Mexico Mining Review 2018

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2018 If 2016 provided the fireworks of recovery for the mining sector, then 2017 has been something of a damp squib. The sky is still lit up – the prices of metals including gold, silver and copper all rose during the first half of the year – but not as brightly as many hoped. Many mining companies are relieved simply to be making a profit again but this is thanks more to the cost-cutting that was implemented during the downturn than to the value of their wares. The road back to the sunny days of 2011, when gold was trading above US$1,800/oz, seems like a long one. But the sector is well-placed for strong long-term performance. Silver production is falling while demand is underpinned by the solar energy industry, EVs and other electronic applications. Gold is still seen as an attractive safe haven from stock market volatility and base metals including copper, lithium and nickel are essential components in battery manufacturing. As a leading player in the global mining industry, this is good news for Mexico but the country faces challenges. After a 24-year absence, an Undersecretariat for Mining has finally been reestablished at the Ministry of Economy. The new department must drive further investment into the industry, propel the sector into the modern age by welcoming and encouraging new technology and act as a mediator in the squabbling over tax policy that is dominating public-private relations. With presidential elections looming in 2018, the new administration must also remember that mining companies – and investors – value regulatory clarity and consistency above all else.

Mexico Mining Review 2018 offers insight, opinion and analysis from the individuals and institutions shaping the mining industry in Mexico today. With over 200 interviews, technology and project spotlights, interactive maps and information-packed infographics, it provides a complete overview of the most powerful trends and pressing challenges facing the sector and connects the entire value chain – operator, investor, explorer and service provider – in one book.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š Mexico Business Publications S.A. de C.V., 2017. This annual publication contains material protected under International, United States and Mexican Laws and international Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Mexico Business Publication S.A. de C.V. Mexico Mining Review is a registered trademark.

The publisher has made all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, and the information contained in this publication is derived from sources believed to be true and accurate. However, the information in this publication should not be considered to be complete or definitive, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The publisher accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of information and use of such information is at your own risk. The publisher will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of information in this publication. The publisher provides no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or otherwise in relation to any information provided by the publisher in this publication.

ISBN: 978-0-9993108-1-6






























Metal smelting



The mining industry has reached a crossroads. Although metal prices are rising again, they have not performed as well as many expected. As a result, global spending on exploration decreased for a fourth consecutive year in 2016 as mining executives remained cautious. But the cost-cutting that companies were forced into during the downturn is boosting corporate balance sheets and widening profit margins, and the avenues toward high-risk exploration activity are opening up once again. In Mexico, the creation of the Undersecretariat for Mining in December 2016 was lauded by the industry as a step in the right direction but disagreements between private and public bodies on a variety of tax issues continue to bubble under the surface and thwart progress.

This chapter provides an overview of the mining sector, covering all the key trends and issues that are shaping the industry today. Policymakers share their perspectives on the current state of affairs and lay out their plans for the future, international commentators offer their opinion of the sector in Mexico and leading figures from the country’s top mining companies explain what they feel needs to be done for the country to fulfill its potential and play a leading role in the national economy for years to come.




ANALYSIS: The Year in Review


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Minister of Economy


INFOGRAPHIC: A Volatile But Promising Year


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Alfonso Cantú, Ministry of Economy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Susana Corella, Federal Government of Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: James Gordon Carr, Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources




INFOGRAPHIC: Mexico’s Mining Clusters


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfredo Phillips, Guerrero Mining Cluster


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Orlee Wertheim, Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José-Oriol Bosch, BMV Group


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Octavio Alvídrez, Fresnillo






INSIGHT: Alfredo Álvarez, EY


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Euridice González, McEwen Mining and WIM México


ROUNDTABLE: What Challenges Do You Face As a Female Executive in The Mining Industry?


THE YEAR IN REVIEW For the mining industry, 2016 was a year of two halves. A

billion, 9 percent more than the MX$213.3

recovery in metals prices motivated the industry to believe an

billion output the previous year. Once again,

upswing was finally on the way. But even with global geopolitics

gold made the largest contribution to the

causing a strain, miners believe they have reason to celebrate

total value with 37.4 percent, followed by copper (19 percent) and silver (18 percent).


For the global mining industry, 2016 was a year of two halves.

According to IMSS, the sector generated 9,790 new jobs

A recovery in metals prices motivated the industry to believe

in 2016, more than twice the number of new jobs in 2015.

an upswing was finally on the way. But even with global

The industry now employs over 354,000 people in Mexico.

geopolitical events causing a strain, many miners believe they have reason to celebrate

GOLD – BOUNCING BACK Like many commodities, gold suffered a volatile 2016 as

Metal prices recovered strongly during the first six months

unprecedented political shifts took their toll. After a strong

after a painful, four-year downturn. In June, gold rose to

start to the year, rising 25 percent to US$1,361/oz by June 27,

US$1,361/oz, its highest price since 2013. But the latter part

bullion prices began to fall off in July and continued to falter in

of the year was dominated by the political shockwaves of

the build up to, and aftermath of, the US presidential election

Brexit and the US presidential election result; gold fell by

that put Donald Trump in the White House. Between Oct.

15 percent and silver by 19 percent during 2H16 as investors

24 and Dec. 25, the price of an ounce of gold fell 13 percent

sat back, scratched their heads, and wondered “What

to US$1,133/oz from US$1,304/oz. The “Trump Bump” was

next?” But prices rebounded during the first half of 2017, a

more of a “Trump Slump” for precious metal investors. But the

result of improved economic performance in China and a

commodity rebounded in 1H17, rising steadily to reach a six-

depreciation of the US dollar. The industry may have finally

month high of US$1,293/oz in July as uncertainty continued

turned the corner.

to roil international marketplaces.

In Mexico, the creation of the Undersecretariat of Mining at

Annual gold production for the year fell by 0.2 percent

the Ministry of Economy was announced in December 2016

to 99.7 million ounces worldwide. For the second year

in what felt like a seminal moment for the industry. Despite

running, Mexico placed eighth on the global list of gold

its geological potential, total investment in the Mexican

output, second in Latin America behind Peru, with a total

mining sector fell 20.9 percent in 2016. The challenge facing

of 4.26 million ounces. On the corporate side, Fresnillo

the new Undersecretary for Mining, Mario Alfonso Cantú, is

overtook Goldcorp as the country’s top gold producer

to rejuvenate a traditional sector still struggling to fulfill its

after churning out over 935,000 ounces of bullion, a 22

potential in the modern age.

percent YOY improvement. Goldcorp’s fall into second place was a result of its commitment to stripping its

“The Undersecretariat was created as an acknowledgement of

portfolio of noncore assets, a strategy that resulted in

the importance of mining as a strategic activity,” says Cantú.

the sales of the Los Filos, Camino Rojo and San Nicolas

“It was a response to the industry’s expansion and the need

projects during 1H17.

for regulation, promotion and development.” Fresnillo’s La Herradura asset was the most productive gold


mine in the country, ahead of Goldcorp’s Peñasquito, with

In the context of Mexico’s sluggish growth in 2016 – an

520,400 ounces. Then, in 2017, Fresnillo outlined a new US$110

expansion of just 2.3 percent compared to the global average

million investment plan for La Herradura.

of 3.1 percent – there were encouraging signs of recovery for the local mining sector. After FDI crashed in 2015 to just


US$370 million – a byproduct of controversial fiscal reforms

After falling for five consecutive years from 2011, the silver

implemented the previous year – foreign investment bounced

price finally turned a corner in 2016 and continued the

back in 2016 to US$718 million, a jump of 94 percent. This

upward curve in 2017, never dropping below the US$15/

is still some way off the US$2.1 billion that foreign investors

oz mark during the first half of the year. With strong

poured into the sector in 2014 but a positive sign of returning

demand from solar energy and electronics, the price

confidence nonetheless.

was underpinned by falling supply. According to figures compiled by The Silver Institute, global mine production of

The green shoots of recovery were also present on the

silver fell by 0.6 percent to 885.8 million ounces in 2016, the

production side. Mexico’s total value of metal and mineral

first yearly drop since 2002, while scrap supply also fell for

production in 2016 surged to a record high of MX$234.3

the fourth consecutive year.

Mexico comfortably retained its place at the top of the

Exchange (LME) trading at US$5,500/t. Then, thanks to

silver production tree, producing 173.9 million ounces and

a more solid forecast in Chinese economic growth and a

contributing 21 percent to global output, according to INEGI.

possible scrap metal ban in the country, in July 2017 copper

Peru was second with 16.7 percent, followed by China (12.7

reached US$6,292/t, its highest level in two years. According

percent) and Chile (5.4 percent). Fresnillo was once again

to Reuters, China accounts for 45 percent of global demand

the top producer in Mexico (and the world), with 45.7 million

for the brown metal.

ounces, followed by Goldcorp and Industrias Peñoles. With 21 million ounces of silver produced, Fresnillo’s Saucito was the

Mexico remained in 10th position on the list of global copper

most productive silver mine in Mexico, followed by Peñasquito

producers, contributing 766,000 tons – or 3.2 percent – to

and the Fresnillo mine.

the total copper output, which amounted to 19.4 million tons. But this hides a spectacular YOY rise of 28.9 percent in

Fresnillo’s strong performance continued into 2017, reporting

national production by year-end 2016, buoyed mainly by the

1H17 silver production of 28 million ounces, up 11.2 percent

significant expansion at Grupo México’s Buenavista del Cobre

against 2H16. The company is aiming for 65 million oz/y silver

mine, which produced 316,000 tons.

output by 2018. With its entire producing portfolio in Mexico, the fundamentals for the national silver industry look strong.

EXPLORATION COMES BACK TO LIFE As the lifeblood of mining, spending on exploration is


always an important indicator of the current state of the

After reaching a low of US$4,310/t in January 2016, many

industry. According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, world

believed the outlook was bleak for copper. But prices shot

investment in exploration fell YOY by 28 percent to US$6.9

up in October and finished the year on the London Metals

billion, the fourth consecutive yearly fall, suggesting that investors are yet to be entirely convinced of the longevity


The situation in Mexico is complex. Following the 2015

25 20.5

fiscal reforms, companies are no longer able to deduct exploration expenses after a project’s first year; they now


of recipients for global exploration expenditures in 2015, 6.9


companies. But after falling to seventh place on the list 9.2



significant financial obstacle for cash-short junior exploration





must wait 10 years to be reimbursed. The ruling provides a




of the price recovery.

Mexico climbed up one place to sixth in 2016 after attracting US$400.9 million in total. Canada is still first on the list, ahead














of Australia, the US, Chile and Peru.


The positive trend is also reflected in the number of new exploration projects in Mexico. In 2016, mining companies started work on a total of 55 new projects, with a total value of US$130 million. This is compared to 44 projects with a total value of US$103 million in 2015. Buoyed by the improved price environment, a number of exciting development projects, including Timmins Gold’s Ana Paula,

US$6.89 billion

Fresnillo’s Juanicipio, and Industrias Peñoles’ Rey de Plata, have advanced well and should be coming online during 2018, underpinning Mexico’s future production profile.

TAXING TIMES Despite the signs pointing to a bright future, the mining sector in Mexico still faces several challenges. Most Canada 14.1% 29.2% Otros

6.2% Peru 5.7% China 3.5% Brazil

13.0% 5.8% Mexico 14.1%Australia Canada 4.7% Rusia 2.1% DRC US 5.7% China 7.3% 13.0% Australia 3.5% Brasil 2% Argentina Chile 4.7% Russia Other 6.4% 29.2% 7.3% Eua 2.1% Rep del Congo Source: CAMIMEX 6.4% Chile

2% Argentina

6.2% Perú 5.8% Mexico Source: SP & Global market intelligence

pressing is the ongoing standoff between the public and private sector on a number of tax-related issues. In early 2017, the Federal Chief of Governmental Audit released a report claiming that 59 mining companies had not met their financial obligations to the Mining Trust Fund -- allegations


March 2016

TIMELINE 2016-2017

the companies deny. In June, Reuters reported that the

Torex Gold announces commercial production at

federal tax agency SAT owes Canadian miners a total of

the El Limón-Guajes mine in Guerrero

June 2016

Gold rises to US$1,361/oz, its highest since 2013; silver rises to highest point since 2014

July 2016

Alamos Gold completes a US$1.5 billion merger with Aurico Gold

July 2016

Japanese machinery giant Komatsu announces a US$3.7 billion deal to buy Joy Global


August 2016

October 2016

Fresnillo begins commercial production at its San

October 2016

November 2016 December 2016

Then there are the infamous “Ecological Taxes” announced by the State Government of Zacatecas, a proposal that infuriated and alienated companies working in the region. The issue is being considered by the Supreme Court of the Nation (SCJN); if the tax is deemed constitutional and implemented, it would set a dangerous precedent for other

Julian silver-gold mine following a US$515 million

states. Against this backdrop, the 8 percent tax slapped


onto precious metal production in 2014 continues to rile

Premier Gold completes the US$122.5 million deal

operators. If the corporations and the government cannot

to buy Yamana Gold’s Mercedes mine in Sonora

US$360 million in back taxes.

resolve their differences, the sector is certainly in danger.

Goldcorp’s Peñasquito mine is forced into a temporary shutdown after a blockade by a

There are other issues. Mining companies regularly run into

trucking contractor

conflict with local communities and ejidos over land use.

Both gold and silver crash by 10 percent as the US

More could still be made of the opportunities afforded by the

presidential election result shocks the world

digital revolution. And the industry at large is still struggling to

The Zacatecas State Government announces

correct its image as a reckless exploiter of natural resources.

controversial new Ecological Taxes. Mining companies including Fresnillo and Peñoles contest the legislation December 2016

Gold is made available to the Islamic investor community following landmark deal between the World Gold Council and the Accounting and Auditing Organization for the Islamic Financial Institutions (AAO-iFI)

December 2016

Mario Alfonso Cantú is sworn in as Mexico’s first Undersecretary for Mining in 23 years

January 2017

Goldcorp confirms deal to sell the Los Filos mine to Leagold in a deal worth US$350 million

February 2017

Canada’s Minister for Natural Resources and Undersecretary for Mining Mario Alfonso Cantú sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Mexico City

March 2017

March 2017

April 2017 April 2017 June 2017 June 2017

July 2017

global financial markets but metal prices nevertheless rose steadily during 2016 and 1H17. Considering the strong demand fundamentals provided by the blossoming electric car, solar energy and electronics industries, coupled with the ever-improving technology making mining operations more productive and cost-efficient, this trend can be expected to continue. With many of the world’s largest mines running out of steam and resources, mining companies must now renew the industry’s faith by investing more in exploration to prepare the global production pipeline for the demands of a digital, environmentally responsible world. The priorities for Mexico are clear. The country has enormous

during the Mexico Mining Day at PDAC

mineral potential, a fact reflected in the increased exploration

Sonora Governor Claudia Pavlovich announces a

activity in 2016, but it is not the only country in Latin America

plan to contest the ruling on exploration expense

to be blessed with abundant natural resources. To woo

deductibility in Congress

international investors, the government – and particularly

Premier Gold’s San Dimas mine reopens following

the Undersecretariat of Mining – must provide the basic

eight-week stoppage of unionized employees

regulatory and financial framework to make the mining

President Enrique Peña Nieto opens Industrias

sector attractive. With presidential elections on the agenda

Peñoles’ 200MW wind farm in Coahuila

in 2018, the incoming administration must also remember

Goldcorp continues asset divestiture with Camino

that miners appreciate operational stability and consistency above all else.

Reuters reports that Canadian mining companies million in back taxes

June 2017

are not immune to the insecurity and inconsistency affecting

The Guerrero Mining Cluster and Sudbury mining

working in Mexico are owed a total of US$360

The global mining sector is moving forward. Mining companies

technology cluster (SAMSSA) sign a historic MoU

Rojo and San Nicolas sales


But co-operation is a two-way street; mining companies working in Mexico have to show willingness to work

Gold finishes 1H17 up 7 percent; silver closes 2

alongside the public sector and, if necessary, challenge new

percent up from the beginning of the year

legislation according to legal protocol. If the entire mining

Copper rises to US$6,400/t, a 2-year high, on

community can use its respective strengths as a collective,

stronger economic data from China

the sector can expect to thrive.



Q: How will the newly created Undersecretariat of Mining

A: The Fiscal Law of the State of Zacatecas - effective as of

benefit the mining sector in Mexico?

Jan. 1, 2017 - created the “Ecological Taxes” despite the state’s

A: The Undersecretariat of Mining was created in December

lack of competency to legislate environmental taxes because

2016, acknowledging the importance of mining as a

the General Constitution does not expressly allow it. Similarly,

strategic activity for boosting the country’s productivity

the General Law of Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental

and to address the need for regulation, promotion and

Protection (LGEEPA) did not grant this attribution. The federal

development of the sector.

government submitted a challenge to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to determine the constitutionality of

The Undersecretariat has a number of priority targets.

the actions of the State of Zacatecas. If the Supreme Court

It will aim to strengthen human resources, digitalize the

concludes that the legislator and the governor of Zacatecas

concession process and cartography to decrease the

issued a general provision, exercising powers that are under

number of days required to provide a concession title, re-

the jurisdiction of the federation, the contested provision

engage the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) resources

could be declared invalid and without effect.

toward exploration activities and reinforce the InterInstitutional Mining Group, made up of federal government

Q: What strategies are you following to ensure that Mexico

agencies involved in regulating the sector.

remains a competitive destination for FDI? A: Mexico is one of the most open economies to international

Q: What is the strategy to consolidate Mexico’s position

trade and investment. The set of structural reforms carried

in the face of competition from Peru, Colombia and Chile?

out by President Peña Nieto’s administration have paved

A: The Ministry of Economy’s agenda to boost mining

the way to attract domestic and foreign investments in

competitiveness includes the promotion of local and

strategic sectors, namely energy and telecommunications.

foreign investment and the allocation of funds to the sector; the development of small and medium-scale

Specifically, the Ministry of Economy has implemented

mining, including social mining; and the digitalization

several actions to ease doing business in Mexico. It has

of the procedures related to mining concessions. The

reduced regulations to facilitate investment in sectors where

federal government is acting on the structural challenges

FDI was previously restricted, such as telecommunications

affecting mine production, such as insecurity and

and energy. It has increased accessibility and transparency

financing. To address insecurity, the armed police and the

of the Public Registry of Commerce and Property. With

federal police are making substantial efforts to strengthen

Congress’ support, it has created a new corporate figure

surveillance at mining operations throughout the country.

called Simplified Joint Stock Company, which allows an

In terms of financing, the Mining Development Trust

individual to open a business online, at no cost, and at any

Fund (FIFOMI) has provided loans to mineral producers,

time when its annual income remains below MX$5 million.

outsourced services companies and primary mineral

Finally, it has encouraged the use of electronic platforms

processors. To improve the provision of information

to ease processes concerning FDI registry, allowing access

on mineral resources (rare earths and base industrial

to the required national standardization procedures and

metals), geological-mining mapping and exploration

applicable standards or technical regulations.

activities, SGM has established collaboration agreements with internationally recognized institutions, namely the Geological Surveys of Canada and China.

The Ministry of Economy is responsible for creating and overseeing policies related to industry, foreign trade, the

Q: What is the federal government’s view of the taxes

interior, supply and prices in Mexico to promote the generation

imposed by the State of Zacatecas?

of quality jobs and economic growth



A VOLATILE BUT PROMISING YEAR Metals prices are rising. Everyone in the industry is feeling

consecutive year, an investment drop

bullish, especially in light of the geopolitical uncertainty of

prevailed worldwide. “Mexico has become

past months that traditionally has investors running to gold for

one of the most expensive countries to invest

safe haven. The future of the industry looks bright

in mining,” Daniel Chávez, President of the Mexican Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX) warns.


Volatility was the driver for the mining industry in 2016. A

Despite the vast potential of the Mexican mining industry,

slower production due to a reduced appetite from China

new taxes, excessive increases in existing taxes and lack

was only just compensated by price recovery in some

of legal certainty are dissuading investments. But this

metals and geopolitical uncertainty.

year, hope came in the form of the new Undersecretariat dedicated to mining, leaving many to speculate that the

To counteract this lower demand, mining companies

federal government is finally beginning to pay the sector

had to reduce debt and trim production. For the fourth

the attention it deserves.


——Gold ——Silver


——Iron ——Copper

——Lead ——Zinc

200 150 100 50 0 2016












Var. % 20152016

Var. % 20112016










• To enable the right implementation of public mining policies, and evaluate their results




• To adhere to the Article 27 of the Constitution (“all natural resources belong to the







Twenty-three years since it closed, in December 2016 the Mining Undersecretariat was reopened. Mario Alfonso Cantú was appointed as Undersecretary, and his duties are: • To increase mining’s presence nationally and internationally, at all government levels




Investments reduced to US$401 million, US$90 million less than 2015

9% Industrial GDP 2.9% National GDP 3.9% National GDP (including indirect mining activities)

TRADE BALANCE US$7.7 billion 1.7% growth from last year 19.6% more than 2015




Production ——Domestic investment












50 94.8





















Projects Expansion



New Projects



Training and Productivity



Equipment Acquisition






Health and Safety



Property Security







350.0 550.0 900.0 5,531.8



5 0









(MX$ million)


Metal minerals Precious metals -10 Industrial metals MINING-METAL PRODUCTION WORTH (2015-2016) -15 Nonmetal minerals








te Sulfa







esium Magn



5.43% Cadmium 4.2% Magnesium Sulfate 1.83% Graphite


500.0 3,752.2


Subtotal Mining Total *Real figures **Projected figures






m Su


Exploration Assets




Non members

5.42% Molybdenum 5.19% Lead

sto Wolla





Community Support




4TH 9.57% Wollastonite





5TH 5.97% Zinc




6.86% Bismuth 4.10% Sodium Sulfate


Clean Energies



3RD 22.00% Celestite



20.74% Silver

2ND 15.63% Fluorite





tite Celes


Community Development

producer in the world. Among several mining products, Mexico is:





Since 2010, Mexico has outperformed Peru as the main silver












579.6 Sonora

billion were collected METAL MINERALS CHIHUAHUA 340.9 Zacatecas in 2016 and Sonora contributed the 232.1 Chihuahua DURANGO biggest share 148.9 Durango OTHERS 433.8 Others

-18 Import

MINING-METAL PRODUCTION WORTH (MX$ million) Precious Metals Non ferrous industrial metals Metals and steel related minerals

2015 2016

Non metal minerals 0







UNDERSECRETARY SETTLES INTO NEW ROLE MARIO ALFONSO CANTÚ Undersecretary of Mining at the Ministry of Economy


Q: To what extent does the creation of the Undersecretariat

communication and bring attention to mining issues in

of Mining reflect the growing importance of mining?

these and similar instances.

A: The Undersecretariat was created by the Ministry of Economy as an acknowledgment of the importance of

Q: How will the Undersecretariat operate differently from

mining as a strategic activity and a response to the industry’s

the General Coordination of Mining?

expansion and the need for regulation, promotion and

A: The growing investment in the mining sector is

development. Investment in Mexican mining was US$19.8

demanding that we increase our institutional capacity

billion in 2011 and 2012, and in the next four years, from

to provide better and easier ways for local and foreign

2013 to 2016, amid falling metal prices, it reached US$19.9

investors in their projects. The Undersecretariat is carrying

billion. The mining industry’s share of total GDP increased

out five key priorities. Firstly, we are strengthening human

from 0.86 percent in the period between 2009 and 2012

resources to fulfill institutional functions and objectives.

to 0.96 percent in the 2013-2016 period. Employment in

Secondly, we are modernizing our technological platform

the mining-metallurgical sector as of December 2012 was

and digitalizing the concession process and cartography

328,555 workers, while in December 2016 it registered a

to accelerate the process for allocating a concession title.

total of 354,702 workers. Finally, exports reached a similar

Thirdly, we have prioritized re-engagement of Mexican

level, with a US$17.8 billion annual average in 2009-2012 and

Geological Survey (SGM) resources in exploration activities

US$16.4 billion in 2013-2016. This demonstrates that, despite

to provide more projects with more information focused on

falling metal prices from 2013 to 2016, investment levels,

rare earths and base industrial metals. Along the same vein,

GDP and employment in the mining industry registered

we are also promoting the generation of geological-mining,

better performance than in previous years.

geochemical and geophysical mapping of the national territory on a scale of 1:50,000, prioritizing the areas of

Another reason for the creation of the Undersecretariat

greatest interest and susceptibility to contain new potential

was the need to reach a better level of communication

mineral deposits. Finally, we are strengthening the Inter-

and conversation both at a national and international

Institutional Mining Group, made up of federal government

level. Internally, the General Coordination of Mining lacked

agencies involved in regulating the sector.

communication with areas of the federal government that are directly related to mining, such as the Ministries

Q: What is your opinion of the decision to implement the

of Environment, Labor, Energy and Finance. It was

Ecological Taxes by the Zacatecas government?

therefore proposed that the General Coordination should

A: According to a mining sector specialist, the state

be elevated to a higher level to boost this relationship,

of Zacatecas does not have jurisdiction to legislate on

since its counterparts have always worked at the level of

environmental taxes, as the General Constitution does


not expressly establish it. Equally, the General Law of Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental Protection

Internationally, Mexico is a member of various trade

(LGEEPA) does not grant the authority this power.

organizations. As part of the Pacific Alliance (AP), along

Both the federal and state governments have the power

with Chile, Colombia and Peru, the AP Mining Group has

to design, develop and apply economic instruments

been formed. Our country is also a member of APEC, in

that encourage the fulfilment of environmental policy

which there is the group called the Mining Task Force.

objectives but this is limited to setting fiscal incentives

Finally, in bilateral relations, Mexico also belongs to

and it cannot be used for tax purposes.

instruments such as the Mexico-China High Level Working Group and the Mexico-Canada High Level Working Group.

On Feb. 14, 2017, the federal government therefore

The existence of the Undersecretariat will facilitate

submitted, through its General Counsel, a constitutional

conflict claim to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation

as well as government policies targeting the rational

(SCJN). The court will now determine the constitutionality

and sustainable use of mineral resources. China Mining,

of the actions of the state of Zacatecas. If the SCJN

the most important mining event in that country, was

concludes that the legislator and the Governor of Zacatecas

attended by a Mexican delegation that included mining

issued a general provision exercising powers that fall within

project holders, who held business meetings with Chinese

the jurisdiction of the federation, the contested provision


could be declared invalid and without effect. Another one of the policies implemented by the current Q: What does Mexico need to do to compete with other

federal administration is to increase the quality of

jurisdictions to attract more greenfield investment?

information for mining projects, thereby developing

A: The public policy of the Mexican government regarding

detailed geology, geophysics and geochemistry activities

the mining sector is included in the Mining Development

plus direct exploration through diamond drilling. This

Program 2013-2018, which defines the objectives,

provides the means to continue exploration, according to

strategies and lines of action to boost mining activity

the results derived from mining operations.

within a framework of sustainable development. One of the purposes of the Mining Development Program is to

To attract more greenfield investment, SGM allocates most

promote higher levels of investment and competitiveness

of its human resources and budget to developing Mexican

in the mining sector. The Undersecretariat of Mining carries

mining potential through continuous mapping the country

out investment promotion policies through participation in

on a 1:50,000 scale. This is an essential requirement to

the main national and international mining events.

identify mining exploration targets. The accumulated goal set for 2017 is 837,717km2 with a coverage of around 60

The most important conventions that we attend, among

percent of the national territory with mining potential.

others, include the annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Conference in Toronto and the China Mining Conference. At PDAC, the Mexican

The Undersecretariat of Mining was created as a specialized

delegation implemented actions aimed at disseminating

division of the federal Ministry of Economy in 2016 in response

the advantages of national mining as an investment

to the growing importance of the mining sector. Mario Alfonso

destination, services and policies to support the sector,

CantĂş was appointed to serve as Undersecretary



MINING COMMISSION ENSURES LEGISLATIVE CLARITY SUSANA CORELLA Federal Deputy for Sonora and Head of the Special Mining Commission for the Federal Government of Mexico


Q: What do you think of the current development of the

Certainly, the sector is not going through the best time but

Mexican mining industry?

it is likely that it will regain strength due to the status of

A: I see an industry with capacity and potential. However, it is

commodities as an investor refuge from uncertainty. Gold

necessary to create conditions that provide investments with

prices rose almost 8 percent in 2016 due to the fall in crude

greater certainty, including federal and state-level mining-

oil prices and losses on the stock markets, factors that

related legislation. In this sense, I am pleased that President

support the demand for assets considered as safe haven.

Peña Nieto has already created the Mining Undersecretariat, which should oversee guidelines, procedures and a

The responsibility of my state as a leader in production,

general policy that directly relates to Mexican mining. The

projects, concessioned land and investment attraction lies

development of this industry empowers us to occupy a

not only in the data but also in the way other states behave.

competitive position on the international stage. In addition,

Governor Claudia Pavlovich has made it clear that we must

it is necessary to take advantage of the competitive

take great responsibility for our rich minerals and projects.

advantages given to Mexico by its trade agreements with

I am greatly motivated to ensure the transparency of the

the countries of the Pacific and Europe.

Mining Fund, since to date Sonora is also the leader in attracting those resources with more than MX$2 billion. The

We must analyze the challenges from multiple

communities give life to the industry and that translates into

perspectives, among investors, operators, workers, mining

optimization and strong operation of projects. My work is

communities and government players. We should all

not limited to governmental responsibilities but I have also

accept the challenge to develop of the Mexican mining

been working as a liaison between companies and towns.

industry, firstly to increase the country’s efficiency and

For this reason the responsibility of a state like Sonora lies

secondly, so that this efficiency is translated into the

in the example we can provide.

country’s development and benefits for our citizens. Today, we know that it is necessary to create better conditions for

Q: Why was the Mining Commission created and what are

mining exploration, hence our commitment to an initiative

its short and long-term objectives?

to reinstate the deductibility of preoperative exploration

A: The importance of mining activity cannot be denied,

expenses. We continue to lobby for the inclusion of this

given its significance to Mexico’s economic, social and

policy to be considered within the 2018 revenue package.

environmental life so it is necessary to dedicate the appropriate resources to the industry. The mining sector

Q: What is the state’s responsibility to promote the

in Mexico has been and is crucial for the development of

Mexican mining sector, both nationally and internationally?

our country. Mexico is a world leader in silver production

A: I am certain of one thing: the sector is too important

and is among the top 10 producers of 19 minerals. For this

to jeopardize. It generates jobs in remote regions, it

reason, in recent years, legislative analysis on the subject

attracts foreign exchange, it contributes to the GDP and

of mining in Mexico has generated intense debates and as

today in Mexico it also makes direct contributions to the

a result, the Mining Commission was created.

development of our people and communities through the Mining Fund.

As for the short and long-term goals, we are in the penultimate year of the administration so we are making plans to standardize the commission, which will allow us to make

The Special Mining Commission was created within the federal

more long-term plans. Another objective is to strengthen the

Chamber of Deputies in response to the importance of the

links between state authorities, investors and executives in

industry in Mexico. Headed by Susana Corella, the Commission

the sector to boost mining and standardize criteria. We want

has representatives of the most important mining states

mining as a theme to be incorporated into the agenda.



Q: How does the Canadian government and ministry

I am proud to say that Canadian companies have made it

support companies that want to enter Mexico?

a priority to engage early and respectfully throughout the

A: Mexico is an important partner for Canada, with more

lifecycle of their Mexican projects.

than $40 billion in trade between us in 2016. That trade was dominated by the minerals and metals sector and Mexico is

Q: To what extent can mining truly respect the environment

a leading destination for Canadian mining assets abroad. Our

and what can be done to minimize its impact?

government is supporting this strong partnership in a number

A: Canadians believe that it is not only possible to minimize

of ways. Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, the Canadian

the impact of mining on the environment, it is essential.

Embassy in Mexico and Export Development Canada

That begins with strong legislation and, in Canada,

provide Canadian companies with market intelligence and

mining activities are governed by two main statutes.

key contacts in Mexico. We are also promoting Canadian

The first is the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,

services, equipment, and technologies. We are fostering

2012, which covers federal environmental assessments.

opportunities for more trade and investment through

These assessments are required for mining, energy,

government-to-government engagement.

hydroelectric, nuclear, infrastructure and other projects and aim to minimize environmental impacts. The provincial

This engagement is carried out primarily through bilateral

and territorial governments have similar legislation for

agreements, and in February 2017, I had the pleasure

assessing projects under their jurisdiction. The second is

of visiting Mexico and signing the Memorandum of

the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which governs

Understanding on Collaboration in Sustainable Mineral

areas of federal jurisdiction such as the regulation of toxic

Development between Natural Resources Canada and

substances, cross-border air and water pollution and waste

Mexico’s Ministry of Economy. That visit showcased

disposal into oceans.

Canadian expertise and opened the door to new business opportunities between our two countries.

In addition to these general statutes, we have industryspecific regulations. For example, under the Fisheries Act,

Q: How can some of Canada’s best practices be adapted

there are Metal Mining Effluent Regulations, which set

to the Mexican context?

standards for the quality of all effluent discharged into

A: One of the best ways to share expertise is through

Canada’s waterways. As well as establishing environmental

initiatives such as the Canada-Mexico Partnership.

laws, it is also critical to invest in new, clean technologies

Through that partnership, we have collaborated with the

that minimize the environmental impact of mining. Canadian

Mexican government to hold seminars on consultation and

mining companies are making significant investments in

engagement with indigenous communities – something

green mining practices – investments that have produced

that our exploration and mining industry has had great

impressive results in managing water use, minimizing waste

success with. We have also shared best practices in tailings

and reducing their environmental footprint. By focusing

and wastewater management as well as green mining

our efforts on developing innovative technologies and

technologies. Looking ahead, case studies in both countries

providing regulatory certainty, Canada is leading the way

will provide information on environmental innovation and

in developing environmentally responsible mining practices.

the use of renewable energy. Our government expects Canadian companies to respect

The Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources is part of the

all laws and follow the highest international standards

Canadian Federal Government and oversees all matters related

of corporate social responsibility and environmental

to management of natural resources. In mining matters, it is

stewardship, whether they are operating at home or abroad.

working toward sustainable development





Q: What are CLUSMIN's primary objectives?

A: We are acutely aware of the need to educate the next

A: The goal of the mining cluster is not to promote the

generation. To this end, the National Science and Technology

sector – the government, the long history of mineral

Council (CONACYT) funded a study to determine the precise

extraction in Mexico and the country’s extensive resources

number of workers required to support the industrialization

act as a natural basis for investment promotion. We are

of the state until 2025. The study will be completed during

aiming to support the economic development of Zacatecas

2H17 and will provide data on the number of metallurgists,

state through the mining sector. We quickly realized that the

geologists, maintenance engineers and technicians needed

main goal should be to play to our strengths and maximize

by the sector for the next 18 years. The state polytechnic

the productivity of the industry in Zacatecas. To achieve this

university has recently created a course on metallurgical

objective, the entire value chain that participates in mining

engineering. The course will focus initially on mathematical

activities in the state needs to take part in and support

and scientific theory but second and third-year students will

the cluster.

spend at least one week out of every four in the field, at a metallurgical processing plant.

The cluster is split into four committees. The supplier committee, which is charged with attracting new businesses

The cluster is focused on the future. The state government

to Zacatecas; the human capital committee, which focuses

has built a science and technology park, which is helping

on attracting and developing human capital; the science

to finance new projects and innovative start-up companies.

and technology committee that ensures the continued

Minera Frisco set up the Laboratory for Mining Investigation,

technological development of the industry; and finally,

Development and Training in this park, with an investment

the well-being committee, which works to protect the

of over MX$50 million. The University of Arizona is also

environment and to improve worker safety and health.

working on an international research center for compatible mining that will focus on sustainable tailings facilities,

Q: What role does the government play in the cluster?

remediation, forestation and biodiversity.

A: Although the cluster operates entirely separately from the state government, the public sector has an extremely

Q: How does the cluster contribute to the creation of new

important role. Firstly, the government must facilitate the

jobs in Zacatecas?

creation of new businesses, which includes reducing waiting

A: The mining cluster began by creating a supplier

times for permits and other qualifications. Secondly, it must

committee, whose role is to attract new businesses to the

create industrial parks, where businesses can work together

state and create jobs for local workers. We are also working

and share knowledge and experience. Thirdly, it has a vital

toward bridging the gap between the suppliers and the

duty to attract new financial institutions to the state that

client, which can reduce costs, improve the level of service

can help SMEs access the capital required to grow and

and therefore boost productivity.

contribute to the local economy. We are under pressure from the trade unions to create Q: What training does the cluster provide to the new

more sources of employment because mining is becoming

generation of workers in the mining industry?

increasingly digital and mechanized. This is changing the nature of the mining job market, which now requires highly trained but fewer workers, and the industry as a whole has

The Zacatecas Mining Cluster (CLUSMIN) is a nonprofit civil

a responsibility to react and continue providing jobs. One

association formed by industry representatives and academia to

of the cluster’s main objectives is to attract new companies

strengthen the mining industry through the development of its

to Zacatecas that can train the large number of manual

human capital, as well as the attraction of suppliers to the state

workers in the state to use modern industrial equipment.


MEXICO’S MINING CLUSTERS Since the creation of Mexico’s mining clusters, the states they

gathering private companies, universities,

belong to have experienced a greater level of communication

associations, trade chambers and public

with the government and academia, as well as a more

institutions, the mining value chain can

streamlined supply chain

increase competitiveness and align itself more efficiently with environmental regulation.

The Mexican industrial policy established within the

Clusters have the added focus of promoting R&D, training

Ministry of Economy’s National Development Plan and

and human resources development. Mexico currently

the Mining Development Program 2013-2018 emphasizes

has five mining clusters in Guerrero, Sonora, Chihuahua,

the promotion of mining clusters as a key component.

Coahuila and Zacatecas. But with the mining industry

Their main objective is to coordinate an agenda among

present in 25 of Mexico’s 32 states, there is a great deal of

governmental agencies, companies and academia. By

opportunity for the creation of further clusters.

137 18 associates


mining units



President: Xavier Garcia de Quevedo

• 11 education institutions

• 5 labor associations

• 3 Research Centers

• 7 education institutions

• 17 municipal authorities

silver, aluminum copper

• Coahuila state Founded in 2014

iron molybdenum

President: Rogelio Montemayor

and selenium




130 associates


• 63 companies (all based

companies • Incentivizes interaction

comes from mining

between the providers of the region • 96% of the state based companies are there





Source: Guerrero Mining Cluster

President: Jesús González

• 35% of the state GDP


President: Alfredo Phillips

Founded in 2012

in Zacatecas)


• Gathers Mexican, Canadian and US

• 3 providing companies

Founded in 2016

with the cluster

mining units

• 2 academic institutions


company is associated



• 2 government bodies,

President: Jaime Lomelín

government • Only one foreign


• 7 mining groups

Founded in 2012


• 106 service providers

• Main products: gold, Founded in 2014




• Teloloapan, Arcelia, Cocula and Eduardo Neri are the main mining municipalities • Potential investment of over US$2 billion in the next six years • Tecnopolo, in Iguala, will be the headquarters taking advantage of logistics in the region


• Guerrero’s Gold Belt attracted Canadian firms


• An agreement was signed with Sudbury Area Mining


Supply and Service Association: mining cluster from

Iron ore

Canada considered the biggest in the world



GUERRERO COULD BECOME TOP GOLD PRODUCER ALFREDO PHILLIPS President of the Guerrero Mining Cluster and Corporate Affairs Director of Torex Gold


Q: What unique role does the cluster play in developing

the great potential the state offers. With the help of the

the mining industry in Guerrero?

government, we can foster the entry of equipment suppliers

A: To create a conducive environment for developing the

into Mexico and hopefully convert Iguala into a technical

mining sector in the state of Guerrero it was vital to create

mining hub.

critical mass from a business perspective. This would provide resources to our company Torex Gold, as the largest

Q: How will the cluster finance itself and its operations?

investor in Guerrero, and other companies to push projects

A: In 2015, the member companies of the cluster represented

forward. For the development of the state, we felt all players

a US$900 million-US$1 billion investment, US$800 million

must have a stake in the development of the sector and we

coming from Torex’s Limón Guajes project. For the next four

wanted to optimize operations for the benefit of not only

years, the projected capital investments for the members

ourselves but also the surrounding communities and the

of the cluster adds up to around US$1.2 billion. If Torex’s

regional economic development of the northern part of

second project, Media Luna, moves ahead uninterrupted, the

Guerrero, known also as Tierra Caliente.

company will invest close to another US$600 million by 2020.

In doing this, we focused on helping the government

Other projects such as Los Filos, which was being acquired

understand the benefits of mining and promoting a sector

by Leagold, are considering additional CAPEX investments

that, in many parts of the world, has been a national lever

to optimize underground mining and other operations

for sustainable development. We identified the benefits of

adding close to US$250 million. Timmins Gold will also start

creating the cluster to promote regional development and

construction this year at Ana Paula and Industrias Peñoles is

to incorporate all local stakeholders into the value chain to

planning to start up its Rey de Plata project, which equates

ensure those benefits are distributed to all involved.

to a further US$250 million each. This only takes into account the investment that is already being considered as part of

There is also a significant business role for the cluster. This

the short-term planning process so regardless of whether

involves sharing best practices among like companies,

there is further investment in the industry in 2017, the state

guaranteeing the safety of our personnel and our

will receive a significant cash boost.

communities and creating political capital to protect our interests from political outliers that may pose a threat. We

The Guerrero cluster is modeled after the Zacatecas

ensure we are positioned in such a way that we can lead

cluster (CLUSMIN), although given our local needs, we

the economic and social development of our communities

decided to structure our committees differently. We

with our investment.

have three committees: one dedicated to economic development and our value chain, one to human

Currently I am working with the Greater Sudbury

capital and training and the third to corporate social

Development Corporation, the city of Sudbury, Ontario,

responsibility and communication since we find this to

Canada and Sudbury Association of Manufacturers and

be a fundamental element to change the perception of

Suppliers (SAMSA) to establish a collaboration with the

our sector. We also have an informal working group that

Guerrero cluster. Sudbury is a world-leading cluster with

deals with security because it is so complex and can be

300 companies that excel in providing equipment and

greatly misunderstood so we decided it would be best

services to mining companies such as ours. The letter of

to work on it but not to formalize it.

intent was signed at PDAC 2017 and will be supported by development of a regional industrial park that will serve as

Regarding the cluster, financing its operations is not

a landing space in Iguala to bring to Mexico companies from

difficult. I currently dedicate a reasonable part of my time to

Sudbury and other parts of the world that are attracted to

getting the cluster up and running and whenever we need

additional resources for events or meetings, either Torex or

to our contractors. This kind of chain of communication is

the other members provide the necessary resources.

useful for dispelling myths and exaggerations that surround the safety issues in the state given the media hype. Of course,

Q: Why do you believe Guerrero can become the biggest

there are issues but as a representative of a company with

gold producer in Mexico and what do companies need to

operations in the area, I can confirm that Guerrero is a place

do to reach this goal?

where business is possible as long as security issues are

A: If companies begin taking advantage of Guerrero’s

closely monitored and adequate protocols are followed.

potential, it could easily reach this position. Recent data from SGM suggests the state’s potential as a gold

We have been working diligently with the government

producer to be the best in the country. For example,

to help it through sharing best practices and creating

companies such as Agnico Eagle that have a new property

information exchanges. We coordinate activities with our

next to those of Torex and Los Filos, are now looking

neighbors and we fundamentally focus on keeping our

closely at carrying out bigger exploration programs given

communities and people safe. Once we start organizing

the region’s recent results.

these issues, they are much easier to resolve in collaboration with all interested parties.

The problem with the drop in gold production of 21 percent in the last four years is that there was only one producer,

close to 380,000 gold ounces in 2017.

The projected capital investments by the cluster add up to around US$1.2 billion over the next four years

The largest gold producer in the country is Goldcorp’s

Q: What is the main goal for the cluster over the next

Peñasquito, followed by Fresnillo’s Herradura, both in

five years?

Zacatecas, but Guerrero now hosts the number three and

A: Once the cluster starts gaining traction, our goal for

four mines in the country. In 2016, ELG and Los Filos ranked

the next one to two years is to successfully develop a

third and fourth, respectively, in gold production in Mexico.

collaboration with other external groups that can help

Once we get Media Luna online in 2020, it is targeted to

us incorporate Guerrero-based companies into the value

produce close to 320,000 gold equivalent ounces with about

chain. This will require collaboration with governments at

180,000 ounces of gold so Guerrero can easily take a top-

federal and state levels because many of these companies

three spot nationwide in terms of gold production in the

have limitations and require support to meet the strict

short term. In the next five to 10 years in fact, it could easily

requirements the industry maintains. As an example,

become one of the richest gold regions in Latin America.

the chairman of COPARMEX in Chilpancingo who has a

Los Filos, and its production levels dropped. El LimónGuajes (ELG) produced 280,000 ounces in 2016, which increased production significantly for the state, making it the fourth gold producer in the country. It will ramp up to

construction company told us in a meeting that working Q: To what extent is the cluster trying to change Guerrero’s

for Torex helped improve his company. For him to provide

image as an unsafe mining jurisdiction?

services to our ELG project, he had to perfect the service

A: Security was not formalized as a committee because it is

his company offered and he is thankful for that. In two

such a difficult, delicate and sometimes confidential area of

years, I hope to have large number of similar success

business. We have a permanent working group on security

stories from companies across the value chain, which in

and a permanent hotline to share information. The security

the end should help develop a regional mining hub.

personnel of each company communicate with each other regularly because we think it is important to keep open

I would also like to see an increase in exploration activities

communication channels and to collaborate. In addition, we

and new companies entering Guerrero, to the point where

have close relationships with state and federal authorities.

mining is able to grow by 100 percent in the next five to 10 years. As a cluster, we hope that our presence in Guerrero

We understand that security is a big problem for the state and

creates benefits for all and develops a new paradigm for

it has a deep-rooted structural origin. However, we are also

responsible mining.

well aware that the current state and federal governments are doing everything they can to resolve the issues and we are trying to help in that process. The first thing we have to do is to

The Guerrero Mining Cluster was inaugurated in 2016,

ensure the members of the cluster are confident that Guerrero

becoming the fifth mining cluster in Mexico alongside

is a safe area in which to work and that they are actually

Zacatecas, Sonora, Coahuila and Chihuahua. It serves as a tool

secure. After that point, we need to transmit this mentality

to strengthen the state's supply chain



JUMP IN TSXV GOOD OMEN FOR MINING JUNIORS ORLEE WERTHEIM Head, Business Development – Global Mining at Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange


Q: To what extent have you seen confidence return to the

We set up the TSX Venture 50 program to recognize the 50

global mining sector as prices have risen during 2017?

top performing companies listed on the exchange divided

A: In early 2016 we began to see more investor interest

by industry. Every year, the top 10 mining companies are

in precious metals, particularly gold and silver, as well as

selected as part of the program and we organize a large

battery metals such as lithium. There was a 38 percent

campaign to tell the market about each company and the

increase in the amount of capital raised by mining

reason behind its success. We help each company prepare

companies listed on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX

a video, which we show on our website and a variety of

Venture Exchange (TSXV), along with an increase of 134

different platforms, as well as connecting the companies

percent in money raised on TSXV, where the vast majority of

to investors and other sources of capital.

junior companies are listed. This shows that there has been a substantial increase in the amount of money flowing into

Q: What benefits could a dual-listing on both TSX and BMV

exploration. During the downturn, everyone suffered from

offer to mining companies operating in Mexico?

a lack of access to capital but that issue was more acute

A: I always feel that a dual listing could prove beneficial

for the juniors. But exploration companies are now going

under the right circumstances. For example, a mining

to market more frequently – at least a couple of times a

company that is headquartered in Canada might consider

year – and that is an encouraging sign. There is still some

a listing in Mexico to allow the local investor community to

way to reach the peak of a few years ago but there is no

participate. It can also help boost government relations.

doubt the industry is moving forward.

The issue is that the threshold to list on the BMV is set at a much higher level than either TSXV or TSX. For one,

Q: What does Toronto Stock Exchange do to help junior

to list on the BMV a company has to have revenue and

companies get access to capital?

thus be a producer, which rules out a large chunk of the

A: We are constantly looking at how we can ensure that

market. We see more dual-listings in jurisdictions such as

investors have confidence in the companies listed on

Chile and Peru, which have a similar support system for

our market and to do that we need to make sure there

junior exploration companies.

is a strong set of rules and regulations designed to make investors feel comfortable. TSX and TSXV each have

I believe that the larger Mexican mining companies could

different sets of regulations because we recognize that

stand to gain by listing on TSX. They are already well-

companies at varying stages of development need to be

capitalized but there is a solid investor base in Canada.

governed differently. We are always making small changes

It would also open up avenues for M&A deals and further

to these regulations depending on the market’s evolution.

exposure. We have over 200 analysts that cover the mining

We also need to make sure that our issuers can access

sector, so there is a wealth of opportunities here.

capital without having to navigate complex regulations while maintaining a clear and efficient rulebook. Wherever

We have a strong relationship with the BMV. We are in

possible, we try to simplify our processes to enable

frequent communication, travelling to Mexico fregularly,

companies to save time and money and reinvest capital

and we are always discussing ways to collaborate and

into their projects.

share information. In Latin America, there are many small enterprises participating in the mining sector and they do not appreciate the value of a listing on the stock exchange.

Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is the ninth-largest exchange in

During our visits, we try to educate the local community

the world in market capitalization. TSX represents a variety of

about the benefits of going public and I believe we are

companies, both Canadian and international. Toronto Venture

seeing a fundamental shift in the new generation where

Exchange (TSXV) is an electronic stock exchange in Canada.

more and more private companies are considering an IPO.



Q: Why are there only a few mining companies listed on the

But the root of the problem goes beyond the number of

Mexico Stock Exchange (BMV)?

companies listed. If 200 companies were to list on the BMV

A: It is one of the industries with most room for growth in

tomorrow, there would not be a market big enough to buy

Mexico. Mining represents almost 5 percent of the country’s

these shares. To create a healthy trading market, a balance

GDP but the BMV only has four Mexican companies listed

of both companies and investors is needed. Banks and

from the industry. These companies represent almost 6

brokerage firms can change this context by offering more

percent of the daily traded volume of the stock exchange

financial education as trading activity has little penetration

and 8 percent of the total market cap of the companies in

in the country.

the BMV. Their market cap is higher than their daily traded volume because these four companies have high dividends

Q: How can the stock exchange be more accessible to smaller

for investors. Mining stocks are a long-term investment as


commodities can fluctuate with currency exchange rates.

A: We are trying to encourage smaller companies to participate but the lack of financial culture is a challenge.

About 200 Canadian companies are investing in Mexico

Our team is traveling to different states to teach companies

but they tend to do so in small amounts and mostly

about the benefits the BMV can offer. We found that in

directed toward exploration. Canada is home to an active

many of these states businessmen have no idea how the

stock exchange that is welcoming to companies within the

stock exchange works. First of all, many of these companies

industry. Canada is also popular because it has the advantage

think they are too small for the stock exchange while

of having the Venture Exchange (TSXV), a specific mining

regulation allows them to participate with 20 million units

regulatory framework and an important pool of investors

of direct investment (UDI) in paid in capital, which is as little

that understand these type of risks and investments. It is a

as MX$120 million pesos. Of the 5 million companies that

viable option for smaller companies and ventures that use

are registered in the country, thousands would qualify for

investor capital to invest in small and greenfield projects in

listing on the BMV when it comes to capital. Sushiito is an

Mexico since the BMV currently does not cater to this market.

excellent example of a family company that just recently listed debt for only MX$150 million.

Q: What are the main challenges you face when it comes to promoting the participation of companies in the BMV?

Q: How is the creation of a second stock exchange, BIVA,

A: The biggest challenge is creating a financial culture in

impacting the BMV?

Mexico that is open to investing in the stock exchange. The

A: We are hoping the impact will be positive. We

country has 5 million registered companies and only 350 are

recognize that issues in Mexico’s financial culture

using the BMV as a form of finance, of which 150 participate

cannot be automatically fixed through the creation of a

in the capital markets. Only 400,000 companies use other

second stock exchange. The regulation in Mexico had to

methods such as credit as the rest use capital from partners,

be changed to allow more than one stock exchange to

clients and suppliers.

participate. The BMV strives to make sure the additional costs of having a second stock exchange will not result

Another issue is that over 90 percent of the 350 companies

in inefficiency or fragmentation.

on the BMV are divided among only four states in Mexico: Mexico City, Nuevo Leon, Jalisco and the State of Mexico. There are 32 states in the country and 12 of these, such

The BMV Group operates a stock exchange, the central

as Zacatecas, Durango and Guerrero, do not have any

securities depository in Mexico a securities clearinghouse and

companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange in either

a derivative chamber, as well as a pricing and risk management

capital or debt markets, regardless of the industry.






Q: What were the main contributors to Fresnillo's strong

at San Julian online. All told, 2016 was the second-best

performance in 2016?

year for Fresnillo since the company made its listing on the

A: Like all miners, we were helped by external factors such

London Stock Exchange nine years ago.

as the devaluation of the peso that enabled us to improve the internal cost structure. But we also managed to lower

Q: What actions are you taking to reduce fatality rates at

operational costs at several of our mines, which generated

your mines?

savings of US$25 million across our portfolio. Moreover, we

A: This is the most important challenge Fresnillo is facing and

were boosted by the increase in production at our mines,

we are disappointed that we have not reached our objective

particularly at La Herradura, Nochebuena and Saucito, while

of zero fatalities, which is the company’s primary goal. We

we also brought the first phase of commercial production

are trialing a new, in-depth safety system in the Saucito mine that we hope will help us achieve our zero-fatality goal. We already have safety protocols and equipment of the highest

Fresnillo is the world’s leading silver producer and Mexico’s

standard but we need to focus on educating our staff and

largest gold producer. It is a subsidiary of Grupo BAL and

contractors. We are determined to increase awareness and

operator Industrias Peñoles. The company is listed on the

risk identification throughout the company. If we succeed, this

London Stock Exchange’s FTSE 100

system will be implemented across all of our mines.


AIMMGM STRENGTHENING TIES TO PUBLIC SECTOR MARCO BERNAL President of the Mexican Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists (AIMMGM)

Q: How has the sector in Mexico reacted to the volatile

will be used either to fund environmental protection or socio-

geopolitical environment in the region and the world?

economic development. The tax simply encourages mining

A: The prevailing sentiment is that factors such as the

companies to look elsewhere for their next investment so

new presidential administration in the US and the Chinese

that is why we, along with a number of institutions working

economic rebound should have a positive effect on the

in the state filed for an amparo. We are still waiting for the

mining industry. The aggressive and unpredictable foreign

decision from the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation

policy of President Trump in particular is generating

(SCJN) but we are hopeful of a positive outcome.

economic instability on a global scale and this will encourage investors to look for less risky assets like precious metals

Q: How satisfied have you been with the application of funds

and other commodities. The mining sector will always be

generated by the Mining Trust Fund?

volatile and difficult to predict but in terms of metal prices,

A: The money is taking too long to be spent and we know

2017 is shaping up to be a strong year and we have already

of municipalities across the country that are still waiting to

seen companies being more active in the sector.

receive funds for projects that have been approved. There needs to be more transparency because at this point we

Q: What have been your biggest achievements since you

are still waiting to see the results we were promised. At the

started your role in July 2016?

moment, the mining companies are still showing patience,

A: One of the main focuses has been to renovate and

despite the fact that the program has already been in place

restructure the internal processes of the organization.

for three years. But their patience will run out eventually.

This helps us offer a better service to our members. We

The mining companies are capable of supporting local

also managed to secure more funding, much of which

communities with their own resources but these expenses

will be spent on the convention in Guadalajara in October

are not tax deductible. It is now up to the government to

2017. Following the creation of the Undersecretariat of

apply the resources from the Mining Trust Fund but it is not

Mining, a decision we had been anticipating for more than

fulfilling this duty. The communities blame the companies

20 years, we will be doubling our efforts to increase our

for not doing enough, despite the fact that the companies

cooperation with the federal authorities and to strengthen

no longer have the power to help. Another factor is that

this relationship. We have had several meetings with the

NGOs see this social unrest as an opportunity to pressure

Mining Commission, which gave us the opportunity to

the mining industry. If left unresolved, this issue could create

raise certain issues that we believe need to be tackled. We

a very difficult situation.

feel that our concerns are being heard by the authorities and we hope that we can work together to create a more

The constant alteration and modification of regulations has

sustainable and profitable industry going forward.

meant that Mexico has lost its competitive edge. Foreign investors are not interested in investing their money in

Q: Why did you decide to file an amparo against the

countries that chop and change regulation constantly and

Zacatecas Ecological Tax?

that is the primary factor behind the drop in investment in

A: There are several reasons why we filed our amparo.

Mexico. We have to work hard to reverse this trend because

Our first responsibility is to protect our members. Mining

the mineral potential in Mexico is unquestioned.

contributes 30 percent to the GDP of Zacatecas and mining companies already fulfill extensive obligations regarding environmental protection. But the tax will make mining in the

AIMMGM is the premier association for mining professionals

state economically unfeasible. There are many communities

in Mexico. The group works toward the technological and

in the state that continue to suffer from poverty and yet we

economic development of the mining sector and counts the

are not convinced that the resources generated by the tax

country's top operators and suppliers among its members




Director General of CAMIMEX

Q: How have global political events changed Mexico’s

Q: How will the 2018 presidential elections affect the

mining industry outlook and what does the country need

continuity of mining policy?

to do to weather further storms?

A: This is exactly what worries us. It is important to have

A: Conditions are changing in a significant way and without

continuity. We will have to wait and see what the results

doubt, all sectors are facing a new context and new hurdles.

will be but whatever the outcome, we are dedicated to

Mining is no exception. In Mexico, we need to re-evaluate our

working with the government for the promotion of the

mining policy. One of the main points CAMIMEX is fighting

sector, regardless of ideologies. The most important task

for is the implementation of a long-term state mining policy.

is being able to communicate the importance of mining

This policy should be developed jointly with federal and

for our country because many people do not recognize its

municipal authorities and obviously with those that know

value. Essentially, Mexico is a mining country, not because

the sector, such as operators, geologists and academics.

miners decided it should be that way but because of its rich mineralization and resources. In fact, Mexico is often

In our opinion, there is no stable mining policy. The last few

ranked as one of the most promising mining countries in the

administrations have only implemented mining programs

world because of the reserves it holds. Often, when people

that stipulate the plan that will be developed for that

think of mining, they imagine the mines of the past when

particular term. What we need is a policy that lays out the

rudimentary methods were employed. On the contrary,

investment, the promotion and the objectives over the

Mexico has a mature and modern industry that is socially

course of 10, 20 or 50 years. The mining industry is one that

and environmentally conscious.

requires long periods for an investment to mature and pay off. In the best-case scenario, exploration takes around seven

Q: Given that the mining taxes have been in force now

years, at which point construction begins and the mine can

for three years, how do you evaluate the reaction of the

continue to produce. But in other cases, it can take 20 years


just to explore the property. This is why a long-term mining

A: Unfortunately, the taxes were conceived at a time when

vision is essential for the industry’s survival.

metals prices were at their peak, in 2011-2012. But when they were enforced in 2014, the prices had already been

Q: How has the government proven its commitment to the

suffering for a few years and the new taxes jeopardized

sector with the creation of the mining Undersecretariat?

the industry’s competitivity. In 2011, Mexico placed 11th on

A: Fortunately, this year the mining Undersecretary was

a global level as an attractive investment destination on the

appointed after 24 years without such a position. Without

Fraser Institute’s survey but in 2016, Mexico was in 50th

a doubt, this is good news for the sector. CAMIMEX believes

place. This shows us that something is definitely wrong.

that this will give a boost to the industry because there will

The situation illustrates that it is necessary to revise the

be more weight behind the promotion and development of

country’s fiscal framework in terms of mining, and this is

mining activities. The Undersecretary now holds the same

what we are fighting for.

level of power as his peers in other ministries. It is a very good indicator and may allow us to continue pushing for

Our global position in exploration has also dropped. In

the long-term mining policy we want.

2011, Mexico was in fourth place and ranked higher than our closest competitors, Peru and Chile. Now we are in sixth place and those two countries have surpassed us.

CAMIMEX is the Mexican Mining Chamber, the activities of

Another piece of evidence that demonstrates Mexico’s

which include research and promotion of mining activities as

declining attractiveness is that more than 169 projects

well as communicating with the industry and the government

have been deferred or suspended. These international

to attract investment and help shape government policies

studies show that the new taxes, the lack of juridical

certainty and the lack of security have become very

Canada has developed a great deal within the mining

dissuasive factors for investment in Mexico.

industry on a global scale, advancing technology, creating new financing options and prioritizing traditional ones. The

Q: How do you evaluate the Ecological Tax imposed by the

TSX and the TSXV are useful tools to finance exploration

Zacatecas state government and how will this situation

activity in Mexico. In Mexico, Canadian companies have


consistently demonstrated that they are demanding in

A: We reject these types of taxes for a variety of reasons

terms of compliance with rules and regulations.

but primarily because we feel they are unconstitutional. We understand that two amparos have been received on behalf

Q: What do you predict for the industry in terms of prices,

of two companies and that they have a valid argument

taxes and exploration activities?

against the tax. But one only needs to look at the figures

A: Judging by the current situation, I think mining

on how much competitivity we have lost as a result of the

companies will continue to be cautious. I do not foresee

federal taxes to realize that an additional state-level tax

any issues with the companies that are already well-

would be catastrophic.

consolidated in the country but I think their focus will be on continuing to make their operations more efficient

Q: What is the likelihood the Sonora governor’s proposal

and increasing production. I think all companies will be

to eliminate nondeducibility of exploration expenses will

cautious and will prefer to invest in existing projects

come to pass?

rather than initiating greenfield activity. In terms of prices,

A: We are optimistic. Ultimately, we will be able to convince

production and exploration investment, I believe that in

the government of the importance of the previous

2017 and 2018 we will continue to see similar behavior

structure whereby pre-operative exploration expenses

to that in 2016.

could be deducted in the same fiscal year they were made. We greatly welcome the support we are receiving from

We are continuing to face challenges and we will continue

the governors of states like Sonora and Durango. Part of

to work toward exploration expenses being deductible in

our mission is to approach various governors to explain

the same year they are made. It is also important to revise

the benefits of mining and what it means for the country

the current fiscal framework and schemes. For companies

and communities.

that already invest independently in the environment and social issues, it would be welcome if this were taken into

Q: How important is Mexico’s relationship with Canada

account when calculating the taxes, which would allow

and how can mining help to strengthen it?

us to return to our position as one of the world leaders

A: Canadian companies, to a large extent, tend to be the

in mining. We want the government to see mining as a

ones that carry out most exploration activity in Mexico.

strategic sector with a bright future.






Area (ha)


Area (ha)


Area (ha)

Baja California































































Nuevo Leon





















San Luis Potosi





















National Total












The end of the commodity price slump is near and Mexico

In return, authorities should recognize the industry’s

has the ability to attract its fair share of investment that is

interest in being environmentally safe and in investing in

flowing into the industry, provided it implements the right

surrounding communities, says Álvarez. As the country

structure. But punitive environmental taxes could threaten

aspires to produce at least one-third of its energy from clean

to derail this progress, warns Alfredo Álvarez, Energy

sources, a coordinated effort from both private companies

Segment Leader, Latin America North at EY, if they are not

and the public sector is required. Actions from authorities

implemented responsibly.

need to align with these efforts and new taxes such as the environmental levy in Zacatecas do not promote clean

“The main issue is that Mexico does not focus enough on

energy nor environmental practices despite their name,

rebuilding its offering to the mining industry,” he says.

says Álvarez. Legislative barriers consume the time and

“Countries like Chile and Peru prioritize the mining sector

energy of companies as legal battles can take up to three

and strive to adopt the best legislation. On the other hand,

years to resolve, which implies a period of uncertainty that

Mexico both fortunately and unfortunately, has a diverse

impacts financial statements. “The mining sector does more

source of wealth and prosperity that drive it to have a

to protect the environment than other industrial sectors in

different focus.”

Mexico,” he says.

Legislation should not be used to fix an imbalance created by the lack of proper governmental administration”

The Energy Reform also has the ability to further impact the mining industry and mining companies are starting to understand their role in the process as up to 40 percent of their costs comes from electricity consumption. This new mindset can be seen through Industrias Peñoles’ new Eolica de Coahuila wind farm in the north of Mexico, which can be used to power energy-intensive mining activities. But not enough time has passed to make a judgement on its progress and not enough companies

While not opposed to the implementation of taxes, Álvarez

have adopted this mindset. “The mining industry needs

argues that punitive expenses can inflict long-term damage

time to adopt the use of clean energy because it requires

on an industry, which is especially risky due to mining’s

a significant investment but can really pay off in the long-

recent recovery. “Taxes such as the one in Zacatecas scare

term,” says Álvarez. “The market is just starting to adapt

off investment,” he continues. “Legislation should not be

to the new energy context.”

used to fix an imbalance created by the lack of proper governmental administration.”

To be a qualified user and supplier, companies have certain benchmarks and megawatt capacity that they

Although entrepreneurs will never applaud the creation

need to meet. “Few companies meet this threshold but

of taxes, a different attitude could arise from a more

some mining companies have managed to fit in these

transparent and concise distribution of funds such as the

parameters,” says Álvarez, citing Peñoles and Grupo

mining royalties, he says. The government cannot expect

México as good examples. “Mining players that are willing

companies to welcome royalties and Álvarez believes that

to participate directly have the freedom to do so.” The

the implementation of a royalty fund is not out of place as

transition is not easy but companies will reap many

many other countries have a similar structure. But he adds

benefits. Álvarez predicts the market will become more

that the structure should be revised to assure companies

stable with the entrance of new players and the price of

that their money is being used efficiently.

energy will fluctuate less.


PROMOTING GENDER PARITY AND CHANGING ATTITUDES EURIDICE GONZÁLEZ Mexico Country Manager of McEwen Mining and President of Mujeres WIM México

Q: Why was it necessary to adopt the WIM program in Mexico

metallurgists, biologists, ecologists, lawyers, administrators

and what are the main issues the organization deals with?

and accountants, among a host of other professions.

A: The organization promotes gender parity within the mining industry by promoting the participation and the quality of

Q: What is your opinion of the attitudes in mining toward

working life of women in Mexico. This organization was

women and what needs to improve?

created as a result of an invitation from WIM International

A: The mining community is increasingly open to the

and developed with the support of professional women

concept of an inclusive mining sector; few people still

that were committed to mining in Mexico. We are the only

resist the concept of inclusion. An example of this maturity

organization in the country supported by the Women in

is the support we have received from Mexico’s various

Mining International organization through its President

mining associations, notably AIMMGM and the Mexican

Barbara Dischingler and the Latin American Director Gladys

Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX). We have received a great

Smith. This gives us great pride and generates a greater

deal of attention and demonstrations of support from the

commitment and enthusiasm to promote the efforts of our

main mining players in the country and for that we are

colleagues in the industry and strengthen an organization

very grateful. Having said that, we now need to work on

worthy of the mining women of Mexico.

improving the percentage of female participation in mining positions, since we represent only 10 percent of the industry.

Q: What are the benefits of gender diversity in mining and how can companies achieve greater balance? A: It is important to recognize the ability of the female gender in daily life. The high level of responsibility women undertake and their execution capacity contribute to efficient processes and resources and therefore better results. Mujeres

Women constitute only 10 percent of the mining industry in Mexico

WIM México also seeks to act as a bridge for communication between Mexican companies and women. We are integrating a job board that companies can consult to find candidates for

Q: To what extent do you work with universities to promote

their vacancies. Our goal is to encourage greater opportunities

training of women for mining roles?

for women, according to nonquota capacities, and encourage

A: Although we are in the early stages, we have already begun

more women to apply for this industry when there is a

communicating with students and universities. Currently, in

vacancy. That way we will continue to advance.

conjunction with AIMMGM, we have formed close ties with UNAM’s Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy, with which we

Q: What kind of progress have you seen in recent years in

are in talks to promote good gender equality and inclusion

terms of the number of women in mining and their positions?

practices. We hope to complete this project in 2017 and we

A: Although it has moved at a slow pace, there has been

have many others in the pipeline. We work directly with

greater participation of women in recent years in both mining

students associated with Mujeres WIM México, who have

operations and administrative areas. In Mexico, in the last

shown great enthusiasm and initiatives because, as students,

federal government administration, the General Coordinator of

the culture of inclusion, equity and respect is reinforced.

Mining - the highest authority in the field of mining regulation at the time - was María Jimena Valverde, a historical fact that, as women, fills us with pride. Meanwhile, in mining operations,

Mujeres WIM México is a nongovernmental organization

more and more women are filling administrative, technical

with the purpose of promoting gender equity in the mining

and operational positions and becoming geologists, mining

sector, women’s participation in more roles and greater

engineers, machine operators, topographers, planners,

female responsibility in the sector





According to a 2015 review carried out by PwC, women take up only 7.9 percent of board seats in the top 500 global mining companies and 94 percent of all board positions held by women in the top 100 listed mining companies were in non-executive roles. Despite this reality, women’s inclusion in mining is improving, and the same report even found that, of the top 500 mining companies, those with mixed-gender boards significantly outperformed those companies with all-male boards in terms of dividend yields. As the mining industry begins to awaken to the potential of women, Mexico Mining Review asked the female leaders within the industry in Mexico about the main challenges they face.

There is nothing better than generating policies and making decisions with a view to parity. I hope this can be done by a woman so she can speak from her own experience and attitude. Women have talent to manage and we have a great challenge, which is to break the wall of prejudices. Regarding gender parity in the mining industry, I consider it beneficial because it can add experience, skills and knowledge. Women have a lot to contribute but I am happy to know that we have left behind the idea

SUSANA CORELLA Federal Deputy for Sonora and Head of the Special Mining Commission

that only men work in mining. It is time for us to overcome quotas and achieve parity, so that decision-making positions and executive levels include more women. Companies can contribute by having strategies and policies in favor of gender parity, opening positions in management, trusting women and eradicating labels, stigmas and prejudices.

A company is enriched and learns from a diversity of approaches, experiences, skills and sensibilities, particularly if that diversity involves well-prepared women who know how to work together, who are courageous in taking challenges and creative in solving problems. The will exists but some do not know how to follow through. Fortunately, there are associations such as Women in Mining that help integration succeed by supporting the use of effective systems in companies,

IRMA POTES Subdirector of Community Development at Grupo México

training women, promoting academia to plurality, among other initiatives. We have seen many advances in this integration in the mining industry, especially in the areas of laboratories, environment, security, communication and community development.

There is no difference between one sector and the others; ours is a basic infrastructure industry. The challenges for women executives are the same in any business sector: financial, political or industrial, though it might seem much harder in this last one. I do not believe in “fighting for equality” of genders because that implies starting from “no equality.” The beginning of equality is in the mind. My conviction is in growth, in increased capability, in “do as you say and say as you do,”

ALICIA BARNETCHE President of Kepler

in integrity and respect. This gives you the place and respect you deserve. It was not easy at the beginning. Every day we see more and more women participating in this tough industry. Women are increasingly more educated and prepared for top-level executive posts.

One of the things that makes me happy about being part of this industry is that mining companies are on the cutting edge in so many aspects. We strive to ensure the best safety, community relations, health and environmental practices and equity and inclusion are not the exception. At Agnico Eagle Mexico, our entire team is concerned with holding the industry to the highest gender equity standards. I am proud to say that the company has received various awards, such as The Gender Equity Model granted by the National Institute for Women. This is only an example of how an industry that for years has been managed by men welcomes and values the female gender. I would like to encourage our mining colleagues to use women’s

KAREN FLORES Corporate and Government Affairs Manager at Agnico Eagle Mexico 31

strength for the benefit of their companies and the mining industry. Although there is still some way to go, we are heading in the right direction.

I began my career as a legal intern for a great lawyer, Juan Manuel González Olguien, who at that time was already recognized as a mining lawyer. I grew step by step and with effort and dedication, I have reached the position I have now. I do not perceive that the mining industry is particularly closed to the participation of women. On the contrary, it is an inclusive industry in which a great number of specialists converge, with a high sense of belonging, which makes us a great family. Women play an important role in this industry and as a woman it is enough to want to belong to the Mexican mining industry, to work every day with respect

LAURA DÍAZ Partner at DBR Abogados

and a commitment to achieve personal goals and thus make a small contribution to boosting the industry as one of the best in the country and the world. It is a privilege for me to be a mining lawyer.

For any person in business it is important to maintain a productive, positive mindset and to embrace the differences of others with professionalism and an open mind to the benefits of diversity. As a woman, this is especially true as the numbers show we are only just entering most workplaces. Females are vastly outnumbered. But whether it is change in the workplace or globalization of economies putting pressure on culture, it will take some time. I look to the young people in Mexico to inspire me and I am encouraged that this issue will disappear. Rather than hiring based on quotas, I prefer the idea of mentoring for all regardless of sex with the focus being more on skillset and natural talent. The fact is that women and especially young

CINDY COLLINS Founder of Mining Technology Partners

women need to continue what they are doing in entering their chosen careers and setting examples for others while we all continue to work toward self-improvement.

The first challenge is to make one’s skills, aptitudes and professional qualities stand out beyond being a man or a woman. That is achieved with time and of course results. But it takes character, perseverance and a lot of commitment. More and more companies are seeking to attract women to decision-making positions because they can bring other characteristics like negotiating skills and sensitivity. At Goldcorp, the Creating Opportunities and Growing Opportunities program has been created to focus on preparing women who work in the company so they can feel confident and empowered in an industry where only 11 percent is female. This is a great initiative that opens the possibility for industries such as mining to be increasingly attractive not only in economic terms but also because of the professional challenge it means.

DORIS VEGA Communications and Public Relations Manager at Goldcorp

PeĂąasquito Mine, Zacatecas, Goldcorp



The regulatory landscape in Mexico has been dominated by one central theme in the past 12 months: taxes. According to reports, the government tax authority SAT owes Canadian mining companies a total of US$360 million in back taxes. Companies working in Zacatecas and federal government officials alike are aggrieved at the Ecological Tax proposals, while junior explorers are shackled by the ruling on exploration expense deductibility. On the other hand, the government claims certain mining companies are not meeting their tax obligations to the Mining Trust Fund. All the while, the country is trying to attract investment into the sector – which fell by 20.9 percent in 2016 – and to provide financial support to small and medium-sized mining companies.

Against this backdrop, this chapter explores the most pressing financial and regulatory challenges facing the local mining sector. Both government representatives and corporate executives offer their versions of the complex tax debates, while legal professionals weigh in with their view of the situation and suggest ways to improve the operational framework.




ANALYSIS: New Zacatecas Ecological Tax Alienates Operators




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Vidal, Minister of Economy for Sonora




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Torres-Landa, Hogan Lovells BSTL

Brenda Rogel, Hogan Lovells BSTL


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bradford Cooke, Endeavour Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Rodríguez del Bosque, RB Abogados


ANALYSIS: Mining Mega Deals Suggest Return to Form


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Espinosa, SoftLanding Group Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joel González, ALN Abogados


INSIGHT: Javier Reyes, Credipresto


INSIGHT: Ryan Matthiesen, Haywood Securities

William O’Hara, Haywood Securities 52

EXPERT OPINION: Antonio Nieto, MineralsTech


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Laura Díaz, DBR Abogados


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfonso Rodríguez, Legalmex




ROUNDTABLE: How Can Juniors Overcome Regulatory, Financial Challenges?


NEW ZACATECAS ECOLOGICAL TAX ALIENATES OPERATORS Following the controversial fiscal reform for the mining sector

mines in the world. These two mines alone

in 2014, the state government of Zacatecas announced in

brought in 37.6 million ounces and the state

December 2016 new Ecological Taxes for industries with highly

contributed 19 percent to mining production

contaminating activities. The industry’s reaction was swift

in 2015, according to figures from the Ministry of Economy. Carlos Pavón, Secretary General


The proposal for the new Ecological Tax made by the

of mining union SNMM, notes that Fresnillo currently pays

Zacatecas government, which came into effect in January

MX$100 million under the current mining tax regulations

2017, was put forward by state Governor Alejandro Tello

established in 2014. With the Ecological Tax, the company

and approved by the state Congress. Its conception was

will be required to pay MX$250 million more.

largely due to the state’s deficit of over MX$1.5 billion and it will apply a charge to extractive companies installed in the

Fernando Alanís, Director General of Fresnillo’s sister

state, considering them highly polluting companies.

company Industrias Peñoles says he is “saddened” by the imposition of the taxes. “It suggests that the Zacatecas

This, explained the state Minister of Finance Jorge Miranda,

state government does not recognize the value that mining

is the first tax of its kind in the country. The measure was

adds to the region. The industry represents 30 percent of

designed to raise MX$1.2 billion by imposing charges related

the state GDP and accounts for 13,000 jobs, and many of

to contamination levels. Víctor Armas, Zacatecas’ Minister

the companies operating in Zacatecas – including Peñoles

of Water and the Environment explained that the tax will

– are certified as clean enterprises by PROFEPA.”

be broken down into four sections.

INDUSTRY RESPONSE The first tax will apply to minerals like gravel and stone

Pan American Silver’s La Colorada underground mine is

quarry, for which companies will be charged per m .

located in the state and, although Mexico Country Manager

Secondly, companies must pay MX$250/t of carbon and

Christopher Warwick admits the tax will not affect the

methane emitted to the atmosphere by their operations.

underground operation as much as it would an open-pit, he is

Thirdly, companies will be charged per m2 of contaminated

concerned about the precedent it sets for other states. “With


soil and per m of contaminated water found to be caused

the latest introduction of the Ecological Tax by the state of

by their operations. Finally, companies will be charged for

Zacatecas in a traditional mining state within Mexico, at very

storage of waste with high compositions of chromium,

short notice and without prior discussion and the unclear

lead and cyanide.

reasons for its imposition, it sends out a very mixed message


to the investors in the Mexico mining industry,” he says. CONDITIONS OF THE ZACATECAS ECOLOGICAL TAX Tax


Environmental remediation

Tax for each cubic meter of material extracted during mineral processing


Charge of MX$25 for each square meter impacted by dangerous substances

Carbon dioxide

Charge of MX$25 for each ton of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere


Charge of MX$100 for each ton of waste stored in public or private landfills


The Mexican Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX) also condemned the new taxes. In a statement, the Chamber stated that “on behalf of its affiliated companies, CAMIMEX expresses its deep discontent and rejection of the tax measures.” It reminded the government that companies already manage social and environmental responsibility programs and have done so for some time, without government intervention. The Chamber also points out that the government is already benefiting a great deal from mining company operations in Zacatecas. “In addition to ordinary taxes, the mining industry pays the special, extraordinary and additional


duties established two years ago, 80 percent of which are

Mexico is number one in the world for silver production and

allocated directly to the Fund for the Sustainable Regional

the infamous “Silver Belt” crosses straight through Zacatecas’

Development of States and Mining Municipalities,” the

territory. In 2015, two mines in Zacatecas –Fresnillo and

statement says. “This represents more than MX$850 million

Saucito – both belonging to one of the world’s largest silver

for the State of Zacatecas: MX$414 million for the year 2014

producers Fresnillo made it into third place and fifth place

and MX$444 million for the year 2015. This fund is twice the

respectively in The Silver Institute’s list of the top producing

payroll tax collected by the entity per year.”

Even Julio César Nava, Zacatecas’ SEMARNAT delegate

they must comply with environmental law in order to obtain

voiced his opposition to the taxes. “The whole point of issuing

the relevant permission to operate.

certifications is because (mining companies) fully comply with all federal regulations,” he says. “Mining companies

Similarly, Warwick says that miners have always worked

must report everything to SEMARNAT in terms of permits,

under this federal framework, and changing requirements

use of water, loss of plant cover and generation of toxic

retrospectively and on a state level would be counter-

substances, and that is overseen by the annual operating

productive. “Our perception is that our work has the

certificate.” He also added that both CONAGUA and

approval of the federal authorities to proceed and continue,

PROFEPA are authorized to carry out random inspections

because we have always worked within the regulations

and that if any mining company is found in breach of

given by the government agencies appointed to approve

regulations, it is liable for a fine or even mine closure.

such matters,” he says. “I have no problem with tightening up environmental laws in Mexico but it is so important that


this is done correctly and then fairly administered.”

The implications of the Ecological Tax could be extensive and a number of companies are considering legal action

Alanís is confident that the SCJN will rule in favor of

or even removal of activities from the Mexican market.

the miners. “The mining law is federal, so the measure

Bradford Cooke, CEO of Endeavour Silver, which has the

is unconstitutional. We are delighted that the federal

El Compas development project in Zacatecas, told Mexico

government has already sent the issue to the SCJN,” he

Mining Forum in February 2017 that the company’s Board

says. “We are confident of a positive outcome from the

of Directors was displeased with the tax. “The board told

hearing but because we have already been granted an

me to find some projects outside of Mexico. So there is a

amparo, we will not pay an extra peso as a result of this tax.”

reality here that we have to deal with,” he said.

CLEARING THE DEFICIT Alanís and Octavio Alvídrez, CEO of Fresnillo describe the

Zacatecas places seventh in the country in terms of debt

tax as “excessive” and are leading the charge to legally

per capita at MX$5,160.8, according to the state's Ministry

challenge its constitutionality. The tax came into force on

of Finance. Zacatecas Minister of Finance Jorge Miranda

Jan. 1, 2017 but by Feb. 8, Peñoles had already submitted an

warned that if the taxes are not approved by the SCJN,

amparo against it. On Feb. 20, President Enrique Peña Nieto

there is a real risk that Zacatecas will be unable to pay

threw his support behind the mining industry by ordering

its teachers, nurses and civil servants. The current state

the Legal Department of the Federal Executive Branch to

government inherited MX$7.3 billion in debt from its

file an order of constitutional conflict with the Supreme

predecessor and Miranda says the conditions of these loans

Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). Right now, the tax

are “unsustainable” since interest and commissions ran to

is on hold due to its constitutionality being considered by

MX$2.6 billion up to March 2017. He says the MX$500 million

the SCJN. A decision is expected in September.

budget given to Zacatecas by the federal government is not nearly enough to cover debt repayment. Miranda says


there are three options for reducing the debt: raising the

The federal government argues that the taxes implemented

government’s income, reducing expenses or applying for

at state level by the Zacatecas authorities overstep state

a new line of credit. The third option, he says, is out of the

authority and fall under federal jurisdiction. According to

question since the state’s debt increase has triggered the

the Minister of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, “if

debt alert scheme, which means the state of Zacatecas is

the SCJN concludes that the legislator and the Governor of

no longer eligible to apply for more credit.

Zacatecas issued a general provision, exercising powers that are under the jurisdiction of the Federation, the contested

Until March 2017, he says the tax had raised over MX$1.8

provision could be declared invalid and without effect.” He

billion, with some notable mining companies having already

argues that Mexico’s General Law of Ecological Equilibrium

contributed. He calls for “solidarity with the Zacatecan

and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) does not allow

people” and blames the “shortsighted” financial approach

this kind of legislation to be implemented on a state level.

of the previous state government for the implementation of “painful measures”. He stresses that the state government is

This is a sentiment echoed by industry insiders. CAMIMEX

in communication with the affected companies, to provide

claims that the creation of the new taxes violates the

support for the new tax. “We are not enemies of mining or

Federal Pact and the rule of law due to the fact that, as

large corporations,” he says. “We simply recognize that in

a concessioned activity, mining is exclusively subject to

times of adverse economic crisis there are big winners and

the scrutiny of the federal government. It also states that

big losers. We respectfully request that (the big winners)

mining companies adhere to standards and regulations, as

share this benefit to give Zacatecas financial viability."



FENDING OFF COMPETITION FOR INVESTMENT ARMANDO PÉREZ Former Director General of the Mining Development Trust Fund (FIFOMI) 38

Q: What were FIFOMI’s main achievements in 2016?

Q: What is FIFOMI doing to promote the sector on a

A: In 2015, the authorities made changes to the regulatory

global scale?

framework for financial institutions in Mexico to ensure

A: Strong mining jurisdictions in Latin America like Peru

that both commercial and development banks are held

and Chile are all fighting for investment from Asia, North

to the same requirements. FIFOMI acts as a development

America, Australia and Europe. Like its neighbors to the

bank for the mining sector so we are now regulated like

south, Mexico has a capital deficit and needs foreign

any other credit institution in the country. The focus in

investment so we need to ensure that our processes and

2016 was on adapting to these changes and restructuring

practices to attract foreign capital are superior to the

and streamlining the internal loan processes. We now

competition. We are present in the main international

focus on supporting the core businesses within the

mining conferences around the world to spread the word

sector, which are production and processing of minerals.

about the potential of the mining sector and mineral

Without a strong, well-developed mineral processing

resources in the country. Fortunately, not only do we

industry in Mexico, all the extracted metals and minerals

have exceptional natural resources but we also have well-

will be processed elsewhere. This means that Mexico will

developed infrastructure compared to other countries in

become dependent on other countries and therefore far

Latin America. It is our job, as a public banking institution,

more susceptible to volatility in the global economy. It is

to promote the mining sector and ensure that everyone

vital that we industrialize and promote the consumption

knows about the opportunities in Mexico. Of course,

of metals in the domestic market.

Mexico has challenges, just like all jurisdictions, but mining is ultimately about geology and few countries

The majority of loans granted by FIFOMI range between US$5-10 million

have stronger mineral potential than Mexico. We must take advantage of this. Q: Why are private-sector financial institutions so unwilling to participate in the mining industry in Mexico? A: There is asymmetric information regarding mining projects. For example, every commercial bank on Main

By acting as a development bank for the mining industry,

Street has a home loan department because they all

we have to focus on providing support for projects and

have experience with this sector and therefore know

areas that private banks do not finance and the most

how to assess and manage the different risks associated

urgent of these is mineral processing. We are working

with this activity. The banking sector does not have this

alongside other federal government banks to finance a

kind of experience with mining projects, so executives

company in Zacatecas that manufactures ceramic tiles,

are reluctant to hand out loans to the industry because

which is struggling to compete with companies from

they do not have the tools or data to evaluate the risks

Spain and Italy.

inherent to this activity. One of the main reasons is that many mines are located in remote regions of the country

Other financial institutions, such as equity funds and

and so only a fraction of the country’s population is

investment banks, are not well-informed regarding

exposed to this activity.

the financing of mining projects. That is where we can provide added value, by bringing our experience of the

In contrast, people in Canada understand mining – one

mining sector to the table. We have been operating for

could ask someone on the street in Toronto what is the

82 years, so we believe we have unrivalled knowledge

price of an ounce of gold and that person would be able

of the sector.

give the correct answer. This explains why so many mining

companies are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange,

Q: What are the most important challenges that Mexico

despite the fact that their projects are in Mexico.

has to overcome if it is to fulfil its potential? A: The biggest challenge is the lack of knowledge at the

FIFOMI works with other banks to share knowledge and

international level regarding Mexico’s mineral reserves. We

create a culture of financing mining projects. We have a

have deep, well-established investment relationships with

number of co-financing agreements and act as a stepping

both the US and Canada and it is vital to keep fostering

stone for commercial and development banks to enter the

those relationships. But we need to do more business

sector. It is a gradual process but an important one if we

with other major global economies, with a specific focus

want the mining sector in Mexico to continue to progress

on China and Australia. China is the largest consumer of

and fulfill its potential.

commodities on the planet, while Australia is similar to Canada in that its economy is geared toward support of

Q: Why did you decide to put a US$25 million limit on loans

the mining sector.

and how has this program helped SMEs? A: We do not want to finance just two or three enormous

We need to attract investment from these countries.

companies because they have other options for financing

Although the distance between Mexico and these two

available. We believe our primary role is to finance SMEs that

countries represents a barrier to bilateral investment,

are exploring or already processing minerals. Many of these

globalization is gathering pace and distance is an

are family-owned enterprises lacking revenue so we can help

increasingly minor problem. We have started to build ties –

them build up liquidity and advise them on how to expand

there are already a number of Chinese companies working

capacity. The majority of our loans range between US$5-

in the Mexican mining sector - and we are coming closer

10 million. We are financing several infrastructure projects

every year.

for junior companies, as well as offering training and other technical assistance. We make sure that small miners comply

But there is a lot of competition. If Mexico wants to

with all the national and international standards when it comes

strengthen its position within the context of global mining,

to sustainability, taxation and information disclosure, which

the entire mining community needs to work toward the

is vital for the success of any project. FIFOMI is the only

common goal and I am delighted to say that it is already

institution in Mexico to offer this kind of service to small and

happening. We have close working relationships with

medium-sized miners.

the Mexican Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX), the Canadian Chamber and similar associations, and I have witnessed a

Our primary objective is to encourage medium-sized

tremendous effort from all sides to promote the country. I

mining companies in Mexico to obtain funds from capital

am sure that our sector will continue to grow rapidly over

markets. We are already in discussions with the Mexican

the next five years.

Stock Exchange (BMV) to see how we can facilitate the entry of mining companies onto the BMV to take advantage of this valuable tool and raise capital. It is the most efficient form of achieving sustainable, long-term growth.

FIFOMI is a state-owned development bank designed to promote and monetize the mining industry in Mexico through loans and other forms of financial support. It promotes the sector abroad by attending international conferences




Q: What are the most important highlights of 2016 for the

We approached the owners of the company to make an

mining sector in Sonora?

inventory of its needs, from uniforms and food to more

A: The most important developments concern the large

complex requirements such as explosives. We then showed

investments that were made by companies like Grupo

the list to the municipal authorities of Magdalena and used

México, which invested over US$4 billion. This extra capital

it to bring together companies that could meet the needs

inflow will lead to a significant increase in production. The

of the mine. Through this exercise, we were able to promote

growth is happening step by step because it also brings

a large amount of business transactions that benefited bot

about challenges such as the short-term need to create

the community in Magdalena and the mine.

smelting facilities. These investments need to be created to take full advantage of the material that is being extracted.

Q: What role could lithium play in the future of the mining industry in Sonora?

Exploration slowed down last year due to the federal

A: We are conscious of the fact that battery-powered

government’s fiscal policy changes. In Sonora, 23 percent

automobiles from companies like Tesla are making lithium

of the total territory, or 430,000km , is dedicated to

increasingly attractive. There are currently two main

exploration. The state has a dozen companies that are

projects in the state. One is Sonora Lithium, which is the

focusing on exploration and possibly four mines that

property of Bacanora Minerals and is worth US$542 million.

will to start operating in the coming year. Among these

It is currently in the exploration phase with metallurgical

is Alamos Gold’s La Yaqui, which will enter production in

samples being taken. The project still has a long way to go

2017, and GoGold’s Santa Gertrudis. The mining industry

but it already has a purchase agreement with Tesla.


is an important part of the state economy. It represents 17 percent of the state GDP and offers 18,000 direct jobs. The

Sonora also encompasses the initial stage Electra Project,

number grows even bigger when considering that for every

which is owned by Alix Resources and Lithium Australia.

direct job, five more are created indirectly.

There is high interest from Australian and Canadian companies to enter the lithium market. Other states like

Q: How would you describe the progress and contribution

San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas also have lithium deposits

of mining clusters?

but they have not been as successful commercially as

A: Sonora’s mining cluster is in a constant state of growth

Sonora. These projects will position Sonora as the state

to provide support for the industry. As the government

that produces the most lithium in the country. Lithium will

of Sonora continues to incorporate itself into the value

ultimately open an alliance between the automotive and

chain of the mining world, the sector will keep playing a

mining industries in Mexico.

significant role in the state’s economy. The mining cluster works closely with the Ministry of Economy because we

Q: What role does copper play in Sonora?

share similar objectives. We both seek to boost the number

A: Grupo México is advancing with its own projects and

of local suppliers and manufacturers in the state. When

it recently discovered a zinc deposit that will require new

Minera Autlan entered Sonora and opened a mine near

installations in the coming years. Now, the goal is to become

Magdalena, it required an investment of US$70 million.

more involved in processing the ore because sending it in its raw form means companies cannot fully take advantage of its commercialization. Smelting facilities will make exporting

The Ministry of Economy of Sonora has a General Mining

raw materials a smoother process. Grupo Bal is leading the

Directorate, with the purpose of promoting mining activity, by

appetite for minerals in Sonora with La Herradura mine,

providing technical support and credit to small and medium-

In total, companies are investing approximately US$410

sized miners. Mining provides 17 percent of Sonora’s GDP

million in Sonora’s mining sector.


MINING FUND: RESULTS ARE ON THE WAY RICARDO LÓPEZ Director General of the Mining Trust Fund at SEDATU 41

Q: What have been the main achievements of the Mining

the figure rose to MX$2.1 billion and we expect to see this

Trust Fund since 2014?

trend continue in the years to come.

A: As part of the fiscal reforms introduced in 2014, three new taxes were created for participants in the mining

Q: How do you respond to the mining companies that say

sector. The Mining Trust Fund was then set up to collect

that the Fund is ineffective in supporting communities?

the revenues from the new taxes and use them to fund

A: The relationship between mining companies and the

infrastructure projects in targeted regions where there is

communities is well-established and the Mining Trust Fund

mineral extraction. The idea was to ensure that the extra

should not do anything to negate that. They work with and

funds collected by SAT would be used to the benefit of

live alongside each other on a daily basis and have done

communities living in mining regions. It grants these remote

so for decades in some cases, so it is essential that this

towns and villages, which are often left out of large-scale,

relationship continues to grow. Our job is to make sure that

city-focused public-sector initiatives, access to new

the funds received from the new taxes are reinvested into

services. Mining can bring new jobs, businesses and other

infrastructure projects. It is the government’s responsibility

benefits to far-flung regions but it is a finite industry. It is our

to improve public services, not the private sector’s, and

job to ensure that communities do not become dependent

that is what we are doing. I understand that the mining

on support from the extraction activities going on around

companies want to see results but I can assure them that

them and to give them the tools to thrive once the mining

results are on the way. A total of 812 projects have been

projects have closed down.

started and more than 250 of those have been completed. We expect this number to increase year on year.

The fund is an innovative public initiative, in which all three levels of government play a role. Of our total funding, 77.5

Q: What are the main goals for distribution of the Mining

percent is constituted of the funds collected by the new

Trust Fund in 2017?

taxes. From that total, the municipal government, which

A: We are going to continue investing the funds we have

is closest to the communities, is in charge of distributing

collected over the past three years, focusing on regional

62.5 percent, while the state government distributes

development. We have compiled a social development plan

37.5 percent. The rest of the tax collection is distributed

for each region where there is mineral extraction and we

directly by the federal government. In each state where

will ensure that each project we authorize is in line with the

there is mining activity, a special five-person committee

plan for that community. During the first year, we focused

has been set up to decide how to invest the resources. One

primarily on community infrastructure projects, such as

representative from a local mining company, one from an

schools and hospitals but in the next couple of years we

ejido or similar agrarian community, and three members of

will be switching our attention toward regional projects that

the public sector, a municipal governor from the region, a

impact a larger number of people. We have already started

member of the state government and a SEDATU deputy.

work on a new highway in Sonora. This project will require

The five members of each committee discuss all the ideas

an investment of MX$130 million but it will affect a number

for infrastructure projects and vote to decide on where to

of communities in the state. This is an example of the kinds

allocate the funds.

of projects we are going to focus on in the coming years.

In 2014, over MX$2 billion was distributed in 25 different states, according to the percentage each state contributes

The Mining Trust Fund was set up in 2014 to raise the quality

to the country’s overall mineral production. This information

of life of the inhabitants in areas of mining activity. The Fund

is collected by INEGI and cross-referenced with the results

is responsible for 80 percent of the collection of the payments

mining companies provide the Ministry of Economy. In 2015,

from the Special, Additional and Extraordinary taxes



Brenda Rogel Partner at Hogan Lovells BSTL


Q: How would you describe the main challenges the mining

Q: How has the Energy Reform changed the mining

industry in Mexico faces?

industry in Mexico?

JT: The global mining industry sees Mexico as a favorable

JT: Mining lends itself to cooperation with the energy

country for operations but taxes and security challenges

sector. The players in the sector know how to interact

definitely have a negative impact nowadays. Our clients

with communities and map out the geological potential

consider these two factors to be the main obstacles for

of areas. Companies used to have issues with the cold

the industry. Companies also worry about environmental

methane bed gas that was naturally developed as part of

and labor issues. The mining royalty scheme is a burden

the mining process as the law did not allow operators to

that affects the number of projects that enter the country.

use it. The resource was being completely wasted but the

Peru and Chile provide strong competition when it comes

Energy Reform allows for more flexibility. This is actually an

to mining. Consequently, they are attracting operators that

activity that is complementary to operations. Obviously, if

are not pleased with the royalty taxes in Mexico. The taxes

gas or energy become the central focus of operations, then

have had a negative impact on the overall position of the

the company would no longer work in the mining sector, it

country on a global scale. The special royalty taxes have

would enter a different industry.

forged a complicated scenario for mining companies and the metal prices have created a dent in operations. But

Carbon in particular creates a type of methane gas that

operators must understand that it is now part of the cost

can naturally be a form of revenue for mining companies.

of doing business in Mexico.

Many mines also have hydrocarbon deposits in areas where plants are being built. When hydrocarbon prices become

Mine sites have the ability to become an important source

more favorable, we might see more collaboration between

of resources for surrounding communities but the isolation

mining and oil and gas companies.

of these areas often creates risks such as insecurity. We have clients that struggle with the transportation of the

Q: How effective do you think mining regulation is in

final product. Some companies are forced to even fly the


product out of mine sites due to security risks, an expensive

BR: From an environmental point of view, SEMARNAT has

transportation method.

several guidelines for all projects that could potentially impact the environment. The agency is making a strong

Mining reserved areas are also potential obstacles. When

effort to offer additional information and support because

the government labels an area as a reserve, it has the

global companies consider the quality of the governmental

authority to approve the purpose it will hold, even if it has

processes within the country highly important. The first

a mineral deposit. Therefore, companies must be careful

stage of projects is usually the least regulated but more

and make sure that the area they wish to develop is free

advanced phases, like exploration and exportation, are more

for mining before applying for a concession. Geological

stringent. If a company does not start following norms in

and seismic analysis are more complicated than simply

the beginning, it can experience considerable problems

looking at a map. They are in fact extremely necessary.

later on in the process. As long as companies have more

Communication with geologists, prospectors and engineers

effective procedures with governmental issues, they can

is required to develop a map before choosing an area to

ensure more effective projects.

apply for a concession to make sure it is not a reserved area or owned by someone else. This is one of the most difficult

Q: What are the largest areas of opportunity within social

parts of the process, but following the correct steps makes

and environmental compliance?

it easier for mining companies to be successful in securing

JT: In the past, outdated or obsolete methods were


commonly used. Operators thought that working in isolated

communities gave them the freedom to do as they please

helps align the objectives of a project with the needs of

without suffering any consequences. This mentality left a

surrounding communities and ensures success. But, as

legacy in the mining industry that is still present today.

many of these projects are performed far from cities, it is

Despite the beliefs of many companies, it is not enough

difficult to have an effective form of communication.

to secure governmental authorizations. Problems are more likely to arise in the future without the approval of

Only 35 percent of mine sites were compliant with PROFEPA norms in 2015

communities or indigenous groups. San Pedro in San Luis Potosi was one example of this trend, as it generated years of conflict and chaos. All sectors should be prioritizing community consultation, in particular hydrocarbons. Communities need to see clear signs of concern and cooperation. Q: How has the industry’s attitude toward environmental impact changed?

JT: We find it effective for operators to use a combination of

JT: The accident in Rio Sonora in 2014 helped raise

outside and internal consultants to manage environmental

environmental awareness in mine sites. It pushed companies

and social issues. Independent and external advisory

to start prioritizing environmental compliance. Now,

services are recommended as the initial work requires a

the entire life cycle of mine sites is being evaluated for

detailed amount of heavy analysis. A large team is needed

environmental compliance, not just the initial phase. Mining

to map out the complex necessities of the project and the

operators are starting to see environmental compliance as

community to create a strong foundation. The idea is to

a duty when they actually used to commonly leave mine

highlight the risks of the project and create strategies that

sites open and in ecological devastation.

can resolve them.

BR: The percentage of noncompliance was massive and

But operators need to remember that community

the challenge was brought to light by PROFEPA, our

development projects should always be created through

federal environment prosecutor. The institution completed

dialogues. For instance, we heard of an operator that was

more or less 1,000 inspections within mining companies

building a soccer field in a community as an attempt to

throughout 2015. The results were released in January

create rapport. But the company quickly realized that

2016 and only 35 percent of the visits revealed mine sites

the project was greatly opposed as it was in an area that

that were compliant with norms. We were not surprised by

mostly plays basketball. It proves that each community

this outcome considering the situation in Sonora. Mining

is different and companies cannot just assume the needs

companies need to take the concept of corporate social

of the area.

responsibility to a whole new level. JT: It may not be easy but many projects prove that For the oil and gas industry, the National Human Rights

proactive approaches can create a greater end result

Commission released recommendations for environmental

both from an economic perspective as well as a social and

compliance in August 2016 that now include community

environmental status. Companies should rightfully benefit

consultations and are based on international norms.

from implementing well established business decisions that

However, these same specifications were not established

also create positive effects on social and environmental

for other industries, so many mining companies struggle

factors. These types of actions are commonly supported

with the lack of clearly established regulations in terms of

by shareholders.

community consultation. Environmental issues are complex as they need to include a human rights perspective and

A common problem in mining operations is that locals are

international recommendations. These norms push projects

not involved in overseeing the projects. Having a team that

to respect the rights of people in surrounding communities

cannot even speak the language or understand the culture

and indigenous groups.

of the area is obviously bound to cause issues. Locals should always be considered and included in mining projects.

Q: What is the most efficient method to include social and environmental projects within a business strategy? BR: Operators can incorporate more preventive and

Hogan Lovells is an international law firm that recently merged

proactive approaches by identifying, within economically

with BSTL, a firm with profound knowledge of the Mexican

viable projects, a map of advantages, areas of opportunities

market. Together, they specialize in various industries including

and allies. Taking the time to develop a strategy often

energy and natural resources, infrastructure and transportation




Q: What strategies does the company use to ensure

right to tax us for the environment so we have all filed

healthy levels of cash flow?

constitutional challenges in court to block the new taxes.

A: To survive the last five-year bear market in metal prices,

Even the federal government is challenging the new state

Endeavour Silver had to incorporate several strategies

taxes in court. Our hope is that these taxes are defeated

to reduce our cash operating and all-in sustaining costs.

in court because this legislation was poorly thought out.

We reduced our workforce and retrained our remaining employees to use newer and more efficient mining equipment

Q: What challenges are you experiencing at Terronera?

and methods. We also reduced our exploration and capital

A: We ran into several issues with state governmental

budgets. Last year, when metal prices started to increase, we

authorities when it came to issuing permits. They do not

raised some equity capital to invest in growth. In 2017, we plan

have the experience or expertise in approving mine permits

to raise some debt financing as well to build one of our new

so they were moving very slowly. We requested some

mines. Our healthy cash flows are now helping us become one

assistance from the federal authorities and now our permit

of the fastest-growing silver mining companies in the world.

applications are moving more smoothly.

Q: How much of a challenge is the new Ecological Tax in

Q: How do you expect your investments in Mexico to

Zacatecas for miners?


A: We think the state government is in financial difficulty

A: When it comes to investing, our board is becoming

and this was the solution. However, we and most other

nervous about investing in Mexico, which is why we are active

mining companies in Zacatecas think the state has no

in Chile. We told the Undersecretary for Mining that we need more positive action from the Mexican administration before we can approve more investments. Mexico is an ideal location

Endeavour Silver is a mid-tier silver mining company focused

for Canadian investment but the country needs to implement

on the growth of its silver production, reserves and resources

deferred exploration expenditures, amend its mining duties,

in Mexico. Since start-up in 2004, it has grown silver equivalent

improve its VAT refunds and permit timelines to attract new

ounce production to 9.7 million ounces in 2016

investment in exploration.



Q: What is your current perception of the Mexican mining

promote their business. Companies should focus on

legislation in comparison to the global market?

promoting themselves to mutual funds over individuals

A: The legislation covers most of the issues the mining

and in exchange mutual funds need to direct their

industry faces on a daily basis. Mexico used to be a leader

market to individuals. Mutual funds in Mexico are strong

in Latin American on mining law and countries used to

as they include retirement funds and connect to other

mimic it. But other systems are starting to advance at a

funds around the world. The BMV’s legislation is similar

faster pace when it comes to covering new elements in the

to that found in the NYSE, and indeed many Mexican

sector. We consider the legislation and norms to be fair but

companies are also listed in New York. But listing in

there are gray areas that need to be addressed. The Energy

Mexico is expensive.

Reform, for instance, may have opened up a new market to mining companies but the division of land use is not

Q: What can authorities do to promote the growth of

clear. It reduced the amount of land that can be released


by mining authorities and the rights of way have not been

A: Our clients have the difficulty with the non-immediate

defined between these two industries.

deduction of exploration costs and VAT refunds process. The deduction of exploration costs needs to be more

Q: What needs to happen to promote mining investment

immediate. Companies are not willing to wait 10 years

on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV)?

to get their investment back. Mines are ageing without a

A: There are a few mining companies listed on the BMV

generation of new projects to replace them and some of our

like Industrias Peñoles, Grupo México, Minera Frisco and

clients are starting to look at alternative countries in which

First Majestic Silver but in general the BMV is an area of

to direct their exploration capital. The authorities need to

opportunity that is not being fully taken advantage of.

realize that mining companies work for shareholders and

Mexico relies on foreign capital and Mexicans are not keen

they have a responsibility to take care of their capital.

to invest in the mining industry, unlike investors in other

Mexico may have a long mining history with an abundance

countries like Canada. Mutual funds need to invest in these

of natural resources and skilled people, but its rules are

large players to create a balance in their portfolio but

discouraging companies from entering the country.

individuals that have a few thousand pesos in their pockets

Investors direct billions of dollars into the industry, at times

tend to invest in other markets like Toronto. Mexico needs

without ever seeing the mine in person.

to start promoting the BMV as a viable alternative. Q: What is RB Abogados priorities in the long-term? The problem is that investing in stock exchanges is not a

A: Our goal is not to become a large law firm but to

feasible option for the general public. Most of the country

remain as the strongest and fastest reactive law firm for

is busy living day-to-day and saving to pay for their

the industry. We are unusually selective when it comes to

children’s school tuition and medical care. People do not

choosing clients and cases. Our goal is to represent the

have sufficient additional revenue to invest in the stock

mining industry and be seen as the best option for mining

market. In Canada, a recent college graduate with US$500

transactions, mining project finance, mining agreements,

in savings will most likely invest in the stock exchange,

corporate structures, joint ventures and M&A.

but in Mexico everyday costs can be more expensive as a proportion of salary. RB Abogados is a law firm founded in 1993 by Enrique

Another option is a dual listing, which can bring many

Rodríguez del Bosque. It has become one of the leading

benefits to companies. On the BMV, companies can

companies in Mexican mining law, M&A and project finance

expand their market to mutual funds if they adequately



MINING MEGA DEALS SUGGEST RETURN TO FORM Global M&A activity in the mining sector rose by 33 percent

Camino Rojo asset in a deal with Orla Mining

in 2016. A rush of high-profile M&A deals during 1H17 is

that provided Goldcorp 19.9 percent of Orla’s

encouraging market participants that the industry could be

outstanding common shares.

set for its most active year since 2012 JUNIORS TURN TO M&A FOR GROWTH


The year began with a bang in January when Goldcorp

A reactivated sector provides opportunity throughout the

agreed to sell its Los Filos asset in Guerrero to Leagold

mining value chain, and a number of smaller deals confirms

Mining, in a deal worth US$350 million, funds it then used

the bullishness of the world’s junior producers.

to acquire Exeter Resource Corporation for CA$247 million. This was followed in April by Barrick Gold’s decision to sell

In February, McEwen Mining said it would be acquiring Lexam

50 percent of its giant Veladero mine in Argentina to state-

VG Gold in a friendly takeover, while in April, Gold Mining

owned Chinese investor Shandong Gold for US$960 million.

announced an agreement to acquire all outstanding common shares of Colombia-focused Bellhaven. Junior silver producer

Considering the encouraging performance of precious

Excellon Resources publicly stated that it will be actively

metals in 1H17, industry analysts believe the green shoots

pursuing M&A deals in 2017 as a means to complement its

of recovery for the mining M&A market could flourish

exploration activities and generate shareholder value.

as the year progresses. “With the prices on an upward curve again, we have seen more market re-evaluation of

“Apart from targeting organic growth through exploration,

companies within the sector and investors are now looking

we are looking to add to our production profile and increase

at the sector in a more positive light,” said Philip Hopwood,

cashflow through M&A transactions,” said Ben Pullinger,

Global Mining Leader at consultancy Deloitte. “Many mining

the company’s Vice President for Geology. “We have an

companies have started to outperform the stock markets

experienced management team and would like to leverage

so there is value in the sector and returns to be made.”

their expertise to grow the company further.”

The flurry of activity is an encouraging sign that confidence


is beginning to return to a sector that was badly hurt by a

Any sustained rise in mining M&A deals is dependent on

downturn in commodity prices that lasted from 2012-2016.

commodity price but market conditions point to a strong

In 2007, global M&A value peaked at over US$210 billion,

year for metals. The new presidential administration in

according to accountancy firm EY. In 2016, the figure stood

the US is still finding its feet but a planned infrastructure

at just US$44.3 billion, the lowest levels since 2004 and 9

push should drive demand for copper, iron ore and other

percent lower than the previous year. That said, the number

industrial minerals upward. Meanwhile, any uncertainty

of deals in 2016 rose YOY by 33 percent to 477, an early sign

regarding US fiscal and foreign policy would send investors

that the sector was ready to turn a corner.

rushing to the safe haven provided by precious metals.


On the production side, falling grades and exhausted

In Mexico, the first signs of recovery emerged in 2H16, with the

deposits will also squeeze supply. According to Harvey,

acquisition of the Yamana Gold’s Mercedes mine by Premier

production levels and reserves have declined greatly over

Gold Mines for US$122 million, the standout deal in the latter

the past five years, while real and nominal interest rates

part of the year. Goldcorp, the world’s fourth-largest bullion

remain low, encouraging investors to buy gold and silver.

producer, then sold its noncore Los Filos mine to little-known

“Future supply will be tighter,” he said.

outfit Leagold and then swiftly entered into an agreement to acquire Chile-focused junior explorer Exeter Resource.

Of course, there is still some way to go before M&A in the sector reaches the heights of 2007. But for Gutierrez, all

“We sold the Filos Mine to Leagold as part of our strategy

the fundamentals are there for the uptake in activity to

to concentrate on assets of a certain size and quality,”

continue into the second half of the year. “As a rule, M&A

says Michael Harvey, Director for Corporate Affairs and

activity should pick up as prices increase and with the

Security at Goldcorp Latin America. “Filos is a fine asset

mine closures and labor conflicts going on in jurisdictions

but was too small for our strategy.” Goldcorp also sold its

around the world, this should create a supply constraint

21 percent stake in the San Nicolas property in Zacatecas

that will push prices upward,” he said. “This could lead

to Teck Resources for US$50 million, before parting with its

to more deals.”


Original Company




Acquiring Company



Cerro Cascarón

Au, Ag


Evrim Resources


Teck Resources

Los Verdes

Cu, Mo


Sandstorm Gold


Aurcana Corp

La Negra

Au, Ag


Orion Mine Finance


Au, Ag



Au, Ag


San Pedro

Au, Ag



Alianza Minerals

Almadex Minerals






Riverside Resources



Magistral del Oro

Au, Ag


Firma Holdings



La Cobota



Era Resources




La Negra



La Cigarra

Au, Ag, Pb, Zn



Northair Silver

Kootenay Silver


Argonaut Gold

La Fortuna

Au, Ag


Minera Alamos


Oro Silver Resources

El Compás



Endeavour Silver


Electrum Global Holdings

Cerro Las Minitas

Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu


Southern Silver Exploration


Auxico Resources Canada


Au, Ag


Telfersoot Resources


Mexus Gold

Julio/Santa Elena



MarMar Holdings


Almadex Minerals

El Encuentro

Au, Ag


McEwen Mining


Alix Resources

Electra (25%)



Lithium Australia


Private Sellers

Lechuguilla Expandida

Au, Ag


Primero Mining


Sunshine Silver Mining

Los Gatos (30%)

Ag, Zn, Pb


Dowa Metals and Mining


Timmins Gold

Caballo Blanco



Candelaria Mining

Li, K, B


Alset Energy (Grupo Minero Alset)


Au, Ag


Aura Silver

La Caridad Este

Cu, Mo


Aqua Zarca

Au, Ag


La Pitahaya



San Marco

Au, Ag


La Frazada

Ag, Pb, Zn


Peñasco Quemada

Au, Ag



Au, Ag


Caliguay La Donacella La Colorada July


La Salada Santa Clara Saldivar Chapala


Maverix Metals


Globe Trotters Resource Group


Mexus Gold


First Mining Finance

San Marcos Resources

MarMar Holdings

Silver One Resources


Aurico Gold

San Diego



Kootenay Silver


Yamana Gold


Au, Ag


Premier Gold Mines


Gracepoint Mining

Relaves Magistral del Oro (50%)

Au, Ag


MX Gold Corp


Hawkeye Gold and Diamond

Cobriza Groupings

Au, Ag


Firma Holdings

El Parral


La Palmilla


San Patricio



Endeavour Silver

Veta Colorada





Agnico Eagle


December Source: CAMIMEX

Silver Standard

Sonoro Metals




Q: How do you perceive the positioning of the Mexican

about security issues across the entire country. One of

mining industry in comparison to other global markets?

the key tasks to attract investment to Mexico is providing

A: I see Mexico as a highly competitive culture for mining

education about the true nature of mining in the country

but for the last five years, there have been various issues

to foreign players that may not be well-informed on the

that need to be addressed, including royalties, security

issue. There is no doubt that the mineral potential is there.

and social license. Mexico is not considered a safe jurisdiction for mining like Canada, the US, Australia,

Q: What can be done to minimize entry barriers new

New Zealand and Western Europe. Regardless, Mexico

companies face when entering the Mexican mining sector?

is one of the best options, if not the best option in

A: Firstly, we need to divide the mining industry into

Latin America. Although Chile and Peru offer strong

two groups: larger companies and juniors. It is important

competition, Mexico certainly has much to offer in terms

to make this distinction because larger companies have

of experience, location and personnel. Foreign investors

greater resources so they can recruit consultants and they

familiar with Mexico know that in the country there are

can afford to make mistakes.

areas that can be highly complicated in terms of security and social issues, but most of the country is friendly

On the other hand, the juniors have a much smaller budget

toward mining.

so have much less room for error. Right now, to minimize the risk, junior companies are beginning to look to middlemen

On the other hand, those investors that have not

of sorts, which are companies like SoftLanding Group,

previously done business in Mexico tend to generalize

Export Development Canada or the Canadian Institute of Mining to seek advice that will soften the cultural blow. These companies learn from local knowledge and prepare

SoftLanding Group Mexico is an international trade and

Canadian companies for entry into Mexico. This applies

development group that facilitates the entry of Canadian mining

especially now because in 2011 even junior companies

companies into Mexico. Carlos Espinosa previously served as

could afford to make mistakes, whereas now cash flows

Head of Business Development, Global Mining at the TSX

are restricted and every penny counts.



Q: How do you feel the fiscal reforms affected Mexico's

uncommon for companies to want to do so but it provides

attractiveness as a destination for mineral exploration?

an additional layer of certainty.

A: Exploration is a crucial area for us and we work with numerous Canadian junior exploration companies with

Q: How would you assess the efficiency of the SGM and its

projects in the Durango-Sonora-Chihuahua gold-silver belt.

handling of the mining concessions?

We have been working with Agnico Eagle for the last five

A: SGM has a lot of information and it has worked a great

years as general counsel for all the company’s projects in

deal in the last few years to provide more data. It has a new

Mexico. We started working with Agnico Eagle on a tax rebate

database of projects and it has invested a great deal of money

case and we subsequently began an audit on all its land tenure

in technology and infrastructure. This is extremely helpful for

and concessions. From then on, we became like a full-service

companies coming from abroad to see the mining potential

firm for Agnico Eagle.

of Mexico. In terms of the technical part of SGM, there are no problems. The mining regulation bureau is the one involved

The reform had a well-documented negative impact on

with mining applications related to regulatory compliance

exploration companies because it delayed the deduction of

for mining concessions. That is where the difficulties lie

expenses, which was the biggest issue. For mine operators that

because of the lack of infrastructure and human resources.

have been paying the royalty, the rules have not been clearly

Most likely, budgetary restraints mean the process to approve

defined and applied. We still have some amparos pending

applications can be slow.

against the royalty so we have not yet seen clearly how this will evolve after the supreme court issues its resolution. The point

Q: What are the firm’s expectations for 2017?

is that companies are challenging whether the tax reform is

A: We want to develop our business in other states. We are

constitutional or not. The mining fund involves a committee

particularly strong in Sonora, Durango and Chihuahua but

made up of the three levels of government, the community

we see a lot of potential for other states in the south such as

and the company so the viability of bringing the funds to the

Jalisco and Nayarit. These are states with a great deal of small

municipalities with mining projects is not yet clear.

mining operations and there is a lot of exploration projects springing up right now. There is a lot of mining potential in

Q: To what extent have you seen an improvement in the

states such as Michoacan, Oaxaca and Guerrero but social

mechanisms used to enforce the regulatory changes?

problems are constant so the industry is still not viewed in a

A: Unfortunately, I have seen no improvement in this area.

positive light. In the northern states, we have been blessed

Since the industry is lacking these mechanisms, mining

with communities that are far easier to negotiate with than

companies have no guarantee that court rulings will be upheld

those in the south.

and enforced. The government should work with the private sector to develop mechanisms that allow greater certainty

The structure of the communities in the south is far more

in the mining environment and reduce the risk mining

complex. Oaxaca, for example, is not the largest state but

operators assume working in Mexico. In land tenure, we work

it has around 570 municipalities. This means a lot of work

very closely with the community from the beginning of the

for mining companies, since a mine concession can require

project and we try to involve the mining companies with these

several agreements over land use, making things complicated.

consultations so all parties are clear about the needs of the mining communities. Afterward, we take time to explain to each party how the agreement will work and what benefits

ALN Abogados is a Chihuahua-based law firm with a focus

they can expect. The agreement is then taken to court, not

on mining. It has over 35 years of experience in a variety of

to file a claim but to create a precedent that reinforces the

disciplines, including environmental, contractual and mining

judicial recognition we require from the agreement. It is




The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture

interested in Mexico because it is one of the most favorable

Exchange (TSXV) are the two leading global exchanges for

mining jurisdictions in the world,” says Reyes. “Mostly, we

mining. In 2016, mining companies listed on the TSX senior

work with foreign lenders from the US and the UK. There is

market raised CA$6.8 billion, and the TSXV, which attracts

a niche where specialized mining funds exist that focus on

many mining juniors, saw its listings jump 150 percent

projects requiring US$50-100 million of investment.”

from 2015 to raise CA$2.5 billion. By comparison, the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) is home to only six mining

The problem with the BMV, he says, is that listed companies

companies: First Majestic Silver, Minera Autlan, Fresnillo,

do not need the funding the exchange offers because they

Grupo México, Minera Frisco and Industrias Peñoles, none

are major corporations. Around 30 percent of the companies

of which are juniors.

listed represent 95 percent of the Mexican volume daily, so this equates to around 25-30 companies that represent

According to Javier Reyes, Director of mining finance

almost all of the daily volume. “Around 50 years ago, there

company Credipresto, junior mining exploration and

were probably around 20 times more companies listed in

development companies have to seek funding in locations

Mexico than there are today, so this says something about

like Canada because in countries that understand mining

the exchange,” he says. “Mexican mining companies were

finance and risk culture more, there are many more tools

also listed much more in foreign exchanges so the state of

and many more players willing to fund these projects. “In

the market has changed considerably.”

Mexico, I think there is a lack of understanding of very high-risk investors and there is no way to transfer money

Mining finance needs to be long-term, Reyes says, and

from investors to these projects,” he says. “In Canada, the

for many mining companies, investment from financial

main function of the TSXV is to transfer money to high-risk

institutions is not an option due to the level of risk involved.

assets, such as very early-stage exploration projects. There

“In general, the financial institutions in Mexico do not lend

is no similar mechanism in Mexico.”

money to anyone,” he says. “Most of the revenues generated by commercial banks in Mexico come from fee collection

Credipresto is a finance company that is diversified in its

and interest collection in retail banking. There is no incentive

products and lines of credit with FIFOMI and Nafinsa. It

for them to take on the risk of lending.”

offers turnkey advisory services for clients and its advisors take an active role in ensuring the investment is used in

If midsize Mexican mining is to be developed, Reyes stresses,

the right way. “As a Mexican company, we understand the

sources of financing must be developed. “FIFOMI’s line of

culture and, instead of just lending the money, we want

credit extends to MX$3 billion but these amounts are a

to work with the company through the project financing

drop in the ocean compared to the type of money mining

stage,” Reyes explains. It also works with the communities

companies deal with,” he says. “Other development banks

and municipal governments to ensure there is no political

like Bancomext and NAFINSA have much deeper pockets. I

factor that may prevent the mine from reaching production.

think these options should be explored.” Most importantly, he believes the BMV should promote the type of risk found in

In most cases, Credipresto enters at the development stage

mining more and follow the model of the TSXV in providing

providing interest rates of between 10 and 15 percent. In

incentives to those companies that need the financing to

many cases, depending on the company it works with, it

seek the resources of the BMV. And this may just be in the

obtains a warranty component so that it has an upside

works. “The creation of a new stock exchange in Mexico is in

on the equity if the stock goes up. Credipresto lends

the pipeline” he says. “This should incentivize new kinds of

independently up to US$5 million and for any amount

investment and remove the monopoly of the BMV in Mexico,

greater than this it can co-lend. “There are many investors

creating a healthier, more competitive market.”



Junior Mining companies are a priority for us because they have viable projects that are often ignored by the market in their early stages” Ryan Matthiesen, Managing Director of Investment Banking at Haywood Securities

are struggling to strike a balance between the industry and environmental organizations and NGOs. Despite its ability to compete globally, Mexico struggles to prove investment stability, according to the Haywood directors. It can be challenging to attract capital in the country when political or security issues arise because these influence the investment perception of the entire region. “Mexico just needs to have more jurisdictional stability,” says O’Hara. As a result, Haywood Securities is selective when it comes to choosing its projects. Its team of analysts prioritizes

The junior exploration market in Mexico is one of the

administrators with a strong track record of discoveries and

investment industry’s best-kept secrets. It has a wide array

interaction with surrounding communities. The firm mostly

of highly underrated projects in the shadows waiting to

works with companies from Africa and Latin America, regions

be found and acquired at low prices. The trick is to remain one step ahead of the crowd and catch these hidden jewels before word gets out to maximize profitability and stock value. “Junior Mining companies are a priority for us because they have viable projects that are often ignored by the market in their early stages,” says Ryan Matthiesen, Managing Director of Corporate Finance at Haywood Securities, Canada’s largest boutique investment bank with a mining specialty. “This is an area of opportunity that we take advantage of by having a team of mining analysts that travel the world in search of inexpensive projects that can be acquired and sold at a much higher value.” The firm provides advice to mining issuers that are active in several global mining regions including Mexico, predominantly those exploring for precious

that have a higher number of companies listed on the TSX.

During the last five years, the equity market in the mining industry was raising a small amount of money, which caused an increase in the prevalence of mergers and acquisitions” William O’Hara, Managing Director of Institutional Sales (Toronto) at Haywood Securities

metals like gold and silver.


In Mexico, the firm collaborates with Kootenay Silver and

Haywood Securities mitigates risk by having a diversified

Minera Alamos in its La Fortuna project, among other

portfolio. Half of its business is mergers and acquisitions

prospects in the country. La Fortuna is an open-pit gold

while the remainder is capital raising. “During the last five

project that Minera Alamos acquired from Argonaut Gold

years, the equity market in the mining industry was raising

in early 2016. It is expected to be a high-margin, late-

a small amount of money, which caused an increase in the

development stage project with manageable capital

prevalence of mergers and acquisitions,” says William O'Hara,

requirements. The project has successfully completed the

Haywood's Managing Director of Institutional Sales (Toronto).

surface rights agreement stage and is scheduled to receive

“The challenge for many was having enough money to take

technical reports and enter into the construction phase by

advantage of these cheap properties.”

the end of the year.

The investment bank places Mexico at the top of its list in

This is an exemplary project for Haywood, say the directors.

terms of activity through client issuers. It is a geologically

“It is a good example of an extremely undervalued project

endowed area that offers favorable benefits in comparison

that is releasing positive economic studies and has an

to countries such as Russia and Turkey. Mexico is also better

experienced management team orchestrating the process,”

positioned than its Latin American neighbors like Chile that

says Matthiessen.




Traditionally, Mexico has been known as an important mining

understanding by the country’s banking and financial sector

country. It is globally ranked among the top 10 producers

of the unique technical aspects involved in the mining

of 20 mineral commodities including silver, copper, gold,

business, specifically how to manage risk to accurately

lead, zinc, iron, manganese and molybdenum. The mining

verify the economic value of the mining prospect. Other

sector, including aggregates, represents close to 5 percent

mining countries such as Canada and Australia, which

of Mexico’s GDP. Mexico is also, despite recent revised tax

have a strong financing culture in the minerals industry,

reforms, ranked as one of the most appealing jurisdictions

know that the economic uncertainty of determining the

for mining investment, attracting US$5.2 billion and US$4.7

economic value of a mining project and the associated risk

billion in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

can be managed with healthy rates of return. Both countries understand the importance of clearly reporting risk when

However, there is still potential to increase mining

negotiating a new mining initiative for potential financing.

investment in Mexico. Besides hosting a handful of large operations, the country’s mining industry mainly consists of

In Mexico, however, the uncertainty and risk-reporting

relatively small-scale operations when compared to other

process is often outsourced to professionals based in

countries with strong mining economies. According to

Canada and the US where banking and financial institutions

data from CAMIMEX, of the roughly 150 mining operations

are familiar with the NI 43-101 and JORC reporting

active in Mexico, about 10 could be considered large-scale

protocols. Mexico’s banking and financial sector considers

operations with ore processing capacities higher than 4

the mining business as a high-risk endeavor that requires

million t/y. This proportion means that the top 10 largest

massive amounts of resources, mostly capital and time,

mines in Mexico contribute to about 65 percent of Mexico’s

which makes potential investment hard to justify. Adding

total mineral production capacity. These numbers also

to the pessimistic perception about mining by the financial

indicate that Mexico has tremendous potential to increase

sector in Mexico, mining is indeed an atypical business when

its mining capacity if the sector is incentivized with

considering that the return of investment is based on the

economic mechanisms designed to promote investment.

value of a mineral product that is “concealed” underground, making the valuation process complex if compared to other,

The top 10 largest mines in Mexico represent about 65 percent of Mexico’s total mineral production capacity

more typical, business initiatives. Thus, it is imperative to make sure that the financing partner clearly understands how uncertainty is managed by geologists and mining experts to verify the value of the mineral resource and to confirm the economic feasibility of extraction. A possible path to reducing the gap of access to finance for

Indeed, having just five Mexican mining companies trading

mining businesses may lie in the development of a clear and

on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) may be an indicator

comprehensive National Reporting Code for Exploration

of the need for the Mexican banking and financial sector

Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, including an

to promote new financial mechanisms. The five listed

Economic Valuation Code for mineral prospects designed

companies typically do not rely on external funding

specifically for the banking and finance sector in Mexico.

when opening new projects, exercising new exploration

Understanding uncertainty and how risk can be managed in

campaigns or considering increasing production capacity.

the minerals industry is key to promoting access to finance in Mexico. Having a clear reporting code for minerals

One possible reason for the gap to promote access

initiatives in Mexico will help demystify mining risk before

to finance in Mexico may be attributed to the lack of

the eyes of bankers and capital investors.



Q: What is the status of DBR Abogados’ challenge to the

lithium. I predict many companies related to lithium will be

constitutionality of the mining tax?

attracted to Mexico in the near future.

A: The firm is only representing McEwen Mining in these matters. We attempted to file amparos for Aranzazú Holding

Q: How has the election of Donald Trump affected your

and a Chinese company but were unsuccessful. The case

clients and the work you do?

is still under review with the Supreme Court of Justice of

A: We have not seen any effect so far because although

the Nation (SCJN) and we do not know for sure when this

much of the investment in mining in Mexico comes from

will be resolved. The petition was lodged in October 2015.

North America, the vast majority is Canadian. I do not

When the law was introduced, we believe a technical mistake

predict any negative effects at all from the presidency

was made and we must wait to see if the SCJN agrees with

because mining is a global industry and it does not depend

us. This is a favorable situation because until we have the

on the US as much as other sectors like automotive. It is

resolution of the amparo, the company is not obligated to

such a diversified global industry and this is positive in that

pay the mining royalty, giving McEwen some room to breathe

no one player can really cause too much of an effect. I

while developing its project. As far as I know, this is the only

would even go so far as to say that Trump’s presidency

company in the mining industry that does not pay the mining

could create a positive effect due to the rate of the dollar

tax. We are convinced that we will win this case. We are

against the peso. Because salaries and often operating

aware that other companies have filed amparos but we are

costs of Mexican mines are in pesos, this offers dollar-

not sure under which basis they are arguing the case. We

denominated companies an added advantage financially.

hope to have a resolution as soon as possible because this would be positive for the entire industry.

Q: What is DBR doing to prepare itself for 2017 and what will be the biggest trends?

Q: What other projects are you working on with mining

A: We expect more investment in Mexico in 2017


because metal prices are going up, which gives us more

A: We are working on the Ana Paula project with Timmins

opportunities, especially in exploration. We are hoping

Gold that is being put into production, which is a huge

the government will modify the rules slightly to attract

challenge. Many factors must be considered, such as land

more investment.

rights and community relations, and several parties must be consulted, including SEMARNAT and CONAGUA. All

For the last few decades, the mining sector has been

the concessions must be in good standing and permits like

incorporated into the Ministry of Economy under the

that for explosives must be obtained. Helping clients take a

General Coordination of Mines, which attributes less

project into production is how law firms really prove their

importance to the sector. At the end of last year, mining

expertise in mining.

was assigned its own Undersecretary under Mario Alfonso Cantú, emphasizing the increasing importance the

Another challenge is when a project is sold to another

federal government is ascribing the industry. This helped

company and another law firm is reviewing all the actions

the government elevate mining in accordance with its

taken. This is a very good test of the caliber of any law

contribution to the country’s GDP.

firm. Last year, we carried out a few interesting projects, including overseeing Timmins’ sale of the Caballo Blanco concession to Candelaria Mining. We were also involved in

Díaz, Bouchot and Raya (DBR) Abogados is a firm specialized

the acquisition of Paramount Gold by Coeur Mining. Other

in providing comprehensive solutions for its clients. DBR

tasks included project-financing assistance. A market with

provides personalized legal services that adhere to the highest

which we worked in Zacatecas and we believe will grow is

standards of ethics and responsibility



Q: How would you evaluate the working environment in

to make justice more effective, efficient and honest and


replace the currently flawed process.

A: This is a delicate time, where salaries do not adequately compensate the work performed. There is a precariousness

Another major change is the creation of a new independent,

in general regarding employment and this results in

autonomous body with its own assets, which will be in

employees who are discontented and discouraged.

charge of regulating the registration of trade unions, the

According to the authorities, employment rates have

expedition of payment, changes in statutes and directives,

increased on the basis of incomes of new IMSS registrations

registration of new collective agreements and revisions to

but this fails to take into account working conditions, such

existing ones, accreditation of representativeness in both

as the number of work-related casualties. Nor does it take

cases, supervision of and compliance with transparency

into account the average wages of the insured parties,

obligations, among other duties. This has worried many

which are ridiculously low in comparison with any other

of the unions, which are considering challenging the

OECD country.

constitutionality of this measure through an amparo.

Trade unions have lost much of their strength and changes to

Q: What impact will the implementation of the reform have

the law have contributed to this. Their freedom to pressure

on unions?

companies and the government itself has been more strictly

A: If the law is fully implemented according to its

regulated so they will now have to demonstrate that they

explanatory memorandum, the vast majority of trade union,

effectively represent workers’ rights and will be obligated

will be significantly affected. This also applies to trade

to make the union’s finances transparent to its members.

unions in the mining industry, with few exceptions. Since important unions like SNMM are not employer-led, nor do

Q: What challenges do companies face with the

they employ protection contracts, in theory they should

implementation of the latest labor reform?

not be impacted or worried about the change. But other

A: The mining industry was seriously affected by the

unions that have served as allies of employers and that

changes of the law in 2012 in terms of occupational health

have collective bargaining agreements (which only exist

and safety. Regardless, it is necessary to recognize the

on paper since they are not legally binding) may find that

enormous effort of employers within the mining sector,

the amendment creates conflict within their corporate and

as well as some unions - especially SNMM - in accident

financial management structures.

prevention. Effectively, they have managed to reduce the incidence of accidents and fatalities.

Q: What additional changes have to be made to labor legislation?

The latest constitutional labor reform is scheduled to be

A: At present the labor issue has been overseen by the

implemented by Feb. 24, 2018 and mainly deals with the

Public Prosecutor. Few entrepreneurs are fully informed

disappearance of the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards,

about the implementation of the CFDI payroll system,

which will now be incorporated into the judiciary through

and most relevant the filling of the complementary CFDI

labor courts or tribunals. This was done in an effort to try

payroll V1.2. This is important since with these documents, which are mandatory as of Jan. 1, 2017, the tax and labor authorities, IMSS, Infonavit, local treasuries, the Ministry

Legalmex is a law firm specializing in labor issues, offering

of Labor and Arbitration and Conciliation Boards are able

solutions tailored to the particular needs of each client, helping

to immediately detect failure to adhere to the law. This

throughout the legal process from the hiring of personnel to

includes subcontracting, improper or incomplete payment

the liquidation of the company

of employer taxes and other issues.



Q: What was the reasoning behind the creation of the

We are attempting to change the entire culture and mindset

National Miners Union (SNMM)?

of the industry and as always there are some members of

A: We began operations in 2009 with the goal of creating a

the community who are opposed to change and react badly

trustworthy, respected union for miners throughout Mexico.

to it. However, step by step we are getting the message

There were three main objectives, which remain the same

across and that brings us great satisfaction. Technological

today. First is security. As miners, we understand that

advances are also helping on the safety front but we find

security is not only the responsibility of the corporations

that only the largest mining companies have the newest

but also of the union, the authorities and the workers

technologies. There are still many junior operators that use

themselves because they are the ones who know the

old and potentially faulty equipment and this is a big danger

conditions better than anyone. Second, we represent

for workers. As a union, we enter the mines with which we

miners’ rights and we work to ensure that we receive what

work and check every vehicle that enters the site to be sure

we deserve. Finally, we want to ensure that the mining

that the brakes are working correctly, the hydraulic system

sector continues to create jobs for people throughout the

is up to standards, as well as other technical checks. Our

country. Mexico needs as many sources of work as possible

primary objective is to have zero fatal accidents in mines

because the sad truth is that many people in this country

and I am confident that we can reach this goal. I have seen a

simply do not have any opportunities to work. As a union,

big improvement in the past six years, especially concerning

our goal is to preserve these sources of employment and

the number of fatalities.

create new ones. Q: What does SNMM think about salary levels for miners in Q: How does the union work alongside mining companies?

Mexico and how important an issue is this for the union?

A: The relationship between the union and the mining

A: We still believe that wages for miners in Mexico are too

companies is extremely close, and that is essential. We

low and we are working to improve them but there are

work not only with the workers, providing them support

certain things one must take into account. Firstly, wages do

on a daily basis, but also with executives to bring about

not include bonuses, which are a big part of the take-home

change in the long-term. The path to change is far more

pay for miners. The bonuses are dependent on productivity

straightforward when there is a strong relationship between

and production levels and can increase the daily wage for

both parties and we recognize the need to be flexible

workers by up to 150 percent. Secondly, if metal prices are

during our discussions with a company’s decision-makers.

strong and the mine is profitable during the year, 10 percent

It is exceptionally rare for us to call a strike because we

of profit is shared among the workers as an extra bonus.

prefer to hold discussions and sign agreements. Nobody

During the boom years, around 2010-2011, the bonus that

wins when a mine shuts down.

the workers received at the end of the year was far greater than their annual wages, so our fingers are crossed that the

Q: How is the union working to improve mine safety?

recovery of the metal prices will continue in 2017. Thirdly,

A: We work primarily with the employees because we want

Mexican miners benefit from the fact that the companies

them to know that they have the support of the union.

pay 100 percent of their social security. This is not the case

The workers are the main point of contact we have with

in other mining countries around the world.

the mining companies. We provide training courses on the subject of security and we a hold a conference every year where miners can get together to discuss issues

The National Union of Miners and Metallurgists (SNMM) is one

and conditions in the workplace, both good and bad. We

of the only mining unions in Mexico that is not employer-led.

recognize the importance of worker safety and we believe

It has 16 chapters representing miners and works with major

that the workers themselves must take responsibility.

operators to negotiate better working conditions in mines



Life is not easy for today’s junior mining companies Acquiring permits for land usage can be a painfully slow process; the routes open to accessing capital are increasingly few and far between as volatility continues to plague financial markets and the lottery system for mining concessions favors the major companies and their monopoly over the most promising projects. But the industry needs junior companies to be able to grow, not only to provide healthy competition to the majors but also to encourage new players to enter the market. Mexico Mining Review asked leading public and private sector executives about how the community can provide the


necessary support to this vital segment of the industry.

Our primary role is to finance SMEs, who are exploring or already processing minerals. Many of these family-owned enterprises lack revenue so we can help them build up their liquidity and advise them on how to expand capacity. The majority of our loans range between US$5-10 million. We make sure that small miners comply with all the national and international standards when it comes to sustainability, taxation and information disclosure. FIFOMI is the only institution in Mexico to offer this kind

ARMANDO PÉREZ Former Director General of the Mining Development Trust Fund (FIFOMI)

of service to small and medium-sized miners. Our long-term goal is to encourage medium-sized mining companies in Mexico to obtain funds from the capital markets. We are already in discussions with the BMV to see how we can facilitate the entry of mining companies onto the stock exchange to raise capital - it is the most efficient form of achieving sustainable growth.

Larger companies have much more resources so they can recruit consultants and they can afford to make mistakes. On the other hand, the juniors have a much smaller budget so have much less room for error. Right now, to minimize the risk, junior companies are beginning to look to middle-man companies like SoftLanding Group, Export Development Canada or the Canadian Institute of Mining to seek advice that will soften the cultural blow. These companies learn from local knowledge

CARLOS ESPINOSA Partner at SoftLanding Group Mexico

and prepare Canadian companies for entry into Mexico. This applies especially now because in 2011, even junior companies could afford to make mistakes, whereas now cash flows are restricted and every penny counts.

Specialized mining funds exist that focus on projects requiring US$50-100 million of investment. FIFOMI’s line of credit extends to MX$3 billion but these amounts are a drop in the ocean compared to the type of money mining companies deal with. Other development banks like Bancomext and Nafinsa have much deeper pockets and are capable of lending much more, and I think these options should be explored for the Mexican mining industry. The creation of a new stock exchange in Mexico is currently

JAVIER REYES Director General of Credipresto

in the pipeline and it should be opened in the near future. In an ideal scenario, this would incentivize new kinds of investment and remove the monopoly of the BMV in Mexico, creating a healthier, more competitive market.

In Mexico, exploration is controlled by the large companies with scalable budgets and mostly they reap the rewards. But Mexico is a huge jurisdiction and even the big three Mexican mining companies cannot cover all the opportunities by themselves, which is why there has been such a strong influx of Canadian companies into the market in the past 10 years. In my opinion, the Mexican institutional and retail investor community deserves to have exposure to local mining projects. The Mexican government has already done a good job in providing a working regulatory framework to promote and develop mining projects. Providing an efficient public capital raising framework seems like the logical next step.

MARIO GUTIÉRREZ Managing Partner at Tauro Capital Partners 57

When we are looking to acquire new concessions, we are running into significant problems with the process of application, granting and cancellation of mining concessions by the government. The delays related to the land concessions may mean Mexico could miss out on opportunities to generate wealth for the country and it could result in several years without investment. Out of 2,000 showings, only one becomes a mine. This means there are huge swathes of the country that are not being tested or utilized and because claim applications are not being granted, the government is missing out on taxes. This has a huge trickle-down impact because without access to this land, no new discoveries can be made and no new mines can

JAMES MCDONALD President and CEO of Kootenay Silver

come into production. This impacts not only the mining sector but the economy as a whole due to the industry’s role as an employment creator.

Sometimes it can be challenging to do business for companies other than the big Mexican operators, and issues such as land ownership can become complicated and drawn-out. We have a number of projects that we would like to develop but we cannot get a ruling on land ownership. But this is a very minor criticism. Mexico is more modernized than other jurisdictions like Peru so for North American companies it is easier to do business and I believe that Mexico is in the top five mining jurisdictions in the world. We have not had any security issues, and we have always had strong support from the local authorities. We are happy with Mexico as a jurisdiction and

DARREN BLASUTTI CEO of Americas Silver Corp

we want to grow our business.

Many small and medium-sized mining companies in Mexico often lack access to the products that can improve the efficiency of their operations. In some cases, these are family-run operations, and EDC can assist them to pinpoint where their operations can be improved and then put them in touch with the suppliers that can make a real difference to efficiency and profit margins. We want to connect Mexican miners with Canadian suppliers, so our efforts are focused on first establishing financial relationships with Mexican miners. On the basis of that relationship, we learn about the investment plans of each particular project and then connect them with the right Canadian supplier that can add value to the mining operation.

SEAN EMMOND Regional Manager for Mexico at Export Development Canada (EDC)

Gold Pouring



Although still considered a safe haven for those seeking to de-risk investment portfolios, gold is not entirely immune to market volatility and the past 18 months have been turbulent for the yellow metal. A sharp rise in 1H16 precluded a dramatic crash in November in the build-up to, and aftermath of, the US presidential election. In 2017, gold has recovered steadily, peaking at US$1,293/ oz in June, but a return to the carefree days of 2011, when gold was trading at close to US$1,900/oz, still seems a long way off. Mexico continues to play a leading role in world gold production, contributing 4.26 million ounces, or 4 percent, to global output. While Sonora is still the primary area for national bullion production, an ever-growing list of projects means that Guerrero is now making a significant contribution. On the corporate side, Fresnillo took over from Goldcorp as the country’s leading gold producer in 2016.

This chapter provides an insight into the current state of play in the Mexican gold industry. Executives from both foreign and national enterprises outline the projects that are leading their production pipeline, as well as those exploration and development-stage assets that will take up the mantle in years to come. They also detail the challenges and advantages of working in the Mexican gold sector today.



ANALYSIS: New Projects, Expansions Put Mexico On Track to Climb Rankings


INFOGRAPHIC: Mexico's Gold Production: Rising to Demand


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joseph Conway, Primero Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fred Stanford, Torex Gold


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Arturo Bonillas, Timmins Gold


MAP: Mexico's Main Gold Mines


ANALYSIS: Sharia-Compliant Gold Opens Door for Islamic Investors


INSIGHT: Michael Harvey, Goldcorp


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Robert Eadie, Starcore International Mines




INSIGHT: Ewan Downie, Premier Gold Mines




EXPERT OPINION: Jason Reid, Gold Resource Corporation


INSIGHT: Darrell Rader, Minaurum Gold

David Jones, Minaurum Gold 87

INSIGHT: Randy Reifel, Chesapeake Gold




INSIGHT: John McCluskey, Alamos Gold


INSIGHT: Ramon Pérez, Candelaria Mining


ROUNDTABLE: Which Projects Will Help Mexico Grow As a Force in The Global Gold Market?



NEW PROJECTS, EXPANSIONS PUT MEXICO ON TRACK TO CLIMB RANKINGS With global financial markets still plagued by uncertainty in

targeted – so that reflects the vital role that

2017, investors are increasingly bullish on gold’s long-term

this commodity has to play for the company.”

prospects. An exciting pipeline of new projects means Mexico is well-placed to benefit from surging demand

The smaller miners are also contributing. Alio Gold, formerly Timmins Gold, will start


While Mexico is rightly recognized for its dominance in

production at its Ana Paula project in 2018 and Torex

the global silver market, once again topping the global

Gold, which brought El Limón-Guajes (ELG) online in

production charts in 2016, the country is also a significant

2016, is already planning construction at the neighboring

contributor to the world’s gold production. According to

Media Luna deposit. Alfredo Phillips, Torex Gold and

Mexico's national statistics agency INEGI, bullion output

President of the Guerrero Cluster, believes the state

totaled 4.26 million ounces in 2016, placing Mexico eighth

will be crucial in converting Mexico into one of the top

on the list of most productive jurisdictions and second

jurisdictions for gold mining.

in Latin America behind Peru. Although Mexico’s output was down 1.7 percent on the total the country registered

“The company will invest close to another US$600 million

in 2015, the country's mineral wealth, a series of new

by 2020,” says Phillips. “In the next five to 10 years,

projects and ambitious brownfield expansion plans

Guerrero could easily become one of the richest gold

suggest that the country could soon establish itself as a

regions in Latin America.”

powerhouse in the global gold market.


Like many commodities, gold suffered a volatile 2016 as

The world’s fourth-largest gold miner by production,

political shifts took their toll. After a strong start to the

Goldcorp, sent shockwaves through the industry when

year – rising 25 percent on the year to US$1,361/oz on

it announced the sale of its Los Filos asset in Guerrero

June 27 – bullion prices began to fall off in July before

in January 2017 as well as its Camino Rojo exploration

a dramatic crash in the build up to, and aftermath of,

project the following June. But the Vancouver-based

the US presidential election. Between October 24 and

company has since reaffirmed its full commitment to

December 25, the price of an ounce of gold fell 13 percent

Mexico and is planning an ambitious exploration program

to US$1,133/oz from US$1,304/oz. The “Trump Bump” was

to expand the mine life of its flagship asset, Peñasquito.

more of a “Trump Slump” for precious metal investors.

Meanwhile, after increasing year-on-year gold production by 22 percent in 2016, silver giant Fresnillo confirmed

But in 2017, the story changed. Controversial decisions

it will invest US$110 million to expand its primary gold

from President Trump, like the firing of FBI Director

asset, La Herradura. The mine produced 520,500 ounces

James Comey and the decision to pull out of the Paris

of gold in 2016, usurping Peñasquito as the country’s

Agreement on climate change, continued to put pressure

most productive gold project.

on the US dollar, and demand for gold surged. Thanks to extra help from a vital ruling enabling Islamic investors

Mexico was the world's eighth largest gold producer in 2016 with 125 million tons of gold output

to access the market for the first time, at the end of May gold rose to US$1,267/oz after registering its sixth straight month of growth – its best run since 2010.

GIANT MINES CONTINUE GROWTH With Mexico’s two most productive gold mines ready for long-term production, gold’s return to form is good news for the country. Fresnillo’s La Herradura mine produced 520,366 ounces of gold in 2016, making it the highest producer in the country, and this will only increase with

“When we listed on the London Stock Exchange in

the new investment.

2008, our growth plan was to double gold production to 250,000 ounces by 2018,” says Fresnillo CEO Octavio

Goldcorp’s Peñasquito fell to second place on the list of

Alvidrez. “We are now aiming to produce 1 million ounces

gold producers in Mexico with 465,000 ounces output

of gold in 2018 – 300 percent more than we had initially

but company Director of Corporate Affairs and Security

Michael Harvey says that it will focus on improving its


prized asset through an extensive exploration plan and

Despite the strong growth pipeline for gold projects

pyrite leach project, which could boost production by

in Mexico, the sector has its challenges. Miners are still

140,000 ounces by 2018. “The exploration work will allow

coming to terms with the 2014 fiscal reform, which placed

us to extend the life of the mine,” says Harvey.

a 7.5 percent royalty on all precious metal production, while investors are growing weary of security concerns.

Mexico’s midsized and junior miners are also getting in

In Zacatecas, a controversial Ecological Tax announced

on the act. Toronto-based Alamos Gold already has two

by the state government in late 2016 threatened to slash

producing assets in Mexico, at Mulatos and El Chanate,

profit margins of mining operations and was slammed

but it plans to at least double that number in the next few

by business leaders. The issue is under review by the

years. Production at the La Yaqui development project is

Supreme Court of the Nation (SCJN).

expected to start in 3Q17, with construction already under


way. The mine will only deliver about 10,000 ounces

But these concerns are not enough to dissuade companies

of gold in the first year, but this number should jump

to continue ramping up gold targets in Mexico. With the

when the neighboring La Yaqui Grande deposit, with

yellow metal set for a strong year in 2017, Mexico’s gold

its 523,000 measured and indicated resources, moves

sector could soon rival silver.

into production. The company also plans to bring the Cerro Pelon project, a potential 100,000oz/y asset, into

“Mining is a highly strategic industry for Mexico that is not as

production in the next few years.

vulnerable as other industries to external political factors,” says Harvey. “Mexico absolutely has what it takes to get back

“We have a further five exploration projects in the district that we will be exploring over the next several years and ultimately looking to develop,” says John McCluskey, President and CEO of Alamos Gold. “Our growth pipeline

to the level of attractiveness it had just a few years ago.”


for Mexico over the next few years is very strong.” Vancouver-based Alio Gold, which changed its name


from Timmins Gold in early 2017, runs the profitable San Francisco mine in Sonora that produced over 100,000

million ounces

ounces in 2016. But San Francisco is winding down and the company’s main hopes are pinned to the Ana Paula development project in Guerrero. The asset already has proven and probable reserves totaling 13.4 million tons and Alio Gold released a positive Pre-Feasibility study (PFS) in May 2017. The company hopes to start construction in early 2018. “The project is moving along very smoothly,” confirms Arturo Bonillas, former President of Timmins Gold. Torex Gold’s plans are also fixed on Guerrero. After

35.8% Sonora Sonora 35.8%

17.8% Zacatecas Zacatecas 17.8%

Chihuahua 13.6% Chihuahua 13.6%

11.5% Guerrero 9.3% Durango 12.0% Others


production began at its flagship ELG asset, the company plans to spend US$5 million on exploration to identify

Source: INEGI

further resources in 2017. Meanwhile construction permit


applications for the tunnel at Media Luna have been submitted. The project is still in the early stages but

million ounces

it could produce “far more ounces than El Limon for a longer period of time,” according to Philips. Guerrero is also home to the Los Filos operation, sold by Goldcorp to Leagold Mining for US$271 million cash

32.6% Otros

use the project as its platform for growth and will build

22% Fresnillo 22% Fresnillo pcl 16.3% Goldcorp 16.3% Goldcorp 9.0% Minera Frisco

a new underground operation at the Bermejal deposit.


and a further US$71 million in common shares. Although seen as a noncore asset by Goldcorp, its new owners will

9.0% Minera Frisco 8.3% Agnico Eagle Mines 6.6% Torex Gold

8.3% Agnico Eagle 6.6% Torex Gold 32.6% Others


MEXICO'S GOLD PRODUCTION: RISING TO DEMAND As a vital component in modern medicine, engineering and

currently held by the Bank of England in vaults

electronics, the world's long-standing fixation with gold

underneath the City of London. It is also a central

shows no sign of abating. Gold miners in Mexico are quickly

component in modern technology, including cell


phones, memory chips and television screens. Mexico's annual gold output has risen by over


Gold has always played a special role in modern civilization.

650 percent, enough to see the country rise to eighth place on

Ancient cultures used it to decorate temples and tombs, and

the list of global gold producers. Although annual production

as financial systems evolved, it became a medium of exchange

dipped by 1.7 percent in 2016 to 4.26 million tons, a number

and the basis for the modern concept of money. Today,

of projects -- particularly in Guerrero and Sonora -- should

despite the rise of digital banking, it remains an essential

help that figure rise over the coming years. The infographic

reserve asset for central banks around the world. According

below explains where Mexico's gold comes from and shows

to the London Bullion Association, around 7,500 tons are

the leading role the country plays in the global gold market.


GOLD PRODUCTION PER STATE JAN-DEC 2015 (Thousands of kilos) Sonora 42,591.50


1 10

Zacatecas 37,160.30 Chihuahua 15,286.50

4 3

Durango 12,762.00 Guerrero 8,972.90 San Luis Potosi 4,482.00 Sinaloa 3,028.30 2

9 8 Municipality

Baja California 2,776.60 Guanajuato 2,367.30


Oaxaca 2,120.30

% Participation

State of Mexico 1,216.90










Queretaro 556.8 Michoacan 263.2








Eduardo Neri


Aguascalientes 802.3


Jalisco 126 5

Nayarit 122.6




Hidalgo 118.9




Coahuila 4.3


San Juan del Rio



Santa Ana









Source: INEGI

GOLD PRICES 1985-2015 (US$/oz) 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0






Source: DGPM with information from Metals Week












MEXICO PRODUCTION VOLUME (Thousands of tons) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005










160 1.2%* 120 80 40 0

5000 27.5%* IMPORTS





Annual volume of gold bought by investors increased by at least 235% over the last three decades. 29.6%*


Central Banks sold 7,853 tonnes of gold between 1987 and 2009; between 2010 and 2016 they bought 3,297 tonnes.

3000 2000 1000 0



Gold has long been central to innovations in electronics. Today its unique properties and the advent of 'nanotechnology' are driving new uses in medicine, engineering and environmental management.




AMONG NATIONS (Tons) In 2016, China was the top world producer, but America is the driver with 5 countries among the top 10 producers.







United States
















South Africa

Source: Metals Focus (WGO).

In June 2002, gold was trading at US$312/oz. Fifteen years later in June 2017, the price has risen to US$1,254/oz, an increase of over 300 percent





















Q: 2016 was a challenging year for Primero Mining. Why did

within two years. This was very attractive to us and so we

the company encounter so many operational and financial

went full steam ahead with the construction, but in hindsight

stumbling blocks?

we did not build out our infrastructure surrounding the

A: The majority of the financial issues were driven by the

mine sufficiently to cope with the extra strain. When we

decision taken by SAT to change its position with respect

got behind on the infrastructure, the problems began to

to our advanced tax ruling. We sell a large portion of our

mount from an operational point of view. On the plus side,

silver production to Wheaton Precious Metals at a fixed

we have learned from this experience and will not be making

price of approximately US$4.20, and we reached a deal

the same mistake again.

with the previous federal government for an advanced tax ruling with respect to this arrangement. Unfortunately, the

Q: How are you rethinking your strategy at San Dimas

current administration is trying to retroactively change this

following events in 2016?

agreement, so we are in ongoing discussions with the Mexican

A: We are going to downsize the operation significantly,

tax authorities. Coupled with the fact that we are currently

reducing the number of veins we are mining from around

owed US$42 million in VAT and income taxes receivable, the

30 to just five or six core targets, and daily production

issue has weighed down our balance sheet during the past

will decline to below 2,500t/d. We will also be changing

year. That said, we have a strong relationship with the Mexican

the mining method, which will lead to a far more efficient

government – we have been working here for a number of

operation. Unfortunately, this will require fewer workers.

years – so I am sure the issue will soon be resolved.

We currently have a workforce that is much larger than we require, and this provided the catalyst for the strike at the

On the operational side, we carried out a significant amount

mine in February 2017. The two main issues are the size of

of expansion at the San Dimas mine over the past six

the workforce and the bonus structure. We will need to cut

years. In 2016 we planned expansion to 3,000t/d, and we

the workforce by around 25 percent. It is an uncomfortable

calculated that we would make a return on that investment

position but unfortunately this is the reality that we face. I am

San Dimas mine, Durango, Primero Mining

not happy to let go of so many workers but these adjustments

ready for permitting and construction. It is currently being

are necessary to stay financially viable and to secure the

kept on standby, but if the gold price comes back we will be

long-term future of the project and the company, so we

keen to develop that project.

are prepared to accept a lengthy shutdown of operations if necessary to reach our objective.

Q: What will be your main objectives as interim CEO and where will Mexico fit into your overall strategy?

Regarding the bonus structure, the existing structure almost

A: Mexico is a critical jurisdiction for us, and will continue to

guarantees a monthly bonus for each worker, which is not

be. San Dimas is the company’s flagship asset, so we need

what we believe a bonus structure should be based on. So

make that mine profitable for us again as soon as possible. In

we need to revise this system, not to take anything away

the past, the company has been focused on growth but now

from our employees, but to ensure that only quality work

we will be focused on profitability and consolidation of our

is rewarded.

assets. At the start of 2017 we secured a binding term sheet for a US$75 million loan. This was an important development

Q: Despite the issues, San Dimas is still a high-quality

that will ensure the future of the company for the next

deposit. What is the long-term vision for the mine?

three years or so while we work back toward profitability.

A: The mine has been operating for over 200 years and the

The majority of the proceeds from the loan will go toward

mineral potential on the property is still very strong. Due to

repaying our revolving credit facility that is due in May 2017.

the issues we experienced in 2016, we were unable to do much exploration or drilling work on site but in the past, we

Q: How well-placed do you feel the global mining sector is

have replenished our reserves on a yearly basis, so it has a

for strong performance in 2017?

great track record and anyone that visits the property from

A: Given the uncertainty surrounding US interest rates

a technical or geological point of view leaves with a very

and the strength of the dollar, I expect the gold price in

positive impression. We are confident and once we have

particular to be fairly flat in 2017. That said, it should be

settled into the new mine plan, we will begin exploring the

remembered that current prices are still good, and operators

property again and hopefully we can make new discoveries

can be very profitable under these conditions. There is

and increase our workforce. However, in the short term

a lot more confidence in the sector, and companies are

our focus is on streamlining the operation to maximize the

showing willingness to spend more on exploration and other

potential of our core mineral targets that drive the most

investments, so 2017 could be an encouraging year with a lot


more activity than we have seen in recent times.

Q: The Cerro de Gallo Project was not included in the list of priorities for 2017. What is the latest on that asset?

Primero Mining is a Canadian-based precious metals producer

A: Cerro de Gallo is a project that is only economically viable

that owns the San Dimas mine and the Cerro del Gallo

when the gold price is at US$1,400 or higher. It is a large

development project in Mexico, as well as the Black Fox mine

asset, and the feasibility study is completed so in theory it is

in Ontario, Canada





Q: How do you assess the regulatory and social environment

eliminates the risk of any tailings spilling into the Balsas

for foreign mining companies working in Mexico?

River. But it is a complex mechanism so we have been

A: For the most part, regulations in Mexico are clearly

working through a number of details to ensure that the

established and if a company adheres to all the requirements

operation works to its full capacity. We are also constructing

there should be no issues. For a mining operation, an efficient

a new SART plant, which is due for completion by the end of

rule of law is essential because otherwise the asset simply

2017. This facility will not help throughput directly but it will

becomes too risky, so we truly value the cooperation we enjoy

reduce AISC by around US$100/oz once it is operational.

with the Guerrero State Government and from the governor. While we were building El Limon-Guajes, exploration fell The social side of operating in Mexico is more complex. We

down our list of priorities but this is set to change now that

are working in Guerrero, which does not have a history of

the mine is in production. We have had some encouraging

industrial activity, so we have to educate the local workforce

high-grade intercepts from recent borehole drilling,

about the benefits of the industry and how it works. Mining

including some 300g/t hits. This is 10 times higher than

is entirely different to sustenance farming, which has

anything we have ever seen before on the property, so it

traditionally dominated the area, and this lack of industrial

gives us great encouragement. We plan to spend at least

experience can be challenging. The local communities are

US$5 million developing the resource this year.

open to mining and see the long-term advantages of the activity but there is a lack of expertise. For example, we

Q: What are the latest plans for Media Luna and what

recently suffered a blockade because certain members of the

impact could this asset have on your portfolio?

community wanted to be employed, but we cannot employ

A: Media Luna has the potential to turn the area into a

all 7,000 people in the local area. Given that we have made

district that mines for generations. Permit applications for

a US$1 billion investment into the state, this is disappointing

the exploration tunnel are in their final stages and will soon

but it is a reality that we are dealing with.

be submitted, so we expect to start drifting during 4Q17. From that point we can start the process of upgrading the

Q: What were the highlights during the first year of

current resources and continue plans for engineering and

commercial production at El Limon-Guajes?

construction. Fortunately, we now have a constant revenue

A: There is an endless series of bottlenecks that need to be

stream from El Limon so we know that financing the project

negotiated when moving a project from the development

will not be an issue. Eventually we expect Media Luna to

phase into construction and production. We first needed to

produce far more gold ounces than El Limon for a longer

ensure that the grinding circuit was functioning efficiently,

period of time.

then we needed to test the leach circuit and figure out how to deal with the large quantity of copper in the deposit. We

Q: What do you think Mexico should be doing to attract

are now working on the final major obstacle, the tailings

further investment into the sector?

filtration circuit. We have installed the biggest tailings

A: The government needs to find a way to reduce the

filtration circuit in the world at the plant and the system

mining royalty tax or expedite the return of those funds

not only enables us to recycle all the water we use but also

to the communities. Mining is an industry that brings employment and other opportunities to parts of the country where no other industry is present, but the tax is

Torex Gold is an emerging intermediate gold producer based

making it difficult for companies to continue doing that.

in Canada and engaged in the exploration, development and

Three years have now passed since the introduction of the

exploitation of its 100 percent-owned Morelos gold property,

reform, which is enough time to make an impact but we

an area of 29,000 hectares in the Guerrero Gold Belt

have yet to see any results.




Q: To what do you attribute your impressive YTD

step in extracting ore. Now we have extended the lifespan

performance on the TSX and NYSE?

of the mine but we will still need to catch up on several

A: The main driver is of course the rise of the gold price,

operations that were either slowed down or halted entirely

which has helped boost the stocks of the majority of gold

in preparation for the closure. It is fantastic news that we

miners around the world. However, we also made some

will be able to keep the mine open for the foreseeable

internal changes that have helped drive the company

future. We are carrying out extensive exploration work and

forward. We altered our short-term production outlook and

although we do not yet have the numbers, we are optimistic

lowered costs across the board, enabling us to become

that results at San Francisco in 2017 will be better than our

a much leaner organization and, crucially, allowing us

markedly conservative projection.

to pay off our debt. The San Francisco mine now has a tremendously strong projected cash flow, while the Ana

Q: Why did you hire Grupo PEAL, an independent

Paula development project offers high margins and low

contractor, to handle the mine’s day-to-day operations?

CAPEX. Indeed, at Ana Paula we are now moving rapidly

A: When we were doing the pre-feasibility study on the

toward a full economic feasibility study and have already

San Francisco mine in 2009 we crunched the numbers

begun the process for applying for permits.

and we decided that it would be far more cost-effective to hire a subcontractor instead of operating the mine

Q: What are the company’s expectations for the Ana Paula

ourselves. I strongly believe that gold producers should

project in 2017?

hire independent companies to handle certain aspects of

A: Alongside a number of engineering firms we are

their operations, especially on short-term mine projects like

completing a full feasibility study and we anticipate it will be

ours at San Francisco. Timmins Gold focuses on producing

ready before the end of 2017. The project is moving along

gold, whereas Grupo PEAL is a specialized contractor with

very smoothly and we have found the state of Guerrero to

extensive experience of managing open-pit operations.

be extremely favorable toward mining projects. There are metallurgical and geotechnical testing work being carried

Q: What was the strategic thinking behind the US$17.5

out in Canada and we hope to begin construction of the

million sale of the Caballo Blanco project?

mine in 4Q17 or 1Q18 with operations to commence during

A: The main reason is that we had guaranteed debt that

2018. The project should benefit from the proximity of Torex

needed to be paid at the end of 2015 and so, despite the

Gold’s El Limon-Guajes mine because many of the suppliers

strong performance at San Francisco, we really had no

that we will need to deliver cyanide and diesel are already

choice but to sell Caballo Blanco. We were delighted to

operating in the area. We also have an independent water

find a buyer in Candelaria Mining. It is a project with great

aquifer and power commission infrastructure, so the project

potential in the state of Veracruz but at the time we decided

should not run into many hurdles when it comes to planning

to prioritize our two main projects – the San Francisco mine

and construction.

and the Ana Paula development project. The Caballo Blanco sale enabled us to pay all our guaranteed debt and in many

Q: How much of a boost is the extension of the San

ways laid the foundations for the strong performance the

Francisco mine’s life to 23 years?

company has enjoyed in the last 12 months.

A: The mine plan we have devised for the next few years is still conservative, based on a gold price of US$1,100-1,250/ oz. Our production target for 2016 is 90,000-100,000 gold

Timmins Gold is a Canadian gold mining company engaged in

ounces, although this will drop in 2017. We were originally

exploration, development and production in Mexico. Its assets

planning to shut the mine down in September 2016 and

include the producing San Francisco mine in Sonora and the

the new mine plan delayed the stripping, which is a crucial

development stage Ana Paula project in Guerrero







8 9 12



13 15 16 14 17

70 18





26 25 27 24 28

22 35

29 30 31 32 33 34 36 40


41 37






2 1 48 49

38 39 53




World Class Deposits Production Development Exploration Source: SGM, company websites





56 57

63 59 60

62 61






Invecture Group


Baja California Sur


San Antonio

Argonaut Gold


Baja California Sur


La Herradura





Noche Buena










Mina de Julio/Santa Elena

Mexus Gold



El Pilar

Americas Mining Corporation





Name Los Cardones


Lluvia de Oro/Columbia

Metallōrum Holding




San Francisco

Timmins Gold/Alio Gold




Santa Gertrudis






Firma Holdings




El Chanate

Alamos Gold




Cerro Prieto

Goldgroup Mining




La Escondida

Alamos Gold





Premier Gold Mines




Santa Elena

First Majestic Silver




San Felipe

Santacruz Silver




La Colorada

Argonaut Gold




Luz de Cobre

Red Tiger Mining




La India

Agnico Eagle





Alamos Gold




Alamo Dorado

Pan American Silver




Santa Eulalia

Americas Mining Corporation




Las Bolas/Los Hilos

Golden Goliath Resources





Minera Frisco




Creston Mascota

Agnico Eagle





Minera Frisco




Pinos Altos

Agnico Eagle





Invecture Group




San Miguel/La Currita

Coeur Mining





Pan American Goldfields (80), Minera Rio Tinto (20)




El Sauzal




Leagold's Los Filos Mine, Guerrero







Don Román

Firma Holdings




San José de Gracia

Dyna Resource





Rose Petroleum




El Gallo

McEwen Mining




Nuestra Señora

Americas Silver Corporation




La Trinidad

Marlin Gold





Marlin Gold




La Fortuna

Minera Alamos




La Ciénega






Chesapeake Gold Corp




San Dimas

Primero Mining




La India





El Castillo

Argonaut Gold




San Agustín

Argonaut Gold





Industrias Peñoles




El Saucito










Camino Rojo

Orla Mining




Veta Grande

Santacruz Silver




Catanava/Pinos District

Candelaria Mining




El Diablito

Rose Petroleum




Mina Real

Rochester Resources




El Porvenir

Minera Frisco




San Ignacio

Great Panther Silver




San Martín

Starcore International





Geologix Exploration




Campo Morado

Telson Resources




El Limón-Guajes

Torex Gold




Los Filos





Rey de Plata

Industrias Peñoles




Cerro Jumil (Esperanza)

Alamos Gold




El Águila

Gold Resource





SHARIA-COMPLIANT GOLD OPENS DOOR FOR ISLAMIC INVESTORS Financial institutions scurry to develop new products and gold


prices jump as investing in the yellow metal is approved by

In the first months following the plan’s

Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial

announcement, banks, stock exchanges, fund

Institutions (AAOIFI)

managers and metals traders began rolling out new products to offer the Islamic community.


In December 2016, global bullion markets received a

In December 2016, the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX)

welcome boost when it was announced the yellow metal

confirmed its gold futures contracts were Sharia-compliant,

can now be used as a commodity to back Sharia-based

while Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul signed a Memorandum

financial products. For the first time, participants in the

of Understanding with the Dubai Multi Commodities

Islamic finance industry, which is valued at US$1.88 trillion,

Center (DMCC) to launch a universal, Sharia-compliant

can refer to specific regulations for gold trading after the

gold exchange for Islamic markets. Malaysian company

World Gold Council and AAOIFI announced the issuance

HelloGold took matters one step further by launching an

of Sharia Standard Number 57.

online application for bullion trading specifically catering to the Islamic investor pool.

The news opened up investment opportunities in goldbased financial products to the 1.6 billion Muslims around

In January 2017, Canadian fintech company Goldmoney

the world. As the eighth-highest gold producer in the world,

certified its gold-based products as Sharia-compliant.

Mexico’s mining sector stands to benefit greatly from a

The company, which has more than 1.3 million users and

sustained increase in demand and bullion price recovery.

administers US$1.7 billion in assets, has developed products that are fully-backed by reserved gold to adhere to AAOIFI

Fresnillo CEO Octavio Alvidrez says that the new regulation

guidelines. Toronto-based metal trader Bullion Management

is an important factor in his company’s growing interest in

Group (BMG) took similar steps to ensure its doors are open

the yellow metal. “Every time we see a new investment tool,

to Islamic investors when it developed a Sharia-compliant

such as the Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) a few years ago,

fund in January 2017, while Irish trader GoldCore launched

we expect to see a pickup in investment demand,” he says.

a Sharia gold trading platform during 1Q17.

“We view (the AAOIFI initiative) as a positive development and we believe the demand for gold as an investment will


grow as this new market begins to make its presence felt.”

Any sustained boost to demand is dependent on the instruments financial institutions make available to gold’s


new investor base. The news is still fresh and financial

All economic activity in Islamic finance must be compliant

institutions around the world will need time to develop the

with Sharia law, which has stringent rules to prevent unjust

complex tools required for Islamic investors to make their

transactions. In Islamic texts, gold is qualified as one of six

mark on global gold demand. Moreover, Islamic investors

ribawi, items so important to daily life that they must be

have always had access to the gold market in the form of

sold on weight and measure. To keep them in circulation

coins and jewelry, which were allowed to be traded under

and prevent artificial shortages, ribawi cannot be used as a

the former conditions.

speculative trading or investment tool. Until December the use of gold under Sharia law was complex and unclear, preventing

But these investors now have a whole range of diverse

Islamic investors from buying mining shares or bullion bars.

options available to them, from Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and futures contracts to physical gold bars and

The new guidelines provide a set rulebook. Muslims are now

mining stocks. GoldCore research shows that if Islamic

free to invest in and trade gold, as long as the transaction

Finance institutions were to allocate just 1 percent of their

is backed up by physical gold. “There is a lot of pent-

assets into new gold products, demand could rise by

up demand to bring gold-backed Sharia instruments to


market,” Natalie Dempster, Managing Director for Central Banks and Public Policy at the World Gold Council told

“Islamic finance will have a greater say in the setting of the

Reuters. “Muslim consumers and investors can now benefit

gold price,” Mark O’Byrne, Executive Director at GoldCore,

from exposure to gold, including its portfolio diversification

wrote on the company website. “Longer term this new

properties, its status as a safe-haven asset, and its role as a

source of investment demand for vaulted gold bullion will

long-term preserver of wealth.”

almost certainly contribute to higher gold prices.”




In January 2017, Goldcorp announced that it would sell

While profit margins at Peñasquito were threatened by

its Los Filos asset to the little-known Leagold Group,

the taxes in Zacatecas, the Los Filos mine is situated

a move that shocked the market in Mexico. With over

in the heart of Guerrero, a state that has a damaging

272,000 ounces of gold produced in 2015, Los Filos was

reputation as one of the most violent in Mexico. But

the third-most prolific bullion producer in the country

Harvey refuses to be discouraged, insisting that security

and apparently, the perfect sidekick to the company’s

concerns had nothing to do with the sale to Leagold. In

superstar, Peñasquito. The sale, completed in April for a

fact, he is optimistic that Guerrero can continue to grow

total of US$279 million in cash and a further US$71 million

as a mining state and that the industry can play an active

in common shares, led many to question Goldcorp’s

role in erasing some of the violence that has generated

commitment to Mexico. According to Michael Harvey, the

the negative headlines in recent years.

company’s Director for Corporate Affairs and Security, such questions are wide of the mark.

“Mining provides legitimate employment opportunities and strengthens social cohesion,“ he says. “There is

“We sold the Filos Mine to Leagold as part of our strategy

tremendous potential in Guerrero and the governor has

to concentrate on assets of a certain size and quality. Filos

shown that he understands just how much benefit this can

is a fine asset but was too small for our strategy,” he says.

bring to the people. We want to see Guerrero do well.”

“Peñasquito in Zacatecas is one of our main camps, and we are in the process of delivering US$50-60 million to

Although the Los Filos sale means that Goldcorp’s direct

the mine in efficiencies.”

involvement in Guerrero has ended, the company still has a financial interest in the state through the 30 percent

This commitment to further brownfield exploration in

interest in Leagold, received upon completion of the sale.

Mexico will have been greeted with a huge sigh of relief in

The company also has a stake in Timmins Gold, which

the Undersecretariat of Mining at the Ministry of Economy.

will bring its Guerrero-based Ana Paula project into

Goldcorp, the world’s fourth-largest bullion producer, operates

construction in 2018.

one of the country’s largest gold mines at Peñasquito and is a vital contributor to the local mining sector.

For now, though, Goldcorp appears to be firmly focused on continuing to develop and improve its prized asset at

But the Vancouver-based corporation is not blind to the

Peñasquito. The mine is currently in a significant stripping

challenges brought about by working in Mexico. Harvey

phase, which will reduce gold production from 449,000

describes the tax environment as “uncompetitive,” while

ounces in 2016 to approximately 410,000 ounces in 2017. But

urging authorities to confront the “legal uncertainty” that

this will rebound once the pyrite leach project is completed

weighs down the appeal for investors. The Ecological Taxes

in 2018, an upgrade that will add 100,000-140,000 ounces

imposed by the Zacatecas state government in December

of gold annual production and 4-6 million ounces of silver.

2016 were another blot on the copybook. Harvey admits

The strategic role Mexico plays in Goldcorp’s international

that this was “an unfortunate mistake” that was inspired by

portfolio does not appear to be shifting anytime soon.

“revenue generation, not environmental protection,” but not enough to damage his faith in a jurisdiction in which

“The exploration work will allow us to extend the life of the

the company has been working for so long.

mine,” says Harvey. “Mining is a highly strategic industry for Mexico that is not as vulnerable as other industries to

¨I know that the governor understands mining is absolutely

external political factors. Mexico absolutely has what it

essential to the viability of Zacatecas and we will get past

takes to get back to the level of attractiveness it had just

this hiccup,” he says.

a few years ago.”



ALTIPLANO PLANT TO RAMP UP PRODUCTION ROBERT EADIE President and CEO of Starcore International Mines


Q: What strategies helped Starcore International’s stock

started life as a small gold mine and emerged as one of

price jump by over 100 percent during 2016?

the biggest copper mines in the world.

A: First and foremost, precious metals prices were on the rise, which rapidly adds to our profitability. We were

Q: What inspired the company to move away from

also careful to keep costs for development, drilling and

contractors and operate the mine almost singlehandedly?

production stable. For us, 2016 was a building year. We

A: Put simply, we do not feel that contractors add any value

installed a carbon-in-leach (CIL) plant at San Martin,

to the company. We feel that our full-time employees have

allowing us to treat carbonaceous ore, which required a

more of a vested interest in doing the best possible job

substantial amount of work, as well as an investment of

than part-time contractors. If we ever need a particularly

US$1.6 million.

specialized service, we would bring in a contractor. For example, we recently hired a company to help us with

Then in March 2016 we opened and commissioned the

renovation work and electrical fitting on a building but

Altiplano processing facility at Matehaula, two hours north

anything related to mining is done internally. This gives us

of San Luis Potosi, which was also capital intensive. This

complete control over the operational side of the project.

plant is designed to process 48t/d, although our initial target is 25t/d. The facility still has not been tested to its

Thanks to the added cash flow from the Altiplano project,

full capacity but the target is around 30,000oz/y. This will

we will have enough liquidity to finance exploration projects

double total production for the company so in time it will

internally, which will save both time and money. We financed

become a significant boost to our bottom line and our

the recent drilling program in Nevada ourselves and this will

balance sheet.

be the business model for the company going forward.

Q: What was behind the 16 percent year-on-year slide in

Q: What is the issue that is holding up progress at El

production at San Martin during 3Q16?

Creston and what are your plans for that property?

A: We reached carbonaceous ore that we were unable to

A: Two members of the local ejido signed a deal with the

treat until we installed the CIL plant. Now that the plant

previous owners of the project that was illegal. We are

is installed and fully operational, we predict production

trying to nullify that agreement and then renegotiate with

will rise and we are aiming for 18,000 equivalent gold

the ejido. There is already a positive PEA on the project

ounces in 2017.

but we do not intend to put it into production and for that reason it is available for sale. Moreover, it is a molybdenum

Another reason for the fall in production is that we are

deposit so we are waiting for the price of that particular

beginning to focus on exploration at the mine again. We

commodity to increase. We expect that by the end of 2017

completed 14,000m of drilling in 2016 and our target

or early 2018 the price will have risen sufficiently for it to

for 2017 is 18,000m, which should add considerably to

make economic sense for a buyer. One of the advantages of

our reserves. We have not uncovered any significant

the project is location and low strip ratio. In addition to this,

veins but it is important to remember that San Martin

the Creston Main deposit is located within a 5.5km trend of

is a complicated mine. It is heavily fault controlled,

mineralization that ultimately provides exploration upside.

making the veins distinctly unpredictable and hard to track. That said, the factors that attracted us to the mine when we purchased it from Goldcorp in 2007

Starcore International is a growth-oriented producing mining

remain. The concession is almost 13,000 hectares and is

company focused on continued mineral production and

an epithermal deposit, which means it has potential to

development at its San Martin mine in Mexico and the precious

grow into a huge mine. Grupo MÊxico’s Cananea project

metals processing business at the Altiplano facility



LOS FILOS On Jan. 12, 2017, one of Mexico’s largest precious metal mines changed hands. Leagold Mining, a newly incorporated company based in Vancouver, reached an agreement to acquire the Los Filos gold asset in the Guerrero gold belt from fellow Canadian Goldcorp in a deal worth US$350 million. The mine, which started commercial production in 2008 and was Mexico’s fifth-highest gold producer in 2016, formally became Leagold’s first project when the purchase was completed in April for US$279 million in cash and a further US$71 million issued in common shares. Although new to Mexico, Leagold has considerable operating experience. CEO Neil Woodyer played a vital role in converting Endeavour Mining into a leading, midtier gold producer in West Africa. The group plans to do the same with Leagold and Los Filos will provide the foundation for a Latin America-centric vision with a clear focus on assets that offer existing or near-term cash flow. “Today marks a strong beginning for Leagold with the Los Filos mine becoming our platform for growth,” said Woodyer in a statement when the deal was confirmed. “We will immediately focus on optimizing the mine and progressing the drilling programs.” There is certainly work to be done to convert the mine into a long-term cash producer. In 2016, gold production at Los Filos fell by over 15 percent to 231,000 ounces from 272,900 ounces the previous year and the current life-ofmine plan suggests that the two heap-leach open-pits will cease production in 2024. According to Michael Harvey, Director of Corporate Affairs and Security at Goldcorp, the decision to sell was part of the company’s strategy to focus on “assets of a certain size and quality.” Despite boasting measured and indicated mineral reserves of 422.5 million tons at 0.85 g/t grade, the world’s fourth-largest gold producer clearly saw no long-term future at Los Filos. But Leagold has a different view of Los Filos. The company has outlined plans to spend a total of US$47 million in capital expenditures to develop the Bermejal undergound mine, also located on the Los Filos property. Initial results from a US$7.7 million, 56,000m drilling program were encouraging and Leagold is now aiming to build a second underground mine at Bermejal that could start operations as early as 2019. The company hopes the new mine will add 200,000oz/y to its production until 2025 at least, while the Guadalupe and San Pablo brownfield exploration targets could extend that further. There may be life in Los Filos yet.






The Mercedes mine lies in the arid Sonora desert, framed

owned the property. Downie, however, sees a great deal of

by hilly scrubland and a scattering of green and gold-

potential in finding new veins. “Historically, the mine drifted

leafed trees. It is a 2,000t/d relatively low-cost, high-grade

on known veins and Yamana traced it up dip and down

producing asset with a five-year mine life that Yamana

dip but failed to look in the surrounding areas in search of

Gold took into production before selling in late July 2016.

parallel veins,” he says. Since Premier acquired the property,

Although this deal marked the exit of Yamana Gold from

it has already discovered three new vein systems very close

Mexico, it also heralded the entry of Premier Gold Mines,

to the existing discovery by using this technique.

a small miner with two projects in Nevada – one operated by Barrick Gold – that is hoping to become a mid-sized

“We will drill several new target areas this year and hopefully

miner by 2020. And its US$150 million investment means

they will become future resources that we can move into

Mercedes plays a key role in that strategy.

reserves,” says Downie. Premier’s goal for the year is to continue drilling and finding new resources that will allow

“We have had around six months working as a producer,”

it to replenish reserves year on year. “I would like to believe

says Ewan Downie, Premier’s President and CEO. “Until

we can extend this mine’s life to around 10 years through

2016 we had one operation in production so we were actively looking for additional mining operations to make sure we had a longer-term production pipeline.” Downie’s team had previous experience in Mexico on the Santa Teresa JV located in the historic El Alamo mining district in Baja California. The Mercedes project, he says, was an opportunity to acquire a producing asset surrounded by a great deal of favorable deposits. “We see this as a launching pad for expanding our operations across the Americas.'' Part of what made the Mercedes mine so attractive was the fact that it was already highly de-risked at the point

systematic annual exploration,” he says.

We see this as a launching pad for expanding our operations across the Americas''

Premier also expects to build its first mine – McCoy-Cove – from the ground up later in 2017 in Nevada. With initial

of acquisition. “It was already built, it had experienced

development planned for late in 2017, Downie expects

staff and is a very safe mine,” says Downie. “There has

this to enter full production by 2020. He anticipates that

been no LTI in over one year – contractor or employee.”

this will be financed by existing cash flow without the

The property also has significant potential outside of the

need to borrow more money or dilute shares, so Premier

existing mine and the Premier team has not abandoned

share prices should stay strong. This cash flow will also

its exploration roots, which is evident with the US$10

be used to finance part of the work required to create an

million exploration budget it allocated to Mercedes. This

underground mine at the South Arturo JV with Barrick

program is designed to constantly extend the mine life of

Gold, given that the current pit will run out of ore at the

the deposit and the way to do this, according to Downie,

end of 2017.

is through external exploration. Premier has installed the infrastructure necessary for this program and in early

Until then, the Mercedes project will underpin the company’s

March 2017 was drilling a known deposit when it hit new

growth while it makes the necessary preparations for

mineralized vein zones.

development and expansion of its other assets. “The areas surrounding Mercedes hold a great deal of opportunities

Because the asset was noncore to Yamana’s activities, the

and since we already have the mill, we will be actively

operator carried out little near-mine exploration when it

seeking new deposits in that area,” Downie says.



LA HERRADURA Fresnillo appears to be going from strength to strength. The Industrias Peñoles subsidiary is firmly established as the world’s primary silver producer – targeting 70 million oz/y by 2019 – but in 2016 it overtook Goldcorp as Mexico’s largest gold producer after recording 935,000 ounces output. This is in large part thanks to the company’s primary gold asset, La Herradura, now the biggest gold mine by production in Mexico after recording 520,900 ounces output in 2016, up 30.5 percent from the previous year. Drilling first began at La Herradura - an 18,211 hectare asset in the heart of Sonora's gold belt - in 1991. The project, which is 125 km northwest of the nearest town Caboroa, was soon turned into a conventional open-pit, heap leach gold mine, achieving commercial production in 1998 with an original life span of 10 years. During 1H17, it produced 224,000 ounces of gold at a cash cost of US$483.9/oz, a slight decrease from the 248,600 ounces output during 1H16 due to falling grade, which the company expects will turn around during the second half of the year. Silver production also fell during the first half of the year to 222,000 ounces from 304,000 ounces in 1H16. Despite the slip in production levels, La Herradura was Fresnillo’s most profitable asset during 1H17, contributing 29.2 percent to the company’s total gross profit of US$460 million. It is by far and away Fresnillo’s most valuable gold asset, accounting for 51.7 percent of goldadjusted revenues during 1H17, and is central to reaching the company’s 2017 gold production target of 870,000900,000oz. While the current performance of La Herradura is a shining light in Fresnillo’s portfolio, the future looks even brighter. As of December 2016, the deposit holds 5.2 million ounces of gold in reserves and 10.8 million ounces in resources, while the company has invested US$110 million in the construction of a new on-site dynamic leaching plant, to be commissioned in 2018. This facility will extend the life of mine to 12 years and will help secure average annual gold production of 390,000oz. Illustrating the importance of this asset to Fresnillo’s growth strategy, the company is in the midst of an intensive exploration program at the site. During 1H17, Fresnillo spent US$8.4 million on exploration activities at La Herradura, mainly focused on developing the Centauro vein. This was Fresnillo’s biggest outlay on exploration across its portfolio.



GOVERNMENT CAUSE AND EFFECT ON THE OAXACA MINER JASON REID President, CEO and Director of Gold Resource Corporation


While the mining industry is not for the faint of heart due

While Mexico in general has lost ground in global rankings,

to the numerous challenges confronting companies that

the state of Oaxaca presents additional challenges for

participate, governments and mining-friendly jurisdictions

mining companies. Gold Resource has been working on an

are the primary focus of future company capital allocation.

electrical power-grid program over the course of several

It is unfortunate that Mexico recently has and continues to

years. While there is an existing power line that supplies

slip as one of the premier mining-friendly jurisdictions and

its Aguila project, it has very limited electrical capacity

in doing so it has caused Gold Resource Corporation to

so the company has sought to increase the power grid

look outside the jurisdiction as it allocates additional capital

infrastructure to create additional power. This would not

toward future mining units.

only help the company operate but would also aid numerous local communities along the new proposed power line route,

While Gold Resource was exploring, developing and putting

from the nearest substation to the Aguila project.

its Aguila project into production, Mexico was consistently ranked among the top mining-friendly jurisdictions in the

One would think the government of Oaxaca would

world. This is changing. In the global 2016 Fraser Institute

enthusiastically agree to have a third party pay for

Survey on Mining Companies’ Investment Attractiveness

the necessary electrical-power infrastructure, as

Index, Mexico dropped from 37 in 2015 to 50 in 2016.

Gold Resource has offered to do, and to facilitate and

Mexico was ranked 25th globally in 2012, showing the

expedite this project due to its positive effect on many

degradation of its Investment Attractiveness Index ranking

local communities. But the fact this project remains in

over the last five years. The 2014 implementation of the

the evaluation stage after many years underscores the

7.5 percent mining duty along with another 0.5 percent

challenges companies may face while operating in Oaxaca

fee on precious-metal producers contributed significantly

and Mexico in general. Whether it is the high turnover

to Mexico losing ground in the world rankings of mining

rate of employees at the CFE or the lack of interest or

investment attractiveness.

initiative, the net effect is that this problem is but one more challenge that discourages additional allocation of capital being deployed into Mexico.


In addition to the federal and state government challenges, the labor unions push for yearly pay increases irrespective of market forces, world events or

Oaxaca is a notoriously difficult state in which to carry

company financial health. There appears to be no effort

out mining operations. In the north, the historic mining

by the government to help manage these unreasonable

states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and Zacatecas

expectations as labor unions continue to drive local

have communities that are welcoming to the industry.

operations in Mexico. Historically in the US, excessive

According to operators, obtaining mining concessions

union demands have caused many businesses to fail and

is one of the most challenging aspects of operating in

ultimately destroyed those companies and the unions

Oaxaca since even small land packages can belong to

in the process. Mexico, with the government’s tacit

a multitude of different ejidos and each one must be

union support, seems determined to follow in the same

negotiated with individually. As a result, the number

footsteps of the US union workers focused on the short-

of mining concessions dropped 6.4 percent to 341 in

term gain leading to long-term pain for all.

2016 from 319 in 2013. The total land under concession plunged 52 percent to 469,434ha compared to

The royalty tax imposed on a federal level has not only hit

714,931ha in the same period.

miners in their pockets but confidence in the government

has also taken a hit. The miners are expected to pay taxes without receiving the appropriate support or returns. If Mexico had not imposed its 8 percent mining tax or if it had imposed a more reasonable percentage, it is highly plausible that Gold Resource’s second mining unit would have also been located in the country. The aforementioned additional challenges from the local

Mexico dropped from 37 in 2015 to 50 in 2016 on the Mining Investment Attractiveness Index

government and continuous union demands added to that outcome. can either attract business or become a deterrent for A new mining unit implies tens of millions of dollars

business investment. There is a direct cause and effect

invested, new jobs created, ancillary business growth,

to governmental and union actions that is often ignored

opportunities and the additional millions of tax dollars

until it is too late. My hope for Mexico is that it takes the

for the government, which has tremendous value. History

necessary steps to return to its previous levels of investment

demonstrates money flows where it is most appreciated.

attractiveness on a global scale and reassumes its previous

When national and local governments create significant tax

position as a premier mining-friendly jurisdiction. Mexico will

burdens on businesses and fail to support or help facilitate

need to act for that to happen as the current trajectory of

projects and infrastructure, the allocation of capital for

the country as a mining-friendly jurisdiction is not favorable.

that nation or government eventually ends up elsewhere. Likewise, government sanctioning of excessive demands

Once Gold Resource gets its Nevada mining unit into

and overreaching by labor unions will cause the allocation

production, it will be looking for a third mining project in

of capital to go elsewhere.

another mining-friendly jurisdiction. Oaxaca is a special and beautiful place, with terrific, hardworking people and

While Gold Resource is content to continue operating

vast geologic potential. We remain hopeful that Mexico’s

its Oaxaca mining unit and plans to do so for a long

federal government, state governments and unions will

time, our decision to allocate new capital into Nevada

once again appreciate business investment enough to

demonstrates what happens when investment into Mexico

encourage the additional capital allocation for our third

is not appreciated. Governments, both national and local,

mining unit. Only time will tell.



EXPLORER BANKS ON GUERRERO, SONORA, OAXACA Darrell Rader President and CEO of Minaurum Gold

David Jones Director at Minaurum Gold


When metals prices took a dip in 2012, the first casualty was

acquisition, we have been carrying out a lot of mapping

exploration. With no budget, mining companies in Mexico

and discovering new veins and targets,” says Rader. The

focused on improving processes at existing mines instead

explorer is now at the point where it plans to drill 5,000m

of seeking new greenfield projects for expansion. Now, with

starting in 2Q17 and Rader is hopeful of finding a deposit

prices starting to move upward, a group of top geologists

that was missed by the 19th century miners.

is banking on its collective experience for a standalone discovery that could offer shareholders a “Spinco” windfall.

Minaurum Gold’s management team and Board of Directors is composed of a high caliber of technical expertise.

Minaurum Gold saw the opportunity to gather some of the

Megaw is responsible for the discovery of La Platosa,

most experienced geologists in the industry to form an

now in Excellon’s portfolio and the 200 million-ounce

exploration company that would target Mexico, having a

Juanicipio mine, which is now a JV between Fresnillo and

team with extensive experience in the country. Minaurum

MAG Silver. Jones discovered an 8-million-ounce deposit

is focused on three key areas in Mexico – southern Sonora,

in Guerrero that went on to become Los Filos, later sold to

the Guerrero gold belt and the Oaxaca-Chiapas region. “We

Goldcorp and the 2-million-ounce Buckhorn gold deposit

have a considerable amount of deal flow in those areas due

in Washington State, now owned by Kinross.

to David Jones, Peter Megaw and myself having carried out extensive work there over the course of our careers,” says

In Guerrero, Minaurum is also looking at the promising

the company’s President and CEO Darrell Rader. According

Vuelcos del Destino project. For Jones, “All the large gold

to Jones, one of the company’s directors, the team hopes

deposits in the Guerrero gold belt are associated with an

to make a standalone discovery that will justify creating a

intrusive complex. This includes Los Filos, Timmins Gold’s

“Spinco” pure play. “This only happens when a concession

Ana Paula concession and Torex Gold’s Media Luna.” Many

has a tangible value and this will hopefully happen in the

years ago, he acquired the mineral rights to what is now

next year or two,” he says.

Vuelcos del Destino, which has never before been explored or drilled. “I see the same indicators in the new project as I

The “Spinco” model dictates that if a sizeable discovery

did in Los Filos,” he says. A third project – Santa Marta – is

is made, the company will spin it off into a new company,

located in southern Oaxaca, an area that is not traditionally

allowing shareholders a direct interest and greater leverage

familiar with mining, which opens the opportunity for

over the project. For instance, if Minaurum makes a large

significant exploration potential.

find at its Alamos silver project in Sonora, it could spin this off into Minaurum Silver and shareholders would own

Another issue the young company has run into is the

both companies. “The second company would have its own

Mexican mining authorities’ slow pace in freeing up old

listing and trade on the TSX,” explains Rader. “This model

claims, especially those lost with the metals downturn in

adds extra value for shareholders as they can start off with

2012. “Legislature dictates that these claims should be

one company and end up with multiple.”

released after six to 10 months but five years later we are still waiting for many to be staked in title lotteries,”

The project in question – Alamos - is located in the

says Rader.

historically rich Alamos silver district and accounts for about 80 percent of its silver production, according to

Despite these challenges, Minaurum has not lost its appetite

Rader. For many years, it was not drilled or explored due

for investing in Mexico. “We are here for the long-term and

to ownership issues until a family from Hermosillo was able

the idea is to chase these big discoveries,” says Rader. “We

to consolidate the property, permit the project through to

believe in real results, developing our expertise and moving

construction and sell it on to Minaurum. “Since making the

onto bigger and better projects.”




Hidden away in the heart of the state of Durango lies

several mineralized hydrothermal systems,” says Reifel.

Metates, the world’s largest undeveloped gold deposit and

“A grassroots discovery would significantly change the

the flagship project for its owner, Chesapeake Gold. Randy

dynamics and long-term opportunity at Metates.”

Reifel, the company’s President and CEO, is in no doubt as to the mineral potential of the deposit. “One day, Metates

According to Reifel, institutional interest has returned to the

will be the largest gold and silver mine in Mexico,” he says.

mining sector following the downturn and junior explorers no longer need to focus on weathering the bear cycle with

According to a 2016 Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS), the Metates

little liquidity or access to capital markets. Drilling and

deposit in Durango holds 18.5 million ounces of gold, 526

exploration funding is now available to juniors, providing a

million ounces of silver and 4.2 billion pounds of zinc in

significant boost to Chesapeake’s greenfield efforts.

proven and probable reserves. The study lays out a plan for a scalable, viable development option at the site that would

Metates could produce over 600,000oz/y gold and 12 million oz/y silver for 30 years

start small and grow into something much bigger. “The PFS demonstrated that a smaller mine at an initial throughput rate of 30,000t/d can ramp up to 90,000t/d largely funded by cash flow,” says Reifel. “The capital cost would be about US$2 billion as opposed to a US$3-4 billion investment. The CAPEX for undeveloped world class deposits of a similar scale are typically over US$5 billion.” Chesapeake, the 100 percent owner of the property,

“We are not a producer and normally we do not see the

started drilling at Metates in 2007 and has been patient

volatility in our trade from rising metal prices on a daily

in developing the deposit. The updated PFS de-risked the

basis but we do benefit from the market viewing gold

property for a potential suitor in terms of metallurgy, flow

as an attractive, long-term investment,” he says. “Higher

sheet, recoveries, tailings management, water and power.

metal prices increase the project economics of Metates and

Local communities have been kept in the loop regarding

investors know this.”

the project’s development and are now largely supportive of the operation, which could produce over 600,000oz/y

With new funding avenues opening up, Chesapeake will

gold and 12 million oz/y silver for some 30 years.

have greater flexibility to start looking at concessions in other jurisdictions. But the company has been associated

With all the critical boxes checked, Chesapeake is now

with Mexico since 1992 – making the groundbreaking El

focusing on exploration work around the site while it waits

Sauzal discovery four years later – and is familiar with the

for a suitable offer from a major mine operator. From its

regulatory framework in the country. Reifel admits he sees

regional reconnaissance work, the company has identified

no reason to turn his back on a country that has brought

four highly prospective projects that have district-scale

him so much success over the years.

potential, and follow-up systematic exploration has advanced several targets to the drill stage, including the

“I have worked in several Latin American countries and

70,000ha Yarely concession package. Handily located

enjoyed similar exploration success,” he says. “I prefer

just 15km off a main paved highway and just 25km from

Mexico as a mining jurisdiction. The overall permitting

the proposed Metates process site, Yarely will become

process is more streamlined, and all the key civil inputs,

Chesapeake’s first grassroots drill program in over a

infrastructure and skilled labor is there. For seeking the next

decade. “Yarely is an area of extensive alteration hosting

discovery, the country is vast and still largely unexplored.”



EL LIMÓN-GUAJES Roughly 80km southwest of the historic mining town of Taxco, Guerrero, lies Torex Gold’s El Limón-Guajes (ELG) mine. The project is part of a growing list of impressive gold projects in the southwestern Mexican state, alongside Leagold Mining’s Los Filos mine and Alio Gold’s Ana Paula development project, that has the potential to transform Guerrero into one of the most prolific gold districts in Latin America. ELG achieved commercial production in March 2016. It produced a total of 279,937 ounces at AISC of US$733/oz in 2016, and is targeting 350,000-380,000 ounces in 2017. In June 2017, the first 260 tons of ore were delivered from the sub-sill underground deposit; a random sample returned an average grade of 98g/t. Once fully up and running, the company expects costs to drop to US$616/oz and production to average 370,000oz/y. This would make ELG one of the highest-producing gold assets in the country. ELG consists of a rich, open-pit skarn deposit with measured and indicated resources of 4.16 million ounces of gold at 2.65g/t. A further 360,000 ounces lie at 1.86g/t, and a recent technical report revealed the possibility of a fully operational Life of Mine (LOM) lasting 13 years, with a high probability of further discoveries. According to President and CEO Fred Stanford, Torex plans to spend US$5 million on exploration and development of the resource in 2017. Construction of a new SART plant, which should deliver cost savings of US$100/oz, is already underway. The company has installed the world’s largest tailings filtration circuit at the plant. “The system not only enables us to recycle all the water we use but also eliminates the risk of any tailings spilling into the Balsas River and increases the efficiency of our land use,” says Stanford. Boosted by production revenue from ELG, Torex Gold is rapidly developing its next project. Lying just 2km away on the south side of the river, the Media Luna deposit is a magnetic anomaly with 7.4 million inferred gold equivalent ounces. A 2015 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) revealed a plan for an underground operation with annual production of 313,000 ounces at an AISC of US$636/oz. The deposit will also produce 1.6 million oz/y silver and 46 million lb/y copper once the mine is fully operational. The company has already applied for a permit to start construction of the ramp and is targeting commercial production by 2020. Total CAPEX is estimated at US$481.8 million, pushing Torex’ total investment in Guerrero past the US$1 billion mark. Stanford is confident of the potential impact Media Luna will have on both the company and the state.




With 222,000 ounces of gold produced from two mines deep

and dynamic business strategy. “The capital raising has

in Sonora’s Sierra Madre gold country in 2016, Alamos Gold is

strengthened our balance sheet and allowed us to become

already an established name in Mexico’s bullion industry. When

debt free,” he says. “This will allow Alamos to be more flexible

the company’s extensive list of exploration and development-

and nimble when it comes to developing our growth pipeline.”

stage projects and debt-free balance sheet are factored into the equation, Alamos Gold’s role in the national mining sector

The results are already showing. On top of the Mexico-based

looks set to become increasingly pivotal.

projects, Alamos completed two positive feasibility studies for the Aği Daği and Kirazli ventures and a preliminary economic

“We permitted Phase 1 of the La Yaqui project, located in

assessment at Camyurt, all in Turkey. Kirazli should be in

the Mulatos district, in 4Q16 and started construction almost

production by 2019 and Aği Daği two years later. Depending

immediately,” says John McCluskey, the company’s President

on the outcome of another feasibility study scheduled for

and CEO. “We expect initial production from La Yaqui in 3Q17,

3Q17, the Lynn Lake project in northern Manitoba could

delivering approximately 10,000 ounces of gold in the first six

join them. “Combined, these three projects will add around

months before ramping it up to about 20,000 ounces in 2018.”

400,000 ounces of annual production to our portfolio,” says McCluskey.

Within the next few years, the company expects to start developing the neighboring La Yaqui Grande deposit, which

But McCluskey is not blind to the unique set of challenges

holds 600,000 ounces of gold at 1.4g/t and could become

Mexico throws up. He is skeptical of the work carried out by the

a 100,000oz/y producer, as well as bringing the Cerro Pelón

Mining Trust Fund, describing the system as “very inefficient”

project, where 220,000 ounces of reserves and resources

due to lengthy bureaucratic processes. Most importantly,

have already been delineated, into production. “We have a

he wants to see a change to the law that prohibits mining

further five exploration projects in the district that we will be

companies from writing off exploration costs for 10 years. “It

exploring over the next several years and ultimately looking

is an extremely regressive policy,” he says. “Exploration is a

to develop,” says McCluskey. “Our growth pipeline for Mexico

necessary cost to keep the industry alive but instead of being

over the next few years is very strong.”

treated as an expense it is being treated as an investment. This needs to be corrected if the federal government wants to see

The timing is perfect. The company posted record overall

further investment in exploration in Mexico.”

production figures for the year with 392,000 ounces of gold, while generating US$35 million free cash flow. But Alamos’

But for McCluskey, there are encouraging signs that the policy

third producing asset, El Chanate, is beginning to wind down

and regulatory situation could be about to improve. Sonora

and the company expects the mine to transition into residual

Governor Claudia Pavlovich, in office since 2015, has stated

leaching by 2020. Considering it has produced over 147,000

that one of her administration’s main objectives is to protect

ounces of gold over the past two years, closure at El Chanate

and promote the local mining sector. This goodwill gesture is

will leave a significant hole in annual production figures.

enough to convince Alamos to continue developing its assets

Projects like La Yaqui and Cerro Pelón are vital to ensure the

in the state, for the time being at least.

continued growth of the company. “I am hopeful that the new administration will bring positive But a strong project pipeline means nothing if the finances

changes,” says McCluskey. “I have tremendous faith in the

required to develop the assets are not available. To address

public officials in Mexico, and it is one of the reasons why we

this issue, in February 2017 Alamos Gold completed a US$250

continue to invest in the country. Despite the challenges, we

million capital-raising effort. According to McCluskey, these

believe Mexico has a very bright future and we want to be a

funds will enable the company to develop a more open

part of that success.”


HEADING EAST WITH MINING INVESTMENT RAMON PÉREZ President and Director of Candelaria Mining


Mexico’s traditional mining states are clustered in the

he says. “Social and environmental factors are the most

northwest of the country. The country’s mineral belts

important components of any mining investment, so having

sweep down from the north, laying side by side from

government support goes a long way.”

the disseminated porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold deposits down the west coast to the zinc-silver-lead

Another benefit of the traditional oil and gas sector

mantos, stacks and veins down the country’s center. The

in Veracruz is that there is already a great deal of

country is undoubtedly mineral-rich but the east coast has

infrastructure in place to boost the development of

traditionally been oil and gas territory, its commodities

Caballo Blanco. “Veracruz is already a very industrial

found in the deepwaters of the Gulf of Mexico.

state,” explains Pérez. “Fortunately, there is a highway that passes less than 1km from our project and we

Candelaria Mining believes the east has potential beyond

have electricity that runs through the project. Veracruz

oil and gas. The company acquired the development-stage

obviously has some important ports too. For the mining

Caballo Blanco property in Veracruz in July 2016. “Although

sector, the infrastructure is excellent.”

there are not yet many mining projects in Veracruz and certainly no large-scale precious metals mines, we are now

This allows Candelaria to focus its attention and

starting to see the state open up more to mining,” says

resources on the development of the project itself.

Ramon Pérez, the company’s president. Although Veracruz

The concession has been explored in one area, La

has faced some high-profile political difficulties over the last

Paila, where the outcropping mineralization was first

few years, he says the government has been welcoming and

discovered. La Paila contains close to 1 million ounces

Candelaria’s mine can help them provide much-needed jobs

of gold as per the compliant resource from 2012. “We

to the communities. “Caballo Blanco can be a way for the

are looking to have the permits approved for the mine

state to surmount its previous problems,” he says.

soon, at which point we will explore further and increase the resource through an exploration program that will

This return of industry has been welcome for Veracruz,

be implemented in 2017,” Pérez says. “We plan to invest

given the slowdown in oil and gas activity. “Because the

around US$12 million more into the mine and from there,

oil and gas sector has slowed down in recent years, there

we will likely begin a prefeasibility study, which could be

have been few opportunities for employment in the state,”

released by late 2018.” Construction will likely commence

he says. Along with Almadex Minerals, a mining company

in 2019 and production is planned for late 2019, with the

exploring in Veracruz, Candelaria is looking to develop its

goal of producing over 100,000oz/y of gold.

projects and bring the benefits of a healthy mining sector to the state. “I believe there is a lot of potential in the state

Having entered the country in 2016, reaching production

and there are still a lot of areas to be explored,” says Pérez.

within three years is no mean feat and requires a hefty investment. Surprisingly, Candelaria has no large

Because the government is so eager to attract investment

corporations backing it but its shareholder base, around

in light of oil-price stagnation, Pérez says Candelaria has

70 percent of which is Mexican. “We are trying to follow

not experienced the pushback that mining companies can

the Peruvian and Chilean model and get more domestic

encounter when entering states like Oaxaca or Chiapas.

investors involved in the local mining sector,” says Pérez.

“The government of Veracruz walked through the levels

“The Mexican majors – Grupo México, Industrias Peñoles,

of investment with us when initiating the Caballo Blanco

Fresnillo and Minera Frisco – control the majority of the

project. It also acts as a liaison between the operators

local mining sector so we would like to bring Mexican

and the local communities and NGOs so the latter

investors back in.” Pérez expects to have completed an

parties can understand the role of a mining company,”

IPO for Candelaria Mining on the BMV by the end of 2017.



In 2016, Mexico produced a total of 4.26 million ounces of gold, according to the national statistics agency INEGI. Although this placed the country eighth on the global list of bullion producers, the figure was 1.7 percent down on the total gold output recorded in 2015, suggesting that Mexico’s gold miners need to fill their respective production pipelines with strong assets – and revamp existing mines – to ensure the country’s place in the top 10 in the long run. Below, a handful of Mexico’s leading gold executives highlight their plans to ramp up production levels and outline which exploration and development-phase projects could make a lasting contribution to national gold output.


Fresnillo’s La Herradura mine was the most productive gold asset in the country with 520,400 ounces of output in 2016, helping to make Fresnillo the largest gold producer in Mexico last year. Gold has always held an important position in our portfolio and we have bullish views about this commodity’s future. When we listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2008, our growth plan was to double silver production to 65 million ounces and double gold production to 250,000 ounces of gold by 2018.


We are now aiming to produce 1 million ounces of gold in 2018 – 300 percent more than we had initially targeted – so that reflects the vital role that this commodity has to play for the company.

The San Dimas mine has been operating for over 200 years and the mineral potential on the property is still very strong. Due to the issues we experienced in 2016, we were unable to do much exploration or drilling work onsite but in the past, we have replenished our reserves on a yearly basis, so it has a great track record and anyone that visits the property from a technical or geological point of view leaves with a very positive impression. We are confident and once we have settled into the new

JOSEPH CONWAY Interim President and CEO of Primero Mining

mine plan, we will begin exploring the property again and hopefully we can make new discoveries and increase our workforce. However, in the short-term our focus is on streamlining the operation to maximize the potential of our core mineral targets that drive the most profitability.

We have devised a new mine plan for the San Francisco project that will extend mine life to 23 years. This is still conservative, based on a gold price of US$1,100-1,250/oz. Our production target for 2016 is 90,000-100,000 gold ounces, although this will drop in 2017. We were originally planning to shut the mine down in September 2016 and the new mine plan delayed the stripping, which is a crucial step in extracting ore. We will still need to catch up on several operations that were either slowed

ARTURO BONILLAS President and Director of Timmins Gold

down or halted entirely in preparation for the closure but it is fantastic news that we will be able to keep the mine open for the foreseeable future. We are carrying out extensive exploration work and although we do not yet have the numbers, we are optimistic that results at San Francisco in 2017 will be better than our markedly conservative projection.

We will drill several new target areas this year at Mercedes and hopefully they will become future resources that we can move into reserves. I would like to believe we can extend this mine’s life to around 10 years through systematic annual exploration. The areas surrounding Mercedes hold a great deal of opportunities and since we already have the mill, we will be actively seeking new deposits in that area. It is a very safe mine - there has been no LTI in over one year, either contractor or employee. We see this as a launching pad for expanding our operations across the Americas.

EWAN DOWNIE President and CEO of Premier Gold Mines


If companies begin taking advantage of Guerrero’s potential, it could easily become the biggest gold producing state in Mexico. Recent data from the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) suggests the state’s potential as a gold producer to be the best in the country. For example, companies such as Agnico Eagle that have a new property next to Torex’s and Los Filos, are now looking closely at carrying out bigger exploration programs given the region’s recent results. By 2020, once Torex Gold’s Media Luna is online, it is targeted to produce close to 320,000 gold equivalent ounces with about 180,000 ounces of gold so Guerrero can easily take a top-three place nationwide in terms of gold production in the short-term. In the next five to 10 years, it could easily become one of the richest gold regions in Latin America.

ALFREDO PHILLIPS President of the Guerrero Mining Cluster and Corporate Affairs Director of Torex Gold

One day, Metates will be the largest gold and silver mine in Mexico. The PFS demonstrated that a smaller mine at an initial throughput rate of 30,000t/d can ramp up to 90,000t/d largely funded by cash flow. The capital cost would be about US$2 billion as opposed to a US$3-4 billion investment to fund a 90,000-120,000t/d initial startup mine. The CAPEX for undeveloped world class deposits of a similar scale are typically over US$5 billion. Higher metal prices increase the project economics of Metates and investors recognize the value and optionality given the limited number of undeveloped world-class deposits. For seeking the next discovery, Mexico is vast

RANDY REIFEL President of Chesapeake Gold

and still largely unexplored.

Currently, the Caballo Blanco concession has been explored in one area, La Paila, where the first outcropping mineralization was discovered. La Paila contains close to 1 million ounces of gold as per the compliant resource from 2012. We are looking to have the permits approved for the mine soon, at which point we will explore further and increase the resource through an exploration program that will be implemented in 2017. We plan to invest around US$12 million more into the mine and from there, we will likely begin a pre-feasibility study, which will could be released by late 2018. Construction will likely commence in 2019 and production is planned for late 2019. Our goal is to produce over 100,000 ounces of gold annually.

RAMON PÉREZ President and Director of Candelaria Mining

Silver ore sample



The great silver recovery predicted by many industry insiders has not quite materialized. Since rising to above US$20/oz in July 2016, the grey metal has struggled to maintain consistent growth and closed 1H17 at US$16.63/oz, rising just 2 percent since the start of the year. But production fell for the first time since 2002 in 2016 and with strong demand coming from solar applications, electronics and the automotive industry, the long-term outlook for silver prices is positive.

For the seventh successive year, Mexico was the world’s largest silver producer in 2016 with 21 percent of the global share. But national annual output fell by 9.2 percent to 173.9 million ounces, highlighting the need for Mexico’s silver producers to ramp up production rates and invest in exploration to replace ageing projects.

This chapter highlights the primary trends in Mexico’s silver industry, focusing on the development of the country’s main projects at all stages of the mine cycle. Corporate decision-makers detail growth pipelines and public figures explain what strategies are in place to ensure that Mexico plays its part in meeting the world’s increasing demand for silver.



ANALYSIS: Silver Producers Enjoying Sunny Solar Revolution 97


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Octavio Alvídrez, Fresnillo


MAP: Mexico's Main Silver Mines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mitchell Krebs, Coeur Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Christopher Warwick, Pan American Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bradford Cooke, Endeavour Silver

Godfrey Walton, Endeavour Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: James McDonald, Kootenay Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Robert Archer, Great Panther Silver


INSIGHT: Frederick Davidson, IMPACT Silver


ROUNDTABLE: What Does Mexico Need to Ensure Its Position As The World’s Leading

Silver Producer?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eric Fier, SilverCrest Metals


INSIGHT: Greg Crowe, Silver One Resources


INSIGHT: Carlos Rodríguez, Avino Silver and Gold Mines




INSIGHT: Bruce Winfield, Defiance Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Michael DiRienzo, The Silver Institute


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Randy Smallwood, Wheaton Precious Metals




SILVER PRODUCERS ENJOYING SUNNY SOLAR REVOLUTION The cure for what ailed silver appears to be in the sky as the

While China and the US are leading the charge,

rise of solar energy spurred demand for the grey metal, a

Mexico’s contribution is growing. According

key component in solar panels, and helped to spark a price

to Mexico’s National Electricity System

rebound in 2016/17

Development Plan (PRODESEN), the country’s installed solar capacity rose to 145MW in 2016


After falling for five consecutive years from 2011, the silver

from just 56MW the previous year, a jump of 157 percent.

price finally turned a corner in 2016 and continued the

Solar energy generated 160MWh electricity last year, up

upward curve in 2017, never dropping below the US$15/oz

104 percent from 78MWh in 2015.

mark during the first half of the year. Thanks to the seemingly unstoppable global march away from fossil fuels and toward

“Silver demand for photovoltaic applications rose 34

renewable energy, added to silver’s vital use as a conductor

percent last year, the strongest increase since 2010,”

for solar panels, industrial demand is well-placed to rise in

says Michael DiRienzo, Executive Director of The Silver

the coming years and underpin the grey metal. As the world’s

Institute, a nonprofit institution that aims to increase public

largest silver producer, this is good news for Mexico.

awareness of silver use. “Silver is the metal of choice for most solar panel manufacturers, so it is a win-win situation.”

“Silver is an intimate part of solar technology, and solar panels can operate for around 20 years,” says Peter Megaw, Chief Exploration Officer at MAG Silver and the man behind


the Juanicipio discovery in Zacatecas, one of the most significant silver development projects in the world. “This means that the turnover is not too high and we will not see oversupply. It is clear that many countries around the world are starting to look more seriously at solar power.” As both corporations and governments come under

173.9 million ounces

increasing pressure to clean up their energy usage, solar is taking on a vital role in global electricity generation. In 2016, total global installed solar power capacity rose by 50 percent on the previous year to reach 305GW, according to data from SolarPower Europe. That is up from just 50GW in 2010. By 2020, Bloomberg New Energy Finance expects this figure to increase to 605GW.

42.9% Otros 26.3% Fresnillo 6.8% First Majestic Silver 26.3% Fresnillo pcl 10.3% Goldcorp 6.6% Pan American Silver 10.3% Industrias Peñoles 42.9% Other 7.1% Goldcorp 7.1% Peñoles


6.8% First Majestic


6.6% Pan American Silver BOOST PRICE Source: Peñoles, Informes Públicos de lassilver empresas, Further improving the outlook, supply Inegi y Estimaciones propias

is declining.

According to figures compiled by The Silver Institute, global mine production of silver fell by 0.6 percent to 885.8 million ounces in 2016, the first yearly drop since 2002,


while scrap supply also fell for the fourth consecutive year. Many of the big silver deposits are old and nearing the

million ounces

point of exhaustion, and with the downturn in the silver price between 2012-2016, exploration was not at the top of the agenda.

40.8% Zacatecas Zacatecas 40.8% 14.0% Durango 14.0% Durango 13.9% Chihuahua Chihuahua 13.9% 18.8% Otros


7.9% Sonora

4.6% Oaxaca

“There are very few pure silver mines that exist in the

7.9% Sonora 4.6% Oaxaca 18.8% Other

world and supplies are not quite as robust as they once were,” says Greg Crowe, President, CEO and Director of Silver One Resources, a junior exploration company. With supply waning and demand on the rise, the markets are

Top Energy's solar panels, Aguascalientes city center


responding. In 2016, the annual average silver price grew

Canadian Endeavour Silver plans to double its portfolio

by 10 percent to US$17.14/oz, the first rise since 2011. The

of three mines in Mexico within three years, to increase

price was more volatile in 2017 but crucially the metal never

production by 50 percent. Bradford Cooke, the company’s

dropped below the important US$15/oz benchmark.

President and CEO, is planning to add further value to the group’s silver production by tapping into the solar market.

Silver miners in Mexico are responding to demand with plans to boost output in 2017. In May, the world’s largest silver

“We have historically used the power grid but, now

miner Fresnillo announced plans to spend US$160 million

that Mexico has opened up the energy sector to mining

on exploration in 2017. The company, whose seven mines

companies, the company plans to install solar and wind

are all in Mexico, produced 50.3 million ounces in 2016 and

panels in mine sites, initially at Terronera,” he says. “If it

is targeting 65 million oz/y by 2018. This will be helped by

proves to be economically viable, we plan to install more

the beginning of Phase 1 of San Julian, which is currently

alternative energy solutions.”

ramping up, with Phase 2 slated to begin production in 2018, as well as construction at Juanicipio, a giant silver

As the world’s top silver producer, the world’s thirst for

deposit in Zacatecas that Fresnillo is operating as part

solar power is great news for Mexico. The grey metal has

of a JV with MAG Silver. The mine should be processing

exceptionally high electrical and thermal conductivity,

4,000t/d by 2019.

making it ideal for any electronic device. But it is also extremely reflective – communities in China have been

US outfit Coeur Mining has remodeled its flagship Palmarejo

using it in mirrors for centuries – making it ideal for

asset in Chihuahua into a fully underground operation in

photovoltaic panel construction. The metal is turned into

a bid to increase production by 50 percent in 2017. The

a paste and used as a conductor on the front and back

company is also conducting a new drilling program at the

side of crystalline solar cells. Taking into account all the

La Preciosa development project in Durango, with a view

other uses for silver, including X-ray technology, food

to carrying out a new Preliminary Economic Assessment

packaging and jewelry, demand for the grey metal is only

(PEA) and mine plan.

expected to rise.




Q: World silver production fell by 0.6 percent to 885.6

to our production level for the next few years but we will

million ounces in 2016, the first drop since 2002. What

also be heavily exploring the district because we estimate

was Fresnillo’s reaction?

that only 30 percent of the area has been explored. There

A: From 2011 until 2016, metal prices dropped on a yearly

is a lot of potential to increase resources and we feel that

basis and the global mining industry was faced with real

this project will become one of our flagship assets in the

challenges. During this extended downturn, many mining

coming years.

companies were cutting exploration budgets and pausing ongoing projects. This trend impacted global output and

Q: How is the Juanicipio JV with MAG Silver progressing

caused it to fall for the first time in 15 years in 2016. In

and what role does it have in Fresnillo’s long-term growth

many ways, Fresnillo bucked the trend. While many mining


companies were focusing on strengthening their balance

A: Juanicipio is a very exciting project, with a resource base

sheet and cutting debt, we have always targeted a positive

of approximately 240 million ounces of silver. Although it is

net cash flow. Adhering to a long-term strategy, during

smaller than some of the other assets in our portfolio, it is

the slow years we continued with our balanced approach

in a terrific silver district with an exceptionally high-grade

to growth based on investment in exploration and project

ore body. We are applying for the final permits and will

development, and that helped us to continue growing and to

soon be submitting our plans to the board for approval,

increase our output to a record 50.3 million ounces of silver

with construction set to begin during 4Q17. If all goes to

in 2016. In the past nine years, we have doubled our silver

plan, operations will begin during 1H19.

resources to 2 billion ounces and more than tripled our gold resources from 9 million ounces to over 34 million ounces.

This is one of our key assets in our project pipeline but we

This is now reaping rewards because the silver price turned

are planning to develop a number of early stage projects

a corner in 2016 and has continued on the same trajectory in

in the coming years. Historically, roughly 90-95 percent

2017. Every year, we reinvest approximately 50 percent of our

of our growth has been organic and we continue to invest

net profit into the company and its projects. The remaining

in exploration. In 2017, we will invest US$160 million on

50 percent is paid out in dividends to our shareholders. This

exploration. These resources will be split evenly between

is a strategy that has brought success over the years and we

our current operations, our development-phase projects

will not be diverging from this approach.

and on greenfield exploration. Around 5-7 percent of this figure is invested in Peru, where we have been exploring

Fresnillo is on track to produce 65 million oz/y silver and 1 million oz/y gold by 2018

for the past eight years and have a project with 50 million ounces of silver. We are also considering some activity in Chile and Argentina but the vast majority of the funds will be invested in Mexico. Q: How is the turnaround at the Fresnillo mine progressing

Q: How pleased has the company been with initial

and what long-term aspirations does the company have

operations at San Julian and what impact will Phase 2

for this historic asset?

have on the project?

A: The Fresnillo district has been mined continuously since

A: San Julian has been a challenging project from the

the 1500s and it remains an outstanding ore deposit and

outset. It is the largest investment in the group, with US$515

mine. We have identified close to 800 million ounces of silver

million, and it is located in an extremely isolated area. We

in resources at the deposit, which equates to a mine life of at

initiated Phase 1 during 2016 and Phase 2 during 2H17.

least 25 years. In the past couple of years, we had some issues

Combined, the two phases will add 10 million oz/y of silver

at the mine, falling short of our development targets. We have

Fresnillo Mine, Zacatecas


now increased our development rate to regain operational

ounces of gold by 2018. We are now aiming to produce 1

flexibility and last year we were able stabilize production.

million ounces of gold in 2018 – 300 percent more than we

Our aim is to increase silver output by 7-10 percent in 2017.

had initially targeted – so that reflects the vital role that

It is now a very efficient and productive operation and given

this commodity has to play for the company. We expect

that there is still strong exploration potential in the area, we

our silver production to grow at a much greater speed

believe that the Fresnillo mine will continue to provide the

than gold but we are certainly bullish on this commodity.

base for growth for several decades to come. It has always

This confidence is driven by a number of factors, including

been a flagship project and this will not change.

the announcement in 2016 to make gold available as an investment to the Islamic investor community for the first

Q: Mexico’s silver production fell 3 percent in 2016 but it

time. Every time we see a new investment tool, such as the

still holds the top spot globally. What must Mexico do to

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) a few years ago, we expect

ensure its place as a leading silver producer?

to see a pickup in investment demand. We view this issue

A: In terms of geological potential, Mexico is in an extremely

as a positive development and we believe the demand for

privileged position, and in most of the country there are

gold as an investment will grow as this new market begins

also strong links to water, energy and other vital resources

to make its presence felt. In a world in which there is more

for mining operations. The country needs to combine

and more uncertainty, precious metals play the role of safe

this strong infrastructure and geology with policies that

haven and this helps to support prices.

encourage mining and mining investment. Unfortunately, during the past few years a number of new taxes have been

Q: What are the primary long-term objectives that will

introduced that have taken away the competitive advantage

drive the company’s strategy going forward?

that Mexico enjoys over other countries. We need to see

A: We are on track to achieve our goal of reaching annual

policies that promote and encourage exploration, which

production of 65 million ounces silver and 1 million ounces

are in place in other jurisdictions. If this happens, Mexico

of gold by 2018. We are now in the process of defining what

will start to meet its mining potential and we will see the

comes beyond 2018. Given our rate of growth over the past

industry playing a more significant role in national economic

10 years, it will certainly be a challenge to maintain the

development. I am confident that the public sector will

same level of expansion but I am confident that Fresnillo

provide the necessary regulatory support.

will continue to grow efficiently and productively by adding exceptional projects to the portfolio. One of the

Q: Fresnillo is one of Mexico’s leading gold producers, with

key objectives is to avoid diluting the quality of our asset

the company’s production rising 22 percent to 935,500

base, so we will only bring online projects that will drive

ounces in 2016. What role does gold play in the company’s

long-term growth.

overall growth plan? A: Fresnillo was the largest gold producer in Mexico in 2016 and gold has always held an important position in our

Fresnillo is the world’s leading silver producer and Mexico’s

portfolio. When we listed on the London Stock Exchange in

largest gold producer. It is a subsidiary of Grupo BAL and

2008, our growth plan was to double silver production to

operator Industrias Peñoles. The company is listed on the

65 million ounces and double gold production to 250,000

London Stock Exchange’s FTSE 100




102 5


3 6



8 11

9 17

15 16 14






24 25

Exploration Number

23 26 27






San Felipe

Minera Frisco


Baja California


San Felix

Mexus Gold




Promontorio-La Negra

Kootenay Silver (optioned to Pan American Silver)





Coeur Mining




Cusihuiriachi (San Miguel Mine)

Sierra Metals




Los Gatos

Sunshine Silver (70), DOWA Metals and Mining (30)




La Cigarra

Kootenay Silver




Esmeralda/Parral Tailings





San Julian





La Encantada

First Majestic Silver




Cuatro CiĂŠnegas/ El Granizo

Compania Minera Coronado




El CajĂłn

Americas Silver Corporation





First Majestic Silver





Great Panther Silver



Source: SGM, company websites




World Class Deposits

31 32

21 28

Number 15

29 30

33 34 35











Endeavour Silver




La Pitarrilla

Silver Standard




La Platosa

Excellon Resources




San Sebastian

Hecla Mining




La Joya

First Majestic Silver




La Parrilla

First Majestic Silver




Unidad El Bote

Desarrollo Monarca










MAG Silver (44)/Fresnillo (56)




Del Toro

First Majestic Silver




La Colorada

Pan American Silver




San Acacio

Defiance Silver




El Compas

Endeavour Silver




El Coronel

Minera Frisco




La Luz

First Majestic Silver


San Luis Potosi



Santacruz Silver


San Luis Potosi



First Majestic Silver




San Martin/El Pilon

First Majestic Silver





Endeavour Silver





Great Panther Silver




El Cubo

Endeavour Silver




La Negra

Aurcana Corp (80)/Reyna Mining (20)




La Guitarra

First Majestic Silver


State of Mexico





State of Mexico


San Ramon



State of Mexico


San José/ Cuzcatlan

Fortuna Silver







Q: Given the recovery of precious metals prices in 2016

reposition our asset portfolio over the last four years, it

and early 2017, to what extent is optimism returning to

became a sticking point for investors. In the last 15 months

the mining community?

we have repaid roughly US$350 million in debt and our cash

A: The industry is certainly becoming more optimistic. Many

flow has more than doubled.

companies had been focusing on survival, hoping for an upturn in prices for several years, so when that upturn finally

Q: What is the latest update from the Palmarejo mine?

came in 2016, there was a collective sigh of relief.

A: In 2014 most looked at Palmarejo and thought it was coming to the end of its production cycle. But we

While Coeur has enjoyed these tailwinds as well, our team

renegotiated an expensive royalty into a more favorable

is consciously maintaining its focus on cost and operational

gold stream expected to significantly increase free cash

discipline. This translates into continued discipline around

flow and developed the Guadalupe underground deposit.

growth. Before we decide to pursue an opportunity, it must

We also acquired Paramount Gold and Silver, the owner

meet rigid criteria anchored to a healthy rate of return. I

of the San Miguel project adjacent to Palmarejo, allowing

believe this is true across the industry. While the increased

us to develop the Independencia deposit, which began

optimism is noticeable, so is the persistent conservatism

production in 2016 and is expected to ramp up significantly

and tempered risk appetite.

during 2017.

Q: What were the financial highlights for the company in

Palmarejo is now 100 percent underground. Production is

the last year and how were you able to generate such a

expected to increase over 50 percent in 2017 and based

strong growth rate?

on reserves, it now has a seven-year expected mine life.

A: Our stock performance over the last 12 months reflects

Importantly, grade and recovery rates have also improved

the confluence of a number of things. Firstly, our team

and overall costs continue to trend lower. Once again, we

has made tremendous progress in repositioning our asset

view Palmarejo as a long-term cash-flow generator for the

portfolio over the last four years. Our costs used to be


among the highest in the industry but since 2013, we have reduced our costs by approximately 30 percent on an all-in

Q: What else can investors and shareholders expect to see

sustaining basis. While we benefited from several external

from Coeur Mining in 2017?

factors such as a more favorable peso exchange rate and

A: We will be focusing on completing a couple of new

lower diesel prices, most of these cost reductions were

growth projects. The first is the Kensington gold mine

internally generated through operational efficiencies, higher

in Alaska, where we are developing the Juneau deposit,

recovery rates and rationalization of outside services. This

which is expected to begin production in late 2017. The

makes the magnitude of our cost reductions even more

second is at the Rochester mine in Nevada, where we are

remarkable and, importantly, sustainable over the long-run.

constructing a leach pad expansion, which is expected to be commissioned in 3Q17.

Secondly, our balance sheet was dominated by debt 12 months ago. While we needed this capital to invest in and

In the last few years we have been focused on our strategic repositioning but now that we have seen successful results from those efforts, we can focus on growth again. To

Coeur Mining is a diversified precious metals producer with

complement our transition to underground operations at

five mines in the Americas: Palmarejo in Chihuahua, Mexico,

Palmarejo and expansions at Rochester and Kensington, our

Rochester in Nevada, Kensington in Alaska, Wharf in South

drilling and exploration budget has been increased for 2017

Dakota, and San BartolomĂŠ in Bolivia

to target a strong pipeline of projects in key jurisdictions.



Q: Considering Pan American Silver ’s operations

an impact. The law may be re-examined and repackaged

throughout Latin America, what are the pros and cons of

but I doubt that it will be repealed. When a mining company

mining in Mexico?

carries out the initial stages of assessing a potential project,

A: The attractiveness of future investment in Mexico’s mining

SEMARNAT comes in to ensure that all regulations and

sector should be the industry’s number one priority. There

guidelines are followed. After the mine is established, there

were some problems with the introduction of the royalty

are then regular visits and audits to check compliance and

tax a few years ago that certainly impacted negatively on

mines work to continue abiding by the norms within that

mining investment, admittedly at a time of falling metal

framework. Our perception is that the work at the operation

prices. Now, the latest introduction of an Ecological Tax

has the approval of the federal authorities to proceed

imposed by the state of Zacatecas sends a very mixed

and continue because we have always worked within the

message to investors in the Mexico mining industry.

parameters outlined by the government organizations

Zacatecas is a traditional mining state within Mexico

appointed to approve such work. I have no problem

and there was very little notice and no prior discussion

with tightening up environmental laws in Mexico but it

regarding the implementation of the tax, and the reasons

is so important that this is done correctly and then fairly

for its imposition remain unclear.


Certainly, this tax affects one of our mines, La Colorada,

Q: How did Pan American Silver decrease its AISC 32

in Zacatecas but the effect is not as devastating to an

percent from 2015 to 2016?

underground operation in the same way it would be

A: This was achieved through project expansion. Four years

to an open-pit mine due to the waste movement and

ago, when metal prices dropped, we made the decision to

management that is required of the waste dumps. It is

really optimize our production at our existing operations,

of minimal impact but fear remains of the possibility of

which would mean that any kind of upward movement later

such a tax being rolled out nationwide. Pan American is

in metal prices would bring the benefits of those expansions

uncomfortable with the potential for this to happen so

to our shareholders. Our prime resource is silver, which has

our actions in the next few months will be aligned with

moved from US$13 to US$17 in recent months and now we

those of other companies operating in the state that

are directly starting to benefit from that due to our prior

are challenging the implementation of the tax. This is

investment decision.

especially daunting when our operations have been carefully vetted by the relevant government agencies who

This was the most important action the company has taken

authorize our work with diligence and with emphasis on

in recent years. Our deliberate strategy and foresight a

the overall environmental considerations. Our operations

few years ago will pay the return expected and attract the

may have an impact before we even start mining and

anticipated investment in the company, which in turn will

these authorities are very diligent in following up on the

reward shareholders the returns they deserve. Historically

operation to ensure the guidelines given at the time of

Mexico is a business-friendly environment and it would be a

issuance are followed and in sanctioning any deviation

shame if this were to change as a result of the introduction

from any norm at the time of inspection.

of the regulatory changes.

Q: Do you think the outrage at the tax will cause it to be revoked?

Pan American Silver is the world’s second-largest primary

A: There is a great deal of both external and internal

silver producer with three producing assets in Mexico: Alamo

pressure. However, I have been working in Mexico long

Dorado in Sonora, La Colorada in Zacatecas and Dolores in

enough to realize that outrage tends not to have much of

Chihuahua, as well as the La Bolsa exploration project in Sonora





Godfrey Walton President and COO of Endeavour Silver

Q: What role does the Mexican mining sector play within

to discover new orebodies, expand the reserves and

Endeavour Silver’s global business strategy?

resources, redevelop the property and rebuild the plant

BC: Mexico is our key jurisdiction for the discovery,

and surface infrastructure. After being forced to accept

development and operation of our silver and gold mines.

some operating losses during the turnaround phase, El

Thanks to the rise of metal prices in 2017, we are now

Cubo broke through last year and generated healthy

transitioning our focus from reducing costs to growing

positive cash flow.

production. Endeavour Silver is planning to develop three new mines in the coming three years to increase

Q: What strategy does the company follow when

our production by 50 percent.

selecting new areas for acquisition and development? GW: We look for brownfield opportunities where we

Q: What have been the main highlights and challenges

can make a difference. Our geological expertise helps

of Endeavour Silver’s three operating mines in Mexico?

us to decide where to go and what needs to be done

BC: Our only disappointment last year was the Guanaceví

to discover new orebodies. Investing in drill holes to

mine, which fell behind its planned production. It

test virgin targets is a must. One example of success

encountered some operating issues underground,

is Guanaceví. It was producing 100t/d of old tailings

including breaking into an area of hot water and we did

when we bought the mine and now it is producing up to

not have sufficient pumping, ventilation and electrical

1,200t/d of high-grade ores. Bolañitos is another example;

capacity to cope. We started a recovery plan last year

it was producing 50t/d of old Spanish mine fill when we

to expand those capacities and the work should be

bought it and now it is producing up to 1,600t/d of high-

completed in 2017 so that the mine will be back on

grade ores.

track by year-end. We remain confident in the long-term potential at Guanaceví.

BC: We have several exciting development projects in our portfolio. El Compas is a small but high-grade mine that

Our second mine, Bolañitos, was last year and has for

should be in production by the end of 2017. We bought

many years been our most profitable mine. The gold we

El Compas because even though the resources are small,

produce at Bolañitos typically exceeds the total cost to

the exploration and production potential are much larger,

run the mine so the production of silver is effectively free.

the mine is mostly permitted and the plant was already

We are concerned about its short mine life and we are

built and available on a 10-year lease.

working on exploration and land acquisitions to identify further reserves and resources.

Endeavour has several prospective properties in our exploration portfolio, including the large Guadalupe

El Cubo, our third operating mine, was originally bought

y Calvo district in Chihuahua. The district was famous

at the top of the metals market in 2012 as an operational

many years ago for its high-grade ores and is located

turnaround candidate and a synergistic fit with Bolañitos.

only 25km from Fresnillo’s newest large silver-gold mine

It was a high-cost mine that was unwanted by its previous

at San Julian. We are testing new targets at Guadalupe

owner. We invested a substantial amount of capital

y Calvo to augment the historic high-grade resources and we believe the opportunities here are promising, especially given the area's historic potential.

Endeavour Silver is a midtier silver mining company focused on the growth of its silver production, reserves and resources

Terronera in Jalisco was acquired because it is an entire

in Mexico. Since start-up in 2004, it has grown silver equivalent

district of silver-gold veins that had never been properly

ounce production to 9.7 million ounces in 2016

explored in modern times. It has the potential to be the

Endeavour Silver is planning to increase silver production by 50 percent in the next three years

biggest and second-most profitable of our mines by the end of 2018. Our first discovery is shallower, thicker and richer than the orebodies at our operating mines, so it has a high probability of having better economics. It will initially produce at 1,000t/d, then expand to 2,000t/d in year two, to eventually produce over 5 million ounces of silver equivalent. Finally, our Parral project was acquired because it has a 32-million-ounce historic resource and there are multiple untested exploration targets to expand the resources. Parral is a possible production startup by the end of 2019.

trees than every logging company in Mexico, which GW: We also have an exploration office in Chile and have

equated to 34,000 plantings in 2016.

staked two large and highly prospective mineralized zones in northern Chile. One is a silver-lead-zinc manto

We invest in surrounding communities by training people

target and the other is a porphyry copper-molybdenum

to work on our mine projects and by giving them a

prospect. The company plans to advance both projects

chance to start a new career in the industry. They should

to drill stage, then either drill or bring in partners in to

have the opportunity to become miners if they choose

drill on our behalf, given the large scope and higher cost

so we offer them diplomas and certifications. Teaching

and risk of such targets.

people skills is more valuable than handing them money because we are offering them abilities that they can use

Q: How would you describe the company’s approach to

for the rest of their lives. It is an opportunity to be part


of a high-paying sector and can offer a long-term way

BC: Endeavour Silver was only the seventh mining

to sustain communities that can otherwise be extremely

company in Canada to report sustainability initiatives

isolated and where typically employment opportunities

under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This global

are scarce.

reporting institute is a way to promote sustainable mining by measuring the impact of business sectors against

Mexico’s Energy Reform also presents an interesting

certain metrics including climate change, human rights

opportunity to lower the company’s environmental

and corruption. Now we publish an annual sustainability

footprint. We have historically used the power grid but

report that includes our entire impact on society and

now that Mexico has opened up the energy sector to

the environment, the amount of water we use, carbon

mining companies, the company plans to install solar and

emissions and many other factors. We share all our

wind panels in mines sites, initially at Terronera. The idea

activities related to sustainability including corporate

is to use the alternative energy for internal consumption

governance, health and safety, training and education,

and to share it with the surrounding communities as well.

environmental remediation, economic investment and

If it proves to be economically viable for the company, we

community engagement. As an example, we plant more

plan to install more alternative-energy solutions.





Q: What differentiates Kootenay most from other

high strategy, we were able to add an advanced silver

exploration-stage companies?

asset to our portfolio and push our NI 43-101 silver asset

A: The expertise of our team on the ground is one of our

base to over 140 million ounces of silver. When we were

strongest assets and there are few companies that have

closing that agreement, the first real signs of a market

this kind of experience. We have assembled one of the

turnaround emerged so we were in a favorable position

largest silver-asset banks in Mexico held by a junior that

to take advantage of that. There are some exciting early

provides our shareholders with exceptional leverage to

stage projects we are evaluating at the moment that

the silver market. At a corporate and board level, we have

we believe could provide us with some new discoveries

broad knowledge that covers the whole mining spectrum

and significant mineral potential. Our goal is to pursue

from grassroots discovery to mine construction, finance

projects of around 100 million ounces of silver.

and operations. Q: What progress is being made on La Cigarra? I was personally involved in the Mulatos project in Sonora

A: It had a strong start last year and has recently pulled

in 2000 where we carried out exactly the same thing

back slightly, which is natural. We are now responding by

we are attempting with La Cigarra. The Mulatos deposit

advancing the La Cigarra asset because we believe we

was more advanced than La Cigarra and it was gold

acquired something that can be turned into a mine and

but it was not an economic deposit so it was extremely

expanded significantly. It is a strong asset in a historic

undervalued. We bought it for US$12 million and brought

Mexican silver district and just south of our project there

in a financing partner in John McCluskey. Now the asset

are significant production levels. We now want to start

belongs to Alamos Gold and is an established midtier

exploring that asset, testing our targets, expanding

producing gold mine. We believe our La Cigarra asset

resources, making some discoveries and ultimately

can become something similar. We are differentiated by

to take it to a feasibility stage where we can make a

the willingness to take that kind of educated risk and

production decision. The near future will hold a lot of

our experience greatly helps us identify those kinds of

geological work, drilling and metallurgical studies for


potential future extraction.

Q: With companies beginning to expand their portfolios

We are evaluating whether we can improve the current

again with acquisitions and exploration, how is Kootenay

resource model on La Cigarra. The better the grade, the


higher the profits and we believe there is an opportunity

A: One year ago, we acquired Northair Silver for 100

to refine our model, resulting in a better grade and making

percent of the La Cigarra asset as a response to our

the mine ultimately more profitable. Also, a deeper level

positioning in the silver market at that time. Essentially,

of understanding over the geological aspects of the silver

we bought silver assets at a fraction of the cost for an

will greatly enhance our ability to further expand our

operator to discover these same assets, so we made

current resources. The major part of this work will be

moves that pre-empted this new market confidence. By

completed by the end of March 2017 and we can then

taking advantage of the opportunity for a buy-low, sell-

refine our development plan going forward. Q: What other projects are you working on in Mexico

Kootenay Silver is a Canadian and Mexican-based silver

apart from La Cigarra?

exploration company engaged in the development of three

A: We also have the very promising Promontorio-La

major silver projects in Mexico, including La Cigarra in

Negra asset in Sonora that we optioned one year ago

Chihuahua, and Promontorio and La Negra in Sonora

to Pan American Silver. This is one of the biggest silver-

mining companies in the world and is now overseeing the exploration of that mine with a carried to production interest. Through this agreement, Pan American has four years to earn 75 percent and must invest US$8 million and pay us another US$8 million. After four years, Pan American must supply all the money for any further expenditures incurred on the property but is allowed to recover these expenditures from 75 percent of our share of production if it is successful in building a mine. This is good for us because it mitigates the financial and

On Promontorio-La Negra, Pan American has four years to earn 75 percent, must invest US$8 million and pay Kootenay another US$8 million. After four years, Pan American must cover all further expenditures

technical risk faced by Kootenay. Pan American recently began its second phase of drilling on the La Negra project

or utilized and because claim applications are not being

following a phase one program that was highly successful

granted, the government is missing out on taxes for

in returning a series of high-grade silver intercepts at

these concessions. This is unfortunate and the amount

depth, confirming results from previous drilling.

of money involved can go a long way toward the GDP and the country's economic health.

Q: What are the main challenges you have faced working in Mexico?

Out of 2,000 showings, only one becomes a mine so

A: When we are looking to acquire new concessions, we

drilling and testing is absolutely essential to advance the

are running into significant problems with the process

creation of mines. This has a huge trickle-down impact

of application, granting and cancellation of mining

because without access to this land, no exploration can

concessions by the government. Some of this is a

be carried out, no new discoveries can be made and

result of the new energy law, which placed a priority on

ultimately, no new mines can come into production. This

hydrocarbons in Mexico over all other assets. This has

impacts not only the mining sector but the economy as

created a barrier to mining in large areas across Mexico

a whole due to the industry’s role as an employment

and, unfortunately, a mechanism has not yet been created

creator, revenue generator and huge contributor to the

to address this issue.

country’s GDP.

Unfortunately, this obstacle comes at the most

We recently completed a deal on a project for which we

inopportune time because, with the market’s upturn,

have been waiting for approvals for over three years. This

companies are beginning to display an appetite to

project would not require a great deal of investment to

explore again. The delays related to the land concessions

take it to the drilling stage, which is extremely rare. This is

may mean Mexico could miss out on opportunities to

because the target is so clear and we have already carried

generate wealth for the country and it could result

out sampling and determined that the grade is sufficient. We

in several years where no investment is made in the

are concerned about this and we want to start discussing

country’s resource to advance it. This means there are

the problems with officials at different levels to gauge how

huge swathes of the country that are not being tested

it is affecting the company and the country.



SILVER: MEXICO'S FAVORITE METAL After recovering in 2016, the silver price hit more stumbling

Taxco runs the country’s silver belt, crossing

blocks as it flatlined through 1H17. But with over 20 percent

through Zacatecas, Durango and Chihuahua

of global production, Mexico's love affair with the grey metal

all the way up to the US border. Over the

shows no sign of waning

years, it is Zacatecas that has become the jewel in Mexico’s silver crown, thanks to the


Silver and Mexico have always gone hand in hand.

discovery of world class deposits like Peñasquito, Saucito,

Less than one year after the arrival of Hernan Cortes in

Fresnillo and Juanicipio. These last three deposits have

1521, the rich silver deposits of colonial city Taxco were

contributed to transforming Mexican operator Fresnillo

plundered and the city became renowned for its high-

into a household name and the world’s premier silver

grade silver. But in a straight line due northwest from




Production share Reserves


million ounces is the production share of the world

20 15

• Latin America is the main producer (53%), Asia is second place (22%).

10 5 0






Poland Russia

• Biggest increases in: Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Kazakhstan

China Australia Others 20

• Biggest drops in: Australia, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and India.

85 25





120 22


thousand tons of total global silver reserves


Silver reserves by country (thousands of Tons*)























50 40 30 20 10 0







Sources: CAMIMEX, company websites, INEGI, Mineral Commodity Summaries, USGS, Silver Institute






Production (million ounces)













San José

Fortuna Silver




Industrias Peñoles

State of Mexico


Zacatecas remained Mexico's leading producer in 2016 with the country's top 3 silver mines


With 13% of national





biggest silver mine in Mexico.


million ounces produced by top 10 mines

production, Saucito is the

Ownership: 100%


rest of the country

Fresnillo Location: Zacatecas, 8km SW of the Fresnillo mine Commodity: Silver, Gold


Operational since:





Facilities: Underground mine with


flotation plants



Workforce: 773 employees, 1,337

million ounces total 2016 production

contractors Milling Capacity: 7,800t/d 2,600,000t/y

13.9% Chihuahua

Average ore grade in reserves: 245g/t Silver,


1.72g/t Gold Mine Life: 5.9 years


(at 7,800t/d capacity) 2015: 5.2 years at 7,500t/d capacity




Industrias Peñoles and Grupo México are leading primary refined silver producers, with an estimated volume of 73 million ounces in 2016. Peñoles is second place worldwide behind Korea Zinc.

million total investment

Project Dolores (expansion) 2017


2019 2020

La Colorada (expansion)

Company Pan American Silver


Production (Million ounces)

Investment (US$ million)







San Rafael

Americas Silver Corp




Rey de Plata

Industrias Peñoles




Pyrite Plant



Fresnillo-MAG Silver

San Sebastián (expansion)

Hecla Mining

La Ciénega (expansion)



Endeavour Silver




Media Luna

Torex Gold






3.5 10.3 4.3







Q: To what does the company attribute its success, given

complex is made up of two mines: the main Guanajuato

its over 400 percent increase in operating earnings from

mine and the San Ignacio mine, which is a satellite operation


located 22km outside the city. Right now, we are expanding

A: Great Panther was extremely disciplined during the

the resource base at the San Ignacio mine and this is where

downturn. We managed to avoid significant staff redundancies

we are seeing most of our expansion and benefiting from

and emerged from this cycle in an extremely strong position.

higher gold grades and higher levels of production.

One of the biggest contributing factors was the exchange rate. The fact that the peso is weaker relative to the dollar

Q: What progress is being made on the Topia mine given

means our costs have gone down substantially relative to our

the fact that processing activities were halted in 2016?

revenues, which are dollar-denominated. We have also made

A: We shut the plant down to conduct some upgrades at the

some operational efficiencies at the mines. AISC declined by

processing plant and to change over the processing circuits

20 percent, which can be attributed to a reduction in cash

from what used to be wet tailings to dry stack tailings.

costs, in part because of the exchange rate but also because

Environmentally, this is a more favorable option and the

of the impact grade has on unit costs. We produced a record

topography in the region means dry stack tailings is a better

amount of gold last year and this is our main byproduct.

option for this project. It was a planned shutdown and will

Higher gold prices and significant gold production made a

last for around three to four months until the project is

huge contribution to decreased cash costs and decreased

completed. We continued operating the mines during this

AISC. We also reduced CAPEX. One of the strongest features

period and stockpiled the ore, meaning that when the plant

of our company right now is our balance sheet. We have

comes back online, we can process the stockpiled ore to

US$57 million in cash, US$67 million in working capital and

catch up on our yearly production guidance. This means

no debt. This puts us in a very good position to invest in new

that, although we lost production in December 2016, this

projects or to make a strategic acquisition.

will be added to 2017 totals, giving us 13 months of ore production this year.

Great Panther has US$57 million in cash, US$67 million in working capital and no debt, putting it in a very good position to invest in new projects or to make a strategic acquisition

Q: For 2018, what is the company’s main priority? A: Aside from expanding into Peru, we want to expand the resource base we currently have and get Topia back up and running after its renovations. Right now, we are at the point where AISC and cash costs are close to the lowest they can get so now we need to make sure we can keep them at a similar level. AISC will increase slightly because we are investing US$3-4 million in the Topia tailing sfacility, undertaking more drilling activity and investing in

Q: What are your plans for the Guanajuato mine?

operations to ensure continuity. In terms of regions we find

A: This mine equates to more than 75 percent of our

attractive, we have evaluated projects throughout Mexico,

production so it is very much our flagship project. The

mainly in central and northern Mexico, in states like Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and Zacatecas. In the next five years, we would like to make another acquisition to inorganically

Great Panther Silver is a primary silver mining and exploration

continue to grow the company in Mexico. If we are able to

company listed on the TSX and on the NYSE MKT. Great Panther’s

expand the resource base at Guanajuato and San Ignacio,

current activities are focused on the mining of precious metals

it is possible we will be able to consider expansion of the

from its two wholly-owned operating mines in Mexico

processing plant in Guanajuato.



Precious metals prices are subject to fluctuations as a result

mine in Guerrero is under care and maintenance and Veta

of geopolitical uncertainty, exchange-rate volatility and

Grande in Zacatecas was sold to Endeavour Silver in 2017.

supply-and-demand. Several notable operators have made

Both San Ramon and Cuchara-Oscar are undergoing further

attempts to insure their companies by using mechanisms

exploration, a strategy that has already paid off with the

like stock shorting and hedging. But Frederick Davidson,

discovery of San Ramon Deeps below the existing mine.

President and CEO of IMPACT Silver, does not believe in using artificial methods to buoy the company.

“The interesting thing about San Ramon is that we were mining it for 10 years and it contributed around 20 percent

“At IMPACT Silver we try simply to keep our costs as low as

to the mill feed,” says Davidson. When it looked like the

possible and let the investor predict the potential foreign

grade was dropping on the concession in early 2015,

exchange fluctuations,” he says. “That way, when they buy

IMPACT began condemnation drilling and discovered San

our stock, they know they are getting a pure silver deal

Ramon Deeps, which is a deposit that is substantially larger

that has not been affected by our own commodity price

than San Ramon but has never been explored. “This deposit

speculation. This is where we differentiate ourselves from a

looks like a different stope with grades that are comparable

lot of silver producers.” Upside on IMPACT stock per share,

to those of San Ramon,” he explains. “This tells us there are

he says, is much better than buying ounces of silver.

additional mines in the area that are yet to be discovered.” With the incorporation of San Ramon Deeps into IMPACT’s

Given the company’s strong financial performance in 2016

portfolio, Davidson believes this success can be replicated

and its subsequent incorporation into the list of top 100

elsewhere with the potential in this area to produce up to

performers on the TSXV, this strategy seems to be paying

4 million ounces.

off. Davidson believes IMPACT can maintain its momentum since the market is getting stronger for silver and investing

Traditionally in this area of Guerrero, there have been silver-

in commodities and that combination will help over the

lead-zinc deposits whose grade tails off when drilling to

next few years.

depths of 250-300m, and IMPACT has found an underlying gold-copper zone on three separate occasions. “It could be

The company was able to demonstrate impressive

that this is a completely separate district, which is interesting

growth, at one stage in 2016 even increasing its earnings

because the former deposits have been mined for 500 years

by 1,000 percent. “The mining industry last year was so

while the gold-copper deposits have not been exploited,” he

underappreciated that when the market started to recover,

says. “This makes it a very interesting property.” In several

investors began to seek quality stocks first and foremost,”

silver-lead-zinc projects that have been mined, such as

says Davidson. “Our stock was able to recover a great

Guadalupe and Nochebuena, there have been indications

deal because we are a company that has been in mining

of potential additional gold-copper deposits.

production for 10 years, starting at 130t/d and now we are at 600t/d. This has been financed primarily out of profits.”

Davidson does not rule out the possibility of adding a new asset to the IMPACT portfolio given the right opportunity.

As a result of its unique financing model, IMPACT was able

In 2016, IMPACT acquired about US$7 million in financing

to increase silver and gold production, increase revenue

and is producing positive cash flows. “We have solid

per ton sold and reduce direct costs per produced ton over

indications from some funds that they will support us if we

the course of one year from 2015 to 2016. The operator has

choose to make an acquisition and we are talking to a few

three producing assets: Mirasol, San Ramon and Cuchara-

companies we could acquire,” he says. “There are several

Oscar located in the Royal Mines of Zacaulpan district on

targets, including some in Mexico, but it will be a question

the border of the State of Mexico and Guerrero. The Capire

of identifying the right deal financed in the right way.”




Mexico is a silver miner’s paradise, with enviable silver mineralization down its central belt, which is why it consistently ranks among the top silver producers globally. For Mexico to maintain its top spot, it is being put under more pressure to guarantee jurisdictional stability. Mexico may currently hold the crown as the world’s leading silver producer, followed by Peru and China, but the country has a way to go to maintain its position in the coming years amid the global race to attract FDI. Mexico Mining Review asked mining leaders and governmental authorities about their main concerns regarding Mexico’s silver production and the strategies they are using to face these obstacles.


The Ministry of Economy has implemented several actions to ease doing business in Mexico. It has reduced regulations to facilitate investment in sectors where FDI was previously restricted, such as telecommunications and energy. It has increased accessibility and transparency of the Public Registry of Commerce and Property. With Congress’ support, it has created a new corporate figure called Simplified Joint Stock Company, which allows an individual to open a business online, at no


cost, and at any time when its annual income remains below MX$5 million. Finally, it has encouraged the use of electronic platforms to ease processes concerning FDI registry, allowing access to the required national standardization procedures and applicable standards or technical regulations.

The first thing that the public sector needs to look at is reversing the change to the deductibility on exploration expenses. That is a simple modification that would spark further exploration activity in the country, which is of course the lifeblood of the industry. We also struggle with land right issues because of discrepancies between the mining and agrarian laws, so there needs to be greater clarity and consistency on that front.

MITCHELL KREBS President and CEO of Coeur Mining

We are happy with the level of support we have received from the state governments in Durango and Chihuahua, but the federal government is a different story. For example, VAT refunds are processed at a painfully slow rate by the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT).

Mexico is a leader in silver mining and has been for many years and projects like Fresnillo’s Juanicipio are set to keep levels high in the next few years. Mexico, North America’s largest producer and accounting for 79 percent of the regional total, had lower output last year but was still the world’s largest producer. The nation reported a 3 percent or 5.8-million-ounce year-on-year contraction, compared to modest gains in the US and Canada, respectively higher by 0.3

MICHAEL DIRIENZO Executive Director and Secretary of The Silver Institute

million ounces (10 tons) and 0.8 million ounces (25 tons). The fall in Mexico, the first since 2003, brings an end to 12 years of uninterrupted growth which delivered a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8 percent. That said, many analysts still believe that Mexico will continue to be the leading producing country.

The attractiveness of future investment in Mexico’s mining sector should be the industry’s number one priority. There were some problems with the introduction of the royalty tax a few years ago that certainly impacted negatively on mining investment, admittedly at a time of falling metal prices. Now, with the latest introduction of an Ecological Tax imposed by the state of Zacatecas it sends a very mixed message to investors in the Mexico mining industry. Zacatecas is a traditional mining state within Mexico and there was very little notice and no prior discussion regarding the implementation of the tax, and the reasons for its imposition remain unclear.

CHRISTOPHER WARWICK Mexico Country Manager of Pan American Silver


For companies in the silver industry, there is no more favorable location in Latin America. Mexico is more modernized than other jurisdictions like Peru and one of the top five mining jurisdictions in the world. However, it is not perfect. Sometimes it can be challenging to do business for companies other than the big Mexican operators, and issues such as land ownership can become complicated and drawnout. We have a number of projects that we would like to develop but we cannot get a ruling on land ownership. But this is a very minor criticism. We have not had any security issues, and we have always had strong support from the local authorities.

DARREN BLASUTTI CEO of Americas Silver Corporation

Americas Silver Corporation is happy with Mexico as a jurisdiction and wants to grow its business in the area.

The biggest challenge is the lack of knowledge at an international level regarding Mexico’s mineral reserves. We have deep, well-established investment relationships with both the US and Canada and it is vital to keep fostering those relationships. But we need to do more business with other major global economies, with a specific focus on China and Australia. China is the largest consumer of commodities on the planet, while Australia is very similar to Canada in that its economy is geared toward support of the mining sector. We need to attract investment from both of these countries. We have started to build ties – there are already a number of Chinese companies working in the Mexican mining sector - and we are coming closer every year. It is our job, as a government banking institution, to promote the mining sector

ARMANDO PÉREZ Former Director General of the Mining Development Trust Fund (FIFOMI)

and ensure that everyone knows about the opportunities in Mexico.

Mining accounts for just over 4 percent of GDP, contributes to foreign collaboration, generates a significant number of direct and indirect jobs and brings economic prosperity to remote areas. Mining in Mexico has been and is crucial for the development of our country. Mexico is a world leader in silver production and is among the top 10 producers of 19 minerals. For this reason, in recent years, legislative analysis on the subject of mining in Mexico has generated intense debates and as a result, the Mining Commission was created. As for the short and long-term goals, we are in the penultimate year of the administration so we are making plans to standardize the commission, which will allow us to make more long-term plans. Another objective is to strengthen the links between state authorities, investors and executives in the sector in order to boost mining, standardize criteria and seek to prioritize the mining sector.

SUSANA CORELLA Federal Deputy for Sonora and Head of the Special Mining Commission for the Federal Government of Mexico




Q: How has the decision for First Majestic to acquire

A: The largest pool of silver bulls in the world is in the US.

SilverCrest Mines and create SilverCrest Metals turned out?

If a company is working in the silver space it is important

A: In 2015, we had US$30 million of free cash flow in the bank

to be listed on a US stock exchange. Historically, all the

and a deal with First Majestic was appealing for a number of

midsized Canadian miners working in Mexico, like Great

reasons. The deal was essentially a swap; we sold the Santa

Panther Silver and First Majestic Silver, have gradually

Elena mine and in return SilverCrest shareholders received

increased their exposure to the US, which has resulted

about 25 percent of First Majestic’s shares. SilverCrest Metals

in more liquidity and a noticeable bump in share prices.

was created as a spinoff vehicle, taking on five properties

This is a model that has demonstrated clear success and

from SilverCrest Mines, one from First Majestic and around

one we are looking to follow. Previously, we were listed

US$5 million in cash. We wanted to make sure that Santa

on the pink sheets but we moved that listing up to the

Elena was being placed in the right hands, while First

OTCQX because we wanted more exposure to the US silver

Majestic shares were trading low and it needed a mine that

investment community. We now have an improved platform

would generate free cash. The deal was successful for both

to better promote the company and its projects in the US

sides. First Majestic shares jumped from CA$4 to CA$24 in

and drive long-term value.

the space of just nine months, bringing returns for us as large shareholders. For First Majestic, Santa Elena has become the

Q: Why is the company focused on Mexico and what

company’s showcase mine and its biggest cash generator.

advantages and challenges does working in the country add? A: I have worked in over 30 countries, and I believe Mexico

Q: Why did the company begin trading over-the-counter

is the best mining jurisdiction in the world. I have been

stocks on the OTCQX in May 2017?

working in the country for over 20 years, so I understand the culture, the ejidos and the local communities. Over that time, I have built several strong relationships, I trust the people and I have few concerns from a safety


standpoint. One of the most positive aspects of working in Mexico is that it is a mining-friendly jurisdiction and therefore projects can move forward quickly. The royalty

In October 2015, First Majestic Silver completed the

tax that was introduced in 2013 was higher than I was

acquisition of SilverCrest Mines. Under the terms of

expecting but I have already seen the funds being put

the agreement, First Majestic acquired all issued and

to use in mining communities around Sonora in various

outstanding shares and SilverCrest Mines shareholders

infrastructure projects. Within Mexico, I believe Sonora

received 0.2769 First Majestic shares and CA$0.0001

is the best state in which to operate. There are very few

for each share of SilverCrest held. These shareholders

mining districts in the world where a project can move

were also entitled to 0.1667 shares in the newly-

from discovery to production within four years but Sonora

formed SilverCrest Metals. SilverCrest Mines turned

is on that list.

over its Cruz de Mayo, Las Chispas, Angel de Plata, Huasabas and Estacion Llano exploration properties

Q: What inspired you to focus on developing the Las

located in northern Mexico, as well as CA$5.25 million

Chispas property?

in cash and certain other assets to SilverCrest Metals.

A: The Las Chispas property is only 25km from the Santa

First Majestic transferred its Guadalupe exploration

Elena mine and is easily accessible by road so we already

property located in Durango to SilverCrest Metals,

had extensive working knowledge of the region’s geology,

and took ownership of approximately 9.9 percent of

communities and government agencies. The property

SilverCrest Metals’ shares.

has a long, colorful history dating back to the 1640s

when it was initially discovered by a Spanish General. After passing through several hands, it was eventually turned into a small but profitable mine by a Swiss family in the late 1800s. Historically, approximately 100 million ounces of silver and 200,000 ounces of gold has been produced in the district, but the grade is particularly impressive at an estimated 15g/t gold and 1.7kg/t silver.

On the back of the Las Chispas discovery, the company share price shot up from CA$0.15 to CA$4 in 2016

When we started drilling, we found similar grades and this is why the project is so interesting. On the back of

the end of 2017 and Giovanni is a good start. A 12,000m

the Las Chispas discovery, the company share price shot

drill program is ongoing and we are looking for more

up from CA$0.15 to CA$4 in 2016, revealing the strong

high-grade mineralization in the region of 400-500g/t

reception that the project has received from the mining

silver equivalent.

investor community. Within five years, we hope that Las


Chispas becomes a strong, profitable mine in the same

Once we have reached our target of critical mass, we will

way Santa Elena has.

make a decision on the next steps whether that be producing ourselves, possible toll milling or seeking a buyer like we did

Q: How significant was the recent discovery of the

with Santa Elena. We will choose the path that works best for

Giovanni vein and what does this mean for the project

the company, the shareholders and the local communities.

going forward?

The proximity of Santa Elena and Premier Gold’s Mercedes

A: It gives us a better understanding of the deposit.

mine adds value to the project because there is local access

We are planning to follow the same path as we did for

to a processing plant, which might enable SilverCrest to kick-

Santa Elena, where we were constructing the mine just

start production when the time is right.

four years after making the initial discovery. At Santa Elena, we had initial resources of around 30 million ounces of silver equivalent when we went ahead with

SilverCrest Metals is a Canadian precious metals explorer

the construction and this is our initial target number at

focused on developing and de-risking mineral properties

Las Chispas. We do not have any official numbers yet –

in Mexico. The company’s flagship asset is the Las Chispas

we hope to release an initial resource estimate before

property in Sonora


PERFECT TIMING FOR NEW SILVER EXPLORER GREG CROWE President, CEO and Director of Silver One Resources


In the good times, miners can afford to sit on a vast, diversified

For Crowe, the gold-silver ratio has been unbalanced by the

portfolio of assets, safe in the knowledge that the noncore

big banks short-selling the grey metal. This provides further

projects can be siphoned off at a good price if necessary. But

strength to the argument that the silver price will continue

with volatility continuing to plague international commodity

to rise. “The gold-silver ratio for the last several decades has

markets in 2017, companies of all sizes are forced to prioritize,

hovered around 1:40 or 1:50, and now this ratio is out of sync at

resulting in a swathe of promising concessions popping up

1:70 or 1:80,” he says. “Considering global economics and the

on the market. For companies like Silver One Resources,

manipulation of the silver markets, there has to be a correction

a newly formed explorer eager to make its name in the

and I expect that silver will end up outperforming gold.”

Mexican silver sector, this is a dream scenario. Of Silver One’s Mexican properties, the Peñasco Quemado “The assets that went into the company were acquired

project in Sonora is the most noteworthy. A 2006 drilling

through First Mining Finance, which had switched its focus

program outlined a historical measured and indicated

to target interesting gold assets in eastern Canada,” says

resource of 2.57 million tons at a grade of 117g/t for a silver

Greg Crowe, President, CEO and Director of Silver One

resource of 9.63 million ounces, with notable manganese,

Resources. “That left some strong nonproducing assets and

lead and zinc anomalies. But this was at a shallow strike

Silver One was created to start working on these projects.

length of 450m, and Crowe and his team have seen

Firstly, we will advance our current projects organically and

mineralization that hints at further deposits at greater

secondly, we will look at new acquisition opportunities.”

depth. Drilling will soon commence to determine how far the resource can be expanded.

Founded in mid-2016, Silver One Resources owns a 100 percent interest in three significant, but largely undeveloped,

“Recently completed soil surveys we carried out suggest

silver assets in Mexico. It operates independently of First

that the mineralization has a strike length of up to 3km,”

Mining Finance - although the mining bank is the largest

says Crowe. “There is also an entirely different soil anomaly

shareholder with a 7.3 percent stake - and wasted no time

over the west side of the property that is 3x2km and has

before filing an Independent Public Offering (IPO) on the

never been explored. We suspect there is a silver-zinc-lead

Toronto Venture Exchange (TSX.V). It quickly raised US$2.5

deposit at depth.”

million from the mining-friendly investor community in Canada and has set its sights on becoming the latest in a

To complement its Mexican properties, Silver One recently

long line of junior explorers to make the most of Mexico’s

acquired a 100 percent interest in the Candelaria project

estimated 37 billion tons of silver reserves.

in Nevada from Silver Standard Resources. But despite its foray into the US, the company’s main hopes seem

Simple supply-and-demand economics suggest that market

to hinge on Peñasco Quemado and its other properties

conditions are perfect for launching an early-stage silver

in Mexico. Crowe has extensive experience working in

developer. According to The Silver Institute, supply of the

mining jurisdictions throughout Central and South America,

grey metal dropped by 0.6 percent in 2016 to 885 million

and describes Mexico as “extremely favorable” to mining

ounces from 890 million ounces in 2015, the first decline

activity. Combine that with its world-renowned resources

in over 10 years. Mexico, the world’s largest producer,

and Crowe sees no reason to look elsewhere.

produced 186.2 million ounces, 6 million ounces less than the previous year as grades continue to fall and exploration

“Overall the authorities in Mexico have been extremely

rebounds slowly from the downturn. In contrast, the

helpful,” he says. “I find Mexico to be very favorable in

growing hunger for solar panels and electronics provides

comparison to any in Central America, and the only other

silver with strong demand fundamentals.

country in Latin America that is comparable is Peru.”



As an exploration company looking for the next project,

project will provide a further boost to the asset’s profitability.

revisiting past-producing assets is a tried and tested tactic

“Our production target for 2017 is 2.7 million silver equivalent

to identify new resources and drill targets that will drive

ounces,” says Rodriguez. “But once Circuit 4 is completed,

corporate value. In 1968, Avino Silver and Gold Mines

this figure should increase by at least 30 percent.”

was founded with the specific goal of reactivating and regenerating the historic Avino silver property in Durango.

While things are going well on the operational side, the company has run into an issue that affects many miners

The mine, with a history that dates back to the 1500s, was

in Mexico: community relations. Rodriguez describes

once described by Spanish conquistadores as a “mountain

negotiations over land usage as “the biggest challenge”

of silver” and was officially re-opened by Avino in 1974. After

of working in Mexico, a task that is more challenging by

27 years’ production, the mine was closed in 2001 because

the underwhelming impact of the royalty taxes slammed

of plummeting silver prices but again rose from the ashes

onto precious metal producers in 2013. “The population

to begin producing in 2016. Despite extensive on-and-off

is not entirely sold on the benefits of mining, so when we

extraction activities for over 500 years, the executive team

announce new plans, we encounter opposition from local

at Avino is convinced the property holds more undiscovered

groups,” he says. “The fact is that the royalty tax that miners

resources. The company drilled 14 diamond holes in 2016

in Mexico pay on precious metal production has had little

and will continue to explore the property in 2017.

to no effect on local communities, so I can understand why they are frustrated – the companies are too.”

“We secured a US$10 million bought deal financing in November 2016, and a significant portion of the proceeds

The Mining Trust Fund, administered by SEDATU to approve

will be put toward a drilling program in 2017,” says Carlos

and fund new projects in mining-heavy regions, has been

Rodriguez, COO of Avino Silver and Gold Mines. “We hope

slow to allocate resources and Rodriguez’s tolerance is

to drill at least 5,000m in 2017, mainly on the Avino vein

being tested. “We are told to be patient to see the results

but also at San Gonzalo.”

of the new taxes but the changes were made in 2013 and I believe that four years is enough time.”

Drilling is expensive but Avino moved from development mining into commercial production in 2H16, which has

The wider impact of this standoff is already being felt. The

significant ramifications for the company’s balance sheet.

Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies, which

During the development phase, proceeds from the sale of

ranks jurisdictions on attractiveness based on a combination

concentrate are classified as a recovery of exploration and

of geology and mining policy, placed Mexico at number 50

evaluation expenses rather than revenue, Rodriguez says. With

in 2016. In 2012, the year before the taxes were introduced,

the mine now in commercial production, top-line revenue is

the country placed number 25.

soaring. Despite total production levels falling due to lower grades, the company registered US$8.1 million in total revenue

For now, Avino is committed to follow through on its

during 1Q17, an improvement of 306 percent year-on-year.

“aggressive” exploration program at its flagship property,

Avino’s cash holdings also jumped during the quarter by 65

and despite plans to re-open another past-producing asset

percent to US$7.6 million from US$4.6 million in 1Q16.

in British Columbia, Canada, the company will continue to build its business around Avino. But Rodriguez insists the

According to Rodriguez, alongside the drill program the

government must do more to promote the sector if it plans

company will also be expanding the mill to 2,500t/d by the

to attract further investors and re-emerge as a world-class

end of 2017, adding to the overall throughput capacity, while

destination for mining investment. This includes finding a

a positive Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) for an oxide tailings

resolution to community disenchantment.




PALMAREJO Coeur Mining’s flagship underground Palmarejo mine is located 15km from the Temoris municipality in Chihuahua. The company owns and operates six producing mines: Kensington, Rochester and Wharf in the US, Palmarejo in Mexico, San BartolomÊ in Bolivia and Endeavor in Australia. Of these mines, Palmarejo remains the most productive asset in Coeur’s portfolio, having produced 4.4 million ounces of silver at a grade of 3.52oz/t and 73,913 ounces of gold at 0.048oz/t in 2016. In 2017, Coeur expects to double production from 2016 levels, processing 6.8 million ounces of silver and 115,000 ounces of gold at a rate of 3,800t/d. Palmarejo has already produced almost 3 million silver ounces and over 66,000 gold ounces in 1H17. The Palmarejo complex consists of 79 wholly owned mining concessions, covering approximately 45,535ha of land. The complex is located on the western flank of the eastern Sierra Madre, a mountain range that runs down the central spine of Mexico. The gold and silver deposits at the Palmarejo complex, typical of many of the other silver and gold deposits in Sierra Madre, are classified as epithermal deposits and hosted in multiple veins, breccias and fractures. The most important of the complex's mineralized zones to date is the Palmarejo zone in the north, which covers the old Palmarejo gold-silver mine formed at the intersection of the northwest-southeast trending La Prieta and La Blanca goldand-silver bearing structures. In addition to the Palmarejo zone, other mineralized vein and alteration systems in the district area have been identified. The most significant of these additional targets are Guadalupe, located about 8km southeast of the Palmarejo mine, Independencia, located 800m northeast of Guadalupe, and La Patria vein system in the southern part of the property. At the end of 2016, Palmarejo transitioned to a fully underground mine with a focus on the Guadalupe and Independencia deposits. As of 2017, the property contains proven and probable reserves of 40.8 million ounces of silver and 592,000 ounces of gold. Its measures and indicated resources amount to 17.3 million silver ounces and 237,000 gold ounces, while inferred resources equate to 20.5 million silver ounces and 258,000 gold ounces. At the end of 2016, Coeur announced plans to allocate the largest chunk of its exploration budget to the Chihuahua property. For 2017, Coeur expects 40-45 percent of its gold from Palmarejo to be sold to Franco Nevada, a company that owns a royalty stream on the project, at a price of US$800/oz compared to the US$416/ oz it paid on a previous stream.





It is 2011. The price of an ounce of silver is at a record US$35

adding 8 million ounces to the 18 million ounces that are

and investors are queuing up to pour their money into grey-

fully NI 43-101 compliant. Winfield is hoping to reach an

metal deposits. A group of mining professionals forms

estimated 50 million ounces during the current drilling

Defiance Silver and immediately acquires the advanced-

program, an important figure that would allow the company

stage San Acacio project in the heart of the historic

to start considering a feasibility study and force the major

Zacatecas silver mining district. Just 2km to the west is

players to start taking note.

Capstone Mining’s Cozamin project and 60km to the north is the giant Fresnillo silver mine. All the conditions needed

But it is not all smooth sailing. The project benefits from

for San Acacio’s rapid development seem to have come

its location in mining-friendly Zacatecas, which Winfield

together. But the good times did not last.

admits makes “a world of difference,” but in late 2016 the state government introduced a controversial Ecological

“In 2012, uncertainty seemed to grip the market and metal

Tax on mining waste. Given that Defiance is not yet in the

prices collapsed,” says Bruce Winfield, President and CEO

production stage, this does not affect the company directly

of Defiance Silver. “As a result, people were not interested

but the junior is sensitive to anything that detracts from

in investing and they were selling their shares.”

investor interest in the region.

This was the beginning of a painful, four-year downward

Local operators, including Fresnillo and Industrias Peñoles,

spiral that saw the silver price sink to a low of US$14/oz in

openly opposed the reform when it was announced,

December 2015. Despite sitting on a resource with inferred

arguing that mining does as much if not more to protect

resources of 18 million ounces of silver equivalent, with no

the environment than other industries. Winfield agrees,

other assets on its books Defiance Silver was forced to

and acknowledges the support the mining community has

sit tight and wait for the tide to turn. This happened in

received from the “forward-thinking” local communities.

January 2016 when prices began a turnaround. The price

“Unlike other states, Zacatecas has moved on from the

has been on an upward curve ever since, a few short

idea of mining as an exploitative industry,” he says. “In the

blips notwithstanding. Now Winfield is understandably

past, miners released mercury tailings into the environment

buoyant and is looking forward to ramping up San Acacio’s

without thinking but that is not acceptable anymore and


there is no reason for a modern tailings operation to contaminate the ecosystem. The locals understand that.”

“We had two lots of warrants exercised that contributed over US$1 million to the treasury and we are currently

Much like many junior explorers, Defiance Silver’s long-

considering other financing options in order to start

term vision is to be acquired by a larger company. Thanks

drilling again,” he says. “We have received a permit from

to strong infrastructure and proven mineralization,

SEMARNAT to drill up to 60,000m for 4.5 years. Given the

Winfield insists that San Acacio will be a “low-cost,

interest and excitement in the industry, it is a very positive

high-margin” asset when in production. If this does not

environment in which to be working.”

materialize, however, the company has a team of proven mine-builders in its ranks with plenty of experience in

His optimism is understandable. The San Acacio deposit

Mexico and would not hesitate to put the mine into

has historically produced around 100 million ounces of

production itself. For now, Winfield seems to be happy

silver but has only been exploited to around 200m, giving

sitting on a proven, silver-rich resource. Given the

the Defiance team confidence that the resource can be

industrial applications for silver, including in electronics

expanded with deeper drilling. Despite difficulties, the

and solar power, he is looking forward to watching the

company was active during the downturn, unofficially

market develop over the next few years.



OLD ELEMENT STILL RELEVANT TODAY MICHAEL DIRIENZO Executive Director and Secretary of The Silver Institute


Q: What value can silver offer investors looking to diversify

uses of silver, and to spread knowledge and understanding

their portfolio?

of the uses of silver. We also collect and publish statistics

A: Silver has been considered a precious element for 6,000

and other information about production, distribution and

years. It was first used as a currency in 700BC and has had

consumption of silver, aiming to develop methods for

a role as a trading metal in nearly every ancient and modern

improving the welfare of the silver industry.

culture. From the drachma of the ancient Greeks, which contained an eighth of an ounce of silver to the Roman

Q: What role does Mexico have within the context of the

denarius and the British pound sterling, which designated a

global silver industry?

specific weight amount of the element, silver has long held

A: Mexico is a leader in silver mining and has been for many

a special place as a store of value. Today, its intrinsic value

years and projects like Fresnillo’s Juanicipio are set to keep

persists. It is considered a secure and affordable investment

levels high in the next few years. Mexico, North America’s

and has earned a place in the portfolios of many different

largest producer and accounting for 79 percent of the

types of investors for that reason. For example, Individual

regional total, had lower output last year but was still the

Retirement Account (IRA) participants may choose to include

world’s largest producer. The nation reported a 3 percent

silver bullion coins and bars in their portfolio, provided that

or 5.8 milllion ounce year-on-year contraction, compared

they are of a fineness of at least 99.9 percent silver. Relatively

to modest gains in the US and Canada, respectively higher

insulated from the volatility of the markets, silver’s value has

by 0.3 million ounces (10 tons) and 0.8 million ounces (25

been proven as a precious metal and time-tested commodity.

tons). The fall in Mexico, the first since 2003, brings an end to 12 years of uninterrupted growth which delivered a

But there are regulatory issues that are facing the industry.

remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8

The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Silver Price,

percent. That said, many analysts still believe that Mexico

an important benchmark, is going through change with new

will continue to be the leading producing country.

administrators bidding to offer the services. Beyond that, the global economy is still sluggish, and we are hopeful that

Q: Given the ever-increasing demand for silver, what can

it starts to pick-up steam.

the industry do to avoid creating a global deficit? A: In 2016, there was a deficit of 147.5 million ounces of

Q: In what ways does The Silver Institute work alongside

silver. The physical balance recorded a deficit for the fourth

its members to develop the global silver market?

successive year, albeit a markedly smaller one of 20.7 million

A: The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international association

ounces (643 tons). Arguably the key reason for the smaller

that draws its membership from across the breadth of the

deficit was the softer offtake from retail investors of coins

silver industry. Established in 1971, the Institute serves as the

and bars after the record level of 2015.

industry’s voice in increasing public understanding of the many uses and values of silver. The goals of the institute are

Solar will remain strong and is important to silver demand.

to encourage the development and uses of silver and silver

Photovoltaic (PV) demand for silver totaled 76.6 million

products, help develop markets for silver, foster research

ounces in 2016, a 34 percent surge from the previous year.

and development related to the present and prospective

This marks the second consecutive year of increases in this sector, and was driven by a 49 percent increase in global solar panel installations. Investment should pick up and if

The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international organization

the global economy improves, so too will industrial demand.

that draws membership from across the breadth of the

Following a 4 percent fall in 2015, industrial fabricators

silver industry. The Institute serves as the industry's voice in

consumed 561.9 million ounces (17,478 tons) of silver last

increasing public understanding of the many uses of silver

year, a drop of just over 1 percent or 7.7 million ounces.



Q: Given your company’s unique position as a precious-

the benefits of these projects ramping up. We also acquired

metal streaming company, how encouraged are you about

the Antamina stream at the end of 2015 so we got the full

the price of silver in 1Q17?

benefit of one year’s production at the facility. We added

A: Given the strength of the US dollar, having gold and silver

another 25 percent of the gold production from Salobo in

performing as well as they have is unprecedented. Since

August 2016 so all of that added up to very strong growth.

the last election in the US, there has been some strength

The strong performance at those mines also offset some

and growth in the US dollar. Holding the value positions

weaker performances at Peñasquito and San Dimas. At

us very well because at some point there will be a break

the latter, Primero is facing some challenges and we are

and the US dollar’s performance will slacken. When that

working with the company to try and resolve the issues.

happens, precious metals is where investors will look. Prices

With Peñasquito, an investment is now being made into

have not yet rallied much and yet the sense of optimism is

the asset to expand it so we expect stronger performance

much greater than what we saw a year ago. I think this is

from these assets in the future.

because precious metals have been able to hold its value against the US dollar. But the dollar strength cannot last

Q: How do you plan to reinvest the additional cash flow

forever - this is purely an emotional response - and we are

you have generated?

preparing ourselves for a good year.

A: We have a revolving credit facility that we can use for capacity and I feel it is more favorable to stay on the

Q: How do you feel Mexico compares to other mining

debt side. If our profits do not go into new opportunities


in the ground, they will go back to shareholders in the

A: Of all the countries I have visited, mining does not

form of dividends as our strategy does not involve

receive the same level of respect as it does in Mexico.

building up large cash reserves. We are comfortably

The government and the people understand that

generating around US$600 million of free cash flow

there is value in the industry and as long as it is done

per year, the allocation of which will be reinvestment

efficiently, it can only benefit the country. One of the

in mining assets. Mexico has always been a very active

main challenges we see in mining is that it is not always

space for us although we have not seen a great deal of

done in a responsible manner and we should continue

new developments recently. But it is a country we would

striving to do better and better. It is one of the reasons

be happy to further invest in.

why we initiated the partner CSR Program where we, even as a streaming company, supply capital to our

Over the last five years we have spent US$5.5 billion

partners to help fund community initiatives. We have

in upfront payments for new streams. Our company

funded a recreational initiative mainly focused on the

has a strong reputation for technical due diligence.

youth in the town of Tayoltita, near the San Dimas mine

This reputation has extended to the point where our

and an educational initiative in the community of Mazapil,

partners are now proud to have “the Silver Wheaton

near the Peñasquito mine. We are the first streaming and

stamp of approval.” Our portfolio of high-margin assets

royalty company to do so.

that continue to deliver strong results demonstrates the attention we pay to these details.

Q: What led to Silver Wheaton’ record quarterly production of 109,000 ounces in 3Q16? A: We made a few really strong acquisitions but we also

Wheaton Precious Metals is the world’s largest precious

saw some expansion. Some projects also came onstream.

metals streaming company. With a strong growth profile, Silver

The Constancia mine in Peru and Salobo in Brazil reached

Wheaton offers investors cost predictability, direct leverage to

their full production capacity in 2016 so we continue to see

increasing silver and gold prices and a high-quality asset base




SAN JULIÁN In August 2016, San Julián became the seventh mining operation in commercial production of the world’s largest primary silver producer, Fresnillo. The group spent a total of US$515 million to develop the silver-gold project, and CEO Octavio Alvidrez describes it as a “cornerstone” for Fresnillo’s 2018 production goals. “We feel that San Julián will become one of our flagship assets in the coming years,” he says. Straddling the Chihuahua-Durango border, San Julián is in an extremely isolated part of the country, something Alvidrez admits has been challenging from a logistical standpoint. But the company clearly feels the potential rewards outweigh the drawbacks. After Phase I began its ramp-up during 2H16, silver production reached 2.1 million ounces before the end of the year, and gold output was 31,400oz. In the first half of 2017, these figures increased to 2.9 million ounces and 41,000 ounces respectively, helped along by the completion of an on-site flotation plant. San Julián was the primary catalyst behind Fresnillo’s 11.2 percent rise in silver production to 28 million ounces during 1H17, which in turn helped to net the company an 87 percent YOY increase in profit for the first half of the year to over US$310 million. But there is much more to come from San Julián. Commercial production of Phase II was achieved in July 2017, on time and on budget, and by 2018 the mine should achieve throughput of 6,000t/d and produce 10.3 million oz/y silver and 63,700oz/y gold for a period of 12 years, with anticipated cash costs of US$4.9/oz silver. This would put San Julián straight into the top five largest silver mines in the country by production and help solidify Fresnillo’s – and Mexico’s – role as the world’s largest silver producer. There is additional ongoing exploration work in and around the mine. Alvídrez estimates that only 30 percent of the district has been explored and, with plans for a heavy exploration program during 2018 and beyond, it seems likely that the 12-year life of mine plan will be extended. “There is a lot of potential to increase resources,” he says. Alongside the advanced-stage exploration projects at Orisyvo, Juanicipio, Las Casas Rosario and Cluster Cebollitas and Centauro Deep, San Julián is primed to play a leading role in Fresnillo’s production pipeline for decades to come.


Copper wire



The past year has been a tale of steady improvement for base metals. After flatlining for much of 2016, copper shot up in October and finished the year on the LME trading at US$5,500/t. Then, thanks to a more solid forecast in Chinese economic growth, in July 2017 copper reached US$6,292/t, its highest level in two years. Zinc, which finished 2016 as the best-performing commodity on the LME after rising 60 percent to US$2,550/t, also benefited from China’s recovery and continued its rise by improving a further 7.8 percent during 1H17. Lead, meanwhile, jumped 13 percent during the first half of 2017. Mexico continues to play an important role in base metal production and is in the top 10 for global output of copper, zinc, lead and molybdenum. Thanks to the US$4 billion expansion of Grupo México’s Buenavista del Cobre mine, and a number of promising exploration projects, Mexico’s base metal production pipeline is in a strong place.

This chapter includes insights from Mexico’s leading base-metal producers and explorers, offering an insider’s perspective into the opportunities and challenges facing the sector today. Within the chapter, mine spotlights and detailed maps offer an in-depth view of the base metals arena in Mexico as well as its pipeline.




ANALYSIS: Copper Reverses Course, Zinc Stumbles, Lithium Shines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Oscar González, Americas Mining Corporation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fernando Alanís, Industrias Peñoles


MAP: Mexico's Main Base Metals Mines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Manolo Espinoza, ArcelorMittal


BOX: Renato Aguilera, Aceros Fercom


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Darren Pylot, Capstone Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mike McAllister, Sierra Metals




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Darren Blasutti, Americas Silver Corporation




INSIGHT: Will Dix, Consolidated Zinc


INSIGHT: Gerardo Angulo, Timken Mexico


ROUNDTABLE: What Does Mexico Offer Base Metal Explorers and Producers?


INFOGRAPHIC: Industrial Minerals



COPPER REVERSES COURSE, ZINC STUMBLES, LITHIUM SHINES Base metals are on widely different trajectories. Lithium is

tons of copper scrap in comparison to refined

rising thanks to growing interest in EVs, while zinc did not

copper imports of 1.54 million tons as shown

benefit as expected from a possible supply deficit. Copper

by customs data.

may have hit a home run thanks to economic shifts in China The IMF in June 2017 also raised its GDP growth


Behavior in base metals does not manifest itself in the

expectations for China to 6.7 percent for the year from

same way as gold, which is largely bolstered by its status

6.6 percent. Copper prices on the London Metal Exchange

as a safe haven in the midst of geopolitical uncertainty.

(LME) spiked to US$6,148/t after the announcement, a jump

Metals like copper and zinc, on the other hand, rise and

closer to the metal’s mid-May 2015 high of US$6,445/t.

fall with the vagaries of supply and demand economics.

In just five days, between July 20-25, prices increased 4

As the global economy - and manufacturing - gathered

percent to US$6,148 from US$5,929.

steam toward the end of 2016 and into 2017, base metals prices followed suit.

Another factor underpinning copper is a possible deficit in supply. The metal is a staple in sectors such as electronics,

Copper is a good example. The vast majority of global

infrastructure, industrial machinery and transportation.

demand for the brown metal – 45 percent – comes from

According to the International Copper Study Group (ICSG),

China. It is no surprise then that as China goes, so does

6.2 million tons of copper was produced globally between

copper. As 2016 rolled into view, investors fretted over

January and April 2017, a 3 percent drop from the 6.4

weak growth in the world’s second-largest economy, whose

million produced in the same period in 2016. Raul Jacob,

rapid growth had underpinned the metal for a decade. But

Vice President of Finance, Treasurer and CFO of Southern

the behemoth was slowing, and in January copper hit its

Copper Corporation (SCCO), stated in the company’s

lowest mark in more than six years. While the metal roller-

1Q17 earnings call that “after five years of copper price

coastered for much of the year, it kept above that low and

reductions, we see supply underperforming market needs

by year’s end was tracking strongly higher, buoyed by

in 2017.” He estimates a deficit of about 100,000 tons for

Chinese government stimulus plans and in the US, hopes

the year.

that President Donald Trump would follow through with a campaign pledge to build more infrastructure.

ZINC MOVEMENT LIMITED BY INVENTORIES The supply deficit helping copper has not done the

The brown metal reached its highest level in two years in

same for zinc, where the deficit has not been as severe

July 2017 thanks to a more positive forecast in Chinese

as expected. In 2016, zinc was the strongest performing

economic growth and a possible scrap metal import ban.

metal on the London Metals Exchange (LME) thanks to the

In the first half of 2017 alone, China imported 1.85 million

closures of major mines. This sparked a 60 percent rally


to US$2,906/t from US$1,548/t at the beginning of 2016. Prices skyrocketed as the closures were projected to create a favorable imbalance in supply and demand. According to the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG), global demand for refined zinc was expected to be greater than supply in 2017. But Claire Hassall of consultancy CHR


Limited said at the 2017 International Zinc Conference in London that the optimism may have been misplaced.


Despite the major mining closures, world zinc output still climbed 7.3 percent in the first four months of 2017 in comparison to 2016, attributed to a rise in mine production

76.6% Grupo México 76.6% Minera Mexico 4.5% Industrial Peñoles 4.5% Industrial Peñoles 3.0% NEMISA 3.0% Neg. Mra. Sta. Ma. 2.9% Cobre de Mayo de la Paz

Source: CAMIMEX 2.9% Cobre de


2.4% Minera Frisco 1.9% Capstore Mining Source: CAMIMEX

2.4% Minera Frisco 1.9% Capstone Mining 5.7% Aurcana Corp 1.0% Carrizal Mining 0.1% Aurcana Corp 5.8% Carrizal Mining

to 4.27 million tons from 3.98 million tons, according to ILZSG. Robin Bhar, head of metals research at Societe Generale, forecasts that prices in 4Q17 will average US$2,520/t. “There is always a danger that the market will be capped by producer selling and that hidden inventories will seep out. That is a perennial problem,” he says.

In the first half of 2017, prices peaked in February at

home to the Electra project owned by Lithium Australia and

US$2,970/t and have gradually been decreasing. In June,

Alix Resources. Sonora Lithium still has a long way to go

the price reached a low for the year of US$2,434/t.

before it reaches commercial production but it already has a purchase agreement with Tesla. According to Vidal, “lithium


will ultimately open an alliance between the automotive and

Heading in the other direction is lithium, boosted by the

mining industries in Mexico.”

unwavering trend toward sustainable production. “The growing demand for renewable-energy solutions will reflect


well on metal prices,” says Phil Hopwood, Global Mining

Copper is likely to continue its rise as the Chinese ban

Leader at Deloitte. “Lithium, cobalt, nickel and graphite are

on scrap metal and economic reforms continue to boost

all key components of batteries, which are emerging as

demand for the metal. Mexico produced 766,000 tons of

a popular alternative to diesel fuel.” The growing use of

copper in 2016, a 28.9 percent increase in comparison with

electric vehicles (EVs) is marking the beginning of a “white

the 593,000 tons that was produced in 2015, thanks mainly

petroleum” era. According to Fortune, given that pure

to the consolidation of two Grupo México plants. Globally,

EVs account for less than 1 percent of all vehicles on the

Mexico was the 10th largest producer of copper.

world’s roads, “the potential growth in demand for lithium is dizzying.” A 2016 Goldman Sachs report suggests that

Zinc prices will remain stable or drop further as output

demand could triple within 10 years to 570,000t/y.

minimizes the possibility of a supply deficit. Overall, world production of zinc totaled 13.2 million tons in 2016. Mexico

According to Joe Lowry, President of Global Lithium, a

sits only behind China, Peru, Australia and the US in global

company that provides advisory and consulting services

zinc production. The country registered a 16 percent drop

to lithium producers, lithium sales could even reach the

in zinc production in 2016 compared with 2015 at 661,000

US$5 billion mark before 2025. But, it is not all good news.

tons, according to CAMIMEX. Industrias Peñoles is the

“Despite the high level of interest and clear upside in

largest producer in Mexico thanks to its Velardeña mine,

demand for lithium chemicals over the next decade and

followed by Goldcorp with Peñasquito. The four major

beyond, lithium is still by any standard a very small global

national producers of the metal are Industrias Peñoles,

market,” adds Lowry. “Supply growth beyond 2017 is still a

Grupo México, Minera Frisco and Fresnillo, which cover 65

question mark.” Elon Musk, EV leader Tesla’s Co-Founder

percent of national zinc production.

and CEO, said at the opening of the company’s lithium Gigafactory in Reno, Nevada in March 2016 that, for Tesla to

Despite the market outlook, national companies continue to

meet its target of 500,000 cars a year, “we would basically

bet on zinc production. “Once Rey de Plata is operational,

need to absorb the entire world’s lithium-ion production.”

we will have a surplus of zinc concentrate and we will then become one of the few companies in the world to own both a

The commodity landscape is not in a strong position and

zinc mine and a zinc refinery,” states Fernando Alanís, Director

many mining companies lack the capital to fund innovative

General of Industrias Peñoles. These projects only represent

projects such as the extraction of lithium. As a result, few are

the tip of the iceberg in terms of Mexico’s zinc reserves. “There

choosing to plunge into the market. Technology companies

is a significant amount of unexplored lead and zinc in the sea

in the US and Asia are particularly concerned about a

basins of central Mexico’s Mesozoic region,” says Raúl Cruz,

possible shortage in battery supply and are creating strategic

Director General of the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM).

alliances and joint ventures with exploration companies to ensure a stable source. As a traditional mining country,

Green trends and technological advances will further

Mexico is unlikely to miss out on lithium opportunities.

increase demand for lithium but it is expected to remain a niche market in the medium term as exploration costs

According to Bacanora Minerals, one of the state’s only

and risks are high. In 2016, worldwide lithium production

lithium operators, “Sonora holds one of the world’s largest

increased 12 percent in response to the rise in demand for

lithium resources and benefits from being both high grade

battery applications. In 2016, global lithium consumption

and scalable.” The state has an indicated mineral resource

reached 212,719 tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, a 9.6

estimate of 4.5 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent

percent rise from the 194,000 tons consumed in 2015.

and an inferred mineral resource of 2.7 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent. Jorge Vidal, Minister of the

Going forward, the road ahead will likely prove to be

Economy for Sonora, says there is a consciousness of the

a winding one. According to Metal Bulletin Research:

fact that battery-powered automobiles from companies

“The path that lies ahead for the base metals is full of

like Tesla are making lithium increasingly attractive. Apart

uncertainties, risks and opportunities, the likes of which

from Bacanora’s Sonora Lithium project, Sonora is also

have rarely been seen in previous cycles.”



MEXICAN INSTITUTION SETS SIGHTS ON ZINC OSCAR GONZÁLEZ Executive President of Americas Mining Corporation


Q: How do you assess the impact of regulatory reforms

assets. For example, in 4Q16, copper production rose

for the mining industry in Mexico and what changes have

by 16 percent compared with the same period in 2015,


helped by a rise of 57 percent in production at Buenavista

A: We have been paying a significant amount of tax since

del Cobre.

the mining royalties were introduced in Mexico in 2014, including MX$1.8 billion toward miners’ rights. From our

We have also begun to focus more on the base-metal

experience, the local governments in Cananea and Nacozari

sphere, particularly zinc. We acquired and reopened the

– the municipalities where our Buenavista del Cobre and

Aznalcollar zinc mine in southern Spain in 2015, and we

La Caridad mines are located respectively – are investing

have great hopes for this project because we are confident

the resources generated from the Mining Trust Fund into

that zinc is heading for a sustained period of strong price

projects that will have a lasting beneficial impact on local

performance. Zinc production rose by 20 percent in 4Q16,

populations. We are fully supportive of the fund and we

while we also reduced AISC across the board. Despite the

plan to continue allocating more resources for many years

lower price environment for copper, our high production

to come. An important part of our investment strategy is to

levels and low costs enabled the company to perform very

spend US$25 million on exploration, so we were delighted

well in 2016.

to see Sonora’s governor recommend to Congress a reduction in exploration costs in the state. This would be a

Q: Considering your extensive list of projects in the

positive development that would boost the mining sector

development and exploration phase across Latin America,

not only in Sonora but throughout the country.

where will you be focusing your efforts in 2018? A: We are planning to move forward with a number of

We are also optimistic about the long-term effect that the

projects in the next few years, and Mexico is a priority for

Energy Reform will have on Mexico’s mining sector. We are

our investment plan, holding a vital place in our portfolio. In

already using our gas and wind-based energy generators

2016, a total of 65 percent of metal and mineral production

to cover our in-house needs, as well as making a profit on

came from Mexico.

the surplus. This is a strategy that is bringing great rewards for the company and we are committed to continuing our

The primary focus is the San Martin deposit in Zacatecas,

work in the local energy sector.

which has enormous potential but has been in limbo for the past 10 years due to a senseless strike that has been

Q: How is your investment strategy evolving in light of

detrimental to workers, the state and the company alike. We

volatile international commodity markets?

are also preparing to move forward with the El Pilar, Pilares

A: Copper remains the most important commodity in

and Buenavista Zinc projects in Sonora, before turning our

our portfolio, representing 80 percent of sales in 2016.

focus onto the Angangueo and El Arco assets.

Naturally, the fall in price of the brown metal has had a damaging effect on the business. This effect has been

On the financial side, we are waiting for the macroeconomic

mitigated to an extent by our investment plan, which is

climate to improve in order to proceed with our plans to

designed to raise overall production levels across our

apply for an IPO for Americas Mining Corporation. Southern Copper has a dual-listing in Lima, Peru and New York, while Grupo México is listed on the BMV in Mexico City. We are

Americas Mining Corporation is Grupo México’s mining

convinced that an IPO will have a positive effect on the

subsidiary, overseeing Mexican operations, as well as those

Americas Mining Corporation investment profile, although

belonging to ASARCO and Southern Copper in the US, Peru

we are still evaluating where would be the best location

and Chile

for the company.



Q: What must Mexico do to become a more attractive

Q: How much of a boost was the Energy Reform for Peñoles

jurisdiction to the global investment community?

and how are you taking advantage of this opportunity?

A: Mexico has enormous potential. It is estimated that at

A: In 1999, we became concerned about the availability and

least 70 percent of the territory has not yet been explored.

cost of energy in Mexico and given that energy represented

States including Guerrero and Oaxaca have strong geology

around 40 percent of our expenses, we started to look for

but very little mining activity because there is no efficient

ways to lower costs. Industrias Peñoles made a strategic

policy in place to promote and support the sector. A few

decision to integrate our energy supply and start generating

years ago the country had a dream of becoming a global

our own electricity. In 2016, a total of 81 percent of the energy

automotive hub. The administration worked toward that

we consumed was generated in-house. Most of this comes

goal and now Mexico is the seventh most prolific car

from the petcoke thermal plant in San Luis Potosi, which

manufacturer in the world. We have to acknowledge the

generates 230MW, and the two wind plants in Oaxaca that

geological potential, the skilled workforce, the access to

generate over 40MW. We also have natural gas turbines in

industry-leading technologies present in the country to

Laguna del Rey, Coahuila and a steam generator in Torreon.

create the framework to capitalize on this opportunity. In April 2017, we will also be initiating a new wind project Q: Peñoles recently announced an investment plan of

with the Portuguese energy company, Energias de Portugal

US$1.1 billion for the coming years. How will these funds

Renovables, in Coahuila. The facility has an install capacity

be allocated?

of 200MW, which will cover our energy needs for the zinc

A: The Rey de Plata polymetallic mine in Guerrero is

refinery expansion in Torreon. There is a new energy law in

currently under construction and should achieve commercial

Mexico that will require companies to procure at least 30

production by the end of 2018. The investment will total

percent of their energy from sustainable sources by 2025.

US$387 million and it should be a very profitable asset that

Peñoles has already reached that landmark because we are

produces gold, silver, zinc, lead and copper.

convinced of the need for sustainable development.

We will also be investing a total of US$330 million to expand

Q: What strategies does Peñoles have in place to cement

the capacity of our zinc refinery in Torreon by 50 percent

its leadership role within the Mexican mining sector?

to 360,000t/y from 240,000t/y. When completed, this will

A: The future of our company is based on three key

make Peñoles the sixth-largest zinc producer in the world.

strategic areas. The first is sustainable development, which

Zinc is tremendously important for steel and therefore the

incorporates the economic, social and environmental

construction and automotive sectors but global inventories

spheres. The second is human capital; we will continue to

are going down both in terms of concentrate and finished

invest substantially to recruit, develop and retain the most

products. Unlike precious metals, the zinc price is essentially

talented people in Mexico. The third is technology. We have

determined by fundamental economics so given the

an internal R&D group made up of 35 full-time researchers

strong demand and supply shortage, I am very bullish

working at a specialized center in Torreon, and we are

on this commodity’s performance in the next few years.

always looking for innovative methods that can improve

Once Rey de Plata is operational, we will have a surplus

our practices.

of zinc concentrate and we will then become one of the few companies in the world to own both a zinc mine and a zinc refinery. Coupled with the fact that we are next to the

Industrias Peñoles is a 100 percent owned subsidiary of Grupo

US, which is a huge market with a substantial zinc deficit,

BAL. The group is the largest gold and lead producer in Latin

this will be an important asset for the company’s portfolio

America and through its subsidiary Fresnillo, the largest silver

going forward.

producer in the world




3 4



6 7

11 136


12 1








World Class Deposits 19


Production Development 22 23

Exploration Number







El Arco

Americas Mining Corporation



Baja California


El Boleo

Korea Resources-Baja Mining



Baja California Sur



Minera Frisco











Buenavista del Cobre

Americas Mining Corporation






Americas Mining Corporation





La Caridad

Americas Mining Corporation





Piedras Verdes

Invecture Group






Industrias Peñoles






Samalayuca Cobre






War Eagle Mining Company





Santa Eulalia

Americas Mining Corporation

Lead, Zinc (Gold, Silver, Copper)




Las Cristinas

Cyprium Mining




Source: SGM, company websites








Industrias Peñoles

Lead, Zinc





Sierra Metals

Zinc, Copper




San Francisco del Oro

Minera Frisco

Lead, Zinc, Copper




Santa Barbara

Americas Mining Corporation











El Herrero

Grupo Bacis






Avino Silver & Gold






Minera Frisco





Francisco I Madero

Industrias Peñoles






Capstone Mining





San Nicolás

Teck Resources






Americas Mining Corporation



San Luis Potosi



Minera Frisco






Carrizal Mining






Americas Mining Corporation





La Balsa

Minera Montoro





Industrias Peñoles

Lead, Zinc, Copper


State of Mexico


30 21

25 24 26


28 30 29





Q: As the largest steel producer in the Americas, how much

A: The mining sector has always been a global industry and

of an unexpected boost was the 2016 iron ore rally?

one of the most important aspects of maintaining its ability

A: Although iron ore prices have shown strength this

to operate is remaining closely abreast of the constantly

year, the consensus view seems to be against a steep

changing geopolitical landscape. Variations in the prices

rally in prices. But Chinese steel production continues

of iron ore may affect the mining industry, as China’s

to rise, boosting iron ore prices. 2016 was a difficult year

overproduction continues to complicate the placement of

for the metals and mining sector in general and iron ore

products in different markets around the word.

in particular. Although there were small recoveries in Europe, Japan and the US, slowing demand from China

Cost reduction in our mining business will also continue,

and continued difficulties among emerging countries, the

although given the fact we reduced iron ore unit cash costs

industry ended up oversupplying most mined commodities

by 20 percent in 2015 and a further 10 percent last year, it

and suffered falling prices as a consequence. We understand

will be tough to materially improve costs further, and we

that China met reduced capacity, at a net level, by 65

are not setting an annual cost reduction target for this year.

million tons in 2016 but we must remember that China addressing its overcapacity is a long-term issue. There is

Q: Where does Mexico stand in the context of ArcelorMittal’s

still vast overcapacity in the Chinese market, and until it is

business strategy in Latin America and globally?

effectively addressed, the risk of volatility remains. This is

A: In Mexico, ArcelorMittal operates six facilities in three

why we continue to call for a comprehensive solution to

ports and maintains a corporate and sales office in Mexico

unfair trade practices.

City. With a steel production capacity of more than 6.5 million t/y and employing more than 8,000 individuals,

The complex scenario we encountered in 2015 and 2016

ArcelorMittal Mexico is the largest employer in Michoacan

due to market conditions and trends in worldwide steel

state and the Lazaro Cardenas municipality, where

demand has undermined our ability to compete in a market

its largest facilities are located. In 2015, ArcelorMittal

where importers are selling at subsidized prices below

Mexico produced more than 4 million tons of steel and

average production costs. In light of this, our company

invested over US$800,000 in these communities. In 2016

has implemented emergency measures to reduce costs

ArcelorMittal Mexico produced 3.11 million tons of steel.

and increase operational efficiency. These initiatives have

Mexico has faced significant challenges in sustainable

included plans to improve management and productivity,

development in recent years, in being a trusted user of air,

labor mobility and savings. In this regard, on February 5, our

land and water, finding more ways to use energy efficiently,

President Lakshmi Mittal presented the strategy known as

and ensuring we have the skills to continue to innovate

Action 2020, which is a compilation of actions for the next

with the next generation.

five years, resulting from a detailed analysis of our growth and improvement potential.

Production from our El Volcan mine in Mexico was unfortunately suspended in October 2015 because of the

Q: What impact does geopolitical volatility have on the

low price of iron ore. But we expect shipments to increase in

steel and iron ore segments?

2017 as we have now re-started production, which increases our capacity by 2 million tons. In comparison, production in the Ukraine decreased to reflect a revised mine plan

ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company.

following a delay in accessing new land for tailing facilities

Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, it is

but these issues have now been resolved. Another factor

present in 60 countries as the leading supplier of quality steel

that impacted our production level was declining volumes

products in all major markets

at the existing Tokadeh mine in Liberia as it is approaching

the end of its life. We are transitioning to the nearby and

A: Historically, the global steel industry has been affected by

higher grade Gangra deposit which could potentially

both global and regional production overcapacity, as well as

support an operation of 5 million t/y for five years.

by fluctuations in imports and exports of steel and iron ore. This excess production is amplified in periods of economic

Q: Why reopen the Volcan mine after a year of activity and

weakness due to a lower demand for these inputs.

what impact will this have on production levels in Mexico? A: It is important to remember that since mid-2015 and in

Currently, these factors are directly related to the

order to face the complicated economic scenario facing

slowdown of the economy in China, the collapse of

the national and international steel industry, the company

Brazil’s economic bubble and the continued devaluation

implemented initiatives for cost reduction, increased

of the Russian ruble. China is transforming its economy,

productivity and operational efficiency, with the clear

reducing the weight of the manufacture of products and

objective of adjusting ourselves to the market and conditions

expanding the supply of services and consumption. This

that prevail today. As a result of these actions, and by

has meant that the prices of most raw materials, including

continually monitoring alternatives to keep us current in the

steel, fall to drastic lows.


market while promoting employment and economic activity in the country, a decision was made to resume operations

The high inventory resulting from increased growth and

in the state of Sonora. With this, the company reaffirms its

oversupply have caused this producer country to sell

long-term commitment to the country.

the metal at the lowest possible price to avoid further losses, which is seriously affecting the global steel

The reactivation brought along the recovery of more than

industry. China’s economic strategy has motivated the

500 direct jobs, 3,000 indirect ones, as well as of about

implementation of trade safeguards throughout the

15,000 sources of employment related to the mining value

global steel industry. In Mexico, these measures were

chains in the state. According to company estimates, the

first implemented in October 2015, expanded in April and

mine is expected to produce 2 million tons of iron ore

October 2016, and reaffirmed once again in April 2017.

concentrate, which is equivalent to more than 150 daily trips from the El Volcán mine to the concentrator plant in

At ArcelorMittal, we strongly believe that by maintaining

Ciudad Obregon.

these efforts, together with other companies in the sector and with the representation of the National

Q: Why was competition from China and Brazil labeled

Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (CANACERO),

“unfair” by ArcelorMittal’s Director General Victor Cairo and

we will be able to improve the prospects of our industry

what specific impact did this have on the domestic market?

throughout 2017.

Steel has evolved significantly in the last 70 years. In steel manufacturing, there is a trend toward lighter weight, higher flexibility and greater strength. Installing lighter materials on machinery in mines means lower fuel consumption, less energy waste, less vibration and over the lifetime of the equipment it will require less maintenance. And all steel-makers around the world are making concerted efforts to produce higher quality steel in more environmentally friendly ways. Renato Aguilera, General Manager of Aceros Fercom, explains that his company is doing all it can to tick all these boxes, while also providing a crucial differentiating factor. Rather than targeting mass distribution, Aceros Fercom prefers to focus on market niches. “More than selling kilos of steel, we try to sell our service and this gives us a better marginal contribution in our product sales,” says Aguilera. Often, clients are not consistent in their steel needs. “We can meet changing requirements because what we look for is client loyalty to our company,” he says. Aceros Fercom is present in the mining sector with anti-wear steel. “There is an evolutionary culture toward the adoption of this product, which is specifically designed for this sector,” says Aguilera. Previously in Mexico, more conventional materials were used but companies began to realize that, although the initial outlay was lower, the cost over the long term was far greater. “Our products require a greater initial investment but over the long term, it is a much more economical product,” he says. “And we are constantly trying to increase our participation within the mining sector.”





Q: How did the company generate positive net earnings

Valley and looking at the potential to extend the mine life

at its three mines?

at Minto. At Cozamin, we are looking forward to add more

A: In an agile response to the challenging copper price

zinc production as well as increasing zinc reserves during

environment, Capstone took action to reduce costs, including

this period of higher zinc prices.

reorganizations at our operations in 2015. In January 2016, we decreased corporate head office positions and recurring

We expect to mill fewer tons in 2017 than in 2016 but

general and administrative expenses by 20 percent. We were

with higher grade, with 80 percent of ore coming from

successful in beating our budget for consolidated all-in cost

the narrow vein Mala Noche Footwall Zone. All-in cost

per pound of payable copper for the year by US$0.07 at

guidance of US$1.90-2.00 includes the development costs

US$1.88, resulting from our site operating teams executing

reflective of the move from the main zone to the footwall

on key decisions to deliver more efficient operations.

zone as well as evaluating the potential to bring the existing zinc resource into the mine plan. The 2017 exploration

Q: What strategies is the company incorporating to achieve

program at Cozamin includes over 30,000m of primarily

its production guidance in 2017?

underground infill drilling aimed at increasing reserves in

A: Our 2017 operating plan and five-year outlook takes

the Mala Noche Footwall Zone and the San Rafael zinc zone.

a conservative stance on metal prices while focusing on ongoing cost-efficiencies at our existing operations. We

Q: What has been the key to your success at Cozamin?

are looking forward to advancing new opportunities this

A: The Cozamin mine commissioned operations in 2006

year, including building on the operating success at Pinto

with throughput of 1,000t/d and a three-year mine life. We were very successful in expanding the operation with the expansion of the initial Mala Noche zone and discovery of

Capstone Mining is a Canadian base-metals mining company,

the Mala Noche footwall zone. At the end of 2016, following

focused on copper. Its three producing mines are in Arizona,

10 years of mining, we are operating at 3,000t/d with

US, the Cozamin polymetallic mine in Zacatecas State, Mexico

another four years still ahead of us and further exploration

and the Minto copper mine in Yukon, Canada




Q: How are Sierra Metals’ Mexico mines performing?

Our methodology is part of an overall industrial trend that

A: We recently discovered that our Cusi mine in Chihuahua

is pushing companies to be more selective about capital

is more than just an epithermal deposit with narrow veins of

expenditure. Operators are learning to save money during

approximately 200g/t silver. We were doubting its viability

bull periods to be better prepared during bear markets.

but then we found that the veins are larger at depth than

Mines can achieve the same amount of growth and results

we thought and that they have increased lead and zinc at

with fewer drill holes only through careful planning. It makes

depth. We have already started to ship some lead along

the industry more competitive.

with our silver production. Q: Why prioritize brownfield projects over greenfields, Following discussions with Sunshine Silver Mines, we made

considering the amount of mineral resources that are left

an exciting discovery that has plenty of room for expansion.

to explore in Mexico?

Sunshine Silver has a project named Los Gatos just south

A: The country has many opportunities to offer when it

of ours that is developing a facility to process 3,500t/d.

comes to greenfield exploration, even more than brownfield.

We reviewed the technical reports and we advised it to

But we are focused on brownfield because there is a lot of

investigate at greater depth. After studying the reports and

untapped potential close to the existing mines. Prior to

our own drill logs, we saw that between a space of 400m

the current management team joining the company, it had

and 700m there were eight drill holes with 350g/t silver

not spent much on exploration or looked much at hosted

with better quality veins that have an average width of

environments. We benefit more from brownfield exploration

5-6m. Our drilling programs continue to display positive

close to mine heads as these projects can generate mines

results and we expect to develop a large silver deposit

in less than a year. Bolivar has three exploration areas that

along a 1km strike length that is 500m deep in our property.

are within 1km of a mine, which allows Sierra Metals to

The area is particularly interesting as we still have 12km of

invest a small amount while delivering significant amounts

potential strike length to work.

of additional resources. The company focuses on both discovering and producing projects, and our discoveries

Q: Which financial tools does the company use to mitigate

are made with the intention of incorporating them into our

the risks associated with exploration?

pipeline within one year to boost our portfolio.

A: An efficient management of costs and capital is the most effective way to mitigate risks. Companies should not

Q: What are your main priorities in Mexico for the next

spend unnecessarily. With this strategy, our three properties

five years?

remained cash-flow positive, even during the downturn. We

A: Thanks to its established mining code, we are happy

took on some debt but only a reasonable amount that can

to do business in Mexico. The country has the benefit

be paid back quickly in more financially stable times or a

of having an easy permitting process and although we

better metal-price environment. Typically, we use credit

find that dealing with ejidos and land acquisition issues

facilities such as FIFOMI to help finance our projects but our

can be problematic, the environment remains very

cash flow funds most of our exploration work. This strategy

workable. Local and federal authorities need to be more

is feasible considering that metal prices have improved and


we are increasing our production and value per ton in our mills. We find governmental loans to be quite helpful as the rates are reasonable. It is an attractive feature that retains

Sierra Metals is a midtier base and precious metal producer

foreign investment and projects. We also increased our

operating in Latin America. The company has three operating

drilling programs at a quite manageable pace and in a way

mines: the 100 percent owned Bolivar and Cusi mines in Mexico

that allowed us to make quick discoveries.

and 82 percent of Yauricocha in Peru




LA CARIDAD The dry, arid hills of Sonora are home to arguably the most mineral-rich region in northern Mexico. Four of the top 10 gold-producing mines in Mexico in 2016 are found in the state, including Fresnillo’s La Herradura, which sits at the top of the list. But while its precious metal deposits are strong, over the years Sonora has become famous for its copper production. Grupo México’s Buenavista del Cobre, 40km south of the Arizona border, recently completed a US$4 billion expansion plan and is comfortably the most productive copper mine in the country, and the fifthlargest in the world by capacity. But every star needs a sidekick, and for Grupo México, that role is played quietly but effectively by the nearby La Caridad mine. Situated to the northeast of the town of Nacozari, La Caridad was discovered in 1968 and started operations as a conventional, open-pit mine in 1979. It is consistently ranked as Mexico’s second-most prolific copper producer and production of the brown metal has been steadily rising, from 101,100 tons in 2014 to 103,900 tons in 2015 and 104,900 tons last year. According to the company’s 2015 annual report, the concentrator has a capacity of 94,500t/d ore and the deposit holds just shy of 9 million tons of copper in reserves. There is also an on-site refinery, smelter and rod plant. Alongside copper, the La Caridad deposit also holds gold, silver and molybdenum and the site has steadily expanded to diversify the production portfolio. A molybdenum plant was constructed in 1982 and La Caridad is now Grupo México’s top molybdenum producer with 9.9 million tons of output in 2016, 45 percent of the company’s total. The precious metals plant started operations in 1999, with a production capacity of 43,836oz/d silver and 247oz/d gold. There is ongoing exploration work at the site, with a 15km drilling program planned to develop the Bella Union mineral belt in 2017. On top of its strong reserves, a number of favorable geological and logistical factors have helped the La Caridad mine to continue to grow since its discovery 49 years ago. The deposit sits at the top of a mountain, facilitating waste drainage and tailings handling, while the mine is connected to the Guaymas international port by rail, making it easier for the company to transport its produce around the country and overseas. There is also a paved highway from the mine to the state capital, Hermosillo, and a landing strip less than 1km from the copper refinery.





Q: How optimistic are you that the rally in commodity

to the listing, we traded around 82 percent of our shares

prices will continue throughout 2017?

in Canada and the remaining 18 percent were traded in

A: Our two main commodities are silver and zinc and

the US through our over-the-counter listing. When we

we believe both are well-positioned to perform strongly

looked at those 10 other companies on the NYSE, we

over the next few years. The base metal component is

realized they generate over 80 percent of their trading in

perhaps easier to predict and understand because it is

the US, despite the fact that most of them are Canadian

a simple supply and demand story, and thanks to our

companies with Mexican operations. Moreover, when we

work with Glencore I know that most industry insiders

assessed the empirical data, including price to cash flow

are bullish about the long-term prospects for zinc and

and price per ounce, the companies with dual listings were

lead over the next three years. Silver is more difficult to

performing better than us across practically all metrics. It

predict but for the last four to five years we have seen

became clear that the US institutional investor community

more demand than supply despite low silver prices. Silver

was a huge market that we were not tapping into and we

is often a byproduct of a base metal or gold operation,

knew that we had to file for a listing in New York.

and so if demand continues to increase, it is more difficult for supply to respond. I am confident that the

Although we made this decision in 2014, as a company we

precious metal prices will come back strong, based on

were fixing the assets and still losing money, so we decided

the macroeconomic climate but it is hard to predict when

to wait until January 2017 when we had a more compelling

this will happen.

story to tell. Our costs will soon be some of the lowest in the industry, our project pipeline is strong and we are the

As a CEO of a public commodity company, my job is to

only Canadian company of the 13 with a US asset in the

make money whatever the metals prices. Over the past

Idaho silver valley, so we should have strong appeal to US

five years, we have been focusing on reducing costs and

retail investors. We decided to list now to allow momentum

have managed to drop All-In Sustaining Costs (AISC) of

to build over the course of 2017 and into 2018. Our goal by

the two companies we acquired by 70 percent across the

the end of 2017 is to trade equally on both exchanges as

board. For example, we bought Scorpio Mining in 2014,

we build our brand in the US.

and have dropped its AISC from US$24/oz to US$9/oz in 2016. Next year, once the San Rafael project is fully online

Q: With commercial production to start at San Rafael

and operational, we expect this figure to drop to US$3/oz.

during 3Q17, what makes this project so exciting?

This progress will allow us to be ready for the run in silver

A: The company holds two primary types of ore bodies: a

prices when it comes.

high-grade silver with a lower-grade base-metal component, and a lower-grade silver with a high-grade base-metal

Q: Why list Americas Silver Corporation on the NYSE and

component. Our total reserves and resources across all

what impact will this have on the company going forward?

categories are approximately 120 million ounces of silver,

A: When we did our research in 2014, there were 13

1 billion pounds of lead and around 700 million pounds of

producing silver companies based in the US or Canada,

zinc. San Rafael is exciting because it has high-grade zinc

10 of which are listed on the NYSE as well as the TSX. Prior

and lead, and considering prices for these commodities are at close to historic highs, it balances our portfolio perfectly. This project will take our Mexican annual zinc

Americas Silver Corporation is a Canada-based junior silver

production up to approximately 50 million ounces of zinc

producer, with assets in the Americas. The company has two

and 20 million pounds of lead by 2018, for an investment of

established producing mines, a third in construction and an

just US$18 million. This will bring additional annual revenue

advanced stage exploration project

from Mexico of US$50 million, meaning that in effect we

Development of the San Rafael ramp, Cosala, Sinaloa


will have negative AISC on our 1 million plus ounces of silver

mutually beneficial partnership to develop the resource.

production. Depending on the results of exploration work

There still needs to be some geotechnical work completed

– we will be spending at least US$2 million on exploration

to evaluate how to extract the ore most profitably but we

in 2017 – we believe San Rafael will fill our existing mill for

are confident that San Felipe could turn into a real money-

at least the next 10 years. It represents a drastic change

maker for the company in the long run. We hope to start

in our earnings power and cost reduction and we expect

drilling later in the year and hopefully start production by

this project to drive the share price north as the project is

2020 at the latest.

delivered over the next six months. Q: How optimistic are you regarding the ongoing growth Of course, given our strong silver reserves, we have the

and competitiveness of the Mexican mining sector?

flexibility and ability to quickly switch our focus toward

A: For companies in the silver industry, there is no more

silver production if the price starts to shoot up. Our

favorable location in Latin America. Mexico is more

priority is, however, to produce more base metal ounces

modernized than other jurisdictions like Peru so for North

simply because in the current environment they are more

American companies it is easier to do business and I believe

profitable. They can build cash on our balance sheet to

that Mexico is in the top five mining jurisdictions in the

develop and produce our higher-grade silver ounces when

world. However, it is not perfect. Sometimes it can be

the silver price is higher.

challenging to do business for companies other than the big Mexican operators, and issues such as land ownership can

Q: What inspired the decision to acquire the San Felipe

become complicated and drawn-out. We have a number of

project from Santacruz Silver for US$15 million, and what

projects that we would like to develop but we cannot get a

are your plans for that project?

ruling on land ownership.

A: We have always liked the project and ever since we bought Scorpio Mining we have enjoyed a great relationship with

But this is a very minor criticism. We have not had any

Santacruz Silver. When the Veta Grande project became the

security issues, and we have always had strong support

main focus for Santacruz, the opportunity finally came to

from the local authorities. We are very happy with Mexico as

buy San Felipe. A lot of work has been done on the project,

a jurisdiction and we want to grow our business. Over time,

and we see similarities to San Rafael when we bought it in

we want to become more precious metal orientated – we

2014. Interestingly, the vein structure at San Felipe runs into

are not averse to developing gold deposits in the future –

Industrias Peñoles’ territory, and so we will be looking into

and eventually place ourselves on the radar for the majors.

acquiring the surrounding ground or forming some kind of

Mexico is central to this vision.



NAICA Just 100km south of Mexico’s iconic Parral mining district in Chihuahua lies the world-class Naica mine. The project, also known as Maple, operated for 64 years. It was first acquired by Fresnillo in 1951 and in 1964 changed hands to become an official part of sister company Industrias Peñoles’ portfolio. With its own concentration plant, the mine was the country’s second-largest lead mine. In its final year of production – 2014 – its output equated to 21kg of gold, 57,585kg of silver, 19,694 tons of lead and 15,399 tons of zinc. In 2015, with declining production and a drop in base-metal demand, Industrias Peñoles decided to suspend operations at the Naica mine indefinitely. But beyond the precious metals and base minerals held within Naica, there are less typical reserves. In the year 2000, the Cueva de los Cristales, or Cave of Crystals was discovered by two Peñoles miners 290m below surface level, within the mine’s limestone host rock. The cave is home to selenite crystals that are five times larger than any ever discovered, measuring up to 13m and weighing more than 55 tons. Discovered more recently and closer to the surface, at a depth of approximately 120m is the Cueva de las Espadas, or Cave of Swords. The crystals held within this chamber are much smaller, at around 1m long due to the fact that they are much younger than those contained in the Cave of Swords. The recorded temperature in the Cave of Crystals is 45°C, with humidity levels of 80 percent, which makes it impossible to breathe and increases the risk of losing consciousness in less than 10 minutes. Researchers must wear oxygenated suits in order to be able to withstand 30 minutes of continued investigation. In fact, the cave is closed to the public for this reason. According to National Geographic, “the crystals are searing hot to touch; razor sharp but also soft like human fingernails.” The crystals require two conditions to grow: water immersion and heat in excess of 48°C, so scientists believe that conditions underwater must have been stable for hundreds of thousands of years. With the cessation of mining activities within the mountain, the water would be returned to the cave to once again stimulate growth. In March 2017, NASA scientists discovered microbes that had been dormant in the mine for between 10,000-50,000 years, which they believe demonstrates the ability of lifeforms to adapt to more hostile environments. This, they say, is a step forward in humans finding another habitable home within the solar system.





For a junior explorer, the quality of the asset is everything.

It has an inside-out knowledge of the local regulations,

With no revenue stream to fall back on, these companies

tax environment and supply chain, something that proved

have to make sure their project has all the ingredients to sell

vital during the early days in particular. “Land access is

itself to external investors. Strong geology is a prerequisite

always a challenging aspect of working in Mexico, but the

but for a project to attract sufficient financing it needs to

family has been so helpful,” says Dix. “When a company

be in a safe, reputable jurisdiction. For Consolidated Zinc,

enters a country cold, without knowing anyone, there is

a young base-metal focused outfit from Australia, the

always a minimum two-year learning curve. The family are

Plomosas project in Chihuahua ticked all the boxes.

a huge asset to us and the project, helping us to improve our connectivity to suppliers.”

“We were looking for a new asset to take on board and after talking to a number of corporate finance institutions,

Another asset for the company, as it is for every junior, is the

we were alerted to the Plomosas project,” says Will Dix,

turnaround in commodity prices. A high-grade deposit like

the company’s Managing Director. “I jumped on a plane to

Plomosas has the benefit of operational flexibility – it can

Mexico and the first time I went underground I was blown

be profitable even if the commodity price falls off. But when

away by the mineralization. When I found out that the

zinc outperformed all other metals on the London Metal

property had never been drilled, I was convinced of the

Exchange in 2016, the project became all the more viable.

potential scalability of the project.”

According to Dix, this perfect timing was not down to luck.

Dix immediately returned to Australia and completed a

“When we were looking for projects, we liked the base metal

deal for 51 percent ownership of Plomosas in April 2015. In

space,” he says. “I looked at some of the large Australian

December 2016 the company completed a Stage 1 mineral

zinc projects, and saw that they were getting old and tired

resource, which came in at just under 600,000 tons of 17

and would soon close. I felt that this would trigger a strong

percent combined zinc/lead. The company had dozens of

zinc run.”

projects on the table for consideration, but the sheer quality of the deposit at Plomosas proved the decisive factor for Dix.

He was right. Helped by a series of mine closures in

“It is one of the highest-grade base metal projects I have ever

Australia, Ireland and Peru, zinc rose 60 percent during

seen,” he says. “We have opened up more areas of the mine

the year to US$2,550/t from US$1,548/t. Buoyed by the

and uncovered further mineralization, so there is no doubt the

lofty prices, Consolidated Zinc decided to commission a

resource will grow. Eventually we hope to reach 2 million tons.”

scoping study in February 2017 to fast-track the project into production. The company aims to be mining and producing

Despite the strong geology, one potential sticking point for

concentrate by 1Q18 at the latest, using the cash-flow to

the deal was Consolidated Zinc’s lack of experience working in

continue expanding the resource. This would avoid the

Mexico. The country has well-documented issues with security

need to dilute shareholders by issuing more capital and

in particular but Dix believes the concerns are exaggerated

help generate long-term interest in the company.

by external media sources and hearsay. He describes the jurisdiction as “tremendously safe and transparent” and

“We would love to be self-sufficient and use the revenue we

Chihuahua itself as a “thriving, modern city.”

generate from mining to fund exploration work,” says Dix. “Even a low-scale operation of 75,000t/y would provide us

The company’s entry into Mexico was also helped by

with sufficient cash flow to continue exploring. We want to

some insider experience. The remaining 49 percent of the

grow the resource to the extent that we can justify building

Plomosas project is owned by a family in Chihuahua, which

a brand new standalone processing plant. That would

has been associated with the project since the early 1970s.

enable us to operate at between 250,000-300,000t/y.”



When markets are down and business slow, companies

These split-to-the-shaft roller bearings certainly seem to

across the value chain have to be creative. No longer able

be popular in Mexico. Grupo México, Industrias Peñoles and

to rely on their traditional sources of revenue, executives

Minera Frisco are just three of the operators currently using

are forced out of their comfort zone in search of alternative

the product in Mexico to save time and boost productivity

methods for generating sustained growth. Some choose to

in their mineral processing and power transmission projects.

achieve this organically through internal restructuring and streamlining operations. Companies with greater liquidity and

Mexican mine operators are known to have their eyes on the

spending power can drive returns for investors inorganically

best deal, and that could cause challenges for a company

by entering the potentially lucrative M&A market.

like Timken whose products are not the cheapest option on the market. To convince potential buyers, Angulo explains

During the mining industry downturn of 2012-2016, Timken,

that the company highlights the technical and operational

a bearings and chain manufacturer with more than 15,000

benefits of its products, which will ultimately pay dividends.

employees worldwide, decided to use its global presence to diversify its portfolio through a series of strategic

“We always make sure to talk to the mechanics who have

acquisitions. Gerardo Angulo, Director General of Timken

experience using the machines and can therefore see the

Mexico, explains that the idea was to convert the company

advantages of our designs,” he says. “The mechanics can

into a one-stop shop for industrial parts and machinery.

then discuss with the decision-makers and convince them of the long-term economic benefits of our products.”

“A broader portfolio will help us improve our customer service and support,” he says. “We want to reach a point

Timken has several causes for optimism regarding the

where our clients can procure everything they need for

continued growth of its business in Mexico. Two of the

their processes directly through us without the need to

company’s traditionally strong sectors – rail infrastructure

talk to third parties.”

and automotive – are booming in Mexico, while the Energy Reform of 2014 should bring a swathe of new opportunities

Timken’s purchases during the past decade include the

in oil and gas, renewables and mining once the changes are

power transmission belt manufacturer Carlisle, gear-drive

fully implemented.

systems provider Philadelphia Gear and lubrication delivery systems manufacturer Interlube. These followed the

“It is still too early to feel the benefits of the Energy

acquisition of needle roller bearings specialist Torrington,

Reform,” says Angulo. “When private companies start to

for US$840 million in 2003.

take advantage of the new opportunities and begin to seek more advanced technology, we expect to see more projects

In September 2015, the company continued its acquisitions

for power transmission companies such as ourselves.”

with the purchase of UK-based split roller bearings manufacturer Revolvo, which has designed a product ideally

To prepare for those changes, Timken is continuing with its

suited to the mining industry, according to Angulo.

portfolio diversification policy in a bid to serve distributors and clients more comprehensively. The company acquired

“Revolvo’s key technology is a split-housed unit, which

Lovejoy in a US$66 million deal in June 2016, adding the

enables the user to dissemble the housed unit instead of

joint manufacturer’s renowned flexible couplings to its

the whole machine during the changeover of heavily loaded

portfolio. Then, in November Timken added stainless steel

applications,” he says. “The operator no longer needs to

ball bearings specialist EDT Corp, and Angulo is confident

access the shaft ends, meaning that a process that would

that this diversification drive will stand the company in

usually take up to 24 hours is now completed in 20 minutes.”

good stead for a strong year in 2017.




In 2016, Mexico ranked 10th on the list of copper producers, fifth for zinc, sixth for lead and 13th for steel. Following Grupo México’s US$4.5 billion expansion of Buenavista del Cobre, the asset is now the fourth-largest copper mine in the world by capacity, with a lifespan of around 80 years. Grupo México’s portfolio also includes the El Arco property in Baja California, which holds an estimated US$55.7 billion in copper reserves. Mexico Mining Review asked a selection of leading base metal producers and explorers what role Mexico plays in their portfolio and where the potential for growth lies in this core segment.


ArcelorMittal operates six facilities in three ports in Mexico. With a steel production capacity of more than 6.5 million t/y and employing more than 8,000 individuals, we are the largest employer in Michoacan state and the Lazaro Cardenas municipality. In 2016 ArcelorMittal Mexico produced 3.11 million tons of steel. Mexico has faced significant challenges in sustainable development in recent years, in being a trusted user of air, land and water, finding more ways to use energy efficiently, and ensuring

MANOLO ESPINOZA Mine Director of ArcelorMittal

we have the skills to continue to innovate with the next generation. Production from our Volcan mine in Mexico was unfortunately suspended in October 2015 because of the low iron ore price environment. But we expect shipments to increase in 2017 as we have now restarted production, which increases our capacity by 2 million tons.

Mexico has enormous potential. It is estimated that at least 70 percent of the territory has not yet been explored. States including Guerrero and Oaxaca have strong geology but very little mining activity because there is no efficient policy in place to promote and support the sector. Mining has the potential to be one of the most important economic activities in Mexico but the regulation needs to be established before that can happen. A few years ago, the country had a dream of becoming a

FERNANDO ALANÍS Director General of Industrias Peñoles

global automotive hub. The administration worked toward that goal and now Mexico is the seventh most prolific car manufacturer in the world. We have to acknowledge the geological potential, the skilled workforce, and the access to industry-leading technologies present in the country, and then create the framework to capitalize on this opportunity.

The country has many greenfield opportunities to offer but we are focused on brownfield because there is a lot of untapped potential close to the existing mines. We realized that there is a large amount of untapped potential within the shadow of the headframe and that the best dollars spent would be on organic growth. Thanks to its established mining code, we are happy to do business in Mexico. The country has the benefit of having an easy permitting process and although we find that dealing

MIKE MCALLISTER Vice President of Corporate Development at Sierra Metals

with ejidos and land acquisition issues can be problematic, the environment remains very workable. Local and federal authorities need to be more synchronized. At Bolivar, we foresee a potential for dramatic growth. We want to increase our production on a long-term basis depending on the results of our exploration program. The idea is to lower our AISC at the Bolivar mine to US$1.75/t of copper.

We are planning to move forward with a number of projects in the next few years, and Mexico is a priority for our investment plan, holding a vital place in our portfolio. In 2016, a total of 65 percent of metal and mineral production came from Mexico. The primary focus is the San Martin deposit in Zacatecas, which has enormous potential but has been in limbo for the past 10 years due to a senseless strike that has been detrimental to workers, the state and the company alike. We are also preparing to move forward with the El Pilar, Pilares and Buenavista Zinc projects in Sonora, before turning our focus onto the Angangueo and El Arco assets.

OSCAR GONZÁLEZ President and CEO of Americas Mining Corporation (AMC)


Due to our lack of experience of working in Mexico, we knew that there would be a steep learning curve. The country has well-documented issues with security but I believe the concerns are exaggerated by external media sources. Mexico is a tremendously safe and transparent jurisdiction in which to work, and Chihuahua is a thriving, modern city. Our Plomosas property is one of the highest-grade base metal projects I have ever seen. Our stage 1 mineral resource came in at just under 600,000 tons and we have opened up more areas of the mine and uncovered further mineralization, so there is no doubt the resource will grow. Eventually we hope to reach 2 million tons.

WILL DIX Managing Director of Consolidated Zinc

We are also constantly reviewing potential exploration and development opportunities in Mexico. The Cozamin mine commissioned operations in 2006 with throughput of 1,000t/d and a three-year mine life. We were very successful in expanding the operation with the expansion of the initial Mala Noche Zone and discovery of the Mala Noche Footwall Zone. At the end of 2016, following 10 years of mining, we are operating at 3,000t/d with another four years still ahead of us and further exploration targets. The 2017 exploration program at Cozamin includes over 30,000m of primarily underground infill drilling aimed at increasing reserves in the Mala Noche Footwall Zone and the San Rafael zinc zone.

DARREN PYLOT President and CEO of Capstone Mining

At the El Alacran site, we have been tremendously successful, having found two substantial deposits. Firstly, we discovered the Mesa de Plata silver deposit, which holds an estimated 26 million ounces of high-grade silver at surface. This deposit is easily treatable and we expect to have the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) completed during 1Q17. We recently discovered the Loma Bonita gold deposit, which lies just 300m from Mesa de Plata and outcrops. Grupo México’s Cananea copper mine is visible from the site just 12km to the north but although copper exploration has dominated the region in recent years, we have also found two significant precious metal deposits, which speaks volumes for the potential for mineral exploration in Mexico. Following these discoveries, the market capitalization of the company rose from around US$10 million to US$60 million between September 2015 and 2016.

TONY ROVIRA Managing Director of Azure Minerals


INDUSTRIAL MINERALS Mexico is typically a silver country but with increasing

copper, zinc has eagerly stepped up to the plate.

industrial demand for metals, there is greater opportunity for

After a poor performance at the end of 2015,

the country’s base metals producers. Mexico plays a small role

zinc rallied to levels unseen in 2016, bolstered

in global base metal production but this could all change

by the supply deficit created by the low prices. Several mining companies have spotted this


The prices of copper and industrial metals are wholly

opportunity, including powerhouses Industrias Peñoles and

dependent on the construction and infrastructure industries.

Grupo México, and production plans going forward put zinc

Although copper prices have been stagnant for the last few

in the spotlight. Other alternative metals are also growing

years, a situation caused by dropping Chinese demand, new

in importance with new technological developments, like

legislation passed by the country’s government in mid-2017

the lithium used in cell phones and the cobalt needed to

that bans imports of scrap metal could be the start of a

manufacture electric vehicles. Only time will tell how these

new copper bull run. To fill the gap in the market caused by

metals will perform in the long term.


766,129 tons 85.6% Sonora Zacatecas 4.9%Sonora 3.9% San Luis Potosi Zacatecas 2.2% Chihuahua Others 3.4%San Luis Potosi


Chihuahua Others

Mexico’s share in copper production is low compared to other minerals Mine




La Caridad

Americas Mining Corporation

Sonora Sonora




San Luis Potosi



Capstone Mining



expansion of Buenavista del


Minera Frisco





Carrizal Mining




Sierra Metals




Industrias Peñoles




Americas Mining Corporation

San Luis Potosi




Buenavista del Cobre

Santa Barbara

Thousand tons




Thousands tons

Start date

Media Luna

Torex Gold




Rey de Plata

Industrias Peñoles




El Pilar

Americas Mining Corporation




Solid increase due to the

Consolidation is expected in El Boleo mine (Kores-Camrova Resources)

Nine countries are above Mexico; Chile is by far the top world copper producer


——Zinc ——Copper


——Lead ——Molybdenum

600 500 400 300 200 100 0















Industrial nonferrous metals international prices

Mining-metal Laed value (MX$ thousand)

Molybdenum Product


Lead Copper



2016 Average




































• US$5 billion project in Nevada by Tesla Motors and Panasonic • Will be the biggest lithium-ion battery


factory in the world

ion battery

• By 2020 will produce more cells in one year

market is

than global production in 2014

expected to soar from US$17.5 billion to US$70 billion by 2020; boosted by Tesla, the increasing demand of lithium is good news for Sonora

SONORA LITHIUM PROJECT • Bacanora Minerals and Rare Earth Minerals will supply lithium hydroxide • Imported batteries from Asia to be replaced by new Sonora production • Production facility with a lifespan of over 20 years

SONORA • Regarded as one of the world’s larger known clay lithium deposits • Mineral resource estimate of 4.5 million tons of lithium carbonate










Baja California





Baja California Sur









4,111,163 2,624,544

Colima Chihuahua Durango






















0 33,036

Jalisco State of Mexico Michoacan





















0 0

San Luis Potosi
























Miners working in a Grupo MĂŠxico mine



According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, world investment in exploration fell YOY by 28 percent to US$6.9 billion in 2016, the fourth-consecutive yearly fall. Following the 2015 fiscal reforms, companies are no longer able to deduct exploration expenses after a project’s first year; they now must wait 10 years to be reimbursed. The ruling provides a significant financial obstacle for cashshort junior exploration companies. But after falling to seventh place on the list of recipients for global exploration expenditures in 2015, Mexico climbed up one place to sixth in 2016 after attracting US$400.9 million in total. Buoyed by the improving price environment, the number of new exploration projects in Mexico increased to 55 last year, with a total value of US$130 million. This is compared to 44 new projects with a total value of US$103 million in 2015.

This chapter highlights the issues facing exploration companies operating in Mexico today, but also, by showcasing the leading projects, sheds light on the wealth of geological potential in the country. Junior explorers provide an insight into the regulatory and financial hurdles of operating in Mexico, while governmental agencies including the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) underline the strategies in place to facilitate the long-term growth of this integral segment.



ANALYSIS: Mining Concession Continuity Guarantees Exploration Future


EXPERT OPINION: Raúl Cruz, Mexican Geological Survey (SGM)


MAP: Mexico's Mineral Belts


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alain Charest, Evrim Resources


INSIGHT: John-Mark Staude, Riverside Resources


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: SGS Durango Chemical Analysis Facility: Trusted Expertise


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Antonio Berlanga, Telson Resources


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Floyd Gray, US Geological Survey (USGS)


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Marc Kieler, Globexplore


INSIGHT: Kenneth Macleod, Sonoro Metals


INSIGHT: Luis Moya, Kootenay Silver

Gustavo Gallego, Kootenay Silver 176

ROUNDTABLE: What are The Main Challenges Faced by The Exploration Industry in Mexico?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Gutiérrez, Tauro Capital Partners

Javier Gutiérrez, Tauro Capital Partners




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Tony Rovira, Azure Minerals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ben Pullinger, Excellon Resources


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Redefining Drill Core Data Analysis


INSIGHT: David Duncan, Oceanus Resources


INSIGHT: Ben Whiting, Orex Minerals


GEOLOGIST PROFILE: Joe Wilkins, Independent Exploration Consultant


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Thomas Atkins, Mammoth Resources


INSIGHT: Gregory Beischer, Millrock Resources


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Krassimir Iankov, SAP


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: The Many Benefits of Lidar Technology



MINING CONCESSION CONTINUITY GUARANTEES EXPLORATION FUTURE Out of some 1,000 prospects, on average only one will become


a mine, according to CAMIMEX. Considering the risks and capital

Gregory Beischer, President and CEO

involved, mining jurisdictions are competing for investors and

of Millrock Resources, believes that the

companies to guarantee the future of the industry

mining concession process in Mexico can be incredibly long and complicated and that it


The future of the mining industry is largely regarded as

is greatly slowing down the development of exploration.

exploration. But a collection of factors in recent years

“The country needs a more organized system,” he says. “If

have combined to create the perfect storm and Mexico

land claims were more accessible and transparent, there

is no longer regarded as the attractive destination for

would be many points of interests toward which Millrock

investment it once was. CAMIMEX reports that, by the end

Resources would gladly direct exploration capital.”

of 2016, there were 25,652 active mining concessions in Mexico, representing a total of 22.1 million ha, compared

James McDonald, CEO of Kootenay Silver, adds that

to the 26,002 active concessions in 2013, equaling 29.8

the company is running into significant problems with

million hectares.

the process of application and granting of mining concessions by the government. He attributes this in

This reduction in allocations can be explained by a number

part to the Energy Reform, which has also drawn stark

of factors. Firstly, the 2014 fiscal reforms introduced a

comparisons between the importance placed on the

clause whereby pre-operative exploration expenses are

hydrocarbons and mining industries, despite the latter’s

no longer deductible in the same year they are made;

3.9 percent contribution to national GDP. “The new

instead operators must wait 10 years before they can

energy law placed a priority on hydrocarbons in Mexico

reclaim these expenses. Another contributory factor

over all other assets,” McDonald says. “This has created

that coincided with the reforms was the fall in metals

a barrier to mining in large areas across Mexico and

prices. Exploration budgets were the first expenses to

significant parts of the country that are not being tested

be slashed.

or utilized and because claim applications are not being granted, the government is missing out on taxes for these

Between 2001 and 2015, out of 33,791 concessions that were registered since the year 1900, 8,462 were canceled

concessions.” Mining concession holders have three main duties: pay fees, royalties and taxes accordingly, produce and file periodic reports and perform certain works on the mining concessions. Otherwise, the mining concession are at risk of cancelation. When this happens, according to Alain Charest, Exploration Vice President of Evrim Resources, the concessions effectively default and become tangled in a long bureaucratic process, remaining dormant until

But one of the industry’s biggest complaints is about the

the respective authorities free them and offer them to

delay in obtaining the mining concessions required to

the public.

carry out exploration work. As metals prices slowly work their way upward, appetite for investment is returning,

“Today, there are thousands of canceled mineral

but with the significant delays involved in obtaining the

concessions that have accumulated over the past 25 years

property rights, many explorers are beginning to set their

or so, an outrageous amount of mineral property that has

sights abroad.

not been made available for acquisition by the public,” says Charest. “Many of our exploration target areas are

According to Sergio Almazán, Director General of

discarded or put on hold because of the non-availability

Mexican mining chamber CAMIMEX, with a lack of

of mineral concessions.” Federal Auditor ASF states that

exploration, “there will be less investment in the country,

between 2001 and 2015, out of 33,791 concessions that

which will mean there are fewer mining operations that

were registered since the year 1900, 8,462 were canceled.

begin production. This in turn will mean fewer jobs and less money in taxes. There will be a cycle whereby the

The hurdles companies face in Mexico are making

negative impacts will continue worsening.”

companies like Riverside Resources consider diversifying

into other jurisdictions, such as Brazil. “We are

take a turn for the better, and if Mexico is to remain

driven by passion but sometimes the challenges feel

competitive and take advantage of the upturn, companies

insurmountable,” says John Mark Staude, President and

must be able to replenish their mining portfolios with new

CEO of exploration company Riverside Resources. He

exploration projects in Mexico through the acquisition of

says the lack of liberation of claims caused an outflow

mining concessions. The context is particularly urgent

of foreign capital from Mexico, which led Riverside to

considering the global deficit in mining projects and the

lose two-thirds of its partners, US$11 million in potential

growing demand of a projected global population of 9

alliance money and over US$200 million in potential JV

billion by 2050.

money in the last four years. “We had the money lined up and the commitment in place but the pace of permitting,

Despite the situation, companies like Millrock Resources

granting titles and liberations meant that, as the market

consider Mexico to have many areas of opportunities in

decelerated, the money went elsewhere,” says Staude.

terms of exploration and are eager to see the results of their investments. “Early stage exploration may have the


highest risk but it also has the highest potential,” states

The government is well aware of the unrest related to

Beischer. And Mexico in particular holds great promise

mining concession delays, and operators even admit that

for several explorers. According to Ben Whiting, Vice

the General Coordination of Mining was overwhelmed and

President of Exploration at Orex Minerals, “Mexico is in the

understaffed for too long. But many hope that with the

top 10 in the world when it comes to the competitiveness

creation of the new mining Undersecretariat in December

of its mining sector.”

2016, the sector is finally receiving the resources it desperately needs to keep abreast of the concessioning

Mexico’s exploration investment dropped significantly to


US$401 million in 2016, down US$90 million from 2015 and US$831 million less than in 2012. Now, it seems that

The Undersecretary himself, Mario Alfonso Cantú,

the government is taking steps to solve policy issues

acknowledges the shortcomings of the system and

that are seen contributing to the country’s reduced

has announced he will prioritize allocation of mining

attractiveness. “The mining law in Mexico is good, albeit

concessions in the remaining year of the administration.

a little outdated, but the most important thing is that

“In accordance with one of the primary objectives of the

we have committed, experienced public officials who are

Mining Development Program, we have been working to

passionate about the industry,” says Alberto Vazquez,

implement technological tools to reduce costs, streamline

Senior Partner at VHG Abogados.

service procedures and provide a more efficient service to users,” he says. “We are working on modernizing our technological platform and digitalizing all the concession process and cartography, meaning we will be able to reduce the number of days taken to issue a concession


Expedited allocation titles and surface 2013-2015

Thousands 26




title.” The Digital Government Integrated Platform will allow the government to accelerate procedures through faster digital reception of requests. Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Mexico's Minister of Economy, adds that the Undersecretariat is equally


prioritizing key areas to promote the acceleration of concessions. These include the strengthening of human resources within his department, the re-engagement of Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) resources toward exploration activities and the reinforcement of the Inter-Institutional Mining Group, made up of federal government agencies involved in regulating the sector to modernize the country’s industry.







——Surface in HA


Expedited allocation title

2013 2014

SOLIDIFYING OBJECTIVES Mining jurisdictions around the world, and in Latin America especially, are actively competing to attract global capital. The mining cycle is finally beginning to

2015 700



Source: CAMIMEX, Ministry of Economy







Mexico is located in the central-northern part of the

restoration of nature in those communities and regions in

American continent, a block that evolved 250 million years

which mineral deposits are explored and exploited.

ago, detached from the super continent called Pangea. The history of mining in Mexico and Latin America has been The geological history of this emerging part of the planet has

more legendary than lucrative, at least in the early epoch,

been changing, although always following a line of evolution

up until industrial modernization and the evolution of

that gave rise to multiple landscapes and geo-forms. The

technology, which occurred well into the twentieth century.

associated resources are derived from the earliest phases

From Atacama and the Tarapaca and Antofagasta mountain

of continental drift. Most of these resources are related to

ranges, passing through Cusco-Tarija and arriving at Taxco-

magmatic processes - that is, those produced by the interaction

Pachuca-Zacatecas, the Spanish colonizers found that the

between the oceanic and continental tectonic plates.

natives knew how to work gold, silver and copper, which encouraged them to continue with colonization.

From the Mexican Republic to Patagonia at the southmost point of the continent, along the west coast of South

Chile, Mexico, and Peru suffered more pain than glory

America, over the last 180 million years, the phenomenon

throughout their mining histories, providing cheap labor

called subduction prevails. The oceanic tectonic plates of

to develop the industry, with almost zero social benefits

the Pacific collide and slide below those of North America,

throughout the time the colony prevailed. The evolution

Central America and South America, which gives the

through the nineteenth century was equally slow, but the

region surprising but dangerous mobility, characterized by

sector grew and expanded from the twentieth century

seismic zones, which is why millions of people living on the

onward, with communities demanding yields, and

coastline and within the continent are permanently at risk.

governments encourage producers to seek a tangible socio-economic benefit.

The settlement and historical evolution gave Mexico and the countries of Central America and South America -

Consequently, in real terms, it is important to promote

especially Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil

the relationship between countries that share not only a

and Argentina, to mention only a few - a privileged position

thousand-year tradition, but a geological evolution that left

in terms of precious, basic and non-metallic mineral

behind a legacy of resources that are and will continue to

deposits. Comparatively, Mexico, Peru and Chile compete

be useful for the survival of humanity.

amicably for the sustainable production of raw minerals, which is essential for supporting the industry. The three

Minerals do not exist as a by-product. There is always

countries have an important historical, economic and

a reason, a process or a circumstance that allows us to

social component associated with mining activities, even

associate them with a geological event. Geological sciences

predating the sixteenth century Spanish invasion.

have developed since the sixteenth century - when the De Re Metallica treatise was written by the German Georgius

As a result, each country is responsible for promoting

Agricola. This was drafted in such a way that not only allows

mining activities. Mexico covers almost 2 million km ; Peru

us to know more about the structure of the thin solid crust

1.2 billion km2 and Chile 756,000km2. Among the three

upon which mankind lives but also about non-renewable

countries, 41.2 percent of the world’s silver, 43.6 percent of

resources such as minerals, petroleum, uranium, coal and

copper and 9 percent of gold is produced, so it can be said

geothermal deposits.


that mining is one of the main catalysts for the country’s economic development. The activity is carried out with care

The knowledge of geological evolution is exciting and

for the environment, and respect for the preservation and

important because within this environment it is possible

to coexist and marvel at the perfection of nature which,

the support of satellite images that have a surprisingly

through an almost miraculous balance, has provided all

powerful resolution.

the raw materials that the human race has used since it appeared on the face of the earth.

As if this were not enough, to maintain our hard-fought position as the guiding institution in world-renowned

The concept of exploration has also appeared since time

geosciences, SGM adds regional aerial geophysics

immemorial, and of course the practice has been perfected

maps that cover 100 percent of the country, including

over time. All countries, governments and societies are

into international waters. It also offers high-resolution

concerned with continuing to provide the materials required

geophysical techniques combined with radiometric

to maintain the standard of living of today’s society. None

information on uranium, thorium and potassium channels,

of the habits or activities of man and woman would be

as well as aerial electromagnetic time-domain (TEM)

possible if not for raw materials to build the everyday tools

methodology, useful for detecting underground sulphide

of modernity. There is high demand, and that is why it is

concentrations to determine the geo-hydrological potential

essential to continue supplying those materials.

of basins in arid and semi-arid zones. 161

The different countries of the world are aware of the

To round off the country’s intrinsic geological appeal, SGM

responsibility of responding to internal and external

operates two research centers in which mineral contents are

demand, and have taken advantage of globalization by

characterized and assayed, and metallurgical tests are run

fostering business opportunities for themselves and for

to support mineral exploration and benefit decision making.

foreign actors. Each offers, first and foremost, a variety of

Our technology is capable of identifying 38 elements in

geological contexts conducive to rich mineral deposits, as

active stream sediment samples that are collected during

well as expectations for the location of more minerals that

geological surveys, and later are mapped in geochemical

will be discovered thanks to the application of increasingly

maps. This constitute an additional tool that helps the

sophisticated exploration techniques.

integral exploration of a region or of a district.

The Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) is the institution

Mexico’s landscape is varied, resulting from the geological

that has committed to disseminate and propagate the

evolution that gave rise to the formation of extensive

geological knowledge of Mexico to encourage investment

mountain ranges of volcanic or sedimentary origin, desert

and contribute to the development of the nation. SGM is

and semi-desert plains, mountain ranges with active

responsible for generating geological maps throughout

volcanoes, rock complexes and reliefs in the south and

the territory, surveyed to a scale of 1:250,000 and

calcareous platforms in the southeast of the country. The

1:50,000, the latter with sufficient detail to visualize

Gulf of Mexico’s coastal zones are wide, and their Pacific

zones and mineralized areas. SGM supplements this data

counterparts relatively narrow, which can be seen in the

with information on the major and local structures that

case of the Sierra Madre Occidental, the province of the

control mineralization, as well as on stratigraphy, with

world’s largest gold and silver epithermal deposits.

SGM offers a wide diversity of exploration services and advisory for the world’s mining companies. It welcomes interested parties to visit its offices, which are distributed across the country, or consult its website, where its pioneering GeoInfoMex platform can be found. This platform provides a wealth of geographical data for Mexico, divided into various categories such as mineral deposits, geochemistry, geology and natural protected areas. GeoInfoMex allows users to access extensive geoscientific information about Mexico’s terrain and make fast decisions, saving both time and money, and contributing to the efficiency and promotion of mining activity. The platform contains more than 80 layers of information, generated by more than seven decades of mining exploration in Mexico, as well as information derived from inter-institutional agreements. This pioneering platform is the first of its type to map Mexico’s mining concessions and offer the public reliable, up-to-date and quality information on a massive scale. The data can be sorted by category, identifying world-class deposits and important mining districts. This platform facilitates planning for the mining industry, allowing an agile interpretation of the information, presenting information in a comprehensive way and contributing to the most informed decision-making process.




Mexico reported an 18 percent drop in exploration investment to US$401 million in 2016 from US$491 million in 2015 INDEX FOR GEOLOGICAL


2015 2016






50 37






43 34






Source: ProMéxico Negocios















2015 2016












Gold-Silver-Copper Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper Massive Sulphides Iron

Coal Strontium Flourite Manganese Phosphates


of projects funded with FDI in Mexico are in exploration


billion was received in LATAM for exploration investment





Q: How does Mexico stand out from other mining countries?

would be more open to working in partnership with the

A: Mexico is an amazing country and differs greatly

smaller exploration companies. Sadly, we often find out

from other mining jurisdictions thanks to its long mining

that half or more of our selected target area is covered by

tradition dating back to the 1500s. Other countries such

canceled “untouchable” claims. Once the canceled mineral

as neighboring Guatemala have similar geological potential

concessions are freed and released for public tendering it

but no long-standing mining tradition, which makes it much

is still difficult for a junior mining company. The tendered

more difficult to carry out mineral exploration and mining.

mineral claims are granted through a lottery system where the more tickets bought, the better the chance of a win,

Evrim Resources spends more than 60 percent of its

giving a solid edge to the cash-rich, larger companies.

resources in Mexico. We have four active projects located in Sonora and Chihuahua. On the project-generation side,

Q: What strategies help ensure success and potential

Evrim focuses its exploration activities in northwestern


Mexico, mainly in the Sierra Madre Occidental’s volcanic belt

A: On the exploration side, it helps to have a broad network

where many high-potential mineral prospects can be found,

of contacts in the industry, including government officials,

explored and developed. The company is based on the

concession owners, surveyors and local prospectors from

project-generator model, which involves the participation

mine communities. Once a promising target has been

of a team of highly experienced exploration geologists in

selected and the legal status of the mineral concessions has

both Canada and Mexico.

been cleared, Evrim will conduct a field evaluation program including rock sampling and mapping. If the results are

Q: What would you consider to be the main challenges

positive, Evrim then starts a process of negotiation with the

that exploration companies face in Mexico?

claim owners to reach reasonable terms on a contract that

A: My biggest concern in doing exploration work is

includes the permission to explore the mineral concessions

related to the availability of mining concessions. Today,

and an option to buy the respective mineral rights.

there are thousands of canceled mineral concessions that have accumulated over the past 25 years or so, an

In late 2015, Evrim acquired the Cerro Cascaron project near

outrageous amount of mineral property that has not been

Morelos in Chihuahua through such a process. As of today,

made available for acquisition by the public. These mineral

the company has spent more than US$250,000 evaluating

concessions are tangled in a faulty, deficient bureaucratic

the project. Cerro Cascaron is now at a stage where it can

process and remain dormant until the respective authorities

be offered as a JV to larger mining companies that are

free them and offer them to the public.

looking for potential new mineral projects to develop.

Another impediment to exploration work is that a

Q: How can the Mexican mining industry boost its

considerable portion of prospective mineral concessions

production levels?

are owned and controlled by large companies, many of

A: Mexico should try to learn from the largest producer

which remain stagnant exploration-wise for many years.

of gold in the world today, China, which has only a few

These major mining companies would benefit if they

million-ounce-plus gold deposits; most of the country’s producing gold mines have only 200,000–300,000 ounces of reserves. Mexico has many million-ounce gold mines in

Evrim Resources is a Canadian exploration company listed on

production, and many more 200,000-300,000-ounce gold

the TSX and working in Mexico. It has four projects in Mexico:

deposits that are not being exploited. Mexico could become

Ermitaño and Cumobabi in Sonora, Llano del Nogal in Sonora

the global leader in gold production if it can find a way to

and Cerro Cascaron in Chihuahua

take advantage of this abundance of smaller gold deposits.



Since its inception in 2007 with its acquisition of the

stake in its Penmont JV, which included the Herradura,

Chapalota property in Sinaloa, Riverside Resources has

Soledad-Dipolos and Noche Buena properties, to Fresnillo

been a company dedicated to mineral exploration in Mexico

for US$450 million. On March 8, 2017, Newmont confirmed a

and its President and CEO John-Mark Staude is vocal about

US$39.5 million deal for an earn-in agreement at the Plateau

his love of the country. “My father is Mexican and I feel a

property in the Yukon in Canada.

real responsibility to the Mexican people – I want to make a difference for us,” he says.

“Mexico is losing and the money is going to Serbia, Colombia, Finland and Ecuador,” says Staude. “We have the

Riverside’s business model is relatively simple: it generates

expertise but it has been very difficult to attract partners.

alliances where majors contribute the money and Riverside

We cannot compete if the money is going to more favorable

offers the technical expertise. The company differentiates


itself from other prospect generators in that it has been able to produce a profit from its JVs, alliances and sales

Although he admits that the government is understaffed

of its projects, meaning over the last decade it has kept a

and overwhelmed by the mammoth task of liberating the

tight share structure with only 44 million shares and US$5

concessions, he is adamant this must be prioritized to

million in cash.

ensure the future health of the sector. “The potential taxes on these properties would be millions of dollars,” he says.

But according to Staude, the number of hurdles companies

“With the US$20 million that Riverside could have brought

face in Mexico now is threatening the future of the sector.

in alone, a lot of civil servants could have been recruited.”

So much so that Riverside itself – a company that sees Mexico as its base in the Americas – is seriously considering

The first thing that needs to be done, says Staude, is to

diversifying to other jurisdictions like Brazil and has already

accelerate all cancellations and liberations of claims. “To

expanded to the US and Canada. “We are driven by passion

do this, the government does not even need the staff,

but sometimes the challenges feel insurmountable,” he says.

it can be outsourced to experienced contractors,” he

“Ejidos and security are two serious issues and tax regimes

suggests. “Or a governmental decree could be made to

make it difficult for mines to develop or operating mines to

officially cancel dormant claims.” He compares the system

continue to produce.”

to Quebec, where the claim release date is scheduled and on that date at 00:01 it becomes liberated and companies

For Staude, the main problem is the lack of liberation

can stake the claim. Some explorers in Canada own 5,000

of claims and the sheer amount of time taken for the

claim properties and make rapid deals, which is impossible

government to do so. He feels there has been an outflow

under the current Mexican system.

of foreign capital from Mexico and, as a result, Riverside has lost two-thirds of its partners and over US$20 million

Without any sign of new claims freeing up in 2017, Riverside’s

in potential JV money in the last four years. “Without the

attention will be focused on its priority Glor project with

titles, exploration is simply impossible,” he says. “We had

JV partner Centerra Gold. It also plans to advance with the

the money lined up and the commitment in place but the

early exploration of Cecilia and hopefully find a partner.

pace of permitting, granting titles and making liberations meant that, as the market decelerated, the money went

“We are still very interested in acquiring new properties in

elsewhere, namely to Canada.”

Mexico because the company has focused for many years on the country, particularly in Sonora,” says Staude. “But if

Staude cites Newmont Mining as an example. In 2014,

the process continues to be drawn out, we have to explore

Newmont cashed out of Mexico by selling its 44 percent

options of moving to other jurisdictions.”




SGS DURANGO CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FACILITY: TRUSTED EXPERTISE Few international companies offer laboratory testing services within Mexico, preferring instead to send samples to laboratories located in Houston or Toronto. But SGS’s Durango laboratory offers clients a speedy turnaround and eliminates the customs burdens of shipping exploration cores to other countries. The SGS Minerals Services facility is located in the heart of Mexico’s mining hub to the north and offers a wide range of comprehensive sample preparation, analytical and metallurgical-testing services. It also acts as a gateway to SGS’s global network of analytical and metallurgical facilities. The lab is fully accredited under the international ISO/IEC 17025 standard, which reduces the need to ship samples out of the country and thus allows companies to have input into their projects while minimizing turnaround times. Analytical capabilities on-site include fire assay with atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and gravimetric analysis for gold and silver, aqua regia and cyanide BLEG leach analyses for gold (DIBK-AAS finish), ICP-AES multi-element packages, aqua regia, strong acid digestion and peroxide and borate fusions and classil methods for high-grade copper, lead and zinc concentrates In addition to these analyses, the Durango lab offers an increasing series of metallurgical-testing capabilities, including specific gravity or bulk density testing, granulometric analysis, gravimetric concentration (using Knelson and Wilfley concentrators), floatation, leaching testing and mill bond or SPI testing. Many companies choose to outsource their analytical requirements for exploration or production laboratory services to SGS since it applies the same principles, procedures and quality standards to its outsourced laboratories as it does to its commercial laboratories. Companies that allow SGS to design, staff and operate their laboratories will be guaranteed to have at their disposal a full scope of capabilities for the fast turnaround of accurate, reliable data needed to run and optimize their plant operations and confirm the value produced by their operations. SGS is now operating on-site laboratories for customers with mining operations in Guerrero, Sonora and Guanajuato states.





Q: How has the exploration segment of the mining sector

mining sector perpetuated by the media and by the lack

in Mexico developed since the 2014 fiscal reforms?

of certainty in mining legislation. Although it has improved

A: The fiscal reforms certainly had an impact on exploration

greatly, we still have significant infrastructure, service and

in the country, especially the clause that established

safety deficiencies, which requires higher investment, costs

exploration expenses were not a cost and therefore were

and time to develop a project.

not tax deductible. Foreign companies in particular no longer view exploration as an investment but rather as an

Q: What impact will the CA$10.5 million credit line have

expense, with no guarantee of returns.

on the Tahuehueto project? A: Financing is a challenge for mining companies. Despite

Without overlooking its importance and good intention,

having a solid project, it is difficult to attract investment

the implementation of the Mining Fund also affected the

to the country. Locally, it is extremely difficult to get a

country’s exploration sector, since investment was made

bank to offer financing for exploration or development of

less competitive and attractive. Initially this fund was

a mining project. We secured a significant line of credit

created to support the specific communities where the

from our investors, which will allow us to continue with the

mines were situated but unfortunately it was decided that

development of Tahuehueto and bring it into production in

these funds would be assigned to the federation, state and

2017. The first resources from this credit line were used to

municipalities. This means that only a small percentage or

carry out a prefeasibility study (PFS) with an independent

none of these resources arrive in the communities with

company in accordance with the Canadian norm 43-101.

mining activities. These communities may be even more

We expect this study to be ready at the end of November.

affected since SEDATU, which is in charge of assigning the

We were also able to carry out an industrial test on 3,500

funds, has requested a percentage of the money for its

tons of mineral. We are about to conclude this stage with


excellent results in terms of the ore quality, the sales of which we expect to make us self-sustainable. We are in a

However, mining companies continue to invest in the

position to approve the construction of Tahuehueto and

country and strongly support the communities in which

take it into production.

we operate, independent of the obligations imposed on us. We recognize their importance and we have faith that

Q: How will you ensure the project continues to receive

the authorities will act to minimize the aforementioned

enough financing to bring it into production?

implications for the communities.

A: We are working with service and machinery providers, opening lines of credit to obtain equipment, work camps,

Q: What are the challenges you face as a Canadian junior

and all other components we will require. We are also about

mining company working in Mexico?

to close an agreement with an energy company, which will

A: The main challenge is in the excessive regulation, which

install and operate a generation plant for the project and

is becoming ever stricter, driving up prices and making

will provide us with energy at a competitive price.

exploration and development slower and slower. This is only exacerbated by the negative perception of the

We are fortunate enough to have a very high-quality project and an experienced team to develop and operate it, which has instilled our investors with confidence and has

Telson Resources is a Canadian junior mining company working

facilitated our financing. We are optimistic that Tahuehueto

in Durango. Its primary project, Tahuehueto, is at an advanced

will be in operation at the end of 2017, and we aim to

stage of development and is expected to enter commercial

produce 150,000 tons of mineral and more than 40,000

production by year-end 2017

gold equivalent ounces per year.



Q: What interest does USGS have in the Mexican mining

customarily called upon to review this part of the permitting


process after completion but now we are trying to get

A: We have a long-term interest in the Mexican mining

involved from the beginning of the characterization process

sector because it provides significant material input into

to act as advisors in developing basic scientific information

the hemisphere’s regional commodity flow, and particularly

needed to make workable engineering decisions and

in Sonora because it is very much a geological extension

systems that minimize environmental impacts. For example,

of what we work on in southern Arizona. We study the

we are planning on working closely with Resolution Mining,

Laramide porphyry copper belt, for example, and much

whose project will be 7,000 feet below ground.

of the adjacent epithermal systems in Mexico as well as in the US. I participated in a mapping and isotopic age-dating

Q: How is this information used by mining companies?

program to better define the age range of geologic units

A: As a federal entity, our assessments are available to

potentially relevant to mineralization episodes in northern

the public. We publish a worldwide estimate of mineral

Mexico. We were working jointly with Mexican scientists

resources as a tool that juniors as well as major mining

from SGM, the Geological Institute at UNAM and UNISON

companies compile internally. They potentially could

through an entity called the University of Arizona-USGS-

base their planning and activities including prospecting,

Mining Industry Mexico Consortium. This initiative was

targeting, and mineral concessions acquisitions on this

established in 1991 and supported by companies like Minera

estimate. We have developed our own version of it to use as

Kennecott and Cypress.

a public document for city planners, managers and perhaps junior exploration companies.

These efforts help us define the corresponding mineral belt on the US side, plus we can see different data and different

Q: How likely is the USGS to fund any Mexico-based

exposures. Some of the land in the US might be privately

research projects in the near future?

owned or park land, meaning it could be difficult to obtain

A: The USGS funds binational studies that involve

access, so it can be easier to come to Mexico to work on

developing or interpreting data from the Mexico side.

the same geological province. We have worked extensively

We are trying to develop studies on a project that may

over 60 years with SGM and we have carried out several

involve the San Pedro River in Mexico to examine the spill

joint projects defining areas of interest.

effects caused by unexpectedly intense monsoon storms. Specifically, we are examining the contaminant reservoir

Q: What projects are you working on and what practical

and remobilization potential. This proposed study would be

applications result from these ?

in cooperation with local public and private entities. I am

A: The most recent project we worked on was the mineral

currently examining a spill area in Arizona and comparing

resources assessment of Mexico, which was a joint study

its mineralogical aspects with an area in Colorado and we

with UNISON, UNAM and SGM. We had several joint

would like to include a part of the Sonora and San Pedro

exercises and we were given 36,000 analyses before they

Rivers to compare the effects on the soil. Such a study

were released to the public. We obtained the digital map

would be carried out in conjunction with the Mexican Civil

and carried out a three-part quantitative probabilistic

Protection Agency.

assessment in Mexico, where I led the portion looking at Laramide-age mineralization processes and their contained deposits and deposit potential.

USGS is a US government agency that provides data about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; water,

We also work with mining companies that are starting up

energy, minerals and other natural resources; the health of

to help with the environmental characterization. USGS was

ecosystems and the impacts of climate and land-use change





Q: How has the market in Mexico reacted to this

on-site Mineralogy and Geochemistry analysis using

addition to your Core Logging Web Service, which uses

Hyperspectral and XRF technologies for real time sharing

Hyperspectral Imaging and XRF X ray fluorescence

of accurate consistency of core logging. Our partner


Terracore is respected as a worldwide industry leader, and

A: The overwhelming majority of our clients have

its platform has been relied on by innovative companies

embraced the fact that this is the path of the future.

including Anglo Gold, Barrick Gold and The Swedish

However, we launched this during a severe economic

Geological Survey from the first core ever drilled to the

down turn with slashed budgets which has slowed the

last core drilled in their country. The Intellicore software

momentum of clients making the shift from old habits

platform is easy to use and focuses on a wide or narrow

to new technologies. It is certain that this service

search engine of spectral images, detected minerals

will generate consistencies with more accurate, non-

and alterations organized by depth and interpolating

destructive Geochemical and Mineralogical analysis with

additional values like geochemistry.

the cost savings of less delay and misinterpretation of human error.Â

Clients have chosen Terracore for many reasons, but I will share a few examples. The Intellicore software

Q: How does this product solve problems for your

platform is really easy to use with the ability to focus on

clients, and how does it differ from other data analysis

a wide or narrow search functionality of viewing spectral

software solutions on the market?

images, detected minerals and alterations organized by

A: In 2016, Globexplore teamed up with Terracore and

borehole, box, depth and integrating additional data such

Intellicore to create our Geosite Service, which provides

as geochemistry. This powerful platform manages all the


features required for any core logging and with precision

as its pathfinder. The geologists were first skeptical to

generates a comprehensive set of data products for the

try hyperspectral technology. After several months of

ease of sharing with corporate offices and third-party

frustration with traditional exploration analysis, they

software platforms such as Leap Frog, Vulca, MicroMine

analyzed a number of core boxes with Terracore as a

and similar programs.

test and discovered a crucial misinterpretation of mineral and alterations. With this correction, they were able to

In addition, our system can scan a complete core box

reset new pathfinders that made the correlation with the

in one pass whereas our competitors can only scan a

mineral values toward a very significant discovery that

10cm wide surface of one core sample at a time. This

was not previously evident.

gives our clients approximately 75 percent more data, 10 times faster and at a significantly lower cost. Also, only

Q: How are technological advancements in drilling

our system can scan RC chip samples. We are offering

helping to make exploration projects more viable?

this technology on site next to the drill or at the core

A: We ensure our drill fleet is up-to-date by replacing

shack as part of our Geosite services which in effect

each rig every five years, giving us the most modern

provides a mobile lab. We believe we are only drilling

fleet in Mexico. We purchase our rigs from the highest

company offering the service that allows geologists to

quality rig builders in Canada who specialize in the latest

take quick decisions to maximize their budgets and speed

safety technology rather than attempt to build our own

of exploration evaluation. This is a huge advantage when

rigs - as some of our competitors do - to save money.

compared to the traditional months or at best weeks of

For example, our Man Portable Drilling eliminates the

time to receive analytical information from a lab.Â

environmental impact and permits required for road and drill pad construction. We are working with one of our

Q: Could you provides a success story that demonstrates

rig builders to develop a high performance, single engine

the impact Core Logging service has on a client’s drilling

Man Portable Rig that is significantly more compact than


any other rig available on the market. Having a single

A: There are many success stories. For example, an

engine, rather than the typical three or four, decreases

exploration company made a greenfield discovery using

the drill pad size and reduces the risk of accident

traditional prospecting techniques. At the beginning of

during transportation. This reduces fuel consumption,

the exploration process, the company identified certain

maintenance costs and mechanical downtime. We can

minerals and alterations and then used this information

now move faster and safer yet maintain the power to


reach 400m in HQ, 750m in NQ and 1,000m in BQ. Another innovation we are working on with our partners is a Man Portable RC rig that can reach depths of 200m. Both of these rigs do not have a single component that weighs more than 420lbs. Q: How is automation impacting the drilling segment and to what extent is Globexplore developing unmanned, automated solutions for its clients? A: The industry is not quite ready for unmanned drilling in the exploration area. Unmanned drilling is working for some large and repetitive types of drilling campaigns like the level plains in Australia. While Artificial Intelligence will eventually help the industry, current exploration needs flexibility to quickly react to a variety of ground conditions, which requires the experience of a well-trained driller at the controls. Globexplore has automated every function possible to remove the chances of human error. Our Globexplore Management System (GMS) is a custom software system we developed ourselves with experts in this field. It was a substantial investment but the increase to our overall efficiency and productivity levels has been incredible. The GMS gives us a highly detailed, real-time experience starting from the drill hole to procedures that automatically generate drill logs, invoices, productivity data and preventive maintenance for all drills and support equipment. The GMS, for example, automatically reorders and maintains our inventory levels in the field and alerts us when a driver exceeds the speed limit or drives outside set boundaries. It generates numerous productivity reports and gathers important information that helps us take our performance to a higher level that cannot be reached without such an automated, real-time monitoring system.

Globexplore is an exploration drilling company offering traditional diamond core, man portable, underground and reverse circulation drilling services as well as on-site mineralogy and geochemical analysis with core logging. The company is based in Hermosillo





Mining companies are now looking to the markets with

In December 2016, Sonoro itself sold its Chipriona

optimism after the US Fed’s interest rate hike in March

concession in Sonora to Agnico Eagle and, on top of the

2017 caused the dollar to falter and opened the door for

US$4 million offer, was able to retain a 1 percent smelter

gold and silver as traditional safe havens. However, Kenneth

royalty on the project. Due to Chipriona’s strategic position

MacLeod, President and CEO of gold explorer Sonoro

in the middle of Agnico’s 63,000ha in Mulatos, MacLeod

Metals, says his company is taking a different approach.

is confident the Canadian major will exercise its option to

While he admits that he would like gold prices to reach 2012

buy the royalty for US$1.5 million. Sonoro decided to divest

levels, he remains relatively conservative in his expectations.

the asset due to its relatively small size and the fact that it needed more exploration work. Its position between the

“Many people have predicted gold prices will go much further

La India open-pit and Tarachi deposit made its acquisition

than 2012 levels, even up to US$3,000,” he says. “Our company

an easy decision for exploration giant Agnico.

aims to make money at a gold price of US$1,200, meaning that anything above this amount would be a bonus.” He says that

As a result of the divestiture, Sonoro is able to focus its new

companies have worked hard in the last seven to eight years

cash flow on the exploration and development of its core

to downscale, keep expenditures low and reduce overheads,

San Marcial deposit, also located in Sonora. Having spent a

so it would be counterproductive for the industry to abandon

few years carrying out soil sampling, MacLeod is confident

this newfound frugality in the case of a prolonged upturn.

that based on the majority of the target areas, the property

The best place to find a mine is close to where miners in the 1800s already discovered one”

has the makings of a large-scale disseminated deposit with a length of 5km and a width of 1.5km. “We must bear in mind that the deposit has never been drilled to depth so it remains to be seen how the mineralization will occur,” he says. This year, he expects Sonoro’s drilling permit to be approved, at which point the explorer will carry out some shallow RC drilling to a depth of 200m to get a feel for the underlying geology.

As a junior company, Sonoro did not see the benefits in the

Another promising sign is that the property boasts two old

uptick in 1H16 to the extent that majors did. After a flat 2H16,

mines – Soledad on the southern end and San Marcial on

2017 started off strong, with gold rallying to US$1,256.90

the northern end. “The best place to find a mine is close to

on Feb. 24 up from US$1,128.30 on Dec. 22. After sinking

where miners in the 1800s already discovered one,” says

to US$1,200.80 on Mar. 9, gold once again picked up the

MacLeod. In between these old mines is a 5km stretch

pace to reach US$1,244.50 on Mar. 21.

of mineralized zones running in a southeast-northwest direction and he says its characteristics are very similar to

This gave a welcome jolt to the majors’ share prices and

the megashear. “We will continue to explore these zones

trading volumes. Although there has been no such reaction

where the soil sampling indicates a greater grade,” he says.

in the juniors’ share prices, MacLeod explains that an equally positive trend is emerging instead. “We are now

Even Sonoro’s name – a combination of “Sonora” and “oro,”

seeing deals of US$5-15 million being financed and this

the Spanish word for gold – demonstrates the company’s

was unheard of a few years ago,” he says. “The financial

dedication to the north of Mexico. “Mexico is a mining

sector is beginning to once again take a longer-term view

friendly jurisdiction,” MacLeod says. “Recent changes to the

of the mining sector and this is reflected in the levels of

tax code have complicated things for foreign companies but

exploration investment the juniors are attracting.”

the country is so mineral rich it simply cannot be ignored.”



Gustavo Gallego Geosciences Engineer at Kootenay Silver

Exploration companies are more efficient and cautious than

La Cigarra is one of Kootenay’s current projects in

ever as a result of the recent mining slump. Drilling is the

Chihuahua with favorable drilling results. “The last seven

most expensive part of the process and many are becoming

holes all showed silver presence,” says Moya. “Although

more selective in its application. “We used to have drill

the grades were not significantly high, we see it as a sign

programs of 10,000m or more and now we have programs

of potential and we are now working on restructuring the

to 3,000m,” states Gustavo Gallego, Geosciences Engineer

geology model to improve viability.” Companies are already

at Kootenay Silver. “The company cannot afford to waste

starting to visit the prospect, according to Gallego.

even 1m due to the costs that are involved.” Apart from ejido issues causing delays, Gallego says that To reduce risks, the company relies on a prospect generator

companies can struggle to acquire concessions as access

model based on fieldwork and using geologists and

can be sporadic and the process can take up to five years.

prospectors with experience and advanced knowledge

“Factors such as the Energy Reform and convoluted

of what to look for, sampling and mapping. According to

processes make it harder to obtain mining concessions,”

Luis Moya, Chief Geologist at the company, the crew can

says Gallego. “In certain areas, a company has to wait until

cover and interpret the terrain in half the time normally

PEMEX liberates the area to acquire mining rights.”

taken thanks to its strategic division of work between prospectors and geologists. “Many companies have

Kootenay has been engaged in negotiations with a

dropped traditional methods for new discoveries, using

concessionaire for the granting of the application, a

modern methods that are not always more efficient,” says

process that is now entering its third year. This is an

Moya. “We try to simplify the process and stick to what

especially pronounced problem for the company, which

works. Sometimes this implies more conventional methods

often generates projects from scratch and advances them

that were developed throughout the industry’s 500-year

until there is enough information to sell them or attract

history.” A successful example of this was the prospecting

joint ventures. “Large players normally opt for buying 100

discovery of the La Negra silver breccia where there is not

percent of the prospects but if they are unsure they can buy

any previous evidence of exploration.

a smaller share to test the waters,” says Gallego. “Then they can continue to buy the entire project or sell their share.”

Another defining factor in Kootenay’s strategy is its clear and open communication channels with property owners.

The process is eased by the fact that companies that

“Mining concessions require negotiations with the owners

are interested in purchasing prospects can choose from

and it is important to be consistent with the flow of the

various financial options. “We adapt to the needs of the

information from the outset,” adds Moya. “Sometimes the

company, having sold projects to companies of the caliber

owners or community members will say they understand

of Pan American Silver,” says Moya. Kootenay offered Pan

the project, when the reality is very different.”

American Silver 75 percent ownership of Promontorio-La Negra while Kootenay retained the remaining 25 percent,

The company has successfully established a healthy

carried to production interest. The deal consists of annual

relationship between the community and mining for

payments and a commitment from Pan American Silver to

projects like La Cigarra, Promontorio and La Negra.

invest a minimum amount of capital in exploration.

“At Cigarra, Kootenay managed to establish a 20-year contract with the ejido that permits production,” says the

“The mining sector is a little stagnant as investment

Geosciences engineer. “The company also owns 1,000ha

dropped in the last few years but it is starting to take a

in the area and part of it will be used for the development

favorable turn,” says Gallego. “It will continue to grow as

of the future mine.”

long as the government does not change the laws again.”




The mining slump caused many operators to prioritize cost reduction over exploration. Operators now find themselves with exclusive portfolios of mines nearing the end of their lifecycle and a lack of new projects to replace them. According to KPMG, CEOs from some of Canada’s largest companies stated that their main concern for 2016 is their ability to access and replace reserves. On top of this, Mexican mining companies struggle to stay afloat under Mexico’s changing legislation and its labyrinthine process to acquire mining concessions. Mexico Mining Review asked leading executives about the main challenges they are facing and the new strategies they are adopting.


Delays with the government releasing concessions mean there are huge swathes of the country that are not being tested or utilized and because claim applications are not being granted, the government is missing out on taxes for these concessions. Out of 2,000 showings, only one becomes a mine so drilling and testing is absolutely essential to advance the creation of mines. This has a huge trickle-down impact because without access to this land, no exploration can

JAMES MCDONALD President and CEO of Kootenay Silver

be carried out, no new discoveries can be made and ultimately, no new mines can come into production. This impacts not only the mining sector but the economy as a whole due to the industry’s role as an employment creator, revenue generator and huge contributor to the country’s GDP.

Mexico should try to learn from the largest producer of gold in the world today: China, a country that has been very successful in exploiting its territory’s mineral potential. China has only a few million-ounce-plus gold deposits. Most of the country’s producing gold mines have only 200,000–300,000 ounces of reserves. Mexico, on the other hand, has many million-ounce gold mines in production, and many more 200,000-300,000-ounce gold deposits that are not being exploited.

ALAIN CHAREST Exploration VP, Mexico at Evrim Resources

Mexico could eventually become the global leader in gold production if it can find a way to take advantage of this abundance of smaller gold deposits.

The management of the mining registry in Mexico has made substantial improvements and is now very efficient. Although foreign mining exploration investment in Mexico dropped slightly in 2015, that can be explained by the low gold prices and the royalty tax, which was imposed at the worst possible time. I support the additional taxes, as long as the funds go back into the communities as intended. Investment is returning and 2016 figures for exploration investment

ARTURO BONILLAS President and Director of Timmins Gold

should be much higher than the previous year. A lot of the credit for this must go to SGM, which does a fantastic job when it comes to prospecting, mapping and target identification. This undoubtedly helps attract foreign companies to the country, and this has a positive knock-on effect on the entire industry.

If we look at the production profile of a lot of companies over the next few years, especially given the fact a lot of companies over-leveraged themselves in the past decade, there is a real deficit in terms of production from 2019 beyond. That is most pronounced in the gold industry. When looking at countries like Mexico that have recent successes in exploration and in terms of projects that have been discovered from greenfields and brought through to production, it is clear there is a lot of mining entrepreneurship. The country is becoming an interesting place in which to operate and this period marks a turning point in Mexican exploration because it is becoming

BEN PULLINGER VP Geology at Excellon Resources

more innovative and advanced. Juanicipio is a great example of the kind of success that can be generated by digging a little further and applying sound geological theory in a geologically challenging environment.


The challenge is finding the time to assess all the potential projects that are available in Mexico. It is also vital to select the right execution partners. If we do not have the right geologists or drilling team working for us, we cannot be sure that our capital is protected. One way we protect our investments and ensure the accuracy and credibility of our data is by demanding that every study comes accompanied with an NI-43101 report. Without this certification, any geological or technical study to be used for institutional funding purposes is useless. On the financial side, the correct structures must be in place to allow capital to flow to the project. Irrespective of whether we own the mining concession or not, if the capital is not available to fund

MARIO GUTIÉRREZ, Managing Partner at Tauro Capital Partners

its exploration nobody wins so it is vital to establish a transparent, fair and efficient structure that works for all parties involved.

Mining operations are becoming more and more expensive in Mexico because of the weakness of the peso against the US dollar and the added tax pressure is negatively impacting the budget of local mining companies. This is affecting the entire value chain but especially companies working in exploration; junior exploration companies practically stopped operating in Mexico in the past couple of years. This is concerning because exploration is the future of the industry so it must be nurtured. Despite this trend, we are still seeing a number of new projects and developments springing up, which is a very encouraging sign. Several of the major miners in Mexico picked up the slack left by juniors and have begun aggressive exploration projects. The

MARCO BARRAGĂ N Minerals Business Manager Mexico of SGS

situation is not as bad as many make it out to be and we have to make the most of the available opportunities.

When the government labels an area as a reserve, it has the authority to approve the purpose it will hold, even if it has a mineral deposit. Therefore, companies must be careful and make sure that the area they wish to develop is free for mining before applying for a concession. Geological and seismic analysis are more complicated than simply looking at a map. They are in fact extremely necessary. Communication with geologists, prospectors and engineers is required to develop a map before choosing an area to apply for a concession to make sure it is not a reserved area or owned by someone else. This is one of the most difficult parts of the process, but following the correct steps makes it easier for mining companies to be successful in securing concessions.

JUAN TORRES-LANDA Partner at Hogan Lovells BSTL


EXPLOITING THE VACUUM IN EARLY STAGE EXPLORATION Mario Gutiérrez Managing Partner at Tauro Capital Partners


Javier Gutiérrez Managing Director at Tauro Capital Partners

Q: What was the strategic thinking behind the creation of

knew we were entering at the highest risk-reward stage

Tauro Capital Partners in 2013?

of the industry. When investing in early stage exploration,

JG: Tauro Capital Partners operates in a selective niche

projects are not based or analyzed on a per-period

segment of the industry, which is funding early stage

cash-flow generation basis and so the business model is

private exploration opportunities. We believe there are

different from most private equity investments. We use

important mining projects waiting to be developed. After

private capital to build a portfolio of diversified proven

the financial crisis of 2008, the industry went through a

and probable reserves with a view to monetizing them at

period of transition and in Mexico, we saw a significant

some point down the road. Our expertise lies in sourcing

retreat of capital raised through the TSX and the TSX.V

and funding exploration projects with high potential and an

for exploration-stage mining projects. Large mining funds

acceptable risk profile. We know that not every investment

that owned several concessions were forced to selectively

will be a success – that is the nature of the segment we are

streamline their portfolio, while many juniors went out

in – but one profitable project that defines strong mineral

of business altogether. This highly volatile environment

reserves has the potential to deliver fantastic value to

created a vacuum of early stage exploration projects that

shareholders by itself.

are now being exploited by dedicated, specialized funds like Tauro Capital Partners.

Q: To what extent have you seen the M&A market in the mining sector recovering alongside the commodity prices?

Q: What have been the highlights since the company’s

MG: The mining industry overall is undergoing an inflection


point. The sector only accounts for around 2 percent of

MG: We have made a significant investment in a potentially

total corporate M&A activity, which is minimal considering

substantial exploration-stage base metal project in Mexico.

the size of the global mining industry, and this is because

It is too early to release more information but we are very

current conditions are not ideal for deals.

excited about its prospects and there should be more information available by 2018. It is important to remember

Typically, there are two main reasons for M&A activity in the

that in this business, for every 10 projects, only one will

mining sector. There are strategic divestitures prompted

probably yield a significant risk adjusted return so we must

by a need for liquidity to reduce balance-sheet leverage

be selective. Before we commit capital, we are careful to

or to rebalance portfolio exposure. Otherwise, a company

complete all the technical due diligence requirements, which

might simply receive an offer above perceived fair value of

typically includes geochemistry, induced polarization and

the asset. Either way, deals tend to get done when either

target core drilling. In addition to early stage exploration

the sector is reaching the top of a cycle or during a down

projects, we also operate a growing mining services

cycle consolidation play. There is not a great deal of M&A

division. We have a large crushing and conveying operation

activity now and that suggests investors want to keep

in Coahuila.

their projects because they are bullish on prices. From a valuation perspective, cash flow and reserves per ton

When we decided to set up a business focused on

typically doubles between mid-to-peak cycle but timing it

allocating private capital into early-stage exploration, we

right, as always, is the key. As a rule, M&A activity should pick up as metals supply scarcity perception increases, which tends to increase prices. In addition, declining ore

Tauro Capital Partners is a private investment firm that

grades, environmental factors and labor conflicts going

creates, develops and invests in companies with high-value

on in jurisdictions around the world are becoming supply

creation projects in Mexico. Its areas of interest include mining,

constraints that will continue to support an upward price

chemicals and infrastructure

trend. This could lead to more deals.

Q: To what extent does the regulatory environment in

Mexico. Canada has always had a very pro-mining financial

Mexico facilitate M&A deals in the mining sector?

community, and its investors know and welcome the risk

MG: Overall, the regulatory framework is very

involved in mining ventures. In Mexico, exploration is

accommodating to investors. The recent increase in a

controlled by the large companies with scalable budgets

specific mining cash flow targeted tax became a temporary

and mostly they reap the rewards.

investment restrain but I do not believe it will be a longterm overhang. It is important to take these changes in

But Mexico is a huge jurisdiction and even the big

the context of what Mexico is currently going through as

three Mexican mining companies cannot cover all the

a country. Mexico only collects around 13-15 percent of

opportunities by themselves, which is why there has been

GDP in taxes, which is well below the global average. The

such a strong influx of Canadian companies into the market

Energy Reform will be good for Mexico in the long run

in the past 10 years. In my opinion, the Mexican institutional

but with declining oil production and prices it has meant

and retail investor community deserves to have exposure

that the government is receiving around US$40-50 billion

to local mining projects. The Mexican government has

less in revenue per year. The mining sector was one of

already done a good job in providing a working regulatory

the targeted sectors within a broader tax diversification

framework to promote and develop mining projects.

strategy implemented by the current administration.

Providing an efficient public capital raising framework seems like the logical next step.

On the positive side, additional spending by the government on infrastructure will continue to benefit the Mexican

Q: What are the main goals for the company in the next

people, the economy and the mining sector as a supplier

two to three years?

of metals, services and jobs.

JG: We want to continue developing a diversified portfolio of proven and probable reserves in gold, copper and

Q: Do you think the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) should

other polymetallic ventures. We are also very interested

do more to help junior explorers operating in Mexico?

in expanding our mining services division where we have

MG: Of course I would rather see capital raised for Mexican

over 35 years of experience. We want to represent a viable

exploration by Mexican companies in Mexican pesos than

alternative to outsource crushing and conveying needs,

to see the transactions taking place in Toronto. Currently,

which will enable mining companies to focus their capital

Canadian markets offer conditions that are not available in

on exploration and metal reserves discovery and growth.



27 mining concessions make

up Telson Rosources' Tahuehueto project in the eastern Sierra Madre


TAHUEHUETO The eastern Sierra Madre is home to some of the most prolific mines in the country. The mountain range dissects the country down the Sonora-Chihuahua border and continues through Sinaloa and Durango. Durango is home to three world-class deposits – La Ciénega, Guanaceví and San Dimas – and Telson Resources’ Tahuehueto project is nestled in the heart of this prestigious district. The Sierra Madre mineral belt, which hosts most of Mexico’s producing mines and active exploration and development projects, has geological similarities to epithermal deposits being exploited in nearby mining districts. 181

Consisting of 27 mining concessions grouped into five noncontiguous blocks that total approximately 7,492ha, the Tahuehueto project is in an advanced stage of development with mine construction planned during 2017 and commercial production scheduled for 1Q18. Telson Resources owns 100 percent of the project through a 99.9 percent share in its Mexican subsidiary company, Real de la Bufa S.A de C.V. The 2017 PFS at 500t/d showed promising results. Tahuehueto is expected to make an EBITDA of US$16.7 million. With a 36 percent IRR, the payback period is set at just three years, while total mine life is estimated at 21 years. According to the PFS, the average cost per ton will be US$191.26, while the average cost per ounce of gold equivalent will be US$494.95. Telson opted for a 12-year mine life with the increased tonnage throughput at 1,000t/d based on the recent acqusition of mill equipment. There is significant exploration upside both on the existing reserve/resource explored structures along strike and down dip of the known mineralization, which is open in all directions, as well as within numerous other mineralized but unexplored structures known to occur within the core 700ha concession area. Further exploration potential exists outside the core area where Telson controls approximately an additional 6,700ha of concessions. Telson’s concessions cover about 80 percent of the mineralized Tahuehueto district and there is a significant amount of prospective ground within its boundaries. Telson’s plan is to move the mine into production with the reserves outlined in the core 500ha area and continue to expand the reserves on structures where there are defined reserves and resources. As part of its expansion plan, Telson acquired the Campo Morado mine in the Guerrero gold belt in June 2017. The mine is made up of 12,495 ha and the plan is to initiate operations at 2000t/d in October 2017.




Q: What are the latest developments on the El Alacrán

When we acquired the El Alacrán property from Teck


Resources, it was subject to a buy-back clause wherein

A: We have been exploring the El Alacrán project since

Teck had the right to re-acquire a 51 percent interest in

January 2015, spending a total US$5 million in that time.

the property by sole funding US$10 million in expenditures

We have also met our initial milestone commitment to the

over the next four years and making cash payments of

owner of the project, Teck Resources, which means that

US$500,000 to Azure. In December 2016, we were advised

we have 100 percent ownership of the project. Of course,

by Teck that it planned to exercise this right and, as of

Teck still has the option of buying back into the project if

July 2017, Teck has a 5,500m drill plan scheduled. Teck

it believes we have found a viable or attractive deposit.

Resources will complete follow-up drilling at Loma Bonita, Cerro San Simon, Cerro Enmedio, La Morita and Palo

The Mesa de Plata silver deposit holds an estimated 26 million silver ounces

Seco prospects, subject to securing the permits from the authorities. Q: Assuming the PFS reveals that the construction of a mine is a viable option, will Azure then start looking for a buyer? A: We are looking to take this project right through to production to become a mining operator ourselves. The

In the two years we have been exploring the site, we

members of the company’s executive board all have

have been tremendously successful, having found two

substantial experience not only in exploration but also

substantial deposits. Firstly, we discovered the Mesa de

in developing, building and operating mines, so we feel

Plata silver deposit, which holds an estimated 26 million

confident that we can transform Azure Minerals from being

ounces of high-grade silver at surface. This deposit is easily

a junior explorer into a producing company. If everything

treatable and we expect to have the Pre-Feasibility Study

goes according to plan, we anticipate that the mine could

(PFS) completed during 1Q17. We recently discovered the

be up and running before the end of 2018.

Loma Bonita gold deposit, which lies just 300m from Mesa de Plata and outcrops.

The Loma Bonita discovery was the final confirmation we needed that we were exploring an area of high potential.

What is really exciting about these two deposits is that

On its own, Mesa de Plata is an attractive, modest-sized,

they are both high grade and they are found at surface

high-grade and potentially lucrative mining operation that

on top of a hill. Moreover, Grupo México’s Cananea

would have a mine life of three to five years. However,

copper mine is visible from the site just 12km to the north.

the discovery of the Loma Bonita gold deposit changed

Although copper exploration has dominated the region

the scope of the overall project entirely, doubling the

in recent years, we have found two significant precious

tonnage and extending the life to up to 10 years. With the

metal deposits, which speaks volumes for the potential

exploration potential in the area, there is nothing to say that

for mineral exploration in Mexico.

more deposits will not be discovered in the future. Q: Will the proximity of the Buenavista del Cobre mine be

Azure Minerals is Australia's leading mineral exploration

a bonus to the project in terms of infrastructure?

company in Mexico. It has two projects in progress: El

A: Very much so because the Cananea district is one of

Alacrán, which it is developing alongside Teck Resources, and

the busiest mining districts in Mexico. Not only is there a


lot of mining and exploration in the area but there is a big

push on infrastructure projects, with new highways, power

This is exciting because the two main deposits that we have

lines and water supplies constantly being installed. It is

already discovered – La Cascada and Promontorio – are

hard to think of a place better-suited to mine construction

modest-sized deposits that would not attract a company

in Mexico. The town of Cananea has a population of over

the size of Rio Tinto. However, with the new copper

30,000 and the community is supportive of mining given

porphyry body, coupled with some of the other targets we

the long history of operations in the area. This provides

have identified in the area, we expect that a large mining

us with a ready-made workforce. We hope that once the

company could see enough mineral potential to build a

mine is in operation it will be mutually beneficial for both

sizeable mine. Rio Tinto, with its long history of copper

Azure Minerals and the municipality of Cananea.

production, could be that company.

Q: How have the discoveries of Mesa de Plata and Loma

Q: How valuable has the experience of Rio Tinto been to

Bonita affected the company’s stock price?

the project?

A: The market capitalization of the company rose

A: Rio Tinto is an impressive exploration organization,

from around US$10 million to US$60 million between

with highly qualified and knowledgeable geochemists

September 2015 and September 2016. We have also

and geophysicists who bring to the table state-of-the-

distributed a fair number of shares to fund our activities,

art analysis techniques and practices. We have learned a

and that explains why the share price on the ASX has only

tremendous amount from them and we hope to replicate

gone up fourfold. We have raised more than US$15 million

their modus operandi on our other projects. On the financial

from Australia, North America and Europe, which shows

side, Rio Tinto has also been vital. A junior company like

how much interest our projects are attracting around the

Azure Minerals does not always have the cash to fund

world. In fact, 25 percent of our shares are now owned in

extensive drilling and exploration work, especially when

North America and we are investigating the possibility of

prices are depressed as they were in the past few years, so

making a listing on the TSX. This would make us a dual-

having a large JV partner with more liquidity like Rio Tinto

listed company and allow us to attract even more interest

is a real boost for the project.

from North America. We plan to use the extra funds to complete the feasibility study and develop the mine.

Q: What are the main challenges you have encountered as an Australian exploration company operating in Mexico?

Q: What are the latest developments on the JV with Rio

A: The main challenge on the corporate side is explaining to

Tinto at Promontorio?

the Australian investment community the benefits of working

A: As part of the deal we agreed with Rio Tinto, it has

in Mexico and the country’s vast mineral potential. We have

to spend US$45 million to earn an 80 percent interest in

just discovered a good silver deposit but Australia does not

the project. In the first year, the focus was on geophysical

have a big history in silver so we have had to educate the

and geochemical studies, while the second year the

market about the grey metal’s many advantages. This is

main goal was to complete drilling. We completed nine

one of the reasons why we want to transfer the company to

holes totaling 9,000m and we successfully identified

Toronto with a dual listing, because the Canadian investment

a large, strong, porphyry body that contains copper

community is vastly more experienced in both Mexican


operations and silver extraction.



La Platosa, Durango, Excellon Resources



Q: How would you assess the prospects for the global

Q: What strategies does Excellon use to raise funds?

mining industry and where does Mexico fit into that?

A: We see a live interest in the retail silver market and

A: If we look at the production profile of a lot of companies

some US ETFs. The silver space is quite small but quite

over the next few years, especially given the fact a lot of

well-monitored and, in terms of being able to raise that

companies over-leveraged themselves in the past decade,

capital, we go to investors with detailed plans that show

there is a real deficit in terms of production from 2019 and

what we can do with the funds. We are at the point where

beyond. That is most pronounced in the gold industry.

we have raised more capital to see us through the slump. In

When looking at countries like Mexico that have had

the context of the Platosa ore body, every 10x10m block of

recent successes in exploration and in terms of projects

mineralization contains approximately US$1 million worth

that have been discovered from greenfields and brought

of metal due to the density and the grade. Therefore,

through to production, it is clear there is a lot of mining

for every drill hole on the project that defines additional

entrepreneurship. The country is becoming an interesting

mineralization, the return on exploration investment is

place in which to operate and this period marks a turning


point in Mexican exploration because it is becoming more innovative and advanced.

Q: How are you planning to double production and halve costs this year?

Q: What strategies helped to drive the share price up by

A: This philosophy is actually quite simple. The biggest

more than 500 percent in 1H16?

constraint on our production historically has been that there

A: Firstly, the company has been evolving constantly

is a lot of water in the mine. This does not impede mining

since 2012 and before that there was a lot of turnover in

but we use a lot more grouting and the process is a lot

management, making it tough for the company to stay

more manual and time consuming. In 2015, we developed

well-funded. A new CEO, Brendan Cahill, took over in

a simple engineering solution to more efficiently dewater

2012. Since then, the company has developed a strategy

the mine and we are in the final stages of implementing this

to significantly turn around operations that would see a

optimization plan. With us being able to more effectively

doubling of production and more than halving of costs in

manage this water, we can develop five times faster, we can

2H17. We were able to take advantage of improved equity

cut our maintenance costs and become a lot more efficient

markets and raise US$25 million in a nine-month period,

in terms of electricity use.

which attracted our largest holder, Eric Sprott, who now owns 19 percent of the company.

We are mining around 150t/d and we think that doubling this to 300t/d is just the first milestone. We think in 2018

More importantly, this capital allowed us to recommence

there will be more room for optimizing that and at that

exploration for near-term mineable resources and to

point the only bottleneck would be our mill, which we

follow up on previous discoveries of skarn mineralization

can upgrade to a capacity of 500t/d. All the numbers

on the project. We have already had early success in the

and figures we have used are on the conservative end

program. We are probably about 6,000m through that

of the scale. So we believe that a goal of 300t/d is very

program and in 4Q16 we announced results in which we


intersected significant mineralization. One of those was an underground hole in which we intersected 13m of 1,800g/t silver equivalent. This also brought forward production and

Excellon Resources is a precious metals producer based in

gave us an extra 25m of mineralization. The mineralization

Toronto. Its 100 percent-owned Platosa mine in Durango has

that we are exploiting on the permit to date is indicative of

been Mexico’s highest-grade silver mine since production

a larger system that we will continue to explore.

commenced in 2005




REDEFINING DRILL CORE DATA ANALYSIS Many geologists are familiar with the process of waiting weeks or months for structural data collected in the field. The situation worsens when there are doubts about the integrity of the data being relied upon for significant mine planning and modeling decisions. Currently, collecting structural measurements on drill core is a time-consuming, manual task, where errors can easily occur. The laborious process of collecting data in the field for many has not yet caught up with the available digital processes that now make this process simple and that mitigate all those challenges and risks that sow doubt about the data’s validity. The processing and plotting of the data is a separate, backoffice process, which is also manual and time-consuming and may occur weeks or even months after the readings are collected. But what if this now became a real-time instant process that could save time and money? REFLEX identified this need and developed an end-to-end solution for structural logging and the REFLEX IQ-LOGGER is an important component of this solution. The IQ-LOGGER fundamentally changes the approach to drill-core analysis. This new device has had an overwhelmingly positive market response as trial units were rolled-out across the globe. The goal of the new technology is to change ingrained habits of how geologists collect structural readings. Facilitating what was once a timely and onerous task, the IQ-LOGGER’s laser protractor allows the user to collect structural readings from diamond drill core without it having to leave the core tray. In essence, the new IQ-LOGGER negates the excessive time required for logging, while the digital transfer of logging data provides a reliable digital audit train. The real-time QA capability via immediate Stereonet projection, ensures readings are accurate and reliable. The tremendous market response to the IG-LOGGER has spurred the creator behind REFLEX’s products, Imdex, to fast-track development of the prototype product. With this technology, Michelle Carey, Global Manager of Integrated Solutions for REFLEX, is expecting geologists to start asking more questions about the quality of critical orientation data. She has already run a webinar on “The Future of Structural Data Collection and Interpretation” and expects demand for the seminar to grow.





In mining exploration, reputation is key. Having worked

with these similar characteristics. In 2015, the companies

in the Arctic and in the US and Canada, David Duncan

announced the closing of a deal in which Oceanus would

and his team at Oceanus Resources have a great deal of

acquire the company and the property.

expertise in exploration. While in West Africa, the team discovered and built four major mines in four different

“The property was investigated for its silver potential but

countries. “When it came time to enter Mexico, people

when we analyzed the deposit, we thought it could be like

knew who we were,” he says.

Pinos Altos, which hides a lot more gold than silver,” he says. “For the last year or so we have been working on the

Traditionally, his homeland of Halifax, Nova Scotia is not

project with the goal of developing 1 million ounces of gold

well-known as a mining center but many exploration greats

as a starting benchmark for an open-pit.”

originate from there. Notably, Brad Langille and his team at GoGold Resources have a number of discoveries under their

Because El Tigre Silver already obtained all the concessions

belt, including Minera Frisco’s Ocampo mine and Mulatos

in the eight years it owned the mine, Oceanus’ project is

operated by Alamos Gold. GoGold has also just built its

quickly advancing and Duncan warns that progress will

first mine in Chihuahua’s legendary Parral district. Today,

be made rapidly. “Over the next year, we will make some

says Duncan, the company’s Vice President Exploration,

big announcements,” he says. “Right now, we are working

most investors look at the people involved and not just

toward producing a prefeasibility study and this is expected

the projects. “Upon entering Mexico, we were a tiny little

to be ready in 2017. El Tigre’s first resource documents will

company but we had over 100 years of experience in

then be ready by 3Q17 and a feasibility study is anticipated

discovery and building mines,” he says.

for 1Q18. This speed is unusual in the area surrounding the

At the beginning of next year, we will start thinking about construction of the mine”

Sierra Madre mountains due to the topography and the high costs normally involved with these kinds of areas. The key, says Duncan, is to remain focused. “The environment requires a clear plan for finding a viable investment asset,” he says. “While there is a variety of components that can pull an explorer off-course, most of these would never have the potential to become a mine.” As a result of this philosophy, Oceanus abandoned its first

From all his time spent working across different continents

target of Durango. “Although there were very high potential

and in the north of Mexico, Duncan maintains that Sonora is

gold projects, it would be very complex to try to build a

his favorite place to work. “Sonora is particularly favorable

mine out in the mountains,” explains Duncan. “When the

due to its exceptional mineral deposits, friendly mining

money supply starts contracting, the more expensive

environment and breadth of experienced technical staff

locations unfortunately become less attractive to investors.”

across the industry,” he says. But Duncan is confident that El Tigre holds the potential to Mexico is characterized as a predominantly silver country

attract investors to spend the required hundreds of millions

but Duncan shares that when the outskirts of those silver

of dollars to build the mine when the time comes. And this

mines is examined, there is a great deal of gold potential

could be just around the corner. “At the beginning of next

and still a lot to be explored. Soon after arriving in the

year, we will be at a serious tipping point where we will

country, Oceanus stumbled across a company called El

need larger investment and we will start thinking about

Tigre Silver that owned a 120-year-old silver concession

construction of the mine,” he says.



The success of any exploration project boils down to one

years, having previously been available after one – Mexico

factor: the quality of the deposit. When Orex Minerals, a

suffered more than most. In 2015 the jurisdiction fell from

Canadian junior with one foot firmly in Mexico, entered

fourth to seventh place on the global list of exploration

into an option agreement with Canasil Resources to

destinations, overtaken by China, Peru and Chile.

develop the Sandra Escobar project in Durango, it was the familiar geological trends that intrigued the company’s

Despite this trend, Whiting refuses to focus on the

management team.

negatives. At Sandra Escobar, Orex recently made a silver discovery called the Boleras Deposit and commissioned a

“I see Sandra Escobar as an analog of Silver Standard’s La

resource estimate,. The inferred resource currently stands

Pitarrilla, which is a giant deposit lying 75km to the east,”

at 9.8 million tons, grading 106 g/t silver, for a total of 33.3

says Ben Whiting, Vice President of Exploration at Orex

million ounces of silver.

Minerals. “The goal is to find the heart of the deposit. Once we locate the sulphide deposit, we will know how significant

Ensuring that all its Mexican eggs do not fall into the Sandra

a resource Sandra Escobar can become.”

Escobar basket, Orex also owns a 45 percent share in the Coneto silver-gold project. Also located in Durango, Coneto

Spurred on by the geological potential, in September

is a traditional intermediate sulfidation vein system where

2015 Orex took up the option of spending US$2 million in

at least 50 veins have already been discovered. Fresnillo,

fieldwork and paying Canasil US$500,000 cash in return for

the world’s largest primary silver producer and Mexico´s

55 percent of the project. This milestone has been reached

largest gold producer in 2016, is currently the operator and

and in 2017 a formal JV is being formed, leaving Orex to

is carrying out a drilling program.

continue running the technical side and obliging Canasil to finance 45 percent of the project. The two enterprises will

The management team at Orex is part of the Belcarra Group,

work in unison to find the all-important mineral epicenter

which has recently set up an entirely new corporation, Silver

at Sandra Escobar, at which point it will be offered to an

Viper Minerals, designed to expand its Mexican portfolio.

established production level company.

Silver Viper’s first project will be the Clemente project in Sonora, on which it has an option with Riverside Resources.

“Typically, a major company is looking for a deposit in the

“We will be launching an IPO for Silver Viper in March and

range of 2 million gold ounces or 100 million silver ounces,”

we have already seen strong interest,” says Whiting. “We

says Whiting. “Once you reach about half that number, the

hope to raise around US$10 million, enough to continue

big names start circling.”

taking on new projects in Mexico.”

It may sound simple but in reality, exploration companies

When stripped down to the bare bones, Orex’s business

like Orex are all faced by the same challenge in that they

strategy is remarkably simple: it creates shareholder value

have no consistent stream of revenue. Regardless of the

by making discoveries, and sells the projects to large

strength of the deposit, the board’s hands are tied if there

miners in return for a mixture of cash, warrants and shares

is no cash to fund pricy drilling programs and geological

in the buying party. Given that all key employees have

tests. Investment in exploration is by nature a risky business,

stock options, each new discovery represents a mutually

and raising funds becomes even more challenging as metals

beneficial situation for all involved.

prices stagnate. In the midst of the downturn in 2015, global exploration investment fell by 19.3 percent to US$9.2

“Our raison d’étre is exploration. We want to find the next

billion. Thanks to a controversial change to exploration tax

deposit, so we are constantly drilling,” says Whiting. “There

regulation – expenses are now only tax-deductible after 10

is no better place to look than Mexico.”





For someone who has been involved in minerals exploration

eight targets, the last three of which formed the discovery

since the 1960s, the last five decades have brought about

holes for what is now a PeĂąoles mine. This was all done

breathtaking changes in the sector. Since 1967, I have worked

prior to the existence of mineral-belt patterns. Until five

as an exploration consultant both inside and out of Mexico

years ago, in fact, nobody had taken the time to really

and I have seen a complete restructuring. Previously, there

map these deposits. When academics began to study the

were a great number of small organizations with almost no

Mojave-Sonora shear, a boundary was drawn and patterns

Mexican companies. Now, Mexico has finally opened itself

emerged of significant copper and gold deposits.

up to outside influence and is much more welcoming to international companies. Mexican companies now see the

It can be difficult to find steady employment in exploration

value of hiring expertise and no longer confine themselves

due to the constant market consolidation caused by the

to insular groups.

cyclical nature of mining. I believe geologists should enter the job with this reality in mind, equipped with flexibility

The most interesting case I worked on was the El Humo

and the right preparation to survive the environment. To

project in Sonora, mapping the entire mountain range for

work in this industry, a geologist should be upbeat, patient

a US company called Magma, which was later taken over

and optimistic that someone will eventually see the value

by BHP Billiton. During this project, I laid out eight holes for

in his or her discovery.



Q: What do you think the government and private sector

A: Relative to Canada, it seems like the whole process is like

can do to make Mexico more attractive for exploration

a game. In Canada, there is an annual deadline, taxes are filed


by that deadline and a return is made promptly. In Mexico,

A: The heart and soul of mining is exploration and there

we are required to make expenditure on the property and

is a lot of entrepreneurship in this subsector. I think the

the eligible expenditures are only those that are recognized

government needs to recognize the cyclical nature of the

with VAT. We want to hire Mexican contractors and support

industry and the challenges faced by these early stage

the local economy but this means that we do not receive

companies. Because of the cycles, returns on investment

credit for these expenditures because these local purchases

are not linear, yet the taxes and expenses rise on a linear

and commitments do not attach VAT. We have now gone

basis so I think there should be some recognition of the

four years without a VAT refund from the government.

stages where the exploration sector needs help. In Mexico, it is possible to apply for a three-year relief period on the

The refund system is so onerous that any third party that

capital commitments and, had it not been for this provision,

takes on the responsibility of filing for the refund requires 25

we would not still own our property. I understand that taxes

percent of the amount that might be recovered, this being

are important but I think the cyclical versus linear periods

someone separate from our regular Mexican accountant.

should be taken into account to show that the government

This means that companies are offering us services without

really values the mining industry. Anything that can be

VAT because they know we will not receive a refund on

done to assist the exploration companies during cyclically

this expense. This is so unfortunate because it should be a

challenging periods through reduced taxes, prompt VAT

mechanical process and it taints everyone’s perspective of

refunds and a continuation, even a brief extension to the

doing business in the country.

project expenditure requirement, would help the exploration companies considerably.

Q: How does Mammoth plan to allocate the US$226,000 private placement it raised recently?

Canada has a scheme designed to foster the development

A: There are some property taxes to pay and then we hope

of its mineral resources, which renders investment in

to advance a program that will segue into drilling on the

exploration by a company deductible against income

Tenoriba project. With this recent financing, we will build

and taxes on income. As many exploration companies

road access to the drill sites, excavate and sample some

do not produce any revenue nor income, the Canadian

trenches which we hope will support and lead into our

government has allowed this deduction against income to

drilling program, in which we plan to drill approximately

pass through to investors in that company. I think Mexico

15 holes for a total of 2,500m. We have not yet drilled on

could distinguish itself from other mining jurisdictions if it

this project but we have mapped, sampled and performed

were to offer a similar incentive. This would also have the

a ground geophysics survey over half the property. We

potential to develop Mexico’s capital markets for mining

have expanded what we believe is the potential attractive

where such tax deductibility on exploration expenditures

mineralized areas of the project three times larger than

would flow through to Mexican investors in exploration and

what had been understood at the time of the predecessor’s

enhance the amount of money spent on exploring mineral

drill program.

properties in Mexico. Perhaps with NAFTA, this tax incentive could even be structured into some sort of reciprocal tax scheme between the countries.

Mammoth Resources is a junior exploration company that is focused on acquiring and defining precious metal resources

Q: What issues have you experienced with the Mexican

in Mexico. It has 100 percent ownership of the early-stage

Tax Authority (SAT) and the times taken for VAT refunds?

Tenoriba project in Chihuahua





The exploration segment is largely over-exposed to

acquire more partners. “Early stage exploration may have

risk and highly underdeveloped. It is one of the most

the highest risk but it also has the highest potential. We

important phases of any mining project, where geologists

are optimistic about the years to come as we await the

have the opportunity to make a world-class discovery,

rewards for the risks we took by acquiring property in a new

but the high costs involved are often prohibitive without

country,” he says. Millrock also refuses to enter exploration

solid financial backing. Millrock Resources differentiates

without a partner as a way to mitigate risk in the most

itself from other exploration companies by using a unique

expensive part of the phase and directs shareholder money

financial scheme that strategically mitigates risk for the

towards less delicate areas of the prospect model.

company, partners and shareholders in both favorable and not so favorable markets.

Its effective team and well-established projects in areas with strong rule of law have been key factors in attaining a

“Exploration is similar to a roulette game,” says Gregory

stable base of shareholders and investors. Equipped with a

Beischer, President and CEO of Millrock Resources.

strong financial structure, Millrock has successfully created

“Geologists, upon identifying drilling potential, take a

its reputation of delivering results as pure exploration and

gamble and hope for the best. Between maintaining a

early stage discovery specialists.

wide portfolio of projects across Canada and the US and Millrock’s recent acquisition of 12 properties with its

Beischer considers Mexico to be a favorable jurisdiction

purchase of Pembrook Mexico Holdings, the company

in which to invest as the country has a strong rule of law

increases its probability of successful discovery.” The

and a community that is used to the mining sector in

company considers drilling holes to be risky but always

states like Sonora. However, he considers the country to

an opportunity to make new mineral deposit discoveries

have some areas of opportunity when it comes to land

that can significantly increase share prices. It also has the

claims and concessions. “It can be an incredibly long and

advantage of requiring less time than production projects.

complicated process that is greatly slowing down the development of exploration,” he says. “The country needs

Millrock Resources was named by The OTC Markets Group

to have a more organized system. If land claims were

as a top performing company last year. It ranked top 10

more accessible and transparent, there are many points

with a 2016 total return of 118 percent. “Our company

of interests that Millrock Resources would gladly direct

plans on continuing to grow its shareholder value and will

exploration capital towards.”

continue to do so even if a discovery is not achieved as planned,” Beischer says. “Investors trust the company and

Centerra Gold is Millrock’s first partner in Mexico on the

its track record. Improved results are expected on the trade

Los Cuarentas and Los Chinos copper projects located

market for 2017.” Millrock also takes care of shareholder

in Sonora. Of these, the former is the one with the most

investments by only using capital provided by partners to

potential, Beischer shares. “Unfortunately, results for Los

fund the most expensive phases of a drilling project and

Chinos were not as positive as expected and we are in the

shareholder equity in less risky exploration assessment.

process of reconsidering its continuation,” he says.

Millrock was able to stay afloat during turbulent times with

Entering Mexico may have been a gamble but it is betting

successful financial management. During the slump, its

that results will be found among its wide project portfolio.

focus revolved around acquiring properties and reducing

The company is also grateful for the great team that it

expenses. Now that the market is turning around, the

gained upon purchasing Pembroke Mexico Holdings.

company is preparing to execute more exploration and

Millrock Resources is in the process of acquiring more

expects to have a discovery in the coming year and

partners, including Mexican companies like Fresnillo.



Q: What significant projects has SAP completed and what

surface temperature of a given area to detect a gas leak. Other

is the company currently working on?

relevant services we provide are karstic maps, sustainability

A: A few years ago, we were part of a large project of over

appraisal, land-use maps and archaeological prospection.

200km in the Oaxaca state for an important Canadian

All these give us an important edge over competitors using

company with a subsidiary in Miami. That has been our most

less sophisticated technology. Simple drones used in mining

significant mining project thus far. Today, we are engaged

projects are equipped with commercial image sensors from

mostly in a number of projects with less extension area for

providers such as Nikon and Sony. Although quality cameras,

mining companies around the country, including Industrias

these are not photogrammetric and lack the same level of

Peñoles in Chihuahua. Fortunately, our technology is

precision we offer. The most important factor for companies

applicable to a wide range of markets so we do not operate

working in the mapping and modeling segment is accuracy,

exclusively in the mining sector. We have also worked with

and SAP offers very accurate final products.


well-known transnational companies from Canada, the US, Spain, Italy and Brazil for large-scale projects, including

Q: In which ways do you work with public institutions like

pipelines, power lines, highways and roads. Summarizing,

SGM to improve geological mapping tools and databases?

our company has completed work on over more than

A: The service provided by SGM is slightly different. While

30,000km of large-scale corridor projects, and more than

we offer LiDAR technology for high-density modeling, SGM

500,000km2 of different scales for polygon projects.

is using small-scale maps and DTM/DEM from the local Public Geographic Institute. We would be delighted to work

Q: How is SAP incorporating new technologies into its

with SGM to help boost mapping facilities in Mexico, but


we have not seen any published bid from this government

A: Our current hardware and software installation includes

agency for which our deliverables would be appropriate.

integration of first-class laser and image sensors from different manufacturers to inertial systems (GPS/IMU)

Q: How can your products and services help companies to

installed over a single engine Cessna aircraft (Applanix and

reduce operating costs throughout the mining lifecycle?

SPAN Inertial Systems to RIEGL laser sensors and large-

A: As far as I know there is no other company in the region

format geosystem pushbroom sensors); small, accurate

that can offer the same accuracy (RMS 2.5-3cm) with

systems integrated for UAV such as Velodyne and STIM-

airborne technology. Our goal – one aerial pass, complete

IGM-S1; state-of-the-art dual mobile laser system LMX-1HA

survey work plus additional studies – are extremely cost-

integrated with Applanix; and the LadyBug 360° image

effective and accurate. We offer different services for open

sensor with five cameras. These integrations include the

sky areas, as well as mobile systems for underground and

most upgraded software, such as TopoFlight, POSPac,

tunnels. Since the Energy Reform in 2014, several Mexican

Inertial Explorer and Terrasolid, as well as our own software

mining companies have been exploring the possibility of

to coordinate transformation of the points cloud from UTM

entering the energy sector through electricity generation

to a local survey system.

and building their own power lines. SAP can help them make this move. We are offering quick mobilization and a short

We have also incorporated infrared cameras and LiDAR

delivery time for projects around the world.

advanced photogrammetry technology into our designs, which offer highly accurate georeferenced images, but we will add hyperspectral and thermal imaging technologies to

Sistemas Avanzados y Proyectos (SAP) is a pioneer in the use of

our portfolio as soon as possible. These techniques will help us

digital photogrammetry and LiDAR airborne technology, with

consolidate our position as leaders in digital elevation model

broad applications in civil engineering, mining, architecture

generation, and will also help our customers measure the

and urban development










Positioning Mode



Vertical (Z)























THE MANY BENEFITS OF LIDAR TECHNOLOGY Topographical surveying. Environmental impact studies. Archaeological prospecting. Monitoring of electrical installations for oil or gas pipelines. These are generally slow, expensive and inaccurate procedures that require humans to go into areas that are difficult to access or that lack infrastructure. Some providers offer these procedures through photogrammetric drones, which are often equipped with simple commercial-level image sensors. This is always counterproductive because these low-quality devices offer less precision in position and height, as well as serious errors in calculation volumes. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology determines the distance from a transmitter to an object or surface through laser-beam pulsations. This is determined by measuring the delay time between the transmitter of the pulse and the detection of its reflected signal, which allows the collection of a cluster

LiDAR mobile terrestrial

of points on the terrain. Usually this is done through an airborne laser scanner. By combining the data provided by the LiDAR device with those of GPS devices and inertial navigation systems (INS), information is obtained which, once processed, is of great value for the analysis of varying magnitudes of terrain. Highly accurate topography can be obtained with special studies such as karstic maps, biomass calculations and vegetation status, fragmentation analysis, land-use maps and archaeological prospecting. Different aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), may be used depending on the extent of the terrain and the types of studies required, provided they have inertial navigation systems, LiDAR devices and high-quality image sensors. Just as important is that the information emitted from this high-precision equipment is processed by experienced and


highly trained personnel for its capture and subsequent processing. Thus, a single flight allows the collection of between 60-70 percent of the information necessary for a complete feasibility study, as well as the additional studies mentioned, in a much faster way, without sending ground personnel and with precision margins of 1-2cm. In exploration projects, periodic flights can be carried out


to help provide better control of the work, dramatically increasing the accuracy of the records. LiDAR can also detect the presence of slopes and predict landslides, improving the safety of personnel and civil protection. Other uses are the extraction of data that allow the development of geometric projects remotely and without additional field movements for land routes, pipelines and electric power lines.


Drilling jumbo



As the first stage of geological analysis, prospection plays an essential role in the mining industry. With the arrival of the digital revolution, geologists and prospectors have access to far more detailed geophysical information and analytical data than ever before, and companies can now predict the mineralization of an ore body with a greater degree of accuracy. Thanks to improved prospecting techniques, the financial risk associated with drilling programs is greatly reduced. But drill manufacturers still face challenges, particularly given the increasing pressure – both from within and outside the industry - to reduce environmental impact of their machines.

This chapter introduces the service providers of the mining industry. Technology companies showcase the 3D modeling techniques and core sample analysis machines helping to improve geological prospecting processes, while drillrig designers discuss their approach to the challenge of making drilling – by definition an activity that affects the environment – more sustainable.



ANALYSIS: Drillers Going Dry to Address Water Usage


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Herrera, Detector Exploraciones


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rob Ferguson, Leapfrog


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Gastelum, Globexplore

Armando Lucero, Globexplore

Víctor Díaz, Globexplore

Marc Kieler, Globexplore


INSIGHT: Frederick Davidson, Energold Drilling


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Daniel Nofrietta, Tecmin


INSIGHT: Luc Paquet, Fordia


INSIGHT: Dino Lombardi, G4 Drilling


VIEW FROM THE TOP: María Fernández, RNP


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: The Industry’s First In-Line Knife Gate Valve


INSIGHT: Rafael Gutiérrez, Itzcoatl Drilling


INSIGHT: Jorge Cirett, Gambusino Prospector




ROUNDTABLE: How Are Modern Drilling and Modeling Techniques Helping Make New Projects

More Viable?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Paul Linton, Terracore




INSIGHT: Chris Drielsma, DGI Geoscience

Riaz Tejani, DGI Geoscience 223

INSIGHT: Marcelo Mott, PANalytical



DRILLERS GOING DRY TO ADDRESS WATER USAGE The mining community is under more pressure than ever to

“We are striving to make drills that use less and

make its activities more sustainable throughout the project

less water through better cooling systems that

lifecycle, with drilling coming under a particularly harsh

are smaller and lighter, because water scarcity

spotlight due to their use of water

is a big issue especially in some of the remote locations in which we work,” says Nofrietta.

An integral part of any mining project, drilling is by nature

“We move machines using skid mounts but one thing I have

a process that interferes with the landscape to some

been advocating is to focus on using tracks to mitigate

degree. It is also one of the greediest activities on a mine

the impact on the land. This is hopefully something we will

site when it comes to water usage. Drill manufacturers

achieve by the end of 2017.”

are therefore charged with coming up with designs that


are more sustainable, without compromising results. “Not

While Tecmin is focused on improving conventional

only does new drilling equipment have to be accurate and

drilling methods, Fordia has developed an innovative new

reliable but it also has to be environmentally friendly,”

water-treatment system (WTS) that minimizes usage by

says Luc Paquet, President of Fordia, a Canadian diamond

separating and cleaning the water in sludge and feeding

drilling company. “For an activity that by definition alters

it back into the application. By recycling the cuttings, the

the world’s landscape, this is no easy task.”

quantity of waste is greatly reduced, generating a positive impact on both surrounding communities and ecosystems.

Water consumption is a particularly urgent issue in Mexico.

The WTS is more lightweight than traditional solutions,

According to the National Water Program, 13 of Mexico’s

making it easier to transport and operate, and it can be

32 states lack access to basic water services. Among the

applied to both underground and surface mining projects.

worst affected is Guerrero, a concern given that the state

All of this translates to savings for the user.

plays host to a number of exciting gold projects, including Timmins Gold’s Ana Paula and Torex Gold’s Media Luna,

“The residue needs to be disposed of because it can be

that will be launching commercial production in the next

harmful to the environment and the responsibility rests

few years. To sustainably meet the national demand for

on the shoulders of drilling companies,” says Paquet. “Our

water, the Water Commission estimates that infrastructure

system minimizes the consumption of water during diamond

projects require in the region of MX$306 billion in

drilling. It is an innovative solution to environmental

investment by 2030.

problems that is easy to use.”

While many urban areas in Mexico suffer from lack of


access to water, it is primarily the rural communities that

By developing more efficient techniques, the drilling

bear the brunt of this shortfall. According to the Mexican

community is not only helping to protect the environment;

Center for Environmental Rights (CEMDA), of the 9 million

it is also doing itself a favor. Energy expenses typically

people living without access to potable water in Mexico, 5

account for anything between 30-45 percent of the

million are in rural areas. With mining projects almost always

total costs of running a mine in Mexico, and so operators

situated in remote corners of the country, the extraction

welcome any new technology that saves on fuel, water or

sector, and particularly drilling, is putting an extra strain on

electricity consumption.

water provision that rural communities could do without. Moreover, greener drilling practices will help to appease


communities in Mexico’s mining regions, many of whom

But the industry is aware of this challenge and is

remain ambivalent to mineral extraction. According to

responding. Traditional drilling techniques are so water-

Frederick Davidson, President and CEO of Energold Drilling,

intensive because water must constantly run through the

having the support of local residents is vital to the success

rig to ensure the drill bit remains cool and lubricated.

- or otherwise - of drilling projects and so it is vital that the

Tecmin, a Zacatecas-based drill manufacturer and

companies do what they can to get communities on side.

contractor, is prioritizing its R&D efforts on making its rigs more water-efficient through more compact designs

“It is important to leave a lasting benefit in the communities,”

that require less cooling. According to company Director

he says. “Even something as small as a hand pump to provide

General Daniel Nofrietta, lighter drill rigs also help to ease

water to communities can make a significant impact and pave

the stress on the land.

the road for future exploration companies in the country.”



Q: How have changes in commodity prices in 2016 and the

Q: Given the wide range of services that Detector

early part of 2017 impacted service suppliers like Detector

Exploraciones provides, which does your Mexican client


base demand most?

A: For service providers like ourselves, the rise in prices

A: We have particular expertise in exploration. The company

has been a great boost because operators and explorers

makes considerable investments in drone technology as

alike are starting to ramp up drilling programs to increase

well as training for geologists, engineers and mechanics.

reserves. We are seeing a lot more contracts on the table

Our drone technology was used by Goldcorp at the

and more jobs on offer for workers across the value chain.

PeĂąasquito mine in Zacatecas. We managed to complete

For the past three years we have been working mainly

an exploration program, which would usually take one year,

with operators such as McEwen Mining at the El Gallo

in just four months. We completed a 70km flight, scanning

complex in Sinaloa.

all the local terrain, borders and infrastructure, in just three days. This enabled the client to gain accurate geo-

Major mining companies will not consider developing a

referential information about the surrounding area and to

deposit smaller than 1 million gold ounces and they must

make the necessary payment arrangements immediately.

constantly work to increase the reserves and mine life of their operations. Our technology can provide accurate

We are also proud of the extensive training we offer

3D models and other geological data that mine operators

our workers to ensure that we are using state-of-the-art

use to explore around a producing asset so we have been

technology. Otherwise we will not be able to compete with

delighted to see confidence return to the sector.

other mining jurisdictions.

Between 2015 and 2016, the company managed to

Q: As a service provider, what are the most pertinent

increase the total meters drilled by 30 percent. With

challenges facing your business at the moment?

more and more exploration projects being launched on a

A: Aside from security, which is a huge issue for the entire

consistent basis, we hope to further increase this number

country, the most pertinent challenge we face is the delay

by 20 percent to 200,000m in 2017.

in receiving drilling permits in certain parts of the country. There have been many cases where we have identified a

Q: What changes do you expect to see following the

strong deposit, we have the equipment and the contract to

creation of the Undersecretariat of Mining?

commence work but it can take months or sometimes years

A: The change was made with the best interests of the

to obtain all the necessary legal and environmental permits

Mexican mining sector at heart. The new Undersecretary

required to start operating. Then, once the permits have been

for Mining should open a whole range of opportunities

obtained, often the external circumstances have changed

to service providers but the whole community has a

and the project is no longer viable. Another area that can

duty to work together to resolve the issues that affect

be improved is land ownership. Since the Energy Reform,

us all. The public sector of course influences the industry

electricity companies and other power generators have clear

and plays an important role in attracting investment

guidelines on how to use land and work with ejidos but the

and facilitating the operational business environment

mining sector is still stuck in the past.

but the responsibility for solving the problems of mining companies is on the shoulders of the companies themselves. It is fantastic that the federal government is

Detector Exploraciones is a Mexican company, founded in

placing more importance on the mining sector but it does

1997, providing geology, geomatics and other exploration

not mean that all of the industry’s issues will disappear

services to both mining companies and the public sector


throughout the country





Q: What was the gap in the market that you saw that

could be created from this. In the case of an amputee that

inspired you to launch Leapfrog in 2003?

needed a prosthesis, the shape of the limb would have to

A: We wanted to change geological modeling from a very

be scanned to create a proper bond for the prosthesis. A

manual and intensive process to something that was more

geologist then came across the technology and adapted

automated and customizable. It was about redefining

it for geological modeling. Our main differentiator is this

the workflow of building boundaries around any type of

algorithm and the speed at which our technology works.

geological data. Since the group was launched, we have gone in a short period of time from an unknown company

Initially, the technology was more focused on explorers

to becoming one of the mainstream, standard reference

because it helped map and discover the structure of the

companies in the industry. Our biggest milestone has been

deposit. In the last few years, we have integrated more

the acceptance of our technology in the industry. We now

functionality in the software and it has become more

have a presence in Brazil, Chile and Peru and Mexico.

applicable to operators so we are having more success at the operational level.

The perception of data is changing. Tools now allow geoscientists to visualize in 3D. We have been told many

Q: How can you measure the impact of your technology

times that our software helps geologists see features that

on the sector?

were not visible before. The tool is made for geologists and

A: We receive a great deal of feedback about our

requires a deep understanding of the science to be used. It

software. Normally we are approached when geologists

is not meant to replace geologists.

become frustrated at the amount of time it takes to build and update geological models. After our software

Q: Where does Mexico fit into your global strategy and

is installed and the team is trained on how to use it,

what are your plans for the country?

this time frame can be reduced to weeks. The way the

A: Industrias PeĂąoles was one of our early clients and it

system is set up is dynamic so there is a link between the

began using the software in 2006. Together with Fresnillo,

model and the drill holes, meaning any change in drill

it has reached over 130 mining users. Recently we decided

holes is reflected automatically. Leapfrog uses implicit

to enter Mexico aggressively with a full team of people and

modeling, which creates a model directly from the data

with an office in Hermosillo, Sonora. Around 70 percent

and eliminates the need to explicitly draw the lines. The

of mining companies working in Mexico are Canadian so

software eliminates unecessary work and allows the

we have a liaison working with the Canadian companies

operator to see deposits in a new way, which allows users

while a counterpart works on the ground in Mexico to foster

to better follow the geology of the deposit, try different

relationships with the Mexican majors. We now work with

scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of each scenario.

the majority of the mining operators in Mexico including PeĂąoles, Fresnillo, First Majestic Silver, Primero Mining,

We are starting to look at cloud technologies to examine

Coeur Mining and Alamos Gold.

the future of geological modeling. The company is already developing a cloud version of Leapfrog Central,

Q: What technology does Leapfrog use and how is it

a project management tool.

different from other options on the market at the moment? A: Some mathematicians at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, developed a radio basis

Leapfrog is the leading 3D geological modeling software

function (RBF) algorithm to create 3D objects from point

for the mining, exploration, civil engineering, groundwater

data. The first application was in scans for the medical

contamination and geothermal energy industries. It focuses on

industry, wherein wounds were scanned and 3D shapes

geological modeling, model management and visualization





Q: To what extent have you seen demand for your services

two others are more than 50 percent complete. We are in

pick up in 2016 and 2017 as commodity prices have turned

discussions for two more 100,000m contracts with multiple

a corner?

clients. These are very large contracts; one is in complicated

A: While the market still appears to be at the bottom end of

ground conditions with large caverns and open voids. The

the curve, during the first half of 2017 the majority of drillers

majority of holes are deeper than 1,000m with many to

received up to 50 percent more bid requests compared to

1,400m. We are now expanding the program to 2,000m

the previous year. The average amount of the total rigs on

depths. This project is in a location that suffers from security

contract in Mexico has moved up from its lowest point of 25

issues so we operate with a low-profile camp-to-rig set-up.

percent during the downturn to its current level of around 45

We have completed over 180,000m at this project with zero

percent. We are pleased that at our lowest point during this

accidents and completed every hole on target, comfortably

lengthy downturn, which was 2014, Globexplore still had 75

ahead of schedule.

percent of our rigs on contract. In 2015 we had 83 percent, in 2016 we reached 86 percent and we are now at 95 percent

The second large contract is in a remote area where we

of our fleet on contract. This high rate of rig utilization is

are operating a wide variety of specialized drilling types

remarkable considering we increased the size of our fleet by

simultaneously. We are running standard surface core drilling

30 percent from mid-2015 to the beginning of 2017 to meet

along with a large campaign of man portable rigs, RC drilling

our clients’ demand for additional man portable and deep

and underground core drilling. This contract is at the halfway

hole core rigs. The current political and economic environment

point, ahead of schedule and with zero accidents. We also

makes it challenging to predict what lies ahead but we feel

have several smaller, 1,000m contracts with junior exploration

optimistic about the future and our prospects for expansion

companies and larger producers doing both greenfield and

when the market finally recovers.

brownfield exploration. It is important to always give the same respect and quality to any size of contract. The larger

Q: What are the largest greenfield and brownfield exploration

contracts always start with the first drill hole and many of our

projects the company is working on in Mexico?

larger contracts were won because of our performance on

A: Over the last 24 months we have won three separate

that first, small program.

100,000m contracts. One is already completed and the Q: What are the biggest trends impacting the drilling industry in 2017 and how does Globexplore fit into that context? A: The first major trend is that successful exploration companies are measuring pricing with performance and this is having a direct impact on drill program results. There are two types of clients in our industry; one that simply selects the lowest priced contractor and another that takes the professional responsibility of verifying the reputation and track record of a potential contractor. The client that selects the lowest price more often than not ends up paying more to complete their drill campaign due to various delays, missed targets and poor sample recovery. The client will often need to replace this failed contractor and restart the campaign entirely. The more experienced client calculates the true cost of the price per meter at the end of the program with all variables as an accurate comparison to other contractors in the past. These companies recognize that taking the time to analyze historical performance makes a huge difference in their true cost per meter. Drilling is no different than other services in that reliable quality results often cost more. The second trend is that exploration and mining companies need a contractor that can provide a full spectrum of

Jorge Gastelum, CFO; Armando Lucero, Director of Operations; VĂ­ctor DĂ­az, Director; Marc Kieler, President of Globexplore 205

options. We are currently on contracts with a wide range

one contractor who can quickly adapt from an initial reverse

of specialized drilling techniques from large diameter

circulation reconnaissance drill program to a deep hole core

PQ diamond core to deep holes exceeding 2,000m, Man

rig or remote man portable exploration rig. We have earned

Portable, Underground and RC. Our clients trust us because

over 35 letters of recommendation and testimonials to prove

they know we have the proven track record and reputation

that we are exceeding our clients’ expectations in each of

for excellence in each of the four types of drilling we provide.

these four specialty drilling types. We never offer a service

They know that we have invested in experienced human

unless we are certain that we will be the best at it.

capital along with the latest technologies and modern drill fleets that give our clients the flexibility to hit their targets

Our Diamond Drill fleet offers traditional core rigs mounted on

with the best option of their choice.

tracks, skids, trucks and deep hole core rigs that reach targets beyond 2,000m along with the most modern Man Portable

Q: How does the company plan to position itself to retain is

Drill rig fleet operating in Mexico. Our RC drill rigs are close

reputation as a leader in drilling innovation and client service?

to 50 percent more compact than what is commonly found

A: While we are very proud of our reputation as a leader in

in the industry with remote compressors that can be run up

the high-quality performance of the four types of specialty

to 150m away from the rig, giving our clients flexibility and

drilling we provide to our clients, we have a strong corporate

generating savings on drill pad size and construction.

value of constant improvement. Every member of our team operates with this mentality and as managers we encourage,

Q: How is the company planning to expand its business

motivate and reward new ideas and solutions. We have a

throughout Mexico and on an international scale?

consistent model of successfully completing every contract

A: We are currently in the final stages of researching the

we commit to with our clients, and we complete every hole on

markets of South and North America. We have clients in

schedule. We have never left a contract early without seeing

Mexico that have asked us to provide services in both Peru

it through to the requirements of our clients, and every single

and the US, so these markets are the natural next destinations.

company that has hired us would do so again and recommend

We hope to make significant progress on this goal during 2018

our performance.

and 2019. We have been responsible and patient about this next step until we are certain that we can provide the same

Q: How does Globexplore differentiate itself from the

high level of quality before we enter a new market. We have

numerous other drilling companies around the country?

earned a strong reputation in Mexico and will only move when

A: While our Headquarters is in Hermosillo we currently have

we know we can continue that in the next country. We have

five satellite facilities that include full logistical support with

our systems, policies, corporate culture and most importantly

maintenance shops, administrative offices and extensive

the management in place. With our client partnerships getting

inventory warehouses throughout Mexico. Our clients often

stronger every year, it is an exciting time for Globexplore.

comment that they choose Globexplore because they consider us experts in the four different types of drilling services we provide. We are experts in all the important drilling

Globexplore is an exploration drilling company offering traditional

techniques, including Traditional Core, Man Portable Core,

diamond core, man portable, underground and reverse circulation

Underground Core and Reverse Circulation. Our clients like

drilling services as well as on-site mineralogy and geochemical

the fact that as their drill program progresses they can rely on

analysis with core logging. The company is based in Hermosillo




Though necessary, drilling is not traditionally seen as an

However, one of the problems Davidson has encountered

environmentally friendly sector of the mining industry.

while working in communities is related to the Mining

Among the companies working to change this perception

Trust Fund and metals prices that are recovering, but still

and ensure community engagement is Energold, which has

relatively depressed compared to 2011 levels. Expectations,

partnered with the Canadian Development Corporation on a

he says, are often very high and the low prices over the last

range of studies in Latin America to document social impact

few years are not always taken into consideration. “The

programs the drilling company implements in the region.

revenues paid in tax go to the federal government and are not really repaid to local communities,” he says. “We try to

Although Energold drills in Africa with NGOs such as the

contribute something but it is a tough situation because

World Bank and Oxfam, company President and CEO

the industry has been losing money for years.”

Frederick Davidson admits this kind of collaboration in Mexico has been somewhat limited. “It is difficult in

The service industry was one of the worst hit when

Mexico because the government has financial issues, so

commodity prices dropped in 2012 because drilling is seen

its priorities are based on balancing budgets and building

as an elective expenditure and is often the first to be cut

social infrastructure like hospitals,” he says. “Sadly, this

from the budget. Davidson was happy when confidence in

means that drilling water wells in rural communities falls

commodities, especially in minerals, was bolstered by the

to the bottom of the agenda.” As a result, requests to work

geopolitical instability of 2016.

with the government on these kinds of heavily discounted drilling programs are often overlooked.

This year, Davidson says, the company has experienced a partial recovery and in February 2017, five rigs were under

The philosophy of the company to minimize environmental

contract. “The market seems to have bought into the idea

impact also extends to its equipment. Davidson explains

that energy and commodities are starting to improve, which

that the majority of Energold’s rigs are designed to be easily

is only good news for us,” he says. Energold's 30 West

disassembled and reassembled onsite, with the heaviest

Africa rigs are also drilling again and Davidson anticipates

component weighing only 185kg. “We can transport the

a market recovery, coming just in time to alleviate the stress

pieces of equipment in a variety of innovative ways to

service companies have been put under the last few years.

the mine sites, including using manpower, mules, barges, helicopters, or small trucks,” he says. “Normally this

As a country that generates 40 percent of all Energold

eliminates the need to build roads so the disturbance to

revenues – amounting to around US$25 million in 2016 – the

the environment is minimal.” While a traditional drill would

company sees the promise in Mexico and wants to expand

require a 5-10km road for transportation, Energold rigs only

and diversify. “We are looking to take advantage of the

require a 20m x 20m space for the drill pad.

opportunities brought about by the Energy Reform,” he says. “We know Mexico very well from the minerals side

The company also heavily incorporates local communities

and we have the technical capabilities of a North American

into its drilling programs, with the majority of employees

company so we are poised to enter the oil sector.”

being Mexican. “Ninety percent of exploration is unsuccessful so a company may only be in a community

This expansion will require an increased investment and

for one year before it leaves,” Davidson explains. “This is

Energold has completed a debt refinancing with New

why we feel it is important to leave a lasting benefit. Even

York-based investment advisory firm Extract Advisors. The

something as small as a hand pump to provide water to

US$20 million provided by the investor will be used to pay

communities can make a significant impact and pave the

off a convertible debenture that is coming due and to clear

road for future exploration companies in the country.”

out some debt, reducing borrowing costs by 3 percent.



Q: How did the industry’s downturn impact Tecmin’s overall

diversify to service the many other mining companies with


a presence in Mexico.

A: Four years ago, the sector went through a rough patch and this marked the first year we did not experience any

Q: How do your designs help users bring down costs and

growth in terms of meters drilled. That in a sense enabled

make projects more sustainable?

us to begin to think ahead, increase our areas of influence

A: In our first year in business, one of the things that

and optimize our services. We diversified from being a

concerned us was the downtime created by the market’s

purely diamond-drilling company to one that could provide

conventional drills. Our competitors would use well-

services like cabling and hauling for underground mines.

known brands but the parts would typically be difficult

This worked very well for us as it opened up a new market

to access and there could be days of downtime spent

with existing clients.

waiting for an engineer to come from another country to fix a problem. As a result, we began to explore the

We have clients that are well-positioned in the market,

option of making our own drills using easily accessible

meaning the downturn did not affect them as much as other

parts and we were able to achieve this with the TEC series

companies. But in a sense the downturn was a way for us

of drills. It uses standardized components - 80 percent

to put into motion diversification plans that we had been

of the components required by our drills can be found

developing for a long time. Our competition also began

in any midsized city.

looking to these new markets so we had to stay ahead of the curve and become more competitive.

Another benefit of standardizing these components is that it helps with stock availability. We can always have a great

We also used this opportunity to incorporate into our

number of components in stock to increase availability

team some experienced professionals who had been left

because many of the drills use similar components.

without employment due to the downturn. Now we have

This means that as soon as a machine breaks down, we

geologists, engineers and topographers and we can offer

can immediately replace it and either repair the faulty

geological services. We started by offering complementary

component in our workshop or buy a new piece.

services to what we already did like core sampling and we have developed to incorporate cutting-edge geological

Even though our drills are not overly automated, they still

technology like drones into our portfolio. This is a profitable

outperform any other drill. For example, at the Fresnillo

market in that it will lead to us getting more diamond-

concession on which we are working there is a neighboring

drilling contracts.

concession using a high-tech drill from a major drilling supplier. But we are able to produce 10-15 percent more

Q: What are the biggest projects you are working on at

than that company, which speaks to the value of the

the moment?

simplicity of our drills. The person who designs and builds

A: Our long-term clients include the Grupo BAL companies

our drills was our best driller for a number of years so he

Industrias Peñoles and Fresnillo. We also have a relationship

knows the intricacies involved with the process and the

with Grupo México and we have started working with Minera

requirements from an insider’s perspective.

Frisco. Our goal is to service the big, stable companies but even though we have been in the market for over 20 years, there are a lot of people that are unfamiliar with

Tecmin offers services in diamond drilling with surface core

our brand. With that in mind, we are trying to increase or

recovery and mine interior, service boreholes, construction and

market presence. We have continuous growth thanks to the

sale of drilling machines, rental of drilling equipment, and sale

strength of our current clients but now we are looking to

of spare parts and consumables for drilling





Like all industries, mining is dictated by supply and demand.

year, but there is a deficit in mines that will be put into

The more the global population needs metals and minerals,

production due to the lack of exploration. The industry is

the more it will have to pay for them as reserves become

not currently prepared to satisfy the needs of the increasing

stretched. For Luc Paquet, President of diamond drilling

global population.”

company Fordia, the combination of global population growth and economic development in consumer markets

But with existing mines reaching the point of exhaustion

like India and China points to skyrocketing demand for both

and grades falling around the world, locating major new

precious and base metals for decades to come.

deposits is becoming increasingly challenging. Drilling is a vital part of any greenfield exploration project, and

“By 2050, the planet will hold 9 billion people and an equally

so companies like Fordia have to consistently seek new

inflated middle class ready to consume,” he says. “We are

technologies to enable geologists and mine engineers

expecting the next 500 million people to be removed from

to discover and build the mines of the future. With the

poverty in the next 10 years, and these numbers imply a

issue of sustainability an increasingly dominant topic of

large need for minerals and metals to build houses, cars

conversation for mining companies, not only does new

and electrical devices. In 24 years, we will need to double

drilling equipment have to be accurate and reliable, but it

the amount of copper that is produced now.”

also has to be environmentally friendly.

According to a 2013 report published by consultancy firm

For an activity that by definition alters the world’s

EY, by 2030 a total of 50 percent of the world’s population

landscape, this is no easy task. But Fordia has developed

will be in the middle class (earning between US$10-

an innovative system that helps significantly reduce

US$100/d). The report suggests that no less than 1 billion

companies’ environmental footprint during the drilling

of that figure will be Chinese. India, whose economy the

phase. Its technology can efficiently manage the sludge

World Bank predicts to grow at 7.2 percent in 2018, will

that comes out of drill holes, separating the clean water and

account for 200 million.

recycling it. In Mexico, where many mines are operating in deserts or similarly arid conditions, any economization of

But while the largest developing economies of China and India

water usage has a positive impact on both the surrounding

will be the driving forces of global consumption, Mexico will

ecosystems and company balance sheets.

also be an important contributor. A 2016 study released by PwC notes that Mexico’s middle class grew by 12 percent

“The residue needs to be disposed of as it can be harmful

between 1995-2010, the third fastest rate in Latin America,

to the environment, and the responsibility rests upon the

and estimates that the country’s working population (ages

shoulders of drilling companies,” says Paquet. “Our system

15-59) will increase by 20 percent by 2050. This will help drive

minimizes the consumption of water during diamond

10 percent year-on-year increase in household consumption

drilling, which requires large quantities to cool the bit. It

until 2020. The vast majority of these consumers will need a

is an innovative solution to environmental problems that

mobile phone, and many will require laptops, tablets, cars and

is easy to use.”

houses. This places a huge responsibility on the global mining sector to provide the raw materials needed for these devices.

The mining sector could in fact benefit from the sustainability turn that global industry is taking, according to Paquet. The

“In the end, civilization is based on metals, because

increasing demand for electric cars, for example, will have

most objects are either metallic or transformed by these

a positive impact on demand for lithium, cobalt, nickel and

minerals,” says Paquet. “To meet the demand, the industry

copper, while silver is a vital component in the photovoltaic

needs to open between two and three major mines every

panels used in the solar energy industry.



The mining downturn had a global impact but according

that are becoming available. But Lombardi believes the

to Dino Lombardi, Vice President of Development at G4

expertise G4 Drilling has accumulated in Canada will

Drilling, the tough years affected operations in Mexico much

stand the company in good stead. “We have a great deal

more than Canada. “A few years ago, Mexico represented

of experience in Canada in deep drilling and in difficult

almost 80 percent of our revenues but in the last few years

ground so we have developed quite a knowledge base,” he

we have made a much greater push toward Canadian

says. These are the kinds of projects in which the company

clients,” he says.

can specialize in Mexico, working on technically challenging sectors in difficult terrain and high-risk areas.

In terms of exploration investment, Mexico dropped to seventh place globally in 2015 with US$491 million, ranking

Alongside these isolated areas in which G4 Drilling can

behind Canada, Australia, the US, Chile, Peru and China.

bring unique experience is the challenge of access to water.

G4 Drilling’s market share in Mexico subsequently waned

Drilling is naturally water intensive since every diamond drill

in 2016 to just 30-35 percent. Now that the industry is

must run water through the system to ensure the drill bit

showing signs of recovery, Lombardi wants to increase that

remains cool and lubricated. According to the Commission

to 50 percent.

for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), 30 percent of the rural population in Mexico does not even have access to

He says that diversification is key to surviving in a cyclical

drinking water, so accessing the precious resource for

industry like mining. And the company has not only

drilling can be challenging.

diversified in terms of location, but also in terms of its technology as it sets its sights on rolling out a drilling and

In response, G4 Drilling has developed systems whereby it

blasting division for open-pit operations in Mexico. “In

recycles a large percentage of the water it uses for drilling,

Canada, we already have 25 percussion machines and an

which not only benefits the environment but also reduces

engineering department taking care of drilling and blasting

costs and the need for manual labor. “Along with the

in mainly lithium and iron ore mines,” says Lombardi. “We

positive environmental impact comes segregation of the

want to diversify from exclusively exploration activities and

drill cutting so it can be managed better onsite or offsite,”

move more toward mine operations.” The general rule in

Lombardi says. There is also less of a need for water to

mining is, when prices drop, the first expense to be cut is

be trucked in, therefore cutting CO2 emissions from fuel

drilling and exploration, so diversification demonstrates G4

consumption on projects.

Drilling’s long-term view of a cyclical market. But there is one challenge Lombardi has seen in Canadian The company also has a wide range of services, offering

operations that has not yet reached Mexico. He warns that,

everything from diamond drilling for exploration and

depending on the sector’s growth, human capital could

subsurface diamond drilling. Although for the last few

soon become an issue. “In Canada, we have difficulty in

years the highest demand was seen in portable machines,

sourcing sufficiently qualified manpower,” he says. “Because

conventional diamond drilling has made a comeback in

there was such a long slump, the workforce we require is

the last year, which is a sure sign the exploration sector is

no longer available.”

picking up speed. “In fact, portable machines only account for 5 percent of our machines in the field in Mexico right

As a consequence, inexperienced staff is employed, meaning

now,” says Lombardi.

higher costs and less production. These costs are inevitably passed on to exploration companies. “If the upward trend

The uptick is forcing drilling companies to differentiate

continues in Mexico, the industry could face the same

themselves so that they can win the all-important contracts

problem unless it is proactively addressed,” says Lombardi.



MOVING FROM PNEUMATIC TO HYDRAULIC MARÍA FERNÁNDEZ Director General of Refacciones Neumaticas La Paz (RNP)

Q: How has RNP’s business progressed in the last 12

many markets, some of which are receiving investment

months and what have been the highlights for the Mexico

from major mining companies on a global scale.

office? 210

A: In the national market, we have consolidated the

Q: How do RNP’s Computer Numeric Control (CNC)

commercial relationship with all of our customers, which

machines help drive productivity and efficiency for mine

is reflected in the sales of drilling equipment to the main


mining groups across the country. Unfortunately, the

A: For mine operators, it is very important to have

national operation is still being affected by insecurity and

reliable equipment, not only to achieve productivity but

tax policies.

to avoid accidents inside the mine. With CNC machines manufacturing all the metal components we sell, we can

The limitations we have had with the national industry

assure customers the parts they are buying are consistent

are the social problems such as ongoing strikes. We keep

in terms of quality, providing them the confidence they

expanding our list of customers abroad, as they represent

need to keep their production working in the most efficient

our growing source. We are conscious that national mine

manner. Preventing downtime increases operational

production is being affected by several factors but the

efficiency. Right now, CNC machines are the best

market has enormous potential to grow. In the international

alternative to guarantee a high standard across the whole

market, our growth trajectory remains on track as foreign

production value chain.

markets are extending working hours and using more drills and spare parts as a consequence.

Q: How does RNP’s approach to pneumatic and hydraulic drill manufacturing differ from other companies in the

The use of hydraulic drills represents some advantages, such as lower production costs, because they are more efficient and safer for employees

segment? A: Our manufacturing perspective is based on having a diversity of products to offer to our customers. While our competitors are only manufacturing their own designs, we always have some other options because we manufacture different models of both pneumatic and hydraulic rockdrills and spare parts. With the black market being one big issue for miners, customers look for different models to avoid this problem. By offering clients a diverse product portfolio we are motivating them to continue working with us. Q: How does the company work to provide stronger

Unfortunately, growth in the national market has been

aftersales support to its Mexican clients?

restricted by damaging political, economic and monetary

A: After installing a drill, our technical service department

policies. With next year’s election approaching, uncertainty

carries out continuous monitoring so we can keep track of

is causing foreign investors to look to other countries that

the most imwportant parameters and provide information

have more stability. Tax policies are also affecting mining

to the customer about the performance of the drill and

companies as new taxes are being applied and some

its spare parts. This information is also important for

activities, such as pre-operative exploration expenses,

programming maintenance to ensure the drill is always

have become nontax deductible, causing mines to be less

in proper working order. If the technician detects a

profitable. Fortunately, our activities are diversified across

need to train personnel, we arrange this service with the

customer at no extra cost. The training can be onsite or at our facilities. Q: How do you expect the pneumatic drill space to evolve in the next few years and what role will RNP play in that? A: In the last few years, the number of pneumatic drills in operation is decreasing greatly, so eventually they will be scarce in the mining industry. The trend is toward automatization, which means the use of hydraulic drills instead of pneumatic drills. With this in mind, we do not see a great deal of improvement or much R&D focus on pneumatic drills. The use of hydraulic drills represents some advantages, such as lower production costs, because they are more efficient and safer for employees. But we will continue manufacturing pneumatic drills as long as it is profitable, at which point we will follow the trend toward hydraulics. Q: How are plans progressing to build new offices in the US, Canada and South America? A: Right now, we are focusing on working in the Latin American market because it is growing and represents strong sales for the company. We have strengthened our relationship with our customers abroad and we continue attracting new clients. Our offices in South America are doing a good job at increasing our market share and positioning our brand with our customers. Our next office, including a warehouse and a repair shop, will be opened in Antofagasta, Chile, to support the main office we have in Santiago. All our efforts are focused on developing the office in Chile, which is a highly demanding market in terms of quality and service. It is a market in which automatization has taken a strong foothold so there is little room for any flaws. It is a very big market, representing 35 percent of global copper production and 28 percent of copper reserves. There is huge potential for growth. Q: What do you hope to achieve in the next five years? A: We are working to consolidate our business across the Americas as the best option in drilling equipment. At the same time, we will continue to take care of our customers from around the world. We will increase our global presence through the mining shows we attend in different countries, providing potential clients with the information they require and competitive prices for those markets.

RNP is an expert in hydraulic and pneumatic drill and component manufacturing. The company headquarters is in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, with satellite offices in Bolivia, Peru and Chile



US$41.04 million can be saved in

total annual downtime costs with the Series 795 Knife Gate Valve

THE INDUSTRY’S FIRST IN-LINE KNIFE GATE VALVE Even as metals prices rebound, operators are still focusing on four main points for process optimization: safety, productivity, inventory and capital. Victaulic has developed the Series 795 Knife Gate Valve (KGV), which can address all these concerns. This Series 795 is the industry’s first KGV that does not need to be removed from the piping system for servicing. All the wear parts are contained in a single cartridge kit and can be replaced in-line in just minutes. The benefits are fourfold. Firstly, in terms of safety, there are no more chains, pulleys or ropes during maintenance for this valve and reduced rigging during maintenance protects crew from hazards. Only simple hand tools are needed to get the job done. Secondly, this valve can be maintained up to 95 percent faster when compared to competitor gate valves, saving hours of labor by eliminating the need to secure and tear out the entire valve from the pipeline. Thirdly, this valve will not burden the operator’s boneyard because it never needs to be removed from the pipeline. The only wear parts on this valve are enclosed in a single cartridge kit and after scheduled maintenance shutdowns, all that is sent away is the old kit. That equates to a fraction of the shelf space and dead weight when compared to the whole valve that would normally be dragged around. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is no need to send capital straight to the boneyard. The fact that only the seat cartridge kit rather than the whole valve needs to be replaced during shutdown saves at least 60 percent in annual maintenance costs. Another key feature is the valve’s one-piece replacement cartridge, which eliminates the need for a second maintenance valve while reducing inventory costs. The valve’s bolt pad to bolt pad assembly valve is installationready with no loose parts. The positioning bolts provide a full 360° rotation and Victaulic's grooved ends design does not require flanges or welding to install. Using the example of a facility operating with 80 valves, Victaulic’s Series 795 KGVs would require just a fraction of the downtime and manpower of replaced flange valves. At an hourly rate of US$80, downtime and labor costs would equate to just US$32 compared to US$1,344 using replaced flange valves. Considering the maintenance costs per valve, the total yearly maintenance costs would drop by over 60 percent, to US$122,560 from US$307,520. Total annual downtime costs are slashed, to US$2.16 million from US$43.2 million.





When precious metals prices drop, exploration is inevitably

function on 5x5m drilling pads, whereas many exploration

one of the first expenses to be cut from company budgets.

drills available on the market can only fit on 10x15m pads.

The search for new reserves lies at the heart of all mining

This versatility helps mining companies acquire the

projects but it is also one of the most expensive and riskiest

necessary environmental permits for new projects.”

parts of the process. The strategy certainly seems to be paying off. At the start For Itzcoatl Drilling, a family-owned company that specializes

of 2015 Itzcoatl had around 50 percent of its equipment

in the provision of exploration-drilling equipment, downturns

out in the field. By the end of the year that figure was

such as the one the mining industry experienced from 2012 to

up to 100 percent. Boosted by the rise in gold and silver

2016 present a host of challenges. To keep winning contracts

prices, the demand for drill rigs continued in 2016 and

and maintain the cash inflow required to generate growth,

Itzcoatl Drilling was contracted by Agnico Eagle to

management must diversify its portfolio and adapt to the

develop exploration targets at the Pinos Altos and La

changing needs of its clients, says Rafael Gutiérrez, Itzcoatl

India mines and by Grupo México to complete a project in

Drilling’s General Manager, explaining how the company’s

Baja California. The company also worked with Fresnillo

business strategy evolved during the lean years.

on a 60,000m drilling operation and recently fended off stiff competition to win a contract for further exploration

“During the last two years of the downturn, as exploration

of the site.

budgets continued to shrink, demand from the mining sector was alarmingly slow,” he says. “We therefore assessed the

For Gutiérrez, a key factor to this success is the

market conditions, considered how we felt exploration would

attention Itzcoatl Drilling pays to client service and

develop over the next two years and tweaked our drill-rig

continuous strategy development. Rather than focusing

portfolio accordingly.”

on fast growth with regard to equipment and assets, the company focuses on developing a strong organizational

As Itzcoatl does not design or manufacture its drills from

structure and long-term relationship with its clients, a

scratch, it has an in-house engineering team that modifies the

philosophy that Gutiérrez believes will pay dividends for

rigs to adapt them to specific projects. Recently the focus has

years to come.

been on providing remote-controlled, compact track-set drill solutions to clients seeking greater versatility and improved

“As a drilling company, we work on short-term contracts

safety in the face of increasingly stringent environmental

so it is essential to build a good relationship with the


exploration company or mine operator to be considered for the next project,” he says. “This means not only

The compact, remote-controlled Drill Rig Zinex A5 is one

catering to the client’s needs during the project, but also

such solution. The rig, which can drill up to 1,350m when

following up with them to ensure that they are satisfied

fitted with an NQ tube, is entirely unmanned when it is being

with the long-term results. Communication and flexibility

transported between drill pads and rough terrains, granting

are vital assets.”

the user supreme maneuverability on complicated access roads and increased safety for the operating team. Compact

To provide an exceptional client service, a specific internal

drills also have a more muted impact on the environment,

culture must be bred throughout the organization. While

helping mining companies scale regulatory hurdles.

its machines were all in operation throughout most of 2015 and 2016, Itzcoatl Drilling focused on developing

“Our drills can be operated on all roads, pads and

its corporate structure and training staff on its working

infrastructure,” says Gutiérrez. “They can be shrunk to

philosophy known as Value Added Drilling (VAD).



One of the biggest challenges for exploration companies

On one hand, says Cirett, Mexico is an extremely favorable

is access to funding. Many find a solution in listing publicly

environment for exploration since there is a rich history

on a stock exchange to raise capital – whether the TSX or

in mining, a great mineral resource potential and a

BMV. Gambusino Prospector prefers to enter into mutually

wide breadth of information freely available for public

beneficial JV deals. The company offers the expertise,

consumption. However, one drawback of working in

targeting and exploration work while its partner supplies

Mexico is that it is lagging far behind in managing mining

the financial backing.

concessions. “Once a concession has been canceled or dropped, it can take decades before it becomes available

“Right now, we are only carrying out friendly, small-scale

again for no apparent reason,” he says.

JV projects with some friends of ours,” says Jorge Cirett, the company’s Director. “We are identifying the best open-

Another issue he identifies is the increasing mining

ground targets in Sonora.”

regulations, especially in jurisdictions like Zacatecas. “That is a sure-fire way to kill industries,” he says. “Politicians

This type of targeting is what characterizes the company and

do not seem to grasp the significance of the policies they

as a result it has compiled one of the most comprehensive

implement and the impact they will have on the longevity

exploration databases in Mexico. The Gambusino database is

of the industry and the wellbeing of the Mexican people.”

unique in that it has been created by exploration geologists for exploration geologists. “The majority of our database

Mexico is becoming an increasingly complex market but

comes from free public information but the government

with over 30 years of experience in the industry, Cirett

does not tend to lay it out in a way that is easily interpreted

believes Gambusino is uniquely positioned to capitalize

by geologists,” Cirett says. “The databases available are

on opportunities due to its in-depth knowledge of the

designed by engineers rather than geologists, which means

geology and mineral deposits present in the domestic

there is an over-saturation of information.”

market. “We have worked both for major companies and more recently with juniors,” he says. “We have learned to

Gambusino takes this public information, converts it into a

negotiate the nuances of the industry and we have found

favorable layout and adds any relevant details based on its

that one way to reduce costs is to be selective about the

extensive field experience. “There are a lot of things I would

projects we take on.”

like to add but we lack the resources and time to process that information,” Cirett says.

Cirett also stresses the importance of treating each project like a fingerprint: no two are the same. “The same work

The biggest challenge in exploration, he says, is having the

is never carried out on any two projects,” he says. “The

time to carry out the required field checking of identified

highest cost in exploration is drilling, so care must be taken

targets. In fact the downturn has proven to be favorable for

in regards to which projects to drill. Once the targets have

Gambusino, since the company has had much more time to

been established, the asset must be defined and precision

focus on reinforcing the database and identifying targets.

is essential in the location of each hole.”

Cirett now plans to commercialize these results. “With this database, we have carried out robust targeting exercises

In spite of the challenges, Cirett sees a great deal of

for Sonora and Sinaloa and we are now working in Durango

opportunity and concedes that the environment is slowly

and will follow up with Chihuahua,” he says. “We intend

improving. “I see a lot of similarities between this year and

to attract partners to fund the grassroots exploration on

2002,” he says. “During the last cycle, this is when activity

already defined targets with the explicit goal of making

started picking up and the environment began to improve. But


it was not until 2004 that the industry really picked up speed.”




LA PRECIOSA In early 2013, Coeur Mining acquired Orko Silver, which was then incorporated into the US company to become Coeur La Preciosa Silver. With this acquisition came the La Preciosa silver-gold exploration project located approximately 60km northeast of the city of Durango in the Panuco municipality. The mine now belongs 100 percent to Coeur Mining. The project is at prefeasibility stage, with measured and indicated resources of 115.4 million ounces of silver and 197,000 of gold. The property has a further 3.2 million inferred silver ounces and 5,000 inferred gold ounces. The veins at the La Preciosa project have been classified as low to-intermediate sulfidation type. Two major vein and vein breccia systems are exposed on hills and ridges on either side of an approximately 800m wide valley, including the Martha, Abundancia, Gloria, Pica, Luz Elena, Sur, and Nueva veins. In 2016, the company produced a new geological model and subsequently completed 603m of conversion drilling. Drilling began again in January 2017 and the company expects to complete US$3.8 million of exploration, primarily for conversion drilling in 2017. Once the economic feasibility studies are concluded for the La Preciosa project, Coeur expects to be able to justify starting an operation similar to that of the company’s alreadyproducing Palmarejo silver mine in Chihuahua. An estimated investment of more than US$300 million is planned and 1,600 jobs should be created during the construction phase. During the life of the mine, Coeur estimates it will provide 400 well-paid and fixed direct-employment contracts, as well as a greater number of indirect positions stemming from the supply chain. As well as paying the municipal, state and federal taxes related to the Mining Fund, which will be invested in Panuco and in the state of Durango, the company wants to reinvest the profits from La Preciosa in the development of other Mexico-based projects. Coeur’s President and CEO Mitchell Krebs explained in February 2017 that the company had re-evaluated its approach to La Preciosa over the preceding 18 months. “We have re-assayed and resampled the old drill core and have come up with an entirely different geological interpretation for the deposit. We plan to spend over US$3 million on drilling to validate this new interpretation, with a view to completing a new Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) of our new mine plan at prices even lower than they are today. While we still have a good amount of work and analysis to do, I am encouraged by the new possibilities that we are exploring,” he said.




With a history dating back over 500 years, mining is one of the oldest industrial activities in Mexico. Many of the country’s largest mineral deposits have already been discovered and exploited, making the challenge of finding the next mine more challenging with every passing year. Thankfully, technological developments in drilling techniques, geological mapping and core analysis are helping to give Mexico’s community of exploration geologists an edge over their predecessors. Mexico Mining Review spoke to leading executives to find out which specific techniques are being used in Mexico to help both greenfield and brownfield exploration projects get off the ground.

Some mathematicians at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand,


developed a radio basis function (RBF) algorithm to create 3D objects from point data. The first application was in scans for the medical industry, wherein wounds were scanned and 3D shapes could be created. A geologist then came across the technology and adapted it for geological modeling. The main differentiator is this algorithm and the speed at which our technology works. Initially, the technology was more focused

ROB FERGUSON Director of Product Strategy at Leapfrog

on explorers because it helped map and discover the structure of the deposit. In the last few years, we have integrated more functionality in the software and it has become more applicable to operators so we are having more success at the operational level. We now work with the majority of the mining operators in Mexico including Industrias Peñoles, Fresnillo, First Majestic Silver, Primero Mining, Coeur Mining and Alamos Gold.

A new science called geometallurgy, or resource engineering, is helping operators determine how a rock will react to extraction and blasts. It is no longer enough to simply discover resources and companies need to be more strategic about the costs of extraction and processing. We have found cases where processing an area with 1g/t was more viable than another with 3g/t due to the location and extraction costs. Making assumptions about the costs of a project without an accurate financial model

PAUL LINTON Chief Business Development Officer at Terracore

can be dangerous to a company’s budget. The industry cannot afford to make these kinds of guesses. Eventually, these systems will become normalized in the industry and we will be able to shift away from physical sampling and more toward creating databases and analyses to help mining companies grow. We hope that the segment continues to expand with more companies offering these services.

In our first year in business, one of the things that concerned us was the downtime created by the market’s conventional drills. Our competitors would use well-known brands but the parts would typically be difficult to access and there could be days of downtime spent waiting for an engineer to come from another country to fix a problem with a drill. We began to explore the option of making our own drills using easily accessible parts and we were able to achieve this with the TEC series of drills.

DANIEL NOFRIETTA Director General of Tecmin

It uses standardized components which helps with stock availability; as soon as a machine breaks down, we can immediately replace it. At the Fresnillo concession on which we are working there is a neighboring concession using a high-tech drill from a major drilling supplier. But we are able to produce 10-15 percent more than that company, which speaks to the value of the simplicity of our drills.

Our drone technology was used by Goldcorp at the Peñasquito mine in Zacatecas. We managed to complete an exploration program, which would usually take one year, in just four months. We completed a 70km flight, scanning all the local terrain, borders and infrastructure, in just three days. This enabled the client to gain accurate georeferential information about the surrounding area and to make the necessary payment arrangements immediately. The initial investment required to acquire the technology is more expensive than conventional options but the time savings more than compensate. Major mining companies will not consider developing a deposit smaller than 1 million gold ounces and they must constantly work to increase the reserves and mine life of their

JESÚS HERRERA Director General of Detector Exploraciones

operations. We can help in this because our technology can provide accurate 3D models and other geological data that mine operators use to explore around a producing asset.

The minerals edition of Aeris is PANalytical’s X-ray diffractometer (XRD) for everyone


in the mining industry. The heart of the Aeris design is its simplicity - its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to everyone from experienced geologists to budding life-sciences students. It has a built-in touch screen that displays sample results quickly through a series of graphs and charts, providing accurate mineral monitoring for hydrometallurgical models. The user can then transfer the data to anywhere on the network, obtain a clear picture of the deposit and asses the economic viability of further exploratory work. The four available models – metals, cement, research and minerals – make the Aeris applicable to various industrial production control

MARCELO MOTT Regional Manager for Latin America at PANalytical

systems but it can add particular value to mineral exploration programs.

Currently, our range of downhole instruments are gaining a lot of traction. The REFLEX EZ-TRAC is the most popular device due to its ease of use, accuracy and reliability. The geologists use the information provided to correlate the direction of the bore hole with the core samples that are extracted. One of the additional advantages is that it saves time and money by re-engineering the workflow so an on-site technician for drillhole surveying is not required. We believe the future of mining is about automation, collaboration and real-time information. Our vision is to be the leading provider of real-time subsurface intelligence solutions to the global

PAUL ST. ONGE Mexico Manager of REFLEX

mining industry.

The compact, remote-controlled Drill Rig Zinex A5 provides remote-controlled, compact track-set drill solutions to clients seeking greater versatility in the face of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. The rig, which can drill up to 1,350m when fitted with an NQ tube, is entirely unmanned when it is being transported between drill pads and rough terrains, granting the user supreme maneuverability on complicated access roads and increased safety for the operating team. Compact drills also have a more muted impact on the environment, helping mining companies scale regulatory hurdles. The drills can be shrunk to function on 5x5m drilling pads, whereas many exploration drills available on the market can only fit on 10x15m pads. This versatility helps mining companies acquire the necessary environmental permits for new projects.

RAFAEL GUTIÉRREZ General Manager of Itzcoatl Drilling


LESS SAMPLING, MORE DATA FOR COMPANY GROWTH PAUL LINTON Chief Business Development Officer at Terracore


Q: How will geospectral technology and databases impact

In the future, we will be able to shift away from physical

the future of the industry?

sampling and more toward creating databases and analyses

A: There is a significant amount of historical core-drilling

to help mining companies grow. There are only two main

information that is scattered and not being used properly.

companies in the market that offer these type of products:

By unifying the data into a single system, companies can

Corescan and ourselves, along with a small number of

get a better idea of the distribution of the world’s resources.

additional initiatives.

We were part of a Swedish project, where we got the opportunity to analyze the first core samples on the planet.

Q: Have you experienced any resistance to new

The company has been fortunate enough to image and


incorporate core samples that are over 70 years old into

A: The country is no different than any other market

our database. All this data is valuable information that is

in the world. Geologists in general tend to resist new

widely underused.

technology but we are entering the Big Data era so change is inevitable. Mining engineers tend to be the most

Q: What is the product or service that companies demand

progressive and geologists are the slowest to pick up

the most from you?

these new trends. We are trying to digitalize information

A: Exploration is in strong demand but we feel that

and bring it closer to the geological community.

the information and models we provide about rock properties will continue to see growth. A new science

It can be difficult to prove the value proposition of our

called geometallurgy, or resource engineering, is helping

technology to company managers. The US is our most

operators determine how a rock will react to extraction and

difficult market and the most resistant to change. These

blasts. It is no longer enough to simply discover resources

companies need to understand that they could be even

and companies need to be more strategic about the costs

more successful with new technology. It is not easy to

of extraction and processing. We have found cases where

prove how a new set of information can fit into existing

processing an area with 1g/t was more viable than another

work models and impact efficiency. We try not to be a

with 3g/t due to the location and extraction costs. Making

service company but as the understanding of geospectral

assumptions about the costs of a project without an

imaging is minimal, we have to sit down and map out a

accurate financial model can be dangerous to a company’s

company’s needs. We recently sat down with Fresnillo

budget. The industry cannot afford to make these kinds

to identify its exact needs and to make sure that we can

of guesses.

produce what it requires.

At the moment, we have a team that goes into the field

Q: Where would you like to be positioned in Mexico?

to carry out the sampling and analysis. But our company

A: The company hopes to continue analyzing the relationship

only plans to offer these services temporarily while

between rock properties and information to strengthen

more and more operators get used to handling this type

geometallurgy as a science. We realize that few companies

of technology. Eventually, these systems will become

have the knowledge to develop these areas but our team can

normalized in the industry.

help close these gaps. We are strengthening the foundation of our business by spreading our technology and software. Analysis of drilled holes that used to take several weeks now

Terracore comprises a world-class group of geologists,

only take 48 hours. Our delivery services are progressing

mathematicians, software developers and image processors.

quickly and companies cannot afford to waste time and

The international Terracore team develops and applies

they need instant information. The idea is to help exploration

captured hyperspectral image data and processing solutions

companies make better use of their budget and targets.



Q: What role does the Mexican mining sector play within

Q: How does REFLEX’s cloud-based system differ from

your global business strategy?

others in the market?

A: Mexico is one of the leaders in precious metal resources

A: All of our key solutions, including Downhole Navigation,

and a significant market for Imdex, our parent company,

Structural Geology, Infield Geo-analysis, Driller Operable

which strives to provide services and technology to this

Geophysics and Drilling Optimization, have the award-

ever-changing and growing market. The country is mining

winning cloud-based IMDEXHUB-IQ at the heart of the

friendly and always looking to improve operations with the

solution offering real-time secure data access to field data.

latest technology. We are positioned well to meet these

Clients benefits from an enhanced chain of custody, quality

demands within Mexico.

data, timeliness of information and streamlined processes. We have not seen anyone offering this connectivity between

Our company provides end-to-end solutions across the complete mining cycle including exploration, development and mining. We are an established global business operating in all of the key mining regions of the world and our technologies help clients achieve operational efficiencies. Imdex would like to meet the needs of the market and expand its presence as the country grows. Q: What is the next product to be released and what impact will it have on the local mining sector? A: Our most popular product is our range of downhole

devices across such an array of markets.

The future of mining is about automation, collaboration and real-time information”

Q: Where do you see the future of mining technology heading?

instruments. The REFLEX EZ-TRAC is the most popular

A: The future of mining is about automation, collaboration

device due to its ease of use, accuracy and reliability. The

and real-time information. Imdex continued to invest in its

geologists use the information provided to correlate the

technology development throughout the downturns and this

direction of the bore hole with the core samples that are

helped it retain its front-runner advantage. We have moved

extracted. One of the additional advantages is that it saves

from the past of being focused on providing equipment and

time and money by re-engineering the workflow so an

fluids to offering end-to-end solutions. This will continue to

on-site technician for drillhole surveying is not required.

play a key part in the future of mining operations in areas of exploration through to mine processing operations. Our

We have an exciting pipeline of new technologies that

vision is to be the leading provider of real-time subsurface

are focused on enhancing the efficiency of our clients’

intelligence solutions to the global mining industry including

operations. We have had an overwhelmingly positive

the Mexican industry. We will continue to focus on enhancing

market response to the introduction of the REFLEX

our end-to-end solutions for drilling optimization, down-hole

IQ-LOGGER, which fundamentally changes approaches

navigation, structural geology, in-field re-analysis and driller-

to drill-core analysis. The release of the IQ-LOGGER

operable geophysics.

prototypes into the market in 2017 brought a swift reaction from geologists who applied the new system to vital drill-core structural and orientation readings. One


client from Terralogic Exploration said it allowed them

intelligence solutions and analytical software for geological

to collect 10 times the structural data over traditional

modeling. It forms part of IMDEX Limited, a leading mining-

measurement systems and at a much higher quality.

technology company











Riaz Tejani Director of Sales & Business Development at DGI Geoscience

The mining industry is moving swiftly toward the digitalization

“The mining industry has a lot of data but does not maximize

of its processes, including drilling and prospecting, thanks

the value. DGI employs Big Data techniques to rapidly find

to the efficiency of new technologies and their impact on

areas of interest from geochemistry or geophysics. We

cost reduction. An example of this is combining Reverse

have assisted many clients to discover new zones or drill

Circulation (RC) drilling with Optical Televiewer (OTV)

targets based on their already existing data,” says Chris

borehole surveying, which significantly increases the speed

Drielsma, the company’s CEO. Tejani continues: “As an

of drilling while reducing the cost. As an added benefit the

example, we increased the value of the OTV by combining

results are oriented, meaning they reveal true strike and dip

it with geology, alteration and geophysics that our clients

of contact, veins and foliation, among other characteristics

have already to assist with higher grade mining or ore body

that are not available from core.

discoveries. Other providers tend to just collect data and stop their work there. The strength of DGI results from our

Geologists often struggle with not having core on every hole

data analytics team working closely with our field services

but this does not need to be the case. An infill, delineation

team and the client to understand the goals.”

or exploration program consisting of RC, OTV along with XRF can deliver superior results while saving costs, adding

Whether the company’s field services team is collecting

drill holes in less time with the same budget. Core drilling

borehole geophysics, structural or geotechnical data, its

and assays can be done on a minority of drill holes or on

data analytics team is constantly looking at methods to

separate drill campaigns.

extract useful information and convey it in a simple manner to mining or exploration geologists and engineers.

“Clients in Central and South America are opting for RC over diamond drilling because it costs approximately

DGI is one of the largest borehole surveyors in the Americas

half the price and is four times as fast,” says Riaz Tejani,

for collecting geological, structural and geotechnical

Director of Sales and Business Development of DGI

data from boreholes. It services operating open-pit and

Geoscience Inc (DGI). “In-situ surveying produces a ‘virtual

underground mines that are looking to increase the

core,’ which is a high-definition continuous-oriented 360°

accuracy of geological and geotechnical models and mineral

image of the borehole wall. Using software, geologists

resource estimates. DGI also services exploration juniors,

can see downhole features of importance, connect and

municipalities, geotechnical engineering departments and

interact with these features and have a comprehensive

environmental assessment consultancies. Where and when

model with true strike and dip during the drilling program.

possible, DGI’s analytics team works with clients to extract

Furthermore, it is easy to share with colleagues or

further value from multiple datasets such as geochemistry,

consultants in other locations.”

geological, geophysical, geometallurgical, geotechnical and hydrogeological data for mining, exploration, infrastructure

Due to growing pressure from investors, management is

and environmental applications. It connects these datasets

evaluating processes that can save money or time while

to provide a clearer big-picture view of the overall project.

delivering more value. Digitalization of everything is on the table for review and discussion. Data analytics companies

Mexico is an important part of DGI’s growth strategy for 2017

that specialize in the collection of mining data and

because it has many successful operating mines and investor-

transform it into useful information are beginning to arise

supported exploration programs. DGI has long been active in

more frequently in the market. While some may fall short

Mexico, primarily for international miners operating here. In

when it comes to creating useful and practical business

2016, DGI focused on educating Mexican mining companies,

intelligence with its data, DGI stands out from the crowd

exploration departments, engineering firms and third-party

with its analytical capabilities.

suppliers on the value of its field and analytical services.



According to the Mexican Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX),

to mineral exploration programs. The unique set-up of

around 70 percent of Mexico is yet to be geologically

the product means that it is also the world’s first fully

explored at depth, suggesting that there are numerous

automated benchtop XRD instrument.

mineral deposits waiting to be discovered. But for


prospectors and explorers to locate and understand the

“We are very optimistic that this technology will increase

mineralogy of a resource, they need access to efficient,

our business by 15-20 percent in 2017 because it is

reliable and highly sophisticated sample-analysis equipment.

ideally suited to the mining sector,” Mott explains. “It can complement other analytical techniques, it is easy to install

PANalytical, a Dutch scientific instrumentation and

and guarantees low running costs.”

software supplier, manufactures X-ray diffraction solutions specifically designed to help geologists analyze elemental

Since its launch in late 2016, a number of Aeris units have

structures during the initial stages of exploration projects.

been sold in Brazil and the first model arrived in Mexico

The company’s portfolio boasts an expansive range of

in June 2017. It will be installed at the company’s in-house

sample preparation instruments and X-ray software that

laboratory for the purpose of demonstrations. The company

can be applied to several industries but it recently launched

will also offer technical advisory and support to both

a new product – the Aeris – that it hopes will help expand

existing and potential customers. Although PANalytical’s

its business in the mining sector.

Mexican head office is in Monterrey, Mott and his team will be focusing their marketing efforts on the mining districts

“The minerals edition of Aeris is PANalytical’s X-ray

in Zacatecas. The historic mining region is still the second-

diffractometer (XRD) for everyone in the mining industry,”

highest producer of metals and minerals in the country, and

says Marcelo Mott, the company’s Regional Manager for

new discoveries – like MAG Silver’s Juanicipio project – are

Latin America. “It can make mining projects more viable

made all the time. Following a sharp increase in interest

because it provides supremely accurate geological data and

from Zacatecas-based mining groups in 2016, PANalytical

it is more robust and precise than other designs available

organized a seminar in the city in May 2017. In a bid to tap

on the market.”

into this substantial market, mining companies from around the country, as well as students, were invited to learn about

The heart of the Aeris design is its simplicity. It incorporates

the Aeris and its benefits from in-house specialists.

many high-end technologies that are already in operation on existing PANalytical XRDs, including superior resolution

But Mott harbors concerns about the way that Aeris might

and short measurement times but its user-friendly interface

be received in Mexico. Despite his belief in the design and

makes it accessible to everyone from experienced

the impact it could have on Mexican mining operations,

geologists to budding life-sciences students. It has a built-

he believes the country is still lagging behind other

in touch screen that displays sample results quickly through

jurisdictions, including his native Brazil, in terms of adapting

a series of graphs and charts, providing accurate mineral

to and welcoming disruptive automated technology. “We

monitoring for hydrometallurgical models. The user can

know Brazil is in one of the worst economic crises of its

then transfer the data to anywhere on the network, obtain

history but the numbers show that automation can be a

a clear picture of the deposit and asseses the economic

solution even in times of crisis. It helps increase productivity

viability of further exploratory work.

and decrease costs,” he says. “The market for industrial automation and robotics has huge potential in Mexico,

The four available models – metals, cement, research and

especially in mining. Local industry leaders must recognize

minerals – make the Aeris applicable to various industrial

the benefits of automating some stages of the process and

production control systems but it can add particular value

see the long-term results.”

A Goldcorp truck working in PeĂąasquito, Zacatecas



Once an ore body has been identified, drilling results have proven sufficient resources and reserves, and a feasibility study has ensured the viability of building a mine, operators must begin the process of planning and construction. This phase includes acquiring all the legal and environmental permits, the design of the mine itself and finally the build. The capital expenditure required during this phase of the mine cycle typically runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the timespan can be several years, and so operators are always looking for any new technology or approach from their network of service providers that can save time and money.

This chapter covers all the latest innovation that is helping operators in Mexico boost the efficiency of mine planning and construction. From automated heavy machinery to groundbreaking volumetric technology, leading engineers and software designers from around the world explain precisely how their solutions are changing the industry in Mexico. Distributors and contractors, meanwhile, detail the unique value they can add to mining operations.




ANALYSIS: Going Underground: The Evolution of Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Peter Megaw, MAG Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gary Nash, Yokohama Tire Mexico


José García, Yokohama Tire Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Manuel Grimaldi, Grimaldi


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Optimizing Production Through Geosynthetics


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Thomas Gramling, Takraf USA And Takraf Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alicia Barnetche, Kepler


INSIGHT: Antonio Longoria, Skysset

Guillermo Sauza, Skysset 238

ROUNDTABLE: How Can Planning and Construction in The Mining Industry Be Optimized?


INSIGHT: Gunther Barajas, Dassault Systèmes


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Estrada, Maple


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ludwig Fasching, Doka Mexico




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge González, DSI Underground Mexico


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Takraf Spreader Boosts Safety, Efficiency


GOING UNDERGROUND: THE EVOLUTION OF MINING Open-pit mines may require much lower construction

larger than San Ramon but has never been

expenditure than underground mines but the latter may

explored,” says Frederick Davidson, President

become the future of the industry due to the need to avoid

and CEO of IMPACT Silver. San Ramon Deeps

environmental damage

houses high-grade silver zones of over 200g/t and has been the main source of IMPACT’s

In Mexico, open-pit mines dominate the industry because

increase in average overall mined silver grade ever since.

they are simpler to develop and require lower initial


investment than underground mines. David Noort, an


underground contract-mining specialist and Manager

Underground mines can even go as far as saving

of Pybar Mining Services Business Development and

environmental and social headaches for operators. In

Operations, told Australian Mining that “open-pit mines

early 2017, Philippine Environment Minister Roy Cimatu

have been economically the most viable, due to relatively

placed a ban on open-pit mines as part of an anti-pollution

near surface expressions.”

crackdown and other countries could well follow suit. Open-pit mining is increasingly falling out of favor in

But the balance is slowly shifting since most higher-grade

Europe thanks to environmental considerations and the

surface ore bodies have already been discovered, leaving

scarring of surface structures, according to Christopher

companies to search deeper for ore. Instead of launching

Warwick, Mexico Country Manager of Pan American Silver.

new greenfield exploration programs, operators are looking

“Most open-pits lend themselves to going underground

closer to home for their next discovery. “The best place to

if feasible,” he says. Pan American’s Dolores mine in

find a mine is close to where other miners already discovered

Chihuahua commenced development on an underground

one,” says Kenneth MacLeod, President and CEO of Sonoro

extension and the operation, slated to reach production in

Metals. But they do not need to look far. As IMPACT Silver

2018, will run alongside its open-pit counterpart.

proved with its San Ramon Deeps discovery, an operator’s next big find could be right under the existing property.

Yet, some operators are reluctant to turn to underground mining due to safety hazards such as collapses and floods.


Not only are underground mines more prone to accidents

Underground mine construction is often questioned because

but they are also vulnerable to operating issues that may

the processes involved are more complex, expensive and

be far more complex to repair as a result of limited access.

dangerous than open-pit mining. But, as underground

In 2016, Endeavour Silver’s Guanaceví mine in Durango

mining involves a lower social and environmental impact

broke into an area of hot water and did not have sufficient

and access to higher grade deposits, it is starting to catch

pumping, ventilation and electrical capacity to handle the

the attention of operators. In fact, Rio Tinto forecasted in

hot water. “We started a recovery plan last year to expand

a 2010 seminar that by 2025 underground operations will

our pumping, ventilation and electrical capacities and it

account for 40 percent of global copper production.

should be complete this year so that the mine can return to plan by year-end,” says Bradford Cooke, Endeavour’s CEO.

Those that have taken the plunge are reaping benefits from

Although Endeavour remains confident in the long-term

their underground expansions. In Chihuahua, the Palmarejo

potential at Guanaceví, the incident caused the project to

mine transitioned into a completely underground operation

fall significantly behind on production.

at the end of 2016, focusing on the promising Guadalupe and Independencia deposits. “Production is expected to


increase over 50 percent in 2017 and based on reserves,

There is no denying the impacts of the drawbacks in

it now has a seven-year expected mine life,” says Mitchell

terms of safety and access issues in underground mining.

Krebs, President and CEO of Coeur Mining. “Importantly,

But mining new deposits under an existing mine is

grade and recovery rates have also improved and overall

understandably attractive for operators. No new property

costs continue to trend lower.”

has to be purchased, there is no need for new negotiations with landowners and the probability of striking a deposit

Similarly, after 10 years of mining, IMPACT Silver’s San

is increased tenfold. Moreover, underground grades

Ramon mine was experiencing a drop in its grade in early

tend to be higher and operators can mine underground

2015. “We began condemnation drilling and discovered what

while simultaneously operating their open-pit, more than

we call san Ramon Deeps, a deposit that is substantially

doubling profits and production levels.



Q: Why was production at Juanicipio pushed back from

It leaves the Cerro Rico de Potosi district in Bolivia in the

2018 to 2019?

dust. We hope to continue exploring the district for many

A: The delay in production was for all the right reasons.

years to come.

Our JV partner on the project, Fresnillo, is conservative and wants to be sure to meet the guidelines that are set out.

Q: How do you plan to invest the added cash flow from the

We delayed because we will no longer be building the mine

Juanicipio project once it goes into production?

at 2,650t/d throughput as originally planned, but rather

A: Some of it will go back into the ground to explore further

it will be built at 4,000t/d. That is almost a 50 percent

exploration targets, and depending on the success of those

increase in throughput, so inevitably this requires changes

efforts we might be building more mining units. We are

to the construction and mine design but thankfully it will

constantly looking for new projects around the world, as

not require a substantial increase in capital expenditure

long as the deposit is high grade and big enough to survive

given that the mill is already in place.

at least one market cycle.

Another reason for the delay is because we recognized

We will also consider paying dividends, but we only want

that the deeper part of the vein is volumetrically and

to go down that route when the company is in a strong

compositionally very significant. When we were drilling

enough financial position to do so. We have always tried to

in 2015 we thought we had reached the bottom of the

be financially disciplined, only raising money through equity

“bonanza zone” but we discovered that the vein increased

and at opportune times for our shareholders. We have set

in width from 7m to 25m and the grade increased. To

aside US$140 million to build the mine at 2,650t/d, but now

reach this deeper deposit, we are planning to build a mine

that we will be increasing that to 4,000t/d we may require

beneath the one we had originally planned. This means that

a little more capital expenditure.

we have to be careful not to underbuild the first operation. Q: What can the market expect to see from MAG Silver in Q: How will the partnership with Fresnillo evolve once the

the next few years?

mine moves into construction and operation?

A: The focus for the next two years will be to continue

A: Given the history of the JV to date, I do not anticipate

advancing the Juanicipio project. During 2017 we will

exploration slowing down once the mine is producing. The

be issuing a new technical report, a new resource and a

JV property extends for 20km to the south and 8km to the

production go-ahead decision. And we will continue to

west and there seem to be several structures parallel to the

pursue an aggressive exploration program on the property.

one we are currently developing and that Fresnillo is exploring

We are in the silver business, and 25 percent of all the

on their side of the boundary. Geologically it is highly unlikely

silver mined in history has come from Mexico. There are 15

that some of these veins do not continue into the JV property,

deposits worldwide that have produced in excess of 1 billion

and so the upside for ongoing discovery is high.

ounces of silver, eight of which are in Mexico and four of those eight are in the Fresnillo Silver Trend. It is the most

The Fresnillo district is rapidly emerging as the world’s

sought-after real estate in the silver business, so it is clear

biggest silver epithermal vein camp. A total of 850 million

that we will be focusing our efforts in Zacatecas.

ounces of silver has been added since 2010 with the discovery of Juanicipio and the Valdecañas vein, on top of the deposits that were already being mined and the 1 billion

MAG Silver is focused on advancing and exploring high-

ounces that has been produced historically. The district now

grade silver projects in Mexico’s Fresnillo district. The much-

has combined production and reserves of 3.2 billion ounces,

anticipated Juanicipio JV with Fresnillo is under construction

which is larger than any other silver district in the world.

and is expected to start production in 2019



DURABLE TIRES FOR LONG-TERM STRATEGIES Gary Nash President of Yokohama Tire Mexico


JosĂŠ GarcĂ­a National OTR Sales Manager of Yokohama Tire Mexico

Q: How does Yokohama contribute to the long-term

GN: There are always challenges when entering a country.

strategies of companies?

We overcome this issue by offering mining companies

JG: The mining industry likes to plan ahead with yearly

packages that are paired with engineering services. We are

quotes and contracts. With the downturn the market

out to sell small numbers that are high in quality to ensure

has gone through over the past years, a huge number of

that customers return time and time again. We want to

operations and projects have slowed down or even stopped

build a network of trusting customers so that when the

altogether, particularly in open-pit mines that require bigger

prices drop they continue to buy our products because

tires. Coal, for example, is almost nonexistent in Mexico now.

they know that we can help them lower their tire expenses.

The prices of minerals dictate production levels in Mexican

This is a strategy that we believe will pay off in the long-

mines. Mining companies are always looking to lower their

term. We only sell tires to customers that can benefit from

expenses and increase their production rates.

the solutions we can offer them. We also have a channel of distributors in Mexico that we hand pick to make sure

Yokohama has introduced three new radial tire sizes for underground mines in Mexico during the past 12 months

they represent our brand well. We continue to perceive Mexico as having huge potential for us as it is an important part of the global mining industry. The prices of metals are improving and mining companies are continuing to upgrade their production levels. In Mexico, we are focused on growing at a cautious pace as the quality

We continue to excel in underground mines and ports,

and performance of our products are essential. Our tires

where our products perform particularly well, and these

have proven to be a high-quality product. We want to be

segments are currently the main focus for the group in

very careful to introduce products that will be functional and

Mexico. We have introduced three new radial tire sizes

long-lasting by taking careful steps in the market. It can be

for these markets in Mexico during the past 12 months.

frustrating to operate at such a slow pace but we have to

Considering the tough landscape, companies cannot afford

be careful considering the tough spot the industry is now

to be left without products and are keen to find the best

emerging from.

price. Mining companies like long-term strategies. We have an engineering team that supports the sale of the product

Q: What are the company accomplishments in the last 12

and we are conscious of how our tires perform. Our main


focus, above increasing sales, is to make sure our customers

GN: Over the past 12 months we have been helping customers

are aware of proper tire management and accessories. They

improve their production rates per hour. We also introduced

can tell the difference with a better-managed tire because

new products for underground operations, with three new

it lowers tire expenses.

sizes for underground mine tires. We plan to introduce underground radial mining tires that can bear larger loads

Q: How does Yokohama overcome the fact that Mexican

and withstand longer distances but this product is not in the

companies tend to choose cheaper services and products?

Mexican market yet. We believe that there is a customer for every type of tire. We like to focus on targeted niches and penetrate markets that require the specific tires we offer. We

Yokohama Tire Mexico, launched in 2013, is a fully incorporated

have had great success with our bias tires in the past, and

subsidiary of the Japanese tire-manufacturing giant Yokohama

we still produce top-quality bias tires but we are now placing

Rubber Company. The company offers a wide variety of

more of our focus on radial tires because we believe therein

premium brand tires

lies the greater demand.



Q: Why should companies prioritize tire maintenance and

Q: What role does the mining industry play in your business

repair in their projects?


A: Tires can represent a large chunk of a project’s budget.

A: We offer a specialized set of services to the mining

For example, in transportation, tires are the fourth largest

industry because it is quite a rough segment with long

element in the budget after equipment, oil and salaries.

hours. Grimaldi guarantees durability throughout the year.

In mining, tires also represent a similar portion of the

Considering that operations run without stopping, we

budget, representing one of the top five expenses of the

cannot just install a tire and check it in 15 days. It takes

total value of the operation. It makes sense considering that

constant supervision and maintenance to ensure safety

this industry runs 24 hours a day all year long. This makes

and efficiency. We serve both open-pit and underground

maintenance an essential part of the sector that can help

mines. Open pit mines require bigger and heavier tires as

mines save a great deal of money and time. Massive tire

loaders and trucks are extremely large. Some tires even

service can take a few hours and it is beneficial for mines

weigh 3 tons or more. On the other hand, underground

to carefully plan tire maintenance to avoid any accidents

mines are lighter and range up to 900kg. No matter what

that could affect the mine’s productivity. Operators can

kind of mine we serve, our priority is always the operator’s

take advantage of our services since we collaborate with

safety. We find that the mining industry tends to prefer long

the mines to improve their driving habits and help them

term alliances with trustworthy providers to ensure high

optimize their equipment’s loading, which is one of the key

quality service for these companies. We prove to operators

factors in material handling. We work hard to maintain our

that they can trust us by providing positive results at a fair

position in the market by staying ahead of the pack and

cost with more productivity. We have relationships with

investing in innovation and development.

operators such as Goldcorp, Coeur Mining, Don David Gold, Nukay, Nyrstar and Aranzazú Holding.

Q: What added value does Grimaldi provide to the market? A: The market has many tire and accessory distributors but

Q: How is the company adapting to the Internet of Things

we stand out by offering a total package service. Our goal is

(IoT) and digitalization?

not to merely supply companies with our products but also

A: Digitalization and IoT are creating important waves in

to achieve maximum efficiency for an operator by meeting

the Mexican market. Software allows clients to manage and

additional needs such as tire care and maintenance. Our

register information about the efficiency of the tires and

success lies in our ability to combine high-quality and

their lifecycle, helping companies make smarter decisions,

basic products with an efficient provision of services. We

optimize and reduce costs. Gathering information about tires

used to only offer premium tires but we realized that not

and their performance allows us to measure and improve our

all industries prioritize quality over cost. Grimaldi found

services as well. We work hard to always be up to date with

that the right number of additional services can make

technology and look for the best in the market. For example,

both premium and basic products equally effective. We

TIRE SENS technology allows us to place sensors inside

adapted to the needs of the industry by expanding our

tires and constantly track their pressure and temperature,

portfolio and offering low-cost bias ply tires in addition to

whereas ESTUDIOS DE VBOX software provides us with

Michelin products. The key is knowing when and how to use

reliable information, enabling mines to use tires efficiently.

premium and basic products. The price of the tire can also vary greatly among sectors. In infrastructure, the market is still dominated by lower cost products over quality while

Grimaldi has 32 years of experience as a supplier of high-

mining is quite specialized and is willing to pay more for

quality tires. It is specialized in the service of administration

a product that can provide a fair balance between cost,

and maintenance of the vehicles to contribute to the safety

quality, performance and safety.

and increase the productivity of the equipment




OPTIMIZING PRODUCTION THROUGH GEOSYNTHETICS The typical mining operation moves thousands of tons of material every day of the year on a 24-hour basis until the end of its lifecycle. Considering the amount of material and capital at risk in these sites, operators are prioritizing the maintenance and optimization of every detail including haul roads and leaching pads. This is where the technology and services that TDM Mexico offers come most into play. The company strives to optimize production and efficiency through technology based around geosynthetics including geomembranes and geogrids. Geosynthetic products can be used to install waterproof systems within leaching pits and tailings dams. More specifically, geomembranes use geotechnical material to control fluids within projects and structures. The main benefits of the material are its resistance to water, erosion, UV rays and bacteria. When it comes to installation, TDM Mexico starts by laying out the geomembrane in strategic areas, followed by the use of an anchoring system to ensure durability. The company uses various tests to control the quality of the installation process, including air pressure tests, vacuum tests, a trial for extrusion wielding and tests for electric sparks. Mining projects also face a vulnerability to rockfalls and landslides. Vegetation is critical for long-term grounderosion control and for stabilizing the surrounding areas during mining closures, which can be achieved through hydroseeding. The technology works by spraying a mixture of seeds, mulches, soil stabilizers, fertilizers and other elements onto the soil. It combats erosion on slopes and surfaces with its biodegradable material, composed of 100 percent recycled wood. When it is sprayed on the ground, it works as a protective cover, creating a porous and absorbent layer, improving germination and plant growth. TDM also offers solutions for haul roads through geogrid technology, a reinforcement for soft soil. The technology is characterized by its rigidity, thanks to its high resistance to deformations in the ground and its open geometry based on strong joints that laterally confine the material used to fill haul roads. Geogrids can be used to reinforce haul roads and platforms where loads in mine sites are transferred. TDM follows strict codes and guidelines laid out by international benchmarks such as the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) and its technology helps companies save money as it minimizes the amount of materials like asphalt required in the roads and increases durability.




Q: What role does the Mexican mining industry play in your

product portfolio complementary to TAKRAF’s, the group can

business strategy?

now provide a wider range of equipment specialized to smaller

A: We started to focus on the mining industry in Latin America

capacity volumes and integrated in-plant conveyor solutions.

in the 1990s when traditional markets in Eastern Europe broke 234

down due to economic shifts. The company realized that Latin

Q: What are the biggest challenges you face when it comes

America had the fastest-growing copper markets, particularly

to entering the Mexican market with innovative technology?

in Mexico. Today, we have a presence in all the major mining

A: One of the biggest issues we face is acceptance of new

countries around the world, including Mexico, Chile, Peru,

technology, although we have succeeded in introducing state

Canada and the US.

of the art equipment on some recent projects in Mexico. I am encouraged that our clients in Mexico trust that our

In comparison to other mining economies, Mexico has

equipment can help them overcome challenging situations.

substantial advantages. Countries like Australia have depleting

Mexico is an ideal candidate for introducing products such as

resources while others such as Indonesia have political problems.

our overland conveyors, spreaders and mobile stackers and

Mexico on the other hand, has an abundance of resources yet

availing of TAKRAF’s wide range of services from conceptual

to be explored and the potential to be a mining powerhouse.

studies. Considering the complexity and sophistication of the

Mexico is a major player today in the global mining industry,

equipment, TAKRAF provides installation support as well as

with 1,172 opportunities identified across all commodities and

emergency calls. TAKRAF specialists can get to any site in

in all stages of development. We are interested in 717 that are

Mexico within a day.

in early stages of development. Q: What kind of logistical challenges do you face in Mexico We have completed many successful projects in Mexico

when it comes to shipping and processing?

including a high-capacity conveying system installed in

A: As in many places around the world, Mexico has challenges

Buenavista del Cobre for Grupo México, and a shiploader for

when it comes to safe and efficient transportation of goods.

limestone in Quintana Roo. We continuously strive to be at

The country is improving the situation by further developing

the forefront of new technology so that we can best serve our

its bridges and roads to facilitate transportation to its industrial

clients in Mexico and elsewhere in their pursuit of delivering

sites. The two-lane highway to Cananea, Sonora from Arizona

ore and concentrates at competitive prices.

is still quite dangerous even after improvements that have taken over three years to complete. Improving the efficiency of

Q: What role do mergers and acquisitions play within your

logistics will require continued investment in its transportation

business strategy and ability to innovate?

infrastructure, but this is vital in Mexico because moving goods

A: We search for companies that are well respected in the

and equipment safely and effectively remains an issue for our

industry and have excellent long-term relationships with their

clients in the country.

clients, but that also possess the ambition for developing technology that can impact the industry. TAKRAF recently

Q: What plans do you have to further establish the company’s

acquired FMC Technologies’ material-handling business

brands in Mexico?

(Material Handling Systems) based in Pennsylvania. With a

A: TAKRAF will continue to invest in its offices in Santa Fe, Mexico City and Cananea, increasing resources as needed to advance the TAKRAF, DELKOR and TAT brands. We predict

Tenova Takraf is a German industrial company that supplies

that mineral prices will be at high levels again by 2020 and

equipment for open-pit mining and bulk material handling.

Mexico will be one of the main beneficiaries. So it is essential

The company is based in Leipzig and has operations around

that we continue to improve our presence in the country,

the world

maintain our client relationships and find new partners.



Q: How does Kepler differentiate itself among an

due to broad experience and a great deal of practice. This

increasingly competitive and international market in

is part of Kepler business strategy and staff training. We


want to do things right from the outset, which is the basis

A: Due to our specialized work, over the course of our 42

for completing a project on time, on budget and with the

years we have always had international clients. The final

highest quality possible. Another important principle for

clients might be a federal institution, such as PEMEX or

us is teamwork. These are values that, when repeatedly

CFE, but we participate a great deal directly with the

practiced, save money, satisfy the client and create prestige.

private sector. We are internationally known in the steel, power generation, mining and petrochemical industries. Our clients may change but our policies and ethics remain the same. Q: What unique value does Kepler offer the Mexican market?

Since 2002, Kepler’s entire range of operations has been certified at the ISO 9001:2015 standard

A: We are a basic-infrastructure, heavy construction company that responds to market requirements; that is to

Q: How important is the mining industry for Kepler?

say, we are a services construction company. Kepler was

A: Mining is within the scope of our core business. Mexico

born in the steel industry, at a time when the main area of

has enormous potential in mining resources all across the

opportunity was in the northern part of Mexico, specifically

country and the industry has significantly grown in the last

in the states of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. Later, it played an

15-20 years. There are many international mining operators

important part in the other big steel pillar that developed in

and clients, as well as national clients, with whom we have

Lazaro Cardenas. As the demands of the energy-generation

collaborated both in Mexico and abroad. The many different

sector began to grow, so did Kepler’s participation in it.

processes needed in a mining development require high-

One of our main added values as a Mexican construction

quality skills like those found in the electricity, steel and

company lies in the wide spectrum of services we offer.

petrochemical industries. Due to the complexity and extent

From the very start of a project, we provide civil works,

of mining projects, the construction alone may take several

mechanical, erection and electrical services, as well as

years to complete. One of the challenges in these industries

oversight and the most highly qualified labor. We can

is working in remote areas, often in extreme climates, where

contribute to a project all the way to its startup phase.

everything has to be provided, from electricity, water

Another added value is the level of quality and safety

and communications systems to human resources and

we offer to our clients and workers. Since 2002, Kepler’s

procurement. We negotiate with and support surrounding

entire range of operations has been certified at the ISO

communities and help operators negotiate with them. We

9001-2015 standard. We also hold ASME certifications and

may be on site for a few years but our clients will remain

we work according to international standards in safety

there for much longer. At the moment, we are working in

and environmental impact. The fact that national and

the state of Colima and in the central part of Mexico in the

international clients return for repeat projects is proof of

important mining state of Zacatecas.

a job well done. Q: How do you guarantee that projects are completed on

Kepler is a 100 percent Mexican company that began in the

time, on budget and of high quality?

steel industry, developing national projects. Over time, Kepler

A: There is a saying: “We are what we repeatedly do.” If

has demonstrated its ability in other areas, including corporate

this is true, excellence does not happen by chance but

construction, hotels, shopping malls and self-service stores


A Skysset drone flight over Grupo Emmont de México and GEMSA, Nuevo Leon




Guillermo Sauza Co-Founder of Skysset

According to a 2010 study carried out in Queensland,

One challenge in working with mining companies is that

Australia, skill-based human error was found to be the

often locations are remote, so it is not conducive to send

most common unsafe act carried out in mines, costing

engineers to each worksite. “Initially, we would visit the site,

operators dearly in terms of time, money and safety.

make the drone flight, process all the images and make the

Mining companies are increasingly seeing more value in

reports,” says Guillermo Sauza, the company’s COO and Co-

automation to reduce these errors but now innovative

Founder. “We needed to find a way to make the operation

startups are emerging to bridge niche markets that major

more scalable, so we began outsourcing the flights using

service providers often overlook. For example, integrated

commercial drones.”

systems are being created to minimize downtime during production but afterward, the lack of solutions to document

This allowed Skysset to focus on increasing the services

inventory means this task is often performed manually.

it could offer to its clients. The startup has developed its Honeybee app for iOS so that the flights can be completely

Companies like Skysset and its Groundhog volumetric

automated. “We give the drone and app to the operator,

technology are helping address these needs. The company

a button is pressed on the app and the drone flight is

uses drones and a process called photogrammetry, which

automated,” says Sauza. “We are then sent the photos and

overlaps a series of 2D images and converts them into

we can process the images and present the results in a

a 3D map, to offer greater precision when recording inventory levels for mining operators. “All this 3D data then has to be processed and converted into relevant information so we created software called Zephyrus that can identify a stockpile, filter excess data, run it through a floor estimation algorithm and extract accurate volumetric estimates,” says Antonio Longoria, CTO and Co-Founder of the young company. Skysset then measures the volumes of the same stock belt from one month to the next, giving it the comparative data that operators need to record the flow of stock more quickly

much faster turnaround time.”

When the process is carried out manually, it is easy for employees to overlook a measurement” Antonio Longoria, CTO and Co-Founder of Skysset

and accurately. By measuring production performance in

The company says the technology has far-reaching benefits.

monthly increments, the company can detect unexpected

“This technology is transformational because providing

anomalies. Skysset then compiles a report for every

measurements for all factors across such complex operations

stockpile that includes its volume, location on the map and

helps companies optimize,” says Longoria. “Once inventories

density of its contents.

can be accurately measured, diesel consumption for trucks and energy consumption for conveyor belts can be optimized.”

“These operations are complex, ongoing and hard to keep track of,” says Longoria. “When the process is carried

The industry is waking up to the technology. “When we first

out manually, it is easy for employees to overlook a

started out, there was a sense of disbelief that this could be

measurement and going back to find accurate records can

done,” says Sauza. Now that companies know this technology

be tough.” For increased accuracy, all of Skysset’s 3D data is

exists – and is used by world-class companies – they are

geolocated, meaning that not only volumes but positioning

becoming more willing to try it. “If we can only penetrate

can be compared so in the event of a discrepancy it is easier

the market with this new technology, the possibilities over

to identify the root cause.

the next few years will be limitless,” Sauza says.




Planning and construction is one of the most important parts of a mine’s lifecycle. A well-planned project ensures healthy relationships with authorities and the surrounding community as well as facilitates the operational process and production. As many companies are barely starting to bounce back from the price slump of 2012, operators are on the hunt for the best solutions in the market that can both optimize production levels and reduce costs. Mexico Mining Review asked leading technology providers, solution providers and operators about the strategies they are using to optimize and innovate the planning and construction of a mine and the challenges behind this phase.

There is an endless series of bottlenecks that need to be negotiated when moving 238

a project from the development phase into construction and production. To reach commercial production at El Limon-Guajes, we first needed to ensure that the grinding circuit was functioning efficiently, which we managed without too much difficulty. Then we needed to test the leach circuit and figure out how to deal with the large quantity of copper in the deposit. We are now working on the final major obstacle, which is the

FRED STANFORD President and CEO of Torex Gold

tailings filtration circuit. We have installed the biggest tailings filtration circuit in the world at the plant and the system not only enables us to recycle all the water we use but also eliminates the risk of any tailings spilling into the Balsas River and increases the efficiency of our land usage. But it is a complex mechanism so we have been working through a number of details to ensure that the operation works to its full capacity.

Due to the complexity and extent of mining projects, the construction alone may take several years to complete. One of the challenges in these industries is working in remote areas, often in extreme climates, where everything has to be provided, from electricity, water and communications systems to human resources and procurement. We negotiate with and support surrounding communities and help operators negotiate with them. We may be on site for a few years but our clients will remain

ALICIA BARNETCHE President of Kepler

there for much longer. One of our main added values as a Mexican construction company lies in the wide spectrum of services we offer. From the very start of a project, we provide civil works, mechanical, construction and electrical services, as well as the most highly-qualified labor and oversight. The fact that national and international clients return for repeat projects is proof of a job well done.

Financing is a significant challenge for mining companies. Despite having a solid project, it is difficult to attract investment to the country. Locally, it is extremely difficult to get a bank to offer financing for exploration or development of a mining project. We had the opportunity to obtain a significant line of credit from our investors, which has been guaranteed by our assets and will allow us to continue with the development of Tahuehueto and bring it into production in 2017. The


first resources from this credit line were used to carry out a prefeasibility study (PFS). We were also able to carry out an industrial test on 3,500 tons of mineral. With the results of this test and the PFS, we will be in a position to approve the construction of Tahuehueto and to obtain additional resources to take it into production in 2017.



Senior mining companies are all faced with one common

“But the aerospace industry is a leader in the use of

challenge: how to keep a close eye on an ever-expanding

simulation technology to minimize risk. We know the impact

portfolio of global operations at once.

digitalization and virtual software can have on industrial operations, and we are bringing this technology into the

From exploration strategy and mine design to mineral

mining sector.”

processing and project closure, mine operations require a mind-boggling amount of planning and monitoring.

The technology has been particularly popular for senior

The decisions facing project managers multiply when

miners with projects around the world. According to

overseeing a number of operations in varying jurisdictions.

Barajas, large companies are attracted to the 3D Experience

In previous years, the job required endless trips to remote

because it allows project managers to keep an eye on global

mine sites around the world. But thanks to digitalization,

operations when they cannot be physically present on-site.

those hours spent on airplanes and helicopters to reach

One of Dassault’s main clients in Mexico is the Canadian

far-flung projects in the Mexican desert or Canadian tundra

gold giant Agnico Eagle, for whom it created a virtual mine

could soon be a thing of the past.

map to help site managers prevent accidents and downtime and combat falling profits in its mines in Mexico, Canada

“One of our clients has 15 mines throughout Latin America,

and Finland.

including Mexico, and the company is expanding,” says Gunther Barajas, Vice President for Mexico at software

Unlike many competitive solutions, Dassault's simulation

designer Dassault Systèmes. “The challenge it faces is

technology can be used throughout the mineral extraction

managing this rapid expansion across several jurisdictions

process, from exploration strategy and sample analysis

and ensuring that each asset is operating to its maximum

right through to mine operations and shutdown. The

potential. Thanks to our platform, the manager can now

program can be used to design processing plants,

monitor all his assets from one centralized program.”

storage facilities and tunneling systems. It can also assess environmental factors, helping companies to devise

Founded in France in 1981, Dassault Systèmes has grown

sustainable mine closure plans that restore and protect

into a multinational corporation manufacturing virtual

the local ecosystem.

project lifecycle management tools for companies in sectors as diverse as finance, construction and transportation. Its

For Dassault Systèmes, Mexico is a vital strategic market.

flagship platform for the mining industry, known as the

The group works alongside the Mexican Geological

3D Experience, embraces the digital revolution with open

Survey (SGM) to develop systems and ensure that mining

arms to provide intelligence, analysis and simulation that

companies have access to state-of-the-art technology to

maximize efficiency and increase profit margins.

guide their decision-making. The goal is to contribute to a profitable, safe and environmentally responsible mining

The premise is simple. The technology aims to provide a

sector. Helped by external factors including the weak

user-friendly interface that site managers and other decision-

peso and strong US dollar, Mexico registered the second-

makers can use to keep track of all their operations in real

highest growth rate for the company in 2016 and Barajas

time, and centralize the data via an online cloud. The company

is confident for the future.

takes the lessons learnt from experiences working in a variety of sectors to design solutions applicable to mining projects.

“Mexico is becoming a very attractive jurisdiction in which to work,” he says. “Operating costs are falling, profit

“The automotive sector is adept at maximizing finite

margins are widening and the country represents a great

resources, such as machinery and staff,” explains Barajas.

opportunity for foreign investment.”





Q: How are improved metal prices benefiting the company?

machines are capable of transferring data to computers. Our

A: Maple is a family-owned company that expanded quickly

equipment can function for up to 15,000 continuous hours.

in the mining industry. We began our work in 2007 with only

Large companies such as Komatsu and Caterpillar choose

four people and we now have a staff of 400. We were growing

Maple as a representative for their machines because of the

strongly until 2013, when the metals prices dropped, which

excellent services we can offer to customers. We ensure our

impacted the demand for our machines and the number of

clients receive the services and maintenance they need to

projects we were participating in. The market is turning around

avoid downtime during operations and all our satisfied clients

thanks to the uncertainty caused by the recent US election.

are proof of the quality we provide. We have clients such as

Many operators that were waiting for prices to rise again are

Pan American Silver and Grupo MĂŠxico. When it comes to

more open to investing in mining projects. Essentially, we

our business strategy, 95 percent of it is dedicated to being a

benefited from the US electoral results.

mining contractor. We cover the entire mining lifecycle.

Q: How do your machines differ from those provided by

Q: What are your main interests and goals in the short to

your competitors?

medium term?

A: We are on the cutting edge of one of the biggest trends

A: We are planning to expand our branches in Hermosillo in

of the industry: digitalization. Maple updated all its machines

the short term as well as our fleet across the country. We

to include technology that others lack, such as alarms and

already have presence in areas like Cananea and Ensenada.

air conditioners, making the equipment much safer. All of our

We are interested in expanding the number of projects we

equipment is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and the

participate in and consolidating the company in Panama and Colombia. We have a growing and qualified team of experts but we make sure that our growth does not inhibit our ability

Maple is a company that seeks the satisfaction of its customers

to offer excellent customer service. Maple has a team of

through an integral service, offering not only equipment rental

engineers and supervisors that can help a wide variety of

of the newest models but also highly qualified personnel for

mining projects be more productive and efficient. Customers

operation, supervision and maintenance

appreciate the attention to detail we offer.



Q: What challenges do companies face when building a

of accident prevention. Right now, this kind of measuring

mine and how do you solve these problems for clients?

relies heavily on guesswork and there are certain variables

A: When building a mine, there is a huge material

that can influence the outcome such as varying climates.

requirement for a short time period, especially during

Construction in the middle of the desert in Dubai differs

construction. Due to Doka’s international-standard logistics

greatly from building in the rainforest in Brazil. All these

systems, we can provide a great deal of materials within a

influences can be taken into account by Doka’s technology.

short time. Our engineering solutions adhere to the highest level of safety requirements and follow European and US

Concremote was designed by a company in the Netherlands

standards. Our products are tested for the loads required

and, after a few years working in collaboration, we acquired

and the customer can have full confidence that the safest

this company on Jan. 1, 2017. The equipment requires

product is available at the worksite.

synergy across all sections of the construction process, which is where the difficulties sometimes lie. But for

Q: How do your mining solutions differ from those of your

projects with significant amounts of concrete like shopping


centers, we want to promote this solution. Doka is also

A: First, we have the most advanced equipment that is

founding a consulting company that will focus exclusively

tested at a global level and supported by an engineering

on providing advice across the entire project, from concrete

department that evaluates, develops and is present from

quality and handling to planning and organizing the jobsite.

the beginning of the project. In terms of wall frameworks, we can provide Framax products, which are galvanized

Q: What are your plans for Mexico in the next two to three

metal frames that can be lifted by crane and are ideal for


quality finishes and supporting a great deal of pressure

A: We want to further promote our technology. Right now,

from concrete. The Xlife dashboard is resistant and can be

Doka is building two of the biggest water power plants in

used more than 200 times. This makes the difference in

Canada and the Concremote solution is being used at one

comparison to the plywood solutions our competitors use

of these plants. But leaders in Mexico have been taken by

that must be changed after 40 uses. Our Staxo 100 slab

surprise by these advancements because, although there

solutions are load-bearing towers that are incomparable

are similar measuring tools in the industry, Doka’s solution is

globally in terms of safety certifications and these provide

unique. There is a tangible impact on construction times as

the perfect load-bearing solution for very heavy slabs with

we can reduce this by 20-25 percent and for these players,

a width of 2m that are common in major mining projects.

time is money. It also optimizes the concrete quality, the strengthening period and the forming period, which are

Q: How has the mining sector reacted to automated

added advantages. We need to clearly show the operators

solutions like MyDoka and Concremote?

how this works and ensure they follow our guidance so that

A: We want to launch Concremote this year but bringing

the system can be used in the most effective way possible.

it into the market is not easy. A certain level of maturity is

The technology still has not been used in a mining operation

required. It provides real-time monitoring of the strength

in Latin America, but I can guarantee that when it is adopted

of the concrete at any given time so an informed estimate

it will provide huge benefits in terms of time, quality and costs.

of the renewal time can be made and construction periods can be accurately planned. Inside the formworks, it is possible to perfectly monitor the progress, meaning there

Doka is the world leader in the development, manufacture and

will be fewer cracks when using Doka’s technology. The

distribution of formwork systems for all sectors of construction.

lifetime of the concrete is also extended and this monitoring

With more than 160 sales and logistics centers in more than 70

obviously provides a great deal of safety benefits in terms

countries, the Doka Group has a powerful distribution network





Q: How would you compare the attractiveness of Mexico as

company. We certainly have competitors that have been

a mining jurisdiction to others you have worked in?

positioned in Mexico for many years so they have this

A: Our growth as a company has been sustained by the

competitive advantage. But our product is of the highest

mining industry in South America – primarily Peru and

quality, we have global certifications, we have certified

Chile. We have been involved in projects in Chile with

laboratories and we have some of the most modern and

Grupo México and in Peru with Hudbay Minerals, Cerro

sophisticated plants in Latin America. Our background in

Verde, Newmont Mining and major companies like Barrick

South America indicates that we will experience optimal

Gold, Sierra Gorda and Lumina Copper. Our business is in

growth in Mexico. We manufacture our own products so

geomembranes that are used for leaching pads and tailings

we do not have the input of a third party in our design and

dams. We also stock a geo grid, which we use to reinforce

production process. That means we can guarantee the quality

the roads for the heavy machinery they have to bear. This

and reduce costs. As a young company, there is a certain

provides road improvement and less need for maintenance,

expectation about what our new technologies are able to do.

which equates to a cost saving. In South America we have worked with extremely important Q: What do you predict for metals prices in the next few

mining companies like Grupo México in Peru, giving us a

years and how do you plan to take advantage of these

strategic alliance with the company here in Mexico. We have


participated in projects like Yanacocha in Peru, which at

A: The improvement in the metals prices is interesting

one point was one of the biggest gold mines in the world.

for us. Obviously, the rise in the prices of gold, silver and

We were one of the exclusive suppliers for the company so

copper in Mexico benefits us as part of the supply chain and

we have a great deal of expertise in the market. This year

gives us greater opportunities with clients. Our product is

alone, we expect to be present in one or two significant

not one that is dependent on commodity prices because it

mining operations in Mexico. We are already initiating

is used for mine expansions and projects that are starting

operations with Goldcorp in a possible mine expansion and

up. It is not subject so much to fluctuations in commodity

we are participating with Grupo México. We have strong

prices but the prices remain important. We are working

relationships with Industrias Peñoles and Minera Autlan,

on an expansion project for Industrias Peñoles and metals

among other companies.

prices do factor into the negotiations because high metals prices will allow operators more feasibility when choosing

Q: What other services do you offer the mining industry?

whether to expand their operations.

A: We can take care of the engineering across the lifecycle of leaching pits and tailings dams. We also use our

Q: What challenges has TDM faced on its entry into Mexico

technology to reinforce roads and we can carry out slope

and how have you overcome these?

stabilization to minimize the chance of a landslide. All of our

A: During our time initiating our mining activities in Mexico,

engineers have background that qualify them specifically

we have had a great opportunity to get to know different

for the projects on which they work, along with my 29-year

companies. We are a strong company in South America,

experience in the industry.

with 25 years’ experience, but in Mexico we are still a young We are most involved with projects at expansion stages or mine closures but we want to be more involved from The TDM Group is a leader in Latin America in engineering

the early stages of projects. There is a new open-pit gold

solutions, supply and installation of construction products

project in Durango that is in its early stages and we are

for infrastructure, mining, energy and hydrocarbon projects,

entering into negotiations with this operator to install its

sanitation and agriculture

tailings facility and leaching pit.



Conformity to international safety standards is something

and as a result of the deal, we have expanded our mining

that has only recently crept into the Mexican mining industry.

business by 30 percent in the country,” González says.

Rockwalls – the technology used to secure underground mines and prevent rockfalls – is not a requirement in Mexican

With this deal, DSI was able to cement an almost 15-year

legislation. Until a few years ago, this measure was only taken

cycle of solid growth. Dywidag Systems – DSI Underground’s

in the event of a fatal rockfall as a reactive measure to secure

parent company – was established in 1865 in Germany and

that part of the mine. Jorge González, General Manager of

has been broadening its expertise and international presence

ground support company DSI Underground, says that now,

ever since. The DSI Underground division was incorporated

operators in Mexico take safety much more seriously.

into Dywidag Systems in 2000 and González says that, with the exception of 2013, the company has experienced

“There used to be only 15 mines operating in Mexico and

significant year-on-year growth due to increasing safety

these belonged to the major Mexican companies,” he says.

standards. “One large mine used to purchase 5,000 bolts

“Now with the entry of Canadian mining companies and

per month. This has risen to 30,000 per month,” he says.

higher safety standards, most mines adhere to international standards.” Although it is not required by law in Mexico,

Of course, with the higher demand has come more

operators like Grupo México and Industrias Peñoles now

competition, both locally and internationally. In the late 1990s,

refuse to excavate more than 1m ahead without securing

international suppliers began entering Mexico and many more

the entire structure.

local companies began to emerge, located strategically close to companies in Zacatecas and Chihuahua. This is where they

These international standards are becoming increasingly

have the advantage, according to González, because although

important for mining companies and this is where

DSI has a storage facility in Chihuahua, its plant is located in

González believes DSI’s main competitive advantage

Guadalajara, which is not a traditional mining city.

lies. “Suppliers in Mexico are typically not aware of international standards or steel properties,” he says. “This

This has not prevented the company from supplying some

means they look competitive in terms of pricing but in

of the largest mining companies in the country. Among its

reality, the quality is not as high as what we provide.”

clients, DSI counts Coeur Mining at its Palmarejo property

With no Mexican legislation overseeing this segment,

and Agnico Eagle’s Pinos Altos project – both in Chihuahua

DSI purchases its raw materials and manufactures in

– Primero Mining’s San Dimas mine in Durango and Premier

accordance with standards laid out by the American

Gold’s Mercedes property in Sonora, previously owned by

Standards and Testing Methods (ASTM).

Yamana Gold. According to González, until this point, there has been more than enough market share to go around,

As a result of this competitive advantage, DSI forged a

which is evidenced by DSI’s growth.

strong presence globally, with the only lagging market being its US division. Within this market, competitor Jennmar was

González also has his eyes on industries outside of mining

the number one supplier in US coal mines, with 70 percent

in Mexico. “We see potential in all sectors with tunneling,

of the market share in the country. González explains that

like the Mexico City sewage system and trains such as

DSI’s market share in the US was small but globally DSI’s

the Toluca-Mexico City interurban train,” he says. DSI

market share dwarfed that of Jennmar. In February 2016,

Underground already has a presence in the new highway

both companies reached a mutually beneficial agreement

from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta, and in various tunnel

whereby DSI acquired Jennmar’s mining business outside

projects in Acapulco. “Mining represents almost all our

the US and DSI’s US mining business was sold to Jennmar.

business but we believe now is the time for us to diversify

“Jennmar had three or four strong mining clients in Mexico

into different sectors.”




TAKRAF SPREADER BOOSTS SAFETY, EFFICIENCY This spreader designed and supplied by Tenova TAKRAF at a waste-rock facility in Mexico forms part of a larger system, comprising overland conveyors and a mobile tripper car, which was constructed and commissioned entirely by TAKRAF. This is a world-class system, able to handle 12,000t/h of material – the equivalent of one 200-ton haul truck every minute. This system substitutes dozens of mining trucks that would otherwise be hauling material for several miles, burning diesel and emitting greenhouse gases 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From a maintenance point of view, the savings are significant since a conveyor system is more reliable than a trucking operation and the vast majority of servicing is conducted during pre-scheduled shutdowns. As a result, there is little impact on the mine’s planned production. The outreach of the spreader’s slewing and luffing discharge boom is 50m, which not only confirms the operation runs efficiently at a large block size but, more importantly, that it runs safely. The superstructure of the machine has been laid out in the typical TAKRAF compact design, having a center of gravity suitably low for seismic conditions. With a ground pressure of only 125kPa, the forces impacting the pile are very low, contributing further to the safety of the system. With such low pressures combined with the large distance between equipment and the crest of the pile, caving or the sliding of material does not occur. This double-designed protection favors production but, more importantly, the safety of the operators and equipment. Only one operator is required to operate this system. As the material is fed through the conveyors, the spreader receives material by means of a crawler-mounted tripper car to which it is directly connected. The operator controls the movement of the spreader as well as the direction in which the boom is pointed. The stopping sequence of the equipment is such that even in the event of a power failure, no overflow of the chutes will occur. The spreader has been in operation for the past four years and has demonstrated both exceptional reliability and efficiency; in fact, the system is so flexible that it has even catered to slight changes in operation in comparison to the original design of the dump site. The client has been able to improve its bottom line, from significant savings – diesel fuel, maintenance and operation of mine trucks, shovels, and push dozers – to increased production and efficiency. This has all been achieved with increased levels of safety.


Skysset drone view of furnace scrap transportation




The mine is now fully operational but this brings with it a host of new challenges, none more pressing than safety. Technological improvements have reduced the number of Lost Time Incidents (LTIs) and fatalities dramatically for both openpit and underground mines, but the practice remains fraught with danger. Heavy machinery manufacturers are developing autonomous and more fuel-efficient dozers, shovels and loaders that protect both the workforce and the surrounding environment.







mechanized and man-free, and simulation technology is helping to improve operator skills from the outset. All the while, mining companies must be careful to continue creating attractive jobs to appeal to the next generation of talent.

This chapter showcases all of the latest designs that are boosting the efficiency, safety and profitability of modern mines in Mexico. Global heavyweights compare technical approaches, machinery distributors explain the value of their services, and modular building designers reveal the contribution they are making to mine sustainability.


ANALYSIS: Tech Advances Help to Make Mining in Mexico Safer


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Caicedo, Atlas Copco


INSIGHT: René Valle, Maclean Engineering


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gregorio Castruita, Resemin Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Medellín, Caterpillar


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Torres, Sitsa


INSIGHT: Independent Contractor Offers Alternative for Mine Operators


INSIGHT: Harmen Van Kamp, GACW


INSIGHT: Pedro Pacheco, Kal Tire


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Luis Durón, Immersive Technologies


INSIGHT: Ryan Siggelkow, Hard-Line


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Prados, Normet Mexico


INSIGHT: Mike Kasaba, Artisan Vehicle Systems




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Quezada, Victaulic


VIEW FROM THE TOP: William Delano, Chesterton Mexicana

Arturo Meléndez, Chesterton Mexicana


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Miguel Guerrero, Proesmma


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Olivas, Rorisa


INSIGHT: Eduardo Zarza, Espaciomovil


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jerzy Sasiada, Williams Scotsman


INSIGHT: Greg Lanz, Modular Mining Systems


ROUNTABLE: How Do You Generate Consistent Growth in a Volatile Economic Climate?



TECH ADVANCES HELP TO MAKE MINING IN MEXICO SAFER Mining is by nature a dangerous activity, and companies in the

Among those leading the push toward diesel-

past have been guilty of prioritizing production levels over safety

free mines is Swedish heavy-machinery giant

protocols. But technological advances and a shift in corporate

Atlas Copco, whose new SmartRoc CL drill

culture are helping to improve conditions in Mexican mines

rig was designed specifically to lower fuel consumption. The design is fitted with a

Life in an underground mine is fraught with danger. At

clutch system that disengages the compressor when air

any point during a shift a worker might be exposed to

is not required, drastically reducing energy usage. “This

an electrical fire, poisonous gas leak, collapsed tunnel,

system, coupled with exceptionally fuel-efficient hydraulic

power outage and countless other threats. But although

and control-system design, enables the SmartRoc

accidents are inevitable over the course of a mine life,

CL to use up to 45 percent less fuel than competitive

technological advances enable mine managers to minimize

technologies,” says Carlos Caicedo, the company’s former

risks and stricter corporate practices are helping to make

Mexico Managing Director.

mining in Mexico far safer than in previous years. 250

The design is also fully automated, which has added “The industry is moving in the right direction,” says

benefits by enabling workers to remain at the surface

Gregorio Castruita, General Manager of Resemin Mexico, a

and operate the machine from a remote, safe location.

manufacturer of underground-drilling equipment. “It took

“We hope to carry out testing on our electrical, battery-

many years of hard work but we have finally reached a

powered loaders for underground mines soon,” says

situation in Mexico where, for the majority of enterprises,

Caicedo. “Our goal is to have a full line of automated

worker safety is equally as important as productivity and

equipment by 2020.”

ore extraction levels. It is a priority for everyone.”

AUTOMATION VS MECHANIZATION The strategy is clearly bearing fruit. According to the

But while Atlas Copco and others are placing their faith in

Mexican Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX), there were a total

automation and the concept of man-free mines, Resemin

of 73 fatal accidents in Mexican mines in 2012; that number

is following a different path toward safety improvement.

has dropped every year since, falling to 35 in 2015. The

The Peruvian drill rig manufacturer is actively seeking

CAMIMEX “Incident Level” report ranks industry safety

to simplify its new models through mechanization,

standards according to statistics from the Social Security

which eases the physical human input, rather than

Institute (IMSS) on a scale of 0-5, where the lower the

complicate them through automation, which removes

number, the fewer the incidents recorded. According to

human judgement altogether. While Castruita accepts

the 2016 Incident Level report, the mining sector incident

that the industry “owes a lot” to automation and robotic

rate dropped to 2.1 from 2.3 in 2015 and below the average

machinery, he is yet to be convinced that the long-term

rate of 2.17. This is enough to make the extraction industry

reliability of the new technology is superior to simpler,

the fifth-safest industrial activity in Mexico.

mechanical designs that put performance, rather than untested technology involving complicated electronic


systems, first.

The use of diesel in underground mines has long been a source of controversy in the industry. In an enclosed

“In an underground mine, machinery is subjected to

space like a tunnel, toxic fumes emitted by diesel

extreme conditions including temperature, dust, water and

consumption can do irreparable damage to lungs and

harmful gas leaks and the more electronic networks are

eyes. Several equipment manufacturers, therefore, are

in use, the higher the chance of a short circuit or failure,”

focusing their efforts on making alternatives like battery-

says Castruita. “We focus on designing relatively simple

powered vehicles more viable. As a result, diesel-powered

but highly productive machinery that has a minimal chance

vehicles underground could soon be a thing of the past.

of costing the user through downtime.”

“We will look back in 10 years’ time and be amazed that

This policy has brought great rewards. In 1H17, Resemin

a poisonous element such as diesel was ever used in

sold 20 new machines in Mexico and added precious-

underground mines,” says Mike Kasaba, CEO of Artisan

metals giant Fresnillo to its growing client network. “We

Vehicle Systems, a US designer of electric motors and

see little cause to change our policy at this stage,” says

battery packs for the underground mining industry.



AUTOMATION GAINS TRACTION IN MEXICO CARLOS CAICEDO General Manager, Mining of Atlas Copco Brazil (Former Managing Director of Atlas Copco Mexico)

Q: What benefits does the new drill rig SmartRoc CL offer

being tested. Our goal is to have a full line of automated

your clients?

equipment by 2020.

A: One of the key design features of the SmartRoc was to substantially lower fuel consumption, so we designed

Q: How much of an impact has the new facility in Zacatecas

a clutch system to disengage the compressor when air

had on Atlas Copco’s business in Mexico?

is not required. This system, coupled with exceptionally

A: We decided to build the plant because we recognized

fuel-efficient hydraulic and control-system design, enables

that much of the fleet in the market was coming to the first

the SmartRoc CL to use up to 45 percent less fuel than

overhaul and the former plant did not have the enough

competing technologies. The SmartROC CL is efficient,

capacity to handle the increasing number of overhauls.

productive and an outstanding solution for quarrying

The new facilities started operations in September 2015

and surface mining. It is a drill rig that combines the high

and it has been a vital addition to our Mexican operations,

penetration rates of tophammer drilling with the superior

enabling us to improve our client support throughout the

hole quality of down-the-hole drilling.

country and especially in the Zacatecas region. This facility has been particularly useful in improving our delivery time

The most important aspect of the SmartRoc CL is that it

through a state-of-the-art system that receives and ships

continues our drive toward automation, which has been

parts and consumables efficiently. The training center is

steadily gathering pace. All of our machines were designed

being developed to increase the competences of customers,

with the same control system, which can be updated to

students and our personnel by using simulators that are a

handle automatic operations. One of the largest operators

replica of the real operating cab of different rigs.

in Mexico has already purchased and installed a number of our retrofit kits for semi-automatic and remote operation,

Q: What are the company’s primary objectives for Mexico

and we hope that the next step will be to move into fully

in 2017?

automated machines like the PV 275 CA, which is the first

A: Our focus will be to stay at the forefront of technological

fully autonomous and cabless Pit Viper blasthole drill.

development. We believe our remote-monitoring systems, which can measure all the working parameters of each

Q: How do underground mines differ from open-pit

machine and track performance to the finest detail, will be

operations when it comes to automated machinery design?

particularly valuable to our customers going forward. These

A: Designing solutions for open-pit projects is slightly easier

devices are easily installed, require only a reliable wireless

than underground, where wireless networks are not only

network to function and dramatically reduce machine

difficult to install but also require much more advanced


software to function efficiently. In an open-pit mine everything is visible and there are fewer communication difficulties.

We hope to carry out testing on our electrical, batterypowered loaders for underground mines, which will not only

Mexico is relatively advanced in terms of autonomous

bring environmental benefits but also safety advantages. We

technology. It is one of the biggest consumers of

already have developed a 7-ton loader; our next step is to

our remote-control systems, the first step toward

go to a higher capacity rig.

automation. In the future, mines will be several kilometers underground, conditions for workers will be more challenging and so automation is inevitable. We already


have several underground drills working with different

manufactures and designs heavy machinery. It provides

levels of automation and we have developed prototypes

compressors, air treatment systems, construction equipment

for fully automated underground loaders and shovels

and other services to the mining industry

Copco is








ADAPTING TO BREAK INTO NEW MARKETS RENÉ VALLE General Manager, Mexico and Central America of MacLean Engineering


Canadian companies control 70 percent of gold production

want to keep strengthening our existing relationships

in Mexico and many more are present in other metals - not

with Canadian mining companies that are in Mexico

to mention the supply chain - due to Mexico’s proximity

because our value proposition of hard-rock equipment

and favorable conditions. But the Mexican way of doing

performance, reliability and innovation is already known

business is unique and these Canadian companies must

to them,” says Valle. For MacLean, Canadian operators

have a deep understanding of the country and its culture

have become attractive clients because there are fewer

to ensure success when entering this market. The idea is

barriers to overcome.

to adapt and respect the needs of the region to better anticipate and introduce new products, says Rene Valle,

Valle also sees a meeting of minds when it comes to

General Manager in Mexico and Central America of

sustainable practices, even if the Mexican side is more

Canadian heavy machinery supplier MacLean Engineering.

hesitant to accept change. The industry is starting to

We are preparing products for the future of diesel-free mines”

The best way to introduce new products to Mexico,

move away from diesel-powered engines, for example, and into more green technologies that use battery-powered engines. “We are preparing products for the future of diesel-free mines,” he says. “Mexico is slowly embracing this mindset and I predict the trend will quickly grow in the country. But transforming its rigid mentality will be a challenge. Canada has already shown itself to be in favor of this technology.”

Valle says, is to constantly exhibit the machines in demonstrations and trade shows across the country.

To promote use of more high-tech equipment and

“The key to breaking resistance is allowing end users to

strengthen the industry’s supply chain, Valle believes the

become familiar with the machines,” he says. “Companies

government and the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) could be

only purchase equipment that they feel comfortable with

supporting the industry more efficiently by implementing

and that can bring benefits to their mining process.”

policies that do not dramatically impact company budgets. “The extra mining royalties and taxes in the country were

Mexico is known for being a stubborn market that does

adopted at one of the worst times,” he says. “Relaxing

not adapt to change easily. But the mining industry in the

these fiscal obligations would allow companies more cash

country is starting to crank its gears again after a less

flow to invest in optimization and high-tech methods,

than favorable year in 2015. It is a good time to restart

providing greater cash flow for the country.”

mining projects in Mexico and companies are beginning to buy more equipment, an area of opportunity for

Despite this context, Maclean saw surprisingly high sales


in 2016 that far surpassed the company’s expectations thanks to the improved landscape for metal prices. “Our

“One of the main issues with this approach is that Mexican

company has already sold approximately 100 machines

operators do not often attend international shows,” says

in our time in Mexico,” says Valle. “In 2016 alone, we sold

Valle. “In effect, they are kept in bubbles, away from new

approximately 20 machines to companies like Fresnillo.”

technological trends and best practices that can improve

Valle emphasizes the need to differentiate to guarantee

efficiency and productivity. Another problem is that few

this kind of success. MacLean stands out by offering its

engineers in the mining industry speak English.” MacLean

clients heavy-duty machines that have between one-

strives to build its existing relationships with large Mexican

year and seven-year guarantees, is a unique offer in the

companies and to provide more solutions for them. “We




Q: How is Resemin working to incorporate new

as important as productivity and ore extraction levels. It is a

technologies into its portfolio?

priority for everyone and it is imperative that this continues

A: Unlike many mining equipment manufacturers, we are

to be the case.

not focused on designing automated solutions. It is not that we do not believe in the benefits of automated or

Q: What new products is the company releasing in 2017?

robotic machinery – the mining industry owes a lot to this

A: We have released two products to complement the launch

type of innovation – but this misses the primary function

of the Mini Jumbo in 2017. The first was the Suri Scissor Lift,

of our machines, which is to ensure long-term reliability. In

a heavy-duty utility vehicle with various functions including

an underground mine, machinery is subjected to extreme

tube and ventilator fitting and fortification works. The

conditions including temperature, dust, water and harmful

most recent is the Scalemin scaling rig, a hydraulic diesel

gas leaks, and the more electronic networks are in use the

tunnel scaler used to mechanically remove rocks following

higher the chance of a short circuit or failure. We focus on

a controlled explosion. Previously, this dangerous work

designing relatively simple but highly-productive machinery

was carried out manually but we now offer a mechanical

that has a minimal chance of costing the user through

solution. This is different to automation as no electronics

downtime. This policy toward technology has been popular

are involved; we prefer the term mechanization.

and successful in Mexico. Before the end of 2018, we will also begin manufacturing Q: To what extent has the rise in metal prices had a

scoop tramps for the first time. We have always been

beneficial impact on Resemin’s business?

focused on drilling equipment but our clients have made

A: During 1H17, we sold a total of 20 machines to various

it clear to us that there is a need for underground loaders.

clients, including four new customers, so we have been

This is the next important project for Resemin and our first

delighted to see the recovery of the sector and the impact it

scoop tramps should be available during 2018. This will

has had on our business. Word of mouth is still an important

enable us to provide equipment for the entire life span of

method of communication in Mexico so the fact that we

the mine, from bore-hole drilling to material movement.

are attracting new clients is an encouraging sign because it suggests the technology is selling itself through the

Q: How satisfied has the company been since its formal

quality of its performance. In 2016, we launched the Muki

entry into Mexico four years ago?

FF and Muki LHP products that are designed to work in

A: We are pleased but we recognize that there is still work

narrow veins, which has performed very well and has helped

to be done. The market in Mexico is large and therwe are

attract new business. Two of the new clients are contractors

significant areas to cover but we know that patience and

working with Fresnillo. This is a significant development

a long-term vision is crucial in mining. We are confident

for the company because Fresnillo is the biggest primary

that we will continue to attract new clients in Mexico. The

silver producer in the world, and we are delighted to have

company aims to be working with all the major mining

our machines operating in their mines.

companies in the country on their largest underground projects. Our goal is to ensure that Resemin becomes

Q: What needs to be done to bring down the number of

known around the world for the quality of its personnel.

worker fatalities in Mexico’s underground mines? A: The policies that have been implemented by both foreign and national companies in Mexico show that the industry

Resemin designs

is moving in the right direction. It took many years of hard

tunnel scalers and other underground drilling equipment.

work but we have finally reached a situation in Mexico

Headquartered in Peru, the company’s Mexico base is in

where, for the majority of enterprises, worker safety is just








CONNECTIVITY, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION ALEJANDRO MEDELLÍN Resource Industries Aftermarket Solutions Territory Manager for Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador at Caterpillar

Q: Why was the Global Aftermarket Solutions Division

prepare for service events before the customer may even

(GASD) created at Caterpillar?

be aware there is an issue. We put a lot of effort into

A: GASD was formed in early 2016 to better serve our

researching ways to improve performance, durability and

customers around the world. By bringing together all

the safety components of our designs.

our aftermarket experts and regional teams into one 254

organization, we can provide a more complete service

Q: Which of your designs are leading the way in terms of

to our customers and better understand and respond to

innovation in the mining industry?

their needs. We are represented by three dealers in Mexico:

A: Caterpillar is delivering the first 794AC Trucks in

MATCO, with headquarters in Sonora; MADISA in Monterrey;

Mexico, a 320 ton-capacity electric off-highway truck.

and TRACSA in Guadalajara. My role is to promote sales

This incorporates safety, serviceability and performance,

and help deliver value to Caterpillar customers in Mexico,

with state-of-the-art High Voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar

Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador. We provide

Transistors (HV-IGBT) for maximum AC efficiency, among

unparalleled support to our customers through our dealer

other technical benefits. We also have the new Hydraulic

network, which was built on worldwide standards of

Mining Shovel 6090. This is known as the Ultra Class of

excellence and has been in place and growing for over

hydraulic mining shovels and is the world’s largest shovel in

100 years. Our beliefs and behaviors are guided by a

this category. It offers a standard bucket of 52m3, available

common set of core values: to bring our customers the

in diesel or electric drive.

right products, with the best level of service; to build longstanding relationships; and customer success. Our dealer

Q: What is Caterpillar’s approach to sustainability?

network is our primary strength and no competitor can

A: Sustainable development for Caterpillar means

offer the same level of service to the Mexican market.

leveraging technology and innovation to increase efficiency and productivity with less impact on the environment and

Q: How is Caterpillar incorporating new technology into

helping our customers do the same. By providing products,

its designs?

services and solutions that use resources more efficiently,

A: Technology has always been a key point of focus for

we enable our customers to become more productive and

Caterpillar and is a vital component of this new age of

efficient. We begin with our own operations and continue

equipment operation. All of our aftermarket support

all the way to our products operating in the field, to bring

team, including dealers and Caterpillar technicians, is

sustainable solutions to our customers. Our new generation

equipped with the latest digital tools to help provide the

engines impose limits on the quantity of diesel used and

best service to our customer right at the mine site. We are

we are constantly seeking out new ways to limit the CO2

also incorporating automation technology and Equipment

output of our designs by replacing diesel-powered trucks

Management Solutions (EMS) into our machinery. Through

with electric trucks, for example.

our connectivity solutions, the machines are connected to the dealers’ remote systems via antenna and we can

We also support community programs and reforestation

monitor the performance of their fleet on a constant basis.

plans because we believe it is vital to close the gap

This allows us to service their fleet more proactively and

between the mining companies and local communities. We offer extensive training programs to the operators and we support dealers and mining customers to develop and recruit

Caterpillar is the world’s largest manufacturer of construction

local community members if possible. Through educating

machinery, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial turbines

communities, we hope to change the global image of mining

and diesel-electric locomotives. It is also the leading provider

as an exploitative industry and I believe that major companies

of financial services through Caterpillar Financial Services

like Caterpillar can have a big part to play in this process.



Q: What has been the key to the company’s success over

During 2H17, we will also be constructing an office – our

the past 10 years?

eighth in total – in Hermosillo, specifically to reach out to

A: When Sitsa was formed in 2007, the global economy

the mining sector. We believe that this sector represents

crashed so persistence and long-term commitment has

the best opportunity for the growth of our company in

been the key to our success. Although the mining industry

the short to-medium term, and to effectively tap into this

enjoyed prolonged success until 2012, our portfolio at

market we decided we had to have a base in Hermosillo.

that time was not geared toward the sector and only 15

We already have offices in both Durango and Chihuahua

percent of our revenue was generated by the extraction

but the new location will serve clients in Sonora, Sinaloa

industries. Thankfully, we realized from day one that

and Baja California, where there are a lot of new mining

diversification would be crucial for our success and to

projects starting up.

hedge our bets we have always worked in a number of industries, including oil and gas, infrastructure and

Q: What are the main products you provide for the mining

agriculture. This has allowed us to continue growing

sector and what value do you add for your clients?

despite the turbulence in various sectors.

A: Our primary products are Grove and National cranes, Schwing Bioset piston pumps and tires from a variety of

Given the current global economic picture, we are now

brands including Yokohama, Michelin and Pirelli. We do

doubling our efforts to expand our portfolio and gear

not provide any heavy machinery. The main reason why

it more toward the mining sector. According to most

these international corporations choose to outsource

predictions, the cycle of the metals and minerals industries

their distribution to Sitsa is our knowledge of the market

is now on an upward curve again with gold, iron ore and

and our expertise in doing business in Mexico. Our

silver prices rising. We see a lot of opportunities to grow

first client was Metso and we managed to secure that

our business in the sector, whereas other sectors in Mexico

contract because we convinced the company we would

like infrastructure are stagnant. We have a long-standing

represent the Metso brand across Mexico in a professional

relationship with a number of the major mining companies

and passionate manner. We continue to work with this

in Mexico, in particular Minera Frisco, for whom we provide

company 10 years later.

tires and a range of technical support. We hope to increase our participation in the coming months and years.

Q: What do you look for when deciding to represent a new brand?

Q: How do you plan to expand your client base in the

A: First and foremost, we have to be sure that we will be

mining sector?

able to form a strong, mutually beneficial partnership. Both

A: As a distributor, the way to expand is to offer a wider

parties must show commitment to the product and to the

range of products. In 2017, we signed a contract to start

objective and be willing to compromise to achieve success.

representing Afex, which is a US-based manufacturer

We are the first point of contact with the clients and we

with 45 years of experience in fire-suppression systems

cannot provide the level of service required if we do not

for installation on loaders, bulldozers and excavators.

have the complete support and trust of our partners. After

The technology works by detecting any abnormal rise in

that, of course the quality of the product is paramount.

temperature on the vehicle and automatically activates an extinguishing mechanism. It is highly regulated and wellrespected throughout the industry and is a vital safety

Sitsa is a Mexican heavy machinery distributor in the

component for modern mines. This is the newest contract

construction, mining and agricultural industries. Founded in

we have secured and it will complement our existing tire

1974, it offers sale and rental of new and used machinery. The

distribution network perfectly.

company will open its eighth branch in Hermosillo in 2017





As the global mining industry endured one of its most

corporation and counts mining operations in Colombia,

painful downturns from 2012-2016, businesses throughout

Sierra Leone and Mexico among its extensive portfolio.

the value chain turned their backs on investment

To complement its expertise in both underground and

and innovation in favor of short-term, cost-efficient

open-pit mining, PEAL has added a number of civil works

alternatives. In a bid to keep balance sheets in check and

projects to its portfolio. This includes motorway works in

eke out a profit, however slim, operators around the world

Poland and Portugal as well as a series of airport, seaport

reassessed every detail of each project and pounced on

and other logistics infrastructure projects throughout the

any opportunity to bring expenses down.

Spanish territory.

This trend certainly did not benefit the entire community,

Inevitably such projects require a heavy use of

but one particular type of enterprise thrived in this

natural resources, and at the heart of PEAL’s business

environment: the mining contractors. PEAL, a Spanish

philosophy is responsible environmental practice. Before

group with over 50 years’ experience in the industry, is

commencing work on any new contract, the company

an independent contractor that offers a cost-efficient

draws up an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

alternative to the world’s mine operators, whatever the

As well as placing responsible waste management and

size of the project. By overseeing the day-to-day running

preservation of natural resources at the forefront of

of the operation – from negotiations with suppliers and

the project, the EMP ensures any local environmental

labor recruitment to mine planning and restoration –

protection and legal standards are met from the first

PEAL enables its clients to focus on developing of other

day until the last.

projects and assets, in the knowledge that the mine itself is in safe hands.

The success of PEAL’s business model in Mexico is reflected in its history of working on some of the country’s

From its origins in northwestern Spain’s coal region, the

most prestigious mining projects. Handling everything

family-owned company has grown into a multinational

from its office in Hermosillo, PEAL worked as an operator

for Cobre del Mayo's Piedras Verdes copper project in Sonora and for Goldcorp on its Peñasquito gold-silver project in Zacatecas. Today the group works on three mining operations in the country; Timmins Gold’s San Francisco mine in Sonora (a project it has managed since 2005), Marlin Gold’s Trinidad mine in Sinaloa and Pan American Silver’s Dolores project in Chihuahua. More than capable of managing a mine by themselves, the world’s largest mine operators require an incentive to make them delegate the everyday running of their

The success of PEAL’s business model is reflected in its history of working on some of the country’s most prestigious, and vital mining projects

projects to an independent contractor. PEAL’s value proposition is enhanced by the fact it has a technical

Of course, companies such as PEAL do not offer a clear-

office in Spain, which offers mine feasibility studies,

cut path to success. Despite the numerous potential

cartography, geological analysis, metallurgical testing

benefits of outsourcing via independent contractors,

and environmental impact studies to complement its

many mine owners will always prefer to keep full control

expertise in local project management.

of all aspects of their mine. However, as the sector looks set to continue its steady recovery in 2017, junior

The experience and relationships built over the course

companies with still-limited access to capital should see

of half a century working in the industry mean that few

contractors like PEAL as an attractive, economically-

are better equipped than PEAL to hash out a deal with

viable method of fast-tracking projects into operation

a supplier or local government authority. This not only

and meeting production targets in a timely and efficient

results in lower operating costs for the mine owner, but

manner. Meanwhile, larger operators should continue to

usually greater productivity to boot as PEAL can acquire

be attracted to independent contractors like PEAL that

state-of-the-art technology as soon as it is released onto

can streamline costs and remove many of the headaches

the market.

that running a full-scale mine can bring.



REINVENTING THE WHEEL HARMEN VAN KAMP Global Sales Director at Global Air Cylinder Wheels (GACW)


The mining industry is in a constant state of evolution.

for the user quickly rise into the millions. “Although the

From fleet management systems and digitalized data-

initial investment is between two to four times greater than

handling tools to unmanned drill rigs and automated heavy

rubber tires, within a year the system will have paid for

machinery, technological developments have developed at

itself,” he says. “It is also environmentally friendly because

breakneck speed, allowing miners to maximize profitability

there is no waste – the design is 100 percent recyclable.”

at every corner of the mine site. But according to Harmen van Kamp, Global Sales Director at Global Air Cylinder

While rubber tires lose air through miniscule perforations

Wheels (GACW), one area has made limited progress over

with every rotation, the cylinders installed on the ASW

the years: tires. Spotting a gap in the market, GACW has

compress and decompress as the wheel is running, ensuring

developed a groundbreaking design that could revolutionize

marginal energy is wasted. “When the operator brakes, the

the way mining companies approach their tire usage.

energy is stored back in the wheel,” says van Kamp. “This has generated calculated theoretical diesel savings of up to

“We remove conventional tires, replacing them with a steel

15 percent, which is huge for mining organizations.”

frame and 12 air cylinders that have the inner rim suspended within the outer drum,” he says. “The concept is so simple

The ASW has only been on the market since July 2016 but

but it is going to disrupt the market.”

GACW has wasted no time in spreading the word. Van Kamp is based in Mexico but there are representative offices

The Air Suspension Wheel (ASW) is the brainchild of Zoltan

in the US, Canada and Argentina, as well as a network of

Kemeny, a Hungarian inventor and harmonic structural

collaborators throughout Africa. But although the product

dynamics engineer with over 260 patents on his resumé.

has been fully tested on a mine, with strong results, the

Kemeny was approached by an engineering firm, reporting

company is still waiting for its first client. According to van

that its clients often complained about low reliability and

Kamp, one of the main sticking points is the sheer size of

performance of the tires installed on heavy vehicles. He

the initial investment – to convert just one large truck from

realized that the majority of tire problems were related to

rubber to ASW would cost US$1 million – but he explains

the air component; rubber can easily get overheated and

a key difference in the way it operates financially to a

overstretched, leading to dangerous and costly blowouts.

conventional rubber tire.

He swapped the perishable rubber for a stronger steel frame, surrounded it with bolt-on hard polyurethane treads

“A rubber tire is a consumable and it is eventually disposed

and installed air cylinders to give suspension.

of after purchase,” he says. “Our wheel is equipment, so it is classified as a capital asset on the balance sheet. An

The design offers a number of benefits. From a safety

expense is converted into a capital asset, so the company

perspective, the ASW’s air-compression system removes the

value is instantaneously increased. With our air suspension

risk of pressure losses and therefore dramatically reduces

lifetime wheels, that US$1 million investment results in

the number of Lost Time Incidents (LTIs) on mine sites.

US$20 million savings during the maximum 20-year lifetime

Thanks to the metal component, the outer polyurethane

of that truck. Waste-to-asset conversion doubles value.”

tracks and inner steel rim are much less susceptible to wear and tear. While a traditional rubber tire lasts around 1,500

So why the delay in contracts? According to van Kamp,

work hours (four months) on a traditional underground

internal bureaucracy in the major organizations is the culprit.

mining operation, according to van Kamp the ASW lasts

But this is a hurdle GACW is confident of overcoming. “We

up to 10 years. Given that one hour of downtime for a truck

are very close to closing our first client,” he says. “There are

can cost US$25,000 on a large operation, with each tire

a handful of big mines seriously interested in the project,

change typically taking at least four hours, the savings

so it is just a matter of time.”



Retreading is incredibly valuable for mine operators. A

“This relieves some of the pressure on the client’s balance

standard heavy-duty, underground mine tire will have

sheet in the short-term and generates significant savings

100mm of rubber when it is sent to the site but even if

over the long-term,” he says. “We have found such flexibility

the tire is properly maintained and the casing is protected

has been vital to our success in Mexico.”

with high-quality equipment, it will eventually wear down. Retread the tire and a company can not only save money

In 2014 Kal Tire completed a deal to have Multillantas

but also limit the use of natural resources and energy,

Grimaldi be its distributor in Mexico. As a result it now

says Pedro Pacheco, Vice President of Latin America

stands as the biggest tire-service company within the

Operations at Kal Tire.

mining industry in the country. “In the last six years, our presence in Mexico has more than doubled and we can

“Instead of scrapping the tire when it is down to 20mm,

now provide a wider range of products and services to

we can retread it by adding a further 80mm of rubber,”

our clients than we could previously,” says Pacheco. At this

Pacheco says. “The client then has what is effectively a

point Kal Tire does not have a retread manufacturing facility

brand-new tire, without having to purchase a new product.”

in Mexico but expects to build its sixth plant in Mexico to serve its mining clients near Cananea, Sonora, which should

Mining companies around the world are looking for productivity and efficiency but in Mexico price is a particularly big factor in decision-making. Pacheco says this has been challenging for Kal Tire because there are cheaper products on the market. “We have had to be innovative with our business model to secure new business,” he says. “In Mexico, there are a large number of small and mediumsized mining companies, which is unlike other countries such as Chile that are dominated by a small number of large companies. While these smaller companies represent an exciting market for us, their spending power tends to be more limited than that of our clients in other countries so we have adapted to the conditions in a variety of ways.”

be completed during 2017.

In the last six years, our presence in Mexico has more than doubled”

According to Pacheco, this was a strategic location for Kal Tire’s new plant. “Cananea is the biggest mine in Mexico and one of the biggest copper mines in the world, so we see plenty of business opportunities with the project operator, Grupo México,” he says. “Moreover, it is perfectly located to sell tires not only to the US market but also to the Mexican

Providing a range of financing options is among the

mining heartlands in Durango, Chihuahua and Zacatecas.”

company’s responses to Mexico’s peculiar market environment. A standard tire life with Kal Tire services is

The retread plant began construction in the final quarter

around 10 months, Pacheco says, and usually the client will

of 2016. When completed, it will be a modern, world-class

have to pay the full fee in 30 or 60 days. This is appropriate

facility with new equipment that will help bring prices down

for larger companies but it can be challenging for smaller

and increase productivity for Kal Tire’s clients, Pacheco

enterprises that have limited liquidity.

says. Much of the equipment is medium-sized, between 90 and 120-ton haul trucks, because Mexico is the largest

“Smaller companies generally choose the cheaper option,

market for medium-sized equipment in Latin America. “The

despite the fact that they knew it would be up to 50 percent

plant will allow us to provide our complete range of services

less productive, simply because they did not have the cash

in Mexico,” says Pacheco. It will begin by manufacturing

to pay the full amount upfront,” says Pacheco. To help them

49-51in tires but he hopes to start providing 797 retread

out, Kal Tire offers installments over a 10-12-month period.

tires for big trucks within three to four years.



BRIDGING THE TRAINING GAP WITH SIMULATION JOSÉ LUIS DURÓN Regional Manager for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean at Immersive Technologies

Q: What were the main achievements for Immersive

mining, with full HD resolution and a large, integrated,

Technologies’ business in Mexico in 2016?

rear screen that provides the most realism on the market.

A: The company grew by 50 percent and we are


continuing to expand particularly in the underground

Q: What role do higher education facilities like universities

sphere. In Mexico, we have traditionally focused on open-

have in preparing the next generation of mining

pit operations due to our exclusive alliance with OEMs,

professionals for the digital world?

including Komatsu, Hitachi and Caterpillar, but given

A: We are working on a couple of projects that will be

the number of underground mines in Mexico we have

run jointly by the private sector and universities and this

launched more products designed for these projects.

could be a vital step for the development of the sector in Mexico because a lot of experienced operators lack the

We can now cover far-flung corners of the region with

skills required to operate heavy machinery in a safe and

our larger simulator deployment capacity and we are

efficient manner. There is still no school that is focused on

constantly hiring more staff to provide a more complete

training new mine operators on safety protocol but tools

service to our growing client base. Fortunately, our

like our simulators can help companies monitor operator

business is well-positioned because training services can

performance and work toward correcting bad habits that

benefit our clients in terms of productivity and efficiency

affect efficiency.

regardless of commodity prices so the risk is mitigated. Q: What is behind Immersive Technologies’ success in

Immersive Technologies grew by 50 percent in Mexico in 2016

Mexico? A: Mexico is a unique marketplace for Immersive Technologies. The company has been in operation for 23 years now but in many jurisdictions like Canada, the US and even Chile, our technology is well-established. In that sense, Mexico is not yet a mature market and so there is a lot of

Q: Has the company launched any new products

scope for growth because we offer something completely


new. Many mining companies in Mexico are not fully aware

A: During MINExpo in Las Vegas, we unveiled two new

of the benefits that our simulators can offer, so we have a

simulators: the PRO4 and the LX3. The LX3 combines the

very large potential client base to work with. We have always

training capabilities of the original lite simulator with a

had strong relationships with Tier 1 companies and we are

new, modernized and more ergonomic design. Its layout

now expanding our reach to contractors and junior outfits.

and upgraded screens provide enhanced realism and expanded field of view. Its smaller footprint is ideal for

The challenge we have is convincing new customers of

machine and site familiarization, emergency response

the advantages of our technology. To overcome this issue,

training and greater use of existing simulator modules

when we start working with a company we measure the

at an affordable price. The PRO4 is the most advanced

performance of a mine site over a specific period of time

simulator on the market. It has been optimized for surface

and design a training program based on the results. We then take another performance measurement after the training program has been in place for a few months and

Immersive Technologies works in equipment simulators and

in that way, we can measure our own impact. We are

learning systems. It has deployed solutions in 40 countries and

optimistic that our level of growth can be sustained and

works to solve industry problems in areas of safety, productivity,

if everything goes well, we could reach 100 percent growth

reactive maintenance and the availability of skilled personnel

in Mexico by the end of 2018.


REMOTE TECH BOOSTS SAFETY, LOWERS COSTS RYAN SIGGELKOW Senior Vice President of Operations for Hard-Line

Safety has become one of the magic words in mining. Along

Tele-Op system is essentially an extension of the safety

with cost-savings, efficiency, accuracy and adaptability.

mechanisms the Hard-Line RRC can provide. “The Hard-

safety drives development as companies race to meet

Line RRC is a hand-held joystick unit that is put on the

industry demands. “As a result of market needs, our product

technician’s shoulder or mounted on a remote stand, and is

development transitioned to surface and distant operation

used to remotely enter blast-zones that are too dangerous

so technicians are no longer exposed to precarious

for miners,” explains Siggelkow. However, this system still

underground environments,” says Ryan Siggelkow, Senior

requires a worker to be underground or in line of sight of

Vice President of Operations for Hard-Line, referencing the

the machine, albeit with an extended line of sight with Hard-

emphasis miners now place on safety and security.

Line’s Farsight Video System.

The remote-control systems provider specializes in

The Tele-Op allows the operation of heavy machinery from

underground hard-rock mining and Siggelkow says that

a distant and safe location, such as on surface, and does not

product development is at the heart of its business plan.

require operator line of sight. “This means the operator can

“Underground mines are hazardous environments and

manage the machine for as long as necessary, saving huge

any device that removes the need for human entry into

amounts of time in shift changes and other variables,” he

a mine is attractive,” he says. “The driver for our products

says. “Moreover, the operator does not need to be highly

is safety.” Addressing a gap in the industry, Hard-Line

skilled and trained in underground mine environments.”

launched operations by offering turnkey services. “When

Siggelkow says that this is Hard-Line’s flagship product

we started as a company, we realized that the market lacked

and the biggest driver of the company’s automation

a total solutions provider for remote-control systems,” he

business, although it has seen relatively slow adoption in

says. “There were products on the market but we strived

Mexico despite the enormous savings it can offer mining

to bring prices down and make the solutions more robust

companies. Productivity is the main focus for the entire

and available to everyone.”

industry and Siggelkow says Hard-Line machines can reduce downtime. According to Siggelkow, client feedback

Hard-Line’s first radio remote-control system for

suggests that if Hard-Line’s system is running for a week,

underground LHD machines, the Hard-Line Radio Remote

they make a full return on their investment.

Control (RRC), was released in 1997 and it has become the company’s most popular product. “It is adaptable to

Going further, the company has just released a new product

any type of heavy machinery,” says Siggelkow. “It can be

called Tele-Op Auto, which is the automatic upgrade to

installed on all dozers, rock breakers, drills, excavators,

Hard-Line’s Teleop System and allows the driving functions

loaders, or any other device. This adaptability is unlike the

of the machine to operate autonomously. “This allows

majority of competitive systems on the market, many of

vehicles to move faster and avoids human driving errors

which are brand or machine specific.”

that can damage the equipment,” says Siggelkow. “The design lasts longer and requires less maintenance. It will

The company’s Tele-Op system removes the need to halt

be the company's first fully autonomous vehicle.”

operations for two to three hours during shift changes or in the case of blasts that take several hours to complete.

Hard-Line is now working on a further upgrade to Teleop

The system allows continuous operation in underground

called AutoX. “This will be essentially the holy grail of remote

and open-pit mines from the comfort of an office. “With

systems that will clear the path for a human-free mine,” says

the current market situation, in which operators’ margins

Siggelkow. “We are already developing the technology to

are narrowing, an extra four to six hours of production

make this a possibility but mine operators will have to be

time per day makes a massive difference,” he says. The

willing to make complete changes to their operations.”





Q: What have been the major recent developments for

If we arrive onsite with a complex design fitted with too

Normet’s Mexico business?

many automated controls and electronic devices, it will not

A: We have only had a formal presence in Mexico since

be well-received in Mexico because it is difficult to operate

2012, so it took a few years to develop our contact base

and maintain and the operators simply do not have the

and for the domestic market to get to know us. Previously,

required skills to do the job. So we focus on designing

we had been working in Mexico via a network of dealers

simple machines that are easy to monitor, while at the

but we were encouraged by the size of the market and

same time training operators in Mexico to handle the more

decided to set up a formal base to reach more customers.

complicated equipment. The Alpha 20 is available at a

We are pleased to be based in Zacatecas, not only because

reasonable price, it is easy to operate and maintain and it

we are in the middle of the country, allowing us to reach

is a relatively simple design compared to other machines,

our growing client base in the north but also because it is

so this explains why it has appealed so much to the market

an incredibly rich silver district with a lot of underground

in Latin America.

mining activity planned for decades to come. We believe Q: What efforts are you making to remove the safety risk

we are well-positioned to take advantage of this.

associated with diesel emissions in underground mines? In the past few years we have diversified our product

A: We have a complete portfolio of machines in operation

offering. Our flagship product is the Alpha 20 concrete

around the world, some of which are diesel-powered, some

sprayer, which is used to sustain underground tunnels at

battery-powered and some dual. Our R&D efforts at the

mines and is the leading spraying technology in Mexico.

moment are focused on designing machines that comply

But to complement our expertise in this area and diversify

with Tier 4 emission standards, as well as installing more

our portfolio, in 2014 we decided to start locally producing

on-board power packs to ensure that the vehicles can run

chemicals used in concrete manufacturing, including

for longer periods of time diesel-free. Mining companies

plasticizers, retarders, water reducers and accelerators. We

need to become more sustainable and offering productive,

do not produce the concrete but we produce the admixtures

diesel-free machines is a way for us to help our clients in

needed for making concrete and we offer technical advice

this process.

to support our clients in the handling, transportation and Q: What is your strategy for continuing to expand your

spraying process.

business in Mexico? Q: What challenges does the underground mining sector

A: At first it was tough to establish the brand locally and

in Mexico bring for service providers like Normet?

although we are now well-known throughout the country,

A: The needs of the Latin American market differ greatly

there is still more work to do. We arrived in Mexico in the

from those in Europe, where the company originally grew

middle of the industry downturn, so the first few years

and where the majority of the manufacturing takes place,

were slow but now the sector is rebounding and we need

and so we are in the process of defining precisely how

to take advantage of the increase in spending on behalf

to provide the best machines and service possible to our

of the operators. This means several trips to mine sites to

clients in this part of the world.

speak to managers and demonstrate our wide portfolio of scalers, chargers, sprayers, lifters, underground logistics products and concrete admixtures. We have a large service the

team in the country now and this means that we now

underground mining community. With over 11,000 built-for-

offer the full range of services. Our mission is to offer

purpose underground machines in over 28 countries, Normet

continuous improvement to our underground mining and

has become one of the market leaders in its product segments

tunneling partners.

Normet provides







We will look back in 10 years’ time and be amazed that a poisonous element such as diesel was ever used in underground mines” Mike Kasaba, CEO of Artisan Vehicle Systems

“To get to it, it would have had to sink additional ventilation shafts at an expense of around US$100 million,” says Kasaba. “Although our battery systems are still expensive, they came nowhere close to the capital expenditure of the offset ventilation expenditures.” Today, Kirkland Lake Gold’s operations rely on battery power. It is extremely rare for new technology to arrive that can make mines safer while radically impacting the core metrics of a company in a positive manner and in this way Kasaba believes Artisan’s technology is truly transformative. “We will look back in 10 years’ time and be amazed that a poisonous element such as diesel was ever used in

According to many, mine operators have three main

underground mines,” he says. Artisan primarily works in

objectives at the moment. The first is analyzing the ore

Canada but now has a mine that is using its equipment in

they can process per year and finding strategies to increase

the US and Kasaba hopes the Central and South America

the quality. The second is reducing costs and the third is the

markets will receive the equipment just as favorably.

pressure to boost production. These are compounded by the fact that the creation of a safe working environment can

It would be difficult for companies in Mexico to overlook the

distance companies from their objectives because it can

benefits. Compared to diesel machines, Artisan equipment

mean further costs and slower production speed. Batteries

has three times the power in the same size class due to

can provide a solution, says Mike Kasaba, CEO of Artisan

the density of the powertrain system. An electric motor is

Vehicle Systems.

relatively small and is able to power the entire machine while a diesel motor must be significantly larger to reach a similar

The manufacturer produces an electric battery system that

capacity. “The machine is 2m shorter than a similar diesel

creates a safer and healthier work environment because

machine, which is important given that these machines

there are no poisonous diesel fumes. This technology,

operate in narrow vein operations,” says Kasaba. “Not only

Kasaba says, can also have an impact on the operators’

does the machine have more horsepower but it also has

wallets. “Without the battery pack, Artisan’s machines

greater torque. Diesel machines are less maneuverable in

cost about the same as a comparable diesel unit. When

small spaces while our machine has a much tighter turning

spreading the cost of the battery pack over time, it

radius for better handling in tight spaces.”

compares favorably to the operational expense of diesel fuel. Our ultimate goal is to come close to the cost of a

Kasaba says that several benefits offered by Artisan

diesel machine and we are not far off,” he says.

equipment are often overlooked by competitors. “Many of Artisan’s competitors include a torque convertor in their

With Artisan technology, new developments require fewer

designs, which was necessary for diesel engines, but is

ventilation shafts because battery-powered machines do

not for electric motors,” he says. “Torque converters make

not release diesel fumes. “Ventilation can raise operating

a powertrain about 30 percent less efficient and waste

costs by millions of dollars,” he says. “Deep mines are also

valuable battery power.”

hot and require cooling plants on the surface. Studies show that the cost of cooling plants, the installation of

Battery packs are costly and he says it is important to

which alone can reach millions of dollars, can be reduced

efficiently use every kilowatt-hour in the battery pack

by as much as 40 percent when using battery-powered

and to minimize heat creation. “We also have noticed


that some competing machines use lower voltage,” he continues. “The lower the voltage, the higher the current

Kasaba maintains that Artisan machines are designed for

needed to reach the necessary power. This creates

maximum efficiency and the savings go right into the pocket

electrical inefficiency and substantially reduces overall

of the mining companies. He uses the example of a project

performance.” According to Kasaba, companies need

Artisan carried out with Kirkland Lake Gold, which needed

machines with low current and high voltage to achieve

to reach a mineral reserve that was adjacent to its ore body.

high power and the best performance.





Following the federal government’s fiscal reforms in 2014,

operators in Chihuahua to ensure each mine receives the

metal and mineral exploration expenses in Mexico were

right product for its particular processing system. To this

made tax deductible only after a period of at least 10

end, ALCHISA works in close quarters with technicians

years. Previously, companies had received the deduction

at ExxonMobil’s Center for Technological Investigation in

after the first year of the project. This added pressure took

Kansas, while it has also set up a series of laboratories within

some of the shine off Mexico’s viability as an exploration

the mines themselves. “We use these facilities to collect oil

destination. In 2015 Mexico dropped from fourth to seventh

samples, analyze performance and give recommendations

on the global list for exploration investment, falling behind

to the operators,” says Madero. “We invest alongside our

China as well as regional rivals Chile and Peru.

clients to guarantee that they receive the best quality lubricant at the most competitive price.”

“The fact that exploration activities are nontax deductible after the first year explains why the local mining sector

But the private sector alone cannot guarantee the long-term

did not have the exceptional year that many predicted in

prosperity of the state. The Chihuahua state government

2016,” says Alvaro Madero, CEO of ALCHISA, the exclusive

has a responsibility to boost economic development, create

distributor for ExxonMobil oil lubricant in the state of

jobs and promote sustainable practices. The mining fund,

Chihuahua. “We know that there is interest in exploration

which was set up in 2014 to support local communities

from Mexican, Canadian and even Chinese companies but

in mining regions, can play a big part in this. Although

they are put off by the new tax regulations.”

the initial results were less than spectacular, Madero is confident that the recent change in administration could

Despite investment on a national level being shackled by the

yield dividends. “I believe that we will soon see money from

change, the historic mining region of Chihuahua has strong

the mining fund make a difference in Chihuahua, at least

fundamentals that have ensured the continued success of

on a local level,” he says. “The funds should be used to

the sector locally. The state ranks in the top three in Mexico

generate employment, rather than to provide cash for large-

in terms of gold, silver, lead and zinc production, and its

scale public-sector projects that have little impact on the

strong all-round economy helps attract foreign and Mexican

daily lives of people in mining communities.”

companies in equal measure. ALCHISA counts Industrias Peñoles, Minera Frisco and Coeur Mining among its clients

Given that ExxonMobil works through a network of

in Chihuahua, while it also has a special arrangement to

distributors in Mexico, each with clearly defined areas in

supply Goldcorp’s Peñasquito operation in Zacatecas. As a

which to work, ALCHISA’s expansion plan is focused on

key part of the local supply chain, Madero sees the potential

strengthening its position in Chihuahua and continuing to

within Chihuahua and is encouraged by the strong role the

improve the state’s appeal for investment. The company is

state continues to play for the Mexican mining sector.

conscious of the fact that its business has a direct impact on the surrounding environment and local population. The

“Chihuahua is an exporting state and the local

ALCHISA Verde program was set up to foster a culture of

manufacturing businesses are helped greatly by the peso

social awareness internally while the company organizes

weakening against the dollar,” says Madero. “The highly

events such as city cleaning days and educational programs

developed infrastructure gives us confidence that new

in an effort to do what it can to help.

mining investment will continue to flow into the state.” “We have a long-standing agreement with the National School ALCHISA’s business model goes far beyond the simple

of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP) in Mazapil,

distribution of ExxonMobil oil lubricants to clients

Zacatecas,” says Madero. “Through this initiative, we invite

throughout the state. The company works closely with

students to practice their skills in our laboratory at Peñasquito.”





Q: What kind of transformation is the Mexican mining

requires a significant initial outlay. Through continual

industry experiencing?

demonstrations of the product, clients were assured of

A: The mining industry is seeing a spike in prices that is

the benefits. We are working toward promoting products

promoting investment in new projects. Projects might even

that are cheaper and simpler. Automated technology can

double in number in 2017 thanks to high expectations for

improve the productivity and efficiency of most mines as

metals prices. We remain cautious about the year ahead

normal tasks will require fewer hands. But autonomous

because the economy is unpredictable at the moment

mines are still far from becoming a reality and will become

so we cannot predict whether there will be growth or a

a more realistic concept perhaps 30 years from now.

contraction in the mining industry. Q: How does Victaulic incorporate and promote R&D in The trends in other industries in Mexico could also impact

its business?

the mining sector. The construction industry will hopefully

A: We make sure to request yearly feedback from our

continue to grow but it is being dragged down by reductions

customer base to continue perfecting the services and

in governmental investment in infrastructure. As Victaulic

products we offer. Victaulic also hosts regular roundtables

participates in every industry from oil and gas to mining, we

with key players that form part of the company’s R&D.

believe the country is going through a deep transformation

Next year, we are planning to host six to seven roundtables

thanks to the reforms. For this reason, we do not foresee

among the different industries with a combination of

a dramatic change in business anytime soon because the

engineers and end users to discuss the main challenges

landscape needs to be more concrete.

they each face. The idea is to find more innovative ways to support their work. The main feedback we receive is related

Q: What products does Victaulic offer to improve safety

to productivity and framing the labor force. There is a lot

of operations?

of rotation in mining that in effect creates a continual need

A: We have products that are designed to save the lives of

for training. Some companies struggle with finding people

people in mines, such as our line of fire-protection systems

who are prepared to fill the vacancy and its requirements.

that can be applied in different parts of an operation.

We provide training to companies as a way to close this

New products like Vortex, a water-based solution, is

breach but it is definitely a challenge.

revolutionizing the industry by not only making the product safer but also easier to operate. When it comes to our

Q: What are your short-term and long-term goals in

product line, we have an advantage as far as design and


productivity. Our company ensures innovation by investing

A: We have experience working with all mining companies

a large amount of capital in R&D.

of every size in Mexico. Our clients come in the form of small, medium and large companies, such as Grupo México

We release new products every year, the most recent being

and Industrias Peñoles. But in the short term, our main focus

the knife gate valve. Like most new products in Mexico, it

is to continue growing. To do so, we have to overcome the

was introduced into a hesitant market. We worked hard

challenge of dealing with hesitant clients by continuing to

to prove its value and worth to the industry because it

prove the quality and cost-effectiveness of our products, moving away from initial costs and focusing more on total costs. We are working toward creating a shift in paradigms

Victaulic works across more than 140 countries providing

in Mexico and motivating people to use new and more

mechanical pipe-joining solutions and grooved pipe-joining

efficient systems. We also plan to expand the company’s

systems. Its client base extends into the construction,

commercial team. We are now a team of 12 and we are

commercial, industrial and mining industries

planning to hire two more staff members by 2018.


PROVIDING STRENGTH, RELIABILITY AND LIFE EXTENSION William Delano General Manager of Chesterton Mexicana

Arturo MelĂŠndez Sales Manager, Central America and the Caribbean of Chesterton Mexicana

Q: How has the company performed in 2017 as metal prices

WD: The market in Mexico has responded positively to

started to improve?

the Chesterton Superset, which is a total sealing solution

WD: There has certainly been growth, although it has been

designed to improve pump efficiency at processing plants.

relatively slow because there is still some resistance to

The Superset’s value has been boosted by the release

change. Operators have more cash flow now that prices are

of the 2211 DualPac, because the two complement each

rebounding but they continue to be preoccupied with prices

other perfectly. The DualPac was designed in the US and

and so we are trying to offer our customers a complete

is a mechanical packing solution made up of a soft and

solution. Instead of focusing on the initial investment, we

hard side yarn that does not damage the pump sleeve,

encourage prospective buyers to see us as a knowledge

giving the operation a far longer life. Mining companies

provider that can offer creative solutions that bring long-

are always looking for solutions that will lessen downtime

term savings at the end of the year.

and maintenance costs while increasing meantime between failures, which is the focus of all the in-house research and

We recently completed a successful project focused on

development efforts. Like the Superset seals, the DualPac

equipment reliability with an important mining group

can operate in extremely harsh and demanding applications

that allowed us to offer an integrated solution through

and our engineers have designed this product to be

our broad product portfolio. During this project, we

perfectly suited to mining conditions in Mexico.

participated directly at the mine site and worked with the client at the corporate, executive level. It is crucial

AM: We are also excited about the ARC Efficiency Coatings

to speak to the decision-makers because they truly

available. Our ARC products have been designed with

understand long-term investing and can see the value

state-of-the-art engineering and are applicable to all high-

Chesterton offers. Although we entered the local mining

demand applications, like storage tanks, containment

sector late, this strategy is beginning to bear fruit and

areas, flotation cells and other processes where erosion,

we are now working with a number of the biggest mining

abrasion or chemical corrosion are common issues in mining

companies in the country.

operations. A number of logistical and safety challenges arise when handling fragile and complex chemicals but the

Q: How is the mindset of operators changing as the

ARC coating range allows our customers to invest in a long-

market evolves?

term solution to help users manage these hard chemicals or

WD: There is a clear difference in the way the purchasing

abrasive materials over a much longer period of time than

department tends to approach new technology

is available via competitive solutions.

compared to the way the maintenance area sees things. The purchasing teams are still hunting for the cheapest

This solution has been finalized following a long period of

solution but maintenance teams do not want to spend

testing. It is now installed at various mine sites around the

too much on repairs and so are generally more receptive

country and we are on the verge of closing a big contract

to new technology, which invariably requires a larger

with a well-known miner in Sonora. Given that it is a

initial investment. The individuals at the executive level

specialized product, we are always careful to ensure that

understand the value of investing in innovative solutions

the product is the right fit for each customer.

that will generate savings at the end of the year. Their challenge is to communicate this strategy across the various business lines within their company.

Chesterton Mexicana was established in 1953 as a subsidiary of








Q: What new products has the company released that will

Massachusetts. The company works in the energy, processing,

have a big impact on local industry?

manufacturing and resources sectors





Q: What changes have you felt in the industry and what

A: It is something that we have to prepare for and the

impact has this had on Proesmma?

federal government should be ready to negotiate but it

A: We know that the mining industry is extremely volatile so

is important to remember that NAFTA works three ways.

we designed the business to be flexible enough to adapt to

There are some clauses that benefit the US and not Mexico

ever-changing market conditions. There was undoubtedly an

or Canada, and vice versa, and so we have to remember

increase in confidence within the community in 2016, which

what our strengths in Mexico are. Not only are production

boosts every player, including suppliers. As a company, we

costs in Mexico low, something that has been helped by

made a conscious decision to participate in the market when

the depreciation of the peso against the dollar, but there is

prices were at their lowest, understanding that at the time

a tremendous amount of high-quality labor available in the

there was a need to do more with less. Essentially, we were

country, which is not easy to find. This is especially true in

betting on the recovery of the mining industry, while many of

the state of Chihuahua, which has been a mining state ever

our competitors chose to hold back and wait until the prices

since the colonial days. As the mining sector recovers, we

improved. Our strategy has paid off because as operators

need to take advantage of the fantastic infrastructure and

begin to invest more in equipment, they remember that we

human capital we have and be prepared to invest more

were with them during the downturn. Companies trust us

to create more high-quality well-paid jobs. We want to

because we had the strength and the capacity to support

convert Chihuahua into a one-stop shop where foreign

them through tough times. In such a close-knit community

companies can come with the knowledge that there is

such as mining, loyalty is a vital asset, the importance of

a wealth of opportunities for them. As a country, we

which cannot be underestimated.

need to stop depending on external markets, which is challenging because many of the extracted minerals are

Proesmma now works with a total of 52 mining groups across Mexico and is expanding into South America

commercialized abroad. Q: How do you make sure you remain competitive against overseas suppliers? A: One thing that is a big help is the willingness we have seen from both foreign and Mexican mining companies to support the local supply chain where possible. Of

We now work with a total of 52 mining groups across the

course, this is easier to do in mining states like Chihuahua

country and we are expanding into Central and South

and Sonora but we have seen that even in states where

America as well as the US. We have also been investing

mining is not such an established sector, like Oaxaca

heavily toward expanding the capacity of our production

and Jalisco, foreign companies actively try to develop

plants in Mexico, increasing our presence in the domestic

the local industry. This is very encouraging because it

market and focusing on exports.

provides a welcome boost to the national economy in the long-term, which in turn helps the country become

Q: How do you see the renegotiation of NAFTA impacting

more self-sufficient. In Chihuahua, there are large mining

the Mexican mining market?

corporations whose supply chain is 60 percent Mexican, which is unheard of in other mining countries. These companies have thrived because they recognized and

Proesmma is a manufacturer of cast and forged steel balls and

tapped into the potential in Mexico. Proesmma has been

high value components for the mining, oil and gas, automotive

the recipient of much of this support and we are truly

and aerospace industries. The company is based in Chihuahua

grateful for the belief our customers have shown in us

with a presence throughout the Americas

over the years.



Q: What was the gap in the market that inspired the

Q: What are the main strengths of Rorisa’s extensive

creation of Rorisa?

product portfolio?

A: The company was formed more than 30 years ago with

A: We have always been strong on the power transmission

the aim of meeting the power transmission needs of local

side and we represent world-famous brands in this segment,

industries in Chihuahua. My father created Rorisa with a

including SKF and Gates. This market is relatively saturated

number of outside partners but the company has now

with competition from large, international enterprises,

become a fully family-owned business, now in its second

so we have started branching out and offering a greater

generation. We have managed to continue growing on a

variety of products and services. Our entry into the mining

yearly basis and now work in several industries including

sector has been a great help in this regard because a mine

manufacturing, cement, automotive, aerospace and

is essentially a miniature city that needs everything from

ceramics. In 2005, we recruited someone with extensive

valves and ball-bearings to sprockets, bolts and cables. We

experience in the mining sector and this decision, combined

still do not provide any large products because we focus

with the construction of a branch in Parral, Chihuahua,

primarily on smaller equipment but we have learned the

enabled us to start expanding our presence in the mining

importance of diversification and flexibility. We listen to

industry. Given the boom that this sector has experienced

our clients’ needs, and try to offer them everything they

in the past 10 years, it is rapidly becoming a key contributor

require to make their mining operations more efficient

to our business representing 40 percent of our sales.

and productive. This strategy of putting the client first has served us well over the years and has enabled us to

Hopefully the change in presidency in Mexico in 2018 will

differentiate ourselves from our competition.

not affect the upward trajectory the local mining sector has been enjoying recently. Traditionally, when a new president

Q: How do you plan to continue improving and generating

takes office in Mexico there are many changes to regulation

growth for the company?

and policy. This creates uncertainty and discourages

A: We want to keep expanding our portfolio of products

foreigners from investing in the country, putting a strain

and improving the service we provide our clients. We do

on local businesses. It is vital that the new presidential

not get involved in the innovation or design element of

administration provides the stability that will allow and

the process but rather we strive to be the best partners for

encourage businesses to grow.

the manufacturers and engineers and provide a platform for them to launch their new products. We will also be

Q: To what extent have you seen the global upturn in metal

building more satellite offices to add to the four we have

prices reflected in interest in your business?

in Chihuahua, Parral, Queretaro and Ciudad Juarez. We have

A: The past 12 months have been quite volatile. Although

found a location in Cuauhtemoc and hired a new team for

we lost one of our most important contracts in 2012 when

our fifth branch. The Mennonite community in Cuauhtemoc

the Ocampo mine was sold by AuRico Gold, we have

has a thriving metal-mechanic and manufacturing industry

started working with the new owner, Minera Frisco, and

at the moment and we want to tap into that market. Looking

this has helped cushion the blow. Our sales figures are

further down the line, we want to expand into Sonora

rising again. The company and its products have been

because we see a lot of potential clients in that state.

growing and gaining recognition within the mining sector but the biggest challenge we face is financial. Many of our clients have slow cash flow and this has a damaging knock-

Rorisa is an equipment supplier with offices in Chihuahua and

on effect on our business. We are forced to finance our

Queretaro that distributes products from major brands like

operations independently while we await payments, which

SKF bearings and housings, Gates industrial bands and Martin

is an unsustainable way to run a business.

sprockets and gears




As mining companies become increasingly conscious

business and something that is of utmost importance for

of environmental impacts, this spirit extends not only


to operations within the mine but also to temporary


facilities installed for office space and workers’ quarters.

One of the reasons Espaciomovil Movil can offer this level

These buildings must be easy and fast to install in remote

of service is because it is a company that puts innovation

locations and, importantly, leave little trace after they have

first. The company created a patented development unit

been removed. This is where modular buildings are seeing

that allowed the replacement of components onsite, and

a surge in popularity.

developed a mechanism whereby it was easy to replace the

Our modular units allow more people to fit inside even though they take up less space”

components such as doors and windows. “There is a great deal of options that we offer that a traditional unit may not,” explains Zarza. “Our modular units allow more people to fit inside even though it takes up less space simply as a result of the design of the furniture, which is customized to the particular unit.” With its patented and innovative technology, Espaciomovil

According to Eduardo Zarza, Mining Manager of modular

has managed to emerge from the downturn relatively

solutions provider Espaciomovil, usable space often

unscathed and Zarza is now beginning to see the benefits

comes at a premium on mine sites but one of the biggest

of a recovery in prices. He says that the last 12 months have

advantages of his products is that they are easily adapted

been a marked improvement after four years of difficulty.

to fit any location. “We recognize the need to build a deep

Mining still represents around 15-20 percent of the company’s

knowledge of the area and its geology before starting a

business since other sectors grew more in the last few years.

project and work together with the client to develop a

But with the higher metals prices, Zarza is confident that

solution that will meet his or her particular needs,” he

contracts will flow in and, by next year, Espaciomovil’s market

says. Speed is also a crucial aspect of Espaciomovil’s

share in mining should grow exponentially.


ANTICIPATE, THEN MEET, CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS JERZY SASIADA Mexico Area Manager and Managing Director of Williams Scotsman

Q: Where does Mexico and the mining sector fit into

to be housed. Two years ago, we introduced ASFlex,

Williams Scotsman’s global business strategy?

which has had a warm reception in México because it is

A: Algeco Scotsman is aware of the importance of the

completely adaptable onsite – panels and windows can

Mexican market and around 15 years ago the company

be added and removed at will, it can have up to three

decided to establish one of its firms in the country. For

floors and can be used for dining rooms, dorm rooms,

us, the mining sector has been a priority from the outset

administrative offices, training rooms, conference rooms

because we are conscious of the difficulties that our

and bathrooms.

customers experience in sites near to mines. We know that the sector is in a period of recovery, which has been a long and slow process, but that has not stopped our customers and our company. In Zacatecas, we provide high-quality space solutions with great designs. Q: To what extent have you noticed more business given the uptick in mining activity? A: We have started talking to our customers that have a

Williams Scotsman designs based on specific requirements, including the land, the location and the number of workers that need to be housed

real interest in mining, to offer them a complete overview of our products, benefits, advantages and safety procedures.

Q: How do you develop the solution with clients?

We have been learning from customers who are eager

A: Williams Scotsman México is not only a space provider

to participate with us and we offer an insight into their

but a solutions provider. Often our customers have a

projects and future plans. Williams Scotsman México

clear idea of what they need and we help them prepare

embodies high quality, speed, service and innovation

a design with the specifications they request. We have

and we are committed to anticipating and meeting our

a conversation about the general details of the project,

customer requirements. We believe that the mining sector

including headcount and special requirements, so we can

has a bright future and we are ready to start working in

design the right space that meet all the needs for housing,

alliance with our customers.

working space, entertainment spaces, storage facilities, locker rooms and bathrooms. .

Q: What solutions are most popular in the mining sector? A: In our portfolio, we have a full range of products

Q: What are your long-term goals for your Mexico business?

including mobile offices, containers, modular buildings in

A: Loyalty the best long-term strategy - it not only boosts

one floor (Rediplex) and modular buildings that can have

order numbers but also enhances word of mouth, which

more than one floor (ASFlex). The popularity of our space

can give us the opportunity to work with other possible

solutions is entirely dependent on the stage of the mining

loyal customers. We want to increase the business in Mexico

project. Mining is an especially good example of how our

but we want it to grow sustainably. We are not looking

products can be used by our customers because normally

for lucrative one-off deals; we want to gain partners and

these projects are long-term and in remote locations.

establish ourselves as a trusted solutions provider.

When the exploration phase ends, the mine will then go into development and then production and the lifespan of a mine can last for several decades.

Algeco Scotsman provides mobile and modular space solutions for the mining, construction, education and oil

We design based on specific requirements, including the

and gas sectors globally. In North America, it operates as

land, the location and the number of workers that need

Williams Scotsman


Mining team at Grupo México's Charcas mine, San Luis Potosí



DISPATCH: A FLEET MANAGEMENT REVOLUTION GREG LANZ General Manager, North America of Modular Mining Systems

A visit to a modern mine site is not complete without a

Today, 18 of the 20 largest mine sites in the world run

visit to the control room. From these bastions, all the vital

DISPATCH and the company now employs over 650

day-to-day operational decisions are taken: which loading

workers in 10 offices around the world. Determined to stay

trucks need refueling, which crushing systems need oiling

at the forefront of technology, Modular Mining Systems

and which drill rigs need replacing. But this was not

recently released its sixth-generational model – DISPATCH

always the case. Just 35 years ago, mine site decisions

6 – which gives the user access to a new integrated

were taken on an individual basis, judged according to the

platform and updated database.

performance of each vehicle and operator at that particular moment. The result was an incomplete, ineffective and

Like all good ideas, there have been attempts to replicate

unreliable operating system that cost millions of dollars

Modular’s design, and there are now a host of fleet

and countless hours over the course of a 20-year mine life.

management solutions on the market, with variations on user interface and database management. But Lanz

Modular Mining Systems, a mine management solutions

insists that the DISPATCH is still the best option. It is

provider based in Tuscon, Arizona, can take the credit for

scalable, meaning that it can be used on mine operations

transforming the industry’s approach to mine operations.

of all sizes, and has the benefit of decades of experience.

Its DISPATCH fleet management system, released in 1980,

“What really sets the DISPATCH model apart from the

was the first mine-specific automated product to gather

competition is the unrivalled optimization algorithm,” he

hard data from a site and turn it into useful information.

says. “We have been managing fleet, crew and materials for 35 years, and we have the largest customer base that

“We truly believe that this product changed the industry,”

drives our product roadmaps.”

says Greg Lanz, the company’s General Manager for North America. “Prior to DISPATCH, mines were not operating

Not content to sit back and reap the rewards of DISPATCH,

at their full potential. Although computer technology

the company has designed a number of complementary

was available and in use on mine sites as a means of

products that diversify its portfolio and help offer a more

communication, it was not used as a tool to make decisions

complete fleet management service to its clients. One is

for fleet management.”

MineAlert, a unique collision awareness system that only informs the operator when there is a real, imminent danger

Thanks to this innovative, practical use of data, the

that requires action. “The other solutions on the market

original DISPATCH model could monitor performance

send warnings whenever anything happens, which creates

and automate the optimization of truck assignment

a lot of distractions,” says Lanz.

from loading to dumping, enabling mine managers to make real-time decisions based on hard facts. This may

Although Modular Mining Systems does not have an office

seem like common sense to the modern day, tech-savvy

in Mexico, it has access to the largest mines in the country

observer drowning in mobile apps to simplify life’s daily

through its headquarters in Tucson, Arizona and deployed

decisions but at the time DISPATCH was a revolutionary

its first DISPATCH model in the country in 1989. While there

idea. Miners using the system immediately noticed

are no concrete plans to build a satellite office in Mexico in

improvements in haulage fleet productivity and efficiency.

the short-term, this could change if the momentum in the

They have not looked back since. “New mining operations

local mining sector continues to build. “We are committed

are designed with a fleet management system factored

to the Mexico market because we see a lot of potential,

into the cost model – it is unthinkable for medium to

activity and foreign investment in the country,” says Lanz.

large-sized producers to open a new mine without one,”

“Mexico is a big focus for our growth strategy and we see

says Lanz.

many long-term opportunities.”




Although the five-year downturn in commodity prices finally came to an end in 2015, the performance of metals and minerals on the global markets continues to be volatile as economic and political uncertainty wreak havoc with investment strategy. Against this challenging backdrop, mine operators must continue to drive shareholder value, explorers must prioritize their key projects and manufacturers must continue to invest in the innovation that will drive the sector forward in the long-run. Mexico Mining Review spoke to leading executives from across the value chain to see how they have adapted business plans to maintain performance levels in such unpredictable times.

In 1999, we became concerned about the availability and cost of energy in Mexico and given that energy represents around 40 percent of our expenses, we started to look 274

at how we could lower costs. We made a strategic decision to integrate our energy supply and start generating our own electricity. In 2016, a total of 81 percent of the energy we consumed was generated in-house. Most of this comes from the petcoke thermal plant in San Luis Potosi, which generates 230MW, and the two wind plants

FERNANDO ALANĂ?S Director General of Industrias PeĂąoles

in Oaxaca that generate over 40MW. We also have natural gas turbines in Laguna del Rey, Coahuila and a steam generator in Torreon. There is a new energy law in Mexico that will require companies to procure at least 30 percent of their energy from sustainable sources by 2025. PeĂąoles has already reached that landmark, because we are convinced of the need for sustainable development.

Before we decide to pursue an opportunity, it must meet rigid criteria anchored to a healthy rate of return. I believe this is true across the industry. While the increased optimism is noticeable, so is the persistent conservatism and tempered risk appetite. Our costs used to be among the highest in the industry but since 2013, we have reduced our costs by approximately 30 percent on an all-in sustaining basis. While we benefited from several external factors such as a more favorable peso exchange

MITCHELL KREBS President and CEO of Coeur Mining

rate and lower diesel prices, most of these cost reductions were internally generated through operational efficiencies, higher recovery rates and rationalization of outside services. This makes our cost reductions sustainable over the long-run.

The biggest constraint on our production historically has been that there is a lot of water in the mine. This does not impede mining but we use a lot more grouting and the process is a lot more manual and time consuming. In 2015, we developed a simple engineering solution to more efficiently dewater the mine and are in the final stages of implementing this optimization plan. With us being able to more effectively manage this water, we can develop five times faster, cut our maintenance costs and

BEN PULLINGER VP Geology of Excellon Resources

become a lot more efficient in terms of electricity use. As the water level drops we will dry out two additional mantos: one that contains 1,800g/t silver equivalent and another with 1,600g/t silver equivalent. This would double the availability of working phases on our mine.

Over the last 15 years FLSmidth has been acquiring many companies with specific products that add value to our portfolio. Depending on the product it may be more beneficial to buy another company and integrate that into the FLSmidth Group product flow sheet than to develop an existing product design in-house. We constantly have to evaluate our needs and decide what will bring results to our clients and returns for our investors. In September 2016, we announced a JV with the state-owned Chinese heavy machinery manufacturer Northern Heavy Industries Group (NHI). The new JV will operate under the name NHI-Fuller and will be launched in 1Q17, providing the mining industry with mid-market crushing equipment. China

RICHARDT FANGEL Director General of FLSmidth Mexico

will be the initial focus for the venture, but in time it will incorporate other markets including Mexico.

Evrim has survived the last five years by being more selective with the projects it evaluates. A funny thing is that market slumps are also important opportunities to 275

acquire mineral projects at low prices but few junior companies took advantage of this. Investment expenditures in mineral exploration in Mexico have dropped more than 70 percent over the last five years, the worst slump I have ever witnessed in my career. But I remain confident that in the next five to 10 years, the industry will recover. Since early 2016, we have begun to see a growing interest in the exploration segment. It is a favorable time for junior companies to pick up new mineral projects and bring them to an exploration stage where they can be of interest to the major

ALAIN CHAREST VP Exploration Mexico at Evrim Resources

mining companies.

To survive the last five-year bear market in metal prices, Endeavour Silver had to incorporate several strategies to reduce our cash operating and all-in sustaining costs. We reduced our work force and retrained our remaining employees to use newer and more efficient mining equipment and methods. We also reduced our exploration and capital budgets. The falling peso was another important factor that contributed to lower costs. Last year, when metal prices started to increase, we raised some equity capital to invest in growth. In 2017 we plan to raise some debt financing as well as to build one of our new mines. Our healthy cash flows are now

BRADFORD COOKE CEO of Endeavour Silver

helping us become one of the fastest-growing silver mining companies in the world. The company is planning to develop three new mines in the coming three years to increase our production by 50 percent.

There is still vast overcapacity in the Chinese market, and until it is effectively addressed, the risk of volatility remains. The complex scenario we encountered in 2015 and 2016 due to market conditions and trends in worldwide steel demand has undermined our ability to compete in a market where importers are selling at subsidized prices below average production costs. In light of this, our company has implemented emergency measures to reduce costs and increase operational efficiency. These initiatives have included plans to improve management and productivity, labor mobility and savings. Our President Lakshmi Mittal presented the strategy known as Action 2020, which is a compilation of actions for the next five years, resulting from a detailed analysis of our growth and improvement potential.

MANOLO ESPINOZA Mine Director of ArcelorMittal

Grinding mill at PeĂąasquito



Once the ore has been extracted, operators face the challenge of processing the mineral and converting it into a product that can be sold on the market. The chemicals used in this process, including sodium cyanide, are extremely toxic and can have devastating effects on the surrounding environment if handled incorrectly. As a result, new techniques like biomining are slowly but surely appearing as viable alternatives. Both operators and service providers are constantly striving to improve safety protocols during this phase of the mine life, while also finding time to trial new approaches in a bid to boost productivity, profit margins and ore recovery levels.

In this chapter, the spotlight falls on leading engineering firms that are pioneering innovative ore processing and mineral handling solutions and revolutionizing the sector in Mexico. From novel sizing and crushing techniques to groundbreaking fluid control and separation methods, mine operators in Mexico have never had such a wide choice of world-class processing technology available to them.



ANALYSIS: The Hunt for Safer Processing Solutions


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Flores, Cyanco

Leonardo Martínez, Cyanco


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Guillermo Álvarez, Aplicaciones Científicas del Norte


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Rebollar, The Chemours Company


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Andrés Ceballos, Lagsom Química


INSIGHT: Javier Schmal, Martin Engineering




INSIGHT: Leif Lindholm, Metso


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Maldonado, Grupo Calidra


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Richardt Fangel, FLSmidth Mexico


INSIGHT: Greg Rasmussen, Gekko Systems


INSIGHT: Ben Hiltl, Fluid Systems


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joel Ramírez, Cribas y Productos Metálicos


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Carlos Morena, Flowserve


INSIGHT: Valentin Kaufmann, Depreux, COBRA Group


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Martín Subiria, Weir Minerals


INSIGHT: Thomas Riedel, Grupo ASM


ROUNDTABLE: What Does The Future Hold for Sodium Cyanide?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jason Reiner, Des-Case



THE HUNT FOR SAFER PROCESSING SOLUTIONS Once ore has been successfully extracted from the deposit,

“As the manufacturer, we feel that it is our

operators are faced with one of the most technically

responsibility to take the lead and contribute

challenging aspects of the mining process: transporting the

to developing safer and more robust standards

material. Here, the key concept is safety

to transport and deliver our products to customers,” says Luis Rebollar, Global Business

The entire mining process is fraught with hazards but ore

and Strategy Director of The Chemours Company, the

processing is particularly precarious. Powerful crushers use

world’s largest producer of solid sodium cyanide. “We carry

razor-sharp teeth to size the rocks, conveyor belts must

out regular mine audits to reduce the risk of accidents.”

transport the material overland without spillage and fragile


chemicals like sodium cyanide are mixed into the solution to

While sodium cyanide can place workers in jeopardy,

produce the final product. If any of the machinery used in

heavy metals such as lead or arsenic, often extracted as

these processes fails, it could have disastrous consequences

a byproduct of precious metal mining, can cause great

for both workers onsite and the surrounding environment.

damage to the environment. If mishandled, these elements

It is no surprise, then, that service providers in this segment

can release toxic residue that contaminates water or soil. To

do everything to ensure the safety performance of new

counter this threat, calcium-rich substances like lime can be

designs above all else.

used to refine, rebalance and condition metal ores. Enrique Maldonado, Regional Director in North America of Grupo

“Our number one priority is the safety of our clients,”

Calidra, a Mexican supplier of lime and lime byproducts,

says Valentin Kaufmann, Sales Manager for Mexico and

recognizes the vital role his company plays in minimizing

Central America at COBRA Group, a specialist in conveyor

environmental risk during ore processing.

belt manufacturing for mineral transportation industries. “Conveyor belts are particularly vulnerable to fire-starting

“Our company has a strong commitment to the

so we always have to ensure that our belts exceed the

environment,” he says. “Hazardous materials are combined

standards required by the different safety norms.”

with calcium oxide to create a harmless substance, which reduces the environmental impact by preventing the toxic


metal reaching underground water sources.”

The use of dangerous substances in mining has been a thorn in the side of mining companies for centuries. Sodium


cyanide became famous for all the wrong reasons when

While mineral processing will always have a substantial

used as a lethal weapon in Nazi Germany. The substance

risk profile, technology is advancing all the time to reduce

is so toxic that it can be fatal at the consumption of just

this threat. Manufacturers of mineral-sizing equipment,

5 percent of a teaspoon, according to research from US

for example, must find a safe way to successfully crush

chemical manufacturer Sigma-Aldrich. But its unique

large quantities of hard rock. The technology is supremely

composition makes it essential in the processing, separation

powerful and dynamic and operators, often working at

and purification of gold.

heights in remote areas with limited first-aid support, must be sure to follow all safety recommendations. Any fault

Scientists have been seeking an alternative to the

could mean precious time lost during maintenance and

substance for decades. In recent years, significant

repair work, or worse, an injury to one or several workers.

developments have emerged in trials for biomining, a technique that uses micro-organisms during separation

Metso, a global industrial equipment provider that has a

instead of cyanide, but the technology is still in its

wide range of crushers on its portfolio, has developed an

infancy and is not yet an economically viable option for

intelligent cone crusher that can save users up to 20 percent

large-scale operations. With the short-term future of

in productivity gains by minimizing the risk of system failure.

the business secure, the challenge for sodium cyanide

“The Symon cone crusher has a remote setting feature that

manufacturers is to make the handling of the substance

facilitates adjustments and diminishes maintenance time

as risk-free as possible. To achieve this, companies

during bowl removal and installation,” says Leif Lindholm,

must not only stay abreast of new handling solutions

the company’s Vice President for Mexico, Central America

and trends but they must also ensure that the end-user

and the Caribbean. “Crusher upgrades have the ability to

has sufficiently trained its personnel on how to receive,

breathe new life into operations by making them more

unload and use the substance.

productive, cost efficient and safer.”


LOWER GRADES CREATE MARKET OPPORTUNITY Carlos Flores Vice President, Latin America of Cyanco

Leonardo Martínez Business Development Manager of Cyanco

Q: With prices on an upward curve in 2016, how has that

company. We manage customer tank levels via telemetry

affected the demand for your products?

and make continuous shipments 24/7/365.

CF: The NAFTA region has continued to experience steady sodium cyanide demand growth and remains a significant

Q: How can your products and services benefit mining

net importer, despite the drop in mining activity. Over


the last several years, Asian suppliers have increasingly

CF: Many large mines that consume large amounts of

supplemented supplies from NAFTA producers to meet

sodium cyanide, upwards of 3,000t/y, have been using

growing regional demand. Sales volume is growing despite

sodium cyanide packed in a box that holds only 1 ton of

there being fewer operating mines in existence. In the

material. This requires extensive handling of material and

future, as the gold price improves and mining companies

hazardous waste-box disposal. It is also time consuming

become more efficient, the Americas region will continue

for mining personnel. We have designed stainless steel

to expand even more rapidly.

containers that can hold up to 18 tons and can be offloaded safely and more efficiently.

Q: What role does Mexico play in the global demand for sodium cyanide?

LM: This alternative may require a slightly higher capital

LM: Mexico is the second-largest consumer of cyanide in

investment but it saves the user the need to dedicate

the world. According to the Ministry of Economy’s website,

human resources and assets to dissolving 1 ton of sodium

Mexico transitioned from importing 83,000 tons five years

cyanide briquettes at a time. It completely eliminates the

ago, to an annualized rate of almost 135,000 tons in 2016.

generation of hazardous waste containing sodium cyanide.

In a short amount of time, demand for sodium cyanide has steadily increased while gold production has only grown

CF: We want to help our clients use cyanide more efficiently

slightly over the same period. Even though there are fewer

and safely, even if that means they buy less product from

producing mines in the world, Mexico’s need for sodium

us. This is the goal of our applied technology group: to

cyanide has bridged the gap in demand. If tomorrow

maximize the efficacy of the cyanide used and to reduce

the gold price returned to 2011 highs and mines starting

cyanide waste. The first step was to introduce product

reopening and new projects were developed, I would not

(solution) and packaging (ISO containers) that were both

be surprised to see cyanide shortages in the market.

more efficient and safer than the current offering in Mexico. The second step in our expansion strategy is to bring our

CF: There are a few factors that have helped our company

clients the Sodium Cyanide Control System (CCS). The

remain a global leader in a changing market. For instance,

system will give our users better control of cyanide dosing

lower grade ores; for a company to continue producing

by taking real-time samples and continuously adjusting

the same amount of gold with lower grade ore, it needs

up or down automatically as needed. This reduces under-

to increase its ore processing and cyanide intensity.

dosing, which results in loss of gold recovery or overdosing,

Our company focuses on bringing the cyanide supply-

which results in wasted cyanide and possibly leaching

replenishment point closer to the customer and we are

unwanted metals. We want to help our customers use the

willing to invest in active mining districts to accomplish

right amount of cyanide.

this goal. We started in Winnemucca, Nevada, where we built a world-class manufacturing facility near the heart of the Carlin Trend, shortening transit time and reducing

Cyanco is the world’s largest producer of sodium cyanide.

transportation costs. In this area, we deliver a 30 percent

Founded in 1988 in Winnemucca, Nevada, the company offers

sodium cyanide solution that is ready to use and requires

innovative cyanide solutions to increase safety and reduce

no human contact for processing/dissolving by the mining

costs in mines





Q: What was the strategic thinking behind the creation of

A: The mining industry is coming under increasing pressure

Aplicaciones Cientificas del Norte in 2002?

to reduce its impact on the environment and ecosystem

A: We are based in the industrial heartland of Nuevo Leon

and for that reason there are a number of alternative

and the company was born out of a desire to provide

technologies that are being developed to replace sodium

chemical products to the numerous industrial enterprises

cyanide. In Mexico, the Canadian companies are the most

operating in the area. We were originally focused locally but

open to trying new solutions. For example, Sandioss is

over the years we have expanded and now have a strong

an alternative to sodium cyanide that is environmentally

presence throughout Mexico. We specialize in chemical

friendly and we are in the process of analyzing this product

research and investigation and we began looking closely

to assess how efficient it can be in comparison to sodium

at the mining sector in 2010 because of the wide range

cyanide. With the help of nanotechnology, biomining is also

of uses for chemical products in the mineral extraction

becoming more and more viable and, in a few years, it could

industry. It has become a vital sector for our business, now

have a great effect on the mining sector by making it far

representing about 60 percent of total sales.

more sustainable. However, these technologies are relatively new in Mexico and it will take some time before they are

Although we provide our clients with a host of chemical

ready to enter the market.

products, including lead acetate and copper sulfate, the main substance we offer the mining industry is sodium

For now, as a sodium cyanide distributor we have a

cyanide. We have a deal with the Chinese producer Hebei

responsibility to handle our produce in a responsible

Chengxin, the world’s second-largest sodium cyanide

manner that reduces the risk factor as much as possible.

manufacturer, to import its produce and distribute it to

We use recyclable containers where possible and we

medium-sized mines around Mexico. A small portion of our

try to avoid associating ourselves with any project that

portfolio, including silver sulfate, is also produced in-house

does not place environmental protection at the top of

for the pharmaceutical industry.

its list of priorities. Our investigation strategy is focused on solving specific problems for our clients. If a mining

Q: In what ways do your products help users extract and

company has issues with the level of grease produced by

produce minerals with greater efficiency?

its processes, for example, we can come in and design a

A: The chemical products help companies to extract more

solution to solve that issue. We also work with ITESM’s

ore in less time. We are always careful to choose the highest

Entrepreneur Hub to certify the safety standards of new

quality products to add to our portfolio but it is the quality

projects and initiatives.

of our customer service that makes us stand out from the competition. If the client so requires, we can carry out

Q: What have been the main challenges the company has

chemical analysis, testing and certification, which are services

had to overcome during its 15 years of operation?

that other chemical distribution companies do not offer.

A: It can be tough to find and retain talent. There is only a limited amount of human capital in Mexico with the

Q: Given its environmental and health risks, to what extent

necessary skills to work in the industrial chemicals business

is the market moving away from the use of sodium cyanide?

and often the most qualified individuals are offered more money to join larger, international companies so it is sometimes challenging to attract the people we need to

Aplicaciones Científicas del Norte is a research company

build the business. On the sales side, it can be tricky to

based in Monterrey. It imports specific or rare chemicals

access the decision-makers in mining companies so we

from all over the world, operating in the chemical, mining,

always try to be present at conventions and other events

pharmaceutical, food and clinical research industries

where we know we can make important contacts.


SODIUM CYANIDE EXPERT BUILDING MEXICO BUSINESS LUIS REBOLLAR Global Business and Strategy Director of Chemical Solutions Business of The Chemours Company

Q: What was the strategic thinking behind the branding

convert it into green energy that could then be distributed

change to mining solutions?

to surrounding communities.

A: The mining solutions division has become a strategic business unit for The Chemours Company and as such we

Safety is a big issue for sodium cyanide users. We ensure

wanted to expand its scope. We went from being a leading

that all our employees and clients are well-trained in how

sodium cyanide producer to an industry leader with a broader

to handle the solution in a safe and responsible manner

scope to serve the variety of needs in the mining industry. One

to reduce the risk of accidents. As the manufacturer,

of our core values is to be a customer-oriented company. We

we feel that it is our responsibility to take the lead and

will always ensure we are the safest and most reliable supplier

contribute to developing safer and more robust standards

of sodium cyanide but we will also aim to find new solutions

for transporting and delivering our products to customers.

for some of the most relevant environmental and safety

We carry out regular mine audits, which involve sending our

challenges mining companies face. We focus on distributing

staff to the site and monitoring how the delivery trucks are

sodium cyanide in the safest and most reliable way but we

being received, unloaded, cleaned and returned.

want to add more value for our customers. Q: What role does Mexico play within your global portfolio? A: We have more than 90 years’ experience doing business in Mexico. The country is important to us and critical to our growth and long-term success. When it comes to mining

The new plant in Mexico will require an investment of US$150 million

solutions, we have been selling sodium cyanide in Mexico for more than 30 years and we are the market leaders

Q: How will new trends such as biomining affect the

in the country. Given the strength of this market, we are

company’s business going forward?

in the process of building a new plant in Mexico to meet

A: If a new method of extracting gold without sodium cyanide

the growing demand, requiring an investment of around

were to become technically and economically viable, this

US$150 million. Currently we import everything from our

would of course have an adverse effect on our business as

plant in Memphis, Tennessee, so the new Mexican facility

it is today. We have invested substantial time and resources

will help us improve our customer service in Mexico and in

internally to try and find an alternative to current practices

the Latin American region. We are confident the Mexican

and technology, and mining companies have been making

mining market will continue to grow in the next few years.

similar efforts as well. So far, all efforts have been unsuccessful simply because sodium cyanide is a unique product and I

The sodium cyanide market in Latin America is unique

do not anticipate a drastic change in the short term. Several

because demand is higher than the installed capacity

new companies and young engineers are testing innovative

so many companies are importing the chemical from

methods and we support those efforts entirely and join them

Asia. We want to distinguish ourselves by operating and

when possible. The reality, though, is that new technologies in

manufacturing locally.

this industry take a long time to develop. It will be a long-term project, with a lot of trial and error.

Q: How do you help your clients reduce their environmental footprint and reduce the risks associated with sodium cyanide handling?

The Chemours Company has over 200 years' experience

A: Our planned sodium cyanide operation in Mexico will

providing titanium technologies, fluoro products and chemical

generate a lot of energy-related value, mostly in the form

solutions. It is the world’s largest producer of solid sodium

of steam. The new plant in Mexico will use the steam and

cyanide (NaCN)




Q: What have been the group’s highlights during its 35 years

the environment. But the fact is that, when handled

of operation?

correctly, it is not dangerous. The mining community in

A: One of the most important recent achievements is

Mexico has always been conscious of the need to protect

that we were certified under the cyanide safety conduct

the environment

for the handling, storage and transportation of sodium cyanide. In Mexico, the handling of sodium cyanide is

Q: How does the company differentiate itself from the

heavily regulated and any company that distributes

other sodium cyanide distributors in Mexico?

the substance needs to comply with strict norms, with

A: There is a lot of competition so we stand out from the

a particular focus on environmental protection. It is

crowd by offering an unrivalled service. As a distributor,

important for us to have completed all the requirements

we have a duty to ensure that our clients know how to

from the government because there are few sodium

handle the substance in the safest way possible. We

cyanide distributors that have the same qualifications

provide training courses to our clients, in cooperation

and it helps us to attract new business. We started

with local hospitals, to educate the mining companies

distributing sodium cyanide around six years ago when

and their employees about the risks of handling sodium

various small mining organizations in the stage of Hidalgo

cyanide and other delicate chemical substances.

started to ask if we distributed the chemical alongside the other solutions we provide.

This service has become even more important given the way the mining market fluctuates. We have 35 years’

The company started to import it from China, Korea,

experience in the industry and we know that it is never

Australia and Germany. Given that we are now certified,

easy to predict how commodity prices will move. This

we are not allowed to buy from any manufacturer that is

experience has taught us that as a service provider we

not certified. That simplifies the decision regarding which

have to create strong relationships with our clients to

brands to represent. Over time the business has grown

ensure their trust during the downturn. The better the

and sodium cyanide is now roughly 60 percent of our

service offering, the more quotes will be received.

total revenue. We have clients throughout the north of the country and also in Oaxaca, Guerrero and Hidalgo and

Q: What plans do you have to expand your portfolio

the State of Mexico. We are also building our international

of products and services to further consolidate your

portfolio, exporting substances such as sodium silicate to

position in the market?

Cuba, Costa Rica and Venezuela.

A: Our philosophy is based on meeting the clients’ needs so how we develop will depend to a certain extent on

Q: How do you see the new biomining technology affecting

what services our clients require. For example, we are in

long-term demand for sodium cyanide?

advanced discussions with a Chinese firm, from which we

A: I have attended a number of seminars on best practices

already buy sodium cyanide, to start exporting minerals

for the extraction and processing of ore and the fact is

to China. This is a new path for us but we are excited by

that leaching is still the most effective method. There have

the project and we expect to begin this process by the

been several trials for bacterial floatation but this remains

end of 2017.

a costly process and as far as I know the only country to have adopted it on a grand scale is Australia. I do not see biomining becoming a viable, cost-effective replacement for

Lagsom Química started operations in 1982 with the goal of

leaching in Mexico in the near term so demand for sodium

distributing, importnat and exporting chemical products for

cyanide should remain strong. The issue that sodium cyanide

the pharmaceutical, mining, cosmetics and food industires. The

has is its reputation as a dangerous substance that damages

comapny is based in the State of Mexico




When it comes to mineral handling, safety is the primary

acquired the company and set about marketing the product

concern for mine operators. To process the extracted ore

to its worldwide customer base.

and convert it into material ready for market, miners need


to use complex substances like sodium cyanide that, if

“Clean Scrape is an alternative way of cleaning conveyor

handled incorrectly, can cause great damage to workers

belts,” says Schmal. “Companies can easily install and adjust

and surrounding ecosystems. But thanks to technological

it to their machines and its product life is more than double

advances, physical contact between worker and chemical is

average cleaners in the market. It is much more expensive

becoming rarer, leading not only to fewer lost time incidents

that the traditional system but with massive benefits and

(LTIs) but also increased productivity and lower costs.

savings that justify the investment.”

“Mining companies are focusing on reducing human

One benefit of the Clean Scrape system, and all autonomous

interface,” says Javier Schmal, Martin Engineering’s Director

solutions, is that there is less scope for human error or

General of Latin America. “We try to identify and approach

injury. But this has its consequences because modern mine

areas of the plant that can be monitored or maintained

operations require human capital with an entirely new set

through the Internet with a phone or via a computer.”

of skills. Workers trained in traditional methods but with

Mining companies are focusing on reducing human interface”

no experience of modern practices are no longer attractive to recruiters. This pool of unskilled labor could pose a real conundrum for companies like Martin Engineering but Schmal sees the situation as an opportunity rather than a problem. “The fewer people that are working in mines, the safer the operation becomes,” he says. “Martin Engineering specifically focuses on developing human capital to improve

The US engineering firm with a presence in 19 countries

productivity and competitivity with the use of technology,

around the world provides wide-ranging solutions to a

sensors and remote monitoring.”

number of industries, including oil and gas, cement and agriculture, but its forte is designing and manufacturing

Martin Engineering’s main markets are in the US, Europe

cutting-edge technology for the mining and metals

and Australia but given the well-established mining tradition

sector. Among its specialty areas is conveyor belts, the

and wealth of talented mine engineers in the country,

mechanisms used to transport ore throughout the mine

Mexico is rapidly becoming a priority. In less than three

site. Conveyor belts are energy intensive, so any design

years, the company has doubled the size of its team and

modification that can improve energy efficiency and

business in Mexico, and forward-thinking technologies such

reduce material loss translates into substantial savings for

as Clean Scrape have already helped draw the attention of

the mine operator.

leading miners across the country; Grupo México, Industrias Peñoles, Goldcorp, Agnico Eagle and Minera Frisco are all

In late 2016, Martin Engineering came across the Clean

beneficiaries of Martin Engineering’s technical expertise

Scrape system, an innovative and versatile belt-cleaning

and focus on community development.

solution designed by a German company. The Clean Scrape is installed at an angle across the discharge pulley, requiring

“Mexican companies face significant issues when it comes

minimal space for installation, and the cleaner is equipped

to efficiency and environmental control,” says Schmal.

with tungsten carbide tips that can be used on mechanical

“They face a large amount of pressure from communities,

splices, meaning maintenance costs are reduced to a

which tend to be against the development of new mining

minimum. Seeing the value, Martin Engineering immediately

projects. That is where our solutions can help.”


SAVING ENERGY, FUEL AND COSTS RICHARD BOOTH Managing Director of North and South America for MMD

Q: What position does the Mexican mining sector hold

Q: Apart from mobile structures, what other strategies do

within MMD’s global portfolio?

you use to keep costs low?

A: Currently, Mexico does not play a significant role within

A: We have a great deal of new equipment and it is all based

our global portfolio, accounting for around 7-8 percent,

on our greener mining ethos – eliminating or reducing the

but it is certainly a market that we want to support and

number of emissions-heavy and fuel-thirsty trucks in a

invest in. We mainly manufacture two pieces of equipment

mine. In cases where there is no reduction in trucks, we

in Mexico – the MMD SIZER and MMD Heavy Duty Apron

can assist customers with ways to improve the availability of

Plate Feeder – with sales of around US$8-10 million per year.

the shovel through system design. This widely used piece of

However, we are growing to offer mobile rental equipment

equipment typically only operates to around 30-40 percent

and it is encouraging to be attracting a great number of new

availability and our equipment helps to increase that figure

customers. We are expanding our operations, bringing in

to over 90 percent.

new salespeople and a new general manager to strengthen our Mexico operations.

Q: How are you working to make the company more sustainable?

In the last couple of years, we have seen huge growth in

A: Over the last five years, we have been developing and

lime and aggregate production and customers particularly

working with the latest high-torque drive motor technology,

in the cement industry are starting to see the benefits of

and we are now installing it in most of our sizers. Offering

our equipment. Traditional approaches and equipment

a continuous saving in running costs of around 30-40

thankfully seem to be under review by mine operators. This

percent, the new motors also typically deliver a 4:1 saving

gives us significant confidence to grow our presence and

in electrical infrastructure expenditure in new setups. With

supply to the Mexican market.

high-torque motors, electrical demand spikes are virtually eliminated and a continuous higher production and constant

Q: To what extent have you found the Mexican market

torque performance is available over a greater speed range.

resistant to the adoption of new technologies?

From a standing start, instant maximum performance can

A: Times are changing. As far as I know, Mexican companies

be achieved. When no material or smaller load processing

began adopting new technologies a few years ago but did

occurs, power consumption drops again, to levels lower

not see much success. Thankfully, we are now seeing more

than those of a traditional motor, delivering further savings.

openness and the return of mines auditing their existing equipment and looking for more cost-effective methods.

Q: What are your main priorities for 2017?

MMD technology has been in the market for close to 40

A: We are looking to develop our Mexican client base and

years and has been thoroughly tried and tested, with over

relationships, and we have a vision of expanding into South

3,000 machines worldwide – so we know it works.

America, with a focus on Colombia and Venezuela. My role will be to oversee both the North and South American markets,

The reach of the technology has also evolved: our

which include the US, Mexico, Brazil and Chile. The Mexican

patented Sizer can now sit at the heart of complete, fully

market is one that people are investing in as it continues to

mobile turnkey In-Pit Sizing & Conveying (IPSC) system.

grow and it is perfectly suited to MMD’s solutions.

Furthermore, all our equipment undergoes finer element analysis (FEA). We sometimes build equipment here in Mexico to demonstrate to potential customers and allow

Mining Machinery Developments (MMD) is a world leader in

them to try it before making a commitment to buy. Five

the design, manufacture and supply of mineral processing

out of six customers to recently receive equipment have

solutions and associated machinery, serving the mining,

already placed orders.

quarrying and recycling industries



THE INTRINSIC VALUE OF AUTOMATION LEIF LINDHOLM Vice President Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of Metso


The mining industry finds itself in the process of healing

Automation is a global trend and an important part of

the wounds that remain after a wave of low-priced metals.

Metso’s business, allowing companies to have better

Consequently, many companies are pressured to continue

control of mine operations. According to Lindholm,

to seek methods and technology that can help reduce

remote-control systems are not new to the international

costs and improve efficiency as a way to boost success.

global industry but Mexico is still in the process of

The adoption of international best practices is key for

adopting these technologies. “In two or three years, it

players that want to survive a storm that fortunately is thought to be clearing. “It has been a tough market but we are starting to feel more optimistic about prices,” says Leif Lindholm, Vice President Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of Metso. “The landscape is starting to move in the right direction.” Metso considers mining to be its largest area of business, followed by the construction industry. It seeks regions that have strong markets to offer its products and services. The diversification of its markets helps balance out jurisdictions like the US that are undergoing a rough period when it comes to mining.

will become a standard in the country,” he says.

The idea is to create a mix of services while removing unnecessary costs to multiply profitability”

But it is not easy to convince the Mexican mining industry of the advantages automated systems offer. Metso works hard to prove and showcase the number of benefits it can bring to mine sites. “Automated systems can greatly

The company works in mines including Buenavista del Cobre,

diminish the number of people that need to be present

where Lindholm says a second plant has been installed

in mines,” says Lindholm. “As a result, they lower the

that mostly uses equipment from Metso. “We also installed

chance of accidents and fatalities, while simultaneously

equipment in Media Luna and for Goldcorp,” he says.

improving production rates.”

The company constantly strives to create equipment that

The company stands out among competition with a

breaks industrial benchmarks and improves efficiency.

strong service-based organization, Lindholm says. It

“The idea is to create a mix of services while removing

has also received recognition for its environmental and

unnecessary costs to multiply profitability,” says

innovative endeavors. In 2016, the company boasted an

Lindholm. Its global presence means Metso can also

A- ranking in CDP’s Climate Change evaluation at the

offer the mining industry a wealth of spare parts, expert

Leadership level. That year, CDP monitored a total of

services and solutions.

5,800 companies around the world. The global ranking reached an average of C, highlighting the significance of

Mexican mining companies demand a great number

Metso’s strong results.

of crushers from Metso, a leader in the development of crusher mills. “Crusher upgrades have the ability to

Overall, Mexico represents approximately 80 percent of

breathe new life into operations by making them more

the company’s business, which makes it an important

productive, cost-efficient and safer,” says Lindholm. For

market. But Lindholm says the company’s next big project

instance, the Symon cone crusher upgrades can generate

will be in Panama, providing services for an Australian

productivity gains of up to 20 percent. It has a remote-

company. “This project will be worth US$6.2 billion so

setting feature that facilitates adjustments and diminishes

it will slightly modify the amount of focus we place in

maintenance time during bowl removal and installation.

Mexico,” he says.



Q: How did the 2016 rise in metal prices benefit Grupo

required to finance the plant in San Luis Potosi was mainly

Calidra’s business?

contributed by the World Bank. It only supports projects

A: In 2016, our sales grew considerably thanks to the increase

that are sustainable and environmentally friendly and we

in gold and copper projects as a result of the favorable

receive funds because of our ecologically friendliness. We

average metal prices and market demand. Due to a reluctance

continuously strive to find the best technology in the world

to launch greenfield projects, operators are focusing on

to improve the quality of our processes. Our company is

maximizing production in existing mines even though the

always willing to experiment with innovative ideas and

ore grade is declining. We benefit from both high demand of

machines to keep one step ahead of our competitors.

metals and low-grade ore because they require more lime in the processing phase. Our main customers are Grupo México,

Q: How does Grupo Calidra promote sustainability and

Industrias Peñoles, Minera Frisco and Goldcorp.

social responsibility? A: Our company has a strong commitment to the

Lime is a versatile natural chemical because it can be used

environment. Lime can be used in areas with toxic residue

by all industries as a process aid. We supply almost all mines

because it stabilizes heavy metals that can contaminate

in Mexico, mainly gold, silver and copper extraction, so our

water or soil. Heavy metals such as lead or arsenic and

company has a strong relationship with the mining industry.

hazardous materials are combined with calcium oxide

In this sector lime helps to adjust the pH in processes at

to create a harmless substance, which reduces the

levels that are more efficient and less hazardous. Our goal

environmental impact by preventing the toxic metal

is to consolidate the Latin American market by 2020 and

reaching underground water sources.

to develop our position as one of the most competitive lime producers in the world.

To minimize our carbon footprint, we make sure the energy per ton we burn is the minimum necessary to convert

Q: What differentiates Grupo Calidra’s new plant in San

calcium carbonate to calcium oxide. We also use alternative

Luis Potosi?

sources of renewable fuels. In Mexico, 70 percent of our

A: The state-of-the-art sustainable hydration plant we

energy is produced through wind power. In Argentina, we

completed in November 2016 recovers and reuses all

are also looking for alternative sources of heat to minimize

the water used in our process. The process is completely

our impact.

air sealed so there is no dust emission or steam. We already have hydration plants in Mexico but none are as

When it comes to our relationship with surrounding

efficient as this new one, which incorporates completely

communities, we do not believe that it is a good idea to

new technology. Emissions are reduced not only by the

offer money. Instead, Grupo Calidra provides well-paid

process itself but through a reduction in the number of

employment and social security to our local hires. We also

trucks moving into the city of San Luis Potosi, since the

pursue reforestation projects. The company collaborates

plant is much closer to the quick lime kilns. This specific

with the public sector as well, providing funds or expertise

plant incorporates equipment and methods that are new

to the government for sustainability projects in the

to the country, such as transportation, discharge, dust


collection and hydration technology. The process is part of our initiative on innovation and was endorsed by ITESM’s technical and feasibility studies.

Grupo Calidra was established in 1908 in Mexico as a supplier of lime and lime byproducts. The company supplies

All our projects and plants are financed through a wide

various industries including mining, construction and food

variety of partnerships and sources. The US$8.5 million

and beverage




Q: What makes Mexico attractive to a global engineering

integrate that into The FLSmidth Group product flowsheet

firm such as FLSmidth?

than to develop an existing product design in-house. We

A: Mexico offers solid opportunities for world-class

constantly have to evaluate our needs and decide what will

equipment manufacturers. Indeed, we believe it is one

bring results to our clients and returns for our investors.

of the most attractive destinations in the world from a

That said, it is undeniable that there has been a growing

manufacturing point of view. Its logistics infrastructure

trend in the company in recent years to focus on in-house

for both imports and exports is well developed and the

development. We have a talented team of engineers and

devaluation of the peso against the dollar during 2016

we see synergies from plant operating experience back to

has provided a further boost to foreign manufacturers by

our design engineers.

making local prices more competitive. In fact, it is now more expensive to manufacture in some parts of China than it is in

In September 2016, we also announced a JV with the state-

Mexico, which was unthinkable five years ago. When adding

owned Chinese heavy-machinery manufacturer Northern

these competitive prices to the free trade agreements

Heavy Industries Group (NHI). The new JV operates under

Mexico has with over 40 countries, it has become a vital

the name NHI-Fuller and provides the mining industry with

manufacturing hub that offers great value to both Mexican

mid-market crushing equipment. Fuller was an independent

and foreign companies.

US-based equipment manufacturer specializing in cement and minerals until acquired by FLSmidth in 1989. China

Q: How has the market in Mexico reacted to the rise in

will be the initial focus for the venture but in time it will

precious metals prices in 2016?

incorporate other markets, including Mexico.

A: During the recent downturn producers were focused almost exclusively on cutting costs and streamlining

Q: What are the most innovative solutions FLSmidth offers

operations but as prices have risen they have turned their

the industry?

attention to increasing production levels in a bid to increase

A: One of our newest designs is the nextSTEP. This rotor/

output. This has led to more plant upgrade projects starting

stator can be applied to existing flotation cells to generate

up throughout the country as operators want to extract

substantial energy savings as well as increased recovery.

as much as possible to benefit from slightly higher prices.

The product was launched in early 2016 and the pilot tests

This has, of course, been of great benefit to the whole

have confirmed our expectations for increased productivity.

supply chain because mining companies need to buy more equipment and modify the existing equipment.

Elsewhere, our research and development team is constantly working in the lab to update and improve existing products

This trend can particularly benefit companies like FLSmidth.

and processes. In Mexico, we are constantly working to

Our highlights for 2016 include the installation of a stacking

improve our aftersales service. To this end and when the

conveyer system for Grupo México at Buenavista del Cobre

needed state fiscal legislation is ready, we will expand our

and the extensive work we did on the Peña Colorada

service center in Zacatecas to convert it into an inbound

expansion project that will go onstream in early 2017.

park, which will allow us to move more spare parts and cater to our clients’ needs more efficiently.

Q: What role does M&A and JV activity play in FLSmidth’s strategy? A: Over the last 15 years, FLSmidth has been acquiring

FLSmidth is a global engineering company based in Denmark,

many companies with specific products that add value to

providing the cement and mineral industries with mineral-

our portfolio. Depending on the product it will from time

handling solutions like crushing, flotation, screening and

to time be more beneficial to buy another company and




GRAVITY KEY TO EFFICIENT SEPARATION GREG RASMUSSEN Vice President, Sales and Operations, North America of Gekko Systems


Accurately identifying a viable ore body buried kilometers

To date another of Gekko’s technologies, the InLine Leach

underground is a formidable task in itself but for metal

Reactor (ILR), has proven more popular in Mexico. The ILR

explorers it is just the first step on the long road toward

enables mine operators to leach precious metals out of

production. A key junction arrives when the extracted

floatation concentrate and produce doré bars onsite, as

metal must be separated from the rock, a complex process

opposed to sending the extract to an off-site processing

that can make or break a mining project. Gekko Systems,

location, which Rasmussen says helps mining companies

an Australian family-owned outfit, made its name in the

generate gold and silver sales immediately with better

industry after releasing its gravity jig separation design,

payment terms. In July 2016, Gekko completed the

which separates mineral particles from the ore body based

installation of its biggest ILR as part of Alamos Gold’s

on their relative density. Founded in 1996, the company

Mulatos mine expansion, a cooperation that began in 2011,

has dedicated the last 20 years to improving separation

while it has also worked with Fresnillo on its La Herradura,

technology and thinks it has found the answer with its

La Ciénega and San Julián projects.

Python Plant design. “We have a gravity circuit installed at Mulatos. There is a “The Python is an environmentally conscious modular ore-

high-grade deposit but a lot of ore was being lost in the

concentration plant solution for the mining sector,” says

heap-leaching system, so Alamos Gold contacted us and

Vice President for Sales and Operations, North America

we installed a gravity leach plant,” says Rasmussen. “We

Greg Rasmussen. “It was initially designed for underground

look after its pre-concentration and crushing processes.”

crushing, comminution and handling of concentrate through the use of gravity. Gravity alone recovers 95 percent of

Although the Python Plant and the ILR are two examples of

the ore, meaning that the operator requires little energy to

Gekko’s modular designs, the company takes a subjective

recover the remaining mineral.”

approach and tries to develop tailored solutions to fit the differing ore bodies found in Canada, Australia, Mexico and

The Python specializes in utilizing energy-efficient

elsewhere. “We look at the nature of the deposit, analyze it and

floatation processes to reduce ore to a coarse size, which

then carry out all the required testing,” says Rasmussen. “By

lowers the downstream processing energy costs. It was

taking charge of everything from testing and planning through

primarily intended for use on underground, rather than

to construction, the client does not have to contract several

surface, operations. When installed underground, the

different companies to carry out each process.”

tailings remain below the surface so there is no need for a surface tailings facility. This greatly reduces the operator’s

Despite its work with Fresnillo and Alamos Gold, Gekko

environmental footprint. The Python Plant has already been

Systems is still relatively new to Mexico and the company is

installed above ground in mines in Australia, South Africa,

focusing on increasing awareness of its ILR and Python Plant

Argentina and Canada. Given the large amount of coarse

solutions throughout the country in 2017. The experience

gold and silver in the country, Rasmussen hopes Mexico

gathered through its success in Canada and Australia is sure

will be next.

to help but Rasmussen accepts the company will need time to fully adjust to the particularities of the Mexican market.

“Our portfolio in Mexico is still relatively small, although we hope for it to expand during 2017,” he says. “To help us

“We understand that the mindset is a little different to the

crack the Mexican market, we began working with FIMSA,

rest of North America in that business relationships are built

a Torreon-based company with far more local experience.

over a longer period of time,” he says. “We truly believe

We have done a lot with FIMSA in the past, and it will soon

in the country’s potential to become a mining hub of the

become our formal distribution agent in Mexico.”

future. It is a big part of our growth strategy.”



The oil and gas industry’s demand for exceptionally fine

At Peña Colorada, Fluid Systems installed a new product –

screening made Fluid Systems’ decision to start out in

the 3642 DFL MultiG screener – which is an extremely high-

this sector an easy one. With the development of new

frequency solution, and it has already provided benefits for

technology, namely linear motion technology 20 years

the operator. “It has been in operation since the start of

ago, the company saw an opportunity to diversify. “This

2016 and is around two to three times more efficient than

technology was extremely successful and a crucial factor in

the previous technology,” says Hiltl. The design is based

growing the business in the early days,” says Ben Hiltl, the

on resonance technology and increases the frequency

company’s President and CEO. “Over the years, it became

and forces on the machine substantially, as well as the

more and more prevalent in mining and that led to our

separation efficiency and volume-handling capacity.

interest in the mining sector.” “Most screening solutions on the market work in ranges Fluid Systems designs and manufactures screening

of 5-8g of acceleration, after which point the structure

solutions for the processing phase of mining, specializing

struggles to handle the level of vibration,” says Hiltl. “Our

in liquid/solid separation. In mining, gold processing is a

technology absorbs the extra power and feeds it back

unique process to iron ore or phosphate production, so

into the machine, allowing the screener to operate at over

the design depends on the individual processing needs of

50g of acceleration on the panel. The customer can reach

the project and Hiltl says the company tailors its solution

the same level of performance and output with half the

to each individual client. Typically, Fluid Systems’ machines


are compact, powerful, and applicable to the whole range of mineral processing, including gold, silver, zinc and

When ore grade lowers in quality, which inevitably happens


as a mine reaches the latter stages of its lifespan, screening and separation processes become vital to the operators’

The Texas-based company’s relationship with Mexico

productivity, which is where Fluid Systems’ technology

first blossomed around 15 years ago. ArcelorMittal, one

can really help. The MultiG represents a huge jump in

of the investors in the Peña Colorada iron-ore mine in

performance and is entirely different to the company’s

Manzanillo, contacted Fluid Systems to request that it

previous technologies and those of its competitors,

design some machines for the project. “The pilot testing

according to Hiltl. It is attractive from a cost standpoint

produced positive results and we have been working

because the customer now has to spend significantly less

with the company ever since,” says Hiltl. “We initially

money to reach the same level of output. “We anticipate

installed 10 machines and following the recent expansion

that this product will have a significant impact on the mining

at the mine we now have 72 machines operating on that

industry, not just in Mexico but around the world,” he says.

project alone.” This technology was developed alongside Virto Group, That contract required a large aftersale support service

an Italian-based outfit with which Fluid Systems has now

and when Fluid Systems then sealed an equally significant

set up a joint venture. It focuses on circular, dry screening

deal in the oil and gas sector, it made the jump to set up a

applications whereas Fluid Systems is more specialized in

formal presence in Mexico. This led to the creation of SIPSA,

the rectangular models for wet screening. The reason for

which is based in Villahermosa and operates as its official

this, Hiltl says, is simple. “Around 95 percent of all screening

distributor. Now, Hiltl says that with the downturn in the

in both open-pit and underground mining uses water as

local oil and gas industry, mining has recently emerged as

the primary liquid medium in the ore separation process,

the company’s main focus in Mexico, equating to around

so the rectangular solutions in particular are tremendously

50 percent of its business.

effective,” he says.




Q: What factors spurred you to start the company and

we refuse to compromise on quality or service standards.

what challenges did you face?

Excellence in customer service has always been the goal

A: There was a lack of quality screens at the time and those

for Cribas. Our motto is to treat our customers as I would

that were available often came lose, openings were not

have liked to be treated as a client many years ago.

consistent and they wore out rapidly. I began as a customer, 294

working in the steel furnace, where initially there was no

One of the highlights for the company over the last five

issue with constant screen changes. But as we started

years has been the full integration of all our product lines.

increasing our consumption, it became a real challenge.

We can now offer all types of screening media for any

I spoke with the owner of the company supplying us the

and every application, screening machines, accessories,

screens at the time, asking him to improve his quality and

technical support for screening issues and installation.

was discouraged by his lack of proactivity. I realized that

We have become a one-stop shop to solve all screening

our suppliers were not going to change and something

issues. Our greatest strength is the people that make up

needed to be done.

the company.

We started importing our screens from Germany with the

Q: To what do you attribute the success Cribas has

belief that screens should be made to suit the customer’s


needs and the customer must always be satisfied. I had

A: First, it was a market that lacked a product, so we

over 20 years of experience using screens at the time,

trained ourselves to become screening specialists, both in

meaning I could use my first-hand knowledge of what

manufacturing them and in their application. We started

worked and what did not in order to provide the best

using different materials for different types of screens

solution for the client.

and applications. One of our first steps was to make perforated plate screens. From there we branched out

The company started small, manufacturing screens that

to all other types.

were initially difficult to sell. Companies did not want to pay a higher price for our screens until we could prove

When I started, I used the catalog from a German company

that they were losing more money by continuing to use

as my guide. This company was a pioneer in screen media

poor-quality screens than if they bought our screens. We

manufacturing and I believed that to be successful, we had

were able to show them they were losing millions but our

to replicate the quality found in the best screens in the

screens were able to decrease these losses by about 20

world. I did not know how much time this was going to take

to 30 times.

us but we knew the direction in which we were headed and we have been heading steadily toward that goal.

Q: As Cribas has expanded, what have been the challenges associated with this and what are the highlights for the

We became experts in what we do. Our goal has always


been to manufacture screens of the best quality and at

A: Our greatest challenge has been maintaining reliable

competitive prices. Ultimately, companies will spend more

coverage of our markets as the company has expanded, as

in labor and wasted time because of a poorly made screen. The last five years have involved the full integration of all our product lines. We can now offer screening media

Cribas y Productos Metalicos is a family-owned company

for every application, including screening machines,

specializing in manufacturing screen media for mineral

accessories, technical support for screening issues and

processing. Founded in Monclova, and based in Monterrey, the

installation. We have become a one-stop shop for solving

group is represented throughout Latin America

screening issues.

One of the most important components of our success has been that the people working with me have adopted the company’s spirit that we must do things correctly, carry out quality work and produce quality products. Importantly, we do not compromise on quality or service standards. We started as a small company selling to other small companies. Throughout our growth and the growth of Mexico’s mining industry, we have challenged ourselves every day to maintain the same standards we incorporated from the outset. The company is growing at a steady pace. We have been

This year Cribas launched its polyurethane screen line, which has helped customers obtain better solutions for specific screening problems

filling the gaps that we had as a small company and making steady improvements. Even though we are still not a

This year we launched our polyurethane screen line, which

large company, we are not small anymore. This growth

has helped customers obtain better solutions for some of

has allowed us to provide screening solutions to different

their specific problems. No single screen media can solve

industries in Mexico, while staying focused on our core,

all problems, which is why polyurethane gives us one more

which is mining. We are highly invested in Mexico’s mining

option to offer our customers. 295

sector and this industry moves with the price of metals. When prices are high, mining companies are willing to

Q: What strategies are you following to break into other

invest and this keeps us active.

markets and where do you see the most opportunities? A: We have analyzed the petrochemical, recycling and

Q: Following the company’s high-carbon wire, rubber

power-generation sectors and find they are closely linked

and polyurethane screens, what comes next in terms of

to the screening we do in mining but they are all very

research and innovation?

different industries. We have reached out to PEMEX and

A: Our focus has always been to produce screens at a

have installed some screens for ethanol production. We

competitive price and with the best materials. This goal has

have also proven ourselves in the recycling industry with

already been met so it is now up to the newer generations

our screens being used to recycle car batteries.

to set goals for the years to come. We have always stayed ahead of the industry in material technologies because we

Cribas should be among the top 10 screening companies

try to follow the example of the best in the industry.

worldwide within the next 10 years. Screen fabrication is not an industry where our competitors experience a

We have been focusing on the virtualization of our

lot of growth because for most of them, this is not their

processes, as well as plant and screen-performance

main product. We have had big competitors that have

simulations. This gives us the ability to understand the

stopped manufacturing screens to focus on other more

issues the customer is facing in the field and to be able to

profitable products. We are dedicated to this business and

customize a solution for the client’s exact needs.

will continue to be.



Q: What role does the Mexican mining sector have to play

tend to place a lot of pressure on the applications in use and

within the company’s portfolio?

so engineers are constantly striving to develop solutions

A: The Mexican market represents 25-30 percent of our

that can withstand this abrasion.

business in Latin America and of our four manufacturing


plants in the country, three serve our worldwide customer

While in other markets like oil and gas we try to incorporate

base. We have an engineering pump plant in Mexico City

digital technology, in the mining sector we are particularly

that has been in operation for over 60 years and, taking

focused on designing mechanical hardware that serve

advantage of the competitive labor and operational costs,

specific applications. We are constantly seeking out new

Flowserve’s largest mechanical seal plant in the world was

chemical and abrasive solutions, such as super duplex or

built in Tlaxcala in the late 1990s. We interact with our clients

different alloy materials, to provide longer lasting seals,

in Mexico both through our network of distributors and

slurry pumps and valves and to help our clients make their

directly through our sales and engineering force. The mining

fluid motion-control processes more efficient and reliable.

sector is particularly strong in Latin America. Traditionally

For example, the majority of mechanical packing for slurry

we have always been stronger in the oil and gas sector but

applications uses large amounts of water but we have

in the past 10 years we have begun to develop our mining

developed a mechanical seal that does not use water. The

business and Mexico and Chile are now the most important

SLC seal device lasts for over a year, which is twice the

mining markets for the company in Latin America.

time as most competitive solutions and this product has been extremely successful in Mexico with Grupo México,

Q: What is your strategy for increasing your market share

Industrias Peñoles and Minera Frisco all using the system.

in the local mining industry? A: We are constantly working on product development.

It is always a challenge to convince our customers that this

Using our resources in Mexico, we are in the process

solution is the best – packing solutions are more common

of finalizing plans on a specialist pump for the mining

on the market. We have found that in the mining sector,

industry that will be launched first in Latin America and

good news travels fast and so if one operator has strong

then in North America and the rest of the world. It will be a

results from a new product, the other operators will soon

regeneration of one of our current slurry pumps but it will

hear about it and begin to make enquiries.

be lighter, cheaper, and smaller in order to reach the mills as a response to current market expectations. It will be

Q: What strategies are in place to generate organic growth?

particularly attractive for copper producers and we hope it

A: Our main focus is to expand our presence in the

will help us cement our position in the slurry pump segment

mining market, particularly in Latin America. Although

of the sector.

we are still strong in the oil and gas and petrochemical spheres, these markets are experiencing a downturn and

Q: What is the current focus of your research and

so we have diversified our focus to the mining sector,

development efforts?

which we believe is set for an extended period of solid

A: The biggest challenges that mining companies are facing

growth. With its stable environment, ideal geographic

are in water usage and wear and tear. Mining operations

location and strong resources, Mexico will play a big part in that process. The country remains one of our favorite destinations for investment and we have ambitious

Flowserve manufactures and services fluid motion control

expansion plans for our Mexican plants. We also want

solutions, including valves, pumps and seals, for the oil and

to grow our distributor business in Latin America. Within

gas, power, and mining industries. The company has operations

five years, we are aiming to double the size of our Latin

in 55 countries

American business.


PRIORITY ON CLIENT SAFETY DRIVES SUCCESS VALENTIN KAUFMANN Sales Manager for Mexico and Central America of Depreux, COBRA Group

For as long as underground mining has existed it has been

says Kaufmann. “Mexico has been welcoming to COBRA’s

fraught with danger. For centuries miners took caged

Depreux belts and we are deep in negotiations with a

canaries down the tunnel as an early warning system;

number of operators to install belts in their mines.”

when toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and methane inevitably began to seep out of the excavated rocks, the bird

The success of COBRA’s Depreux belts can be attributed

would begin to choke and in doing so inform the workers

to its fully integrated production. Depreux is recognized

that conditions were unsafe. Thankfully standards have

worldwide for its weaving facilities that manufacture the

improved drastically since then but underground mining

textile carcass of the conveyor belts. The process allows

still represents a real threat to worker safety. Fires and gas

the company to maintain control over quality and costs.

leaks are not uncommon at modern mine sites and faulty

Depreux has the flexibility and innovation capacities to

or inadequate conveyor belts are among the main causes.

develop premium belts that are specially designed for underground mining applications and that provides users

“Our number one priority is the safety of our clients,” says

great resistance, security and productivity. For instance,

Valentin Kaufmann, Sales Manager for Mexico and Central

the COBRA Group was recognized for developing the most

America of Depreux, COBRA Group. “Conveyor belts are

resistant 1-ply straight-wrap belt in the marker for a copper

particularly vulnerable to fire-starting, so we always ensure

mine. The group still holds that world record with their 1-ply

that our belts exceed the standards required,” he says. “We

aramid carcass of 3150 N/mm.

offer our customers on-site training, analysis and evaluation services to ensure that they are installing the correct

“Our carcasses make the conveyor belts more durable and

conveyor belt for each project or operation.”

this is the main reason why we have such a strong position in the underground mining market,” says Kaufmann. “To

As a member of the REMA TIP TOP Group, Depreux is

survive in the hostile underground conditions, over the years

part of one of the world’s leading companies in the field

we have developed a solid woven carcass with excellent

of conveyor belts, services and accessories. Depreux’s

cut and impact resistance and the ability to trough at 45°

underground belts are manufactured with national and

and flex around drive, head, tail, loop and snub drums.

international safety standards in mind, adopted according

The carcass design is fundamental for the final strength of

to the country in which they are installed. For the majority,

mechanical fastened belts and vulcanized joints.”

these safety requirements encompass fire resistance, drum friction, antistatic tests and for some countries, hygiene

To continue the company’s legacy of having a strong

tests for fume emissions.

R&D culture that offers specialty carcasses to the mining market, Cobra’s Depreux foments partnerships with OEMs

COBRA Group’s client base has always been centered

companies to strengthen its ability to offer customized

around underground mine operators and the company

belts to meet customer requests.

is one of the largest underground conveyor-belt manufacturers for the industry globally. Given its extensive

The investor community has also taken notice. German

network of underground silver mines, Mexico offers vast

company REMA TIP TOP recently acquired majority shares

business opportunities and COBRA Group formally entered

in the company but Kaufmann insists that COBRA Group will

the country in 2012. So far, the decision has paid off and the

remain true to its principles. “COBRA Group will continue to

company is considering expanding its presence.

work as an independent company, with our own production, R&D and sales organization all over the world,” he says. “Our

“We intend to continue developing our production, storage

new investors will bring us financial back-up, R&D support

and service capacities in Northern and Latin America,”

and we will benefit from their technical knowledge.”



INNOVATIVE THINKING TO STAY AHEAD OF THE PACK MARTÍN SUBIRIA Director General, Mexico and Central America of Weir Minerals

Q: What strategies fueled the company’s solid growth in

attractive. The industry in Mexico compared to Chile or

2016 and what part did Mexico play?

Peru is smaller and incentives for new investors are fewer.

A: We were resilient because our strategy was based


on being closer to our customers, working with them to

Q: As a company with such a wide variety of products,

guarantee savings and showing them our commitment

what is your best seller?

to working together. Mexico is important because it is

A: Our slurry pumps are the most in demand right now but

a traditional mining market. We serve all the primary

we can cover the entire mining process with our products

operators and the all the biggest mines in the region.

and solutions. We are always working on new pump designs

Being recognized here as a top supplier is an excellent

to increase efficiency and reduce wear rates inside the

achievement and our minerals division is the strongest in

mines. Our expertise as a mining equipment manufacturer

the group, partly because of our close relationship with

allows us to continuously improve performance. Right now,

our customers, who trust in us. We are always looking

as an example, we are testing different materials like metal

for new ways to save them money. In some countries

alloys to test how to improve wear life. By improving the

in Central America, attitudes toward mining are still

wear life of our components, we can reduce maintenance

relatively unfavorable. But Mexico is a country with a

and costly downtimes, resulting in tangible cost-savings

strong mining history, with talented human capital and a

for operators. We want to maintain our reputation as

well-formed supply chain. Mexico is also important due

number one worldwide by staying ahead of the pack and

to its geographical position. Nevertheless, Mexico is not

innovating to integrate new designs and new materials. We

fully using its geographical advantage to become more

are constantly improving our technology. Q: What is the company’s main goal for this year?

Weir Minerals is an engineering firm that delivers products

A: Central America has a lot of aggregates and this is what

including slurry pumps, conveyors and feeders to the mining

we will focus on. In Mexico, we have plans to work with our

industry. The company is a subsidiary of The Weir Group and

main customers as partners and solutions providers rather

its Mexico base is in Monterrey

than just suppliers.



Times change, and that is usually accompanied by changes

in lower energy usage,” says Riedel. “Our filter systems

in attitude. The business world’s view leans toward

drastically increase the expected lifespan of a gearbox,

sustainability now and that shift is leading directly to

which uses far less energy if the oil is cleaned on a consistent

savings and growth, says Thomas Riedel, Director General of

basis.” Any reduction in oil usage also has benefits for the

Grupo ASM, which exclusively distributes Danish company

environment and CC Jensen systems enable operators to

CC Jensen’s filter systems in Mexico.

consume just one-fifth of their regular quantity of oil. 299

Grupo ASM has worked with such companies as Grupo

The group works in other areas to provide a broad range

México, which has many CC Jensen filters installed on the

of solutions. “To complement our range of filter systems,

Buenavista del Cobre mine in Cananea. Over the last 10

we offer aluminum profile systems. We have a separate

years in partnership with these operators, Riedel has seen

automation business,” says Riedel. The business is split

the growth of a culture of corporate responsibility regarding

more or less equally between the three product lines,

oil usage in Mexico that was not present previously. “People

and today the company’s biggest markets are power

now understand the importance of oil cleaning and many

generation, hydraulic systems, the marine sector and the

companies train their staff to appreciate the savings that

mining industry.

can be generated through responsible oil usage,” he says. “This cultural shift has undoubtedly helped the company

Although the company has enjoyed its share of growth

grow over the years.”

over the years, there have been several hurdles along the way. The sheer size of Mexico can be an issue, for example.

When the company was created in 1999, its main aim was

“The nature of the service we provide means that time is

manufacturing specified machinery, including manipulators

vital, because any extended period of downtime can mean

and tightening systems for the automotive sector, but it

dramatic losses for our clients,” says Riedel. “To overcome

was through the CC Jensen deal in 2006 that Grupo ASM

this challenge, in 2016 we set up an office in Hermosillo to

entered the mining sector. The filter insert is compact – just

cater to the needs of Grupo México and our other clients

27x27cm – but each one can absorb at least 4kg of particles.

in Sonora, because it is difficult to respond in a timely and

“CC Jensen offers an offline filtration system. It is unique

efficient manner from our headquarters in Puebla.” Grupo

from other systems in that it can absorb an exceptionally

ASM plans to establish a new facility in either Chihuahua

high number of contaminating particles,” Riedel says.

or Monterrey in 2017 because it has extensive client bases

“While most other filter systems operate on the surface, the

in both of those regions. “By expanding our bases across

absorption technique CC Jensen filters employ means that

the country, we hope to be able to improve the client

we can filter ultrafine particles other systems are unable to

relationships that we have already created in Mexico and

detect. In one pass, our systems remove a minimum of 98.7

establish new ones,” he says.

percent of all particles in the system, whereas the majority of systems only filter out around 50 percent.”

After over 15 years of working in Mexico, one of the lessons Riedel has learned is that it is vital to contact the right

This translates into increased productivity for the operator

people within the mining companies. “When we started to

because clean oil produces far less waste than dirty oil, but

distribute for CC Jensen, business was initially slow because

the filter also provides tremendous time savings. When the

people did not understand the need for our products,”

system is applied on a standard cone crusher, the investment

he says. “As this changed over the last 10 years, we have

is paid back within one month of operation. The technique

established ourselves in the market and despite the slight

is also more efficient when it comes to use of energy. “Less

improvement in metals prices during 2016, owners are still

contamination means less friction, which in turn results

looking for cost benefits.”



Sodium cyanide has been used to separate gold from ore for generations, but the chemical compound is highly toxic and, under increasing pressure to make the industry more environmentally friendly, the mining community is working on more sustainable and safer alternatives. One solution is biomining, which replaces sodium cyanide with microorganisms. However, alternative techniques are still in the early phase of development and for the majority of mining projects, sodium cyanide remains the most economically viable solution – for now at least. Mexico Mining Review spoke to leading sodium cyanide producers and distributors to find out what the future holds for this controversial substance.

If a new method of extracting gold without sodium cyanide were to become technically and economically viable, this will of course have an adverse effect on our business as it is today. We have invested substantial time and resources internally to 300

try and find an alternative to current practices and technology, and mining companies have been making similar efforts as well. So far, all efforts have been unsuccessful, simply because sodium cyanide is a unique product, and I do not anticipate a drastic

LUIS REBOLLAR Global Business and Strategy Director of Chemical Solutions Business of The Chemours Company

change in the short term. Several new companies and young engineers are trying innovative methods and we support those efforts entirely and join them when possible. The reality, though, is that new technologies in this industry take a long time to develop. It will be a long-term project, with a lot of trial and error.

We want to help our clients use cyanide more efficiently and safely, even if that means they buy less product from us. This is the goal of our Applied Technology group, to maximize the efficacy of the cyanide used and to reduce waste of cyanide. The first step was to bring product (solution) and packaging (ISO containers) that were both more efficient and safer than the current product offering in Mexico. The second step is to bring our clients onto the Sodium Cyanide Control System (CCS). The

CARLOS FLORES Vice President, Latin America of Cyanco

system would help our users to have better control on the cyanide dosing by taking real time samples and continuously adjusting up or down automatically as needed. This reduces under dosing, which results in loss of gold recovery or over dosing, which in turn results in wasted cyanide and possibly leaching unwanted metals. We want to help our customers use cyanide in the correct way and in the right quantity.

There are a number of alternative technologies that are currently being developed to replace sodium cyanide. In Mexico, the Canadian companies are the most open to trying the new solutions. For example, Sandioss is an alternative to sodium cyanide that is environmentally friendly, and we are currently in the process of analyzing this product to assess how efficient it can be in comparison to sodium cyanide. With the help of nanotechnology, biomining is also becoming more and more viable and, in

GUILLERMO Ă LVAREZ Director General of Aplicaciones Cientificas del Norte

a few years, it could have a great effect on the mining sector by making it far more sustainable. However, these technologies are relatively new in Mexico and it will take some time before they are ready to enter the market. For now, as a sodium cyanide distributor we have a responsibility to handle our produce in a responsible manner that reduces the risk factor as much as possible.


BREATHER PRODUCTION ON THE RISE JASON REINER Director of Business Development, Latin America of Des-Case

Q: In July 2016, the company was sold by Pfingsten

preventing the lubricant from getting dirty in the first place.

Partners to International Growth Partners. How has the

The standard breather from the manufacturer typically only

sale affected Des-Case’s business?

offers protection from particles of 40 microns. Often, it

A: Des-Case started in 1982 as the pioneer in desiccant

fails to offer any protection from water caused by humidity,

breathers. Right now, we are in the transitional phase

which can be more damaging than dirt particles. Our

between being a mom-and-pop company and turning that

desiccate can keep out particles of 3 microns or more,

into a major organization. Pfingsten’s growth strategy was

which not only extends the life of the lubricant but also

to own Des-Case for four to five years and subsequently sell

extends the life of the equipment.

the company. With that came a lot of growth opportunity and we were able to acquire several well-established

Q: What new products are you going to launch onto the

companies, including AMS Filtration and ESCO. This made

market in the near future?

us more attractive and Pfingsten did a wonderful job of

A: We have a few new releases, one of which is our visual

turning us into a medium-sized enterprise.

oil analysis line. In many pieces of equipment one of the challenges is keeping track of oil levels because this

At this point the best partner for us was International

equipment is often in severe mine environments. Our Visual

Growth Partners, which is a private equity firm that

Oil Analysis Adaptors are installed on the equipment and

operates with companies on a different level than Pfingsten.

when passing the equipment, it is immediately clear if the

International Growth Partners’ strategy will likely be very

oil is at the correct level, if water is present or if there is any

similar but it will be done in a different way because it

discoloration. This can prevent a great deal of downtime

deals with companies with a longer track record that are

failures. One of our clients had 50 gearboxes located 6m

more attractive. Our growth will be achieved inorganically

overhead on a production line. An employee would take 24

by further acquisitions and a great deal of investment in

hours over three shifts to determine the oil levels of those

human resources and other factors.

gearboxes. With the installation of our Bullseye Visual Oil Analysis, this time was cut down to one six-hour shift.

Q: How did the introduction of the desiccant breather change the market when it was produced?

Q: What would you like to achieve in Mexico?

A: The desiccant breather did not provide a sudden change

A: Our sales strategy is an area we will be focusing on

in the market initially but that began to happen around

tremendously. I envision an increase in key account

10 years later. Our product has not saturated the market,

managers in Latin America and inside sales support specific

and even in the US, we are present in 20 percent of the

to Latin America. Of the three regions in which we want to

potential applications that could use this technology. In

set up key account managers, Mexico would be our first

Latin America, we are in around 5-10 percent depending

choice because it is one of our strongest business partners

on the country.

in terms of product sales. It represents the area that would offer us the quickest ROI. In an upcycle, operators can

In all equipment that uses lubricant, there is a correlation

afford to have equipment running at all costs and in a

between the cleanliness of the lubricant and the life

downturn, our equipment mitigates expense.

expectancy of that piece of machinery. If the lubricant is not exposed to extreme temperatures and is operating under the proper specifications, it should never fail. That

Des-case is a US company, founded in 1983, that designs

is the goal but we know that equipment fails and can do

desiccant breather systems for lubricant protection. The

so at the worst times, incurring huge expenses. Instead of

company also offers fluid handling systems and visual oil

focusing on cleaning the lubricant, our product focuses on



Equipment monitoring



Mining has undergone countless transformations over the years. The industrial revolution introduced explosives and power tools for the first time and electronics then opened the road to automated processes and robotics. Each wave of technological development has helped to make mines safer, more productive and more profitable. Now, the digital revolution has finally arrived in the industry and is fundamentally changing the way modern mines operate. Centralized fleet-management systems and data analytics allow site managers to make informed decisions from remote locations in real time. Underground Wi-Fi and radio technology keeps workers around the world connected at all times. Digital Twins and the Internet of Things help optimize operating costs and energy use. Automated vehicles are gradually leading the industry away from dangerous, outdated underground human labor.

Put simply, no modern mine can operate without digital technology. This chapter explores the technology that is leading the “Fourth Industrial Revolution� in Mexico, and the impact this movement is having on the mining industry. Among other issues, leading engineers and technicians ponder how far Mexico is from achieving a fully autonomous mine.



ANALYSIS: Digitalization: A Brave New World


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Vernon Murray, Emerson


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Felipe Rivera, Schneider Electric Systems Mexico


INSIGHT: Javier Barella, OSI Soft


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gerardo Gardea, Delta Solutions


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roberto Pérez, Siemens Mesoamerica


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Scott Phillips, GE Mining


INSIGHT: Sagar Chandra, Rajant Corporation


INSIGHT: José Luis Vázquez, JL Vázquez Distribuidor


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Flores, Lasec


VIEW FROM THE TOP: John Winterbottom, AssayNet


EXPERT OPINION: Álvaro Rendón, ECN Scientific


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Tafoya, ABControl


INSIGHT: Heidi Levitt, NLT


ROUNDTABLE: What Impact is the Internet of Things and Other Big Data Tech Having on the


Mining Industry?


DIGITALIZATION: A BRAVE NEW WORLD Industry 4.0. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Internet of

Mexico. “Younger technicians are coming into

Things. Whatever you want to call it, digitalization is changing

the laboratories eager to learn and adopt new

the face of mining, challenging conventional methods and

technologies. Understanding of the data is

catapulting the sector into the modern era


Boosted by recovering metal prices, companies now


have more time and resources to put into research and

In 1978, a total of 242 miners died from work-related

development and revolutionary techniques are popping

incidents in the US, according to the Mine Safety and Health

up across the mining value chain. 3D mapping and

Administration (MSHA), a product of inadequate and widely

drone technology guide prospectors toward previously

adopted safety practices. Now, radiocommunication and Wi-

undetectable deposits, advanced radiocommunication

Fi technology enable site managers to keep tabs on workers

techniques keep workers safer than ever and innovative

spread out across the labyrinth of tunnels and shafts. In 2016,

concepts like biomining offer a novel approach to mineral

the MSHA reported a total of 28 fatalities, a record low.

processing. All the while, mine managers can keep track of every aspect of the mining process to minute detail using Big

“Unified communications have brought radiocommunication

Data management systems and automated vehicles.

back to the forefront of mine operations,” says Gerardo


Gardea, Director General of Delta Solutions, a Monterrey“With digitalization, plant managers can reduce the time

based provider of radio and GPS solutions for the mining

and money they spend on maintenance and operations by

industry. “Each unit is fitted with an alarm system that

up to 80 percent,” says Roberto Pérez, Head of Solutions at

sounds every time the radio is horizontal for more than 30

Siemens Mesoamerica. “All the data is already available, but

seconds, to warn of a worker accident or fall.”

the problem is that it is spread out over all the assets on a mine. Digitalization allows managers to access all the data in


one place and make a decision on the spot.”

Complementing improvements on the technical side, Big Data technology is becoming increasingly applicable


to the mining sector. Fleet management systems and

But it has not always been this way. During the downturn,

inter-operable analysis have advanced to the extent that

operators were forced to put expensive research programs

managers receive information on the real-time performance

to one side and focus on short-term cost optimization. As

of every aspect of the mine operation, from vehicle fuel

a result, the industry garnered a reputation for adopting

consumption and oil temperature to minute-by-minute ore

a conservative, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach to

extraction figures. The data is collected automatically and

technology. Now, with demand for metals and minerals

presented via a centralized user-friendly interface. This

rebounding, operators are jumping on the opportunity

technology is now being developed to work between mines

afforded by wider profit margins to invest in new solutions

internationally, generating huge savings for multinational

that can have long-term benefits. “The world is changing,

mining corporations managing assets in several jurisdictions.

and companies must adapt parallel to the technology that is available,” says Pérez. “Operators have to switch their focus

But just as the world’s largest mining companies must

away from plant maintenance and toward plant optimization.”

adapt to ever-evolving technologies, so too must the labor market respond to the changes. Workers must now learn

The exploration segment is leading the way. Geological

to control automated vehicles remotely and expertise in

modelling software generates detailed 3D images, allowing

information technology is trumping traditional mining

geologists to visualize mineral deposits and removing

skills. This requires a change in approach throughout the

the need for laborious manual digitalization. Companies

value-chain, from the scientific institutions and research

can now dramatically reduce the risk factor attached to

centers to universities, to ensure that the next generation

expensive and uninformed drilling programs. At first,

of professionals is equipped to take the sector forward.

geologists were skeptical – concerned by an apparent threat

For Schneider Electric´s Felipe Rivera, rather than fearing

to the value of the skills – but the community has now come

the consequences of digitalization, the mining community

around to these solutions. “We have got past a tipping point

must embrace it. “The human factor will always remain a

where people have learned to trust this technology,” says

necessary part of the market and there will be a constant

Rob Ferguson, Director of Product Strategy at Leapfrog,

need for talent,” he says. “Transformation is inevitable but

a 3D modelling platform installed in mines throughout

it does not necessarily imply a massive loss of jobs.”


WIRELESS SOLUTION FOR SAFE LIXIVIATION VERNON MURRAY Vice President and General Manager Mexico and North Latin America of Emerson

Q: What opportunities does Emerson see in the Mexican

we do vibration monitoring of essential assets and critical

mining sector?

equipment. Vibration is an enemy of the mining industry,

A: Mining in Mexico offers an important growth opportunity

so vibration monitoring is critical for miners to ensure

for Emerson. Reliability, safety and environmental

reliability and production uptime.

stewardship are extremely important for the company and in the mining industry automation plays a key role in all

As for security, miners face exactly the same risks as

those parameters. Mines are harsh environments and the

companies in oil and gas. The quality and proprietary

capabilities of automation and data acquisition today are

nature of the data on mines, including everything from the

allowing miners to monitor information and to act on it

production rate of gold mines to the quality and quantity

more quickly and smoothly than in the past.

of water that is being used, means it is extremely important to manage it in a professional and secure matter.

Emerson recently created a mining center in Chile where Ph.D candidates and specialists work with local industry

The mining industry in the past had to spend money on

and universities to develop mining applications for Mexico

automation and monitoring to reduce costs. Now that prices

and the world. For instance, one of our advancements

are recovering we are happy to see that that trend is not

uses wireless measurements in the lixiviation processes.

disappearing but continuing. Despite the higher prices, we

Lixiviation is difficult from a safety standpoint because

do not see the trend of investing in automation fading away,

employees must go into the field to take measurements

mainly because companies have seen and understood the

from a pool the size of a soccer field. It is a tough

advantages of becoming top-quartile by finishing projects

environment and is located far from the operations

on budget and on time.

center. Emerson partnered with local experts to monitor the lixiviation process remotely with its measurement

Q: How has the Energy Reform changed the Mexican

equipment. Creating a wireless infrastructure by using each


of those pieces of equipment as a self-replicating network

A: The Energy Reform has been rewarding. Both national

guarantees the reliability and continuity of the signals.

and international players are entering the market, diversifying it and opening it to new opportunities as well

Mexican miners are some of the most innovative in the

as investing more capital. These companies are making

world. When we launch new products, Mexican mining

significant investments and have an expectation of returns

companies are among the first adapters. Emerson’s mobile

but first and foremost they have expectations for quality,

worker concept is a tablet carried by an engineer in the field

safety and reliability standards.

to ensure essential assets are operating properly. One of the first installations of a mobile worker in the world was

In terms of reliability, our portfolio for key equipment

done in the Mexican mining industry.

monitoring is the market leader and in measurement systems our portfolio is one of the strongest in the market

Q: What special needs do miners have and how can

with Coriolis flow meters and pressure, temperature and

Emerson help them solve those needs?

level measurements.

A: Miners handle expensive raw materials. Having a minute of downtime in a mine costs a lot of money so the first and most important application for miners is the use of

Emerson is a global industrial automation company that serves

Distributed Control Systems (DCS) to ensure uptime. Water

industries including oil and gas and automotive. Founded in

management is another important piece of Emerson’s

1890 in the US, it helps mining companies improve the effiicency

portfolio, particularly for flow and water quality. Finally,

of their energy usage and mineral handling operations




ENERGY REFORM OPENING DOORS IN MINING FELIPE RIVERA Industry Business/Process Automation Hub Leader Mexico and Central America of Schneider Electric Systems Mexico

Q: How does the mining sector fit into Schneider’s global

need for human talent. Automation is an essential part of


the mining industry’s advancement and people should not

A: Mining is an industry that uses an intensive amount of

fear its consequences.

energy and we focus on providing technology, programs and services that help maximize elements like water

The way we operate mines today is obviously vastly

consumption. Our solutions involve a series of products

different from the way they were operated 20 years

and services that work toward satisfying the requirements

ago, and it will continue to change in the years to come.

of each mining unit. Silver mining operations in the north

Transformation is inevitable but it does not necessary

of Mexico will obviously differ greatly from a copper

imply a massive loss of jobs. It simply means that the

one in the south so we adapt our services to the varying

way people work in mines will change. It is similar to the

needs of the industry. The mining industry is one of the

entrance of cell phones and computers in the workplace,

oldest in the world and it is undergoing a significant

which increased production rates and changed the

change. We develop technology that adapts to the new

dynamic of the labor force.

and different needs of mining markets around the world. We aim to allow operators access to information easily

Q: What changes will the Energy Reform bring to the

and instantaneously.

mining industry and how is your company helping miners adapt?

Q: What kinds of services do mining companies in Mexico

A: The Energy Reform now allows mining companies to

request from Schneider?

optimize the way they generate energy. The possibilities are

A: Mining companies are constantly in search of technology

limitless when it comes to finding strategies that optimize

that can optimize their processes, resources and human

energy generation. Integrating information from existing

talent. To support this demand, we provide technology

mine infrastructure through sensors and hardware offers

that can train operators in rural areas as a way of ensuring

a more accurate measure of mine processes and ensures

employees have the knowledge that is needed to use

compliance. Through this technology mining operators

expensive equipment.

have online access to information on the status of activities hundreds of meters underground.

We do not offer direct training courses to companies. The mining industry tends to have high rates of employee

Over the last five years, Mexico experienced some

turnover, and it would be expensive for companies to

heavy legislative changes and the transformation not

constantly seek outside sources for training. We find it more

only impacted the energy sector but also the finance,

efficient to provide clients with software that can digitally

labor and telecommunications sector. Many of these

simulate important aspects of the operation. The programs

reforms are bound to affect the mining industry. The

can adapt to the dynamic needs of mining units and this

Telecommunications Reform will help the mining industry

allows operators to provide training as needed, even on a

become better connected to the Internet and the Internet

daily basis. It helps create an overall safer environment in

of Things (IoT). This is especially important considering

mine sites.

that the mining industry tends to work in isolated areas.

Q: To what extent should the industry be worried about job losses in the face of technological advances?


A: No matter the technology, the human factor will always

management, helping clients optimize energy levels and

remain a necessary part of the market. The types of jobs

resource consumption to create an overall more efficient and

required will obviously change but there will be a constant

sustainable level of production


is a








As an industry, mining is not known for its readiness

by any company with operations large enough to need it,

to adopt new technology that challenges established

regardless of the sector in which it operates,” says Javier

methods. But the emergence of IoT and Industry 4.0

Barella, the company’s regional sales manager for Mexico

are making it increasingly hard for executives to resist

and Central America. “Nine out of the 10 largest metals and

transition. OSI Soft designs open enterprise infrastructure

mining companies in the world use our system.”

to help industrial companies optimize their processes 310

via operational intelligence. Its flagship PI System, which

With automation technology increasing the importance of

generates real-time infrastructure data to be transferred

computers in mineral extraction and production processes,

onto different platforms for immediate analysis, can be

mine operators can find themselves having to analyze

adapted to sectors varying from oil and gas and energy to

a myriad of different networks simultaneously. From

pharmaceutical and transportation. A total of 65 percent of

remote-controlled vehicle tracking devices to innovative

Fortune 500 industrial companies currently use the system,

filter management systems, platforms like the PI System

and it has proved a massive hit in the mining sector with

enable operators to keep track of several networks via one

heavyweights Barrick Gold and Anglo American both on

centralized base. The data generated allows the user to

the company’s client list. “This technology can be used

assess the systems’ performance quickly and accurately.



Q: What does Delta Solutions expect from its mining

of collapse but unified communications have brought it


back to the forefront of mine operations. This technology

A: Delta Solutions will celebrate 30 years in the market in

also represents a step forward in terms of mine security

2018 and although we work in a variety of sectors we see

because every worker can be located using an indoor GPS

great opportunity in mining. As the sector recovered in

system. Each unit is fitted with an alarm system that sounds

2016 and 2017, we made a conscious decision to expand

every time the radio is horizontal for more than 30 seconds

our mining division and are now devoting more time and

to warn of a worker accident or fall. 311

resources to the mineral extraction industry. We have been working with Industrias PeĂąoles for 28 years. Delta

Q: How open is Mexico to this new technology?

Solutions is strengthening its client relationships and with

A: I believe there is tremendous progress being made.

the help of constantly evolving technology, working with

The people making decisions in mines in Mexico are well

them to solve specific issues. We recently signed a deal with

versed in technology and innovation and the benefits it

Minera Media Luna, a subsidiary of Torex Gold, and we also

can bring.

work extensively with Goldcorp. Mining now represents at least 20 percent of our total sales, up 2 percent from the

The issue today is not technology or finances, but regulation.

previous year.

The authorities need to catch up. Radio frequencies in Mexico are heavily regulated and unfortunately this means

Q: What are the main technological trends dominating the

that it can be difficult to obtain the permits to apply the

communications industry?

unified communication technology. The laws have not been

A: We are focused on improving on-site means of

adapted to reflect technological developments, and this

communication for mining companies, to the extent that

is limiting the sector in Mexico. However, a new law was

it becomes a key contributor to productivity and, most

recently passed that requires all individuals working in a

importantly, security. It is also vital to make sure new

mine to be in constant communication with each other for

designs are adaptable and scalable. Our clients are under

security reasons. This is not possible if we cannot access

pressure to become more sustainable and therefore they

the radio frequencies so I am optimistic that we will soon

cannot be seen throwing away their old models each time a

see an improvement in this area.

new design becomes available. We therefore always ensure the upgrades complement existing units, rather than replace

Q: Which strategies does the company have in place to

them, which has economic benefits for our customers.

continue growing and expanding its client base in Mexico? A: The radiocommunication industry is becoming reliant on

The biggest breakthrough in radiocommunication

Wi-Fi technology, and this is dependent on networks so we

technology is a concept called unified communications.

need to streamline all our innovation efforts to strengthen

Previously, radiocommunication was used exclusively for

this area of the business. Happily, the company is growing

sending messages between specific operating teams but

on a yearly basis. To celebrate our 30th birthday, we will be

now these messages can be transmitted across various

opening a new office in Monterrey and our workforce will

mediums including mobile phones, tablets and any other

be increasing to over 80 employees.

device that has access to Wi-Fi. The user simply has to download an app, which is widely accessible, and then connect to the other members of the team. This means


that workers in any mine in the world can communicate with

radiocommunication solutions for the mining industry. The

each other via radio. Around 10 years ago, many observers

company represents world famous businesses including Motorola

thought the radiocommunication industry was on the verge

and Kenwood, and is celebrating 30 years of operation in 2018

Solutions is




that distributes


MINERS WAKING UP TO ENERGY REFORM ROBERTO PÉREZ Head of Solutions for Siemens Mesoamerica

Q: Where does the mining sector fall into Siemens’ overall

Mexico because we see far greater potential in juniors than

business strategy?

with large companies that already have well-established

A: Mining is one of the most important vertical markets

processes. We can approach small and midsize mining

for Siemens worldwide. The mining market is one of the

companies and discuss an entire concept, including total

largest consumers of our motors so it is a vital component

plant digitalization and cost of ownership.

of our core business. We supply to the market through 312

OEMs, distributors and via direct sales. In fact, we are

Q: How did the Energy Reform change the mining sector

making a concerted effort to increase our portion of

in Mexico and what impact did it have on Siemens’

direct sales to the sector because we believe technology


companies can add tremendous value to a new mine.

A: The Energy Reform is an important milestone for the development of the country because it is a big step toward

We find that distributors and OEMs tend to focus more

the reduction of CO2 gas emissions in the country. It is one

on the financial side of the investment, whereas we want

of the most advanced reforms to have been implemented

to speak directly to the operators and demonstrate the

globally and is attracting vast amounts of new business

long-term value of the concept and design. Cost reduction

to Mexico. Electricity costs for industrial sectors, including

is always positive but in mining it is essential to look at

mining, have already dropped and they will continue to do

the costs over a minimum 10 years and not simply make a

so as the country adjusts to the new regulations.

decision based on the initial price. I feel the most important change will be for solar and Q: What strategies do you employ to increase your direct

wind energy. Today, 20 percent of energy production is

sales and who are the primary targets for expanding

clean energy, while wind and solar represent 3.3 percent

Siemens’ client base?

of total production. The Energy Reform will increase clean-

A: We have to change the mindset of the mining

energy production by around 35 percent over the next

companies, so we present an electrical and/or automation

10 years. The reliability and storage of renewable energy

concept that makes sense for the customer in the long

is also improving and this will help encourage industrial

term. We emphasize the improvements to the safety,

companies to make investments and reduce consumption

reliability, efficiency and productivity of operations over

of fossil fuels.

a 20-year period. We are fortunate that our main clients in Mexico are Goldcorp, Grupo México and Industrias Peñoles,

The mining community is now starting to make the most

all of which have substantial experience in mining and

of the opportunities presented by the Energy Reform and

therefore share our vision. We work with these companies

Siemens, as an experienced drive-control manufacturer, is

to improve reliability through equipment upgrades and

obviously well-placed to benefit from the new environment.

maintenance in existing plants.

One of the first to make its move was Grupo México. The company already has two power plants generating 516MW,

We are also making a concerted effort to do business

and both were built by Siemens. There is a great willingness

with smaller companies that are entering the market in

from companies to invest in energy and a number of specialist law firms and consultancy groups have been set up to help guide mining companies through the changes.

Siemens is






It is going to have a great impact on Mexico.

conglomerate founded in 1847. The company provides drivecontrol, energy efficiency and a range of digital solutions to

Q: What does Industry 4.0 mean for the mining sector

the mining industry

and how is it affecting the industry?

A: The world is changing and therefore companies must adapt parallel to the technology that is available. In some sectors, including mining, there is a certain inertia and this is what needs to change. Operators have to switch their focus away from plant maintenance and operation toward plant optimization. With digitalization, plant managers can reduce the time and money spent on both maintenance

The Energy Reform will increase clean-energy production by around 35 percent over the next 10 years

and operations. All the data is already available but the problem is that it is spread out over all the mine’s assets,

buyers also have a duty to take a chance on new ideas

from heavy vehicles to drill rigs and processing plants. To

and believe in our work.

make a decision, a manager must invite 20 people for a call or meeting and decide together on the best route to

Our main focus in the short term is to simplify digitalization

take. Digitalization removes the need for this drawn-out

and make it more appealing to mining companies. We can

process, allowing managers to access all the data from

then begin to change the mindset of the mine owners to

one common platform and make a decision on the spot.

focus the company efforts on optimization and not just maintenance. We are looking for the right partner who

Due to the nature of mining operations around the world,

shares our vision of a fully digitalized mine in Mexico.

it is difficult to develop a standardized digitalized system for the sector. We are working on an automated platform

Technology is causing us to move forward, increasing

that can be linked to different mines worldwide, aligning

productivity and generating additional resources that end

our customers’ global operations.

up creating more jobs and exploration opportunities. While many are wary of the implications of increased technology

Q: How does Siemens’ approach to digitalization differ

in terms of job losses, this is certainly not the case. Rather

from competitive solutions available on the market?

than replacing human capital, it generates new information

A: We are trying to create the most complete, safe and

and more knowledge. But while Mexico is making strides in

profitable product that can be applied across the lifecycle

adopting new technological advances, the country still needs

of a mine. Clearly, we have a duty to develop new systems

more structured data that will help companies make efficient

and products that can benefit our customers but the

decisions in the future, and this is what we are striving for.





Q: What are the main areas of opportunity for your

behavior and context of a physical industrial asset – all

business in the mining industry?

made possible by Predix. It is a key piece of technology

A: The mining industry faces strong headwinds and must

for the mining sector. It can create a digital model of an

drive productivity and improve operational savings. Mining

entire process for customers to understand the analytics in

companies continue to experience volatile commodity

real time and predict possible failures. Real-time equipment

prices and challenging economic fundamentals as global

data is compared to the Digital Twin’s predicted behavior,

demand slows. Following an extended period of massive

uncovering potential issues and preventing failures.

capital investment, the mining industry is now firmly focused on improving productivity and sustainable cost

Q: How do you evaluate the mining sector in Mexico and

management. Miners face declining ore quality, operations

what importance does it hold for GE?

dig deeper underground or in remote locations to find ore,

A: Mexico is an important market for us. We have a great

and a macroeconomic context that changes frequently with

relationship with prestigious operators such as Grupo

commodity prices. This makes it increasingly challenging for

México and Fresnillo, to whom we offer electrification and

companies to access capital. It can also be difficult to find

water solutions. We enjoy spending time with our Mexican

workers with adequate skills, capabilities and qualifications.

customers. By clearly explaining the positive outcomes of

We believe in using technology to close this talent gap.

implementing information technology, we can illustrate the amount of productivity they can unlock with our solutions.

The industry acknowledges that digital technology and

Companies can see the benefit of larger initial investments.

the use of information is an effective way to understand

We put ourselves in their shoes, and take ownership of the

and analyze ore bodies, drilling blast cycles and excavation


procedures. The idea is to use technology to acquire information and insert it into a platform to analyze it. It is a

Q: What will be the importance of industry 4.0 to the

way to provide mining customers data in real time so they

mining sector and how will this revolutionize the way

can adjust quickly. We have an opportunity to help solve

operators do business?

these challenges in the mining sector. Our idea is to connect

A: Bringing Industry 4.0 to the mining industry enables us to

the entire industrial ecosystem and unlock productivity

solve the real problem of productivity. The question for all

potential. Influencing productivity by at least 1-3 percent

miners right now is how to produce more from less. Digital

implies thousands of dollars for our customers. The idea is

Mine connects all mining assets, providing operators with

to become more productive and cost-efficient.

information in real-time on a tablet or screen. Operators can identify inconsistencies before they become issues, thereby

Q: What advances has GE mining made on digital twin

reducing unplanned downtime, optimizing operations and


enabling proactive processes.

A: Digital twins are dynamic digital representations that enable companies to understand and predict the

GE has led the way in transforming into a digital industrial

performance of their machines and their business. Digital

company, adding value from its extensive network of assets

twins are a persistent digital model of the structure,

through the industrial Internet and driving productivity across its business through the Digital Thread. GE Mining marries technology and deep industry expertise. Customer

GE Mining was launched in 2012 as General Electrics global

processes are mapped and studied to identify bottlenecks.

mining business unit. The solutions it offers include water

Solutions are identified to match sensor technology with

treatment systems, drill guidance technology and electric drive

process KPIs to learn how adjustments can be made real-


time to optimize processes and increase productivity.


INDEPENDENT NODES CREATE FAIL-SAFE WIRELESS NETWORK SAGAR CHANDRA Vice President, Business Development, Latin America at Rajant Corporation

When New York’s Twin Towers came crashing down on

and independent nodes. “One of the key factors of the

Sept. 11, 2001, so too did the communications system across

technology is that there is no central controller,” says

the city, making the jobs of the paramedics and firefighters

Chandra. “With other network systems on the market, if

even more challenging than they already were. Without

the central node goes down, the entire system collapses.

a fully functional wireless network, the response teams struggled to coordinate their efforts and their performance suffered as a result. But out of crisis comes opportunity. Rajant Corporation was founded in October 2001 with the precise goal of providing a wireless network system that could be deployed in a disaster zone. Sagar Chandra, the company’s Vice President for Business Development, Latin America, explains that speed of installation was at the heart of the initial technological design process. “We wanted to create a standards-based solution that would be applicable to a range of situations and

Our design reduces the risk of failure dramatically.”

With other network systems on the market, if the central node goes down, the entire system collapses. Our design reduces the risk of failure dramatically”

projects, and could be installed in short order,” says Chandra. “Initially, we created the product for first responders and we

Rajant serves a worldwide customer base but Peru and

have successfully deployed our private wireless networks in

Mexico are leading the group’s expansion into Latin

many other markets including military, mining, transportation

America. In 2011, the Kinetic Mesh Network system was

and oil and gas.”

installed on the Caterpillar vehicle network at Fresnillo’s La Herradura gold mine just south of the Arizona border.

Given the harsh, remote nature of the projects, the company

In early 2016, Rajant expanded its global distribution reach

soon turned its attention to the mining industry. Since 2008,

by adding Alliance Corporation to its existing channel

the company has installed its Kinetic Mesh Network in over

partnerships. “By having a distribution channel in Latin

100 mines around the world, and mining has become one of

America, we believe we are in a better position to readily

Rajant’s most important markets. The Kinetic Mesh Network

support and serve the growing demands of the mining

system is essentially a web of interconnected wireless mesh

sector in all of Latin America,” says Chandra. “We have eight

nodes that each house up to four radios, set to different

active channel partners in Mexico, that represent resellers,

frequencies to avoid a single point of failure. The nodes

system integrators and wireless integrators.”

are deployed at strategic locations throughout the mine site, connecting the entire operation 24/7. “This gives the

Given the fact that fleet management and vehicle-health

customer full wireless coverage throughout the operations,”

monitoring is such a crucial part of surface mining in

Chandra explains. “Once coverage is established, the nodes

particular, there has traditionally been a stronger need

are installed on all moving assets in the mine, connecting

for a high-capacity mesh network on open-pit mines. This

them to each other as well as the fixed assets.”

segment is still where the majority of Rajant’s demand comes from but Chandra explains that the company is

Wireless coverage at mine sites is not a new phenomenon

receiving more and more enquiries from underground

but Rajant’s solution offers something different from its

operators. “As businesses invest more in applications

competitors. The nodes, colorfully called BreadCrumbs

to improve efficiency, the connectivity requirements in

because of their ability to retrace steps in a Hansel and

mining continue to increase as a result,” he says. “That is

Gretel-like manner, are fully autonomous, self-reliant

where Rajant can help.”




Our company guarantees a return on investment within a few years and our clients can use a percentage of this capital to pay for our services and keep the equipment” José Luis Vázquez, General Manager of JL Vázquez Distribuidor

sites became a particularly attractive segment of the industry to drive down costs. Now, according to Vázquez, the mining industry finds itself in a unique position as geopolitical instability is helping the price of metals spike and creating many areas of opportunities for growth. Companies like JL Vázquez can continue to help operators be more efficient, safe and compliant by distributing tracking systems, gas detectors that automatically turn on exhaust fans as needed and other telecommunication services, now with higher margins. Vázquez also stresses the impact of safety on costs. JL Vazquez promotes the development of zero-accident mines through the role that technology plays in operations


When jumping on the automation bandwagon, the most

and provides collision avoidance systems that detect

significant barrier operators can face is lack of investment

the proximity of surrounding objects or people. “Safety

capital as the technology tends to incur a high initial

technology is no longer optional as the Ministry of Labor

investment. Automation technology is also a continuous

issued norm 023 in 2012, which requires operators to keep

investment as mines that expand have to adapt the

a tracking system of people that are working in mine sites,

system to their growing needs with extra components

preferably in real time,” he says. A tracking system can

and cooling systems.

also prevent fatal mistakes due to the massive blind spots of certain machines. The system emits visual and audible

JL Vázquez Distribuidor differentiates itself from other

preventive alarms when the proximity is dangerous. When

suppliers by offering a unique payment program to solve

it reaches 5m the machine automatically turns off and

this problem. “We let our clients pay us with the difference

prevents fatal mistakes and collisions.

in energy savings our ventilation system provides while we finance the installation of the products,” says José Luis

Another problem JL Vázquez’s tracking systems can resolve

Vázquez, the company’s General Manager. “Our company

is the danger associated with proximity to blasts, which

guarantees a return of investment within a few years and

is exacerbated by faulty tracking of employees and poor

our clients can use a percentage of this capital to pay

communication. The company provides products that

for our services and keep the equipment.” This opens

manage long-distance control of blasts to ensure the well-

doors for companies that might not be able to afford the

being of operational and resource management. “Many

equipment otherwise.

mines have a simple whiteboard where employees place a form of identification to indicate that they are inside of

The company’s main product supplier is PBE Group and

the mine site,” Vázquez explains. “But they often forget to

JL Vázquez works as a distributor of its systems. With

remove their card upon exiting. This can create problems

representatives in states such as Chihuahua, Vázquez is looking

as blasts cannot be executed if there is a possibility of

to expand to other mining-rich jurisdictions such as Sonora,

someone being inside the mine.” These types of mistakes

Sinaloa and some southern states. “JL Vázquez depends

cost millions of pesos as scheduled blasts that are delayed

on representatives for the sole purpose of distribution and

or canceled still have to be paid for whether or not they

sales because we prefer to carry out the installation ourselves

actually go ahead.

due to our expertise,” Vázquez explains. With business in mines such as Tayahua, San Francisco, Hercules, Saucito and

JL Vázquez’s tracking system can prevent costly errors by

Madero, the company is working on expanding its business

installing access points in all entrances and exits. This limits

with Canadian companies like Goldcorp and expanding its

the possibility of human error and provides live data on the

services to open-pit mines. “Our biggest project is Saucito,”

status of mine employees. It can additionally be modified

says Vázquez. “We are in charge of everything from quality

to signal whenever a resource like water is low, which can

control to cameras and leaky feeders.”

be dangerous during a blast. “In the past, miners used to manually set off explosions and run but now systems can

With the metals price downturn, automation and the

carry out the process automatically and in a safer way,”

development of new telecommunication systems in mine

says Vázquez.



Q: How did a computer company become a fixture in the

mines in Coahuila. We have also started to produce these

mining industry?

products locally in Zacatecas, which saves time and money

A: When Lasec was founded, we were initially focused

on shipping.

on identifying computer problems. After a few years, we started to look at the local mining industry and we realized

Q: What is the primary objective of the company’s R&D

that the majority of communication service providers


were foreign enterprises. We saw a gap in the market for

A: Safety continues to be the main challenge for underground

a Mexican designer so we decided to start working on a

mines. In 2016, we completed work on a product that could

leaky feeder system to be installed in underground mines

become a leader in protecting the safety of underground

in Mexico to help workers communicate via radio. We are

mine workers in Mexico. The product, called Smart Flow,

now one of the leading providers of leaky feeder, Wi-Fi

allows mine managers to keep track of each worker in real

and fiber-optic system radios, not only in Mexico but on

time and is a great tool for helping companies comply with

a global scale. The mining industry represents at least 95

the Norm 023 regulation, which dictates that mine operators

percent of our business.

must know exactly where all the workers are at all times. The Smart Flow technology allows users to carry out a

Q: What led to the acquisition of the company by Becker

full evacuation in the case of emergency much faster than

Mining Systems in 2014?

competitive solutions. The basic technology has been used

A: We had been working with Becker Mining Systems

in places like Australia and Canada for many years but it is

for many years on a number of products and this strong

entirely new in Mexico. We installed this product at Industrias

relationship inspired the German company’s decision to

Peñoles’ Tizapa project in the State of Mexico. This is the

buy out a part of Lasec. From our side, we were delighted

only mine in the country in which all workers are tracked on

to welcome Becker into the business because it is a name

a constant basis throughout the entire operation.

recognized around the world and it had technology in its portfolio that perfectly complemented our product line.

The long-term objective is to design an intelligent, centralized

We were looking for opportunities to diversify and Becker,

solution that automates the entire operational flow within an

with its decades of global experience and wide range of

underground mine. This means enabling the operator to have

solutions, was the perfect partner. Around 80 percent of

real-time knowledge of where each worker and vehicle is at

Becker’s business was dedicated to soft rock, mainly coal

any given moment, how each unit is performing and what

mines, while Lasec has always been a specialist in precious

might be needed to maximize mine performance. For the

metal, hard-rock mines. The deal provided Becker with an

most part, we are helped and encouraged in our efforts by

opportunity to penetrate the hard-rock market by creating

our customers. There are still some mine managers in Mexico

a formal partnership with Lasec.

that think exclusively about how to extract greater quantities of ore, and therefore do not take the time to analyze the

Q: How has this partnership changed Lasec’s business

benefits of communication technologies, but I would say


that these people only represent around 30 percent of the

A: In Coahuila there is a sizeable collection of coal mines,

community now in Mexico.

which are not present in the rest of the country, and a direct offshoot of the cooperation between Lasec and Becker has been our ability to enter this market. Becker has a variety


of automated solutions for underground soft-rock mines,

information technology, telecommunications systems, power

including conveyor-belt controllers, monitors and energy

distribution, electric power quality and roof supports to

distributors. We are now distributing these products to

underground mines. The company is based in Zacatecas









Q: How do you perceive the quality of Mexican mine labs

We differ from existing companies in Mexico by offering

and how does Mexico differ from other countries?

services that go beyond mining laboratories. Mine sites

A: We find that there are absolutely no differences in quality

are usually divided into different areas that have separate

between mine laboratories in Mexico, the US and Canada.

systems and our program collects information from all these

But in comparison to other countries, Mexican mines

departments to integrate it into a single database. It creates

have laboratories that are more labor intensive due to the

a much more complete panorama of the mine that can be

country’s lower labor costs. Laboratories in the country

used to foresee patterns, trends and areas of opportunity.

can afford to employ a larger number of highly qualified personnel while other countries have to pay employees

LIMS is a way of managing, collecting, storing, validating

much more. Companies often find that robots are most

and distributing the analytical results. Different departments

cost-effective in other areas of the world. We just installed

are usually simultaneously sending samples to mining

a program for a large iron-ore mine laboratory in Australia

laboratories, which can be tricky to manage without a

that is almost completely operated by robots.

proper program. Throughout the processing plant, the ore needs to be continuously analyzed to make sure that

Q: What are the advantages of the data management

it is under control and continuing as planned throughout

system AssayNet offers?

the production chain. The idea of LIMS is to avoid human

A: We find that integrated database systems are new in

errors. It speeds up the process and promotes traceability

Mexico as the programs that are used by the different

for audits.

divisions within mine sites are quite isolated. We help integrate systems by communicating with vendors

Q: In what ways does your program help mitigate accidents

that supply the existing databases of a mine. They are

in mine sites?

usually quite happy to share with us the data we need

A: Our system may not be able to prevent large accidents

as it is a mutually beneficial arrangement. The suppliers,

like Grupo México’s incident in its Buenavista del Cobre

the operators and our team all receive a more complete

mine but it can help with more minor incidents that often do

spectrum of data to offer better solutions.

not get the attention of the media, such as small seepages of cyanide solution. These leaks are usually so tiny that

AssayNet is a software company that offers laboratory

companies do not notice them. Our system can help find

information management systems (LIMS) as its main

them by mapping trends. For instance, a PH that randomly

product. The company targets mine laboratories, and

varies from 7.8 to 8.1 is not usually a concern but our system

commercial and governmental laboratories that are

can warn operators when it finds that the balance is slowly

complementary to mines in the country. We originate from

increasing over time from 7.5 to 8.3.

Canada and we already manage mines such as Peñasquito for companies such as Goldcorp. In Mexico, we serve various

Q: What future do you see for mine laboratories within the

Canadian companies that are familiar with our services but

industry as a whole?

Grupo México is the only Mexican company we serve. We

A: Our vision is to expand within mining laboratories by

hope to work more with local companies.

building mobile applications that facilitate the real-time view of the data we offer. Traditionally, companies receive data though phone calls. This is dangerous because it allows

Assaynet develops state-of-the-art laboratory information

room for misinterpretation and errors. We inform clients

management systems (LIMS) that can integrate the different

through monitors that can instantly show results on the

databases of a company’s division into a safe and accessible

screen and send alerts if something goes wrong, which is


faster, more accurate and efficient.



The connected industry, or Industry 4.0, is the standard

private companies dedicated to the development of

title that defines the technological impact of cloud

solutions for mining process optimization, so that the

computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the operation,

new professionals who will use this new intelligent mining

maintenance and supply chain groups of industrial

can be prepared. Mining companies that install the first


systems must allow universities and research centers to use these early systems as training centers for new

The IoT is comprised of cloud servers that collect

engineers. 319

information from field devices through the IoT Hub, which is the gateway to the cloud and in charge of achieving a

All mining companies should start a process of digital

secure connection of our data. This IoT Hub can also be

transformation to remain competitive. This trend will

connected directly to the DCS of a plant or servers with

attract metallurgy and process control professionals to the

existing plant databases.

companies that invest the most in the digital transformation, meaning companies will have difficulties retaining qualified

These connected services will generate new business

labor if they do not adapt to the new landscape. In the same

models and a new generation of expert consultants based

way, companies that supply and service mining companies

on the prediction models that can be programmed into

will have to transform and adopt this technological trend,

existing Machine Learning servers on the cloud. New

or they will be replaced by new companies that can provide

DNA is being developed, which will be a combination

a connected service.

between process engineers and computer engineers. This will program live-stream data, which after being filtered,

Professional positions at the operational and logistics

validated or discarded, will build predictive models that

monitoring centers will be among the new jobs generated

will be dynamically adjusted and can be used in real time

by miners. These jobs were traditionally something that

through web services. With these, we can integrate our

were created exclusively by large multinational mining

process monitoring to use as information in our decision-

corporations. On the contrary, the scale of the mining


operation will not hinder these efforts because the necessary infrastructure does not have to be acquired as

Imagine a scenario where all suppliers are able to define,

an asset but as a cloud service, which will be incrementally

in real time, the adjustments or improvements they must

invested in and will follow a critical optimization path.

make to their product to send to the customer. For example, the firmness of each section of a mill’s internal linings can

In short, we have to create the intelligent miner ourselves. In

be adjusted, based on the different waste generated by

the future, the devices or systems connected using IoT will

each section, so that the new batch will achieve a more

generate large structured databases (Big Data), which can

uniform wear. Furthermore, a connected service from this

generate statistical prediction models (Machine Learning).

supplier could alert the mechanical or process area that

These models can be fed back to the process control

some equipment is operating outside its specifications, thus

systems, so that they use the parameters in their control

registering events where coatings could suffer greater wear,

loops and thus achieve the optimization of processes.

as in the cases of loading and unloading mill cycles. New business models will emerge that, like Optimization The Mexican mining sector must, as soon as possible,

as a Service (OaaS), will give rise to a new generation of

promote the creation of an Innovation Center for Mining

consultants who will be able to use the remote-monitoring

4.0, as has already been done in other countries. Efforts

platforms for industrial plants, matching what has been

should be focused on research centers, academia and

done for years in the oil and gas industry.



Q: How have ABControl’s strategic priorities within the

with fundamental providers who will become part of our

mining industry evolved?

MINE platform.

A: The Mexican mining sector has been changing very


quickly in recent years and the companies that provide

Q: In what way is ABControl a technologically innovative

technology and services have been forced to do so too.


The mining sector has stopped looking at production as

A: The MINCOM1 communication system is a pioneer in

its only goal. Today, it wants to be not only productive and

incorporating broadband power line (BPL) technology

efficient, but sustainable and responsible in a social context.

in subterranean mines. It also maximizes the cost-benefit

ABControl’s priorities have developed throughout 12 years

of these projects, since it does not require optic fiber or

of operations. We have turned from being a company that

special cables to communicate. MINCOM1 uses the same

offered only automation solutions for the mining sector

high and low-voltage infrastructure already installed in the

to a company that now provides turnkey projects in high

mine and serves as the medium whereby all MINE-enabled

and low-voltage systems and processes automation

gadgets communicate among themselves.

and electrical substations for the mining, energy and construction sections. The mining sector demands that

MINE incorporates open communication equipment in such

companies provide solutions and services of a greater

a way that it is not limited to connecting with ABControl’s

presence, quality and impact. Besides this, they must offer a

Smart P devices. Rather, any type of equipment is

rapid response and solution when supporting maintenance

compatible, provided it communicates in standard industrial

issues, especially from those companies that provide high-

protocols using serial port or RJ-45. All these conditions

tech solutions, such as ours.

mean MINE is the ideal architecture for any critical mine equipment in terms of cost-benefit, facility of integration

Q: What new technology are you bringing to the mining

with the Smart P and other components and simple and

market and how do they offer value?

fast network movement.

A: Our Mine Intelligent Network (MINE) technology was developed in our work plant in Coahuila and has since

Q: How does ABControl adapt its abilities and ambitions

been installed in Fresnillo’s plants. It has exceeded initial

to face operational and technical challenges?

expectations. MINE integrates the equipment and machines

A: With the continuous improvement of the processes in the

inside the mine through a communication channel that

mining industry, it is crucial to have equipment that analyzes

uses high and low-voltage electricity lines, breaking

the user’s needs to guarantee their continued relevance. As

the old-fashioned paradigm that expensive fiber-optic

a company dedicated to automation processes, we have

installations or coaxial cables were required for a well-

identified a huge area of opportunity in the design and

connected underground mine. This is not the case with

commercialization of high- and low-tech systems for the

our MINE platform due to an easy installation of its three

specific needs of the mining industry.

essential components, which can then be relocated when required. Along with our high-value solutions for safety and

The proven proficiency of ABControl in the energy segment

efficiency we will continue to generate strategic alliances

is striking. We already have an installed control and protection base in more than 100 substations throughout the country and the majority of our projects are approved

ABControl , founded in Torreon in 2005, offers automation

by the Laboratory of Equipment and Material Testing

and control needs for the energy, mining and construction

(LAPEM). This proficiency is being channeled toward

industries. Its flagship product is the Mine Intelligent Network

developing further mining solutions with the aim of making

(MINE) integrated communication system

the industry more efficient, powerful and safe.



Even though Mexico is a highly underprivileged market, it really embraces quality. The country seems to be willing to spend money on technology if the quality is worth the investment”

Light has penetrated the cap-lamp business and is now

Heidi Levitt, President and CEO of NLT

Companies normally start with voice systems, Levitt says,

looking to expand its offering. This expansion comes at an opportune time as Mexican companies are becoming more concerned about safety and measuring air quality to avoid compromising employee health and safety. “In certain cases, companies may opt for buying a cheaper system and end up recognizing that they need a full solutions system,” says Levitt. “They then come to us in search of a more professional system. Mexico is becoming more receptive to the digital mine concept.”

because it is an easy way to transition into increased automation and has a tangible value from the outset.

Despite the availability of lower-priced and often lower-

“All companies want to communicate faster. This system

quality products, Mexican consumers appear to put a

allows staff outside the mine to talk to specialists in the

priority on quality and are willing to pay for it. A McKinsey

mine through an underground phone system,” she says.

and Co. study in 2012 found that, after the financial

The old leaky feeder technology using UHF or VHF radios

downturn, only 4 percent switched to less expensive

only allows internal users to communicate, with a dispatcher

alternatives. Heidi Levitt, President and CEO of Northern

facilitating the call. But with voice over IP (VoIP), the

Light Technologies, says this trait bodes well for companies

connection works just like an extension and colleagues

like NLT.

outside the mine can also be contacted.

“Even though Mexico is a highly underprivileged market,

These kinds of automated systems are the first step toward

it really embraces quality,” she says. “The country seems

increasing productivity. Northern Light, which was the first

to be willing to spend money on technology if the quality

company to introduce Wi-Fi networks to underground coal

is worth the investment.” This, she says, serves the

mines, can create Wi-Fi ecosystems in mines that enable

company well given the increased competition caused

people to move faster, which saves the company money

by the lower-quality products that are flooding in from

as it optimizes productivity and strengthens safety in

Asian countries.

operations. Solutions such as health metrics are important as data is collected from mining machines that operators

Northern Light, which develops and deploys technologies

can use to measure when they need to change a piece of

to make mines safer and more efficient, is focusing on

equipment in real time and other significant details.

getting its digital communication products into Mexico to enable communication underground and on surface

“Our Wi-Fi infrastructure is easy to use and can be managed

mines. The technology allows companies to track people

by users that do not have highly technical expertise,” says

and equipment, optimizes safety and operational costs

Levitt. “We have slick software that maps out mines in the

and automates mines. Northern Light recently introduced

same way that Google Maps works. Companies can use it

equipment into a mine in Durango belonging to Grupo

to zoom in and out and updated maps can also be installed

Bacis, which Levitt says will be the company’s market test;

into the software quickly to make sure the map does not

end users, after all, are usually unwilling to play the role of

remain static.” Users can even use these systems to check

guinea pig.

their email accounts underground.

“Mexico is an important market sector for us because it has

This adaptability has allowed Northern Light the

a tremendous amount of mining and exploration potential,”

opportunity to work with Bacis and soon Levitt hopes to

says Levitt. The company also has a strong relationship with

establish relationships with other major operators. With

its Mexican distributor, which gives the company invaluable

the right demand, the company is even willing to set up

experience from a local context, as well as a great number

manufacturing facilities in the country, meaning it will be

of connections in the mining market. As a result, Northern

here for the long haul.




Mining technology has come a long way since the days when canaries were sent down the shaft to warn workers of carbon monoxide leaks. A few years ago, concepts like Big Data and Industry 4.0 were seen by miners as gimmicky, expensive and impractical. But today the digital revolution is sweeping through the industry, paving a way toward greater efficiency throughout mining operations and forcing executives to rethink their technological strategies. Mexico Mining Review asked a range of industry players for their opinion on how digitalization is shaping the mining sector both locally and on a global scale.

All of our key solutions, including Downhole Navigation, Structural Geology, Infield Geo-analysis, Driller Operable Geophysics and Drilling Optimization, have the awardwinning cloud-based IMDEXHUB-IQ at the heart of the solution, offering real-time secure data access to field data. Clients benefit from an enhanced chain of custody, 322

quality data, timeliness of information and streamlined processes.

PAUL ST. ONGE Mexico Manager of REFLEX

We believe the future of mining is about automation, collaboration and real-time information. We see this continuing to play a key part in the future of mining operations in areas of exploration through to mineral processing operations.

The Telecommunications Reform will help the mining industry become better connected to the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT). This is especially important considering that the mining industry tends to work in isolated areas. We develop technology that enables the industry to be less centralized in terms of information accessibility through the IoT and helps operators make better on-the-spot decisions.

FELIPE RIVERA Industry Business/Process Automation Hub Leader Mexico and Central America of Schneider Electric Systems Mexico

The way we operate mines today is vastly different from the way they were operated 20 years ago, and it will continue to change. Transformation is inevitable but it does not necessary imply a massive loss of jobs; it simply means that the way people work in mines will change. It is similar to the entrance of computers in the workplace, which increased production rates and changed the dynamic of the labor force.

The industry acknowledges that digital technology and the use of information is an effective way to understand and analyze ore bodies, drilling blast cycles and excavation procedures. This technology can determine the quality of an ore body, and can also facilitate adjusting the quantity of energy and water needed in an operation. The idea is to use technology to acquire information and insert it into a platform to

SCOTT PHILLIPS Vice President and CEO of GE Mining

analyze it. It is a way to provide mining customers data in real time so they can adjust quickly. We have an opportunity to help solve these challenges in the mining sector. We want to connect the entire industrial ecosystem and unlock productivity potential. Influencing productivity by at least 1-3 percent implies thousands of dollars for our customers. The idea is to become more productive and cost-efficient.

Companies need to always keep in mind the reduction of operative costs, which is one of the few things they have complete control over and promotes a higher return on investment. Given that there are not enough resources to increase exploration investment, companies find themselves with even less capital to invest in technology. This information can be a great area of opportunity for companies that want to get ahead of the pack. Any company that dares to defy the current benchmark and prioritize digitalization can acquire a considerable jump start by starting to incorporate digitalized

EDUARDO SALGADO Head of Mining Industry for KPMG Mexico

equipment. Each phase of a mine cycle has different needs but one of the best ways to optimize costs is to digitalize the mineral handling processes.

The Internet of Things can mean several things, and if you ask 100 people for a definition you will receive 100 different responses. Essentially, the Internet of Things is a great connector. It connects assets, personal resources and companies. 323

The idea is to create a unified network to enable companies to monitor all resources in one place. The IoT enables us to gather larger quantities of data, and when this happens, the user has so many more opportunities for improvement. The user stops working on ideas and premonitions, but hard facts. In the mining sector, operators

JAVIER BARELLA Regional Sales Manager at OSI Soft

now have several opportunities to make their operations more efficient.

Around 10 years ago, many observers thought the radiocommunication industry was on the verge of collapse but unified communications have brought it back to the forefront of mine operations. Previously, radiocommunication was used exclusively for sending messages between specific operating teams but now these messages can be transmitted across various mediums including mobile phones, tablets and any other device that has access to Wi-Fi. The user simply has to download an app, which is widely accessible, and then connect to the other members of the team. This means that workers in any mine in the world can communicate with each other via

GERARDO GARDEA Director General of Delta Solutions

radio, which generates huge savings in terms of time for the user. This technology also represents a step forward in terms of mine security because every worker can be located using an indoor GPS system.

Imagine a scenario where all suppliers are able to define, in real time, the adjustments or improvements they must make to their product to send to the customer. The firmness of each section of a mill’s internal linings, for example, can be adjusted based on the different waste generated by each section, so that the new batch will achieve a more uniform wear. Furthermore, a connected service from this supplier could alert the mechanical or process area that some equipment is operating outside its specifications, registering events where coatings could suffer greater wear.

Ă LVARO RENDĂ“N Director of ECN Scientific

With a connected service, miners would move from a reactive relationship where explanation for a malfunction is found in previous experience to a preventive relationship where the product lifecycle in the equipment can be predicted.

Capstone Mining's shipment of Cozamin concentrate to port



Once the ore has been processed and is ready for commercialization, mining companies face the task of bringing their product to market. But the final profit is heavily dependent on the trade links and connectivity in the country in which they operate. Mexico has free trade agreements with 45 countries, according to promotion agency ProMéxico, but its relationship with the US is complicated by Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy; the US president has already pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) and is threatening to do the same with NAFTA. Against this backdrop, Mexico is turning its attention to Canada, the country responsible for 65 percent of foreign capital in the local mining sector. The two governments signed an MoU on sustainable mining development in February 2017.

In this chapter, public sector representatives from both Canada and Mexico weigh in on the importance of the bilateral relationship, and the role mining plays therein. Trading companies also discuss the state of the global metals trading markets and offer advice for improving commercialization processes. Finally, logistics and rail companies explain their approaches to overcoming the challenges brought about by the transportation of metals and minerals to the global marketplace.



ANALYSIS: Mexico and Canada: Great Mines Think Alike


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Alfonso Cantú, Ministry of Economy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Marco Barragán, SGS




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Tomás Cabanillas, EDC


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jean-Dominique Ieraci, The Canadian Trade Commissioner


ROUNDTABLE: How is Geopolitical Instability Impacting Trade in the Mining Industry?


SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: SGS Trade Services: Because Trade is Built on Trust


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Uriel García, Mercuria


INSIGHT: José Zozaya, KCSM


MAP: National Railroad System


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Hugo Meave, Compañia Isdamar


INSIGHT: Ricardo Díaz de León, ProMéxico



MEXICO AND CANADA: GREAT MINES THINK ALIKE As the global mining community prepares for what many


predict to be the sector’s best year since 2011, Canada is busy

It is not hard to understand why Canadian

cementing its long-held role as the leading foreign influence

mining enterprises constantly seem to have

on Mexico’s extraction industry

one eye on Mexico. The wealth of unexplored geological potential in the country is well-

Canada and Mexico have always enjoyed a close-knit mining

documented, and despite over 500 years of constant

relationship. A quick look at the figures reveals the hunger

mining activity, Mexico’s mineral and metal reserves remain

Canadian miners have for Mexican minerals. In 2015, a total

among the world’s strongest.

of 75 percent of all foreign capital in the sector came from Canada, either via FDI or indirectly through the Toronto

But given the vast array of metal and mineral deposits

Stock Exchange. According to the Mexican Mining Chamber

throughout Latin America and the world, Mexico’s

(CAMIMEX), 173 out of the 267 foreign companies operating

reserves alone are not enough to explain this trend.

in the sector, or about 65 percent, are Canadian. The US, the

Geographic proximity means that it is easier to move

second best-represented nation, has just 44 companies.

key talent from corporate offices in Toronto to support the mines on specific projects in Mexico, and since the


“Canadian mining investment represents more than just

signing of the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement

monetary resources coming to Mexico,” says Pierre Alarie,

(NAFTA) in 1994, foreign companies have been able to

Canada’s Ambassador to Mexico. “It is about creating jobs

invest in the sector without limitations. This can generate

and prosperity at the regional level in areas where no other

fantastic returns given the low operating and labor costs

economic activity is available.”

in the country.

One company that typifies this dynamic is Timmins Gold. The

Working in Mexico has also been made easier by the efforts

company, listed on both the New York and the Toronto Stock

of federal government institutions to encourage foreign

Exchanges, has corporate offices in both Canada and Mexico

investment. Bonillas points to improvements made by the

but focuses on gold exploration and project development in

Mexican Geological Survey (SGM), the body in charge of

Mexico exclusively. Its one producing mine, the San Francisco

prospecting and mapping Mexican territory, to explain why

project in Sonora, was planned for closure in 2016 but had its

Canadian mining companies continue to flock into Mexico.

life extended to 2023 following the rally in gold prices. The company is hoping the Ana Paula development project will

“The management of the mining registry in Mexico is now

soon join San Francisco as a fully-fledged mining operation.

very efficient, and this undoubtedly helps attract foreign companies to the country,” he says. “A lot of the credit for

“We are currently completing a full feasibility study at

this must go to the SGM, which does a fantastic job when

Ana Paula, and we anticipate that it will be ready before

it comes to target identification.”

the end of 2017,” says Timmins Gold President Arturo Bonillas. “There are metallurgical and geotechnical testing


works being carried out in Canada, and we hope to begin

Canadian stakeholders are not the only ones to benefit

construction of the mine in 4Q17 or 1Q18 with operations

from this unique relationship. Despite boasting strong

to commence during 2018.”

mining skills honed over more than half a millennia, Mexican mining companies often lack the financial backing and

Timmins is not alone as a mining company with allegiances

latest technology required to efficiently exploit mineral

split between Canada and Mexico. First Majestic Silver,

deposits and convert them into profitable mines. This is

Argonaut Gold, Pan American Silver and Alamos Gold

where Canadian companies can offer a helping hand.

are all on the long list of Canadian metal producers with operations either predominantly or exclusively in Mexico.

“Canada’s solid financial and legal system make our country

Despite added tax pressures placed on the mining sector

the ideal place to raise capital for the high-risk exploration

in Mexico in 2014, there are no signs of this trend slowing.

that ensures the future of the industry,” says Michael

In September 2016, Ontario-based Premier Gold completed

Harvey, Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce

a US$122.5 million cash deal for Yamana Gold’s Mercedes

Mining Task Force. “We play a very complementary role

mine. The mine produced over 34,000 silver ounces in its

to the large Mexican-based companies that are the core

first month alone.

of the industry.”

Canadian money is not just useful for boosting the finances


of fully-fledged mine operators in Mexico. It also influences

Following the US presidential election, the political and

junior exploration companies that need investment to

economic spheres in North America are set for a period

advance early-stage projects. Telson Resources, with

of uncertainty. President Trump has withdrawn from the

shares trading in Toronto but executives residing in Mexico

Trans-Pacific Partnership and is threatening to do the same

City, is an example of the impact that Canadian money

with NAFTA. This could go two ways for the Mexico-Canada

has throughout the mining value chain. In June 2016, the

mining love affair; on the one hand, Mexico could find itself

company secured a credit line of CA$10.5 million, funds

robbed of many of the international trade partnerships that

that provided a vital lifeline to its Tahuehueto gold-silver

make it so attractive to foreign investors. On the other hand,

project in Durango.

further integration between Mexico and Canada might provide the perfect foil for US isolationism.

“We have a lot of connections with top executives in the mining industry, and fortunately they were attracted to our

However this pans out, uncertainty in global markets usually

project and decided to invest,” says José Antonio Berlanga,

results in a rally in precious metal prices. Against this hazy

President and CEO. “One of these investors forms part of a

backdrop the deep-rooted, mutually-beneficial cooperation

fund that had expressed a desire to enter the mining sector

that Mexican and Canadian miners enjoy could play a vital

in Mexico, and it was through this fund that we managed

role in the economy of both countries. Ambassador Alarie

to secure the credit line.”

has confirmed the Canadian government’s commitment to working with their Mexican counterparts to ensure “an

Shackled by low precious metals prices, the Tahuehueto

open and transparent business environment and responsible

project had been inactive for the best part of five years.

resource development.” Meanwhile, projects such as Telson’s

With this cash boost, Telson has commissioned a pre-

Tahuehueto and Timmins’ Ana Paula demonstrate the

feasibility study and Berlanga has bullish predictions for

commitment to the fostering this relationship.

the future. “We are always looking for alternative sources of financing,” “Assuming the study reveals the viability of a mine, we

says Berlanga. “We already have a series of meetings lined

will begin construction immediately,” he says. “We are

up with Canadian investors who want access to the Mexican

still making a few adjustments to the mine design, but

mining industry.”

this should not delay us too much and we hope to be in

This article was written by Mexico Mining Review and originally appeared in Negocios magazine

production before the end of 2017.”




Participation %


Participation %

Variation 2015/2016 %

1 – Metallic Minerals






a) Precious Metals






b) Industrial Metals






2 – Non-Metallic Minerals












1 – Metallic Minerals






a) Precious Metals






b) Industrial Metals






2 – Non-Metallic Minerals














BALANCE 1 – Metallic Minerals




a) Precious Metals




b) Industrial Metals




2 – Non-Metallic Minerals












Q: Besides Canada and the US, which countries rank among

13. Even though the number is still limited, the work that has

the most important trade partners for Mexico?

been done has helped to arouse a greater interest among

A: Mexico is a major recipient of mining investment

Chinese companies to invest in Mexican mining.

worldwide. According to the latest S&P Global figures on


investment in nonferrous mineral exploration, our country

Q: How crucial is Mexico’s relationship with Canada and

ranked as the sixth most important destination globally with

what role does mining play?

5.8 percent of the total. We have a significant presence of

A: The Mexico-Canada relationship is strategic and deep.

Canadian and US mining companies but those from China,

Canada is our third-largest trading partner and fourth-

Japan, Australia, UK, South Korea, India and other countries

largest investor in our territory. Mexico’s relations with

also work in our territory. Our policy is to support existing

Canada are, for geographical, economic and demographic

investments and achieve greater diversification.

reasons, one of the priorities in our international work. From 1994 onward, NAFTA stimulated bilateral relations,

China and Australia are two key markets in the mining

governmental interlocution and cultural ties in both the

industry in terms of the value of their production, where

business environment and academia.

there is a large mining capacity. In 2004 the Canada-Mexico Partnership (CMP) was created Q: How well-developed is Mexico’s mining relationship with

by the leaders of both nations as part of a bilateral initiative


to promote public and private cooperation between the

A: In 2013, China and Mexico relaunched their partnership,

two countries. In November 2016, the Mining Group was

strengthening it with the signing of a mining agreement.

created within the CMP, with the objective of strengthening

Since then, the two countries have reached a higher level of

cooperation on issues such as financing of the mining

friendship, trust and cooperation.

sector, indigenous consultation, sustainable development, clean energy, exploration and technological development.

As a result, the contact we had with China in recent years has been fruitful in many ways. Not only have we consolidated

Q: What progress has been made by the Mining Group?

a close relationship with the authorities of that country but

A: One of the first significant results generated by the

we have formalized it through several instruments. During

Mining Group is the formalization of a MoU on cooperation

the visit we made in September 2016, the renewal of the

for the sustainable development of mineral resources. The

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Mining was signed

MOU was signed by the Mexican Minister of Economy and

and agreements have also been established between the

the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources, James Carr,

geological services of both countries.

on Feb. 1, 2017.

As Mexico is China’s largest trading partner in Latin America,

Mining is a particularly important industry in terms of

today the mining sector has huge potential to become a

economic and trade links between Canada and Mexico.

crucial activity. As of the end of 2013, nine Chinese companies

At the end of 2016, 275 mining companies with foreign

were operating in our country and at the end of 2016 we had

capital participation were operating in Mexican territory, and 176 of them - around 64 percent - are Canadian. These Canadian companies operate more than 600 mining

The Undersecretariat of Mining was created as a specialized

projects in different regions of Mexico. We are committed to

division of the federal Ministry of Economy in December

stimulating investment and promoting trade to consolidate

2016 in response to the growing importance of the mining

the mining sector as a fundamental part of the growth of

sector in Mexico

our economy and the development of the population.



Q: How do you view the landscape of the Mexican mining

differentiates us considering that most other commercial

industry at the moment?

laboratories have their samples sent abroad to Canada or

A: Mining operations are becoming more and more

the US for final analysis.

expensive in Mexico because of the weakness of the peso against the US dollar and the added tax pressure

We also work with the most important nonferrous, ferrous,

is negatively impacting the budget of local mining

coal and coke and other commodities trading companies,

companies. This is affecting the entire value chain but

as we have well-established operations in Mexico’s biggest

especially companies working in exploration. Junior

ports like Manzanillo, Guaymas and Lazaro Cardenas. We

exploration companies practically stopped operating in

carry out inspections, supervisions on sampling, indirect

Mexico in the past couple of years. This is concerning

analysis via XRF, radioactivity testing and other physical

because exploration is the future of the industry so it must

determinations to help mining companies prepare for the

be nurtured.

commercialization of their products.

Despite this trend, we are still seeing a number of new projects and developments springing up, which is an encouraging sign. Several of the major miners in Mexico picked up the slack left by juniors and have begun aggressive exploration projects. It is impossible to predict how the market will perform in the future, because Indian gold demand and Chinese iron-ore demand are extremely volatile. But we have to make the most of the available opportunities.

SGS operates the country’s biggest and most complete commercial laboratory in Durango

Q: What role does the mining industry play in terms of

Q: What are the main challenges that operators in Mexico

SGS’s overall strategy in Mexico?

face when commercializing their product?

A: The minerals sector has always been a vital component of

A: The determining factor is, and always will be, the

our operations in Mexico and it is becoming more important

metal prices. Any commercial transaction is based

every year. It is now as big as the oil and gas and automotive

on international commodity prices so that will have a

business for us. We are working on important operations

huge impact on the profitability of a mining or trading

in Guerrero and Guanajuato and have some important

company’s business. Of course, SGS has no control over

opportunities in northwestern Mexico in onsite labs.

the international markets but there are other aspects, such as logistics and quality, that we can help our clients to

On the commercial geochemical analysis side, we are proud

improve. We check the weight, quality and quantity of

to be the primary laboratory for some of the most important

mineral for producers prior to the product leaving the port,

mining exploration companies active in the country. We

enabling them to acquire warranties and so improving and

can provide a whole range of services, from certification to

streamlining the trading side of their business.

planning and construction but our expertise in geochemical analysis and metallurgical services is the most popular. We operate onsite laboratories and provide a full range

SGS , established in 1878, is the world’s leading inspection,

of analytical services as well as metallurgical testing. In

verification, testing and certification company. With more than

fact, we operate the country’s biggest and most complete

90,000 employees, SGS operates a network of more than

commercial laboratory in Durango. We test locally, which

2,000 offices and laboratories around the world



BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN CANADA AND MEXICO SEAN EMMOND Regional Manager for Mexico at Export Development Canada (EDC)


Q: In 2015, Mexico was the fifth-largest recipient of

Q: How are Canadian businesses with investments in

Canadian capital in the world. How did it perform in 2016?

Mexico affected by geopolitical instability?

A: Mexico still remains among the top destinations for

A: For Canadian companies either already in Mexico or

Canadian capital in the mining sector, and the position is

looking to invest in the country, it is business as usual. We

strengthening. The mineral resources in the country are

believe that Canada and Mexico have a mutually beneficial

so strong that the jurisdiction will always be on the radar

trade relationship, and that will continue regardless of

for mineral explorers and developers.

external factors.

Our role is to help facilitate business between the two

The initial boom started around 10 years ago when a

countries, and mining is an important sector. On the

swathe of Canadian junior mining companies started

one hand, EDC can offer loans in the same way that

developing projects in Mexico. Every year there is a better

commercial banks do. On the other hand, we also have a

understanding in Mexico of Canada, and vice versa, both

range of insurance products, which include risk mitigation

at the government and commercial levels. We aim to

solutions for companies looking to make investments in

deepen that relationship by providing a platform for B2B

foreign jurisdictions. For example, if a Canadian supplier

discussions between Mexico and Canada.

sells a product to a Mexican company, it will often look to insure the receivables generated by that sale. We can

Q: How do you assess the working environment for

provide that.

greenfield exploration in Mexico? A: The sector has reached an interesting crossroads, and

Q: What is EDC’s main focus within the mining sector?

the next few years will be interesting. Commodity prices

A: We want to connect Mexican miners with Canadian

are on the rise again, and there is consequently a renewed

suppliers, so our efforts are focused on first establishing

interest in Mexico and investing in exploration projects

financial relationships with Mexican miners. On the basis

in the country. The Energy Reform also represents a

of that relationship, we learn about the investment plans

significant opportunity to lower overall power costs of

of each particular project and then connect them with the

mining operations. Endeavour Silver is looking at the

right Canadian supplier that can add value to the mining

possibility of powering one of its mines using only solar

operation. We are constantly striving to identify innovative

energy, and we are excited about this prospect and

and cost-efficient technology coming out of Canada that

would be willing to help finance similar initiatives. If the

can improve the efficiency of Mexican mining projects.

weakening of the peso against the US dollar is added into

Many small and medium-sized mining companies in Mexico

the equation, it is a good time to be a mineral explorer

often lack access to the products that can improve the

in the country.

efficiency of their operations. In some cases, these are family-run operations, and EDC can assist them to pinpoint

Q: What are the main plans EDC Mexico has set out for the

where their operations can be improved and then put them

mining sector in the next five years?

in touch with the suppliers that can make a real difference

A: If the recovery in metals prices is sustained and consistent,

to efficiency and profit margins.

we expect to see significant new investment in the sector in Mexico, and we would like to play a role in financing those investments. We want to increase the number of projects

Export Development Canada is Canada’s self-financing export

that we work on and the level of financing that we provide,

credit agency that aims to develop that country’s export trade

but any project that we finance has to have Canadian flavor,

by helping Canadian companies respond to international

either in the form of Canadian capital or a critical mass of

business opportunities

Canadian supply.



Q: What more can Mexico to do to attract Canadian

natural resources has positioned it on the cutting edge of

companies to invest in mining?

technology-driven practices of exploration, development

A: Collaboration agreements between Mexican states and

and operations of metals, minerals and other resources.

Canada are an effective tool to promote trade between the countries. Recently, Guerrero in Mexico and SAMSSA,

Q: In what ways do you implement Canada's environmental

an association based in the city of Sudbury in Canada,

standards in Mexico?

signed one such agreement. Sudbury is home to one

A: We have high standards in terms of social and

of Canada’s key mining clusters and is well-known for

environmental issues. We are aligned with the Canadian

underground mining. As a result, companies in the cluster

government and will not compromise its position regardless

have developed a global-leading expertise in this field

of the jurisdiction. For the financing of project, we require a

and currently suppliers within the Sudbury cluster are

project to meet the environmental and social performance

looking to grow their businesses by pursuing international

criteria laid out in the International Finance Corporation

opportunities. For states in Mexico that are rich in

(IFC) Performance Standards as per our commitment to

mineral reserves, these agreements are useful because

our internal environmental and social policies and to the

they allow the states a platform where they can share

Equator Principles.

the challenges they are facing and leverage Canadian expertise to develop reserves in a sustainable way. Any country that has a predictable rule of law with clear and consistent regulatory framework is extremely attractive for Canadian mining companies. They see transparency as a valuable asset.

Collaboration agreements between Mexican states and Canada are an effective tool to promote trade

EDC does not play a role in the creation of inter-cluster agreements but we do support Canadian suppliers that

If a project does not meet our benchmark, we either

want to pursue opportunities in Mexico. We leverage

investigate what actions the company is taking to rectify

these agreements as tools to help mining companies find

that situation or we can go as far as declining our support

markets of interest within the country.

in that transaction. We are trying to do business in a lot of emerging markets in Latin America and Africa and many

Q: What can the Canadian supply chain offer to Mexican

companies within these markets are working to improve

mining companies?

their standards.

A: Our main value proposition is related to modernizing the mining industry. We help mining operations in Mexico

Q: What strategies do Canadian companies use to break

become more technically up to date, safer and cleaner.

into the Mexican market? A: The easiest way to initially enter the Mexican market for

Canada can assist the Mexican mining sector with the

Canadian companies is to target Canadian operators in the

Internet of Things (IoT), applied to a mining operation.

country, especially if there is an established relationship

Through sensors and Internet connectivity, conveyor

in Canada. In terms of Mexican-owned operations, they

belts, grinders, crushers and other automation systems

should initially target those that are inclined to incorporate

can be monitored to ensure proper functioning of the

the Canadian supply chain. For example, Fresnillo has a

equipment. This results in higher levels of safety, efficiency

reputation for working with innovative Canadian companies

and optimization of resources. Canada’s leading position

and we know Canadian companies that have done business

in the ICT Sector along with its strength and expertise in

with Fresnillo in the past.



STRUCTURAL REFORMS NEEDED TO ATTRACT INVESTMENT JEAN-DOMINIQUE IERACI Deputy Head of Mission and Minister-Counsellor (Trade) at the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City

Q: What kind of benefits does Mexico offer diplomats?

business-to-business relationship is heavily dependent on

A: Despite its geographic proximity, Mexico does not

Canadian investments in Mexico. This is something that we

feature in the minds of Canadian people enough; sadly, it

are trying to fix because the opportunities are there for

is known either for its beaches or for its issues with crime.

Mexican companies.

The relationship between the two countries is very rich but


it has not reached anywhere near its full potential. As a

Q: Roughly 65 percent of foreign investment in Mexico’s

diplomat and trade commissioner, it is important to realize

mining sector is headquartered in Canada. What role does

that there is both a strong existing base of clientele and

this industry have to play in bilateral trade between the

room for improvement. In Mexico, there are challenges but I

two countries?

believe that they can be overcome, so for me Mexico ticked

A: There are two recent initiatives that demonstrate the

all the boxes on the professional side.

importance the extractive sector plays in the relationship. Firstly, a Mining Work Group has been created within the

Q: What would the potential renegotiation of NAFTA mean

Canada-Mexico Partnership (CMP), which is designed to

for the relationship between Canada and Mexico?

improve communication and knowledge sharing within the

A: The “America First” policy adopted by US President

mining communities of the two countries. Secondly, Canada’s

Donald Trump has certainly helped bring Canada and

Minister for Natural Resources James Carr signed an MoU

Mexico closer together and has created an appetite

with Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo during

for both countries to investigate further opportunities

his visit to Mexico City in February 2017. While both are in

for cooperation. The relationship is by no means reliant

the early stage, these initiatives are designed to give more

on NAFTA but all the discussion and fear generated by

structure to the role mining can play in strengthening the

the US rhetoric has exposed a certain weakness in the

bilateral relationship. Once all the statistics and data have

Canada-Mexico relationship. For example, in the early 1990s

been agreed from both sides, I expect a series of seminars

influential CEOs from both countries used to meet twice a

to begin, designed to discuss important issues such as

year to discuss business opportunities and how to improve

environmental mitigation measures and relations with

the bilateral relationship. This forum no longer exists and

indigenous communities. From the Canadian government’s

the Mexican community in Canada is much less visible than

perspective, we want to support Canadian industry and

those of other Latin American countries like Chile. With the

ensure that we can disseminate our experience of mining

new presidential administration in the US, we are seeing

in Mexico.

more Mexican students coming to Canada to study and, with the lifting of the visa requirement, more tourists are

Mexico is not the only country in Latin America with an

arriving. It is vital that this trend continues because it is

abundance of natural resources but the jurisdiction has

crucial to foster these interpersonal relationships.

traditionally had a strong operational framework that has attracted Canadians over the years. This has eroded in the

Moreover, with the exception of Grupo Bimbo’s acquisition

past few years, to the extent that many of the Canadian

of Canada Bread in 2014 and a few other smaller deals,

companies operating in Mexico today would not have

Mexican companies are not invested in Canada. The

made the same decision had they known how the sector would develop.

The Trade Commissioner’s mandate is to promote Canada’s

Q: How can the embassy contribute to increasing Canadian

trade and economic interests in Mexico, supporting the efforts

investment in the Mexican mining sector?

of Canadian companies that have selected Mexico as a target

A: There is a structural issue that needs to be dealt with.

market for their products, services or technologies

We spend a large portion of our time and efforts on helping

Canadian companies deal with security issues, which

appreciate the opportunities for their businesses in Canada.

unfortunately have been on the rise in recent months, but

Given the resources in Canada, there is no reason why

also a considerable number of our clients are owed back-

Mexican miners should not be looking north of the border

payments in VAT. We estimate that Canadian companies

for investment opportunities, which could come either in

throughout the industries are owed close to US$300

the form of mergers and acquisitions or less formal strategic

million in VAT back taxes. These are long-term outstanding


claims that affect both cash flow and share prices. Since Canada represents 65 percent of foreign investment in the

The majority of the money in the mining sector raised from

Mexican mining industry, we would like to see the Mexican

capital markets comes from the Toronto Stock Exchange

government really tackle this issue because it is hurting

and if the large Mexican miners have ambitions to become

the entire country.

serious players on a global scale, they need to tap into the mining infrastructure in Toronto in one way or another.

Mexico needs to embrace the fact that it is a mining

There is also scope for investment in the auto parts

country. In other jurisdictions like Chile and Canada, the

manufacturing sector, and many more. We see Mexico as

governments will defend the mining industry when there

the window for further cooperation with Latin America,

is an issue but this is not the case in Mexico. We think the

and regional trade initiatives like the Pacific Alliance and

public sector can do a lot more to protect and promote

the Trans-Pacific Partnership could provide the framework

the industry, and to recognize the contribution it makes to

for us to achieve this.

the national economy. We are happy to help in this process because the reputation of a Canadian mine in Mexico has


an impact on the image of Canada. The creation of the position of Undersecretary of Mining within the Ministry of Economy was a good start but we would like to see a more centralized management of the sector in Mexico City because companies cannot afford to lose time running between different ministries and agencies at the local, state and federal levels. We were also encouraged to see the federal government step in to deal with the Zacatecas Ecological Tax, which could have had a disastrous effect

Mexican FDI in Canada


billion in 2015

Canadian FDI in Mexico

CA$14.8 billion in 2015

on mining in that region and we want to see further developments of that ilk.

Mexico is Canada’s 3rd

Canada is Mexico’s 4th largest trade partner

largest trade partner Security is another concern. When there is an illegal blockade, we expect the government to step in and lift it but this does not always happen in Mexico. We need

Since 1993, trade between Mexico and Canada has increased sevenfold, from US$2 billion to US$20 billion in 2016

the government to protect our investments from criminal In 2016 Canada was

forces. We know that it is a challenging situation but we

Between 1993 and 2016

do not get the sense that the Mexican federal government

exports from Mexico to

the 2nd largest buyer

Canada grew 667%. In

of Mexican products

does all it needs to do to enforce the law on a local level. Q: What are the embassy’s main objectives with respect

imports from Canada grew 819%. In 2016,

to trade in Mexico?

Canada was Mexico’s 6th

A: The issue of NAFTA looms large on my desk. NAFTA has

largest supplier.

been tremendously beneficial for all three countries and now is the time to modernize the treaty and improve it. Although the officials that negotiated the original treaty in the 1990s did an exceptional job, the world has moved on since then

In 2015 Mexico was ranked second in terms owned by Canadian

should play a more influential role in NAFTA going forward.

in a foreign country.

We want to see greater protection for our investments, with

There are currently

because we feel that many Mexican CEOs do not fully

Canada grew 819%. Mexico’s 6th largest supplier in the world.

of the amount of assets mining companies

We also want to see more Mexican investment in Canada

From 1993 to 2016 Mexican imports from In 2016, Canada was

and new technologies such as e-commerce could and

more clarity and stability in the region in general.


the same period Mexican

205 companies with Canadian capital

From 1999 to 2016, Canada invested US$27.48 billion in Mexico. Canada accounts for 5.9% of total FDI in Mexico in

established in Mexico. Source: Canadian Department of Natural Resources, EDC

that period.



Investment and instability are typically not the best pairing but the mining industry has proven to be a unique exception. When geopolitical instability arises, investors often view precious metals as a safer bet for their capital. Recent events such as Brexit and the US presidential elections created havoc for industries like automotive but have simultaneously brought fortune for mining companies through an increase in metal prices. Mexico Mining Review asked industry leaders about the impact of global instability on mining trade and the strategies they are using to mitigate risks.

The mining industry faces strong headwinds and must drive productivity and improve operational savings. Mining companies continue to experience volatile commodity prices and challenging economic fundamentals as global demand slows. Following an extended period of massive capital investment, the mining industry is now firmly focused on improving productivity and on sustainable cost management. Miners face


declining ore quality, operations deeper underground or in remote locations to find

SCOTT PHILLIPS Vice President and CEO of GE Mining

ore and a macroeconomic context that changes frequently with commodity prices. This makes it increasingly challenging for companies to access capital. We believe in using technology to close this talent gap.

We are worried about the 2018 presidential elections in Mexico affecting mining policy continuity. We will have to wait and see what the results will be but whatever the outcome, we are dedicated to working with the government for the promotion of the sector, regardless of ideologies. The most important task is being able to communicate the importance of mining for our country because many people do not recognize its value. Essentially, Mexico is a mining country, not because miners


decided it should be that way but because of its rich mineralization and resources. In fact, Mexico is often ranked as one of the most promising mining countries in the world because of the reserves it holds.

The determining factor is, and always will be, the metal prices. Any commercial transaction is based on international commodity prices so that will have a huge impact on the profitability of a mining or trading company’s business. Of course, SGS has no control over the international markets but there are other aspects, such as logistics and quality, that we can help our clients to improve. We check the weight, quality and quantity of mineral for producers prior to the product leaving the port,

MARCO BARRAGÁN Mineral Business Manager - Mexico of SGS

enabling the acquisition of warranties and so improving and streamlining the trading side of their business. We see a lot of room for growth in this particular segment.

For Canadian companies either already in Mexico or looking to invest in the country, it is business as usual. We believe that Canada and Mexico have a mutually beneficial trade relationship, and that relationship will continue regardless of external factors. The initial boom started around 10 years ago when a swathe of Canadian junior mining companies started developing projects in Mexico. Over that time, the relationship has come a long way. Every year there is a better understanding in Mexico of Canada, and vice versa, both at the government and commercial levels. We aim to deepen that relationship through the work we do providing a platform for B2B discussions between Mexico and Canada.

SEAN EMMOND Regional Manager for Mexico at Export Development Canada (EDC)

We notice that the western world and China have different ways of reacting to the geopolitical context and its impact in the mining industry. China is quickly taking advantage of the market by creating a strategic alliance between the government and the private sector. Companies often give the Chinese government an almost unlimited amount of funds to advance their interests in areas such as Africa. It is a


quite incredible method of resource imperialism where China has managed to take over large swathes of the world.

PAUL LINTON Chief Business Development Officer at Terracore

The prevailing sentiment is that factors such as the new presidential administration in the US and the Chinese economic rebound should have a positive effect on the mining industry. The aggressive and unpredictable foreign policy of President Trump in particular is generating economic instability on a global scale and this will encourage investors to look for less risky assets like precious metals and other commodities. The mining sector will always be volatile and difficult to predict but in terms of metal prices 2017 is shaping up to be a strong year and we have already seen companies being more active in the sector.

MARCO BERNAL President of the Mexican Association of Mining Metallurgists, Engineers, and Geologists (AIMMGM)

The NAFTA renegotiation is something that we have to prepare for and the federal government should be ready to negotiate but it is important to remember that NAFTA works three ways. There are some clauses that benefit the US and not Mexico or Canada, and vice versa, and so we have to remember Mexico's strengths. Not only are production costs in Mexico low, but there is a tremendous amount of high-quality labor available in the country, which is not easy to find. This is especially true in the state of Chihuahua.

MIGUEL GUERRERO Director General of Proesmma



SGS TRADE SERVICES: BECAUSE TRADE IS BUILT ON TRUST Whether considering the weighing, sampling and analysis of metals in their various forms or the movement of mineral commodities in bulk, either of these stages of metals transport can introduce significant commercial risk to all parties involved in the trade chain. Quantitative and qualitative parameters must be verified throughout the transaction and transport process. Often specialized services and expertise are needed. SGS is the world’s leading training, testing, inspection, certification and verification company, with experience, expertise and a global reach. Whether clients are selling, buying or transporting commodities, SGS is ready to independently verify the shipment weight and quality parameters for them. SGS offers a full spectrum of trade support services focused on risk management for all mineral commodities including base metal concentrates, precious metals, secondary and scrap, automotive and refining catalysts, fertilizers, coal and coke, wood pellets, iron ore and industrial minerals. With offices in the most important ports in Mexico - Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas and Guaymas – the company has served metals traders since its inception. For both trading parties to feel satisfied with their side of the deal, the key component is trust. SGS is the neutral and independent provider of all the information that helps build trust between trade partners. The company can certify that products are in compliance with laws, regulations, rules, standards, import/export requirements, safety regulations, chemical composition, durability and environmental impact parameters. SGS inspects, tests and verifies to provide the independent control and assurance that allows banks and the finance world to provide loans and letters of credit to those who trade, by independently assessing and assuring that the traded goods are indeed what the parties expect them to be. SGS also helps countries that are ramping up their institutional infrastructure to deal with import and export control and compliance inspections at the point of departure or destination. It can also provide valuation services that help countries maintain a smooth flow of imports and exports as well as providing independent information for tax purposes. By doing this SGS can help ensure that global trade flows continue to function as efficiently and fairly as possible.



TRADER EXPECTS 2017 RECOVERY FOR ZINC, COPPER URIEL GARCĂ?A Former Director General for Mexico at Mercuria

Q: How did the fluctuations in metals prices in 2016

have a lot of faith; we believe that it will be trading around

impact the Mexican mining sector?

US$6,000/t during 2017 and 2018.

A: 2016 was an interesting and challenging year for the


entire mining sector. In Mexico, the base-metal and

Q: How can Mercuria attract new clients in Mexico?

precious-metal markets are separate, although the local

A: The metals trading business has changed and become

mineralogy dictates that concentrates are mixed between

much more professional in the past 10 years. Now there is

the two more often than not. For example, Mexico is the

far more competition and the processes are more complex.

number one producer of silver in the world but until recently

We see a lot of potential in the small mining companies in

silver was expensive to process and countries such as China

Mexico because although the quantity of their produce is

did not see the economic benefits of extracting the silver

generally quite small, the quality and grade is much higher.

that comes from primarily copper concentrates in Mexico.

The most important factor to ensure the long-term future of

This is now changing, and people are actively seeking out

a business is relationships. All large mining companies start

silver concentrates, so this is boosting local producers in

out as small miners, so we seek to forge an understanding


with small miners now that we believe will pay off in the future. Mining companies sometimes have problems with

Regarding prices, 2016 was a mixed year but Mexican

cash flow, so we are flexible with our payment plans to

operators have an advantage over the rest of the world

ensure that even in tough times they can get their produce

to mitigate the impact of international metal prices. While

to market. If we can help small companies become midsize

they sell their product in dollars, their expenses for energy

miners by offering credit lines, everyone will benefit.

and labor are paid in pesos. So although an ounce of silver is being sold for US$15, if the Mexican peso is trading at

Q: What role does the public sector play in facilitating

US$20 there is still a strong profit margin. As a trading

the commercialization of Mexican metals and minerals?

company, this does not have a direct impact on our business

A: Unfortunately, the sector is suffering at the moment

because our buy and sell rates depend on the international

because the government does not fully understand

markets. We cannot buy an ounce of silver for US$15 and

how the mining industry works. For example, the Tax

sell it for US$40, for example. That said, we always prefer

Administration Service (SAT) is making things difficult

higher prices because our clients are making larger profits.

for traders in particular. We buy goods in Mexico and sell them overseas and so we have to file a claim to be

Q: Which metals do you expect to perform well in 2017?

reimbursed for the 16 percent VAT we pay on purchase.

A: Zinc should perform well because it is a vital ingredient

However, the process takes a long time because SAT does

for many processes in the construction industry. Major

not understand our business and does not recognize our

Mexican players are planning to double zinc production in

right to reimbursement. This lowers the incentive for new

the coming years. In the past 24 months, there have been

players to enter the market.

several closures of large-scale mines around the world, which has helped the price of the metal rise to its highest

Q: What are the principal advantages and disadvantages

level since 2007. Copper is another commodity in which we

offered by the Mexican market? A: Unlike other countries in Latin America such as Peru, Mexico is not dependent on mining but it is a mining

Mercuria is one of world's largest energy and commodity

country and has incredible potential to grow. Moreover, the

trading group with over 1,000 employees and operating bases

total capacity of refineries is relatively low, meaning that

in more than 50 countries. Founded in 2004, its turnover in

operators in the country have to sell their product to be

2015 was US$56 billion

processed overseas. This is a bonus for trading companies.



As the head of one of Mexico’s largest rail companies,

process. Any improvement to the efficiency of this process

and the only one that operates in both Mexico and the US

should translate into wider profit margins.

directly, José Zozaya, President of Kansas City Southern de México (KCSM) has a deep knowledge of how international

One area that could contribute to this process is further

borders function. KCSM, a fully owned subsidiary of Kansas

development of Mexico’s rail network. Giant copper

City Southern, transports everything from agricultural goods

producer Grupo México under its Ferromex subsidiary

and automotive parts to metals and minerals between

and KCSM represent 72 percent of the rail market share.

Mexico and the US using its extensive international rail

A large chunk of the US$160 million KCSM plans to invest

network. “International crossings are designed to facilitate

in the country in 2017 will be spent on developing the route

legal international trade, not to hinder it,” he says. Zozaya

from KCSM’s Patio Sanchez base in Nuevo Laredo, a key

is convinced that, for the benefit of all involved, the two

international border crossing that has been creaking under

countries have to work together to redesign the border

the weight of increasing trade levels.

crossings and renegotiate bilateral trade agreements. But according to Zozaya, the market is not ready for more “The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) helps

players. “If we want further competition in Mexico, more

the large number of exports from the US into Mexico, as well

railways need to be built,” he says. “Given the current

as the other way around,” he says. “It needs to modernize –

infrastructure, it would be counterproductive to have more

the world has changed exponentially since 1994.”

rail companies because there simply is not enough space.”

Zozaya forms part of a group of leading CEOs from both

KCSM plans to invest US$160 million in Mexico in 2017

sides of the border that meets twice a year to discuss trade developments and what needs to be done to improve international commerce. The dialogue is facilitated by the US Chamber of Commerce and the general consensus,

But Zozaya insists that the rail network is not the most

says Zozaya, is that NAFTA has been “tremendously

urgent issue. To provide mining companies with the support

beneficial” to both sides and is a vital facet of the bilateral

necessary for the sector to continue growing, Mexico

relationship. KCSM recognizes the role that improved

needs to focus on developing other areas of transport

border infrastructure and regulation can play in further

infrastructure, as well as tackling security issues that

strengthening this relationship, and its doing its part to

continue to place seeds of doubt in investor’s minds. “There

lobby the public sector and drive change.

needs to be an improvement on road, airport and seaport infrastructure but more importantly the legal infrastructure

“We are working with the authorities from both countries

in the country needs to evolve,” he says. “For the mining

to achieve a unified customs process instead of separate

industry to continue growing and attracting investment,

facilities in the US and Mexico,” he says. “This will create a

Mexico needs to re-establish the rule of law. It is imperative.”

more agile crossing that will be much easier to navigate.” Despite the challenges, the willingness Zozaya sees With many of Mexico’s largest mines straddling the US

from business communities on both sides of the border

frontier, executives at mining companies operating south

convinces him that the international rail network between

of the border would welcome a more open customs

the US and Mexico can play a vital role in promoting

process. Transporting ore extracted from the mine to

bilateral trade and cooperation for years to come. “We

the processing plant, and then onto the international

are very optimistic about the future,” he says. “The

marketplace, can be a lengthy and time-consuming

cooperative relationship for Mexico and the US is bright.”





Request Tariff


Request the Type and Number of Rail Cars Required


Load the Product


Document the Rail Car(s)


Unload the Product


Release the RaIl Car

MINING MATERIALS MOVED BY RAIL Copper, Zinc and Lead Concentrates Sand and Clay Steel and Pellets Lime

Main routes in the national highway system National railway system KCSM's cross-border connections Grupo México's cross-border connections KCSM'S access to ports Grupo México's access to ports

Source: SCT, KCSM, Grupo México

Grupo México 9,952km

Grupo México's railroad network

GRUPO MÉXICO RAILROAD NETWORK Subsidiaries: Ferromex and Ferrosur Connections to the US through 5 border crossing points Ferromex has a network of 8,130km with access to 6 ports Ferrosur has a network of 1,822km and access to 2 ports 343

KCS 10,622km KCS's railroad network

KCS RAILROAD NETWORK The KCS coordinated rail network includes KCSR, KCSM and Tex-Mex between the US and Mexico Connected to major seaports: TampicoAltamira, Veracruz and Matamoros Exclusive access to Lazaro Cardenas Port Crosses through international bridges in Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros




Q: How important is the mining sector to the company’s

not the size we are looking for. It is easy to find people

overall business strategy?

willing to buy copper and most mines can acquire 20-year

A: The company started in the mining world and eventually

contracts even before production. Apart from precious

expanded into the construction sector. We decided to fully

metals and minerals, the company is quite advanced in

re-enter the mining industry in 2003 when it experienced

terms of nonmetallic minerals and is negotiating to export

a significant boom. We support the sector by offering a

several resources to the US, including aggregates such as

complete set of services for mines throughout the entire


life cycle. We are a mid-level company, meaning we have the capacity to move 50,000-60,000 tons of dirt daily. We

Q: What services do mining companies request the most

can adapt to both underground and open-pit mines and our

from you?

biggest client is Minera Frisco, with whom we are involved

A: Companies today prefer contractors that can offer a

in two projects; Concheño and San Felipe.

complete set of services. We specialize in production mining, which involves drilling, blasting, loading and hauling.

Our company was one of the few to offer drilling and

If the client so requires, we can work with fellow companies

blasting services in the mining industry during the 1980s.

to provide the metallurgical process needed to obtain the

Our experience is broad and backed up by additional

final product. We have worked with a wide range of mines

knowledge acquired in the construction industry, where

and operators such as Goldcorp in Los Filos and Peñasquito.

blasting is also required to build projects like highways. We use this knowledge to assure the quality of the services we

Q: How are geopolitical conditions affecting the mining

provide to the mining industry.

industry and Isdamar ? A: The US will require large quantities of minerals,

Q: How will Isdamar expand operations in the mining

especially considering the amount of construction that is

industry to take advantage of a potential bull market?

being planned by the Trump administration. Geopolitical

A: Isdamar is in the process of diversifying and becoming a

instability is also providing many opportunities for Mexico

mine operator. Our goal is to cover a market that involves

to act as a main supplier. It is promoting commerce toward

medium-sized projects, which are highly overlooked. We

Mexico as the most important companies in Europe are

are working out the details and evaluating the viability

starting to target us. The country has much to offer the

of a possible prospect in Sonora. These types of midsize

world, such as its rich mineral and natural resources.

projects would probably not be chosen by large companies but for a company like ours, they are the ideal size. We

Q: Where are the biggest areas of opportunity within

also have the equipment and the ability to expand in this

the sector?

direction. Isdamar is planning to have a copper project in

A: Operators need to stop focusing solely on large

its portfolio by the end of the year.

100-year-long projects because they are difficult to find and there are smaller projects waiting to be discovered

We consider copper to be the most viable commodity

throughout the country. Mexico has strayed away from

for Isdamar because gold and silver projects are often

medium-sized projects but the mentality is starting to change as Canadian companies, who are experts in this sphere, have entered the market.

Compañia Isdamar was founded in 1996 and works as a contractor across various industries including mining,

The mining industry was overlooked for a long time but

construction and infrastructure. Based in Hermosillo, Isdamar

people are starting to realize its importance; without mines

specializes in drilling and earth moving equipment

we would not have many of our everyday products.


FUNNELING LOCAL EXPERTISE TO THE GLOBAL MINING MARKET RICARDO DÍAZ DE LEÓN Infrastructure, Mining, Logistics and Tourism Coordinator for ProMéxico

Mexican mining companies with an international presence

companies will be more encouraged to see Mexico as a

such as Grupo México have years of experience crafting

country they can collaborate with to develop technology

and developing their own drilling machines, drones and

for the mining market.

geological-analysis equipment, among other tools to increase the efficiency of their mines. But few are aware

To further address the needs of companies, ProMéxico

of the areas of opportunity they have when it comes to

organizes meetings between the private and public sectors to

exportation and offering an added value to the international

create channels of communication. Companies have several

market, according to ProMéxico, the government arm

requirements they need to meet to be able to produce in

responsible for promoting international trade and

Mexico and these meetings guide them through the process.


Through talks with the deputy minister of mining, foreign companies can understand the legal and industrial context

“Most suppliers of machinery and equipment in Mexico

in Mexico at a deeper level. In an interview with ProMéxico,

are not taking advantage of the specialized machines they

mining minister Cantú stated that “cooperation between the

are developing,” says Ricardo Díaz de León, Infrastructure,

public and private sectors is essential to the development of

Mining, Logistics and Tourism Coordinator for ProMéxico.

the mining sector because the resulting synergies serve to

“Our job is to help them see their ability to expand their

multiply the impact of strategies implemented by individual

services to other countries through exportation and

players in the industry.” Mining entities are also welcome to

collaboration opportunities with international companies.”

access ProMéxico and its 29 offices around the country to propose strategies that can strengthen the development

Through research and data collection, ProMéxico collaborates with the Undersecretary of Mining at the Ministry of Economy, Mario Cantú, as well as with the the Mexican Mining Chamber, and the industry’s clusters, to identify the added value that Mexican mining companies can offer to the international market. To boost its position, the country needs to invest more in the production of technology. “Mexico still has to import many products from other countries to extract and explore. To make sure that companies see us as more than just a mere exportation destination, we need to improve our ability to develop technology,” Díaz de León says. “For instance, Mexico should increase the production of important products for the sector, such as milling steel balls, a tool that allows mining companies to produce more at

“ of the industry.

Cooperation between the public and private sectors is essential to the development of the industry because the resulting synergies serve to multiply the impact of strategies implemented by individual players”

a smaller cost during the extraction process, instead of having to import them.”

Promexico seeks to not only promote the mining industry but to connect the supply chain throughout the lifecycle

The clusters could help fill in the missing elements in the

of a mine. “We are developing intelligence and strategies

Mexican supply chain, says Díaz de León. For instance,

for the mining industry,” says Díaz de León. “It is a chance

Guerrero, the most recently created cluster has the potential

to maximize the areas of opportunities in the industry and

to become a hub for mining technology in the region. By

multiply investment along with the models we offer to help

strengthening the country’s ability to create added value,

companies create alliances throughout the supply chain.”


Great Panther Silver's reforestation program in Guanajuato



Maintaining a close relationship with surrounding communities is one of the toughest obstacles mining operators face. Otherwise, projects can risk blockades or delays that cost thousands of dollars a day and the public image of a company. Fortunately, operators can rely on international benchmarks laid out by institutions such as the International Finance Corporation to guarantee socially and environmentally sustainable projects. These guidelines, if followed, also facilitate access to certifications and funds, as investors and banks are increasingly using them to evaluate risks within projects.

The Energy Reform is also beginning to take root and, as the majors begin to take advantage of their ability to generate energy, countless new opportunities are opening up for them to become qualified suppliers. With energy constituting 40 percent of the costs in a mine, this business could be potentially lucrative.

This chapter emphasizes the best practices used by influential operators, consultancies and lawyers and success cases in the Mexican mining industry. It also includes technology companies and suppliers that are providing innovative solutions in energy generation and supply.



ANALYSIS: The Mining Trust Fund: A Long Road to Change






VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Herrera, Haynes and Boone


EXPERT OPINION: Irma Potes, Grupo México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Armando Ortega, New Gold


CASE STUDY: New Gold's Closure Plan and CSR Policies for Cerro San Pedro


INSIGHT: Rubén Castillo, Mejora


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jaime Martínez, ERM

Renato Urresta, ERM


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Investing in Social Good


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gabino Fraga, Grupo GAP


INSIGHT: Adrián Juárez, CTA


INSIGHT: Guillermo Hinojos, ASES


INSIGHT: Brian Weihs, Kroll


ROUNDTABLE: How Can The Mining Industry Establish Healthy Relationships With Surrounding



INSIGHT: Bernardo Salcido, Técnica Salgar


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pedro Berriel, Power Electronics


INSIGHT: Murilo Dalla, Danfoss



THE MINING TRUST FUND: A LONG ROAD TO CHANGE Three years ago, the creation of the Mining Trust Fund sent

a specially created committee, composed

shockwaves throughout the industry. The majority of mining

of a mix of public, private and social sector

companies are still to be convinced of its merits but its

representatives, to allocate the funds to

supporters believe a long-term perspective is needed

specific projects.

In 2014, the newly elected center-right Institutional

“Each committee is made up of five members and chaired

Revolutionary Party (PRI) government implemented

by a SEDATU representative,” says Ricardo Lopez, Director

sweeping reforms in a bid to raise taxes and boost public

General of the Mining Trust Fund at SEDATU. “Mining is

finances. Among the changes was a 7.5 percent royalty on

a finite industry, so our job is to ensure that communities

metal and mineral production, plus an added 0.5 percent

do not become dependent on support from the extraction

duty on gold, silver and platinum extraction. The Mining

activities going on around them.”

Trust Fund was set up to make use of the added cash inflow, with a specific goal to fund social infrastructure

A total of MX$1.74 billion (US$98 million) was collected

projects in mining regions.

and redistributed in 2016. By February 2017, 812 projects had been started, of which more than 250 were completed. As the country’s most productive mining state, Sonora

creaking under the pressure of plummeting commodity

receives the highest proportion of the funds – over

prices, the new taxes cut profit margins further and pushed

MX$579 million in 2016 - followed by Zacatecas, Chihuahua

many operators to the breaking point. Three years on, the

and Durango.

Mining Trust Fund continues to divide opinion. Detractors argue the tax is unconstitutional and that a large chunk of

Local municipal governments are in charge of distributing

the proceeds are lost in the public-sector ether. But some

50 percent of the funds, with the state and federal

corners of the community believe that in the long-term,

government presiding over 30 percent and 20 percent,

the ground-breaking program has the potential to bring

respectively. The added income can make a dramatic

real change to isolated communities with precious few

impact to public-sector spending power on a local level,

sources of income.

especially in municipalities with large metal outputs.

The Mining Trust Fund has no precedent in Mexico.

“The creation of the Mining Trust Fund opens a space

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial

for a fair distribution of capital among the communities

and Urban Development (SEDATU), it is designed to

that surround mineral extraction sites,” says Jorge Vidal,

finance social projects in targeted regions where mineral

Minister of Economy for Sonora. “Without the fund,

extraction is present. Municipalities and states receive a

municipalities like Cananea would only have a budget of

portion of the resources, depending on their respective

MX$8 million per year but now they will have an extra

contribution to Mexico’s mineral output. It is then up to

MX$122 million annually.”




MX$1.74 billion




100 0

timing of the changes. In October 2014, the gold price point two years previously. Arturo Bonillas, President and Director of Timmins Gold, says the government could have waited for the wounds to heal before striking another he says.



to the reform, with many pointing to the questionable

blow. “The tax was imposed at the worst possible time,” 232.1


Mining companies have been open about their opposition

stood at US$1,143/oz, 50 percent lower than the same 433.8




Mexico’s metal producers felt persecuted. Already

Although prices have subsequently recovered, the doubters remain. Many organizations have been operating



Zacatecas Chihuahua



mines for several decades and during this time have built up a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with the

local community. They feel the changes threaten this

could produce the kind of results the companies are

relationship and place responsibility on public authorities

waiting for. While Lopez admits that his team is still trying

lacking in local knowledge.

to find the “most effective” way of investing the funds, he insists that this will process will not be rushed to appease

“I have always stood against the reforms and continue to

the doubters.

do so,” says Robert Eadie, President and CEO of Starcore International, which has been operating the San Martin

“Many companies expect to see change happen overnight

mine in Durango since 2008. “We feared the government

but that cannot be the case,” he says. “It would be easy

would not do an efficient job in distributing the resources

to hand out the money to districts without taking care to

collected into the Mining Trust Fund and this is exactly

ensure that local authorities are using it correctly but we

what has happened.”

believe that the quality of the construction outweighs the importance of speed.”

For the mining companies, the results of the program have been slow and underwhelming. They are happy to support

For Mexico’s miners, the recovery in metal prices during

economic development in local communities through

2016 and the first part of 2017 eased the pressure

their own corporate programs, and feel that the Mining

applied by the added taxes and the focus switched away

Trust Fund creates an unnecessary middleman between

from complaint to strategy for increasing production.

themselves and the people. Eadie claims the reform is

Nevertheless, it is clear that the issue is still a touchy

“unconstitutional” and that it has not changed the way his

subject for companies with years of experience in Mexico.

company interacts with the community. “We do not wait

Regardless of how well the sector is performing, they want

around for the government to show up,” he says.

to see results sooner rather than later.


“I support the royalty taxes and I do not doubt the good

Those at the Mining Trust Fund understand the concerns.

intention,” says Bonillas, before adding, “as long as the

Lopez acknowledges that the fund should do nothing

funds go back into the communities.”


to negate the “well-established” relationship between company and community, but stresses that the fund


finances projects that fall outside of the private sphere.

Municipal Allocation

State Allocation





















San Luis Potosi












project may not have the dramatic effect of a suspension

Baja California Sur




bridge or new hospital, says Lopez, but the real weight is





often greater.




32,096,376.38 30,936,800.25

“Our job is to make sure that the funds received from the new taxes are reinvested into infrastructure projects,” he says. “Mining companies are not responsible for improving public services.” During the first two years, the focus was on small-scale infrastructure works on a local level. The majority were road maintenance, paving and construction projects in extremely remote areas of the country. A local road repair



State of Mexico



“Rather than speaking about specific projects, I prefer to





focus on the overall social impact of our work,” he says.





“For isolated communities, an improvement to the local

Baja California




road network significantly boosts quality of life.”














Given the fact that the Mining Trust Fund is an entirely





untested public initiative, it should come as no surprise





that the cracks are still being ironed out. According to

Nuevo Leon




Lopez, in the next two years the focus will switch to









funding regional, rather than local, development that impacts larger and more urbanized communities. This




Q: How have authorities boosted their capacity to monitor

includes the companies that are reported as non-compliant,

the mining industry?

those that have a history of non-compliance, those that

A: Like most economic activities, mining impacts the

have not yet been inspected, and those that present some

environment. Environmental legislation establishes various

urgent environmental risk.

instruments to prevent or mitigate these environmental


factors arising from the use of natural resources,

One of the main challenges PROFEPA faces is locating

including mining resources. The main instruments are

and accessing remote areas in which mining activity is

the environmental impact studies and authorization of

carried out. Access roads are difficult to travel and are

change of land use. In both cases, SEMARNAT establishes

often unsafe. In addition, clandestine operations are

several conditions for carrying out mining activities,

often dispersed over remote locations and are quickly

and compliance with these conditions are monitored

dismantled. To verify compliance with environmental

by PROFEPA. In case of noncompliance, companies are

regulations, we rely on the armed security forces on the

sanctioned with closures and fines that are set depending

federal, state and municipal levels.

on the severity of the noncompliance and the impact on the environment.

Q: How have mines improved their commitment to compliance in 2017?

From January 2013 to April 2017, PROFEPA increased

A: As part of the inspection and surveillance activities

its surveillance effort by carrying out 1,313 inspection

carried out by PROFEPA between 2007 and 2016, 676

and verification visits to 1,187 mining facilities to verify

inspection visits were carried out to formally established

compliance with the terms and conditions established in the

mining facilities, mainly in the states of Coahuila, Colima,

environmental impact authorizations given by SEMARNAT.

Durango, Zacatecas and Puebla. Due to these visits,

In this period, 91 mining companies - one in five - showed

closures were imposed in just over 6 percent of cases, which

irregularities in their environmental compliance to the

means that the vast majority of mining facilities did not

extent that merited mine closure as a security measure,

present irregularities that merit such security measures. A

resulting in economic sanctions totaling MX$94.36 million.

similar percentage of closures were imposed between 2013

The rate of mining facilities that fully comply with their

and 2015. In 2017, five of the 61 facilities that have been

environmental obligations year-on-year has remained

inspected have been closed, equating to 8 percent of the

relatively constant in the last four years, with an average

installations, which implies that the level of compliance of

of one in three visited.

the mining companies has remained relatively constant. Closure is a safety measure imposed when non-compliance

Q: What are the main challenges PROFEPA faces when

with environmental obligations can cause, or is causing,

overseeing environmental compliance in the mining

serious damage to the environment. However, any breach


is punishable by fines.

A: PROFEPA faces a great challenge in terms of inspection because our capacity is limited, so we have established

Q: What tools can PROFEPA offer mining companies that

a strategy of inspection and surveillance priorities, which

can help guide them toward compliance? A: One of the guiding principles of federal environmental policy is an emphasis on prevention. In this sense

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA)

PROFEPA has a strategy to promote the best

is a decentralized administrative body of the Ministry of the

environmental performance of the productive sector

Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). PROFEPA’s

through development tools, regulation, self-regulation

task is to increase compliance with environmental regulations

programs and volunteers. These voluntary programs

are aimed at companies that, because of their location,

Certificate and have obtained significant benefits; 69 other

size, characteristics and scope, can cause significant

companies are in the process of obtaining it.

negative effects on the environment when they breach the applicable environmental protection provisions.

In terms of economic benefits, each company saved on average almost MX$5 million in 2015. These economic

The environmental audit established in the National

savings are mainly due to an improvement in environmental

Environmental Audit Program is a clear example of a

performance that allowed them to save, for example,

tool that some mining companies are already using to

MX$13.7 million of water, which is equivalent to supplying

improve compliance and we are convinced that many

137,000 people in a year. In terms of combatting climate

more mining companies can follow these examples.

change, these companies prevented the emission of almost

Another PROFEPA program aimed at improving the

600,000 tons of CO2 in one year, equivalent to the annual

environmental performance of industrial facilities is the

emissions of over 116,000 compact cars.

Environmental Leadership for Competitiveness Program (PLAC), which involves strengthening value chains in

Q: What are PROFEPA’s main priorities in the mining sector

reducing atmospheric emissions, wastewater discharges

in the short to long term and how will it achieve these?

and waste generation of all kinds, while improving the cash

A: The purpose of the Attorney General’s office is to enforce

flow of the companies involved.

federal environmental legislation. In this sense, PROFEPA will continue to inspect companies in the mining sector

The 34 mining companies that participated in PLAC

and all those that are considered priority for the country, in

generated annual savings of MX$72 million with the eco-

such a way that, through compliance with the law, Mexico’s

efficiency projects they developed last year. The companies

environment and natural resources will be protected. Citizen

managed to save 120,000m of water (which is equivalent to

participation is fundamental because with reports of events

supplying 475,000 people), reduce solid waste production

that may constitute a violation of the law, the public helps

by 619 tons and prevent CO2 emissions at a rate of 16,000

the Attorney General to efficiently carry out this work.


tons per year. The relationship between mining authorities and Q: What financial benefits can mine operations gain from

companies is important not only to promote voluntary

satisfying these criteria?

programs but also to increase the degree of compliance

A: In itself, compliance with environmental obligations

with environmental obligations and reduce the impacts

generates economic benefits since there is no risk of


fines, suspension of activities by closures or compliance with actions to repair environmental and social damage.

Compliance with the law generates fair competition as a

In addition, mining companies that decide to participate

company that invests in improving the environment is not

in PROFEPA’s voluntary programs can obtain additional

at risk of punitive measures. In the end, companies that do

economic benefits, both environmental and social. For

not comply end up paying more because not only must they

example, in the National Environmental Audit Program,

pay the economic sanctions imposed but there is a social

currently 48 mining companies have a Clean Industry

cost in informing society about its behavior.



TRIGGERING POSITIVE CHANGE FOR MINING GALO GALEANA Head of the General Direction of Energy and Extractive Activities at SEMARNAT

Q: What are the biggest challenges SEMARNAT faces

part of a global community and our rules must be aligned

with the mining industry and how does the institution

with the worldwide context to maintain the competitiveness

overcome these?

of our mining sector. We always seek to evaluate what other

A: One of the biggest challenges has to do with the cultural

countries are doing and benchmark our performance. It

change among mining companies to include the idea of

would be irresponsible not to do so.

productivity and sustainability within their operations.


Sustainability and environmental protection have often

Q: How effective have laws such as LGEEPA been in

been perceived as opposing concepts. Great work has

promoting environmental sustainability in the Mexican

been done to change this point of view, especially in the

mining industry?

enhancement of communication networks. For example,

A: The current regulatory system is quite effective in

we have worked alongside the mining sector to reinforce

promoting environmental sustainability. As a matter of

the official standards that apply to the industry and make

fact, the environmental impact assessment is a tool that

miners realize that productivity and process efficiency

combines not only the point of view of how a mining

implies less environmental harm.

company wants to perform a project, but how the authority considers it must be performed in an environmentally

Q: How does SEMARNAT enforce environmental and

conscious way. One of the things that should be done to

social compliance in the mining sector?

strength our legislation is related to the mine closure plan

A: Once again, communication and teamwork is the key.

presentation, and that is what we are now working on.

Even the most perfect enforcement system in the world

Although there is a process for mine closure in the current

would not work at all without commitment. PROFEPA’s

system, there is a lack of formal planning within legislation.

work is key in this process with two of its programs (environmental inspection and environmental auditing)

Communication between the social, private and public

aimed toward promoting outstanding environmental

sectors needs to be worked on constantly because

performance on a voluntary basis. Along with PROFEPA’s

collaboration among the three parties is a key contributory

work, consultation forums with communities are essential,

factor to reaching better levels of commitment and

and this process has been continuously enhanced.

implementation. International laws adopted by the

A project should not be carried out without social

Mexican government already obligate miners to take social

awareness, which implies community enrollment and

approval into account in order to implement sustainable

respect for different ways of life. There is no better

projects. Permanent communication will allow us to design

thermometer of the success of a project than an informed

environmental criteria that satisfies all parties.

community. Q: In what ways does SEMARNAT collaborate with Q: What actions is Mexico adopting to meet international

international organizations to promote environmental and

benchmarks for environmental and social legislation?

social projects in the mining industry?

A: We are not isolated in the world, so we have always been

A: SEMARNAT is working along with several international

aware of the growing trend toward globalization. We are

organizations. For instance, right now we are working with the World Bank on two projects related to the mining sector. We have also received technical assistance from the

SEMARNAT is the federal environment ministry and works

Canadian Embassy on themes related to tailing dams. We

in four priority areas: the sustainable use of ecosystems, the

are continually updating our official standards so they can

prevention and control of pollution, the integral management

cope with new challenges and imposing new sustainability

of water resources and the fight against climate change

goals on the sector.



Q: What are the main challenges mining companies face

informed SEMARNAT that our studies indicate no indigenous

when negotiating with ejidos and how can Haynes and

communities in the area. The agency agreed with our findings

Boone help?

but maintained that, as a condition of the authorization, we

A: The social aspects have become the most relevant legal

must carry out an indigenous consultation in coordination

issue for the success of a mining project in Mexico, especially

with the Ministry of Economy. In this particular case, since

if not handled properly. For many years, business in Mexico

we have clear evidence of no indigenous communities in

was carried out differently, with a lack of respect for

the area, we challenged the resolution and we are about to

communities and even public opinion. Now, the balance has

receive a favorable judgement from the court.

shifted in the opposite direction and based on international treaties, we must follow a certain set of procedures and

Q: To what extent has understaffing problems at CONAGUA

carry out indigenous consultations prior to establishing

and PROFEPA improved in the last year?

mining projects. Therefore, the mining community in Mexico

A: Every six years with each change of federal government

has become more cautious. Even negotiating with ejidos

administration, environmental legislation is strengthened

is not an easy task and we have expert teams to help our

and this has been no exception. The mining sector has

clients in this process. Based on the treaty and Mexican law,

been improving its environmental compliance but there

the negotiations are supposed to be carried out between

are still many minor environmental issues in the sector.

the government and the Mexican people. In practice, the

When comparing the results of inspections by PROFEPA

mining company is invited as a “government adviser” but

and CONAGUA 20 years ago to those carried out today, it

normally ends up negotiating on the government’s behalf.

is clear there is a tremendous improvement in compliance. I have seen an improvement in design and prevention and

There is also a lack of legislation, which is causing problems.

the results of inspections. The main environmental problem

For instance, the ILO 169 ruling clearly states that prior to

in mining is caused by lack of planning. Right now, most of

any project that may affect the rights of indigenous people,

our business from mining companies comes from correcting

there must be a consultation. That treaty also stipulates

irregularities after the authorizations have been granted.

that the government should create the corresponding authorities and procedures to carry out these consultations.

Q: Have you seen an improvement in sustainability in terms

This was done correctly in Mexico with respect to the

of general practices?

hydrocarbons sector and it works well. But this is the only

A: Mining companies are becoming much more sustainable

economic sector in the country that has this authority and

and even generate power in a much more efficient way than

procedure outlined clearly. Our clients are therefore pushing

CFE. They are using water in a more effective manner by

for the Mexican government to legislate on this issue.

recycling. Other byproducts are also being recycled because it saves money and is more sustainable. Mining companies can

Q: What part does Haynes and Boone play in negotiating

be a solid example of large companies doing business the right

this issue?

way in Mexico. Large companies tend to spend a lot of money,

A: First, we have to determine whether there are indigenous

carry out due diligence and have sizeable legal departments

communities or not. There is an unfortunate practice

with technicians tasked with ensuring compliance.

carried out by SEMARNAT in regards to this treaty. During a mining company’s Environmental Impact Assessment, an indigenous consultation is mandatory, which can cause

Haynes and Boone is among American Lawyer’s top 100 law

problems when there is no indigenous community in the

firms, with more than 575 lawyers in 15 offices and 40 major

assessment’s jurisdiction. We have a mining project for which

legal practices. Haynes and Boone has been serving clients in

we obtained the Environmental Impact Authorization and

Mexico and the US for 20 years




Managing expectations is one of the most complex and

It is easy to conclude that the distribution of tax resources

interesting facets of human relationships.

generated by the extractive industry is inefficient. It does not help communities that lack basic healthcare, education

Thanks to my experience of working at Grupo México, I am

and other public services. Therefore, we should not be

in constant contact with mining communities and I have

surprised to hear individuals in these remote locations

witnessed the tremendous impact social projects can have

asking themselves “What about me?” while the mining

on economic development and the local job market. That

company wonders “Now what?”

said, the companies hope that communities are grateful and 356

receive the investments as an opportunity to grow together.

Perhaps the devil is in the details. For any mining operation or investment to be a success in the long-term,

On the other hand, people living in rural communities do not

it needs to have the complete support of the neighboring

always know how to improve their social and/or economic

communities. Investors need to be sure that social order

wellbeing. Whether consciously or not, they often transfer

will be preserved, and mining companies are well aware

this responsibility onto the mining companies. The problem

of this condition. But we cannot simply stop there. People

is that corporate expectations and objectives often differ

expect to receive direct benefits, and this is where mining

from those of the community.

companies can really get creative with their community development programs. Mining companies are now

The true impact of mining projects and the social

doubling their efforts to ensure that social development

development that goes with them is often best appreciated

is directed more at local populations and is no longer

from afar. A study conducted in 2015 in a country in Latin


America revealed that 73 percent of the general population views oil & gas and mining projects favorably, compared

Some common practices are training and specialized

to just 59 percent of the population in the communities

scholarships, local service provider training and adaptation

directly affected by the projects.

to local supply regulation, support for non-industrial, productive projects and support or donations for family

For those on the investment side, it is relatively simple to

economies, including school equipment, sport clothes and

explain that mining is capital intensive, and therefore the


supply chain is highly specialized. Taxes are regulated by the federal government and then redistributed to the

Aside from practices, Grupo México has been implementing

communities. The majority of development projects are

a successful and creative tool that fosters the development

focused on social infrastructure, including road paving,

of local institutions and empowers locals to become the

drainage systems and sustainable water treatment solutions.

architects of their own destiny. These are competitions

But these programs do not have a direct impact on the

arranged by local committees.

thickness of people’s wallets – they do not become richer. These mechanisms are effective because they encourage On the other hand, any community member can be

active involvement and show the desire of the company to

directly impacted by mining activity, whether through

become valuable neighbors. It creates a mature bond and

noise pollution or physical change of landscape. Often, the

allows the company to really help develop the community.

benefits that the people are waiting for are not felt in their

It is no longer handing out resources without thinking about

homes. They feel that the mining operation, and the impact

where or how they will be deployed. They are programs

it has on the community, does not allow them to work on

from the community, for the community and controlled by

their own development.

the community.

Grupo México's community engagement program


A famous Mayan text sums it up perfectly: “You know

that all corners of the community are actively involved.

something, and I know something. But you do not know

The proposals are submitted and openly processed by

everything, and neither do I. So we should speak, and in

the committee to decide which ones will be approved.

doing so we can leave behind our ignorance and fear.”

It operates as an impartial intermediary to bring mutual benefits to the company and the community.

If the devil is in the details, what are the details made of? I will share some of Grupo México’s initiatives, with pleasure.

Pablo Andrade, a member of the Grupo México Community

We provide the finances to encourage the community to

in Cananea, Sonora, tells us: “It is something that I had

actively participate in social development via infrastructure

not seen before. The programs are innovative and really

projects. We aim to generate real change on education,

revealed the impact of the mine on the community. Kids

sports and environmental issues.

and young adults were excited, and it showed that nothing is impossible for a community when there is a common

The Community Committee is a social participation tool

will. Social transformation can happen when people

that decides how the money will be spent. Company

feel that their concerns are being heard and taken into

representatives, social leaders and volunteers all

consideration. Everyone knows the responsibility they have

participate in the committee on a rotation basis, to ensure

to contribute.”




Q: What are the targets for Cerro San Pedro in 2017?

by external qualified persons. We have completed the first

A: We closed the pit entirely in mid-2016 and since that

stage, which is reforestation. Despite some unforeseen and

point we have been in a phase of residual leaching. It is

unpreventable setbacks, we have successfully reforested

hard to predict how long this process will last because it is

a total of 393.3ha, which represents 100 percent of our

heavily dependent both on the minerals recoveries and the

commitment. We are now moving onto the second stage,

gold price. We will continue for as long as it is economically

which is to maintain the healthy survival of the newly-

feasible and we have set guidance at 35,000-43,000 gold

planted trees. This is a long-term commitment that will last

ounces at Cerro San Pedro for 2017. Cerro San Pedro is an

for several years.

historical asset that was discovered in the year 1590 so quite simply the reserves have been exhausted. We have made

Q: What strategies do you have in place to ensure that

significant efforts to continue exploiting the deposit as long

the Cerro San Pedro community can continue to thrive?

as possible and in a sustainable manner but the asset is

A: During the operation’s golden age, from 2010-2013,

depleted. Across our producing assets around the world,

Minera San Xavier had an average of 900 workers,

our goal is 380,000-430,000 ounces throughout the year.

employees and contractors. With the closure of the pit, the team has been stripped down to around 140, so close

Q: What have been the main challenges in designing the

to 70 percent of the workforce has already moved on. To

mine closure plan?

approach this challenge in the right way and ensure that

A: It is paramount to execute a successful mine closure,

our workers are best equipped to move on from Minera

one that leaves a positive and long-lasting legacy at our

San Xavier, we have set up a number of initiatives. Instead

hosting community. The main obstacle is to ensure that in

of deciding for ourselves what our staff would foresee

the long-run our sound mining operation and community

as a feasible future, we conducted a comprehensive

work prevails over a negative and ill-founded narrative

consultation with our employees enquiring in which areas

originally crafted by the opponents of our project when

they would most like to receive training. Where possible,

it was approved for commercial operation in 2007. We

we then provided the corresponding training courses. This

must have a mine closure plan that not only meets best

included electricity and plumbing courses, training for the

international practices but also caters to the future core

automotive sector that is strong in San Luis Potosi, hair

needs of the local communities in San Luis Potosi. The real

stylist courses, mechanics, and even training on handling

issue behind the original opposition to the project was that

television cameras with TV Azteca. We also helped dozens

the site is extremely close to a colonial town and to the city

of our truck operators to get an official certification for

of San Luis Potosi so there was strong resistance to building

their mining skills, to enable them to look for jobs on

a new open-pit mine so close to urban areas.

mining projects elsewhere. We have contacted peer mining companies to recommend our former workers.

The closure plan is vital for us to maintain the hard-earned good reputation that we have achieved through many

Finally, we have also created and funded a formal

years of a sustainable operation. The biophysical side is

foundation, called Todos Por Cerro San Pedro, which is

heavily regulated in Mexico, and supervised and audited

designed to operate on a standalone basis once Minera San Xavier has totally shut down. The idea is to prepare the locals to run the foundation themselves, both from

New Gold is an intermediate gold miner with three producing

an administrative and financial standpoint so that they

assets in Australia, Canada and the US. Its Cerro San Pedro

can continue to develop the local economy and ongoing

project in Mexico transitioned to redisual leaching in 2016 after

projects independently. We want to ensure that we leave a

a decade of production

positive corporate footprint behind us.


NEW GOLD'S CLOSURE PLAN AND CSR POLICIES FOR CERRO SAN PEDRO A comprehensive closure plan includes both social and


environmental aspects and assurance of the economic

New Gold made sure that its

development of surrounding communities and the

collaborators had the necessary tools to

future of collaborators.

continue their professional development in either the mining industry or in the execution of their own business.

Exploration ­—

Training: Strengthen the


abilities and capacities of our collaborators to potentialize their employability Local Economy: Contribute towards the development

Pre-feasibility ­—


of a local economy

Feasibility ­—


diversifying activities to

by strengthening and create new opportunities. Entrepreneurship:


Construction ­—

Implement a program with an aim to develop abilities that permit collaborators

Operation ­—

and the surrounding communities to contribute more to the productive

State holder input

Mine life cycle

sector and services in the

Increasing detail


ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The restoration plan of the mine is divided into phases that last several years. It aligns itself closely to the approved regulation laid out by environmental authorities such as PROFEPA and SEMARNAT.

• Administrative offices, the plant DETAILED CLOSURE PLANNING

and water basin will be dismantled


Decommissioning ­— Transition to closure Closure ­—


to restore the natural structure of the area. • The pit will be physically stabilized in its circulating perimeter and walls. • Its leaching pads will be contoured and smoothened to stabilize the basins and renovated through a

Post Closure ­—

washing process before initiating its revegetation process with a cover. • The soil will go through an ecological regeneration process

Relinquishment ­—

with the inclusion of native plants




When a mine prepares for closure, the operator is faced with

period of 10 months. The account is opened in January and

a number of challenges. A full remediation and reforestation

the savings are then shared out between the members the

plan must be drawn up to meet all environmental

following November, although funds can be withdrawn at

requirements, a strong project pipeline must be ready to

any point during the year. Workers can then hand out tax-

replace the fall in production levels and revenue and the

free loans to each other at far more competitive rates than

land must be returned to the original owner according to

would be on offer on the market at conventional micro-

local protocol.

finance institutions. “This gives the client more flexibility, which is important for workers in Mexico who often need


But there is one issue that could have particularly damaging

cash at short notice,” says Castillo. “It makes it much easier

effects if not handled correctly: how to ensure that

and more attractive to save and take out loans.”

thousands of workers, most of whom inevitably lose their jobs as a project winds down, are prepared for a future

This short-term model was designed by Mejora

without the mine. While most operators do their best to

specifically for the Mexican market. Castillo accepts

offer their staff support via training schemes, workshops

that microfinance is a “fantastic tool” for developing

and recommendations, the sheer size of the redundant

economies like Mexico but insists that the lack of

workforce means that the employer requires help to ensure

financial awareness in the country makes this method

that everyone receives the backing he or she needs.

of lending risky for the local working population. “If there is no basic financial education microfinance can

Mejor is a San Luis Potosi-based nonprofit civil association

cause socioeconomic problems because people do not

that administers annual savings funds for workers across

understand the small print when taking out loans and so

a variety of industries, is geared toward fostering a culture

the interest can snowball out of control,” he says. “Taking

of saving and future planning in Mexico. For many years it

the money directly from the salary removes the danger of

has managed an annual savings fund – a collective savings

failure to pay the installments on time, which is a problem

account that is renewed every year – for workers at Minera

we continue to see in Mexico.”

San Xavier, which runs the Cerro San Pedro mine near the city of San Luis Potosi. The mine, owned by Canadian

Although Mejora does not gear itself toward any particular

miner New Gold, is now in a final leaching program, with

industry, the annual saving fund platform is particularly

full closure expected to arrive in 2019 at the latest. Mejora

attractive to miners, whose wages are higher on average

is helping the workers take the next step in their careers.

than other sectors in Mexico. From its base in San Luis Potosi, the company is growing at a considerable rate and

“Many of the workers have shown interest in starting their

already has operations in Tabasco, Guanajuato and Jalisco.

own business,” says Ruben Castillo, Director General of

Mejora now works with over 70 companies, including

Mejora. “We help to connect them to the right people and

Dräxlmaier, General Motors and Faurecia, to encourage its

our support will not stop, despite the fact that the annual

workforce to start saving. By doing so, says Castillo, the

savings fund is coming to an end.”

company hopes to see workers in Mexico better prepared for the uncertainties of the future.

As well as supporting workers faced with redundancy, Mejora, which has been in operation since 2004 and now

“Our business model revolves around encouraging people

has over 45,000 members, tries to encourage workers to

to save and to do this we work with companies to teach

save by offering a unique investment platform. The annual

personal finance, investment and future planning,” he

savings fund allows workers from any company to invest

says. “There is a significant lack of financial awareness and

a portion of their wages into a collective account over a

education in Mexico and we are trying to fill that gap.”


PROMOTING A LONG-TERM VISION AND COOPERATION Jaime MartĂ­nez Business Development Director of ERM

Renato Urresta Principal Consultant at ERM

Q: How can environmental and social regulation in Mexico

and the communities, and overall the investments. We


collaborate with our clients to develop projects according

JM: Regulation is overly emphasized. Many countries spend

to these standards, so they successfully comply with audits.

a large chunk of their time creating paperwork and complex

We also collaborate with financial institutions to perform

legal processes that will never be executed. Trust and

audits on projects to make sure they are complying with the

cooperation should be prioritized. International standards

requirements. Many private financial institutions have become

are being brought to Mexico by foreign companies and

more demanding when it comes to project development and

many of those are of a higher benchmark than those our

corporate responsibility as a way to protect their capital.

public institutions adhere to due to their cost-reduction

Banks often include social aspects in their applications.

strategies and corporate responsibility obligations. Policymakers can benefit from knowledge in the industry.

Q: What do you foresee for the mining industry regarding social and environmental management and how will ERM

Q: In what way does your company help overcome social

participate in this context?

and environmental challenges?

RU: Mining legislation in Mexico and Latin America still

RU: We help our clients understand and manage social and

has room for improvement, particularly when dealing with

environmental risks and challenges so they can operate

foreign investment and protection of the interests of social

successfully. When it comes to foreign companies, one

spheres. International standards and best practices are

of their main challenges is understanding Mexico’s local

helpful in these matters because they can serve as guides

context and legal requirements. Our international and

for project development. It is important to consider the

national experts help facilitate understanding and dialogue

vision of the different stakeholders to generate long-term

among large companies and surrounding communities. We

plans that include different views and interests and to better

strive to promote transparency among these players.

distribute the benefits of the projects.

Along with our clients, we prepare Fit for Purpose Strategies

Successful projects require the public and private sector

that range from engagement, to land acquisition and

to work hand in hand every step of the way and require

resettlement processes to environmental impact studies

well-planned strategies followed up with a proper

and mine closure plans. Our scope is to help our clients

implementation process.

and communities transform challenges into development opportunities. Conflict prevention and resolution is one of

With regards to the mining sector in Mexico, ERM is working

our main services. When our clients require support and

on a resettlement process in the state of Sonora, under

guidance to improve their stakeholder engagement, we

World Bank and IFC international standards. We have been

provide support to ramp up sustainable solutions. We work

involved with this initiative for the last three years. We are

on site, side by side with the communities and client teams.

also developing a strategic planning project for the opening of another mining project in the state of Morelos and working

Q: What are the financial benefits to adopting sustainble

in Guerrero to create a livelihood restoration project and will


evaluate how it directly impacts the surrounding community.

RU: Responsible mining operations comprise transparent and participatory measures. International development organizations such as the World Bank and the International

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) is a global

Finance Corporation provide funds for projects. To gain access

provider of environmental, health, safety, risk and social

to finance, a company must comply with standards that have

consulting services. With more than 160 offices in over 40

been developed particularly to protect the environment

countries and territories, ERM employs over 4,500 people




INVESTING IN SOCIAL GOOD The management team of Starcore International Mines is committed to driving and developing its company toward its growth and valuation objectives while maintaining an unwavering commitment to social and environmental stewardship. Its largest involvement flows directly through its biggest asset in Mexico, the San Martin gold mine in the state of Queretaro. The mine has approximately 320 employees with families that live in the nearby town of San Martin. Starcore’s participation in youth education includes ongoing donations to improve kindergarten and elementary programs, purchasing of school supplies, annual summer camps and maintenance of the grounds and entrances of the school areas. It recognizes its responsibility in providing the best tools for the children of the community to succeed and be prepared for the future. On the public health front, Starcore provides its employees with annual medical checkups free of charge, including prostrate antigens exams, audiometry exams, physical exams, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol exams and thorax x-rays. “Investing in social good as a core value of the company is one of the main reasons we have been successful in Mexico,� says Robert Eadie, President and CEO of the company. Starcore has adopted the technology of dry stacked tailings at a considerable added cost to its operations. It is one of the only companies in Mexico to apply this method. The dry stack tailings method provides many benefits to the surrounding environment, including the ability to recycle more of its process solutions within the plant, reducing water consumption by as much as 80 percent, decreasing land usage, creating a more stable impoundment geotechnically and also helping to revegetate the surrounding area. As part of the revegetation process, Starcore provides a nursery for plants in the region and an estimated 7,500 plants per year. Through friendly engagement of the community, the children from the San Martin primary and secondary schools submitted ideas based on the perceived needs of the community for an unused piece of land. The ideas were submitted to a panel that consisted of mine staff and community members and the best idea that focused most on a sustainable and an equitable solution would win. The submissions reflected an incredible amount of passion and vision, clearly demonstrating that the desire to create a park for the generations to come was instinctive to the children.





Q: To what extent do you feel confidence is returning to

Q: What services do you provide your clients in the mining

the sector following the price downturn?


A: The depreciation of the peso against the US dollar

A: We have been working on issues surrounding land

has been a big boost for Mexico’s ability to compete in

ownership legislation for more than 25 years, and we

the international sphere because production and other

specialize entirely on the subject of land access. Torex Gold

operational expenses are coming down. After the royalty

bought a project in the Cocula municipality in Guerrero in

taxes were introduced in 2014, we saw many companies

2008, an area with a very complicated social structure. The

pulling out their investments from Mexico and putting them

previous owner of the concession was Kennecott, and was

into other Latin American jurisdictions because mining in

unable to develop the project for 12 years despite having

the country was becoming too expensive. Now, with strong

all the equipment on the property ready to work. We were

reserves in Mexico and recovering prices, the international

hired and immediately carried out an in-depth social and

investor community and major mining companies are once

land due diligence to clearly establish the social, technical

again looking at Mexico as a viable destination. This is great

and legal situation. We needed to find out who were the

to see but the country still has some improvements to make,

local community leaders, and what they wanted to know

particularly on the issue of security.

and receive in return for approving the project. Following the inquiry, we realized that all the issues that had been impeding the project’s progress could be easily resolved.

Grupo GAP offers legal and social advice for mining, energy

We reached resettlement agreements with a total of 190

and oil projects in Mexico. It specializes in resolving conflicts

families, and by 2010 Torex was able to start working.

related to land access and usage and agrarian issues, in

The mine entered into production in 2016 and is now a

particular communication with ejido communities

multimillion-dollar asset. We did a similar job for Alamos

Gold on its Mulatos project in Sonora and for Agnico Eagle

done, the project cannot be successful. This is where Grupo

at its Pinos Altos project in Chihuahua.

GAP can add value.

Q: How do you approach communities that fundamentally

Q: What do you hope to achieve over the next few years?

oppose mining projects?

A: For the past 28 years, we have been working to ensure

A: Mexico has been a mining country for 500 years, and

that the mining sector brings jobs, investment and

many of those who oppose mining today come from mining

development to the country and that objective has not

families. States like Guerrero and Oaxaca prospered on the

changed. We believe we have an important role to play as

back of mining, but this has changed as the political and

the bridge between mining companies and communities

social environment have become more complicated. Mining

and we want to continue working to improve this complex

companies have a duty to explain to these communities,

relationship step by step. I want to see the mining sector

as openly and transparently as possible, what the plan for

fulfill its potential and contribute more to the national

the project is, and what impact this will have on the nearby

economy. Mining pays higher salaries than most other

communities. The companies, with our help, need to carry

industrial sectors and provides jobs in remote regions where

out their due diligence to understand exactly how each

there are no other options for employment, so it is vital that

individual community functions, who its leaders are, and

the public and private sector work together to support the

what is important in the region. If the homework is not

ongoing development of the industry.



Banks require that the projects they finance are viable and profitable but they also need high environmental and social stewardship”

extremely demanding because if problems arise, the fingers

Adrián Juárez, Director of CTA

to carry out additional social and environmental work

immediately point to the financing source as the problem. CTA works with clients to provide guidance on how to comply with these loan terms. The difficulty in adopting these best practices depends on the point at which an operator requests funding, according to Juarez. “Some mines start up without a loan, having already acquired the permits,” he says. “Problems arise when they are asked as a condition of the funding. They have already made production commitments and at this point must make

Mining projects are investment-heavy and many companies

readjustments, which can be problematic for them.”

reach the startup stage and find they require extensive investment to carry on. The operator can reach out to

Although many of Mexico’s mining regulations are

consortiums of banks, such as the World Bank’s private

comprehensive, others are outdated and no longer relevant.

funding arm IFC, for a loan. But because banks want to

“The regulations that were put in place years ago should now

ensure the viability of their investments, they impose strict

be the tip of the iceberg in terms of responsibility," Juárez

terms on the funds, including conditions related to the

says. Twenty-five years ago, when the legislation was drafted,

social and environmental practices of the operators.

less was known about the significance of concentrations of metals like arsenic in water in soil. As a result, Mexican

Adrián Juarez, Director of the environmental and social

laboratories now adhere to standards that dictate that

consultancy company CTA says that operators are expected

arsenic levels must be less than one part per million (ppm).

to comply with strict regulations for the duration of the loan

But now, as more knowledge is gathered, scientists agree

or risk forfeiting further funds. “Banks require projects to be

that more than 0.1ppm of arsenic can be toxic. “This specific

viable and profitable but they also need to have high levels of

legislation limits the scope of laboratory analysis because

environmental and social stewardship,” he says. “This prevents

it mandates how it should be carried out with no leeway,”

the risk of toxic spills, protests, strikes or litigation, which in

says Juarez. “Now many companies need to send samples to

turn protects the bank’s investment.” Banks, he says, must be

laboratories outside Mexico for accurate analysis.”




Mining has a particularly toxic reputation for pollution and

consulting. “Our people gathered some of the community

neglect of land use and environmental impact regulations.

leaders involved in the mining project and through these

Guillermo Hinojos, Director General of environmental

negotiations the project was able to continue,” says Hinojos.

consultancy ASES, says this reputation is extremely

“The community went from being so shut off to the idea of

outdated. “The biggest challenge miners face is in convincing

mining to really embracing the industry and when the mine

the community that a modern mine is far removed from what

was eventually closed, there was a lot of sadness from the

the industry looked like 30 years ago.” On the contrary,

same people who had initially put up so much resistance.”

the industry is now unfairly demonized and many other 366

industries – mainly informal ones – do not have to adhere to

This is an example of how ASES is able to help mining

the same rigorous standards as mines and therefore end up

companies in Mexico. Having originally begun as a small

having a worse impact on the environment, he says.

company focused on environmental consultation, step by step it was able to convert into a multidisciplinary firm

“There is a great deal of regulation in mining and very

specializing in ecology and sustainable development.

little oversight,” he says. “And most importantly, there

After widening its panorama to access bigger and bigger

is an overwhelming willingness from mining companies

companies, ASES is now the biggest environmental

to comply with standards.” The challenge, Hinojos says,

consulting firm in northern Mexico, with 50 people working

is in convincing communities of how rigorously mining

across 22 different disciplines.

companies must adhere to standards related to waste management, land restoration, compensation programs and

In its 15 years in the industry, the company has made big

environmental impact, among other factors, or risk their

strides and its most notable mining clients now include

operations being shut down. In fact, as a result of tightening

giants Agnico Eagle, Pan American Silver and Minera

regulations, mining now has some of the strictest regulatory

Frisco. Hinojos says that Agnico’s internal environmental

standards of any industry in Mexico.

department is a little more established now so activities with this operator are more low-key. But ASES recently

This message can only be transmitted to communities

completed an extensive program to train workers from

through a concerted communication effort, he explains.

Pan American Silver on the identification and handling of

“Communities often demand immediate results because of

poisonous snakes. “We provide training to identify the type

poor communication. We must make the effort to explain

of animal, what risk it poses and how to avoid danger while

that changes occur over the mid to long term, as well as

protecting the species,” says Hinojos. “Many of the species

making them aware of the benefits that will be available to

in these regions are endangered and we want workers to

them over the course of a mining operation.” Unfortunately,

be able to remain safe while inflicting minimal disruption

mining is often overlooked as one of the most important

to the ecosystem.”

industries in the world, supplying the raw materials for everything from steel used to build skyscrapers to silver

This is also why Hinojos says it is important to take

used in cell phones and car manufacturing.

reforestation campaigns seriously. Often, these programs are too complex for just one company to oversee. “It is very easy

In one success case in which ASES participated, two staff

to plant trees but we cannot simply reforest with the same

members worked in the Tepalcatepec municipality in

type and size of tree throughout the complex; this is not a

Michoacan. The area had experienced uprisings and tension

forest, it is a park,” he explains. “There is a delicate ecosystem

was rife for reasons unrelated to the mining industry in the

to consider and each location has varying requirements for

area, causing the community to resort to blockades that

different species of a variety of animals. We cannot just

prevented supplies reaching the mine for which ASES was

reinstate the structure of the forest but also its functions.”



“Location, location, location” may be a commonly adopted

The company finds that exploration companies generally

mantra among real estate agents but it is also one of the

face the most challenges because they tend to be smaller

biggest concerns that mining companies have upon entering

and less well-known among indigenous communities. Kroll

Mexico. Mining operators often have to battle security

helps minimize the risk by collecting reliable data from

issues that arise from organized crime near mine sites or

key players in the area to find the root of the issue. “Even

surrounding communities that prevent the development

though mining companies often have their own methods of

and continuation of projects. “To more efficiently manage

gathering information, it helps for us to gather our own as

the risks, operators should conduct a security analysis of

the companies’ data could be biased,” says Weihs.

any area where they wish to acquire a mine site, particularly in the case of a greenfield project,” says Brian Weihs, Mexico

The key is to find sources of information who would not

Office Head at Kroll. This could prove to be a key step

under normal circumstances be likely to talk to mining

that could save companies thousands, perhaps millions of

companies. This offers a more complete picture of the


area that would otherwise be quite limited. “When it comes to more specific issues such as suspicion of theft, a more

The seriousness and type of security issues greatly varies

detailed process should be undertaken,” says Weihs.

between states and surrounding communities. “The northern Mexican states tend to have many years of experience with

Another challenge that the industry often battles with is

the mining industry and are generally accustomed to these

the resolution of land issues and community members who

activities,” says Weihs. “But issues are more likely to arise

are angry about incoming projects. “Even though we are

in areas south of Mexico City.” These communities, he says,

not directly involved with these resolutions, we understand

are less accustomed to mining and are therefore less aware

that they can be quite complicated,” says Weihs. “The public

of the benefits the sector can provide.

sector should facilitate these processes.”

When it comes to the mining sector, Kroll, as an

Improving transparency is a strong priority for all sectors

international advisory firm that helps clients with all

and the federal government is under pressure to improve its

forms of security threats, mostly focused on investigating

processes. Weihs believes that the National Anti-Corruption

and solving issues that companies have with local

System that was created by constitutional reform in the

communities, loss of products and other types of threats

summer of 2016 might be the push the country needs

that operators face. “We analyze the security risks that

to take a new direction. “Hopefully, it will lead to the

operators face throughout the stages of their project

appointment of an independent anti-corruption prosecutor,”

and, with this information, we develop risk-management

he says. “The prosecutor and investigators will be at liberty

programs for our clients,” says Weihs. The company

to investigate any governmental area that receives capital

focuses on issues from northern Mexico, Chihuahua and

from the federal government at a local, state and federal

Sonora but it also works with some companies from

level, as well as private companies.” This new position is

Guerrero and Michoacan, which also endure theft and

expected to be established in 2017.

major security problems. But Weihs strongly believes the government is making great Theft, according to Weihs, can be especially damaging

strides in improving transparency. “It is improving processes

during a downturn. “Operators need to be particularly

like single-window transactions and implementing Internet

careful when production is lower than normal and they

portals to minimize opportunities for unauthorized activities,”

need to be as cost-efficient as possible,” he says. “A theft

he says, with the conviction that, if more transparency is

at this time can considerably exacerbate financial strain.”

achieved, Mexico’s investment climate will greatly improve.




Costly blockades that halt mining activities can cost companies millions of dollars a day and tend to be rooted in a lack of satisfaction and dialogue between the surrounding communities and the mining industry. Companies eagerly seek new ways to communicate with social spheres to avoid the costly blockades and negative media coverage. Some opt for international certifications while others incorporate sustainable habits to reduce their environmental and social impact. Mexico Mining Review asked industry leaders about the main obstacles to creating a healthy relationship with these communities and what best practices they use.

In 2016, we were given an award in recognition of our sustainability programs from CEMEFI, which marks the sixth consecutive year we have received this honor. At Guanajuato, the mine is in the middle of the city so we really have to work very closely with the local communities. The most important aspect a company must consider when working in close proximity to a city is ensuring it is a good corporate citizen. This includes the way it treats employees, respect for the environment and integration


ROBERT ARCHER President and CEO of Great Panther Silver

with the community. At the San Ignacio mine right outside the city, the communities are more rural and some do not even have access to drinking water. We are working with them to provide access to these facilities and we are implementing education programs based on recycling, hygiene and other relevant topics.

In truth, we have excellent relations with local communities, but unfortunately it only takes 10 people to execute a blockade that can be very damaging to the operation. Given that we are new to the area, understanding what we do is vital so we arrange a bus to pick up community members and take them through the plant every Thursday, which has been a tremendously popular initiative. We also support local fishermen by providing equipment and stocking facilities. It is important to maintain a constant

FRED STANFORD President and CEO of Torex Gold

presence and dialogue so that we are no longer viewed as an outsider, but rather as an important contributor to regional development.

ArcelorMittal Mexico is a Socially Responsible Company. Besides being the main generator of employment in Michoacan, we are also committed to transforming the industry and building a better future for the generations to come. We are aware of the impacts of our interventions in the region and measure the effectiveness of our strategies according to the level of transformation achieved in the communities where we operate, and the shared value that they generate.

MANOLO ESPINOZA Mine Director of ArcelorMittal

We believe that establishing early and close relationships with communities is fundamental to our business, with the aim of jointly addressing and managing the negative impacts that may arise in the field, both for our mining and our steel production operations.

Our company’s Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) policy is our commitment to sustainable performance. It is the basis for our decisions related to environmental, health and safety and social performance. We use the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining protocols for tailings management, energy management, health and safety, and stakeholder engagement as best practice in these areas. The Cozamin mine has been recognized by several organizations for our commitment to sustainable performance, including the distinctive ESR Socially Responsible Company (Mexican Centre for Philanthropy - CEMEFI), Clean Industry Certification (PROFEPA) and the Family-Responsible Company Accolade (Ministry

DARREN PYLOT President and CEO of Capstone Mining

of Labour and Social Welfare). In 2015, the mine was ranked number 16 in the top 100 Great Places to Work in Mexico for companies of 500–5,000 employees.

Exploration or mining companies need to use their own people, as senior as possible, to establish from the very beginning the relationships with the mineral project’s surrounding communities. Companies often use foreign or independent consultants to do this social work, but it never beats using the company’s own people. Upon starting an exploration project, it is important to get to know the local folks, to listen to them and to start earning their trust. In general, locals truly respect that and it builds a solid trust base to build upon when a major mining operation is planned for the future. In my opinion, problems with the ejidos only become an issue out of


ALAIN CHAREST Exploration VP at Evrim Resources


Responsible mining operations comprise transparent and participatory measures. International development organizations such as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation provide funds for projects. A company, in order to gain access to finance, has to comply with standards that have been developed particularly to protect the environment and the communities, and to protect overall investment. We collaborate with our clients to develop projects under these standards so they successfully comply with audits. We also work with financial institutions to audit projects to make sure they are complying with the requirements. Many private financial institutions have become more demanding when it comes to project development and corporate responsibility as a way to protect their capital. Banks

RENATO URRESTA Principal Consultant at Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

often include social aspects in their applications.

The largest obstacle in environmental and social compliance is the community consultation process as it requires a complex understanding of cultural norms. For the oil and gas industry, the National Human Rights Commission released recommendations for environmental compliance in August 2016 that now include community consultations and are based on international norms. However, these same specifications were not established for other industries, so many mining companies struggle with the lack of a clearly established regulations in terms of community consultation. Operators can incorporate more preventive and proactive approaches by identifying, within economically viable projects, a map of advantages, areas of opportunities and allies. Taking the time to develop a strategy often helps align the objectives of a project with the needs of surrounding communities and ensures success.

BRENDA ROGEL Partner at Hogan Lovells BSTL


TĂŠcnica Salgar's automatic absorption/rejection filter



Energy accounts for 40 percent of the operational

to store and is not as “environmentally friendly” as we

expendidures in mines and, with the arrival of the Energy

think,” he says. “To store solar power, large batteries that

Reform, the rules of the game have changed for the

resemble those of a car are required. These batteries

industry. Previously mines integrated energy-efficiency

take years to degrade, their lifespan is short - between

tools to lower their production costs but now they are

two to five years - and they are extremely harmful to

obligated to make changes to their processes and,

the environment.” Another problem is that they create

according to Bernardo Salcido, Director General of energy

direct current which must be transformed using electric

systems company Técnica Salgar, this has been more

and transformers into AC electricity in the network. This

difficult than expected.

electric transformation creates many power disruptions within a network, which is why there have been many

“There are many players within the industry that do not

problems with wind energy, where transformers have

completely understand the new norms that came from

exploded and systems have been shut down.

the Energy Reform,” he says. “Whenever a mine requires something related to energy, it must go through CENACE.

Técnica Salgar is working with one of these energy

Operators now require various expensive studies that start

generators - Fresnillo - on its newly operating San Julian

at US$100,000 and it does not matter if they have their

mine in the Durango-Chihuahua mountains, having

own power generation plants.” However, he concedes that

supplied its first batch of filters. Due to the success of

this new norm gives companies three years to align their

the Fresnillo project, the company has begun working

processes to the new standards and Salcido sees this as a

with Industrias Peñoles on its new Rey de Plata project

window of opportunity.

in Guerrero. With Grupo México arduously working on the expansion at Cananea, Salcido sees a great deal of

Técnica Salgar is a 40-year-old Mexican company that

opportunity for Técnica Salgar’s services in the near future.

specializes in engineering, equipment manufacturing,

“The rules of the game for energy usage have changed,

consultancy, maintenance, testing and operation of

creating new opportunities for us as an energy-efficiency

these energy-generation systems. The company is taking

company,” he says.

interest in products that will help companies that want to cogenerate power and then supply it to CFE’s grid.

The processes have become more intricate and mines

“Before transferring power, companies must convert it

must now carry out more complex processes. But if

into short-circuit power,” says Salcido “We believe this

the machinery works the way it is supposed to and

will become a huge trend in the future and we are the only

processes are strictly controlled, energy usage is

company that can supply miners with the high-current

dramatically reduced which leads to greater profit

reactors needed to connect to the national network.”

margins, says Salcido. “The market is small and there are few competitors,” he says. “The biggest companies

With the Energy Reform, mining companies were given

like Alstom and ABB dominate the market, but due

the power to generate their own energy supply and sell

to the increase in products coming from Asia, smaller

the surplus to CFE. While the largest Mexican miners,

companies are starting to participate.” Although more

Grupo México and Industrias Peñoles, have seized the

competition is starting to arise, there are few companies

opportunity, Salcido warns that renewable energy is not

innovating in the types of products or services they can

as simple as it seems.

offer to the mines. Técnica Salgar sets itself apart by constantly competing with itself to ensure it is providing

“The renewable energy trend is difficult to keep up with

the optimal solutions to clients and continuously

because for instance, solar power is extremely difficult

improving processes.





Q: What impact has the Energy Reform had on the mining

conditions. However, there are new Canadian companies


entering Mexico without properly understanding the

A: The Energy Reform is an immense advantage for

nuances. The Canadian government offers a significant

operators to exploit additional resources, such as gas,

amount of support to companies that want to enter Mexico

that arise naturally from the exploitation of minerals. It

so operators that feel comfortable with this safety net are

has brought a new wave of opportunities for the mining

less likely to take the necessary precautions. Companies

industry in the country. The Energy Reform was well-

such as Grupo México, Peñoles and Goldcorp have lowered

written thanks to the fact that it adopted international best

investment in the sector.

practices. It applies lessons learned from mistakes made in countries like Spain, where the renewable-energy sector

Q: In what ways can your products and services help the

is relatively unsuccessful compared to the country’s total

mining industry?

energy demand. The mining sector’s reaction to the reform

A: We can help the Mexican mining sector by providing

could be more aggressive.

products that generate the additional energy that is required in mine sites. The power factor can be an issue in mines when

The minority that is properly taking advantage of the

an area does not have enough energy to meet the demands

open doors tend to be large operators that have enough

of the operation. Transmission lines can be damaged and

resources to expand into other sectors. For instance, Grupo

machines tend to overheat. Our products create a better

México and Industrias Peñoles are creating additional

flow of energy. The greatest advantage we offer is that our

companies that are not related to mining to enter the oil

products can work continuously day and night without

and gas industry. Valmex, an energy subsidiary of Industrias

requiring sunlight. The extra generation of energy can

Peñoles, was created in the beginning of 2016 and is already

improve the efficiency and productivity of mines. It also

starting to invest in new projects. Other companies like

helps reduce the likelihood of fines for noncompliance with

Grupo México are starting to invest in wind farms. Industrias

environmental guidelines. Our products inject reactive power

Peñoles is one of our main clients.

in motors to close the power factor gap in mines.

We hope to grow in the Mexican market similarly to the

Q: What products or services are you promoting to the

way we did in the UK, which was our main market for

mining sector

many years. In the last two years, we managed to sell

A: We not only sell products but also solutions that help

around 3.5GW in the UK alone. We own 40 -45 percent

move mines into automated processes. In Chile, automated

of the market.

conveyor belts are our specialty. We adapt to underground and open-pit mines. The company can also support the

Q: How do you perceive the mining industry at the

extraction process by providing products that extract the


naturally occurring water.

A: The mining industry is going through a transformation that requires the development of new products. There is a

Our main product is the medium voltage drive and most

particular need for automated products considering market

of our work revolves around controlling the motors of a mine. The product is particularly important as motors need to be able to support the load of the material that is on

Power Electronics is a power services provider for industries

the conveyor belts. Our motors are not made to only offer



speed but also durability. When we design our products,

headquarters in Spain, the company’s portfolio includes

we take into consideration the speed and weight of the

ignitors, inverters and solar stations

material that needs to be processed.









With mining companies often located in remote areas away

and already participates in a solar plant for Fresnillo.

from CFE’s power grid, a substantial portion of their energy

“We collaborate with companies such as Jorgensen that

is generated by electric motors, which are relatively compact

provide solar power for mines to continue finding ways to

and can adapt to rough terrain. But approximately 60 percent

use energy more efficiently,” he says. Additionally, Danfoss’

of the energy consumed around the planet is used by industrial

product can intelligently separate heat in the cabinet room,

companies and 40 percent of this powers electric motors.

which further provides savings and energy efficiency by

According to Murilo Dalla, Business Development Manager

minimizing or eliminating the need for air conditioners.

of Danfoss, this implies a vast number of opportunities to promote efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

But, he warns that energy efficiency is not simply a onestop solution. “We want to emphasize that energy efficiency

“Electric motors are a blessing for mining operations but

requires more than just applying a drive,” he says. “It is

they were created to only work at full speed,” he says.

not magic and should be applied with the expertise of a

“Some companies try to control the speed through a fan

specialist to take full advantage of its benefits.”

or pump but these only manage the flow of the air. This method is similar to pressing a gas pedal on a car and

Although Danfoss does not directly work with mining

attempting to manage the speed with the brakes.” He says

operators, it develops products that are used under

these sorts of tools should only be used as a last resort

different brands in the mining sector for projects managed

because it is better to manage the source of the speed and

by operators such as Industrias Peñoles, Agnico Eagle and

that is how a drive can help save energy.

Cobre de Mayo. “The problem is that the sector does not recognize our efforts in the mining world because our

Danfoss, which first developed the expansion valve for

name is not attached to these products,” says Dalla. “We

refrigeration and air conditioning systems in 1933, is present

are focused on positioning our brand and making our work

across a variety of industries. It is divided into various

in the mining industry more recognized.”

segments such as drives, cooling, heating and power solutions. Danfoss Drives is a segment with a particular

Dalla says, however, that the company’s positioning in the

focus in the Mexican mining industry. As a drive specialist,

sector is getting a boost from current metal prices. “When

it helps customers comply with harmonic mitigation issues

prices are too high, companies are wasteful and inefficient

that are important for electrical systems and production.

and when they are too low, people are hesitant to invest in new projects,” he says. “The prices per ounce at the moment

“Drives offer a way to manage speeds, eliminate unnecessary

are at a healthy balance and companies are quite interested

energy consumption and provide heat management,” says

in continuing to maximize efficiency.”

Dalla. “Our drives excel under mining conditions as these operations require large amounts of power and energy.”

Danfoss is constantly striving for higher and higher efficiency

Danfoss can provide products that can make between a 1-2

through the innovation and R&D the company is renowned

percent cost improvement compared to what is offered by

for. Danfoss develops projects, including an app that can

competitors. And in a business like mining, just 1 percent on

take a photo of a component and use a code to calculate

a 300-horsepower drive that runs 24 hours a day quickly

how to optimize its efficiency, and provides databases that

adds up to thousands of dollars per year.

include information about the drive such as the length of the warranty to facilitate use. “Danfoss is changing the idea that

Drives are equally important in renewable energy because

our customers have of drives and proving the product’s ability

each photovoltaic cell requires a drive to convert it into

to make mines more efficient,” says Dalla. “This eliminates the

usable energy. Danfoss has a huge line of solar drives

fear that many have of applying new tools to their systems.”


Buenavista del Cobre, Sonora, Grupo MĂŠxico



With a 500-year history dating back to the Spanish conquistadores, the mining industry is one of the oldest and most traditional in Mexico. But the appearance of strict regulations, exponential changes in technology and the drawbacks related to the sector’s cyclical prices are forcing operators to take a second look at their structures and business models for opportunities to optimize and maximize. If the trend continues and operators adapt accordingly, the industry is on its way toward a more productive, efficient and environmentally-friendly future. Thanks to the interest of tech companies in the industry, mine sites will soon replace people with robots to conduct the sector’s most hazardous tasks, reducing the possibility of human error. Projects will also be discovered faster than ever before, closing the gap between demand and the lack of new sites. But for all of these predictions to become a reality, companies must overcome paradigms and a resistance to change.

In this chapter, leading experts give their opinions and forecasts on the needs and advances of the industry. The public and private sector discuss ways to keep the industry flourishing and what Mexico must do to stay ahead of the curve and remain one of the world’s top mining destinations.



ANALYSIS: Sowing Seeds for The Future


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Alfonso Cantú, Ministry of Economy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Jabalera, Ministry of Economy of Chihuahua


EXPERT OPINION: Federico Santoyo, Ministry of Economy of Sonora


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Espinosa, SoftLanding Group Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Philip Hopwood, Deloitte


EVENT SPOTLIGHT: Strengthening Ties Between Industry and Academia


INSIGHT: Fernando López del Bosque, Zacatecas State Council for Economic Development


INSIGHT: Andrés Robles, AIMMGM


BOX: Marbella Centell, Women’s Committee Mexico City District


INSIGHT: Added-Value Services Attract Operators


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alberto Vázquez, VHG Abogados


ROUNDTABLE: What Challenges Will the Mining Industry Face Over the Next Few Years?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Peter Bryant, Clareo


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Sánchez, Haynes and Boone


INSIGHT: Héctor García, PwC


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo Salgado, KPMG Mexico


INSIGHT: Henk van Muijen, IHC Mining



SOWING SEEDS FOR THE FUTURE The mining industry is one of Mexico’s most conventional sectors.


But sticking to the status quo means it is struggling to keep up

An increasing amount of the world’s metal

with the world’s brand-driven economy. To meet the growing

demand now comes from tech companies

needs of the 21st century, the industry must embrace the future

developing the latest smartphones or electric vehicles. But these industry giants

In 2017, KPMG released an insight about the top risks

can afford to be picky about supply-chain standards.

to the future of the mining industry, as perceived by

In 2016, Amnesty International and media outlets such

mining executives in Canada. At the head of the list

as the Washington Post and Sky News began releasing

lies the ability to access and replace reserves, which is

controversial reports about the origin of cobalt, a mineral

understandable given the fact that exploration activity all

used for lithium-ion batteries in products developed

but halted in recent years due to a prolonged commodity

by big tech companies like Apple and Sony, in the

price downturn. There is now a lack of pipeline projects

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The reports found

and operators are examining ways to get the most out of

strong connections between the mineral, child labor and

brownfield assets. Sierra Metals has strengths in greenfield

dangerous working conditions. Consequently, Apple, HP,

exploration but its current strategy is aligned more with

Samsung SDI and Sony joined the Responsible Cobalt

development close to its existing properties.

Initiative led by a Chinese business group as a pledge to follow OECD guidelines for mining supply chains. Apple


“We are focused on brownfield because we have a lot of

even announced that it has stopped buying cobalt from

untapped potential close to the existing mines,” says Mike

these mines in the DRC until they are able to guarantee

McAllister, the company’s Vice President of Corporate

adequate worker protection and a ban on child labor.

Development. “We benefit more from brownfield exploration that is close to mine heads as these projects

Companies like Industrias Peñoles are leading the pack

can generate mines in less than a year.”

by basing the future of the company on sustainable development, human capital and technology. “We have

But with a desperate need for new mining projects,

an internal R&D group made up of 35 full-time researchers

authorities are now concerned about promoting Mexico

working at a specialized center in Torreon, and we are

on a cut-throat international playing field. “Strong mining

always looking for innovative methods that can improve

jurisdictions in Latin America like Peru and Chile are all

our practices,” says Fernando Alanis, Director General of

fighting for investment from Asia, North America, Australia

Industrias Peñoles. “We are fully aware of what is going on

and Europe,” says Armando Perez, Director General of

in the industry on a global scale and we will never hesitate

the Mining Development Trust Fund (FIFOMI). “Like its

to invest funds into new technology that can move the

neighbors to the south, Mexico has a capital deficit and

mining sector forward.”

needs foreign investment so we need to ensure that our processes and practices to attract foreign capital are

Operators in Mexico that align themselves to sustainability

superior to the competition.”

and environmental standards are reaping clear benefits. Capstone Mining was ranked number 16 in the top 100

Even though the mining industry is now held to some of

Great Places to Work in Mexico for companies with

the highest environmental and sustainability standards,

500-5,000 employees. It is also the first mine in Mexico

the public continues to hold a stereotypical image of a

to receive a certificate from the National Council for

miner covered in dirt holding a pickaxe and a lantern. “The

Standardization and Certification of Occupational

global mining industry is going through an identity crisis,”

Competencies. These kinds of actions are important

says Andres Robles, President of the Mexico City Chapter

strides toward changing the perception of the industry.

of AIMMGM. “A hundred years ago the media created a particular image of the industry and that image has stuck

Paying attention to its brand, as noted by PwC, is an

in people’s minds.” To guarantee the future of the industry,

efficient way to demonstrate that an industry is deserving

miners now know that a project pipeline is needed. And

of self-regulation and to guarantee demand. The 2016

with such stiff competition for all-important exploration

Label Insight Transparency ROI Study surveyed more than

investment, the Mexican industry realizes it must clean up

2,000 consumers about the impact transparency has on

its image and seek new methods that ensure longevity

their trust and loyalty to brands. According to 56 percent

and continued investment inflows. In today’s society,

of those surveyed, additional product information inspires

perception is everything, and mining is no exception.

more trust in a given brand and 73 percent are willing to

pay more for a product that promises total transparency.

the marketplace in a transparent manner. This needs to

This is added pressure for the mining industry to clean up


its game and share more information with the end user about its processes.

And projects and actions that are being financed through The Mining Fund could go a long way to creating a


positive impact when it comes to the perception of the

Considering the need to take advantage of rising metals

industry. “The Mining Fund’s investments have contributed

prices by mining and selling as much ore as possible, Phillip

to improving the image of mining both among the

Hopwood, Global Mining Leader at Deloitte, considers

communities where it is carried out and between local

the adequate use of resources to be one of the biggest

governments, which have identified a lower incidence of

issues that mining companies face. “Once companies have

conflicts,” says Mario Alfonso Cantú, Undersecretary of

negotiated with suppliers and cut spending to a minimum,

Mining at the Ministry of Economy.

it is crucial for them to focus on innovation,” he says. To survive the waves of uncertainty being created by This is when branding and public image come most

technological advances and economical and social

into play, as tech companies and talented youth will

shifts, a culture of transparency and brand awareness is

always choose to collaborate with industries that are

necessary. The path will not be easy nor quick. But, as

aligned with their core values and goals. “If the sector

Glenn Ives, Americas Mining Leader Deloitte Canada, asks

wants to attract young talent, it has to actively promote

in Tracking the Trends, “Will the next two years be wasted

sustainability, renewable energy and innovation,” adds

time, where companies fail to learn from the mistakes of

Hopwood. “Mining brings jobs to remote communities

the past? Or will these be the years where miners seize

that have very few employment options but as a sector

the opportunity to transform themselves and create a

it has been ineffective at getting the message out into

sustainable industry?”

In 2015, a total of 75 percent of all FDI in the mining sector came from Canada. This means that the concerns of Canadian executives are particularly pertinent to the longevity of the Mexican industry. According to the 2016 KPMG Report Insights into Mining, the top risks identified by CEOs from leading mining companies in Canada show their main concern is the ability to replace reserves with new projects. In comparison, CEOs from around the world share worries about emerging


technologies, their brand and their reputation. While it seems that mining companies have wildly differing concerns to those from other industries, the survey found that CEOs around the world are implementing a variety of strategic initiatives for the next three years to meet the needs of the sector. These represent solutions for the industry’s primary concerns as companies that are focusing on becoming more data-driven in the short term could simultaneously help the mining industry control capital costs. Another example is an overall focus on strengthening marketing, brand and communication that was mentioned by Mexican CEOs in the KPMG report. This could be used to improve the all-important issue of community relations in mining projects. Through strategic alliances with companies from the automotive and tech industries, for example, mining companies might be a step closer to closing important operational gaps and mitigating risk.



Identified by CEOs in Leading Mining Companies from Canada*

From CEOs Around the World**

Ability to Access and Replace Reserves Including

Fostering Innovation

Access to New Projects

Implementing Disruptive Technologies

Community Relations-Social License Controlling Capital Costs Identified by CEOs Around the World**

From CEOs in Mexico** Strengthen Marketing, Brand and Communication

Emerging Technology

Gain Public Trust


Becoming More Data Driven

*Information from the 2016 KPMG Report Insights into Mining **Information compiled from 2017 Global CEO Outlook and KPMG International




Q: How do you assess the performance of SEDATU and the

The Mining Fund’s investments have contributed

Mining Committees regarding the allocation of the funds

to improving the image of mining both among the

from the Mining Trust Fund?

communities where it is carried out and between local

A: The Regional Committees for the Development of Mining

governments, which have identified a lower incidence

Zones are the bodies that are responsible for defining the

of conflicts.

application of resources, seeking to benefit mining locations and regions where mining takes place according to Article

Q: What role can mining clusters like the one formed in

275 of the Federal Law of Rights.

Guerrero play in bringing more talent and capital to the sector in the long term?


Each Regional Development Committee is composed of

A: Promotion of clusters is a key component within the

a representative of the Federal Public Administration.

Ministry of Economy’s National Development Plan and

In this case, it is the head of SEDATU, a representative

innovative Mining Development Program 2013-2018. This

of the state government and a representative of the

program seeks to strengthen and enhance the capacity of

municipality or municipalities where mining activities are

the mining sector to contribute to national development.

located. In cases where they are carried out in indigenous

The formation of mining clusters is one way to accomplish

or agrarian communities, a representative of these

this goal.

communities, as well as a representative of the relevant mining companies with activities in the municipality

Mexico has five mining clusters: in the states of Zacatecas,

round out the committee.

created in 2012; Chihuahua, created in 2013; Coahuila and Sonora created in 2014 and the most recent was created

The fund’s resources during 2015 amounted to around

in the state of Guerrero in 2016.

US$131.2 million. The committees that were installed in the same year have already worked on the identification of

One of the fundamental characteristics of these clusters is

community projects to which the funds will be allocated,

the inclusion of educational and research institutions as part

including the construction and refurbishment of schools,

of their structure. This allows the generation of collaborative

road infrastructure, public lighting, water treatment, waste

activities in the training and integration of human resources

landfills, urban mobility initiatives and the protection of

in relation to the specific requirements of the industry in

natural areas. The projects approved represent US$93.7

the regions where the cluster operates, as well as in the

million, according to SEDATU.

development of research and technological solutions to improve operations and processes. This is how clusters

Between 2015 and 2017, the fiscal authorities raised more

develop and attract human talent to the activities of the

than US$508 million through the special, additional and

mining sector.

extraordinary rights, of which about US$408 million are being allocated to the Fund for the Sustainable Regional

The integration of local and regional suppliers in the cluster

Development of States and Mining Municipalities.

is fundamental because this allows greater efficiency in the costs of inputs and services provided by these companies, as well as savings in transportation. This creates synergies

The Undersecretariat of Mining was created as a specialized

that stimulate the productivity and competitiveness of the

division of the Ministry of Economy in 2016. Mario Alfonso Cantú

members of the cluster, improving the business environment

was appointed the first Undersecretary having previously held

and the conditions for the profitability of investments. In

the position of General Coordinator of Mining at the ministry

this way clusters stimulate the flow of capital to the sector.

Q: What is being done to rectify the issues and delays faced by the concession system in Mexico? A: In accordance with one of the primary objectives of the Mining Development Program, we are implementing technological tools to reduce costs, streamline service procedures and provide a more efficient service to users. We have clearly identified the areas of opportunity that

Between 2015 and 2017, the fiscal authorities raised more than US$508 million through the special, additional and extraordinary rights

we can develop with technological infrastructure to have better control. We are working on modernizing our

contribution to the economic and social development of

technological platform and digitalizing all the concession

the country, its regions and localities.

process and cartography, meaning we will be able to reduce the number of days taken to issue a concession title. This

The Mining Development Program 2013-2018 defines four

Digital Government Integrated Platform will also allow us

main objectives: to promote greater levels of investment

to accelerate procedures through faster digital reception

and competitiveness in the mining sector, to seek increased

of requests. The training and strengthening of our staff will

funding in the mining sector and its value chain, to promote

also play an important role in this transition.

the development of small and medium-sized mining and social mining and to modernize the institutional regulations

Q: What are the main goals and objectives for the

for the sector and improve processes for dealing with

Undersecretariat of Mining in 2017 and beyond?

mining concessions.

A: The federal government, through the Ministry of Economy, is committed to supporting the growth

We will continue working to achieve the goals we set for

and expansion of mining activity, even more so in

2017 and 2018 and encourage the re-engineering of the

a complicated and more competitive international

Undersecretariat of Mining to be able to meet the expansion

context. This will be carried out through specific public

and development needs of the sector.

policies that address the greater needs of the industry to consolidate its strategic importance. Public policies for

We have four immediate priorities. Firstly, the development

the promotion of mining recognize the current conditions

of 1:50,000 cartography will continue since it is fundamental

of mining operations and our strategies guide the work

to encouraging investment that favors the development

of federal government bodies to strengthen the sector

of projects and sources of employment. Secondly, we

as a catalyst for development.

will support and promote the technological and process improvement to favor the productivity of the sector and

These policies are reflected in the Mining Development

its competitiveness. Thirdly, we will work toward allowing

Program 2013-2018, which includes public policies that are

the immediate deductibility of pre-operating expenses.

already applied as well as the goals and work agenda of

And finally, we will continue with the systematization of

the current administration. We want to help the sector meet

the procedures under the remit of the Undersecretariat of

the challenges of the current situation and consolidate its

Mining through the Directorate General of Mines.

MAG Silver and Fresnillo's Juanicipio JV development project, Zacatecas



CHIHUAHUA SEEKING REBOUND IN EXPLORATION SPENDING JOSÉ JABALERA Director of Mining at the Ministry of Economy of Chihuahua


Q: What is the state of the mining industry in Chihuahua?

trying to facilitate mining in the state by helping them find

A: Most of the mines are in the southern part of the

new ways to deal with those communities and to fill gaps

state, in the Sierra Madre mountainous region. Mining

in the state’s mining supply chain. The agency is helping

companies in the region are often responsible for their

suppliers find areas of opportunity in the supply chain

operations and for mining closures. For instance, El Sauzal

by identifying the industry’s main needs. Approximately

recently closed and Goldcorp is doing an excellent job

25-30 percent of the suppliers are local and we want to

re-establishing the ecosystem with continued monitoring

increase this number by processing more resources locally.

of results to make sure the closure and re-adaptation is

We want local companies to collaborate with foreign

advancing as planned.

companies in developing products that can meet supplychain requirements. This contributes economically to the

Chihuahua has a primary focus on silver and gold but

development of the region.

the epicenter of the state also offers base metals such as lead, zinc and copper while the east side produces iron.

60 percent of employees on mine sites are hired locally

It is difficult to produce base metals because the country does not have the infrastructure to process or refine these resources. Regarding projects in development, the state experienced a drop in exploration investment after metals prices fell in 2012. The first phase of Fresnillo’s San Julian project is about to ramp up to full production and there are

Q: In what ways are the authorities collaborating with the

several other mining companies evaluating opportunities

private sector?

for exploration. As a state, we seek to attract exploration

A: Our main objective is to promote the mining industry

companies not only from the US and Canada but also from

and to facilitate access to information, such as geological

other regions such as Australia, Europe and South America.

survey data, to attract investors. In this regard, a safety

We had a meeting with the South African ambassador

protocol was agreed upon between the authorities and the

and we are planning to visit companies in that country

private sector to make sure companies know the steps they

to promote the state. Chihuahua strives to promote the

have to take to guarantee safety within their operations and

state internationally to attract more investment. At the

exploration activities. This helps them mitigate problems

moment, junior companies are starting to reinitiate drilling

with suppliers, surrounding communities and organized

and prefeasibility studies.

crime to ensure the continuity of their investments.

Q: How would you describe the main areas of opportunities

We are attending international events such as PDAC to

in Chihuahua?

better position Chihuahua in the mining industry. The state

A: Mining companies often struggle with land permits

is looking for other events to share information and attract

and relationships with surrounding communities. We are

investors. We are starting a campaign for medium-sized miners to help them create growth strategies through planning and technology.

The Ministry of Economy of Chihuahua has the goal of promoting and implementing public policy with the aim of

The private sector also collaborates with its public

generating further employment and attracting more business

counterpart by growing trees in greenhouses. They are

to Chihuahua

planted not only at mine sites but throughout the entire

state as needed. An agreement is being signed between

economic development of mining towns. Fortunately, 60

mines and forest agencies to make sure there are enough

percent of the employees in mine sites are hired locally.

trees in the state. Q: How is the state taking advantage of the Mining Fund? Q: How does the mining cluster in Chihuahua support the

A: We are designating the funds from 2016 for projects such

industry and the state?

as tourism development to help surrounding communities

A: The work of the mining cluster is divided between

diversify their sources of income. This way communities are

operating and developing mines and the supply chain.

less at risk when mines reach the end of their life cycle and

Its main focus is to create more local suppliers for

can continue working in nonmining-related vocations. The

mines and to strengthen security in the region. Most of

funds are being used for more than just paved roads and

Chihuahua’s mines belong to the cluster. The committee

lights. We are also encouraging young people to create

strives to identify their main needs and instill socially

new businesses and develop solutions that address issues

and environmentally responsible habits that support the

within their communities.


A CHALLENGING 2017 FOR MINING FEDERICO SANTOYO Director of Mining at the Ministry of Economy of Sonora

We closed 2016 with an improvement in average metal prices

Thus, the mining agenda is a constant push and pull,

compared to the previous year and with a rise expected. But

with new issues that affect the healthy performance of

for Mexican miners, 2017 began with fuel increases and the

this noble sector. It is necessary to add to this collection

absurd implementation of an “environmental responsibility

the insecurity in some mining regions and the general

tax” for mining activity in the state of Zacatecas, which was

complaint regarding the slowness in the liberation of

essentially a tax-collecting effort by Governor Alejandro Tello.

mining concessions.

But most of all, without a doubt, the strongest emotional

This whole adverse panorama shapes the set of challenges

blow was the arrival of Donald Trump as the new president

that will be faced by mining investors, federal and state

of the US. All signs seem to indicate that he does not view

authorities and all those who somehow depend on this activity.

his neighbors to the south in a favorable light.

So hopes are pinned on the new Mining Undersecretary at the Ministry of Economy.

We could say the issues with mining are the same as ever but the indicators tell us that Mexico is losing its attractiveness

A historic petition of the Mexican mining guild was addressed

as a destination for mining investment, as indicated in the

by the Federal Government with the granting of an official

2016 annual Fraser Institute survey. The study places Mexico

overseer of the mining sector in the department instead of

in 50 place, down 13 points from its placement in 2015. It

the General Coordination that existed until last year.


is important to note that in 2012 Mexico ranked 25th. The same thing could happen in exploration investment, for which

The main reason for its creation was to give it adequate

Mexico is now in 6th place.

economic weight that is representative of the mining industry’s contribution to the country. With this, the sector

Mexican miners are hopeful that lawmakers will approve a

will be given a greater say in the shaping of mining policy,

proposal to return to the previous scheme, which allowed

with the possibility of being able to solve the problems of

the deduction of exploration expenses immediately

the sector more quickly. At least this is how it is seen by so

instead of being pro-rated in 10 years as it is presently. This

many of the main players in the Mexican mining industry, who

mechanism has caused a vertiginous drop in exploration

are also hoping that the expected results will happen sooner

projects in Mexico.

rather than later. Mexico needs it.





Q: How can Mexican governmental agencies help foreign

the change in equity raised in 2016 compared to 2015.

companies to enter the country?

The Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange

A: They are already helping a great deal and this tends

(TSX.V) are the two leading exchanges globally for mining.

to be one of the first ports of call for foreign companies.

Last year mining companies listed on TSX raised CA$6.8

Canadian companies normally approach the Mexican

billion, compared to CA$5.7 billion in 2015, an increase of

trade commission first when contemplating entry into the

20 percent. The TSX.V, where junior companies are listed,

country. This agency can provide information and guidance

raised CA$1 billion in 2015, which jumped to a whopping

and through the trade commission, meetings can be set

CA$2.5 billion in 2016. This is a great indicator of how

up with the right people in the community, such as the

the industry is rebounding and how junior companies are

Ministry of Economy or FIFOMI. The trade commission

accessing equity for their exploration projects again. We

can provide a list of potential partners but it is the foreign

will see many junior companies investing in exploration

company that is responsible for carrying out due diligence

activities in Mexico in the coming years.

on these companies. The state and federal governments are extremely pro-investment in mining because this equates to

Q: How can junior miners raise enough money to continue

more jobs, more investment and a better economic outlook

in exploration projects?

for the region and the country.

A: Especially in Mexico, junior companies must become more professionalized. To be listed on the TSX or TSX.V,

Last year mining companies listed on TSX raised CA$6.8 billion, compared to CA$5.7 billion in 2015, an increase of 20 percent

any company must have the N.I. 43-4010. This report has

One of the big concerns is the royalty tax and the new

Q: What would be your advice for companies that want to

tax in the state of Zacatecas. Another concern is the time

transition from the BMV to TSX/TSX.V or want to dual list?

taken to return VAT payments to mining companies, which

A: The BMV consists of a relatively small group of

can extend to six months or even more. On top of this, the

companies, around eight of which are mining companies.

permitting could be faster and the information coming from

The Canadian market offers wide access to institutional

SGM could be more accurate. Mexico is well ahead of other

investors with a great deal of resources. The TSX and TSX.V

jurisdictions but still improvements can always be made.

have a much wider portfolio across all markets, so for a

become an international standard. One of the ways Mexican companies can have access to equity is to prepare to go public. This process includes proper corporate governance, professional management and technical reports, among other requirements.

Mexican company that wants access to a high liquidity Q: What opportunities do you see in the Mexico exploration

market, Canada is a great option.

segment? A: I see a great deal of opportunity. When examining

Another thing to consider is that around 40 percent of the

the numbers recently, I was pleasantly surprised to see

daily trading in Canada originates overseas, from markets like New York, Hong Kong and London. Listing on the TSX does not just offer access to the Canadian market but to

SoftLanding Group Mexico is an international trade and

a wide international market. The number of analysts in

development group that facilitates the entry of Canadian mining

Canada covering mining companies globally is much higher

companies into Mexico. Carlos Espinosa previously served as

in Toronto than in any other part of the world. That is why

Head of Business Development, Global Mining at the TSX

many companies are investing in mining companies here.



Q: To what do you attribute the rally in commodity prices

at getting that message out into the marketplace in a

in 2016 and the early part of 2017?

transparent manner. This needs to change.

A: It is never easy to explain the fluctuations of gold and silver prices because sometimes investors make emotional

Q: What role does Mexico play in the strategy for Deloitte’s

decisions that are hard to predict. Most observers expected

global mining division?

the gold price to shoot up amid the uncertainty caused by the

A: With its high-quality, long-term assets, Mexico is a

election result in the US but in fact it went the other way. Ore

vital jurisdiction. However, it faces strong competition for

body grades are declining throughout the world and many

investment because many other countries in Latin America

of the largest gold, silver and copper mines are more than 50

have strong assets and reserves. Crucially for investors,

years old. The mining companies have not been replacing the

Mexico is a relatively stable country in which to work and

deposits simply because during the downturn the capital was

the government supports the mining sector. Canada is by

not available and so supply is becoming stretched. This should

far the most important foreign participant in the Mexican

have a positive impact on prices in the long term.

mining sector and these investments play a vital role in the strong bilateral relationship between the two countries.

I also believe the growing demand for renewable energy solutions will reflect well on metal prices. Lithium, cobalt,

Mexico needs to make sure that stability remains for the

nickel and graphite are all key components of batteries,

long term. Any new mine plan constitutes a project life of

which are emerging as a popular alternative to diesel

at least 20-30 years and investors need to know that the

fuel. Silver is obviously a vital ingredient in solar panels

environment will be more or less the same for the duration

so I believe the long-term outlook for many metals and

of the project. In the past, Latin America struggled to attract

industrial mineral producers is bright.

its fair share of investment due to volatile jurisdictions and frequent policy changes but conditions are improving now.

Q: Now that the sector is on the rise, how should companies

Mexico, as well as Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and

be using the extra time and resources at their disposal?

even Ecuador all have strong assets and friendly business

A: This is the big issue now facing mining companies.

environments and this is a boost for the whole region.

Traditionally, gold miners stop spending the moment prices start to fall but this strategy is only effective in the short

Q: What are the biggest challenges facing the sector?

term because producers have to replenish their resources.

A: Mining companies have to ramp up exploration because the

Once companies have negotiated with suppliers and cut

industry needs new large-scale assets. Grades are continuing

spending to a minimum, it is crucial for them to focus on

to fall at an alarming rate and some of the world’s biggest

innovation. The scientific institutions, research centers and

mines are reaching the end of their lifecycle so we need to

mining associations need to work together to develop

start developing the next major assets to meet global demand

more sustainable and efficient mining techniques, which

for metals and minerals. Digitalization is also a significant

should involve looking at what can be learned from other

challenge. Companies need to be more willing to accept new


technologies and integrate them into their operations as this can translate into dramatic long-term savings.

Unfortunately, the mining sector has a poor reputation in many countries as an exploitative industry. This is not true everywhere – Canada and particularly Australia are

Deloitte is a UK-incorporated multinational professional

tremendously supportive of the extractive sector. Mining

services firm, providing various services including audit,

brings jobs to remote communities that have very few

consulting and financial advisory for companies in various

employment options but as a sector it has been ineffective

industrial sectors




STRENGTHENING TIES BETWEEN INDUSTRY AND ACADEMIA In 2008, Jackie Stephens and 14 other former employees of Rio Tinto’s Borax and Kennecott mines in the US saw a glaring social opportunity in Mexico. The premise was simple: work with the mining industry to raise money for universities offering courses in geosciences like geology, metallurgy and mining engineering. “Although social subjects play a certain importance in our education, the majority of time students must focus on hard skills such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, mining, geology and metallurgy because this is what the mining industry needs,” says Stephens. He says that there is an added benefit in that, when companies donate money, they want to know where it is going. “In this way, attention is drawn to geoscience students and their opportunities for postgraduate employment is greatly strengthened,” says the Roundup’s President. There is also a benefit for mining companies, says Stephens. “Through the Mexican Roundup, mining companies are more likely to interact with potential future employees,” he says. “We also encourage operators to be more involved with the communities in which they work, instead of focusing only on the commercialization of minerals.” The main aim of the event, according to Stephens, is to allow companies to bring some social perspective into mining. “Accountants have little mercy, environmentally or socially,” he says. “They want to make a profit and the main thing that matters is their bottom line. Events such as ours hopefully encourage the mining industry to be more involved in the community in which they are operating.” Raising around US$7,000-9,000 per year, Stephens concedes the event is hardly lucrative. But he believes strongly in the social benefits the Mexican Roundup can bring to the country’s mining sector. “I believe wholeheartedly in capitalism but there also has to be some community involvement to benefit the demographic that may not be able to access the same opportunities as others,” he says. When queried about the future of the event, Stephens is less certain. However, he admits that, just like the mining industry itself, the Mexican Roundup could be more resilient than expected. “We keep saying it will be the last year for the Roundup, and yet we are entering the event’s fourth year," he says. "We never know what the future will hold but we are again thinking optimistically.”



ZACATECAS STATE COUNCIL LENDS HAND TO LOCAL MINERS FERNANDO LÓPEZ DEL BOSQUE Director General of the Zacatecas State Council for Economic Development

Mining has a long, rich history in the state of Zacatecas, having

important mining cluster in Mexico. “The presence of the

contributed almost 22 percent of the country’s total mining

cluster has opened the doors of Zacatecas as the best

GDP in 2015 at an impressive MX$32.2 billion. Zacatecas has

investment destination for the mining industry,” he says.

hosted mining activities for over 500 years and contains within


its border the iconic Fresnillo district, home to the operator

CLUSMIN is structured in such a way that everyone has an

of the same name that is the world’s top silver producer. It is

equal voice, from the smallest service provider to the largest

undeniable that Zacatecas is a mining hub, but some feel the

operator. “There have been some impressive success stories

new Ecological Tax implemented at state level is endangering

because of the cluster since best practices are shared,” says

its image as a mining-friendly jurisdiction.

Lopez del Bosque. “Tiny companies have multiplied in size over just a few years because of support from their peers.”

Fernando Lopez del Bosque, Director General of the Zacatecas State Council for Economic Development,

The open dialogue promoted within the state’s mining

disagrees. He does not believe the tax has been

sector is why Lopez del Bosque believes the tax has

implemented unfairly, nor that it was intended to cause

been implemented in the fairest way possible. “A lot of

damage to the industry. The main role of the council, in

our council members are part of the mining industry, as

fact, is to promote projects to the relevant government

well as from the automotive and ceramics industry and are

agencies that are in the best interest of state development.

requested to pay this tax,” he says. “As a result, we have

It is a decentralized public organization so although it is

welcomed open dialogue with companies and academia.

part of the government with a government budget, it has

Among all parties we are trying to find the ideal solution

total autonomy in making decisions. The council regularly

for Zacatecas and the mining industry. We cannot allow

convenes with the Zacatecas state governor, government

such an important part of our economy to feel mistreated;

ministers, academia rectors and leading businessman to

we need to have open dialogue and find a solution that

propose new projects and follows up on previous projects

works for everyone.”

that reflect the values of the state’s development plan. He stresses that the tax is not exclusive to the mining sector “Mining is the primary economic sector of the state and the

and that any industry that contributes a certain level of

council prioritized it as a strategic economic sector along

contamination to the environment is liable to pay. “It is also

with tourism, automotive and metal-mechanics,” Lopez del

important to bear in mind that this type of tax has also been

Bosque says. He highlights the far-reaching impact of the

implemented in many other countries,” he adds. Right now,

sector, which directly contributes around 30 percent of the

the tax is on hold due to the filing of an amparo against its

state GDP. “The majority of the state is affected by mining

constitutionality. The matter is with the Supreme Court of

in some way so in terms of taxes, employment and supply

Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

chain development, it is extremely important.” Despite these setbacks, Zacatecas continues to invest This is aided in part by the presence of CLUSMIN, the

its energies in optimizing the value chain and attracting

Zacatecas mining cluster that was developed by Jaime

new companies to the state. “We want to continue making

Lomelín, who has a long history in mining after having worked

Zacatecas an attractive location for mining companies and

in Fresnillo, Industrias Peñoles and finally their holding

this is certainly one of our priority sectors,” says Lopez del

company Grupo BAL. “We requested the collaboration of

Bosque. “Zacatecas is so rich in manpower, minerals and

Jaime Lomelín to set up the cluster and we have already

low-cost materials. The last thing we want is for mining

achieved a great deal,” says Lopez del Bosque. The cluster,

companies to feel they are being unfairly treated so we are

he says is a global success story – the first and the most

doing our best to provide support.”



The mining sector, like many other industrial activities, is in

Robles is also particularly concerned with changing the

the middle of a digital transition. In the search for greater

popular image of mining as an exploitative, environmentally

efficiency, operators around the world are implementing

damaging industry. AIMMGM works alongside the Mexican

autonomous vehicle systems, remote-controlled devices and

Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX), the newly-created department

Big Data technology into their mines.

that oversees mining at the Ministry of Economy and other public-sector bodies to promote a better image for the

But this creates a dilemma. There is no use in having the

industry and attack the “lack of knowledge” that represents

shiniest equipment and digital technology if there is no

the root of the problem.

one trained to operate it. To continue thriving in the longterm, mining jurisdictions need to produce new generations

“The global mining industry is going through an identity

of professionals with the skills necessary to maximize the

crisis,” he explains. “A hundred years ago the media created

potential of the latest designs and to work on updates. The

a particular image of the industry, and that image has stuck in

Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists

people’s minds. As an association of engineers, we are doing

(AIMMGM) is doing its part to ensure the future of the industry.

what we can to change this.”

“We need to increase the depth of knowledge within the mining industry,” says Andrés Robles, Mexico City President of AIMMGM. “We are constantly working to hold seminars, exhibitions and other events across the country to ensure


students are exposed to what is happening in the sector.” The vital role of AIMMGM's Women’s Committee AIMMGM, which provides a platform for Mexico’s mining

is to distribute university scholarships to help the

professionals to meet, share knowledge and discuss the latest

next generation of Mexican miners. “We provide

trends, runs a number of innovative programs to support

scholarships on both a national and local level,”

students of earth sciences in Mexico. A yearly membership,

says Marbella Centell, President of the Women’s

which costs MX$500 for students (MX$1,000 for everyone

Committee Mexico City District. “In Mexico City,

else), grants access to the Edumine online education system.

we have awarded a total of 37 scholarships

Edumine provides a series of courses, live webcasts, and other

worth MX$1,800 each to students at the National

vocational tools in both Spanish and English to help students

Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the

expand their knowledge and skillset. Meanwhile, AIMMGM’s

National Polytechnic Institute. Primarily, we focus on

Comité de Damas (Women’s Committee) offers scholarships

providing help to students who come from working-

to students who struggle to afford tuition fees.

class families, who need to travel large distances to the universities’ campuses and who excel in their

“The best way for the next generation to prepare itself to enter

studies. They must have completed at least three

the industry is to gain first-hand experience of the theories

semesters of their degree.”

and processes they learn in the classroom,” says Robles. “We are making the final preparations to send students from the

The committee also aims to promote integration and

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the

development within mining communities that are

National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) on a trip to a mine just

often remote and lacking in financial resources. The

outside of Mexico City. They will visit a metallurgical plant,

committee is split into several districts. Alongside the

hear from the experts about exploration strategy and listen

Mexico City District, which has a total of 38 members,

to technological pioneers about the latest designs.”

the strongest are Chihuahua and Sonora.




The early adopters of our products will be happy with the end results” Sigifredo Dávila, Director General of Digsa

Because of its cyclical nature, mining operators are known

are expected to increase their hunger for cost reductions while metal companies will continue to search for new growth opportunities. In the report, Richard Sharman, KPMG international’s Global Head of Commodity Trading, says the mining industry strives to carefully organize its capital and investments to prepare itself for the coming upcycle. “Miners need to improve the way they allocate capital to prioritize cash flow and earnings,” he says.

to always be on the lookout for a balance between the lowest price and highest quality to mitigate financial risk.

To provide a solution to this challenge, Digsa has incorporated

This in turn makes the supply chain highly competitive and

a meticulous selection process when it comes to the products

challenging for companies wanting to stand out from the

that are in its catalog, ensuring it always offers the highest

crowd. As a result, companies are now looking to generate

of standards at a competitive price point. “We work with

added-value services – customer service, aftersales support

operators like Industrias Peñoles and Grupo México,” says

and maintenance services – that can mean the difference

Dávila. “Due to their might in the industry and the strength of

between winning a contract and losing out to a competitor.

their operations, these operators do not settle for substandard products or services.” In this context, Digsa must submit to


In response to the demands of the industry, equipment

the highest standards with zero leeway for errors.

distributor Digsa raises the benchmark by bringing innovation to the industry and analyzing brands that may

The mining industry in Mexico is the core of Digsa’s business

be less well-known but can offer better quality and prices. It

as the sector has many areas of opportunity for growth.

also strives to ensure constant availability and added value.

Dávila joined the company six years ago and in this short

“We only provide these products in certain cases. Industrias

time the company jumped from having 10 mining projects to

Peñoles, for example, prefers products from brands it is

over 30. No project is too big or small for Digsa, according to

accustomed to because this is how it mitigates risk,” says

Dávila. “We treat all our clients with equal levels of respect

Sigifredo Dávila, Director General of Digsa. “But the early

and priority,” he says. “It is important for us to have a strong

adopters of these products will be happy with the end

network of contacts that believe in our services.”

results. We guarantee satisfaction and quality.” Digsa is optimistic about the rising metals prices and is Ensuring quality at an affordable price is especially

benefiting immensely from the industrial turnaround. Dávila

important considering that KPMG recently found in its

considers the company’s next step to be manufacturing.

report Global Metals and Mining Outlook 2016: Making the

“We plan on eventually patenting our own products but it

Best of a Challenging Environment that mining companies

will require a considerable investment,” he says.



Q: What role do you think mining can play in the national

A: I believe that we are living in the worst administration

economy going forward?

of general mining regulation in Mexico. There are

A: Everything is in place for the mining sector to play a

thousands of concessions that are in the process of

leading role in the national economy. We have so much

cancellation. Every day we browse the public sources of

geological potential, a strong group of experienced

information looking for publications of freedom of land,

mining experts, fantastic interest from the foreign investor

and to my knowledge there has been no publications in

community and we have a good mining law. The mining

more than two years. This means that investors who are

industry can create jobs in isolated, rural areas that have

interested in risking their capital in Mexico do not have

limited options for employment, and as a country, we

any new land available for investment. The government is

should focus on giving our talented workers reasons to

losing money because canceled concessions are entirely

stay in Mexico rather than look for better options abroad.

redundant until they are made available again so I cannot

The mining industry pays higher salaries than most of its

understand why it takes so long for these concessions

competitors, and so it can be crucial in helping to develop

to be put back on the market. The only explanation I can

Mexico’s poorest areas. It has the potential to overtake

think of is negligence.

the oil and gas industry because there is no state-owned company monopolizing the market like PEMEX does in oil

Q: What would you like to see the public sector change

and gas. I believe the government should place it higher

in terms of the handling of mining concessions in Mexico?

on its list of priorities. The largest mining companies are all

A: I want to see transparent officers that fully understand

transparent and they pay their taxes, which will have a huge

the mining law and regulations and who have experience

impact on public finances going forward. We can only hope

in applying it. The mining law in Mexico is good, although

that these funds, that are generated from the hard work of

it could be updated but the most important thing is

thousands of Mexicans, are used in the correct manner to

to have committed, experienced public officials who

benefit the people.

are passionate about the industry. Under the current administration, the process of responding to requests for

Q: What do you make of the lottery system used to allocate

concessions is extremely delayed, and for the first time

concessions in Mexico?

in many years lawyers are being forced to initiate court

A: It is almost impossible to find the perfect solution to the

procedures to get resolutions to disputes that should be

system for allocating mining concessions, because there

easily avoided. It is incredible that we have to go to court

will always be a divide between large and small companies.

just to get an answer from the authorities. We are hopeful

I am in favor of the lottery system because it does not

that the creation of the Undersecretariat of Mining will

allow the bigger companies to bribe the individuals in

help speed up these processes.

charge of processing the applications. It is a transparent process that gives a small miner a chance to compete

The mining industry only wishes that the government bear

against the large players, and with a bit of luck, win the

in mind its duty to treat mining concessionaires in good

allocation. Of course, the large companies have more

faith, as established in the Federal Law of Administrative

spending power and can therefore buy more tickets to

Procedure. The mining industry is not the enemy.

have a stronger chance of winning, and this is completely understandable and normal, but the lottery system at least evens the playing field slightly.

VHG is a law firm founded with a commitment to develop a relationship of service, trust, friendship and professionalism,

Q: What do you make of the claims that SGM does not


make enough concessions available for allocation?

relationship with all its clients











By 2050, the UN estimates that the world population will reach 9.8 billion and 11.2 billion by 2100. The Brookings Institution also forecasts that the worldwide middle class could grow from 1.8 billion in 2013 to 4.9 billion in 2030. Considering this ongoing expansion, the mining industry, as the main supplier of raw materials needed for everything from cell phones to cars and solar panels, must act quickly to overcome the challenges of depleting ores and tightening regulations. Mexico Mining Review asked industry leaders what their main concerns are for the future and how are they preparing themselves for what lies ahead.

There is a lot of geopolitical uncertainty around the world at the moment and that could have varying effects on the industry. We cannot influence the commodity price so we must focus on controlling the factors that we can. One of the positive outcomes of the downturn is that mining companies have now become more streamlined and more disciplined in terms of their capital spending.


ORLEE WERTHEIM Head of Business Development – Global Mining at Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange

Innovation is of course a major issue because I believe the mining sector lags behind other industries in that regard and it is essential for the sector to strive to develop new technologies.

The industry must continuously find ways to compete more aggressively and efficiently in the global market. The only companies that will survive in these new political landscapes will be those that adapt best to the situation. Players need to stop seeking short term benefits in order gain better long-term advantages. Mexico is preparing itself for important levels of growth in the next 10-15 years

FELIPE RIVERA Industry Business/Process Automation Hub Leader Mexico and Central America at Schneider Electric Systems Mexico

through its regulatory changes. In the short term, it may be causing problems in terms of adjustment but it is opening doors for the country’s strong long-term growth. We are going through a difficult time but I doubt the rough transition will last much longer. The country should be able to adapt fully to the new regulatory landscape in a year or so. It obviously takes time to get used to the new laws.

Ore body grades are declining around the world and many of the largest gold, silver and copper mines are more than 50 years old. Mining companies have to ramp up exploration because the industry needs new large-scale assets. Grades are continuing to fall at an alarming rate and some of the world’s biggest mines are reaching the end of their lifecycle so we need to start developing the next major assets to meet global demand for metals and minerals. Digitalization is also a significant challenge.

PHILIP HOPWOOD Global Mining Leader at Deloitte

Companies need to be more willing to accept new technologies and integrate them into their operations because this can translate into dramatic long-term savings.

Everything is in place for the mining sector to play a leading role in the national economy. We have so much geological potential, a strong group of experienced mining experts, fantastic interest from the foreign investor community and we have a strong mining law. The mining industry pays higher salaries than most of its competitors so it can be crucial in helping to develop Mexico’s most underdeveloped areas. It has the potential to overtake the oil and gas industry because there is no state-owned mining company that monopolizes the market like PEMEX. I believe the government should place it higher on its list of priorities. We can only hope that

ALBERTO VAZQUEZ Senior Partner at VHG Abogados

these funds, which are generated from the hard work of thousands of Mexicans, are used in the correct manner to benefit people.

Everyone is talking about the return of the mining industry but prices in 2017 will remain similar to those of 2016 as the world continues to undergo high levels of volatility. The geopolitical context will continue to create waves like it did last year. As low metal prices continue to be present in the market, companies are decreasing their exploration investment, which is putting the future of the mining industry at risk. By 2050, analysts estimate that the consumption of metal is going to grow drastically and the current commodity price market is not stimulating enough growth to satisfy these demands. A mine takes many years to develop - even decades. The market needs to improve quickly to help promote growth in the exploration market and ensure future demand is met.

EDUARDO SALGADO Head of Mining Industry for KPMG Mexico

The main challenge is in the excessive regulation to which the mining sector is subject, which is becoming ever stricter, driving up prices and making exploration and development slower and slower. This is only exacerbated by the negative perception of the mining sector perpetuated by the media and by the lack of certainty in mining legislation. Although it has improved greatly, we still have significant infrastructure, service and safety deficiencies, which requires higher investment, costs and time to develop a project. A common problem, particularly with Canadian and foreign companies, is that many of the directors in charge of the projects and operations are not familiar

JOSÉ ANTONIO BERLANGA Director General of Telson Resources

with the country and have no experience working in Mexico.

Operators need to begin articulating strategies that invest in transformation but this does not necessarily have to involve millions of dollars to be efficient. The process can be done through collaboration. The first step toward innovation and sustainability is to recognize the importance of securing capital returns and community engagement. Companies have to understand that they cannot simply sit and wait for innovation to come around. We actually find that junior companies have an advantage, as most are in an entrepreneurial phase that is more open to innovation.

PETER BRYANT Managing Partner of Clareo




Q: What gap does Clareo fill in the market?

development partner approach in 2014, as well as the faith-

A: We are a strategic consultancy that focuses on

based dialogues with The Vatican and Church of England.

accelerating innovation and transformation in companies. In the mining industry, we noticed that companies were caught

Q: Why does the mining industry underinvest in technology

in a vortex of incrementalism and a fast-follower paradigm,

and innovation?

so there was minimal adoption of new technologies. Mining

A: The main factor centers around the massive cash flow

tends to resist transformation more than other industries

that was previously injected into the sector. It pushed

when it comes to technology and sustainability.

companies into a comfort zone. Mining operators were completely blind to cost reduction thanks to their financial


Our approach is based around principles that engage

reserves, driven by super-high prices. The industry was

companies in an alternative manner, particularly the

awash with money and innovation was low before the

mining industry. Mine closures strongly impact surrounding

supercycle. Operators need to articulate strategies that

communities. We strive to teach stakeholders how to be

invest in transformation and it does not necessarily have

more proactive partners in places such as Mexico, Latin

to involve millions of dollars to be efficient. The process

America and Africa. To transform the industry, a highly

can be done through collaboration. The first step toward

engaged and inclusive program is necessary. Many

innovation and sustainability is to recognize the importance

companies have already adopted similar principles. We

of securing capital returns and community engagement. We

stay away from being too restrictive as each mine, country,

work with companies like Goldcorp, which is responding

region and jurisdiction has specific issues that cannot be

positively to our approach. The strength of the innovative

resolved in a general manner. Our approach is flexible and

push ultimately depends on the budget and commitment

adapts to the needs of each player.

of the company.

Q: What would you consider to be the main consequences

Q: What role does the public sphere have to play in the

of the metal-price downturn and what role does Clareo

development of the sector?

play in this context?

A: Innovation ultimately depends on the country and the

A: When prices dropped, CEOs began to sharpen their

amount of commitment it shows. The government’s role is

focus on poor financial performance and productivity in

to collaborate with the industry to promote sustainability

operations. Processes became incredibly more effective and

and transformation while facilitating development. But

sustainable after companies re-evaluated their performance.

the collaborative muscle should be strengthened and

Four years ago, we kicked off an initiative to measure how

the public sector has to be careful not to smother the

companies engaged with communities, the government

industry with too much prescriptive regulation. Successful

and other stakeholders to promote better outcomes in

countries are characterized by an engaged government

the industry. I co-chaired a three-year initiative with Mark

that injects money into innovation and does not suffocate

Cutifani, the CEO of Anglo American, which involved most of

the private sector.

the major CEOs in the mining industry, NGOs and indigenous communities. Out of that effort came the formation of the

Mexico has to be more systematic and deliberate about the development of its resources. The country has many advantages, and it has not reached its full potential. It

Clareo is a consultant focusing on improving practices within

is ultimately closer to being a developed country than a

mining companies. Its methods promote the evaluation of how

developing country when compared to mining jurisdictions

resources are used and the legacy that is left behind by mine

in other countries. The sophistication of its law is comparable


to countries like Chile and Australia.



Q: How is the M&A market developing in the country’s

these financing sources are becoming more readily available

mining sector?

and because the latter institutions are very much aware of

A: We are starting to see many junior Canadian companies

the difficulties SMEs face in the mining sector in Mexico.

investing and developing greenfield projects and merging or creating JVs with larger operators. We are working

Q: This year, to what extent have you seen a return in

on some zinc and silver projects in the State of Coahuila

foreign investor confidence after a drop in FDI in 2016?

between Canadian companies that are publicly traded on

A: Most of our clients are investing heavily because they

the NYSE. These companies are trying to attract the right

have more confidence in the performance of metals on

type of partner and are waiting for zinc and silver prices

the international markets. They have become accustomed

to pick up. Zinc has already seen some increased activity.

to the mining royalty, which has ultimately proved not to

There are some instances of Canadian companies trying to

have affected their margins as much as originally thought.

expand silver production and buying assets in Zacatecas

I predict that next year we will see much more investment

and Sonora. Although we are not yet involved with these

coming to Mexico. The mining community has adjusted

transactions, we hope to participate in the future. Overall,

to the new tax pressures but there are still expectations

there has been much more predictability and enthusiasm

that the Ministry of Finance will ease some of these tax

this year in the sector.

considerations. Recently, a letter was sent by the mining task force from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Q: What can the mining community in Mexico do to

requesting a meeting with President Peña Nieto to discuss

support SMEs and mining juniors?

a reduction in the requirements of the mining royalty and

A: FIFOMI has an ambitious plan designed to finance SMEs,

a restructuring of fiscal obligations.

while there is another sector being financed by large trading houses like Trafigura, Glencore and Louis Dreyfus. We also

Q: As an advisory firm, to what extent would you like to

have banks like Scotiabank, which is very active in Mexico

see some of the taxes removed or modified?

financing Canadian-listed companies. I predict we will see

A: We would like to see certain deductions authorized, in

more financing coming from FIFOMI and from trading houses.

particular regarding exploration activities and investment,

There is appetite for SMEs to be listed on the TSX or LSE but

as this would create a more fair and reasonable environment

the problem is that these companies tend to be family-owned,

for the market in comparison to other jurisdictions in Latin

closely held and very averse to disclosing financial information

America. For example, the taxes surrounding exploration

in the way that is required for publicly traded companies. On

costs are especially punitive and this can go a long way to

one hand, they are in great need of financial resources that

explaining the drop in exploration activity in recent years.

can be offered by an IPO but on the other, they tend to be

There is also a lot of pressure to have surface rights overseen

unwilling to open up to the regulators.

and indemnified in the same way that occurs in the energy sector, which would increase clarity and certainty within the

Q: Where does this culture of an aversion to disclosed

mining sector. In mining, often the companies are subject

information come from?

to open negotiations with the ejido communities, whereas

A: At times, these companies do not have the best corporate

the energy sector has clear indemnities for each situation.

practices or institutionalized corporate governance or have significant environmental issues that may not comply with securities regulations. These factors can all prevent

Haynes and Boone is one of the American Lawyer top 100 law

companies from accessing sources of finance. An IPO is

firms, with more than 575 lawyers in 15 offices. It is among the

certainly the cheapest way to grow but companies may

largest firms based in the US and has been serving clients in

prefer to knock on the doors of FIFOMI and NAFIN because

both Mexico and the US for 20 years





Every year, Vancouver-based research organization the Fraser

precious metal production, which came into effect in 2014,

Institute releases an annual report to rate the conditions for

coincided with the reduction of investment flow into the

mining investment in countries around the world, based on

Mexican mining sector. Then, in late 2016 the Zacatecas

geological conditions and policy attractiveness. In 2012,

state government introduced a controversial set of tariffs

the Annual Survey of Mining Companies placed Mexico at

on waste generated by industrial activities, known as the

number 25 out of 96 jurisdictions. Fast-forward to 2016,

Ecological Taxes. Mining companies, which contribute

however, and Mexico has fallen to number 50. During the

over 30 percent of the Zacatecas state GDP, were heavily

same period, fellow mineral-rich Latin American country Peru

affected by the taxes and many filed for an amparo. The

has risen from number 39 to number 28. Mexico is losing

issue is now being analyzed by the Supreme Court of

ground and Hector Garcia, Mining Tax Partner at PwC, says

Justice of the Nation, with a verdict expected by 2018 at the

this trend will not be easy to reverse. “The Mexican mining

latest. Regardless of the outcome, Garcia says that these

sector is becoming less attractive to foreign investors,” he

incidents must stop if the foreign investor community is

says. “The government has a considerable challenge to turn

to once again look at Mexico as an attractive destination.

this around and make Mexico more appealing again.” “What concerns me is that if the taxes are not repealed, this The Fraser Institute’s rankings are supported by economic

would set a precedent,” he says. “We would like to see more

data. In 2014, Mexico was on its own in the coveted fourth

flexibility to allow more tax deductions to lessen the overall

spot in the list of global spending on exploration, behind

impact of the mining royalties and create a situation where

powerhouses Canada, Australia and the US. By 2016, Mexico

the tax environment is not a hindrance to investment.”

was still in fourth place but shared this spot with Chile, Peru, Colombia and China, according to an S&P Global Market

The final area of focus is land ownership and use. The

Intelligence report. During the same period, foreign direct

complex agrarian structure in Mexico is a turn-off for

investment in the sector in Mexico dropped from US$4.9

potential investors who do not understand how to negotiate

billion to US$4.7 billion, although this can in part be explained

or even with which groups they should be negotiating,

by the global downturn in metal and mineral prices.

Garcia says. The lack of communication between mining companies and local communities is also giving the industry

For Garcia, the situation needs attention but is not irreversible.

on the whole a negative image and more clarity is urgently

He highlights three specific areas on which not only the

needed, he says. “It is crucial that clear guidelines are

government but also the corporations must focus if Mexico is

developed on how to negotiate with ejidos and other social

to attract more investment going forward. The first is security.

groups to define a clear model to identify a reasonable

The Fraser Institute survey ranked Mexico as the ninth most

range of fees to be paid to landholders for the use of land

dangerous jurisdiction for mining investment, down from 15th

in mining activities,” he stresses.

the year before, and Garcia believes that the issue is having a damaging effect on the country’s investment profile across

Given the firm’s global experience, Garcia believes PwC is in

the board, not only in mining. “It is a very delicate subject and

a great position to help its mining clients in Mexico through

there is no magic formula,” he says. “But investors and the

these issues, particularly on the taxation side, as best it

government have to find the right approach.”

can. In July 2016, the company’s Mexico office merged with the US offices to allow greater proximity to its clients and

The second area of opportunity is mining tax and

create a more integrated, streamlined operation in North

regulation. Companies throughout Mexico complain of

America. “There are different sets of skills and expertise

back tax payments worth millions of dollars that have been

in our US and Mexico offices, and by combining the two

outstanding for years, says Garcia, while the royalties on

together we can offer greater value.”



Q: What can the mining industry expect when it comes

gain an advantage by incorporating digitalized equipment.

to metal prices?

Each phase of a mine cycle has different needs but one of

A: KPMG released a study in 2017 that analyzed the top

the best ways to optimize costs is to digitalize the mineral

10 risks that are on the minds of CEOs at Canada’s top

handling processes.

mining companies for 2016. We found that metal prices are one of their biggest concerns as they determine the

Q: How is regulation influencing the attractiveness of

growth a company can expect. But in comparison to 2015,

operations in Mexico?

this commodity price risk placed second and now CEOs

A: The industry is looking to facilitate growth and additional

are more worried about their ability to access and replace

taxes such as the Ecological Tax in Zacatecas do the

reserves with new projects and acquisitions.

opposite. This tax requires mining companies to give up 1 percent of their profits, a large chunk of their budget. The

As low metal prices continue to be present in the market,

millions of pesos that would be collected through the taxes

companies are decreasing their exploration investment,

is money that could have been directed toward exploration

which is putting the future of the mining industry at risk.

and the opening of new mines. But a state does not have

By 2050, analysts estimate that the consumption of metal

the right to emit taxes that are of federal character, so it will

is going to grow drastically and the current commodity

not remain in legislation for much longer. Representatives

price market is not stimulating enough growth to satisfy

from the government have publicly stated their dedication

these demands. A mine takes many years to develop, even

to the mining industry but clear objectives or forms of

decades. The market needs to improve quickly to help

actions have not been clarified.

promote growth in the exploration market and ensure future demand is met. KPMG can help companies mitigate

Q: What can be done to promote the growth of the

risks by analyzing patterns in metal prices and creating

exploration sector?

strategies that adapt to reality.

A: Mining concessions are hard to obtain and this inhibits the growth of the exploration sector. The process takes

Q: How is the digital era influencing mining companies?

too long to develop and is no longer feasible if the

A: In the KPMG report, automation and digitalization ranked

market goes through drastic changes. The National Plan

low as a priority among major companies. This is due to the

for Mining Development considers increasing FIFOMI's

cost that these involve and the industry’s renewed ability to

ability to support junior mining companies. But these

improve operative costs. Reducing operative costs through

companies often complain about the number of filters

technology is no longer an absolute necessity. Operators

that need to be negotiated before having access to

do not have enough motivation to implement these tools

financial support from the public sector. Unfortunately,

in their systems.

mining needs significant investment that can take up to 30 years to recover. FIFOMI increased the amount of

But companies need to always keep in mind the reduction

capital that it directs toward junior companies but despite

of operative costs, which is one of the few things they have

this the number of exploration projects in the country

complete control over and promotes a higher return on

remains too small.

investment. Given that there are not enough resources to increase exploration investment, companies find themselves with even less capital to invest in technology. This can be a

KPMG is one of the “Big Four” professional services firms,

great area of opportunity for companies that want to get

providing audit, tax and financial advisory to clients around

ahead of the pack. Any company that dares to defy the

the world. In Mexico the firm consists of 190 partners and more

benchmark at the moment and prioritize digitalization can

than 3,000 professionals in 18 offices around the country




With over 70 percent of the earth’s surface area underwater,

are designed to scoop up polymetallic nodules lying on the

scientists have been working on deep-sea mining techniques

seabed and pump the recovered material via a magnet motor

for decades. But in the face of fierce opposition from

powered vertical transport system to the surface mining

environmental protection groups and unsatisfactory

vessel. A processing plant is installed on the vessel to begin

technology, the concept has been more of a pipe dream

the first dewatering and storage process, before the ore is

than a viable method for replacing onshore resources. That

transferred to an onshore facility.

could be changing. There is still a way to go. The mining vessels have limited ore


Thanks to a dramatic improvement in underwater extraction

and slurry storage capacity, placing strains on the economic

techniques and continually shrinking surface reserves, the

viability of the activity, while many offshore deposits are

world’s first deep-sea mine is set to begin production off the

found at depths deeper than 1,500m. But the basic technique

coast of Papua New Guinea in 2019 at the latest. According to

has been defined. “There is a concerted effort to improve

Henk van Muijen, Managing Director of wet mining technology

the maximum operating depth of the subsea crawlers to at

specialist IHC Mining, the industry is about to take off.

least 2km,” says Van Muijen. “The vertical transport system needs to be sufficiently powerful and efficient to drag the

“I am convinced that deep-sea mining will become a vital

ore to the surface.”

alternative to traditional mining methods and a solution to resource scarcity in the future,” he says. “Deep sea deposits

Another factor is the damage deep-sea mining would

have, on average, much larger grades than those commonly

do to surrounding ecosystems, which is still somewhat

found onshore and with commodity prices recovering, it is

unknown. Among a number of promising offshore

becoming more attractive by the day.”

discoveries was Exploraciones Oceánicas’ Don Diego phosphate project off the coast of Baja California Sur.

Wind turbines, electric/ hybrid cars and photovoltaic cells demand rare metals like tellurium found on the seabed

But in the summer of 2016, Don Diego was blocked by a combination of local communities and Mexico’s state environmental protection agency SEMARNAT, on the basis that the risk deep-sea mining poses to marine life is too great. In response, IHC Mining is working on an EUfunded project, Blue Nodules, a collaborative effort from 14 different industry and research organizations focused on refining the techniques for mining manganese nodules on the seafloor. Recognizing the need to provide answers to environmental protection groups, the Blue Nodules project contains a large sustainability program.


“If we are going to dig into the seabed, we are inevitably

On the technology side, IHC Mining has played an important

going to influence the ecosystem to a certain degree so

role in the emergence of deep-sea mining as a viable solution.

we are working alongside various knowledge and research

Drawing on its experience in the offshore oil and gas and

centers to minimize this impact,” says Van Muijen. “We

dredging industries, the company launched its first subsea

are conducting a number of offshore tests to measure the

crawler in 2000 and has remote-harvesting technology that

environmental impact of this new technology, including the

can operate at depths of up to 1,500m ready for testing.

noise and plumes created by the crawlers, the CO2 footprint

The crawlers, equipped with massive rock-crushing teeth,

and seabed alteration.”

MOVING INTO PRODUCTION But the world’s underwater mineral resources are administered and regulated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), which has so far only awarded exploration licenses to contractors; exploitation and production permits are still not widely available. A select few governments, including Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and Namibia, are exempt from this legislation and there are already crawlers operating on diamond mining projects at depths of


150-200m off the coast of Namibia. But a much more

• Located between the two largest oceans on the globe

advanced project in Papua New Guinea, Nautilus

• 17 federal laws and eight federal regulations govern

Minerals’ Solwara 1 operation, carries the hopes of the deep-sea mining industry. “It is a seafloor massive sulphide deposit (SMS) that contains highgrade copper, gold, aluminum and silver,” says Van

coastal zones • More than 11,000km of shoreline (across 17 states) • Six recognized coral reef regions (expanding 1,780km2)

Muijen. “We have been involved from the start as a possible technology provider and we follow it with great interest because it will be the first project that could move into commercial production.”


3 types of deposits found on the seabed: polymetallic nodules, rocks and seafloor massive sulfides In April 2017, the seafloor production tools arrived in Papua New Guinea ahead of submerged trials, and Nautilus is on track to start production in 2019.


If successful, Van Muijen believes Solwara 1 will give the concept of deep-sea mining the green light, generating more interest in the technology from the international investor community and encouraging governments to provide backing to future projects from both a regulatory and financial perspective. But if not, he warns, “it would represent a setback

exploration contracts awarded by UN International Seabed Authority (ISA) by the end of 2016, but no exploitation contracts so far

that would take some time from which to recover.” While the industry waits to see the results of Solwara 1, IHC Mining will continue to fine-tune its deep-sea mining technology. The Blue Nodules project should be completed by 2019, providing key answers to environmental questions, before going ahead with deepwater testing for the subsea crawlers. “The next step will be to install a pilot unit on the seabed that will be ready for commercial test operations in compliance with ISA regulations,” says Van Muijen. “We hope to achieve this by 2022 at the latest.”

Sources: IHC Mining, National Ocean Service, ISA, The Pew Charitable Trusts. NBC

INDEX A-G ABControl 320

Des-case 301

Aceros Fercom 139

Detector Exploraciones 201, 219

Agnico Eagle 21, 31, 47, 49, 63, 72, 93, 174, 214, 239,

DGI Geoscience 222

243, 286, 365, 366, 373

Digsa 390

AIMMGM 25, 29, 337, 378, 389, 400

Doka Mexico 241

Alamos Gold 10, 40, 63, 72-73, 90, 108, 188, 203, 218,

DSI Underground 243

292, 328, 364

ECN Scientific 319, 323

Alchisa 265

Emerson 307

ALN Abogados 49

Endeavour Silver 37, 44, 47, 99, 103, 106-107, 111, 113,

Americas Mining Corporation 72, 134, 136-137, 151, 152

228, 275, 332

Americas Silver Corporation 73, 102, 115, 144-145

Energold Drilling Group 200, 206

Aplicaciones Cientificas 282, 300

ERM 361, 369

ArcelorMittal 138-139, 150, 275, 293, 368

Espaciomovil 270

Argonaut Gold 47, 51, 72-73, 328

Evrim Resources 47, 158, 164, 176, 275, 369

Artisan Vehicle Systems 250, 263

Excellon Resources 46, 103, 177, 184, 185, 274

ASES 366

Export Development Canada 17, 48, 56-57, 332, 333,

Assaynet 318

335, 337

Atlas Copco 250, 251

EY 28, 46, 208

Avino Silver & Gold Mines 119, 137

FIFOMI 11, 38-39, 50, 56-57, 115, 141, 378, 384,

Azure Minerals 151, 182-183

395, 397, 400

BMV Group 22, 23, 38-39, 45, 50, 52, 56-57, 91, 134,

Firma Holdings 47, 72-73

178-179, 215, 384

Flowserve 296

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service 334-335

FLSmidth 275, 291

Candelaria Mining 47, 53, 69, 72-73, 91, 93

Fluid Systems 293

Capstone Mining 123, 132, 137, 140, 151, 152, 324,

Fordia 200, 208

369, 378

Fresnillo 8-10, 21, 24, 36, 37, 50, 59, 62, 63, 64, 72-73,

Carrizal Mining 132, 137, 152

74, 83, 86, 91, 92, 98-99, 100-101, 102-103, 106, 110-111,

Caterpillar 240, 254, 260, 315

114, 123, 124, 127, 133, 135, 143, 147, 165, 189, 192, 203,

Chesapeake Gold 73, 87, 93

207, 214, 218, 220, 229, 250, 252, 253, 292, 314, 315, 320,

Chesterton Mexicana 267

333, 371, 373, 381, 382, 388

Clareo 393, 394

G4 Drilling 209

Clusmin 18, 19, 20-21, 380-381, 388

Gambusino Prospector 215

Cluster Guerrero 10, 19, 20-21, 92-93, 345, 380-381

GE Mining 314, 322, 336

Cobra 297

Gekko Systems 292

Coeur Mining 53, 72-73, 99, 102, 104, 114, 121, 203, 217,

Global Air Cylinder Wheels 258

218, 228, 231, 243, 265, 274

Globexplore Drilling 170-173, 204-205

Comité de Damas 389

Gogold 40, 72-73, 102-103, 188

Compañía Isdamar 344

Gold Resource 72-73, 84-85

Consolidated Zinc 148, 151

Goldcorp 8, 9, 10, 21, 31, 32, 46, 59, 62, 63, 72, 75, 77,

Credipresto 50, 56-57

79, 83, 86, 98, 103, 111, 133, 201, 219, 224, 231, 242, 257,

Cribas y Productos Metalicos 294

265, 286, 288, 289, 311, 312, 316, 318, 344, 372, 382, 394

CTA 365

Goldgroup Mining 72

Cyanco 281, 300

Government of Canada 17

Danfoss 373

Great Panther Silver 73, 102-103, 112, 116, 368

Dassault Systemes 239

Grimaldi 231, 259

DBR Abogados 31, 53

Grupo ASM 299

Defiance Silver 103, 123

Grupo Bacis 137, 321

Deloitte 46, 133, 379, 385, 392

Grupo Calidra 280, 289

Delta Solutions 306, 311, 323

Grupo GAP 364-365

INDEX G-S Grupo México 9, 28, 30, 40, 45, 50, 77, 91, 111, 129,

MineralsEng 52

132-133, 134, 143, 149, 150-151, 152, 154, 182, 207, 214,

Ministry of Economy 8-10, 17, 19, 36, 40, 41, 53, 75, 114,

234, 240, 242, 243, 259, 266, 272, 286, 289, 291, 296,

159, 281, 335, 345, 355, 379, 384, 389

299, 312, 314, 318, 341, 342-343, 345, 356-357, 371, 372,

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal 11

374, 390

Mario Alfonso Cantú 14-15, 330, 380-381

Hard-Line 261

Ministry of Economy of Chihuahua 382

Haynes and Boone 355, 395

Ministry of Economy of Sonora 383

Haywood Securities 51

MMD 287

Hecla Mining 103, 111

Modular Mining Systems 273

Hogan Lovells BSTL 42, 177, 369

Mujeres WIM México 29

IHC Mining 398-399

New Gold 358, 359, 360

Immersive Technologies 260

Normet 262

IMPACT Silver 103, 113, 228

Northern Light Technologies 321

Industrias Peñoles 9, 10, 20, 24, 28, 36, 45, 50,72-73,

Oceanus Resources 188

83, 91, 98, 101, 111, 123, 133, 135, 136-137, 145, 147, 149,

Orex Minerals 159, 189

150, 152, 193, 203, 207, 218, 242, 243, 265, 266, 274, 286,

Orla Mining 46, 73

289, 296, 311, 312, 317, 371, 372, 373, 378, 388, 390

OSI Soft 310, 323

Invecture Group 72, 136

Pan American Silver 36, 72, 98, 102-103, 105, 108, 111,

Itzcoatl Drilling 214, 219

115, 175, 228, 240, 257, 328, 366

JL Vazquez 316

PANalytical 219, 223

Kal Tire 259

PEAL 69, 256-257

Kansas City Southern de Mexico 341, 342-343

Power Electronics 372

Kepler 30, 235, 238

Premier Gold Mines 46, 47, 72, 81, 93

Kootenay Silver 47, 51, 57, 102, 108, 158, 175-176

Primero Mining 47, 66-67, 73, 92, 203, 218, 243

KPMG 176, 323, 378, 379, 390, 393, 397

Proesmma 268, 337

Kroll 367

PROFEPA 36, 37, 43, 352-353, 354, 355, 359, 369, 400

Lagsom Química 285

ProMéxico 162, 325, 345

Lasec 317

PwC 30, 208, 378, 396

Leagold 10, 20, 46, 63, 72-73, 75, 79, 89

Rajant Corporation 315

Leapfrog 203, 218, 306

RB Abogados 45

Legalmex 54

Refacciones Neumaticas La Paz 210

MacLean Engineering 252

REFLEX 186-187, 218-219, 221, 322-323

MAG Silver 86, 98-99, 100-101, 102-103, 111, 223, 229, 381

Resemin 250, 253

Mammoth Resources 191

Reyna Mining 103

Maple 240

Riverside Resources 47, 158-159, 165, 189

Marlin Gold 73, 257

Rorisa 269

Martin Engineering 286

Santacruz Silver 72-73, 102-103, 145

McEwen Mining 29, 46-47, 53, 73, 201

Schneider Electric 309, 322, 392

Mejora 360

SEDATU 41, 119, 168, 350, 380, 400

Mercuria 340

SGM 11, 14-15, 21, 49, 70, 93, 102-103, 133, 136, 155, 159,

Metso 255, 280, 288

160-161, 169, 176, 193, 239, 328, 384, 391, 400

Mexican Roundup 386-387

SGS 167, 177, 331, 336, 339

Mexus Gold 47, 72, 102

Siemens 306, 312-313

Millrock Resources 158-159, 192

Sierra Metals 102, 137, 141, 150, 152, 378

Minaurum Gold 86

Silver One Resources 47, 98, 118

Minera Alamos 47, 51, 73

Silver Standard 47, 103, 118, 189

Minera Frisco 18, 45, 50, 63, 72-73, 91, 102-103, 132, 133,

SilverCrest Metals 116-117

136-137, 149, 152, 188, 207, 255, 265, 269, 286, 289, 296,

Sistemas Avanzados y Proyectos 193, 194-195

344, 366

Sitsa 255

INDEX S-Z Skysset 237, 246

Timken 149

SNMM 36, 54, 55

Timmins Gold 9, 20, 47, 53, 62, 63, 69, 72-73, 75, 86,

SoftLanding Group Mexico 48, 384

92, 176, 200, 257, 328, 350

Sonoro Metals 47, 174, 228

Torex Gold 10, 20, 62-63, 68, 69,72-73, 86, 89, 93, 111,

Starcore International Mines 77, 362-363

152, 200, 238, 311, 364, 368

Takraf USA and Mexico 234, 244-245

Toronto Stock Exchange 22, 39, 50, 328, 335, 384,

Tauro Capital Partners 57, 178-179

392, 400

TDM 233, 242

US Geological Survey 169

Teck Resources 46, 47, 136-137, 182

VHG Abogados 159, 391, 393

Tecmin 200, 207, 218

Victaulic 213, 266

Técnica Salgar 371

Weir Minerals 298

Telson Resources 73, 168, 181, 238, 329, 393

Wheaton Precious Metals 66, 125

Terracore 170-173, 218, 220, 337

Williams Scotsman 271

The Chemours Company 280, 283, 300

Yokohama Tire Mexico 230

The Silver Institute 8, 36, 98, 114, 118, 124

Zacatecas State Council 388


Mexican Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists


Mexican Stock Exchange


Mexican Mining Chamber


Capital Expenditure


Federal Electricity Commission


National Water Commission


Mining Development Trust Fund


Internet of Things


International Finance Corporation


Joint Venture


Mergers and Acquisitions


Memorandum of Understanding

MW Megawatts PEA

Preliminary Economic Assessment


Mexican Petroleum Company


Pre-Feasibility Study


Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection


Ministry of Agricultural, Farming, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food


Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources


Mexican Geological Survey


Toronto Stock Exchange


TSX Venture Exchange


National Autonomous University of Mexico


SGS Durango Chemical Analysis Facility: Trusted Expertise


REFLEX: Redefining Drill Core Data Analysis


SAP: The Many Benefits of LIDAR Technology


Victaulic: The Industry's First In-Line Knife Gate Valve


TDM: Optimizing Production Through Geosynthetics


Tenova TAKRAF: Takraf Spreader Boosts Safety, Efficiency


SGS Trade Services: Because Trade is Built on Trust


Starcore International: Investing in Social Good


The Mexican Roundup: Strengthening Ties Between Industry and Academia


Leagold: Los Filos


Americas Mining Corporation: La Caridad


Fresnillo: La Herradura


Industrias Peñoles: Naica


Torex Gold: El Limón-Guajes


Telson Resources: Tahuehueto


Coeur Mining: Palmarejo


Coeur Mining: La Preciosa


Fresnillo: San Julián

ADVERTISING INDEX Inner Front Cover Fresnillo

202 SGS


Coeur Mining


Refacciones Neumáticas La Paz


Elastomeros Taza


Takraf USA

24 Resemin

240 Des-Case



Timmins Gold

MMD Mineral Sizing


256-257 Grupo Peal


RB Abogados



ALN Abogados


DBR Abogados

60 Brinks


Grupo Calidra


Starcore International Mines


Compañía Isdamar


The Chemours Company

290 FLSmidth

85 Cyanco


Cribas y Productos Metálicos


Primero Mining


Weir Minerals


Endeavour Silver


Mexico Mining Forum


Kootenay Silver


Schneider Electric Systems


Pan American Silver


Delta Solutions


Sindicato Minero Metalúrgico

313 Proesmma


Grupo México

326 Mercuria


Sierra Metals

348 Emerson


Globexplore Drilling

353 ERM


Tauro Capital Partners



Detector Exploraciones

376 Metso


Power Electronics

390 VHG

198 Victaulic

Grupo GAP



Grupo México


Torex Gold

148 MBP


Ministry of Economy


Timmins Gold

149 MBP

14 MBP





Comisión Especial de

75 Goldcorp


77 MBP

Canadian Ministry of

81 MBP

Natural Resources



18 MBP

ArcelorMittal, Sierra Metals, Industrias Peñoles


Azure Minerals, Capstone Mining, MBP

Gold Resource



160 SGM

Grupo México


Torex Gold

86 MBP


Evrim Resources


Toronto Stock Exchange

87 MBP


Riverside Resources

23 MBP


168 MBP

24 Fresnillo

91 MBP

169 MBP

25 MBP


Timmins Gold, Primero


Mining, Fresnillo

174 MBP

26 MBP

Alamos Gold

Globexplore Drilling

28 EY


MBP, Torex Gold

175 MBP


McEwen Mining


Orex Minerals



Grupo México, Kepler


Top Energy

Constructora, Comisión

100-101 Fresnillo


Especial de Minería

Evrim Resources, Timmins Gold, MBP MBP, Excellon Resources

104 MBP

178 MBP

32 Goldcorp

105 MBP


Azure Minerals


Mining Technology



Excellon Resources

Partners, Goldcorp,

108 MBP

188 MBP

Agnico Eagle, DBR

112 MBP



113 MBP

190 MBP


MBP, The Silver Institute,


Mammoth Resources

Ministry of Economy


Millrock Resources



Endeavour Silver

Orex Minerals

Americas Silver

193 MBP

42 MBP

Corporation, Comisión

196 Sandvik


Especial de Minería, MBP,

201 MBP


203 MBP

SilverCrest Metals

204-205 Globexplore Drilling

Endeavour Silver

45 MBP 48

SoftLanding Group Mexico


49 MBP

118 MBP

206 MBP

50 MBP

119 MBP

207 MBP

52 MineralsTech

123 MBP

208 Fordia



209 MBP

DBR Abogados

The Silver Institute

54 MBP

125 MBP

55 MBP



MBP, SoftLanding Group

134 MBP


Mexico, FIFOMI


215 MBP

Americas Silver

138 ArcelorMittal

218 MBP



Grupo México Industrias Peñoles

Refacciones Neumaticas La Paz Itzcoatl Drilling

Corporation, MBP


Capstone Mining



Torex Gold


Sierra Metals

220 MBP


Primero Mining


Americas Silver

221 MBP


Primero Mining



MBP, Itzcoatl Drilling

DGI Geoscience

223 MBP


224 Goldcorp

286 MBP

345 MBP


MAG Silver




Yokohama Tire Mexico

288 MBP


231 MBP

289 MBP



Takraf USA

291 MBP



Kepler Constructora

Lagsom Química MMD Mineral Sizing


Compañía Isdamar Great Panther Silver

Haynes and Boone

292 MBP

356-357 Grupo México

236-237 Skysset


Fluid Systems

358 MBP



Cribas y Productos

360 MBP


361 MBP

Torex Gold, MBP, Kepler Constructora

239 MBP

296 MBP

364 MBP

240 MBP

297 Cobra

366 MBP

241 MBP

298 MBP

367 MBP

242 MBP

299 MBP


243 MBP


246 Skysset

MBP, The Chemours Company

ArcelorMittal, Torex Gold, MBP


Capstone Mining, MBP,


Atlas Copco

301 MBP


MacLean Engineering

302 Sandvik


253 MBP

307 MBP

372 MBP

254 MBP


Schneider Electric

373 Danfoss



255 MBP

Evrim Resources Técnica Salgar

Grupo México

258 MBP

310 MBP

380 MBP


Kal Tire

311 MBP


260 MBP

312 MBP

382 MBP

261 Hard-line


GE Mining

383 MBP

262 Normet


Rajant Corporation


265 MBP

317 MBP

385 MBP

266 Victaulic

318 AssayNet


The Hermosillo Roundup

267 MBP

319 ECN


The Hermosillo Roundup

268 MBP

320 MBP

388 MBP

269 MBP


Schneider Electric


Systems, MBP, GE Mining

391 MBP



270 Espaciomovil

MAG Silver

SoftLanding Group Mexico


Williams Scotsman



Grupo México

324 Capstone


Modular Mining Systems

330 MBP


MBP, Industrias Peñoles,

331 MBP

393 MBP

Excellon Resources

332 MBP

394 MBP

Arcelor Mittal, Endeavour

333 EDC


Silver, Evrim Resources,


Canadian Embassy

396 MBP



MBP, GE Mining

397 MBP


MBP, Toronto Stock Exchange, Schneider Electric Systems

Haynes and Boone

276 Goldcorp

337 MBP


281 MBP

340 Mercuria

Inner Back Cover Skysset

282 MBP



The Chemours Company

Kansas City Southern México

IHC Mining


PRINTED BY Foli, Negra Modelo # 4 Bodega A Fracc. Cervecería Modelo, Naucalpan Estado de México T:. 9159 2100

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