Q: Dell was founded 32 years ago in the US. How has it
universities are offering in the digital transformation age.
evolved since it came to Mexico?
This must have two essential components: technology and
A: We began in Mexico in 1992 and saw a great client
quality labor. Mexico has both.
response, especially from multinationals. The company initially sold PCs and laptops but in 1996 we began selling
Q: How is Dell México facing the huge increase in sales of
servers. From 2000, the technology boom benefited Dell’s
mobile devices like smartphones and tablets? Where is
strategy. Sales started to double, the customer base grew and
the industry headed?
our team increased. Over the years, we acquired software
A: We are active participants. These types of devices are
and services companies and expanded our portfolio. In
proliferating and it is expected there will be 50 billion
the first decade of the millennium, Dell shifted from being
phones, tablets and laptops connected to the internet in
a supplier of PCs, laptops and servers and began offering
2020. This is going to require an increase in processing
end-to-end solutions for various industries: government, big
systems and Dell is going to manage this enormous amount
corporations and medium-sized companies. In this second
of data. We are also working on security gaps, as there
decade we consolidated our strategy and began growing
are a million cybercrimes committed daily on a variety of
through networks of distributors and wholesalers that
devices. In addition, half of the companies on the Fortune
allowed us to increase our levels of coverage.
500 list from 2000 have disappeared, which gives an idea of the huge revolution we are experiencing.
The last part of our story is our recent merger with EMC, which has bolstered our portfolio and allowed us to help
Q: To what extent do you think there is a technological
companies manage the so-called digital transformation.
We are observing new business models like Netflix, Uber
A: Experts like Steve Wozniack are talking about the fifth
and Airbnb. There is an effect called 10x wherein every five
industrial revolution, which is linked to so-called artificial
years technology multiplies its performance by 10, which
intelligence. The clearest examples are self-driving
can be applied to bandwidth for example. At Dell, we help
cars, but this is only the beginning. The cloud also has
companies in two ways: to modernize infrastructure for
characteristics of artificial intelligence, such as storage that
those already established and to prepare for the cloud for
can automatically expand without any human intervention.
newly founded ones.
Dell is very involved in the five tendencies that are the cloud, big data, security, artificial intelligence and device
Q: Where is Mexico in the digital transformation of its
companies? A: I am convinced that Mexico will be a key player in digital
Q: What are Dell’s plans for Mexico?
transformation. An example is the iLab development
A: We are excited about our merger with EMC and about
laboratory based in Veracruz that aims to develop and
our participation in the technological renovation and
incubate innovative projects led by young entrepreneurs.
modernization of our client’s infrastructure. We are also
Mexico is in a strategic position due to its proximity to
looking at big corporations and medium-sized companies,
one of the largest global markets and the huge support
and continuing to support the government and consumers. Our aspiration is to continue growing at double digits and to remain market leaders thanks to our portfolio of end-to-
Dell is a computer technology company based in Texas. It
end solutions. In addition, we recently opened our bank, Dell
manufactures and sells personal computers, data storage
Financial Services, and we are increasingly incorporating new
devices, cameras, printers and network switches, among other
processes so that technology is more accessible to people.
devices. It was established in Mexico in 1992
This is the Dell we see for Mexico.