Mexico Health Review 2019

Page 16




Q: What are IMSS’ priorities in terms of health and healthcare?

to guarantee real health rights for all. To achieve this, we

A: Our main goals are to efficiently and effectively implement

will implement actions to increase affiliation and collection

expenditure, achieve better collection, fight corruption and

in proportion to the economically active population.

move toward universalizing medical services in Mexico together with other health institutions. The objective is that

Q: What problems will be solved through the “Agreement

nobody is left without the opportunity to exercise their right

to strengthen access to justice and social security for

to health. From IMSS’ side, we want medical units to operate

workers or their beneficiaries,” signed by STPS and IMSS?

at their maximum capacity for all levels of care, every day of

A: This agreement will allow joint reviews between the STPS

the week and on both shifts. This will allow us to grow our

and IMSS, so IMSS can access more information regarding

patient capacity without the need to build new medical units.

the relationship between workers and their employers.

Technology will be key in increasing access to healthcare.

In case of omitted information, IMSS will analyze the

IMSS will also launch a telephone medical consultation

company’s processes to determine the correct classification

service, home care and telemedicine. These elements will

for occupational risk insurance and the correct fees derived

be used to expand access to health facilities as they reduce

from it. We want to identify aggressive outsourcing

the need for visits and bed use by up to 20 percent.

schemes that under-declare salaries and thereby affect the contribution base. Finally, we want to have more reliable

IMSS’ directors are also visiting IMSS-Welfare’s rural hospitals

information regarding work-related accidents and other

with President López Obrador. These hospitals provide

useful statistical data.

primary and secondary-level medical care to the population without social security. Employing a preventive approach and

Q: What are IMSS’ major achievements to this day?

a comprehensive healthcare model based on medical care

A: Among the most important achievements is the significant

and community action will allow more than 13 million people

reduction in the mortality rate of women due to pregnancy

from remote communities in the country to receive treatment.

and the 50 percent reduction in the risk of death for children due to infectious diseases. We have also moved forward

Q: What are your main objectives as head of IMSS for the

with population changes. In recent years, services have

next six years?

been adapted to new conditions characterized by an aging

A: Historically, IMSS has always supported Mexico’s

population. PrevenIMSS was created to promote health and

population and we are proud to do our part, strengthening

timely detection of chronic diseases. However, we continue to

what works and has worked and returning to the institute’s

address other health matters at the same time. We improved

founding principle of social security. We want to guarantee

our primary healthcare model and reduced mortality due

that employees have access to quality health facilities,

to cervical-uterine and breast cancer. Vaccination has also

identifying areas of opportunity and evolving to face the

improved and we are seeing better results in reducing the

new realities transforming the country’s health landscape.

risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases.

We will promote a more inclusive IMSS and work every day with a very clear idea: guarantee medical care for all

In the area of transplants, we are the leading public

Mexicans. We must move from the idea of rights on paper

institution. IMSS’ transplant productivity grew by 97.5 percent over the past decade, from 1,728 transplants in 2008 to 3,412 in 2018. This has been possible thanks to the training

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) is Mexico’s

of specialists through agreements with several hospitals

leading healthcare and social protection institution. It was

abroad, including Claude Bernard University in Lyon, the

founded in 1943 and combines research and medical practice,

Vall d’Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona, La Paz University

with the administration of social security and pensions

Hospital in Madrid and the Tokyo Pediatric Hospital.

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