A CRUSADE AGAINST OBESITY, DIABETES YIANNIS MALLIS Vice President and General Manager of Novo Nordisk Mexico
Q: Last year, you launched liraglutide under the name
better diabetes treatment overall both in the public and
of Saxenda. How has the medical market received this
private spheres.
A: Saxenda is our latest approved treatment for obesity.
Q: How can local regulations be improved to promote faster
In Mexico, it has great appeal and has enjoyed a positive
access to market?
reception but it still faces the same challenges as other
A: COFEPRIS’ efficiency is among the highest that I have
medications, such as adherence to treatment.
experienced. It has gone a long way in terms of approving products in an efficient manner. When it comes to access,
Q: What joint ventures is the company developing to place
the biggest challenge is who pays for the treatment after
this and other innovative products closer to low income
it reaches the market. I see a lot of will in some of the big
institutions to offer more innovative products but it is always
A: We are looking for ways to make our innovation
a matter of funding.
accessible to a wider audience. We understand that many people are treated in the public sector, where options are
Q: How could collaborations in the industry help improve
limited. Therefore, we have entered into negotiations with
accessibility for these types of products?
large institutions to make our products more accessible for
A: Together with AMIIF we have opened a dialogue with
people with diabetes and obesity in Mexico.
public players to propose different schemes for funding new medications. Institutions have been open to this and,
Q: Novo Nordisk specializes in diabetes and obesity. What
although we have not made quick progress, the willingness
is your role in shaping healthcare in a population that is
to move forward is there. We all understand the need; it is
becoming increasingly diabetic and obese?
just a matter of finding the right mechanism.
A: We contribute in two different areas. On one side is as a commercial entity, where we develop innovative
It is also a matter of changing the mindset regarding
treatments and bring them to market, and we try to
treatment. For instance, in the treatment of diabetes, Mexico
commercialize them in a way that makes them more
has been effective in reducing prices in the public market
accessible to more patients.
for a specific treatment. This yields savings but also creates a problem in introducing novel treatments: switching the
We also contribute to the treatment of diabetes through
current treatment to a better treatment would mean having
education and with initiatives focused on prevention. One
to pay three to five times more what is paid now. Health
example is Cities Changing Diabetes, for which Mexico
institutions should analyze who is the group of selected
City was the first city in the world to join and in which
people who have the greatest need to obtain the benefits
we participate with several stakeholders. Our goal in
of our product. We are working on pilot projects to pick the
this regard is the development of infrastructure and the
target population that will potentially be most benefited
dissemination of knowledge. In addition, Novo Nordisk
from our most innovative medicines and it seems that the
works with different players to make sure that there
public sector is showing more interest in investing in these
is broader access not only to our medications but to
special populations. Q: What are the main benefits and drawbacks of tailored
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 95 years
financial schemes for pharmaceutical companies?
of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Novo Nordisk
A: I think we need tailored schemes for different therapies
employs approximately 42,700 people in 79 countries and
and for different institutions based on their budget
markets its products in more than 170 countries
availability, their needs, the composition of the population