Q: What is your perception of the development and
certain sectors, we have not taken on the responsibility of
implementation of the structural reforms by the present
being innovative and creating competitive processes. More
than the conditions imposed by a system or a government,
A: The approval of structural reforms has been one of
and instead of trying to close the door to international
the greatest achievements of the present administration,
participation, you need to step up and offer better services.
without them we would not have such a positive growth
outlook. Among those, the new anticorruption laws are one
Q: What must companies keep in mind when deliberating
of the most significant legislative changes. Despite being
their potential participation in the federal ZEEs program?
overshadowed by a number of factors, this will have an
A: For them, the most important thing is to understand the
important impact on the perception of the country, both
country’s business culture. Doing business in Monterrey is not
nationally and internationally in a short and medium term.
the same as doing business in Tijuana or Juarez City. A ZEE in the southern part of the country where people and businesses
Q: What changes are needed for Mexico to continue being
are not accustomed to international connection, will require
competitive and attractive to foreign investors?
a period of understanding and communication, because
A: The government is doing what needs to be done.
people can be very protectionist. Certainly, the creation of
Although the country’s economic growth is not as stellar
these zones will help to open the country to international
as we would like, we are still experiencing growth. At a
companies; the states in the south will be forced to receive
macroeconomic level, certain elements like inflation, that
the operations of a number of companies.
could be considered negative, are being contained by the actions enforced by Banxico. When it comes to managing
Q: Baker McKenzie created an innovation committee that
macroeconomic foundations of the country, authorities are
will incorporate tools like design thinking. What spurred the
doing a good job. Banxico is taking appropriate measures,
firm to apply design thinking on a global scale?
and the management of public finances is under control.
A: At Baker McKenzie, we like to think ahead of the curve. We try to be strategic partners for our clients, but we
We want to attract more foreign investment, but to do this
cannot be considered strategic partners if we only act as
we need to work on changing many perceptions. This will
reactive advisers. Therefore, our approach to our clients has
be achieved only through having a strong SNA and ensuring
been through industry knowledge. If, for example, we want
that laws are enforced.
to provide the best possible services to our clients in the pharmaceutical industry, we need to become experts in the
Q: How can investment in strategic industries such as
field from different approaches.
energy be reconciled with populist demands arising from nationalistic tendencies?
We have achieved a high level of expertise in every one of
A: We must be aware that in the world we are living, we
our practices through an innovation committee that helps us
are no longer only competing with our next-door neighbor,
to be on the front lines when it comes to providing what is
we are competing with foreign companies that are better
required in any particular industry. The automotive industry
than Mexican companies at what they do. I think that in
in Mexico, for example, is enjoying rapid development. So, our questions are: what does the automotive industry need to experience even more growth? What does the industry
Baker McKenzie is an international law firm that has been
need to stay ahead of the renegotiation of NAFTA? How
operating in Mexico for over 50 years in the main economic
do we anticipate the coming discussion of rules of origin?
sectors. The firm has offices in Mexico City, Monterrey,
We must innovate and prepare ourselves to answer these
Guadalajara, Juarez City and Tijuana