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3.1. Constitutional Provisions
3.1. Constitutional Provisions
All countries in North Africa passed constitutional reforms during the AWD relevant to protecting women and girls from violence and harmful practices, such as on the principle of equality. Following the Arab Spring, which started at the end of 2010, several countries adopted constitutional provisions that proscribe violence in all its forms. The 2014 (rev. 2019) Constitution of Egypt guarantees protection of women from all forms of violence, and children from violence and sexual exploitation. The Egyptian Constitution also prohibits trafficking. The 2014 Constitution of Tunisia commits the State specifically to take all necessary measures to eradicate VAW. Under the 1989 (rev. 2016) Constitution of Algeria prohibits any form of physical and moral violence. In 2020, a draft Constitution was introduced in Algeria that expands upon this prohibition. Under Article 40, the State commits to protecting women from all forms of violence in all places and in all spheres. Furthermore, the State guarantees victims access to shelter and care facilities, appropriate appeal methods and free legal assistance.1465