mar 7-8. 707.360.3000. Friedman Event Center, 4676 Mayette Ave, Santa Rosa, 707.360.3021.
On the Verge, or the Geography of Yearning The Raven Players present this comical farce about three women explores traveling through space and time, encountering eccentric characters along the way. Through Mar 15. $10-$25. Raven Theater, 115 North St, Healdsburg, 707.433.3145.
Romeo & Juliet B.A.R.D.S. presents the Shakespeare classic in their unique style. Mar 9. Aqus Cafe, 189 H St, Petaluma, 707.778.6060.
Shining City Set in Dublin, Ireland, Conor McPherson’s newest play is a ghost story based around the visits of a widower to a therapist, claiming he has seen his dead wife in his house. Through Mar 15. $15-$27. Main Stage West, 104 N Main St, Sebastopol, 707.823.0177.
The BOHEMIAN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to calendar@bohemian. com, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Events costing more than $65 may be withheld. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.
For the week of March 5
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TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
Whenever I close my eyes and seek psychic visions of your near future, I see heroic Biblical scenes. Moses is parting the Red Sea. Joseph is interpreting Pharaoh’s dream. Jesus is feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. What’s the meaning of my reveries? Well, this psychic stuff is tricky, and I hesitate to draw definitive conclusions. But if I had to guess, I’d speculate that you are ripe to provide a major blessing or perform an unprecedented service for people you care about.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
In a New Yorker cartoon, Tom Gauld outlines “The Four Undramatic Plot Structures”: 1. “The hero is confronted by an antagonistic force and ignores it until it goes away.” 2. “The protagonist is accused of wrongdoing, but it’s not a big thing and soon gets sorted out.” 3. “The heroine is faced with a problem, but it’s really difficult so she gives up.” 4. “A man wants something. Later, he’s not so sure. By suppertime, he’s forgotten all about it.” In my astrological opinion, Gemini, you should dynamically avoid all four of those fates. Now is a time for you to take brave, forceful action as you create dramatic plot twists that serve your big dreams.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
“To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright,” said heavyweight German philosopher Walter Benjamin, a fellow Cancerian. I am happy to report that there’s a good chance you will soon be blessed with an extraordinary measure of this worry-free selfawareness. And when you do—when you are basking in an expanded self-knowledge infused with self-love and self-appreciation —some of your chronic fear will drop away, and you will have at your disposal a very useful variety of happiness.
LEO (July 23–August 22) “As you get older, the heart sheds its leaves like a tree,” said French novelist Gustave Flaubert. “You cannot hold out against certain winds. Each day tears away a few more leaves; and then there are the storms that break off several branches at one go. And while nature’s greenery grows back again in the spring, that of the heart never grows back.” Do you agree with Flaubert, Leo? I don’t. I say that you can live with such resilient innocence that your heart’s leaves grow back after a big wind, and become ever-more lush and hardy as you age. You can send down such deep, strong roots and stretch your branches toward the sun with such vigor that your heart always has access to the replenishment it needs to flourish. The coming weeks will provide evidence that what I say is true.
Great Massage
ARIES (March 21–April 19) To depict what lay beyond the limits of the known world, Medieval mapmakers sometimes drew pictures of dragons and sea serpents. Their images conveyed the sense that these territories were uncharted and perhaps risky to explore. There were no actual beasties out there, of course. I think it’s possible you’re facing a comparable situation. The frontier realm you are wandering through may seem to harbor real dragons, but I’m guessing they are all of the imaginary variety. That’s not to say you should let down your guard entirely. Mix some craftiness in with your courage. Beware of your mind playing tricks.
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VIRGO (August 23–September 22) “I will not wait to love as best as I can,” says writer Dave Eggers. “We thought we were young and that there would be time to love well sometime in the future. This is a terrible way to think. It is no way to live, to wait to love.” That’s your keynote for the coming weeks, Virgo. That’s your wake-up call and the rose-scented note under your pillow and the message scrawled in lipstick on your bathroom mirror. If there is any part of you that believes love will be better or fuller or more perfect in the future, tell that part of you to shut up and embrace this tender command: Now is the time to love with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your mind. LIBRA (September 23–October 22) I love the song “Shine On You Crazy Diamond,” by Pink Floyd. Other favorites are Tool’s “Third Eye” and Yo La Tengo’s “Pass the Hatchet, I Think I’m Goodkind.” But all of these tunes have a similar problem. They’re more than
10 minutes long. Even before my attention span got shrunk by the internet, listening to them tested my patience. Now I have to forcefully induce a state of preternatural relaxation if I want to hear them all the way through. In the coming days, Libra, don’t be like a too-much-of-a-good-thing song. Be willing to edit yourself. Observe concise boundaries. Get to the point quickly. (You’ll be rewarded for it.)
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
Sneaking around isn’t necessary, Scorpio. There’s no useful power to be gained by hiding information or pursuing secret agendas. This is not a time when it’s essential for you to be a master of manipulation who’s 10 steps ahead of everyone else. For now, you are likely to achieve maximum success and enjoy your life the most if you are curious, excitable and transparent. I invite you to embody the mindset of a creative, precocious child who has a loving mommy and daddy.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first humans to reach the summit of Mount Everest. It took them seven weeks to climb the 29,029foot peak. In 1960, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh got into a bathyscaphe and sailed to the lowest point on the planet, the Mariana Trench at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It took them four hours and 47 minutes to go down 36,070 feet. Based on my analysis of your astrological omens, I think the operative metaphor for you in the coming weeks should be the deep descent, not the steep ascent. It’s time to explore and hang out in the depths rather than the heights.
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) The African country of Ivory Coast has two different capital cities. Yamoussoukro is the official capital, while Abidjan is the actual capital, where the main governmental action takes place. I suspect there’s a comparable split in your personal realm, Capricorn: a case of mixed dominance. Maybe that’s a good thing; maybe it allows for a balance of power between competing interests. Or perhaps it’s a bit confusing, causing a split in your attention that hampers you from expressing a unified purpose. Now would be a favorable time to think about how well the division is working for you, and to tinker with it if necessary. AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
I’ve gone on three book tours and done my spoken-word show in scores of bookstores. But one of my favorite author events took place at the Avenue C Laundromat in New York City’s East Village. There I performed with two other writers as part of the “Dirty Laundry: Loads of Prose” reading series. It was a boisterous event. All of us authors were extra loose and goofy, and the audience offered a lot of funny, good-nature heckling. The unusual location freed everyone up to have maximum amusement. I see the coming weeks as a time when you, too, might thrive by doing what you do best in seemingly out-of-context situations. If you’re not outright invited to do so, I suggest you invite yourself.
PISCES (February 19–March 20)
When Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California in 2003, the state had the eighth largest economy in the world, right behind Italy and just ahead of Brazil. Schwarzenegger had never before held political office. When Cambodian doctor Haing Ngor performed in the film The Killing Fields, for which he ultimately won an Oscar, he had no training as an actor. He was a novice. Will you try to follow in their footsteps, Pisces? Is it possible you could take on a role for which you have no preparation or seasoning? According to my divinations, the answer is yes. But is it a good idea? That’s a more complex issue. Trust your gut.
Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.
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Astrology Classifieds g
Authentic Taqueria This is a story about Three Amigos; Two brothers Milo and Luis and their first cousin Antonio. These three gentlemen are the leaders at our three Taquerias here at Oliverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market. Milo, who has been with Oliverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for 19 years, works at and started the Taqueria in Cotati. He developed all of the recipes for our delicious rice, beans and award winning salsas. A few years later, along came his brother Luis who worked alongside him until our Montecito store opened and then he became the lead there duplicating the great food they developed in Cotati. A couple of years later Antonio joined Milo at Cotati as a line cook and worked his way up to lead when the Stony Point store opened in December 2007. Together they have brought us many wonderful recipes and kept the consistency of our Taquerias going with their passion for authentic Mexican food.
When you support us, we support them. %'" De`_j A`Z_e C`RU DR_eR C`dR #)% $&$! | &%' 6 4`eReZ 2gV_fV 4`eReZ (*& *&!" | &'! >`_eVTZe` 4V_eVc DR_eR C`dR &$( ("#$