T W I T T E R : @ S A N TAC T A C R U Z W E E K LY LY | W E B : S A N TAC T A C R U Z .C .CO M | S E P T E M B E R 1 8 - 24 , 2 0 1 3
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
factual inaccuracies kno own to us. known EDITO EDITORIAL ORIAL EDITOR EDITOR STEVE PALOPOLI PAL A OPOLI STEVE spalopoli@santacruzw
JACOB J ACOB B PIERCE jpier rcce@santacruzw
RICHARD VON VON BUSACK BUSACK richar rd@santacruzw d
Misfit Memories M Re: R ee: "T "Tag ag Al Along" ong" (Cov (Cover, veerr, Sept. Sept. 11): JJames ames is a rreally eally coo guy. He's He's ac tually m dI cooll guy. actually myy cousin, an and rremember emember w hen w weere yyounger ounger h e'd com when wee were he'd comee d own an d spen d th he summ er a ouse down and spend the summer att m myy h house an dw ee'd h ave a b las a t! H oved rriding iding his and we'd have blast! Hee lloved sskateboard kateboard and and d oiing all of of his tricks...and tricks...and all doing of our friends friends were were im pressed! I'm happy happy ffor or o of impressed! yo ou, Jim! Congratulations Congrattulattions on yyour o our u pcoming you, upcoming book. I'd lik py (hint, (hint, hint)! hint)! book. likee a co copy CHRISTINE HOCKER
No Game Gam me Re: R ee: "This "This M Modern odern World" Wo orld" (Sept. (Sept. 11): Y Your o our rrecent ecent po litical car toon o ffocused o ocused on w hether political cartoon whether th trattion is i p layying w ord ggames a ames theeadminis administration playing word w heniitt comes comestto o military miilitary ac cttion in S yria. Not Nota when action Syria. a m entiono veer 100, ,000 d ea atths, an d milli ons mention offov over 100,000 deaths, and millions o peoplem ade homeless. hom meless. Maybe Maybe b it's it's m ore off people made more dif ffi f cullt tto o make make that that seem funny. funn ny. Wh ether difficult Whether w war or som mething eelse, lse, th tuattion wee call iitt war something thee si situation
in S Syria yrria is dir diree an and d iitt h has as im implications plica attions ffor o or us in America well. Making light off "cr "credibility" Am merica as w ell. M aking lig hto ed dibility" mistake. World War may have i a big mis is i tak ke. W or o ld W ar II m a ay h ave b av been prevented had England, France and the United p reveented h ad En gland, F rance an d th he Uni ted States up Hitler. Weeear areed dealing with St ates sstood tood u p tto o Hi tlerr. W ealin ng wi th brutal people sides off th thee con conflict. They b rutal peo ple on both sid es o nflictt. T hey understand and signss o offw weakness. un derstand sstrength trength an d sign w ea eakness. Calling thee least Callling us names names is th least of of our problems. problems. knows that hee can kill th thousands If Assad A kn ows th at h ousa ands offh own people with weapons o his o wn peo plewi thcchemical hemical w eea apon p s without any consequences, why wi t ou th ut an ny con sequences, w hy sshouldn't hou uldn't hee con continue? Credibility important when h tinue?Cr edibility is im portantw tw hen conducting policy. con nductin t g fforeign or o eign po licyy. It is not not an issue issue of of pride, but people know that p rid i e, bu uto t offlletting etting peo plekn ow wth at yyou ou can o That may be funny, be counted coun c nted on. T hattm ay not notbe funny, but bu uttiitt the world. There aree n no solutions is th he rreal eal w o orld. T here ar o easy so luttions when comes thee civill w war or sstrategies trategies w hen iittcom es tto o th a ar in Syria. President Obama has made mistakes S yrria. Pr esiden nt O bama h as m ade mi istakes in handling thee issu issue, but now heeh has figured out h an ndling th e, bu uttn owh as fig gured ou ut that wee cann cannot th at w ot sit sit on the the sidelines sidelines and and watch watch motion. ggenocide en nocide in slow slow m otion. GIL GI IL STEIN Apt toos Aptos
FROM THE TH HE WEB Re: R e: “Tough “Tough Love” Lovvee” (Cov (Cover, veerr, Sept. Sept. 4): “It d doesn’t oesn’t make sen make sense se for fo or five fivve people people tto o be done done with with their th eir liv lives vees ov over veer one on ne person, yyou o ou know know what what I mean?” m ean?” I abou aboutt cried crried when when I rread ead th that. at. t All the the propaganda p ropaganda passed passed through through TV and and movie movie dramas: dr amas: th thee car caring in ng d doctors, occtors, th thee selfless selfless ffamily, amil a y, th pportive communities: communities: all li es, thee su supportive lies, a east much much of of the th he time. time. att lleast In our m ercilesss, p rivattized, eevery-manver e y-manmerciless, privatized, ffor-himself or-himse o lf soci etyy, yyou ou h elp un til it it ggets ets in society, help until th way of of your yo our own own w life, liffe, th en yyou ou o m ove on. thee way then move Onl stitu uttion o s rremain, emain, tto o prey prey on the the Onlyy th thee in institutions person yyou o ou stopped stoppeed h elping, in the the name name of of helping, th eir own own sur vival. a their survival. T his coul d happen happen tto o yyou: ou: on ein e b lows This could onee vvein blows in th brain, on a ly-line em ergency thee brain, onee assemb assembly-line emergency rroom oom th at d oesn'tt p ay attention—and att t ention—and Randy Randy that doesn't pay Ad ams is yyou. o ou. Adams JIM JONES
N tR Not Real Re eall Science S i Re: R e: e "T "True rue Blood" Blood" (Wellness, ( ellness, Sept. (W Sept. 4): I was was disappointed disa ppointed tto o se see ee th thee Weekly Weekly e endorse endorse such such pseudoscience pseu doscience ass this ““alkaline alkaline di diet.” et.” T There's here's no n o eevidence vvidence th that at suggests s ests th sugg thee body body requires requires greater off alkaline-heavy a gr ea ater intake intake o alkaline-hea avy ffoods o oods to to alter thee b blood thee bod body al ter th lood pH H llevels. evels. In ffact, a act, th dy tightly and trying boostt tig htly rregulates egulates pH p llevels, evels, an d tr ying tto o boos byy ea eating off kale near impossible. iitt b atting a ton ton o kale is n ear im possible. There's T here's n no ow way ay tto o 'alk 'alkalize' alize' th thee b blood lood p pH through thr ough diet. diet. More M ore p problematic, roblemattic, th though, ough, is Br Browne's owne's adherence adh erence tto o Antoine Antoin o e Béchamp's Béchamp's llongongdiscredited discr edited th theory eory on p pathogenesis, athogenesis, which w hich essen h essentially tially amounts amounts to to germ germ theory theory denialism. d enialism. At bes best, t, this belief belief makes makes her her seem as ffoolish oo o lish ass th thee Flat Flat Earth Earth Society; Society; a att worst, makes dangerous thee an antiw orst, iitt m o akes her her e as d angerous as th tipointed out vvaccine accine crowd. a crowd d. It sshould hould be poin ted ou ut that that Browne not doctor—she Br owne is n ot a d o tor—she doesn't oc doesn't have have any any medical training m edical tr aining at at all. save money. You don't In sshort: hort: sa ave yyour o m our oneyy. Y ou d o on't need fringe likee 'n 'nutritional n eed fr inge procedures proceedures lik uttritional microscopy' live well. Consume things mi croscopy' tto o liv ve w ell. Con sume all thin gs moderation in m oderattion and an nd get get some some exercise. exercise. Let bodyy worry yyour our bod o wo orry about a ut iits abou ts pH llevels. evels. CAYCE POLLARD
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Wellness W elln e llnes ss BURN NOT NOTICE ICE A new study takes on claim claims ms that e-cigar e-cigarettes ettes ar aree a healt healthier thier alternative to smoking to tobacco. obacco.
Smoke Sm moke Screen S Screens ns Aree e-c Ar e-cigarettes cigarettes really reallly an any ny healthier healltthier th than han tobacco? tobacco? BY MAR MARIA RIA GRUSAUSKAS
s ffar arr b a back ack as 5000 BC, mankind m an nkind has has been fin finding ding ways w ays to to sm smoke oke ttobacco. obacco. It w was as rreally eally onl only ly a m matter attter o off tim timee bef before fo ore w we'd e'd llearn earn tto o adminis a administer ter ni nicotine cotine eelectronically. lectronically. Ladi Ladies es an and d ggentlemen, entlemen, th thee e-cig e-cigarette arette er era a is u upon pon us. Bu But ut will iitt llast? ast? An And dm more orre tto o th thee poin point, t, sshould hould iit? t? F First irst in introduced ntr t oduced in Chin China a in 2004, an and d tto o th thee in international ntern e attional m market arket in 2007, th thee e-cig e-cigarette garette d delivers elivvers e th that at hig highly gh hlly ad addictive, dictivve, sstimulating-yet-calming tim mulatting-yyeet-calming ef effect ffeecct o off sm smoking okin k gb byy h heating ea atting u up pa liquid subs substance tan nce con containing taining n nononttobacco-derived obacco-derivved e ni nicotine. cotine. M Marketed arrketed as a n nebulously ebulously “h “healthier" ealthier" an and d ffar a ar ccheaper hea ap per al alternative lternativ t ve tto o cig ccigarettes, arettes, m myy firs firstt h hopeful opeful puf puff ff o off ff a sslim lim mw white h hite con contraption traption by by
Grreen Smart Green Smart Livin Livingg sent sent me me choking chokin ng on a thick t ck vvapor thi ap por th that at ttasted asted o off cchemicals hemica als and an nd well, well, ni nicotine. cotine. It ffelt elt an anything nytthing bu but ut smart. sm marrt.t Though T hough w wee llack ack an any ny rresearch esearch in into to the th he llong-term ong-term h health eallth t rrisks, isks, con consumers sumers have h ave largely largely accep accepted ted th thee e-cig e-cigarette arette as the th he llesser esser of of ttwo wo eevils: vvils: in th thee U.S. al alone, one, sales sa ales are are eexpected xpected tto o rreach each $1 billi billion on nb byy the th he en end d of of 2013, an and d $10 billi billion on wi within th hin five fiv ve yyears. eears. Some Some eeven veen p predict redict that that e-cigarette e-cigarette sal sales es will surp surpass ass tr traditional adition o al cigarettes ci igarettes wi within thin th thee n next ext d decade. ecade. But Bu ut as in investors nveestors scam scamper per tto o jjoin oin th the he promising p romisin o g tr trend, end, sshort-term horrt-term rresearch esearch has h a begun tto as o question question th thee id idea ea th that at e-cigarettes e-cigarrett e es ar aree lless ess h harmful armful tto o sm smokers. okers. Lastt w Las week, eek, th thee ee-cig e-cigarette cigarette d debate ebate
came tto came o a rrolling olling boil af after fter th thee F French rench association associa attion "60 Milli Million on n Con Consumers" sumers" rreleased eleased a sstudy tudy w which hi h ch ffound oun o d tr traces aces off the o the toxic toxic molecule molecule acrolein—in accrolein—in amounts am oun ntts th that at ffar a ar eexceeded xceed c ded th thee am amount ount ffound oun o d in cig cigarette arette sm smoke—as oke—as w well ell as thee ttoxic th oxic cchemical hemical acet acetaldehyde a dehyde in al somee e-cig som e-cigarette arette liquid liquid.. T The he sstudy, tudy, which w hi h ch ffailed a ailed to to reveal reveeal b brand rand n names, ames, also al so sstated: tated: "In thr three ee cas cases ses ou out ut o off 10, ffor o or products p roductts wi with th or wi without thou ut ni nicotine, cotine, th thee content con nten nt o off fformaldehyde ormaldehyde w o was as as mu much ch as th thee llevels evels ffound ound in so o some ome cig cigarettes." arettes." Whilee skeptics Whil skeptics deem deem m the the latest latest study study flawed fl awed because it it h heated ea ated e th thee liquid tto o 1,700 degrees degrees ffahrenheit, a ahrenheit, Mi Mitch tch Ze Zeller, llerr, director dir ecctor o off th thee F FDA's DA A's Ce Center nter ffor o or T Tobacco obacco Products Pr oductts sa says ays th that at th there ere is n no o qu question estion
that th at e-cig e-cigarettes arrettes should should be included included in proposed FDA which p roposed F DA rregulations, egulattions, w hich could h could ban sales early b an onlin onlinee sal es as ear ly as October. Occtoberr. Cigarette smoke contains over Cig arette sm oke con ntains ov veer 80 carcinogenic Yes, wee sshould car cinogen nic cchemicals. hemicals. Y es, e w hould quit.t. Bu But thee eelectronic solution may all qui ut th lecctr t onic so luti t on m ay not solution att all. F For one, thee n ot be a so luttion a o or on e, th European Respiratory Annual Eur opean R espiratory Ann ual Congress Congress significant increase rreported eported a signifi can nt in crease in airway among smokers air rway rresistance esiistance am ong both sm okers and non-smokers after inhaling an dn on-sm mokers aft er inh aling e-cigarette mist.t. e-cig arette mis Further off th thee Gr Green F urther in iinspection spection o een Smart Living packaging that Sm arrt Livin ng p ackaging rrevealed eveal e ed th at along with thee n non-tobacco derived al ong wi th th on-tobacco d erivveed dose off ni nicotine, was also ingesting d ose o cotine, I w as al a so in gesting propylene and propy yllene glycol, glycol, glycerol, glycerol, a nd "flavorings" undefined. Classified "fl avor o ings" s lleft eft un defined. Cl assified "generally safe" byy as "g gen e erallly rrecognized ecognized as saf fee" b thee F FDA, propylene th DA, Ap ropylene glycol glyccol is used as antifreeze byy th thee cchemical, an an nttifreeeze b hemical, ffood, o ood, and pharmaceutical industries, and an dp harm maceu uti t cal in dustries, an d iitt appears human and dog a ppears in both h uman an dd og ffood. o ood. "You don't know what that doing "Y Yo ou d on n't kn ow w hat th at is d oing says Ray Casciari,i,i MD, tto o yyour our o llungs," ungs, s " sa ays Ra ay Casciar MD director off th thee th thoracic oncology dir ector o oracic on cology program att St. JJoseph Hospital p rogram a oseph H ospital in Orange, California. "Myy eexperience over Or ange, Ca aliffo ornia. "M xperrience ov veer thee p past that anything th ast 35 yyears eears is th at an nythin t g yyou ou o put thee llungs has pu ut in th u gs h un as a chance chance of of causing causing either damage irritation." ei ther d am mage or irr itattion." Further from thee m medical F urther cr ccriticism riticism fr om th edical establishment asserts that thee es tablishm ment asser rtts th at th only perpetuates thee handttechnology echnologyy onl ly perpetu ates th handhabit off sm smoking, and that tto-mouth o-mou utth h abit o oking, an d th at there no substantial that th ere is i n o subs b tan nttial ti l eevidence vvid idence th at e-cigarettes aree an anyy lless habit e-cig arettess ar ess h abit fforming ormin o g than traditional cigarettes. th an tr aditiional cig arettes. "Years ago, when was off "Y Yeears ag go, w hen I w as ggetting ettin e go ff heroin, people prick themselves h eroin, peo ople used tto op rick th emselvees with needles justt so th they could wi th n eedles e jus ey coul d gget et that Pavlovian effect," th at P avlovi vian ef ffec ect," t said llocal ocal musician Frisby, who was musi cian Al A F risby, w ho w as amused a but unimpressed when flashed myy bu ut unim pressed w hen I fl ashed m purchased rrecently ecen nttlly pu urchased yyet eet disappointing disappointing device smokers' circle week. d evi v ce tto o a sm okers' cir cle last last w ee e k. Studies have that nicotine Stu dies h ave sshown how wn th at ni cotine is more addictive than heroin and eeven veen m ore ad dictiv t ve th an h erro oin an d cocaine, but when Frisby decides cocain e, bu ut w hen F risby d ecides tto o quit,t, h hee sa says he’ll onee o off th thee m mere qui ays h e’ll be on ere 3.5 percent off sm who, according per cen nt o ssmokers okers w ho, accor rd ding tto o thee Am American Cancer Society, cold th errican c Can cer Soci etyy, ggo o co ld turkey. tur rkeyy. "I'll just just stop,” stop,” says sa ays Frisby. Frisby. 0
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Currents CALL WAITING A garden view of the downtown Boulder Creek site where Verizon plans to put a 50-foot cell tower, as represented by the pole and flags.
Tower Defense
Boulder Creek residents are fighting Verizon’s plan for a cell phone tower downtown BY GEORGIA PERRY
unset Magazine once called Boulder Creek “absurdly rural,” and many of its residents are none too happy that urban living may soon muscle its way into their landscape, in the form of a 50-foot tall cell phone tower. Verizon Wireless has plans to construct the tower in downtown Boulder Creek— disguised as a pine tree set among the stunning panorama of redwood trees—in order to accommodate smart phone users’ greater demand for bandwidth. In its current scheduled location, the tower will be visible from Big Basin Highway and Highway 9,
“which is where everyone turns to go visit Big Basin Park,” says 35-yearold Boulder Creek resident Rachel Wooster. “It will impact our tourists. It will impact our economy. It will impact our businesses.” Residents are concerned that the tower will decrease the values of their homes and emit harmful radiation. “They say [the tower] is going to blend into the trees. These monopines are bluish in their needle color, so when they are placed right in front of [real] trees they’re actually going stand out more because they’re going to appear a different color,” says Wooster. She has spearheaded
a petition opposing the tower, signed up 340 residents (roughly 5 percent of Boulder Creek’s population) and led dozens of locals to hearings this summer, in an attempt to urge Verizon to choose another location for the tower. Locals have even created a list of nine other suggested locations for the tower. Wooster, a professional nanny who has taken up the cause because her 21-month old godson would eventually go to an elementary school she believes is too close to the proposed cell tower, has spent countless hours researching and compiling reports on the subject
since she learned about the tower in July. She says she has been frustrated by missing documents and errors in reports put together by the Santa Cruz County Planning Department, an agency she believes isn’t taking the matter seriously enough. Frank Barron, Land Use Planner at the Santa Cruz County Planning Department, says that according to federal law, county agencies are not allowed to regulate against cell phone towers based on radiation. Rather, the county would only be able to deny the permit for the cell phone tower based on aesthetics. “There are some people who think that there are health effects, that’s why they make a big deal about it, but there hasn’t been any scientific studies that have been verified that prove they have health effects,” says Barron, who calls Wooster “a very conscientious and very active citizen” but adds, “She has some time on her hands.” “I don't think [Barron] likes me holding his work accountable or pointing out the errors in his report,” counters Wooster. “It just became very apparent to me that the county wasn’t exactly doing what it was supposed to be doing.” Verizon is currently exploring other locations for towers, says Heidi Flato, a public relations officer for Verizon. But from the company’s perspective, the current site is still the best option, she says. “The proposed site contains a relatively flat, undeveloped space that has access, and utilities at the end of town near an existing grove of trees. The location is ideal to provide the desired coverage [and] capacity from a radio engineering perspective,” she says. Another hearing will take place Friday, Sept. 20 in front of County Zoning Administrator Eric Marlatt and if, the tower is approved at the Sept. 20 hearing, Boulder Creek residents have the option to appeal the decision to the Planning Commission, and then to the County Board of Supervisors, who will have the final decision.0
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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Brown Bag Program – Volunteer– Donate
Chip Scheuer Scheuer
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Weconomics How to plug into the new sharing economy in Santa Cruz BY CAT JOHNSON
or ttoo oo llong ong n now, ow, th thee n name ame o off th thee ggame ame h has as been k keeping eeping u up p wi with ith th eighbors. W e’ve fill ed ourr h ouses, ggarages arages an d liv ves e wi th thee n neighbors. We’ve filled houses, and lives with m ore sstuff tufff th an w d eever veer u use e’ve rreplaced eplaced au uth t entic more than wee coul could use.. W We’ve authentic conn ection an dm eaningful liv ves e wi th possessi ons, an dw e’ve connection and meaningful lives with possessions, and we’ve dr iven ourse lvees in to an en vironm o ental cr isis al ong th ay. T he driven ourselves into environmental crisis along thee w way. The sharing econ nomy aims tto o cchange hange all th att. sharing economy that.
A gglobal lobal m movement ovement th that at vvalues alues access ov over er ownership, own w ership, communi community ty over ov er iso isolation lation n an and d sustainability sustainability over ov er endless endless gr ggrowth, owth, th thee ssharing haring economy econ omy in includes cludes grassroots grassroots
orrganiza organizations, ati t ons, n neighborhood eighborhood gr groups, ou ups, sstartups, tartups, nonprofits, nonprofits, government government entities en ntities an and d es established tablished com companies paniies that th hat ffacilitate a acilitate th thee ssharing haring o off rresources e esour ces su such ch as cars, h homes, omes, ttools, ools,
ffood, ood, cchildcare, o hildcare, m money, oney ey, tim time, e, sskills kills and more. a nd mo re. Whilee som somee aspec aspects off th thee Whil tss o economy, such co-ops, ssharing haring econ omy, su ch as co-o ps, community libraries communi ty ggardens, ardens, ttool ool lib raries and are nothing an d cclothing lothin hi g swaps swaps ar re n othin hi g new, thee In Internet now provides n ew, th ternet n ow p rovides and that us with with tools tools an d platforms platforms o th at make easier m ake ssharing haring easi er tthan han eever. verr. With smartphone, W ith a sm artphone, yyou ou can llocate ocate borrow, spare bedroom a car tto o borr ow, a sp arre bedr oom neighborhood fruit trees tto o sstay tay in, n eighborhood o fr uit tr ees or a rride. Technology has ide. T echnology h as ttaken aken
something that humans ssharing, haring, so omething th at h umans have done since timee imm immemorial, h ave d one sin ce tim emorial, and from small circle an d eextended xtended iitt fr om a sm all cir cle off tr trusted friends enormous o usted fr iends tto o an en ormous circle off co community-vetted, cir cle o ommunity-vetted, not-yetnot-yetbyy usin using ffriends fr iends b i g rreputation-based eputatiion-b based d including profiles and ttools ools in cluding p rofiles an d user reviews. re views. The entire Bay Area hotbed off th thee T he en ntir t re Ba ay Ar ea is a h otbed o economy, and Santa Cruz—itself ssharing harring eco onom my, an d San nta Cr uz—itself no and innovation—is n o sstranger trangerr tto o ttech ech an d inn ovvattion—is well-established thee ttechnologyw ell-esstabliished on th echnologyyenabled map. Here’s sampling en abled ssharing harring m ap. H erre’ e s a sam pling
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
of new-school of new-school ssharing harring th that hat can be Santa Cruz: accessed in San nta Cr uz:
Home Shari Sharing ing The T he gian giantt of of th thee sharing sharring econ economy omy is Airbnb. W With ith this h home ome sharing sharing platform outt a sp spare p latfo orm yyou ou o can rrent ent o ou are entire home, rroom, oom, yyour our o en tire h ome, yyour our treehouse, tr eehouse, your your castle castle or o whatever whateveer For hosts, eelse lse is ssleep-able. leep-able. F or h osts, this means income and m eans eextra xtra in come an nd an opportunity meet new people. For o pportunity tto om eet n ew peo ple. F or
thiss m means off p prices, rrenters, enters, thi eans a rrange ange o rices, and accommodations that llocales ocales an d accomm odattions th at dwarfs hotel options. d warfs ho teel opt ions. sidestep away from Airbnb A sid estep e a way fr om Air bnb is COUCHSURFING C OUCHSUR RFING, a platform platfo orm that that conn ects travelers trravelers wi th free free floors/ floors/ connects with cou ches/rooms/homes. W ith n o couches/rooms/homes. With no m oney eexchanged, xchanged, this ttends ends tto o be money th omain no oungsters traveling traveling thee d domain off yyoungsters on th hea ap, bu ut iitt o ffeers tr avelers o thee ccheap, but offers travelers off all ag es an o pportunity tto o sstay tay ffor o or fr ee ages opportunity free an d ttake ake in n th ocal perspec tivve. and thee llocal perspective.
Ride Sharing If yyou ou o spen spend d tim timee in or ar around oun nd Santa Cr uz, yyou’ve ou’vve most most lik ely se een Santa Cruz, likely seen thee parking th parking sp spaces aces rreserved eserveed ffor o or Zi pcars A fl pcars. eet-b based car-s car sharin ng Zipcars. fleet-based car-sharing ser vice, Zi pcar ca pitalizes on th act a service, Zipcar capitalizes thee ffact th at m any peo ple onl eed a ca ar that many people onlyy n need car occasi onally. As a Zi pcar m emberr, yyou ou o occasionally. Zipcar member, h ave 24/7 access tto o th ousands o have thousands off cars ar ound th orld th at can be rrented en nted around thee w world that ffor o or as li ttle as an h ourr, or u p tto oaw eek. little hour, up week. P eer-to-peer car-s haring Peer-to-peer car-sharing
platforms, p latforms, o in including cluding RELA RELAYRIDES AYRIDES Y and GET GETAROUND TAROUND A , through t ough which thr whi h ch and people rent rent their their cars carrs tto o others, others, ar people aree booming in the the Bay Ba ay Area. Area. There There are are booming some listings listings in Santa San nta Cruz, Cruz, bu ore some butt m more people need need to to jump jump on board board to to people really activate activate it it here. here. really you just just need need a ride ride someplace, someplace, If you check out out ZIMRIDE. The The ride-sharing ride-sharing check service connects connects drivers driv ivers e wi th rriders iders service with for o trips trips across across town, town n, across across th state for thee state across the the country. countrry. or across
SPINLISTER SPINLIS TER is a p platform latfo orm that that allows allows
offerings: surfing o ffeerings: ffood o ood ttours, ours, sur fing llessons essons and sailing trips. an d sailin g tr ips.
people their bikes out byy th thee peo ple tto o rrent ent th eir bik kes ou ut b hour, day week. h ourr, d ay or w eek.
Work W ork o k Sharing
Is cy cycling cling m more ore yyour ourr thin o thing? g?
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Sharing Stu Stuff uff
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Let’ss say Let’ sa ay one one person h has as an infl inflatable atable rraft aft they they haven’t haveen’t ttouched ouched e in yyears. eears. A An Another oth ther is i p planning lannin i g a cam ccamping pin i g ttr trip ip and wants The consumer an dw a ants tto o ggo o rrafting. afting.. T he con sumer w way ay w would ould be ffor o or th thee fir first rst person tto o continue their while thee con ntin t ue tto o sstore tore th eir rraft aft w h hile th secon second d person ggoes oes ou out ut an and d bu buys uys a rraft aft that they then The th at th ey will th en sstore. tore. T he ssharing harring w way ay is ffor o or th thee firs firstt perso person on tto o llend end th thee second their peasy. secon d th eir rraft. aft. Easy peasy p y. T There here ar aree n numerous umerouss p platforms latforms o ffor o or th thee ssharing haring o off ggoods, oods, fr ffrom om b blenders lenders an and d boo books ks tto o cchairs hairs an and nd llawnmowers. aw wnmowers. S Some, ome, iincluding nclud l ding YERD YERDLE DLE, ffocus ocus o primarily primarily on the the giving giving away away of of goods goods w while hile oth h other er platforms, platfo orms, such such as NEIGHBORGOOD NEIGHBORGOODS S, ar aree all abou about ut ffacilitating acilitatting borr a borrowing owing among among people. people. By conn connecting ecting users wi w with th fr friends iends o off fr friends iends via social media med dia platforms platfo orms in including cluding F Facebook, acebook, th these hese si sites tes sstrengthen trengthen th thee llevel evel o off tr trust ust am among ong users and and increase increase one’s one’ e s cir circle cle of of willin willing g ssharers harers eexponentially. xponen e tially.
Share Expe Experiences eriences
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Onee o On off th thee d downers ow wners o off tr traveling aveling tto o n ew p laces is th at,t all ttoo oo oo ften, w ee’re new places that, often, we’re rreliant elian nt on th thee w well-traveled ell-traveled rroads oads an and d a tttrrac acttions. W ngle am ong th attractions. Wee can min mingle among thee llocals, ocals, bu but ut generally generallly not not with with them. them. This This m eans th at tr rips or rb bit ar round ttouristy ourristy means that trips orbit around things thin gs rrather atther th than an au authentic utthen enttic thin things. gs. Several Se ever era al sharing sharing platforms platfo orm ms are arre emerging emerging that th at conn connect ecct tr travelers avelers wi w with th llocals ocals ffor o or coffee, co ffeee, a visi visit,t, a m meal eal or eeven veen a h homestay. omestay. TRIPPING, w while hile o h offering ffeering rroom oom an and dh home ome rrentals, entals, al also so oo offers ffeers a F Free ree sec section tion tto o conn connect ect peo people ple w who ho w want an nt tto o gget et o off ff th thee ttourist ourist p path ath t an a and d gget et tto o kn know ow th thee local local people. people. The The site site coor coordinates dinates m meetings eetings fr from om a con conversation nversa e attion or ou outing utting tto o fr free ee h home ome sstays. tays. VAYABLE V AYABLE A helps helps tr travelers avelers d design esign th their eir vvacations a acations b byy conn connecting necting th them em wi with th llocals ocals ffor o or ttours, ours w ours, walks, alks, s bik bikee rrides ides an and dm more. ore. T Those hose o offering ffeerring th thee ttours ours can make make money money showing showin w go off ff th thee ar art, t, sig sights hts an and d llocals' ocals' vi view ew o off th their eir ttown, own, an and d tr travelers avelers gget et tto o seee thin things gs th that at mig might ht n not ot be in a guid guidebook, ebook, as w well ell as conn connect ect wi with th llocals ocals ou outside uttside o off th thee ttourism ourism rrealm. ealm. Am Among ong th thee San Santa ta Cr Cruz uz
Need N eed help help wi with th yyour our o ggarden? arden? Or somee o office work? Maybe need som ffi f ce c w ork? M aybe b yyou ou n eed someone som eone tto o tr transport ansport a p package ackage ffor o or build yyou, ou, or bui ild your your beach beach bonfire. bonfire. All these th ese thin thi things gs and and more more can be b hir hi hired ed d out thee T Task Rabbits, community ou ut tto o th ask Rab bits, a communi ty off vvetted o eetted p people eople w who ho bid on ttasks asks listed the lis ted on th he T TASKRABBIT ASKRABBIT w website. eebsite. SKILLSHARE SKILLSH HARE is a p platform latfo orm that that allows anyone allows an yone to to tteach each an online online class. class. Cl Classes assses include include gr graphic aphic d design, esign, cooking, audio engineering, cooking, au udio en gineering, ffashion a ashion and and much much more. more. P Participants articipants w work ork at at th their eir own own w pace, pace, an and d the the instructors instructors have have a w way ay to to share share th their eir kn knowledge owledge with wiith th thee world. wo orld. d The The only onlly limit li it to limi to class class offerings offeerings iiss th thee im imagination aginati t on o off th thee teacher. teacherr. Ass n naturally atturally h happens appens wi with th reputation-based, repu utattion n-based, ssharing haring sy systems, stems, the the best best ones on nes rise rise to to the the top top while wh hile the the weak weak on ones ess move movve to to the the bott bottom. om. Coworking Cowo orking spaces spaces ar aree p proving roving to to be cen centers ters ffor o or innovation innovvattion within within the the sharing sharing economy. eco onomy. Numerous Numerous sstartups, tartups, freelancers freelancerss and and small small businesses businesses use the the collaborative, collabo orativ t ve, conn connected eccted n nature atture of of these th hese sp spaces aces to to solidify solidif l d fy their th heir place place in the the sharing sharring econ economy. omy. H Here ere in th thee Santa San nta Cr Cruz uz ar area, ea, w we’re e’re fortunate for o tunate to to have have a h handful an ndful of of coworking co oworking spaces. spaces. If you’re yo ou’re tired tirred o off working working alone alone and and looking looking for for or a communi community ty of of forwardfor orwardthinking, thinking, engaged e gaged peers, ccheck en heck ou out ut Cruzioworks, Cruzio worrks, NextSpace NextSpace an and d the the Satellite Sa tellite.
The Big B g Picture On a per personal rsonal level, level, ssharing haring is a fun, easy w way ay tto o conn connect ectt wi with th those those ar around ound us an and d sa save ave some some money. moneyy. On a global global llevel, evel, this m movement, ovveement, w which hi h ch is gr growing owing llarger arger an and dm more ore wid widespread espread b byy th thee day, d ay, p provides rovid des a m model odel for fo or how how to to live livve a sus sustainable, tainab ble, conn connected eccted life. liffe. Ar Around ound thee globe, th globe, people, p ple, organizations peo organiza attions and and municipalities muni cipallities ar aree fin finding ding w ways ays tto o activate ac cttivvate th thee ssharing haring econ economy omy in their th eir rregions. egion ns. s As th thee llocal ocal sharing sharing community communi t gr ty grows ows in Santa Santa Cruz, Cruz, so do do our o opportunities pportuni t ties tto o sstep tep a away way fr from om thee en th endless-growth, dlesss-growth, t über-con über-consumer sumer model m odel and and continue continue our em emergence ergence as a fforward-thinking, o orrwarrd-thinking, ttech-savvy, ech-sa avvy, connected conn ected community. communityy.
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SAX MARKS THE SPOT Phil Smith with the Jazz Society S of Santa Cruz Cellar, ar, which has live music seven nights n a week. County at Bocci’s Cella
Sounds Soun nds Eclectic Eclec ctic How to How to fin find d th thee o offbeat fffbea at ggems em ms o off San Santa nta Cr uz’’s mus m si s c scen AARON ON CARNES Cruz’s music scenee BY AAR
or a city city as small smalll as Santa San nta Cruz, Cruz, scenee is impressive. our music music scen impressive. There T here are are cool cool venues ven e ues that that cater ca ater to to some some amazing amazing local local bands, bands, as well w ell as a constant constan nt stream stream m of of national nati t onal acts. There ac ts. T here are are places places to to buy bu uy music, music, instruments in strumen ntts and and just just about ab bout anything anythin t g music-related—if musi c-related—if you yo ou know kn now where where tto o llook. ook. Still,, some some of of the the really really cool cool musicc happenings under thee radar: musi happenings are are un u der th radar: thee llesser th esser known known venues, venuess, the the special monthly m onthly dance dance nights, nights, the t e annual th annual enough, rrecord ecord swaps. swap ps. If you you look look hard hard en ough, there’s th ere’s a lot lot to to find. find. Fortunately, Fortu unately, we’ve we’ve done d one the the leg leg work, work, so you yo ou u don’t don n’t have have to. to. This T his list list goes goes to to 11:
San JJose’s ose’s B BVMO VMO Cr Crew, ew, D DJJ Sh Shea ea Bu Butter tter spin spinss gr great ea at d dance ance tun tunes es a att th thee R Red ed e eevery very firs firstt F Friday riday o off th thee m month. onth. Sh Shea ea spin spinss m modern odern e an and d cclassic lassic soul, hi hipph hop op an and d rreggae, egggae, m most ost o off iitt o obscure, bscure, wi with th a cou couple ple cchoice hoice T Top op 40 tun tunes es in th thee mix. Br Bring ing yyour our d dancing ancing sshoes, hoes, or a att lleast east d dancing ancing Bir Birkenstocks, kenstocks, s an and d p pay ay n nada, ada, as a th thee R Red’s ed’s firs firstt F Fridays ridays ar aree fr free. ee. 1003 Ced C Cedar ar St., San Santa ta Cr Cruz. uz. SOUNDSWELL: SOUNDSW WELL: T The he San Santa ta Cruz Cruz
Pub Public lic Lib Library rary is in th thee p process rocess o off buil building ding a comprehensive, comprehensive,
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
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STY TUNED John Sa Sandidge, andidge, host of KPIG’s Sunday morning m live music show Please Stand By, with the t late, gr eat Rudy waiting ffor o or a frisbee. great
iTunes-like d iTunes-like database atabase o off llocal ocal bands’ bands’ music—current musi c—current as w well ell l as llong-sinceong-sincebroken-up. b roken-up. It’ It’ss a win-win win-w win program. program. The T he lib library rary is p paying ayin y g an a anyy llocal ocal b band and actual ac cttual m money oney ffor o or th their eirr musi music, c, an and d anyone an yo one wi with th a vvalid alid lib library brary car card d can d download ownload iitt ffor or fr o free. e .F ee Follow ollow Soundswell’s Soun dswell’s progress progresss a att san santacruzpl. tacruzpl. org. or g. 224 Ch Church urch St., San Santa nta Cr Cruz. uz. SUBROSA COMMUNI COMMUNITY ITY SPACE:
One o One off th thee sstrangest trangest p places laces in ttown own to see see shows. shows. The shows show ws a are re always alwa ayys non-electric, n on-electric, an and d ffeature eeatu ure musi musicc or performance per fo ormance ar artt (or bo both). oth). Ev Events veents here h ere ar aree spor sporadic, adic, bu but ut th they ey h have ave an o open pen mi micc nig night ht eevery very T Thursday hursday from fr om 8-10p 8-10pm. m. One One friend frien e d told told m mee h hee
sa saw aw a woman wom man a att an open open mic mic night night hand h and ou outt scissors s tto o the the audience. audience. Shee as Sh asked ked th them em tto o cu cut ut h her er dr dress ess o off. ff. That T hat w was as h her er ac act. t. En Entrance trance ffees eees ar aree between bet tween $3 $3-7. 3-7. 703 P Pacific acific A Ave., ve., San Santa ta Cruz. Cr uz. PLEASE STAND S BY ON KPIG 107.5 FM: F For or 15 yyears, ears, Sl Sleepy eepy John John
Sandidge has Sandidge has been b bringing ringing llocal ocal an and d national n ati t onal b bands a ds in an into to th thee KP KPIG IG sstudio tudio on Sun Sunday day mornings mornings for fo or some some coo cooll in-studio in -studio live live performances. perfo ormances. Wh Whyy ggo o tto o cchurch hurch w when hen yyou ou can si sitt a att h home ome on Sun Sunday day mornings, mornings, drink drink beers and an d lis listen ten to to country, country, ffolk, olk, soul an and d
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Sa nta Cruzi N ’
Legendary Taste SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Epic Party
Featuring the Bleu Bird Pie Paired with Flipside Red IPA J
blues b blues bands ands ov over ver e th thee rradio? a o? K adi Keep eep an out drop-ins byy KP KPIG ear ou ut ffor o or dr op-ins b IG ffavorites avo orites likee T lik Todd odd Snider, Sniderr, F Fred red Eag Eaglesmith lesmith and others. an d oth ers. THE POCKET: Wh When en d does oes a dive dive bar bar stop bein g a dive? dive? Probably Pro obably when when stop being it it loses loses its its character—and character— er—an and when when the young young cool cool kids kids start start showing showing the up. up. The The Pocket, Pocket, which which is llocated ocated in Pleasure Point, Point, still still h a all th as at gr eat Pleasure has that great divey divey charm, charm, not not to to mention mention that that it hosts hosts blues, blues, ffolk olk and and Americana Americana it bands bands various various nights nights of of the the week. week. There’s no no cover cover on Saturdays. Sa aturdays. There’s Thursday Thursday nights nights are are jam jam session session nights. 3102 Portola Portola Dr D r.,. Santa Santa Cr uz. nights. Dr., Cruz. BOCCI’S CELLAR: Loc Local cal musi musicians cians from eevery very genre genre always always seem to to be from saying saying that that Bocci’s Bocci’s Cellar Cellar is the ccool ool underground vvenue enue in n town. town. That’s That’s underground because they they have have live live music music seven seven nights a week, week, and and they they literally literally nights let let bands bands of any style style of of music music play there. there. It doesn’t doesn’t hurt hurt that that they they play have have bocci b ball, all, as well well as food fo ood and and booze. 140 En cinal St., St.., San ta Cruz. Cruz. booze. Encinal Santa CLUB KUUMBWA KUUMBWA: F For o d or decades, ecad des,
710 Front St | 831.427.4444 | | #woodstockscruz
onlyy fairly onl fa airly well well established establis l hed bands bands ggot ot to to p play lay K Kuumbwa uumbwa Jazz Jazz Center’s Center’s killer kill er sstage tage (and (and use their th t eir equally equally awesome a wesome soun sound d system). system). e But But now, once month, “Club n ow, on ce a m onth, there th here is “Cl ub Kuumbwa,” K uumbwa,” w where here they they e all allow ow Americana and indie llesser-known esser-known Am erican c a an d in die bands (often times play. b ands (o ften tim es llocal) o ocal) tto op lay. T The he ti tickets ckets ar aree lless ess eexpensive, x xpen sive, an and d th there’s ere’s cheaper cheaper boo booze ze on tap, tap, which which d dr draws aws a yyounger ounger cr crowd. owd. d 320 Ced C Cedar dar St., San Santa ta Cr Cruz. uz. KZSC 88.1 ULTIMATE E MUSIC SALE:
Once a yyear, Once eearr, San Santa ta Cr Cruz uz vin vinyl yl ffanatics anattics a when KZSC presents annual rrejoice ejoice w hen KZS Cp resen e ts iits ts ann ual Ultimate Ul timate Music Music Sale Sale (which (w which happens happens fundraiser tto o be a fun draiser ffor o or the t e station). th stattion). The The vinyl-heads aree llulled into blissful vin yl-heads ar ulled in to a b lissful trance they wander thee rroom filled tr ance as th ey w ander th oom fill ed with dozen selling wi th a d ozen rrecord ecord vvendors e dors se en lling obscure and, some rrare, are, o bscure an d, in so ome cases, discounted LPss an and singles. The next discoun ted LP d sin ngles. T he n ext UMS Saturday, Nov. att U UCSC UM S is Sa atturday, N ovv. 23 2 a CSC campus. cam pus. BANE SHOWS: San Santa ta Cruz Cruz h has as a
h huge uge scen scenee ffor or all thin o things ngs lloud oud an and d n noisy: oisy: hardcore, hardcore, sludge, sludgge, punk,
m etalcore, scr eamo an d jus metalcore, screamo and justt sstraight traight up up noise. noise. A vast vast majority majority o ese shows shows ar booked by by Bane Bane off th these aree booked Sh ows. So if f, sa y, som eird p rogShows. if, say, somee w weird progm etal-a avan a t-noise b and fr om metal-avant-noise band from Eug ene, O regon com es thr ough Eugene, Oregon comes through ttown, own, gu arranteed it’s it’s Bane Bane Shows Shows guaranteed th at b rougght th em T em. hey al so b ring that brought them. They also bring big ac ts lik ke Deafh ea aven an d Ti tus acts like Deafheaven and Titus An dronicu us. La tely m ost o the Andronicus. Lately most off the shows hav ve b een at the the Catalyst Catalyst have been Atr ium, bu ut som etimes th ey ar Atrium, but sometimes they aree in ul tra-obsccure vvenues enues th at d on’t eeven ven ultra-obscure that don’t h ave n ames, jus dresses. K eep an have names, justt ad addresses. Keep ey orr th o ers pos ted ar ound eyee ou outt ffor thee fli fliers posted around ttown, own, or check check ou Bane Sh ows on outt Bane Shows F acebook. Facebook. FELTON CONTRA C DANCE: Twi Twice ce a
m onth, o pportunity a waits an yone month, opportunity awaits anyone in interested terested d in tr trying ying ou outt som somee ggood ood oldfashio oned N ew E ngland-style old-fashioned New England-style ffolk olk d dancing. anciing. Don Don’t ’t kn know ow th thee firs g abou olk d ance? N o firstt thin thing aboutt ffolk dance? No p problem. roblem. There There are are lessons lessons before beffo ore th tual d ance—or just just follow follow thee ac actual dance—or tthe he iinstructions nstructions du during ring tthe he da dance. nce. The re is a call err, aft er all. T here’s There caller, after There’s a dif different ffer e ent b band and a att eevery ver y d dance. ance. O th On fi st F ridays, th ances thee firs first Fridays, thee d dances ar aree a att th thee F Felton elton Communi Community ty H Hall. all. On th ird F ridays th ey’re a thee thi third Fridays they’re att th thee V Veterans et e erans M Memorial emorial Buil Building. ding. R Rumor umor h as iitt th at on ce or ttwice wice a yyear, earr, a has that once big group group o off punk rockers rockers shows shows u p an d ggets etts d own wi th th eir b ad up and down with their bad selves—folk-dance Tickets aree se lves—ffolk-dance sstyle. tyle. Ti ckets ar and $10; $6 ffor o orr sstudents tudents an d vvolunteers. olunteers. F First irst F Fridays: ridays: F Felton elton Communi Community ty H Hall, all, 6191 Hig Highway hway 9, F Felton. elton. T Third hi d F hir Fridays: rid days: V Veterans eeterans M Memorial emorial i l Buil Building, ding, 846 8 F Front ront St., San Santa ta Cr Cruz. uz. METAVINYL: METAVIN NYL: Santa Santa Cruz Cruz is a great grea at place place to to get get vinyl vinyl LPs. LPs. While While you’re yo ou’re running running up up and and down down Pacific Pacific Ave., Ave., don’t don’t forget fo orget e to to check check out ou ut Metavinyl, Metavvinyl,l which blues, which carries carrries rock, rock, jjazz, azz, b lues, electronic electronic and and indie. indie. It's not not quite quite the the master masterr purveyor purvey e or of of obscure obscure used records records that that Logos Logos is (although (although there there are are some some gems gems to to be found), fo ound), ) but but they they have have quite quite an impressive impressivve selection selection of of new new records. records. Plus Plus they they also also sell sell vintage vintage turntables. turrntables. 320 Cedar Cedar St., Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. z
23 Chip Scheuer
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
COUNTIN’ STACKS The Santa Cruz public library downtown offers a surprising range of free services.
Loan Rangers Libraries are finding success reinventing themselves, which means new, free services and resources locally BY CAT JOHNSON services, library usage is on the rise. Every month a whopping 35,000 people walk through the doors of our downtown branch. This year’s summer reading program set a new record with 7,638 people attending programs, blowing away the previous record of 5,500 participants set in 2003. And our library system circulates over two million items per year, not counting electronic materials. But it is true that the digital age has reshaped how people access information, and libraries have adjusted their services accordingly, offering ebooks, hands-on computer help and expanded research
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Iggy and The Stooges Thee Oh Sees 4ae`[S` DS[`Tahe The Lemonheads A88 FZW >[_age[`We 6WSXZWSĂW` FZW 5agb ?a`Va 9W`WdSfad FWdS ?W^ae 9 8 B BSdfj 4W` 63? 8g`] 6< EWf E^WWbj Eg` 4^SU] ?[^] EaU[S^ EfgV[We 4H?A FZW DWĂ[ĂS^ FZW Fd[_e 6>D@ B[UfgdW 3f^S`f[U Fa_ 6[U] S`V :Sddj FWW]a Efg_T^WTg``j Ea`[Va 5^SeZ BW`fZageW BW`fZageW EZWS 4gffWd FZW BZW`a_W`Sgfe Ada ## 6WW\Sj FZWadj 5Sd^ae 5 Eag^Xg^ ATeWee[a` 7^[cgSfW 4dafZWd 9dS`V 3`jS S`V fZW 9WfVah` 7 H =S[` Iad]agf 6<e DSh 9Wda`[_a ?Sdj S`V fZW ?S`UZ[^V FZW 8^S_We 3XX[`[fj 6<e 8[`[eZ F[U]Wf 6[dfj 9Zaefe FZW <gdSee[U FZW EZW e FZW ;USdge >[`W DaYUa` 5Sdfaa` 4Sd 8[YZf FadUZWe D[` F[` F[YWd 5^Sh :S__Wd EaXf IZ[fW E[if[We 4[T^We S`V :S`V 9dW`SVWe 3_a`[W FZW 4gd`[`Y aX Da_W :Sbf[U Ej`SbeWe A`hSdV 7fU EZ[`aTg 5a`fS[`ZWd 4 >Wh[e FZW 3^TWdf EcgSdW FdS[^e S`V ISje :a^j 5Z[^V FS^]j F[`S 8Sfea <Wfea` FZW 4S`Y 6[``Wde 5gd[age CgS[^ 6[dfj B[^^ahe K -VON F ZW @Wh Fd g ef AUUg ^f I [e Va_ ? adW
F[U]Wfe a` eS^W `ah 2 U$eĂ Ua_!f[U]Wfe
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Join the Movement for Social, Cultural, and Environmental Justice!
Who will be there?
18–20 October 2013
Marin Center | San Rafael
Keynote Speaker Actor and Activist Danny Glover Bioneers Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation to Joanna Macy
Any and all aspiring change-makers and global citizens who want to ensure a sustainable and just future for all
The Inquiry of Gaia ©Jo Whaley
Santa Cruz Weekly Readers get 20% Discount! Register before September 30 using code SCW13.
Featuring Janine Benyus, Annie Leonard, John Densmore,Tom B.K. Goldtooth, Nikki Henderson and many more inspiring innovators! 1, 2, 3 & Half-day Passes available.
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Massive Reb Reboot boot That T hat m means eans rrethinking ethinkin ng th thee lib libraries raries themselves. th emselves. e Most Most of of the the buildings buildings
LOAN RANGERS weren’t d weren’t designed esigned wi with th suf sufficient ffficient po power wer e outlets ou utl t ets or collaborative co ollaborattivve w work ork tables o tables mind. Many off th thee b branches aree in min d. M any o an ranches ar need off a attention but, att this poin point,t, in n eed o tttention bu utt, a there’s no th ere’s n o ffacilities a ties budget acili budget to to help help them people th em accommodate accom mmodate peo ple working working collaboratively, alone create maker co llaborattivvely, llet et al one cr ea ate m aker spaces, sp aces, digital digiital media media labs labs or whatever whateveer thee community would like. eelse lse th com mmunity w oul o d lik e. Under Landers’ direction, thee Un der La anders’ dir ection, th library’s operating budget back up lib rary’s o peratting bu dget is b ack u p near where was n ear w here it it w as before beffo ore the the economic economic downturn, but budget d ownturn, bu b ut the the facilities fa acilities bu dget not. Other pipe is n ot. Oth er than than rreacting eacting to to a pi pe breaking thee discovery b reaking orr th discovveery of of mold, mold, there’s no maintenance thee th ere’s been nn om aintenance on th over ffacilities acilities ffor a o orr ov veer 10 yyears. eears. The The boiler boiler thee downtown branch old that in th down ntow wn b ranch is so o ld th at needs part, if sstaff tafff n eed ds tto o rreplace eplace a p art, they they have manufactured. Landers h ave tto o have have iitt m anuffa actured. Lan ders and O’Driscoll that they had an d O’Dr isccoll jjoke oke th at if th ey h ad 3D printers, they thee p part. p rinters, th e could ey could just just print print th art. “What at,” says “Wh at we’re we’r e e looking looking a t,” t sa ays Landers, influx now Lan ders, “iss ggetting etting an infl ux n ow wee need tto o ttake ake care care of of what what w need tto o ttake ake caree of plan car of and and establish establish a p lan ffor o or the the future. up fu utture. We’re Wee’rre trying trying tto o sstay tay u p tto o date d ate eelectronically lecctr t on nicallly with with ebooks,” ebooks,” she she continues, linee is th that con nttinues, “bu ““but ut the the bottom bottom lin at wee sstill need thee ffacilities. w till n eed d th acilities. That’s a Thatt’s our that we’re big cchallenge hallenge th at w ee’rre ffacing. acin a g. g At somee point som point we’ll wee’ll probably probably go go to to the the community say, help communi tyy and and sa ay, ‘Can yyou o ou h elp us?’” thee next Landers In th next 5-10 yyears, ears, Lan ders would likee tto w ould lik o see all local local branches branches along thee lin lines off th thee rredesigned edesigned d al ong th es o Valley model, where people Scotts V a alley e m odel, w here peo ple ffeel eeel aboutt ggoing and thee sp space ggood ood abou oing in an d th ace There aree w ways, says, ffeels eeels ggood. ood. T here ar ays, sshe he sa ays, make thee sp space welcoming and tto om ake th ace w elcoming an d comfortable com fo ortable ffor o or eeveryone. veeryone. library system As the the llocal occal lib rary sy stem continues and adapt thee con tinues tto o eevolve volve an d ad apt tto o th needs Cruz patrons, thee sstaff n eeds of of Santa Sa anta Cr uz p attrons, th tafff asking the community what is as king th he communi ty w hat iitt wants from libraries. w ants fr om m lib raries. “The thing that wee ar aree m most trying “T he thin ng th at w ost tr ying do now,” says O’Driscoll, tto od o rright ight n ow,,” sa ays O’Dr iscoll, “is encourage community bring en courage th tthee communi ty tto ob ring us ideas and what they would likee id eas an d ttell ell us w hat th ey w ould lik present; what they want know us tto op resen nt; w hat th ey w ant tto o kn ow about.t. That’s adds. abou That’ t s what what we we do,” do,” she she ad ds. “We connect people and wee inf inform “W We conn ecct peo ple an dw fo orm them. Connect, inform, inspire; that’s th em. Conn nect, inf fo orm, in spire; th att’s what we’re about.” w hat w e’re abou t.” Find out about ab bout upcoming library librra ary events at sa antacruzpl.orrg g/events.
rrecycle ecy your
811 81 1 PACIFIC PACIFIC A AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-458-0555 buy / sell / tr trade ade / consign
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
assistance. In addition assistance. addition to to calling calling or ggoing oing into in nto th thee lib library rary tto o ttalk alk tto o rresearch esearch librarians, email lib rarians, yyou o ou can em aiil them, them, cchat hat with them them. eelectronically lectronicallly wi th th em m or ttext ext th em. There’s Santa Cruz Public T here’s eeven veen a San ta Cr uz Pub lic Library app. Rather than competing Lib rary a pp. Ra atther th an n com peting with libraries utilize wi th ttechnology, echnologyy, lib raries e u tili t ze iit.t. Teresa Landers, thee coun T eeresa Lan ders, th ccounty’s ty’s director off lib libraries, points outt th that dir ector o raries, po oints ou at while search anything w hile yyou o ou can sear ch ffor o an or ything and off inf information online, thee an d gget et llots ots o form o ati t on onlin e, th question information? qu estion is, Is iitt ggood ood in nffo ormattion? This where librarians comee in, an and T his is w here lib rarian ns com d thee qu questions being asked off th them th estions bein g as ked o em have changed. hav ve cha nged. “The questions aree m more “T he qu estions ar ore complicated, com plica ated, because th tthee easy sstuff tufff Googled,” says Landers. can be Goog led,” sa ays Lan L ders. “People don’t want know thee ca capital “P eople d on’t w ant tto o kn now th pital off Sp Spain, they want know how o ain, th ey w ant tto o kn k ow h ow so-and-so something.” so-an d-so vvoted ot o ed on som mething.” addition being book In ad dition tto o bein g boo b k eexperts, xperts, librarians off th thee 21s 21stt ce century need lib rarians o entury n eed medianauts who tto o be ttech-savvy ech-sa av vy m edia anau utts w ho navigate can n avvigate ttoday’s odayy’s eelectronic lec e tronic llandscape—and andscape—and ttomorrow’s, omorrrow’s, ttoo. oo. For anticipation off F or eexample, xample, in an ticipattion o health caree rregulations, cchanging hanging h ealth car e attions, egul library being trained llocal ocal lib rary sstaff tafff is bei ing tr ained people understand to help p eople u ndersta and tthe he new insurance options and enrollment in surance o ptions an d enr ollment protocol. There demand p rotocol. T here will be d emand for fo or thee lib library help, th rary tto oh elp, so sstaff tafff is ggearing earing up. Providing information, u p. Pr oviding access tto o inf fo ormattion, whether onlinee or o off, att th thee cor coree o off w hether onlin ff, iiss a thee lib library mission. th rary missi on. The picture vision thee llocal T he big pi ctture visi on ffor o or th ocal system with sy stem is tto o align wi th th tthee cchanging hanging needs off th thee San Santa n eeds o ta Cruz Cruz community. communityy. Facilitating part F acilitating collaborations collaboration o s is p art off this. As a gr growing community off o owing co mmunity o freelancers and small businesses fr eelancers an d sm all busin b esses libraries work space, thee rrely ely on lib raries ffor o or w ork sp ace, th library place working, lib rary aims tto o be a p lace a ffor o or w or o king, connecting and collaborating. conn ecting an d co llabo orating. “People’s way off w working now “P eople’s w ay o orkin k gn ow is collaborative,” says O’Driscoll, co llaborattive,” sa ays JJanis anis O’Dr iscoll, Division Divisi on M Manager anager o off Pr Programs rograms and an dP Partnerships. artnerships. “T “They hey e n need eed co collaborative llaborattive space. space. That’s That’ ts w what hat w wee n need eed tto op provide. rovide. Our bu business usiness h hasn’t asn’t cchanged. hanged. Our busin business esss is tto op provide rovide inf information fo ormation tto o th thee com community, mmunityy, bu butt n now ow w wee n need eed to to be able able to to h help elp peo people ple w who ho ar aree w working o orking co collaboratively.” llab borattivvely..”
PHOTO: Jeff Shanes
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
silicon valleyโ s new TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE + MUSIC FESTIVAL Topics include: Gi\cf_ ย Mi]c[f ย ;jj >_p_fijg_hn ย ;oag_hn_^ L_[fcns <cn]ich ย Q_[l[\f_ =igjoncha ย ;lnc`c]c[f Chn_ffca_h]_ ย M_f` >lcpcha =[lm >cacn[f Jlcp[]s ย Nb_ Mb[lcha ?]ihigs ย >cmlojncih ย >lih_m ย =ihp_la_h]_ =liq^miol]_^ @_lncfcns ย Mi]c[f Nl[hmjiln[ncih ย F_[h Mn[lnojm Qilembijm `il ?hnl_jl_h_olm ย P= Jcn]b =igj_ncncih
Keynote speakers and presenters: S[bii <i[l^ =b[cl Maynard Webb >cacn[f Diolh[fcmn Robert Scoble "ร M]i\f_ct_lร # ย Pc^_ia[g_ chp_hnil Nolan Bushnell ย ;onbil Jeff Stibel "ร <l_[ejichnร # ย Mi]c[f G_^c[ ?rj_ln Brian Solis ย Mniia_m aocn[lcmn F]iao Sehhe]iokj ยก ;hnc'pclom Jcih__l Fkdj I_=baa ยก =[om_m(]ig =?I I]pp I]d]j ยก @ilg_l Qcl_^ g[a[tch_ _^cnil Chris Anderson ย ;j[]b_ m_lp_l ^_p_fij_l Brian Behlendorf @fsqb__f =?I Opara Dqildnauo ยก ?fi[h @ioh^_l Chris Larson L_f[sLc^_m =?I Andre Haddad ย ;onbil Andrew Keen "ร >cacn[f P_lncaiร # Q[fg[lnF[\m =NI Jeremy King ย M_lc[f ?hnl_jl_h_ol Steve Kirsch G[n]b(]ig `ioh^_l Gary Kremen ย To]e_l\_la G_^c[ร m Bradley Lautenbach ย <fiaB_l ]i'`ioh^_l Elisa Camahort Page ย @ilg_l =[fc`ilhc[ =ihnliff_l P= Steve Westly ย ?\[s Pc]_ Jl_mc^_hn Hugh Williams ย M;J Mi]c[f <omch_mm B_[^ Todd Wilms ;h^ inb_l pcmcih[lc_m [h^ ch`fo_h]_lm....
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Chip Scheuer
OPEN TAB The Jury y Room was once a ffavorite avorite a hang hangout gout of Santa Cruz’s most notorious serial killer r. killer.
The Stuff Th S ff off Legend Lege end 5 Mus Must-Know st-Kn now Spots o off W Weird eird Santa San nta Cruz Cr uz Lor Loree BY MAT WEIR
O For F or more more information information please please visit: visit:
ne o ne off th thee thin things gs w worth orth knowing any city where kn ow wing in an nyy ci ty is w here find most tto o fin d iits ts m ost ffamous am a ous freaky This not onlyy useful fr eaky spots. T his is n ott onl iicebreaking cebreaking material material on n any any date date or office o fffice get-together—“Hey, get-together—“Heyy, did you you o know Santa Cruz’s most kn ow San ta Cr uz’s m osst ffamous am a ous serial killer ser ial kill er used to to toss tosss ‘em ‘em back back here?”—it outt h ere?”—it can also also help help you you o figure figure ou which creepy w hich cr eepy place place you you ou want want to to avoid avoid ending en ding up up alone alone at at in the th he middle middle of of the the night. nig ht. Or which wh hich you yo ou can’t can n’t wait wait to to get get tto, o, depending depending on where where you yo ou stand stand on these things. th ese thin gs. So here here we we go: go:
1. MISSION SANTA C CRUZ: RUZ: If an any ny place place in town town is cursed, cursed d, it’s it’s the the
Mission. The was Missi on. T he original original structure structture w as builtt (an (and destroyed) buil dd estroyeed) in the the San Lorenzo flood plain. The Lor enzo River’s Riivveer’s fl ood p lain. T he second Mission was secon d vversion, errsion, on Missi on Hill, w as finished finis hed in n 1794, after after being being delayed delayeed a byy a attacks from Quiroste yyear ear b tttac a ks fr om Quir oste Indians Indians who displaced w ho were were disp d laced ffor o or the the move. movve. Then, 1812, Indians T hen, in 18 812, In dians living living at at the the mission murdered Father Andres missi on mur m dered F atther An dres Quintana, making onee o off onl onlyy two Quin tana, am aking him on two martyrs thee missi mission Fortym artyrs in n th on system. system. F ortyfive thee missi mission burned fiv ve yyears eears llater, aterr, th on burn ed down the Tejon Earthquake, d own in th he Fort Fort T ejon Ear thquake, and was an d its its rreplica eplica w as a built built and and currently currently sstands tands today. today. As if the the area area needed needed more m ore bad bad ju jjuju, ujju, in 1885 the the Holy Holy Cross Cross
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Look for the Green Business Logo!
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SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
GREEN EDUCATION & TRAINING Backcountry Medical Guides
New Brighton Middle School
Santa Cruz (206) 412-1613
Capitola (831) 464-5660
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Oceanseed Projectt
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Gateway School
O’Neill Sea Odysse Odyssey ey
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Santa Cruz (831) 475-1561 475-15561 oneillseaodysse
Glen Arbor School
Santa Cruz Museu Museum m of Natural Histor Historyy
Ben Lomond (831) 336-2932
Midtown Montessori Santa Cruz (831) 423-2273
Monte TToyon/WOLF ooyon/WOLF School Aptos (831) 684-0148
Mount Madonna School Watsonville (408) 847-2717 Watsonville
Santa Cruz (831) 420-1135 420-11135
Soquel High Schoo School ol Soquel (831) 429-3425
Valencia V alencia Elementary Elementaary School Aptos (831) 688-2013
YMCA YMC A Camp Campbell Camppbell Boulder Creek (831) 338-2128 3388-2128 ymcasv .org/ymcacampcaampbell
Get Certified! Many local businesses businesses are are becoming green green – you can too. too. coordinator Call your local coor dinaator or visit our website to find out how. how. w b b i
Celebrating C elebrating g culinary y excellence excellence in Santa San nta C ruz County County Cruz Special S pecial $25 three-course thre ee-course fixed-price fixed-price me menus enus a restaurants att fine dining restaurants September Sep tember 18 : Participating Parrticipating restaurants restaurants and c complete ompllete menus on O ctober 2 : Complete Complete menu guide in Santa Santa C ruz Wee ekly October Cruz Weekly San taCruz r res taurantweek@ | 831.457.9000
For mor moree information information about the Monterey Monterey Bay Baay Area Area Green Green Business Program, Program, contact your local loccal Santa Cruz County Coor dinator (831) 477-3976 the City of San nta Cruz Coor dinator (831) 420-5423 or your loc al San Benito County Coordinator Santa Coordinator local Coor dinator (831) 636-4110. Funded by by th he County of Santa Cruz, City of Santa Cruz andd San Benito County Coordinator the Integrated Waste Agency. Integ ratted W aste Management Agenc y.
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Church was Church was erected erected right right on top top of of the the old o ld mission’s mission’s cemetery, cemetery, displacing displacing hundreds h undreds of of Spanish, Spanish, Native Nativ t e American American and pioneer graves. an d pi oneer gr aves. e Bodies Bod dies were were still still beingg discov discovered when thee site bein veered in 1986, 198 86, w hen th site wass re renovated. wa novated.
In Indian dian llore, ore, a an in invading nvading ttr tribe ibe sswept weept thr through ough th thee P Pogonip ogoni o p (w (which whi h ch su supposedly pposedly tr translates anslates tto o “w “white wh hite d death,” ea atth,” because o off th thee ffog), o og), m massacring asssacring an anyone yo one w who ho sstood tood in th their eir w way. ay. Leg Legend end h has as iitt th thee ar area ea w was as so li littered ttered wi with th bon bones, es, on onee coul could dw walk alk ffor o or mil miles es wi without thou ut ttouching ouching th thee gr ground. round. Wh What’s att’s m more, ore, th thee ar area, ea, an and d surr surrounding rounding San Santa nta Cr Cruz, uz, is d doubly oubly cursed. Accor A According ding tto o thee firs firstt w white llegend, egend, th h hite settler seettler in the the area was actually and ar ea w as ac ctu t ally sshipwrecked hipw wrecked an d didn’t’t m make many friends. When didn ake m any fr ien nds. Wh en a tribe decided put death, llocal ocal tr ibe d ecided tto o pu ut him tto od ea atth, thee tr tribe a sympathetic sympatthetic member memberr of of th ibe warned thee w white man and was also w arned th hite m an an a dw as al so condemned. The native’s final words con demned. T he n ativ t ve’ e s fin al w ords were thee lland, which many w ere a curse on th and, dw h hich m any members off th thee tr tribe are have m embers o ibe ar re said tto oh ave believed was thee rreason their way be lieveed w as th eason n ffor o or th eir w ay off lif life’s demise. o fee’s d emise. 3. SUNSHINE VILLA: Ju Jumping umping ah ahead ead
tto o th thee 20th cen century, tury, San Santa ta Cr Cruz’s uz’s most most famous fa amous creepy creepy connection co onnection to to Hollywood Hollywood is Sunshine Sunshiine Villa Vill i a on Beach Beach Hill, which wh hich used to to be the the Hotel Hotel McCray. McCray. It was was supposedly su upposedly the the building building on which which Alfred Alfrred Hitchcock Hitchcock based based the the Bates Ba ates Mansion Mansion o in Psycho. The The movie’s movie’s house house also also o looked looked a lot lot like like the the Bernheim Bernheim House House which wh hich was at at Broadway Broad dway and and Ocean, O and was and no one one can agree agree on which wh hich house house no was for for o sure sure the the inspiration, inspirattion, but bu ut the the was Sunshine Villa Viilla location loca attion n has has a lot lot Sunshine more going going for fo or it it in terms term ms of of crazy crazy more stories. Employees Employees there therre are are said to to stories. have reported reported inexplicable inexplica able cold cold spots have and ghostly ghostly voices, voices, and and the the Hotel Hotel and McCray was was variously va ariously associated a associa ated McCray with hauntings, hauntings, eerie eerie lights liights and and even even with Satanists. In cidentally, Hitchcock Hitchcock Satanists. Incidentally, owned a ranch ranch in Scotts Scottts Valley Va alley from from owned to 1972 and and used the th he area area as a 1940 to source of of inspiration inspirattion many many times. times. source Along with with basing basing and and filming filming Along movies like like Vertigo Veertigo and and Shadow of movies around the the Bay Ba ay Area, Area, his a Doubtt around Birrd ds ttook ook iits ts sstory tory fr om an film The Birds from actual incident. incident. On August Auggust 18, 1961, actual residents of of Santa Santa Cruz Cruz (particularly (particularly residents
Pleasure P oint an d Capitola) Capitola) were were in Pleasure Point and awakened at at 3am by by “a “a massive massive flight flight awakened of sooty shearwaters” shear e waters” co lliding with with of colliding buildings (according (according to to Sentinel buildings reports). Officials Offi f cials determined determined that that reports). the particularly particularly heavy hea avy fog fo og that that night night the reflected the th he city’s city’s lights lights in a way way that that reflected th he animals. animals. confused the 4. THE JURY Y ROOM: Cl Closed osed onl only ly 4
h hours ours a d day ay (th (that’s att’s 2-6am ffor o or all yyou o ou nig night ht o owls), wls),, this po popular pular div dive ve on Ocean Str Street eet was was th the he favorite favo orite watering watering hole hole o off Edmun Edmund d “Big Ed” K Kemper emper in th thee ear early ly ‘70s. Kn K Known own as th thee “Co-ed Kill Killer,” err,,” K Kemper emper w went ent on a ser serial ial sp spree ree th that at ttotaled otaled eig eight ht vi victims, ctims, t alm almost ost all o off th them em co college-age llege-age ffemales. eemales. H Hee boo bookended kended his crimes byy killin killing members: cr imes b k g ffamily a amilly m embers: his grandparents, when only gr andparen nts, t w hen he he onl ly 15 yyears eears old, and mother, who was final o ld, an d hiss m otherr, w ho w as a his fin al victim. The was was wellvi ctim. t T he llatter attter w as a w a as a w ellknown kn ow wn professor profeessor at at UCSC, UCSC, and and Kemper Kemper have that connection is said tto oh ave used th at conn eccttion thee ttrust off S SCPD officers who tto o ggain ain th a rust o CPD o ffficers w ho frequented thee Jur Juryy R Room—by tricking fr equen nted th oom—by tr o icking them into disclosing any new th em in to disc d losing an ny n ew lleads eads in case,, h hee coul could ahead off his case d sstay tay a sstep tep ah ead o law. tthe he la aw. 5. BOCCI BOCCI’S S CELLAR: Al Also so earnin earning ga mention in mention n our lis listt o off musi musicc spots in this issu issue, e, tthis his qu quaint aint rrestaurant estaurant w was as builtt on Encinal buil Encinal Street Street ar around ound 1885, and an dw was as or originally i ally h igin home ome tto o It Italian alian immigrants, immigr ants, t the the Ur Urbani bani ffamily. a amily. Whilee the Whil the records records of of the the exact exact date date conflict, confli ct, somewhere som mewhere ar around ound 1925 thee Ur th Urbanis baniss o opened pened th their eir h house ouse as a rrestaurant estaurant and, a d, d an despite espite Pr Prohibition, ohibition, rreceived eceivveed permits peermits tto o make make sacr ificial sacrificial win or th o ea’s Ca ea tholic m asses asses. winee ffor thee ar area’s Catholic masses. T he Ur baniis rraised aised th ouse an d The Urbanis thee h house and buil the wi ine cellar cellar be low, w here builtt the wine below, where th estauran a t curr ently rresides. esides. thee rrestaurant currently T he curr en nt gr oundskeeper (who (who The current groundskeeper lives abov ve th restaurant), rreported eported lives above thee restaurant), strange noises noiises at at night, night, but bu ut always always strange fo ound nothing. noth hing. On day m orning, found Onee Sun Sunday morning, howeveerr, h as opening opening the the building building however, hee w was to start start his d aily rroutine, outine, w hen h to daily when hee sa aw a w oman si tting a able in saw woman sitting att a ttable the corner. cornerr. As curr ent o wner K evin the current owner Kevin Crawfo ord eexplains, x lains, “H xp ut his h and Crawford “Hee pu put hand er sshoulder hou ulder an d iitt w ent thr ough on h her and went through herr. Then, Then, w hen sshe he turn ed ar ound, her. when turned around, she h ad n o fface ace an a d disa ppeared.” she had no and disappeared.” A female bartender also feemale b a tender cclaimed ar laimed tto o al so have injured byy ““a have been in injjured b a sshot hot gglass lass that thee bar” after hours. that flew flew off off th bar” aft er h ours.0
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
2. POGONIP: Accor According ding tto oO Ohlone hlone
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
4 12, 4 12 30, 12, 30 60 and d 100 mile il ccycling ycling rroutes outes ffor or o ALL ccyclists yclissts 4 Riders 4 Riders under 16 ride ffor or FREE on 12 mile with paid ad adult ult
List your local event in the calendar! Email it to, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.
Stage DANCE Bellydance Showcase
THEATER Live Comedy Weekly standup comedy showcases featuring rotating Bay Area comics held Tuesdays at the Red Room, 200 Locust St., Santa Cruz and Wednesdays at The Mediterranean, 265 Center Ave., Aptos. Both shows 810pm. Free. The Red Room, 1003 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz, 831.227.1500.
CONCERTS Baby Grand Piano Concert The library’s baby grand piano in baby’s first library concert, “Munching with Mozart,” featuring Carol Panofsky. Thu, Sep 19,
Driftwood Consort Byrds, Bulls & Gibbons: A concert of Renaissance through Romantic music performed on period instruments. Sun, Sep 22, 4pm. $20-$22. St. John’s Episcopal Church, 125 Canterbury Dr., Aptos, 831.706.8408.
Mental Health Awareness Concert A piano concert by Tanya Gabrielian featuring works by Handel, Beethoven, Cardelus, Stancinsky and Rachmaninov all highlighting issues of mental health. Sat, Sep 21, 8pm. $20-$30. First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz, 900 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.539.0000.
Scottish Fiddle Workshops and concert from Scottish flute and fiddle duo Chris Norman and David Greenberg. Call or email for location. shelly@ communitymusicschool. org. Sun, Sep 22, 2pm. $20 workshops; $20 concert. Private home, N/A, Santa Cruz, 831.426.9155.
Art MUSEUMS CONTINUING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Spotlight Tours. Bringing the artists’ voices directly to visitors. Go behind the scenes and museum-wide exhibitions. Third Sat of every month, 11:30am-12:30pm. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.
GALLERIES CONTINUING Art Loft Local Scenes: New works by local artists Wayne Adachi, Barbara Bailey-Porter, Shmuel Thayer, Karen Toole and Patrick Woodman. www. Gallery Hours: Wed-Sun, noon-8pm. 1319 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz.
Felix Kulpa Gallery Kiss My Bronze: Bronze castings by Sheila HalliganWaltz and Eike Waltz. Gallery hours: Thurs-Sun, noon-6pm. Aug. 2-31. Free. 107 Elm St, Santa Cruz, 408.373.2854.
Louden Nelson Community Center Gallery Mixed Media Drawings. Call and Response: A collection of mixed media drawings by eight artists. Gallery hours: Mon-Sat, 9am-9:30pm. Opens Sept. 6 and runs thru the end of the month. 831.425.1305. 301 Center St, Santa Cruz.
Lulu s at the Octagon Art by Mary Karlton. Paintings by Mary Karlton. www. Thru Sept. 22. Free. 118 Cooper St, Santa Cruz.
Santa Cruz Central Branch Library Libraries Inside Out. HOME: A large-scale woodblock printmaking exhibition by Bridget Henry. Aug. 2 through the winter months. Free, 831.427.7700. 224 Church St, Santa Cruz.
Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center Mountains Art Center. Simply Red: “Hot” paintings, sculptures, textiles and more by local artists. Gallery hours: Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. Thru Sept. 28. Free, 831.336.3513. Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. 9341 Mill St, Ben Lomond.
The Cosmo Factory Cosmo Factory. Kelly Fuenning: Abstract painting and collage. Hours: Wed-Sat, 10am-4pm. Thru October. Free. 131-B Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.621.6161.
Various Santa Cruz County Bank Locations Bank Arts Collaborative. Down on the Farm: Seven local artists whose work represents the beauty of simple life on the farm. Mon-Thurs, 9am5pm, Fri 9am-6pm. Thru Jan. 3. Free. n/a, Santa Cruz.
Events LITERARY EVENTS Armchair Theater
Cancer Benefit for Local Family Family and friends of Scotts Valley resident Mike Shaffer, an active citizen and friend of the Weekly, are hosting a horseshoe tournament and raffle to help fund Shaffer’s fight against cancer. Tickets range from $10 for food to $40 to enter the tournament, and all proceeds go directly to the Shaffer family. Email or call 831.252.6150 for specific location and time details.
Local reader’s theater group will read selections from the novels and short stories of Ray Bradbury. Sept. 18 at the Aptos Branch, and Sept. 19 at the Scotts Valley Branch. Wed, Sep 18, 7pm and Thu, Sep 19, 7pm. Free. Aptos Library, 7695 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.427.7717.
Author Event: Zach Friend County supervisor Friend will be on hand to discuss his new book, On Message: How a Compelling Narrative Will Make Your Organization Succeed. Wed, Sep 18, 7:30pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.
C2SV San Jose’s answer to SXSW, the first annual Creative Convergence Silicon Valley technology and music festival will feature four days of live music performances (including headliners Iggy & The Stooges) on twelve stages around town, plus TED-worthy speakers at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center enlightening audiences on all matters technological. Sept. 26-29 at participating venues throughout downtown San Jose. Tickets $35 and up. Book Discussion Group A discussion of a new book each month, with copies available at the branch circulation desk. Email harbisons@santacruzpl. org for more information. Third Thu of every month, 1pm. Free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7700x7616.
Poets Respond to Violence Featured readers David Swanger, Len Anderson, Patti Sirens and many more. In honor of International Day of Peace. Sun, Sep 22, 7pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.
walk at 10am. Sat, Sep 21, 9am. Window on the Bay Park, Del Monte Ave and Municipal Wharf 2, Monterey, 1.877.311.WALK.
Comedy Showcase A new comedy showcase hosted by DNA featuring a different Bay Area headliner each week. Tue, 8:30pm. Free. Blue Lagoon, 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.7117.
Comic Book Party Thirty cent comics, free pizza and a talk by Disney legend Floyd Norman in honor of Atlantis Fantasyworld’s 37th anniversary. Sat, Sep 21, noon-6pm. Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St, Santa Cruz, 831.426.0158.
Poets Circle Poetry reading series featuring performances by Neal and Elaine Whitman followed by an open mic for poets and musicians. Thu, Sep 19, 6-8pm. Free. Watsonville Public Library, 275 Main Street, Watsonville, 831.768.3419.
Storytime Former Shakespeare Santa Cruz actress Billie Harris and Book Cafe manager Jill Rose perform animated readings of children’s stories. Mon, 11am. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.
AROUND TOWN Coastal Trail Walk A walk put on by the Suicide Prevention Service to raise awareness and show support around the issue of suicide. Registration at 9am,
Race Through Time A city-wide scavenger hunt for teams of two to five people solving clues to 20 historically significant Santa Cruz places. Fri, Sep 20, 5-9pm. $40-$50 per team. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.
Scottish Dancing
Sep 19, 5:30-7:30pm. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.239.9411.
Cruz County Courthouse, 721 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 831.427.3900.
Hemp Documentary
Bringing It Home: A documentary about the creation of the nation’s first hemp house and the issues around industrial hemp being illegal. Wed, Sep 18, 7pm. Free/donation. Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.708.8626.
Eduardo Carrillo Documentary Screening of “Eduardo Carrillo: A Life of Engagement” with director Pedro Pablo Celedon. Thu,
San Francisco’s City Guide
Stars Canadian indie pop group features members of Broken Social Scene. Sept. 18 at Slims.
Color Me Badd ‘90s R&B group is responsible for ‘I Wanna Sex You Up’ and, unintentionally, the Lonely Island catalog. Sept. 20 at Yoshi’s, Oakland.
The Octopus Project Instrumental rock with electronic and acoustic instruments, including a Theremin. Sept. 20 at Café du Nord
A free introductory dance. No partner required. Wed, Sep 18, 7:30pm. Free. First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz, 900 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.466.0503.
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club
Surf City AIDS Ride
Jimmy Eat World
Community bike ride to support the mission of the Santa Cruz AIDS Project: 12, 30, 60 or 100-mile rides through the county’s beautiful rural landscape. Registration time depends on length of ride. Sun, Sep 22, 6:30am. $20-$75. Santa
Alternative rockers bring pop tunes with a tinge of sadness. Sept. 22 at the Warfield.
Living members of the group that redefined Cuban jazz music. Sept. 22 at Davies Symphony Hall.
More San Francisco events at
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Different belly dancers each week on the garden stage. Presented by Helene. www. Sat, 1:30pm. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.429.6994.
12pm. Free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7700x7662.
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
GET DOWNS Songstress Lila Downs plays the Rio Tuesday.
GUYS, I DON’T THINK THIS IS THE CLUB Midlake totally wasted their best sweaters!
WE DNES DAY 9/ 1 8
THU R S DAY 9/ 1 9
FR I DAY 9/2 0
Jazz clarinetist Ben Goldberg has some nice feathers in his cap. He was named a rising star of the clarinet in Downbeat magazine’s Critics' Poll, and the guitarist for his latest project, Unfold Ordinary Mind, is none other that the multi-faceted Nels Cline from Wilco. Oh, yeah, and he’s a UCSC graduate. His band, which also includes saxophonists Ellery Eskelin and Rob Sudduth, plus drummer Ches Smith, is a diverse, cross-genre group that moves in unexpected and engaging musical directions. Kuumbwa; $20 adv/$23 door; 7pm. (Cat Johnson)
Possibly one of the most promising reincarnations of Yay Area rap, IAMSU is “Goin’ Up.”The 23-year old rapper and record producer, born Sudan Ahmeer William, has proven himself a young champion of that distinct Richmond sound, having collaborated twice with Wiz Khalifa as well as E-40 and Juvenile. While his lyrics might sound like what you’d expect a 23year old to rap about, IAMSU considers himself more low-key. He’s doing a pretty god job of stackin’ his broccoli, but as the chorus to “Father God” explains, he honors his humble roots and is still just praying to God to get by. With the thousand-dollar sneaks, of course. Catalyst; 9pm; $22 adv/$27 door. (AMH)
With the quintessential shoulder-length floppy bob and groovy bell-bottomed jeans, Al Stewart declared 1976 to be “The Year of the Cat.” Thirty-seven years later, he’s still crooning the same hit, just with a little less hair and better-fitting jeans. Today, he’s got 22 albums to choose from and still maintains that velvety, light-‘n’-folky Stewart sound. A regular visitor to the Billboard Hot 100, Stewart knew Yoko Ono before John Lennon, shared a flat with Paul Simon before his big break and released the first mainstream album with the f-bomb in it. The guy was cool before cool was cool. Don Quixote’s; 8pm; $20 adv/$25door. (AMH)
Everton Blender is what you want to hear when you listen to reggae. He’s been singing forever, and has the Lifetime Achievement awards to prove it. Since 1979, Blender’s given the world multiple hit songs that have become some of the most loved rootsreggae anthems of all time, spreading light and soul from Jamaica to all four corners of the globe. Dedicated to the message of Jah, Blender’s music is meant to inspire, to lift you up. And it does, in a way that only his smooth, hopeful vocals can. Moe’s Alley; 9pm; $12 adv/$15 door. (Anne-Marie Harrison)
SAT U RDAY AY 9/ 9/21 21
JIMMY Y EAT E WORLD D After finding commercial ercial success in 2001 with songs likee "Th "The Middle,"" it was he Middle, uncertain just where re thiss four-piece four-piece from from Arizona could go. However, owevver, by sticking with infectiously catchy riffs and a lyrics that teeter between heroically uplif uplifting ting and bittersweet, the band has kept a rrabid cultt following abid cul following with many hardcoree ffans. anss. So when the world begins to feel like an albatross, n alb batross, take some words of advice from Jimmy m Jim mmy and rremember: emember: Everything will be allll righ right. ht. CCatalyst; atalyst; $30/$33; 8pm. (Mat Weir) at W eir)
MIDLAKE AKE E Midlake is a stylistic enigm enigma. ma. Formed in Denton, Texas in 1999 by a handful andfu ul of jjazz musicians, the band’s debut album bum was w a psychedelicinspired, experimental-fuzz tal-fuzz outing that garnered them comparisons parisoons to Radiohead. Subsequent releasess left the t psych stuff behind to explore 1970s pop-rock p-rockk styles in the vein of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Laurel nd YYoung oung and other Laur el Canyon regulars. A glimpse limpsse of the cover of 2010’s The Courage of Others, Oth thers, however however,r, would lead one to believe that the hat th he band, sporting hooded robes and all,l, wass a druid-emulating, freak-folk outfit. So who are a e these guys? ar Despite the stylistic migr migration, a , Midlake is, at its ation, core, a group of multi-faceted ti-faceted musicians who follow their collectivee mus muse se wherever wherever it may go. Rio Theatre; $15 adv/$18 /$18 door;; 8pm. (CJ)
Monday, September 16 U 7 pm | No Comps
DAVE DOUGLAS QUINTET Cutting-edge trumpeter/composer Thursday, September 19 U 7 pm
The Bills
Concerts MICHAEL ROSE WITH SLY & ROBBIE Sep. 21 at Moe’s Alley WOODS/THE FRESH AND ONLYS Sep. 21 at Catalyst BILLS Sep. 23 at Don Quixote’s
PAWN SHOP SOUL – Debut Party! High-Fidelity Instrumental Soul Tickets:
YELLOWJACKETS Oct. 3 at Kuumbwa
Thursday, September 26 U 7 pm | No Comps
WORLD BLUES Oct. 5 at Rio Theatre
Jazz backbeat fused with alto saxophonist’s Afro-Caribbean roots
Saturday, September 28 U 9 pm
W ED N E S D DAY AY 9/ 9/25 25
PSYCHEDELIC EDELIC FURS I saw the Psychedelicc Furs last year year,r, when they started doing the he whole TTalk aalk Talk Taalk TTalk alk a album from start to finish. finish. Having been too young to see them em in their mid-'80s heyday, I always lumped ped them in with the other poppy synth bands ands of the time. But it turns out lead singer er Richard Richard Butler is so much weirder than han the rest rest of that crowd. The guy prettyy much acts out his songs while he's singing ging them. It's kinda awesome. Seriously, if you could never quite picture Carolinee from from "Pretty "Pretty in Pink" waving, buttoning your our shirt, shirt handing you the coat, etc., Butler will make it all clear. clear. Rio Theatre; $32/$35; 8pm. pm.. (STEVE (STEVE PALOPOLI) PA ALOPOLI)
$5 @ CLUB KUUMBWA: SOUR MASH HUG BAND door An irresistible mix of old-time, gypsy, bluegrass, jazz, Irish, and ragtime Monday, September 30 U 7 pm
9 PM: 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS Monday, October 7 U 7 pm | No Comps
CHRISTIAN MCBRIDE TRIO Christian Sands – piano Ulysses Owens, Jr – drums
Thursday, October 10 U 7 pm | No Comps
Drummer John Hollenbeck’s adventurous chamber, jazz quinet! 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS Monday, October 14 U 7 pm | No Comps
Steve Lehman Trio 1/2 Price Night for Students 10/18 John Medeski in concert, solo piano GOLD CIRCLE 10/21 Jaimeo Brown Transcendence SOLD OUT! 10/24 Steve Wilson Opportunity Knockiing CD Release Party 10/28 Patricia Barber Trio 10/31 Lucian Ban & Mat Maneri “Transylvanian Concert”
MAYBE WE’RE ALL IN A DOG’S DREAM Bay Area rapper IAMSU is just like in that movie ‘Half Baked,’ except without the half.
Unless noted advance tickets at and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.
320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
There’s a new group in tow town, wn,, and it it’s ’s rready eady to get things rolling. Comprising ising veter vveteran an soul, funk and jazz musicians, Pawn n Shopp Soul ffeatures eatures a full horn line, a Hammondd or organ, gan, a ffive-piece ive-piece rhythm section and grooves to boo boot. Drawing inspiration ot.. Dr awing inspir ation from the days when Stax, and Volt Stax, Chess C Vol o t ruled the airwaves, this band nd is more m e than capable mor of taking audiences on a time-bending, tiime-bending, i b di deepd groove trip, starting with its Saturday itts debut this Satur day night. Kuumbwa; $10 0 adv/$15 adv/ /$15 door;; 8:30pm.. (CJ)
Celebrating Creativity Since 1975
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336
clubgrid l bg id d
Thursday, September 19 Â&#x2039; AGES 18+
Get Wet Tour
plus Seven Lions also Candyland !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M Thursday, September 19 Â&#x2039; In the Atrium s AGES 21+
WED 9/ 9/18 18
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
plus The CofďŹ s
plus The Redlight District Brothers $RS ONLY s P M P M
Friday, September 20 Â&#x2039; AGES 16+ $22 Adv./ $27 Drs. Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. &RIDAY 3EPTEMBER Â&#x2039; In the Atrium s AGES 16+
Vital SC presents JOHN BEAVER Birthday Bash plus Ross FM also Sam F and Tyler Jackson, Tomas Phan !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW STARTS P M
Saturday, September 21 Â&#x2039; AGES 16+
plus Matt Pond !DV $RS s P M P M Saturday, September 21 Â&#x2039; In the Atrium s AGES 16+
(((folkYEAH!))) presents WOODS plus The Fresh & Onlys also Jessica Pratt !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M
Saturday, September 21 Â&#x2039; AGES 16+
Tech N9ne
TH THU HU 9/ 9/19 19
Liv Live eR Rock ock
923 9 23 PaciďŹ c PaciďŹ c Ave, Ave, Santa Santa C Cruz ruz
SAT 9/ 9/21 21
Liv Live e Music
529 5 29 S Seabright eabright A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz r uz
BOCCIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S B BOC CIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CELLAR
Liv Live eC Comedy omedy
Live Live D DJ J
+ 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dance dance party party
Rai Rainbow nbow L Lounge ounge
Live Live DJ DJ
Liv Live e Music
140 14 40 Encinal E i l St, St, t Santa S t Cruz C
Or OrangeGoose a angeGoose &
Ancestree Ancestree Reggae Reggae e
DJ DJ Night
th W the Wethermen ethermen th
T Terraplane e erraplane Sun
John Bea Beaver ver
Woods Woods
Krewella Krewella
Jimmy Jimmy Eat Eat W World orld
O OTS TS Trio Trio
Bluetail Flies
Trails Trails & Ways Ways
L Lennyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s en nnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Basement
Corduroy Corduroy Jim m
The Refugees Refugees
1101 11 101 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Avenue, venue, Santa Cruz
T THE CATALYST CATA AL LYST 1011 10 011 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz
C CREPE PLACE PLACE 1134 11 134 Soquel Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz
CROWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S C CRO Wâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NEST NEST
with Neon Satori Satori
Y Yuji uji T Tojo ojo o
2 2218 Eas Eastt Cliff Dr Dr,, Santa Cruz
Ugly Beauty
1D Davenport avenport A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz r uz
Gene Fintz
1104 11 104 Ocean Ocean St, St, Santa Cruz
Preston Pres e ton Brahm Brahm Trio Trio
Oct 4 Jayco/ Pilo (Ages 18+) Oct 5 Tesla/ 6 Weeks Sober (Ages 21+) Oct 12 Hank 3 (Ages 21+) Oct 16 Steve Vai (Ages 21+) Oct 18 Zion I (Ages 16+) Oct 19 The Used (Ages 16+) Oct 25 Les Claypoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Duo De Twang (Ages 21+) Oct 27 Earl Sweatshirt (Ages 16+) Oct 28 AFI (A Fire Inside) (Ages 16+) /CT Paul Oakenfold (Ages 18+) Nov 1 The Story So Far (Ages 16+)
11102 102 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz r uz
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
5 Seabright A 519 Ave, ve, Santa Cruz
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-987-6487 & online
Don n Caruth
3102 3 310 2 Portola Portola Dr Dr.,., Santa Cruz
Jam m Ses Session sion
FRI 9/ 9/20 20
Mapanova Mapanova
Isoceles Isoceles w with ith G Gary ar y M Montrezza ontrezza
Ben n Goldber Goldberg g
P Pawn awn Shop Soul
3 320-2 Cedar Cedar St, St, Santa Cruz
MOEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S M MOE S ALLEY
Everton Everton Blender
White Wh hite Chocolate Chocolate
B-Side B Side Pla Players yerrs
Space Space Bass! Bass!
Libation Libation Lab
1209 12 209 PaciďŹ c PaciďŹ c Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz
Andrew Andrew the Pirate Pirate
with h Curtis Murphy Murphy
Open Mic
Matt Matt t C Connable onnable
Michael Rose Rose
1535 15 535 C Commercial ommercial W Way, ay, Santa Cruz
V Victor ictor Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hana a
R Road oad Hogs
120 12 20 Union St, St, Santa Cruz
Midlake Midlake
1205 12 205 Soquel A Avenue, venue, Santa Cruz
B-4 Dawn Dawn Adrian Adrian Cost Cost
Burnin Vernon Vernon & Aftermath Aftermath
9/22 9/22
Goth/Industrial Goth/Indus trial
9/23 9 /23
Karaoke Karaoke
TUE 9 9/24 /24 2 Live Live D DJ J Soul/funk/rap Soul/funk/rap
Jazz Jam
Bleu Band Ban nd
DJ DJ Jahi
BLUE BLUE LAGOON LAGOON 831.423.7117 831.423.7117
Neighborhood Neighborhood N Night ight
8 831.425.2900 31.425.2900
Acoustic Acoustic Open Mic
BOCCI’S BOCCI’S CELLAR 831.427.1795 831 427.1795 831.42
M.I.C. M.I. C.
THE CA CATALYST TAL ALYST ATRIUM ATRIUM 831.423. 831.423.1338 1338
Tech T ech e N9ne
THE CATALYST CA ATAL ALYST 831.423.1336 831.423. 1336
New New World World Ape
CREPE PLACE PLACE 831.429 831.429.6994 .6994
Live Liv e Comedy Comedy
CROW’S CROW’S NES NEST T 831.4 831.476.4560 76.4560
Sherry Austin Austin & Henhouse Henhouse
Three Three Left Left
FINS COFFEE COFFEE 831.423.6 831.423.6131 131
Dana Scruggs Trio Trio
Jazz by by Five Five
Barry Scott Scott
& Associates Associates
8 831.420.0135 31.420.0135
Concha C oncha V Vargas argas
KUUMBWA KUUMBWA JAZZ JAZZ CENTER 831.427.2227 831.427.2227
Wooster W ooster
MOE’S MOE S ALLEY 831.479.1854 831.479.1854
Rasta Ras ta Cruz Reggae Reggae Jazz E Evening vening
Eclectic Eclectic by by
Hip-Hop by by
Primal Pr Productions o oductions
Open Ja Jazz azz Jam
Pr Pro o Blues Jam
MOTIV MOTIV 831.4 831.479.5572 79.5572
THE REEF 831.459.9876 831.459.9876
SEABRIGHT BREWERY BREWERY 831.426.2739 831.426.2739
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Karaoke Karaoke
TH THU HU 9/ 9/19 19
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
FRI 9/ 9/20 20
SAT 9/ 9/21 21
Live Live Music
Karaoke Karaoke
Raised on Radio Rad dio
John Michael
110 11 0 Monterey Monterey Ave., Ave., Capitola Capitola
with Eve Eve
THE T HE FOG BANK 211 2 11 Esplanade, Esplanade, Capitola Capitola
David David Paul Paul Campbell
David David v Paul Paul Campbell
George George Christos Christos
Roberto-Howell Roberto o-Ho Howell
Duo Br Brothers others
Extr Extra ra Lounge Lounge
West West Coast Coast Soul So oul
Hit N Run
783 7 8 Rio del Mar Blvd, 83 Blvd, Apt Aptos os
MICHAEL’S M MICHAEL ’S ON MAIN 2591 25 591 Main S St, t, Soquel
Joh Johnny nny Fabulous Fabulous
7th Wave Wave
215 21 15 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola
In Thr Three ee
Billy Martini
Kaye Kaye Bohler Band
Joe Ferrara Ferrara
1 Seascape S Resort Resort Dr Dr,, Rio del Mar
Don n McCaslin &
7500 7 5 500 Old Dominion Ct, Aptos Aptos
The The Amazing Jazz Geezers Geezers
SHADOWBROOK S HADOWBROOK 1750 17 750 Wharf Rd, Rd, Capit Capitola ola
Ronstadt Ronstadt Generations Generations
Michael Marty Martyn yn
4640 4 640 Soquel Dr Dr,, Soquel
LenCat LenCat
Joint Chiefs Band
Al Stewart Stewart
Slugs Sl N’ Roses Roses
Michael Martin n
Live Live Music
Mariachi Ensemble Ensemble
KDON DJ DJ Showbiz Showbiz
203 20 03 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola
Crystal C stal Cry t l Silmi Sil i
6275 62 275 Hwy Hwy 9 9,, F Felton elton
Belly Bellydance ydance
V Ventucky en ntucky
9450 94 450 Hwy Hwy 9, 9, Ben Lomond Lomond
String Strin ng Band
Hippo Happy Happy Hour
11934 934 Main Main St, St, W Watsonville atsonville
&K KDON DON D DJ JS SolRock olRock
Open Jam
Ne Next xt Blues Ba Band and
Clam T Tones o ones
Hwy H wy 1, Moss Moss Landing Sa S San an an ntta taC aC CrruzRes ruz uzR ssta tauran ta u antWeek.c tW com
9/22 9/22
9 9/23 /23
w with ith Eve Eve
THE FOG BANK 831.462.1881 831.462.1881
Esoteric Esot eric Collective Collective
Lisa Marie
Vinny V inny Johnson
Dining Music
MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S ON MAIN 831.479.9777 831.479.9777
SANDERLINGS SANDERLINGS 831.662.7120 831.662.7120
SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 831.688.8987 831.688.8987
SHADOWBROOK SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511 831.475.1511
Open Mic c
w/ w/ Mosep Mosephus hus
831.477.1341 831.477.1341
831.4 831.475.4900 75.4900
SCOTTS VALLEY / SA SAN AN LORENZO VALLEY M i l Anderson Muriel A d Rhythm Rh ythm District District
The Th Bills Bill
DON QUIXOTE’S QUIXOTE’S 831.603.2294 831.603.2294
K Karaoke araoke with Ken Ken
HENFLING’S TAVERN TAVERN V 831.336.9318 831.336.9318
WATSONVILLE / MONTEREY M / CARMEL Santa Cruz Trio Trio Firefly Fir efly
KPIG Happy Happy Hour
Happy Happy hour hour
Karaoke Karaoke
CILANTRO’S 8 831.761.2161 31.761.2161
MOSS MOSS LANDING INN 831.633.3038 831.6 33.3038
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Dennis Dove Dove
Film Capsules
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
BATTLE OF THE YEAR (PG-13; 109 min) Josh Holloway and Laz Alonso star in this music pic about how Americans can’t stand not winning stuff, specifically in this case an international battle between dance teams. (Opens Fri at Green Valley) PRISONERS (R; 153 min) Hugh Jackman stars in this crime drama about a father who begins considering extreme options as police fail to find his missing daughter and time could very well be running out. (Opens Fri at 41st, Cinelux Scotts Valley and Green Valley)
THANKS FOR SHARING (R; 112 min) Romantic comedy has a unique twist, in that its three main characters are struggling with sex addiction. Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins and Gwyneth Paltrow star. (Opens Fri at Del Mar)
Reviews BLUE JASMINE (PG-13; 98 min) If Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Louis C.K. and Andrew Dice Clay are in a movie together, you know either the apocalypse is going down, or there’s a new Woody Allen film. His neverending movie tour of the world’s great cities has finally
stopped in San Francisco, to which Blanchett’s character Jasmine escapes after her life gets a seismic shake up. THE BUTLER (Pg-13; 132 min) Forrest Whitaker stars as a butler in the White House who gets to meet Oprah. CLOSED CIRCUIT (R; 96 min) Paranoia flicks keep trying to make a comeback, but it just never quite happens. The poster for this one has the tagline “They See Your Every Move,” with Eric Bana looking nervous. Is he worried someone will accidentally stumble across his crappy Hulk movie? Nah, he’s got bigger problems in this British crime thriller. He plays one of the lawyers involved in a huge terrorism
Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack
case, which would be all well and good if the opposing lawyer (played by Rebecca Hall) wasn’t his former lover. When things start to point to a cover up, you have to hope this sentence ends before giving away spoilers. DESPICABLE ME 2 (PG; 98 min.) How often is the most anticipated film of the summer an animated movie? That isn’t made by Pixar? Right, and yet the first movie was the movie that was more than just a big moneymaker. It also bubbled up from nowhere on the cultural radar, with fans watching it over and over with the same kind of passion normally reserved for a Nolan Batman flick. The main characters—Steve
Carell as former supervillain Gru, Miranda Cosgrove as Margo, Russell Brand as Dr. Nefario, etc.—are all back in this story of what happens when world leaders call upon Gru’s expertise to defeat a new villain. DRINKING BUDDIES (R; 90 min) Indie rom-com has Olivia Wilde and Jake Johnson as brewery workers in other relationships with other people. Their boundaries get blurry while their speech gets slurry. ELYSIUM Neill Blomkamp, director of the refreshingly smart sci-fi flick District 9, goes full-on big-budget Hollywood action for this story set in 2154 about Matt Damon doomed to a
Showtimes are for Wednesday, Sept. 18, through Wednesday, Sept. 25, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.
122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541
Austenland — Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:45; 7 plus Fri-Sat 9:10pm. The Butler — Wed-Thu 1:20; 4; 6:45 plus Fri-Sat 9:20pm.
1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504
Prisoners — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 11:55; 3:30; 7; 9:45pm. Insidious: Chapter 2 — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7:15; 10:15pm. The Family — Wed-Thu 11:45; 2:20; 4:55; 7:30; 10:10pm.
1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500
Thanks for Sharing — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 2:10; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. Blue Jasmine — Wed-Thu 3; 5:10; 7:20; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:50pm. Storm Surfers 3D — Daily 4:45; 9:10pm. The Spectacular Now — Wed-Thu 2:30; 7:10; plus Sat-Sun 12:20pm. Othello: National Theatre Live — Thu 7pm.
Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500
Ain’t Them Bodies Saints — Wed-Thu 9:40; plus Sat-Sun 12:45pm. Drinking Buddies — Wed-Thu 3:20; 9:45pm. Museum Hours — Wed-Thu 2:45; 5; 7:20pm. Populaire — Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:20pm. Salinger — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:10; 6:50; 9:30pm. Short Term 12 — Wed-Thu 1:15; 7:40pm. Thérèse — Daily 5:20pm.
155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701
Jobs — Wed-Thu 6:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Wolverine — Wed-Thu 3:30; 9:15; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. This Is the End — Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:25; Fri-Wed call for showtimes.
1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700
Elysium — Wed-Thu 6:40; 9:40; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Insidious: Chapter 2—Wed-Thu 12:30; 3; 5:30; 8; 10:35; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Instructions Not Included—Wed-Thu 12:10; 3; 6:30; 9:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. One Direction: This Is Us — Wed-Thu 12:20pm; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. One Direction: This Is Us 3D — Wed-Thu 2:50; 5:20; 7:50; 10:20; Fri-Wed
call for showtimes.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters — Wed-Thu 1:20; 4; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Riddick — Wed-Thu 12; 3:20; 7; 9:50; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Butler — Wed-Thu 12:40; 4:20; 10:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Family — Wed-Thu 12:50; 4:10; 6:50; 9:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The World’s End — Wed 1; 4:30; 7:30; 10:05; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. We’re the Millers—Wed 1:10; 4:50; 7:40; 10:30 Thu 1:10; 4:50; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Clean Guys of Comedy — Thu 9pm. Jurassic Park — Thu 9pm.
CINELUX SCOTTS VALLEY CINEMA 226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260
Prisoners — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 11:55; 1:30; 3:30; 4:55; 7; 8:20; 9pm. Blue Jasmine — Wed-Thu 11; 1:45; 4:10; 6:45; 10:15pm. Despicable Me 2 — Wed-Thu 11; 2:20; 4:45pm. Elysium — Wed-Thu 7; 9:30pm. Insidious: Chapter 2 — Wed-Thu 11:45; 2:20; 4:55; 7:30; 10:10pm. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters — Daily 11:15am. Planes — Wed-Thu 11:15; 1:40; 4; 6:30pm. Riddick — Wed-Thu 11:30; 1:30; 4:20; 7:10; 10pm. The Butler — Wed-Thu 12:15; 3:30; 6:45; 9:45pm. The Family — Wed-Thu 11:20; 2; 4:40; 7:20; 10pm. The Way, Way Back — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2; 4:30pm. The World’s End — Daily 9:15pm. We’re The Millers — Wed-Thu 7:30; 10:10pm.
1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200
Battle of the Year — (Opens Fri) Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Prisoners — (Opens Fri) Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Elysium — Wed-Thu 1:35; 7:15pm; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Getaway — Wed-Thu 4:20; 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Insidious: Chapter 2—Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:30; 7:30; 10:15; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Instructions Not Included—Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:10; 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters—Wed-Thu 4:10pm; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Planes — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Riddick — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:30; 7:30; 10:15; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Family — Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:10; 7; 10:15; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Butler — Wed-Thu 1:35; 4:20; 7:15; 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Grandmaster — Wed-Thu 7:30; 10pm; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. We’re the Millers — Wed-Thu 1:25; 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes.
bleak life on a broken-down Earth overrun by crime and disease. (I kinda feel like Ben Affleck deserved it more, but whatever.) When he needs a miracle cure, he infiltrates Elysium, a giant space-station to which the elite have escaped. THE FAMILY (R) French director Luc Besson directed and co-wrote this dark crime comedy that stars Robert DeNiro and Michelle Pfeiffer as the heads of a mafia family that gets re-located to France as part of the Witness Protection Program, but have trouble giving up their old ways. “Are vous talking to moi? Zer is no one else he-uh!” THE GETAWAY (PG-13) Wait, Ethan Hawke gets a comeback? And now he’s playing a race-car driver named Brent Magna? Okay, that makes sense. In this thriller, Brent Magna’s wife is kidnapped, and then he has to drive around places for reasons, and Selena Gomez plays some girl whose car he steals who just happens to be a whiz-kid computer hacker. This is all true, except the part about it making sense. INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 (PG-13; 105 min) When we last saw the Lambert family, they were pretty screwed (spoiler alert!). The original Saw team of director James Wan and writer Leigh Whannell returns for a second installment of their surprise horror hit that was pretty much the anti-Saw—all mood and psychological heebie-jeebies, with none of the Jigsaw grisliness. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (PG-13; 130 min) Cassandra Clare’s popular young adult series gets a film adaptation, with a young emo cast straight out of Twilight central casting. But this is nothing like Twilight, we swear, because see it’s about demons, not vampires. And yes, there are magical people who fight the demons, but it’s nothing like Harry Potter, we swear. For instance, in Harry Potter people who don’t know about the supernatural world are called Muggles, but here they’re called Mundanes. ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US (PG; 92 min) Boy band music documentary may very likely be mistaken for an instructional driving film by anyone over 15. THE PATIENCE STONE (R; 102 min) In an occurrence roughly as likely as seeing a
unicorn, Afghan writer Atiq Rahimi gets to actually direct the adaptation of his own novel, based on a Persian fable about a magic stone in which one can confide all problems. The stone, this time, is a man in war-torn Afghanistan. When a bullet in the neck reduces him to a vegetative state, his wife begins to confide in him all the things that would otherwise go unsaid. PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS (PG; 106 min) Oh, it’s on! Nerds everywhere are already filling Internet message boards with fabulously uninteresting debates about whether Percy Jackson is better than Harry Potter. This is the second PJ adaptation, featuring Percy and company on a quest to find the Golden Fleece. PLANES (G; 92 min.) This spin-off of Cars was originally supposed to go directto-video, but apparently theatrical audiences can’t get enough of kids’ movies about things that long to do other things, but can’t because of reasons, but then do. So here you go. RIDDICK (R; 119 min) At the turn of the century, David Twohy’s Pitch Black was a new kind of sci-fi thrill: an Alien rip-off with none of the grit and grime that those movies obsessed over. Instead, it had a slick, comic-book sensibility and Vin Diesel at his badassest. Unfortunately, the 2004 sequel Chronicles of Riddick kind of overplayed those comic-book aspects, wrapping Vin Diesel’s character up in a space-opera plot. Nobody thought the would-be franchise would ever recover; weirdly, Diesel himself was the guy who provided the muscle to get this new sequel made. He and Twohy fought for it for years, and almost a decade later, this threequel is kind of a mix of the first two films— grounding the action again on a single planet, where Diesel has to face off against nasty aliens, but including a subplot that has Riddick threatened by his past. WE’RE THE MILLERS (R; 110 min.) Filling the no-doubt massive audience demand to see the last vestiges of their ’90s innocence ruined by seeing Jennifer Aniston play a stripper, this comedy stars Jason Sudeikis as a pot dealer who enlists a random group of weirdos to be his fake family so he can smuggle drugs in from Mexico.
Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at Read her blog at
The Rebirth of Modernism With a hot chef and cool jazz, Aquarius is the place to be on Thursdays BY CHRISTINA WATERS
he trio working expertly through jazz improvs and sultry bossa nova had us from the first riff. The view outside flaunted an array of late-in-the-day sunbathers, foamy white surf and the splendor of the Boardwalk's Casino turning gold in the setting sun. We were at Aquarius to sample the reinvented American cuisine by new executive chef Craig Mattox, on what was to be a memorable and romantic evening. Everything about our dinner on the new Steak & Jazz Thursday at Aquarius was deliciously retro. From decor to food, the evening was a glamorous
revival of modernism. Clear ideas, boldly presented, with no irony or ethnic fusion. The generously spaced interior, with sculptural lighting and extremely comfortable chairs, seemed in complete accord with the mood and menu. Very sixties, with cool jazz morphing into Diana Krall and Sinatra standards, and on to Astrud Gilberto. Every inch the understated resort that it is, the Dream Inn flatters its guests with the best panorama in town. The smooth concept extended from the music—romantic and sophisticated—to the menu, an
unapologetic re-think of the steakhouse concept, strong on locally sourced seasonal vegetables and the inventive touch of chef Mattox, whose career began at the Hyde Park Culinary Institute, and continued on to top kitchens in Boston, Las Vegas, Palm Springs and most recently Tender Greens, an organic restaurant in Los Angeles. Generous pours of Kathryn Kennedy Lateral and Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon helped us do justice to the menu. Just watching the changing hues reflected in the waves of Cowell Beach made for blissful meditation, and it didn't take long for us to give in to the spell. A salad of iceberg wedges,
atop sliced yellow and red heirloom tomatoes, with dice of pancetta and rich bleu cheese accents was a terrific starter. Cabaret standards turned to sensuous bossa nova, and our dinner grew pleasantly romantic. An entree of pan seared duck breast atop a pool of artisanal peach marmalade was partnered with exceptional local chard, laced with slices of toasted garlic. We were both impressed with the glistening emerald chard, coaxed to new flavor depths by Mattox's kitchen. Another sparkling entree of local albacore reinforced the chef's point—the dish is a complete creation, not simply a main item with a few afterthoughts. A pretty "hash" of roasted fennel, bell pepper and potatoes, joined by bits of fresh crab in a crab broth, formed the platform for the moist albacore. This was as fine a seafood dish as I've had in Santa Cruz for many years. Living up to the "Steak & Jazz" billing, our New York Strip, with its accompanying sauce Béarnaise, was another moment of retro intelligence. This classic French sauce knows how to romance a good piece of beef, and so did we, along with roasted tri-color cauliflower and, yes, baked potato with sour cream and chives. A pristine ocean view, smooth jazz, a gathering of time-honored, yet reinvented American culinary ideas—this dining room has it all. Plus, it's a perfect place (the jazz Thursday concept) to discover, or remember, romance. The sensitivity to vegetables and the straight-ahead treatment of steak, seafood and poultry give this Aquarius menu staying power, rather than momentary diversion. Chef Mattox's menu isn't a tricky critique of modernism, it is modernism. Pure, clear flavors are the point here. Incredibly delicious. The only other thing I would have liked last Thursday was a dance floor. Bossa nova always does that to me. AQUARIUS is downstairs in the Dream Inn, 175 West Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz.
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
STEAKING HIS REPUTATION New Executive Chef Craig Maddox has turned Steak & Jazz Thursday at Aquarius into something special.
Chip Scheuer
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
Chip Scheuer
SEA CHANGE Bill Hongmanee has opened Sawasdee By the Sea, a second location of his successful Soquel Thai spot.
Bill Hongmanee Co-owner, Sawasdee By the Sea
early a decade ago, Bill Hongmanee and his wife Dee opened Sawasdee in Soquel, offering authentic Thai cuisine to the people of Santa Cruz County in a fine dining setting. Just five months ago, they opened a second location, Sawasdee by the Sea, which is located in Santa Cruz on West Cliff, near Pacific Ave. We caught up with Bill to ask him about the new restaurant. SCW: Your newest ‘by the sea’ location has a nice ocean view. What else is different there? It has a slightly different menu, but mainly, we
have full bar. Only a few items that we have there that we don’t have over here [in Soquel]. I can’t remember which ones, to be honest. Speaking of which, you have a big menu. What do you recommend for first-timers? Usually we like to see what they like to eat. Then we will tell them
what’s popular. The fresh spring rolls, that’s our number one appetizer. That’s served with peanut dressing. Then the papaya salad. That is a traditional Thai salad, very popular in Thailand. That dressing goes well with the fresh spring roll dressing. Then the next one that I would tell them is the hot and sour soup with coconut milk, which is Tom Kha. It is very popular. After the soup, I tell my customers that we do very good curry. The curry dishes are excellent. We don’t exactly recommend or push anything, we just tell them what’s popular. And we like to know what they like. People seem to be raving about your Pad Thai. Why is that? Our Pad
Thai is very authentic. We sell lots and lots of Pad Thai. What makes it authentic? First of all, the noodles must not be too soft. The sauce must not have a lot of it on the dish. Some people like a lot of sauce, which I do not recommend. Being authentic on the Pad Thai is that the sauce is a little bit sweet and a little bit sour. And the sour is from the lemon juice. What’s your favorite dish off the menu? For myself, I like fish with the curry. I eat all the curries here. The fish in the curries are great. The thing that I like is Sawasdee Fish, which is trout. The fish is deep-fried, and the sauce is on the side. I love eating fish.
Sawasdee By the Sea is at 101 Main St. in Santa Cruz. The original Sawasdee is at 5050 Soquel Dr., Soquel. —Aaron Carnes
Astrology As A sttrro rology g Free F Fr rree e Will Will
Rob Brezsny Breezsny
Homemade Mondays
For F or th thee week week o off Sep September temb ber 18
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Ph Philosopher hilosopher Alan W Watts atts used to talk about how the whole world w is wiggling all the time. Clouds, tr trees, sky, water, ees, sk y, wate err, human beings: Everything’s constantly shimmyingg and jiggling and waggling. One of our problems, Watts we’re problems, W a said, is that we atts ’re “always Wee ffeel “always trying to straighten straighten thingss out.” W eel nagging urges urges to deny or cover up or eliminate eliminnate the wiggling. “Be orderly,” orderlyy,” , we command reality. reality. “Be neat n and composed and predictable.” It’s predictable.”” But reality reality never obeys. It ’s forever forever doing what it does best: flickering and fluctuating and flowing. In accordance accordance with astrological astroloogical omens, TTaurus, aaurus, I encourage any encourage you to rebel rebel against an ny natural natural tendencies you might have to fight the eternal eternaal wiggle. Instead, celebrate yourself celebrate it. Rejoice in it. Align you rself with it. GEMINI (May 2121-June June 20): Au Author uthor Elaine Scar Scarry ry defines “the basic impulse under underlying education”” as rlying education follows: continually one’s ’s follows: the “willingness to conti nually rrevise evise one own location in or order oneself der to place on neself in the path of beauty.” your operandi beauty.”” Consider making this yo ur modus oper andi in the coming week weeks, Always s, Gemini. Alw ways be on the lookout ffor or signs that beauty is near nnear.. Do rresearch esearch to find out wher wheree beauty might be hiding wheree h and wher beauty is ripening. Learn all you can about what kinds of conditions attr attract beauty, create eate act beaut ty, and then cr those conditions. Finally Finally, around aree y, hang ar round people who ar often sur surrounded beauty.. Thiss appr approach rounded by beauty oach will be an excellent way to further your edu education. ucation. CANCER (June ( 2121-July July 22):) “L “Life Life is either always a tight-rope tight-rope.” tight-r ope or a ffeather eather bed. Give me the tight-r ope.” declared Wharton. So declar ed writer Edith Wharton n. But she was an moree temper temperamentally Aquarius, and mor amenntally suited to the tight-rope. anceriaans, on the other tight-r ope. Many of you CCancerians, prefer eather-bed mode. I hand, pr efer to emphasize the ffeather-bed months, however,, you suspect that in the next nine mo nths, however moree time will be willing and even eager to spend mor tight-rope customary ope than is custom on the tight-r mary ffor or you. TToo get suggest primed ffor or the excitement, I sugg gest you rrevel evel in some weeks. intense ffeather-bed eather-bed action in thee coming week s. Charge extraChar ge up your internal batteriess with an extr aself-care. special deluxe rregimen egimen of sweet self-car e. LEO (July 23-Aug. 23-Aug. 22): Half of a truth is better Wrong! than no truth at all, right? W rongg! If you latch on to accurate story, the ppartiallyy accur ate story y, yyou may m y stopp lookingg story.. And thenn you’r you’ree liable to ffor or the rrest est of the story premature basedd on insufficient make a pr emature decision base alternative data. The better al ternative is to rreject eject the partially accurate around accur ate story and be willing to wait w ar ound in the dark until the complete rrevelation evelation comes. That may uncomfortable Butt when the full truth be uncomf ortable ffor or a while. Bu straggles very didn’t finally str aggles in, you will be ve ery glad you didn ’t jump to unripe conclusions. VIRGO (Aug. 23 23-Sept. -Sept. 22): A Ch Chinese hinese entr entrepreneur epreneur dreamed unique generate named Nin Nan dr eamed up a un nique way to gener ate capital: He sold dead mosquitoess online ffor or a dollar useful apiece, advertising them as usefu ul ffor or scientific decoration. rresearch esearch and decor ation. Within two days, he rreceived eceived orders. Let’s your patron 10,000 or ders. Let ’s make him yo our patr on saint and weeks, Virgo. rrole ole model ffor or the next ffew ew week ks, Vir go. May he inspire novel inspir p e yyou to come upp with nove el ways y to stimulate flow.. The planetary om omens your cash flow mens suggest that moree likely tha than generate your originality is mor an usual to gener ate concrete concr ete rrewards. ewards. LIBRA (Sept. 23 23-Oct. -Oct. 22): “Thee most important thing is to find out what the most mosst important thing is,” wrote wrote Shunryu Suzuki in his book b Zen Mind, Beginner’s Beginner ’s Mind. That That’s ’s your assignment assignment ffor or the next three weeks. takes three week s. Do whatever it take es to find out beyond any doubt what the most import important ant thing is. Meditate naked an hour a day day.. Go on long walk walkss in the wildest places you know know.. Convene intens intense se conversations
about yourself with w the people who know you best. Create contract eate and sign a contr Cr act with yourself in which you moree than vow to identify the t experience you want mor experience any other exper ience on earth. No waffling allowed, Libra. the Libr a. What is th he single most important thing?
SCORPIO (O (Oct. ct. 23 23-Nov. -Nov. 21): Sometime in the next nine months youu may feel feel moved to embark on an adventure adventure that will w transform transform the way you understand reality. reality. Maybe you yoou will choose to make a pilgrimage to a sacred sacred sanctuary sanctuary or wander further away from from your familiar familiar comforts comfortts than you ever have before. before. Right now is an excellent excellent time to brainstorm brainstorm about the possibilities. If you y don’t don’t ffeel eel rready eady to actually begin your quest, at least leeast formulate formulate a master plan for for the magic moment when you will be ripe. SAGITTAR SAGITTARIUS RIUS (Nov (Nov.. 22 22-Dec. -Dec. 21): In the culture ’mana’’ rrefers indigenous cul tuure of Hawaii, ’mana efers to a spiritual power that may abide in people, objects, and natural locations. acquiree mor moree of it by acting al location natur s. YYou oou can acquir with integrity an and nd excellence, but you might lose careless unfocused. some of it if your youur actions are are car eless or unf ocused. mediocree job of For instance, a healer h who does a mediocr curing her patients patients could lose the mana that made her a healer in the the first place. I believe that similar principles hold true t for for non-Hawaiians. All of us have ever-shifting an ever shiftingg relationship relationship with the primal life life fforce. orce. ce What’s What ’s the current current e state of your own personal supply, supplyy, Sagittarius? It It’s suree you’r you’ree taking full ’s time to make sur thee mana you have been blessed with. advantage of th YYour oour motto: ’Usee it or lose it. ’ CAPRICORN N (Dec. 22 22-Jan. -Jan. 19): Have you been getting enough?? I doubt it. I think you should sneak wheree your insatiable a peek into the hiding place wher cravings aree sto stored. you’ree br brave cr avings ar red. If you’r ave enough, also your take a look at yo our impossible demands and your obsessions suppressed miracles. unruly obsessio ns and your suppr essed mir acles. Please note: I’m not suggesting that you immediately all; don’t unleash them al ll; I don ’t mean you should impulsively adventure instigate an adv venture that could possibly quench your rravenous avenous yearnings. y But I do believe you will from becoming om bec benefit fr coming better acquainted with them. develop moree honest rrelationship, YYou oou could develo op a mor elationship which elationship, ultimately would ul timately make them more more trustworthy. trustworthy. AQUARIUS S (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):: Don’t Don’t tape your thumbs to your hands and stalk around h around pretending pretending to be a dinosaur. three large dinosaur. Don’t Doon’t poke thr ee holes in a lar ge plastic garbage bag andd wear it as a tunic while imagining that you are are a feudal feuudal serf in a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi dystopia. Don’t Don’t use u a ffelt-tip elt-tip marker to draw draw corporate corporate logos on your face facce to show everyone what brands brands of consumer goodss you love. To To be clear: I would love you to be extravagantly extravaganntly creative. creative.. I hope you will use your imagination in novel noovel ways as you have fun playing with experimental scenarios. sceenarios. But please exercise exercise a modicum of discernment as a you wander way outside the box. Be at practical. least 20 percent percent pr actical. PISCES (Feb (Feb.. 19 19-Mar 19-March March 20): “T “Take Taake a lover who lookss at you likee maybe you ar aree magic,”” says the poet look McConnell. That’s Marty McConne ll. That ’s good advice, Pisces—not just your in rregards egards to you ur intimate rrelationships, elationships, but about all alliances, you’ree seeking a friend or your other allian nces, too. If you’r consultant consul tant or business buusiness partner or jogging companion preference creatures or new pet, show w a pr eference ffor or those cr eatures aree magic. YYou who look at you like maybe you ar ou always appreciated need to be appr eciated ffor or the sweet mystery and catalytic mojo yyou ou bring to your partnerships, but you now.. especially need that acknowledgment now
Homework:: Unleash Un nleash an outrageous outrageous boast about how you’re you’re going go oing to pull off a certain feat feat that you’ve previously previou usly lacked the chutzpah chutzpah to atatat tempt. Testify Testify e
Visit RE Visit REALASTROLOGY.COM A L ASTROLOGY.COM ffor or R Rob’s ob’s Expanded E Weekly Weekly Audio Audio Hor oscope es and Daily Text Text Message Message Horoscopes Hor oscope es. The The audio horoscopes horoscopes Horoscopes. ar e also available available by by phone at at are 1.877.873.4888 1.877.873 3.4888 or 1.900.950.7700 1.900.950.7700
Steak & Jazz Thursdays THURSDAYS
Sounds of Brazil featuring Trio Passarim (“The Bird Trio”) SATURDAYS
SEPTEMBER 18-24, 2013
ARIES (Mar (March ch 21-April 19): “If TTaylor aaylor SSwift wift is going breakups year,” observed to have six br eakups a year r,” ,” obs erved comedian Maher,, ““she Bill Maher she needs to write a new song entitled It’s ’Maybe It ’s Me.’”” He was rreferring eferringg to SSwift’s wift’s habit of misadventures using her rromantic omantic misadventur e to stimulate her es creativity. prompt, ompt, lyric-writing cr eativity. With that as your pr soul-searching Aries, I’ll ask you to do some sou l-searching about your own intimacy issues. How have h you contributed problems getting to the pr oblems you’ve had in ge etting the love caree you want? What uncons unconscious and car scious behavior or conditioned diti d rresponses esponses have h uundermined ndermined d i d your satisfaction, rromantic omantic satisf action, and what could c you do to transform weekss will be prime tr ansform them? The next eight week w approach time to rrevolutionize evolutionize your appr oaach to rrelationships. elationships.
affordable comfort food MONDAYS