Mexico Infrastructure & Urban Sustainability Review 2017

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“The goal is to achieve greater competitiveness and productivity for the economy to grow, generating more and better jobs� Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, Minister of Communications and Transportation


Infrastructure is the backbone of Mexico’s economy. As sectors like automotive and aerospace flourish, the increased demand weighs on the network of roads, railways, sea and air gateways and structures that underpin the country’s industries. The National Infrastructure Program (NIP) was designed to strengthen that backbone from the ground up and from coast to coast. But almost three years into the NIP, the program is feeling the strain of budget cuts brought about by reduced federal revenues. The government is hoping the private sector will help fill the gap. For its part, the private sector has been disappointed with the number and quality of projects available through tenders, and cautious about taking part in a framework that remains unclear.

The possibilities, however, are many. There is a wide chasm in Mexico’s logistics infrastructure that is keeping the market from reaching its full potential. The country’s road and rail networks are being improved to ensure connectivity across the country but those also demand innovation in operation and maintenance. Social infrastructure is among the most attractive developments as the government encourages the private sector to participate in revamping the country’s education and health sectors through innovative financial vehicles. The newly opened energy sector, meanwhile, is primed for foreign investment. Before the infrastructure segment can fully take off, the risk allocation associated with projects must be balanced between the public and private sectors. Tenders must be transparent and planning processes must demonstrate attractive investments. Investors want in but they are cautious.

Mexico has climbed the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness rankings since the NIP began in 2014, placing 51st in 2016 from 61st. As the NIP roles into its last stages, there are opportunities to bolster the country’s place in the world’s economic order. How Mexico tends to its backbone will determine whether the country fulfills its potential, or squanders it.

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Torre BBVA, Reforma, Mexico City



Infrastructure is the backbone of a country’s economic development. It not only increases mobility and quality of life and optimizes the use of resources but it also attracts investment and increases the country's competitiveness. Mexico currently ranks 57th of 138 countries on the WEF’s Infrastructure Global Competitiveness Index and has steep climb to make its way up the list. The all-encompassing yet ambitious National Infrastructure Program 2013-2018 aspires to make Mexico a world-class logistics hub, increasing the country’s overall competitiveness to become a leading world economy. The government is polishing its regulatory framework and creating new tools to encourage innovation and investment in infrastructure to make these goals a reality.

This chapter provides an overview of the Mexican infrastructure industry up to 2016. The Energy Reform and the Telecommunications Reform continue to captivate the attention of both international and national investors, providing a wide array of development opportunities. This chapter focuses on the regulatory changes and the most pressing concerns of both the public and private sector, as well as the general population. Experts discuss how the various players in Mexico’s infrastructure industry can come together as one to bolster the country’s backbone.



ANALYSIS: The Year in Review


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, SCT


NIP ROUNDUP: Top Targets


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Felipe de Jesús Gutiérrez, SEDUVI


IN BRIEF: Creating a Sustainable, Livable City


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gustavo Arballo, CMIC


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Antonio González Anaya, PEMEX




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Laura Ballesteros, SEMOVI


INSIGHT: Perla Cristerna Montúfar, ICIC








VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Elizondo, Banxico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Díaz de León, Bancomext




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Francisco González, ProMéxico




bring global trade. But according to the Wharton School,

On September 9, Mexico’s new Minister of Finance

if Mexico does not pair up its manufacturing capacities

and Public Credit (SHCP) announced budget cuts that

with strong transportation links it may limit the country’s

would slash infrastructure investment significantly. SHCP

capacity to become an industrialized economy.

submitted a MX$539.7 billion (US$28.4 billion) budget Social infrastructure, housing, urban development and

economic stability, creating a 27.2 percent deficit from

commercial real estate are also important pillars for the

2016. Public works will be cut by 27 percent in real value

country’s economic future. As such, innovative financing

from 2016 and SCT’s budget will again be reduced by

tools have been developed to allow new types of

29.6 percent.

fundraising and better options for long-term institutional investors looking to mitigate risk. CKD’s, CerPIs, Fibras

But not everything is doom and gloom. BMI Research

and Fibras E are all redefining infrastructure investment in

expects these budgets cuts will incentivize the public sector

Mexico and allowing new players to come in under a new

to push for more private investment to make up for the lack

set of rules. Innovation is the name of the game.

of funds and therefore the construction industry should show steady growth. According to Timetric, the Mexican


construction market reached MX$961 billion (US$50.5

Rankings, Mexico still ranks 57 out of 138 in infrastructure

billion) in 2015, up from MX$766.7 billion (US$40.4 billion)

competitiveness. Though that is up eight positions from

in 2010 and it will rise to MX$1.2 trillion (US$63.2 billion) by

2014-15, Mexico still lags behind Chile, Trinidad and Tobago

2020 in nominal value terms.

and Poland.

Mexico is at a turning point. President Peña Nieto’s


administration has been keen on incentivizing foreign

The main problems the industry faces are the lack of long-

direct investment (FDI) in 28 strategic sectors. In the last

term planning, lack of viable projects and, pertaining to

three years the automotive industry alone has attracted

construction, challenges in acquiring rights of way and

US$27 billion, according to Ildefonso Guajardo, Minister of

working with ejidos continues to stunt the progress of the

Economy. But to maintain these levels of incoming cash

NIP. According to Cesar Monroy, Director of Infrastructure

and growth Mexico’s infrastructure has to keep up.

at PwC, “The problem is that there are no projects to invest






in. There is enough money to reach the percentages of Logistically the country is well positioned as it has one

investment established by the NIP but a valuable project

of the world’s major consumers to its north alongside a

portfolio is needed. These financial institutions encounter

strategic Free Trade Agreement and it can also access all

immense quantities of projects that are poorly structured

the benefits of having the Panama Canal as its neighbor to

and planned, therefore diminishing their desire to invest in

6.70 1

6.50 2

6.30 3

6.30 4


5.85 12

5.34 26


4.71 42

4.66 44


4.26 57

3.92 71

3.82 81





3 2

global average Source: World Economic Forum

Source: xxxxxx xxxxx

global ranking






United Arab Emirates




1 Hong Kong


proposal for 2017 (PPEF17) to ensure the country’s

Mexico's Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2016 vs Proposed Expenditure Budget (PPEF) 2017 (figures in MX$ billions and real variations) Government Body


PEF15 Approved

PEF16 Approved

Difference in absolute values between PEF16 vs PEF15

Real Change % PEF16 / PEF15

PPEF 2017 Expected

Difference in absolute values between PPEF17 vs PEF16

Real Change % PPEF17 / PEF16















Autonomous Bodies Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT)


Administrative Bodies Ministry of Finance and Public Credit






















Public Education





















































National Science and Technology Council






































National Defense Communications and Transportation

Work and Social Provisions Environment and Natural Resources Social Development

Directly Controlled Entities CFE PEMEX (Consolidated)

Source: CMIC

infrastructure. The infrastructure sector’s Achilles’ heel is

be able to use them for the construction of energy, road,

right of way issues, which have inhibited investment across

transportation and other types of infrastructure the country

the entire country.” Mexico’s debt continues to increase

desperately needs. These asset classes allow AFORES to

and macroeconomic factors are delaying the completion

invest in long-term infrastructure projects, alongside the

of various nascent projects. The country continues to grow

private sector, and help the government construct the

exponentially, urban areas are becoming congested and

remaining projects of the NIP. These can also be used for

the construction of infrastructure is necessary to ensure

the construction of real estate assets. Fibras are dominating

the entire population has access to energy and water

the commercial and industrial real estate sectors, creating

resources. The country is filled with countless investment

portfolios of thousands of square meters of office space.

opportunities and although reforms have slowed down, the industry is waiting anxiously to bridge the gap.

Originally the 2014 NIP called for US$597 billion worth of infrastructure investment with 37 percent of fund

To encourage the private sector to participate more in the

allocation coming from the private sector. However,

development of the country’s backbone, the government has

new budget constraints will accrue a larger percentage.

created various incentives and financial mechanisms. The

Though Mexico has a strong PPP law there is still a lack

four financial instruments the entire industry is discussing

of regulation and transparency issues have permeated the

are the Fibra, Fibra E, CKD and CerPI. The first CerPI and

industry, which will have to be improved or there will be a

Fibra E were launched in late2015 and the private sector will

risk of scaring away the private sector.


The projects completed this year include the La Marquesa-

2016 is an important year for reducing Mexico City’s

Toluca highway, the expansion of the Mexico City-Puebla

infrastructure gap. The New Mexico City International

Highway, the completion of the Reynosa Bypass, the

Airport (NAICM) is the most important project of the

macro-bypass for the Mexico City-Guadalajara Junction

past decades and given its importance, companies are

with Chapala, the Felipe Carrillo Bypass and first phase of

awaiting the chance to take part in one of the 21 tender

the Don-Nogales Station.

packages. To ensure the connectivity of this project, the


government launched various transportation projects.

As for freeways financed by the public sector, the goal is to

The Toluca-Mexico Interurban train is under construction

complete construction on 80 projects and modernizations.

and it will aim to reduce congestion from Toluca through

Through 2Q16, four freeways were completed giving the

Santa Fe to the Observatorio Terminal near Reforma.

country a total of 57 and for the remainder of 2016, seven

Various improvements and the construction of new roads

more freeways will be completed. These projects will

around the Valley of Mexico Metropolitan Area (ZMVM)

require an investment of MX$43 billion (US$2.2 billion)

will be completed by 2016. Mexico’s port infrastructure

and will stretch 2,700km.

is undergoing serious modifications to support larger growing

According to PwC, companies are opting to avoid

manufacturing and automotive industries. To meet the

greenfield road tenders in general due to the high risk

goal of creating a world-class platform, Mexico’s borders

they must assume. Given a lack of daily average traffic

are being optimized to facilitate the export and import

expectations in new projects, availability payment tenders

of goods, as well as the flow of tourism. Guadalajara and

tend to grab the attention of the private sector since

Monterrey are also adapting their infrastructure to create

risk is mitigated by ensuring constant income flow from

the country’s largest urban areas. The construction of the

public sector coffers to its private sector partner. “At the

Guadalajara light train will increase the efficiency of the

moment, the private sector is suffering due to a lack of

city’s transportation system.

options and it is a reflection on the number of participants








in the few road tenders in the market. The most attractive


projects are the availability payment projects. These types

Many road and rail projects were deeply impacted by

of projects many not have the highest yields, but they are

the various budget cuts. The results were long delays or

the most secure since the payment comes from the federal

demands for the private sector to assume more risk. This

government over a period of 15-20 years,” says Monroy.

year’s largest rail projects are the Toluca-Mexico interurban train and Line 3 of the Guadalajara light train.

PORTS AND AIRPORTS As Mexico’s international trade continues to grow,

Investment in the Toluca-Mexico interurban train is

Mexico is trying to accelerate the development of its two

estimated to reach MX$44 billion (US2.3 billion) and as of

superports, the Port of Veracruz and the Port of Lazaro

September 2016 its construction has advanced 37 percent.

Cardenas, to keep up with additional demand. The NIP’s

This 57km project is designed to relieve Toluca’s traffic in

goal was to turn Mexico into a world-class logistics

a 40-minute commute that would cost citizens MX$12

platform and these ports would optimize its connectivity

(US$0.63). The Guadalajara light train will link Jalisco’s

with the global economy. SCT’s goal was to reach the

major cities of Zapopan, Guadalajara and Tlaquepque with

installed operational capacity of 500 million tons by

a 22km line of 18 stations. As of 2Q16, the train is 45 percent

2018. The construction of TEC II by APM Terminals in

completed and it is expected to be 80 percent complete

Lazaro Cardenas will be completed in September 2016

by the end of the year. This project will demand more than

and immediately afterward the Specialized Automotive

MX$20 billion (US$1.05 billion) for its construction.

Terminal (TEA) is expected to be inaugurated. With these changes, Lazaro Cardenas would have an annual

According to SCT, in terms of value, 81 percent of national

capacity of 47 million tons. The new Port of Veracruz

production travels through highways and freeways. In

is beginning expansion and as of 1Q16, 15 percent of

1Q16, six highways with a total length of 1,600km were

the project was completed and the breakwaters are 48

constructed. During this administration, 26 highways

percent complete.

have been constructed or expanded so far. The majority of these projects were carried out under PPP schemes

The bidding and construction was launched for the

and represented a total investment of more than MX$90

21 main packages of the project of the century, the

billion (US$4.7 billion). SCT is expected to complete eight

NAICM. The airport has been divided into three different

more projects by the end of 2016 to build a total of 34


highways and its goal is to complete 52 highways by 2018.

preliminary projects and the terminal building, which







is part of the second stage of phase one, have all been

trial and error in response to the priorities of the short-

tendered. The security fence has been constructed,

term national plans.

48km of internal paths are established and the terrain The creation of SEDATU was a positive step to increasing

has been cleaned and leveled.







well as cohesion between urban development plans.

In the last 50 years, Mexico has urbanized faster than the

Nevertheless there is still a great amount of fragmentation

majority of the OECD countries. Just in the last decade

that remains. The OECD suggests that SEDATU should

it had the third largest expansion rate of the OECD.

consolidate as a decision-maker on a national level and

According to INEGI’s 2015 Intercensus Survey, Mexico’s

authorities could strengthen urban development through

population growth rate decreased for the first time in 45

better sectoral planning, develop institutional networks

years. From 2010 to 2015, the average growth rate was

to achieve agreements or create a national council that

1.4 percent. The states with the most people are Mexico

would coordinate the development of the country.

City, the State of Mexico and Veracruz, representing 28 percent of the total population, which equates to 33


million people. According to SEDATU, eight of every 10

Mexico must drastically improve its social infrastructure,

Mexicans live in a city and more than 60 percent of the

such as schools and hospitals. The latter proposed by

population lives in 59 metropolitan areas.

the NIP have been the most successful projects. The health sector has been attracting multiple investors,

Mexico City has grown to a point where it has merged

such as Macquarie, and even the energy construction

with the State of Mexico and is now referred to as the

company Arendal. Puebla is among the states with the

ZMVM. The OECD recognizes the ZMVM as the largest

most investment in the improvement and construction of

urban agglomeration in the world. Not only is it the most

new health infrastructure. As of February 2015, the state

populated area in the entire country with over 25 million

had invested more than MX$8 billion (US$421 million) in

people but it also has an immense infrastructure gap,

the previous four years to construct a children’s hospital,

high delinquency rates and a large housing deficit. In an

two new general hospitals, 37 health centers and 49

OECD study on urban productivity and its relationship

smaller medical units.







equivalent to that of smaller cities such as Guadalajara

The government also launched the Education Infrastructure

and Puebla, and much lower than Leon and Monterrey

Certificates (CIEN), which are Multiple Contributions

even though its population is much larger.

Funds (FAM), that are issued through a financing vehicle to improve the infrastructure of more than 32,000 schools.

The study suggests that not only is this due to the

Fitch Ratings has assigned the highest rating to the

socioeconomic environment but also because of the

program and the government is optimistic it will drastically

considerable political divisions across the area, creating

impact the country’s educational infrastructure. According

conflict between regulatory frameworks. Another reason

to INEE, very few schools are equipped with necessary

why Mexico’s urban sprawl has not been properly

learning spaces, such as computer rooms, libraries, staff

contained is that the government has not renewed

rooms and gyms. The organization also discovered that

the General Human Settlements Law since May 1976.

55 percent of primary schools do not have adequate

SEDATU is in the process of creating a new law to take

administration or common areas such as storage spaces,

its place, which integrates federal, state and municipal

green areas or bathrooms. Only 50 percent of primary

planning to create consistent growth across the country.

schools have reputable infrastructure. There are many schools that have all the infrastructure necessary but they

The National Urban Development Plan 2014-2018 (NUDP)

still suffer from the Syndrome del Edificio Enfermo, or the

focuses on the containment of growth, encouraging

Sick Building Syndrome, which means they are extremely

compact and vertical expansion throughout the country.

sensitive to variations in lighting, temperature and other

According to Harvard, the goal is to promote smart growth

environmental factors.

while preserving open space and enhancing public areas. The government also plans greenfield developments


and densification policies. The OECD suggests this plan

Ensuring dignified housing for more than 119 million

needs to be longer than the presidential term and that

people is one of the largest challenges the government

professionalization of the public sector is a critical to

must resolve. The 2013 housing crisis that undermined

improve urban planning capacity. Urban development

the country’s social housing market was a response to

projects were often improvised and conducted through

the government’s changes to the National Housing Plan.


The National Housing Plan was introduced in 2013 and was

alone. The cities that are experiencing the most growth

led by SEDATU and CONAVI to ensure that the country’s

during 2016 are Queretaro, Mexico City, Merida, Tijuana

deficit, which impacts 8.9 million families, is drastically

and Monterrey. The Ministry of Economy observed that

reduced. It was accompanied by new housing policies

the dollar depreciated by 17 percent, from 14.74 to 17.25

that provided more attractive credits and subsidies to the

throughout 2015 and it reached MX$19 to the dollar in

improvement and expansion of housing, both in rural and

3Q16. Nevertheless, it is expected to close 2016 at around

urban settings. The construction industry is now regaining

MX$18 to the dollar.

its stance. According to BBVA, more than 60 percent of the


construction sector’s GDP comes from those buildings and

The real estate market seems to have great expectations

the housing balance seems to be more stable in terms of

to meet and there are various trends that will be

the number of homes built. According to SHF and CONAVI,

sweeping the market, whether it is industrial, commercial

loans given for the construction of housing increased by

or corporate:

34.1 percent, to MX$10.6 billion (US$557 million) from MX$7.9 billion (US$415 million) in the year to March 2015.

The Drive of the Automotive Industry - It is no secret

The GDP of the housing industry reached MX$935.2 billion

that the growth of the automotive industry is speeding

(US$49.2 billion) in July 2016, representing 5.7 percent of

by other industries, and it is pulling the real estate

the country’s GDP. CONAVI says the middle and residential

market with it. The creation of new automotive plants

housing sectors have the largest growth opportunities.

such as Mazda, Nissan and Audi will set off investment in the development of stores, warehouses, and ports.

According to the Unique Housing Registry (RUV) the states with the highest number of housing developments

Multipurpose Spaces - Space is limited and if it can

were Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Quintana

be found in Mexico City, then it certainly is not cheap.

Roo and the State of Mexico. According to SHF, the most

The lack of space in many cities is creating a demand for

expensive homes were located in San Pedro Garza Garcia

interdisciplinary spaces. Hospitals, malls, skyscrapers,

in the Monterrey metropolitan area, Guadalajara and

and houses are beginning to develop projects that

Acapulco, due to its proximity to Mexico City. Zapopan,

increase efficiency and bring together a variety of

Guadalajara has become the preferred location for

activities, business and resources into one space.

medium to premium developments with a growth of

Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara are the pioneer

19.8 percent from 2000 to 2010. The leading cities in

cities of this type of real estate market.

rentals are San Pedro Garza Garcia, followed by Puebla,

Fibras Strengthen the Market - Fibra, or REIT in the

Metepec and Valle del Bravo.

US, are trust funds traded in the public market used to


invest and manage real estate portfolios. These financial

The Association of Real Estate Developers (ADI) foresees

vehicles are taking flight in the market and will boost

investment of US$21 million in 2018 from its members

the development of real estate everywhere. Fibras

Shopping Center Developments in Mexico 2006-2016 Year



Shopping Centers

Gross Leasable Area (m2)






























































2016 (Estimated)






Source: Real Estate Market and Lifestyle

Mexico's Fibras 2016 Name

Fibra Uno



Fibra Prologis

Fibra Hotel

Fibra Inn

Fibra Mty

Fibra Shop

Fibra Dahnos

Fibra HDi












Value of Assets











GLA (m2)











C, I, O

C, I, O




C, I, O



C, I, O

C: Commercial

I: Industrial

O: Office


H: Hotel

Source: Real Estate Market and Lifestyle

account for 2 percent of the GDP and their success has

through development of 13 new buildings, creating a

led to the unification of the 10 Fibras under the Mexican

total inventory of 5.4 million square meters.

Association of Mexican Real Estate REITs (AMFI).

OUTLOOK TO THE FUTURE The commercial real estate sector has seen a boom

The decline of the oil and gas sector in Mexico has driven



the government to implement budget cuts at various

These developments provide citizens with work, food,

junctures throughout 2016. At the end of 2015, the

entertainment and shopping facilities in one location.

Mexican mix registered a 40 percent loss, dropping from

According to Colliers International, as of June 2016, the

US$45.45/b to US$27.37/b. As a response to a possible

shopping centers’ inventory will increase to more than

interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve, Banxico

600 developments, totaling more than 19 million m2

raised its interest rate by 50 basis points, from 3.75

throughout the country.

percent to 4.25 percent in June 2016. To adjust to the





macroeconomic environment, Congress has presented The








an economic package for 2017 in which it proposed

concentrated in the ZMVM, with these representing 32

to cut the budget by 1.2 percent with the objective of

percent of the total, followed by the central zone with

achieving a primary surplus of 0.4 percent of the GDP.

31 percent. According to Real Estate Market & Lifestyle, Mexico City alone will see an investment of more than

The country has a large infrastructure gap and after SCT’s

MX$5.5 billion (US$289 million) and more than 450,000m2

budget was slashed several times in 2016, the PPEF17

of gross leasable area (GLA).

will be cut by a further MX$27.4 billion (US$1.4 billion), creating a 26 percent deficit compared to the amount


initially allocated. This would automatically hinder the

Countrywide, vacancy rates increased from 8.21 percent

tenders for any new projects in favor of completing

in 2014 to 14 percent by mid-2016 and the average rent

those that are ongoing, and would increase the need for

price decreased by 1.48 percent in 2Q16 to US$26.15.

the participation of the private sector through PPPs.

Coldwell Banker estimates that the volatility in the exchange rates and the increase in the offer of offices

The industry is looking forward to the new tenders that will

above 700m will most likely push contracts to establish

be announced for the remaining 15 packages of phases 2

a set range for exchange rates. Colliers International

and 3 of the NAICM, such as the combustion terminals and

estimates that the vacancy rate in 2Q16 was 11.4 percent

distribution lines, sewage system, supporting buildings and

taking into consideration buildings of all classes. Most

central service tunnel. The optimization of the superports,

of the vacancies are seen in the A+ and B classes, and

Lazaro Cardenas, Manzanillo, Altamira, and Veracruz, are

subsequently in the A class.

also sparking a large interest in the industry. Not to mention


the hopeful acceleration of the Energy Sector, where the A+ and A offices continue to see significant growth

country’s deepwater and midstream sectors are in need of

in Mexico City. By the end of 2015, 26 office buildings

new and improved infrastructure. The telecommunications

were constructed, adding 566,000m2 to the inventory.

sector is also awaiting the assignation of the Red

Coldwell Banker expects that for the next four years the

Compartida project that is still in the pipeline, and with it

annual average will remain at 500,000m2 of construction.

the construction of the thousands of telecommunications

This will add a total of 1.9 million square meters to

towers needed to bring coverage to the entire nation.

the current office market. According to CBRE, in 2Q16

Mexico is full of untapped opportunities for infrastructure

190,000m of new office space was built in Mexico City

development and the reforms inspire hope in the industry.






Q: What impact would the completion of the NIP have on

national territory, minimizing costs and transport times.

the country’s economic development?

Since the beginning of the administration, the goal was to more

make Mexico an added-value global logistics platform. The

than 11,000km of coastline, its 11 trade agreements

NIP was designed with SCT input to create infrastructure

encompassing 46 countries, a labor force that is gaining

that would boost mobility and connectivity, not just near

specialization and its demographic dividend make it an

urban areas but also near the markets that consume

attractive territory. The priority of the NIP is to interconnect

domestic production. The goal is to achieve greater

the logistics backbone that connects Mexico’s borders and

competitiveness and productivity for the economy to grow,

seas with the main centers of consumption and production,

generating more and better jobs.






expediting transfer times with a special focus on exports. Q: What strategies is SCT implementing to ensure the Globalization has boosted demand for expertise in logistics

projects are completed on time as well as full transparency

infrastructure, which not only plays a key role in the

throughout tendering processes?

development of a nation but also contributes to economic

A: From the beginning, the NIP established that the SCT

performance, serving as the axis of integration of the

would execute all the programs with a strict adherence


TOP TARGETS More than 81 percent of Mexico’s total national production


is transported through highways and freeways, which

It is essential to boost logistics development in the border

makes them integral to improving internal connectivity.

region with the United States. During the first half of 2016

As of December 2015, more than 30,000km of highways,

the new international Guadalupe-Tornillo bridge and the

freeways and feeder roads had been modernized and

Tijuana-San Diego Airport connection were opened. With

constructed. According to the SCT, 60 percent of the

the inauguration of the Brownsville-Matamoros International

investment in a highway or freeway benefits communities

Railway Bridge and Bypass, at least three new international

by providing crossings, jobs, housing, land, materials and

bridges will have opened when this administration ends.

procurement of services, creating new opportunities for

There will also be expansions and modernizations of at

nearby families

least eight different points of entry: Tijuana-San Ysidro, San Luis Rio Colorado II, Nogales-Mariposa, Ojinaga-Presidio,


Anzaldúas, Rio Bravo-Donna; the Brownsville-Matamoros

Due to the construction of the NAICM, it is important to

bridge and Los Tomates-Veterans.

modernize the main 11 accesses to the metropolitan area of Mexico City. As of September 2016, the expansion of the

The pedestrian bridge of the Tijuana International Airport

Mexico-Pachuca highway through the section of Ecatepec-

opened in the first half of 2016, connecting the airport to

Santa Clara, the expansion of the Mexico-Puebla highway,

San Diego. It will facilitate the border crossing of both

La Marquesa-Toluca highway and the Mexico-Queretaro

Mexicans and Americans using the airport and had a total

highway have all been completed. These were constructed

investment of MX$185 million (US$9.7 million).

alongside the second level of the Periferico, which will connect Mexico City to the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway,

Tornillo-Guadalupe International Bridge and the junction

as well as the construction of Piramides-Texcoco highway.

La Ribereña were inaugurated in February 2016. They

to the law and complete transparency. This is why it

is available to the public. In 2015, an agreement was

is essential that they all operate as an open book. Peña

signed with the OECD to promote transparency and

Nieto presented the NIP in June 2013, along with the

good practices in the construction of the NAICM and a

goals, objectives and projects for which the SCT would be

proposal of legality with CMIC to make the relationship

responsible. So far, there have been approximately 11,498

between construction companies and the public sector as

contracts involving 3,863 companies that total MX$287.5

transparent as possible.

billion (US$15.1 billion). To ensure transparency throughout bidding processes, the SCT decided to implement for the

Q: What are the priorities of the SCT for the remaining

first time a transparency portal that contains information

years of this administration?

on tendering and contracting. In addition, it launched the

A: Halfway through the term, the SCT is moving ahead

two online portals for the bidding of the Red Compartida,

with the targets set in the roadmap of the NIP, supporting

NAICM and the new Port of Veracruz.

the promotion of alternative forms of financing to boost public investment to enable the continuation of major

It has also promoted the participation of public notaries

infrastructure projects. The main objectives of the SCT

with technical backgrounds who have been designated by

for 2018 are to complete the construction of 52 new toll

the Ministry of Public Function (SFP). The most relevant

highways, the construction and expansion of 80 federal

bids are transmitted live over the internet and public

highways, 41,000km of rural and feeder roads, as well as 65

notaries have been incorporated to give their opinions

bypasses and 50 different arterial roads. In addition, two

on the proposals. The public’s requests for information

passenger trains will be put into operation, the first stage

are answered and according to indicators from INAI, SCT

of NAICM will be completed and the operational capacity

meets 100 percent its obligations for transparency, quality

of Mexico’s ports will double to over 500 million tons from

and time of response to these requests. It is noteworthy

270. Aware of the challenge of overcoming the budgetary

that at the beginning of the administration, more than

adjustments that will greatly impact the development of

2000 of these public requests were made and were not

infrastructure, SCT is committed to responsibly allocating

given access to any information. Now, the information

public resources in a transparent manner.

was invested.

60 percent of the investment in a highway or freeway benefits communities


complementary port systems on the Gulf of Mexico, which

The high-speed Mexico-Toluca train will interconnect the

are the New Port of Veracruz and the Port of Altamira,

Toluca Valley and the Western Zone of Mexico City, through

and on the Pacific, which are the Ports of Manzanillo and

a modern, efficient and safe rail service. This project is now

Lazaro Cardenas. The total investment will reach MX$62

about 37 percent complete, while the Right of Way (ROW)

billion (US$3.2 billion).

facilitate the movement of goods between the north and center of the country through the Mexico-Ciudad Juarez highway axis. About MX$500 billion (US$26.3 billion)

for the train route is almost complete. It is expected to begin pre-operational testing in the second half of 2017.


With more than MX$19 billion (US$1 billion) invested, the

The planning and design stages have been completed and

goal is to significantly reduce commuter times and reduce

has moved on to construction. To increase transparency,

vehicular traffic in the capital. This project is about 60

public notaries have been assigned to the 21 bid packages.

percent complete while the ROW for the train route is

All the information will be disseminated through an internet

completed. It is expected to begin pre-operational testing

portal and the project will receive input from the OECD.

in the second half of 2017.

The first phase will have a capacity to transport 60 million passengers and more than 700 thousand operations per


year. At its peak, NAICM will have a capacity for 120 million

The NIP’s goal is to expand and modernize the port

passengers and 1 million annual operations. The airport will

infrastructure quickly to double its operating capacity

also be an important generator of jobs, creating 160,000

to more than 500 million tons from 270 million tons

during the construction phase. It will promote social and

by the end of the presidential term. To fulfill this goal,

environmental development, as well as the economic

over 25 projects will be carried out to consolidate the

development of the region and tourism.




Minister of Urban Development and Housing (SEDUVI)

Q: What long-term strategies will Mexico City implement

Q: How will SEDUVI improve public transportation and

to ensure positive housing and urban development?

expand its reach while reducing commute times?

A: Mexico City is expected to reach a population of more

A: SEDUVI is designing an integrated public transport

than 8.74 million inhabitants by the first half of 2020 and

system in Mexico City that is a prerogative of SEMOVI.

the urban area will cover more than 199,000m2. In terms

SEDUVI plans to create a compact city with a mix of land

of population growth, the city is stable with a downward

uses, allowing city dwellers to carry out various activities

trend. Most of the population is at a productive age and

in the same area, as well as having access to education,

due to their young age, they will need tens of thousands

health and recreational services. This must be reinforced

of homes in the coming years. These new generations will

with accessible housing policies because people are

require new offices, shops and services but these must

obligated to migrate toward the State of Mexico or faraway

follow vertical growth models because the city can no

municipalities, leading to a loss of time and money through

longer expand. The south is surrounded by land reserves

daily commutes.

so we must optimize the urban land available. Q: Mexico City has a housing deficit of about 250,000 Financial and regulatory instruments must be created

homes. What is SEDUVI doing to reduce this number?

to make the construction of affordable housing feasible

A: The housing deficit originates from the high cost of land,

for all socioeconomic groups. In the last few years,

which translates to expensive housing. It is crucial that

the increasing cost of housing has led the low-income

the legislative assembly reforms General Planning Norm

population to migrate to the periphery of the city or to

26, incentivizing the construction of social housing or

distant metropolitan municipalities or even sometimes

generating new norms that allow low and middle-income

onto land reserves, creating an irregular use of land.

homebuilders to enter higher building areas or housing densities than those established by the Municipality Urban

Mexico City is expected to reach a population of more than 8.74 million inhabitants by the first half of 2020 and the urban area will cover more than 199,000m2

Development Programs. This would make it easier to construct decent housing at lower costs. It also is necessary to implement tax mechanisms, such as value captures, which would enable the city to equally distribute the costs and benefits that urban development generates. This would strengthen infrastructure and public services in areas that need it the most, as well as subsidize dignified housing for low-income population segments.

Q: What are the challenges to creating pedestrian-friendly infrastructure that does not impede transportation?

In addition to the new housing deficit, there is a qualitative

A: The Mexico City government has demonstrated its

deficit of housing stock generated by homes that were built

commitment to sustainable mobility by implementing

with dubious materials and in high-risk areas. These are in

urban development policies that prioritize pedestrians,

poor condition and overcrowded. The solution requires

cyclists and public transportation. Transportation Oriented

the implementation of credit programs, subsidies and

Development (DOT) promotes the development and

vertical housing, as well as regularization and if necessary,

densification of areas with existing mass transportation

relocation of irregular settlements from risky areas.

systems, such as the Metro and Metrobús. Implementing DOT has successfully densified municipalities such as

Q: Why does the capital have so many abandoned homes

Benito Juarez and Cuauhtemoc.

and how can these be used for decent housing?

A: The fact that Mexico City has a significant problem with

transformed into commercial real estate. This dynamic

abandoned housing is debatable, although it can be seen

can be reversed through the implementation of urban

in various low-cost municipalities. Families live far from

policies that increase the viability of the construction

their jobs, which leads them to abandon their homes in

of affordable housing, allowing young families to rent

search of housing that is closer to their workplace.

or buy homes in the same area in which they grew up rather than being forced to migrate in search of cheaper

The known facts are that municipalities such as


Gustavo A. Madero, Azcapotzalco, Miguel Hidalgo, Venustiano Carranza and Coyoacan have continued to

Q: What supporting processes must be optimized to

lose population. This has occurred as a response to a

ensure security and sustainable vertical infrastructures?

change in family dynamics, where children migrate to

A: For the last decade, Mexico City has experienced a

other areas of the city to start their own families, leaving

trend of vertical growth that will continue to consolidate.

the parents alone. The result is that houses where five

Dense and compact growth is a sustainable alternative

to six people once lived are now occupied by one or

the city has to satisfy the housing, commercial and service

two people. In the last 30 years, the average number

requirements of its population. This model must be

of people per household has dropped from 5.4 to 3.4,

accompanied by the optimization of urban infrastructure

decreasing each year.

and public services. Due to their location, many neighborhoods have high potential for development and

The second reason this has occurred is due to

regeneration but they have infrastructure networks as



old as 50 years. These infrastructures must be replaced

phenomenon occurs in municipalities or along roads

or rehabilitated to operate in mint condition. The








necessary resources should come from the construction

encourages the transformation of housing properties

of new developments through the implementation

into shops and offices. Such is the case of downtown

of value capture schemes, urban migration work and

Mexico City, where a huge number of homes have been

contributions for improvements.







CREATING A SUSTAINABLE, LIVABLE CITY These are the steps SEDUVI is taking to fulfill its vision of

has identified 13 neighborhoods with high potential for

the future Mexico City:


Identifying potential development and regeneration

By regenerating and densifying areas whose economic

zones through the creation of a Territorial Aptitude

activity has decreased as a result of obsolete infrastructure,

Model, which incorporates a Geographic Information

it will decrease the amount of migration due to lack of

System along with variables that go hand-in-hand with

housing or force habitants to move two hours away from

urban development policy.

their homes and even on conservation grounds. These situations permanently impact the sustainability of these

Action Areas with Development Potential are zones within

zones. In addition, the capacity of public and private

the city that have access to drinking water and public

investment in infrastructure must be improved and the

transport systems such as the Metro, MetrobĂşs and light

management of the investment optimized.

train but that have shown a loss of population and are not at risk of many natural hazards. As of October 2016, 222

The Mexico City government should first consider

neighborhoods had been identified.

organizing the participation of the various stakeholders to optimize the design and planning of public policies

Action Areas with Regeneration Potential are areas where

with ample involvement from citizens. This is why the

the original function has been modified and require

Council for Sustainable Urban Development (CONDUSE)

changes to adapt to the economic and urban environments.

was created. This council provides a space to collectively

These are industrial zones with low concentrations of

reflect, analyze, promote awareness and urge citizens to

jobs, zones with low population densities and zones with

contribute ideas to create an Ideal City in terms of urban

significant infrastructure deterioration. So far, the model





President of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC)

Q: What is CMIC’s impact on the development of the

Q: How will foreign companies affect the development of

construction industry and its members?

the local construction sector?

A: The construction industry is one of the most important

A: The number of projects and investment in the country

and dynamic sectors in the country. It creates 8.1 percent of

has created numerous opportunities for companies to

GDP and creates over 6.1 million direct jobs, or 13.3 percent

develop. Mexican businesses cannot rest on their laurels

of total employment. For every MX$100 (US$5.2) invested in

because foreign players will inevitably enter the fray and

construction, MX$45 (US$2.3) are used for the purchase of

seize the most attractive opportunities. This is relevant to

materials and services. CMIC’s members have a great impact

any company because naturally all players want growth

on the development of engineers, ensuring that they have

for their industry and an industry can only grow on the

long-term contracts to create continuity in employment

strength of its companies. The same applies to the

and that they receive continuous training and education. In

construction sector. This segment is directly linked to other

Mexico, it is mandatory for companies to provide training

industries due to the technology and materials needed for

to all employees. The construction industry is the only one

each project. Mexico’s construction sector is composed

that has created a training school for constructors, which is

95 percent of MSMEs, which means the number of large

the Training Institute for the Construction Industry (ICIC).

companies is small. It is vital that businesses develop so

This will ensure that workers have a better income and a

that large projects can be taken on by Mexican firms.

secure job throughout the years. The structural reforms apply to the telecommunications One of the chamber’s main goals for 2016 is the development

and energy sectors, allowing the country to compare

of MSMEs in the construction sector. CMIC wants to

its needs for growth to the rest of the world. Countries

collaborate with organizations like NAFIN and BANOBRAS


to provide these companies with better investment loans

construction sector’s GDP is usually higher than the rest.

and financing so they can become more efficient and

The industry needs to grow to its potential of 4-5 percent

productive. For MSMEs to become large companies, it is

annually from 3 percent now. The government is creating

crucial that workers receive adequate training.

new policies and programs that promote the development







of human capital, technology and financing as well as designing a framework that will support the growth of MSMEs and promote strategic alliances that will help companies become more competitive at the national and international levels. Q: What role should the government and private sector play to boost the development of infrastructure projects?

The construction industry represents 8.1 percent of GDP The sector creates over 6.1 million direct jobs, or 13.3 percent of the total employment

A: The government should be a facilitator so that the private sector can enter the industry and invest money. It should distribute funds according to the distinct needs of the population to strengthen productive infrastructure as well as to foster higher levels of productivity and competition within the industry. When foreign companies arrive here, they should enter with the intention of creating strategic partnerships through which they bring investment and new work methods. Foreign players come to Mexico for its

affordable labor force and the expertise of the market. As

CKDs have become the most successful financial vehicles

for Mexican companies, they look for foreign firms that will

for the construction of infrastructure. Since its launch four

contribute capital and innovative technology. For instance,

years ago, investment in CKDs has totaled MX$120 billion

in the energy industry there are only a few companies that

(US$6.3 billion), of which the majority has come from

exploit hydrocarbons. Mexico can learn from the expertise

AFOREs. These tools can be used to finance real estate,

of other countries.

mining and a variety of infrastructure such as airports, highways, ports, water and energy projects.

We are not opposed to the entry of foreign companies but there must be clear and efficient regulations. The private

These tools have helped create an optimistic outlook

sector represents 75 percent of the total investment for

for Mexico’s infrastructure industry. CKDs are attracting

infrastructure in the construction sector. Infrastructure

a great deal of foreign investment in the energy,

budget cuts will open stronger opportunities for private

infrastructure and telecommunications markets. Although

investment in the segment. At the moment, there are two

these vehicles create opportunities for financial support, it

ways in which the private sector can participate in PPP

is crucial that we find a way to increase transparency and

projects. One is through tendering processes established

boost diversification in the industry.

by the government and the other is through unsolicited proposals in which the private sector identifies investment

Q: How can MSMEs gain access to financial support in the

projects and aligns them with governmental strategies.

next few years?

These methods of participation have various benefits,

A: MSMEs were the backbone of the economy in

such as the development of infrastructure for the public

2012, generating 33 percent of GDP, 99.8 percent of

and private sectors, the development of more efficient

businesses and creating over 70 percent of the country’s

projects, construction, design and maintenance. It also

jobs. Nevertheless, MSMEs in the construction sector

spreads the risk to multiple parties. Most of this funding

have not fully developed due to the lack of financing.

comes from abroad, which demonstrates that investment

CMIC has fostered strategic alliances with the Ministry

risk is low in the country.

of Finance and NAFIN to create specific financing programs for construction companies. These programs

Q: How does CMIC view the new infrastructure financing

provide support for work capital and the acquisition of

options and what role is it playing in their implementation?

fixed assets through loans up to a maximum of MX$15

A: Budget cuts have led to the creation of new investment

million (US$789,473) and interbank interest rates of

vehicles that are creating opportunities for the private sector.

+10. We also joined forces with Bancomer, Santander,

These new instruments are meant to optimize the social and


economic benefit of developments in Mexico. CMIC works

construction companies with preferential interest rates

closely with the public sector to ensure the diffusion of these

that are backed by MX$300 million (US$15.7 million) in

financial tools as well as the transparency of the plans.

guarantees provided by the Ministry of Finance.







Construction Grounds of the NAICM, Texcoco, State of Mexico





Q: As the new Director General of PEMEX, what are the key objectives for the company’s transformation? A: PEMEX’s transformation is a necessary step to ensure the company’s viability and the generation of value for the country. We are shaping a new stage in the history of the National Oil Company (NOC). Our main objective is




400 300

to become a profitable and highly competitive company


that plays a prominent role in developing Mexico’s energy


Adjustment Plan

329.1 100 378.3 229.1

industry, while strengthening our position as a productive enterprise of the state to consolidate PEMEX as one of the most important oil companies in the world. The cultural shift of all PEMEX employees and the implementation of a new work system, which is based on a more efficient



use of assets and infrastructure, will translate into higher operational excellence. The ultimate objective is to


-100 Income from operations

Allocated expenses

Financial balance

Source: PEMEX Source: PEMEX

generate more revenue from production, processing, transportation,




alliances and access improved technologies while sharing

activities for the benefit of the Mexican people. In the short

risks. PEMEX, as the main oil and gas company in Mexico,

term, PEMEX will have a flexible and agile organizational

is an attractive partner when it comes to investing in the

structure that, through corporate governance practices,

country due to its infrastructure and proven reserves,

will guarantee an efficient and transparent management.

as well as the accumulated experience of its engineers and technicians. These elements will underpin our

Q: What is PEMEX’s production strategy, given the

negotiations with qualifying companies as we strive to

company’s budget restrictions?

find prime partners and to obtain the best conditions for

A: Taking the current oil price into account, we will

the country.

delay or re-evaluate certain investment projects, such as deepwater developments and fields that are not

In this way, PEMEX will attract a third party’s resources,

profitable at the moment due to high-production costs. In

share the risks and thus increase production levels. Costs

addition, we can take advantage of the tools provided by

will be ultimately reduced by operating according to the

the Energy Reform, which allows PEMEX to form strategic

highest international industrial standards that, under shared

2016 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Lines of Action MX$ billion


Other SPEs

Industrial Transform.



Generate efficiencies and reduce costs to increase operational productivity and promote a rational use of resources






Defer / reassess investments minimizing the impact on future production based on profitability and availability of budgetary resources






Adjust CAPEX and OPEX from an average of 50 to 25 US$/b channeling budgetary resources to profitable activities under a low hydrocarbons price scenario












Source: PEMEX



Q: How is PEMEX facing the global market downturn 65

resulting from low oil prices? A: The global oil and gas industry is going through a difficult time and PEMEX is not exempt. Just like other companies in the sector, PEMEX has had to adopt stringent measures to

65.47 Annual Average PEF1 50 US$/b


Expected Annual Price2 25 US$/b


guarantee its viability. The company’s financial priority is to

Just like in other low-price cycles, PEMEX is addressing a


observed mix price

in the long term. Most importantly, the adopted measures

high-case scenario

will not affect the NOC’s employees and facilities. I would like to stress PEMEX’s commitment to our financial and work-related obligations.

Jul 2015

shut but it will not have a negative impact on the company

MX$100 billion (US$5.2 billion). This adjustment has been

Apr 2015

implemented and several anticipated programs have been

Jan 2015

challenging scenario responsibly, adjusting its budget by


Apr 2016

a liquidity issue but not solvency, so its viability is safe.

21 Average Jan - Mar: 25.92 US$/b

Jan 2016

in the market. We have insisted that the NOC is facing


Oct 2015

consolidate its structure to ensure stability and credibility

Oct 2016

country’s resources.


Jul 2016

plans, will allow us to generate revenue and maximize the

observed mix price high-case scenario low-case scenario

low-case scenario Source: PEMEX 1 Federal Expenditure Budget Source: PEMEX 1 2 Calculated as a translation of Brent futures market prices Federal Expenditure Budget 2 Calculated as a translation of Brent futures market prices

Q: How has the budget cut impacted PEMEX’s operations?

and eliminating two corporate divisions, human resources

A: Far from weakening the company, it makes us stronger

and technological research and development, which were

by forcing us to accelerate the necessary changes and

reassigned to the corporate administrative division and

restructure costs and efficiencies. PEMEX will take

PEMEX E&P respectively. In addition, we have reduced

advantage of the flexibility offered by the Energy Reform

overall expenditure and expenses related to personal

and implement instruments such as contract migrations

services, traveling allowances and general expenses, which

and farm-outs, which will allow us to attract financial

alleviates the company’s liquidity.

resources, technology, processes and experience. Q: What strategies has the government put in place to assist PEMEX?

EXAMPLE OF AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF SAVINGS EXAMPLE OF AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF SAVINGS IN IN KEY KEY ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES Marine logistics Seismic acqusition Drilling services Drilling equipment Marine services Maintenance and operational Engineering

A: The NOC received MX$73 billion (US$3.8 billion) from the federal government in April 2016. Considering this significant capitalization and with previous approval of


its Board of Directors, PEMEX committed to clear and normalized payments to suppliers and contractors in


the short term so that current liabilities can be aligned


with the company’s operations. With an additional credit 30%


line of MX$15 billion (US$789 million) from the Mexican development bank NAFIN, PEMEX paid its 2015 debt according to the schedule agreed with its clients.

18% 20%







strengthening of PEMEX’s assets, the NOC’s fiscal regime Source: PEMEX & Total Investor Day Sept 2015 Source: PEMEX & Total Investor Day Sep 2015

has been modified, resulting in more cost deductions and lower taxes, which are estimated at MX$50 billion (US$2.6

To complement the budgetary adjustment presented in

billion) for the 2016 fiscal year. This will lead to a stronger

February 2016, we are directing PEMEX to improve its financial

cash balance and higher liquidity, as well as an improved

indicators through concrete actions, such as the savings

capital structure and debt track record for the rest of the

strategies the company implemented last year by changing

year. All these measurements, paired with a lower amount

its pension plan. We already are generating efficiencies.

of debt, improve the company’s capital structure as it

We have reduced administrative costs by merging three

faces the challenge of adjusting its costs and its business

supporting areas in the Director General’s office into one

strategy to the current reality as quickly as possible.


METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS TO REMAIN KEY MIGUEL PELÁEZ Director General of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC)


Q: What is DGAC’s main objective as the country’s civil

Q: How has Mexico’s aviation sector grown and what are

aviation regulating authority?

the expectations for coming years?

A: DGAC’s fundamental objective is aero security through

A: Mexico closed 2015 with growth of 12.5 percent in

vigilance and the application of aviation and airport laws

passenger numbers, well over the 2 percent GDP growth.

and rules, in addition to applicable international norms.

This surpasses global standards and was achieved thanks

We have excellent and permanent coordination with other

to the policies implemented by the federal government.

aviation agencies, like the Federal Aviation Administration

In addition, although industrial activity grew 2.6 percent,

(FAA), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Transport

transport cargo grew by 6.1 percent. Between 2013 and

Canada and International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI),

2015, 186 new international routes were opened due to the

which emits civil aviation norms for 191 contracting parties.

50 Bilateral Aero Transportation Agreements signed by

Our country has been a part of this since its creation.

DGAC. We also have worked on the approval, signature, negotiation and renegotiation of 23 bilateral agreements.

The federal network of Mexican airports constitutes 76 aerodromes, whose administration is divided into four distinct airport groups

From October 20, 2020, the date of the inauguration of phase 1 of the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM), it is expected passenger capacity will be 50 million people and when it is completely finished, the airport is estimated to have a capacity of 120 million passengers. NAICM will be one of the biggest airports in the world. Q: How will metropolitan airports nearby Mexico City

Q: What are DGAC’s key priorities for private aviation in

International Airport (AICM) be impacted?


A: The metropolitan airport system serves as relief for

A: Our main priority is security, followed by quality and

AICM, a problem we hope to solve with the finalization of

the implementation of appropriate regulation. We watch

NAICM. Once finished, these airports will not disappear.

over security in diverse areas, including airport operations,

We hope they will grow with the quantity of new

entertainment centers, MROs and other maintenance and

passengers NAICM will attract. Within the Metropolitan

manufacturing centers in Mexico’s airports. The federal

Airport System, Toluca Airport is the most conveniently

network of Mexican airports constitutes 76 aerodromes,

located to serve as Terminal 3 for AICM. For people in

whose administration is divided into four distinct airport

the West of the City it is simpler and faster to get to

groups: The Pacific Airport Group (GAP), the Central-

Toluca than to Mexico City’s airport and for this reason

Northern Airport Group (OMA), the Southeast Airport

Toluca would work well as a third terminal for the

Group (ASUR) and the Mexico City Airport Group (GACM),

capital’s airport. It has the advantage of being closer to

in addition to Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA), a

the West of the Valley of Mexico and has allowed the

decentralized organization in charge of the administration

birth of airlines that have had formidable success, which

of 19 airports. The four groups have five-year development

would allow them to use this airport as a platform to

plans detailing investment projects submitted to DGAC

Mexico City. Civil aviation agreements such as that

for approval. There are also a number of aerodromes

signed between Mexico and the US in December 2015

that do not necessarily belong to this system and are

also will push the growth of the metropolitan airports,

the responsibility of state governments. Our role is to

which will continue to support operations in Mexico

ensure all airports comply with safety, maintenance and

City when weather conditions incapacitate the capital’s

conservation, national and international norms.





Q: What are the challenges of implementing a new

A: Mexico City has characterized itself by its growing vehicle

mobility system in terms of resource allocation and

park. Our traffic levels are comparable to those seen in Asian


or US cities and investment in public transportation is the

A: For many years, 73 percent of the infrastructure budget

only option we have to create balance between the city’s

had been allocated to grey infrastructure, which includes

modes of transportation. If a street’s efficiency is measured

urban roads, highways, bridges and parking lots. In terms

by the number of people who use it simultaneously, public

of public policy, automobile drivers received privileged

transport is the most efficient at moving the most people

treatment. The private car’s dominance in public spending

while monopolizing the least space. A car uses the same

classifies it as the most important means of transportation

space as 12 bicycles but a Metrobús carriage can replace

in the city, leading the authorities to neglect investment

250 cars. This not only reduces pollution but also traffic. We



acknowledge that people who use public transportation

generated the consequences we are experiencing today.

are also those who walk the most so we need integrated

Almost 83 percent of Mexico's population lives in cities


so a main priority for governments is the distribution of

must be linked with pedestrians and include technological

resources allocated to mobility systems. According to

transport services such as Uber and Cabify. These mobile

the latest government poll on commutes carried out in

apps help users plan their trips while other applications

2007, Mexico City registered a modal split of 20 percent

can coordinate carpooling or car-sharing services. Our

oriented toward the use of private vehicles and almost

goal is to generate intelligent mobility services with public

70 percent to public transportation. Today 30 percent of

transportation systems as the backbone.









the population uses private vehicles and 60 percent uses public transportation. This is a consequence of the public

Q: What are your projections for the number of buses that

policy previous governments implemented.

will be renovated or added to the public transport fleet? A: The master plan for the Metrobús service consists of 11

Q: How can infrastructure be changed to support

different lines. We have built six and our goal is to build two

sustainable transportation?

more by the end of 2018. We hope federal resources will

A: Around 45 percent of commutes in Mexico City end

support us to build the remaining five to reach the target of

in the city center, namely in the areas of Benito Juarez,

11 routes. We already have the necessary budget for building

Cuauhtemoc and Miguel Hidalgo. An average commute

lines 7 and 8 but for the remainder of the lines we need the

on public transportation sees users taking four different

federal government’s support. SEMOVI is supporting the

modes of transport to reach their destination. This

Passenger Transport Netowrk (RTP). These government-

multimodal consumption increases the importance of

operated buses service various parts of the city that had been

generating a supply chain that offers several options

overlooked in the budget in past years. We have managed to

for people to choose from. The goal of SEMOVI’s new

raise MX$5 billion (US$263 million) for newer technology to

sustainability model is to help all the mobility models

improve emissions and payment methods. The RTP units will

coexist. Efficiency will be measured by the number of

integrate the Mexico City card payment method, expanding

people traveling and not the number of vehicles on the

universal payment to more public transportation in the city.

streets. Mexico’s City Mobility Law, published in 2014,

We also want to help 8,000 taxi operators acquire electric

forced a paradigm shift that placed the individual as a

taxis. The complete system must include a Metropolitan

priority in terms of public policy decisions.

Metrobús network composed of 30 different routes between Mexico City and the State of Mexico. This metropolitan







transportation and mobility options?



network would need an investment of MX$35 billion (US$1.8 billion) simply to meet the current transportation demand.


LOWER CONSTRUCTION RISK THROUGH FORMAL TRAINING PERLA CRISTERNA MONTÚFAR Director General of the Training Institute for the Construction Industry (ICIC)


Workers on the operational side of construction have a

Infrastructure offers the greatest level of employment

tradition of passing their knowledge from generation to

to Mexico’s economically active population through

generation. Fathers often teach their sons all the secrets to

construction but the industry needs to promote more

building the city’s structures. But the absence of certification

training programs, which is not an easy feat because

and formal training can make construction sites risky places

projects are often rushed by tight deadlines, says

to work. “Even though many workers have more than 20

Cristerna. The institute offers the sector a more formal

years of experience, their lack of certification is a concern,”

training option through certified courses, focusing on

says Perla Cristerna, Director General of the Training Institute

companies that have workers without formal education.

for the Construction Industry (ICIC). The institute works

“Our courses can take the company to another level,”

to ensure comprehensive workforce development. ICIC

she says. “We offer training to our 11,000 affiliated

is an institution that belongs to CMIC and was created to

companies and their employees. Every part of the sector

compliment the General Labor Act, which stipulates that

from operations to management can use our institution

employees have a right to receive training. Says Cristerna:

to gain knowledge. The Technical Construction Institute

“We strive to always research, investigate and stay up to date

(ITC), another institute that along with ICIC were created

with all legal requirements and technological advances.”

by the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry


REDUCING MEXICO’S HOUSING DEFICIT MARÍA PALOMA SILVA Director General of the National Housing Commission (CONAVI)

Q: What are the challenges involved in creating a quality

Mexico’s housing challenge can be divided into four

housing market for all socioeconomic classes?

different factors. The first element is the large deficit, which

A: In Mexico, the housing deficit impacts 8.9 million

is tied to the expected population increase in the coming

families and this is increasing each year by 500,000.

years. The second element is that a large percentage of the

CONAVI has developed a platform of specific housing

housing deficit is caused by non-affiliates. To reduce this

solutions that fit different needs, from a house expansion

percentage, programs have been created to incorporate

to full-scale remodeling, and this includes rural, urban and

non-affiliates and facilitate access to financing. Once a

rental housing. CONAVI created the National Information

person is affiliated, that person becomes a candidate to

System of Housing Indicators (SNIIV) to efficiently

receive subsidies through a variety of programs. The third

diagnose the country’s housing situation. CONAVI has

element is that a large percentage of this deficit earns less

developed solutions in coordination with these institutes

than MX$5,000 (US$263) a month. Lastly, many of these

and it supports the programs though subsidies that allow

families live in semi-urban and urban areas.

families to acquire housing through mortgages, improve their current house with programs such as MEJORAVIT or

Q: What support does CONAVI offer to non-affiliated

rent through ARRENDAVIT.

families who want to buy a home?

(CMIC), can even grant bachelor and postgraduate

women were mostly recruited to take care of the cleaning,”


Cristerna says. “Since businesses began incorporating our gender-designed programs, paradigms in the industry



have shifted. Women show more commitment to work

environmental protection courses 30 years ago, most






in comparison to men, who sometimes skip Mondays. In

construction companies did not have any kind of

total, more than 19,000 women are being trained for basic

strategy regarding these topics. Construction sites were

construction positions.”

dangerous because workers did not use safety gear. Small to large companies are now incorporating management

The institute’s top objective is to ensure the comprehensive

departments dedicated to safety and protection. “Our

development of the workforce to improve company

courses help reduce risk in the industry,” says Cristerna.

productivity. “We have over 700 training courses that

“We have evolved to offer computer classes that include

are supervised by the International Labor Organization,”

highly specialized courses that teach students to use

Cristerna says. ICIC divides its courses into a pyramid that

design programs for architectural plans like the Building

separates positions into three levels. Operational staff is

Information Modeling (BIM) software.” The courses have

at the bottom, followed by midlevel and management at

significantly impacted the industry by increasing the use

the top. ICIC guarantees accessibility by keeping course

of technology and safety standards on construction sites.

locations flexible and the material targeted to the needs

Many businesses have improved their human resource

of the students.

abilities and increased the productivity and quality of their projects, says Cristerna.

ICIC has strategically placed programs in 43 delegations in different states with 60 training offices. “Across the

ICIC also envisions the inclusion of more females at

country we have over 1,500 instructors,” Cristerna says.

the operational level of construction and has specially

“We also offer distance learning for workers who need

designed programs to train women in a wide variety of

online platforms to acquire certificates. For management

skills, including plumbing and electricity. “In the past,

training, we offer video conferences.”

A: Non-affiliates are placed into different categories

retirement funds. The funds of the national resources are

depending on whether they are eligible to gain support

insufficient because the housing sector requires long-term

from commercial banks or receive mortgage loans without

investments. Through our collaboration with multilateral

having a housing subaccount. Families that earn less

organisms we have negotiated loans of US$2.5 billion with

than MX$10,000 (US$526) a month can receive support

the IDB, which is the largest housing creditor worldwide.

from various entities. CONAVI has a program called Self-

We have also negotiated a US$1 billion loan with the World

Assisted Living that allows families living in rural settings

Bank and with German development bank KfW.

to construct houses based on their customs and everyday needs. We also are working with rental housing managers

Q: What have been the results of the new National

and designing a Fibras program for the rental market

Housing Policy and the programs found within it?

because families wishing to live in interurban areas are

A: The National Housing Policy has decreased the number

unable to purchase a home. It is by tackling the needs of

of abandoned houses and has begun repopulating the

the urban areas first that we are able to address housing

houses by adding educational, health and other important

problems in other market segments.

facilities to the surroundings. Containing the cities’ growth is also a priority, since compact cities are easier to

Q: How does the housing sector stand in comparison to

manage and it is extremely expensive to create the proper

other sectors and how does CONAVI finance its projects?

infrastructure for cities of extensive length. Intelligently

A: The housing sector represents 14.41 percent of

redistributing urban centers will provide families with

national GDP and indirectly or directly employs over 3

decent housing conditions. The ultimate goal is for these

million people, which is equivalent to 7.3 percent of the

families to live in neighborhoods where they can create

total remunerated population. The sector is larger than

strong social bonds. Two years ago the housing sector was

the agricultural and mining segments combined and it

limited to a few players and its growth rate was around

competes with other industries such as automotive and

-6 percent. At the time we had only 300 developers

tourism. CONAVI has developed alliances with commercial

and today we have 1,800. We have become a trigger for

banks, especially with ABM, which provides investment and

economic and employment growth in Mexico.



KEEPING UP WITH THE HOUSING MARKET JESÚS CANO Director General of the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF)


Q: How has the mandate of the Federal Mortgage Society

companies along with guarantees and insurance for the

(SHF) changed over the years?

mortgage sector.

A: SHF is the third largest of six development banks in the country with a mandate to oversee the housing construction

Q: How does SHF ensure that construction of social

industry and to provide the necessary financial products

housing complies with minimum infrastructure and

to meet the country’s housing demand. The bank has a

sustainability requirements?

direct impact on the shaping of the mortgage market. The

A: The current housing policy prioritizes densification

creation of SHF was the government’s response to the lack

toward cities with sustainable infrastructure. In this way

of financing for housing construction companies in the

we try to tackle house abandonment created by the long

aftermath of the 1994 economic crisis. During the second

distances and traveling times that people often face in

half of the 1990s the only institutions that publicly served

commuting between their houses and their work places.

the mortgage market were the nonbanking, nonregulated

Densification shortens commutes, reducing transportation



costs and the emission of pollutants. It has a positive

Unfortunately, mortgage banks are sensitive to economic

impact on people’s lives and the environment. In addition

and financial crises, which is why the 2008 economic crisis

to the densification priority, in association with Germany’s

strained the financial conditions of the Sofoles, leading the

KfW Development Bank, we have created the EcoCasa

bank to take over their past-due portfolios. SHF became

program. The KfW funds the program at a preferential rate

administrator of first-tier mortgage portfolios while being

that we transfer directly to the housing constructors but

a second-tier bank.

the program is subject to ecological stipulations for the




construction that must reduce the house’s greenhouse gas

Of the country’s 32 million houses, 16 percent are for rent

emission by at least 20 percent. EcoCasa has been a very successful program. The agreement we signed in 2013 was worth US$200 million and it was supposed to finance 27,000 houses between

The absorption of those past-due portfolios led to an

2013 and 2019. However, the program has had a positive

internal transformation of the bank, as it had to expand

reception and we believe that we will assign the remaining

its functions to provide mortgage financing as well as

funds at the end of 2016. This is why we signed an

housing construction financing. Simultaneously, during

additional contract worth US$55 million at the beginning

the first half of 2013 the housing industry started facing

of 2016 to build another 5,000 houses. SHF may ask for

financing problems. The problems were particularly

an additional loan from the bank since the current US$55

acute for the three biggest housing constructors, which

million credit is nearly entirely assigned. The EcoCasa

combined were responsible for almost 30 percent of total

program has received three international prizes, including

housing construction. The financial situation of these

the Ashden International Prize and one from ALIDE in Rio

housing constructors negatively impacted the financing

de Janeiro. It is a very successful program and is a pioneer

for the rest of the housing industry. At the same time,

in its field.

when the current federal administration came to power the authorities began making changes to the federal

Q: How is the bank developing new markets?

housing policy, especially with regard to the construction

A: Younger segments of the population and people with

of low-income social housing, which required SHF’s

higher work mobility tend to lean toward renting rather

participation to finance construction. We now offer a

than purchasing homes. This is why we are developing

broad variety of financial solutions for construction

new financing solutions that target them specifically. Of

the country’s 32 million houses, 16 percent are for rent.

segment. Public institutions such as INFONAVIT and

However, in Mexico City, the percentage increases to 22

FOVISSSTE have solid financial plans. Internal consumption

percent and there are certain parts of the city where the

in our country has grown because salaries in real terms have

percentage increases to 37 percent. This percentage is

increased. Most of the demand for individual mortgages is

similar to the national average in the US.

being covered by INFONAVIT, which holds 70 percent of the mortgages in the country, and commercial banks are

Even though people are not buying houses as much,

experiencing a 15 percent annual growth.

Mexico City is still experiencing a real estate boom and the banking system has yet to develop financial products

We have a product called Housing Credit Insurance (SCV)

for developments that focus on the renting sector. SHF

that provides insurance to the mortgage portfolio of

designed a special product that targets houses for rent. This

commercial banks. This way they have more free capital,

product offers a three-year bridge loan for construction

which gives them the opportunity to provide more credit.

that is later stabilized to up to four years for capital

Our market share is almost 18 percent of the total of the

payment and then we transform the loan into a mortgage

commercial banking mortgage portfolio. In the US and

for up to 20 years. We lend construction companies

Canada almost 50 percent of the commercial banking

up to 80 percent of the cost. It has been a successful

mortgage portfolio has insurance, leaving considerable

program and so far we have projects worth MX$3 billion

space for growth.

(US$157 million) in Monterrey, Mexico City, Merida and Guadalajara and we have around 10 additional projects we

Q: What is SHF’s view of the construction market?

are considering. This means that institutionalized rental

A: It is a solid sector that is showing constant growth.

housing is having a lot of success, which is why companies

The construction industry grows two or three times more

such as Greystar are growing rapidly. For several years,

than the country’s economy. There are important investing

there has been a need for rental housing but there was

opportunities, especially in the financing of housing for

never the adequate financial product until now. We need

rent. The country is growing, housing demand is growing

participation from commercial banking to provide a boost

and we have the necessary financial tools to boost the

to the industry.

industry. After three years of participation in this market, we now work with 17 banks. We maintain an active

Q: What factors can propel the mortgage market?

participation in the market, complying with our role as a

A: We have a solid perspective for the development of

development bank. SHF is the number one bank when it

commercial banking due to stability, low interest rates, low

comes to construction loans because we tailor solutions

inflation rates and competition in the commercial banking

for our clients.



THE FINANCIAL ARM OF THE LAW JAIME GONZÁLEZ President of the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV)


Q: What has been the private sector’s response to

the creation of more CKDs and Fibras will facilitate

financing vehicles like CKDs?

this. We must continue to develop financial instruments

A: Mexico has 53 CKDs and 11 Fibras and they have

that adapt and support the evolving complexity of the

been extremely successful with the private sector. The

financial markets. The infrastructure industry is growing

use of Fibras has encouraged the growth of the Real

and the use of Fibras is increasing at such a fast pace that

Estate segment just as Master Limited Partnerships

the Mexican Association of Real Estate Fibras (Amefi) is

(MLPs) did in the US. These vehicles attract funds and

being created to help monitor them.

invest in different infrastructure projects. One of the biggest problems for the development of infrastructure

Q: How will the presence of the new institutional stock

is the lack of funding, especially from the public sector.

exchange (BIVA) affect the Mexican market?

Through the use of Fibra E, companies can convert

A: New financial intermediaries are seen as a positive

their assets into Fibras and receive funding for new

change in the country. The Financial Reform will boost

projects that they would not get from the public sector.

growth through competition and adequate regulations

The Energy Reform will spark many new infrastructure

because it will bring with it superior services and inclusion.

developments in the public and private sectors, and

In Mexico there is only one service provider, the BMV, and


ENSURING THE ECONOMY’S FINANCIAL STABILITY JESÚS ELIZONDO Director General of Financial Systems Affairs at Banco de México (Banxico)

Q: What is Banxico’s role in regulating the financial

of Financial Service Users (CONDUSEF) and the National


Commission for Assurance and Finance (CNSF). We also

A: Banxico has various functions in addition to monetary

participate in their governmental meetings. Banxico carries

policy, such as issuing currency and regulating the payment

out stress tests and performs improvements accordingly

and financial systems. These functions are couched within

to ensure financial stability. This began in 2009 and occurs

the general objective and obligation to watch over the

once a year. The tests show the resistance of the system

healthy development of the financial system. Banxico’s

to diverse external scenarios. In addition, every five years

policies and other regulatory laws allow us to reach that

we are visited by international authorities such as the IMF

objective. Institutionally, we have interpreted healthy

or the World Bank to test the system. We have learned

development as offering the system trustworthiness,

a great deal since the 2008 crash and we have tested

stability, higher competency and increased accessibility.

shocks of a large magnitude.

To achieve these objectives, we work with the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), the National

Q: What steps can be taken to ensure transparency?

Commission for the Retirement Savings System (CONSAR),

A: There are two ways to make the system trustworthy. The

the National Commission for the Protection and Defense

first is for entities that operate the system to maintain high

having two different stock exchanges will be beneficial

allow for economic prosperity, more competition in the

because there will be healthy competition. This will

financial system and improved quality of banks. Eleven

contribute to growth because both exchanges will look

IPOs have been carried out in the last three years,

to expand the market to gain a larger share. To gain a

representing 10 percent of the stocks in the market.

competitive advantage, companies will have to provide

There are 145 issuers in the Mexican stock market but

superior services at lower prices.

this pales in comparison to the 300 issuers in other developing countries. SME’s should be looking at the

Q: What elements need to be in place to foster strength in

stock market to gain funds to foster their growth, rather

the financial sector and ensure stability?

than depending on credit.

A: The enforcement of adequate laws and regulations and a prosperous economy are needed to strengthen the

Q: What have been the biggest challenges in adapting

financial sector. For a country to have a stable financial

the International Financial Reporting Standards?

market, there must be financial discipline. Historically,

A: In 2012, Mexico began enforcing the International

bank loans have been growing at a faster pace than GDP

Financial Reporting Standards, facilitating the comparison

and with the government’s reforms this pace has steadily

of different financial statements across the globe. This

increased. In the past three years, GDP has grown 2

has made us more alert to changing regulations and

percent and credit 10 percent. This generates financial

norms. One of the main issues is that we often receive

inclusion and opportunities for companies grow.

fragmentary reports and we must ensure the reports have sufficient and viable information. In 1994 there were 12

Credit penetration versus GDP at the beginning of the

banks operating in Mexico and today we have around 45,

current administration was 26 percent and it is now

most of them owned by Mexican investors. In recent years,

at 30 percent. This administration’s goal is to reach

more foreign investors have entered the country, which

40 percent by 2018 and approach the 44 percent

shows there is trust in how the market is developing. Most

average in Latin America. This will be possible with the

of the issues in the Mexican stock market are also apparent

implementation of financial and structural reforms that

in other countries.

security standards in management, meaning that people

A: Overseeing competency in the system is another

will be confident their deposits will not disappear. There is

highly relevant objective, the success of which promotes

a line of financial regulation to this end through which we

a better offering for users. Exit barriers are a challenge

ensure entities have enough capital, reserves, liquidity and

to this objective because users cannot change service

that their financing sources are congruent with the lines

providers. Laws give us the ability to regulate and avoid

of credit they are extending. The second way to increase

these limits that tie people to a product and they allow us

trustworthiness is through user protection. When a product

to regulate published information so users can compare

is offered, it needs to be offered with transparency.

services to choose the most suitable from the outset. We also verify the entry of new banks is not restricted when

Q: What measures do you take to ensure protection

they bring innovation or new development that represents

against a potential repeat of the 2008 financial crash?

improvement to the system. Finally, inclusivity of financial

A: Institutions are not generally concerned with the

services implies they are accessible, that they are used and

stability of the system as long as the system continues

people are adequately familiar with their processes. Banks

to operate in the customary manner and operations are

must disclose the risks they take and through this political

not abruptly interrupted. This became extremely relevant

objective we want to ensure people are not marginalized for

after the 2008 crash because there was previously no

reasons such as the lack of infrastructure or inadequate risk

integral version of the system. With this, platforms share

selection. As a result, we have advocated that ATMs or bank

intermediaries to operate, as do connection platforms for

branches reach even the farthest and most remote locations,

credit cards, the credit bureau, compensation chambers

whether that be domestically or abroad. The services

and payment systems. For this reason there is regulation

offered have diversified with the entry of foreign banks into

and vigilance over practices like contingency plans and

the market. Mortgage loans with distinct particularities like

the mitigation of accumulated risk.

in Canada offer a variable rate for the first five years and afterward a fixed rate, which makes it more affordable. The

Q: How do you ensure the system’s competency and

population has access to more diverse services, intensifying

inclusivity for all users?

competition in the system.





Q: What have been the main drivers of change in the

recently launched a program called Mejora Tu Hotel,

finance industry?

through which we are providing financing alternatives for








hotels to upgrade their buildings. Bancomext is determined

significantly increased in the last few years for commercial

to help small and medium-sized hotels upgrade facilities

banks and subsequently these institutions have been

and the services they provide. Tourism not only extends

less willing to participate in long-term financing. When

to key beach destinations like Cancun and Los Cabos but

combining these regulatory changes with Mexico’s need

also smaller destinations throughout the country.

for new development, a situation arises whereby many new projects are in need of financing. Commercial banks


have less appetite to participate so development banks

Infrastructure Working Group for the last three years.

such as Bancomext emerge as the front-runners in this

Financing is a complex ecosystem and there are some

market. Bancomext focuses on export activities. We need

traditional factors that work across sectors but there also

to close the financing gap between projects and the

are specific requirements such as financing in different

pool of available resources. Our role is crucial to make

sectors. The idea is to bridge the gap between projects

greenfield projects happen.

and institutional resources, not only from local investors






but also from external sources of finance. The country’s Q: How do you ensure that services complement those

economic performance also has placed it in a different

offered by other banks?

category from other emerging markets. New instruments

A: The idea is to use development banks to boost financial

like Fibra E have been created to increase the financing

diversity and also to distribute the risks associated with

alternatives for greenfield and brownfield projects.

lending to new debtors or projects. At Bancomext, we have two main financial services – those we provide directly

Q: What role can Bancomext play to ensure infrastructure

to companies and those we provide indirectly through

is developed on time?

second-tier financing, in which we rely on the presence and

A: BANOBRAS is the development bank mandated to

branches of commercial banks to grant credit to SMEs. We

support the infrastructure segment. Our role is to act as a

are highly involved in both and we complement each other.

liaison between the projects and the institutional investors

Commercial banks want to develop mature projects with a

and to help them deploy some of these resources into

short to medium-term scope but not long-term financing.

the broad concept of infrastructure. There are a lot of projects, from roads, rails, ports and highways to housing

Q: Which initiatives is Bancomext involved in?

and energy, and there is a great deal of work to be done to

A: We are financing a broad base of companies and sectors

match companies with suitable undertakings. We must plan

and as the bank is growing at a fast pace, our pool of idle

according to our five, 10 and 20-year needs to eliminate

capital is getting smaller so we need to be judicious in how


we distribute our marginal financing pesos. We can meet

preparation will be key going forward. The Special Economic

our objectives if we focus on CAPEX, which will increase

Zones (ZEE) coordinated by BANOBRAS will require an

the productive capacity of exporters and sectors including

additional effort by public agencies and development

automotive, energy and infrastructure. We also want to

banks because we want to develop regions, mainly in the

play a larger role in the supply chain and be an agent that

south of the country, that have not been fully integrated

helps suppliers increase their added value in Mexico.

into agreements such as NAFTA and as a result have lagged





in productivity, employment and growth. One key region is Another important area in which we are active is tourism,

the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which is considered Mexico’s

financing large hotels and other projects. Bancomext

third border, connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic.


TAKING TOURISM TO ANOTHER LEVEL CARLOS TRUJILLO Executive President of the Mexican Association of Tourism Developers (AMDETUR)


Q: How have time-share developers like the members in

a considerable effort to disprove this. Another obstacle is

your group benefited from the growth in tourism?

the US dollar exchange rate that is negatively impacting

A: Tourism is now the third largest industry in Mexico,

tourism domestically and from Canada.

surpassing the oil sector on which the country depended for years. The domestic sector grew at a sustainable 11.2

In response, many developers have launched programs

percent rate from 2012 to 2015, compared to 4.2 percent

based on the Canadian dollar for tourists from Canada

for the global industry. According to the United Nations

and the peso for domestic products. Regardless of these

World Tourism Organization, Mexico now ranks ninth as

programs, it is still difficult to attract tourists from Canada

an international tourism destination, moving up from 15th.

and domestically who have been negatively impacted by

The country also is the world’s second-choice destination

the US dollar’s continued strength. The tourism industry

for time-share memberships and number one in Latin

also needs better infrastructure, such as airports with a

America. Many experts say the country is the best location

higher capacity, improved roads and a more reliable Wi-Fi

for service quality and accommodation. The time-share

connectivity. Business executives have contributed to the

industry is different from general tourism. It is growing

rise in tourism by pressuring the government for support.

by around 7 percent annually. In 2015 we sold about

Likewise, the government has given the Mexico Tourism

210,000 memberships and we closed the year with 549

Board promotions that do an excellent job endorsing the

resorts offering our time-share model. We expect growth

country and touristic cities.

to continue. Regardless of the competition, we will be successful as long as we offer high-quality experiences and accommodations that differ from a regular vacation. Q: What financial support do developers receive and what issues need to be addressed? A: We used to work with FONATUR, the funding institute for development in tourism, but its role in providing loans to developers has diminished. AMDETUR still has access to

The sector experienced sustainable growth of 11.2 percent from 2012 to 2015, compared to 4.2 percent for the global industry

loans from other institutions but we do not get the same conditions as other developers around the world. Spanish

Q: What trends are affecting the market?

developers, for example, have a great number of projects


in Cancun because they have longer terms to pay back

experience. This means entertainment, tours and inclusive

the loans and more favorable interest rates than we do. If

activities. Our association´s principal destinations are

we had these same advantages and incentives, Mexican

Cancun, Riviera Maya, Cozumel, Los Cabos, Puerto

companies would be growing much faster. When it comes

Vallarta, Mazatlan, Acapulco, Ixtapa and Manzanillo. The

to tourism infrastructure, there is a lack of financial

most development opportunities and tourism options

support and developers can come up against government

are in Cancun and the Riviera Maya. I believe there are

bureaucracy. We are working with the Ministry of Tourism

opportunities for other groups in urban time shares and

to simplify the process and speed up time frames for

special destinations. New players like Airbnb are emerging


and they definitely affect the market. We consider our







main competitor to be the internet. Consequently, most of Q: How is the industry dealing with its challenges?

our developers are working together with search engines

A: There are several challenges, including Mexico’s image

to be the top results for tourists looking for destinations

in the eyes of many as an unsafe country. We are making

via the web.




Q: How do the industries that drive Mexico impact the

by MIT and Accenture in coordination with ProMéxico

priority industries selected by ProMéxico?

as the creative center of the country. It was decided that

A: The first step in defining our priority industries is to

Guadalajara was a suitable hub due to its environment,

define the new businesses that bring the most value to

talent development and because companies like IBM, SAP,

Mexico in talent, new processes and doing things in a way

Oracle and Intel are already there. The cluster is attracting

that can improve the current situation.

more companies, talent and investment so it needs a push and a development plan.

In this sense, we are reviewing the aerospace and automotive industries, which have many Tier 2, 3 and 4

In the automotive industry, Ford has announced the

companies and thus have the potential to bring more talent

construction of a new plant in San Luis Potosi so we need

and investment through their supply chains. We believe

to increase port capacity to export cars. Because of these

services will emerge as an important area due to national

projects, we value the development of infrastructure.

content requirements, which are particularly pertinent in

New transborder bridges, such as the Guadalupe-Tornillo

manufacturing industries like IT or medical devices. Within

bridge, are being built between Mexico and the US and

these industries, standards must be raised to maintain our

the Matamoros-Brownsville railway is open after 100 years

status as a reputable manufacturer.

without any railway development.

A US$20/b oil price environment forces companies

The country is building the infrastructure it needs to grow

to think about their decisions thoroughly. Mexico had

because of clusters. The special economic zones (ZEE)

everything thought out with the Energy Reform before oil

are also an incentive to build more needed infrastructure.

prices dropped. This reform, as well as business options

The Lazaro Cardenas port will be doubled in size,

and financial instruments, allowed the country to mitigate

capacity and connectivity. There will also be significant

the effect of oil prices in the Mexican economy. However,

infrastructure progress on the Gulf Coast because of the

the oil issue has two sides: price and declining production.

energy sector.

We are aware that we have to diversify. Q: How do you coordinate these infrastructure initiatives

New transborder bridges such as the Guadalupe-Tornillo project are being built between Mexico and the US. The Matamoros-Brownsville railway is open after 100 years without railway development

and create an environment in which companies can grow? A: We developed a methodology to push the supply chain. Caterpillar and Siemens provide strong examples. They have factories in Mexico but import 90 percent of their supplies so we asked them what was needed to provide these locally and in this way we were able to meet some of these requirements. We also can help bring companies that could become part of their supply chains. The same was done for Volkswagen, Ford and GM. Another part of our job, in addition to advising companies

Q: What can ProMéxico do to accelerate infrastructure

on where to allocate their investments, is to recommend


locations in which to establish operations according to

A: ProMéxico coordinates and reviews which needs are a

the availability of universities that provide talent. One

top priority for each sector. Clusters are a key component

of ProMéxico’s most important tasks is to increase the

we must foster. For instance, Guadalajara was defined

standards of suppliers to a level that allows them to work

with these multinational manufacturers and OEMs. This

Q: What common concerns do companies have about

bolsters the country’s supply chain.

working with the government and how do you address them?

Q: Why are companies coming to Mexico now?

A: The first concern is state government debt. However,

A: It mainly depends on each sector but companies

there is a new law that frames the way government debt is

are looking into Mexico because of its macroeconomic

underwritten, which also brings transparency and assures

stability. The second element is the country’s network

companies they will be paid on time. Land is another issue

of trade deals. In this sense, Mexico is quite open. Many

because of the way it is owned in Mexico. Now, there is

countries also have recognized that they can use us as a

a unit in charge of managing this situation and among

launching pad for exports to other areas. Chile and Peru

other things, it has changed the way pipelines are built.

are exporting vegetables to Mexico so these can be re-

Previously, installing an interstate pipeline involved years of

exported to Asia, for example.

negotiations with landowners. The idea is that through the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development

In general, countries and companies perceive Mexico

(SEDATU), companies can negotiate more efficiently

as an important platform and we have leveraged this to

to obtain the right of way. We are also implementing

attract foreign investment. Reforms play an important part

International Labor Organization laws to streamline the

because Mexico is becoming a country with low energy

way wind farms are built, mainly by ensuring transparency

and telecommunications costs, as well as low interest

and increased stability.

rates resulting from the fiscal reform. In addition, the AntiTrust Law shows the country’s willingness to transform

Q: What can ProMéxico do to accelerate the shift from

and evolve in a world of stagnating political will. The

low-tech to hi-tech manufacturing?

reforms are attracting investment in all sectors, leading

A: This shift is exactly what we are pursuing. Mexico

to the development of more commercial and industrial

is ranked third among G20 countries for advanced









manufacturing area is to develop roadmaps, as was Q: How does ProMéxico cooperate with state governments

done for aerospace six years ago, with photonics today

whose objectives are not always aligned with national

and for the Internet of Things in the next six months.


We are working to bring in the knowledge necessary to

A: Competition fosters value. In this sense, we talk to

develop the manufacturing supply chain, for which we are

governors, ministers of economic development and

assessing which companies to invite, which talent must

industrial park owners, who are also stakeholders, to

be developed and which processes we need to usher

promote clusters and provide the best value for a state.

in. ProMéxico is collaborating with the industrial and

Sometimes states need more employees or investment.

academic sectors for this purpose.

However, this administration has stipulated that incentives and infrastructure promised to companies must be settled

In addition to pursuing hi-tech manufacturing, we also

and signed at the Ministry of Economy, ensuring that

are working on the services area. Millions are invested in

interests are aligned. Actions outside these agreements

manufacturing but not for services so we want to attract

will not have the federal government’s seal of approval

investors to that niche. The goal is to have cutting-edge

and thus no budget.

sectors that bring added value to the Mexican economy.


Downtown, Mexico City



The PPP Law was passed in 2012 to increase the private sector’s participation in the development of the nation’s infrastructure. The industry began to flourish and Mexico’s infrastructure began to take shape. In 2014, modifications were made to the law to increase transparency, protect end-user rights and adjust the execution of projects. The most significant adjustment was the integration of unsolicited proposals into the PPP model, which would allow the private sector to integrate creativity and innovation into projects. The industry continues to search for a balance in regulatory framework, financing, the allotment of risk, tendering processes and project planning. As Mexico continues to grow, the need for logistics and social infrastructure increases.

The focal point of this chapter is to analyze the country’s regulatory framework and reforms. Lawyers, consultants and associations give their point of view on how to optimize these regulations and optimize the participation of the public and private sector in infrastructure projects. Throughout the chapter, experts discuss the upcoming challenges the industry will face and the best practices to mitigate not only regulatory risks but construction risks such as negotiating with ejidos and obtaining rights of way in a project.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: César Monroy, PwC


INSIGHT: Ernesto González, MIRA


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nicolás Borda, Haynes and Boone




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Sánchez, Transconsult


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alicia Silva, Revitaliza Consultores


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Reyes Juárez, FOA Consulting


INSIGHT: Gabriel Santana, ANIPPAC


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Vicente Corta, White & Case


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Francisco Torres Landa, Hogan Lovells BSTL


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Benjamin Torres-Barrón, Baker & McKenzie

Juan García, Baker & McKenzie


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nick Panes, Control Risks


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sergio Montaño, McBains Cooper

Silvia Mejía Reza, McBains Cooper



Q: How has the NIP been progressing and which projects

projects from three to six years, which does not factor into

will have the most potential impact?

the investors’ risk of investment. The market has matured

A: It is difficult to measure which of the projects within the

in the sense that investors are now turning down projects

NIP have the most potential because each project has a

that lack structure in these areas and are growing more

different impact on its surroundings. Some projects have

demanding to ensure return on investment. These types of

a significant impact on social environments but may fail to

issues are seen more in transport infrastructure rather than

offer reasonable rates of returns to investors due to low

in energy due to the Energy Reform.

traffic. This is why it is important to create objectives for each project and ensure that the client base is consistent

Q: What is behind the limited use of Unsolicited Proposals

with each of these objectives. In the case of the NIP,

(USPs) in Mexico?

the project portfolio was not an ideal match with the

A: USPs have not been nearly as successful as expected.

objectives established in the program. The main objective

The government had envisioned that these proposals

was to transform Mexico into a logistics platform, which

would complement their own plans and the industry would

is a strategic goal that had a project portfolio tailored

respond positively. Nevertheless, the law surrounding USPs

exclusively to local needs. If the NIP’s objectives had been

limits the types of projects companies can submit. One

to boost southern regions and the distribution of equal

of the main factors that demotivate the private sector’s

opportunities at local and state levels, it would have

participation is that USPs must align with the projects

aligned with the objectives it accomplished.

and priorities the government has defined. A company could present a solid USP for a project that is needed

These types of inconsistencies between projects and

but if it does not complement the government’s plans it

objectives create gaps between the expected results and

will fall through. The second factor involves incentives.

the public perception of its development. At the moment,

The government is offering a 2-5 percent advantage in a

the private sector feels that the projects are disconnected

tender as well as a return of the amount invested in the

from the objectives they were meant to fulfil and that the

studies. These incentives are not attractive enough for

current project portfolio is not boosting the productivity

companies making USPs.

of the country. Australia uses USPs as a way to complement the Q: What factors are in play in the deceleration of

government’s plans, meaning the ideas are innovative

competition and the completion of the NIP?

and full of potential. Other countries provide incentives

A: Having spoken with all types of banks, funds and

such as giving companies a second chance to win a bid

financial institutions, we have been told the money is there

by allowing them to restructure their proposals to match

and ready to be invested. The problem is that there are no

the winning proposal. These types of incentives have

projects to invest in. There is enough money to reach the

incremented the total number of USPs submitted and

percentages of investment established by the NIP but there

have allowed this plan to flourish and bridge the country’s

needs to be a valuable project portfolio. These financial

infrastructure gap. PwC is making recommendations to the

institutions encounter high quantities of projects that are

government as to the factors that are inhibiting companies

poorly structured and planned, diminishing their desire

from submitting USPs.

to invest in infrastructure. The sector’s true Achilles’ heel is obtaining rights of way, which has inhibited investment

Q: How has the price of debt impacted infrastructure

across the entire country. Financial institutions invest in

development in Mexico?

projects that are later shut down due to a lack of adequate

A: The price of debt in Mexico is far more expensive in

planning. Problems that arise from rights of way can extend

comparison to the US and Canada and can be seen when

compared to countries in which projects are carefully

an availability payment PPP for road development. These

planned, are of higher quality and have undergone

types of projects many not have the highest yields but

different maturity phases for a tendering process. Banks

they are the most secure since the payment comes from

are not willing to offer financing when there are risks

the federal government over a period of 15-20 years. At

pertaining to rights of way and the environment but

the moment, the private sector is suffering due to a lack

will charge extra for any other risks that may arise from

of options.

the immaturity of a project or lack of preparation. This drastically increases the price of debt in Mexico and

Q: Which sectors will see the most projects in the coming

impacts the viability of infrastructure projects. Risks


associated with planning stages elevate percentage points

A: In the next few years, Mexico’s ports will become

making projects unfeasible for investors. This often stunts

more active and this is where the most opportunities

development or leaves the financial responsibility to only

for PPPs will arise. In terms of road infrastructure, there

a few that may have to sacrifice revenues or even have to

must be innovation in the current risk-sharing plans and

restructure finances in the future.

structures, especially since there are few projects that have been completed. These projects are mostly small

Q: Why are companies participating less in tenders

bypasses and there are no new large road projects on

and what types of projects does the industry prefer to

the list, forcing the sector to turn to maintenance and

partake in?

repair. Interurban transport systems will require a new

A: Companies are beginning to avoid tenders and in the

long-term policy, where the necessity is justified and

latest only two or three companies placed bids. Companies

established as a long-term project, not just for the current

also are sacrificing revenue, assuming risks they are unable

administration. If the next administration takes the

to compensate with the expected revenue, to enter future

idea and forms the capacity to continue these types of

renegotiations. The current project portfolio is limited

projects, it will have a great impact on the development

and there are no exceptional road projects, the last one

of cities in the next few years. Projects must have

being the Vallarta highway USP. Only two companies

continuity throughout administrations and the pace must

participated in the tender for Indios Verdes and the La

be maintained. In terms of passenger trains, it is unclear

Galarza project had various participants but differed in that

if this type of infrastructure is needed in Mexico or if the

it was tendered through the availability payment PPP plan.

next administration will want to assume responsibility for

It has been several years since the government launched

this project and define the same priorities.



OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMPANIES WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK “We believe greenfield projects provide greater


challenges we are finding in Mexico is that there are very few investible opportunities with well-structured assets and contracts, so we are focusing on making our own,”

growth opportunities and

says Gonzalez. In Coahuila, it acquired a PV project in

risk adjustment that is more

found off-takers for the project and offered a win-win

aligned with our strategy” Ernesto González, Managing Director of Macquarie

Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA)

which it did not rely on the Energy Reform but instead situation whereby it provided savings through electricity bills and at the same time a strong return on investment. Although the energy sector is attracting most of the limelight, the transportation and social infrastructure sectors are just as in need of investment. Although

The government appears caught between a rock and a hard

MIRA is interested in electricity generation projects and

place. Budget cuts mean it must tap the private sector to

expects to spend more time on transmission as years pass,

meet the objectives of the NIP. Although the private sector

transportation has quite a bit of market activity focused

is keen to bridge the gap, many companies want to see a

on roads and in social infrastructure. Hospitals and

transparent regulatory framework first. “The government

universities, for example, are presenting opportunities for

should remain consistent when announcing a given

MIRA. The company expects to participate in PPPs for the

methodology, as this must be applied equitably across the

health sector, even though there are great risks present.

board,” says Ernesto González, Vice President of Investment

“The way to mitigate these types of risk is to spend a great

& Finance at Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets

deal of time with the relevant stakeholders within the PPP

(MIRA). “It should also be proactive in anticipating potential

auctions and ensure they are addressing the risk factors

conflicts that these changes in regulations could give rise to.”

that most investors worry about,” he says.

A number of factors have hit the economy this year,

The Port of Veracruz also is undergoing expansion in

especially low oil prices, the country’s revenue staple.

the next few years and MIRA is primarily focusing on

Some investors have also looked north with concern as

the many greenfield opportunities it can add value

the US Federal Reserve is expected to raise rates, but

to. “We believe these projects provide greater growth

González says that while a rate hike would likely trigger


an increase in borrowing and equity financing costs,

aligned with our strategy,” González says. “The greatest

that should not cloud Mexico’s infrastructure investment

challenge in this expansion will be securing the traffic

climate. “I do not see a significant impact because the

flow, which will then secure the revenue stream that

fundamental infrastructure demand will remain and the

will allow us to finance it. The successful bidders will be

only change would be that it will cost more to bridge this

those that partner with some of the large international

gap.” The use of PPPs must measure the risk on a case by

transportation companies.”







case basis, especially since investor pools have different risk appetites. “There are significant amounts of capital


out there and it all depends on the amount of risk each

vehicles for the development of infrastructure is a positive

investor is willing to assume.”

sign for the industry. “To a certain extent, Mexico’s vehicles





can be a little cumbersome when compared to those in The deceleration of Mexico’s oil and gas industry is

other countries but this can be attributed to the fact

pushing Mexico to make several policy changes to ensure

they are new and that players are trying to navigate the

steady growth with the government preparing further

waters,” says González. “The biggest challenge will be to

budget cuts for 2017. The Ministry of Transport will

clarify the rules of the game for the investor base.” He adds

receive a 26 percent cut to its budget, which translates

that Mexico should learn from the best global practices of

to the completion of fewer projects on the NIP. With

how large infrastructure projects are structured through

fewer opportunities available in traditional infrastructure

auction type settings. “The improvement can be made by

like roads, MIRA has decided to drive the structure of its

carrying out a comprehensive planning stage and focusing

own projects from the ground up. “One of the biggest

more on the long term,” he says.



Q: What legal tools and strategies are the most useful in

A: Permits can be a challenge since some municipalities and

minimizing risk?

states are less pro-investment than others. Security also is an

A: To be successful, large infrastructure projects require a

issue in some states where special measures and protocols

reputable law firm with a track record and knowledge of the

must be followed. Another challenge for infrastructure

industry, good working relationships with the government

projects is financing. Now that the roles of CFE and PEMEX

and high ethical standards. Companies also need good

have changed to compete with the private sector, they do



not have the same financial strength as before and many

Compliance issues need to be looked at closely in Mexico

private companies are having difficulty finding financing

since these can generate the most problems and are the

for their projects. rights of way grants also have become

ones that worry general councils the most. Compliance

more bureaucratic and companies must recruit a highly

deals that incorporate anticorruption, antitrust, labor and

specialized team with a great track record and experience

environmental aspects also are important in mitigating

to guide them. The Social Impact and Environmental

regulatory risks. It is crucial that foreign companies select

Impact studies are two tools from the Energy Reform we

their partners carefully, subjecting them to thorough

are still learning about. Therefore, there needs to be better

due diligence in terms of their financial capabilities and

coordination between agencies that deal with land issues

legitimacy. A partner should have a similar culture and

because, although a company may have the best approach

bring added value. Structuring tax issues early on is

on paper, an integrated perspective is needed.





another key to success as a hasty decision without a tax team may involve starting from scratch. A Mexican and

Q: What challenges will the government encounter in

international tax team to help plan from day one is vital.

meeting the country’s growing energy demands? A: The government must improve integration with the US

Q: What impact will downstream infrastructure have on

and Canadian energy markets and particularly electricity

new developments?

lines. A great deal of investment will be needed to upgrade

A: We are already seeing the benefits of the Energy

and build these connections. Providing affordable and

Reform in infrastructure. Howard Energy just finished

long-term energy commodities at prices comparable

its first open season with the pipeline bringing gasoline

with the US is another goal as this will make our industry

and diesel from Corpus Christi, Texas to Monterrey. There

much more competitive. The government must deal with

are many transportation companies who are not used

anticorruption, compliance and transparency issues.

to competition and will have to do a lot of planning and commodity risk management. They need a strong team

Q: How is Haynes and Boone working to help face these

that understands the financial, regulatory and logistical


aspects. It is important to understand Mexico’s energy

A: Haynes and Boone wants to continue helping local

and infrastructure markets are no longer isolated but

and foreign companies be successful in their project

increasingly integrated with North America. It is important

development in Mexico by providing the best legal service

for PEMEX and CFE to become more international and

possible, adding value for our clients, being cost efficient and

take a proactive approach before they lose too much

understanding the commercial, financial and operational

business. In the future it will be important to make sure

issues within the industries where we have expertise, such

each company is specialized in its segment of downstream

as energy, infrastructure and real estate. The great thing

infrastructure for increased efficiency.

about our firm is that we have the best US-Mexico and Texas-Mexico cross-border energy infrastructure practice.

Q: What are the biggest challenges companies face when

We have high cyber security and technology platforms to

participating in energy tenders?

preserve and protect client information.


BORDER ECONOMIES FLOURISH THROUGH INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OSCAR CORTÉS Executive Bi-national Chairman of the Mexican Federation of Civil Engineering Colleges (FEMCIC) 42








represents a historic opportunity for oil and gas companies.

oil and gas industry is Mexico’s vastly underdeveloped midstream sector.

As the opening of Mexico’s energy sector to foreign investment grows closer to reality, many companies are

Capital investments in Mexico’s midstream segment could

poised to take their first steps into Mexico since its energy

total US$17 billion over the next five years. The issue extends

industry was nationalized in 1938. The timing could not be

beyond a lack of facilities, as the transportation and storage

better, as Mexico is an attractive market with significant

business in Mexico is fragmented and unsophisticated. For

opportunities for inbound investment.

example, PEMEX’s existing transportation network, which connects production centers with domestic refineries

largest economy in the world, has

and export terminals, includes just over 3,000 miles of

abundant natural resources, including both conventional

pipeline, mostly in southern Mexico, compared to the US

and unconventional oil and natural gas reserves. Although

total of about 91,732.6km of crude oil pipelines. For natural

the proposed energy-related reforms impact all areas

gas, Mexico has about 8046.7km of pipelines, while Texas

throughout the oil and gas value chain, most US-based

alone has more than 93341.9km of natural gas pipelines.

energy companies are naturally focused on gaining access

CFE is looking to expand natural gas import capacity

to Mexico’s energy reserves.

substantially in the coming years.

The Mexican government is looking for direct investment

The US$2.3 billion Los Ramones pipeline system project

of approximately US$350 billion in the next few years

demonstrates a significant investment to ensure access to

from outside the country to reinvigorate domestic energy

lower cost energy, a crucial component for petrochemical

production. The conservative goal is to generate a rise in

production and broader manufacturing growth. One of

GDP of approximately 1 percent per year in the early stages

the largest infrastructure project investments in Mexico’s

of reform, roughly equivalent to increased economic

history, the pipeline extends from the Texas border to

output of US$12 billion. Given Mexico’s substantial

Central Mexico, with capacity to transport up to 2.1 billion

reserves and the interest among international energy

cubic feet per day of natural gas to Mexico, supplying a

companies, including many from the US, those objectives

fifth of the country’s total natural gas demand.

Mexico, the 15


are definitely within reach. However, as new liquids production is brought online Because existing natural gas availability is expected

by foreign investment in E&P, significant investment in

to fall short of demand from a growing population and

transportation and storage facilities will be required in

industrialization, the country is increasing capacity for

locations that are underserved or currently not served

importing low-cost natural gas from the US. It is clear the

at all. Without proper investment in the next few years,

Mexican government is moving ahead to develop new

the transportation challenge that US producers faced

rules and to create the regulatory oversight necessary to

in rapidly growing US shale plays may repeat itself in

manage a significantly different energy industry going

Mexico, with new production stranded from refineries and

forward. Foreign involvement in Mexico’s exploration

markets. Overall, it is expected that the lack of midstream

and production (E&P) activity is expected to be focused

infrastructure will quickly become an issue for E&P

first on deepwater and mature fields that are in need of

companies working in Mexico.

further investment, as well as new technology to spur production. The opening of unconventional projects,

The border region, defined as the 10 US and Mexican

especially onshore shale plays, is likely several years away.

Border States, represents a combined population of

One often overlooked investment opportunity for the

nearly 100 million people and constitutes the world’s

fourth largest economy. More than US$500 billion are

Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) said in a news

traded in goods annually between Mexico and the US,

release. MTS has been the owner of the line since 1979

which means commercial exchanges of almost US$1

and approved the contract terms along with partners at

million per minute. The five Mexican states in the Rio

the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, PIR and

Grande Basin — Durango, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo

Baja Rail.

Leon and Tamaulipas — have a per capita GDP that is 2.3 times higher than that of the rest of the country. In

The Cali-Baja region and US-Mexico binational economies

Mexico as a whole, the middle class has grown to include

lose US$6 billion annually due to long delays in getting

as much as 40 percent of the population.

trucks carrying freight across the US-Mexico land borders in San Diego, according to a study carried out by the

Bilateral cooperation is stronger than ever in areas such

San Diego Association of Governments. The Desert Line

as infrastructure development, security and trade. The

could change that in one fell swoop. Once work on the

High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) was established

line is complete, it will allow trains up to 30 cars to travel

to forge a more competitive and dynamic economic

on the line from Mexico to Coyote Wells. There, cars will

relationship between both countries. The HLED establishes

be assembled into 100-car trains for delivery to the Union

cooperation areas under the three broad pillars of

Pacific Railroad in Plaster City. To accommodate this

promoting competitiveness and connectivity, partnering

activity, a new intermodal facility will be built in Coyote

for regional and global leadership and fostering economic

Wells by PIR.

growth, productivity, entrepreneurship and innovation. Rail investments with the binational economy in mind are In 2010, the US and Mexico issued a Joint Declaration

unfolding further east too, especially as the petrochemical

on 21st Century Border Management that acknowledged

sector south of the border opens up in the wake of new

shared interests and recognized the need to fundamentally

energy policy reforms. Much remains to be done but the

restructure the way we manage our border. Two of our

level of ongoing cooperation between Mexico and the

countries’ most dynamic ports of entry are located on

US on border issues is a testimony of the maturity and

the US Southwest border. The San Ysidro Port of Entry on

strength of the bilateral relationship. As Mexico continues

the Tijuana-San Diego border is the busiest land border

to advance, so does our commitment to further the

crossing in the world. It processes an average of 50,000

integration of the region and the development of both

northbound vehicles and 25,000 northbound pedestrians

our communities, which have already been intertwined for

per day. On the Sonora-Arizona border, the Mariposa Port

centuries, toward a stronger global partnership.

of Entry serves as the main port of entry for fresh produce entering the US from Mexico and the primary produce distribution point on the southern US border. Cruz Azul Plant, Hidalgo

The Cross Border Xpress (CBX) sky bridge connecting a new passenger terminal in San Diego directly to the Tijuana International Airport (TIJ) opened for business in December 2015 to serve the 2 million annual TIJ passengers who already cross the US/Mexico border as part of their travels. TIJ serves more than 4.5 million passengers per year overall, flying to 34 destinations throughout Mexico operated by four major airlines. CBX is one of many projects making cross-border movement easier, and thereby aiding commerce, trade and economic development. But the biggest news may be about border cargo. In June 2016, an agreement was reached to pay for the reconstruction and operation of the 112km Desert Line railway in southeastern San Diego County that connects Mexico maquiladoras to rail shipping in the US. “The landmark agreement between Pacific Imperial Railroad (PIR) and Baja California Railroad (Baja Rail) provides a huge economic boost to both sides of the border,” the San





Q: Why is it important that municipalities coordinate the

when it comes to the development of water, mobility and

development of infrastructure?

social infrastructure.

A: Metropolitan coordination is a considerable challenge in Mexico because 60 percent of the population and

Q: How would the creation of an independent entity to

economic hubs are concentrated in 59 metropolitan areas.

manage the country’s infrastructure development impact

There is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to

the industry?

relationships between municipalities for the development

A: When it comes to large federal projects, it is necessary

of infrastructure. It is common for mayors to focus on

that federal, state and municipal governments have a more

short-term objectives that last as long as their term yet

effective decision-making processes and coordination. These

for infrastructure to truly take off, they must have medium

projects require a strategic approach to create the maximum

and long-term visions. It is essential to create effective

value for society. The Toluca-Mexico Interurban train requires



collaboration between the Ministry of Communications and

dedicated to planning, defining the strategic projects





Transport (SCT), the Metro System, the Toluca government

and linking them to a budget. Stronger institutional

and many others. Political parties must be willing to ensure

mechanisms will enable leaders to make the right decision

that all players carry out their tasks correctly. Beyond



Q: How has the lack of greenhouse regulations affected

A: Having an integrated design process in which all key

progress toward building with more sustainability?

stakeholders come together and discuss their concerns

A: Regulation is always a strong force for advancing

and problems is one of the major points of differentiation.

the sustainability agenda. There are efforts being made










construction. At times when the government undertakes

internationally recognized certifications. For highways,

an initiative without consulting the public, the reaction

railways and parking there are several certifications that

is hostile but these certifications force organizations to

meet international standards. The regional Ministries of

bring everyone together. Sustainability considerations

Energy have committed to being part of the international

cost 5-6 percent more but create greater added value. The

development of a construction code that will have an

additional investment should be recovered in less than five

impact on sustainability and they have been trying to

years. Higher quality construction is necessary to ensure

address matters in a different way.

buildings are not abandoned. This can be seen in low-





cost housing that is built far from cities and connecting Q: What are the main benefits of the integration of

networks. In the same way, roads with potholes will

sustainability in building?

be abandoned in favor of higher quality roads. We see

that, the opportunities to develop larger economic value

A: NAICM is Mexico’s flagship project of the decade and

around the stations or to plan better transport integration

it will require the collaboration of hundreds of players

are important aspects that take great effort and tend to be

for the different phases of the project. All these players

minimized under the pressure of the construction process.

have different objectives and different requirements to meet them. It is important to have an interdisciplinary

Q: What challenges will arise from the construction of the

group that oversees these needs and ensures the

Toluca-Mexico Interurban train?

objectives are being met. This group must also ensure

A: The project requires a macro vision to provide the

the project has a positive economic and social impact

end user with accessibility, security, comfort and social

on the surrounding communities and Mexico City

benefits. There are three more specific challenges in

overall. NAICM must take into consideration how it will

this project. The first challenge is urban insertion and

increase accessibility from all fronts to the airport and

the creation of economic value along the train line. The

must ensure there are means of public transportation to

second is to ensure good accessibility to the stations and

and from it.

integration with other transport modes. The third is the transformation of the Observatorio metro station into

Q: What does the government need to do to ensure

an intermodal terminal, which will receive people from

sustainability in its developments?

the metro system and feed into the interurban train. The

A: First, the government must improve the guidelines for

number of passengers and traffic will increase dramatically,

participating in bids. Mexico has increased its knowledge

creating a large construction challenge. The country

and its use of innovative materials. The country now

would benefit greatly if it developed a homogenous vision

has the right tools to create sustainable and ecological

for infrastructure development where infrastructure is

infrastructure yet the policies and regulatory framework

uniform across Mexico.

for the use of sustainable technologies have not been clearly established. Policies should be determined to

Q: How will efficient communication facilitate the

further encourage the private sector to use its expertise

construction of NAICM?

and begin creating solutions.

this quality in developed countries like Germany or

Q: How much responsibility does the private sector have

the Scandinavian countries, where forward thinking is

to educate employees about sustainability?

integrated into the design process. For emerging markets,

A: It is not only sustainability that needs to be addressed

sustainability means higher costs and we need to transform

but many things in general, such as education and

this thinking. It helps to talk to clients in economic terms

respect for women. Those who own companies have a

and explain in detail that their investment will be more

responsibility to educate and inform their workers about

secure and generate a higher yield. Sustainability lies not

these issues. In construction companies in particular, a

only in the design but also in the operation of the building

team needs to be built on trust or projects will not be

and its maintenance.

completed on time, the quality will not be up to standard and there may be many problems. We are pushing for the

Q: What is the main challenge stunting the growth of

industry to be professionalized and for workers to obtain


a certificate for any specialties they may have such as

A: The public’s lack of awareness about sustainability and

setting floors or building walls.

its benefits is a challenge. Those who have never worked in sustainability believe it is between 20-30 percent more

When workers go abroad and can charge high fees,

expensive but we proved that it does not have to be that

they realize the importance of credentials. People

way. We have certified large buildings like Torre Mayor,

should have the opportunity to gain new skills and

where the ability to renew tenant leases is extremely

advance their career when they enter a company. This

important. The commercial real estate sector has taken a

raises worker engagement levels, which nowadays sits

particular interest in these certifications because they are

at around 30 percent compared to 70 percent 10 years

important for success in the market. Mistakes made during

ago. Without appropriate growth opportunities, the

the construction process generate the highest costs and

company is very vertical and workers simply have to do

when companies strive for a certification, they pay much

whatever their superior tells them to do. We have seen

more attention to detail, therefore reducing the number of

companies that are changing, listening, educating and

changes during the process.

training their employees.



PPP POTENTIAL YET TO BE UNLEASHED REYES JUÁREZ President & Director General of FOA Consulting 46

Q: How are federal budget cuts impacting the private

Q: What can companies expect from the market and

sector, considering that projects now have to assume a


greater amount of risk?

A: Mexico is one of the countries in Latin America that

A: Infrastructure is an important motor of growth for all

has executed the most PPPs along with Brazil, Argentina,

countries. Behind well-developed projects lies favorable

Colombia and Peru. On a more global scale, Latin America

competition and productivity that leads to employee

represents 40 percent of the total number of projects and

retention and facilitates a higher quality of life. Considering

investments. We are staying at the forefront thanks to

that Latin America is a dynamic project region, the amount

specific laws that are spurring projects like ports, highways

of infrastructure investment Mexico receives is significant.

and airports. If all the projects in the country were made

The country needs to realize that budget cuts are an

to align with the requirements of the PPP law, without a

opportunity to unleash potential investment. Mexico must

doubt, Mexico would have a superior quality of projects.

invest in more basic infrastructure to promote additional development. The country has all that it needs to push

Developers often make the mistake of putting speed

forward the creation of private structures but there is a

ahead of due diligence, opting to complete a project

lack of project proposals.

faster by skipping necessary planning. There is nothing more expensive than to start a project without evaluation,

Although the authorities reduced the amount of capital

planning and analysis because failing to do this can end

directed toward infrastructure, that does not signal the

up delaying a project for many years. Rehabilitation and

end of the industry. The public sector may be the main

maintenance are equally essential parts of the structure’s

promoter of infrastructure plans but it is not the only

cycle. The initial preparation phase is the one that costs

one. When the government announced its National

the least as it is completely on paper, while mistakes on

Infrastructure Program (NIP), it decided that the majority

the construction site are extremely expensive to correct

was going to be funded through public investment,

and can even result in fees and penalties. It is incongruent

especially the first phase. The plan included a portfolio of

that companies are not willing to invest an adequate

prioritized projects and the authorities have been able to

amount of time in the initial phase of their project to

execute those.

assure the highest quality. Politicians, too, are in a hurry to finish projects and mistakenly think that certain steps can

I believe the government intentionally left the largest

be accelerated. Citizens, through the public budget, are

infrastructure projects for the second part of the six-

the ones who end up paying for these mistakes.

year term to open up spaces for the private sector through PPPs. In general, public investment projects are

If everyone understood the law better, they would see

not stable enough because they depend on the public

the benefits of the new PPP regulations. Mexico is an

budget and oil prices, among other economic factors

interesting case because other countries have shown a

that affect a country’s wellbeing. For this reason, private

greater appetite for development after approving similar

investment has a great deal of potential in Mexico. PPPs

PPP laws.

benefit the country as they connect the private and public sectors in a complementary way. The projects end

Q: How can companies mitigate delays and community

up being designed more efficiently and carefully using

discontent to avoid further costs?

risk analysis. PPPs are among the most efficient ways

A: Most countries consider community dialogue to be

to mitigate risk. The projects require less public capital

an essential part of the planning phase while Mexico

because only the most efficient or experienced players

greatly fears the idea. Developers in the country do

are involved.

not want to chance the possibility the surrounding

community will reject the project. Obviously, if the project is not well planned or has a negative impact, it will not be welcomed. One of our clients asked us to evaluate a binational planning process for border bridges between the US and Mexico. It gave us the opportunity to clearly see the differences between the US and Mexico. These types of projects are complicated as they require simultaneous authorization. A project could be authorized by the US but it will not move forward if Mexico has not given approval. We have seen cases of projects that were approved 20 years ago in the US, only to be rejected in the present due to the changes of land use in Mexico. The process needs to be congruent to assure a fluid advance. Mexico normally tries to evaluate projects quickly and asks developers to execute projects in two months, without preparation or studies. These projects normally end up taking eight years or more due to the large number of unforeseen circumstances. The US works completely differently. First, it creates the concept and then proposes it to the community. The project does not continue until the community approves it - and dialogue can take up to four years. Construction usually only takes a year as nothing impedes its completion after the discussions end. Communicating and consulting with surrounding communities ensures a well-planned project. Developers must understand that they do not need to consult every part of the project, such as the technical aspects, but only the details that affect the community in a significant way. Dialogue can be simple as communities are usually more concerned about the social benefits of the project. The general public only wants assurances on how their quality of life will be impacted. Q: How will the construction of the NAICM change the industry? A: The airport has the potential to become a magnet for investment from companies of all sizes. It is an intelligent mosaic of small, medium and large companies that benefit the infrastructure industry. Mexico has never had a project of this type and it pushes us to work toward improving our abilities as a country. Small and medium companies are getting the same chance as large and foreign companies to be part of this historic development. While the authorities are legitimately worried about the project finishing on time and on budget, it also is an opportunity to showcase Mexican companies and give them the chance of perhaps being invited to participate in other international projects. The message is to combine both elements, national and international companies, with an internal policy that strengthens entrepreneurship. It needs to be well received by the infrastructure chain.



PREFABRICATION TECHNOLOGY SAVES TIME, REDUCES RISK GABRIEL SANTANA President of the National Association of the Precast and Prefabrication Industry (ANIPPAC) 48

When it comes to construction, time is of the essence.

had decision-makers not chosen to take a risk on new,

Budget cuts, administration changes and global markets

unfamiliar methods. “We now have the technology to build

can all affect a new building’s development and construction

suspension and cable bridges,” says Santana. “It used

companies are under more pressure than ever to complete

to take 10 years to build these bridges but with today’s


technology it can take as little as two.”






structures can help reduce construction time dramatically but Gabriel Santana, President of the National Association

Another crucial benefit of prefabrication is that the

of the Precast and Prefabrication Industry (ANIPPAC),

structures are often more durable than traditional solutions.

says construction executives in Mexico are slow to adapt

Prefabricated concrete is designed to reach 300kg/cm2

new technologies. “People are reluctant to change in the

resistance the day after being installed, instead of the 28 days

industry,” says Santana. “They know how to make a steel

found in traditional construction techniques. It is also thinner

warehouse but are not familiar with other systems. We have

and therefore frees space for design purposes. Moreover,

to open their eyes to prefabricates.”

machine fabrication removes the risk of human error, guarantees the same quality throughout the construction

ANIPPAC tasks itself with informing and educating the

and so improves its resistance to seismic activity. “It was the

Mexican industrial sector about the benefits prefabricated

only type of building that survived the 1985 earthquake,”

structures can bring to companies across the value chain.

Santana says.

This is achieved through a series of conferences, expositions, training courses and demonstrations designed to showcase

To encourage Mexican companies to be more open to

the latest prefabrication technology and Santana has no

new technology and avoid falling victim to future tremors,

doubt about the segment’s potential in Mexico. “Prefabricated

ANIPPAC has set up several training courses for engineers

structures are popular in infrastructure as they reduce the

and designers, including a post-graduate course on

quantities of almost all materials needed, labor hired and

precast concrete design alongside the Mexican Institute of

money spent,” he says. “Prefabrication removes the risks of

Cement and Concrete (IMCYC) and the Mexican Society of

working on highways and busy city streets and cancels out

Structural Engineering (SMIE). Looking forward, Santana

the need for workers to travel long distances.”

feels that ANIPPAC can play a crucial educational role not just nationally but also on a regional scale. “We believe

Prefabricated structures are popular in infrastructure as they reduce the quantities of almost all materials needed, labor hired and money spent

Mexico could raise the flag for Latin America,” he says. “We want to hold a large conference in 2017 to share our ideas with other countries in the region.” In the immediate future, a portion of ANIPPAC’s focus will be on internal consolidation and restructuring. Founded in 1967, the company is reassessing its open-membership policy as it approaches its 50th anniversary. Alongside IMCYC, it is developing a certification program that will

Santana gives the example of the Acapulco-Mexico City

outline clear guidelines for participation with a view

highway bridge. The structure, which is suspended across

to creating a more defined common strategy for the

a ravine, would have been “impossible” to construct

association. “Members of ANNIPAC are members because

without modern prefabrication technology. Cable-stayed

they want to be, there are no requirements,” says Santana.

bridges, such as the 1,800m long Russky Bridge in eastern

“We are in the process of establishing a list of requirements

Russia, would also be nothing more than a pipe dream

that all members must meet before joining the group.”



Q: How do global M&A trends impact Mexico and its local

heavily promoted by the government, so hedge funds

infrastructure market?

and sponsors, will be going to the market with this kind

A: The global M&A market has changed in the wake of the

of structure. The PPP framework that has been put into

2008 economic recession. The first impact relates to the

place is extremely theoretical and ambitious. It contains

financial condition of companies and access to financing

an unnecessary amount of red tape, as well as countless

and the other to the availability of bargains in the

studies and analyses. Consequently, planning a project

market. For the latter, there was an increase in cash-rich

under the PPP model is costly, in particular when there

companies that had the ability to buy other enterprises.

is no clear mandate or agreed project. The experience

The only significant factor in such cases was whether

of some companies has been discouraging due to the

the targets were willing to sell at the prevailing market

unfortunate bureaucracy that can be observed at both

prices. With the market having partially recovered, we

federal and state levels.

see more companies able to leverage themselves, access more favorable financing and be more proactive in terms

Q: How do you benchmark Mexico’s capital markets for

of strategy.

equity and debt? A: The pending assignment in Mexico concerns equity

White & Case has observed a wave of investors asking

because despite a number of improvements over the past

for advice on how, when and at which scale to invest in

few years, the area remains underdeveloped. White & Case

Mexico. While new investors to the market remain at times

has a strong capital market division both in terms of equity

hesitant, seasoned players with a lengthy track record are

and debt. We discuss with our clients, who have the size

more than willing to invest. Another variable to factor into

and characteristics for an IPO, whether such a move would

this equation is private equity, as an increasing number

be convenient for them at a certain point in time or not.

of funds are looking to invest in medium to large-sized

For instance, White & Case was involved in the IPO for

companies in Mexico. As a result, antitrust has gained

AeromĂŠxico. In the infrastructure sector, we participated

momentum, with the approval of a new antitrust law and

with BlackRock and First Reserve, and we facilitated the

the forming of the Coordinator of Foreign Trade Promotion

Los Ramones deal with PEMEX.

(COFOCE), which promotes fair market participation by ensuring that companies do not engage in hostile

Q: What areas offer the best potential for development?

practices. When new companies want to enter the market,

A: We have been doing some work for state and municipal

or existing ones want to grow, they now have to face the

governments, ranging from adjusting their laws on PPPs to

challenges of antitrust.

actually developing projects, such as toll roads, hospitals, educational facilities and prisons. The latter is an area of

Q: What is affecting the local M&A market and what can

significant potential. All levels of the government have an

be done to create an environment that is conducive to

interest in developing more projects, because most prisons

more PPPs?

are overcrowded. From an investor perspective, these are

A: One factor is the impact the drop in oil prices has had

projects that provide a high degree of certainty because

on the federal government’s budget. The ensuing effect is

of how they are structured. Hence they attract a lot of

that companies dependent on public resources, such as

investors and very competitive bids. White & Case has been

suppliers of the government or of PEMEX and CFE, will

successful at forecasting so today we have a strong energy

likely face difficulties. These suppliers might fall prey to

practice. We have been able to meet the needs of states

competitors looking for increased consolidation. Sectors

and municipalities and we have a strong capital market

like energy and power are highly attractive. In addition,

practice. We firmly believe that it is ineffective to open

new financial instruments such as Fibra E are being

divisions for too many areas, so we outsource certain work.



Q: What is your view of the real estate industry in Mexico?

Potosi. You already can see there is a little bit of saturation

A: There is rising concern that a bubble is forming in the

in both urban areas and with highways. With few

real estate market due to an oversupply of properties. By

exceptions, highways have not been modified or improved

2017, Mexico City will have about 2 million square meters

in years or even decades. The improvements that have

available for office space. That is a lot of space that will

been implemented have not been consistent with the

need to be allocated somehow. The real problem with

additional demand for roads and other infrastructure.

the industry is that economic expectations will not be

If these additional infrastructure needs are not fulfilled,

met and the excess supply will hurt prices. There will be

we will hit a dead end where we cannot move products

some readjustment to the targets for rental rates. Whether

efficiently. In spite of budgetary restrictions, careful

developers take the hit or not and how that will affect their

thinking is required to ensure that industrial sectors, such

finances is the question.

as automotive, are not harmed.

At the same time, there are other areas where space is in

Q: What are the pros and cons of special trade zones or

demand, such as industrial parks. Several industries are

bonded warehouses?

attracting new manufacturing plants, increasing the demand

A: Special trade zones or bonded warehouses are specific

for industrial space, such as the automotive industry in

locations where you can take immediate delivery of

San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Sonora and

products thate are already in the country and that upon

Puebla among others. We provide assistance to these types

release, and not before, must pay taxes for imports. It is

of developments in many areas, particularly in the Bajio

a little bit of a financial advantage because companies

region. These regions are experiencing growth they had not

can have Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery without having to pay

seen in 10 years. Some areas that were near saturation have

tariffs. For industries such as automotive or aerospace,

not expanded quickly, thus creating opportunities for other

immediate delivery is critical and suppliers are heavily

areas to develop and absorb the excess demand. I do not

sanctioned if they miss a delivery by a minute. These types

think this trend is going to stop in the near future.

of bonded warehouses or free trade zones allow the JIT structure to work.








encountering with the authorities regarding infrastructure?

Operating these types of bonded warehouses is somewhat

A: It is a real challenge in the sense that the budget for


2017 is being reduced significantly. That automatically

governmental reporting. From a government standpoint,

means the resources allocated either federally or locally

they do not like having less control over what they can

to build additional roads, railway tracks, airports or port

charge at customs for merchandise that stays in the

facilities will not be enough and the planned infrastructure

country. If the government waves duties on merchandise

will not be completed in the near future. If some of these

because it is going to a bonded warehouse in the middle

parks are relying on this additional construction they need

of the country, the expectation is that the warehouse will

to rethink their strategy. If there are plans to set up a new

keep a methodic and accurate record of what is received

industrial park, reliance on public sector improvement of

and what leaves the premises.







the current infrastructure should be a low priority issue. For industrial parks to implement these, they need to have Q: How is growth from the influx of industries impacting

a significant volume of trade and a sufficient number of


customers who require bonded warehouses. Sometimes

A: There are four states that are absorbing a lot of growth:

these free trade zones are not exactly within an industrial

Queretaro, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and San Luis

park but within a region that encompasses several industrial

Industrial Park, FINSA


parks and facilities. This is more common than having one

If you look at a national map of highways, powerlines and

for a particular site. We have seen that in many cases

railroad lines, it is somewhat simple to see where are the hot

specialized companies operate these warehouses and not

spots for industrial parks. The Bajio region is an example

the industrial parks. This arrangement is more efficient

where highways, rail lines and powerlines intersect, so

because industrial parks deal with their own needs and

industrial parks are located within a reasonable distance

additional services are best handled by experts in the area.

of the three. That is why certain regions have several industrial parks.

Q: What other challenges are faced by industrial real estate developers?

Q: What is your view on the instruments,like FIBRAS, that

A: Water is probably one of the most important hurdles

are being used to grow the real estate market?

companies face everywhere and industrial parks are no

A: In Mexico, we have had this discussion for several years,

exception. There are very strict requirements regarding

based on US style REITs. Due to a lack of understanding

sourcing, treatment and discharge of water and its

and regulatory hurdles, such as tax concerns, these options

effluents. No industrial park can ignore these obligations.

were delayed for many years. Fortunately, that changed

Industrial parks need to have state of the art technology

and we are seeing incredible growth. This is an area where

and full legal standing regarding water rights and volume.

the first comers have received greater benefits. They were

An industrial park that is not up to speed in this area will

able to secure better properties, better locations and

end up disappearing. If an industrial park wants to host

more surface area.

companies that are large water users, the concern will be supply availability. Most of the country is now subject to

The growth we will see in the country in the coming

not new volumes being authorized, but rather the transfer

years regarding properties funded through these special

of existing volumes in concessions in good standing in the

vehicles will not be as significant as that which we have

area held by third parties

seen in previous years. It is a competitive market and the initial distribution or allocation of properties is basically

The same is true with respect to electricity. Industrial

done. Growth will be more limited and may have to be

parks are forced to install a power supply distribution grid

strategically based on new developments and new areas

within the facilities, which they have to build and connect

that are demanding real estate due to some industrial

to the national grid operated by CENACE. The problem

need. I think the initial momentum we saw of almost

is that once industrial parks build their installations, they

endless growth has nearly come to an end. But it was

have to donate them to CFE. That is the condition for

important for the country to generate these instruments,

electricity supply.

which have allowed the entry of foreign capital.

Railroads are also critical factors for an industrial park’s

Still, there are some clouds on the horizon regarding

viability. I do not know of any successful industrial park that

exchange rate and even electoral risks. Funds that have

does not have any connection with a railroad. Basically,

come to the country expect returns in dollars and the

all significant customers in an industrial park require rail

initial returns will be difficult to match in the coming years.

links. Companies cannot move all their products by road

This will have an overall impact on a FIBRAs' portfolio and

because it is not cost efficient.

yield capabilities.




Juan García Head of the Real Estate and Infrastructure Practice at Baker & McKenzie

Benjamin Torres-Barrón Head of the Energy Mining and Infrastructure Group at Baker & McKenzie

Q: What concerns do investors have regarding the risks of

Q: How do global trends affect Mexico’s dynamism and

entering the Mexican market?

where are the key opportunities for M&A?

JG: There are a number of issues that need to be

BT: Acquiring existing companies in any given market

considered prior to participating in any given proposal but

is a quick and sure way to become involved in the local

the most important advice we give our clients is that no

sector and to identify attractive business opportunities.

effort should be spared in due diligence on any project

We are seeing a strong push in the infrastructure arena

they wish to participate in. They must have a clear idea

in Mexico with new entrants investing directly in Mexican

of the project obligations they need to assume if in fact

established businesses that already have a connection to

a contract is awarded to them. Usually the main concern

a project. This is either taking place through joint ventures

in every single project is tax treatment because that can

or outright acquisitions. Nonetheless, hostile takeovers are

make or break any plan. If the contract involves property

not common in Mexico even though they can occur. This

rights, easements or rights of way, then Mexico presents

scarcity can be attributed to the fact that the number of

interesting challenges in different parts of the country.

publicly traded companies is not substantial.



JG: Mexico has strong banks and financial institutions but

government has started to implement is extremely

the capital markets are not as developed as they should be.

ambitious and it is coupled with structural reforms across

Steps are being taken to generate greater dynamism through

an array of industries, including energy. Notwithstanding

new vehicles such as Fibras, CKDs and other financial tools.






the sharp drop in oil prices and other commodities, this plan is moving ahead and rightly so, despite the other

Q: Where are the most important sources of FDI coming

areas the country has to improve on. The development


of gas pipelines and other energy infrastructure projects

BT: For Mexico, the capital originating in the US has

has raised the interest of many players from around the

been the most important source of direct investment

world who want to participate in the various tenders that

and this is mainly due to the geographical proximity. We

are being carried out.

also are seeing a lot of interest from European countries, particularly UK companies. Japanese players seem to be









returning to Mexico and there are new entrants such as the

infrastructure projects with the rights of owners and

Koreans, particularly in the automotive sector. This sector

indigenous communities a government priority?

has shown a significant development and is displaying an

JG: This is an area that requires a great deal of attention

extraordinary dynamism in terms of FDI.

since there are a number of rising challenges and difficulties to be addressed. These complications are

Q: How is Baker & McKenzie positioning itself to deal with

overseen by different government agencies that have

the new transactions that are going to appear?

the responsibility of establishing specific regulations or

JG: We can offer our clients a high level of expertise and not

deciding whether Congress needs to change the law. It is

just generic legal knowledge. It is important that our client

very important to acknowledge that Mexico is a different

base is comprised of international companies, local players

jurisdiction. Foreign players need to realize they are in a

and Mexican multinationals. We are the largest law firm

different country, with unique laws and regulations, and

in Mexico by far and the reason I mention that is because

companies should not take things for granted. Conducting

we can offer a level of specialization and expertise to all

proper research regarding key issues prior to a project

kind of companies. Right now the energy and automotive

acquisition is incredibly important, just as important as

sectors are extremely important for us, although telecoms

conducting proper due diligence of the target.

and pharmaceuticals are not far behind.



Q: How is the culture of risk management progressing in

generally pro-investment, whether it is domestic or foreign.

the Mexico?

The political issues that present themselves at a municipal

A: Mexico’s risk environment has significantly evolved in

and state level have grown significantly over the last few

the last 10-15 years. Today, there is a more sophisticated

years. There are occasions when federal initiatives do not

risk management industry that can provide services to

trickle down to the state and municipalities, which is where

enterprises. The risk management landscape encompasses

infrastructure projects often face the most challenges.

a much broader range of issues, including financial,

The government must ensure there is consistent support

political, economic, market, security and environmental

across all levels of authority.

risks. The fastest growing risk in Mexico, which deserves far more attention, is social risk. This element requires

Q: What are the main challenges the infrastructure

companies to fully understand how their actions will

industry must overcome?

impact the surrounding communities and environments.

A: One of the challenges is the large amount of regulatory

It is important to understand the key stakeholders, their

changes that have taken place within the last couple of

interests and land ownership structures before getting

years. Although most of these changes are viewed as

started on any infrastructure project. Once a company

positive, there will be an adjustment period in which

understands the entire operating context of a project,

companies have to fully comprehend the new rules

along with all the players and the role they each play, it will

of the game and their impact. The evolving regulatory

be much easier to implement an adequate risk mitigation

environment should be positive in the long term,

structure. Fully understanding these issues will allow the

especially when seen from the point of view of energy

company to take more informed decisions.

infrastructure. The administration is looking to diversify its energy mix and secure investment across the full

Q: What economic and political risks are impacting the

energy spectrum. Security also has been an issue for many

development and investment of infrastructure?

years in Mexico. A challenge is differentiating between

A: The macroeconomic and political environments that have

the perception of security in Mexico and the actual

evolved in Mexico through the Peña Nieto administration

situation. Organizations looking to enter the market or

have been highly supportive of infrastructure development.

already present must ensure their internal and external

This government has followed through with its intentions

stakeholders truly understand the country. Organizations

and the results can be seen in the macroeconomic

must try to comprehend the security environment in

indicators that demonstrate subtle growth year on year

which they want to carry out their operations and,

for the last decade, with the exception of 2009. Despite

importantly, how it will impact the company’s operations,

the desire for much more rapid growth in Mexico, the

suppliers, contractors and labor force.

economy is expanding at a healthy pace of around 2.5 percent each year. Regardless of the relatively favorable

Q: What are the risks that most impact the completion

macroeconomic environment, the administration’s fiscal

of a project?

situation has made it extremely difficult to invest in all the

A: Social risk and land rights are the biggest issues

projects it had originally considered. The infrastructure

that infrastructure companies are facing in Mexico.

and automotive industries continue to grow. They have

It is imperative companies have positive community

the most dynamism and are awarded the most deals and

engagement through a clear understanding of the key

projects. It is important to note that the risk environment

social and community players in the area to ensure the

for infrastructure projects expands and contracts through

project is carried out within budget and on time, especially

time and geography. Mexico’s macro political risk exposure

in rural areas. This often interplays with other factors such

is fairly stable, especially since the administration is

as environmental, security and operational risks.




Sergio Montaño Managing Director at McBains Cooper

Silvia Mejía Reza Senior Consultant at McBains Cooper

Q: How are companies in Mexico taking advantage of the

SM: The educational sector creates a wide array of

PPP program?

opportunities, from installation to the formation of other

SM: McBains has participated greatly in the UK health

educational services. Penitentiary systems usually have

sector and looks to do the same in Latin America.

numerous contracts to undertake a variety of services

When the first hospitals were announced under the PPP

and it would be much easier to have one contract that

program, the company participated as a consultant and

integrates services and essential components into one.

intermediary for UK companies. McBains has developed

Contract integration is attractive to companies because it

projects and is increasing its presence in Colombia,

reduces costs, increases profit margins, eliminates overly

Peru, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil. We offer “boutique

complicated processes and increases transparency. It also

consulting” for PPPs in developing countries because

limits constant negotiation between government divisions.

we specialize in this. Q: How will the economic situation and the creation of SMR: The latest changes in Mexican law were made

new investment vehicles impact the development of

to facilitate this process and to increase the number of

general infrastructure?

successful projects. The Ministry of Finance has noticed

SM: In comparison with the rest of Latin America, Mexico

that in some regions, many state authorities interpret

has the highest growth potential and the greatest number

the PPP structure as financing when it should be used

of opportunities as a result of a combination of political,

as a service. The Ministry is trying to regulate these

social and economic factors. For the past few years, Mexico

situations. The projects that win PPPs are often those

has maintained strong fiscal and monetary discipline

offering the highest quality service at the lowest price. In

that has attracted investment. On an international level,

Latin American countries PPPs are still seen as extremely

Mexico has to compete against countries that are not

exclusive structures, while others use PPPs even for small

as dependent on the oil industry and despite the fact

projects. Latin American countries have not reached the

that the drop in oil prices has had a considerable effect

point in which a small level of investment will provide a

on the country, Mexico’s dependency has decreased

wide variety of services.

significantly over time. Authorities have had to implement different strategies such as strengthening fiscal policy

Q: What type of infrastructure could the PPP program

with companies as a way of reducing costs, increasing

facilitate that would have a social impact on Mexico’s

productivity and improving quality of products and



SMR: By looking at the global context we can identify the possible social impacts PPP projects will have in Mexico.

SMR: It is important to pay close attention to how

McBains has been involved in educational infrastructure

investment will flow into the country. The biggest problem

and in Greece it took part in a PPP project for the

in the allocation of funds is that companies create

development of high schools. In Mexico there was a similar

shareholders for each budget and these are normally

project in which construction firm ICA hired consultants

governmental institutions that receive part of the budget,

to create a PPP program for the development of new high

such as unions. When working with unions, a company

schools and the final product was incredible. Prestigious

cannot cut salaries or end contracts because workers

architects like Billy Springal designed beautiful learning

are protected and this makes budgeting less flexible. The

facilities, yet the financial model was not attractive to

financial sector is one of the most modernized sectors in

the private sector due to its simplicity. Nevertheless,

the country and the development of Fibras aspires to make

the private sector could be involved in the surrounding

infrastructure investment more flexible. These financial

services such as parking lots and internal services.

structures are being used as a way to increase the amount

of investment in infrastructure, as well as to attract foreign

SMThe biggest shifts will be seen in the largest cities

capital. These financial vehicles will offer businesses more

because the renovation of municipalities typically has a

flexibility but the most important trigger will always

much greater delay. The pressure the population creates

be investment and growth expectations. The effect the

accelerates the development of cities and solutions. We

Mexican peso depreciation will have on its industries

have been involved in various projects including the

depends on how globalized the market is. There will be

Corredor Cultural Chapultepec and we have been invited

pressure regarding exchange rates but fortunately Mexico

to forums to give opinions for the transformation the

has abundant reserves. In times of economic instability,

Zona Rosa area. Unlike cities like New York, Mexico City

the majority of the projects are postponed because the

lacks space for commercial use. The people who work in

government focuses all its resources on education, health

Reforma are forced to travel from Juarez, Condesa, Zona

and security.

Rosa or the other side of Circuito. Mexico is growing and is beginning to take its place within the international market.

Q: What approach is Mexico taking in transforming

McBains offers international practices, which is something

brownfield areas and in urban regeneration?

highly demanded by companies in Mexico City and our

SM: Urban regeneration is a popular practice in Europe

expertise in markets yet to be developed in Mexico will

and there is a public policy that encourages the

allow us to integrate into both the public and private

transformation of industrial areas into housing in Mexico.


There are few examples of urban regeneration in Mexico City but it should be implemented and monitored by the government. This type of urbanization is one of the most sustainable approaches to restoring cities. Mexico is reluctant to invest in urban planning and development and although McBains Cooper yearns to participate in the development of master plans, lack of planning is predominant within the culture. Planning is an essential factor for the success of a project, yet Mexico does not give it the importance it deserves. SMR: Although the public sector is promoting these projects through policies, the private sector is developing them since these are the players who encounter the need to transform spaces to make a profit. The private sector sees it as a way of making money and not so much as something that will create infrastructure to help the population. Governmental entities like CONAVI are aiming to make land more accessible for housing developments, promoting multipurpose constructions and diversifying the city in the hope it will reduce urban sprawl. This is a niche that will continue to create new opportunities and McBains wants to seize them, given that there are a limited number of firms engaged in urban regeneration. Q: How can McBains help transform Mexico City’s landscape? SMR: McBains is extremely interested in Mexico City’s development because it is one of the cities that is constantly changing in Latin America and is always searching for new methods of coexistence that incorporate urban development. Mexico City wants to create more citizenfriendly environments by developing bikeways, green spaces and inclusive spaces. The development of a newsletter called Espacio Urbano in El Financiero was intended to merge a variety of ideas for the renovation of the city.

Santa FĂŠ, Mexico City


Reforma Colรณn, a project of Sordo Madaleno, Reforma, Mexico City



Although Mexico’s population growth rate has decreased for the first time in 45 years, ensuring the nation has the adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of more than 129 million people is an arduous task. Cities are growing, making existing infrastructure obsolete and widening the infrastructure gap. The main challenge is creating perimeters to ensure that urban sprawls are contained. Mexico City’s Law of Human Settlements, which was last updated in 1976, is expected to be modified in the coming year. Although the city’s transportation system has increased with the introduction of innovative systems like the Metrobús and Ecobici and the modifications to the Metro, transportation infrastructure is in need of improvement and expansion to reduce congestion and commute times.

Throughout this chapter, Mexico’s architects and urbanism experts disseminate the country’s urgent needs in terms of urban development. They contend that unique points of view in the development of infrastructure projects increase the efficiency of the end product for the end-user. They discuss the challenges companies are encountering when working with citizens in the development of social and public infrastructure, including the construction of projects without stopping the movement of a city and the projects Mexico needs to develop to meet future demands.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Sordo Madaleno, GSM


INSIGHT: Miguel Donovan, Currie & Brown




VIEW FROM THE TOP: William Gourg, CapCity


INSIGHT: Jorge Gaviño, STC


ANALYSIS: Is the PPP Model the Answer to Green Funding?


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Cycling Fits Into Mobility Puzzle


INSIGHT: Gabriel Ballesteros, Ballesteros Mureddu

Manuel Mureddu, Ballesteros Mureddu 72

INSIGHT: José Fenollosa, Meypar


INSIGHT: Iván Hernández, Ludens


INSIGHT: Victor Legorreta, LEGORRETA®


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gabriel Ballesteros, Ballesteros Mureddu


Manuel Mureddu, Ballesteros Mureddu

INSIGHT: Rafael Monjaraz, Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos

Juan Serrano, Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos 78

EXPERT OPINION: David Serur Edid, Ideurban


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Schjetnan, GDU


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ignacio Nuñez, Vertical Farms


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Luis Gutiérrez, SUMe


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Charles Azar, Alto Desempeño


INSIGHT: Mario Jiménez, Jica Construcciones


EXPERT OPINION: Gabriel Ballesteros, Ballesteros Mureddu

Manuel Mureddu, Ballesteros Mureddu




Q: What are Mexico’s most urgent needs in terms of

more if it was planned further in advance. This would allow

functional architecture and how has the firm adapted to

infrastructure projects to fully develop, as well as create a

these needs?

clear structure for the people and the city.

A: There are various critical issues at hand. When the firm started out in 1937, the city was small and today

Q: Why should architecture go hand in hand with the

there are many needs to be addressed in terms of design.

construction and development process of projects?

Transportation and mobility are presenting some of the

A: Architecture is not just about beauty, it is about

largest challenges and when designing developments,

creating an experience that integrates all of the senses

it is important to take into consideration the specific

into an environment that an architect has assembled. It

conditions in which people live, work and play because

is also not only the design but the way it is operated and

people will only venture outside of this area on special

managed. It is vital that the spaces are leased efficiently

occasions. By taking this into consideration in the design,

and that there is an adequate mix of tenants. We began

it will drastically reduce car usage, which would lead to

to create our own leasing agreements because it was an

establishing more cohesive forms of public transportation,

essential factor to the success of our projects. Whenever

as well as influencing the public’s way of thinking.

we design a new project, we are always conscious of the leasing of the building, as well as the business aspects,

600,000m2 of leasing areas are available throughout the city due to the diversified use of the space for housing, hotels, office and retail

such as securing loans. Architects tend to want to spend more money to make their projects more alluring but on the financial side one starts to question whether certain things are necessary or will generate value. We began forming partnerships with tenants, such as Hamley’s and El Ganzo, which we later franchised as part of GSM. GSM has been operating centers for over 40 years and has gained a complete understanding of the most prevalent problems.

As time passes, projects grow larger, and we now see 600,000m2 of leasing area available throughout the city

Q: How is GSM taking advantage of the tourism boom in

due to the diversified use of the space for housing, hotels,


office and retail. These types of multi-use projects are

A: GSM is working on six different hotels, including Park

immense in size but are beneficial for the development of

Hyatt and the expansion of Antara in Mexico City, Hyatt

the city. Ultimately, the most important thing in design is to

in Guadalajara, Hyatt in Playa del Carmen and another full

create value in every project, with the building increasing

ownership timeshare and hotel in Cabo San Lucas. Hotel

the value of its surroundings. When we built Antara in

projects require a great amount of detail and dedication

Mexico City, it completely transformed an area that was

to create that perfect environment for visitors. Hotels used

once filled with industrial plants into the “New Polanco,”

to be cold and it was an arduous task to break the mold of

which is now one of the most sophisticated areas in city,

what hotels should look like and the features it should have.

filled with corporate headquarters, museums and offices.

A difficult trend to understand is having bathtubs in all of the rooms when showers are far more efficient and decades

For these types of transformations, it is essential to plan in

passed before the paradigm was finally broken. Lobby bars

advance, which is another challenge that Mexico is facing.

were also extremely popular and hotels could not eliminate

Government planning is carried out according to the six-

them because people were accustomed to their presence.

year terms of the election cycle. The country would benefit

These are examples of exactly how challenging it can be

to shift trends and mindsets, as well as creating new types

projects will create new design standards for future

of environments where people can truly interact. Investors

cities around the globe. GSM is working closely with the

are often wary when carrying out these types of changes

government, which is essential for the development of

because the uncertainty is too high.

the blueprints because it will incorporate 30-40 blocks of surrounding areas. This collaboration will help us better

Q: What new projects is GSM working on that will change

understand the impact that it will have on the area, as well

Mexico’s paradigms of architecture and design?

as how we can improve the lives of the local community.

A: GSM is designing two of the largest projects in Latin

These two architectural designs will create a city within a

America, which are the Mitikah Tower in Coyoacan

city that will truly bring value to the communities.

neighborhood and the Colon Roundabout in Reforma, both in Mexico City. We are developing the blueprints

Q: What legacy does GSM want to leave behind for future

for Mitikah, which will adjoin the Bancomer Building and


Palacio de Hierro Coyoacan. In the Colon Roundabout,

A: The firm has been passed down from generation to

we have secured 3,000m2 of land to develop a mixed-

generation and these new generations of young architects

use complex that will contain about 450,000m2 of

are beginning to completely operate the office. The most

leasable space for commercial, office, residential and

important thing at the moment is to make sure that the

cultural centers. The importance of these projects is that

new generation of architects become extremely successful

we are creating an entirely new environment and a new

and more sophisticated than ever. My father’s buildings,

perspective of the city in the hope that this will change the

such as President in Chapultepec or MarĂ­a Isabel Sheraton

perceptions of living in a city.

on Reforma, have aged beautifully throughout the years.


They are simple and timeless pieces of architecture and Combining a lack of organization with accelerated

part of our legacy is that these buildings withstand the

urbanization will only lead to more chaos but these

test of time.

ARTZ, Grupo Sordo Madaleno, Mexico City



such as a road. Social infrastructure has several variables

understand that it forms part

sector is not as accustomed to planning as the private

of the service cycle, which 62

that must be taken into account, especially since the public sector. To participate in such developments, the private sector needs a guaranteed return on investment (ROI) and

includes the equipment,

clear demand, whereas the public sector is accustomed to

facilities, service providers

speed in which the project will be completed. Differences

and end users”

complexity of PPP projects. The industry wants unsolicited

Miguel Donovan, Director of Currie & Brown

structuring demand based on the size of the budget or the in planning and in the results expected often increase the proposals to be adapted but because they work best with self-funded projects in which the need is clear and a solution is at hand, they are far more intricate to implement. As a

Social infrastructure directly impacts a city’s sustainability

result, the only action the government should take is to

but developing this infrastructure is no easy task.

grant companies permission to carry on since the private

Hospitals, fire departments, museums – these all require

sector assumes all risk.

significant investment. To allow social infrastructure to flourish, many countries in Latin America are turning to

Currie & Brown’s extensive experience in developing

partnerships between public and private entities, or PPPs,

successful social infrastructure dates back to their first

says consultancy Currie & Brown of its core business in the

PPP pilot project, the Bajio Hospital, which became the

region. In Mexico, Currie & Brown has helped reshape the

first social infrastructure PPP building in Latin America.

supporting regulatory framework for these partnerships to

That project helped strengthen collaboration between the


Ministry of Health and the private sector and paved the way for the development of other infrastructure under the PPP

“It is important to make commercial banks understand

plan in the cities of Victoria, Ixtapaluca, Culiacan, Chihuahua,

the importance of the sector and project finance, and the

Acapulco, and Torreon. These hospital projects encouraged

government must understand that once a social project is

the industry to reach out to other strategic sectors like

launched it demands a long-term commitment throughout

education. “The private sector must understand that it forms

the lifecycle of the asset,” says Miguel Donovan, Director

part of the service cycle, which includes the equipment,

of Currie & Brown. Prisons, courthouses, police stations,

facilities, service providers and end users,” Donovan says.

hospitals and schools require long-term maintenance to

With projects of this nature, Currie & Brown supports and

secure the value of assets. This requires adequate financing

challenges the government in its planning process, helps

and maturity from the government’s side for the successful

the private sector understand the social requirements and

creation of social infrastructure PPP projects.

at the same time ensures the projects are both productive and profitable.

Mexico took a shot at its first PPP for social infrastructure in 2002 and although the market responded with just one

PPPs have enabled transformation of Mexico’s social

bidder, improvements in the process have increased the

infrastructure landscape and they contribute to both the

number of bidders in recent projects. The Mexican PPP

social and economic development of the country, Donovan

model is a bit different and that has been a hurdle for some

says. PPPs are meant to be long-term concessions or

companies. “The key factor to remember is that the private

contractual agreements between the private and public

partner provides supporting services. In a hospital, the

sectors, designed to deliver services for the construction

private sector provides everything except the doctors,” says

or operation of assets. They create enormous opportunities

Donovan. Defining clear roles is crucial to the successful

for the infrastructure industry and will expedite the

development of a project and the government should clarify

development of social infrastructure to satisfy the needs of

the needs and demands of any infrastructure development.

the population.

The process for developing social infrastructure also is far

Donovan shares that PPPs differ from country to country

more complex than that of a linear infrastructure project

because local business culture and legal frameworks vary.

There are many elements that come into play and it is

evaluation. Traditionally, local authorities have adopted

difficult to bring a common law contract as found in the UK,

unconventional practices regarding their short and long-

Canada and Australia to a civil type of public contract found

term debt through the use of federal resources. The new

in Mexico. “Most PPP programs evolve according to the

restrictions will force states to improve their risk profile

maturity of the markets involved, which include the banking

and it will be clearer for financial institutions and credit

system, insurance market and the supply chain that deal

rating agencies to assess how the authorities treat their

with the concessionaries, developers and operators of the

long-term commitments. “By having more discipline, the

long-term assets,” he says. “All these variables must reach

states will attract more investment, although some will

maturity to have a successful PPP scheme. Mexico has taken

not see the benefits in the short-term because they are

an important step in the right direction for nontraditional

already in a serious debt loop and they must at the same

infrastructure by improving the existing model for long-

time uphold their public and social obligations,” he says.

term investments. A successful PPP model must bear in

“State authorities must handle their finances and existing

mind the capabilities of the government and the maturity

debt, and at the same time build the social infrastructure

of the supply chain and the Mexican model is one of the


most successful programs in Latin America. Maturity is vital for the PPP model because it is the deciding factor for

As a Scottish-born company Currie & Brown has a

innovating and improving the plan.”

track record in the energy industry, particularly in the renewables sector. Donovan hopes the company can

Mexico is approaching a point where the finance market

increase its participation in this industry since he believes

should be involved in every process of a project and

that renewables bring the most innovation to development

construction companies should not fully lead the contracts,

structure. “One of the projects that had a deep social and

according to Donovan. He believes that financial institutions,

cultural impact was the Cultural Center in Texcoco,” he

pension funds and new financial tools have a better grasp of

shares. “It is the first cultural infrastructure project to be

long-term concerns and of mitigating risk and the financial

developed in Latin America under the PPP scheme and

world should be ready to shoulder a bit more responsibility.

fosters cultural and social development in an underprivileged

“The PPP model in Mexico is being reshaped and the results

region. Governments from emerging markets like Mexico

are shown in the number of bidders,” he says. “The first PPP

rarely invest in culture given the limited resources and other

for social infrastructure only received one bidder and this

pressing priorities, which is why this project is so important.”

reflects the limited conditions in 2003-2005, while the most

Another important project is the refurbishment and upgrade

recent project had 12 bidders.”

of medical services of PPP hospitals, and the improvement has been dramatic. Currie & Brown wishes to increase its

The reform of subnational debt, which imposes financial

participation in asset management and be involved even

discipline, is sure to motivate states to improve their risk

more in long-term concessions.

Landscape, Anzures, Mexico City



Circuito Interior, Mexico City




Q: How is Idom leaving its mark on infrastructure

A: At the beginning of the Peña Nieto administration,

development across the country?

the time allotted for presenting proposals during the

A: Idom works on projects that transform companies and

tendering process was extremely short. The government

economies. The company is involved from the start of

has made strides to create more transparent, formal and

each project and its primary services are in the planning

open tendering processes, especially regarding the time

stage, feasibility studies and engineering design. During

allocated to the creation of proposals. The government

the construction stage, the company offers project

is working hand in hand with the OECD to increase

management and engineering services that will help

transparency and the results of this collaboration are

optimize operations through the use of logistics and

evident in the New Mexico City International Airport

information systems. Our services allow us to participate

(NAICM). It is crucial for the government to define an

in many projects from the NIP because we can integrate

adequate technical proposal so it can meet the interests

all our areas of expertise. The development of Special

of participants and citizens. We have great expectations

Economic Zones is among the initiatives that interests

and being a company that can integrate many services,

the government and Idom would like to take part in these.

each of our divisions is waiting for news on the

These projects have the ability to transform deprived

development. We are also highly interested in taking part

areas. Building entirely new cities from the ground up

in urban planning and safety projects surrounding the

is becoming a popular infrastructure trend and Idom is


participating more in these types of projects. Q: What international best practices does Mexico need to Q: What impact will unsolicited proposals (USP) have on

implement and how is IDOM involved?

PPPs and how should the relationship develop?

A: Various multilateral agencies like the Inter-American

A: This is one of those initiatives that should be closely

Development Bank (IDB) and World Bank are encouraging

monitored in the next couple of years. Budget cuts are

the transfer of best practices to generate an interest

forcing the government to evaluate innovative mechanisms

in mobility prior to infrastructure development at an



interurban level. This is reflected through the Program

development in Mexico. The government will rely on the

for Federal Support for Mass Transit (PROTRAM) ,

private sector to develop various projects, which will

which focuses on mass passenger transportation and

have a positive and quick impact on the development of

incorporates key elements of mass transit and mobility.

infrastructure. The federal government is implementing

Mexico City has increased mobility in many ways, such as










the introduction of the Metrobús, which has contributed

proposals. It is imperative that the government becomes



to a decrease in traffic congestion. But the country has

deeply involved in making processes more transparent

a long road ahead. For infrastructure development to be

and the Ministry of Finance should be more involved. The

successful, each project must be meticulously planned

industry’s participation is also a key element to ensure the

because all potential solutions will have different costs

efficiency of these mechanisms. It is the responsibility of

and impact. In a country with numerous needs and

each individual agency to establish a clear focus for the

limited resources, companies must be able to prioritize

projects they want to carry out. At the moment there is a

their involvement in the industry. The feasibility studies

limited number of PPPs but there is talk of creating of a

we develop are a perfect fit for this and are being

new agency, like in the UK, to oversee these projects.

implemented in different cities across the country. The transfer of the best international practices into Mexico has

Q: In what ways is the tendering process evolving to

given the company more visibility with projects that are

better meet the country’s development needs?

recognized by the IDB.


SMART CITIES WITH A HUMAN TOUCH WILLIAM GOURG Director of Business Development at CapCity


Q: What makes a city “smart� and how can cities

exacerbated by the low priority authorities give to urban

accelerate toward achieving that status?

issues. The private sector can be a financial alternative

A: People mistakenly connect Smart Cities to urban

to the public sector. The government has to establish

development, when the latter focuses more on technology

mechanisms that promote an alliance between the private

than people. CapCity is a consultancy that strives to go

and public sectors so that municipalities can benefit from

beyond technology. It targets the creation of human cities

partnerships that reduce costs and energy consumption.

that solve neighborhood issues and promotes tools that

Many cities around the world like Medellin and Barcelona

help ease the toughest challenges that cities face without

have found this model to be quite successful. In those

significant technological challenges. We recognize that

cities, developers identified abandoned areas that could

each area has a different set of problems that need to be

be turned into urban development projects with space for

addressed, among them the fair distribution of service

innovation and creativity.

taxes that come from light, water, transportation and other basic services. There is a lack of social infrastructure

Q: What tools can Mexico City use to promote its basic

for schools and libraries. Acquiring partnerships with


the government, universities and the private sector can

A: CapCity offers two basic tools. We have a database

quickly boost progress.

with social, economic, environmental and technological indicators that identify specific areas of opportunity.

Q: How can financial inclusion help avoid opposition to

We have built an app called Geo Business Intelligence

projects like the Cultural Corridor Chapultepec?

that will link this data to maps. Many companies want

A: The Cultural Corridor Chapultepec should have been more

to do business in Mexico but the lack of information and

transparent about the origin of the budget and its allocation.

database collection scare off investment and weaken the

CapCity promotes a new model of governance that allows

economy. Access to information can keep companies from

the public sector to intervene in private initiatives through

wasting money unnecessarily and allows them to make

transparent mechanisms that also have the advantage of

smarter decisions.

attracting investment. On the whole, Smart Cities prioritize efficiency over quantity when it comes to capital and a higher

Mexico also has a lack of transportation mobility

level of transparency. The idea is to make sure all expenses

technology. There is little information about minibuses

can generate revenue and avoid the loss of investment. The

and their routes. Transportation technology companies

issue is that authorities lack transparency about the financial

are unwilling to heavily invest in the creation of a

aspect of these projects. CapCity promotes the participation

database system because it is not profitable. They end

of the private sector in sustainable city projects as they

up taking their knowledge to other regions that are

can take over important environmental and social studies.

more compatible with their products. CapCity can act

Projects are less successful with the sole participation of

as a liaison between the public and private sector with

the public sector thanks to internal political conflicts and

a database system that displays proposals and calls for

the insufficient inclusion of surrounding communities. If the

tenders. Our objective is not only to attract investment

Corridor had collaborated more with the private sector, the

but to allow an exchange of best practices. CapCity

opposition could have been avoided.

encompasses a strong network of consultancies in Medellin, Paris, Santiago and Amsterdam that share best

Q: Where is the middle ground between the public and

public sector practices. We also have a strategic solution

private sectors on the commercial focus of a project?

portfolio that can repair issues that cities face with

A: Municipalities are highly indebted, which prohibits

sensors, smart grids, Smart City expertise, geolocation

them from receiving credit for urban development. This is

applications and urban Wi-Fi structures.


METRO SYSTEM THE BEATING HEART OF MEXICO CITY JORGE GAVIÑO Director General of the Collective Transport System (STC)


Before the Mexico City Metro system was opened in 1969,

The metro system does not cover all parts of the city,

the city was plagued by infrastructural problems due to

lacking northern routes to the Santa Fe and Satelite

its lack of transport links for its then 4 million inhabitants.

neighborhoods and the last expansion was in October

Highways and bus routes faced significant congestion

2012. Gaviño agrees these areas require more adequate

and the Olympics in 1968 highlighted these issues. Today,

transport links but he cites the high costs of subway

Mexico City’s population is closer to 21 million and the

construction as a possible factor for delays. “We have

metro system is an integral part of everyday life.

recently made adjustments to the Metro Master Plan to include the extension of line B to the new airport, the

In its 46 years of operation, STC has completed more than

extension of line 12 to Observatorio and that of line A

55 billion rides. About 5 million passengers now use it daily.

to Chalco,” Gaviño says. He also believes in pursuing a

The system is highly subsidized by the government and at

more aggressive expansion plan to the centers of higher

MX$5 (US$0.26) per ride, it is one of the cheapest in the

demand to maintain STC’s role as a lever of economic

world. “Without the metro, Mexico City would come to a

development. Gaviño says the city’s metro system has

standstill as a city bereft of economic development,” says

come to represent such an important transport link

Jorge Gaviño, Director General of STC. “Independently of

for its citizens that no infrastructure proposals can be

the number of passengers we transport daily, the biggest

considered without evaluating the implications for public

success of our metro system is its contribution to the

transport. Car users, he says, should pay a fee, as they

country’s economic activity.”

only represent 20 percent of the city’s population, with the remaining 80 percent using public transport. Another

STC was a pioneer in Latin American metro systems and

little-known issue with the metro system, says Gaviño, is

through the years the Mexico City metro has intermittently

the requirement to halve speeds during rainy conditions

ranked first globally in terms of speed and time. Despite

for safety reasons. The fitted trains, which are made to

criticism that the system, which is the world’s fourth largest,

operate underground, are not designed to deal with

is saturated, Gaviño argues that this is only a concern

the slippery conditions presented by rain. A significant

during peak hours, just like in many other countries. This

investment will be needed to optimize the cruising speed

is exacerbated by the fact that more than half of all metro

of the carriages.

users take advantage of the service during peak times and these users are typically centered in the same city areas,

STC’s greatest challenge, according to Gaviño, is upkeep.

with only a few lines transporting the majority of them.

The rolling stock employed by the network has a lifecycle

“Outside these hours, the system has a significant capacity

of 46 years and requires comprehensive maintenance.

to cater to demand and our services are extremely efficient

Models with a mileage of over 700,000km need servicing

and adapted to the user’s needs,” Gaviño maintains.

but some trains operate with a mileage of over 1.4 million km without ever having undergone maintenance. Fixed

To further boost its services, STC is evaluating alternatives

installations have also experienced over 40 years of

so that travelers arriving at the new New Mexico City

consecutive service, meaning they require restoration.

International Airport (NAICM) can access the metro line,

There is a phenomenon, Gaviño says, called differential

meaning that with only one change they will have direct

settlement, which not only negatively affects user comfort

access to the city center. Features such as luggage space

but means that international standards cannot be met.

and internet access will be available on all trains. STC is also

Overdue station maintenance, the attraction of a more

examining alternatives to paper metro cards, evaluating a

affluent user base and provision of services for passengers

comprehensive pass that also incorporates payment for

traveling on the coming Mexico City-Toluca line all

taxis, buses and even in shops and restaurants.

constitute high priority issues for Gaviño.




Mexico is facing a budget crunch that is impacting its

Citizens blocked construction of the development because

ability to build much-needed infrastructure, and PPPs are

they felt the project did not take into consideration

stepping in. The private sector is gaining an increasing

sustainable urban planning. Among the concerns were

foothold in everything from roads, bridges and airports to

that it would establish a barrier between neighborhoods

energy. The input is good for Mexico from the standpoint of

and create unlit and dangerous areas at its borders. The

funding, but not everyone is happy with the arrangement,

public did not have access to the details of the PPP,

especially with projects that directly impact communities.

raising red flags about where the money was going to be

That the new infrastructure is needed goes without

invested, says Hernandez. “There has been a significant

question as the country’s economy and population grow.

lack of transparency in the planning of that project and this has fueled discontent in the community,” Hernández

The World Economic Forum ranks Mexico 59th of 140

says. A limited number of proposals were accepted for the

countries in global infrastructure competitiveness, yet

project, making it a relatively secretive tendering process,

it is the 15th largest economy in the world. Goldman-

and the render dedicated more than 12,000m2 of the

Sachs projects that by 2050, Mexico will be the world’s

110,896m2 project to commercial developments. Although

fifth largest economy with a peak population of over 140

the project included an elevated park, it was not enough

million. Current and projected growth aside, all-important

to convince the people to vote in favor of its construction.

oil prices have put a damper on government finances. The drastic drop in crude prices, which fell as low as $US35 from


just under $US100 in the last two years and now hovers

Parks and green spaces “can be a symbol of a

around $US45, has put a serious crimp in government

neighborhood’s vitality and character, or an emblem of its

revenues. That forced deep budget cuts in 2016 with

disorganization and poverty of spirit,” says the Project for

plans for more slashing in 2017. The result is obvious: less

Public Spaces, a nonprofit dedicated to sustaining public

money to go around, including funds allocated to the

spaces. Mexico City has many beautiful neighborhoods but

development of sustainable infrastructure. To make up the

there are also many that have been largely overlooked. The

shortfall, the CMIC estimates the private sector will pitch

World Health Organization recommends urban areas

in with over MX$200 billion (US$10.5 billion) to complete

should incorporate at least 9m2 of green areas per

current NIP projects.

inhabitant in a city and research also suggest that these green areas should be no more than a 15-minute walking

While the government may welcome PPP involvement in

distance from homes to promote healthy urbanization.

its infrastructure plans, when it comes to developments

Mexico City provides its inhabitants with only 5.3m2 of

closer to the hearts of communities, such as parks and

green space per habitant, according to a study from the

green spaces, the public has a different view: tell us

Institute of Ecology of UNAM.

everything, or stop. “Social discontent occurs when projects do not effectively include communities in the

The latest study on green areas in Mexico City was carried out

planning and development process and this can hinder

in 2009. The Future of Green and Wooded Areas of Mexico

continuity,” says Gabriel Ballesteros, Partner at law firm

City, by the Environmental Attorney and Land Management



(PAOT), considered public and private green areas, including

significance of understanding the needs of both citizens

rooftops and medians. It concluded the total area of forestry

and the private sector.”

in either parks or at roadsides was 78.1km2, representing 12.8





percent of the total urban area. The total area of spaces with In the case of Corredor Cultural Chapultepec, a project

grass and bushes was 34.8 km2, or only 5.7 percent of urban

designed to transform one of Mexico City’s main arteries

area. In total, 112.89 km2, an equivalent of 18.5 percent of the

into a luxury commercial space, filled with office buildings

city’s 1,495km2, were recorded as green areas. Mexico City’s

and space for pedestrians, the public’s response was loud

most expensive neighborhoods include Polanco, Condesa,

and clear. The response was a resounding “no”. “Mexicans

Chapultepec and Roma. These are the city’s design,

are very concerned with their everyday lives, but not so

innovation and economic hubs and also have the most well-

involved in the big picture of the development of Mexico

kept and attractive green spaces. Average rents run about

City,” says Iván Hernández, Director General of Ludens.

MX$16,000-38,000 (US$842-2,000) per month for a 180m2

“Although not a positive development from the start, this

apartment, above the average price of MX$15,831, (US$833)

large-scale project captured the attention of citizens.”

according to rental agency Inmuebles24.

ARTZ, Grupo Sordo Madaleno, Mexico City


On the outskirts of the city, the view is much different. In the

neighborhoods and lucrative businesses are located

Iztapalapa neighborhood the difference in green spaces,

around Chapultepec. Working with the government is

urban planning and the way rapid urbanization has taken

an additional challenge, says Schjetnan. “The political

its toll is on full display. According to PAOT, Iztapalapa has


a population of 1.8 million, which represents 20 percent

particularly technical but together make the project more

of Mexico City’s total population. When comparing

intricate and require intense negotiation.”







Iztapalapa and Miguel Hidalgo, home to the most luxurious neighborhoods, Iztapalapa has a density of 15,635 people

Developing parks through PPPs is extremely complicated

per km2, while Miguel Hidalgo has a density of 7,523 people

due to the conflict of interests of both parties, says Miguel

per km . When comparing the amount of green areas,

Donavan, Director of property management consultant

Miguel Hidalgo has approximately 12.5m2 per habitant while

Currie & Brown. But finding a middle ground where the

Iztapalapa has 0.6 m per person, mostly along roads and

public gets what it needs and investing companies can

medians. According to the ICSC, Mexico is expected to see

make a profit can lead to the development of sustainable

a 30 percent rise in commercial real estate developments


through 2025, meaning approximately 760 developments

consideration human and environmental aspects and the

that add up to 23.3 million m2. The goal of these, according

commercial interest of the investor are needed, he says,

to architects and real estate developers, is to create cities

pointing to the concept of unsolicited proposals (USP)as

within a cities. Mixed-use real estate development combines

a way forward. USP could encourage the creativity of the

housing, commercial and work spaces.

public sector to enter the realm of social infrastructure but









only if the regulatory framework is correct. Donavan says


using PPPs to construct social infrastructure is far more

To gain public acceptance, the community needs to

difficult because the demand and return on investment

be involved from the beginning. Alternative ways of

(ROI) are not clear.

thinking may be necessary, where the public works in conjunction with the private sector. In 2004, the

“USPs can be complex to implement but they work well

Probosque Chapultepec Trust was created by the private

when projects are self-funded, the need is identified and

sector to preserve, rehabilitate and remodel Mexico’s

the solution is at hand,” he says. “This way the only step

most famous public park, Chapultepec. Mario Schjetnan,

the company must take is simply asking for permission

Director General of GDU has led the rehabilitation of the

from the government, especially since the private sector

park since then. He points to the public’s participation for

is assuming all of the risk.” The creation of sustainable

its success. “The involvement of the citizens has made

spaces will allow local economies to prosper and enhance

this project very unique in Mexico and it is a wonderful

the quality of life in such sizeable cities, he says. According

example of a project led by the private sector and citizen

to US News & World Report’s list of best countries to live,

participation,” says Schjetnan. The fund ensures the park

Mexico ranks 27th of 60. If PPPs or similar alternatives

is in exceptional condition allowing it to have a ripple

are used innovatively, especially in the creation of green

effect on its surroundings. Mexico City’s most expensive

spaces, how much higher can it go from there?



CYCLING FITS INTO MOBILITY PUZZLE In a city where cars dominate the roads and busy thoroughfares become virtual parking lots at rush hour, the humble bicycle is gaining prominence. For an increasing number of people, two wheels are better than four, especially when you can just pick one up and drop it off wherever you are. Shared-bicycle company ECOBICI provides that option. It rode onto Mexico City’s streets six years ago with a vision to place the bicycle as an essential piece of Mexico City’s mobility puzzle. The program allows users to borrow bikes an unlimited number of times from any designated station. Each trip can be no longer than 45 minutes. Riders use a card or a PIN to borrow bikes from ECOBICI stations around the city. The system gives members two minutes to inspect their designated bikes before the time allowance kicks in. When passengers are ready to return their bike, they can head to the closest station, hook it to the station’s bars and scan their card or use their PIN to complete the trip and avoid fees. There are a variety of pay options. The company charges a MX$400 (US$21) annual fee, MX$300 (US$15) for a week’s use, MX$180 (US$9.5) for three days or a daily fee of MX$90 (US$4.7). A valid identification, credit or debit card, proof of address and a signed contract are necessary to join. Prospective members must also pass a basic bicycle-use test. Not sure you remember how to ride a bike? Subscriptions include a free class at the Biciescuela, the program’s bicycle school. ECOBICI began with 84 stations and 1,200 bicycles and has expanded to 452 stations and over 6,000 bicycles. The service is available seven days a week from 5:00am to 12:30am in three delegations: Benito Juarez, Cuauhtemoc and Miguel Hidalgo. Bicycles used for the program are designed to be light, easy to use, safe and functional for urban areas. Each ECOBICI station is equipped with an interactive bilingual device and card reader. In October 2015, ECOBICI registered its highest monthly user rate with 870,549 journeys.

Clear Channel created the first bike sharing system that uses smart cards 17 years ago. These systems are now installed in eight countries.




Gabriel Ballesteros Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu

Manuel Mureddu Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu


The potential of parking meters sometimes gets lost in

parking policies need to be complemented with efficient

local infrastructure policy. When the money collected

public transport. “The integration of solutions would

seems to go everywhere but the community, displeasure

create more space on the streets, decrease the amount

is bound to grow. Law firm Ballesteros Mureddu says it

of traffic and guarantee a more secure environment for

does not have to be that way. “Citizens are not seeing the

pedestrians,” he says. “The main problem is that each issue

collected money being invested in local infrastructure,” says

is being addressed by fragmented policies, when a unified

Manuel Mureddu, Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu. Parking

solution would create a more human city.” Considering

meters are an efficient way to stop people from claiming

the amount of conflict parking policies and other similar

informal ownership of streets, as long as the measure

public policies can stir up, especially over cost, Mureddu

is strengthened with other policies, adds Ballesteros

says that cities need to make sure the collected money is

Mureddu Partner Gabriel Ballesteros. They can create

being used for infrastructure development in a transparent

benefits not only for the economy but also for people

and visible manner. The point is to have a deeper impact in

visiting high-traffic areas. Ballesteros emphasizes that all

urban development and gain citizen approval.



Mexicans are generally not big fans of parking meters. They

the rights of private property owners to make an income.

see their money going in but do not see many benefits

“People tend to overlook the fact that these parking lots

coming out. It has created a dilemma for local governments

are private property and the owners have the right to use

and companies who see the meters as a mobility solution

the land as they please,” he says. “There is great potential

that manages on-street parking to help keep traffic

and revenue to be made from parking meters that could

flowing, says José Fenollosa, Director General of Meypar

be invested in the improvement and construction of new

México and Meypar USA. Meypar, which develops parking

infrastructure. But people must see the money being

meters and parking management solutions, has identified

invested in the development of their city and communities.”

the various hurdles cities in Mexico must overcome to

The government gives private companies concessions to

create a harmonious environment between pedestrians,

run the meters and the collected money is parceled out

cars and cyclists. “Parking meters are often seen as a

between the two, with the government’s portion allocated

means for the government or private companies to obtain

to a fund for developing infrastructure. In Mexico City,

additional revenue from something public,” Fenollosa says.

parking meters have been placed in 14 zones and many

That, he adds, spurs discontent. Fenollosa suggests there

more municipalities are starting to integrate them into

needs to be a balance between what the people want and

their urban infrastructure.




Metropolitan Mexico City has about 21 million inhabitants.

“passive” when it comes to the development of their urban

While this adds to the diversity and dynamism of the area,

space. “Ludens has been involved in numerous projects,

the people who constitute it can start experiencing a

all with a strong social aspect,” he says. “We have worked

feeling of detachment. This, according to Iván Hernández,

with INFONAVIT and CONAVI, in which Ludens was

Director Generalr of Ludens architecture firm, can be

tasked with redefining the public space in social housing

attributed to the community failing to sufficiently engage

developments.” Besides being cost efficient at 70 percent

with its surroundings. “Citizens must become agents

of the budgeted cost, Ludens' developments also provide

of change and participation instead of merely being

a clear social benefit. “For a project called RIA rural, we

bystanders,” he asserts. “One way this can be achieved is

designed a model, which had certain fixed parameters

to build on the ideas that cities should not be entirely built

enabling the project to be reproduced and recognizable

by architects.” Ludens' "Urban Prosthetics” project placed

as part of a network, while also having sufficient flexible

ad-hoc structures in public spaces across Mexico City.

lineaments to adapt to the local community, climate and

“With this project, my goal was to challenge the prevailing

topography,” he says. Due to its basic structure and the

view that architecture must be rigid and monumental,” he

lack of unnecessary finishes, it can easily be disassembled

says. “I called the project Urban Prosthetics as a response

and reassembled wherever the need exists.

to perceiving the city as a living organism.” The essence of the project was that the general public would appropriate and interact with the structures. “The idea was to start designing objects that do not serve a predefined purpose and thereby invite participants to improvise and hence adapt the structures to their particular need in the moment,” he says. Hernández’s







predominant attitude of Mexicans, who he describes as

Ludens’ building models can come in at 70 percent of the budgeted cost

Torre BBVA, Reforma, Mexico City





“Mexico is a country of architects,” says Victor Legorreta,

developments. The presence of restaurants, stores and

Partner, Managing & Design Director at architecture

other services in close proximity to apartments and offices

firm LEGORRETA. “Many countries build to meet a

enhances quality of life and the well-being of families.”

need, but Mexico builds for pleasure.” Legorreta sees architecture as an integral part of daily life that must

There is also an increasing preference for open office

satisfy the public’s needs while also addressing the needs

layouts rather than the traditional cubicles of the past. “New

of a city’s infrastructure as it grows economically and in

generations have an open mentality as to how and where

size. “Architecture is incorporated into the everyday life

they want to live and work,” says Legorreta. “Traditionally,

of Mexican citizens and is now used as an expression

Mexico has been an individualist country but to excel

of culture,” he says. “The country is growing at an

it must reach out and collaborate with other players.

exponential rate and each day it requires the construction

Mexico’s skylines are filled with astonishing buildings but

of infrastructure that will meet the demands of its people.”

the urban design of the cities lacks cohesion. Developers,

The integration of architecture into construction processes

architects and authorities must work together to create

can provide solutions to the some of the biggest problems.

cities that are more resilient.” Mixed use developments have

Legorreta says that connecting with and adapting to the

optimized the use of space throughout cities but people

environment is among the most prominent challenges

are also increasingly vocal about their opposition to the

architects face. “Architects have the ability to reduce the

construction of certain infrastructures, which has resulted

carbon footprint of companies, especially since 50 percent

in delays and high costs for developers. Legorreta says that

of a city’s energy is consumed by buildings,” he says. “This

better cooperation is needed. “It is important that all players

means architects have a considerable responsibility to

are involved in the planning and execution of projects to

design innovative construction methods to optimize the

ensure they are completed both on time and on budget.

use of energy.” The availability of land is another challenge

With our latest project, the headquarters

amid the country’s economic growth. “Land has become

in San Francisco, we designated six months for dialogue

the treasure of the 21 century as it becomes scarcer each

with neighboring communities to create a project that best

passing year,” says Legorreta. “Growth concerns have led

fits the needs of all the people involved.” Ultimately, this

to an increase in the development of compact and vertical

project was beneficial to everybody in the community, he

infrastructures. To support such growth, new forms of

says, adding this is not often seen in Mexico.


urbanism should be implemented to create efficient public transport systems and pedestrian-friendly streets.”

Legorreta is also concerned that rural and disadvantaged areas are sometimes left behind. “Developers and

Near the end of 2015, Mexico became the first country in

architects can sometimes forget what it is like to work

Latin America to earn the biennial World Design Capital

with social housing and in low income neighborhoods,” he

accolade for 2018. But rather than rest on its laurels,

says. The firm believes there are neighborhoods, such as

Legorreta believes it is important for cities to recover the

Lindavista in north Mexico City, with strong infrastructure,

character of the old neighborhoods and barrios that offered

access to transportation and wide streets that have the

a simpler way of living. “As cities such as Queretaro and

potential for development. “The environment in which

San Luis Potosi continue to grow, it is important to offer

we live is extremely important and it affects our level of

people a higher quality of life and design neighborhoods

happiness,” Legorreta says. “The quality of our places

with accessible amenities and social areas,” he says.

of work can affect our productivity, learning and mood.

“Space is a luxury and it is important that we begin doing

These two aspects must work in tandem because together

more with less space,” argues Legorreta. “In the last few

they have the power to impact the life of people and the

years, Mexico has experienced a boom in mixed use

surrounding environment."



Gabriel Ballesteros Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu


Manuel Mureddu Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu

Q: How are the discrepancies between environmental and

shape but they contradict land management programs.

land management policies affecting developers?

Companies also point out the incongruence of the Urban

GB: The obstruction of the real estate project in Cancun’s

Development Program that labels ecological zones as land

mangroves is a popular example of the challenges

that can be used for housing. Businesses have no way of

developers face when it comes to governmental and

finding information about these changes and the situation

community approval of projects. The original developer

is causing ecological and urban law to collide.

had been authorized by municipal authorities to begin construction but lacked the obligatory approval of

Q: What needs to be done to bridge the gap between

another agency. The whole situation demonstrates a great

public needs and private sector ambitions?

disconnect between governmental levels and agencies. The

GB: It is not uncommon for the public sector to approve

municipal governments, in general, can approve projects

projects proposed by private companies and allow them

without notifying the federal government, which can later

to begin, only to later stop the entire project. Social

deny approval. Ecological planning programs are taking

discontent occurs when projects do not effectively



Rafael Monjaraz Partner at Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos

Juan Serrano Partner at Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos

Architecture is an essential element needed for the

want but creating solutions that society needs. The

development of infrastructure that will galvanize the

firm’s employees believe the architect’s job is to fulfill

modernization of cities and enhance the standard of living

the dreams of the people and express those dreams by

of its inhabitants, according to Rafael Monjaraz and Juan

turning them into tangible buildings, making architects

Pablo Serrano, Partners at Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos.

the instrument that will help society grow and express itself through its surroundings.

“The firm believes technology, science and art intertwine to create architecture that fulfills human needs and

Sustainability is a growing trend in the infrastructure

can endure over time by adapting to its environment,”

industry and architects are beginning to integrate it not

Monjaraz says. “Architecture is an art that narrates the

only in their designs but in the materials they use to build

presence of mankind on Earth, making it the testimony

their projects. “The idea of sustainability and awareness of

of civilization.” Serrano Monjaraz has concluded that

the importance of nature are becoming prevalent in the

architecture is not about doing what the architects

construction industry as it realizes that exploiting resources

include communities in the planning and development

they cannot risk losing the trust of investment funds. It

process and this can hinder continuity. The instability

is at this point in the project that developers are most

highlights the significance of understanding the needs of

tempted to make decisions that lead to dishonesty.

both citizens and the private sector. Political parties grant a considerable chunk of their attention to elections and

Q: How can social and political issues be avoided?

when they find themselves in an unfavorable position,

GB: Creating dialogue with municipal and state governors

they start blocking major development projects to regain

no longer ensures that developments will be completed

public support. In other cases, they will encourage the

because ecological groups are ramping up pressure on

construction of ostentatious projects to get the attention

the government. It is becoming increasingly difficult for

of voters even if those projects are not ideal for the area’s

companies to find loopholes. If a company submits a

urban development.

change of land use request, SEMARNAT publishes this information on its website to ensure transparency.


MM: It is not extraordinarily challenging to understand the regulatory framework that surrounds infrastructure.

MM: To avoid many of these issues, companies must carry

Companies often encounter unseen environmental problems

out a thorough legal analysis that covers every possible

midway through construction that could have been avoided


with an in-depth analysis of the law. Contingencies should be

mistakenly think that this simply involves the granting of

planned for any project but this route forces companies to

licenses by urban authorities when in reality it implies a

stray from their original plans and budget.

number of environmental, urban development and registry






analyses. By not doing this, developers risk having their GB: Developers face consequences such as legal sanctions

projects halted. Many are so anxious to reap profits they

when they do not carry out the proper studies from the

overlook significant steps and end up increasing the total

outset. As a result, they are forced to find ways to reach

cost of the project. The most effective way to look at these

their established targets and comply with their financial

types of situations is by understanding that officials are

obligations despite project adjustments. At the same time,

temporary but laws are forever.

not only devastates the landscape but also deteriorates

environment. The firm designed the innovative Viñedo de

ecosystems that we inhabit,” Monjaraz says. Buildings

Coté, which was inspired by Hassan Fathy, who created

were traditionally constructed with materials that were

entire cities using sand from deserts in Egypt. For the

easy to use and low cost, albeit extremely destructive to

vineyard, the firm used the original soil as raw material to

the environment. “However, as the years pass, the industry

build the building and cellar. “It is important to remember

is understanding that choosing economically convenient

that the resources provided by nature, such as the soil,

solutions will ultimately create expensive consequences in

are essential elements for the construction,” says Serrano.

the future,” adds Serrano.

“In this project, the soil was used to create the optimal environment for the wine storage because of its stabilizing

The architects say the use of local materials in Mexican

impact on temperature.”

architecture is an ongoing debate in the field. Monjaraz believes that it is important to take into account how

The architects at Serrano Monjaraz believe that values

buildings are constructed, who will benefit and what effect

should always prevail. “Fashion trends are often imposed

it will have on the economy. “In any construction, finding the

on our lives but the firm believes that architecture that

adequate materials for the project is imperative because

is temporal or that corresponds to certain trends will

they not only have to comply with the technological


requirements but they also have to be aesthetically

Serrano. “We do not want to make decisions based on

pleasing,” he says. “Globalization means that to construct

trends. We want to make decisions with responsibility

something, the materials must be brought from all over

and consciousness.” The firm agrees that architects

the world to meet the specifications needed. We made the

must consider the economy and other external factors

decision to design buildings that are sustainable and that

throughout the design process because that will help

are consistent with the economy.”

decide what construction system and processes will be






used. “This will ultimately optimize not only the monetary Serrano and Monjaraz also want to create designs that

resources but it will also create the least possible

are capable of adapting to the surrounding natural

devastation to the site,” says Monjaraz.




Wandering down the streets of Mexico City’s historical

private sector will naturally bond itself to these initiatives.

center you will find buildings erected and scarred by

Paseo de la Reforma is a perfect example of the interaction

the tumultuous history of the country, from the buried

between the public and private sector in regards to urban

relics of the Aztec empire to the palaces of colonial

development. This avenue, originally commissioned by

power. These historical jewels stand side by side with the

the Emperor Maximilian I, has borne witness to the most

crystal skyscrapers that denote Mexico’s evolving urban

important historical events and it is surprising that for some

development. The foundation of IDEURBAN 41 years ago

years, the avenue was dilapidated and few developments

had the intention of boosting Mexico’s urban development

were commissioned. During the administration of Manuel

to achieve harmonious projects in the city. This country has

López Obrador, the public sector repaved the whole

grown leaps and bounds and it has prospered economically;

avenue and provided a range of incentives, including relief

unfortunately, in my eyes this prosperity has not percolated

from building licenses and exemptions from property tax

to all socio-economic groups. My vision has always been

for eight years. These actions served as catalysts and the

to create small cities within larger metropolitan areas that

private sector stepped in and developed iconic buildings

encompass all the variables necessary for successful urban

that reflect Mexico’s path to modernity.

development. Rather than stretching cities to the very limits of the horizon, they should be concentrated into

I have come to realize that Mexico’s youth are apathetic

condensed nuclei of life. I can pinpoint two projects that

to urban development and lack certainty for the future.

are a testament to the capabilities of urban development

It is important to nurture these generations by crafting

and the different facets it embodies.

community and cultural centers because poor urban planning can lead to marginalization and can be a cesspool

The first is the Westin Brisas Hotel that was built between

of antisocial and delictive behavior. The government, hand

1978 and 1981 in Itapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero. The shape

in hand with the private sector, must create inclusive urban

of the hotel is pyramidal and all 416 rooms have an open

developments that embrace these younger generations

terrace with a view of the ocean. One of the unique

and serve as inspiration. For example, an opera house

qualities of this project is that it is perfectly adapted to

can be admired on a television screen but that cannot

the topography of the region and its uneven landscape.

be compared to witnessing its majesty in person. The

The other is the multilevel highway of the Periferico. It

Palacio de Bellas Artes is a fountain of inspiration for those

is undeniable that this vast and sprawling metropolis is

younger generations who wish to leave a mark on the face

plagued by poor mobility and this new, raised highway

of Mexico’s transforming infrastructure. This has been

serves as an antidote to this problem. Besides the obvious

proven in other parts of the world. During the early 1990s,

reduction of traffic and pollution, the goal of the project

for example, Los Angeles appeared lackluster. In 1992,

was to create points of development and to redensify the

Frank Gehry, who is labelled by many as one of the most

city. As cities are stretched to the limits, the difficulties of

important architects of our age, stepped up to the plate

supplying key services like water and basic infrastructure

by designing the Walt Disney Concert Hall. This world-

intensify and developments such as the multileveled

renowned attraction was the first spark that irrevocably

Periferico restrain this growth and promote vertical

transformed the city and the surroundings of the building.

developments. Additionally, in the areas where garbage is dumped in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, I accomplished the

Urban development transforms the idiosyncrasies of

creation of a sports center and housing for 1,500 people.

people and moves civilizations forward. True, inclusive and sustainable urban development creates harmony and as a

It is the task of the government to promote urban

result, citizens develop a deep love and appreciation for the

development through fundamental projects and the

space in which they are born, live, work and ultimately die.


A GALAXY OF OPPORTUNITIES MARIO SCHJETNAN Director General of Grupo de DiseĂąo Urbano (GDU)


Q: How do you integrate landscape architecture and

participation. When we established the initiative to restore

environmental design into urban development in Mexico?

and rehabilitate the park, it was difficult to convince

A: The timeline for an urban project is different to an

the public that the extraction and cutting of trees was

architectural project. The same can be said about parks.

needed and that the park had to be temporarily closed.

Flexibility, patience and endurance are vital assets

To demonstrate the benefits of clearing out the dead trees

because of the length of time needed to develop a project.

from the forest, we enlisted the help of two universities to

The first step is to study the conditions of the site or

carry out a test run. We demonstrated that we would reuse

region from an environmental perspective. We look at the

all the cuttings to improve the quality of the soil. The large

geography, biodiversity, hydrology and topography and

numbers of vendors, both legitimate and illicit, and the

these variables must be considered in urban design. The

enormous flow of people were damaging the park so we

next step is how to establish these conditions as guides for

reorganized the flow and areas of congregation to make it

the design. There are many aspects that are hidden away

less dense. It is a complex social-engineering project that

and that often can be overlooked when designing urban

has to be executed carefully. The political involvement

landscapes. In the city it is crucial to consider the social

creates many variables that are not particularly technical

context and many social factors. The way people move

but together make the project more intricate and require

around a city, for example, greatly influences the design

intense negotiation.

of an urban site. Q: What impact does LEED certification have? Q: What role do these concepts play in helping bridge the

A: The Green Building Council is establishing criteria

socioeconomic aspects in Mexico City?

to certify LEED projects at the urban level, in terms of

A: Mexico City resembles a galaxy where some areas

residual water and other environmental issues, which

are extremely beautiful and others hideous. There is a

is important in this project because it is located in a

continuous contrast of order and chaos and from this

delicate lava rock environment in Mexico City’s Pedregal

point of view Mexico City holds a special place as a global

neighborhood. The region is crucial for the percolation

metropolitan area. The city harks back to the Pre-Hispanic

of water that replenishes the aquifers of the city. The

era when Tenochtitlan was the epicenter surrounded by

first condition was to establish where not to build and

a myriad of towns and settlements. During the colonial

where to conserve. The area will include new strategies

period these settlements became towns with their own

for rainwater collection, recycling of resources and water

identity and characteristics. Mexico City is a collection of horrible and beautiful things woven together, a city full of surprises that brims with endless possibilities. It is not a megalopolis of anonymity but one that has a historical structure. Other areas such as Ecatepec have a character of anonymity because in the past it was a lake that was

Usually an urban project takes 10-20 years to fully mature and reach its desired impact

drained for urban settlements. The way to structure the city is to envelop its historical, social and physical factors

management. Most of the time, LEED is a marketing tool

into the design.

but for this project it was used to establish the conditions for developing the site. The biggest hurdle GDU

Q: What challenges did the Chapultepec Park restoration

encountered was the environmental legal requirements.


Environmental laws can be confusing at times and the

A: The Chapultepec Park project is a wonderful example

regulations should be well-established, transparent and

of a project led by the private sector and citizen

less politicized.




Q: How have you advanced in efforts to become a private

Q: How can Mexico City’s families benefit from installing


vertical farms in their homes?

A: Vertical Farms was born from an NGO called México

A: Vertical Farms targets farmers in Mexico City’s

Fusión Cultural, in which we remain active members. This

rural areas and neighborhoods in Tlalpan, Magdalena

association works to convert social and environmental


initiatives into private businesses that do not rely only on

Xochimilco. People can grow a variety of vegetables and

donations to continue their work. The idea is to create self-

fruits in vertical farms, with the possibility of integrating

sustaining companies that can later offer financial support


to the association. Vertical Farms is collaborating with

aquaponics. The sustainable system can cover up to 30

México Fusión Cultural in a social-interest project to boost

percent of a family’s food requirements, which provides a

local agriculture in a low-income community in Puebla.

considerable economic value even if the unit is only used

On the commercial side of our venture, we are discussing

for self-consumption. To promote our product in this

the installation of an urban farm with Garden Santa Fe, a

market segment we are organizing training sessions to

shopping center that has one of the largest green rooftops

teach people the benefits of urban farming, as well as the

in Latin America.

potential costs and revenues.















Q: What certifications does SUMe work with and what are

that promote sustainability. We also intervene in public

its priorities?

policy, laws and norms. SUMe, for example, participated in

A: SUMe is associated with LEED sustainable certification

creating a Mexican norm for sustainable schools through

systems but has evolved to offer BREEAM certification

the National Institute for Physical Education Infrastructure

classes, a system that originated in the UK and is part of

(INIFED). If change does not happen quickly enough,

the International Living Future Institute. The latter may

cities like Mexico City that are doomed to suffer water

be less well known than LEED but it is highly demanding

scarcity will have such a profound lack of resources that

and as a result more efficient. LEED demands companies

companies will be forced to optimize the world’s limited

efficiently reduce energy costs by approximately 40

resources. It will no longer be a question of choice.

percent, while the Living Challenge expects players to use net positive energy where they must produce 50

Q: How are geographical and cultural differences taken

percent more than the amount consumed. The Institute

into consideration when determining national norms?

also requires businesses to harvest more water than the

A: Official norms promote sustainable buildings while

quantity they use. Overall, SUMe strives to facilitate access

clearly acknowledging the differences between each region

to a wide variety of international certification systems

in Mexico. International institutions that offer certificates

Q: What potential growth is there for vertical gardens in

vegetables market has great potential. We are designing


two residential models in the Mexico City neighborhoods

A: The private and public sectors in Mexico lack innovative

of San Jeronimo and San Angel, which will be the first of

approaches that can promote sustainable business. We

their kind in Mexico.

acknowledge certain advances like the electric vehicles supported by Bimbo but these initiatives are the exception

Q: What challenges are ahead and what is the outlook for

rather than the rule. Japan and Singapore have proven

Vertical Farms in the longer term?

themselves to be the most advanced countries when it

A: Our main challenge is to raise awareness about the

comes to urban farming and vertical gardens. Asia has

potential of vertical farming. We are discussing the

innovative technology that allows houses to grow crops

possibility of a joint venture with SHARP, IUSASOL and

in basements with special lighting. Mexico is just starting

some other companies that will involve adapting solar

to see the first prototypes but we expect the product will

panels to power the automated components of our

soon grow in the market. Vertical farms are threatened

vertical farms. Part of our strategy is to build urban farms

by a modern urban population that categorizes farming

in public places to motivate people to find out more about

as a rural activity. Mexico City used to have urban farms

this technology. We have already seen a similar initiative

and rural settings in the 1950s but most of them vanished

in the greenhouse project in the Bicentenario Park in

during the country’s modernization process. The city’s

Azcapotzalco, funded by the Mexico City government.

increasing population, which is expected to reach 24

Competition is not a threat to our business because our

million by 2030, is raising new concerns regarding land,

main objective is to simply create a market. Promoting

water and food scarcity and vertical urban farms might

vertical farms and increasing their demand in Mexican

arise as a suitable alternative. The technology needed

cities will be easier as we increasingly collaborate with

to construct urban farms is not complex and requires a

other private companies, governments and NGOs. In 10

small initial investment. We are cultivating strategies to

years, we expect to have our product positioned in Mexico

promote urban farming for both self-consumption and

City and have some initiatives under development in other

commercial purposes because the organic fruits and

Mexican states.

such as Living Challenge equally allow companies to

models bring an abundance of cost reductions. The

choose and define the steps they need to take to comply

biggest step toward boosting ecological methods involves

with their demanding net positive requirements. Obviously,

primary education. Elementary schools are starting to

each company has a different context that needs to be

teach children about the importance of taking care of our

considered. For instance, a company in the desert that

planet through responsible consumption.

has water uncertainty will need a different strategy from a company in a location like Tabasco that is frequently

Q: What does the future of sustainability look like?

flooded. Even though they may both strive to treat water

A: SUMe hopes the interest in sustainable buildings

respectfully and avoid overconsumption, their respective

continues to grow exponentially along with access

contexts demand they adopt separate methodologies.

to professional education for older generations. The

Standardizing the process of sustainability is not effective,

landscape changes so quickly that the best way to

especially in a diverse country like Mexico.

foster best practices is through knowledge, education and training. Most people care about the environment

Q: What incentives does SUMe promote?

but have no idea where to start. SUMe can guide them

A: SUMe has a simple mission to make sustainability

in the right direction. We also plan to increase the

more profitable. Fortunately, technology and material

importance of equity within the concept of sustainability.

development, coupled with the industry’s expertise, makes

Everybody needs to feel welcome inside every structure,

it easier to achieve our goal. Incentives such as pilot credit

from wheelchair users to others with vision impairments.

programs exist to motivate players. The Living Challenge

Many certification systems are starting to incorporate

reward system offers points for sustainable actions that

accessibility such as LEED pilot programs in Mexico. They

place companies into silver and gold levels. Each region

make sure that a building cannot be labeled as sustainable

has customized ways to gain points. Companies should

if it does not incorporate equity into its structure. We

understand that the initial budget of a sustainable

hope to see a decline in the prevalence of companies that

construction project may be more expensive than more

profit from the added value of sustainability by promoting

traditional methods but in the long run, highly efficient

misleading information.





Q: What is behind the rise of multipurpose building sites

Q: What are the benefits of using BIM when entering the

in Mexico and how are they evolving?

bidding for an infrastructure project?

A: In Mexico City there is a serious land deficit. As a

A: BIM will demonstrate both external and internal factors

result, prices are skyrocketing and it has become almost

that will affect the construction and helps optimize project

imperative to build multipurpose developments. We

coordination among developers, builders and designers.

strive to optimize the use of buildings by incorporating

Once that is done, the costs and time can be calculated

new techniques, knowledge and building methods.

for the different stages of the project. This method

It is essential that the architect is in constant contact

consists of five dimensions that make it easier to manage

with designers, builders and owners, as well as having

the project and it can also help predict how the building

a profound knowledge of the city’s landscape and how

will react to various factors after completion, while also

it will change. Structural designers should participate

creating more efficient and cost-effective construction

throughout the entire project and contribute to the

processes. Developers hire structural engineers to build

optimization of the materials and space, which is

BIM models but the time required to complete these

unusual in Mexico, as architects more commonly work

models is extensive. BIM also allows integration of reforms

closely with developers instead of structural engineers.

and regulations from specific countries into the computer

The buildings we design match the country’s latest

models. The software can provide users with the latest

trends such as creating open spaces. Mexicans have

updates in a country’s energy regulations and norms and

been accustomed to visiting enclosed shopping malls

from there adapt it to the project.

but now people want to walk in the open air and among greenery.

Q: What are Alto Desempeño’s goals when it comes to designing Mexico’s future infrastructure?

Mexico is 20-30 years behind Korea and Taiwan and must catch up by innovating in the market

A: We need to spread prosperity across the country, especially to the southeast region. Southern states are extremely rich in natural resources but they are not fully developed. We want to be more involved in projects like Vientos del Sur in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The main goal of this project is to build international cargo ports to attract more investment and encourage the economic

Q: How is technology changing the industry and what

development of these deprived regions. Apart from

methods are being employed in Mexico?

the ports, new roads and highways would be necessary

A: Mexico’s perspective is changing and the introduction

throughout these regions to transport the cargo within

of technologies such as Revit and Building Information

the country. These types of projects would also force the

Modeling (BIM) are making companies realize that costs

creation of new infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals,

are not as important as having a quality end result. Mexico

roads and bridges. These regions could take advantage

is leaning toward the use of more sustainable building

of the new Energy Reforms to create windfarms. The

techniques and materials. Other countries, such as Korea

commitment of the government is one of the most

and Taiwan, have developed quickly because they invested

important catalysts for the development of Mexico’s future

in technology and education years ago but Mexico is

infrastructure. Mexico is accustomed to believing that the

20-30 years behind and must catch up by innovating in

most important regions in the country are Guadalajara,

the market. The most predominant materials used in the

Mexico City and Monterrey, when in reality there are

industry are high-resistant concrete and steel, which are

many more cities that are filled with potential and are just

easy to adapt and mold.

waiting for the opportunity to flourish.


TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, AND THAT CAN BE A PROBLEM Time can be both a luxury and a burden. For the companies building the country’s infrastructure, it is more a burden, especially when dealing with the government, says Mario Jiménez, Architect at Jica Construcciones. Federal administrations have short six-year windows to reap results, putting pressure on companies. Time, he says, is one of the largest hurdles in Mexico. Jiménez points to social infrastructure as an example. The government has put a priority on universal healthcare and it is now one of the industry’s fastest growing sectors. “Hospital projects take time and these become increasingly complex when factoring in administration changes,” he says, adding that

“People in the industry know that any company that is able to complete a hospital project has valuable experience. This gives us prestige and makes it easier to win bidding rounds” Mario Jiménez, Architect at Jica Construcciones

when governments look ahead, they can get it right. The Ciudad Modelo project being carried out by Audi in “Puebla invests the most in health and in general

Puebla is a good example of the company’s scope. This is

infrastructure such as streets, highways, parks and offices,”

a five-year project with the objective of building 20,000

he says. “It develops large hospitals with massive budget

houses on 480ha for new Audi employees. Jica is in charge

allocations. Document processing is quicker and can be

of the first phase that involves 160ha. The auto company

completed in specific integrated service centers. People

has a responsibility to take care of the massive number of

no longer have to jump from agency to agency because

people its plant will attract but the nearest municipality

the government is more strategically organized.”

does not have the capacity to offer enough basic services, Jiménez says. “If each person is part of a four-person family,

Jica Constucciones has been successful in bidding rounds

an estimated influx of 80,000 people is expected to enter

for hospital projects and Jiménez says companies wanting

in a five-year period,” he says. “This is an incredibly short

to emulate that success must have diversified and related

amount of time considering that areas usually have several

portfolios, as these are the most likely to win projects like

decades to adapt to these numbers.” Ciudad Modelo

hospitals. “They must carefully check the requirements

implies a source of employment, services and sustainable

of each tender to avoid wasting time,” he says. “General

technology. Sustainability is important as it will help

construction companies without specialties typically seek

maximize the city’s consumption habits. LED technology

alliances with other businesses that can help them fill their

and water treatment plants are being considered to recycle

expertise gaps. When it comes to public projects, almost

limited resources as much as possible. “The water used by

99 percent of the developments we solicit are awarded

nearby houses, hotels and commerce will be purified,” he

to our company.” Synergy is a priority when it comes to

says. “Ciudad Modelo will be one of the first cities to have

complex projects like hospitals to ensure the creation of a

all basic services and integrated sustainable development.”

manageable structure. “Even though we have experience with design and construction, the demands we receive

Despite federal budget cuts Jiménez says the country’s

from doctors are a priority because they will be responsible

infrastructure requirements will expand, bolstering the

for managing operations,” he says. Jica maintains a close

need for companies with a long resume. “Overall, the

relationship with the medical team and is willing to make

Mexican industry requires companies that have experience

adjustments as far as normativity allows.

and a willingness to grow,” he says. “We perceive a large demand for practical and experienced private companies

The firm has a wide portfolio that does not nestle into

as the government does not have the budget or enough

a particular niche. “We cannot afford to only focus on

capacity to fill every infrastructure gap.” The architect

hospitals as they are not frequently requested,” says

points out that Jica’s history with hospitals is an advantage

Jiménez. “Our experience includes the construction of

because they are some of the most complicated projects

schools in Nuevo Leon, Michoacan and Morelos but we are

of the industry. “People in the industry know that any

interested in all types of construction projects. Our division

company that is able to complete a hospital project has

that involves design, 3+2, also offers growth opportunities

valuable experience. This gives us prestige and makes it

but only for particular clients.”

easier to win bidding rounds,” he says.



CITIES STARTING TO RESEMBLE PROBLEM, NOT SOLUTION Gabriel Ballesteros Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu

Manuel Mureddu Partner at Ballesteros Mureddu


Latin America is one of the most urbanized regions of the

with sprawl appears when it does not come from a natural

world, with more than 70 percent of its population living in

process but from a commercial condition propitiated

cities, but Mexico’s data is even higher. According to World

artificially by the government or by developers, mainly

Bank statistics, by 2015 almost 79 percent of Mexicans

due to economic efficiency motives and speculation, even

were living in an urban settlement. Unfortunately, what

when there was no need for it. If the expansion of the

was supposed to be the solution for millions is not fulfilling

city does not come with a growing process that respects

its purpose. The urbanization of the population has not

the contiguity of the city, then it creates new spaces

meant richer, healthier or happier citizens. On the contrary,

whose value will grow within a speculation process, and

it seems as if inequality and tension have increased. Cities,

that will eventually continue feeding the artificial sprawl

which were supposed to be the solution, are starting to


look like a part of the problem. Modern urban sprawl, as it is commonly known, equals a disordered, disconnected,

As we said before, sprawl benefits and is propitiated by a

saturated and polluted city and is a major contributor to

combination of both aggressive commercial action by the

urban problems.

developers and a government public policy that stymies the inner development of the cities in favor of its farther

But where does natural urban sprawl come from? That is

regions, promotes housing ownership as a tenet, or even

easy: movement. The classic city’s design was defined by

worse, fails to implement policy at all.

its transportation system in a cause-effect relationship. When traveling systems other than our own feet were

In that case, we should ask ourselves: Is the housing

introduced, people could easily start living farther from

ownership policy bad for cities? We would not dare say

the old city, and so they did, and urban sprawl appeared.

it but one thing we cannot deny is that these kinds of

That is why many older neighborhoods were once the

policies eventually end up pushing people out of cities. If

sprawl of decades ago in our cities. The introduction of

we encourage our people to buy their own houses, they

automobiles, which not only includes cars but also public

will probably have to look for a property in the suburban

transport, became a defining feature of the design of our

area of the city because those are the kinds of properties

cities because they allowed people to live far from the city

that most people can afford. Land the inner cities has

and still be able to commute into it.

considerably raised its price, which at the same time has caused a phenomenon whereby if it ever gets to be

According to Edward Glaeser in his book “Triumph of

developed, its cost will be way higher. It is a vicious circle

the City,” the sprawl generated by the introduction of

and the more the sprawl grows and the city expands, the

a transportation system generally goes through three

more the land in the inner city will cost, and the more it

phases: technological breakthroughs that enable the

costs, the more it will continue its expansion.

large-scale production of a faster way to move; the new transportation network is built to accommodate this new

Another characteristic that comes along with sprawl is the

technology, or equally, the creation of new infrastructure;

decrease in the density of the city, which unfortunately

and people and companies change their geographic

commonly comes along with an increase in the usage of

locations to take advantage of this new mode of transport,

cars. There is therefore a massive rise in driving traffic and

and so sprawl happens.

energy use, affecting the sustainability of our cities and reducing the quality of life of a portion of the population,

In this way urban sprawl is not negative in itself. In fact,

mainly the poorest. An even worse problem is that this will

suburbanization, which is a common effect of the sprawl,

also provoke a new vicious circle. The common reaction to

should not be considered intrinsically bad. The problem

the increase in the usage of cars would be to implement

a highly developed public transportation system, or to improve the existing one. This is only efficient and affordable if there exists enough density to justify the routes of this new system. If there is not enough density, then the cost of the new system with its own infrastructure cannot be justified because of its low prospected efficiency, earmarking cars as the main, if not sole, mode of transport within our cities. So, how should we deal with the apparently unavoidable sprawl of our cities to prevent them from becoming more inefficient and less equitable? There are two strategies that must be implemented in our cities: infill and regeneration. In Mexico, we are not creating public policies to regenerate and fill the city that already has infrastructure. Vertical development, with its own particularities, is a good way to fill or regenerate the empty spaces within our cities but municipal governments are not promoting it. They should create an easier environment for its development, which should include new policies and incentives for taxation, simpler procedures and development rights to increase density and verticalize the empty lots in the cities. Ironically, some of these figures already exist in some states, though they


are not being used.



Moreover, there is a great opportunity for these policiesCM to combine the new models of the financial system ofMY housing and infrastructure for mass public transportation.CY That is the key to give continuity to a future vision that hasCMY begun with the statement of the circles of containment in K the Mexican cities (U1-U2-U3) conducted by the National Housing Commission (CONAVI) in January 2013. Therefore, efficient infrastructure development should be taken in consideration when addressing the need to regenerate the inner blanks of our cities, but above all, we should consider consolidating walkable districts. There is no way to have enough infrastructure if we keep developing our cities under a horizontal low-density model. If we do not seek to raise the density within our cities, we will be condemning the new inhabitants of our suburbs to saturate every single infrastructure project we make, and that is enough to consider our infrastructure as inefficient. Mexico is a country facing an urban crisis, a condition that could be followed by a financial and a social crisis if we continue exercising only an urban expansion policy as the unique vision of urban development, and if we simply limit ourselves to building infrastructure as an answer to the expansion of our cities, and not to its natural regeneration. The growth and expansion of cities is a natural process, but it can become a social and urban predator if we do not face it properly and in the right time.

Presa MadĂ­n, Arquitectoma, State of Mexico



Mexico is slowly but surely recovering from the 2013 housing crisis with the rise of Mexico’s middle class. President Peña Nieto’s National Housing Plan has brought housing developers back into the city and has them reaching for the sky. CONAVI has identified a housing deficit that impacts 9 million families but not because of a lack of homes, rather a lack of rooms in homes. Incentives are being given to developers to encourage the construction of vertical housing within urban areas, as well as the integration of sustainable materials. Citizens are looking for housing complexes within walking distance of parks, schools and their places of work to reduce commute times.

This chapter contains insights from leading companies that are restoring Mexico’s housing sector. Key national and international developers talk about setting their sights on middle-income housing, especially in Mexico’s fastest growing cities, such as Puebla and Queretaro. Industry players discuss the creation of innovative financing models and the trend of banks supporting the construction of housing developments with accessible interest rates. The developers are hopeful that Mexico’s economy will continue to blossom and with it the housing sector.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Víctor Requejo, BIM


ANALYSIS: Turning the Page on The Social Housing Sector


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Carlos Braniff, Casas GEO


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfonso Serrano, Hábvita


INSIGHT: José Macías, Maza Servicios






VIEW FROM THE TOP: Francisco Martín del Campo, Arquitectoma


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Shabot, Quiero Casa


INSIGHT: Federico Sada, INSAR


INSIGHT: Carlos Rousseau, Orange Investments


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Víctor Farid, Grupo DRT




Q: What is BIM’s central focus and who are its clients?

amount of capital we receive from SHF. The rest of our

A: We are a Mexican bank that focuses on the real

capital comes from funds. By the end of the year, we

estate sector. The company works all over the country,

expect to manage a 60:40 ratio between the public and

from Tijuana to Chetumal, in 24 states and Mexico City.

private sectors instead of 70:30.

We have at least one branch in every state and certain areas like Mexico City have two. BIM directs its resources

An issue is that investors like funds constantly demand

toward large projects that have up to 2,000 dwellings. We

more competitive interest rates to make more profit.

mostly collaborate with small and medium construction

They need to understand that our rates are actually quite

companies and many of our clients were impacted by the

high in comparison to the US, where rates are almost 0

2008 financial crisis and are trying to get back on their

percent. An investment of US$30,000 in the US barely

feet. BIM also finances the construction of up to 30,000

returns US$0.25, while the average bank in Mexico offers

houses per year. Overall, last year it invested approximately

rates of 2.3 percent. Our bank breaks the benchmark by

MX$7.2 billion (US$378 million). In 2016, we expect to raise

offering up to 5 percent, which is an excellent opportunity

that number to MX$9 billion (US$473 million).

for investors. The percentage depends on the level of commitment the investor can offer and longer periods

Q: How does the bank’s financing process work?

receive higher rates.

A: With housing developments we help finance the construction but we do not buy the project itself. People

Q: What are the benefits of trust funds?

who want to buy a house normally receive credit for 90

A: Professionals that come together to create housing

percent of the cost. The difference is that construction

projects want secure their investments. Some opt for

credit only covers 60 percent of the house value. We do

trust funds and mortgage their land with an established

not give the entire loan initially, but we grant it through

loan guarantee. Upon agreement, the owner can receive

phases. After approving the loan, we start by offering only

a percentage of the sales profit from the bank, which has

a 20 percent down payment, enough to start construction.

the responsibility of managing the balance.

Then we offer continuous payments that are equal to the project’s advancement. If the project grows by 8 percent,

We have MX$2.5 billion (US$131 million) of capital, a

we offer an additional 8 percent of the loan. However, once

small number compared with many large banks. Clients

the project reaches a completion rate of 90 percent, we

can easily find credit that is less expensive than ours but

provide the loan’s outstanding value.

many opt for BIM because we offer easier processes and will accept clients rejected by other banks. Traditional

BIM gives companies a tight two-year period to build and

banks only give loans to individuals who are part of the

sell their projects. If a deadline is missed, the bank meets

formal economy, implying they have social security and

with the company to create and implement strategies.

pay taxes, while we are willing to give loans to members

Depending on the case, we may expand the credit line

of the informal economy, except for construction loans. In

or give more time. When a project fails, which is quite

these cases, BIM requires a tax statement and a healthy

rare, they can give us their business as a way to pay back

balance sheet that shows a company is formalized. Loans

the loan. Failed projects only represent up to 2 percent

for buying homes are managed differently, which allows us

of the businesses we work with. We receive 70 percent

to serve the informal community.

of the capital we lend to construction companies from the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF), a development

Q: What is BIM’s strategy to expand its business?

bank administered by the Ministry of Finance. We also

A: Our bank has been growing at a consistent annual rate

use budget allocations to complement or substitute the

of 25 percent so we do not need to form alliances. We

work efficiently and are opening up new offices in areas

million houses and currently has total of 33 million. Anyone

like Torreon, Coahuila. BIM invests in software, processes

that doubts the success of the real estate industry should

and staff to ensure quality. We make an effort to secure

keep in mind that accurate national data may be hard

resources from our investors so that we can accumulate

to find. In 2010, INEGI claimed that there were 5 million

enough capital to satisfy the financial needs of the housing

empty houses while the market had a total of 30 million.

projects we receive. Developers that request money to

The information is not congruent. Any country in the world

build a project not only need money to build, they also

has an empty house average that ranges between 8-10

require land, machines and money to pay salaries. We help

percent of its total housing capacity because people who

fund these details. BIM differentiates itself by granting

purchase a home do not immediately occupy it.

credit lines to all types of clients. The bank also has the advantage of offering fast service. While others take up to

Mexico also has an unusually large number of second-

six months before accepting a project, our process lasts

home owners. Morelos alone has 300,000 houses that

about a month.

are only occupied on weekends and holidays. The most interesting part is that the majority of owners have an

Q: Why is Mexico such an important focal point of the real

average monthly salary of US$1,000. In the US, a family

estate industry?

with the same salary could never afford a vacation home

A: The housing market in Mexico is the second largest on

in a comparative state like Florida.

the American continent, next to the US. The country builds 450,000-500,000 houses per year, while the US builds

The 2008 crisis also boosted the number of abandoned

more than a million. Our northern neighbor sells up to 8

houses in the market but considering the existence of

million houses in a year but approximately 80 percent of

30 million homes, at the most the market would have

these are used. About 70 percent of the houses sold in

had 2.5 million. Considering all of this, 5 million empty

Mexico are new. That is because our market is quite new

houses is a drastic exaggeration. Now, the market is

in comparison to the more mature US market. Mexico will

flourishing. Many of the empty houses were acquired by

soon follow in its steps as families start to demand larger

impoverished families that could never afford it in the

houses. The cheapest house in Mexico costs US$15,000

past. For instance, a house that may have had a price tag

while the lowest price you can find in the US is US$150,000.

of MX$250,000 (US$13,157) before the crisis now has a

Over the last 25 years, Mexico has built approximately 10

value of MX$100,000 (US$5,263).

BMV, Reforma , Mexico City



TURNING THE PAGE ON THE SOCIAL HOUSING SECTOR Political reforms and new financing opportunities are

projects that were outside the cities often needed new

transitioning the housing industry from a focus on the mass

infrastructure financed by the government or developers

affordable housing that pushed the market to bankruptcy

to continue.”

three years ago to more carefully planned, designed and interconnected structures that can help Mexico manage its

Although the change of policy is a good first step,

accelerating urbanization rates.

Mexico’s housing industry still has many hurdles to jump. The government must deal with the former housing


“We have emerged from an exhausted and numerical

developments and projects that continue to be built

model that prevailed between the years 2000 to 2012

away from city centers. The Housing Research and

and which focused on goals without considering urban

Documentation Center (CIDOC) said in its “Mexico’s

mobility, amenities or growth of cities,” says Fernando

Current Housing State 2015” report that one of the biggest

Abusaid, former President of the National Chamber of the

challenges of the market are developments that are being

Development and Promotion of Housing (CANADEVI). “With

built far away from basic infrastructure. There is also a lack

the new administration, we reinvented ourselves by making

of coordination between urban design and planning, the

adjustments and mapping urban containment strategies.”

housing industry and governmental agencies.

The construction boom, the expansion of housing


finance and a lack of effective urban planning created

In its 2015 Urban Policy Reviews: Mexico – Transforming

an unfortunate and accelerated urban sprawl across the

Urban Policy and Housing Finance, the OECD says that

country. “One of the key challenges facing many Mexican

between 2000 and 2010 the city center of many metro

cities has been the rapid and uncoordinated growth of

zones experienced an average population decrease of 7.5

urban footprints, characterized as distant, dispersed and

percent while the rates of areas more than 10km from the

disconnected,” says the World Bank in its 2016 Mexico

center increased by 6.8 percent. OECD data also shows

Urbanization Review. “The way Mexican cities grew in the

that “in 46 of 59 metropolitan zones, more than 70 percent

past means their potential to boost economic growth and

of homes registered in the new housing registry between

foster social inclusion is limited.”

2006 and 2013 were built either on the outskirts or the periphery” of cities. Mortgage and housing subsidies and a

According to the Latin American headquarters for

thirst for cheaper land compounded the situation.

Habitat International Coalition, in 2013 the country found itself with unused housing units due to structural

In response to the growing demand for housing, President

failures, unaffordable mortgage rates, the placement of

Felipe Calderón unveiled the National Housing Plan 2007-

projects in environmentally risky areas, insecurity and

2012 to promote the increase of financial resources for

poor planning that caused long commutes. The situation

housing and to mitigate barriers to home ownership. The

caused developers, the public sector and international

reform strengthened INFONAVIT and FOVISSTE, the two

organizations to take another look at the country’s urban

main public institutions responsible for financing formal

planning. They found that more integrated structures in

housing for marginalized communities.

urban areas were needed to avoid similar mistakes. Although the federal plan made a dent in its goal to With the entrance of a new administration in 2012, policies

reduce the housing deficit, it created other problems

were refocused to push for more vertical housing in urban

that continue to plague the country. “Progress toward

areas. President Enrique Peña Nieto turned a new page for

decreasing the housing deficit was achieved but the model

the housing agenda with the National Urban Development

was unsustainable. People moved away from centralized

Program 2014-2018 (NUDP). The plan seeks to control

areas with jobs and services, increasing traffic, reducing

urban expansion, promote a sustainable mobility policy,

productivity and overall quality of living,” says Rosario

avoid human settlements in unsafe areas and strengthen

Robles, Minister of SEDATU, in an interview with Forbes.

local capacity, among other elements.

“Urban stains were created and we now need to fix the scars of abandoned properties and social segregation.”

“INFONAVIT is starting to pay more attention to how a project is developed in terms of infrastructure,” says

The states that were most affected by abandoned houses

Juan Carlos Braniff, Director General of Casas GEO. “The

were Chihuahua, with 9,000, Tamaulipas and Jalisco with

5,000 each, the State of Mexico with over 4,500 and

buildings in the country, according to data from CONAVI.

Coahuila with almost 4,000, according to the report.

That is up from the 2015 total at 28.6 percent.

CIDOC concludes that many of these houses were built with inadequate infrastructure, without transportation

But the government should not simply target vertical

and far from job sources, which in the end were the root

building within urbanized areas. It needs to have a

causes for the abandonment.

completely integrated plan. The ReShim report says that increasing density is more than merely multiplying


the quantity of units or people but that it should

With the Peña Nieto plan, the rug was pulled from under

also encompass an integrated design and planning

social housing developers. The new plan shifted the

scheme, elements that were missing from the previous

focus of subsidies to concentrate on urban areas and

administration’s plans. Urban planning thrives on density

verticalization. Coupled with people leaving their homes

requirements, metropolitan planning, taxation reforms

on the outskirts and moving back to the city, this left many

and governmental promotion of infill development, the

of the Calderón-era developers out in the cold.

report concludes.

Many of Mexico’s largest social housing developers filed


for bankruptcy in 2013. On their website, Rothschild & (PERCENTAGE REGISTERED FROM JAN-JUN 2016) (percentage registered from Jan-Jun) Co explains that Casas GEO, Mexico’s largest housing developer at the time and one of the biggest in the world, ended up with a liquidity crisis that pushed the company into bankruptcy. Rothschild was one of the financial advisors that guided GEO’s capital restructuring. “The company filed for bankruptcy two years ago with a debt of US$2.5 billion,” says Braniff of Casas GEO. “We worked along with Banorte, one of our main creditors, to restructure all of the bank debt and bonds. At the end, we


only had about US$3 million in debt, and accomplished a


capital infusion.” Researchers from the Harvard Graduate School of Design’s ReShim (Rethinking Social Housing in Mexico) project point out that urban expansion and sprawl create

Horizontal VERTICAL


70.60% 2016

29.40% 2016

71.40% 2015 HORIZONTAL

28.60% 2015


a disproportionate amount of costs for residents and local governments and this is usually caused by inefficient


policies and subsidies. It also gathers disadvantaged

agencies are necessary considering global urbanization rates







are quickly increasing. The UN World Urbanization Prospects

congestion, environmental issues and the loss of space

2014 estimates that by 2050, 70 percent of the world will

for agriculture – precisely what happened under Calderón.

be urbanized. “Land is the treasure of the 21st century as it

The report suggests that Mexico needs to deal with its

becomes scarcer each passing year,” says Victor Legorreta,

sprawling development pattern by densifying the existing

Partner, Managing & Design Director of one of Mexico's

built-up areas and creating structures closer to where

leading design firms LEGORRETA®. “Rising concerns have

people work. This is what the Peña Nieto’s plan is trying

led to a more compact and horizontal infrastructure.”






to achieve. The World Bank in its 2016 Review says, “Economic


innovation and productivity in firms often grow most

Mexico is entering a new phase as companies like Casas

easily in dense and connected urban environments, where

GEO are starting to get back on their feet. The company

labor, knowledge and new ideas are just a few minutes

has restructured and plans to finally deliver houses to

away.” The private sector is often responsible for creating

families that have been waiting about two and half years

sustainable projects while the public sector is tasked with

for it to finish the projects, according to Rothschild.

creating incentives and establishing effective regulations to promote proper and interconnected developments. A more

Verticalization is a growing trend in Mexico, particularly in

sustainable residential sector in Mexico is intrinsically linked

heavily populated areas such as Mexico City. So far in 2016,

to development, as it can positively impact the country’s

vertical structures represent 29.4 percent of registered

economy and improve the quality of life among its citizens.





Q: What was behind the jump in Casas GEO’s share price

reduce debt and produce cash flow. Casas GEO is realistic

to MX$13 (US$0.68) from MX$5 (US$0.26) in April 2016?

when it comes to its objectives. In the long term, we

A: The company filed for bankruptcy two years ago, the

should be able to dwell further on segments, geographies

first large case under the new bankruptcy law. We were

and the product itself. In the short term, we need to finish

subsequently suspended from trading on the Mexican

what we started as efficiently as possible. The company

Stock Exchange (BMV) but we worked along with

will likely not be able to start new projects until 2018.

Banorte, one of our main creditors, to restructure all of

Not only our company but the country in general needs

our bank debt and bonds. The restructuring was approved

be less dependent on subsidies because this disrupts

by the judge with agreements from our creditors and

purchasing power. There is no solution for this yet but the

banks. Thanks to Banorte and fund administrator Capital

nature of subsidies needs to change to make it feasible to

Inmobilario, we received a capital infusion of MX$3.5

build near cities. In the past, the government had us move

billion (US$184 million). At the moment we are restarting

out of the city to produce the required volume and this

all the operations we had. The company’s share prices are

changed the economics of the industry since it demanded

the result of a restructuring process that took place in mid-

infrastructure building. Authorities need to find a solution

December 2015. Our largest bond worth MX$170 million

in which we can purchase land near cities at a reasonable

(US$8.9 million), Geo Met, had to be restructured. After

price that will enable us to produce low-income housing.

that transaction was announced, the share price overshot, closed and settled in mid-June at MX$9.3 (US$0.48),

Q: How has Casas GEO adapted its financial model to

which is closer to the true value.

address higher mortgage rates? A: We see mortgage lending rates as a big opportunity

Q: What are you doing differently now that you have

because INFONAVIT has stable finances. There is a surplus


in terms of mortgages and the financial sector is quite strong

A: We have completely changed our production strategy and

with minimal default rates. Mortgage lending rates are

reduced our production cycle. Casas GEO positioned itself

relatively low when compared to GDP. Bank balance sheets

at one point to be the third largest producer of concrete but

do not exceed 30 percent, a rate well below international

can no longer afford to be a fully integrated company like

standards. INFONAVIT is starting to pay more attention

before. We have moved from a totally vertical integration

to how a project’s infrastructure is developed. Projects

model to outsourcing. Our focus now involves obtaining

outside of cities often needed new infrastructure financed

financing, developing land, supervising construction and

by the government or developers to continue. INFONAVIT

selling. In the long run, we want to move closer to cities and

has been strict but willing to help us with a credit line that

higher up in the socioeconomic level for first homes and

is being used to invest in infrastructure gaps. Casas GEO

continue developing our high-quality second-home models.

supports INFONAVIT’s Vive program, which helps subsidize

Our company agrees with the government’s decision to

projects with a smaller carbon footprint.

stop focusing on volume when it comes to construction projects because those can only be built far away from the

Q: How can Casas GEO help reduce the housing deficit?

city at a reasonable price. The government then ends up

A: We are kick-starting our projects and staying on track

spending more capital in the long run by having to build

with production and development. Today, we have 25

sewage facilities and other basic services.

active projects in 14 states. Casas GEO is renewing its credit lines and should stay on budget. We have over

Starting next year, our goal is to improve our projects

2,000 houses in production and we are starting to grant

when it comes to urban design and other similar details,

titles. We can eventually reach a market share of between

and be less dependent on subsidies. Our main goals are to

3-4 percent of INFONAVIT subscribers.



Q: How does Hábvita contribute to alleviating the

A: The main challenge Hábvita faces when building

country’s housing deficit?

homes is understanding the specific needs of the

A: It is important to first understand how the deficit is

family and establishing clear communication with them.

integrated given there are different types of housing needs.

Understanding the family’s needs and wants facilitates

CONAVI and the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF) have

the design process and allows us to create a home that

discovered that almost 60 percent of that deficit comes

fits into the cultural, social and economic needs of each

from rural communities with no access to financing. Housing

family. It is important to not only build a house that fits

companies have been less successful in Mexico because

individual needs but also a residence that is both practical

they are not targeting the correct market. Analyzing the

and beautiful. We use materials from each region and

8.9 million families within the housing deficit, 63 percent of

focus on cultural designs like Casa Maya or Palafitos in

these families are from rural communities and 76 percent

Campeche or Jefas de Familia in Chiapas. We try to follow

of the families in rural areas form part of the informal labor

a progressive model and implement basic services and

sector. Hábvita assists families in rural communities by

environmental technologies where possible.

providing financing and up-front payments to suppliers. About 65 percent of the homes in Mexico are self-built.

Q: What new technologies or techniques does Hábvita

Many developing countries follow the same housing trend.

integrate into the building of sustainable homes in rural

The vast majority of Mexico’s labor force is informal so most


citizens do not have access to financing and build their

A: We integrate technologies that make homes more

homes through developers. This model fulfils the needs

sustainable and ecofriendly. Solar panels are often seen

of this segment of the population, giving families in rural

as luxuries or as ways to spend less money, but in these

settings the chance to build better homes.

homes they are a necessity since there is no access to electricity. The same goes for water so the majority of our

Q: What financing plans has the government established

homes have their own water harvesting system. Another

to meet the needs of the population?

challenge is that many homes do not have access to

A: Financing is yet another challenge and although banks

sewage so they must have their own biodigestors. Around

and governmental entities are providing large amounts of

95 percent of Mexicans have access to electricity and 70

financing, it is still not enough. More than 50 percent of

percent have access to safe drinking water but only 65

the deficit comes from the informal sector. A couple of

percent have access to sewage facilities. The sewage water

years ago, INFONAVIT created a new financial program

emitted from these houses contaminates nearby water

called Assisted Self-Production Financing, which is a

aquifers, rivers and lakes. This is causing communities

combination of mortgage and microfinancing loans. This

to become sick and the government has begun to take

lowers the financing from five to eight years total, with an

action by investing in new water treatment technology.

interest rate of around 22 percent. Because the families’

We are now installing water filtration systems in many

incomes are not significant, the size of the loans is small

of the houses so that families can use the existing water

and usually amounts to MX$70,000-150,000 (US$3,684-

resources and access safe drinking water for everyday

7,894). These micro-housing loans are a new type of credit

use. The eco-technologies that we integrate into our

that has been evolving in the last couple of years and has

houses are not seen just as something that will benefit

been extremely helpful because this segment is growing

the environment but as a way to substitute the lack of

more than 80 percent each year.

infrastructure in communities and houses. Our goal is to develop more governmental alliances because the use of

Q: What strategies does Hábvita implement to create

these types of technologies saves municipalities a great

homes that fit culture, landscape and lifestyle?

deal of money in infrastructure spending.




to Macías, has been lack of funding. “Among the factors

economic system that does

prices," he says. “We need to have an economic system that

not depend on oil prices. In


that have had a negative impact on the industry are low oil does not depend on oil prices.”

this way we could generate

This administration’s densification policy for social housing

the necessary resources to

focus on the inner part of Mexico City, says Macías. Instead

boost the industry”

“We look for ways of constructing these vertical compounds

José Macías, Construction Manager of Maza Servicios

has transformed the way it is constructed with a greater of small houses, developments now include vertical housing. in strategic zones that allow habitants access to public services,” he says. “We achieve this through the densification policy established by the federal administration.” Many

Mexico is facing a substantial housing deficit and José

construction companies faced financial difficulties in

Macías, Construction Manager of Maza Servicios believes this

the aftermath of the 2008 crisis and Maza Servicios is

is due to the industry’s failure to meet the housing objectives

implementing a series of strategies to make sure it does

established by federal administrations. “We have the needed

not go through the same thing. “We observe the market

institutions and mechanisms, such as INFONAVIT, to provide

and analyze the housing needs of different cities so we

houses for the country’s inhabitants but we now need more

can conduct a proper evaluation of the practicality and

resources,” he says. The main stumbling block, according

profitability of investing in a particular city,” he says.


SAFEGUARDING THE RIGHT TO A HOME FERNANDO ABUSAID Former President of the National Chamber of the Development and Promotion of Housing (CANADEVI)

Q: How has CANADEVI consolidated its position in the

his or her lifetime. Homeownership places an individual

market and what are its main achievements?

on a different economic and social platform and this is

A: CANADEVI has been a strong representative of

why we must show great sensitivity toward the needs

the Mexican housing market and it has supported the

of the people and ensure they are satisfied with our

national affiliates throughout the transition to a new

endeavors. When referring to social housing, article 23

housing model. The success of the sector and the

of the Mexican Constitution guarantees that all Mexicans

industry can be attributed to the fact that it satisfies

with formal employment may have access to a home with

the primordial need of homeownership. As a sector

government support. However, we have emerged from an

we represent a value chain that starts when housing

exhausted and numerical model that prevailed between

developers buy a piece of land and continues onto the

the years 2000 to 2012 and that focused on goals

economic revenue for states and municipalities through

without considering urban mobility, amenities or growth

permits, licenses, land value payments and notifications.

of cities. With the new administration, we reinvented

The biggest privilege lies with the last link of the value

ourselves by making adjustments and mapping urban

chain, which is the buyer. The purchase of a house is

containment strategies together with the Ministry of

one of the most important decisions a person makes in

Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU).

In the aftermath of the 2008 housing crisis, Mexico’s GDP

commission the construction of industrial parks to ensure

contracted by 8 percent, according to OECD figures. By

employment sources and begin with the construction of

3Q09, unemployment reached 5.8 percent, up from 3.2

public schools and public parks.” In this way, when the time

percent in 2007, and by December 2008, the Mexican

comes for housing developers to begin the construction,

currency reached 14 pesos to the dollar compared to the

it is easier and cheaper since there already is an existing

2008 average of 11.2 pesos. In the first months of 2009,


Banco de México, the central bank, was forced to use almost US$20 billion in an attempt to inject liquidity into the market

Still, the country has a long way before it can achieve

and avoid a hike in interest rates. Due to the fact that the

sustainable housing. “We are seeing the industry attempt

infrastructure sector relies greatly on public funding, a

to construct sustainable housing but we lack the necessary

shrinking of the available budget meant a significant step

technology and this means we are going in the wrong

backward for the industry.

direction,” Macías says. “But the main challenge of the ecofriendly construction industry is the lack of incentives to do

In almost 90 percent of the cities in Mexico, it is common

this kind of building.”

to find problems with basic infrastructure such as the supply of water and electricity in the construction of

To advance sustainability, some INFONAVIT programs assign

vertical housing. Because cities do not tend to have a long-

more money to housing construction if it meets certain

term growth plan, when they have to expand they do it

standards of carbon emissions. Although he recognizes the

without order and structure, says Macías, although there

goal of this initiative, Macías says it is not enough. “Maza

are examples of change. “We have seen that certain cities

Servicios has contributed to the construction of houses with

such as Aguascalientes, Merida, Queretaro and Monterrey

technologies that do not function as well as they should

now have a 20-year growth plan,” he says. “Since they

because the homeowners do not correctly use these new

know the direction the expansion is going to take, they

technologic appliances,” he says. “Also, the maintenance

begin the construction of highways and roads beforehand.

costs of these appliances tend to be elevated and often

In these cases, we have also seen that local authorities

owners are not willing to pay for it.”

Q: In what ways have the changes in public policy

example, in Tabasco where there are continuous floods,

impacted housing development?

people prefer to live above the ground floor. Within the

A: Since February 11, 2013, when the new National

polygons of urban contention, redensification in the interior

Housing Policy was announced, the one-bedroom social

of cities is related to the provision of basic services, location

housing developments no longer exist. FONHAPO, the

and distance. Verticality is occurring due to the incentives

institution responsible for financing the construction of

and support to make cities grow.

houses for those in extreme poverty, previously used the Pie de Casa concept, which entailed developments

Q: What new credit options and specific programs are

characterized by rooms with laminated roofs that lack

available for the population with limited resources?

urbanization and basic services. This has now been

A: Through FONHAPO we have been able to mold new

replaced with two bedroom houses with a minimal

credit options, which at the same time have contributed

space of 45-50m2, and high-quality materials. The new

to combating irregular settlements. Today, FONHAPO

National Housing Policy model has been extremely

coordinates the production of close to 25,000 units per year

successful. It provides more than 5.3 million jobs and

that provide housing to lower income families. For formal

contributes 6 percent of GDP.

nonaffiliates, through the Ministry of Finance’s Crezcamos Juntos program, a membership is available through six

Q: How does the emerging trend toward vertical

bimonthly contributions to the National Housing Fund

development affect homeownership?

Institute for Workers (INFONAVIT). There are many programs

A: When dealing with a new public policy it is important

for people to gain access to housing support. The credit

that all parties involved negotiate to find the best possible

programs depend on the region. For example, I would like

business model. This happened with vertical developments.

to think that in the south of Veracruz, where the main source

In fact, when I first entered CANADEVI, the supply of

of employment is PEMEX, the credits from this government

vertical housing was 8 percent but according to the Housing

institution are far more competitive than what INFONAVIT

Registry (RUV), it is now between 37-40 percent. Interest

can offer. In Chiapas, there is a greater need for rural housing

in vertical housing depends on geographical location. For

so there are agencies focused on these segments.



Vidalta Torre Lux, Serrano Monjaraz, Mexico City



Q: What is CONVIVES’ strategy to reduce the housing

can participate but rather that they must be sustainable.

deficit in Mexico?

As an association, we share best practices and materials to

A: We want to create a greater variety of financial plans

boost the growth of the housing segment.

for the 70 percent of the population affected by the housing deficit who do not have access to bank financing.

Q: What strategic alliances will CONVIVES form to

CONVIVES will be working closely with the three main

achieve its goals?

government financial institutions, which are INFONAVIT,

A: We will primarily work with SHF, Financiera Nacional and

the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF) and Financiera

BANCEFI, with which we are developing a special savings

Nacional, to develop programs that will encourage the

program for families to gain access to loans. We also have

participation of other banks. INFONAVIT has launched the

formed strong alliances with SEDATU and CONAVI as a

Manos a la Obra program that targets the 40 percent of

way of participating in the development of new housing

its affiliates who do not have access to housing solutions

policies that will encourage the growth of the sector, and

and who depend on the loan and points requirements of

for companies to create new products and solutions. The


private sector is becoming more involved in the social housing segment and is joining forces with CONVIVES to

INFONAVIT will create loans designed for families involved

share best practices. The social housing sector has proven

in formal labor but who live in rural areas. This will have

to be sustainable and extremely profitable. What the

a great impact on the housing deficit. INFONAVIT loans

country needs are improved financial programs that not

usually charge an interest rate of 10-11 percent with a

only benefit the families but that have a strong impact in

duration of around 15-20 years for houses that have a

the housing sector. Through our alliance with CONOREVI,

market price of MX$250,000 (US$13,157). The Manos a la

we are developing specific solutions for individual states,

Obra program will be an eight to 10-year loan that has a 15-

not only in collaboration with the federal government but

18 percent interest rate and the house will have a market

also taking into account state and local governments. There

value of MX$120,000-160,000 (US$6,315-8,421). SHF

have been several cases in which states provided high

and Con Su Banco have developed a financing solution

subsidies for these types of housing, making them more

combining a three to five-year loan with interest rates

affordable. There are 48 states affiliated with CONOREVI.

from 18-30 percent but almost 50 percent of the value of the house is subsidized by the government. The interest

Q: What is CONVIVES experience developing housing

rates are higher because the risk of recovering the debt is

with NGOs in Mexico?

much greater than for regular loans. These loans are the

A: NGOs are an important part of the puzzle because

most popular financing solution in the market.

they are innovation catalysts that have the ability to invest in unconventional ideas. They approach perplexing

Q: What are the requisites for companies to receive a

problems in unique ways and then adapt them to large-

CONVIVES seal of quality?

scale developments. We are developing various projects

A: CONVIVES began as an association in which the

with INFONAVIT in two states and we will open nine

companies that form the housing industry value chain,

more states throughout the year to tend to the needs of

such as constructors, designers, financial institutions and

100,000 more families. One of the most important models

developers, joined forces to develop a young market. We

we are creating is a self-production model that will grow

require that the company have experience building in rural

to more than MX$300,000 (US$15,789) by the end of this

settings and a well-designed building process through

year. As for our main project with SEDATU, it is a program

which CONVIVES evaluates the financial capabilities of the

primarily focused on building another room or expanding

company. This does not mean that only large companies

the living space of existing houses.





Q: What trends do you perceive in the Mexican market

the market will easily accept them. Arquitectoma focuses

when it comes to residential purchases?

on midrange residential housing or high-end projects.

A: The Mexican market is growing rapidly for both

We strive to optimize space according to lifestyle trends.

residential renting and property purchases. Despite the

People are usually not at home and many prefer to pay less

trend of renting among millennials, there are still many

for smaller living areas in developments with amenities like

people who are willing to purchase homes. In some cases,

gyms and business centers.

certain investors prefer to own heritage buildings over renting them out, whether it is for office, commercial or

Two years ago, we executed a market research program

residential use. Landowners are even becoming associates

to build our Ruben Dario project and found that prices in

to receive a percentage of the profit in a manner that is

the area were between US$4,500-6,000 per square meter.

similar to Fibras, where they become shareholders. Foreign

Just three months after finishing the project, prices surged

funds also are increasingly attracted to Mexican real estate.

drastically in the neighborhood. The unit owners ended up gaining back their investment as they bought at a much

Mexico City has immense economic potential. As long as

lower price than the current value. The cheapest price in

projects are created near efficient public transportation,

Ruben Dario at the moment is US$10,000 per square meter.



Q: How do you mitigate the risks of a housing market crash?

are less than 15,000 new apartments being built per year

A: Our market differs to the one exposed to the US housing

in Mexico City, which is where we spotted our opportunity.

market crash of 2008. Houses were being built for the population in the lowest income bracket on the outskirts

There are many challenges to building in Mexico City, such as

of cities. The average price of our houses is MX$1.5 million

finding land, obtaining the zoning permits, and dealing with

(US$78,947), ranging between MX$700,000-3 million

federal, central and local entities. If a parcel of land is within

(US$36,842-157,894). We are aiming at the middle income

a historical zone then we must deal with INAH and INBA. It is

segment in Mexico City, which has a huge demographic

also a challenge to build within a city, as we need to manage

growth of families. This creates a rising demand for housing

relationships with neighbors who have been living in the

and a market with more demand than supply. Mexico City

neighborhoods where we build for a very long time. We

has the largest mismatch between supply and demand.

have learned to do this over the years and it has helped us

Mexico City demands more than 56,000 middle, mid-high

grow in the market. To maintain favorable relationships with

and high-income residential homes annually, according to

our neighbors and develop more sustainable communities,

SOFTEC. This is due to the 40,000 marriages and 10,000

we allocate 2 percent of our budget toward building urban

divorces per year, along with other demand factors. There

equipment and infrastructure outside our sites.

Q: What is the top consideration for developing a

A: Chapultepec Uno was a small building from the 1960s

growing city?

that was being drastically underused considering its

A: Developers need to take into consideration nearby social

potential and location. Reforma is entering a phase of high

factors. Interconnected public spaces and transportation are

appreciation and the structure needed to be emblematic.

a way of contributing to society. It is not enough to simply

It serves as the entrance to Mexico City’s financial center.

have an ecological conscience. New zones also need to take

Our plan will incorporate a hotel, housing and office and

public spaces into consideration. The funny thing is that

commercial spaces. To avoid making parking an issue for

colonial conquistadores 500 years ago were more efficient

such a tall structure, we opted to incorporate a mixed-

at urban planning than modern designers. The older sections

use approach. Chapultepec Uno allocates 65 percent

incorporate more public spaces while the newer ones do not.

of its space to offices, 20 percent to apartments and

Mexico City’s oldest neighborhoods have more parks and

the remainder contains the exclusive Ritz Carlton hotel.

squares for communities to socialize and where people can

International executives that are in town for a specific

easily walk or cycle. This used to be an important part of

amount of time can comfortably reach everything they

urban planning that got lost in modernization. As the city

need such as their office, hotel and gyms without wasting

grows, the idea is to continue developing it by including

time commuting.

more public spaces. Verticalization is another important urban strategy but it must remain sensible with moderate

The apartments have only been in presale for two months

land use. Companies need to ensure their projects have

and we have already sold 35 percent. The prices are set

an adequate number of units to avoid oversaturating the

at around US$12,000/m2. Arquitectoma was motivated

market. The government should request developers execute

to obtain the LEED certification for the structure to

urban impact studies that evaluate how the area will be

make it more attractive to foreign companies that would

affected and demand mitigation strategies for all projects.

otherwise be precluded from renting the space due to their internal politics. We had already planned to create a

Q: What was Arquitectoma’s approach when designing

green building but the certification is an important part of

the Chapultepec Uno building?

the commercial aspect.

Q: What are the trends in the way people are purchasing

pre-development costs before obtaining a bridge loan

their homes?

from a bank to carry out the construction. We are highly

A: Around 30 percent of what we sell goes through

underleveraged as we seldom use more than 40 percent

INFONAVIT, another 30 percent is through FOVISSSTE

of the bridge loans that we sign because our projects are

and the remaining 40 percent through bank loans. There

developed in stages.

is a trend in the middle income segment in which people are moving away from using INFONAVIT loans and toward

Q: Why did you decide to integrate eco-friendly materials

bank loans as they are the least expensive. We have

into your projects and what benefits do you see?

products in Mexico that are competitive compared to

A: Mexico City is highly populated and dense so we have

other parts of world. These include fixed payment terms

to deliver projects that help deliver a sustainable city.

of 25 or 30 years in pesos with low interest rates. Interest

By relocating people that would otherwise live on the

rates for loans and mortgages have not yet increased

outskirts of cities back into the cities, we increase their

despite the fact that reference interest rates have risen.

quality of life as they will drive shorter distances, use less gasoline and create less carbon dioxide. We must build

Q: How do you fund your housing developments?

more intelligent buildings to develop more intelligent cities.

A: We used to have private investors who fund projects

We collect rainwater for the restrooms in our apartments.

individually. About five or six years ago we decided to

We try to orient our apartments east to west to reduce

start private funds with private investors. These investors

the use of light and air conditioning, we try to use water-

were high net-worth individuals and family businesses who

saving valves and we use electricity-saving bulbs. It is part

invest in funds that we manage and use across different

of our mantra to build projects as sustainably as we can.

projects. That is our equity source, with which we buy

All our projects can qualify for Ecocasa, a program run by

land and pay for the zoning. For construction expenses,

the Federal Mortgage Society (SHF) and a development

we work with 13 financial institutions that provide us

bank. Through this program we receive subsidies as

debt, including Santander, BBVA Bancomer and Banorte.

interest rates for our bridge loan due to our reduction in

We purchase the land, carry out the zoning and pay the

the carbon footprint of the projects we are building.





Real estate in Mexico is moving up, not out, reversing an

of social space apartments have, since houses normally

old government initiative that put housing developments

dedicate 40-45 percent of their total square meters to

on the outskirts of cities. Instead, developers are building

social areas, which are not used as often as private areas.

vertically, putting people closer to their jobs. It is a

“To compensate for the lack of space we include amenities

fresh trend that can come with a high cost for potential

in the development such as meeting or party rooms, gyms

owners. Federico Sada, CEO of INSAR, a leading housing

and swimming pools,” he says.

developer in Monterrey, believes the price per square meter for apartments is much higher because there are not

The use of financial instruments, such as CKDs and

enough incentives from the government to build vertical

Fibras, has given the real estate sector a boost in the

housing. Nuevo Leon, for example, has the most vacant

last few years. “The advantage is that we are seeing

homes in the country, with more than 40,000 houses at

more capital flow in the country thanks to Fibras that

an average price of MX$14,000/m (US$ 736/m2)while

are pushing the development of the housing sector. On

apartments average MX$96,000/m2 (US$5,052/m2) “The

the downside, saturating the real estate market with

only incentive the government is currently providing is to

capital can turn the market cannibalistic,” says Sada.

allow vertical housing developments to change the use of

These instruments make it more difficult to create profit

land within central cities,” he says.

margins, which increases risk for companies that depend


on private capital. Sada explained that this phenomenon Around a decade ago, the government implemented a plan

happens because Fibras offer low prices to construct

to build homes on the outskirts of cities and to create new

projects, pushing all competition to match those prices,

projects next to them. That policy encouraged these types

which then lowers profits.

of housing developments and although the land may have been cheaper, the government did not have the budget

As an alternative to Fibras, INSAR is innovating the way

to construct the basic infrastructure citizens needed. Now

residential developments are funded. The company

the move is back into cities and companies like INSAR

finances all of its projects with private capital through a

are building to suit the tastes of potential buyers. INSAR

platform called InTrust. “This platform allows us to invite

prioritizes the needs of the people by mapping out their

those who are interested in investing with amounts from

specific requirements. “People want short commutes,

MX$500,000 (US$26,315) to MX$80 billion (US$4.2

especially as Mexico’s security has become increasingly

billion) or more. Other developers prefer large capital

complicated in the last few years,” he says. “Families want

resources that come from pension funds but INSAR

to have schools and gyms as close as possible to their

found potential with investors who have an appetite for

homes to reduce risk.”

real estate projects that can offer higher rates of return than banks,” he says. The company expects to finance

These necessities have sparked many trends throughout

between 50-60 percent of its projects through InTrust and

the Mexican market, in particular the construction of

to continue paving the way for financial innovation. Apart

mixed-use developments. In 2015, Mexico had 30.6

from InTrust, the company will raise its first CKD valued

million people that were between the ages of 15 and 29,

at MX$3 billion (US$157 million), which will represent

representing approximately 25.7 percent of the total

approximately 25 percent of the company’s portfolio.

population. “The market is in fact becoming younger but this trend is not fully developed at the moment and the

INSAR has 13 national products with a worth of MX$6

culture of renting has not grown because people continue

billion (US$315 million). It also runs Insar Contigo, which

to prefer purchasing their own homes,” says Sada. To

seeks to raise living standards for approximately 6,000

keep its prices accessible, INSAR minimizes the amount

subtracted employees through workshops and courses.



Real estate is cyclical by nature, so the probability of a

profitability in the segment for the foreseeable future. The

bubble forming in the Mexican market is increasingly

company’s real estate fund, Orange Capital 0I, targets

more probable, says Carlos Rousseau, Senior Partner,

long-term risk-adjusted returns, preservation of capital

President & CEO of Orange Investments, a business

and diversification. “Investing in real estate has been

intelligence and real estate development firm. “If we base

proven to be a great investment alternative,” he says. “At

it on historical data, the time is getting close.” It can,

Orange, we have a big pipeline of opportunities selected

however, be avoided. Investors, developers and industry

by our proprietary intelligence methodologies. Having a

players in general should learn from past mistakes and

private equity fund gives our clients the opportunity to

carry out the appropriate due diligence before engaging

tap into these investments and thus achieve great return

in new developments, he says. “It is a matter of investing

on their equity.”

with solid fundamentals and not pushing the boundaries too far. It is about understanding every market well and

Orange Investments sees possibilities all across the country.

building with responsibility. We have learned that the

“As with any business, it depends on the opportunities

right information makes all the difference in achieving a

that appear in different markets and how one reacts to

successful project.”

them,” says Rousseau. For example, the office market in Mexico City or Monterrey differs greatly to those in second

Rousseau maintains that in developing countries like

and third-tiered cities like Puebla, Queretaro, Leon and

Mexico, new asset classes will begin to join the real estate

Tijuana. Equally, the hospitality industry in Riviera Maya or

industry in an institutional manner. “We are starting to

Los Cabos cannot be compared to select service hotels

see the beginning of multifamily real estate developing

along the auto corridor. “What we know for sure is that

in Mexico, whereby multiple separate residential houses

real estate in general is underserved in Mexico and there

are contained within one complex,” he says. “Also, we

is still plenty of room for it to develop,” he says. “We are

will continue to see more master-planned communities,

seeing a big increase in the price of land in urban areas

mixed-use urban projects, the introduction of senior living,

such as Mexico City, Monterrey, Queretaro, Guadalajara

student housing and the growth of self-storage.”

and others. This is mostly due to the fact that people are giving more importance to living closer to their work and

He believes in having both the public and private sectors

general life activities.”

working together, understanding the different markets and asset classes needed in Mexico and acting accordingly.

Rousseau believes there are three key areas for development

“The public sector must understand where cities and

in Mexico’s real estate industry. Firstly, strategic planning

municipalities require growth and create the right

processes between local governments and local actors

platforms,” he says. “It must keep up with market dynamics

should define the different priorities of cities. Secondly,

and changing regulations to ensure smart development.

he highlights the value of increasing social inclusion in city

The government needs to offer better services, create

plans with the right infrastructure to satisfy the community’s

more opportunities in urban areas and invest its resources

needs. Finally, the development of infrastructure for

in smarter ways. The private sector should plan to create

transport and public services can promote community

better communities that provide safer environments, are

interactions. “In Mexico, we have the problem that every

economically sustainable and that constitute higher living

time a major shift occurs, in federal or local government

standards for its people.”

agencies, plans are changed or discarded,” he says. “Infrastructure needs to keep up with the market dynamics

The projected rise in mortgage rates is bound to slow

in every way and promote new urban planning trends such

down the sector, says Rousseau. Nevertheless, he still sees

as the use of transportation alternatives.”





Q: What motivated Grupo DRT to focus its business in

of making an inventory of every tree in the city along


with its condition. The goal is to have one tree for every

A: Queretaro is an important launching pad to the Bajio

three people in the city. Our company is supporting the

region, which is the heart of the automotive, electric

process by donating trees and implementing the initiative

household appliances and aeronautical industries. It also

in our designs as we believe that it creates a healthier

is a cosmopolitan hub as most industrial companies are

environment for the residents in our developments.

foreign and many international corporations and banks have established regional offices in Queretaro and Leon.

Q: How much of a priority is developing infrastructure

Queretaro has a dynamic economy with elements few

that can offer added value to the city?

other states can offer. The area is unique in its composition

A: To survive in the market, companies cannot afford to

given that only around 30 percent of its population is

close their spectrum of services. Creating projects that

actually from the area. Five years ago, internal flows were

are dynamic stimulates the area and creates rich cycles of

mostly from Mexico City whereas now 30 percent comes

employment that increase service demands. A progressive

from elsewhere so plenty of talent is moving into the area.

city with a wide variety of modern infrastructure can

The middle class plays a huge role in the state’s economic

ultimately attract new companies and talented people. The

dynamic since as a group it represents 5-7 percent of the

benefits are ideal for our clients, the government and our

country’s population but in Queretaro it represents 35-40

business. DRT sees its designs and real estate projects as

percent. Not to mention that within a 210km circumference,

much more than buildings or developments. Our projects

Queretaro offers contact with 45 million people.

have the potential to improve quality of life and we take this responsibility seriously.

The state also offers industrial investment opportunities as the area has elements that promote quality of life and labor

Q: What kind of financial structure does Grupo DRT use

attraction. Queretaro alone produces 3,000 engineers

to support its developments?

but considering that companies need at least 6,000,

A: The company works with all the financial strategies

businesses are using the gap to pull specialized labor into

the market offers. For instance, a private equity fund

the city. Fortunately, convincing highly qualified engineers

from Singapore called Temasek co-owns many of our

to live in the area is quite easy thanks to its security,

projects. We also have worked with institutional funds and

accessible prices, excellent education and services. It

investment banks such as Morgan Stanley and Protego.

offers a great variety of golf courses, shopping areas

DRT enjoys collaborating with national partners such as

and housing developments. All of the these create fertile

Grupo Sordo Madaleno, Parks Desarrolladora and the

ground for innovation and for businesses to congregate.

Torres Landa Group. We also rely on banks and we view credit as a way to enhance financial returns on projects.

Q: How would you describe the relationship between the

Leverage is an opportunity to create attractive situations

infrastructure sector and the state government?

for investors and the company.

A: We have been lucky to have exceptional governors that strive to learn from the past. The sector believes

Q: What are the toughest challenges the industry must

that decisions are being made with the intention of truly


benefiting the state and city.

A: Luckily, issues within the industry are diminishing as the Mexican economy continues to solidify. Even though

The government also is boosting initiatives that encourage

the wellbeing of the US market has the potential to

the private sector and the public sector to collaborate, such

impact Mexico, the sector is growing strongly. Regulation

as its reforestation campaign. Authorities are in the process

can quickly affect development, as can happen with

protected areas. No matter how much we try to anticipate

the Antea Lifestyle Center, we hold the land. The company

changes in the next 10-15 years with land-use research,

is attentive to changes in land use. Land is the building

the government often unexpectedly declares potential

block of project developments that can be transformed

project areas as ecological reserves. Our company

with imagination and we help our clients see this. DRT can

prioritizes nature but the authorities need to work more

provide market research to find the best niche for their

with the private sector to create true change in this area.

projects that avoid political and geographical restraints.

A balance between the city, developed areas and green spaces is needed. Another hurdle is the context that

The company is establishing a new quality of life in

accompanies the transition Queretaro and other cities are

Queretaro by forcing entering competitors to match

facing. Jumbo-sized spaces can put pressure on services.

what is being offered. It ensures more people can access

Vertical buildings are a cost-effective way to prevent an

amenities. The city and the state benefit from living in an

unnecessary expansion of the city limits.

environment that is above average in comparison to the rest of Mexico. We are overachievers who strive to be on the

Q: How has being a real estate focal point affected

higher end of the design and development spectrum. We

Queretaro’s infrastructure sector?

have worked with some of the most influential architects

A: Queretaro attracts an abundance of capital and

in Mexico, including Gomez Vazquez Aldana and Ricardo

speculation. The downside is that it causes prices to

Legorreta Vilchis. International firms that work in Shanghai

rise. This phenomenon occurs because real estate

and Dubai also are in our portfolio.

developers are self-liquidating companies. Assets such as houses and lots are bought and in need of immediate replacement after being sold. Speculation can cause these replacements to go up in value. The effect translates into higher housing and office leasing costs. Queretaro is not the only location to suffer from this phenomenon as many metropolitan areas like Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puebla have the same problem. The government is trying to limit the spillover effect of speculation. On the upside, the market has enough strength at the moment to cope with this effect. Q: Why did DRT adopt its Banco de Tierra strategy? A: As a developer we are facing a turning point. Our previous company focused on building homes and was present in 19 states. It depended on a joint venture with a US company named Pulte, which decided to leave Mexico and focus on its home market. This allowed us to dramatically change our strategy and we proceeded to sell our housing companies. We were the first in the state to pursue this aggressively. DRT opted for Banco de Tierra as a strategy to assure flexibility in the market to cope with its constant changes and because land is the starting point for any real estate project. Q: How does the company set itself apart from foreign and local competition? A: The company differentiates itself by providing a business model that does not fight the natural purpose of land and its characteristics. We help our investors by analyzing the types of services and utilities that can be brought to projects. They may come in with the idea of building office spaces but if the market is saturated, we might advise them to focus on the medical sector for example. Highend developments can also be adapted to fit middle class needs if the market requires it. In special cases such as

Jiriquilla Towers, Grupo DRT, QuerĂŠtaro


Downtown Santa Fe, Parks, Santa Fe, Mexico City



Mexico’s commercial and tourism sectors are taking advantage of the growing economy and new financial vehicles the government has established to incentivize investment. Funds are constructing new shopping centers, corporate offices and hotels across the nation with CKDs, while Fibras continue to acquire new properties for their portfolios. Mixed-used developments are sweeping the cities, incorporating all of these elements into one large construction and increasing the appetite of investors. Developers are no longer betting only on Mexico City, but expanding to new cities such as Monterrey, Puebla and Guadalajara. The government is starting to steer away from its dependency on oil and gas and is switching to encouraging tourism development. Fibras are building hotels in Mexico’s touristic havens and near corporate corridors.

This chapter provides an inside look at Mexico’s commercial real estate sector through the eyes of the country’s largest developers. They share that although the industry is on a high, as new competitors continue to enter the market, differentiating their developments will become more complicated. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using new financial instruments, such as Fibra E and CerPIs, as well as the opportunities the Energy Reform has created for the market.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gonzalo Robina, Fibra Uno and Amefi


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Avalos, Fibra Mty


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Mexico City: A Fine Balance


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo Güemez, MRP


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Breathing New Life into Reforma


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Barrios, Mira Companies


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Elliott Bross, Planigrupo


INSIGHT: Alejandro Ballesteros, Grupo Copri






INSIGHT: Eugenio González, Altea Desarrollos


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Paseo La Fe Invites Nature Inside


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Méndez, Coldwell Banker Commercial


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Daniel Tovar, Grupo Acerta


INSIGHT: Charles El-Mann, Parks Desarrolladora


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: The Antara Mixed-Use Masterplan


INSIGHT: José Fenollosa, Meypar


INSIGHT: Alicia Bandala, KONE México


INSIGHT: Juan Carlos Reus, NH Hotel Group


COMPANY SPOTLIGHT: Building Shopping Malls On Time, On Budget



FIBRAS DEVELOPING ACROSS ALL SECTORS GONZALO ROBINA Co-CEO of Fibra Uno and President of the Mexican Fibras Association (Amefi)


Q: What impact is the macroeconomic environment

synergies and economies of scale that translate to

having on the use of Fibras in the development market?

discounts that are reflected in our rents.

A: There are many new infrastructure projects in Mexico, such as the Mexico-Toluca Interurban train and others

Q: How is Fibra Uno participating in the development of

related to the oil and gas sector, that will be put on

educational and health infrastructure?

hold due to economic constraints but this will not stop

A: The government has created National Education

the real estate sector from growing. This segment is

Infrastructure Certificates, which will be extremely useful

independent and is not directly affected by downturns

tools to boost the growth of educational infrastructure, but

in other industries. Mexico’s Fibras will be affected

Fibra Uno does not use them. We prefer to conduct sale-

more by volatility in global financial markets than from

and-lease-back transactions with educational institutions.

direct infrastructure development. The US dollar-peso

In these transactions, institutions sell us the real estate

exchange rate, for example, has had a positive impact on

asset and we then lease it back to them for long periods of

our company since about 30 percent of our revenue is

time. This gives the schools immediate liquidity to expand

in dollars. For every dollar of debt we have, we receive

their campuses and increase enrolment levels. We will

US$2.30 of revenue, which provides us with a natural

carry out a similar transaction with a hospital that we are

hedge. For others, fluctuations in the exchange rate have

acquiring because of its location. A hospital needs to be in

delayed investments and investors have grown more

the middle of urban areas. Those locations are becoming

cautious. Although peso weakness has boosted rents by

scarce and will become more valuable over time. Although

10-12 percent we strive to maintain the healthy dollar-peso

we are keeping our target on real estate, we believe these

relationship of the original lease. Difficult times also are

transactions are an excellent way to contribute to the

useful for new acquisitions because it is harder for owners

development of the educational and health sectors.

to sell their assets and investors have enough liquidity to take advantage of these opportunities.

Q: What interest does Fibra Uno have in Special Economic Zones (ZEEs)?

Q: How does Fibra Uno ensure high occupancy rates?

A: We are looking to invest in ZEEs in the next couple

A: We recently acquired the Alaska Portfolio, which has six

of years because our target is to increase our industrial

iconic office buildings in key Mexico City locations. These

segment. Fibra Uno’s breakdown was designed to be 40

properties have a 95 percent occupancy rate, which is

percent industrial, 40 percent retail and 20 percent offices.

consistent with the rest of our portfolio, and significantly

Our current breakdown is 55 percent retail, 25 percent

increase Fibra Uno’s footprint in the Class A office market.

industrial and 20 percent offices so we need to rebalance

The value of the portfolio also has increased because

our portfolio to its original levels. There is an industrial

90 percent of the rent revenues from these properties

boom in the Bajio region due to heavy investments from

are dollar-denominated. To maintain high occupancy

the automotive industry and the return of manufacturing

levels, Fibra Uno has always kept rent prices competitive,

companies that had previously migrated to China.

always below the market average, and has built lasting

Industrial real estate in Mexico is targeted to international

relationships with tenants across all segments. We also

companies, which are the Tier II and Tier III suppliers of the

have the best locations and these factors ensure that

automotive industry.

our properties are the last ones to be vacated during difficult times and the first ones to fill up during upturns.

Q: What makes Fibra Uno unique and what advantages

We can keep our prices low because we have a vertically

does the company provide investors?

integrated platform through the construction, marketing

A: I believe Fibra Uno is unique in size and scale and it

and operation phases, which enables Fibra Uno to achieve

provides liquidity to investors. Over 6 million of our shares

are traded per day on average. An investor wanting to

developing regulations that will allow our asset class to

enter the real estate market in Mexico finds it easier to

thrive in the next couple of years and to ensure a fair and

purchase Fibra Uno’s shares compared to any other Fibra.

transparent market. It is also a priority for us to negotiate

We also provide diversification and a prudent financing

proper regulations and standards that ensure the future of

strategy, which is another key competitive advantage. The

the Fibra market and the asset class.

company has broad access to capital markets, which is a feature few Fibras have and ensures continuous growth.

Q: How has the lack of adequate regulations and

Our long-lasting relationships with tenants and other

standards impacted Fibra Uno’s operations?

key suppliers, the size of our portfolio and the strategic

A: Fibra Uno once had to issue $US2.5 billion on a single

locations of our properties give us an unparalleled

equity offering, which created a negative carry for investors

competitive advantage that allows us to provide the best

since more than 800 million shares were issued and the

real estate solutions to all our tenants.

proceeds were placed in a bank account earning interest rates far below what they could earn if invested in real

Q: What regulatory and other challenges are the Mexican

estate. Equity offerings are lengthy processes that require

Association of Real Estate Fibras (AMEFI) and its

due diligence and enormous amounts of paperwork with

members facing?

government agencies. Fibra Uno had to issue such a large

A: The real estate market is growing quickly and becoming

amount because it wanted to raise cash and there were

more sophisticated. Being relatively new to the stock

no other options for conducting equity offerings in short

market, the main challenges we face are related to share

periods of time. Since Fibras have to distribute at least 95

buyback programs and the inclusion of Fibras in the main

percent of their taxable income, there is virtually no room

index of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV). There will

for organic growth. Fibra Uno is planning a debt issuance

be other challenges that AMEFI will face in the mid and

to raise capital but Fibras cannot leverage beyond 50

long term. We have to bear in mind that this asset class is

percent of the value of their assets due to regulatory

very young. It took 50 years for the REIT industry in the

limits. We have a prudent leveraging strategy with low

US to reach its current standing and we want to shorten

self-imposed limits. Fibra Uno operates under 35 percent

that time significantly for Mexico. AMEFI has established

of loan-to-value leverage so we have additional room to

close working relationships with CNBV, Banxico, BMV and

leverage our balance sheet further but that will depend on

the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT). Together, we have been

volatility and the global financial landscape.

Downtown Santa Fe, Parks, Santa Fe, Mexico City





Q: What is the makeup of Fibra Mty’s portfolio and what

before going public. Tenants not only search for Class A

challenges are inherent in the deals the company makes?

buildings but also for experienced institutional asset and

A: Fibra Mty focuses on corporate real estate rather

property managers like Fibra Mty.

than commercial real estate. The Mexican portfolios of institutional investors consist of industrial properties that

Q: What edge does Fibra Mty have that interests investors?

have been developed and stabilized, which is why we have

A: We are a dividend play vehicle, which requires predictable

seen a lot of acquisitions through vehicles like Fibras, CKDs

cash flows. Development projects are well suited to CKDs

and private equity funds. Our portfolio is comprised of

and when the assets are stabilized, Fibras can step in and

mostly corporate offices, primarily located in the biggest

buy these assets. Fibra Mty was the first internally managed

markets in Mexico, which are Mexico City, Guadalajara and

vehicle in Mexico with no controlling party and a no-fee

Monterrey. One of the main drivers and challenges in these

structure. Our corporate governance is transparent and the

types of transactions is the fiscal impact each will have.

management company is owned by our trust, giving us a

Institutional investors, especially pension funds, are inclined

completely aligned vehicle between managers and stock

to invest in industrial portfolios with international tenants,

holders. For Fibra Mty it is important to be a profitable

long-term lease contracts and triple net-leasing structures.

and predictable asset company. Institutional investors are looking for predictable cash flows and alignment of interest.

Vacancy rates in Monterrey are around 20 percent, in Guadalajara they are around 4 percent and in Mexico City around 14 percent.

We do not charge any fees when buying an asset, whereas most Fibras charge for acquisition and asset management, so this means their interests in providing benefits to shareholders are not completely aligned. Q: Why is Monterrey attractive and what are the main opportunities in the city? A: Monterrey is a small market compared to Mexico City, with only 1.2 million m2 of office space, compared to the

Q: Why are companies more inclined to invest in industrial

5-6 million m2 in Mexico City. Vacancy rates in Monterrey

instead of office portfolios in Mexico?

are around 20 percent, in Guadalajara they are around 4

A: Given their tax exemption status, they are eager to

percent and in Mexico City around 14 percent. Absorption

sell their stabilized assets to recycle capital through new

is a big issue in every market and the rate in Monterrey is

developments. Most of the office buildings in Mexico are

around 70,000-80,000m2 per year so by 2019 vacancies

privately owned, they are more than seven years old and

will be between 6-8 percent. There are mainly service and

have high depreciation rates so there are greater fiscal

manufacturing companies coming to Monterrey and in

gains in the event of a possible transaction. This would allow

the last 10 years the city has attracted several banks and

private owners to incur large capital gains for tax purposes,

major law firms as regional corporate offices demand

which complicates a Fibra’s ability to attract many sellers.

between 3,000-6,000m2. There has been a lot of office

Nevertheless, the Fibra regulation has certain fiscal benefits

space development for companies with manufacturing

whereby if a portfolio is paid out with Real Estate Stock

capabilities like KIA, which has recently built a sizeable

Trust Certificates (CBFIs), the private investors can defer

facility near the airport. The NAFTA corridor and Bajio are

their tax gains until they sell their CBFIs. Few players

our core business growth markets. Prime cities such as

specialize in corporate offices, which is why we see this as

Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara will see sizeable

an attractive opportunity. Managing a multitenant building

Class A activity in office space but we also have begun

has its complexities but we had many years of experience

to see some activity in secondary markets such as Leon,

Tijuana, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi, although with

Q: What opportunities exist in residential developments?

smaller space demands. We have a strong growth forecast

A: This is probably the biggest asset class in the REIT market

for the northern region, supported by intensive investments

in the US and there are opportunities in Mexico for the

from the automotive, aerospace and technology industries.

multifamily rent business. There are still several challenges

The southeast region is not our core market as it is more

to overcome here regarding legal issues that give tenants

geared toward retail rather than corporate real estate.

imbalanced protection compared to that of the landlord. On the other hand we have seen tremendous activity in

Q: What innovations or concepts are permeating corporate

the development of apartments, a market where many new

real estate properties?

institutional players are entering with the clear intention of

A: Mixed-use spaces are in high demand in Mexico and

developing and immediately selling those portfolios, rather

we have seen an increase in these development concepts.

than using them as a vehicle to gather rent.

Communities that integrate services the way campuses do have not caught on in Mexico as much as we would like

Q: What role do you want to play in the market in the

to see. However, in Monterrey, three office corridors have

longer term?

emerged – Santa Maria, Campestre and Valle Poniente.

A: We want to become a benchmark in the Fibra market

Local developers are coordinating to measure how their

in terms of transparency, alignment of interests between

developments can co-exist as a community. Some of these

managers and stockholders and delivery. We believe

corridors are linked by paths that contain facilities like

there should be more than 10 Fibras in the market. There

hospitals, vertical and horizontal housing, retail facilities

is space for twice the size of our actual industry market

and schools and this has been done through coordination

cap of US$20 billion but we need a willingness from new

and planning to become urban centers. These kinds of

sponsors and managers to adapt to international standards.

developments can be carried out in secondary cities that

These standards will encourage local and international

have interesting growth forecasts, such as Queretaro, Leon,

institutional investors to invest their excess cash in these

San Luis Potosi, Chihuahua and Saltillo, and that still have a

types of investment vehicles. We foresee Fibra Mty being

lot of available space for sustainable urban development in

the most predictable cash-flow investment vehicle with a

the long run.

world-class corporate governance structure.


Oficinas en el parque, Monterrey


MEXICO CITY: A FINE BALANCE The emblematic Paseo de la Reforma bisects the city, separating the cultural and artistic neighborhoods of Condesa, Roma and Juarez from the authoritative business districts of Anzures, Cuauhtemoc and Polanco. At number 483, Torre Reforma, stretching 244m and 57 stories into the air, is the tallest office building in Latin America, the tallest skyscraper in Mexico and the perfect example of the dichotomy between art and commerce. Construction began in 2008 and took three years to complete. Development was undertaken by LBR&A Arquitectos and the structural oversight was carried out by consultancy Arup. Total investment was US$100 million and the project was financed through a private fund managed by Protego. The auditorium, a 100-person capacity prism suspended in the middle of the building, is made of wood, providing the perfect warm contrast with the coolness of the concrete and steel. The interior design consisting of granite and neutral colors characterizes the tower’s welcoming yet professional environment. Exposed glass and concrete on the building’s west side allow unparalleled views of Chapultepec Castle, once occupied by President Porfirio Diaz. The roof, slanted at an acute angle dedicates 800m2 to solar panels and 250m2 to water heating systems, which is among the reasons it possesses the coveted LEED platinum certification and serves as a Latin American reference for sustainability. A wind generation system is also located at the summit of the building and the entire structure was designed to reduce energy consumption, optimize water usage and minimize discharge. Torre Reforma’s facilities will allow a 55 percent water saving compared to conventional buildings due to systems that treat and recycle wastewater and use rainwater for irrigation purposes. Besides the glass façade that makes use of natural light, sensors are installed to detect the optimum levels of illumination necessary over the course of the day. The tower is controlled by an integrated building management system that controls all the light, electrical and sensory equipment to provide an optimal user experience for tenants. The tower combines equal amounts of office space and retail space with each occupying 35,000m2. Restaurants, entertainment areas, a gym and a floor dedicated to a shopping mall follows the trend favoring mixed-use space for today’s busy executives. Torre Reforma blends Mexico City’s business and cultural characteristics, acting as a bridge to both sides of the street.



FUNDS HELP BRIDGE REAL ESTATE GAP EDUARDO GĂœEMEZ Vice President of Investments and Finance at Mexican Retail Properties (MRP)


Q: What is your financial plan to continue expanding and

asset because our investors need their capital to be returned.

maintaining a competitive advantage?

This is a way for investors to access the development risk and

A: We are a manager of closed-end funds focused on

premium that real estate development brings to the market.

commercial real estate, principally retail centers, and over the course of our 12 years we have developed 72 projects.

Fibras are one of the potential exit strategies for us and

The first 49 projects were sold according to the exit strategy

they have been extremely attractive. However, we do not

of the first three funds. We do not operate these projects,

work with them in the development process. We build the

we develop them. The first three funds were raised with

portfolio and when that is completed we have the option

international capital.

to collaborate with a Fibra. As has happened in other jurisdictions, new participants and developers will come

We raised a CKD in 2012, which is completely invested, and

along due to the increased liquidity Fibras have brought

we want to close our new CKD in the third quarter of 2016 to

to the market. This was one of the main question marks

raise new capital with Mexican pension plans. This is a similar

over real estate investment in Mexico because there were

structure to the closed-end funds in that we cannot keep the

attractive yields but the exit strategy was sometimes called

into question. Now, other participants will take part and

seek higher quality real estate and more disposable income

remove the monopoly from the Fibras by buying smaller

means more retail space.

portfolios and creating more balance in the market. When the city’s space is exhausted, this gives way to a cycle Q: How could CKDs be improved to attract more

of improvement whereby old buildings are torn down to


construct higher quality structures, a phenomenon that can

A: The CKD was created in an ingenious way by the

primarily be seen in Manhattan. In Mexico City’s Reforma,

authorities, as they used an existing structure to get around

this is also beginning to occur. The government’s role lies

the legislation that prevents pension funds in Mexico from

in the creation of basic infrastructure like roads and public

investing in private vehicles. In essence, a CKD is a publicly

transport, as these factors must be in place to foster the

traded vehicle that never trades. It has been evolving and has

growth of retail, real estate and commercial structures.

given rise to CerPIs as a new vehicle for investment. At the moment, CKDs are a work in progress, both for the pension

Q: What have been the main real estate trends MRP has

funds and the authorities. Hopefully, we will reach a system


that bears more resemblance to the US Master Limited

A: There is still a real need for basic infrastructure in small

Partnership (MLP) agreement. Since the original instrument

cities as well as on the outskirts of towns. In larger cities, we

was formed, it has improved in leaps and bounds.

are seeing several trends. One is the increase of mixed-use


projects as a matter of convenience and cost, especially in Q: How can developers and the government work together

a chaotic city like Mexico City. This complements the other

to bridge the infrastructure gap?

trend of increased demand for convenience and new options

A: The process begins with basic infrastructure that allows

for smaller shopping centers that do not require great

for job creation. The infrastructure continues to grow

amounts of effort to access. Although large shopping centers

for several reasons, the first being the transition from the

can be convenient because they have everything under one

informal to the formal sector. The other is the growth of a

roof, in instances when consumers know exactly what they

middle class with more disposable income. The only way

want, these smaller centers can mitigate stress levels. There

to continue this cycle is through job creation, which goes

is a growing middle class in Mexico and we should make a

hand in hand with infrastructure. This is because people will

great deal of effort to make sure this growth continues.

Toreo, Fibra Danhos, State of Mexico



BREATHING NEW LIFE INTO REFORMA The entrance to Mexico City’s financial district in Reforma will soon be getting a makeover with the development of the mixed-use tower Chapultepec Uno. A stone's throw from skyscrapers Torre Reforma and Torre Mayor, Chapultepec is wedged into one of the most privileged and exclusive corners of Mexico City, with spectacular views of Chapultepec Park and Latin America’s only castle, Castillo de Chapultepec. Chapultepec Uno’s location gives visitors easy access to significant recreational and cultural areas along with commercial and financial hubs along the Avenida Paseo de la Reforma. The tower is expected to open in 2018 and will house the globally recognized Hotel Ritz-Carlton that will offer 153 luxurious suites, a sky lounge on the 56th floor, approximately 30,000m2 of class A office space residential spaces and a heliport. A gymnasium and a spa round out the amenities. Strategically located between Polanco, Lomas, Insurgentes and the city’s downtown area, the tower is only 500m from the nearest metro stations, Chapultepec and Sevilla. The skyscraper will be among the tallest in the city at a height of 241m. It is divided into three main sections. Floors 12-35 are reserved for offices, 39-47 are designated to the luxury hotel and 48-55 are allocated for residential use. The building offers robotized parking along with valet parking. Chapultepec Uno is one of the few buildings in the country to be LEED “Core & Shell” certified and relies on 100 percent renewable energy. It has a water harvesting system and employs strategies to minimize energy and water consumption. When it comes to security, the skyscraper has emergency pressurized stairs, and security at each access point. Its glass ceiling allows a constant stream of natural light that illuminates the tower’s offices. Chapultepec Uno was inaugurated in the 1960s but the building was underutilized considering its strategic location







Its design is intended to provide visitors and busy international executives with all the essentials in one building. The project is being developed by T69, a group consisting of Arquitectoma and Grupo Marca Arquitectos. The innovative KMD architects are in charge of the conceptual design while the design development is in the hands of Taller G.





Q: What segments have Mira identified as growing the

on the Baja California peninsula are most popular. This is an


opportunity but it is highly speculative at the moment. We

A: Our main opportunities lie in developments for Tier

have one community right now and we are not planning on

1 cities and selective Tier 2 cities. One constraint in our

increasing our portfolio in this area unless we see promising

business is that our projects are funded with global

returns. That can take five to 20 years.

institutional money. We raised two funds from 2008 to the present and now we are raising a third fund through a

Q: As the first player in the market to issue a CerPI, what

CerPI. The first two were for US$500 million and US$200

are the challenges involved in the process?

million respectively. One of our key differentiators is

A: We build retail, office and residential. The fiscal

that we create environments with true human scale

structure of the Fibra is designed to develop and acquire

but to develop scale, large developments are needed.

commercial assets that produce rents but we sell a great

We typically seek projects that have close to US$100

number of our developments so this tool is incompatible

million in equity, which means we can only build vertical

with our needs. The CerPI is an evolution of CKDs because

communities in cities. For these reasons, we need to carry

it is designed to attract the same institutional pension

out large projects and midtier cities cannot absorb the

fund investors. The difference is that the evolution of

number of units at the prices we must charge to make the

the CerPI makes it similar to global private equity funds.

projects feasible. This is why we are focused on Tier 1 and 2

Pension funds can delegate more responsibility and risk to

cities that have shown a tendency toward vertical building.

the manager. One requirement of a CerPI is that a foreign

San Luis Potosi, for example, is a horizontal city so it does

institutional investor must co-invest alongside the pension

not make sense for us to enter with a large-scale vertical

funds. This requirement can only be met with sophisticated

urban community. There also is a lot of competition in

managers, further reducing risk for AFORES. We hope to

horizontal developments and a great deal of ground is

close our funding by the end of September 2016. Our goal

still being developed for middle to upper class homes that

is to provide investors a 16-21 percent return on investment

compete with condominiums. Given Mexico’s growing

before tax. The challenge is that this is the first time the

middle class, the demand for new households across the

certificate will be listed so lawyers are not entirely familiar

country will increase by 400,000-600,000 houses in the

with the framework. We are dealing with issues on how to

next year, which is promising for the residential segment,

co-invest Canadian and Mexican funding.

particularly in urban areas. Q: How have Mexican pension funds received these Q: What opportunities do foreign retirement communities



A: In our case, the reception has been favorable. I believe

A: Our main focus is urban but we are using one of the

our book will be oversubscribed but over time it should

funds to develop a community marketed toward retirees

become increasingly harder for new managers to tap

and second-home owners in Todos Santos, Baja California

into money from Mexican pension funds. The funds are

Sur. The signs point toward significant retirement migration

becoming more cautious regarding the experience of the

from the US. At the moment, there are only around 40,000

fund managers they deal with. Mexican pension funds will

homes owned by US citizens in Mexico, which is a drop

consolidate their private equity investments with a smaller

in the ocean. To put this into perspective, in Mexico City

number of managers. Pension fund teams are small and they

20,000 homes are absorbed each year while 500,000

do not have the resources to communicate with dozens of

homes are bought and sold annually across the entire

fund managers. We want to tap into Mexican pension fund

country. Specific locations like San Miguel de Allende in

money now and become one of the few managers that

Guanajuato, Ajijic and Chapala in Jalisco and certain areas

prevail when the market inevitably consolidates.



Q: What trends has Planigrupo identified in the Mexican

A: What regions are primed for investment and how does


Planigrupo approach each development?

A: Mixed-use development, diversified retail experiences

A: Many cities are just starting to enter the real estate

in tertiary cities and the presence of foreign tenants in the

radar, such as TehuacĂĄn in Puebla and Valladolid, Yucatan.

market are among the trends. Mixed-used developments

One popular area is the Bajio region, especially the Saltillo-

are the result of the high cost of land due to its scarcity,

Monterrey corridor, which is extremely prosperous thanks

so the creation of shopping malls in major urban centers

to the automotive industry. The depreciation of the peso

like Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey makes sense.

also has strengthened the region as many entities here are

This is also the case to a lesser degree in areas like Puebla,

foreigners. We are strategically opportunistic and base

Merida and Tijuana. As for decentralized retail experiences,

our strategy on the goals of our tenants. Planigrupo is the

primary cities are areas like Monterrey, secondary cities are

only completely national retail development company,

those like Puebla and Tijuana and tertiary cities are smaller

with a presence from Tijuana to Cancun and Jalisco to

and similar to Tulancingo, Hidalgo. This is important,

Ciudad del Carmen. We have built projects in 28 of 32

because any city with over 150,000 people has the market

states. Of the larger companies, we are the only one that is

potential for successful retail centers. Foreign players like

100 percent integrated. We take care of an entire project

H&M, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap and American Eagle are

from beginning to end, including site selection, brokerage

entering the country and playing an important role in the

services, construction and acquisition.

market. These companies are creating a new need for retail space and ultimately reshaping existing shopping centers into a different type of experience. Q: Why did Planigrupo’s trade in its CKD and list on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) in June 2016?

Planigrupo has built projects in 28 out of the 32 states in Mexico

A: Our business is divided between CKDs, glide paths, operational companies involved with construction and

Q: What is Planigrupo’s strategy to maintain growth?

management and minority interests in several commercial

A: Our company stays ahead of the curve. We were the

centers. We consolidated all our areas into a single platform

first to tap international funds, for instance. Providing

and grew to the size of similar larger Fibras. This change

results for our investors, tenants and customers at our

along with our IPO should allow us to raise capital in terms

retail developments is the most important element for us.

of equity and debt while leveraging our strength to not only

We are in constant communication with our tenants to

match the Mexican standard but also be able to compete

understand their needs because their vision is our biggest

on the regional level with Central and South America. CKDs

driver. Planigrupo maintains an occupancy level of 94

are successful but the problem is that they can be invested

percent and while the company may still be recovering

for a maximum period of three to seven years, when real

from the 2008 financial crisis, we are repositioning certain

estate requires a more medium to long-term period. The

shopping malls in Monterrey and Juarez to get back on

company was looking for more stable options and ended

solid ground. The retail centers developed by Planigrupo

up opting for CerPis as Fibras have too many restrictions

already have about 130-140 million visits a year. We will

that affect our business. As developers, Planigrupo wants

continue to strengthen partnerships with retail clients and

to reinvest the revenue into further development but Fibras

investors. We also have a duty to help this country and we

prohibit this by demanding revenue distribution. Fibras only

are proud of the more than 90,000 permanent jobs in the

allow the acquisition of Mexican property, which impacts

country we have created. The company will continue to

our plan to expand into Latin America.

invest in Mexico as long as it is able to do so.




The middle class is emerging as a sturdy foundation for the

mixed-used developments, which used to only be common

future of mixed-use projects, usurping traditional higher

in high-income areas.”

income areas and failed social housing developments. 122

New financial instruments and the adoption of sustainable

The industry may have initially been led by low-income

practices are the key bricks for building on this trend.

developers that were actively participating in the stock

“In middle income residential developments, we are

market, but many of them are now either restructuring their

constantly trying to innovate,” says Alejandro Ballesteros,

company or declaring bankruptcy. The market downturn

Director of Commercial Development at Grupo Copri, one

was exacerbated by a heavy investment in the construction

of Mexico’s most important developers and construction

of horizontal projects located on the outskirts of the Mexico

companies that focuses on high and middle-income

City metropolitan area that failed due to the lack of basic

housing and commercial projects. “We were the first

services. It led to a rapid horizontal growth of the city that

developers to build projects that have over 2,500 units

did not have the required infrastructure. “Even though the

with underground parking, amenities and green areas in

construction of vertical developments is risker because of

the heart of Mexico City. Now that others are doing similar

the number of pre-sales and the financing needed to lift

projects, we are targeting middle-income residents for

the towers, there is enough demand to motivate banks into


GOOD NEWS DOES NOT MAKE A BUBBLE “It is crucial that investors

Director of Real Estate at Macquarie Infrastructure and

look at the dynamics of the

perspective of the next developments because developers

sector and although interest rates are important, there are other elements in the

Real Assets (MIRA). "In general, the industry has a good keep track of the relationship between supply and demand." Having such control allows the industry to avoid the significant risk of generating an oversupply or creating pricing bubbles. According to CBRE, in 2Q16 at least 13 new office buildings

equation that should be

were built covering a total of 190,000m2 in Mexico City

considered before beginning

expects its members to invest US$21 million by 2018, up

a new project”

alone. The Association of Real Estate Developers (ADI) from US$18 million 2015.

Jaime Lara, Managing Director of Macquarie

MIRA believes there is equilibrium in the market and

Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA)

although the Fibra sector has significantly grown in the past year, that is mostly due to the acquisition of existing properties. “As the economy continues to grow, there will

In the wake of the 2013 housing crash, good news in the

be additional demand for real estate,” says Lara. Numerous

real estate segment is often accompanied by fear of a

cities have old buildings that need to be modernized or

bubble forming. “Personally, I am not concerned about

redeveloped, creating more opportunities for investors

any kind of real estate bubble," says Jaime Lara, Managing

and developers alike, he says.

financing the projects,” he explains. “The government also

“Green areas are important for large developers, especially

sees the benefits these developments can bring the city

in areas like Santa Fe,” Ballesteros says, referring to the area

in areas that have decent urbanization, infrastructure and

on the western outskirts of Mexico City. “This is visible in our

services.” Ballesteros believes that financial instruments

landmark high-income housing project Cumbres de Santa

like Fibras and CKDs have made an impact in the market

Fe, the largest residential market masterplan in the area.”

even though Fibras only participate in the commercial and

The development has a park at its center and is surrounded

industrial real estate industry. Numerous CKDs also are

by protected natural areas. It is scheduled to have a total

beginning to invest in residential projects, giving impetus

1,800 units of houses and apartments, of which 1,400 have

to growth in the segment.

been built. “We are proud of this project as it reflects our desire to provide green areas in our developments,” he says.

Sustainability is another key part of the development

“It has also been successful for first-home buyers, whose

narrative, and an integral aspect of Grupo Copri’s strategy.

properties are now worth seven times what they paid eight

“We have a clear commitment to build more sustainable

years ago. They purchased at around US$300/m2 and the

and environmentally friendly projects,” Ballesteros says.

properties are now worth around US$2,000/m2.”

“The buildings in our new 800-unit development in Mexico City near the Parque Toreo Shopping center are designed

Ballesteros recognizes that the road to a healthier housing

so that each apartment has plenty of natural sunlight and

market has some bumps. Urban and environmental

its own solar panel to heat the water tank.”

impact studies show that investments in larger water infrastructure and improved access are needed to serve

Another property the group and partner Arquitectoma

new developments. Ballesteros says the government

developed was an underground mall. Ballesteros says it won

receives special taxes for this purpose that are being

praise from both local authorities and neighbors because

redirected to other priorities. “Improvement either takes a

it provided parking and commercial services below, with

long time to materialize or it never happens,” he laments.

a well-maintained and secure park above. It uses solar

“One of our challenges is making sure this money reaches

electricity, natural ventilation and recycles rain water.

the community it is supposed to be impacting.”

Of the many challenges the industry is facing, such as

countries but its young population - more than half the

a depreciating peso, Lara would like to see the Mexican

population is under 27 years old, according to INEGI -

economy growing at a much faster pace, especially given

will drive the need for additional structures. The country

its potential. Some investors are wary of the impact of

continues to open its doors to international trade and

the recent increase of interest rates, especially since

there will be an opportunity to develop commercial ties

some sectors within the industry are based on peso

with Asian and other Latin American countries.

lease agreements. “It is crucial that investors look at the dynamics and growth of the sector and although interest

There are plenty of examples of cities, such as Puebla and

rates are important, there are other elements in the

Queretaro, that are undergoing transformations, creating

equation that should be considered before beginning a

demand for additional retail, residential and commercial

new project,” says Lara. “These include occupancy rates

space, Lara says. Healthcare and education related to real

that can be achieved over time, rental rate increases

estate are areas that interest Mira but before plunging into

the property can achieve in excess of inflation and the

unknown territory investors must understand what drives

property’s appreciation.”

value and how developers will have to work to mitigate the risks, he says. The private sector in Mexico is participating

There always are risks when investing in the sector

in these sectors but the operators of schools, universities

but there are also many positive factors creating new

and hospitals are the owners of the real estate.

opportunities for investment. “There is a young population with increasingly higher levels of education and there are

If the economy continues to grow and demands additional

a number of multinational companies that are investing in

education and healthcare services, many of these quality

Mexico with a long-term view of the economy’s potential,”

operators will need further capital and support to fund

says Lara. “Given that we are at a specific point in the

their growth plans. “One way to do that is to monetize

economic cycle, when the external factors start to improve,

some of their existing real estate assets," says Lara. "We

growth in the real estate sector should accelerate.” Lara

are open to partnering up with existing high-quality

says it is hard to compare Mexico’s advantages over other

universities, schools and medical groups."



MARKET GROWS DESPITE DIFFICULT TIMES PEDRO AZCUÉ CEO Mexico and Chairman Latin America of Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)


Q: What trends have influenced the growing demand for

are transferred to the Fibra to the moment they are sold,

office space in Mexico?

creating liquidity. The marginal tax rate that applies

A: The market for Mexican offices constitutes about 5

is about 10 percent. Another benefit is the facilitated

million square meters, of which almost all was built in the

inheritance of assets.

past 20 years with approximately 1.5 million square meters under construction. The office space is concentrated in

Foreigners also are keeping interest high. German

Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara. The expansion

investors, for example, purchased many of Mexico

of several sectors, the fact that many older office spaces

City’s premium office buildings, which at the time were

have become obsolete and population growth have

attractively priced. The ensuing significant appreciation,

contributed to demand in recent years. Mexico has seen

cash flows and cap rate compression have all contributed

steady growth in certain industries, particularly those

to an attractive return on investment (ROI) for the

involved in exports such as the automotive industry.

German funds. As such, foreign investors want to continue

Exports have been rising at a rate of around 10 percent a

investing in Mexico, especially after the scrapping of the

year for a number of years and therefore have increased

Single Rate Business Tax (IETU) and the subsequent

the demand for office and industrial space. We at JLL

increase in market liquidity.

expect this growth to continue. Q: What will drive demand for office space in Mexico City?

Twenty years ago, financing could demand 15 percent, whereas today there are loans for 4 percent

A: There is a strong appetite for office space in strategic locations. Twenty years ago, financing could demand 15 percent, whereas today there are loans for 4 percent, which has had a huge impact on the ability to deliver lower rents when leveraging a property. Developers no longer seek high returns since the competition for land and capital influx is too large, leaving land prices as the

Q: What has been the investment impact of the dollar-

only variable. Mexico City still has land prices that are

peso rate and the presence of Fibras?

well below other major international cities but it is one

A: The strong dollar is a relatively new phenomenon

of the world’s largest, most dynamic and complex urban

that has been accentuated in the past six months. The

centers. The projection is that land prices and the value

growth of the Mexican pension fund market, on the

of real estate will continue to rise at a higher rate than

other hand, has had a major impact. Twenty years ago

inflation. In 20-30 years, the number of high-rise buildings

pension funds did not exist in Mexico, since most of the

will inevitably increase and the number of detached

funding for infrastructure came from corporations, local

homes will decrease to become more like Manhattan or

investors, foreign capital and even families. A few years

Hong Kong.

ago, the pension funds were allowed to invest a portion of their assets into real estate securities that traded on the

Q: What are your priorities for the short and medium term?

Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV). Suddenly, Mexico had

A: The depreciation of the Mexican peso means both

a capital pool denominated in pesos, unaffected by the

trouble for certain areas and significant opportunities.

foreign exchange rate, and that capital created a US$10

There are certain properties in Mexico that are dollarized,

billion Fibra market. Contributing assets to a Fibra also

which are faring much better than those denominated in

has tax advantages for property owners. Payment of

pesos. If a Mexico City office building is leased in dollars

income tax is postponed until the shares are sold, while

and an attractive shopping center is leased in pesos, the

capital appreciation takes place from the day the assets

former would be worth about 30 percent more.



Mexico’s 760 shopping malls are a drop in the ocean

efficient and clean.” He believes that these technologies

compared to the 109,500 shopping centers in the US

can be implemented across the board if the problem

recorded by the International Council of Shopping Centers.

of misplaced capital in the industry resulting from

Although Eugenio González, Director General of Altea

misinterpreted consumer needs is resolved.

Desarrollos concedes that Mexico’s goal is not to be on par with the US, he argues that improvement is less about

“Developers that work with Fibras or US funds are not

numbers and more about distribution. “The focus on large

using their own money and are less careful,” he says.

cities like Mexico City and Guadalajara that have more

“Many fail to place enough importance on the quality of

than enough retail centers impairs the development of

the project and show more interest in spending money.

commercial real estate in other areas,” he says. “The main

Developers have to realize that markets are different in

targets should be areas that are being left behind, such as

every city and building designs have to adapt to specific

low income neighborhoods in cities that lack development

niches. A stronger effort is needed to gain a thorough

but have a thirst for more retail centers.”

understanding of end users.” Altea raises most of its capital through private funds, instead of Fibras or CKDs,

Mexican franchises are struggling to develop at the same

allowing it to maintain close relationships with clients.

rate in these locations. “There are no incentives to invest

Altea also differentiates itself by making decisions based

in smaller towns when the investment costs the same

on market preference and not on portfolio interest.

and there are more sales opportunities in more urbanized regions,” González says. Altea is working with franchises to

González believes the industry is challenging because

create strategies that make investments more attractive.

the real estate market needs more square meters. The

So far, brands like Oxxo, Bodega Aurrera and Cinepolis are

majority of land is no longer available so it is important to

successfully positioning themselves in markets outside of

manage the remainder well. Still, he expects the number

large cities. “Any developer that creates a small or midsize

of commercial centers to double quickly. “A developer

retail center in areas without one instantly becomes king

that only has experience with residential areas could work

of the market for many years,” González says. “Shopping

with us to build centers that combine both residential and

centers in these areas cost one-third of those in larger cities.”

commercial use facilities,” he says. “The trick is to find projects with added value.” He points to a partnership with

The company opened a shopping center in Paseo La Fe,

Gicsa as an example. Altea located a piece of property next

Nuevo Leon and used a variety of innovative technologies,

to one Gicsa was acquiring and the companies decided to

including a polymineral roofing material called hefte that

create an alliance. Gicsa and Altea also have a common

is made with German technology, making it highly efficient

property in Playa del Carmen, with Altea owning the

but also expensive. Hefte uses plastic cushions of air as a

movie theater while the shopping center belongs to Gicsa.

ceiling to allow natural light to enter freely and nourish the internal garden, while providing a 21° climate. “It

Altea used to build houses but that market has followed

costs three times more than traditional roofing materials

the drop in oil prices, according to González, so the

but the results make it worthwhile,” González says.

company is now focusing more on industrial parks. “The

“Paseo La Fe is the sixth shopping center in the world

main issue is that investors are mainly looking for land

to adopt this technology and the first one in the entire

and not projects,” he says. “We now have four industrial

American continent to completely cover the roof with this

buildings and a plant. In one year, we expect to have four

material. The current price market may be a challenge for

more buildings, each with an area of 10,000m2. We are

developers but companies like Postensa offer technology

also beginning two more industrial park projects in the

for concrete structures that are preconstructed, light,

locations with the highest demand in Nuevo Leon.”




PASEO LA FE INVITES NATURE INSIDE With a drive to draw more millennials into shopping centers, architects and developers are changing their outlooks on what is necessary for a mall’s success. Industry trends are flowing toward mixed-use developments as a way to use shopping centers as more than just a place to shop. This is leading to the use of more flexible and innovative formats in mall designs. The Paseo La Fe shopping center in Nuevo Leon encompasses these values through its focus on natural light and flora. It is bringing the outside inside. 127

The center’s developer, Altea Desarrollos, wants to provide an environment that allows the shopper to feel the freedom of shopping outdoors without the potential of volatile weather dampening the experience. As a result, the company chose to use ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) instead of glass to construct the arched transparent ceilings. ETFE is a thermoplastic fluoropolymer that has a high resistance to corrosion and over a wide temperature range, making it the ideal roofing solution. The material has been used internationally, most notably in the art project “The Water Cube” at the National Aquatics Center during the Beijing Olympics. ETFE is essentially a transparent plastic that makes a favorable alternative to glass due to its unique properties, among them its light weight. The material weighs 100 times less than glass of the same dimensions, allows more light to flow and is easier to clean. ETFE has a high resistance to ultraviolet rays and unlike other plastics does not discolor with exposure to sunlight. Its high durability and resistance to chemicals, mechanical pressure and temperature change are just some of the properties that convinced Altea Desarrollos to choose the plastic for Paseo La Fe. Another built-in safety measure is that ETFE is combustible but not flammable and can support temperatures up to 170°C. The Paseo La Fe shopping center is designed in a dome shape along curved beams that bisect the length of the structure’s internal corridor. The ETFE’s light weight means that fewer supporting structures need to be used, allowing larger transparent panels that let the natural light stream through to the interior corridor. The design incorporates green areas, water fountains, terrace areas and social areas, which further emphasize the strength of the natural light, providing a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of a traditional shopping center. The facility is mixed-use and will include family meeting areas, a bowling alley, a roller-skating rink and a play area for kids.




Q: Which regions have the most potential for commercial

retail, and industrial real estate development. Puebla in

development in Mexico?

particular is growing due to its educational institutions.

A: Commercial real estate refers basically to industrial, office

Students from all over the country are moving to the city

and retail developments. The regions that have the highest

and this demographic will demand more housing and

potential for these developments are the largest cities,

entertainment. Real estate development in these areas

Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and those led by the

will keep growing rapidly in the following years. Touristic

industries with the most activity, which are the automotive

real estate will also continue to prosper in Cancun, Riviera

and tourism industries. The Bajio region, which comprises

Maya, Riviera Nayarit and in Los Cabos, which at the

the major cities Queretaro, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes,

moment has the most expensive pricing in all of Mexico.

Silao and Leon, has grown exponentially in response to the rapid rise of the automotive sector. These cities must

Q: How do Mexico’s commercial real estate developments

meet the industrial needs of the segment and develop

compare to those in other countries?

supporting infrastructure, such as housing and services,

A: The buildings that are being constructed in Mexico today

for existing and new companies. Entertainment, social

comply with the highest global standards. The country’s A

and commercial infrastructure also must be built to keep

and A+ commercial infrastructure is LEED Platinum, Gold

up with rapid population growth. Another region that is

and Silver certified and also adheres to high safety and

quickly developing and that has a vast amount of potential

innovation standards.

is the border with the US where Tijuana, Juarez and El Paso have recovered thanks to the manufacturing boom.

A booming segment is mixed use due to the rapid urbanization of Mexico’s cities. The most successful

Land in Polanco and Reforma costs between US$10,000 to US$20,000 per square meter

and lucrative real estate projects are mixed use. These developments optimize parking lots and allow companies to offer a wider array of services that reflects in a better quality of life for users and visitors. The challenge is finding pieces of land large enough to fit these projects or slowly purchasing the surrounding areas to expand.

Q: What impact did the Energy Reform have on real estate development?

Q: How difficult is it to obtain land for mixed-use

A: The real estate market gambled on the energy industry,

development in Mexico City?

which is present in all the states located near the Gulf of

A: Mexico City has a strict land-use policy and the price of

Mexico. Developers expected the arrival of international

land has drastically increased in premium zones, such as

and national companies to this region due to the opening

Reforma , Lomas Palmas and Polanco. Land in these areas

of the market and quickly built housing units, shopping

costs US$7,000 to US$15,000 per square meter compared

malls and entertainment infrastructure. But the drop in oil

with US$3,000 to US$4,000. This is a result of the land-

prices slowed the sector’s development, although in the

use policy and the scarcity of land within the city limits for

long term it will continue attracting investment. The boom

commercial developments. Companies must be extremely

that was expected to take place in 2016 was delayed but

patient when it comes to acquiring land for their projects.

we are confident it will pick up in the coming five years.

From the acquisition stage to development, the average time to complete a project is six years. Although extremely

Q: What cities have the highest A and A+ potential? A:





complex and time-consuming, mixed-use developments and

Mexico City are experiencing the most growth in offices,

like Antara and Toreo are the most successful long-term investments.

Q: How does Coldwell Banker Commercial help developers

and the appreciation of the dollar against the peso, the

optimize their properties?

market is growing and we will reactivate our operations in

A: Coldwell Banker Commercial focuses on urban areas,

this sector in the fourth quarter of 2016.

with Mexico City serving as the nucleus. Our secondary focus is in the Bajio region, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

Q: What is Coldwell Banker Commercial’s outlook for the

Around 80 percent of our operations are in Mexico City.


Professional landlords are in search of professional brokers

A: We are extremely optimistic about the future of the

to adequately position their properties in the market. Our

commercial real estate market in Mexico. The country’s

company is able to sell up to 60 percent of a building


during the prelease or presale stage. As trusted advisors

comparison with other Latin American, Asian and European

we actively participate in the whole development process,

countries. Five factors are necessary to maintain this

from the project conception throughout lease, sale and full

synergy. Internal consumption is the first factor because

operation stages.

Mexico now has a unique economy and is growing steadily.






Exports, along with a cost-friendly labor force, fuel the Q: Does Coldwell Banker Commercial plan on expanding

country’s competitiveness and relationship with the US

its presence in the tourism sector?

and Canada. The third factor will be the Energy Reform,

A: We had operations in the hotel and tourism segment

which will optimize Mexico’s dormant energy resources and

but we decided to give the industry time to recover

awaken the appetite of the largest international players.

before diving back in. Over the course of this year we

Finally, insurance and financial culture is growing in Mexico,

have received countless opportunities to participate in

making this a perfect market for international insurers to

the tourism sector, from both international and Mexican

enter. Mexico will continue to experience a constant, gradual

entities. With the government pouring money into tourism

growth that will support a healthy real estate market.

ARTZ, Grupo Sordo Madaleno, Mexico City





Q: What is the image of the real estate sector in Latin

measures, including treatment of sea water for human use

America and in Mexico?

that gets returned to the sea.

A: Mexico is a target for international investment, which is being channeled to the real estate market. This is evident

Q: What does a project need to be successful and what

in the sector’s dynamism and the large sums of money

trends are changing how work is done?

that are being invested in projects here. Mexico City, for

A: A cornerstone of our company is that we recognize

example, is undergoing a significant change. After a few

the importance of project planning. A successful project

years during which investors were reluctant to finance

requires qualified and professional human capital as well

large resorts, they are once again looking at the hotel

as expertise and experience in specific areas. One major

sector. This confidence is illustrated by the development

trend is specialization, which evolved from the traditional

of numerous hotels in Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Huatulco

model wherein real estate companies offered complete

and Puerta Vallarta.

services, from funding to planning and design and finally construction and operation. With an increased focus on

Q: How is sustainability and environmental responsibility

specialization, companies outsource certain tasks to third

impacting construction plans?

parties and although Mexico still has a lot of multitasking

A: Mexico has strict environmental regulations that require

firms, there is a clear push toward design-only architectural

specialist impact studies and statements. Obtaining

firms. Specialization leads to greater productivity and

construction permits is lengthy and complex and the

expertise in a faster, more effective way.

environmental restrictions are stringent. Natural areas tend to be vast yet the number of building sites on

Q: How can specialization help companies that still prefer

those lands is relatively small to its size, which limits the

to do everything themselves?

impact. Occupancy rates may be 5-10 percent of the total


area and the remaining land is reserved for preservation

management support is still limited but the rising number

via mangrove protection areas and coastal protection

of foreign real estate players in Mexico is boosting demand

programs. One problem in Mexico is water management.

for these services. We provide a solution to an existing














need and we work closely with companies to demonstrate

construction in areas with water-related problems to

how specialization can contribute to growth. Specialization

protect the aquifers. We also develop plans for flora and

is crucial, as companies who focus on everything

fauna preservation. With these projects measures are in

simultaneously often tend to focus on the divisions that

place to preserve the ecosystem. There also is a trend

are faltering and thereby neglect their strengths.

toward generating alternative energy and energy-saving Q: What is your strategy for Mexico in the coming years?

Grupo Acerta has developed numerous hotels in Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Huatulco and Puerta Vallarta

A: The real estate market is constantly evolving so Grupo Acerta must constantly adapt to these changes. We have learned that no country, state or circumstance is the same and we must always be flexible. Grupo Acerta wants to identify potential projects, trigger development and provide our customers with structured developments. The company is an active service provider, which differentiates us from similar companies in the sector. We are convinced that because the Mexican real estate market is built on a solid economy, it will continue to grow.


SHOPPING FOR SPACE IN A SATURATED MARKET Mexico City’s market for commercial centers is becoming increasingly saturated. The country’s capital can only host a limited a number of malls, and developments are not allowed to exceed area restrictions. Charles El Mann Fasja, Director General of Parks Desarrolladora, says developers

“We are developing several infrastructure projects for Mitikah’s future neighbors,

are in for a serious space crunch.

which includes paving the

Maintaining a position in the market can be difficult as it

roads and fixing water lines”

involves long regulatory processes and market research in alternative cities, says El Mann, whose business manages

Charles El Mann, Director General of Parks

the development arm of E-Group. These conditions will


eventually force commercial centers to move to secondary cities. For now, though, Parks will continue working where

The company is known for its innovative and massive

it is. “In the short term, we envision our developments to

mixed-use commercial centers. “We have a project

keep growing until space reaches its limit,” he says.

in Guadalajara called Midtown Jalisco, a 60,000m2 commercial center that might be the largest tower in

As a holding company, Parks is in many sectors, from

Guadalajara,” El Mann Fasja says. “It will include a Hilton

energy to golf course projects, handling the acquisitions

Hotel and several housing units.”

of the parent E-Group. “We divide our services into industrial, commercial, corporate offices and hotels,” El

Its biggest development in Mexico and Latin America

Mann says. “Our revenue is divided roughly 30 percent

is Torre Mitikah, which spans 1.2 million m2. The project

commercial, 30 percent industrial, 30 percent corporate

in Mexico City has a hospital, 500 rental apartments,

and 10 percent hotels. This last sector is not as strong as

300,000m2 of office space, two hotels and a mall. Torre

the others but we now have 5,000 operating hotel rooms

Mitikah differentiates itself from other malls in Mexico

under several brands including Hilton, Fiesta Americana

by incorporating the subway into its design. Because

and Fiesta Inn. Our industrial side has 99 percent

of its magnitude, the tower is almost a small city.

occupation rates.”

Implementing adequate infrastructure, developing and operating projects of this magnitude are complex hurdles

El Mann says having a wide array of experience among

to overcome, says El Mann. Involving the surrounding

different industries helps mitigate risk. When one

communities is an important part of the process. “We are

segment decelerates, the company can quickly shift its

developing several infrastructure projects for Mitikah’s

focus to a different sector. “This flexibility is necessary to

future neighbors, which includes paving the roads and

remain competitive in the market. Consequently, we are

fixing water lines,” he says.

entering other sectors such as housing with mixed-use developments,” he says.

Mixed-use towers have several advantages including the efficient use of parking spaces. “Hotels often use

For every sector, the process from land acquisition

parking spaces by night while offices occupy them

to rent is lengthy. It involves several regulatory and

during the day,” he says. “Malls use them on weekends

logistical steps. “So far, we have approximately 11

and holiday afternoons. A mixed-use unit creates a

million m2 rented out,” El Mann says. “To the best of my

balanced and optimized use of space.” Another mixed-

knowledge there is no other developer in Mexico with

use property advantage is air conditioning, as a central

the technical infrastructure, financial and operational

system consumes less energy than several units in various

platforms to manage projects of this size.” Other


developers may feel obligated to form partnerships to develop large projects, but because sister company

Recent reforms are leading many companies to invest in

Fibra Uno allows Parks to lower its average financing

the construction of real estate. The industrial, office and

rate by issuing debt in the market, it grants the company

housing sectors in particular are flourishing. “Real estate

favorable conditions to expand.

is highly dependent on the economy. As Mexico is doing well economically, so are we,” he adds.




THE ANTARA MIXED-USE MASTERPLAN Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos was the first developer in Mexico to venture into the great outdoors with the openair Antara commercial center. The first phase of the Mexico City shopping mall in 2006 completely regenerated the surrounding area’s urban profile, increased property values, promoted densification and attracted capital investment to a neglected industrial zone by transforming it into a highquality mixed-use district. Antara shattered conventional architectural forms by avoiding the use of department stores as anchors. The idea behind the masterplan, a traditional shape of a curved street with shops and restaurants along an arch, was to create a safe and welcoming space where visitors could experience different sensations through green areas and water bodies. The masterplan highlighted the importance of space and a coherent interaction with the city through its open design. On the main floor, water fountains mingle with benches and triangular lights that indicate main access points to the parking area. The architects have achieved an effortless interconnection between the business side of Antara and its stores through vanishing points that reveal urban interventions among the trees and green walls. The commercial passage balances glass and metal against wood and stone textures to accentuate the harmony in its design. The second floor of the innovative commercial center encompasses a food court, restaurants and movie theaters. Nine levels of office floors follow the inner curve of the structure, where the first three are commercial and the last are designated for corporations. In 2013, the masterplan’s second stage was completed with two 16-storey corporate towers, Antara Corporate and Antara Corporate II. The latter is still under construction along with a third tower that will most likely become a hotel. The third stage will ultimately expand the Antara Fashion Hall. Antara’s re-creation of the area has attracted two important museums, residential complexes, major corporate buildings, mixed-use buildings and an aquarium. It promoted the recovery of public space by turning a largely industrial zone into a fusion of gardens, plazas and fountains. It was also the first shopping mall with an underground parking lot, eliminating the gray space that interferes with the flow of pedestrians. Overall, Antara owes its social success to the adoption and appropriation of the space since its opening. The commercial center has generated 80 direct and 310 indirect jobs across all economic levels. The number of visitors to Antara totaled 6 million visitors in 2015.





Commercial developments are on the rise in Mexico’s

law. Meypar is one of the leading providers of parking

cities and parking is becoming a significant problem

solutions in Mexico, and Director General Jose Fenollosa

in highly densified areas. Efficient automated parking

has witnessed this growth firsthand.

could help alleviate the problem while having a positive environmental impact, says parking solutions provider

“Despite growing demand, various cities throughout

Meypar. There were 251 commercial developments built in

the country have tried to outlaw monetized parking in

Mexico between 2009 and 2013 with a total floor area of 16

commercial developments,” Fenollosa says. Developers

million m , of which 42 percent was dedicated to parking

can only pay for these services through parking revenue

spaces, according to the Institute for Transportation &

or by increased prices. Monetizing parking not only

Development Policy (ITDP). As of 2015, the number of

helps developers offer security and comfort but it also

malls had more than doubled, shooting up to 584 – and

discourages the use of cars, Fenollosa says. Parking lots

with a total 1,800 or so malls in Latin America that makes

and parking meters make the use of a car more expensive,

Mexico the king of commercial real estate in the region.

reducing the number of cars on the streets and pollution

To keep up with the demand, the city would require five

levels. Companies can also take advantage of their off-peak

times the available space for the parking required by

hours by renting or allowing other companies to use their




By 2050, the WHO expects seven out of 10 people

“We can assess according to the volume of occupants,

globally to be living in urban areas. The increasing

their needs and whether it is a shopping mall, office or

scarcity of land in growing metropolises like Mexico

residential space.”

City make it highly likely more people will be living in high rises. Moving all those residents up and down

KONE, which was founded in 1910, provides people flow

and in and out is a challenge. The solution, says KONE

solutions to the elevator and escalator industry. In 2015 it

Mexico, is controlling the flow while also feeding

posted net sales of €8.6 billion and had close to 50,000

sustainability. “Our people flow systems optimize traffic,

employees. The company sees opportunities in Mexico

reducing the size and number of elevators needed in a

not just in new buildings but with the old as well. “Old

building, and seamlessly integrate elevators, building

buildings in some areas of Mexico City, for example, are

doors and turnstiles to provide maximum security

being transformed to enhance their functionality,” says

while ensuring the smooth flow of people,” says Alicia

Bandala. “Mexico City neighborhoods like Juarez and

Bandala, Director General of KONE Mexico. She says the

Cuauhtemoc have beautiful old buildings and owners

company’s technology lowers elevator and escalator

are now looking to locate space for elevators.” The

energy consumption, while reducing wait time for users.

company says its modernization solutions for upgrading

parking lots. “Developing smart parking garages allows

integrating smart parking systems into their developments.”

users to locate free parking spaces and facilitates the

Meypar has seen cases where parking lots were making

flow of traffic. Housing or stores can rent out the parking

MX$30,000 (US$1,578) in monthly revenue. After installing

spaces they do not occupy through the use of technology.

an automated system, income increased to MX$130,000

The parking sector not only generates revenue, but it also

(US$6,842) a month. The discrepancy was attributed to

generates jobs,” Fenollosa says.

the inconsistencies of the previous payment collection process. “Whenever we install Meypar systems, companies

The Mexican Parking Association is working with the

see between a 10-15 percent increase in revenue, even if the

International Parking Institute to voice the needs of the

system was already automated,” says Fenollosa.

sector and ensure the prosperity of the market. Its biggest concern is the maximum the government has placed on

These systems also enhance the customer experience

prices. “These prices vary from city to city," says Fenollosa.

by integrating new payment methods and giving them

"The government should instead establish a minimum

the flexibility to pay with credit cards, cash or even cell

number of services the company can offer at a certain price.

phones, although such technologies require a higher

By establishing prices by service and not city, companies

investment from developers. “Credit card rates in Mexico

will be able to gain competitive advantages and the

are extremely high, which discourages developers and

consumer will choose the services it wants for that price.”

operators from offering these services to their clients,” says Fenollosa. In response, developers have begun using

The real estate boom has mainly impacted Mexico City but

their own department store or loyalty cards as a way to

states like Chiapas and Hermosillo also are growing rapidly.

pay for parking. “Developers have no problem offering free

“Shopping developers must keep in mind how much space

parking to users as long as they purchase in their stores,”

they will need for parking as well as the revenue they could

he explains. “There are many benefits that can be reaped

make from it,” Fenollosa says. “The revenue generated

from parking lots and parking meters for both citizens and

by private parking lots goes back into the maintenance

developers but a balance must be found in the quality of

of the mall, which is why more and more developers are

the systems and in the price.”

or replacing existing equipment meet or exceed the latest

buildings have elevators that open at the same time in the

safety standards, improving reliability and user safety.

morning, as they learn to identify peak hours,” she says.

“Our products are installed by professional technicians

“The entire concept of people flow solutions is one of the

following strict modernization processes that include

most significant assets of a building.”

safety requirements,” she says. Technology is not only giving new life to outdated systems, it is turning the simple lobby into high-tech zones. Smart lobbies, a relatively new concept, ensure the proper flow of people. KONE is introducing the technology to the Patio Revolución complex in Mexico City. “Our user-

In China, 600,000 new elevators are installed every year. In Mexico, this number is only 4,000

friendly, integrated access and destination solutions are designed to make it easy for people to move throughout

According to Bandala, KONE’s mission is to improve the

the complex,” Bandala says. “Users can select their

flow of urban life. “We provide ease and effectiveness to

destination on a touchscreen panel or, for even greater

users and customers over the full lifecycle of the building,”

convenience, they can make elevator calls directly from

she says. “Even though land is becoming scarce, many

their mobile device. Developers are keen to bring this type

old buildings offer opportunities for renovation. We are

of innovation to Mexico.”

interested not only in megacities but also hospitality investments in different regions in Mexico.” KONE does

A building may have been designed for 5,000 people and

not play a role in industrial construction but Bandala

end up accommodating more than double that number.

says areas surrounding those developments eventually

Issues such as congestion can arise in peak hours when

will need infrastructure such as hotels, shopping malls,

capacity is surpassed. Bandala says that destination

hospitals and access to other services. Bandala points out

control systems can help ease the flow, as the program

that in China, 600,000 new elevators are installed every

assesses, calculates and learns the user pattern. “Some

year, while in Mexico, this number is only 4,000.


NH Hotel, Downtown Guadalajara



HOTEL CHAINS RIDE THE TOURISM WAVE JUAN CARLOS REUS Expansion Director Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of NH Hotel Group

Whether it is business or pleasure, the number of people

technology installed in its hotels. “The hotel industry

coming to Mexico is on the rise. Just in the first half of

tends to offer return rates based on their niche in the

2016, the country saw 47 million international visitors, up

market,” says Reus. “Hotels that focus on the three-star

9.4 percent from the same period in 2015, according to the

niche of the market require a lower level of investment

Ministry of Tourism. The burgeoning tourism landscape

but the profitability is equally affected. We look for

has opened an opportunity for hotel chains to strengthen

quality in material.”

their position. NH Hotel Group is among them. “Mexico has welcomed our services,” says Juan Reus, Expansion Director of NH Hotel Group. “Hotel chains are starting to come to the forefront of traveler priorities. The market has diversified and now is the time for the hotel industry to become more professional and increase profits.” With 11 hotels in Mexico, the group’s goal is to have between 30 and 50 operating units by 2020, focusing on quality and the middle to upper-scale niche in the market. “We want to provide the services our end users demand,” says Reus.

“When it comes to attracting investors and partners, we let the quality of our hotels and customer satisfaction levels speak for themselves” Juan Carlos Reus, Expansion Director of NH Hotel Group

Attracting investors does not pose a great challenge to

Hotel chains clearly differentiate themselves from each

NH Hotel Group as its investors are generally loyal to its

other when it comes to the fees, quality and services they

brand, says Reus. “When it comes to attracting investors

offer. Reus says NH Hotel Group targets executive tourism

and partners, we let the quality of our hotels and customer

and clients that travel for business. “We do not worry

satisfaction levels speak for themselves,” he says. “We all

much about new trends like Airbnb as they have their own

enjoy coming to a place that treats us well, with well-

niche in the market,” explains Reus. “A business person

decorated rooms in a safe location. For this reason,

is unlikely to exchange the professional services a hotel

we strive to offer our end users high-quality services.

can provide like Wi-Fi, business centers and breakfast

Investors like the fact that we offer a convenient balance

for a room that is cheaper.” Keeping in line with its core

between price and value, which makes us competitive

target of business travelers, the group has a hotel at the

in the market.” Reus says that while independent hotels

international airport in Mexico City so executives do not

make up 70 percent of the market in Mexico, they do not

have to face the city’s notorious traffic. “Many executives

have the same salesforce and weight in negotiations as

opt to have their meetings there so they do not have

the larger hotel brands. “It is one of the most important

to leave the hotel,” says Reus. “The way executives do

factors investors look at to define how much a brand is

business is changing. They travel lighter and carry their

worth,” says Reus. “The second most important factor

offices in small devices. They are interested in doing

is economies of scale. Hotel chains have the ability

business in a comfortable and safe manner.”

to negotiate in a wide range of fields. We have a wide network of suppliers and strong relationships with travel

In its 10 or so years in Mexico NH Hotel Group has

agencies that help us negotiate profitable rates.”

seen significant growth in the main business cities of the country. Along with local partners, it is building

NH Hotel Group strives to maintain top of the line

structures that are functional enough to last over 50


years in the market.








BUILDING SHOPPING MALLS ON TIME, ON BUDGET By many accounts, Mexico is on the verge of a commercial real estate boom. According to the International Commercial Center Counsel, there will be 15 new malls constructed in Mexico in 2016, representing a total investment of MX$5.5 billion. The country is expected to have more than 760 malls by 2025. The challenge lies in building these immense buildings on time and on budget. Constructor ITISA has one potential answer and it is allying with national and international developers to bring the sprawling structures to the finish line. ITISA’s open secret is prefabrication. In its quest to be the fastest and most reliable constructor in Latin America, the company has mastered the use of concrete prefabricates that drastically simplify operations, especially commercial real estate. The shells it builds can be constructed piece by piece, like a Lego set. The pieces are elaborated in a factory and once the construction process is ready to begin, they are transported to the site where they are put together on the spot. By adapting and innovating its processes, ITISA says it has shaved up to 40 percent from the total construction time. ITISA integrates various construction methods, materials and technologies to adapt to the specific needs of each developer. Mixeduse developments are taking off in Mexico and they require a combination of prefabricated, post-tensioned and steel structures to create quality products. Safety is a priority, especially considering that Mexico is prone to earthquakes. Along with the Engineering Institute of UNAM, ITISA has carried out studies of how prefabricated structures respond to seismic activity. For this study, ITISA constructed a 1:3 replica of a prefabricated concrete structure, which was then placed on top of a seismic simulator shake table. The test exposed the building to simulated magnitudes equivalent to 100, 150 and 200 percent of Mexico’s devastating 1985 earthquake, using the lake zone spectrum, without any major damage to the structure. The results illustrated the reliability of prefabricated structures along with the innovations that have been integrated over the years, such as segmented and open node columns. The use of shell beams and open node columns allow a more ductile connection that improves the resistance of a building. Tower cranes and segmented columns also permit construction in cramped spaces that were previously unreachable using prefabricated systems. Now, the company can build to any height, on any piece of land and in any part of the country.

Information provided by ITISA


Industrial Park Amistad, AcuĂąa, Coahuila



Industrial giants are taking over the Bajio region, State of Mexico and Monterrey as they follow the prosperous automotive and manufacturing companies that are settling in Mexican territory. Mexico’s industrial parks are becoming more advanced with each passing year, able to adapt to the unique needs of each company they house. They are growing rapidly throughout various states but there is one thing they have yet to accomplish: a definition as to what constitutes an industrial park. There are calls for the regulatory framework to be adjusted and for sustainable development standards to be established so that investors feel more at ease. Industrial parks are targeting self-sufficiency and incorporating sustainable practices into their infrastructures to enhance the quality of the services and products offered.

This chapter will concentrate on Mexico’s largest industrial park developers and the opportunities they have spotted in the market. Their expert insights give a snapshot of the standards and trends following the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing sectors. Interviews discuss the challenge of bringing energy and water infrastructure to the remote locations of industrial parks and how they are working with the government side-by-side to find the best solution for the development of basic infrastructure.






TABLE: Main Industrial Park Owners in Each State


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sergio Argüelles, FINSA


INSIGHT: Alejandro Lara, American Industries


INSIGHT: Manuel Barreiro, Advance Real Estate


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Marco Ramón, Amistad Industrial Developers


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mauricio Garza, Interpuerto Monterrey


INSIGHT: Roberto Cantú, Roca Desarrollos


INSIGHT: Víctor Mena, Parque Industrial Querétaro


INSIGHT: Francisco Estrada, Parque Aeroespacial Querétaro


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Inland Port Sports an Enviable Bag of Tools


INSIGHT: Armando Lee, The Offshore Group




INDUSTRIAL PARKS ZERO IN ON LOGISTICS, E-COMMERCE CLAUDIA Ă VILA Director General of the Mexican Association of Industrial Parks (AMPIP)


Q: Which sectors will have the most demand for industrial

adapt to those specific needs and create more advanced

spaces in the coming years?


A: The Mexican manufacturing industry has enjoyed steady growth in the last two years and the vast majority

Q: How stringent are the quality standards for industrial

of foreign companies are exporting to the US using


Mexico as a logistics platform. The main drivers behind

A: The Official Mexican Standard (NOM) is a voluntary

the development of industrial spaces are automotive and


aerospace suppliers but there are several sectors that are

projects from other informal developments. To this day,

coming up, including medical devices in the northeast,

there is no official description of what constitutes an

electronic appliances in the north and distribution

industrial park in Mexico. Industrial developers have united

centers in the State of Mexico. Distribution and logistics

through AMPIP to create a standard that clearly defines

centers require far more sophisticated buildings and

what an industrial park is and what it consists of. In most

services, such as higher roofs, access to trade routes

countries, an industrial park is also equivalent to a free trade

and security systems, especially with the sector’s trend

zone but in Mexico the majority of the industrial spaces do

toward e-commerce. E-commerce demands greater

not have any tax incentives or customs facilitators. They

processing efficiency, which pushes industrial parks to

are considered real estate projects.





A committee was created in 1999 that established a

crucial to the growth of the sector, they require reliable

standard for industrial parks that included land acquisition

tenants that can guarantee the payment of the lease for

and usage, compliance with regulations, feasibility of

many years. Unfortunately, small companies are not always

utilities, internal administration and by-laws. Acquiring

able to give investors this guarantee. That may be the largest

and managing land are the biggest hurdles developers

factor steering developers away from parks for SMEs.

face in the construction processes due to the intricacy of negotiating with ejiditarios. For a developer to gain

The National Entrepreneur Institution (INADEM) has

access to the land, 100 percent of the ejido must agree.

always been interested in developing programs for the

This requires a land audit, as well as compliance with some

development of spaces for SMEs but it likely did not

basic international standards, such as access to electricity,

receive enough government support.

water and waste infrastructure, the inclusion of a certain percentage of green areas and security protocols.

Q: What problems plague existing state-owned SME industrial parks?

Q: How can industrial park developers meet the needs of

A: State governments usually acquire the land and

Mexico’s SMEs?

permits to provide the property to manufacturing SMEs

A: The majority of the private companies located in Mexico

at accessible prices. The state and company then come to

are SMEs but the industrial parks that form part of AMPIP

an agreement that requires the company to construct its

cater to the needs of medium and large companies. There

facilities in a short period of time because the government

are several parks that offer spaces to small companies

wants to swiftly relocate the industry, usually to the center

but their business models differ greatly from those of

of a city, to generate jobs. Given that many of the SMEs

the developers in AMPIP. To create an industrial park,

do not have the capital to comply, these projects are often

developers need a large initial investment to acquire land,

halted. In the long term, the land remains unused and

gather permits, urbanize the area and construct a Class A

because there is no central administration, the projects

building. This process can go on for more than two years,

are abandoned. When the government overlooks the role

in which developers do not yet have an income but must

of the developer, the tenant and land are left abandoned.

still pay taxes, which is why many developers are unwilling

The creation of a central administration is the key to a

to construct for SMEs. Industrial parks also have an intricate

successful park and these administrations are financed

financial structure and because the investment has been

through maintenance fees.

Industrial Park, Coorporate Properties





146 Baja California




Number of parks



Number of parks






GP Desarrollos


Amistad Industrial Developers


Prudential Real Estate Investors


Intermex Parques Industriales




Macquarie Mexican REIT




Prudential Real Estate Investors


American Industries


Artha Capital


Calafia Industrial Park


BTS Development


Clarion Partners


Corporate Properties


Corporate Properties



El Florido Industrial Park


FIDEPAR, Government State of Mexico



La Salle Investment Management


Grupo Nelson




IAMSA Development Group




Industrial Global Solutions


Prudential Real Estate Investors


La Salle Investment Management




Macquarie Mexican REIT




Mexicali Industrial Park


Advance Real Estate


Nicoya Inversiones


Amistad Industrial Developers




Artha Capital


Prudential Real Estate Investors


Desarrolladora Marabis




Grupo Ayusa




Guanajuato Puerto Interior


American Industries


Intermex Parques Industriales


Amistad Industrial Developers


Parque Industrial Ayalkar


Corporate Properties


Parque Industrial Cuadritos




Prudential Real Estate Investors


Industrial Global Solutions




Intermex Parques Industriales




La Salle Investment Management

American Industries




Macquarie Mexican REIT


La Salle Investment Management



Artha Capital


Parque Industrial Antonio J. Bermudez

Atitalaquia Industrial Park



COFOIN, Government State of Hidalgo




Prudential Real Estate Investors




Artha Capital


Centro Logistico Jalisco



State of Mexico



Prudential Real Estate Investors






American Industries


Amistad Industrial Developers


Corporate Properties


Davisa Development Corporation

Corporate Properties







Intermex Parques Industriales


La Salle Investment Management


La Salle Investment Management


Macquarie Mexican REIT


Macquarie Mexican REIT


Parque Industrial Centar100




Prudential Real Estate Investors


Prudential Real Estate Investors




San Jorge Industrial Park


The Offshore Group






The Offshore Group





Number of parks



Mexico City


Number of parks


Grupo Ayusa


American Industries


Macquarie Mexican REIT




Millenium Industrial Park




Parque Industrial Logistik


Prudential Real Estate Investors








WTC Industrial


FOINFRA, Government State of Sinaloa


Macquarie Mexican REIT



FIPAIM, Government State of Michoacan





American Industries


Amistad Industrial Developers




Corporate Properties


Nuevo Leon



Quintana Roo

San Luis Potosi


San Luis Potosi




GP Desarrollos




Industrial Global Solutions


IAMSA Development Group


Intermex Parques Industriales


IAMSA Development Group


Interpuerto Monterrey


Intermex Parques Industriales


Macquarie Mexican REIT


Prudential Real Estate Investors

N/A 4

La Salle Investment Management


Macquarie Mexican REIT




Sistema de Parques Industriales de Sonora

Prudential Real Estate Investors






The Offshore Group




Industrial Global Solutions




Macquarie Mexican REIT


Macquarie Mexican REIT


Prudential Real Estate Investors


Prudential Real Estate Investors




SECTOTRADE, Government State of Puebla


American Industries








Corporate Properties


Advance Real Estate




AeroTech Industrial Park


Grupo Ayusa




Grupo Rio San Juan


Grupo Ayusa


Industrial Global Solutions


IAMSA Development Group


Intermex Parques Industriales


Intermex Parques Industriales


La Salle Investment Management


Macquarie Mexican REIT


Macquarie Mexican REIT






Queretaro Industrial Park


Port of Altamira








Prudential Real Estate Investors





La Salle Investment Management

SEDET, Government State of Tamaulipas








Clarion Partners



Macquarie Mexican REIT


FIDECIX, Government State of Tlaxcala





American Industries


Yucatan Industrial Park


Artha Capital




GP Desarrollos


SEZAC, Government State of Zacatecas





Tlaxcala Yucatan


Source: AMPIP





Q: How do exchange rate fluctuations influence the

project, from a simple warehouse facility to sophisticated

planning of industrial real estate companies like FINSA?

metal stamping. FINSA only takes part in LEED-certified

A: Our sector has always been dollar dominated. Practically

projects. Our newest parks offer an integrated solution not

every lease quote is dollarized, which consequently impacts

only for industrial developments but also for housing and

transactions for the retail and office sector, as well as the

retail projects. We have been fortunate enough to work

industrial sector overall. US pension funds that invest with us

with different groups from multiple countries, including

expect to receive returns in the same currency and Mexico’s

German, French, Spanish and US companies. FINSA

industrial sector can offer that. The current exchange rate

believes that its local team must be bilingual, bicultural

has benefited our sector more than it has impacted it and

and bitechnical.

Mexican pension funds, our investors, receive their returns in dollars with only a domestic risk exposure.

Q: How does the company generate and allocate capital? A: We have a number of international partners that have

Q: What are the investment dynamics in the northern and

helped us raise capital. AIG Global Real Estate was one of

central regions, as well as the booming Bajio region?

FINSA’s main US partners, investing in the Latin American

A: Northern border towns will continue to exploit the interest

market through its real estate arm. GE Capital was another

of US companies in establishing operations in Mexico. As

partner that helped us tremendously. Today, Walton Street

OEMs integrate their investment networks, regions like the

Capital is crucial to our operations. It is an extremely

Bajio have become more important for the industry. There

active real estate fund in the US and works exclusively

are 10 new OEMs in Mexico that have attracted a large

with FINSA in Mexico. Real estate is capital intensive and

number of suppliers into the country. The Bajio corridor

FINSA works to raise funds and retain bank availability to

that connects Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Queretaro and

ensure the capital needed to meet the market’s growth.

Puebla has become increasingly important. These states

The maquiladora industry has been growing at a steady

have gone through exceptional transformations directly

20 percent pace since the 1970s, which has forced our

related to the automotive industry. Cities such as Monterrey

segment to raise the capital needed to meet demand.

also are seeing plenty of industry diversification. KIA has

Besides offering high-quality service and products,

channeled large volumes of Korean investment to the

capital availability is essential for FINSA. The Matamoros,

city, for example. Saltillo, Coahuila and the Ramos Arizpe

Tamaulipas industrial park is FINSA’s oldest development

corridor, which are home to Chrysler, GM and Freightliner,

but this is not immediately evident because we always

have done exceptionally well, although Tijuana remains

upgrade and install the highest quality infrastructure.

the main market on the western coast due to its proximity and solid relationship with California, with Mexicali close

Q: To what extent is FINSA interested in investing in

behind. Juarez, Chihuahua has shed its stigma as an unsafe

housing and hospital projects?

city and thanks to its existing clientele, its already-fruitful

A: FINSA’s newest parks were designed to integrate

production base will expand in the near future. Guadalajara

additional services such as housing and medical centers.

is still an unexploited market that we must expand into.

If we can join forces with housing developers, we will capitalize on that opportunity. We usually reserve space for

Q: As competition grows, what factors will drive FINSA’s

future developments such as back offices or hotels. FINSA


also is working with the National Institute of Social Security

A: We must offer more advanced solutions to our clients.

to develop daycare programs. We opened a daycare center

FINSA has been in the Mexican market for 39 years

in February 2016, which provides free services to employees

so our performance and capabilities are well known.

at our Guadalupe, Monterrey industrial park. Four centers of

We have the capital necessary to service any type of

this sort have been opened so far.



While some businesses in Mexico are wringing their hands

same high standards. This, of course, is homogenous across

over the peso’s decline, foreign companies interested in

all companies that are branching into other segments. “To

establishing operations here have more impetus to give

date, half our clients require inventory facilities, while the

the rate a thumbs-up, according to industrial real estate

other half request build-to-suit infrastructure,” he says.

services firm American Industries.

“With a presence in Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato and Jalisco, we believe that we are well placed to serve

“Our clients’ expenses are managed in pesos and often,

any company entering the Bajio region. We also continue

their income is tied to the US dollar,” says Alejandro Lara,

to operate in our traditional markets near the US border,

Director General of American Industries. “Consequently

so there is no immediate need to expand our portfolio.”

many have seen their profit margins increase and their capital expenditure requirements decrease due to the

If needed, though, American Industries has extensive land

peso devaluation. This climate makes the case for Mexico

reserves and the necessary human and capital resources

as a business destination much more compelling.”

to expand rapidly, Lara says.

Lara says his company promotes the diffusion of information about what it is like to manufacture in Mexico, including the costs and challenges as well as the benefits reaped by establishing facilities here. “We offer support in terms of site selection and organize forums and seminars to educate potential clients about each location,” he says. “Building a sense of trust with potential investors allows us to continue attracting a growing client base. Our former and existing clients are the best source of reference for new customers.” American Industries is one of the few companies that complement real estate with a shelter program and vice versa. This has helped to considerably strengthen the firm’s market position, says Lara. “Our goal is to be as flexible as possible and offer in-depth customization options. As we turn 40, we are now one of the longestlasting players in the market and that experience has led to a robust system and work practices that support our clients. We are ISO certified, complemented by a solid IT platform and an expert team of personnel, which allows us to differentiate our company as a quality service provider.” The firm serves over 200 companies in Mexico and has a portfolio of over 13 million square feet. It has developed nine industrial parks here. As new markets are attracted to the company’s services, Lara says the greatest challenge will be maintaining the

Industrial Park, American Industries





The automotive and aerospace industries have grown

designed services specific to their needs. These parks

exponentially in recent years, especially in Queretaro and

have been well received by the industry and a few large

the Bajio region. Advance Real Estate is taking advantage

automotive companies have certified SMEs in our parks so

of the boom to cater to the needs of not only the OEMs

that they can become suppliers.”

but also SMEs by providing space at its “business parks.” Business parks are essentially the same as industrial parks

Barreiro echoes a common refrain that the largest problem

but on a smaller scale. They are designed to target the

developers face is Mexico’s lack of infrastructure, especially

needs of Mexican SMEs and expand the supply chain to

in terms of electricity. “Lack of infrastructure, high prices and

include smaller local companies trying to improve their

an unclear regulatory structure for the free power market

quality and working environment in the new industrial

create entry barriers for many clients who wish to expand

Mexican market, says Manuel Barreiro, a Partner at

into Mexico,” he says. “The Energy Reform has promised

the company. “SMEs represent about 70 percent of

to improve this but it is still under development and there

manufacturing in Mexico, yet are mostly ignored by the

remains a degree of uncertainty about how it will evolve.”

larger players in the industry,” he says. “For us, it is of the

The company’s is addressing the problem by developing the

utmost importance to support them through uniquely

electricity infrastructure within its parks.



Q: How has the landscape for industrial park developers

would in the US, Europe, Japan or Korea. We have also

like Amistad changed in the last 20 years?

seen Japanese and US industrial park developers entering

A: Following the Energy Reform, industrial park developers

the Mexican market, which has forced domestic companies

like Amistad Industrial Developers can now supply energy

to raise their standards. Multimillion-dollar investments

but the Reform’s secondary laws are still unclear and are

require quality infrastructure. The market’s standards have

hindering our efforts. Some European companies are

increased dramatically and so have client expectations.

offering partnerships with solar farm developments and although it makes financial sense for us to participate in

Q: What parameters do you take into account when

this, the country’s legal framework prevents us from doing

making long-term plans?

so. Amistad Industrial Developers wants to implement this

A: The parameters are the same as they were 10-15 years

type of service but we are holding back our investments

ago. We need to make logistics as efficient as possible,

for the time being. Our clients are also interested in these

which translates to easy highway access and proximity to

services in the long-term. The quality of the end product

airports. Infrastructure must be secured in terms of energy

has undergone the biggest change. Clients established in

and water supplies and real estate developers must create a

Mexico expect to receive the same quality of service they

bond with local communities. The most important element

Another common problem is the need for skilled human

The company’s new industrial park next to Queretaro

capital. Advance has a social program in place to support

International Airport will start operations by the third

education in local communities, which in turn helps

quarter of the year and will eventually incorporate up

provide the skilled labor the industry needs. Through the

to 150,000m2 of industrial buildings for clients in many

program, college graduates enroll in a teaching program

sectors but mainly for the aerospace and automotive

to provide a higher standard of education for junior and

industries. “We acquired the land two years ago, and

high-school students in rural areas. “This way companies

began to commercialize it last year as companies in the

are much more likely to remain in our parks instead of

aerospace and automotive sectors often need one or

moving to areas where they may be unable to acquire the

two years to make these decisions,” Barreiro says. “We

professionals they will need,” Barreiro says.

will begin occupying spaces this summer and we expect to have the park fully consolidated within the next five

This year, the company is starting operations in three


parks in Queretaro, one in Guadalajara, one in Irapuato and consolidation of its park in Puerto Interior next to the

A challenge for many companies across all infrastructure

Bajio Airport. Its new park in Celaya, Guanajuato called

segments is land availability. Barreiro believes it is hard

Celaya III, should have functional units by 3Q16. Advance

to find lots with services and permits and even harder to

is also looking to expand to Puebla and San Luis Potosi.

find land at decent prices with a market as active as it is

“While other states north of the country like Chihuahua,

now. “Our list of international clients and state-of-the-art

Sonora and Baja California are expanding rapidly, we are

fully operational parks focused on automotive, aerospace,

more interested in the center of Mexico, as the market

logistics, food and technology industries has helped us

in the region is highly homogeneous and we have many

to convince land owners to sell and to provide evidence

distinctive advantages that we would not yet enjoy in the

to local authorities that these long-term investments

north,” Barreiro says. “In our view there is plenty of capital

help the development of the local economy by drawing

today from the Mexican Pension Fund System but there is

in companies that generate employment and pay taxes,”

a lack of institutional developers in central Mexico.”

he explains.

in any operation is its workforce so we make sure that the

Even though logistics may seem troublesome, trucks can

right talent and professional expertise is available in the area.

reach Mexico City in as little as five hours. Veracruz has an increasing need for warehouses and manufacturing

Q: What are the most promising locations for industrial

facilities, resulting directly from the Energy Reform.

park expansion? A: Amistad Industrial Developers is establishing its third

Q: To what extent is Amistad Industrial Developers

industrial park in Guanajuato’s Apaseo El Grande and

looking to push into new sectors?

Celaya areas and in Queretaro. The Saltillo and Ramos

A: About 60 percent of our portfolio is directed at the

Arizpe, Coahuila corridor is extremely interesting, with

automotive industry, while the remaining 40 percent is mostly

access to major markets like Monterrey and Mexico City,

divided between the aerospace and electronics segments. We

while covering an important OEM region with companies

foresee an increase in the automotive industry’s dominance

such as GM, Chrysler, Freightliner and Fiat. Hidalgo is the

over our operations. To offset time constraints, we develop

next region we plan to expand into, not only because the

a lot of space to tailored specifications while complying

state is pushing for investment but also because it makes

with the standards imposed by the automotive industry. We

sense from a logistics standpoint. Its proximity to Puebla,

understand the automotive sector’s requirements, which

Guanajuato, Mexico City and Veracruz will bring many

helps OEMs achieve their goals more efficiently. We can

interesting business opportunities.

guarantee occupancy in our parks within a five-month span, which is a record in the industry. This gives clients more than

Our sights also are fixed on the south of Mexico. The

enough time to install their machinery and begin operations.

federal government is promoting industrial developments

Amistad Industrial Developers would also like to expand

in Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz and we see tremendous

its portfolio and services for the aerospace industry. The

potential in these locations. Chiapas’ state government

segment is growing steadily and opportunities are emerging.

will offer many incentives to attract new companies,

Our core business is and will remain the automotive industry

proper infrastructure has already been secured and labor

but based on the projected double-digit growth, logistics

costs are almost 25 percent lower than in northern states.

also is an emerging market.





Q: What factors were behind the establishment of the

competitiveness but can be detrimental to the local

Interpuerto Monterrey industrial park?

economy. The industrial real estate industry functions

A: We are a two-hour drive from Nuevo Laredo,

in dollars. Although we offer most services in the US

Tamaulipas, which is the busiest inland port in Mexico with

currency, we provide maintenance and administration fees

about 8,000 transfers per day. All NAFTA traffic enters

in pesos since those are recurring costs and denominating

and leaves through this port. From Interpuerto Monterrey,

them locally is more attractive for our customers.

in Nuevo Leon to the US border there are no stoplights along the way while the routes to the center and south

Q: What strategies is Interpuerto Monterrey implementing

of Mexico bypass Monterrey city, all of which provide

to ensure sustainable infrastructure?

time savings. Our infrastructure can compete with any

A: We are in talks with a company that wants to establish

industrial park in terms of water, natural gas, fiber optics,

a natural gas combined-cycle cogeneration plant. At the

electricity and custom facilities. Another advantage

moment, the Mexican energy market is in a dip, meaning

we offer is flexibility of land size because any company

that competition is not as high in that type of energy.

that requires a substantial space can face challenges

Nevertheless, these kinds of projects are long-term

in the Monterrey area. The spaces that are available are

commitments. We encourage clients to generate clean

mainly standalone and do not offer the infrastructure of

energy with solar panels. We also are evaluating a project

Interpuerto Monterrey, resulting in a larger investment and

to install them around the park, especially for public

a prolonged time frame.

lighting. Our regulations preclude certain companies from establishing operations in Interpuerto Monterrey.








investors? A:



We would not, for instance, sell 100ha of land to a nuclear power plant because of the possibility of contamination.


Interpuerto Monterrey encourages companies to operate

considerable time and money to attract investment and





as cleanly as possible and they must also comply with

it places a great deal of importance on new clients. Many

all state and federal environmental laws. If there is an

companies are establishing businesses in Monterrey

oversight in compliance, we will take action and ensure it

because they recognize that we have a quality labor force,

is rectified.

strategic location and more importantly can provide an attractive quality of life for expatriates relocating here.

Q: What are the main priorities for the park’s development?

Monterrey also is a production hub with close proximity to

A: We are working to incorporate a bulk terminal at

the US, while Mexico has the largest number of free trade

Interpuerto Monterrey, which would make us the only

agreements in the world, giving it an advantage in term

industrial park in Mexico with this feature. This would allow

of duties.

our clients to import and export in bulk through containers or freight. As an SME with two or three containers per

I see opportunities in automotive, food and beverages,

month, obtaining access to rail transportation is difficult

logistics, aerospace and energy. Mexico is the 15h largest

but our long-term goal is to create clusters of four or five

economy in the world, meaning significant consumption

companies that can produce around 25 containers to lower

of food and beverages. Given Mexico’s success supplying

the costs for all parties involved. In this way, the companies

the automotive sector, the next logical step would be to

at Interpuerto Monterrey can help each other to create a

serve the aerospace industry. With the Energy Reform,

competitive and logistically sophisticated network. We

companies also are beginning to look to Monterrey as

welcome any industry but I believe that automotive, food

a potential energy hub for the country. The dollar is

and logistics are the most dynamic, with 80 percent of our

extremely strong against the peso, which bolsters our

clients working in these areas.



From land availability to infrastructure failings, there is

real estate segment is dealing with, especially the question

no shortage of issues facing developers as the country’s

of energy. “We can find appropriate plots of land but if

manufacturing expands and more companies move into

the infrastructure is not in place to facilitate operations,

Mexico. “In the wake of a boom like in the automotive

they become unfeasible for us,” he says. “Sometimes,

industry and the emergence of sectors such as aerospace,

constructing the right energy infrastructure can be more

markets consolidate as industrial hubs and land availability

expensive than buying the land.”

decreases exponentially,” says Roberto Cantú, Director General of Roca Desarrollos. That is what is happening now

He puts the onus for improvement squarely on the

and higher land prices are the result, he says. “Three or four

government. “As CFE is a publicly owned company, it is

years ago, a wave of aerospace companies made their way

the sole responsible authority for this. On the other hand,

into the region, creating a scarcity of land and consequently

advanced markets, which are open to private investment,

raising the market’s prices,” he says. “Cities like Juarez have

have a stronger willingness to invest in infrastructure. The

gone through slower expansion cycles, resulting in stable

same goes for drainage and water supply systems. There

prices similar to those seen five years ago.” Once land is

is no question that the government needs to step up its

purchased, there is the issue of infrastructure to contend

game and push for advanced investment capabilities from

with and Cantú says it is a concern the whole industrial

public agencies.”



MEETING RISING INFRASTRUCTURE DEMANDS “Parque Industrial Querétaro is one of the most important


contributor among states last year was Queretaro, which surpassed growth expectations in 2015 with an 8.8 percent GDP rate. Grupo Financiero Banamex had

industrial parks in Queretaro,

forecast a 5.8 percent rise. With over 135 companies in

representing 10 percent of the

last year’s figure. The park houses companies that are

state’s GDP”

giving it the largest concentration of international

Víctor Mena, Director General of Parque Industrial Querétaro

place, Parque Industrial contributed about 10 percent of ranked among the top 500 international enterprises, corporations in the state. Rapid






As money continues to pour into Queretaro’s automotive

“Companies in various industrial areas or hubs suffer

sector, one of the state’s biggest industrial parks is banking

from water and energy shortages due to insufficient

on a bigger slice of the market. But a major barrier may

infrastructure,” says Mena. The park has created two

pose a challenge: infrastructure. For foreign manufacturers

energy plants and two electric substations powered

looking to establish a foothold in Mexico, the state offers

by three different lines. The two substations are

attractive conditions, including good security and a prime

interconnected to ensure a constant supply without

location in Mexico’s central region. Víctor Mena, Director

surging. “We are also starting a clean-energy industrial

General of Parque Industrial Querétaro, believes the

project that will create 20MW from solar energy and

biggest hurdle Queretaro faces is having a functioning

40MW from a combined cycle plant,” he adds. Apart

infrastructure to address ongoing growth. An important

from road infrastructure, the park is developing a


plan to offer housing and other services for the park’s







connectivity, he says, citing roads and railways. This would


give the park the ability to handle larger cargo operations to supply the US, the main recipient of automotive exports.

Parque Industrial Querétaro occupies about 650Ha and has ambitious plans to keep growing. It is targeting an

“The park has a prime position equidistant to all the important

additional 75 hectares by 2016 and another 100Ha by

assembly plants in the region, giving it a competitive

2017. “We have been working arduously to ensure our

advantage in logistics,” Mena says. “Having an efficient park

park has the necessary infrastructure and services to

management that provides comfortable and convenient

support such a large conglomeration of companies,”

installations is important to attract new companies to our

Mena says. The park has a commuter transportation

facilities.” Most auto-related manufacturers export their

service on site, which reduces the number of cars in the

products, mostly to the US. The park collaborates with local

surrounding area. A 25km bicycle lane has also improved

companies and the state government to find methods of

mobility. “The industry has worked in harmony with local

optimizing logistics and manufacturing operations. These

authorities for the past 25 years and together we have

include providing optimal security, garbage disposal and

done a great job promoting growth,” says Mena about

water management services.

attracting new players to the Mexican market.

Roads are also a big issue. To solve its traffic problems, the park is designing a new road plan with the government, which has proven to be a challenge. “Coordinating the construction with three different government levels is an intricate process,” says Mena. “Normally, we do not have important participation in these types of projects but we do play an important role in the planning process and in the definition of the needed infrastructure.” Mexico’s industrial and manufacturing sectors are growing, underpinning the country’s GDP. The biggest



Parque Aerospacial Queretaro was created to support

clients were also able to supervise the process to ensure

plane manufacturer Bombardier in Mexico. It took the

the infrastructure suited their needs.”

cooperation of the federal and state governments, an


innovative regulation and a distinctive business model

Parque Aerospacial Queretaro has steadily grown since

to make it work. The Canadian OEM’s initial goal was the

2007 due to a combination of quality infrastructure, well-

creation of an aeronautical cluster where the company

educated qualified professionals, competitive labor costs

could transfer several labor-intensive operations to make

and the benefits of producing in pesos and selling in

its manufacturing more cost-effective. “Bombardier finally

euros or dollars. Other advantages include the proximity

chose Queretaro and, through talks with the federal

to Queretaro’s International Airport and the leasing

government, realized the need to develop several areas

processes, which lower use of land costs. Electricity is also

to facilitate its establishment in the state, including the

subsidized by the state government, reducing costs to

construction of the appropriate infrastructure in the form

about US$100/kWh.

of an industrial park,” says Francisco Estrada, the industrial park’s Director General. “This led to an agreement with

The park covers about 150,000m2 but it could incorporate

the federal government, which committed to finance an


aeronautics university in Queretaro that would eventually

available space, 60-70 percent is reserved for Bombardier,

become UNAQ.”

and current infrastructure fully covers the needs of the

of industrial buildings. “Of the

industry,” says Estrada. “The only potential problem is the Estrada believes the state government was essential for

oversaturation of the current infrastructure as the park’s

the infrastructure’s development as it provided roads,

business model has been successful so it is filling faster

lighting, fire prevention and drainage among other

than expected, and is now close to capacity.” He says the

utilities. “In 2007, Vesta, our park’s owner, tendered for the

developers initially believed a 90ha project was overly

construction of the aerospace park and competed against

ambitious, yet nine years later he realizes that it ought to

22 national and international developers,” he says. “The

have been two or three times larger. “We are researching

basis for this tender followed an innovative regulation.

alternatives to this problem, including expanding the park

Because the park would be built inside the airport, the

or creating an alternative location to complement it.”

companies could not own the land. It was necessary to generate new plans to guarantee a return of investment

Estrada also believes there is opportunity to develop the

for developers.”

supply chain through the incorporation of Tier 2 and 3 companies. “We have also developed links with Queretaro and

parks in several different industries, such as automotive

certification and the state government provided the land

and home appliances,” he says. “The next goal for the

and helped to financially support construction, so that

sector should be to substitute the importation of raw

these costs would not be paid by the clients. “We had to

materials by generating Mexican supply companies.” Nine

develop an economic model which showed clients the

years later, Parque Aerospacial Queretaro has proved be

benefits of operating in and belonging to the park even if

a successful model that has generated a platform for the

they were not landowners,” Estrada says. “We proved that

development of the aerospace industry. “We are grateful

long-term it was more efficient for them to lease as they

as our clients have behaved as much more than just

could invest in their own processes instead of acquiring

leasers. Together we have become an integrated society

land. All our processes were handled with complete

through process sharing, interests, needs and goals, which

transparency so our clients knew how every cent of their

has led to the development of the infrastructure that this

money was spent, which helped us gain their trust. Our

industry needs,” Estrada says.








INLAND PORT SPORTS AN ENVIABLE BAG OF TOOLS Guanajuato Inland Port has an enviable bag of tools that have helped it build a level of operational excellence unique in Latin America and Mexico. In building Guanajuato Inland Port, the local government and the private sector joined forces to boost the central Mexico region, promote competition and create prosperity. Strategically located in the heart of the country, the port is considered among the most important logistics and business platforms in the region. The development is on 1,200ha and in only 10 years it has attracted over 100 companies. This has ensured an investment of more than US$3.5 billion that has generated more than 16,000 jobs. The industrial park is wedged between Leon and Silao. A unique logistics hub, it grants a safe and convenient location to companies entering Mexico. The port’s mission is to facilitate business and exports through a logistics system based on quality and excellence. The Inland Port has Strategic Zones that are designed to maximize the efficiency of operational logistics. Within these Zones are four industrial parks, Santa Fe I, Santa Fe II, Santa Fe III and Santa Fe IV. They seamlessly bring together companies like Volkswagen, Nestlé Purina, Nivea, Grupo Coqueta, Hino Motors and KYB. Each park is equipped with infrastructure for industrial operators, logistics businesses and manufacturing companies. Organismos de Guanajuato Puerto Interior GPI, offers legal certainty and representation to the port’s companies. Puerto Interior also is the only industrial park in Mexico that comes with functional educational facilities designed to meet the needs of the industry. The Guanajuato campus of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) has an interdisciplinary engineering department that offers degrees related to industrial engineering and entrepreneurship. The






aerospace park to attract companies in an industry that is expected to grow considerably. These include parts manufacturers, maintenance businesses and research centers. The port’s logistics services go above and beyond national standards, including a nonstop service to Chicago and strong exporting mechanisms. In 2015, its Ferromex station achieved an operational benchmark of over 26,000 containers. The Strategic Zones equally prioritize security, the needs of the surrounding communities and the provision of commercial services. An economic launch pad for parks and industrial corridors in Guanajuato, the port has quickly become an investment magnet in Mexico.





When it comes to manufacturing, Sonora may be the

These characteristics make Empalme as competitive as

manufacturing sector’s best-kept secret. The Offshore

any larger location in Mexico and some companies are

Group wants to get the word out. The Offshore Group, which

choosing it even over major manufacturing hubs, says Lee.

delivers industrial real estate services, has supported the

“Sadly, many are unaware of the advantages Sonora has to

consolidation of the manufacturing sector in the state from

offer, such that we consider the state a best-kept secret,”

the introduction of the first automotive company. It grew

he says. “But we want to communicate Sonora’s potential

alongside the region’s manufacturing sector and eventually

worldwide and to do so we need the support of the federal

branched into the aerospace industry through a partnership

and state governments.”

with Smith West. Now, the company manages over 4 million square feet of industrial and office space and works with

This year’s goal is to protect and promote the growth

73 companies in Mexico. “As international companies enter

of local companies as the country endures a tougher

Mexico to manufacture, we simplify their processes by

economic climate. The Offshore Group is Sonora’s largest

handling legislative processes, payroll and governmental

employer with 13,500 employees and expects to grow

offices,” says Armando Lee, the company’s Director General.

that figure by 5-6 percent to finish next year with just over 14,000 employees. The state still has a lot of room

In the aerospace industry, The Group has 18 clients that

for growth, Lee says, but several areas must be addressed.

have brought a series of processes and expertise to the

Some notable areas of opportunity are secondary

state, from harnesses to aero structures. As the company

treatments, such as anodizing.

turns 30 this year, Lee reflects that all the projects the company has backed have contributed a unique aspect

Lee says The Offshore Group can help simplify a company’s

to the state’s aerospace industry. The Offshore Group

entrance into Mexico. “We offer much more than a facility.

has a business development department that identifies

We provide a series of manufacturing communities with

potential companies that could participate in the supply

many benefits and unique characteristics, from sports

chain and also caters to the suggestions of its existing

centers to nurseries,” he says. The Group, which manages

clients. The firm has become a large and essential source

a large volume of trucks, also helps clients reduce

of information for investors, says Lee.

transportation costs by allowing them to pay only for the space they need in a truck instead of leasing a mostly

The company’s experience in Sonora helped it identify

empty unit. It works closely with local universities and

that existing aerospace companies needed support from

training centers and has generated several projects with

Tier 3 and 4 businesses. Without that support, companies

CONALEP and Hermosillo Technological Institute (ITH).

higher up the supply chain needed to send their products

“Our communities allow companies to connect and create

to the US for final treatments. “To address this issue

partnerships, even with their competition,” says Lee.

we integrated several companies here,” Lee says. “For instance, Bodycote in Empalme, Sonora manages heat

While Sonora is a key focus for The Offshore Group, it

treatments and Incertec offers anodizing processes and

also has an eye on Queretaro, Tijuana and other areas

plating. In Guaymas, Ellison Surface Technologies provides

with potential. The federal government is setting up

two processes that are unique in Mexico, namely high

special economic zones (ZEE) to identify underdeveloped

velocity oxygen fuel and plasma spray.”

areas in the country. It will offer preferential conditions regarding infrastructure and regulations to promote their

Sonora offers distinct advantages over other Mexican

development. “Our goal is to support the development of

states such as its strategic location, its workforce, its

these areas and we hope the government will facilitate this

highway and airport infrastructure and its suppliers.

process,” says Lee.



Q: How are office management products adapted to

offices and co-working spaces. Now, employees do not

various market segments?

have to commute for an hour to the office. Instead, they

A: We work with different industries including railway, oil

meet clients at more convenient locations or visit a closer

and gas, pharmaceutical and technological companies.

working space to carry out their normal activities. We have

Having high-quality services is the only way to cover

operations in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Tijuana,

the needs of enterprises working in different market

Cancun, Puebla, Villahermosa, Queretaro and Merida, and

segments, which have varied expectations. Excellent

have plans to expand our business to new locations that

standards of air conditioning, reliable sound systems, safe

will be announced in the upcoming months.

networks and comfortable furniture, among many other aspects, have helped us meet the requirements of a wide

Q: What factors into the selection of IOS’ facilities and

range of industries.

staff? A: For IOS OFFICES, the human factor is extremely

Some of our customers have part-time or short-term staff

important and 58 percent of our staff has been

while others have more than 100 full-time employees.

recommended by another member of the team. Our talent

The company’s product range serves the spectrum,

retention level is extremely high, especially compared to

including virtual and part-time offices, co-working spaces,

other companies in the sector. The company’s recruitment

communications and messaging services, meeting rooms

processes are innovative and groundbreaking in that

and working environments for smaller groups of people.

two years ago we decided to stop receiving traditional

Our clients have realized that it is more cost-effective

applications and requested videos instead. This strategy

to outsource office administration than to manage it

allows us to filter applicants more efficiently since we

internally. Finding the most suitable characteristics for

receive more than 300 submissions annually. The selection

any service or product requires constant reassessment.

of facilities and equipment also goes through an exhaustive

To provide work solutions we must focus on a problem

process. We perform intensive audits on buildings and the

that needs to be solved instead of selling a product. IOS

surrounding neighborhoods before making an acquisition.

OFFICES stays informed about the changing needs of our

Our philosophy is to generate more value, not to simply

customers via focus groups with our members.

save money. Every detail of a workspace, down to the fragrance, lighting and the attitudes of coworkers have

Q: What opportunities will allow IOS Offices to continue

a direct impact on an employee’s wellbeing so we have


dedicated many years to improving our services.

A: The Mexican market has been growing steadily for the last 20 years, bolstering national GDP and

Q: What are the main challenges that IOS OFFICES has

purchasing power. Different industrial segments such as


the automotive industry also have enjoyed considerable

A: Administrating an office is not particularly difficult

growth, along with large cities such as Queretaro and

as it represents similar costs for different companies.

Tijuana. All these changes have raised the bar for office

Nonetheless, few enterprises change their offices regularly,

space in the country, which assures us that we can keep

which means most of them do not have extensive experience

expanding our market in different locations. Another area

in identifying the most appropriate equipment and services

is the virtual office. These have been present for more than

for their facilities. Even so, one of the challenges that we

40 years worldwide and for 20 years in Mexico and are

have identified is making companies aware that rent is not

developing further as we incorporate more technology into

the only cost to ensure a quality working environment.

our daily activities. As more companies allow employees to

Usually, rent only represents 30 percent of the overhead

work remotely, we are seeing an even greater rise in virtual

that a company must allocate for its offices.


Maravatio Highway, Grupo Hermes, Michoacan



The NIP’s goal to optimize the country’s logistics infrastructure begins with the improvement of the country’s labyrinth of roads and railways. The country’s growing imports and exports demand greater connectivity, especially with the US. There was a 7.2 percent increase in rail cargo from 2014-2015, encouraging the private sector to further invest in Mexico’s railway system. The country’s road network continues to grow as new highways are being built to connect to rural areas and although security is still a concern, the sector is most worried about transparency through tendering processes and negotiating with ejidos as they try to obtain the land rights to build new roads. The industry is demanding innovation not only in methods of construction but in toll collection technologies.

The chapter begins with the construction of the Line 3 of the Guadalajara light train, one of the most important rail projects of 2016. Throughout the first half of the chapter, the companies responsible for constructing the rail network discuss the hurdles companies have overcome in the recent years and those that remain. The second part of the chapter begins with one of Mexico’s largest road construction companies as it discusses modifications to the PPP plan.




INSIGHT: Iker de Luisa, AMF


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Iván Rosas, Sacyr


MAP: National Railroad System


INSIGHT: José Zozaya, KCSM


MAP: Mexico's Main Highways


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alberto Pérez-Jácome, Grupo Hermes Infraestructura




INSIGHT: Santiago Villanueva, VISE


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rodrigo Bernal, TeleVía


INSIGHT: Andrew Auns, Williams Scotsman


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfonso de la Parra, Tecnopeaje


PRIVATE BACKING PUSHES RAIL SYSTEM IKER DE LUISA Director General of Mexican Association of Railways (AMF)


From port to port, region to region and even country to

amplifies the problem. More development is needed and

country, railroads are integral cogs in the machinery that

AMF wants to make sure it has a say in the direction

transports goods from here to there. An efficient freight

that development takes. To that end, the association

rail system can reduce costs and improve delivery times.

is a member of the Mexican Council of Transportation,

Mexico’s freight rail lines enjoy a high global ranking and the

which includes the Trucking Association and Maritime

AMF industry group says private investment is a big reason

Association, among others. “This multidisciplinary council

for that. “The management of the Mexican railroad freight

allows us to form an integrated view on challenges related

transportation system by the private sector has been the

to infrastructure development,” says de Luisa.

catalyst for the success of the Mexican railway,” says Iker de Luisa, Director General of the Mexican Association of

While the railway system plays a crucial role for industry,

Railways (AMF). This is illustrated in the investments made

particularly the agricultural and automotive sectors,

by a number of railroad-dependent industries, such as

de Luisa believes that companies should diversify their

automotive, with 70 percent of the 4 million cars produced

options to make efficient use of the available infrastructure.

in Mexico each year exported through railway freight.

Strengths can vary across transportation methods, with trucks moving cargo much faster from one location to

Mexico’s railroad system is the 11th largest worldwide in

another, while railway transportation can move higher

terms of tonnage of transported freight, according to the

volumes of cargo. “Each industry should use a combination

OECD. It surpasses Spain, Italy, the UK and Austria, which

of transportation means to decrease inventories, benefit

all are known to have an extensive railway history. The size

from the fastest routes and capitalize on the lowest cost

of the country and population play a role in its ranking

possible,” says de Luisa.

but a critical factor is the system’s connectivity. It shares five cross-border gateways with the US and is linked to

The key is intermodal transport through which cargo can

Canadian railroads. De Luisa says the railway relationship

be moved from railway to road transport or from maritime

between these countries is extremely efficient due to

to road. An inherent benefit of intermodal transport is

common infrastructure specifications and standards.

that no rail infrastructure needs to be built directly next to plants. While an auto assembly plant or a chemical

AMF consists of three railroad segments. The first is freight,

complex with large-scale industrial production may

which has been privately operated through government-

choose to do so, smaller or medium-sized shippers may

granted concessions since 1996. Passenger transportation

not have the resources. In essence, the only requirement

consists of metros, subways and suburban transport.

from such firms is a cross dock facility or terminal at a

While the metro and subway systems are operated by

distance of 50-100km.

public agencies, suburban transport is privately managed through concessions. Suppliers are the final segment. They

For the moment, the rail industry’s focus is on urban

include engineering firms and construction companies

transportation to improve Mexico’s quality of life and

that manufacture locomotives, railcars and other rail

increase connectivity between cities. The Mexico City


subway system is ranked eighth in the world in terms of passengers per day and the light-rail in Guadalajara is

Across industries, and particularly in the transportation

viewed as a success for urban transportation systems in

segment, the lack of adequate infrastructure is among

the country.

the most significant challenges, says de Luisa. The growth of urban populations and the boom in the automotive

Another interesting case of Mexico’s innovative transport

market has resulted in prolonged commuting times, which

is Monterrey metro, the Metrorrey, which is internationally

renowned because it runs on energy converted from

Government reforms implemented in 2015 have put

urban waste. “Naturally, urban transportation projects

the sector on a promising path, de Luisa says, noting

are not without their challenges but important things

that debate in the sector helped inform the new

are happening on this front,” de Luisa says. Another

regulations.“Ultimately this contributed to the enactment

project that is under construction is the Toluca-Mexico

of legislation that is sound, protects investment and offers

City intercity railway, which essentially bridges the gap

a promising future to the railroad industry,” de Luisa

between both metropolitan areas across the narrow La

says. Some elements of the reform package are still in

Marquesa national park. This project is of significant social

progress and yet to be cemented, such as the creation of

importance as travel time will be greatly reduced for a

a regulatory body. There also will be secondary legislation

cross-sector of 250,000 people.

and AMF is hoping it will align with the initial legislation.





Q: What brought Sacyr into the Mexican market?

Q: What impact will the development of USPs have on

A: In each of our projects, we strive to achieve the most

infrastructure development in Mexico?

favorable results for both the client and the end user by

A: The public sector does not always have sufficient

thinking globally and integrating all the players involved.

financial resources to meet the needs of the nation and

This mentality allowed us to expand to new horizons

the private sector often detects needs the government

and prosper in a short time. The 2008 economic crisis

has not yet identified. USPs could create opportunities

encouraged Sacyr to venture into new markets that were

to bridge the country’s infrastructure gap and increase

stable and which needed infrastructure development.

collaboration between the public and private sectors.

Mexico was one of the main strategic countries that fit

We participated in a USP for a hospital in Nayarit, for

those criteria. The NIP is clear about its infrastructure

example. These types of projects are beginning to take

goals and it has created a great number of opportunities

flight in Mexico but it is a slow process and only a few

for construction companies.

have been approved. The regulatory framework must also be ironed out because these also are a type of PPP.

Sacyr has more than 40 years of experience in the

Companies can do the research and present a proposal

infrastructure industry and what differentiates us the most

to the government but after approval it is important that

from other construction firms is our ability to integrate

both sides collaborate to determine the financial planning

technology into our processes. Sacyr is a company of

for the project.

engineers that provides added value to its clients by developing projects that include technical support. The

Q: What elements must be considered when developing

company participates in the most complex developments

the financial plan for an infrastructure project?

in the industry and optimal execution is facilitated by the

A: It is important that all players involved in the development

in-depth knowledge of our engineering team.

of infrastructure projects collaborate and distribute the financial risks and responsibilities. If each entity focuses

Q: How should Mexico develop its PPP plans to address

on fulfilling only its own objectives, the project will not

its infrastructure needs?

have the overall expected results. The financial sector must

A: PPPs will help accelerate the development of the

become more involved in these processes and distribute

country’s necessary infrastructure but there needs to

wealth into other sectors. Waiting until a project is complete

be a clear regulatory framework that places emphasis

and generating results before a financial institution steps

on the role the public sector should take in these

in to offer support does not accelerate the development

associations. It is critical the public sector modifies its

of efficient infrastructure. To achieve the collective results

mindset and stops placing the responsibility solely on

expected from these projects, all players must be involved

the shoulders of the private sector. It could establish

from the inception of the process.

a more detailed planning process, especially when it comes to remuneration. The private sector should not

Q: What are some examples of Sacyr’s success that can

function as a bank to carry out projects the state cannot.

help it prosper in Mexico?

Municipalities and states want to fulfil their infrastructure

A: Our engineers add value to our projects by paying close

needs and use PPPs as a way to have the private sector

attention to detail and finding the balance between cost

build the infrastructure despite not knowing when they

and quality. We have participated in projects in which our

will be able to pay for the project. The private sector fully

engineers were able to develop innovative approaches

understands its role in these associations, having gained

that saved both operational and material costs. The gates

experience from working in other countries with more

of the old Panama Canal opened like doors. Our engineers

advanced programs.

found a way to save time and energy by integrating

gates that slid into the walls of the canal. Thanks to this

communication and collaboration with the government.

innovation, processing times are lower and two and a half

The companies participating in the tender were told

more boats per day can cross the canal. Our engineers also

there was 2.4m of bedrock to drill through but when we

made the gates thicker so they require less maintenance,

began the work, we realized there was over 4m of mud

significantly reducing costs.

rather than bedrock. This caused havoc in the planning and construction processes, requiring the engineers to

Q: What impact will the construction of the Line 3 of the

innovate on the spot. The renovation also called for an

Guadalajara light train have on the city?

equal amount of concrete each day and even though

A: One of the biggest challenges we are facing is that we

the government informed us that more than half of the

want to develop infrastructure that has a positive impact

aggregate could be taken from the excavation, only 20

on people without negatively affecting their day to day

percent could be used. The cost of each cubic meter of

activities during the construction period. It is important,

concrete was drastically increased since the remaining

for example, to avoid excessive traffic and noise problems

80 percent had to be purchased. These types of details

throughout the process.

can have a huge impact on the overall expenditures of a project but we were able to reduce the total cost because

Guadalajara is a large city, with a high-population density

of our ability to innovate and find new solutions.

and poor urban planning due to fast growth that has created longer commutes. To accelerate the process, we

Q: What are Sacyr goals for infrastructure development

implemented the use of innovative technology for the

in Mexico?

construction of the tunnel that integrates various tasks into

A: Sacyr wants to be a leading player in the Mexican

one. This decreased the total costs of the development.

infrastructure industry. There are many opportunities and

There are many projects being developed, such as the

projects here that will allow the economy to flourish. When

Mexico-Toluca train and NAICM, that will increase the living

a large project such as an airport is built, the surrounding

standards of thousands of people. Given the impact the

sectors and industries must adapt to ensure there are no

Guadalajara Light Train will have on the city, it was crucial

delays and that supporting activities also are optimized.

that we established clear communication channels with the

Infrastructure development should not just focus on the

government, which led to the optimization of both time

largest metropolises like Monterrey but trickle down and

and resources.

interconnect rural states in the south as well. One should be able to travel from the port of Veracruz to the port of

Q: Â What challenges were encountered in the renovation

Guaymas, Sonora without traffic lights. All industries in

of the Panama Canal?

Mexico must work together to find solutions that will meet

A: Sacyr was the leader on the Panama Canal expansion

the country’s needs. We want to participate in projects

that was inaugurated at the end of June 2016. We

that will make a positive change in society and that require

encountered several problems due to the lack of

highly technical skills.

Guadalajara Light Train, Sacyr, Jalisco





CiudadJuarez Nogales

Ojinaga Hermosillo




La Laguna









CONCESSIONAIRES Ferrocarriles del Istmo de Tehuantepec


Ferrocarriles de Chiapas y Mayab Irapuato

Ferrocarriles Coahuila - Durango Grupo México Kansas City Southern Mexico Others

NEW PROJECTS 2014-2018 Bypasses NIP Commitments

Sourse: Ministry of Transport


Lazaro Cardenas

Ciudad AcuĂąa

169 Piedras Negras

Nuevo Laredo





Progreso Merida Celaya

Veracruz Coatzacoalcos


Oaxaca Salina Cruz

Ciudad Hidalgo



COMMUNICATION KEY TO KEEPING CONCESSION ON TRACK JOSÉ ZOZAYA President, General Manager and Executive Representative of Kansas City Southern Mexico (KCSM)







two decades ago, Kansas City Southern (KCS) saw an

website of TransDevelopment, which provided conceptual planning for the venture.

opportunity. With its joint venture partner Transportación Maritima Mexicana (TMM), the U.S. rail operator pursued

For the mining industry specifically, Zozaya believes

and won a concession to run the Northeast line, that runs

the company can compete on efficiency, lower costs

down the middle of the country, from Nuevo Laredo to both

and greater capacity, offsetting the advantages its

the port of Lazaro Cardenas and Veracruz. Today, Kansas

competitors may have. “Some of our competitors have an

City Southern Mexico (KCSM) is one of the country’s most

advantage in that they not only own the railroads but also

important railway freight transportation operators.

the mines, whereas we simply render services where they are required,” he says.







Representative José Zozaya says Mexico now accounts

KCSM also offers a high degree of vigilance to ensure security,

for 48 percent of the parent company’s business. The

a problematic issue, especially in mining. To guarantee the

two operate not as separate networks but as one

safe delivery of the goods it transports, KCSM stays in close

unified system in an effort to boost efficiency. He says

contact with federal, state, and municipal authorities. “We

that Mexico’s reforms have provided a new opportunity

also work with intelligence agencies in Mexico and the US

for growth while the company continues to focus on

and we have an internal security team that works 24 hours

established segments. “In the last 18 months, we have

a day and is constantly monitoring our cargo and carrying

been capitalizing on the opportunities brought about by

out preventive surveillance,” Zozaya says.

the Energy Reform and the booming automotive market to serve those segments, but we also continue to foster growth in our traditional sectors of grain, minerals, metals, steel and petrochemicals,” says Zozaya. Keeping a close relationship with the authorities is imperative, he adds. “I interact with the President, ministers, governors and mayors because we have a concession that we must maintain. To meet our obligations under this concession,

In 2015, the company spent US$324 million in Mexico

open lines of communication are vital.” Spending in key areas is also essential and KCSM is in the

No company moves forward without innovation and

midst of a considerable investment for the company. In

Zozaya says KCSM keeps that idea at the forefront of its

2015, it spent US$324 million in Mexico - US$160 million

development, and this extends to its staff. “We want to

for railroad rolling stock, US$108 million on infrastructure

hear about improvements that can be made, not only to

and tracks and US$56 million for business development.

equipment or machinery but also in working conditions and

The outlays will continue this year, says Zozaya. “We have

problem solving,” he says. It is an approach that has reaped

made an investment commitment of US$154 million to the

benefits. “We have been extremely successful in building a

Mexican Revenue Service (SAT), while also negotiating with

more efficient operation, thanks in part to the experience

the government about the possibility of KCS constructing

of the US railroad as well as the valuable experience of our

the remainder of the Celaya Rail Bypass, which would

Mexican employees who previously worked for Ferrocarriles

mean further investment.” The Celaya, Guanajuato bypass

Nacionales de Mexico.” These actors, he says, provide ideas

is one of the country’s biggest railway bypass projects,

on grid operations, for example, that save time and money,

including over 30km of new mainline, according to the

savings KCSM can then pass onto clients.






Ciudad Juarez Nogales

Santa Ana

Piedras N

Hermosillo Chihuahua

172 Ciudad Obregon



La Paz



Todos Santos


Federal Highway




Not Modernized

Tepic Leon

Source: SCT Guadalajara













Elevated Viaduct Mexico -Veracruz



MX$10.5 billion


Completed: Aug 2014 -Oct 2016



Palenque-San Cristobal de las Casas



MX$10 billion


To Tender Under 2017






MX$12.9 billion

Provision of Services: ICA 60%

Under construction






MX$6.8 billion

Mota Engil

Construction suspended: June 2016





MX$9.5 billion


Under Construction


South Guadalajara



MX$415 billion


Under Construction

Orizaba Periferico and Cordoba



MX$5 billlion

PPP: Grupo Desarrollador Caseoli

Under Construction

Indios Verdes -Santa Clara Viaduct



MX$4.4 billion


Under Construction




Zamora Colima

Lazaro Cardenas

NEW HIGHWAY PROJECTS 2016-2017 Infrastructure










Barranca LargaVentanilla (Oaxaca -Puerto Escondido)



MX$6.2 billion


Under Construction



CardelPoza Rica



MX$3.5 billion

Mota Engil

Construction suspended: June 2016



Tabasco/ Veracruz


MX$4,6 billion

PPP: Mota Engil, Calzada Construcciones, Construciones y Dragados del Sureste, Constructora y Promotora Malibran for 10 years

Tendered: Oct 2016





MX$4.3 billion

PPP: PINFRA, Blackrock, AZVI

Completed: Oct 2016


Nuevo Laredo



Cuidad Obregon



MX$1. 2 million

PPP: Rubau

Under Construction



JalaCompostela -Bahia de banderas



MX$13 billion


Under Construction






Ciudad Victoria


Cd. Valles


San Luis Potosi




Merida Tulum



Mexico City Morelia Toluca





Veracruz Villahermosa


Oaxaca Tuxtla Gutierrez

Acapulco Salina Cruz

Ciudad Hidalgo





Q: What is your view of the NIP and its progress?

operating regulations left projects on the shelf for many

A: Mexico should be proud as its advancement in

years. The great advancement of the current administration

engineering has benefited infrastructure around the

was adopting a regulation that fits the needs of the private

world. The NIP is a great opportunity for the sector. We

sector. A simple of rule thumb is to let projects find their

acknowledge the challenges Mexico faces when it comes

own source of revenue. The private sector is interested

to infrastructure but the NIP is a complete program that

in these plans because they can offer assurance that the

has a long-term vision. Infrastructure of this size needs

investment will be repaid. Toll roads, for instance, have

to be inclusive to function well. For instance, a port has

enough users to repay the investment difference. Other

to be designed in a manner that aligns with the rest of

projects that do not have their own source of income such

the country’s infrastructure. If it does not have a nearby

as the Mazatlan-Durango toll road need the help of the

highway or railroad, the containers cannot be delivered

government. This region has many mountain ranges that

efficiently. The program has managed to encompass the

make the project expensive and difficult. Mexico needed

country’s infrastructure as a collective system. The goal

to connect the west to the east and the private sector was

is to transform Mexico into a logistics platform as the

not willing to pay for the cost of the project. The Mazatlan-

country has a strategic position and can easily connect to

Durango project cannot collect enough money from end

South America’s Gulf ports.

users to repay the investment.

Q: How is the government’s approach to the tender

In a pure concession plan it would have never been possible

process for infrastructure projects impacting the industry?

to attract enough interest from the private sector so the

A: I differ from other experts who believe Mexico lacks

government decided to build it as a public expenditure.

infrastructure projects. We believe that the right projects

The Mazatlan-Durango toll road is the most important and

exist but they are not visible as the country is taking the

difficult road ever built in Mexico. The port of Mazatlan

time to analyze the risks associated with each one. They

is still small compared to the rest in the country but its

are complex projects with a large number of variables

interaction with the country has increased significantly. It

that need to be controlled and studied properly so it is

is more efficiently connected to the rest of Mexico and its

more efficient to develop them at a slower pace. These

neighboring countries. This is proof of the effect a well-

projects are expected to impact the Mexican economy for

planned infrastructure project can have on an area.

the next 50-100 years and rushing the process to comply with a political agenda is not worth the risk. In this case,

Q: How can the government replicate this success across

the government is adopting a responsible attitude by

other infrastructure projects?

choosing to leave behind its political agenda and making

A: There is a need for infrastructure in Mexico and the

sure the projects are being well developed. It is also a

government does not have enough short-term capital. The

difficult time for Mexico as its economy was expected to

secret is to engage the private sector so it can contribute

grow at a faster pace.

the equity instead of the federal government. Authorities would only need to provide a guarantee of repayment

Q: What can the government do to make PPPs more

for the infrastructure over 10, 20 or 30 years. The money


the government pays the private sector can have positive

A: The global economic situation is changing quickly and

benefits for the established infrastructure. If the project

the biggest challenge for the industry is learning how to

cannot acquire financing because the risk is too high, the

adapt to the new landscape. It is easy to highlight PPPs

project needs to be forgotten. The government needs

but turning them into reality is complicated. The PPP Law

to do whatever it takes to ensure project viability before

may have passed a couple of years ago but the lack of

making the concession public.

The more roads the federal government builds without

bringing a flow of funding that can get a return as long as

concessions the more authorities have to pay for the

the projects are safe with contained risks.

cost of the aftercare and maintenance. The long-term interest of the private sector has to be aligned with the

Q: What role do you want to play in infrastructure?

long-term interest of the project to be successful. The

A: Cultural infrastructure, hotels and the Mexico-Toluca

government acknowledges that it does not have enough

railway are some of our priorities. We developed the last

capital to fund them. The private sector is being invited

two major museums in the country through PPP schemes

through concessions to invest all of the money a project

in Merida and in Puebla. We build high-quality assets as

requires as well as ensuring the quality of the asset. If

we receive payments based on quality. For us, the positive

the developer does not comply with the norms, the plan

effect of cultural infrastructure is quite clear. We know that

forces them to pay for the consequences. There are also

visitors are more likely to stay longer in cities that have

positive incentives for those that are aligned to regulation.

interesting museums and theaters. Cultural infrastructure

Noncompliance is punished by making developers pay

has a positive effect on the economy. We recently started

for a deduction on the fixed amount that was originally

participating in tourism as it has been performing well in

requested from the government.

Mexico. Tourism in Mexico combines beautiful beaches with prehispanic sites, culture and gastronomy. Sophisticated

Q: How can a company boost its chances of winning a

tourists look for these combinations. We opened a hotel in

PPP tender?

the north area of Cancun two years ago and are planning

A: The new PPPs bring out the best elements of the

to continue developing projects there.

previous programs. Everybody places their bids and wins based on a points system. A great technical proposal is

Mexico’s supply of infrastructure in terms of airports and

more likely to gain more points and obtain the concession.

roads creates even more possibilities. The government

The idea is to incentivize the most economical and

is willing to tackle the mobility challenge by building

technical projects. Companies have to make sure to have

the Mexico-Toluca railway. It will benefit thousands of

well-developed plans. Depending on the amount of bids

people by shortening their trip to 40 minutes. It will ease

per concession, the government removes the cheapest

the saturation of the Mexico City Airport as it will also

and most expensive projects to maintain an average.

include a shuttle to the Toluca airport that is hassle free.

Incentives are offered to projects that are closest to the

Any large city in the world has two or three airports and

average so they are more likely to win the maximum

we are hoping to bring these types of mobility choices

amount of points. Players want to be close to the average

to Mexico City. We are also proud of participating in the

and make sure they offer similar prices. The first projects

New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM) and of

under this new points scheme were recently presented to

providing the third runway thanks to our reputation and

Congress. We already have four projects that have been

concession. We could submit a competitive offer thanks

approved by the Ministry of Finance that will become

to our collaboration with four companies, our skills and

the new generation of projects. The new mechanisms are

complementary assets.

Highway MaravatĂ­o, Grupo Hermes, MichoacĂĄn





Q: How is MEXTYPSA’s client portfolio structured

are not yet confident about placing their money in these

between the private and public sector?

projects. There have been various instances in which

A: When we entered the Mexican market we had no

companies decide to invest and during construction

experience on road development here and no network.

the government changes the rules, causing investors

To gain a presence we worked solely with the private

to lose money. For certainty to exist there must be

sector. We adhered to this model for the first three to

regulations within the market, which will encourage

four years and once we began to build up experience

further investment in the infrastructure industry. Mexico

and knowledge we started working with the public

has extensive potential in the energy sector with strong

sector, gaining its trust with the projects we successfully

oil and gas resources. These reforms hold a promising

accomplished. Now, our portfolio consists of 50 percent

future and will open up more opportunities to work with

public and 50 percent private projects and we want


to maintain this balance. Our biggest clients in the private sector are construction companies. We also

Q: Which sectors in the infrastructure industry are

work with Volkswagen, Audi and Industrias Peñoles. In

attractive to TYPSA?

the public sector, we have worked with CONAGUA, the

A: TYPSA wants to be involved in asset structuring projects

SCT, BANOBRAS and Mexico City’s Metro system. We

and from there move into different areas of construction,

provide added value in highway maintenance and asset

highway maintenance or simply optimization of existing

structuring. MEXTYPSA works with roads and highways,

structures. The company wants to actively participate in

on the general development of projects and also assists

more projects in the Mexican energy sector. Our strategy

on concessions with project management, supervision

is to provide quality engineering solutions and with its

and engineer recruitment. Moving forward we are looking

international expertise, TYPSA does not have many

to take part in projects where we can contribute added

competitors. This allows us to gain access to an increased

value, particularly in engineering as the local market

number of projects and gives us a competitive advantage

cannot offer that at the moment.

because we can demonstrate skills to companies by generating various solutions to their problems.

Q: What are the biggest risks for international companies when investing in Mexican infrastructure projects?

Q: How do MEXTYPSA’s current projects demonstrate

A: MEXTYPSA is one of the few companies that do not

the company’s accumulated expertise?

get involved in the actual construction of projects as

A: We are working on some highway maintenance

this raises the level of risk, especially when things do not

projects in the cities of Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and

go according to plan. We offer guidance and consulting

Villahermosa with SCT. The government is looking to

services and are responsible for the design of a project.

expand the coverage of Mexico City’s metro system

In terms of financing, the CKD platform still needs to

and we have an advantage because we have had

develop. MEXTYPSA has participated in a variety of USPs

the opportunity to work with them on several lines.

and because of the uncertainty involved, they have not

MEXTYPSA also has participated in the due diligence

been highly successful. These instruments eventually

process and construction supervision of a variety

should reduce the problem and the level of risk.






management is one of our strengths and to capitalize Q: What opportunities have the structural reforms in the

on this, the company is developing several residential

energy sector created for MEXTYPSA?

buildings and a commercial mall. Our goal is to maintain

A: The renewables market is changing but because of

our position and use our experience in road construction

the uncertainty created by secondary reforms, investors

to grow in the energy sector.



Mexico’s infrastructure companies are facing a tougher

also is working with Grupo México on the Salamanca-Leon

playing field as falling oil revenues force the government

highway and is bidding for the conservation of the San Luis

to tighten its purse strings, putting the squeeze on public

Potosi-Queretaro highway, a PPP being designed by the

spending that once was earmarked for roads, highways

SCT to rehabilitate the highway and preserve it for 10 years.

and other projects. To adapt, the sector is gearing portfolios toward private investment, which is soaring,

VISE maintains a complete chain of services that facilitate

says Santiago Villanueva, Director General of construction

the completion of its projects. Around 70-80 percent of its

and engineering firm VISE.

business is in western-central Mexico. With many projects on the go, a reliable and motivated staff is indispensable.

The government previously directed extra capital from oil

“We go the extra mile by creating internal programs that

revenue to the infrastructure segment but with the oil and

boost morale. Having a motivated group that can manage

gas industry suffering a dip in income, the government’s

heavy workloads and make projects a reality is essential,”

priority is to satisfy fixed expenditures. This has resulted

says Villanueva. Its employees help in the completion of

in a deflated infrastructure budget, lower prices and more

complicated projects such as the port and military zone

competition for companies. To fight the downsizing and

access being built as part of the Mexico City-Tuxpan,

lack of government support, large businesses like VISE

Veracruz highway project. VISE is collaborating with Group

are restricting their participation to major public sector

PINFRA to build a highway to improve the connectivity of

projects, such as the New Mexico City International Airport

NAICM in Texcoco. The company is also participating in

(NAICM), a major development of global significance that

runway tenders for the new airport.

will be an important hub once completed around 2020, highway concessions and PPPs, says Villanueva.

Partnerships are a key to VISE’s desire to bring synergy to its projects. Its partners must bring technical congruencies,

“Unlike traditional public bids where winners receive

expertise, local knowledge and the financial capacity to

fiscal resources from the government to complete the

act as an associate. Villanueva says that potential alliances

proposed project, PPPs are a public-private partnership in

are thoroughly analyzed before any agreements are made.

which a company works with the government to develop

“It is not enough for companies to have a substantial bank

construction projects through concessions that involve

of knowledge. This factor does not compare to an alliance

maintenance, rehabilitation and operation,” Villanueva says.

with players that have more successful track records or a

“VISE has a presence in many PPPs throughout Mexico.

philosophy that matches ours,” he says.

It strives to create and design unsolicited proposals that require a PPP because upon approval, concessions are

The majority of VISE’s work is carried out in collaboration

easily won by the companies that developed it. We prefer

with other key companies as it eases the process of

complex projects that attract less competition and do not

construction, maintenance and creating financial plans. “In

demand significant price sacrifices.”

Guadalajara-Colima, for example, we rely on the help of external experts that understand pavement design and can

The company’s infrastructure involvement includes the

carry out routine maintenance that is essential for highways,”

Celaya Highway Bypass in Guanajuato, a 30-year project

says Villanueva. VISE positions itself as a socially responsible

that was its first concession in consortium with Rubau, the

business, making sure to create positive relationships with

Obregon Bypass in Sonora, which is under construction, and

any community affected by its projects. “Our target is to

the Guadalajara-Colima highway, a 12-year maintenance

work with those communities and with the government

and rehabilitation concession Vise won with BANOBRAS

to provide fast and effective answers to any issue or

and on which it is working with four other partners. Vise

requirement that arises during a project,” says Villanueva.




Q: What contribution has TeleVía made to improving

the amount of research we had to conduct but it is now

Mexico City’s mobility?

performing well.

A: Electronic tolling used to be a monopoly. TeleVía 178

provided an alternative and installed the first high-speed

Q: What were the best practices imported from Brazil and

electronic toll collection system (ETS) in the country on


the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense and in 2009, we installed

A: In those countries, there is a foundation of government

a 100-percent ETS system on the Viaducto Bicentenario.

regulations that enables a free-flow system, which means

In 2012, we reached the first interoperability agreement in

there are no toll gates on the highways. As drivers cross

Mexico, together with our partner I+D. This set the stage

the highways to their destination, the tag is read only once

for the interoperability of toll roads that we are seeing now.

and users are charged as they go. In Mexico, the lack of

Another factor in our success is that our business model

regulations prohibits this. Because of this disadvantage,

is based on a prepaid account, whereas the electronic toll

we implemented a combination of a gated entrance and

collection system that preceded us used the post-paid

a free-flow system at exits. The Viaducto Bicentenario,

system, which requires a credit card.

which was specifically designed for the prepaid system, was a pioneer for this project. A user must have a sufficient

Q: What services have you deployed to improve user

balance to pass through the gate and use the highway.


This adaptation required a significant change of culture

A: When we started, we knew our strength was our

and user education.

technology and we wanted to place that technology in the hands of the customer. Our transponder is an

Q: What role can toll companies play in reducing

active tag and is at least two times more efficient than

congestion during peak hours?

any other tag in the market. This means that when a car

A: We installed the country’s first high-speed system on

drives under an antenna, our tag is sending and receiving

the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense. The former system was

messages. We invest considerably in our technologies to

an extremely inefficient stop-and-go process wherein

make the reading of the tags much more efficient and

there was no certainty the tag would be read. It was often

avoid backlogs on our highways. One of our priorities is to

even less efficient than paying in cash. Our system ensures

provide personalized service and we have eight customer-

the tag will be read with certainty even at 80km/h. The

service centers to help achieve this goal. We also believe

high-speed system has helped the city’s mobility but now

in having comprehensive information and to facilitate this

we have to take the next step, which entails a free-flow

we launched an app this year, which has had about 70,000

operation. To achieve this we must work closely with the


authorities to see it through.

Q: What obstacles have hindered the implementation and

Q: To install the free-flow system what needs to be done?

operation of that technology in Mexico?

A: We are collating and disseminating all the information

A: Since the system was initially a monopoly, it was

and after measuring its efficiency compared to the current

extremely difficult to obtain access to the various

system, we will decide the best course of action. Right

technologies necessary to develop the project. We were

now, we are in the research stage, which is challenging

forced to seek suppliers in Europe and Canada to ensure

because Mexico is a big country and there is a lot of

productive negotiations and competitive prices. We also

interurban mobility with a diverse group of users. This

conducted a lot of research, importing best practices

complicates matters as different states must be involved

from Brazil and Chile to put together a successful plan

and all the information must be confirmed with these

here. The development of the project was complex due to

entities. If we do not implement the free-flow system,

Durango-Mazatlan Highway, Grupo Hermes, Durango


I think the technology and the system we have will not

might not be in a position to pay for the use of the

satisfy customer demand going forward.

roads. With the mass distribution of tags, this issue has been addressed.

Q: To what extent do the socioeconomic aspects of these different regions impact the system?

Q: How has the interoperability of urban roads enhanced

A: Lack of credit card ownership is why TeleVĂ­a based its

the country’s highway system?

business model on the prepaid system. Our model allows

A: SCT launched its interoperability project and provided

customers to associate their account with a card but they

a limited time frame for completion. Thankfully, the

also have the option of the prepaid system that can be

authorities and involved companies provided investment,

topped up at convenience stores. When the first prepaid

human resources and a significant commitment to reach

system was launched a few years ago it was extraordinarily

this goal. The service we provide is at a competitive level

well received.

and although there is room to improve, all involved parties are making invaluable contributions.

Q: What were the main concerns when launching the 100 percent electronic toll highway?

Running projects on such a scale always results in a

A: Among the main concerns was that demand would

number of issues but SCT has brought all parties together

fall short if people could not get the tags. Our goal was

to jointly develop rules for the effective operation of toll

to make that easy so that everyone could gain access to

roads. The interoperability system pushed by SCT has

the highway. We did this through commercializing tags

had tremendous benefits. Instead of needing four or

at various points of sale, not only at big convenience

five tags on a long-distance trip, users now only need

stores. TeleVĂ­a has 1.3 million tags in the market but

one. We maintain a close relationship with both SCT and

including our interoperability, we have around 3.5

CAPUFE. We are dependent on them, and vice versa, for

million tags that can be used anywhere in urban areas.

the commitment and investment necessary to complete

For concessionaires, the main concern was that users

and operate projects.

Polanco, Mexico City



SAVING TIME THROUGH ‘CONSTRUCTION IN PARALLEL’ ANDREW AUNS Vice President & General Manager of Williams Scotsman

Providing accommodations for a workforce on the road

mobile space supplier in Mexico and North America and

has always been problematic. Distant and sometimes

can analyze our resources and costs in different economies

remote locations mean employees must stay on site for

of scale to ensure we can control our expenditures and

long periods of time. Williams Scotsman has a solution it

offer the best deals to our customers.” The products also

calls “construction in parallel.” The company’s innovative

function in extreme conditions and remote areas, says

modular full-service units are manufactured and assembled

Auns. “We can customize water and waste-water tanks

off-site, allowing customers to focus on their key priorities.

to attach to our units and we partner with third-party

When the modules are complete, Williams Scotsman

providers to service these.” In addition, the company

installs them. “We offer a large variety of flexible solutions

can power the units with generators if necessary, set

to our customers, to cover all the basic needs of a project,”

up temporary subpanels from established electrical

says Andrew Auns, Vice President and General Manager of

sources to tie to its units or plug into existing permanent

the company. “We hope to evolve into a complete service


provider and assume the operational capabilities of camps by offering cooking, cleaning and security services, which

Williams Scotsman has completed projects for companies

we call workforce accommodation.”

that have requested customized entertainment, dining and dorm areas with beds, TVs, lockers and an environment the

conducive to the comfort of the workers. As construction

company’s most attractive asset is its ability to design and

companies transition to different stages of a project,

build a personalized solution that caters to individual client

Williams Scotsman adapts its solutions to fit the unique

needs. With its “360° service,” Williams Scotsman sources

needs of the client. “This is an example of how we can

furniture, site services and other preparatory necessities

accommodate a company that has already completed a

that are not a core competency for construction companies,

project as well as a company that will be starting a new

providing them with all they require to begin a project. In

development and reusing the existing modules.” After

this way, the companies can focus their attention on areas

minimal modifications, the modules were installed for use

that are crucial to the productivity and operation of the

by a different company within two to three weeks and

project. Another asset is the flexibility its product provides.

without delaying the project.







“In the past when people thought of modules, they thought of 2.4m by 11.5m trailers, which we still offer, and they form

For another project the company has been contracted

effective solutions,” Auns says. “However, our new AsFlex

to provide five office buildings that will accommodate

offering can be modified to changing needs.”

over 400 workers and will be fully furnished with desks, electrical outlets and internet connections. There is no

Williams Scotsman’s products combine a variety of

natural water surge in the area so Williams Scotsman will

features that allow workers to live closer to the site, which

install septic water systems and tanks.

promotes greater productivity. The company can provide complete work camp solutions that allow better control

With a product portfolio that can solve most of the space

of employees, create adequate living quarters and reduce

needs of any mine, Williams Scotsman has worked with

safety and security concerns. “This ultimately leads to

major developers and adapted to their specifications.

a happier workforce, fewer safety incidents and the

“The best practice that we have developed in Mexico is

completion of projects on time,” Auns says.

being able to adopt the AsFlex product much faster than our counterpart in the US,” Auns says. “We have already

To control costs, Williams Scotsman is constantly looking

used the AsFlex product in four large projects, from initial

for more efficient ways to source. “We are the largest

assembly to disassembly for new projects.”





Q: How far along is the development of Mexico’s roadmap?

Q: As a consultant, what issues do you see in Mexico’s

A: Roads serve over 80 percent of freight transport in

toll-road system?

Mexico and they also are the favored mode for travel. It

A: The problem is focus or perspective. With toll roads,

helps that most of the main roads are already finished.

what needs to be understood is the productivity of these

We have a comprehensive network that stretches from

projects and their financial success depend on traffic

Tijuana to Mexico City and from there to every corner. The

volumes. When there is not enough traffic, costs need

primary roads are now more accessible and transit times

to be adjusted. Toll roads need traffic to be productive

have been reduced.

because these roads do not only connect cities and towns, they provide an added value service. Ultimately, they are

Secondary roads that feed the primary routes are a

a business. Unfortunately, when costs need to be cut the

different story. They remain a work in progress. On the

first area hit is operations, which puts the quality of service

one hand, central areas like Jalisco and parts of Puebla are

for road users at stake.

relatively developed and meet practically all road needs. On the other hand, states such as Chiapas or Oaxaca and

In 2008, we compiled a document listing requirements

the Sierras throughout the country are either falling short

for toll road concessionaires that addressed the needs

or have roads that are in awful shape. Mountains make

of those who use the roads. If customers are paying

these areas an expensive challenge to maintain but project

to use a road, they should receive something. The

implementation is not impossible. Along the west coast,

operator is responsible for providing adequate signaling,

the road that goes north from Manzanillo to Chiapas has

maintenance, cleaning, the installation of lights and basic

taken a tremendous step forward. The project started by

services that can help in emergency situations. Road

connecting Acapulco, Zihuatanejo and Puerto Vallarta.

concessionaires also should provide ways to detect issues,

This upgrade has made the Puerto Lazaro Cardenas

such as with intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and

airport more interconnected and the south of Guerrero

method, and have specialized supervisors who oversee

and Oaxaca are also making good progress.

the roads. These services are the first to be cut when there is a lack of funding. Customers then are expected

The road that leads from Tuxpan to Tampico in Veracruz

to pay for a service that has no added value compared to

is almost complete. Unfortunately, security is an issue that

a free road. Thankfully, many of the new concessionaires

hovers over the project as some areas are dangerously

have changed their view about quality and service, such

isolated, such as the Sierra Maya. The central belt of

as those that own Arco Norte, Atlacomulco-Maravatio

the country has roads that need expanding, such as the

and Morelia-Guadalajara, where service and routine

Mexico-Queretaro route, which has the heaviest traffic

maintenance is offered. This is yet to be seen with some of

in the country. This trip can be dangerous because it is

the older concessionaires.

a well-known and heavily used route for trucks. Its traffic needs to be analyzed to consider the possibility of adding

Q: What necessitated the new guidelines Tecnopeaje

another road or implementing a different management

helped the government establish?

structure. The secondary road to Morelia was supposed

A: Traditionally, road operations were seen as an

to decrease traffic on the Mexico-Queretaro route but this

extension of the construction phase and collecting

did not happen.

tolls and customer service were incidental. The new guidelines present a more comprehensive and inclusive

Infrastructure is a condition for growth and historically,

understanding of road operations, where user safety and

the conditions in Mexico facilitate road construction rather

service are paramount. The educational process within

than railroads or other transportation methods.

the industry centers on engineering, which includes

building and maintaining infrastructure and operations.

due to a constrained budget, progress has been slower

In other types of construction the engineer generally

than expected.

leaves after a project is completed and the operator has the responsibility of administrating it. When it comes to

Q: What benefits can the industry reap from having

roads, the engineer stays on the project but either does

external support in the planning process?

not care about service or is not qualified to address it.

A: It is vital to have supervising bodies that can ensure

A person specialized in management should take over,

the implementation of government regulations and

not an engineer who does not see the importance of

accountability for actions, services and situations and how

service quality.

those are handled. With the use of external road operation supervisors (SEOs) and fatal accident appraisers (DAGs),

Q: What impact does technology have on efficiency and

there are consequences for not taking action to correct

safety, particularly ITS?

the cause of an accident, for example. Thanks to changes

A: We design and install ITS. Globally, technology is

in government regulation, operators now are expected

having a massive impact on infrastructure and the

to have stock of safety beacons and other appliances to

efficiency of road design, yet Mexico is not up to par.

replace damaged equipment.

It does not matter how innovative a machine is, if it


cannot be used properly there is no point in spending

Groups of outside and trained supervisors can be used

millions. Analysts and sensors are important because

to gather neutral data. There are many supervisors who

without the examination of data, expensive equipment

have no idea what they are doing because they are only

such as ITS is useless. It should not be implemented if

looking at infrastructure technicalities. The job is meant for

a profound analysis is not being actively pursued. Few

trained and specialized personnel because infrastructure

operators have implemented this technology. Some are

must be built to last for a considerable period of time

interested but are not willing to spend the necessary

and standards of service have to be consistently high. I

capital. SCT is encouraging the use of ITS and the

think supervision is one of the tools that could change the

Mexican Transport Institute strives to make changes but

industry’s mentality.

Santa Lucia II Bridge, Grupo Hermes, Durango

The NAICM, Texcoco, State of Mexico



Mexico yearned for a new airport and this year the construction of the NAICM advanced greatly as the AICM no longer has the capacity to handle the country’s primary air traffic stream. The government believes NAICM will be the project of the century and one of the most sustainable airports in the world. Mexico’s ports, too, are reaching new heights as TEC II in Lazaro Cardenas becomes the first semi-automated port in Latin America. The Port of Veracruz also has begun expansion and tenders are attracting players from all over the world to take on the challenge of optimizing one of Mexico’s superports.

This chapter combines the expert opinions of port and airport developers and consultants as to where the industry is heading, the latest trends and the most urgent projects that must be completed. It begins with GACM explaining the importance of NAICM and the impact it will have on the Mexican economy. Companies involved in the construction of Mexico’s airports agree that although it is a challenge, NAICM is essential to guarantee the success of Mexico’s economy. In the second half of the chapter, Mexico’s port experts discuss the challenges in expanding ports that are in the middle of large cities and the potential of the creation of two superports to attract further international commerce.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Federico Patiño, GACM




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alberto de la Parra, Jones Day




MAP: National Airport System


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlo Orsenigo, CH2M


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alex Covarrubias, SITA


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: NAICM: The Project of the Century




INSIGHT: Lorenzo Ochoa, OHL Toluca


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Assuring a Smooth Takeoff for NAICM


INSIGHT: Alicia Silva, Revitaliza Consultores


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Oscar Peralta, Grupo GMI


MAP: National Port System


INSIGHT: JD Nielsen, APM Terminals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Veraldo, Maersk Line


INSIGHT: José Martínez, AMIP and Marinas JMH


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Quiroz, Guanajuato Puerto Interior


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT:  TEC II to Optimize Operations in Lazaro Cardenas



MEXICO BUILDING ITS DOOR TO THE WORLD FEDERICO PATIÑO Director General of Grupo Aeroportuario de la Cuidad de México (GACM)


Q: What do Mexicans expect from the New Mexico City

A: This airport has been one of the most deliberated

International Airport (NAICM) and what initial feedback has

projects in Mexico’s history. Texcoco was chosen due to its

been received from the public?

geographical location and because of its unique climate

A: NAICM will be Mexico’s door to the rest of the world. The

characteristics. Not having to purchase the land was a great

project itself will become one of the globe’s most intricate

advantage for the project because the cost of more than



5,000ha would have completely destroyed its viability.

location creates a variety of needs this mega construction




The land to be used was already federal property but it

must meet. According to the NIP, this international airport

previously was a lake. Building on this type of terrain has

will become an international hub as well as a logistics

downsides. The subsoil is incredibly unstable and many

platform for the rest of the world. It will spark the country’s

rivers surround it. Technological advances since the studies

economic and social development.

began will allow us to construct a perfect airport. It will be an incredible challenge but with the support of experts

The complexity of the project demands the participation

from the Netherlands and their extensive knowledge, it is

of the best players in the industry, which includes Arup, the


master-plan developer; the best architect firm for airport design, Foster + Partners in a joint venture with Fr-ee; the

Q: What are the challenges of building an airport on top of

most experienced project management company, Parsons;

a lake?

and the expertise of Netherlands Airport Consultants

A: This project will involve different types of foundation

(NACO) who have participated in the development of more

techniques. The preload method will be used on the runways

than 400 airports worldwide.

and the terminal building will use a compensated method. Different foundation techniques are used for different

This international flagship project will put Mexico on the

purposes. The construction manager, engineers and the

map and will demonstrate the country’s ability to develop

master architect will be working with Arup on the engineering

immense infrastructure in an efficient and transparent

part of the project. The runways, taxiways and aprons will be

manner. Its success will boost the self-esteem of the Mexican

designed by NACO, which has been performing tests to see

population and highlight Mexico’s untapped abilities and

which foundation method was the most efficient and at what

strengths. The new airport will be far more than just another

rate they would sink. This is a difficult task and requires a

piece of majestic infrastructure. It will become an economic

great deal of experience.

focal point that will create a balance between the western and eastern areas of the city. The west side has a lower

Delays are often caused by the results of trials when we

density and offers a broad variety of services, while the

believe the terrain will behave in a certain way but actually

east is overpopulated with few services available, such that

behaves completely differently. If we want to complete

it craves development. This project is groundbreaking. The

a project on time and on budget we must factor each

current administration has learned from its predecessor’s

individual project and technology into our deadlines, which

mistakes in approaching airport design and has taken

will also reduce the amount of risk involved. There are many

adequate precautions. The government conducted surveys,

consultants and engineers involved in the various projects,

met with citizens and adapted solutions to suggestions.

all of whom propose the use of different technologies. They

Design of the strips and the structure were adapted to the

must collaborate with NACO because it is directing the

needs of the surrounding areas.

project and although it is strict, it always finishes on time.

Q: What criteria did GACM use to decide where the new

Q: What characteristics of the winning proposal surprised

airport would be located?


A: The tender for the new airport design demanded a

A: GACM developed 21 large project packages and a

company that had previous experience building an airport

number of accompanying smaller packages. We ensured

with a capacity of more than 30 million passengers. Eight

we created tenders in which only national companies

Mexican companies accepted the challenge and submitted

could participate, as well as international tenders to which

innovative designs but not one had experience working on

anybody could contribute. In June, we announced these

such a sizeable project. This led the participants to develop

packages and due dates to the market so companies could

strategic partnerships with foreign companies that did. We

begin making arrangements and looking for partners.

encouraged partnerships between national and international

Mexican companies have developed strong bonds with

companies that attracted industry leaders across the world.

European, Asian and Latin American companies, which is great because the Mexican labor force will be carrying

The presentation of the proposals took two days, during

out the construction. In some cases a foreign company

which each company was allotted two hours to pitch their

will be in complete control. There are only four luggage

design. With such an impressive array of proposals, choosing

supplier systems at an international level and none of them

a winner was a close to impossible task. The winning proposal

are Mexican. The terminal building, the most emblematic

had to have an avant-garde architectural design that would

part of the airport, will be constructed by international and

physically represent the country’s ambitions for the project

national partnerships. 189

in addition to being functional. The final proposal did not include the Automated People Mover, saving a great deal

Q: How will GACM connect the airport with the rest of the

of money because creating a seven-meter tunnel would be

city and improve mobility to other states?

unpredictable on this type of terrain. It possessed a concave

A: An urban mobility program is being created alongside the

structure making it the lightest proposal of all, which was an

airport’s design, which will integrate three different modes

imperative given the terrain to be used.

of transportation. Based on examples from other countries, such as John F. Kennedy airport in New York, we could

Q: How will GACM ensure that the project follows the

create an air train to transport passengers from the Jamaica

established timeline and stays on budget?

neighborhood to the airport. In this plan, lines 4 and 6 of the

A: One of the biggest challenges we will face will be finishing

MetrobĂşs will be extended, along with the green metro line.

on time and on budget, which is a trial for any megaproject.

This plan contains 12 mobility projects that will extend the

Of all of the megaprojects constructed around the world, only

reach of existing transportation infrastructure and optimize

6 percent are actually finished on time and within budget

transport times to and from the airport.

but we are optimistic the new airport will be one of those. We have experienced setbacks in some phases but thanks

Transparency is a priority for this project and when it is

to close collaboration between Parsons and the engineers,

transferred to another administration, the same transparency

we have been able to identify fast tracks that will allow

will have to be maintained until the project is finalized

us to mitigate any future delays. By carefully monitoring

and throughout all of its years of operation. Combining

processes, we will fulfil all of our objectives on schedule.

all of these elements, working as a team and ensuring transparency throughout the process we will see the first

Q: What percentage of the airport will contain national

flight take off in October 2020 from the New Mexico City


International Airport.

The NAICM, Texcoco, State of Mexico


NAICM TO THE RESCUE Called Mexico’s most important infrastructure project

passengers per year. That compares with AICM, which has

in decades, the New Mexico City International Airport

been operating at overcapacity since 2012 and is projected

(NAICM) is designed to cater to the needs of the

to process 42 million travelers in 2017. NAICM also will

growing metropolis. Dwarfing the saturated Mexico City

be the first airport outside Europe with a neutral carbon

International Airport (AICM), the new hub ultmately will

footprint. The hub will have 100 percent clean energy and

have the size and capacity to serve up to 125 million

up to 70 percent of its water will be recycled.





Maximum capacity of


in the first stage



Maximum capacity of



passengers at AICM

passengers at NAICM

60 50 30

2 Beijing Capital International

3 Dubai International Airport

10 0









Chicago O'Hare International Airport




5 Tokyo International Airport 75,316,718

6 Heathrow Airport 74,989,795

7 Los Angeles International Airport


8 Hong Kong International Airport


9 Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Average Growth Rate 2007-2015:


10 Dallas/Fort Worth

105 percent

International Airport



Basilica de Guadalupe

fer i




n eñó yP wa igh

Bosque de San Juan de Aragón

co xco - Te

H Av

Alameda Central

ral C

Ca n

Pe ri

Av Cen t


Gr an

Río de los Remedios



ur ge



nt es

Tlanepantla de Bez



es ag



Gustavo A. Madero


El Caracol solar evaporator unit

In s



Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport


Maximum Capacity: AICM

Zócalo 2 km Source: GACM, DGAC

32 million




















Inauguration Construction


Contact Positions

TOTAL SURFACE (thousands) 5

Total Surface (hectares)

Construction Area (m2)








1 0








Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Terminal 1

Maximum Capacity:

125 million passengers by 2050

Terminal 2 191


Latin America's

with neutral carbon footprint

largest airport






thousand jobs

water treatment plants

Renewable energy




Planning, studies and design


Testing and certification





Operations begin


Total estimated cost of NAICM:

US$9.5 billion




Q: What measures have been taken to manage the

operation are carried out while prioritizing environmental

project finance risks associated with the financial tools


selected for NAICM?

institutions willing to analyze whether the project as well

A: Jones Day has participated with advisory services for

as the financing could comply with the high standards

NAICM since the inception of the financing plan, analyzing

they have set to qualify as a green bond. This has in

the legal feasibility of the financing structure. Jones Day

turn attracted funds from the international financial

has worked hand in hand with NAICM’s financial adviser,

community dedicated to infrastructure projects with

Latam Capital Advisors. Our company has also advised

social and environmental responsibility at their core.







NAICM with respect to all different projects associated with the construction and development of the airport.

Q: What gives Jones Day an edge in addressing legal issues for a project with the complexity of NAICM?

The financial plan is based on a simple structure whereby

A: Jones Day lawyers in the project and infrastructure

the passenger tariff (TUA), which is paid by passengers

practice have a long history in the airports and

directly to the airlines and in turn transferred to a

infrastructure industry, which is a unique virtue that can

special financing vehicle, creates a secured source of

assist NAICM from regulatory and contractual points of

repayment. A trust is created with the right to collect

view. Furthermore, due to Jones Day’s business model,

the TUA that corresponds to AICM, which in turn

the client obtains the benefit of the vast experience

receives compensation from the sale of the TUA. To pay

across our 42 offices. We can offer the client advice for

compensation from the sale of the TUA, the trust obtains

each different legal aspect and for any jurisdiction in the

financing from the international banking community

same place, which makes us distinct from any other firm.

and capital markets. The repayment of the financing is secured due to the fact that the TUA is paid directly

Q: How will NAICM be a stepping stone for Jones Day

from the airlines to the trust structure, which creates

to strengthen its position in the Mexican infrastructure

and maintains required reserves for debt repayment


and transfers the remaining amounts to AICM and

A: Jones Day was established in Mexico in 2009 and since

NAICM. This structure guarantees no construction risk

then has been very involved in the Mexican infrastructure

since the repayment is based on the TUA paid by actual

industry with the responsibility of participating on

passengers traveling through AICM.

projects either on behalf of the financing institutions or the Mexican government. Jones Day is committed to its

NAICM’s financing structure guarantees no construction risk since the repayment is based on the TUA paid by passengers traveling through AICM

clients in every transaction, litigation or representation that we consult on. Based on that principle the collaboration between Jones Day and NAICM in this project guarantees a successful and transparent process. We have also represented financial institutions and sponsors in the energy industry with a great deal of success. Jones Day is not limited to a single industry or area of strength but we strive to reach the same level of

Q: What is your evaluation of the NAICM Green Bond?

quality across all our practice areas. That is the reason

A: The Mexican government has designed this project in

we can proudly say we are well positioned in other

a way that is favorable to the natural environment. The

infrastructure industries such as renewable energy, oil

design, construction methods and maintenance and

and gas and toll roads, among others.



Q: What challenges will AECOM face during its NAICM

the construction process of the terminal building, we

work and why did it form a consortium to win the bid?

must have proper control over the documentation,

A: AECOM has been selected to manage the construction


of NAICM’s Terminal Building, the Ground Transportation

We will also make sure that all contractors and their

Center and Control Tower. One of the biggest challenges

employees meet all health and safety regulations. To

we will encounter is making sure the different parties are

contribute to a better transition process it is our duty to

well integrated into the processes. All the contractors

ensure the commissioning processes for the project are

must comply with a large array of regulations during the

done according to specifications.





design and construction phases. Q: What other opportunities is AECOM looking for These regulations and norms are crucial to making this

within Mexico’s infrastructure industry?

project successful. Nowadays, large investments like

A: AECOM is interested in participating in Mexico’s

this require joint ventures and consortiums due to their

transportation sector. We are looking for opportunities in

increasing complexity. We formed this strategic joint

ports, aviation and other infrastructure projects to have

venture with Ayesa, INECO and Cal y Mayor to create

our global experts work alongside our local team. Some

the best team possible. By combining the international

Mexican ports are planning expansion programs, creating

and local experience of the companies within this group,

opportunities for the private sector to participate. We

we have the expertise needed for such a unique project.

see an opportunity to provide services to both the public and private sectors and are interested in looking for

Q: How does Mexico compare to other countries when it

new projects. We want to continue participating under

comes to planning and project management processes?

public, private and PPP plans, as well as provide services

A: Mexico has a vast number of qualified professionals

to other private concessionaires.

in engineering and construction but this project, being the largest and most complex in Latin America, exceeds

Q: What is your view of the PPP scheme and how

the local capacity due to its size and complexity.

could it be improved to boost the private sector’s

Local companies have never been involved on their


own in projects as intricate as NAICM, which is why it

A: PPPs are a good option to develop infrastructure

was important to combine national and international

and transportation projects but we have to make sure

expertise. AECOM has worked in more than 50 different

we focus on the right opportunities. Not all projects

airports around the world, some being the largest in

are viable as PPPs. First we need to make sure that

terms of size, capacity, operations and complexity. As

repayment is guaranteed and secured. To do this, projects

a company, we must leverage those lessons learned

have to be well supervised by the authorities and must

from past experiences such as the Abu Dhabi midfield

be 100 percent sustainable. Companies, authorities and

terminal and New Doha Airport.


must look at all potential impacts of a

project and ensure it is sustainable on all fronts: socialy, Q: How will AECOM ensure the seamless transition from

financially, environmentally and politically. Taking all


these factors into consideration drastically increases

A: GACM has been working for the past two to three

the complexity of a project. AECOM offers

years on planning the transition from AICM to NAICM.

integrated delivery service, meaning we provide services







a unique


from the early phases, including due dilligence, permitting

Industry experts are working alongside GACM to ensure

and planning, all the way into the design, engineering,

a seamless transition of the operations. Throughout

construction, operation and maintenance phases.







4 8 194

5 6

16 19 9 20 17 22 18

21 24

29 23




Modernized New Airports

OPERATORS North Central Airport Group (OMA) Pacific Airport Group (GAP) Mexico City Airport Group (GACM) Southeastern Airport Group (ASUR) Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA)













30 xx 31





38 39

40 41 42

43 33 44

55 53



45 48


51 47 49











Tijuana International Airport

Baja California





Mexicali International Airport

Baja California





Nogales International Airport






Hermosillo International Airport






Guaymas International Airport






Ciudad Obregón International Airport


Cuidad Obregon




Cuidad Juárez International Airport


Cuidad Juarez




Chihuahua International Airport






Torreón International Airport






Monterrey International Airport

Nuevo Leon





Nuevo Laredo International Airport


Nuevo Laredo




Reynosa International Airport






Matamoros International Airport






Cuidad Victoria International Airport


Cuidad Victoria




Tampico International Airport






Loreto International Airport

Baja California Sur





La Paz International Airport

Baja California Sur

La Paz




Los Cabos International Airport

Baja California Sur

Los Cabos




Los Mochis International Airport


Los Mochis




Culiacán International Airport






Mazatlán International Airport






Durango International Airport






Tepic National Airport






Zacatecas International Airport






San Luis Potosí International Airport

San Luis Potosi

San Luis Potosi




Tamuín National Airport

San Luis Potosi





Puerto Vallarta International Airport


Puerto Vallarta




Guadalajara International Airport






Aguascalientes International Airport






Guanajuato International Airport





*Data up to August 2016 Source: DGAC and SCT







Querétaro International Airport






Poza Rica National Airport


Poza Rica




Veracruz International Airport






Minatitlán Aeropuerto Nacional






Manzanillo International Airport






Colima National Airport






Uruapan International Airport






Morelia International Airport






Toluca International Airport

State of Mexico





New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM)

Mexico City

Mexico City




Mexico City International Airport (AICM)

Mexico City

Mexico City




Cuernavaca International Airport






Puebla International Airport






Tehuacan Aeropuerto Nacional






Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo International Airport


Ixtapa/ Zihuatanejo




Acapulco International Airport






Puerto Escondido International Airport


Puerto Escondido




Oaxaca International Airport






Huatulco International Airport






Tapachula International Airport






Tuxtla Gutiérrez International Airport


Tuxtla Gutierrez




Palenque International Airport






Villahermosa International Airport






Campeche International Airport






Cuidad del Carmen International Airport


Cuidad del Carmen




Mérida International Airport






Cancún International Airport

Quintana Roo





Cozumel International Airport

Quintana Roo





Chetumal International Airport

Quintana Roo




NAICM, Texcoco, State of Mexico





Q: What is CH2M’s operating philosophy for infrastructure

Q: What are the challenges involved in constructing port

project management?

infrastructure, particularly in Mexico?

A: CH2M is an engineering firm specializing in both

A: The majority of the ports in Mexico already have

program and project management. Project management

basic infrastructure and the remaining fundamental

entails the coordination of all primary and secondary

infrastructure is usually constructed by the private sector

activities to ensure that factors such as planned time

because operating cargo generates an economic benefit.

frames and projected cost and quality levels are respected.

Nevertheless, there are a couple of exceptions, like the

For infrastructure projects to be successful, they must

expansion of the existing port of Veracruz that has been

be adequately managed. The firm’s internal processes as

delayed. Private investors are not willing to invest in the

consultants are well aligned to the PMI method (Project

necessary basic infrastructure unless they receive long-

Management Institute, which certifies project managers

term financial backing through the use of public funds.

and management companies), which our clients see as an

The Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT)

added value to our services. We have strong communication

does not know how to finance the project because the

skills and have developed a keen insight into how Mexicans

Ministry of Finance lacks access to sufficient funding. If a

do business. CH2M also develops demand studies in which

Chinese development bank, for example, were to provide

we estimate highway and road demand in the country.

the money, it would turn into public debt. Stakeholders have voiced their concerns about the legal issues involved

Projects have many components and it is important to put

in contracting debt guaranteed by the state, leaving the

them together correctly. For instance, the 2012 Olympic

decision to the Ministry of Finance as to whether or not it

Games in London was an incredibly complex event that

will receive funding from an entity like China.

demanded efficient transportation, visitor lodging and security measures. It required continuous coordination

Our goal is to participate in the expansion of the Veracruz

with the organizing body, the Olympics Committee and

port. The sheer size of the project means that there are a

the local and national authorities. An infrastructure project

significant number of smaller projects that can be bid on,

is no different in its complexity and CH2M ensures that all

as well as many different stakeholders.

the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Q: What are CH2M’s aspirations in Mexico and the region? Q: How is CH2M involved in the New Mexico City

A: CH2M wants to become one of the most well-known

International Airport (NAICM)?

engineering services firms in Mexico and Latin America.

A: We are involved as subcontractors working for Parsons,

Another ambition is to increase our number of projects

one of the world’s largest engineering and construction

across the entire Latin American region and to expand

companies. As technical advisers, we contribute our

to markets where CH2M does not yet have a presence.

expertise on the environmental aspects, particularly

We can achieve this by partnering with other firms, such

hydrological, as well as advising on the permitting metrics

as large construction companies like ICA and CEMEX.

that will be needed to meet legal requirements.

We plan to double our number of engineers and at the same time attract the best university engineering

The new airport is being built on top of what used to be a

graduates. For this we must position ourselves as an

lake so there need to be many anti-flooding structures in

attractive firm that offers a challenging and rewarding

place. We are working on the design for making artificial

career path. The idea is to effectively train those future

lagoons and water treatment plants. It is important to align

young professionals by teaching them practical project

our company values in a single, congruent system so as to

management skills and instill in them the company’s

function as an integrated team with a single objective.

vision and culture.


TRANSFORMING NAICM INTO AN ‘AEROTROPOLIS’ ALEX COVARRUBIAS Vice President Latin America & Caribbean of Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (SITA)

Q: What role can airports play in the country’s economic

A: It is critical that airports recognize the strategic role


of technology in airport development and their associated

A: Given the passenger growth in the Latin America region

Airport Master Plans. Technology has become a strategic

in the last decade, there have been unique opportunities

component of airport master plans because it generates

to modernize the airport infrastructure associated with

operational efficiencies, which are directly linked to the

the expansion of terminals. Mexico is an example of this

airport’s bottom line by optimizing assets, and ultimately

context, as well as the pressures and opportunities created

reduces the need for investment. Airports are gaining

by growth in the industry. SITA has been working with the

a better understanding of how technology can be

major airlines in the country for many years, integrating

used to generate revenue through the use of common

new technologies into airports as they are released into the

infrastructure, as well as increasingly commercializing

market. At the moment, the new Terminal 4 at the Cancun

the airport environment. Our personalized solutions allow

International Airport is being constructed with the vision of

airports to capitalize on their investment with appropriate

becoming a “terminal of the future,” equipped with state-

marketing platforms, and the idea of an “Aerotropolis” also

of-the-art technologies. The design of the New Mexico City

allows them to create revenue from the development of an

International Airport (NAICM) promises to be a cornerstone


of this vision by becoming the most technically advanced airport in the region. Air transport grows in correlation with

Q: What innovative technologies will SITA integrate into

the economic development of a country and NAICM is in the


unique position to become an important international hub.

A: Our Airport Master Systems Integration (MSI) solution

The underlying design principles of this airport introduce

incorporates a full range of airport technology and the

flexibility to support the adoption of new processes and

program management capability to deliver an end-to-

enable a forward-looking vision.

end integrated solution. Through Airport MSI, SITA brings together technology suppliers into a single program of

Q: What specific systems will you put in place in NAICM

works that integrates into the airport’s master building

to ensure it is more efficient than Benito Juarez airport?

plan. This is one of the key success factors to delivering

A: Common-use infrastructure is key to ensuring an

airport construction projects on time and on budget.

efficient use of resources, which benefits both airports and

Within SITA Airport MSI, integration addresses two

airlines by reducing costs. Secondly, improvements must be

different practices, each targeting a specific community

made in terms of passenger flow and baggage processing.

of stakeholders in the terminal’s construction. The first is

The further introduction of self-service, automation,

program integration, which refers to blending the project



management of multiple technology work packages

solutions are important to improve on this dimension. In

into a consolidated whole for onward integration into

terms of ongoing operations, effectively managing airport

the construction company’s terminal building program.

resources and the airport capacity to react in real time to

This integration aspect is relevant for both the airport

disruptions is vital. The introduction of Business Intelligence,

operator’s engineering division and the general building

Collaborative Decision Making (ACDM), an effective and

contractor in charge of the overall construction project.

integrated Airport Management System (AODB/AMS) and

The second is technology integration, which refers to the

a centralized, secure and integrated Airport Operational

stitching together of disparate technologies, platforms

Control Center (AOCC) are imperative.

and systems to share data, functions or events to support




the airport business processes. This aspect of integration Q: How does technology factor into the modernization

is crucial for airport operators and other stakeholders,

of airports?

such as airlines, ground handlers and security.




NAICM: THE PROJECT OF THE CENTURY After 20 years, Mexico City’s desperate call for a new airport has finally been answered with the construction of the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM). The Benito Juarez International Airport has reached its breaking point after operating in overcapacity for many years. In 2015, more than 38 million passengers flew onto its two runways and passed through its gates. By the end of phase I, NAICM will meet the demand of over 125 million passengers and 1 million operations each year. NAICM will be divided in two phases, with the operator, GACM, expecting the first phase to be finished by October 2020 and the second phase by 2060. The first phase of NAICM will consist of the construction of 4,430ha, three airstrips and one terminal. The airport was designed by Foster+Partners and fr-ee, while Arup took over the consulting and engineering tasks and the Netherlands Airport Consultants ensured it is the most efficient in the world. The X-shaped terminal, representing the “X” in Mexico, will be enclosed by a single lightweight grid shell, which will be the largest structure of this type ever built. The airport is being constructed on top of the Texcoco lake, demanding the use of light materials to ensure that it sinks levelly over time. It will have 30 remote positions, 24,078 parking spaces, and 90 fixed-contact doors. NAICM will be 100 percent sustainable, meeting LEED Platinum standards, and 70 percent of water will be reused. The first phase has been divided into 21 tender packages that have been organized in three different stages, preliminary, principal infrastructure and placed upon operation. This project was expected to have a price tag of MX$169 billion (US$8.9 billion), but due to an adjustment to the inflation rate by the Ministry of Finance, the price increased by 6.6 percent, totaling MX$180 billion (US$9.5 billion). Approximately MX$104.3 billion (US$5.5 billion) will be financed through the public sector and the remaining MX$75.7 billion (US$4 billion) through the private sector. The bulk of the investment will go to the construction of the airport infrastructure, including the terminal, control tower, airstrips and auxiliary installations. The rest will go toward hydraulic infrastructure, project management, engineering and design of the airport. Additionally, it is financed through the securitization of receivables from passengers of the Benito Juarez airport. The NAICM trust will serve as the project’s financial structure and will issue Green Bonds whose net proceeds will be used to fund environmentally beneficial projects that deal with the design, construction, development or operation of the NAICM.




POSTENSA is the leader in the construction of post-

metropolitan area continue to represent 40 percent of

tensioned vertical structures. Its largest competitive

these opportunities, I see great strength in Monterrey as

advantage lies in its ability to innovate and its porfolio

an emerging competitor,” he says. “We are involved in

that includes more than 14 million m developed. As the

several projects, including some belonging to Fibra Uno.”


Mexican real estate market continues to prosper, the firm 202

continues to design and build corporate offices, schools,

Cortina says that when the company initially introduced

housing developments, hotels, and other commercial

the post-tension system, POSTENSA found there was

developments across the country.

a lack of knowledge and a great amount of resistance to change. “This type of construction did not adhere

Pablo Cortina, Director General of POSTENSA, sees a great

to Mexico City’s construction regulations, so we had

deal of promise in the private sector, however, especially

to perform a great number of studies to demonstrate

in the many mixed-use construction projects with hotels,

this new technology not only complied with the codes,

commerce and housing which are being built all over

but it was a better alternative,” says Cortina. “We dealt

the country includying Puebla, Cuernavaca, Queretaro,

with various misconceptions regarding the safety of

and southeast Mexico. “Although Mexico City and the

the building structures and unnecessary expenses by



With construction of the New Mexico City International

strategy. AIT’s performance has reached a high standard

Airport on the horizon, the nearby Toluca International

thanks to its three-party public-private stakeholder

Airport (AIT) faces turbulence as it gears up to attract


more national airlines and passengers. OHL Toluca saw an abundance of business potential despite its core

Airlines tend to work with high volumes but low margins

experience being in toll road infrastructure. “We may

so economies of scale are one of the only ways to

not be in control of the airport’s operations but we

increase profits and efficiency. “The first step for us was

actively participate in daily discussions with the other

to understand each airline’s business model, be it a legacy

two stakeholders and the AMAIT administration,” says

airline or a low-cost carrier,” Ochoa says. Most cities

Ochoa. “This public-private association has been highly

only have a single airport in proximity, while Toluca has

successful even during the airport’s low seasons because

to compete with the nearby Mexico City International

each partner is fully aware of the needs of the other two

Airport (AICM) and its capacity to transport almost 40

and all parties work to achieve our common interests. OHL

million passengers. It is a tough challenge to face. “Airlines

complements the administrator’s efforts in processes like

may prefer AICM due to its high passenger volume,

financial analysis and the development of the commercial

putting Toluca at a disadvantage.” AICM now operates

demonstrating the contrary.” With a great deal of hard

Drawing on its 50 years’ experience in the post-tension

work, POSTENSA was able to eliminate the mistrust the


construction industry felt toward post-tension.

technology necessary for the complex runways. Post-tension






has been around for more than 100 years but POSTENSA Five years ago, POSTENSA constructed the first post-

introduced it to the Mexican market 25 years ago. “In post-

tensioned towers for wind turbines in the US, which

tensioned systems, holes are drilled in a parabolic manner

measured 100m. This wind structure can support heavier

and when tightened, the pressure created makes the

machines that produce more energy. The Energy Reform

structure stronger,” Cortina says. “This system makes the

also is opening doors at home. “Our first concrete wind

structure sleeker and lighter. Using this system, we can save

structure in Mexican soil, constructed in Oaxaca, will be

10-15 percent of the value of the structure, which equates to

inaugurated in February 2017,” Cortina says. “The Energy

35 percent of the value of the entire building.”

Reform has set the wheels in motion but patience is required with these kinds of all-encompassing changes.

POSTENSA improved the current Mexico City International

The energy sector has many complex entrance barriers

Airport (AICM) airstrips using post-tensioned structures. “A

but we have 10 years of experience working in this

post-tensioned system can hold large cargos, depending


on how it is designed,” Cortina says. AICM has poor subsoil made of 80 percent water and 20 percent solids, meaning

With such innovative construction systems, the company

that anything that is placed on top will sink. Differential

has plans to part take in the construction of the NAICM’s

subsidence means that the AICM airstrips must be repaired

airstrips. The notorious intricacies the company must

every two years. “Our unique construction systems make

address include the difficult lakebed soil of ancient

the airstrip and the subsoil both weigh 1200kg/m2,” he says.

Texcoco Lake, where the airport will be located. The

A similar system has been designed for NAICM. “This means

runways must be designed to sink levelly with the soil.

the airstrip does not sink unevenly but instead it sinks along

POSTENSA already has performed trials on the lake, which

with the entire Texcoco Lake, which is expected to sink by

Cortina says were successful.

50cm in the next 10 years.”

at full capacity 18 hours a day, from 6am to 11:59pm,

The completion of the New Mexico City International

which represents over 380,000 commercial operations.

Airport (NAICM) may pose an additional obstacle for

To remain significant, Toluca must generate a series of

Toluca. NAICM is estimated to start operations in 2020

processes such as incentive plans with airlines based on

and will have six runways with triple simultaneous

operating volume and route development. OHL works

operation and a capacity of 120 million passengers

closely with airlines to address their growth strategies.

per year. “Following the construction of NAICM we project a drop in business,” Ochoa says. “We expect to

Toluca has four main commercial airlines in operation.

continue growing steadily until NAICM is completed,

The largest is Interjet, which transported 60 percent of

after which we will begin to shrink as operations move

the almost 800,000 passengers that used AIT in 2015.

back to Mexico City. However, by that time we expect

The second is Aeroméxico, which is working in the airport

to have developed a volume of operations that is large

through its Aeroméxico Connect division. TAR is in third

enough to be attractive on our own.” Luckily, NAICM

place and Volaris is the fourth key player in Toluca’s

will be geared toward international flights, a massive

commercial offering. The airport also has a substantial

opportunity for Toluca to soak up a large chunk of the

number of private aviation operations that moved from

country’s national flights if it can prove itself to be an

AICM in 1994. Operadora de Aviación General (OAG),

efficient partner for airlines.

which is in charge of the hangars and fixed base operators, services these operations. OHL plays an important role

AMAIT’s concession will last until 2055. The Mexico-

as well in the airport. “We support them during takeoff,

Toluca highway expansion is scheduled to be finished in

landing and other platform services. By number of

the middle of 2016. There is a new highway, Naucalpan-

operations, the airport is stronger on private aviation,

Toluca, which will increase traffic to Toluca from several

which represents approximately 80,000 operations a year

areas that have high demand for air transportation and the

or 90 percent of operations volume,” says Ochoa. The

construction of the Mexico-Toluca train could also benefit

private aviation segment is expected to grow about 3.5

AIT. Turbulence may be ahead but there are good reasons

percent on an annual basis.

to believe in a smooth landing.




ASSURING A SMOOTH TAKEOFF FOR NAICM In October 2020, NAICM will receive its first flight and take on the responsibility of fulfilling Mexico’s growing demands. But before this can take place, the Mexican infrastructure industry must face the challenge of constructing one of the largest airports in the world. The biggest obstacles companies will face in the construction of NAICM is the unique characteristics of the subsoil, which is composed of 80 percent water and 20 percent clay. POSTENSA, leader in the design and construction of post-tensioned constructions, has approached the construction of the NAICM’s airstrips from an innovative angle and proposes the use of a post-tension system. 205

The project requires the construction of three simultaneous airstrips that have a width of 60m, with 7.5m security margins and 112.5m of safety strip on each side. In order to adapt to the unique characteristics of the subsoil, POSTENSA, has developed rigid airstrips made from post-tensioned concrete that provide the lightest solution possible without impacting the soil’s natural state. Traditional construction methods are not compatible with the subsoil, causing the asphalt to settle and crack. In addition, the reception of planes like the Airbus A850 will constantly place an additional 60 tons of force onto the strips. This technology minimizes the forces transmitted into the ground by the runways’ daily operations. The post-tensioned concrete distributes the load that affects the runway the strip can support and because it is more lightweight, it is able to confront the subsidence in a homogenous manner. This would increase the durability of the airstrips and lower the costs of maintenance due to the quality of the rigid concrete pavement. The construction of these airstrips is divided into three different stages, which require 17 days to construct segments of 6,000m2. Following this plan of action, the construction of the three 5km airstrips would require six work fronts, two per strip, permitting the simultaneous construction of all airstrips in just 14 months. This proposal uses patented Mexican technology that has already been successfully used in Aeroméxico’s maintenance platform for close to 10 years. POSTENSA has arduously worked on this innovation for 12 years and is certain that it is the optimal solution for the subsoil. This post-tensioned system will not only lower costs and increase the quality of the airstrips, but it will also reduce the total construction times, allow for continuous operation of the airstrips and require minimum maintenance.


NAICM IN ELITE GROUP WITH GREEN CREDENTIALS ALICIA SILVA Founder and Director General of Revitaliza Consultores


The world’s most sustainable airports are in Ecuador, US

of resources. “NAICM is leading the way and setting an

and India, and soon Mexico will be added to that list with

example for sustainability,” says Silva, of the New Mexico

the NAICM. Not only will this airport receive the most

City International Airport slated to come online in 2020. A

national and international flights, but it will also have the

factor that makes the certification of buildings complex is

LEED Platinum Certification. Alicia Silvia, Founder and

obtaining local materials that fit the standards. Companies

Director General of consultancy Revitaliza Consultores,

must work together and integrate smaller local firms into

is directing the airport toward sustainability. LEED

their supply chains.

Certifications are difficult to achieve due to the arduous process companies must go through to adapt a building

“Regulations for materials have become more stringent

to each of the requirements.

and members of the construction industry must have the same commitment as others.” Consultancy firms

LEED Platinum is the highest certification available,

such as Revitaliza Consultores are looking into Lifecycle

requiring 80 or more points, while Gold is between 60-79

Assessments (LCA) and product declarations to ensure the

points and Silver require 50-59 points. These certifications

origin of the materials and compliance with regulations.

not only make the construction eco-friendly but bring

“When products are certified, it means they have followed

investors considerable savings due to the efficient use

a clean path and comply with standards,” says Silva. Airports are beginning to allow Mexican companies that create sustainable materials and technologies to

NAICM, Texcoco, State of Mexico

participate in the construction process, as long as they meet standards. If companies began integrating the local economy, it would cause a ripple effect and lead to the development of a manufacturing green hub in Mexico, according to Silva. “Companies could generate the necessary documentation and finally realize that sustainability is nothing to be feared,” she says. So far, many manufacturers, such as those in the carpet sector, have already reaped benefits from these changes. They modified their business models and implemented modular carpeting when they realized the sector was the biggest polluter in the materials segment. It is important for companies to see that sustainability leads to profitability in the long term. There are many materials that also must be phased out, such as the use of lead-based paint. Although it has been banned in many countries, there is still no regulation against its use in Mexico. “People do not understand that we need to get rid of these heavy metals because they could cause cancer and are damaging the environment. Many manufacturers will reconsider their decision once they fully understand why sustainability is the new trend and that it is here to stay.”



Q: What makes Grupo GMI unique and what projects are

most of our promotion was through word of mouth.

in the works?

After seeing our first hangars other companies started to

A: Grupo GMI’s 25-year-old patented technology allows us

contact us, including Bardahl. Today, the main challenge is

to provide the aviation industry with removable hangars

that the aviation industry fails to properly consider storage

that are faster to install than permanent ones. The company

and maintenance. Aircrafts are a significant investment

entered the sector 22 years ago when it built a hangar for

and buyers want to ensure the highest level of care

Aerolíneas Ejecutivas. Grupo GMI had developed a series

possible. Many hangars have leaks or defective doors that

of innovative buildings by fitting panels, linkages and

eventually can end up damaging the aircraft. The market

screws together like a puzzle. The Aerolíneas contract was

needs to increase its awareness about the importance of

an opportunity to introduce our unique building system

acquiring proper storage systems.

and assembly process to the segment. After that project, we were sourced to build a hangar for CEMEX’s private

Q: What makes the company stand out in the aircraft

planes in Monterrey using our state-of-the-art technology.

maintenance sector?

Airplane hangars require several special services for aircraft

A: Our design process takes between three and

storage and maintenance, such as fire systems, automated

four months as our hangars are planned for airplane

doors and lights and easy-to-open manual doors. In

acquisitions over the next 10 years. Once the project

Mexico, manual doors in hangars tend to get stuck and

is conceived and designed, its implementation only

frequently require heavy equipment to move them. Our

takes six months, half the time of our competition. We

company offers doors that can be opened singlehandedly.

manufacture 65 percent of our hangars in our Queretaro

GMI’s hangars do not require welding at any point, the

plant. Our panels also are finished at the plant and only

construction of the precast units can be done in short

need to be assembled at the final destination, eliminating

periods of times and they can be easily transported to their

the need for specialized labor. The foundations are

final destination anywhere in the world.

lighter and the hangars require no maintenance for 10 years, which represents considerable savings for our

We recently finished two projects in Monterrey, one for

clients. Finally, our hangars are unique in that they can be

Beechcraft and another for Aerolíneas Ejecutivas, and we

disassembled and moved whenever and wherever they

are planning to develop a third hangar with the latter. In

are needed, which means 70 percent of the structure can

El Salvador, we constructed a maintenance hangar for

be reused. This is an advantage as most MROs construct

Aeroman, one of the largest MROs in Latin America that

hangars on leased land that will be occupied for a specific

services all of Volaris’ fleet. Grupo GMI used its experience

period of time, after which they may have to move to a

in the construction of this hangar to win a tender with

different location.

Avianca for a maintenance center in Medellin, Colombia that opened in 2016. Our project with Avianca was completed

Q: How is Grupo GMI’s supported by the Mexican

in only one year and a half. It is the largest maintenance


center in Latin America and the widest open hangar space

A: We have not received any subsidies or support from

in the region. All of the materials for this hangar were

the government but its involvement in the consolidation of

manufactured in Mexico and transported to Medellin.

the aerospace industry is of the utmost importance. This industry generates a significant number of jobs but there

Q: What challenges did Grupo GMI face entering the

is not a single governmental plan that tackles the area.

aviation industry?

Mexico has a manufacturing capacity that is strong enough

A: The lack of a market database made it difficult to

to compete worldwide on quality and time. It could grow

connect with companies in the industry. In the beginning

much more with the support of the government.




Puerto PeĂąasco

210 Guaymas - Empalme


La Paz



New Ports Construction of terminals and specialized installations Expansions

Puerto Vallarta

Part of the new national system of logistics platforms Isthmus logistics platform project



Integral port administration (Federal – SCT) Lazaro Cardenas

Integral port administration (FONATUR) Integral port administration (Private) Ports concessioned by state API (Integrated Port Administration) Terminals concessioned by state API Other ports concessioned by federal API Ports not concessioned by an API Terminals not concessioned by an API Source: Ministry of Transport





Punta Sam Progreso



Ciudad del Carmen Coatzacoalcos Dos Bocas

Salina Cruz

Puerto Chiapas


CONSTRUCTING MEXICO’S SUPER PORTS “The country has a vibrant economy with a growth of 2.7 percent this year, which is

high-quality service to all our clients at all times since it is not dependent on a specific person.” APM Terminals also decided to automate various parts of the terminal, such as container storage, to reduce the

higher than many European

number of potential safety hazards. “We are working

countries and Latin America”

workplace for our labor force,” says Nielsen. “Automated

JD Nielsen, Director General of APM Terminals

since people are not allowed to enter these areas.” The

arduously to make the port the safest and most secure environments such as these also increase cargo security Lazaro Cardenas port will also have a tremendous


As a result of its financial difficulties, ICA found itself

economic impact on the surrounding area and the country,

unable to fulfil its contractual obligations to complete

he says. “The city has a large number of skilled workers,

the first semi-automated port in Mexico, TEC 2 in Lazaro

which is a great advantage for us to offer competitive

Cardenas. Nevertheless, APM Terminals decided to carry

positions and well paid jobs to locals.”

on and meet the obligations alone. “Parting ways with ICA was an unforeseen event but was necessary to stick

When evaluating the future of these types of projects,

to our timeline for finishing the terminal by the deadline

Nielsen believes Mexico needs two superports, one on the

set out in our proposed concession,” says JD Nielsen,

west coast at Lazaro Cardenas and one on the east coast

APM Terminals’ Director General. “The project was 60

at the Port of Veracruz with a robust railroad network

percent finished when the decision was made and we

in between to connect Mexico’s major markets. “APM

moved forward as the general contractor.” APM Terminals

Terminals prefers to use the double-stack railway network

divided the remaining tasks and solicited help from local

that already exists in the country. Mexico is one of only


four countries that have this advantage, which increases the efficiency of transporting,” says Nielsen.

TEC 2 in Lazaro Cardenas is the first semi-automated port in both Mexico and in Latin America. The International

These systems would allow Mexico to prosper, especially as

Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank financed

trade in the east of the country continues to grow. “Lazaro

half the cost of phase I while APM Terminals put up the

Cardenas already is one of the most efficient ports on the

other half. There are only 12 terminals of this type in the

west coast because it is well designed and built with a city

world and Nielsen says it will be a great opportunity for

at its side,” says Nielsen. “The rail network goes through

Mexico to showcase the port of Lazaro Cardenas. By semi-

Lazaro Cardenas, making it the port of the future due to

automating the terminal, it will be possible to move two

its efficiency and structure.” The port plays a key role in the

containers simultaneously with special cranes. “TEC 2 will

transport of cargo to and from the southeastern US, through

be extremely efficient in terms of speed and service,” says

the Kansas City Southern Mexico (KCSM) railway line.

Nielsen. “Automation allows us to provide a consistent and Nielsen believes that, with the help of KCSM, super ports could supply the country’s interior through Mexico City, Queretaro, Monterrey and the US, covering 60 percent of TEC II, APM Terminals, Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan

the market. “We want to have a unit train that departs from our terminal directly to our facility in Mexico City, from which point we can truck cargo to our clients’ doors,” he says. “If all the participants play their role, a transportation network from Lazaro Cardenas to Mexico City could be a fantastic result.” Mexico is new territory for APM Terminals and Nielsen is excited about the projects the company could carry out. “The country has a vibrant economy with expected growth of 2.7 percent this year, which is higher than many European countries and Latin America,” he concludes.



Q: From the viewpoint of a shipping company like Maersk

semi-automated port like TEC2 in Lazaro Cardenas will

Line, what benefits arise from well-developed infrastructure?

consistently boost efficiency. By tweaking operations,

A: Mexico must diversify and amplify its reach to find

bottlenecks and other areas of opportunities will surface

unexplored opportunities. For this to take place adequate

and the efficiency of the port will be more evident. If the

infrastructure is important. Businesses will not flourish if

ports lack efficiency, then the value of using large ships,

the infrastructure gap remains. Interconnecting businesses

such as Maersk’s Triple-E, will decrease significantly.

and logistics infrastructure would allow commerce to grow and generate more jobs. An inland network is important

Q: What are the benefits of using Maersk Line’s container

because if the network does not exist, the country is left

shipping versus land transportation?

with just a huge, crowded port with cargo that fails to flow

A: Today, container shipping is perceived as highly

due to bottlenecks.

commoditized. In Mexico, the capillarity of the inland system allows us to provide our customers with end-to-

Q: What role will ports play in the development of Special

end visibility, as well as the chance to generate strategic

Economic Zones (ZEE)?

partnerships. Visibility is important to clients, especially if

A: Mexico has access to both oceans, which is a huge

Mexico is part of their global supply chain. Maersk Line

competitive advantage. The country’s inland networks are

places a great deal of importance on security. For instance

close to the ports but have not yet reached these special

if a container is stolen, we offer our clients the ability to

economic zones. Mexico needs to accelerate development

react rapidly. This year, the company had 18 robberies but

between ports and these zones. Since port infrastructure

we recovered everything. We offer our clients the security

already exists the country needs to invest in efficiency

of knowing where the container is at all times, as well as a

and expansion. It is important that the inland network

fast reaction time to recover stolen goods. Maersk Line has

is multimodal, incorporating road, rail, ports and other

developed a unique technological infrastructure system to

infrastructure. Mexico’s position makes it the ideal place for

keep track of all containers and boats.

commerce and the country must develop its infrastructure Q: How does Maersk Line deal with industry trends?

to take full advantage of its position.

A: The most prominent trend in Mexico is the need Q: How can Mexico improve and optimize its existing ports?

for reliability. In the automotive industry, for example,

A: Like many ports in Mexico, the new terminal in Lazaro

companies want not only “Just-in-Time” but also “Just-in-

Cardenas has great potential but if the appropriate

Sequence” solutions. With flexible production, they need

road and rail infrastructure is not developed to connect

to have not only parts in stock but the right parts that are

it with other regions in Mexico, there will be inevitable

needed to build each particular car at that time. We can

bottlenecks. The port in Manzanillo is extremely congested

analyze the bottlenecks that companies are experiencing

and is in need of expansion.

within their processes, allowing us to develop short and long-term solutions.








infrastructure, such as roads, rails and airports, before it

When looking at the minerals market, there are various

begins developing new seaports. The port of Veracruz

countries that are no longer consuming as much as they

is located in the middle of the city, meaning it is difficult

did years ago. Trade to Asia has reduced significantly

to expand capacity in any direction. The importance of

over the last several years, for example, so we are rapidly

conjunctive planning for efficient logistics infrastructure

expanding our customer base and have begun tapping

is crucial but if the system fails, the supply chain loses

into new sectors. An industry that has intensified is the

reliability and credibility. Over time, an automated or

cotton industry, one of the country’s leading products.



PORT SUCCESS LINKED TO PRIVATE INVESTMENT JOSÉ MARTÍNEZ President of Mexican Association of Port Infrastructure (AMIP) and CEO of Marinas JMH


Cancun’s impressive Nichupté lagoon is a veritable jewel in

and engineers to lawyers and contractors. It has led a

the crown of Mexico’s Caribbean coast. Its iridescent waters

number of developments, like that in Altata, Sinaloa,

shifting between azure and jade, cerulean and chartreuse,

where it built a pier of around 2km in length. On the

host over 400 docks in a synthesis of nature and nautics.

day the pier was inaugurated, it received a staggering

Equally, the Boca del Rio port in Veracruz acts as the heart

80,000 visitors and today it welcomes 8,000-10,000

of the district, supplying the veins of the bars, restaurants

tourists on a daily basis. These are projects that have the

and shopping malls flowing across the coastline. This fusion,

opportunity to change the life of the country’s population,

says Julio Martínez, President of AMIP, is one of Mexico’s

Martínez says, as it is where the maritime and terrestrial

most valuable assets. “Piers and beach promenades serve

environments collide.

as a communal space, in the same way as beaches. They are a space in which the community can come and take a

The establishment and expansion of ports have gained

leisurely walk in all conviviality,” he says.

prominence since the country introduced its marketopening Energy Reform just over two years ago. Besides

AMIP is an organization that brings together the different

the expansion of the all-important Port of Veracruz, other

voices of the maritime industry, from environmentalists

work is being done as investments target new projects.


THESE NUMBERS ADD UP TO SUCCESS LUIS QUIROZ Director General of Guanajuato Puerto Interior

Q: How has Guanajuato’s Puerto Interior impacted the

intermodal connectivity goes as far as Chicago, although

Mexican market?

it is expected to expand even further in the near term.

A: Puerto Interior is an unprecedented logistics infrastructure

We also have the largest customs platform in the country.

project in Mexico and Latin America that has been breaking

Puerto Interior is a people-oriented development, rather

records since its creation 22 years ago. It focuses on cargo

than an infrastructure-focused project, so with that in mind

applications. The airport had targeted 1.5 million passengers

we developed an organic design whereby pedestrian and

by 2020 and it met this goal in 2015, making it the fastest

bicycle lanes are interconnected.

growing airport in the country. Regardless of political terms and affiliations, the government’s support of the project has

Puerto Interior’s success is unusual for government-led

been steadfast over the years. We are building a community

initiatives but the numbers speak for themselves. In 2015,

with high-end companies that share the same standards

it shipped 26,000 containers and it is expected to reach

and values. Puerto Interior expects them to reach a certain

45,000 by 2017. In total, Guanajuato’s exports rose by 23

degree of process specialization and information availability

percent between 2013 and 2014, a sum of US$20 billion.

is essential for this endeavor. We are creating intranets,

The municipality of Silao was responsible for 62 percent of

portals and kiosks to support everyone’s operations. Its

the growth. We have secured business from 100 premium

Among the projects is the new port of Matamoros that

policy transition channeled private investment into ports

will address expected demand from oil exploration in the

and railroads, which has allowed the sector to grow

northern part of the Gulf of Mexico. Altamira, developed

at twice the rate of GDP,” says Martínez. “I believe the

30 years ago, is a noted industrial port focused on the

success of the port industry today is intrinsically linked

petrochemicals industry and processes containers. Its

with the sector’s opening to private investment, without

security system is being expanded. Another important

which today’s infrastructure environment might look very

port that is garnering attention is Tuxpan, especially


regarding the investment made by the private sector in the development of the new SSA Container Terminal.

Most of the country’s freight is moved by land but

“While there have been major budget cuts, these do not

Martínez says that when the distance between the two

severely impact the development of ports, only the share

locations exceeds 500km, transport modes such as rail

between the public and private sectors,” Martínez says.

and sea are much more efficient. Although Mexico has 14 highway corridors, many of the bypasses and bridges

Besides oil, the ports are of strategic importance to the

are outdated or lack proper development. The country

country’s automotive sector considering Mexico produces

also has 22,000km of railroad infrastructure, which dates

2.4 million vehicles annually, of which 900,000 or so are

back a century. 215

exported. The ports also receive imported auto parts to fuel the country’s industry. “The automotive industry

AMIP believes the focus of development should be

contributes a larger share to the Mexican economy than

on creating greater numbers of horizontal corridors

oil, so we need communication nodes and a fluid mobility

to prevent saturation. Martínez suggests increasing

system,” says Martínez.

maritime traffic, since this would represent a much cheaper






The sector has undergone important changes since

developed to complement the existing vertical ones,”

1994, when the private sector was given permission to

he says. “The focus should be on the development and

participate in infrastructure development. “This crucial

efficiency of ports.”

companies, 74 of which have consolidated their operations.

of the remainder 80 percent is allocated to parking spaces

Almost 50 percent of the established companies are

and 20 percent to green spaces. If regulations were not put

Japanese. Among the businesses here are enterprises like

in place, Puerto Interior’s daily influx of 8,000 vehicles due

Vesta, Bimsa and Prudential. Pirelli’s plant is one of the

to its 15,000 dayworkers and 2,000 Polytechnic students

largest in Puerto Interior at 160,000m and this is expected

would be uncontrollable. Having a Polytechnic campus, its

to double in size in 2017. The second largest plant is

own hospital, hotels and day care services are factors that

DENSO, followed by Volkswagen. Nivea’s operations have

differentiate Puerto Interior.


even been awarded the LEED Platinum certification. Q: What are Puerto Interior’s goals in the near term? Q: What is the role of technology in Puerto Interior and

A: By the end of 2016 we will add 200,000m2 to the existing

how is it different from other industrial parks?

1.2 million we own. Although the automotive industry

A: Guanajuato Puerto Interior goes above and beyond the

is the segment with most participation, not all of Puerto

average industrial park. It is a logistics center supported

Interior’s businesses specialize in this sector. The aerospace

by an airport, an expanding container platform, one of

industry will soon be included thanks to the platforms

the state’s civil protection centers, a multimodal railway

and bridges under construction. Keeping in line with

terminal and an enviable highway connection. We have

the latest technological developments, we are including

an internal customs house and one of Mexico’s strongest

aeronautical wind tunnel testing. We are not restricted

industrial parks. Puerto Interior has an 11-storey building

by infrastructure development and that differentiates us

with advanced electronics. We want to acquire the status of

from ordinary industrial parks as we provide additional

Smart City by installing and securing the proper technology.

services. Puerto Interior divides its operations by service, logistics and innovation areas to create a technological

Close to 96 percent of Puerto Interior’s industrial area is

city in Silao. Supported by the National Council for Science

occupied and over 1.2 million m of its land houses numerous

and Technology (CONACYT)’s 400 research engineers, we

projects that add value to the region. On average, 50

strive to be technology developers instead of technology

percent of a land parcel can be used for construction and





TEC II TO OPTIMIZE OPERATIONS IN LAZARO CARDENAS Mexico’s favorable geographic position often provokes envy in global markets, with coastlines that touch both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico’s youngest port, has proven to be among the country’s most dynamic and efficient due to its modern infrastructure, its position in the west coast and its proximity to various cities. The port attracted more than 1 million maritime containers in 2015, according to the SCT. This equates to a 5 percent increase compared to the previous year, filling more than 500,000 ships and handling 350,000 cars. As of September 2016, the port has imported more than 9.5 tons, exported more than 3.5 tons and received 2.6 tons of cabotage, totaling 15.6 tons by the end of the third quarter. This year, APM Terminals will finish phase I of its Specialized Container Terminal (TEC II), which will be the first semi-automated port terminal in Latin America. The entire project is projected to cost a total of US$900 million and will double the quayside to 1,485m, will have 15 Ship-to-Shore (STS) cranes and double the port’s capacity to 4.1 million TEUs (Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit) annually. The STS cranes, along with two rail-mounted cranes for the intermodal rail facility, will receive and move Maersk Line’s Triple E class ships, which are the world’s largest. These ports have the capacity to load up to 10 containers high on the ship decks, which none of Mexico’s ports currently can. By installing these cranes, Lazaro Cardenas can attract more clients and make it more profitable for shipping lines to choose Mexico as their port of preference. Phase I will operate with seven STS cranes and is expected to add an annual throughput capacity of 1.2 million TEUs to the existing port infrastructure. APM Terminals has a 32-year concession for the design, construction and operation of TEC 2. The project includes a 1,485m-long dock to receive ships, although phase I will be 750m long. The National Infrastructure Program’s goal is to make Mexico into an international logistics hub. With more than 78.8 percent of Mexican exports destined for the US, Mexico’s 44 trade agreements and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico is the perfect place for Asian and Latin American ships to anchor. TEC II also is linked to Kansas City Southern Mexico’s Intermodal Rail, which integrates US and Mexican railroads, optimizing processes and reducing transportation times for all types of companies.




The 2013 Telecommunications Reform turned the Mexican market upside down. The monopolies were dissolved, opening the market for new national and international players to bring innovation into the market. Since the reform, prices of telecom services have fallen and quality has increased. The government’s most ambitious project, the Red Compartida, is still in the pipeline due to discontent from the private sector and hesitance to invest. The sector is attracting FDI to take part in mobile and fixed lines and the construction of telecom towers will increase drastically with the entrance of AT&T in the market. One of the sector’s major concerns is keeping its clients’ information safe from hackers and malware, and the sector must constantly invest in developing new solutions to protect its data.

This chapter will explore the importance of Mexico’s telecommunications infrastructure and the unexpected sectors within the Mexican market that are demanding the most services or products. Experts believe the Internet of Things will change the sector forever but before that can happen the correct infrastructure must be built. They agree that each year, more companies opt for using cloud services instead of physical servers but the sector must prepare itself to handle the future needs of the country.



ANALYSIS: Budget Cuts Hamper Telecoms Reform Goals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Cordero, Oracle México


INSIGHT: Alejandro Maza, OPI


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Juraidini, Telecomm


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pedro Hoyos, Globalsat


INSIGHT: Jorge Villarreal, Elara Comunicaciones


INSIGHT: Arturo Gómez, Solet Soluciones Eléctricas y Tecnológicas


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ramón García, Emerson Network Power de México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Emmanuel Castillo, CPI




INSIGHT: Enrique González, Schneider Electric




prices. Those dropped by 40 percent while fees for mobile

to clean up the market and the Federal Institute of

phone calls decreased 32 percent. The internet services

Telecommunications (IFT) acted as the overseer that would

market also has seen a boost after 2013. Before the reform,

take down any company that was seen to hold more than

the growth of fixed broadband (FBB) services flat-lined.

50 percent market share. Televisa’s and American Movil’s

From 4Q13 to 4Q15, household internet services gained

hold on the sector came to an end as the government

steady ground, with a 12.5 percent increase. As of March 2016,

heralded a new era of competition. As of December 2015,

FBB penetration was 47 subscriptions per 100 households,

Mexico had 12.1 subscribers to fixed broadband services

equivalent to 20 percent growth in the last five years.






and 52.1 subscribers per 100 inhabitants to mobile


broadband, according to the OECD. The IFT says more

Infrastructure has seen growth but at a much slower rate.

time is needed for the full impact of the reforms to bear

In the last two years, 85 percent of households obtained

fruit, adding that the regulations have already increased

internet speeds between 2-9.9MBps and by late 2015

competition, improved the quality of the services offered

only 22 percent of homes had internet speeds lower than

and boosted foreign direct investment (FDI). Telcel and

10Mbps. More than 75 percent of homes could access

Telefónica now dominate the market but AT&T, which

speeds of between 10 and 99.9 Mbps. The IFT says that

merged Nextel and Iusacell, is a strong contender for 2017.

these changes have been due to increased investment from operators in integrating innovative technologies into


Mexico’s telecom infrastructure. Companies also began

Prices have fallen 23.2 percent from June 2013 to December

replacing twisted-pair copper cables with coaxial cables.

2015. Domestic long-distance telephone fees were eliminated,

By late 2015, twisted-pair copper cables accounted for 54

which had an immediate effect on international long-distance

percent, down from 66 percent at the time of the reform.

Source IFT December 2015


DOLLAR SIGNS Before the reform, revenue in the telecom sector totaled MX$366 billion (US$19.3 billion). By December 2015, the IFT was boasting an average revenue of MX$427 billion (US$22.5 billion). This figure is growing at a rate three times faster than Mexico’s GDP. Private investment grew


34.8 percent in 2015 compared to 2014 and FDI bounced to 10 percent from 5 percent, making telecoms the third-


most attractive sector in the Mexican market behind


manufacturing and financial services. Telecom operators


are seeing the fruits of their investment after reporting


2015, a 13 percent increase from 2013. Weex



Maz Tiempo Cierto


more than MX$442 billion (US$23.3 billion) in revenue in

Qbo Cel Virgin Mobile

SLASHING BUDGETS The private sector’s investment in telecommunications infrastructure increased by 34.8 percent in 2015 in comparison to the year before, overall investment between 2012-16 has fallen 15.9 percent. At the beginning of this administration,





billion) was invested in the sector, both publicly and privately, and the Institute of Telecommunications Law (IDET) estimates that in 2016 MX$79.2 million (US$4.2

21.4% Telcel

0.7% Virgin Mobile

18.5% Telefónica

0.2% Qbo Cel

9.9% AT&T

0.01% Cierto

0.9% VMO

0.01% Maz Tiempo

The Ministry of Finance has slashed the infrastructure

0.005% Weex

budget several times in the last year. The Ministry has

Source Source: IFT IFT December 2015

billion) will be invested.

proposed yet another budget cut for 2017 of MX$70

billion (US$3.7 billion), meaning that in total, 2017 will

government has installed approximately 101,293 sites,

suffer a total MX$239 billion (US$12.6 billion) in cuts. The

according to the Society of Information and Knowledge

Ministry of Communications and Transport was the most

(CSIC). Of these sites, 62.3 percent are educational and

heavily affected with a cut of MX$14.4 billion (US$757

work centers, 20.7 percent public spaces and 17 percent are

million) in 2016 and it has already begun making changes

health and community centers. After the announcement

to its projects and goals for the next few years. The budget

of the 2017 budget cut, The Ministry of Transport and

cuts have pushed for an increased participation from the

Communications lowered the goal of 250,000 to 150,000

private sector but the overall uncertainty of the market

by the end of 2018.

has made investors cautious. The Red Compartida, once an ambitious project, is now


in a downward spiral. The main objective of this project was to provide 85 percent of the Mexican territory with internet access by the year 2018. According to INEGI, 30 percent of homes in urban areas have internet connection compared to only 4 percent of homes in rural areas. The conditions of the tender were first released in January 2016 with the goal of announcing winners in August of the same year. That date was then postponed to September and once again until November 2016. The reason for the delay is not only due to the complexity of the project but









GTM (telefonica)

In 2014, the NIP estimated the cost for the 700MHzCablevision Red Operbes



also because bidders have been requesting clarification.

TVI Cablecom

band network would have a US$10 billion price tag and would involve construction of 20,000 radio base stations to provide internet coverage to more than 85 percent of Mexicans by 2018. In 2015, The Ministry of Communications and Transport decided that market conditions necessitated a restructuring of the entire plan. It announced the project would be 100 percent financed by the private sector and that it would not be

Cablemás Cablevision

operated by the state. Other changes were also made to the specifications of the project. Its size was reduced to

51.0% Telmex-Teino

7.0% Sky

23.0% Televisa

4.0% Izzi Telecom

8.0% Megacable

3.0% Cablemás

6.0% Axtel-Avantel

2.0% Cablecom

4.0% GTM (Telefónica)

2.0% TVI

3.0% Alestra

2.0% Bestphone

Although the price tag has been significantly reduced,

3.0% Dish

2.0% Operbes

the disillusionment of the private sector looms over the

2.0% other

1.0% Cablevision Red

project after the repeated delays. “Clients and cash flow

Source IFT December 2015


Source: IFT

12,000 radio bases with a total investment of US$7 billion from the private sector yet the condition that the network must be up and running by 2018 remained.

are not guaranteed,” says Ramon Garcia, Director General of Emerson Network Power. “The government has already


created an economic plan for the Red Compartida but

The NIP had committed to the completion of six important

success depends on an alignment between political and

telecom projects by 2016. This included the program Mexico

economic factors.” The IFT is working with the private sector

Conectado, and the construction of the Red Compartida

to get the project off the ground through meetings with

de Servicios Móviles (Shared Network of Mobile Services).

interested parties and a strategy that allows them to submit their opinions on the project. The federal government must

México Conectado was created to reinforce citizens’

increase the attractiveness of the project to rouse the

constitutional right to internet access. Through this

appetite of telecommunications companies to finally get the

program, more than 250,000 internet sites were to be

Red Compartida up and running. “In theory it is an excellent

installed in schools, hospitals, universities, governmental

idea but in practice Red Compartida has a steep mountain

offices and parks across the country, with a focus on

to climb. Attracting and defining who is going to invest

low income and rural areas. As of September 2016, the

capital into the project is taking too long,” says Garcia.



CLOUD TECH TO BOOST SME EMPOWERMENT JAVIER CORDERO President and Managing Director of Oracle México


Q: What challenges has Oracle faced in Mexico?

so the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) can audit this more

A: Overall, Latin America represents 12-13 percent of our

efficiently. We have been working with the National

operations and Mexico accounts for roughly 30 percent

Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) to have our

of that. Our biggest challenge was our shift from product

cloud tested and certified. There are now some banks in

sales to service provider. Previously, companies would

Mexico fully running on our cloud.

ship out unfinished products and customers had the responsibility of finishing those products. This was a

The retail sector also is interested in our services. When

challenge for customers as it detracted attention from

customers make an online purchase or interact with the

their core business, which was to finish the information

web, they are leaving digital traces. This information

system. By moving to the cloud customers can concentrate

is not being used to the benefit of the customer nor

on their core business and Oracle provides end-to-end

the company that could capitalize on this information


to better serve those markets. The retail industry is increasing its awareness of this challenge and is realizing

Instead of being product driven, we need to be service

that implementing a digital strategy and hiring data

driven, which changes the way we behave. We need to

scientists could benefit them. For example, a fitness watch

concentrate on making customers happy on an hourly

monitors a person’s activity and heartbeat, generating a

basis. The biggest challenge we are facing is our ability

great deal of information that synchronizes to the person’s

to attract talent with these new characteristics. The

phone and the cloud. Companies are doing nothing with

cloud is becoming popular because there are other

this information. The cloud is enabling business models

complementary technologies. Mobility, the Internet of

that are impossible without it.

Things, Big Data and the cloud are the four main drivers that are transforming the business. We do not provide a

Q: What is your take on the ethical questions raised by

tool that is faster or cheaper, we provide a new way of

cloud technology?

working and we empower companies to manage their

A: Data protection is a chapter that must be rewritten in

business from a different perspective. We need the right

the near future or the concept in Mexico will be erased

people to send out this message, informing customers on

because there are some things that can be disclosed and

how to transition from a traditional model to a new one.

others that cannot. However, there can be huge benefits. There was a physician who realized that premature

The cloud lowers complexity by 90 percent and reduces cost by 70 percent

newborns between 6.5-7 months old had little chance of survival. She discovered a correlation between the deaths and the temperature and the beats per second of the babies’ heart. She dispersed this information and helped reduce the mortality rate from 80 percent to 15 percent. Importantly, the information released onto the cloud

Q: Which sectors are most interested in these services

included only heartrate, temperature and survival and did

and what are the main benefits?

not disclose names. The use of digitalization, the Internet







of Things and Big Data can save lives. We must change

incorporated the cloud into its day to day activities and

our public policy in Mexico, working hand in hand with the

others, such as banking, are increasingly doing the same.

government to align these needs to the new economy.

To my surprise, the banking industry is increasingly interested in cloud services. The law states the information

In Mexico, when developing applications for the web, the

of financial transactions must physically reside in Mexico

intellectual property of that task belongs to the employee

that developed it. After two weeks’ work, that employee

business segment is lagging in this area in Mexico simply

has the right to a severance package. This discourages

because companies cannot afford it. Cloud and mobile

people from setting up development centers in Mexico.

devices are the key to changing this because the common

Public policy needs to be realigned with the digitalization

barriers used to be complexity and cost. The cloud lowers

era. The government is realizing this. The challenges

complexity by 90 percent and reduces cost by 70 percent.

Mexico faced a year or two years ago are slowly being

There is no longer a need to invest in computers as all

overcome. Private and public initiatives are shaping up to

applications can be accessed through mobile phones. This

push for these changes.

enables people to get connected without having to invest a great deal of money.

Q: How are you differentiating your cloud services from that of Amazon or other companies?

I do not think there are borders anymore. When Brexit

A: Oracle tries to deliver information technology solutions

was confirmed, our financial market suffered for three

to empower businesses and manage processes at the

or four days. SMEs are realizing they are competing with

lowest cost possible. A new telecommunications company

companies that incorporated technology a long time ago.

could manage end-to-end processes by engaging with

Oracle is taking advantage of this. The software industry

Oracle. Everything from billing to collecting money can

in Mexico grows by around 4-5 percent on a yearly basis.

all be managed through our company. To provide these

We are growing at double digits, above 30 percent.

end-to-end solutions, the user must have hardware, inside


which there must be an operating system. There must be

to grow faster. A few years back, a solution could be

a hard drive to hold this information. There needs to be

bought and fully customized, which used to take longer

applications, such as accounts payables and receivables

and cost more. Different combinations can be chosen

among other more complex applications. Below that there

within the system to give it different behaviors, but the

must be a database and a middle layer to connect internal

business flows and processes within the system cannot

and external systems. There must be a communication

be changed. They go to market within weeks, rather than

layer and in addition to all that, business intelligence or Big

months or years.






Data to manage the business. Oracle is the only solution in the world that provides all of this from a single vendor.

Q: What alliances or partnerships do you think need to be

Failing to engage with our cloud solution means sourcing

formed to make Mexico the best it can be?

all these components separately. When implementing a new

A: Many companies are making alliances with system

system, clients want to see significant improvements in their

integrators and big firms. Small and medium businesses

operations. If a client needs to integrate different vendors


and there is an issue, companies will blame each other.

counterparts rather than big firms. We need to reach out







to trusted advisers and partner with them to extend our Q: Which sectors are reluctant to incorporate this

reach. When interacting with SMEs, we talk to the owners


directly, not CEOs or CFOs, and they want reasons for

A: Certain segments are slow to install new technology

investing in our products. In this way, Mexico will become

into their businesses. For example, the small and medium

more efficient.





The term “dark data” sounds ominous but companies

personal information but instead works with financial

like Open Intelligence (OPI) want to use it to help public

records, administrative information and other large data

and private organizations make better decisions. “Many

sets. “In many cases, we are the first to gain access to this

institutions, private and public entities are not using

type of information,” Maza says. “When we come across

data for decision-making,” says Alejandro Maza, CEO of

information that should not be published, we automatically

OPI. “The opportunity that we saw is that we have really

discard it and inform the agency of the risks of publishing

rich, but difficult-to-organize data and with all the new

it. Ethics play a considerable role in open data and the

technology available, we could bring these batches of dark

prevention of access to private information.”

data together to obtain one clear, user-friendly database.” Dark data refers to the information companies collect and

With the government pushing for transparency across

store but do not use for other purposes. OPI can restructure

agencies, he believes care must be taken so the

the data without having to spend months or millions of

information published does not fall into the wrong hands.

dollars to create infrastructure. The company can tap into

The only way to mitigate the risk is by being diligent,

different resources to retrieve information that has been in

reactive and agile with what is formulated, he says. Maza

the public domain for years but for the first time somebody

says that completing a process within the public sector

is organizing it and bringing it to the surface, Maza says.

can often be more arduous than in the private sector. To prevent corruption and the misdirection of public funds,

The ability to use data in this way brings up questions

closing a contract with the government usually is a long

of cybersecurity and hacking but Maza is confident that

process. It takes around eight months to receive the

although there are inherent risks, OPI can offer sufficient

paperwork, making it difficult for small companies to work

protection for sensitive client data. The company takes

on government projects. “Small companies cannot afford

existing data sets, cross-references them and analyzes

to keep their team on standby for such long periods of

the results with data sets from other agencies. “The main

time while waiting for a response from the government,”

risk that agencies run when publishing these types of data

he says. “Another challenge is that there are many

sets is that users can gain access to confidential pieces

government people who do not want things to change.

of information by bringing together different sources.

Bringing transparency to the table and enabling evidence-

For instance, an agency may publish addresses but not

based decision-making could cause some people within

names of people living on a block, while another agency

the institutions to lose power,” he says.

may publish the names but not the phone numbers of the same people living on that block. This makes it possible

The private sector has its own peculiarities. “We are working

for a third party to gather the pieces of the puzzle and

with strategic consultancy firms and several retail chains,”

put together a complete data set. An agency would not

Maza says. “While working with the private sector, we have

publish the complete set of data but because they do

realized that although these companies are data savvy,

not know what other agencies are publishing, the risk of

most of the time they focus solely on self-generated data.”

sharing confidential information increases,” he says.

Putting all this information in one place can make it a key decision-making tool, say Maza. “We can assist companies

Maza believes the creation of strict regulations or laws will

in analyzing the most strategic locations for expansion by

not prevent this from taking place. The only thing that can

considering factors that cannot be achieved by surveys

be done is to keep a close watch on the different types of

alone. We can tell companies how many people spend their

data being presented to the public. For that reason, it is

day in that block by analyzing how much trash is generated,

important to be aware of the risks and have contingency

the amount of space in the buildings, restaurant capacity

plans for when there is a breach. OPI does not analyze

and even what forms of transportation are nearby.”



Q: As a public financial and satellite firm, how is Telecomm

system will also encourage them to offer their services in

expanding its reach in Mexico?

these areas.

A: We have been expanding our presence with the Telegraphic Branch Network to reach communities that

Q: What infrastructure has Telecomm integrated to

are in need of financial inclusion. Telecommunications

provide better services to government agencies?

infrastructure is the best mechanism for this so we are


generating products with other organizations to provide

Bicentenario has serviced national security and social

these communities with basic financial services. Financial

governmental programs. We also have Morelos 3, which

institutions that promote microcredits now use Telecomm’s

will help us support initiatives from different governmental

infrastructure for the placement of microcredits and to

entities, improve civil protection and establish mobile

claim the payments. Another user of our infrastructure is

satellite communications services. Morelos 3 is a latest

CONSAR, which uses our system to record the voluntary

generation satellite and will add a great deal of value to

savings of all of its employees.

our services.

Q: What advantages does Telecomm offer and what

Since 2013, the Bicentenario satellite has serviced national security and social governmental programs

impact is it having on existing banks? A: One of our advantages is that our coverage expands to almost all municipalities across the country. We have developed high levels of trust and brand credibility with our customers by capturing their financial information to help








them build their own financial history, which gives them the opportunity to qualify for other financial tools. In most

Q: Which organizations took part in the development of

of our branches, the use of cash is extremely common and

Morelos 3 and what maintenance is necessary to optimize

that creates an elevated cost and risk for the company. At

its performance?

times our branches are located in remote areas and are

A: The project involves the participation of satellite

spread out, which makes it more difficult to transfer cash.

manufacturers such as Boeing and three different satellite

By providing our clients with a card, we can tackle those

launchers. The impact of the failure of our Centenario satellite

problems effectively. We ensure our customers feel safe

was mitigated by our Morelos 3 satellite, which is already

through our alliance with MasterCard and this also means

in orbit. Experts from the Ministry of Communications and

they can use the card anywhere they go.

Transport (SCT) participated in this project along with a technical team of Mexican engineers who have been

Telecomm is expanding and wants to ensure there are

working in the satellite industry for many years. Morelos 3 is

as many branches as possible so that our customers

controlled by two different centers to decrease operational

can withdraw whenever they need to. The Ministry of

redundancies. One center is in Hermosillo and the other in

Finance is aware of our strategies and supports our plan

Mexico City. We must be on the lookout for any problems

to expand. Our expansion program has grown to reach all

to ensure effective performance. The satellite has a life span

of the municipalities in which there are no banks. When

of at least 15 years but this depends on how much it drifts

Telecomm arrives to an area, the existing banks can save

from its destined location and how much combustion is

a great deal of money and our presence in the community

necessary to realign it. At the moment, Mexico has three

guarantees they can provide the full array of services a

orbits available. Morelos 3 uses encrypted communication

bank should. As for all the service providers like CFE,

that is intended for the use of National Security and Civil

TELCEL and television companies, our receipt collection




SATELLITE FIRM SIGNALS OFFSHORE TARGET PEDRO HOYOS Deputy Director of Marketing, Innovation and Strategy at Globalsat

Q: In what ways are the Internet of Things, SCADA and

provide. In terms of availability for links, we offer 99.5

Big Data impacting the productivity of key industries?

percent but the level we actually deliver is significantly

A: Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

higher. It is these points of added value that foster so

technologies require a low bandwidth, which means it is a

much client loyalty for our company.

low-cost service that enables companies to keep efficient 228

records even on a low budget. In terms of the Internet

Q: What developments in the sector can help boost

of Things, much of the equipment in the oil and gas

GlobalSat’s market presence?

industry must be monitored and a satellite link ensures the

A: Firstly, new operators will enter after the concessions for

continuity of the information. In most cases it is the only

the new fields are awarded and due to the diverse nature

option due to budget restrictions.

of the operations, several companies will be operating on one well, such as drilling companies, service providers and

Given the tremendous amount of equipment being

maintenance staff, all of which will require our services.

connected to the web with Big Data, we have developed

One of the most important things we want to do is provide

several effective solutions for clients. When sending data

reliable offshore services, for which we have formed an

directly to the client, the client installs equipment on our

alliance with CommSystems. Since we have the experience

network operations center and we process part of the

in managing and providing the links and this company

information. The client can then isolate the important

specializes in equipment provision for offshore facilities,

information through our systems to send to the mainframe,

we feel this will be a promising partnership.

unloading significant capacity from its own site. We are providing services at a considerably lower cost than what is available on the market, at easily 40 percent

Globalsat is providing services at 40 percent less than the average rate

less than the average rate, and I believe this will be an extremely successful initiative. These companies also require more bandwidth every day and in Mexico the options are limited. There are solutions such as KA band that can provide a higher bandwidth at a lower cost but it is extremely susceptible to rainfall and adverse weather conditions, so it is not the most

Q: How is GlobalSat reacting to the drop in oil and

appropriate option for oil and gas activities. However,

commodity prices?

we are working closely with Intelsat to provide services

A: At GlobalSat, we have developed new solutions to help

with high-throughput KU band satellites, which means we

our clients with their economic situation. We have a tariff

will be able to provide lower costs with coverage across

where the client pays only for the amount of bandwidth

all of Mexico and the Gulf, with higher bandwidths and

used and if the initial purchase limit is exceeded, more

more reliable service when faced with extreme weather

can be bought. We have also given clients flexibility and


power through the cloud to login to their account to monitor usage levels. The solution can be used to limit

I believe this strategy will be an attractive offering for the

costs and transmit only the required information instead

sector, particularly for those operators in the Gulf of Mexico.

of a steady stream that could not be closely controlled.

We have been relatively active in the onshore oil market,

Admittedly, pricing factors affect our industry but we are

whereas we have not had much of a presence offshore.

still growing, due largely to the support and services we

Therefore, this is our strategy for entering this market.



As the Mexican oil and gas industry and its most prominent

a seamless integration between the satellite and the rest


of the technology and we connect our interoperable




the a








production strategy to rein in costs becomes increasingly

systems with a range of technologies, such as fiber optic and mobile networks,” he says.

urgent. The effective integration of daily operations requires adequate communications resources but the

Although Elara has focused its oil and gas operations

remote worksites that characterize the onshore and

on PEMEX and its contractors, Mexico’s new regulatory

offshore settings of the sector can make these resources

environment has created a spectrum of opportunities

either prohibitively expensive or decidedly unreliable. An

for a company that sells itself as a world-class service

erroneous choice in this regard has consequences that go

provider and also an insightful local player knowledgeable

beyond an inability to integrate. Communications failures

of conditions exclusive to the Mexican market. As Villareal

in any minutely planned exploration or production activity

points out, however, that the new regulatory environment

can not only represent an unacceptable security risk but

is not limited to the provisions of the Energy Reform.

also easily lead to downtime that can quickly become

The Telecommunications Reform also has allowed Elara,

financially untenable.

as a relatively small company, to move quickly in taking advantage of opportunities.

The satellite communications technology provided by Elara Comunicaciones allows customers to drastically

Despite new possibilities created by an increasingly multi-

reduce costs, an advantage that cannot be overlooked.

client environment, Villareal also wants the company

For more than a decade, the company has operated

to play a role in PEMEX’s modernization. “We can be an

an internationally high-ranking teleport in Mexico that

invaluable asset in optimizing its networks and ensuring

provides telecommunications coverage throughout Latin

it operates more efficiently. As PEMEX’s landscape begins

America in a concerted operative effort with various

to change dramatically, we can help it convert into a much

satellites and ground-level infrastructure. “Year on year, we

more efficient company.” The attractiveness of satellite

have achieved greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness,”

technology as a cost-effective option for operators

says Jorge Villarreal, CEO of Elara. “Satellite technology is

seeking further integration and coordination in the pursuit

becoming an attractive solution, especially in light of the

of decisively more efficient operations will only increase

current environment.” Remarkable developments in recent

in the coming years, Villareal says. “By 2017 we anticipate

years have made the technology an efficient option for

a major change in the satellite services that are available

operators, he says. “Satellite communications technology

and eventually the goal is to use more powerful satellites

as a whole has been evolving tremendously over the last

that can transmit higher megabytes (MB) to the customer.

few years, meaning that we can provide greater efficiency

As a result, the cost per MB will drop dramatically, by up

and higher bandwidth to the customer at a much more

to 50 percent in some instances, so eventually satellite

competitive price.”

connectivity will be a much more attractive option in terms of cost of bandwidth,” he says.

Elara provides communications and networking services for Mexican wells and platforms. Its oil and gas systems

As these technological developments unfold, Elara’s position

implement voice and data communications over Internet

and expertise as a communication services provider to

Protocol (IP) and also access to File Transfer Protocol

the Mexican oil and gas industry will continue to broaden,

(FTP), among other services backed by its private

Villareal says. “As Elara, we have been a leader in the sector

networks connected to its teleport. Villarreal highlights

in Latin America, meaning that many service providers

the technological range of these systems: “We can deliver

approach us as a platform to integrate their solutions.”





In a world where innovation seems to travel at the speed

Companies also have to grow internally to expand their reach.

of light, keeping up can be a challenge. Customers expect

Solet’s flagship project is its work with Goldcorp, for which

results yesterday and their suppliers face growing pressure

it is helping the mining operator install telecommunications,

to be faster and better. “Staying up to date with ever-

lighting rods and an overall security system. Gómez says the

changing technological trends is our biggest challenge,”

project has taken Solet to another level. To expand its services

says Arturo Gómez, CEO of Solet Soluciones Eléctricas y

to mining companies, the company invested in certifications,

Tecnológicas, which provides complete telecoms solutions.

evaluations and special licenses. “We are willing to carry out

The country’s Telecommunication Reform is opening up

this type of expenditure to grow,” he says. “Mining companies

the sector to competition. According to data from the

tend to operate in extremely isolated regions and they are

Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), private

the ones that need telecommunications services the most.

investment in the telecommunications sector exceeded

Initiating a relationship with a mining company is one of our

US$10 billion in the first three years after the reform.

biggest achievements.”

As competition broadens, businesses must adjust and

On the public sector side, Solet has worked with

Gómez says companies like Solet have the capabilities

PEMEX, CFE, IMSS and SEDENA. It is in charge of

to rise to the challenge. He cites the example of Huawei,

the communication towers for the New Mexico City

which asked Solet to redesign its engineering system to

International Airport (NAICM) and government projects

include its new technology in its telecommunications

like “Connecting Mexico,” which brings internet to the

design. “To satisfy clients, we have to be able to meet this

low-income population. “This has been very satisfying. It

type of benchmark,” he says.

has been our opportunity to help the community,” says Gómez. Sustainability is another area where Solet sees

Solet acts as an industry one-stop shop, manufacturing

potential for the telecoms market. It manages renewable

everything from telecommunications towers to antennae

energy through LED technology and solar cells. Adopting

accessories. It has a plant in Morelia and another under

sustainable technology can minimize energy consumption

construction in Queretaro, which will be ready in late

and lead to cost reductions. It also helps companies

November 2016. Its wide range of products include radars

become socially responsible, says Gómez.

for residential use to help control speeding residents and avoid accidents. It even sells the tools it uses to

Solet knows it may eventually need partners and

build towers. “Clients appreciate our support along the

is interested in alliances but first wants to finish its

entire project cycle. We help them in each part of the

Queretaro plant to increase its production capacity. “We

construction process, and adapt our services to their

are interested in long-term alliances and we decided to

needs and vision,” he says.

build another plant to make sure we can meet this type of service demand,” says Gómez.

Besides Huawei, the company works with CFE, Telmex, PEMEX and AT&T, among other private companies. Gómez

As the industry evolves, so too will Solet, says Gómez.

says the more companies that enter the market the better

The company would like to deepen its involvement with

it is for Solet. “Our projects involve a middleman or occur

the government and is also looking to expand its exports,

through direct contact,” says Gómez. “We manufacture

which now only target some countries in South America.

for a wide variety of industries throughout Mexico and we

“We are strengthening our inventory control to be able to

are even collaborating on a wind park in Zacatecas. All

take this next step,” Gómez says. “In the future we would

businesses need to have a telecommunications system,

like to export, but are not in a rush to do so. We are taking

which means new businesses increase demand.”

it step by step.”













taking too long. Many companies are interested but finding


the amount of money the project requires to be executed

A: Mexico’s main evolution over the last three to five

is quite slow and clients and cash flow are not guaranteed.

years has been centered on telecommunications. We are

The government has already created an economic plan for

moving toward international standards as we have many

this but success depends on an alignment of political and

gaps to fill and companies are eager to adopt technology

economic factors.

that can improve economic growth. When it comes to telecommunications, we offer teledensity, which improves

Ultimately, I prefer a slight delay that will boost efficiency

coverage and adapts to new smartphone and wireless

over a quick execution full of costly errors that could

technology and can provide the industry with greater

potentially delay a project for many years. Demand

business opportunities.

changes constantly thanks to mobile applications, which need more bandwidth and speed due to the use of music

Companies cannot afford to have downtime in their

applications and video streaming. Clients do not realize




the increased amount of data they now use in comparison




with a few years ago. The market will have to adapt to

telecommunications and market services. Emerson can

the higher demand by creating infrastructure such as data

provide energy-efficient solutions. We are trained to offer

centers. The change in the market is excellent business for

preventive and corrective maintenance that can upgrade

telecommunications providers.




networks. of





the services companies offer, backed by our human capital. Q: How is Emerson preparing for changes in the industry? On the technological side, telephone and broadband

A: We have to evolve quickly under the changing market

services led by telecommunications operators such as

and current trends. Emerson has solutions for companies

Telmex, Telefonica and AT&T increasingly need their

of any size, whether it is for telecommunications service

ongoing operations to be free of electrical disturbances.

providers, big IT companies or small data centers. We also

We offer services such as precision cooling, a thermal

adapt to how close our clients need to be to their users,

management system that is critical because humidity

which is the purpose of the “edge concept.” The idea is

can endanger electrical machinery to help ensure more

to deploy small data centers in strategic locations that

fluid operations. For data centers, we offer thermal

can replicate content closer to the user and maximize



the use of core and edge networks. Smart modes are our

and transfer switch units to provide a perfect balance

solutions based on small or tiny data centers on the edge

between availability and performance. Hosting companies

of a network.




are starting to attract attention in Mexico, which is motivating medium to small businesses to enter private

Q: To what extent do you work with both the private and

or public clouds. Companies that do not have their own

public sectors?

IT infrastructure can gain access to new services by using

A: We work with both sectors. Our projects with the public


sector incorporate an integrator in charge of bringing together development and the construction site itself. We

Q: How would you evaluate the Red Compartida project

target InfoTec, PEMEX, UNAM, CFE and INE among other

to increase telecommunications coverage across Mexico?

public institutions. When it comes to size, the vast majority

A: In theory it is an excellent idea but in practice Red

of the investment we receive comes from the private

Compartida has a steep mountain to climb. Attracting and

sector as all companies need a data center, no matter

defining who is going to invest capital into the project is

their size. No one can afford to ignore data centers. On

the telecommunications side, Emerson is participating in

Only a few industries can handle running their IT

new network deployments as well as in the modernization

infrastructure. The market is heading toward hosting

of wireless sites to have more energy efficient operations.

and collocation services so companies can focus on

This includes the remote monitoring and management of

their specialties. Even smaller companies are starting to

the site infrastructure.

discover the benefits of data centers out of necessity. Companies cannot afford to be out of the digital world

Q: How are NIP projects using technology?

and left behind in the market but they like payment

A: There is a need for infrastructure investment in

flexibility that allows them to pay only for what they need.

the country, in particular technological infrastructure.

These companies cannot afford to invest a large amount

Investment would benefit the country and improve the

of capital and prefer to only pay for what they need. Small

quality of healthcare. It is easier to use technology to get a

data centers are pre-established solutions and can easily

diagnosis and share knowledge with patients than forcing

be adapted to SMEs.

people to travel long distances and waste time. Electronic banking is another example of what technological

Q: What impact can Emerson have on Mexico’s evolving

infrastructure can bring to Mexico. It may be harder for


older generations to understand but most millennials

A: Our goal is to ensure our continued relevance and

do not physically visit the bank anymore. Fortunately,

make sure that we can provide sufficient solutions so

technological gaps between countries are starting to

that companies do not have to worry about the IT and

diminish. Mexico greatly lags in infrastructure but the shift

telecommunications world. We are even involved in

will be faster and easier than 20 years ago.

production. Most assembly lines need to run constantly and our backup solutions can reduce operational delays

Q: What mistakes do companies make when they

and save our clients money. We also want to be part of

incorporate Data Center infrastructure into their business

the opportunities that Red Compartida, CFE and PEMEX


are creating in the market, along with other incoming

A: A common mistake is to minimize errors. Offering the

public investment. We want to participate through

greatest amount of quality from the beginning should be

partners and integrators to maintain our position in the

a priority for all companies. For instance, cooling is often

public sector.

overlooked. A lack of temperature control can cause humidity and put IT equipment at risk. Latin America is not strict

The new Energy Reform will bring many new players to

enough on maintenance and reacts only when problems

the market and that will impact the critical infrastructure

arise. This strategy can damage business. The market is

industry. It is important for us to be present as the

changing so quickly companies would benefit greatly from

infrastructure industry is bound to grow in all sectors

keeping control over their business through clouds. The

over the next five years. We are working to provide

market can depend on host companies to safeguard its

solutions that make companies energy efficient and

information and focus more on its core business.




COOLING VITAL FOR DATA SYSTEMS EMMANUEL CASTILLO Regional Manager Mexico City and Southern Mexico of Chatsworth Products (CPI)

Q: How has the culture and usage of IT infrastructure

crucial miscalculation as data centers are the heart of

evolved in Mexico?

the company.

A: Mexico is experiencing exponential growth in data


centers thanks to globalization. Any company that

Considering data centers when designing a building is

wants to maintain its competitive edge needs to have

important as they need cooling systems. The issue is that

all headquarters running on the same system whether

the standard height of buildings in Mexico City is not likely

based in Mexico, Chile or China to ensure availability. It

to meet the requirements of cooling systems. The gap

can be challenging as data centers are constantly evolving

between architecture and data centers is due to a lack

and becoming more specific. The market is demanding

of information sharing among consultancies. Fortunately

companies be increasingly optimized in their support and

this is changing as many companies are starting to include

manufacturing mechanisms, no matter their specialty. If

these norms into their structures. On another note,

companies do not catch up to these trends, they run the

skyscrapers that house a number of companies need to be

risk of losing clients, sales and profit.

able to handle a data center for each one and make sure that it can distribute enough electricity.

Data centers and robust telecommunication are essential for companies that strive to maintain their market

Q: In what ways can clients optimize their IT infrastructure?

positions as they assure system availability. Brazil used

A: Location is important for clients that are interested in

to be seen as a benchmark for Latin America but Mexico

optimizing and reducing operational costs. Statistics show

holds the prime position as it has proven to be a more

the main consumption of data centers revolve around the

stable country. Infrastructure demand has grown as a

type of machines used such as switches and servers and the

result of a flow of incoming companies. The country is an

second main point of consumption are air conditioners within

appealing region for these industries. China used to be

the cabinets. We have a few strategies to minimize these

attractive but it stopped being a viable option and this

expenses, even if we do not directly sell cooling systems.

has shifted focus to Mexico. Automotive companies such as Nissan and Mazda are either building new plants or

Considering air conditioners are a main energy consumer,

expanding them. Aviation and aerospace are additional

cooling systems have been developed with a freecooling

areas of opportunity as Mexico recently opened up

solution that saves energy. For this reason, location is

manufacturing for these industries. Queretaro and Bajio

essential as freecooling can only be achieved if the site

are going through a boom.

has adequate climate conditions. It is not the same to install a data center in an industrial park in Monterrey, an

Q: What are the main challenges from Mexican data

area with a history of hot periods, to Toluca that is an ideal

center norms?

freecooling region as most of the year it has balanced

A: Maintaining availability throughout a company’s data

temperature levels, which allows freecooling and energy

center is crucial. Operators of data or telecommunication

savings of up to 90 percent. For companies in hot areas,

centers are always looking for best practices to

we recommend other solutions such as adaptable cooling

optimize their installations. Globally, there are several

systems. This can offer savings but not as much as data

standards and norms that regulate data centers on

centers in cooler areas.

every level from construction to data transition and security. A company designing a new building takes into

Q: What innovative technologies are you offering to help

consideration parameters such as the number of work

clients with cooling systems?

stations, dining halls and management offices but often

A: We specialize in working with support infrastructure and

forgets to think about data center requirements. It is a

design metal and mechanical systems to optimize cooling

systems in data centers with passive cooling, a registered

alliances and strategic accounts there. When one of those

concept. This optimizes the cooling systems with physical

companies gets the opportunity to enter and start a project

barriers such as cabinets with a chimney. The majority of

in Mexico, we use our already established agreements with

the data centers have the freshest air passing through the

them to open up a space for regional business. The market

cabinet and servers while the hot air exits through a door

is wide and we dedicate our business to AAA clients. We

in the back. We do not let the air leave from the back as

manage accounts mainly for the telecommunications

it can combine with the air of the room. Instead, we install

sector as well as the financial sector, banks and retail such

a solid panel with vertical exhaust ducts and we move

as Walmart, Coppel and Palacio de Hierro.

the air into a chamber that eventually returns it to the air conditioner to cool and then back to the room. We divide

Entering the manufacturing industry is quite a challenge.

the hot and cold air into cycles.

These industries are revising their production plants’ installations. They tend to have small data centers with

We also split hallways into hot and cold areas. Our cabinets

six to eight cabinets with an isolation system that is not

are created to face each other so that in the front, a cold

viable for us. We see more business opportunity with their

hallway is created, while in the back a hot one is isolated.

cabinets in the production area. We developed recent

With isolation, we manage to encapsulate hot and cold air

products such as the cabinets that are designed to be

to maximize the refrigeration system. These are passive

installed in walls or floors as part of the production chain

elements, or barriers that isolate and reduce operational

for a company. Our strategy is to penetrate the sector. We

costs. We can then generate savings of 40-90 percent. We

have new products in a trial phase to be certified. Some of

achieve 40 percent when we only optimize the machines

our products focus on anti-explosion technology and we

that are already inside the data center and we can meet

have some cabinets for exterior use we are beginning to

90 percent when we can intervene in the center’s location

develop. We are expecting the market to welcome these

and install a new cooling system.


Q: What research and development is CPI incorporating into its services and products? A: Innovation is one of our most significant characteristics along with finding strategies that create added value in the market. Our vertical exhaust ducts were developed 10 years ago and last year finally acquired a concept patent. Any manufacturer that uses the concept of vertical exhaust ducts is at risk of running into conflict with our patent. A concept patent differs from a design patent, as the latter allows companies to change a few elements of the product and still be legally allowed to commercialize it, while a concept patent does not permit our design to be replicated in any way. It is an innovative and revolutionary concept. Many of our clients do not have a clear idea of how isolation works and believe it is too complicated. It is not as complicated as it seems. Cabinets with vertical exhaust ducts are actually simpler than isolating hot or cold hallways. Large companies like Microsoft and Intel use our cabinets and exhaust ducts. They trust our products and our ability to solve the issue of high-density heat in small spaces. The market trend is to have the least amount of space with the greatest amount of processing capacity. It makes increasing sense to have isolating systems either through exhaust ducts or hallways. Q: What new market would CPI like to enter? A: Our organization is quite small and based in the US. We depend on the US and have a strong network of corporate



CYBER SECURITY NEEDS ON THE RISE PEDRO NORIEGA Director General of Consultoría y Asesoría de Redes (CAR-SA)


Q: How has CAR-SA transformed its business model to

company then realized our product portfolio was too big,

meet the the evolving needs of the industry?

which increased our operational costs and made it more

A: CAR-SA started out as a systems integrator and has

difficult to deliver quality results. We had to drastically

been in the telecommunications market for 14 years. One

narrow down our portfolio and began to focus solely on

of our first business partners was the Chinese company

data networks. This radically changed our business to

Huawei and we were one of the few companies in

a services model, which by default became a financial

Mexico that distributed its products at that time. Huawei

business model. Now we invest in the technology our

was just beginning to take off in Mexico and we began

customers need and offer a managed services solution for

working with its data communications division, which

our clients moving from a CAPEX model to an operating

represented routers and LAN switches for networks. Our

expenses one.

first mayor project was with 7-Eleven back in 2003 when we participated in connecting its more than 300 stores

Q: What challenges hinder the growth of telecom

and created an online nationwide data network. We have


managed and operated 7-Eleven’s network for 12 years

A: It has been a challenging year for the company because

with third-party business partners and our own resources.

Mexican banks do not offer financing for technology as easily as they do for other industries such as automotive

After a couple of years, Huawei formed a joint venture with

and real estate, especially for small players like us. Our new

3Com after a legal dispute with Cisco and with this joint

business model allows us to offer our different services

venture, our portfolio expanded to security, telephony and

from a common-frame contract and it changed the financial

other solutions Huawei did not have. It was much easier

perspective of the company that investors and customers

doing business with 3Com because it was a local company.

had. These service contracts give us long-term security and

This joint venture allowed us to grow exponentially and

have allowed us to grow as a company since December

along the way 3Com bought Huawei’s shares, which were

2014. It was difficult to adapt our traditional business

later bought by HP. HP allowed CAR-SA to enter a brand

partners to this new program because they are used to

new area of solutions including servers and storage but the

transactional deals and CAR-SA’s service model is a long-

term business opportunity that does not necessarily match

established a pricing standard for cloud storage that offers

the time objectives of our technology partners. We have

a much cheaper, higher quality cloud service than other

staff in more than 16 cities nationwide and are expanding

companies. Cloud servers and storage services will grow

to 54 cities to reach actual and potential customers looking

in Mexico and even though they are low-margin profits,

for a single provider across Mexico. We divided our services

the sales volume is extremely high. The services CAR-SA

offer into three different types of categories, data networks,

offers create added value for companies and allow us

unified communications and security.

larger profit margins in the unified communications cloud market but will not address the cloud market for servers

Q: What are the competitive advantages of CAR-SA’s

and storage.

service portfolio? A: Companies, especially in retail, needed to integrate their

Q: What are the trends in the telecommunications

various stores from across the country and there was only


one company that could provide service to them, which was

A: Two trends that allowed our company to grow were

Telmex. Telmex continues to dominate the Multiprotocol Label

the necessity for a larger bandwidth and the rapid growth

Switching (MPLS) networks in Mexico and the necessity of a

of e-commerce. More than 35 percent of retail store sales

larger bandwidth limits the growth of the business because

are online. This trend makes it necessary for companies to

of its cost. Many operators offer commercial services and

have multiple connections to ensure they always have a

large companies do not want to convert to these commercial

working network. It does not matter how many availability

services because there are no Service Level Agreements

contracts a company has signed, there is still the possibility

(SLAs) to guarantee service availability.

that the network will fail and when it does, our connection will be there to keep the networking going.

These large retail companies that manage thousands of transactions a day will not take the risk of the service working incorrectly. CAR-SA guarantees a percentage of availability to these companies, ensuring the client will be connected to the network by adding a second commercial grade link to an existing commercial grade link. We became an intermediary for these customers to have access to SLA services. The odds of both connections failing is extremely low and the bandwidth available is higher than that in an MPLS link at a fraction of the cost. Most of our clients look to us as their service provider

CAR-SA participated in connecting 7-Eleven's more than 300 stores and created an online nationwide data network

because it lowers their operational costs, especially for retail businesses. The connections we offer are through the main mobile networks for backup services in retail

Q: How will the demand for new security solutions change

networks and primary services in the M2M industry.

the way companies create their business models? A: By being able to integrate all of these different types








of communications, we have become an important

Telecommunications Reform?

service provider and have gained the trust of our clients,

A: Our main service provider for cellular services is Telcel

allowing us to offer other types of services and solutions.

and the service is strong but in a couple of years AT&T

We are strongly pushing for security and integrated

will become a strong competitor and services will further

communications for both our existing and future clients.

improve. The infrastructure AT&T bought needs to be

Security is an extremely complicated subject due to

restored and enhanced and it is doing so. AT&T is number

evolving technology. Hacking is an intangible problem for

three in the market and we hope it will rapidly grow in the

many companies because they only become interested in

next couple of years to a position where it can go head-to-

acquiring these services once they have been attacked. This

head with Telcel. Eventually I hope Telefonica and smaller

is becoming an important subject in leading companies

players can benefit from the Telecommunications Reform

and they are searching for new ways of protecting their

and play a solid role.

valuable assets. This will be one of our strongest services this year and although it is risky, we will be able to give

Q: How have cloud services evolved in Mexico?

companies the monitoring information they need to

A: CAR-SA attempted to enter the cloud services market

ensure the security of their information systems. Years

but it is extremely challenging in Mexico. Nontraditional

ago, hacking was a personal attack but now anybody is

operators such as Amazon have been successful as they

vulnerable to cyberattacks.





While some businesses struggle to implement the rapid

industry into the internet would result in a great deal

innovations of an increasingly connected world, others

of innovation and development,” explains González.

have been ahead of the curve from the beginning.

“These industries could offer greater advantages than

Schneider Electric belongs to the latter group and says

the traditional automation industry and we stood to

its history shows why Mexico’s industries must have the

benefit.” That model was called Transparent Ready and

foresight to adapt to emerging telecommunications

since then Schneider has built all its products on ethernet

trends. “Our world is rapidly becoming digital and that

and internet-based standards. “As the costs of these

is impacting a variety of countries like Mexico,” says

internet technologies dropped and maturity increased,

Enrique González, the company’s Country President.

we could adapt our products to integrate the Information

“We need to take better control of the digitization of our

Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) worlds,”

world and this includes everyone across the value chain

he says. “Connectivity redefines everything and there is no

from plant to plug.” Schneider is a global specialist in

bigger testament than Schneider Electric’s success.”

energy management and automation. It has four main end markets: nonresidential and residential buildings (34

Digitization leads to connectivity. Connectivity produces

percent), utilities and infrastructure (25 percent), industry

two-way energy and information flow. “This results

and machine manufacturers (27 percent) and data centers

in a more efficient world,” says González. “But one

and networks (14 percent).

of the biggest problems facing us today in Mexico is the disconnected grid and high-energy consumption.

González says that connectivity can give a company an

Our country is experiencing a nodal point in energy

advantage that leads to savings. He cites Schneider’s

consumption. The country recorded its highest ever level

energy efficiency programs that had been deployed

of electricity consumption on June 16 this year, according

across many of Schneider’s global supply chain sites for

to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).” On that day,

several years. Its solution was to digitize its data, which

electricity use jumped to 40,693MW. Mexico’s installed

now allows it to capture relevant information for efficient

capacity is 54,000MW.

use of energy. “We are able to anticipate energy usage needs, anticipate increases in energy costs, renegotiate

The rise in the cost of fossil energy sources also has

energy contracts and make decisions fasters based on

intensified pressure for more efficiency and for strategies

the recommendations of our StruxureWare resource

to achieve a balance between operating expenses and

management software,” González says. “This was the start

capital expenditures. “We need a digitally connected

of a digitized experience in energy efficiency for Schneider

energy grid, from generation to transmission to distribution

and additional savings in energy and energy costs.”

to consumption, to drive increased efficiency,” González says. “We have developed the solutions and technology

As more SMEs in Mexico become interested in data and

to take the energy grid to the next generation but we

telecommunications infrastructure, Schneider is ahead

need connectivity to make them a reality.” González says

of the curve in adapting to new trends. Its past provides

that electricity companies must stress the importance of

a good illustration. In 1997, at the dawn of the internet

communication and connectivity compatibility with the

age, Schneider was one of the first companies to drop its

technologies they offer. “Today more than ever, Schneider

traditional proprietary automation standards and move

Electric has a responsibility to raise awareness of the

everything to ethernet and internet standards. “We knew

issues related to energy efficiency and technology and a

the internet was too slow, too expensive and too difficult

responsibility to integrate solutions that meet the specific

to manipulate but we knew that in the near future the

challenges faced by Mexico and that are impacting society,

massive investments by the IT and telecommunications

businesses and industry as a whole,” he says.


PEMEX Installation, Bay of Campeche



The biggest opportunities for infrastructure development that the Energy Reform has created are in midstream and deepwater. As the country shifts to natural gas, the country must expand its pipelines and inner city infrastructure to reach the end user. CENEGAS’ Five-Year Plan looks to optimize the country’s natural gas system and storage and the NIP contemplates the construction of more pipelines to import natural gas from the US and expand the National Natural Gas Pipeline System by 80 percent by 2020. Solar energy is making its way into the market as residential and industrial solar power providers enter the market. Experts are optimistic about the future of the country’s energy sector, although instruments like Fibra E must be improved. Construction companies that specialize in energy are feeling the crunch and are beginning to diversify into new sectors.

This chapter encompasses the opinions of experts on the Energy Reform and the changes they have seen in the country’s infrastructure. Key stakeholders share their views that although the Energy Reform is moving along slowly, it has triggered investment in commercial, logistics and housing infrastructure but all eyes are on the oil and gas rounds and pipeline tenders. Experts believe the industry will pick up slowly but surely, bringing with it countless opportunities.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo López, EY


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Vicente García, Isolux Corsán México


MAP: Natural Gas Pipelines


ANALYSIS: Expected Developments in the National Natural Gas Pipeline System


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Díaz, S&P Global Platts


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Reynaldo Yruegas, Microsoft


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ernesto Marcos, Marcos y Asociados


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: El Encino-Topolobampo Gas Pipeline


INSIGHT: Rodrigo Calderón, Energetika

Alejandro Chico, Energetika 261

VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Sandoval, Arendal


EXPERT OPINION: Agustin Humann, Marcos y Asociados


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Giacomo Bonfanti, GDI


VIEW FROM THE TOP: David Arelle, ILIOSS/SolarCity Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Julian Willenbrock, Enlight


INSIGHT: Kevin Gutiérrez, Ingeteam



Luis Villalobos, EXI





Q: How do investment opportunities in Mexico’s oil and

debt instruments. In this vein, the new Fibra E has been

gas market compare globally and which areas hold most

designed as a Mexico-registered trust fund, which can


issue energy certificates via the stock exchange, and

A: By effectively abolishing the monopoly of the state-

which will be backed by specific types of assets. Holders

owned oil and gas company, the new legal framework has

can claim ownership over the trust fund in proportion to

the potential to unleash significant business opportunities

their investment and hence a share over future cash flows.

for private investors, both domestic and foreign, and both upstream and downstream. Moreover, the country has

A significant amount of new infrastructure remains to

one of the world’s most promising resource bases, stable

be built. As a result, Mexico’s energy industry should

politics and an open and large economy. Few oil-producing

become an attractive investment, especially compared



to developed markets like the US. According to some

activities hold arguably the greatest promise. Downstream

estimates, total investment could be as high as US$70

areas will also offer investment opportunities, derived from

billion by the end of the decade, which would go a long way

the gradual liberalization of the retail market.

to solving Mexico’s infrastructure bottlenecks. Processing,




transportation, refining or storage of crude oil, petroleum Q: What is your perception of Mexico becoming Latin

products or natural gas, power generation, transmission

America’s powerhouse and the main economy in the

and distribution, among others, are areas most likely to


take advantage of the new instrument. The challenges will

A: Mexico currently has the second largest economy

consist of selecting and properly structuring the assets to

in Latin America after Brazil but whether it will become

be monetized. PEMEX will be able to capitalize some of its

the largest will depend on a number of domestic and

existing assets and eventually invest in new infrastructure.

international factors, as well as the relative performance of

It should also be noted the new instrument contains

other countries. Mexico, however, has distinct advantages

several fiscal advantages designed to nurture long-term

in that its economy has been opened to the world for the


past two decades and it has become a major global trading player and strong manufacturer. Also, its population is

Q: How should PEMEX’s financial burden be adapted to

young, which should help sustain growth for decades

reflect its new position as a productive enterprise of the

to come. The country is closely integrated with the US


and Canada and North America is clearly emerging as a

A: Under the reform, PEMEX’s fiscal obligations will be

dynamic economic area.

gradually reduced. In addition, the company will be able to migrate some of its upstream assets to the new contractual

Q: What is the background of Fibra E and how has it

framework to benefit from the fiscal regime applied to

adapted to the needs of the Mexican oil and gas industry?

private players. As for the government’s dependence on

A: Fibra E is primarily intended to finance the construction

PEMEX revenues, it will gradually decrease as non-oil tax

of new energy infrastructure in Mexico, such as pipelines,

receipts increase and as private oil and gas players start



their own production. The new PEMEX administration has

complement the country’s Energy Reform. Fibra E has






put in place a new plan to reduce wasteful expenditures

largely mimicked the Master Limited Partnership (MLP),

and to focus on profitable operations. PEMEX has the

which was launched in the US in the 1980s. In general

potential to become a company mostly focused on

terms, by bundling together assets that generate stable

upstream activities, able to capitalize on its knowledge

cash flows, MLPs allow companies to raise capital at

of the Mexican geology and to engage in numerous joint

lower cost and offer higher returns than traditional

ventures with private partners, both local and international.



Q: Why is Isolux Corsán focused on participating in

A: Mexico has to go through the same challenges other

Mexico’s transmission lines?

countries have in the past and we can learn from them.

A: Private participation in transmission lines is our focus

Having the experience of working in Mexico and a team

right now because it is something we know well in Mexico,

devoted to providing security make safety challenges

this type of investment for private companies is new here

manageable. Another challenge is convincing private

and we have the experience. Renewable energy is also

investors to participate in the Mexican power sector

something in which we are very strong outside of Mexico.

as it is new for them. We remain confident because

Here, we have been involved in the wind sector but the

many companies are interested in coming to Mexico.

boom is now in solar power. We also are heavily involved

As a company that has been successful here for many

in thermal energy because the Energy Reform is focused

years in the electrical industry, we provide reliability to

on pipelines, although gas will still have a vital role in the


future. We know how CFE works and we are trying to focus more on private companies. We are also participating in

Some hesitate to back new investments like transmission

bids for highways and are interested in hospitals, prisons

lines, which used to be a monopoly. We are in talks

and buildings in the water sector.

with some companies but we are waiting to receive the tender documents for the lines. There are two projects at

In the past, we were a Spanish multinational company but

the moment, one of which is a US$1.2 billion investment

we are now a global company with headquarters in Madrid,

that will connect Sonora to Baja California. Private

even though Spain represents only 10 percent of our

companies are worried about the legal framework,

business. Around 50 percent of our operations are carried

tender documents and repayment details among other

out in Latin America with the five main global subsidiaries

aspects of the investment because it has not yet been

being Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Algeria and India.

made clear.

Q: How can the private sector bridge the gap between

Q: To what extent can Isolux Corsán have an advisory role

infrastructure needs and the public sector’s ability to

in the government’s decision-making?


A: We are not official advisers but we have a lot of

A: In one aspect, the balance of power is changing with the

experience. We have 5,000km of high-voltage transmission

Energy Reform and it seems the private sector will have a

lines in Brazil and transmission line concessions in Peru,

bigger role. This is what we are trying to focus on as the

the US and India. About nine months ago we began

market will be opening to other private energy generators.

conversations with CFE about our experience in other

CFE will continue to be important in the power generator

markets and provided them with advice on how similar

sector but I believe that the private clients will be the main

countries have handled the same projects.

players in the future. We began working in Mexico many years ago, which It seems renewable energy power is going to be increasingly

provided us with in-depth knowledge of the market

important in Mexico. In the past, we were focused on

while some other companies may have been focusing on

thermal and petrol power but moving forward we will turn

other local markets. Because of this experience we are

our attention to private generators and renewable power.

well-established in Mexico. We are a global contractor but we have our own teams and people here that help

Q: How much further must Mexico go to alleviate the

us be more competitive. We may have not been the first

problems that hinder companies from choosing to work

contractor in Mexico but we must be one of the first for

in the country?

transmission lines.











39 7 6 8 42



41 246


Natural gas pipelines in operation Diameter (inches) 48 36


12 47






24 16 12 4 and under or unknown Natural gas pipelines planned, proposed


or under construction


Diameter (inches) 48 36



24 16 12 4 and under or unknown Natural gas processing plant LNG terminals in operation LNG terminals proposed Border crossing Natural gas power plants Natural gas power plants planned, proposed or under contrstrution Source: S&P Global Platts


LNG terminals in operation

Natural gas processing plant

LNG terminals proposed

a. EnergĂ­a Costa Azul

d. Burgos

m. Salina Cruz

b. Terminal LNG de Altamira

e. Arenque

c. Manzanillo LNG

f. Poza Rica I & Poza Rica II g. Matapionche h. Pajaritos i. La Venta j. Cactus k. Nuevo PEMEX l. Ciudad PEMEX









22 e




53 18

23 20


24 55 25 57


56 26

27 34

g h





58 32 k

29 m


33 l

59 35

60 37






Approx. capacity (MW)

La Rosita I


Presidente Juárez


Approx. capacity (MW)






El Sauz Plant


Rosarito III





147 CCC Baja California


Petroquímica Escolin


Presidente Juárez GT


Altamira Cogen


Termoeléctrica de Mexicali


Altamira II


La Rosita II


Altamira III & IV



San Luis Río Colorado


Altamira V



Aise México







Tuxpan II





Tuxpan III & IV


Samalayuca II


Tuxpan V



Puerto Libertad



Refinería Miguel Hidalgo



La Caridad I & II



LFC Distributed Generation GT





PEMEX-Exploración y Producción




La Costeña Jumex




Minsa Tlanepantla


Norte II


Empaques Modernos


Chihuahua III


Durango EcoMethane LFG to Energy


El Encino Chihuahua II


Baja California Sur III


Modelo Anahuac


29 CCC Norte


Lomas de Chapultepec


Durango Kraft


Gresaise SA de CV


La Laguna II


Papel Bidasoa Power Plant (Teotihuacan)


Gómez Palacios



PEMEX- Petroquímica Complejo





Celfimex Apizaco


Ramos Arizpe Fersina


Planta Apizaco


Monterrey III



Ispat Mexicana






Complejo Procesador de Gas La Venta


Monterrey II Monterrey



Petroquímica Morelos


Petroquímica Cangrejera


Procesador de Gas Área Coatzacoalcos


Petroquímica Pajaritos SA de CV


CPQ Cogeneration


Petroquímica Cosoleacaque


Refinería Gral Lázaro Cárdenas



Refinería Ing Antonio Dovali Jai





Complejo Procesador de Gas Nuevo PEMEX


PEMEX Planta Eléctrica Cárdenas






10 11





Vitro Cogen


Ing Hector R Lara Sosa


Planta Monterrey




Propasa Monterrey (1103880)


Monterrey Waste


Monterrey Biogas


Promex Energía Nuevo León


Planta Nuevo León


Presidente Emilio Portes Gil (Río Bravo)


Río Bravo II


Río Bravo III


Río Bravo IV






Manzanillo I & II



PEMEX Terminal Marítima Dos Bocas



Arancia Cpc Ingredion San Juan



Mérida III



LNG Antonio M Amor



Valladolid III




Approx. capacity (MW)


Baja California VI



Baja California II


40 41

Baja California III


Baja California IV


Baja California V


San Isidro-Samalayuca: July 2017


Empalme I


Empalme II


Guaymas CC I



Noreste V



Norte III & IV


Norte IV Lerdo


Norte VI


La Paz CC


Baja California V



Todos Santos CC





Approx. capacity (MW)


CC Mazatlán



Norte V


Noroeste II


AHMSA Monclova


Techint Pesquería CC


Noroeste (Escobedo - 1077659)


Dulces Nombres CC


Monterrey Pwr


50 51


Guadalajara I






Occidental I & II



Bordo Poniente Biogas Plant



Grupak Igsapak Hidalgo



CC Centro



Complejo Procesador de Gas Cactus Cogen




Ramos Arizpe Cogen


Topolobampo II



Mérida Enerkin CHP Power Plant


Topolobampo III


Mérida IV


CC Noroeste


Mérida V





Salina Cruz-Tapachula. The last set of projects will cover

pipelines related to projects mentioned in the National

high-demand regions in Northern Mexico. The pipelines in

Infrastructure Plan. These are divided in three categories.

this class are San Isidro-Samalayuca, Colombia-Escobedo,

The pipelines that transport natural gas from the north

Salamayuca-Sásabe, and Eherenberg-Algodones-San Luis

of the country to the central region are La Laguna-

Rio Colorado.

Aguascalientes, Los Ramones-Cempoala, Southern TexasTuxpan. The project is aimed at increasing supply capacity

The Ministry of Energy determined that the Lázaro

for the central region to compensate for fluctuations

Cárdenas-Acapulco and Salina Cruz-Tapachula pipelines

resulting from demand in the southeast, while providing

are projects of social importance, and their development

redundancy to branches in this route.

depends of the Ministry of Finance’s favorable opinion. It also deemed the following projects as strategic: Colombia-


The second category comprises pipelines that connect

Escobedo, Jáltipan-Salina Cruz, Southern Texas-Tuxpan,

the Gulf and the western regions, which will alleviate

Tuxpan-Tula, Tula-Villa de Reyes, Samalayuca-Sásabe,

congestion in ducts supplying the central and western

Los Ramones-Cempoala, Villa de Reyes-Aguascalientes-

regions, as well as providing redundancy in the supply for

Guadalajara, and La Laguna-Aguascalientes. Finally, the

places with significant populations and economic activity.

Ministry of Energy has instructed PEMEX and CFE to

These include Tuxpan-Tula, Tula-Villa de Reyes, Villa de

launch tenders for the Colombia-Escobedo, Tuxpan-Tula,


Samalayuca-Sásabe, and Jáltipan-Salina Cruz pipelines.

The third class, pipelines that connect the system with

In order to determine the feasibility of the projects that

new demand hubs, are meant to expand the system’s

CENAGAS proposed to address natural gas supply needs

coverage in order to detonate new markets and contribute

in its Five Year Plan, the technical system operator relied

to their economic development. The projects included

on CRE’s assistance to create a model that assessed the

are Lázaro Cárdenas-Acapulco, Jáltipan-Salina Cruz, and

impact of the interconnection of those projects. The flow

Natural Gas Plant


States served

Length (km)

Estimated investment (US$ million)

Estimated date of tendering

Estimated completion date


Hidalgo, Puebla, and Veracruz





La Laguna-Aguascalientes

Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and Durango





Lázaro Cárdenas-Acapulco

Michoacan and Guerrero





Tula-Villa de Reyes

Hidalgo and San Luis Potosi





Villa de ReyesAguascalientes-Guadalajara

Aguascalientes, Jalisco, and San Luis Potosi





San Isidro-Salamayuca







Chihuahua and Sonora





Jáltipan-Salina Cruz

Oaxaca and Veracruz





Salina Cruz-Tapachula

Chiapas and Oaxaca





Southern Texas-Tuxpan

Tamaulipas and Veracruz






Nuevo Leon





Los Ramones-Cempoala

Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz





El Cabrito Compression Station

Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon





Source: Ministry of Energy with information from CENEGAS, CFE, and PEMEX

model considers the current state of the National Natural

proposals, CFE decided Howard Midstream’s proposal had

Gas Pipeline System as well as existing privately owned

the most favorable technical and economic terms, as it

ducts that have an impact on the system’s conduction

represents savings of US$25 million.

capacity. The effect of pressure and velocity variations in certain segments of the pipeline system have been

The Ministry of Energy authorized the tendering of the

simulated in the model, enabling the regulators to

Southern Texas-Tuxpan project, which will be launched by

determine potential congestion points.

CFE. This project will ease demand from the Gulf section of the National Natural Gas Pipeline System and part of

The results of this exercise led the authorities to conclude

the demand estimated for the Los Ramones-Cempoala

that if the system remains as it is today, it will be necessary

pipeline, ultimately saving US$7 billion. CFE published the

to develop infrastructure to transport natural gas from

bases for the tender on October 2015, and the project will

the north of the country to the Gulf, central, and western

ideally begin commercial operations in June 2018.

tariff regions in the 2015-2020 period. Between 2016 and 2017, the capacity to import natural gas through pipelines

In August 2015, CFE issued the bidding bases for the

has to be complemented with other options, such as

Tula-Villa de Reyes and Villa de Reyes-Aguascalientes-

importing LNG, in order to ensure stability in the system.

Guadalajara pipelines, which are scheduled to start

If more pipelines are interconnected to the system before

commercial operations in 2017. In September 2015, CFE

2020, potential congestion will be reduced, supply will

launched the bases for the La Laguna-Aguascalientes

be diversified, and the system will be stable without the

pipeline and assigned the project to the consortium

need to import LNG. However, the impact on tariffs will

composed of Carso Electric and Promotora de Desarrollo

be significant.

de América Latina to provide natural gas transportation services through the Samalayuca-Sásabe pipeline.

The risk of destabilizing the system due to the time it will take for new projects to begin operations calls for

CFE awarded the contract for the construction of the San

reinforcement of the supply of imported natural gas,

Isidro-Samalayuca pipeline to Gasoductos de Agua Prieta,

which is why the Colombia-Escobedo and Los Ramones-

a subsidiary of IEnova, and operations are expected to start



in 2018. The Tuxpan-Tula project was won by Transcanada

participated in KM and Howard Midstream Energy Partners

in November 2015. In addition, CENAGAS included the El

open season schemes in the US to transport natural gas

Cabrito compression station in its project pipeline, which

from Webb County in Texas to Escobedo and Monterrey

will be located in Coahuila in order to increase natural

in Nuevo Leon. This endeavor is part of the Colombia-

gas transportation in the northern region. The Ministry of

Escobedo project. After thoroughly evaluating both

Energy assigned this project to PEMEX in July 2015.







MEETING MEXICO’S FUTURE OIL & GAS DEMAND JAVIER DÍAZ Manager, Energy Analyst and Consultant at S&P Global Platts

Q: What type of infrastructure must be constructed to

to provide our clients with enough information to enable

meet future natural gas needs?

them to make confident decisions.

A: The natural gas pipeline infrastructure is the key. LNG


terminals were vital when there was less capacity for

Our division S&P Global Platts was selected by the

importing and distributing gas from the US to Mexico.

government to provide prices to be used as benchmarks

Now, to guarantee sufficient access to US supply, there is

in the Energy Reform. Another unit, Platts Analytics, can

an extensive buildout in pipelines across the border and

provide companies with the market intelligence such as

to ensure this supply reaches the demand areas. Platts

fundamental analyses and forecasts. Our consultants

Bentek is tracking over 20 major pipeline projects here

can help them evaluate specific projects for viability and

that are expected to begin service within the next five

potential returns. Platts has recently launched the Mexico

years. With an estimated combined investment of over $16

Energy Monthly, a Platts Analytics report that delivers

billion, these projects will fully interconnect all regions of

data-driven coverage of natural gas and LNG, crude oil

Mexico from north to south, east to west.

and liquids and electric power markets. Platts Mexico Energy Monthly provides insights that allow an enhanced

In the near term, the completion of the Los Ramones

market outlook, the building of more robust models and

pipeline will connect South Texas production and Mexico

validation for investment and strategic decisions.

City. Los Ramones I, which was completed in December 2014, has already mostly displaced LNG imports at Altamira.

Q: What goals must the government establish to achieve

When Los Ramones II is finished it is expected to reduce

the energy industry of the future?

Mexico’s dependence on LNG imports at the Manzanillo

A: The main goal is to ensure market conditions and

terminal. Next year, growth in US natural gas imports is

infrastructure development that guarantee quality energy

expected to shift from the northeast and central Mexico

is supplied to the residential, commercial and industrial

to the Permian Basin in northwest Mexico. The proposed

sectors at competitive prices. It must also ensure supply of

Comanche Trail, Trans-Pecos and Roadrunner pipelines

electricity throughout Mexico, expand the use of clean and

were primarily designed to serve new power demand in

renewable energy and promote energy efficiency. Mexico

the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Sonora. In

is creating more long-term auctions like that in which CFE

2018, the pipeline buildout will again shift focus back on

awarded tenders for 5.4GW of energy. New energy plants

South Texas to the northeast and central Mexico corridor.

are also being auctioned with a total 2.1GW, 1.7GW of solar

Further down the road, it will be important to develop more

and 0.4GW of wind generation, and Clean Energy Certificates

storage facilities since the only storage facilities are at the

(CELs), which total 1MW each, have been established. The

LNG terminals.

role of natural gas will be to create balance in the market and continue to displace fuel oil from the power-generation

Q: What are the main challenges companies face when

mix. Access to cleaner and cheaper energy will increase

developing these projects?

competitiveness for Mexican industries. One example is the

A: Bureaucracy, local opposition, rules of land tenure

new Intergen power plant installed in San Luis de la Paz,

and crime and insecurity are some of the challenges.

Guanajuato that will receive gas from the Los Ramones

The price of debt is significantly higher than in other

pipeline, supporting industrial growth in the region.

countries. Companies and investors must be prepared with market intelligence to mitigate Mexico’s social and

Q: How will the shift from oil to natural gas impact

economic risks. There are several ways a research and

Mexico’s oil and gas industry?

analytics company like S&P Global can assist companies in

A: Round One created various opportunities for private

developing exceptional infrastructure projects. We strive

companies to participate in the exploration and production

activities here for the first time in 70 years. The Mexican government hopes to maintain hydrocarbon revenues as a pillar of the federal budget so the requirements for bidders in each block are high. The first two contracts were awarded in Round One. In R1-L01 and R1-L02, the government offered profit-sharing contracts, which were overly complex, and the authorities did not disclose the government minimum take until the day of the tender. In R1-L01, only two contracts were awarded out of the 14 exploration blocks tendered and in R1-L02, three shallow water production fields out of possible five were awarded. In R1-L03, the government switched the contract structure from production sharing to licensing, which contained much more favorable terms for operators. Moreover, the minimum government take was established two weeks in advance, allowing operators to plan bids that were higher

Platts Analytics expects prices to slowly rebound over the next five years, with Maya and Brent averaging $71/b and $79/b respectively in 2021.

than this amount. In this phase, where 25 contracts were awarded, only six failed to sign and the government is now

an average of 5.3bcf/d of natural gas, which equates to

trying to sign with the second-highest offers.

about 58 percent of Mexico’s total demand. In the short term, domestic natural gas production in Mexico will

On the demand side, Platts Analytics expects that between

continue to decline. However, this reduction in Mexican

the end of 2015 and the end of 2021, Mexico will have

natural gas production does not represent a significant

retired about 4GW of fuel oil and diesel power plants as

supply risk, since the plans for strategic infrastructure

the country makes way for nearly 21GW of new gas-fired

development will ensure there is enough capacity for US

generating capacity. By 2018, CFE plans to reduce fuel oil

imports and these volumes will have a large impact in

consumption by 90 percent from the level in 2012. Fuel oil

balancing the US market.

capacity that is not retiring will be retained for reliability and to meet peak summer demand. Platts Bentek expects

Platts Analytics expects Henry Hub prices to average

that the phase-out of fuel oil generation from 2015 to 2021

$4.51/million BTU in 2021. On the oil side, Platts Analytics

will be equivalent to 0.5bcf/d of annual gas consumption.

expects prices to slowly rebound over the next five years, with Maya and Brent averaging $71/b and $79/b

Q: What is Platts’ forecast for oil and gas prices?

respectively in 2021. Price rebound is projected to drive

A: Platts Analytics expects Mexican natural gas demand

exploration and production activities for the awarded

to grow and that natural gas imports from the US will

blocks in the bidding rounds, which are expected to

continue to displace LNG imports from Manzanillo and

focus on oil production over natural gas, contributing to a

Altamira. Platts Analytics expects the US will be exporting

reversal of production trends in recent years.





Q: How is Microsoft’s digital infrastructure helping PEMEX

A: The industry is becoming more complex and the

become a more productive enterprise?

volume of data generated continues to rise. This stems

A: We have created a collaboration platform for PEMEX

from different sources, from financial and transportation

and CFE. In the past there was no efficiency or economies

to production and storage. Having all this information

of scale but now the trend is segmentation and we see

available, analyzed and presented in a tangible manner

different users rising up in both organizations. There are


users working on oil platforms at sea, users in corporate

by improving their decision-making processes. If the

offices and others in the field, all with different needs.

information is not shared across the whole platform,

We have adapted to their unique requirements and this

efficient planning and production would be impossible

allows users across different segments to collaborate,

to achieve. The drop in oil prices means it is crucial that

ultimately improving their communication process. We are

companies invest in information assets since this will allow

connecting the threads and making the energy company

them to operate in an optimal manner according to market

more intertwined within its business divisions to help it







reach its objectives. We want to guide PEMEX to a new era where the key terms are operational efficiency and

Q: How can Microsoft develop and improve reservoir

cost reduction. We can adapt our solutions to all areas

models and help players enhance their oil recovery

of the industry, from exploration and production to


transportation and commercialization.

A: The industry has a series of needs that must be addressed and areas of opportunity to be tackled.

Q: How can Microsoft ease PEMEX’s concerns regarding

Companies must maximize oil production without the

the transfer of knowledge to its entire workforce?

risks and costs that come with developing new oil

A: The global oil and gas industry is suffering a loss of

fields and they need improved analytics that will enable

experienced human capital spurred by retirement and

them to predict production and maximize recovery.

PEMEX is not exempt. We are transferring knowledge to

Unfortunately, some players do not have access to real-

the cloud and this means any user can gain access, analyze

time drilling and production data to improve their models

the data and see what is happening in real time. From

in a timely fashion. Through our solutions we can help

extraction to point of sale, there are different processes

oil companies monitor equipment and processes in real

that require operational efficiency and through our

time, help them evolve and change their models based

solutions we can help companies become cost-efficient

on updated production information and enhance their

and agile.

recovery methods. Microsoft can help eliminate bad habits like making recovery decisions based on outdated

In this digital world, oil companies wonder how a refining

information, prevent long cycles for coordinating supply

plant can be kept in optimal condition, how predictive

chains as production changes and ultimately eliminate the

maintenance can be carried out without impacting

early closure of wells.

production and how resources can be efficiently extracted. All these questions are answered with the solutions we

Q: What solutions does Microsoft have for companies

provide. We are the creators of a communication platform

facing issues of safety and security for their physical and

that PEMEX and CFE are exploiting as they transition into

digital assets?

productive enterprises of the state.

A: A pressing concern is the security of assets and we have many solutions to narrow the safety gap a company

Q: How can digital infrastructure help companies deal

like PEMEX may experience. Some oil platforms have

with economic pressures?

experienced fires and explosions while theft of resources

can be commonplace. It is important to tackle these

it has logistical benefits. Half the world’s population lives

issues by having tight control of the supply chain, which

within 200km of the ocean and subsea systems may be

is achieved by increasing the visibility and availability of

easier to deploy if extra capacity is required. These can

information. Another important development is that new

be placed close to oil platforms. An interesting location

competitors will stand against PEMEX and this means

would be Galveston, Texas because there are many

Mexico needs to foster trained human capital and ensure

platforms there and the information could be immediately

the availability of information.

transferred to oil companies onshore.

The non-oil companies must grow and become more

Q: How can companies like PEMEX implement remote

competitive in this open market and as such it must train

pump monitoring and oil field optimization solutions?

its workforce. Microsoft is following the course of the

A: A flagship project that Microsoft highlights is that with

reformed Mexican energy landscape by creating new

Rockwell Automation. This noted leader in the sector

divisions. The first tackles the oil, gas and energy sectors,

needed a solution to streamline all of its production

the second caters to the regulatory bodies that work

decision processes ranging from where to drill, extraction

within these industries, and thirdly we have a new business

strategies, when to change production methods and

division that looks at market entrants.

control of the movement of equipment and personnel. The solution we provided entailed Rockwell’s SCADA

Q: What are the implications of data centers being

system reporting back to a central system using IP-

located underwater?

based communications and the cloud. This allowed the

A: Early in 2016, Microsoft Research unveiled an ambitious

automation of all workflows and improved decision-

experiment to plant a data center in sea water. This vessel

making processes. Players in the industry stand to benefit

weighs 17,236kg and contains enough room to hold

from this since our solution significantly improved uptime

approximately 300 PCs. One would think that electrical

and efficiency, enabled real-time equipment diagnostics

components and water would not mesh but placing data

and prognostics and provided a multi-well performance

centers underwater can help keep the contents cool and


Poza Rica Oil Reserve




Q: What opportunities are coming to infrastructure

owned and operated by PEMEX, meaning that tariffs are

development from the introduction of the bidding

set based on PEMEX’s capacity and availability. Private


investors must build their own infrastructure before the

A: Upstream is the single most important activity of the

market can become truly dynamic.

oil industry and farm-outs especially present a great 256

opportunity but there is a great deal of infrastructure

Another aspect to consider is that price margins are

that must be built for the development of some of these

extremely small or even negative today because the

fields. When Marcos y Asociados estimated the potential

Ministry of Finance established the maximum price of

additional private investment the opening of the oil and

gasoline and diesel based on PEMEX’s transmission,

gas industry represented, we projected a necessary

importation and distribution costs. The NOC's costs

US$6billion to US$10 billion for the development of

are low for commercial purposes so there is no margin

each of the deepwater blocks. There are requirements

for private companies, especially given the IEPS, which

for subsea infrastructure, including valves and tiebacks,

is designed to absorb the difference between the



reference price and importation and distribution costs

companies start developing these fields, there will then







with respect to the maximum price. In 2018, the law

be an incentive for manufacturing companies to expand

states the government will no longer regulate the price

their expertise to this kind of equipment.

of gasoline and the market will be liberated. Depending on international pricing at this point, there will be

It is important to remember that a legal responsibility

greater competition and PEMEX will have to adjust to

of the previous state monopolies, both in electricity and

this new reality.

oil and gas, was to supply the local market regardless of the cost. Rather than being a business opportunity,

Q: What area of energy infrastructure do you think

this was a legal obligation for CFE and PEMEX to supply

holds the most potential?

the domestic market. In Mexico, we have an average

A: I think the distribution and commercialization of

of two days’ storage capacity for gasoline and diesel.

fuels and electricity will be most important. Commercial

There is no natural gas storage capacity and the only

opportunities can now emerge for electricity and oil and

availability is that in the pipelines. Now, investors are

gas, whereby operators can seek out companies with

pursuing projects to develop storage capabilities due to

additional capacity that is not being dispatched and act

the seasonality of supply and demand. This will allow

as the intermediary in purchasing this and supplying it

production of natural gas to increase because even in

to the public.

seasons of low demand, the storage capabilities will allow continued profitability.

PEMEX’s available pipeline and terminal infrastructure is strictly the minimum required. Additional investment

Q: How will private companies participate in the

is needed in product pipelines in transportation and

importation of gasoline and diesel?

distribution, whether that be at the ports or close to the

A: Excess oil and gas production in the US means prices

borders. The market is importing over 50 percent of the

are low. When buying there and selling in Mexico, the

country’s consumption but now that anyone can own

margin improves. We are importing around 600,000b/d

and operate pipelines, there are several development

of gasoline and diesel and there are authorized import

projects underway.

permits for a further 800 million barrels but we can’t capitalize on that because the appropriate infrastructure


is not yet in place and the present infrastructure is

infrastructure just to satisfy existing demand. One of









the most highly consumed fuels in Mexico is liquefied

A: In terms of market balance, 50 percent of national

petroleum gas (LPG) and in the past, distributors of

consumption is provided by imports, so there is definitely

this resource have invested in pipelines and terminals to

an urgent need for additional capacity. The issue then

provide PEMEX with the infrastructure that it could not

lies in the need to install new refineries and upgrade

include in its budget. Several facilities were built along the

the existing ones. The regional market must then be

border and on the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coasts by

examined to gauge whether there is excess refining

private investors and these facilities were then leased to

capacity in the US and Canada, for instance, because this

PEMEX. Now that they are free to import independently,

may not justify installing extra capacity in Mexico.

they are reclaiming this infrastructure. In January, the market was officially opened and in May, all LPG imports

At some point, PEMEX will have to decide what to do

were carried out by private investors. Because there is no

with the existing refineries, the last of which was built

special tax (IEPS) on LPG, these private investors only

in the 1970s. There will be additional investment in

had to pay VAT so the situation was extremely beneficial

refining but rather than focusing on commodities like

for these players. They quickly captured the market that

gasoline and diesel, there will be a focus on the impact

was previously exclusive to PEMEX.

for petrochemicals and the chemical industry. PEMEX has upgraded three of its large refineries but the

Q: What are the opportunities for PEMEX to work

improvements to the remaining three are pending and

alongside private companies through PPPs?

I do not believe PEMEX will have the budget to carry

A: There is uncertainty at the moment because PEMEX

out the necessary renovations itself. I expect this to be

has not yet defined its strategy. For the time being,

carried out through joint ventures with private investors.

PEMEX’s intention is to protect its existing assets and it is not considering divesting and allowing the

Q: What financing options are available for companies

private sector into certain regions. For example, in Baja

that want to invest in Mexican energy infrastructure?

California, there are port facilities with tanks that may

A: In the US, Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) have

prove beneficial for PEMEX to sell or lease to the private

worked well to help the market finance the required

sector and allow it to service the region. However, PEMEX

infrastructure, especially in the midstream. Mexico will

could protect more productive markets, like the central

need a great amount of investment just to supply the

Mexican market, to allow for maximum profitability.

local market. The government issued the new Fibra E

Capacity could also be reserved in pipelines that are

financial vehicle, which is an adaptation of the MLPs,

being built by private investors. The new administration

and I expect this instrument will be used to finance

is discussing the strategy and I expect this to be defined

some of the additional infrastructure. Waiting for

before the end of 2016.

private companies to raise equity creates delays that are mitigated by mechanisms like Fibra E. We need this new energy

instrument to be operational as soon as possible. When

infrastructure and what risks will private companies

PEMEX and CFE define strategies, they can take these

encounter with this infrastructure?

to the market and secure additional funds.








A: Firstly, private companies must approach the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) to obtain permits and a

Q: How will deepwater benefit the Mexican industry in

tariff. There have been intense negotiations between

terms of infrastructure?

PEMEX and CRE to agree on a tariff that will provide

A: Mexico does not have the manufacturing capacity

PEMEX with a return on investment for the investment

to produce most of the specialized equipment needed

it has made while also fostering the construction of the

for deepwater and ultra-deepwater, which means the

new infrastructure that is required, allowing the market

infrastructure initially must be imported. Most of the subsea

a reasonable margin. Some tariffs already have been

equipment must be built specifically for the project that is

announced for natural gas and oil products but the

being developed. Some capacity for this exists in Mexico,

market’s response remains to be seen. A strategy will

which can be seen in the national content requirements of

then have to be defined that allows PEMEX the greatest

these contracts. There are large international oil companies

profitability as a business. It is difficult for PEMEX

that have supplied platforms for Africa that were built in

to delegate responsibility of a given region or state

Mexico. Therefore, the capacity is there, we just need to

because it still is responsible for supplying the market,

wait and see if this can be used to supply the requirements

even though this is no longer mandated by law.

of the blocks for deepwater development. The benefit of the deepwater rounds is completely dependent on

Q: To what extent has the private sector expressed

national content and the capacity of the national industry

interest in being involved in refining infrastructure?

to cover these new markets.




EL ENCINO-TOPOLOBAMPO GAS PIPELINE Since 2014 GDI has been working on a natural gas pipeline to connect Encino in northern Chihuahua and Sinaloa’s Topolobampo port on the Pacific Ocean. The project, due to be completed in late 2016, will not only send and receive natural gas but will also generate clean electrical energy via compression stations in the two states. The project is 556km long and adds to the more than 3,000km of gas pipelines that have been constructed in Mexico in recent years. Like many gas pipeline projects here, the El Encino-Topolobampo pipeline traverses diverse, challenging terrain, including a 250km stretch of the Tarahumara region in the Sierra Madre mountain range. This created a series of logistical challenges related to transportation, construction, accommodation and accessibility. In response, GDI used a combination of specialized trencher chains and state-of-the-art raise bore drilling technology to cross directly through and underneath the mountains without damaging surrounding ecosystems or endangering workers. The many rivers, streams and highways that crisscross the region provide their own unique set of logistical challenges, as infrastructure can become sodden and inefficient. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and Horizontal Boring (HB) were employed to extract fluid from the ground and maintain a firm footing to facilitate construction and prevent the ground from caving in. The pipeline also meets the great Río Fuerte on the border of Chihuahua and Sinaloa, and GDI used a Sikorsky s-64 Sky crane helicopter, which can hold up to eight tons of freight, to transport the tubing required to construct this phase of the project. Once completed, the pipeline will reduce energy use and trade costs for companies in the region. Thanks to the numerous clean energy compression stations installed at strategic locations along the pipeline, the construction will also emit less harmful gases into the atmosphere than traditional natural gas pipeline solutions. As well as protecting regional ecosystems, this will reduce safety concerns for workers and local communities. Such a large project will inevitably require significant manpower and the El Encino-Tapolobampo project is no exception. It has already created a large number of jobs, many of which will still be required once the project reaches a conclusion, and the new source of energy will provide a welcome boost to a host of companies throughout northern Mexico in a variety of sectors.




Rodrigo Calderón Director General of Energetika


Alejandro Chico Chief Technology Officer of Energetika

A surge in industrial and commercial electricity tariffs hit

technology into their solutions. Calderón adds that the

the Mexican landscape in 2016 when CFE announced a new

Energy Intelligence concept can be applied in all sectors

tariff structure that increases up to eight percent the price

where energy is used. “We have three core business areas:

of electricity depending on the amount of consumption per

retail, buildings and Smart Cities. Energetika uses the power

user, in particular in the commercial and industrial sectors.

of the internet and data science to improve energy efficiency,

The unexpected bolt placed the country’s rates among

while gathering information that might be useful for other

the highest in the world and provided further incentive

decision-making processes such as the itinerary of visitors

for companies to more closely monitor and control energy

and the amount of time spent in a store.”

consumption, according to energy efficiency consultancy Energetika. Rodrigo Calderón, the company’s Director

The road toward energy efficiency has not been smooth

General, says that context is causing the country’s energy

because most companies are unaware of their total energy

efficiency culture to undergo a positive evolution. “When

usage, explains Calderón. “They do not know how to

we started the company six years ago, we had to put a

identify the highest consumption points,” he says. “The first

great effort into raising awareness about energy efficiency

congruent step toward sustainability requires a cautious

in the industry,” he says. “But the enactment of the new

control of energy usage. Saving one megawatt will always

regulations and the opening of the electricity market have

be more effective than producing it, even if it comes from

contributed enormously to increasing knowledge about

renewable sources,” agrees Chico. Companies should

energy efficiency in Mexican industries.”

only consider alternative sources after minimizing and optimizing energy consumption. It is a favorable choice as

Energetika’s energy technology helps companies measure

it prevents clients from signing long-term energy contracts.

and analyze usage and to identify their highest points of consumption. “It represents a new and smarter way

Energetika is involved in emblematic projects in the

of approaching energy efficiency,” says the company’s

country that have created significant change in areas

Chief Technology Officer, Alejandro Chico. “It consists of

like Chalco, State of Mexico and the Mexico City subway.

taking operational technologies, such as LEDs or sensors,

“Replacing 13,000 regular lamps with LEDs in Chalco

and combining them with information technology that

made it the largest project of its kind in Mexico. We made

corresponds to a software platform. Analog devices in this

sure to follow governmental guidelines and it allowed the

system allow us an in-depth view of factors involved in

municipality to obtain financing from BANOBRAS and

energy management such as usage or market behavior. It

CONUEE, which provided MX$9 million (US$474,000) for

can bring energy savings of up to 95 percent.”

the project,” says Calderón.

Energetika emphasizes that the only way to ensure correct

For the Mexico City subway, Energetika is collaborating

energy management is with an integrated solution such as

with the government to improve the metro’s energy usage

Energy Intelligence. It allows users to identify and monitor

and providing tools that can measure operational data. “If

the energy consumption of each center they own. Energy

the project is successful and the government can see its

Intelligence is the company’s flagship product. The internet of

value, we expect to install our system in the entire subway

Things (IoT) permits the company high levels of connectivity

network,” says Chico. “This project is special for us because

that can provide efficient energy solutions. “The best service

it is considered the most modern transportation lighting

that can be provided to a client is an integrated system that

system in the world. We are using 150 patents that interact

can meet the present and future energy requirements of the

with each other and are controlled by Energetika’s platform.

company,” says Chico. It is one of the biggest advantages

It delivers four times more light while using 85 percent less

of the IoT and few companies know how to integrate this

energy, which are incredibly attractive numbers.”











the industry. We need to convince the existing market

deaccelerated infrastructure development?

that we want to play fair, add value to the sector and

A: The market was hoping the sector would accelerate

complement its abilities.

quickly but it did not predict the period of adjustment the drastic changes brought on by the reforms would

Q: How does Arendal work with PPPs in infrastructure?

require. The drop in oil prices is an additional bump in

A: Development has two main pillars, technical and

the road. As a builder, we realize that downturns are part

financial. On the technical side, we make sure we do not

of the process and the situation will eventually improve.

jump into a project unless we have the right expertise or can find a partner to fill any knowledge gap we may have.

The sector has gone through an evolution. We used to

To finish building a hospital, we partnered with technical

offer PEMEX 50 percent of our proposals and now it

experts who had experience operating hospitals in

only encompasses 20, with the rest allocated to private

South and Central America. Their expertise ensured the

companies. The shift is part of an open sector in which

project’s success because they bridged the gaps in our

more players are entering. Local businesses need to take

construction knowledge.

advantage of this new phase and actively seek contact with international companies. The market is looking

On the financial side, Arendal provides liquidity to the

for cyclical sectors to mitigate the risk of bear market

market and looks for operators with the right expertise

conditions. For instance, if the oil sector is falling, our

and reputation for delivering solutions and projects

projects in the rising infrastructure market can balance

to the final client. We are closely connected to this

the workload.

community and can provide case-by-case solutions for different types of projects. Arendal ensures the money

Q: What infrastructure is the company betting on?

flows to the project and that it is executed efficiently.

A: We have an appetite for PPP projects as we are experts in putting together complex projects and

Q: How does Arendal see the market evolving and what

financial structures. Arendal is using its strengths

challenges lie ahead?

to approach and execute projects. The company is

A: The main challenge is dealing with the landscape

sending proposals to hospitals and the New Mexico City

roller coaster. As seen in previous crises, the economy

International Airport (NAICM). The megaproject requires

suffered and employment dropped. The funny thing

world-class international firms with expertise because it

is that during the recovery, Wall Street won back its

is the biggest airport in Mexico’s history. Our company

previous position but employment levels continued

can participate by sharing local knowledge with foreign

to languish. The phenomenon implies that companies

companies that are not familiar with the Mexican context.

found strategies to become more productive with fewer

NAICM truly is impacting the country because it shows

employees. Higher productivity means a change in

the government’s commitment to create intelligent

mentality and processes. Our next step is to maintain the

bidding rounds.

same margins and to do more with less. That does not necessarily mean having fewer employees but producing

PPPs are a necessity here because many sectors

more without increasing expenses. Productivity in

are demanding more social infrastructure that the

Mexico is relatively low in comparison to other countries



and the economic landscape is forcing companies to

challenge is to gain a foothold in the market because

reduce costs and somehow manage to maintain their

some companies already have a strong position in certain

levels of productivity. We envision the Mexican market

sectors due to the length of time they have worked in

will become increasingly efficient.










Mexico faces many developmental challenges in oil and

are developed. Established legislation requires investors

natural gas. The opening of the hydrocarbons industry

to provide resources to the communities and domestic

has implications for the sector’s storage and infrastructure

industry-related services must evolve because developers

capabilities and private participation in the energy sector

must meet local content requirements.

has been welcomed through Rounds One and Two tenders for oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico. After the rounds, contracts

The transparency with which CNH has operated in

will be issued to the winning bidders by the National

coordination with the Ministry of Energy has given great

Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), an organization which

confidence to investors who have participated in the

was created to oversee the transportation, storage and

various stages of tenders and bids. This is a guarantee

marketing of hydrocarbons in Mexico in the short, medium

that must not be neglected. All projects related to

and long term.

energy development have risks and opportunities so the offer of safe investment is a prerequisite for sustainable

The Energy Reform ended state-owned oil giant PEMEX’s

development in the industry. Safety is also an aspect that

76-year monopoly and foreign investors now have attractive

must be considered. The federal and state governments

opportunities to invest in the country’s oil and gas arena. But

must take action to ensure security for people and the

PEMEX still has a strong hand to play. The production fields

safety of the facilities so that infrastructure can develop.

allocated in Round Zero to PEMEX were awarded along with exclusive rights that enable the parastatal to exploit


the fields either by itself or through partnerships with

infrastructure will be required. In the short term, it is clear






private companies. All those assigned fields hold proven

that storage infrastructure should also be developed to

reserves so production success is guaranteed. However,

guarantee continuity in the supply of oil for the industrial

any investment will require time to start commercial

sector. The storage of natural gas is a priority that must

exploitation. More time also is needed before the results

not be overlooked. The private sector is willing to invest

and major risk factors for deepwater production come to

in the development of facilities such as hydrocarbons

light. The interest we have seen from foreign investors to

storage stations to store oil, natural gas, liquefied

partner with Mexican companies suggests the immediate

petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and all liquid

future will see continued investment, which will have a

and gaseous hydrocarbons. This will allow us certainty of

significant economic impact. Through farm-outs, PEMEX

supply and the country will be able to balance availability

also has a tremendous opportunity to truly become a

against price swings to develop a stable market for these

productive enterprise of the state.

hydrocarbons. A major challenge is to ensure this storage infrastructure is developed with transparent conditions

Energy demand in the country is growing. This an

of physical and operational. An industry like oil and gas

inescapable fact and it is important that in parallel

in Mexico that currently cannot guarantee its supply of

to the development of new oil and gas fields, the

energy does not develop healthily. Experience has taught

necessary infrastructure for transport and storage also

us that it is essential to instill confidence and to do that,

must be built. Today, pipeline construction projects are

investment is required.

focused on meeting current demand but it is clear that in the future these needs will rise, creating attractive

Mexico is offering invaluable opportunities to participate

investment opportunities in the medium term. Regional

in the oil and gas market and that of its infrastructure

development is a sector that will surely attract a large

to develop a strong and sustainable energy sector for

outlay of resources that encourage improvement in the

the first time in the country’s history. The time to take

quality of life of the localities where new production fields

advantage is now.




Q: GDI participated in the La Laguna-Villa de Reyes

situation since the projects were finished on time and the

pipeline project. How did the process develop?

locals perceived our presence positively, as a job provider,

A: We have participated in the development of the

making it a safer working environment for our employees.


This formula has been successful in our projects in






Encino-La Laguna pipelines. Our next projects will be the

Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Sonora and Tamaulipas.

construction of the La Laguna-Aguascalientes and the 264

Aguascalientes-Guadalajara pipelines, which have a total

Q: How has GDI worked with ejidos and right of way

length of 470km. When examining the first bids for CFE’s

issues during its infrastructure operations?

electricity auctions, it is clear that CAPEX and NPDs were

A: At GDI we have a team of 150 people managing

extremely high, although it was the appropriate price for

communities and permitting falls under its scope. This

the time. For the last four years, our team has learned how

team is in charge of creating dialogue between both parties

to become more efficient and has been able to translate

to give a voice to the communities and communicate the

this into cost reductions of up to 60 percent in some cases.

solutions the operator will then provide. We always must

It is possible that the price of these projects may even

ensure that communities see us as a visitor bringing value

be lower in the end, despite right of way issues. We are

and work to the region. This is an area where contractors,

making processes extremely efficient and doing more at a

operators and governments must work together to change

faster pace. Many companies are focusing on cost control,

the mindset across Mexico. It is important to remember

but in the wrong way. Our expertise and knowledge allows

that the land belongs to the communities and it is positive

us to control costs in a critical way, traveling the country

that reforms take this into account.

constantly to understand and participate in the projects. The industry must also nurture the technological thinking

Q: What role will GDI play in the development of Mexico’s

of Generation X because with the technology available

midstream energy sector?

today, young workers can produce a report at a fraction of

A: At the moment, Mexico has 19,000km of pipelines and

the time it would otherwise take.

to the 40,000km that Texas has, it is clear we must create teams of young people who are able to work quickly and

Q: What have been your experiences regarding security

efficiently to guarantee that projects will be executed in the


shortest time possible. GDI is developing a team of 70-100

A: Security is intrinsically linked with communities. At the

people with a common goal, which is reaching a point where

moment Mexico’s security is an issue not only in locations

we can jump from one project to another seamlessly. The

with pipelines but across the entire country. Throughout

company also is looking to become more involved in the

the development of a project, building a relationship with

development of railroads and it will be crucial to create an

the community is crucial and in high-risk zones it may

alliance with a specialized company to build faster and more

even increase the complexity of the project. It is important

efficient railroads. With energy infrastructure and the Energy

as a contractor to find a balance between the execution

Reform, there has been a learning curve in which we have

of the project and having the least impact possible

adapted to the quotation requests for solar and wind farms.

on the surrounding communities. GDI purchased 250

We want to gain more knowledge about the mining sector

containers to build mobile camps with all basic services

and apply that to wind and solar projects since these require

for our teams as a way of guaranteeing the integrity of the

a great amount of land preparation in short periods of time.

environment. We implemented rules that raised awareness

We also are evaluating opportunities in the expansion of

among our teams about the importance of respecting

ports and marine works because our team already has ample

local communities, the people and the environment.

experience in these areas. GDI is a young company that is

Compliance with these rules created a mutually beneficial

an expert in its field and not afraid of innovation or change.



Q: Why did ILIOSS and SolarCity decide to join forces in

has achieved economies of scale and can secure extremely

the Mexican energy market?


A: ILIOSS was created four years ago after we identified

integration. All our employees must be certified by the

numerous opportunities in the segment. ILIOSS started

“SolarCity University,” where they receive both technical

not only as a response to these opportunities but also

and safety training to install our systems. Mexico has

because we had a responsibility as Mexicans to contribute

various advantages, one of them being that labor costs

to the development of the country. Although ILIOSS was

are lower than in many countries.






already a large solar business in Mexico, its capacity to grow was limited due to the company’s financial status.

Q: How is SolarCity giving back to the community?

The acquisition gave the combined firm the ability to

A: SolarCity will focus on specific areas in Mexico City,

become what we hope will be the most important player

as well as commercial and industrial projects. To expand

in the solar power industry in Mexico.

our presence, SolarCity will continue spreading light across the country through its GivePower Foundation. The

The country’s energy sector has endless opportunities and

foundation has been successful in countries around the

people are looking for alternatives to save money and are

globe including Nepal, Haiti, Nicaragua, Kenya, Mali and

making an effort to use eco-friendly solutions. ILIOSS is

more, and now we will start here in Mexico.

already present in the commercial and industrial segments in Mexico, working alongside companies like Soriana. Now

For the foundation’s first big project, we are partnering

we want to follow SolarCity’s carefully designed business

with Soriana. Hidden between the mountains of northern

model and enter Mexico’s residential solar sector. SolarCity

Veracruz is a community called Huixtlamaya, which did not

has installed solar systems with a capacity of nearly 2.1GW

have access to energy. The daily lives of the community

for more than 260,000 customers across the US as of the

began with the sun’s rise and ended as soon as it set

end of March 2016. Building solar systems on rooftops

each day. We were excited about this project and when

rather than on solar farms presents different opportunities

we arrived the community already had high expectations

and obstacles and it gives people the opportunity to make

because Soriana had previously worked with them on

the shift to using sustainable energy in their own homes.

another social project.

Q: What made ILIOSS the right choice for SolarCity?

To reach this community, you come to Poza Rica and

A: There are many companies in Mexico that just install

from there drive four hours down dirt roads. It then

solar systems, which is a small section of the overall

takes another hour to walk up the mountain. When we

solar process. SolarCity chose us because we were

arrived, the community greeted us with a band and

the only company in the Mexican arena dedicated to

organized a banquet.

selling energy. The process consists of engineering, maintenance, due diligence and finance sections that are

We want these projects to become an essential part of

all crucial to complete a quality installation. We make a

doing business in Mexico and we have been inviting

strong team because SolarCity knows how to sell energy

other important companies to join in. We provided the

and we have the expertise and contacts to extend that

community with enough solar energy for basic necessities

business in Mexico.

and organized a committee that is led by women, who will be in charge of system maintenance. The company

This company is headed by energetic innovators with a

is excited to take part in these projects and knows that

common mission. ILIOSS began operating in both the

each solar power system that is installed in Mexico will

industrial and commercial sectors with Soriana. SolarCity

contribute to a cleaner environment.





Q: What are the paradigms Enlight had to break when

integration, drastically elevates the risk for both the

entering the Mexican market?

company and the client. Each roof and project is different,

A: We started operations in Mexico with German

which creates even more hurdles since Mexico does not

technology and trained local staff on how solar panels

necessarily have the qualified human capital to install

work and how to install them properly. We have shifted

and maintain these types of systems. Enlight’s customers

the company’s focus onto the residential and small

can log onto our platform and monitor the results of the

commercial markets, which have huge potential here in

systems from any mobile device or computer. They can find

Mexico. One of the largest hurdles we encountered was

energy production indicators and levels of consumption

that the vast majority of the population did not know how

that can help them understand how they can reduce their

solar power worked and was unaware of the benefits that

monthly energy costs.

it could bring. There are various technical challenges that arise from catering to these markets. It is more demanding

Q: What role is Enlight playing in providing rural

to develop a hundred projects of 5kW systems for homes

communities with energy?

than building one 500kW project for an industrial plant.

A: We have launched a couple of social projects to bring

There are ample benefits from converting to solar power

light to rural communities. We worked closely with Iluméxico

but few businesses or homes have the ability to make such

to develop a program called “Refiere y Ayuda” as a way

a large initial investment.

to reduce the number of people who do not have access to light. Around 3 million Mexicans do not have access to

Q: What is the importance of establishing a unique

electricity in their homes and we believe that it is our duty

method of financing?

as a solar company to help these communities. Companies

A: Within the residential market, companies must find

usually establish a referral program in which they give

more creative ways to differentiate themselves apart from

their clients gift cards or other monetary rewards. Instead

offering financing alternatives. All energy companies must

of following the traditional system, we decided it would

have various forms of financing to be successful in the

have a greater impact if we used that money to donate

market and if the company does not offer these services,

solar systems to these communities. We are also part of

it cannot compete. At first when we were developing our

another program in which we assist our larger clients in the

financing system we began by using SOFOMES, which led

completion of their own social development projects. We

us to create our own financial vehicles, as well as solar

have worked with industrial parks and have participated

leases that adapted to the unique needs of our customers.

in their social projects. Vesta has its own Adopt a School

Our clients make a monthly fixed payment for the lease

program and we participate by installing our solar panels in

and pay a monthly electricity bill according to how much

various public schools around the nation.

they use, which is a lower amount than what they used to pay before installing the solar system. Solar costs are

Q: What is the outlook for Enlight and other solar energy

continuously dropping, especially with rising electricity

providers in Mexico?

tariffs, and we can guarantee the energy production of our

A: We will continue our search for capital in the next few

systems every year.

years. Last year, we partnered with venture capital fund ALLVP and we are looking for new investors to help us

Q: How does Enlight’s value proposition differ from other

expand our reach. Investors are highly interested in Enlight,

solar companies?

especially because we have continuously exceeded our

A: Over the years, we have learned that focusing on the

quarterly growth. We are growing at a rate of 50 percent

financing aspect of solar energy alone and outsourcing

per quarter. The solar market is expanding rapidly and will

the technical aspects, such as installations and system

continue to do so in the coming years.





The Energy Reform has not taken hold as quickly as many

industry that is attracting the entrance of many players.

had hoped. There is slow progress as companies work

“The issue is that some of the entering companies are not

through the large number of regulatory changes being

properly trained to enter the residential market,” he says.

implemented. It may take time to adapt to the new plans

“This phenomenon always occurs in new business areas,

but one area that is ready to take off is renewable energy.

where a technician that may have experience installing air

Kevin Gutiérrez, Director General of Ingeteam, believes the

conditioners is now attempting to install a photovoltaic

regulatory framework is adequate and can positively impact

system. It does not mean that the new areas are particularly

the industry. “When it comes to renewable energy, solar

complex but there are details that need to be considered

actions have been particularly successful and projects are

to install it properly. Without a trained team, homeowners

expected to start this year as more companies are joining

may not be able to correctly evaluate the cost of these

the movement,” he says. A market leader in electrical


equipment, Gutiérrez says sales of power inverters are on the rise in Mexico.”We are working on the inverter brand

The market has a way of filtering out companies that are

with an installed capacity of 90MW that has been growing

not offering adequate services, he says. Major players are

fast,” he says. “In 2015, we sold 50MW and so far this year

starting to enter Mexico and local businesses have to adapt

we already have contracts for 210MW.” The company

to survive. One way to survive the initial rough waves of the

expects to add another 200MW before the end of the year.

industry is through partnerships. Gutiérrez believes there are many smaller domestic companies that could be a fit for

According to Gutiérrez, renewable energy can secure

Ingeteam. “When it comes to the residential sector, we value

income for 15 years due to the relatively low risk associated

each client but a great deal of time needs to be invested

with it. “The prices may always be tight but since the

toward selling our product,” he says. “To reach every installer

risk is low, all companies want a slice of the pie,” he says.

in Mexico, we would have to spend sales resources for each

“Mistakes occurred during the first round of auctions but

one. We find it easier to work with distributors that have

people have to realize that changes of this magnitude

a pool of products and brands.” Ingeteam seeks partners

always experience initial complications. Authorities are

who can help create win-win situations and Gutiérrez views

learning and making improvements to motivate serious

these kinds of initiatives as an effort to provide support to

participants. Overall, the country is adapting well to the

the local economy. “Our company is quite willing to help

new plans but there is always room for improvement.

clients that have large projects but who do not understand

Certain variables such as surplus conditions are causing

the mechanisms thoroughly.”

confusion among players." Ingeteam not only works in the solar or wind power industry but also in power electronics

The company also is entering the electric vehicle (EV)

and as a result, does not depend completely on the Energy

business in Mexico and this year finished an installation

Reform. “We are the first inverters in the private industry

for CFE. The sector is starting to grow and many electric

with utility-scale projects,” Gutiérrez says. “We invest

car-charging stations have already been developed.

around 7 percent of our total income in R&D, and always

Gutiérrez believes there is a dire need for investment in

strive to improve the quality of our work. After our success

EV infrastructure to make it easier for people to make the

with utility-scale projects, we have gone into other low-

transition to the vehicles. Tax deductions would be another

power business areas.”

incentive. “The government and manufacturing companies need to provide attractive incentives for these projects,”

The company began commercial development in 2015

he says. “Changing paradigms is not easy and the entrance

and residential in 2016. For residential, Gutiérrez says the

of EVs will take time but adequate infrastructure can be an

most common mistakes revolve around it being a new

influential factor.”



Luis Villalobos Director of Business Development of EXI

Q: What role is EXI destined to play in facilitating

energy sector for which we designed action plans. We

infrastructure investment and optimizing its impact?

are a private equity fund with a long-term perspective on

LV: Mexico has an immense backlog of infrastructure

our investments. Our fund has a term of 12 years, but we

projects and an even bigger one in the energy sector. The

can hold it as long as 14 years. Another added value EXI

key element that will facilitate and accelerate the country’s

offers is that we are an independent fund with no conflicts

development is the participation of the private sector in the

of interest. We like to work together with investors and

industry, which is why the government began implementing

developers to discover the most promising opportunities

new reforms. EXI’s role in the country’s development is in

in the industry. Finally, we see ourselves as integrators

mobilizing capital through the private sector and integrating

by offering project and risk management, which also

projects so that the adequate capital can be raised to make

represents a value add in this market.

these plans a reality. EXI’s leading investors are the Mexican workers through pension funds.

Q: How do you ensure cash flow and the adequate allocation of resources?

MB: Since the opening of the system in 1995, the investment

MB: We successfully deployed our investments and within a

of pension funds has been limited to infrastructure debt,

record time of 18 months have invested 100 percent of the

but now it is open to investment in other sectors, including

EXI 1 fund. We established a balanced portfolio combining

energy. EXI is an intermediary between resources that have

brownfield assets and a project under construction close

accumulated over time and the development of infrastructure

to the operation date. The existing assets have a long

projects with these assets. Pensioners will greatly benefit

operating period and are not subject to demand risk as

from these investments because it will help build necessary

they have contracted revenues. They also have a high-credit

infrastructure that cannot be financed by the government,

quality future cash flows, reflecting a combination of the

allowing for increased growth of the Mexican economy.

credit quality of the counterparty and credit enhancers.

Q: What kind of added value can EXI offer to investors

LV: We are increasing EXI 1 with the establishment of

and operators?

reopening Series B to allow our investors additional

MB: EXI’s team has worked in the infrastructure industry

investments in our existing projects. We also are launching

for more than 25 years, participating in more than 100

EXI 2 and expect to reach closing before year-end.

projects in 18 countries across the globe, totaling about US$100 billion. Half of those projects were carried out

Q: What requirements must be met and what processes

in Mexico. Our accumulated experience here provides us

do companies have to carry out to gain access to funding

the advantage of knowing the regulatory framework, as

through EXI?

well as how to work in the different industries. By fully

MB: EXI has an accelerated decision-making process due

understanding the market and sectors, we recognize the

to our straightforward company structure. Our structure

main players and risks in both the national and international

is composed of three elements: an internal investment

market. When a fund plans to enter a new market it can

committee, a technical committee and an assembly of

be complicated and it must collaborate with locals to gain

investors. During the first stage, the investment committee

knowledge on how to assess risks and negotiate. Having

analyzes the proposal and makes sure the objectives of

more than 50 million Mexicans as stockholders provides a

the project are aligned with the objectives of the fund

natural protection to the assets to be developed.

and if they do then it undergoes a due diligence process. When the proposal is approved by the committee, it is

LV: A couple of years ago, we looked into the infrastructure

transferred to the technical committee, which will then

industry and realized that there was an opportunity in the

decide if it is approved or not.


PTAR Tierra Negra, Ticsa, Tamaulipas



Mexico City alone gulps down more than 34,430 liters of water per second and although 95 percent of Mexicans have access to water resources, the quality is greatly compromised. The city’s intricate water infrastructure system is estimated to leak at a rate of 12,000l/s as it pumps water over mountains from neighboring states. SACMEX estimates the city has approximately 50 years of water left, raising concern. CONAGUA’s 2030 Water Agenda, along with the NIP, have various water treatment plants and pipe projects. The main challenges arise from the new wave of reforms that look to tender concessions and integrate the participation of the private sector more than before. Federal budget cuts have stunted the development of some projects, requiring capital from other investors to ensure the country has the infrastructure it needs to quench its growing thirst.

This chapter navigates the insights of the sector’s experts on how Mexico’s water infrastructure system could be improved and the impact increased private sector participation would have on optimizing its use. Technology developers discuss their arrival to Mexico to treat its black waters and the innovations needed to efficiently utilize water for irrigation systems. This chapter talks about the challenges of treating industrial waters and the opportunities available in water recycling.





INSIGHT: Emilio Soler, Aqualia


ANALYSIS: Mexico’s White Elephant


TABLE: Strategic CONAGUA Projects Under the NIP


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carla Casanova, GE Water


INSIGHT: Antonio López, Aclara


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Federico Jaramillo, Ticsa


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jaime Contró, ADS Mexicana


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos León, Verdek


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sergio Rico, Solid Rain




INSIGHT: Braulio Campos, Hercules Construcciones de Monterrey


INSIGHT: Rogelio Mora, Nabohi Internacional







Q: How is SACMEX responding to water scarcity problems

A: Mexico City is often mischaracterized as the driver of the

in the region?

valley’s high population density and the country’s fastest

A: SACMEX created a 25-year plan that incorporates

growing city. Its political city limits are often misunderstood.

expert recommendations with scientifically backed data

The true origin of the megacity’s growth rates comes

to help ease Mexico City’s water scarcity issues. It is

from more than 20 neighboring municipalities in the

divided into phases that include rain water collection, pipe

State of Mexico, while Mexico City alone has surprisingly

leakages, the use of treated wastewater for activities that

low population growth. The capital is home to 9 million

do not require potable water and the reduction of water

people and the surrounding municipalities encompass the

consumption. We also are considering reinserting water

remaining 13 million. The capital is a strong economic center

into the aquifer and using more advanced technology to

but many people must live outside the city limits where

optimize extraction rates. The point is to use the largest

there is cheaper housing. The city has a potable water

number of tools and strategies possible to attack the

system that relies on the exploitation of an aquifer with a

issue. In the short term, the aquifer is our only option. We

limited capacity, which experts estimate will last 50 years

cannot halt extraction and leave the population without

at the most. It is being overexploited at a rate of 25,000l/s.

water. We have to accept it as temporary solution until

Aquifers take thousands of years to develop and the city

we find more permanent alternatives. SACMEX strives to

has managed to drain it in a short period of time. People

create a permanent water system that does not rely on a

tend to see it as a permanent system when it is only a Band-

limited source like an aquifer.

Aid solution. Satisfying the water demand in Mexico City is trickier than other regions due to its central geography

Before cementing our plan, the city has to fix its water leaks.

and its high altitude of 2,200m above sea level. Its position

The amount of leakage is proportional to service hours and

makes most solutions complicated and expensive.

water pressure. We can import water from outside sources but it will only increase the number of leaks in the system.

Q: What role is the private sector playing to bridge the

Our network gives an average of 13 hours of service per

gap in water infrastructure?

day with average water pressure of 90kPa. Developing

A: The private sector has always had a presence in the

countries have on average 200kPa and 24-hour service. If

city’s water system, providing construction, spare parts

we had the same amount of pressure and service hours

and services. SACMEX’s 24/7 project promotes contract

with our current pipeline system, the percentage of water

services from private companies to guarantee 24-hour

lost would rise from 40 percent to 74 percent. We cannot

accessibility and to lower the rate of water leaks. We prefer

strategically adopt alternatives before fixing the leaks. The

to use contracts over bidding rounds, choosing specialized

agency needs to monitor 13,500km of pipelines to find

companies that have the technology and experience to

the leaks. Depending on the severity of the deterioration,

determine the best methods for solving pipe failures. Mexico

a plug or the installation of completely new pipes will be

has relatively few companies dedicated to this. Mexico City

required. Forty percent is not an acceptable percentage

is far from privatizing its system. Commercializing water

but we have a realistic goal of diminishing the leaks by 20

availability would be incongruent with the idea that it is a

percent as every pipeline in the world has some level of

human right. Even though the city enjoys a relationship with

exposure. It will take about seven years to accomplish the

private companies and the maintenance services they offer,

work and the amount of water saved could be distributed

that does not mean we are considering water privatization.

to areas that are severely lacking.

SACMEX is negotiating finance with FONADIN, the World Bank and BANOBRAS to fund our projects. We see credit

Q: What are Mexico City’s largest water infrastructure

as the one of the best strategies for medium to long-term


projects when used adequately.



Budget cutbacks have impacted Mexico’s ability to build

through alternative mechanisms by federal entities with

the infrastructure it sorely needs. In the water sector, the

operator income,” he says. “This model, which is attractive

country must invest at least MX$19.8 million (US$1.04

for the private investor, is becoming scarcer and the private

million) during the current administration to guarantee the

sector should take on projects with fewer guarantees and

availability of water, according to CONAGUA. As funds dry

less involvement from the federal government.”

up, the private sector should be given a bigger role, says water management company Aqualia. The government

With CONAGUA preparing to launch three tenders for

appears inclined to agree. Among CONAGUA’s catalog

water projects for NAICM, Aqualia is readying itself for

of 150 drinking water, sewage and sanitation projects, 10

participation. “We are interested in PPP projects for the

are planned under the PPP scheme, which increments the

construction and exploitation of 21 treatment plants

private sector’s participation by 56 percent in comparison

on the NAICM peripheries,” he says. “We have the best

to the previous presidential term.

technology for these projects, our experience is significant and we have built more than 100 of these types of plants.

Emilio Soler, Director of Latin America at Aqualia,

We now operate approximately 250 plants.” Aqualia was

believes the economic environment and budget cuts

involved in designing, building and equipping the Caracol

have significantly impacted the country’s ability to

pumping plant in Mexico City. The long-term contract

construct, improve and fix its water infrastructure systems.

model and financing is one of Aqualia’s strengths and

“CONAGUA was one of the federal entities worst affected

Soler believes the company can provide all the necessary

by the budget cuts and this has seriously affected

guarantees to CONAGUA and NAICM for the success of

investment in hydraulic infrastructure in the country,” he

the airport project.

says. “Not only have CONAGUA’s federal projects been limited but so too has the capacity of municipalities

The company, a unit of Spanish construction group FCC, is

to obtain investment. This is because the majority of

also delving into new areas of water treatment technologies.

operators are not self-sufficient and they depend a great

In July 2016, Aqualia signed an initial 18-month agreement

deal on federal support.”

with CENTA for the use of algae in water treatment, a process that could revolutionize the industry. Micro algae

The private sector could hold the key to solving funding

are an emerging biological resource in countries like the US,

issues and getting water infrastructure back on track,

France and Israel due to their many unique properties and

suggests Soler. He is confident about the willingness of the

applications. Some years ago, Aqualia began an innovative

private sector to contribute the necessary development

technological project to use micro algae for purification and

because there is great confidence in Mexico. “Companies

bioenergy, which allowed the company to obtain biofuels

like Aqualia can bring not only technology and experience

through the purification of residual water.

but also resources,” he says. “Private participation in water infrastructure is highly valued and is generally extremely

“Among the advantages and innovations of the project

successful. The potential is enormous but in Mexico the

is improved efficiency due to the rapid growth culture

political will to carry out these projects must be enhanced.”

provided by the micro algae,” says Soler. “Also, bacteria from wastewater can be eliminated and biomass can be

Most cases of successful private participation in water

simultaneously collected and processed for oil and other

saving and treatment were in Build-Operate-Transport

chemical extraction. This project was applied on a real

(BOT), says Soler. These were developed with partially

scale in the Chiclana municipality in Spain. The biofuels

recoverable private funds and supported by FONADIN.

produced by this technology equates to the annual

“The obligations to pay the private sector were guaranteed

consumption of a fleet of 400 vehicles.”



MEXICO’S WHITE ELEPHANT When it comes to water, the common refrain across the

the Caribbean have an average 91 percent. In sanitation,

country is simple, don’t drink it. This is good advice yet

81 percent of Mexico’s population has access to improved

the deeper issue may be rooted in a lack of infrastructure

facilities, such as toilets, a piped sewer system, septic tanks

and a dwindling resource that leaves many without proper

and latrines. But data from the National Water Program

access to the resource. As the government battles to fix a

for 2014-2019 tells a slightly different story. Of 34 states

dilemma that affects everyone, it believes the private sector

surveyed, 13 were classified as having deficient global

may hold the answer. In response to Mexico’s leaky water

access to basic water services. Guerrero, Oaxaca and

system, the government has introduced constitutional

Chiapas notched the lowest scores while Aguascalientes

reforms with the approved 2015 General Water Act, which

and Mexico City were out front with “adequate” services.

seeks to promote the participation of the private sector


in water management services. The general public, wary

Ramón Aguirre, Director General of Mexico City Water

that this means privatization, higher prices and adverse

Systems (SACMEX), says the country’s consumption levels

impacts on communities, has not welcomed the plan.

are 50 percent above the average rate of European and

But the financial resources that private companies can

Latin American cities. “Bogota satisfies its demand with

grant might be the extra boost the country’s punctured

29m3 every two months per household, while Mexico City

infrastructure needs, as long as it is coupled with proper

uses 32m3,” he says. “The water supply system will slowly

regulation and follow-up to guarantee access and viability.

start to deteriorate if we cannot lower consumption.” Considering the data, it is no surprise the Guardian

The regulatory changes are significant considering the

newspaper has labeled Mexico City the biggest consumer

released economic package for 2017 will have a much

of water in the world.

smaller budget than expected at the beginning of President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration in 2012.

The context of Mexico’s water system also has a

“CONAGUA was one of the federal entities most affected

secondary impact. Not only is the country one of the

by the public budget adjustment and this has seriously

largest consumers of bottled water in the world, research

affected the amount of investment in the country’s

from UNAM showed Mexico City ranks first in the world

hydraulic infrastructure,” says Emilio Soler, Director

for gastrointestinal infections from water consumption,

of Latin America at Aqualia. The Water Commission

mostly due to pipe leaks that permit the entrance of

estimates that infrastructure projects require around

deadly bacteria. “The administration of water resources

MX$306 billion (US$16.1 billion) to sustainably meet the

falls on the shoulders of each municipality in Mexico,” says

country’s water demand by 2030, a steep mountain to

Santiago Ortiz, Director General of GBM Infraestructura.

climb considering the weaker economic landscape. The

“Often, these municipalities lack the necessary economic

Bank of Mexico in late August lowered its growth outlook


for 2016 to between 1.7 and 2.5 percent from 2-3 percent,

efficiently.” To address the problem, the government has

which would be the lowest in decades.

decided to tap into private sector expertise, a move that







does not sit well with the country’s population. Either way, something must be done soon as the water supply could be running out, says Jeremy Josephs, a


contributor to Water and Wastewater International. He

In March 2015, waves rippled across the nation with the

believes Mexico City’s pipe system loses 11 cubic meters

approval of the constitutional reforms that included the

of water per second to leaks. The metropolis is also

amendment of the National Water Act. The amendments

unsustainable as it extracts “water from its aquifers at a


rate that is more than twice as fast as they are replenished,”

and the Basin Agencies, organizations that manage the

he says. “A wholesale review of the city’s approach to

country’s groundwater. Combined with the 38 initiatives

water management is required – and fast.”

and 32 programs of the 2030 Water Agenda, the result is a





national effort to reduce the country’s water shortage. The


mission of the National Water Act is to improve Mexico’s

The World Bank says 95 percent of the Mexican population

drainage system, provide for clean sources of freshwater

has access to an improved water source, which are

and protect the nation from natural disasters and floods.

structures that adequately protect water suppliers such as piped water, protected springs and rainwater from

CONAGUA has a special interest in promoting the

outside contamination. By comparison, Latin America and

participation of the private sector in municipalities that

have over 50,000 inhabitants as it believes these areas

The inclusion of the private sector is highly misunderstood

would benefit the most from the participation of the private

by the general public as seen by protests and a declaration

sector, as mentioned in its guide to PPPs. The focus on

from an group of civil society organizations that are

larger municipalities has caught the eye of environmental

concerned about the impact of the National Water

and human rights organizations that worry the new projects

Act. The Wharton Business School of the University of

will ignore smaller, more impoverished communities. The

Pennsylvania has added its voice, saying that as long as

Mexican Center for Environmental Rights (CEMDA) says

private participation is coupled with a commitment from

almost 9 million people in Mexico lack access to potable

the authorities to regulate outcomes, assure accessibility

water and of this number, 5 million are in rural areas. The

and viability and promote the inclusion of surrounding

biggest challenge the government faces on its path toward

communities, advances can be made.

closing the water availability breach and in complying with its promises on water infrastructure improvements is

Not surprisingly, such investments benefit the bottom

finding the financial resources and obtaining community

lines of private companies. The WHO estimated in

approval. This is where the controversial PPPs can help

2012 that investment return rates around the world for

bridge the gap between projects and investment.

sanitation facilities stood at US$5.5 per dollar invested. For potable water it was US$2 per dollar. The Wharton


Business School of the University of Pennsylvania

Considering the government had to create deep changes


in Mexico’s system, many fear that the National Water Act

attracting private investors, the promotion of projects

implies the complete privatization of the country’s water.

that go above and beyond to improve the efficiency of

CONAGUA created a guideline for the private sector’s

services in the community and the country, and lastly,

participation in water and sanitation facilities that explains

the inclusion of affected neighborhoods and indigenous

the details of the mechanism. It clarifies the distinction

groups to assuage their fears of being shortchanged. A

between privatization and private participation. The

cultural transformation could be emphasized as well to

former implies the sale of assets and the latter involves

avoid an irreversible water scarcity conflict and create an

collaboration with the public sector to provide services in

ecological consciousness among new generations. Most

water and sanitation that are based on agreements and

importantly, authorities could ensure the improvements

set time periods. The Water Commission allows private

created by PPPs improve water availability not just

participation specifically through service delivery contracts

for the wealthy but also for communities. A positive

and concessions. Privatization is allowed in the mechanism

relationship between the private and public sector

as a type of concession through the sale of assets but it is

and social spheres are the key to facing Mexico’s white

one of several types of participation the authorities permit.








1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4


Aguascalientes Baja California Baja California Sur Campeche Coahuila Colima Chiapas Chihuahua Durango Guanajuato Guerrero Hidalgo Jalisco Mexico City Michoacan Morelos Nayarit Nuevo Leon Oaxaca Puebla Queretaro Quintana Roo San Luis Potosi Sinaloa Sonora State of Mexico Tabasco Tamaulipas Tlaxcala Veracruz Yucatan Zacatecas National


Adequate: More than 0.79 Source: INEGI Source: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Regular: Between 0.64 and 0.79

Deficient: Less than 0.64



Atotonilco Wastewater Treatment


Total Investment (MX$ million)

Participation Scheme

Valley of Mexico


Eastern Drainage Tunnel (TEO)

Valley of Mexico


Not disclosed

Western Drainage Tunnel II (TEPII)

Valley of Mexico


Not disclosed

General Channel Tunnel

Valley of Mexico


Not disclosed

El Zapotillo Dam (Phase 1)



DBOT1 with a concession for operation

278 Not disclosed


El Zapotillo Dam (Phase 2)


Not disclosed

El Purgatorio Dam (Phase 1)


In accordance with Mexican Public Works Law 6,788

El Purgatorio Dam (Phase 2)


El Realito Dam (Phase 1)


In accordance with Mexican Public Works Law

Not disclosed

3,527 El Realito Dam (Phase 2)


Not disclosed

Built with the Mexican Public Works Law La Laja Dam (Phase 1)

Expected to be built with service provision


contract with an operating concession for 23 years 1,537 Built with the Mexican Public Works Law

La Laja Dam (Phase 2)


Expected to be built with service provision contract with an operating concession for 23 years

Winning Consortium


Funding Sources


51% Private Investment

49% National Infrastructure Trust Fund

Not disclosed

81.7% Federal Resources


Under construction

100% 1928 Trust Fund

Not disclosed

100% 1928 Trust Fund

• Promotora del Desarrollo de América Latina • Controladora de Operaciones de Infraestructura • Atlatec • Acciona Agua • Desarrollo y Construcciones Urbanas • Green Gas-Pioneer Crossing

Not disclosed

• Proacon México • Construcciones Aldesem • Regiomontana de Construcción y Servicios

• Ingenieros Civiles Asociados • Construcciones y Trituraciones

1928 Trust Fund

279 • La Peninsular Compañía Constructora • FCC Construcción


• Grupo Hermes

93.8% Federal Expenditure (PEF)

6.2% State Resources

58.7% Private Investment

41.3% National Infrastructure Trust Fund

• Abengoa México • Abeinsa Infraestructuras Medio Ambiente • Abeinsa


• Ingeniería y Construcción Industrial

• Isolux México • Corsan-Corviam

Scheduled to

• Ayesa Ingeniería y Arquitectura

begin 1Q18

• Ayesa México

56.6% State Resources




Federal Expenditure


Budget (PEF)

• Isolux México • Corsan-Corviam

Scheduled to

59.6% Private

40.4% National

• Ayesa Ingeniería y Arquitectura

begin 1Q18


Infrastructure Trust Fund


100% Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF)


58% Private

42% National



Infrastructure Trust Fund

Not disclosed

Not disclosed

100% Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF)

Not disclosed

Not disclosed

• Ayesa México • Constructora de Infraestructura Latinoamericana • Carso Infraestructura y Construcción • Desarrollo y Construcciones Urbanas • Pavimentaciones, Caminos y Compactaciones • Construcciones Zugusa • Tecnología y Sistemas • Conoisa (ICA) • Aqualia (FCC) • SAT (Mitsui)

61.3% Private

38.7% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund



Chapultepec Aqueduct


Total Investment (MX$ million)

Participation Scheme

In accordance with the Mexican Public Works Law 2,164

Chapultepec Complementary Work


Not disclosed

Will be built under a service provision Monterrey VI Project

San Luis Potosi


contract with an operating concession for 30 years (3 years of construction and 27 years of operation).


Vicente Guerrero-Victoria City



Riviera Veracruzana System









El Carrizal-La Paz

Baja California Sur


La Paz Wastewater Treatment Plant

Baja California Sur


La Paz Desalination Plant

Baja California Sur


Ensenada Desalination Plant

Baja California


In accordance with the Mexican Public Works Law

Expected to be built with a service provision contract with a concession operation

Expected to be built with a service provision contract with a concession operation

In accordance with the Mexican Public Works Law

In accordance with the Mexican Public Works Law

Not disclosed

Expected to be built with a service provision contract with a concession operation

DBOT1 with a concession for operation

Winning Consortium


Not disclosed


Funding Sources

49% Federal

51% State

Expenditure Budget



Not disclosed

Under Construction

49% Federal

51% State

Expenditure (PEF)


80% Private

20% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund

55% Federal

45% State

Expenditure Budget


• Concretos y Obra Civil del Pacífico • Controladora de Operaciones e Infraestructura • Desarrollos y Construcciones Rogar

Under review

• RECSA Concesiones • Productos y Estructuras de Concretos

Not disclosed

Under construction


Not disclosed

Contract not assigned

51% Private

49% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund

Not disclosed

Contract not assigned

61% Private

39% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund

55% Federal

45% State

Not disclosed


Expenditure Budget



Not disclosed

• Controladora de Operaciones de Infraestructura • FYPASA Construcciones Urbanas

Not disclosed

• OHL Medio Ambiente • Inima

Under construction

Not disclosed

Under review

Under review

76% Federal

24% State

Expenditure Budget



100% Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF)

60% Private

40% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund

69% Private

31% National


Infrastructure Trust Fund


Source: CONAGUA DBOT Scheme: Design, Built, Operate, and Transfer



COMPANIES TAP WATER TECH TO SOLVE SHORTAGES CARLA CASANOVA Head of Sales for Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela at GE Water


Q: What companies or clients are interested in GE Water’s

which a considerable number face the same limitations

technologies that enable the reuse of water?

as our Monterrey client in terms of water use. Due to

A: Water availability in Mexico has drastically changed

the increased scarcity of water in Mexico, we perceive

over the past 20 to 30 years and this unfortunate

a trend toward the recycling of water and GE Water

trend has forced many companies to reuse their own

is here to meet this demand, as our main focus is on

industrial effluent or resort to recycling municipal water

developing and offering water recycling solutions. Most

to compensate for shortages. There are several types of

of the large multinational companies have clear corporate

customers who want our technologies. The first are those

sustainability goals, so it facilitates our objective of

companies and organizations with specific sustainability

promoting water recycling.

goals. Another client might not have access or sufficient access to water when starting a project or expanding a

Q: What strategies has GE Water deployed to stay ahead

plant. This was the case with the plant we developed in

of the technology curve?

Monterrey where we treated the residual water and turned

A: Our best practices are found in our water recycling

it into demineralized water, which is purer than drinking

technologies and that has made us leaders in the segment.

water. The third and final type of customer we deal with

GE invests significant amounts of money into R&D of new

simply wants to use GE Water’s technologies to help

technologies for water recycling because innovation is at

the environment. These clients do not approach us with

the core of our business. The company is constantly on the

financial goals in mind but simply out of their dedication

lookout for new opportunities and new niches that have

to contributing to a healthy environment.

yet to be fully explored. GE Water bought IMP, a company that produces membranes, and we also acquired Monsal,

Q: What impact is the Monterrey water plant having on

a company that makes anaerobic wastewater treatment

the potential for similar projects?

systems. There is a constant interest in growing with new,

A: Monterrey is situated in northern Mexico so it

innovative technologies. That is not to say that it is easy to



compete with companies that continue to use conventional

government granted the company permission to build





technologies but our unique selling point lies in the fact that

the plant on condition we use wastewater from the

we seek to differentiate ourselves through innovation.

municipality and implement drainage systems to prevent effluent being released into the rivers. We provided our

Q: What factors favor using the company’s water reuse

client with a technological solution in which all municipal


residual water could be processed through a zero liquid

A: GE Water has a particular focus on water recycling

discharge system so that no liquids would leave the plant.


Through this process, liquid waste is replaced with a solid

technologies are produced with materials that are not

mass, which is much easier to handle in terms of disposal.

harmful to the environment and our philosophy on

This allowed our client to meet the regulations imposed

environmental conservation permeates all our business

by the government and means the plant will not consume

decisions. Regarding water recycling as a partial solution

freshwater from the municipality, creating an added social

to complex water issues, we see three main factors on a

benefit. This is the biggest combined cycle project in

global scale, scarcity being the first. Secondly, water is

Mexico, equipped entirely with GE technologies for power

difficult to treat. And thirdly, regulations regarding water

and water facilities.

usage are becoming more stringent around the world.







While certain countries may not yet realize the importance We are seeing a significant increase in interest for this type

of using water sustainably, those that are dealing with the

of project. CFE has launched several energy projects, of

reality of water scarcity are willing to pay for our services.


WHOLESALE CHANGES NEEDED TO TACKLE WATER SHORTAGE In a country like Mexico that suffers from severe water

“Unfortunately many companies want the cheapest

shortages, adequate treatment is essential. Mexico City,

available solution when they decide to invest in water

where one out of every six Mexicans lives and works,

treatment but the cheapest options on the market are

does not have any natural water source and must pump

particularly poor quality,” says López. “Few companies

it in from neighboring states. As the shortage becomes

design plants that comply with all the necessary

more pronounced, the private and public sectors

regulations and provide a quality, fairly priced service.”

have a responsibility to work together to develop the infrastructure and technology needed to maximize

To thrive in the market here, Aclara has had to be

the available resources, says Antonio López, Director

adaptable and flexible. Verticalization, an increasingly

General of Aclara.

popular phenomenon in Mexico City as building space within the capital’s volcanic perimeter runs out, has

The Mexican water treatment plant manufacturer and

forced the company to pivot away from their standardized

designer, which has installed more than 500 plants

designs, models and plants to provide unique solutions

across Mexico, the US and Latin America, is well aware

to its clients’ specific challenges. 283

of the scale of the problem. López believes that water handling processes in Mexico require wholesale changes to







processes in Mexico are not sufficiently developed,” he says. “Currently only 37-40 percent of the country’s

“We have developed new plant models, including the

water is properly treated. It is a big problem.”

Aclara Plantas PAQUETE,

For López, an important contributing factor is that

which are portable and more

companies in Mexico are simply not clued-up on how to handle their water supply. Although executives may have good intentions to maximize their resources, without the necessary knowledge, technology and infrastructure this cannot be achieved. This is true for the public and

compact than our traditional solutions” Antonio López, Director General of Aclara

private sector in equal measure, according to Lopez. “We have developed new plant models, including the “Most of our clients are not aware of the regulations with

Aclara Plantas PAQUETE, which are portable and more

which they have to comply, the standards they have to

compact than our traditional solutions,” López says.

meet and the potential sanctions they could be subjected

“These designs are completely adjustable to a project’s

to if they do not act accordingly,” he says. “Many

size, location and specification, allowing the user to

government officials, particularly at a municipal level,

handle water in a much smaller space than previously

also are oblivious to the resources available to them.”


One of the most important requirements that Mexican

Despite the significant strides the company has made,

companies have to meet is detailed in the NOM 003

López insists that the country lacks the infrastructure

SEMARNAT 1997, which states that treated water must

that Aclara and its competitors need to design their

be safe for indirect and direct human usage. To help

treatment plants. The government must support water-

corporates comply, Aclara has developed the Aclara

handling companies through maintenance and operation,

003 treatment model, which enables users to apply

as well as building and designing new plants themselves.

the treated water to a whole range of services from

Only then will the country provide a more reliable water

gardening and car washing to washrooms and showers.

service and be in a position to get on top of the problem.

Thanks to its multifunctional characteristics, this is the most popular of the company’s six treatment models but

“The government helps corporates fulfill the water

López believes that the Mexican culture of opting for the

requirements,” he says. “But unfortunately it does not

most convenient option has to change if the country is to

support companies like Aclara that design and construct

emerge from its water crisis.

the treatment plants. This has to change.”



Q: Why did Grupo EPM decide to establish its Ticsa

state of Tamaulipas near Tampico through which we will

sewage management subsidiary in the Mexican market?

become suppliers to PEMEX in the area for 25 years. These

A: Since Grupo EPM is funded publically, we take an

types of projects are interesting because PEMEX will pay

extremely cautious approach to investing. Before entering

less for their water usage and the municipality can sell

Mexico, we had already studied the market for over five

its sewage water to PEMEX. This is a mutually beneficial

years. The country has one of the world’s most important

situation that sets the example for the recycling of sewage

economies and the opportunities here are numerous.

water for industrial use.

Mexico’s 284






similar to those in our home base Colombia as both were

Q: What steps is the government taking to improve the

modelled after the Chilean and UK regulatory frameworks.

country’s water management system?

These have been successful with well-established goals.

A: The number of projects developed in 2015 was much

In energy sector development, water treatment is an

lower than expected but the government is preparing for

important element. We are constructing a plant in the

changes in water management. The government is revising


VISION NEEDED FOR LONG-TERM WATER SOLUTIONS JAIME CONTRÓ Director of Engineering and Industrial Relations at ADS Mexicana

Q: How significant is the infrastructure sector for ADS?

applications. ADS is also starting to manufacture the same

A: Infrastructure accounts for 60-65 percent of ADS’s

products with polypropylene resin (PP).

business because our core business is in sewage and drainage. Sewage entails sanitary and storm systems

Besides these, we have many other product lines,

within cities whereas drainage includes solutions for

including underground structures like manholes, which

agriculture, highways and commercial developments,

complement our pipes. Through these complementary

both from the public and private sector. The rest of our

products we are able to provide a complete solution rather

business comes from mining through piping sold to mining

than simply manufacturing the pipe. We also treat storm

companies for leaching processes. Our piping can also be

water, eliminating sand and debris and we work with both

applied to agriculture, with piping for canals and drainage

the public and private sectors.

to increase land efficiency. We also provide conduit and Q: What is the balance of your portfolio between the

telecommunications piping.

public and private sector? The original product we produce is corrugated high-

A: We have seen an important shift in the balance for



infrastructure because the amount of government funding

infrastructure applications. We manufacture diameters of





has been reduced to 25 percent from 50 percent of total

4-60in, meaning our piping has a great deal of outdoor

project expenditure in Mexico. Most of the spending now

several policies with which it wants to implement higher

A: We see PPPs in Mexico as an opportunity and they

quality standards and make processes more efficient. This

are gaining momentum in the industry. Many companies

redesign of existing programs also will create many more

are talking about working through PPPs but in reality

opportunities for CONAGUA to support municipalities. We

the number of available projects is lacking. There are

have identified this as an important niche in the market

challenges to working in these types of partnerships and

that will require management and strategic planning. In

if a company does not have a long credit history, gaining

Colombia, a person can safely drink tap water but that

financing becomes a difficult hurdle to overcome. As it

is not recommended in Mexico. It is crucial that there is

stands, we are looking for alternative financial resources

continuity among municipalities, especially when it comes

and we believe that there will be many opportunities for

to the distribution and pumping of water by truck. This

us in the future. We want to demonstrate the abilities and

method of water distribution consumes excessive amounts

values of a public firm, which can work as a reference for

of energy and because the quality of water cannot be

the international market on how a public company can

monitored, it is sometimes unsafe to consume. The storage

work as a private one.

of water in tanks also reduces water quality and makes the distribution process more complex. There are many

Grupo EPM also pays close attention to the environmental

areas of opportunity in these processes and institutions

aspects of projects, especially when talking about water

such as CONAGUA and IDB are becoming more involved

management. Many regions lack sufficient water supply

in methods to improve the quality and the distribution of

while others have a surplus. The country’s infrastructure

water. Significant investment and the development of new

and communities are not prepared for the changes in

regulations are required to make the necessary changes.

water supply that will demand a change in habits and practices in the future. These changes will require a great

Q: How will the development of PPPs improve Mexico’s

amount of commitment and infrastructure and we are

water management sector?

ready to help the country make this transition.

goes toward flagship projects like the New Mexico City

pipes are completely watertight, meaning they prevent

International Airport (NAICM). The problem is that there

soil contamination caused by leakages. The cost of the

is little left for the majority of infrastructure projects and

finished project may be similar to using concrete piping

the private sector must assume the financing and the risk.

but when factoring in the product’s lifespan, we can help

Mining is a cyclical industry and experiences many peaks

to reduce costs not in terms of the initial outlay but over

and troughs. Similarly, the housing segment has faced

the entire lifetime of the infrastructure.

turmoil since 2008 but is now beginning to rebound. The automotive industry boom in the Bajio region has created

Q: How deeply has ADS penetrated the market for

a lot of business for our solutions. The few infrastructure

infrastructure piping?

projects the government is investing in are coming

A: ADS Mexicana accounts for almost 80,000km of

through PPPs, instead of full government investment, and

installed piping in Mexico. We have four plants in the

the budget is not used efficiently.

country and our market share is around 50 percent despite the number of competitors that have tried to replicate

Q: What advantages do HDPE and PP piping bring to the

our success. As an example, ADS supplied and installed

infrastructure sector?

around 80 percent of the storm sewers in Guanajuato’s

A: To manufacture 1m of HDPE or PP piping, the carbon

automotive cluster.

footprint is much lower than manufacturing the same amount of concrete piping. Secondly, the installation and

We are providing piping for the Mexico-Toluca train project

construction is by far the fastest, meaning fewer delays

and we are prepared to begin working on NAICM. In Mexico’s

and cost and time savings. Moreover, concrete pipe lasts

largest wastewater treatment plant in Hidalgo, we provided

between 20-25 years whereas our pipes have passed

considerable amounts of piping. Moreover, 90 percent of

laboratory testing that shows they can be used for over

the piping installed in Nuevo Leon’s new KIA facility is ADS

100 years.

Mexicana piping. The turf drainage installed in the country’s new soccer stadiums, including in Aguascalientes, Torreon,

Our technologies can also resolve the issues faced in

Monterrey and Guadalajara, was provided by ADS, as well

Mexico City in terms of pipe leakage and lost water. This of

as the storm water drainage in the Formula 1 Hermanos

course has a knock-on effect on the environment since our

Rodriguez race track in Mexico City.





Q: What are the main challenges of recycling waste

and sustainable bathrooms to help solve the lack of

material in Mexico?

proper sanitary facilities in marginalized regions of Latin

A: In Mexico, Tetra Pak is created with white, long-fiber

America. We have a prototype that is easily transported

cellulose, which we recover and sell to the paper industry.

and assembled in rural areas. Considering that a large

Recycling waste material is important because producing

percentage of our target population does not know how

a ton of virgin cellulose requires 13 trees, which is a concern

to read, we have included color-coded instructions for

considering the amount of cellulose used in the world.

assembling the product. Verdek also is considering the

We also lower carbon emissions by reducing the need

construction of self-assembled rooms for impoverished

to import this material, which is not produced in Mexico.

areas, with the public Un Cuarto Más (One More Room)

Designing a process that incorporated the thousands of

program. The goal is to build 400,000 extra rooms

tons of multilayer packages thrown out annually in the

for low-income families to diminish overcrowding and

country, 85 percent of which are Tetra Pack, was the first


challenge we faced. In 2008, only 8 percent of these

modules also can be used for educational facilities. We

packages were recycled. The number has increased to 18

also help by formalizing recycling. We do not work with

percent thanks to initiatives like Verdek’s.

companies that do not provide invoices, giving us stricter





control over our expenditures and resources. Cleaning Tetra Pak waste was another obstacle we faced because that entailed the separation of different layers,

With these initiatives, we are looking to transform Verdek

which traditionally required expensive equipment. After

into a socially responsible company. We have plans to build

several trials, we found a cost-competitive process to

a new factory in Monterrey in partnership with a successful

clean the Tetra Pak and efficiently separate the plastic

waste management company already operating in the city.

and aluminum layers from the cellulose. We avoid using

Guadalajara is also a potential location for our business

chemicals, which makes our process even cheaper by

but we still need to analyze elements such as the presence

eliminating the need for wastewater treatment equipment.

of cellulose consumers in the region.

Now, Tetra Pak factories in Mexico are starting to shift

Q: What have been the company’s biggest achievements?

to brown cellulose, which represents a new challenge

A: One of our biggest achievements has been certifying

for us. Globally, its subsidiaries are encouraged to

our recycled building panels under the SCS Global Services

increase recycled materials, which motivates them to

seal, becoming the first company of our kind to earn this

support initiatives like Verdek’s as part of their corporate

recognition. The certification considers different aspects

sustainability strategy. It is difficult for them to support us

of the process, including water usage, which is one of our

here because Mexico does not have the proper regulations

strengths. Verdek’s process uses the same water five times

in place. Mexico lags behind other Latin American

before disposal. The wastewater contains only traces of

countries that are planning to pass laws holding companies

cellulose that can be used as a fertilizer in agricultural

accountable for the residue of their products. Argentina,

fields. Local farmers usually come to collect the remaining

Bolivia and Brazil are among the nations considering these

water, which can otherwise be discarded in drainage


without negatively impacting the environment. Generally, recycling companies tend to use artisan practices while we

Q: What social impact is Verdek having in the country?

rely on a system that is 90 percent automated. We even

A: In Mexico, 1.1 million families do not have access to

reject a certain amount of materials due to the lack of

decent bathrooms, which negatively impacts their quality

capacity. It is a positive sign that we might soon have to

of life. We are considering the production of affordable

expand thanks to our success.



Q: Which characteristics make the Solid Rain product

from the roots nor from surrounding plants, functioning

environmentally friendly and value added?

solely by absorbing liquid water. The purpose of watering

A: Solid Rain is a product derived from petroleum and the

systems is to keep the roots of the plants humid. Using

polymers are composed of carbon atoms, which are held

Solid Rain as a watering system maximizes the use of water

together by electric charges. When this product comes

because the water does not evaporate or filter through. As

in contact with water, the bonds begin to detach and

a result of eliminating various wasteful factors, the plant

undergo a molecular adhesion process. This converts liquid

can absorb almost all the available water, allowing farmers

water into solidified water fragments. Many believe that

to save up to 90 percent of their water. Most plants using

because it is derived from petroleum it will contaminate

Solid Rain are watered after an average of every 165 days,

the environment but because it is not soluble in water,

reducing water usage by almost 99 percent.

it does not contaminate its surroundings. The product contains carbon, nitrogen, potassium and hydrogen, which

Q: What applications does Solid Rain have for other

are nonpolluting elements and could actually be used as


nutrients if the product was soluble. It is important that

A: Solid Rain has been used to help restore vegetation in

the product is not soluble because its main purpose is to

certain ecosystems, strengthening the food chain. Some

retain humidity. Each particle has the ability to retain up to

companies also have adapted our product into their

500 times its own weight in water, so 1kg can hold up to

business models. One company combines ice with Solid

250l of water. As humidity decreases Solid Rain returns to

Rain to ensure the ice keeps its solid form during food

its original dust-like state and continues to absorb water

delivery. This keeps the merchandise from getting wet

for up to 10 years.

and maintains the cold temperature it needs to stay fresh. The product also has been used to stop bushfires from

Q: How much water could Solid Rain help conserve in the

expanding. Firefighters create a perimeter of Solid Rain

long term?

around the fire. When it reaches the boundary, the fire dies

A: We have conducted many different experiments over

out on its own.

the past 11 years with a variety of plants. One example involved placing plants in pots along with soda bottle

Q: What impact can Solid Rain have on the usage and

caps filled with our product. We use those caps as our

management of water resources in Mexico?

measuring unit because in rural areas they do not have

A: Solid Rain can help reduce poverty, migration and

measuring weights and we use what is most appropriate

hunger worldwide and we are achieving these goals in

for the end user. For every liter of water, one bottle cap

many regions. When ejidos cut down trees, stopping the

of product is used. In our experiments, we would place

filtration of water, they are left with undrinkable water,

a plant in 5l of soil and 5l of water along with 5 bottle

causing various health problems. These communities

caps of Solid Rain to create a uniform distribution. The soil

are automatically resistant to change but we have

absorbs the Solid Rain and it is no longer necessary to

begun to help them develop more appropriate rainwater

water the plant until the plant’s leaves demand it.

management and collection systems. The majority of the population does not collect rain water and in large cities,

Another study conducted on the trees of Mexico City

the water is wasted as it runs off into drains and mixes

showed they did not need to be watered for five months

with sewage. These communities now store rain water

unless there was a drop in humidity of more than 50 percent.

with Solid Rain in cloth sacks for the dry seasons of the

The soil around the trees remained dry throughout those

year. They are able to grow their crops using last year’s

months because the product retains the greatest amount

rain without having to depend on the amount of rain that

of water possible. Solid Rain does not extract humidity

will fall that year.




ATOTONILCO Mexico City was not always the concrete jungle it is today. During the reign of the Aztecs, the city was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, with canoes used to navigate the connecting canals and advanced water management techniques to mitigate damage to the area’s biodiversity. It was only when the Spanish settlers arrived and built over Tenochtitlan, extending its area to cover the expanse of water without taking the proper precautions, that the city began to experience problems. As a result of the mistreatment of the land and overpumping from the lake bed, Mexico City now finds itself sinking into a chasm of its own making, in the face of chronic flooding, a shrinking infrastructure budget and a shortage of clean water. As the population increases, so too does the amount of waste water. The overpumping of water from the city’s aquifer also has intensified, and the fact that the city is covered by asphalt and cement means that replenishment is limited to only 8 percent of annual rainfall. With a problem that involves both flooding during wet season and a shortage of clean drinking water, several initiatives have been attempted to address these inherently linked issues. At the beginning of the 20th century, President Porfirio Diaz inaugurated the 47.5km Gran Canal to carry sewage from the city. Additionally, the Cutzamala water system carries clean water from other states, flowing through seven dams and several hundred kilometers of pipes. This is still not sufficient to meet demand and around 40 percent of the clean water is lost through inefficient piping. As a response to Mexico’s growing water crisis, CONAGUA constructed the Atontilco wastewater treatment plant, the largest of its kind in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. The plant in Guanajuato state has an average capacity of 23,000l/s, with the potential for an extra 12,000l/s during the rainy season. The system digests anaerobic sludge through 28 points measuring 13,500m3 each, with which methane can be derived to be used for generation of electricity. This allows the plant to power itself, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sludge volume. The project is designed to mitigate the contamination of the Valle de Mezquital, which has been an unrelenting problem over the last 100 years. Not only will the treatment plant improve living conditions for more than 700,000 people, it will lead to diversified cultivation of more than 80,000 hectares of land and will allow for the exploration of new economic sectors such as ecotourism.




In fact, the main problem Campos perceives across the

water treatment plants but

coming from both federal and local authorities. “The few

there is not enough capital to

infrastructure industry is the lack of public investment resources that are invested are allocated to projects that are sometimes not necessary or that will only provide a

invest. The government has

temporary solution to a perceived problem, rather than

different priorities”

by the authorities in terms of infrastructure investment.

Braulio Campos, Director General of Hercules

target the development of the most urgent projects. If

Construcciones de Monterrey

federal authorities cannot allocate the required resources

long-term solutions,” he says. “Few states are being favored The government needs to participate in more PPPs that

to meet infrastructure demands, then local authorities


One measure of the degree of development in a city is

must try to combine efforts with the public sector to

its water management infrastructure. Braulio Campos,

construct the needed projects.” He believes that Monterrey

Director General of Monterrey-based construction firm

would benefit from this kind of partnership. “As part of

Hercules Construcciones de Monterrey, says that more

the private industry, whenever we try to provide a solution

than 90 percent of the water in the city goes through

for specific infrastructure problems the authorities often

water treatment processes. This, he says, is a strong

overlook our solution,” he says. “Solutions should always

sign of development. Hercules has participated in the

come from the authorities, regardless of the functioning

construction of water treatment plants across various

or practicality of the proposed option.”

municipalities in Monterrey, including a small watertreatment plant near Cadereyta that treats 150l/s and

As a result, Hercules’ participation in public sector

the Dulces Nombres plant that treats up to 14,000l/s.

projects has been substantially reduced in recent years.

The company’s expertise also extends to other states.

“A few years ago, around 50 percent of our income came

“In Puebla we worked on the construction of storm

from projects with the government whereas now, this

drainages,” says Campos. “When carrying out this

would be impossible,” Campos says. “For construction

project, we noticed that to avoid paying for public

companies it is important to find new clients.” This has

services, people connect their house drainage systems

pushed Hercules to broaden its scope and take an interest

with storm drainage, contributing to clogging problems.”

in participating in new sectors. “At Hercules, we are interested in participating as investors in new real estate

Despite promises made by the NIP, Campos believes that

projects,” he says.

actions have fallen short in terms of water and waste infrastructure. “There has been investment in drainage

Despite the lowered level of public investment in

systems and water treatment plants but we cannot say

infrastructure projects, the gap is quickly being filled by

that plant construction is a growing business,” he says.

instruments like Fibras and this is beginning to create

“There is a high demand for water treatment plants but

greater traction for the real estate industry. Campos

there is not enough capital to invest. The government

expects this to quickly trickle down to benefit construction

has different priorities.” The situation in Monterrey has

companies like Hercules. “We are taking place in a project

reached the point where it is becoming common for

to build the Torre Obispado tower in Monterrey, which will

associations of private citizens to buy water collectors

be the tallest building in Latin America,” says Campos.

with the purpose of trying to perform very basic water

“We are contributing with land preparation and we hope

treatment so the water can be recycled, according to

we can continue our participation in the next stages of

Campos. “In Mexico, bottled water is economical when

the project.” Nevertheless, he maintains the federal and

compared to the necessary investment that is required

local authorities must start investing more resources in the

to run water treatment plants,” Campos says. He believes

construction industry across all of Nuevo Leon where the

this may go some way to explaining government

company primarily operates. “Currently, private industry

reluctance to spend on this kind of infrastructure,

is keeping the infrastructure sector afloat and this is

especially in light of budget restrictions caused by low

not sustainable,” he says. “We need the government to

oil prices.

continue investing in projects.”









Uninformed decisions now can create big problems down the road. Take the construction of Mexico City. The sprawling metropolis was built on shaky foundations and now finds itself steadily sinking into the remains of Lake Texcoco. “When a municipality builds a street there is a general lack of oversight, meaning that construction is not carried out in a properly sustainable manner,” says Rogelio Mora, Director General of Nabohi, a consultancy and manufacturer of sewage and wastewater treatment equipment that works with public authorities across the country and also has a strong distribution network in the US.

“When a municipality builds a street there is a general lack of oversight, meaning that construction is not carried out in a properly sustainable manner” Rogelio Mora, Director General of Nabohi


Mora believes that services like those provided by Nabohi must become essential for municipalities to avoid later

public, authorities do not want to spend on it, preferring to

complications. “In Mexico there is no prevention culture.

spend on more striking and eye-catching infrastructure.”

To avoid floods, for example, a consultancy service would inform local authorities that the sanitation network needs

Drainage infrastructure is not only necessary but also

to be constructed first, then the stations for re-pumping

represents an important source of employment for locals,

wastewater to treatment plants. This infrastructure not only

who can easily build sanitation networks. Water treatment

prevents flooding but also allows the recycling of water.”

plants, however, need to be constructed by electro-mechanic specialists. Municipal authorities also need to enforce

Prevention can be a cure that comes in many forms, Mora

regulations, Mora says, particularly on illegal settlements

says. For example, cities with large urban concentrations

that are the most effected whenever there are floods.

that impede the reconstruction of infrastructure would benefit from aqueducts or pipelines with larger diameters

Mora believes the government’s role in this kind of

that allow the passage of larger volumes of water. “Mexico

infrastructure development is necessary to spark a change

City and the adjacent municipalities from the State of

in culture. “The government needs to promote prevention

Mexico keep growing and expanding but discharge pipes

campaigns that target the public’s awareness of the dangers

are not growing,” he says. “This means whenever it rains,

of throwing garbage and food down the drain,” he says. “The

the city floods. Here, prevention plays an important role,

dangers and disadvantages of neglecting the sanitation of

especially considering that year after year the floods get

the city, such as the proliferation of rodents and cockroaches,

worse.” He points out that climate change is generating

need to be emphasized. The city and its corresponding

more rain and if rain patterns are changing then the

political divisions need to invest in sanitation.” A water

infrastructure needs to change accordingly. Mexico City is

treatment plant in the Iztapalapa area of Mexico City would

gradually upgrading its sanitation network but Mora does

require a MX$800 million (US$42.1 million) investment but

not believe this is being done fast enough. “Unfortunately,

the benefits would surpass the cost, especially if it could

there is no quick-fix solution,” he says.

recycle water. The construction of a water treatment plant would provide the city with the necessary water when the

Due to territorial extension, population density and

Cutzamala system is undergoing maintenance.

the amount of garbage generated, the city also needs constant maintenance. Frequent protests in the streets

Mora calls on the authorities to prioritize the topic of water.

generate garbage that clog storm drains. The expenses

Private companies can participate in the construction of

related to regular maintenance of sanitation networks and

water management infrastructure but water sanitation

establishing re-pumping wastewater stations are high but

processes are managed entirely by local governments.

necessary, says Mora. “One of the most common problems

“Although providing concessions to private companies

we face is trying to convince the authorities of the need for

might seem like a good idea this might have negative

drainage infrastructure, regardless of the price,” he says.

consequences since it could hike water prices,” he says. “We

“Since this kind of infrastructure is usually hidden from the

need to make sure that every person has access to water.”



THE CHALLENGES OF THE BASIN OF MEXICO CARLOS SALAS Title C Professor of Scientific Investigation at the National Institute of History and Anthropology (INAH)


The Basin of Mexico is an endorheic cavity, as it has no

the north arrived to the central highlands. The last to arrive

natural outlet. This immense bowl filled with lakes formed

was the Mexica culture, founding Mexico-Tenochtitlán in

from a confluence of runoffs after the emergence of the

1325 after uniting with Texcoco and Tacuba against the

Chichinahuatzin mountain range. It was then enclosed by

people of Azcapotzalco. The basin has been exploited and

mountain ranges in the north, east and west, forming an

man-made since then because of its natural resources.

elongated depression where volcanic elevations can be

People took advantage of the local flora and fauna through

observed. These clearly demonstrate a fracture within the

chinampas, a humidity crop system that reached its peak

19 parallel that extends to the Revillagigedo Islands in the

between the 14th and 16th centuries. Since fresh water was

pacific. This fracture formed secondary faults that led to

of the essence, the locals devised a series of projects, or

volcanic eruptions. During the Pliocene Epoch, tensional

albarradas, with the purpose of containing, regulating and

fissures were formed from N-NW to S-SE, giving birth to the

draining the lakes.


Sierra Nevada volcanoes including Tlaloc, Telapón, Papayo and Itztaccíhualt. In parallel, the Ajusco and Sierra de las

Springs located at the foot of the mountain were the

Cruces emerged to create what is now called the “Valley of

source for drinking water, which was transferred through

Mexico,” irrigated by the water that poured from the Sierra

open aqueducts. One of the most important Mexica

de las Cruces, Guadalupe and Sierra Nevada. These streams

hydraulic infrastructure projects was the Albarradón de

formed lakes where large amounts of volcanic ash were

Nezahualcóyotl, built between 1440 and 1503 to honor

deposited, causing new variations in the environmental

Texcoco’s king. Its main function was to separate fresh and

characteristics of the basin.

brackish waters, starting from the Cerro de la Estrella and ending in northern Atzacoalco. This infrastructure permitted

The lake system of the basin was made up of five bodies

the development of the chinampa system in places where

with waters of different character. Chalco and Xochimilco

they could not be previously installed due to the water’s



high mineral content. During Mexica rule, several albarradón

consumption due to the large amounts of debris they

projects were constructed as a part of a grand hydraulic

contain. Zumpango, Xaltocan and Texcoco were brackish

control system, all of them leading to Tenochtitlán.







lakes. During the rainy seasons, the surrounding mountain ranges would merge these five lakes because the basin did

During the conquest of Tenochtitlan, Hernán Cortés took

not have a permanent internal source that would contribute

advantage of the lake and its water systems to siege the

to level of the lakes.

city for 90 days, retreating on Aug. 13, 1521 after capturing Cuauhtemoc. Cortés sought to construct his new Spanish

Archeological findings in Tlapacoya provide evidence

city in Coyoacan. However, he changed his mind in favor

that this region had been inhabited by hunters and

of Tenochtitlan’s ruins to avoid an uprising. The materials

gatherers more than 25,000 years ago, supported by the

of the ancient temples and natives’ homes were used to

Tepexpan Man and the Peñon Woman whose remains date

build the new city, including part of the aqueducts since

back approximately 6,000 years. The consolidation of

Cortés did not think they were useful. By 1521, the water

agriculture in the formative period (3000 B.C to 200 A.C)

levels began to decrease as a result of the over-exploitation

encouraged the formation of urban sprawls. After Xitle’s

of the forests surrounding the lakes.

eruption in the 2


century, people from Cuicuilco migrated

to the northeast lakes, laying the ground for Teotihuacan,

In 1555, the city suffered its first major flood followed by

one of the most important cities of Mesoamerica. After

another in 1579. By 1580, a “general drain” was designed

its demise in the 7th century, its habitants spread to other

but the project did not go through in full due to elevated

century, groups from

costs. However, after the flood of 1604, the city looked

areas of the lake region. By the 9


for a definitive solution, leading to the implementation

initiating the quick sinking of the city. Through the 1940s to

of the general drainage system. Among other proposals,

the 1970s, rivers that once disembogued in the basin were

cosmographer Enrico Martínez proposed a tunnel running

sealed and their ancient channels were transformed into

toward the north of the basin, passing through Huehuetoca,


that would drift the waters of the Tula River, which connects to the Panuco River and then empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

“During Díaz’s administration,

The project was not completed as only the waters of the

the country finally achieved

Cuautitlan River were diverted. In 1623, the Marquis of Galvez shut down the Huehuetoca tunnel but in 1627 the basin flooded again, followed by three more disasters in 1627, 1628 and 1629, which lasted until 1634. After this eternal flood, the general drainage project was restarted but with a plan to direct the flow into an opencast instead of a tunnel. The construction was concluded in 1789. Although not as severe, the floods nonetheless continued, aided by urbanization that shortened the lakes’ banks.

economic stability and Mexico City initiated a period of growth mainly toward the occidental region” Carlos Salas, Title C Professor of Scientific Investigation at the National Institute of History and Anthropology (INAH)

In the first half of 19 century there was not much progress th

due to the Independence War in 1810 and a long period

In the 1950s, the drainage system went through a great

of political instability that ended with Porfirio Díaz’s

expansion even though the city continued to have grave

government in 1876. By the second half of the century,

problems in managing rain and waste water. The General

another alternative for general drainage was proposed

Direction of Hydraulic Works was created in 1953 and

by engineer Francisco de Garay. He proposed a series of

established the “General Plan to Solve Subsidence, Flooding,

connections between the lakes in the basin starting at

and Drinking Water Supply in Mexico City.” This plan was

Chalco Lake and ending at Zumpango Lake, draining the

modified as years passed until it was able to offer a definite

excess water in the Tula River with a tunnel running next to

solution to flooding and drainage. In 1975, the “Mexico City’s

Tequisquiac. Unfortunately, this project was not carried out

Deep Drainage Project” was instated and because of the

due to insufficient financial resources. In 1856 the Chalco

constant work to drain the basin from the mid-20th century,

Channel, now known as the Garay Channel, was built to

as well as the exponential growth of the city during the

connect Xochimilco with Texcoco to prevent flooding in

‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, the lakes disappeared almost entirely.

the south. During Maximiliano of Hapbsburg’s reign, the

Xochimilco had to be rehabilitated in 1951 by diverting

Emperor gave the green light to Garay’s project which

the channel of Churubusco to salvage the chinampa area.

began construction in 1866. However, with the ending of

Meanwhile, the Texcoco disappeared completely and

the French invasion, the initiative was again cancelled.

artificial lakes were created for the ecological recovery of the region. Zumpango and Xaltoca were also drained entirely

During Díaz’s administration, the country finally achieved

and replaced by countless housing units. Mexico City’s deep

economic stability and Mexico City initiated a period of

drainage has contributed to flood control but the problem is

growth mainly toward the occidental region, creating new

still present. After the overflow of the Compañía Channel in

colonies along the ancient road to Tacuba. The construction

Chalco, a new tunnel had to be planned. Ecological projects

of the Great Channel was revisited by opening the tunnel

to restore the lakes of Texcoco, Xochimilco and Tláhuac have

of Tequisquiac and completing its construction on March

also been carried out.

17, 1900. After the Revolution in 1910, the country fell once again into chaos until the 1930s. The city began expanding

Mexico City and the metropolitan area are an example

into the previous lakebeds, creating a challenging situation

of bad urbanization and grave subsoil problems due to

in the city’s planning and service provision. The year 1937

indiscriminate groundwater extraction, pollution and bad

sparks the construction of the second tunnel towards

water usage. More water has to be brought from another

Tequisquiac finished by 1954. However, even with these

basin to meet the needs of the city and groundwater

projects the flooding was not completely suppressed.

continues to be extracted with obvious consequences. Now, the project for the New Mexico City International Airport

The city continued to grow expeditiously, occupying

(NAICM) intends to exploit land that once was devoted

areas that were once dedicated solely to agriculture.

to tillage and was traditionally the lakebed. Although the

This increased the need for drinking water, leading to

project is intended to be self-sufficient, what will be the

the meticulous extraction of water from the subsoil and

repercussions inherited by future generations?




Innovation is key to the construction of sustainable and resilient infrastructure of the future. As the challenges become more complex, companies are innovating to find new solutions to the construction of infrastructure. When it comes to materials, Mexico’s rich mining deposits offer a steady supply to steel and cement producers and as for commerce, its numerous FTAs and proximity to the US make it the perfect destination for manufacturing new products. Infrastructure companies are integrating new technologies, such as drones, to assist in the construction and maintenance processes of large projects. Mexico is known for its rich heritage and companies are integrating artisanal materials and designs into their products. Companies are facing the challenge of adapting their prices to rising commodity costs and the depreciation of the peso, without compromising profit margins.

This chapter provides insights from a combination of innovative companies that are providing the industry with materials and technologies that will transform the country’s infrastructure in the future. These companies provide services to different sectors within the industry and have found unmatched opportunities in Mexico. Stakeholders share the strategies the companies adopt to put their human capital first and to improve their products or services.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Romero, CEMEX México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Guillermo Álvarez, Cooperativa La Cruz Azul and CANACE


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jonathan Benitez, Mabey Bridge


INSIGHT: Gustavo Vanzini, Grupo Vanzini

Gustavo Vanzini Hernández, Grupo Vanzini 304

VIEW FROM THE TOP: Yuri Avitia, Ferreplus


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fabricio Menegoni, Gerdau Corsa


INSIGHT: Takeshi Yamamoto, Hypertherm


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fernando Pérez, Maccaferri México


INSIGHT: Liliana González, Luminográfica


INSIGHT: Ramiro de León, MASISA


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mauricio De Silva, Concrete Canvas


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sebastián Zepeda, Delair-Tech Mexico


INSIGHT: Bruno Pinotti, IMI Precision Engineering


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfonso Calderón, Wells Commerce Group


INSIGHT: Norma Garibay, LADIP

Juan García de León, Detaller 315

VIEW FROM THE TOP: Guillermo Peña, PPG




Q: How can Mexico bridge its infrastructure gap in the

resources worldwide. Developing countries have much

next few years?

lower percentages because the waste is not preselected.

A: The greatest challenge is to incentivize the development

CEMEX developed a method of separating different types

of quality infrastructure throughout the country that will

of waste to be transformed into fuel.

withstand Mexico’s particular climate and environment.


The money destined for infrastructure at the moment

The second option involved electrical energy, which

is being used more on improving existing structures

traditionally comes from fossil fuels. In Mexico, companies

rather than building new ones. It is important to take into

are switching to clean energy sources. CEMEX began by

consideration the quality of the infrastructure project

constructing the 250MW capacity Eurus wind farm in

before allocating funds. Last year’s Public Works reform

Oaxaca and later participated in the La Ventika projects

bill that is now awaiting Congressional approval will

in Nuevo Leon. These developments have allowed us to

require that investors consider not only the initial cost but

generate 35 percent of our electrical energy from renewable

also that of the structure’s entire lifecycle when bidding in

resources, which is a great advancement since CEMEX is

a tender. That will allow companies to plan the long-term

one of the top consumers of electrical energy in the country.

operating and maintenance costs. The key to developing infrastructure is a long-term vision and investment through

Q: How has CEMEX innovated its processes to create

project management. The private sector will play an

more sustainable infrastructure?

important role bringing new and innovative infrastructure

A: Mexico is rich in resources for creating additives, such

throughout Mexico. Establishing clear regulations and

as volcanic rocks known as pozzolana, steel slag and fly

processes will not only speed up development but will

ash, which we have integrated into our products to reduce

also save money by reducing the need to constantly inject

CO2 emissions. Apart from improving our materials, we

funds into repairing and improving existing infrastructure.

have developed methods to recycle waste from other industries that have eliminated over 8 million tons of

Q: What steps has CEMEX taken to become a more

CO2 from our products, which equals the emissions of 1.5

environmentally conscious company?

million cars a year.

A: CEMEX faced the challenge of lowering the environmental impact of its global operations by developing a greater

CEMEX also has created laboratories in several countries,

variety of environmentally friendly materials. When we

such as the Centro de Tecnologia del Cemento y Concreto

first started down this road, we could either modify the

(CTCC) in Mexico, to conduct research on cement, concrete

elements used to create the materials or change the

and the application of various additives. These labs are

formula of the products themselves. The first option

part of our R&D collaboration network, headed by Swiss-

involved changing the type of fuel the company used. We

based CEMEX Research Group. Roads made using concrete

began incorporating less aggressive fuels, which drastically

instead of asphalt are 8-10 percent more expensive but

decreased our carbon footprint. Managing inorganic waste

concrete’s durability drastically reduces repair expenses,

is the number one challenge in urban cities, especially since

making it a wiser investment. Traditional concrete is more

it is growing at an annual rate of 1.6 percent. CEMEX began

durable, absorbs less heat, is cheaper and saves around

recycling the waste and not only did we reduce the amount

3 percent of fuel consumption in the long term. Concrete

but also added value to it by converting it into fuel that

has the ability to lower heat 3-12 percent in large cities by

reduced the company’s CO2 emissions. About 17 percent

reflecting sunlight, which would otherwise have translated

of CEMEX’s fuel usage in 2015 came from alternative

to higher energy consumption. It can also reduce lighting

fuels, such as FIRSU, which is a type of inorganic waste.

expenses up to 30 percent due to its lproperties that reflect

CEMEX consumes around 27.7 percent of alternative fuel

three times more light compared to asphalt.

On occasion, water can infiltrate concrete and damage

CEMEX works together with the authorities to find the most

infrastructure. We developed water-resistant products

efficient forms of transportation that require the lowest

that reduce this phenomenon. These types of innovations

amounts of investment without compromising the overall

will improve the construction of green areas, such as

impact. The two main barriers are problems involving

roof gardens, and increase the efficiency of homes while

road infrastructure and urbanization. Cities are growing

reducing humidity. Our contribution to acoustic and

much faster than original urban plans had foreseen and

thermal additives allows concrete to act as a natural

are failing to meet the demands of the population. We are

barrier, lowering temperatures by around 35-40 percent.

developing roads in which we substitute more than half of

We will continue to create solutions that contribute to the

the aggregates with recycled car tires. CEMEX completed

development of sustainable cities.

a road in Guanajuato built with more than 2,000 recycled car tires mixed with concrete. Not only will this reduce

Q: What opportunities does CEMEX expect in the energy

the amount of waste tires but this material is more skid


resistant, increasing user safety. In Mexico, CEMEX recycles

A: Mexico has made the decision to reduce its electrical

as much as possible from original roads. In Europe, the

energy emissions and the Clean Energy Certificates (CELs)

recycling of waste from larger infrastructures is rapidly

are related solely to emissions generated from producing

gaining popularity, especially since these countries have

electrical energy. There is speculation regarding the way

more advanced recycling methods.

in which these certificates could affect companies and if these certifications might require divestments. We do

Q: How is CEMEX involved in the transformation of

not plan on becoming an energy supplier but instead look

Mexico’s infrastructure?

to meet our own energy needs. Nevertheless, we see a

A: CEMEX focuses on the construction of new resilient

significant opportunity in collaborating on these types of

infrastructures, as well as protecting the country’s aquifers,


reducing the city’s waste management problems and helping the government develop more efficient projects.

Q: What role has CEMEX played in the development of

We offer solutions to this repair cycle by developing

efficient and quality transport infrastructure?

quality products that will prevent the problem from the

A: CEMEX has been working closely with the relative

outset. We have participated in PPPs alongside the Mexico

authorities to develop sustainable transport. The usage

City government to develop various infrastructure in

of Rapid Transit Bus (BRT) systems in Mexico has grown

which we built the pavement, water drains and gardens,

rapidly, since the cost of investment of a traditional metro

and maintained the infrastructure for the duration of the

subway system is around 10-15 times higher than a BRT,

contract. One of the largest problems with infrastructure

and they can reduce transit times within a city by up to

development is that a great deal of money that is originally

50 percent. Various cities are also using traditional diesel

assigned to infrastructure is wasted or used inefficiently.

buses but Monterrey has incorporated hybrid units that

Smaller states and local governments do not have the

use natural gas instead of diesel, reducing pollution by

budgets for transport or sustainability departments, so

approximately 20 percent.

CEMEX helps them by offering various types of support.

Landscape, Anzures, Mexico City


Cruz Azul Plant, Hidalgo



A SOLID GRIP IN THE CEMENT SECTOR GUILLERMO ÁLVAREZ Director General of Cooperativa La Cruz Azul and President of the National Chamber of Cement (CANACEM)

Q: How have Mexico’s macroeconomic conditions and

Q: The cement industry has a reputation as a polluter.

budget cuts affected the cement industry?

What is being done to improve that?

A: When Mexico faces a slower economy or recession the

A: Players around the world are working to restore the

budget for public spending is reduced and municipalities

cement industry’s reputation by proving that most of



the industry is in compliance with ecological norms and

infrastructure like highways and railroads may remain in

guidelines. Mexico significantly contributes to the use of

place but the government is generally forced to focus

alternative fuels, the saving of water and efficient energy

on other priorities such as schools and hospitals. These

use. It is concerned about generating pollution and strives

projects do not require large volumes of cement but they

not only to meet norms but to go above and beyond

still greatly benefit society's wellbeing. The construction

compliance. Green cement might seem like a marketing

industry is a significant part of the Mexican economy

slogan but it requires the certification of laboratories

and its deceleration can negatively affect the country’s

that focus on preserving the environment. The cement

GDP. The cement industry alone represents 1 percent of

industry used to place electrostatic filters in pre-heaters

the economy. Each government has the right to decide

to capture fine particles with water and make sure they

what material will be used in their projects but they should

were not expelled into the atmosphere. We implemented

understand that cement requires minimal maintenance

this measure even before environmental norms became

when it is applied to roads. It can last up to 50 years and

so stringent. Cruz Azul has replaced these filters with a

generates long-term savings. A diverse range of products

technology that uses air instead of water to cool down

and services are needed to keep the industry moving during

the particles. Per plant, this new technology saves up to

an economic slump. Mexico’s economy has maintained

1 million liters of potable water daily. The industry also is

a strong and reasonable demand for concrete products

working on eliminating contaminants by adopting efficient

and services in real estate and other markets thanks to

methods and SEMARNAT is obligated to certify plants

dynamic metropolitan areas like Mexico City. Developers

that want to remain operational as Clean Industry. Cruz

such as Be Grand are growing and implementing vertical

Azul is a pioneer in replacing horizontal mills with vertical

projects that are 40-50 floors high. The central Bajio

mills that reduce noise by 75 percent. We mitigate noise

region is also expanding horizontally with houses and low-

pollution so efficiently that visitors often are surprised by

rise buildings.

the silence. The rest of the industry is gradually following






in our footsteps and adopting the same technology. Q: How does sustainability optimization and compliance come into play across industries?

Q: What innovative products is the Mexican cement

A: All companies can optimize things like plant facilities that

industry creating?

not only lower overall production costs but contribute to

A: Concrete can be designed according to the nature of

a more rational use of water and energy. Our plant in the

each project in terms of resistance, weight and fluorescence

Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca is number one in the

or porosity. The industry is trying to design and introduce

country for energy savings. Sustainability does not only

porous concrete into the Mexican market since it is ideal

imply adopting simple elements like efficient light bulbs

for pedestrian or heavily populated areas. It allows water

but also analyzing each phase of the production process

fluidity, prevents flooding and helps to reinstate the aquifer.

to identify areas of opportunity. Companies should take the

Porous or permeable concrete is already being used in

time to ensure each step in their process reaches and exceeds

Europe. The construction industry in Mexico is accustomed

the average level of quality. If all companies and industries

to traditional methods and also is a strong creator of jobs.

committed to efficiency in terms of energy consumption, the

The problem is that innovation in construction could reduce

country’s energy demand would be greatly reduced.

labor demand, which would endanger family incomes.





Q: What impact have changing regulations and standards

to manufacture them, gives us the confidence to meet this

had on the bridge business?

requirement. Due to the increased importation of steel and

A: Today’s market demands reliable and cost-effective

recent changes in dumping practices, the Mexican steel



industry has pushed for the implementation of new tariffs.

transportation weights. The transportation of cargo







These tariffs were developed as a form of protection from

requires a design that is far more robust and providers

steel coming mainly from China. This excludes steel that

must have the ability to work in a timely manner. Mabey

comes from countries that are part of Mexico's free trade

Bridge has adapted its products to the specific needs

agreement. Mabey Bridge imports its steel from within the

of the Mexican market. We promote work conducted

European Union making these tariffs inapplicable to us.

with federal road authorities on the development of specifications for steel bridge superstructures.

Q: How does the company ensure its products meet transportation demands?

The Mexican Public Works Act stipulates domestic content

A: Mabey Bridge optimized its designs and today offers

as a percentage of project value. The design of our modular

a variety of options that incorporate the original modular

bridges, combined with the cutting-edge technology used

essence but meet the needs of our clients with greater



Gustavo Vanzini Castellanos CEO & Founder of Grupo Vanzini

Gustavo Vanzini Hernández CFO of Grupo Vanzini

From a single truck transporting asphalt for PEMEX

opportunities for companies like Grupo Vanzini. “They

over 20 years ago, Grupo Vanzini has grown to become

began creating hard asphalt for hot processes, leading to

a leading supplier and hauling service for both private

the construction of various asphalt-emulsion factories,”

and public entities, including the Ministry of Transport.


“Our expertise has allowed Grupo Vanzini to improve its

emulsion plant was among the first four in Mexico. We

operations, timings and services,” says Gustavo Vanzini,

then opened plants in Toluca, Durango, Cancun and La Paz

the company’s President. “Quality is a pillar in our

to improve our supply network.”






business vision and it has led us to a leadership position in the market.” Grupo Vanzini started out hauling asphalt

This rapid growth and emulsion technique quickly

for PEMEX, which at the time was the country’s sole

attracted more competitors to the market and PEMEX

supplier. But the state-owned group’s decision to halt the

decided to offer a discount for any consumption

production of its polluting FM-1 and FM-3 asphalts, both

superior to 1 million liters or 1,000 tons, which boosted

of which had a high concentration of naphtha, created

competition. Grupo Vanzini then bought 15,000-20,000

efficiency. It is vital that we maintain the quality of our

most important considerations. For provisional and

products because we want to cover the largest cargo

emergency applications, the surface is made of steel

weights and farthest distances possible while minimizing

decks with stamped corrugations. For permanent bridges,

the number of intermediaries.

the steel deck surface is covered with a proprietary mix of polyurethane and crushed bauxite to give it a grainy

One of our competitive advantages is that we can easily

texture and more strength.

transport our solutions because they are modular and can be assembled at the site in a short amount of time. Bridges

Q: How do modular bridges benefit communities that are

arrive in standard size containers at the job sites and do not

affected by natural disasters?

require specialized assembly equipment or labor. All of our

A: In 2013, Mexico was hit by two tropical storms that

solutions are manufactured in the UK and are then exported

demolished more than 300 bridges. Mabey Bridge

to over 140 countries. Delivery costs remain low for Mexico

has developed a close relationship with the Ministry of

and we continue to seek local alliances to develop formal

Communications and Transport (SCT) throughout the

distribution channels in the country. This will help us keep

years, which now has a detailed inventory of our emergency

stock and improve our response rate.

bridging solutions so that in the case of an emergency it can reconnect areas and resources in a matter of hours.

Q: What changes does Mabey Bridge make to adapt its products to fit an ever-evolving market?

Our bridges connect communities, allow the transportation

A: In terms of technology and innovation, manufacturing

of rescue supplies and improve quality of life for



communities that have been affected by these natural

development. During the design process, we consider






disasters. Mexico has a long way to go in terms of fulfilling

the effects of a range of temperatures from -20 to +60

the needs of rural communities, and even though these

degrees Celsius and from there we adapt the bridge

communities are located in remote areas, the fact that our

depending on the requirement. When choosing materials

bridges are so easy to adapt and install has a substantial

for our bridges, the carriageway surface is one of the

impact on their quality of life.

liters of asphalt from PEMEX on a monthly basis, obtaining

Grupo México. The company’s President is optimistic

the discount, and was paid in machinery by the clients

going forward thanks to the exponential industry growth

to which it distributed the asphalt, allowing it to evolve

of industry in the past couple of years in Guanajuato. “The

into a construction company. Grupo Vanzini now boasts

automotive industry in that region and the development

a wide array of projects in its portfolio, including the

of new industrial parks will encourage even more projects,

noted Cuernavaca-Acapulco highway, as well as the

which will increase our business,” he says.

Mexico-Guadalajara, Leon-Aguascalientes and TorreonDurango highways. “While some construction companies

Grupo Vanzini also introduced foamy asphalt, which gives

or suppliers gravitate toward either the public or private

molecules a higher adhesion. But the company is not

sector, Grupo Vanzini collaborates with both,” says CFO

averse to incorporating innovations from other companies,

Gustavo Vanzini Hernández. “The diversification of the

like PEMEX’s soft asphalt that makes roads less vulnerable

company has allowed it to become a construction player.”

to oxidation, meaning they remain stronger for longer. “Although it is more expensive, it is proven to create

The younger Vanzini says the company has worked on the

longer-lasting roads and some municipalities have begun

Kukulcan Boulevard in Cancun thanks to the support of the

to make it a requisite for tenders,” the President says.

Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) and it is now working in the Benito Juarez municipality in Quintana Roo. “We also have

The company’s innovative vision has helped bolster the

government projects in Guanajuato, and one in La Paz,

competition over the years, according to the company’s

and we are working on the road from Valle de Santiago

CFO. “At times, employees leave the company and take

to Salamanca in Guanajuato, as well as refurbishments

our processes and innovations to our competitors,” he

and maintenance projects,” he continues. “We have just

says. “But thanks to our constant innovation, quality

received an 80km-long project called La Herradura in

and fair prices, Grupo Vanzini has enjoyed stable growth

Penjamo, Guanajuato for maintenance and releveling.”

throughout the years. The construction sector is extremely

Grupo Vanzini is also working on the construction of

complicated with big wins or huge losses. This is where

industrial parks and other projects with companies like

the optimization of processes helps maximize resources.”




Q: What differentiates Ferreplus from the competition?

more competitive and demand higher volumes but offer

A: Ferreplus has been in the industry for 10 years and

smaller profit margins. These tenders usually require

forms part of Grupo Industrial Monclova. The company

specific countrywide distribution, increasing the project’s

was created to provide services to the group’s metal-

complexity and need for in-depth analysis. Although we

mechanical companies such as COMMSA Tampico. After

have greater involvement with the private sector we are

a year, we expanded into other sectors and companies.

looking to become more active in the public sector.

We offer services to the north and central regions of the 304

country, with 10 strategically located stores. We began

It also is extremely important that we are able to adapt to

with specialized welding materials and technology and

new companies entering the Mexican market. We worked,

we grew according to client needs. Ferreplus supplies

for example, with Hyundai MOBIS throughout its extensive

everything from machinery and spare parts to raw

manufacturing trials where we offered our support and

materials. Our catalog has more than 5,000 products

product knowledge.

related to cutting and welding processes. Q: How does Ferreplus position its brands in the market? Over the years, we have established three brands of our

A: We are the second largest distributor of ESAB in Mexico

own: Warden welding equipment, Blackset conventional

and one of the top 10 distributors for Lincoln Electric. When

machines and welding consumables and Esguard safety

we go to a company to present a product, a specialized

equipment. We analyze the evolving needs of the market

technical team from each of our brands goes along so the

to innovate our brands and product offerings. The quality

client has the highest level of customer support and all the

of our products and customer service differentiate us from

information needed to make a decision. There are many

our competitors. The vast majority of our clients belong

different welding products in the market, from which

to the rail car manufacturing sector, such as Greenbrier

we carefully select to complement our own hard goods.

and Gunderson. The construction sector holds countless

Although our brands have only been in the market for five

opportunities for Ferreplus because all our products can

years, we are confident their share will grow exponentially

be used in the sector, especially metal beams.

in the next few years.

Ferreplus’ catalog now has more than 5,000 products related to cutting and welding processes

Q: What goals and opportunities are ahead for the company? A: Our short and medium-term goals are to increment our sales volume and increase our list of domestic suppliers. We manufacture around 250 products and of those, 210 are made in China. We are looking to produce more of our products in Mexico, starting with one of our core products, flux core wire. We strive to improve each of our existing products and services while simultaneously developing new innovative products that will optimize our clients’ processes. We are evaluating the possibility

Q: What are the differences in working with the public

of expanding to more states, such as Puebla, and there

and private sectors?

are many more business opportunities to open in the next

A: We are working with the Government of Coahuila

year. One challenge we face is finding the qualified and

and we want to participate in more tenders on both the

specialized human resources we need to further expand in

municipal and federal levels. Federal level tenders are

the construction industry.



Q: How does Gerdau Corsa address the industry’s gaps

than 1,000 people. In 2012, our initial plans projected a

and trends?

two-year window for construction plus two more years

A: The Mexican infrastructure sector has experienced

for product development. The company pushed itself to

dramatic shifts over the years. Public investment is falling

finish construction on budget and on time and to develop

while private investment is rising. Vertical construction is

the products in less than one year. The idea was to create

similarly taking off and as a result, construction companies

a portfolio of 86 beam sizes but we ended up developing

need to have better technology and more agility. On

110 products in only eight months.

average, construction grows at a 3 percent rate per year in Mexico and demand for steel beams is rising at an annual

Q: What impact has steel dumping and overcapacity had

rate of 8 percent. One challenge is that Mexico imports 70

on the Mexican market?

percent of its steel beams, which take a minimum of three

A: Any type of change will always create an impact.

months to arrive. The whole chain from manufacturing to

Without a doubt, the supercycle of commodities has

distribution and construction is delayed, hiking project

buffeted the steel industry, which is affected by market

costs. National steel production would smooth these rough

downturns in China, Brazil and Russia. China controls 50

patches and shorten the production cycle significantly. For

percent of worldwide steel production with a total of 1.4

that reason, we have invested US$600 million to construct

billion t/y. Two years ago, the country was growing on

a mill in Ciudad Sahagun, Hidalgo. The mill has an installed

average 12-14 percent annually and this attracted plenty

capacity of 1 million t/y of steel and 700,000 tons of

of investment. Unfortunately, the economy’s deceleration

structural steel shapes that give us a strong grip on the


market. We also have technology that shortens average

companies are scrambling to figure out how to work with

production cycles and our clients can order over 110

that. Businesses in China also partner with the government

sizes and specialized cuts to satisfy special requirements.

to guarantee a functional society and employment at the

The mill’s beam production varies from 6-24in to cover

cost of fair play. Steel is not an easy market as it competes

national needs and our products and technical services

with many countries, particularly China’s mass production.

can improve efficiency and infrastructure development.

Gerdau Corsa decided to invest in Mexico because of its

Ultimately we want to turn Mexico into an exporter instead

growth opportunities and competitive strength.








of an importer. Q: What role does the company want to play in the local Q: How did the plan to build the mill unfold?

infrastructure industry?

A: Before deciding to create the plant in Ciudad Sahagun,

A: The company strives to be our clients’ first choice by

the company thoroughly analyzed the area’s social

proving our professionalism. We want to help players

context and potential because developing communities

evolve and to promote the industry. Another objective

creates stronger relationships with supply chains. The

is to turn the country into an export platform in a fair

company found the city already had been relatively

market. Our ability to compete does not depend on



subsidies but high-quality material and service. We also

park, but several factors and conditions caused it

develop the communities where we work and foster local

to deindustrialize. Still, important infrastructure was

talent. We hope to grow into other segments in light and

already in place, such as electric transmission lines, gas

heavy infrastructure such as bridges, where steel can

and water networks, and the region is well-connected

be an alternative. Our three main challenges revolve

to freeways and railways. We intend to kick-start the

around balancing our exports with quality, creating a

community and the company already has implemented

relationship with the domestic market and being a leader

17 social volunteer programs that have impacted more

in the steel industry.








Hypertherm started as a garage business and has since

stainless steel manufacture, from structural steel to heavy

carved a path around the globe, delivering its innovative

equipment and everything that is eventually cut or welded.

cutting and gouging systems to OEMs. The company now

The company says its products are used for constructing

has a presence in over 93 countries, including Mexico.

and repairing ships, skycrapers, trains, trucks, tunnels and even roller coasters.








Yamamoto says innovation is at the heart of Hypertherm.

In the local market, the company’s plasma systems for

“We have a strong relationship with companies like

manual and mechanized applications are in high demand.

Caterpillar that continually push us to provide more

“On the manual applications side, our Powermax systems

advanced technologies and better services,” he says.

are the leading portable air plasma machines with different

“Hypertherm does not traditionally sell to end users

capabilities to cut or gouge in the field or in the fabrication

directly. We have distribution channels that work with the

process,” Yamamoto says. “The Powermax30 Air has a

public and private sectors. Our customers are in many

built-in compressor that only requires electricity.”

sectors, including telecommunications, power distribution and the railway industry.”






Solution allows the industry to cut holes with plasma Hypertherm has a wide variety of technologies for

with a higher level of quality and precision that was not

cutting different materials and applications. In Mexico,

possible before. It involves the elimination of secondary

most of the company’s business is in metal fabrication,

operations to prepare the plate. Infrastructure projects

with the majority of its customers focused on mild and

that involve steel structures use plates for bolt mounting and Hypertherm’s technology helps save time and money without compromising the quality and reliability of the end product, says Yamamoto. Yamamoto believes the industry needs to push itself more toward innovative solutions and that collaboration is key. “If the presence of a technical committee and the involvement of machine manufacturers were standard practice among the owners of infrastructure projects, best practices could be incorporated to increase productivity and narrow technology gaps,” he says. “A coordinated effort would be beneficial because many companies limit their offering based on the capabilities of their distributors, engineers or the final customer.” Even though the final solution might be efficient, Yamamoto maintains that market dynamics do not always allow companies to adopt state-of-the-art technologies. The goal for Hypertherm, he says, is to continue developing efficient distribution channels that are capable of commissioning high-end technologies and to push for innovation.



Q: What are the biggest hurdles to adapting Maccaferri’s

throughout the central region but less so in the northern

products to Mexico’s landscape?

and southern states. Mexico’s intricate landscape poses a

A: This is an extremely challenging task for any civil

challenge for building companies and since wire meshing

engineer. In a construction project, the engineers know

is not as well known, Maccaferri sees an opportunity to

exactly the weight of the construction, how resistant

grow in this market. The biggest hurdle is convincing

the soil will be and how to efficiently transfer all of that

engineers to start applying it in their projects. There is

weight onto the soil. The concrete market often has all

also a lack of knowledge about gabions so Maccaferri

this information for the design process. When working

is teaching recent graduates how to properly use these

with projects on beaches or river beds, that data is not

types of materials in construction.

available and can be laborious to calculate. Since concrete is predesigned to fit specific dimensions, it cannot adapt

Q: What are the challenges in working with local

to a change in force or the elements. Gabions are wire


mesh panels sold in cubic meters that are flexible, do not

management practices?

break and adapt to unexpected force, such as earthquakes

A: The geosynthetic products used in landfills are called

and floods. They adapt to various situations and can be



used in a variety of projects and construction.












characteristics. leaks



contaminating liquid, known as leachate, and if landfills are Q: Why is it important to coordinate the manufacturing,

not sealed, this liquid will seep into the ground and into

design and installation processes of these products?

aquifers. To avoid this, the landfill is made impermeable

A: We must be present in all stages of our products’

with the use of these GEOMATS and then a new landfill

lifecycle and given that many engineers do not know how

is built over top so that no matter how much leachate

to use our mesh products, we have to assist them in the

accumulates, it will remain contained.

design process. The market sees us as problem solvers and not just product providers thanks to our engineering

Building a landfill on top of a closed one with the use of

solutions. Gabions can deeply impact the performance of a

geosynthetics is called a piggyback landfill. Collaborating

project. These products solve a great variety of difficulties

with local governments on the process for implementing

that concrete or other materials cannot. For instance,

these types of products can be difficult, partly because the

the products used in the completion of the Cuernavaca-

majority of Latin American countries worry more about other

Acapulco highway are gabions and rockmesh. These

issues such as reducing poverty and malnutrition. Developed

products served as protective barriers, stabilized the rocks

countries have already covered these basic necessities so

in the slopes and increased safety.

they are more concerned with ecological issues.

Q: How much of an opportunity do wire mesh and

Latin American countries usually only install one GEOMATS

geosynthetic products represent?

layer, which is helpful for preventing further contamination,

A: Wire products are commonly used in Mexico and

but European countries are installing multiple layers of

gabions are favored for infrastructure developments.

GEOMATS and sometimes even final layers for growing

They have applications in railways, channels, highways,

vegetation on top of the trash. We develop products that

dams and a variety of other civil engineering projects.

allow municipalities to convert what used to be wasteland

Gabions come in many varieties to fit the specifications

into playgrounds. Our goal is to produce more sustainable

of different terrains and projects. Although these

products like hydro seeding. This allows the growth of

products have been in the country for over 40 years,

vegetation on slopes and the regeneration of land in short

they are not used across all regions. They are prevalent

amounts of time.



HIGHLIGHTING LIGHTING INEFFICIENCIES Lighting used to mean having one lightbulb in the middle

people and controlling natural light allows infrastructure

of the room. How times have changed. Today an array

to save money on cooling and heating systems. These

of bulbs, lamps and accessories can transform a room,

technologies also generate data on consumption levels and

creating a new environment for the user. LEDs are a

money saved in each part of a building.”

big part of that evolution. Liliana González, Director General of lighting systems company Luminográfica, says

González acknowledges that since Luminográfica products

competition in the industry is heating up, especially since

can be expensive, the company’s services are sometimes

companies with little to no experience in the market began

out of reach for many people. “We seek to bridge this gap

manufacturing and selling LEDs.

by educating the market and providing training for end users, companies and designers,” she says. “The industry’s

“The market is becoming saturated with countless LED

main challenge is ensuring that with so many technological

products, but there is no comprehensive legislation that

advances, consumers are able to obtain the information

lays out the rules due to the rapid growth,” she says. “On

necessary to make the right decision.”

an industrial scale, companies must choose between


hundreds of different brands that may or may not be of

No two projects are the same, González says. The

the highest quality. A look at the LEDs installed along

company worked with Hyatt Hotels on a project in which

some freeways in Mexico City shows more than half are

it automated the majority of the rooms, suites and spaces

no longer functioning.” The situation is driving demand for

in one of the company’s buildings over the course of

stricter regulations to bring order to the market, she says.

two years. “Spaces have different types of regulations and suggestions as to how they should be lit,” she says.

Comfort and environmental health are the key goals

“The first step in a lighting project is to sensitize the user

when using LED technology. “Spaces can be transformed

and space, absorbing the largest amounts of information

and adapted to any type of event or situation, such as

possible. In a hotel it is important to understand what

presentations or parties,” says González. “Design needs to

the end user needs and the ambience the room should

seamlessly integrate security, entertainment, comfort and


Red Bull Offices, spAce, Mexico City



Furniture maker MASISA does not mind leftovers. In fact, it

of Panel Board Manufacturers (ANAFATA) to focus on

prefers them. When the Chilean company arrived in Mexico

environmental factors facing the sector. This program will

it brought its environmentally friendly philosophy of using

launch at the end of 2016 and due to new regulations, all

scrap material from other companies and industries in its

industries that produce panel boards must comply with

panel boards. It was a philosophy that initially went against

low emissions standards for formaldehyde.

the grain. At the time, Mexico was not using a great deal of panel board products compared with other Latin American

“This is a positive change in Mexico. It not only applies

countries. Solid wood was the key ingredient, meaning

to products manufactured here but also to imports,

an intensive use of the country’s natural resources. “Our

helping to guarantee the safety of those interacting

arrival to Mexico was challenging,” says Ramiro de León,

with the components,” de León says. “Little by little, the

MASISA’s CEO. “We had to break paradigms in the way

mentality in Mexico is changing.” MASISA also considers

that furniture was produced. Simultaneously, MASISA

the environment in powering its plant. It uses a technique

found that a great deal of furniture was imported, which

that maximizes the use of clean energies.

hurt Mexico’s local industry and greatly affected the economy. From the outset, our strategy was to try to change the mentality to produce more environmentally

“From the outset, our strategy

friendly furniture using local products.”

was to try and change the

MASISA entered the Mexican market in 2012 through the

mentality to produce more

acquisition of Arclin Mexico’s assets and settled in Durango. The company developed relationships in the community and now locals are suppliers of the components MASISA uses. “We collect the material that will be used in our processes, and in this way, we are involving the small

environmentally friendly furniture using local products” Ramiro de León, CEO of MASISA

artisanal companies in the economy and getting the most use out of the products,” he says. “The local and municipal governments have been cooperative in allowing MASISA

Mexico typically produces furniture using plywood or

to develop this business model.”

solid wood, so when MASISA introduced panel board, this was revolutionary for the industry. “We sell design as

The company is also determined to meet the needs of

part of our price and we apply automated machinery and

a variety of customers, such as millennials. “We have

processes, whereas a carpenter has to spend a great deal

noticed that millennials tend not to invest in furniture for

of time on this part of the process,” he says.

the long term. They want furniture they can replace or sell in a short period of time and also want it to be ergonomic

Although the company’s original scope was to provide

and economical,” de León says. “Keeping this customer

panel boards, MASISA is now a factor in technology,

base in mind, we try to include those characteristics in our

design and innovation in the furniture industry. “We

products. Our results indicate we are extremely successful

combine our products with other industries to create

in these sectors.”

turnkey solutions and we are constantly trying to make alliances with other sectors such as electronics,” says de

MASISA environmental philosophy extends to others in

León. “We piloted our turnkey solutions this year and

the segment. The furniture maker launched an initiative

have seen great success and we expect to replicate those

with industry members such as the National Association

types of models.”





Q: What are the unique technological qualities and

Q: How have companies reacted to the product?

applications of Concrete Canvas’ product?

A: The first customer to adopt this technology was

A: Concrete Canvas originates from the UK and has

Goldcorp. It was a difficult process due to the high price

launched a revolutionary new construction material called

of the dollar and because the project was located in a

Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCM), a

risky zone, in Iguala, Guerrero. Since then, we have had

flexible, concrete impregnated fabric that hardens when

additional installations that have opened the door to new

water is poured onto it to form a thin, durable, waterproof

business ventures in Mexico. At the beginning we spoke

and fire resistant concrete layer. In simple terms, it is

only to mining companies but we swiftly realized that

concrete on a roll. It can be extended over slopes as a

other industries stand to benefit from this technology. In

way to prevent landslides or to create water channels. It

Mexico, construction companies traditionally use cement

is easy to use and can be adapted to any terrain. After

and steel rods that are complimented with a cheap labor

setting the product down for a couple of hours it dries

force but this product is unique to the market. During

and is unmovable. Depending on the project multiple

natural disasters, Concrete Canvas can deliver quality

layers can be used or it can be sealed to prevent leaks.

solutions in a short period of time and for a great variety

The advantage of this product is that it is able to resist

of terrains. It is easy to install and it is possible to make

up to 407kg/cm and it uses less water than traditional

emergency shelters or spaces within 24 hours. This

methods. While Concrete Canvas may be more expensive

product may be more expensive but the results are much

than regular concrete products, the benefits are greater

greater and it optimizes structures. In Mexicali, CFE has

and it can be used in emergencies.

created a geothermal plant called Cerro Prieto that has




Q: What are the benefits of using drones in the

infrastructure is being built, we can see the evolution

development and maintenance of water infrastructure?

of the construction site and how it is progressing. This is

A: In water infrastructure fresh, quantitative, detailed and

extremely useful for construction project managers because

reliable information on how the water is behaving can be

infrastructure projects are usually several kilometers long.

used to optimize resources, which translates into huge savings. A drone has the operational flexibility and cost-

Q: What prompted Delair-Tec to bring its long-range

efficiency to allow weekly surveys of a river, for example, over

drone solutions to the Mexican market?

a long period of time. Among other key indicators, drones

A: Oil industry giant PEMEX has around 15,000km of

can obtain and cross-reference water levels to characterize

pipelines in Mexico, which must be closely guarded due

overall behavior. They can be used to see the effect rainfall,

to security issues. The company loses hundreds of millions

drought and other phenomenon have on rivers. If water

of dollars to pipeline theft every year. This is a highly

kilometers of concrete canals and we have conducted

deciding which product to use. In Spain, there have been

several trials with our products, efficiently transporting

studies on the viability of using it for building underground

water for the development of clean energy.

tunnels but that research is ongoing. This product is useful for temporary mine walls but it may not be the best option

GCCM is a flexible, concrete impregnated fabric that hardens when water is poured onto it to form a thin, durable, waterproof and fire resistant concrete layer

for tunnels, especially going through mountains and other rough terrain. The construction of temporary walls with Concrete Canvas is much faster than traditional methods. Q: How can this product contribute to the development of infrastructure resistant to natural disasters? A: Companies place anchors and spray concrete wherever it is needed but it wears rapidly. If the concrete gets soft, cracks begin to form, which allows vegetation to grow. Our product prevents these occurrences. Unlike spray concrete, our product has a 50-year guarantee. The high quality of the material and the installation method make

Q: How is GCCM applied to unique and complex

infrastructure safer and durable. The correct installation

infrastructure like open-pit installations?

will help prevent water penetration or keep plants from

A: One of the most complex engineering constructions

breaking through. In water management infrastructure, it

is the entrance of a mine. Miners have to travel in heavy

can anchor slopes and prevent water leakage. We also have

trucks for several kilometers and under dangerous

a new product that allows companies to lay down layers

conditions. During the rainy season, landslides cause

of concrete, creating a stronger seal. It has been proven

downtimes and this can be extremely expensive for mining

to work efficiently in building water management and

companies. Instead of using cement or other materials,

tailings infrastructure. We also are working on a residual

with the assistance of three or four people a company can

water treatment in which we will conduct a study of one

install our product to secure roads and wall. For Goldcorp,

of the water tanks. As years pass, water tanks deteriorate

we placed the product at the entrance of its mine where

and cracks form on the surface. Placing Concrete Canvas

landslides were common. It is available in three thicknesses

on top would protect and increase the lifetime of these

and it is essential to have the help of a civil engineer when

expensive infrastructures.

complicated problem because the perpetrators are not

A: The market is in dire need of regulation because there

amateurs but rather an organized crime group. We believe

are many dangers associated with the use of drones.

drones can play a key part in the solution and we see a lot

For example, if a drone falls from the sky it becomes a

of potential demand for this technology here.

threat to anybody or anything below. The government should intervene by introducing specific, smart regulation.

Q: How can drones help optimize resources and reduce

At the moment there is very little regulation, not only in

costs for infrastructure projects?

Mexico but globally. For years the US completely blocked

A: CONAGUA is working on a project that has been delayed

the use of drones and began losing market share, which

several times because of complications with contractors.

allowed Europe and Asia to emerge as leaders in the

This project requires multiple civil engineering work spread

technology. If a government implements regulations

across long distances in a coordinated, simultaneous

that are too stringent, it could stunt industry growth.

manner. Cases like this are quite common in infrastructure

If drones are banned completely, people will fly them

projects. Drones are invaluable management tools for

illegally and if the regulations are too lenient, security

the planning, execution and follow-up of such projects

could be compromised. The government here should take

because they rapidly provide quantitative, cost-efficient

into consideration the regulations other countries are

and reliable information that gives decision-makers both

implementing and at the same time learn from and avoid

a perspective of the project’s status and detailed data on

repeating the mistakes they make. The country should

any blockages they need to address.

follow the path of European market leaders such as France and Germany. Proper regulations will foster the growth of

Q: What role should the government play in regulating

the market and ensure the safe integration of drones into


Mexican airspace.




IMI Precision Engineering believes in competition. It also

concerns, so they do not mind investing more in a solution

believes it has an edge. The company, which delivers motion

that will eventually help them reduce operational costs,” he

and fluid control solutions, says the more competitive

says. “The energy sector is similar since maintenance and

an industry is, the more efficient its processes become,

repair costs are equally high. Most companies prefer to

which leads to higher quality and lower prices. The key to

invest in a strong platform from the outset.”

success, says company General Manager Bruno Pinotti, is


adapting. In a market where companies are increasingly

In 2015, IMI Precision Engineering developed a five-year

streamlining their supplier base, diversity is another

strategy wherein it identified the key developments in

necessity. “We have a wide portfolio of products that most

each of its markets. “In line with that plan, we will launch

of our competitors lack, meaning customers can purchase

new pneumatic products for the automation market in

a complete solution from only one company,” Pinotti says.

2017,” he says. “In the automotive industry, we are already

Markets geared toward general automation also demand

working with most Tier 1 companies and OEMs, although

low prices but Pinotti says sectors that require traceability

we also want to establish a closer relationship with new

and predictability, such as the automotive industry, value

automakers. For infrastructure, we are focusing on the oil

the higher quality of IMI’s products. “Most OEMs and Tier 1

and gas segment now that the market is open to private

suppliers prioritize efficiency and productivity as their main




Q: What should the industry do to reduce safety risks in

appropriate. It implements the lowest cost solutions that

the workplace?

meet minimum requirements for infrastructure safety. On

A: The demanding nature of the Mexican market means

the other hand, the skyscrapers on Mexico City’s Reforma

companies must keep up by developing new production

avenue are built using top-of-the-line safety equipment

methods, often using complex and high-risk compounds.

and comply with the highest possible standards. Although

Because of the inherent risks associated with these

both are following the exact same regulations, the amount

elements, it is essential that companies adapt faster, more

of money and time that is invested in implementing the

efficient and well-planned safety standards and strategies

solution differs drastically. The North American safety

and adopt or develop new risk-reducing technologies.

framework is much more stringent and demanding but it

In doing so, they can establish quicker response and

also helps that the culture has adapted to these regulations

efficiency rates in dangerous situations such as fires.

and has fully integrated them into its infrastructure. Both

According to the Mexican Association of Automatic

the public and private sectors here must ensure they

Sprinklers against Fires (AMRACI), 36.5 percent of every

follow all regulations and even surpass the requirements.

100 fires in urban zones occur in industrial settings, commercial warehouses and workshops and 63.5 percent in residential homes. In the case of industry more people are exposed due to the number of employees, so industrial accidents are responsible for 73.1 percent of the total deaths in fires in Mexico. Q: How does Mexico compare with other countries on safety compliance? A: There is a significant gap between emerging and

36.5 percent of every 100 fires in urban zones occur in industrial settings, commercial warehouses and workshops, and 63.5 percent in residential homes

developed countries in safety procedures and standards. Queretaro has various state-of-the-art industrial parks that

Q: What are the ideal fire safety products for industrial

have all of the transportation and basic infrastructure, as

parks or construction sites?

well as safety infrastructure and culture that allows for

A: Companies that must install fixed fire-extinguishing

faster responses to accidents. However, in Ecatepec in

equipment in accordance with NOM-002-STPS-2010 face

the State of Mexico, there are many old warehouses and

an investment of about US$1.8 million in addition to the

factories that do not comply with new safety regulations

costs of adapting the building, water storage and other

and certifications. In developed countries, companies

factors. We can help offset the cost with our ecological,

follow around 85 percent of the safety framework, whereas

modular fire-safety system that does not require a pump,

in an emerging country like Mexico businesses meet 45-

engine or pipes because it works only with air tanks.

50 percent of the minimum safety requirements and

The system’s hoses give the product a reach of 150m,

regulations. As a result, this country is far more prone to

which is impossible with a fixed system. It uses less water

accidents, fires and other safety hazards.

because it is mixed with an agent that is more efficient in extinguishing fires of any class. Combining agents with

Q: How closely do the public and private sectors follow

smaller doses of water extinguishes fires faster and with

the regulations?

the least damage possible. These modular systems can

A: The public and private sectors must adhere to the

be moved when necessary to new buildings, are easy to

same regulatory framework but the public sector at times

install and require only a few people to recharge, adapt

seeks the cheaper safety alternative rather than the most

and operate them.




Potential clients can also visit LADIP’s commercial space in Santa Fe. “Often is it difficult to truly grasp the quality

techniques inspire our design

of a product until it is seen up close,” García says. “Renders

process at every step”

design and how it will perform in the real world. We work

Norma Garibay, Director General of LADIP

samples every step of the way for review. With design, it is

and photos can only speak so much on the quality of a closely with each client on every project, even sending often the small things that elevate the quality of a product

LADIP draws inspiration from a variety of sources but the

such as stitching, finishes and connections.”

company’s primary muse is the material itself, namely


leather, metal and stone. Its design approach honors the

LADIP and Detaller have a close working relationship as

elegance of these raw ingredients. “In the conception phase,

both share the same philosophy, design and aesthetic.

we challenge our team to imagine these elements in a new

“The collaboration between the two companies gives us

context: bringing leather into wall surfaces, utilizing copper

the freedom to approach projects from various angles,”

as the main element in lighting, creating an intimate object

says García. LADIP can work closely with designers and

out of stone,” says Juan García de León, Director General of

architects from the beginning stages of a construction

LADIP’s distributor Detaller. “Converting these raw materials

project to accessorizing spaces. Detaller, although it still

into functional pieces in a space is where it all begins for us.”

has its own original line, can bring any idea LADIP has to life. “At Detaller we also take on production projects on

While LADIP’s designs have an international sensibility

any scale,” says García. “We can produce quickly and in

and appeal, they are rooted in Mexican craftsmanship.

large quantities for hospitality projects but we are also a

“Mexico has an extremely talented labor force that is

resource for many blue chip artists. Here we have worked

highly qualified,” says Norma Garibay, Director General

closely to conceive works of art that would be otherwise

of LADIP. “Traditional artisanal techniques inspire our

impossible to create in an artist’s studio.”

design process at every step. The fusion of innovation with tradition not only keeps this art alive but also influences our creative process.” The company takes great pride in keeping its products as national as possible and it was a pioneer in integrating onyx into lighting. “In a previous project we were working with Spanish lamps made from alabaster,” says Garibay. “They were extremely expensive to import into Mexico and the Spanish government would

“The collaboration between the two companies gives us the freedom to approach

only allow the export of alabaster as a finished product.

projects from various angles”

While troubleshooting we discovered that onyx was a

Juan García de León, Director General of Detaller

wonderful alternative. We used it as a replacement and continue incorporating onyx into many of our designs.” Garibay believes that now is an exciting time for Mexico García agrees the richness of Mexico’s natural resources

due to the attention it has commanded as an emerging

keeps the company’s products truly original. “There is easy

market. “Mexico has become popular with architects

access to the highest quality of leather, metals and wood,” he

and designers because we have a little more creative

says. “We love to work with tzalam, nogal and encino wood.

freedom,” she continues. LADIP is excited to continue

We think that great design comes from envisioning a new

working with architects and the hotel industry as many

context for familiar materials.” LADIP tailors its approach

promising projects are developing in Mexico’s tourism

to meet the needs of its customers, from residential to

sector. On the design front, Garibay says the company

commercial, and believes the company’s client roster speaks

would like to focus more on lighting and integrating

volumes about the quality of its work. “We work with many

innovative components into its lamp designs. “We

luxury hotels and savvy clients that have access to the

have three different types of market, the end users,

international market,” Garibay says. “Architects, designers

institutions who need a mass solution for their business

and homeowners have a vision and they come to us because

and architects and designers who are looking for unique

they trust we can make their vision a reality.”

and personalized pieces,” she says.


EXPOSED: TREATING AND PROTECTING STEEL GUILLERMO PEÑA Director of PMC Mexico and Central America at PPG Protective & Marine Coatings

Q: What trends are spurring opportunities for companies

A: There are intumescent coatings for two types of fires:

like PPG, outside the marine sector?

cellulosic and hydrocarbon. Intumescent coatings for

A: New infrastructure projects have more exposed steel

hydrocarbon fires must resist up to 2,000 degrees. These

as part of the architectural design, which must have a

fires, which can take place in refineries and oil rigs and

modern appearance. This is why protective products

are called jet fires, can reach high temperatures in short

can no longer be just functional, they must also be

periods of time.

aesthetically attractive. A good opportunity for us is NAICM. The terminal floor, which is the area transited by

Bridge infrastructures also require these products because

passengers, will be coated while the “backstage” area,

they must withstand a wide array of conditions for many

where employees work, will have uncovered concrete. Our

years. These structures must be recoated and maintained

products are meant for steel structures and for coating

periodically so that the steel structures do not deteriorate.

areas that are visible to the end user.

Applying a coating will increase its resistance to erosion, UV rays and make the structure more robust. Our products

To participate in that construction we must provide a quote

are also used in rail projects. The Guadalajara Train and

to each company that is bidding for the Terminal 1 building.

Toluca-Mexico Interurban train both used a vast amount of our protective coatings. Projects like these have a lot

Q: Why is it important to apply protective coatings on

of steel beams and supporting structures that must also

steel structures, such as in malls or airports?

withstand extreme conditions throughout their life spans.

A: Steel structures require fire-retardant products, also known as passive protection or intumescent coatings. Buildings that have high human traffic levels, such as airports and commercial centers, prioritize the safety of people. The special technology in these solutions activates a kind of sponge that isolates the steel structure from the heat so that it does not lose ductility or mechanical resistance that could cause it to fall. Airports require coatings that can resist at least two hours of continuous exposure to heat. The main purpose is to give people enough time to evacuate and for the rescue units to arrive.

Airports require coatings that can resist at least two hours of continuous exposure to heat

At our research facility in Mexico City, the Industrial

Q: How could Mexico’s water infrastructure benefit from

Technology Innovation Center (CITI), we invite our clients

the use of protective coatings?

to see first-hand how our products perform under extreme

A: Deep tunnel sewage systems are infrastructures that

conditions. We have an oven in which we place a steel

often go unseen. They consist of large concrete tubs that

beam covered in our protective coatings and expose it to

are attacked by corrosive agents, while waste creates

flames as hot as 500 to 600 degrees Celsius. There is a

large amounts of hydrogen sulfide acid. We worked on

large market for these types of products, especially with

the first phase of the Tunel Emisor Oriente, Mexico City’s

the boom of the commercial real estate sector in Mexico

newly constructed sewage system, where we applied a

City and Monterrey.

strong chemical coating.

Q: How are these protective coatings used in other types

We see many opportunities in the construction of water

of infrastructure?

infrastructure, both sewage and drinking water.


Ă ngel de la Independencia, Reforma, Mexico City



Few projects can be completed without a proper financing structure and risk allocation. PPPs are designed to distribute the risk between parties and include project finance. The private sector is ready to jump in but cuts to the federal budget that have reduced the portfolio of available projects and a lack of a clear regulatory framework have left investors skittish. Mexico continues to be among the most attractive countries to invest in Latin America. International banks have set their sights on Mexican infrastructure and commercial banks continue to improve their financial products. Insurance companies’ AFORES are investing in Fibras and CKDs but the implementation of Solvency II has made them cautious about which projects to invest in.

This chapter serves as a window into Mexico’s finance and insurance sectors. In the first half of the chapter, experts discuss the industry’s pressing needs in terms of financing, the impact budget cuts have had on the completion of infrastructure projects and what private equity and commercial banks are expecting from the NIP. This chapter also offers a view into the insurance and reinsurance sectors, where opportunities have been identified in the energy sector.



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Pérez, Scotiabank






INSIGHT: Alejandro Diez, DILA Capital


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Alberto Leautaud, BlackRock Infrastructure


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Santiago Ortiz Monasterio, GBM Infraestructura


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Manuel Rodríguez, Ainda Energía e Infraestructura


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luca Piccolo, VENIT Investments


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Víctor Calderón, ArCcanto Recursos Financieros




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Franco Hamdan, EIM Capital


INSIGHT: Pablo Crain, XL Catlin


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Segura, Aon Risk Solutions Mexico


INSIGHT: Alberto Garcia de Alba, Kepler



MEXICO IN STRONG POSITION AFTER REFORMS HÉCTOR PÉREZ Managing Director & Head Corporate Banking & Capital Markets of Scotiabank


Q: What challenges have you found in Mexico’s financial

A: Every instrument can be improved but there has to be


a level of prudence in the type of instruments allowed in

A: More than challenges we have found a tremendous

the market. Nowadays, the project financing instruments

opportunity, especially given the lack of global economic

available locally and internationally are more than

growth. Mexico stands out as a destination where growth

adequate for the development of various projects. Like

can be obtained. Every industry has its challenges so the

most players, we would like to see the pace of growth

key is to focus on the areas with the greatest opportunities

in the oil and gas sector accelerate. Nevertheless, the

to offset this. There is a great deal of foreign investment

government is going at the right speed because when the

entering Mexico and major global multinationals are

reforms were launched oil prices were at a different level.

investing here, especially in infrastructure, oil and gas and electricity, manufacturing and automotive, which

The oil market is a global market with a great number

present considerable opportunities because of the need

of foreign investors looking at Mexico. They are also

for infrastructure development within these segments.

suffering because of commodity prices. Everyone is

We not only work locally with clients in Mexico but we

being cautious about jumping into investment in the

work on a global scale with major companies. We also are

country because there is still too much volatility in the

consistently bringing in foreign investors to meet with

global context and prices remain relatively depressed.

the Mexican central bank, the Ministry of Finance and

When looking at this market, there is a lot of activity

other relevant authorities to showcase the attractiveness

geared toward partnerships and potential brownfield

of investing here.

assets rather than greenfield projects. The midsized players around the world that are struggling have

Q: How effective is the current regulatory framework?

become targets for larger companies. In the oil business

A: In general, the implementation of the electricity

there is always price risk but businesses are increasingly

reforms should be separated from the oil and gas reforms

looking at more ways to mitigate that risk and brownfield

because the contexts in each market have changed

assets can present better opportunities in this regard

drastically since those were introduced. We should

than greenfield projects.

also remember the reforms were only implemented two years ago and, when compared to the trajectory of

Q: How are Mexican interest rates impacting the

other global economies that have already experienced

infrastructure market?

this transition, Mexico is in a strong position. Today, the

A: Road infrastructure has developed at a slow pace in

regulations are favorable and this can be seen especially

Mexico. We are seeing a lot of activity in electricity and

with the number of bidders attracted in the different

electricity-derived subsectors like pipelines importing

phases of Round One. The electricity system is not

gas from the US to supply CFE’s electricity production.

subject to international prices so more activity has been

Interest rates are still relatively attractive and to some

seen there. All the large infrastructure players are trying

extent the global volatility and the potential rate

to win pipeline tenders and electricity plant contracts

increase in the US has caused local investors to be more

so CFE has done well in attracting investment to its

prudent about buying debt locally. When examining the

infrastructure. The availability of more projects would

debt capital markets, local issuance of debt this year has

be positive but those that are being tendered are well

seen a 50 percent drop compared to the first half of last

planned and executed.

year. This is not because of liquidity issues but because investors are being cautious ahead of a potential rise in

Q: What impact are new financial tools like Fibras, CKDs

rates. Issuance in emerging markets is starting to regain

and CerPIs having?

its pace because of negative yields around the world due

to low interest rates so global investors are again looking

country and we are investing resources in all our business

at emerging markets.

lines as well as in technology where we are completely changing






Q: How would you evaluate the New Mexico City

platform. Our market share has gone from 4.5 percent

International Airport (NAICM) development?

to around 5.5 percent in the last two years, which is a

A: We are part of the bank group that is financing this

considerable organic gain. We have expertise in different

project. It is an extremely promising development and

industries like infrastructure, mining, retail, media, oil and

despite criticisms the details have been well-planned so

gas and energy with professional teams in each country.

far. A decision must be made with the most information

To create a greater global footprint, we have teams

available and that is the best the government can do.

located in key bases like New York, Toronto, London and

The airport is badly needed by the population and the

Asia, covering all the important markets.

government is doing well to make strong decisions and forge ahead. The financing of the airport is being carried

In Mexico, we do not have a set market share target but we

out in an efficient way and as one of the banks involved,

are looking to expand all our business lines. We are a large

we believe this will be a success.

player in the mortgage and auto finance sector and we are building a successful franchise in corporate and commercial

Q: What is Scotiabank’s strategy to boost its presence

banking. The bank’s digital transformation is becoming a

in Mexico, especially in the infrastructure sector?

key focus and this mostly impacts our personal clients. We

A: The franchise has been growing in Mexico in the last

are digitalizing our internal processes so we can provide a

two years as a result of the importance placed by the

unique digital experience to our clients. We want to become

group on the Latin American strategy, particularly the

an elite digital bank within the next five years. The banking

Pacific Alliance countries of Mexico, Colombia, Peru and

penetration is around 35 percent of Mexico’s population,

Chile. Under that strategy, Mexico is the most important

therefore the room for growth here is significant.

Landscape, Downtown, Mexico City



FUND SEES MEXICO AS A PROFITABLE ASSET JONATHAN DAVIS Chairman of Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA)

Q: What conditions led Macquarie to establish its

decision-making process while others relinquish that

infrastructure fund in Mexico?

decision to the CKD’s manager.

A: In late 2008, a group of Macquarie executives came


to Mexico after learning about the NIP launched by


President Felipe Calderón. They believed it would be a

certificates (CerPIs) are more in line with global practices

good opportunity around which to raise capital and create

where the general partner is the ultimate decision-maker

a footprint in Latin America. After a thorough process

within the defined terms of the fund mandate. This new

of due diligence in which political, environmental and

vehicle was designed with a necessary requirement for

macroeconomic stability and market risks were assessed,

a co-investor to participate with the 30 percent of the

a decision was made in favor of Mexico and we decided to

total equity stake of the CerPI. We saw an opportunity

initiate operations.

to raise a Mexican REIT. Previously, anybody that wanted







to invest in real estate typically had to go and physically The legal framework was in the making to allow for

buy property or land and then lease this to a third party

institutional investors, especially for pension funds to

with all the management burdens that come alongside.

diversify their investment portfolios. Starting in 2009,

This new vehicle was designed to allow for a range of

the Mexican Pension Funds Administrators (Afores) were

international and domestic institutional and retail investors

allowed to invest in new asset classes such as real estate,

to participate in the real estate market, delegating the

infrastructure and private equity. The authorities created

management responsibilities to a professional fund

the CKD as a new investment vehicle. Macquarie became

manager. There are several Fibras in Mexico that specialize

the second issuer in the market and raised the first

in different real estate segments such as hotels, office

specialized infrastructure fund in the country. Investments

buildings, retail or industrial properties. Macquarie buys

in infrastructure are made over a long period of time. Our

and manages industrial properties that it leases mostly to

fund term of 10 years was designed to match the long-

medium and light industry tenants. Our Fibra is comprised

term outlook of this asset class and the long-term savings

of approximately 75 percent industrial properties and 25

that characterized the Afores. This structure was also

percent commercial retail properties.

consistent with the population pyramid, which has a large base of young people.

Q: How has the devaluation of the peso affected the real estate portfolio?

Q: In what instances is it more appropriate to use a Fibra

A: In general terms, Mexico has distinguished itself from

or CKD?

other countries because of its macroeconomic stability.

A: A CKD is a vehicle that was designed specifically for

The currency volatility we have experienced in the

pension funds that wanted to invest in alternative assets.

last year has been lesser than many other developing

Alongside this, we established a parallel vehicle that

countries of similar size. We have a sound and responsible

enabled us to channel other target investors, including the

monetary policy that has kept inflation under control.

NIP in Mexico. When we issued our CKD the rules were

The devaluation of the peso has had a limited impact on

tighter than they are today, so the Afores had to prefund

the real estate portfolio as most of the rents we collect

their full commitment. This prefunding commitment has

from our tenants are denominated in US dollars. To some

since been reduced to 20 percent with remaining capital

degree currency devaluation tends to be reflected as a

calls more in line with international practices. In CKDs,

revaluation of our assets.

the Afore’s technical committee reviews projects that represent more than 5 percent of the fund’s commitments.

Q: What is the value of the public and private sectors

Some of our investors like to actively participate in the

participating in PPPs?

A: Six years ago the PPP Law was passed by Congress

necessary to constantly search for opportunities and,

and implemented in Mexico. There is a generalized

with appropriate rates of return and risk-adjusted prices

understanding the government should not participate in

in mind, we look for the most appropriate locations. We

every economic activity but instead should concentrate its

always take concentration risk into account. We are willing

efforts in strengthening its role as a developer of adequate

to go where we see market potential as we are in the

public policies that will foster economic growth and

business of making sound investments and increasing the

development. With the drop in oil prices the government

price of our certificates for the benefit of our clients.

must allocate its scarce resources more intelligently and concentrate its efforts on core activities. There is an

Q: What risks could threaten Macquarie’s performance in

enormous opportunity that opens up the private sector


with the approval of the structural reforms. The private

A: I do not foresee any external or internal unknown risks

sector can participate more than ever in activities such as

that we should be especially worried about. A vital part


of our business model is to understand risk, measure and manage it. We take a structured approach in the evaluation

Q: How are your strategies changing to adapt to industrial

of each potential investment opportunity and we carefully


consider the identifiable risks associated with it and seek

A: Many of our industrial properties are leased to

to implement policies to manage it appropriately.

companies in the automotive supply chain, meaning we are benefiting from the boom. However, there are

There are a variety of risks we must consider such as

other appealing industries such as medical devices

liquidity, market, legal, foreign exchange, operations and

and aerospace. We are interested in companies that

security risks. For each, we seek to implement the most

produce and supply domestic and foreign markets. It is

effective mitigation measures.

Parque Guadalupe, FINSA, Monterrey


INVESTMENT VEHICLES: THE INDUSTRY’S VIEW Mexico has embarked on a series of reforms to open markets and boost private sector involvement in the economy. Energy and infrastructure are among the targets and investment vehicles are available to allow national and international players to participate, especially in real estate projects. These include the new Fibra E, CKDs and CerPIs. Mexico Infrastructure Review asked leaders in infrastructure financing how these instruments will impact the country’s investing environment.


FIBRA – INVESTMENT AND REAL ESTATE TRUST (first issued 2004) • At least 70 percent of investments must be in real estate assets with a portfolio of

One of the most popular vehicles in





investment is the master limited partnership (MLPs), which is very similar to the structure of CerPI and the Fibra E. The only difference between both vehicles is that CerPI will take on development risks associated with higher expected

offices, hospitals, commercial and industrial real estate located in Mexico • 95 percent of earnings must be distributed to the CBFI holders • Information must be transparent for tax purposes • Duration: Project Life

returns and the Fibras are more associated with stable infrastructure projects such as highway concessions. There will be a high capital allocation to infrastructure as part of 324

Mexico’s National Infrastructure Program and this will also benefit CKDs and Fibras. Other strategic industries such as tourism need airports, water plants, highways, health institutions and so on. There is almost US$23.7 billion in capital from the Mexican pension funds targeting those projects. The Fibra regulation has certain fiscal benefits whereby if a portfolio is paid out with Real Estate Stock Certificates (CBFIs), private investors can defer their tax gains until they sell their CBFIs.

JONATHAN DAVIS Chairman of Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets Mexico (MIRA)

FIBRA E – INVESTMENT AND REAL ESTATE TRUST FOR THE ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SECTORS (first issued 2016) • At least 95 percent of its taxable income

The rules for CKDs were much stricter years before, meaning Mexican pension funds had to prefund their full commitment. Today this prefunding commitment has been reduced to 20 percent with remaining capital calls more in line with international practices. In CKDs, a pension fund’s technical committee

must be distributed to holders of CBFIs • Can invest in new projects, only if it represents less than 25 percent of its total investments • 75 percent of investment must be destined to mature projects • Can be used in roads, airports, ports, rail and

reviews projects that represent more than 5 percent of

hydraulic projects

the fund’s commitments. In terms of Fibras, we saw an

• Duration: Project Life

opportunity to create a Mexican Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). Previously, anybody who wanted to invest in real estate typically had to go and physically buy property and then lease this to a third party with all the management burdens that come with that. This new vehicle was designed to allow for a range of international and domestic institutional and retail investors to participate in the real estate market, delegating the management responsibilities to professional fund managers.


JAVIER DÍAZ Manager, Energy Analyst and Consultant at S&P Global Platts

• At least 80 percent must be invested through capital or debt of Mexican entities • At least 80 percent of profits must be

CerPIs are were designed by

distributed at the end of each project

CNBV and the Ministry of Finance

• Information must be transparent for tax

to focus on the development of





• To appoint a technical committee, one must

projects, including energy assets. S&P Global believes these

have 10 percent of the outstanding CKD

instruments will not only be attractive to a broad range of

• Duration: 10-14 years

international and local investors, but also pension funds and insurance companies whose needs are long term. Another instrument that will boost energy infrastructure development is the Fibra E, which was floated on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) in October 2015. Fibra E will incorporate activities related to hydrocarbons, energy and infrastructure assets. Along with its subsidiaries, they are “pass through” entities for tax purposes and there are tax shields that enable a substantial portion of distributions to be exempt. It will also offer entities like PEMEX and CFE an option for monetizing existing assets to focus on new opportunities. Fibra E is intended to capitalize on the value of mature assets that are already generating flows within the infrastructure industry.

CERPI - INVESTMENT PROJECT STOCK CERTIFICATES (first issued 2016) • For qualified institutional investors and

EDUARDO GÜEMEZ Vice President of Investments and Finance at Mexico Retail Properties (MRP)

co-investors must contribute the majority of the money • It is not obligatory to publicly disclose

The authorities used an existing

project information that represents more


than 10 percent or more of trust assets

legislation that prevents pension





• To appoint a technical committee, an

funds in Mexico from investing in private vehicles. A CKD is

investor must have 25 percent of the

a publicly traded vehicle that never trades. At the moment,

outstanding CerPI

CKDs are a work in progress, both for the pension funds and

• Does not require approval of technical committee to invest • Duration: To be determined

the authorities. Since the original instrument was formed, it has improved in leaps and bounds. I think CerPIs provide a solid input, the only issue being the establishment of an instrument that is attractive to both managers and investors. With CerPIs, the government has tried to create a more negotiable document since the participation of investors in the technical committee is more static. With CKDs, a 10 percent share automatically allows the investor a seat on the technical committee, whereas this is not the case with CerPIs. Nevertheless, this system is open to negotiation and no-one is precluded from having a seat on the committee.




“When we started our first business in 2005 we realized

want to invest in a business

that we were not protected by law,” says Diez. “Now,

that will bring economic development and new jobs to the country” Alejandro Diez, Partner and Director of DILA Capital

that being a small investor was complicated by the fact various financial instruments have been created, such as anonymous investment promotion societies (SAPIs) and private capital investment funds (FICAPs), which make life as a minor investor much easier.” Last year, DILA Capital received a total of 450 proposals from businesses throughout the country and in a variety of sectors, from shoe-makers to printer ink suppliers


Life as an entrepreneur in Mexico has not always been

and Diez shares that DILA's portfolio contains promising

smooth sailing. Labor crises in 1982, 1984 and 1992 and

infrastructure projects. The group completed investments

domestic economic volatility made things tricky for

in just nine of the 450 proposals submitted. This 2 percent

startups, which found risk-averse investors unwilling

applicant success rate can be attributed to the group’s

to part with their cash against such an unpredictable

stringent, painstaking approval process and investment

backdrop. For a country in which over 99 percent of

criteria, which involves a face-to-face interview followed

all businesses are micro to medium-sized enterprises

by a series of internal meetings. It can take up to six

(MSMEs), according to the OECD, the good news is that

months for an investment to be approved but, according

things are beginning to change. Access to capital is a vital

to Diez, there is one crucial characteristic that connects

consideration for any young company in the infrastructure

them all.

industry and Alejandro Diez, Partner and Director at venture capital fund DILA Capital, is optimistic about what

“There must always be a link to Mexico,” says Diez. “As

the future holds for would-be entrepreneurs in Mexico.

Mexican investors, we want to invest in a business that will bring economic development and new jobs to the country.”

“When I was looking for investment for my business in

Supporting startups does not simply offer enticing returns

2005, there were no venture capital funds whatsoever,”

for short to-medium term investors like DILA Capital.

says Diez. “Now there are more than 20 investing actively

Fostering a strong entrepreneurial spirit can also play a

and every year we receive more business and investment

pivotal role in the development of Mexico’s economy in

opportunities.” Diez also recognizes the impact of the

the long term by creating stable jobs and boosting big

government in removing some of the legal hurdles that

businesses that are often slow to lend a helping hand to

young businesses have faced in Mexico in recent years.




Q: What are the prospects for infrastructure development

kilometers of new roads are being tendered, both in urban

given Mexico’s economic environment?

and intercity environments.

A: The opportunities in the infrastructure industry are not new, nor are they improvised. Rather, they have been


developing and maturing throughout the years. BlackRock

significant potential through USPs, which will become

is actively participating in Mexican industry projects and


ensures all parties are winning through mechanisms like

infrastructure. Companies in the sector are developing

retirement funds. The country’s development widens

their own USPs and we are constantly in contact with

alongside these projects, which boost employment

them to provide the insight they need. In addition,

rates and economic performance. In our view, the three

social infrastructure has significant potential in Mexico,

pillars that underpin this industry are identifying the right

especially with PPP plans in the health sector. We believe

projects to invest in, designing the optimal investment

that it is more efficient to have a strong hospital network

structure to bring them capital and deploying sufficient

than two or three extremely large hospitals.




of for

mobility the






technical depth to add value to each project along its entire life cycle.

Q: What are the industry’s most pressing needs? A: The majority of the problems we see in the infrastructure

Finding the right opportunities for investment capital is

industry are small but because they are not given the

the main challenge and this capital must be generated

proper attention they tend to grow out of proportion. We

through international and national institutions. These

develop strong relationships with our business partners

investments must be managed by seasoned professionals

in each of our projects and given that we have technical

since infrastructure requires a long-term strategy and

knowledge and a keen eye for successful projects, this

patience to guarantee a generous rate of return. The

increases our competitive advantage. The majority of

recent federal budget cuts have increased the difficulty

funds approach projects when they are at maturity but

of directly developing projects under traditional methods

BlackRock works with its business partners from the early

so alternative financing is on the rise. Now more than ever,

stages of development.

the government must manage a portfolio of projects that is viable, solid and adheres to timelines and budgets. We

Q: What contribution can BlackRock make to Mexico’s

have seen improvement in this sector and the government


is working toward developing more attractive programs


and financial structures.

support to the projects we invest in, we believe we








can contribute to give Mexico greater visibility within Q: Where does BlackRock see the greatest potential for

the international community as an ideal location for

infrastructure investment?

investment. We want to develop the technical and

A: As the Energy Reform comes to fruition, the country’s

economic relationships between various players in the

capacity will increase substantially and so will the need for

sector. By doing so, we are encouraging transparency

related infrastructure. Private capital will play a critical role

and directly impacting the development of the sector.

in this development and BlackRock wants to play its part.

The country would benefit greatly from collaboration

We also are interested in participating in transportation

between government institutions and the private sector

infrastructure and there are many companies in the market

to ensure transparency and efficiency in processes.

that will be looking to reinvest their capital in mobility

BlackRock has an extremely strong global presence and

projects. The government has released several road and

has taken on the responsibility of demonstrating the

highway packages that have great potential. Hundreds of

immense potential of our country.




Q: What does GBM Infraestructura look for when selecting

extended the concession of our two brownfield water

projects for its portfolio?

projects and road infrastructure also has caught our

A: Our investment philosophy is to use the highest quality

eye, although these are high-risk projects due to rights

operators and over the years we have developed close

of way. At the moment storage, generation or energy

relationships with companies such as PINFRA and Aldesa.

transportation and transmission projects are limited but

Our first filter is a set of requisites that projects must

the risk is lower as long as the company can adequately

meet. They must be working on long-term developments

manage the construction.

with inelastic demand, protected against inflation and 328

barriers of entry through capital expenditure that can

Q: What drove GBM Infraestructura to invest in Mexico’s

be integrated with a partner and with an attractive

first private water operator?

payoff. Once the project passes the first filter, an indepth

A: At a constitutional level, the administration of water

financial model reflecting the legal validity of the project

resources falls on the shoulders of each municipality in

is created. If it were a project for an energy auction, we

Mexico. These municipalities commonly lack the necessary

would be selling electricity to CFE for 15 years and energy

economic or technical resources to manage the systems

certificates for 20 years.

efficiently. There are two main factors in these types of models, namely the commercial and the physical efficiency

The agreement we make with the partner must protect

of the systems. Physical efficiency is defined by how much

us through an Engineering Procurement Construction

water extracted is actually received by the end user. When

(EPC) contract. If there is a counterpart through which the

a municipality experiences low physical efficiency due to

project will be leveraged, the partner must be creditworthy

leaks within its infrastructure, not only does that increase

and the structure of the debt must be aligned with the

its cost of repairs, but it also increases operational costs.

interests of the equity. It is a long process that includes

If system operators could find a way to increase physical

analysis, due diligence, financial structure and asset

efficiency, it would have a drastic impact on not only costs


but also regional, social and environmental health.

Q: Which sectors are stoking the appetite of investors for

Mexico’s physical efficiency is lower than 50 percent,

infrastructure development?

which means that most of the water is lost before it

A: The fund is divided into three sections: road,

reaches the population, and it has a commercial efficiency

communications and transport infrastructure, water and

of around 60-70 percent. Our concession operates with

energy. We are seeing an increase in energy projects in

a 97 percent commercial efficiency in Cancun and we

our pipeline and there are many great opportunities in

are on our way to reach our goal of increasing physical

energy infrastructure, whether in midstream or power

efficiency to 70 percent in the next five years. To meet

generation. For many years, the country has experienced

this goal, we are dividing the areas to identify, analyze

an infrastructure deficit in more than one sector in relation

and repair all inefficacies within that perimeter. It is a long

to the size of its economy. The federal government has

and tedious process going from area to area but thanks

limited resources since it began to lower its dependency

to the technology available we can now use systems

on oil and gas so PPPs will play a vital role in bridging the

similar to ultrasound that allow us to see the leaks before

country’s immense infrastructure gap.

breaking ground.

Our emphasis for investment has been these three sectors

Placing a concession on water is often controversial

but we are opportunistic and if we see an opportunity

because people link it to raising tariffs and privatization

that represents a profit, we will not limit our reach. We

of natural resources. When the water system is operated

through a concession, tariffs are established according

used to innovate and create databases that will ensure the

to the average price throughout the country. Prices

pricing and quality of the service provided to the people.

only vary depending on consumption and are strictly regulated according to usage throughout the country.

Q: How will the Indios Verdes elevated viaduct impact

The benefit of turning water systems into a concession

mobility in Mexico City?

is that concessions guarantee long-term investment and

A: We are extremely excited about the Indios Verdes

ensure the resources are used efficiently. Often, water

project in which we now have 45 percent equity in the

operators have low physical and commercial efficiencies,

MX$6 billion (US$316 million) total investment. The

along with high operational costs due to improper

project will be an 8.5km elevated viaduct from Circuito

management of human resources and high electricity

Interior to the Mexico-Pachuca highway. These areas

costs. In this case, most water operators are government

are highly congested and more than 177,000 vehicles

entities, meaning they accrue losses and therefore must

pass through this area each day. Indios Verdes is an

use other resources to rectify the inefficiencies within

important stop on the city’s public transport system

the system.

and this viaduct will relieve the traffic by allowing cars to pass above the public transport. Our partner in this

As a concessionary we give the government 20 percent of

project is PINFRA and we will begin construction at the

our revenue, provide the security of long-term investment

end of 2016. This project is among the most important

and increase the efficiency of the water system way above

for this administration and it will have a tremendous

the country’s average. There are many examples all over

impact on the population. It will be developed as a PPP

the world where these types of concessions have had a

and we have seen great interest from commercial banks

positive impact on society by increasing the quality of

to participate in the financial structure of the project.

the service provided and at the same time maintaining

GBM Infraestructura favors structuring the financing

a fair price. Nevertheless, these paradigms are difficult

with both commercial and development banks because

to break. We have a five-year concession with Quintana

the former provides companies with long-term financing

Roo in which we will invest a total of MX$4 billion (US$210

whereas commercial banks offer short-term conditions

million) into the water infrastructure and incorporate the

but take leadership in terms of the financial structure.

share the state receives from CONAGUA to optimize the

Investment funds are 100 percent committed and GBM

entire system’s infrastructure. The amount of investment

Infraestructura’s CKD will offer attractive levels of risk

that is being injected into the water infrastructure is

and return. We already have a head start by buying

reaching quantities never seen before and this is being

materials such as steel to ensure stable prices.

Salamanca-Leon, Guanajuato




Q: What are the most significant challenges fund

benefit greatly from having a local team that knows how

managers face when choosing projects?

to identify and manage potential projects.

A: In Mexico, even though toll roads appear to be a


mature business, revenues are not efficiently managed.

Q: Why is it important to establish a formal investment

Businesses that are elastic to prices and that cannot store

process for potential projects?

capacity must apply price discrimination and establish

A: It is necessary because we believe the fiduciary

various pricing structures to ensure adequate revenue


management. There are several toll roads in Mexico that

administrator must be well defined from the outset.

have the ability to generate larger cash flows but lack


revenue management. Companies cannot re-establish

ensures the investor is well aware of the fund manager’s

their pricing because they have structured bonds that

responsibilities. Ainda was the first fund manager in Mexico

do not permit new price structures and thus they must

to join the United Nations Principles for Responsible

prepay debt to implement revenue management. Private

Investment and implement a code of conduct and ethics.

equity funds can play an important role in the transition

These components were put in place as a way to establish

until previous leverage is refinanced.

a more transparent relationship between investors and

between the


the of

investor the






fund managers for how activities would be carried out. Q:








The role the government plays in ensuring that these

infrastructure that make it optimal for investment?

types of measures are put in place by investment funds is

A: The new legal environment will produce opportunities

as important as sectoral cooperation.

not only in oil and gas but also in power. With the new PPP law, there are opportunities for many new projects

Q: How will financial vehicles and project partnerships

such as the relocation of existing infrastructure, large rail,

impact the development of Mexican infrastructure?

multimodal developments and airports. The government’s

A: Fibra E is an excellent financial instrument but there are

weaker financial situation is caused by accounting for

very few potential assets that can actually be transferred

cash flow liabilities instead of assets. It is optimal for

into a Fibra E. There are many physical assets that have

the government to monetize brownfield assets and then

yet to produce cash flow under the new legal system and

use the proceeds to build new infrastructure. The last

thus have no proven track record. Although those assets

administration carried out the privatization of the FARAC

may be old, they should not be considered mature. Fibra E

toll roads and it is likely that these actions will continue

and CKDs are not mutually exclusive but complementary,

with airports as well as toll roads.

and in the future CKD investors could divest into a Fibra E. These financial vehicles are far more effective when used

Q: What strategic alliances is Ainda creating as it positions

together to invest in diverse infrastructure projects.

itself in the energy and infrastructure markets? A: Ainda has joined forces with Goldman Sachs Merchant

Joint ventures and USPs are generating a presence in the

Banking Division and we are preparing a package of CKDs

Mexican infrastructure market and will increase the number

for energy and infrastructure valued at over MX$21 billion

of projects in the country. If an investor proposes a joint

(US$1.1 billion). We formed this strategic alliance with

venture to PEMEX or CFE, the project can go forward without

Goldman Sachs to meet our fiduciary responsibility to

a bidding process as long as the company’s board approves

our investors and as a way to embrace the opportunities

the project. When carrying out a project with the Ministry

that present themselves. The countless prospects that

of Transport, the project could fall under a PPP scheme as a

are developing in Mexico will create demand for our

USP and the company that took the initiative could have an

expertise in the Mexican market and Goldman Sachs will

advantage in the bidding process.



Q: How has Mexico’s macroeconomic situation affected

important element of our company because we are not

the sector and the company’s decision-making?

trying to create landmarks, but instead make a profitable

A: It is difficult to predict the changing landscape of the

investment. The company looks to build homes that have

market but it is important to mitigate risk by adapting

a balance between attractiveness and cost.

our business models to changing conditions. If exchange rates and prices skyrocket from one day to another, our

Although it has many risks, the hotel sector has high

business model is flexible enough to handle the impact

potential, which means companies must be agile in

of some of these changes. VENIT strives to anticipate

the decisions they make. For instance, Monterrey is a

these situations. When the US dollar-peso exchange rate

challenging location for a new hotel project because it has

becomes unfavorable, for example, we try to buy elevators

more than 10 different hotels in the pipeline for the next

and other elements or materials at a cheaper rate to

couple of years, such as the Four Seasons, JW and Fiesta

reduce the impact on our budget.

American Grand. Even though the upcoming years will be challenging for the industry, Mexico has made it through

Successful companies create flexible business plans and

turbulent times before. They may not be the best years

always prepare for the worst-case scenario. If rates rise

but we have solid expectations for the company.

then prices likely will too, forcing the market to react and adjust to the new conditions. It is important to learn

Q: Why is it important that developers incorporate

from mistakes, learn that each project has its unique

sustainability into their business models?

risks and know that real estate development is utterly

A: It is crucial that companies take sustainability seriously

intense and volatile. Constructing an office building can

and not just as a passing trend. Building methods and the

sometimes take 18 months, during which time anything

materials and technologies used in the construction of real

can happen. Companies must be prepared for these

estate are vitally important. The idea of sustainability is

types of changes and learn from their past experiences.

trying to find a balance between the clients’ needs and

Although our portfolio is small, we can ensure that our

the wellbeing of the surrounding environment. In a project

quality is far superior, which in the end keeps both us and

in Queretaro, the objective was to make the development

our investors happy.

as clean as possible, which does not mean expensive and complex materials must be used but rather that materials

Q: What is the company’s approach to growth and what is

should be used in an innovative way.

the outlook for the medium term? A: VENIT Investments wants to grow while keeping a

We have a clear budget for what we can spend in

tight rein on overhead, especially because this business is

certain areas and we have a good understanding of how

extremely cyclical. When companies have large overheads

various factors influence each other. It seems as if LEED

they must undertake as many projects as possible to

has become a seal of luxury but it only takes careful

keep people working. This then changes the business

research to fully understand alternative ways of building.

model and companies begin to focus more on how much

Companies should innovate and search for new methods.

money they can make by developing the company than

The green building process also does not end at the

by investing in it, which impacts the way the company

door of the building. The Santa Julia district in Mexico

operates and invests its capital.

City is a great example of going beyond boundaries and making an impact on the surrounding areas as

VENIT will continue to expand in our niche market and

well. Sustainability is more than just a certification, it is

although our projects are not the most ostentatious, there

building better structures without sacrificing productivity

is less risk and the projects are of high quality. This is an

or functionality.



LOOKING FOR MONEY? DEBT IS BEST VÍCTOR CALDERÓN Director General of ArCcanto Recursos Financieros


Q: How can the private sector help small and medium-

Q: How are you helping companies become better

sized Mexican companies grow?


A: The services granted to large companies and medium

A: Every three months we offer financial workshops

companies are vastly different. We executed a total of

where the Director and the financial team of our client’s

2,000 financial diagnostics and found that only 8 percent

company can learn about finance, the latest products and

of Mexican companies have formal access to financial

how to make financial evaluations. It helps companies

resources like banks. We found that almost 80 percent of

determine their optimal cost policies, cycles and growth

the businesses we interviewed have inefficiently structured

strategy. ArCcanto considers this an important part of

credit lines. Some larger companies offer training programs

the business strategy, as companies without adequate



financial information often use credit incorrectly. If we give

financing programs like factoring. It is not a perfect system






them follow-up services and help them choose the best

but the private sector is increasingly choosing more small

projects to enter, company strategies improve drastically.

and medium-sized suppliers as long as they can provide

Sometimes long-term contracts can cause companies to

products and services on time. On the downside, large

lose more money than they earn if the profit percentage

corporations are making payment periods longer. This

or operational costs are not properly defined.

negatively impacts small suppliers as they cannot accept more projects or grow without being able to finance

Q: What role do you envision for ArCcanto in the Mexican

them. The idea is not only to provide financial support but

financial world?

also to grant training and create a financial culture. This

A: At the moment, we have a strategic alliance with a

combination is what ultimately helps companies grow.

multiple-purpose financial institution (SOFOM). ArCcanto

We are involved with Endeavour Entrepreneur to provide

is in the process of developing a CKD especially for

entrepreneurs with the right financial tools to make their

mezzanine debt that differs from the senior debt granted

businesses more professional.

by traditional banks. Companies that grow extremely quickly and are in need of capital to keep up with the

Q: How are you helping decrease cases of late payments

accelerated growth often have to use private equity, which

in Mexico?

is expensive. Fortunately, mezzanine debt is the perfect

A: Large corporations receive the most profit from their

middle point between senior debt and private equity. It

supply chain and corporations are choosing to extend

helps to financially boost companies in a flexible way as

payment contracts from 30 days to 60 and even 180 in

it allows 10-year plans, with a three-year grace period,

extreme cases. To counterbalance payment issues, we

among other complementary details that can be added to

designed our consultancy to offer suppliers a way to

the negotiation. It is a way to create a financial plan based

advance payments from big companies. The principal

not on history but the future flow of cash. Our CKDs based

advantage of our programs is that they are transparent for

on mezzanine debt have tickets of MX$50 million (US$2.6

the big companies and do not require any type of contract

million) and MX$200 million (US$10.5 million) that are only

with them. The balance does not consume a company’s

for small and growing companies. We are creating them

credit line and it does not put our clients in debt with

with the support of possible partners that are interested in

banks. It allows us to help suppliers that collaborate with

helping small companies grow. Even though various CKDs

large corporations such as Pepsi that do not offer financial

centered around mezzanine debt already exist, they are out

factoring. We have over 60 cases of successful companies

of reach for small companies because their tickets start at

that have grown substantially thanks to our services. Many

MX$200 million (US$10.5 million). It may be more expensive

have outperformed their sales expectations thanks to the

than senior debt but it is ultimately much cheaper than

increased cash inflow.

private equity, which is attractive to smaller companies.



Q: What are the barriers to financing innovation in

because transparency there is an issue. Building a platform


that can make the industry transparent through screening

A: Innovation can be characterized in a number of ways,

of investors facilitates the industry’s growth.

such as how infrastructure is financed through webbased mechanisms and by innovating in the projects

We have over 150 funds globally, from Blackstone and

constructed. Our company is innovating by providing

Carlyle to smaller local funds. The average developers

a platform that allows projects to be financed but other

are engineers who are adept at developing projects but

companies innovate by type of project. Those companies

do not understand banks or investors. We understand

have very different barriers. Innovation is capital-intensive

the needs of these actors and the needs of the investors

so many businesses face a financing barrier. Financing a

and we are the middle ground between them. We put all

US$50 million project generally consists of 30 percent

the information into a transparent platform, which has

equity and 70 percent debt but banks will not finance

never been done before. Another problem we are solving

debt for companies that lack a credit history. Financing

is networking. Even the well-connected do not have the

can mean the difference between providing 30 percent

entire industry in their network. In this case, we monitor

and 100 percent equity for a project.

the industry and create dialogue between industry players and banks.

Traditionally, real estate development in Latin America is done through investment by companies with specific

Q: What are the biggest benefits for investors using this

mandates. Even wind power projects can become less


profitable because wind power is still classified as a new

A: We screen roughly 90-95 percent of the proposals

technology and therefore assumes more risk according to

we receive so that the number of projects an investor

bank policies. The innovative financing sector is enabling

needs to assess goes from 20 to two. Even though these

new technologies and CAAAPITAL falls into this bracket.

investors have a great deal to invest, they normally have

We obtained financing in Boston because finding local

no more than five staff and many are focused on Latin

financing would have taken much longer. In the US, there

America. Chile, Peru, Mexico and Colombia have 12,000

is a great number of venture-based startups and the

new projects per year and each project is substantial. With

financing rounds are much larger. Normally, innovation is

our service, all the proposals sent to investors meet their

driven by knowledgeable people like a managing partner in

investment profile because we have these on record and

a fund but these individuals are expensive to recruit. There

can match projects to the appropriate funding in terms of

are few startups that can recruit the caliber of personnel

size, structure and phase.

CAAAPITAL has obtained because staffing costs alone can mount considerably. People also assume greater risk

We carry out this procedure once and 150 funds can

moving to a startup and therefore need greater financial

potentially benefit whereas traditionally, each fund would


have to go through this process individually. This also lowers the cost of the transaction substantially. Our team is

Q: What key factors shaped the development of

made up of the foremost experts across a variety of fields,

CAAAPITAL’s business model?

including the former Country Manager of Garrad Hassan,

A: We reached a crossroads at a certain point in our

the former Country Manager of Barlovento and the former

growth where we had to decide whether to become

Head of the IDB for Infrastructure and Energy. For this

a people-intensive company like Deloitte or a more

million-dollar team, funds only need to pay on a variable

transparent, innovative firm. This has worked even more

basis, lowering the overall barriers for foreign players and

effectively in Mexico than in our initial base of Chile

providing substantial cost advantages for investors.


Garden Santa Fe, Arquitectoma, Mexico City




Q: Being a young firm, how has EIM Capital solidified its

Q: What segments of the energy industry offer the best

position in the energy sector?

opportunities for EIM Capital?

A: We have a number of recognized people on our board,

A: Prior to the reform, we were paying almost twice as

including former President Vicente Fox, who joined the

much for access to power than US consumers, despite

firm at the end of 2013. This is among our main highlights

having access to the same technology and energy sources

because Fox focused not on how young the firm was but on

such as wind, solar and natural gas. Unfortunately, because

our values and vision. Having him on board was beneficial

the system was previously a monopoly, a large portion

early on since it provided us with credibility, invaluable

of our power generation technologies are outdated and

experience and leadership. EIM’s goal is to be a platform

inefficient. A third of Mexico’s power will be replaced with

that attracts international investors and operators to

more efficient sources and these projects can attract a

Mexico, helping to mitigate risk associated with entering

lot of investment. E&P will contribute many traditional

the market here. In this we have been tremendously

infrastructure developments, such as pipe and road

successful. Despite the Energy Reform, investors still have

infrastructure, and so too will power because it requires

a long list of concerns, including security issues, corruption

transmission lines, gas pipelines and generating plants.

and infrastructure. Because energy is contingent on the government, we decided that having a strong government

The pipeline system is not only old, it is also lacking

presence was the only way to really understand it. We

capacity compared with the US. Mexico has around

have solidified our position due to our expertise and have

12,000km of pipelines while Texas alone has 90,000km.

become a trusted partner to some of the most prestigious

To develop midstream infrastructure, EIM will likely back

energy companies in the world.

a management team experienced in infrastructure from a greenfield perspective. Mike Stice built Chesapeake’s

Q: How do you convince investors their investment will

midstream infrastructure and he will help us to identify

bear fruit in the long term?

and develop the best opportunities for our investors. While

A: Despite Mexico’s problems, the country is tremendously

EIM could focus on gathering and processing systems

promising. We are located next to the US, we are a NAFTA

and long-haul pipelines, it will probably focus on special

partner and have strong commercial ties with the US

opportunities with a higher return.

market and business practices. Mexico also has a stable economy, strong reserves, strong demographics and

Q: What has been EIM’s experience with its power plant

skilled labor, which are all attractive features for investors.

investment in Leon, Guanajuato?

The reforms have been transformational and they explain

A: We started this project in 2013, largely due to the opening

the sudden flood of interest in the country.

of the industry even though we were not experts in building power plants. Due to several inefficiencies, we modified our

Unconventional resources constitute a significant industry,

strategy by recruiting the most experienced management

which has so far only been developed in the US and

teams from around the world. The ideal off-takers are large,

mostly have been overlooked by Mexico. Large-scale

stable entities with long-term projections that want to ensure

developments and top-quartile operators are required to

a long-term competitive or predictable cost. The Bajio region

achieve efficiencies that make unconventional resources

has a thriving automotive industry and ideal off-takers are

profitable but it has been difficult for us to attract them.

Ford, Toyota and Mazda. Mexico as a manufacturing hub

With its vast resource base, Mexico could produce the

already is competitive but it is hampered by costly power

same levels of oil and gas as our neighbors, which could

generation and supply. Once energy is made more efficient

ultimately translate to US$500 billion of annual additional

and cheaper, Mexico will become even more competitive and

economic activity within 10 years.

a growing number of companies will begin operations here.



SCOPE FOR GROWTH IN INSURANCE SECTOR PABLO CRAIN CEO & Country Manager Mexico of Insurance at XL Catlin


The Chinese character for “crisis” is a combination of

and the types of building materials used,” says Crain. To

the characters for “danger” and “opportunity.” The

provide a helping hand, XL Catlin has customized a series of

infrastructure sector contributes an average of 6 percent

products and innovative solutions specifically designed for

to developing economies around the world, and given

the Mexican market, such as crisis management, to enable

that this number has dropped to as low as 2 percent in

companies to mitigate the inherent risks of operating

Mexico, it would be easy to focus on the dangers the

within the national infrastructure sector. Such products

industry faces today. Pablo Crain, CEO & Country Manager

are particularly pertinent for foreign enterprises entering

Mexico of insurance giant XL Catlin, prefers to focus on

the industry in Mexico for the first time.“Companies are

the opportunities. “The infrastructure insurance sector has

expanding to new countries, and we created products that

a fantastic opportunity to thrive,” says Crain. “The sheer

cater to their specific needs, such as crisis management

size of Mexico’s population provides a large domestic

solutions,” says Crain. “Companies must be alert because

market, considering that local consumption has exploded

each country has different jurisdictions, insurance-related

due to the middle class’ accelerated growth of 80 percent

processes and accounting that need to be understood.”

since 2000.” The Mexican economy is expected to grow at a rate of between 1.7 and 2.5 percent in 2016 and

Along with the private sector, public institutions also have

this, coupled with Mexico’s geographic position, should

important responsibilities to meet regarding infrastructure

increase opportunities for infrastructure projects.

risk management. The federal government must ensure that education, health, transport and hydraulic infrastructure

Perched atop three tectonic plates and sandwiched between

is adequately protected from natural disasters and that

the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, the country is

reparation funds are provided when required. This task

threatened by a wide range of natural phenomena and

is handled by FONDEN, the natural disaster fund, which

is a regular victim of earthquakes, hurricanes and floods.

repairs damage using modern, resilient techniques and

This puts great stress on the national road and hydraulic

materials. While this is an important step, Crain believes

networks, but also has spurred improvements in risk

that the government should also consider transferring

management. “Patricia was the largest hurricane in history,

risk through insurance and reinsurance instruments.“In

and luckily nothing major happened but it drastically

the case of public infrastructure, the government has

raised awareness of insurance in the country,” says Crain.

adapted mechanisms to finance risk with FONDEN,” says

“Companies are beginning to prepare for these types of

Crain. “The transfer of risk is an important method that

events and improve their risk management culture.”

allows both private and public sector institutions to have a clear understanding of what they are insuring, where it is

According to Crain, one effective method of reducing risk

located and how much it costs to rebuild.”

and increasing profit is through the implementation of sustainable infrastructure. Meanwhile, climate change has

Above all else, Crain believes that the key to companies

increased sensitivity toward environmental protection as well

protecting themselves from natural disasters lies in

as generating usual weather patterns. The use of sustainable

education and XL Catlin uses its international standing

materials and more efficient solutions can drastically reduce

and experience to play a leading role in fostering a more

the risk for construction companies and garner support

sustainable, efficient and profitable insurance sector

for infrastructure projects from the international business

in Mexico. “XL Catlin is highly involved in educating the

community, particularly the insurance sector.

sector and developing strategies to establish a better insurance culture in Mexico,” says Crain. “Combining our

“Sustainable buildings generally have lower risk than

global footprint and local expertise allows us to reach out

traditional buildings due to lower energy consumption

to larger numbers of people and companies.”


MITIGATING FUTURE RISKS JUAN SEGURA President & Director General of Aon Risk Solutions Mexico

Q: How is Aon adapting its insurance services to disaster

communal or ejido lands. Various projects have been


blocked in Mexico and there have been substantial losses

A: In any developed country the vast majority of losses

because companies failed to foresee the implications

brought about by a natural disaster are covered by the

of land tenure. Negotiating with tenants is highly

insurance market. In many instances the government

complicated. Another problem is that information systems

does not have the capacity or the resources to provide

such as the National Transparency Institute (INAI) do not

compensation for losses. We recommend that all citizens

work adequately. Oftentimes, properties are not registered

and companies that have the capacity to buy insurance

correctly or information is mistaken or not updated, which

should seek proper consultation on the risks and coverage

can lead to ill-informed investment.


that exist and understand how to protect their assets. All individuals, companies and every asset or investment needs

Q: How are insurers mitigating the threat to telecoms

to be protected in case of a natural disaster or accident.

from cybercrime and hacker attacks? A:






Q: What strategies can be applied to ensure competitive

significant investment for the development of new

and transparent bidding processes?

technologies and every day new risks arise for which

A: It is crucial that a bidding process elicits trust to attract the

insurance companies are developing coverage. Companies

most suitable vendors. We believe that direct assignments

in this sector should always analyze their assets, calculate



how much risk the company can absorb and transfer as

companies that could add value in the development and






much as possible to insurance. Cybercrime is one of the

implementation of new technologies or services in the

biggest concerns not just for the telecommunications

industry. It is essential to hold open transparent bids that

industry but for all companies, especially banks and the

guarantee valuable vendors are not eliminated before the

financial sector. Companies must protect client information

process starts. There should also be open meetings to clarify

and there is specialized coverage for these particular risks.

information so that the service providers fully understand the terms, implications and risks of the requirements. In this

Q: What challenges must the infrastructure industry face

way, the offer will be clear and will meet both the technical

and how can Aon help?

and pricing needs. The final assignment should always be

A: In the short term, the infrastructure industry must

audited by an independent party, which should also take

experiment and develop a great deal of knowledge in

full responsibility throughout the tendering process to

almost every field. Regulatory schemes, such as PPPs, are

ensure complete transparency. This optimizes the process

facilitating the creation of partnerships between the public

and ensures the proposals truly meet the requirements and

and private sector. As for the insurance of private assets,

provide the greatest added value. Companies tend to give

the rapid evolution of technology keeps pushing demand

greater importance to the financial side of proposals but we

for new products. Mexico has a favorable geographic

emphasize that the same importance, or even more, should

positon, a large population and promising opportunities.

be given to the technical offer.

The country should be able to grant security to Mexican and foreign investors. The development of Mexico’s

Q: What hazards are prevalent in land acquisition for

middle class will play an important role in accelerating

infrastructure projects?

the development of the economy, which will generate

A: Land rights and title security are two of the greatest

even more investment, especially in the infrastructure



segment. The government’s task is to continue supporting

highways and bridges normally require large tracts of land





infrastructure improvement across the country because

and the vast majority of these projects will run into either

that will be the foundation for further economic growth.




The construction industry has a perception problem.

With tough economic times in the sector and a low-price

Banks seem to think they are all the same. For specialized

market, Kepler has adapted by offering flexible payment

businesses like Kepler, it is a trickle-down effect that

terms and conditions for its services. Clients appreciate

goes beyond misunderstanding.

alternatives that allow them to expand projects they would otherwise have to delay due to a lack of capital, to

Garcia says. The company mitigates risk by using its

finding finance because construction companies are

experience to foresee common issues that can affect the

not considered the ideal client to fund,” says Alberto

financial side of a project.








Garcia, Director of Finance and Administration at Kepler. “Finance depends greatly on the type of development

Garcia acknowledges that some projects entail greater

that is being built and as many banks do not have staff

risk than others when it comes to flexible financing.

with construction knowledge, those companies are not

“On the one hand, low-risk projects such as highways

getting proper follow-up.” That can quickly become

or housing can quickly repay capital,” he says. “On the

an issue for an operator like Kepler. “Although these

other hand, sectors like mining have higher risks from

businesses are open to installing the designs we present,

the inherent dangers of its industry.”

our clients often say they are unable to pay.” Kepler participates in the development, contracting, supervision and execution of heavy industrial and urban construction. It also has a niche in energy generation, specializing in the installation of turbines, mills and other motion-generated devices such as steam and gas Financial institutions and banks often lump specialized construction players into general categories such as highway and housing projects, neglecting that there are major differences. “Construction projects need tailored financial support that is not found in the financial categories banks offer,” Garcia says. “The bank should

“On the one hand, low-risk projects such as highways or housing can quickly repay capital. On the other hand, sectors like mining have higher risks from the inherent dangers of its industry”

grant financing according to the project’s contracts and

Alberto Garcia de Alba, Director of Finance and

documents because developments are complex and

Administration at Kepler

unforeseen details that inflate the original budget are common.”

Although the Energy Reform opened possibilities in its energy generation niche, Kepler is not in any hurry

A company may realize during construction that the site

to join the bidding process for PPPs, which require an

needs a different type of mill, for example. This changes

amount of capital and commitment the company is not

the estimated budget and creates financial obstacles.

yet prepared to offer. “We have to carefully analyze

“Companies need financers who can wait to receive

the market dynamics to decide which companies to

payments until the project is completed, instead of

collaborate with,” says Garcia. “Kepler is not entering

constantly requiring payment throughout the process,”

any bidding rounds but we envision transitioning into

Garcia says. It gives businesses a window to recuperate


the borrowed capital.

projects to auto-generate work.”







Finishes Market Offices, spAce, Mexico City



Mexico’s prosperous economy and countless opportunities are flooding the market with new players. Whether it is international players entering Mexico for the first time or national players diversifying into a new sector, it is important to create alliances with businesses that can help facilitate that transition. According to the OECD’s June forecast, Mexico’s GDP is expected to strengthening to 3 percent in 2017 due to the structural reforms this administration has implemented. That would be up from the Bank of Mexico’s lowered outlook for this year to between 1.7 and 2.5 percent. Expenditure budget cuts for 2017 are threatening the completion of the NIP but new financial mechanisms and PPPs could give the industry hope for the remainder of the government’s term.

The book closes with expert advice on how to steer through the labyrinth of the Mexican infrastructure industry. Stakeholders discuss how they are creating productive working spaces, developing software to improve construction and building bridges with concrete blocks. As the market grows more competitive, these industry leaders share the importance for companies to find new methods of differentiation, with both sustainable and socially responsible certifications.



INSIGHT: Juan Carlos Baumgartner, spAce


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Alarcón, PwC




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Rodríguez, Mac Arquitectos Consultores

Gonzalo Montaño , Mac Arquitectos Consultores


INSIGHT: Luis Doménech, MILA


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rafael Diez , Grupo ITISA

Gabriel Santana, Grupo ITISA




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roberto Mikse, Autodesk




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ricardo Chávez, Intelligent Group


VIEW FROM THE TOP: María Elena Rigoli, Collectron International Management


INSIGHT: Eduardo Vidales, CSL


INSIGHT: Eloy Rodríguez, ACCSE


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Garza, Crecimiento Programado

Eduardo Díaz Lozano, Crecimiento Programado




Architectural design consultancy spAce has noticed

based design strategy. SpAce is basically the only firm

that most offices are designed by architects with no

in the country completely dedicated to building high-

background in the science of productivity and happiness.

performance spaces and to workplace education,” says

It wants to change that. “We try to deeply understand


the companies we work with and their culture,” says Juan Carlos Baumgartner, the company’s Managing Director.

Many countries and architects are adopting the open

“Happiness has become an obsession for us.”

office concept because it is less expensive than closed areas, says Baumgartner. They must be combined with


To get to the crux of the matter, SpAce created a research

a set of alternative spaces. People cannot arbitrarily



be arranged into an open-space environment without

researchers who specialize in space efficiency. The firm

being given casual meeting spaces and areas where

has an alliance with the head researcher of MIT’s media

they can concentrate. If they are only given open offices,

lab, which focuses on the future of education and strives

employees feel they are losing more than they are gaining

to discover how the environment impacts the way people

and it detracts value from their work, says Baumgartner.

process and store information. It also has an alliance

“Space can be a powerful tool for an organization as long

with Deft University in the Netherlands that is especially

as time is invested into understanding the company’s

concerned with wellbeing and its relationship to the

culture and vision.”





physical environment. Because all companies have a different opinion on Deft has a theory called Positive Emotional Granularity

productivity, spAce finds it more efficient to connect the

that researches people with a deeper capacity to share

benefits achieved to happiness levels. To measure results,

feelings than the average person. SpAce is developing

the firm identifies basic elements within each company

this theory with Deft and is in the process of creating an

that best reflect productivity. It then measures the impact

alliance with Harvard to delve even deeper into the topic

design brings to these factors.“Our work impacts deep

with the prestigious academic institution. The firm also has

layers of the company. Our 20-year experience has proven

partnered with an Australian lab that analyzes the impact

that our projects can increase engagement from 25 to 30

different lighting can have on performance.

percent, on average. Satisfaction is equally improved by up to 40 percent,” Baumgartner says. Both elements reap

The company uses electronic tools to measure happiness,

more profit for clients as employees are willing to give

performance, health and engagement. It employs a system

more to the company.

that allows it to interview 10,000 people in 15 minutes. “This gives us an amazing, big picture of the client’s business,”

“One of the reasons we have a great deal of success is

says Baumgartner. SpAce also can use its database for

because we take the time to adapt our designs to their

cross-referencing, dividing people into categories such

needs. Our mission is to give our clients what they need

as age and company areas. “This lets us find groups of

to complete their work and it is often not an office.

people within the company that are happier than the rest

Beauty and functionality alone are not enough to create

and we can then analyze the reasons behind that,” he says.

significant change,” says Baumgartner.

The trend of open offices is geared toward raising

An efficient workplace design also can produce savings.

employee satisfaction and productivity but this is only a small piece of the puzzle. “The problem is that Mexico

SpAce helps reduce costs by using fewer square meters

does not have enough experts who focus on evidence-

and by defining internal mobility. Effectively, only 70

percent of a space is used because offices are empty when

In addition to taking on corporate clients, spAce carries

employees are in meetings or with clients. “Our tools can

out four or five pro bono projects a year. “As our objective

measure how often people leave the office to define the

is to transform spaces and the way they impact people,

company’s mobility profile,” says Baumgartner. “We find

we decided that our best bet was to bring added value to

that some people only use their office space briefly to

education. The hardest part is finding suitable pro bono

check emails or arrange meetings and they do not truly

clients because we need them to have enough resources

need a workstation.”

to build the project and to avoid wasting time in designs that will never become a reality,” says Baumgartner.

Based on the company’s profile, spAce offers alternative spaces such as lounges or bars where people can drink

SpAce’s main focus is education because the sector is

coffee and check their emails. Employees who are

going through a major revolution. Mexico’s 200-year-old

frequently in meetings with clients may only need the

system is being reformed but its physical aspect remains,

workspace to make friends and feel like they are part of the

says Baumgartner. He believes an educational revolution

company’s bigger picture, Baumgartner says. “It is more

cannot happen without a deep change in space design.

efficient to invest in common areas than workstations

Many studies have proven that the worst way to learn is

that will be underutilized, or to implement a hot-desking

by facing all the desks forward with a teacher at the front,

system. Some of spAce’s most innovative ideas include

he says.

working cafes, in which people do not have a defined working space. Offices can implement open terraces and

“We strive to shrink the gap between the educational

install tables so employees can sit wherever they please.”

system and the real world,” says Baumgartner. Mexican universities like UNAM are facing a deep infrastructure

Baumgartner remarks that working with international

gap as the physical environment has not changed in 50

companies in Mexico is easier because they come from

years. This implies that students are studying in spaces not

countries with priorities similar to workplace happiness.

connected to where they will be working after graduation.

“Clients from Europe and the US do not need to be coaxed

“The biggest problem is that corporate industries evolve

into seeing the importance of space design and the value

quickly, while other sectors move more slowly,” he says.

of the investment. When we decided to expand into Latin

“The only way to reduce the gap is by pushing those that

America and created our headquarters in Mexico, our

are at the forefront of design to bring the educational

first client in the region thought we were crazy for talking

system closer to current technology and workplace trends.

about topics like sustainability. Our use of space was

It is not easy as many teachers are not open to changing

confused with practices more akin to Feng Shui because

their paradigm but the generations to come have new

the concept was completely new,” Baumgartner says.

mentalities that will soon force the system to shift.”

Red Bull Offices, spAce, Mexico City




Q: Considering the dual budget cuts in the healthcare

infrastructure and the development of strategic demand

sector, what infrastructure challenges are ahead?

linked to consolidated purchases.

A: It can be viewed in an optimistic or pessimistic way.


Pessimistically, it can be said that healthcare is cut and

Q: Are doctors in pharmacies an appropriate solution to

it is frozen, in which case the only way to move forward

delayed services in public hospitals?

is with pressure from organized society, the private

A: I think it has been a good alternative for society but

sector or even international organizations. Optimistically,

by taking that alternative the population is not receiving

considering the intelligence of leaders such as Mikel

access to public healthcare as is their right. It also relieves

Arriola at IMSS and Minister of Health José Narro, we may

pressure on hospitals in terms of demand and mitigates

now be more united and integrated. In an integrated view,

the stress on the current infrastructure that is in need of

the pressure caused by the budget cuts can be used as

development. It is positive as long as the public sector sees

an opportunity to change things for the better, meaning

it as a sign for improvement. As for private spending, there

becoming more efficient and creating more appropriate

is too much out of pocket. The public sector does not have

infrastructure. If politicians and leaders in the public

the resources to comply with all demands and an alternative

sector share this view these cuts can be used as leverage

is to shift to an innovative public-private partnership. This

for improvement and new models can be introduced

would allow the development of infrastructure financed by

using public-private cooperation, such as pay for results,

the private sector to meet public sector needs, as long as

risk-sharing agreements, development of appropriate

the public sector assumes the majority of the risk. Q: How do you expect Mexico’s healthcare changes to unfold? A: In the near future, I do not think there will be anything revolutionary, just evolutionary actions to maintain the status quo and maybe some relevant steps focused on efficiency on the public sector side. In the private sector, I see a more united voice pushing to have it seen as a competitiveness tool for the government and the country as a whole, and hopefully this will drive big reform in the early years of the next administration. After the next eight years, I think a reform will be implemented and the focus will shift to trying to stabilize a united national health system until 2030. Most of this will be employed through PPPs since resources will be scarce at both sides of the spectrum. Afterward by 2034, a better healthcare system may be a reality with some room for improvement. Another way to view it is in terms of supply and demand. To avoid a crisis, supply must be increased through efficiency and demand must be lowered with the help of private sector innovations. We must get the reform right so the gap between supply and demand does not become a predicament.


CREATE CENTRALIZED AUTONOMOUS BODY FOR INFRASTRUCTURE EDMUNDO GAMAS Director General of the Mexican Institute of Infrastructure Developement (IMEXDI)

Q: What initiatives are needed to optimize cooperation

through the drafting of model laws, the design of toolkits,

between levels of government?

the establishment of protocols and the foundation of

A: Mexico is in need of a national planning and delivery

autonomous authorities.

system for infrastructure. Our institute’s members are all participants in the infrastructure ecosystem and they

Q: What is impeding the success of CompraNet and how

all have a vested interest in ensuring that we have more

important is Infranet?

high-quality infrastructure projects. We are fighting for

A: In its early stages, CompraNet was envisioned as a

the creation of an autonomous organization within the

transactional information model to streamline government

government, responsible for the planning and delivery

purchasing processes. It was a successful tool and won

of infrastructure projects. The processes required in

international recognition but since then it has atrophied

infrastructure planning and delivery are complex and


time consuming. In practice, this means that government

with CompraNet is that its use has become entirely

entities, tied to electoral cycles, are simultaneously

discretionary since officials decide what is uploaded, what

planning and tendering their infrastructure projects,

is removed and there is no obligation to post the complete

leading to poor quality, delays and cost overruns. Other

historical documentation of all infrastructure projects.

countries have centralized the planning and/or delivery

Even documentation proven to be erroneous, or that



which is superseded, should not be removed because civil

organization. Such centralized bodies are directed and

society has a right to see how purchase processes unfold.











staffed by technical professionals who are not tied to any particular political project. They integrate a project bank

InfraNet was developed to ensure efficiency, control,

containing shovel-ready infrastructure developments so

accountability and transparency in the planning and

the government can simply draw on them. In Mexico, an

delivery of infrastructure. This is a necessary system due

autonomous organization like this could plan and deliver

to the complexity of infrastructure projects. This software

infrastructure projects for all levels of government and

will have to be designed ad hoc because it must display

would be open to evaluating USPs.

the complete life cycle of infrastructure projects, from planning, through delivery, operation and maintenance, to

Q: How do you perceive the NIP as the administration’s

periodic performance evaluation.

term winds down and what will be your role? A: If PPPs had been established sooner projects in the NIP

Q: How attractive is Mexico as an investment destination

would have generated a lot more interest and bidding.

compared with other emerging Latin American countries?

The government’s planning departments are saturated

A: Our main competitors for investment into Latin America are

with work as the end of their six-year term approaches,

the countries in the Pacific Alliance. Investors are paying less

meaning there will be an increase in the number of

attention to other countries due to the problems inherent in

infrastructure projects left on the “to be planned” list

their economies and development models. Brazil’s economy

when the administration’s term concludes. There also are

has drastically slowed down and it is not clear how long it

significant institutional bottlenecks, such as the Ministry of

will take for it to readjust or what type of system will emerge.

Finance’s Investment Unit, which must evaluate and sign

Mexico’s biggest competitors at the moment are Chile, Peru

off on each infrastructure project. Allowing the private

and Columbia. That is concerning because Mexico is behind

sector to participate in the planning and evaluation of

in its institutional framework, while countries like Peru and

infrastructure projects would ease these bottlenecks but

Columbia already have central infrastructure authorities that

there has been no inclination in this direction. IMEXDI is

make their bidding processes more transparent and uniform,

attempting to help streamline infrastructure planning

which makes investors happier.




Juan Rodríguez Managing Partner of Planning at Mac Arquitectos Consultores


Gonzalo Montaño Managing Partner of Architecture at Mac Arquitectos Consultores

Q: How can shopping malls distinguish themselves and

can put a mall in a different light, where it is viewed as an

boost customer traffic?

entertainment space rather than just somewhere to buy

JR: There has to be constant innovation and no two

clothes. But these events need to be tailored to the public.

shopping centers can be the same. A shopping center we

Innovation is essential but a balance needs to be struck

developed in Coacalco, State of Mexico has a big screen,

between this and what the market can pay. In our shopping

which means people will go there on a Sunday to watch

center in Venezuela, the managers organized a mass

football. There are also terraces in the restaurant so their

wedding. The shopping center agreed to pay for the party

customers can see the screen. It is always essential to

and it attracted around 100 couples with their friends and

understand the target market because sophisticated

family. This was something attractive to this demographic

audiences require more complex features, whereas some

because it is an important ceremony and many did not have

demographics require simple shopping centers with nice

the resources to pay for their own reception. That generated


a great deal of loyalty in the community. This shopping center also runs a beauty pageant and the entrants must

GM: There is an old saying: “Some buildings talk, some

be customers.

buildings sing and some buildings stay quiet.” Today’s commercial centers have to sing but many of the new

Q: What have been the successful strategies for malls in

shopping centers remain quiet. The attraction of a

low-income areas?

shopping center is increased by the events it holds for the

GM: Covered spaces are successful because in low-income

public. Besides increasing foot traffic, events like these put

areas most shopping is carried out in street bazaars. This



Mexico has flung open its doors with reforms that have

and Latin America, says that companies wanting to enter a

turned international attention to the country’s industry

highly competitive sector or industry, such as infrastructure,

potential. Propositions such as the National Infrastructure

should establish adequate local partners, hire local labor and

Plan and Energy Reform have broadened the landscape for

build relationships with local technology suppliers.

competition. As international companies begin formulating their plans to participate in the numerous opportunities that

“In some cases, international companies can come up

are arising, Luis Doménech has a warning: it might not be as

against more competition in Mexico than they would

easy as you think. Doménech, Director General of MILA, a

back in their country,” he says. “Mexico is replete with

consulting firm that specializes in market research for Mexico

competitive infrastructure groups that are compelled

means the commerce is extremely unstable and weather-









dependent, so there is a push toward more covered retail


spaces. Parking also is beneficial as this creates more comfort

JR: We want to do so but it is a question of whether

for the customer. Large spaces are popular because the mall

they have the product and the administrative capacity

can organize events. In Santiago Tianguistenco, State of

to provide greater efficiency. The problem here is that

Mexico the shopping center we helped plan is close to a high

a large percentage of SMEs are not really SMEs in the

school and the managers of the center discovered the kids

traditional sense, but rather tiny family-run companies

in the school play chess. The managers invited the young

that do not have the management capabilities to work on

people to play at the food court area of the mall. Things like

such a large scale. In Mexico, 30 percent of new companies

that will incentivize loyalty and with the time spent in the

fail within one year, and this is not due to poor market

food court, those kids also are likely to buy food or drinks.

conditions, but because of a lack of business knowledge. We are open to working with these companies if they are

JR: We opened a Cinépolis there with five theaters and it

able to provide the right product at a competitive price.

has become the most successful and profitable low-profile

Bringing professional retail to small towns will also bring

Cinépolis across the entire chain because people need this

higher quality and lower prices to the people who need

facility. People were already going to the cinema regularly

them most.

but the difference was the lack of convenience due to poor public transport links. The MX$50 (US$2.60) each way

GM: Most of the time, the reaction to large multinationals

they would have spent in the taxi can now be spent in the

entering small towns is due to a small number of caciques

shopping mall. When we began developing this mall, we

(bosses) who monopolize the local trade and do not want

held a recruitment fair and received over 1,000 applications

to see prices being lowered by professional businesses. This

from people eager to find employment. This is another

was the case when Walmart entered Teotihuacan. We invite

need we are meeting.

mom and pop stores to our shopping centers so there is still a place for those types of retail outlets but the price must

GM: We also offer greater security. Five years ago, we

reflect the rest of the market. This also allows shoppers to

developed a shopping center with only one public entrance,

maintain the comfort they want. At the recently opened

and this provided increased security especially for parents

shopping center we developed in Zinacantepec, State of

whose children would normally socialize in a park or another

Mexico, more than half the retailers are local with no more

potentially dangerous environment. There is a police officer

than five stores. This is a viable growth strategy for SMEs

stationed at the exit to ensure no unaccompanied minors

because they are in the same arena with major outlets and

leave the building so the protection is tangible.

facilities like Cinépolis.

to compete with the low prices of Spanish companies

energies. It is said that players in this industry are endowed

and with Germany’s state-of-the-art technologies.” He

with an inordinate amount of patience as they endure

adds that although the competition is tough, Mexico is

prolonged processes but with successful projects already

opening its doors to all investment and is creating new

under their belts, there is great untapped potential for the

opportunities for any number of businesses. Doménech

hydropower, biomass, wind and solar sectors.”

expects an expanded market of competition will also bring improved technology into the market. Firms can tout

Reform in the energy sector also will underpin the oil and

advances that may be slightly more expensive but deliver

gas industry in coming years, he projects. “The Energy

better results in the long term as they vie for government

Reform has become a gateway for many international

contracts that traditionally have gone to the lowest bidder.

oil and gas companies to enter the Mexican market for the very first time,” Doménech says. “Now, international

Thanks to new plans and reforms, opportunity is knocking in

companies can venture into various areas within the

industries such as railroad and energy but the government

industry, including the opportunity to sell directly to

must do more, says Doménech. “The railroad industry is

PEMEX. This would drastically increase the number of

filled with countless new projects but due to the large

private oil companies in Mexico.” He believes that small

investment needed, it is essential that the government

equipment suppliers also will expand their businesses

provides incentives by subsidizing the biggest projects,”

because participants in the oil and gas sector will no longer

he says. “The energy industry also offers a significant

want to return to PEMEX’s bidding process, spurring sales

number of prospects, for both conventional and renewable

to private companies in the sector.




Rafael Diez Director of Prefabricated Buildings and Integration at Grupo ITISA

Gabriel Santana Director of Business Development at Grupo ITISA

Q: What challenges has Grupo ITISA encountered in

such as acting as subcontractors for consortia. The secret

assembling the Autopista Urbana Sur?

is learning how to be a team player.

RD: The construction of the Autopista Urbana Sur, which


will connect the second level of the Periferico beltway to

Q: Which sector is most inclined to use precast materials?

the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway, has presented logistical

RD: The commercial real estate sector is creating

challenges. Carrying out the construction of such an

opportunities for the use of precast. Building commercial

immense project in a city that never sleeps is strenuous.

malls with this requires more than 8,000 pieces to construct

A project of this magnitude requires the collaboration

150,000m2, which is like assembling a project with LEGO

of authorities, citizens and workers. The plan we created

pieces. Grupo ITISA has to create, transport and assemble in

had to ensure that each piece for the second level arrived

the time allotted, which involves coordination and although

safely and on time. This project is located on Mexico’s

it is not as immense as installing a concrete column for a

largest roads so we had to work nights to avoid ensnaring

second floor, it requires teamwork and an even greater

traffic or creating hazardous situations for commuters.

logistics plan. The advantage of constructing commercial

This meant we had an average of six hours a day, five days

real estate using precast is that while the developers are

a week, to fully assemble the second floor. We could only

excavating the site, their mall is being constructed in a plant

work from 10pm to 6am each day and during this time

that is miles away. When they begin construction, more than

we had to use one to two hours in the evening to position

60 percent of their mall is ready for assembly. Our product

the trucks for assembly and then stop building for one or

quality is ISO certified. Our engineering departments are

two hours in the morning to clear the way for commuters.

always innovating and integrating the newest materials and

Working under these conditions requires congruous

concretes on the market.

processes to finish on time. The second level is expected to open around September 2016.

Q: What materials and processes are best when constructing mixed-use real estate projects? GS: Commercial real estate has complex infrastructure because there are various levels with different weight requirements. The weight of a Home Depot is different than any other type of store. Only a pre-stressed concrete structure can hold variable weights but it must be cast on the spot, which is a disadvantage. Steel has excellent

Building commercial malls with precast requires more than 8,000 pieces to construct 150,000m2

characteristics but if it has considerable weight to support, it becomes a lot more expensive to construct. Urban projects are renewing cities by disassembling old buildings and regenerating them as new city centers. A great example of this is FUNO and PARKS’ project on

GS: A similar project we are working on is the 1.2km stretch

the old training fields of Guadalajara’s soccer team. They

that will connect the second floor of San Fernando with

decided to construct a unique mixed-use project that

the second floor of El Caminero in Mexico City. This was a

includes offices, a tower, malls, a hotel and parking. The

joint project with the federal and state government, which

country is demanding the construction of mixed-use

required efficient communication. Working with different

projects and those demand the use of precast. Not only

governments on various projects has made Grupo ITISA

is it easier to use but it is one of the few materials that

a more flexible company that can adapt to various roles,

resisted the 1985 earthquake.


MAINTAINING MEXICO’S STRUCTURAL DIAMONDS CÉSAR MORENO Director General of Enlace de Tecnología, Proyectos y Servicios (ENTEC)

Q: What challenges does ENTEC face in its maintenance

and structures. Now, they are outsourcing to keep a

services, especially with high-rises?

tighter focus on their core services. The authorities are

A: Our 13-year-old company has five business units,

collaborating with private companies to efficiently care

including the aerospace unit that does heliport design

for their buildings. They allow external companies to take

and construction. We also provide information regarding

care of details such as maintenance and air transportation.



The parastatals are now striving to reduce the tasks they

documentation. Aerospace is our most active area. In





juggle to serve the country more efficiently, thereby giving

second place is our height-access equipment and services

the private sector more opportunity and equality when it

that focus on exterior maintenance such as window

comes to services.

washing on high rises and work-site safety. ENTEC oversees the care and maintenance of some of the tallest








buildings in Mexico, including Torre Reforma, which is


special in terms of space, architecture and structure.

A: Maintaining the quality of a building is a clear challenge. Funds like Fibra Uno acquire a great number of buildings

New high-rise construction benchmarks are coming into

that all come with considerable responsibilities, such

the market continuously. Torre BBVA Bancomer and Torre

as the collection of rent. Owners have to be particularly

Reforma, in particular, grew alongside each other with

organized to distribute shareholder profit correctly. Users

different construction systems. The emblematic towers

need to be assured a decent level of quality. High-rise

represent a challenge when it comes to deep cleaning.

buildings are especially difficult and many complaints

In the case of the BBVA Bancomer tower it has a second

center on parking accessibility, elevator congestion, waste

skin that makes it difficult to reach important parts of the

management and cleanliness. The maintenance and care

glass. On the other side, Torre Reforma has two walls of

of each structure directly affects the asset’s value, which is

concrete with two long beams in the center of the building

important considering that Fibras are based on trusts and

that create a clear division of the internal space.

assets, not just rent. Funds like Fibra Uno invest in quality to increase and sustain value.

Q: How do Mexican companies view their investment in building maintenance?

Q: How is the entrance of international companies

A: Unfortunately, maintenance is seen as an expense when

affecting Mexico’s safety standards?

it should be considered a service. New buildings often age

A: International companies enter Mexico and end up

more quickly than they should due to a lack of maintenance.

readjusting the country’s standards with their global

The real estate market is quite aggressive with developers.


It attracts clients to our company that prioritize structural

guidelines. Our company prepares for these shifts by

cleanliness. They request our maintenance services to

studying international and local standards. ENTEC’s

keep up with the competitive market.












Mexico’s international competitiveness and find areas of On the public sector side, there is a paradigm shift

opportunity to develop. Even though many of the safety

under way because the government is starting to see

products we are introducing are new to Mexico, people

the importance of caring for offices and structures and

must realize they were adopted by other regions a long

is acknowledging the private sector’s ability to increase

time ago. Companies need to adapt to the country’s

the durability of these spaces. In the past, entities such

quickly changing landscape. New generations have an

as CFE and PEMEX managed all their services internally

incredible amount of access to global information and

and developed and controlled their own heliports

they are using it to break paradigms.





Q: How are Mexican companies adapting to 3-D modeling

software for free to universities for academic purposes.


Professors and students now have access to our entire

A: All infrastructure projects are complex and require

portfolio but this is not for commercial use. Autodesk



transitioned to a subscription model three years ago,

miscalculation can cause delays and inflate budgets. Our


which helps diminish noncompliance rates. We facilitate

company has a portfolio of 170 products for electronic

access by reducing costs and promoting accessibility. In

simulation. Autodesk’s 3-D technology creates visual

the past, Autodesk sold perpetual licenses that granted

models using Building Information Modeling (BIM). As

usage rights. Now, instead of a licensing fee, customers



pay for the amount of time they are subscribed to the

interested in implementing new technology, companies

software. This benefits construction companies because

are beginning to implement important shifts internally. It

now a developer with a three-month project and a limited

is now more common for directors to ask project leaders

budget can use advanced technology at a more accessible

to submit a 3-D BIM model to acquire information. The

price for the required time.








problem is that at this level, employees may not know how to make a BIM model and end up turning in a traditional

Q: What significant trends is the infrastructure industry

2-D model. The progress of 3-D models here is delayed

facing and how is Mexico keeping up?

because companies and users are still in a learning curve.

A: There is no doubt mass consumption trends influence infrastructure projects. In China, developers can build a

Mexico in some cases is a follower and late adopter. Before

20-storey tower in 18 days under a prefabrication process

deciding to take on innovative technology, we tend to wait

that is efficient and uses lightweight material. These are

and observe the success of that tech’s growth in every region

more sustainable because they not only use less material

from Europe to Asia and South America. Our company

but can also adapt to climate change. Shanghai has a spiral

has actively promoted BIM technology to government

tower that can catch enough wind to create a turbine

agencies over the last three years and the discussions

effect and generate electricity. Few Mexican companies

have motivated authorities to include it as a requirement

are striving to satisfy these new trends.

for structural bidding rounds in public construction. The public, private, social and academic spheres also are slowly

Q: What strategies can Mexico follow to stand out in the

starting to adopt BIM. We may not adopt technology before

international market?

other countries but when Mexico pushes the gas pedal, the

A: Mexico stands out with its manufacturing. The country

landscape quickly adapts to the new changes.

has the potential to become a logistics hub. There are two issues that are keeping Mexico from reaching its full

Q: What role does Autodesk play in the new technological

potential. First, products around the world are typically


labeled as “Made in Mexico,” but few are tagged “Designed

A: The company works with the government to foster

in Mexico.” Its global power could increase dramatically

cooperation with private initiatives that can push the

in the coming years if the country would promote more

country to the next level of technological progress. We

internal design and technology that satisfies current

have constant dialogue with different people and sectors,

trends. The second problem is the need for infrastructure.

including CEOs and universities, to discuss the direction of

Mexico’s positioning means that despite its potential as

global trends. Autodesk University is an important element

a logistics hub it does not have the right structures to

in this. It has been sharing innovative information over the

take advantage of its geographic location. The National

last four years in Mexico and the US, allowing people to

Infrastructure Program is beginning to provide glimpses of

try and test new technology. Our company also gives its

infrastructure development but more progress is needed.



Q: How willing is Mexico to innovate and integrate

Another example is highways. Automation means people

technology into its processes and infrastructure?

would no longer have to waste up to 15 minutes waiting

A: Mexico should be proud of its creative and innovative

in line to pay highway tolls. Video analytics software

potential. It is making an effort to move beyond

would make the roads safer as the data can be used to

manufacturing. PROA is small in comparison to large

identify car license plates and validate the corresponding



car’s characteristics. Our technology can automatically

innovation, yet we are perceived as exemplary due to





evaluate vehicle compliance with regulations on weight

our agility, creativity and innovative culture. Business

and dimensions.

owners should see the significance of investing in people, technology and process development and stop seeing

Businesses and society in general need to run on values

them primarily as expenses. We have to be creative and

that emphasize innovation and efficiency. If the private

make business models that can reap benefits. Companies

sector desires a more honest landscape, it must be willing

need to make sure we are not simply selling but creating

to comply with regulations.

value for every stakeholder. Q: What cutting-edge technology is PROA developing? Q: What is the target market for your security and

A: At our Security and Efficiency Innovation Lab in Monterrey,

efficiency systems?

PROA is developing unique algorithms based on Big Data

A: All buildings that are occupied tend to be more

applications that will help companies lower their operational

sensitive toward safety and cost-efficiency systems.

expenses for safety, security and energy consumption.

Builders and developers are often significantly less

This is achieved by integrating technology and correlating

so because they do not have to deal with issues that

information captured through our Intelligent Platform to

appear after the property is sold. They do not care if

monitor, control and command activities and processes.

the owners spend more money on energy and security or about the durability of the structure. Our solutions

PROA also is developing a Smart City model within

and services are applicable to every kind of building

the Terralta residential development in Monterrey that

because the entity living or working in the building

will showcase the significance of safety and efficiency

will want a safe environment and lower operational

technology. The complex has sensors that can detect cars

expenses. Residential complexes, however, do not worry

above the speed limit and uses automatic speed bumps

about how much they spend on security and operational

to slow them down. It includes technology to supervise

efficiency since these costs are passed to renters or

a worker’s physical location to increase productivity and

individual owners.

lower the risk of theft. Intelligent video monitoring systems and drones detect abnormal conditions and trigger real-

Q: What kind of relationship does PROA have with the

time alarms.

public sector? A: We do not directly work with the government but we

Terralta mimics a small city with 1,000 houses, a golf

have provided solutions and services to some government

course and a capacity for about 6,000 daily workers.

entities that required high-security installations. We are

Water and energy consumption are important resources

convinced the public sector would greatly benefit from

for the complex’s operations. PROA’s solution consists of

systems that boost efficiency and security in structures

a complete system that manages traffic, flow, supply and

like hospitals to increase patient safety, track expensive

demand, energy and waste consumption. Managing this

and critical medical equipment and increase surgery room

residential ecosystem is an amazing opportunity to create

occupancy and efficiency.

value for everyone involved.


BIM software render, Autodesk




Q: How would you describe the context of Mexican

created to set a benchmark and encourage a new market


that incorporates a different set of standards. Not all

A: Profit is the center of infrastructure development in

companies have the ability to compete, as the benchmark

Mexico and quality is quite low. Only a few have acquired

has been set quite high. Companies with lower capacities

LEED platinum certification and the rest have no interest

tend to focus more on receiving rents and not making a

in meeting these international standards. Investors often

bigger effort in adapting to the market.

end up selling structures that are not adequately designed as they prioritize low investment per square meter without

Q: How is technology advancing in Mexico in comparison

considering efficiency or durability. Unfortunately, Mexico

to other countries?

has gained a reputation for being behind on trends. This

A: Technology is progressing in Mexico but it is not being

is reflected by the quality of infrastructure in the country.

targeted adequately. The issue is that clients are confused

Developers tend to not care about creating a crisis as they

by the mass market and premium clients start to doubt

find these situations to be an opportunity to obtain cheap

the necessity of buying higher quality products that are

square meters that can be sold in three to four years at a

more expensive. Other countries such as the US commonly

higher price. Companies sometimes acquire up to 1 million

build structures financed by joint ventures and are used

square meters at a devalued price.

to investing a higher percentage to create better-quality structures that comply with international norms. These

Consultancies can help them realize that investing only 15

clients do not question having to pay slightly more for

percent more in a project can place a structure easily within

durable and efficient material. It may require more capital

international standards. We focus on making sure that our

but they recognize the value of being LEED certified.

projects emit less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by

Mexico is more focused on creating cheaper projects

creating buildings that consume less energy and retain

without considering the level of quality. Companies may not

less heat to require less air conditioning. It is favorable to

realize that they are a few points away from being platinum

create structured projects that have a larger capacity in

or gold LEED certified and miss investment opportunities.

terms of the integration of technologies that will obtain

Specialists in Mexico need to understand the bigger picture

a better cost-benefit ratio. Intelligent Group recently

before offering their clients a construction budget.

implemented a lightening control and energy savings system to achieve a LEED Platinum Certification in in the

Q: What challenges does the infrastructure industry face?

Reforma 180 tower.

A: We find it difficult to convince developers to invest in higher quality material because they are not worried

Q: What role can the government play in creating a new

about the durability of the projects. After construction is

consciousness in Mexican culture?

completed, all responsibility is handed to administrators,

A: The government does not regulate the market strictly


enough but it is starting to set a limit of greenhouse gas

efficiency. Intelligent Group is building a 270,000m2

emissions. The authorities need to adopt a sustainable

commercial center in Cuernavaca. Our client ignored our

conscience and find the significance in investing time to

recommendations and opted to buy inexpensive lights

ensure the construction of well-planned structures that do

from China that only last six months. Developers need to

not completely revolve around profit. Fortunately, Mexico is

know the requirements of the certifications to move their

starting to actively participate in the global paradigm shift.

structures in the right direction. Technology facilitates

Situations such as an earthquake and an unstable political

the work and companies need to take advantage of this.

context are activating a transformation that is creating new

We need to demand a higher standard of quality before

vertical markets and technology. LEED certifications were

selecting developers.










SHELTER EASES FOREIGN TRANSITION MARÍA ELENA RIGOLI President & CEO of Collectron International Management

Q: How has Collectron and its Original Shelter Plan

companies coming to Mexico but our government must

Program helped shape the manufacturing landscape?

increase its efforts to train technicians.

A: Collectron International Management created the


Original Shelter Plan Program 48 years ago in Nogales,

Q: What contributions have shelters such as Collectron

Sonora to counteract the fact that foreign companies

made to Sonora’s economic growth?

were wary of entering the country because they were

A: Shelters have been of the utmost importance. In

unsure of how to properly integrate into the market.

comparison to other border areas, Sonora has fewer

Many companies throughout Mexico use us now because

companies but due to the efforts of many players, we are

we have a model that simplifies their entry. Foreign

one of the most competitive states across many industries.

companies can sign a contract with Collectron wherein

We have aerospace companies such as B/E Aerospace,

we legally represent their business here. Their paperwork

which grew from 50 employees to 1,100 under our Shelter

and legal presence are then under the name of the

Plan Program. This is significantly greater growth than

shelter. Sonora was home to some of the first maquila

other companies that entered Nogales at the same time.

manufacturing companies in Mexico and subsequent

Other companies include Figeac Aero and Radiall. We help

businesses started entering the area after seeing the

our shelter clients to find technicians by visiting schools,

initial success.

recruiting and training young professionals before they start working.

Collectron now operates in seven cities: Nogales, Hermosillo, Ciudad Obregon, Agua Prieta and Santa Ana in Sonora; San

Companies in Mexico also are facing a challenge from

Luis Potosi; and Santiago de Queretaro. We have helped

changes to fiscal regulations. These, while necessary,

over 260 companies enter Mexico and we represent a total

were not properly implemented and placed a significant

of 30 firms. Our client portfolio includes mostly Fortune

burden on companies that have used specific processes

500 and Fortune 200 companies in addition to privately

for decades and are now forced to overhaul these

owned businesses. Collectron’s marketing department

processes rapidly. We are supporting companies through

identifies potential companies that complement industry

this transition. As soon as a client finds a problem, we

gaps and that have the necessary infrastructure to expand

address it personally. Our main competitive advantage

their operations into Mexico. Our goal is to find businesses

is our attention to detail in all services, from training to

that can help create a more integrated supply chain, one of

logistics. Companies can trust our reliability and efficiency.

the largest areas of opportunity here.

They know they can contact us directly whenever they run into a problem.

Q: How are shelters changing the negative perception of Mexico’s security and manufacturing skills?

Q: How is Collectron attracting companies to Mexico and

A: Human capital in Mexico is one of its most important

what are its growth expectations for 2016?

improvements as 90,000 engineers graduate every year.

A: To attract companies it is necessary to analyze the

Despite this, the country still severely lacks qualified

economic conditions of the national and international

technicians. In the case of Sonora, its greatest strength is

markets to thoroughly understand the factors affecting

human capital but it needs a larger number of incoming

companies. We are focusing on strengthening the

technicians as the state becomes one of the world’s

aerospace supply chain in Sonora. In 2016, we will

manufacturing centers. Some companies are going to

incorporate four more companies into Mexico, two of

smaller less-industrialized areas to avoid competition for

which are in the aerospace industry. It is important for

labor in the main manufacturing centers. We invest in

us to help them weather the uncertainties in the Mexican

training to provide the necessary human capital to the

market that arose with the 2014 regulatory changes.



In a world of increasing connectivity and globalization,

Around 60 percent of CSL’s clients are in the automotive

one of Mexico’s central selling points to international

industry, while it also works with a number of businesses

companies is its ability to manufacture low-cost quality


merchandise on the doorstep of the world’s biggest

these clients are small and medium-sized enterprises

market, the US. To complement this, Mexico needs to

(SMEs), which can use RFEs and ZEEs to help establish

have an efficient, well-established logistics network to

themselves in Mexico. For Vidales, SMEs represent the

handle the sheer quantity of goods that pass through

country’s “biggest neglected market” and CSL has been

the country.

shaped specifically to support their development. The








company does this by simplifying logistics to bring down The federal government has set up a web of Strategic

fixed costs for delivering to and from the US, with a view

Bonded Warehouses (RFEs), which operate as free-trade

to levelling the playing field when it comes to competing

zones where materials can be stored tax-free, exempt

with more established industry names.

from Mexican import duties. These zones can be found throughout the country, strategically placed at airports

“We want SMEs to have the same opportunities as

and land junctions as well as sea ports. Given its proximity

their larger competitors,” says Vidales. “Once we do

to NAFTA routes, the first RFE was set up in the state of

this, the smaller companies will be able to compete in

San Luis Potosi in 2009 and is operated by Central Star

the market, which they are unable to do under current

Logistics (CSL). Citing the importance of RFEs to Mexico’s


transport infrastructure sector, CSL CEO Eduardo Vidales is encouraged by the government’s commitment to develop more over the coming years. “RFEs will promote Mexico as the leading destination for international companies, especially due to the country’s proximity to the US market,” says Vidales. “RFEs facilitate customs processes and promote simplicity for crossborder business.”

“RFEs facilitate customs processes and promote simplicity for cross-border business” Eduardo Vidales, CEO of Central Star Logistics (CSL)

In May 2016 the government enacted a federal law to create four Special Economic Zones (ZEEs) to support

However, Vidales acknowledges that support from CSL

the RFE program. The most significant ZEE will be at

alone will not be enough to make a significant change to

the Lazaro Cardenas port in Michoacan and will help

the outlook for SMEs here. As well as cooperation from all

international companies navigate Mexico’s complex web of

levels of government, which can contribute by promoting

customs regulations and tax duties. Vidales believes these

and facilitating infrastructure development including RFE

zones can complement CSL’s work toward simplifying

projects, Vidales believes that the private sector must

international trade processes through automation for

work in unison to improve the efficiency of the Mexican

companies that are new to doing business in Mexico.

supply chain.

“We understand the needs of the Mexican market and we

“We need alliances with major transportation companies

have opened up more opportunities for US companies,”

from around the world,” says Vidales. “The more RFEs we

says Vidales. “They use our ports and unload at our

have the better our industrial parks will be. The private

warehouses, which lowers their freight and process costs.”

sector holds the key to this process.”




Social responsibility has become a pillar for doing

planned and sustainable projects, particularly when they

business around the world. Businesses increasingly are

are directed to the improvement of the local economy.”

conscious about the negative impact their operations


can have on the surrounding environment and are taking

One problem often faced in construction projects is

concrete steps to optimize the positive while minimizing

directly related to the impatience of developers. When

harm. Engagement in these practices is widely accepted

local groups are left out of negotiations, developers put

in several sectors. The infrastructure industry, however,

themselves at risk of community takeovers. “In Mexico, it

is lagging. “Construction companies urgently need to

has become a relatively common practice for ejiditarios to

generate formulas for promoting highly sustainable

halt construction when they feel pushed aside, causing the

projects that reuse materials and use a minimal amount of

company to lose a great deal of capital,” says Rodríguez.

energy,” says Eloy Rodríguez, the Executive President of

“For construction companies, the only way to ensure

Acción Social Empresarial (ACCSE).

credibility and profit is to reach out to local communities to gain their approval.”

Social responsibility began as an act of voluntary goodwill but it snuck its way into several companies’ business

It is not just the health of physical spaces that is a concern.

strategies, says Rodríguez. “The concept was created after

Gender inequity and informal labor are also topics that

companies started to realize the harmful impact they were

need to be addressed. “Construction companies that

causing in the environmental and social spheres of their

do not prioritize the issue of non-qualified employees,

projects,” he says. “Over the last 10 years, the concept

child labor and work conditions that guarantee basic

has gained an extra boost as businesses realized it could

rights harm the industry and its image,” says Rodríguez.

bring added value to their assets, actions and marketing

Socially responsible companies are also taking it upon

campaigns.” Rodríguez believes that companies do not

themselves to ensure those they work with are on the

have to be officially labeled as socially responsible but they

same page. Large companies, especially multinationals

must go above and beyond their legal obligations because

such as supermarkets, will audit their suppliers to evaluate

it is not enough to simply comply with regulations.

if they meet the minimum requirements of environmental and social standards. Evaluations are quickly becoming

The destruction of a mangrove in Cancun at the beginning

an industrial standard and the market is turning more

of 2016 only exacerbated the negative perception that

responsible thanks to these practices, Rodríguez says.

hangs over the industry. “Businesses once could easily sway communities with economic contributions but they

The public sector must also do its part. “The government

have overplayed that card and it is now frowned upon,”

plays an important role in promoting social consciousness

says Rodríguez. “Construction companies must now

through incentives that make businesses equal, safer and

prioritize dialogue and communication with surrounding

more ecological,” says Rodríguez. “Incentives are always

communities and authorities.”

more efficient than regulations as they foster a true sense of social responsibility.”

In any socially responsible construction plan, the promotion of community dialogue to share the idea of the project

Rodríguez says that if industries continue to consume

should always be the first step, Rodríguez says. “A company

natural resources at the present pace, by 2030 they

cannot randomly insert a massive infrastructure real estate

would need 2.5 planets to satisfy the demand. But if

project without establishing agreements with interested

the advantages of adopting sustainable practices are

parties,” he says. “When communication is prioritized

attractive enough, he says, companies and communities

communities can be surprisingly welcoming toward well-

can reap the harvest for the long term.



Enrique Garza Managing Partner of Crecimiento Programado

Eduardo Díaz Lozano Managing Partner of Crecimiento Programado

Q: What is the Crecimiento Programado fund’s main

that assets are worth more when they are operational.


The fund is not just selling a bus or a ship, but 50 years

A: The Crecimiento Programado fund specializes in

of experience working with successful companies. We

financing adapted to the needs and characteristics of our

structure our program differently than the rest because

clients. We mitigate risk by making sure our financing plans

we not only factor in debt but also capital and the viability

suit the client’s operation. Banks impose strict payment

of a company. In certain cases, we even help companies in

plans and conditions but we play with payment periods,

bankruptcy to mitigate the damage.

methods and mechanisms, balancing these factors so that our clients do not feel trapped in a structure that does

Q: What role does the program want to play in the

not work.

Mexican market? A: Crecimiento Programado is looking to expand into

We give the market what it needs while showing

portfolio administration as structures are often not

investors ways to make a less risky product. Crecimiento

explained deeply or clearly enough. There must be a

Programado assesses every potential risk our clients

much more significant outreach to investors. The Mexican

might face and although we may not be able to foresee

market also demands professional services of high quality.

everything, deep evaluations are efficient preventative

Many portfolios have made purchases without gaining the

strategies. We make sure to avoid structures that put our

requisite knowledge and are now facing issues they do not

clients at risk of noncompliance and our plans are built

know how to fix.

with space for economic contingencies. That flexibility has brought us success. By making a solid structure that can flow according to the needs of a business in a viable manner we generate more profit. Q: How does the fund select its clients? A: We thoroughly analyze a company’s history and operations before accepting it. The fund does not have the capacity to take on many projects because we dedicate a great deal of time and effort to each company. Our fund has never faced a nonpayment situation, even though some of our clients have undergone difficult economic periods. This proves the functionality of the structure we have built because it allows investors time to fix their

Crecimiento Programado has never faced a nonpayment situation, even though some of its clients have undergone difficult economic periods

issues without restrictions. We also pay attention to each of our allocations by following up as much as possible. The

We also are involved in restructuring the Mexican

process is long and conditions are continuously changing

Commercial Bankruptcy Law because our experience,

but one of our best advantages is that our funding is not

including mergers and acquisitions, can be of value. In

subject to taxes.

Mexico, insolvency is not meant to push companies into bankruptcy but to provide more viability. A business that

Q: In what projects is Crecimiento Programado currently

is approaching insolvency must make a map of options to

participating in?

decide its next move. Even if owners cannot recover the

A: Our program finances projects that previously were

business, it is better for them to clearly understand their

viewed as impossible. We showed the market and assessors

position rather than leave the situation up in the air.



Mexico City International Airport


Mexican Association of Fibras


Peripheral ring that surrounds Mexico City


National Savings and Financial Services Bank


Build Operate Transfer


Federal Road and Bridges


Real Estate Stock Certificates


Investment Project Stock Certificates


Certificate for National Educational Infrastructure


National Housing Commission


National State Housing Organisms Council


Design build operate


Engineering, Procurement and Construction


Mexican Real Estate Investment Trust


Mexican Real Estate Investment Trust for the Energy and Infrastructure Sectors


National Fund for Social Housing


Housing Fund for the Institute of Social Security for Civil Servants


Institute for the National Housing Fund for Workers


Master Limited Partnerships


New Mexico City International Airport


National Infrastructure Program


Public Private Partnerships


Ministry for Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development


Ministry of Urban and Housing Development


Ministry of Communications and Transport


Pension Fund Administrators


Multiple Purpose Financial Institutions


Unsolicited Proposal


A viaduct that crosses through the central belt of Mexico City from west to south


Special Economic Zones

INDEX A-E Accenture 32

Bodycote 158


Bx+ 19

Aclara 283


ADS Mexicana 284, 285, 361

CANADEVI 92, 96-97, 361, 365

Advance Real Estate 146, 147, 150

CapCity 66



Aeroméxico 49, 203, 205

CAR-SA 236-237

Ainda Energía e Infraestructura 330

Casas GEO 92, 93, 94

Aldesa 328

Caterpillar 32, 306

Altea Desarrollos 125, 127

CEMEX 198, 207, 298-299

Alto Desempeño 82

Central Star Logistics 357

Amazon 225, 237

CFE 9, 41, 42, 49, 51, 153, 176, 227, 231, 232, 233, 239,


245, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 260, 264, 268, 282,

Amefi 28, 110

310, 320, 325, 328, 330, 339, 351

American Industries 146, 147, 149

CH2M 198

AMF 164-165

Chatsworth Products 234, 361, 366

AMIP 214-215

Cisco 236

AMPIP 144-145, 147

CMIC 9, 15, 18-19, 24, 25, 68

Amistad Industries 150

CNBV 28, 111, 224, 325



Aon Risk 337


APM Terminals 10, 212, 217

Coldwell Banker Commercial 128, 129

Aqualia 275, 276, 279

Collectron International Management 343, 356

ArCcanto 332


Arendal 11, 261

CONAVI 12, 24-25, 55, 73, 85, 87, 93, 95, 99

Arquitectoma 100-101, 119, 123

Concrete Canvas 310, 311



Arup 115, 188, 201

CONSAR 28, 227

ASA 22, 194, 196, 197

Control Risks 53

ASUR 22, 194, 197


AT&T 219, 222, 231, 232, 237

Corpus Christi 41

Autodesk 352

Crecimiento Programado 359

Avianca 207

Cruz Azul 301

Baker & McKenzie 52

Currie & Brown 62-63, 69

Ballesteros Mureddu 68, 72, 76, 84

Delair-Tech 310

Banamex 19, 154

Detaller 314

Banco de México 28, 97

DGAC 22, 190

Banco Inmobiliario Mexicano 90

DILA Capital 326

Bancomer 19, 61, 101, 351


Bancomext 30


Banorte 93, 94, 101

E-Group 131

Banregio 19

EIM Capital 335

Banxico 13, 28, 111

Elara 229

BBVA 12, 101, 351

Ellison Surface Technologies 158

Bimsa 215

Emerson Network Power 223, 232


Energetika 260

BlackRock 49, 327

Enlight 267

BMV 28, 94, 111, 121, 124, 325



IMF 28

EY 244

IMI Precision Engineering 312

FAA 22

INAH 100, 292-293


INBA 100

Ferreplus 304

Incertec 158

Fibra Mty 13, 112-113, 324

INFONAVIT 27, 73, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101

Fibra Uno 13, 110-111, 131, 202, 351


FINSA 146, 147, 148

Ingeteam 268

FOA Consulting 46-47

Intel 32, 235

Foster + Partners 188

Intelligent Group 355


Intergen 252

GACM 22, 185, 187, 188-189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 201, 361,

Interjet 203

365, 366, 367

International Parking Institute 135

GBM Infraestructura 276, 328-329

Interpuerto Monterrey 147, 152

GDI 259, 264

IOS Offices 159

GDU 69, 79, 362, 365

Isolux Corsán 245

GE Water 273, 282

ITDP 134

Gerdau Corsa 305

ITISA 139, 350

Gicsa 125

Jica Construcciones 83

Globalsat 228

JLL 124

Goldcorp 231, 310, 311

Jonas Day 192

Goldman Sachs 330

KCS 171

Grupo Acerta 130

KCSM 171, 212

Grupo Copri 122-123

Kepler 339

Grupo Desarrollo Infraestructura (GDI) 264

KfW 25, 26

Grupo DRT 104

KONE México 134

Grupo EPM 284, 285


Grupo GMI 207

LEED 79, 80, 81, 101, 115, 119, 128, 148, 201, 206, 215, 331,

Grupo Hermes Infraestructura 174


Grupo Sordo Madaleno 60-61, 104


Grupo Vanzini 297, 302-303

Ludens 68, 73

Guanajuato Puerto Interior 146, 157, 214, 215

Luminográfica 308

Hábvita 95

Mabey Bridge 302, 303

Haynes and Boone 41

Mac Arquitectos Consultores 348

Hercules Construcciones 290

Maccaferri 307

Hogan Lovells 50

Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets 40, 122-123,

Howard Energy 41

322-323, 324

Huawei 231, 236

Maersk Line 213, 217

Hypertherm 306

Marcos y Asociados 256-263

IBM 32

Marinas JMH 214

ICA 54, 172, 173, 198, 212, 279


ICIC 18, 24-25

MasterCard 227

I+D 178

Maza Servicios 96-97

IDB 25, 65, 285, 333

Mazda 12, 234, 335

Ideurban 78

McBains Cooper 54-55

Idom 65



Mexican Parking Association 135


Mexican Retail Properties (MRP) 116-117, 325


Schneider Electric 239

Meypar 72, 134-135

Scotiabank 320-321

Microsoft 235, 254-255

SCT 8, 10, 13, 14-15, 44, 176, 177, 179, 183, 198, 210, 217,

MILA 348

227, 231, 303

Mira Companies 120

SEDATU 11, 12, 33, 92, 93, 96, 99

MIT 32, 344

SEDUVI 16-17

Multiva 19

SEMOVI 16, 23

Nabohi 291

Serrano Monjaraz 76-77, 98

NAFIN 18, 19, 21


NAICM 10, 13, 14, 15, 22, 45, 47, 65, 67, 167, 175, 177, 185,

SHF 12, 26, 27, 90, 95, 99, 101

188, 190, 191, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200-201, 202, 203, 205,

Solid Rain 287

206, 231, 261, 275, 285, 293, 321

SITA 199

Netherlands Airport Consultants 188, 201

Smith West 158

NH Hotel Group 137


Nissan 12, 234

SolarCity 265


Solet 231

OECD 11, 15, 65, 92, 97, 164, 222, 326, 341

spAce 344, 345

OHL Toluca 202

S&P Global Platts 252, 325

OMA 22, 194, 196, 197

STC 67

OPI 226

SUMe 80-81

Oracle 32, 224-225

TAR 203

Orange Investments 103

Tecnopeaje 182

Parks Desarrolladora 104, 131

Telcel 222, 237

Parque Aerospacial Queretaro 155

Telecomm 227

Parque Industrial Querétaro 154

Telefonica 232, 237

Parsons 188, 189, 198

TeleVía 178-179

PEMEX 9, 20, 21, 41, 42, 49, 97, 176, 229, 231, 232, 233,

Telmex 223, 231, 232, 237

244, 247, 248, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 257, 261, 263, 284,

Tetra Pak 286

302, 303, 310, 325, 330, 349, 351

The Green Building Council 79

Peñoles 176

The Offshore Group 146-147, 158

PINFRA 172, 173, 177, 328, 329

Ticsa 284

Pirelli 215

Transconsult 44-45

Planigrupo 121

Transportación Maritima Mexicana 171

Postensa 125

Transport Canada 22

PPG­ 315

UN 93

PROA 353

UNAM 68, 139, 232, 276, 345

ProMéxico 32-33

VENIT Investments 331

Prudential 146, 147, 215

Verdek 286

Puerto Interior 146, 151, 157, 214-215

Vertical Farms 80-81

PwC 8, 10, 38-39, 346

Vesta 155, 215, 267

Quiero Casa 100

Volaris 203, 207

Revitaliza Consultores 44, 206

Walmart 235, 349

Roca Desarrollos 153

Wells Commerce Group 313

SACMEX 271, 274, 276

White & Case 49

Sacyr 166-167

WHO 134, 277

Santander 19, 101

Williams Scotsman 181

SAP 32

World Bank 25, 28, 65, 84, 92, 93, 212, 274, 276

SAT 111, 171, 224, 279

XL Catlin 336


Cycling Fits Into Mobility Puzzle


Mexico City: A Fine Balance


Breathing New Life Into Reforma


Altea Desarrollos: Paseo la Fe Invites Nature Inside


The Antara Mixed-Use Masterplan


ITISA: Building Shopping Malls On Time, On Budget


Inland Port Sports An Enviable Bag Of Tools


NAICM: The Project Of The Century


POSTENSA: Assuring A Smooth Takeoff For NAICM


TEC II To Optimize Operations In Lazaro Cardenas


GDI: El Encino-Topolobampo Gas Pipeline

288-289 Atotonilco


Currie & Brown


Ballesteros Mureddu

88 ADI 108

Coldwell Banker Commercial

142 AMPIP 153

General Cable

162 VISE 186 CMIC 208-209 GACM 221 Vertice 242

S&P Global Platts

253 Kepler 272 IMEXDI 296 LADIP 312

Grupo Bursรกtil Mexicano

318 Ternium 326 AON 343 MBE


Lourdes Legorreta

84 MBP

14 SCT

86 Arquitectoma


90 MBP


91 BMV




Casas Geo


95 MBP






Serrano Monajaraz


99 MBP

24 MBP

100 MBP

26 SHF



102 MBP

Quiero Casa

Quiero Casa

28 MBP


30 MBP

104 MBP

31 MBP

105 DRT

32 MBP

106 Parks

33 ProMéxico

110 MBP


Mexico Tourism Board: Photo-Ricardo

111 Parks



Orange investments

Fibra Mty

38 PwC

114-115 Arquitectoma

39 PwC

116 MRP


116-117 GSM

Haynes & Boone


118 Arquitectoma


119 MBP

Cruz Azul

44 MBP


44 Revitaliza

121 MBP

46 MBP


48 MBP

124 JLL


White & Case

125 MBP


Hogan Lovells

Mira Companies Grupo Copri


Altea Desarrollos



Coldwell Banker Commercial


Baker & Mckenzie

130 MBP


Control Risks

132-133 GSM


Mcbains Cooper

134 Meypar

56 Parks

134 Kone

60-61 GSM


NH Hotel Group

63 MBP



64 MBP


Amistad Industrial Developes


144-145 AMPIP

66 MBP


67 STC


American Industries

69 GSM


Advance Real Estate

70-71 MBP


Amistad Industrial Developes

72 MBP


Interpuerto Monterrey

72 Meypar

153 MBP

73 MBP

154 ABB


Lourdes Legorreta


Parque Aeroespacial Querétaro


Maria Beckmann


Guanajuato Puerto Interior

76 MBP


The Offshore Group


Serrano Monajaraz


IOS Offices

78 MBP


Grupo Hermes Infraestructura


164 MBP


80 MBP


82 MBP

166 Sacyr

Guanajuato Puerto Interior

167 Sacyr



Kansas City Southern

260 MBP


Grupo Hermes Infraestructura

261 Arendal

Grupo Desarrollo Infraestructura

176 MBP

262 Octopus

177 MBP


Marcos y Asociados

178 MBP


Grupo Desarrollo Infraestructura


265 ILIOSS-SolarCity

Grupo Hermes Infraestructura

180 Carrot


181 MBP

267 Enlight

182 Tecnopeaje

268 MBP


Grupo Hermes Infraestructura

269 MBP






274 MBP



275 Aqualia


Jones Day

282 MBP

Gauss Energía

193 MBP



284 MBP


198 CH2M

286 Verdek

199 SITA

287 MBP


288-289 CONAGUA


202 MBP

292 INAH

204-205 Postensa

294 ProMéxico

206 Revitaliza




299 MBP


Grupo GMI


Cruz Azul


APM Terminals


Mabey Bridge


Maersk Line

302 MBP

214 MBP

304 MBP


Guanajuato Puerto Interior



APM Terminals

306 MBP

Gerdau Corsa

218 GlobalSat

306 Hypertherm

224-225 Oracle

307 MBP

226 OPI

308 SpAce

227 MBP


228 GlobalSat

310 MBP

229 MBP


230 Oracle

312 MBP

231 Solet


232 MBP

315 MBP

233 Oracle

316 NEC


320 MBP

Chatsworth Products

MASISA Delair- Tech Wells Commerce Group

236 CAR-SA


236 Oracle

322 MIRA

238 Oracle



Schneider Electric



Grupo Diavaz

324 MIRA

Fibra Mty

244 EY



Isolux Corsan

325 MRP


TAG Pipel



Rodríguez Dávalos Abogados

328 MBP


S&P Global Platts

329 SCT

S&P Global Platts Black Rock

254 MBP


Ainda Energía e Infraestructura



VENIT Investments

Tekna Services

256 MBP

332 MBP


350 MBP

334 Arquitectoma

351 MBP

335 MBP

352 Autodesk


XL Catlin

353 PROA


AON Riks Solutions

354 Autodesk


Grupo México

355 MBP

339 MBP


340 SpAce

357 MBP

344 MBP

358 MBP

345 SpAce


Collectron International Management

Crecimiento Programado

346 PwC 347 IMEXDI

Inner Front Cover GACM


Inner Back Cover Grupo Sordo Madaleno

Mac Arquitectos, Mac Aquitectos

348 MBP


PRINTED BY Foli, Negra Modelo # 4 Bodega A Fracc. Cervecería Modelo, Naucalpan Estado de México T:. 9159 2100

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