Mexico Business Review 2019

Page 209



The previous state administration referred to Jalisco as an

According to our most recent data, the agri-industrial

agri-food giant. I do not believe that designation is correct.

sector in the state hosts 12,529 economic units. Of this total,

Rather, Jalisco is positioned nationally as an industrial hub

11,773 are microbusinesses while 529 are small businesses.

due to the level of investment we have attracted in the

These are the two areas we will focus on strengthening.

agroindustry, innovation and technology segments. Despite

One strategy we are already implementing is to provide

the state’s growth, it would be false to say the economic

municipalities with machinery that will enhance agricultural

policies implemented in the past have been a success. Jalisco

productivity. This equipment will be used to maintain roads

still has 2.5 million people living in poverty. Around 40 percent

between crops, construct troughs and dredge rivers. The

of the state’s population receives an income below the welfare

machinery will also allow municipalities to deal with damage

line and half the population does not have social security.

generated by natural disasters like storms, floods or fires.

Moreover, almost 61 percent of the employed population earns an income equal to or less than three times the minimum wage.

Our commitment to Jalisco’s agricultural sector is clear: we

Unfortunately, the situation is even more dire among the rural

want it to continue growing. We want Jalisco to maintain its

population; 87 percent of the rural population receives less

productive leadership in the country but we want to do it

than three times the minimum wage and around 90 percent

by putting farmers front and center so we can help elevate

of those who work in the agricultural sector have neither a

their quality of life. Our strategy is to position Jalisco as the

pension nor access to a dignified retirement. Given these

national leader in economic value and social contributions

conditions, we cannot say that Jalisco is an agri-food giant.

through the development of strategic production chains. These will take advantage of our regionalization strategy and

It is clear that the strategies implemented by previous

our local talent, benefiting the entire population. Throughout,

administrations have not resulted in the conditions needed

we will maintain a responsible and sustainable focus.

to reduce the inequality gap. Although we recognize that important steps have been taken, it is necessary to consolidate Jalisco’s leadership beyond employment generation and exports. We also need to increase the population’s income level. Our administration seeks











to generate economic development through regional specialization. This means that we will take advantage

Overall, our modus operandi will be based on two pillars:

of the strengths and opportunities offered by Jalisco’s

the strengthening of, and respect for, the rule of law and

different regions to foster sustainable development that

the improvement of physical and digital infrastructure. We

first and foremost benefits our population. As the new state

also will base our economic development on processes that

government, we take this commitment very seriously.

improve the state’s regulations, sustainability and social responsibility, while also implementing an integral educational

The agroindustry will ignite economic activity in the

project. For the state, is important to take into consideration

agricultural regions of the state. Paradoxically, although this

the strengths and opportunities in each region to generate

industry is considered an engine for economic growth, the

a focused educational program. The proposition will be

living conditions of those in the sector have not improved.

complemented with strategies for regional development

We must reverse this situation. We cannot continue to foster

and the internal strengthening of the state’s capabilities.

an agricultural sector that generates significant wealth but

Ultimately, our strategy will attract greater investment, help to

at the same time delivers poverty to those who work in it.

integrate the labor sector into the overall growth strategy and

Jalisco should not be an agri-food giant that condemns its

strengthen the state’s SMEs and the use of innovation, science

citizens to poverty or migration.

and technology development as engines of Jalisco’s economy.


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