North Bay Bohemian

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California State Parks Presents the Tenth Annual

ve Festiv GrAoBenefit d l al for O

Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve

Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 ~ 4:30 gates open

“Pickin’ in the Redwoods” with

Hot Buttered Rum Opener: One Grass Two Grass Gates open 4:30 pm, Food and Beverages Opener starts at 6:00 - Headliner at 7pm

We at the Lagunitas Brewing Co. hope you enjoy these genuinely handmade ales. A lot hard work and enthusiasm go into every aspect of brewing this Mondo Ultra Mega Super Premium Ale. From building the brewery itself to putting the cap on each and every bottle, virtually every step was done by hand. Thanks for your trust, and as always: Think Globally, Drink Locally!... “And you’re full of ragwater bitters and blue ruin and you’re spilling out over the edge to anyone who’ll listen.” These are the words of our favorite Sonoma songsmith. They describe a cocktail of romantic despair wrapped in red flock wall paper and marinated in a soulful yearning. On the rocks. With a twist. We’ve all been there. The beer in this bottle, however, is none of that. So maybe Ragwater is a crappy name for the beer but we liked it, and so whatever. It’s always better to be happy than right. Mostly, anyways. Whatever. Forget it. Never mind... It has been broughten to our attrition that they're have been numberous spelling errors on hour various lables. From the cureous (as in 'steet') too the sublime (as in 'redempetion'). As a soulution to this problem we have retrained an imminent linguist from Stanford and have invested in a spel checker computter utilitiy. For now however, the thing I want to know is: Who are these werd police? Anyway? Who is the boss, ewe or the words? Huh? And besides, what dew words, let alone speling, have to do with beer anyway. I mean, who ever herd of some namby pamby pale lexiphile curling up buy a warm fire with a good book and a cold beer. This hole bussiness has gone plenty far enouph, don't you think?... Those among you who have visited a brewery already know. Those who have not can not imagine. It is said that it takes a lot of beer to make great wine. What then does it take a lot of to make great beer? Answer: Human flesh, and lots of it. Not in the beer, of course, but on the blisteringly hot sides of the whirlpool tank, or on the spinning shaft of a pump head. If you should see one of our club footed, three-fingered, cycloptic albino brewers on the street, you might be inclined to give them a quarter. But don't! These individuals are highly paid professionals. Masters of their craft, and committed to their trade with little or no regard for their own personal safety or physical appearance. Beer is a cruel master. Masters are cruel, and beer is no exception. Just don't picture their twisted forms as you enjoy their fine ales... Well, well, well. The head brewer stood opposite the massive brewing vessels that were his to command. His mind raced through the possibilities. What is the temperature of the malt in the grist case overhead? Was the hot liquor tank up to temp? Would the ambient temperature affect the final mash temperature? Should he compensate for the delta temp by running a little higher mash-in temperature? A single degree in either direction would have a life changing effect on both the brewer and the brewee. The beer could be too sweet if a degree high, or too mild and dry if a niggling degree too low. The character of the future beer that this batch would be hung in the balance. The brewer drew a bead on the temp-probe, the mash tun and the world held its breath... waited,


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Professional Divorce Without Lawyers

847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707.527.1200 Fax: 707.527.1288 Editor Stett Holbrook, ext. 202

News Editor Tom Gogola, ext. 106


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Charlie Swanson, ext. 203


Copy Editor Gary Brandt, ext. 150

Contributors Michael Amsler, Rob Brezsny, Richard von Busack, Michael Houghton, James Knight, David Templeton, Tom Tomorrow

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Art Director Tabi Zarrinnaal

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For a sleep apnea evaluation, contact our office today. Andrew McCormick, DDS 707-579-9993

Dan Pulcrano NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN [ISSN 1532-0154] (incorporating the Sonoma County Independent) is published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc., located at: 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Phone: 707.527.1200; fax: 707.527.1288; e-mail: It is a legally adjudicated publication of the county of Sonoma by Superior Court of California decree No. 119483. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, National Newspaper Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Verified Audit Circulation. Subscriptions (per year): Sonoma County $75; out-of-county $90. Thirdclass postage paid at Santa Rosa, CA. FREE DISTRIBUTION: The BOHEMIAN is available free of charge at numerous locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for one dollar, payable in advance at The BOHEMIAN’s office. The BOHEMIAN may be distributed only by its authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.The BOHEMIAN is printed on 40 % recycled paper.

Published by Metrosa, Inc., an affiliate of Metro Newspapers ©2015 Metrosa Inc.

Cover illustration by Michael Houghton. Cover design by Tabi Zarrinnaal.




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BEER GOGGLES Instead of rose-colored lenses, we see the world through amber-colored glasses. Our Beer Issue coverage begins on p10.


‘The same old stuff, I know, but you’ve got to keep trying.’ MUS I C P24 Peter Lowell’s 20 Percent Solution P8 A Full Year of Beer P20 Get Together with Lowell Levinger P24 Rhapsodies & Rants p6 The Paper p8 Dining p10 Breweries p14 Brew p15

Culture Crush p17 Arts & Ideas p18 Cover Feature p20 Stage p22 Film p23

Music p24 Clubs & Concerts p25 Arts & Events p30 Classified p39 Astrology p39

ABOUT THE COVER ARTIST This week’s cover and centerfold art were created by Santa Rosa illustrator and graphic artist Michael Houghton. Get this sticker or postcard at left at Follow him on Instagram @designedbymonkeys, or at


That feeling you get when you find a great booth at your favorite summer festival, is the best way to describe a visit to Native Riders. From custom made leather clothing dripping in fringe to colorful feather accessories, the store feels like a rare journey back to a time when quality and originality matters. The experience continues with every new treasure you discover. There’s leather hides, turquoise and silver jewelry, Tandy products, craft findings, bohemian clothing, sage, sweetgrass, incense, Panama hats, hand-crafted knives, Mountain T-shirts, custom leather belts and Native American art. The list could go on and on but suffice to say, this is definitely the most enjoyable place to shop for yourself or buy that unique gift for that special person. They’re enviro-conscious too! Between the nostalgic tunes playing and the friendly faces, it just doesn’t get better than Native Riders. They making going local so easy. Enjoy!

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Rhapsodies Fade Away Steve Heilig’s “Burn Out” (Open Mic, Sept. 2) is a thinly veiled attempt to disguise his contempt for Burning Man with a critique of the carbon footprint of the event. Although I have never been to Burning Man, I can appreciate the artistic and cultural values that it nourishes, and can even imagine that future events could focus on innovative ideas for climate action. Canceling the event is the opposite of radical. We need opportunities to learn from each other and how to work together. That will add

to our carbon footprint in the short term, in the same way that traveling to a climate-change conference also adds to carbon emissions, but the alternative is more polarization and fewer solutions.

After living up here in Sonoma Valley these past two years, I have come to understand this area is no different than any other small town in Middle America. Small town, small minds.

Let’s focus on solutions that will make a real difference, such as using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels, rather than trying to pick apart such an insignificant contributor to emissions as Burning Man.

I could bitch about the stupid little arguments over a drive-though restaurant, leaf blowers, whether dogs should be allowed to hike with their owners or the one lady who wanted more tickets written to all the so-called dangerous bike riders. I have to stop and remind myself: this is what people worry about in small towns while the walls of the world cave in all around them.


RON KARP Occidental

By Tom Tomorrow

No, I am more pissed off about the “radical” idea that Burning Man should take a year off because of all the pollution from the traveling to and back. I don’t care one way or the other about BM, but that’s a radical idea? I’m so tired of people with too much time on their hands, who think they know better telling others what to do. Here’s a radical idea: stop polluting the world’s water. What’s the point of worrying if we have enough or not when we allow the dumping of our waste into our greatest resource? Radical idea? What are we going to do about the islands of trash, several larger than the size of Texas, floating aimlessly around the oceans? Worried about serious emissions? Stop eating meat. That ain’t too hard. The raising and transporting of beef is one of our greatest polluters. And then you won’t have any drive-through issues either! Ha!

DAVID DALE Sonoma Valley

Steve Heilig condemns Burning Man for its supposedly horrible environmental impact, yet admits that 87 percent of the greenhouse gases generated stem from travel to and from the event. If Burning Man were canceled next year, as Heilig suggests, does he think those 70,000 playful adventurers would all stay home for the holiday weekend? Really? If Heilig means to suggest that the time has come to cease all recreational travel due to global warming, then he should say so. But to single Burning Man out from all the other carbon-intensive leisure activities people still eagerly pursue makes no rational sense, and sounds a bit like sour grapes.

LEAH GOLD Healdsburg

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Let’s Be Clear Remove the veil from North Bay water resources BY JEREMY KOBOR 6 mi west of 101 on Hwy 12 | 5345 Hwy 12 W, Santa Rosa


hen it comes to discussing water in the North Bay, the conversation couldn’t be more polarized.

Either you support the struggling salmon in our creeks and point your finger at the vineyards dotting the landscape, or you support our agriculture and adamantly object to any suggestion that the wine industry’s treatment of the environment is anything less than exemplary. This fractured conversation has been stuck on replay for decades and has festered into a lack of trust, a lack of transparency and a lack of productive work toward a sustainable water future. The dearth of data on our water resources has allowed this unproductive dialogue to persist. When we don’t know how much water is in our creeks and aquifers, and when we don’t know how much water is being used to support people and to irrigate vineyards, it is equally easy and equally pointless to argue that the impact is huge or that the impact is minimal. We can argue all day long, but when wells remain unmetered and comprehensive studies of our watersheds have not been done, no progress can be made. So how do we move forward? First, we must remove the veil of secrecy. Residents and the wine industry alike need to disclose how much water they are using and from what sources. This is basic information we need in order to properly manage our water resources. Second, we need comprehensive monitoring and modeling studies of all of our watersheds. These studies should provide estimates of groundwater recharge, stream/aquifer connectivity and both residential and agricultural water use. These studies can then provide the basis for conducting water-availability analyses whenever permits are requested for new residential, vineyard or winery development. So since everyone has a right to know how much water is being recharged and withdrawn from the aquifers we all share, let’s call for transparency and urge our county and state governments to develop comprehensive watershed models and integrate them into the landuse planning process. Jeremy Kobor is a hydrogeologist from Sebastopol. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the ‘Bohemian.’ We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 350 words considered for publication, write

(707) 542-0882 | open daily 12-6 |

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Michael Amsler

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HERE’S A TIP Lowell Sheldon, left, and Natalie Goble hope to inspire customers and staff with their new policy.

Going Tipless Peter Lowell’s ends tipping, adopts service charge to boost wages BY STETT HOLBROOK


he Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and local governments around the country have taken up demands for raising the minimum wage. California will up the state minimum wage to $10 an hour in January, but Peter Lowell’s restaurant in Sebastopol isn’t waiting.

Last month, the restaurant instituted a 20 percent service charge and eliminated tipping for servers. They also raised prices 10 percent. Now, says owner Lowell Sheldon, the restaurant can offer servers and kitchen staff a living wage and health benefits. Dishwashers now earn $16 an hour. Cooks make between $17 and $20 an hour, and servers, between $22 and $28. The move is a first in Sonoma

County, and part of a growing Bay Area movement. Sheldon and his partner, Natalie Goble, have been thinking about the change for several years and were influenced by the examples of the Boonville Hotel and Oakland’s Homestead restaurant. The Boonville Hotel’s restaurant has a 15 percent tip added on to all checks, while Homestead raised prices 20 percent and eliminated tipping.

Sheldon and Goble’s reasons for the new policy are varied. Sheldon says he wanted to figure out how to pay his kitchen staff a better wage. Cooks are generally paid less than servers and often don’t stick around very long, especially now with low unemployment. Sheldon says the move was also a philosophical one. “What kind of atmosphere are we trying to create?” he asks. “I want an atmosphere that fosters our principles.” Peter Lowell’s restaurant has made its name with hyperlocal wines and produce sourced from west Sonoma County organic farms and backyard gleaning. In a sense, the new policy brings its wage structure in line with its sustainability-minded menu. Sheldon says the change is the centerpiece of an effort to rethink how the restaurant treats its staff and engages its customers and the larger community. “Part of what we see our customers wanting is innovation across the board: the daily changing menu, vibrant wine list composed of naturally made wine, our own produce farm,” Sheldon says. “It’s kind of a way of life for us. The spirit of growth and change keeps our customers interested and invigorated. “It’s with this spirit that we are implementing the change to the way our staff is compensated,” Sheldon continues. “It gives our servers an opportunity to engage in a conversation with our customers about the way things have always been and a way they can be improved.” Peter Lowell’s customers were already tipping an average of 14 percent at lunch and 21 percent at dinner, so the service charge should not come as a shock. But since tipping also lets diners communicate their experience, the new system might make them feel as though they have less power. For Goble, tipping was an imperfect system. A good tip might reflect good service and good food, but the benefits and message flowed only to the server. A bad tip means a waiter takes home less money, but the


D EBRI EF ER Flaming List Two notable real estate casualties of the dread 2015 Valley Fire that are haunting the hell out of us: Hoberg’s Resort, Cobb Mountain. This 53-acre mountain redoubt went up in flames on Saturday. The Hoberg was perhaps most famous for having once been owned by Beatles’ guru the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. A sad press release from the new owners released early in the week—they’ve been on site only since 2014 and were renovating the resort at the time of the fire—is dominated by words like “devastated.” Harbin Hot Springs. We saw the photos of this legendary retreat, and they were bad. Real bad. The San Francisco Chronicle sent up a reporter to check out the scorched grounds, and the reporter sent back poetry: “The previously pristine spring-fed pools were a sludgy black and littered with fallen, charred tree limbs, melted roof tops and broken tiles. The water remained lukewarm from the natural hot springs nearby. Dead fish floated upside down in the koi ponds on the once terraced hillside while several blackened stone Buddha statues gazed peacefully across the scorched landscape.”

Pot Bill Not Great The Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act of 2015 was hashed out of three different medicalcannabis bills before the California Legislature this session; late last week a final bill emerged that’s expected to get the Jerry Brown signature. While a generalized sense of relief settles over the medical cannabis community, the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) opposes the emergent bill. The DPA generally supports decriminalization efforts and has been a great go-to resource for proponents of sane drug policies

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problem that may have caused a customer’s dissatisfaction (slow service, poor food, a long wait) doesn’t get addressed because it isn’t communicated to management. Sheldon and Goble hope the new policy will facilitate better communication with diners. Sheldon now gives customers his email in hopes they will give him direct feedback. Under the new policy, regulars who tip big won’t get more attention than anyone else. Ideally, all customers will get the same level of service since there will be no more big tippers—or any tippers. Goble says the new policy will require that the staff earns that 20 percent charge. “It challenges our staff to perform at the level,” she says. It’s a bold move and an interesting experiment into economics and psychology. Will customers embrace the idea? Will servers adjust to life without tips? Will turnover in the kitchen be reduced? So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive, say Goble and Sheldon. That’s been the experience at Farmstead. The restaurant launched its no-tipping policy in March, and it’s been a success, says owner Fred Sassen. The change was sparked by Oakland’s move to raise the minimum wage to $12.25 earlier this year. “This allows everyone to be compensated fairly and equally,” Sassen says. “As a cook, you could never come close to making what a server makes. You were stuck in a career without a forward path.” Now all employees have “access to the opportunity to make the same.” Oakland and San Francisco are leaders in this movement, and other cities have their eyes on them, Sassen says. Now that Peter Lowell’s has jumped in, there will be attention on them as well. “For us, it’s not good enough to be successful from a business standpoint,” Sheldon says. “We need to be part of a culture that challenges the norms and, at times, breaks through to new places in our society.”

both here and nationally. The state has struggled to get its medicalcannabis house in order since passing the landmark 1996 bill that provided access to patients in need, and this was seen as the year that it finally would. A statewide medical-cannabis regime is widely considered a necessary prerequisite for any full-on legalization push, and that’s expected to unfold via a 2016 referendum. “We’re not as happy as you might think,” says Lynne Lyman, the San Francisco–based California state director of the DPA. The act would exclude individuals with cannabisrelated felony offenses from participating in the new, legalized cannabis economy by denying them the licenses everyone now needs to get. Lyman adds that the economic impact of this move will be felt disproportionately among members of minority communities who want to get in on the legalweed action. Blacks, whites and Latinos use drugs at roughly the same rates, but blacks and Latinos are far more likely than white to wind up locked up over it. The felony-charge language? That’s been a dogged demand from the Man, and you can sniff the hardass section of the bill in question right back to input from the California Police Chiefs Association, which had yielded a steady and heavy hand of law enforcement on recent efforts to cue up a statewide medical cannabis bill. And the League of California Cities appeared to get its pay-off, too. Thanks to that lobbying group’s efforts on behalf of localities, whatever the state medical cannabis law says, localities will still be able to limit patient access by prohibiting cultivation and dispensaries in their midst. Patients in declared no-cannabis towns and counties would have to drive elsewhere to get their legal cannabis, and Lyman says that’s a bad move, especially for disabled patients who might not have the means to access their medicine. —Tom Gogola


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Dining Tom Gogola

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BEER ME Food and beer are well matched at this Mill Valley haute beer house.

Gastro Station Beerworks breaks the pub-grub mold


ub grub . . . bar bites . . . tavern trayf . . . There are only so many ways to generalize about the eats you’ll find at your typical beer joint. There’s nothing wrong with pulling up to the stool at Dino’s Dive to be greeted with a Bud and a choice from the usuals: burgers and wings, potato skins gloopy with the cheddar, the mozzarellamarinara dippity-doo-dah routine, maybe some stuffed mushrooms

or a cuppa that greasy turkey soup. You know the score. Well, the Mill Valley Beerworks gives the slip to those saloonslop conventions. It’s a low-lit and sleekly publike place on the quieter end of Throckmorton Avenue, in Mill Valley, that splits the difference between pleasuring a haute-hops scene and embracing Marin County’s convivial kickback sensibility. There’s a burger on the menu, but I have a feeling Beerworks doesn’t necessarily want you to order it. See, the Beerworks bacon-cheeseburger is going to

BY TOM GOGOLA set you back $18—pricey!—and represents the only gesture in the direction of pub-grub. Oh, it’s pleasing, don’t get me wrong. There’s a slab of bacon to chew on, a sharp slather of aioli dressing, a pleasantly greasy brioche bun. Order the burger and you’ll be hard-pressed to work through half the fries in front of you. Especially after you’ve just taken a tour through half the items on the small-plates menu— which are anything but small. Let’s just dive right in. A crisp, cool salad, the Little Gem caesar ($12), features romaine

fronds and thin ribbons of kale and romaine in a toss brought to crunchy pleasure with seasoned breadcrumbs. This was shareable for two and with a slightly redolent backbite of anchovy, bespeaking caesarian authenticity. Then on to a wooden bowl of wee mussels brimming in a fennel and garlic broth ($12). The mussels were firm, plump and clean—nary a grain of sand or offflavor bivalve in the mix—and the rich, slippery broth was made for slurping, spooning or otherwise sopping with hearty hunks of levain toast. A classic. If you had to pick a small-plate comparison dish with which to compare the burger, it would be the maitake mushroom toast ($14). It’s a signature item, a heap of thinly sliced, char-flavored mushrooms over toast with some ricotta and beet greens. It’s meaty like the burger, yet suitable for vegetarians. And then there was the burrata. The burrata ($10) is an oozy dollop of made-from-mozzarella soft cheese, here served with coins of marinated beet root, red quinoa, and sesame and poppy seeds. The numerously noncompeting textures and flavors conspired to win this dish the most points for complexity. Off the mains, we had to try the halibut. A little pricey at $28, given the diminutive filet, an ironshaped offering roasted to goldenbrown goodness and served over shelling beans and heirloom tidbits of broccoli di cicco. There’s a starters menu at the Beerworks—and, no, you aren’t going to be able to order fries and be done with it. Try a couple of cheese choices ($7 each). The Wabash Cannonball was a soft, round wad of goat cheese served with peach jam. The cheese was rich without being overly goaty. The Smokey Blue, from Rogue Creamery in Oregon, was the standout choice between the two—smoked over hazelnuts and served with a half fig. Beerworks is basically a sister restaurant of the new Fort Point Beer Company, founded in 2014 in San Francisco by some young

Mill Valley Beerworks, 173 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 415.888.8218



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cats, and the menu offers options from the house selection and from guest brewers. Two of the owners had previously opened the Beerworks in 2010. The four-beer sampler for $12 is a good deal and better still for Beerworks’ restraint in the department of suggested “beer pairings.” That’s kind of a twee gesture that has no place in a pub, even a gastro-pub like Beerworks. I stayed with the house brews. Fort Point’s KSA holds up the light-and-satisfying-ale end of the deal. The St. Francis Belgian offered subtle and nearly metaphysical undertones of molasses, as advertised; by contrast, the Treble Hook rye was sharp and pointed— like its namesake says it ought to be. Beerworks Black was stoutlike and delivered on promised notes of toffee. You’re wondering about service and the general vibe here? My guest and I arrived at Beerworks at 8pm and perched at a two-top in the front window, where we could overlook Throckmorton and the Beerworks crowd. There was a full house when we got there, and a full house when we waddled out around 10:30. And it was mostly the same full house. In that time I saw a total of one group exit the restaurant. Our waitress confirmed that Beerworks has staying power in spades. You’ll want to linger. The night wore on and we lingered over port and dessert. A dark chocolate torte ($8) for me; for my friend, a dollop of elderflower mascarpone ($8) over sliced melon, rendered sushi-roll style. The mild, creamy mascarpone only served to remind us of the burrata. We lingered some more and on the way out the door, the crew fired up some music: Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s singing that great song, you know the one. It was the perfect accompaniment to dance out the door to as we spilled into the cool Marin night: “Wait!! They don’t love you like I do! Wait!!”

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3883 Airway Drive Ste 145, Santa Rosa 707.528.3095 M–F, 8am–5pm

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Our selective list of North Bay restaurants is subject to menu, pricing and schedule changes. Call first for confirmation. Restaurants in these listings appear on a rotating basis. For expanded listings, visit

Finnegan’s Marin Pub

COST: $ = Under $12; $$ = $13-$20; $$$ = $21-$26; $$$$ = Over $27

Rating indicates the low to average cost of a full dinner for one person, exclusive of desserts, beverages and tip.

S O N OMA CO U N TY Cape Cod Fish & Chips Fish and chips. $. A dingy hole in the wall–just like a real chippy! This popular lunch spot offers perfectly cooked fish and chips to eat in or take out. Open daily. 7530 Commerce Blvd, Cotati. 707.792.0982.

Diavola Italian/Pizza. $$. Chef Dino Bugica brings classic and authentic Italian cooking techniques to pizzeria/ salumeria. Lunch and dinner daily. 21021 Geyserville Ave, Geyserville. 707.814.0111.

Graffiti Mediterranean. $$-$$$. Jazzed-up waterfront destination really is all that jazz. Big menu focuses on creative seafood dishes, also steak and lamb. Variety of indoor and outdoor seating; wide selection of appetizers– half vegetarian–can make the meal. Lunch and dinner daily. 101 Second St, Petaluma. 707.765.4567.

JoJo Sushi Japanese. $-$$. Hip downtown eatery features fresh sushi, sashimi, teriyaki, and innovative specials. Lunch and dinner daily. 645 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.569.8588.

Martha’s Old Mexico Mexican. $. Freshly prepared favorites, along with regional house specialties. Lunch and dinner, Wed-Mon; dinner only, Sat-Sun. 305 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.4458.

Simply Vietnam Vietnamese. $. Friendly Vietnamese for all ethnic tastes. Savory, satisfying and filling. Pho can be hit or miss, depending on the meat quality. Lunch and dinner daily. 966 N Dutton Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.566.8910.

Sizzling Tandoor Indian. $-$$. Coastal gem offers a great view of the Sonoma

Coast. Come for happy hour and stay through dinner. 9960 Hwy 1, Jenner. 707.865.0625.

Thai Orchid Thai. $-$$. Rich Thai food made with crisp, fresh ingredients, reasonably priced. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily. 1005 Vine St, Healdsburg. 707.433.0515. West Side Bar & Grill Sports Bar. $$. Home of the almost-famous bacon cheeseburger. Seventeen beers on tap (wine list available). Fourteen flat screen televisions to watch all of the hottest sports events. Two great pool tables. Lunch and dinner daily. 3082 Marlow Rd # B8, Santa Rosa. 707.573.9453.

Willi’s Seafood & Raw Bar Seafood. $$. Delicious preparations of the freshest fish and shellfish. Lunch and dinner daily. 403 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.433.9191.

Wolf House Californian. $$. Stick with the simple, classics dishes, as they always shine. Lunch, Mon-Fri; dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 13740 Arnold Dr, Glen Ellen. 707.996.4401. Yao-Kiku Japanese. $$-$$$. Fresh sushi with ingredients flown in from Japan steals the show in this popular neighborhood restaurant. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat. 2700 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.578.8180.

Zazu Cal-Euro. $$$. Perfectly executed dishes that sing with flavor. Zagat-rated with much of the produce from its own gardens. Dinner, Wed-Sun; brunch, Sun. 6770 McKinley St #150, Sebastopol. 707.523.4814.

MARIN CO U N T Y Cafe Reyes Pizza. $$. At the end of the main drag in West Marin’s quintessential small town sits a wood-fired oven serving piping pizzas of

fare. $$. Irish bar with the traditional stuff. Lunch and dinner daily. 877 Grant Ave, Novato. 415.899.1516.

Fish Seafood. $$-$$$. Incredibly fresh seafood in incredibly relaxed setting overlooking bay. Lunch and dinner daily. (Cash only.) 350 Harbor Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.FISH.

Fradelizio’s Italian. $$. Locally sourced northern Italian dishes with a Californiacuisine touch. The house red is a custom blend from owner Paul Fradelizio. Lunch and dinner daily, brunch, Sat-Sun. 35 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1618.

Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Brewpub. $$. Pub grub gets a pub-cuisine facelift. Lunch, Wed-Sun; dinner daily. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax. 415.485.1005.

Marin Brewing Co Pub food. $-$$. Excellent soups, salads, pub grub and awardwinning pork-beer sausage. Lunch and dinner daily. 1809 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 415.461.4677. Piatti Italian. $$-$$$.Rustic, seasonal, Italian food. Kidfriendly. Lunch and dinner daily. 625 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.380.2525. Pier 15 American. $$. Fun, tucked-away old-fashioned spot overlooking hidden harbor. Great place for breakfast at a bar, too. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, SatSun. 15 Harbor St, San Rafael. 415.256.9121. Pine Cone Diner Eclectic. $$. Funky diner meets upscale bistro. Ambitious dishes, like cherry-wood-smoked pork loin with lavender gastrique, and steak au poivre with peppercorn brandy sauce are served in homey atmosphere. Breakfast and lunch daily. Closed Mon. 60 Fourth St, Pt Reyes. 415.663.1536. Pizzeria Picco Pizza. $-$$. The wood-fired oven keeps things cozy, and the organic ingredients and produce make it all tasty. Lunch and dinner, Sat-Sun; dinner only, Mon-Fri. 316 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.945.8900.

N A PA CO U N T Y Brannan’s Grill California cuisine. $$-$$$. Creative cuisine in handsome Craftsman setting. Lunch and dinner daily. 1374 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.2233.

Carpe Diem Wine Bar Californian. $-$$. Right in the heart of downtown Napa, Carpe Diem’s contemporary and innovative menu includes a variety of seasonal flatbreads, an ostrich burger, the famed short-rib sliders and much more. Over 45 wines by the glass, six draft beers and an impressive reserve wine list round out this warm, inviting space. Dinner daily. 1001 Second St., Napa. 707.224.0800.

Fazerrati’s Pizza. $-$$. Great pie, cool brews, the game’s always on. Great place for post-Little League. Lunch and dinner daily. 1517 W Imola Ave, Napa. 707.255.1188.

French Laundry Definitive California Cuisine. $$$$. What else is there to say? Chef Thomas Keller’s institution is among the very best restuarants in the country. 6640 Washington St., Yountville. 707.944.2380.

Fumé Bistro & Bar California cuisine. $$$. California bistro fare that nearly always hits the mark. Lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 4050 Byway E, Napa. 707.257.1999.

Gillwoods Cafe Diner. $-$$. Classic hometown diner, specializes in the homemade. Breakfast and lunch daily. 1313 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.1788.



Beer Bash Craft brewers are always looking out for flavorful inspiration, and often find it in unusual places— like doughnuts and mustard. And sometimes their muse crosses over from culinary to musical. Such is the case with Russian River Brewing Company’s HUGElarge Sound Czech pilsner, made in collaboration with the Santa Rosa rock band and returning this fall. HUGElarge is guitarist and vocalist Robert Malta (Paw Paw Blowtorch, Bermuda Triangle Service) and drummer Matt Norelli (American Music Club). Together, they crank out heavy, fuzzed-out riffs and grinding beats that fans of the Black Keys will swoon over. Since forming in 2005, this stripped-down duo has kept it simple, utilizing vintage equipment and playing in Norelli’s garage for the pure joy of rock and roll. That joy is on display throughout the duo’s upcoming selftitled record, a raucous collection of classic proto-punk and glam-rock gems inventively revisited and invigorated with raw energy. Inspired by the band’s classic sound and simple, powerful delivery, Russian River Brewing co-owner and brew master Vinnie Cilurzo went about crafting the classic Czech pilsner first in 2009, releasing it every other year. Light in color, yet packed with flavor, the HUGElarge Sound Czech pilsner will be available again when HUGElarge celebrate the release of their debut album with a show at Russian River Brewpub in Santa Rosa on Saturday, Oct. 24.—Charlie Swanson

Gott’s Roadside Tray Gourmet Diner. $-$$. Formerly Taylor’ Automatic Refresher. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 933 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.3486. Also at Oxbow Public Market, 644 First St, Napa. 707.224,6900.

La Toque Restaurant French-inspired. $$$$. Set in a comfortable elegantly rustic dining room reminiscent of a French lodge, with a stone fireplace centerpiece, La Toque makes for memorable special-occasion dining. Dinner daily. 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.5157.

Pizza Azzurro Italian. $. Run by a former Tra Vigne and Lark Creek Inn alum, the pizza is simple and thin, and ranks as some of the best in the North Bay. Lunch and dinner daily. 1260 Main St (at Clinton), Napa. 707.255.5552.

Red Rock Cafe & Backdoor BBQ American. $-$$. Cafe specializing in barbecue and classic diner fare. Messy, delicious. Lunch and dinner daily. 1010 Lincoln Ave, Napa. 707.252.9250.

Redd California cuisine. $$$$$. Rich dishes balanced by subtle flavors and careful yet casual presentation. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 6480 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2222. Siena California-Tuscan. $$$$. Sophisticated, terroir-informed cooking celebrates the local and seasona. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 875 Bordeaux Way, Napa. 707.251.1900.

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perfection. Beer and oysters can be had as well. Lunch and dinner, Wed–Sun. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.9493.

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SONOMA CO U N TY Bear Republic Brewing Company

Santa Rosa Grand Opening Celebration Friday, September 18th

One of the originals on the North Bay craft-beer scene, this family-owned brewery only gets better with age. Most famous for Racer 5. 345 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. 707.433.2337. www.bearrepublic. com.

Carneros Brewing Company The focus is on flavor, not high ABV, with a Hispanic influence. 22985 Burndale Road, Sonoma. 707.938.1880.

Dempsey’s Restaurant & Brewery Give your palate a rest from the hopped-up West Coast ales and try the maltier Irish ales at one of Sonoma County’s oldest breweries. 50 E. Washington St., Petaluma. 707.765.9694. www.dempseys. com.

Fogbelt Brewing Company Born from winemaking families, brewers Paul and Remy mix rich flavors and hop-driven beers to form complex and tasty brews. 1305 Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa. 707.978.3400.

HopMonk Tavern Founded by Dean Biersch of Gordon-Biersch, HopMonk offers house-brewed beers Kellerbiers and Dunkelweizens. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 707.829.7300. 691 Broadway. Sonoma. 707.935.9100. www.

Lagunitas Brewing If you haven’t hit up the beer garden at the North Bay’s most laid-back brewery, waste no time and get down there, preferably on one of the many nights of live music. 1280 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma. 707.778.8776. www.lagunitas. com.

Old Redwood Highway Brewery Part of the appeal,

701 4th Street Santa Rosa (707) 978-3208

beyond delicious beers, is the focus on locally sourced ingredients. 9000-A Windsor Road, Windsor. 707.657.7624.

101 North Brewing Company A new addition to the North Bay craft beer

scene, this brewery’s Heroine IPA has 101 North winning at the beer game just out the gate. 1304 Scott St., Ste. D. Petaluma. 707.778.8384.

Russian River Brewing Co Tasty pizza and excellent—and worldfamous— brews. Two words: beer bites! 725 Fourth St., Santa Rosa. 707.545.2337. www.

Ruth McGowan’s Brew Pub Straight outta Cloverdale, Ruth McGowan’s citrus wheat ale makes summer days fly by just right. During the colder days of winter, try the dry Irish stout. 131 E. First St., Cloverdale. 707.894.9610. www.

Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. With a focus on German-Style beers and California ales, Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. boasts a good-looking lineup of ales. 19449 Riverside Drive, Ste. 101, Sonoma. 707.938.7422. www.

St. Florian’s Brewery

MA R I N CO U N TY Baeltane Brewing & Tasting Room Marin brewery proudly produces artisanal ales specializing in Belgian, French and West Coast Ale styles. 401-B Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato. 415.883.2040.

Broken Drum Brewery & Wood Grill Voted Best North Bay brewpub by Bohemian readers in 2011, the time is right to stop in for a handcrafted German lager, bock or summer golden ale. 1132 Fourth St., San Rafael. 415.456. HOPS.

Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Pub grub gets a pub-cuisine facelift. Fun specials, great live music. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax. 415.485.1005.

Marin Brewing Co. Excellent soups, salads, pub grub and award-winning pork-beer sausage. 1809 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 415.461.4677.

Mill Valley Beerworks

Started by local firefighter Aron Levin and his wife, Amy, St. Florian’s Brewery has exploded of late. The company has plans to expand its space, staff and line of beers. 7704-A Bell Road, Windsor.

If there is a beer heaven, it might look a little like this Mill Valley gem of a spot. 173 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 415.888.8218. www.

Stumptown Brewery A

M stands for malty. Hit up this Novato landmark for traditional ales that won’t fail the taste test. 15 Rowland Way, Novato. 415.898. HOPS.

day on the river isn’t complete without a stop at Guerneville’s best (and only) brewery. Better yet, sip ale on the expansive patio overlooking the Russian River. 15045 River Road, Guerneville. 707.869.0705.

Third Street Aleworks Third Street is sometimes overshadowed by a worldrenowned brewery just around the corner, but their Bombay rouge can hold its own in a roomful of crowded beers. 610 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.523.3060. www.

Moylan’s Brewery & Restaurant At Moylan’s, the

N A PA CO U N TY Napa Smith Brewery Brewer Don Barkley was part of the revered New Albion Brewery, and is now creating gold-medal winning IPAs, wheat beers, pilsners and more. 1 Executive Way, Napa. 707.254.7167. www.

Woodfour Brewing An

Napa Valley Brewing Company Located within

artisan brewery located in the Barlow in Sebastopol, Woodfour is one of the only completely solar-powered breweries in the country. 6780 Depot St., Sebastopol. 630.854.1721. www.

the Calistoga Inn, this brewery produces an admirable Dugan oatmeal stout that just might replace your next egg-and-bacon breakfast. 1250 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga. 707.942.4101. www.

Furrowed Brau

C u c i n a R u s t ic a

Voted Best Italian restaurant of the North Bay. —North Bay Bohemian

Plow Brewing Company turns up bottles and cans BY JAMES KNIGHT


hen UC Davis– trained brewer Kevin Robinson left a brewing job at San Francisco’s Speakeasy to work at a St. Helena winery, he aimed to learn more about using wine barrels, which were becoming increasingly important in the craft-brew business. But he found a key insight for his current business a little further down the bottling line: wine has a better presentation than beer. “I mean, literally,� says Robinson, “some of the best beers in the world have cartoons on them.� So he designed the packaging for his Belgian-inspired Divine Brewing beers (“Vintner’s Brew,� April 4, 2012) so that they’d look good on a white tablecloth, and they’re only sold in bottles through distributors that regularly deal in wine. While his Divine beers may hold a nose to the firmament, Robinson’s newer Plow Brewing Company is squarely planted in terra firma. Plow beers, canned on-site at the Santa Rosa taproom, are meant to be plunked on a rusty workbench, says Robinson. A tour of Robinson’s brewery reveals that it’s almost as much workbench as brewery. His mash tun, for instance (where cracked barley is steeped in hot water to release its sugar content), is an ingeniously converted self-dumping hopper. His fermenters are dinged-up old dairy tanks. And the heat exchanger is a hand-medown from a Gatorade plant. A tinkerer and fix-it guy, Robinson got all of these to work for his purposes. Waiting in the corner is his surprise salvage score: Russian River Brewing Company’s former 50-barrel brewing setup, which was, in turn, purchased from Delaware’s Dogfish Head Brewery. Robinson says he knows how to optimize the old tanks: after all, he operated the setup as a brewer for Russian River Brewing for three years. Plow Brewing Company is a 15-barrel brewhouse that opened in April. Optimistically, Robinson installed 12 taps in his spartan, darkly detailed taproom in northwest Santa Rosa. Bar stools are black-painted tractor seats; farming implements hang from the walls. Currently, he’s got just three taps open. Beers are also available off-sale: Belgian-style Divine beers by the 750ml bottle, Plow pilsner and double IPA in 32-ounce cans, custom-filled to order and sealed with a modified beer-canning system developed by Colorado’s Oskar Blues Brewery. Now, all he needs are those barrels. Plow Brewing Company, 3334 Industrial Drive, Santa Rosa. Open Monday–Friday, 4–8pm; Saturday–Sunday, 2–7pm. 707.843.4583.

LoCoco’s is everything an Italian restaurant should be—boisterous, busy, fun, with excellent authentic food of the best quality: fresh seafood, meats and pasta.

707- 52 3 -2227




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Lo Coco’s


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Supporting the industry in two ways: Direct Services


Best Fashion Jewelry - Sonoma County 146 N. Main St., SebastopolÊUÊ707.829.3036ÊUÊ

moonstone rings by Steven Battelle




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Crush M I L L VA L L E Y

Epic Film Fest Returning for its fourth year, the Throckmorton Mountain Film Festival once again brings the great outdoors to the big screen in Mill Valley. Packing 55 new documentaries into three days, the Mountain Film Fest covers outdoor topics ranging from extreme sports to environmental activism. Special events include the opening-night party with festival filmmakers on hand, live music and a screening of this year’s Unbranded, which follows a Texas cowboy training wild horses in even wilder terrain. The Mountain Film Festival takes place Friday to Sunday, Sept. 18–20, at Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. $14 per screening; $140 full pass. 415.383.9600.


Come Together Didn’t make it to Burning Man this year? No problem, you can still camp out and feel the love when the Unity Festival brings together positive vibes and great live music. Friday’s lineup includes Pion 2 Zion and Levi Lloyd with a special surprise headliner. Saturday and Sunday feature North Bay favorites Moonalice, Steve Kimock, David Luning, Ethan Tucker Band and Melvin Seals & JGB. There will also be local food, art and nonprofits offering information on environmental stewardship, alternative healing and more. Both single-day and camping passes are available for the Unity Festival, happening Friday–Sunday, Sept. 18–20, at the Guerneville Lodge, 15905 River Road, Guerneville. $35 and up.


Open Up There’s more than just grapegrowing going on in Napa Valley. Each year, the valley’s art association, made up of dozens of resident artists in the area, cracks the doors for Open Studios Napa Valley, happening this weekend and next. This year, 71 artists in 42 studio locations will be a part of the self-guided tours. Drawings, paintings, sculpture and multimedia works are all part of the sights, which also include artist talks and demonstrations. This is also the best chance to buy art directly from the source when Open Studios Napa Valley runs Saturday–Sunday, Sept. 19–20 and Sept. 26–27, at various Napa artists’ studios. 10am to 5pm each day. Free. Maps and info at


Yarn Rock Portland, Ore., garage rock outfit the Woolen Men take an old-school approach, recalling early ’80s post-punk and college rock bands like Gang of Four and the Minutemen on their new fulllength album, Temporary Monument. Packed with a dozen skittering, shimmering, guitar-driven power punk tunes, the album’s themes of corporate threats and cultural assimilation are as unnerving today as they were in the Reagan era. Touring in support of the new record, the Woolen Men appear with fellow Portlanders Landlines and Sonoma County acts OVVN, Kiddo and Service on Saturday, Sept. 19 at Atlas Coffee Company, 300 South A St., Santa Rosa. 7pm. $6. 707.526.1085.

—Charlie Swanson

STRONGER THAN EVER Platinum-selling songwriter and cancer survivor Melissa Etheridge performs in Napa as part of the 21st annual Music Festival for Brain Health on Saturday, Sept. 19. See Concerts, p25.

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The week’s events: a selective guide

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Arts Ideas

Brainin says that each label is a piece of art in its own right, with many of the originals hanging in galleries. Take the stark and challenging work donning the Stigmata American red rye ale, which also exists as a large-scale oil painting by Healdsburg artist Molly Perez.

READ THE LABEL Petaluma’s 101 North Brewing tells stories with its bottle graphics.

Bottle Shockers 101 North Brewing puts rock ’n’ roll on the bottle with eye-grabbing art BY CHARLIE SWANSON


ou’re standing in a grocery store beer aisle packed with unfamiliar craft beers. You gaze upon bottle after bottle, open to trying a new brew yet unsure of the beers inside the various brown glass vessels. Chances are, if 101 North Brewing has a bottle in the aisle, you’re likely to pick it out based on looks alone. That’s because the Petalumabased brewery has taken a different path to illustrating its labels. “We try to reach as many senses as we can,” says co-owner John Brainin. For the owners at 101 North, which include brothers

Joel, Jake and Joey Johnson, as well as life-long friends Brainin, John Lilienthal and Anthony Turner, the innovative graphics tell a story for each beer’s inspiration and affect beer drinkers the way album art primes listeners to the record they just put on the turntable. “We’re all former musicians, and we wanted to treat the labels like album covers,” explains Brainin. To that end, 101 North has employed local graphic designers and artists immersed in the rock and roll scene in the Bay Area. The brewery’s first release was the highly acclaimed Heroine IPA, with a distinct amber color and rich, full flavor. With the

chance for misreading the word, the crew at 101 North knew they had to embody the ale in a strong female hero. They looked to artist Leslie Hotchkiss, a native of San Rafael who now lives in San Francisco. Hotchkiss spent years designing an array of gig posters and album covers for San Francisco bands and venues. “She whipped out a hell of an art piece,” says Brainin. He’s not joking. The Heroine IPA label shows a striking goddess in full power-mode, with the flames and wings of a rising phoenix flaring up behind her. It’s now one of the most recognizable labels in the North Bay.

‘We’re all former musicians, and we wanted to treat the labels like album covers.’ The second label 101 North commissioned was the Naughty Aud imperial stout. Brainin credits co-owner John Lilienthal with the idea for the devilish image upon the bottle, inspired by Lilienthal’s time in Germany. The wintry release, full of malty goodness and notes of caramel and bourbon, boasts a hair-raising image of the cloven-hoofed, forktongued anti–Santa Claus known in German lore as Krampus, drawn by legendary San Francisco rock and roll artist Alan Forbes, a long-time friend of Brainin. Most famous for conceiving the Black Crowes icon, Forbes has also done work for bands like White Stripes and AFI. He inked the “Brotherhood Steam Beer” label for Anchor Steam Brewing and the Black Crowe’s Chris Robinson last year. “He did ours first though,” laughs Brainin.

Enjoy a relaxing dinner with us tonight

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Where Wine Country Buys Wine

Tune into

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Oct. 3 Cloverdale Oktoberfest. 707.328.2147.

Nov. 27 Fairfax’s Iron Springs Pub and Brewery releases winter four packs (2015 Winterscotch, Chardonnay Barrel Aged 10 Years Strong, 2014 Quad, and the coffeeinfused Mark Twain’s Summer Ale). 765 Center Blvd., Fairfax. 415.485.1005. Ironspringspub. com.

Dec. 14 Third Street AleWorks releases it 2014 Brass Parachute Barleywine. 610 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.523.3060.

Oct. 2–4 Sonoma County Harvest Fair. Oct. 10 Cotati Oktoberfest. 707.795.5508. Oct. 17 Biketoberfest in Fairfax. biketoberfestmarin. com. Oct. 31 Russian River Brewing Co. Halloween Party. 745 Fourth St., Santa Rosa. 707.545.BEER (2337).

November, Henhouse Brewing Co. releases it Belgian Style Golden Ale.

Dec. 19 Baeltane Brewing’s Third Anniversary and Winter Solstice Party. 401-B Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato. 415.883.2040. Dec. 31 Fogbelt Brewing Co. New Year’s Eve Celebration.




April 1 North Bay breweries deliver cases of free beer to ‘Bohemian’ offices.

Late May Rohnert Park Craft Beer Festival, Sonoma Mountain Village Event Center.

Early June Beerfest, the Good One, Wells Fargo Center, Santa Rosa.

April 30 Pagan party at Baeltane Brewing to mark the arrival of spring. And beer. 401-B Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato. 415.883.2040. April Tentative opening of Henhouse Brewing Co’s new Santa Rosa Taproom. Info@

Late May Sonoma County Home Brewer’s Competition, Petaluma. schbc.html.

June 18 California Beer Festival, Stafford Park, Novato. marin.





Jan. 22 Third Street AleWorks releases its Double Standard Double IPA. 610 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.523.3060.

Feb. 5 Russian RiverBrewing Co.’s Pliny the Younger released. Get in line now. 745 Fourth St., Santa Rosa. 707.545.BEER (2337).

March 8 Third Street AleWorks 20-year anniversary party. 610 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.523.3060.

Jan. 30–31 RateBeer Best Beer Festival. More than 40 breweries from around the world with be pouring their stuff.

Feb. 13 Fogbelt Brewing Co. anniversary celebration and seasonal beer release.

January Henhouse Brewing Co. releases it Big Chicken, a bold Double IPA. Info@

Feb. 27 Sonoma County Beer, Cider & Spirits Conference. The event is full, but there is a wait list. Contact the Sonoma County Economic Development Board at 707.565.7170.

March 17 St. Patrick’s Day at a pub near you. Duh. Mid-March Fairfax Beer Festival. March 28 Battle of the Brews, Sonoma County Fairgrounds.





Early July The Breastfest Beer Festival, Marin Center, San Rafael. Fundraiser featuring beer from over 40 of the best California breweries to support the Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic, a state-licensed nonprofit offering alternative medical treatments for lowincome women diagnosed with cancer.

Mid-August Ales for ALS. Top North Bay brewers join forces and craft distinct beers that all share the same hop profile, specifically for this event, which raises funds to fight Lou Gehrig’s disease. alesforals. com.

Mid-September Petaluma River Craft Beer Festival. Over a dozen North Bay brewers set up shop on the riverfront walkway, with live music and more.

Mid-August Lagunitas Beer Circus, Petaluma Fairgrounds, Petaluma. beercircus.

Mid-September Napa Valley BBQ & Beer Battle, Napa Valley Marriott, Napa. napa-valley-bbq-beer. Mid-September Beer in the Plaza, Healdsburg Plaza, Healdsburg. beerintheplaza.html.

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SCENE MAKER Theater vet Argo Thompson is back with Left Edge Theatre and the play ‘Good People.’

Enter Stage Left Ž 66 313=+6 #;94/-=398 C +;1+38 &>/<.+A 66 %29@< %-2/.>6/ 09; ;3 %/:=/7,/; B &2> %/:=/7,/; Bargain Tuesday - $7.50 All Shows Bargain Tuesday $7.00 All Shows Schedule forFri, Fri,April Feb -16th 20th Thu, Feb Schedule for –– Thu, April 22nd R 26th Schedule for Fri, June 22nd - Thu, June 28th


Academy Award “Moore Gives Her BestNominee Performance

Foreign Language Film!Stone In Years!â€? – Box OfďŹ ce “RawBest and Riveting!â€? – Rolling R Demi MooreWITH DavidBASHIR Duchovny WALTZ A MIGHTY HEART (1:00) THE 3:00 5:00

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* $'!! $ % "$ &$ % “A Triumph!� – New “A Glorious Throwback ToYork The Observer More Stylized, THE WRESTLER

9/11–9/17 Grandma R Tangerine R (11:00-1:30-4:00)-7:00-9:15 Jimmy’s Hall PG13 (10:15-1:00-3:30)-6:00-8:30

Best Picture, Best Actor & Best Director!

Meru R (10:30-3:15)

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THE GIRL THE TATTOO PleaseWITH Note: No 1:30 ShowDRAGON Sat, No 6:45 Show Thu WAITRESS

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“Deliciously Unsettling!� PARIS, JE T’AIME

(11:45) 4:45 9:50– RLA Times (1:15)GHOST 4:15 7:00 9:30 R THE Kevin Jorgenson presents the WRITER California Premiere of R (2:15) 7:15 PG-13



Learning to Drive R (11:00-1:15-3:45) 6:30-8:45

Phoenix PG13 (1:00)-6:15-8:30 Thursday 9/24 Only (1:00)

Pawn Sacrifice PG13 Sneak Preview Thursday 9/24 @ 7pm! Open Friday 9/25!

Fri, Sat, Sun &PENTAGON Mon DANIEL ELLSBERG AND THENow PAPERS Advance Tickets On Sale at Box OfďŹ ce! &2> %/: :7 C %+= %/: +7

Join us on Friday 9/18 and Saturday 9/19 to meet Sean Baker, director of TANGERINE, for special Q& A’s after the 7pm and 9:15pm shows.

BOLSHOI BALLET 2015-16 Season

551 Summerfield Road 4BOUB 3PTB t 707.522.0719

9:50 AM (12:10) 4:30 6:50 6:50 Show Tue or Thu FROZEN RIVER (12:00) 2:30 NR 5:00No7:30 10:00 10:15 AM VICKY Their CRISTINA BARCELONA First Joint Venture In 25 Years! THE MET OPERA 2015/16 SEASON 10:20 AM CHANGELING Venessa RedgraveAND Meryl CHONG’S Streep Glenn CloseAM CHEECH 10:40 RACHEL %3816/ &3-5/=< "8 %+6/ !9@ GETTING MARRIED HEYSHORTS WATCH THIS 2009 LIVE ACTION (Fri/Mon Only)) 10:45 AM EVENING 10:45 Sat, Apr17th at 11pm & Tue, Apr 20th 8pmAM 2009 ANIMATED SHORTS Only) Starts Fri,(Sun June 29th!

%3816/ &3-5/=< "8 %+6/ !9@ 63-5 ;3+6=9-38/7+< -97 9; &3-5/=< 809


(10:45-12:45-3:00-5:00) 7:00-9:00

# Painterly Work Of Decades Past!� – LA (12:20) 5:10 9:45 R Times LA2:45 VIE EN 7:30 ROSE (12:45) 3:45 6:45OF 9:45 PG-13 THEAward SECRET KELLS 10 Academy Noms Including Best Picture! R (1:00) 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 NR SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE

“ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x; – Really, Truly, Deeply – “Superb! No One Could Make This Believable 4:00 7:10 R One of (1:15) This Year’s Best!â€?9:40 – Newsday If It Were Fiction!â€? – San Francisco Chronicle #

$! ! &" $ (


New theater company opens at Wells Fargo Center




here was once a tiny theater tucked into a corner of the Luther Burbank Center, at the northernmost edge of Santa Rosa. From the way people talk about it today, it’s hard to believe such a place was ever real.

Though the space is gone, replaced almost 10 years ago by offices and storage space at the center—since renamed the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts—the shows that were performed at Actors Theatre during its mighty reign have lingered in the memories of North Bay theater fans and artists. Some of those productions—Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia, Tony Kushner’s Angels in America, Joan Ackermann’s Off

the Map—have become the stuff of local-theater legend. “It was an amazing time, and the best artists in the area did great work there,â€? says Argo Thompson, who joined the company after its foundation, and served as artistic director of Actors Theatre from 1997 to 2005. “It changed the scene completely, proving that when groundbreaking theater is being done by ďŹ rst-rate artists, people will make the effort to come see it.â€? Actors Theatre soon earned such a stellar reputation that audiences from as far away as Berkeley and San Francisco would make the drive to Santa Rosa to see what was happening. Thompson was there when the company—formerly a breakaway from the long-established Santa Rosa Players—rejoined to create the 6th Street Playhouse, folding both companies into one under the 6th Street banner. After serving as executive director of 6th Street for three years, a reorganization of management effectively ended Thompson’s participation in the North Bay theater scene for the next decade. Thompson has ďŹ nally reentered the scene with Left Edge Theatre, a brand-new company in Santa Rosa, performing its ďŹ rst season of shows within a few hundred feet of where the original Actors Theater once stood. Beginning with David Lindsay-Abaire’s Good People, Left Edge Theatre has officially landed at the Wells Fargo Center, where two resident theater companies, Roustabout Theater and North Bay Stage, also operate. “We have a strong season of four great shows to kick this off,â€? says Thompson. “Once we make it through this ďŹ rst year, we will see what happens next, but my goal is to establish Left Edge as a professional theater company. The best thing for building an audience for theater is having good theater available. So that, more than anything, is our goal.â€? ‘Good People’ runs Friday–Saturday (with one Sunday matinee), from Sept. 4–19, at Wells Fargo Center for the Performing Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. $30–$40. 707.546.3600.


Russian Riverkeeper Presents the

ON THE LOOSE The Angulo brothers made art out of their odd upbringing.




Tickets $50 in advance



Unique Frames Digital Rx Lenses Sunglasses Adjustments Repairs

19 Kentucky St. ‘The Wolfpack’ is available on-demand from Vudu and Amazon.




Over the course of four and a half years, Moselle got to know the boys and their mother, the gentle Suzanne, a reticent woman from Michigan who was homeschooling her sons out of the apartment building where they lived. Moselle learned of the Angulo’s bizarre history. Their Peruvian father, Oscar, is an ex–Hare Krishna who gave his seven sons names from the Hindu religion. Oscar refused to let them leave the house, sometimes for a year at a time. One question the film doesn’t answer is why a religious maniac would allow movies into his home, when the power of cinema to mold and change people should be apparent even to the most blinkered New Ager. The boys got their views of the world watching Tarantino, the Halloween series and Christopher Nolan. Besotted, these captives recreated the films as best they could with cardboard sets and ducttape costumes. Moselle doesn’t identify the boys every time, and since they’re born a year or so apart and have similar mannerisms, we do get a sense of them being a pack—a pack of playful puppies. Any actual violence between the cooped-up teens is kept offscreen, as is the commentedupon violence between Oscar and Suzanne. It’s clear that discretion was the price of Moselle’s access. The director’s camera feasts on the unselfconscious male beauty of these adolescents. The film has great goofy charm during a trip to Coney Island. But there’s an element of manipulation in the way Moselle frames this family history—in essence, a story of appalling child abuse—as a tale of success, complete with a happy ending down on the farm.




irector Crystal Moselle was on the street in Manhattan one day when she encountered the Angulo siblings, a group of long-haired, teenage boys dressed like Reservoir Dogs characters, in black suits and sunglasses.

The River Awards Gala will honor and highlight the people, businesses and farms that are leading the Russian River to a more climate resilient future


‘The Wolfpack’ documents NYC’s strange Angulo family BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


Mild in the Streets

Saturday, October 3rd 4:00-8:00 p.m. SRJC Shone Farm, Forestville



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GOING BANANAS One track on

Lowell Levinger’s new album features a who’s who of North Bay musicians.

Together Again Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch

Wed, Sep 16 8:00–9:00am JAZZERCISE with JEN McCLESTER 10:15am– SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE 12:40pm Youth and Family 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE SINGLES & PAIRS Square Dance Club 7–10pm Thur, Sep 17 8:45–9:45am JAZZERCISE with JEN McCLESTER 5:45-6:40pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7:15–10:30pm CIRCLES N' SQUARES Square Dance Club Fri, Sep 18 8:45–9:40am JAZZERCISE with JEN McCLESTER 8–11pm NORTHBAY COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY/ CONTRA DANCE Sat, Sep 19 8:45–9:45am JAZZERCISE 7–11pm Steve Luther DJ hosts MITCH WOODS & HIS ROCKET 88s Sun, Sep 20 8:45-9:45am REGULAR JAZZERCISE 5–9:30pm Steve Luther DJ COUNTRY WESTERN LESSONS AND DANCING Mon, Sep 21 8:45–9:45am JAZZERCISE with JEN McCLESTER 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7–9:30pm SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Tue, Sep 22 8:45–9:45am JAZZERCISE with JEN McCLESTER 5:45-6:45pm REGULAR JAZZERCISE 7–9pm RAZZMATAZ FOLK DANCE CLUB

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D I N N E R & A S H OW

HE PINE NEEDLES Sep 18 T Acoustic Jazzgrass 8:00 / No Cover Fri

Record Release Party!





Oct 4

Songwriter/Guitar Slinger 8:00 Guitar Legend

TERRY HAGGERTY 4:00 / No Cover


Oct 9 Fri

Americana 8:00

HANA MORRISON Oct 17 S Sassy Chanteuse 8:30 Sat


Oct 18 WENDY DEWITT 4:00



Weddings We are booking our 2016 Weddings – to check on availability and to schedule a personal tour please contact Max Brown at 415.662.2219 or

Reservations Advised


On the Town Square, Nicasio

‘Banana’ revisits Youngbloods classics BY CHARLIE SWANSON


owell Levinger thinks of himself less as a songwriter and more as a “singer of songs.”

In his lifetime, the guitarist and vocalist has amassed a varied repertoire of folk and bluegrass tunes and has toured the globe. Around the North Bay, though, Levinger will always be known as “Banana,” the nickname he adopted when he co-founded 1960s folk outfit the Youngbloods, best known for their hit single “Get Together.” On the 50th anniversary of the Youngbloods’ formation, Levinger looks back with a retrospective album of re-recordings, Get Together: Banana Recalls Youngbloods Classics, released last week and featuring many guest musicians and friends. Though the arrangements of some of the songs may have changed,

Levinger’s passion and activist spirit have not. “I’ve written a letter to Congress and asked them to try to work together,” says Levinger, in a phone interview from his longtime home in Inverness. “We did this with ‘Get Together’ 50 years ago. I sent a copy to every member of Congress 50 years ago, and I’m going to do it again.” Since many of the Youngbloods songs are lyrically relevant today, Levinger decided to incorporate his favorites into his live repertoire. Pretty soon he had enough for a full album, and the idea to record the old songs anew crept into his head. “I started dreaming this miracle dream of getting all these people together on the same day, at the same time, in the same place, to be a grand chorus,” says Levinger. “And damned if I didn’t pull it off.” The chorus he refers to is a who’s-who of North Bay vocalists, including Maria Muldaur, Dan Hicks, Peter Rowan and others, all of whom contributed their voices to the new version of “Get Together.” Many songs underwent extensive rearrangements, notably tracks like “Darkness, Darkness,” which features guests Ry Cooder and Darol Anger dueling it out on guitar and violin, respectively, in a very moving, though quite different rendition of the song. Other notable guests on the album include Youngbloods singer Jesse Colin Young, guitarist Nina Gerber, drummer and co-producer Ethan Turner and mandolin master David Grisman. With these friends by his side, Levinger hopes the message of the songs will resonate with a new generation. “We’ve got to find some way to have a little compassion, understanding, cooperation and maybe even a little love for our fellow man,” says Levinger. “The same old stuff, I know, but you’ve got to keep trying.” Lowell Levinger performs solo on Saturday, Sept. 26, at the Capp Heritage Tasting Room (1245 First St., Napa; 707.254.1922). Levinger then joins the Barry Melton Band on Sunday, Sept. 27, at Rancho Nicasio (1 Old Rancheria Road, Nicasio; 415.662.2219).

Music American Roots Music Festival Second annual Lifeschool benefit event presents Free Peoples, Frankie Boots & the County Line, the Bootleg Honeys and Bad Apple String Band with Lagunitas beer garden, kid’s area and more. Sep 19, 2pm. $30-$50. Watts Ranch, 16855 Bodega Hwy, Bodega.

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis World-class bandleader and his Grammy-winning ensemble continue to thrill with their jazzy standards and genrebusting big band sound. Sep 17, 7:30pm. $55 and up. Green Music Center, 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040.

Old Grove Festival Hot Buttered Rum and One Grass Two grass offer a spirited concoction of jamgrass music in benefit for Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods. Sep 19, 4:30pm. $30 and up. Redwood Forest Theater, 17000 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville. 707.869.9177.

Unity Festival Three-day celebration of music, art, dance and community. This year’s fest includes Melvin Seals & JGB, Moonalice, Dggin, Steve Kimock and others. Sep 18-20. $35 and up. Guerneville Lodge, 15905 River Rd, Guerneville,

MARIN COUNTY Sound Summit Live music comes to Mount Tam with the Tedeschi Trucks Band, Dr. John and the Nite Trippers, the Mother Hips, Portland Cello Project and others. Sep 19, 11am. $45-$100, Mountain Theatre, Mt Tamalpais State Park, 801 Panoramic Hwy, Mill Valley.

NAPA COUNTY Bob Mould From his hardcore days

G. Love & Special Sauce The bluesy hip hop combo return with their first album and their first live tour in in nearly a decade. Sep 18, 8pm. $25-$40. Uptown Theatre, 1350 Third St, Napa. 707.259.0123.

John McCauley The alt-indie songwriter, best known as the front man of Deer Tick, performs with acclaimed musician Teddy Thompson opening. Sep 18, 8pm. $20-$25. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Justin Hayward with Mike Dawes The Moody Blues songwriter tours with young guitar virtuoso. Sep 23, 8pm. $60$70. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Music Festival for Brain Health Grammy and Oscar winner Melissa Etheridge headlines this fundraising affair, which also includes science symposiums and wine tastings. Sep 19. $750 and up. Staglin Family Vineyard, 1570 Bella Oaks Ln, Rutherford. 707.963.3994.

Clubs & Venues SONOMA COUNTY A’Roma Roasters Sep 18, Collaboration with David Scott. Sep 19, Jacob Green. 95 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.576.7765.

Annex Wine Bar Sep 17, MCM. Sep 18, Calvin Ross. Sep 19, Full Circle. Wed, Calvin Ross. 865 W Napa St, Sonoma. 707.938.7779.

Aqus Cafe Sep 18, youth showcase with Luke Ericson. Sep 19, Fall

equinox party with DJ Val. Sep 20, 2pm, Gary Vogensen’s Ramble. Sep 23, bluegrass jam. 189 H St, Petaluma. 707.778.6060.

Arlene Francis Center Tues, Open Didgeridoo Clinic. Wed, Open Mic. 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.528.3009.

Atlas Coffee Company Sep 19, the Woolen Men with Landlines and OVVN. 300 South A St, Santa Rosa. 707.526.1085.

Barley & Hops Tavern Sep 18, Jacob Green. Sep 19, Now & Zen. 3688 Bohemian Hwy, Occidental. 707.874.9037.

Barlow Event Center Sep 18, 6pm, Justin Brown. 6770 McKinley Ave, Sebastopol.

Bergamot Alley Sep 22, the Narwhals. 328-A Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. 707.433.8720.

The Big Easy Sep 16, Sista Otis. Sep 17, La Mandanga. Sep 18, the Hots. Sep 19, Hot Grubb. Sep 20, MianoJazz Trio. Sep 23, Tracy Rose and friends. Tues, the American Alley Cats. 128 American Alley, Petaluma. 707.776.4631.

BR Cohn Winery Sep 20, 1pm, Kingsborough. 15000 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen. 707.938.4064.

Brixx Pizzeria Sep 19, Dirty Red Barn. 16 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.766.8162.

! 8th Annual

Great Music | Great Food & Drink | Great Vibes | & A Really Great Cause!

BV Whiskey Bar & Grille Photo: Jim McGuire


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fronting Husker Du to his current crop of melodic indie rock, Mould is a consummate artist who constantly pushes the boundaries of his music. Sep 19, 6pm. $25-$35. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.


Sep 16, Frankie Bourne. Sep 19, DJ Hi-C. Tues, “Reggae Market” DJ night. 400 First St E, Sonoma. 707.938.7110.


11am – 6pm

Earle Baum Center, 4539 Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa

Cellars of Sonoma Sep 17, Clay Bell. Sep 18, Craig Corona. Sep 19, John Pita. Tues, Wavelength. 133 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.578.1826.

Chateau St Jean Sep 20, 12pm, Sony Holland. 8555 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood. 707.833.4134.

Chroma Gallery Sep 19, 4pm, Cahoots with Owl Country. 312 South )


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t #&" 3 4 # &--: -"; :." / t +0) / $0 63"(& $45 Advance/$50 Day of (under 10 Free) Tickets: Last Record Store, Tall Toad Music, Peoples Music EarleFest is a fundraiser for the Earle Baum Center. All event proceeds underwrite vision rehabilitation services for people with sight loss. Redwood Lions Memorial Foundation


NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | SEP TE M BE R 1 6-22, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Music ( 25

25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.

A St, Santa Rosa. 707.293.6051.

Jack London State Park

Coffee Catz


C 6689 74 C % #

Petty Theft - Tom Petty Tribute


9/24 Chris Cornell


C 6689 74 C % #

Fleetwood Mask - The Ultimate Tribute to Fleetwood Mac with Drew Harrison From the Sun Kings $;-9 C 6689 74 C % #

9/25 George Thorogood & The Destroyers 9/26 40th Annual San Francisco Comedy Competition Semi-Finals OCTOBER


Parsons Dance Company 10/8 Frank Sinatra Jr. Sinatra Sings Sinatra: The Centennial Celebration

Andy McKee w/ Craig D’Andrea, Jimmy Leslie

&-, C 6689 74 C % #

Kermit Ruffins & The Barbecue Swingers with Talley Up!

$0; C 6689 74 C % #

The Rock Collection .-):;815/ -3<15 #-)39 -88? )8+1) )5,

8-/ 5:65 (-86 #:; 33-5 !013 -90 81-5,9 )5 B -*6D -*6=1:@ )5, "6*15 #?3<-9:-8 6* &-18 9 "): 6/ = 66*1- -+1*-3 #?9:-4 #): C 6689 74 C % # Rock and Roll Hall of Famer & GRAMMY Lifetime +01-<-4-5: =)8, 8-+171-5:

Booker T. Jones w/ Jelly Bread 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley CafĂŠ 388-1700 | Box Office 388-3850

10/10 The Tenors Under One Sky Tour

Sep 17, 4:30pm, DJ Kudjo. Mon, open mic. Tues, 12pm, Jerry Green’s Peaceful Piano Hour. 6761 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.6600.

Corkscrew Wine Bar Fourth Tuesday of every month, Songwriter’s Lounge with Lauralee Brown. 100 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.789.0505.

D’Argenzio Winery Sep 17, Bray. 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.280.4658.

Epicurean Connection Sep 16, Hooper. Sep 17, Jill Cohen. Sep 18, Kepi Ghoulie. Sep 19, Vardo. Sep 20, 1pm, Dave Hamilton. Sep 23, Bray. 122 West Napa St, Sonoma. 707.935.7960.

Finley Community Center


11/3 Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings 11/5 Rick Steves Lessons from a Lifetime of Travel 11/7 Whose Live Anyway?

)YLHRMHZ[ ‹ 3\UJO ‹ +PUULY ;<, ‹ ! 74 +669: ‹ (*6<:;0* +<6


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Kenwood Depot Third Thursday of every month, Open Mic Cafe. 314 Warm Springs Rd, Kenwood.

Lagunitas Tap Room Sep 16, the Dead Pigeons. Sep 17, Ragtag Sullivan. Sep 18, Stax City. Sep 19, Ain’t Misbehavin’. Sep 20, the Bitter Diamonds. Sep 23, Ten Ton Chicken. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.

Main Street Bistro

Flamingo Lounge

Mc T’s Bullpen

Sep 18, New Skye Band. Sep 19, LaFlamme-Lawrence Ensemble. 8050 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. 707.824.2030.

McNear’s Dining House

Sep 18, Ann Halen. Wed, open mic night. 146 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.772.5478.

Third Friday of every month, Steve Luther. Mon, 11am, Proud Mary’s ukulele jam and lessons. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3737.

French Garden


Jamison’s Roaring Donkey

Sep 16, Pocket Canyon Ramblers. Sep 17, Susan Sutton. Sep 18, Blyth Klein StreetWise. Sep 19, Eddie Neon Blues Band. Sep 20, Collaboration. Sep 23, Greg Hester. 16280 Main St, Guerneville. 707.869.0501.

Sep 19, UB707. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.8530.

10/16 Rosanne Cash with John Leventhal

Sep 17, 5:30pm, Dan Martin and Noma Rocksteady Bnd. Sep 20, Mostly Beethoven piano recital. 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen. 707.938.5216.

Friar Tuck’s Fri, DJ Night. Wed, Sat, karaoke. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.792.9847.

Gaia’s Garden Sep 16, Celtic Session. Sep 18, Duo Guliani. Sep 23, Duo Valle Luna. 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.544.2491.

HopMonk Sebastopol Sep 18, Highway Poets and Kingsborough. Sep 19, Pat Jordan Band. Sep 21, Monday Night Edutainment with DJ Jacques and DJ Guacamole. Tues, open mic night. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.

HopMonk Sonoma Sep 18, Ricky Ray. Sep 19, Loosely Covered. 691 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.935.9100.

Hotel Healdsburg Sep 19, Walter Savage Trio with Grant Levin and Jon Arkin.

Sep 18, DJ Miguel. Sep 19, the Humdingers. Sep 20, 4pm, the River City Band. Mon, Wed, DJ Miguel. 16246 First St, Guerneville. 707.869.3377.

Mystic Theatre Sep 22, Everlast acoustic. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.

Occidental Center for the Arts Sep 20, 5pm, the Colleen Raney Trio. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.

Phoenix Theater Sep 19, Hemotoxin and Battle Hag. Sep 23, the Green with Hirie. 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.

Pub Republic Sep 18, Katie Phillips Duo. 3120 Lakeville Hwy, Petaluma. 707.782.9090.

Quincy’s Wed, open mic. 6590 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park. 707.585.1079.

Redwood Cafe Sep 18, the Linda Ferro Band. Sep 19, 11:30am, Elizabeth Boaz. Sep 19, 8:30pm, Full Steem. Sep 20, 11am, Robby Neal-Gordon. Sep 20, 4pm, Gold Coast Jazz Band. Sep 23,

Gypsy Kisses. Thurs, Open Mic. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7868.

Rocker Oysterfeller’s Sep 20, Bear’s Belly. 14415 Hwy 1, Valley Ford. 707.876.1983.

Rossi’s 1906 Sep 19, Paulie’s Garage. Sep 20, the Tri Tip Trio. Fri, Fresh Fridays with Dj Isaak. 401 Grove St, El Verano. 707.343.0044.

Ruth McGowan’s Brewpub Sep 18, Kevin Russell & His SoCalled Friends. Sep 19, Julien & the Upside Sound. Sun, Evening Jazz with Gary Johnson. 131 E First St, Cloverdale. 707.894.9610.

755 After Dark Sep 19, D.I. with FANG and No Brainer. 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.

Spancky’s Thurs, 7pm, Thursday Night Blues Jam. Thurs, 11pm, DJ Selecta Konnex. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.664.0169.

St John’s Episcopal Church Sep 20, 5pm, Celtic Evensong. 40 Fifth St, Petaluma.

Stout Brothers Fri, Sat, DJ night. Sep 17, the Ricky Ray Band. 527 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.636.0240.

Subud Hall Sep 18, Kirtan with Gina Sala and Daniel Paul. 234 Hutchins Ave, Sebastopol.

Toad in the Hole Pub Sep 20, Yerba Buena Brothers. 116 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8623.

Tradewinds Thurs, DJ Dave. Sep 18, DJ Ron Sicat and the Cowtown Girls. Tues, Open Mic. Wed, Sonoma County Blues Society. 8210 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7878.

Twin Oaks Tavern Sep 16, Roadhouse Ramblers. Sep 17, Levi’s Workshop with Levi Lloyd. Sep 18, Captain Paisley. Sep 19, 5pm, the Thugz. Sep 19, 8pm, Blues Rock Country Club. Sep 20, 5pm, Blues and BBQ with Soulshine Band. Sep 23, Amy McCarly. Mon, Blues Defenders Pro Jam. 5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 707.795.5118.

Whiskey Tip Sep 18, North Bay Cabaret presents True Fiction. Sep 19, Family Room. 1910

Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.843.5535.




707.829.7300 230 PETALUMA AVE | SEBASTOPOL





Belrose Theater


Thurs, open mic night. 1415 Fifth Ave, San Rafael. 415.454.6422.

$10 ADV +UP/DOORS 8/SHOW 9/21+



Fenix Sep 17, Pam Hawkins. Sep 18, the Reed Fromer Band. Sep 19, Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers. Sep 20, 11:30am, Diamond Jazz. Sep 20, 6:30pm, Harley White Jr. Orchestra. Sep 22, Billy D and friends. Wed, Pro blues jam. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600.

George’s Nightclub Sep 18, Eclipse Musical. Sat, DJ night. Sun, Mexican Banda. Wed, Rock and R&B Jam. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.226.0262.

HopMonk Novato Sep 16, open mic night. Sep 17, Parcivillian with the Skinny Guns. Sep 19, Duran Duran Duran. Sep 22, Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers. Sep 23, open mic night. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.892.6200.

Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Sep 16, Scott Guberman and friends play the Grateful Dead. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax. 415.485.1005.

Marin Country Mart Sep 18, Lee Waterman & Jazz Caliente. Sep 20, 12:30pm, the Bluegrass Angel Band. 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur.

19 Broadway Club Sep 16, Mike Saliani Band. Sep 17, Gidon Shikler & the Rockrites. Sep 18, Big Brother & the Holding Company. Sep 19, Speakeasy Collective. Sep 20, 4pm, Erika Alstrom Jazz Society. Sep 20, 9pm, the Weissmen. Sep 22, Johnny Adams. Sep 23, Small Change Romeos. Mon, open mic. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.

No Name Bar Mon, Kimrea and the Dreamdogs. Tues, open mic. Sep 16, Tin Whiskers. Sep 17, Michael LaMacchia Band. Sep 18, Michael Aragon Quartet. Sep 19, )








Last Hurrahs




City Winery closing but packed for now


Some sad news came to the Napa Valley Opera House this month when City Winery officially announced it would be leaving the historic downtown Napa space at the end of this year. Apparently, the venue has simply failed to sell enough tickets despite booking popular headliners.


The only silver lining is that City Winery will continue to offer a full slate of concerts up until Dec. 31, and this weekend is a prime example of their eclectic quality bookings. The venue’s week starts with surferturned-songwriter Donavon Frankenreiter appearing on Thursday, Sept. 17, with opener Peter Harper. Frankenreiter’s new album, Start Livin’, is a joyful call for simplicity, and drips with the singer’s thickly sweet vocals and intimate folk guitar. Friday, Sept. 18, a songwriter of another color performs, in Deer Tick frontman John McCauley (pictured). The Rhode Island native’s introspective style has set a high bar for alt-country artists everywhere, not only through his work with Deer Tick, but through his many acclaimed collaborative projects like Middle Brother and Diamond Rugs. As if that wasn’t enough, the weekend also sees former Hüsker Dü frontman Bob Mould playing an early “solo electric” show that will feature new songs, old favorites and a few surprises, on Saturday, Sept. 19. City Winery, 1030 Main St., Napa. 707.260.1600.—Charlie Swanson





$10/DOORS 7/SHOW 7:45/21+


next event with us, up to 250,

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Sep 17, the Rock Collection with Doobie Decibel System. Sep 18, Mojo Green. 256 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.773.7751.

Music ( 27

28 NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | SEP TE M BE R 1 6-22, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM

Chris Saunders Band. Sep 20, 3pm, Flowtilla. Sep 20, 8:30pm, Migrant Pickers and friends. Sep 23, Rick Hardin and friends. 757 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.1392.

Open Secret Sep 17, Kirtan with Mirabei. Sep 18, Kirtan with Jai Uttal and friends. Sep 19, Club Oasis Bay Area Bellydance Extravaganza. Sep 22, Sound and Meditation with Jan Cercone. 923 C St, San Rafael. 415.457.4191.

Osteria Divino Sep 16, Deborah Winters. Sep 17, Susan Sutton Trio. Sep 18, Ken Cook Trio. Sep 19, Jay Sanders Trio. Sep 20, James Moseley Jazz Experience. Sep 22, Lilan Kane. Sep 23, Sandra Aran. 37 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.9355.

Panama Hotel Restaurant Sep 16, Ricki Rush. Sep 17, Deborah Winters. Sep 22, James Moseley. Sep 23, Lady D and the Tramps. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993.

Papermill Creek Saloon Sep 18, Bruce Brymer’s Rockit Science. 1 Castro, Forest Knolls. 415.488.9235.

Peri’s Silver Dollar Sep 16, the Elvis Johnson Soul Revue. Sep 17, Burnsy’s Sugar Shack. Sep 18, Blues Kitchen. Sep 19, the Receders. Sep 20, La Mandanga. Sep 22, Waldo’s Special. Sep 23, Kool Whip. Mon, Billy D’s open mic. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910.

Presidio Yacht Club


Sep 18, Before the Bang Band. Fort Baker, Sommerville Rd, Sausalito. 415.332.2319.

Rancho Nicasio

Holistic Veterinary Medicine

Sep 18, the Pine Needles. Sep 20, 4pm, BBQ on the Lawn with Tommy Castro & the Painkillers plus Stompy Jones. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.

Integrative Wellness Care

San Rafael Community Center

Over 18 years experience

Through Oct 13, 6pm, steel pan drum class with Harry Best. Sep 17, 2pm, Mariachi Nueva Generacion. 618 B St, San Rafael.

Sausalito Seahorse

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Sep 17, Los Flamencos del Pueblo. Sep 18, the Overcommitments. Sep 19, James Moseley Band. Sep 20, Mazacote. Mon, Marco

Sainz Trio. Tues, Jazz with Noel Jewkes and friends. Wed, Tango with Marcello and Seth. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.2899.

Smiley’s Schooner Saloon Sep 18, Light Thieves. Sep 19, June Brothers. Sep 20, jazz with Michael Pinkham. Sun, open mic. Mon, Monday Night Live with Epicenter Sound DJs. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.

Donavon Frankenreiter with Peter Harper. Sep 19, Petty Theft. Sep 20, Tribe of the Red Horse. Sep 21, Mike Love. Sep 22, Marc Broussard with Fairground Saints. 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Cornerstone Cellars Sep 20, 3pm, Jim Sparks. 6505 Washington St, Yountville. 707.945.0388.

Downtown Joe’s Brewery & Restaurant

Third Friday of every month, DJ Jimmy Hits. 848 B St, San Rafael. 415.454.5551.

Sep 17, the Sorry Lot. Sep 18, the Voltones. Sep 19, Street Talk. Sun, DJ Aurelio. Tues, the Used Blues Band. 902 Main St, Napa. 707.258.2337.

Station House Cafe

FARM at Carneros Inn

Sep 20, the Incubators. 11180 State Route 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1515.

Sep 16, David Ronconi Duo. Sep 17, Dan Daniels Trio. Sep 23, Whiskey & Honey Trio. 4048 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 888.400.9000.

Spitfire Lounge

Studio 55 Marin Sep 19, Lisa “Sangita” Moscow and Paul Eastburn. 1455 E Francisco Blvd, San Rafael. 415.453.3161.

Sweetwater Music Hall Sep 16, Cold and in the Bay music collective. Sep 18, Petty Theft. Sep 19, Fleetwood Mask. Sep 20, clean water benefit with Darkness Into Light. Sep 22, Andy McKee. Sep 23, Kermit Ruffins & the Barbecue Swingers. Mon, Open Mic. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.1100.

Farmstead at Long Meadow Ranch Sep 20, 2pm, the Infamous Stringdusters with Midnight North. 738 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.4555.

Hydro Grill Sun, 7pm, Swing Seven. Fri, Sat, blues. 1403 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.9777.

Methode Bubble Bar & Restaurant Fri, Sat, David Ruane. 1400 First St, Napa. 707.254.8888.

Terrapin Crossroads

Molinari Caffe

Sep 16, Free Peoples. Sep 17, RattleBox with Lorin Rowan and Barry Sless. Sep 18, Moonalice with Doobie Decibel System. Sep 19, Eric DiBerardino presents “To Lay It Down”. Sep 20, Midnight North with Scott Law. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773.

Thurs, Open Mic. 828 Brown St, Napa. 707.927.3623.

Town Center Corte Madera Sep 20, 2pm, the Fourth Son. 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera. 415.924.2961.

True North Pub & Grill Tues-Sun, live music. 638 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. 415.453.1238.

NAPA COUNTY Beringer Vineyards Sep 20, Steel Jam. 2000 Main St, St Helena, 866.708.9463.

City Winery Napa Sep 16, the Graham Parker Duo with Brinsley Schwarz. Sep 17,

Priest Ranch Tasting Room Sep 17, 6pm, J Silverheels Band. 6490 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.8200.

River Terrace Inn Sep 17, Nate Lopez. Sep 18-19, Johnny Smith. 1600 Soscol Ave, Napa. 707.320.9000.

Silo’s Sep 17, Jenn Rogar Trio. Sep 18, Tuneriders. Sep 19, John and Kristy Cocuzzi. Sep 23, Mike Greensill jazz. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.

Uncorked at Oxbow Thurs, open mic night. Fri, live music. 605 First St, Napa. 707.927.5864.

Uva Trattoria Sep 16, Nate Lopez. Sep 17, 3 on a Match. Sep 18, the Gentlemen of Jazz. Sep 19, Jack Pollard and Dan Daniels. Sep 20, Bob Castell Blanch. Sep 23, Justin. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.

29 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | SE P T E M BE R 1 6-22, 201 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM

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Arts Events RECEPTIONS Sep 16 Calabi Gallery, “Other Worlds,” features recent paintings by Michael Ramos and Tim Haworth as well as a selection of 20th century works from the gallery’s collection. 5pm. 456 10th St, Santa Rosa. 707.781.7070.

Sep 17 Mahoney Library Gallery, “Amazonia: The History of Nature,” collaborative works from Bob and Lynada Nugent takes inspriation from the Amazon Basin of Brazil and Peru. 4pm. SRJC, 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma. 707.778.3974.

Sep 18 Napa Valley Museum, “Nourish,” ambitious exhibition spans 25 artists, thinkers and makers who address food, dining and service in their works. 6pm. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. 707.944.0500.

Sep 20 Gallery Route One, “Graveson & Morvitz: Alchemy / Memory,” Tim Graveson shows his large-scale images while Morvitz displays drawings and poems based on 16th C. European Alchemy books. 3pm. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1347. Marin Society of Artists Gallery, “The Left Coast,” artists from the west coast show some love for their home states, with multi-media works addressing varied local topics. 4pm. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.454.9561.

Galleries SONOMA COUNTY Agrella Art Gallery Through Oct 8, “2015 Art Faculty Show,” showcases

recent work by SRJC studio faculty and offers insight to the art department’s creative output. SRJC, Doyle Library, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. Mon-Thurs, 10 to 4; Sat 12 to 4. 707.527.4298.

Aqus Cafe Through Sep 27, “Birds Show,” several artists interpret feathered creatures. 189 H St, Petaluma. 707.778.6060.

Art Museum of Sonoma County

$950. 707.953.3373. 1000 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol.

Gaia’s Garden Sep 16-Oct 31, “Multimedia Works by Chris Adams,” the artist re-creates the structural beauty of the earth from a satellite perspective. 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. Lunch and dinner, MonSat; lunch and brunch, Sun. 707.544.2491.

Gallery 300

Through Sep 20, “SLANG Aesthetics: The Art of Robert Williams,” brings together a collection of paintings, drawings and sculpture from the godfather of surreal pop art. 505 B St, Santa Rosa. 707.579.1500.

Through Oct 9, “Otras Figuras / Other Figures,” figurative artwork of Jennifer Hirshfield, Francisco Alonzo, Alejandro Salazar and Piper Snow is curated by Susan Alexander. 300 South A St, Santa Rosa. Open Sat, 12 to 5, and by appointment. 707.332.1212.

Arts Guild of Sonoma

Graton Gallery

Through Sep 28, “ARTescape Exhibit,” Sonoma Valley students display their latest works. 140 E Napa St, Sonoma. Wed-Thurs and Sun-Mon, 11 to 5; Fri-Sat, 11 to 8. 707.996.3115.

Through Sep 20, “Souvenirs,” solo show from artist Mylette Welch is presented alongside the gallery’s juried cigar box show. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. Tues-Sun, 10:30 to 6. 707.829.8912.

BackStreet Gallery

Healdsburg Center for the Arts

Through Sep 27, “The Lion-forreal,” Kristen Throop’s work is inspired by Technicolor movies. Art Alley off South A St, Santa Rosa. Sat, 11am to 5pm.

Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Through Sep 27, “I Dreamt I Was Painting” landscapes by pioneering animator and Disney director Joshua Meador are imaginative and distinguished. 1785 Coast Hwy 1, Bodega Bay. Wed-Sun, 10 to 5. 707.875.2911.

Charles M. Schulz Museum Through Oct 18, “Animating Comics,” exhibition celebrates the art of bringing comics to life and features rarely displayed production cels from award-winning animated comics, including “Peanuts.”. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, noon to 5; Sat-Sun, 10 to 5. 707.579.4452.

Community Church Sat, Sep 19, 10am, Rediscover play. Recapture your wildness. Open to your heart’s desire. Transform resistance into excitement. Let your story become your gift to the world in this ongoing workshop.

Through Oct 4, “Pairings,” exhibit displays collaborative works by two or more artists. 130 Plaza St, Healdsburg. Daily, 11 to 6. 707.431.1970.

Mahoney Library Gallery Through Sep 20, “Amazonia: The History of Nature,” collaborative works from Bob and Lynada Nugent takes inspriation from the Amazon Basin of Brazil and Peru. Reception, Sep 17 at 4pm. SRJC, 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma. Mon-Thurs, 8 to 9; Fri, 9 to 1; Sat, 10 to 3. 707.778.3974.

Petaluma Arts Center Through Sep 27, “All That Glitters,” a look at modern glass art and jewelry is presented in this collaborative exhibit with IceHouse Gallery. 230 Lakeville St, Petaluma. Thurs-Mon, 11am to 5pm 707.762.5600.

Pie Eyed Open Studio Sep 19-20, “Judy Mathieson,” art quilter shows her intricate collage work and hand-dyed textiles. 2371 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol. Sat-Sun, 12pm to 4pm 707.477.9442.

) 32


Much Ado About Sebastopol

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( 30

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Quercia Gallery Through Sep 28, “The River Runs Through It,” artist Chris Grassano’s paintings capture the wildlife of west Sonoma County. 25193 Hwy 116, Duncans Mills. 707.865.0243.

Shige Sushi Through Oct 4, “On the Edge of the Animate,” photography by Barbara Elliott is contemporary yet nostalgic, with a macabre sense of humor. 8235 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. hours vary 707.795.9753.

Sonoma Community Center Through Sep 25, “Printmaking Invitational,” group show exhibits a wide array of prints from several fine artists. 276 E Napa St, Sonoma. Daily, 7:30am to 11pm. 707.938.4626.

The Spinster Sisters Restaurant Through Oct 4, “Abstract Photography and Monoprint Collage,” artist Colin Talcroft’s recent works display a modern, sophisticated sense of color and composition. 401 South A St, Santa Rosa. 707.528.7100.

The Sonoma House at Patz & Hall Through Oct 5, “Art Harvest No. 5,” artists Yvette Gellis and Jeff Long display in the final installment in a series of quarterly art exhibitions at Patz & Hall. 21200 Eighth St E, Sonoma. Thurs-Mon; 10am to 4pm 707.265.7700.

Upstairs Art Gallery Through Sep 27, “Sonoma County Colors,” showing the vivid and varied landscape paintings from artist Dee Andreini. 306 Center St, Healdsburg. Sun-Thurs, 11am to 6pm; Fri-Sat, 11am to 9pm. 707.431.4214.



Art Works Downtown Through Sep 26, “Artists in Action,” Founder’s Gallery shows plein air paintings of downtown San Rafael by over 30 artists. Underground Gallery also looks at Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo’s Casa Azul. 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. Tues-Sat, 10 to 5. 415.451.8119.

Justice Gone Wild featuring Traci Carrillo, The Carrillo Law Firm “Judicial Infotainment” and then some!

Bay Model Visitor Center

The Drive 3 TO 6, WEEKDAY AFTERNOONS ON KSRO1350 AM & 103.5FM To become a Drive sponsor contact Cathy Ratto at


Through Oct 3, “On the Horizon,” artist Janis Selby Jones creates art out of found objects collected from the coastline. 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.3871.

Corte Madera Library

Robert Allen Fine Art

Through Oct 8, “Mostly Marin Landscapes,” oil paintings by artist Donna Solin features the natural beauty of the North Bay. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444.

Through Sep 30, “Abstract Works on Canvas & Paper,” group exhibit featuring Suzie Buchholz, Jeffrey Long and others. 301 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.2800.

Desta Art & Tea Gallery

Seager Gray Gallery

Through Oct 1, “Illusion of Depth,” artwork by renowned painter Fritz Rauh and sculptor Gary Marsh is kinetic and curious. 417 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. Mon-Sat, 10am to 6pm 415.524.8932.

Through Oct 4, “Andrew Hayes: Passages,” the artist’s detailed steel sculptures display. 108 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley.

Falkirk Cultural Center Through Sep 30, “The Creative Spirit,” 2-D and 3-D works by the 18 members of the Golden Gate Marin Artists group. 1408 Mission Ave, San Rafael. 415.485.3438.

Marin Center Showcase Theatre Through Sep 23, “Life in Full Bloom,” a celebration of flowers in watercolor. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Marin Community Foundation Through Sep 25, “Black Artists on Art,” legacy exhibition features over 40 African American fine artists, spanning three generations. 5 Hamilton Landing, Ste 200, Novato. Open Mon-Fri, 9 to 5.

NAPA COUNTY di Rosa Through Sep 27, “Body Talk,” performance, sculpture, video and multimedia installations by six emerging artists explores being human in a technological age. 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. Wed-Sun, 10am to 6pm. 707.226.5991.

Napa Valley Museum Through Sep 28, “Reilluminate,” Allison Watkins’ visual art explores our perceptions of materiality through photography and textile based works. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. Tues-Sun, 10am to 4pm. 707.944.0500.



San Francisco Comedy Competition

Through Oct 4, “Emerging Artists of the Bay Area,” sixth annual juried exhibit showcases five exciting talents in the world of art. Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato. Wed-Sun, 11 to 4. 415.506.0137.

The 40th anniversary of this popular competition features the best standup stars of today and tomorrow. Fri, Sep 18, 8:30pm. $30-$40. Marin Center Showcase Theatre, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Novato City Offices

Adrian Uribe

Through Sep 27, “MarinMOCA Artists Show,” member artists Judy Arnold and Bernard Healey are on exhibit. 922 Machin Ave, Novato.

The comedian and actor brings his hilarious stylings to Santa Rosa. Sep 19, 8pm. $60-$85. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Through Sep 24, “Myth & Inner Landscapes,” exhibit explores the inner landscapes of over 35 artists. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. Tues-Sat, 10am to 2pm; also by appointment. 415.388.4331.

Osher Marin JCC Through Sep 30, “Jews of Color: A Renaissance,” the latest project by Scattered Among the Nations educates about Jewish diversity, profiling some of the world’s most isolated and dynamic communities. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.

Steven Wright The veteran deadpan standup legend appears in Napa. Sep 19, 8pm. $35-$60. Uptown Theatre, 1350 Third St, Napa. 707.259.0123.

Events End of Summer Artstravaganza Jam packed art and music show features sounds from Tisha Coates, Amaya Rising, Odell and others, with art on display and live painting. Sep 18, 7:30pm. $8-$10. Phoenix

Theater, 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.227.7808.

Family Festival

Fine Arts Festival Immerse in original art and music by the Gyspy Trio and J Silverheels Band, with creative activities for kids and a beer and wine garden. Sep 20, 11am-4pm. Free. Montgomery Village Shopping Center, Village Court, Santa Rosa.

Flower Festival Newly formed North Bay Flower Collective holds first annual event with floral workshops and discussions featuring local designers and growers. Sep 20, 11am-3pm. $10, kids free. Front Porch Farm, 2550 Rio Lindo Ave, Healdsburg.

Funky Friday Adult Skate Strap on the roller skates and party to the sounds of DJ Broken Record and others. Sep 18, 10pm. $8. Cal Skate, 6100 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park. 707.774.5147.

Hawaiian Luau Hawaiian entertainment and food are on hand for the luau, hosted by Penngrove firemen and benefiting the park. Sep 19, 4:30pm. $10-$25. Penngrove Community Park, 11800 Main St, Penngrove.

International Day of Peace Festival As part of a global day of peace, this event features live music, food, art show and speakers promoting understanding and respect for diversity and raising awareness to ensure a culture of peace. Sep 20, 12pm. Free. San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo. 415.488.8888.

Kenwood Jazz, Blues & BBQ Community driven fundraising event is organized by local residents and the Sonoma County Regional Parks Foundation, with live music and lots of delicious food. Sep 19, 2pm. Kenwood Plaza Park, 200 Warm Springs Rd, Kenwood. 707.696.7342.

Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival Fine artists from across the

Mostly Python 7 Family friendly event is packed with live Monty Python skits and live local music. Come dressed in your best Python costume and win prizes. Sep 20, 12pm. Free. Toad in the Hole Pub, 116 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8623.

Napa Valley Aloha Festival The Manaleo Hawaiian Cultural Foundation hosts live music and dance, authentic foods and arts and crafts. Sep 1920, 10am. Free. Napa Valley Exposition, 575 Third St, Napa. 707.418.8588.

No-Shenanigans Golf Tournament Seventh annual tourney, luncheon and auction helps fund research, awareness and education in skin cancer and melanoma. Sep 19, 8:30am. Chardonnay Golf Club, 255 Jamieson Canyon Rd, Napa. 707.257.1900.

Outhouse Classic Golf Tournament Round of golf is followed by dinner, awards and auctions to benefit Forestville Youth Park. Sep 18, 11:30am. $150. Windsor Golf Club, 1340 19th Hole Dr, Windsor. 707.479.5138.

Petaluma Poetry Walk Meander through the streets of downtown Petaluma and hear an array of local poets reading within various intimate venues. Info online. www. Sep 20, 11am. Free. Downtown Petaluma, Fourth and Kentucky St, Petaluma.

San Rafael Gem Faire Over 70 vendors offer fine jewelry, precious gemstones, millions of beads, crystals, minerals and much more at manufacturer’s prices. Sep 1820. Marin Center Exhibit Hall, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

Woofstock Bring friends, family and wellbehaved dogs and hang loose for a hip afternoon of dancing, food and fun benefitting the Marin Humane Society. Sep 20, 12pm. $10-$35. Marin Humane Society, 171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Novato. 415.506.6208.

Field Trips

Sebastiani Theatre 33

For Her

Birds of Abbotts Lagoon Look for the numerous species of birds that are found along the coast this time of year. Sep 22, 10am. Abbotts Lagoon, Pierce Point Rd, Point Reyes National Seashore, Point Reyes Station. 415.893.9527.

complimentary brow wax with appointment Schedule now!

Bird Walk

Mon, Sept 21, 7pm “OKLAHOMA!� (1955)

Led by Madrone Audubon Society. Sep 16, 8:30am. Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Road, Point Reyes Station, 707.546.1812.

Mon, Oct 19, 7pm “INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS� (1978)

Bird Watching at the Point Annual trip meets at Whitehouse Pool and drives to the Lighthouse to look for fall migrants. Sep 19, 8am. Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Road, Point Reyes Station, 707.583.3115.

Bohemia Hiker Series Bohemia docents share the beauty of this property through the changing seasons. Registration is required. Third Sat of every month, 10:30am. Bohemia Ecological Preserve, 8759 Bohemian Hwy, Occidental.

Hike the Headlands Bring family and friends for a day of discovery and learning in nature. Sep 20, 10am. $42 per family. NatureBridge, 1033 Fort Cronkhite, Sausalito.

Junior Audubon Enjoy the fall migration of the Vaux’s swifts. Sep 18. Rio Lindo Academy, 3200 Rio Lindo Ave, Healdsburg.

Trees Please Naturalist Hike Join tree enthusiast Bob Long on this family-oriented hike to learn fascinating facts about the common trees of Sugarloaf and enjoy some time outdoors. Sep 19, 9:30am. $5. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, 707.833.5712.

Mon, Nov 23, 7pm “THE BICYCLE THIEF� (1948)

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The swimming lagoon at Spring Lake once again opens for dogs to swim and play offleash for three weekends in September. Sat-Sun through Sep 27. $3-$5. Spring Lake Park, 391 Violetti Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.565.1355.


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) 35



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The whole family can enjoy the local talent show, carnival games, activities, music, BBQ and informational booths. Sep 19, 12pm. Free admssion. Jacob’s Park, 850 W 9th St, Santa Rosa. 707.543.4332.

country come together, with live music, family activities, great eats from local nonprofits and wine under the redwoods. Sep 19-20, 10am. $5-$10. Old Mill Park, Throckmorton and Cascade, Mill Valley.

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | SEP T E M BE R 1 6-22, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM

















( 33


Film CULT Film Series Presenting a double bill of “Tremors” and “Killer Clowns from Outer Space.” Sep 17, 7pm. $10. Roxy Stadium 14 Cinemas, 85 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.525.8909.

Night at the Drive-In Alexander Valley Film Society hosts an outdoor screening of “Jaws,” with classic cars, food trucks, beers, snacks and more. Sep 19, 6:30pm. $15 and up. Cloverdale Fairgrounds, 1 Citrus Fair Dr, Cloverdale. 707.893.7150.

Oklahoma! Classic musical is screened as part of the Vintage Film Series. Sep 21, 7pm. Sebastiani Theatre, 476 First St E, Sonoma. 707.996.9756.

Precious Knowledge Film about the successes of students in the Mexican American Studies Program at Tucson High School benefits KBBF Spanish language community radio. Sep 16, 7pm. Rialto Cinemas, 6868 McKinley St, Sebastopol. 707.525.4840.

Still Dreaming Documentary about group of former Broadway stars in an assistive living facility diving into a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Fri, Sep 18, 7pm and Sun, Sep 20, 4pm. Sonoma Film Institute, Warren Auditorium, SSU, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park. 707.664.2606.

Throckmorton Mountain Film Festival Popular fest is three days of 55 documentary films covering extreme adventure sports, environmental activism and nature awareness with guest speakers and special events. Sep 18-20. $14/$140 full pass. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Touch the Sound Support Sonoma Bach and view a stimulating film about the )


Films al Fresco Stars come out for Wine Country Film Festival Making the most of the picturesque Sonoma Valley, the Wine Country Film Festival returns for a 29th year of independent and major studio films sharing the spotlight in Glen Ellen and Kenwood, Sept. 16–21. The festival offers a high-quality al fresco setting at Deerfield Ranch Winery to screen the biggest films of the week, complete with VIP tables and wine service. Under the stars, you can see the upcoming Nancy Meyers– directed comedy The Intern, which pairs Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. The twist? He’s the intern and she’s the boss. Spoiler alert: they become friends and both learn a little something about themselves along the way. Also showing outdoors is the documentary Poet of Havana, which explores the life of Carlos Varela, a poet and songwriter instrumental in the Cuban revolution. Director Ron Chapman will be on hand for that showing, as will many other filmmakers and producers, as they introduce and discuss their works at several of the screenings. Other festival highlights include Paulo Coelho’s Best Story, the dramatic retelling of the Brazilian author’s journey from troubled youth to influential figure, and the in-depth documentary Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans, which chronicles the actor’s dreamturned-obsession of racecar driving. Wine Country Film Festival runs from Wednesday, Sept. 16, through Monday, Sept. 21, in various locations throughout Glen Ellen and Kenwood. $25 and up. Residents of Sonoma and Napa counties are eligible for a local pass, good for all regular screenings. Info and schedule at —Charlie Swanson

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themed Cosmic Campout, includes workshops, a cocktail cabaret show and more. Sep 17-20. $550. Wildwood Retreat Center, 20111 Old Cazadero Rd, Guerneville. 707.632.5200.




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NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | SEP TE M BE R 1 6-22, 20 1 5 | BO H E M I AN.COM

intriguing contemporary Avantgarde percussionist Evelyn Glennie. With beer and wine reception. Sep 17, 6:30pm. $20. Summerfield Cinemas, 551 Summerfield Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.528.4222.

Food & Drink AVV Harvest Party From the morning blessing of the grapes to bocce and live music, this day-long party also features BBQ and wines. Sep 19, 8am. $95. Alexander Valley Vineyards, 8644 Hwy 128, Healdsburg. 707.433.7209.

An Italian Affair Family-style dinner featuring Joey Benziger’s favorite Imagery Italian varietals. Sep 19, 6pm. $85. Imagery Estate Winery, 14335 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen. 707.935.4515.

Mutts & Zinful Art Party


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Bring your pooch and paint a “zinful” masterpiece, with a tiny touch of zinfandel mixed into non-toxic paint. Benefits Paws for Love foundation. Sep 19, 12pm. $25. Tasting Room on the Green, 9050 Windsor Rd, Windsor. 707.687.5089.

The Next Generation of Food Local chefs prepare a meal made by young farmers and producers paired with local wine and beers. Sep 20, 5pm. $90 / $160 per couple. SHED, 25 North St, Healdsburg. 707.431.7433.

Pie Baking Competition Show off your baking skills and enter to win cash for your all-natural pies. Sep 19, 10am. Marin Country Mart, 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur.

Tiburon Taps Beer Festival Over 30 North Bay Breweries, local food and live music from Mustache Harbor highlight the fest. Sep 19, 1pm. $40. Point Tiburon Plaza, 1701 Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon.

Tivoli Danish Food & Music Festival Scandinavian delicacies such as smorrebrod, abelskiver and kringler, beer and bakery items are on hand, with live music and family fun. Sep

20, 10:30am. Free. Aldersly Garden Retirement Community, 326 Mission Ave, San Rafael. 415.453.7425.

For Kids Bay Area Discovery Museum Ongoing, “Animal Secrets.” Hands-on art, science and theater camps, art studio, tot spot and lookout cove adventure area. Wed-Thurs at 10 and 11, music with Miss Kitty. $5-$6. Fri at 11, aquarium feeding. Ongoing. Admission, $8-$10. Bay Area Discovery Museum, Fort Baker, 557 McReynolds Rd, Sausalito, 415.339.3900.

Breakfast with Enzo Bring clapping hands, singing voices, dancing feet and breakfast for weekly family music show. Sun at 10 and 11. Mill Valley Golf Clubhouse, 267 Buena Vista, Mill Valley, 415.652.2474.

Children’s Garden Whimsical environments for kids’ exploration. Hours: Mon, noon to 4; Tues-Sun, 9 to 5. Ongoing. Free. Cornerstone Sonoma, 23570 Arnold Dr, Sonoma, 707.933.3010.

Chops Teen Club Hang-out spot for Santa Rosa teens ages 12 to 20 offers art studio and class, open gym, tech lounge, cafe, recording studio and film club. Hours for high schoolers: Mon-Thurs, 3 to 9; Fri, 3 to 11; Sat and school holidays, noon to 11. For middle school kids: Mon-Fri, 3 to 7; Sat and school holidays, noon to 7. Film club meets Tues at 4. Ongoing. Membership, $5$10 per year. Chops Teen Club, 509 Adams St, Santa Rosa, 707.284.2467.

3111 St Helena Hwy, St Helena, 707.965.5278.

Readers of the Pack A chance for new readers to get together. Tues-Sat. Free. Petaluma Library, 100 Fairgrounds Dr, Petaluma, 707.763.9801.

Rubber Ducky Club Pre-reading program for babies and preschoolers encourages activities and behaviors to reach literary development. Through Dec 31. Santa Rosa Central Library, 211 E St, Santa Rosa, 707.545.0831x539.

Saddle Club Children six and up are welcome for horse- and stablerelated games and a casual dinner. Fri, 5:30pm. $20. Sunrise Stables, 1098 Lodi Lane, St Helena, 707.333.1509.

Lectures Access to Capital in the North Bay Panel discussions and networking opportunities for business owners offers tips for growth and funding. Sep 17, 5pm. $20. Sonoma Mountain Village, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.256.7250.

Breastfeeding Class Students will learn the how-to’s and benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby. If the birthing parent is partnered, both parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Sep 19, 10am. Thrive Center for Birth & Family Wellness, 4859 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.387.2088.

Gang Prevention Seminar

Preschool storytime. Wed, 11am. Corte Madera Library, 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera, 707.924.6444.

Come hear inspirational life-changing stories, learn about youth & gang violence prevention, and network with other professionals in our community! Continental breakfast and lunch included. Co-hosted with the Santa Rosa Police Department. Sep 23, 9am. $20. Finley Community Center, 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3457.

Messy Mucking About

Newborn Care Class

Every Saturday, 9:30 to 11:30, toddlers and their parents are invited to a drop-in, free-form art studio to create with paint, ceramics, collage, construction, found objects and feathers. Sat. $15. Nimbus Arts, St Helena Marketplace, Ste 1-B,

Students will learn common newborn conditions, how to choose a pediatrician and what to expect in the period after birth. Sep 19, 2pm. Thrive Center for Birth & Family Wellness, 4859 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.387.2088.

Cloverdale Library Tues at 10:30, preschool storytime. Ongoing. Cloverdale Library, 401 N Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale, 707.894.5271.

Corte Madera Library

Traveling to Cuba

Water for Wildlife Workshop Come learn how to create a water feature that is safe for wildlife and a complement to your garden--even a drought garden. Sep 19, 10am. $20$25. Wild Toad Nursery, 3525 Stony Point Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.529.5261.

Readings Book Passage Sep 16, 12pm, “Fear of Dying” with Erica Jong, a literary lunch event. Sep 16, 7pm, “Did You Ever Have a Family” with Bill Clegg. Sep 17, 7pm, “The House of Twenty Thousand Books” with Sasha Abramsky. Sep 18, 7pm, “Secondhand Souls” with Christopher Moore. Sep 19, 4pm, “Sierra Starlight” with Tony Rowell. Sep 20, 4pm, Omnidawn Group Reading. Sep 21, 7pm, “The Art of Memoir” with Mary Karr. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera 415.927.0960.

Diesel Bookstore Sep 20, 3pm, “Are We Having Any Fun Yet?” with Sammy Hagar. 2419 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur 415.785.8177.

HopMonk Sebastopol Sep 23, 6pm, “Kitchens of the Great Midwest “ wit J. Ryan Stradal, a ‘debut brews’ event, presented by Copperfield’s Books. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol 707.829.7300.

Insalata’s Sep 20, 12pm, “Kitchen Gypsy” with Joanne Weir, A ‘cooks with books’ event, presented by Book Passage. $120. 120 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo 415.457.7700.

Glasser. 3740 Bel Aire Plaza, Napa 707.252.8002.

Petaluma Copperfield’s Books Sep 17, 7pm, “Infinite Home” with Kathleen Alcott. Sep 19, 7pm, “Did You Ever Have a Family” with Bill Clegg. Sep 22, 4pm, “Max the Brave” with Ed Vere. Sep 23, 4pm, “Little Robot” with Ben Hatke. 140 Kentucky St, Petaluma 707.762.0563.

San Rafael Copperfield’s Books Sep 19, 7pm, “Blue Mind” with Wallace J Nichols. Sep 23, 7pm, “Dirt: A Love Story “ with Deborah Koons Garcia and Julene Bair. 850 Fourth St, San Rafael 415.524.2800.

Santa Rosa Copperfield’s Books Sep 21, 4pm, “Nancy Clancy: Soccer Mania” with Robin Preiss Glasser. Sep 22, 7pm, “A Window Opens” with Elisabeth Egan. 775 Village Court, Santa Rosa 707.578.8938.

Theater Assassins Sonoma Arts Live takes on Stephen Sondheim’s daring and hilarious musical about a fraternity of political assassins. Sep 17-Oct 4. $12-$26. Andrews Hall, Sonoma Community Center, 276 E Napa St, Sonoma. 707.974.1932.

4000 Miles Northern California premiere of Amy Herzog’s funny and heartwarming play follows a 21-year-old sharing an apartment with his 91-year-old grandmother and how they find their way together. Through Sep 27. $15-$27. Main Stage West, 104 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.0177.


Sep 20, 7pm, “Still Time” with Jean Hegland. Free. 306 Center St, Healdsburg.

Ross Valley Players kick off their theatrical season with the delightful true story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer in the world. Sep 18-Oct 18. $14-$29. Barn Theatre, Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.456.9555.

Napa Bookmine

Lend Me a Tenor

Sep 20, 3pm, “J&R Rides Again” with Sue Kesler. Wednesdays, 11am, Read Aloud for the Young’uns. 964 Pearl St, Napa 707.733.3199.

Raven Players put on the slapstick farce that features mistaken identities, plot twists and a singing bellhop. Through Sep 27. $10-$25. Raven Theater, 115 North St, Healdsburg. 707.433.3145.

Levin & Company

Napa Copperfield’s Books Sep 20, 2pm, “Nancy Clancy: Soccer Mania” with Robin Preiss

The Oldest Boy The West Coast premiere of the

bold drama by Sarah Ruhl looks upon a family whose son may be the reincarnated Buddhist lama and the upheaval it causes. Through Oct 4. $25$55. Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.5208.

The Other Place Intriguing mystery sees a brilliant research scientist confounded by fragmented memories in a cottage on the windswept shores of Cape Cod. Through Sep 27. $10$25. Studio Theatre, 6th St Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.

Richard III Marin Shakespeare Company presents a harrowing portrait of the cunning, ruthless king driven by ambition. Through Sep 27. Forest Meadows Amphitheatre, 890 Belle Ave, Dominican University, San Rafael.

The Secret Garden Family-friendly musical adaptation of the beloved children’s story is performed by an all-star cast of local professional actors. Sep 18Oct 4. $27-$38. Lucky Penny Community Arts Center, 1758 Industrial Way, Napa. 707.266.6305.

The Taming of the Shrew Petaluma Readers Theater and B.A.R.D.S. join forces to stage a full scale production of Shakespeare’s play under the banner of the Petaluma Shakespeare Festival. Sep 18-Oct 10. $15-$25. Foundry Wharf, Second and H street docks, Petaluma. 707.478.0057.

Treasure Island David Yen directs this swashbuckling adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. Sep 18Oct 4. $12-$26. Spreckels Performing Arts Center, 5409 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park. 707.588.3400.

The BOHEMIAN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to calendar@bohemian. com, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Events costing more than $65 may be withheld. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.

37 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | SE P T E M BER 1 6-22, 201 5 | BOH E MI A N.COM

Travel advisor Rea Franjetic presents a photographic journey of Cuba, its history, and travel dilemmas. Sep 19, 11am. Free. San Anselmo Town Hall, 525 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. 415.258.4656.

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ARIES (March 21–April 19) I won’t go so far as to say that you are surrounded by unhinged maniacs whose incoherence is matched only by their selfdelusion. That would probably be too extreme. But I do suspect that at least some of the characters in the game you’re playing are not operating at their full potential. For now, it’s best not to confront them and demand that they act with more grace. The wiser strategy might be to avoid being swept up in their agitation as you take good care of yourself. If you are patient and stay centered, I bet you will eventually get a chance to work your magic.

ggg g

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Searching for greater truth? Looking for more and deeper spiritual growth? Discover how, at the “Explore Your Divine Nature–Spiritual Experiences Fair”. Gain insights into the wonder of you, dreams as gateways to heaven, the importance of inner guidance, and simple spiritual exercises to open your heart to God’s love. We invite you to join us and find greater awareness of the ways divine spirit may help you in your daily life. Sponsored by ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Sunday Sept. 27, 1–4:00pm. Jewish Community Center, 200 N. San Pedro Rd. San Rafael Free 415.499.1058

New Heart Ministry's Faith based Recovery Program Spring Hills Church, 3700 Fulton Rd. Santa Rosa Monday 6:30pm Food, Live music, Fellowship Child care provided.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

Many of the heroes in fairy tales survive and thrive because of the magical gifts they are given. Benefactors show up, often unexpectedly, to provide them with marvels: a spinning wheel that can weave a cloak of invisibility, perhaps, or winged shoes that give them the power of flight, or a charmed cauldron that brews a healing potion. But there is an important caveat. The heroes rarely receive their boons out of sheer luck. They have previously performed kind deeds or unselfish acts in order to earn the right to be blessed. According to my analysis, Taurus, the coming weeks will be prime time for you to make yourself worthy of gifts you will need later on.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) We humans need nourishing stories almost as much as we require healthy food, clean air, pure water and authentic love. And yet many of us get far less than our minimum daily requirement of nourishing stories. Instead, we are barraged with nihilistic narratives that wallow in misery and woe. If we want a break from that onslaught, our main other choices are sentimental fantasies and empty-hearted trivia. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: Now is a favorable time for you to seek remedies for this problem. That’s why I’m urging you to hunt down redemptive chronicles that furnish your soul with gritty delight. Find parables and sagas and tales that fire up your creative imagination and embolden your lust for life. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Now is an excellent time to close the gap between the Real You and the image of yourself that you display to the world. I know of two ways to accomplish this. You can tinker with the Real You so that it’s more like the image you display. Or else you can change the image you display so that it is a more accurate rendition of the Real You. Both strategies may be effective. However you go about it, Cancerian, I suggest you make it your goal to shrink the amount of pretending you do.


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For the week of September 16

LEO (July 23–August 22) Born under the sign of Leo, Marcel Duchamp was an influential artist whose early work prefigured surrealism. In 1917, he submitted an unusual piece to a group exhibition in New York. It was a plain old porcelain urinal, but he titled it Fountain, and insisted it was a genuine work of art. In that spirit, I am putting my seal of approval on the messy melodrama you are in the process of managing. Henceforth, this melodrama shall also be known as a work of art, and its title will be Purification. (Or would you prefer Expurgation or Redemption?) If you finish the job with the panache you have at your disposal, it will forevermore qualify as a soul-jiggling masterpiece. VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Some people express pride in gross ways. When you hear their overbearing brags, you know it’s a sign that they are not really confident in themselves. They overdo the vanity because they’re trying to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy. In the coming weeks, I expect you to express a more lovable kind of self-glorification. It won’t be inflated or arrogant, but will instead be measured and reasonable. If you swagger a bit, you will do it with humor and style, not narcissism and superiority. Thank you in advance for your service to humanity. The world needs more of this benign kind of egotism. LIBRA (September 23–October 22) The rooster is your power animal. Be like him. Scrutinize the horizon for the metaphorical dawn that is coming, and be ready to herald its appearance with a triumphant wake-up call. On the other hand, the rooster is also your

affliction animal. Don’t be like him. I would hate for you to imitate the way he handles himself in a fight, which is to keep fussing and squabbling far beyond the point when he should let it all go. In conclusion, Libra, act like a rooster but also don’t act like a rooster. Give up the protracted struggle so you can devote yourself to the more pertinent task, which is to celebrate the return of the primal heat and light.

SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)

Since you seem to enjoy making life so complicated and intense for yourself, you may be glad to learn that the current astrological omens favor that development. My reading of the astrological omens suggests that you’re about to dive deep into rich mysteries that could drive you half-crazy. I suspect that you will be agitated and animated by your encounters with ecstatic torment and difficult bliss. Bon voyage! Have fun! Soon I expect to see miniature violet bonfires gleaming in your bedroom eyes, and unnamable emotions rippling through your unfathomable face, and unprecedented words of wild wisdom spilling from your smart mouth.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) The Adamites were devotees of an ancient Christian sect that practiced sacred nudism. One of their central premises: How could anyone possibly know God while wearing clothes? I am not necessarily recommending that you make their practice a permanent part of your spiritual repertoire, but I think you might find value in it during the coming weeks. Your erotic and transcendent yearnings will be rising to a crescendo at the same time. You will have the chance to explore states where horniness and holiness overlap. Lusty prayers? Reverent sex? Ecstatic illumination?

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) One of your key themes in the coming weeks is “grace.” I suggest that you cultivate it, seek it out, expect it, and treasure it. To prepare for this fun work, study all of the meanings of “grace” below. At least two of them, and possibly all, should and can be an active part of your life. 1. Elegance or beauty of form, movement or proportion; seemingly effortless charm or fluidity. 2. Favor or goodwill; a disposition to be generous or helpful. 3. Mercy, forgiveness, charity. 4. A temporary exemption or immunity; a reprieve. 5. A sense of fitness or propriety. 6. A prayer of blessing or thanks said before a meal. 7. An unmerited divine gift offered out of love. AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Be good, but not necessarily well-behaved. Be extraexuberant and free, but not irresponsible. Be lavish and ardent and even rowdy, but not decadent. Why? What’s the occasion? Well, you have more-or-less finished paying off one of your karmic debts. You have conquered or at least outwitted a twist from your past that had been sapping your mojo. As a reward for doing your duty with such diligence, you have earned a respite from some of the more boring aspects of reality. And so now you have a mandate to gather up the intelligent pleasure you missed when you were acting like a beast of burden. PISCES (February 19–March 20) “I am the least difficult of men. All I want is boundless love.” That’s the mantra that Frank O’Hara intoned in his poem “Meditations in an Emergency,” and now I’m inviting you to adopt a modified version of it. Here’s how I would change it for your use in the coming months: “I am the least difficult of passion artists. All I want is to give and receive boundless, healthy, interesting love.” To be frank, I don’t think O’Hara’s simple and innocent declaration will work for you. You really do need to add my recommended nuances in order to ripen your soul’s code and be aligned with cosmic rhythms.

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.

39 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | SE P T E M BE R 1 6-22, 201 5 | BOH EMI A N.COM



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