YEAR 56, NO.32 AUGUST 8-24, 2018
Drake Detective
Unaffordable Housing P6 ‘BlacKkKlansman’ P14 Parranga P18
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Letters Trivia Heroes & Zeroes/Upfront Spotlight Sundial Music Film Movies Stage Swirl Dining Nugget Calendar Classifieds Astrology/Advice
Publisher Rosemary Olson x315 EDITORIAL Editor Stett Holbrook x316 Movie Page Editor Matt Stafford News Editor Tom Gogola Arts Editor Charlie Swanson Copy Editor Gary Brandt CONTRIBUTORS Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsny, Richard von Busack, Harry Duke, Tanya Henry, Howard Rachelson, Nikki Silverstein ADVERTISING Advertising Account Managers Danielle McCoy x311, Marianne Misz x336 Classified and Legal Advertising ART AND PRODUCTION Design Director Kara Brown Art Director Tabi Zarrinnaal Production Operations Manager Sean George Graphic Designers Angela Aiosa Jimmy Arceneaux CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano ON THE COVER Design by Tabi Zarrinnaal PACIFIC SUN (USPS 454-630) Published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc. Distributed free at more than 500 locations throughout Marin County. Adjudicated a newspaper of General Circulation. First class mailed delivery in Marin available by subscriptions (per year): Marin County $75; out-of-county $90, via credit card, cash or check. No person may, without the permission of the Pacific Sun, take more than one copy of each Pacific Sun weekly issue. Entire contents of this publication Copyright ©Metrosa, Inc., ISSN; 0048-2641. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts must be submitted with a stamped self-addressed envelope.
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summer sidewalk sale
saturday, august downtown san rafael & the west end village Stroll all along 4th Street to discover bargains, treasures, and fun! • Over 60 Participating Businesses • Merchants & Restaurants offering discounts, giveaways and specials • Entertainment — Live music and DJs Free Parking a & C garages and West end Lot For more information visit
Take a bow, Charles Brousse, writes Lee Brady.
So Long,Charles
Charles, you know you are irreplaceable (Sunday’s Best, Aug. 1) But I so understand, that pen can be heavy! You’ve done a good job! —Lee Brady Via
Beware the Black Market
Thanks to Danielle O’Leary, director of economic development, San Rafael with it’s pilot program seems a perfect fit for San Rafael. Some towns are just hiding in the dark fearing that the sky will fall by fulfilling the voters legalizing of cannabis. Fairfax council let the church soccer moms kill their program leading the former mayor to file a public initiative. This will cause the results to be determined by the people. I think we can figure out how that vote
will go. The town council will forever loose control of cannabis in town because of being to weak to govern. San Rafael and now Novato are smart enough to figure this out. Marin County does not need dispensaries in every town, a healthy delivery program as planned will suffice so that people get their meds. Other out of town or Fairfax recreational delivery companies can take care of the rec folks. In time our planners can expand or reduce these programs as needed. One thing for sure, the communities that maintain full bans are only kidding themselves. The black market folks are just waiting for the voids and they will fill them. I hope the church soccer moms (my mother was one) realize that a highly regulated cannabis industry will ensure safety compared to the black market street vendors. And Cannabis is not the only item they sell. —George Bianchini
By Howard Rachelson
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Trivia Café
What is Marin County’s top agricultural product, according to annual sales value?
Comedian Groucho Marx joked that the chief cause of divorce was what one-word answer?
What convenient store chain was so named in 1946, after its daily hours of operation?
In the 2009 movie Slumdog Millionaire, a teenager from the slums of Mumbai competes on the Indian version of what TV trivia game show?
What mythical creature has been the national animal of Scotland since the 15th century?
6. In the federal probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, what person on July 31, 2018, became the first of President Donald Trump’s former aides to go on trial?
7. What movie, nominated
for the 2012 Best Picture Oscar, contains chemical element 47 in the title?
Winner of 11 Grand Slam singles tennis titles, including five consecutive Wimbledon titles, what Scandinavian athlete shocked the world in 1983 when he retired from the sport at the age of 26?
Dutch is the official language in the Netherlands, plus what seven or eight other countries (most of them in the Caribbean)?
30% OFF Any Synthetic Wig or Hairpiece
The youngest and oldest persons ever elected president of the United States were 43 and 73 years old. Who were they? BONUS QUESTION: The world’s largest university, with over 4 million students, is located in what country, and is named for what woman?
Want more trivia for your nextparty, fundraiser or special event? Contact Live Trivia Cafe team contests continue on Aug. 21 at the Terrapin Crossroads in San Rafael.
Answers on page
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Heroes &Zeroes By Nikki Silverstein
Remember that huge backup at the Golden Gate Bridge two weeks ago during afternoon rush hour? Laurie Flynn of San Rafael does. She was driving with her daughter when a car veered into her vehicle, causing it to flip over and slide across two lanes of traffic before it came to rest on the side rail. A bicyclist immediately bounded over the guard rail, pulled the terrified pair out of the vehicle to safety and even climbed back into the upside-down car to retrieve Laurie’s left shoe. Then a group of good Samaritans pitched in to help Laurie and her daughter through the rest of the ordeal: the man in the tan suit who took charge until authorities arrived; the dark-haired woman who hugged Laurie, while whispering in a foreign language; and Christian, the EMT, who chatted all the way to the hospital, which kept their panic at bay. Laurie thanks all of you and happily reports that both she and her daughter are on the mend. Do you know where your children are? Hopefully, at a properly licensed daycare facility without stolen merchandise and dangerous drugs on the premises. Several Marin County police departments teamed up to execute a search warrant at a Mill Valley home on Meadow Drive to look for stolen property, worth more than $17,000, from recent supermarket and drugstore heists. Suspect Hank Mulholland, 27, was arrested inside the home and booked at the Marin County Jail for grand theft. Police also located suspected fentanyl, a powerful opioid 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. Fentanyl is so dangerous that law enforcement wore protective gear to remove it and called in the Mill Valley Fire Department. Worse yet, in the midst of all of this unsavory activity, cops discovered Cozy Kid Care, an unauthorized child daycare center, operating in the home without the proper city permits. Bam. Shut down immediately. I think we all agree that little kids and big drugs don’t mix well. Got a Hero or a Zero? Please send submissions to Toss roses, hurl stones with more Heroes and Zeros at ››
Upfront If You Build It?
Federal Reserve study offers stark counterpoint to accepted wisdom of mixed-income housing By Tom Gogola
n eye-opening report on over the weekend was making the social-media rounds among regional politicos and housing advocates as it offered a sobering reality when it comes to housing: just because you build a lot of it, doesn’t mean the housing situation overall becomes more affordable to those of lesser means.
The financial fanzine popular among the 1 percent crowd based its story on an April report from the Federal Reserve that dove into various housing statistics in a few big metro areas around the country—San Francisco included—and concluded that variations in rent in a given area are driven more by the availability of local amenities than they are by the numbers of housing units built.
Bottom line, write co-authors Elliot Anenberg and Edward Kung, is that even as affordable-housing advocates push for mixed-income developments amidst a backdrop of environmental red-tape and local NIMBYism, there might be a better way: “Even if a city were able to ease some supply constraints to achieve a marginal increase in housing stock, the city will not
true. We can’t solve our housing crisis by building market rate housing—we must strategically build affordable homes.” Almost as if on cue, on Monday the Washington Post grabbed up the latest data from the real estate analysts at Zillow and offered an eye-opening report of its own which noted that while rents for high earners in some big American cities had gone down, on average, in 2017 the rent for low-income folks had gone up. “It costs more to be poor,” says an unsurprised Peattie. The cities cited by Zillow included San Francisco, which has seen a dramatic spike in new housing developments in the tech-boom era. Zillow’s data also fueled a Common Dreams online story this week which noted that rents for low-income persons in San Francisco had spiked by some 50 percent since 2011. Zillow seems to bear out the Federal Reserve's’ central finding— that there’s no “trickle down” argument that can be made when it comes to promoting the idea that a glut of high-end development will lead to the simultaneous development of affordable housing. Instead, in the Bay Area, an explosion in high-end development has led to a housing crisis whose contours increasingly sync with an ever-expanding gap between rich and poor in this country. The Forbes report dovetails with another housing-related development in Marin County last week, which aims to ease the strain on public services in West Marin and provide additional revenue to develop affordable housing in the region. Call it Rodoni’s Tot Test. Following a July 31 hearing, the Marin County Board of Supervisors voted last week to put District Four Supervisor Dennis Rodoni’s ordinance to hike West Marin’s transient occupancy tax (TOT) from 10 percent to 14 percent, on the Nov. 6 ballot. The 10 percent rate is the countywide TOT, and would remain unaffected in areas outside of West Marin towns from Stinson to Dillon Beach. The proposed tax hike would be paid by visitors to West Marin. It has been vociferously opposed by many (but not all) local hoteliers as being bad for business. The tax would also apply to West Marin residents who currently
Even if a city were able to ease some supply constraints to achieve a marginal increase in housing stock, it will not experience a meaningful lessening in rental burdens. participate in the short-term rental economy—many of whom, according to West Marin housing activists I’ve spoken with who keep tabs on such things, haven’t signed on with the county and haven’t been collecting any TOT tax, let alone any at a 14 percent clip. A 14 percent rate would put West Marin in alignment with San Francisco, which currently slaps that rate on visitors to its hotels. Private campgrounds in Marin County, such as Lawson’s Landing and the Olema Campground, would kick in a 4 percent TOT tax to pay their share. Half the expected additional revenue—estimated at $1.3 million annually by county bean counters—would go to ramp up fire and public-safety services in West Marin. The other half would be dedicated to support long-term community housing in the region. One project on the boards could be the at-long-last realized vision of converting the old Coast Guard Station in Point Reyes into 30 units of affordable housing. (The county, says Rodoni and housing activists, still has a ways to go before realizing this vision.) The Rodoni TOT ordinance was actually cooked up by the Stinson Beach Affordable Housing Committee, which notes in an explainer that the countywide tax hike shouldn’t concern county residents, since it’s targeted at visitors to the region, “reducing the likelihood of voter objections to an increase.” The TOT ordinance requires a two-thirds majority in favor in order to pass. The Stinson committee (which includes local hoteliers who support the TOT, though they are in the minority in West Marin) notes that the proposed ordinance “provides
a certain political and economy symmetry, in that overnight visitors would support housing for the long-term residents who provide many of the services associated with their visits, residents whose housing shortage is caused by the conversion of rentals from long-term to shortterm. It thus goes some way to provide common ground to shortterm rental owners and affordablehousing advocates—groups that are often at odds over rental regulations and housing priorities.” Rodoni has another housingrelated proposal on the docket, but he’s not yet made it official. During a standing-room-only meeting of the Bolinas Community Land Trust two weekends ago, the first-term supervisor launched a trial balloon at the crowd. He’s contemplating a pilot program in Bolinas, he says, which would require that any shortterm landlord, or their designated agent, be on premises during a rental party’s stay. The idea being: Ever checked into a hotel without their some sort of front-desk person? Local supporters of the Bolinas pilot plan report that the benefits are potentially twofold. One, an absentee owner of a vacation home might be impelled to rent it, affordably, to a local, who could serve as as caretaker of the home and who is otherwise living in their sloppy jalopy on Wharf Street. Two, the owner would be on hand to deal with any noise issues that may arise when large groups of party hounds emerge from the Tule fog and annoy the neighbors. In a telling moment, when Rodoni launched his trial balloon at the recent BCLT meeting downtown, it felt as though nearly the entire crowd at the Bolinas Community Center would burst into song. Yet there were a few jeers, too. Y
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experience a meaningful lessening in rental burdens.” The study’s authors instead suggest that policymakers considering deploying resources to improve amenities in lower-priced areas instead of pushing to buildout affordable housing in wealthy neighborhoods. If true, the implications of the Federal Reserve report are stark for regions such as the North Bay that have put their stock into a state-mandated “housing element” that’s heavy on the idea of mixedincome developments—to keep the local workforce local, the carbonspewing cars off the road and the housing fair and just for all. The picture is complicated, mightily, by an expanding short-term vacationrental market now afoot in a region that’s watched, for example, an entire middle-class neighborhood (Coffey Park) go up in flames in the past year. I sent the Forbes report to Caroline Peattie, executive director of the Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California, to gauge her response. Peattie couldn’t offer a view on whether she thought the Fed findings were true or not, but “on the other hand, in some ways the conclusion seems to validate the concept behind why it’s important to affirmatively further fair housing — and all the things that go into achieving greater equity to all the opportunities related to where one lives. Something that the study labels ‘amenities’ may be more indicative of access to opportunity than the term would indicate. I’m most interested in looking at these issues through a fair housing lens, and since one's zip code determines one's access to transportation, jobs, education, health, environment, good food options—of course, the ‘high opportunity areas’ have these ‘amenities.’” Bottom line for Peattie is that whatever the approach to building affordable housing—it needs to be “seen through the lens of equity.” The Federal Reserve has given pause to electeds around the region as they try to negotiate a thorny and worsening affordable-housing crisis. As Santa Rosa affordable-housing advocate and city councilwoman Julie Combs noted on a weekend social-media post about the Forbes report: “All that supply and demand stuff you’ve heard? Not exactly
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Andrew Annenberg
Could Strawberry Cove in Mill Valley be where Francis Drake landed in California?
Drake Detective
Mill Valley’s Duane Van Dieman says English Pirate Discovered SF Bay By Stett Holbrook
ould Sir Francis Drake have discovered San Francisco Bay, 250 years before history books say Gaspar de Portolá did? Amateur historian Duane Van Dieman has evidence—“a discovery,” he calls it—that he says may upend the accepted wisdom about Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe more than 400 years ago.
The location of Drake’s fateful landfall in 1579 has been debated for nearly 150 years. The commonly accepted site is Drakes Estero in the Point Reyes National Seashore. The location was recognized as a National Historic Landmark in 2012 as the “most likely” site of Drake’s California landing. But Van Dieman never bought the Drakes Estero location and spent 10 years researching other sites.
“Someone has got to find this,” he said as he began his quest in 2001. “Why not me?” He said he stumbled on the location a decade ago after he had given up his search, but he kept it a secret as he tried to prove and disprove his theory. But now he’s ready to go public. Van Dieman believes Drake landed in a tidy cove just east of Highway 101 in
Mill Valley, making him the first European to enter San Francisco Bay. The jury is still out but, this much we know for sure. In 1579, Capt. Francis Drake, sometimes referred to as “the Queen’s pirate,” led his crew of the Golden Hind northwest from South America in search of a way back home to England. The ship was laden with 26 tons of silver and assorted booty stolen
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from a Spanish galleon nicknamed Cacafuego (a derogatory term that meant “braggart” or, literally, “fireshitter”) off the coast of Peru. Drake was apparently a polite pirate. After looting the ship, he invited the officers and first-class passengers on the Spanish ship to dinner and sent them off with parting gifts befitting their rank and notice of safe passage. Drake was eager to present his treasure to Queen Elizabeth I and receive the fame and fortune that surely awaited him. Having rounded the tip of South America through what was known as Cape Horn (and later Drake Passage) on his way up the coast of the Americas, Drake was hoping to find the fabled Northwest Passage through Canada and back into the Atlantic Ocean. That was not to be. Drake reportedly got as far north as British Colombia before deciding to turn around in icy weather, with a leaking hull to boot. He needed to find a safe harbor to make repairs for his return voyage. He would go on to be the first person to circumnavigate the globe and return home. (Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circle the earth, but he never made it home). But first Drake had to fix his ship. The coast of what is now Canada, Washington, Oregon and Northern California proved too rocky and dangerous to drop anchor. But according to an account compiled by Drake’s nephew in 1628, as the captain and company sailed south, they “fell with a convenient and fit harbor and June 17 came to anchor there.” But where exactly Drake landed and spent the next five weeks is one of the world’s great riddles. Original maps and logs from Drake’s voyage burned in the Palace of Whitehall in 1698. A map of the Marin County coast reveals the accepted wisdom in the place names Drakes Bay, Drakes Estero and Drakes Cove. The Drake Navigators Guild, a private research organization founded in 1949, spent years studying the Drakes Estero site and was instrumental in securing federal recognition of the site as a national landmark. In a 2012 story in the Press Democrat following the dedication of the site by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the late Edward Von der Porten, maritime archeologist, historian and president of the Drake Navigators Guild at the time, said the official recognition ended the debate. “Were there any scholarly
Sir Francis Drake was the world’s first sailor to return home after circling the globe.
debate, this would not have happened,” he was quoted as saying. Mike Von der Porten, vice president of the guild and Edward Von der Porten’s son, says there are some 50 data points that indicate the mouth of Drakes Estero was where the privateer found safe harbor and peacefully interacted with the native Miwok Indians, making the expedition the first time
English was spoken in what would become the United States. “It all comes together,” says Mike Von der Porten. He argues Drake could not have found San Francisco Bay because it was too foggy to see, and if he had, he would have explored it and told the world about it. He scoffed at Van Dieman’s theory. Case closed? Not by a long shot.
In addition to the National Park Service’s hedge that Drakes Estero is “the most likely site” of the landing, the Press Democrat article quotes a National Parks spokesperson who says the designation “should not be interpreted as providing a definitive resolution of the discussion.” (Mike Von der Porten says the spokesperson “wasn’t the most knowledgeable” and his quotes “continue to haunt us.”)
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707-763-3163 Mill Valley amateur historian Duane van Dieman says Drakes Estero is not where Drake made landfall.
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The Wikipedia entry for Nova Albion, the term that Drake gave to the region that means “New Britain,” lists 20 different “fringe theories” that locate Drake’s fateful landfall at different spots in San Francisco Bay, Bodega Bay and as far north as British Columbia. Some seem easily dismissed. Given that there were no Miwok Indians in Canada, it’s safe to rule out British Columbia. One of the entries cites Van Dieman. Van Dieman grew up in Mill Valley and is a longtime student of local history. He worked as a docent in the Mill Valley History Room for five years and became fascinated with the Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway. He is also a member of the Tazmanian Devils, a locally celebrated rock band from the 1970s and ’80s. The band still plays the occasional gig. With his peaked, black leather duster hat, purple bandana and trim beard, Van Dieman, 66, looks like a slimmer Waylon Jennings. For the past 10 years, what has really captured his interest is Sir Francis Drake and the mystery of Drake’s landing site.
“It’s always been an enigma,” he says. “It’s like trying to hug a ghost. There is no there there.” After years of false starts, giving up and starting over again, Van Dieman says he discovered a spot he says fits perfectly with all the clues left by Drake: Strawberry Cove, an inlet of Richardson Bay near Seminary Drive, now ringed with condominiums. One of most tantalizing bits of evidence about Drake’s trip to California is the “Portus Plan of Nova Albion,” a drawing of the spot where Drake landed and repaired his ship. The image depicts a small cove surrounded by hills with a peninsula on one side flanked by what appears to be a flat island. Adherents of the Drakes Estero theory say the flat island is a sand spit that comes and goes with the tides. Using old nautical charts, historic photographs and other research materials, Van Dieman says the telltale landmark is actually a marsh island, now covered by landfill. But there is a culvert that runs where the channel between the island and the peninsula would be, says Van Dieman. Lay the Portus
Avoid the parking hassle at the terminal by taking a free Ferry Shuttle instead. Duane van Dieman argues the “Portus Plan” lines up neatly with this image of Strawberry Cove.
Plan over a map of Strawberry Cove, and they two line up quite well. “You don’t have to be a Drake expert to say that it looks like match,” says Van Dieman. Van Dieman runs through a list of other clues contained in Drake’s nephew’s account of their time in California that all check out. The details of his findings are on his website, Van Dieman came upon the cove by chance in 2008. He had long since given up on his quest to find the site and was out on a drive after recording a voice actor who happened to be reciting a famous speech by Queen Elizabeth I. “It was a magical day,” he says. He found himself on Richardson Bay, suddenly on the alert for landmarks and water features that might match the written and illustrated descriptions of Drake’s landing. He rounded a corner and beheld Strawberry Cove. Everything added up: the shape of the cove, the hills, the flora and fauna, the weather, the peninsula. “I knew if I found it,” he says, “it would have to be perfect. And it was. I went into shock. I might have solved a 200-year-old mystery.” After securing permits to search the area (archeological exploration is illegal without proper approval), Van Dieman admits he found no archeological evidence other than some decomposed iron. There may be artifacts under Seminary Road, he says. But he’s convinced he’s right and Drakes Estero is wrong. “After years of dedicated historical and scientific research by myself and a team of experienced historians, archaeologists, geophysicists and geologists,” he writes on his website, “I can now say with confidence that the true location of this great chapter in British and American history is almost certainly a well-known southern Marin cove that many thousands of people look at every day.”
John Sugden, British author of Sir Francis Drake, the definitive biography of Drake, has taken an interest in Dieman’s investigation of the Strawberry Cove site. “Your theory ought to be up there with the others,” he wrote Dieman in an email in June. Among other things, Van Dieman says Drakes Estero was unlikely to be Drake’s landing site because it would have been too visible to hostile Spanish ships, and the shallow, currentraked waters of the estuary would have not have accommodated the Golden Hind, a ship with a 13-foot draw. Van Dieman says he kept his discovery secret (but somehow not off Wikipedia), and now wants to share it with the world. Before Edward Von Der Porten died earlier this year, Van Dieman presented his research to him. Van Dieman says Von der Porten listened to his presentation and called it “very interesting.” Mike Von Der Porten, on the other hand, is irritated rather than interested in Van Dieman’s theory. “It doesn’t hold water,” he says. “If [Drake] had found the world’s best harbor, the world would have known about it.” Van Dieman says Queen Elizabeth I forbade Drake and his crew from speaking about their trip, lest the Spanish learn of it. Van der Porten says that’s true, but the gag order was lifted after the England defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 and England because a naval superpower, thanks in part to Drake’s stolen treasure. But Van Dieman isn’t backing down. “I’m sure that the Drake Navigators Guild will have something to say about my claim,” he says. “However, I’m fully prepared to debate them and to show my compelling evidence that makes a very strong case for my discovery of Drake’s landing site location to both Drake historians and to the court of public opinion.” Y
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Free Ferry Shuttles To/From Larkspur Ferry
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Road Stories
The travel writer is a rare breed of scribe, always on the move yet constantly buried in pages of transcripts, manuscripts and notes galore. For aspiring or accomplished travel writers, there’s no event better suited to meeting colleagues and learning the craft than the annual Travel Writers & Photographers Conference. With a faculty including legendary travel writer Tim Cahill, actor-turned-travel-writer-andnovelist Andrew McCarthy and guidebook maven Pauline Frommer, this event boasts workshops, panels and more. Thursday, Aug. 9, through Sunday, Aug. 12, at Book Passage. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. For details and tickets, visit
Pop-Up Party
KWMR broadcasts local news, entertainment and more on the FM airwaves in West Marin and online, and this weekend the radio station is taking it to the streets, or the field rather, with the KWMR Summer Block Party at Love Field. Co-produced by the folks behind Parachute Days and emceed by Renee Richardson and Greg McQuaid of Renee & Irish Greg’s Pop UP! music podcast, the party features live music by San Francisco cult heroes Red Meat and the Haggards, with barbecue, beverages and family fun on Sunday, Aug. 12, at Love Field, 11191 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Point Reyes Station. 1pm to 5pm. Free admission.
Culture of Comedy
The word “Desi” refers to the people, culture and now to the comedy of South Asia and India’s subcontinent. Formed by Bay Area–based comedians Samson Koletkar and Abhay Nadkarni, the Desi Comedy Festival returns for another tour featuring comics who trace their ethnicities back to the diverse communities of South Asia, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India, and who can hilariously talk about their personal experiences and the ever-changing Zeitgeist of the region. Desi Comedy Fest makes its only North Bay appearance on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 8pm. $17–$22.
Beat of theWorld
San Francisco native and internationally renowned percussionist Brian Melvin has done it all and played with everyone from Bob Weir to Jaco Pastorius. Melvin has even recently worked with Estonian band Land of Drums, and his involvement in world music is as rich as his work in classic rock and jazz. This month, Melvin gathers an ensemble of talented friends to perform in his wide-ranging project FOG, featuring special guest Barry Sless (David Nelson Band, Moonalice) on pedal steel and guitar on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at Terrapin Crossroads, 100 Yacht Club Drive, San Rafael. 7:30pm. Free. All Ages. 415.524.2773. —Charlie Swanson
‘Uncle’ Willie K shows off his Hawaiian melodies at a dinner show on Saturday, Aug. 11, and a barbecue on the lawn on Sunday, Aug. 12, at Rancho Nicasio. See Clubs & Venues, p20.
Marin Center | 10 Avenue of the Flags | San Rafael
A new band lineup and sound prompted Big Fit’s new name.
Throw a Fit Longtime local funk outfit adopts new handle By Charlie Swanson
hanging your band's name is no easy task, especially after more than a decade of popularity. Yet that's exactly what keyboardist and vocalist Spencer Burrows and North Bay funk ensemble the Big Fit, formerly known as Frobeck, did earlier this year. Burrows has been a key part of the big band, co-founding it in 2005 with bassist Steve Froberg (now Emily Froberg) and guitarist Kris Dilbeck. Frobeck comes from those two surnames; though Froberg left the group some years ago and Dilbeck decided to step away at the beginning of this year to focus on his own songwriting. "Frobeck is a made-up word," Burrows says. "And this band is not Frobeck anymore. We have a new energy and a new sound, and it needs its own place." With the Big Fit, Burrows and company have expanded on their collaborative songwriting efforts, rather than relying solely on Burrows, and previously Dilbeck, to write the songs. All together, the Big Fit includes
guitarist Jackson Allen, vocalist Callie Watts, bassist Ben Burleigh, and threeman horn section Daniel Casares, Alex Scammon and Cayce Carnahan. "Everybody in the band is a heavy hitter," Burrows says. "There are no weak links." In the coming weeks, the band will play at Windsor on the Green on Aug. 9, at Napa City Nights on Aug. 17 and at the Hamilton Amphitheater in Novato on Aug. 25. The band wraps up the summer with a special opening set at the Sausalito Art Festival on Saturday, Sept. 1, where they kick off a day of funk featuring the Soul Section and the legendary George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic. "We're working toward a completely new set," Burrows says. "Right now, we still rock some of the Frobeck tunes that our fans like, but people are responding super well to the new songs, and we're enjoying it." The Big Fit performs at the next ‘Hot Amphitheater Nights’ concert on Saturday, Aug. 25, at the Hamilton Amphitheater, 601 N. Hamilton Pkwy., Novato. 5pm. Free.
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Under the Hood ‘BlacKkKlansman’ another timely entry in Spike Lee canon By Richard von Busack
wenty eighteen has been a phenomenal year for black-themed films, and Spike Lee’s oddly merry, nostalgic and ultimately hopeful BlacKkKlansman, released on the anniversary of the shame of Charlottesville, continues the streak. In Colorado Springs in the late ’70s, rookie detective Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) is sent undercover at the local college’s Black Student Union. Noting a classified ad seeking recruits to the KKK, Stallworth makes a spontaneous prank call. The gang is enthusiastic to meet Ron, so the detective talks his partner, Flip (Adam Driver), into impersonating him at an audition with the secret society. “For you, this is a crusade,” the Jewish Flip tells Ron. “For me, this is a job.” Through exposure to the KKK’s Jew-hatred, Flip comes to identify his common cause with Ron. Together, they learn the rites and the secret handshake, and discover you’re not supposed to mention the K-word around Klansmen eager to mainstream their organization.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in this story, thanks to Lee’s force, thoughtfulness and evenhandedness. The KKK members are sometimes formidable, sometimes lonely. The only one-dimensional character is a cracker imbecile played by Paul Walter Hauser, as the kind of dunce that scratches his forehead with a pistol barrel. Lee’s own double-consciousness— loving cinema while realizing it sometimes poisons people—is apparent in an impressive scene with His Eminence, Harry Belafonte. The 90-year-old performer plays an instructor recounting the grisly details of a lynching, who makes the point of mentioning that the vicious mob had been ginned up by a viewing of 1915’s racist sensation The Birth of a Nation. This is a big movie from Lee, warm and smart. It’s not essentially radical, and in fact comes out in favor of supporting your local police—as long as they’re hunting down the Klan. ‘BlacKkKlansman’ opens Friday, Aug. 10, in wide release in the North Bay.
• Alpha (PG-13)
By Matthew Stafford
Friday, August 10 - Thursday, August 16 BlacKkKlansman (2:15) Rollicking Spike Lee comedy tells the true story of a black Colorado cop who infiltrated the local chapter of the KKK; Topher Grace co-stars as David Duke. Blindspotting (1:35) Stylish and energetic human dramedy about two locals dealing with race, class and crime in a rapidly gentrifying Oakland. Boundaries (1:44) Pot dealer Christopher Plummer sets off on a road trip with conventional daughter Vera Farmiga, reconnecting with old friends and secretly selling his cache at every pit stop. The Catcher Was a Spy (1:38) True tale of renaissance man Moe Berg, the erudite, multilingual major league catcher who spied for the OSS during WWII; Paul Rudd stars. Christopher Robin (1:44) When the fun-loving little boy of A. A. Milne’s stories grows up to be just another cranky adult, it’s up to Pooh, Eeyore and the rest of the gang to save his youthful spirit. Dark Money (1:38) Eye-opening documentary about the heroic fight the state of Montana has been waging against corporate donations to political candidates since the Citizens United decision of 2010. The Darkest Minds (1:45) A group of mysteriously super-powerful teenagers escape from a government lockup and resist the evil grownups who just don’t understand them. Death of a Nation (1:49) Ultraconservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza cooks up an alt-doc tracing the Democratic Party back to its slave-owning days and offering up Donald Trump as a modern-day Lincoln. Dreamgirls (2:10) Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy and Beyoncé star in Bill Condon’s movie version of the hit Broadway musical about an up-and-coming girl group. Eighth Grade (1:34) Coming-of-age comedy focuses on a supposedly unremarkable 13-year-old girl as she navigates the fraught final week of middle school. The Emoji Movie (1:26) A smartphone’s hyper-emotional emoji yearns to have only one facial expression like everyone else; Sofia Vergara and Patrick Stewart vocalize. Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (1:53) Joaquin Phoenix stars as John Callahan, the real-life envelope-pushing paraplegic cartoonist; Gus Van Sant directs. Hearts Beat Loud (1:37) Sweet-natured musical about an aging hipster who bonds with his teenage daughter when they start an indie rock band. Jason Mraz: Have It All (1:30) Documentary features the pop-rock singersongwriter playing tunes from his latest album and celebrating the joys of creative expression. Leave No Trace (1:48) Poignant tale of a father and daughter’s idyllic life in the Oregon wilds and the encroaching urban Zeitgeist that threatens it. Love, Cecil (1:39) Documentary examines the life and work of photographer, writer,
painter and set designer Cecil Beaton through archival footage and diary excerpts read by Rupert Everett. McQueen (1:51) Striking documentary portrait of Alexander McQueen, the tortured, controversial fashion designer who took his own life at age 40. The Meg (1:54) This time Jason Statham takes on a prehistoric 75-foot shark that’s holding a crew of oceanographers hostage! Mountain (1:14) Panoramic documentary celebrates the world’s most awesome alps and the climbers who scale their deathdefying heights. Olompali: A Hippie Odyssey (1:25) Documentary look at Rancho Olompali, a late-’60s north Marin hippie commune presided over by businessman-turneddropout Don McCoy; Peter Coyote narrates. Pope Francis: A Man of His Word (1:36) Wim Wenders’ affectionate portrait of the plainspoken pontiff highlights his concerns about wealth inequality, environmental issues and social justice. The Reluctant Radical (1:17) Documentary follows environmental activist Ken Ward during a year of (occasionally illegal) direct actions against climate-changing malfeasances. The Rider (1:43) Neorealist modern Western about an Oglala Lakota Sioux rodeo rider and his family and friends features nonprofessional actors and the epic setting of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Sailor Moon SuperS (1:15) Hiroki Shibata anime in which a troupe of senshi brave a black hole to rescue a maiden from permanent dream-filled sleep. San Francisco Jewish Film Festival The 38th annual fest celebrates the best in Jewish-themed documentaries, comedies, dramas and thrillers. Visit for info and schedule. Segantini: Back to Nature (1:20) Filippo Timi stars as the 19th-century Italian painter famed for his simple, instinctual evocations of the natural world. Slender Man (1:45) The local legend of a tall, skinny serial killer inspires a group of teenagers to debunk the myth—then one of them goes missing. Sorry to Bother You (1:45) Boots Riley absurdist fantasy satire about an Oakland telemarketer striving his way through a netherworld of big-tech billionaires and anti-Zeitgeist revolutionaries. The Spy Who Dumped Me (1:57) Action comedy stars Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon as two innocents thrust into international intrigue by a connected ex; Gillian Anderson co-stars. Teen Titans GO! to the Movies (1:24) The satirical kids’ TV cartoon series hits the big screen with its brash, goofy humor intact, musical numbers and all.
Northgate: Thu 7:45, 10:20; 3D showtime at 5:15 Ant-Man and the Wasp (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:40, 1:35, 4:25, 7:25, 10:15 BlacKkKlansman (R) Regency: Fri-Sat 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:20; Sun-Thu 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 Sequoia: Fri-Sat 1:30, 4:20, 7:20, 9:15; Sun 1:30, 4:20, 7:20; Mon-Wed 4:20, 7:20; Thu 4:20 Blindspotting (R) Regency: Fri-Sat 10:35, 12:55, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55, 10:15; Sun-Thu 10:35, 12:55, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55 Northgate: Tue 10am • Boss Baby (PG) Boundaries (R) Lark: Sat 7:10; Mon 10:20; Wed 1:40 Christopher Robin (PG) Larkspur Landing: Fri, Mon-Wed 6:45, 9:15; Sat-Sun 11, 1:30, 4:10, 6:45, 9:15 Northgate: Fri-Tue 11:15, 12:40, 1:55, 3:20, 4:40, 5:55, 7:20, 8:40, 10 Rowland: Fri-Sun 9:30, 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10 Lark: Sat 1 • Comédie-Française: The Fop Reformed (Not Rated) Northgate: Wed-Thu 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 • Crazy Rich Asians (PG-13) The Darkest Minds (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:35, 4:15, 9:55 Rowland: Fri-Sun 9:40, 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 Dark Money (Not Rated) Rafael: Fri-Sun 1; Mon-Wed 8:15 Death of a Nation (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:55, 1:40, 4:20, 7:05, 9:50 • Deconstructing The Beatles: Birth of The Beatles (Not Rated) Rafael: Sat 1; Thu 7 • Dog Days (PG) Northgate: Fri-Tue 11:10, 2, 4:45, 7:35, 10:20 Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (R) Rafael: 5:45 daily Eighth Grade (R) Regency: Fri-Sat 10:25, 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45, 10:05; Sun, Tue-Thu 10:25, 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45; Mon 10:25, 12:45, 3:05 Sequoia: Fri-Sat 1:50, 4:40, 7, 10:20; Sun 1:50, 4:40, 7; Mon-Wed 4:40, 7; Thu 4:40 Equalizer 2 (R) Rowland: Fri-Sun 10, 12:50, 4:50, 7:50, 10:40 The Gardener (Not Rated) Lark: Fri 2; Sun 10:50, 5; Mon 3; Tue 6:40; Thu 12:30 Regency: Mon, Wed 7 • Grave of the Fireflies (Not Rated) Hearts Beat Loud (PG-13) Lark: Sun 6:50; Mon 4:50; Tue 12:45 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 11:20, 1:50, 4:35, 7:15, 9:45 Incredibles 2 (PG) Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 1:10, 6:55 The King (Not Rated) Lark: Sat 10:30am; Sun 8:45; Tue 8:40; Thu 4 Leave No Trace (PG) Regency: Fri-Sat 11:20, 4:55, 9:50; Sun, Tue-Thu 11:20, 4:55; Mon 11:20, 4:45 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (PG-13) Larkspur Landing: Fri, Mon-Wed 7:15, 9:55; Sat-Sun 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:15, 9:55 Northgate: Fri-Tue 11:40, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 Rowland: Fri-Sun 10:30, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50 The Meg (PG-13) Larkspur Landing: Fri, Mon-Wed 7, 9:45; Sat-Sun 11:05, 4:20, 7, 9:45; 3D showtime at 1:45 Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:30, 11:55, 1:20, 4:10, 5:35, 7, 10:05; 3D showtimes at 2:45, 8:25 Rowland: Fri-Sun 10:10, 1, 7:20, 10:20; 3D showtime at 4:30 Lark: Wed 6:30 • The Metropolitan Opera: Cosi fan Tutte (Not Rated) Mission: Impossible—Fallout (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:50, 12:30, 3:50, 5:30, 7:10, 10:25; 3D showtimes at 2:10, 8:50 Rowland: Fri-Sun 9:50, 1:30, 5:20, 7, 8:40, 10:20 Mountain (Not Rated) Lark: Fri 12:20, 7:10; Sat 9:15; Tue 2:45; Thu 10:20, 8:40 • The Mystery of Picasso/ Antonio Gaudi Double Feature (Not Rated) Lark: Fri-Sat 4; Mon 7; Wed 10:30am • On the Town (Not Rated) Rafael: Sun 4:15, 6:45 Pope Francis: A Man of His Word (Not Rated) Lark: Fri 10:20am; Sun 2:50; Tue 4:30; Thu 2:15 • Puzzle (R) Regency: Fri-Sat 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7, 9:40; Sun-Thu 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7 Regency: Mon 7:30 • Rachel Hollis Presents: Made for More (Not Rated) RBG (PG) Rafael: Fri-Sat, Mon-Thu 3:30, 8; Sun 3:30 Rafael: Sun noon • Romeo and Juliet (Not Rated) • Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood (Not Rated) Rafael: Fri 1:30, 3:45, 6, 8:15; Sat 3:45, 6,
8:15; Sun 8:15; Mon-Wed 3:45, 6; Thu 3:45
Segantini: Back to Nature (Not Rated) Lark: Sun 1 Slender Man (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Tue 12:35, 3, 5:25, 7:55, 10:20 • Some Enchanted Evening: Richard Rodgers Tribute Gala (Not Rated) Lark: Thu 6:30 Sorry to Bother You (R) Regency: Fri-Sun, Tue, Thu 2:05, 7:35; Mon 1:55; Wed 2:05 The Spy Who Dumped Me (R) Larkspur Landing: Fri, Mon-Wed 6:30, 9:30; Sat-Sun 12:45, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Northgate: Fri-Tue 10:45, 1:45, 4:55, 7:45, 10:35 Rowland: Fri-Sun 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:30 Teen Titans GO! to the Movies (PG) Rowland: Fri-Sun 9:40, 12, 2:20, 4:40 Three Identical Strangers (PG-13) Regency: Fri-Sat 11:40, 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35; Sun-Thu Whitney (R) Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (PG-13)
11:40, 2:15, 4:40, 7:10
Lark: Fri 8:50; Mon 12:30; Tue 10:20am; Wed 3:50 Rafael: Fri-Sun 1:45, 4, 6:15, 8:30; Mon-Thu 4, 6:15, 8:15
Because there were too many movies playing this week to list, we have omitted some of the movie summaries and times for those that have been playing for multiple weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Showtimes can change after we go to press. Please call theater to confirm. CinéArts Sequoia 25 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, 388-1190 Century Cinema 41 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, 924-6506 Fairfax 9 Broadway, Fairfax, 453-5444 Lark 549 Magnolia Ave., Larkspur, 924-5111 Larkspur Landing 500 Larkspur Landing Cir., Larkspur, 461-4849 Northgate 7000 Northgate Dr., San Rafael, 491-1314 Playhouse 40 Main St., Tiburon, 435-1251 Rafael Film Center 1118 Fourth St., San Rafael, 454-1222 Regency 80 Smith Ranch Rd., Terra Linda, 479-6496 Rowland 44 Rowland Way, Novato, 898-3385
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• New Movies This Week
Featuring new work by: Victor Cartagena, Ranu Mukherjee, Lava Thomas, and Lexa Walsh
Part 2
An exhibition exploring the present moment through new art commissions + di Rosa’s collection of Northern California contemporary art. On view through December 30, 2018. di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art 5200 Sonoma Highway Napa, CA 94559
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Broadway Under the Stars’ new show puts the spotlight on dancing.
Let’s Dance Transcendence sings and dances more than a dozen Broadway hits By Harry Duke
ranscendence Theatre Company’s seventh season of Broadway Under the Stars continues with a dance-centric production titled, appropriately enough, Shall We Dance. The show runs through Aug. 19 at Jack London State Historic Park in Glen Ellen. Director Lesley McDonald and choreographer Mark Kimelman guide a cast of 17 talented artists through a program featuring songs from 18 Broadway shows like The King and I and Hamilton, as well as pop hits from artists like Madonna and Ed Sheeran. The (mostly) fast-paced, 40-minute first act includes numbers from In the Heights, West Side Story, My Fair Lady and Kiss Me, Kate; the highlight is an energetic production of Louis Prima’s “Sing, Sing, Sing” that incorporates a variety of dance styles. Things slow down with “Mama Who Bore Me” from Spring Awakening, which seemed tonally out of step in a mostly joyous program, before concluding on a lighter note with the hilarious “A Musical” from Something Rotten.
Act two features dancing set to numbers from a diverse group of artists ranging from Janelle Monáe (“Tightrope”) to Madonna (“Vogue”). The evening’s most visually striking moment comes courtesy of a tangoinfused production of the Police’s “Roxanne” from Moulin Rouge with the winery ruins bathed in red. For a company that imports a great deal of its talent from New York, the relatively small number of artists of color in the cast is disappointing. Simply put, it’s jarring to have Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise” and Michael Jackson’s “Bad” sung and danced by a bunch of white guys, talented as they may be. It’s time for Transcendence’s cast to be as colorful as the costumes they wear. ‘Shall We Dance’ runs Friday–Sunday through Aug. 19. Jack London State Historic Park. 2400 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen. Doors open for picnicking at 5pm; show starts at 7:30pm. Tickets $45–$150. 877.424.1414.
Sonoma County heritage apple unlikely hero of craft cider By James Knight
ere’s a bit of an irony about the heritage Gravenstein apple, darling of Sonoma County’s recent craft cider boom: it isn’t really a heritage cider apple at all. But a bitter irony, it is not. “It’s shockingly good!” says Chris Condos, cofounder of Horse & Plow, a Sebastopol winery that’s also a cidery, of the Grav. What the apple lacks in tannin, which gives traditional European cider a backbone in a blend, it makes up for in acidity and floral aromatics, Condos says. Available at the Gravenstein Apple Fair this year, Horse & Plow’s collaboration cider Tilted Plow, with Windsor’s Tilted Shed cidery, combines Gravenstein goodness with the firm tannin and orange oil, Muscat-like aromatics of the Muscat de Bernay apple. Last week, I asked a group of Bohemians for their take on four takes on local, mostly Gravenstein ciders. Ethic Ciders Gravitude Sparkling Dry Cider ($9.99) This newcomer focuses on organically grown heritage apples while they grow their own orchard of cider varieties. Fermented with wine yeast strains, this 90 percent Gravenstein cider is clean and crisp, showing fine effervescence, mellow notes of this mellow apple, and has an extra brut-style finish. A big hit with Bohemians, it’s 7 percent alcohol by volume (abv). Horse & Plow Gravenstein Sonoma County Cider ($14) Looking for “funk,” a legitimate, and not really negative, cider tasting term? Find it here. Fermented on naturally occurring yeasts, aged in neutral barrels and bottle-conditioned, this is a slightly cloudy, funky or medicinal smelling but also ebulliently floral example of Grav gone wild, the kind of rustic refresher that gets me ready to go out and cut some more hay. But seems like some first-time tasters of craft cider may not appreciate the style. 8 percent abv.
Ace Blackjack Gravenstein Cider ($9.99) The Sebastopol cider pioneer returns to its roots with this special release from local apples. A county fair, caramel apple character comes from aging in Chardonnay barrels. 9 percent abv. Local cider makers have kicked off the first-ever Sonoma County Cider Week, culminating in the cidersoaked Gravenstein Apple Fair. Cider Week events still to come include a Sonoma Strong collaboration release at Barley & Bine Beer Cafe in Windsor, Wednesday, Aug. 8, 5–8pm; Cider on the Patio at Campo Fina, Healdsburg, 5:30–8:30pm; cider pairing at Spinster Sisters in Santa Rosa, Saturday, Aug. 11, 5–9pm, and more at Y
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Groovy Grav
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Parranga draws on the cuisines of Tlaxcala, Puebla and Veracruz.
Aye Parranga
Mill Valley newcomer has a lot of potential By Tanya Henry
t’s a safe bet to say that Parranga Taqueria & Cerveceria, which opened at the end of July in the Strawberry Village Shopping Center in Mill Valley, is one of the few restaurants (maybe the only one) in Marin that serves esquites, a spicy and soupy corn-off-the cob mixture topped with sour cream. Growing up on the Central Coast and spending every summer surfing in Baja and Mexico, my exposure to Mexican food was restricted to regions near the Pacific Ocean. The food at Parranga hails from inland states
farther east to the Gulf of Mexico and represents the region including Tlaxcala, Puebla and Veracruz. Though impossible to replicate an al fresco cantina in Mexico, Parranga does its best with plenty of corrugated tin, distressed paint-chipped tables, open windows and outdoor seating. Don’t expect bright, cloying colors here—it’s industrial concrete floors, lots of metal and even a ping-pong table. This is 21st-century Mexico. Along with esquites, Parranga also serves michelada—beer combined with lime juice and various spices. Think shandy with a kick. But the
raison d’être (or razón de ser) for this newcomer is its rotisserie meats. Parranga slow-cooks a range of proteins and then lets the diner choose the vehicle—taco, ensalada or torta. We try the roasted pork shoulder with a guajillo chile marinade served on white tin plates with blue trim. While the flavors are all there, and the accompanying house-made corn tortillas are hearty and satisfying, the portion is skimpy. A “veggie pepito sandwich” features an unusual combination of mushrooms, plantains, caramelized onions, kale and avocado. While each
individual ingredient is delicious and well-cooked, together it’s confusing and has way too much going on. It’s early and this menu needs some tweaking, but I’m rooting for Parranga. There are some interesting dishes and new flavors to be discovered here. If they rein it in a bit, perhaps the definition of their name, which means “endless joy,” can be realized by customers eager to discover something new in Marin County. Parranga, 800 Redwood Hwy, Ste. 801, Mill Valley.
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Fickle Fusion Symposium plays matchmaker for wine, weed By James Knight
eynote speaker Dr. Bill Silver kicked off the second annual North Coast Wine & Weed Symposium by conjuring a vision of long ago: picture a group of teens hiding out in a basement in New England on a snowy day in the 1980s, sipping some rotgut called Wild Irish Rose with cream soda, and furtively blowing clouds of Acapulco Gold out the window (sub in Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers and Thai, and it sounds like a foggy evening in the North Bay long ago). It wouldn’t have occurred to one of those teens, Silver tells the crowd, that one day he would smoothly, and quite legally, shift jobs almost overnight from the wine business to the weed business. “There are no words to describe what is happening right now.” Having Silva headline the event, which was held Thursday, Aug. 2 at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Rosa, was a coup for its, sponsor Wine Industry Network, which operates a news service, trade events and other wine business resources. Formerly the dean of the School of Business and Economics at Sonoma State University, where he helped grow the school’s wine business program, Silva took a gig as CEO of CannaCraft, the Santa Rosa cannabis extract business, in January, so he, along with the roster of highly accomplished lawyers, investors and entrepreneurs presenting at seminars throughout the day, was well placed to answer the question…um, what was the question, again? The obvious question has an easy answer, as it turns out. Will there be weed in my wine? No, not at this time. Wineries, which are strictly federally regulated, will not touch the stuff. They may, however, cobrand with cannabis companies to offer products to their wine club lists, which panelists in the seminar, “Cannabis opportunities for the wine industry,” suggested was a tantalizing prospect for marketing professionals in the wine business. They’ve got wineries lined up in the pipeline, several say. But here’s
the thing: they’re all waiting for the other guy to go first. Wow, like, what would Robert Mondavi do? Other presenters, like Brian Applegarth, founder of Emerald County Tours, enthused about the tourism potential of the historical growing regions where many strains of cannabis came together at the end of the “hippie trail,” and other winelike weed events like food pairings— and did you know that weed can enhance appetite? Several lobby exhibitors, such as the new Solful dispensary of Sebastopol, made a good case for weed aroma appreciation. It’s a bit of a head trip, if you will, to see wine glasses full of gnarly buds in a corporate hotel lobby, but that much is legal, after all, in 2018—just no samples with active ingredients could be offered. As it seems that no one has thought of adding to the romance of Chardonnay by offering it in a transdermal patch, liquid refreshments from several wineries were poured, but on the whole, representatives from wine were conspicuously absent from the lobby. It may be a while before you hear someone cry out, “Sommelier, there’s weed in my wine!” Y
Catch waves and celebrate summer! CELEBRATE RESPONSIBLY.
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Sundial CALENDAR Concerts SONOMA Dana Cooper Veteran troubadour’s mixture of flat-picking, finger-picking and percussive strumming style is legendary among other guitarists. Aug 10, 7pm. $20. Paul Mahder Gallery, 222 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. Freddie McGregor Internationally acclaimed, Grammynominated reggae singer performs off his latest project “True to My Roots.” Aug 11, 8:30pm. $23. Mystic Theatre & Music Hall, 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.775.6048.
MARIN KWMR Summer Block Party Celebratory concert features Bay Area country music legends Red Meat and West Marin favorites the Haggards, with BBQ, beverages and more. Aug 12, 1pm. Free admission. Love Field, 11191 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Pt Reyes Station. The Mendieta Sisters Dynamic trio perform music with a Spanish flare and incorporate stories and costumes associated with famous women of Spanish, Mexican and California history. Aug 12, 4pm. $15-$20. Old St Hilary’s Landmark, 201 Esperanza, Tiburon. 415.435.1853.
NAPA Music in the Vineyards Month-long, nationally acclaimed chamber music festival showcases the finest classical musicians in the picturesque settings of Napa’s wineries and venues. Through Aug 26. Napa Valley, various locations, Napa. Napa Live: Inside & Out Annual live music crawl includes musicians performing in stores, parks, plazas, patios and throughout Napa’s many venues. Aug 12, 12pm. Free. downtown, Main street and Town Center, Napa.
Clubs & Venues Belvedere Community Park Aug 12, 4pm, Laurie Lewis & the Right Hands. 450 San Rafael Ave, Belvedere, Fenix Aug 9, the B Sharp Blues Band. Aug 10, Jeff Oster. Aug 11, the Best Intentions. Aug 12, Shana Dinha and Terrence Brewer. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600. Gabrielson Park Aug 10, 6:30pm, Honey B & the Pollinators. Anchor St, Sausalito. 415.289.4152. Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Aug 8, Mo’lasses. Aug 15, Sarah Herzog. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax. 415.485.1005.
Marin Country Mart Aug 10, 6pm, Masha Campagne. Aug 11, 11am, Howling Coyote Tour with Tommy Anderson and Rosemary Tracy. Aug 12, 12:30pm, Misner & Smith. 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 415.461.5700.
MILL VALLEY Depot Plaza Aug 12, 3pm, Glenn Walters Band and Iriefuse. 87 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.1370. 19 Broadway Nightclub Aug 9, Book of Birds. Aug 11, Jeffro Squid with the Theory. Aug 12, Westerly. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1091. No Name Bar Aug 9, Jesse Lee Kincaid Band. Aug 10, Michael Aragon Quartet. Aug 11, Rob Fordyce birthday bash. Aug 12, Doug Nichols and friends. Aug 13, Kimrea & the Dreamdogs. 757 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.1392. Oak Plaza at Northgate Aug 10, 6pm, Super Huey. 5800 Northgate Mall, San Rafael. 415.479.5955. Osteria Divino Aug 9, Joe Kelner Trio. Aug 10, Nathan Bickart Trio. Aug 11, Ken Cook Trio. Aug 14, Suzanna Smith. Aug 15, Nathan Swedlow Trio. 37 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.9355. Panama Hotel Restaurant Aug 8, Amanda Denny. Aug 9, Michelle Lambert. Aug 14, Panama 3. Aug 15, Ricky Ray. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993. Papermill Creek Saloon Aug 11, Patrick Winningham Band and Agents of Change. Aug 12, the Weissmen. 1 Castro, Forest Knolls. 415.488.9235. Peri’s Silver Dollar Aug 9, Mark’s Jam Sammich. Aug 10, PSDSP with Joe Kaplow Band. Aug 12, the Dyed Blues Band. Aug 14, Michael Brown and friends. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910. Piccolo Pavilion Aug 12, 5pm, Bubba’s Taxi. Redwood and Corte Madera avenues, Corte Madera. 415.302.1160. Rancho Nicasio Aug 10, Drew Harrison. Aug 11, 8:30pm and , Aug 12, 4pm, “Uncle” Willie K. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio. 415.662.2219. Sausalito Cruising Club Aug 13, Blue Monday Jam Session. 300 Napa St, Sausalito. 415.332.9922. Sausalito Seahorse Aug 9, Julia Gorgone Jazz Ensemble. Aug 10, Chris James & the Showdowns. Aug 11, Marinfidels. Aug 12, Danilo y su Orquesta Universal. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.2899. Smiley’s Schooner Saloon Aug 9, We Are the West. Aug 10, the Spiral Electric and Twin Dimensions. Aug 11, the Mosswoods. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311. Sweetwater Music Hall Aug 8, Barry Zito. Aug 9, Jerry’s Middle
Finger. Aug 11, Rush vs Yes. Aug 12, 3:30pm, SambaDá Family Show. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.3850. Tam Valley Community Center Aug 10, the Fog City Swampers. 203 Marin Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.6393. The Tavern on Fourth Aug 10, Hella Fitzgerald with Lilan Kane. 711 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.4044. Terrapin Crossroads Aug 9, Ross James’ Cosmic Thursday. Aug 10, Top 40 Friday with RIG featuring Garrin Benfield. Aug 11, Ancient Baby. Aug 11, David Nelson Band in the Grate Room. Aug 12, Midnight North. Aug 13, Grateful Monday with Stu Allen and friends. Aug 14, FOG with Brian Melvin and Barry Sless. Aug 15, Incubators. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773. Town Center Corte Madera Aug 12, 12pm, David Correa. 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera. 415.924.2961. Trek Winery Aug 10, Domestic Harmony. 1026 Machin Ave, Novato. 415.899.9883.
Art Openings Art Works Downtown Aug 10-Sep 8, “Through A Bird’s Eye,” collection of works by Molly Brown displays in the Underground gallery, with “Saving Second Base” showing artistically decorated bras in the Founders’ gallery and Bolinas School of Botanical Art students showing in the Donors’ gallery. Reception, Aug 10 at 5pm. 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. Tues-Sat, 10 to 5. 415.451.8119.
Galleries Alemany Library Gallery Through Sep 15, “Remythologizing Filipino Archetypes,” group exhibit examines the culture of the Philippines. Reception, Aug 30 at 5pm. Dominican University, 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael. 415.485.3251. Bolinas Museum Through Aug 12, “Devine Gardens,” Mayumi Oda and the Green Gulch Farm Zen Center is featured in the main gallery, with Linda Connor’s “In the Himalayas” photography and Patricia Yenawine’s “Fired Up!” ceramics. Reception, Jun 16 at 2pm. 48 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. Fri, 1 to 5; Sat-Sun, noon to 5; and by appointment. 415.868.0330. Book Passage Through Nov 30, “Tom Killion Residency,” acclaimed Marin artist returns to Book Passage’s gallery for a year-long exhibition of his original prints and handcrafted books. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera. Daily, 9am to 9pm. 415.927.0960.
Corte Madera Library Through Sep 13, “Birds & Farm Friends,” exhibit of pastel landscape works by local artist Donna Solin. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444. Gallery Route One Through Aug 12, “Tell Tale,” members’ show offers an invitation to visit private worlds of imagination from 26 artists. Reception, Jul 7 at 2:30pm. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. Wed-Mon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347. Headlands Center for the Arts Through Aug 23, “Gala Porras-Kim: Trials in Ancient Technologies,”Los Angeles-based artist investigates ancient methodologies of decay and documentation. Reception, Jul 15 at 4pm. 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito. Sun-Fri, noon to 4. 415.331.2787. The Image Flow Through Sep 7, “Process Photography Exhibition,” juried exhibition features 37 artists working with a wide variety of historical and analog photographic printing processes. Reception, Jul 14 at 7pm. 401 Miller Ave, Ste A, Mill Valley. 415.388.3569. Marin Community Foundation Through Sep 20, “Human...Nature: A Guy Colwell Retrospect,” exhibition spans the artist’s figurative social surrealism from the 1970s to current day. Reception, May 30 at 6pm. 5 Hamilton Landing, Ste 200, Novato. Open Mon-Fri, 9 to 5. O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Through Aug 23, “Bay Area Women Artists,” tenth annual show is juried by Donna Seager and Suzanne Gray. Reception, Aug 7 at 4pm. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. Tues-Sat, 10 to 2; also by appointment. 415.388.4331. Robert Allen Fine Art Through Sep 28, “Donaldson, Findlay, Maxon,” group exhibit of oil and acrylic paintings on canvas features Amy Donaldson, Beatrice Findlay and John Maxon. 301 Caledonia St, Sausalito. Mon-Fri, 10 to 5. 415.331.2800. Throckmorton Theatre Through Aug 31, “Revelations,” sparked by current events, Marie Bergstedt’s latest works display in the Throckmorton main gallery, with Braeda Horan’s “The Beauty That Surrounds Us” showing in the crescendo gallery. Reception, Aug 7 at 5pm. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600. Tiburon Town Hall Through Aug 30, “Celebrating Life,” featuring works by members of Marin Society of Artists. Reception, July 8 at 5pm. 1505 Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon. Toby’s Gallery Through Aug 31, “FAULTline,” some of California’s best and brightest artists will be on display. 11250 Hwy 1, Point Reyes Station.
Comedy Brendon Walsh & Brett Erickson The two bold and funny standups can be found on podcasts, television and in
21 PA CI FI C S U N | A U GU S T 8 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 | PA CI FI CSUN.CO M
L.A. artist Gala Porras-Kim casts her eye on ancient methods of decay and documentation at the Headlands Center for the Arts with a show through Aug. 23. comedy clubs. Aug 10, 6:30pm. $15-$20. Sally Tomatoes, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.665.0260.
hosted by comedian Clark Peterson. Aug 10, 6:45pm. $3. The Club at McInnis Park, 350 Smith Ranch Rd, San Rafael. 415.492.1800
Dave Burleigh Comedian was recently featured on “America’s Got Talent.” Aug 10, 7:30pm. $20. Trek Winery, 1026 Machin Ave, Novato. 415.899.9883.
Debra DiGiovanni Canada’s favorite female comedian is also called the best standup to see after a messy breakup. Aug 9, 7:30pm. $28. The Laugh Cellar, 5755 Mountain Hawk Way, Santa Rosa. 707.843.3824. Desi Comedy Fest Biggest South Asian comedy festival in America marks its fifth year with Abhay Nadkarni, Kabir Singh and several other standup stars. Aug 14, 8pm. $17-$22. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. The Dick ‘an Dyke Show Drag and variety hour is hosted by local performers Danny Packin and V Position. Aug 10, 7:30pm. $12. The Laugh Cellar, 5755 Mountain Hawk Way, Santa Rosa. 707.843.3824. The Gentlemen Bastards Local improv comedy troupe takes over the bar for a night of on-the-spot silliness. Aug 12, 6pm. Whiskey Tip, 1910 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.843.5535. Jim Gaffigan Superb standup finds the funny in being a family man in his new “The Fixer Upper” tour. Aug 9, 7 and 9:30pm. $59-$75. Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600. Team Trivia Contest Jeopardy style questions, songs and visuals
Marin Ballet Sundays, 4:30pm. through Aug 26, Sevillana Dance Series, teens and adults are invited to learn the festive Spanish folk dance. $34, 100 Elm St, San Rafael
Events Artsy Dogs of Kokomo Join Paws for Love in a day of art, dogs, wine, food and fun for all. Aug 11, 11am. Free; donations welcome. Kokomo Winery, 4791 Dry Creek Rd, Healdsburg. 707.433.0200 Awaken your Senses: Ancient Rhythms, Ancient Grains In depth conversation, cooking demonstration, tastings and performances explore the historical and cultural intersections between music and food. Aug 12, 11am. $135. McEvoy Ranch, 5935 Red Hill Rd, Petaluma. 707.769.4138.
CobUnity Celebration Living Earth Structures celebrates 10 years in Sonoma County with film and presentation about the natural building work and a discussion about creative solutions for low-cost housing, with potluck dinner. Aug 8, 6pm. $10-$20. Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopo. The French Market Outdoor antique market features vintage furniture, decor, clothing, jewelry and more, with crepes and live music. Second Sun of every month, 9am. through Oct 14. Free admission. Marin Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Dr, San Rafael. Gravenstein Apple Fair Celebrate all things apple at this popular event that includes live music on two stages, arts and crafts vendors, local food, wine, cider and beer, children’s corner, chef’s tent and much more. Aug 11-12. $10-$15. Ragle Ranch Park, 500 Ragle Rd, Sebastopol. The Great Train Days Redwood Empire Garden Railway Society shows off their model trains and buildings. Build your own train tracks, listen to train music or hear a story about trains. Aug 11-12. Children’s Museum of Sonoma County, 1835 W Steele Lane, Santa Rosa. 707.546.4069.
The Big Give-Back Monthly benefit program raises funds for local nonprofits with live music and a pop-up sample shop. Aug 11. Hanna Winery, 9280 Hwy 128, Healdsburg. 800.854.3987.
Harlem Globetrotters World-famous basketball ambassadors of good will play two exhibition games in Santa Rosa. Aug 8-9, 7pm. $32 and up. Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 866.777.8932.
Center for Visual Music Symposium Three-day event features talks, screenings and receptions centered on exploring and preserving visual music. Aug 14-16. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park,
Napa Town & Country Fair Fair is themed “Peace, Love & Livestock” and features carnival rides, farm activities, exhibits and other fun. Aug 8-12. $10-$13/kids and under are free. Napa Valley Exposition, 575 Third St, Napa.
Rollin’ Root Ribbon-Cutting Celebrate the grand opening of the Agricultural Institute of Marin’s mobile farmer’s market. Aug 9, 9am. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael. 415.456.9062. Second Fridays Art Walk Anchored by Art Works Downtown galleries and artist studios, the art walk links venues throughout downtown San Rafael with receptions and entertainment. Second Fri of every month, 5pm. Art Works Downtown, 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.451.8119. Sonoma County Fair Annual fair’s assortment of carnival rides, horse races, festive foods, free concerts, local agriculture, art and craft exhibits and family fun return to Santa Rosa with a “Salute to Heroes” theme. Through Aug 12. Sonoma County Fairgrounds, 1350 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.545.4200. Summer Open Studio at Chalk Hill Celebrate the art and creativity of several artists-in-residence with entertainment and refreshments. Aug 12, 1pm. Chalk Hill Residency, 13427 Chalk Hill Rd, Healdsburg. Summer Social Media Mixer Gathering mixer features video clips and live music from Sergei Chelakov. Aug 8, 7pm. Free. Community Media Center of Marin, 819 A St, San Rafael. 415.721.0636. Sunset Dinner Honoring the legacy of world-renowned potter Marguerite Wildenhain, and benefiting Pond Farm Pottery, the annual event includes reception and tour. Aug 11, 5pm. $125 and up. Austin Creek State Recreation Area, 17000 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville.
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Travel Writers & Photographers Conference Conference offers an array of workshops, panels, and evening activities and is highly regarded by publishers and editors. Aug 9-12. Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera. 415.927.0960.
Belvedere-Tiburon Library, 1501 Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon. 415.789.2665. Olompali: A Hippie Odyssey A highlight of this year’s DocLands Documentary Film Festival gets a screening with the filmmakers and special guest Peter Coyote on hand. Aug 9, 7pm. $13-$15. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.
Field Trips
Sunset Cinema Series Spread out on the lawn for an outdoor screening of “Amanda & Jack Go Glamping,” a light-hearted fan favorite from the 2017 Napa Valley Film Festival. Aug 9, 6:30pm. $10. Charles Krug Winery, 2800 Main St, St Helena. 707.967.3993.
Forest Bathing Take in the atmosphere of the forest for health and wellness purposes with therapy guide Denell Nawrocki. Pre-registration required. Aug 12, 10am. Armstrong Woods State Reserve, Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville.
Food & Drink
Kule Loklo Open House & Workday Visit a replica Coast Miwok village that offers a glimpse of life in pre-European California. Aug 11, 10am. Free. Kule Loklo, Pt Reyes National Seashore, Olema. 415.464.5137.
Carneros Cornhole & Wine Tasting Carneros Wine Alliance once again mixes outdoor activity and winetasting for a fun afternoon benefitting Carneros and SchellVista Fire Departments. Aug 11, 4pm. $40. ZD Wines’ Private Carneros Estate, 1080 Cuttings Wharf Rd, Napa. 800.487.7757.
Madrone Audobon Bird Walk Carpool to Willow Creek road, and then Goat Rock State Park to view birds with guide Gordon Beebe. Aug 11, 7:30am. Duncans Mills parking lot, Moscow Rd, Duncans Mills.
Discovering Spain Guest winemaker Michael Cooper leads a class about Spanish wine with tastings from Vinos del Viento. Aug 9, 6pm. $20. CIA at Copia, 500 First St, Napa. 707.967.2530.
Redwood Hike Experience California’s spectacular redwood state parks for the first time or rekindle your love for them, courtesy of Save the Redwoods League. Sat, Aug 11, 10am. Free. Jack London State Park, 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen. 707.938.5216.
Fresh Starts Chef Event Gordon Drysdale, award-winning chef and restaurateur, presents a summer supper. Aug 9, 6:30pm. $60. The Key Room, 1385 N Hamilton Pkwy, Novato. 415.382.3363, ext 215.
Second Saturdays at Armstrong Redwoods Spend the day strolling through Armstrong’s redwood grove in an event hosted by Save the Redwoods League. Aug 11, 10am. Free. Armstrong Woods State Reserve, Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville. Solar Viewing & Public Star Party View stars near and far with the observatory’s telescopes and experts on hand. Solar viewing is free and star party is $3, plus parking. Sat, Aug 11, 11am and 8pm. Robert Ferguson Observatory, Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood. 707.833.6979. Tomales Bay Kayak Tour Paddle toward Hog Island for a glimpse of harbor seals and resting waterfowl and shore birds. Aug 11-15, 10am. $89. Miller Park, Hwy 1, Tomales Bay. Vamos Afuera Spanish-language family event includes an overview of the Laguna and the center’s Heron Hall, walk through nearby creeks and a picnic dinner. Aug 12, 5:30pm. Laguna de Santa Rosa Environmental Center, 900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.527.9277. Woods Wellness Wednesday Join a ranger for a guided hike on one of Muir Woods’ trails. Reservations required. Aug 15, 9am. Muir Woods Visitor Center, 1 Muir Woods Rd, Mill Valley. 415.388.2596. Yoga in the Vineyards All-levels yoga outside is rewarded with a special lineup of award-winning wines and nosh. Aug 12, 11am. $35. Russian River Vineyards, 5700 Hwy 116, Forestville. 707.887.3344.
Greek & Middle Eastern Food Festival Eat, drink and enjoy traditional Mediterranean food and music in this 12th annual festival. Aug 11-12, noon. Free admission. St. George Orthodox Church, 7311 College View Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.583.3992.
Before it was a state park, Olompali was a hippie haven with more stories to tell than Jerry Garcia had hairs on his beard. ‘Olompali: A Hippie Odyssey’ tells the story at this year’s DocLands Documentary Film Festival on Aug. 9 at the Smith Rafael Film Center.
Film Apéro & a Movie Enjoy French appetizers and wine paired with a screening of the French film “My Best Friend,” and a river view. Aug 12, 5pm. $20. Napa Valley Yacht Club, 100 Riverside Dr, Napa. Art & Architecture in Cinema Series screens “Segantini: Back to Nature,” about the significant 19th-century symbolist painter Giovanni Segantini. Aug 12, 1pm. $10-$18. Lark Theater, 549 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.924.5111. The Battle for Jack London’s Mountain See the new short film about the effort to save Jack London State Park from the wine country fires last October. Space is limited. Aug 9, 5pm. $20. Jack London State Park, 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen. 707.938.5216.
Bernstein 100 Month-long salute to composer Leonard Bernstein opens with a screening of the classic musical “On the Town.” Aug 12, 4:15 and 6:45pm. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222. Deconstructing the Beatles Scott Freiman’s ongoing multimedia presentations about the Fab Four this time go back to their origins in “Birth of the Beatles.” Sat, Aug 11, 1pm. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222. Harold & Maude Final Passages’ monthly film and discussion series presents the offbeat 1971 cult classic comedy, with discussion. Aug 14, 6:30pm. $5-$15. Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol. The March of Hope Tiburon Film Society presents the documentary about refugees that offers an emotional perspective. Aug 9, 6:30pm. Free.
Hands-On Sushi Class Chef Ed Metcalfe from Shiso Modern Asian Cuisine leads the class, with wine and lunch included. Aug 11, 11am. $85. Cornerstone Sonoma, 23570 Arnold Dr, Sonoma. 707.933.3010. Judd’s Hill Harvest Party Get a look at Napa Valley’s 2018 harvest and sample new fall releases. Aug 12, 12pm. $55. Judd’s Hill Winery, 2332 Silverado Trail, Napa. 707.255.2332. Kendall-Jackson’s Farm-to-Table Dinner Series A wine country culinary experience that can’t be missed. Sat, Aug 11, 5:30pm. $125-$175. Kendall-Jackson Wine Estate & Gardens, 5007 Fulton Rd, Fulton. 707.576.3810. Murder Mystery Dinner Enjoy a lovely four-course meal and intriguing interactive entertainment. Aug 11, 7pm. $75. Tudor Rose English Tea Room, 733 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.535.2045. Off the Grid Food Trucks Eat your way through the largest gathering of mobile food trucks in Marin, listen to live music and take in great views. Sun, 11am. Marin Country Mart, 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 415.461.5700.
THU 8/16 $10 7:30PM DOORS / 7:45PM SHOW 21+
FRI 8/17 $20–25 8PM DOORS / 9PM SHOW
SAT 8/18 $13–15 7PM DOORS / 8PM SHOW
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Point Reyes radio station hosts a summer block party Aug. 12 with West Marin darlings of twang the Haggards. Food, drink and more. Sonoma County Cider Week Local cider makers converge at several venues for tap takeovers, new release parties and more celebrating the region’s robust cider community. Through Aug 12. various locations, around Sonoma County, Santa Rosa. Summer Wine Cocktail Tastings Meadowcroft Wines team up with Prohibition Spirits for a collaborative cocktail showcase. Sat, Aug 11. Cornerstone Sonoma, 23570 Arnold Dr, Sonoma. 707.933.3010. Wags, Whiskers & Wine Annual fundraising gala for Humane Society of Sonoma County includes fine wines and brews, gourmet dinner, silent and live auctions, animal pals on hand and more. Aug 10, 5:30pm. $175. Trentadue Winery, 19170 Geyserville Ave, Geyserville. 707.433.2768. Winemaker Dinner & Bocce Tournament Sporty event includes a family-style farmto-table feast. Aug 11, 4pm. $165. Trione Winery, 19550 Geyserville Ave, Geyserville. 707.814.8100. Winemaker Dinner Series Monthly meal this time welcomes KendallJackson Estate to pour. Aug 10, 6:30pm. Bay View Restaurant at the Inn at the Tides. 800 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay. 707.875.2751. Zinfandel Stories Sample several Sonoma County zinfandels during this distinctive walk-around tasting.
Aug 12, 3pm. $30-$55. Cline Cellars, 24737 Arnold Dr, Sonoma. 707.940.4025.
For Kids CPC Summer Music Camp Children of all ages can be a part of a musical play for young voices. Aug 13-19. $60. Christ Presbyterian Church, 620 Del Ganado Rd, San Rafael. Family Fun Day at Napa Valley Museum All ages are welcome to come, play and learn with the glass master Randy Strong. Aug 11, 11am. Free. Napa Valley Museum, 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. 707.944.0500. Family Yoga For all ages. Fri, Aug 10, 11am. Guerneville Library, 14107 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville. 707.869.9004. New World Ballet Summer Arts Camp World-class guest artists offer courses in various dance styles, percussion and more to kids ages three and up. Scholarship programs available. Through Aug 11. New World Ballet, 905 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.536.9523. Summer Wednesdays for Kids Morning story time for kids includes lemonade and cookies. Wed, Aug 8, 11am and Wed, Aug 15, 11am. Bon Air Center, 302 Bon Air Center, Greenbrae,
Summer Wonder Camp Camps for children ages five to eight are designed to be hands-on and full of art, science, exploration and imaginative play. Through Aug 10. $330 per week. Children’s Museum of Sonoma County, 1835 W Steele Lane, Santa Rosa. 707.546.4069.
Outdoor Dining Sat & Sun Brunch 11–3
Din n er & A Show
Acoustics on the Lawn Aug 10 Fri
featuring Drew Harrison
from The Sun Kings
Acoustic Beatles & more Doors @6:00/Music @ 7:30 / No Cover
Willie KLD OU T Aug 11 “Uncle” SO Menu 8:30 Intimate Dinner Show, Special Sat
Be Not Still in Conversation Exhibition artist Victor Cartagena and others discuss the relationship of immigration, community, and labor with Cartagena’s work on view. Aug 11, 3pm. $10. di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 707.226.5991. Container Vegetable Gardening Learn from a master gardener. Aug 10, 2pm. San Rafael Library, 1100 E St, San Rafael. 415.485.3323. Contemporary Classics Former book editor Patricia Holt leads a book discussion group on “Norwegian by Night” by Derek B Miller. Aug 8, 6:30pm. $20. Point Reyes Books, 11315 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1542. Draw, Carve & Print Immersive printmaking workshop lets you create a series of 10 prints while being nourished with food, wine, coffee and chocolate. Space is limited. Aug 10-12.
Lunch & Dinner 7 Days a Week
Sunshine Lee Debut! Aug 17 Erica The Georgia Gypsy 8:00 / No Cover Fri
Patsy Cline Tribute Rancho Birthday Show Debut! The Carol Sills Combo 8:00 Sun Sep 30 Commander Cody & Fri
Aug 31
His Modern Day Airmen 7:00
BBQs on the Lawn
Aug 26 Petty Theft Mon
The Sons of Champlin Sep 9 Danny Click & the Hell Yeahs! and Shana Morrison Sun Sep 16 The Mad Hannans Sep 3 Sun
plus Junk Parlor Foster Sep 23 Ruthie plus HowellDevine Sun Sun
Oct 7
Rodney Crowell Reservations Advised
On the Town Square, Nicasio
PA CI FI C S U N | A U GU S T 8 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 | PA CI FI CSUN.CO M
$325. Willis Studio, 1830 Soscol Ave, Napa,
PACI FI C SUN | A U GU S T 8 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM
24 Wed 8⁄8 • Doors 7pm ⁄ $25–$35 • All Ages
Barry Zito
Thu 8⁄9 • Doors 7pm ⁄ $10–$15 • All Ages Celebrate "Garcia Day" on the 23rd Anniversary of Jerry's Passing with
Jerry's Middle Finger
Sat 8⁄11 • Doors 7:30pm ⁄ $17–$19 • All Ages
An Epic Evening of Progressive Rock Sun 8⁄12 • Doors 3pm ⁄ $12–$15 • All Ages
SambaDá Family Show!
Thu 8⁄16 • Doors 7pm ⁄ $25–$30 • All Ages
An Evening with
Zach Gill of ALO & Jack Johnson (seated)
Fri 8⁄17 • Doors 8pm ⁄ $30–$34 • 21+
The Purple Ones
Insatiable Tribute to Prince Sat 8⁄18 • Doors 8pm ⁄ $17–$22 • All Ages
Grateful Shred
with very special guest Mapache Sun 8⁄19 • Doors 7pm ⁄ $15–$20 • All Ages
Mystic Bowie's Talking Dreads Reggae Tribute to Talking Heads Fri 8⁄24 • Doors 8pm ⁄ $32–$37 • 21+ Jamaican Reggae Legends
Black Uhuru 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley Café 388-1700 | Box Office 388-3850
Fine Spirits & Wine Craft Cocktails 18 NorCal Draught Brews Espresso/Cappuccino
Live Music
Every Fri & Sat 9:30p - 1:00a
No Cover Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4p-6p 711 Fourth Street San Rafael CA 415 454 4044
Fire Recovery Community Engagement Workshops gathers public input to shape the Recovery and Resiliency Plan to ensure the safety, livelihoods, and economic prosperity of the residents of Sonoma County. Aug 8, 6pm. Sonoma Veterans Memorial Hall, 126 First St W, Sonoma. 707.938.4105. A matter of Balance Eight-session fall prevention program for people aged sixty or older whose fear of falling limits their social and physical activity. Aug 13, 10:30am. Free. Corte Madera Library. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444. Meditation at Whistlestop Learn how to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and restore healthy sleep patterns. Thurs, 3:30pm. $5. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael. 415.456.9062. New Naturals Artists’ Talk Exhibiting artists Jann Nunn, Bill Russell and Jonah Ward discuss their work, including choice of media, approach, process and concepts, with Q&A and a reception to follow. Aug 10, 5:30pm. Sofie Contemporary Arts, 1407 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.341.3326. Painting Bark & Lichens in Gouache Exhibiting artist Lucy Martin leads a workshop. Pre-registration required. Aug 11, 10am. $95. Laguna de Santa Rosa Environmental Center, 900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.527.9277. Second Saturday Cartoonist Meet, watch and talk to designer and illustrator Michelle McNeil. Aug 11, 1pm. Free with admission. Charles M Schulz Museum, 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 707.579.4452. Senior Circle Share the challenges of aging in a safe and supportive environment in partnership with the Center for Attitudinal Healing. Wed, 10am. Free. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael. 415.456.9062. Senior Stretch Class Presented by Sunlight Chair Yoga. Free for Silver Sneakers insurance and church members, drop-ins welcome. Wed, 11am. $8. First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael, 1510 Fifth St, San Rafael. 415.689.6428. Summer Beekeeping Hive Dives Beginner to intermediate beekeeper hands-on class led by experienced beekeeper Jon Sevigny. Mon, Aug 13, 5pm. $15. Napa Valley College Upper Campus, 1088 College Ave, St Helena. 707.967.2900. Tai Chi Class David Mac Lam teaches classic Yang-style and Taoist-style meditation. Mon, 11am. $8-$10. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael. 415.456.9062. Valley of the Moon Garden Club Meeting Monthly meeting’s guest speaker is Alexa Wall, co-owner with her husband Curtis of Luma California cannabis farm, who speaks on cannabis regulations and growing tips. Aug 9, 6:30pm. $5. Sonoma Veterans Memorial Hall, 126 First St W, Sonoma. 707.938.4105. Wildlife Picture Index Project Come to this training and learn how to
contribute to the volunteer project by helping maintain wildlife cameras and processing photos. Thurs, Aug 9, 1pm. Marin Water District Office, 220 Nellen Ave, Corte Madera.
Readings Art Museum of Sonoma County Aug 9, 7pm, “How a Mountain Was Made” with Greg Sarris. $10-$16. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa 707.579.1500. Book Passage Aug 9, 7pm, “30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business” with Kristin Morrison. Aug 9, 7:30pm, “Last Watchman of Old Cairo” with Michael David Lukas. Aug 10, 8pm, “To the Ends of the Earth” with Gordon Wiltsie. Aug 11, 8pm, “Just Fly Away” with Andrew McCarthy. Aug 13, 7pm, “Awakened Relating” with Lynn Marie Lumiere. Aug 14, 7pm, “Four Funerals & Maybe a Wedding” with Rhys Bowen. Aug 15, 7pm, “Not a Poster Child” with Francine Allen. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera 415.927.0960. Book Passage By-the-Bay Aug 15, 6pm, “The Healing” with Saeeda Hafiz. 100 Bay St, Sausalito 415.339.1300. Calistoga Copperfield’s Books Aug 10, 6pm, “Visible Empire” with Hannah Pittard. 1330 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga 707.942.1616. Jack London State Park Aug 12, 2pm, Jack London Short Story ReadAloud with Doc Stull. Free; $10 parking. 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen 707.938.5216. Napa Main Library Aug 9, 7pm, “Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore” with Elizabeth Rush. 580 Coombs St, Napa 707.253.4070. Novato Copperfield’s Books Aug 11, 5pm, “The Pain Companion” with Sarah Anne Shockley. 999 Grant Ave, Novato 415.763.3052. Petaluma Copperfield’s Books Aug 8, 7pm, “This Body’s Not Big Enough for Both of Us” with Edgar Cantero. Aug 12, 2pm, Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show. 140 Kentucky St, Petaluma 707.762.0563. Santa Rosa Copperfield’s Books Aug 15, 7pm, “Good Luck with That” with Kristan Higgins. 775 Village Court, Santa Rosa 707.578.8938.
Theater Audacity Laugh, cry and cringe in an evening of musical merriment chronicling the political circus that has become the US presidency. Aug 9, 7:30pm. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600. Being Salmon, Being Human Unique storytelling performance from Norway combines traditional tales, original music and contemporary philosophy to explore the extraordinary lives of wild salmon. Aug 15, 7pm. $15. Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, 15290 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental. 707.874.1557.
Broadway Under the Stars Transcendence Theatre Company’s summerlong series of performances continues with “Shall We Dance,” featuring music from Broadway and beyond in an incredible showcase. Through Aug 19. $45 and up. Jack London State Park, 2400 London Ranch Rd, Glen Ellen. 707.938.5216. The Comedy of Errors Bring a picnic dinner and watch this comical Shakespeare play outdoors in the nearby Cannery ruins. Aug 10-Sep 2. $18-$36. 6th Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185. Hairspray Tony Award-winning musical is presented by the Throckmorton Youth Performers. Through Aug 12. $15-$35. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600. Heroes Gentle comedy looks into the hidden world of three retired survivors of World War I who attempt to escape from a French military hospital in 1959. Aug 10-19. $12-$25. Cloverdale Performing Arts Center, 209 N Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale. 707.829.2214. I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change The classic comic musical revue about relationships gets an update and features four actors playing multiple roles. Through Aug 19. $10-$35. Raven Theater, 115 North St, Healdsburg. 707.433.3145. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Pack blankets, chairs and picnic goodies and enjoy Shakespeare under the stars, featuring members of the Raven Players. Through Aug 11. $10-$25. Seghesio Family Vineyards, 700 Grove St, Healdsburg. 707.433.3579. The Savannah Sipping Society Ross Valley Players presents a laugh-a-minute comedy about four Southern women trying escape their day-to-day routines. Through Aug 12. $22-$27. Barn Theatre, Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.456.9555. The Tasting Room New wine country comedy by Lucky Penny co-founder Barry Martin is about a struggling winery that gets a chance to impress a famous wine critic. Through Aug 12. $22-$32. Lucky Penny Community Arts Center, 1758 Industrial Way, Napa. 707.266.6305. Two Gentlemen of Verona Enjoy Shakespeare under the stars with picnic tables and patio seating available. Aug 8-19. Buena Vista Winery, 18000 Old Winery Rd, Sonoma. 800.926.1266.
The PACIFIC SUN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Inclusion of events in the print edition is at the editor’s discretion. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.
TO PLACE AN AD: email or fax: 415.485.6226. No walk-ins
please. All submissions must include a phone number and email. Ad deadline is Thursday, noon to be included in the following Wednesday print edition.
Seminars&Workshops To include your seminar or workshop, call 415.485.6700
Single & Dissatisfied? Tired of spending weekends and holidays alone? Join with other single men and women to explore what’s blocking you from fulfillment in your relationships. Nine-week Single’s Group, OR weekly, ongoing, coed Intimacy Groups or Women’s Group, all starting the week of August 13th. Groups meet on Mon, Tues, & Thurs evenings. Space limited. Also, Individual and Couples sessions. Central San Rafael. For more information, call Renee Owen, LMFT #35255 at 415-453-8117 GROUP FOR MOTHERLESS DAUGHTERS, women who have losttheir mothers through death, illness, separation, or estrangement inchildhood, adolescence or adulthood. A safe place to grieve and toexplore many inf luences of mother loss in relatonships, parenting,individual goals, trust, etc. Facilitated & developed by Colleen Russell,LMFT, CGP, since 1997. GROUP FOR FORMER MEMBERS OF HIGH DEMAND GROUPS, “spiritual,” “religious,” “philosophical,” “Eastern,” “Coaching/Improvement,” etc. Safety and trust in discussing experiences andcoercive inf luence in groups and families with leaders who claimspecial status and who use unethical, manipulative methods torecruit and indoctrinate with increasing demands on personal lives. Facilitated and developed by Colleen Russell, LMFT, CGP, since 2003.Contact: ColleenRussell,LMFT,GCP.Individual,Couple,Family&Group Therapy. 415-7853513;
Community PIANO & VOICE LESSONS Julia Padilla . 415.479.8786
Mind&Body HYPNOTHERAPY Thea Donnelly, M.A. Hypnosis, Counseling, All Issues. 25 yrs. experience. 415-459-0449.
Home Services CLEANING SERVICES All Marin House Cleaning Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Will do Windows. O’felia 415-717-7157. FURNITURE DOCTOR Ph/Fax: 415-383-2697
Real Estate HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE AFFORDABLE MARIN? I can show you 60 homes under $600,000. Call Cindy Halvorson 415-902-2729, BRE #01219375. Christine Champion, BRE# 00829362.
Home Office Yard Construction Sites Garages Same Day Service Immediate Response 24/7 • 415-454-8675
Publish your Legal Ad • Fictitious Business Name Statement • Abandonment of Business Name Statement • Change of Name • Family Summons • General Summons • Petition to Administer Estate • Withdrawal of Partnership • Trustee Sale For more information call 415.485.6700 ext 306 or email
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 144848. The following individual(s) are doing business: TRAVEL PARTNERS, 150 BELLAM BLVD SUITE 200, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: HOLLY CLESS, 88 SCENIC, FAIRFAX, CA 94930, JUNGHEE FLORA, 9 MT. BURNEY CT, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. This business is being conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on June 21, 2018. (Publication Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8 of 2018)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2018144951. The following individual(s) are doing business: MILL VALLEY PHYSICAL THERAPY, MILL VALLEY PHYSICAL THERAPY & SPORTS REHABILITATION, 619 E. BLITHEDALE AVENUE, BLDG. B, MILL VALLEY, CA 94941: MVJBP PHYSICAL THERAPY CORPORATION, 6413 GWIN COURT, OAKLAND, CA 94611. This business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of
Marin County on July 5, 2018. (Publication Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2018145016. The following individual(s) are doing business: GHOST IN THE NIGHT, 135 THIRD STREET, SUITE 100, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: 689 CELLARS, LP, 135 THIRD STREET, SUITE 100, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This business is being conducted by A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on JuLY 19, 2018. (Publication Dates: July 25, August 1, 8, 15 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2018144902. The following individual(s) are doing business: NATURAL BORN HEALER, 58 BROADVIEW DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: KARIM MOHSEN, 58 BROADVIEW DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JUNE 29, 2018. (Publication Dates: July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File
No: 2018144906. The following individual(s) are doing business: INTERIM HEALTHCARE, 185 N. REDWOOD DRIVE STE 120, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: CJH, LLC, 185 N. REDWOOD DRIVE STE. 120, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. This business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JULY 2, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 145040. The following individual(s) are doing business: MCMILLAN ASSOCIATES, 721 APPLEBERRY DR., SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: LINDA MCMILLAN, TRUSTEE OF THE MCMILLAN LIVING TRUST, 721 APPLEBERRY DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. This business is being conducted by A TRUST. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on JULY 24, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2018144965. The following individual(s) are doing business: WILLIAM TELL
Trivia answers «5 1. Milk 2. Marriage 3. 7-Eleven 4. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 5. The unicorn 6. Paul Manafort, accused of
bank and tax fraud
7. Silver Linings Playbook 8. Björn Borg, from Sweden
In the Caribbean: Aruba,
Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius; in South America: Suriname; in Europe: Belgium
10. John F. Kennedy was 43 years old; Ronald Reagan, 73 BONUS ANSWER: India; the Indira Gandhi National Open University
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PublicNotices HOUSE, THE WILLIAM TELL HOUSE, 26955 STATE ROUTE 1, TOMALES, CA 94971: WILLIAM TELL RESTAURANT LLC, 531 53RD STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94609. This business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on JULY 13, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 144953. The following individual(s) are doing business: LIVING YOUR AWESOME, 40 W. SEAVIEW AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: MEREDITH HERRENBRUCK, 40 W. SEAVIEW AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JULY 10, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2018145046. The following individual(s) are doing business: RS HAULING AND RECYCLING METAL SERVICES, 22 FAIRFAX STREET # F, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: RULAMAN EMILIO SANTOS, 22 FAIRFAX STREET # F, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JULY 25, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 8, 15, 22, 29 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 144949. The following individual(s) are doing business: COSMOPROF, 770 W. FRANCISCO BLVD., SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: BEAUTY SYSTEMS GROUP LLC, 3001 COLORADO BLVD., DENTON, TX 76210. This business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Registrant will
begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JULY 10, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 8, 15, 22, 29 of 2018) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMEN—File No: 2018-144956. The following individual(s) are doing business: SAMDI BUILDING SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION CLEANING, 140 CAPTAIN’S COVE DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: MARIO A SAMPERIO, 140 CAPTAIN’S COVE DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. This business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on JULY 10, 2018. (Publication Dates: August 8, 15, 22, 29 of 2018) OTHER NOTICES ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CIV 1802150 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MARIN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Petitioner (name of each): Laurinda Hampton has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Alexander Stephen Ocean Archacki to Proposed Name: Alexandr Ocean Hampton 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. if no written objection is timely filed,the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 8/17/2018, Time: 9:00am, Dept: A, Room: A b. The address of the court is same as noted above; 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. 3.a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the Pacific Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin. DATED: JUN 21, 2018 Stephen P. Freccero Judge of the Superior Court James M Kim Court Executive Clerk MARIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By C Lucchesi, Deputy No. 854 (Publication Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8 of 2018) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CIV 1802529 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MARIN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Petitioner (name of each): Jessica Eleanor Wall has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Jessica Eleanor Wall to Proposed Name: Emilia Alanna Herman 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. if no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 9/4/2018, Time: 9:00am, Dept: A, Room: A. The address of the court is same as noted above; 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. 3.a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the Pacific Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin. DATED: JUL 19, 2018 Stephen P. Freccero Judge of the Superior Court James M Kim Court Executive Officer MARIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By E Chais, Deputy (July 25, August 1, 8, 15 of 2018) CASE NO.: 52-2018-DR-001508-FD In the Matter of the Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption
of Minor by Relatives, W. F. and M. F., Petitioners.NOTICE OF ACTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Kayla Marie Tobin, white female, born in California on October 19, 1990, who does reside or has resided in Marin County, CA. You are hereby notified that a petition under oath has been filed in the abovestyled court for the termination of your parental rights to, and the adoption by relatives of, the child J.G.F. (DOB: 04/15/2012) who was born in Sonoma County, California. You are hereby commanded to be and appear on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 10:00 a.m., before the Honorable Susan St. John, judge of the above-styled court, at the St. Petersburg Judicial Building, Room 312, 545 First Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The Court has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this hearing. UNDER SECTION 63.089, FLORIDA STATUTES, FAILURE TO TIMELY FILE A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THE PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND ADOPTION OF MINOR CHILD BY RELATIVES WITH THE COURT AND TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CONSTITUTES GROUNDS UPON WHICH THE COURT SHALL END ANY PARENTAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE OR ASSERT REGARDING THE MINOR CHILD. IF THE COURT FINDS THAT YOU ARE INDIGENT, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO A COURTAPPOINTED ATTORNEY. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact: Pinellas County Human Rights Office, 315 Court St., Clearwater, FL 33756. Phone: (727) 464-4880 (voice); or (727) 464-4062 (TDD line), or 711 for the hearing impaired. Contact should be initiated at least seven days before the scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than seven days. The court does not provide transportation and cannot accommodate such requests. Persons with disabilities needing transportation to court should contact their local public transportation providers for information regarding transportation services. (Publication Dates: July 25, and August 1, 8, 15 of 2018)
CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CIV 1802235 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MARIN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Petitioner (name of each): Beatriz Julia Rodas Diaz has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Bryanna Nayeli Iraheta to Proposed Name: Bryanna Nayeli Rodas Diaz 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. if no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 9/10/2018, Time: 9:00am, Dept: E, Room: E. The address of the court is same as noted above; 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. 3.a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the Pacific Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin. DATED: JUL 26, 2018 Paul M. Haakenson Judge of the Superior Court James M Kim Court Executive Officer MARIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By E Chais, Deputy (August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CIV 1802535 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MARIN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Petitioner (name of each): Yutaka Osumi and Emiko Eleanor Osumia has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Yutaka Osumi to Proposed Name: Jerry Yutaka Osumi. Present Name: Emiko Eleanor Osumi to Proposed Name: Eleanor Emiko Osumi 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. if no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 9/5/2018, Time: 9:00am, Dept: B, Room: B. The address of the court is same as noted above; 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. 3.a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the Pacific Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin. DATED: JUL 19, 2018 Roy O. Chernus Judge of the Superior Court James M Kim Court Executive Officer MARIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By E Chais, Deputy (August 1, 8, 15, 22 of 2018) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT FROM USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME—File No: 304836. The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of a fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the Marin County Clerk-Recorder’s Office on November 11 2013, Under File No: 133530. Fictitious Business name(s) HEADLINES SALON & SPA, 1547 4TH STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: JOYCE SCHEER, 248 KNIGHT DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901, CRAIG SCHEER, 248 KNIGHT DRIVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Marin County on July 19, 2018 (Publication Dates: August 8, 15, 22 and 29 of 2018)
By Amy Alkon
Q: A:
Why are there lots of bridal magazines but no magazines for grooms? What does that imply?—A Male
Consider men’s general lack of interest in wedding planning. Of course, if men did the organizing, there’d probably be a paintball duel to the altar, strippers serving nachos and a minister who ends the ceremony with “You may now have a threesome with the bride and her sister.” However, what we could call the “wedding-industrial complex,” which brought in $56 billion in the United States in 2017, according to The Wedding Report, is driven mainly by women (and more recently, to a lesser extent, very stylish gay men). So we often hear about “bridezillas,” human nightmares losing it over picky-wicky wedding details, but it’s the rare man who even comes close to caring enough to be called a “groomzilla.” In fact, though many women start planning their weddings years before meeting a potential groom, there probably isn’t a guy out there who gave thought to, say, what the centerpieces would be until he absolutely had to: “Um . . . honey, am I crazy, or is that an electric cattle prod you’re holding?” And frankly, for the average guy getting married, the ideal situation would be to propose, get clocked with a bowling trophy and wake up 10 months later to one of his bros shaking a tux in his face and saying, “Hose off and get dressed, man. You gotta be at the chapel in an hour!” These sex differences in wedding micromanagement reflect evolved sex differences in what evolutionary psychologists David Buss and David Schmitt call “sexual strategies.” These refer to long-term versus short-term orientation in mating, committed sex versus casual sex. Though there are times when casual sex is the optimal choice for a woman, in general, women tend to benefit more from a “long-term mating strategy,” holding out for men who are willing and able to stick around to protect and provide for their children. (Think handsome prince and all that “happily ever after” stuff versus handsome hookup.) Men will suck it up and opt for a long-term relationship for a number of reasons, Buss and Schmitt explain: because being on the hunt is time-, energy- and resourcesucking, and because “highly desirable” women can hold out for commitment. But because a man can, let’s just say, sheet ’em and street ’em, and still have a pretty good chance of passing on his genes, men often benefit more from a “short-term sexual strategy,” quantity over quality, or what I call the “I love a parade!” model. Still, this isn’t all that’s driving the average man’s lack of interest in the color of the posies on the dessert table. There’s also the evolved sex difference in status competition, the differing ways men and women compete for status intrasexually, that is, with others of their sex. As I explained recently, a major way men compete for status with other men is by being accompanied by smoking-hot women. (Welcome to the Armcandy Olympics!) These hotties don’t have to be wives or girlfriends; they just shouldn’t look like they’re with a guy simply because his credit card cleared at the rent-a-model website. Women, on the other hand, evolved to compete for status with other women by pairing up with the most high-status man they can get. Though we’re living in modern times, we’re still driven by Stone Age psychology. In ancestral times, a woman’s partner’s status would have been a life-or-death issue affecting the level of “provisioning” (eats, housing) and protection she had for herself and her children. In other words, so-called princess culture was created by evolution, not Disney. So little girls, to the great dismay of their progressive parents, are drawn to those stories of the scullery maid who ends up marrying the prince, the rich, high-status, hunky dude (good genes!), who could have any woman but finds our girl uniquely bewitching. Getting back to the male point of view, a guy gets married because he has become “bewitched” (“fallen in love,” in contemporary terms) and wants a life partner and/ or a family, and realizes that sex with a string of strippers is not the path to suburban dad-hood. However, even when a man decides to commit to one particular woman, his evolved drive for sexual variety remains. So . . . to finally answer your question: No man wants to buy Grooms! magazine because a wedding is, in a sense, a giant frothy funeral for his sex life.
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon at 171 Pier Ave. #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email @amyalkon on Twitter. Weekly radio show,
Astrology For the week of August 8
ARIES (March 21–April 19) PalestinianAmerican writer Susan Abulhawa writes that in the Arab world, to say a mere “thank you” is regarded as spiritless and ungenerous. The point of communicating gratitude is to light up with lively and expressive emotions that respond in kind to the kindness bestowed. For instance, a recipient may exclaim, “May Allah bless the hands that give me this blessing” or “Beauty is in the eyes that find me beautiful.” In accordance with current astrological omens, I propose that you experiment with this approach. Be specific in your praise. Be exact in your appreciation. Acknowledge the unique mood and meaning of each rich exchange. TAURUS (April 20–May 20) According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you need this advice from mythologist Joseph Campbell: “Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” He says it’s “a rescue land . . . some field of action where there is a spring of ambrosia—a joy that comes from inside, not something external that puts joy into you—a place that lets you experience your own will and your own intention and your own wish.” Do you have such a place, Taurus? If not, now is a great time to find one. If you do, now is a great time to go there for a spell and renew the hell out of yourself. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) When he was
20 years old, future U.S. President Thomas Jefferson had an awkward encounter with a young woman who piqued his interest. He was embarrassed by the gracelessness he displayed. For two days afterward, he endured a terrible headache. We might speculate that it was a psychosomatic reaction. I bring this up because I’m wondering if your emotions are also trying to send coded messages to you via your body. Are you aware of unusual symptoms or mysterious sensations? See if you can trace them back to their source in your soul.
CANCER (June 21–July 22) There’s a
zone in your psyche where selfishness overlaps generosity, where the line between being emotionally manipulative and gracefully magnanimous almost disappears. With both hope and trepidation for the people in your life, I advise you to hang out in that gray area for now. Yes, it’s a risk. You could end up finessing people mostly for your own good and making them think it’s mostly for their own good. But the more likely outcome is that you will employ ethical abracadabra to bring out the best in others, even as you get what you want, too.
LEO (July 23–August 22) You probably gaze at
the sky enough to realize when there’s a full moon. But you may not monitor the heavenly cycles closely enough to tune in to the new moon, that phase each month when the lunar orb is invisible. We astrologers regard it as a ripe time to formulate fresh intentions. We understand it to be a propitious moment to plant metaphorical seeds for the desires you want to fulfill in the coming four weeks. When this phenomenon happens during the astrological month of Leo, the potency is intensified for you. Your next appointment with this holiday is Aug. 10 and 11.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22) In her
poem “Dogfish,” Virgo poet Mary Oliver writes, “I wanted the past to go away, I wanted to leave it.” Why? Because she wanted her life “to open like a hinge, like a wing.” I’m happy to tell you, Virgo, that you now have more power than usual to make your past go away. I’m also pleased to speculate that as you perform this service for yourself, you’ll be skillful enough to preserve the parts of your past that inspire you, even as you shrink and neutralize memories that drain you. In response to this good work, I bet your life will open like a hinge, like a wing—no later than your birthday, and most likely before that.
LIBRA (September 23–October 22)
Libran fashion writer Diana Vreeland (1903–1989) championed the beauty of the strong nose. She didn’t approve of women wanting to look like “piglets and kittens.” If she were alive today, she’d be pleased that nose jobs in the U.S. have declined 43 percent since 2000. According to journalist Madeleine Schwartz
By Rob Brezsny
writing in Garage magazine, historians of rhinoplasty say there has been a revival of appreciation for the distinctive character revealed in an unaltered nose. I propose, Libra, that in accordance with current astrological omens, we extrapolate some even bigger inspiration from that marvelous fact. The coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to celebrate and honor and express pride in your idiosyncratic natural magnificence.
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) “Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else.” This definition, articulated by author Isaac Asimov, will be an excellent fit for you between now and Sept. 20. I suspect you’ll be unusually likely to feel at peace with yourself and at home in the world. I don’t mean to imply that every event will make you cheerful and calm. What I’m saying is that you will have an extraordinary capacity to make clear decisions based on accurate appraisals of what’s best for you. SAGITTARIUS (November 22– December 21) I’ve compiled a list of new blessings you need and deserve during the next 14 months. To the best of my ability, I will assist you to procure them. Here they are: a practical freedom song and a mature love song; an exciting plaything and a renaissance of innocence; an evocative new symbol that helps mobilize your evolving desires; escape from the influence of a pest you no longer want to answer to; insights about how to close the gap between the richest and poorest parts of yourself; and the cutting of a knot that has hindered you for years. CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) “It has become clear to me that I must either find a willing nurturer to cuddle and nuzzle and whisper sweet truths with me for six hours or else seek sumptuous solace through the aid of eight shots of whiskey.” My Capricorn friend Tammuz confided that message to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were feeling a comparable tug. According to my assessment of the Capricorn Zeitgeist, you acutely need the revelations that would become available to you through altered states of emotional intelligence. A lavish whoosh of alcohol might do the trick, but a more reliable and effective method would be through immersions in intricate, affectionate intimacy. AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Not even 5 percent of the world’s population lives in a complete democracy. Congratulations to Norway, Canada, Australia, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland and Sweden. Sadly, three countries where my column is published—the U.S., Italy and France—are categorized as “flawed democracies.” Yet they’re far better than the authoritarian regimes in China and Russia. (Source: The Economist.) I offer this public service announcement as a prelude to your homework assignment. According to my astrological analysis, you will personally benefit from working to bring more democracy into your personal sphere. How can you ensure that people you care about feel equal to you, and have confidence that you will listen to and consider their needs, and believe they have a strong say in shaping your shared experiences? PISCES (February 19–March 20) Mystic poet Kabir wrote: “The flower blooms for the fruit: when the fruit comes, the flower withers.” He was invoking a metaphor to describe his spiritual practice and reward. The hard inner work he did to identify himself with God was the blooming flower that eventually made way for the fruit. The fruit was his conscious, deeply felt union with God. I see this scenario as applicable to your life, Pisces. Should you feel sadness about the flower’s withering? It’s fine to do so. But the important thing is that you now have the fruit. Celebrate it! Enjoy it! Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.800.350.7700.
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