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MARCH 5-11, 2014




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Photograph by Chip Scheuer


MARCH 5-11, 2014

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MARCH 5-11, 2014

factual inaccuracies kno own to us. known EDITO ORIAL EDITORIAL EDITOR EDITOR STEVE STEVE PALOPOLI PAL A OPOLI spalopoli@santacruzw


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’Stached ’Stache ed Away Re: R ee: ““That That Darn Darned ed Ac Accordion” ccordion” (Curr (Currents, ents, Feb. F eb. 26): If or ordinances dinances c ar aree n needed, eeded, th they ey sshould hould be cclearly learly worded wor o ded about abou ut th thee intent, intent, include in clude eeveryone veeryo one eq equally, qually, be enf enforceable fo orceable and an d be enf enforced. fo orced. Str Street reet performers perrfo ormers give givve Santa San ta Cr Cruz uz an id identity, enti t tyy, especiall especiallyy th thee Gr Great ea at Morgani. M organi. H Hee is a vvery eerry uniqu uniquee ar artist, tist, an and da lloved oved icon icon an and d amb ambassador bassador ffor or o th thee ci city ty Heinz Trilck Trrilck Santa Cruz

How He e Rolls Re: R ee: “Burrito “Burrito Power Poweer Rankings” R Rankings” (Food (Food & Drink, Drink, Feb. F eb. 19): Jacob, Jacob, I very veery much mucha appreciated apprecia ated yyour ourburr o burrito rito po power oweerrrrankings ankings article, article, and and rremembered emembered your yours o sub submission mission fr from om th thee previous p revious yyear. eearr. Burrito Burr ito rranking anking iss a th thankless ankless jjob, ob, because

eevery ver e y person h as th eir o wn w ffavorite avo orite p lace. It's has their own place. kin nd o anking sus hi! kind off lik likee rranking sushi! I will admi ough, yyour o our rrankings ankings seem admitt th though, ggenuine, en nuine, an d yyou ou cclearly o learly car ut th he subj ecctt. and caree abou about the subject. On ne thin gIw o ould ad d tto o yyour o our rreview evviewn wn ext yyear eear One thing would add next w o d be oul betto o perhaps perhaps rate rateth arious aspec a a ctso t off would theevvvarious aspects at a erria in p aqu arts, lleading eading tto o at otal sc core. Som a taqueria parts, a total score. Somee ttaquerias aq querias m ay eexcel xccel a tain eelements, lemen ntts, w hile h may atttcer certain while ttotally otall a y ffailing ailin a g oth ers. In th d, th est ttaquerias aquerias others. thee en end, thee be best mu ust sshine hine in all ar eas. must areas. A a ffew As ew eexamples, xamples, th ay I si ze u p an y thee w way size up any ttaqueria aq queria is tto o llook ook a veeral thin gs. K e in min eep d, att se several things. Keep mind, thi y lis o ou h ave yyour our o ro o w wn: thiss is m my list,t, I am sur suree yyou have own: A T A) hefffood ood o iitself, tself, is iittfl avo orrfful, qu a tyy, an ali d jus The flavorful, quality, and justt ggood oo od in th attttaqueria aquerria sor rtto w ayy? that sort offw way? B T B) he qu ality an d setu po s b sa arr.F . For or The quality and setup offth thee sal salsa bar. eexample, xam a ple, is th sa ggood? ood o ? Is iitt ttoo oo cchunky, hunky u y, rrunny, unn ny, thee sal salsa or jus jjustt rright? ightt? C Is there C) there T apattio on eac h ttable? able? T his is a Tapatio each This mu ust, wi thou ut iit,t, th aqueria is imm e ately edia must, without thee ttaqueria immediately dis squalified. disqualified. D Ar D) erem orefffolks olks o attino or rigin ea atting Areeth there more offLa Latino origin eating in th ttheettaqueria aqueria th an n on-La attino?T hiss m attters. than non-Latino? This matters.

E) F First irst try try th thee carnitas c carni tas burr burrito, ito, th then en movve on move onto to other other options options lik likee carn carnee asad asada, a, cchicken, hicken, eell p pastor, astorr, vveggie, eeggie, et etc. c. T The he tr true ue ttest est of of a ggood ood burr burrito, ito, or ggood ood M Mexican exican rrestaurant estaurant in ggeneral, eneral, is th thee qu quality a ty of ali of the the carnitas carnitas (sorry (sorry vveggie eggi e e ffans). an a s). Happyy burritoing! burritoing n ! Josh Blick Santa Cruz

KFAT Tribute Trribute Greg Gr eg a and nd I were were extremely extr x emely sad tto o hear hear of of the the passing p assing o off be beloved lovveed d fformer o ormer KF KFAT FAT DJ DJ Terrell Teerrell Lynn L ynn T Thomas. homas. I am h hoping oping th that at some some sort sort o off tr tribute ibu ute will be pu put ut ttogether ogether for for or him him—he —he w was as a vvery eery ni nice ce guy. gu uy. (I am n not ot sa saying ayyiing this so I can sin sing g "O "Old ld Friends" F riends" ag again, ain, bu but ut I w would ould lik likee tto od dedicate edica ate it it tto o him.) If an anyone yo one hears hearss o off an event eveent for fo or Terrell Terr e ell Lynn, L ynn, p please lease let let uss kn know. ow. T Take ake car caree o off yyourselves ourselvees an o and d yyour o lloved our oved on ones. es. Mary McCaslin Santa Cruz






Fur F ur u Su Sure re R ee: “Do Hunt” (Cover, (C Covveerr, Feb. Feb. 26): I'm so p roud Re: “Dogg Hunt” proud o o or ggetting etting his d og b ack. I'v own off Tim ffor dog back. I'vee kn known him ffor o or a vvery eery llong on ng tim e, bef fo ore an time, before anyy o off his p roblems with with drugs. drrugs. He's He's always allways been problems on cest peo p ple I kn ow, th ough onee o off th thee ni nicest people know, though n ot al lways th sm martest. He's He's made made bad bad not always thee smartest. d ecisions and and lost losst some some friends friends because o decisions off iit. t. Bu ut isn't th at why why peo ple llove ovve d ogs? Dog But that people dogs? Dogss w on't giv o p on yyou ou n om att t er h ow mu ch won't givee u up no matter how much yyou ou m o ess u p. Wh e Iw en as h avving simil ar mess up. When was having similar p roblems, iitt w as my my pets that that kept kept me me problems, was fig hting, k ept m orking tto o om ake m fe fighting, kept mee w working make myy lif life bett err. It's ttoo oo easyy tto o giv ve up up on yyourself ourself if better. give eeverybody veeryb body eelse lse d o Bu oes. ut Tim n eveer ggave ave u p does. But never up on JJohanne, ohanne, an d I kn ow th at JJohanne ohanne n ever and know that never ggave ave u p on him ei itherr. I n ever e th ought h up either. never thought hee w ould gget o et his d ogg b ack. I rreally eally didn't, bu ut I would dog back. but un derestimated m y fr iend. I'm so h appy ffor or o underestimated my friend. happy him, an d I kn ow h e'll be o kay n ow. Or and know he'll okay now. I'll com ack tto o San S JJose ose an d ki ck his comee b back and kick bu tt ffor or him! o butt Karen


MARCH 5-11, 2014

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MARCH 5-11, 2014


Wellness W elln e llnes ss YOU ARE B BEING EING PLAYED K Katherine atherine Rei Reid, id, Ph.D., biochemist and ffounder o ound der of the nonpr nonprofit ofit or organization rg ganizatio on Unblind My manufacturers Mind, wants consumers to understand how w ffood ood o manuf fa acturers stack thee deck against them.

Secrets Sec crets off Processed Proces ssed Food Fo ood How H ow gglutamate lutamate sen sends ds our bodies bodies the the wr w wrong ong m messages essages e BY MAR MARIA RIA GRUSAUSKAS


didn't in intend tend on eating th thee Gir Girll Scout Scout Coo Cookies. okies. I jus justt coul couldn't dn't resist resist throwing thrrowing money money a att th thee smiling off Am America's ssweet, weet, smilin g ffaces a aces o erica's future when myy h hand hitt fu utture lleaders. eaderss. So w hen m and hi att th thee bott bottom off th thee firs firstt ssleeve, air a om o leeve, justt 15 min minutes after cracking into jus utes e aft er cr acking in to them, wonder thee Gir Girll th em, I sstarted tarted d tto ow onder if th Scouts were onto something. Scou ts w ere on o to som ething. The little peanut butter T he li ttle pe eanut bu utt t er sandwiches sandw wiches were nothing more than mediocre; w eere n othing m ore th an m ediocre; bland and crystalline, with b land an d cr ystalline, wi th a ssweet weet saltiness that entered onlyy aft after sal lttiness th at een ntered onl er sufficient mastication. there onee suf ffficient m asstica attion. If th ere is on profound wisdom I've from p rofo ound wisd dom I'v ve ggained ain a ed fr om writing Wellness, thee kn knowledge wr iting W ellness, iitt is th owledge that sugar and th at sug ar is eevil, vvil, an d definitely definitely addictive—but not likee this. I h have ad dictiv t vee—bu ut n ot lik ave discipline. There was something disci pline. T her e ew as som ething eelse lse

in n th these ese coo cookies kies that that I had to hav have. ve. eB But ut w hat? h what? It w as a qu estion ffor or o Ka attherrine was question Katherine R eeid, P h.D., bi ochemisst an d ffounder ounder o Reid, Ph.D., biochemist and o onprofit or rganiza ati t on Unb lin nd off th thee n nonprofit organization Unblind M d, w hose missi on is tto o rraise a aise Myy Min Mind, whose mission a wa areness abou ut w hat's t in our ffood, o ood, an a d awareness about what's and h ow it it might mig ght con nttribu ute to to the the diseases diseasses how contribute p laguing Americans. Americans. If you'd yo ou'd like lik ke to to earn e plaguing aR eadin e g Food Food o Labe ls b adgge, rread ead on n: Reading Labels badge, on: "Pr rocessed o ffoods ood o s in ggeneral, eneral, as a "Processed ffood o ood su pply, contain con ntain over ovveer 450 various va arriouss supply, F DA A-a approv oveed food fo ood additives," additivvees," says sa ays FDA-approved R eeid. "Free "Free glutamate glutamate is in over ovveer 95% of of Reid. p rocessed ffoods, oods, and o and th erre ar ovver e 5 50 processed there aree over di ifffeeren nt ways ways th at fr ee gglutamate lutamate ca an be different that free can llabeled." a led." abe F ree glutamate, glutamate, we we surmised, Free m ay very ver e yw ell h ave been th prit may well have thee cul culprit

ffor o or my my cookie cookie monster monster behavior. b havviorr. be An eurotransmitter th at p lays an neurotransmitter that plays im portan nt role role in learning learniing an d memory, memory, important and gglutamate lutamate is generated geenerrated fr ffrom om processing processing an ny protein protein in processed pro ocessed d food, food, o fr om any from ggluten luten to to casein. "Once "Once th t e protein protein is the b roken d ow wn, th lutam mate is fr reee to to broken down, thee gglutamate free bin d to to calcium, calcium, potassium, potassiium, m agnesium bind magnesium or th ost comm on iion o in our on thee m most common ffoods—sodium—making o oods—sodium—makin ng m onosodium monosodium gglutamate, lutamate, or MSG," MSG," says sa ays Reid. Reeid. "These "These will all rreact eacct in our body bod dy similarly." similarly.." O course, this n on-essential Off course, non-essential amin o acid d oes n ot have have a taste taste in does not amino an d of of iitself; tself; iitt sim ply eexcites xcites our and simply n eurons in a w ay th at makes makes us think neurons way that th food o ttastes astes good—and good—a and that's that's t thee food eexactly xactly why why m anuffa actu urers ad d iit. t. manufacturers add T he last last thin gIw ant tto od o is thr ow The thing want do throw

thee Gir th Girll Sc Scouts ou utts un under der th thee bus, bu butt a careful dissection off th thee in ingredients car eful dis sse tion o ssec gredients hidden several ffound o ound gglutamate lutamate hid den iin se veerall ar eas, from from m "enr iched flour" flour" and and areas, "enriched ar tificial fl lavors, tto o th ve iiterations terations artificial flavors, thee fiv five off corn (co (corn sugar, o orn sug arr, corn flour, flourr, corn syr up, corn n syr up so lids an d corn syrup, syrup solids and sstarch). tarch). It'ss al so ffound ound in 30 tto o o 60 also per cent o atural" fl avors. percent off "n "natural" flavors. T he h um man bod dy h as gglutamate lutamate The human body has rreceptors eceptors all a thr oughou ut iit,t, fr om th throughout from thee ttongue ongue tto o th he dig estivve tr acct.t T hese the digestive tract. These rreceptors eceptors sign ssignal al th rotein llevel evel o thee p protein off th he ffood ood o dw e' e abou e'r b ut tto o sen dd own w the we're about send down th atch—an — d our dig estivve sy stems thee h hatch—and digestive systems rrespond espond ac ccordingly b roducing the the accordingly byy p producing corr ecct enzymes. enzym z es. And And therein therein li es the the correct lies p roblem: "G Glutamate occurs in whole whole problem: "Glutamate ffoods ood o sa ffraction accttion o cent, bu ut a att a fr off a per percent, but w es e tern di e hig et h in gglutamate lutamate can western diet high ov veer stimulate stimulate th ese receptors, receptors, sending sending over these sign als th at ar ot rrepresentative epresen ntattivve o signals that aree n not off ffood ood o con nten nt," t sa ays R eid. content," says Reid. Sen ding the the wr ong signals signals tto o our Sending wrong dig estivve tr raccts t is a sur efire w ay tto o digestive tracts surefire way thr ow o ff our o in testinal fl ora—and throw off intestinal flora—and con stipattion o an d diarr hea ar constipation and diarrhea aree jus justt imm edia ate con sequences. immediate consequences. R eeid jjoins oin ns a gr ow wing n umber o Reid growing number off sci en nttists w ho ar re fin ding conn eccttions scientists who are finding connections bet tweeen th he imb alance o between the imbalance off our mi croscopiic ecosy stems an d th microscopic ecosystems and thee diseases p laguin a gm odern soci etyy, fr om plaguing modern society, from o besity an d diabet es tto oh eart disease obesity and diabetes heart disease,, can cer an d eeven veen au uttism. T his llast ast on cancer and autism. This onee is w here R eeid d's ffood ood llabel o abel rresearch eesearch beg an: where Reid's began: h er d aughterr, n ow 7, w a as diagn osed her daughter, now was diagnosed wi th au uttism ma eemoving all with autism att ag agee 4. By rremoving ffood ood ad o ditivves e (an d all p rocessed ffoods) ood o s) additives (and processed fr rom o h er d a ghter's di aug et, h er be havi v or from her daughter's diet, her behavior im provved e drastically dr dra asticallly and and sshe he is now now a improved full ly fun cttioning firs st gr ra aderr. fully functioning first grader. "A llot ot o p ple sa ay 'oh, 'oh, she she ou uttgrew off peo people say outgrew au uttism,'" sa ays R eid, e "bu ut w ave tto ok eep autism,'" says Reid, "but wee h have keep a con nttrolled d di et or th ose be havviors controlled diet those behaviors rreturn... eturn... I almost allmost do do think that that she's she's p robably ggot ot som croflora somee sor sortt o off mi microflora probably th at can jus st gr ow an d thr ivve if sshe's he's n ot that just grow and thrive not car eful wi th h er ffood." ood." o careful with her K a atherin ne Reid, Ph.D., will give a Katherine TEDx talk about the effects of ffood o ood on the br ain on o Friday, Mar rcch 8 at Hotel brain March P arradox a in n Santa Cruz. Paradox


MARCH 5-11, 2014

MARCH 5-11, 2014



Aliza Weller; microbiologist Katherine L. Reid; painter Andrew Purchin; scientist, activist and community organizer Wallace J. Nichols; and Captain Wayne Porter of the U.S. Navy. Tsouprake is particularly moved by Captain Porter’s talk, titled “A National Strategic Narrative and the Role of American Communities.” “You might think that [national strategy] involves where you move your ships,” she says, “but it’s mind-blowing, that narrative.” According to Tsouprake, the strategy addresses spending more on youth and education and strengthening communities by localizing ownership of food and water. She calls the talk stunning and says it “sets the table for the day.”

Talking Points ART GOES PUBLIC Santa Cruz artist and psychotherapist Andrew Purchin will be one of the speakers at TEDxSantaCruz on Saturday at Hotel Paradox.

More Than Words This year’s TEDxSantaCruz hopes to turn talk into action BY CAT JOHNSON


ED talks have a reputation for being thought-provoking, but Irene Tsouprake’s ambitions for the TEDxSantaCruz conference aim a lot higher than that. “People can expect to have their minds and hearts blown,” says Tsouprake, the co-organizer/speaker curator for the conference, which comes to Hotel Paradox on Saturday. “Be prepared—it’s not like any conference you have attended before.” She explains that while this weekend’s talks are eclectic and address different disciplines, they resonate with each other. Art, music and poetry are woven throughout the day to prevent overload and keep the audience engaged. “There’s a density of thought

and emotion,” she says, “and the audience is as important as who’s speaking on stage.” Now in its third year, TEDxSantaCruz is wrapping up what Tsouprake calls a three-year arc focused on getting the community invested and involved in the conference. The theme of the first TEDxSantaCruz was “Engage,” with the intent simply to “introduce people to TED and each other.” Last year, the theme was “Open,” and the goal, according to Tsouprake, was to “open people’s hearts and minds to deeper engagement.” “We explored every avenue of open that we could,” she says. “We talked about vulnerability, we talked about open government, we talked about open

source software, we talked about the Internet and we talked about privacy.” This year’s theme is “Activate.” Tsouprake says the question that drove organizers for this event was: How do we move beyond the conversation about great ideas, and get moved to act? “We asked ourselves,” she says, “how do we inspire action in our own community, whether in terms of policy or on a personal level?” The TEDxSantaCruz team, which is all-volunteer, sorted through 150 nominations for presenters and whittled it down to 20. Among those chosen were urban design activist Mark Lakeman; consciousness technologist Mikey Siegel; play-based learning designer

Most anyone who spends time on the Internet has come across a TED talk. Originating in 1984 as a one-off conference in Monterey, TED has grown into a worldwide event series. But attendance comes with a hefty price tag. A ticket to the upcoming annual conference in Vancouver runs $7,500. Enter TEDx. A series of independently produced programs, TEDx brings “TED-like experiences” to a local, more affordable level. There are currently over 1000 TEDx events, including our own in Santa Cruz. Looking forward, Tsouprake isn’t sure what’s next for TEDxSantaCruz. They are discussing possibilities such as broadcasting primary TED talks live, and small salon events to discuss local issues. “We have to have a conversation about the future,” she says. “The population is exploding, we have limited resources—this is not a conversation that can wait. Our goal is to facilitate that conversation.” TEDxSantaCruz Hotel Paradox, Santa Cruz Sat March 8, 9am-5pm; $75


MARCH 5-11, 2014



MARCH 5-11, 2014

Puppet Show The audience for the March 16 city council campaign kickoff party for Tim Goncharoff, former planner for the Santa Cruz County Department of Public Works, will likely be missing a few of Goncharoff’s most key supporters. Because they don’t exist. Sources close to the Weekly tipped us off to a collection of several phony accounts on Facebook, each marked by a handful of stock photos of attractive, lingerie-clad women, whose pages are all populated by the exact same postings about local political causes including the plastic bag ban, fracking and needle exchange. The phony accounts have one other thing in common: They are all avid supporters of 2014 city council candidate Tim Goncharoff. They all regularly share articles and links directly from Goncharoff’s page, often with similar or even the exact same words of support offered. A 2012 posting on Facebook by the organization “Protect Your Central Coast”—celebrating the passing of two new environmental reform laws that Goncharoff, then county resource planner, worked on—featured comments by seven different phony accounts. “Go Tim!” wrote one. “So great! Good work, Timmy!” wrote the other. The same accounts were used in 2012 to criticize a posting current county supervisor candidate Ryan Coonerty made about public safety. “Being a woman of color, I can attest from personal experience to the power of prejudice,” wrote one African American avatar, named Elisa Verde. A Google image search of Verde’s photo leads to a stock photo entitled, “Beautiful Black Woman.” The accounts have been largely inactive since 2012, but the pages are still up and can be easily searched on Facebook. They regularly communicate with one another, posting supportive comments on each other’s half-nude photographs, asking for suggestions for where to get a Brazilian bikini wax and appearing to coordinate the sharing of lingerie outfits for something called the “Save the Tatas” fashion show. Time stamps on the threads of comments from the various accounts show that the comments are generally made

within just a couple minutes of each other—about the amount of time it would take for one user to log in and out of multiple accounts. Using fake online identities to create the illusion of support for one’s self, causes or company is known as “sockpuppeting.” It’s what John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods Market, was famously investigated for by the Securities and Exchange Commission, when he used a fake online handle to promote his company on Yahoo message boards in 2007. So who’s responsible for these lovely but hilariously fake puppets? When reached for comment on Monday about his harem of supporters, Goncharoff claimed to know nothing. Later, in email, he said that some of the accounts “seem vaguely familiar.” However, he denied that he or his campaign had anything to do with the accounts. “Of course, I see a great many people on Facebook, many of whom I don’t actually know,” he wrote. “A lot of people comment on my posts, and some share them. I’m sure you could come up with a much longer list.” In 2012, Goncharoff posted on his personal Facebook profile a Santa Cruz Sentinel article about new environmental laws. Of the nine comments of support, eight were from the fake accounts. “Awesome, Tim! You are so inspiring,” posted one fake account, named Solana Gregory. “Yayyy, Tim!” wrote another, Jennifer Mondragon. “Our hero!” wrote still another, Jasmine Guadeloupe. “If these are old posts, as you said, and people who are not even my Facebook friends, I’m not sure what this has to do with me,” wrote Goncharoff. Hmm, well, whoever is behind the accounts had to know they were doing something misleading at best, and possibly illegal to boot. (The Santa Cruz District Attorney’s office hadn’t responded as of press time.) The lingerie shots add a certain creepy touch. “Friends have suggested to me that people in the public eye should avoid social media, and I know many elected officials who do so,” Goncharoff added in his email. “I can certainly see why.” So can we. 0


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MARCH 5-11, 2014


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Chip Scheuer Scheuer

YOU CAN’T MISS IT The E.C. Rittenhouse Building at Pacific Avenue and Church Street.

MARCH 5-11, 2014


Power Structure The real story behind the E.C. Rittenhouse Building proves fact is stranger than fiction BY JACOB PIERCE


bovee a rrow bov ow o off cem cement ent wr wreaths, ea ath t s, 20 rram am h eads sstare tare d own ov err P acific heads down over Pacific A ven e ue an d Ch urch Str eet in i Avenue and Church Street d owntown Santa Santa Cr uz. Jus low downtown Cruz. Justt be below th em ar wo b alconies—an nd them aree ttwo balconies—and be low th att, a cou ple w hite co lumns, h ollow on th below that, couple white columns, hollow thee in side. Y ellow-lit llamps amps lin eyy, gr affffiti-p t roof inside. Yellow-lit linee th thee gr grey, graffiti-proof w alls. T he fface ac ace o ey ssheet heet m etal cclock lock ju uts ou walls. The off a gr grey metal juts outt ov veer th ewalk’s corn err, un der th ords “E. C. over thee sid sidewalk’s corner, under thee w words Ri ttenhouse.” . Rittenhouse.” It’ss a busy Sa It’ S Saturday atturday nig night ht for fo or th thee normally normally em eempty pty ffourth ourth fl o oor o conic Ri ttenhouse buil ding, g 46 ffeet eeet floor off th thee iiconic Rittenhouse building, abov ve the the street. street. e People People file file into into the the elevator elevator ca arrying above carrying em pty beer gglasses, lasses, w hile oth ers llean ean ag ainst th tthee empty while others against ou tdoor b alco ony on a cchilly hilly February February eevening. venin e g.. T hese outdoor balcony These ar losin ng min utes of of th d ann ual Tw wisted aree th thee cclosing minutes thee thir third annual Twisted T asting, p roduced b ta Cr uz M ountain Br ew wing. Tasting, produced byy San Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing. V eendors h ave been ser ving Cocoa Puf ff por terss, Vendors have serving Puff porters, k ombucha IP PAs, PA A flaked flaked w hea at stouts stou utts with with V er e ve coffee coffeee kombucha IPAs, wheat Verve

and serrano serrano chiles—flavors chiles es— —fl flavo ors altogether altogether tantalizing tantalizing and an nd and mysterious. mysterious. Bu ut not not as mysterious mysterious as the the buil ding where where iit’s t’s all But building happening. happening. Though its its official offi f cial name name is the the E.C. Rittenhouse Rittenhouse Though Building, it’s it’s known known to to most most simply simply as the the Building, “Rittenhouse Building.” Buildin ng.” Part Part of of the the iits ts all ure com es “Rittenhouse allure comes from the the fact fa act that that the the lot lot on which wh hich it it sits sits was was nothing nothing from more th an a hole hole in the t e gr th ound for fo or 15 years years after after the the more than ground 1989 Loma Loma Prieta Prieta Earthquake. Ea arthquake. For For the the last last five, fivve, the the building h as ffascinated ascin a ated llocals ocals wi th iits ts confusin g building has with confusing i of of beaux b beau x arts arts and an nd Greco-Roman G Greco-R Roman architecture, architecture, mix its b reaktaking vi ews an d, most most con troversially, its its its breaktaking views and, controversially, square feet feeet of of vacant vacant space. space. 62,000 square “I’ve never never been here here before, beffo ore, but but I need need to to find find an n “I’ve event to to throw throw here here because it’s it’s super, super, super super classy,” classyy,” , event sa ays Ona Ona Stewart, Stewart, guitar gu uitar p layer for for o the the bluegrassbluegrasssays player picking Naked Naked Bootleggers. Boottleggers. “It feels feeels like like I’m in D.C. picking New York. York. It’s It’s got gott that that vibe—not vibe—not a lot lot of of buildings buildings or New

in San ta Cr uz h ave rrooftop ooftop llounges.” ounges. es.” Santa Cruz have “It’ ce, bu t’s llanguishing anguishin h g because n obody h as “It’ss ni nice, butt iit’s nobody has m oney tto o rrent ent th ace,” sa ays Xa avi v er Bak err, St ewart’s money thee sp space,” says Xavier Baker, Stewart’s fr iend. friend. T his is eexactly xactly h ow th ythology o This how thee m mythology off th thee Ri ttenhouse Buil ding h as gr ggrown own an d sp read—hearsa ay, Rittenhouse Building has and spread—hearsay, tidbi ts an d ggossip. ossip. Its ar chitecture is so au dacious, tidbits and architecture audacious, an d iits ts em ptiness so ttantalizing, antalizing, th at n o en do all and emptiness that no end off ttall ttales ales h ave rrisen isen u p abou t.. Bu eal sstory tory o have up aboutt iit. Butt th thee rreal off th thee Ri ttenhouse buil ding is sstranger tran a ger th an an em. Rittenhouse building than anyy o off th them. F or yyears, eears, rrumors umors h ave fl loa ated ar ound San ta Cr uz For have floated around Santa Cruz th hat n ew ttenants enants ar jjustt m onth hs a way, bu b ut llately ately that new aree jus months away, but th ey’re m ore con nvvincing. T a s tto alk o fill th op on e-andthey’re more convincing. Talks thee ttop one-anda-h alf floors floors have have excited exccited S anta Cruz Cruz Development Development a-half Santa Dir ector Bonni pscomb, am ong oth ers. Bu ut Louis Director Bonniee Li Lipscomb, among others. But Emm et Ri ttenhouse—the fformer o er ci orm ty coun cilmember Emmet Rittenhouse—the city councilmember w ho is n ot jus ding’ g s co-o wnerr, bu ut al so th who not justt th thee buil building’s co-owner, but also thee m an a ter o any o tories th at man att th thee cen center off m many off th thee sstories that sswirl wirl ar ound iit—is t—is sskeptical. keptica al. 14 around


MARCH 5-11, 2014




MARCH 5-11, 2014

Chip Scheuer

OUT OF THE RUBBLE The lot on which the Rittenhouse Building now stands, immediately after the earthquake in 1989. “Bonnie’s far more optimistic than other parties involved,” says Rittenhouse, who also served as head of the Downtown Association. “Unfortunately, it would be nice, but I don’t think so. I’ll be hoping.” In five years Rittenhouse hasn’t rushed to settle for just any tenant. “He doesn’t want to compromise that, and good for him,” says Billy Tysseling, executive director of the Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce. “It has to do with his expectations and his vision for the building. He has patience. His sense of what that represents as heritage is really important, and he’s going to hold onto it.” The Rittenhouse building is a cornerstone of Santa Cruz politics—old money, big political egos, swirling small-town rumors and a changing economy. And the story behind the lot where the slab sits is gripping and at times tragic. In some ways, it’s the story of downtown Santa Cruz. Michael Bethke, the Rittenhouse building’s architect, says this is more than a building. It’s a memorial—not only to one of the older and more established families in Santa Cruz, but to E.C. Rittenhouse, Louis’s

grandfather. A likely connection, but Rittenhouse calls it an overstatement. “It’s what the downtown plan envisioned for the corner,” Rittenhouse says. “The fact that it’s named after my grandfather—the fact is that if it weren’t for his acquisitions on the corner, the plot wouldn’t have been there.” But who was E.C. Rittenhouse anyway? That’s where our story of the Rittenhouse building begins—in a different decade, inside a different building, on that very same corner. 1948: Attorney Emmet Cloyd Rittenhouse, a Stanford University grad originally from Ohio, was at work in his law office on the corner of Church Street and Pacific Avenue. Rittenhouse, husband of adored violinist Josephine Rittenhouse, was, for better or for worse, a fixture in town. He had run for Congress in 1930 on a “Keep California White” campaign and lost. One day, 73-year-old Charles Wildey walked into the reception room, according to a historical column in the Santa Cruz Sentinel by Carolyn Swift, and asked to speak to Emmet in his corner office.

Minutes later in that office, the lawyer turned, bending over his desk to sign a paper. Wildey pulled out a .38 six-shooter and put a bullet in Emmet’s back. As he turned around again, Wildey fired three more times and killed him. Wildey later testified Emmet had called him “one of the dirtiest names”—a communist—and it appears the life of one of Santa Cruz’s best-known community members came to an end because of a joke. Secretaries testified that Emmet had made an audible wisecrack about communism as the two men walked through the office door. 1989: It took the Loma Prieta earthquake 15 seconds to turn a third of downtown Santa Cruz’s buildings to rubble on Oct. 17. Another third of the structures would suffer such irreparable damage they’d have to be torn down, too. The Rittenhouse family owned a few buildings downtown—including the flat-iron, now home to the building housing Jamba Juice—as well as both the “old” Emmet C. Rittenhouse building, home to the family law offices on Church and Pacific, and the

Josephine J. Rittenhouse insurance building right next door. Initial inspections showed the Josephine building might be saved, but the others would be history. In the time of tragedy, city leaders, volunteers and activists pulled together. One afternoon, former Mayor Mike Rotkin—then between terms on the Santa Cruz city council—was sitting at city hall answering phones near city manager Dick Wilson’s office. “Louis Rittenhouse, and his father Emmet [the son of E.C.] come in, and they’re sitting on the couch outside waiting to meet with Richard Wilson,” Rotkin says. Emmet is rubbing his hands together, Rotkin recounts, saying, “‘What an opportunity! What an opportunity! This is going to be my chance to rebuild this the way it should have been built in the first place. Get rid of these goddamn trees. “And he’s saying this to Louis, and I’m hearing the whole thing. Then they go in. And they come out smiling,” Rotkin recalls. “Everyone else is crying. For them, it’s like a business opportunity to build the kind of city they wanted to build. Anyway, that’s Emmet.” “None of that took place. That is complete fabrication on the part of Michael,” says Rittenhouse. “We’re the ones that took the financial loss, not Mr. Rotkin. It was tenants of our buildings that had damages, not Mr. Rotkin. The employees that had no jobs—those are the people that got hurt.” 1990: Louis Rittenhouse ran for city council on his business experience and a promise to rebuild downtown. He won, but the real estate mogul never got to be part of many downtown discussions. “The huge irony was that as soon as he got elected, he had a conflict of interest because he owns property within 300 feet of everything,” says Rotkin, who served with Rittenhouse on the council from 1992 to 1994. “Not only could he not vote on the matters that he cared about, but he couldn’t even be a part of the discussion. He had to leave the room. One of the biggest ironies was him running for city council to rebuild downtown, because he could be involved in almost everything except downtown discussions.” 1991: Just a year into Louis’ term, the Rittenhouse family filed a lawsuit

1999: Environmentalists never got their downtown park, but the idea did arise to turn the old Rittenhouse lot into a plaza if the city or fundraising activists could afford to buy it. City planning experts blasted the idea as something that would create dead space downtown, but activists stood their ground. “The Downtown Plaza will be used, seen and appreciated by local residents every time we go downtown,” wrote Bruce Bratton, a former columnist for Metro Santa Cruz, now Santa Cruz Weekly. “Of course, our visitors will love it, too, but the plaza is the very heart of our community.” Rittenhouse showed interest in


selling the corner parcel before changing his mind. 2001: After 11 years, a hole in the ground taken over by chin-high weeds and trash and graffiti got a chance at new life. Louis Rittenhouse submitted plans for the new E.C. Rittenhouse building—four stories, plus a basement and a flag pole that would put it over the 75-foot limit and require an exception from city council. The top story was recessed to make it look smaller and allow more sunlight to slant onto Pacific. The ground floor would be retail, and could be divided by three stores or rented by one large one. The rest would provide office space, more than 40,000 square feet of it. 2004: Developers took a hit with the recession that followed the terrorist attack on New York City’s World Trade Center, and the Rittenhouses had a big deadline approaching. With Rittenhouse yet to break ground, city council voted 5-2 to give him a three-year extension to build, with councilmembers Ed Porter and Tim Fitzmaurice dissenting—both of them skeptical anything would ever get built. The council was, meanwhile, pressuring Ron Lau to sell or develop his empty spot (once home to Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting and Bookshop Santa Cruz) next to LuLu Carpenter’s, and threatened to seize it if he didn’t. Geoffrey Dunn, Bill Brooks and Norman Schwartz bought the land for a 60-unit condominium project that never broke ground due to the housing bubble bursting in 2008. 2006: It’s 4am in December, and the building’s architect Bethke was standing on the sidewalk above the Rittenhouse pit. Louis Rittenhouse met him there as concrete trucks started lining up along Church Street. The earthquake hole below them was about to disappear and get filled because planners had decided to scrap the basement and instead fill the gap with concrete. The flagpole idea was out too, because the city council didn’t grant it a height exception. Bethke calls working with Rittenhouse “a real treat,” adding that his old boss was a fun, no-nonsense kind of guy. “He just wants results,” Bethke says. “‘Don’t tell me what you do. Just do it.’ 16

MARCH 5-11, 2014

against the City of Santa Cruz and Granite Rock Construction for $250,000. Granite Rock workers had brought in a wrecking ball to tear down the Rittenhouses’ family law offices in 1989, but, the Rittenhouse case alleged, they also destroyed the wall it shared with the insurance building—which had been deemed salvageable soon after the quake. And after the demolition job, the insurance building had to come down, too. As the case was going on, the Rittenhouses were also taking heat for hesitating to rebuild on Pacific Avenue. In their legal suit, the Rittenhouses won $52,250—enough to cover the family’s legal costs and tick off Louis’s fellow city councilmembers. “I think the Rittenhouse family has the means and ability to provide leadership among the property owners downtown,” councilmember Neal Coonerty told the Santa Cruz Sentinel at the time. “It’s almost adding insult to injury to not rebuild and then sue the city and Granite Construction in a frivolous lawsuit… While other people are struggling to build, they’re speculating on the value of the land…They’re going to reap more value for their property. To me that’s not providing leadership; it’s speculating on the future of downtown.” Says Coonery now: “That was along time ago. Louis ran for city council the same race that I ran. Part of his platform was that he really knew how to rebuild downtown. That’s part of why people voted for him, so I thought he had some responsibility to them. I’m still annoyed the building hasn’t found a tenant yet.”

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MARCH 5-11, 2014

“We’re all getting ready to go, and Louis’s walking around, checking out everything and seeing how things are going in his real unassuming way,” Bethke says. “We go, ‘Hey, Louis check this out. We’ve got everything dialed in. We even got Jesus supervising it.’ It was one of these homeless guys that I know who was up on the parking lot behind there with his robe-like blanket over his head, and he’s standing there watching.” The trucks came with their loads of concrete all day and into the night, leaving over 3,000 cubic yards of it, making it the largest concrete pour in Santa Cruz history for a project Bethke and his crew finished two years later.

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2010: Nothing like a little window dressing to make the best out of an unfortunate situation: after two years of letting his finished four-story building sit empty, Rittenhouse began showing art in the windows—some of it from nonprofits like Roots and Wings, which provides support services to foster parents. Rittenhouse also started renting the top floor out for private parties. Around this same time, the fourstory slab’s look was coming under attack. Even architect Mark Primack, a former city councilmember who had supported the building because he was eager to see something go in, shared some choice words publicly about the building’s kitchen-sink aesthetics. “Louis wants to be the client who tells his designer to do this or that. He started adding faces here, columns that don’t go anywhere there, an ostentatious clock,” Primack says looking back now. “It turned into a wedding cake of ideas.” 2014: Tom Petty said waiting is the hardest part, but he’s no economic developer. Looking for quality tenants for a four-story building with both office and retail space might be even harder. The rent is listed at $1.65 a square foot, according to the city’s website, not far from the going rate downtown. But the Rittenhouse building would need improvements that someone would have to pay for. For starters, either the tenants or Louis would have to pay to turn the floor into offices. There has been a long list of close

calls for the first story, the most wellknown one being REI. Bethke says the outdoor adventure store wanted to take part of the second floor to put in a rock-climbing wall that went a few dozen feet into the air. “Man, we thought that was going to be really cool,” Bethke says, but REI found a place in Marina instead that opened in 2008. The business bet on a proposed Monterey County housing development nearby that never panned out. There were other names, too. Before the building was finished in 2008, columnist Bratton and the Silicon Valley Business Journal both named Old Navy as a likely tenant. Bethke says Wallgreens was “champing at the bit” to sign a lease before setting up on Front Street next to Saturn Café in 2008. “Louis’s just very particular about tenants,” Bethke says. “I really didn’t see Walgreens on Pacific Avenue with toilet paper stacking up, signs in the windows,” Rittenhouse says. “So that was a no,” If the building is going to have a good year, it should start right about now. In the wake of the holiday season’s aftermath, Rittenhouse says, March is when businesses figure out if they’re growing or scaling back. Trying to picture anyone actually moving in after so much time gone now feels a little strange. “It’s almost like we’re getting used to it being there, vacant,” says Chip, executive director for the Downtown Association. To some extent, the Rittenhouses have been plagued by odd timing and bad luck. Rittenhouse submitted building plans around the time the dot-com bubble burst in 2001, and workers finished in 2008, just before the housing bubble burst plunging the country into the worst economic recession in a generation. Assuming Rittenhouse wants to fill the first floor, the typical strategy is to put in a big business like a department store that could serve as an “anchor” downtown. But Primack says that in general, the rules are changing, and old-school department stores are on the way out. “There’s a model that you’re after, and the reality is Amazon. com. It’s an interesting time for real estate and for the economy,” Primack says. “That building was built on an old model.” 0

AE E!!


Give e It Away Aw way Now No ow

Why Wh hy Ni Nick ck Gall G Gallant an nt h has as ‘F ‘Free ree Musi Musicc ffor or San o Santa nta Cr nt Cruz’ uz’ BY STEVE PA PALOPOLI ALOPOLI


othing I can othing n sa say ay to to you you means m eans as mu m much ch as w what hat Id do,” o,” sin sings gs Nick Nick Gallant Gallant the title title track track of of his new new album, on the Wa anderlust. Wanderlust. It’s a simple simple sentiment, sentimen nt, maybe, mayb be, It’s bu ut one one th at th San nta Cr ruz sin gerbut that thee Santa Cruz singersongw writer is trying trying to to give giivve some some songwriter real meaning meaning with with the the “Free “F Free Musi real Musicc for o Santa Santa Cr uz” cam paiggn h e’s put pu ut for Cruz” campaign he’s together around around his new new record. record. together He’s making making W a anderlusstt d ow wnload He’s Wanderlust download carrds available ava ailable ffor o or free free at at displays displays in cards seeveeral businesses businesses ar oun nd Santa San nta Cruz Cruz several around (including his wife wiffe Kendra Kendr d a Bak er’s (including Baker’s Penn ny Ice Creamery, Creamery, Picnic Picni c c Bas ket an d Penny Basket and now Assembly; Assembly; as well well as a Verve Veerrve Coffee’s Coffeee’s now

locations loca attions and an nd Bookshop Bookshop Santa San nta Cruz). Cruz). The The thinking think king behind behind iitt is a fascinating fa ascinatting bit bit of of reverse reveerse psychology: psyychology: by by giving giving the th he record recorrd away away for for o free, free, Gallant Gallan nt hopes hopes p to to jumpstart jumpstarrt some some serious discussion about how much wee serious disc cussion abou ut h ow mu ch w value more va alue music music as a culture—or culture—or m ore to to the the point, poin ntt, why why we we don’t don’t anymore. an nyymore. “I hope hope the th he act acct of of giving giving my my music music away awareness away will raise raise a a wareness about abou ut the the state off th thee musi musicc industry state o m industry today,” today,,” wrote Gallant wrote Gall an nt in the the mission mission statement statement for and other fo or his campaign. campaign. “Spotify “Spotiffy an d oth er music-streaming services likee iitt p pay music-strea aming ser rvvices lik ay only only fractions fraccttion ns of of a penny penny for for o each each song song you and until yo ou download dow wnload o ffor o or free, free, an d un nttil this changes, artists more changes, ar t ts will sstruggle tis truggle m ore

than make money from their than eever veer tto om ake m oney fr om th heir recordings. Many recordings. M an ny ggood ood ones ones will jus jjustt quit; have. quit; some some already alread dy h ave. “I don’t don’t want wan a t people people to to pay pay for for o it,” it,” he he tells tells me me of of his record, recorrd, “but “bu ut I do do want wan ant them them to to think really really mindfully mindfully about ab bou ut how how we we support support artists.” arrtis t ts.” In a best-case best-case scenario, scenario, Gallant—who Gallant—w who plays party plays a CD release release p arty on Saturday Sa atturday at at the likee tto create paythe Reef Reef Bar—would Bar—w woul o d lik o cr ea ate a p ayit-forward it-ffor orwa ard effect. efffeecctt. “At a very veery basic basic level, level, I hope someone hope som eone can get get my my album m ffor or o free, then around and buy free, and and th en turn ar ound an d bu uy another hee says. another artist’s artist’s CD,” h sa ays. If it it sounds sounds unlikely, unlikely, well, well, it it certainly certainly might But from thee m moment hee might be. be. Bu ut fr om th omen nt h started thee firs firstt b bright, started sstrumming trumming th rightt,

Nick Gallant Reef R eef Bar, Bar, Santa Cruz C Sat, Sa t, Mar Mar.. 8, 7:30p 7:30pm; pm; $5

MARCH 5-11, 2014

‘LUST’ FOR LIFE Sant Santa ta Cruz singer-songwriter Nick Gallant G takes a br break reeak fr from ro om helping g his wif wife fe K Kendra eendrra Baker open the n new ew downtown ‘Wanderlust’ Saturday, March Assembly rrestaurant estaur e ra ant do owntown when he plays his CD rrelease el elease party ffor o or ‘W Wa anderlust’ on Sa aturrd day, Mar rcch 8 at the Reef Bar.

wavee-sswep e t notes notes o “Wa “W anderrlust” on a wave-swept off “Wanderlust” ukulele aft er a sur rf se ession in Mexico— Mexico— ukulele after surf session it was—he wa as—he felt felt like like he he because of course it wan nted to to ttake ake som ew rrisks. isks. wanted somee n new trying tto o weather wea eather through throug gh a “I’m trying mid-30s cr isis or som mething,” h ays mid-30s crisis something,” hee sa says with a llaugh. auggh. h As the the album—his a album —his thir rd— with third— took shape shape ov veer som ours in th took over somee 150 h hours thee last three three yyears, eears, he he found foun o d that that the the 18 last songs he he arrived arrrivved e a x xposed an ew llevel evel songs att eexposed new of openness openness and and vulnerability vuln nerability in his of writing. And And he he faced fa aced d the the fact fa acct that that he he writing. wan nted to to gget et e m ore se erious abou ut his wanted more serious about music car eerr. music career. giving it it th ove I think I sshould ov hould “I’m giving thee llove have been giving giving it it all alll al ong,” he he says. sa ays. have along,” Perhaps the the m ost un usual aspec Perhaps most unusual aspectt of Gallant’s Gallant’s aspir ing musi eer of aspiring musicc car career that his d ay jjob ob iss also a musi is that day musicc car eerr, an d an eextremely xtrem e ely su ccessful career, and successful on at. H e’s com mposed th onee a att th that. He’s composed thee musi musicc ffor o or many many hit hit vid eo games, games, including including video arr anging an d per fo orming th arranging and performing thee cov er vversions ersions on th he ear ly edi tions cover the early editions of Guitar Her o. H ow w orks ffor or o Hero. Hee n now works Disn eyy, ffor o or w hom h poses Disney, whom hee com composes eeverything verything fr om p rin i cess-themed from princess-themed ffantasy a antasy scor es tto o Sta ar W ars a pi eces. scores Star Wars pieces. Bu ut his w o ork as a si inger-songw wrriter But work singer-songwriter is fulfilling fulfilling in a whole whole oth er w ay, an d as other way, and h as pu uttting ttogether ogeth her th ew album, hee w was putting thee n new h ad tto o as k himse lf a qu estion th at hee h had ask himself question that m ost musi cians h ave ffaced aced a a most musicians have att on onee tim timee or an other: “Wh hy am mId oing this?” another: “Why doing F o or Gall an ntt, th ere w as th swer e For Gallant, there was thee easy an answer abou ut artistic arrtis t tic se lf--exp pression, but bu ut it it about self-expression, turn ed ou ut th at th ere w as a d a eeper on e, turned out that there was deeper one, ttoo. oo. “F reee Musi or Sa o an nta Cr uz” is his “Free Musicc ffor Santa Cruz” w ay o ying tto od o som mething bigg geerr, way off tr trying do something bigger, both ffor or his ffellow o ellow ar rttissts t an d th lace artists and thee p place h ome. hee call callss h home. “I was wa as inspired inspirreed by by watching watching Kendra, Kendrra, a an dh er con nttribu uti t on tto o th tyy. and her contribution thee communi community. Sh elights t oth er com mmunity Shee d delights other community m embers wi th h er ttalents, a en al ntts, an d I rreally eallly members with her and admir att,” h ays. s. “Wh What iitt rreally eallly admiree th that,” hee sa says. “What com es d ow wn tto o is: I wa w an nt m y musi o be comes down want my musicc tto m y con nttribu uttion tto om y communi tyy..” my contribution my community.”

MARCH 5-11, 2014


A E!

BLUE HOTEL Chris Isaak checks into the Santa Cruz Blues Festival Memorial Day weekend.

Deep Blues

SC Blues Festival announces line-up BY AARON CARNES


nce a strictly blues festival, the Santa Cruz Blues Festival has come to encompass a wider range of music in the past decade or so, including rock ‘n’ roll, soul and roots music. It’s what organizer Bill Welch describes as “American blues-based music.” Now in its 22nd year, this year’s lineup, which will perform May 24-25 at Aptos Village Park, includes rock ‘n’ roll legend Gregg Allman, who will be headlining Saturday, and throwback crooner Chris Isaak, who tops the bill Sunday. There is a lot of fresh talent at this year’s festival, both in terms of SCBF first-timers, and some old favorites debuting new projects. Even Greg Allman surprised people recently when he announced that he would be retiring the Greg Allman Brothers at the end of 2014. Dave and Phil Alvin, who got their start together in the Blasters, will be bringing the music of their new album Common Ground, their first collaboration in 30 years, on Saturday. Their performance at in Aptos will be the live debut of these new songs. “We’re just trying to keep it going for another 22 years. Every year we try to book relevant artists that will skyrocket into the future. Chris Isaak and Greg Allman, the people in Santa Cruz are familiar with them. But we always try and stack it up with some newer talent, stuff that’s hopefully going to be setting the standards for the future,” Welch says. Sunday’s lineup includes nothing

but SCBF first-timers—including Isaak. Opening up Sunday is Serbian blues guitarist/singer Ana Popović. She’ll be followed by Rich Robinson, guitarist and founding member of blues-rock band the Black Crowes, who’s been a solo artist for the past 10 years. Performing before Isaak is Vintage Trouble, a southern soul-blues-rock quartet that has been on the rise since forming in 2010. Saturday’s lineup is a combination of new and old artists. Allman is a Santa Cruz favorite, as are the Alvin brothers. But gospel-inspired rock singer Nikki Hill, who opens Saturday, and Delta blues/Cajun guitarist Tab Benoit, are both first-timers at this year’s festival. “Usually we have a new act open the festival, someone that we think is going to be leading the way in the direction of the music that they’re playing. Nikki Hill is breaking out all over the country right now,” Welch says. Funk-jazz horn player Trombone Shorty, who is main support to Greg Allman on Saturday, actually had that same opening slot seven years ago as the up-and-coming new musician, and has since gone on to great things. He started out at the bottom of the festival bill, says Welch, and “now he’s close to headlining.”

Santa Cruz Blues Festival Sat-Sun May 24-25; 10am Aptos Village Park, Aptos


List your local event in the calendar! Email it to, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.


CONCERTS Brookdale Bluegrass Festival

DANCE Bellydance Showcase


Vasen Traditional Swedish folk. www. Fri, Mar 7, 7:30pm. $15-$20. St. John's Episcopal Church, 125 Canterbury Dr., Aptos, 831.426.9155.

Jewel Theatre Company Three Days of Rain: A Pulitzer nominated drama about two adult siblings and their friend who reunite to settle their fathers' estate. www. Wed, Mar 5, 7:30pm, Thu, Mar 6, 8pm, Fri, Mar 7, 8pm, Sat, Mar 8, 8pm and Sun, Mar 9, 2 and 7pm. $26-$31. Center Stage, 1001 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.425.7506.

Singin' in the Rain The classic musical production, presented by Pacific Collegiate School. pacificcollegiate. Fri, Mar 7, 7pm, Sat, Mar 8, 7pm and Sun, Mar 9, 2pm. $8-$15. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.420.6177.

The MPC Printmakers. Printmaking On and Off the Wall: An exhibit of contemporary fine art prints, sculptures, handmade books and more. Gallery hours: Wed-Sun, 11am-4pm. Thru April 19. Free. 37 Sudden St, Watsonville, 831.722.3062.

CONTINUING Cabrillo College Gallery


Lulu's at the Octagon

Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Free First Friday. View the exhibits for free every first Friday of the month. Docent tours at noon. First Fri of every month, 11am-6pm. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

UCSC Mainstage Machinal: The expressionist drama by Sophie Treadwell inspired by the infamous murder trial of Ruth Snyder. Thu, Mar 6, 7:30pm, Fri, Mar 7, 7:30pm, Sat, Mar 8, 7:30pm and Sun, Mar 9, 3pm. $15 general; $12 students & seniors. UCSC Mainstage Theater, 1156 High St, Santa

Storytime Pajaro Valley Arts Council

Cabrillo Gallery. Bridging Santa Cruz: A survey show spanning 50 years of printmaking in Santa Cruz County. Gallery hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm & MonTues, 7-9pm. Thru April 11. 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.479.6308.


GALLERIES OPENING Garimo's Real Soap Studio & Gallery Susan Friedman. Mixed media collage and prints by local artist Friedman, as part of

San Francisco’s City Guide

Mira Beloved indie pop songwriter and vocalist plays in anticipation of her new album. Mar 6 at Brick & Mortar Music Hall.

Russian Circles Crushing Chicago metal trio continues to march to their own instrumental post-rock beat. Mar 7 at Great American Music Hall.

Kris Bowers Quintet Up and coming jazz innovator performs from his ambitious debut album with all-star backing. Mar 9 at Yoshi’s SF.

Diane Cluck Virginia based singer-songwriter is amassing a wide following with her unique voice. Mar 10 at The Chapel.

Carsick Cars China’s favorite indie rock band plays a free early show as part of their current U.S. tour. Mar 11 at Amoeba Music. More San Francisco events at Cruz, 831.459.2159.

Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.464.8983.

Barbara Lawrence. Landscape oil paintings. Open daily from 6am-8pm. Thru March 16. Free. 118 Cooper St, Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center Prime Time: The "best of the best" submitted by local artists. Judged by George Rivera. Thru April 5. Free, 831.336.3513. Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. 9341 Mill St, Ben Lomond.

Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History The Cradle Project. An exhibition of hand-crafted cradles honoring the numbers of African children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic. Thru March 23. Nikki McClure. Cutting Her Own Path 19962013: McClure transforms black construction paper into graphic stories of daily life. Thru May 25. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Various Santa Cruz County Bank Locations SC County Bank Arts. Off the Wall: Local artists create works exploring the beauty and space of our 3-dimenstional world. Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-6pm. Thru May 2. Free. n/a, Santa Cruz.

LITERARY EVENTS In Celebration of the Muse The 32nd annual reading by 21 local female authors. www. Sat, Mar 8, 7:30pm. $5-$10 suggested donation. Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.464.8983.

Poetry Santa Cruz Poetry reading by Ellen Bass and Danusha Lameris. www. Tue, Mar 11, 7:30pm. $3 suggested donation. Bookshop Santa

Former Shakespeare Santa Cruz actress Billie Harris and Book Cafe manager Jill Rose perform animated readings of children's stories. Mon, 11am. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

MARCH 5-11, 2014

Different belly dancers each week on the garden stage. Presented by Helene. www. Sat, 1:30pm. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.429.6994.

Two days of workshops and performances by Pete & Joan Wernick, the Naked Bootleggers, the Stoney Mountain Ramblers and many more. www. Fri, Mar 7 and Sat, Mar 8. $30$75. Costanoa Coastal Lodge & Camp, Hwy 1 at Rossi Road, Pescadero.

Felton's First Friday art walk. Fri, Mar 7, 6-9pm. Free. 6225 Hwy. 9, Felton.

NOTICES Apple and Pear Tree Workshop A hands-on workshop focused on grafting apple and pear trees. Preregistration required: http:// Sat, Mar 8, 10am-4pm. $50-$95. Alan Chadwick Garden, UCSC, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3240.

Beat Sanctuary A dance class for exploring authentic movement as connection, exercise, prayer and spiritual practice. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. A weekly class for exploring exercise and spirituality through dance. Wed, 7:30-9:15pm. $15. Santa Cruz Yoga, 402 Ingalls Street, Santa Cruz, 585.278.0080.

A Course In Miracles Study Group A weekly meeting on learning how to forgive and live in peace. Drop-ins are welcome. Thu, 7-9pm. The Barn Studio, 104b Park Way South, Santa Cruz, 831.272.2246.

Dog Hikes Santa Cruz International Dog Owner's Community hosts a weekly one-hour, easy hike along the beach for dog lovers and their pets. www. Mon, 8:45-9:45am. Free. Aptos Beach staircase, 1049 Via Palo Alto, Aptos.


In Celebration of the Muse This reading by 21 local women authors is held in conjunction with the release of the In Celebration of the Muse 30th Anniversary Anthology chapbook, which includes one poem or short piece of fiction by each of the readers. Featured readers include Laura Davis, Debra Spencer and Kate Avraham (pictured). Saturday, March 8 at 7:30pm in the Erica Schilling Forum at Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos. $10 suggested donation. Pleasure, 204 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.466.9870.

History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Miracle Working

TEDx Santa Cruz

Spiritual teacher Dominique Free leads a weekly class on cultivating the consciousness to heal, overcome, succeed and create miracles. Thu, 7-8pm. Conscious Lounge, 1651A El Dorado Av @ Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.359.0423..

A day-long conference featuring speakers giving presentations around the theme "Activate" Sat, Mar 8, 9am-5pm. $75. Hotel Paradox, 611 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 831.332.4387.

Postpartum Health Circle

Weekly drawing from a live model, facilitated by Open Studio artist Richard Bennett. Mon, 7-10pm. $16. Santa Cruz Art League, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 831.426.5787.

A weekly community circle offering support and information about postpartum changes for mothers. Wed, 1:30-2:30pm. $5-$10 donation. Luma Yoga & Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 831.325.2620.

Friday Shakespeare Club

Qigong Flow

Figure Drawing

A group of diverse women engaging in stimulating discussions of Shakespeare's plays. www. Fri, Mar 7, 10:30am-12:30pm. Free. Peace United Church of Christ, 900 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.438.3615.

Grief Support A lunchtime drop-in support group for adults grieving the death of a family member or friend. Tues. 6-7pm at 125 Heather Terrace, Aptos; Fri. noon-1pm at 5403 Scotts Valley Dr. Ste. D, Scotts Valley. free. Various sites, NA, Santa Cruz, 831.430.3000.

Intimacy & Ecstasy A workshop about spiritual practice and sexuality. Thu, Mar 6, 7-9pm. $15-$20. Pure

Led by Bonnie Eskie, MFT. Tue, 10-11am. $10-$12. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.515.4144.

Reclaiming the Commons An event about reclaiming the commons in our communities sponsored by the UCSC Common Ground Center and People Power of Santa Cruz. Followed by a bike party. Fri, Mar 7, 6-8:30pm. Kresge Town Hall, UCSC, Santa Cruz.

Researches Anonymous Round table discussion for all people interested in Santa Cruz County history. Sat, Mar 8, 11am-1pm. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and

The Speaker's Gym Instructor Noel Murphy provides leadership coaching and public speaking skills every week. Wed, 7-9:30pm. Discovery Gym, 75 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley, 831.238.1234.

Trail Crew Volunteering Bring work gloves, lunch and water for day of lively and productive trail maintenance. Must be 18 years of age or older. Meet at park headquarters. Second Sat of every month, 9am. Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Hwy 236, Boulder Creek, 831.338.8883.

Yoga Instruction Pacific Cultural Center: 35+ classes per week, 831.462.8893. SC Yoga: 45 classes per week, 831.227.2156. TriYoga: numerous weekly classes, 831.464.8100. Yoga Within at Aptos Station, 831.687.0818; Om Room School of Yoga, 831.429.9355; Pacific Climbing Gym, 831.454.9254; Aptos Yoga Center, 831.688.1019; Twin Lotus

Center, 831.239.3900. Hatha Yoga with Debra Whizin, 831.588.8527.

Younger Lagoon Tour Tours of the lagoon's diverse coastal habitat. Advance reservations required. Thu, Mar 6, 2-3:30pm and Sun, Mar 9, 2-3:30pm. Free with admission. Younger Lagoon Reserve, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz, 831.459.3800.

Zen, Vipassana, Basic: Intro to Meditation Zen: SC Zen Center, Wed, 5:45pm, 831.457.0206. Vipassana: Vipassana SC, Wed 6:30-8pm, 831.425.3431. Basic: Land of the Medicine Buddha, Wed, 5:30-6:30pm, 831.462.8383. Zen: Ocean Gate Zendo, first Tue each month 6:30-7pm. All are free.

Bingo Benefit for Soquel High Sports Soquel High Knights football program gets the bucks from this weekly bingo night. Buy-in $15; doors open 5pm; early birds 6:15pm, games 6:30pm. Tue, Mar 11, 6:30pm. $15. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St, Santa Cruz.

Comedy Open Mic A rotation of the best up-and-coming stand-up comedy acts from the Bay Area. Thu, 8:30pm. Free. Blue Lagoon, 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.7717.

Queer Movie Night A monthly event featuring an LGBTQ-themed film plus snacks and socializing. First Fri of every month, 6pm. Diversity Center, 1117 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422.

Wharf Wildlife Tours


Free eco-tours of the wharf by the Seymour Discovery Center. Sat-Sun, 1 and 3pm. Thru Dec 31. Free. Santa Cruz Wharf, Beach Street, Santa Cruz.

Annual 10K walk to raise funds for the Santa Cruz AIDS Project. Sat, Mar 8, 9:30am. Santa Cruz Wharf, Beach Street, Santa Cruz, 831.427.3900x123.



Arts Education Advocacy Night Free First Friday: Art activities for all ages plus artwork on display from Santa Cruz students. Fri, Mar 7, 4-9pm. Free. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Secret Film Festival An all-night marathon of previously unknown films, screened from midnight on Saturday until noon on Sunday. Pillows and pajamas encouraged. Sat, Mar 8 and Sun, Mar 9. $15. Del Mar Theatre, 1124 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.469.3220.

MARCH 5-11, 2014


NEW YORK STATE OF MIND Wynton Marsalis brings JLCO to the Civic Saturday.







A Boston-based hip-hop/reggae duo, AER has an it’s-all-good vibe about it. The duo’s songs about girls, friendship and the perils of 21st century dating have a slice-of-life, boys-next-door quality that makes you feel like you’re hanging out with your little brother and his friends. Featuring backbeat guitar, simple melodies and a lyrical delivery that ranges from sweet and bouncy to rapid-fire, these guys would be right at home alongside Sublime, Pepper or Macklemore. Catalyst; $15 adv/$18 door; 8pm. (Cat Johnson)

There are a few elements that make Moe’s Alley a great fit for funk bands. It has a big bar, lots of room for dancing and a low stage to give performances an intimate feel. And decade-old New Orleans band Dumpstaphunk meanwhile has all the elements of a great funk band—starting with an amazing drummer in Nikki Glaspie. If that isn’t enough, lead singer Ivan Neville’s syncopated, whammy-heavy guitar, a screaming organ and dueling basses from Tony Hall and Nick Daniels III should seal the deal. Moe’s Alley; $21 adv/$25 door; 9pm. (Jacob Pierce)



Many fans are drawn to the Austin Lounge Lizards by their political satire, but I prefer the really strange stuff. Like “Leonard Cohen’s Day Job,” where the brooding poet crooner takes a gig in an auto shop; “The Dogs, They Really Miss You,” which has what we’re all really looking for in Americana songwriting (puns about balls); and even “Hillbillies in a Haunted House,” which pays tribute for some reason to a horrible, almost totally forgotten 1967 film. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah—how ‘bout them Cowboys? Roy Zimmerman opens. Don Quixote’s; $20; 8pm. (Steve Palopoli)

Can’t make it to New York to take in Jazz at Lincoln Center? No problem, Wynton Marsalis is bringing the orchestra to town. A longtime ambassador for jazz, Marsalis plays a mean trumpet, comes from one of the royal families of jazz and ceaselessly promotes the style around the world. As leader of the JLCO, he works to “enrich and expand a global community for jazz.” On Saturday, the orchestra celebrates the musical genius and innovations of Thelonious Monk, Chick Corea and Duke Ellington. Civic Auditorium; $36.75-$68.25; 7:30pm. (CJ)


Larry & His Flask Celebrating Creativity Since 1975

1 Thursday, March 6


7 pm


Sat. March 8, 7:30 pm at SC Civic

Sunday, March 9


Tickets: If available, tix @ door sliding scale

Mar. 8 at Don Quixote’s

3 pm

Tues. March 11, 5:30 - 9:00 pm


Thursday, March 13

Mar. 8 at Moe’s Alley Mar. 12 at Catalyst

Mar. 22 at Cocoanut Grove



When I went to my first ska show, all those years ago, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I grabbed a seat at the back, thinking I’d just soak in the music. By the end of the night, I had squished my way to the front of the stage, was a sweaty mess and was dancing like there was no tomorrow. So it goes with ska; it’s not a spectator sport. Local outfit Dan P and the Bricks knows something about holding ska court. A 10-piece featuring members of MU330 and Slow Gherkin, these guys play it tight, fast and fun. And, they have a Santa Cruz Derby Girls fight song. Be prepared to move your body. Crepe Place; $10; 9pm. (CJ)






No Comps or Gift Certificates


Mar. 5 at Moe’s Alley


Tickets: or Civic Box Office, 831-420-5260

This quick-spitting group from the mid-1990s is as much an R&B quintet as it is rap. As far as melody goes, they make Snoop Dogg sound like William Shatner. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony hit a homerun when they won a Grammy for 1997’s “The Crossroads”—their gospel-tinged tribute to Eazy-E, the late hip-hop legend who had signed them to a record deal four years earlier. Recently reunited, Bone Thugs is now the only current group that worked with deceased artists 2Pac, the Notorious B.I.G., Eazy-E & Big Pun while they were still alive. Catalyst; $25 adv/$30 door; 9pm. (JP)

Reservations at 831-475-1511

Friday, March 14

7 pm


8 pm


Saturday, March 15


7:30 pm | No Comps



7 pm

BRUCE FORMAN’S COW BOP Thursday, March 20 U 7 pm Local & Live: Honoring Artistry, Celebrating Community




Friday, March 21


9 pm | $5 @ Door

Mon. March 24

7 and 9 pm | No Comps


HUGH MASEKELA 9 pm: 1/2 Price Night for Students


Friday, March 28


Monday, March 31

Nostalgia’s always in the air with Peter Case. Some of the Americana singer’s tunes have the blaring electric guitar sound of the Nerves and Plimsouls—his bands from the 1970s and 80s. Others sound even older, arousing sentiments of Irish folk music. And Case has a voice versatile and powerful enough—not to mention the chops—to pull off each. The storytelling San Francisco songwriter, a fan of Ginsberg and Kerouac, specializes in songs about aimless drifters on songs with open-C tunings and lush-sounding 12-string guitars. Don Quixote’s; $15; 7pm. (JP)




7:30 pm | No Comps


7 pm | No Comps

STANLEY JORDAN April April April April

4 21 28 30

Brad Mehldau Trio GOLD CIRCLE Regina Carter SOLD OUT! Branford Marsalis José James

Saturday, May 17, 8 pm | Rio Theatre


| No Comps

Unless noted advance tickets at and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.

320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

MARCH 5-11, 2014




1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Wednesday, 4HYJO ‹ AGES 18+



plus Heroes & Villains Must Die! 3PEC !DV !DV s P M

Wednesday, March 5 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 16+

AER plus RDGLDGRN also New Beat Fund !DV $RS '! TIX W ALBUM s P M P M

Greensky Bluegrass Tumbleweed Wanderers

Thu., March 6 AGES 16+

s P M P M Thursday, March 6 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 18+

MARCH 5-11, 2014



also Bird Of Prey

plus Kaminanda !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

Friday, 4HYJO ‹ AGES 18+

Downlink / Dieselboy Ajapai

Sam F.

plus also and Labrat vs Downsqurez


Andrew The Pirate

!DV $RS s P M Friday, March 7 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 16+


WED 3 3/5 /5 Liv Live eR Rock ock

923 9 23 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz

Rai Rainbow inbow L Lounge ounge

529 5 29 Seabright A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz




K Kalya allya Scintilla

Baeza Baeza

Sin Sisters Sisters

Da Datsik’s tsik’s Digital

Gr Greensky e eensk y Bluegr Bluegrass ass

Do Downlink wnlink


11101 101 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Avenue, venue, Santa Cruz

T THE CATALYST CATAL ALYST 11011 011 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz

Burlesque As Assassins sassins T Tour o our



Rebecca & Fiona



SHPONGLE Desert Dwellers Vokab Kompany also

!DV $RS s Doors 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-987-6487 & online

Special E Event vent Night Murph Murphy’s y’s Wagon Wagon

The Graveface Graveface

Sun., March 9 AGES 18+ plus Nause 3PEC !DV !DV s P M Mon., March 10 AGES 21+ !DV $RS s $OORS P M 3HOW P M Tue., March 11 AGES 18+

DJ DJ Marc Marc

1140 40 Encinal E i l St, St, t Santa S t Cruz C

Roadshow Roadshow

!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

SAT 3 3/8 /8 Liv Live eD DJ J


11134 134 Soquel Ave, Ave, Santa Cruz


Liv Live ve C Comedy omedy



Saturday, March 8 ‹ In the Atrium s AGES 21+

FRI 3/7

+8 80’s 0’s d dance ance party party

BAEZA !DV - ' s P M P M Saturday, 4HYJO ‹ AGES 16+

THU TH HU 3 3/6 /6

Dieselbo Dieselboy y

Mis Miss ss L Lonely onely Hearts

The Painters Painters

T Thugs-N-Harmony hugs-N-Harmony

Dan P & the Bricks

2 2218 Eas Eastt Cliff Dr Dr,, Santa Cruz


Esoteric Esoteric Collective Collective

1D Davenport avenport A Ave, ve, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz


Pr Preston e ton Brahm es Brahm Trio Trio

Mapanova Mapanova

11102 102 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, Santa Santa C Cruz ruz

w with ith G Gary ary M Montrezza ontrezza


Anton Antton Schwartz Schwartz

3 320-2 Cedar Cedar St, St, Santa Cruz

Qui Quintet ntet


Isoc Isoceles eles

Junk P Parlor arlor

Mik Mike ke Pint Pinto o

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Dumpstaphunk Dumpstaphunk

B-Side Players Players


D DJ J Juan Bur Burgundy gundy

Live Live Ha Hawaiian waiian n

Liv Live eR Rock ock & R Reggae eggae

11535 535 C Commercial ommercial W Way, ay, Santa Cruz


Hi Ya! Ya! a

Libation Lib bation Lab

11209 209 P PaciďŹ c aciďŹ c A Ave, ve, Santa Cruz

b by y Little John

Cur Curtis tis Murph Murphy y


Open Mic

Liv Live ve R Reggae eggae

1120 20 Union St, St, Santa Cruz


Ani DiFranco DiFranco

The Flying

11205 205 Soquel Avenue, Avenue, Santa Cruz

K Karamazov aramazov Brothers Brothers o


Amy Amy Lou Lou & the th he

5 Seabright A 519 Ave, ve, Santa Cruz

W Wild ild Ones


Vinny Vin nny Johnson

3102 3 310 2 Portola Portola Dr Dr.,., Santa Cruz

Jam m Ses Session sion

The Nightcats Nightcats

L Lenny’s enny’s Basement



3/9 3 /9

Goth/Industrial Goth/Indus trial

3/10 3 /10

Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke

TUE 3/ 3/11 11 Fusebox Fusebox


DJ’s DJ’s + Musicians Musicians

831.423.7117 831.423.7117

Kevin Kevin Robinson Robinson


BOCCI’S BOCCI’S CELLAR 831.427.1795 831 427.1795 831.42

““The Th finest big band in tthe h world today.” – The Daily Telegraph, UK

THE CA CATALYST ATAL LYST ATRIUM ATRIUM T 831.423. 831.423.1338 1338

Rebecca R ebecca & Fiona

Michael McDonald



7 Come Come 11


Photo: Frank Stewart

831.423.1336 831.423.1336

The Evangenitals Evangenitals

831.429 831.429.6994 .6994

Live Liv e Comedy Comedy

CROW’S CROW’S NEST NEST 831.4 831.476.4560 76.4560

Sherry Austin Austin & Henhouse Henhouse

Dana Scruggs Trio Trio

Jazz by by Five Five

Barry Scott Scott & Associates Associates

Bob Reid Reid


HOFFMAN’S BAKERY BAKERY CAFE 8 831.420.0135 31.420.0135

KUUMBWA KUUMBWA JAZZ JAZZ CENTER 831.427.2227 831.427.2227

Hamilton Hamilt on Loomis Loomis

MOE’S ALLEY 831.479.1854 831.479.1854

Rasta Ras ta Cruz Reggae Reggae Jazzy E Evening vening

Eclectic Eclectic c by by

Hip-Hop Hip Hop by by

Primal Pr Productions oductions


Open Blues Jam



831.4 831.479.5572 79.5572

THE REEF 831.459.9876 831.459.9876


Tickets: S Tickets:,, S Santa an t a C Cruz ruz C Civic ivic B Box ox O Office f fice t t nfo: (831) (831) 427-2227 427-2227 oorr bbyy phone phone ((831) 831) 420-5260 420-5260 IInfo:

Sponsored Sp onsored bbyy R Redtree edtree Partners Partners LP LP

SEABRIGHT BREWERY BREWERY 831.426.2739 831.426.2739


Noo ccomps N omps oorr ggift if t ccertificates er tificates t TTickets ickets subject subject ttoo sservice er vice ccharge harge aand nd ccity it y ttax ax


@ THE DEL MAR sponsored by





MARCH 5-11, 2014

Comedy C omedy Open Mic


JJazz azz a att Lincoln Lincoln Center Center Orchestra Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis w



THU TH HU 3 3/6 /6

FRI 3/7

SAT 3 3/8 /8

Live Live Music

Karaoke Karaoke

Touch’d Touch’ o d Too Too o Much M

The Shakers Shakers

David David v Paul Paul Campbell

George George Christos Christos

Roberto-Howell Roberto o-Ho Howell

Bom Bombshell mbshell Bullies

Joint Chiefs

B-Movie B-Movie Kings

MARCH 5-11, 2014

BRITANNIA B BRIT TANNIA A ARMS 110 11 0 Monterey Monterey Ave., Ave., Capitola Capitola


with Eve Eve

Jack of All Trades Trades

211 21 11 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola


David David Paul Paul Campbell

783 7 8 Rio del Mar Blvd, 83 Blvd, Apt Aptos os

MICHAEL’S M MICHAEL ’S ON MAIN 2591 25 591 Main S St, t, Soquel


Vinny Vinny Johnson

215 21 15 Esplanade, Esplanade, Capit Capitola ola

SANDERLINGS S ANDERLINGS 1 Seascape S Resort Resort Dr Dr,, Rio del Mar

SEVERINO’S S EVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 7500 7 5 500 Old Dominion Ct, Apt Aptos os


Ken Ken n Constable Constable

Joe Ferrara Ferrara

Claudio Melega


T Terrie errie e Londee Londee e&


203 20 03 Esplanade Esplanade,, Capit Capitola ola

B-4 Da Dawn wn Band d

1750 17 750 Wharf Rd, Rd, Capit Capitola ola

THE T HE UGL UGLY LY MUG 4640 4 640 Soquel Dr Dr,, Soquel


D’Oh D’O Oh Bros B os Br

The Th Austin Austin ti Lounge Lounge

Stu Stu Allen All &

6275 62 275 Hwy Hwy 9, 9, F Felton elton

Lizards Lizards


Dennis Dove Dove Band B

The Fintstones Fintstones

Mars Hotel Hotel

Mariachi Ensemble Ensemble

KDON DJ DJ Showbiz Showbiz

9450 94 450 Hw Hwy y9 9,, Ben L Lomond omond


Hippo Happy Happy Hour

11934 934 Main Main St, St, W Watsonville atsonville

MOSS M MO SS LANDING INN Hwy H wy 1, Mos Mosss Landing

&K KDON DON D DJ JS SolRock olRock

Open Jam



3/9 3 /9


3 3/10 /10

TUE 3/ 3/11 11 APTOS / RI RIO IO DEL MAR / SOQUEL Songwriter Songwriter Sho Showcase wcase Karaoke Karaoke with Eve Eve

Pro Pr o Jam


THE FOG BANK 831.462.1881 831.462.1881


David David O’C O’Connor onnor The Kelly Kelly Brothers Brothers

Ken Ken Constable Constable

MICHAEL MICHAEL’S ’S ON MAIN 831.479.9777 831.479.9777

831.476.4900 831.476.4900

831.662.7120 831.662.7120

SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 831.688.8987 831.688.8987

SHADOWBROOK SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511 831.475.1511


w/ w/ Mosep Mosephus hus

831.477.1341 831.477.1341


831.4 831.475.4900 75.4900


DON QUIX QUIXOTE’S OTE’S 831.603.2294 831.603.2294

Karaoke Karaoke with K Ken en

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International Women’s Day

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International Soup Kitchen open all day where $7 buys you all the soup and bread you want. Students $3.00

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903 Pacific Ave. Santa Cruz Opposite the Metro Center MEDIA SPONSORS

labor donated

MARCH 5-11, 2014

Dennis Dove Dove


MARCH 5-11, 2014




Done With Mirrors

Tim’s Vermeer explores how the Dutch Renaissance painter might’ve used technology to up his game BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


FTER A LONG career of tricks designed to make people doubt their eyes, Penn Jillette and Teller made the sweet and winning Tim’s Vermeer. Teller gets the director’s credit; Jillette narrates, naturally. It actually fits what the magicians have done both on stage and as debunkers, their mystification in the name of demystification. It offers a solution to the mystery of Vermeer—“a fathomless genius, now a fathomable one,” says the rumbustious Penn. The beauty part is he’s a little wrong, and yet the movie is right: it honors the labor of an artist as well as the inspiration that can’t be copied even in an age of mechanical reproduction. Or the nonmechanical type shown here. San Antonio inventor and experimenter Tim Jenison tests a

theory of what made J. Vermeer (16321675), little known in his day, the most rhaposodized-about artist of the golden age of the Dutch Republic. There’s already been a movie (a bad one) about his Girl With a Pearl Earring, the lady caught in a flash of some private moment of surprise or surmise. Jenison, a childhood pal of Jillette’s, made some good money in computer graphics, but side projects interest him: propeller-driven roller skates, an airplane kluged from Home Depot parts and the three pipe organs he grafted into one in his basement. Jenison, a bearded, work-shirted party who looks a little like the French actor Michael Lonsdale, read David Hockney’s controversial book Secret Knowledge, as well as historian Philip Steadman’s Vermeer’s Camera. The books argue Vermeer’s departure

from rival painters may have been due to some optical advantage. Could this have been a camera obscura? That invention is a precursor of cinema; you can see a good demonstration of how it works in the Michael Powell movie A Matter of Life and Death. Having time, money and curiosity, Jenison decided to take about six years backward engineering Vermeer’s The Music Lesson in a Texas warehouse. He got a 30-minute long date with the original, which hangs in Buckingham Palace, but otherwise had to work with a repro. Jenison tested the camera obscura, but he got better results with lenses, a concave mirror, and another round hand-sized mirror on a stick, a jumbo version of the one the dentist sticks in your mouth to prove to you that you don’t floss.


Pg-13, 80 Min. Opens Fri at the NIck.

MARCH 5-11, 2014

LENS FLAIR Graham Toms modeled for Tim Jenison’s reproduction of Vermeer’s ‘The Music Lesson.’ Jenison used lenses and mirrors to reproduce the effects of the mechanical aids which he believes the painter employed.

The beginning of wisdom is admitting you don’t know, and Jillette shows a hitherto unseen humble side (“if it were up to me to make paint, there would be no paint”). Jenison’s obsession is remarkable—he learns to read Dutch, to make and grind lenses, and to mix Vermeer’s famous lapis lazuli pigment. He builds a scrim in the shape of the nearby buildings that would have shadowed Vermeer’s north-facing window, and he talked his daughter into donning a headbrace to model for the female figure in the painting. And then Jenison sets to work. “It’s like watching paint dry,” Jillette says, even as that unworthy thought crosses our minds. But it gets very moving, seeing Jenison’s mad lonely effort in video diary form. Tim’s Vermeer is a convincing argument that Vermeer saw better than the unaided eye could have seen, through the gradations of grey that an optic nerve can’t pick up, or the hyper-close details like the nap in a rug or a line of decorative gilded sea horses on the virginal (a proto piano). The argument against Vermeer’s lenscrafting is easy: there is no historical evidence of the artist using any such optical tools, though naturally an artist would have guarded any special technology from his rivals. Using this equipment, a nonpainter—a dedicated, picky and very observant non-painter, certainly— created an impressive replica. Jillette uses this work to suggest that the split between technology and art ought to be repaired. It’s a remarkable achievement. But a close looks shows the perfection of Vermeer’s original isn’t in Jenison’s amazingly hard work. You can tell the difference: there remains some irreproducible element even if you get everything else right.


Film Capsules

MARCH 5-11, 2014


300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (R; 102 min) As hotly anticipated as a commemorative plate, this sequel to Frank Miller’s horrendous mangling of world history comes long after anyone cared, and without

original director Zach Snyder or star Gerard Butler. Mainly what it promises is a lot more men in skirts screaming, and untold gigabytes of CGI blood as Greeks and Persians clank, slice and hack their way through comic-book-style battles. (Opens Fri at Cinelux Scotts Valley, 41 Ave and Regal Santa Cruz 9)


HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE (2004) I like Miyazaki, you like Miyazaki, too. In celebration of his victory lap with The Wind Rises, the midnight movie series is playing one of his classics. This is the English-dubbed version, with Christian Bale, Emily Mortimer and Lauren Bacall contributing voice work to the

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli

story of the wizard Howl and his huge floating home—with plenty of witches, demons, spells and alternate dimensions to boot. (Plays Fri and Sat at midnight at the Del Mar) MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (PG; 90 min) I loved Rocky & Bullwinkle as a kid, it was basically The Simpsons before The Simpsons.

But the movies based on it so far—The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-Right, were pretty bad. I have higher hopes for this animated spin-off, since time-travelling dog scientist Mr. Peabody and his pet boy Sherman were pretty much my favorites, anyway. (Opens Fri at Aptos and Cinelux Scotts Valley)

Showtimes are for Wednesday, March 5, through Wednesday, March 12, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.


122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831-426-7500

Mr. Peabody & Sherman — (Opens Fri) 12:20; 2:30; 4:40; 6:45. Mr. Peabody & Sherman 3D — (Opens Fri) 8:45pm. Her — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 7; 9:30. The Monuments Men — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:10; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9.


1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504

Non-Stop — (Opens Fri) 11:15; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15. Son of God — (Opens Fri) 12:30; 3:45; 7; 9:15. American Hustle — Wed-Thu 8:55pm. The LEGO Movie — Wed-Thu 11; 12:30; 1:45; 3:15; 4:20; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 11; 1:40; 4:15; 6:45; 10:10.

Philomena — Wed-Thu 6:30pm. Robocop — Wed-Thu 11; 1:30; 4:30; 7:20; 10:15.


1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

12 Years a Slave — Fri-Wed 1:15; 6:40. Her — Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:30; 7:10; 9:45; Fri-Wed 4; 9:20. The Monuments Men — Daily 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:30. The Wind Rises — Daily 1; 3:45; 6:30; 9:15 plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. The Wolf of Wall Street — Wed-Thu 12:20; 3:50; 7:30. (no Thu 7:30pm) Howl’s Moving Castle — Fri-Sat midnight. Secret Film Festival — Fri-Sat midnight.


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

Tim’s Vemeer — (Opens Fri) 3:10; 5:10; 7:10; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 1:10pm. 12 Years a Slave — Wed-Thu 12:30; 9. Animated Oscar Shorts — Wed-Thu 12:50pm. American Hustle — Wed-Thu 3:15; 8:30; Fri-Wed 3:40; 6:30; 9:20 plus SatSun 12:50pm. (no Sat 12:50pm) Gloria — Wed-Thu 2:10; 4:30; 7; 9:20. (no Thu 7pm) Live Action Oscar Shorts — Wed-Thu 11:45am. Nebraska — Wed-Thu 6pm; Fri-Wed 6:15 plus Sat-Sun 12:20pm.. Walking the Camino — Wed-Thu 3; 5; 7:10; Fri-Wed 3; 5; 7:10; 9 plus Sat-Sun 1pm. The Wolf of Wall Street — Wed-Thu 12:20; 3:50; 7:30; Fri-Wed 2:45; 8:40. The Girls in the Band — Sat 4:30pm.


155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, R-rated— Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:45; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Endless Love — Wed-Thu 4; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Ride Along — Wed-Thu 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes.


1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700

3 Days to Kill — Wed 11:45; 2:25; 5:05; 7:45; 10:25; Thu 11:45; 3:15; 10:30; FriWed call for showtimes.

About Last Night —Wed 12:05; 2:45; 5:15;Thu 12:05; 2:30; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Frozen — Wed-Thu 12:25; 3:25; 6:30; 9:05; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The LEGO Movie — Wed-Thu 12:10; 2:40; 5:05; 7:40; 10:10 (no Thu 7:40; 10:10)

Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The LEGO Movie 3D—Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:05; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. (no Thu 10pm) Non-Stop — Wed-Thu 12; 2:35; 5:10; 6:35; 7:45; 9:25; 10:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. (no Thu 7:45 or 10:20) Pompeii — Wed-Thu 6:25; 9:35; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Pompeii 3D — Wed-Thu 12:35; 3:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. Robocop — Wed-Thu 12:20; 3:10; 6; 9 Fri-Wed call for showtimes (no Thu 10pm). Son of God — Wed-Thu 12:15; 3:15; 6:15; 9:20; Fri-Wed call for showtimes. The Metropolitan Opera: Prince Igor Encore — Wed 6:30pm. Paper Moon — Thu 9pm.

CINELUX SCOTTS VALLEY CINEMA 226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260

300: Rise of an Empire — (Opens Fri) 11:55; 1:45; 2:45; 4:15; 4:45; 7:20; 8:15; 10. 300: Rise of an Empire 3D — (Opens Fri) 11:15; 9:45. 3 Days to Kill — Wed-Thu 11:15; 2; 4:30; 7:20; 10:15. Mr. Peabody & Sherman — (Opens Fri) 11; 11:45; 1:30; 2:15; 4; 5:30; 6:30; 7:15; 9. 12 Years A Slave — Fri-Wed 11:30; 7. (no Sat 11:30am) Frozen — Wed-Thu 11:10; 1:45; Fri-Wed 11; 2:30. The Great Beauty — Fri-Wed 5:15pm. The LEGO Movie —Wed-Thu 11; 11:40; 1:30; 2:15; 4; 4:45; 7:15; 9:45 plus Thu 10pm. Fri-Wed 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7; 10.

The Monuments Men — Wed-Thu 11:30; 12:30; 3:45; 4:55; 7; 8; 9:15; Fri-Wed 11:15; 2:15; 5:15; 8:15. (no Thu 9:15pm) Nebraska — Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:45; Fri-Wed 4:15; 6:30. Non-Stop —Wed-Thu 11:15; 2; 4:40; 7:30; 8:30; 10:15; Fri-Wed 11:15; 2; 4:40; 7:30; 8:30; 10:15. The Nut Job — Wed-Thu 11:15am. Philomena — Wed-Thu 2:30; 7; 9:20; Fri-Wed 1:45; 4:30. Pompeii — Wed-Thu 11:20; 4:40; 7:30; 10 Fri-Wed 11; 1:40; 4:55; 7:30; 10. Pompeii 3D — Wed-Thu 2; 10. Ride Along — Wed-Thu 9:45pm. Robocop — Wed-Thu 11; 1:45; 4:30; 7:20; 10:15. Saving Mr. Banks — Wed-Thu 7:45pm. Son of God—Wed-Thu 11; 12:30; 2:10; 3:45; 5:20; 7; 10; Fri-Wed 12:15; 3:30; 6:45; 9:30 Casablanca — Thu 7pm. Hello Dolly — Sat 11am.


1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200

300: Rise of an Empire — (Opens Fri) 1:45; 4:30; 7:30; 10 plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. 300: Rise of an Empire 3D — (Opens Fri) 7:40pm. Mr. Peabody and Sherman — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:15; 7:05; 9:30. Mr. Peabody and Sherman — (Opens Fri) 5:05pm. Son of God — Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:45; 6:50; 9:50; Fri-Wed 1; 3:55; 6:50; 9:45. Son of God in Spanish — Wed-Thu 7:30; Fri-Wed 7:15; 10 plus Sat-Sun 11am. 3 Days to Kill — Wed-Thu 1:25; 4; 7:15; 9:45; Fri-Wed 4; 9:45. About Last Night — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:30; 7:30; 10. Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues — Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:45; 6:45; 9:45. Dallas Buyers Club — Fri-Wed 1:25 plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Gravity — Fri-Wed 2; 4:15. The LEGO Movie — Daily 1:45; 4:30; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Non-Stop — Fri-Wed 1:25; 4:15; 7:15; 9:45 plus Sat-Sun 10:45am. Ride Along — Wed-Thu 1:20; 4; 7:30; 10; Fri-Wed 2:30; 5:15. Robocop —Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:30; 7:30; 9:30; Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:30; 7:30; 10 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Pompeii — Wed-Thu 1:35; 4; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 1:25; 7:15 plus Sat-Sun 10:45am.

SECRET FILM FESTIVAL (12 insane hours) The Del Mar tradition is back for its ninth year, running from midnight Saturday night to noon on Sunday. The line-up is of course secret, but at least five of the films presented will be making their Santa Cruz premieres, and there is always a mix of genres and great surprises. Go in your PJs! Eat cereal! Try to stay up for the whole thing (a surprising number of people do, although I have yet to last through the last film. Bucket list!) (Plays 12am-12pm Saturday night through Sunday morning at the Del Mar) TIM’S VERMEER (PG-13; 80 min) See review, page 27. (Opens Fri at the Nick)


3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13; 100 min) An action thriller co-written by Luc Besson, directed by McG, and starring Kevin Costner as a secret service agent forced to become an assassin probably can’t be that bad. Plus, I love any trailer where the character actually says the name of the movie. “You’ve got 3 days to kill! ‘Cause you’re in the movie 3 Days to Kill, and 3 days of killing shall you do! The number of days of killing shall be 3! Four days shall thou not kill, neither kill thou two days, excepting that thou then proceed to three days. Five days is right out.” 12 YEARS A SLAVE (R; 133 min) Based on an 1853 memoir, this story of a free African American kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South is easily the bestreviewed film of the year. ENDLESS LOVE (PG-13; 103 min) Wait, let me check the bottom of my list again. Yup, this one’s there, too. But hey, this drama about obsessive love can’t be any worse than that god-awful 1981 version with Brooke Shields, right? Right? GLORIA (R; 110 min) Pauline Garcia is getting rave reviews for her portrayal of a freespirited older woman in a new relationship in Santiago. THE LEGO MOVIE (PG; 100 min) Everybody from Morgan Freeman to Will Ferrell to Shaq gets to voice something in this animated movie, which (spoiler alert) is not actually made out of Legos. In other news, it’s official: everything gets to have a movie. What’s next, Battleship? Oh wait… POMPEII (PG-13; 104 min) The Game of Thrones phenomenon has inspired a new crop of swords-and-

sandals flicks—and most of them have actual GoT actors in them, which is kind of funny. It’s like, “You loved him talking like it was olden times as Jon Snow, now see him talking like it was olden times again in Pompeii!” And what are they going to come up with for Lena Headey’s character in 300: Rise of an Empire? “She’s like Cersei, without the incest!” THE MONUMENTS MEN (PG-13; 118 min) There’s something creepy about the fact that this movie is flying so under the radar. It’s written and directed by George Clooney, with a great premise (a World War II platoon rescues art from the Nazis), and an all-star cast featuring Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Bill Murray and more. It’s based on a true story, the trailer looks great. Why isn’t anyone talking about this? NON-STOP (PG-13; 110 min) The flight is non-stop! The danger is non-stop! The feeling that Liam Neeson is in a hell of a lot of B-level thrillers lately is non-stop! THE NUT JOB (PG; 86 min) I can’t even imagine what the pitch sessions are like for these animated quirky-animal movies. Is there a lightning round? “OK, there’s a bear…” “No.” “OK, there’s a duck…” “No.” “OK, there’s a platypus…” “Hell no.” Somehow, somebody sold the idea of a squirrel, and so in this movie little Surly the Squirrel (voiced by Will Arnett) gets kicked out of his home in a park and has to survive in the city. RIDE ALONG (PG-13; 100 min) We know Ice Cube can act, but for the last decade his career has been pretty much reduced to finding different ways to contort his face for a wide spectrum of annoyed looks. Make no mistake about it: if there were Oscars for facial tics, Ice Cube would add to his collection with this latest comedy in which he plays a cop who keeps getting annoyed by Kevin Hart. How is that a movie? We’re all annoyed by Kevin Hart. ROBOCOP (R; 102 min) What a coincidence, this is also low on my list of movies Hollywood should remake! But for a different reason. Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 original was so unique in its mix of comicbook brightness and gritty crime action that it seems silly to try to recreate that magic. They couldn’t just make a whole different movie about a cyborg cop? Hells to the no! So now we have what appears to be a Christopher-Nolaned-up version from Brazilian director Jose Padilha, who would like to thank you for your cooperation.

Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at Read her blog

Chip Scheuer

at cookies, the pecan sandie, with that addictive rosette of semi-sweet chocolate frosting in the center. This cookie is an entire world tour of a cookie's must-have friends. Crushed toasted pecans. Chocolate buttery creamy frosting topknot. Butter and yet more butter flavor packed into the enormous cookie platform itself. OMG! This a cookie that requires two hands to lift, yet only 10 minutes to ponder and consume. Lifeaffirming, the pecan sandie. From The Buttery, at the corner of Soquel and Branciforte. AU MIDI, DINNER ONLY: Au Midi owners Michel and Muriel Loubiere

announce that starting this week the intimate Aptos bistro will end lunch service. Authentic French dinners will continue, as usual (comme d'habitude) from Tuesday to Saturday. And don't forget to make reservations. SOIF CONTINUES TO CHARM:

CONES FOR A CAUSE Dave Kumec’s Mission Hill Creamery will be donating a portion of sales to local schools every Tuesday for the next two months.

Some Important Scoops BY CHRISTINA WATERS


ave Kumec, entrepreneur of Mission Hill Creamery artisan ice creams, is launching the second annual Scoops for Schools program benefiting Santa Cruz City Schools. Stop by the scoop shop at 1101 Pacific Avenue on a Tuesday during the next two months and order up your favorite designer flavor—we're partial to the caramel almond variety—and Mission Hill Creamery will donate 10 percent of the sale to a designated school. For example, if you order up something cool and creamy on March 11, your

purchase will benefit Santa Cruz High; on March 18 the proceeds go to Branciforte Small Schools, on April 8 Harbor High benefits. You really need to stop by Kumec's inviting shop on Pacific Avenue to scope out the full roster of schools and dates. Or you could simply get in the habit of stopping by the Mission Hill Ice Creamery each and every Tuesday until the end of time. There are worse habits to acquire. BUTTERY LUNCH TO GO: Often

if I'm out in the Shoppers Corner area before lunch I'll stop by and

grab one of The Buttery's mega fresh sandwiches like the Black Forest ham and pickled onion Joe's Favorite on onion roll, or the turkey basil with pesto aioli ($7.75 and enough for two). Add a spice-inflected salad, such as last week's Moroccan quinoa and roasted carrot creation, and you have the stuff of a major lunch. I loved this aromatic blend of quinoa, roasted carrots, raisins and garbanzos—something different and a great side for a sandwich. Of course you'll be adding an apple galette, or the mother of all local

With appetizers like the seductive charcuterie plate — outstanding with something in the key of red, such as a well-balanced Grand Montmirail Gigondas, or Reinking Russian River Zinfandel made from very, very old vines. This week's ($15) plate offered a small pool of coarseground mustard topped with infant gherkins and caper berries. Around the wide margins of the plate were slices of intensely flavored wild boar salami, lavish sopressata and two egg-sized mounds of creamy chicken liver mousse. With toasts, and with a side of ciabatta with olive oil, this is living! THINGS WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Major Grey's Hot Mango

Chutney. Any wine made by Jeff Emery. Those tiny blueberry muffins made every morning at the Westside Coffee Shop in the Almar Plaza (next to Safeway). New Leaf's house granola, available in a gazillion designer flavors, but my favorite involves almonds and cranberries!0

MARCH 5-11, 2014





MARCH 5-11, 2014

Chip Scheuer

AS THE WORLD CHURNS Leyla World owner Amir Jamali has taken to Facebook in his never-ending quest for new yogurt flavors.

Leyla World Amir Jamali, co-owner


mir Jamali, owner of Leyla World, which opened almost two years ago, enjoys changing the yogurt flavors at his Mission Street shop. He announces them on Facebook every other day, usually including one sugar-free flavor and one dairy-free one. He carries 20 ice cream flavors, too.

Santa Cruz


SANTA CRUZ WEEKLY: How do you pick your yogurt flavors?

We look at the trends on websites. We ask customers. We have a book that customers can write their favorite flavor they want us to carry. Then sometimes we do our own flavor. For example, lime pomegranate— something we do ourselves—is very popular. How do you wash the yogurt machine each night? It takes a couple

“This is Santa Cruz” Mar. 7- Mar. 23, 2014 Reception: Sat. Mar. 8th, 3-5pm Open to Santa Cruz County Artists

Coming Soon! Watercolor “The Best of the Central Coast”

Mar. 28 - Apr. 19 Reception: Sun. Apr. 6, 2-4pm Open to Central Coast artists

New Ongoing Classes and Weekend Workshops 526 Broadway Santa Cruz, CA (831) 426-5787 Wed-Sat. 12-5/Sun 12-4 1st Fri. 12-9 Artist: Doreen Davis

95 Years of Imagination

hours. You have to open about 20 components, the doors in the front. You rinse the machine with lukewarm water a few times. Then you sanitize it. Then you lube the components. Then you put them together. Then again sanitize them. The machine is ready. Each machine has to be washed about three or four times, each hopper. Each machine has two hoppers that can hold flavors. Therefore we can have about eight flavors in our store. Each hopper needs to be washed and cleaned every night. Then the next morning we come to our store at about 9 o’clock. It takes about an hour to prepare it. What are your favorite yogurt toppings? Nuts, roasted almonds,

premium chocolate and fresh fruit. Where are you from? I’m from Iran. Maria is from Mexico, but she also has some German background. She lived in Germany for 10 or 12 years. We like people. Who comes to our shop? Little girls and boys. We are family friendly. Are ice cream and frozen yogurt popular in Iran? Frozen yogurt, nobody knows about—not yet. If I could do it, I would do it. I know Iranian customers come and love the frozen yogurt. It’s probiotics. It’s very good for you. Ice cream is very popular. Once this yogurt gets to Iran, the line will be out the door. —Jacob Pierce

Astrology As A sttrro rology g Free F Fr rree e Will Will


Rob Brezsny Breezsny



For F or th thee w week eek o off M March arch 5

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23-Oct. 22): YYou ou o Libr Librans ans haven haven’t ’t rreceived eceived enoughh gifts, goodies, and compliments lately reasonns I can’t can’t discern, you have been lately.. For reasons deprived of yourr rightful shar e. It ’s not fair! fair! What can share. It’s you do to rrectify ectifyy this imbalance in the cosmic ledger? How can you en hance your ability to attr act the tr eats enhance attract treats you deser ve? It ’ss important that we solve this riddle, deserve? It’s since you ar ntering a phase when your wants aree en entering and needs will expand e Here’s what I can and deepen. Here’s off er: I hereby herebyy authorize auuthorize you y to do whatever it takes offer: to entice everyone everyone into showering you with bounties, boons, and bonuses. bonuuses. To To jumpstart this process, process, shower yourself with bounties, boounties, boons, and bonuses. SCORPIO (O (Oct. ct. 23-Nov. 23-Nov. 21): “The art of living is more more like wr wrestling estlling than dancing,â€? wr wrote ote the Roman Marcus Aurelius Aurelius mor philosopher Marcus moree than 1,800 years or you, Scorpio? Do you experience ago. Is that truee ffor more strenuous strenuouss struggle and grunting exertion than more frisky exuber ancce? Even if that ’s usually the case, frisky exuberance? that’s at in the coming week ault I’m guessing tha that weekss your def default more akin to dancing than wrestling. wrestling. mode should bee more grant you a grace grace The cosmos hass decided to grant Yoou must agree agree to period—on onee condition, that is: You morre freely freely and have more more fun that you experiment more y yourself . normally allow yourself. SAGITTARIUS SAGITTAR RIUS (Nov (Nov.. 22-Dec. 22-Dec. Dec. 21): For the itch you ar aree experiencing, experienncing, neither chamomile nor aloe ver y rrelief. elief. Nor would over-the-counter veraa will bring you medications likee calamine lotion. No, Sagittarius. YYour our itch isn’t isn’t causedd by something as tangible as a rash rash or hives, and can’t can’t be soothed by any obvious healing agent. It is, shall shall we say, sayy, mor realm of a soul moree in the realm itch—a prickly tickle that is hard hard to diagnose, let alone tr eat. I’m guessing that there there may be just one treat. eff ective cur e: Become B as still and quiet and empty effective cure: as you possibly can, and then invite your Future Future Self to scratch scratch it for for you. CAPRICORN N (Dec. 22 22-Jan. -Jan. 19): The world is awash in bright, bright, shiny nonsense. Every day we wade through a glare glare of misinformation misinformation and lazy delusions through irrelevant data. data. It can be hard hard to locate the few few and irrelevant p g s and ideas that are are actuallyy useful speciďŹ c insights g. That ’s the bad news, Capricorn. Capricorn. and stimulating stimulating. That’s Here’s the goodd news: YYou ou now have an enhanced Here’s ferret out nuggets of data that can actually ability to ferret You are are a magnet for for the invigorating invigorating empower you. You reallyy need most. truths you really AQUARIUS S (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you come up with an original invention, invention, apply for for a patent immediately. immediately. If you think of a bright idea, put it to work as soon as possible. If you ďŹ gure ďŹ e out crucial clues that everyone ďŹ gur else seems blindd to, dispel the general general ignorance ignorance you can. This is a perf ect moment ffor or as quickly as you perfect radical pragmatism pragmattism carried carried out with expeditious radical savvy. It ’s not a time when you should naively hope savvy. It’s for the best withh dreamy dreamy nonchalance. For the sake for hhealth th and for for the good of your of your mental heal familyy, be crisp, p, direct, direct, and forceful. forceful. extended family, PISCES (Feb (Feb.. 19-Mar 19-March ch 20): In the 1997 ďŹ lm Austin P Powers, owers, International Man of Mysteryy, the lead character that “‘Danger’ character announces a “‘Danger ’ is my middle name.â€?â€? Ever E since, real real people in the U.K. have been legally making maaking “Dangerâ€? “Danger â€? their middle name with surprising regularity. regularity. I think it would be smart for you Pisceans Pisceans to add an innovative element fun for to your identity in the coming days, maybe even a nam me. But I recommend recommend that you go in new middle name. different direction direcction than “Danger.â€? “Danger.â€? A more more suitable a different “Changerr,,â€? to indicate you’re you’re ready ready to name might be “Changer,â€? embracee change. Or how about “Ranger,â€? “Rangerr,,â€? to eagerly embrace express a heightened heightened desire desire to rove rove and gallivant? express

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TEDxSantaCruz TEDx SantaCruz invites you u to experience a full day of dynamic speakers spea akers and performers whose ideas are arre setting in motion a new reality, reality, igniting ign niting new connections, or energizing energizing g communities. Talks Ta alks will cover science, national na ational security, security, social justice, sustainable design, g youth y advocacy, advocacy, global health, public public art, music, and more. more. Enjoy the the conference, conference, lunch, breaks, breaks, and a post-event post-event no-host reception reception at the elegant cocktail co ocktail lounge, Solaire. Solaire. Expect to leave ACTIV ACTIVATED! A VAT TED!


Space is Limited! Limited d! Register today at www w.TEDx xS Sa -PZJHS ZWVUZVYZOPW MVY ;,+_:HU[H*Y\a WYV]PKLK I` :HU[H *Y\a -PST -LZ[P]HS H J UVU WYVĂ„[ VYNHUPaH[PVU -PZJHS ZWVUZVYZOPW MVY ;,+_:HU[H*Y\a WY V]PKLK I` :HU[H H *Y\a -PST -LZ[P]HS H J UVU WYVĂ„[ VYNHUPaH[PVU

MARCH 5-11, 2014

ARIES (Mar (March ch 21-April 19): Ar Aree you between omantic partner partners? securee jobs? Between rromantic rs? Between secur easons to get ffoundations oundations and clear mandatess and rreasons Probably least up each morning? Pr obably at le east one of the above. intimate Foggy whirlwinds may be your in ntimate companions. your Being up-in-the-air could be you ur customary vantage weird point. During your stay in this we eird vacationland, from conclusions please abstain fr om making con clusions about its implications ffor or your value ass a human being. words from author Braverman: Remember these wor ds fr om au thor TTerry er e ryy Br averman: sense “It is important to detach our se nse of self-worth from transitional circumstances, cumstances,, and maintain fr om tr ansitional cir aree by en enhancing perspective on who we ar nhancing our sense of ‘‘self-mirth.’â€? self-mirth.’â€? Whimsy and levity can c be your salvation, Aries. LLucky uckky uxx should be your mantra. mantra. TAURUS (April (April 20-May 20): The T rrenowned enowned cellist Yo Yo YYoo Ma once came to thee home of computer pioneer SSteve performed teve Jobs and perf ormeed a private concert. Jobs was deeply touched, and to told “Your old Ma, “Y Yoour playing is the best argument argument I’ve ever heard heeard ffor or the existence of God, because I don’t believe don’t rreally eally bel lieve a human alone can do this.â€?â€? Judging from current astrological ological from the cu urrent astr omens, Taurus, Taaurus, I’m guessing you will soon experience an equivalent phenomenon: a transcendent transcendent a expression expression of love or beauty that that moves you to suspect aree an p that magic g is afoot. afoot. Even n if yyou ar atheist, you are are likely to feel feel the primal shiver that comes fr from om having a close brushh with enchantment. GEMINI ((May May 21-June 21-June 20): In my dr dream, eam, I was leading a pep rrally ally ffor or a stadium full of Geminis. “Your great pleasure,â€? eat pleasur “Y Your o intensity brings you gr e,â€? I told address system. “You them over the public addr ess sys stem. “Y Yoou seek the inspired. company of people who love youu to be inspir ed. YYou oou appreciated enthusiasm, or your en must be appr eciated ffor thusiasm, never stress shamed. Your Yoour drive for for excellence excellence doesn’t doesn’t str ess you hereby out, it rrelaxes elaxes you. I her eby give you y license to laugh stronger even louder and sing even str ongger and think even smarter.â€? crowd smarter .â€?â€? By now the cr owd was cheering and I was “It’s cool,â€? exulted. “It’s ’s bellowing. “It ’s not cool to be co ol,â€?â€? I exul ted. “It white-hot life. cool to be burning with a whitehot lust ffor or lif e. YYou oou aree rising to the next octave. YYou aree playing har harder ar ou ou ar der than you have ever played.â€? played. CANCER (June 21-July 21-July 22): “M “My My old paintings proliďŹ c Pablo no longer interest interest me,â€? said the pr oliďŹ c artist P ablo Picasso when he was 79 years old. old. “I’m much more more done curious about those I haven’t haven’t do ne yet.â€? I rrealize ealize it might be controversial controversial ffor or me too suggest that you anccerian. After all, you adopt a similar perspective, CCancerian. aree rrenowned ar enowned ffor or being a connoisseur connoisseur of old stories specialties and past glories. One of your spe ecialties is to keep vibrant memories alive and vibr ant by ffeeding e eeding them with your generous generous love. To To be clear, clearr, I don’t don’t mean that you should apologize for for or rrepress epress those t aptitudes. But now—say, three weeks—I ffor or now—say y, the next thr ee we eeks—I invite you to turn your attention toward toward the exciting e things you haven’t haven ’t done yet. LEO ((July July 23-Aug. 23-Aug. 22): I rrecommend ecomm mend that you sleep dreams with a special someone whose ddr eams you you’dd like to blend with yours. And when I sayy ““sleep sleep with,â€?â€? I mean literally; it’s it liter ally; it ’s not a euphemism for for “having sex with.â€? TToo be clear: Making love with thiss person is ďŹ ne if that’s that ’s what you both want. But my m main point is that you will draw draw unexpected beneďŹ ts beneďŹ ďŹ ts from from lying next through to this companion as you both wander w through the dreamtime. altered dr eamtime. Being in your al teredd states together will get give you inspiration inspiration you can’t can’t ge et any other way. way. You Yoou won’t information ormation onn a conscious level, won ’t be sharing inf that’s but that ’s exactly the purpose: too be transformed transformed what’s together by what ’s owing back and forth forth between your deeper minds. For extra extra credit, credit, e collaborate collaborate on incubating a dream. dream. Read this: http:/ http:/ // / dreamincubation. eamincubation. dr VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23-Sept. 22): “On “One ne chor chordd is ďŹ ne,â€? said rrock about ock musician LLou ou Reed abo out his no-frills no frills approach “Two chords aree pushing approach to writing songs. “T Tw wo chor ds ar it. Thr Three chords you’ree into jjazz.â€? ee chor ds and you’r azz.â€?â€? I rrecommend ecommend his perspective to you in the com coming weeks, Virgo. ming week s, Vir go. Your Your o detail-oriented appreciation appreciation of life’s life’s complexity is one of your ďŹ nest qualities, bu but ut every once in a while—like now—you can thriv thrive ve by stripping down to the basics. This will be especia especially ally true about your approach approach to intimate rrelationships. elationshiips. For the time being, just assume that cul cultivating tivating simplicity will generate generate the blessings you needd most.





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