Guidelines for Expert Opinions
Mexico Business News (MBN) publishes a variety of Expert Opinions in the sectors it covers across its platforms. Contributors should keep these guidelines in mind.
1. We retain final decision rights over headlines. Our editors are best positioned to know which kinds of headlines give MBN pieces the best chance of being read, found online, and shared both on social media and in offices around the world. If we rewrite your title, it’s because we believe the revised version will help your idea reach the audience it deserves. Feel free to write a suggested headline but understand that it might be changed.
2. We strive for authenticity in our articles. We don’t publish pieces that have appeared elsewhere, or that come across as promotional.
3. This is your article. It should read the way you want it to read. We will edit for grammar, readability and clarity. If absolutely necessary, we may change some wording or lightly rearrange the structure if it makes sense, but we will strive to maintain your voice and edit as little as possible.
4. You have the final say. We will give you the opportunity to read the final piece and make any final changes before publishing.
Helpful hints:
First paragraph: Engage the reader. What main point or topic do you want to convey? Spell it out in the first paragraph. It should be clear and to the point. The reader should have a clear understanding of the topic. Typically, the first paragraph is up to 4 lines, or two complete sentences.
Body of the article: The body of the article is where you will develop your argument. Use data or other information to support your viewpoint. This can be sourced from an outside but known agency (IMF, WHO, a leading company, etc), or more preferably, from your own or your company’s research if available.
Ending: This is the last paragraph and clearly states a conclusion or summary in one or two complete sentences. It gives the reader a sense of satisfaction.
Viewpoint: As an opinion piece, feel free to write in the first person (I) if that makes sense for the article. Some writers like to write as if they were speaking to their audience.
Simplicity is always best. Rather than writing long, complicated sentences, strive for short, clear sentences. This will help shape your thoughts and better guarantee that you are saying what you want to say. More importantly, it will guarantee that the reader understands what you want to say.