Mexico Automotive Review 2019/20

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Q: How can Mexico maintain its position as the fifth-largest

Another aspect that limits growth is job security. The new

supplier of automotive components worldwide?

Federal Labor Law establishes significant changes in the

A: Mexico has several characteristics that make it attractive

employer-employee relationship and both sides need to

for the production of automotive components. One is its

learn how to best work together. This change is necessary

geographic proximity to the US and Canada. We are the

and mandatory, not only because of USMCA but also

only low-cost country in the North American region, so

because of Mexico’s commitment to the International

the 17 million vehicles produced in the NAFTA region have

Labor Organization.

Mexican auto parts. The strength of the US market has given us the opportunity to grow in past years. We are the most

Q: Now that USMCA is almost enforced, how are INA and

important supplier of auto parts to the US and Canada.

its members working to comply with new local content

Another advantage is the renegotiation of NAFTA, now


USMCA. Its successful renegotiation provided guarantees

A: These new standards will benefit auto parts producers

to investors and companies in Mexico to continue producing

across North America. Companies that use components

for the NAFTA market.

that are imported from outside the region will have to find a way to buy them or produce them locally. This will

The automotive and auto parts industry in Mexico is

surely lead to investments in all three countries. It will be

very dynamic. Domestic consumption is decreasing but

a gradual process and Mexico could use it to attract more

export activity is robust. Brazil is also helping exports

FDI. Still, we need political and investment security and a

grow. Since the Brazilian economy is expanding, we are

robust implementation of USMCA.

exporting more to the country. Moreover, in March 2019, Mexico and Brazil launched a free trade agreement, which

Q: How is INA supporting smaller suppliers to help them

boosted our commercial relationship. Although demand

comply with quality standards and speed up the process

from Brazil will not equal that in the US, it will help us

of complying with local content requirements?

boost our exports.

A: Rather than helping them to develop manufacturing and quality standards, we are helping smaller players to

Q: What main threats could hamper the growth of the

connect with Tier 1s through opportunity identification

Mexican auto parts industry?

programs. If they do not see a business opportunity,

A: A main risk is the availability of qualified labor, which

companies will hardly invest in new machinery and quality

includes blue-collar workers, technicians and engineers.

processes. We have developed a supplier development

Some parts of the country are practically saturated but

program, with SE’s support, through which we visit

other areas have no space to continue growing. Migration

around 150 suppliers, audit them and link them with

toward industrial areas is not ideal because it generates

potential clients.

social problems. The ideal solution would be for the industry to move toward cities with workforce availability. This is

Q: How on track is Mexico to reach fourth place among

something the government needs to promote through

the largest automotive component manufacturers in

federal policies.

the world? A: We are very well on track to reach Germany’s production volume. As a consequence of the commercial

The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) is the organization

war between the US and China, North America will have

that represents auto parts companies established in Mexico.

the opportunity to attract more Chinese investment

It promotes the growth and development of its member-

for auto parts production and we will surely see some

companies in the original equipment and aftermarket segments

Chinese companies arrive to Mexico.

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