Q: CNA has been in the country for over 30 years. What
CNA is working on its 2030 vision, a long-term plan that
is its relevance in modern Mexico?
encompasses subjects like budget, water, social security,
A: Mexico is the most open country in the world. We
research, infrastructure and storage. The country has great
have 12 free-trade agreements with 46 countries and we
potential but needs investment to foster growth. Mexico
continue to work on our commercial relationships. 2018
exported US$4 billion in agricultural products to the US in
was about solidifying those relationships through the
2017 and we finished the year with exports equivalent to
signing of USMCA, the treaty with the EU, the Pacific
US$32.5 billion, which is higher than remittances, tourism
Alliance, the Agreement of Economic Complementarity
or oil. Alongside exports of vehicles and electronics,
with Argentina (ACE 6) and the Agreement of Economic
agricultural products are the third-largest source of
Complementarity with Brazil (ACE 53). We are trying to
exporting revenue for the country.
influence how fast the treaties are implemented and the strategy for their implementation. We are looking out
Q: How can the principle of added-value products be
for Mexico’s interests and making sure that the future
implemented in the agribusiness sector?
of the Mexican agricultural industry is backed by better
A: Generating products with added value in the agricultural
sector is a priority for us. We have examples of meat
US$4 billion – Mexico’s exports of agricultural products to the US in 2017
companies generating their own productive chains, a process that is being replicated for pork and rabbits. We have seen companies that process fruits and vegetables also riding the wave of added-value products. It is a matter of exploiting what we already have. Around 32 percent of what we produce in the agricultural sector goes to waste due to factors that include logistics, price and infrastructure.
Q: Mexico is the 12th-largest food exporter in the world.
Q: Sometimes small producers are not interested in
What strategies must be implemented to increase its
inserting themselves into export or productive chains.
world ranking?
What is CNA doing to address this?
A: We need to work on what it is called “Agriculture 4.0.”
A: Within CNA, we have a foundation that focuses on
There is much to be done in terms of research, patents,
small farmers, transfers technology to them and provides
seeds, product positioning, modernization of irrigation,
guidance on how to produce more efficiently. We also
fertilizers, agrochemicals and satellite information
cooperate with the World Economic Forum’s VIDA project.
regarding the effects of climate change, plague monitoring
This project helps small farmers by providing them with
and sensors to measure humidity. We need to work on
enhanced seeds, insurance and technical assistance. The
having an intensive agriculture sector, modernized and
project also helps farmers create partnerships with their
supported by research, and we need to train our personnel
neighbors so they all focus on a single product and puts
to generate more opportunities. The problem we are now
them in contact with companies that are in need of that
facing in the agricultural sector is a lack of human capital.
product. It is a project we are very proud of and has helped
To address this issue, we are working on agreements with
a total of 32,000 farmers.
Central America to allow access to temporary workers who can help us during the harvest season. However, this
Q: How do you reconcile the nationalistic discourse
is not enough; we need to invest in technology, talent and
that exists in the Mexican agricultural sector with its
infrastructure of cold chains, among many other issues.
modernization needs?