Q: What are Grupomar’s key differentiators?
Q: What is Grupomar’s participation in international
A: Since the company was founded, Grupomar has been
known for being the most innovative company in the
A: We export to the US, but due to the restrictions created
Mexican fishing segment. We were the first company to
by lobbyists, we only sell our products in small chains that
introduce easy-open tins, the first to commercialize tuna
sell Mexican products. Nevertheless, we have managed
salad and the first to offer canned octopus, squid and
to position ourselves in other markets, such as Central
salmon. We also offer tinned sardines. Grupomar manages
America and Spain, and we are opening new markets in the
approximately 60,000 tons of tuna per year and we can
Middle East and Turkey. We were the first fishing company
pack around 2 million cans of tuna on a daily basis.
to obtain the Halal certification. In addition, we also import tuna from Asian countries, such as China and Thailand. We
Q: Grupomar has a wide range of businesses. How do its
prepare frozen tuna slices that we later sell to restaurants,
business units complement each other?
both in Mexico and Spain.
A: We are a very integrated company, from port agencies, ship repair workshops to helicopter repair workshops. All
Q: How does Grupomar contribute to preservation of
unloading activities are performed by another Grupomar
natural resources in the fishing sector?
unit. We also have a plant where we manufacture our cans
A: The fact that the most sustainable tuna fishing happens
and an additional plant for processing and canning all our
where there are dolphins is not an excuse to also capture
products. The group also engages in direct distribution
them. To avoid this, we have a number of devices, including
to big retailers and small shops. We make and sell fish
the Medina Panel, which allow dolphins to jump over the net.
flour from the pieces of fish that are not used elsewhere.
In the case of Grupomar, we have a statistical zero when it
Grupomar is a completely integrated business.
comes to the number of dolphins killed due to our fishing activities. We even have divers who help the dolphins escape
This integration ensures the company’s viability. In the
each time they get caught in one of our nets.
primary sector, there are so many variables that could impact the performance of a company. You have good and
When it comes to the sustainability of tuna, we make sure to
bad years. However, with an integrated business model,
fish only adult tunas. In this way, we guarantee the continuity
you are less vulnerable to nature’s vicissitudes. Our plan
and reproduction of the species.
is to go the same way with sardines. We already have the ships and the plants. We now have to innovate in the
The Mexican fleet follows governmental and the Inter-
sardine segment.
American Tropical Tuna Commission (CIAT) guidelines. We have been part of the Pacific Alliance for Sustainable
Q: How has the Mexican diet adapted to include
Tuna for the past three years; this alliance obtained
Grupomar’s products?
the MSC Certification, which is the most prestigious
A: When we started operating, Mexico did not consume
certification for sustainable fishing. In addition, the
much tuna, so all our efforts were focused on the US
Mexican tuna fleet has been granted the FAO’s Margarita
market. At that time, Mexico consumed about 10,000
Lizárraga Medal Award.
tons of tuna per year, while today the country consumes between 160,000 and 170,000 tons. To foster the sector’s growth, the government launched an advertising campaign
Grupomar is a leader in Mexican fishing activities, port services,
to further promote the consumption of canned tuna. These
industrialization and commercialization of mass consumption
efforts, combined with our product innovation, changed
food. Grupomar is known for innovating in the canned food
Mexican consumption patterns.
sector, with different presentations of canned fish products