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2.1. Constitutional Provisions
2.1. Constitutional Provisions
Several countries in the East African region adopted constitutional provisions relevant to eliminating of VAW and harmful practices during the Decade. At a minimum, the constitutional reforms stipulate that women and girls should be protected against abuse and violence. The 2010 Constitution of Kenya, the 2011 Constitution of South Sudan and the 2015 Revised Constitution of Rwanda guarantee the right to marriage based on the parties’ free consent. The 2012 Constitution of Somalia proscribes any form of VAW and prohibits circumcision of girls (Article 15).1410 Notably, Article 15.4 recognises circumcision of girls as “a cruel and degrading customary practice, and tantamount to torture.”1411 Under the 2011 Constitution of South Sudan, the government shall “enact laws to combat harmful customs and traditions which undermine the dignity and status of women.”1412 Similarly, under the 2019 Constitution of Sudan, the State commits to combatting “harmful customs and traditions that reduce the dignity and status of women (Article 49.4).1413 Sudan commits to women’s rights by putting an end to harmful customs and practices against women.1414