Win 3-Day BottleRock Tix
WARM AND FUZZY OVER FAKE BEEF High-tech fake meat is booming p17
Sand Warfare p8 | Pupusas, a Love Story p12 | You Dainty Rascal p22
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
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Pearls for Mother Introducing Mason Kay Jade, Ed Levin Silver, Citizen Watches and Taxi Wallets 9054 Windsor Road t Windsor t 707 836 1840
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Fine Dining For Wild Birds
847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707.527.1200 Fax: 707.527.1288 Editor
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Sales Operations Manager Deborah Bonar, ext. 215
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CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN [ISSN 1532-0154] (incorporating the Sonoma County Independent) is published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc., located at: 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Phone: 707.527.1200; fax: 707.527.1288; e-mail: It is a legally adjudicated publication of the county of Sonoma by Superior Court of California decree No. 119483. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, National Newspaper Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Verified Audit Circulation. Subscriptions (per year): Sonoma County $75; out-of-county $90. Thirdclass postage paid at Santa Rosa, CA. FREE DISTRIBUTION: The BOHEMIAN is available free of charge at numerous locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for one dollar, payable in advance at The BOHEMIAN’s office. The BOHEMIAN may be distributed only by its authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.The BOHEMIAN is printed on 40 % recycled paper.
Published by Metrosa, Inc., an affiliate of Metro Newspapers ©2015 Metrosa Inc.
Cover design by Tabi Zarrinnaal.
‘She’ll come home tired, but it’s a different type of tired. We’re doing it for ourselves now.’ D I NI NG P12 Yo, Check Out Our New Video Series! O P E N M IC P 4
Witness Stripped-Down ‘Prosecution’ STAGE P 24
Crimes Against Music in Cambodia FI LM P 2 6 Rhapsodies & Rants p6 The Paper p8 Dining p12 Wineries p15 Swirl p16
Cover Feature p17 Culture Crush p21 Arts & Ideas p22 Stage p24 Film p25
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NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM
David Parry
Yup, that’s meat grown from cow cells. You’ll have to wait about 10 years for it—so hold your buns and read our feature on fake meat, p17.
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Water Woes
Editor’s note: Last month’s story on the drought and Big Ag (“Crop Priority,” April 8) didn’t generate too many comments locally but it received a hail of comments when our friends at Metro Silicon Valley posted it on Here is a sampling. Blaming agriculture for our water crisis is like blaming retirees benefiting from Proposition 13 for our tax problems. Nowhere in this article do I see a
mention of water going for construction, the expansion of housing or the fact that Northern California ships a large amount of water to Los Angeles via the California Aqueduct.
companies like Nestle, who have several wells operating up and down the state.
I guess it’s not politically correct to put the blame on the millions of recent arrivals to California soaking their lawns until the water runs into the street. At least in agriculture a good portion of that runoff makes it back into the water table, instead of flowing over nonpermeable surfaces (concrete, etc.) into the creeks. And let’s not forget
Nature causes droughts. Politicians cause water shortages. For more than 3,000 years, humanity knew how to deal with water shortages.
There is abundant fresh water available in the Sierra, in the Pacific Northwest, in Canada. There are people eager to sell water to California. There are people
By Tom Tomorrow
eager to transport water to California. Let’s make a deal!
Endangered snail darters, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and human-caused global warming are just floats in the endless parade of lies dumped on the busy, hard-working American people by the Malthusian elites who have engineered the water shortage. The end game is population control. “Humanity is an invasive species.” Paul Erlich explained it all in The Population Bomb. The Sierra Club wants you to go away. After all, it’s their planet, not yours. And there are way too many of you. The Sierra Clubbers have trust funds. They can drink bottled water. But working people need jobs, and the jobs that working people are paid to do require water. No water. No jobs. No invasive species.
SJOUTSIDETHEBUBBLE The author of this article expresses concern—and rightly so—about the “great unmentionables.” But he’s evidently afraid to mention one unmentionable, and that’s unrestrained immigration, its impact on our population and on the amount of water that’s used. It’s one thing to have a roommate who uses more than his share of water in some gardening project in the backyard. Things can be worked out with such a roommate. It’s a different matter altogether to have a roommate who, without asking, invites his friends to live in your house and use your water, plays dumb when you point it out to him, and hires expensive lawyers and cozies up to the landlord to prevent you from evicting these water-consuming lawbreakers. Agriculture has a legitimate place in California; illegal aliens do not. You want to start pointing fingers at “great unmentionables,” then do the intellectually honest thing and point fingers at all of them.
‘JOHN GALT’ Write to us at
[My body b map] itit’s ’s a rep representation resentation of mysel lfl , as I’d lik myself, like tto be, and annd as I am. ItIt’s ’s basica ally me in a basically blue ddress with dange erous curves dangerous whichh don don’t’t actually repres sent me represent becau use I don because don’t’t reallyy have them but if I were to be born again and able to t say who I’d like too be I’d say I’d be that thaat girl with those curves ---all, curves---all, “uuuu uu!” “uuuuu!”
The Bohemian Life Our new video series debuts BY STETT HOLBROOK
ast week we aired our second episode of “The Bohemian Life,” a video feature that profiles the people who make the North Bay what it is. What is the North Bay? That depends on whom you talk to. We’re going to talk to chefs, winemakers, surfers, farmers, writers, brewers, artists, cyclists, musicians, and anyone else we find who’s got a good story to tell.
The first installment focused on David Kent and the Santa Rosa Table Tennis Club. Last week focused on Sebastopol antiquarian bookseller Ben Kinmont. My vision for these videos is to create a series of three- to five-minute-long documentaries about our North Bay neighbors doing what they love. Like the videos on table tennis and Kinmont, some of the videos will supplement our cover stories and other articles in the Bohemian. These will generally feature the reporter on location introducing the story and the people in it in a loose, unscripted format. Other videos will stand alone as special, web-only content. These will be shot and produced by out videographers as mini documentaries. I’m excited about this new venture, as it opens a whole new avenue of storytelling. We’re diving in head-first. Please check out the videos on or go straight to our YouTube channel at, and please subscribe. There’s not a lot there now, but much more is on the way. In addition to the work we do in-house, I’d love to see short documentaries created by Bohemian readers. We’ll air the best of them on and on our Facebook page at Send them to me at sholbrook@ See you in the movies! Stett Holbrook is the editor of this paper. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 350 words considered for publication, write
Excerp pt from Excerpt Domin nga’s story Dominga’s
Art & Storytelling: Body The Bo ody Map Series Mayy 2 – June 8 An extension of the Museum’s Museum’s Sonoma Stories initiativee to gather the diverse stories about abbout the land and people of ourr region. 425 Seventh Street Santa Rosa, CA 95401 T:: 707 T 707.. 579.1500 x 16
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
I’m Dominga and I’m from VVeracruz, eracruz, e from m the city of Oriz zaba. Orizaba.
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Paper Line in the Sand Sonoma County leaders push for unfettered access to coastal beaches in face of wildly unpopular state plan BY TOM GOGOLA
onoma County leaders like Supervisor Efren Carrillo have made no bones about their opposition to a California State Parks–driven move to charge for beach access at parks up and down the coast. It’s an issue that has roiled North Bay coastal groups and
Cannabiz A bill sponsored by freshly minted State Sen. Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, is one of several cannabis-related bills under consideration in Sacramento this session. It may be the highest quality bud-related bill of the year. As McGuire himself wrote in an Open Mic in these pages last week, Senate Bill 643 would go where others have gone—and failed—and create a single set of state protocols around its multibillion-dollar medical-cannabis industry. Last week, McGuire’s bill cleared the Senate Governance and Finance Committee and now heads to the Senate Appropriations Committee for another toke. “On the North Coast, many of the medical marijuana growers are running small family farm operations,” notes McGuire in an April 30 press release (he did not respond to a request for comment). “SB 643 would provide a legal framework for those farmers who want to comply with state and local regulations.
FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE It’s class warfare on the beaches of Sonoma County.
humble beach lovers, especially in coastal Sonoma County, home to numerous beaches managed by the state, and home to a significant number of souls of lesser means looking for some fun and sun in the surf. Carrillo was the county point person who tried to put the brakes on a State Parks proposed $8 parking fee during a California Coastal Commission hearing last month in San Rafael. That
effort failed. That hearing was held to adjudicate a fight between the county and the state over jurisdiction of the beaches, and the commission’s vote wrested the issue from the county’s clutches. In a nutshell, Carrillo and others told the commission that Sonoma County should have jurisdiction over beaches and access thereto, under the Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan and the California Coastal Act of 1976, ) 11
“SB 643 would create a statewide comprehensive regulatory program for medical marijuana, preserving local control of licenses and applications, and protecting the environment from illegal trespass grows that dump pesticides and illegally divert millions of gallons of water from rivers and streams.” But what McGuire doesn’t mention in his press release or recent op-ed is that his bill is sponsored by McGuire and McGuire alone, which distinguishes it from other recent legislative attempts to square the state with its landmark 1996 medical cannabis law. Speaking on background, a McGuire staffer says that the state senator ) 11 The Bohemian started as The Paper in 1978.
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NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM
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NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Doctor’s Confession to Petaluma Dear Friend, I wanted to let everyone know what happened while I was in college. It was a moment that changed my life forever. But before I tell you about my experience, I wanted to tell you my story from the start. Let me start by explaining the photo in this letter, I’m the guy in the middle, Dr. Taatjes. You know when I meet people in town and they usually say, “Oh yeah, I know you, you’re Dr. Taatjes. You’ve been in Petaluma for years…” Well, that’s me. Twenty-six years ago something happened to me that changed my life forever. Let me tell you my story. I was studying pre-Med in college, in hopes of becoming a medical doctor. Things were looking up, and life was good, until things took a turn for the worse. I began to have terrible back and stomach problems. For a young guy, I felt pretty rotten. My back hurt so badly that I had a hard time even concentrating in class. I was miserable. The medical doctors tried different drugs, but they only made me feel like I was in a “cloud.” I was just not getting better. A friend of mine convinced me to give a chiropractor a try. The chiropractor did an my spine. The adjustment didn’t hurt, it actually felt good. I got relief, and I soon was off all medication. It worked so well that I decided, then and there, to become a chiropractor myself. Now for my kids, Hayden and Henry. They have been under chiropractic care their entire lives. And, unlike most other kids in their class, they never get the “common” childhood illnesses like ear infections, asthma and allergies. In fact, they have never taken a drug in their lives. And they are now 19 and 21! It’s strange how life is, because now people come to see me with their back problems and stomach problems. They come to me with their headaches, migraines, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, whiplash from car accidents, asthma, allergies, numbness in limbs, athletic injuries, just to name a few. If drugs make people well, then those who take the most should be the healthiest, but that simply isn’t the case. With chiropractic we don’t add anything to the body or take anything from it. We
and remove it thus enhancing the healing capacities of the body. We get tremendous results…it really is as simple as that. Here’s what some of my patients had to say: “I have had a problem with migraines as well as low back pain. Even after seeing doctors and other health professionals, the pains remained. After coming to Dr. Joel, they have helped tremendously. They even take away my migraines. They’re great!” (Judy E.) “I came in pending laser surgery for two herniated discs. Over a few months here the need for surgery subsided, and the pain has subsided to a mild discomfort with occasional morning stiffness. Over all, I feel better visit after visit. It’s a gradual process.” (Jaime O.) Several times a day patients thank me for helping them with their health problems. But I can’t really take the credit. Find out for yourself and benefit from an AMAZING OFFER. Look, it shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to correct your health. You are going to write a check to someone for your health care expenses, you may as well write one for a lesser amount for chiropractic. When you bring in this article by June 3, 2015, you will receive my entire new patient exam for $27. That’s with
I’m a graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic who regularly goes to monthly educational chiropractic seminars. I’ve been entrusted to take care of tiny babies to neighbors that you may know. I just have that low exam fee to help more people who need care. My associates, Dr. Lee, Dr. Trnka and I are ready to see if we can help you. Our office is both friendly and warm and we try our best to make you feel at home. We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. Our office is called REDWOOD CHIROPRACTIC. Our office is located at 937 Lakeville Street, Petaluma, phone number is 763-8910. We would love to help you. Call Alex, Mari, Megan or Wendy today for an appointment. We can help you. Thank you. – Dr. Joel Taatjes
New Patient Exam for $27
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Call 775-2545 or 763-8910 ball of wax. This exam could cost you $350 elsewhere. Great care at a great fee… Please, I hope that there’s no misunderstanding about quality of care just offering the second family member this same because I have a lower exam fee. You’ll get examination for only $10.
Beach Access ( 8
deliberately did not seek out sponsorship for his bill from outside organizations with a dog in the medical cannabis hunt. That includes pro–medical cannabis organizations and also groups representing law enforcement.
Soroptimist Soroptimist Architectural Ar chitec tur al TTour, our, W Wine ine TTasting, asting, Sat, at, Ma May ay 9 & Auction Auc tion Sa
So what? Well, last year, a medical cannabis bill co-sponsored by an outside group—the California Police Chiefs Association—collapsed under the weight of tough-oncrime amendments that seemed to be a little overly focused on butane extraction of hashish and its debatable crystal corollary à la Breaking Bad country. The accepted wisdom of the day—but which is by no means universally shared in the medical cannabis community—is that squaring up the medical cannabis industry in California is key to paving the way to legalization, expected to unfold here in 2016. McGuire’s press release from April 30 makes clear that he’s only interested in the medical end of things. But a cannabis activist source tells Debriefer that in a recent conference call. a McGuire staffer said part of the rationale for the bill was to ensure that medical cannabis protocols would be locked in before the legalization push. In his statement, McGuire insisted on normalizing relations with medical cannabis growers through oversight and regulation that’s already part of the landscape for other growers here: “We are well aware of all the regulations and permits that farmers and ranchers have to go through when growing wine grapes, row crops or raising dairy cattle. But right now there is no regulation or permits for marijuana farmers, and it’s putting Northern California residents and our pristine environment at risk. —Tom Gogola
50th Birthday 50th Birthday Celebration C elebr ation off Sea o Sea Ranch R a nc h Homes Ho mes S el f gguided Self uided Tour Tour 10am-3pm. 10 am - 3pm. 9 hhomes. ome s . W Wine ine TTasting as t ing & AAuction uc t ion at a t Gualala Gualala Arts A r t s 3-5:30pm. 3 - 5 : 3 0 pm. OOrder r der TTickets: icke t s : sim s c.or g or or 707.884.4343 70 7.8 8 4. 4 3 4 3 B e nefitt ffor Benefit or S Soroptimist oropt imistt IInternational nte rnat iona l off Me Mendocino-Sonoma Coast o ndo c ino-S onom a C o a st aand nd Gualala Gu a la la Arts Ar ts
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11 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
which encoded the template for universal access to California beaches. Carrillo notes that many Californians believe that unencumbered beach access is a right, not an entitlement. Carrillo counts himself among them, though according to an after-action report in the Press Democrat, he acknowledged that there are county beaches that charge a fee—the supervisors, he says, are looking to abolish those too. The PD also reported, stunningly, that out of 880 public comments about the state proposal, first unveiled in 2013, a total of two were in favor of the fees. The Coastal Commission gave a clear indication of the controversy over the proposed fees when it voted 6–6 on the State Parks plan, which would see so-called Iron Ranger self-pay stations plunked down at the gateway to 14 beaches that are now free and open to the public. Unfortunately for beach lovers of lesser means, the tie goes to the appellant, in this case State Parks. They were granted jurisdictional authority, but implementation of the proposed fees remains an open question for the time being. The split vote also told a story of its own. Class issues don’t get any rawer than this one in a county with skyrocketing rents, wages that can’t keep up and lots of backbreaking work to be done in the fields and farms of Sonoma County. Under the State Parks plan, people of lesser means would get the squeeze on their relaxation budget, while the view from that fancy hillside vacation home is just fine, thanks, and that private pathway to the beach is free. “There are significant disparities, even in a county like this with so much abundance,” says Carrillo. He further notes that the particularities of the Sonoma Coastline present their own impediments to access, owing to geography more than fees. You basically need a car to access the beaches in the first place. That’s not the case in places like, say, Venice Beach in Los Angeles. “One of my main arguments to
the Coastal Commission,” says Carrillo, “was specifically around the premise of families of lesser means having to turn around in their cars and not have access to the coast. We are trying to ensure as best we can that there is universal access, particularly for those families that don’t have the means.” Carrillo points to a county report from late last year that identified family incomes as low as $14,000 a year in Rohnert Park. That’s called “living in poverty,” in case there’s any confusion about how far $14k will take you in Sonoma County. But there’s hope, maybe. Carrillo says that since the Coastal Commission vote, State Parks appeared to have gotten a message about the unpopularity of its proposed move, and the promised backlash in the form of class war in the sands, with seething surfers at the vanguard. Carrillo credits the Coastal Commission for committing to a transparent process as it weighed the merits of the state’s argument over jurisdiction. That very transparency may have piqued the conscience, if not the political considerations, of State Parks bureaucrats. They reached out to Carrillo after the meeting to see if there wasn’t a way through the fee fandango. “My understanding is that they didn’t necessarily have to open [the meeting] to the public,” says Carrillo as he recounts the blowby-blow account. “There was a lot of public input and many people who certainly made very, very strong points that supported the county’s position.” Since the vote, Carrillo says, “we’ve been contacted by State Parks to sit down and confer, and I’m certainly open to and receptive to sitting down with them. I can’t tell you with certainty what that means, but they have reached out and we’ve responded.” Carrillo says that in the meantime he’ll reach out to organizations such as Coastwalk California and the Surfrider Foundation to make sure they’re in the loop on further discussions about beach fees. Those organizations have advocated for unencumbered access for all.
Dining Daniel Kong
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
GRANDE AMBITION Carlos Alas Grande plans to expand the Don Julio menu—and your mind along with it.
Yucca Lip Tease Don Julio’s brings family food from south of the border to Rohnert Park BY NATE J. VOGE
hen Carlos Alas Grande started selling his mother’s hand-made pupusas to his high school friends, he would wrap about 20 of the savory griddle cakes in foil and cinch the condiments into plastic bags. Word spread, and soon his mother, Evelyn Sanabria, was making up to a hundred pupusas twice a month for him to sell to
classmates and coworkers. Now, at age 25, he sells about 275 of his mom’s pupusas everyday on colorful plates in the restaurant he owns. “When you have them fresh from the grill to the plate, it’s so different,” Alas Grande says. He jokes about how everyone thought they changed the recipe after he and his family opened Don Julio’s Rincon Latin Grill & Pupusas in Rohnert Park. The warm, cheesy pupusas ($2.99) are best topped with
curtido—lightly fermented, seasoned cabbage—and a savory tomato salsa. Each bite is balanced with richness and tanginess, and tied together with earthy Mexican oregano in the curtido. It’s a family tradition that became a family business, a business Alas Grande hopes will enable him to give back to his family. The progression of selling pupusas in foil to selling them on plates wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Opening a restaurant was a gamble for him and his family,
especially after his mother quit her job and, three weeks before they opened, his father, Julio Sanabria, permanently injured his arm in a car accident. But through word of mouth, Don Julio’s has seen a stream of regulars. “It’s honestly what keeps us thriving,” Alas Grande says. After Petaluma musician Kirk Heydt tasted Don Julio’s for the first time, he told the guy on the corner to go and try it. Then he told someone at the gas station. Now he brings his family and tells all of his friends, because he just loves the food. “She’s like an artist,” Heydt says of Evelyn Sanabria. Aside from a variety of pupusas, the menu features Mexican classics, and Alas Grande hopes to expand the menu to include more of Evelyn’s Salvadoran dishes, like tamales wrapped in plantain, torrejas (Salvadoran French toast) and chicharrón—fried pig skin— with yucca root. Sanabria cooks while Alas Grande runs the front and works the business side, but he has bigger plans. He watched his mother cook in Mexican restaurants when he was a child and knows she always wanted her own place. “Five years is my goal, and then I want to retire them, especially after my dad’s accident,” Alas Grande says. “I want to get to the level where she’s at, where she knows how to make everything without even having to measure it out.” He hopes his mom can eventually oversee the restaurant and not have to run the kitchen when he and his younger brother, Cesar, take it over. Alas Grande says that since they opened the restaurant, he’s spending more time with his family, and he loves seeing his mom’s dream come true. “She’ll come home tired, but it’s a different type of tired. We’re doing it for ourselves now,” he says. “That for me is the biggest satisfaction.” Don Julio’s Rincon Latin Grill & Pupusas. 217 Southwest Blvd. Rohnert Park. 707.242.3160.
Our selective list of North Bay restaurants is subject to menu, pricing and schedule changes. Call first for confirmation. Restaurants in these listings appear on a rotating basis. For expanded listings, visit COST: $ = Under $12; $$ = $13-$20; $$$ = $21-$26; $$$$ = Over $27
Rating indicates the low to average cost of a full dinner for one person, exclusive of desserts, beverages and tip.
13 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
small town sits a wood-fired oven serving piping pizzas of perfection. Beer and oysters can be had as well. Lunch and dinner, Wed–Sun. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.9493.
Finnegan’s Marin Pub fare. $$. Irish bar with the traditional stuff. Lunch and dinner daily. 877 Grant Ave, Novato. 415.899.1516.
Fish Seafood. $$-$$$.
S O N OMA CO U N TY Bistro 29 Bistro. $$-$$$. Get an honestly prepared plate of excellence, reasonably priced, at this veritable palace of crepes. Dinner, Tues-Sat. 620 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.546.2929. Chloe’s French Cafe French. $. Hearty French fare, decadent desserts and excellent selection of French and California wines. Breakfast and lunch, Mon-Fri. 3883 Airway Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.528.3095.
French Garden French. $$$-$$$$. The French Garden serves classic French and California cuisine focusing on seasonal and sustainable foods, much of it grown on its own farm; also, a casual bar with small plates. Dinner, Wed-Sun; brunch, Sun. 8050 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. 707.824.2030.
LoCoco’s Cucina Rustica Italian. $$-$$$. Authentic rustic-style Italian with a touch of Northern California, and a favorite with those in the know. Get the cannoli! Lunch, Tues-Fri; dinner, Tues-Sun. 117 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.2227.
Parish Cafe Cafe. $$. Authentic po’ boy sandwiches elicit the sound of a big brass marching band with every bite. Breakfast favorites include shrimp and grits, but don’t forget the beignets. Breakfast and lunch, Wed-Sun. 60-A Mill St, Healdsburg. 707.431.8474 Saddles Steakhouse. $$$$$$$. A steakhouse in the best American tradition, with top-quality grass-fed beef. Pies are made from fruit trees on restaurant property. Dinner daily. 29 E MacArthur St, Sonoma. 707.933.3191.
Sante California cuisine.
$$$. In this world-class spa setting sample Sonoma County-inspired dishes or an elegant traditional brunch. Dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 18140 Sonoma Hwy, Boyes Hot Springs. 707.939.2415.
Sonoma Chocolatiers Dessert and tea. $. Fine flavors of tea and artisanal chocolates. All chocolates are 62-85 percent Scharffen Berger dark chocolate. Luscious and addictive; vegan options, bold flavors, low sugar, local and organic ingredients. 6988 McKinley St., Sebastopol. 707.829.1181.
Thai Pot Thai. $$. A local favorite for authentic Thai recipes with pad Thai, curries, exotic appetizers and entrées. Lunch and dinner daily. 2478 W Third St, Santa Rosa. 707.575.9296. 6961 Sebastopol Ave (across from West America Bank), Sebastopol. 707.829.8889.
Yao-Kiku Japanese. $$-$$$. Fresh sushi with ingredients flown in from Japan steals the show in this popular neighborhood restaurant. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat. 2700 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.578.8180.
MARIN CO U N T Y Arigatou Japanese Food to Go Japanese. $. Cheap, delicious and ready to go. Lunch and dinner daily. Miracle Mile Plaza, 2046 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.453.8990.
Avatar’s Indian-plus. $. Fantastic East-meets-West fusion of Indian, Mexican, Italian and American, with dishes customized to your palate. Lunch and dinner, MonSat. 2656 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.8083.
Cafe Reyes Pizza. $$. At the end of the main drag in West Marin’s quintessential
Incredibly fresh seafood in incredibly relaxed setting overlooking bay. Lunch and dinner daily. (Cash only.) 350 Harbor Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.FISH.
Il Piccolo Caffe Italian. $$. Big, ample portions at this premier spot on Sausalito’s spirited waterfront. Breakfast and lunch daily. 660 Bridgeway, Ste 3, Sausalito. 415.289.1195. Insalata’s Mediterranean. $$$. Simple, high-impact dishes of exotic flavors. Lunch and dinner daily. 120 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo. 415.457.7700. Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Brewpub. $$. Pub grub gets a pub-cuisine facelift. Lunch, Wed-Sun; dinner daily. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax. 415.485.1005.
Joe’s Taco Lounge & Salsaria Mexican. $. Mostly authentic Mexican menu with American standbys. Lunch and dinner daily; takeout, too. 382 Miller Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.8164.
Mountain Home Inn American. $$-$$$$. Great summer sandwiches with a view atop Mt Tamalpais. Breakfast, Sat-Sun; lunch and dinner, Wed-Sun. 810 Panoramic Dr, Mill Valley. 415.381.9000.
Nick’s Cove Seafood/
SSanta a nta Rosa Rosa
Sebastopol S e b a s to p o l
5528.3278 2 8 . 3 2 7 8 823.7492 8 2 3 .74 9 2
contemporary American. $$$$. Fresh from the bay oysters, upscale seafood, some steaks and a great burger. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 23240 State Route 1, Marshall. 415.663.1033.
Piatti Italian. $$-$$$.Rustic, seasonal, Italian food. Kidfriendly. Lunch and dinner daily. 625 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.380.2525. Pier 15 American. $$. Fun, tucked-away old-fashioned spot overlooking hidden harbor. Great place for breakfast at a bar, too. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily;
) 14
Authentic A uthentic LLebanese ebanese CCuisine uisinee Eat healthy & feel good!
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NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
118th 8th a annu nnual al
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a alexander lexand r alexander a lexander er r all V Va lley ey Valley Va V a Valley gat g at h e r . d r i n k . e a at. t.
May Ma ay 15, 15 , 16 1 6 & 17 17 tickets on sale
brunch, Sat-Sun. 15 Harbor St, San Rafael. 415.256.9121.
Pine Cone Diner Eclectic. $$. Funky diner meets upscale bistro. Ambitious dishes, like cherry-wood-smoked pork loin with lavender gastrique, and steak au poivre with peppercorn brandy sauce are served in homey atmosphere. Breakfast and lunch daily. Closed Mon. 60 Fourth St, Pt Reyes. 415.663.1536. Sol Food Puerto Rican. $.
3 days of decadent WINE & FOOD TASTING, MOUNTAIN Views and
our first ever Magnum Dinner & Barn Dance.
Flavorful, authentic and homestyle at this Puerto Rican eatery, which is as hole-in-thewall as they come. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. San Rafael locations: 811 Fourth St; 901 & 903 Lincoln Ave. 415.451.4765. Mill Valley location: 401 Miller Ave, Mill Valley. 415.380.1986.
ORPHEUS WINES SONOMA VALLEY Tasting Room & Art Gallery Hours: Fri–Sun 12–5p Mon–Thur by appt.
Give mom a bouquet of rosés! May 8-10th, 12-5pm Treat mom to one of a kind, handcrafted rosés for Mother’s Day - 15% off trio **Moms taste FREE May 10th**
An Evening of Art & Music May 28th, 5-8pm Featuring new work by Steve Lohman Fine Lines ~ Fine Wines
Wine-on-tap & Event Space Wow your guests! Have your private party or rehearsal dinner here; unique wine in kegs for events, weddings, home!
*Bring in this ad for a free tasting*
8910 Hwy 12, Kenwood CA 707.282.9231 For reservations, tickets, and more info:
Bounty Hunter Wine country casual. $$. Wine shop and bistro with maverick moxie for the wine cowboy. Premium bottles for sale, also. Lunch and dinner daily. 975 First St, Napa. 707.226.3976.
Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen Eclectic. $$-$$$. As comfortable as it sounds, with a rich and varied melting pot of a menu. Lunch and dinner daily. 1327 Railroad Ave, St Helena. 707.963.1200.
Fumé Bistro & Bar California cuisine. $$$. California bistro fare that nearly always hits the mark. Lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 4050 Byway E, Napa. 707.257.1999.
Gillwoods Cafe Diner. $-$$. Classic hometown diner, specializes in the homemade. Breakfast and lunch daily. 1313 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.1788. Gott’s Roadside Tray Gourmet Diner. $-$$. Formerly Taylor’ Automatic Refresher. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 933 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.3486. Also at Oxbow Public Market, 644 First St, Napa. 707.224,6900.
La Toque Restaurant French-inspired. $$$$. Set in a comfortable elegantly
The Wurst Possible News The red cabbage nearly fell off my fork when the waiter gave the unbelievable news that Café Europe was calling it a day. After two decades and three different locations in Sonoma County, the popular GermanAustrian restaurant, a heavenly slice of Bavaria that has been run by chef Robert Buchshachermair and host Herbert Zacher, is smoking its last brat, for now. Looking ahead to retirement, chef and host both have marked Mother’s Day as their last in business, though they still hold the lease on their Rincon Valley location for four more years. A new chef and a new concept will be filling the space, but details on the new venture are unclear. What’s known is that the new chef will have huge shoes to step into, as Café Europe has consistently been one of Santa Rosa’s most beloved spots to dine. I’m going to miss that red cabbage and the sauerkraut, the grilled Swiss sausages, the spaetzle, the schnitzel, the sauerbraten and the pork shank, not to mention the liter mugs of Pilsner. I’m going to miss it all! Café Europe is located in the St. Francis shopping center, 104 Calistoga Road, Santa Rosa. Open Wednesday–Saturday, 11:30am–2:30pm, and 4:30–8:45pm; Sunday 4:30–7:45pm. Reservations recommended. 707.538.5255.—Charlie Swanson
rustic dining room, La Toque makes for memorable specialoccasion dining. The elaborate wine pairing menus are luxuriously inspired. Dinner daily. 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.5157.
$$$. Rich dishes balanced by subtle flavors and careful yet casual presentation. Brunch at Redd is exceptional. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 6480 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2222.
Pizza Azzurro Italian. $.
Siena California-Tuscan. $$$$. Sophisticated, terroirinformed cooking celebrates the local and seasonal, with electric combinations like sorrel-wrapped ahi tuna puttanesca. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 875 Bordeaux Way, Napa. 707.251.1900.
Run by a former Tra Vigne and Lark Creek Inn alum, the pizza is simple and thin, and ranks as some of the best in the North Bay. Lunch and dinner daily. 1260 Main St (at Clinton), Napa. 707.255.5552.
Redd California cuisine. $$-
Most reviews by James Knight. Note: Those listings marked ‘WC’ denote wineries with caves. These wineries are usually only open to the public by appointment. Wineries in these listings appear on a rotating basis.
S O N OM A CO U N T Y David Coffaro Vineyards Coffaro specializes in unique red blends and Zinfandels. Coffaro keeps an online diary of his daily winemaking activities ( html). 7485 Dry Creek Road, Geyserville. Appointment only. 707.433.9715.
Frick Winery Tailwagging hospitality team greets visitors at this rustic little bodega that’s anything if not picturesque. Proprietorrun winery specializes in lively Rhône-style blends and varietally bottled Syrah, Viognier; rare Counoise is a special treat. Honest, handmade wines with a sense of place. 23072 Walling Road, Geyserville. Open Saturday– Sunday, noon–4:30pm. 707.857.1980. Hart’s Desire Wines Brash Zinfandel and sensuous Pinot Noir from the label with the come-hither eyes. Brick walls plastered with art, participatory painting, and a jukebox also entertain in this old warehouse shared with Christi Vineyards and J. Keverson Winery. 53 Front St. (Old Roma Station), Healdsburg. Thursday–Monday, 11am– 5pm. Tasting fee $5. 707.433.3097.
Iron Horse Despite the rustic tasting room, Iron Horse produces sparkling wine and Pinots for the elite. A brilliant view for winetasting. 209786 Ross Station Road, Sebastopol. Open daily, 10am–3:30pm. 707.887.1507.
Lasseter Family Winery Thrill to the adventures of Merlot and Alicante B. at the big table. 1 Vintage Lane, Glen Ellen. Daily by appointment only, $25 per person. 707.933.2800.
Old World Winery Meaning, a simpler time when grapes were trodden under bare foot and wine was made
the natural way? Yes. Fun fact: the small, family-owned winery was the original Williams-Selyem location. 850 River Road, Fulton. Thursday– Sunday 11am–5pm or by appointment. Tasting fee $5. 707.578.3148.
Quivira Winery Certified biodynamic producer that promotes creek stewardship and steelhead-salmonhabitat restoration. Dry Creek Zinfandel is a regular favorite; Mourvèdre and other Rhône varietals are outstanding. As the steelhead have lately rediscovered, Quivira is worth returning to year after year. 4900 Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg. Open daily, 11am–5pm. 800.292.8339.
River Road Vineyards Russian River Pinot for $21 at no-nonsense, solid producer; sparkling, too. 5220 Ross Road, Sebastopol. By appointment only, Monday–Friday. 707.887.8130.
Simi Winery Pioneered female winemaking by hiring the first female winemaker in the industry. The tastingroom experience is mediocre, but the wine is fantastic and worth the wait. Excellent Chard, Sauvignon Blanc and Cab. 16275 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. Open daily, 10am–5pm. 707.473.3213.
Tricycle Wine Partners There’s more to terroir than the dirt that grapevines grow in—there’s the rock the oak for the barrels grows in. 23568 Arnold Drive, Sonoma. In Cornerstone Sonoma. Open daily, 11am–5pm; weekends to 6pm. Tasting fee, $10. 707.255.4929.
MARIN CO U N TY Bacchus & Venus A trendy place for beginners and tourists. Great place to learn the basics. 769 Bridgeway, Sausalito. Open daily, noon– 7pm. 415.331.2001.
Heidrun Meadery This is not your fæder’s mead: flower varietal, regional, méthode champenoise sparkling mead on a farm made for the bees. 11925 Hwy. 1, Point Reyes Station. By appointment only, Monday– Friday. 415.663.9122.
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Point Reyes Vineyards The tasting room features many varietals but the main reason to go is for the sparkling wines. Open Saturday–Sunday, 11am–5pm. 12700 Hwy. 1, Point Reyes. 415.663.1011.
N A PA CO U N TY Brown Estate Vineyards
7707.542.8868 07. 542 eat .com 4400 00 M Mendocino e nd o c i n o A Av Ave, ve, SSanta anta R Rosa os a
CLASSIC ITALIAN CUISINE SERVING DINNER Wednesday–Sundays (Saturday Piano Bar) ~ Full Bar, Fireside Lounge, Outdoor Patio ~ Featuring Sonoma County Wines
(WC) A beautifully restored and converted stone and redwood barn is the winery and tasting room facility at Brown Estate. And the construction of a 6,500-square-foot subterranean wine cave was completed in 2005. Visitors are currently limited to wine club members by appointment only. 3233 Sage Canyon Road, Napa. 707.963.2435.
Inn at the Tides
Round Pond Estate
800 Hwy One, Bodega Bay 707.875.2751
Estate Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc served tableside on the terrace with scrumptious food pairings. 875 Rutherford Road, Rutherford. Tastings by appointment daily, 11am to 4pm. $25. 888.302.2575.
Truchard Vineyards (WC) No matter how attentive you are to the directions, no matter how much you study the quaint, hand-drawn map found online, no matter how vigilantly you watch the street addresses numerically climb along Old Sonoma Road, you will inevitably miss Truchard Vineyards. What follows is a three-point turn on a blind, two-lane road, with a single thought in your head: “This wine had better be worth the insurance deductible.” But with Cabernet this good, it is. 3234 Old Sonoma Road, Napa. By appointment. 707.253.7153.
~ Spectacular Sunset Views ~ Winemaker Dinner Series featured Monthly ~ Groups and Receptions Welcome
Mother’s Day Dining Sunday, May 10 RESERVATIONS: 707.875.3652
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NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
JJoin oin us us on on a
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Culinar y Culinary Journey Jo ur ne y
Silverado Burners
A long strange trip to the Terraces BY JAMES KNIGHT
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he Terraces is tucked behind a nook in a dell just off Silverado Trail. Soon after we’re buzzed through the gate, it’s clear this is no chichi, “the terraces at [fill-in-the-blank]” sort of joint. It’s something a little different.
Up at the winery, director of hospitality Monica Jones introduces us to co-owner Sharon Crull. Stirring a pot of sauce, Crull explains she’s just helping out the winery chef at the moment. We sink into sofas on the deck while Sharon pours a crisp 2013 Chenin Blanc, yesterday’s underdog white that’s all the rage now as a light, starter wine. But the reason for this Chenin, Crull says, is that Terraces lost the Rutherford source of their favorite aromatic white, Riesling. And now I am perking up. Really? And then what happened? They missed it, so they found a Carneros source in 2013. Out comes a bottle of 2013 Napa Valley Riesling ($30), tropical like ripe Sauvignon Blanc, and just as dry, but elegant with that Riesling acidity. Timm Crull joins us for a taste of the 2009. Oxidized, Timm says, chucking the rest of his pour over the railing. But I like the honey and raisin aromatics—and I like that they’re keeping the faith. A couple from Wisconsin joins the group, and we board an all-terrain vehicle for a tour with Sharon while Timm gets back to his pots and pans. Turns out, he’s the winery chef. “I live for food,” Timm exclaims at one point in the afternoon, adding with a blend of understatement and foodie bravado, “The wine stuff, it’s a beverage—but I live for food.” Highlights of the tour include the stone walls of the property’s original 1885 “ghost winery,” restored block by block, and a balsamic tasting in the stone acetaia, from a series of hobbit-sized barrels imported from Italy. The Crulls are also avid bee keepers, and grow a small cider apple orchard. Then we sit down to langoustine pasta and smoked tri-tip, 2013 Chardonnay ($30), 2012 Petite Sirah ($38) and 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon ($60). The wines are lush and polished, no rough edges here, while the wide-ranging conversation may have surprised the Wisconsinites. Lunch by Timm is not part of the everyday package here, but if you find yourself supping at First Camp in Black Rock City, where Timm has cheffed for several years, you’re in for some good eats. I do believe these are the first Napa Valley winery owners I’ve met who’d rather talk about the Playa than terroir. The Terraces, 1450 Silverado Trail, Rutherford. Daily by appointment only, 10am–4pm. Tasting only, $25; tour and tasting, $45. 707.963.1707.
17 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
Don’t Have a Cow Mock meat is not so rare these days—but is it well done? BY TOM PHILPOTT
hether you’re a strict vegetarian or a contented carnivore, meat poses a vexing efficiency problem. Crowded into feedlots, the modern cow burns through an estimated 25 pounds of corn and soybeans for every pound of edible meat it generates. Pork, chicken and egg production require an average of five pounds of feed per pound of product yielded, which is somewhat more efficient, but they, too, raise a provocative question: Why not just eat the protein-rich grain and beans that go into all that feed rather than running them through the body of an animal first? When author Frances Moore Lappé first asked this question in 1971’s game-changing manifesto, Diet for a Small Planet, global meat production stood at about 121 million tons annually. Today that output exceeds 300 million tons per year—and it’s projected to exceed 500 million tons by 2050 as economies modernize and demand for meat increases in developing countries like China. If this ever comes to pass, the planet simply won’t be able to handle the additional strain on its already stressed resources. As ecologist
Vaclav Smil says, global meat production is one of humanity’s “most environmentally burdensome activities,” fouling groundwater, spewing greenhouse gases and eroding soil at untenable rates. By his estimate, the earth is capable of supporting no more than 220 million tons of annual meat production— meaning we’ve already entered unsustainable territory. If Smil and the many others who share his view are correct, then clearly the problem is serious. And fixing it will mean marshaling the
most innovative thinking to change the way the world consumes and produces protein. Unsurprisingly, several titans of Silicon Valley—where perpetual invention and love of problem-solving meet the profit motive—have been investing heavily in start-ups that aim to do this very thing. They’re all betting big on a food industry sector that saw its sales rise 8 percent between 2010 and 2012, the same year that the U.S. market for fake meat crossed the half-billion-dollar mark. Surprisingly, the chief driver for consumers ) 18
Synthetic Meat ( 17 doesn’t appear to be a dietary shift toward vegetarianism; according to a 2013 report by the market research ďŹ rm Mintel, about onethird of the people who buy meat alternatives identify as carnivores who are simply trying to eat less meat. Several of the new businesses are developing ways to alter the form and taste of beans and grains so that they’re virtually indistinguishable from real meat—right down to the fibrous texture of muscle and even the subtle tang of blood. Others
Spring Dance Show 2015
Photo: Megan Rhodes
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
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Meet the New Meat Hampton Creek Foods What It Makes Gunning for a piece of the $213.7-billion-a-year chicken-egg market, this San Francisco–based company is focusing on knocking off eggbased edibles such as mayonnaise and cookie dough. Its two-yearold Just Mayo, made from canola oil and pea protein, received enough media hoopla to make conventional mayo producers nervous. Unilever, which owns the Hellmann’s brand, felt compelled to ďŹ le a widely mocked lawsuit asserting that any product being marketed as mayonnaise must contain eggs. (The suit was eventually dropped.)
1327 Main St, Saint Helena Open Daily: Hours 10am–6pm Order online or by phone: 707.968.9182
Shop Locally, Act Globally
are dedicated to synthesizing actual flesh from living animal cells without killing any animals. But some experts, Smil included, doubt that “mock meat� will ever be “anything but a marginal choice� for most consumers. With each new iteration, however, the new protein gets closer and closer to looking, cooking and tasting like the real thing. At some point, it will get there. Whether people will actually make the switch, en masse, remains to be seen.
Who’s Behind It Hampton Creek has raised more than $100 million from a loose affiliation of angel investors including Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod Khosla, twin brothers Ali and Hadi Partovi (who have a knack for picking winners, including Facebook, Zappos and Dropbox) and the Hong Kong–based venture capitalist Li Ka-shing, whose ďŹ rm, Horizons Ventures, also owns sizable stakes in Facebook and Spotify.
Tasting Notes When Wired reporter Kyle VanHemert sampled an omelet made from the company’s scrambled-egg substitute in 2013, he wrote that it was “a little chewy, deďŹ nitely, and oddly tasteless. If it was served to me at a restaurant, I’d send it back; if I encountered it while hungover, I’d probably inhale it without thinking twice.â€? He raved, however, about Just Mayo: “[It] doesn’t just taste normal. It tastes good.â€? Where It Stands Just Mayo can now be found in grocery stores nationwide, from highend markets like Whole Foods to discount chains like Dollar Tree. Another product, Just Cookie Dough, rolled out last fall and is currently available in select Whole Foods. The brand’s scrambled-egg replacement, Just Scramble, is slated to debut later this year.
Beyond Meat What It Makes “Meat is actually just the combination of amino acids, fats, water, carbohydrates and trace minerals,� CEO Ethan Brown says. “These things are available in the plant kingdom.�
Who’s Behind It Early investors included Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates and Twitter cofounders Biz Stone and Evan Williams. Tasting Notes Two years ago, using patented technology licensed from University of Missouri researchers, Beyond Meat rolled out a product that mimicked the stringy texture of cooked chicken. The New York Times’ Mark Bittman observed that it “doesn’t taste much like chicken” on its own, but when it’s wrapped in a tortilla filled with burrito fixings, “you won’t know the difference.” The just-launched Beast Burger, which is said to offer “more protein and iron than beef and more omegas than salmon,” reminded veteran food writer Rowan Jacobsen of “the Salisbury steak of my youth—not exactly something to celebrate, but not terrible, either.” (Touché, Marcel Proust!) Where It Stands The company, which was named one of 2014’s most innovative businesses by Fast Company magazine, had rolled out its fake-chicken strips to all Whole Foods stores by 2013, retailing at about $5.50 for a 12ounce, four-serving package. The Beast Burger became available in Whole Foods this past February.
Impossible Foods What It Makes This Silicon Valley company has embarked on an even more audacious hamburger knockoff: a veggie patty that bleeds (well, sort of bleeds). Founder and former Stanford biochemistry professor Patrick Brown observed that heme, an iron-rich molecule found in blood that gives meat its meaty flavor, can also be found in the roots of plants like legumes. By combining plant proteins like heme with amino acids, vitamins and fats extracted from a blend of vegetables, grains and beans, the Impossible Burger looks and
smells like the real thing while it’s being prepared, according to Evelyn Rusli, a Wall Street Journal reporter who was present at a cooking demo. Who’s Behind It Gates and Khosla (who also have stakes in Beyond Meat and Hampton Creek, respectively) were early investors, as was Google Ventures, the company’s in-house start-up incubator. From them and a handful of others, Brown was able to raise $75 million. Tasting Notes How it looks and smells are both important, to be sure. But when it came to the crucial taste factor, alas, Rusli found late last year that “the burger [didn’t] quite hit the mark”—it just wasn’t juicy enough. (She did have some nice things to say about the texture.) Where It Stands The Impossible Burger isn’t ready just yet for your next barbecue. Its commercial debut will likely be next year, once the company has perfected its recipe and scaled up production. It also needs to bring down the unit cost, which right now is a whopping $20 per patty.
Modern Meadow What It Makes In Brooklyn, Modern Meadow aims to produce animal-free meat from cell tissue, a process called biofabrication. Founded in 2011 by Andras Forgacs, who previously headed up a firm that 3-D prints human tissue for medical purposes, the company is taking cautious baby steps by “applying the latest advances in tissue engineering to culture leather and meat without requiring the raising, slaughtering, and transporting [of] animals.” Who’s Behind It Forgacs received a grant from Breakout Labs, a business incubator funded by PayPal cofounder and venture capitalist Peter Thiel. And last summer, Li Ka-shing’s Horizons Ventures (also a stakeholder in Hampton Creek) invested $10 million in the ) 20
19 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
Fittingly, his products are plantbased substitutes for chicken and beef made primarily from pea protein and soy.
Synthetic Meat ( 19
20 NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
company, which is now developing lab-grown leather while continuing to improve and refine its cultured meat. (Maybe start with the funny color, guys.) Tasting Notes At last year’s annual reThink Food conference, where Forgacs was handing out the orange-tinted disks of his labgrown meat that he calls “steak chips,” one satisfied taker was reported as saying that the sample “reminds me of beef jerky, but with much better texture. It melts in your mouth.” Another described it, somewhat less rhapsodically, as tasting “like bouillon.” Where It Stands With production costs for individual steak chips coming in at nearly $100, commercial viability is still a ways off. According to Forgacs, cultured meat will take more time, as it will have to overcome greater technical, regulatory and market hurdles.
Cultured Beef
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That T hat feeling feeling you you get get when when you you find fiind a great great booth booth the bbest est way way to to ddescribe escribe a vvisit isit att y a your our ffavorite avorite ssummer ummer festival, festival, iiss the ttoo NNative ative RRiders. ider s . FFrom rom ccustom u s to m m made ade lleather eather cclothing lothing ddripping ripping iinn ffringe ringe ttoo ccolorful olor ful ffeather eather aaccessories, cces sories , tthe he sstore tore feels feels llike ike a rrare are jjourney ourney bback ack ttoo a ttime ime w when hen qquality ualit y aand nd ooriginality riginalit y m matters. at ter s . TThe he eexperience xperience ccontinues o ntin u e s w with ith eve every r y nnew ew ttreasure reasure yyou ou ddiscover. iscover. TThere’s here’s lleather eather hhides, ides , tturquoise urquoise aand nd ssilver ilver jjewelry, ewelr y, TTandy andy pproducts, roduc t s , craft craf t ffindings, indings , bbohemian ohemian clothing, clothing, sage, s age, sweetgrass, sweetgras s , incense, incense, Panama Panama hats, hat s , hand-crafted hand- craf ted knives, knives , Mountain Mountain T-shirts, T-shir t s , ccustom ustom lleather eather bbelts elt s aand nd NNative ative AAmerican merican aart. r t. TThe h e list list could co uld go g o on on and a n d on on but b ut suffice suf f ice to to say, s ay, this this isis definitely d ef initely the th e most m ost enjoyable enjoya ble place pla ce to to shop sh op for for yourself yo ur s elf or or bbuy uy tthat hat uunique niq u e gift gif t for for that that sspecial p e cial pperson. er s on . TThey’re h ey ’re enviro-conscious enviro - cons cio us too! to o! Between B et we en the th e nostalgic n ostalgic tunes tun e s playing p l ay i n g aand n d the th e friendly f rien dly faces, fa ce s , itit just just doesn’t d o e sn’t gget et better b et ter than tha n Native Native RRiders. id er s . TThey h ey making ma king ggoing oing llocal o c al so s o easy. e asy. Enjoy! E n j oy!
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What It Makes Based in a laboratory at the Netherlands’ Maastricht University, this start-up might well be the bestknown faux-meat project of them all. Like Modern Meadow’s Forgacs, project leader Mark Post is endeavoring to grow synthetic beef from cow cells without hurting any cows in the process. Unlike Modern Meadow, however, Cultured Beef has much more than an orange steak chip to offer: Post and his team have come up with an actual, identifiable, edible hamburger. Who’s Behind It A large chunk of the project is being bankrolled by Google cofounder Sergey Brin, who—as Post recently told Time magazine—injected enough new funding after a 2013 taste test to allow a fourfold increase in staffing, from five to 20. Tasting Notes At a 2013 demo in London, two lucky souls were given the chance to taste-test the
project’s long-awaited burger. One proclaimed the product “close to meat,” albeit “not as juicy.” The other—in a bit of phrasing that must have made Cultured Beef’s marketing team wince just a little—likened it to “an animal protein cake.” Where It Stands About that burger? It costs roughly $330,000 to produce. According to synthetic biologist Christina Agapakis’ 2012 Discover article, tissue culture is incredibly energy-intensive to maintain. Lab-grown tissue must be “exercised regularly with stretching machinery” to make it resemble meat—both visually and in terms of mouth-feel—and the growth medium required to catalyze the division and growth of cow cells costs about $250 per liter. Even so, Post expects his burgers to reach the consumer marketplace in 10 to 20 years. ince I try to buy my food locally, I don’t typically avail myself of too many online food sources. But I do avail myself—all the time—of online food resources. One of my favorite sites, Civil, covers food and ag issues with a critical eye, teasing out the crises of industrial agriculture and spotlighting emerging alternatives. Author-reporter Maryn McKenna has long been my go-to source for the latest on the meat industry’s problem with antibiotics resistance; I was happy to learn that she recently began contributing to National Geographic’s science blog, Phenomena (phenomena. And to keep abreast of what kinds of trouble the industrial meat giants of Big Ag are getting themselves into, I regularly check in with trade sites like and
A cofounder of Maverick Farms, a North Carolina–based sustainable farm and food-education center, Tom Philpott writes about the politics of food for publications such as ‘The Guardian’ and ‘Newsweek.’ A former columnist and editor at ‘Grist,’ he now writes the “Food for Thought” blog for ‘Mother Jones.’
BAGPIPE POP STAR Cristina Pato and her band perform on Sunday, May 10, at Green Music Center’s Schroeder Hall. See Clubs & Venues, p28.
NO R RTH TH B BAY AY B BO OHEMIA AN N | MAY M AY 6 6-1 - 1 2, 20 15 15 | B BOH OH HE EMI MI A N N.COM .C O M
The week’s events: a selective guide
Arts Ideas Michael Amsler
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
YOU WEAR IT WELL Suzy Berry is a little old-fashioned, and that’s all right.
Hip Couture
Sonoma County fashion designer looks forward and back BY FLORA TSAPOVSKY
n the local landscape of camouflage, baseball caps and flip-flops, a girl with iridescent hair and layers of lace and chiffon may look odd—but this being the North Bay, it’s only odd for a fraction of a second. She quite possibly could be a Burning Man enthusiast, a burlesque queen on a coffee route or simply a colorful character.
In Suzy Berry’s case, she’s a designer with a serious entrepreneurial streak who won’t rest until we all walk the streets of Sonoma County in sexy, dreamy attire. While the region is abundant with quirky folk, people who hand-make their own style are harder to find. Try to name a local designer, and chances are you’ll be thinking of wine makers and chefs instead. Berry is trying to fix that. Berry, 24, grew up in Santa Rosa and “always stood out.” In junior high, she deemed the clothes her
mom bought for her boring and so she started making her own. “I borrowed my grandma’s vintage dresses,” she says in a coy and soft-spoken voice, like a character from season three of Mad Men, “and then started handsewing dresses and wearing them to school. My parents bought me a sewing machine at some point, and my grandma taught me needlepoint.” Some experiments were horrific, says Berry, while others succeeded, though peers rarely
understood her style. “They’d call me ‘Grandma Girl,’” she says, laughing. “They would ask, ‘Are you a teacher or a student?’ Sometimes, I actually pretended I was a teacher. I’d go to the teachers’ lounge, eat the food and use the copy machine.” This rebellious attitude came in handy when Berry decided to turn her hobby into a brand, Dainty Rascal, which started selling clothes on Etsy five years ago. Unlike Project Runway contestants and design students slaving away in New York and London, Berry never sought guidance or mentoring, opting instead for the self-taught route. “I tried to take a private sewing lesson once,” she recalls, “and just ended up disagreeing with everything.” Disregarding patterns or rules, Berry drafts and sews everything by hand in her home studio and sometimes takes beadwork to the beach. Her designs are equally unscripted, heavily inspired by pin-up, burlesque and vintage glamour. “Grandma Girl,” who also wore a bikini to school on a very cold and stormy Hawaii Day, always gravitated toward oldschool allure, charmed by images of Marilyn Monroe and paintings by Polish art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka—“beautiful, curvy women in glamorous dresses.” On Dainty Rascal’s Etsy store site, there is a see-through playsuit, a prom-inspired dress with bows, an evening gown adorned with feathers, a lacy twopiece. Many are one-of-a-kind, and while it’s hard to pinpoint a certain signature style, the range is impressive. Some designs are replicas of famous 1950s dresses, such as Monroe’s dress from The Seven Year Itch; others are dresses Berry created for dates she
Suzy Berry’s designs can be seen at and shop/DaintyRascal.
Mother’s Day Special
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
went on after her divorce last year. “My main clientele are brides looking for bridal couture,� Berry says. “I do a pretty good replica of the famous [Marilyn] Monroe crystal dress. Usually women in New York order it, and for some reason, it’s always a 48-hour notice.� “Made to measure� is a slightly more accurate term. Working with a measuring chart, Berry can make a dress for a bride anywhere from Australia to France, while her Etsy store offers ready-made pieces and costumes. Berry often models the creations herself, changing like a chameleon from frame to frame. The photo shoots never skimp on creativity, borrowing generously from the boudoir aesthetic Berry is so comfortable with. For a young designer with a small online store, Berry has enviable poise and conviction, as well as many plans for growing her business. She’s done a photo shoot with big-shot pin-up photographer Shannon Brooke and collaborated with a Sonoma County fashion blogger,, by creating a simple canvass dress worn by the blogger and decorated by a graffiti artist. She also got herself into the next Vintage Expo in Los Angeles, where she hopes to create contacts with boutiques and retailers. This is all straight out of the playbook of savvy national brands. Berry’s biggest dream? “To acquire as much acreage as possible and open a rescue-horse ranch which will be funded by a percentage of my business. I want to have special-release dresses featuring the actual horses printed on them,� she says. Berry owns two horses herself, and her brand’s name, Dainty Rascal, has something to do with the noble animal. “I always considered my favorite horse to be a dainty rascal. He’s beautiful, but so naughty! An untamable spirit, he’s been my inspiration all along.�
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TThis h i s project p ro j e c t isi s funded f u n d e d with w i t h a GMC G M C Academic Ac a d e m i c Integration I n te g r a t i o n Grant Grant
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NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
MAKING HIS CASE ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ features a delicious twist at the end.
It’s Murder Christie whodunit plays North Bay—don’t give away the ending BY DAVID TEMPLETON
he first play I ever acted in was The Mousetrap,” says director and drama teacher Carl Hamilton, when asked about his connection to the work of Agatha Christie. Christie has long been famous for her tightly written whodunits, baffling fans and beguiling critics onstage and on the page. Though Hamilton has been a fan of Christie’s writing since the 1980s, he’s never directed one of her plays. Until now, that is. Christie’s Witness for the Prosecution, which opened last weekend at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, is a production of North Bay Stage Co. According to Hamilton, he waited
for the right Agatha Christie play to be his first. “I think it’s her best play,” he says of the 1953 stage adaptation of Christie’s own 1925 short story, originally titled “Traitor Hands.” No one is saying that’s a great title, but all was forgiven when the play, with its new name, opened in London, where it became a huge hit. The story, set in the courtroom and chambers at London’s Old Bailey, involves a man accused of murdering an old woman. His alibi is his own wife, who suddenly seems a less reliable witness than anyone, especially the accused, could have expected. “It has one of those quirky endings Agatha Christie was famous for,” says Hamilton, “and this play in particular was known for the big surprise at the end.” In fact, to protect the big twist, a credit was added to the end of the movie: “The management of this theater suggests that for the greater entertainment of your friends who have not yet seen the picture, you will not divulge, to anyone, the secret of the ending of Witness for the Prosecution.” “For me, personally, it works as a radio play too,” Hamilton says. “During rehearsals, I liked to just close my eyes and listen to it. If you have good actors, you know it’s working just by listening to their voices.” The resulting production is fairly stripped down, a trademark of Hamilton’s work. “Though it’s set in a courtroom in England, there are no big English lawyer wigs, no English costumes. Each actor is dressed in black with a splash of color to distinguish them. The show is really tight, because the script is tight. There’s no wasted dialogue. “If you close your eyes and listen,” Hamilton says, “it’s awesome.” ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ runs Friday–Sunday through May 17 at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. Times vary. $30–$58. 707.546.3600.
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM
Mol Kamach
ROCK AND ROLL NEVER FORGETS ‘Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten’ chronicles the history of Westernized pop music before and after Pol Pot.
No Holiday
New doc explores the day the music died in Cambodia BY CHARLIE SWANSON
hen we were young, we loved to be modern.”
That line, from Cambodian singer Sieng Vanthy, begins the revealing documentary Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll. Chronicling an era of music, art and prosperity that was nearly wiped from memory, the film offers a fascinating look at a nation largely known for military coups, civil wars and the horrific Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. Director Jon Pirozzi, who last helmed a documentary that followed world dance band Dengue Fever as they traveled to Cambodia, returns to the culturally rich country again to pay tribute to the musicians who, in the 1960s and ’70s, soaked up music from Europe, America and South America and turned it into their own style, combining traditional Cambodian rhythms with electric guitars. Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten starts by telling the stories of iconic pop stars like Sinn Sisamouth, who in Cambodia was basically the entire Rat Pack rolled into one. Beginning in the late 1950s, Sisamouth and others were opening the country’s ears to a new and largely Westernized sound. The film follows the progression of pop in Cambodia, as performers delved into everything from hard rock to a-go go music. It was not to last. If you know anything of Cambodia’s history, it’s probably the name of Pol Pot. The revolutionary-turned–totalitarian-dictator led the Khmer Rouge and took over the country in 1975. Under Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge emptied the cities, attempted to erase all Western ideas and influence in the country and essentially turned the entire population into a slave state. An estimated 2 million Cambodians were killed between 1975 and 1979. The Khmer Rouge targeted artists, musicians, business owners and intellectuals as enemies of the state. Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten does not shy from this fact, and the second half of the film—where the strength of the survivors and the memories of the lost are celebrated—is as unsettling and somber as the first half is vibrant and alive. ‘Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll’ opens Friday, May 8, at Rialto Cinemas, 6868 McKinley St., Sebastopol. 707.525.4840.
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NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
HER TURN Carolina Chocolate Drops
cofounder calls her work on T Bone Burnett project the best she’s done.
Genre Buster
Rhiannon Giddens has little use for musical labels BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO
f there’s one thing Rhiannon Giddens detests, it’s genres.
Classically trained in opera, Giddens moved on to a whole different style of music when she cofounded the Carolina Chocolate Drops, the Grammy-winning oldtime string band. She plays at City Winery in Napa on May 11. “I hate genres. I know that they’re necessary, but I hate them,” Giddens says with a laugh during a mid-March phone interview. “Americana, what the hell does that mean? I don’t know. It’s American music, that’s all I know. If people want to call it Americana, that’s fine. What I’ve learned is that these labels change and what they mean changes.” Giddens may have to grapple with the genre topic quite a bit now that she has expanded her
musical range by participating in T Bone Burnett’s New Basement Tapes project and releasing her debut solo album, Tomorrow Is My Turn. The common thread running through both projects is producer Burnett, who first saw Giddens perform in 2013 and suggested they work together. He won over Giddens by asking what her ideal project would be. “I had this list of things that didn’t really fit into the Carolina Chocolate Drops,” Giddens says. “I was just setting them aside, thinking about all these incredible women I was inspired by. It was something that had been hibernating for me, so when T-Bone asked me what my dream record would be, I already had a project right here.” The resulting 11 songs on Tomorrow Is My Turn form a tribute to a broad range of female singer-songwriters culled from that dreaded Americana category; Giddens interprets songs by, among others, Dolly Parton, Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Joan Baez. While working on Giddens’ debut, Burnett invited her to participate in his New Basement Tapes project. She joined Jim James of My Morning Jacket, Elvis Costello, Marcus Mumford and Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes in setting to music previously unreleased lyrics written by Bob Dylan during the time he was recording what became The Basement Tapes with the Band. The project had its challenges, considering that five bandleaders needed to agree on how these songs would sound. But Giddens found the experience rewarding. “It was pretty amazing,” she says, “but it was also very difficult for me. I had to push through a lot of things for myself personally, but that’s where the best art comes, when you’re striving to overcome something. “I think it’s one of the best things that I’ve ever done in terms of the output and what I learned and gained. I think I will be processing that for years to come.” Rhiannon Giddens plays City Winery with Bhi Bhiman on May 11 at 8pm. $25–$35. 1030 Main St., Napa. 707.260.1600.
Concerts Clubs & SONOMA COUNTY Venues Kinky Friedman Country singer and songwriter plays a special celebration of life concert in memory of Laurie Schaeffer, with Greg Abel and Stephen Tamborski opening. May 8, 7pm. $30-$35. Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol. 707.322.0999.
Markus James Popular blues troubadour returns to the North Bay to celebrate the release of his latest album, Head For The Hills. May 8, 9pm. $12. HopMonk Sebastopol, 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.
Saturdazed Music & Arts Festival Featuring live music with Shwayze, Radical Something and New Beat Fund as well as art, gourmet food and a beer garden. May 9, 1pm. $25. Sally Tomatoes, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.665.0260.
MARIN COUNTY Acoustic Guitar Summit Featuring Teja Gerken, Tim Sparks and Matthew Montfort in solo and group performances. May 7, 8pm. $16-$21. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.
Deana Martin Mother’s Day with Deana Martin is a tribute to Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. May 10, 3pm. $20-$60. Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.473.6800.
NAPA COUNTY Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell The pair perform their new album, “The Traveling Kind,� in its entirety. May 8, 8pm. Sold-out/ Waitlist. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.
Mon, 11am, Proud Mary’s ukulele jam and lessons. Second Friday of every month, Tom Shader Trio. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3737.
Flamingo Lounge May 8, Metal Shop. May 9, Hella Good Party Band. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.8530.
French Garden
707.829.7300 70 7. 829 . 7 3 0 0 SEBASTOPOL E B AS T OP OL 230 PETALUMA AVE 2 30 P E TA L U M A A VE | S
May 8, Mike Z and the Benders. May 9, Solid Air. 95 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.576.7765.
May 8, Tone Bent. May 9, Honey B and the Pollinators. 8050 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. 707.824.2030.
Annex Wine Bar
Glaser Center
Thurs-Sat, live music. 865 W Napa St, Sonoma. 707.938.7779.
May 10, Occidental Community Choir. 547 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.568.5381.
Green Music Center
A’Roma Roasters
Aqus Cafe May 7, Celtic music. May 8, Acoustamatics. May 9, Matt Lax and Michael Stadler. May 10, 2pm, jazz cafe. May 13, open jazz jam. 189 H St, Petaluma. 707.778.6060.
Aventine Glen Ellen May 7, Neverfear. 14301 Arnold Dr, Glen Ellen. 707.934.8911.
Bergamot Alley May 12, Solid Air. 328-A Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.433.8720.
The Big Easy May 6, Bruce Gordon and Nicky Otis. May 7, Left Coast Syncopators. May 9, Black Tie Ball with Stompy Jones. May 10, Elaine Lucia and friends. May 12, Apt Cliche. May 13, HE3. 128 American Alley, Petaluma. 707.776.4631.
Blue Heron Restaurant & Tavern
$$10/ 10 / D DOORS OORS 9/SHOW 9/SHOW 9/21+ 9/21+
Gundlach Bundschu Winery May 8, Other Lives with Riothorse Royale. 2000 Denmark St, Sonoma. 707.938.5277.
HopMonk Sebastopol May 7, Fort Knox Five. May 9, the Jugtown Pirates. May 11, Monday Night Edutainment. Tues, open mic night. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.
FRI F RI M MAY AY 1 15 5
D’Argenzio Winery May 7, Elwood. 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.280.4658.
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HopMonk Sonoma May 8, Hand Me Down. May 9, the Aqua Velvets. May 10, 1pm, Chris Hanlin. 691 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.935.9100.
Hotel Healdsburg
Doors 8pm/Show 9:30/$10 Advâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;$12 Door
No Cover
Hella Good Party Band
May 8, Cougar and the Cubs. 100 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.789.0505.
3<2, >(+,
MAY 9 > Top 40 Cover Band
Corkscrew Wine Bar
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May 10, 2pm, Jack London Piano Club presents the music of Gershwin. 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen. 707.938.5216.
Mon, open mic. Tues, 12pm, peaceful piano hour. 6761 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.6600.
(5 ,=,505. >0;/
SAT S AT M MAY AY 1 16 6
Jack London State Park
Coffee Catz
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Brixx Pizzeria
Tues, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reggae Marketâ&#x20AC;? DJ night. May 8, DJ Hi C. May 9, Ten Foot Tone. 400 First St E, Sonoma. 707.938.7110.
>(@5, /(5*6*2
$$12 12 A ADV DV /DOORS / DOORS 8/SHOW 8 /SHOW 9/21+ 9/21+
May 6, Jacob Green. 25300 Steelhead Blvd, Duncans Mills. 707.865.2261.
Burgers & Vine
)YLHRMHZ[ Â&#x2039; 3\UJO Â&#x2039; +PUULY ;/< Â&#x2039; ! 74 +669: Â&#x2039;
May 9, Jimmy Gallagher Trio with Adam Shulman and John Wiitala. 25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.
May 9, Rhythm Drivers. 16 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.766.8162.
McNearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dining House
4(90(*/0 :63 +, 4,?0*6 +, 16:i /,95(5+,A
May 8, Jeffrey Kahane. May 9, Noche Flamenca y Antigona. 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.
Jamisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Roaring Donkey May 8, Lauren and Lemme (Royal Jelly Jive) with John Cragie and Daniel Steinbock. May 10, Homebrew with Brooke & the Caterpillar. 146 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.772.5478.
Lagunitas Tap Room May 6, JimBo Trout. May 7, Matt Bolton. May 8, Lazyman. May 9, the Pine Needles. May 10, the Last Caravan. May 13, the Littlest Birds. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.
) 28
MAY 8 > Hits from the 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Metal Shop
MAY 15 > Ultimate ZZ Top Tribute
Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers MAY 16 > Rhythm and Blues
UB707 MAY 22 > Hits from the 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & Now!
Lovefool MAY 23 > Blues
The Daniel Castro Band 2777 4th Street | Santa Rosa
Wed, May 6 8:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:00am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 10:15amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE 12:40pm Youth and Family 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10pm SINGLES & PAIRS Square Dance Club Thur, May 7 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:40pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7:15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10:30pm CIRCLES N' SQUARES Square Dance Club Fri, May 8 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:40am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 7:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10:30pm CALIFORNIA BALLROOM DANCE with Cha Cha lesson Sat, May 9 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;4pm Redwood Empire Train Club MODEL RAILROADING OPERATIONS 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm Steve Luther DJ hosts a MOTOWN AND DISCO PARTY Sun, May 10 8:45-9:45am REGULAR JAZZERCISE 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm Steve Luther DJ COUNTRY WESTERN LESSONS AND DANCING Mon, May 11 8:45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:45am JAZZERCISE V with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Tue, May 12 8:40â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:40am JAZZERCISE with PATTI JOHNSON 5:45-6:40pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm RAZZMATAZ FOLK DANCE CLUB
Santa Rosaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Hall since 1922
1400 W. College Avenue â&#x20AC;˘ Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 â&#x20AC;˘
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
Finley Community Center
Music ( 27
Main Street Station
NORTH BAY BOH E MI AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
May 6, Greg Hester. May 7, Susan Sutton Jazz Piano. May 8, Bruce Halbohm. May 9, Honey Dippers. May 10, Eddie Neon Band. May 13, Pocket Canyon Ramblers. 16280 Main St, Guerneville. 707.869.0501.
Mc T’s Bullpen Wed, Sun, DJ Prodkt. Tues, Thurs, karaoke with Country Dan. 16246 First St, Guerneville. 707.869.3377.
Murphy’s Irish Pub May 7, Sam Coble. May 8, Deluxe. May 9, Mostly Simply Bluegrass. May 10, Shards of Green. May 12, Sean Carscadden Trio. Second Tuesday of every month, open mic. 464 First St E, Sonoma. 707.935.0660.
Mystic Theatre May 7, Wayne Hancock with Lost Dog Found. May 8, Mariachi Sol de Mexico de José Hernandez. May 10, Incidental Animals. May 13, Luke Wade and David Luning. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.
Newman Auditorium May 6, Mads Tolling with the SRJC Jazz Combos. Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.527.4372.
Occidental Center for the Arts Through May 9, 4pm, Occidental Community Choir. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.
Phoenix Theater Sun, 5pm, rock and blues jam. Tues, 7pm, Acoustic Americana jam. 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.
Redwood Cafe May 6, Open Irish set dancing. May 9, KRSH music party. May 10, Irish jam session. May 12, Matt Silva and Nick Otis. May 13, Sound Kitchen. Thurs, Open Mic. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7868.
Rocker Oysterfeller’s May 10, Lucky Drive Bluegrass Band. 14415 Hwy 1, Valley Ford. 707.876.1983.
Rossi’s 1906 May 8, Chaka Demus and Pliers. May 9, the Zydeco Flames. Thurs, What’s Shakin’ jam session with Roy Blumenfeld, Bruce Gordon and others. 401 Grove St, El Verano. 707.343.0044.
Ruth McGowan’s Brewpub May 8, the Christian FoleyBeining Group. May 9, Don Coffin. Sun, Evening Jazz with Gary Johnson. 131 E First St, Cloverdale. 707.894.9610.
Sally Tomatoes May 8, Poyntlyss Sistars. 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.665.0260.
Schroeder Hall at Green Music Center May 9, Soledad Barrio and Noche Flamenca. May 10, 3pm, Cristina Pato and the Migrations Band. 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.
755 After Dark May 8, Strange Days. May 12, MDC with Deathwish. 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.
Spancky’s May 8, Hart and Soul. May 9, Miracle Mule. Thurs, 7pm,
Thursday Night Blues Jam. Thurs, 11pm, DJ Selecta Konnex. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.664.0169.
Tradewinds Tues, Jeremy’s Open Mic. Wed, Sonoma County Blues Society. Thurs, DJ Dave. 8210 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7878.
Twin Oaks Tavern May 6, the Dixie Giants. May 7, Levi’s Workshop with Levi Lloyd. May 8, Hot Grubb. May 9, the Teleblasters. May 10, Blues and BBQ with Ricky Alan Ray. May 11, Blues Defenders Pro Jam. May 13, Old School Country Band. 5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 707.795.5118.
Whiskey Tip May 9, DJ Crisp. 1910 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.843.5535.
Zodiacs May 6, David Thom Bluegrass with the Cherry Pickers. May 8, Groove Session. May 9, Achilles Wheel with the Incubators. May 13, Steep Ravine. 256 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.773.7751.
MARIN COUNTY 142 Throckmorton Theatre May 9, Danny Click and the Hell Yeahs. May 13, Throckapella teen concert. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.
Fenix May 7, Winterland. May 8, Mojo Rising. May 9, the 85’s. May 10, Cole sings Cole. Wed, Pro blues jam. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600.
Best iinn Best Napa N pa Na
Yo Y o el el R Rey ey Roasting R o as t i n g a and nd Arthouse A rthouse 1217 W 1217 Washington ash i ngton SStt D owntown Calistoga Ca l istoga Downtown w w
7707.321.7901 07.321.7901
SEE YOU IN BLACK Oklahoma rockers Other Lives rock the grapes at Gundlach
Bundschu’s concert series on May 8. See Clubs and Venues, p27.
Costa. 23 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.485.1182.
May 8, Lost and Found farewell tour. 1510 Fifth St, San Rafael.
Smileyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Schooner Saloon
HopMonk Novato May 6, open mic night with Miracle Mule. May 7, Mercuryville with Sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Cream and the Lemonhammer. May 8, Miracle Mule. May 9, James Nash and the Nomads. May 13, open mic night with M6. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.892.6200.
Marin Center Showcase Theatre May 8-9, Mayflower Chorus: Great American Songbook. May 10, Bodhi Setchko choral ensemble. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.
19 Broadway Club May 6, Fenton Coolfoot & the Right Time. May 7, Extra Ordinary Astronauts and Tom Finch Trio. May 8, Galland family benefit with Vinyl and Black Water Gold. May 9, Soul Ska. May 10, 5pm, Sergei Chelakov and friends. May 10, 9pm, Migrant Pickers. May 12, Tam Valley All Stars. May 13, Fighting Smokey Joe. Mon, open mic. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.
May 7, Void Where Prohibited. May 8, the Sam Chase. May 9, Black Water Gold. Sun, open mic. Mon, reggae. Wed, Larryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s karaoke. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.
Studio 55 Marin May 9, Mipso. 1455 E Francisco Blvd, San Rafael. 415.453.3161.
Sweetwater Music Hall May 6, Steep Ravine and Patchy Sanders. May 8, David Bromberg Quintet. May 9, Gurrumul. May 10, the Blondies. May 12, Michaela Anne. May 13, the Green. Mon, Open Mic. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.1100.
Terrapin Crossroads May 6, Terrapin All Stars with the Scottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. May 7, Cochrane and friends. May 7-8, Incidental Animals. May 9, the Brothers Comatose. May 10, Midnight North. May 11, Grateful Mondays. May 12, Stu Allen and friends. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773.
NAPA COUNTY City Winery Napa May 6, Emerging Artists
Showcase hosted by Shelby Lanterman. May 7, Rivvrs with Anadel. May 9, the David Bromberg Quintet. May 10, 2pm, the Littlest Birds. May 11, KRSH presents Rhiannon Giddens with Bhi Bhiman. May 12, Leftover Dreams. May 13, Nellie McKay. 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.
Downtown Joeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brewery & Restaurant May 9, Jinx Jones and the KingTones. Sun, DJ Aurelio. Wed, open mic. 902 Main St, Napa. 707.258.2337.
River Terrace Inn May 7, Smorgy. May 8, Craig Corona. May 9, Timmy G. 1600 Soscol Ave, Napa. 707.320.9000.
Siloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s May 6, Syria T Berry. May 7, Tommy Hill. May 8, Dirty Cello and the Honeymooners. May 9, Garage Band 101 for Kids. May 13, Mike Greensill jazz. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.
Uva Trattoria May 6, Tom Duarte. May 7, Trio Solea. May 8, Jack Pollard and Dan Daniels. May 9, Jackie and friends. May 10, Collaboration. May 13, Bob Castell Blanch. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.
Monday ~ Open Mic Night with Austin
DeLone 8pm
Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch
D I N N E R & A S H OW
:HG 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV
Steep Ravine & Patchy Sanders )UL 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV
David Bromberg Quintet 6DW 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV
May 9
Americana/Country Artist
:HG 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; Green with House of Shem 7KX 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021;
Flamin' Groovies, The Donkeys )UL 0D\ 6DW 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; The Meters Experience feat Leo Nocentelliâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Guitarist of The Meters with Special Guest Bernie Worrell â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Keyboardist of Parliament-Funkadelic 6XQ 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV Â&#x2021; )5((
Sour Bridges
Austin, TX Bluegrass Band 0RQ 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021;
Sly & Robbie & the Taxi Gang with Bitty McLean 19 Corte Madera Ave Mill Valley CafĂŠ 415.388.1700 | Box Office 415.388.3850
Soulful Rock 8:30
10AMâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;3PM Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Dinner 5PMâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;8PM
:HG 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV
Michaela Anne
Great Dance Band!
Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Brunch Buffet
The Blondies with Vinyl Spectrum 7XH 0D\ Â&#x2021; SP Â&#x2021; $OO $JHV Â&#x2021; )5((
Ranch May 8 Blues Rock 8:00 / No Cover Debut!
Blind Guitar Virtuoso from Elcho Island, Australia
Outdoor Dining 7 Days a Week
HE AMIGOS May 15 T Hot Roots Music 8:00 / No Cover Fri
Dinner and Show
Finger-Pickinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Good, Country-Fried Singinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 6:00
â&#x20AC;&#x153;UNCLEâ&#x20AC;? WILLIE K SAT, MAY 23 Dinner & a Show SUN, MAY 24 BBQ and Luau Buffet
with very special guests
Reservations Advised
On the Town Square, Nicasio
Panama Hotel Restaurant May 6, Charlie Docherty Trio. May 7, Kurt Huget and friends. May 12, Lorin Rowan. May 13, Planet Loop. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993.
San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s City Guide
Periâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Silver Dollar May 6, the Weissmen. May 7, Burnsyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sugar Shack. May 8, Feather Witch. May 9, Slim Jenkins. Mon, Billy Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open mic. Tues, Tommy Odetto and Tim Baker. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910.
The Rentals
Rancho Nicasio
Cult-country pioneer turned platinum-selling star performs, with Sam Outlaw opening. May 7 at Regency Ballroom.
May 8, Tommy Odetto. May 9, Detroit Disciples. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.
Sausalito Seahorse
Two decades in, new wave group hits the road again, in support of new album, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lost in Alphaville.â&#x20AC;? May 6 at the Chapel.
Dwight Yoakam Los Rakas Cousins Raka Rich and Raka Dun mix hip-hop, reggae and dancehall for Latin-inspired urban sound. May 8 at Slimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
May 7, Judy Hall and Connie Deucey. May 8, Lucky Drive Band. May 9, Rolando Morales & Carlos Reyes Quintet. May 10, Orquesta la Moderna Tradicion. Tues, Jazz with Noel Jewkes and friends. Wed, Tango with Marcello and Seth. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.2899.
SFJAZZ Center Gala
Sleeping Lady
Find more San Francisco events by subscribing to the email newsletter at
Sat, Ukulele Jam Session. Sun, 2pm, traditional Irish music jam. Mon, open mic with Simon
Honoring Joni Mitchell, this night features Kris Kristofferson, Joe Jackson and others. May 8 at SFJAZZ Center.
Celebrate Mothers Day Sunday May 10 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;5pm
They Might Be Giants Alternative duo has over 30 years of influential pop and quirky rock under their belt. May 9-10 at the Fillmore.
NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
Space Eggâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Endless Journey by Jim Spitzer
ANIMAL HEALING ARTS Holistic Veterinary Medicine Integrative Wellness Care Over 18 years experience
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Hot Summer Guide
Issue Date: May 20 Deadline: May 14 Contact us today for a marketing consultation: 707.527.1200
5FOUI 4U 4BOUB 3PTB t 5VFo4BU o 707 t
RECEPTIONS May 7 Occidental Center for the Arts, “Salmon Creek Student Art Show,” budding artists display through the weekend, with works for sale and proceeds going to the students. 6pm. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392. St Helena Library, “Cuba– Glimpses” photographer Elizabeth Bush shows her vivd and captivating images from her 2014 cultural visit to Cuba. 7pm. 1492 Library Lane, St Helena. 707.963.5244.
May 9 di Rosa, “Tongue-in-Cheek,” group show employ humor as a critical tool to explore complex social themes and illuminate the follies of daily life. 6pm. 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 707.226.5991. Gallery One, “Art at the Source Showcase,” celebrating 21 years of
Galleries SONOMA COUNTY Art Museum of Sonoma County Through May 24, “Andy Warhol to Kara Walker: Picturing the Iconic,” inaugural exhibit features contemporary prints with the theme of the iconic. 505 B St, Santa Rosa. 707.579.1500.
ArtFlare Gallery Through May 10, “Rites of Spring,” Sonoma Country women’s art group displays in the brand new gallery’s inaugural exhibit. 3840 Finley Ave, bldg 33, Santa Rosa.
Calabi Gallery Through May 30, “Spring Selection,” an eclectic mix of gallery artists and vintage works. 456 10th St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.781.7070.
Chroma Gallery Through May 10, “Shinga Shell: Abstractions,” the up-andcoming artist is the subject of
Art at the Source, this exhibition features painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics and more. 5pm. 209 Western Ave, Petaluma. 707.778.8277. Riverfront Art Gallery, “Wine Country Retrospective,” photographs by Lance Kuehne and Jeff G. Allen. 5pm. 132 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.775.4ART. Seager Gray Gallery, “Art of the Book,” exhibiting handmade artist books, altered books and bookrelated materials. 5:30pm. 108 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. Style A Gallery, “The Best Books Ever Written,” largescale paintings featuring the covers of literature’s finest works . 6pm. 30c Princess St, Sausalito. 415.747.2637.
Chroma’s inaugural Emerging Artist series. 312 South A St, Santa Rosa. 707.293.6051.
Finley Community Center Through May 21, “Looking to the Skies,” solo show by Jessica Snowden features acrylic paintings and illustrated prints on the theme of skies. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, 8 to 7; Sat, 9 to 1 707.543.3737.
Graton Gallery Through May 17, “Botanicals and Birds,” Nancy Wheeler Klippert, Elizabeth Peyton and Vi Strain display original drawings of Botanical subjects and colorful local birds. Through May 17, “Musings,” new works by Pamela Powell and Rik Olson, plus guest artists. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. Tues-Sun, 10:30 to 6. 707.829.8912.
and others. 132 Mill St, Ste 101, Healdsburg. Tues-Fri, 10 to 6. Sat, 10 to 5. 707.473.9600.
History Museum of Sonoma County Through Jun 8, “Art & Storytelling,” new body map series, based on a communitybased arts initiative, displays large drawings and collages that reflects the personal story of the participant. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11am to 4pm. 707.579.1500.
Shige Sushi Through May 31, “Suzanne Jacquot: Abstract Painting,” Jacquot’s paintings are notable for their command of composition and expressive use of color. 8235 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. hours vary 707.795.9753.
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art Through May 16, “Shaker Stories,” an exceptional, worldclass collection of Shaker furniture and objects. Through May 17, “Unconventional and Unexpected: Quilts Below the Radar, 1950-2000,” dynamic and vibrant selection of American pieced quilts and quilt tops from the mid to late 20th century. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. Wed-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.939.SVMA.
University Art Gallery Through May 17, “BFA Exhibition 2015,” features the work of 15 students in the Art Department graduating this Spring with their Bachelor of Fine Arts. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park. Tues-Fri, 11 to 4; Sat-Sun, noon to 4. 707.664.2295.
MARIN COUNTY Bolinas Museum Through Jun 14, “40 Years of the Hearsay News,” exhibit includes more than 50,000 pages bound in volumes to peruse. 48 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. Fri, 1 to 5; Sat-Sun, noon to 5; and by appointment. 415.868.0330.
Through Jun 9, “Still Motion,” Spring exhibit featuring paintings and sculptures from Bay Area artists captures life’s serene motions. 417 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo.
Gallery Route One Through Jun 7, “Channel Surfing,” Jessica Eastburn’s paintings show how media saturation causes thought disruption and chaos; with works by Jon Kerpel and Geraldine Lia Braaten as well. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. Wed-Mon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347.
Headlands Center for the Arts Through Jun 7, “Build It Up/ Break It Down,” multimedia work has been produced by Headlands’ 2014-15 Graduate Fellows during their yearlong residencies. 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito. Sun-Fri, noon to 4. 415.331.2787.
Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium Through Jun 7, “Golden Gate Marin Artists Exhibit,” features the wrok of the GGMA group, on display during any performance at VMA. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.473.6800.
MarinMOCA Through May 23, “Altered Books and Book Arts,” beloved annual exhibit displays over 200 artists. Through May 23, “Bookworks: San Quentin Prison Arts Project,” art from inmates, used as therapy, is on display in the Ron Collins gallery. Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato. Wed-Sun, 11 to 4. 415.506.0137.
MOS Gallery Through May 10, “Pop Up Gallery Exhibit” a preview of the upcoming Marin Open Studios event, this exhibit features hundreds of artists and guides of the studios. 50 Bon Air Center #302, Greenbrae. Tues-Sun; 11am to 6pm 415.343.5667.
Red Barn Gallery Through Jun 30, “Connections,” women environmental artists encourage care for our habitat. 1 Bear Valley Rd, Pt Reyes Station. 415.464.5125.
Hammerfriar Gallery
Corte Madera Library
Robert Allen Fine Art
Through Jun 22, “Ain’t Natural,” mixed-media show features Jenny Honnert Abells fantastical images, John Hundt’s collaged landscapes
Through May 21, “Student Art Show,” artists from Sir Francis Drake High display. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444.
Through May 29, “Abstract Landscapes and Cityscapes,” group show features Heather Capen, Nick Coley, Elaine Coombs and others. 301
Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.2800.
Sometimes Books Through May 31, “Spring Open,” artists Carolyn Batchelor, Pamela Blotner, Denis Bold, Claudia Chapline and many others display. Eubank Studio, 11101 Hwy 1 #105, Pt Reyes Station. Sat-Sun, noon to 4 and by appointment. 415.669.1380.
NAPA COUNTY Napa Valley Museum Through Jun 7, “Napa Valley Collects,” honoring the region’s private art collectors. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. Tues-Sun, 10am to 4pm. 707.944.0500.
Comedy Anjelah Johnson Comedienne and San Jose native now delights fans everywhere. May 9, 8 and 10:30pm. $35-$60. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.
Paula Poundstone The stand up veteran is back in the North Bay delivering wry laughs. May 9, 8pm. Osher Marin JCC, 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.
Dance Spring Dance Concert
enjoy the music of Dgiin, the Jellyrolls and others while bootlegging crafters offer their wares. Benefits Sonoma County Roller Derby team. May 9, 8pm. $8-$10. 755 After Dark (Aubergine), 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.
Laguna Open House Take a self-guided nature walk or a guide-led tour of the historic house and barn. Second Sat of every month. Free. Laguna de Santa Rosa Environmental Center, 900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.527.9277.
Marin Open Studios This well-loved, self-guided art tours event spans two weekends and dozens of studios. Guides available at Sun, May 10. Marin County, various locations, Marin.
Music Instrument Drive Annual drive supports Wells Fargo Center for the Arts’ Music For School program, an instrument lending library. With concerts by students who benefited from the program. May 9, 11am. Montgomery Village Shopping Center, Village Court, Santa Rosa.
Field Trips Agritourism at Laguna Farm
SoCo Dance Theater, a multigenerational dance company, presents its main stage dance concert. May 7-9. $10-$17. Evert B Person Theater, SSU, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park. 707.664.4246.
Farm Tours bring the public to the land to experience firsthand how and where their food is grown. First Thurs of every month, 2pm. through Oct 1. Free. Laguna Farm, 1720 Cooper Rd, Sebastopol.
Bird Walk
Junior College theater, dance and athletics departments present their spring dance show. May 8-10. Burbank Auditorium, SRJC, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa.
Mexico en Bailes Performed by the Ballet Folklorico of Napa. May 9, 7pm. $15. Jarvis Conservatory, 1711 Main St, Napa 707.255.5445.
Events Flappers & Dappers Speakeasy Don your best Prohibitionera suits and dresses and
Madrone Audubon Society leads a search for returning passerines. May 6, 8:30am. Annadel State Park, Channel Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.546.1812.
Birds, Butterflies, Hosts & Late Bloomers A special hike with seasoned naturalist Wendy Dreskin. Registration required. May 9, 10am. Bohemia Ecological Preserve, 8759 Bohemian Hwy, Occidental.
Marin Moonshiners Hike Monthly three-mile hike to experience sunset, moonrise, picnic and spectacular views. Pack your own ) picnic. Second Tues
31 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM
Arts Events
Desta Art & Tea Gallery
( 31
monthly at 7:30. $15. Pelican Inn, 10 Pacific Way, Muir Beach, RSVP. 415.331.0100.
Nature Walk Petaluma Wetlands Alliance and Madrone Audubon Society leads a walk. Meet at the first kiosk. May 9, 9am. Shollenberger Park, 1400 Cader Ln, Petaluma. 707.763.3577.
Sunset Social: A Lighthouse Stroll A walk to the lighthouse is followed by wine & appetizers and a breathtaking sunset over the ocean. May 9, 6:30pm. $35-$45. Point Bonita YMCA, 981 Fort Barry, Sausalito. 415.331.9622.
Film It Happened Here Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane and District Attorney Jill Ravitch introduce the compelling documentary on campus rape culture. May 6, 7pm. Rialto Cinemas, 6868 McKinley St, Sebastopol. 707.525.4840.
Of Men & War Director Laurent Bécue-Renard takes an intense look into the lives of a group of soldiers in the PTSD therapy program at the Pathway Home in Yountville. May 6, 5:30pm. $25. Lincoln Theater, 100 California Dr, Yountville. 707.944.9900.
Seeds of Time Tells the the powerful story of the worldwide movement to protect seed diversity. May 6, 7pm. $10. SHED, 25 North St, Healdsburg. 707.431.7433.
The American Nurse: Healing America Science on Screen event is followed by a panel discussion. May 6, 7pm. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.
Tracks Screening is followed by a live Skype interview with the film’s real-life subjects Robyn Davison and Rick Smolan. May 13, 7pm. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.
Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.
Home Cheesemaking Class
Sebastopol Certified Farmers Market
Food & Drink
Award-winning cheese maker Sheana Davis leads a monthly class that features new cheeses each session. Second Sun of every month, 1pm. $55. Epicurean Connection, 122 West Napa St, Sonoma. 707.935.7960.
Sun, 10am. Sebastopol Plaza, Weeks Way, Sebastopol. 707.522.9305.
Calistoga Farmers Market Sat, 9am. Sharpsteen Museum Plaza, 1235 Washington St, Calistoga.
Corte Madera Farmers Market Year-round. Wed-noon. Town Center, Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera. 415.382.7846. Wednoon. Town Center Corte Madera, 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera. 415.382.7846.
Divine Wine & Food Extravaganza Marin School of the Arts fundraiser features world-class wines and cuisine as well as great auction items and special evening entertainment. May 9, 5:30pm. $95. Unity Center, 600 Palm Dr, Novato.
Downtown Napa Farmers Market Tues-Sat, 8am. through Oct 31. Oxbow parking lot, 500 First St, Napa. 707.501.3087.
Downtown San Rafael Farmers Market Thurs, 5:30pm. through Oct 1. Downtown San Rafael, Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.492.8007.
Explore Your Backyard Wine Tourism Day Over 50 wineries, lodgings and restaurants open their doors. Explore vineyards and cellars, chat with winemakers and enjoy a farm to table meal. May 9, 10am. $30. Alexander, Dry Creek and Russian River valleys, various locations, Santa Rosa.
Farmers Market at Long Meadow Ranch Fri, 9am and Sat-Sun, 11am. Long Meadow Ranch Winery, 738 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.4555.
Harvest Market Selling local and seasonal fruit, flowers, vegetables and eggs. Sat, 9am. Harvest Market, 19996 Seventh St E, Sonoma. 707.996.0712.
Making Pasta with Flour + Water Learn the craft of pasta making from visiting chef and cookbook author Thomas McNaughton. May 9, 11am. $125 and up. SHED, 25 North St, Healdsburg. 707.431.7433.
Siduri Spring Open House Celebrate all things Pinot in this annual open house event. May 9, 10am. Siduri Winery, 981 Airway Ct, Santa Rosa. 707.578.3882.
St. Helena Farmers Market Fri, 7:30am. through Oct 30. Crane Park, Crane Ave & Grayson Ave, St Helena.
Marinwood Farmers Market
Sunday San Rafael Farmers Market
Sat, 9am. Marinwood Plaza, Marinwood Ave & Miller Creek Rd, San Rafael. 415.999.5635.
Sun, 8am. Marin Farmers Market, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael. 415.472.6100.
Model Bakery Tasting
Tam Valley Farmers Market
Delicious bites from the acclaimed Model Bakery are paired with Krug Wines. May 9, 12pm. Free. Charles Krug Winery, 2800 Main St, St Helena. 707.967.3993.
Oakmont Certified Farmers Market Sat, 9am. Berger Center, 6575 Oakmont Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.538.7023.
Petaluma East Side Certified Farmers Market Tues, 10am. Petaluma Community Center, 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 415.999.5635.
Redwood Empire Farmers Market
Beat poet Harold Norse gets his due
The Way Mama Liked It
Poet Harold Norse never reached the fame of some of his contemporaries in the Beat Generation—and all his books are out of print—yet Norse’s influence on the Bay Area’s poetry scene is undeniable.
Prix Fixe dinner from chef Gator is a seasonally inspired five-course menu paired with wine. May 12, 7pm. $55. Fenix, 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600.
Thursday San Rafael Farmers Market Thurs, 8am. Marin Center, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.472.6100.
Ross Valley Farmers Market
Adrenal Reset
Russian River Certified Farmers Market Thurs, 3pm. through Sep 24. Sonoma Nesting Company, 16151 Main St, Guerneville. 707.953.1104.
Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmers Market Sat, 9am and Wed, 9am. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.522.8629.
Wine Enthusiast Film Series
Healdsburg Certified Farmers Market
Santa Rosa West End Certified Farmers Market
Four weekly screenings are each followed by select wine tastings. Thurs, 7pm. Through May 28. Smith Rafael Film
Sat, 9am. through Nov 7. Healdsburg Farmers Market, North & Vine St, Healdsburg. 707.431.1956.
Sun, 9am. through Dec 13. West End Farmers Market, 817 Donahue St, Santa Rosa. 707.477.8422.
Flying Through Glass
Tues, 3pm. through Nov 24. Shoreline Shopping Center, 219 Shoreline Highway, Mill Valley. 415.382.7846.
Sat, 8:30am and Wed, 8:30am. Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa.
Thurs, 3pm. through Oct 1. Downtown Ross Post Office, Ross Commons & Lagunitas, Ross. 415.382.7846.
CRITIC’S CHOICE Allen Ginsberg
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
32 A E
Restore your health and balance with with Rhonda Lee. May 8, 7:30pm. Songbird Community Healing Center, 8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.2398.
Home Energy Workshop Presentations by contractors and homeowners on reasons and tips for upgrading your energy efficiency in the home. May 13, 6pm. Windsor Library, 9291 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor. 707.838.1020.
Imaginary Activism Performance artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña performs his spoken word monologue on the role of the artist beyond the art world. May 6, 7pm. $10. Green Music Center, 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.
Norse was born in Brooklyn in 1916 to a Russian Jewish immigrant single mother. He had a gift for language and was inspired by the likes of Walt Whitman and Ezra Pound. A part of the bohemian scene of New York’s 1930s, he wrote poetry and rubbed shoulders with the likes of Tennessee Williams. But it wasn’t until Norse traveled the world in the 1950s and questioned Joe McCarthy’s America that he began to change the face of the poetic landscape in this country, developing an accessible, street-wise vernacular with political and sexual undertones. He settled in San Francisco in the early 1970s and was a fixture in the Bay Area until his death in 2009. Friend and editor Todd Swindell has collected a lifetime of Norse’s poetry for the retrospective collection I Am Going to Fly Through Glass: Selected Poems of Harold Norse, and this weekend, celebrated San Francisco poets Neeli Cherkovski and A. D. Winans will join Swindell in Petaluma to read from the collection and talk about Norse’s life and legacy. I Am Going to Fly Through Glass reading and poets panel takes place on Saturday, May 9, at Copperfield’s Books, 140 Kentucky St., Petaluma. Free. RSVP for discount book. 1:30pm. 707.782.0228.—Charlie Swanson
San Quentin Prison Arts Project Talk
Spanish Speaking Course on Relationship Health Weekly lecture series, in Spanish, is aimed at offering helpful resources and tools to move forward to a safer, healthier, and happier life. Thurs, 4:30pm. through Jun 18. Center for Domestic Peace, 734 A St, San Rafael.
Studio Workshop with Lauren Bartone Get hands-on with Hand Painted Typography. May 9, 12pm. Art Works Downtown, 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.451.8119.
Thought Leader Sessions for Innovation & Entrepreneurship With marketing and strategy consultant Dorie Clark and Bruce Burtch in conversation. May 7, 7pm. San Rafael Copperfield’s Books, 850 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.524.2800.
Readings Aqus Cafe May 11, 6:30pm, Much Ado About Nothing, a B.A.R.D.S. reading event. 189 H St, Petaluma 707.778.6060.
Book Passage May 6, 7pm, “Early Warning” with Jane Smiley. May 7, 7pm, “Ghost Image” with Ellen Crosby. May 8, 7pm, “The Last Bookaneer” with Matthew Pearl. May 9, 7pm, “The Utah Prairie Dog” with Elaine Miller Bond. May 11, 7pm, “The Light of the World” with Elizabeth Alexander. May 12, 7pm, San Geronimo Valley School poetry reading. May 13, 7pm, “The Mercy of the Night” with David Corbett. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera 415.927.0960.
Petaluma Copperfield’s Books May 7, 7pm, Brave New Worlds reading event, with fantasy authors Marie Brennan and Mary Robinette Kowal in conversation. May 8, 7pm, “Ultimate Star Wars” with Tricia Barr, Don your Star Wars garb and win prizes. May 9, 1:30pm,
by Gene Abravaya. May 8-24. $16-$26. Spreckels Performing Arts Center, 5409 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park. 707.588.3400.
Napa Copperfield’s Books
Exciting lineup of deserving, fully produced new short plays; three brand-new full-length staged readings; and workshops and keynote playwright speakers. Through Jun 7. Studio Theatre, Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.
May 8, 7pm, “Get the Truth” with Michael Floyd. 3740 Bel Aire Plaza, Napa 707.252.8002.
Healdsburg Copperfield’s Books May 13, 7pm, “Wedding in Provence” with Ellen Sussman, a wine and reading pairing event. 104 Matheson St, Healdsburg 707.433.9270.
Sebastopol Copperfield’s Books May 9, 7pm, “The Beauty” & “Ten Windows” with Jane Hirshfield. 138 N Main St, Sebastopol 707.823.2618.
Napa Bookmine May 9, 2pm, “Smelling Sunshine” with Constance Anderson. Wednesdays, 11am, Read Aloud for the Young’uns!. 964 Pearl St, Napa 707.733.3199.
San Rafael Copperfield’s Books May 13, 7pm, “Educator and the Oligarch” with Anthony Cody. 850 Fourth St, San Rafael 415.524.2800.
Wells Fargo Center for the Arts May 6, 8pm, David Sedaris, America’s per-eminent humor writer delivers a sharp wit and incisive social critiques. $45$65. 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa 707.546.3600.
Theater Crazy for You This classic Gershwin musical abounds with mistaken identities, plot twists, and fabulous dance numbers. May 8-31. $25-$37. Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.
Hand to Mouth: A Seed’s Journey from Soil to Plate This world premiere musical, inspired by Michael Pollan’s “Food Rules,” includes original songs and spoken word, vivid interactive video and humor for the whole family. Through May 10. $15-$27. Main Stage West, 104 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.0177.
Mary Poppins The famous nanny lands in Rohnert Park for this dazzling main stage production directed
33 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM
In connection with the current exhibit, this talk by an art instructor at San Quentin will offer insights into the project. May 9, 1pm. MarinMOCA, Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato. 415.506.0137.
“I Am Going to Fly Through Glass: Selected Poems of Harold Norse” with Todd Swindell and others. 140 Kentucky St, Petaluma 707.762.0563.
New Voices on the Vine
Quicksand Tango The Raven Players present the world premiere of the new work by local playwright Tony Sciullo. Mature themes. May 8-24. $10$25. Raven Theater Windsor, 195 Windsor River Rd, Windsor.
Seagull College of Marin’s drama department takes on the Chekov-penned tale that is simultaneously funny and tragic. Mature themes. Through May 17. $10-$20. College of Marin Kentfield Campus, 835 College Ave, Kentfield.
Tea Artist and veteran Aaron Hughes leads a performance and discussion over tea that allows us to engage with difficult subjects such as war, dehumanization and love. Limited seating. May 8-23. The Imaginists, 461 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa. 707.528.7554.
The Way West Wryly funny and generously tender, this new family drama is told with frontier folk songs and tall tales of pioneers past. Through May 10. $30$51. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.5208.
Witness for the Prosecution North Bay Stage Company captures Agatha Christie’s mystery, about a man wrongly accused of murder, in all its rich tension. Through May 17. $26. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.
The BOHEMIAN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to calendar@bohemian. com, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Events costing more than $65 may be withheld. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.
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Wine Country
NORTH BAY BOH EM I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM
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Finding inspiration & connecting with your community
ARIES (March 21–April 19) Benedictine monks observe the Latin motto Laborare est orare. The 19thcentury abbot Maurus Wolter interpreted these words to mean “work is worship” or “work is prayer.” He was trying to impress upon his fellow monks that the work they did was not a grudging distraction from their service to God, but rather at the heart of their devotion. To do their tasks with love was a way to express gratitude for having been blessed with the gift of life. I propose that you experiment with this approach in the coming weeks, even if your version is more secular. What would it be like to feel contentment with and appreciation for the duties you have been allotted? TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
Here’s one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health: Withdraw your attention from the life that lies behind you, and be excited about the life that stretches ahead of you. Forget about the past, and get wildly inventive as you imagine the interesting future you will create for yourself. Forgive everyone who has offended you, and fantasize about the fun adventures you’ll go on, the inspiring plans you’ll carry out and the invigorating lessons you hope to learn.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20) In the children’s book The Little Engine That Could, a little blue engine volunteers to pull a long chain of train cars up a steep hill, even though it’s not confident it has the power to do so. As it strains to haul the heavy weight, it recites a mantra to give itself hope: “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” The story ends happily. The little blue engine reaches the top of the hill with its many cars in tow, and is able to glide down the rest of the way. As you deal with your own challenge, Gemini, I recommend that you use an even more forceful incantation. Chant this: “I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.” Here’s a confession: I have taken a vow to foster beauty, truth, love, justice, equality, tolerance, creativity, playfulness and hope. To do this work is one of my life goals. I approach it with the devotion of a monk and the rigor of a warrior. Does that mean I ignore difficulty and suffering and cruelty? Of course not. I’m trying to diminish the power of those problems, so I sure as hell better know a lot about them. On the other hand, my main focus is on redemption and exaltation. I prefer not to describe in detail the world’s poisons, but rather to provide an antidote for them. Even if you don’t normally share my approach, Cancerian, I invite you to try it for the next two weeks. The astrological time is right.
LEO (July 23–August 22) The hill where I take my
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CANCER (June 21–July 22)
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late afternoon hikes is teeming with the six-petaled purple wildflower known as the elegant cluster-lily. Every one of them—and there are hundreds—leans hard in the direction of the sun in the west. Should I deride them as conformists that follow the law of the pack? Should I ridicule them for their blind devotion? Or should I more sensibly regard them as having a healthy instinct to gravitate toward the life-giving light? I’ll go with the latter theory. In that spirit, Leo, I urge you to ignore the opinions of others as you turn strongly toward the sources that provide you with essential nourishment.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Am I reading the astrological omens correctly? I hope so. From what I can tell, you have been flying under the radar and over the rainbow. You have been exploiting the loopholes in the big bad system and enjoying some rather daring experiments with liberation. At this point in the adventure, you may be worried that your lucky streak can’t continue much longer. I’m here to tell you that it can. It will. It must. I predict that your detail-loving intelligence will paradoxically guide you to expand your possibilities even further. LIBRA (September 23–October 22) According to the three science fiction films collectively known as The Matrix, we humans suffer from a fundamental delusion. What we think is real life is actually a sophisticated computer simulation. Intelligent machines have created this dream world to keep us in suspended animation while they harvest our energy to fuel their civilization. Now as far as I can tell, this
scenario isn’t literally true. But it is an apt metaphor for how many of us seem to be half-asleep or under a spell, lost in our addiction to the simulated world created by technology. I bring this to your attention, Libra, because now is a favorable time to diminish the hold that the metaphorical matrix has on you. What can you do to at least partially escape your bondage? (Hint: A little more contact with nature could do the trick.)
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
In the coming weeks, you may be as alluring and intriguing and tempting as you have been in a long time. I suggest you capitalize on this advantage. Proceed as if you do indeed have the power to attract more of the emotional riches you desire. Assume that are primed to learn new secrets about the arts of intimacy, and that these secrets will make you even smarter and more soulful than you already are. Cultivate your ability to be the kind of trusted ally and imaginative lover who creates successful relationships.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) Physicist Frank Wilczek won a Nobel Prize for his research into quarks, the tiny particles that compose protons and neutrons. The guy is breathtakingly smart. Here’s one of his operating principles: “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a big mistake.” Let’s enshrine his advice as your meditation, Sagittarius. I think you’re strong enough and brave enough to go hunting for some new super-rich dilemmas. Yes, they may lead you to commit some booboos. But they will also stretch your intelligence beyond its previous limits, giving you a more vigorous understanding of the way the world works. CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) In 1934, Capricorn baseball player Dizzy Dean was named the Most Valuable Player after winning 30 games. It was a feat that no National League pitcher has repeated ever since. After Dean retired, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Never shy about acknowledging his own prowess, he declared that “if you can do it, it ain’t bragging.” It is in this spirit that I invite you to freely expound on your talents and accomplishments in the coming week. You won’t be boasting. You will simply be providing information. And that will ultimately result in you being offered an interesting new opportunity or two. AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) There has rarely been a better time than now to refine the art of being your own mommy or daddy. You’re finally ready to take over from the parental voices in your head and assume full responsibility for raising yourself the rest of the way. What do you want to be when you grow up? You may feel a giddy sense of freedom as it becomes clear that the only authority who has the right to answer that question is you.
PISCES (February 19–March 20) The universe has always played tricks on you. Some have been so perplexing that you’ve barely understood the joke. Others have been amusing but not particularly educational. Now I sense a new trend in the works, however. I suspect that the universe’s pranks are becoming more comprehensible. They may have already begun to contain hints of kindness. What’s the meaning of this lovely turn of events? Maybe you have finally discharged a very old karmic debt. It’s also conceivable that your sense of humor has matured so much that you’re able to laugh at some of the crazier plot twists. Here’s another possibility: You are cashing in on the wisdom you were compelled to develop over the years as you dealt with the universe’s tricks.
Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.
ŵŷ NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | MAY 6-1 2, 20 1 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM
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