Mexico Aviation & Aerospace Review 2018

Page 276




Q: How has TechOps Mexico improved its capabilities?

In line with our customer focus, we are introducing the

A: We doubled our capacity thanks to changes to our

principles of KBKC for the first time in Latin America.

organizational structure in 2016. We completely renovated

KBKC dictates you know your customer, be proactive, keep

the way we operate to increase our efficiency. TOMX in

your promises and create value. To optimize operations,

Queretaro inhabits three hangars, which can accommodate

we created a central “brain” to coordinate all MRO lines,

12 aircraft simultaneously and 12 operation lines. We are

which saved thousands of man-hours per month. This

the biggest player in Central America after Aeroman in El

team is responsible for setting the strategies for every

Salvador and one of the largest in Latin America. 2016 was

other team. We have an interior workshop and are bringing

our best year in terms of financial results. Our teams are

many other capabilities such as paintwork. Eventually we

operating at full capacity but this facility was designed to

might even develop capabilities for low-volume, high-value

host an additional hangar. Once the fourth hangar is built,


between 400 and 600 jobs will be created as part of our commitment to Queretaro. In return, the state will continue

Q: What changes were necessary to prepare the facility

to allocate funds to education and other incentives to

to incorporate projects from other airlines?

support human capital growth.

A: We have received many enquiries from airlines from the US and Canada, which have been impressed by our

As we are owned by Delta Airlines and Aeroméxico we had

capabilities. There is no other MRO like ours in Mexico,

a fixed number of projects in 2016. Having incorporated

the US or in Europe. Being only 3 years old, the facility’s

additional lines to support our existing operations, in the

design is modern and environmentally conscious. Solar

future we could incorporate third-party airlines. As an

panels over the parking lot supply 30 percent of our

incubator for new ideas for Delta Airlines, we became a

electricity costs. We have water-retention systems and

center of excellence for safety, which is our main priority.

a reverse osmosis water-filtration system. This system

Our security risk decreased from 1.7 percent to 0.7 percent

recycled 264,700 liters of water in 2016, which was used

last year. Safety and training our people are the backbone

to irrigate green areas.

of our operations. We have doctors and an ambulance on site 24 hours a day. Since 2015, incidents have been reduced

Our growth model is different to other MROs, as we base

by 60 percent and injuries by 33 percent. This has led to a

it on our experience working with manufacturers both

reduction of our insurance premium of several million pesos,

in aerospace and in sectors such as automotive and oil

which we are reinvesting in safety certifications.

and gas. We are also deeply involved with the aerospace cluster, sharing resources and best practices with other

Q: What strategies did TechOps Mexico implement to mitigate


problems and take advantage of operational growth? A: We began building our facility in 2016 under the Six Sigma

Q: What challenges will TechOps Mexico face during the

three-year framework. We analyzed the areas that needed

construction of the new hangar and how do you plan to

improvement, doubling our workload to 12 lines. This was

overcome them?

a challenge but allowed us to determine further areas for

A: We could easily build the hangar in two years but it

improvement. A comprehensive plan was developed to

would require an increase in our workforce by 30 percent

sustain this growth and we added 200 people to our team.

and training that number of people in such a short time is

Today, we are focusing on our partnership with the cluster to

not feasible. For that reason, we are working with UNAQ

share best practices and incorporate the Six Sigma culture

and CONALEP to generate more training courses. We

into our operations. We are also investing in Dale Carnegie

employ 1,710 people, of whom 800 are technicians who

training to continue generating front-line leaders.

graduated from UNAQ and 95 from CONALEP. Our teams

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