Pacific Sun

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YEAR 53, NO. 21 MAY 27-JUN. 2, 2015

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story Spotlight on Margie Belrose




Trails & Tribulations p6 Meet your Matcha p14

Forever Neverland p15

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM



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Living the dream


13 Soaring above

Magical elixir

Bridge the Gap College Prep gives Marin City kids opportunities to succeed

Matcha gotcha feelin’ good


On the Cover

Flying high

PHOTO BY: Molly Oleson

Mountain Play’s ‘Peter Pan’ whisks audiences to Neverland

DESIGN: Jessica Armstrong

ThisWeek 835 Fourth St. Suite D, San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: 415/485-6700 Fax: 415/485-6226 E-Mail:

STAFF Publisher Rosemary Olson EDITORIAL

Editor: Molly Oleson (x316) Contributing Editor: Stephanie Powell Movie Page Editor: Matt Stafford Copy Editor: Lily O’Brien (x317) Editorial Intern: Janelle Moncada CONTRIBUTORS

Amy Alkon, Charles Brousse, Tanya Henry, Mal Karman, Leona Moon, Rick Polito, Howard Rachelson, Peter Seidman, Nikki Silverstein, David Templeton ADVERTISING Marketing and Sales Consultants: Rozan Donals (x 302), Danielle McCoy (x311) ART AND PRODUCTION Art Director: Jessica Armstrong (x319) Production Director: Phaedra Strecher (x335) Graphic Designer: Chelsea Dederick (x336) ADMINISTRATION Accounting Specialist: Cecily Josse (x331) Courier: Gillian Coder CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano

PACIFIC SUN (USPS 454-630) Published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc. Distributed free at more than 550 locations throughout Marin County. Adjudicated a newspaper of General Circulation. First class mailed delivery in Marin available by subscription: $25 per month or $250 for one year payable on your credit card, or by cash or check. No person may, without the permission of the Pacific Sun, take more than one copy of each Pacific Sun weekly issue. Entire contents of this publication Copyright ©Metrosa, Inc., ISSN; 0048-2641. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts must be submitted with a stamped self-addressed envelope.

YEAR 53 | NO.21

4 6 8 10 13 14 15 16 21 23

Executive Editor’s Note / Letters Upfront Trivia / Hero & Zero /


Marin Uncovered

Food & Drink


Movies / Sundial

Classified Horoscope / Advice Goddess

PA CI FI C S U N | M AY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

10 Local legend Margie Belrose is right where she wants to be

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


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The Sun’s new rise


stute readers may have noticed an elegant redraw of the Pacific Sun’s classic logo on the cover last week. We asked legendary type designer Jim Parkinson, who’s freshened up nameplates for publications as diverse as Rolling Stone and the Washington Post, to lend a hand. The new-old look celebrates tradition in a clean, elegant style that’s intended to give the Sun an iconic identity in a new millennium. With the help of publication designer Roger Black, our team of Design Director Kara Brown, Art Director Jessica Armstrong and Production Manager Phaedra Strecher has been revisiting the Sun’s look since the publication changed hands less than three weeks ago. The idea is to give the country’s original alt-weekly (at least outside of Manhattan) an appearance befitting a smart, handsome and youthful-thinking 52-year-old. Over the past half century, the Pacific Sun has been a key part of chronicling and shaping Marin County’s unique lifestyle and culture. Now part of a group with three other Bay Area alternative weeklies, the Sun will benefit from investment and creative vision. We intend to seek out the best writers and visual artists we can find to produce a free weekly that’s fresh, original and true to its history. Please pick us up each week to watch the changes. —Dan Pulcrano, executive editor

Letters Special touch

I love the new paper you are using; feels much better to the touch. Happy reader

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

Regarding “New Dawn for the ‘Sun,” by Rosemary Olson, in the May 13-19, 2015 issue, first let me compliment you on the Sun’s new cover layout design. However, I was sorry to see that you switched to a new, slick, whiter paper stock. This cosmetic change is not, in my view, an improvement. Shiny paper like this has to be coated with clay and other chemicals which reduce the post-consumer fiber content by 50 percent. That means that it is less recyclable. Plus, the whiter the paper, the more chlorine is needed to bleach the wood fiber. The chlorine waste from this process goes into our environment. (We consumers can

also reduce this toxic waste by choosing brown paper napkins, towels and toilet paper where possible.) I have enjoyed reading the Sun for over 27 years, and I have been perfectly happy with the good old newsprint paper stock. As you work to improve our paper, I hope you will tread lightly by recognizing those aspects that are already serving well, and that don’t need “fixing.” Daniel Keller, San Rafael

‘Pissing into the wind’

I read, with interest, the letter from my dear friend, John Cross, about his travails on the streets of Mill Valley [“Sorry, not sorry,” Letters, May 13-19, 2015.] As a relative latecomer to Marin (1972), I had less investment and therefore less tolerance for the impatient and perpetually entitled, not to mention put-upon (see “Entitlement Wars,” same section) denizens of beautiful

Please reconsider

Ms. Olson, In regards to your decision to no longer distribute the Bohemian in Marin, I would ask you to reconsider. I grew up in Sonoma County and now live in Northern Marin but still have a strong connection to Sonoma County. The Bohemian was one of the sources I read to stay current and in touch with news and events that are not always published in the [Press Democrat]. I have never noticed any competition between what the Sun or Bohemian have published and up to now looked forward to reading both weeklies. It seems to me you are isolating the two counties from

each other and limiting a source of shared information. Again, I ask that you reconsider.

05 PA CI FI C S U N | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Mill Valley, than John does, as he was born and raised in southern Marin. I lived in Sausalito until 1989 when, for lack of affordable housing, I joined the exodus of blue collar tradesmen to Sonoma County. It became a familiar story—I lived in Sonoma and worked in Marin. The short version of the rest of the story is that I no longer work in Mill Valley (I’m a residential contractor) because my experience with the public in that beautiful town has been so painful. The fallacious notion that living in a particular zip code gives you the right to behave like a spoiled teenager is one I choose not to engage. In closing, I fully accept I am pissing into the wind, but I need to share my spleen in support of good ol’ JC (John Cross). With fond remembrances of The Old Mill and Brother’s Taverns, Mike Frost

Kevin, Novato

Our Letters Censoring Department.

Foul language

One of your readers writing re: Mill Valley and it’s changing attitude [“Self-assuming assholes,” Letters, May 8-14, 2015], used some pretty strong language in his letter! I am surprised that you did not blank out the bad words. Yes, Mill Valley has changed, I can attest to that. I came to MV on a hike with some colleagues from school many years ago, and again in 1947 to work here and live! Yes, I assure you MV has changed! But, to tolerate foul language in a family newspaper is itself somewhat of a change, too!!! Romolo Iavarone

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Upfront SMART Train

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


“Since the 1970s, bike advocates have worked to create a path that would run from Novato to the Golden Gate Bridge.”

Critical connection

Planned multiuse SMART project path lacks important sections By Peter Seidman


lternative transportation advocates in Marin continue to voice concern that a planned multiuse path through San Rafael will lack critical sections. One of them would be especially useful to low-income residents in the Canal area. The multiuse path, part of the SMART commuter rail project, will benefit all users of alternative transportation. But for many Canal residents, walking and biking are more than preferred methods of alternative transportation—they’re the only options. When voters in Marin and Sonoma counties passed Measure Q in 2008, they approved what

was the last in a line of several ballot proposals to raise the sales tax in the two counties to fund rail transportation along the rail corridor that runs between the two counties. In 2006, Measure R failed to garner the combined required two-thirds majority needed for passage in the two counties. Measure R garnered a combined 65.3 percent of the vote, 1.3 percent shy of the necessary total. In 2008, Measure Q garnered 69.1 percent of the vote, pushing it over the top. One of the key elements that led to the success of Measure R, say bike advocates, was the support it received from the bike communities in both counties. The Marin County Bicycle

Coalition disseminated information about the proposed multiuse path that would run along the SMART train route. The dream scenario envisioned a route separated from street traffic that would run the full length of the proposed 70-mile train route from Larkspur to Cloverdale. Then the financial cataclysm hit, and SMART found itself scrambling for funds to deliver on the premise of a train route and a parallel multiuse path. The answer at SMART was to deliver the train route in segments. In Marin, that meant a terminus in San Rafael instead of Larkspur in the first phase of construction. Finding the finances to build the multiuse path and the train route challenged

SMART and led to inevitable tension between those who said that the train comes first and bike advocates who rightly pointed out that voters had approved a project that included a parallel multiuse path. It was more than an add-on, they said. It was an intrinsic part of the project. In December of 2014, alternative transportation advocates raised what they said was a legitimate alarm that SMART was planning to excise key parts of the multiuse path through San Rafael. The SMART 2014 strategic plan, approved in December, failed to include three multiuse path segments: North San Pedro Road to the top of Puerto Suello Hill, Mission Avenue to Second Street and Second Street to Andersen Drive. That excision, bike advocates charged, violated the intent of Measure Q, which promised voters a continuous path. The excision means that bike riders would be forced to continue using congested surface streets to traverse downtown San Rafael to reach the Cal Park Hill Tunnel, which leads to Larkspur Landing and points south. Opening the tunnel, which can accommodate the train route and the multiuse path, was a major victory for train and bike advocates. Since the 1970s, bike advocates have worked to create a path that would run from Novato to the Golden Gate Bridge. The multiuse path included in Measure Q represented an important step in making the dream a reality. The realization that SMART failed to include the San Rafael segments in its 2014 strategic plan was a blow. The segments were included in an earlier strategic plan. “Of utmost concern right now is the section between Second Street and Andersen Drive,” says Alisha Oloughlin, Marin County Bicycle Coalition planning director. The excision from the SMART strategic plan is less concerning than an excision from an environmental assessment, she says. “Strategic plans are dynamic, but environmental assessments are pretty concrete.” Leaving the three segments out of the multiuse route through San Rafael, she reiterates, would negate the concept of running a protected path through downtown San Rafael. Completing a path protected from traffic is not an inconsequential goal. The most identified reason bike riders choose not to mount their two-wheel transportation is the perception of an unsafe route. And the necessity of riding in traffic ranks as the most significant threat to safe riding. In communities that create protected bike lanes, ridership increases dramatically. In

Leaving multiuse path segments, especially Second Street to Andersen out of its environmental review, Oloughlin says, “will forever preclude a path” on the segment because creating a path there after the train infrastructure is installed is virtually impossible. She also said that one section in San Rafael “is a pinch point between Irwin Street and Rice Drive.” (That’s near Best Buy.) “It is admittedly a challenge to fit train tracks and a path there, next to a tidally influenced creek. But there are creative design solutions that would accommodate the tracks and the path. SMART has not explored those.” That’s not exactly accurate, according to Farhad Mansourian, SMART general manager. “There is an area between Second and Andersen where we have 50 feet, and we need 48 feet for the train.” SMART must abide by a dizzying number of regulatory rules regarding train safety and environmental regulations, both on the federal level. “We came up with the idea of widening the area by filling the existing channel,” Mansourian says. Three regulatory agencies refused to approve the plan. SMART then proposed that the bike community pursue

the multiuse path project with the city of San Rafael as a local transportation project rather than a federal project connected with the train route. “They wouldn’t have to face the same regulatory rules and federal process that we face,” Mansourian says. San Rafael has agreed to contribute $40,000 to an independent study to determine if the multiuse path along the train route could be feasible and satisfy local environmental rules. The city partnered with the county and with the Transportation Authority of Marin to develop possible alternatives. Mansourian says that SMART is a willing partner. Although the multiuse path segments in San Rafael are not the only ones that present difficulties in completing what’s been called a North-South Greenway along the train route, the San Rafael segments represent a critical portion of the central San Rafael connection to the Cal Park tunnel and Larkspur Landing. Negotiating through San Rafael downtown traffic is no easy task. The route isn’t a choice for many Canal residents. It’s a necessity. In spite of recent state law that allows undocumented residents to get

licenses, “many people [in the Canal] still don’t have licenses for a number of reasons,” says Tom Wilson, executive director of the Canal Alliance. That’s a situation replicated across the state, he adds. “A lot of people [in the Canal] rely on bicycles for transportation.” For that reason, Wilson says, forcing riders onto unprotected surface streets along the multiuse path route “would disproportionally affect people who live in the Canal, people who work around the county. A lot of the jobs are in the southern part of the county.” The multiuse path “is critical for people here.” Oloughlin says one option not yet explored fully is whether the path could be cantilevered above the environmentally sensitive area. That might be one of the options explored in the study of alternatives that city officials, county officials, SMART and transportation advocates are waiting to see. Mansourian reiterates that SMART remains a willing partner in the process to produce the best multiuse path possible— given funding and regulatory constraints. ✹ Contact the writer at

May 24, 31, June 7, 13, 14, 21 •

07 PA CI FI C S U N | M AY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

June 2014, Portland State University corroborated the assumption in a study it released that looked at bike ridership in five cities. When San Francisco created a protected bike route on Fell Street, bike ridership increased by 46 percent. Painted “bike route” lanes contributed to the increase, along with flexible posts that delineated the route and provided perceived separation. In Portland, a similar protected bike route helped increase ridership on one of the city’s streets by 68 percent. And Washington D.C. saw a 65 percent increase on a similarly protected route. Marin residents already have demonstrated that they are amenable to riding bikes as a means of utilitarian transportation, especially when improved bike routes become available. In 2014, Marin, one of four communities across the country in the federal Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program, posted an increase in bike use of 66 percent since 2007. The U.S. Department of Transportation included the increase in a final report about the program, which rested on the assumption that improving bike infrastructure can boost ridership.

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Trivia Café

Howard Rachelson invites you to an upcoming team trivia contest at the True North Pub in San Anselmo on Wednesday, June 3, at 7:45pm. Free, with prizes. Have a good question? Send it in, and if we use it we’ll give you credit. Contact Howard at, and visit, the web’s No. 1 trivia site!

▲ World Market in Greenbrae told S. to return her patio set after a chair broke and the occupant landed on the ground. The chairs had been pulled from the store for this reason. The cashier, Debbie, began the return, which apparently was complicated by the original sale date. Debbie berated the customer for waiting to bring back the items. As S. tried to explain, the checker rolled her eyes, flicked her hand in a dismissive way and spoke so rudely that it bordered on hostility. Jonathan, a supervisor, saw that S. was shaken by the incident, and guided her away. He apologized profusely and stayed with her until she calmed down. In the end, Jonathan’s service trumped Debbie’s mistreatment. We’re rolling our eyes at Debbie right now.


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By Howard Rachelson

1. Where in the Bay Area was Otis Redding sitting, in December of 1967, when he wrote his hit song “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay”? 2. Launched by the Russians in 1957, what was the name of the first artificial satellite? 3. What is the name of the TV sitcom series (that ran from 1993-2004), that won the most (37) primetime Emmy Awards? 3.. 4. Virtually all gondolas in Venice are painted . what color? 5. Disneyland in California and Disney World in Florida are located in counties with the same name. What is it? 6. What is the name of a grayish bird—with a well-known, two-note call—that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? 6. 7. Can you identify the two neighboring African . countries along the Mediterranean Sea, whose capital cities are named for their countries? 8. What colored letter did Nathaniel Hawthorne write about in his 1850 novel? 9. The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie 9. . in Milano, Italy houses a fresco (or wall painting) of what famous scene, painted by whom? 10. I’ll name the dance, you name the country where it originated. 10a. Tango 10b. Samba 10c. Rumba ... on what island? 10d. Limbo ... on what island? BONUS QUESTION: Known as the Main Street of America, or the Mother Road, historic Route 66, which opened in 1926, ran from what city in the Midwest to what city in the West?


PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


in Tiburon, relies on Meetup for social activities. Recently, she joined a comedy writing group. The first meeting that she attended was enjoyable and she looked forward to the next one. Last week, Dee received an email from C.J. Singh, the group’s new leader, who instructed her to change her online profile to include “an ID-type photo and full name.” To maintain her privacy and for safety reasons, Dee had elected not to include her last name or photo on the Meetup site. To comply with Singh’s request, she emailed the demanded items directly to him with her explanation. He promptly removed her from the group and refuses to reinstate her. Singh, lighten up—it’s a meetup, not a beat-down. —Nikki Silverstein

Got a Hero or a Zero? Please send submissions to Toss roses, hurl stones with more Heroes and Zeros at ››

09 PA CI FI C S U N | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M




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Living Dream the

By David Templeton MOLLY OLESON

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


The costume shop at The Belrose offers more than 3,000 costumes in adult sizes.


ant to hear a great show biz story?” Margie Belrose, perched on a chair inside the atmospheric, slightly mysterious interior of The Belrose performing arts center, knows better than most how to kick off a really good story. “The best show biz stories,” Belrose says, “are about the right people being in the right place at the right time, right? Well ... I’ve got a story like that, a story so good some people have accused me of making it up. But it’s all true. I swear it is.” Belrose’s sweet smile and confident voice suggest that even if her story were not true, she’d be able to convince a person otherwise. It doesn’t hurt that Belrose is a certified local legend. Inducted into the Marin Women’s Hall of Fame in 1997, and named San Rafael’s Person of the Year in 2010, Belrose, 84, is also a recipient of the 2015 Jerry Friedman Lifetime Achievement Award—presented to her last March at the San Francisco Bay Area Theater Critics Circle gala ceremony. She was treated to a four-minute-long standing ovation by 300 critics, actors, directors and other practicing artists from the Bay Area theater community.

The ovation was in recognition of much more than just Belrose’s longevity. The theater and school that bears her name—which she founded with her late husband David in 1956 before moving to the current location—has been a smallbut-mighty hub of theatrical energy for decades. Belrose estimates that more than 6,000 students of acting, dancing and other theatrical disciplines have graduated from the theater over the years. Though Belrose herself has had to take a break from teaching, dancing and directing after a serious back injury two years ago, San Rafael’s little downtown theater across from the library is still going strong. Weekly dance and exercise classes continue to take place there—everything from Tango to Tai Chi—and the theater has recently become the new home of Marin Onstage, which just had a successful run of the popular meta-musical called [Title of Show]. [That’s the title. Brackets included.] Even this afternoon, as Belrose reminisces with a visitor, there is a constant bit of bustle in the space, as Johnny Smith, a regular producer of events at the Belrose, sets up for one of the fashionable afternoon teas he’s been putting on

there for years. “I hate the theater to be dark, I just hate it,” Belrose says. “Whether we make money or not—though that’s obviously important—I just don’t want the place to ever look like we’ve gone out of business— that this is a place where interesting things aren’t always happening.” Which brings us back to the story. That’s the thing about Margie Belrose. Much like her life, her stories have many tangents. “I’m an orphan,” she says. “It’s true. I was born in New Jersey, but my sister and I were raised in orphanages, at first in New Jersey, then in Saginaw and Detroit, in Michigan.” After her mother abandoned the family when Belrose was a year old, her abusive father quickly followed suit, and the girls were turned over to a Protestant orphanage. After a series of moves, Belrose was transferred to a Catholic orphanage. “It was good and it was bad,” she says with a shrug. “I’m not Catholic, but at one orphanage there was a nun who changed my life. Sister Theresa. I know she loved me. I know she did. Nobody ever looked at me the way she looked at me. She convinced me that I was worth loving, that my life was worth liv-

ing. I thank her every morning.” Though Belrose knew little about her parents, there is one thing that she has always known about herself. “I’m a dancer,” she says firmly. “I remember being three years old, standing on this grassy hill, I’m not sure where—my memories of childhood have a lot of gaps in them—but I was dancing on this hill, and singing out loud, ‘I’m going to be a dancer! I’m going to be a dancer!’ I have no idea where I’d seen dancing to know about it, but I remember that so clearly, being a little girl who knew exactly what she wanted to be.” By the time she became a freshman in high school, Belrose had explored every opportunity to dance available to a kid in “the system,” and finally began paying for formal dance lessons herself. “A dance class was 50 cents a lesson back then,” she says. “So I scrounged and I saved and I found that 50 cents a week. Because one way or another, I was going to become a dancer. I just had to do it.” She started out loving ballet, but recalls that there wasn’t a single ballet lesson that she did not leave in tears. “In those days, the teacher gave you a whack if you did anything that wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t

was the one who left it open when I was in earlier with the owner. We looked all around, and I started pointing things out to Sol. ‘That’s where the stage will be! This is where the box office will be!’” The next day, Belrose, her kids in tow, met Sol for lunch. “I looked him square in the eyes and said, ‘Sol, that building belongs to the Belrose family. You have to help us get it and make this dream happen!’ and he just looked at me for a minute, kind of adjusted his collar, and said, ‘Well, if I HAVE to help ... then I guess I will.’” That was March of 1962, and by the summer of that year, the family had moved into an upstairs apartment in the church. The renovations had already begun, and the Belrose Theater was born. “If it wasn’t for Sol, not only would we not have ended up with this theater, I’m certain this would be a parking lot now.” Belrose stops, practically beaming with pleasure at the memory. “Now,” she says, leaning in with a bright smile, “isn’t that a great show biz story?” Fortunately for several thousand theater students and would-be actors, that wasn’t the end of the story. Almost immediately, David and Margie started producing shows on the new Belrose Stage. The first was an original show called Zig Zag, written by David, who went on to write many more plays for that stage. “I named that first one Zig Zag, because it was a crazy thing where we had four different scenes that were totally different, so there was a scene and then it ‘zigged’ over to something else and then it ‘zagged’ off in yet another direction, and on like that,” Belrose recalls. “Zig Zag. I named all of our shows. It was fun!” Then, in 1971, David Belrose died suddenly of a heart attack. It was then up to Margie to keep the theater going or move on to something else. She decided to stick it out and learn what she needed to learn to make the theater work. “I have learned a lot in the last 40 years, I can tell you,” she says. One thing she learned was, when you own your own theater, you can do more than just help other people’s dreams come true. You can allow yourself a few dreams of your own. Which is why, in the mid-1970s, at the age of 40, Margie Belrose played Peter Pan in a production that became a kind of celebration of her new life. “I thought I was too old,” she says. “I know David would ) 12 have said I was too old.





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a happy thing. But I loved dancing ballet in spite of it.” That said, Belrose eventually learned to tap dance, a dancing style she now claims as her favorite. “I don’t think you can tap dance and be unhappy,” she says. “You can jazz dance and be unhappy. You can certainly do ballet and be unhappy. But the minute you start tap dancing, you just feel good!” After being taken in by a foster family—one of the few other times she says she knew she was loved as a child—she ended up in California, where she eventually graduated, and then met David Belrose. A dancer with theatrical ambitions, the San Francisco State psychology grad shared his new wife’s dream of starting a school where they could teach others to believe in their own dreams of dancing and acting. For a pair of young dreamers, it was an ambitious undertaking. After several years of operating out of whatever rental facility they could find, now with two children, a chance event occurred that Belrose still considers a miracle. “It was one of those magical occurrences that some people don’t believe in, but I do,” she says. “We needed more space for our school, and we wanted to operate a real theater, too. And one night we walked past this place, which then was an old, empty church up for sale. And I said to David, ‘Look at that old church! That would be a perfect place for our school and theater.’” The sign out front said Trinity Lutheran Church. It was formerly Saint Matthew’s German Evangelical Church, and had just recently been put up for rent. David was initially pessimistic about it being financially feasible to acquire such a place, but the idea would not leave Margie’s mind. She eventually located the realtor, visited the facility and decided to take matters into her own hands. “I had a lawyer friend, whose kids I’d been teaching to dance,” she says. “His name was Sol. His wife had said that if David and I ever wanted to invest our money, Sol was the guy to talk to. Well, we didn’t have a pot to piss in let alone money to invest in anything, but now I had an idea. One night I called up Sol—it was 9 o’clock at night—and I told him he had to meet me right then, that it was a matter that concerned the very lives of the Belrose family.” He showed up at the church, where Belrose was waiting with a flashlight. “The side door had been left open,” she says. “I knew because I

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Margie Belrose founded The Belrose, a theater, school and costume shop, with her late husband in 1956. But a friend said, ‘Margie, this is YOUR theater. This is where you tell kids to take chances and try scary things. This is your turn. If you don’t do well with it, who cares? You should just do it. You want to be Peter Pan? Be Peter Pan!’ “I tell you,” she says, “that was a turning point in my professional life. We ended up doing two different productions of Peter Pan over the next few years.” Since then, she’s appeared in several shows at the Belrose, including playing Queen Eleanor in seven different productions of the classic A Lion in Winter. In 1978, her son David opened a costume shop downstairs, an ever-expanding enterprise that has often been called one of Marin County’s greatest local treasures. Sometime after that, Belrose introduced the idea of doing dinner theater, adding yet another distinct attraction to The Belrose. Two years ago, she decided to write a memoir—another scary project that she refused to back down from. The result is The Me I Found: A Journey, available at local bookstores. And of course, there are a few copies on sale at The Belrose. Today, Margie Belrose looks forward to a time in the not-too-

distant-future when she can get back to work—back to acting and back to teaching. “I hurt too much right now; I’m too unstable,” she says. “But it won’t last. I’ll do it again. I’ll do what I have to do. And theater is just that—it’s what I have to do.” Looking around the room, hung with the various paintings and decorations that she’s collected over the years, Belrose allows herself a moment to reflect on what her life would be like if she’d never taken that chance, never joined up with David to turn an old abandoned church into an icon of blind faith and big dreams. She can’t imagine it. “This is all I ever wanted,” she says. “A safe place to be myself in. The thing is, we didn’t just come in and here and sit around hoping something good would happen next. We came in with a plan, and we came in with a vision, and we came in believing we were the only ones who could make it happen. “And then we did it.” Margie Belrose, leaning in again, lets another mischievous smile spread across her face. “So there,” she says. “That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.” Y Ask David if he tried on a costume at

A tutor helps a student with his studies at Bridge the Gap College Prep.

Soaring Above

Bridge the Gap College Prep gives Marin City kids opportunities to succeed By Joanne Williams


utdoors, after school, the playgrounds in Marin City ring with the ping of a baseball bat and squeals of kids riding high on the swings, while inside a cloistered classroom at Bridge the Gap College Prep (BTGCP), there’s only a murmur. At 4 o’clock, BTGCP students and their tutors hunch over homework, perched on Lilliputian-size chairs. “Let’s focus on this problem,” says 16-year-old tutor Jack Jacoby, who has mentored a sixth grader for the past two years. As they work on algebra together, Jacoby says, “I like to show him that learning can be fun, and we talk sports.” Jacoby is a

surfer, baseball player and student at Marin Academy. Across the room, posters line the walls, along with cheery student artwork and encouraging pledges: “I promise to believe in myself and not give up.” “I promise to help create a safe and supportive classroom by following all Bridge the Gap College Prep rules and by having a positive attitude.” BTGCP is a free college preparatory tutoring/mentoring program for Marin City kids, first grade through high school. Since the high school program started three years ago, 100 percent of the

BTGCP students have graduated from high school and matriculated to college. The rules of the program are to work hard, show up, respect others, aim high—and believe in yourself. How hard is that? “It can be very hard if you are dealing with the chronic stress of poverty, or if you don’t feel safe, or if you are hungry,” says Jennifer Nichols, who has been manager of the volunteer program for the past three and a half years. Nichols has a B.A. in anthropology from Colgate University and a master’s degree in public health, population and family health from Columbia University. She has

long been involved in community development, reproductive health care and education. Founded 19 years ago by Denni Brusseau, Robert Hunter and Pastor Fred Small, and now headed by new Executive Director Laura Cox, BTGCP is a warren of rooms inside a public school building at 105 Drake Avenue. The budget is close to $1 million a year, and a third of it is raised each spring by Vines and Visions, an annual fundraiser. This year the event raised about $340,000. Funds also come from private donations and grants. Children in the program are focused on thriving academically through high school and on to college. The organization is grounded in its volunteer-based tutorial/mentoring program. “Trust is everything in this community,” says Nichols, clear-eyed and reedslender, who spends her off-hours on the tennis court or pedaling her bike. “Showing up each week for your tutoring assignment—the consistency, the dedication—is essential.” As we talk, a youngster comes in the door and Nichols hugs her before she meets her tutor. One of the favorite parts of BTGCP’s program is the dinner served five nights a week for 25 high school students and five credentialed teachers. While eating catered meals that include foods such as pasta or grilled chicken, salad, bread and fresh fruit, students discuss current events around the large table, family-style. Then it’s off to the classrooms for homework support and tutoring in math and other essential academic skills. “We are creating a college prep culture here that meets the specific needs of committed Marin City students—which includes a safe place where they have a voice, people who believe and good, healthy food,” Nichols says. “I love working with teenagers,” Nichols continues, referring to her pool of more than 170 volunteers. “They have so much to offer and they don’t realize it. I feel a great responsibility to provide them with a meaningful volunteer experience, because when they connect with others, I know they will continue in their lives to give back. Volunteering makes a positive difference in both their lives and in the lives ) 14

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Marin Uncovered


Soaring above ( 13

Food&Drink Breakaway Matcha


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Two young students work on assignments with a tutor.

of the young students they support.” All of the BTGCP students are Marin City residents and reflect the rich diversity of Marin City, Nichols says. Most of the students are African-American, about 50 are Latino and some are Caucasian. Students come from a variety of schools, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy and the Willow Creek Academy (both in Sausalito); grades one through three meet for one hour in the evening for one-on-one time with a tutor/ mentor. Students in fourth through eighth grades meet after school for two hours, twice a week and high schoolers meet four times a week in the evenings. The minimum volunteer commitment is one or two hours (depending on the program) per week, and many have been tutoring/mentoring for many years. Lawyers, teachers, parents and others from varied backgrounds and professions volunteer. One student at Tam High has been in the tutorial program since the fifth grade. Now a junior, her goal is to study cinematography at Cal State Long Beach, a long-held dream. She grew up in Marin City with a single mother, who is director of operations at a local university. This summer, the teenager will volunteer in leadership training for the second year at Camp Mendocino. Her mentor at BTGCP has been instrumental, she says, in furthering her college goals. This summer, BTGCP plans to bring two students from Daraja (which means “Bridge” in Swahili), Kenya, to Marin to develop a

workshop there for high school girls—similar to Marin’s Bridge the Gap. “They have nothing there,” Nichols says of Daraja. “It’s the first time young women will be learning from other young women. Some women in the Daraja program are orphaned, some escaping from arranged marriages or abusive homes.” Plans for 2016 are to send two Marin City high school girls to Daraja in exchange. “It’s a beautiful model for the world,” Nichols says. Back in Marin, the interest level in BTGCP is high. “We have a 12-year-old in the program who is caregiver to six siblings,” Nichols says. “We want to give him every opportunity to succeed.” Recently, a fifth-grade boy walked in and said that he wanted a tutor and he wanted to get into the evening program as well. He brought back his signed permission slip and his instruction is underway. “Like others in the program, he has a belief in a different outcome for his life,” Nichols says. ✹ Ask Joanne what she learned at letters@

Bridge the Gap recently received its first grant from the San Francisco Foundation to provide intensive academic and social emotional skills development for Marin City students. The organization is also collaborating with the Sausalito Marin City Recreation Center, Bayside MLK Academy and Marin Community Development Corporation to prevent academic skill loss over the summer by providing math and literacy classes. To learn more, visit

Matcha is 100 percent green tea, but leaves are ground into a powder rather than steeped.

Magical elixir

Matcha gotcha feelin’ good By Tanya Henry


hat do coders, yoga instructors and Japanophiles all have in common? A taste for a potent, fine premium green powdered tea high in antioxidants that carries health claims of lowering cholesterol, fighting cancer and slowing the aging process. And if Eric Gower has his way, many more of us will become devotees of this “liquid meditation” also known as matcha. Gower, a cookbook author, writer and entrepreneur who lives with his wife and young daughter in San Anselmo, has recently moved his tea operation, Breakaway Matcha, into a new space at 1218 San Anselmo Avenue (at Yolanda Station), where he offers tastings of his carefully blended matcha green teas. While he admits to being on a mission to make this vibrant green elixir more accessible to the masses, and dispel the myth that it can only be enjoyed formally in Japanese tea ceremonies, there is still a fair amount of ritual and preparation required. Gower took me through the process of preparing a cup of hot matcha by placing a small amount of the green tea powder (about a half teaspoon) into a special ceramic creamer (his design). He then added a few ounces of hot (not boiling) water to the mixture and whisked it with a handheld milk frother. Next, he transferred it to another ceramic cup for drinking, but explained that it can be enjoyed

straight from the same cup if desired. I was also treated to an iced version that simply required adding powdered matcha, ice and water and shaking vigorously—much like a martini. “There are many similarities between the way we consume wine and matcha,” says Gower, who describes the importance of the unique terroir near Kyoto where he sources his premium matchas from small artisanal farmers. Gower sells (mostly online) six matcha blends, and breaks the teas into three distinct categories including hyper premium, cold brew and culinary. Heady aromas, smooth, non-tannic and full-bodied are common terms used to convey this coveted beverage’s profile that for some is more akin to an espresso or a hearty cabernet sauvignon. For the uninitiated, whether enjoyed hot or cold, matcha is indeed a unique tea experience. Its frothiness and umami (savory) characteristics make it more like a food than a beverage. And whether its many health claims can be substantiated or not, matcha certainly offers an opportunity to disrupt our same old caffeine-imbibing rituals. Perhaps some of us will even join the evergrowing and diverse tribe of converts and true believers. To find out more, visit Y Share your hunger pains with Tanya at thenry@


Flying high Mountain Play’s ‘Peter Pan’ whisks audiences to Neverland By Charles Brousse


very Sunday through June 21, Peter and Wendy are making regularly scheduled flights from the top of Mt. Tamalpais to a far-off destination called Neverland. Back in Marin, the weather (at least, as of this writing) is stuck in its familiar late spring/early summer morning-fog-followed-by-afternoonsun rut. Yellow school buses on extra-hours duty are discharging excited passengers carrying edibles and drinkables at the entrance to Cushing Memorial Amphitheatre. In case you haven’t caught on, it’s Mountain Play time, and this year’s attraction is the essence of family entertainment: Peter Pan. For the past 103 years, there has been a rite of spring celebration on Mt. Tam. When the Mountain Play series began in 1913, it was a gathering of Mill Valley residents in a grassy natural bowl near the summit. They picnicked, chatted

with neighbors and entertained each other with impromptu performances of music, poetry and drama. After Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps converted the site into a classic Greek-style amphitheatre in the 1930s, the entertainment portion became more organized—often featuring rehearsed original scripts based on real or imagined local native legends—but the feeling of community continued. Today, its unique setting and entertaining productions of popular Broadway musicals have turned what was once a very modest local event into a genuine regional attraction. That sense of drawing the tribes together for “a day on the mountain” is almost as important as the performance itself. Turning to the business at hand, let me begin with a caveat. I was part of a small audience that included members of the

NOW PLAYING: Peter Pan runs through June 21 in the Cushing Memorial Amphitheatre, Mt. Tamalpais State Park, Mill Valley. For more information, call 415/383-1100, or visit

menacing, the result is amusing and probably in keeping with the spirit of the musical comedy adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s children’s classic by a gaggle of Broadway regulars— Moose Charlap, Carolyn Leigh, Betty Comden, Adolph Green and Jule Styne. In fact, I suspect that they wanted to widen its family appeal by downplaying Barrie’s concern about the Victorian model of parentchild relations and the central question he poses about whether the Faustian bargain Peter offers his “lost boys”—avoid the vexations of adulthood and achieve immortality by remaining in Neverland as a permanent child—is worth the price of not experiencing the joys and sorrows of being truly human. Those are weighty subjects that thoughtful parents might consider exploring with their offspring on the way back down the mountain. Finally, BREAKING NEWS!!! [Drum roll, please!] Next year’s Mountain Play will be West Side Story, a masterful collaboration by Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim and Arthur Laurents. I can’t wait. Y Charles Brousse can be reached at ED SMITH

Peter Pan (Melissa Wolfklain) leads the Darling family children in Mountain Play’s ‘Peter Pan.’

working press at Peter Pan’s one and only preview, the Saturday before opening day. That’s tempting fate. Anything can happen, particularly for a show that is technically complex and depends on coordinating a 34-member cast with varying levels of experience, a half-dozen designers and a 17-member orchestra. Guest stage director Michael Schwartz, veteran music director Debra Chambliss and choreographer Nicole Helfer deserve full credit for pulling it together into a relatively seamless whole without the adjustments that additional previews would have made possible. To be sure, there were a few stumbles and falls—like the on-stage action during the overture that had the Darling family’s three children seemingly trying to fill the time with aimless movements—but my impression coming away was that this was a production that would mature very quickly. On the positive side, the centerpiece of any Peter Pan production—Wendy and Peter flying—was ingeniously accomplished by using cables that were suspended from overhead girders and manipulated by some of the heavier cast members who jumped off a platform (in full view of the audience) while holding the lift ropes. Melissa WolfKlain (Peter Pan) sings and dances with an exuberant energy that seems to have an infectious effect on her fellow performers. Although Jeff Wiesen’s Captain Hook, Peter’s pirate nemesis, is more comical than

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Peter Pan (Melissa Wolfklain) and Captain Hook (Jeff Wiesen) face off in ‘Peter Pan.’

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W E D N E S D AY M AY 2 7 — T U E S D AY J U N E 2 Movie

summa rie s


M a t t h ew

S t a f fo r d

Due to last week’s holiday schedule, movie showtimes were unavailable as we went to press. Please visit or for schedule updates. The Age of Adaline (1:50) Romantic fantasy about a 110-year-old beauty who stopped aging 80 years ago and the heartthrob who just might learn her secret. l Aloha (1:45) Cameron Crowe rom-com about a military contractor triangulated between old flame Rachel McAdams and sassy pilot Emma Stone; Bradley Cooper stars. l Avengers: Age of Ultron (2:30) Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and posse are back, saving the world from one disaster or other; Joss Whedon directs. l Barely Lethal (1:40) Teenaged secret agent Hailee Steinfeld fakes her own death so she can become a regular kid again. l Cinderella (1:46) Live-action Disney version of the 1950 Disney cartoon stars Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter and Lily James as the drudge-turned-glamour girl; Kenneth Branagh directs. l Citizen Kane (1:59) Orson Welles’ explosive cinematic debut examines the nature of power through a deep and searching lens; Gregg Toland did the groundbreaking cinematography; Bernard Herrmann wrote the music. l Clouds of Sils Maria (2:03) Insightful French drama about an aging movie star facing down her future; Juliette Binoche stars. l Danny Collins (1:46) Aging rocker Al Pacino is inspired to revisit and refocus his life when he discovers an undelivered letter sent to him 40 years ago by John Lennon. l Dior and I (1:30) Behind-the-scenes look at the frantic creation of House of Dior designer Raf Simons’ debut collection. l Driving Miss Daisy Catch James Earl Jones and Angela Lansbury in a critically acclaimed new production of Alfred Uhry’s play about the complex relationship between a refined Southern lady and her affable chauffeur. l Ex Machina (1:50) Sci-fi thriller about a sexy robot with more on the ball than the nerds who invented her. l Far from the Madding Crowd (1:59) Thomas Vinterberg directs a sumptuous new version of the earthy Thomas Hardy novel; Carey Mulligan stars as headstrong, passionate Bathsheba Everdene. l Felix & Meira (1:46) Acclaimed Canadian drama about the uneasy attraction between a Montreal loner and a Hasidic Jewish housewife. l 5 Flights Up (1:32) Aging marrieds Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton confront terrorism threats, their dog’s illness and New York’s skyrocketing rental market during one crazy weekend. l Furious 7 (2:17) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson are back and speedier than ever; Jason Statham, Djimon Hounson and Kurt Russell bring the testosterone. l Home (1:34) DreamWorks cartoon about the unusual friendship between a rambunctious earthling and an extraterrestrial misfit; Jim Parsons and Rihanna lend voices. l Hot Pursuit (1:27) Action comedy follows mob wife Sofia Vergara and by-the-book cop Reese Witherspoon on a spree of a road trip across dangerous Texas. l The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (1:54) Darkly comic Swedish megahit about a seen-it-all centenarian who escapes from his retirement home with a cache of drug money, cops and crooks in l

hot pursuit. l Iris (1:18) Documentarian extraordinaire Albert Maysles trains his camera on the flamboyant Iris Apfel, the 93-year-old style maven who continues to dominate New York’s fashion scene. l Mad Max: Fury Road (2:00) Part 4 of the post-apocalyptic saga finds Tom Hardy hooking up with Charlize Theron, on the run from a savage warlord; George Miller directs, of course. l Monkey Kingdom (1:42) Documentary focuses on a monkey mama struggling to raise her newborn in the wilds of Southeast Asia; Tina Fey narrates. l Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (1:34) Clueless mall fuzz Kevin James heads to Vegas for a little R&R … or does he? l The Pirates of Penzance (2:20) Mike Leigh directs the English National Opera in an exciting new production of the beloved Gilbert & Sullivan musical. l Pitch Perfect 2 (1:55) The Barden Bellas are back and bowed but not broken after a disastrous concert at Lincoln Center; Anna Kendrick and Hailee Steinfeld star. l Poltergeist (1:35) Remake of the Tobe Hooper horror show about a suburban family haunted by an evil force; Sam Rockwell stars. l Saint Laurent (2:30) Sumptuous biopic of the French fashion icon covers his giddy late ’60s/early ’70s zenith; Léa Seydoux, Dominique Sanda and Helmut Berger are among the glitterati. l The Salt of the Earth (1:49) Wim Wenders’ documentary pays tribute to the photographs of Sebastião Salgado and his primary subjects: suffering humanity and the beauty of the earth. l San Andreas (1:54) The Big One finally rocks California into rack and rubble; luckily, Dwayne Johnson is around to rescue his estranged daughter. l Sunshine Superman (1:41) Documentary focuses on the harrowing feats of Carl and Jean Boenish, the pioneering skydivers who made sport of jumping off cliffs, skyscrapers and other tall objects. l Survivor (1:36) Antiterrorist agent Milla Jovovich grapples with guys good and bad as she tries to stop a New Year’s Eve attack on New York City; Pierce Brosnan costars! l Tomorrowland (2:10) Jaded genius George Clooney teams up with a nerdly teenager to unlock the secrets of a mysterious land somewhere beyond time and space. l The Water Diviner (1:52) Aussie farmer Russell Crowe heads to Gallipoli after WWI to find his three missing-in-action sons. l While We’re Young (1:34) Noah Baumbach comedy about the desperate friendship between a middle-aged couple and two young hipsters; Naomi Watts and Ben Stiller star. l Wild Tales (2:02) Rollicking Best Foreign Film Oscar nominee dovetails six morality tales of lust, greed and anger in modern-day Argentina. l Woman in Gold (1:50) True tale of a Viennese socialite who fought to reclaim her family’s artworks 60 years after they were seized by the Nazis; Helen Mirren stars. l The Wrecking Crew (1:35) Affectionate documentary about the L.A. studio musicians of the 1960s who backed up everyone from Cole and Sinatra to The Monkees, The Byrds and The Beach Boys.

Sundial Pacific Sun’s Calendar WEDNESDAY MAY 27 — TUESDAY JUNE 2

Concerts MARIN COUNTY Preservation Hall Jazz Band

New Orleans institution has been at it for more than half a century and has featured master players throughout. Jun 1, 8pm. $50$55. Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.1100.

SONOMA COUNTY Guantanamo Baywatch

Portland trio mixes garage rock, groovy punk and surf jams. With Pookie & the Poodlez, the

Illumignarly and Decent Criminal opening aa well as a multi-media art show. May 28, 6pm. $8. The Yard, 769 Wilson St, Santa Rosa.

Healdsburg Jazz Festival

Varied and innovative week of jazz presents international stars like Eddie Palmieri, Pablo Ziegler and Luciana Souza, as well as Kenny Barron, Benny Green Trio, the Cookers and more. May 29-Jun 7. healdsburgjazzfestival. org. downtown, various locations, Healdsburg.

Trampled by Turtles

“Live at Lagunitas” summer concert series begins with a performance by the bluegrass folk band from Minnesota. Jun 1, 4:20pm. Free. Lagunitas Amphitheaterette, 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.


Key of hilarity Earning less in its entire run than the sequel did in a week, 2012’s PITCH PERFECT is the funnier film—some say a classic, and if you’ve missed it you’re in for a treat. First-time screenwriter and 30 Rock veteran Kay Cannon adapted Mickey Rapkin’s exposé of the cutthroat world of a cappella for musical comedy, and the film strikes the key of that show’s nervous hilarity, if not its locality. Anna Kendrick heads an ensemble cast of Barden University misfits who will stop at nothing to win unaccompanied vocal gold. Success at the ICCA means no hiding out in hipsterdom or homework, a brutal training schedule for their pipes and above all, no inter-group fraternization. As the first and only all-female group in competition, they’re given zero chance of clearing even the semifinals—and with rivalries from the Footnotes and perennial audience fave the Trebles, they can expect psychological warfare all the way to Lincoln Center. An origins story to surpass anything in the Marvel aca-universe, it’s your chance to glimpse the Barden Bellas before they made the top of the college heap. (The Blu-ray is loaded with bonus tracks and extended scenes.)—Richard Gould


NAPA COUNTY BottleRock Napa Valley

Osteria Divino

May 27, Deborah Winters. May 28, Susan Sutton. May 29, Ken Cook Trio. May 30, Jay Sanders Trio. May 31, Joe Warner Trio. 37 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.9355.

Panama Hotel Restaurant

May 27, Amanda Addleman. May 28, C-JAM with Connie Ducey. May 31, Rusty String Express. Jun 2, Swing Fever. Jun 3, John Hoy. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael. 415.457.3993.

The three-day fest is headlined by Imagine Dragons, Robert Plant and No Doubt. Gourmet food and wine highlight the Napa Valley’s biggest musical event of the year. May 29-31. $129 and up. Napa Valley Exposition, 575 Third St, Napa.

Peri’s Silver Dollar

The Chris Robinson Brotherhood

Rancho Nicasio

BottleRock after-party also features the London Souls. May 30, 10pm. $30. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Los Lobos

BottleRock after-party also features the Brothers Comatose. May 29, 10pm. $30. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Clubs&Venues MARIN COUNTY 142 Throckmorton Theatre

May 30, Marble Party with Fighting Smokey Joe. May 31, Left Coast Chamber Ensemble. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.


May 28, Tia Carroll. May 30, Miles Schon Band. May 31, Stephanie Teel Band. Jun 2, Adrianne Serna’s student showcase. Wed, Pro blues jam. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.813.5600.

George’s Nightclub

Wed, Rock and R&B Jam. Sat, DJ night. Sun, Mexican Banda. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.226.0262.

HopMonk Novato

May 27, open mic night with Joel Schick. May 28, Tony Saunders Jam. Jun 3, open mic night with Bobby Jo Valentine. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.892.6200.

Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium

May 27, Celtic Woman. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.473.6800.

19 Broadway Club

May 27, J Boog with Hot Rain. May 28, Lumanation. May 29, El Radio Fantastique. May 31, 5pm, Tony Perez & Second Hand Smoke. Mon, open mic. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.

No Name Bar

May 27, Saphyre. May 28, Tree of Frogs. May 30, Darryl Rowe. May 31, 3pm, Flowtilla. May 31, 8:30pm, Shawn Byron. Mon, Kimrea and Dreamdogs. Tues, open mic. Fri, Michael Aragon Quartet. 757 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.1392.

Osher Marin JCC

May 31, 5pm, New Century Chamber Orchestra presents Schubert & Stravinsky. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000.

May 28, Mark’s Jam Sammich. May 30, Rusty Evans and the Ring of Fire. May 31, Junk Parlor. Mon, Billy D’s open mic. Tues, Tommy Odetto and Tim Baker. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910.

Brixx Pizzeria

Burgers & Vine

May 30, Prezident Brown with Midnight Sun Massive and Blessed Coast. Tues, “Reggae Market” DJ night. 400 First St E, Sonoma. 707.938.7110.

Christy’s on the Square

Wed, Casa Rasta. Thurs, Throwback Thursdays with DJ Stevie B. 96 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa. 707.528.8565.

Front Country With One Grass Two Grass

Finley Community Center

Preservation Hall Jazz Band

Sausalito Seahorse

May 29, Notorious Band. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.

May 27, Jenna Mammina. May 28, Scott Nygaard and friends. May 29, Honeydust. May 30, La Mandanga. May 31, Jazzitude. Mon, open mic with Simon Costa. Sat, Ukulele Jam Session. Sun, 2pm, traditional Irish music jam. 23 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.485.1182.

Smiley’s Schooner Saloon

May 29, Steep Ravine. May 30, Frankie Boots and the County Line. Sun, open mic. Mon, reggae. Wed, Larry’s karaoke. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.

Station House Cafe

May 31, Jon Otis. 11180 State Route 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1515.. May 30, Top Secret. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.8530.

Sweetwater Music Hall

May 30, Front Country. Jun 3, Zoso. Mon, Open Mic. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.1100.

Terrapin Crossroads

May 27, Scott Law and friends. May 28, Terrapin All-Stars Celebrate Levon Helm. May 29, Golden Gate Wingmen. May 30, San Geronimo. May 31, Midnight North. Jun 2, Jason Crosby birthday bash. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael. 415.524.2773.


May 29, Disclaimer. May 30, Who’s Judith. 95 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.576.7765.

Aqus Cafe

May 27, open bluegrass jam. May 28, Jack Murphy and Jim Burke. May 29, Anna May. May 30, Ring of Truth Trio. May 31, 2pm, Vardo. 189 H St, Petaluma. 707.778.6060.

Arlene Francis Center

Flamingo Lounge French Garden

May 29, Haute Flash Quartet. May 30, Solid Air. 8050 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol. 707.824.2030.

Mon 6/1 • Doors 7pm • ADV $50 / DOS $55

Wed 6/3 • Doors 7pm • ADV $22 / DOS $24

Zoso - The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience Fri 6/5-Sun 6/7 + Tue 6/9 & Wed 6/10 ADV $40 / DOS $45

Steve Kimock Residency Mon 6/8 • Doors 7pm • ADV $30 / DOS $34

J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr.

HopMonk Sebastopol

May 28, “Songwriters in the Round” series. May 30, Danny Click and the Hell Yeahs. May 31, Frobeck. Tues, open mic night. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.

HopMonk Sonoma

May 29, Wendy DeWitt. May 30, Matt Bolton. May 31, the Mother Hips duo. 691 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.935.9100.

Fri 6/12 • Doors 8pm • ADV $32 / DOS $37 / VIP $72

The Dirty Knobs with Mike Campbell, Jason Sinay, Matt Laug, Lance Morrison 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley Café 388-1700 | Box Office 388-3850

Hotel Healdsburg

May 30, David Udolf Trio with Chris Amberger and Akira Tana. 25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.

Jackson Theater

May 30, Jazz and the Music of the Americas: Brazil. May 31, Jazz and the Music of the Americas: Argentina & the Caribbean. Sonoma Country Day School, 4400 Day School Place, Santa Rosa. 707.284.3200.

Lagunitas Tap Room

May 27, Dirty Cello. May 28, Blue Diamond Fillups. May 29, the Grain. May 30, Jinx Jones. May 31, Circle R Boys. Jun 3, Royal Deuces. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.8776.



May 27, Greg Hester. May 28, Susan Sutton Jazz Piano. May 29, Susan Sutton Jazz Combo. May 30, Don Olivet Jazz Trio. Jun 3, Greg Hester. 16280 Main St, Guerneville. 707.869.0501.

Mc T’s Bullpen

Wed, Sun, DJ Prodkt. Tues, Thurs, karaoke with Country Dan. 16246 First St, Guerneville. 707.869.3377.

Murphy’s Irish Pub

May 29, Dan Martin and Noma Rocksteady. May 31, Doug Adamz. Jun 2, Blue House. 464 First St E, Sonoma. 707.935.0660.

Mystic Theatre

The Big Easy

May 31, 5pm, the Amaryllis Trio. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.

May 27, Weldon Kekauoha. May 30, Josh Rouse

Occidental Center for the Arts






Main Street Station

May 28, Roselit Bone with Will Stenberg and John Courage. Tues, Open Didgeridoo Clinic. Wed, Open Mic. 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.528.3009. May 27, HE3. May 28, Second Line. May 29, P-Butta Funk Quartet. May 31, the Fabulous Bio Tones. 128 American Alley, Petaluma. 707.776.4631.

Sat 5/30 • Doors 8pm • ADV $17 / DOS $19

May 28, TownLounge and friends. 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.280.4658. Mon, 11am, Proud Mary’s ukulele jam and lessons. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3737.

Sleeping Lady

Wed 5/27 • Doors 6pm • $25 GA / $35 Seat

Bill Kreutzmann and his book “DEAL” with Co-Author Benjy Eisen

D’Argenzio Winery

May 29, Freddy Clarke. May 30, Junk Parlor with Gold Star Dance Company. May 31, Lorin Rowan’s Caribbean Bleu. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio. 415.662.2219. May 28, Los Troubadoux. May 29, Barrio Manouche. May 30, Boca de Rio Trio. May 31, Orquesta Bembe. Tues, Jazz with Noel Jewkes and friends. Wed, Tango with Marcello and Seth. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito. 415.331.2899.


May 30, the Marshall House Project. 16 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.766.8162.






FRI 6/5





SUN 6/7





SUN 6/7






MON 6/8

$5 6PM DOORS / 6:30PM SHOW



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PA CI FI C S U N | M AY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Legendary rock band brings “The Purple Tour,” featuring their biggest hits, to the North Bay. Jun 2, 8pm. $59-$75. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


Paul Mahder Gallery

Goose & Gander

Petaluma Community Center

Hydro Grill

Phoenix Theater

Methode Bubble Bar and Restaurant

May 29, Ed Reed Quartet plays Coltrane and Hartman. 222 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg.



Bringing the Big Laughs, every week! Stand up comedy and sketch comedy at its best.

NOONTIME CLASSICAL CONCERT SERIES EVERY Different musicians each week, check online for details. WED Complimentary admission, donations gladly accepted. 12PM MORT SAHL: SOCIAL SATIRE



THU MAY 28 7:30PM

Thoughtful and insightful humor and conversation THURS with the legendary social satirist and comedian. 7PM Complimentary admission, donations gladly accepted.

The premiere of the new documentary on SF Bay Area sailing legend, Hank Easom, as part of the Life On The Water film series. The evening will also feature the screening of the documentary "Cape Horn Passage in Schooner Wander Bird".


Join us for a spellbinding production of the classic musical West Side Story, inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet.

FRI SAT, SUN MAY 29 MAY 30, 31 7:30PM 1PM


The exhilarating, catchy sound of Marble Party is part indie rock, part power pop, with a hint of psychedelia! The evening will feature an opening set by the reggae rock group Fighting Smokey Joe.


Left Coast Chamber Ensemble’s 2014-2015 Season




Faust & Fox is a talented, young pop-rock group spearheaded by Trevor Faust Marcom and his sister Kate Fox Marcom. The evening celebrates the release of their new album, White Gold Tear, and will feature guest performances by guitar monster Jimmy Dillon, acclaimed keyboardist Roy Marcom and groove master Kevin Hayes.

May 30,“Igniting Hope” Charity Concert with Larry Gatlin. 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. May 29, Baeza with D-Lo. May 30, 35R and Fantasia SF. Tues, 7pm, Acoustic Americana jam. Sun, 5pm, rock and blues jam. 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.

Raven Theater

May 30-31, Philharmonia Healdsburg: Rach 3. 115 North St, Healdsburg. 707.433.3145.

Redwood Cafe

May 27, Open Irish set dancing. May 30, Maldito Tango Duo. May 31, 11am, RobbyNeal Gordon. Jun 2, Rock Overtime student performance. Thurs, Open Mic. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7868.










No Children Under 10 to All Ages Shows 23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma


Thurs, Open Mic. 828 Brown St, Napa. 707.927.3623.

River Terrace Inn

May 28, Nate Lopez. May 29, Salet. May 30, Craig Corona. 1600 Soscol Ave, Napa. 707.320.9000.


Rossi’s 1906

Uva Trattoria

May 30, Gator Nation. Thurs, What’s Shakin’ jam session. 401 Grove St, El Verano. 707.343.0044.

Ruth McGowan’s Brewpub

May 30, Manzanita Moon. Sun, Evening Jazz with Gary Johnson. 131 E First St, Cloverdale. 707.894.9610.

Sonoma Community Center

May 27, Tom Duarte. May 28, Duo Gadjo. May 29, Jack Pollard and Dan Daniels. May 30, Tony Macaroni Trio. May 31, Bob Castell. Jun 3, Nate Lopez. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.



May 27

May 29, Ragtag Sullivan. 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood. 707.833.5712.

Twin Oaks Tavern

May 27, Roadhouse Ramblers. May 28, Black Cat open mic. May 29, Uncle Wiggly. May 30, Stax City. May 31, Blues & BBQ with Eugene Huggins Band. Mon, Blues Defenders Pro Jam. Jun 3, Dallis Craft Band. 5745 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 707.795.5118.


May 27, the Herbert Bail Orchestra. May 28, Totally Dead. May 30, Annie Sampson Band with Levi Lloyd and the 501 Band. May 31, Gary Vogensen and the Ramble Band. Jun 3, Black Star Safari. 256 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.773.7751.

NAPA COUNTY City Winery Napa

May 27, Blue Diamond Strings. May 28, Monophonics. May 31, Thrive, MC Radio Active, Pion 2 Zion, Pure Powers and others. Jun 1, Oz Noy Trio with Dave Weckl and James Genus. Jun 2, Two of Us (Beatles tribute band). Jun 3, Mad Noise. 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Downtown Joe’s Brewery & Restaurant

May 28, Jimmy Jones. May 29, Levi Lloyd. Wed, open mic. Sun, DJ Aurelio. 902 Main St, Napa. 707.258.2337.

Area artists captures life’s serene motions. 417 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo.

Gallery Route One

Through Jun 7, “Channel Surfing,” Jessica Eastburn’s paintings show how media saturation causes thought disruption and chaos; with works by Jon Kerpel and Geraldine Lia Braaten as well. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. Wed-Mon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347.

Headlands Center for the Arts

Through Jun 7, “Build It Up/Break It Down,” multimedia work has been produced by Headlands’ 2014-15 Graduate Fellows during their yearlong residencies. 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito. Sun-Fri, noon to 4. 415.331.2787.

Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium Through Jun 7, “Golden Gate Marin Artists Exhibit,” features the wrok of the GGMA group, on display during any performance at VMA. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.473.6800.

Marin Society of Artists Gallery

Through May 30, “Go Green,” MSA member exhibit is a mixed media tribute to Spring in California. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. Mon-Thurs, 11am to 4pm; Sat-Sun, noon to 4pm. 415.454.9561.

Red Barn Gallery

Through Jun 30, “Connections,” women environmental artists encourage care for our habitat. 1 Bear Valley Rd, Pt Reyes Station. 415.464.5125.

Robert Allen Fine Art

May 31, kitchen concert. 276 E Napa St, Sonoma. 707.938.4626.

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park


Molinari Caffe

May 31, Mikie Lee Prasad. 14415 Hwy 1, Valley Ford. 707.876.1983.

May 29, Humblewolf. May 30, Roadhouse. Thurs, 7pm, Thursday Night Blues Jam. Thurs, 11pm, DJ Selecta Konnex. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.664.0169.

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner WED 5/27 • 6PM DOORS • ALL AGES HAWAIIAN

Fri, Sat, David Ruane. 1400 First St, Napa. 707.254.8888.

Rocker Oysterfeller’s


McNear’s Dining House

Sun, 7pm, Swing Seven. Fri, Sat, blues. 1403 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.9777.

May 27, Mike Greensill jazz. May 28, We Are Invisible Monsters with Alec Lee. May 29, Parlor Tricks. May 30, VinCi Vibe. Jun 3, Tommy Alexander and Craig Corona. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.

May 31, 11am, Terrie Odabi and Evolution Blues. 4401 Slusser Rd, Windsor. 707.237.3489.


May 31, Lonesome Locomotive. 1245 Spring St, St Helena. 707.967.8779.

Marin Community Foundation, “Black Artists on Art,” legacy exhibition features over 40 African American fine artists, spanning three generations. 4:30pm. 5 Hamilton Landing, Ste 200, Novato.

May 28

Finley Community Center, “A Course Neither Bitter Nor False,” Kristen Throop’s paintings use cows, bears and repetitive song lyrics to find the humor of life in suburbia. 5pm. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3737. Orpheus Wines Tasting Room, “Fine Lines,” an exhibit of steel and wire sculptures by Steve Lohman. 5pm. 8910 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood. 707.282.9231.

May 30

Graton Gallery, “three,” oil, glass and pastels from Sandra Rubin, Carla Sarvis, E Ryder Sutton plus guests. 2pm. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. 707.829.8912.

Jun 1

142 Throckmorton Theatre, “Legends & Superstars,” Dan Dion presents a career’s worth of his photos of celebrities and Bay Area venues. 6pm. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

MARIN COUNTY Bolinas Museum

Through Jun 14, “40 Years of the Hearsay News,” exhibit includes more than 50,000 pages bound in volumes to peruse. 48 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. Fri, 1 to 5; Sat-Sun, noon to 5; and by appointment. 415.868.0330.

Desta Art & Tea Gallery

Through Jun 9, “Still Motion,” Spring exhibit featuring paintings and sculptures from Bay

Through May 29, “Abstract Landscapes and Cityscapes,” group show features Heather Capen, Nick Coley, Elaine Coombs and others. 301 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.2800.

Seager Gray Gallery

Through May 31, “Art of the Book,” exhibiting handmade artist books, altered books and book-related materials. 108 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley.

Sometimes Books

Through May 31, “Spring Open,” artists Carolyn Batchelor, Pamela Blotner, Denis Bold, Claudia Chapline and many others display. Eubank Studio, 11101 Hwy 1 #105, Pt Reyes Station. Sat-Sun, noon to 4 and by appointment. 415.669.1380.

Style A Gallery

Through May 31, “The Best Books Ever Written,” large-scale paintings featuring the covers of literature’s finest works. 30c Princess St, Sausalito. open daily, hours vary. 415.747.2637.

SONOMA COUNTY Calabi Gallery

Through May 30, “Spring Selection,” an eclectic mix of gallery artists and vintage works. 456 10th St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.781.7070.

Cutting Edge Salon

Through Jun 30, “Close” showing works from eight young photographers. 7773 Healdsburg Ave, Sebastopol. 707.823.3307.

EoMega Grove

Through Jun 28, “Photography & Jewelry Group Show,” renowned photographer Bo Svenson and master jewelers Joanne Quirino and Dianne Collins display. 7327 Occidental Rd, Sebastopol. Various 707.824.5632.

Erickson Fine Art Gallery

Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch

Gallery One

D i n n e r & A S h ow

Through Jun 10, “Art at the Source Showcase,” celebrating 21 years of Art at the Source, this exhibition features painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics and more. 209 Western Ave, Petaluma. 707.778.8277.

May 29 Freddy Clarke Fri

Classical/Flamenco Guitar Virtuoso 8:00 / No cover

May 30 Junk Parlor & Gold Star Sat

danCe CoMPany 8:30

Hammerfriar Gallery

Rebel Gypsy Rock + Belly Dancing

May 31 lorin rowan’S CariBBean Bleu 5:00/No cover Sat ce Jun 6 Steve luCky & the Dan ty !

Through Jun 22, “Ain’t Natural,” mixedmedia show features Jenny Honnert Abells fantastical images, John Hundt’s collage landscapes and others. 132 Mill St, Ste 101, Healdsburg. Tues-Fri, 10 to 6. Sat, 10 to 5. 707.473.9600.


rhuMBa BuMS PluS MiSS CarMen Getit

Father’s Day special girls, girls, girls

the BlueS BroadS

with very special guests

History Museum of Sonoma County

ChuCk ProPhet and the MiSSion exPreSS Saturday, July 4

the ZydeCo FlaMeS Sunday, July 5

Peter rowan

Occidental Center for the Arts

A Bluegrass Birthday

Through Jul 5, “Summer Solstice,” the OCA’s gallery shows this juried group exhibit. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct, Occidental. 707.874.9392.

G ateS at 3 / MuSiC at 4 Reservations Advised


Riverfront Art Gallery

On the Town Square, Nicasio

ANIMAL HEALING ARTS Holistic Veterinary Medicine


Integrative Wellness Care

Through Jul 19, “Tongue-in-Cheek,” group show employ humor as a critical tool to explore complex social themes and illuminate the follies of daily life. 5200 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. Wed-Sun, 10am to 6pm. 707.226.5991.

Over 18 years experience

Napa Valley Museum

Through Jun 7, “Napa Valley Collects,” honoring the region’s private art collectors. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. Tues-Sun, 10am to 4pm. 707.944.0500.

Dr. Lisa Pesch • 707.584.PETS (7387) 5430 Commerce Blvd., Suite 1K, Rohnert Park

St Helena Library

Through May 31, “Cuba–Glimpses” photographer Elizabeth Bush shows her vivd and captivating images from her 2014 cultural visit to Cuba. 1492 Library Lane, St Helena. 707.963.5244.

SF-based comedienne Yayne Abeba appears with Kevin Camia and others in a fundraiser for Farmers’ Market L.I.F.E. food program. May 30, 7pm. $35. The Hatchery, 5701 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove. 415.350.6433.

Peggy Knight Wig Consultant


watched in horror as my first strands of hair fell to the floor. The slow shedding soon gave way to rapid hair loss, which left me devastated. Thanks to Follea Wigs, I now have beautiful, shiny, youthful hair that stays put without the use of tape or glue. My dreams came full circle as I sat in the salon chair only days later. I have dedicated the past 32 years to helping women experiencing hair loss. I’ve walked in your shoes and know your pain.

Comedy Crushers of Comedy

the CoverletteS

Sunday, June 28

Through Jun 8, “Art & Storytelling,” new body map series, based on a communitybased arts initiative, displays large drawings and collages that reflects the personal story of the participant. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11am to 4pm. 707.579.1500.

Through May 31, “Suzanne Jacquot: Abstract Painting,” Jacquot’s paintings are notable for their command of composition and expressive use of color. 8235 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. hours vary 707.795.9753.


Sunday, June 21

Through Jun 7, “Under Pressure,” curated exhibit features printmaking in modern times. 130 Plaza St, Healdsburg. Daily, 11 to 6. 707.431.1970.

Shige Sushi


BBQS on the lawn

Healdsburg Center for the Arts

Through Jul 5, “Wine Country Retrospective,” photographs by Lance Kuehne and Jeff G. Allen. 132 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. Wed, Thurs and Sun, 11 to 6. FriSat, 11 to 8. 707.775.4ART.

Outdoor Dining 7 Days a Week


Peggy Knight, Wig Consultant 800-997-7753 •

19 PA CI FI C S U N | M AY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Through May 31, “An American Painter,” new works by Joe Draegert accompany a new biography written about the artist. 324 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg. Thurs-Tues, 11 to 6. 707.431.7073.

PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


Juan Carlos Stand-Up Show

Carlos hosts a night of comedy with Edsel Mac and others appearing. May 30, 8pm. $5. Christy’s on the Square, 96 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa. 707.528.8565.

May 29-30. $10 / $60 full pass. Raven Theater Windsor, 195 Windsor River Rd, Windsor.

Wine Enthusiast Film Series

Marin Country Mart

Sat, 9am. Marin Country Mart, 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 415.461.5715.

Four weekly screenings are each followed by select wine tastings. Thurs, 7pm. through May 28. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.

Marinwood Farmers Market

Body Déja Vu World Dance Tour

Food & Drink

Fri, 9:30am. CVS parking lot, 759 E Blithedale Ave, Mill Valley. 415.382.7846.

Burlesque Dinner Show

Bodega Bay Community Certified Farmers Market

Dance May 30, 9pm. Sheppard School, 1777 West Ave, Santa Rosa.

May 30, 5pm and 8pm. $50. The Big Easy, 128 American Alley, Petaluma 707.776.4631.

George’s Nightclub

Thursdays, 8pm, Salsa y Sabor Thursday, lessons followed by DJs spinning the best of salsa and jazz tunes. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael 415.226.0262.

Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium May 29-30, 8pm, Rendezvous, Presented by the Don’t Quit Your Day Job Dancers. $28. May 31, 4 and 7pm, RoCo Dance On Stage, Unique youth dance experience features dozens of performers. $20. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael 415.473.6800.

Film Full Moon Lightnin’

Tiburon Film Society presents documentary that follows NYC blues man Floyd Lee on a personal journey back home to Mississippi to reconnect with the family he left behind. Jun 2, 6pm. Free. Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.3871.

A Portrait of a Legend: Hank Easom

‘Life in the Water’ film premieres with “Cape Horn Passage in Schooner Wander Bird” and is followed by a

Q&A with Hank Eason and Oleg Harencar. May 28,

7:30pm. $20-$30. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Welles 100

Weekly retrospective of Orson Welles’ classic films honors the legendary artist on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Sun through Jun 28. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.454.1222.

Windsor Independent Film Fest

Showcase event promotes independent filmmakers, with an emphasis on local talent.

Sun, 10am. through Oct 25. Bodega Bay Community Center, 2255 California 1, Bodega Bay. 707.875.9609.

Calistoga Farmers Market

Sat, 9am. Marinwood Plaza, Marinwood Ave & Miller Creek Rd, San Rafael. 415.999.5635.

Mill Valley Farmers Market

Oakmont Certified Farmers Market

Sat, 9am. Berger Center, 6575 Oakmont Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.538.7023.

Petaluma Certified Farmers Market

Sat, 9am. Sharpsteen Museum Plaza, 1235 Washington St, Calistoga.

Sat, 2pm. through Nov 21. Walnut Park, Petaluma Blvd & D St, Petaluma. 707.762.0344.

Cloverdale Certified Farmers Market

Petaluma East Side Certified Farmers Market

Fri, 5:30pm. through Aug 28. Cloverdale Plaza, Cloverdale Blvd between First and Second St, Cloverdale. 707.893.7211.

Corte Madera Farmers Market

Year-round. Wed-noon. Town Center, Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera. 415.382.7846. Wed-noon. Town Center Corte Madera, 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera. 415.382.7846.

Downtown Napa Farmers Market

Tues, 10am. Petaluma Community Center, 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 415.999.5635.

Petaluma Evening Certified Farmers Market

Wed, 4:30pm. through Aug 12. farmers market, 2nd St between B and D streets, Petaluma. 707.762.0344.

Redwood Empire Farmers Market

Tues-Sat, 8am. through Oct 31. Oxbow parking lot, 500 First St, Napa. 707.501.3087.

Sat, 8:30am and Wed, 8:30am. Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa.

Downtown Novato Community Farmers Market

Rohnert Park Craft Beer Festival

Tues, 4pm. through Sep 29. Downtown Novato, Grant Ave, Novato. 415.999.5635.

Downtown San Rafael Farmers Market

Thurs, 5:30pm. through Oct 1. Downtown San Rafael, Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.492.8007.

Fairfax Community Farmers Market

Wed, 4pm. through Sep 30. Peri Park, 124 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax. 415.999.5635.

Farmers Market at Long Meadow Ranch Fri, 9am and Sat-Sun, 11am. Long Meadow Ranch Winery, 738 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.4555.

Forestville Certified Farmers Market

Tues, 4pm. through Oct 27. Corks Restaurant, 5700 Gravenstein Hwy N, Forestville. 707.887.3344.

Harvest Market

Selling local and seasonal fruit, flowers, vegetables and eggs. Sat, 9am. Harvest Market, 19996 Seventh St E, Sonoma. 707.996.0712.

Healdsburg Certified Farmers Market

Sat, 9am and Wed, 3:30pm. through Oct 7. Healdsburg Farmers Market, North & Vine St, Healdsburg. 707.431.1956.

Indian Valley Farm Stand

Organic farm and garden produce stand where you bring your own bag. Wed, 10am. College of Marin, Indian Valley Campus, 1800 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. 415.454.4554.

Kenwood Community Certified Farmers Market Sun-noon through Sep 13. Kenwood Plaza Park, 200 Warm Springs Rd, Kenwood. 415.999.5635.

Popular beer crafters come together for a day of beer, food and music. May 30, 1pm. $15-$50. Sonoma Mountain Village Event Center, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park.

Roseland Lions Certified Farmers Market

Sat-Sun, 10am. through Nov 1. Roseland Plaza, 665 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa. 415.215.5599.

Ross Valley Farmers Market

Thurs, 3pm. through Oct 1. Downtown Ross Post Office, Ross Commons & Lagunitas, Ross. 415.382.7846.

Russian River Certified Farmers Market

Thurs, 3pm. through Sep 24. Sonoma Nesting Company, 16151 Main St, Guerneville. 707.953.1104.

Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmers Market

Sat, 9am and Wed, 9am. Wells Fargo Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.522.8629.

Santa Rosa West End Certified Farmers Market

Sun, 9am. through Dec 13. West End Farmers Market, 817 Donahue St, Santa Rosa. 707.477.8422.

Sebastopol Certified Farmers Market

Sun, 10am. Sebastopol Plaza, Weeks Way, Sebastopol. 707.522.9305.

Sonoma Mountain Marketplace Certified Farmers Market Sat-Sun, 10am. Sonoma Mountain Village, 1400 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. 707.588.9388.

Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market

Fri, 9am. Arnold Field parking lot, 241 First St W, Sonoma. 707.538.7023.

St. Helena Farmers Market

Fri, 7:30am. through Oct 30. Crane Park, Crane Ave & Grayson Ave, St Helena.

Sunday San Rafael Farmers Market

Sun, 8am. Marin Farmers Market, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael. 415.472.6100.

Tam Valley Farmers Market

Tues, 3pm. through Nov 24. Shoreline Shopping Center, 219 Shoreline Highway, Mill Valley. 415.382.7846.

Thursday San Rafael Farmers Market

Thurs, 8am. Marin Center, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 415.472.6100.

Totally Truckin’ Thursdays

Four food trucks park in the O’Reilly parking lot, provide you with local goodness and donate 10 percent of sales to a monthly selected nonprofit. Thurs. O’Reilly & Associates, 1005 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol. 707.827.7190.

Vintner Vinyl

Tastings and tunes come together in the tap bar and restaurant. Mon, 6:30pm. City Winery Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa. 707.260.1600.

Valley of the Moon Certified Farmers Market

Tues, 5:30pm. through Oct 27. Sonoma Plaza, First St E, Sonoma. 707.694.3611.

West End Wednesdays

West End merchants offer wine, coffee and food tastings. Wed, 5pm. Free. Downtown Napa, First Street and Town Center, Napa.

Theater The Clean House

Ross Valley Players present this acclaimed romantic comedy centered around a cleaning lady more interested in cracking jokes. Through Jun 14. $14-$29. Barn Theatre, Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.456.9555.

Crazy for You

This classic Gershwin musical abounds with mistaken identities, plot twists and fabulous dance numbers. Through May 31. $25-$37. Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.

Noises Off!

Sonoma Arts Live presents this funny farce that peaks behind the set of a doomed play with a colorful cast of actors. Through May 31. $12-$26. Andrews Hall, Sonoma Community Center, 276 E Napa St, Sonoma. 707.974.1932.

The North Plan

Dark political comedy is set in a nearfuture martial law society and focuses on a government agent looking for hope. May 28Jun 21. $15-$27. Main Stage West, 104 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.0177.

Peter Pan

The Mountain Play Association presents the timeless classic in a picturesque outdoor setting. Through Jun 21, 2pm. $20-$40. Cushing Memorial Amphitheatre, 801 Panoramic Hwy, Mill Valley. 415.383.1100. ✹

SunClassifieds &



Community Spanish Language Learning Center In Downtown San Rafael www.spanishindowntown

OVER 55 WITH AN EMPTY NEST? STAY OR MOVE? Please join me for a discussion of living options in the Bay Area: Staying at home? Downsizing to a smaller home? Senior communities: what should I know regarding costs, qualifications, and medical? There is no “one size fits all” so come learn what option may be best for you or your loved ones. Call now to sign up for next presentation: Sue at (415) 297-1554 HARNESSING THE HORSE - HUMAN CONNECTION!! Saturday and Sunday, June 6 & 7m 2015 For anyone looking to; try psychotherapy outside of an office setting - deepen their connection with animals - OR - interested in learning to boost their horse-human bond with body work. Over two days we will introduce you to the unique treatment modality of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy - PLUS - the fields of Animal Communication and Equine Body Work ( beneficial to humans as well!). Learn how the practice of equine body work, a type of accu-pressure, works by releasing horse tension and releasing human tension and emotional blockages. Each participant will be offered the experience of connecting with our horses for their own personal growth process as well. Workshop will be held at our private space on the grounds of Willow Tree Stables, Novato. No horse experience necessary since we work from the ground. Please see our website for pricing and sign ups - - OR email us at OR CALL 415-457-3800. This workshop is presented by Equine Insight and Judy Weston-Thompson, MFT, CEIP-MH (MFC#23268, PCE#4871). Judy has been using Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy in her psychotherapy practice since 2006.

To include your seminar or workshop, call 415/485-6700 x 306. ( 8 Trivia answers: Redding was killed in a 1. Sausalito, in the houseboat community at Waldo Point. Unfortunately,

plane crash three days after recording the song, so he never lived to see it hit No. 1 on the music charts. Thanks

for the question to Kim Salinger, from the Sausalito houseboat community. 2. Sputnik 3. Frasier

Jim’s Repair Service ExpERt REpaiRS Appliances






Telephone Landscape & Gardening Services

SINGLE & DISSATISFIED? Tired of spending weekends and holidays alone? Join with other singles to explore what’s blocking you from fulfillment in your relationships. Nine-week Single's Group, OR weekly, ongoing, coed Intimacy Groups, all starting the week of June 1, 2015. Groups meet on Mon, Tues, & Thurs evenings. Space limited. Also, Individual and Couples sessions. Central San Rafael. For more information, call Renee Owen, LMFT #35255 at 415-453-8117 A safe, successful GROUP for FORMER MEMBERS OF HIGH-DEMAND GROUPS (Religious, New Age, Eastern, Philosophical, Large Group Awareness Programs, etc.) is held every other Saturday in Marin, now in its 10th year. Participants include those born and/or raised in such groups espousing a “good”/ “bad” ideology with a leader(s) who encourages greater degrees of dependency and conformity at the price of individual personal rights, goals, and development. Participants address relevant issues in their lives, receive acknowledgement, gain insights, pursue individual goals, learn how others have negotiated challenging situations, with opportunities to heal from loss and trauma. Individual, Couple, and Family Sessions also available. Facilitated by Colleen Russell, LMFT (MFC29249) Certified Group Psychotherapist (41715). Contact: or 415-785-3513


We are now hiring EXPERIENCED CAREGIVERS for Live-In & Hourly Shifts. Top Pay! Flexible Hours! 401K, Health Insurance and Signing Bonus! Best Training! Requirements: 3 professional references, Proof of eligibility to work in the US. Interested candidates should apply in person on weekdays between 9am and 5pm at: Home Care Assistance, 919 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Ste. 107, Kentfield, CA 94904. Contact Francie Bedinger 415 532-8626.

Mind&Body HYPNOTHERAPY Thea Donnelly, M.A. Hypnosis, Counseling, All Issues. 25 yrs. experience. 415-459-0449.

Home Services CLEANING SERVICES ADVANCED HOUSE CLEANING Licensed. Bonded. Insured. Will do windows. Call Pat 415-310-8784 All Marin House Cleaning Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Will do Windows. Ophelia 415-717-7157 Do you need someone you can trust for house cleaning? Please call Julieta, 415-685-9965

4. Black 5. Orange County 6. The cuckoo 7. Tunisia, capital Tunis, and Algeria, capital Algiers.

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TO PLACE AN AD: Call our Classifieds and Legals Sales Department at 415/485-6700.Text ads must be placed by Monday Noon to make it into the Wednesday print edition.


PACI FI C SUN | MAY 2 7 - JU NE 2 , 2 0 1 5 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


PublicNotices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137258 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: VICTORY HOUSE PROPERTIES, 817 MISSION AVE, SUITE 1A, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: JONATHAN LIN, 16 FLAMINGO LN, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant is renewing filing with changes and is transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Apr 28,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8,13, 20, 27 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137169 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: SPROUTS FARMERS MARKET, 655 IRWIN STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: SF MARKETS, LLC, 5455 EAST HIGH STREET,SUITE 111, PHOENIX, AZ 85054.The business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY . Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Apr 15,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8, 13, 20, 27 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137193 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: FORECAST BUSINESS CONSULTING, 1130 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960:GEORGE MORF, 1130 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, SAN ANSELMO. CA 94960.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registration expired more than 40 days ago and is renewing under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Apr 20,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8,13, 20, 27 of 2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137194 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MORF BUILDERS, 1130 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: GEORGE MORF, 1130 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL.Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Apr 20,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8, 13, 20, 27 of 2015

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137295 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: NATIONAL ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS, 1525 FRANCISCO BLVD EAST, SUITE 5, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: JAHANGIR ALIAKBARI, 7130 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, LAGUNITAS, CA 94938. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registration expired more than 40 days ago and is renewing under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 04,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8,13, 20, 27 of 2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137274 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: CALIFORNIA MOTION PICTURE COMPANY, 323 BAYVIEW ST, #A, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: SHARON ANNE FOX, 323 BAYVIEW ST, # A, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on April 30,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8,13, 20, 27 of 2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015-137308 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: GRAZE LOCAL CATERING, 1618 ST. ANNE WAY, PETALUMA, CA 94954: JAMES LLOYD, 1618 ST. ANNE WAY, PETALUMA, CA 94954.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 05,2015. (Publication Dates: May 8,13, 20, 27 of 2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137344 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: AULAKH IMMIGRATION, 37 SAN CLEMENTE DRIVE # 201, CORTE MADERA, CA 94925: PRITPAL SINGH, 37 SAN CLEMENTE DRIVE # 201, CORTE MADERA, CA 94925.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 08, 2015. (Publication Dates: May 13, 20, 27, June 03 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015137333

The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: KAPPE ARCHITECTS, 801 D STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: RON H KAPPE, 801 D STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL.Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 7,2015. (Publication Dates: May 13,20,27, June 03 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137343 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MAKE LOVE IN YOUR KITCHEN, 35 GROVE LANE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: LEIGH CATHERINE TROMBLEY, 35 GROVE LANE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on May 8,2015. (Publication Dates: May 13,20,27,June 03 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137362 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: PACIFIC SUN, 835 FOURTH STREET, SUITE D, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: METROSA INC, 380 S. FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95113.The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 12, 2015. (Publication Dates: May 13, 20, 27, June 03 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137351 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: KAIA FIT SAN RAFAEL, 1417 4TH STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: 1)KIRSTA MARTINO, 45 KEY LARGO COURSE, CORTE MADERA, CA 94925: 2) MICHAEL MOORE, 45 KEY LARGO COURSE, CORTE MADERA, CA 94901.The business is being conducted by A MARRIED COUPLE. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 11,2015. (Publication Dates: May 20,27, June 03,10 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137340 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: SHANDS STUDIO, 194 SCENIC AVENUE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960:

BARBARA ANN SHANDS, 194 SCENIC AVENUE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960.The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on May 08,2015. (Publication Dates: May 20,27,June 03,10 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015137303 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: SAN FRANCISCO SEO PRO, 20 PLAZA DEMIRA, NOVATO, CA 94947: HEATHER MCCARTHY, 20 PLAZA DEMIRA, NOVATO, CA 94947. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 05,2015. (Publication Dates: May 20,27,June 03,10 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015137359 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: NEW EQUATIONS, 111 BUTTERFIELD RD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: 1) BARBARA TOVEY, 111 BUTTERFIELD RD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960 2) ALAN SPECKS, 111 BUTTERFIELD RD, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960. The business is being conducted by A MARRIED COUPLE. Registration expired more than 40 days ago and is renewing under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 12,2015. (Publication Dates: May 27,June 03,10,17 of 2015) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 137290 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: AUTOSONICS, 19 F DIGITAL DR, NOVATO, CA 94949: NEIL E BYERS, 265 1ST ST # 202, PETALUMA, CA 94952. The

business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein.This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on May 04,2015. (Publication Dates: May 27,June 03,10,17 of 2015) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No:304628 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of a fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the Marin County Clerk-Recorder’s Office on April 02,2010 Under File No:2010124174.Fictitious Business name(s) SAM AMATO SOUND, 596 TAMARACK DR, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: SAM B. AMATO, 596 TAMARACK DR, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Marin County on May 19, 2015. (Publication Dates: May 27,June 03,10,17 of 2015)

OTHER NOTICES ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MARIN. No: CIV 1501656. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ADAM ALEXANDER HUSSAIN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: ADAM ALEXANDER HUSSAIN to ADAM ALEXANDER FINLAY. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written

objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: 06/22/2015 AT 08:30 AM, DEPT B,ROOM B, Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin: PACIFIC SUN. Date OF FILING: MAY 06, 2015 (Publication Dates: May 13,20,27, June 03 of 2015) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MARIN. No: CIV 1501766. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ANDREA MICHELLE SIPE filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: ANDREA MICHELLE SIPE to ANDREA MICHELLE VARNAI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: 07/01/2015 AT 09:00 AM, ROOM A, Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin: PACIFIC SUN. Date OF FILING: MAY 13, 2015 (Publication Dates: May 20,27, June 03,10 of 2015)

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• Fictitious Business Name Statement • Change of Name • Summons • Public Sale • Lien Sale • Trustee Sale • Withdrawal of Partnership • Petition to Administer Estate For more information call 415/485.6700


By Amy Alkon


A year ago, a co-worker I had a crush on made moves on me after-hours at work, and we stopped just short of having sex. I saw him as a potential boyfriend, and I emphasized that I was not interested in casual sex. He told me at the time that he had broken up with his girlfriend, but two days later said they’d made up. Several times since, when his relationship has been on the rocks, he’s suggested that we have sex. I told him I want no physical contact with him ever again, and now he rarely speaks to me, despite seeing me daily at work. I considered him a friend, so I’m devastated he took advantage of me and was only interested in cheating. I’m finding it really hard to heal and move on.—Disturbed


If there’s a next logical step after late-night office sexytime, it probably isn’t, “Now that we’re done despoiling the conference table, let’s go meet each other’s parents!” Remember dating? People who want relationships—especially female people who aren’t up for anything less—go on dates before they go on the conference table. This isn’t to say that women should never have after-hours fun with some guy at work; it’s just that if you want a relationship, having sex before he gets emotionally attached is a risky strategy—one that often leads to just sex. Or just sex whenever his relationship is on the rocks. Sure, you “emphasized” that you don’t want casual sex—a statement that probably buzzed on papery little wings around the guy’s ear before getting squished by his sex drive. Women evolved to be the Missouri of human sexuality—Missouri’s nickname being “the Show-Me State.” Women protect themselves by being what evolutionary psychologists Martie Haselton and David Buss call “commitment skeptics”—holding off having sex while seeking evidence of a man’s willingness to invest (beyond an evening of semi-naked fun in a desk chair). As for men, research by psychologists Russell Clark and Elaine Hatfield confirms what most of us have observed numerous times: As long as a woman has a moderate level of attractiveness, a man’s likely to want to have sex with her. In other words, while women are the sexual gatekeepers, for men, there is no gate. There isn’t even a fence. Sure, it’s disappointing when a man you’re picturing in the “future boyfriend” slot just wants to have sex. But feeling insulted about that is like my feeling insulted that my 5-pound dog tries to have sex with my arm—apparently some sort of odd biological imperative that my arm and I don’t take personally. To move on, turn this into a learning experience so you can protect yourself in the future. This starts with admitting that you got sucked in not because of something this guy did but because you let ego and emotion do the driving while reason was gagged, hogtied and left for dead in the trunk. Accept that it’s your responsibility to vet whether a situation would ultimately work for you instead of leaving the guardianship of your needs to others—others whose agenda may not match yours. Yes, I’m hinting that many men will tell a woman just about anything to get sex. ( Just ask a man whose grandma has died suddenly and tragically ... dozens of times.)


After casual sex, why do some men spend all night spooning and cuddling? This just happened for the second time, and it really messes with my head. My nesting inclination kicks in, and I start fantasizing about engagement rings. And I’m not some needy little thing.—Confused It’s like when the plane’s landing gear is malfunctioning and a person grabs the hand of the stranger seated next to them ... not because that person means something to them but because it feels better than possibly dying alone in a fiery explosion. Casual sex, like grain alcohol and ladies’ clingy knitwear, isn’t for everyone. In research by anthropologist John Marshall Townsend, many women who just wanted sex from a guy still woke up the morning after with worries like, “Does he care about me?” and “Is sex all he was after?” This is perhaps because of the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin—upon orgasm or from intense cuddling. (In men, testosterone goes all defensive lineman, tackling the oxytocin and blocking it from getting to its receptor.) Understanding this may lead you to rethink hooking up. At the very least, you should take precautions for safe sex—like asking, “Where’s the fire escape?” and telling a guy about the tender talk you need immediately afterward ... such as, “You can let yourself out,” and “Don’t forget to leave the parking pass in my mailbox.” Y

Worship the goddess—or sacrifice her at the altar at



By Leona Moon

For the week of May 27


(March 21 - April 19) Here come Thing 1 and Thing 2, Aries. Yep, you’re ex-significant others. Mercury went retrograde and your old girlfriends and/or boyfriends started to show up in your newsfeed. We all know that you’ve been more than a little curious to check in. Take time to say hello and explore a little rekindling action on June 1.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Get back on the horse, Taurus! Your self-esteem has been a little shaky lately. We’d be embarrassed, too, if our significant other ditched us to play video games. Stand up for yourself and say your piece. Your confidence is one of your best attributes, after all. And besides, who plays Pokemon anymore anyway?


(May 21 - June 20) Trouble in paradise, Gemini? Saturn went retrograde in your house of relationships—what does that mean exactly? You’re saying all the wrong things at the wrong times. If you feel like you’re tiptoeing on eggshells, it’s probably because you are, and maybe also because you haven’t taken the trash out in a few weeks.


(June 21 - July 22) A little resentful, Cancer? You’ve been hanging onto a grudge. It’s written all over your face. The only way to make things right might be to consider all the things you’ve done wrong. No one said Memory Lane wasn’t painful—a little introspection can feel like a fresh stab wound. Draft a list of people to make amends to on May 30.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Did

you accidently sext your boss, Leo? Technology isn’t your thing this week. With Mercury in retrograde you’re likely to have a few technical hiccups. Do your best to keep all of your emails, texts and phone calls PG on May 31. Or you may be called into your boss’ office for an unexpected meeting.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Get real, Virgo! Hoping to tie the knot with a special someone? Here’s a spoiler alert: With Mars and Neptune butting heads, it’s very unlikely that you and yours are on the same page. So what’s the best way to realign? Take some space and wait for this celestial mess to die down—otherwise you might find

yourself back on sooner than you were hoping for.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Did you really just say that, Libra? What have we told you about thinking before you speak? It’s likely that you said something so painfully awkward, even the waitress at dinner slowly backed away from you. If you have something on your mind, that’s fine. But a little tact goes a long way on June 2.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Feeling a little suspicious of a special someone, Scorpio? Your possessiveness can get the best of you, sure, but this time you might be right. Mercury in retrograde tends to bring exes back into the picture, so if your dearly beloved is hiding his or her phone, he or she might be finding a new reason to go to the laundromat at 8pm.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 -

Dec. 21) What are you looking for, Sagittarius? A new moon in your sign on June 2 has you asking yourself the big questions. Yes, bigger than, “Should I go on a juice diet this week?” We’re talking life-changing thoughts here: Career, love and health. If you’ve been uncertain about a big decision lately, here’s a clue: Go with “yes.”


(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Did you just become Facebook official, Capricorn? Venus is in Cancer, your house of committed relationships, so it’s no surprise that you’ve found a special someone. Enjoy the tender long walks on the beach while they last—before the snoring starts to annoy you at least.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Who’s that knocking at your door, Aquarius? Your ex. How did he or she find your address? It’s 2015. Pull it together—a fifth grader could find your social security number if he or she wanted to at this point. Don’t write this star-crossed lover off just yet—it might be worth it to hear what he or she has to say.


(Feb. 19 - March 20) Don’t get pregnant, Pisces! You might be eager to take things to the next level, but creating another earthling isn’t necessarily a step in the right direction. There’s some friction in your relationship right now, and babies aren’t the answer. Y

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