Minister of Economy
Q: What will be the Ministry of Economy’s guiding
and Programa para la Productividad y Competitividad
principles during the current federal administration?
Industrial (PPCI). We are confident that innovation will
A: The Ministry of Economy is responsible for generating
help us close inequality gaps created in the past decades.
wealth and increasing the well-being of all Mexicans, both of which are also the main objectives of President López
The second pillar – diversification – is essential to promote
Obrador’s administration.
exports of goods and services of all productive fields in the country, integrating those sectors and regions that have
Mexico closed the second decade of the 21 century with
been left out of global market participation. Investment
a trajectory of low growth rates and enormous regional,
in logistics, easier paperwork and the provision of market
sectorial and social disparities. Over the past 12 years,
information will be the springboards that help national
the country has averaged annual growth of 2.1 percent,
producers participate actively in international trade.
of which 69 percent originates with foreign companies, while national businesses contributed 31 percent. Mexico
The third pillar that we will boost is inclusion, which
still must take advantage of its close ties to the global
means promoting collaboration of marginalized regions
economy and at the same time strengthen its productive
and population segments in high-productivity activities.
force. In other words, the virtuous combination between
The combination of these strategic pillars will allow
the global economy and the domestic market will help
us to contribute to the country’s growth and to the
the country find the path to sustained, sustainable and
consolidation of our strengths according to our industrial
inclusive growth for the coming years.
calling and cultural identity.
Our objective is not only to reactivate growth at high
We will articulate a real industrial policy through collaboration
and sustained rates but to do so with a focus on solving
between the conjunction of the national industry, society and
existing inequalities. This means generating wealth
the government, which will increase the well-being of the
without leaving any social sector, production segment
national population. The greater challenge is to close the gap
or region of the country behind.
between regions and between segments of the population.
We have set three main pillars that will guide our policies:
Q: What is the ministry’s strategy to strengthen the
innovation, diversification and inclusion. These pillars
automotive industry while helping the local market
are not mutually exclusive; they complement each other.
to recover?
We are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution,
A: The automotive industry in Mexico is globally
which is changing the way we understand production
competitive. The country’s sixth position in vehicle
of goods and services. The challenge is to adopt these
production and fifth in auto parts manufacturing are proof
technologies inclusively to benefit the entire population.
of that. In addition, over the past decade, the country has achieved several records, mostly in vehicle exports.
Innovation is key for our economic policy. We are convinced that only by adapting to and adopting new
Today, we enjoy a modern and productive infrastructure
technologies, will we be able to produce new goods
for automotive goods that complies with international
and services based on an efficient, competitive and
standards. The foundations that have boosted the sector
productive supply chain that integrates national added
will be reinforced during this administration. Mexico has a
value. The Ministry of Economy will support innovation
solid regulatory framework, a broad network of free trade
through programs such as Programa para el Desarrollo
agreements, a privileged location, as well as competitive
de la Industria del Software y la Innovación (PROSOFT)
production costs in workforce and logistics.