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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013




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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

factual inaccuracies kno own to us. known EDITORIAL ORIAL EDITO EDITOR EDITOR STEVE PALOPOLI PAL A OPOLI STEVE spalopoli@santacruzw


JACOB J ACOB B PIERCE jpier rcce@santacruzw

RICHARD VON VON BUSACK BUSACK richar rd@santacruzw d






Gianna Gianna's a's Gifts off Lif Life Re “Gianna’s Gift” (Cov veerr, Dec. 4): Re:: “Gianna’s (Cover, Thank T hank yyou ou ffor o or su such ch a h heartbreaking eartbreaking bu butt beau tifully written written n ar ticle b y Geo fffrey beautifully article by Geoffrey Dunn. Giann Gianna a Altano's Altan no's tragic tragic young young d eath fr om CF p rovvided th fe tto o death from provided thee gift o off lif life so m many any because o off h her er ggenerous enerous or organ gan d onations. Sen ding ttender ender th oughts tto o donations. Sending thoughts h er ffamily amily an a d fr ien e ds. her and friends. Deb Murray Aptos

The Not-SoNott-SoSimple Truth Trruth Re: R e: “Outside “Outside the the B Bo Box” x” (Curr (Currents, ents, Dec. 4): F For or ov over veer 20 yyears eearss I w worked orked wi with th th thee Downtown Do wntown Associa Association ation an and d wi with th sstreet treet

perrfo performers ormers in San Santa ta Cr Cruz uz tto o rremind emind th them em o off thee agr th agreement eement o off mu mutual tual rrespect espect th that at th they ey had h ad d sign signed ed on tto o in 1980. That That agreement agreeement cal called lled on all p parties arties tto o rresolve esolve dispu disputes utes n not ot thr through rough th thee use o off llaws aws an and d po police lice bu b butt tto o tr treat ea at eac each ch other other as neighbors. neighbors. The The few few problems problems th that at w weren't eren't pre-solved pre-solved by by showing showing th thee agr agreement reement tto on new ew d downtown owntown per performers fo orrmers w were ere ad addressed dressed in an a atmosphere ttmosphere o off rrespect espect ffor orr eac o each h oth other’s er’s in interests. terests. Bu But ut w when hen th thee D DTA TA w worked orked wi with th th the he ci city ty cou council uncil an and d po police lice cchief hief tto o ab abrogate rogate th that at vvoluntary oluntary agr agreement eement in or order der tto o “m “make a e ak thi things ings sim simpler” pler” b byy p passing assing sstreet treet pe performer erfo ormer spe specific ecific llaws, aws, th they ey llost ost m me. e. I coul couldn't dn't un understand derstand th thee m maze aze o off rrestrictions estricti t ons wr written itten in into to th their eir n new ew llaws, aws, an and dn neither either cou could uld th thee po police l ce or d li downtown owntown h hosts osts (or ci city ty co council ouncil m members, e embers, w when hen I w would ould giv givee th them em a po pop p qui quiz iz on th thee specifi specificc rrestrictions). estrictions). It did d an anything ytthing bu but ut m make ake thin things gs sim simpler. plerr. S So th they ey did dw what hat w wee kn knew ew th they ey w would ould d o do: o: th they hey

amended th amended those ose n new ew llaws, aws, an and d th then en rreeamended am ended th them, em, and a d eac an each h tim timee they they in included cluded gr greater eater rrestrictions. estriction ns. T They hey ar aree sstricter, tricterr, bu but ut th they ey ar aree an anything ythin t g bu butt sim simpler. plerr. Str Street eet per performing fo orm ming is n not ot on onee o off San Santa ta Cr Cruz's uz's “downtown “downtown n problems.” problems.” Let me me say sa ay that that ag again: ain: sstreet treet per performing fo orming is n not ot on onee o off San Santa ta Cr Cruz's uz's ““downtown downtown np problems.” roblems.” In th thee in interest terest o off sim simplicity, plicityy, th thee coun council cil an and dm merchants erchants ag agreed greed th that at th there ere w would ould be n no on need eed tto om meet eet wi w with th per performers fo ormers or con concern cern th themselves emselves wi with th th ttheir eir in interests, terests, th there ere w would ould be llaws aws an and d th there ere w would o ould be po police lice an and d th that at w would ould be th o that. at. tT They hey h had ad th thee ear o off an eag eager er coun council cil and and it it p passed, asssed, thereby thereby ab abrogating rogatin t g aw working orking agr agreement. eem ment. Inf Informally, fo ormally, th they ey assur assured ed m mee an and d oth o others ers th that at th they ey w would ould onl onlyy use th thee llaws aws ag against ain nst som somee per performers fo ormers an and d n not ot oth others ers … yyou ou kn k know ow (wink), iitt w would ould be ““complaint complaint dr driven.” ivveen n.” Am Among ong the the problems problems that that th they ey qui quietly etly p promised romised tto o enf enforce force se selectively lectively w was as a p provision rovision in th thee llaw aw th that at w would ould k keep eep all per performers fo ormers at at th thee cur curbside bside in instead stead o off all allowing owing per performers fo orm mers tto o sstand tand wi with th th their eir b back ack ag against ainst th thee buil buildings. diings. T This his onl onlyy sounds lik likee som something ething that that th the he merchants merchants would would p prefer, reffeerr, an and d th thee m matter att t er ca came ame u up pah handful andful o off tim times es ov over veer the the yyears, ears, bu but ut was was rrejected ejected eac each h tim timee by by th thee m merchants erchants th themselves hemselves w when hen w wee poin pointed ted ou out ut th that at this w would ould m mean ean th that at th thee bes bestt ac acts ts w would ould a o attract tttract cr crowds owds th that at w would ould b block lock th their eir sshow how win windows dows an and nd th the e llesser esser ac acts ts w would ould p play lay ttoward oward th their eir open open d door. oorr. Our voluntary voluntary gguid guidelines elines all allowed owed e th that at th thee p per performer fo ormer an and d m merchant erchant in question quesstion could could come come tto o an agr agreement eement abou about ut w which hich sid sidee o off th thee sid sidewalk ewalk th they ey p played layeed on. T That, hatt, iitt w was as bein being g said, was was ttoo oo com complicated, plica ated, an a and d th they ey w wanted anted tto om make ake iitt sim simpler. plerr. So th they ey p passed assed llaws. aws. T They hey w were ere in a h hurry urry tto op pass ass a full p packet acket o off ““downtown downtown or ordinances,” d ances,” an din and d this tim timee th they ey w wouldn't ouldn't m meet e tto eet oh have ave th that at discussi discussion. on. T They hey sshut hut ou out ut th thee per performers fo ormers w when hen th they ey as asked ked ffor o or m meetings eetings an and d th they ey cchose hose tto o sskip kip th that at w whole hole com complicated pli l ca ated ““give ggive eac each h oth other er rrespect” espect” thin thing. g. It w was as in intended tended tto o rrelieve elieve th thee m merchants erchants of of th that at bur at burden den and and replace replace it it wi with th po police lice enf enforcement fo orcem c ent o off eac each hm merchant’s erchant’s musi musical cal ttastes. astes. Is an anyone yo one surp surprised rised tto oh hear ear th that at th that at isn isn’t’t sim simple? mple? T Tom om Noddy o Santa Cruz


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Currents Chip Scheuer

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


AGGRAVATED A SALT Santa Cruz water activist Rick Longinotti saw his long campaign against they city’s proposed desalination plant pay off this year when the council tabled the issue.

Water, Water Everywhere A look back at the bitter fight over desal in Santa Cruz BY JACOB PIERCE


e don’t know how 2014 will go or how much rain we’ll get. But one thing looks pretty certain: It won’t be the year of desalination. Santa Cruz is getting ready to accept applications for a water panel, now that the city council has agreed to stop pursuing desal once the environmental review is finished. And so, we bid goodbye to an entertaining era in city politics. The argument over desalination was full of public relations games and passive-aggressive shots taken by both sides. Here’s a look at the timeline that got us here: FALL 2010: Activists try pressuring the city to put desalination to a citywide vote because of concerns about its environmental and financial costs. City

council and water staff show no interest in the idea. FEBRUARY 2012: Rick Longinotti and other frustrated members of Desal Alternatives take matters into their own hands by starting the group Right to Vote on Desal. They start gathering petitions to put desalination to a vote in June of 2014. Mayor Don Lane worries that election date would be too late and might cost millions more dollars by delaying construction. He and councilmember David Terrazas write a ballot measure nearly identical to Longinotti’s. But theirs would allow the public to vote on the measure as soon as the plans are done. Eventually the city’s water staff tells Lane that June 2014 would not be too late, because the EIR isn’t on schedule anyway. The council

agrees to hold the vote no sooner than June 2014—making it now the same as the activists’ initiative, Measure P. Council starts taking credit for the idea to put desal to a vote and encourages desal opponents to drop their own ballot measure—even though, yes, a public referendum was exactly what the council tried to avoid. SUMMER 2012: Many city councilmembers oppose Measure P. But Longinotti encourages Santa Cruz residents to vote “yes” in order to guarantee a vote on the issue, even though the city council’s previous vote now already ensures that. Sure, city council could undo their own ordinance, as the activists routinely point out—if they want to risk political suicide.

NOVEMBER 2012: Measure P passes with 72 percent of the vote, and desal opponents suddenly change their spin. After the election, activists say the overwhelming “yes” vote suddenly means not just that voters want the right to vote on the issue, but that Santa Cruz doesn’t want a plant at all. “There’s a new reality after the November election,” Longinotti said at city council. “The voters are now looking to you to come up with a new plan in case the voters do not approve desalination.” AUGUST 2013: City council puts desalination on hold. Mayor Hilary Bryant and city manager Martín Bernal start to wonder if they can muster enough public support to win at the polls. Bryant and Bernal announce a recommendation to table desal for now. Water director Bill Kocher resigns after 27 years. SEPTEMBER 2013: Desal opponents pressure the city to halt all spending on the plant—which comes out to $15 million so far, a cost split with the Soquel Creek Water District. “You should table this item. You should bring it back, and you shouldn’t have the word desal mentioned anywhere in here! You can talk about anything but desal, please!” said Mike Boyd, who had filed suit in March trying to halt the plant. City council declines to drop the EIR, arguing that it’s important and includes studies about alternatives to desalination. Meanwhile, Loch Lomond, the city’s reservoir, dips to a 16-year low. NOVEMBER 2013: City council, largely under the guidance of councilmember Don Lane, creates a 14-member Water Supply Advisory Committee to look at long-term solutions to Santa Cruz’s drought problems and ways to make Santa Cruz drought resistant. The committee will include community members, activists, businesspeople and two water commissioners. “I’m not pretending there hasn’t been some polarization and mistrust,” Don Lane said at a Nov. 26 meeting. “But we do have to set our sights on moving past that.” 0


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Briefs Fundraising With Bite

Best Worst Game Ever

Dientes held a groundbreaking ceremony earlier this month to celebrate the $3 million expansion of its 1830 Commercial Way location, which will accommodate 8,000 more affordable dental visits—up to an estimated 28,000 total. A new $250,000 grant from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation means over two-and-a-half million of the funding is now accounted for. Dientes is still raising the remaining $487,000 for the construction, which is now underway, but development director Sheree Storm” is “very confident” the nonprofit will meet its goal. “Supporters understand that oral health is critical to overall health,” Storm says. “And the more kids we can get on the path of good oral health and good oral hygiene habits, the better.“ Dientes, which has sliding scale fees for uninsured patients, also plans to open a four-chair location in Watsonville, and another chair at the Homeless Services Center. It’s aiming to double the number of families who receive its dental care each year, with a goal of 40,000 total visits by 2020. At the groundbreaking event for this next expansion, executive director Laura Marcus awarded gold-colored shovels to Dientes Board President Phil Grauberger, Nanette Mickiewicz from Dominican Hospital, county supervisor John Leopold and Alec and Claudia Webster, whose foundation donated $200,000 to the new room. Dientes even told them keep the shiny gardening supplies (because, you know, nothing makes people think of clean teeth like digging into the dirt to plant a fresh patch of gardenias). Camille Smith-Ballon and her 12-year-old son, who were at the Dec. 3 groundbreaking event, came to the Dientes clinic recently when he broke his tooth in a skateboarding accident, exposing a nerve. It was a Saturday, but one of Dientes' nine dentists repaired the tooth and helped the family avoid a trip to the emergency room. "It made him and me feel like I was getting the best available dental care, whether I had the most elaborate private insurance or not," Smith-Ballon said. "And that's what you have here that is really unique and outstanding."

While the Santa Cruz Warriors were beating the D-Fenders in Los Angeles, a much stranger sporting event was unfolding at the Kaiser Permanente Arena. The New Leaf basketball team followed an impressive offensive effort by rapper Reggie “FMZ” Stephens to a 46-40 victory over the Allterra Solar team. Stephens, a former NFL player, dominated the points in the paint with help from a supporting cast that included Santa Cruz district attorney Bob Lee, who shot an impressive hook shot for New Leaf’s first score in the Hardwood Celebrity Classic, a fundraiser for Grind Out Hunger. But of course it was all downhill from there. In the first quarter, referee Danny Keith, Grind Out Hunger CEO, stole the ball and drove to the basket—missing an easy layup, as metal singer James Durbin pulled off Keith’s black Afro wig to start wearing it around himself. In the second half, the crowd grew restless and began shouting “use some elbows!” and “come on, twinkletoes!” New Leaf’s Scott Roseman bribed referee Keith with money for needy kids to get him to reverse a call. One player climbed on former Mayor Hilary Bryant, who was on the Allterra team, when she was on the ground, and pretended to beat her up. And second district supervisor Zach Friend dived into the crowd looking for votes. We wouldn’t want to call it the worst basketball game we’ve ever seen—so we’d better change the subject. Guess what color the ice cream cone tattoo is on Santa Cruz City Councilmember Don Lane’s right bicep. Pink! That’s right. When the New Leaf team jumped out to a lead in the second quarter, officials let three kids in Allterra jerseys on the court to level the playing field. Chip, the executive director of the Downtown Association, showed impressive ball handling when he evaded all three for a score. The kids were taken out of the game when they tripped Sentinel photographer Shmuel Thaler. We also hear the Santa Cruz Warriors are one NBA call-up away from signing former Mayor Ryan “Hebrew Thunder” Coonerty. 0


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013







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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


All Photos Phot os b by y Chip Scheuer Sch heuer


Gift Gif Gi G ifift Guuide G uiuid ide de ifftt Guide uid

fter p fter patting atti t ng ourse ourselves lvees on th thee b back ack ffor or o ou our ur w well-received ell-received Gift Guid Guidee issu issuee aatt a sstaff tafff m meeting eeting rrecently, ecently, ourr cr crack ack come-to-Yeshua off us conf confessed—some tteam eam of of sshopping hopping eexperts xperts had had a com e-to-Y o Yeeshua moment moment in which which many man a yo fessed e —some ttearfully— earrfully— thee a awful hunters becomee th th wful truth: truth: t We We hadn’t hadn’t done done our own own n holiday holiday sshopping. hopping. That’s That’ t s rright, ight, the the gift h unters had had becom tthee gift hunted. h unted.

Then T hen w wee started started tto o think: hmm, per perhaps haps p th there ere ar aree oth others ers w who ho fface a ace th thee ssame ame p predicament. redicament. Coul Could d iitt be th that at peo people ple just att th thee llast minute? There was only onee w way find out: thee In Internet! just like like us end end up up doing doing their th heir holiday holiday shopping shopping a ast min m ute? T here w as onl y on ay tto o fin d ou utt: tto o th ternet! Twenty seven cat wee h had until minute Twenty minutes minutes and and se ven adorable adorable ca at videos videos later, laterr, w ad our answer: answer: 114 percent percent of of holiday holiday shoppers shoppers wait wait un til the the llast ast min ute to to buy buy their their gifts, gifts give givve or take tak ke 40 percent. percent. t Well, Well, that’s that’s the the Internet Internet for fo or you. you. But But still, still, it it was was clear clear that that our team team had had to to get get back, back, get get back, bac a k, get back to to where where it it once once belonged: belonged: delivering delivering impeccable impeccable advice advi v ce about about the the best best local local gifts and and where where to to find find them—locally! them—locally! With With many many of of our hyper-specialized hyper-specialized shopping from and several ones coming board, aree the ultimate pics shopping eexperts xperts rreturning eturnin ng fr om our llast ast Gift Guide Guide issue, issue, an d se veral new new on es comin g on o boar d, here here ar the ul timate staff stafff pi cs for fo or last-minute last-minute holiday holiday shopping. shopping.


Chelsy Patterso Patterson on IH HAVE AVE A C CHILD HILD N NOW OW EVERYONE! E VERYONE! EDITOR EDITOR Kids’ Ki id ds’ Rain Boots Jelli Beanz. 2555 Soquel Dr, Santa S Cruz. $12.99 Helloooo Helloooo world! world! I have have to to sa say, ay, it it is so good good to to be back back fr from om m maternity maternity leave. lea ave. They They say sa ay that that giving giving birth birth can ca an be h hard, ard, but bu ut let let me me ttell ell yyou—it ou—it is. o i Iw would ould sa say ay iitt is abou about ut equally equally as difficult difffficult as cclimbing limbing M Machu achu Pi Picchu. cchu. N Not ot th that at I w would ould kn know ow an anything ytthing about abou ut climbing climbing Machu Machu Picchu, Picchu, obviously, obviously, as I was was spending spendin d g the the last last three three months months raising raising my my new new cchild, hild, yyay!!! ayy!!! An Anywhoozle, ywhoozle, w when hen iitt rrains, ains, yyou ou pu o put ut rrain ain boots on a baby, baby, right? right? So h here ere are are some. some.

Art Supplies Lenz Arts. 142 River St St, t, Santa Cruz. Prices vary Lenz Arts, Lenz Arts, a Santa Santa Cruz Cruz staple staple ffor or ov o over veer 45 years, years, has has a bunch bu unch of of m materials aterials ffor or ar o artists tists off all stripes, o stripes, including including th thee ““finger-painting finger-painting toddler.” toddlerr..” Whi W Which ch is gr great! ea att! Because I have h ave a toddler! toddler! W Wait, ai a t, I m mean ean a b baby. aby. Bu Butt th thee b baby aby will bee a ttoddler oddler in th thee fu future, utur t e, so so..

Everest Camping Da Daypack aypack Outdoor W World. orld. o 136 River St, Santa Sa anta Cruz. $24.99 When m When myy n new ew b baby aby ggoes oes tto o sc school, hoo o l, iitt will n need eed a b backpack! ackpack! H Here’s ere’s a gr great ea at on one. e. T This his is NOT NOT the the backpack backpack I used to to cclimb liimb Machu Machu Picchu Picchu w when hen I was was on n maternity maternity leave, lea ave, by by th thee w way, ay, because that’s thatt’s obviously obviou usly N NOT OT w what hat I was was doing doing on maternity maternity leave lea ave you yo ou guys!!! gu uys!!! COME COME OVER OVER AND I’LL S SHOW HOW YOU YOU MY PICTURES! PICTURES! (Of (Of the the baby, baby, of of course.) course.)

Re Rex ex Y Yorfun o orfun C ULTURAL C RITIC C CULTURAL CRITIC Dinner Din nner and a Movie Nick Nickelodeon kelodeon Theatr Theatres rees and participat participating ting downtown rrestaurants. esta aurants. $45 $45-$50 $50 Oh, h ow I do do llove ove tto o offer offeer a sn appy wi tticism or ttwo—or wo—or 12!—on all a of of the the holiday holiday Oh, how snappy witticism season ’s award-baiting award-baiting prestige prestige films. F or in stance, ttake ake Har rd to o Be a Cat at season’s For instance, Hard Christmas the latest latest ar thouse sn ssnore-a-rama ore-a-rama from from indie indie darling darling Grumpy Grumpy Cat. Ca at. t The The Christmas,, the arthouse eever-cloying ver-c e loying fr ump fface a ace hi ts a n ew llow ow in ov veerrwr w ought dr eck, th his tim ringing frump hits new overwrought dreck, this timee b bringing d own an all -star cas t—including N ala Ca att, Os kar th d Ca t, H amilton the the down all-star cast—including Nala Cat, Oskar thee Blin Blind Cat, Hamilton Hi pster Ca d eeven veen poor Co lon nel M eow—with iit. t. O nly rreview eview vid eos Hipster Catt an and Colonel Meow—with Off course course,, I on only videos on th ternet because I can a ffo ord tto o see thee In Internet can’t’t af afford 15

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

SANTA SECRETS Clockwise from left: cowboy boots from Tomboy, Everest Camping Daypack from Outdoor World, Zoya Nail Polish from Staff of Life, Sex Wax stockings from O’Neill, Solarez Pro Travel Kit from Rip Curl, Smarty Pants from Legs.

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013




Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft G Guide Gu ide ide Guiuiuid de

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

real m real movies. ovies. Or a att lleast east I coul couldn’t, dn’t, un until til th thee n new ew “Dinn “Dinner er an and daM Movie� ovie� p package ackage th that at combines movie combin es a m ovie at at the th he Del Del Mar, Marr, Nick Nick or Aptos Aptos Cinemas Cinemas a with with dinner dinner for fo or two two at at onee of thee participating Santa Cruz on of th participating San ta Cr uz restaurants restaurants that that currently currently include include Gabriella Gabriella Cafe, Grill Each Caf fe, Laili Restaurant, Restaurant, Hoffman’s Hofffman’s Downtown, Downtown, Hula’s Hula’s Island Islan a d Gr ill & Chocolate. Chocolate. Eac h different possibilities dinners, while thee rrestaurant estaurant is offering offeering dif d ffeerent course possibili ties ffor o or tthe he dinn ers, w h hile th commemorative make anyone needs comm emorativve tickets tickets m ake them them a great grea at gift ffor o or an yon o e in yyour our life liffe who who n eeds night. “Dinner and Movie� tickets purchased thee rrestaurants a date date nig ht. “Dinn er an nd a M ovie� ti ckets can be pur chased a aatt th estaurants or att th thee Ni Nick, Dell M Mar Aptos a ck, De ar or Ap A tos Cinemas Cinemas box box offices. offi f ces. Now, Now, to to find find a date. date.

John Doe IINVASION NVASION LEADER NVASION LEADER LE DER HUMAN HUMAN LIFESTYLES LIFESTYLES EDITOR EDITOR Tokyo T okyo o y Milk Mi Mix ix n’ Match Perfume Bunny’s. 1349 P Pacific acific Ave, A Santa Cruz. $18.95 One of One of the the best best thin things gs about a abou t bein being gah human, uman, I’m sur suree w wee can all agr agree, ee, is h having avving smooth, sm ooth, silky human human skin. skin. Each Each package package o off T Tokyo okyo Milk k Mix n’ n’ Match Match P Perfume erfume contains con tains six in individual dividuall vials vials to to dab dab on yyour our silky h human uman n skin skin that that I also also have. have. You You o can use ttwo wo or thr three ee a att a tim time, e, cr creating ea atting yyour our o own wn uniqu uniquee scen scentt an and d disguisin disguising g an anyy lingering lin gering tr trace ace o off sulfur sulfu ur fr from om th thee meteor meteor yyou ou cam camee to to this th his p planet lanet on.

Iconic Santa Cruz C Prints Artisan’s Gallery. 1368 8P Pacific acific Ave, Santa Cruz. Price $65 $ Ih have ave filled filled the the walls walls of of my my nicely nicely appointed appoin nted condominium condominiu um (w (which wh hich I live livve INSIDE INSIDE of, of, thank th ank yyou ou o vvery eery mu much) ch) with w th framed wi framed art art prints prints o off som somee o off m myy ffavorite avo orite locations loca attions around around myy h m hometown ometow wn o off San Santa ta Cr Cruz: uz: th thee ttown ow wn cclock, lock, W Wilder iilder Ran Ranch ch an and d Seab Seabright right Beac Beach. h. Sometimes Som etimes I ped pedal al to to th them e on m em my y bicycle, bicyycle, just just lik likee yyou. ou. Oth o Other her times times I sip sip tea, tea, and and sstill till oth other er tim times es I d do ob bathe. atthe. Ha Ha ha, ha, see, see, there there is n nothing othing to to see h here, e e, fellow er fellow humans! humans!


Olive Oil Samp Sample ple Pack True Olive Connection Connection. n. 106 Lincoln St, Santa Cruz. $29 $29.99 9.99 to make your own; $25 ffor or o a pr pre-made ree-made selection seleection When I h When host ost a dinner dinner party party in m myy nicely-appointed nicely-appointed condominium, con ndominium, I h have ave ffound ound guests o guests appreciate appreciate an array array of of hors hors d’oeuvres d’oeu uvvres into into which wh hich to to sink th their eir tin tinyy por porcelain-like celain-like tteeth eeth bef before fo ore the the main main course o off cem cement ent b blocks locks an and d oth other er h humans. umans. I know know I do. do. That That is w why hy I sshare hare m my y arr array ay o off o olive live oil oilss in fl flavors avo ors su such ch as Basil, Wild Wild Mus Mushroom hroom & Sag Sagee and and Tuscan Tuscan H Herb erb with with a sp spread read o off ar artisan rtisan b breads. reads. An And d iitt is al always lways a cr crowd owd p pleaser. leaserr. Bon a appÊtit! ppÊtit!



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Zen Island. 126 San Jose Ave Ave, e, Capitola. $7.95 There’s There’s a widespread widespread myth myth that that most most Americans Americans “support� “support� gun control control legislation legislation and and that that it’s it’s jus jjustt us “crazy� “crazy� “wackjobs� “wackjobs� that that

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Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft Gu G Guide ide ide id Guiuiuuide de

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

are h are holding olding this coun country try “h “hostage” ostage” wi with th our gun guns. s. W Well ell call m mee cr crazy azy all yyou ou w want, ant, but not thee min minority here. Gunss ar aree th thee onl onlyy thi thing keeping country bu ut I am n ot in th nority h ere. Gun ing k eeping this coun try from gunss an and them dead their fr om falling fa alling to to tyranny. tyranny. They They know know we we have have gun d iitt sstops tops th em d ead in th eir tracks. that life candles, then buy tr acks. If th at special person p in yyour our lif fe lloves ovvees can dles, th en I rrecommend ecommend yyou ou bu uy coconut candles att Zen Is Island. Myy person personal thee Ill Illume Coconut cocon ut milk can dles a land. M al ffavorite avor o ite is th ume Cocon ut Mango Candle smells likee h heaven. Milk M ango 2x3 Can dlle ffor or $7.95. It sm o ells lik ea aven. e .

Bonding Dolls s Childish Santa Cruz. 1100 1 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz. $20 0 eyes people! Aree yyou with Britney Open yyour o our ey yees peo ple! e Ar ou o ttoo oo busy wi th your your o Lady Lad dy Gaga Gaga and and your your Br itney Spears to to see the the tr truth? uth t ? The The media media are are dis distracting tracting yyou ou fr ffrom om the the rreal eal n news. ews. T This his country down thee tubes. M Meanwhile, about iPods and coun try is ggoing oing d own n th ean nwhile, all yyou o ou care ca are abou ut is yyour our iP ods an d MySpace M ySpace profiles! profiles! Don’t Don n’t say sa ay no no one one warned warned yyou! ou! Al Also, so, iff an any y of of yyour our fr friends iends ar aree parents, might suggest picking up bonding doll att Chil Childish Santa Cruz? rrecent ecent p arents, mig ht I sugg est pi cking u p a bon ding d oll a dish San ta Cr uz? Here’s H ere’s h how ow iitt w works: orks: yyou o an ou and d yyour our p partner artner ssleep leep wi with th th the he d doll oll a cou couple ple nig nights hts an and d scentt a attaches doll. Then when with thee d doll att nig night, yyour our o scen tttaches tto o th tthee d oll. T hen w hen yyour o our cchild hild ssleeps leeps wi th th oll a ht, iitt rrecognizes ecognizes yyour our scen nt an d iitt sstrengthens trengthens yyour our bon d. It I will p ay o ff in sp ades scent and bond. pay off spades w hen th ey ggo o through through th ose tterrible errible teenage teenage years! years! when they those

Electronic Dict Dictionary tionary Bookmark Bookshop Santa Cruz.. 1520 P Pacific acific Avenue, Santa Cru Cruz. uz. $30 If you you love love your your country countrry as much much as I do, do, then then you you might might appreciate appreciate m ew 954myy n new page p age memoir, memoirr, The Lastt American: A Tr Tragic ra agic T Tale a ale of the Loss L of the Once-Gr Once-Greatest reatest e Nation in the W o orld, America A . I didn ite iitt because I w anted tto; o; iitt is m g. World, America. didn’t’t wr write wanted myy callin calling. You Y ou o won’t won’t find find my my book boo ok in any any bookstore bookstore or website. website. P Please lease sen send d yyour our or orders ders to to m Box. I also also suggest sugggest yyou ou head head ov er tto o Boo kshop San S ta Cr uz an d pi ck u pa myy P.O. Box. over Bookshop Santa Cruz and pick up Dictionary Di ctionary Boo Bookmark kmark as a gift ffor or o th that at boo bookworm kworm on yyour o our lis list, t, so th that at th they ey can con nveeniently llook ook u pd efinitions o ords wi thout h avviing tto o fuss wi th an ac tual conveniently up definitions off w words without having with actual dictionary. di ctionary. I used on onee ttoday. oday. I llooked ooked u up p “Am “America.” erica.” T There her e ew was as a pi picture cture o off m me. e.

Alexis Goldenchyld Goldenc chyld ED M ED ITOR EDM EDITOR Vic Firth Isolation Headphones H Starving Musician. 1400 Oce Ocean ean St, Santa Cruz. $29.99 Anyy ggood EDM thee importance An ood ED M fan fan a knows knows th importance of of having havving a good good pair pair of of headphones headphones tto o can cancel cel ou out ut all th that at n nasty a ty n as negativity egativity fr from om th thee ou outside utsid t ew world, orld, an and d jus justt ffocus o ocus on somee eelectro Escape thee h holiday craziness thee a apex off d dubby beats som lectro eexcellence. xccellence c . Esca pe th oliday cr aziness tto o th pex o ubby bea atts p paradise aradise wi with th th thee Vic Vic F Firth irth Iso Isolation lati t on H Headphones. eadphones. Get yyour o our Merry Merry Wompwomps Wompwomps holiday this h oliday season.

Downtown T Tree re ree Decorating Downtown Tr Tree, reee, P Pacific acifi fic Ave, Santa Cruz. Fr Free ee Living th Living thee lif life fe o off a rraver aver e d doesn’t oesn’t com comee ccheap—my heap—my w wallet allet e is sstill till recovering recovver e ing from from thee EDC ti th ticket cket cos cost, t, an and d Sn Snowglobe owglobe is this month! month! F Fellow ellow ED EDM M lovers, lovers, ffear eear not— not— on onee sugg suggestion estion ffor o or thiss yyear’s ear’s Chr Christmas istmas gift b bag ag is fr free eee an and d en entertaining! tertaining! Jus Justt gr grab ab yyour our o bes besties ties an and dw wander ander d down own tto oP Pacific acific A Ave. ve. wi with th yyour o ourr furr furryy h hoods oods an and d boots tto o gget et a gglittering littering ey eye-full yee-fulll o off th thee tr tree-decorating ee-decoratin t g con contest! test! N Not ot onl onlyy is iitt p passable assable as a ffamily-friendly amily-friendly w a warm arm an and d fu fuzzy zzy ou outing, utting, bu but, utt, b bro, ro, ccheck heck ou out ut th those ose p pretty retty d dancing ancing lights—sooo prettyyyyyy. lig hts—sooo p rettyyyyyy.




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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013




Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft G Guide Gu ide ide Guiuiuid de Surf Editor J USTICE PURA PURA JUSTICE Surf Lesson

We’re We’re all at at different difffeerent levels levels in the the school school of of surfing surfing and and the t e school th school of of life. liffe. Some Some of of us shred, shred, and and some some of of us just just want want to to get get our feet feeet wet. wet. A ggood ood teacher teacher can work work with with people people at at all levels levels of of experience. experience. Monster Monster w wave ave m master a ter K as Kenny enny “Skin “Skindog” dog” Collins says out Richard Schmidt The part might Collins sa ays tto o ccheck heck ou ut Ri chard Sc hmidt School. School. T he si ssickest ckest p art is yyou o ou mig ht even even e get get to to kick kick iitt wi with th Richard R chard Sc Ri Schmidt—the hmidt—the first first Santa Santa Cr Cruz uz big wave wave sur surfer feer to no to ever ever make make it it nationally! nattionall a y! Just Just remember: remember: n o matter mattter how how long long you’ve you’ve been swimming, swimming, sur surfing fing or living, l livin g, you’re you’r o e still still learning. learning. Unl Unless esss you’re you’re a d dolphin. olphin. Those Those guys guys are are pretty pretty smart. smart.

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FCS Dayrunne Dayrunner er Board Bag Arrow Arr ro ow Surf Shop. 2324 4 Mission St, Santa Cruz. $54-$14 $54-$145 45 Some Sri Some Sri Lankan Lankan priests priests t sa say ay the the bes bestt w way ay tto o appreciate appreciate som ssomething ething in yyour our lif life fe is to to hidee iitt ou hid outt o off sig sight ht in a shiny shiny b bag, ag, m meditate editate in afternoon afternoon n sun—preferably sun—preffeerably ar around ound 3:30pm—go 3:30p m—go ffor o or a jjog, og, sm smoke moke h hashish ashish an and d th then en tr tryy tto o rremember em member w where here yyou ou lleft eft that th at thing thing yyou ou hid. Oh Oh ssur sure, e, th that at m may ay soun sound d cr crazy—but azyy— —bu ut I llove ovve boar board db bags! ags! T These hese Dayrunners Da ayyrunners also also p protect rotecct your your surfboard surfboard fr from om ggetting etting di dinged inged u up p in th thee car car, r, w which hich can lead lead to to gnarly gnarly long-term long-t - erm d damage amage w when hen a scr scratch atch ggets e exposed ets exposed to to salt salt water water or sunlight, sunlig ht, an and d th they’ll ey’ll fi fitt your your boar board d nice nice and and snug. snug.

S l Solarez Pro P T Travel ra ravell Kit Rip Curl. 1604 Mission n St, Santa Cruz. $25 Down in En Down Encinitas, cinitas, we we used u tto o have have a sa saying: ayying: “Things “Things come co ome and and go, go, wood wood tto o ashes. as hes. Don Don’t’t llet et yyour o our small sm mall dings dings becom becomee way way bigger bigger scratches.” scrratches.” So if you you forget fo orget to to sslip lip yyour our boar board d in into to your you our Dayrunner Da ayyrunner bag bag and and it it gets gets d damaged, am maged, fix iitt up up wi with th this bitchin’ bi tchin’ p professional rofeessional ki kit, it, com complete plete wi with th dual-cure dual-cure llaminating amin natting rresin, esin, microlite microlite putty, pu utttyy, san sandpaper, dpaperr, grits, grits, spreaders, spreaders, two two kinds kinds of of pu putty uttty and and scissors. And And be more more car careful eful n next ext tim time. e. Be on one ne wi with th th thee boar board, d, an and d th thee boar board d will kn know ow yyour our in o intentions. tentions.

Sex W Wax ax a Stock Stockings kings O’Neill. 110 Cooper St, Santa S Cruz. $32.95 Adventure

Stocking sstuffers Stocking tufffeers ar aree h hard. a d. M ar Mee person personally, ally, I al always lways fforget orget o e tto o bu buyy yyo-yos o-yos on o Christmas Chr istmas Ev Eve, ve, and and then then e end end u up p ea eating atting all th thee chocolate chocolate bef before fo ore th thee kids kids can because I’m so exhausted exhausted after after a long long day day of of shredding. shredding.. Winter Winter swells, swells, dude, dude, win winter ter sswells. wells. Lu Luckily, ckily, this t si sick ck sstocking tocking com comes es p pre-packaged re-packaged wi with th li lip pb balm, alm, sur surff w wax ax an and d all kinds kinds of of good good o stuff. stufff. The The w whole hole ffam a am will be stoked, stoked, an and dw when hen I sa say ay ““stoked” stoked” I mean mean eexuberant. xuberrant. “T “Trinket-wise, rinket-wise, it’s it’s th thee bes best,” t,” says sa ays O’N O’Neill eill floor floor manager manager Laura Laur aR Roessler. o oesslerr. N Now ow if onl o onlyy I coul could d rremember emember w whether hether Se Sex xW Wax ax is th thee sstuff tufff yyou ou o put pu ut on yyour our o board board to to increase in ncrease fr friction icti t on or tto o rrub ub all ov over veer yyour our bod body dy tto om make ake iitt ni nice ce and an d bum bumpy py ffor o or the the ladies. ladiies.

Soft T Top op o Surfb Surfboards boards Play It A Again g gain Sports. 4 4770 770 Soquel Dr, Soquel. Fr From rom o $15 $150; 50; 5-to-10-f 5-to-10-foot fo oot sizes If yyou ou h have ave an adventurer ad dveenturrer on yyour o our gift lis listt w whose hose min mind d ttends ends tto o wr write ite cchecks hecks th thee bodyy can't cas bod cash, h, so soft ft top top surfboards surfboards are are a ggame ame changer changerr for fo or beginning beginning surfers. surfeers. They're T hey're per perfect fec e t ffor o or ad adults ults w who ho d don't on't w want ant 20


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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Richarrd Schmidt Surf School. Richard Schoo ol. 849 Almar Ave, Santa Cruz. $100



Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft Gu G Guide ide ide id Guiuiuuide de

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

to ggo to o ou out ut and and gget et thr thrashed, ashed, an and d tteenagers eenagers w whose hose p parents arents t d don't on't w want ant th them em tto o ggo o outt an ou and d gget et thr thrashed. ashed. T These hese boar boards ds have have m more ore balance, balancee, they're they're stronger, strongerr, an and d th thee materials m aterials rreduce educe be belly lly an and d lleg eg rrash. ash. Kn Knock ock in into to a rrock ock or o dr drop op th thee boar board d off off th thee car an and d iitt w won't on't gget et damaged; dam maged; hi hitt som someone eone eelse lse wi with th iitt and a d they an they w won't on't gget et hurt. hurt.

Dirk T Travis rravis SECURITY SPECIALIST S ECURITY S PECIALIST Designer Keys AA Safe Saffe & Security Co. 712 Soquel S Ave, Santa Cruz. $4 and up Security Security is an important importan a tp part art o off our lives. lives. As a professional professi e on o al security security gu guard, ard, I come come fface ace to a to face fa ace with with h danger danger all the the time time that that could could bee avoided avoided with with proper proper security security measures. measures. There’s There’s a lot lot of of scum that that litters litters ourr street, street, and and I am sworn sworn as a professional profeessional to to protect protec e t th thee inn innocent, ocent, no no matter matt t er how how ig ignorant gnorant th they ey can be to to the the danger danger of of the th he world. world. d One One thing thin hi g I’ve I’ I’vve learned learned d about abou b t civilians civilia i ilians is i that th hat they th hey will ill often oft f en only only take take proper proper safety saffeetyy measures measures if you yo ou make make iitt fun for fo orr them. them. That’s That’ ts w why hy this year year I am getting getting my my family fa amily members members custom custom made made keys keys from frrom AA AA Safe Saffe & Security. Securityy. You You o can put pu ut football fo ootball team team e designs designs on them, them, pictures pictures of of the the family fa amily dog, dog, all sorts sorts of soundly knowing they’ll of juvenile ju uveenile stuff. stufff. At least lea ast I can ssleep leep soun dly at at night night kn nowing that that th ey’ll actually actually remember remember to to lock lock u up p all a th their eir possessi possessions, ons, just just becausee iit’s t’s so much much goddamned goddamned fun to keys att th them. Whatever. to pull out ou ut their their custom cu ustom k eys and and look look a em. Wh hateveerr.

A. F Foot oot o FEATURES F EATURES EDITOR EDITOR Cowboy Boots Tomboy. T o omboy. 1207 Soquel Ave, Santa S Cruz. $25-$50 Writing Writing about about features feea atturess is my my p passion assion in lif life. fe. I also also lik likee neat nea at SHOES. SHOES. Such Such as cowboy cowboy boots from from vintage vin ntage clothing clothing sstore tore Tomboy. Tomboy.

Zoya Nail Poli Polish ish Staff of Lif Life. fee. 1266 Soqu Soquel uel Ave, Ave Santa Cruz. Cruz $9 I like like to to d decorate ecorate my my features fea eattures with with bright bright co colored lored po polish! lish! h Al Also, so, this polish polish is a **bes **bestt fr friend iend fforever** o oreveer*** (B (BFF) FF) o off th thee en environment. nvvironment. “Go gr green, reen, or ggo o tto o yyour our h home.” ome.”

Tights Legs. 1517 P Pacific acific Ave,, Santa Cruz. $18-$27 When m When myy ffeet eeet go go out out somewhere, somewhere, they they al also so like like to to take take th ttheir eir llegs egs wi with th th them. em. H Hah, ah, hah. h ah. ;) T That’s hatt’s w why hy this Features Fea attures Edi Editor tor w wears ears bright-colored bright-colored tights, tights, leggings leggings and and sweater sweater tig tights hts in a attempt ttem mpt tto o be both ffestive eestivve and and fashionable. fa ashion nable.



DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013



DECEMBER 18-24, 2013




Support your local Certified Green Businesses

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Transportation Sales and Service Alan Rice Automotive 3545 Soquel Dr. Soquel, 831-475-4774

Micks Auto 1257 Thompson Ave. Santa Cruz, 831-464-6855

Car Care Care Center 2852-A Soquel Ave. Avve. Santa Cruz, 831-479-4777

Natee Smith 2335 Soquel Dr. Dr. 2335 Santta Cruz, 831-476-1332 Santa www

Chevrolet of Watsonville Watsonville 490 Auto Center Drive W atsonville, 831-722-4122 Watsonville, www Cruz Carw ash Carwash 2731 41st. Avenue Avvenue Soquel, 831-476-7246 www

Opaal Cliffs Auto Center Opal 4001 Portola Dr. Dr. 4001 Santta Cruz, 831-475-0284 Santa www Pearce European Pearce and Japanese 3301 Portola Dr. Dr. 3301 Santta Cruz, 831-476-2477 Santa www

DMV Clinic 2335 Soquel Dr Dr.. Ste. G Santa Cruz, 831-462-4436 www Henderson Automotive 982 17th Ave. Ave. v Santa Cruz, 831-464-8667

Proffessional Touch Touc o h Professional Body Autoo Body 5500 Scotts VValley alley Drive 5500 Scottts VValley, alley, 831-438-8939 Scotts www

Holiday Muffler Service Service 309 Front Street Santa Cruz, 831-426-2204 holida

Ranndy’s Auto Repair Randy’s 1125 17th Ave. Avve. 1125 Santta Cruz, 831-426-0336 Santa www

Llo yd’s Tire Tire Service Service Lloyd’s 303 River Street Santa Cruz, 831-426-4363 www

Rick’ k s Auto Shop Rick’s 1050 B 17th Ave. Avve. 1050 Santta Cruz, 831-475-2470 Santa

Bonny Doon F Farm a arm m Soap & Salve

Rusty’s Honda & Mazda Repair 318 River Street Santa Cruz, 831-458-9445 Scott’s Body Shop Sttreet 140 Center Street alifornia 95060 ma Santa Cruz, Ca California mapp 831-426-18000 831-426-1800 Valley Transmission Transmission Scotts Valley Repair & Auto Repair alley Drive 5346 Scotts VValley alley, 831-438-0402 8 Scotts VValley, A Specialized Auto Chanticlleer Ave. Avve. 2415 Chanticleer 8331-462-3458 Santa Cruz, 831-462-3458 Toyota of Santa Sannta Cruz Toyota Plaaza Dr. Dr. 4200 Auto Plaza Capitola, 831-462-4200 831--462-4200 Capitola, Water Star Motors M Water Street 318A River Street 8331-621-5834 Santa Cruz, 831-621-5834

Look for the th he Green Business Busin ness Logo!

Get Certified! Many local businesses businesses are are becoming green green – you can too. too. coordinator how. Call your local coor dinator or visitt our website to find out ho w.

Herb Room. 1130 3 Mission St, S , Santa Cruz. $7.95-$11.95 $7 95 $ 95 no secret secret that that I like like flowers floweers better better than than people. people. I give givve floral fl f oral gifts whenever wheneveer It's no possible possible to to th those ose I'v I've ve managed managed to to tolerate, tolerate, h hoping oping tto o aatt lleast e tm eas make ake th them em sm smell ell bett better. err. The 42-year-old 42-yyeear-old Bonny Bonny Doon Farm Farm packs packs more more flowers flowers into in i to a small small space space than than The nature natur t e eever veer d does, oes, with with intense i tense essential in essential oils oils that that infuse their th t eir products, products, including including rose geranium geranium (my (my favorite), favo orite), lavender laveender and and lemon lemon verbena. veerbena. The The Gardener's Gardener's Salve Sallve rose is a moisturizing moisturizing wonder, won o derr, and and the the quality quality of of the the lotion, lotion, soap so oap and and essential essential oils oils is equally rich. rich. Buy Bu uy them them at at the the Herb Herb Room, Ro oom, a local local gem, gem, where where you yo ou can also also make make your your equally own own cus custom-scented tom-scented p products roducts fr from om bulk iitems tems lik likee un unscented s ted m scen massage assage oil, lotion, lotion, shampoo, facial fa acial cleanser cleanser s and and body body wash, wa ash, and and mix them them m with with one one or more more of of many many shampoo, essential oils. oils. Pu ut your your blend blend in one one o glass bottles—cobalt botttles—coballt b lue or brown brown essential Put off th thee coo cooll glass blue apoth thecary-sty tyle—ffor o a sweet sweett handmade handm d ad de gift. gift apothecary-style—for

Vintage Flowe Flower er V Vessels essels e Lina Flor Floral ra al Design. 50 504 04 Bay Ave, Capitola. $10-$85 I can't be al alone one with with m myy p preferred refferr e ed life liffe form, form, o flowers, flowers,, all th thee time, time, so w when hen Ih have ave visi visitors tors I tr tryy tto o surr surround ound th them em wi with th fl flowers. owers. A After fter m myy gu guests ests lleave, ea ave, I ggather ather my my babies, babies, wilted willted as w wee all ar aree after after the the exposure expossure to to lesser lesser en entities, tities, and an d tr tryy to to m make ake it it u up p to to them. them. One One of of my my favorite favorite ways ways to to treat treat flowers flowers well well is via th thee vin vintage tage vessels vessels sold sold at at Lina Lina Floral. Floral. Always Always one o e to on to think outside outside the the vvase, ase, o owner wner W Wendy endy M Melrose elrose ggoes oes beyond beyyond the the standard standarrd glass glass vvessels, essels,, gleaning gleaning uniquee pieces uniqu pieces with with unusual un nusual shapes shapes and and colors colors evocative evoca ative of of other other times times that that will d delight elight yyour our un unconventional co onventional beloved. beloved. Buy Buy them them em empty pty or with with one one of of Lina's Lin a's divin divinee bou bouquets. quetts. Y Your our fl flowers owers will rradiate! adiate! w b b i


For more more infor information mation about the Monterey Monterey Bay Area Area e Green Green Business Program, Program, contact your local Santa Cruz Cruz County Coordinator Coordinator (831) 477-3976 the City of Santa Cruz Coor Coordinator dinatoorr (831) 420-5423 or your local San Benito County Coor Coordinator dinator (831) 636-4110. Funded bbyy the County of Santa Cruz, City of Santa S Integrated Waste Waste Management M Agency. Cruz and San Benito County Integrated Agency.


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Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft Gu G Guide ide ide id Guiuiuuide de

Top T op op Hat Moon Zooom. 813 P Pacific acific Ave, A Santa Cruz. $16 I love lovve birthday birthday p parties, arties,, with with their their streamers, streamers, frosted frosted cak cakes kes an and d all the the clapping clapping five-year-olds. five-yyeear-olds. That That ccheery heery soun sound—as d—as th they ey sa say—is ay—is m magic aggic tto om my y ears. As this paper’s paper’s rresident esident musician, musician, c let let me me assure assure you you that that I never never e show show up up to to parties parties to to perform perfo orm fancy fa ancy card card tricks tricks without without the the proper proper aattire, ttire, an and do off course that that m means eans a top top hat! hat! t In my my line line of of work, work, it’s it’s all about about being being taken taken seriously. serriously.

Rabbit Santa Cruz Animal Sh Shelter. helter. 2200 7th Ave, Santa Cruz.. $50 Some peo Some people ple sa say ay I’m lloony o y an oon and d confusin confusing g “musi “musicians” cians”” wi with th “m “magicians.” agicians.” W Well, ell, tell tell that th at tto o this rrabbit abbit I jus justt pull pulled ed ou out ut o off m myy coa coat at poc pocket! ket! I think t I’ll n name ame him R Robert. obert.

Art & Office Supply

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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Sockshop & Shoe Company 3DFLÀF $YH 6DQWD &UX] &D (831) VRFNVKRSDQGVKRHFR FRP

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Downtown Dow D own wnto wnt ow wn Garages wn G Gaar ara ara rages ages age ag ges


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013



Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft G Guide Guiuiuuide Gu ide ide id de

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Brews ster Jeanette Brewster MO’ BETTA BETTA LIQUA LIQ I UA EDDITA EDDITA MO’ Organic Six-Pack k Santa Cruz Mountain Br Brewing. ew wing 402 Ingalls St, wing. St Santa Cruz. $25 Three Three of of Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Mountain Mountain Brewing's Brewin w g's organic organic flagship flagshi h p ales ales are are featured feeatured in this six-pack of of 16-ounce 16-ounce bottles. b es. Two bottl Two each: each: the the robust, robust, coffee-flavored coffeee-flavored People's People's Porter, Porterr, six-pack the the full full-bodied -bodied and and fu fully ully hopped hopped In India dia Pale Pale Ale, Ale, an and d th the he co copper-colored pper-colored Amber Ale. It even even comes comes in an n elegantly elegantly designed designed box box so there's there's e n o need need tto o gift wr ap— Ale. no wrap— the the ultimate ultimate sign of of a last-minute last-minute gift. Available Available in the the taproom. taproom.

Anne-Marie Harridaughter H FEMINIST F EMINIST STUDIES STUDIES E DITOR EDITOR Smarty Pants Und Underwear derwear Legs/Jerry's Sports/Aptos Shoes Sh & Appar Apparel. rel. e $21.99 Who Who decided decided that that women's wo om men's undergarments undergarments should should be made made of of non-fabrics non-ffa abrics like like lace lace and and mesh, mesh, be constricting constricting or rride ide up up the the victim's victim's bums b ffor o or 12 hours hours a day? day? y Misogynists, Misogynists, that's that's who. who. How How are are today's today's y women women supposed suppo osed to to manage manage work-hardwork-hardplay-hard play-hard lifestyles liffes e tyles and an nd feel feeel beautiful beau uttiful from from the the inside inside out ou out when when their their insides insides are are wrapped wrapped in layers layers e of of spandex, sp pandex, thong thong cords cords and and wire? wire? Well, Well, no no more! more! Ladies, Ladies, tell tell your your o lover lover to to stay stay ou outt o off Victoria's Victoria's Secret Secret and and steer steer toward towar a d a new new kin kind do off w wonderondero garment garment straight straight from from m a Soquel Soquel designer: designer: Smarty Smarty Pants. Pantss. Zero Zero panty panty lines? lines? Check. Check. Comfortable Low-rise and cute boy-brief Comfo ortable and and breathable? brea atthable? Double Double check. check. Lo w-rise an a d cu te in a bo y-brief kinda Wear them whenever being awesome (like, always). kinda way? wayy? Oh Oh yeah. yeeah. W ear th em w heneveer you're you're bein ng a wesome (lik e, al lways).

Roland Dye G AMES EDITOR EDITO OR GAMES Pandemic Comicopolis. 829 Fr Front ront o St, Santa Cruz. $39.99 I think we we can all agree agreee games games are are fun, unl unless ess you’re you’re playing playin y g with with a ttotal otal cheater cheater like like my my cousin Nikki. Y You ou o know, know, the the banker banker who who you you o are arre absolutely absolutely posi positive tivve is embezzling embezzling probably probably lik llikee hundreds hundreds and and hundreds hundreds of of blue, blue, yellow yellow an and d especiall especiallyy golden golden dollars dollars at at Monopoly—but Monopoly— —but can’t can’t prove prove it it because sshe he has has so many many “offshore “offshore accounts” accounts” (mainly (mainly pockets pocckets and and socks) socks) to to hide hide them them in? in? Well, Well, Nikki, let’s let’s see you you o cheat chea at at at Pandemic, Pandemic, c the the cooperative cooperattive board board ggame ame in w which h hich p players layers ar aree p part art of of a speciali specialized zed unit unit of of scientist, scientist, researcher, researcherr, medic medic and and more more who who have have to to stop stop a worldwide wo orldw wide outbreak ou utb t reak o off disease disease.. Can yyou o ou all ttogether ogether fin ffind d th thee cur cures es bef before fo ore th thee outbreaks outbreaks ggo o gglobal? lobal? Will Will one one of of yyou ou h hog og all the the gglory lory w when hen you you do? do? R Remember: eemember: there’s there’s no no “i” in “t “team,” eam,”” bu but ut there there ar aree ttwo wo in “Nikki.”



DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


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Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft G Guide Gu ide ide Guiuiuid de


Assassin’s Cre Creed eed IV: Black Flag




Level Up. 113 Locust St,, Santa Cruz. $59.99 new; $47.95 5 used

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Now that Now that th thee Xbox Xbox One One and a d Playstation an Playstattion 4 are are out, ou ut,t a lot lot of of gamers gam a ers are are doing doing the the sen sible thin g: ssticking ticking with w th th wi eir Xbo x 360s an dP S3s th at ac at tually h ave gr ea at ggames ames sensible thing: their Xbox and PS3s that actually have great d eveloped ffor or o th em. Assassin’s Asssassin’s Creed Crreeed IV: Black Flag g is one one of of the the hottest hottest of of these these right right developed them. n ow (though (though vversions eersions ffor o th or x On dP S4 h ave sin ce com utt, ttoo, oo, if yyou ou o mus t). now thee Xbo Xbox Onee an and PS4 have since comee ou out, must). The T he ggame ame iis m maybe ayb be th the he m most ost en enjoyable njoya ab ble o off th the he Assassin’s ’ Cr C Creed reeed d ggames ames tto a op play, lay, as you yo ou captain ca aptain an upgradable upgradab ble pirate pirate ship ship thr through ough th thee Car Caribbean ibbean b in a fully fullly open-ended open-ended ad adventure dven entture in w which hi h ch yyou ou o can sac sack k sships hips an and d lloot oot tto o yyour o our h heart’s earrtt’s d delight elight w while hil h ew working orking in inside side a llarger argeer missi mission. on. And A d your An yo our crew crew stays stays loyal loyal a tto o yyou, o ou, although allthough I w wouldn’t o ouldn n’t coun count nt on an any ny su such ch thin thing g in mul multiplayer tiplayeer m mode. ode. Et tu, Nikki?

Extreme Sport Sports s Editor RUSTY R USTY HUNT HUNT Bell Super Helmett Another Bike Shop. 2361 Mi Mission ission St, Santa Cruz. $125 Whenever Whenever e my my best best bro bro does does something something EXTREME, EXTREME, I hit hit my my head head against against his as hard as I can, because a simple simple “Hey, “Heyy, nice nice job, job, bro” bro” won’t won’t do. do. Bu ut I do do n ot lik o hi hard But not likee tto hitt my my head head when when going going down down a dusty dusty mountain—which mountain—w wh hich I do do faster fas a ter than than a cheetah cheetah riding a Harley-Davidson Harley-Da avid v so on down down a waterslide. waterslide. So when when I go go riding, riding, I w ear my my Bell Bell riding wear Super Super bik bikee helmet. helmet. W Weighing eeiighing in a att lless ess th than an a poun pound, d, it’s it’s robust robust en enough ough to to wi withstand thstand h ea avy im pact. It h as vvertical er ertical an dh orizon ntal ad djjusters an d 25 air vvents—four een ntts—ffo our o em heavy impact. has and horizontal adjusters and off th them jjust jus st abov abo above ve the the eyebrow eyyebrow region. region. on Plus Pluss iit’s t’s ggot ot a comfy comfy little little gr ggroove oovve just j st below jus below th thee visor isor w here yyou o ou can rrest est yyour o ourr ggoggles oggles ffor o or w hen yyou o ou w an nt tto o gget et mu d in yyour o our ey yees. where when want mud eyes.

Purchase Online or In Store

Mini Hand W Warmers armers (10-pack) Outdoor W World. orld. o 136 Ri River iver St, Santa Cruz. $11.99 When likee a mother frozen grade 20-below Wh en ice ice climbing climbing lik mother trucker trucker up up a steep steep fr ozen gr ade in 20-be low ttemperatures, emperatures, I ttake ake p pride ride in h how ow n nearly early fr frostbitten ostbitten m myy h hands ands ffeel, eeel, an and dIw wonder onder another EXTREMITY off. But maybe ones if I’ll have have to to have have an oth her E XTRE EMITY cchopped hopped o ff. Bu ut m ayb be yyour our lloved ovveed on es ar aree lless ess h hard-core. ard-core. T They hey mig might ht w want ant som somee mini-h mini-hand and warmers—which warmers—which hold hold heat heat ffor or se o seven ven h hours ours a att an a average veragge ttemperature emp perature o off 112 d degrees—as egr g ees—as sstocking tocking sstuffers. tufffeers. If yyou ou d do o ggo o th that at rroute, ou ute, I sugg suggest est ggetting etting all th thee h hand-warmers and-warrmers h hot ot on Chr Christmas istmas m morning, orning, thr throwing owing th them e in yyour em our h holiday oliday sstocking tocking an and dw wearing earing iitt lik likee a sski ki m mask. ask. See w who ho can k keep eep iitt on th their eir h head ead th thee llongest! ongest! W Winner inner ggets ets m more ore h hand and w warmers. armers.

Two-Hour Kay Kayak yak T Tour o our Kayak K ayak a Connection. 413 3 Lake Avenue #3, Santa Cruz. $25 $ People ar People aree ttalking, alking, an and d yyes, ees, sstand-up tand-up p paddleboarding addleboarding is, in i ffact, a act, extreme. extreme. EXTREMELY E XTREMEL LY rrelaxing! elaxing! T There here is n not ot a m more ore fun w way ay tto o ccheck hec e k ou out ut th the e sea ott otters ers w while h hile working w orking ou out ut yyour o our cor core. e. There There are are even eveen specialized specialized sstrokes trokess tto o focus focus o on yyour o our abs, arms and an d llegs. egs. sM Make ake sur suree you yo ou u wear wear waterproof waterproof sun sunscreen! screen! Kayak Ka ayak Connection Conneccti t on will let let yyou o ou gget et yyour o our fr friends iends an and d ffamily am amily sstarted tarted wi with th a gift cer certificate tifica ate ffor o or a ttwo-hour wo-hour ttour. ourr.


710 Front St | 831.427.4444 | | #WoodstocksCruz



Gift Gif Gi G ifiiftftft Gu G Guide ide ide id de Guiuiuuide

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Gourman nd Olive Gourmand FOOD T RENDS EDITOR EDITOR FOOD TRENDS Lavender Shortbr Shortbread read Mix Homeless Gar Garden rd den Pr Project ro oject j Gift G f Stor Store. ree. 110 Cooper p Str Street, reeet,, Suite 100G. Santa Cruz. $8 Christmas Christmas is a time time for for o cookies cookies and and things things that that smell smell ni nice. cee. An And d al also so ffor or philanthropy o philan ntthropy and gift-giving. gift-giving. What What iff you you o could could combine combine all o ese ffestive eesstivve an dw on o derrful f thin gs and off th these and wonderful things into into one one gift? And And what what if that that gift w were eere under under $10? W World or orld peace, peace, that’s thatt’s what. what.t Enter Enter laveender sshortbread hortbread co ookie mix fr om H omeless Gar den P Pr ojecctt, ffeaturing ea eatturing organic organic lavender cookie from Homeless Garden Project, ingredients ingredients and and lavender laven e der buds buds from from their their ffarm. a arm. The The recipient recipi p en nt jus justt ad adds ds bu butter, uttterr, vanilla va anilla and concoct HGP, and llove ovve tto o con cocct 16 tasty tas a ty little little treats. trea atts. All proceeds proceeds go go back bacck to to H GP, a local local non-profit non-profit that provides training and support services those that aree homeless. that p rovides jjob ob tr ainin ng an d su pport ser rvvices tto o th ose th hat ar homeless. Mmm, wa arm and and fuzzies. fuzzies. warm

Manresa: An Edible E Reflection Bookshop Santa Cruz.. 1520 P Pacific acific Ave, Santa Cruz. $50 $ Food-lovers salivated earlier when acclaimed F ood-lovveers rrejoiced ejoiced and an nd saliv vated ear lier this yyear eear w hen n acc laimed chef chef David Da avvid Kinch Kinch ann announced ounced th thee pub p publication lica attion o off his firs firstt coo cookbook. kbook. It did n not ot disappoint. disappoin ntt. A tr truly uly exquisite photographs, Manresa celebrates exquisite collection colleccttion of of rrecipes ecipes and and p hotographs, M anressa ce lebrates the the symbiotic symbiotic collaboration collaborattion bet between tween his Michelin-starred Michelin-starred Los Gatos Ga atos restaurant res e taurant o off th thee sam samee name and Cynthia Sanderberg’s Love Apple Farms the name an d Cyn thia San nderberg’s Lov ve Ap ple F arms in th he Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Mountains. Moun ntains. The The in inventive nveen nttivve an and d in inspiring sp piring rrecipes ecipes wi within thin ar aree a tr treat ea at for fo orr anyone anyo one who who appreciates apprecia ates beautiful tryy beau uttiful food fo ood that that showcases showccases the the best best of of our local local flavors. flavor ors. You Yo ou may may even even e want want to to tr and and coo cook k something something from frrom it! it!

Mini Cupcake Cupcakes es Buttercup Butter rccup Cakes & F Farmhouse a arrmhouse Fr Frosting. ro osting. 109 Locust St St. t. $2 each My nightmare: being caught thoughtful friend/ M y nig ghttmare: bein g ca aught without withou ut a reciprocal reciprocal gift ffor or o that th hat th oughtful fr riend/ co-worker/relative-in-law/hostess. co-w wor orker/relattivve-in e -law w/hostess. Ser Seriously, riously, I have have al always lways been vvery eery w wary arry o a off all co coffee ffeee dates with acquaintances December. That until d ates wi th ac qu ua ain ntancees during durring December r. T hat is, un nttil I discovered discovveered I can just just pop pop into in nto th thee ccheery heery Bu Buttercup uttterrccu up Cak Cakes es an and d pi pick ck ou out ut h half alf a d dozen ozen mini-cu m mini-cupcakes pcakes on m myy w way ay tto o coc cocktail ktta ail h hour. ourr. M Made ade fr from rom llocal ocal an and d or organic rganic in ingredients, gredien ntts, tth these ese scr scrumptious umptious li little ttle treats tr ea atts com comee in m myriad yyrriad uniqu u uniquee fl flavor avor o combin combinations attions (think Bl Blood ood Or Orange ange wi with th Ear Earl rl Gr Grey ey Frosting F rosting an and d Chocolate Chocolate wi w with ith Hibisc Hibiscuss Flower). Flower). er) e And And if my my d date ate is already alread dy thinkin thinking g abou abo about ut N New ew Y Year ear e resolutions, resoluttions, the th he gluten-free gluten-free an and d vvegan eg e an fl flavors avo ors ar aree equ equally allly d delicious. elicious.

Kissandra Mc McPaws cPaws CATS C ATS EDITOR EDITOR Vintage Home De Decor ecor Rescued Treasures. Trreeasurrees. 325 Front Frro ont St, Santa Cruz. Prices vary At this thrift thrift store store owned own ned and and operated operated by by the the feral feeral cat ca at advocate ad dvoca ate or organization ganiza attion Project Purr, and Project Purr r, yyou’ll ou’ll find find gifts such such as Art Art Deco furniture, furniture, antique antique toys toys an d eeven veen a five-foot-tall fivvee-ffo oot-tall wicker wicker elephant elephant scratching scrat scr atching post atching post sculpture. sculptu ure. BONUS: BONUS: All profits profits from cats from the the store store will go go to to Project Project Purr’s Purr’s efforts efffo orts to to spay spay and an nd neuter neuter fferal er e al ca ts in our community. communityy. A-meow-zing A-meow-zing Grace!!! Grace!!!


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


AE E!! GOOD DEEDS The rreformed efformed o Good Rid Riddance ddance plays Dec. 20 at the Cat Catalyst. talyst. The ban band canned Hunger.. nd has asked ffans ans a to bring cann ned ffood ood o ffor or o Grind Out Hunger

G Good R Riddance, iddanc ce Pt. ce, Pt 2 Why Wh hyy the the San Santa nta Cruz Cruz punk punkss sp split—and liit— —a and rreunited euniited BY S STEVE TEVE PALOPOLI {Editor’ss Note: This is part two of a twostory. Part part stor ry. P art one rran a an last week.] fter ft er establishing estab a lishing themselves themselves e as th thee most most po popular pular punk band b and tto o com comee ou out ut of of Santa San nta Cruz—perhaps Cruz—peerrhap ps ever—Good eveer—Good Riddance Riddance was wa as riding ridin ng high high after after seven seeven e albums on Fat Fat Wreck Wrecck Chords, Chorrds, the the label label that that had had signed signed them th hem in 1995 and and pushed pushed them them into in nto punk pun nk stardom. stardom. Vocalist Vo ocaliist and and primary primary songwriter songw wrriter Russ Ru uss Rankin was wa as proud prou ud of of their their successes, su ucccesses, remembering reememb berring the the local local punk band band he he had had looked looked up up to, to, and and what what it it meant mean nt to to the the Santa San nta Cruz Cruz scene scene when when they they made made a mark. marrk k. “Bl’ast “Bl’’as a t was wa as my my favorite favo orrite band band from frro om Santa San nta Cruz. Crruz. They They still still are,” are,” says sa ays Rankin. “I felt felt pride prid i e that that these these guys gu uys got go ot out ou ut there therre and and put pu ut us u on the the map.” map.” Still, in n some some ways, wayss, not not much much had had


changed ffor changed or o th thee m members embers o off Good G Riddance Rid dance 10 yyears eears llater. aterr. don’t any off us eever “I d on’t think an ny o veer thought t oug th ght wee had ‘made says bassist Chuck w had ‘m ade iitt big,’” sa ays b asssisst Ch uck Platt. P lattt. “We “W We were weerre just just guys gu uys playing playyin ng music. music. I’ve I’v ve never neveer had had a rroadie, o oadie, eever.” ver er..” But cracks Bu ut cr ra acks were weere starting starting tto o sshow. how. mid-2000s, their off By the the mid -2000s, th eir process pro ocesss o songwriting had quite son gw writing h ad cchanged hangeed qui te a bitt fr from thee ear early days, when they’d bi om th rly d ays, w hen th hey’’d practicing be p racctticing five fivve hours hours a day day and a d an writing drummer Sean wr iting rrecords ecorrds in dr ummer Se ean Sellers’ Guitarist Luke Pabich Se llers’ ggarage. aragge. Gui tarisst Luk ke P abich off th thee rremembers emembers that that the the shaping shaping o songs could incredibly organic. son gs coul d be in credibly or gani a c. “Somebody would have cool and “Som ebod dy w ould h o ave a co ool rriff, ifff, an d that would another and that th at w o ould llead ead tto o an other rriff, ifff, an d th at would song,” says Pabich. w o ould llead ead tto o a son g,” sa ays P abich. Now, thanks new circumstances N ow, th anks tto on ew cir cumsstances and they were no an d sheer sheer eexhaustion, xhaustion, th ey w eerre n o thee sam samee uni unit,t, an and llonger onger th d iitt ttook oo ok iits ts ttoll. oll.

“When wee w were working band, wee “Wh en w eere a w or orkin k gb and, w unconsciously put off p pressure un consciously pu utt a llot ot o ressurre on ourselves. Somewhere along thee lin line, ourse lvees. Som ewhere al ong th e, thee abili ability enjoy I lost lost th ty tto o en njoy what what we we were wer ere doing,” says Rankin. d oing,” sa ays Ranki in. major breakdown was thee w way, Am ajor b reakdown w w as a on th ay, and camee on M May when thee an d iitt cam ay 27, 2007, w hen th band played thee Ca Catalyst, unleashing b and p layed e th C atallyst, unl eashing an epic epic set of of 30 songs so ongs that that was was a later later rreleased eleased as Remain Remaiin in Memory: The Show.. Final Show Platt has onee rregret, though. “We P lattt h as on eggret, th ouggh. h “W We probably have called p robably sshouldn’t houldn n’’t h ave call ed our last lasst thee final hee sa says. sshow how th final sshow,” how,,” h ayss. Except that att th the time, off th thee Ex xccept th at a he tim e, all o members were absolutely convinced m embers w er ere ab bsolutely con nvvinced iitt was. w as. “It was was a really reallly iit.t. I held held back back ttears. ears. I choked up.. I eeven now,” chok ed up ven chok cchokee up now w,” ssays ayys Platt. Plat tt. was percent sure was “I w as a 100 per rce cen nt sur re iitt w a as the the end,” end,”

sa ays Pabich. Pabich. “No “No d oubts. W eerre jus st says doubts. Wee w were just so burned bu urned ou utt. I think w eere jus red e out. wee w were justt tir tired and do other things life.” an d rready ead dy tto od o oth er thin gs in lif fe.” Hee w went back school, business H een nt b ack tto o sc hool, ggot ot a busin esss degree and d egrreee an d sstarted tarrted a ffamily. a amilly. Platt Plattt ggot ot hee sstill with thee San Santa Cruz a jjob ob h till lloves ovvees wi th th nta Cr uz sports equipment company Giro. spor rtts equi pment com pan ny Gir o. Rankin, hockey superfan, highRank kin, a h ockey su up perrfa an, ggot ot a hig hprofile hockey p rofille gig as a h ockey scout scou ut with with a Canadian junior known Can a adian juni or lleague eague kn ow wn ffor o or producing p roducing NHL sstars. tars. They also kept playing music, with T hey al so all k ept p layin y g musi c, wi th h Rankin Only Crime, thee Rank kin rremaining emaining in Onl ly Cr ime, th old-school hardcore band hee fformed o ld-scchool h arrdcore b and h o ormed 2003 with Banee ggui guitarist Aaron in 200 033 wi th Ban tarrist Aar ro on Dalbec and Stevenson, Dalbe ec an d punk llegend eggeend Bill St even e son, off Bl Black Flag, Descendants a vveteran eeter e an o ack Fl ag, Descen dan ntts and Stevenson had produced their an d All. A St teveenson h ad p roduced th eir 2006’ss My Republic, att his llast ast album, al 2006’ Republic, a Blasting Room Colorado. Blassti ting R oom sstudio o tu udio in Co lorrad a o. Despite offers thee b band Despite big o ffeers ffor o or th and tto o reunite, until Pabich reeuniite, Rankin resisted, reesisted, un nttil P abich and Platt sat down onee d day and and P latt t sa at him d ow wn on ay an d explained how much they explain a ed tto o him h ow mu ch th ey missed thee b band. And when they firstt misseed th and. An dw hen th ey firs reunited discovered hee reeuniited in 2012, 2012 Rankin discov veered h did, ttoo. o . oo “We’re and along,” “W Wee’rre able able to to have have fun an d gget et e al ong,”” he he says sa ays of ay of playing playin y g together together now. now. “Before, “Beffo ore, I was worrying about was a too too busy w o orrying abou ut sstuff tuf t ff I couldn’t control.” couldn dn’t con nttrrol.” The has well, they’re The reunion reunion h as ggone on o e so w ell, th ey’rre planning new with plann ning tto o rrecord eecord a n ew album wi th Stevenson, aiming have something Stevenson, aimin g tto oh ave som ething new byy the off 2014. Bu But they new ready read e dy b the end end o ut th ey don’t that, since don’t want wan ant tto o be held held tto o th att, sin ce escaping thee p pressure they esca ap ping th ressurre th ey used tto o put themselves has onee thin thing pu ut on n th emselvees h as been on g that’s Riddance again. thatt’s made made Good Rid dance fun ag ga ain. Still, th writing new songs tthey’re ey’re wr riting n ew son gs in preparation. prepa arrattion. “We’re songs that people, “W Wee’rre playing playying son gs th at peo ple, including hear including us, have have wanted wan nted to to h ear ffor o or a while,” wh hiile,” Rankin says sa ays of of their their classic classic canon. “But keep doing that, canon n. “Bu ut if yyou o ou k eep d oing th at,t iitt becomes basically karaoke.” becom mes b asically k araoke.”

Good G ood Riddance Frriday, Dec. 20; 8pm, $16/$18 Friday, $16/$18 Catalyst, Ca atalyst, Santa Cruz

List your local event in the calendar!


Email it to, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.


GALLERIES OPENING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History

Bellydance Showcase

Toy Trains. A rotating cavalcade of operating toy trains from the 1920s to the 21st century. Gallery hours: Tues-Sun, 11am-5pm. Thru Jan 5. Rydell Visual Arts Fellows. An exhibition showcasing the diverse work of four local artists who received grants to pursue their projects. Gallery hours: Tues-Sun, 11am-5pm. Thru Feb. 23. $5 general; $3 students/seniors. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Different belly dancers each week on the garden stage. Presented by Helene. www. Sat, 1:30pm. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.429.6994.

The Nutcracker A holiday tradition performed by the Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre with a live orchestra. Fri, Dec 20, 8pm, Sat, Dec 21, 1 and 4:30pm and Sun, Dec 22, 1 and 4:30pm. $15-$55. Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.420.5260.

CONTINUING Felix Kulpa Gallery Neon art by Brian Coleman featuring glass tubes filled with multicolored glowing gasses. Gallery hours: Thurs-Sun, noon-6pm. Thru Jan. 26. 107 Elm St, Santa Cruz, 408.373.2854.


R. Blitzer Gallery The Masters Series continues with an exhibit by Howard Ikemoto and Ron Milhoan. Gallery hours: Tues-Sat, 11am-5pm. Thru Dec. 28. Free, 831.458.1217. Mission Extension and Natural Bridges, Santa Cruz.

CONTINUING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Spotlight Tours. Bringing the artists' voices directly to visitors. Go behind the scenes and museumwide exhibitions. Third Sat of every month, 11:30am-12:30pm. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Santa Cruz Rehearsal Studios A Very Vinyl Christmas. An exhibit of holiday LP covers. Open MonSun, 10am-midnight. Thru December. Free. 118 Coral St, Santa Cruz, 831.425.7277.

Bank Arts Collaborative. Down on the Farm: Seven local artists whose work represents the beauty of simple life on the farm. Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-6pm. Thru Jan. 3. Free. n/a, Santa Cruz.

Events LITERARY EVENTS Book Discussion Group A discussion of a new book each month, with copies available at the branch circulation desk. Email harbisons@santacruzpl. org for more information. Third Thu of every month, 1pm. Free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7700x7616.


Icona Pop Breakout duo plays famous hit ‘I Love It’ with a bunch of other songs you don’t know. Dec 18 at the Fillmore.

Mos Def Black Star rapper a.k.a. Yasiin Bey plays with Kev Choice and Melina Jones in small club. Dec 19 at 1015 Folsom.

Exodus Late ‘80s Bay Area thrash titans mosh it up with Nails and Hellfire. Dec 20 at Slim’s.

Holiday House of Soul This year’s KMEL bash features Jeremih, whose ‘All the Time’ is perfect minimalism. Dec 21 at the Warfield.

Rappin’ 4-Tay Thirteenth annual Cougnut Memorial Party also features RBL Posse and Cellski. Dec 21 at the Brick & Mortar Music Hall. More San Francisco events at

Eating Disorders Resource Center Meeting Groups will be led by Kimberly Kuhn, LCSW and Carolyn Blackman, RN, LCSW. Third Fri of every month, 6-7:30pm. Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz, 408.559.5593.

Family Storytelling Hour An all-ages story celebrating different cultures, by Sirena Andrea, Artistic Director of the Santa Cruz Storytelling Festival Sat, Dec 21, 2:303:30pm. $10 adult; $4 child. Luma Yoga & Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 831.325.2620.

FRIDAY 12/20 — SUNDAY 1/5

Toy Trains Ah, toy trains: the glue that holds together young children and their otherwise awkward step-parents. Bring the whole family out for a delightful afternoon with miniature 1920s steam engines, a modern diesel and several other models chugging along on curlicue tracks. Friday, Dec. 20 through Sunday, Jan. 5 at the Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. Free admission.

Former Shakespeare Santa Cruz actress Billie Harris and Book Cafe manager Jill Rose perform animated readings of children's stories. Mon, 11am. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

Figure Drawing


Grief Support

Miracle Working

A lunchtime drop-in support group for adults grieving the death of a family member or friend. Tues. 6-7pm at 125 Heather Terrace, Aptos; Fri. noon1pm at 5403 Scotts Valley Dr. Ste. D, Scotts Valley. free. Various sites, NA, Santa Cruz, 831.430.3000.

Spiritual teacher Dominique Free leads a weekly class on cultivating the consciousness to heal, overcome, succeed and create miracles. Thu, 7-8pm. Conscious Lounge, 1651A El Dorado Av @ Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.359.0423.

Holiday Sale

Overeaters Anonymous

Baby Feeding Circle A chance to relax, feed your baby and chat with other new mothers. Open to all mothers and babies. Mon, 10:30-11:30am. free. Luma Yoga & Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 831.325.2620.

Beat Sanctuary

San Francisco’s City Guide

Dog Owner's Community hosts a weekly one-hour, easy hike along the beach for dog lovers and their pets. www.newdogsintown. com Mon, 8:45-9:45am. Free. Aptos Beach staircase, 1049 Via Palo Alto, Aptos.

A dance class for exploring authentic movement as connection, exercise, prayer and spiritual practice. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. A weekly class for exploring exercise and spirituality through dance. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. Santa Cruz Yoga, 402 Ingalls Street, Santa Cruz, 585.278.0080.

Computer Class Led by Computer Dave, this beginner-friendly class lets group participants pick the topics themselves. Third Wed of every month, 4-5:30pm. free. Santa Cruz Central Branch Library, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.7717.

A Course In Miracles Study Group A weekly meeting on learning how to forgive and live in peace. Drop-ins are welcome. Thu, 7-9pm. The Barn Studio, 104b Park Way South, Santa Cruz, 831.272.2246.

Dog Hikes Santa Cruz International

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Various Santa Cruz County Bank Locations

Weekly drawing from a live model, facilitated by Open Studio artist Richard Bennett. Mon, 7-10pm. $16. Santa Cruz Art League, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 831.426.5787.

A selection of unique and affordable gifts for the holidays. www. Open 10am-8pm daily thru Dec. 24. Homeless Garden Project Store, 110 Cooper St., Santa Cruz.

Holiday Shopping Refreshments and holiday music to accompany special after-hours shopping at the Ocean Discovery Shop. Wed, Dec 18, 5-7pm. Free admission. Seymour Discovery Center, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3799.

Insight Santa Cruz Meditation sits, talks and discussions every day of the week. Learn the formal practice of meditation and engage with a community dedicated to reducing suffering by cultivating compassion. Visit www. for specific times and more information. Ongoing. Insight Santa Cruz, 1010 Fair Avenue, Suite C, Santa Cruz, 831.425.3431.

A 12-step support group for those who wish to recover from compulsive eating. Sundays 9-10:15am at 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz and 4-5:15pm at 115 South Morrissey, Santa Cruz. Mondays 12:151:15pm at 420 Melrose Ave, Santa Cruz and 7-8pm at 4951 Soquel Drive, Soquel. Tuesdays 12:15-1:15pm at 420 Melrose Ave, Santa Cruz. Wednesdays 10:3011:30am at 1335 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz; noon-1pm at 49 Blanca Ln #303, Watsonville; and 6:307:30pm at 335 Spreckles Dr, Ste. A, Aptos. Thursdays 1-2pm at 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. Fridays noon-1pm at 49 Blanca Ln, #303, Watsonville and 12:15-1:15pm at 225 Rooney St., Santa Cruz. Saturdays 9-10am at 532 Center St, Santa Cruz and 11am-noon at 75 Nelson St, Watsonville. 831.429.7906.

Postpartum Health Circle A weekly community circle offering support

and information about postpartum changes for mothers. Wed, 1:302:30pm. $5-$10 donation. Luma Yoga & Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 831.325.2620.

Qigong Flow Led by Bonnie Eskie, MFT. Tue, 10-11am. $10-$12. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.515.4144.

Recovery: 831.428.3024. Narcotics Anonymous: Clutterers Anonymous: 831.359.3008.

The Speaker's Gym Instructor Noel Murphy provides leadership coaching and public speaking skills every week. Wed, 7-9:30pm. Discovery Gym, 75 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley, 831.238.1234.

Senior Men's Social A potluck and socializing for gay men aged 60+. Call the Diversity Center senior line for details. Sat, Dec 21, 4-7pm. $5. Private home, N/A, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422x108.

Support and Recovery Groups Alzheimer's: Alzheimer's Assn., 831.464.9982. Bipolar: 707.747.1989. Cancer: Katz Cancer Resource Center, 831.351.7770; WomenCARE, 831.457.2273. Candida: 831.471.0737. Chronic Pain: American Chronic Pain Association, 831.423.1385. Grief and Loss: Hospice, 831.430.3000. Lupus: Jeanette Miller, 831.566.0962. Men Overcoming Abusive Behavior: 831.464.3855. SMART Recovery: 831.462.5470. Trans Latina women: Mariposas, 831.425.5422. Trichotillomania: 831.457.1004. 12-Step Programs: 831.454. HELP (4357). Pagans in

Winter Love-In An evening of blessings, music, poetry and speakers for peace. Fri, Dec 20, 5-9pm. donations requested. Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 831.423.1626.

Yoga Instruction Pacific Cultural Center: 35+ classes per week, 831.462.8893. SC Yoga: 45 classes per week, 831.227.2156. TriYoga: numerous weekly classes, 831.464.8100. Yoga Within at Aptos Station, 831.687.0818; Om Room School of Yoga, 831.429.9355; Pacific Climbing Gym, 831.454.9254; Aptos Yoga Center, 831.688.1019; Twin Lotus Center, 831.239.3900. Hatha Yoga with Debra Whizin, 831.588.8527.

Zen, Vipassana, Basic: Intro to Meditation Zen: SC Zen Center, Wed,

5:45pm, 831.457.0206. Vipassana: Vipassana SC, Wed 6:30-8pm, 831.425.3431. Basic: Land of the Medicine Buddha, Wed, 5:30-6:30pm, 831.462.8383. Zen: Ocean Gate Zendo, first Tue each month 6:30-7pm. All are free.

AROUND TOWN Comedy Showcase A new comedy showcase hosted by DNA featuring a different Bay Area headliner each week. Tue, 8:30pm. Free. Blue Lagoon, 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.7117.

Marine Mammal Research Tour A behind-the-scenes look at the work of marine scientists and their studies of dolphins, seals, sea lions and whales. Advance reservations required. Sun, Dec 22, 2-3:30pm. Seymour Discovery Center, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3800.

Winter Art Market Locally made woodcuts, screen prints, jewelry, stuffed animals, kaleidoscopes and many more one-of-a-kind gifts. Fri, Dec 20, 5-8pm. Free/donation. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


NOW THAT’S A PARTY Santa Cruz prodigy Jesse Scheinin celebrates the release of his new album Thursday at Kuumbwa.

W EDN ESDAY 12/ 18

T HU R SDAY 1 2/ 1 9



Mike Renwick usually takes the stage alone with an acoustic guitar. After each song, band members join him until he has a 10piece group with a horn section playing classics that span decades and genres— from Ray Charles’ “Unchain My Heart” to the Rolling Stones’ “Used to Love Her” and Bobby Darin’s “Dream Lover.” Renwick, also a master of the electric guitar, brings a dance-friendly flavor with tunes somewhere between jazz and swing. Don Quixote's; $10 adv/$12 door; 8pm. (Jacob Pierce)

The 1950s and Christmas go so well together. Full of Norman Rockwell-ish nostalgia, that era seems to capture the magic of the holidays. In what is fast becoming local tradition, bass player and singer Carolyn Sills and her group of ace musicians bring some of that magic back with “Santa Is Real: A 1950s Christmas Spectacular.” Comprising Charlie Wallace on steel guitar, Gerard Egan on guitar, Jimmy Norris on drums and Jerry Logan on bass, the combo reworks classics

by Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline, Elvis Presley, the Andrews Sisters and other nostalgic faves to put a retro twist on the holidays. Don Quixote’s; $12; 7:30pm. (Cat Johnson)

T HU R SDAY 1 2/ 1 9

JESSE SCHEININ Singer-songwriter-multi-instrumentalist Jesse Scheinin grew up in Santa Cruz as a child sax prodigy and jazz purist, who studied under Joshua Redman. But when the time came to really launch his career, he chose rock. And, uh, jazz. In fact, he’s been perhaps the most interesting musical experimenter to come out

of the 21st century local music scene so far. At Thursday’s show, with a full band of friends in tow to kick off a West Coast tour, he’ll be celebrating the release of his new album, Jesse and Forever. The album charts his musical growth, from “Memories,” a gorgeous slice of ambient psychedelia, all the way through to the the Bon-Iver-meets-jazz anthem “Back to Brazil.” Kuumbwa; $12/$15; 7pm. (Steve Palopoli)

F R I DAY 12 /2 0

AGGROLITES Light on the aggravated sound, this quintet plays and sings upbeat, cheery music over


lightly distorted guitar and heavy bass sounds. The Aggrolites picked the name partly so it would show well in Google searches—and it’s working because there aren’t any other Aggrolites!—although it would make a great name for a drink. They draw influence from first-wave ska and from 1960s skinhead reggae—referring, of course, to the era of British adoration of Jamaican music, not to the more recent American white supremacist movement that ruined an easy hairstyle for the rest of us. Moe's Alley; $17 adv/$20 door; 9pm. (JP)

THE NATIVE SIBLING Guitar player Ryan Williams and his sister Kaylee, a keyboardist, grew up together in Aptos, parted ways and moved around the country separately before reuniting to start an indie-folk band. Some songs have a mournful quality that can be traced to the loss of their mother, who passed away five years ago. Others ring of a bond that can only be shared by two people who grew up alongside each other. “Engulfed in your sin and what you have known,� they sing together on “Carry You,� a new song—“I know where you are, and I’m coming to carry you home.� Crepe Place; $8; 9pm. (JP)

F RI DAY 1 2 /2 0


Thursday, December 19 U 7 pm


WINDHAM HILL WINTER SOLSTICE: Barbara Higbie, Liz Story, Lisa Lynne, George Tortorelli, Aryeh Frankfurter

The Devil Makes Three

Concerts SHADY GROOVE Dec. 20 at Don Quixote’s WHITE ALBUM ENSEMBLE Dec. 29 & 30 at Rio Theatre FLAMIN’ GROOVIES Dec. 30 at Crepe Place DEVIL MAKES THREE Dec. 30 & 31 at Catalyst PHAROAH SANDERS QUARTET Jan. 6 at Kuumbwa

Mon. January 6


7 & 9 pm | No Comps

PHAROAH SANDERS QUARTET Thursday, January 9 U 7 pm

The Hanrahan Quartet Performing JOHN COLTRANE’S 50th Anniversary! “A LOVE SUPREME� Friday, January 10



7 & 9 pm | No Comps

Tix make great gifts!

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra featuring Wynton Marsalis Sat. March 8, @ Santa Cruz Civic Tickets: or Civic Box OfďŹ ce, 831-420-5260

Unless noted advance tickets at and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.

320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

* 3 ŝ New Year Ÿ * Q

The Christmas season is like a freight train rolling wildly toward its destination; there’s a lot of noise, visual stimulus and stuff to do. Winter solstice, on the other hand, quietly creeps up on us like the warm, soft celebration that it is. Marking the occasion, Windham Hill artists Liz Story (piano), Barbara Higbie (fiddle, piano, vocals), Lisa Lynne (Celtic harp) and others join forces as they welcome the return of the sun with the lovely, spirited, moving music that the Windham Hill label is known for. Kuumbwa; $25 adv/$28 door; 7pm. (CJ)

Selected consignment/ resale of current women's fashion. We also have many "New" items like scarves, wraps & jewelry! Come enjoy the thrill of the hunt!

SAT URDAY 1 2 /21

GENE TAYLOR BLUES BAND Featuring Dave Alvin, one of the founding fathers of Americana, and Gene Taylor, one of the finest blues pianists around, the Gene Taylor Blues Band is a righteous one-two punch of rocking and rolling roots and boogie woogie music. Both one-time members of the Blasters, these guys reunited in 2007 as a blues band after establishing themselves as successful solo artists and, in the case of Taylor, playing with numerous other outfits including Canned Heat and the Fabulous Thunderbirds. Put on your dancing shoes for this one. Moe’s Alley; $20 adv/$25 door; 9pm. (CJ)

Now Located in Brown Ranch Shopping Center

Ƅ & WAIT, MY NAME ISN’T ON ANY OF THESE SHOWS! Dave Alvin plays at Moe’s Alley Saturday as part of the Gene Taylor Blues Band.

3555 Clares St, #V, Capitola Winter Hours: M-Sat 10:30-5:30

(831) 429-6363

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

F RI DAY 1 2 /2 0

Celebrating Creativity Since 1975



WED 12/ 12/18 18 Liv Live eR Rock ock

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

923 9 23 P Pacific acific A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz


FRI 12/ 12/20 /20 2

Liv Live ve C Comedy omedy

SAT 12/ 12/21 21 Liv Live eD DJ J

+8 80’s 0’s d dance ance party party

Liv Live e Music

529 5 29 S Seabright eabright A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz

Rai Rainbow inbow L Lounge ounge

Liv Live eD DJ J



Do Rights

1140 40 Encinal E i l St, St, t Santa S t Cruz C

B l Burlesque


Wh Whiskey hiskey West West

Aerial Aerial Arts

T Till ill Zebra Zebra

P Pr Promo omo Night Ni ht

W Wick-It ick-It

11101 101 P Pacific acific A Avenue, venue, Santa Cruz


THU TH HU 12/ 12/19 19

Good Riddance Riddan nce

the Instigator Instigator

Sonar Sonara a el Soruyo Soruyo y su Dinamita

Suicidal T Tendencies endencies e

Mos Def

11011 011 P Pacific acific A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz


Thanks Buddy

The e OTS OTS Trio Trio

Native Native Sibling g

The Amigos Band

Y Yuji uji Tojo To ojo

Hip p Hop Night

Ronnie Ronnie Dobbs Dobb bs &

Joint Chiefs

11134 134 Soquel Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz

CROW’S C CRO W’S NES NEST T 2 2218 Eas Eastt Cliff Dr Dr,, Santa Cruz

the Fuzz


Bleu &

1 Da Davenport venport A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz

V Virgil irgil T Thrasher hrasher


Pr Preston e ton Brahm es Brahm Trio Trio

Mapanova Mapanova

11102 102 P Pacific acific A Ave, ve, Santa Santa C Cruz ruz

w with ith G Gary ary M Montrezza ontrezza


Jes Jesse sse Scheinin &

Winter Winter Solstice Solstice

3 320-2 Cedar Cedar St, St, Santa Cruz

F Forever orever

Barbar Barbara a Higbie e + mor more e

The e Shapes

The Aggrolites Aggrolites e


Isoc Isoceles eles

E Everlast verlast

Gene T Taylor aylor Band

11535 535 C Commercial ommercial W Way, ay, Santa Cruz


Space Space Bass! Bass!

Libation Lib bation Lab

11209 209 Pacific Pacific Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz

by by Andrew Andrew the Pirate Pirate

Curtis Curtis Murphy Murphy


Open Mic

Liv Live ve R Reggae eggae

D-ROC D ROC Live Live Ha Hawaiian waiian n

Liv Live eR Rock ock & R Reggae eggae

1120 20 Union St, St, Santa Cruz


Joint Chiefs

11205 205 Soquel Avenue, Avenue, Santa Cruz

S SEABRIGHT BREWERY BREWERY 5 Seabright A 519 Ave, ve, Santa Cruz


Johnn Johnny yF Fabulous abulous

G Gary ary Carpent Carpenter er

3102 3 310 2 Portola Portola Dr Dr.,., Santa Cruz

X X-Mas -Mas P Party arty

Jam m Session Session

A.C A.C Myles

Burnin V Vernon ernon Da Davis vis & Aftemath Aftemath



12/22 12/ 22

Goth/Industrial Goth/Indus trial


112/23 12/ 23

Karaoke Karaoke

TUE 12/ 12/24 /24 Live Live DJ DJ S Soul/funk/rap oul/funk/rap

DJ DJ Jahi Neighborhood Neighborhood Night Night

Singer Songwrit Songwriter er

F F.. Dupp

BLUE BLUE LAGOON LAGOON 831.423.7117 831.423.7117

BL BLUE UE L LOUNGE OUNGE 831.425.2900 831.425.2900

BOCCI’S BOCCI’S CELLAR 831.427.1795 831 427.1795 831.42

THE CA CATALYST ATAL LYST ATRIUM ATRIUM T 831.423. 831.423.1338 1338

THE CATALYST CA ATAL LYST 831.423.1336 831.423. 1336

CREPE PLACE PLACE 831.429 831.429.6994 .6994

Live Liv e Comedy Comedy

CROW’S CROW’S NEST NEST 831.4 831.476.4560 76.4560


Dana Scruggs Trio Trio

Jazz by by Five Five

Barry Scott Scott & Associates Associates

HOFFMAN’S BAKERY BAKERY CAFE 8 831.420.0135 31.420.0135

KUUMBWA KUUMBWA JAZZ JAZZ CENTER 831.42 831.427.2227 7.2227

MOE’S ALLEY 831.479.1854 831.479.1854

Rasta Ras ta Cruz Reggae Reggae Jazzy Evening Evening

Eclectic Eclectic c by by

Hip-Hop Hip Hop by by

Primal Pr Productions oductions


Open Blues Jam

MOTIV MOTIV 831.4 831.479.5572 79.5572

THE REEF 831.459.9876 831.459.9876


SEABRIGHT BREWERY BREWERY 831.426.2739 831.426.2739


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Karaoke Karaoke



1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Wednesday, +LJLTILY ‹ AGES 16+



plus ;LYYVY also ;YHZO ;HSR and :WY\UN 4VURL` and ;OL 0UZWLJ[VY *S\aV s P M P M

Thursday, December 19 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 18+


also Daddy Long Legs

plus Stylust Beats !DV $RS s $RS 3HOW P M

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013



plus *VIYH :R\SSZ also >LZ[LYU (KKPJ[PVU and (SS @V\ *HU ,H[ !DV $RS s P M P M

Saturday, +LJLTILY ‹ AGES 16+

MOS DEFplus +1 .LU ,YPR !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW STARTS P M Saturday, Dec. 21 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 21+


Sunday, December 22 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 16+



Dec 27 & 28 Rebelution (Ages 16+) Dec 29 DJ Quik (Ages 16+) $EC The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+) Jan 4 E-40/ A-1 (Ages 16+) Jan 11 Tribal Seeds (Ages 16+) Jan 16 Yellowcard/ Ocean Ave (Ages 16+) Jan 17 Tainted Love (Ages 21+) Jan 18 Hopsin/ Dizzy Wright (Ages 16+) Jan 24 Infected Mushroom (Ages 18+) Jan 25 Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) Feb 1 Y & T (Ages 21+) Feb 22 Z-Trip (Ages 18+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-987-6487 & online


TH THU HU 12/ 12/19 19


FRI 12/ 12/20 2 20

SAT 12/ 12/21 21

Live Live Music

Karaoke Karaoke

Zebra Zebra 3

Saints & Sinners

110 11 0 Monterey Monterey Ave., Ave., Capitola Capitola


with Eve Eve

Jack of All Trades Trades

211 2 11 Esplanade, Esplanade, Capitola Capitola


David David Paul Paul Campbell

David David v Paul Paul Campbell

George George Christos Christos

Roberto-Howell Roberto o-Ho Howell

Br Broken oken Shades

Extr Extra ra Lounge Lounge

B-Movie B-Movie Kings s

Lara Lara Price Price

783 7 8 Rio del Mar Blvd, 83 Blvd, Apt Aptos os

MICHAEL’S M MICHAEL ’S ON MAIN 2591 25 591 Main S St, t, Soquel


Joh Johnny nny Fabulous Fabulous

7th Wave Wave

215 21 15 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola



In Thr Three ee

Road Road Hogs

Kaye Kaye Bohler Band

Joe Ferrara Ferrara


Lar Lara a Price Price

B4 Da Dawn wn

Shady Sh d Groove G oove Gr

Freestone F eestone Peaches Fr Peaches h

Troutleg Troutleg


Mariachi Ensemble Ensemble

KDON DJ DJ Showbiz Showbiz

1 Seascape S Resort Resort Dr Dr,, Rio del Mar


Don n McCaslin &

7500 7 5 500 Old Dominion Ct, Apt Aptos os

The The Amazing Jazz Gee Geezers zers


Anastasia Ana astasia

1750 17 750 Wharf Rd, Rd, Capit Capitola ola

THE T HE UGL UGLY LY MUG 4640 4 640 Soquel Dr Dr,, Soquel

ZELDA’S Z ELDA’S 203 20 03 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola


Mike Mike Renwick Renwick i k

Carolyn C olyn Car ol Sills Sill

6275 62 275 Hwy Hwy 9, 9, Felton Felton

Holiday Holiday Deluxe Deluxe

1950’s 1950 0’s XMas Spectacular


Duane Allman Tribute Tribute

9450 94 450 Hw Hwy y9 9,, Ben L Lomond omond


Hippo Happy Happy Hour

11934 934 Main Main St, St, W Watsonville atsonville

MOSS M MO SS LANDING INN Hwy H wy 1, Moss Moss Landing

&K KDON DON D DJ JS SolRock olRock

Open Jam



12/22 12/22


112/23 12/ 23


Pro P ro Blues Blues Jam Jam

with with Eve Eve

THE FOG BANK 831.462.1881 831.462.1881


MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S ON MAIN 831.479.9777 831.479.9777

Extra Extr a Lounge Lounge


SANDERLINGS SANDERLINGS 831.662.7120 831.662.7120

SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 831.688.8987 831.688.8987

Jeff & Mark

SHADOWBROOK SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511 831.475.1511

Open Mic c


w/ w/ Mosep Mosephus hus

831.477.1341 831.477.1341

ZELDA’S ZELDA’S 831.4 831.475.4900 75.4900



String S tring Band

831.603.2294 831.603.2294

Karaoke Karaoke with K Ken en

HENFLING’S T TAVERN AVERN V 831.336.9318 831.336.9318


KPIG Happy Happy Hour Happy Happy hour hour

Karaoke Karaoke

CILANTRO’S 8 831.761.2161 31.761.2161

MOSS MOSS LANDING INN 831.633.3038 831.6 33.3038

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Jesse Jes se Sabala


Film Capsules

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


American Hustle could be the Pulp Fiction of its time. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Riverfront Twin, Scotts Valley and Green Valley) ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES (PG-13; 119 min) I tried to get through the Ron Burgundy book, but trust me, his ridiculousness isn’t that interesting unless it’s coming out of Will Ferrell’s mouth. That’s the thing that made Anchorman so great in the first place—these characters weren’t shticks, and they even transcended the caricatures they were meant to be in the first place. They seemed like real people—hilarious, dumbass real people— living

in some kind of alternate reality that was a lot like ours, except funnier and with news-team gang fights. Can this muchanticipated sequel recapture the magic? Don’t look at me, I have no idea. (Opens Wed at 41st Avenue, Cinema 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley) INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS (R; 105 min) A likely contender not only for most misspelled title of the year, but also for several Oscars, this latest film from the Coen Brothers has Oscar Isaac as an aspiring folk singer in Greenwich Village in 1961. (Opens Fri at the Nick) SAVING MR. BANKS (PG-13; 125 min) Author P.L.

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

Travers (Emma Thompson) meets up with Walt Disney, who wants to make her book Mary Poppins into a movie. Other stars include Jason Schwartzman and B.J. Novack as two “supercalifragilistic” songwriters and Colin Farell as Travers’ dad in the writer’s flashbacks. (Opens Fri at the Del Mar, Aptos) WALKING WITH DINOSAURS (PG; 87 min) When I was a kid, we had like four dinosaurs: stegosaurus, triceratops, brontosaurus and, of course, T-Rex. Now they don’t even count brontosaurus anymore, and my three-year-old is asking me about ankylosaurus and

archaeopteryx—what? I don’t know that crap! Maybe I can send her to this movie, an animated family story based on the live animatronic stage show, while I pout in the corner with my old stuffed dino, Mr. Bronty. (Opens Fri at Scotts Valley)

McConaughey continues his bizarre transformation into one of the best actors AMERICAN HUSTLE of our generation in this (R; 138 min) When it comes true story about a Texas to cool, movies either got electrician named Ron it or they don’t. And there’s Woodroof, who took on something about the promise the medical establishment of director David O. Russell after being diagnosed with and an all-star cast led by HIV in the ’80s—in his Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, attempt to get alternative Amy Adams and Jeremy treatments for himself and Renner taking on a con man others, he became a drug 12 YEARS A SLAVE (R; story (with mafia tie-in!) that smuggler. What has gotten 133 min) Based on an 1853 is going to make American into McConaughey, anyway? memoir, this story of a free Remember when he was Hustle irresistible to a lot of African American kidnapped the acting equivalent of movie lovers. Throw in the and sold into slavery in the lumber back in the Contact great trailer that suggests South is easily the bestdays? Jared Leto is making a everyone involved has lived up reviewed film of the year. different kind of comeback, to that promise, and it doesn’t after not making films for DALLAS BUYERS seem like hyperbole to say CLUB (R; 117 min.) Matthew a while—here he plays a that in terms of movie cool, transvestite who forms an unlikely partnership with Woodroof. Showtimes are for Wednesday, Dec. 18, through Wednesday, Dec. 25, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice. DELIVERY MAN (PG13; 103 min) If you feel like the premise for this Vince The Hunger Games: Catching Fire — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2:45; 9:20; Vaughn comedy—slacker APTOS CINEMAS finds out his sperm-bank Fri-Wed call for showtimes. 122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831-426-7500 donation accidentally Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas — Wed-Thu 11:15; 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15; Saving Mr.Banks — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:10; 6:45; 9:15 plus Sat-Sun 11am. fathered hundreds of Fri-Wed call for showtimes. children, and 142 of them Book Thief — Wed-Thu 1:00pm; 3:45; 6:30; 9:10. (no Thu 6:30; 9:10) are suing him—sounds Philomena — Daily 2:30; 4:45; 7; 9:05 plus Sat-Sun 12:15pm. CINELUX SCOTTS VALLEY CINEMA familiar, it might be because 226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 it sounds exactly like the 41ST AVENUE CINEMA kind of comedy Vince 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 Vaughn would have made 47 Ronin — (Opens 12/25 Wed) 1:15; 4:15; 7:10; 10. by now. He actually didn’t, American Hustle — (Opens Fri) 12:45; 3:45; 7; 10. American Hustle — (Opens Fri) 12:45; 3:45; 7; 10:15. but New Zealander Ken Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues — (Opens Wed 12/18) 11; 1:45; 4:30; Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues — (Opens Wed 12/18) 11; 1:30; 4:20; Scott did in 2011, a movie 7:20; 10:15 (No Tue 7:20; 10:15). 7:20; 10:15 (No Tue 7:20; 10:15). called Starbuck on which it is The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug — Daily 11:15; 3:30; 6:45 (No Tue 6:45pm). Grudge Match — (Opens 12/25 Wed) 11:20; 2; 4:40; 7:30; 10:15. based. I know some of those The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D — Daily 9:40pm. Saving Mr.Banks — (Opens Fri) 11; 1; 4; 7; 10 (No Tue 7; 10). Kiwis have thick accents, but really, they’re remaking New The Secret Life of Walter Mitty — (Opens Wed12/25) 11; 1:45; 4:30; 6:45; 9:30. DEL MAR Zealand films now? The Wolf of Wall Street — (Opens Wed12/25) 11:55; 4; 8. 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 Walking With Dinosaurs—(Opens Fri) 11:15; 1:30; 4:10; 6:30; 9 (No Tue 12/24 6:30; 9). ENDER’S GAME (PG13; 104 min) There’s been Frozen — Daily 11; 1:45; 4:30; 7:10; 10:10 (No Tue 7:10; 10:10). Saving Mr.Banks — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 2:15; 4; 5; 6:45; 7:45; 9:20 a lot of LGBT supporters The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug — Daily 11:15; 11:55; 3; 4; 6:45; 7:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:40am. protesting this movie 9:45; 10:15 (No Tue 12/24 6:45; 7:45; 9:45). Nebraska — Daily 2; 4:30; 7; 9:30 plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. because of the despicable The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D— Daily 2; 5:30; 9 (No Tue 12/24 2pm). anti-gay views of Orson NICKELODEON The Hunger Games: Catching Fire — Wed-Thu 11:45; 3:30; 6:45; 10 Scott Card, the author of the Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 (No Sat 11:45; Tue 6:45; 10). book it’s based on (and a Christmas in Connecticut —Thu 7pm. producer of the film). I don’t Inside Llewyn Davis — (Opens Fri) 1:40; 2:20; 3:50; 4:40; 6; 7; 9:20 White Christmas — Sat 11am. know if the film itself should plus Fri-Sun noon. be judged on the basis of 12 Years a Slave — Daily 8:15pm plus Sat-Sun 11am. GREEN VALLEY CINEMA 8 that—maybe more on the Dallas Buyer’s Club — Daily 1:50; 4:20; 7:10; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11:20am. fact that Ender’s Game 1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 Philomena — Daily 2:10; 4:30; 6:50; 9 plus Fri-Sun 11:50am. wasn’t a great book to begin with, certainly inferior even RIVERFRONT STADIUM TWIN American Hustle — (Opens Thu 7pm) Thu 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. to Card’s short story of the 155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues — (Opens Wed 12/18) Wed-Thu 1:40; same name on which it was based. (Philip K. Dick’s Time 4:15; 7:15; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. American Hustle — (Opens Thu 7pm) Thu 7; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Out of Joint is a far superior Saving Mr.Banks — (Opens Thu 7pm) Thu 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Gravity — Wed 12/18 4; 7; 9:45; Thu 4; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. take on a very similar idea.) The Book Thief — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Out of the Furnace — Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. But whether or not you think Frozen — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. the political issues should Homefront — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:20; 7:30; 10; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. SANTA CRUZ CINEMA 9 affect whether or not you Out of the Furnace — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. 1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 see the film, at least we can The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:45; 6:45; 8; 10; all agree the guy’s a total Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues — (Opens Wed 12/18) 11:05; 12:15; 2; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. douche. 3:15; 5; 7:25; 8; 10; 10:50; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D — Wed-Thu 3:30; FREE BIRDS (PG; 91 Frozen — Wed 12/18 10:45; 1:15; 3:45; 10:30; Thu 10:45; 1:15; 4; 7:05; 9:40; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. min) Owen Wilson and Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire — Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:50; 7; 10:05; Woody Harrelson star in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug — Wed-Thu 11:45; 12; 3:45; 8; this animated movie that Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Fri-Wed call for showtimes. is seriously about turkeys Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:05; 7:10; 9:45; traveling through time. They The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D — Wed-Thu 11; 3; 7; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. go back to try to stop JFK’s Fri-Wed call for showtimes. assassination. Just kidding, of course; they try to get



turkey off the Thanksgiving menu. FROZEN (PG; 108 min) Disney animated film has the kingdom of Arendelle trapped in perpetual winter, with young Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) teaming with a rugged outdoorsman (Jonathan Groff) to journey across the frozen wasteland and lift the spell. Blizzards, trolls and a comic-relief snowman (Josh Gad) stand in their way. THE GREAT BEAUTY (NR; 142 min) Comedydrama from director Paolo Sorrentino (who did the Sean Penn film This Must Be the Place a couple of years ago) satirizes the Italian nightlife scene through the eyes of a writer trapped by the success of his first novel. THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13; 161 min) We’re now up to five hours of Hobbit adaptation, so it’s understandable if, like Ice Cube, you’re asking “Are we there yet?” But c’mon, the dragon part of The Hobbit is the best part, by far! So even if you’re on Middle Earth overload, just hold out for a hero, like Bonnie Tyler. HOMEFRONT (R; 100 min) Jason Statham gets as close as he ever will to a dramatic role in this story of a former DEA agent who moves his family to a sleepy little town. Oh, don’t worry though, there’s a druglord there! Do they fight? Are you kidding me? It’s Statham! Plus, Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay, so yes, that’s happening. James Franco and Winona Ryder co-star. HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (PG-13; 146 min) Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth return in the further adventures of Katniss Everdeen and friends. This time, it’s personal! Just kidding. It’s not that personal. OUT OF THE FURNACE (R; 116 min) Christian Bale plays Casey Affleck’s brother (they couldn’t get Ben?), who must save him after Casey falls in a crime ring. THOR: THE DARK WORLD (PG-13; 122 min) If he had a hammer, he’d hammer in the morning. He’d hammer in the evening, all over the nine realms. Anyway, Thor is back in a plot that’s basically what you’d expect: blah blah Dark Elves, blah blah wormhole, blah blah anomaly. Thank god for the Loki comic relief.


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013



Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at Read her blog at

1998 Blanc de Blanc Santa Cruz Mountains, Meyley Vineyard. This

CLEAR WINNERS Barry Jackson’s Equinox label out of Santa Cruz’s Westside has three great sparkling wines for the season.

Sparkling Holidays, Local Bubbles BY CHRISTINA WATERS


nder the category of “hard work but somebody's gotta do it,” five of us sat down last week to sample four distinct bottles of locally made sparkling wine. Yes, just in time to put the sparkle into holiday dinners and parties. We sampled a sparkling rosé from Odonata, and three from Equinox including a brut reserve, a blanc de blanc and a vintage 1998 blanc de blanc. Each is made according to the classical French méthode Champenoise. Here's how it's done: Wines are made using grapes that came from Santa Cruz Mountains vineyards. Then the wines are encouraged to produce tiny, shimmering bubbles by the addition of

yeast and sugar—tirage—then bottled, stoppered and laid up to referment. The yeast consumes the sugar, and voila! Dry sparkling wine. In order to expunge the yeast deposits, the bottles are racked with their necks lowered, called “riddling.” Turned by hand over weeks and months, the bottles now have all the yeast deposits captured in the narrow part of the neck. Quick as you please, the bottles are turned and uncapped in a single movement. (There is also the freezing method, but I digress.) Sediment thus removed, a tiny amount of sugar is added, the clear bubbly is corked and the rest is festive history. We began with Odonata's Sparkling Rosé, which showed solid bubble

bottling line, hence his Equinox label adorns three bubblies we tasted. We all agreed that the NV Monterey Blanc de Blanc Brut, made from 100 percent Chardonnay grapes ($36), was a gorgeous straw golden hue, offering a whirlwind of bubbles, and bright allium overtones. Yes, it would be perfect with oysters, we all thought. A fine “house champagne,” for the holidays. The Equinox 2001 Brut Reserve, comprising 75 percent Chardonnay and 25 percent pinot noir from Trout Gulch Vineyard, had been aged nine years en tirage ($60). (These are labor- and time-intensive creations!) This very faintly blushing blend offered a very dry finish and subtle floral tones as well as a distinctly honey flavor. Bubbles contained astonishing energy and delicacy—“very convincing,” “bright,” “beautiful color” and “tannic finish” were among the comments. The final sparkler sampled was a very special edition from Equinox—a

strength and dry clear flavor with a noticeable hint of amarena bitter cherries and strawberries, thanks to its Sangiovese base ($28). “Dance of the sugar plum fairies,” one taster observed. The beautiful deep blush color made this sparkler visually quite appealing. According to winemaker Denis Hoey, “This wine saw almost three years on the yeast during tirage,” and Hoey also noted that making this style of wine required lots of waiting. ‘Sparkling has taught me patience, and that it is a heck of a lot harder to make bubbles on every level than a table wine!’ Equinox winemaker Barry Jackson is the rare artisan who maintains his own in-house méthode Champenoise

complex creation from one of the most celebrated Chardonnay vineyards in the appellation won our universal approval. A hint of Queen Anne's lace and celery floated above a core of minerals, even some “lavender and marble.” Minutes after opening, this sparkler also showed shifting notes of spice, from cinnamon to star anise. A gorgeous and festive bubbly, the $100/bottle beauty had enjoyed 11 years en tirage, without addition of yeast or sugar. The ensuing complexity makes it something every connoisseur of fine local wines will want to think about. Santa? Wow, that was fun! Equinox and Odonata (next to Companion Bakeshop on Mission St.) are both members of the Surf City Vintners group, and you will find their sparklers at their tasting rooms. This Just In: The new earthy Dark Roast at Gayle's is a custom creation for the bakery from Verve Coffee Roasters. Terrific perfume, lots of

complex middle notes.0


DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

CELEBRATE NEW YEAR’S EVE (dress code: elegant evening wear) First seating: 5 – 6:30 PM (3-course dinner, $65 per person) Second seating: 9 PM (5-course dinner, $85 per person, includes DJ and live music, dancing, hats/noisemakers, midnight toast) (tax and gratuity not included)

View our New Year’s Eve menu online at Reservations required, contact Gus Siggins at 831.460.5012 or Complimentary Valet Parking New Year’s Day “Hangover Brunch” including Bloody Mary and Mimosa Bar 175 WEST CLIFF DRIVE, SANTA CRUZ 831.460.5012 JDVHOTELS.COM/AQUARIUS



DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Chip Scheuer

CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS Wednesday, December 25th, 1 to 8:30 PM Special Christmas menu, $48 (kid’s menu available) Complimentary Valet Parking For parties up to 10, ask about our semi-private Cowell’s Cove dining room For more information and reservations, please contact Gus Siggins at 831.460.5012 or 175 WEST CLIFF DRIVE, SANTA CRUZ 831.460.5012 JDVHOTELS.COM/AQUARIUS

TAKE IT TO THE BANK Owner Linda Bennett balances both a restaurant and an intimate music spot at the Fog Bank.

Fog Bank Linda Bennett, owner


inda Bennett bought the Fog Bank in Capitola 20 years ago because she was tired of working in finance, and she wanted to be closer to the sea. “It just seemed like the right thing to do,” says Bennett, now a grandmother—“have a business and live by the ocean.” The Fog Bank is an intimate concert venue at night, as well as breakfast and lunch restaurant that stops serving food at 4pm. SANTA CRUZ WEEKLY: Do you prefer omelets or scrambles? LINDA

BENNETT: Scrambles. Our Joe’s Scramble is wonderful, but our omelets are equally delicious, and we have benedicts. We have crab cake benedicts that are really, really good. We have vegetarian benedicts. How do you balance being a music venue with being a restaurant?

We’re a very small venue. We can’t serve dinner and still have the time to set everything up for the band and the music. We move things around and create a different atmosphere, and it becomes a nightclub a couple times a week. Then we also have karaoke and different things. What are Potluck Thursdays like? Oh, one of my regulars always brings

something in or cooks it here. It’s just for people who want to have a quiet evening without music. That’s adorable. We’re casual anyway. People either really like it, or they want to go someplace more fancy. And I understand that—more fine dining, stuff like that. But we cater to the ones who want something low-key. Do you really play beer pong on Monday nights? Not me. I don’t drink anymore. So I try to stay out of here in the evenings, but yes, we do beer pong. We changed the rules a little because we need to be very careful about over-serving people and guzzling. It just brings in more people, especially in the wintertime. It’s catering to our locals and keeping them happy. We also have a bunch of board games. What’s your favorite sandwich? Our turkey avocado jack sandwich, and

our calamari steak sandwich on a French roll. What do you cook at home? I make lasagna. I make spaghetti. I make hamburgers. My grandchildren that I have with me now are boys—eight and 19, so I’m always cooking something. —Jacob Pierce

Astrology As A sttrro rology g Free F Fr rree e Will Will


Rob Brezsny Breezsny


For F or th thee week week o off Decemb December ber 18

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Her H Here’s e’s a tale of thr three ee renowned Immanuel renowned Taurus Taaurus brainiacs: brainiacs: Imma anuel Kant, Kant, John Stuart Stuart Mill, and Bertrand Bertrand Russell. They all had IQs over 175 and all made major contributions contributtions to philosophy. philosophy. Yet weree physically inep inept. Yet e all three three wer pt. KKant ant had trouble trouble keeping a sharp point on his writ writing ting instrument, the quill, because he was clumsy using usinng a knife. knife. Mill was so undexterous undexterous he found found it a chore chore to tie a knot. Russell’s physical prowess prowess was so limited he was incapable of brewing brewing a pot of tea. Chances are are that you are are neither as brilliant nor as uncoordinated uncoordinated as these three three men. And yet, like them, there there is a disconnect discconnect between your mind and body—some body some glitch in the way the two of them communicate with each other. other. The coming year will be an excellent time to heal the disconnect and fix the glitch. GEMINI (May 2121-June June 20): A hhorticul horticultural tural company in the UK is selling TTomTato gardeners. oomTTato a plantss to home gar deners. Each bush gr grows cherry tomatoes ows both cher ry tom atoes and white potatoes. The magic was accompl accomplished through ough ished thr handcrafted genetic handcrafted hybridization, not gen netic engineering. I foresee comparable marvel your future, foresee a compar able mar vel in yo our long-term futur e, Gemini. I’m not sur suree about the exa exact act fform orm it will take. Maybe you will cr create product eate a pr oduct oorr situation that allows you to satisfy two diff different simultaneously. erent needs simul taneously. It’s It’s possible you will find a way to exp express press two of your talents in a single mode. Or perhap perhaps ps you will be able to unite two sides of you that havee pr previously eviously been unbonded. Congr Congratulations advance! atulations in adva ance! CANCER (June 2121-July July 22): “T “To To destr destroy oy is always creation,” said the first step in any cr eation,”” sa id the poet E. E. CCummings. ummings. Do you buy that idea,, CCancerian? ancerian? I hope so, because the cosmos hass scheduled you to creative action order instigate some major cr eative ac ction in 2014. In or der to fulfill that potential, you will hhave ave to metaphorically structures smash, burn, and dissolve any oldd structur es that have future. been standing in the way of the futur e. YYou oou will have to eliminate as many of the “yes, “yes, buts” buts” and “I can’ts” can’ts” nows”” as you possibly ccan. and ““not not nows LEO (July 23-Aug. 23-Aug. 22): When didd you first ffall all fr from om grace? gr ace? Do you rremember? emember? It has happened to most of Wee spend time being privilege privileged cared us. W ed or car ed about or suddenly, are. Wee rrespected, espected and then espected, then, suddenly y, wee no longer ar eW e. disappears. lose our innocence. LLove ove disappe ears. Our status as a That’s ffavorite avorite comes to an end. That ’s the bad news, Leo. The good news is that I think thee months ahead may be time ffor or you to climb back up to one of those high grace from states of gr ace that you ffell ell fr om m once upon a time. now you’ree making The omens suggest that even no ow you’r up—and yourself rready eady to rise back up— and sooner than you theree will be an invitation tto do so. think, ther VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23-Sept. 22): Leo Leonardo nardo da Vinci created created the painting SSt. t. Jerome Jerroome inn the Wilderness around around 1480. It now hangs in the Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vaticana, a museum in Vatican Vatican City. City. For several sevveral centuries, though, the treasured treasured work of artt was missing. Legend tells us that in the early 19th century, centturyy, Napoleon’s Napoleon’s uncle found found the lower half of the painting in a junk shop in Rome. Years Yeears later he stumbled stum mbled upon the top half in another back alley, alleyy, where where it was being used as a wedge in a shoemaker’s shoemaker ’s bench. bennch. I foresee foresee the possibility of a comparable comparable sequence sequeence unfolding unfolding for for you in 2014, Virgo. Virgo. You Yoou just may manage manaage to restore restore a lost beauty to its proper proper place of honor, honoorr, one step at a time. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23-Oct. 22): The It Italian alian painter Tintoretto (1518-1594) (1518-1594) was a Libra. Libra. a He worked with such Tintoretto vigor and passion that he was nicknamed nickknamed Il Furioso— The Furious. One of his crowning was crowning achievements a his painting P Paradise aarraadise, which is 74 74 feet feet long and 30

ffeet eet tall—aboutt the size of a tennis court. It adorns a huge wall in the thhe Doge’s Doge’s P alace, a landmark in Palace, V enice. I propose proposee that Tintoretto Tintoretto serve serve as one of your Venice. inspir ational role rolee models in 2014. The coming months inspirational will be an excellent excelleent time for for you to work hard hard at crafting crafting your own personal personnal version of paradise paradise on earth. You You o may not be so wildly robust robust to deserve deserve the title “Il Furioso.” But then again, you y might.

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

ARIES (Mar (March ch 21-April 19): “Li “Life ife is best or organized ganized ventures from securee base,” as a series of daring ventur es fr o a secur om wrote Bowlby.. Some of you Aries wr ote psychologist John Bowlby enjoy the “daring “daring venture” venture” part of o that fformula, ormula, but base”” aspect aspect. That’s neglect the ““secure secure base t. That ’s why your ventures awry.. If you daring ventur es may on occasionn go awry aree that type of Ram, the first ha half ar lf of 2014 will be correct Lifee will an excellent time to cor rect your bad habit. Lif offering considerable inspiration be off ering you consider able helpp and inspir ation strong already in building a str ong ffoundation. oundation. And A if you alr eady appreciate appr eciate how important it is ffor o your pursuit of or well-crafted stability, excitement to be rrooted ooted in well-c crafted stability y, the coming months will be golden.

SCORPIO (O (Oct. Oct. 23 23-Nov. -Nov. 21): Between 2002 and 2009, Buddhist monk Endo Mitsunaga spent a m as he did a cer emonial thousand days meditating ceremonial ound Mo ount Hiei in Japan. In 2006, English walk ar around Mount nthwaite took 90 days to skateboar writer Dave Corn Cornthwaite skateboardd across the entir alia, a distance of across entiree length of Austr Australia, man’s intentions wer 3,618 miles. The first man’s weree spiritual, mann’s adventur ous. The coming months the second man’s adventurous. me for for you to contemplate both kinds will be prime tim time Scorpio. The astr ological omens suggest of journeys, Scorpio. astrological nerate extr ortune ffor or yourself that you will gen generate extraa good ffortune u amiliar experiences on the open unf by seeking out unfamiliar road. To To get you rself in the mood, ruminate on the road. yourself pilgrim mage. theme of pilgrimage. SAGITTAR SAGITTARIUS RIUS (Nov (Nov.. 22 22-Dec. -Dec. 21):: Many ffarms arms in CCalifornia’s alifornia’s TTulare uulare County gr ow pr oduce ffor or supermarket grow produce chains Her chains. e’ss th oblem: Those big stor es only want Here’s thee pr problem: stores fruits and vegeta ables that look perfect. perfect. So if ther vegetables theree ar aree br t apples or if the zucchinis grow grow own spots on the brown cr ooked or if the carrots carrots get too big, they ar ejected. crooked aree rrejected. A esult, 30 pe ercent of the crops crops go unharvested. unharvested. Ass a rresult, percent That ’s sad because becauuse a lot of poor people who live in That’s TTulare uulare don ’t havee enough to eat. Fortunately y, some don’t Fortunately, enterprising food foodd activists have begun to work out ar rangements w ith ffarmers armers to collect the wasted arrangements with pr oduce and dist tribute it to the hungry folks. folks. I gather produce distribute ther e’s a compar rable situation in your lif e, Sagittarius: there’s comparable life, unplucked rresources esou urces and ignor ed tr easures. In 2014, I ignored treasures. hope you take dramatic drramatic action to harvest harvest and use them. CAPRICORN N (Dec. 22 22-Jan. -Jan. 19): Der Derrick rick Br Brown own has a poem entitled “Pussycat Interstellar Naked Hotr Hotrod od Mof y g LLustblaster!” ustblaster!” I hope p that at least once Mofoo Ladybug in 2014 you will get up the ner ve to call someone nerve you love by thatt name. Even if you can ’t quite bring can’t yourself to utterr those actual wor ds, it will be healing words, ffor or you to get too the point wher eel wild enough wheree you ffeel to say them. Here’s Herre’s what I’m driving at, CCapricorn: apricorn: In the coming months, m you will be wise to shed any inhibitions that have interf ered with you getting all of interfered the fr ee-flowingg intimacy you’d love to have. free-flowing AQUARIUS S (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):: ““Artists Artists A who ar aree merely too hone their gifts eventually come to content merely Beelgian writer Simon Leys. “The ones who little,”” says the Belgian m have the strength strength and the courage courage truly leave their mark explore and exploit exxploit their shortcomings.”” I’d like to to explore borrow that wisdom wisddom and provide provide it for for you to use in 2014, borrow you’re not an artist, you will be able to Aquarius. Even if you’re interesting e you’r you re willing to achieve an interesting kind of success if you’re raw a materials and untapped potential of make use of the raw flaaws and weaknesses. Whatever is unripe your so-called flaws creativityy. in you will be thee key to your creativity. PISCES (Feb.. 19-Mar 19-March ch 20): In 2014, you will have ape a frustr ation that has dr ained you the mojo to esca escape frustration drained or a long time. I mean you can end and pained you ffor or good. The coming months will also its hold on you ffor provide you withh the chance to activate and cul tivate provide cultivate hat will last as long as you live. While a labor of love th that oject mayy not bloom overnight, it will rreveal eveal this pr project er in dr amatic ffashion. ashion. And you will its staying powe power dramatic aw on the staunch ffaith aith you’ll need to be able to dr draw devote yourself to it until its full blessings ripen.

Homework: What What do you want to be when you grow gr ow up? Testify Test e ify at . Visit RE Visit REALASTROLOGY.COM A L ASTROLOGY.COM ffor or R Rob’s ob’s Expanded E Weekly Weekly Audio Audio Hor oscope es and Daily Text Text Message Message Horoscopes Hor oscope es. The The audio horoscopes horoscopes Horoscopes. ar e also available available by by phone at at are 1.877.873.4888 1.877.873 3.4888 or 1.900.950.7700 1.900.950.7700

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