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VO L . 5 , N O. 24

This Th T hiis hi s story sto st sto tor ory o rry y is one is one on ne tthat hat

can c an never an ne ev eve ve ve err be b e published. pu p ub u b bl li lis lish l i ish s sh h he ed e d d. . At lea At least le ea ea astt n as not no o ott here, her h he ere e re re, e,, , inonnotootnt nonow in Santa S San Sa an a n nt t ta a Cruz Cru C ru u uz z now, ow, o w, while wh whi hile ile le c certain cer ce ert e rrta tta aiin members ain memb me be ers e rs o off my family my fa fami am ami mil illy ily ya are re st still s till ti till ll alive alive. ali al liv ive ve. ve e

—Geoffrey — Geo offrey Dunn p11



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NOV 7-10, 2013





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factual inaccuracies kno own to us. known EDITO EDITORIAL ORIAL EDITOR EDIT OR STEVE PALOPOLI PAL A OPOLI STEVE spalopoli@santacruzw


JACOB J ACOB B PIERCE jpier rcce@santacruzw

RICHARD VON VON BUSACK BUSACK richar rd@santacruzw d






Chance for f Change Re: “Pulling No R ee: “P ulling N o Punches” Punches” (Cover, (Covveerr, Sept. Sept. 25): Thank T hank yyou ou ffor or o th thee in insightful nsightful article article abou about ut T ake Bac a k's Analicia Analicia Cube he h ardwor o king Take Back's Cube.. T The hardworking m ajority sstands tands be h d both h hin er an d majority behind her and th ffor o ts o BSC. W prised o thee ef efforts off T TBSC. Wee ar aree com comprised off all vi ctims o theft an a d witnesses witnesses o victims off theft and off th thee d eteriorattion o mmon sen se d ecisions deterioration off com common sense decisions m ade b eadership in Santa Santa Cr uz. As an a vvid made byy lleadership Cruz. avid cy yclist, h ow is iitt pos ssible th at bik eft is so cyclist, how possible that bikee th theft rrampant? ampant? H ow abo ut th reva alence o eth How about thee p prevalence off m meth an dh eroin an dn eeedles giv veen a way a atio and heroin and needles given away att a rratio o to 1? How How abou ut the the catch-and-release ca atch-and-release off 30 to about m entality o d es in our llocal dg ocal ju dicial mentality off th thee ju judges judicial sy stem? I participate participate in community community cleanups cleanups system? an d I fin d th at aft err rrevisiting evisiting th ea and find that after thee sam samee ar area six months months later, laterr, iitt llooks ooks eexactly xactly th ay thee sam samee w way iitt did six m onths [before]. [b beffo ore]. H ow com ta months How comee San Santa Cr uz ranks ranks firs heft an d llarceny arceny in th Cruz firstt in ttheft and thee en tire state state o fo ornia for fo or cities cities of of simil ar entire off Calif California similar si ze? I can go go on an d on. T BSC is a communi ty size? and TBSC community

grou group o p an and d is n not ot th thee Coun Council, cil, Coun County tyy or S SCPD, CPD, but needed bu ut it it is starting starting this desperately desperately n eeeded conversation and hopefully con nveersa ati t on an dh opefull f lly cchange hange will ill rresult. essult. J Levy Jim Santa Sa anta Cruz

D DeNiro’s ’s W Waiting aiti a ing Re: “Pulling No Punches”: R e: e: “Pullin gN o Pun ches”: Although Although I'v II've ve never “harassed” Santa n eveer been ttechnically echnically “h arassed” in n San ta Cruz, have alongside thee San Cr uz, z Ih ave been ffollowed ollowed e al ongside th Lorenzo and have given the “Heil Lor renzo llevee eveee an dh ave been giv ven e th he “H eil Hitler” walked North Pacific. Hi t er” sign as I w tl alked on N orth P accific. Recently, during thee d day while walking R ecently, d uring th ay w hile w a alkin g over thee in internal Lorenzo Park bridge, ov ver e th ternal San Lor enzo P ark b ridge, I heard me, “Watch out, there’s h ea ard beneath benea atth m e, “W Watch ou utt, th ere’ e s a pig over there.” For those who don’t know, ov ver e th ere.” F or th ose w ho d on’t kn ow, “pig” was police. Anyway, these days w a a ’60s tterm as erm ffor o or po lice. An yway, th hese d ays there enforcement/security th e e is a llaw er aw enf fo orcement/security gu gguard ard presence thee p park, and thank For thee p resen e ce in th ark, an d th ank ggod. od d. F or th

park a park att tim times es seem seems ms lik likee th thee fin final al rresting esting place p lace o off all th thee eextras xttras fr from om th thee Mad Max/ R dW Road Warrior a arrior i r movies. movi o ies. It’ It’ss not nott pretty pretty tt ou out ut th there, ere, and an d cr crank-fueled ank-fueled d sentiment sentiment permeates. permea ates. Santa San ta Cr Cruz uz ttoday oday coul could d be d described escribed lik likee New N ew York Yor o k was was in tthe he ’70s b byy the the fictional ficti t onal movie m ovie ccharacter haracter Travis Travvis Bickle: Bickle: “All th thee animals anim als com comee ou out ut a att night night ... T The he city city is like like an open open sewer... seewerr... . One O One d day ay a rreal eal rrain ain will com comee and wash off Travis an dw ash all the the scum s off the the streets.” streets.” T ravvis was They aree al also outt d during thee w as half half right. right. T hey ar so ou uring th day. d ayy. Charles Birimisa W Watsonville atsonville a ill FROM THE WEB FROM THE T HE


The Un Unfriending nfriending Re:: “Pullin “Pulling No liked [Take Re gN o Punches”: Pu unches”: I had had lik ed [T ake Back Bac k San Santa ta Cr Cruz] uz] on F Facebook acebook an and d ffollowed ollowed their thee page th eir posts. posts. I rrealize ealize that that th page can’t can’t be monitored m onitored d daily, aily, bu butt th b that at didn’t didn’t m make ake the the hateful posts h ateful pos ts any any more more palatable. palatable. A vvery eery personal person al a attack tttack against aggainst m me, e, d during uring th thee discussion about thee W Warriors arena, made discussi on abou ut th arr a iors ar ena, m ade mee unfr m unfriend iend th them. em m. Good lluck uck tto o her her in all that th at sshe he is trying trying to to do. do. We We are are vigilant vigilant in our own o wn n neighborhood, eighborhoo od, an and d for fo or some some of of us, that’s thatt’s thee most th most we we can do. do. You Yo ou can’t can’t help help everyone, eveeryo one, but bu ut everyone eveeryone can help help som someone. eone. JC

Inspired Inspire ed to Act I thoroughly thoroughly en enjoyed njoyed reading reading th thee ar article ticle about abou ut llocal ocal h hero ero Analicia A alicia Cube An Cube.. Sh Shee is cchanging hanging the the narrative narrrativve in San Santa ta Cruz, Cruz, and and iitt is abou about ut tim time. e. My My ffamily a amily and and I ffeel eeel all the the more m ore saf safe fe knowing knowin ng that that such such a caring caring w woman oman is a attempting tttempting tto o ad address ddress th thee llevel evel o off cr crime ime and an d ccleanliness leanliness in n th thee city. cityy. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz is wonderful place, butt tto ignore these aw onderful p o lacee, bu o ign ore th ese ttwo wo problems and up safety p roblems an d tto o sstand tand u p ffor or ffamily o amil a y saf feety without political and woman wi thou ut a po litica al agenda agenda an d as a w o oman inspires up in spires me me to to do do what what I can, too. too. Keep Keep u p the the work, Analicia—the ggood ood w ork, An alicia—th c e citizens citizens of of our town town owe debt off gr o we yyou ou a d o ebt o ggratitude attitude ffor or o yyour our service. o service. Maria Gomez


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Wellness W elln e llnes ss Chip Scheuer Scheuer Sch

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WHAT’S ON N YOUR MIND? Dr. Yi Zuo at UCSC, U wher wheree she is doing cutting-edgee work on the biggest questionss in neur neuroscience. oscience.

Train T rra ain of Thoug T Thought ght UCSC’s U CSC’s Dr. Drr. Yi Yi Zuo Zuo ggoes oes mapmaking mapmaking in n the the hu human uman b brain rain a BY MAR MARIA RIA GRUSAUSKAS


he human he hum u an b brain rain is rriddled iddled wi th enigm eenigmas. as. Despi te with Despite iincredible in cred d le advancements dib ad dvan a cements t in i technology an nd m edicine, ffor or instance, o instance, technology and medicine, w till h aven en't pin pointed th wee sstill haven't pinpointed thee cause o eurodegen nerativ t ve diseases lik off n neurodegenerative likee Al zheimer's an a dP arkinson's. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. An dw h hile th he gr owin w g “b rain And while the growing “brain tr aining” in dus u try (e .g., Lum osity) training” industry (e.g., Lumosity) o ffeers so lace to to our co lleccttivve ffear eear of of offers solace collective llost ost m emory an a d in ntelligence, th memory and intelligence, thee ef ffeeccttivveeness o such programs programs to to effectiveness off such enh ance m em mory, llearning earning an d eeven veen enhance memory, and m ood are are hotly hotlly debated. debated. Not Not to to mention men nti t on mood a bi xpensivve. bitt eexpensive. An d so iitt w a th as at I ffound o ound m yself And was that myself in th offi f ce of of Yi Yi Zuo, Zuo, Ph.D., Ph.D., nestled nestled in thee office th ed dwo oods o CSC. An associa ate thee rredwoods off U UCSC. associate p rofeessor of of molecular, molecularr, ce llular an d professor cellular and de evelopme e nta al b iology, D r. Z uo’s w ork developmental biology, Dr. Zuo’s work rruns uns al ong th cu uttin t g edg of th along thee cutting edgee of thee

nervous n e vo er ous system's system's unkn unknowns, own w s, rreaching eachiing in nto possib le causes for for o neurological neurologica al into possible disorders diisor i rders an and dd degenerative egenerattiv tive disease di disease,, ass well thee w way thee b brain well as sstudying tudyying th ay th rain n rewires when something rew wires iitself tself w hen llearning earning som eth hing new. neew w. Lumosity? Likee eeveryone, Zuo had Lumosity? Lik ver e yo one, Zu oh ad d given whirl, ending promptly giivven e it it a w hir h l, en ding iitt p romptlly when asked her credit card when as ked ffor or o h er cr edit car rd information. definitely in nffo ormattion. “I d efinitely firmly firmly believe beli l eve that activating thee n neurons th hat eexercise, xeercise, or ac cttivvatting th euron o s constantly co onstan ntl tly is good good for fo or your yo our brain,” brain,” says sa ays Zuo. “And not onlyy b brain activities, Zu uo. “An dn ot onl rain ac cttivities, like puzzles, but actually lik ke rreading eading or pu zzles, bu ut ac tually working out thee b brain w orking ou ut is ggood ood ffor o or th rain ttoo, oo o, because brings oxygen into thee be ecause iitt b rings o xyygen in to th brain.” b rain.” But Zuo not Lumosity. Bu ut Zu o is n ot an eexpert xperrt on Lum ossityy. She more important things do Sh he has has m ore im porrtan nt thin gs tto od o with her time; among them, w wi th h er tim e; am ong th em, sstudying tudyin ng cells thee n neuromuscular gglial l ce lial lls in th euromuscular

junction—or th junction—or thee syn synapses ap psses th that at conn connect ecct thee n nervous system the muscular th ervo ous sy stem tto o th he muscul ar system. Derived the Greek word sy stem. Der D iveed iv d fr ffrom om th he Gr G eek w or od these cells outnumber ffor or o ““glue,” glue,” th ese ce lls ou utn t umber neurons higher functioning animals n eurons in hig her fun cttioning anim als (i.e., humans) and, (i. e., h umans) an d, yyou o ou may may have have guessed, Until gu essed, are are a huge huge mystery. mystery. Un ntil t vvery eery they were believed rrecently, ecently, th ey w eere be lieved e tto o eexist xist solely neurons so lely tto o ““glue” glue” n eurons together together in the the nervous system. n errvous o sy stem. was believed that most “It w as generally generally be lieveed th at m ost neurological from thee n eurological diseases ccome ome fr om th abnormal function off n neurons,” says ab normal fun cti t on o eurons,” sa ays Zuo. “But has Zu o. “Bu ut rrecently, ecen nttly, iitt h ass been ffound o ound that cells thee b brain play th at gglial lial ce lls in th rain a p lay a vvery er ey development iimportant mporta ant role iin n tthe he de eveelopment and progression neurological an dp rogression of of many man ny n eurological diseases.” Zuo Zuo thinks thinks that that gglial lial ce ccells, lls, as important they aree ffor protecting important as th ey ar o p or rotecctin t g neurons who knows what neurons (and (and w ho k h now ws w h hat

eelse), lse), coul could d be dis disrupting disrupting syn synapse apse connections—a process that conn ection ns—a s p rocess th at normal aging and occurs in both b n ormal agin g g an d neurodegenerative “The n eurodeggeen nerattivve diseases. “T he hope hope that wee can un understand is th at if w derstand the the rules rules thee n neuromuscular in th eurromuscular junction, juncttion, we we can apply thee b brain,” says a pply similar simillar rrules ules in th rain,” sa ays Zuo. Z uo. Offering up off beau beautiful O ffeering u p a rrotation otati t on o uttiful drawings neurons d ra awings of of ne urons byy tthe hee late Santiago Ramón Cajal, "thee God Godfather San ntiag t o Ra amón y Ca ajal, "th fatther off n neuroscience," and o eurosciience," an d eeven veen ssketching ketching out thee tr tree-like herself, Zuo ou ut th eee-like sstructures tructtures h erself, Zu o passionately herr late latest study pa ssionately eexplains xpla ains he st st ud dy of synapse plasticity which syn apse p las a ticity in the the brain, brain, w hich h has thee w way wee llearn. h as sshed hed light ligght on th ay w earn. By mapping out thee fformation and off m apping ou o ut th orm o attion an d lloss oss o new thee d dendrites off mi mice n ew “spines” “spines” e on th endrites o ce they new motor as th ey llearn earrn a n ew m otor sskill, kill, sshe's he's able track thee cr creation and off ab le tto o tr acck th ea attion an d lloss oss o new connections thee brain. n ew synapse synapse conn eccti t ons in th brain. “What we’ve huge spinee “Wh at w ee’vve ffound ound is a h o uge spin increase connections during thee in crease in n conn eccttions d uring th initial phase,” says Zuo. ini tial llearning earn ning p hase,” sa ays Zu o. Curiously, thee secon second day, and Cur iously, on o th dd ay, an d during thee con consolidation phase, thee d uring th solidati t on p hase, th amount off syn synapse also increases. am oun nt o apse lloss oss al so in creases. that “So th at means mean e s that that during during the the period period off tim timee w wee ar aree llearning, wee are o earning, w are not not actually making more connections ac ctu t ally m a gm akin ore conn eccttions in thee b brain, wee ar aree rrerouting thee b brain. th rain, w erou utting th rain. So wee ar aree m making somee n new connections, w ak king som ew conn eccttions, but att an eexpense some.” bu ut a x xpen se of of llosing osing som e.” what wee aare losing The mystery mysstery off w hat w h re lo sing when wee llearn something w hen w e earn som ething new new Zuo. “It’ss the iintrigues in nttrrigu ig es Z Zu uo. “It’ the reason reason many many people say that thee b brain has capacity peo ple sa ay th at th rain h as a ca pacity well beyond what wee ar aree usin using,” w ell bey yo ond w hat w g,” sshe he says. sa ays. And while on An d eeven ven nw hil h e her her studies studies focus focus o motor hopes her findings m otor sskills, killls, sshe he h opes h er fin dings across will inform inffo orm m learning learning strategies strategies acr oss thee boar board. “Completely different brain th d. “Com pletely dif ffer e ent b rain circuits aree in involved different cir cuits ar nvolved e in dif ffeerent types off m memory,” says Zuo, who points outt o emory,” , sa ays Zu o, w ho poin ts ou that don’t th at we we d on n’t actually actually know know where where those memories aree stored th ose m em mories ar stored in the the brain. want English and b rain. “If I w ant to to learn learn En glish an d French, F rench, then then e should should I llearn earn English English onee yyear then French ffor or o on ea ar th en llearn earn F rench ffor or o onee yyear? English onee day, on eear? Or O En glish on day, French French onee d day—which better? on ay—w —which is bett er? I still still don’t don’t know, thee kn ow, but bu ut that t at is the th the hope hope behind behind th study,” study,,” says sa ays Zuo. Zuo. 0


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Currents Chip Scheuer

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HOME INSPECTION Heather Bullock, chair of UCSC’s psychology department (right), is collaborating with Lois MacGillivray (left) on the study of Project 180/180’s effectiveness.

Do Homeless Programs Help? New study into Project 180/180 will evaluate if—and how much—the program is working BY JACOB PIERCE


hil Kramer stood in front of some 20 tables and a rainbow of pastel tablecloths, dotted with flowers from the Homeless Garden Project, at Simpkins Family Swim Center earlier this month. It was a party for Project 180/180, the collaborative program designed to house 180 people in the county most in need of shelter—the chronically homeless, the sick and the mentally ill. The project hit a milestone this fall when it reached a halfway point with 90 people housed. But within the party was a quieter celebration, as activists, politicians and bureaucrats chattered about a new study into Project 180/180, and a partnership with UCSC. “We were excited to hear the

university is going ahead and building a research project,” project manager Kramer told Santa Cruz Weekly after the meeting. Heather Bullock, chair of UCSC’s psychology department, is collaborating with Lois MacGillivray, a Catholic nun, to study how Project 180/180 works— and how well. “We really want to dig deeper,” Bullock says, gripping both hands around her tea cup. The women are sitting next to an ocean view of 21st Avenue Beach in the dining commons of the retreat center where MacGillivray lives—a common study place for the two researchers. “We want to understand what combination of services along with housing really helps support people.” Bullock and MacGillivray’s research will weigh the costs of this approach

to homeless issues that Kramer and Homeless Services director Monica Martinez projected would save the county money—by spending a little more on housing and treatment, but at the same time much less on expensive emergency services. Martinez and Claudia Brown, president of the HSC board, are also enthusiastic about the research, which they believe will validate the program. But it will also be a test. No doubt the critics who questioned the effectiveness of the program when it launched in the summer will look to the study to see how many benchmarks have been met. MacGillivray, who studied sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says she wants to create an honest evaluation that other

communities like Santa Cruz will be able to use in the future. “We’re doing interviews of all stakeholders,” she says. “We’re not just looking for cheerleaders.” Financial cost-benefit analyses aside, the study will look at how effectively organizers are reducing homelessness and what, exactly, it’s been like for people who spent years on the streets—some of them, decades—to adjust to permanent housing. Bullock and MacGillivray will interview people that project organizers have moved into housing and their case managers. They’ll be analyzing data, including that from the Homeless Information Management Systems, to see what services the county’s transients have been using and look for any trend changes. They will also compare costs to the community before and after people receive housing. MacGillivray doesn’t want to assume public costs will go way down immediately under Project 180. She predicts, if nothing else, they won’t go up. This comes from research communities, like Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Denver and New York City, which have done similar studies, so there’s already some literature available—the most notable being “Million-Dollar Murray,” a story by Malcolm Gladwell in The New Yorker that famously depicted how Reno, Nev. saved itself money and a man’s life by giving him a place to live and alcohol treatment. Not many places the size of Santa Cruz have launched programs with such ambitious goals and followed up with evaluations. Bullock and MacGillivray hope to come forward next year with a model of best practices for how to get the chronically homeless off the streets that will serve not only Santa Cruz, but other small towns looking to remedy the same problems. “Obviously we’re going to have more to say in the coming months,” Bullock says. “The research is crucially important. We can’t have informed programs and initiatives without information about how well they’re working.” 0


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Gimme Some Sugar With microphone in hand, Chris Rene explained last Friday how he came to have a cupcake created in his honor at Starz Cupcakes in Capitola. “I went to school with Connie, who owns this place,” said Rene. “She said, ‘We want some more promotions over here. We’re tryin’ to get some people to eat these cupcakes.’ And I’m like, let’s DO THIS!” The last two words were said with a deep bellow, like a sportscaster announcing a slam dunk. “God bless, love life, let’s eat some cupcakes,” he said, bringing his index and middle fingers to his mouth, kissing them and throwing them into a peace sign in the air before heading inside. There, he signed photos of himself for the 20 or so devotees (also called “Renelians” or “Love Life Soljas”) who followed him there. Outside, Rene fans, mostly young women who watched his performances on the television show The X Factor in 2011, eagerly awaited their chance to see him and purchase a four-pack of Rene cupcakes, which are cotton candy flavored and feature a photo of his face on the icing. “He is so inspiring,” said Krystalle Campos, who pulled down her sleeve to reveal a tattoo of Rene’s face on her shoulder. She drove from Merced to see him, but is thinking of relocating to Santa Cruz “because he’s so awesome.” She called him “the greatest, most beautiful soul ever made, God’s light on earth.” She has a history of drug use and incarceration in her family, and said he has helped so many people get off drugs, which is just one of the reasons she loves him. “He’s not about money or fame, he’s about love. He really is.” Connie Brighton, who co-owns Starz with her mother Debbie, recalled the birth of the idea for Chris Rene’s Cotton Candy Cupcake: “He was in here for about 30 seconds. He said, ‘I want a cotton candy cupcake’. I said, ‘You got it.’ He picked everything. He picked the colors, the name.”

Banks Holiday Just a stone’s throw from downtown, 50 people went canoeing and standup paddleboarding last Saturday. Okay, but how many reported queasiness from the muddy muck we call the San Lorenzo River? Wait, zero? Huh. Well, Santa Cruzans really dodged a hypodermic needle there—amiright? “People had lots of fun, saw lots of wildlife. People on the levee were excited,” says Laurie Egan of the Coastal Watershed Council, which organized Saturday’s event.

'She said... 'We're tryin' to get some people to eat these cupcakes.' And I'm like, let's DO THIS!' - CHRIS RENE Santa Cruz City Council waived rules that prohibit boating on the river for last weekend’s River Paddle Tour. City councilmember Don Lane showed up—as did councilmember Micah Posner and Mayor Hilary Bryant, who both paddled a couple laps. County Resources Director John Ricker came and said studies have shown the water, while not as healthy as Brita-filtered drinking water, is not dangerous. Greg Pepping, executive director of the Coastal Watershed Council, says the event was just one step toward getting the council to approve recreation on the river all the time. “Other people love having a river by their downtown,” he says. “We can have that too, and we have way too many creative people for it to continue this way.” 0


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Secrets: History as Fiction The author of ‘Santa Cruz Is In the Heart’ tells a story about a story about his family BY GEOFFREY DUNN

For F or o T Tess, ess, e Cameryn, Sierra Sierrra & Stevie Rae Ra ae

Cruz Is Excerpted from ‘Santa Further In the Heart, Volume II: y, tor Writings on Local His osts,’ Culture, Politics and Gh ok Bo published by Capitola Company. apbook All images from the scr . of Lindy Stagnaro Dunn


his sstory tory is on onee th that at can c n never ever be pub lished. At lleast east n o h ot ere, in San ta published. not here, Santa Cr uz, n ot n ow, w hile cer ccertain tain m embers Cruz, not now, while members o amil a y ar ve. I su ppose I till aliv off m myy ffamily aree sstill alive. suppose coul d pub lish iitt som eday, a dif ffer e ent could publish someday, different version o per hap ps, wi th a ffew ew d ettails car efully version off iitt p perhaps, with details carefully omitt t ed, a n ame cchanged hanged h ere an d th ere, a ffeeling eeeling or omitted, name here and there, impression sil enced. impression silenced. But Bu ut ffor or n o now ow w wee have have this sstory, tory, m myy Aun Auntt F A Francesca’s rancesca’s sstory, tory, or r, more more accur ately, m y sstory tory ab bou ut m or, accurately, my about myy Aun Auntt Fr an ncesca’s lif fe. An d abou ut m other e ’s lif fe. An dm fe. Francesca’s life. And about myy m mother’s life. And myy lif life. Lif fe sstories tories h ave a w ay o gw ovven ttogether. ogetherr. Life have way off bein being woven

T his sstory tor y is al so abou ets, an d abou th This also aboutt secr secrets, and aboutt wi with w hom th tthey ey can be sshared. hared. W eep se ecrets tto o sur vive, whom Wee k keep secrets survive, tto om ove on wi th our liv es. W str uct sstories—or tories—or move with lives. Wee con construct rreconstruct econstr t uct eevents—as vents—as a w ay o ootthing ou way off sm smoothing outt th thee rrough ough spots, s the ragged ragged poth oles, in our ou ur journeys. journeys. the potholes, T he llong on ng an d win ding rroad oad becom es an a im possible The and winding becomes impossible p assage wi thout th em. passage without them. T his sstory, tory, th en, is our secr et—yyours, min e, m This then, secret—yours, mine, myy m otherr’s an dm rancesca’s. An d so k, th at iitt mother’s and myy Aun Auntt F Francesca’s. And so,, I as ask, that rremain. emain. T he au a thor JJohn ohn Ber ger on ce wr ote th hat an in dividual’s The author Berger once wrote that individual’s lif fe is lik ke an oni on. P eel on ayer o way, an d iitt life like onion. Peel onee llayer off iitt a away, and rreveals eveeals yyet et an other llayer, ayerr, th en an other a an d th en an otherr, another then another and then another, un til th ere is n othing lleft eft o t, sa ave th a oma. until there nothing off iit, save thee ar aroma.




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I see m myy Au Aunt unt F Francesca’s rancesca’s lif life fe more more like a sil ver rrose—more o ose—m ore p recisely, like silver precisely, thee St th Sterling erling Si Silver ilveer h hybrid ybrid th that at m myy ffather atther p lanted d in our ggarden arden in th planted thee llate ate 1950s. Peel Peeel one one petal petal off, off, and and iitt another—fresher, more rreveals eveal e s an oth her—fresherr, eeven veen m ore beautiful than first, there aree beau utiful t th an n the the firs t, until until th ere ar onlyy small, onl small, tightly-wrapped tigghtly-wrapped petals, petals, each onee d darker, more difficult eac h on arkerr, m ore dif ffficult tto o behold. Then wind blows b ehold. The n tthe he w ind b lows tthe he petals away. pet als a way. Myy cousin sa says that metaphor M ays th at this m etaphor off a rrose o ose is something som mething of of a cliché, cliché, and hee is rright. But when thee an d perhaps perhaps h ight. Bu ut w hen th bush firstt b bloomed bus h firs loom o ed in our ggarden, arden, more than ago, began m ore th an 50 0 yyears ears ag o, I beg an myy Aun Auntt F Francesca, ttaking aking rroses oses tto om rancesca, wrapped and wr apped in wet wet newspaper, newspaperr, an d she she always al lways lloved oved th tthem. em. thee I will begin n this sstory tory in th spring off 1984 1984, nearly three decades sp ring o 4, n early thr ee d ecades ago. ag o. It will end end six months months later, laterr, in November off the samee yyear, butt in N ovveember o the sam earr, bu truth, thee sstory myy Aun Auntt tr uth, t th torry is as llong ong as m Francesca’s life, mine, and, F rancesca’s li iffe, as llong ong as min e, an d, perhaps, per haps, as llong o g as yyours. on o ours. It’ss a m myth have It’ yth th tthat at sstories tories h ave beginnings endings. wind beginnin gs and an nd en dings. They They win d

b backwards a kwards an ac and d fforwards, o orrwards, like like a cclock lock wi thou ut a sp ring. Tim without spring. Timee is an ill illusion. lusion. W Wee cr create ea ate en endings dings as a w way ay tto o wr ap th em u p, tto op resent th em lik llikee wrap them up, present them birthday present, neatly packaged a bir thday p resent, n ea attly p ackaged e and contained with bow an nd con tained wi th a bo w on ttop. op.


hirty years hirty yeears ago ago my my life liffe was was in rruins, uins, or so it it seemed. seemed. My My world w orld had had d grown grown w ugly, ugly, my my despair d e air deep esp deep and and persistent. persistent. I was was lleaving eavving town ea town to to live live in Europe Europe for fo or six x months—specifically, m on ntths—specifically, my my family’s famil a y’s home h o e village om village in Italy Italy on the the Ligurian Ligurian n coast. co oast. I was was going going there there to to heal, heal, to to find fin nd myself m yself again. again. It is somewhat somewhat embarrassing embarrassing to to note n o e that ot that those those six months months are are the the llongest o gest I have on have ever eveer been away away from from m Santa Sa anta Cruz, Cruz, but bu ut so it it is. In my my once oncee cclose-knit lose-kni k it family, fa amil ily, this thi impending i pendin im di g departure d e arture was ep was thus thus something something of of an a occasion. oc ccasion. I made made my my rounds, rounds, saying sa ayyin ng ggood-bye o -bye to ood to various va arious aunts aunts and and uncles uncles and an nd cousins, cousins, until until finally, finally, the the very very last last stop stop I made made was was to to the the wharf wharf to to say sa ay good-bye good o -bye tto oF Francesca. rancesca. Europe, Europe, as I sshall hall n note ote in d due ue p passing, asssing,

h ad a special m eaning tto om ntt, had meaning myy aun aunt, especiall ome an o d th he V attican, especiallyy R Rome and the Vatican, w here she she h ad visi ted llate ate in h er lif fe. where had visited her life. Wh en I w eent d own w tto o th he w harrf tto o bid When went down the wharf herr farewell, he farewell, she held me m byy tthe he hand, hand, llooked ooked a att m mee d deeply eeply wi with t h th her er sp sparkling arkling d dark ark ey eyes, yees, an and d said, “Ge “Geoffrey, eoffr f eyy, sen send dm mee a pos postcard tcarrd fr from om Roma.”” Sh Shee kissed m me, e, an and dIw was as ggone. one. Arriveder Arrivederci. rcci. T This his is w what hat I kn know ow abou about ut m myy Aun Auntt F Francesca. rancesca. Sh Shee w was as born in San Santa ta Cr Cruz uz sshortly hortly aft after e th er thee 1906 Ear Earthquake, thquake, th thee eeldest ldest d daughter aughter in an It Italian alian immigr immigrant ant ffamily. a amily. Mu Much ch o off th thee mothering mothering of of her her e nine nine younger younger sib siblings lings w would ould ffall a all on h her. err. M Myy ear earliest liest m memories emories o off m myy aun auntt ar aree o off h her er dr driving iving in a fis fish h tr truck uck wi with th m myy Un Uncle cle Ba Batista. attista.. T They hey w would ould dr drive ive o off ff th thee w wharf harf ttogether ogether eevery very nig night ht aft after er w work. ork. I th thought ou ught th they ey w were ere m married. arried. In ffact, a act, th they ey w were ere b brother rother an and d sis sister, terr, both, as I would woul o d later later com comee tto o un understand, derstand, th the he sur survivors vivors o off sshattered hattered m marriages. arriages. M Myy aun aunt nt th then en liv lived veed al alone o e on th on thee W West eesst Sid Side, e, in a white, wh hite, w wood-framed ood o -frra amed house, house,

stillssstanding, still tandin ng, not notffar fa arfr from ro omw w where herres e she he w as rraised. a a aised. It w a as located loca ateed only onlly a b locck was was block from fr rom o m myy cchildhood h hildhood h home, ome, and and so I w was a as a fr requ e ueen nt vis sitor there. therre. frequent visitor Shee h had pond with and Sh ad a pon d wi th ggoldfish oldfish an d water her and w ater lilies lilies in h er front fron nt yyard, ard, an a da dark living with upright llarge, arge, d arrk livin g rroom oom wi th an u pright piano, which, time, was pian o, on w h hich, ffor o or a sshort hort tim e, I w as a Shee p placed thee fforced orced tto o o ttake a e llessons. ak essons. Sh laced th rroses oses I brought brou ught her her in a crystal crystal vase vase a she she kept thee livin livingg rroom. k ept in th oom. Myy aunt had daughters, M aunt h ad ttwo wo d aughters, both married when was and since m arried w hen I w as born, an d sin ce they were nearly older, th ey w ere n early a ggeneration enerati t on o lderr, called them myy aun aunts, though I call ed th e m em ts, eeven ven th ough they were myy firs firstt cousins. Who their th ey w ere m cousins. Wh o th eir was didn’t’t know, nor was ffather atther w ass I didn know, n or w as iitt me, until was eever ver eexplained xplaiined tto om e, un til I w as in junior high school. juni or hig h sc hool. This by myy T his is what what I was was told told b ym mother: that myy Aun Auntt F Francesca had m other: th hat m rancesca h ad been married marrried to to my my Uncle Uncle Pete, Pete, that that hee h had contracted disease,” h ad con ntracted a ““social social disease ,” that hee h had crazy, and that hee th at h ad d ggone one cr azyy, an d th at h had away asylum h ad been sen ssentt a way tto o an asy ylum in thee ear early 1940s, where hee h had died. th ly 19 940s, w here h ad di ed. For many that was knew F or m an ny yyears, ears, e th at w as all I kn ew off m my Uncle Pete, and, off m my o y Un cle P ete, an d, rreally, eally, o y


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Aunt F Aunt Francesca, rancesca, sa save ave for for o the the fact fa act that that sshe he w was as ssweet weet an and d fun wi with th me, me, if always al lways a li little, ttle, w well, ell, eth ethereal. e eal. er As I gr grew ew o older, lderr, I h heard eard bits bits and and pieces from myy mother pi eces fr om m motherr about abou ut my my Uncle Pete: that hee w was great Un cle P ete: th at h a as a gr ea at guy, gu uy, that th at he he had had been a ggood ood ffather atther until until hee took Little more was h took ill. Li ttle m ore w as eever veer said. What happened between and myy Wh at h appened bet tweeeen him an dm aunt,t, m myy m mother asserted, was aun other asser rted, e w as their their business, certainly none off min mine. Their busin ess, cer tainlly n one o e. T heir was their secret. Myy aun aunt was part sstory tory w a as th eir secr et. M nt w as p a arrt off m o myy lif life; fe; eh hee w was a as not. not. It w was as sim simple. ple. T here w as n othing m ore tto o sa ay. There was nothing more say.


am sitting sitting in a sid sidewalk ewalk caf café fé outside thee V Vatican. have ou tside th attican.. I h ave bought bought myy aun auntt a pos postcard off R Rome and m tcard o ome an d the the Sistine Sistine Chapel Chap pel and and am a writing writing her her a note. I write, note. “Dear Aunt Aunt Francesca,” Francesca,” c write, “I “ am having havving a glass glass of of wine w e in your win yo our honor honor and and am toasting toasting you yo ou here. here. In a few few days days I will ttoast oast you you o in Venice. Veni e ce. Love, Love, your nephew…” yo our n ephew…” … Ih have ave been in Italy Italy now now for fo or m many any months, m onths, an and d am ffeeling eeeling bett better, err, on th thee rroad oad to to rrecovery. ecovver e y. Tim Timee is truly truly a gr great eat healer. h ealerr. I sit sit b back, ack, ttake ake a si sip po off m myy

wine, Italian and wine, a hearty hea arty It alian rred, ed, an d think about about my my Aunt A t Francesca. Aun Francesca. During During my my early early twenties, tweenties, ffollowing ollowing the off m myy o own world, myy the break-up break-u up o wn w orld, m aunt developed personal aunt and and I d eveloped a person al bond. working att the bond. We We were weere both w orking a the wharf wharf then, then n, I cutting cu uttting fish, fish, she she as a hostess hostess in n a rrestaurant, estaurant, and and she she would with mee d daily att th thee would visit visit wi th m aily a cutting her cu uttting tables tables on h er way way to to work. wo ork. I felt that that, felt very veery special sp pecial th at she she did th at, t going way going out ou ut of of her her w ay each each day day to to come me, always with smilee on come see m e, al ways wi th a smil her her fface. a ace. Often, Oft f en, after after she she was was done, done, I would att nig night. would drive drive her her home home a ht. By th then en I h had ad llearned earned a ffew ew m more ore bits life: that had bits about about her her lif fee: th at sshe he h ad moved moved out out of of the the family fa amily home home when when she that had worked she was was only only 18; th at sshe he h ad w orked her her w way ay through thrrough a sm small all busin business ess college college then then n llocated oca ated in San Santa ta Cruz Cruz and and had had ttaken ak ken a jjob ob as a secr secretary etary with with a local locall d doctor—all octor—all this in th thee 1920s, w when hen n yyoung o oung women women her her age age and and th thee d daughters aughters o off It Italian alian immigrants immigrants t did n not ot d do o such such thin things. gs.


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My mother showed me some old photos of her. Francesca was a classic, dark beauty in her youth, and she loved to dress up in the style of her era. She was a so-called “flapper girl,” strong, independent, bold, and, given her ethnic background, certainly an anomaly. I think it’s fair to say there was something devilish about her smile. In her later years, she was still an immaculate dresser. She had her hair done regularly, and she had taken to wearing false eye-lashes. I must confess that they seemed to me a bit much, given my own personal aesthetic at the time, but she wore them proudly, with dignity. Sometimes, for a brief break on late Friday afternoons before the evening rush hit at the wharf, I would take my aunt to the Catalyst Club for Happy Hour, to listen to the Dixieland jazz, which she loved. She always ordered a single glass of champagne. Afterwards, I would drive her back to work. When she was 62, she made a six-week journey to Europe. It was a dream come to fruition and turned back into a dream. She had saved up her money for a dozen years to pay for the vacation. She spoke about it daily for the rest of her life. “You’ll love it there,” she would say to me in her trademark sing-song, upbeat fashion. “You just have to go!” I can hear those words as if she is sitting next to me. I finish my wine and, later, mail the postcard.


hen I return from Rome to my family’s village in Liguria, I sit down at yet another sidewalk café, this time with a cousin of roughly the same age as my mother and a few years younger than my aunt. He had lived in Santa Cruz most of his life, but in later years returned to Italy, where he retired and assumed the role of the ex-officio town mayor. He had more money than our cousins in Italy on pensiones and he could afford to buy them coffee and small bottles of Austrian beer. I told him of my visit to Rome and about toasting a glass of wine in honor of my Aunt Francesca. “Your poor aunt,” he says to me. “What that girl went through.” Perhaps because we were no longer in our hometown, with all of its hidden walls and social conventions that keep secrets boxed in and

welded to their place, my cousin felt free to reveal what he did. This is what he told me: that during the 1920s, when my aunt had first moved out of the family home, that she had been virtually excommunicated by her family for years, in particular by her father—my grandfather—who forbade anyone in the family to mention her name. She had met the man who would become my Uncle Pete while dancing at the Coconut Grove ballroom. “She went through hell,” my cousin continued. “Even after Pete left, and she was broke and had to move back home with the kids, the old man was hard as hell on her. But she never gave in to him. She always took care of those kids and carried her head high. She’s a tough gal, your aunt…”

My poor Aunt Francesca, I thought. My poor mother. All that pain and hurt welled up inside. I felt a heavy weight in my chest, the silence of my grandfather bearing in on me. “One thing I’ll say about your mother,” he added. “She always stuck by her sister. She used to visit her when no one else would, bring her clothes and food for the kids. She was always good to her.” And then he added an interesting caveat: “They did the same thing to your mother when she ran away with your father,” he said. This, too, was news. The story weighed on me through the rest of my stay in Italy. I thought about it on the train through France, on the ferry across the English Channel, on my way to London, on my return flight home. My poor Aunt Francesca, I thought. My poor mother. All that pain and hurt welled up inside. I had known my Aunt Francesca all my life, of course, but like the inner petals of that metaphorical rose, I felt as though I was actually discovering


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her ffor her or o the the first first time. time. I wanted wanted to to take take her h er ffor or o a glass glass of of champagne champagne at at the the Catalyst Ca atalyst u upon pon m myy rreturn. eturrn. At H Heathrow ea atthrow Airport Airport in Lon London, don, I discovered discov ver e ed a ttelephone elephone where, where, if yyou ou pressed p ressed th thee rreceiver eceivveer d down own tten en tim times es quickly qui ckly en enough, ough, yyou ou co could ould m make ake a free fr ee call to to the the states. states. I call called ed m myy m mother. otherr. She S e sounded Sh sounded thrilled th thr illed d tto oh hear ear fr ffrom om m me. e. I as asked ked dh her er how h ow eeveryone veryone w was. as. “F “Fine, in ne, fin fine,” e,” sshe he said. “Ev “Everyone’s veeryo one’s fin fine.” e.” “And “An dh how’s ow’s Aun Auntt F Francesca?” rancesca?” “Oh, “O h, sshe’s he’s been a li little ttle d down own with with the the weather,” w ea eattherr,,” she she said. “Bu “But ut she’s she’s fine, fine, too.” too.” The midnight, T he ffollowing ollowing midni ight, lless ess than hours after th an 24 h ours aft er that that phone phone conversation con nveersation wi with th m myy m mother, otherr, m myy plane p lane ttouched ouched d down own a att San F Francisco rancisco International. In ternattional. M Myy friend frien nd M Mark ark pi picked cked mee u m up. p. I spen spentt th thee night nig ight on his hi cou couch. ch. h The T he next next m morning, orning, M Mark, ark, m myy fr friend iend JJohn ohn and and I drove drovve d down own tto o the the wharf, wharf, where w here I expected expected a gr grand an nd ffamily a amily welcome w elcome u upon pon m myy return. retu urn. It w was as a b brisk, risk, cclear lear au a autumn tumn morning. m orning. San Santa ta Cr Cruz uz looked loo o ked fr fresh esh and an d cclean lean ag again, ain, an and d I eag eeagerly erly anticipated an ticipated beginnin beginning g my my lif life fe an anew ew here. h ere. W Wee turn turned ed on onto to th the he w wharf. harf. I sa saw aw thee ffamiliar th a amiliar ffaces a aces of of my my old old F Filipino ilipino ffriends fr iends fi fishing fis hi g ffor hin o or an anchovies. choviies. Gr Great ea at grey gr ey pe pelicans licans d dove ove violently violen e tly into into the the bay. b ay. It ffelt elt ggood ood tto o be h home. o e. om About Abou ut h half alf w way ay out ou ut I began beg b an llooking ooking ffor or m o members embers o off m myy ffamily. am a mily. I didn didn’t’t see an any, y, th though ough I n noticed oticeed th that at above above onee o on off th thee busin businesses, esses, a fl flag ag w was as flying fl ying a att h half-mast. alf-m - ast.

Finally, Finally, I saw sa aw my my mother’s mother’s distant distant cousin Al Aldo, do, jus justt rready eady tto o rretire etire fr from om his jjob ob as a coo cook. k. He He was was excited excited to to see m me. e. “There’s “There’s m myy bo boy!” y!” h hee yyelled elled wi with th a big smil smile. e. “We “We missed yyou “W o ou down down here. here. The The knives knives are are all dull…” dull…” “What’s “Whatt’s up up with with the the flag flag at at halfhalfmast?” mast?” I as asked ked him. His Hi smile smil ile froze. f oze. “That’s fr “Thatt’s for fo or your your Aunt Aunt Francesca,” Francesca,” c h hee said. “Didn “Didn’t’t anybody anyb body tell tell l ya? ya? She She died died last last Thursday…That’s Thursday… …Thatt’s w why hy th there’s ere’s n no o on onee down down here… here… Her Her fun funeral eral w was as this morning.” morning.” Thirty Thirty yyears e ears llater, aterr, I have have finally finally that moment. rrecovered ecovveered fr ffrom om th at m oment. So m many any thin things gs I w wanted anted tto o sa say. ay. So m many any qu questions estions I w wanted anted tto o as ask. k. Ih have ave fforgiven orrgivveen m o myy m mother other ffor o or h her er li lie, e, b bu but ut I h have ave an an anger ger th that at sstill till simm simmers ers ov over veer iitt fr from om tim timee tto o tim time. e. In a ffamily amily w a wallowed a owed in a sea o all off d denial, enial, I su suppose ppose th this is w was as bu butt an another other bu bucket cket o off water. waterr. “I didn’t d didn’t want want tto o rruin uin yyour our tr trip,” ip,” m myy m mother other w would ould llater ater eexplain. xplain. “I didn didn’t’t w want a t yyou an o ou tto o worry.” worry.” . In th thee weeks wee e ks after after I rreturned, eturned, I llearned earned bi bits ts an and d pi pieces eces abou aboutt w what hat h had ad h happened. appen ned. It seems th that at m myy aun auntt F Francesca rancesca h had ad an another other secr secret. et. M Myy aun auntt h had ad d di died ed d fr ffrom om com complications plica attion o sd due ue tto ob breast reast can cancer. cerr. Ap Apparently parently sshe he h had ad suspec suspected ted sshe he h had ad iitt ffor or qu o quite uite som somee tim time, e, per perhaps haps as llong ong as se several ver e al yyears, ears, bu butt sshe he h had ad n not ot told a anyone, nyonee, iincluding ncluding he herr do doctor. ctor. A ffew ew m months onths after after I h had ad lleft eft ffor o or Europe, Europe,



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she co she collapsed llapsed on onee eevening ven ning a att w work, ork, sshortly hortly aft er w h hich h er con dition w as after which her condition was fin ally discov veered. finally discovered. T he can cer h ad sp rea ad so th oroughly The cancer had spread thoroughly thr ougghou ut h er bod dy, th at th erre w as a li ttle throughout her body, that there was little h ope ffor or o rrecovery. eecovver e y. Dur rin ng an exploratory explorrator ory hope During sur geery, her her h eart ggave ave ou o ut.t I im agined surgery, heart out. imagined th occtor cu uttting h er o p an pen d fin ding thee d doctor cutting her open and finding both the the ffaces aces a of of m y Un ncle P ete an d of of my Uncle Pete and m andfath t er on h er tum ttumor. orr. myy gr grandfather her Sh was 75 yyears ears o ld. d Shee was old. La aterr, I llearned earned fr om mm ter th at Later, from myy sis sister that m tcard fr om R o om me w as a er myy pos postcard from Rome was att h her bed side w hen sshe he di ed d. bedside when died.


ver the ver the past past three thrree decades decades I have h ave discovered discovered e a few few more more bits bi ts and and pieces piecess about about my my Aunt Aunt F rancesca, and and a little little more more about about my my Francesca, Un cle P ete as well. well. Uncle Pete The T he first first story story came came from from one one o her daughters. daughters. When When e she she and and off her h er sister sister had had gone gone through thrrough their their her m other’s belongings, belongings, they t ey had th had found fo ound mother’s th eir father’s fath t er’s wallet, wallet, neatly nea e tly saved, sa aved, their un touched for for o 50 years, yeears, along along with with untouched se veral family fa amily documents. documen e ts. several As for fo or Uncle Uncle P ete, it it turn tturned ed ou ut that that Pete, out h hadn’t died died in the the 1940s. 19 940s. hee hadn’t Sh ortly after after returning returniing to to Santa Santa Shortly Cr uz, I had had lunch lunch with with h an old old family fa amily Cruz, fr iend. She She was was getting getting up up in years yeears at at friend. th time, and and said she she had had a story story she she thee time, w anted to to tell. tell. She She was wass a little little worried wo orried wanted abou ut it, it, but but no, no, she she said, saiid, she she was was about ggoing oing to to tell tell me me anyway. anyway.

M y Uncle Uncle Pete, Pete, she she said, had had My rrecently ecently died diied in San Jose, Jose, where where h had been beeen living living for fo or decades. decades. hee had M oreovveerr, she she claimed, claimed, my my Aunt Aunt Moreover, F rancesca had had visited visited him there there Francesca bef fo ore he he died. d ed. di before A lig ht fl lickered in side m ead. light flickered inside myy h head. P erhaps th hree or ffour o our times times I had had Perhaps three dr ivven e m rancesca to to the the train train driven myy Aun Auntt F Francesca sstation tattion in San S Jose, Jose, w here, I be lieveed, where, believed, sshe he ttook ook the th he commuter commu uter rrun un tto o Palo Palo Al to or San nF rancisco ffor or o sshopping hopping Alto Francisco an d visi tin ng with with friends. friends. and visiting T hen I rremembered e embered on em on Then onee occasi occasion dr iving ov ver e Hig hway 17 wi th h err, when when driving over Highway with her, sshe he b rought u p th ecct of of m cle brought up thee subj subject myy Un Uncle P ete. “O h, h a as a h andsome m an,” Pete. “Oh, hee w was handsome man,” sshe he said. “A And vvery er e y ttalented. alen nted. I wis h yyou ou o “And wish coul dh ave m et him.” could have met Sh d it it happily, happily, wi thou ut an y Shee said without any tr ace o t erness. tt trace off bi bitterness. T o this d ay I think abou ut th at o ften: To day about that often: N ot th ligghtest tr ace o tterness. Not thee sslightest trace off bi bitterness. It w as th he onl he eever veer was the onlyy tim timee sshe m entioned d him tto om e. mentioned me. I left left her herr off off a ain station. station. She She att th thee tr train seem ed eexcited, xci c ted, llost ost in th ought. Sh seemed thought. Shee w aveed ggood-bye, ood-bye, th en turn ed, an d waved then turned, and disa ppeared e in to th epot. disappeared into thee d depot. W ith h er, sshe he carr ied all o er With her, carried off h her secr ets—a lif feetime o em—a b ag secrets—a lifetime off th them—a bag w eighted an a d full, th ough I did n ot weighted and though not kn ow th en nh ow h ea avy iitt w as. know then how heavy was. N ow h err secr ets ar ets. Now her secrets aree our secr secrets. Y ours an o d min e. Yours and mine. P lease d on’t ttell ell an yo one eelse. lse. Please don’t anyone

Upcoming ‘Santa Cruz Is In the Heart’ Events October 20 (Sunday). “Slow Adventures Are in the Heart—A Self-Guided Walk Along the San Lorenzo River.” The San Lorenzo River winds through the heart of Santa Cruz, literally shaping its culture and history. But what do you really know about it? Margaret Leonard, the founder of Slow Adventures, encourages people to embrace the delights of a self-guided adventure. Local luminaries will be planted among the walkers with expertise in local history, birds, and wildflowers. 10 a.m. to noon. Free. Meet at MAH. 705 Front St. October 21 (Monday). Book Signing and Reading. Bookshop Santa Cruz will host a book signing and special reading from Geoffrey Dunn’s Santa Cruz Is In the Heart: Volume II on Monday, October 21, 7:00 p.m. Free. 1520 Pacific Ave.

AE E!!


Unchain Unch hain My M Artt

Karl Kar rl Den Denson so on b brings rings Ray Ra ay Charles Ch harrles tribute tribu ute to to Moe’s Moe’s BY SEAN MCC MCCOURT COURT


hroug hrough h gh n nearly early 30 3 yyears eears o off playing p layin y g across across a wide wide swath swatth o off musical musi cal ggenres enres wi with th a h host ost o off bands and musicians, b ands an d musi cians, saxophonist sa ax xophonist Karl Karrl Denson has earned well-deserved Den son h as earn ed a w ell-deserrved e performer. rreputation epu utattion as an iiconic conic per p rfo ormerr. He’s played H e’s p layeed alongside alongside the the likes likes off Lenn Lenny Kravitz, thee Blin Blind Boys off o ny Kr avvitz, th nd Bo ys o Alabama and and has Al abama an d Dave Da ave Holland, Hollan a d, an dh as dance floors with own eelectrified lectrified d ance fl oors wi w th his o w wn groups thee Gr Greyboy Allstars and Tiny gr oups th eyyb boy All stars an d Tin ny Universe. Univ verse e . Tuesday, Oct. Denson On T uesday, Oc ctt. 22, Den D son brings brings Spectacular: Ray his “Soul Spec tacular: A Ra ay Charles Charles Boogaloo Dance Party” Moe’s Alley, Boog aloo Dan ce P arty” tto oM oe’s All eyy, part off a ttour that was born out off a p arrt o our th at w as bo orn ou ut o with after thee ttwo rrandom andom gig wi th a friend, frriend, aft er th wo they had mutual thee ffound ound th o ey h ad a mu uttual a llove ovve ffor o or th piano player and singer. llegendary egendary pian op layeer an a d sin gerr.

“Ray “R “Ra ay Charles Char a les h has as al always lways been b m avo orite m ale vvoice, oi o ce, an d iitt jus myy ffavorite male and justt h appened th hat a year year e ag o or so Zac h happened that ago Zach Depu uttyy, w ho’s a ggood ood fr iend, cam o Deputy, who’s friend, camee tto San Di eg go an a d I sa at in wi th him. H Diego and sat with Hee sstarted tarted ou ut his h show show wi th a whole whole Ra ay out with Ray Ch arles thing, thin ng, and and I w as lik e, ‘I didn n’t Charles was like, didn’t kn ow yyou o ou could co ould sing sing like like Ray Ra ay Charles!’” Charrles!’” know sa ays Denson. Denson n. says “H e’s fr om m Geor gia, lik ay Ch arles, “He’s from Georgia, likee Ra Ray Charles, so h as an n af fffinity ffor or him, ttoo. o oo. W ee’vve hee h has affinity We’ve been ttalking alking about abou ut d oing som ething doing something lik o or a w h hile, an dw ed iitt likee this ffor while, and wee pull pulled ttogether ogether a t e llast ast JJazz azz F est [in N ew att th the Fest New Or leans], and an nd it it was was rreally eallly in sane— Orleans], insane— wi th Zac hp layying gui tar an d si tting in with Zach playing guitar and sitting wi th Tin U veerse, iitt b rought iitt tto oa with Tinyy Univ Universe, brought w hole oth err llevel, evel, iitt w as rreally eally a b last, so whole other was blast, w ecided tto o continue con nttinue iit.” t.” wee d decided

F or those those who who have have seen the the sshow how For eo o t), iit’s t’s un canny h ow (or vid video off iit), uncanny how Depu utty can a es soun d an d ffeel eeel Deputy att tim times sound and lik Charles, bu ut as Denson Denson poin nts ou t, likee Charles, but points out, h e’s not not sim ply tr ying tto o co py hi im. he’s simply trying copy him. “H e’s n ot mimi cking, an d fr om m “He’s not mimicking, and from per fo ormance tto o per fo ormance h performance performance hee d oesn’t do do iitt eexactly xactly th e, iit’s t’’s doesn’t thee sam same, rreally eally p retty am azing.” pretty amazing.” Den son llooks ooks a ese speciall Denson att th these sshows hows as a way way to to not not only only pay pay tr ibu ute tto o an ar tist th at infl uenceed tribute artist that influenced an d in spired him, bu so as a w ay and inspired butt al also way tto ok eep thin gs fr esh an d fun as a keep things fresh and musi cian w ho is con stantly out ou ut on the the musician who constantly rroad oad per fo orming nig ht aft er nig ght. performing night after night. “W We ttour our so mu ch th at iit’s t’s ni ce “We much that nice tto o jus hange iitt u p eevery very on ce in na justt cchange up once w hile, ffor h or ourse o lves an d ffor o or th ans, a while, ourselves and thee ffans,

Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe e

Tue, Oct Tue, October ober 22, 9pm, $22/$25 Moe’ss Alle Moe’ Alley, y, Santa Santta Cruz

O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3

SAX AGAINST TH THE HE WALL K Karl arl Denson blows on a n some off the gr g greatest eatest soul son songs ngs g the brings of all time as part of th he ‘Ray Charles Boogaloo’ he br rings to Moe’s on Tuesday.

it’s in-between it’s kind kind of of an in -bettween rrecords ecords trick. It’ss a ggood thing do when trick. It’ ood thin ng tto od ow hen you’re promoting you’re not not p romotin ng a rrecord, ecord, yyou’re ou’re just out out there there and and trying tryin y g to to play play just good music, music, and and it’s it’s fun to to just just do do good something o ff th all.” something off thee w wall.” Zach Deputy Deputy and and The The Cosmic Cosmic Zach Horns will be jjoining oinin ng Denson Denson on stage Horns onstage here in San ta Cruz Cruz for fo or a con cert th at here Santa concert that promises to to feature feeature about about half half Ray Ra ay promises Charles musi c—ffavor o ites su ch as Charles music—favorites such “Unchain M eart”” an d “Bus ted”— “Unchain Myy H Heart” and “Busted”— with th er half half showcasing showcasing Tin y with thee oth other Tiny Univveerse’s material. material. Universe’s While he he enjoys en njoys ti ipping his cap cap to to While tipping the past—he’s past—he’s al so p aid h omage tto o th the also paid homage thee Rolling Stones Stones and and the t e Beastie th Beastie Boys Boys Rolling revious tours—Denson tours—D Denson also also takes takes on p previous inspirati t on fr om hiss con temporaries inspiration from contemporaries and up up and and coming coming artists artists that that are are and making w avees in th orld making waves thee musi musicc w world toda ay. today. “My big crush crush rright ight n ow is “My now Corinne Bail ey Rae; I w ould llove ove tto o Corinne Bailey would do something something wi th h er one one of of these these do with her days, I jus lovve her her musi m c an dh er days, justt love music and her vibe. An d I’v ve been ttrying rying tto ow ork vibe. And I’ve work with Warren Warren Haynes Hayn y es for for o years years on a with record—he’s just just so fr eaking busy record—he’s freaking ever e get get our sschedules chedules to to I can n never match w hen we’re we’re rrecording. ecording. We We play play match when together all th ve, bu et tto o together thee tim timee liv live, butt I’v I’vee yyet get him on one one of of my my records.” records.” get Tiny Universe Universe recently reccently completed completed Tiny recording their their n extt album, w hich recording next which due out ou ut this coming comin ng January January on is due Stoopid R ecords—th he llabel abel o wned b Stoopid Records—the owned byy jam band band Slightly Slightly Stoopid, Sttoopid, o hich jam off w which Denson is also also now now a member. memberr. Denson After almost almost three threee d ecades in After decades the business, business, Den so on still still ggets ets the Denson excited abou ew p rojects an dn ew excited aboutt n new projects and new collaborattions. collaborations. “We have have a n ew d rummer w ho’s “We new drummer who’s awesome—so w have a lot lot of of new new awesome—so wee have ideas and and some some new new life liffe going going on ideas rig i ht now.” now..”” right

O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3


AE E!! MEOW MIX MIXED XED FEELINGS Cake lead sin singer nger John McCr McCrea ea (center) is ffed eed up with the music business, and unsur unsuree of future his band’s fu uture after they end their tour at a the Civic Friday.

One On ne Lastt Piece Piece? i e?

Cake’s Cak e’s llead ead sin singer ger mig might ght rretire, etire, but bu ut n not o fr ot from om cynicism cynicism m BY JACO JACOB OB PIERCE


ltern lternative nattivve rrockers ockers Cake Cake will play p lay their their last last show show eever ver e n extt w eek in San ta Cr uz. next week Santa Cruz. Okay, accurate, Okay, maybe. Oka mayb b . To be To be b more morre accur rate, lead lead singer singer John John h McCrea McCrreea simply simply doesn’t doesn’t know know when when orr if he’ll he’ll ever eveer play play again again after after this tour tour wraps wr wraps p up up at at the the Santa San nta Cruz Cruz Civic Civic Auditorium Audi d torium Friday Friday Oct. Occtt. 25. If retirement retirement is looking loo o king better better than than ever, ever er, it’s it’s because McCrea flying, being away McCrea e hates hatees fl lyying, bein ga way from from his home home in Sacramento, Sacramen nto, selling selling T-shirts T-shirts and and living livving in transit. trra ansit. “I think about abo ou ut it it all the the time. time. I don’t don’t like McCrea like to to travel travel very ver e y much,” mu uch,” M cCrea ttells ells Santa Cruz Weekly. Weeekly. “It’s We “It’s a huge hugge honor honor to to be able able to to play play music, music, but bu ut I’ve I’vve been traveling traveling for for o most most of of the the past passt 20 years, yeears, so after after a while, wh hile, I feel fee e l like like a pirate pirate or a traveling traveling car salesman.” sa alesman.” McCrea McCrreea doesn’t doeesn’t know know when—or when—or if—he’ll iff— —he’ll record recorrd another another album, either. eitherr. Exhausted Exhaussted from from m touring, tourring, McCrea McCrrea e sounds sounds

defl deflated. e ated. Bet Between tween e 2002 an and d 2011, h hee sa ssays ays working about w o orking musicians musicians declined declined abou ut 45 4 percent (although with thee ggovernment pe errccen nt (al thouggh wi th th o ovvernm e men nt wee w weren’t that sshutdown, hutdow wn, w eeren’t able ab ble tto o ccheck heck th hat number—thanks, Congress!). McCrea’s n u umber—th anks, Con gress!). M cCrea’ e s future security weighs heavily fu utture financial financial secur rity w eeighs h ea avil v y mind—almost much thee on n his min d—almost as mu uch as th off musi musicc as a w whole, and hee isn isn’t sstate tate o hole, an dh n’t interested discussing much in nterreested in discussin g mu ch eelse. lse. McCrea band with M cCrea sstarted tarrted a b and wi th his friends, including trumpet player fr riends, in cluding tr umpet p layer e Vince DiFiore, They named the V i ce DiF in iore, in 1991. T hey n amed th he group Cake, not after thee ffoodstuff, but gr ro ou up Cak e, n ot aft er th ood o stufff, bu ut instead after gummy things that in nsteead aft er gumm my thin gs th at sstick tick people’s and then won’t come tto o peo ple’s sshoes hoes an d th en w o on’t com me off. established themselves five o ff. They They es stablished th emselves e fiv ve their second yyears e later ears later with with th eir secon d album Fashion Nugget,t,, w which F a ashion Nugget hich iincluded ncluded ““The Th he Distance,” onee o off th their biggest all-time Di istance,” on eir bigg est all -tim me hits. Known tunes likee “N “Never There” hi its. Kn own w ffor o or tun es lik eveer T her e e” and “Sheep Heaven,” Cakee h has an nd “Sh eep Go tto oH ea aven,” e Cak as a sound somewhere between Camper so ound som ewhere bet tweeen Cam perr

Van Beethoven and thee B Beastie Boys, V an Beeth a ovven e an d th Beas tie Bo ys, and intriguing trademarks—fun an d in nttriguing tr ra ademar arks—fun McCrea’s baritone and llyrics, yr y ics, M cCrea’s b aritone vvoice oi o ce an d his vibraslap, the percussive piece wood vib ibraslap, th he per rccussiv ive pi iece of of w ood o d and metal that more likee a kid’ kid’ss an dm etal th at rrattles attl t es m ore lik than musical instrument. ttoy oy th an a musi cal in strumen ntt. Cake becamee a symb symbol thee Cak ke becam bol ffor or th o freefalling musicc in industry when fr eeffallin a g musi dustr t y in 2011 w hen their Showroom th eir album Showr ro oom m ffor o or Compassion debuted att n number onee on th thee Billboar Billboard d ebu uted a umber on rd with copies firstt ccharts harrts t wi th 44,000 co pies e in iits ts firs week—roughly thee sam samee n number off w ee e k—rro oug gh hlly th umber o seats major baseball sea ats t as a m ajor lleague eague b aseball ggame. ame. It a was thee llowest sales figure numberw as a th oweesst sal es figu urre ffor o or a n umberonee album in 20 yyears. McCrea callss iitt on ears. e M cCrea call was a ““salutary salutary eexperience,” xperrience,” because iitt w a as thee sam samee sal sales debut their previous th es d ebu ut as th eir p revi v ous seven earlier album, se even e yyears eears ear rli lier in a rrosier osier economic econ omic cclimate. limate. “That’s perfect Cake. We’re not “T hatt’s per rfeecct ffor or Cak o ke. W e’r e en ot supposed number one,” McCrea su pposed tto o be n umberr on e,” M cCrrea e says. “It’ss n not part off our cul culture.” sa ays. “It’ ot p art o ltur t re.”

It’ perrfeecct ttoo oo because M cCrea It’ss perfect McCrea h as becom me an in creasingly cyni cal has become increasingly cynical spo kespersson ffor o or fr ussttrrated ar rttists spokesperson frustrated artists ggetting etting scr rewed e —w whether b ech screwed—whether byy ttech corpor rattion ns poc keeting big profits, profits, or corporations pocketing b eir o w wn rrecord eecord llabels. abels. H an antts byy th their own Hee w wants musi cians tto o fform orm a uni o on tto op rotecct musicians union protect th emselveess. “Music “Music is bein gm onetized themselves. being monetized b ew se et o attions,” M cCrreea byy a n new set off corpor corporations,” McCrea sa ays wi th a sig gh h. “I hate hate the the musi says with sigh. musicc industry ass mu ch as anybody, an nybod b dy, an dI industry much and enjoyy watching watch hing gp eople w h ho che ated enjoy people who cheated along the the w ay suffer.” sufffeerr.” . along way From th ubble o anking rrecord a eecord From thee rrubble off ttanking companiess, M cCrea sa ays ttech ech in dusstr ty companies, McCrea says industry moguls and and b logggers e h ave cr raft a ed a moguls bloggers have crafted con nveni e en nt m ytth th at musi cians n ever e convenient myth that musicians never “made any an ny m oney from from rrecording ecorrd ding “made money an nyway”—o y onlly o ff T-s hirts an d ti cket anyway”—only off T-shirts and ticket sales. An dm ean nwh hile, if som eone d oes sales. And meanwhile, someone does Google search sea arrch for fo or “Free “Free Cake,” Cake,” they’ll they’ll a Google dirreeccted d tto ow ays tto o lis ten McCrea’s McCrea’s be directed ways listen music ill eggall a ly (or per rhap ps tto o som music illegally perhaps somee gluten-fr free b aking rrecipes). ecipes). pes) An do gluten-free baking And off og gle m akes ad dver ertisin t gm oney course Goo Google makes advertising money off eac h sea arrch. “There’s “Therree’s been a h ugge off each search. huge trran a sfeerence c o eealltth fr om peo ple w ho transference off w wealth from people who make sstuff tufff tto o peo ple w ho dis tribu ute make people who distribute stufff,,” McCrea McCrrea sa ays. s stuff,” says. Tw wo yyears eearrs ag o, M cCrea sstood tood Two ago, McCrea behind th em myy’s ggates ates w hen Cak behind thee en enemy’s when Cakee played e a sshow how a Google headquarters. headquarters. played att Google Ev veerywhere th and llooked ooked th ey sa aw Everywhere thee b band they saw fr ee rrestaurants, estaurran ntts, fr ee ca appuccinos, free free cappuccinos, peo ple b rin nging th eir d ogs in nto w or ork, k people bringing their dogs into work, aH olllywoo ood m ak keeu up cr ew tto om ake Hollywood makeup crew make em ployees e llook ook lik ke z ombies an d peo ple employees like zombies and people w ho told told th hem iitt w as lik e this eevery ver ey who them was like w eeek. “I n eveer ffelt elt so mu ch lik as week. never much likee I w was visi ting An c ent R ci ome a o eigght o visiting Ancient Rome att th thee h height off th eir gglory lorry a an d po ower er,” , M cCrea sa ays. their and power,” McCrea says. “I w o ould be fin th fr ee musi would finee wi with free musicc as llong ong as n o on o as a ggetting etting p aid,” h no onee w was paid,” hee ad ds, “bu ut as a soon as th ere’s a Le evvi’s ad adds, “but there’s Levi’s an dm an nd is ggetting etting p aid n othing, iit’s t’s and myy b band paid nothing, ffundamentally fun damen nta all llly dif d ffeerent.”” different.”

Cake Santa Cruz C Civic Auditorium Auditorium Fri, Oct. Octt. 25


List your local event in the calendar! Email it to, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Stage DANCE Bellydance Showcase

THEATER Mountain Community Theater An Adult Evening of Shel Silverstein: Ten short sketch taking on everything from the current economic state to social dysfunction. www. Fri, Oct 18, 8pm and Sat, Oct 19, 8pm. $17-$20. Broadway Playhouse, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 831.429.2339.


Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Museum of Art & History. Journey Forth: An exhibition that explores our complex relationships with nature in the digital age, juxtaposing the natural and artificial. Gallery Hours: Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; Fri 11am-9pm. Thru Dec. 1. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

The Cosmo Factory Cosmo Factory. Kelly Fuenning: Abstract painting and collage. Hours: Wed-Sat, 10am-4pm. Thru October. Free. 131-B Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.621.6161.

Various Santa Cruz County Bank Locations Bank Arts Collaborative. Down on the Farm: Seven local artists whose work represents the beauty of simple life on the farm. Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-6pm. Thru Jan. 3. Free. n/a, Santa Cruz.

MUSEUMS CONTINUING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Spotlight Tours. Bringing the artists’ voices directly to visitors. Go behind the scenes and museum-wide exhibitions. Third Sat of every month, 11:30am-12:30pm. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

GALLERIES OPENING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Dia de los Muerto Ofrenda. An altar in the MAH atrium where community members can place photographs or special objects to remember loved ones who have passed away. Oct. 22-Nov. 3. Free. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

CONTINUING Cabrillo College Gallery Cabrillo Gallery. 12 x 12 (x12): An open invitational statewide exhibition featuring ceramics, photography, mixed media and more. Gallery hours: Mon-Fr, 9am-4pm. Thru Nov. 11. 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.479.6308.

Santa Cruz Central Branch Library Libraries Inside Out. HOME: A large-scale woodblock printmaking exhibition by

Events LITERARY EVENTS Author Event: John Bargetto The author of Vintage Bargetto shares his personal account of the Bargetto winemaking family of Soquel. Tue, Oct 22, 7pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

Author Event: Lodro Rinzler The best-selling author of Buddha Walks into a Bar will read from and discuss his new advice book, Walk Like a Buddha. Thu, Oct 17, 7:45pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

Book Discussion Group A discussion of a new book each month, with copies available at the branch circulation desk. Email harbisons@santacruzpl. org for more information. Third Thu of every month, 1pm. Free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7700x7616.

Poet/Speak Reading Live reading with featured poet Stanley Winder. Sun, Oct 20, 2pm. Free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.464.8983.

Storytime Former Shakespeare Santa

Cruz actress Billie Harris and Book Cafe manager Jill Rose perform animated readings of children’s stories. Mon, 11am. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

NOTICES Beat Sanctuary A dance class for exploring authentic movement as connection, exercise, prayer and spiritual practice. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. A weekly class for exploring exercise and spirituality through dance. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. Santa Cruz Yoga, 402 Ingalls Street, Santa Cruz, 585.278.0080.

Computer Class Led by Computer Dave, this beginner-friendly class lets group participants pick the topics themselves. Third Wed of every month, 4-5:30pm. free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7717.

Low Cost Health Screenings Affordable screenings for cholesterol, diabetes, allergies and more by Heart Watch. Fri, Oct 18, 9am-12pm. Prices vary. New Leaf Market Westside, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz, 800.549.0431.

Narcotics Anonymous 12-Step support for families affected by drug addiction. Sundays 6:30-8pm at 2900 Chanticler Ave., Santa Cruz; Tuesdays 7-8:30pm at 7200 Freedom Blvd., Aptos; Fridays 6:30-7:45pm at 3190 Glen Canyon Rd., Scotts Valley. Email saveyoursanity@aol. com for more information. Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz.

Non-GMO Shopping Information about shopping for GMO-free food including a store tour. Sun, Oct 20, 10:30-11:30am. Free. New Leaf Market Westside, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.426.1306x0.

Depression Support Group

Postpartum Health Circle

Peer-to-peer group for women with depression, anxiety and/or bipolar disorder. Email dyane@ for information. Third Sat of every month, 3-5pm. Boulder Creek United Methodist Church, Boulder and Mountain streets, Boulder Creek.

A weekly community circle offering support and information about postpartum changes for mothers. Wed, 1:30-2:30pm. $5-$10 donation. Luma Yoga & Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 831.325.2620.

Dog Hikes Santa Cruz International Dog Owner’s Community hosts a weekly one-hour, easy hike along the beach for dog lovers and their pets. www.newdogsintown. com Mon, 8:45-9:45am. Free. Aptos Beach staircase, 1049 Via Palo Alto, Aptos.

Greenwood Arts Camp Song, circle dance and drawing. Call for directions to the outdoor, ocean view location. Sun, Oct 20, 2-4pm. $10. Private home, N/A, Santa Cruz, 831.662.0186.

Insight Santa Cruz Meditation sits, talks and discussions every day of the week. Learn the formal practice of meditation and engage with a community dedicated to reducing suffering by cultivating compassion. Visit www. for specific times and more information. Ongoing. Insight Santa Cruz, 1010 Fair Avenue, Suite C, Santa Cruz, 831.425.3431.

Loss of Spouse Support An 8-week support group for seniors who have lost a partner or spouse. Thru Dec. 6. Fri, Oct 18, 10-11:30am. Aegis, 125 Heather Terrace, Aptos, 831.430.3058.

Senior Gay Men’s Social A social gathering for gay men aged 60 and over. For directions or more information, contact the Diversity Center by phone. Sat, Oct 19, 2-4:30pm. Private home, N/A, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422x108.

Serenity First— Pagans in Recovery A 12-step meeting with a Pagan flair where guests are free to discuss their naturebased, goddess-centered spiritual paths. Sun, 7pm. The Sacred Grove, 701 Front St., Santa Cruz, 831.428.3024.

Support and Recovery Groups Alzheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Assn., 831.464.9982. Cancer: Katz Cancer Resource Center, 831.351.7770; WomenCARE, 831.457.2273. Candida: 831.471.0737. Chronic Pain: American Chronic Pain Association, 831.423.1385. Grief and Loss: Hospice, 831.430.3000. Lupus: Jeanette Miller, 831.566.0962. Men Overcoming Abusive Behavior: 831.464.3855. SMART Recovery: 831.462.5470. Trans Latina women: Mariposas, 831.425.5422. Trichotillomania: 831.457.1004. 12-Step Programs: 831.454.HELP (4357).

Teenage Homeopathy A lecture by author and

FRIDAY, 10/18 & SATURDAY, 10/19

GLOW: A Festival of Fire & Light Last year at the first annual GLOW fire dance/LED sculpture/best thing ever festival at the MAH, no one got hurt. So this year they’ve upped the ante and are sending a flaming dragon sculpture down Cooper Street on Friday, proclaiming their reign to anyone who may be unaware. But unlike a typical parade, no beauty queens will be riding on this dragon (because they would get burned to death). No, this dragon is the beauty queen. Treat her accordingly. Friday, Oct. 18 and Saturday, Oct. 19 from 7-10pm, plus workshops Saturday from noon-4pm at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $10 for the festival, $40 plus material costs for the workshops. homeopath Shelley Keneipp about homeopathic remedies for the teen years, such as menstrual cramping and stress. Preregistration required. Sat, Oct 19, 2-3:30pm. Free. New Leaf Market Westside, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.426.1306x0.

Yoga Instruction Pacific Cultural Center: 35+ classes per week, 831.462.8893. SC Yoga: 45 classes per week, 831.227.2156. TriYoga: numerous weekly classes, 831.464.8100. Yoga Within at Aptos Station, 831.687.0818; Om Room School of Yoga, 831.429.9355; Pacific Climbing Gym, 831.454.9254; Aptos Yoga Center, 831.688.1019; Twin Lotus Center, 831.239.3900. Hatha Yoga with Debra Whizin, 831.588.8527.

Zen, Vipassana, Basic: Intro to Meditation Zen: SC Zen Center, Wed, 5:45pm, 831.457.0206. Vipassana: Vipassana SC, Wed 6:30-8pm, 831.425.3431. Basic: Land of the Medicine Buddha, Wed, 5:30-6:30pm, 831.462.8383. Zen: Ocean Gate Zendo, first Tue each month 6:30-7pm. All are free.

AROUND TOWN Comedy Showcase A new comedy showcase hosted by DNA featuring a different Bay Area headliner each week. Tue, 8:30pm. Free. Blue Lagoon, 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz,


Egyptian Human Rights Dinner Egyptian activist Gihan Abou Zeid will give a presentation on women’s right sin the Arab world. Dinner preceding program at 6pm. Sun, Oct 20, 7pm. $7-25 for program; $35-100 for dinner and program. First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz, 900 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.423.1626.

construction of a new Performing Arts Center in Scotts Valley with a four course dinner, entertainment, and costume contest. Tickets at Sat, Oct 19, 6-10pm. $75. Scotts Valley Community Center, 361 Kings Rd, Scotts Valley.

GLOW Fire Festival Fire dancing, Burning Man sculptures, aerial performances and music illuminating the museum, Cooper St. and Abboot Square. Fri, Oct 18, 7-10pm and Sat, Oct 19, 7-10pm. $10 general. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Jiu Jitsu Tournament Martial arts competition featuring all belt ranks and divisions. Longest running tournament on the West Coast. Sat, Oct 19, 9am-6pm and Sun, Oct 20, 9am-6pm. Kaiser Permanente Arena, 140 Front St., Santa Cruz.

Masquerade Mystery Dinner Theatre A fundraiser for

Science Sunday with Michael Sutton, Vice President of the Pacific Flyway for a talk, “Sharks in Danger: Impacts of the Global Shark Fin Trade.” Sun, Oct 20, 1pm. Free with admission. Seymour Discovery Center, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3800.

San Francisco’s City Guide

Event Santa Cruz A monthly speaker series showcasing thriving Santa Cruz businesses and the people behind them. www. Wed, Oct 16, 7pm. $10. Nickelodeon Theatre, 210 Lincoln St, Santa Cruz, 831.426.7500.

Seymour Center

Robert Glasper Experiment Forward-thinking pianist teams with stars of rap and R&B on newest, ‘Black Radio II.’ Oct 18 at SFJAZZ Center.

Treasure Island Music Festival Atoms for Peace, Beck, Animal Collective, Haim, Danny Brown and many, many others . Oct 19-20 at Treasure Island.

Passion Pit After their frontman went public with mental illness, band’s pop carries dark shadows. Oct 21 at the Fox Theater.

Okkervil River Will Sheff is indie rock’s literary troubadour, penning clever lines with a limber twang. Oct 22 at the Fillmore.

Kanye West He who needs no introduction tours behind ‘Yeezus,’ his most fearless, experimental album yet. Oct 23 at Oracle Arena. More San Francisco events at

O C TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3

Different belly dancers each week on the garden stage. Presented by Helene. www. Sat, 1:30pm. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.429.6994.

Bridget Henry. Aug. 2 through the winter months. Free, 831.427.7700. 224 Church St, Santa Cruz.

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I LOVE MY DRUM BUDDY Quintron comes to the Crepe Place.

T H U R S D AY 1 0 / 1 7

F R I D AY 1 0 / 1 8

F R I D AY 1 0 / 1 8

S A T U R D AY 1 0 / 1 9





When he fused New Orleans garage R&B with techno, Quintron not only created a name for himself, but also a new genre he’s calling “Swamp-Tech.” Quintron—accompanied by singing, tambourine-shaking sidekick Miss Pussycat—creates a sound that is at once melodic, dance-y and raw as he plays his Hammond B3 organ and a slew of electronic instruments. His patented “Drum Buddy” machine has been used by Fred Armisen, Laurie Anderson and Nels Cline of Wilco. Crepe Place; $10; 9pm. (Jacob Pierce)

Best known as one third of the jazz-meetsjamband outfit Medeski, Martin and Wood, keyboardist John Medeski has come full circle on his latest project. A lifelong pianist, Medeski stepped away from the organ and returned to his musical beginnings: solo piano. A big sidestep from the funky, experimental leanings of MMW, Medeski’s piano work reveals a complex and delicate side of the artist. Even for a guy known for being unpredictable, the vulnerability he’s playing with comes as a nice, unexpected surprise. Kuumbwa; $20 adv/$23 door; 7:30pm. (Cat Johnson)

This hip-hop duo came up in the Bay Area in the late '90s, firmly in the mold of earlier alt-hop acts like A Tribe Called Quest. Clearly rapper Zumbi got his ears cleaned out by Q-Tip back in the day, because he carries on the message of positivism, while his partner AmpLive is a genre-bending DJ who did the famous "Rainydayz Remixes" of Radiohead. Catalyst; $14/$19; 9pm. (Steve Palopoli)

Led by passionate singer/songwriter Bert McCracken, The Used switch between gentle verses and screamo verses in many songs. But the band, which is currently touring on its fifth studio album, prefers to be called simply a “rock band.” Fair enough. With an arsenal of punk, pop and even ska rhythms, these guys keep their songs of heartbreak and frustration fresh and interesting. Though no longer victims of poverty or capitalism, The Used still live up to the name as four rather angry but very creative punks. Catalyst; $25 adv/$27.50 door; 8pm (JP)


S A T U R D AY 1 0 / 1 9 Celebrating Creativity Since 1975



Not to be confused with the fabulous friend on Will & Grace (I bet he hates that by now), Sean Hayes is the songwriter you kind of wish was singing for you. He's simple and melodic, with that soulful something that you’d want to hear while laying on the grass and feeling the wind on your face. You might have heard his “Powerful Stuff” or “When We Fall In” on the radio round these here parts, but the scruffy-bearded San Franciscan is just as mellow about his success (his music has been featured on Parenthood, Bored to Death and a compilation headed by Natalie Portman for FINCA) as he is about his rootsy lyrics. He’s a little shaggy and a lot of charming; he’s lovely, ‘nuff said. Don Quixote’s; $20adv/$23door; 9pm. (AnneMarie Harrison)

Thursday, October 17 U 7 pm


Sunday, October 20 U 7 pm

Druha Trava

Concerts MOON CADILLAC Oct. 19 at Crepe Place

S U N D AY 1 0 / 2 0

PETER MULVEY Singer-songwriter Peter Mulvey's latest album, The Good Stuff, was recorded in just three days. In music-making land, that's barely a blink. But rather than implying that it was a rush job, the speedy recording session speaks to Mulvey's ability to let go of control and let the music take over. A gifted guitarist whose repertoire ranges from Thelonious Monk to Willie Nelson and Tom Waits, Mulvey kept his band fresh by having them arrange and record songs on the spot to capture the spontaneous beauty and vitality of the musicians' respective talents. "When everything isn’t planned ahead of time," Mulvey said, "it can be magical how each musician finds a way into the song." Don Quixote's; $12 adv/$15 door; 7pm. (CJ)

W E D N E S D AY 1 0 / 2 3

SISTER SPARROW & THE DIRTY BIRDS Take a super-funky horn line, mix it with some driving electric guitar leads, a drummer and bass player who know how to hold the groove down, bluesy harmonica flourishes and a lead vocalist who garners comparisons to Amy Winehouse and Tina Turner, and you have Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds. Hailing from New York, these guys play dancefloor-packing, sweat-the-bluesaway music that rolls rock, blues, funk and soul into one sweet, high-energy concoction. Word is, last time they were in town they tore the roof off of Moe’s Alley. I believe it. Moe’s Alley; $10 adv/$13 door; 8:30pm. (CJ)



Tickets: Monday, October 21 U 7 pm


An amalgam of modern jazz, southern black spirituals and Indian music Thursday, October 24 U 7 pm


Oct. 21 at Don Quixote’s

Sunday, October 27 U 7:30 pm



Oct. 25 at Catalyst


Monday, October 28 U 7 pm | No Comps

PATRICIA BARBER TRIO Thursday, October 31 U 7 pm

CAKE Oct. 25 at Civic Auditorium



Monday, November 4 U 7 pm | No Comps

TALKING YOU OFF THE LEDGE Peter Mulvey says to get down from there and get over to his show at Don Quixote’s.


Thursday, November 7 U 7 & 9 pm | No Comps


Monday, November 11 U 7 pm | No Comps



with Aaron Goldberg, Joe Sanders and Gregory Hutchinson

11/18 Diane Schuur 11/21 Randy Weston & Billy Harper Duo 12/5 Joey DeFrancesco & the Vibe Unless noted advance tickets at and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.

320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

O C TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3





WED 10 10/16 /16

TH THU HU 10 10/17 /17


FRI 10 10/18 /18 8

SAT 10 10/19 0/19


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O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3

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Scarlet Sca arlet Harlot

Los Los Shakas Shakas

Sound Remedy Remedy

Zion I

The Used

1101 11 101 P Pacific acific A Avenue, venue, Santa Cruz


Steve Steve V Vai ai

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Tim Tim Kasher Kasher

Quintron Quiintron

Sensations Sensations

Moon Cadillac

Yuji Yuji Tojo Tojo o

Outt of the Blue

Diego’s Diego’s Umbrella Umbrrella

Stormin’ Stormin’ Norman &

1134 11 134 Soquel Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz

CROW’S C CRO W’S NEST NEST 2 2218 Eas Eastt Cliff Dr Dr,, Santa Cruz

the C Cyclones yclones


Esoteric Esoteric Collective Collective

1D Davenport avenport A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz r uz


Preston Preston Brahm Brahm Trio Trio

Mapanova Mapanova

Steve Steve L Lehman ehman Trio Trio

John Medeskii

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Drag Drag the River River e D-ROC D ROC

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Isoceles Isoceles w with ith G Gary ar y M Montrezza ontrezza

KUUMBWA K UUMBWA JAZZ JAZZ CENTER 3 320-2 Cedar Cedar St, St, Santa Cruz


Jerry Joseph & the

11535 535 C Commercial ommercial W Way, ay, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz

J Jackmormons ackmormons


SpaceBass! SpaceBass!

Libation Liba ation Lab

1209 12 209 Pacific Pacific Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz

Andrew Andrew the Pirate Pirate

with h Curtis Murphy Murphy


Open Mic

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120 12 20 Union St, St, Santa Cruz

Brian Pi’ik Pi’ikea ea

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The Spell

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Filmage Film mage

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5 Seabright A 519 Ave, ve, Santa Cruz

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Den Dennis nnis Dove Dove

3102 3 310 2 Portola Portola Dr Dr.,., Santa Cruz

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Seth Augustus Augustus

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Goth/Industrial Goth/Indus trial


110/21 10 0/21

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DJ DJ Jahi N Neighborhood eighborhood N Night ight

BLUE BLUE LAGOON LAGOON 831.423.7117 831.423.7117

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Dana Scruggs Trio Trio

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Barry Scott Scott & Associates Associates

Steven S teven Gr Graves aves

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T Transcendence ranscend dence

Run Boy Boy Run

831.420.0135 831.420.0135 831.42 831.427.2227 7.2227

T Tiny iny U Universe niverse

Eclectic Eclectic by by

Hip-Hop Hip Hop by by

Primal Pr Productions o oductions


Open Jazz Jazz Jam

Pro Pro Blues Jam

PaciďŹ c P aciďŹ c Rim

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Film F Fest est

Film F Fest est

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Jazzy Evening Evening

831.426.8801 831.426.8801


Karl Karl Denson’s Denson’s

Rasta Ras ta Cruz Reggae Reggae


MOE’S ALLEY 8 831.479.1854 31.479.1854

MOTIV MOTIV 831.4 831.479.5572 79.5572

THE REEF 831.459.9876 831.459.9876


SEABRIGHT BREWERY BREWERY 831.426.2739 831.426.2739

Jay Ja y Kaelian Kaelian


1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Wednesday, October 16 ‹ AGES 21+ Pulse Productions presents


!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M Thursday, October 17 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 21+


plus Ghost Town Hangmen also Murphy’s Wagon and The Sea Wolves $RS ONLY s $RS P M 3HOW P M

Friday, October 18 ‹ AGES 16+

ZION I plus Clyde Carson !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M Friday, October 18 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 21+

LOS SHAKAS plus Fiera Nortena !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW STARTS P M Saturday, October 19 ‹ AGES 16+


plus William Control !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M Saturday, October 19 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 18+


s P M P M

Sunday, October 20 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES16+

CHERUB plus Mansions on the Moon !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW STARTS P M Oct 25 Les Claypool’s Duo De Twang (Ages 21+) Oct 26 Rap Artist Riff Raff (Ages 16+) Oct 27 Earl Sweatshirt (Ages 16+) Oct 28 AFI (A Fire Inside) (Ages 16+) /CT Paul Oakenfold (Ages 18+) Nov 1 The Story So Far (Ages 16+) Nov 2 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Nov 7 Dev/ Drop City Yacht Club (Ages 16+) Nov 8 Macy Gray (Ages 21+) Nov 9 Soja/ Common Kings (Ages 16+) Nov 10 Crizzly/ Figure (Ages 18+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-987-6487 & online

O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3

Karaoke K araoke







THU TH HU 10 10/17 /17

O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3


FRI 10 10/18 /18 8

SAT 10 10/19 0/19

Live Live Music

Karaoke Karaoke

Who Does That Tha at

John Michael

110 0 Monterey Monterey Ave., Ave., Capitola Capitola

with Eve Eve

THE TH HE FOG BANK 211 2 11 Esplanade, Esplanade, Capitola Capitola


David David Paul Paul Campbell

David David v Paul Paul Campbell

George George Christos Christos

Roberto-Howell Roberto-Howell

Broken Broken Shades

Extra Extrra Lounge Lounge

West West Coast Coast Soul So oul

Beat Beat Street Street


In Three Three


Don n McCaslin &

Phoenix Rising g

Kaye Kaye Bohler Band

7500 7 5 500 Old Dominion Ct, Apt Aptos os

The The Amazing A Jazz Gee Geezers zers

Joe Ferrara Ferrara


R Rod od

V Velvet elvet Plum

783 7 8 Rio del Mar Blvd, 83 Blvd, Aptos Aptos

MICHAEL’S M MICHAEL ’S ON MAIN 2591 25 591 Main S St, t, Soquel

PARADISE P A ARADISE BEACH BEACH GRILLE 215 21 15 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola

SANDERLINGS S A ANDERLINGS 1 Seascape S R Resort esort Dr Dr,, Rio del Mar

SHADOWBROOK SH HADOWBROOK 1750 17 750 Wharf Rd, Rd, Capit Capitola ola


Those Guy Guys s

4640 46 640 Soquel Dr Dr, r, Soquel

ZELDA’S Z ELDA’S 203 20 03 Esplanade, Esplanade, Capit Capitola ola

ft. Lara Lara Price Price


Kavanaugh Kavanaugh a Brothers Brothers

6275 62 275 Hwy Hwy 9 9,, F Felton elton

C Celtic eltic Experienc Experience e


DJ DJ Koko Koko Loko Loko

Foreverland Foreverland

Sean Hayes Hayes


Reagle Reagle Beagle

Mariachi Ensemble Ensemble

KDON DJ DJ Showbiz Showbiz

9450 94 450 Hw Hwy y9 9,, Ben L Lomond omond


Hippo Happy Happy Hour

11934 934 Main Main St, St, W Watsonville atsonville


&K KDON DON D DJ JS SolRock olRock

Open Jam

Hwy Hw wy 1, Moss Moss Landing

It’s happening in Santa Cruz County. Find a complete guide to events at

To have your event listed you may post it yourself or email the event name, time and place plus a description of 25-75 words to:

25 Like BUD LIGHT >40


10/20 10 /2 20


110/21 10 0/21


with with Eve Eve

THE FOG BANK 831.462.1881 831.462.1881


Joe Ferrara Ferrara

Ken Ken C Constable onstable Dining Music

MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S ON MAIN 831.479.9777 831.479.9777


SANDERLINGS SANDERLINGS 831.662.7120 831.662.7120

SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 831.688.8987 831.688.8987

SHADOWBROOK SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511 831.475.1511

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Druha T Trava rava


Cz Czech ech bluegrass blue egrass

831.603.2294 831.603.2294

Karaoke Karaoke with Ken Ken

HENFLING’S T TAVERN AV VERN 831.336.9318 831.336.9318


KPIG Happy Happy Hour

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Karaoke Karaoke

CILANTRO’S 831.761.2161 831.761.2161

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O C TO TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3


Dennis Dove Dove

O C TO B E R 1 6 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 3


Film STAYING CONTAINED As the title character in ‘Captain Phillips,’ Tom Hanks must face off with Somali pirates who have hijacked the cargo ship in his charge.

Captain Courageous Tom Hanks discusses his portrayal of a real-life captain who faced hijacking in ‘Captain Phillips’ BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


O NEWS: Tom Hanks is the walking image of America as it wants to see itself, brave, boyish, modest, loyal, sometimes bewildered. Here is the news: in Captain Phillips, just like Jimmy Stewart in his later roles, Hanks gets seriously interesting as an actor. Hanks arrived for our interview dressed head to toe in Johnny Cash black. Black sports coat, black shirt, a pencil-thin leather bracelet studded with small blue gems on one wrist. Captain Phillips is director Paul Greengrass’ account of the real-life hijacking of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama in 2009. For several days, Phillips (Hanks) and his captors bobbed off the coast of Somalia. No one has ever described kidnapping as the thinking-man’s

crime. The desperate kidnappers are led by Muse (pronounced Musay), played by impressive newcomer Barkhad Abdi. The tragedy of Muse’s situation balances Phillips’ ordeal with a sense of grief and waste. Vulgar-auteur fans, beware: there’s less Steven Seagal than Joseph Conrad here. Odd that there haven’t been any movies about the life aboard these cargo ships. “The pressures are relentless,” Hanks said. “Richard Phillips told me, ‘I’ve got to deal with three unions as a captain. There are constant emails and texts from the shipping company: Why are you burning so much fuel? Why aren’t you there yet? And when you get to, say, the port of Mombasa, there’s people who have

to be bribed with everything from ballpoint pens to $1500 in cash.’” Captain Phillips was filmed aboard a sister ship of the Maersk Alabama as it cruised off the coast of Malta. It was an unusually fast shoot. “I got hip to it quick,” Hanks said. “Most movies are done shot by shot, master shots and coverages. Here, we had one scene that was 16 script pages long. Before I saw the movie screened with the subtitles, I didn’t know what the guys playing my captors were saying in Somali. Paul Greengrass uses three cameras that he moves around. The only thing that really had to happen was that the sun always had to always be on the right side of the ship. We’d turn around every ten miles and loop back to make sure. A lot of filmmakers are

really not interested in that truthful element at all. I disagree. When you can find the real life procedures, you can react to them. This is the only stuff I know as an actor. Lawyer, cab driver, alien from Mars: you’ve got to figure out what the procedures in their lives are, and then you react to that.” The scene of Hanks’ Phillips being examined by Navy corpsmen, in a highly credible state of shock, is likely the finest acting he’s ever done on screen. “While we were aboard the Navy ship,” Hanks said, “we learned Phillips had been in the infirmary. We decided to have a look at it, and brought the cameras. The poor people in there didn’t know they were going to be in a movie that day. If the scene had been on the schedule, it might not have ended up as free-form as it did.” Once, Hanks told a reporter he’d done 20 movies and that only five were any good. It’s some 70 movies now. Does he think his acting has improved as he’s aged? “I’ve learned how to manage the distractions. Being older is a help, you become less vain. We did The Green Mile (1999) and we had these prison uniforms. They’re cool and fascistic. We’re trying them on. Frank [Darabont, the director] is worried the hats look silly. I said, ‘Frank, we need the hats. When they first bring in the prisoner, we’ve gotta say, “OK, you’re on Death Row now. You’re on the Green Mile. You know how you can tell that? Because we’re wearing our hats.” Then we’ll take off the hats, and we’ll become regular guys. But when I first saw myself, I realized I look goofy in a hat, and I have to accept that. I think in the old days, I would have said, ‘I’m not wearing that fucking hat. It’s stupid.’ Now I don’t care.” CAPTAIN PHILLIPS Plays Countywide

Film Capsules New


and Saturday at midnight at the Del Mar)

Reviews BATTLE OF THE YEAR (PG-13; 109 min) Josh Holloway and Laz Alonso star in this music pic about how Americans can’t stand not winning stuff, specifically in this case an international battle between dance teams.

BLUE JASMINE (PG-13; 98 min) If Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Louis C.K. and Andrew Dice Clay are in a movie together, you know either the apocalypse is going down, or there’s a new Woody Allen film. His never-ending movie tour of the world’s great cities has finally stopped in San Francisco, to which Blanchett’s character Jasmine escapes after her life gets a seismic shake up.

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

THE BUTLER (Pg-13; 132 min) Forrest Whitaker stars as a butler in the White House who gets to meet Oprah. CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (PG-13; 134 min) Oscar buzz is already a-buzzin’ for Tom Hanks, who plays the titular caption in this true story of the first U.S. cargo ship to be hijacked in 200 years. DON JON (R; 90 min) Don Jon is a confident debut film from writer-director-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who has obviously picked up a lot of style tips from his friend Rian Johnson, who directed him in the cult favorites Brick and Looper. (Working for Christopher Nolan in the last Batman flick didn’t hurt either, I’m sure). The question is: will anyone see this? The story of a misogynist, narcissistic lunkhead (played by a significantly beefed-up

JGL) who begins to wonder if there might be more to life and love, it’s sharply written and great-looking, with excellent performances from all the leads. But guys may be scared off by the rom-com elements, while the chick-flick crowd could be turned off by the grittier touches (the main character’s porn addiction is a central theme). Tirso de Molina and Mozart, two of the most famous shapers of the Don Juan myth, are lucky they never had to worry about niche marketing. EUROPA REPORT (PG13; 90 min) Sort of a Gravity alternative for the indie set, director Sebastian Cordero’s sci-fi thriller has a group of astronauts on a mission to Jupiter’s moon. THE FAMILY (R) French director Luc Besson directed and co-wrote this dark crime

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Oct. 16, through Wednesday, Oct. 23, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.


122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541

The Fifth Estate — (Opens Fri) Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 6:45; 9:20pm. Gravity — Wed-Thu 12:50pm. Gravity 3D — Wed-Thu 3; 5:10; 7:15; 9:30pm.

Battle of the Year 3D — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Captain Phillips — Wed-Thu 11:15; 2:15; 6; 7; 9:30; 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2:30; 4:45; 7; 9:20;

Carrie — (Opens Fri) Wed-Thu 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7:15; 9:45pm. Captain Phillips — Wed-Thu 12:30; 3:45; 7; 9:15pm. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 — Wed-Thu; 11:20; 1:45; 4:10; 6:45; 10pm.

Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Don Jon — Wed-Thu 12:15; 2:25; 4:35; 6:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Gravity — Wed-Thu 12; 3:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Gravity 3D—Wed-Thu 12:30; 3; 5:15; 6; 7:40; 8:15; 10; 10:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Insidious: Chapter 2 — Wed-Thu 2:05; 7:05; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Instructions Not Included — Wed-Thu 1; 4; 6:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Machete Kills — Wed-Thu 11; 2; 5; 7:30; 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. We’re the Millers — Wed-Thu 11:25; 4:35; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Psycho — Thu 9pm.




1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

Big Ass Spider — (Opens Fri) Fri-Sat 11:50pm. The Fifth Estate — (Opens Fri) Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 6:45; 9:20pm. Macbeth — Sun 11am. Pulling Strings — Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:50; 7:15; 9:40pm. Rush — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:20; 7; 9:30pm. The Shining — Fri-Sat Midnight.


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

A.C.O.D. — Wed-Thu 3:10; 5:10; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun 1:10pm. Concussion — Daily 5; 9:20pm. Enough Said — Wed-Thu 2:40; 4:50; 7; 9; plus Sat-Sun 12:30pm. Inequality for All — Wed-Thu 3; 7:20; plus Sat-Sun 1pm. The Summit — Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:40; 6:50; 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 12:20pm.


155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701

Prisoners — Wed-Thu 3:15; 6:30; 9:15; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Runner Runner — Wed-Thu 3:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes.


1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700

Carrie — (Opens Fri) Thu 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Escape Plan — (Opens Fri) Thu 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes.

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260

Carrie — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 12:15; 2:45; 5:15; 7:45; 10:10pm. Escape Plan — (Opens Fri) 11:20; 1:45; 4:30; 7:30; 9:45pm. The Fifth Estate — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 12:15; 3:30; 6:45; 9:45pm. Captain Phillips — Wed-Thu 11:15; 12:30; 2:20; 3:45; 5:30; 7; 8:45; 9:30pm. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 — Wed-Thu 11:20; 2; 4:30; 7; 9:45pm. Enough Said — Wed-Thu 11:55; 2:15; 4:40; 7:10; 9:30pm. Gravity — Wed-Thu 11:40; 12:45; 2:10; 3:15; 4:45; 7:20; 10:15pm. Gravity 3D — Wed-Thu 11; 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9pm. Machete Kills — Fri-Thu 10:15pm. Goonies — Thu 7pm. The Shining — Sat 11am.


1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200

Carrie — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 12:55; 3:05; 5:15; 7:35; 10:15; plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Escape Plan — (Opens Fri) Fri-Thu 1:35; 4:20; 7:15; 10; plus Sat-Sun 11am. Captain Phillips — Wed-Thu 1:35; 4:25; 7:25; 10:15; plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 — Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:20; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. Gravity — Wed-Thu 12:55; 7:35; 10:15pm. Gravity 3D — Wed-Thu 3:10; 5:20; plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Instructions Not Included — Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:10; 7; 9:45; plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Pulling Strings — Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:10; 7; 10; plus Sat-Sun 11am.

comedy that stars Robert DeNiro and Michelle Pfeiffer as the heads of a mafia family that gets re-located to France as part of the Witness Protection Program, but have trouble giving up their old ways. “Are vous talking to moi? Zer is no one else he-uh!” THE GETAWAY (PG-13) Wait, Ethan Hawke gets a comeback? And now he’s playing a race-car driver named Brent Magna? Okay, that makes sense. In this thriller, Brent Magna’s wife is kidnapped, and then he has to drive around places for reasons, and Selena Gomez plays some girl whose car he steals who just happens to be a whiz-kid computer hacker. This is all true, except the part about it making sense. GRAVITY (PG-13; 90 min) In director Alfonso Cuaron’s much-anticipated spacedisaster flick, an accident on a space shuttle mission threatens to make Sandra Bullock and George Clooney astro-nots. INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 (PG-13; 105 min) When we last saw the Lambert family, they were pretty screwed (spoiler alert!). The original Saw team of director James Wan and writer Leigh Whannell returns for a second installment of their surprise horror hit that was pretty much the anti-Saw—all mood and psychological heebie-jeebies, with none of the Jigsaw grisliness. MACHETE KILLS (R; 107 min) Director Robert Rodriguez brings back Danny Trejo as Machete, the Mexican double, triple or maybe even quadruple-agent who first appeared in one of the fake trailers buried in the middle of Grindhouse. This time, he’s battling an arms dealer trying to blow up space. More or less. METALLICA: THROUGH THE NEVER (R; 94 min) Concert film blends in a fictional storyline involving Metallica-type things, like a roadie on a mission for the band who finds himself pursued by horsemen of death. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (PG-13; 130 min) Cassandra Clare’s popular young adult series gets a film adaptation, with a young emo cast straight out of Twilight central casting. But this is nothing like Twilight, we swear, because see it’s about demons, not vampires. And yes, there are magical people who fight the demons, but it’s nothing like Harry Potter, we swear. For instance, in Harry Potter people

who don’t know about the supernatural world are called Muggles, but here they’re called Mundanes. ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US (PG; 92 min) Boy band music documentary may very likely be mistaken for an instructional driving film by anyone over 15. THE PATIENCE STONE (R; 102 min) In an occurrence roughly as likely as seeing a unicorn, Afghan writer Atiq Rahimi gets to actually direct the adaptation of his own novel, based on a Persian fable about a magic stone in which one can confide all problems. The stone, this time, is a man in war-torn Afghanistan. When a bullet in the neck reduces him to a vegetative state, his wife begins to confide in him all the things that would otherwise go unsaid. PLANES (G; 92 min.) This spin-off of Cars was originally supposed to go direct-to-video, but apparently theatrical audiences can’t get enough of kids’ movies about things that long to do other things, but can’t because of reasons, but then do. So here you go. PRISONERS (R; 153 min) Hugh Jackman stars in this crime drama about a father who begins considering extreme options as police fail to find his missing daughter and time could very well be running out. RUNNER RUNNER (R; 91 min) Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake star in this crime thriller about one man who must go up against a syndicate when he tries to bring sexy back—to online poker. RUNNING WILD: THE LIFE OF DAYTON O. HYDE (NR; 93 min) Documentary follows the cowboy conservationist as he tries to preserve home-onthe-range culture while at the same time protecting natural resources and rescuing horses. RUSH (R; 123 min) Ron Howard’s epic re-telling of the real-life rivalry between Formula 1 racers James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Niki Lauda (James Bruhl). WE’RE THE MILLERS (R; 110 min.) Filling the no-doubt massive audience demand to see the last vestiges of their ’90s innocence ruined by seeing Jennifer Aniston play a stripper, this comedy stars Jason Sudeikis as a pot dealer who enlists a random group of weirdos to be his fake family so he can smuggle drugs in from Mexico.

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BIG ASS SPIDER (PG-13; 80 min) Let us sum up this movie in three words: Big Ass Spider. Do you need to know it’s a giant spider that escapes from a military lab to ravage LA? No, you just need to know: Big Ass Spider. (Plays Fri and Sat at 11:50pm at the Del Mar) CARRIE (R; 99 min.) Have you heard of this new thing called “remaking classic horror films?” Apparently, it always goes great, and makes all the fans of the original movies super happy! (Opens Fri at Green Valley, Scotts Valley, Cinema 9 and 41st avenue) ESCAPE PLAN (R; 116 min.) Sly and Arnie team up, exactly the way people wished they would three decades ago, when they were actual big movie stars. This has Stallone as the world’s number-one

expert on structural security, who gets framed and put in a maximum security prison, and he has to escape with help from Schwarzenegger… just stop us when this starts sounding far-fetched. (Opens Fri at Green Valley, Scotts Valley and Cinema 9) THE FIFTH ESTATE (R; 128 min.) We’re not sure how many people out there want to see a movie dramatizing the Wikileaks saga, but Benedict Cumberbatch as Julian Assange? That’s pretty damn awesome. (Opens Fri at Aptos, Del Mar and Scotts Valley) THE SHINING (1980) Is there any better time to go see Kubrick’s cult masterpiece than now, after the Room 237 documentary revealed every crazy theory about the secret meanings of the movie? Find out for true if the moon landing was fake! (Plays Friday


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Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at Read her blog at past 10 years." The new Coast Grade Vineyard Pinot, grown on the newest estate vines in Bonny Doon, is a light alcohol balance of cherries, spices and blackberry, all showing noticeable and highly drinkable minerality. You can check it out for yourself—the tasting room is located at 10 Pine Flat Road, Bonny Doon, and is open for tastings daily 11am -5pm. 831.425.7777. READING MANRESA: David Kinch—chef, surfer, perfectionist—is

THE GREAT HENDU Greg “Hendu” Henderson of Santa Cruz’s Hip Shake brings his blues band to Chaminade for Oktoberfest.

Beers, Brats and Blues BY CHRISTINA WATERS


ounds like a good idea, doesn't it? Even before you hear the details. Well, here they are. Come on up to beautiful Chaminade Resort & Spa on Sunday, Oct. 20, to celebrate Oktoberfest—the only German holiday regularly celebrated the world over. Chaminade’s spin on the robust harvest time festival is to provide plenty of luscious blues thanks to Gregory Henderson and the Greyhound Blues Band. Plan to come up to the hilltop resort’s Courtyard Terrace on Sunday, 3-6pm, where your $30 (allinclusive) entry gets you access to some outstanding seasonal brews

and local craft beers, including brews from Seabright Brewery, Santa Cruz Aleworks, Discretion Brewing, West End Tap & Kitchen and Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing, to name just a few. Accompanying the festive brews will be assorted sausages, including, of course, bratwurst, plus traditional (if you're Bavarian) trimmings such as sauerkraut, mustards, pan-fried potatoes, hot soft pretzels, German potato salad, homemade coleslaw, cucumber dill salad and Black Forest tarts. Jawohl! That does sound seriously festive. Make that reservation now by calling Chaminade at 831.475.5600. Guten appetit!

DOON AND DOONER: While Randall Grahm’s new Bonny Doon Vineyard tasting room is busy

pouring new releases at its recently unveiled Davenport tasting room (open Thurs-Mon 11am-5pm), just up the hill in the former Bonny Doon Vineyard tasting room (think of it as a scene from Memento), Ryan Beauregard and company rolled out some sexy new wines under the Beauregard Vineyards label last weekend. Specifically, the winemakers showed off the new 2012 Coast Grade Pinot Noir, one of the many reasons why Wine & Spirits Magazine named Beauregard Vineyards one of the "best new American wineries in the

about to unveil his first ever cookbook, Manresa: An Edible Reflection, which details the super chef’s trajectory through apprenticeships all over the world, to his alliance with Love Apple Farms and creation of cuisine that is almost biochemically aligned with the local terroir and revolving seasons. The beautiful tome illustrates his farm-to-table philosophy and looks to be one of the first, obvious gift items for the cooking aficionados on your holiday list. Kinch will be at Bookshop Santa Cruz later this month to sign books and to discuss his love affair with the Santa Cruz Mountains bounty, his two-star Michelin restaurant and his many sources of flavor inspiration. Bookshop Santa Cruz Tuesday, Oct. 29, 7pm. RANDOM NOTES: Make sure you are aware that Pizzeria Avanti now serves lunch daily from 11-2pm. Those

who remember how convenient this location is for lunch meetings, are very happy about this expanded availability. Pizzeria Avanti is located a few doors from the dynamic Totoro Sushi, at 1711 Mission St. . . . Fall is time to enjoy the very last of the late tomatoes, squashes, brussel sprouts, peppers and, of course, pumpkins. And whenever you can spot a Mutsu apple at your favorite farmers market, don’t hesitate to try one. Ultra crisp, sweet and yet tart, bursting with juiciness, the Mutsu is a cross between a Crispin and a Golden Delicious and is blatantly awesome (with apologies to all of the other varieties grown by apple maestro Orin Martin). 0

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Homemade Mondays

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affordable comfort food MONDAYS

Chip Scheuer




Steak & Jazz Thursdays THURSDAYS

Sounds of Brazil featuring Trio Passarim (“The Bird Trio”) SATURDAYS

MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA CHEF David Graham’s passion for sushi has made him develop a good fist bump.

Geisha David Graham, executive sushi chef


hen I arrive at Geisha’s sushi bar, executive chef David Graham greets me with a fist bump and a smile. “I never did that before, but it’s what I have to do now to shake hands when I’m working with fish,” he says. Geisha, which sits above Souza’s Ice Cream and overlooks the ocean in Capitola, has built a reputation as Santa Cruz’s sustainable sushi bar and possibly its tastiest. SCW: How did you learn your craft?

DAVID GRAHAM: The traditional way, and that is to apprentice yourself. I learned from my sensei, who was born on the island of Hokkaido. One time somebody asked my sensei when he had about 30 years of training under his belt, and he answered without dropping a beat, “still learning,” and that’s the real answer. How do you make a Coco Loco? You lay out what’s called a six-way,

which is a roll with rice on the outside like a California roll. Lay out some cream cheese with some spiced pineapple and spicy tuna. Take it to the kitchen—they tempura it. Bring it back. Pour some homemade teriyaki sauce over the top and some homemade toasted coconut over the top, and that is a Coco Loco. What’s the point of sustainable sushi? To ensure the future of the

oceans and the fisheries that we’re exploiting at this point in time. The idea is to change from exploiting to having a more in-tune relationship with nature—probably more in key with what sushi was like over 100 years ago when they harvested what locally was available and then they had to move onto what was available the next season. This ginger tastes really good. I’m glad you noticed that. The ginger we use is not sweetened with saccharine—it’s sweetened with sugar, and it has no MSG in it, and there’s no food coloring to give it that pink color. Do you think about sushi on your days off? It’s an all-encompassing job, yes. When you have your day off, you have the opportunity to think of something new. —Jacob Pierce

Astrology As A sttrro rology g Free F Fr rree e Will Will


Rob Brezsny Breezsny


For F or th thee w week eek o off Oc October toberr 16

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “You “You “Y o won’t won’t do it at the right time,” warns writer Kate Katee Moller. Moller. “You’ll “YYoou’ll be late. You’ll Yoou’ll be early. early. You’ll You’ll o get re-routed. re-rrouted. You’ll Yoou’ll get delayed. You’ll Yoou’ll change your mind. mind. You’ll You’ll o change your heart. It It’s the ’s not going to turn out th he way you thought it would.” And yet, Moller conclud concludes—are eady des—are you rready for for the punch line?—”it will be better bbetter.” .”” In describing your future, couldn’t have future, TTaurus, aaurus, I couldn ’t hav ve said it better myself. myself. Fate may be comical in the thhe way it plays with your expectations and plans, butt I predict predict you will ultimately ultimately be glad about the outcome. outccome. GEMINI (May 21-June 21-June 20): In the coming weeks, weeks, you Geminis could be skillful andd even spectacular moree liars. YYou oou will have the potential to t deceive mor moree truths, and ev even ool yourself people, bend mor ven ffool better than anyone else. On the other o hand, you will this also have the knack to channel th his same slipperiness different direction. in a diff erent dir ection. YYou oou couldd tell imaginative from their stories that rrouse ouse people fr om th heir ruts. YYou oou might exploree the positive aspects of KKurt Vonnegut’s explor urt V onnegut’s pretend theory that we tend to become what w we pr etend to creative be. Or you could simply be so cr e eative and playful and improvisational impr ovisational in everything youu do that you catalyze inspirational a lot of inspir p ational fun. Which way w y will yyou ggo? CANCER (June 2121-July July 22): I’m m all in ffavor avor of self-protection. Ass a you indulging your instinct ffor or se elf-protection. A myself,, I understand th that CCancerian ancerian myself hat one of the ways caree of yourself is by making sur suree that you take good car safe. you ffeel eel rreasonably easonably saf e. Having said that, I also want health to rremind emind you that your mental and a emotional heal th comfort egular rrequires equires you to leave your comf o zone on a rregular ort adventuree basis. Now is one of those times.. The call to adventur arrive yourself will ar rive soon. If you make your rself rready eady and eager come ffor or changes, the changes that co ome will kick your ass pleasurable in mostly educational and pleasu urable ways.

LLEO EO (July 23-Aug. 23-Aug. 22): Who exa exactly ctly do you want to be when you grow grow up, and what is the single most important experience you need in in order order to make that happen? What riches do you when pp y want wannt to possess p you are are finally wise enough to make make enlightened use of them, and how can you boost your eligibility for for those riches? Which one of your glorious dreams dreams is not quite ripe enough for for you to fulfill it, but is primed to be dramatically dramatically ripened in the coming weeks? weeks? If I were were you, Leo, I would meditate on o these questions. Answers will be forthcoming. forthcoming. VIRGO (Aug. 23 23-Sept. -Sept. 22): A Att an a elementary school ffestival estival some years ago, I performed perform med the role role of the Mad Hatter from from Alice in Wonderland Woonderrland. One of my tasks whereupon tasks was to ask kids to make a wish, w wher eupon I sprinkled their heads with magicc ffairy airy dust. Some of the kids were were skeptical about thee whole business. They questioned the proposition proposition that the fairy fairy dust would make their wishes come true. true. A few few were were so suspicious awayy without makingg a p that theyy walked awa wish or accepting the ffairy airy dust. YYet eet every single one of those distrustful kids came ba back ack later to tell me they had changed their minds, an and nd every single one asked me to bestow mor moree than tthe he usual amount of fairy fairy dust. They are are your role role models, moddels, Virgo. Virgo. Like them, you should return return to the scene of of your doubts and demand extra extra fairy fairy dust. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23-Oct. 22): “The door to the invisible wrote surrealist must be visible,” wr ote the sur realist spiritual author Rene Daumal. This describes an oopportunity pportunity that is on the ver verge of becoming available ge ttoo you. The opportunity

precedents is still invisible ssimply imply because it has no pr ecedents in your life; life; you can’t cann’t imagine what it is. But just rrecently ecently a door to that un nknown rrealm ealm has become visible unknown to you. I suggestt you open it, even though you have almost no idea what’s w ’s on the other side. what

SCORPIO (O (Oct. ct. 23-Nov. 23-Nov. 21): In TTim im Burton Burton’s ’s film Alice in Wonderland Wonderland o d, Alice A asks asks the White Rabbit, “How long forever?” The talking t rabbit replies, replies, “Sometimes, just is forever?” rabbit at’s an important piece of information information one second.” Tha That’s for you to keep inn mind, mind Scorpio. Scorpio It implies that “f forever ” for “forever” arilyy, in all cases, last until the universe may not necessa necessarily, on years fr om now ever ” might dies out five billi billion from now.. “For “Forever” actually turn outt to be one second or 90 minutes or ar or who knows? So how does this a month or a yea year ell, a situation you apply to your lif lifee right now? W Well, ermanent could ul timately change— assumed was pe permanent ultimately a aster than you have imagined. An perhaps much ffaster apparently everla asting decr ee or perpetual ffeeling eeling could apparently everlasting decree ift, as if by magic. unexpectedly sh shift,

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ARIES (Mar (March ch 21-April 19): Thi This is is an indelicate oracle. you’ree off offended ended by the mention or acle. If you’r m of bodily prophetic STOP functions in a pr ophetic context you should ST OP NOW. here? through ough READING NO W. SStill till her e? OK. I was w walking thr my neighborhood when I spied aan n older woman standing over her aged YYorkshire oorkshire TTerrier eerrier next to discomfort, ort, squatting and a bush. The dog was in discomf himself. “He’s shivering but unable to rrelieve elieve hi imself. “He ’s having trouble done,” tr ouble getting his business done e,”” his owner confided “He’s in me. “He ’s been struggling ffor or ten t minutes.”” I ffelt elt a distressed creature. rushh off sympathy th ffor or the th distr di t esssedd cr eatur t e. With a “Moree power to you, little flourish of my hand, I said, “Mor purge burden.” one. May you pur ge your bur den..” The dog instantly defecated. approval, def ecated. Shrieking her appr ovaal, the woman “It’s exclaimed, “It ’s like you waved a magic wand!”” Now wizardry your behalf,, Aries, I am invoking my wizar dry in you ur behalf although al though in a less literal literal way: Mo More orre power to you.. May purge burden. you pur rge g your psychological bu rden.

SAGITTARIUS SAGITTAR RIUS (Nov (Nov.. 22 22-Dec. -Dec. 21): “I need a little a lovers use,” wr ote Vir ginia W oolf in language such as wrote Virginia Woolf Waves aaves. “I need no wor words. ds. Nothing neat her novel The W . . . I need a howl .”” If I’m rreading eading the astr ological howl;l; a cry cry.” astrological omens cor rectlyy, Sagittarius, W oolf is speaking ffor or correctly, Woolf you right now YYou ou should be willing to get guttur al now.. Yo guttural and primal . . . to trust the teachings of silence and the cr azy wisdom m of your body . . . to exul crazy exultt in the inarticulate mys steries and bask in the dumbf ounding mysteries dumbfounding brilliance of the Eternal W ow. Ar ave enough to Wow. Aree you br brave love what can’t can’t be put into wor ds? words? CAPRICORN N (Dec. 22 22-Jan. -Jan. 19): “I get bor bored ed with the idea off becoming a better listener r,,” writes listener,” business blogge er P enelope TTrunk. rrunk. “Why would I do blogger Penelope that when inter r rupting people is so much ffaster?” aster?”” If interrupting your main goal is i to impose your will on people and get things over with w as soon as possible, CCapricorn, apricorn, by all means ffollow ollow TTrunk’s rrunk’s advice this week. But if you have othe er goals—like building consensus, other finding out important impoortant information information you don’t don’t know yet, and winningg help fr om people who ffeel eel aff ection from affection ffor or you—I sugg gest that you find out how to have suggest maximum fun bbyy being an excellent listener listener.. AQUARIUS S (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The last time meteorologists officially o added a new type of cloud meteorologists formation to thee International Cloud Atlas Atlas was 1951. formation sidering another one now ’s called But they’r they’ree cons considering now.. It It’s “asperatus,” whi ich is derived fr om the Latin term “asperatus,” which from undulatus asper asperatus ratus a , meaning “turbulent undulation.” According to thee Cloud Appreciation Appreciation Society, Societyy, it According resembles “the surface surface of a choppy sea from from below.” below.” resembles though it looks looks rough rough and agitated, it almost But al although torm. Let ’s make asper atus your never brings a sstorm. Let’s asperatus or the next n ffew ew week s. Aquarius. I suspect mascot ffor weeks. that you, too, wi willll soon discover something new under a first look turbulent, but I bet it will the sun. It may at innteresting. mostly just be interesting.

PISCESS (Feb. PISCE (Feb 19-Mar 19 19-March March 20): Should you try private

at might gener ate intimate mir acles? experiments tha that generate miracles? Yees! Should you dr eam up extr avagant pr oposals and Yes! dream extravagant proposals ght rrendezvous! endezvous! By all means! Should schedule midnig midnight ere your ffantasies antasies left off the last you pick up whe where ally! time you got tooo timid to explor exploree further? Natur Naturally! as rraw aw as the law allows Should you find out what ““as allows”” age you! Should you actually means?? I encour encourage elevant? Most question tabooss that ar aree no longer rrelevant? assuredly! Shou uld you burn away the rrotting otting pain assuredly! Should iberated str ength? Beyond a doubt! with a show of lliberated strength? i the open secr et at the cor Should you tap into secret coree of y! Of course! your wild beauty beauty!

Homework: What W would be the title of What’s your autobiography? autobiog graphy? What ’s the name of the rock rock band baand you’d you d be in? Testify T eestify at Visit RE Visit REALASTROLOGY.COM AL ASTROLOGY.COM ffor or R Rob’s ob’s Expanded E Weekly Weekly Audio Audio Hor oscope es and Daily Text Text Message Message Horoscopes Hor oscope es. The The audio horoscopes horoscopes Horoscopes. ar e also available available by by phone at at are 1.877.873.4888 1.877.873 3.4888 or 1.900.950.7700 1.900.950.7700



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