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YEAR 54, NO. 42 OCTOBER 19-25, 2016


Witches Next Door


4th District Supervisor Race p6 MVFF Wrap-up p13 All-Star Soul Ska p15

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03 PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Zohn Mandel

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CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano PACIFIC SUN (USPS 454-630) Published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc. Distributed free at more than 500 locations throughout Marin County. Adjudicated a newspaper of General Circulation. First class mailed delivery in Marin available by subscriptions (per year): Marin County $75; out-of-county $90, via credit card, cash or check. No person may, without the permission of the Pacific Sun, take more than one copy of each Pacific Sun weekly issue. Entire contents of this publication Copyright ©Metrosa, Inc., ISSN; 0048-2641. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts must be submitted with a stamped self-addressed envelope. ON THE COVER Design by Tabi Zarrinnaal Cover photo by Zohn Mandel

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This week, a letter-writer questions the Advice Goddess on her theories about genes.





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When your relationship advisor [Amy Alkon, aka the Advice Goddess] claims that female mating preferences for wealthy men (at least in Marin) are based on survival of the fittest genes, it smacks of the same pseudoscience that gave rise to Social Darwinism, eugenics mania, the hype of biomedical research and herd immunity. General ignorance of genetic science or human history promotes the belief that our “selfish genes” dictate individual and social behaviors. Genetic determinism is as faith-based as biblical salvation. After all, even sea urchins have more genes than the 26,000 of humans, with rice containing almost half again as many. Most of our genes are called “junk DNA,” shiftless, purpose-free. Unless there’s a Secret Life of Plants or spiny bottom-dwellers, genes can’t explain the complexity of human society or female choices. Besides, for most of human evolution, women had little choice in mating partners, much less those with Rolex watches, luxury vehicles and platinum credit cards. President Bill Clinton claimed the map of the human genome would “revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all of human diseases. We’re on the verge of gaining immense new power to heal.” A decade later, 28 prominent geneticists admitted that despite $100 billion spent publicly and privately, they had found “only a very limited genetic

basis for human diseases. Profound improvements in the effectiveness of healthcare [from genetic research] cannot realistically be expected for many years.” Epigenetic (over and above genes) signals sent to our DNA by our actions, determine genes expression of proteins or remaining silent. They even cause inheritance of acquired characteristics, the Lamarckian evolutionary heresy. Swedish and Dutch studies show the nutritional intake of the grandparents in childhood, affected incidence of diabetes and heart disease in their children and grandchildren. Epigenetic influences are directly affected by diet. Changing our diets and lifestyles will eliminate more diseases than “the most complicated and expensive genetic intervention” and vast webs of eco-environmental regulations at a fraction of the costs. —Stephen Simac (excerpted from his book ‘Save Trillions with Universal Health Care’) P.s. Our genes are popularly believed to be fixed and immutable causes of disease, but T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study and Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, sees this as a philosophical battle royale between the Free Will Hope of Nutrition vs. the Despair of Genetic Destiny. Natural selection may play a role in sexual attraction from our vestigial scent of pheromones to ensure genetic diversity or to facial symmetry indicating undamaged genes.

By Howard Rachelson

1 The College of Marin was established in what year ending with ‘6?’


2 What percentage of eligible U.S. citizens voted in the most recent presidential elections (similar percentages in 2008 and 2012)—around 50, 60 or 70 percent? 3 What exciting new trivia game was the


top-selling toy for Christmas in 1984?

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4 George Washington was the only U.S.

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president to continue the European tradition of wearing a what?

5 What two countries border the Mediterranean Sea as well as the Atlantic Ocean?

6 Identify this runner who lost her chance to

win a gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, when she collided and fell in the midst of the 3,000-meter race.

7 The name of what item found in the home comes from the Latin word for “to look” and the Greek word for “from afar?”


8 What iconic new car model was introduced with much fanfare at the 1964 New York World’s Fair?

9a. In June, 2016, this Broadway musical won 11 Tony Awards, including

‘Best Musical.’

9b. It failed to break the record of 12 Tony Awards won by what musical comedy in 2001? 10 This Shakespeare play with a numerical title features the line, “If music be the food of love, play on.” BONUS QUESTION: The world reacted with shocked surprise last week, when Bob Dylan became the first singer-songwriter to ever win what prestigious award? Want more trivia for your next party, fundraiser or company event? Contact Howard at, and visit for the web’s most interesting questions.

Answers on page


Molly Oleson

Actresses Emma Stone (left) and Amy Adams introduced their new films on opening night of the 39th annual Mill Valley Film Festival. See page 13 for our wrap-up.



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Upfront Dennis Rodoni and Dominic Grossi race for Marin’s 4th District Supervisor seat. Both candidates have deep local roots.

Moderate Marin The race to replace Steve Kinsey as 4th District Supervisor By Tom Gogola


he Marin Board of Supervisors last week offered its group support for a few state measures popping up on the November 8 ballot this year—including their backing of ending the death penalty in California and reforming prison sentencing guidelines. Notably, the five-member board did not take a group position on Proposition 64, citing differences of opinion over the measure to legalize cannabis in the state.

The supers’ split on Prop 64 is reflected in the race to replace outgoing supervisor Steve Kinsey in Marin’s 4th District, the largest district in the county, which comprises most of West Marin and, by extension, most of the dairies and farms and remaining open space. Olema construction-company owner Dennis Rodoni supports Prop 64 while Novato fourthgeneration dairyman Dominic Grossi is opposed. It may seem unusual on first

blush that the county that birthed the 420 movement and was the long-time home of Jerry Garcia would find individuals running for local office who openly express opposition to legalization. Yet both candidates noted in interviews at their homes last week that the freewheeling hippie-left Marin caricature does not necessarily equate with the facts on the ground, where there are lots of cows and some pretty cranky ranchers. There’s a rancher on the way to

Petaluma who has been fastening Donald Trump signage on a tree overhanging the road for the past year. Grossi, 43, says that his style of political moderation—he is a former Republican who left the party in advance of the supervisors’ race—makes him the better-suited candidate over Rodoni, 64, to represent the district. He doesn’t see his opposition to recreational cannabis as a “conservative” view, but rather a moderate and ethical one, and he’s concerned about kids having access to the plant—he has two school-age children. Grossi supports medical access and is monitoring the rollout of new dispensary applications in Marin. As is Rodoni. But what about that Trumpsupporting rancher? Well, besides being a fellow rancher, Grossi’s moderate views—“fiscally conservative, socially liberal,” by his account—make him wellpositioned, he says, to go down the long driveway along the Avenue D Extension and talk to him as his elected representative. Kinsey has endorsed the political upstart Grossi, who has also gotten endorsement from the Marin County Farm Bureau (he is a past bureau president), and support from the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (where he also served on the board). Rodoni touts his support from most of the Corte Madera Town Council, environmental groups like the Sierra Club, and from fellow West Marinite Norman Solomon, the hyper-progressive Inverness firebrand and author (and congressional candidate). But Rodoni says he doesn’t line up exactly with Solomon’s politics. “I’m a little more moderate,” he says, not quite as liberal as Solomon, “but a little to the left of [U.S. Rep. Jared] Huffman.” A few of the big-ticket policy items in Marin that jump out are the lack of affordable housing in a county where the median monthly rent is $2,500, outsized legacy

media reports earlier this summer for accepting a $100 contribution from Huey Johnson of the Resource Renewal Institute. The legendary Mill Valley environmentalist spearheaded the latest lawsuit to boot the ranchers, and Rodoni eventually returned the money. In interviews with a handful of Rodoni supporters from West Marin, the basic gist was that they are willing to look past the Drakes Bay controversy now that Rodoni’s on the side of continued ranching in the park. The continuing theme among supporters of his is that Rodoni’s a long-time local with deep roots, a known quantity who has served on numerous local boards and committees over a 35-year career of local public service. He’s currently the director of the North Marin Water District and runs a construction company, Rodoni Construction, from his Highway 1 homestead. Rodoni ran a losing campaign against Kinsey in 2004 and believes the outgoing supervisor endorsed his opponent over political and not policy issues. Grossi, whose ranch spreads out along Novato Boulevard, similarly has deep local roots. The hilltop Grossi homestead in Novato offers a commanding view of Stafford Lake, and during a rainy morning interview he talks about his family’s longstanding ties in the community—multiple generations of Grossi family members have lived on this land, joined by hundreds of cows and, Grossi says, a couple of long-standing employees who live on-premises and raised their own families here. Grossi is in the process of shifting his farm to an organic operation and was—unsurprisingly—opposed to a recent bill signed by Gov. Brown that extended overtime benefits to farmworkers, including dairy workers. Rodoni supported the bill but acknowledged the undue burden it might place on cash-strapped small dairies in West Marin. He also noted that because of the rollout timetable enshrined in the bill, dairy farmers wouldn’t have to start paying overtime for several years. It’s a complicated issue and Rodoni says he can see all sides— even as he supported Brown’s signature on the overtime bill. Then again, “it’s a complicated county.” We’ll have more on this race in our Nov. 2 endorsement issue.Y


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07 PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

pensions that threaten to break the county budget, a new third lane over the Richmond Bridge and an expanding senior population that is not being met with a similar expansion in senior services. Voters are not necessarily going to find a whole lot of lines of clear separation between the candidates on those fronts: They want to build affordable and workforce housing; they pledge to work on pension reform; they want to build the third lane; and they want to take care of the seniors, preferably by keeping them in their homes for as long as possible. It’s the “how do you get there,” especially on affordable housing remedies, where the men’s approaches may diverge and hint at a willingness to go up against the established environmental order of Marin County. Grossi, for example, would let ranchers build second single-units on their property, he says, so that a schoolteacher in Tomales has a place to live and a tolerable commute. “It’s hard to do anything like that out here,” Grossi says, because of tight restrictions on developing agricultural land. In endorsing Grossi, Kinsey pointed to his willingness to look at new solutions to persistent countywide problems. Beyond the clear division on the legalized-cannabis question, there are a couple of areas where distinctions between the candidates over issues have played out in the district in recent years. Rodoni was on the shut-itdown side of the recent and bitter battle over the fate of Drakes Bay Oyster Company, which was closed through federal action in 2014. In an interview at his Olema home, the candidate says he was never an active opponent of Drakes Bay but believed the company had to abide by the terms of the lease it signed when it took over the operation— which, when it expired, meant the end of Drakes Bay. Grossi supported continued operations at Drakes Bay and the subsequent push, by former United State Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, to guarantee an extension of long-term leases to the cattle ranchers that occupy parts of the rolling and majestic Point Reyes National Seashore. Those ranchers are now embroiled in a lawsuit that seeks to kick them out. Rodoni also supports the lease extensions but was knocked in

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G Into darkness

rowing up in a religious family that viewed anything other than Protestant Christianity as satanic, Preston kept his interest in magic and witchcraft a secret at home. Often, he’d disguise his library books—Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic and To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft—with book covers, hiding them from his family and the church they belonged to.

North Bay witches reclaim pagan roots and dispel wicked stereotypes

Preston grew up in a community that was predominantly people of color, many of whom were first- or second-generation immigrants. Religion, he says, was no passive activity, and not something one attended only on holidays like Christmas; faith ran deep, and it helped tie the community together. “It’s a source of strength, it’s a source of community, it’s a source of resiliency,” says Preston, who, like many witches interviewed for this story, prefers to use only his first name. “Those ideas of a spiritual path being integral to human wellbeing were instilled in me at a very young age. So it’s not that faith wasn’t important, because it was for me in my personal experience; I just had religious revelations and experiences that were outside of the confines of the type of Christianity that my parents were practicing.” Preston’s divergent religious path led him to like-minded groups. Around the age of 17, he found his way to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, a charter sect under Unitarian Universalism, in his hometown of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Now some 20 years later, Preston lives in Vallejo and identifies as a witch and a priest-ess—he prefers “priest-ess” with a hyphen because it “allows me some gender fluidity but still calls back on those old and current days of being in witch priesthoods.”

Witchcraft is becoming more understood and less stigmatized as more witches step out of the ‘broom closet.’

Zohn Mandel

By Dani Burlison

Happy Samhain Many North Bay residents are carving pumpkins, scouring thrift stores in search of 1980s threads

associated with the “reclaiming tradition,” which reaches back about 40 years, though it borrows from many pre-Christian traditions. Many other witches in the region identify as dianic witches, Gardnerian witches, Jewish witches, hedge witches, kitchen witches, druids, followers of the Feri tradition, heathens or Wiccans. Each group has its own practices and perspectives, but the common core is a connection to the natural world and the cycles of the year. In addition to North Bay Reclaiming, other organizations like Sonoma County Pagan Network and Diana’s Grove host rituals and other events that are open to the public.

Reclaiming social justice The greater reclaiming community, which has groups across the globe, differs from other religions in that it is rooted in magical activism. The organization also uses a non-hierarchical, consensus-based structure. This means there is no high priest or priestess, and instead of focusing on personal enlightenment,

like so many New Age spiritual practices, a strong emphasis is placed on engaging with communities to advocate for various social justice issues, as well as working toward inclusivity within the organization itself. “I will set an intention, something that I want to manifest in the world, something I want to change in the world, some way of collecting all of the pieces of the puzzle that might result in that change—that’s what I call spellwork,” Gwion says. “That might mean, for me, being on the front line of a political action, that might mean educating people on what transphobia is or what homophobia is, or working with people to learn what witchcraft is or isn’t.” A lot of discussion these days focuses on race, adds Phoenix, and how people of color are not well represented in the community. “More folks of color are seeking entryways into reclaiming, and are asking, ‘Why is it so Eurocentric?’ And it’s a good question,” Preston says. “Why is leadership so Eurocentric? Why are the myths we work with so Eurocentric?

09 PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

and being at the Chalice Well and the White Springs, that all of these stories I’d grown up with—all of these mythologies—were alive.” Phoenix came to magic and witchcraft through a different route. Raised without religion, she had her heart broken for the first time at 15 and began searching for a religious belief system to comfort her. She first felt an affinity with a statue of St. Elizabeth but was turned off by the patriarchal elements of Catholicism. She made her way through various religious texts before she came across a book of spells. “I thought, ‘Maybe I just need to do a spell [on my ex] and get him to come back to me. Maybe it’s not religion!’ So I did try that and it did work, but it was so bad,” she says with a laugh. “Then I found another book, [Buckland’s] Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland, and it talked about the goddess, and I thought, ‘Oh, that’s what I was missing.” Preston, Gwion and Phoenix are part of a large and growing community of North Bay witches and pagans. They’re primarily


Zohn Mandel

for Halloween costumes of their favorite Stranger Things characters, or building Dia de los Muertos altars to remember their beloved dead. Meanwhile, Preston and thousands of other witches are preparing for the October 31 pagan festival of Samhain. And, no, the festivities do not include eating babies. For many witches or pagans, Samhain—an ancient Celtic festival with roots primarily in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands—is recognized as one of the most magical times of the year, a time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. Some prefer the term “witchy as fuck.” The number of people celebrating the season and adopting the idea of witchcraft as a feminist alternative to mainstream spirituality is growing. So, too, is the number of ritual participants. So what does a pagan ritual full of witches look like? “Actual rituals look like a gathering,” says Gwion, a Sonoma County witch and priestess. “There’s often a recognition or summoning of the various elements: Water, air, fire, the earth. There’s recognition of the ancestors that have either walked this land or have walked in our tradition before us. There might be an invocation of the various gods and goddesses that may be associated with the time of year or with a specific witchcraft tradition, and often there is a piece of personal work. Joseph Campbell liked to say that dreams are individual mythologies and mythologies are collective dreamwork. And that’s something I very much believe ritual is.” Sometimes these gatherings take place around a fire or seasonal altar and include symbolic offerings. Sometimes participants dance or sing or are led through guided meditations. Gwion grew up in England, attending “very buttoned-down Church of England schools” and came to witchcraft after dabbling in other religions through his 20s and early 30s. At one point, he focused on Buddhism, “literally sitting at the steps of a Tibetan rinpoche for years.” It was later, after he married his wife, Phoenix, another witch and priestess, and traveled with her to his native England, that he felt a powerful connection to his ancestral pagan roots. “She wanted to go to Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge,” says Gwion, “and all of the places I had grown up going to, and it occurred to me, as I’m standing on Glastonbury Tor

The common core perspective of most witches is a connection to the natural world and cycles of the year.

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Into darkness


There are a lot of ways that reclaiming can grow to be radically inclusive. And if it’s not radically inclusive, is it really a socially just spiritual tradition?” Some gatherings that appear to have “witchy” feminist leanings have recently come under scrutiny for their lack of racial diversity and economic barriers. An exposé on Spirit Weavers in the July 2016 Harper’s Bazaar criticized the gathering as one of blatant privilege, full of mostly straight white women with enough financial security to afford the $700 weekend event. These are the very issues reclaiming continues to address, which can be complicated in a relatively new tradition with no ancient religious texts to refer back to. “I see the larger pagan witch community as very culturally appropriative,” Preston says. “There are not many pagan traditions that I feel called to, because they seem void of political and social justice interest.”

Out of the (broom) closet Witchcraft is becoming more understood and less stigmatized as more witches step out of the “broom closet.” Recent articles about witchcraft in mainstream

publications like Wired and the Huffington Post online journal have painted the tradition in a positive light and as one of feminist empowerment instead of evil sorcery. Yet some common stereotypes linger, thanks to shows like Supernatural (which many witches actually love) or films like 2015’s The Witch. “The common myths and understanding of witches is that we sit around naked inside burning pentacles with a sacrificial animal or child, and we’re doing work for the devil and that everything we do is malevolent,” Gwion says. But the devil, Phoenix points out, is a figure of the Christian faith, and people who are not Christian are not likely to believe in him or his power. Satan has no place in the lives of most witches. “The other side of it,” adds Gwion, “is that we’re charlatans and we’re selling snake oil and that nothing we do works.” Witch hunts continue because of these misperceptions. Earlier this fall, a 73-year-old woman was convicted of witchcraft and burned alive in Peru, and another woman accused of witchcraft was beaten to death in central India. A 57-year-old man accused of witchcraft was burned alive in Uganda on Oct. 10. Other attacks—including a beheading in Saudi Arabia and a group killing in

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Despite what many people believe, witches are ‘normal’ people with day jobs, just like everyone else.

India—have also occurred in recent years. And although the United States protects freedom of religion, several states, including Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania, still prohibit the practice of “fortunetelling” services, laws that some say restrict the right to practice witchcraft. The aftertaste of the Dark Ages is even found in our liberal West Coast bubble. Community members blocked the opening of an occult shop in Southern Oregon in September, with one local resident claiming that “if it brings in occult practices, it will develop into satanism, which practices the skinning of cats.” And closer to home, a Fort Bragg man was arrested this summer for planning a “witch hunt” against a local pagan gathering. According to the Anderson Valley Advertiser, his public social media call for co-conspirators drew on language and practices from the Europe of old: “Shall it be a burn day? Possible [sic] a river cleansing?”

The witch next door The thing is, most witches are just like everyone else. Preston teaches environmental education at a zoo and works as a substance-abuse counselor for gay men in early stages of recovery while he completes a

PhD program. Gwion works in marketing. And Phoenix is a small business owner; to date, no cats have been skinned at her shop, Milk & Honey, in Sebastopol. “We’re normal people, we’re abnormally normal,” Gwion says with a laugh. “I have a day job. I take out the garbage.” Then what of the common perception that witchcraft and paganism dabble in darkness? “There is darkness in all religions, there is darkness in all faiths— because there is darkness in the world,” Phoenix says. “And I think when we try to say ‘light is good and dark is bad,’ we’re creating a false paradox. Because it’s not true. Amazing things happen in the darkness, like gestation and growth. “I think the reality is that magic is gray; it comes to a question of ethics about what’s OK, and that is so personal.”Y

North Bay Reclaiming hosts its annual Samhain ritual on Friday, Oct. 21, at Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6:30pm; $10–$30, sliding scale; Bay Area Reclaiming hosts the 37th Annual Spiral Dance on Sunday, Oct. 30, at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts; 5pm; $18–$25;


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The common myths and understanding of witches is that we sit around naked inside burning pentacles with a sacrificial animal or child, and we’re doing work for the devil and that everything we do is malevolent. — Gwion

Remember to

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October, American Cheese Month, is a great time to celebrate local cheesemakers at The California Cheese Experience event on October 23.


Fall food Culinary events to savor By Tanya Henry


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wo big-time celebrity chefs are making appearances in Marin this month. Though both are highly accomplished James Beard Awardwinning restaurateurs and cookbook authors, they couldn’t be more different. New York chef Marcus Samuelsson, who wrote the moving Yes, Chef: A Memoir, has teamed up with the Cooks with Books team at Book Passage and Insalata’s chef/owner Heidi Krahling for an event at the San Anselmo restaurant on Saturday, October 22 at 12:30pm. Samuelsson is promoting his new The Red Rooster Cookbook: The Story of Food and Hustle in Harlem, which celebrates his Harlem restaurant of the same name. Krahling will prepare recipes from Samuelsson’s book and offer guests an intimate afternoon that will include sumptuous Southern cuisine, wine, a signed copy of the book and conversation ($115 per person). Book Meanwhile, TV chef/personality and orange-Croc-wearing Mario Batali is on the road promoting his newest release, Mario Batali--Big American Cookbook: 250 Favorite Recipes from Across the USA. Though mostly known for all things Italian, Batali pivots with this book and takes a deep dive into the foods that we eat here at home. Everything from fish tacos to Boston cream pie is covered in his

25th cookbook. A party, on Thursday, October 27 at Terrapin Crossroads, will include lunch, wine and a signed copy of the book ($125 per person). Book End the month with one of my all-time favorite, only-in-Marin experiences. Headlands Center for the Arts is offering a Sunday Supper on October 30 at 5:30pm in their historic, renovated Mess Hall. Chef Damon Little will prepare a seasonal menu that will be served family-style. Enjoy hyper-local food shared with new friends in this turn-of-the-century historic building—priceless! The cost is $30 for members and $40 for nonmembers. Finally, this might be your last chance (before it gets too wet) to take a farm tour and taste some of the state’s very best cheeses—all in one place. The California Artisan Cheese Guild is celebrating American Cheese Month with The California Cheese Experience at the Giacomini Dairy, home to Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese. Cheesemakers will be on hand presenting their cheeses, telling their stories and providing insight into their craft. Marin French Cheese, Cowgirl Creamery and Tomales Farmstead Creamery, among others, will be showcased on Sunday, October 23, 1pm to 4pm, at The Fork at Point Reyes Farmstead, 14700 Highway One, Point Reyes Station ($125 per person).


That’s a wrap Mill Valley Film Fest closes after 11 days of films and music By Mal Karman


his year’s Mill Valley Film Festival, again driven in part by its emphasis on women in film, offered 37 features by ladies behind the camera. While almost 34 percent is not enough to call it equality of the sexes, it’s light years beyond the minuscule participation of just a few short years ago. Annette Bening appeared with fellow actors (Elle Fanning and Lucas Jade Zumann) and writer/ director Mike Mills of 20th Century Women to accept the festival’s first ever Ensemble Spotlight Award. In a face-to-face interview with Bening, she told us about prepping for the role of the mom, based on Mills’ own mother. “I talked to Mike about [her] and what I experienced was his version of his mom,” Bening said. “But I’m thinking, ‘Yes, but what did she think?

There is a lot of contradiction in her. Once you get into that, you know you’re getting into something good.” Advice for actress wannabes?: “Get educated,” Bening urged. “Travel. Fall in love. All that is so important in figuring out how to be a young woman in the world.” Nicole Kidman, who is coproducing and co-starring in an eight-episode HBO series Big Little Lies with Reese Witherspoon and was here to kickstart her latest film Lion, said, “There is a lot of power in working together with other women,” citing the energy they feed off of one another. Her first taste of women in power came from … her mom. “My mother would bang the table and roar, ‘I’m the mother in this household!’ She would scare the hell out of me and my sister.” Of her wide breadth of roles, Kidman explained that she picks her parts “instinctively and emotionally. I always try to be

an astounding 17 film festivals. Hard to believe, but Emma Stone, who co-starred in the second Opening Night film, La La Land, confesses that she had chronic panic attacks as a kid, only to discover that what caused stage fright in others was a panacea for her. “I was in a school play and I remember being on stage and the feeling of being safe,” she said with a million-dollar smile. “Acting gave me a place to put that emotion. It was and is therapeutic and rewarding for me.” Festival audiences once again voted for their favorite film. The winner this year is—the envelope please—Lion, the tear-jerker in which Kidman plays an adoptive mother to an Indian boy, and raises him in Tasmania. International heartthrob Gael García Bernal, dressed in casual chinos, a purple sport shirt with tails hanging out and a dark blue sport jacket, was about as laid back and natural a big screen personality as we have ever encountered. He plays a cop on the trail of commie activist poet Pablo Neruda in Neruda, and a jilted hubby in You’re Killing Me, Susana. “I love my character (in Neruda) because he thinks he is the best policeman in the world, taking his job very seriously, it’s funny,” García Bernal said, chuckling. “He wants to prove to the poet that he’s not stupid. That is the mindset of a fascist-oriented person. [Neruda] gave voice to our worst nightmares and his death hit hard on the world’s soul. It was the death of democracy. We can only hope he was not poisoned.” The film was directed by Pablo Larrain, who received Variety’s International Director of the Year award at a festival screening of Jackie, about Jacqueline Kennedy with Natalie Portman in the title role. As to García Bernal’s other motion picture, Susana, the popular actor, who gained fame with Motorcycle Diaries and Y Tu Mama Tambien, said the book upon which the film was based “is a long, rambling novel, very internal and very funny with incredible energy. But it is not structured to be a movie. It took some time to get there.” He gave a Valentine send-off to an enthusiastic crowd when he announced, “It’s my fourth time here [in the Bay Area] and my greatest pleasure is to come and share my film with you and see how you guys like it.”Y

13 PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Courtesy MVFF

On Closing Night of the 39th annual Mill Valley Film Festival, actors Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton (third and fourth from left), along with director Jeff Nichols, received a standing ovation following the screening of their film ‘Loving.’

as brave in my choices now as I was at 19.” For the role of the teenage brat, director Mills’ alter ego in 20th Century Women, he looked at 400 boys before choosing 15-year-old Zumann. “I needed a boy who hadn’t had sex but wants sex, who would get into a fight but would lose the fight,” Mills said. “Being a teen and playing one, especially playing [the writer-director as a boy], that was huge and there was a lot of opportunity for selfreflection,” Zumann said. “It allowed me to view my human disorders.” Palo Alto-born and Cupertinoraised Aaron Eckhart, on stage to introduce Ben Younger’s Bleed for This, in which he has a critical supporting role, accepted a Spotlight Award, talked about his role as trainer Kevin Rooney to boxing champion Vinny Pazienza (Miles Teller) and made the audience laugh when he answered a question about shaving his face. At the opening night screening of Arrival, actress Amy Adams emphasized her view that, although there is a science fiction element to the film, “what intrigued me was that it really is a mother’s story.” Together with Eckhart’s perception that Bleed is really a story about family, not a boxing movie, we’re getting the impression that Hollywood is telling us that the obvious isn’t—and nothing is as it seems. Asked where she thinks civilization is headed since Arrival does seem to touch on that, Adams replied, “The film really does say something about how we need to proceed forward. But as to where humanity is going, wow, I would ask you that! You know, if we had a bottle of tequila … this is a long conversation.” Matteo Norzi, co-director of Icaros: A Vision plunged into the Peruvian jungle to create a drama about the mysterious shamans who utilize the plant-based hallucinogen ayahuasca for healing. “Despite the rumors, it is not a cure for cancer,” Norzi told his audience, “but it’s a way to cope with the consequences of your destiny.” From what he told us, his very production could have used some of that: “Bats attacked the makeup woman at night,” he said, “a tarantula terrorized (two crew members), everyone came down with a strange disease, and a producer broke a bone.” A festival film that had better luck was Borrowed Time, a 7-minute animated short by locals Andrew Coats and Lou Hamad-Lhadj, utilizing the talents of numerous Pixar employees. It has now played at

J. Norrena

PACI FI C SUN | O CTOB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


In ‘Into the Beautiful North,’ an intrepid would-be samurai nicknamed Atomiko (Caleb Cabrera) joins an expedition full of good and bad adventures.


3-D lit

‘Into the Beautiful North’ masters transitions of place and time By Charles Brousse


n fiction, nonfiction and the visual media, the misery that illegal Latin-American immigrants experience as they journey north hoping to exchange the corruption, persecution and poverty in their own countries for the fabled good life of the American Dream has been well-documented. Dangers lurk everywhere: Robbers and rapists, corrupt government officials, exploitative employers, brutal police and the ultimate calamity—predatory guides (the infamous ‘coyotes’) who take whatever remains of their money to smuggle them safely across the U.S. border, but then abandon them halfway to their destination. All of these were vividly captured in the 1983

low-budget film, El Norte. Although Karen Zacarías’ Into the Beautiful North, which closes Berkeley’s Central Works 20152016 season as part of a fourtheater “Rolling World Premiere” sponsored by the National New Play Network, has equally grim content, there is a huge difference in the way it’s presented. Based on the popular 2009 novel of the same name by Pulitzer Prize finalist Luis Alberto Urrea, it manages to take the disheartening raw material and, through the alchemy of inspired satire, turn it into a laugh-filled theatrical experience. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, one of the best efforts by the London comedy

gang, did something similar with its cinematic treatment of the medieval Christian Crusades, but this Urrea/ Zacarías collaboration, inventively staged by Central Works’ co-director Gary Graves, has the added merit of never allowing the humor to blind us to the plight of characters who are more than just two-dimensional comic creations. The play begins in La Mano Caída (‘The Fallen Hand’), a taco joint located in the sleepy town of Tres Camarones (‘Three Shrimps’), Sinaloa State, Mexico. At a time when the mayor and its sole police officer (both suspected of corruption) have abandoned their posts for better prospects, the remaining villagers,

already disheartened by fears that their only cinema is about to shut down, are further alarmed when a couple of sinister-looking members of the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel, drop by and immediately start pushing people around. Could this mean that poor little Tres Camarones could become a trafficking center? It seems likely, but just when panic sets in, a couple of strong women vow to save the community they love. Irma, a no-nonsense local activist (vibrantly portrayed by Leticia Duarte), announces that she’ll run for mayor in the upcoming election, and her spunky, martialarts-savvy young niece, Nayeli (Samanta Yunuen Cubias) comes up with a plan to avoid the looming catastrophe. Inspired by having seen the Hollywood movie The Magnificent Seven, she says she’ll travel to el norte and bring back her sharpshooter father (who has deserted his family), along with a band of ‘magnificent’ gun-slinging Mexican-Americans, to defend the town. Accompanied by close friends Tacho (Rudy Guerrero) and Vampi (Kitty Torres)—later joined by an intrepid would-be samurai nicknamed Atomiko (Caleb Cabrera), she sets out on a journey that takes her to Tijuana, San Diego, Kankakee, Illinois and back again. There isn’t space in this review to describe their adventures, good and bad, except to say that they lead to a heart-warming conclusion. Besides the fine performances by everyone in the eight-member ensemble, several of whom have multiple roles, the most noteworthy aspect of the play is Zacarías’ skillful use of a classic story theater technique— intermittent narration by one or another character to smooth over transitions of place and time—that are easy to manage in a novel, but extremely challenging on stage. Graves’ direction of what Zacarías calls “three-dimensional literature” draws upon the actors’ talents to turn Central Works’ tiny undecorated venue at the Berkeley City Club into a vast “theater of the mind” that makes each part of the journey palpable. Into the Beautiful North will leave you saddened, entertained and moved. What more can you ask for?Y NOW PLAYING: Into the Beautiful North runs through November 13 at the Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley; 510/558-1381;



Rocksteady Soul Ska revives those dance hall days By Charlie Swanson


onathan Korty has been a Marin music scene staple for two decades. He used to have a music column right here in the Pacific Sun called “The Space Cowboy,” he formed—and plays keyboards in—the eclectic party band Vinyl and his resume includes managing stints at 19 Broadway Nightclub and Sweetwater Music Hall. Korty even stars in Les Claypool’s 2006 mockumentary Electric Apricot, a spoof that does to jam bands what This Is Spinal Tap did to metal bands. Recently, Korty has focused his music in a new direction, assembling an all-star roster of North Bay talent for his latest venture, Soul Ska. The band specializes in classic Jamaican and first wave British ska, paying tribute to the likes of The Skatalites, Madness and the Wailers. Soul Ska opens for Jamaican legend Yellowman on Tuesday, October 25, at Sweetwater Music Hall. They also headline the Halloween Costume Ball at Bolinas Community Center on Oct. 29. The idea to revive the ska sound came to Korty several years ago. “I think there’s a huge love of ska in everyone I talk to,” Korty says. “I started with that idea and slowly I gathered this band together.” Korty first recruited members of the Monophonics’ horn section and brought in Sean “Stymie” Sharp, from San Francisco’s Stymie & the Pimp Jones Luv Orchestra, to be an

energetic frontman. Korty’s ska juices really began to flow between 2013 and 2015, when he and other members of the band played several shows with Ernest Ranglin, considered a godfather of Jamaican ska. “This was an inspirational experience and we came away with a newfound desire to play ska,” he says. Today, Soul Ska is a nine-piece combo that features members of El Radio Fantastique, The Shams and other Bay Area outfits. Vocalists like Jethro Jeremiah and Noelle Glory also regularly join in on the action. In the same way that Vinyl is a live version of a DJ playing records at a dance party, Korty says Soul Ska’s vision is to keep people dancing with real horns, real vocals and that original two-tone ska energy. Soul Ska will go into the studio later this year, though Korty says the focus is on playing live and building a local fan base. “It’s evolved into something really special. Our shows are starting to get crowded and the vibe is getting really good,” he says. “I think there’s definitely a resurgence going on with ska right now. We’re feeling it.”Y Soul Ska joins Yellowman on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave., Mill Valley; 9pm; $20-$25; 415/388-3850;

In ‘The Girl on the Train,’ Emily Blunt plays an alcoholic who becomes captivated by a house on her rail commute to work.


Wild ride ‘The Girl on the Train’ full of twists and turns By Richard von Busack


ppealing to fans of trains, girls and girls who drink on trains, Tate (The Help) Taylor’s adaptation of Paula Hawkins’ novel The Girl on the Train transplants the action from England to New York. As per Gillian Flynn’s novel Gone Girl, the plot arrives with twists, withheld info, three different narrators and flashbacks. Parsing it is like trying to comb out boiled pasta. Rachel (Emily Blunt) is the kind of alkie who pours a fifth of raw vodka into her water bottle so she can drink during her rail commute to New York City. She’s captivated by one particular house on her route: A lux two-story place with a Hudson River view, where a handsome couple cavorts like the models on the cover of the J. Crew catalogue. One day Rachel sees the lady of the house, Megan (Haley Bennett), in the arms of another man; this leads Rachel to try to warn the husband (Luke Evans). Turns out that Rachel is already connected with Megan, unbeknownst to her: Megan is nannying at Rachel’s

former house, tending the baby of Rachel’s ex-husband Tom (Justin Theroux) and his new wife Anna (Rebecca Ferguson). When Megan the nanny turns up murdered, it’s possible that Rachel could have killed the cheating woman during an alcoholic fugue. There are some actresses who have the spark of self-destruction in them. The perfectly chiseled and sensible Blunt isn’t one of them, even though she’s filmed in tight closeups without makeup. (It might have been on-the-nose casting, but Rachel could have been Amy Schumer’s first dramatic part.) Director Taylor’s visuals have a muted luridness; the talented cinematographer Charlotte Bruus Christensen uses a palette of granite greys and aquas, so that nothing looks too pretty, even Central Park. At its smartest, the movie cracks down on the idea that only moving to the suburbs and having a baby will calm a woman down. It’s hard to believe the coincidences here … but as in all melodrama, there is a sense of emotional truth and fears that are credible, even when the plot is incredible.Y

PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Courtesy of Soul Ska

Soul Ska is a nine-piece combo that features members of El Radio Fantastique, The Shams and other Bay Area outfits.

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•New Movies This Week The Accountant (R)

By Matthew Stafford

Friday, October 21 - Thursday October 27 The Accountant (2:08) Small-town mob CPA Ben Affleck leaps from frying pan to fire when he takes on seemingly innocent new client Anna Kendrick. Almeida Theatre Live: Richard III (3:00) The cutting-edge London theatre company presents Ralph Fiennes and Vanessa Redgrave in the Bard’s brilliant drama of political intrigue. American Pastoral (1:48) Adaptation of Philip Roth’s elegiac novel about an all-American dad whose life is shattered when his daughter becomes a Vietnam-era revolutionary; Ewan McGregor directs and stars. The Beatles: Eight Days a Week—The Touring Years (1:46) Ron Howard’s authorized documentary focuses on the band’s early years through rare footage and interviews with Paul, Ringo and other luminaries. Bolshoi Ballet: The Golden Age (2:20) Shostakovich’s steamy tale of sex, murder and jazz in a 1920s cabaret is brought to life by the Bolshoi’s talented terpsichoreans. Café Society (1:38) Kaleidoscopic Woody Allen comedy celebrates the Manhattan-Hollywood high life of the 1930s; Parker Posey and Jeannie Berlin star. Captain Fantastic (1:59) Thought-provoking drama about a family of utopian survivalists forced to brave the outside world; Viggo Mortensen stars. Certain Women (1:48) Laura Dern, Michelle Williams, Lily Gladstone and Kristen Stewart as four independent-minded women living their lives in Montana’s Big Sky region. Christine (2:00) Acclaimed true-life tragedy of Christine Chubbuck, the emotionally disturbed newscaster who committed suicide on the air in 1974; Rebecca Hall stars. Deepwater Horizon (1:47) Real-life disaster movie about the worst oil spill in U.S. history stars Kurt Russell, Kate Hudson and John Malkovich. Denial (1:50) David Hare drama stars Rachel Weisz as an American lawyer who has to prove the historical reality of the Holocaust in a British court of law. Don’t Think Twice (1:30) Acclaimed comedy about what happens to a tightly knit improv troupe when one of its members is cast on a hit TV show. Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary (1:35) Documentary examines the ongoing legacy of the two 1960s Harvard profs-turnedcounterculture icons; Robert Redford narrates. The Girl on the Train (1:45) Paula Hawkins’ bestseller hits the big screen with Emily Blunt as a Hitchcockian “innocent” who sees something she wishes she hadn’t. Heat and Sunlight (1:37) Raw, vivid Rob Nilsson Sundance fave about a photojournalist’s fraught relationship with his dancer girlfriend. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (1:41) Wry New Zealand adventure comedy about the unlikely relationship between a cranky backwoodsman and his fellow outlaw, a 13-year-old out-of-hiselement city boy. Indignation (1:50) The Philip Roth novel hits the big screen with Logan Lerman as a workingclass Jewish boy from Newark trying to fit into a midcentury Midwestern college town. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (1:58) Lee Child’s bestselling thriller hits the big screen with Tom Cruise improbably cast as the tough guy extraordinaire of the title. Keeping Up With the Joneses (1:41) Suburban couple Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher find themselves in the middle of an international conspiracy when they discover that neighbors Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot are CIA spooks. Kevin Hart: What Now? (1:36) Catch the superstar comic in performance at Philly’s Lincoln Field.

Kirk Cameron’s Revive Us (2:00) Pastors, teachers and musicians gather for an evening of storytelling, music and that old time religion. Kubo and the Two Strings (1:41) Animated action fantasy about the epic battle between three Japanese villagers and a gang of vengeful spirits; Charlize Theron, Ralph Fiennes and George Takei provide the voices. Little Men (1:25) Minimalist drama about a feud between two sets of parents and how it threatens the budding friendship between two 13-year-olds. The Magnificent Seven (2:06) Remake of the epic Western stars Denzel Washington as the leader of a band of mercenaries hired to protect a village from rapacious evildoers; Antoine Fuqua directs. A Man Called Ove (1:56) Acclaimed Swedish dramedy about a middle-aged curmudgeon’s hapless life as the ousted chairman of his condo association. Masterminds (1:35) Goofball comedy about a gang of half-wits who manage to pull off a heist and make Zach Galifianakis their fall guy. Max Steel (1:32) A super-powered teen and his alien sidekick combine their personalities into one turbo-charged crime-busting Übermensch. The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni (4:00) Catch Mozart’s sweeping portrait of the legendary ladies’ man in dazzling big-screen high definition. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (1:32) A free-spirited tween plots to break every rule in his ridiculously regimented junior high school’s code of conduct. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2:07) Typically offbeat Tim Burton fantasy about a paranormal residential hotel where Eva Green, Judi Dench, Terence Stamp and Samuel L. Jackson are among the habitués. National Theatre London: Frankenstein (2:10) Oscar-winning filmmaker Danny Boyle stages a spectacular version of Mary Shelley’s horror classic, broadcast from London on the big high-def screen; Benedict Cumberbatch stars. Ouija: Origin of Evil (1:39) The spooky board game leads to yet more horrific supernatural mishegoss. Queen of Katwe (2:04) True tale of a poor Uganda girl whose world changes when she becomes a chess prodigy; Mira Nair directs David Oyelowo and Lupita Nyong’o. Rifftrax Live: Carnival of Souls (2:00) The interstellar wiseacres of ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ take on the 1962 cult classic about a creepy old Salt Lake dance pavilion. Rural Route Short Film Festival (1:30) Nine short subjects celebrate the richness and diversity of country living through documentary, narrative, abstract and animated media. The Shining (2:40) Blocked writer Jack Nicholson seeks solace and solitude in a creepy snowbound hotel and embraces the loco instead; Stanley Kubrick directs from Stephen King’s novel. Snowden (2:14) Biopic stars Joseph GordonLevitt as the CIA spook-turned-whistleblower; Oliver Stone directs Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson and a host of others. Storks (1:32) Family-friendly cartoon about two storks and their regular gig of delivering babies to parents; Andy Samberg and Kelsey Grammer vocalize. Sully (1:36) Tom Hanks stars as Chesley Sullenberger, the airline pilot who managed 2009’s heroic emergency landing on the Hudson River; Clint Eastwood directs. Tyler Perry’s Boo! A Madea Halloween (1:43) The mischievous matriarch is back, dealing this time with ghosts, ghouls, poltergeists, zombies and (most terrifying of all) teenagers.

Almeida Theatre Live: Richard III (Not Rated) • American Pastoral (R) The Beatles: Eight Days a Week —The Touring Years (Not Rated) Bolshoi Ballet: The Golden Age (Not Rated) Café Society (PG-13) Captain Fantastic (R) • Certain Women (R) • Christine (R) Deepwater Horizon (PG-13) Denial (PG-13) Don’t Think Twice (R) Dying to Know: Ram Dass and Timothy Leary (Not Rated) The Girl on the Train (R)

Fairfax: Fri-Sat 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:35; Sun-Wed 12:40, 3:40, 6:40 Playhouse: Fri 3:30, 6:40, 9:40; Sat-Sun 12:30, 3:30, 6:40, 9:40; Mon-Wed 3:30, 6:40 Regency: Fri-Sat 10:20, 1:30, 4:35, 7:40, 10:35; Sun-Thu 10:20, 1:30, 4:35, 7:40 Rowland: Fri-Wed 1, 4:10, 7:30, 10:30 Lark: Tue 6:30 Regency: Fri-Sat 10:45, 1:20, 4:10, 7, 9:50; Sun-Thu 10:45, 1:20, 4:10, 7 Rafael: Sat-Sun 1 Lark: Sun 1 Lark: Sat 6:20; Mon 2:05; Wed 1:30 Lark: Mon 8:45; Wed 3:40 Rafael: Fri 3:30, 6, 8:20; Sat-Sun 1:15, 3:30, 6, 8:20; Mon-Thu 6, 8:20 Rafael: Fri 4, 6:30, 9; Sat-Sun 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9; Mon-Wed 6:30, 9; Thu 6:30 Fairfax: Fri-Sat 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45; Sun-Wed 1:15, 4:10, 7:10 Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:55, 2:30, 5:05, 7:55, 10:30 Rowland: Fri-Wed 6:50, 9:30 Regency: Fri-Sat 10:35, 1:10, 4, 7:20, 10:15; Sun-Wed 10:35, 1:10, 4, 7:20; Thu 10:35, 1:10, 4 Sequoia: Fri 4:15, 6:50, 9:20; Sat 1:45, 4:15, 6:50, 9:20; Sun 1:45, 4:15, 6:50; Mon-Thu 4:15, 6:50 Lark: Sun 8:40; Tue 4; Wed 11:30; Thu 9:15

Lark: Fri 7 (filmmaker Gay Dillingham in person) Fairfax: Fri-Sat 1:10, 3:55, 6:45, 9:30; Sun-Wed 1:10, 3:55, 6:45 Northgate: Fri-Wed 11, 1:40, 4:30, 7:35, 10:25 Playhouse: Fri 4, 6:50, 9:35; Sat-Sun 1, 4, 6:50, 9:35; Mon-Wed 4, 6:50 Rowland: Fri-Wed 11:10, 1:55, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 • Heat and Sunlight (Not Rated) Rafael: Thu 7 (director Rob Nilsson in person) Hunt for the Wilderpeople (PG-13) Lark: Fri 9:30; Sat 2:10; Mon 4:10; Tue 11:50 Indignation (R) Lark: Fri 4:30; Sat 8:30; Mon 6:20; Thu 11:30 Jack Reacher: Fairfax: Fri-Sat 1:20, 4:15, 7:05, 9:55; Sun-Wed 1:20, 4:15, 7:05 Never Go Back (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Wed 11, 12:20, 1:50, 3:10, 4:40, 6, 7:30, 8:50, 10:20 Playhouse: Fri 3:45, 7, 9:45; Sat-Sun 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:45; Mon-Wed 3:45, 7 Rowland: Fri-Wed 11, 1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 10:10 • Keeping Up With Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:10, 1:45, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 the Joneses (PG-13) Rowland: Fri-Wed 11:30, 2, 4:30, 7, 9:40 Kevin Hart: What Now? (R) Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:30, 1:55, 4:20, 7, 9:30 Kirk Cameron’s Revive Us (PG) Regency: Mon 7 Kubo and the Two Strings (PG) Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:25, 4:55 • Little Men (PG) Lark: Fri 11:50; Sat 4:20; Tue 2; Thu 1:50 The Magnificent Seven (PG-13) Fairfax: Fri-Sat 6:55, 9:50; Sun-Wed 6:55 Northgate: Fri-Wed 7:25, 10:30 Rowland: Fri-Wed 4:20, 8 A Man Called Ove (PG-13) Rafael: Fri-Sun 3:45, 6:15, 8:45; Mon-Wed 6:15, 8:45; Thu 9 Masterminds (R) Northgate: Fri-Wed 8, 10:30 Max Steel (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Wed 12:30, 3, 5:30 Rowland: Fri-Wed 11:20, 1:50 • The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni (Not Rated) Lark: Sat 9:55am; Wed 6:30 Regency: Wed 6:30 Sequoia: Wed 6:30 Middle School: The Worst Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:45, 2:10, 4:45, 7:05, 9:35 Years of My Life (PG) Rowland: Fri-Wed 11:40, 2:05, 4:25 Miss Peregrine’s Home for Fairfax: Fri-Sat 12:55, 4, 7, 9:55; Sun-Wed 12:55, 4, 7 Northgate: Fri-Wed Peculiar Children (PG-13) 2:20, 8:15; 3D showtimes at 11:20, 5:20 Rowland: Fri-Wed 12:50, 4, 7:10, 10:05 • National Theatre London: Frankenstein (Not Rated) Lark: Thu 6:30 Regency: Tue 7 Ouija: Origin of Evil (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Wed 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 Queen of Katwe (PG) Lark: Fri 1:45; Sun 4; Mon 11:30; Thu 3:45 Regency: Fri-Sat 10:30, 1:40, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30; Sun-Tue 10:30, 1:40, 4:30, 7:30; Wed 10:30, 1:40; Thu 10:30, 1:40, 4:30 • Rifftrax Live: Carnival of Souls (PG) Regency: Thu 8 Rural Route Short Film Festival (Not Rated) Lark: Sun 6:40 • The Shining (R) Regency: Sun, Wed 2, 7 Snowden (R) Regency: Fri-Sat 12:50, 3:55, 7:10, 10:25; Sun 10:55; Mon-Tue 12:40, 3:45; Thu 12:45, 3:55 Storks (PG) Fairfax: Fri-Wed 12, 2:20, 4:35 Northgate: Fri-Wed 12:25, 2:50, 7:50, 10:10; 3D showtime at 5:25 Sully (PG-13) Northgate: Fri-Wed 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:05 Sequoia: Fri 4:35, 7:10, 9:30; Sat 2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:30; Sun 2:10, 4:35, 7:10; Mon-Tue, Thu 4:35, 7:10 • Tyler Perry’s Boo! Northgate: Fri-Wed 11:25, 2, 4:35, 7:20, 10 Rowland: Fri-Wed 12, 2:40, 5:15, A Madea Halloween (PG-13) 7:50, 10:25 Showtimes can change after we go to press. Please call theater to confirm. CinéArts at Sequoia 25 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, 415-388-1190 Cinema 41 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, 415-924-6506 Fairfax 9 Broadway, Fairfax, 415-453-5444 Lark 549 Magnolia Ave., Larkspur, 415-924-5111 Larkspur Landing 500 Larkspur Landing Cir., Larkspur, 415461-4849 Northgate 7000 Northgate Dr., San Rafael, 415-491-1314 Playhouse 40 Main St., Tiburon, 415-435-1234 Rafael Film Center 1118 Fourth St., San Rafael, 415-454-1222 Regency 280 Smith Ranch Rd., Terra Linda, 415-479-6496 Rowland 44 Rowland Way, Novato, 415-898-3385





Everyday Miracle Benefit for John Perry Barlow features Bob Weir, Jerry Harrison, Lukas Nelson, Sean Lennon, Les Claypool, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott and many others. Oct 24, 8pm. $500 and up. Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.1100. MaMuse Popular duo of Sarah Nutting and Karisha Longaker weaves voices and merry instrumentals. Oct 22, 8pm. $25. TMS Performing Arts Center, 150 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael, 415.924.4848. Plutocracy New musical show by composer Dale Polissar, debuting in concert form, imagines what transpires when the head of a corporation dies and leaves the company to his idealistic hippy son. Oct 21, 8pm. $15. Bolinas Community Center, 14 Wharf Rd, Bolinas, 415.868.2128.

SONOMA Banshee Fest Banshee Wines hosts an outdoor concert with Los Angeles indie folk favorites Lord Huron, Black Sheep Brass Band and Brix, with food, wine and fun. Oct 22, 11am. $50 and up. Foss Creek Parkway, North St, Healdsburg. Funkendank Oktoberfest A full day of sour and hoppy beers served alongside New Orleans-style funk and jazz music features performances by Galactic, Pimps of Joytime, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Royal Jelly Jive and Dixie Giants. Oct 22. $49-$140. SOMO Village Event Center, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park. Spark the Vote Politically inspiring and fun day features performances by Prezident Brown, Katdelic, MC Radio Active, Afrofunk Experience, Highway Poets and others. Oct 23, 3pm. Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa.


Benissimo Ristorante & Bar Thurs, Fri, live music. 18 Tamalpais Dr, Corte Madera, 415.927.2316. Book Passage Sun, 11:30am, Songs & Stories with Megan. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, 415.927.0960. Corte Madera Library Oct 20, 7pm, classical guitar concert with Joseph Bacon. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera, 707.924.6444. Dance Palace Oct 23, Plutocracy with Dale Polissar. 503 B St, Pt Reyes Station, 415.663.1075. Downtown Fairfax Oct 21-23, Fairfax Irish Festival of music and dance. Bolinas Road, Fairfax. Fenix Oct 19, the Bobby Young Project. Oct 21, the Jean Genies. Oct 22, Aja Vu & Stealin Chicago. Oct 23, 6:30pm, Liz Stires Fall Showcase. Oct 25, Hot Club of San Francisco. Oct 26, pro blues jam. 919 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.813.5600. George’s Nightclub Oct 20, college night. Oct 23, Mexican Banda. Oct 25, hip-hop open mic. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.226.0262.

Osteria Divino Oct 19, Jay Sanders Trio. Oct 20, Passion Habanera. Oct 21, Eric Markowitz Trio. Oct 22, Hippopotamus Trio. Oct 23, Ian McArdle Trio. Oct 25, Brian Moran. Oct 26, Jonathan Poretz. 37 Caledonia St, Sausalito, 415.331.9355. Panama Hotel Restaurant Oct 19, Panama Jazz Trio. Oct 20, Deborah Winters. Oct 25, Lorin Rowan. Oct 26, Brian Byrnes. 4 Bayview St, San Rafael, 415.457.3993. Peri’s Silver Dollar Mon, Billy D’s open mic. Oct 19, Elvis Johnson’s soul review. Oct 20, Shortwave. Oct 21, Culann’s Hounds. Oct 22, Flanelhed. Oct 23, Liquid Green. Oct 25, Sheet Metal. Oct 26, the New Sneakers. 29 Broadway, Fairfax, 415.459.9910. Presidio Yacht Club Oct 21, Void Where Prohibited. 679 Sommerville Rd, Sausalito, 415.332.2319. Rancho Nicasio Oct 21, the LoWatters. 1 Old Rancheria Rd, Nicasio, 415.662.2219. Sausalito Seahorse Wed, Milonga with Marcelo Puig and Seth Asarnow. Oct 20, Countdown with Lloyd

CALENDAR Williams. Oct 21, DJ Jose Ruiz. Oct 22, Fog Swamp. Oct 23, 5pm, Candela with Edgardo Cambon. Oct 25, Noel Jewkes and friends. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito, 415.331.2899. Smiley’s Schooner Saloon Oct 20, Gramps the Vamp. Oct 21, Norton Money and Junk Parlor. Oct 22, the Missing Pieces. Mon, Epicenter Soundsystem reggaae. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas, 415.868.1311. Spitfire Lounge Third Friday of every month, DJ Jimmy Hits. 848 B St, San Rafael, 415.454.5551. Strawberry Recreation Center Oct 21, Folk Dance Party with Bulgarika. 118 E Strawberry Dr, Mill Valley, 415.485.5500. Sweetwater Music Hall Oct 20, Tasty Face featuring Eric McFadden, Angelo Moore and Queen delph. Oct 23, Lilan Kane and Erin Honeywell. Oct 25, Yellowman with Soul Ska. Oct 26, Celebration of Billy Lee Lewis featuring Mark Karan and Glenn Walters. 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley, 415.388.1100. Terrapin Crossroads Oct 19, the Terrapin Family Band. Oct 20, Colonel & the Mermaids with Alex Koford. Oct 21, Greg Loiacono album release show. Oct 21, Top 40 Friday. Oct 22, Alex Nelson and friends. Oct 23, 4pm, Phil Lesh and friends. Oct 23, 7:30pm, the Terrapin Allstars. Oct 24, Grateful Monday with Scott Law. Oct 25, Stu Allen and friends. Oct 26, Scott Law and the Terrapin Allstars. 100 Yacht Club Dr, San Rafael, 415.524.2773.

Grazie Restaurant Oct 22, Acoustic Soul. 823 Grant Ave, Novato, 415.897.5181. HopMonk Novato Oct 19, open mic night with Sonic Steps. Oct 20, the Levines. Oct 21, Sugar Rush. Oct 22, Sol Seed. Oct 23, 5pm, John Doe. Sold-out. Oct 26, open mic night with Salty Barnacle. 224 Vintage Way, Novato, 415.892.6200. Marin Country Mart Oct 21, 6pm, Friday Night Jazz with Rue Manouche. Oct 23, 12:30pm, Folkish Festival with the Easy Leaves. 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur. 19 Broadway Club Mon, open mic. Oct 19, the Matt Kizer Band. Oct 20, Koolwhip. Oct 21, Room of Voices with Mingo Lewis. Oct 22, Fairfax Irish Festival. Oct 23, 5:30pm, Connie Ducey with Namely Us. Oct 23, 8:30pm, Waldo’s Special and Urban Grass. Oct 26, Lender. 17 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax, 415.459.1091. No Name Bar Tues, open mic. Oct 19, Nothin’ But Fun. Oct


Chris Botti The world-renowned trumpeter and contemporary jazz superstar opens Napa’s new, intimate jazz club with a four-night residency. Oct 25-28, 7 and 9:30pm. $75$95. Blue Note Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa, 707.603.1258.

Belrose Theater Thurs, open mic night. 1415 Fifth Ave, San Rafael, 415.454.6422.

20, Michael LaMacchia Band. Oct 21, Michael Aragon Quartet. Oct 22, Joe Tate & the Hippie Voices. Oct 23, Timothy O & Co. Oct 24, Kimrea & the Dreamdogs. Oct 26, the Whole Catastrophe. 757 Bridgeway, Sausalito, 415.332.1392.

PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M



On October 24 at the Sweetwater, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott joins Bob Weir, Lukas Nelson, Sean Lennon and others for Everyday Miracle, a benefit for John Perry Barlow.

Throckmorton Theatre Wed, 12pm, noon concert series. Oct 21, Craig Jessup. Oct 23, 5pm, Kimrea with Grant Ewald and Elvis Johnson. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600.

PACI FI C SUN | O CTOB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM




FRI 10/21 $10-$15 8PM DOORS /9PM SHOW 21+



THUR 10/22 $15 8PM DOORS / 9PM SHOW 21+



FRI 10/28 $10 8PM DOORS / 8:30PM SHOW 21+



SAT 10/29 $25 8PM DOORS / 9PM SHOW 21+


FRI 11/04 $10-$15 8PM DOORS / 9PM SHOW 21+


SAT 11/05 $30 7PM DOORS / 8PM SHOW 21+



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“Keeping the Living Music Alive” Oct 22 • 8 pm • adv $25/door $30

MaMuse in Concert “Beauty & Magic”

Merry duo of Sarah Nutting & Karisha Longaker Original Heartfelt songs, improvised story-telling Oct 28 • Fri • 8 pm • adv $25/premium $40

Simrit — 2016 Global Unity Tour

”Songs of Resilience” CD Release Concert” Jared May, Salif Bamakora, Tripp Dudley, Shannon Hayden Nov 5 • 8 pm • adv $24/door $30/student $18

Gary Malkin & Friends “SoulSong” Sharing Hearts & Voices in Gratitude for Life Jennifer Berezan, Barbara Borden, Kim Rosen, Miranda Macpherson, Rita Sahai, Vinit Allen Nov 19 • 8 pm • adv $25/door $30

Tomales Town Hall Oct 22, 7:30pm, Chris Webster & Nina Gerber. 27150 Hwy 1, Tomales, 707.878.2006. The Trident Oct 22, 6pm, Audrey Moira Shimkas Jazz Trio. 558 Bridgeway, Sausalito, 415.331.3232.

SONOMA Aqus Cafe Oct 19, West Coast Songwriters Competition. Oct 21, Sergio Rangel. Oct 22, the Tonewoods. Oct 23, 2pm, Gary Vogensen’s Sunday Ramble. Oct 26, bluegrass and old-time music jam. 189 H St, Petaluma, 707.778.6060. The Big Easy Oct 19, Bruce Gordon & the Acrosonics. Oct 20, Barnyard Hammer and Mike Saliani. Oct 21, Rockin Johnny Burg. Oct 22, the Grain and Highway Poets. Oct 25, American Alley Cats. Oct 26, Wednesday Night Big Band. 128 American Alley, Petaluma, 707.776.4631. Green Music Center Oct 20, Itzhak Perlman and Rohan De Silva. Oct 22, Denis Matsuev. Oct 23, Tomatito. 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, 866.955.6040. HopMonk Sebastopol Tues, open mic night. Oct 20, Songwriters in the Round. Oct 21, Kim Simmonds and Savoy Brown. Oct 22, “Songbook: a Night of Stories and Songs” with Blitzen Trapper and Sera Cahoone. Oct 24, Monday Night Edutainment with Ras Attitude. Oct 26, Kimock with Jeff Chimenti and Mickey Hart. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol, 707.829.7300. HopMonk Sonoma Oct 21, 5pm, Clay Bell. Oct 21, 8pm, the Mosey Boys. Oct 22, 1pm, Billy D. Oct 22, 8pm, Ten Foot Tone. Oct 23, 1pm, Anthony Presti. 691 Broadway, Sonoma, 707.935.9100. Lagunitas Tap Room Oct 19, the Heaters. Oct 20, Barrio Manouche. Oct 21, McHugh & Devine. Oct 22, the Pulsators. Oct 23, Todos Santos. Oct 26, Jason Bodlovich. 1280 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, 707.778.8776. Luther Burbank Center for the Arts Oct 23, 3pm, Symphony Pops: Maestro’s Greatest Hits. Oct 25, Jethro Tull performed by Ian Anderson. 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, 707.546.3600.

Ayla Nereo “Marin CD Release Party”

Mystic Theatre Oct 20, Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. Oct 21, the Voice. Oct 22, Petty Theft. 23 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma, 707.765.2121.

Kristin Hoffmann & Friends Shambhu “Soothe” CD Release

Phoenix Theater Oct 21, Parcivillian with Secure the Sun and the Levines. 201 Washington St, Petaluma, 707.762.3565.

Lyrical mastery, Heartful folktronica “Ayla’s voice is a lucid instrument” Nov 26 • 8 pm • adv $24/door $28/student $18 “Bella Gaia” singer/Superstar guitarist dbl bill Dec 2 • Fri • 8 pm adv 25/door $30

Donna De Lory: 7th annual “ExtravaDanza” With a super hot band & Donna, too!

All Ages • Pre-concert Reception at 7pm Plenty of Parking • Welcoming Atmosphere

TMS Performing Arts Center 150 N. San Pedro Rd, San Rafael 415.924.4848 •

Art OPENING MARIN Corte Madera Library Oct 19-31, “Extra-Ordinary Shapes,” group show of paintings from the Marin County

Watercolor Society. Reception, Oct 22 at 10am. 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera. 707.924.6444. SweetE Organic Oct 19-30, “Kiddo Art & Artists,” art show includes Mill Valley students’ paintings and drawings. Reception, Oct 21 at 5pm. Strawberry Village, 800 Redwood Hwy, Ste 612, Mill Valley. Mon-Sat, 11 to 6; Sun, noon to 5. 415.380.5000.

SONOMA Calabi Gallery Oct 19-Nov 26, “The Beat Went On,” paintings by Beat-era artist and poet Sutter Marin are accompanied by works from other artists of his milieu, including Paul Beattie, Dorr Bothwell, Roy DeForest and others. Reception, Oct 22 at 4pm. 456 10th St, Santa Rosa. Tues-Sun, 11 to 5. 707.781.7070. Finley Community Center Oct 25-Dec 8, “Three Artists/Three Styles,” collage artist Thea Evensen, landscape painter Lynnie Rabinowitsh and abstract mosaic artist Kathy Farrell display. Reception, Oct 27 at 5pm. 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. Mon-Fri, 8 to 6; Sat, 9 to 11am. 707.543.3737. Healdsburg Center for the Arts Oct 20-Nov 20, “Emerging Artist Exhibit,” collection ranges from functional pottery to paintings to contemporary sculpture and more, showcasing Sonoma County’s art community. Reception, Oct 22 at 5pm. 130 Plaza St, Healdsburg. Daily, 11 to 6. 707.431.1970.

Desta Art & Tea Gallery Through Oct 30, “Visual Poetry,” artists Bryn Craig, Robin Brandes and Leisha Douglas display works that find poetry in ordinary subjects. 417 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. Mon-Sat, 10 to 6 415.524.8932. Gallery Route One Through Oct 30, “Canto XXV,” immersive art and sculpture exhibit from Diana Marto is inspired by Chinese spirit paper. Shows in conjunction with Cynthia Tom’s “Stories to Tell” and tc moore’s “Reflections.” 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. Wed-Mon, 11 to 5. 415.663.1347. Marin Society of Artists Through Oct 29, “In Your Dreams,” fine art exhibit is juried by Michael Azgour. 1515 Third St, San Rafael. Wed-Sun, noon to 4pm 415.464.9561. MarinMOCA Through Oct 23, “Emerging Artists of Northern California,” five diverse artists display their mutlimedia works. 500 Palm Dr, Novato. Wed-Fri, 11 to 4; Sat-Sun, 11 to 5. 415.506.0137. Osher Marin JCC Through Oct 30, “We Are the Bridge,” exhibit showcases over 30 artists from multiple faith traditions, the majority of whom live and work in the Bay Area. 200 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael. 415.444.8000. Stinson Beach Library Through Oct 31, “Stinson Beach Ranches Past & Present,” hosted by the Stinson Beach Historical Society. 3521 Shoreline Hwy, Stinson Beach. 415.868.0252.

Hopscotch Gifts & Gallery Oct 21-Nov 16, “Wings,” bird-themed art show includes works by local artists ranging from watercolors to metal sculpture. Reception, Oct 21 at 5pm. 14301 Arnold Dr, #2A, Glen Ellen. Thurs-Mon. 10 to 6. 707.343.1931.

Throckmorton Theatre Through Oct 31, “Michael Cutlip Solo Show,” influenced by graffiti and street art, the Bay Area native’s works showcase metropolitan life as seen through an abstract lens. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Sebastopol Center for the Arts Oct 21-Nov 27, “Your Landscape,” several artists present their unique takes on the theme with traditional, contemporary, ecological or controversial offerings. Reception Oct 21 at 6pm. 282 S High St, Sebastopol. Tues-Fri, 10 to 4; Sat-Sun, 1 to 4. 707.829.4797.

Toby’s Gallery Through Oct 30, “Positive Choices,” retrospective of Bob Kubik’s drawings, etchings, paintings and sculptures made from recycled materials. 11250 Hwy 1, Point Reyes Station.

Steele Lane Community Center Oct 25-Dec 15, “Outer Glow,” Northern California artist Jenny Harp utilizes a variety of media in her work including printmaking, digital media, sculpture and installation. Reception, Oct 26 at 4pm. 415 Steele Ln, Santa Rosa. Mon-Thurs, 8 to 7; Fri, 8 to 5. 707.543.3282.

CONTINUING THIS WEEK MARIN Art Works Downtown Through Nov 5, “Circling,” Cayen Robertson’s solo exhibit features selections from the last 15 years of her artistic career, as well as her most recent pieces. Through Nov 7, “Wild Things,” recent water-media paintings by nationally acclaimed artist Rita Sklar is featured at the Donor’s Gallery. Through Nov 11, “20/20 Vision,” exhibition celebrating 20 years of Art Works Downtown looks at the past, present and future. 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. Tues-Sat, 10 to 5. 415.451.8119. Crome Architecture Through Oct 27, “In Earthed,” recent paintings by Toni Littlejohn. 905 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.453.0700.

Comedy Mort Sahl Sahl takes the stage every week to deliver his legendary, take-no-prisoners wit. Thurs, 7pm. $20. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600. Paula Poundstone Veteran humorist appears for a night of standup. Oct 21, 8pm. $29-$39. Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, 707.546.3600. Tuesday Night Live Featuring comedians at the top of their game, both rising stars and names known worldwide. Tues, 8pm. $17-$27. Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.383.9600. Will Durst “Elect to Laugh” tour. Oct 19, 8pm. $25-$30. Silo’s, 530 Main St, Napa, 707.251.5833.


Belrose Theater Sundays, 4pm, Argentine Dance. 1415 Fifth Ave, San Rafael, 415.454.6422. Club 101 Wednesdays, 8:20pm, salsa dancing with lessons. 815 W Francisco Blvd, San Rafael, 415.460.0101. Dance Palace Wednesdays, 6pm, Women’s Collaborative Dance. $5-$15 per month. Sundays, 10am, Ecstatic Dance Point Reyes, explore different rhythms with no experience necessary. 503 B St, Pt Reyes Station, 415.663.1075. Fairfax Pavilion Wednesdays through Nov 30, Dance a la Moxie, fun total body workout for ages 55 and over covers international dance steps throughout time. Free, 415.302.0659. 142 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax. Knights of Columbus Hall Mondays, 6pm. through Dec 12, Flamenco Dance Class. Learn with veteran teacher Andrea La Canela. 167 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo. Mill Valley Community Center Mondays, 6pm, Swing Dance Lessons. 925.267.2200. 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley. Sausalito Seahorse Sundays, 4pm, Salsa class. Free. 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito, 415.331.2899. Sol Studios Fairfax Thursdays, 10:45am, Flamenco Dance Class, bring a shawl and join in the barefoot class. $9. 12 School St #12e, Fairfax, 415.785.4861.

Events Blind Scream Haunted House Three terrifying haunted-house experiences under one roof get you in the mood for Halloween. Through Oct 31. SOMO Village Event Center, 1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park, Champagne Promenade & Celebration Singers Marin commemorates 30 years of performances with appreciations, music and surprises. Oct 23, 5pm. $45. Servino Ristorante, 9 Main St, Tiburon, 415.435.2676. Meet the Work An introductory evening of the Tamalpa Life/ Art approach. Fri, Oct 21, 7pm. Free. Mountain Home Studio, 15 Ravine Way, Kentfield, 415.461.5362. Monday Painting Group An open space to paint with fellow artists. Space is limited. Mon-noon. $10. MarinMOCA, 500 Palm Dr, Novato, 415.506.0137. National Bioneers Conference Notable speakers and interactive workshops connect people with visionary solutions for our most pressing environmental and social challenges. Oct 21-23. $75 and up. Marin Center, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, Point Reyes Books Farewell Event Event also honors centennial of the National

Radiant Presence With Peter Brown. Every other Tues. Open Secret, 923 C St, San Rafael, 415.457.4191. Senior Access Caregiver Support Group Caring for an adult can be challenging. This group is facilitated by a specially trained professional. Third Thurs of every month, 11am. Lucas Valley Community Church, 2000 Las Gallinas Ave, San Rafael. Witchie Poo Halloween Extravaganza Annual variety show includes a costume parade at intermission and prizes. Oct 2223. $9-$11. Sebastiani Theatre, 476 First St E, Sonoma, 707.996.9756.

Field Trips Annual Cemetery Tour Petalumans of Yesteryear docents leads graveyard strolls themed “Contributions of the Petaluma Pioneers.” Oct 22, 10:30am. $10-$15/ kids under 12 are free. Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 20 Fourth St, Petaluma, 707.778.4398. Big Rock Ridge to the Summit Excellent panorama views accompany this walk to the summit of Big Rock Ridge. Oct 23, 9am. Big Rock Trailhead, Lucas Valley Rd, San Rafael, 415.893.9508. Drakes Estero Kayaking Adventure Glide across the smooth waters of the estero and look for signs of the geological and cultural past as well as the diversity of marine and avian wildlife. Kayak rental included. Oct 23, 9:30am. $110-$130. Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Rd, Pt Reyes Station, Going Nuts for Wild Foods Identify local plants, hear their stories and learn how to use them for food. Oct 23, 10am. $50-$60. Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Rd, Pt Reyes Station, Not Afraid of the Dark Hike Enjoy the redwoods at night in this ranger-led evening hike. Oct 22, 6pm. Roy’s Redwoods Preserve, Nicasio Valley Rd, San Geronimo, Trekking the Model Join a ranger-guided tour of the Bay Model, a 1.5-acre hydraulic model of San Francisco Bay and Delta. Oct 22, 1:30pm. Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito, 415.332.3871. Using Poles for Hiking & Outdoor Exercise Learn individualized strategies for improving your performance, posture and balance when using poles for hiking, and test some different poles out yourself. Oct 22, 10am. $110-$130. Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Rd, Pt Reyes Station,

Film Alexander Valley Film Festival Unique mix of local and independent cinema features cutting-edge films and showcases new and emerging talents from

all over the world. Oct 20-23. $12 and up. Clover Theater, 121 East First St, Cloverdale, 707.894.6347. Cinema & Psyche Study, watch, and discuss five pre-Code treasures from 1933 with a focus on cultural dissolution, moral revolution and film innovation of the era. Thurs, 6:30pm. through Nov 17. $110. Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, 510.496.6060. Mind Reels Weekly series presents notable documentary films as well as guest speakers and performers bringing the film’s ideas to life. Tues-noon. $25-$30. Lark Theater, 549 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, 415.924.5111. The Rocky Horror Picture Show The cult classic science-fiction musical gets a late-night screening. Oct 22, 11pm. $10. Phoenix Theater, 201 Washington St, Petaluma, 707.762.3565. Women’s PAC Movie Night Political action committee screens “Where to Invade Next” by Michael Moore. RSVP required. Oct 19, 6pm. by donation. Community Media Center of Marin, 819 A St, San Rafael,

Food&Drink Bodega Land Trust Dinner Fall harvest dinner prepared by local chef and silent auction benefits the land trust in this 24th annual event. Oct 22, 5:30pm. $20. McCaughey Hall, 17184 Bodega Hwy, Bodega,

19 Thu 10/20 • Doors 7pm • $14 ADV / $14 DOS

Tasty Face

feat Eric McFadden, Angelo Moore (Fishbone) & More Halloween Party Sun 10/23 • Doors 6pm • $17 ADV / $20 DOS

Lilan Kane & Erin Honeywell

with DJ Sef Diggy Mon 10/24 • Doors 7:30pm • $500 GA / $1000 VIP

John Perry Barlow Benefit

feat Bob Weir, Jerry Harrison, Lukas Nelson, Members of String Cheese Incident, Ramblin' Jack, Sean Lennon, Les Claypool & more Tue 10/25 • Doors 6pm • $17 ADV / $20 DOS Jamaican Reggae Legend Yellowman with SOUL SKA Wed 10/26 • Doors 7pm • $15 ADV / $17 DOS

A Celebration of Billy Lee Lewis feat Mark Karan, Glenn Walters, Hoodoo Rhythm Devils & More Thur 10/27 • Doors 7pm • $17 ADV / $19 DOS


with Benham Sat 10/29 • Doors 8pm • $22 ADV / $25 DOS

The Brothers Comatose

with The Good Bad Sun 10/30 & Mon 10/31 • 7pm • $28 ADV / $32 DOS

New Orleans' Dumpstaphunk Halloween Party with the Jazz Mafia Horns 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley Café 388-1700 | Box Office 388-3850

Spirit of the Harvest Celebrate local faith communities who support family farms, increase access to local food and advocate for sustainable food policy. Oct 20, 5:30pm. $50. Barlow Event Center, 6770 McKinley St, Sebastopol, Sunday Supper New weekly dinner series and etiquette class celebrates classic French cuisine that reflects the season. Sun, 4pm. $30-$45. Left Bank Brasserie, 507 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, 415.927.3331.

For Kids Bay Area Discovery Museum Ongoing, “Animal Secrets.” Hands-on art, science and theater camps, art studio, tot spot and lookout cove adventure area. Wed-Thurs at 10am and 11am, music with Miss Kitty. $5$6. Fri at 11am, aquarium feeding. Ongoing. Admission, $8-$10. Bay Area Discovery Museum, Fort Baker, 557 McReynolds Rd., Sausalito., 415.339.3900. Dinosaur Fossil Dig Be a paleontologist for the afternoon and dig for your very own dinosaur skeleton. Supplies are limited to the first 20 kids, reserve your space. Oct 25, 4pm. Marin City Library, 164 Donahue St, Marin City, 415.332.6158. Flamenco Dance Class for Kids Kids 5 to 9 can learn rhythms, arm work, moving across the floor and footwork in a safe and playful environment from teacher Andrea La Canela. Mon, 4pm through Nov 14. Knights of Columbus Hall, 167 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo.




PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

Alma del Tango Studio Ongoing, Swing Dance Classes. Learn East Coast Swing and Lindy Hop with instructor Jasmine Worrell. Four-week sessions begin the first of every month. 167 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo, 415.459.8966.

Park Service and features Terry Tempest Williams reading from her new book, “The Hour of Land.” With pre-event reception at Toby’s Feed Barn Gallery. Oct 22. $25 and up. West Marin School, 11550 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station,

PACI FI C SUN | O CTOB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PA CI FI CS U N. COM


Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch

Fireside Dining 7 Days a Week

Din ner & A Show

Lowatters Oct 21 The From Low, Dirty Roots to High and Fri


Lonesome 8:00 / No Cover

Oct 23 “Elect to Laugh”

with Will Durst Putting the Mock Back in Democracy 7:00

Oct 28 San Geronimo’s Fri

Halloween Party with The Haggards, and more!

8:00 From China to Italy Oct 29 From Blues to Bluegrass and Rock Sat

Dirty Cello

Halloween Party! 8:30

Santos Oct 30 Todos Cantina Americana Sun

5:00 / No Cover

in the Henhouse Nov 5 Foxes 7:30 Sat

Allair Nov 6 Johnny Real Rock ‘N Roll 4:00 Sun

Join us for

THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, November 24

12:00 – 7:00 pm Call 415.662.2219 for reservations Reservations Advised


On the Town Square, Nicasio

Trivia answers «5 1 1926 2 Around 60 percent—let’s

see what it will be this year!

3 Trivial Pursuit 4 Wig 5 Spain and Morocco 6 Mary Decker 7 The television 8 The Ford Mustang 9a. Hamilton 9b. The Producers

(Mel Brooks)

10 Twelfth Night BONUS ANSWER: The Nobel Prize in Literature

Nature for Kids: Bahia Enjoy an autumn adventure. Oct 19, 10am. Rush Creek Preserve, Binford Rd, Novato,

Reyes National Seashore. Registration required. Tues, Oct 25, 6pm. Free. Nicasio School, 5555 Nicasio Valley Rd, Nicasio, 415.485.6257.

The Sounds of Science Explore sound and science through a variety of experiments and crafts. Oct 20, 3pm. Marin City Library, 164 Donahue St, Marin City, 415.332.6157.

Marin Speaker Series The best of today’s thought leaders appear in this annual subscription-based series running through April. Fourth Mon of every month through Apr 3. Marin Center’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, 415.473.6800.

Lectures Basic Sketching & Drawing for Fun Four-week series lets students of all skill levels develop the ability to quickly draw an object from sight onto paper using basic drawing tools. Oct 26, 10:30am. $40-$50. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael, 415.456.9062. BEMER Technology Presentation Learn about the importance of a healthy blood flow and how this European medical device can increase flow in your tiniest blood vessels. Tues, Oct 25, 11:45am. Free. Breathing Retraining Center, 12 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, 415.454.3400. Citizenship Class Class provides English language skills and history, politics and civics knowledge needed to pass the US Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization interview. Wed, 3:30pm through Dec 7. $35. Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael, 415.454.0998. Creating a Haven for Wildlife Learn how to provide the essential ingredients for a habitat haven. Oct 22, 11am. Mill Valley Library, 375 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, 415.389.4292. Designing with Flowers from Your Garden Author and gardener Alethea Harampolis shares her eye for color and form. Oct 26, 10am. $100. Marin Art & Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross, 415.455.5260. The Dolphin Legacy Dean Bernal shares his amazing and heartwarming journeys with JoJo, a small sociable dolphin he met first in 1981. Oct 25, 7pm. Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito, 415.332.3871. Fieldwork Sessions Poetry Workshop Poet Juliana Spahr guides participants in writing and shaping these writings into something literary. Oct 23, 2pm. $80-$90. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito, 415.331.2787. Golden Gate Computer Society Apple Group Explore everything Apple, including Mac computers and iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, etc. Third Thurs of every month, 1pm. First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael, 1510 Fifth St, San Rafael, 415.927.2289.

Modern Book Publishing California Writers Club welcomes attorney Robert G Pimm for a talk on negotiating better publishing contracts. Oct 23, 2pm. $5$10. Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, 415.927.0960. Night Photography Four-session, hands-on workshop includes on-location shooting sessions in San Francisco and the Marin Headlands. Oct 25, 7pm. The Image Flow, 401 Miller Ave, Ste A, Mill Valley, 415.388.3569. Operatic Women in Peril A preview of four upcoming San Francisco Opera productions. Oct 24, 7:30pm. The Redwoods, 40 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, 415.383.2741. Reclaming our Climate Future Bill McKibben, co-founder of, hosts a conversation about what we can do to mobilize our community to face the great challenge of global warming and climate change. Oct 21, 7pm. San Rafael Community Center, 618 B St, San Rafael, 415.485.3333. Ship Operations in the Bay Join Captain Craig Thomas of Agile Marine as he provides a better understanding of commercial shipping operations and movements in the Bay. Oct 22, 11am. Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito, 415.332.3871.

Diesel Bookstore Oct 19, 6:30pm, “Altamont” with Joel Selvin, includes a screening of “Gimme Shelter.” Oct 26, 7pm, Larkspur Book Club Pioneers meet to discuss “The Tsar of Love and Techno” by Anthony Marra. 2419 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur, 415.785.8177. Insalata’s Oct 22, 12:30pm, “The Red Rooster Cookbook” with Marcus Samuelsson, celebrity chef appears, co-hosted by Book Passage. $115. 120 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, 415.457.7700. Novato Copperfield’s Books Oct 21, 7pm, “House of Blazes” and “City of Ghosts” with Dietrich Kalteis and Kelli Stanley. 999 Grant Ave, Novato, 415.763.3052. Petaluma Copperfield’s Books Oct 19, 4pm, “Isabella: Girl in Charge” with Jennifer Fosberry. Oct 19, 5pm, “Starr Creek” with Nathan Carson. Oct 20, 4pm, “Sherlock Sam” with AJ Low. Oct 20, 7pm, “Wild Things, Wild Places” with Jane Alexander. Oct 21, 7pm, “Cooking with Laurie” with Laurie Figone. Oct 24, 7pm, “Good Vibrations: My Life as a Beach Boy” with Mike Love, in conversation with Joel Selvin. Ticket required. 140 Kentucky St, Petaluma, 707.762.0563. Rebound Bookstore Oct 22, 4pm, Hand to Mouth/ WORDS SPOKEN OUT. Free. 1611 Fourth St, San Rafael, 415.482.0550. San Anselmo Library Oct 21, 7:30pm, “Tangled Vines” with Frances Dinkelspiel. 110 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo, 415.258.4656. San Rafael Library Oct 24, 6:30pm, “Immigrant Soldier” with Kathryn Lang-Slattery. 1100 E St, San Rafael, 415.485.3323.

Trivia Café

The Western Gate Wild Canines of Marin ByTeahouse Howard Rachelson Fridays, 6pm, Candlelight poetry and tea Park Ranger Rob Ruiz discusses the habits session with Scott Traffas. 7282 Sir Francis and identifying characteristics of our canine neighbors. Oct 26,of 7pm. Fairfax Library, 2097 in Drake The College Marin was established what Blvd, Lagunitas, 415.785.8309. Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, marincounty. year ending with ‘6?’ Toby’s Gallery org. Oct 22, 5pm, “The Hour of Land” with Terry WhatPicture percentage of eligible U.S. citizensTempest voted Williams. Event both bids farewell Wildlife Index Project to the outgoing owners of Pt Reyes Books Come this training learn how elections to in thetomost recent and presidential (similar Pt Reyes National Seashore contribute to the volunteer by percentages in 2008 andproject 2012)—around 50,and 60benefits or Association. $25-$125. 11250 Hwy 1, Point helping maintain wildlife cameras and 70 percent? Reyes Station. processing photos. Oct 25, 1pm. Marin Water District Office, 220 Nellen Ave, Corte What exciting new trivia game was the Madera,





top-selling toy for Christmas in 1984? Winter Vegetable Gardening

A talk by Marin Master Gardener Joe only U.S. 4 George Washington was the Jennings. Oct 21, 12pm. Civic Center



Peter & the Starcatcher

president to continue the European tradition of Onstage presents the story about Marin Library, 3501 Civic Center Dr, San Rafael, wearing a what? how Peter Pan becomes the magical, eternal 415.473.6058. boy of legend. Oct 21-Nov 12. $12-$25. 5 What two countries border the Mediterranean Belrose Theater, 1415 Fifth Ave, San Rafael,


Sea as well as the Atlantic Ocean?

Introduction to Functional Forgiveness Workshop teaches the process and practice to let go of everyday minor irritations and insults that can build. Oct 22, 1pm. $25-$35. Sunrise Center, 645 Tamalpais Dr, Corte Madera, 415.306.4695.

6 Identify this runner who lost her chanceThe to Rocky Horror Show That sweet transvestite, Dr. Frank-N-furter, Book Passage

Know the 10 Signs Presentation by the North Bay Alzheimer’s Association emphasizes why early detection matters. Oct 24, 10:30am. Corte Madera Library, 707 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera, 707.924.6444.

Oct 21, 7pm, Things,word Wild Places” comes from“Wild the Latin for “to look” and the Left Edge Theatre presents a comedic with Jane Alexander. Oct 22, 4pm, “The Sea Greek word for afar?”California mockumentary about an undead outbreak Forager’s Guide to “from the Northern in Texas. Through Oct 30. $25-$40. Luther Coast” with Kirk Lombard. Oct 22, 7pm, What car Oct model was introduced withCenter muchforfanfare at50the 1964 Burbank the Arts, Mark West “One” withiconic Geraldnew Fleming. 23, 1pm, Springs Rd, Santa Rosa, 707.546.3600. ✹ New World’s “DogsYork & Their People”Fair? with Barkpost. Oct 23, 4pm, “The Gardener and the Carpenter” a. Alison In June, 2016,Oct this musical won 11 Tony Awards, including with Gopnik. 25,Broadway 7pm, “The Road Got a listing for our Sundial section? to Sparta” with Dean Karnazes. 51 Tamal ‘Best Musical.’ Send it to Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, 415.927.0960. b. It failed to break the record of 12 Tony Awards won by what musical

Marin Conservation League Workshop Talks are aimed at increasing understanding of ranching on lands managed by the Point

win a gold medal atThrough the 1984 Los Angeles Olymand his motley crew return in the original Oct 19, 1pm, “Breaking Power” with pics, and fell in the midststage of the musical. Oct 21-Nov 13. Studio Theatre, Ralphwhen Nader.she Octcollided 19, 7pm, “Mercury” with 6th Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Margot Livesey.race. Oct 20, 7pm, “The Wonder” 3,000-meter with Emma Donoghue. Oct 21, 7pm, “French

Rosa, 707.523.4185.

withname Mother” Ollestad. 7GirlThe of with whatNorman item found in the home Zombie Town


9 9

comedy in 2001?


Seminars&Workshops To include your seminar or workshop, call 415/485-6700. SINGLES WANTED! Single & Dissatisfied? Tired of spending weekends and holidays alone? Join with other singles to explore what’s blocking you from fulfillment in your relationships. Stimulating, growthful & fun. Nine-week coed Single’s Group starts week of Oct. 24 (advance sign-up required). Space limited. Also, starting week of 10/24: ongoing, coed (emotional) INTIMACY GROUPS (partnered or single), and INDIVIDUAL, FAMILY & COUPLES THERAPY. Central San Rafael. Possible financial assistance (health/flex savings accounts or insurance). Call (415) 453-8117 for more information. Renée Owen, LMFT#35255 . Especially with the holidays approaching, you may be seeking additional help in a supportive, educational on-going respectful group environment. MOTHERLESS DAUGHTERS GROUP for women who have lost their mothers in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood through death, illness, separation, narcissism, estrangement. Every other Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM and a GENERAL WOMENS GROUP, any age, Every other Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. In each of these separate groups, women address relevant issues, current or past, often involving relationships, including motherdaughter relationships; loss; trauma; family of origin; successes; challenges; self-care; transitions, etc. FORMER MEMBERS OF HIGH DEMAND GROUPS, “spiritual,” “religious,” “philosophical,” “large group awareness trainings,” etc. for men and women to address relevant issues, current & past. Every other Saturday, 3:00 – 5:00 PM. Experienced Group Facilitator: Colleen Russell, LMFT, Certified Group Psychotherapist, Certified Grief Counselor, 25 years of experience. Contact: 415-785-3513;; Individual, couple, family therapy also available. Kentfield office (across from College of Marin). SILENT STAY RETREAT CENTER WISDOM OF THE QUIET HEART Silent Stay Mountaintop Retreat Center, at the Gateway to Napa Valley— only one hour from anywhere in the Bay Area Enjoy the benefits of a silent retreat at Silent Stay, owned and led by Bruce & Ruth Davis, popular meditation teachers and authors of Magical Child Within You and Monastery Without Walls. With spectacular nature and views in all

directions, Silent Stay is an ideal getaway for weekend and personal meditation retreats for stays up to 9 nights. • Featured in LA Times, USA Today, listed in top six Bay Area Retreats. • Beautiful accommodations including new peace pool with spa and massage. • Daily meditation & meditative practices to cultivate inner peace & happiness. • All traditions invited. • Beginners and experienced meditators welcome. • Bring your own group, long term retreats available. •

OPEN HOUSE WITH PEMA CHODRON Please join our meditation group Tamalpais Shambhala as we watch an hour of Buddhist nun, author, speaker Pema Chodron share on topics such as loving-kindness, compassion, loss, and impermanence. We meditate, watch a DVD, and discuss the topics presented by this wise, insightful and humorous, well-known Buddhist teacher. Join us every 3rd Tuesday from 7pm to 9 for Pema Night or join us anytime Sunday morning at 10 am for Meditation or Tuesday at 7 pm for Open House • 734 A Street, Suite 1, San Rafael, CA 94901. For more information visit our website



Community Spanish Language Learning Center In Downtown San Rafael www.spanishindowntown ENGLISH HOUSESITTER Will love your pets, pamper your plants, ease your mind, while you’re out of town. Rates negotiable. References available upon request. Pls Call Jill @ 415-927-1454


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HANDYMAN/REPAIRS Handy•Tech•Man Instruction, problemsolving: Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, TV, electronics. Small household repairs. Serving Marin Since 2013


Jobs PIG IN A PICKLE BBQ in Corte Madera is looking for people to join our growing team. Daytime Cashier: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-4pm and Sundays 12-8pm Delivery Driver: 3-5 shifts per week 5-9pm (must be 18yr or over and have own transportation) Catering Staff: Weekends and Weeknights/ shifts vary by event Stop by Mon-Fri from 2-4pm for an interview or call us at 415-891-8124. We look forward to meeting you.

Real Estate HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE AFFORDABLE MARIN? I can show you 50 homes under $500,000. Call Cindy @ 415-902-2729. Christine Champion, Broker.

PublicNotices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140658 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: EDEN DAY SPA, 411 SAN ANSELMO AVE, STE 101, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: KATAYOUN INC., 32 DRAKES VIEW CIR, GREENBRAE, CA 94904. The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant is renewing filing with changes and is transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on

Sept 15, 2016 (Publication Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016)

2016 (Publication Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140645 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: BAY AREA LEGAL AND LITIGATION EQUIPMENT RENTALS, 79 LIVE OAK AVE, FAIRFAX, CA 94930: THOMAS GOODIN, 79 LIVE OAK AVE, FAIRFAX, CA 94930. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on Sept 13,

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140685 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: SOCIAL LEARNING WORKS, 500 TAMAL PLAZA SUITE 529, CORTE MADERA, CA 94925: GRACE SLOCUM ROEGIERS, 10 CHRISTOPHER CT 1, NOVATO, CA 94947. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant is renewing filing with changes and is transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on

21 PA CI FI C S U N | OCT OB ER 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 6 | PACI FI CSUN.CO M

TO PLACE AN AD: Call our Classifieds and Legals Sales Department at 415/485-6700.Text ads must be placed by Monday Noon to make it into the Wednesday print edition.

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Sept 20, 2016 (Publication Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016)

Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140692 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: 1) JEAN KATHRYN CARLSON, 2) VIBRANT LIVING ALCHEMY, 11 SEQUOIA RD, FAIRFAX, CA 94930: JEAN CARLSON, 11 SEQUOIA RD, FAIRFAX, CA 94930. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Sept 21, 2016 (Publication Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140746 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: BED AND BISCUITS OF MARIN, 4240 REDWOOD HIGHWAY, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: LAURA COTTINGHAM, 40 PEACOCK DR, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registration expired more than 40 days ago and is filing under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County ClerkRecorder of Marin County on Sept 30, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140602 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MARI’S CLEAN4U, 1611 LINCOLN AVE, APT 3, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: MARISOL ALAS RAMIREZ, 1611 LINCOLN AVE, APT 3, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Sept 06, 2016 (Publication Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140790 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: PROMORTGAGE COMMERCIAL, 700 IRWIN STREET #202, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: PROFESSIONAL MORTGAGE GROUP, INC., 700 IRWIN STREET # 202, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 06, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140745 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: DAGMAR SOUND, 2258 5TH AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: 1) MIRANDA L MALLARD, 2258 5TH AVE, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 2) GEMMA R COHEN, 280 PARNASSUS AVE, APT 3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. The business is being conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Sept 30, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140719 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: 1) TAM JUNCTION GAS 2) TAM JUNCTION SMOG, 251 SHORELINE HWY, MILL VALLEY, CA 94941: HL ENTERPRISES INC., 1724 PEGGY CT, PETALUMA, CA 94954. The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registration expired more than 40 days ago and is renewing filing with changes under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Sept 27, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 of 2016) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No: 304725 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of a fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the Marin County Clerk-Recorder’s Office on April 28, 2015 Under File No: 137249. Fictitious Business name(s) NAIL BOUTIQUE, 2086 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, FAIRFAX, CA 94930: 1) DUNGHANHAT NGUYEN, 2086 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD 2) SI SON DAO, 2086 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, FAIRFAX, CA 94930. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Marin County on Sep 28, 2016. (Publication Dates: Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140784 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: 1) THE DOG FATHER- RELIABLE PETSITTING 2) THEODORE BOOKS, 705 ESTANCIA WAY, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903: THEO W. LOVETT, 705 ESTANCIA WAY, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 5, 2016 (Publication

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140728 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MONO, 14 E SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, D, LARKSPUR, CA 94939: MONO CREATORS INC., 14 E SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD , D, LARKSPUR, CA 94939.The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant is renewing filing with changes and is transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Sept 27, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140817 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: CJDR MARIN, 201 CASA BUENA DR, CORTE MADERA, CA 94925: PRICE SIMMS CM LLC, 135 E. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, LARKSPUR, CA 94939. The business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 12, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140816 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MARIN INSURANCE SERVICES, 445 FRANCISCO BLVD E, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: PRICE CARS SR LLC, 445 FRANCISCO BLVD E, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 12, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140819 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: CABIN FEVER DESIGNS BY CAROLINE GASTON, 19 3RD STREET, SAN RAFAEL ,CA 94901: CAROLINE A. GASTON, 19 3RD STREET, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 12, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140767 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: KANTOLA TRAINING

SOLUTIONS, 55 SUNNYSIDE AVENUE, MILL VALLEY, CA 94941: KANTOLA PRODUCTIONS LP, 55 SUNNYSIDE AVENUE, MILL VALLEY, CA 94941. The business is being conducted by A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 04, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140807 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: MAGGY’S BEAUTY HAIR SALON, 767 LINCOLN AVENUE UNIT 4, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: MARGARITA OCHOA HURTADO, 255 VISTA DEL MAR, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 12, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140796 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: GLASSWORK, 1111 FRANCISCO BLVD #A, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901: ZAHRA BIZAR, 125 CIELO LN, APT 204, NOVATO, CA 94949. The business is being conducted by AN INDIVIDUAL. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 07, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT—File No: 2016-140808 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business: GLAMOROUS NAILS & SPA INC, 631 SAN ANSELMO AVE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: GLAMOROUS NAILS & SPA INCORPORATION, 631 SAN ANSELMO AVE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960. The business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. Registrant will begin transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Marin County on Oct 12, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No: 304726 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of a fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the Marin County Clerk-Recorder’s Office on Oct 23, 2015 Under File No: 138437. Fictitious Business name(s) GLAMOROUS NAILS & SPA, 631 SAN ANSELMO AVE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960: GLAMOROUS NAILS & SPA INC., 631 SAN ANSELMO AVE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Marin County on Sep 29, 2016. (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016)

OTHER NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: ANDREW OLIVER McEACHERN 111 Case No. PR-1603558 filed on Sept 29,2016. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ANDREW OLIVER McEACHERN 111 The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by court. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed in the Superior Court of California, County of MARIN. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that JEAN M. GOODMAN AND JEAN M.JUNG be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority

to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action). The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: NOV 4, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. M, ROOM: PLEASE REPORT TO COURTROOM A of the Superior Court of California, Marin County, located at Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA, 94903. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or A CONTINGENT CREDITOR OF THE DECEDENT, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative , as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: 1) JEAN M. GOODMAN, 2) JEAN M. JUNG, C/0 ANTIQUE TIMEPIECES, 574 SAN ANSELMO AVE, SAN ANSELMO, CA 94960. Telephone: 415-453-3050. FAX: 415456-5949 (Publication Dates: Oct 5, 12, 19 of 2016) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MARIN. No: CIV 1603655. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JOZEF MARCUS ELEMEN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JOZEF MARCUS ELEMEN to JOZEF MARCUS EITELBUSS. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: 11/10/2016 AT 09:00 AM, DEPT L, Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94913. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin: PACIFIC SUN. Date of filing: OCT 06, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MARIN. No: CIV 1603650. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner SIMEON BONTY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: SIMEON BONTY to SIMEON HINTON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons

interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: 12/16/2016 AT 08:30 AM, DEPT B, ROOM: B, Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94913. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin: PACIFIC SUN. Date of filing: OCT 06, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 of 2016) NOTICE OF TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND HEARING ON REQUEST FOR RESTAINING ORDER CASE NUMBER: D15-05875 Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa, 751 Pine Street, PO Box 911, Martinez, CA 94553. Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order Case Number: D15-05875 1. Name of Protected Party: Anna Guerriero. Your lawyer in this case: Ariel B. Lee, State Bar No.: 287791, Law offices of Ariel Brownell, 961 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: (925) 421-1529 Fax: (925) 293-0531 2. Name of Restrained Person: Jason Andrew Griffin, Description of restrained person: Sex: M; Height: 5’11; Weight: 190 lbs. Hair Color: Blonde; Eye Color: Green; Race: Caucasian; White Age: 39 Date of Birth: 03/04/1977 Mailing Address: 38 South Knoll Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941. Relationship to protected person: Father of child 3. Additional Protected Person named in (1), the following persons are protected by temporary orders as indicated in items (6) and (7) (family or household members): a) Gabriella Fay Griffin, Relationship to person in (1) & (2): Daughter, Sex: F, Age: 5; Date of Birth: 05/23/2011 b) Corey D. Seevers, Relationship to person in (1): Fiancé, Sex: M, Age: 32; Court Hearing The judge has set a court hearing date. The Restraining Order after Hearing (Order of Protection) stays in effect until the end of the hearing below. Hearing Date & Time: Nov. 09 2016, 8:30 a.m. Dept. 27. At the street address of the court shown above 4. Temporary restraining orders: All granted until court hearing. 5. Criminal Protective Order: No information has been provided to the judge about a criminal protective order. To the person in 2: The court has granted the temporary orders checked below. If you do not obey these orders, you can be arrested with a crime. You may be sent to jail for up to one year, pay a fine of up to $1000 or both. Personal Conduct Orders granted as follows: a. You must not do the following things to the person in 1 and 3. - Harass, attack, strike, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, follow, stalk, molest, destroy personal property, disturb the peace, keep under surveillance, impersonate (on the internet, electronically or otherwise), or block movements. -Contact, either directly or indirectly in any way, including but not limited to, by telephone, mail, e-mail or other electronic means -Take any action, directly or through others, to obtain the address or locations of the persons in 1 and 3 b. Peaceful written contact through a lawyer or process server or another person for service of for DV-120. c. Exceptions: Brief and peaceful contact with person 1 and 3 is required for court –ordered visitation of children , is allowed unless a criminal protective order says otherwise. 7. Stay away order granted as follows: A. You must stay at least 100 yards away from a) The person in 1 b) home of person in 1 c) The job or workplace of person in 1 d) vehicle of

person in 1 e) the person in 3 f) The child(ren)’s school or child care B. Exceptions: Brief and peaceful contact with person 1 and 3 is required for court –ordered visitation of children , is allowed unless a criminal protective order says otherwise. 8. Move-out order not requested 9. No Guns or Other Firearms or Ammunition 10. Record Unlawful Communications granted as follows: The person in 1 can record communications made by you that violate the judge’s order. 11. Care of animals not requested 12. Child custody and visitation granted as follows: Follow current order 13. Child Support: Not ordered now but may be ordered after a noticed hearing 14. Property control: Not requested 15. Debt payment: not requested 16. Property Restraint: Not requested 17. Spousal Support: Not ordered now but may be ordered after a noticed hearing 18. Rights to Mobile Device and wireless phone account: not requested 19. Insurance: N/A 20. Lawyer’s fees and costs: Not ordered now but may be ordered after a noticed hearing 21. Payments for costs and services: Not ordered now but may be ordered after a noticed hearing 22. Batterer Intervention Program: Not ordered now but may be ordered after a noticed hearing 23. Other Orders granted as follows: Person in 2. To refrain from impersonating person in 1 On social media or posting disparaging remarks about person in 1, while posing as someone else. Person in 2 not to contact person in 1 or daughter after 8.20 pm. 24. No fee to serve (notify) restrained person: If the sheriff serves this order, he or she will do for free This is a Court Order. Dated: September 14, 2016. HON. TERRI MOCKLER JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. Respondent’s attendance at the November 9, 2016 hearing will allow Respondent to present evidence and dispute the claims brought against Respondent. If Respondent’s location is ascertained prior to November 9, 2016, Petitioner will mail a copy of the TRO, and all of the related court filings to Respondent. Before November 9, 2016, Respondent may file a written response at this court and have a copy served on Petitioner. Respondent can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center ( selfhelp).If Respondent does not file his response on time, Respondent may lose the opportunity to present evidence to the court prior to the hearing. There are other legal requirements. Respondent may want to call an attorney promptly to discuss options and seek representation. (Publication date: Oct 12, 19, 26 and Nov 2, 2016) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MARIN. No: CIV 1603755. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner NEELAM filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: NEELAM to NEELAM RAM CHUMBER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: 12/02/2016 AT 08:30 AM, DEPT B, Superior Court of California, County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94913. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Marin: PACIFIC SUN. Date of filing: Oct 14, 2016 (Publication Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 of 2016)


By Amy Alkon


My husband of a year is very tight with cash. It’s always save, save, save. I recently traded in my car, and I needed $1,000 more for the new one, but he never offered to give it to me. My parents ended up paying it. I make my own money, but not a lot, and I’m wondering what kind of financial arrangement makes sense in a marriage.—Confused


Your husband comes into the living room, and there you are—sitting on the floor with a Starbucks cup and a cardboard sign that says, “Anything helps. God bless.” Unfortunately, the passive-aggressiveness of the wife-as-panhandler approach is toxic in the long run. However, the theatrics would get your message across better than the nonverbal forms of communication you’ve probably been using—pouting and closing cabinet doors a little more forcefully than usual. Like a lot of women, you may assume that whatever subtle emotional cues you can read, men can also read. However, research by social psychologist Judith A. Hall finds that women are far better than men at spotting and decoding nonverbal signals in facial expressions and body language. Women’s having evolved greater aptitude for this makes sense, as newborn infants generally aren’t in the habit of expressing their needs with, “Hey, mom-lady … would you grab me a pack of smokes and a beer?” So, yes, if you want something from your husband, you do have to put that out there in spoken-word form. But beyond that, you two need to sit down and hammer out a fiscal policy for your relationship—where the lines get drawn on “yours”/“mine”/“ours” and “what if one of us has a financial crisis and needs an alternative to, oh, stealing a mule to get to work every day?” In coming up with this policy, it’s important to go beyond the cold dollars-andcents view and discuss each other’s attitudes surrounding money, especially any issues and fears. Then, when there’s a conflict, each of you can maybe start with a little compassion for the other’s point of view. It also might help to understand that our views about money are influenced by genetics and what behavioral ecologists call our “life history strategy”—a term that relates to whether our upbringing was stable and “safe” or risky and unpredictable. Child development researcher Jay Belsky and his colleagues find that a stable childhood environment tends to lead to a more future-oriented approach (saving, for example), whereas, say, growing up ducking gunfire or just having divorced parents and getting moved around a lot tends to lead to a more now-oriented approach (spendorama!). Whatever your past, going off into the sunset being chased by creditors can be a marriage killer. Family studies researcher Jeffrey Dew finds that married couples with a bunch of “consumer debt” (owing on credit cards, loans for consumer goods and past-due bills) fight more about everything—from sex to chores to in-laws. And research by sociologist Carolyn Vogler, among others, finds that couples who pool their money (like their money got married, too!) tend to be happier. I would guess that the spirit in this is important—going all in financially … “us against the world!” instead of, “If you lose your job and can’t pay your share of the rent, don’t worry, baby. I’ll help you pitch your tent on the front lawn.”


Pot is legal where I live, and it helps ease my knee pain from years of running. I’ve noticed that it also makes me feel more sensual. I want to share the marijuana experience with my boyfriend when we make love, but he says pot (even the “energizing” strains) makes him “inert” and “obsessively analytic.” How do I get him to be more open-minded?—Merry Jane


Pot does open your boyfriend’s mind—to a four-hour rumination on the meaning of burritos. Welcome to what biologist Ernst Mayr called “human variability”—the existence of individual differences. We see it in how some of us enjoy a surprise kick of peanut butter in our chocolate milkshake, while for others, it’s, “Wow … look how I’ve swelled up, just like a human balloon.” Likewise, research on the cognitive impact of pot by neuroscientist Antonio Verdejo-Garcia shows varying effects on research participants’ “sustained attention” (among other things)—in line with which one of two genotypes they have. Consider that being nagged to start smoking pot is probably as annoying as being nagged to stop. Sure, you have the best of intentions—sharing your sensual experience with him. And, if he smokes pot, you can—after he stops communing with the rug, asking the little fibers, “Did you ever consider that the tortilla is the perfect metaphor for human consciousness?”Y Worship the goddess—or sacrifice her at the altar at

For the week of October 19

ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the 1980s,

two performance artists did a project entitled Art/ Life: One Year Performance. For 12 months, Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh were never farther than eight feet away from each other, bound by a rope tied around their waists. Hsieh said he tried this experiment because he felt very comfortable doing solo work, but wanted to upgrade his abilities as a collaborator. Montano testified that the piece “dislodged a deep hiddenness” in her. It sharpened her intuition and gave her a “heightened passion for living and relating.” If you were ever going to engage in a comparable effort to deepen your intimacy skills, Aries, the coming weeks would be a favorable time to attempt it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the coming

weeks would you prefer that we refer to you as “voracious?” Or do you like the word “ravenous” better? I have a feeling, based on the astrological omens, that you will be extra super eager to consume vast quantities of just about everything: Food, information, beauty, sensory stimulation, novelty, pleasure and who knows what else. But please keep this in mind: Your hunger could be a torment or it could be a gift. Which way it goes may depend on your determination to actually enjoy what you devour. In other words, don’t get so enchanted by the hypnotic power of your longing that you neglect to exult in the gratification when your longing is satisfied.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When the wind blows at 10 miles per hour, a windmill generates eight times more power than when the breeze is five miles per hour. Judging from the astrological omens, I suspect there will be a similar principle at work in your life during the coming weeks. A modest increase in effort and intensity will make a huge difference in the results you produce. Are you willing to push yourself a bit beyond your comfort level in order to harvest a wave of abundance? CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cuthbert Collingwood (1748-1810) had a distinguished career as an admiral in the British navy, leading the sailors under his command to numerous wartime victories. He was also a good-natured softie whose men regarded him as generous and kind. Between battles, while enjoying his downtime, he hiked through the English countryside carrying acorns, which he planted here and there so the “Navy would never want for oaks to build the fighting ships upon which the country’s safety depended.” (Quoted in Life in Nelson’s Navy, by Dudley Pope.) I propose that we make him your role model for the coming weeks. May his example inspire you to be both an effective warrior and a tender soul who takes practical actions to plan for the future. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Eighteenth-century

musician Giuseppe Tartini has been called “the godfather of modern violin playing.” He was also an innovative composer who specialized in poignant and poetic melodies. One of his most famous works is the Sonata in G Minor, also known as the Devil’s Trill. Tartini said it was inspired by a dream in which he made a pact with the devil to provide him with new material. The Infernal One picked up a violin and played the amazing piece that Tartini transcribed when he woke up. Here’s the lesson for you: He didn’t actually sell his soul to the devil. Simply engaging in this rebellious, taboo act in the realm of fantasy had the alchemical effect of unleashing a burst of creative energy. Try it!

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The planets have aligned in a curious pattern. I interpret it as meaning that you have cosmic permission to indulge in more self-interest and self-seeking than usual. So it won’t be taboo for you to unabashedly say, “What exactly is in it for me?” or “Prove your love, my dear” or “Gimmeee gimmeee gimmee what I want.” If someone makes a big promise, you shouldn’t be shy about saying, “Will you put that in writing?” If you get a sudden urge to snag the biggest piece of the pie, obey that urge.

By Rob Brezsny

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the course of her long career, Libran actress Helen Hayes won an Oscar, an Emmy, a Grammy and a Tony. Years before all that glory poured down on her, she met playwright Charles MacArthur at a party in a posh Manhattan salon. Hayes was sitting shyly in a dark corner. MacArthur glided over to her and slipped a few salted peanuts into her hand. “I wish they were emeralds,” he told her. It was love at first sight. A few years after they got married, MacArthur bought Hayes an emerald necklace. I foresee a metaphorically comparable event in your near future, Libra: Peanuts serving as a promise of emeralds. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Welcome to the Painkiller Phase of your cycle. It’s time to relieve your twinges, dissolve your troubles and banish your torments. You can’t sweep away the whole mess in one quick heroic purge, of course. But I bet you can pare it down by at least 33 percent. (More is quite possible.) To get started, make the following declaration five times a day for the next three days: “I am grateful for all the fascinating revelations and indispensable lessons that my pain has taught me.” On each of the three days after that, affirm this truth five times: “I have learned all I can from my pain, and therefore no longer need its reminders. Goodbye, pain.” On the three days after that, say these words, even if you can’t bring yourself to mean them with complete sincerity: “I forgive everybody of everything.” SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): For the foreseeable future, you possess the following powers: To make sensible that which has been unintelligible … to find amusement in situations that had been tedious … to create fertile meaning where before there had been sterile chaos. Congratulations, Sagittarius! You are a first-class transformer. But that’s not all. I suspect you will also have the ability to distract people from concerns that aren’t important … to deepen any quest that has been too superficial or careless to succeed … and to ask the good questions that will render the bad questions irrelevant. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the past 11 months, did you ever withhold your love on purpose? Have there been times when you “punished” those you cared about by acting cold and aloof ? Can you remember a few occasions when you could have been more generous or compassionate, but chose not to be? If you answered yes to any of those questions, the next three weeks will be an excellent time to atone. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you can reap maximum benefit from correcting stingy mistakes. I suggest that you make gleeful efforts to express your most charitable impulses. Be a tower of bountiful power.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1415, a smaller English army defeated French forces at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France. Essential to England’s victory were its 7,000 longbowmen— archers who shot big arrows using bows that were six feet long. So fast and skilled were these warriors that they typically had three arrows flying through the air at any one time. That’s the kind of high-powered proficiency I recommend that you summon during your upcoming campaign. If you need more training to reach that level of effectiveness, get it immediately. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Let’s imagine

your life as a novel. The most recent chapter, which you’ll soon be drawing to a close, might be called “The Redemption of Loneliness.” Other apt titles: “Intimacy with the Holy Darkness” or “The Superpower of Surrender” or “The End Is Secretly the Beginning.” Soon you will start a new chapter, which I’ve tentatively dubbed “Escape from Escapism,” or perhaps “Liberation from False Concepts of Freedom” or “Where the Wild Things Are.” And the expansive adventures of this next phase will have been made possible by the sweet-and-sour enigmas of the past four weeks.Y

Homework: Describe what you’d be like if you were the opposite of yourself. Testify at

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AFFORDABLE SPAY/NEUTER • Cat Neuter - $75 • Cat Spay - $99 • Dog Neuter - $100 (0-30lbs) • Dog Spay - $149 (0-30lbs)


DISCOUNTED VACCINATIONS less than VIP Valid only during vaccination clinic, call for hours. • DHPP - $15 • Bordetella - $15 • Rabies - $12 • FVRCP- $15 • Felv - $15

Voted by Bay Woof magazine readers as one of the Best Veterinary Clinic - North Bay (2016)

Recommended by Consumer Business Review as Veterinary Clinic of the Year 2016

High quality pet care at affordable prices!

OPEN UNTIL 8PM ON TUESDAY, THURDAY AND FRIDAY! Hours: Mon, Wed, Sat 9am-6pm Tues, Thur, Fri 9am-8pm

*Offers cannot be combined with any other offer. *Valid until 10/31/16. *Multiple Pet Offer: Call for details!


415-499-8387 •

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