Mexico Health Review 2019

Page 73




Q: What was the motivation to create Apopharma and

In doing so, we were able to benefit many patients with

what market niches will this new division fill?

musculoskeletal affections.

A: Although generic medicines are growing in Mexico, patients in the country still prefer branded products, accounting

Q: Why was Mexico chosen as the base for Apopharma

for more than 70 percent of the market. Given the nature

over other countries?

of the Mexican health system, the private market in the

A: Apopharma has presence with innovative medications

country is mainly out of pocket. Additionally, an important

in other countries, but in Mexico the company is piloting a

part of the population prefers to seek private healthcare,

new strategy to reach patients and physicians with branded

which leads doctors to look for efficient, high quality and

products in selected specialty segments. The same products

higher cost-benefit ratio therapeutic alternatives. Apotex

that we are introducing into Mexico are being used in millions

has a comprehensive product portfolio that makes it highly

of prescriptions in Canada, the US and Europe but under a

competitive and allow patients to receive top-quality products.

different commercial strategy. Mexico is a dynamic market where brands are relevant for patients and physicians.

Apopharma, Apotex’s prescription division, is an opportunity

Leveraging on this, and with the company’s commitment and

to diversify the presence of the company in Mexico and

flexibility to serve the specificity of this market, Apotex dared

expand our reach into new channels contributing to Mexico’s

to move out of its comfort zone to bring fine medicines first

health alternatives. Apopharma strives to provide products

to Mexican patients, and to the rest of Latin America once

that meet international quality standards and have been

the strategy penetrates throughout the region.

certified in different parts of the globe, including US, Canada and Mexico, at the best cost. Moreover, our products

Q: What therapeutic areas does Apopharma cover and

have been endorsed by health authorities such as the

what are some of the medications included in its portfolio?

European Medicines Agency (EMA), FDA, Health Canada

A: Today Apopharma is present in three segments: central

and COFEPRIS in Mexico. All of the previously mentioned

nervous system (CNS), analgesia and lipid lowering

aspects enabled Apopharma to be launched in Mexico in

medications. Some of the drugs we are introducing are for

2018. Ever since that moment, we have offered one of the

treating depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),

most complete product portfolios in central nervous system

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, neuropathic pain, lipid-lowering,

(CNS), analgesia and starting in 2019, cardiology.

chronic and acute pain, amongst others. Along important brands such as Periamid, Ansdepcan, Filcos, Minofedral and

Q: What does Apopharma represent for Apotex in terms

Exotrima, Apopharma’s star medicine is Menural, prescribed

of profits and investment?

for different types of dementia. Menural contains the active

A: We are at an early stage of introducing Apopharma in

ingredient Memantine for Alzheimer’s. What makes Menural

the market. Apopharma in Mexico and Latin America still

and all our medicines different from other players is that

presents the opportunity to expand and penetrate other

they are endorsed and certified by the most important and

segments where the company has not been present yet.

strict health regulatory agencies worldwide. Our significant

Without any doubt, this represents a great success for

investment in R&D has enabled us to have a positive impact

Apotex which can proudly say that it provides physicians

on patient’s quality of life for more than 20 years.

and patients a wide variety of globally commercialized products. Currently, we are seeing the results of an investigative collaboration between Mexico and Canada

Apopharma is part of Apotex. It is an innovative drug company

in different therapeutic areas. This has allowed us to

focused on developing and commercializing products for

accomplish diverse goals such as being the first company to

patients with debilitating and life-threatening diseases where

launch Filcos (Etoricoxib) just after the patent had expired.

treatment options are limited or do not exist

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