Q: How is Sacyr supporting Mexico’s infrastructure
have won tenders for a freeway and a hospital, and our goal
is to continue growing. PPPs require previous experience of
A: Sacyr’s operations in Mexico are still incipient but we are
two to three years. We presented un unsolicited business
starting to grow and profit from the country’s significant
proposal for a project in Bahia de Banderas more than a year
market. Mexico requires first-world infrastructure, which
ago. We did not win the tender but this case exemplifies
is something I believe all the administrations of the past
our vision for the Mexican market and how we have been
20 years understood. That is why the plans are very
working on this idea for several years.
ambitious. Sacyr is committed to helping Mexico achieve its goals. To be more precise, we have several projects
Our goal is to be leaders in infrastructure development in
under construction. These include four hospitals, involving
Mexico, so we plan to take advantage of the related reforms,
an investment of MX$3.5 billion, a freeway that will cost
such as the Energy Reform. Also, the legal certainty that
about MX$1.3 billion and the elevated and underground
the country offers fosters a better investment environment.
trains in Guadalajara, worth about MX$8 billion. We have
Sacyr is a major global player, which I believe is important
also completed several transmission lines with a value of
when participating in PPPs.
MX$500 million. Q: What were the main challenges when competing for
Sacyr has several projects under construction, including four hospitals, with an investment of MX$3.5 billion
NAICM’s tenders? A: There is a high level of competition for the tenders, but what I find remarkable is the quality of the companies that are bidding. For the airport tenders, the system works through prices and points awarded for the qualitative part of the proposal to ensure the winning company represents the highest value. The winning bid must include
Q: What alliances have you fostered to create consortiums?
a competitive price, the guarantee that the cost is worth the
A: We are creating alliances with Mexican companies, a goal
excellent quality delivered and compliance with a deadline.
that complies with GACM’s requirements. They are helping
I believe this scheme is very useful, as it promises Mexicans
us to be more competitive and to understand the country’s
will have an airport built by knowledgeable firms that were
construction market. In an association, we seek an emphasis
fully prepared to face such a challenging project.
on work-related safety, the quality of the work, efficiency and commitment and we ask that the company partner with
Regarding how we obtained the concessions, we had to
us on an attractive price proposal. Our goal is to combine
be more creative than our competitors. We provided a
our international experience with the local knowledge of
more efficient use of time and presented modern designs
our potential partners.
that incorporated the use of the newest materials and technologies. In my opinion, the challenge is to dream big
Q: How will your decision to participate in PPPs impact
while comparing our infrastructure with other countries in the
Sacyr’s strategy in Mexico?
region, such as Chile, that have accelerated their development
A: The legal framework for PPPs in Mexico is well-
processes. We understand that Mexico requires infrastructure
defined but still new, so many realizations are being
development to be efficiently intercommunicated. Sacyr is
made in the process regarding infrastructure financing,
committed to advancing this goal.
design and expectations. Also, many of the proposals lack a cohesive thread. Nevertheless, we believe this scheme is
Q: How do you plan to implement a greenfield-projects
the future of infrastructure development in the country. We
approach in Mexico?