Q: What role does CCE play in Mexico’s economic and
At the same time, we have to help and even generate
social development?
pressure on the authorities to solve security issues.
A: We have a variety of organizations that represent businesses in different areas of the economy, either
Another pillar for development is the creation of public
generally or in more specific industries. CCE was created
policies that generate competitiveness. Topics such as
to address the need to share a transversal agenda
deregulation and the combination of efforts between
between all business organizations. Although each
development and commercial banks are key to improving
organization looks for solutions to specific problems
the country’s standing. We also need a public policy
that impact their sector, CCE voices concerns related to
that facilitates communication between SMEs and the
structural problems. CCE is the umbrella organization for
scientific community so they can work together and
most of the country’s business entities.
generate products that have greater added value.
Our transversal agenda includes issues related to economic
Efficiency and transparency of governments are
and financial public policy, which entails decisions that
also fundamental issues. We want all governments,
directly impact the economy. As representatives of the
not only at the federal level but locally as well, to
country’s business organizations, we
commit to the digitalization of their
have direct interaction with both the
processes, which would allow for
legislative and executive branches of government, promoting and analyzing initiatives that we believe can help solve the country’s most pressing issues.
Employment in Mexico generated by SMEs
governmental accountability and comparisons between states. Any efficient government must ensure all economic variables are managed w i t h re s p o n s i b i l i t y to a l l ow fo r
We are interested in the creation of
economic growth.
public policies that help to better organize the market, that allow for free competition and that at the same time
Businesses and society need to always be vigilant and
facilitate the generation of new businesses.
hold whoever governs the country accountable to avoid mistakes in economic policy that could generate
Q: How does CCE comply with its mandate to help
inflation and increase debt. A breakdown of the country’s
develop public policies intended for economic growth
macroeconomic indicators would eliminate the stability
and competitiveness?
businesses need to develop. That is why we insist so
A: Two years ago, we created a document for the
much on Banxico’s independence, on responsible debt
candidates participating in the electoral process,
management from the Ministry of Public Credit and
whether running for president, the legislative branch
on the constant improvement in the management of
or governorships. This document, México Mejor Futuro
PEMEX’s debt indicators, which in the end are related
(Mexico, a Better Future), identified five pillars in which
to management of the national debt. Actions such as
both the government and the private sector need to work.
the cancellation of NAIM, which are politically motivated
The first pillar is rule of law and security and the private
and not justified by technical reasons, generate distress
sector's participation is crucial for this. We need to work
that not only impacts macroeconomic indicators, such as
against corruption, promote integrity and business ethics
interest rates, but also generate a loss in competitiveness.
within companies and initiate codes of conduct regarding corporate governance that can also permeate SMEs, thus
Sustainability is a priority as well. We cannot achieve
creating a culture of greater compliance in the country.
definite development without it being sustainable.