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Dear Friends,
Welcome to the 14th edition of the Think Local First Member Directory.
Think Local First is an organization of locally owned, independent businesses dedicated to the strengthening of our local business community and to help these businesses thrive.
Inside this directory you’ll find hundreds of locally owned, independently operated businesses. Please keep this directory handy so that you can frequent those organizations listed. You can also find more detailed information on all our members, member activities, and how to become a member at thinklocalsantacruz.org.
Why think local, first?
• Because more of the money you spend at a locally owned, independent business stays in the community to be spent again, and again, and again.
• Because locally owned independent businesses invest in local nonprofits and other local businesses, keeping our community strong.
• Because to keep you coming back, locally owned businesses will give you the best value for your dollar.
• Because the people who own and work at locally owned businesses are your friends and neighbors.
• Because now more than ever we need to spend our hard-earned dollars at local and independent businesses. If we invest in our community, our community will flourish.
Please let this directory be your guide to shopping the logo, living the philosophy, and thinking local, first!
Locally yours,
The Think Local First Board of Directors
Michael Olson, Susan O’Conner Fraser,
Heather Tsang
DIRECTOR Debra Whizin
REPRESENTATIVES Ilana Packer, Sue Lamothe, Lisa Buckley, Kate Kauffman, and Phil Garza
Sonia Chavez and Amanda Robinson
MANAGER Shannen Craig
MANAGER Kari Mansfeld
Amy Medina