1 minute read
1.1. Brief History (Mission, Members etc
1.1. Brief History (Mission, Members etc.)
In 1988 the Heads of Government of Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia met to discuss the creation of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU). With the approval of the Treaty Instituting the Arab Maghreb Union, the AMU was officially established in February 1989, and the Member States agreed to coordinate, harmonise and rationalise their policies and strategies to achieve sustainable development in all sectors of human activities.314 The objectives of the AMU, as articulated under Article 3 of the Treaty, include: 1) to strengthen the fraternal links that unite the Member States and their peoples; 2) to achieve progress and prosperity of member societies and the defence of their rights; 3) to contribute to the preservation of peace based on justice and equality; 4) to pursue a common policy in different domains; and 5) to work towards the progressive realisation of the free movement of persons, services, goods and capital.315
The Treaty also establishes goals regarding culture, economy, trade and market integration, and security. The cultural goal is to promote cooperation aimed at promoting education at its various levels, at safeguarding the spiritual and moral values emanating from the tolerant teachings of Islam and at preserving the Arab national identity.316 A particular emphasis is placed on the exchange of students and teachers, the creation of a joint university, cultural institutions and research. The economic goal is “to achieve industrial, agricultural, commercial and social development of Member States.”317 Concerning trade, the goal include is to create a free trade area with the dismantling of all tariff and non-tariff barriers.318 Finally, to promote peace and security, the goal includes creating a common defence and for the Union to be a platform for negotiating peace, improving security and resolving existing conflicts among the Member States.319
The AMU consists of 10 principal structures and institutions. These include the Presidency Council, the Consultative Council, the Secretariat, the Meeting of Prime Ministers, the Council of Foreign Ministers and the Judicial Organ.320 The sources consulted did not confirm the existence of an institution or a division of a structure of the AMU that focuses on gender equality and women’s rights.