Mexico Mining Review 2019

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Mining is at the core of almost everything that makes the world modern. Yet, the industry is also extremely volatile. After years of hardships, the companies that survived the last downturn did so by becoming experts in cost-reduction, efficiency and productivity strategies. Optimization of resources has become the pillar for those that want to remain standing. From human talent development to embracing the digital revolution, the industry’s horizon is shaped by doing the most with the least.

But just as mining has fueled the modern world, it is the human component that has kept the industry flourishing. This realization means the mining community in Mexico and around the world is growing increasingly aware of the importance of adapting best practices to be socially and environmentally responsible, while bringing wealth and development to the communities where it operates.

Also figuring into the picture is the election of a new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who will guide the country and its economy, and the policies that will shape the mining industry, for the next six years.

Mexico Mining Review 2019 gathers all the expertise of the mining industry’s top leaders in Mexico. Over 200 interviews, in-depth analyses and infographics offer companies the business intelligence they need to seize the industry’s opportunities. Published in a political transition period, it also compiles the sectors’ voices in a Wish List to the incoming administration, with suggestions of what mining needs the most from the new government.

The fifth edition of Mexico Mining Review is written as an essential reference point for the industry, analyzing the main trends over the past year and shedding insight on the direction that mining is likely to follow over the near and mid-term.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š Mexico Business Publications S.A. de C.V., 2018. This annual publication contains material protected under International, United States and Mexican Laws and international Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Mexico Business Publication S.A. de C.V. Mexico Mining Review is a registered trademark.

The publisher has made all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, and the information contained in this publication is derived from sources believed to be true and accurate. However, the information in this publication should not be considered to be complete or definitive, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The publisher accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of information and use of such information is at your own risk. The publisher will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of information in this publication. The publisher provides no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or otherwise in relation to any information provided by the publisher in this publication.

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Grupo MĂŠxico smelting facility



Operators are boasting bloated balance sheets and wider profit margins thanks

to cost-reduction strategies that were put into action during the mining slump combined with a recovery in metal prices. Driven by the extra cash flow, companies are preparing to expand and acquire new projects. If Mexico wants to take full advantage of the industry’s opportunities and the upturn, greater strides must be taken to close the gaps in the country’s regulations and international competitivity.

With the end of President Peña Nieto’s term in 2018, this chapter analyzes the main advances of the 2012-2018 administration and areas of opportunities that need to be addressed by incoming authorities, relying on the insights of key policymakers, C-level executives and legal representatives. It also evaluates the impact and trajectory of the Mining Undersecretariat that was created at the end of 2016. The chapter shines a spotlight on the primary mining states in Mexico and highlights the achievements of the Peña Nieto administration for the mining industry.



YEAR IN REVIEW: Optimism Despite Global Uncertainty, Local Hurdles


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Ministry of Economy




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Alfonso Cantú, Ministry of Economy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Reyes de la Campa, Accendo Banco


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Paulo de Sa, World Bank


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alberto López, Sonora Ministry of Economy


STATE PROFILE: Sonora: Mexico's Leading Mining State


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Mesta, Chihuahua Ministry of Economy


STATE PROFILE: Mining Brings Employment, Growth to Chihuahua


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Bárcena, Zacatecas Ministry of Economy


STATE PROFILE: Zacatecas Still Mexico's Silver Titan


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ramón Dávila, Durango Ministry of Economy


STATE PROFILE: Tapping into Durango's World-Class Deposits


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Álvaro Burgos, Guerrero Ministry of Economy


STATE PROFILE: Guerrero’s Golden Comeback


ROUNDTABLE: How is Geopolitics Affecting Miners and How Can They Hedge Against Volatility?



OPTIMISM DESPITE GLOBAL UNCERTAINTY, LOCAL HURDLES After a strong start to the year buoyed by geopolitical uncertainty globally, metals prices have stagnated. US unemployment is low, taxes are favorable and the dollar is strong, making it the preferred investment. But metals such as silver, copper, zinc and lead continue to be required for industrial applications


The last year saw considerable change in the rules of the

a good place thanks to the growing popularity of electric

game, proving that anything is possible. Mexico’s closest

vehicles (EV).”

ally, the US now has a president that announces major trade policies through Twitter, long-standing trade agreements

While still far from their 2011 peak, prices are continuing to

are being renegotiated and the threat of trade wars is

improve and operators are finally starting to harvest the

real. At a more local level, companies are getting used to

fruits of their cost-reduction practices sparked by the bear

a recently-elected president who ran on a nationalistic

market of 2015. Mexico continues to be in the Top 10 as

agenda and made history along the way, marking the first

one of the biggest producers of silver, gold and copper but

time the president of Mexico has not belonged to the PRI or

authorities must remain aware of the rising attractiveness

PAN parties. The context, nationally and internationally, has

of mining jurisdictions like Chile and Peru. Added revenues

made geopolitical instability the new norm for the global

have meant more money to be channeled into exploration,

market and while in the past, volatility meant good news

helping operators strengthen their pipelines and offering a

for operators, some fear that investors may hold back as

strong outlook for the industry in the years to come.

they adapt to the persistent instability.

MEXICAN GOLD OUTPUT DECLINES In times of uncertainty, precious metals are the go-to

After falling to nearly US$1,000/oz in 2015, the industry

investment option. According to Morningstar, a Chicago-

welcomed the rise, albeit slowly, of gold prices. In 2017,

based investment research firm, “for as long as many can

the price was on average US$1,257/oz, having traded in a

remember, gold has reacted favorably to geopolitical

range between a low of US$1,151/oz in January and a peak

turbulence – as uncertainty increases, the rush to gold as a

of US$1,346/oz in September, although these prices are

haven has been the counterbalance.” But 2018 has bucked

still a far way off the decade peak of US$1,895/oz in 2011.

the trend and now, low unemployment and lower taxes in

Global gold output in 2017 rose slightly to 104.4 million

the US is underpinning the dollar and limiting the need for

ounces from 99.7 million in 2016 but Mexico fell to ninth

metals hedging. “In recent times the established paradigm

place on the global list of gold producers after being No.

has been challenged,” says Morningstar.

8 for two years in a row thanks to a 4 percent drop in

Gold is in fairly stable territory while silver unfortunately is still waiting for its moment to shine” Philip Hopwood, Global Mining Leader at Deloitte

domestic production. The fall was influenced by production drops in world class gold deposits Los Filos and Limón-Guajes in Guerrero, the latter caused by a five-month blockade. Eight other major mines in the country also reported a decline in production in comparison to 2016, including San Dimas, Guanacevi and San Francisco. Peñasquito reclaimed its place as the country’s top gold producer from La Herradura with output of 476,000 ounces in 2017, a 2 percent increase from 2016. Sonora state continues to be the jewel in the gold crown as

But in spite of the speculation, Deloitte sees consistent

the biggest gold producer in Mexico followed by Zacatecas

demand across precious metals, advantages in rising

and Chihuahua, while Guerrero, straddling a prolific gold

global debt levels and few other investment options that

belt, is attracting new attention with hopes its security

can compete against the engrained history of the mining

issues will be resolved.

industry. “Gold is in fairly stable territory while silver unfortunately is still waiting for its moment to shine,” says

New gold projects in the pipeline offer optimism for

Philip Hopwood, Global Mining Leader at the consultancy.

production in 2018. Fresnillo is taking the lead as its Pyrite

“Copper and zinc are enjoying positive momentum mainly

Plant fed by the Saucito and Fresnillo mines in Zacatecas is

because of supply constraints. Many commodities are in

expected to start operating in the second half of 2018. The

dynamic lixiviation plant in development in La Herradura is also expected to increase gold production by 36,000oz/y along with the potential of bringing online Juanicipio in


2017 August

Gold prices soar to US$1,356/oz amid US-North Korea military tensions

2020 to produce 30,000oz/y. September

Mexico announces application for


Extractive Industries Transparency

In silver production, Mexico maintained a firm grip on its

Initiative (EITI)

position as top producer in the world for the eighth year


AMLO announces plan to bring Napoleon Gómez out of exile in Canada

in a row despite the 4 percent fall in global silver output.

and appoint him Senator

The global decline was caused by losses at major mines in South America, Oceania and Europe but was compensated

Mexico and Ecuador sign a cooperation

in large part by greater output in North America. And as

agreement for mining industry

silver is often a byproduct of gold and copper production,


Limón-Guajes for Torex Gold

the 2017 spike in global exploration investment after a fouryear retreat could be a positive indicator of even bigger output in the years to come.

Beginning of workers’ strike at El

2018 January

China announces a ban on scrap copper imports causing copper prices to

Mexico was able to come out on top primarily thanks to

bounce back to $7,270/t on the LME

Fresnillo’s eagerly-awaited pipeline of projects that are

First Majestic Silver announces

starting to come online. The company expects to complete

acquisition of Primero Mining and

the expansion of La Ciénega by 2019 and Juanicipio is

flagship San Dimas operation in Durango

projected to start producing 10 million ounces of silver per year by 2020. Another Mexican giant, Industrias Peñoles,


expects to start producing 4.7 million ounces of silver in its



Torex Gold announces official end of El Limón-Guajes blockade

reserves and adjust construction plans. Coeur Mining’s La Preciosa mine, SSR’s Pitarrilla mine and El Gallo II owned

Mexico signs new TPP11 with 10 countries, agreement excludes the US

Rey de Plata mine by mid-2019. Additional development projects were put on hold as companies search for bigger

Silver prices dip back below US$17/oz


by McEwen were among those affected.

Miners on the BMV register significant falls, Frisco leads with 23 percent Claudia Pavlovich, Governor of Sonora,

When it comes to the country’s main silver mines,

proposes before CONAGO an initiative

Peñasquito was not only the main gold producer but also

to overturn exploration deductibility law enacted by the fiscal reforms

the main silver producing mine in 2017 with an output of 21.5 million ounces. But Fresnillo is still the global silver king


Minera Frisco and Goldcorp announce

as four of its mines were included in the Top 10: Saucito,

tie-up in Mazapil, Zacatecas

Fresnillo, San Julián and La Ciénega. Overall, silver output

Retaining wall collapses at Rio Tinto

in Mexico totaled 187 million ounces in 2017 at an average

mine in Chihuahua, leaves one fatality

global market price of US$17/oz, and ranging between


AMLO announced as next President of Mexico with 53 percent of the vote,

a high of US$18.3/oz in February and a low of US$15.2/

congratulations offered by Germán

oz in July.

Larrea, with whom he has a tenuous relationship


New stock exchange, BIVA, begins

While silver and gold were not as drastically shaken by geopolitical events, a possible trade war between China and the US and a strong growth in supply caused

operations in Mexico August

re-open San Martín mine in Sombrerete,

copper prices to sway. The volatile climate impacted the

Zacatecas after 11-year strike

metal more as China is responsible for half of the world’s

AMLO meets with executives including

consumption of copper. Copper in 2017 begun to make a

Carlos Slim to announce his policy

comeback after several years of low prices. In December

priorities, includes mining development

2017, prices reached heights of US$7,215/t for the first time

Napoleon Gómez inaugurated as a

since 2014. But the good news did not last long. The metal peaked at US$7,261/t in June 2018 and dropped below the US$6,000/t benchmark in mid-July. Analysts from Goldman Sachs speculate that this drop was sparked by concerns

Grupo México announces potential to

Senator of the Mexican Republic September

Gold prices begin to drop below US$1,200 amid backdrop of strong US dollar


| YEAR IN REVIEW over rising tension between China and the US but that the

300 percent from about 220,000t/y of lithium-carbonate

impact will not last long in the case of raw materials like

equivalent in 2017. It says this will continue to grow until

copper. In July, S&P revised its price predictions for copper,

demand reaches around 2 million t/y by the early 2030s.

lifting them to $6,800/t from $6,600/t for 2019 and to

Prices swelled to US$16,500/t in 2018 from US$3,870/t in

$7,000/t from $6,800/t for 2020.

2011. In the limelight once again, Sonora holds one of the world’s larger lithium resources that benefits from being

Operator Bacanora Lithium plans to start production in 2020 after 10 years of evaluating the project and with several off-takers already signed on even before commercial production. Cobalt has a future that looks just as bright as Global Energy Metals expects demand to rise 30 percent by 2020 in comparison to 2016. Azure Minerals is betting on this growth through its Sara Alicia project, located in Sonora. The company believes that it

Global copper production totaled 19.7 million tons, a 2

could be the highest-grade cobalt project in the world.

percent drop from the previous year. Mexico produced

The price of cobalt rose from US$23,861.4/t in 2016 to

742,246 tons, of which Grupo México’s Buenavista del Cobre

US$80,490.68/t in 2018, an indicator of the expectations

alone churned out 318,900 tons in 2017. Chile continues

for this metal.

to be the leading producer, followed by Peru and China with Mexico in seventh place. Unsurprisingly, Grupo México


registered the biggest copper output in Mexico and took

Exploration is an important indicator of the well-being of

seventh position on a global scale. Sonora contributed

the industry and miners are eagerly anticipating a growing

84 percent of the total production but the reactivation

pipeline as investment increased for the first time in 2017

of Campo Morado at the end of 2017 and the start of

after four consecutive years of declines. According to

production in Rey de Plata in mid-2019 are expected to

S&P Global Market Intelligence, exploration investment

greatly increase Guerrero’s copper output, placing it as a

rose to US$8.4 billion in 2017 from US$7.3 billion in 2016,

possible contender for the 2019 top spot.

although still far from the US$21.5 billion peak recorded in 2012. The report says the rise was due to improved equity


market support for explorers that allowed companies to

The battery metal boom hit Mexico as companies like

resume drilling. It expects global exploration budgets to

Azure Minerals and Bacanora Minerals continue to develop

increase a further 15-20 percent year-on-year in 2018.

world-class deposits for lithium and cobalt. Demand for

In Latin America, the most popular destinations for

renewable technologies are motivating companies to

exploration investment were Chile, Peru, Mexico, Brazil,

seek new deposits that can satiate the need for battery

Argentina and Colombia. The metal that attracted the

metals. Benchmark Minerals Intelligence projects a rise in

most capital was gold followed by base metals such as

lithium demand to more than 900,000 in 2025, up over

copper, nickel and zinc.


21 18


15 3

12 9




3 0

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

indexed metals price budget total ——Annual Nonferrous exploration Nonferr ous exploration budget total Annual Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence





indexed metals pric e






Indexed metals price (1993=1)

Nonferrous exploration budget (US$B)


both high grade and scalable.

Mexico advanced in the Fraser Institute’s attractiveness index from 50th place to 44th

In Mexico, exploration projects focused on expanding current mines and reserves and reactivating the projects put on hold by juniors when the downturn hit. Until now,


there had been a lack of interest in greenfield exploration since 2013 due to the lack of funds available to juniors,


25 22


billion total


cuts in the exploration budget of major players and strategies to explore areas surrounding existing mines.


As exploration is the backbone of the industry, CAMIMEX


prospects. Among the most important expansion projects




silver and zinc deposit both stand out as promising


Minerals’ Sara Alicia and Sunshine Silver’s Los Gatos




an exciting pipeline of projects in exploration. Azure




2017. Despite the context, the country continues to have



received by the segment to finance new discoveries in



highlighted its concern over the low capital allocation


in the country is that of La Ciénega owned by Fresnillo in Durango. Hecla is also investing in expanding its San


Sebastián mine in Durango to increase production rates

Change is the key word for the industry as volatility permeates

by the end of 2018.

not only the geopolitical realm but also the way business is done within the sector. To stay afloat, a traditionally closed


industry must adapt to the ebbs and flows of consumer

Loaded with added revenues in their pockets, operators

and investor demands, including transparency and low-cost

are eager to expand their portfolios. And while Mexico

operations that can start production within shorter time

has important projects in the pipeline, the country has

frames. The rise of new competitors in the financial market

several challenges to overcome to allow it to maintain its

such as cryptocurrencies and fintech that are catching

competitive edge over competing jurisdictions in Latin

ever-more attention from investors are equally motivating

America. One of the most pressing issues is the need

operators to transform. Having learned their lesson from

for an established rule of law in the country as several

the past downturn, miners are much more cautious about

times in 2017 communities caused illegal interruptions to

their use of capital and seek strategic projects to add to

operations, jeopardizing millions of dollars. An example is

their portfolios. Technology is also playing a greater role as

the five-month blockade in Torex Gold’s El Limón-Guajes

companies are on the hunt for innovative methods that can

that caused the company a net loss of US$12.6 million

positively transform their operations.

in 2017 compared to the net income of US$3.2 million it reported in 2016.

National giants, such as Fresnillo and Industrias Peñoles, also continue to grow and succeed both locally and

Argonaut Gold also suffered a community setback when

internationally. The market has adopted to the rapid influx

the explosives permit for its La Colorada project in Sonora

of international companies, mostly Canadian, that are taking

was suspended amid a legal challenge by the municipality

an interest in the Mexican mining industry. The country

in April 2018 that the permit should never have been

advanced in the Fraser Institute’s attractiveness index from

granted. After responding to the challenge, the operation

50th place to 44th. But as other jurisdictions also become

was left in limbo until the end of June, when the permit

more attractive – Chile jumped to eighth from 39 in the

was reinstated. In the meantime, the operations were able

previous years – Mexico must advance at a faster pace.

to continue with Argonaut processing stockpiled ore. Mining is present in every aspect of everyday life, from Companies are also demanding a stronger rule of law to

cars to homes and right down to country’s coin currency.

increase security near mine operations that are often in

To further promote growth, the sector must continue to

isolated and remote areas. Pan American Silver’s Dolores

create societal awareness of the sector’s role in economic

mine was forced to halt production due to high insecurity

development. Communication among the social, public

levels and this is especially prevalent in Pacific coastal

and private sectors can open doors to capital and

states like Guerrero and Sinaloa. Pan American Silver

facilitate permitting. And with a new administration taking

managed to overcome the situation quickly due to the

over the reins of government, the mining industry also

deployment of federal and state resources to secure the

has an opportunity to secure a prominent place on the

access roads to the mine.

federal agenda.




Q: What have been the Ministry of Economy’s main

Considering the importance of information technologies,

achievements during the 2012-2018 sexennial?

we began to modernize the systems related to mining

A: Mining was included for the first time as a strategic

procedures; we are in the process of streamlining 42

sector in the National Development Plan 2013-2018 because

procedures, making mining data consultation easier.

of its contribution to economic growth. Accordingly, in 2016 the General Coordination for Mining became the

At the international level, Mexico has been a key player

Undersecretariat of Mining, increasing its importance

in mining groups, such as the Pacific Alliance and the

nationally and raising the level of dialogue with similar

Conference of Ministers of Mining of the Americas and the

authorities in other countries.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). At the bilateral level, we set up a mining working group with Canada, and

As part of the financial reform put forward by President

memoranda of understanding for mining cooperation were

Peña Nieto, in 2013, Congress approved new duties from

signed with Sweden, Ecuador and China.

mining, which included the 7.5 percent special right on concessionable mining EBITDA and the 0.5 percent

Q: What do you think should be the top priorities for the

extraordinary right on sales of silver, gold and platinum.

next administration regarding the mining industry?

The resulting revenue has been mainly oriented to the

A: I see three primary priorities for the new government

Mining Fund for Regional Sustainable Development of

in terms of mining. The first should be the continuation

Mining States and Municipalities, which are allocated to the

and conclusion of the process of modernization of mining

communities where the mining activity takes place. The

procedures, since it will give greater certainty to investors.

money is allocated to social and infrastructure development

Second, the new government could implement the

projects for the good of the communities affected by the

process of prior consultation in indigenous territories, an

mining activities. The Fund has raised people’s standard of

indispensable measure to consolidate the governance of

living while reducing the incidence of conflict in the sector.

mineral resources. The Mexican state has the obligation to ratify the agreement on indigenous and tribal peoples in

In terms of geological information generation, the Mexican

independent countries set out in ILO Convention 169, and

Geological Service has carried out important work. It has

to carry out indigenous consultation. Third, the collection

2 as of July 2018, mapped an accumulated area of 866,802km ​​

and allocation of funds related to the Mining Fund for

which is equivalent to 63 percent of the surface area of ​​the

Regional Sustainable Development of Mining States and

Mexican territory that is estimated to contain mining potential.

Municipalities could be improved.

Regarding financing, FIFOMI defined new financing

Q: How will the Ministry of Economy collaborate with the

strategies and access to credit for companies in the mining

new administration to promote the continuation of the

sector and its value chain. As of August 2018, there is a

work started by the Undersecretary of Mining in 2016?

credit portfolio balance of MX$3.66 billion, which represents

A: We have already begun the transition, and we are holding

an 8.4 percent increase on the balance registered as of

several meetings with the incoming administration. In such

December 2012.

meetings, we have presented a thorough evaluation of the work done over the course of the last six years and we have made recommendations as to the work we believe can

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal is the Minister of Economy for

be continued. Certainly, it is down to the new government

the Peña Nieto administration. Previously, he held a number of

whether or not it will take our recommendations into

public sector positions, including Senior Official in the Ministry

account and continue with the programs begun by this

of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister of Tourism Development




Q: How will the newly-elected board of directors bolster

through online courses, interactive live webcasts and face-

the association’s role in promoting the development of the

to-face classes. It is supported by the University of British

Mexican mining industry?

Columbia and the University of Arizona. Its training helps our

A: So far, the association’s role has been to witness and

union members remain up to date on key topics and trends

support the decisions that have been made in relation to

in the industry. The fact it is online provides participants

mining in the country. We want to change that role or at least

with flexibility, while also giving the option of face-to-face

lay the foundations for it to be an association that proposes


substantial changes that benefit the mining industry in Mexico. Q: What have been the main ups and downs of the 2012-2018 One example of this is the joint agenda we would like to

administration and in what state will the new government

set up with SEMARNAT, PROFEPA and other government

inherit the mining industry in Mexico?

institutions to make the industry more sustainable and

A: From my point of view, the incumbent government never

socially responsible. This is something that society and some

had mining on its agenda and that is one of the reasons

authorities have not understood, perhaps due to a lack of

behind the implementation of the new 7.5 percent duty plus

information or misinformation in the media. Mining is one of

0.5 percent for precious metals. The new government will

the most sustainable and socially-responsible industries in

inherit a battered industry in addition to an excessive tax

the country but it tends to have a negative image not only in

burden compared to other countries. This is exacerbated by

Mexico but globally. We must change this by informing the

the insecurity that permeates our country and the absence of

public of the virtues of mining with facts and evidence.

the rule of law, especially in rights of way disputes. It seems that in these scenarios, the private interest is set aside and

Q: In your experience, how can AIMMGM build an effective

the ejido or landowner is always right, often due to political

bridge between the private and public sectors in mining?

motivations rather than rule of law.

A: The role of the association is to be an interlocutor between the public and private sectors. To do that, we must approach

I do not predict any substantial change in terms of the new

the public sector to inform it of the industry’s importance

administration. It is impossible to tell what will happen under

and requirements to continue driving economic value for the

AMLO’s government but I feel it is important that each of

country. Good communication in both directions is important

the entities in our association plays its part to collaborate

so we can always stay well-informed and able to deal with any

for the best interests of the mining industry in Mexico.

problems that arise. This also gives us the leverage to identify

I would request that the next administration consider

areas of opportunity to boost the mining industry in Mexico.

the value of the mining industry in the socioeconomic development of our country and take that into account

Our main asset is that we represent the mining sector and our

when making policy decisions. For example, exploration

members are the industry’s main decision-makers. One way

should be encouraged throughout the country, which would

that we are able to work toward our common goal of growth

involve reversing the previous fiscal reform and making pre-

for the mining industry is through the association’s integration,

operational exploration expenses immediately deductible

which empowers us in our actions.

for new projects.

Q: What impact does AIMMGM expect the EDUMINE program to have and why is this important?

AIMMGM is the premier association for mining professionals

A: We believe that education is the best means to achieve

in Mexico. The group works toward the technological and

objectives in any field. EDUMINE is an online platform

economic development of the mining sector and counts the

that provides over 200 courses on mining-related topics

country’s top operators and suppliers among its members





Q: What were the Undersecretariat’s key accomplishments

and the cross-referencing of polygons so they reconcile with

during this administration?

the Public Mining Registry. We have also worked on the

A: The National Development Plan 2013-2018 included

digitization of files related to mining concessions and the

mining as a strategic industrial sector. We emphasized this

systematization of documents. We want to consolidate and

by also creating a plan specifically designed for the mining

modernize physical spaces for safeguarding documents to

industry. The Mining Development Program 2013-2018 has

streamline the processes of mining regulation. We have also

four main objectives: promote higher levels of investment

added a temporary increase in the workforce to reduce the

and competitivity in the mining sector, increase the amount

backlog in the processing of procedures and correction of

of financing for the mining industry and its supply chain,

data from the Public Mining Registry through conciliation

strengthen the development of small and medium mining

with historical physical records. The CartoMinMex information

companies and modernize institutional norms for the

system is already online and works as a geographical

sector, improving attention to processes related to mining

information system for consultation with data from the mining


archives, which at this stage includes mining cartography and its public registry.

We encouraged a more solid communication channel between the private and public sectors through the

Q: How is the Undersecretariat creating more international

establishment of four additional mining clusters to the

opportunities for the Mexican mining industry?

Zacatecas one, created in 2012. We are also promoting the


creation of a new cluster, which we hope will be established

(MoUs) that the previous General Mining Coordination had

before the end of this administration.

signed were not being followed up on. We decided to make





sure these agreements were put into action. We also increased Most investors do not usually talk to the Undersecretariat

our outreach by diversifying beyond Canada, even though this

directly but with local authorities first to see what kind

country will always be our main mining partner.

of support they can receive from the government before deciding to invest in a project. Unifying efforts is a good

The Undersecretariat identified the main mining events and

way to ensure the future of projects in the country. This will

regions in the world that the sector could benefit from and

also help ensure that the next government will continue

decided to increase its presence in these areas, including

the current work regarding the mining industry. We

Australia and China. In particular, Mexico and China signed

created committees with municipal and state governments

MoUs in mining cooperation federally and provincially, as

in collaboration with federal authorities to address the

well as between the geological surveys of both countries.

industry needs.

Business missions took place with holders of mining projects and throughout the present administration the presence

Q: How are you shortening and simplifying the permitting

of Chinese companies was gradually increased. Currently,

process in the industry?

Chinese companies have 20 mining projects in Mexico.

A: The Hydrocarbons Law establishes that mining authorities must consult with the Ministry of Energy if there

In the case of Australia, we actively participated in promoting

is oil or other hydrocarbons in the area where the mining

investment in important mining events, which was reflected in

concession is required, making permitting processes slower.

a gradual increase in investment. Australian companies now

The Undersecretariat of Mining has been carrying out the

have 30 projects in our country.

Integral Model of Mining Administration (MIAM), which includes the digitalization of 42 related mining concession

Q: How are you helping improve the financial opportunities

procedures, updating of the Geographic Information System

available in the sector?

A: FIFOMI plays an important role as a facilitator of credit

157,500ha available for allocation to those requesting it in the

to small and medium companies. But in the past, more than

form of a mining concession.

50 percent of the credit was being directed toward housing and transportation, which did not make sense. After many

The Mexican Geological Survey works on the 1:50,000 scale

years, we restructured the credit for project financing and

cartography of the national territory. One of its applications

have already had several success cases. While FIFOMI used to

is the evaluation of the potential of existing mineral resources.

give only MX$320 million in direct credit, last year it reached

The information generated by SGM is of public use through an

MX$1.25 billion.

institutional data bank called GeoInfoMex, which allows the information to be easily consulted in different layers, providing

We have also created a graduate scheme with Bancomext that

a significant saving of time and resources.

companies can use as they continue to grow to broaden their financial opportunities. Bancomext has already supported

Q: What should the next administration prioritize when it

five companies that were recommended by FIFOMI and we

comes to the mining industry?

expect this number to rise. Our goal is to train companies and

A: The schemes implemented by the current administration

teach them how to use more professionalized financial models

have been successful. We strive to leave everything organized

so they can eventually expand to list on the Toronto Stock

for the next administration with a report on our main advances

Exchange, the most important market for the mining industry.

along with suggestions on the main areas of opportunity that we did not get a chance to focus on. One example is

Q: Why are national banks so resistant to the mining industry?

updating the legal framework that was mainly approved in

A: National banks do not want to lend money to the mining

1992. Back then it may have been a leading example in the

industry mostly due to the high risk and the lack of knowledge

industry but nowadays it is extremely outdated compared to

given the complexity of the industry. The only bank that

other laws and regulations related to mining activity, like the

has shown interest is Scotiabank. It has a rich history in the

environmental law.

Canadian mining industry. FIFOMI is helping close these gaps by organizing meetings with investors and banks to find

Currently, Chinese companies have 20 mining projects in Mexico

more solutions for the Mexican mining industry. One option is the syndicated loan with the participation of private banks. This strategy has been widely accepted and promises to be effective in promoting the sector. We also collaborate with brokers, such as Trafigura, to offer revolving credit through a select group of banks with 60 days of financing at a favorable rate.

A long-term vision and a national policy are also essential Our direct involvement consists also of providing a fund

to promote the development of mining and the country

worth MX$2 million to state authorities so they can promote

within a framework of sustainability, economic growth,

the development of mines in their states. Zacatecas,

social benefit and respect for the environment. The field of

Sonora and Chihuahua are involved in this fund, which is

public policies to support the development conditions of the

designed for small mining companies. There used to be many

sector also has great areas of opportunity. Some of these

opportunities and funds available to small mining companies

include the creation of a Large Projects Office to accelerate

from authorities such as the Ministry of Agriculture, but these

response times and support strategic mining projects in

have slowly been phased out.

collaboration with other federal agencies, the improvement of the fiscal conditions of the sector through mechanisms

Q: How has the Undersecretary of Mining promoted the

such as the immediate deductibility of pre-operational

restoration of immediate deduction of pre-operational

expenses, the development of a secondary market for

expenses for mining operations?

mining concessions, the expansion of SGM’s activities for

A: We believe the elimination of immediate deduction of

the exploration of industrial minerals and the strengthening

pre-operational expenses for mining operations at the

of the economic, technological and commercial cooperation

end of 2013 has lowered Mexico’s ability to compete with

ties with our strategic partners.

other mining jurisdictions. We have facilitated meetings between representatives of CAMIMEX and the Ministry of Finance to propose restoration of such a fiscal incentive to

Mario Alfonso Cantú has extensive experience in the public,

Congress. Other actions to encourage mining investment in

private and academic spheres. Since January 2013 he has

exploration in Mexico are the freeing up of land from 289

served as General Mining Coordinator of the Ministry of

mining lots in the first half of 2018, with an area of more than






Q: What is your view of the current state of the

unique opportunity to provide financing throughout the

mining sector?

whole mining spectrum.

A: The last 10 years have been a roller coaster of high and lows. During this time, we have seen the industry

Q: Why do you consider yourself to be the bank for the

bleed and many companies have gone out of business,

mining sector?

particularly small to medium-sized companies as there

A: We are the only Mexican bank that actively serves the

are just a few financing options available to them. But

industry. We serve the mining companies, as well as the

there is an opportunity in every crisis and the deeper

whole supply chain, such as service provides like drillers,

the crisis, the better the opportunity can be. It is simply

contractors and reagent producers. Mining is one of the

a matter of identifying it and profiting from it.

most important industries that Accendo Banco targets with its bespoke products.

As we now stand in the middle of what appears to be another bull run for some commodities, the next 10

Q: What services or programs have you created for the

years will see the continuation of rapid change in the

mining industry?

industry against a backdrop of declining ore grades,

A: We offer trade finance, equipment leasing, financing

decreasing availability of Tier 1 assets and continued

for expansion plans and restructuring of existing loans.

focus on shareholder returns. To thrive amid this volatility,

We have the infrastructure to adjust financing terms to

companies must rethink the traditional way of financing

meet the requirements of our clients. We believe that

their mining operations. That is why the role of financial

each client is different and therefore each one deserves a

institutions that serve the mining industry is more

special product. In contrast to other Mexican institutions,

relevant than ever.

we understand the sector’s needs and are willing to take the risk to provide the sector and the companies within

Q: What are the main financial areas of opportunities

it with the financial services they need.

you have identified in the mining industry? A: Accendo Banco offers a wide range of financing

Q: What is the main added value you can offer the mining

products for the mining sector, including term loans,

industry in comparison to other financial institutions?

revolving credit facilities, bridge and mezzanine loans,

A: We understand what the mining sector needs.

nonconforming project finance facilities, subordinated

The main shareholders in Accendo Banco have been

cost-overrun facilities in select situations, trade finance

conducting these types of investments and financing for

consisting of equipment leases, leasebacks and factoring

at least 20 years. This gives us a broader picture of how

facilities. This 10-year global mining industry crisis

the sector works and what its needs are. Moreover, we

has translated into very limited financing for mining

have diversified our financial services to serve the mining

companies, particularly for small to medium-sized

industry. We offer bespoke products tailored to clients’

companies. Mexico, which is among the world’s most

requests; we will consider smaller ticket sizes that other

natural resource-rich countries, does not have a bank

lenders might not consider and our team is comprised

that supports the sector. This crisis has presented us a

of both technical and financing professionals who come from the mining industry and understand the full spectrum of risks and reward inherent to the industry. The

Accendo Banco’s mission is to accelerate the productive

team and ticket size allow us to leverage our expertise

growth of medium-sized companies that show potential,

to an otherwise underserved segment of the Mexican

through the offer of exchange, fiduciary and credit services,

mining sector while at the same time steering clear of

backed by experts in the industry

competition with the giants.


FLEXIBLE ROYALTIES, A SOLUTION TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DISCORD PAULO DE SA Former Practice Manager, Extractive Industries Unit at the World Bank

Q: What role can the mining industry play in the sustainable

best conditions, companies have filled most of China’s recent

economic development of a country?

import requirements. This trend is very clear in the steel

A: The mining industry can make a significant contribution

industry, where the iron ore export market is controlled by

to a country’s economic development because it often

the three biggest companies, while the so-called “Big Four”

generates large fiscal payments to the public purse and

are expanding their reach over the seaborne coal trade. After

contributes to the wellbeing of communities. More often

2010, price formation in these two markets shifted from long-

than not, mining projects create economic opportunities

term contracts, where buyers prevailed, to spot prices where

for communities in remote areas. The World Bank Group,

producers are more capable of taking advantage of short-

through the World Bank and the IFC, helps authorities

term changes in the markets.

refine their policies and ensure that mining is contributing to the overall economic development of their country. It can also make suggestions on the social and environmental management of the sector and benchmark policies. The World Bank has completed many economic studies on what mining can do in terms of poverty and inequality, although the image of the industry is not always very

Over the last 15 years, China has had an overwhelming influence on the global mining industry

positive. With the recognition that there is room for improvement in sustainability practices of the industry,

Q: How can countries properly implement revenue-sharing

these studies find that mining can offer countries concrete

mechanisms such as the Mining Fund in Mexico?

possibilities when it comes to reducing poverty. However,

A: Centralized mechanisms for revenue-sharing are very

they also find that in terms of inequality the mining industry

difficult to implement as it is hard to please everyone. We

can increase the differences between the haves and have-

support these initiatives but we have seen that using them

nots, thus creating even wider gaps.

adequately is not an easy task. The funds need to be used in a very transparent manner and authorities need to make sure

Q: What forces in the market are controlling trends in the

that they are investing in projects that support the well-being

mining industry?

of communities. Listening to their priorities and giving them

A: Market forces will be greatly driven by cost-reduction.

a voice in the decision-making process is essential. Peru, for

Hopefully, the mistakes of the previous supercycle will not

instance, transfers 50 percent of its revenues from the mining

be repeated. We are also seeing that companies in the

industry to surrounding communities but the government has

industry have more power. Previously, market prices were

not been capable of properly overseeing the use of these

controlled by consumers, but this is reversing as companies

funds. This means that municipal leaders have invested in

are increasingly able to influence prices.

the wrong types of projects, leading to cases of corruption. Revenue-sharing is meant to eliminate conflict between

For example, over the last 15 years, China has had an

authorities and communities but it can sometimes end up

overwhelming influence on the global mining industry.

causing more problems instead.

As China’s domestic resource base is being progressively depleted or struggles to meet the quality requirements of modern manufacturing, new opportunities are emerging

The World Bank Group is formed of five institutions working

for the large mining companies. Through their superior

for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty in developing

capability to access the best mineral reserves, deploy the

countries. It has 189 member-countries, staff from more than

most competitive technologies and access capital in the

170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations



SONORA AS MEXICO’S MINING ADVOCATE ALBERTO LÓPEZ Director General of Mining at the Sonora Ministry of Economy


Q: How can the Ministry of Economy promote more

strengthen the relationship between federation and state

favorable fiscal and regulatory terms for investment?

and work in a more coordinated way for the good of the

A: The special and extraordinary royalties were established

mining sector.

in 2014 and the state has now experienced four years of this tax burden that feeds the Mining Fund. Despite this

Q: What are the main incentives to invest in mining in

factor, and the 10-year time frame that was established

Sonora, especially for smaller-scale miners?

for the deductibility of exploration expenses, the hard

A: The state government participates enthusiastically with

numbers of Sonoran mining clearly highlight the state

programs that focus on the small-scale miner. We visit their

as the national leader in production. That being said, the

concessions, evaluate them in a very preliminary way and

industry has not experienced a marked growth in the wake

provide recommendations as to the best step forward for

of these expenses being established. Without doubt, the

that particular project. A possible strategy to detonate the

most important task of the public and private sector is

progress of the small miner, and which certainly is not new,

recovering competitiveness, and if this cannot be done by

is to promote the establishment of processing plants, which

reducing the tax burden, it can be done by establishing a

can collectively receive ore from small projects, process it

public policy that involves direct and short-term solutions.

and in this way boost the economy and life quality of certain

The mining agenda has been dragging on for several years

isolated regions.

with problems related to its fragmentation. The industry is intricately linked with many dependencies of several

Q: What is your perspective of the use and distribution

different federal government ministries.

of the Mining Fund and how can it catalyze growth in the state?

The state-level government bodies do what we can to

A: Regarding the Mining Fund, in Sonora, a total of

support the official processing of permits for companies of

MX$2.49 billion was received from the fiscal contributions

different sizes located in the corresponding territories. But at

over the course of 2014, 2015 and 2016, which

the end of the day there is always a process under the strict

substantially benefited the infrastructure of major mining

remit of the federal government. Behind these processes is

municipalities in the state such as Cananea, Caborca,

usually a team of public servants who are doing the best they

Nacozari, Alamos, Sahuaripa and Cucurpe. These were

can under critical staffing shortages and lack of technical

the main recipients of the resources from the Mining Fund

knowledge. We are grateful that, through the establishment

due to their importance for mining operations, not only

of the Directorate of Mines, we have already begun to

in Sonora but nationwide.

overhaul and modernize these processes and should make significant strides before the end of this sexennial term.

The recommendation of both municipalities and mining companies is that it is necessary to expedite the processing

Q: How do you expect the change of administration to

of these resources and have more regional influence in the

affect the continuity of the mining sector?

decision-making process regarding where they will be

A: Every change of government gives rise to the hope

allocated. This would bridge many existing gaps that may

that things can change. In our specific case, we want to

not be considered by those who are not present on the ground. For example, neighboring municipalities that do not have mining activities but do contribute to meeting the

Alberto López oversees mining activities of the state of Sonora.

industry’s needs do not receive any resources. This could

Prior to joining the public sector, he served as Director General

be revised in a fairer and more equitable way to ensure all

of Insetec from 2005-2015. He also founded the Mundo Minero

those involved across the mining supply chain benefit from

industry magazine in 1996

its activities.


SONORA: MEXICO'S LEADING MINING STATE Sonora is a 72-municipality state that accounts for 9.1

salary of MX$288.1 and the national average of MX$333.2

percent of Mexico's land mass. It contributes 3.5 percent

per day recorded by IMSS in 2017.According to Sonora’s

to national GDP. Approximately 7.3 percent of those in

Ministry of Economy, the state has 40 mines in operation,

Sonora are employed by the extractive and electricity

200 exploration projects and more than 5,000 mining

industries, including mining. In 2016, the mining industry

concessions over a land mass of more than 43km2. Sonora

contributed MX$70.11 billion to Sonora's GDP. The mining

is a leading mining state in the country, as the main copper

industry paid one of the highest estimated salaries of

producer and accounting for 24 percent of the total

MX$543.8 per day, compared to state estimated average

Mexican gold production.


408,842 kg silver



kg gold

tons copper

SONORA’S GDP STRUCTURE 2016 (MX$ billion) 700

• Land area: 178,292km2 Tertiary MX$301.96

• Population: 3,026,511 inhabitants

10.68% mining


• Sector with biggest contribution to state GDP: manufacturing industry (26.8%)

contribution to state GDP (2016)

• Percentage contribution to national GDP: 3.5% • 72 Municipalities





Secondary MX$314.6 4.5%

Manufacturing industries



MX$70.11 55.9%

EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR 2017 Unspecified 20,782



Extractive and electricity 29,733









Primary MX$39.85


MX$656.4 billion

Generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, water and gas supply by pipeline

Manufacturing 252,137 Social services 108,020 Government and international organizations 50,234 Trade 255,867.9 Construction 112,285 Restaurants and lodging services 97,447

POPULATION Younger than 15 years


15 years and older


Economically inactive population


Economically active population









Professional, financial and corporate services 103,489 Transport, communications, mail and storage 51,307 Various Services 134,484 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, 156,278 hunting and fishing 400 350










MAPPING CHIHUAHUA’S MINING PRIORITIES JESÚS MESTA Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development of Chihuahua


Q: What are the ministry’s main priorities when it comes

show that taking away this tax incentive has led Mexico to

to the mining industry?

lose competitiveness against other mining jurisdictions.

A: In relation to the mining industry, the main priority of the Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development of

Q: What is the main impact from mining activities on

Chihuahua is to provide legal certainty to investors and

Chihuahua’s local communities?

to push for the immediate deductibility of exploration

A: It is curious that communities surrounding mine

expenses. It is also our priority to distribute the resources

operations often inherently reject mining projects when

of the Mining Trust Fund in a transparent way. Chihuahua’s

they are first being introduced. But we have found that

goal is to attract more investment to the state, especially

once they experience the benefits of having a mine in

given that it is the second-leading producer of silver, zinc

their community, receive the resources of the Mining Trust

and lead and the third for gold in Mexico.

Fund and have the possibility of finding a well-paid job without having to emigrate to other regions, their opinion

Chihuahua is the second-leading producer of silver, zinc and lead and the third for gold in Mexico.

drastically changes. The main challenge for the mining industry is communication. The industry must learn to efficiently publicize all the benefits it can provide as a legacy to communities and the way in which modern mining works. The industry’s processes in exploration, production and ore processing are mesmerizing in their technicality and

The most important factor for achieving this goal is

sustainability but this means nothing if people are not

legal certainty. Unlike other industries in which investors

aware of it. In fact, people often assume that mining

worry about location and logistics, in mining investment

companies arrive at a community, drill, exploit and leave

is mostly defined by mineral potential. As part of the

the territory and communities worse off. But this is far

local government, it is the ministry’s role to facilitate the

from the reality of how mining is today. We need to

optimum conditions for investment, and this includes

communicate the current reality of the industry to all

legal certainty. It is a priority of Governor Corral’s

and this is its main challenge.

administration to enforce the rule of law and compliance with the law. All mining companies and others across

Q: What is your assessment of the use and distribution

industries should have the confidence to place their

of the Mining Trust Fund?

resources in a state in which the law is respected.

A: In Chihuahua, we believe 100 percent that the fund must be solely distributed among the communities in

Regarding the tax regime, Governor Corral has repeatedly

which mining activities are carried out. That is why it

pushed the federal government to advance the

was created. Governor Corral has addressed this matter

deductibility of exploration expenses from 10 years to one,

several times with the federal government as we do not

restoring the previous legislation in place. Statistics clearly

think that it should be allocated 20 percent of the fund’s resources. We are also convinced that the fund should be allocated to productive projects to grow local economies

Jesús Mesta w orks for Chihuahua's Ministry of Innovation

and develop long-lasting benefits for communities. We

and Economic Development. He was Director and Partner of

also hope the fund will contribute to the modernization of

Distribuidora de Productos Alimenticios de Chihuahua for 12 years

the Undersecretariat of Mining, to make it more efficient

and has an MBA from Thunderbird Global School of Management

and responsive to the industry’s needs.


MINING BRINGS EMPLOYMENT, GROWTH TO CHIHUAHUA Chihuahua is a desert state with its primary cities spread

and isolated areas. One of the country’s biggest producers,

apart across its 246,865km . For its 3.79 million inhabitants, it

Chihuahua contributed 3.4 percent to national GDP and

presents the ideal blank canvas for mine operations. Mining in

mining accounted for 6.3 percent of the state’s contribution.

Chihuahua presents unique opportunities for those who would

One factor behind the state’s low unemployment rate is its

otherwise struggle to find employment, in rough terrains

mining industry, worth US$17.96 billion.




POPULATION Younger than 15 years


15 years and older


Economically inactive population


Economically active population









Tertiary MX$320.67








• Land area: 246,865km2 • Population: 3,795,324 inhabitants


MX$646.14 billion


• Sector with biggest contribution to state GDP: manufacturing industry (31.1%)


Auto parts


terminal production

• Percentage contribution to national GDP: 3.4%


Manufacturing industries

• 67 Municipalities

MX$18.2 Construction



MX$17.96 Mining MX$13.2 Generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, water and gas supply by pipeline

6.3% mining


4.7% 6.3%


11% Mazapil

2% Sahuaripa

9% Cananea

2% Morelos

7% Nacozari de Garcia

2% Eduardo Neri Primary 2% Aquila MX$42.14

5% Fresnillo 4% Ocampo

2% Alamos

4% Caborca

1% Chinipas

2% Sierra2017 Mojada EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR

contribution to state GDP (2016)



47% other

Source: CGM, Ministry of Economy 1 With figures to March of 2015

Unspecified 23,786 Extractive and electricity 25,950 478,772 Manufacturing Social services 124,235 Government and international 61,285 organizations Trade






kg gold

kg silver

Construction 118,431 Restaurants and lodging services

tons zinc

tons lead

Source: INEGI, ProMéxico, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Economy, National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions


Professional, financial and corporate services


Transport, communications, mail and storage 64,603


tons copper


Various services


Agriculture, livestock, forestry, 138,890 hunting and fishing 500







COMMITMENT, SUPPORT FOR SMALL MINERS CARLOS BÁRCENA Minister of Economy of the State of Zacatecas


Q: What are Zacatecas’ main priorities when it comes to

sectors. We are incorporating not only commercial banks

the mining industry?

into the scheme but also development banks to offer

A: We have three main priorities in the mining industry,

different financial models for projects. This helps because

including developing talent, supporting small miners and

commercial banks often require highly-detailed reports and

strengthening the local and regional supply chain. We have

specifications that small miners cannot provide when they

a long-term and ambitious vision for the sector but our

are just starting a project or small operation. On the other

first priority will always be to help the local and regional

hand, development banks are more flexible and may just

companies adapt to the changes in the industry.

ask for a deposit.

When it comes to talent, we created a one-of-a-kind

We collaborate with NAFIN, to build different strategies. We

program at the Zacatecas campus of the National

have also created trust funds for a project in collaboration

Polytechnic University to allow metallurgical engineering

with banks where, for example, for every MX$1 we invest,

students to get hands-on experience in both classrooms

a commercial bank invests MX$2. Everyone wants loans

and in mines. We greatly believe in training and preparing

at low rates and small deposits but that is not possible.

the next generation of miners.

We help by providing models either with a low rate and large guarantee or a high rate and a small guarantee to

The state is also prioritizing small mining businesses and

find an optimal middle point. We also offer a Silver Fund

we are collaborating with medium to large companies to

that provides a low rate and requires a deposit that is much

create more bridges and opportunities. We are helping

smaller than what commercial banks require. We have a

small miners identify areas of opportunity and even

technical committee and a validation system that can select

connecting them with financial tools. The state is closing

projects with potential.

agreements with FIFOMI to make sure that small miners have enough capital to develop projects and reactivate the

The state is also helping businesses complete their

state’s traditional mining districts.

paperwork so they have more success with the financial system. We must use collaborative schemes because

Our third focus is to strengthen the local and regional

mining projects are extremely capital intensive. If they only

supply chain to make sure it can meet the needs of medium

required MX$30,000 it would be much easier to give direct

and large miners. We are motivating local companies

loans without so many requirements.

and mining clusters to promote regional unity. We offer consulting and certification to make sure suppliers meet

Q: Why should mining companies invest in Zacatecas over

the industry’s requirements.

other states in Mexico? A: Our main differentiator as a mining state is the

Q: How is the state improving financial opportunities for

support we provide to small miners. Other states, such

the industry?

as Sonora and Chihuahua, have many more projects but

A: We can intervene by creating schemes that work for the

they do not have many small miners. While it is a risky

industry, as has been done for automotive and aviation

focus because many projects will not become a mine, we have had cases of success that have made important discoveries in the state and have been able to develop

Carlos Bárcena has been in the state government of San

them thanks to our support. We are following in the

Luis Potosi throughout his professional career. He promoted

footsteps of Hidalgo, which has been the only state in

the manufacturing industry in the Bajio region alongside GM,

the country to successfully implement a model that works


for small miners.


ZACATECAS STILL MEXICO'S SILVER TITAN Zacatecas mountain ranges hold significant deposits

Minerals, Minera Frisco, Industrias Peñoles, First Majestic

of gold, silver, copper and zinc, making the state’s 58

Silver and Pan American Silver.

municipalities one of the main mining regions in the country. With 2,263 standing mineral concessions in

Zacatecas holds 3.8 percent of Mexico’s land mass, 1.3 percent

2016, Zacatecas is divided into 18 mining districts, the

of its population and contributes 1.0 percent of GDP. The

most prolific being Fresnillo, Mazapil, Concepción del Oro,

mining industry is the biggest contributor to the state’s GDP,

Miguel Auza, Ojocaliente, Sombrerete and Zacatecas. As

accounting for 17.8 percent in 2016. The extractive activities

for exploration, 19 companies dominate the search for new

and electricity industries, including mining, employ 3.2 percent

deposits in the state, including Fresnillo, Goldcorp, Aura

of the economically active population in Zacatecas.






tons copper



tons zinc

kg silver

tons lead

mining contribution to state GDP (2016)

kg gold

• Land Area: 74,451km2 • Population: 1,605,821 inhabitants

TOTAL POPULATION Younger than 15 years


15 years and older


Economically inactive population


Economically active population


• Percentage contribution to national GDP: 1.0%



• Municipalities: 58



• Capital: Zacatecas

• Percentage of national population: 1.3%




5,255 Unspecified 13,015 Extractive and electricity

Total Employed Population

75,747 Manufacturing


54,405 Social services

Tertiary MX$95.74t

36,675 Government and international organizations 111,182 57,907


Construction 150

36,642 Restaurants and lodging services 17,017 Professional, financial and corporate services 12,904 Transport, communications, mail and storage 54,889 Various Services Agriculture, livestock, forestry, hunting and fishing 0






194 Agriculture, livestock and fishing


215.5 Construction


288.3 Trade 323.3 Services for companies and individuals 383.9 Transport and communications 460.7 Social services 543.8 Extractive industries Electric and water industries 823.7


Sources: ProMéxico, INEGI



Manufacturing Industries

2.0% 23.6%




Generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, water and gas supply by pipeline

50 46.1%


346 Transformation industries



250 Secondary MX$70.84




28.4% Primary MX$17.03



MX$186.61 billion





Q: What are Durango’s priorities when it comes to mining

A: This is an agreement that was signed in 2017 by federal

in the state?

agencies and the Ministry of Economy. It seeks to solve

A: The mining industry represents one of the most important

issues that companies are facing in the industry. If a security

economic activities in the state. Approximately 5 percent

matter exists, for example, we can use the agreement to find

of our GDP relies on the sector and we are developing

a solution. The idea is to promote collaboration between

strategies to ensure the continued growth of operations in

the private and public sectors to find the best solutions to

Durango. The Ministry of Economy acts as a facilitator for

problems. One of the first issues we dealt with through this

conflict resolution in social and environmental matters to

agreement was the delay in permit approvals, including

guarantee the continuation of projects and assure private

mining concessions.

sector companies that they can continue to invest in the state. We believe mining policies in Mexico are consistent

Q: What strategies does Durango use to successfully create

and have more stability than those in Canada, where each

agreements with the federal government?

province has its own policies. We have a national law that

A: It is essential to be direct and not only say what they want

all states follow.

to hear. We can solve many matters through collaboration. For example, Durango has small mining companies that

Q: How is the state taking advantage of the Mining Fund

still use mercury to process gold operations, which can

to advance social projects?

be a danger to the safety of miners, their families and the

A: The reality is that the adequate use of the Mining Fund

environment. We are developing a project to teach them how

lies in the hands of the government. Authorities must

to transition out of this chemical and recover gold in a more

prioritize the appropriate use of the funds. We have been

sustainable manner. The project requires a total investment

receiving capital from the fund since 2014 and have been

of MX$2 million. It is an example of a successful agreement

investing it directly into the communities. Our state has

signed with the Undersecretary of Mining a year ago.

used 100 percent of the funds because we prioritize its fast use to make sure it is being directed to the right areas. The

Q: What should the new administration prioritize when it

use of the fund is clearly indicated by the law and divided

comes to the mining industry?

into several priority segments, such as health, highways and

A: There are various areas the new administration should

education. The trick is to collaborate with mining companies

prioritize in the mining industry and in general when it

and communities to identify the main necessities and avoid

comes to boosting the country’s economic development.

just meeting the needs of the municipal leaders. A leader

Five years ago, the mining industry was in fourth or fifth

may believe a park is the most important project but the

place in revenue generation and now it is much lower. It is

community may be more in need of water infrastructure.

losing relevance but can gain back the importance it once

Constant communication clears up these doubts.

had. We need to revise mining regulations and concessions as well as access to capital.

Q: What results do you expect from the signed Coordination Agreement for Promotion of the Competitivity and

In Durango, we do not have enough resources to help

Productivity of the Mining Sector?

companies financially as the size of loans or capital we can provide is not sufficient to start new projects. Unfortunately, the mining industry is capital intensive and the state cannot

Ramón Dávila has been a leader of different business

provide this. Instead, we are using different strategies

organizations and has held important positions in the mining

to help small miners by offering training and facilitating

sector in companies such as Industrias Peñoles, San Luis

processes. The state has 200 small miners and their biggest

Corporation, Pan American Silver and First Majestic Silver

need is capital.


TAPPING INTO DURANGO'S WORLD-CLASS DEPOSITS While Durango only represents 1.3 percent of the

largest silver producer. Durango represents 11.7 percent

country’s GDP, it is one of the most important mining

of the national silver production and 9.2 percent of the

states of the country after Sonora and Chihuahua. The

total gold production. The Mining Fund also allocates 75

northern state encompasses over 100 projects with a

percent of its capital to Durango, Chihuahua, Zacatecas

population of only 1.755 million people. It is the fifth most

and Sonora, considering the role these states play in the

important gold producer in the country and the third

mining industry.




Municipality Canelas

Silver (kg)

Copper (tons)

Zinc (tons)































Mapimi Nombre de Dios Otaez Panuco de Coronado San Dimas





San Juan del Rio





Santiago Papasquiaro

















MX$236.1 billion

250 Tertiary MX$139.9 200


Secondary MX$72.9





Santiago Papasquiaro



Primary MX$23.3

Panuco de Coronado


San Juan del Río

4.94% mining contribution to state GDP (2016)



San Dimas


STATE FACTS • Land area: 124,258.50 km2

Capital: Durango

Nombre de Dios

kg gold

Source: CAMIMEX, ProMéxico

• No.1 in bentonite, marble and calcium carbonate production in Mexico • Percentage contribution to national GDP: 1.3% • 39 municipalities



• Population: 1,755,000

682,622 kg silver


tons copper

96,415 tons zinc




Q: What is the state Ministry of Economy’s plan for the

hub will develop highly qualified staff for the management

mining industry in Guerrero?

of mining machinery technology and for technical support.

A: Guerrero’s State Development Plan focuses on five axes:

It is ultimately intended to provide certainty and confidence

the relaunching of tourism, improvement of the physical

and to augment the attractiveness of investing in the state.

infrastructure, the agroindustry, the Special Economic

This would be an Institute of Technology specialized in

Zones (ZEEs) and the mining industry. Regarding mining,

mining and designed to boost the industry in Guerrero. The

Governor Héctor Astudillo is striving to make mining a

fundamentals of the project are already outlined and were

lever for the state’s development and to diversify our

presented to Governor Astudillo and Minister of Economy

economic dependency from tourism to an industry that

Ildefonso Guajardo. The next step is to introduce it to the

is significantly growing. The goal is to develop favorable

president and secure federal support.

conditions for investment in the state and to unlock the mining industry’s potential, given Guerrero’s significant

Our goal is to bridge the gap between local communities

mineral deposits.

and mining companies, which often becomes an issue when projects lack a community socialization approach.

As Guerrero strives to become a logistics hub,

The ministry encourages mining companies to prioritize a

communication with several government agencies is

social and environmentally responsible approach to their

crucial to better channel the resources into this endeavor

operations, working closely with local communities to help

and to create a thriving mining industry. We will knock on

them understand the benefits that these projects imply in

the doors of all the institutions needed to attract more

terms of job creation, wage increases and the development

investment to the state, such as FIFOMI, NAFIN, CONACyT

of productive initiatives within the communities. Regarding

and the Ministry of Education.

the latter, we are supporting the creation of other means of subsistence for miners’ families so they can diversify their

Q: What is the missing ingredient that will help Guerrero

income and have a better quality of life. For example, we

unlock its mining potential?

are promoting the ability to farm and to breed animals,

A: The promotion of Guerrero’s mining potential and

among other professions that can be carried out in often

related advertising is insufficient. We need to enhance

remote communities.

our participation in national and international forums so we can turn investors’ gaze to our state and help them

Q: What is the role of the mining cluster in strengthening

understand that big mining companies, such as Torex

the industry in Guerrero?

Gold and Alio Gold, are succeeding and growing while

A: The Guerrero Cluster was formalized a year ago.

working with us. We also have two key projects by Peñoles

The ministry is closely working on promoting a deeper

and by Alio Gold’s Ana Paula mine that are examples for

association between mining companies, fostering a

investors of the positive investment opportunity Guerrero

permanent and strong communication channel with the

offers. To better broadcast its mining potential, we also

state’s government. We believe it is vital to have optimum

want to build a technological hub for training and research

coordination and to maintain an open dialogue with local

regarding innovation for mine operations. This innovation

and municipal governments. Also, our goal is to have the mining cluster work with SMEs as suppliers, so entrepreneurs from Guerrero can grow and strengthen, consolidating their

Álvaro Burgos has prioritized the mining industry in the state,

position in the value chain and promoting more investment

taking advantage of its great potential and resources during

and the creation of new jobs. This will make the state more

his time as Minister of Economy of Guerrero. Burgos also

attractive for an industry that has huge potential, thus the

serves as Technical Secretary of the Guerrero Mining Cluster

government’s intention to enhance it.


GUERRERO’S GOLDEN COMEBACK A state that has been hiding in the shadows may turn

Sonora holds the number one position in Mexico’s gold

out to be what Mexico needs to raise its levels of gold

production but Guerrero is slowly starting to catch up

production. But the state has experienced bumps on the

to Sonora as in 2016 it produced 15,215kg of gold, a 70

road as security issues scared away operators in the past

percent rise from the 8,972kg in 2015. Between 2017 and

and halted projects such as Campo Morado, previously

2020, CAMIMEX predicts that companies will invest over

owned by Nyrstar and acquired by Telson Resources.

US$2.5 billion in the state's gold projects.







kg silver


Tertiary MX$203.5



million gold ounces El LimónGuajes Torex Gold

Aurora mine Minera Camargo and Alphamin Resources




million silver ounces

Media Luna Torex Gold




million gold ounces

mining contribution to state GDP (2016)

Secondary MX$50.1


Los filos Leagold Primary MX$15.3






MX$268.9 billion Capital: Iguala

Arcelia Cuetzala


Eduardo Neri • Land area: 63,596km2 • Population: 3,533,251 inhabitants • Strategic sectors: Agroindustry, tourism and mining







Eduardo Neri



• Percentage contribution to national GDP: 1.4% • 81 municipalities

Source: CAMIMEX, Torex Gold




Late 2016 brought a wave of geopolitical uncertainty with a series of shocks, first with the UK’s decision to leave the EU, then the election of Donald Trump as President of the US. This volatility continued over 2017 through the NAFTA renegotiations and trade wars, and has crept into 2018 with the Mexican presidential elections won by wildcard candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Even though mining thrives on uncertainty, secondary factors such as regulatory and trade clarity are affecting profitability for miners. Mexico Mining Review asked industry leaders what effects have been felt so far and what are they doing to protect themselves against future shocks.

I personally think that the industry is pretty well-positioned. I would say that in 2011, when metals prices were at their peak, the industry got rather lazy. But then as prices for silver and gold declined over the ensuing years, the industry was forced to address some of those areas where it was a little bloated. Costs were reduced, marginal mines were either shut down or sold and balance sheets were really improved. In 2011,

MITCHELL KREBS President and CEO of Coeur Mining

companies were pursuing growth at all costs without financial discipline in terms of capital allocation and ROI. But now I think the industry has a much sharper focus on true profitability and returns to shareholders. I feel the industry now is in a much better position. Silver and gold prices have stabilized and strengthened. US$1,350/ oz is a very attractive price for the industry and underpinning this is exchange rate volatility, debt levels, geopolitics and supply set to further decline.

The new administration should take into consideration how countries like Australia have found a model that works for companies, the environment and the communities that live near the mine operations and production processes. Prices are created by global demand and companies need to make sure their costs are as low as possible and productivity as high as possible to withstand any type of volatility. Technology,


best practices and environmental and community considerations are all necessary elements for a longer term profitable and sustainable industry. Australia and New Zealand are leaders in these areas. We believe that Mexico can learn from the sharing of such programs as the industry moves forward.

Legal certainty is a critical factor. In other mine jurisdictions, Tax Certainty Contracts guarantee miners that the government will maintain a steady tax regime during the time a company is investing in and operating a mine. I think these could be very beneficial to foster investment in Mexico. Also, the closing process and miners’ obligation to restore land to its previous condition need to be reconsidered. Mining companies have

MARIO HERNÁNDEZ Lead Partner IMMEX Segment at KPMG in Mexico

to make this ecological recovery investment after the mine has closed and they are no longer receiving returns from it. This does not make any accounting sense, as this expense is not deductible during the mine operation because it has not been paid, and when it finally is, the company is no longer receiving income from the mine. This payment should follow the model of a pension fund. Companies would pay a certain amount to a trust fund for the closing of the mine, which could be tax-deductible.

I cannot predict gold prices, which is why we try to work with quality projects that can withstand the price movements. When we acquire projects, we factor in the volatility of the metal price for that reason – gold prices are unpredictable. Right now, we are in cash conservation mode until there is a clear picture of the next president's and the new governor of Veracruz's goals for the industry, but we will reinitiate operations when the timing is right. But there is a big change going on in Europe and Canada, where there are rumblings of big banks cutting back on their research platforms. That will be a shakeup for the market, and potentially

RAMON PÉREZ President and Director of Candelaria Mining

the BIVA has arrived at an opportune time.


Volatility around the world is benefiting metal prices as well as funds in various stock exchanges. However, the country also needs to take into consideration the possible impacts of the 2018 presidential elections on investment and the exploitation of mineral resources in Mexico. The mining industry faces some of the strictest and highest fiscal requirements at a municipal, state and federal level in comparison to other sectors. This affects the country’s competitivity as mining companies can pay less taxes in other jurisdictions. One challenge is to reduce financial requirements

HÉCTOR HERRERA Partner at Haynes and Boone

for the BMV and reduce the cost of participation. The appearance of a new stock exchange in the market, BIVA, is a good option for the industry.

The first challenge is cost reduction. This remains a priority as volatility in mineral prices continues to push companies to be more efficient with their capital and operational models. The second biggest challenge is the tax regime. Mexico represents about 2-3 percent of the global mining industry, but it has a large amount of potential to grow as the country is rich in minerals. Many regions have still not been explored and this is one of Mexico’s main advantages. The country would be able to better seize this abundance if problems such as insecurity and disrespect for the law were solved. Mexico also needs to improve its logistical infrastructure to enhance exportation and importation.

ADOLFO CALATAYUD Lead Partner in Mexico and Latin America at PwC

I think NAFTA is a very relevant issue to consider. Politically the treaty is useful as it allows us to access the US and Canadian markets but renegotiations need to consider that Mexico does not have the same living conditions as the US or Canada. We must strive to gradually diminish the gap between NAFTA members. It must be gradual because many foreign investors chose to come to Mexico for the low wages, so we cannot suddenly increase them to regional parity as this could impact investment in the country. We cannot risk bringing about more unemployment. Also, the higher the profits we make, the more income tax increases, which can lead to high inflation rates.

CARLOS PAVÓN General Secretary of the National Union of Miners and Metallurgists (SNMM)

I think it is important to see opportunities. We do not know what will happen with NAFTA but from what I am hearing right now, negotiations are going relatively well, and we are optimistic about it. For us, the companies listed on the BMV are so diversified in terms of sectors, sizes and business segments that the impact of geopolitical uncertainty has been much less intense in Mexico. I think that Mexico, just like the other two countries in the agreement, needs to see the renegotiation of NAFTA as an opportunity to turn to other markets. Mexico does not only have NAFTA, but also a great number of free trade agreements with other countries, even though the majority of trade is focused on the North American region.


San Dimas mine, Durango



Unstable global financial markets and geopolitical events caused investors to seek refuge in gold this year. This is good news for Mexico as it continues to play a leading role in world gold production, contributing 4 percent of the global output, or 104.4 million ounces in 2017. Sonora holds the limelight in terms of national production for the yellow metal while Guerrero is starting to rise thanks to its strong pipeline of projects. But given the lack of deductibility for exploration expenses, the key question remains: How can Mexico’s pipeline for gold projects be further strengthened so the country can remain among the international leaders in the long term?

This chapter offers insights on the continued impact of international events on bullion prices and Mexico’s reaction in this context. It will shine the spotlight on the country’s most important gold mine sites and highlight the key strategies operators are using to maintain their top positions.



ANALYSIS: Gold to Keep Its Shine Despite Fumble


TREND SPOTLIGHT: Gold And Cryptocurrencies, Friends Or Foes?


MAP: Mexico's Main Gold Mines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rob McEwen, McEwen Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ian Telfer, Goldcorp


VIEW FROM THE TOP: César González, Marlin Gold Mining


INFOGRAPHIC: Gold Production: the Bull Stirs in Mexico


INSIGHT: John Mccluskey, Alamos Gold


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Peter Dougherty, Argonaut Gold


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Salvador García, Starcore International Mines


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: A Closer Look at Improving Mine Operations


INSIGHT: Ramón Pérez, Candelaria Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: David Wolfin, Avino Silver & Gold


VIEW FROM THE TOP: David Jones, Minaurum Gold


INSIGHT: Joanne Freeze, Candente Gold


INSIGHT: Rodrigo Barbosa, Aura Minerals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jason Reid, Gold Resource Corporation


ROUNDTABLE: How is the Rise of Blockchain Affecting Gold’s Safe-Haven Status?



GOLD TO KEEP ITS SHINE DESPITE FUMBLE Gold sailed into 2018 on the coattails of a 12 percent yearly price increase on the previous year, the strongest gain since 2010. But softer demand and a stronger dollar helped diminish the yellow metal’s appeal, keeping prices in a tight band through the first nine months of the year


After moving in a narrow range between US$1,354.95/

expand their portfolios and merge with other players to

oz and 1,307.75/oz in 1Q, the yellow metal launched a

keep shareholders happy.”

downward trend, hitting an 8-month nadir on August 17 at US$1,178.40/oz. By the middle of September, gold had


settled into a tight band between that low and US1,201.90/

Three operators produced 42 percent of the gold in Mexico

oz. The World Gold Council in its midyear outlook for 2018

in 2017: Fresnillo, Goldcorp and Agnico Eagle. The state

cited the strengthening of the US dollar as trade wars

of Sonora was the main gold producer with 33 percent.

spurred flows into the greenback and weak demand as

Production increases were registered in Alamos’ Mulatos

concerns for the metal. Demand of 973.5 tons in Q1 was

mine, First Majestic Silver’s Santa Elena Project, Alio Gold’s

the lowest since 2008, it said. US President Donald Trump’s

San Francisco, Agnico Eagle’s La India, and the La Herradura

nationalistic policies since entering the Oval Office have

and Noche Buena projects, both owned by Fresnillo.

been among the movers of the dollar, and as a result, gold. Yet, many insiders remain optimistic.

Peñasquito was the biggest national producer, although its output dropped compared to 2016 to 476,000 ounces. La

“US President Donald Trump could probably drive the price

Herradura was the second-biggest producer with 473,600

of gold pretty easily in the case of a major international

ounces and Torex’s El Limón-Guajes mine in Guerrero

crisis, and there is a modest to good chance of that. Also,

produced 240,900 ounces to take third place, despite a

Republicans in the US are showing no inclination to curb

blockade that began at the end of the year.

spending, so I expect the price of gold either to remain stable or go high, but it is very unlikely it will go down,”

The biggest challenge for the industry, according to Ian

says David Jones, Director of Minaurum Gold.

Telfer, Chairman of the Board at GoldCorp, is finding more gold. “This is a global issue as production at major gold-


mining companies is either flat or declining,” he says. “The

In 2017, gold represented 32 percent of the country’s mining

price of gold will have to go a lot higher to catalyze the

production value. Its closest contender was copper with

next big round of gold discoveries.”

22.3 percent. The yellow metal also 44 percent of regional exploration spending.

RAMPING UP FOR 2018 For 2018, higher production is expected due to significant

Globally, M&As related to gold mines decreased in 2017

advances in Fresnillo’s portfolio. One of the most eagerly-

by 34 percent to a value of US$7.3 billion. Among the

anticipated projects is MAG Silver JV Juanicipio in Zacatecas,

biggest gold deals in Mexico was Goldcorp’s sale of Los

which is expected to produce 30,000oz/y of gold. The

Filos in January 2017 to Leagold for US$438 million. Others

prolific project is scheduled for 1H20 with a total investment

included Agnico Eagle’s US$80 million acquisition of Santa

of US$305 million. After a challenging 1H18 marked by a

Gertrudis from GoGold in November and Argonaut Gold’s

blockade at neighboring El Limón-Guajes, the Media Luna

purchase of the Cerro del Gallo project in Guanajuato, once

owned by Torex Gold is scheduled to begin its feasibility

part of Primero Mining’s portfolio.

study for 1H19, with a possible start-up in 2022; it will produce 170,000oz/y of gold and has a price tag of US$482 million.

RB Abogados assisted with the Argonaut-Primero deal, as well as First Majestic Silver’s acquisition of Primero’s

Likewise, other projects continue with advanced exploration

flagship San Dimas property. The law firm’s Founding

works, including McEwen’s El Gallo II in Sinaloa Chesapeake’s

Partner, Enrique Rodriguez del Bosque, sees appetite

Metates project in Durango, First Majestic’s Plomosas in

returning to new acquisitions after three years of cost-

Sinaloa and Corex Gold’s Sonora Santana project. In Durango,

cutting measures. “Thanks to the current financial climate

Telson Resources received the construction permit at the end

and the rise in prices, M&A deals in the industry are starting

of 2017 and started commercial pre-production in May, a

to pick up again,” he says. “Companies are looking to

project that is estimated to reap 16,000oz/y of gold.


GOLD AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES, FRIENDS OR FOES? In March 2017, the value of bitcoins surpassed the price of

find unique ways to collaborate through gold-backed

gold by breaking the US$1,200 benchmark. For the first time,

cryptocurrencies. “The growth of the cryptos is a vivid

debate emerged over its potential to replace the precious

illustration of how much speculative money exists around

metal as a safe haven for investors. “Cryptocurrencies are

the world,” says Rob McEwen, Chief Owner of gold operator

attractive because some people worry about currency risks

McEwen Mining. “This is a product of massive monetary

inherent to sovereign currencies,” says Trevor Turnbull,

expansion, low interest rates globally and the disruptive

Director of Gold and Precious Metals Global Equity

nature of the digital world.”


Research at Scotia Capital. To take advantage of the appeal of cryptocurrencies, For the mining industry, it is difficult to predict whether

Tradewind Markets, a technology provider supported by

Bitcoin will bolster gold or undermine its value. Several

Sprott, Goldcorp and IEX, launched a digital gold trading

experts have indicated that a negative relationship exists

platform in March 2018. It relies on Vaultchain blockchain

between gold and Bitcoin. “Toward the end of last year,

technology that offers an unbreakable record of transactions

we started to notice that correlation turned at least mildly

and account balances. Is additionally backed by the Royal

negative,” RBC Capital Markets analyst Chris Louney told

Canadian Mint, which is providing storage for physical gold.

CNBC in February 2018. If a negative correlation does exist between gold and Bitcoin, it could be one of the factors


behind gold’s stagnation in the last year, with prices

Mexico is the world’s eighth largest producer of gold.

struggling to break through the US$1,300/oz ceiling.

After a prolonged dip, BMI Research predicts that Mexico’s mining industry will be among the Latin American countries

There have even been suggestions that Bitcoin will

to experience one of the fastest recoveries, with gold

eventually replace gold entirely as a store of value. John

projected to make up 34.1 percent of the country’s total

Pfeffner, Partner at UK-based Pfeffer Capital said at the

production, according to CAMIMEX. Although silver is

Sohn investment conference that if Bitcoin displaced just

king, Mexico is also a gold country, with much unexplored

25 percent of foreign reserves, the total worth of the Bitcoin

territory over the Guerrero gold belt.

network would be around US$6.4 trillion. In comparison, the World Gold Council says the value of all gold ever mined is

Octavio Alvídrez, CEO of Fresnillo says that, while

about $7.8 trillion. “Bitcoin is the first viable candidate to

cryptocurrencies could have several applications, they

replace gold the world has ever seen,” says Pfeffner. “So, if

would never replace gold. “Gold, from ancient times to now,

Bitcoin becomes the dominant nonsovereign store of value,

has been an indisputable store of wealth and also a way

it could be the new gold, or new reserve currency.”

to hedge against geopolitical volatility and inflation. It is a well-regulated and established market,” he says. “Gold has


a well-established role in the market while cryptocurrencies

Although this seems like bad news for gold miners, the

still have to be regulated and understood to compete with

mining industry seems positive about the possibility to

precious metals.”


——Gold (oz)




6,613.56 July















1,293.52 Dec



4,401.4 Oct



2,583.05 July


1,495.62 May


1,197.68 March


985.24 Jan









661.56 July








2018 1,338.16





2017 1,317.04








Source: Kitco, Coindesk



5 6


8 7


10 12


13 14 15

36 18 17

16 19

20 21 24 22 23



26 28 30 31


32 33



2 1 29




World Class Deposits Production Development Advanced Exploration Under Review Exploration Source: SGM, company websites




41 42


51 45 49 47 50 46 48

52 53








Los Cardones

Invecture Group


Baja California Sur


San Antonio

Argonaut Gold


Baja California Sur


La Herradura





Noche Buena










Mina de Julio/Santa Elena

Mexus Gold




San Félix

Mexus Gold/MarMar Holding




Lluvia de Oro/Columbia

Metallōrum Holding




Cerro Colorado





San Francisco

Alio Gold




Santa Gertrudis





El Chanate

Alamos Gold




Cerro Prieto

Goldgroup Mining





Premier Gold Mines




Santa Elena

First Majestic Silver




La Colorada

Argonaut Gold




La India

Agnico Eagle





Alamos Gold




San Francisco

Alio Gold





Minera Frisco





Minera Frisco




Pinos Altos

Agnico Eagle





Invecture Group






Under Review



Don Román

Firma Holdings




San José de Gracia

Dyna Resource





Rose Petroleum



El Gallo mine, Sinaloa







El Gallo

McEwen Mining




La Trinidad

Marlin Gold




La Fortuna

Minera Alamos

Advanced Exploration



La Ciénega






Chesapeake Gold




San Dimas

First Majestic Silver




El Castillo

Argonaut Gold





Minera Bacis





Industrias Peñoles




Camino Rojo

Orla Mining




Pinos District

Candelaria Mining




Mina Real

Rochester Resources




El Porvenir

Minera Frisco




Cerro del Gallo

Argonaut Gold




San Martín

Starcore International




Caballo Blanco

Agnico Eagle/Candelaria Mining





Geologix Exploration




Campo Morado

Telson Resources




El Limón-Guajes

Torex Gold




Ana Paula

Alio Gold




Los Filos





Rey de Plata

Industrias Peñoles




Media Luna

Torex Gold




Cerro Jumil (Esperanza)

Alamos Gold





Gold Resource




El Águila

Gold Resource







Q: How are companies reacting to the end of the

A: At El Gallo, we are asking the regulators to amend

market downturn?

our permit for a new processing plant to fill the pits we

A: In the last 77 years, there have been eight bear market

have created by mining with mine tailings. This would

cycles in gold equities. The last one was one of the longest

be a much more attractive method of dealing with

and deepest bear markets of the eight and it ended in

tailings. While there are few examples of this method

January of 2016. Since then we have entered a bull market

in Mexico there are about 40 of these in Australia. If we

that will take time to develop. It is important to note

can successfully get this permit approved by regulators

that four of the six preceding bull markets, over the last

and silver prices rise to US$18/oz, we will go forward and

75 years, experienced a gain of over 600 percent from

build this project

bottom to top. Today, we are up 100 percent from the bottom and there exists a 67 percent probability, based

Q: What approach does McEwen use to acquire

on the past bull markets, that prices of gold equities

new projects?

could triple from here. I believe it is an opportune time

A: Our approach is opportunistic. We like to buy assets that

to buy gold equities.

are unloved by the market. While a distress asset purchase will guarantee more work, the low purchase price limits the

The senior gold producers took on too much debt prior to

downside and offers good upside potential. For example,

the downturn in the price of gold and have been trying to

our recently acquired Black Fox complex was originally

reduce their debt by aggressively selling assets. As a result,

purchased by Primero Mining in 2014 for US$300 million

most of these companies now have declining production

along with the assumption of US$140 million in liabilities.

profiles. In an attempt to restore their growth profiles,

Then Primero invested US$120 million bringing its total

a number of the seniors are reaching down market and

investment to US$560 million. We bought it for US$35

buying junior companies with advanced stage exploration

million, which was equivalent to paying 6 cents for every

and development projects. As the bull market continues,

dollar it had invested. It came with over 1 million ounces in

this buying activity is likely to increase. At the same time,

resources, annual production of 40-50,000 ounces of gold

the intermediate and junior companies have positive

however with a short mine life, an operating mill with excess

production profiles and I believe they will deliver superior

capacity, numerous exploration targets and a US$190

share performance relative to the senior producers.

million tax pool, which means we can shelter US$190 million of future profits.

Q: How does McEwen mitigate the risk of an inherently cyclical industry?

Q: Where would you like the company to be positioned

A: Understanding that mining is a cyclical business is the

in the long term?

first step in mitigating risk. The second step is to reduce

A: To earn a place in the S&P 500 index is our goal.

one’s exposure to changes in government behavior. At

We believe there is a clear and important competitive

McEwen Mining, to build a mine we need to see a projected

advantage given to companies in the S&P 500. Such as a

minimum after-tax internal rate of return of 20 percent and

stronger share price, better trading liquidity and greater

a payback period of three years or less. Third, geopolitical

access to the biggest single capital in the world.

considerations factor high in where we want to invest and fourth, we are attracted to distressed assets and those unloved by the market where the entry price is lower.

McEwen Mining is a growing gold and silver producer in the Americas. Its principal assets are located in Argentina, Nevada

Q: How is McEwen mining innovating the operational

and Ontario, and the company owns a 100 percent stake in El

models of its projects?

Gallo I and II in Sinaloa, Mexico



Q: What is your perception of the global mining industry

issues and land ownership uncertainties and conflicts. These

and what role does Mexico play in this context?

conditions have the ability to slow down Mexico’s growth as a

A: The global mining industry is in pretty good shape,

gold mining country. That being said, companies like Goldcorp

particularly when it comes to costs and finance. Most mining

have found great success in Mexico. In general, the situation

companies are able to make a profit thanks to positive metal

is not bad and miners can continue to search for gold, build

prices. But the biggest challenge for the gold industry is

mines, operate and find human capital in the country.

finding more gold. This is a global issue as production at major gold-mining companies is either flat or declining. The context

Q: What is Goldcorp's growth strategy?

is causing speculation about whether all the gold has already

A: When a company becomes increasingly larger, as Goldcorp

been found or whether insufficient investment has been made

has, the size of the mines required to really make a difference

to find it. It is becoming increasingly harder to find high-grade

to shareholders becomes equally as big. We had five mines

ore mines. The price of gold will have to go a lot higher to

in Mexico, but as we grew, we had to sell the mines that were

catalyze the next big round of gold discoveries.

growing at slower rates. We are focusing on Peñasquito given its scale and the shareholder value it generates for Goldcorp.

Q: As the eighth-largest gold producer in the world, what

We would like to grow by finding two or three additional

does Mexico need to do to strengthen its position and

mines that have characteristics similar to those of Peñasquito.

place itself among the Top 3? A: Many of the problems that Mexico faces are common to

Q: How can the industry take advantage of alternative

gold-rich jurisdictions around the world, including security

sources of energy to increase sustainability? A:The sector is working hard to reduce energy and water use as part of its ongoing improvement, partially to keep costs

Goldcorp is a world-class gold producer that operates and fully

down and for the benefit of the environment. Improvements

owns Peñasquito in Mexico, a large-scale operation that plays a

in these areas can also have significant positive impacts on the

key role in the company’s revenue and growth plans. The project

communities where we operate. For example, some plants in

has a proven and probable gold reserve of 8.95 million ounces

Mexico recycle tires, turning them into diesel fuel.


RESTRUCTURING TO CONSOLIDATE IN FRAGMENTED MARKET CÉSAR GONZÁLEZ Vice President of Corporate Development at Marlin Gold Mining 43

Q: What is your view of gold prices and how do you expect

the gold. We have a very large land package so if we spend

the price to trend?

a lot on exploration, I am sure we will find something else.

A: Marlin Gold is a little unique because it is a portfolio

But Nicaragua brings to the table a fully-permitted, high-

company of a hedge fund called Wexford Capital. Wexford

grade project that can be brought online for an investment

invests in many different assets including stocks, bonds,

of roughly US$30 million.

commodities and private businesses. We have a very favorable

uncertainty, like the uncertainty we see coming.

Wexford owns 85 percent of Marlin’s shares. In the merger with Golden Reign, Marlin will own 45 percent, of which 38 percent will belong to Wexford

Gold is the dog and silver is the tail; the tail never wags

In terms of autonomy, Wexford owns 85 percent of

the dog. When gold went up, silver went up more and

Marlin’s shares. When we merge with Golden Reign, Marlin

when gold dropped, silver dropped more. Silver also has

shareholders will own about 45 percent, and of that 45

an industrial component in that it is used in electronics and

percent Wexford will own about 38 percent. That is still a very

solar panels, so it has slightly different properties than gold.

large percentage. Marlin officers will no longer be involved in

We think gold will eventually break out to the upside, but

the day-to-day management but we will represent the largest

until that happens, there most likely will be little action in

shareholder on the board. We are happy to have been given

silver. We are convinced the move will be amplified in silver

this opportunity for sustainability because ultimately the

but we do not read too much into the ratio itself.

market has not yet turned around. This downturn has lasted

view of gold and silver given our view of global monetary policy. We think that central banks around the world have overstepped their boundaries concerning rate policies and quantitative easing. As a result, markets have been distorted and at some point, there will be an unwind of this distortion. Gold tends to do very well in environments where there is

almost seven years and we are lucky that we have the backing Q: You have doubled your investment in equipment and

of Wexford and we will survive this, even if the downturn lasts

mines compared to last year. How will this position you to

another two to three years.

strengthen operations going forward? A: I wish I could say that the investments we have been

Q: How are you planning to capitalize on the mineral wealth

making have been for growth. But in Sinaloa our investment

in La Trinidad and what are the further plans for that deposit?

was largely for the removal of waste to be able to access

A: We have about 120,000ha surrounding our small pit and

the remaining ore. We have, however, been making growth-

there are gold and silver showings everywhere. We need to

oriented acquisitions. From Santacruz Silver we acquired

build some basic infrastructure to access many of these areas.

the Gavilanes exploration project located in Durango, right

When our mine in Nicaragua is in production and we have

next to San Dimas. Apart from Gavilanes, we acquired a

cash flow, we may spend a considerable amount of money

project in Arizona and we are in the process of merging with

looking into exploration in both Nicaragua and Mexico. We are

Golden Reign, which has a project in Nicaragua. We see the

also open to JVs for prospects in these jurisdictions.

Nicaragua market as a window of opportunity right now. Q: How will the merger with Golden Reign impact your

Marlin Gold Mining is a growth-oriented gold and silver mining

business and what value did you see in this transaction?

company focused on the Americas. The company owns three

A: The value is that the company will now have longevity. At

properties located in Mexico and the US and a portfolio of

our Mexico mines particularly, we have mined out most of

royalties. Its priority is to profitably operate its La Trinidad Mine



As gold prices continue to rise, Mexico remains the 9 th biggest producer of the precious metal followed by South Africa, Indonesia and Peru. The drop in production was

1. Rising but unequal global economic growth

influenced by blockades in Guerrero in Los Filos and El Limón-Guajes as well as lower production levels in San Dimas, La Ciénega and Guancevi in Durango and La India and La Herradura in Sonora. But the promising pipeline of projects to start production in the coming years could

2. The impact of trade wars on currency

paint a better picture in the short and medium term for gold producers in the country. There are investments in the new Pyrite Plant for Saucito and Fresnillo and the second

3. Growing inflation and an inverted yield curve

Lixiviation Plant in La Herradura, among others. On a macro level, physical demand for gold increased for the first time in four years thanks to more industrial demand and growth in the fabrication of jewelry.


*2019Terronera Endeavour Silver

(*Expected production date)

9M $6

172 ,30 0o z



30 M


*2022Centauro Deep Fresnillo

z 0o

0 ,0



47 6, 00

0o z







$ US

4 US$


llio Mi



20 m

Source: CAMIMEX, GFMS, Thomson Reuters, World Gold Council

Palmarejo Coeur Mining

*2020Juanicipio FresnilloMAG Silver


Dolores Pan American Silver


Pinos Altos-Crestón Mascota Agnico Eagle Mines

z 0o 50



Za ca te ca s

te aca





65,00 0oz

4% 17. ca


*2022-Orisyvo Fresnillo

50 $3

ue 11.9 rre % ro

San Félix Mexus Gold-MarMar

0 ,00 140


o illi

oz 36,000

million ounces of gold produced in Mexico

z 30,000o

oz 00 ,0 6 13

Limón-Guajes Torex Gold



z 00o uahua 240,9 ih h C

*2018La Herradura Dynamic Lixiviation Plant Fresnillo Million $ S U 110



a or on

Los Filos Leagold Mining

z 0o z 0 0o ,0 20 0 , 1 16 10



hers Ot %


La India Agnico Eagle

. 33

170,900 oz


ihuahua Dur Ch a 16.5% 9.2 ng



121, 600 oz Guerr ero


200 z o 0o 20 alisc 13, J

15 ,0 00 oz 35 ,00 0o z 16,0 00o Duran z go

*2022- US$48 2 Million Media Luna Torex Gold

Mulatos Alamos Gold




Noche Buena Fresnillo


*2018-Tahuehueto Telson Resources




*2019La Ciénega (expansion) Fresnillo U S$ *201855 San Sebastián M (expansion) ill io n Hecla Mining

La Herradura Fresnillo


473,6 00oz

Top Producing Gold Mines 2017 • Top New Gold Projects

22 9, 20 0o 10 z 3,0 00 oz


Peñasquito Goldcorp

*2018-Piritas Plant Fresnillo

*2018-El Compás Endeavour Silver *2018-Piritas Lixiviation Project Goldcorp




















-40 3,000











• Total physical demand • Physical surplus/deficit • Total supply






2,500 Year






















Industrial fabrication






















Dental and medical











Other industrial











Net official sector











Retail investment



































million ounces

13.1% China 9.1% Australia 8.3% Russia 7.1% US 5.4% Canada 5% Peru

Gold Production in Mexico in 2017 fell 4% in comparison to 2016

Mexico is the ninthranked gold producer in the world

4.8% Indonesia 4.3% South Africa

4% Mexico 3.1% Ghana 35.8% Others





110 100 90 80

2.20 1.79 87.02 2008

93.51 2009

2.8 97.74 2010


















4.47 114.53


AVERAGE GOLD PRICE (US$/oz) 1,700 1,500 1,300 1,100 900

1,668.80 1,224.70 871.70 2008




972.80 2009



1,160.10 2010










The next presidential administration will have a great deal

well thanks to production ramp-ups in all its assets except

of influence over the mining industry’s future, says John

El Chanate, which is more or less coming to the end of its

McCluskey, President and CEO of Alamos Gold, who also

life cycle. “The Young-Davidson mine has seen a significant

points out that the approach of the authorities toward the

expansion in its underground mining rates, from around

industry can harm the attractiveness of Mexico’s mining

5,000t/d in 2015 to 7,000t/d today,” he says. Alamos Gold’s

industry as well as efficiency and productivity in the

earnings from operations have also been bolstered by higher-

sector. “Flatlining gold reserves and production plus higher

grade ore coming from Young-Davidson’s underground mine.

inflation could make a strong case for the gold market,” he

“As more of this ore goes through the mill, costs go down

says. “But the next administration and its policies will play

and production goes up, which delivers higher sales and

a large role in the health of the industry.”

greater margins,” McCluskey says.

McCluskey underlines that supply and demand

It is easy to look at Alamos as the poster story of efficiency,

fundamentals favor a loftier gold price. “Inflation growth

but McCluskey argues there should be little concern about

provides a strong base for the gold market,” he points out.

companies falling into inefficiencies even when metal prices

“Stronger gold prices will be evident in 2019 and beyond.”

rise again. “This allows for marginal deposits to be brought

While the price of gold fluctuates by around US$100/

into production to harness high prices,” he says. However,

oz, McCluskey says sustained, long-term growth will be

when prices again drop, these deposits sometimes lose

spurred by inflation but also by US debt. “We see the

money and look inefficient. “This does not mean they are

increased growth in US debt is getting to the point that

inefficient as their operational costs are always high,” says

the risk of that debt starts to weigh heavily on investors’

McCluskey. But he adds that a common issue that takes

minds and they will support gold.”

place when metal prices are high is executives paying too much for marginal deposits. Alamos Gold prefers to

Canada-based intermediate gold-producer Alamos Gold

go shopping for new projects when the market bottoms

operates the Mulatos and El Chanate mines in Mexico.

out. “We have taken advantage of cycles and successfully

According to McCluskey, Alamos Gold’s business is doing

became a 500,000oz/y producer in only 15 years,” he says.



Q: How do you evaluate Mexico as a mining jurisdiction?

Q: What are the main factors that allow the company to

A: When we evaluate our position as a company in terms

maintain a healthy balance sheet?

of reserves and resources, today we are roughly 50 percent

A: I think strategically we have to craft a roadmap and

in Mexico and 50 percent in Canada. While we have more

define how we will reach our goals in a way that provides

projects in Mexico, and that is where we are producing

accountability. Our expectation is that we live in a

from, they are smaller in nature, whereas we have a very

US$1,250/oz gold price environment. We then look at what

large, undeveloped project in Canada with about 4.2 million

kinds of projects we need, which are essentially those with

ounces of measured and indicated gold resource. Mexico is

an AISC of US$950 or less so we leave ourselves some

good for providing smaller projects for companies looking

margin. This is necessary to generate the cashflow we

to start up. In terms of our portfolio, we always want to

need to build the next mine. Those are the foundational

be diversified to reduce our exposure to the political risk

pieces we use as the building blocks for the company’s

involved in the industry.

future. If a company can stick to those, it should be able to build a business. We have been fortunate enough to do

There are other locations in Latin America where we have

that but others have found themselves growing too fast or

had wonderful experiences, including in Chile and Peru,

shrinking margins too thin, and they end up in real trouble

so we are open to investing in these locations. Central

when prices inevitably change. As miners, we cannot

America is also very attractive. Although Nicaragua is facing

impact the price of gold, so we have to take whatever

some unrest at the moment, it has a strong geological

comes to us. But the one thing we can do is become the

endowment. We have also not ruled out more projects

most efficient at extracting minerals, processing them and

in the US and Canada, so our focus is really all over the

getting the gold to market.

Americas. We are not looking to go to Australia, China or Africa right now as we do not believe we can add as much

Q: What are the next steps to achieve your 2020

value in those countries.

production goals? A: The three projects we are running today will get us to

Q: How much has the concession you acquired in Baja

over 200,000 ounces. We will have to expand the San

California Sur progressed?

Agustín mine slightly by adding a 10,000t/d crushing,

A: We acquired two projects as a result of the acquisition

conveying and stacking line to achieve this target. We are

of another gold company, one in Baja California Sur and

already embarking upon that goal and examining what

one in Sonora. The project in Baja California Sur is one

we need to change to get there. We also have two other

of the highest-returning projects anywhere in the world.

projects we are not even considering. These are both lower

The economics underpinning that project indicate a yield

cost projects and have the potential to be higher producers

greater than a 50 percent rate of return. The project has

than the projects we are operating today. They have very

a higher grade, relatively low strip ratio and a higher

short construction windows of around one year but we still

recovery rate. It holds around 1.7 million ounces of gold, so

need to get past the permitting process. With those two, we

it is a substantial project but it remains underdeveloped.

can see ourselves producing over 300,000 ounces, and we

The project is located around one hour from La Paz, in a

have the large Canadian project on top of that.

relatively rural area. The interesting thing about this is that the local community really welcomes the project. When people become informed about the project, they can see

Argonaut Gold is a Canadian gold company engaged in

the value for local communities. As soon as the permit is

exploration, mine development and production activities. Its

granted, we stand at the ready to move that project forward

primary assets are the production stage El Castillo mine and

because it is a tremendous deposit.

the San Agustín mine




Q: To what extent do you believe gold prices will increase?

continuously scout for economically viable opportunities

A: We believe they are set to go up throughout 2018. The

and have no preference to one state over another. For

problem we have identified with the gold price trend is

instance, we have our Altiplano plant in San Luis Potosi’s

its inherent fluctuation. We are gold and silver producers

Matehuala municipality, where we treat precious metals

and, although both have suffered inconsistency in their

concentrates. It is a strategic location to attract clients or

variations, we maintain a great deal of confidence in both

concentrate suppliers to obtain gold and silver precipitates.

minerals. This price instability is challenging and complex

Queretaro’s mine is 25 years old. Starcore acquired it in

to adapt to. The price levels of base metals such as copper,

2006 and we have worked there ever since. The state is

lead and zinc have remained suitable for our purposes,

magnificent in terms of security and economic development.

with greater stability compared to gold and silver. Our perception is that lead and zinc prices will continue

Q: In these times of low prices and fiscal challenges,


what can the mining industry learn from Starcore’s optimization?

Q: How has Starcore modified its business strategy to

A: Careful economic and human resource optimization is at

position itself at the forefront of the industry?

the core of our optimization strategy as any slight change

A: In August 2017, we set in motion an intensive program of

in any variable of our business model equation can have

exploration and development, critical to maintain our San

a snowball effect, whether positive or detrimental. We

Martín mine within the expected production level and more

established a department for operational excellence where

importantly to prolong its lifecycle. To date, we are tripling

principles such as adequate use and cost optimization in

the mine’s original development plans in terms of production

explosives use, blast efficiency and day-to-day operations,

capacity. These measures have brought about new reserves

scoop type or mining fundamentals, are always upheld,

and better results in the short, medium and long terms.

especially in the face of uncertainty.

Q: Could you elaborate on your Letter of Intent to acquire

Q: What is the next stage of Starcore’s growth?

Sinaloa’s Santa Fe property?

A: While Santa Fe is the next project we will be focusing

A: This property is located an hour away from Mazatlan

on to ensure our growth, we are also scouting for viable

in Sinaloa’s Rosario municipality. Global Kompas is

projects nationwide to continue growing. We are fully

undertaking the relevant PEA for this project, set to

aware that a single operation is not sustainable in the

conclude by April 2018. The PEA will be decisive in our

long-term, so we are looking to expand our portfolio to

final decision to enter production. This project is quite

another two or three and diversify. We have a couple

advanced in terms of permitting, with the Environmental

of projects in the US, but we still consider Mexico as

Impact Assessment granted, explosives use authorized

our main market and source for growth, despite the

and it is fully electrified. A third party will oversee the

hurdles. Mexico has great potential and we only lack the

construction phase while we have yet to decide if we will

proper incentives to regain the interest of both local and

cover the mine’s development or if we will use another

international investors of all sizes because our geological


potential remains tremendous.

Q: Sinaloa and Queretaro lack a mining track record. Why choose these locations to develop mines?

Starcore International is a gold producer with operations across

A: Attractive projects care little for territorial delimitations.

North America. Its projects in Mexico include the producing San

As gold and silver producers, we are mandated to bring

Martín mine in Queretaro, the Altiplano plant in San Luis Potosi

to life interesting projects, wherever they may be. We

and the El Crestón advanced exploration project in Sonora



A CLOSER LOOK AT IMPROVING MINE OPERATIONS The goal of every operator is to continually improve efficiency and productivity. The complexity of mine operations may make this ambition seem like a titanic endeavor, however Starcore International Mines has accomplished it through a variety of measures. The company turned its San Martin gold mine in Queretaro into a model of operational excellence in just 12 months. Here is how Starcore did it. The first step was to invest in long-term partnerships that extended not only to investors and stakeholders, but to the whole supply chain. This strategy helped Starcore improve its controlled blasting and dynamite use by switching to a dynamite supplier that offered additional support and expertise in blasting. The result? The San Martín gold and silver mine is now using low-density explosives from Austin Powder that reduce the power of the explosion, decreasing the blast area and the need for extended excavation. Miners can access the zone quicker and more safely due to less material that needs to be moved in the area. This aids in productivity and cost efficiency. But operational excellence is not only about making operations faster and safer; staff training and work culture programs are also essential. Starcore focuses on having better-trained workers, such as engineers, to stay on top of work spreadsheets and daily reports. This allowed the operator deeper insights into the shift work underground and added a pinch of responsibility for those working under supervisors, also improving time and movement records. Theory/practice programs for machine operators also proved successful in correcting inefficient trends. The company added a structural engineering expert to help the entire team adopt better practices, reduce shotcrete use and introduce a new mining method for room and pillar mining. Work culture is among the most important factors in any team, so San Martín’s staff runs regular meetings over the course of a day where opinions are valued, with each department providing its view and exchanging ideas. At lunch, workers are encouraged to share their department experiences and how they are improving, while also looking for collaborative solutions to problems. These small changes have translated into a massive uplift in culture and employee satisfaction across the board. Starcore’s San Martin mine has seen improvements across the board and ultimately, a new mine life of 10 years based on proven and probable reserves and inferred and indicated resources. How about that for operational excellence?




It has not been easy being a miner in Veracruz. The

The company itself has had little trouble attracting funding,

embezzlement scandal that brought down Governor

which Pérez sees as a vote of confidence in Candelaria’s

Javier Duarte in 2017 followed by a two-year provisional

projects. In mid-2017, Agnico Eagle invested US$9.7 million in

state government has forced many projects to be placed

Caballo Blanco, a project the Canadian giant had been familiar

on hold until a new six-year term governor is elected in

with for many years, stretching back to when Goldgroup and

2018. Candelaria Mining, the company that operates the

Timmins Gold (now Alio Gold) owned the concession. “I do

Caballo Blanco project in the jurisdiction, was among those

not believe the funding came from actions on our part; I

affected, curtailing its activities until the picture clears, says

think the project spoke for itself,” he says. “A company like

Ramon Pérez, the company’s President and Director.

Agnico Eagle does not settle for 600,000-ounce deposits, it looks multi-million-ounce projects. I think that is a real

“With state and federal elections taking place in July we

vote of confidence for us.” As far as the project goes, Pérez

are hopeful to see some of the uncertainty from investors

explains that there are around six zones that have yet to be

subside and a resurgence of interest in the mining

drilled but have very similar characteristics to that of the

industry,” he says, “We would like to see a landscape

zone where the current resource sits.

where the country improves on some of the concerns with respect to security and corruption we see today.”

Candelaria’s advanced exploration-stage Pinos property is

The 2018 elections have prompted Candelaria to tread

located in Zacatecas, a less politically-charged environment.

carefully with its operations in Veracruz. Having filed the

Pérez says the company has finalized the engineering work

environmental permit for Caballo Blanco with SEMARNAT,

and recently applied for a permit. Candelaria is now looking

the company chose to retract it until the election process

at financing options for the project. “We are exploring

has settled.

various financing options and when we finalize that we will

We would like to see a landscape where the country improves on some of the concerns with respect to security and corruption we see today”

consider entering the construction stage,” he says. Although Pinos is not Candelaria’s flagship mine, it is the way the company envisions itself continuing to generate cashflow while development and exploration work at Caballo Blanco continues. Pérez is also conscious of the importance of maintaining a constant project pipeline, which is why the company intended to drill out the La Paila project in Veracruz. “We carried out a 2,000m infill drill program at the La Paila zone in 2017,” says Pérez. “Right now, we are in cash conservation mode until there is a clear picture of the

There is a sunny side to the forecast, however, as a benefit

next president and the new governor of Veracruz, but we

of the current political instability is the favorable effect it

will reinitiate operations when the timing is right.”

has had on gold prices. As a gold producer, Pérez says the outlook appears favorable since gold is trending in the

With the establishment of a new stock exchange in

right direction. Nevertheless, he says miners inherently must

Mexico (BIVA), Pérez says that Mexican investors may be

be prepared for fluctuations. “I cannot predict gold prices,

increasingly attracted to mining. “There is a big change

which is why we try to work with quality projects that can

going on in Europe and Canada, where there are rumblings

withstand the price movements,” he says. “When we acquire

of big banks cutting back on their research platforms,” he

projects, we factor in the volatility of the metal price for that

says. “That will be a shakeup for the market, and potentially

reason – gold prices are unpredictable.”

the BIVA has arrived at an opportune time.”



Q: What are some of the challenges and successes Avino

a US$22 million budget and produce another 1.5 million

Silver & Gold has faced during its time in Mexico?

silver equivalent ounces. As for the mill expansion, it was

A: Avino Silver & Gold has 50 years of experience in

completed with a US$10 million investment.

the industry. We were working in Mexico before NAFTA although we could only own 49 percent of the subsidiary

At the moment, we are listed on the NYSE and TSX. We want

before the treaty came into force. During the tech bubble in

to attract more institutional investors and mutual funds, which

2001, metal prices dropped, causing the region to undergo

tend to be less erratic or volatile than retail investors. We are

economic hardship. I became president of the company and

striving to build up our institutional shareholder base. We have

strived to re-hire people and re-open the mine.

thought about joining the BMV but we do not yet qualify.

80% of Avino’s labor force comes from the villages near its projects

As we have been working in Mexico and with national partners for such a long time, we have formed strong relationships with local communities, ejidos and surrounding villages. We have helped them with infrastructure development and other matters. They feel that they can come to us for help. It would be ideal if the Mexican government lived up to its promise and put the tax money back into communities but we have not yet seen this materialize. This has been

Q: How did the company achieve an exclusive partnership

disappointing because locals look to us for explanations as

with Samsung?

we are on the ground and they do not understand where

A: They approached us three years ago at the European Gold

the money goes or who is managing it.

Forum after Apple and Intel promoted their use of ethicallysourced raw materials. As ethical funds own part of Samsung’s

In our operations, we find that our people take great pride

stock, they were worried about assuring an ethical source

in their work. They want to live and work close to their

to avoid a boycott. Samsung chose our company because

homes and their families, and we have provided that for

they wanted to partner with a small company that was well-

them. Eighty percent of our labor force comes from the

established with projects in expansion. They did not want to

villages near our projects and the remaining 20 percent is

partner with a big operator such as Barrick or Goldcorp nor

from the rest of the country. But 100 percent of our labor

companies with projects in preproduction. They also liked that

force is Mexican, even our senior-level staff.

we are a family-based company with a good relationship with the locals. Many see Mexico as an ethical country were people

Q: What are your main projects in Mexico and how do you

are treated better than certain places in Africa. Securing raw

expect to continue growing?

materials from the source is the future and we will start to see

A: Rather than acquire other projects, we prefer to

more technological companies and automotive manufacturers

grow our own projects, starting with a mill expansion

reach out to the mining industry. The world population is

and underground pit. The Oxide Tailings project was an

about to explode and people need materials to support the

open-pit mine we opened in the 1970s with poor recovery

infrastructure that will be required in effect.

rates. With new modern technology we have been able to reprocess and produce more metals and this will continue to be among the expansion plans we prioritize over the next

Avino Silver & Gold Mines operates two silver mines in Mexico

three years. We have to build the new tailings facility first.

with a gold project under development in British Columbia.

At the moment, the cost is US$29 million on a standalone

The company’s 50-year history has shaped Avino into one of

basis. We think this is too high so our goal is to build with

the industry’s lowest-cost silver producers





Q: Why did Minaurum choose to work in Guerrero and

times I have ever seen anything like that in Mexico, and

Oaxaca, despite these being known as problematic mining

we thank him. We have two properties in Guerrero but


because of the recent issues in the state and the bad

A: Our Alamos project in Sonora is our most significant new

publicity, many investors are less interested in investing

find, where we have discovered a previously unknown and

there. As a result, we have put our work there on pause

unmined silver vein. That area does not have any particular

for the moment. I anticipate that with the next upswing

problems regarding the mining industry, as Sonora is

in gold prices we will be seeing a lot more interest in

relatively stable. I have also personally been working in

Guerrero. We need between six months to a year for it

Guerrero and Oaxaca for the last 20 years. Guerrero’s gold

to attract interest again, but this is all part of the cycle.

belt is located in the heart of the state but has managed to do just fine, despite some minor problems. We believe

Q: The company’s share price tripled in early 2018 after the

our work in Oaxaca at our Santa Marta project will proceed

Alamos silver discovery. Where does the project stand now?

well once we have gotten approval from SEMARNAT, which

A: About 8m of 1.7kg/t of silver is a very rare thing to

has been a slow and long process as the local community

find. We are all very excited about that and I hope we

is sensitive. But we have another project in Oaxaca called

will have more good news coming from this project. We

Aurena where we have previously drilled with no problems

are making sure all our property agreements are tied up

and where we hope to drill again in the near future. I

neatly so we can avoid conflicts. Our operating highlights

personally do not see any reason not to work where there

for the year include drilling the Alamos mineral vein and

are good opportunities because miners always have to work

submitting documents for permission to drill at Santa

with the community anywhere we go. Yes, it is more difficult

Marta, our project in Oaxaca.

in Oaxaca, but I think these issues are all solvable. Q: How would you evaluate the exploration landscape

A discovery of 8m of 1.7kg/t of silver was made at the Alamos mine in 2018

in Mexico? A: The mining industry in Mexico is highly communitydependent. While working with one community can foster great relations, this is not always true. Minaurum has had very good relationships and support from the communities. Acapulco Gold has also had full support from all the communities and no conflicts or protests. If companies

From the government we have received a lot of support

are careful to maintain good and strong relationships with

in words, but little in action. The government expresses

local communities, conflicts can always be avoided. It is

support for the industry but more often they do not do

about being a good and respectful neighbor.

quite as much as they promise. Having said that, the new governor of Oaxaca went to the village in which we are

In terms of the regulatory aspects, I think Mexico is

working and personally visited and showed his support.

moving toward being more careful regarding oversight,

We greatly appreciate that effort. It was one of the first

which is good. But some of the processes are still too bureaucratic. I think it would be nice if government agencies could recognize companies’ intentions to

Minaurum Gold is a regional explorer focusing on the

preserve the environment and keep environmental impact

exploration and development of high-grade gold and silver

to a minimum. I would prefer they expedite processing

projects in the southern region of Sonora state, the Oaxaca-

for man portable drilling, which lets companies drill more

Chiapas region and Guerrero gold belt

quickly and with less impact on the surrounding areas.



What was old is new again as a shortage of exploration

the municipality to acquire a tailings project that was left

projects has miners re-examining historic mining districts

behind by the previous mine in the middle of the town,” she

and enjoying a high level of success. Take Candente Gold, for

says. “The company found common ground by agreeing to

example. It acquired El Oro because the mine was located

build the tailings facility outside of the municipality if it was

in a district where 8 million equivalent ounces of gold were

economically feasible and to share profits, if there are any.”

produced from only two of its 50 known veins. Even though many believe that small exploration companies At El Oro much of the exploration and development had been

cannot make an impact on surrounding communities due to

completed in the 20th century. A fresh look, however, indicates

their lack of capital, Candente Gold defies these paradigms

that there is excellent potential left both in and below the old

by finding innovative ways to support CSR. “In Peru, we had a

workings as well as surrounding areas. “We own 100 percent

partner that taught us to be flexible in the way we think about

of this project, which covers mines that have already produced 5 million ounces of gold equivalent (4 million ounces of gold and 44 million ounces silver) from a single vein, along with an additional 3 million silver ounces in another vein,” says Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Candente Gold. “The geological setting is quite similar to what was found in Juanicipio.” Combined with the region’s strong track record, the identification of stacked boiling systems in the district is another factor behind the project’s potential for a discovery. “In Mexico, we often see cases of these systems where a vein is created by hydrothermal fluids that rise then precipitate

our work to make an impact,” Freeze says.

Companies say that permitting is quite difficult in Mexico but in our experience, it is quite efficient”

For example, when operating in Peru, the company saw

silica and precious metals before receding,” explains Freeze.

the need to improve employment opportunities in the

“The process repeats itself over and over again, precipitating

area and helped a group of people growing coffee to

minerals at various levels in a stacked boiling system.” This

connect with NGOs to improve their crops. Candente also

means that instead of finding base metals below the gold and

helped them achieve an organic certification to sell their

silver zones in these veins, drilling intersects silver and gold at

product for a higher price. The coffee farmers were not

various levels thanks to these alternating precipitation levels.

the only beneficiaries of Candente’s social projects. “Other

“This is even more evidence that the project is reactive and can

communities located higher in the mountains could not

reap significant results from drilling programs,” Freeze says.

grow coffee so we supported them by expanding their houses, allowing them to harvest cuy, a specialty in the

Candente Gold, which previously worked in Peru, believes

country,” she says. “We also called in agronomists who

Mexico is an attractive mining jurisdiction. “Other companies

assisted with growing quinoa.”

say that permitting is quite difficult in Mexico but in our experience, it is quite efficient,” says Freeze. “Our only issue

In Mexico, the company is applying the same principles to

is the exploration expenditure commitment that is required

the community surrounding El Oro. Candente taught locals

to hold the land package; this can be quite high for a small

to grow different types of crops and even provided the

exploration company.”

seeds. “We introduced new ideas and skills to them so they would not become dependent on us,” explains Freeze. “This

Despite these costs, Freeze says the authorities in the area

is the idea of shared value and what can be accomplished

are open to collaboration. “We completed a negotiation with

in the early days of a project.”



While exploration companies struggle to fund their activities,

Mexico, the annual expenditure on care and maintenance

operators battle to find new projects. Rodrigo Barbosa, CEO

assets was US$3 million in 2017. As the Aranzazu mine was

of Aura Minerals, believes that mining companies should aspire

draining that amount of money from Aura Minerals’ pockets

to carry out both. “The best business model for a mining

and the copper price has shown a recovery since 2015,

company is to have exploration and operation activities,” he

the company started to carry geological and geotechnical

says. “Operations represent a sustainable cash flow generation

analyses to find the right opportunity to restart the plant.

that can partly be used to fund exploration,” he adds. These finalized with the chance to reopen the Aranzazu on He says part of the income made from selling metals could

very attractive terms. “Instead on consuming US$3 million per

be allocated to costly exploration activities to create a

year, Aranzazu will be able to provide us a significant source

self-regenerating pipeline of projects. “The sustainable

of cash generation in the near future,” he says. The company

financial source allows dedicating funds on a regular basis to

is already hiring people, carrying out the maintenance of the

exploration according to cash flow generation,” he explains.

mine and some underground development. “We are in full

This strategy has proven useful for companies such as Aura

speed to restart the plant in 4Q18,” he says.

Minerals to shield against the risk of exhausting all financial resources without finding any exploitable discoveries.

To fund this ramp up, Aura Minerals made a partnership

“This way companies can calibrate how much to spend

with IXM, formerly Louis Dreyfus. “We have a streaming

on exploration depending on how much is made from the

agreement to sell it our concentrates for three years. In

operations, enabling a more balanced cash flow.”

exchange, it gave us US$20 million in financing that we have

Funding exploration through operations allows dedicating funds to exploration according to cash flow generation”

already fully withdrawn to restart operations,” he explains. “We are looking forward to the Aranzazu ramp up. This could be a transformational project for our company and we are very happy with the investment we made in Mexico.” The studies to restart the mine were initially focused on a little over a five-year period to prove reserves and provide enough funding for the ramp up but Barbosa says this plan has advanced since then. “We will be conducting near mine exploration in 2019 hoping to demonstrate more reserves

But undertaking both exploration and operations also implies

and expand the mine life from five to 10-15 years,” he says.

assuming 100 percent the risk. The question becomes one

“We want to grow in Mexico and our priority remains

of how to manage this gamble. Barbosa believes that

exploration in Aranzazu. If we prove more productive life

mining companies can never be fully hedged from the risk

years, we will work consequently to expand the mine’s

of exploration. But he stresses that there must be balance


between incomings and exploration outgoings. “Exploration is a high-risk business and companies may end up spending

Aranzazu is a gold and copper mine, aligned with the

offshore cash on finding the resources and then not having

company’s strategy to shift from only pursuing pure gold.

the necessary cash to fund production,” he says.

“This strategy aims to secure a more stable cash flow in the future as we have two base metals,” he says. “We will

Aura Minerals is an operator with business in Brazil, Honduras,

also consider other base metals if the project makes sense

Mexico and Colombia. It is conducting exploration in several of

to our company in terms of jurisdiction and size of our

its operative mines, such as Sao Francisco in Brazil. Regarding

current operations.”


EVERYTHING OF USE IS EITHER GROWN OR MINED JASON REID President and CEO of Gold Resource Corporation 59

Q: What are the latest developments at your operations

and promotes a favorable mining environment, it is far more

in Oaxaca?

likely we will increase our investment in the future.

A: Our Arista mine continues to grow both at the Arista vein system and the Switchback vein system. We have been

Q: What is your assessment of Mexico’s friendliness as a

mining from the Arista vein system for almost eight years

mining jurisdiction?

and it continues to grow. The Switchback vein system has

A: Mexico continues to fall in the Fraser Institute’s rankings

potential to be larger than Arista and should provide our

of mining-friendly jurisdictions. It used to score in the top

next eight to 10 years of production. As for exploration

quarter of many metrics but is now near the middle or

at our Oaxaca mining unit, it is primarily focused on the

lower. This is not a good trend and reflects the increased

Arista and Mirador mines to expand these deposits. But

difficulties that mine operators face regarding security

our exploration budget this year is smaller, around US$4.5

and tax issues in the country. Companies want a stable

million for drilling, given the brutal bear market and the fact

government, business-friendly policies, local support,

that we are building our Nevada mine with cash flow from

reasonable taxes and less bureaucracy rather than more.

operations. We also continue to build Mirador with cash

But the trend in Mexico is not going in a favorable direction.

flow and target an initial 150t/d throughput before moving up from there. We have grown all our operations organically

Q: What are your hopes and expectations for the next

since 2010, merely with cash flow and without raising any

administration ?

private equity. We have remained profitable over the last

A: Everything we use in life is either grown or mined and

seven years and survived the last downturn in the metal

therefore mining should be encouraged and supported.

markets by betting on projects with low operating costs

Oaxaca has seen over US$60 million in tax revenue from our

and high returns on capital.

operations. I hope the incoming administration encourages mining investment. For example, the current tax regime

Q: How are the company’s investment flows likely to

ranks near the bottom of mining friendly jurisdictions.

behave in the future?

If that ranking further falls, Mexico will continue to have

A: Money and investment absolutely flow where most

foreign investment flee the country. So, I hope the new

appreciated. It is no coincidence that our second mining

government will be far more supportive than any prior one.

unit is in Nevada as the jurisdiction was ranked by the

In Oaxaca, one of the five investment pillars established

Fraser Institute’s 2017 survey as the first among mining

by Governor Alejandro Murat is mining. He and his team

friendly jurisdictions in the US and third globally. The mining

have been the most supportive of the mining industry

business is risky with money spent on discovering deposits,

in our history operating in Mexico. I believe the country

funding development, engineering, construction and

needs more like-minded government officials to encourage

execution of a project, all in a volatile metals market. Adding

foreign companies to operate in Mexico and in turn receive

jurisdictional complexities with antibusiness governments,

tax revenue from mining operations. The more mining, the

excessive taxes and bureaucracy to these challenges, it

more tax revenue; the less mining, the less tax revenue.

forces companies to go where they are most appreciated.

The new administration will dictate in which direction the country’s tax revenue from mining will go.

We have been operating in Oaxaca since 2006, producing since 2010 and plan to be in the state for at least another decade. While we look at other opportunities around Mexico,

Gold Resource Corporation is a gold and silver producer

its trends are becoming less mining friendly, decreasing the

targeting projects that feature low operating costs and high

chances for us to open another unit elsewhere in the country.

returns. The company’s primary focus is on cash flow, with a

But if the new government encourages additional investment

priority to return meaningful dividends



Blockchain and bitcoin technologies are stepping further and further into the limelight. After the price of a bitcoin surged ahead of gold for the first time ever in March 2017, talk abounds of whether these new technologies can replace gold as a traditional safe haven. Mexico Mining Review questioned the industry’s leaders to ask about their concerns and predictions for these new tools.


Gold, from ancient times to now, has been an indisputable store of wealth and also a way to hedge against geopolitical volatility and inflation. It is a well-regulated and established market. In the 1990s, we went through a crisis when central banks started to sell their gold holdings. This caused the price of gold to collapse, but afterward, the geopolitical situation forced central banks to understand the


role of gold in maintaining wealth and therefore their holdings. Gold has a wellestablished role in the market while cryptocurrencies still have to be regulated and understood to compete with precious metals. It can be used to complement gold investments but cannot replace it at the moment as the role of cryptocurrencies in the market is still not fully defined.

The growth of the cryptos is a vivid illustration of how much speculative money exists around the world. This is a product of the massive monetary expansion, low interest rates globally and the disruptive nature of the digital world. These cryptocurrencies have grown in number and value at a remarkable pace. The crypto operate in a non-transparent and unregulated market places that allows money to

ROB MCEWEN Chief Owner of McEwen Mining

flow across borders without disclosure. I expect governments will start to regulate and when that begins the values will correct. Gold is a monetary metal and will exist alongside these new currencies. Once the market appreciates, the limited amount of gold that exists and how slowly that amount grows annually there will be a rush into gold.

The development of gold-backed cryptocurrencies will change the mining industry. Goldcorp will be able to sell gold directly to dealers and banks using the Tradewind platform. This is a platform that uses blockchain technology to create a digitized ledger of precious metals for greater traceability, increased security, more efficient electronic trading and allows access around the globe by

MICHAEL HARVEY Director of Corporate Affairs and Security at Goldcorp

a network of producers, refiners, banks, dealers, vaults and end customers. We are expanding access to a new market structure and a highly efficient, electronic pricing and liquidity venue.

There is really no substitute for gold or silver right now. Cryptocurrencies do not have many barriers to entry at the moment and a rising number of these currencies exist. It makes it hard to invest in this market as there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from. It would be different if only one existed. Cryptocurrencies are here to stay but it will take a while to know which ones to bet on. It will take some time before the market identifies which ones are the most important, similar to Google and Amazon, companies that emerged from the technological boom in the early 2000s. In the meantime, we do not have to worry about a new element substituting gold or silver.

TREVOR TURNBULL Director of Gold and Precious Metals Global Equity Research at Scotia Capital


Mining companies in Mexico are starting to realize innovation is not the circumstantial answer to specific problems but a long-term, structural solution. Any transaction can be supported by a secure web to ensure it will occur. Supply chains supported by blockchain will replace a substantial amount of infrastructure and human activity. Areas such as procurement, accounts-payable and human resources can already be automated. Mexico’s mining and oil and gas sectors must realize innovation is the only way to exit an adverse situation with unfavorable macroeconomic parameters.

BRUNO JUANES Chief Innovation Officer at Deloitte Consulting Group

The diamond industry is already incorporating blockchain technology but for concentrate it is not the ideal time yet as it is a business that requires face-toface interaction. For this reason, blockchain will not have an immediate impact on the mining industry but who knows how much it will grow in the next five years. It could be used as a complement to our services. Certification companies and brokers can use and benefit from blockchain technology.

JOSÉ ANTONIO BERLANGA General Manager Mexico of Mercuria

Blockchain, an important new development, could allow tokens for underground gold to be created to serve as currency, bypassing the need to mine it at all. And virtual mining and simplified supply chains could derive from this. The pace of technological innovation just continues to pick up. The issue then becomes dealing with the human factor and the consequences of these developments, such as the socioeconomic compact that mining has as an employment source. But while replacing jobs in the mine with data scientists can generate social discontent, it also further develops the Mining Equipment Technology and Services (METS) sector.

PHILLIP HOPWOOD Global Mining Leader at Deloitte

The digital economy requires companies to comply with electronic invoices and incorporate the use of blockchains along with other new legal requirements. This will not only impact mining but also all industries in general. I believe that the use of the digital economy will help authorities have more control over transactions and the movement of electronic capital. But the new requirements and norms will imply a challenge for companies as authorities will become stricter and it will be more difficult to avoid taxes. Adapting to new electronic requirements will be a top challenge, especially for companies that have over 1,000 transactions per day. But the use of technology and fintech will also bring advantages as it will help operators control revenues and cut costs.

ALFONSO CALATAYUD Lead Partner in Mexico and Latin America at PwC

Silver Ore



There is little doubt that Mexico’s mining industry shines the brightest when it comes to its silver production. The country was the world’s largest silver producer for the eighth successive year in 2017, churning out 21 percent of the global share. Following a global drop in production of 4.1 percent in 2017 compared to 2016, Mexico beat the odds and increased its production by 5 percent, or 10.1 million ounces. Companies operating in Mexico extracted a total of 196.4 million ounces of silver in 2017. But what must Mexico do to ensure that it remains at the top of the world’s silver production list over the long term?

To maintain its global dominance and take advantage of the positive outlook for silver prices, Mexico needs to boost production rates and invest in exploration to replace aging projects. Corporate decision-makers and public figures highlight the primary trends in Mexico’s silver industry, the development of the country’s main projects and the most important factors driving demand and supply.




ANALYSIS: Weathering the Silver Storm


TREND SPOTLIGHT: Antimicrobial Coatings a Blessing for Silver Producers


MAP: Mexico's Main Silver Mines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Octavio Alvídrez, Fresnillo


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mitchell Krebs, Coeur Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Keith Neumeyer, First Majestic Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bradford Cooke, Endeavour Silver

Godfrey Walton, Endeavour Silver




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Darren Blasutti, Americas Silver Corporation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luiz Camargo, Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán


INFOGRAPHIC: Silver, the Glowing Beacon of the Mexican Mining Industry


INSIGHT: James Bannantine, Great Panther Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Michael DiRienzo, The Silver Institute




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Brendan Cahill, Excellon Resources

Ben Pullinger, Excellon Resources


INSIGHT: Carlos Aguiar, Minera Hecla


ROUNDTABLE: How are you Mitigating the Risk Caused by Stagnating Silver Prices?


WEATHERING THE SILVER STORM Silver prices faltered this year, despite high demand for industrial applications and dwindling supply. According to The Silver Institute, the drop in mine production was offset mainly by Mexico, as Fresnillo retains its crown as the world’s No. 1 producer. How are operators in Mexico responding to this context?


In 2017, global silver mine production declined by 4.1

was pipped to the post by Goldcorp’s Peñasquito mine,

percent to a total of 852.1 million ounces. However, silver

also in Zacatecas, which produced 11.5 percent of national

demand for industrial uses did increase 4 percent to 599

production, or 21.5 million ounces. Fresnillo’s San Julian in

million ounces, mainly from PV applications, electronics,

Chihuahua, after its first full year in commercial production,

brazing alloys and solders. The Silver Institute says this was

came in fourth with 10.5 million ounces of silver produced,

offset by a decline in demand from coin and bar investment

while the Top 5 was rounded out by Fortuna Silver’s San

and jewelry fabrication.

José mine in Oaxaca, contributing 7.5 million ounces. These five mines alone contributed almost 40 percent of the total

Average silver prices up to September 2018 took a blow,

silver mined in Mexico.

coming in at US$16.2/oz, down 5 percent from US$17.04/ oz in 2017. In the beginning of February, prices slid below

Of the country’s 196.4 million ounces produced in 2017, 42.1

the US$17/oz mark and have yet to recover, coming in

percent of this was mined in Zacatecas. Chihuahua came

on Sept. 14, 2018, at US$14.21/oz. As a result, operators

second in terms of production with 17 percent, followed

are implementing cost-cutting measures to help them

by Durango with 11.7 percent, Sonora with 7 percent,

mitigate the decline. Endeavour Silver has temporarily

Oaxaca with 5 percent and others making up the remaining

halted operations at the El Compas plant in a cost-cutting

17.2 percent.

measure. “Enhanced cost discipline is the prudent course of action for mining companies during times of lower metal


prices, especially when investing to develop new mines,”

Several new promising silver projects are slated to come

says CEO Bradford Cooke. “This austerity program is our

online up to 2022, most notably Industrias Peñoles’ Rey de

proactive response to the current low metal prices.”

Plata project in Guerrero, which is expected to produce 4.7 million oz/y by 2019 with an investment of US$303 million.


Further into the future, the Juanicipio project belonging to

Despite overall low prices compared to 2011 highs of

Fresnillo and MAG Silver is one of the most promising, with

US$35.12/oz, it is worth noting that prices at this point

an estimated 10 million oz/y to add to Fresnillo’s portfolio.

were inflated due to the recession caused by the housing market crash in the US. When excluding the effects of this

Durango’s silver production, affected by Primero Mining’s

event, averages have actually risen from pre-crash levels of

problems at San Dimas, looks set to recover in the next

US$14.99/oz in 2008 and US$14.67/oz in 2009.

few years. San Dimas was purchased by silver giant First Majestic Silver in May 2018 and operations have been running

Mexico’s output in 2017 reached 196.4 million ounces, up

smoothly ever since. Added to this are promising projects

5.4 percent from the 186.3 million ounces registered in 2016.

from Telson Resources and Fresnillo. Terronera is expected

After Mexico came Peru with 147.5 million ounces, China

to come online in late 2018 to produce 200,000 ounces and

with 112.6 million ounces, Russia with 42 million ounces and

Fresnillo is expanding La Ciénega for an extra 1.3 million

Chile with 40.5 million ounces. With a global production

oz/y by 2019.

total of 852.1 million ounces, this means the Top 5 countries produced over 63 percent, with three Latin American

Silver prices have been flat but, for certain operators, this

countries notably making it into ranking.

can be an opportunity for diversification. Americas Silver Corporation, for example, has begun to move into its zinc


and lead reserves, stockpiling its high-grade silver for when

Fresnillo remains the most important silver producer for

prices inevitably pick up. “When looking at some of our

another year, not only nationally but on a global level. Its

competitors, their silver grades are dropping because they

Saucito and Fresnillo mines in Zacatecas contributed to

have been mining their highest-grade silver ores to survive in

the state being the largest producer in Mexico, with 21.2

this price environment,” says Darren Blasutti, the company’s

million ounces and 16.5 million ounces, respectively. But

President and CEO. “Our reserve grades will continue to rise

in terms of the biggest producing mine in 2017, Fresnillo

because we are now mining our lowest-grade silver ores.”


ANTIMICROBIAL COATINGS A BLESSING FOR SILVER PRODUCERS With a size range as small as just 0.2 microns, bacteria are

due to few new mines being built during the recent five-year

everywhere, from cellphones to toilet seats. That may be

bear market of low metal prices should help boost higher

off-putting for most people but for miners it could prove

metal prices for the next few years,” he says.

an important source of demand, with silver the big winner. “Silver is likely to be a major beneficiary of growth in the


antimicrobial market,” said Jason Russ, a value and growth

It seems that every day new and innovative uses are found

investor expert, in an article for Seeking Alpha. “In addition

for silver, from solar panels to automotive components.

to glass surfaces, the use of nanoparticles of the metal is

According to the World Silver Survey, industrial uses

an excellent method for impregnating other surfaces such

accounted for 60 percent of silver use in 2017. Use of trace

as wound dressings, cotton fibers, cutting boards, food

amounts of silver, such as the quantities used in microbial

packaging, and even yoga mats.”

glass, may not seem like a lot, but the organization says this can quickly add up. “Although silver is used in small

Allan Smith, Vice President of Product Marketing for

quantities in some applications, the diversity is large, and

Steelcase, says the new trend of open plan and shared office

the continued rising volumes of applications are expected

space is further increasing the need for bacteria-resistance

to again have a positive impact on silver consumption from

on a larger scale. “As more people move through shared

industrial products this year,” says the report.

work spaces, there is an increased need for antimicrobial surfaces,” says Smith in a company press release. Forbes

Ultimately, experts in metals price analysis do not seem

says more than 11,000 shared working spaces exist in the

overly concerned about the drop in demand, yet there

US, with projections of more than 26,000 spaces hosting

is a great deal of buzz around the new, innovative ways

3.8 million people by 2020.

to use silver and the ways this could impact its price in the coming years. Keith Neumeyer, CEO of operator First

An expected boom in demand for silver ions in antibacterial

Majestic Silver, has been one of the boldest by stating that

products is good news for silver producers, especially

the price of silver could reach US$130/oz in an interview

considering the optimism surrounding silver prices.

with Palisade Research. While his prediction is a far cry

According to the World Silver Survey 2018 produced by

from the average price of US$17/oz the metal recorded in

The Silver Institute, the industry reported a physical deficit

2017, the increase in demand from new applications such

ratio between supply and demand of 1:26 as the global mine

as those related to anti-bacterial surfaces shows there is

production of silver reached a mere 852 million ounces in

room for growth.

comparison to the global physical demand of 1.017 billion ounces in 2017. This creates a favorable scenario for silver

It may be up to more innovative uses of the metal to

operators around the world, and even more so for Mexico

sway the balance in the direction in which operators

as the largest producer of the metal.

need it to move. “While silver has been used for ages as an antimicrobial material, soon the new glass will almost

Bradford Cooke, CEO of Endeavour Silver, says the recent

certainly account for silver’s greatest market penetration

downturn and lack of exploration projects could be a

of an antimicrobial surface,” says Russ. “Many people now

favorable scenario for silver operators, provided they have

consider silver’s antimicrobial properties to be the next big

a large enough pipeline. “Falling new mine supply of silver

thing to boost demand for the metal.”





3 68


7 4




9 17

14 15

World Class Deposits 13





20 23 24

Exploration 12






San Felipe

Minera Frisco


Baja California


La Bolsa

Pan American Silver




San Felipe

Americas Silver Corporation




Promontorio-La Negra

Kootenay Silver (optioned to Pan American Silver)

Advanced Exploration




Pan American Silver





Coeur Mining





Sierra Metals




Los Gatos

Sunshine Silver (70), DOWA Metals and Mining (30)




San Julian





La Encantada

First Majestic Silver




Cosala Complex

Americas Silver Corporation





First Majestic Silver





Great Panther Silver





Endeavour Silver




La Pitarrilla

Silver Standard




La Preciosa

Coeur Mining



Source: SGM, company websites



Advanced Exploration



34 35



26 27 28 30 29 31


32 33

36 37 38 39









La Platosa

Excellon Resources




San Sebastian

Hecla Mining




La Joya

First Majestic Silver




La Parrilla

First Majestic Silver










MAG Silver (44)/Fresnillo (56)




Del Toro

First Majestic Silver




La Colorada

Pan American Silver














San Acacio

Defiance Silver




Veta Grande

Santa Cruz Silver




El Compas

Endeavour Silver









El Coronel

Minera Frisco




La Luz

First Majestic Silver


San Luis Potosi



Santacruz Silver


San Luis Potosi


San Martin-El Pilon

First Majestic Silver





Endeavour Silver





Endeavour Silver




Guanajuato Complex

Great Panther




El Cubo

Endeavour Silver




Pachuca-Real del Monte





La Guitarra

First Majestic Silver


State of Mexico


Zacualpan Properties



State of Mexico


San José/ Cuzcatlan

Fortuna Silver







Q: What factors helped Fresnillo increase its silver

of which is disseminated and requires a flotation process

production in 2017 despite an overall drop in global

while the other is a vein system that uses a dynamic


leaching process. We had to invest such a large amount

A: Our long-term vision has been key to our ability to

in San Julian because of the two different processes

maintain high production rates no matter the price cycle.

required and the initial lack of infrastructure in the area,

It is our main differentiator. We invest in exploration

but its positive return and the additional potential drove

continuously throughout the cycles and are not

our decision to follow through with the project.

dependent on M&As; 95 percent of our growth is organic. This gives us the possibility of bringing onstream projects

Q: What are the next steps Fresnillo is taking to start

that are strong and able to withstand the cyclicality of

production at Juanicipio?

the mining industry without diluting the quality of our

A: The public information we have released on Juanicipio

portfolio. Our strategy has allowed us to become one of

is from our prefeasibility study in 2012. We are in the

the few companies that still has a strong growth pipeline

process of concluding a full feasibility study as we have

despite the downturn. In 2017, we produced 53.3 million

now a larger volume of resources and we realized that a

ounces of silver and 930,000 ounces of gold, making

larger capacity would require a bigger investment than

Fresnillo the world’s largest silver producer and the No.

what was publicly released.

1 gold producer in Mexico. Juanicipio is the next-largest project in our pipeline and Q: How are rising base metal prices impacting Fresnillo’s

we are discussing with our JV partners the conclusion


of the feasibility study. The approval process will be

A: All our mines are primary silver producers and we

followed up by the project construction phase. Our goal

produce zinc and lead as a byproduct. As prices improve,

is to start production in mid-2020 and we have identified

base metals can become a more important source of

250 million ounces of indicated silver resources. This may

revenue. Traditionally, our revenues in terms of lead and

be smaller than Saucito but those are high-quality ounces

zinc only accounted for 7-8 percent of our total but last

to add to our portfolio.

year these metals rose to 12 percent of total revenues. This helps increase the competitiveness of our mines and

Q: What criteria does Fresnillo use for new projects before

improve results.

incorporating them into its portfolio? A: We expect all our projects to have a minimum of 150

Q: Why does the company believe that San Julian can

million ounces of silver when it comes to reserves or

become a new mining district in Mexico?

3 million ounces of gold for us to consider it suitable

A: San Julian is our latest operation and it constituted

for our portfolio. Most of our mines are also in the first

the largest investment in the company’s history. We

quartile in terms of production costs so this is a key

invested a total of US$515 million in the areas related to

aspect to consider in our projects before we even think

the feasibility study but we also considered the larger

about developing them. We prioritize a stream of quality

exploration potential of the district. By only exploring

production ounces in our portfolio. The project also must

approximately 30 percent of the area we were able to

be able to provide at least 15 percent IRR that can be

develop a mine and this makes us believe that resources

achieved with higher grades or competitiveness in terms

and reserves will continue to increase for many more

of the investment required to develop it.

years. In the first two years alone, we were able to increase the reserves we had initially identified in our feasibility

Q: How would you describe the M&A market in the industry

studies. We have two different ore bodies in the area, one

considering a decrease in investment?

San Julián mine, Chihuahua


A: We have reviewed the options available in the market

to enter as it has the culture and tradition of mining. The

but when we compare the possibilities for M&A to our own

company also found that when comparing the ore bodies

portfolio, those opportunities have always fallen short of our

that have been discovered in Mexico and Peru, there are

metrics. As the majority of our growth has been organic and

larger possibilities of a major discovery in Peru.

up to now we have not needed to acquire additional projects to continue growing, we have the privilege of developing

We used a different strategy by entering Peru four to five

our own exploration projects. We have had to look more

years ago since most mining companies at that time were

internally than externally.

reducing exploration in the country. We now have more than 350,000ha of concessions, which gives us the largest holding

Still, we have acquired prospects at early stages of

for exploration in Peru. But we have not been able to advance

exploration. We tend to look for projects that can help us

because permitting takes longer than in Mexico. Eventually,

consolidate a larger district and expand current mines. Any

we will be able to develop more resources for exploration in

ounce that is located in close proximity to our infrastructure

Peru and we have hopes that Pilarica will become our first

has a larger investment return. Our team of experienced

operation in the country. We are already halfway through

geologists has spotted interesting exploration potential of

the minimum resources needed, with 60 million ounces of

prospects at very early stages that cost less to acquire.

silver in identified resources and further potential to grow. It is a silver and zinc ore body. In Chile, we have reviewed

Q: What will be Fresnillo’s objectives for the next decade

120 different prospects and projects and the next step is to

as it is on the brink of meeting its 10th anniversary goals?

confirm an exploration option and put holes in the ground.

A: We are close to meeting our goal of producing 65 million ounces of silver in 2018 and we already reached our gold

Q: What is the company’s guidance for gold

production target of 750,000 ounces in 2015. Our next step

production in 2018?

is to review all our prospects and projects to solidify and

A: Our guidance for 2018 for gold production is similar to

define our objectives for the coming years. We will continue

what we established in 2017 at 870,000-900,000 ounces. In

to grow in the next four to six years and have new targets

the first five to six years, we were seeing gold production rise

and projects beyond 2020.

at a faster pace than silver but now silver is growing more. In 2017, we saw a slight reduction in gold production due to

Q: How important is it for Fresnillo to diversify its areas of

a longer leaching process at Herradura.

operation? A: In Mexico, we have 1.8 million hectares of exploration concessions and have many targets to explore but we

Fresnillo is the world’s largest silver producer and Mexico’s

believe that it is always healthy to diversify. The company

largest gold producer. It is listed on the London Stock

has identified exploration opportunities in Peru and Chile

Exchange and has seven operating mines across Mexico. In

and is scouting Argentina. We see Peru as a good country

2017, it produced 53.3 million ounces of silver




Q: How will the company expand its portfolio through its

A: Palmarejo has been a tremendous success story for the

planned exploration program in 2018?

company. In 2013, we embarked on a strategy to reposition

A: We have ramped up our exploration considerably

the mine for the long term because at that time it was a

over the last 18 months or so. A certain proportion of our

mainly open-pit, low-grade, high-strip ratio, limited mine

exploration budget (US$22 million) is expensed through

life, and it had a very punitive gold royalty attached to it

our balance sheet but we will also do further capitalized

that was causing us to pay out most of the cash flow we

exploration work. Between expensed and capitalized

were generating. We managed to renegotiate that royalty

drilling, we invested about US$42 million on exploration

to dramatically reduce that outflow, while simultaneously

last year, which was up from US$25 million in 2016. The

transitioning to an underground mine at the Guadalupe

total for 2018 should be around US$45 million, so we will

deposit. We then acquired Paramount, which allowed us

sustain these higher exploration budgets, especially around

to consolidate many additional high-grade underground

our existing operations. In the last 18 months, that higher

deposits that were originally split down the middle between

rate of investment has led to some significant discoveries,

the property boundary. That led to the establishment of a

especially at Palmarejo, where we made at least six new

second underground mine called Independencia and just

discoveries that were previously unknown to us. We can

last year, we started mining there and increasing production

create real value and return to shareholders through drilling,

levels. As a result of those two underground deposits,

so that is what we will continue to do.

Palmarejo saw a 60-percent increase in production and its cash flow went from negative US$30 million in 2016

Q: How do you ensure that increasing these expenses does

to positive US$110 million in 2017. We can sustain this by

not create undue risk for investors?

continuing to mine additional high-grade, underground

A: Firstly, we balance our portfolio between the asset, the

reserves in the coming years. La Preciosa will become an

jurisdiction and the stage of the project. By having a good

interesting project and part of the company’s future growth

balance, we can protect the company and its stockholders.

in Mexico. When and if we see silver rise above the US$20/

Another way we manage that risk is through the

oz range, it will be a viable project for us.

management of our balance sheet. We have put in a great deal of effort over the last two years to reduce our debt and

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced

ensure we have a strong and flexible balance sheet. We have

when you became CEO of Coeur?

dramatically reduced our interest expenses on our debt;

A: There was a lack of operating discipline and understanding

around three years ago, our interest expense was around

of the assets themselves. The company was not good

US$50 million. In 2017, we pared this to approximately

at developing high-quality mine plans based on quality

US$15 million. Those savings are being used to fund drilling

resource models, so there was a big technical push that had

programs where we are having great success.

to be initiated back then to really get a handle on existing operations. A big catalyst for that was bringing in fresh eyes

Q: Given that Palmarejo reached record levels of production

and new perspectives from outside the company and this

in 2017, how does the company hope to sustain this success

really accelerated the process because this made us take a

in the years to come?

critical and candid look at our portfolio. We were also proactive in adding new assets to the company and supplementing our portfolio. We have sold some of our assets just to promote an

Coeur Mining is a diversified, growing precious metals producer

overall improvement in the quality of the company. Our most

with six mines in the Americas employing approximately

recent acquisitions like Wharf and Silvertip are designed to

2,300 people. Coeur’s wholly-owned operations include the

add new, high-quality assets to supplement those that we

Palmarejo silver-gold complex in Mexico

started with when I took this position in 2011.




Q: First Majestic produced 3.8 million silver equivalent

the market upon production. We have no hedging strategy

ounces in 1Q18 toward a yearly target of 20 million silver

even though the cyclical nature of the industry dictates that

equivalent ounces. How are you set to meet that target?

silver prices are bound to go low at some point.

A: The acquisition of San Dimas will take us over this number. On an annual basis, we expect to be at approximately 30

San Dimas is the largest gold-silver mine in the state of

million silver equivalent ounces by 2019. The company

Durango and is one of the most important in the entire country.

started to reinvest capital at the end of 2016, with 2017

It is a mine we have had our eyes on for over a decade and,

being the first year in five that we increased investments

when it became available due to Primero’s financial status,

in Mexico. Most of those increases went into development

we were able to evaluate the asset. Because the asset was

and exploration, as well as some property, plants and

already on our radar, we were familiar with its features so it

equipment. We hope this trend will continue over the next

was less of a decision over whether to buy the asset or not –

several years. This investment is being spread out over

for us that was an obvious decision. The question mark was

the company’s seven projects in Mexico and it will impact

over the renegotiation of the stream agreement with Wheaton

production in a very positive way in the next few years.

Precious Metals. Under the prior streaming agreement, the mine was not profitable so the deal needed to be completely

Q: The gold to silver ratio has averaged 1:47 over the 20th

restructured. Luckily, Wheaton was willing to restructure the

century; now, it is at 1:80. When do you expect a correction?

agreement and, when this was finalized, it was a matter of

A: The mining ratio globally is 1:9. This means for every

how to acquire the asset. It took around a year from when

1 ounce of gold mined, we are mining 9 ounces of silver.

we made our first move to when the news was announced.

The ratio at 1:80 is quite exaggerated compared to the mining ratio, and every time we see a ratio climbing up into that range, we always see a correction. Last time it hit 1:80, the ratio subsequently fell very quickly to 1:30 and I would expect to see the ratio collapse again down to similar levels. I am a bull on silver and the company is growing quite nicely. Our production will grow substantially as a result of

First Majestic expects to produce approximately 30 million silver equivalent ounces annually by 2019

our last acquisition, so I think it is a good time for investors to look at owning our stock.

Q: What incentives is the state of Durango providing to continue investing in the state, especially as you are the

Q: Given that your strategy is to bet on one metal and one

state’s largest taxpayer?

country, how does the acquisition of a gold operator’s

A: Our ties with the government of Durango are close. It is a

portfolio change this?

very mining-friendly government and we have noticed that

A: When Primero owned the San Dimas mine, the stream

it is always willing to engage in dialogue. We are in constant

agreement in place meant the majority of the silver went to

discussions with the government over a variety of topics that

Silver Wheaton (now Wheaton Precious Metals), while Primero

arise. Whenever we need government support, it is there to

focused on gold production. Now that the asset has been sold

assist us.

and the stream agreement has been renegotiated, we have incorporated both gold and silver streams into the agreement. Our strategy remains intact, and we are still focusing on one

First Majestic Silver focuses on silver production in Mexico

country and one metal. This will continue to be our strategy

and is aggressively pursuing the development of its existing

going forward. That being said, we do produce byproducts

mineral property assets. The company owns and operates

such as gold, lead and zinc, and these are sold directly into

seven producing silver mines in Mexico




Godfrey Walton President and COO of Endeavour Silver

Q: What is your perception of the Mexican mining industry?

many problems. We felt safer and more secure but this is

GW: We are optimistic about the mining industry as a

changing again for the worse.

whole because we should soon enter a cycle of higher metal prices. However, we are concerned about rising

BC: We need to see positive actions in each of these

issues in Mexico like security and the political risk of an

areas of concern. The administration should reduce taxes,

election year. Some of our people have been threatened

speed up VAT recovery, improve security and rule of law,

by local gangs but fortunately, we have not experienced

improve land access, speed up permitting and provide more

more serious security issues like some other companies.

government services in the remote communities where

If Mexico wants to take full advantage of the next upturn

most mines are located.

in metal prices and ensure that mining investment from Canada continues, the administration needs to do a better

Q: How are you working to reduce your operational costs

job resolving security issues. Many of our shareholders are

over the next couple of years?

worried about investing in a country where safety is such a

GW: We are going through the process of making our mines

large concern. We are committed to building and operating

more efficient and productive. We started in Guanaceví,

new mines in Mexico if the administration can improve the

which was our highest-cost mine in 2017. Once we achieve

investment climate for foreign investors.

greater efficiency at this mine, we will implement a similar program to enhance productivity at El Cubo and Bolañitos.

BC: Mexico is very fortunate to have an abundance of

We are striving to make our mining processes leaner as quick

natural resource potential and good infrastructure to

as possible. We are simply trying to make better use of our

facilitate the development of the mining industry for the

equipment and people, which are our two biggest assets.

benefit of all. However, we see issues throughout Mexico, such as a high tax rate, slow VAT recovery, high security risk,

BC: We are reducing our operating costs in three ways.

slow government response, difficult land access issues, slow

Historically we have embraced a philosophy of continuous

mine permitting and an increase in community activism.

improvement at each of our operating mines. We are

My perception of the mining industry in Mexico is that it is

focused on improving our metallurgical recoveries by doing

becoming increasingly more difficult to do business.

more research and introducing different equipment and chemicals. We are also conducting programs to improve the

Q: What would you like to see the new administration

productivity at each mine by upgrading our operational and

prioritize to create a healthier mining industry in Mexico?

management systems. But the biggest difference could be

GW: Project permitting and VAT refunds both need to be

the construction of new, higher quality, lower cost mines.

faster, clearer and more transparent. We all know what the rules are but there are some bureaucrats who do not

Q: What have been the company’s biggest advancements

always follow these standards and this makes it hard for

when it comes to its mines in development?

the industry. Better security, as I mentioned, should also

GW: At El Compas, we expect to finish construction of the

be a priority. When President Peña Nieto came into power,

mine and refurbishment of the plant on time and budget

security was a huge issue but he managed to smooth over

in 2Q18 and we will strive for full production by the end of July and an official plant opening in 3Q18. Our largest development project is Terronera near Puerto Vallarta and

Endeavour Silver is a midtier precious metals mining company

we expect to start construction by the end of 2Q18 and

that owns three high-grade, underground, silver-gold mines in

production by the end of the 4Q19, so that 2020 will be

Mexico. The company is forecasting a 20 percent increase in

the first full year of production. The company is investing

production to 10.2-11.2 million silver equivalent ounces in 2018

US$11 million at El Compas and US$90 million at Terronera

over the next two years and US$48 million into its three operating mines in 2018. We are forecasting 20 percent production growth in 2018 and 50 percent production growth once Terronera is up and running. BC: We are building two new mines over the next three years to grow our production by more than 50 percent. Building the new El Compas mine on time and budget will

Endeavour is investing US$11 million at El Compas and US$90 million at Terronera over the next two years and US$48 million into its three operating mines in 2018

be a big advancement this year. We also plan to update our prefeasibility study for Terronera, receive final government

with rising costs and rising risks, new mining projects have

permits, raise debt financing and start construction at

to be higher quality to be economical for development, so

Terronera in 2018.

the M&A market is getting more and more difficult.

Q: What potential do you foresee in the Mexican

Q: What sustainability strategies does the company

M&A market?

use to maintain healthy relationships with surrounding

GW: The M&A market in the Mexican mining industry has


good potential and even though exploration and mining

GW: We ensure an open dialogue with surrounding

are now very competitive here, there are still many areas

communities to understand what their needs are and to

to explore and mines to acquire. Another challenge is

figure out how we can help them achieve their goals. We

that many surface areas have been thoroughly explored

fund these programs along with the taxes we pay into the

so the next step is to explore for ore deposits and veins

Mining Fund. Through these dialogues, we have realized

hiding below surface. One example is Guanaceví, a mine

there are two main factors that communities want us to

that ran out of ore in 2003, but using modern geological

focus on: training and employment. The company prioritizes

knowledge, we were able to discover seven new ore bodies

these elements along with scholarships and normal

hiding below surface. We also found six new, thick and rich

festivities within these communities.

veins underneath Bolañitos, a mine that has been producing off and on for almost 500 years. Mexico has a tremendous

BC: Our main sustainability strategy is to treat the local

amount of potential but it does take more and more time

communities with respect as stakeholders in our business.

and money to discover underground deposits. Endeavour

That means starting early at each new mining project to

has a portfolio of exploration projects in Mexico on which

meet the people, make friends and build relationships.

we will spend US$11 million in 2018. We acquired our

Developing strong relationships involves communicating

Parral properties in 2016 and discovered significant new

our plans and listening to feedback so that we can work

mineral resources there in 2017. Parral is now our biggest

with each community to help solve local problems and

exploration project in Mexico.

fulfil their desire to build a better living situation. We try to make a positive difference in people’s lives in several

BC: I think the potential to discover new ore bodies and

ways: through health, education, environment, culture

acquire new mining projects is still quite good in Mexico but

and economics.




SAUCITO It is no wonder that Zacatecas is one of the world’s top silver districts. At its core, Saucito is certainly one of the state’s and Fresnillo’s most important assets, with a mining capacity of 2.6 million t/y and an average ore grade of 261g/t of silver and 1.39g/t of gold. Currently under expansion, Fresnillo describes Saucito as a critical operation for achieving its 2018 production target of 65 million ounces of silver. In 2017, Saucito contributed 36 percent of the company’s total silver production and generated 22.6 percent of its total adjusted revenue. Saucito is located at the heart of Zacatecas Silver District, only 8km southwest of the Fresnillo mine. Primarily silver and gold, the asset is composed of an underground mine and a flotation plant. Going back to the history of the operation, Fresnillo started its drilling campaign back in 2004. As results proved enticing, construction began in 2009, with commercial production commencing in 2011. The asset employs 763 people and relies on more than 1,824 contractors.

Saucito contributed 36 percent of Fresnillo’s total silver production in 2017 With an expected mine life of 5.8 years, the performance highlights for 2Q18 find a quarterly and year-to-date 7.7 percent and 7 percent decrease, respectively, in silver production due to lower ore grades and increased dilution. However, Fresnillo pursued a strategy of increasing the volume of ore processed and ramped up production in 2Q18 by 8.3 percent compared to 1Q18. The FY18 ore grade is expected to be 255-265g/t. But while silver suffered a temporary setback, gold is shining, with 2Q18 production jumping 44.1 percent compared to 1Q18 and 35.7 percent from 1H17 to 1H18. The 2018 performance targets focus on further reducing dilution, developing the Huizache veins, ramping up the pyrites plant and initiating the deepening of the Jarillas shaft. In 2017, adjusted revenue from Saucito contributed US$504.2 million to Fresnillo’s overall income, a 4.5 percent increase compared to FY16. CAPEX for FY17 totaled US$133.7 million with US$26.1 million in exploration expenses. The mine’s 2017 production yielded 21.2 million ounces of silver, 69,948 ounces of gold, 17,714 tons of lead and 20,348 tons of zinc.





Q: How does Americas Silver mitigate the risks related to

Some of our competitors have been mining their highest-

fluctuations in silver prices?

grade silver ores to survive in this price environment. Some

A: Silver tends to follow gold and when gold is trading in a

miners in Mexico are producing at an AISC of US$14-$16,

defined range, silver trades a little more aimlessly than other

while ours in 2018 will be around US$0/oz because we

metals. When gold goes down, silver tends to slide even

have all the zinc and lead by-product revenue. Our reserve

further, and when gold rallies, silver rallies much more on a

grades will continue to rise because we are now mining our

relative basis. There is one primary reason for that, which is

lowest-grade silver ores. We are very lucky that we have

that silver tends to be a secondary or tertiary product. There

both high and low-grade base metals, and high and low-

are actually very few mines that exclusively produce silver. This

grade silver deposits, so we can be more flexible in reacting

means that a copper mine, for example, would not be shut

to prevailing market prices. In 2012, we were the highest-

down just because silver prices have dropped, so there is no

cost producer in the silver industry at US$33/oz, while in

real supply response either on the upside or on the downside.

2018 we will come in between -US$1-4/oz, a reduction of

When gold moves, it is certainly a good sign for silver because

over 90 percent.

we have seen that, although silver moves up more slowly, it moves much higher in relation to the baseline price.

Last year, on the fringes of the San Rafael mine, we discovered irregular occurrences of silver and copper, so we

Currently, Americas Silver Corporation is producing 2 million ounces of silver, around 45 million pounds of zinc and 35-40 million pounds of lead

stepped out and drilled it. Through this program, we drilled

Q: How did Americas Silver Corporation use a diversified

Q: With Americas Silver sitting on the Zone 120 resource,

portfolio to reduce AISC and increase revenue?

how are your exploration plans continuing?

A: We have taken a different approach than most of our

A: We love our land position and are convinced there is

competitors over the last few years. In 2012, our assets’

more to be found in the district. While Zone 120 continues

combined production was about 3.5 million ounces of

along the development pipeline, our geologists are taking

silver, a few million pounds of copper, 5 million pounds of

time to reconsider the potential of the district as a whole.

lead and 10 million pounds of zinc. Now, we are producing

They have recently recompiled and reviewed historic data

approximately 2 million ounces of silver, around 45 million

and have come up with some very exciting targets. There

pounds of zinc and 35-40 million pounds of lead. We still

is still a lot of early stage work to be done but we are sure

have all that silver available to be mined but we have chosen

the next discovery is waiting for us.

61.4m of 412g/t silver equivalent, which is about 5g/t in gold equivalent. This high-grade silver deposit is called Zone 120. Our existing resources in the area cover a footprint of 1,100ha and within that area we have discovered 170 million silver equivalent ounces. The question remains whether or not we should build and produce from the mine today given our bullish view of future silver prices.

not to produce it given less-than-optimal silver prices. Right now, I believe there is nothing better than what we are doing here because we do not need to issue any shares Americas Silver Corporation is a leading junior silver producer

to grow our reserve base. Last year, we spent about US$2

with a strong operating platform in the Americas. With the San

million and added 20 million silver equivalent ounces. This

Rafael mine in full production, it is positioned to become one

means our per share value of silver continues to go up and

of the lowest-cost silver producers globally by 2018

we continue to generate free cash flow.


INTRODUCING PROGRESS AND EXCEEDING GUIDANCE IN OAXACA LUIZ CAMARGO Country Representative and Director of Finance and Corporate Affairs of Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán


Q: How do you ensure responsible and sustainable

mine in Oaxaca, our original forecast was to produce 850t/d

operations and how do you add value to the communities

but we were able to start outright with almost 1,000t/d in

you work with?

2011. By 2014 our production was at 2,000t/d. In 2016 we

A: In Mexico, we work in Oaxaca, which is probably the most

reached the peak of the mine’s operations with 3,000t/d

complex state in which to operate a mine. But Fortuna Silver

while adhering to budget.

Mines, through its subsidiary Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán, was able to change the mentality of the communities of San

Q: You have several exploration projects in joint venture

Jose del Progreso. This area was marginalized with little

with Prospero Silver. How successful has this been?

infrastructure development and scarce public services for

A: I think this JV is working very well. By the end of 2018,

education, health and sanitation. Today, the area around

we will decide whether to increase our participation,

where we built our operations has flourished and developed

which is less than 20 percent currently, or select some

sustainable communities, with schools, local stores and

of the properties Prospero is analyzing and take them to

other amenities that benefit the community. Our company

development ourselves. We expect our property portfolios

always prioritizes security, environmental and social aspects.

in Mexico to increase as a result of this JV.

Our operations in Oaxaca started producing in 2011 and are expected to be exhausted by 2024. From the exploration

As for other exploration activity, we are looking at both

to the forecasted closure phases, our investment in the

brownfield and greenfield projects. Compañía Minera

area totals over US$1 billion, including CAPEX, materials,

Cuzcatlán’s 2018 budget for exploration in Mexico is almost

supplies and services. The company will also contribute

US$10 million, most of which will be spent near our current

over US$340 million in taxes over its life cycle in the area

operations in Oaxaca.

We are committed to the local communities of San Jose del

Q: What is Fortuna Silver Mines’ expectation for its

Progreso and nearby communities. In 2017, we spent US$33

operations in the country?

million in the area on supplies, labor and raw materials. This

A: Fortuna Silver Mines is a relatively young company, having

money included the workers’ share of the profits (PTU) and

started 14 years ago, but our board and staff are experts

expenditures. This is a lot of money for such a small region.

in the mining industry and the opportunities that exist in

Also, our relationship with the local and federal authorities

Latin America. We have operations in Peru and Mexico and

has been very good and they have been supportive of this

will start in Argentina in the third quarter of 2019. We are

project. The company’s policy is to be strictly transparent

focused on strengthening the company’s foundation based

and in full compliance with local requirements.

on a culture of sustainable growth. We are also building a robust platform and organizational structure that can be

Q: How close are you to accomplishing the company’s

replicated in other mining jurisdictions abroad. This implies

FY18 guidance and how much production is coming

analyzing the capabilities we have and harmonizing these

from Mexico?

with our needs. Fortuna’s first mine was in Peru, the second

A: Fortuna’s annual production guidance for 2018 is 8.3

in Mexico, the third will be in Argentina. Our fourth mine

million ounces of silver, 48,300 ounces of gold, 25.8

most likely will be in Mexico.

million pounds of lead and 44.8 million pounds of zinc at an estimated consolidated AISC of US$6.8/oz of silver. Ninety percent of the silver guidance and 100 percent of

Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán is a subsidiary of Fortuna Silver

gold guidance comes from Mexico, while zinc and lead

Mines, a rapidly growing precious metals producer that

are predominantly from Peru. We expect to exceed our

operates two low-cost mines in Peru and Mexico and holds

forecast by at least 10 percent. Regarding our San Jose

commanding land positions in Peru, Mexico and Argentina



producing countries, Mexico led the pack as one of the seven


that did not experience a fall. Surprisingly, Peñasquito was the best producing silver mine in the country, followed by Saucito,


Fresnillo and San Julián. 12.5 200 160 120 80 40 0

TOP 10 SILVER PRODUCING COUNTRIES 2017 (million ounces)







million ounces produced globally in 2017

33.7 35.4










40.5 42





US$155 Million

US$11.3 Million



Palmarejo | Coeur Mining

from 576.8 million ounces in 2017. Out of the Top 20 silver




1,600 1,400 1,200




800 600


400 10

200 0

Constant 2017 US$/oz




Industrial applications Jewelry and silverware



Coins and bars ——Real silver price





Other industrial Photography Brazing alloys


and solders

Photovoltaic Ethylene oxide


Electronical and




100 0




•• Industrial






••Jewelry ••Coins and


4.0% US 3.0% Argentina 16.3% Others


4.8% Chile 4.7% Bolivia 4.6% Poland 4.2% Australia


23.0% Mexico 17.3% Peru 13.2% China 4.9% Russia





Million ounces



industrial fabrication demand rose to 599 million ounces

San Julián | Fresnillo

and bar demand took the biggest drop with 27 percent. But

*2020 -Juanicipio | Fresnillo-MAG Silver

demand for silver also saw a fall of 2 percent, of which coin

(*Expected production date)

US$305 Million


*2018 -Planta Piritas | Fresnillo

row with a deficit in the international silver market. Physical

••Top silver mines ▲▲Top new silver projects

*2018 - El Compás | Endeavour Silver

year with a drop-in silver mine supply and the fifth year in a

Fresnillo | Fresnillo


La Colorada | Pan American Silver

market reported in 2017. This is the second consecutive

Saucito | Fresnillo

production afloat despite the 4-percent drop that the global

TOP SILVER MINES AND PROJECTS IN MEXICO 2017 (million ounces) Peñasquito | Goldcorp

Fresnillo’s thriving portfolio is helping keep Mexico’s silver

2008 2008

2009 2009

2010 2010

Total physical demand




Physical surplus/deficit







Total supply


42.1% Zacatecas

17.0% Chihuahua 1.7% Durango


7.0% Sonora

5.0% Oaxaca 17.2% Others

million ounces of silver produced in Mexico

US$55 Million


US$482 Million

*2019 - Terronera | ITorex Gold

*2022 - Media Luna | ITorex Gold

US$303 Million

US$69 Million


KGHM Polska Miedź






26.8 Polymetal International





*2019 - Rey de Plata | Industrias Peñoles

Tizapa | Industrias Peñoles

San José | Fortuna Silver

*2018 - Tahuehueto | Telson Resources

*2018 - La Ciénega (Expansion) | Fresnillo

El Herrero | Minas de Bacis



Industrial fabrication increased 4% to 599 million ounces, the highest level since 2013

La Ciénega | Fresnillo


Compañia de Minas Buenaventura


25.0 Pan American Silver


19.1 Hochschild Mining


17.3 Volcan Compañia Minera

9th 10th

16.9 Hindustan Zinc 16.8 Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


US$32.2 Million

2011 2011

2012 2012

2013 2013








2014 2014






2015 2015

209.1 151.1

205.0 207.8

292.1 226.7

234.1 226.4




Oaxaca State of Mexico


600.1 187.4 159.7





2016 2016

2017 2017














4 991.6

The silver market recorded a deficit of 26 million ounces in 2017, a fifth straight annual shortfall

16.4 Coeur Mining


16.2 Sumitomo


15.9 AMC


13.3 Boliden AB


12.5 Hecla Mining


12.2 Industrias Peñoles





9.9 BHP Billiton


9.9 Tahoe Resources

60 50 40 30 20




Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS, Thomson Reuters, CAMIMEX





When deciding where to set up shop, operators look at

is located 15km northeast of Guanajuato. Although the

more than metal availability. Chief among the priorities is

project is at the grassroots stage, Great Panther has

determining whether or not the company will be welcome

reason to be optimistic about its potential since it crosses

by the community, says James Bannantine, President and

known veins on the Sierra Vein system. Its other Mexican

CEO of Great Panther Silver. “The first consideration for a

exploration property is El Horcón, located in Jalisco. “El

mining company should be to go where it is wanted,” he

Horcón is a historic mining operation with gold, silver, lead,

says. “Mining activities have to be invited.”

and zinc mineralization but the extent of past production is unknown,” says Bannantine. It holds nine known veins,

Once the welcome mat is in place, other key considerations

with the Diamantillo Vein traceable on the surface for more

are logistics, infrastructure and human talent, areas in

than 4km. Limited previous drilling and Great Panther

which Mexico has strong advantages. “The country has

having drilled only 2,147m in 24 holes means the property’s

great infrastructure, logistics and it is right next to the US,”

potential is also largely unknown.

Bannantine says. “There are great ports, good construction and engineering firms, a strong supply chain, high-tech

On an international note, the company is looking to

equipment, experienced contractors and a talented

bring back into production the Coricancha Mine in Peru

workforce, all of which are critical to our business.”

that it acquired in 2017. It is also interested in acquiring an additional advanced stage project or mine in Latin

Great Panther Silver owns the Guanajuato Mine Complex,

America. “We have US$60 million in cash and no debt,”

which consists of two underground mines: San Ignacio

says Bannantine. “We have a clean balance sheet that is

and Guanajuato. The operation serves as the company’s

sufficient to fund the restart of Coricancha and also to

administrative and technical base in Mexico. In January

acquire a new project.” To identify the right opportunity,

2018, Great Panther Silver announced that it had doubled

the company has an expert team looking for a late-stage,

its measured and indicated resources estimate at the

brownfield project, with 4 million ounces of silver equivalent

Guanajuato Mine Complex to over 13 million silver equivalent

or more, that is ready for the construction phase. He says

ounces. Estimated measured resources alone at San Ignacio

that Mexico’s reputation as a silver producer places it at

increased by 121 percent to 9.3 million silver equivalent

an advantage over other jurisdictions being examined by

ounces and at Guanajuato by 33 percent to 1.8 million silver

Great Panther. “Silver first, gold second,” he says. “Mexico

equivalent ounces. “This takes the mine’s life from four to

first, Peru second and Brazil third.”

eight years and we are continuing our drilling programs to find new resources and extend mine life,” says Bannantine.

The company expects to acquire its next project through existing liquidity. Bannantine remains open to considering

Investment is also being allocated to the Topia Mine in

other financial mechanisms, such as streaming agreements,

Durango. At the beginning of 2017, the company upgraded

but he believes that the tool should be carefully considered

its plant and is transitioning to a new tailings facility. This

before being employed. “A stream is listed as a liability on

expansion increased Great Panther Silver’s 2017 AISC but

the company balance sheet and on the mine,” he says.

Bannantine says on average, all mines are operating at a steady level, at about 4 million ounces of silver equivalent

The company provided 2018 guidance of 4 million ounces

per year. “We are making money as a company,” he says.

of silver equivalent on a US$12-13 AISC and a corresponding profit of US$68 million. Bannantine expects to pump much

As well as investing in expansion, Great Panther is looking

of the budget into drilling in 2018, with 24,000m planned.

further down the road to advance its exploration pipeline.

“We are going to keep drilling around our mines, rather than

In Mexico, the 20,400ha Santa Rosa silver-gold property

carrying out greenfield exploration,” he says




Q: What are the main elements driving the demand

annual data on the silver market. It is comprehensive,

for silver globally and how is Mexico adapting to

extensive and continues to evolve to provide the

these trends?

information that most want to see today. Its insights serve

A: Silver will be mined forever. Typically, silver is a

as a blueprint of data on many key aspects of the industry

byproduct of other mining activities, with only nearly

where all readers, including Mexican silver operators, can

30 percent coming from a primary silver mine. When

draw guidance on past and future trends in the market.

miners are mining for gold, lead, copper, zinc or other

We have installed a World Silver Survey library on our

minerals, often silver is in the ore body. The world needs

website where anyone can download the current and all

silver, especially for industrial activities. As the world

previous editions at no cost.

becomes less reliant on fossil fuels for energy, already we are seeing new opportunities for silver in photovoltaics and hybrid and electric cars. We just released a report titled “The Role of Silver and the Green Revolution,” which outlines the future of silver in these technologies. In terms of Mexico’s role, the country has been at the forefront of mining for centuries. It will continue to

Silver has been considered a precious element for 6,000 years and has had a role as a trading metal in nearly every ancient and modern culture

lead the way in implementing new innovative and safe, clean mining techniques. Mexico has the infrastructure,

Q: What must miners know about the importance of

personnel, experience, and most importantly, the silver

promoting public understanding and how far is there

reserves to maintain its top spot for many years to come.

a focus on changing negative perceptions of mining? A: This is a story that we promote at the institute. The story

Q: Identifiable investment fell by 40 percent in 2017, the

of silver is unique as it is the most used precious metal in

lowest level since 2007. How is this expected to affect

industry, last year consuming nearly 600 million ounces

the silver market?

and posting its first increase since 2013. Everything we

A: This in my opinion, and many others', is the primary

as consumers touch electronically essentially has silver

reason why we are seeing prices at these low levels. The

inside. From our cars, homes, offices, technology and

investment side of the silver equation is not where it once

increasingly in healthcare, all is made better by silver.

was. Using the US as an example, it currently has low unemployment and 4 percent GDP growth coupled with

We have just initiated a Silver Sustainability Program at

a very strong stock market. This means that few people

the Institute. In early 2019, we will roll out an industry

see the need to turn to hard assets as an investment. So,

platform outlining our members’ commitment to

while prices of the metal are not as expensive as they

responsible mining practices, such as good neighbor

once were, we do see a recovery down the road, from

partnerships, and other initiatives. We will augment this

value buyers and especially if and when the economy

with a media campaign and a website solely devoted to

starts to falter.

our program.

Q: How does the World Silver Survey benefit the industry and what is your assessment of its progress almost 30

The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international organization

years after its first edition?

that draws membership from across the breadth of the silver

A: The World Silver Survey is considered by most silver

industry. The institute serves as the sector’s voice in raising

market participants and experts as the best source of

public understanding of the many uses of silver



PALMAREJO Coeur’s flagship underground Palmarejo mine is located in southwest Chihuahua, between the towns of Temoris and Chinipas. With over 840 employees in 2017, Palmarejo produced 7.6 million ounces of silver at an average grade of 5.62oz/t and 121,269 ounces of gold at an average grade of 0.09oz/t, representing a 60 percent increase over 2016. Mining during the first half of 2018 has continued at a rate of approximately 3,800t/d, producing 4.1 million ounces of silver and 63,598 ounces of gold at similar grades to 2017. The Palmarejo Complex consists of 77 wholly-owned mining concessions covering approximately 40,000ha of land. The complex is located in the western flank of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, which is the home to many of Mexico’s silver-gold mines. Since late 2016, all production from the Palmarejo Complex has come from the Guadalupe and Independencia underground mines, although development has now commenced towards the Nación deposit with production expected to commence in 2019. The Nación deposit was discovered in late 2015 and is strategically located between the Guadalupe and Independencia mines, allowing it to be accessed from existing underground infrastructure. Following the discovery of Nación, the company started an intensive exploration program focused on the discovery of other near-mine targets that could be synergistic with the operating mines. In 2017, a number of new discoveries were made, particularly around the Guadalupe mine, including the Zapata deposit, which is located only 150m from current mine workings. As a result of the aggressive exploration and drilling programs that commenced in 2016, Palmarejo has seen its proven and probable reserves increase from 44.9 million ounces of silver and 690,000 ounces of gold at the end of 2015 to 47.0 million ounces of silver and 706,000 ounces of gold at the end of 2017. During the same time frame, measured and indicated resources have increased from 25.3 million ounces of silver and 330,000 ounces of gold to 27.0 million ounces of silver and 368,000 ounces of gold with inferred resources increasing from 8.2 million ounces of silver and 147,000 ounces of gold to 31.1 million ounces of silver and 369,000 ounces of gold. Exploration during 2018 has continued to test near-mine targets and extensions of deposits discovered in previous years as well as more regional targets with the aim of continuing to increase the mineral inventory and mine life of the complex.



JUNIOR MINER THINKS BIG, TARGETS EXPLORATION Brendan Cahill President and CEO of Excellon Resources 86

Ben Pullinger Senior Vice President Geology of Excellon Resources

Q: How does Excellon Resources’ outlook for silver prices

We also continue to see a trend to own big pieces of ground

affect the company’s business plan?

worldwide, allowing continent-sized geology to be carried

BC: Platosa has the benefit of high grade silver, lead and

out on a regional scale. That is how the next great discoveries

zinc production with 50 percent of our revenues from base

will be made; think big to find big. Our approach to

metals. As a result, we have some protection against weaker

exploration is somewhat unique, as there are few companies

silver prices and volatile fluctuations. We still strongly

in Mexico thinking on the same scale. Both our projects are

believe in silver’s potential. It is a vital metal, and one of

located in the heart of world-famous mineral belts, home to

the most reflective and conductive materials with multiple

some of the largest mining companies. Recently, we entered

uses that permeate every new technology. We are living in

into a toll mining agreement with Hecla Mining to process

the future and as we make more advancements, we must go

ore from the San Sebastian Mine at our Miguel Auza facility,

back to the source to build our dreams. Our main objective

securing additional cash flow once the bulk sample-testing

is to continue to unlock exploration potential and secure

program is complete in the second half of 2018.

future supply. BP: I believe that exploration has to be a focus. Without Q: What part does Mexico play in your portfolio and what

exploration, there is no ore. We think that now is the time to

are your expansion plans in the country?

really start that exploration again because there are many

BC: We have two key projects in Mexico. We have

quality projects that have been underserved in recent years.

been operating the Platosa Mine in Durango for over 12

Considering the geological potential in Mexico, we need

years. The mine sits on just 50ha of 21,000ha of mineral

more exploration to bring those projects into the pipeline.

concessions. We have barely scratched the surface. With production now ramping up, we are focusing our efforts

Q: How do you want to grow in the future?

on uncovering Platosa’s expansion potential, both near the

BC: La Platosa is the highest-grade silver mine in Mexico

mine and regionally. Our exploration efforts for 2018 include

and one of the highest-grade silver mines in the world.

a 30,000m drill program.

It is a fascinating project that has been challenging but with hard work and, sound engineering, we have turned

Our second project is located in Zacatecas at Miguel Auza,

our operation around and started to see the benefits of

14,000ha of mineral concessions with a historical resource

recent mine optimizations. Additionally, we have focused on

and an operating and scalable mill. We have been trucking

continuing with geophysics processing, carrying out more

Platosa ore to Miguel Auza with excellent recoveries for

mapping and enhancing our database during down times.

the last few years. Recently, we reviewed the exploration

We are very well-positioned for the upside of the market.

potential from a regional perspective and found 10 epithermal veins right on the surface that have never been

One of the main issues facing our industry is the reduction

drilled to depth, with historical results at shallow depths

in exploration expenditure in recent years. Development

assaying multi-kilo silver values. We consider this project

spending has recovered from the depths of this bear market

a new frontier to expansion. Anything that we find in that

but without the exploration it is impossible to keep mines

area goes back to our mill.

going or to find new projects. Excellon is working toward four kinds of discovery: continue to expand existing resources, find more high-grade projects like Platosa on the bigger ground

Excellon’s 100-percent-owned Platosa Mine in Durango has

package, discover the large-scale skarn deposit associated

been Mexico’s highest-grade silver mine since production

with Platosa mineralization and make a high-grade discovery

commenced in 2005. It also owns the Miguel Auza property

at Miguel Auza on the northern extension of the richest silver

in Zacatecas

belt in the world.




Miners agree that the best place to find a new mine is

In San Sebastian, it leases the plant from Golden Minerals in

around the area of an existing one. This was Hecla’s

a contract up to 2020. “We have been able to extend this

strategy with its San Sebastian mine acquired in 1999 from

agreement three times as we kept finding new ore zones,”

Monarch Resources in the state of Durango. “The mine

he says. Hecla entered into a toll milling agreement in which

operated from 2001 to 2005 until exhausting estimated

sulfide ore will be trucked 26 miles to Excellon’s Miguel

reserves and stopping production,” Carlos Aguiar, Vice

Auza flotation mill facility in Zacatecas. “As Excellon’s plant,

President Mexico of Minera Hecla says. Afterward, Hecla

we expect good results from this partnership and our goal

continued exploring the property and found new reserves

is to start production in 2019 or 2020,” he adds.

to ramp up production in 2015. “Our plan for mining the middle vein goes up to 2020, mainly with silver and gold

Diversification also has the company looking for new

reserves. We have increased our exploration to ensure

projects in the country. “We remain open to acquiring new

growth over the next few years.” Hecla’s goal is to procure

properties in Mexico and we have set a budget for this goal,”

mine properties in the best-known mining districts in

says Aguiar. “We are constantly searching, both here and

the world.

abroad.” Apart from diversification, Aguiar says that another way for operators to mitigate the inherent risks of cycles

Although Aguiar believes silver prices, which have been

is by adopting new technologies. “Mining companies are

stagnant in 2018, will recover in the short term, metal-price

becoming more innovative and investing in new technologies

dynamics have influenced Hecla’s strategy to also focus

to increase productivity while lowering mineral production

on diversifying into several metals. Exploration in San

risks,” he says. But he points out that it is not just about

Sebastian continues to identify new high-grade resources

technology in mining processes as metals demand is driven

to extend the cyanide milling circuit, as well as increase

by global innovations. Aguiar highlights that both are

the amount of polymetallic Hugh Zone-style mineralization.

inextricably linked. For example, the rise of electric vehicles

But different metals imply infrastructure adjustments for

means investors are placing bets on minerals such as lithium

different treatment processes. To avoid this expense, the

and cobalt while automated vehicles can also be remotely

company rents a third-party mill.

used in mines to minimize safety risks and increase efficiency.



After a brief shining moment in 2011 when silver reached almost US$50/oz, prices have been largely flat, hovering around the US$16-17 mark since 2014 and struggling to break through the US$20/oz ceiling. Mexico is a country of silver, ranking first in global silver production and home to the world's largest silver producer. With so much at stake with the global silver prices, Mexico Mining Review asked industry experts about the causes of the price depression, their expectations for the future of silver and the ways they are protecting themselves against the volatility.


At Platosa, we have the benefit of high grade silver, lead and zinc production with 50 percent of our revenues from base metals. As a result, we have some protection against weaker silver prices and volatile fluctuations. We still strongly believe in silver’s potential, as a vitally important metal and as one of the most reflective and conductive materials with multiple uses that permeate every new technology. We are living in the future and as we make more advancement, we must go back to the

BRENDAN CAHILL President and CEO of Excellon Resources

source to build our dreams. Our main objective is to continue to unlock exploration potential, and secure future supply.

Silver tends to follow gold and when gold is trading in a defined range, silver trades a little more aimlessly than other metals. When gold goes down, silver seems to slide even further, and when gold rallies, silver rallies much more on a relative basis. We are positive on silver as this is the foundation of our company. Nevertheless, we have taken a different approach than most of our competitors over the last few years. In 2012, our assets’ combined production was about 3.5 million ounces of silver, a few

DARREN BLASUTTI President and CEO of Americas Silver Corporation

million pounds of copper, 5 million pounds of lead and 10 million pounds of zinc. Now, we are producing approximately 2 million ounces of silver, around 45 million pounds of zinc and 35-40 million pounds of lead. We still have all that silver available to be mined but we have chosen not to produce it given the less-than-optimal silver prices.

Our long-term vision has been key to our ability to maintain high production rates no matter the price cycle. It is our main differentiator. We invest in exploration continuously and through the cycles and are not dependent on M&As; 95 percent of our growth is organic. This gives us the possibility of bringing onstream projects that are strong and able to withstand the cyclicality of the mining industry without diluting the quality of our portfolio. Our strategy has allowed us to become one of the few


companies that still has a strong growth pipeline despite the downturn. In 2017, we produced 53.3 million ounces of silver and 930,000 ounces of gold making Fresnillo the world’s largest silver producer and the number one gold producer in Mexico.

Although there is a relationship between the prices of silver and gold, I would not say silver necessarily tracks gold too closely. The mining ratio globally is 1:9. This means for every ounce of gold mined, we are mining 9 ounces of silver. The ratio at 1:80 is quite exaggerated compared to the mining ratio, and every time we see a ratio climbing up into that range, we always see a correction. Last time it hit 1:80, the ratio subsequently fell very quickly to 1:30 and I would expect to see the ratio collapse again down to similar levels. I am a bull on silver and the company is growing quite nicely. Our production will grow substantially as a result of our last acquisition, so I think it is a good time for investors to look at owning our stock.

KEITH NEUMEYER President and CEO of First Majestic Silver


Falling new mine supply of silver due to few new mines being built during the recent five-year bear market of low metal prices should help boost higher metal prices for the next few years. Investment demand for silver is still low but we know from experience that when metal prices start to rise due to inflation or other economic factors, investors will jump back into silver and drive silver prices to new highs. We are reducing our operating costs and we are building two new mines over the next three years to grow our production by more than 50 percent. Building the new El Compas mine on time and budget will be a big advancement this year. We also plan

BRADFORD COOKE CEO of Endeavour Silver

to update our pre-feasibility study for Terronera, receive final government permits, raise debt financing and start construction at Terronera in 2018.

The story of silver is unique as it is the most used precious metal in industrial applications, last year consuming nearly 600 million ounces and posting its first increase since 2013. Everything we as consumers touch electronically essentially has silver inside, from our cars, homes, offices, technology and increasingly in healthcare. The fall in identifiable investment, in my opinion, is the primary reason why we are seeing prices at these low levels. The investment side of the silver equation is not where it once was. Using the US as an example, it has low unemployment and 4 percent GDP growth coupled with a very strong stock market. Many people are not turning to hard assets as an investment. So, while prices of the metal are not as

MICHAEL DIRIENZO Executive Director of The Silver Institute

expensive as they once were, we do see a recovery down the road, from value buyers and especially if and when the economy starts to falter.

Silver prices have definitely reached a peak. As 60 percent of silver is produced from base metals mines, if we do not see investment in base metals, the supply of silver will be affected. If supply is cut down, the price of this commodity will go up. I think that in the near and long terms the prices of silver will rise. Gold is a very important part of our company; our revenues consist of 55-60 percent gold income and the rest is from silver. If the silver industry picks up, we will be more than happy to step up our participation in silver streaming. At the moment, about two-thirds of our opportunities are gold-focused. I do not think we will venture in other base metals, as we try to keep our business model as simple as we can. We seek high-quality and long-life assets with high revenue margins to deliver the best exposure to precious metals to our clients. We are sticking to our specialty.

RANDY SMALLWOOD President and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals

Santa Barbara mine, Chihuahua



Copper has proven to be the most stable of the base metals group, given the solid

forecast for Chinese economic growth. Despite expectations, Beijing’s ban on copper scrap imports has had little impact on the brown metal’s market dynamics. But experts predict a bigger effect from the US-China trade war since the Asian country accounts for 45 percent of global demand for the metal. Copper reached its 2018 peak on July 10 with a price of US$6,307/t.

Meanwhile, according to LME’s trading summary, zinc’s price fluctuated between US$2,300/t and US$2,700/t in the first eight months of 2018. Lead remained between the US$2,000/t and US$2,100/t mark. But among all base metals, lithium is expected to perform the best thanks to the rising demand for electric vehicles and energy storage applications. Mexico could be the next hot spot for the metal, with the biggest lithium carbonate deposit of the world right in the heart of Sonora.

Oxidation rates may be the common factor among base metals but as far as markets go, these minerals follow widely different trajectories. This chapter offers an insider’s perspective into the opportunities and challenges that leading basemetal producers and explorers face.




ANALYSIS: Mexico: the World’s Next Lithium Supplier?


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fernando Alanís, Industrias Peñoles


MAP: Mexico's Main Base Metals Mines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Darren Blasutti, Americas Silver Corporation


INFOGRAPHIC: Copper Supply in Review


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Antonio Berlanga, Telson Mining Corporation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Peter Secker, Bacanora Lithium


MINE SPOTLIGHT: Sonora Lithium


INSIGHT: Darren Pylot, Capstone Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Tony Rovira, Azure Minerals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Philip Pyle, Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mike McAllister, Sierra Metals


ROUNDTABLE: What are the Main Factors Shaping Base Metals Demand?


MEXICO: THE WORLD’S NEXT LITHIUM SUPPLIER? Lithium was first discovered as a chemical element in 1817 and has since been put to various uses. Infamously, it was used to treat so-called urate imbalances, which were thought to lead to conditions such as mania and depression. Far from its medicinal properties, lithium is now finding new uses in emerging technologies


The lightest metal in the world, appetite for lithium is

Alongside demand, lithium prices have enjoyed consistent

growing as technology demands long-lasting batteries to

growth after recovering from a stagnation toward the end

power tech innovations such as electric vehicles. But its

of the first decade of the century. In 2011 the average price

steady demand may not be enough to keep prices high in

of lithium was US$3,870/t and by 2015 it had climbed to

the midterm with operators now eager to increase supply.

US$6,500/t. Between 2017 and 2018, lithium’s value surged to US$16,500/t in 2018, up 81.3 percent from US$9,100/t in

According to the USGS Mineral Commodity Summaries

2017. According to Reuters, price increases are expected

2018 report, portable electronic devices, electric tools

to continue in 2019.

and grid storage applications are factors that contribute to demand for the metal, not to mention lithium’s broad

China remains the king of demand but the US is on the

scope in medicine and pharmaceutics. “Lithium, mainly

rise. “If Tesla, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler continue

used in batteries, will continue to enjoy steady demand,”

to incorporate electric vehicles, the US could become the

says Alejandra Torijano, Country Manager of Agilent

third-biggest market after China and Germany,” says Peter

Technologies. “Also, the biggest electric car producer in

Secker, CEO of Bacanora Lithium, which will operate the

the world, Tesla, has announced it will focus on Mexico and

upcoming Sonora Lithium project, with feasibility studies

the country’s lithium supply.”

forecasting 17,500t/y lithium carbonate. But while electric cars have been the catalyst for the light metal’s demand,


increasing supply could produce a dramatic price drop in the midterm.

SUPPLY DYNAMICS The fast rise in demand had producers unable to adjust production as quickly, which resulted in a supply shortage that caused a rise in prices. But Rick Rule, President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings, says there is more than enough lithium in the ground to meet demand. “There is no shortage of lithium, rather a shortage of lithium processing capability, and the industry is working very hard to increase productive

46% Batteries 27% Ceramics and glass Other Lubricating greases Air treatment 7%uses production Continuous 5% Polymer casting mold flux powders 4% Continuous casting mold flux powders Lubricating greases treatment Polymer 2% Airproduction uses Ceramics 9% Other Batteries and glass Source: USGS

capacity, which will fix this problem,” he says. Tight supply in Australian spodumene imports to China meant the Chinese spot lithium carbonate prices increased, ranging from US$15,000-24,000/t. Average fixed contracts in the rest of the world experienced lower prices due to a diversified supply. “For large fixed contracts, Industrial Minerals reported an annual average US lithium carbonate price of $13,900 per metric ton in 2017,” says USGS. However, that still represents

An analysis by Statista on the projection of total worldwide

a 61 percent increase from average 2016 prices.

lithium demand from 2017 to 2025 argues that the metal’s demand growth of the last couple of years is expected to


continue in the medium term. The statistics organization

Continuous exploration has allowed an increase in lithium

reports a total worldwide demand in 2018 of 252,653

deposit findings worldwide by more than 53 million tons.

tons of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE), a figure

According to USGS 2018, the main lithium powerhouse ranking

forecasted to reach 300,000t/y by the end of 2021 and

has Argentina leading on resources, followed by Bolivia, Chile,

422,600t/y by 2025.

China, the US, Australia and Canada.









Canada 1.9

Mexico, Brazil





DRC, Russia, Serbia














Source: USGS


Although Mexico did not take one of the top spots for lithium

many trendy metals, like rhodium, rare earth elements,

resources, the state of Sonora is thought to hold one the largest

molybdenum and lithium now, a few times. We do not

lithium clay deposits in the world, which is both scalable and

feel the hype is sustainable over the long term as prior

high-grade. But Bacanora’s project may be a cautionary tale

experience has taught us,” he says.

for operators looking to mine lithium in the short term as the costs are high and the construction time long. “It will cost


US$420 million to build the plant over 18 months,” says Secker.

Lithium producers, however, believe the demand is there.

“We plan to start production by 2020. We have been working

“Lithium is the fastest-growing commodity in the world

on this project for 10 years and operating our pilot plant over

and demand is increasing 17 percent annually,” says Secker.

the last four years. It has taken us a long time to get to where

“We think that lithium demand will continue to grow 15-20

we are.” It has already signed several off-take agreements with

percent up to 2025 and grow 10 percent thereafter. Solar

Japanese company Hanwa and The Sovereign Wealth Fund

and wind energy will also play a role in demand as their

of The Sultanate of Oman (SRGF).

presence in the market continues to grow.”

The metal cannot come out of the ground fast enough

But Rule says although expectations for the metal are high,

so securing these agreements for lithium has become a

it has its drawbacks just like any other commodity. “Lithium

top priority for technology companies around the world.

is the flavor of the month at the moment for several reasons,

“Strategic alliances and joint ventures among technology

the most important being that people have not yet lost

companies and exploration companies continued to be

money on it in a prior market downcycle,” he says. “This

established to ensure a reliable, diversified supply of lithium

means investors are generally unburdened by caution when

for battery suppliers and vehicle manufacturers,” reports

it comes to this metal and there are no bad expectations.”

the USGS. For example, Sociedad Química y Minera (SQM), Chile’s leading producer, partnered with the Australian

While lithium production is forecasted to keep growing, it is

company Kidman Sources in striving to diversify supply

worth bearing in mind the importance of maintaining a healthy

with the Mt Holland project. This operation will be in the

balance between lithium supply and demand. Otherwise, it

city of Perl and is expected to start producing an estimate

could meet a fate similar to that of cobalt, especially given the

of 40,000t/y lithium carbonate equivalent by 2021.

number of substitutes that exist for lithium. Out of concern for future prices and demand of cobalt, as well as the fact that


most cobalt is mined in the DRC and linked to human rights

While new lithium projects, such as Sonora Lithium and the

violations, Tesla reduced the content used in its batteries to

Mt Holland project, are helping guarantee a healthy supply;

the minimum and replaced it with nickel.

analysts at Morgan Stanley forecast that the demand boom of the last decade will be insufficient to keep prices steady.

Should the stability of lithium prices be questioned in

This could lead to a severe 45 percent price-drop by 2021

the future, global battery producer giants may choose to

to US$7,332/t, from 2017’s average of US$13,375/t.

diversify away from it as well. However, Ken Brinsden, CEO of Australian lithium miner Pilbara Minerals believes there

Darren Blasutti, President and CEO of Americas Silver

may be many more potential uses for the metal aside from

Corporation, warns about the fictitious promises of trendy

batteries. “I am firmly of the view that everyone, including

minerals, such as lithium is today. “I have been in the

Morgan Stanley, is grossly underestimating how quickly the

mining industry since 1994. In this time, there have been

market is moving on the demand side,” he says.




Q: How optimistic is Industrias Peñoles regarding industry

technical support and help our clients make sure that zinc is

growth, considering the volatility of the sector?

up to par with their operational requirements.

A: There are many people within the mining industry who speculate but few who actually understand what

Q: How close is the Rey de Plata project to starting

is happening. Precious metals are highly volatile and


companies cannot change their plans every time there

A: This project has already finished its exploration phase

is an unexpected change. Successful companies need to

and will go into production in 2019. It is located in Guerrero,

have a long-term vision and not let themselves get carried

an area complicated by security issues but we are making

away by the ups and downs of the price cycle. We need to

sure to work hand-in-hand with surrounding communities

focus on the few things we can control such as reducing

to avoid problems and by proving the economic and labor

costs, increasing productivity and being highly efficient

opportunities the mine can bring to the region.

and everything else will fall into place. Companies that follow these rules can obviously still be impacted by a

We prioritize CSR because we understand that all mines will

sudden drop in prices but they will be strong enough to

eventually come to a close as minerals are a finite resource.

survive the volatility.

Our goal is to avoid creating ghost towns after a project is closed and we put into action several strategies to assure

Q: Why is the company taking a bet on zinc by investing in

this. For example, in Durango we helped the community

the expansion of its refining plant in Torreon?

start a trout farm and the project has successfully become

A: We believe that Mexico is in an optimal position to refine

an economic pillar for the area. This community now exports

zinc. The North American market is experiencing a zinc deficit

to South and Central America and we know that when we

but Mexico has a surplus of the metal. The main markets

close the mine in the area, the people will not suffer negative

for zinc are automotive, construction and home appliance

economic consequences. We are developing a similar model

manufacturers because the metal can prevent steel corrosion.

in Guerrero by teaching the community new abilities parallel

The US is one of the biggest consumers in the world for zinc

to the development of the mine. Peñoles is also offering

thanks to its growing infrastructure industry.

young people technical careers and incorporating them into the mine. We just started the advanced construction phase

In response, we are investing US$327 million in our refining

of Rey de Plata and we are building the plant and continuing

plant in Torreon to increase production to 360,000 tons from

civil works. We installed 35km of electricity lines without

240,000 tons. We export the material to various countries

any problems. The mine also has the main equipment it

and regions around the world, such as the US, Europe, Central

will require for production. This project is important to us

and South America. The expansion is almost completed and

as it will produce gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc with a

we are collaborating with Outotec, a company that serves a

milling capacity of 4500t/d. It is not the company’s first

wide variety of sectors, to incorporate new technology into

time working in Guerrero and we are happy to be back in

the plant. The project is expected to be completed in May

the state.

2018. A large portion of the additional product being refined will be sent to the US.

Q: What does the company foresee for its other projects in development?

We are completely self-sufficient and can do everything from

A: Los Humos, a project in Sonora, is in the final stage of

production to processing and refining. The company has a

exploration and we hope that by the end of 2018 or the

commercial office in Connecticut and various warehouses

beginning of 2019 we will have completed its feasibility

around the US. Sixty percent of the zinc we refine is adapted

studies. By this time, we will be able to decide whether it is

to the specific needs of our clients. We can also provide

a viable project. We have invested a lot into exploring this

project and find it to be complicated because it consists of

A: There are four key principles that companies should always

disseminated copper.

invest in no matter the price cycle to assure success: security, technology, training and maintenance. These elements are

We also have an additional series of projects in place to

sacred to us and even in times of dire budget restrictions,

optimize our current mines. Velardeña has been a success

we do not cut costs in these divisions. We understand the

over the last five years and we are investing US$56 million

importance of having trained people who know how to use

into increasing production to 8,000t/d from 6,000t/d. This is

technology safely. There is no other way to do business.

the main supplier of zinc for our refining plant in Torreon and we benefit from its proximity to Torreon and key highways.

We are investing in developing our main training facility in Velardeña where we will have state-of-the-art technology

We are updating the mine technologically and we are proud to

and simulators. We use cabins to educate our operators for

say that 20 percent of the operators in the mine are women.

several weeks and have them simulate a variety of situations

We are pioneers in Mexico when it comes to giving women

that are likely to occur in every day operations. The

opportunities in the sector. Many doors are opening in the

training center will certify operators through governmental

industry for women thanks to the automation of operations

programs that teach them how to properly handle machines

as this reduces the need for physical labor and increases the

and carry out maintenance. This training helps keep our

need for intelligence and expertise. Overall, we are proud to

mines safe and productive. It is part of the secret recipe

say that we have 597 professionals working with us who are

behind our high levels of production, reduced costs and

women plus 200 from unions of a total of 3,000 employees.

employee retention.

Every year we want to incorporate more women but we do not believe in the 50/50 gender equity rule. We simply seek

Q: What does the country need to become a more

talent and women have a lot to offer the industry. It keeps our

competitive mining jurisdiction?

company dynamic and offers a fresh perspective. Thanks to

A: To experience a boost in the industry, Mexico truly

this philosophy our legal department currently consists of 62

needs clearer public policies. The automotive industry

percent women and our finance and audit departments 52

is a good example of this. Many years ago, someone saw

and 54 percent respectively.

the potential Mexico had in the automotive industry and decided to establish a series of public policies to incentivize

Q: How do you achieve long-term goals considering the

the development of this sector. The country now plays an

volatility in the national and international context?

important role in the automotive sector thanks to the vision

A: Our company is over 100 years old and is used to constant

this person established. The mining industry in Mexico needs

change and turbulence. We even had to overcome the

a similar set of actions to take full advantage of the potential

Mexican revolution. Peñoles finds that volatility is a normal

of the mining sector.

part of the industry. The landscape may always be in flux but the country’s mineral deposits will always remain, as will

To see more projects in the country, we need less jurisdictional

demand for this material.

volatility to incentivize investment because mining law plays a crucial role in competitivity. The results of the Frasier Institute

We are strong believers in having a long-term vision and

Report are a clear example of this. In 2011, Mexico’s mining

making sure everything is congruent with our goals. With a

sector experienced US$15 billion in investment, a record

clear vision and consistency in commitments, great things can

high, while in 2017 it dropped to US$3 billion thanks to the

be achieved. From the beginning, we knew that we wanted

changes in the law. Considering that the industry requires

to be an international leader in the industry and this vision is

a long-term investment, public policies should also have a

reflected in everything we do.

long-term vision.

There are four main factors that differentiate us from the rest:

One of the biggest issues is that exploration is no longer

the quality of our products, our processes, the excellence

deductible in a year, which is something common in countries

of our team and the ethical manner in which we manage

like Australia and Canada. Exploration is the core of mining

our business. To achieve excellence, an operator must not

and a drop in investment will negatively impact the industry.

only demand it from its collaborators but also incorporate

These kinds of policies need to be adjusted.

processes that uphold this benchmark from recruitment to training and development. This applies to everything. It sounds simple but congruency is not easy to put into practice.

Industrias Peñoles is a 100 percent-owned subsidiary of Grupo BAL. The group is the largest gold and lead producer in Latin

Q: How would you describe the key factors behind Industrias

America and through its subsidiary, Fresnillo, the largest silver

Peñoles’ success?

producer in the world






4 5

7 8 9 15

98 10



1 16

World Class Deposits






Production Development 20

Advanced Exploration


Under Review 22

Exploration Number







El Arco

Americas Mining Corporation



Baja California


El Boleo

Korea Resources-Baja Mining



Baja California Sur



Minera Frisco











Buenavista del Cobre

Americas Mining Corporation





El Pilar

Americas Mining Corporation





La Caridad

Americas Mining Corporation





San Antonio/ Luz de Cobre

Red Tiger Mining






Americas Mining Corporation





Sonora Lithium

Bacanora Lithium





Los Verdes

Minera Alamos


Under Review



Piedras Verdes

Invecture Group






Industrias Peñoles





Santa Eulalia

Americas Mining Corporation

Zinc, Lead




Las Cristinas

Cyprium Mining




Source: SGM, company websites

25 26 27








Sierra Metals/Jinchuan Group






Sierra Metals





San Francisco del Oro

Minera Frisco





Santa Barbara

Americas Mining Corporation












Telson Resources






Avino Silver & Gold






Minera Frisco






Aura Minerals

Copper, Gold, Silver




San Martin

Americas Mining Corporation

Zinc, Copper, Lead




Francisco I Madero

Industrias Peñoles






Capstone Mining





San Nicolás

Teck Resources





Americas Mining Corporation



San Luis Potosi


29 23 24

29 28 30


32 34 33





Minera Frisco






Carrizal Mining






Americas Mining Corporation





La Balsa

Minera Montoro






Industrias Peñoles

Lead, Zinc, Copper


State of Mexico



Americas Mining Corporation







Q: With zinc prices rallying, what is your midterm outlook

people, and when including the supply chain and indirect

for the metal and how is Americas Silver positioned to

employment, the community recognizes how much of a

take advantage?

benefit the mine provides.

A: We have been very bullish on zinc. We just built a new zinc-silver-lead mine, San Rafael in Sinaloa, which came

More broadly, the main challenges when investing in Mexico

online in December 2017 and is now ramping up. Our

can be seen as common to almost all jurisdictions. Property

internal estimates envision zinc prices averaging about

rights issues can be a challenge since the system can be

US$1.40/lb over the next three years. Even though those

formalistic and rather cumbersome. Sometimes it is not

prices are not as high as the prices we are seeing today, as

clear who has what interest in a property and the process

an average this number makes us very bullish on the metal.

for a final determination can take a very long time while

We see strong deterrents on the supply side with respect

having significant implications. We have worked through

to environmental regulations and dropping grades in China.

this and feel that things are getting better with both the

These are all factors we believe will continue. We also see

system and our familiarity with it.

dynamism from the offtake side. We signed a four-year contract with Glencore, which would have been unheard of

We have a good workers’ union, which has been

two years ago. We will produce about 45 million pounds of

understanding of the dynamics of our business. For

zinc in 2018 from our Sinaloa mine and rising in 2019. This

example, we had 450 people working here when we took

compares to 9 million pounds in 2017.

over the company and, unfortunately, we had to lay off 220 people in the first few months. We did this with every

Q: In terms of diversification, to what extent have you

intention of re-hiring these people as soon as the company

looked to emerging metals like lithium that are surging

turned around. We stuck to our word and now our staffing

in demand?

levels are up to more than 300. There is a chance that this

A: I have been in the mining industry since 1994. In this time,

will climb further when Zone 120 comes online.

there have been many trendy metals, like rhodium, rare earth elements, molybdenum and now lithium. We do not feel the

Another challenge is finding a balance in our community

hype is sustainable over the long term, as prior experience

activities and investments. For example, if the local

has taught us. Right now, lithium and cobalt are doing well,

government requests resources for a certain activity

but molybdenum is not. We understand the supply-demand

or project, we must consider how our contribution

fundamentals of the metals we are involved in. That being

will be valued by the community. It may be better to

said, we are very bullish on zinc, lead and copper and we

independently take on projects that directly benefit our

will be a very fast follower, increasing our brownfield and

closest stakeholders. We are happy to contribute and

shutting down silver production when prices go up.

ensure that all people in the towns we operate in get value from the mine. But we also want the community

Q: How would you evaluate the operating environment

to see that we are the source of this contribution and

in Sinaloa?

this is not always clear with government-run initiatives,

A: Our CSR strategy is always based on quality employment

including the Mining Fund.

opportunities. In terms of the Sinaloa property, much of the groundwork was already done by Scorpio Mining, the company we acquired, and it did a fantastic job in laying

Americas Silver Corporation is a leading junior silver producer

the company’s foundations in the area. Cosala is a small

with a strong operating platform in the Americas. With the

community and a substantial portion of its GDP comes

recently constructed San Rafael mine in full production, it is

from our activities in the area. We employ around 350

positioned to become one of the lowest-cost silver producers



COPPER SUPPLY IN REVIEW After four years of ups and downs, copper prices

refined production in 2019, followed by the Democratic

finally experience a promising forecast with an average

Republic of Congo (DRC). Chile leads worldwide

US$6,166/t in 2017 and an expected of US$6800/t by

production, while Mexico stands in 7th position with a

2H19, according to LME and Kitco. But global production

total production in 2017 of 742,246 tons, a 3.1 percent

suffered a setback, falling 2 percent in 2017 compared to

decrease compared to the 766,129 tons produced in

2016, a total of 19.7 million tons. The International Copper

2016. Grupo México remained the biggest producer in

Study Group (ICSG) predicts a global copper production

the country and the 7th worldwide. Sonora produced 84.1

growth of 3 percent in 2018, which will remain unchanged

percent of the total national production in 2017, mainly

in 2019. China, the biggest end-use copper consumer, is

due to the contribution of the Buenavista del Cobre and

also expected to remain the biggest contributor to world

La Caridad mines.


TOP PRODUCING MUNICIPALITIES 2017 (Percentage Share) Cananea




Nacozari de Garcia 18.2


Alamos 3.7


Villa de la Paz 3.6


Santa Cruz 2.7


Morelos 2.6


Mulege 2.3


Mazapil 2.1


San Javier 1.3


Sombrerete 0.9



total national production


total national production of cathode copper


total production of new project pipeline

▪▪ Concentrated national production of the top 10 mines, 2017

▸▸ National production of cathode copper per mine in 2017








• New project pipeline (*Expected production date)





——Avarage price on LME (US$/t)














5 4,855

























Total copper mine production (thousand tons)




▪▪ Buenavista del Cobre | Americas Mining Corporation




25,796 21,782






million tons total global production in 2017



27.1% Chile 12.1% Peru 9.4% China 6.4% US 4.7% Australia 4.3% DRC 3.8% Zambia 3.8% Mexico 3.3% Indonesia 3.1% Canada 22% Others




| 318,900

▪▪ La Caridad | Americas Mining Corporation | 106,300 • *2019 – Pilares | Americas Mining Corporation | 35,000 • *2020 – Buenavista-Zinc | Americas Mining Corporation | 20,000

• N.D – El Pilar | Americas Minig Corporation | 35,000

▸▸Buenavista del Cobre | Americas Mining Corporation | 111,700

▸▸La Caridad | Americas Mining Corporation | 28,400 ▸▸Cobre de Mayo | Invecture Group | 20,000 ▸▸Milpilas | Industrias Peñoles | 19,900 ▸▸María | Minera Frisco | 2,100 ▸▸El Boleo | Kores-Camrova Resources | 19,900 ▪▪ Bolívar | Sierra Metals | 6,800 • *2018 – Tahuehueto | Telson Resources | 400



▪▪Cozamin | Capstone Mining | 16,700 ▪▪Tayahua | Minera Frisco | 14,500 ▪▪Sabinas | Industrias Peñoles | 6,600 ▪▪ NEMISA | NM Santa Maria de la Paz | 24,400 ▪▪Charcas | Americas Mining Corporation | 3,100


▪▪Zimapán | Carrizal Mining | 10,000 ▪▪ La Negra | Kootenay - Pan American | 5,700


total production in tons


2.3% Baja

California Sur

1.4% Chihuahua 0.7% Durango 1.7% Others

Sources: Statista, Macrotrends,CAMIMEX



Refined usage

Refined production

Mine production

Refined usage

Refined production

Mine production

Refined usage

84.1% Sonora 5.6% Zacatecas 4.2% San Luis

Refined production



Mine production

• *2019 – Rey de Plata | Industrias Peñoles | 7,000 • *2022 – Media Luna | Torex Gold | 21,000


Use by regions

Africa North America Latin America

Asean-10/ Oceania

Asia ex Asean/ CIS

Asia-CIS EU Europe Others




Q: What were the main factors behind the company’s

surrounding communities, which in my opinion is the best

decision to purchase Campo Morado, a mine that had been

way to mitigate safety risks.

closed for several years? A: Its potential, resources, infrastructure and areas of

Q: What are your projections for the Tahuehueto mine in

opportunity were the main factors behind our decision. We

the short term?

carefully analyzed the reasons behind its closure in January

A: We want to start production by 4Q18 at a rate of 1,000t/d.

2015 and determined that an improved operational strategy

We have already completed exploration and feasibility

and establishing a strong relationship with surrounding

studies, acquired the necessary permits and purchased

communities could make it viable. For instance, the previous

equipment. Pre-production toll milling from Tahuehueto

owner focused on zinc and processing a mix of mineral

processed 9,503 tons of ore at the Atocha Mill during 1Q18

concentrates from various deposits that required more

for an average of 106t/d, and during construction we will

equipment, personnel and costs as each body has unique

continue to produce around 150t/d in this plant. This small

geological characteristics. We decided to instead mine and

volume of production generates approximately U$1.5 million

process mineral from a single deposit and to only exploit

in sales per month. We were also able to close an offtake

areas with profitable grades of gold, silver, lead and copper

agreement with Trafigura for US$15 million that we are

to reduce costs. We do this even if the deposit has less zinc

using to complete the costs of construction, which started

as it could encompass profitable minerals that were ignored

in January 2018. The project has significant geological

by previous owners.

potential that we will continue to explore through mine development projects. We believe it has the potential to

We also optimized by requiring less than 50 percent of the

be one of the biggest mines in the country.

600 collaborators the mine once needed for operations. Our experience and human capital allowed us to start production

Q: What does Mexico need to increase its global position

in less than four months after acquiring the project. We had

as a top gold producer?

to first thoroughly analyze the maintenance needs of the

A: We need to increase our level of exploration investment

mine and plant. In the first phase of production, we expect

to the level we had five years ago. The country needs to be

to produce 1400t/d by processing with an autogenous

more competitive to attract more FDI. One of the biggest

mill that does not require steel balls. In February, we will

limitations is the fact that exploration companies can no

increase production to 2000t/d by adding steel balls. In

longer deduct projects in the first year. This caused many

the first month we will be able to produce 56,000 tons,

players to leave the country due to the clack of capital. The

including 1,037 tons of lead concentrates and 2,453 tons

new mining taxes are equally affecting production along with

of zinc concentrates.

the mining fund. These were created with a good intention but are failing to meet their objectives as communities are not

Q: How did you mitigate the security risks of the area?

receiving any benefits. In response, mining companies are,

A: The company mitigated these risks by reaching out to the

as always, continuing to prioritize surrounding communities

community as soon as a preliminary agreement was signed.

and we are working with authorities to make Mexico a more

All the people we spoke to unanimously said yes and were

attractive place to invest in.

eager to help us reopen the mine as soon as possible. These communities and local authorities recognize the positive impact and development that mines can foment. Before

Telson Mining Corporation is a junior resource company

Campo Morado, Arcelia was a town and it grew to become a

advancing two projects: Tahuehueto in Durango and Campo

dynamic and safe city when the mine arrived. Our outreach

Morado in Guerrero. After three years of inactivity, Telson

helped us start the project on a very good note with the

recommenced operations at Campo Morado in October 2017





Q: Why did Bacanora Lithium choose Mexico to start its

project for almost 10 years and operating our pilot plant

next lithium project?

over the last four years. It has taken us a long time to get

A: We first came to Mexico over 12 years ago, exploring

to where we are.

for borates and other industrial minerals. One of the main indicators of borate is lithium so we sampled a number of

Our pilot plant was created to demonstrate to our off-

outcrops for lithium as well as borates. The lithium project

taker, Hanwa, and to our Japanese manufacturers that the

in Sonora was sampled as part of a regional exploration

quality of the material in Mexico is just as good or better

program about nine years ago and was found to be rich

than anything else in the world. Our goal is to continue

in lithium and so became our priority exploration project

producing high-quality material, at 99.5 percent quality, at

in 2009. Over the past seven years we have continued to

low operating costs. The Sonora project has low operating

sample, drill and evaluate and we now have one of the

costs, which at US$4,000/t makes us as competitive as

biggest lithium deposits in the world.

the best mines in Chile. The company also differentiates itself by having an operating team in Hermosillo and an

Our experience of working in Mexico, especially in Sonora,

off-taker that is also an equity investor. It is one of the

has been extremely positive. The government has been

most advanced lithium projects in the world.

supportive, as have the workforce and landowners. Infrastructure is good and there is a wealth of industrial

The Sonora Lithium project has completed its

support and skilled labor.

Environmental Impact Assessment and received CONAGUA water permits. Our plant design is based on

Global lithium supply is about 250,000t/y and Bacanora’s goal is to produce 17,500t/y, which means it would cover 7 percent of world supply by 2020

the best environmental standards. Q: What financial model is the company using to finance the project? A: We are a public company, listed in London, with a strong shareholder base that includes BlackRock, M&G and our offtake partner Hanwa, each with a 10 percent shareholding. We plan to finance the project with a combination of debt

Q: What steps is the company taking to start production

and equity. The equity will come from our shareholders

on the Sonora project?

and debt from project finance banks. Lithium is quickly

A: We finished the bankable feasibility studies in December

becoming more and more popular thanks to the steady

2017 that outline the construction of the plant that will

growth of Asian demand. Some 95 percent of the world’s

produce 17,500t/y of lithium carbonate. It will cost US$420

lithium batteries are manufactured in Asia.

million to build the plant over 18 months. Processing at the plant is quite standard but we are trying to accelerate

We are the only lithium company listed on the London

the development to be the next producer and we plan to

AIM market. Our shareholder base has always been very

start production by 2020. We have been working on this

London-centric and this is where we see the biggest financial support. In the long term, we might consider joining the BMV but our focus is to start production first

Bacanora Lithium is focused on developing the world’s next

and grow our cashflow.

major lithium project in Mexico. It is commercializing the world-class Sonora Lithium project, which benefits from large,

Q: What other projects does the company have in

scalable and high-grade lithium resources

its pipeline?


A: We have another project in Germany that we picked

In terms of world supply, Chile is the largest producer

up a year ago and are conducting a feasibility study. Our

of downstream lithium products, followed by Argentina.

plan is to use our project in Mexico to serve the Asian

Australia is the largest producer of lithium concentrates

market and our project in Germany to supply the German

that are sent to China for downstream processing.

automotive industry in 2023 or 2024. Trends in demand will depend on how the market continues Global lithium supply is about 250,000t/y and our goal

to react to electric vehicles. China is being particularly

is to produce 17,500t/y, which means Bacanora will cover

aggressive and has sold 1 million electric vehicles. It plans

7 percent of world supply by 2020. We plan to maintain

to sell 2 million per year by 2020 and 7 million per year

this production for a couple of years while we build our

by 2025. In parallel, German companies such as BMW and

Germany project that will add 10,000 tons. Meanwhile, we

Volkswagen will be 25 percent electric by 2025 as well.

will strive to double the capacity in Sonora to 35,000 tons

There is a great deal of clarity regarding demand up to

by 2025. This would make us the world’s third-largest

2025. We think that lithium demand will continue to grow

lithium producer.

15-20 percent up to 2025 and grow 10 percent thereafter. Post 2025, renewable energies such as solar and wind

Q: How will demand for lithium change in the long term?

power will start to play a larger role in demand as their

A: Lithium is the fastest-growing battery commodity in

presence in the market continues to grow. The world will

the world and demand is increasing 17 percent annually.

need large grid storage batteries that are lithium-based.



SONORA LITHIUM The world’s demand for lithium carbonate is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years thanks to the rise of electric vehicles, given that their batteries are estimated to require 25-50kg of the mineral. A mine can take up to 20 years between the first exploration stage, drilling, permitting and construction of the mine. With this in mind, keeping one step ahead of the projected boom, Bacanora Lithium is positioning itself one step ahead of its competitors with its flagship Sonora Lithium project. 109

The project is estimated to be one of the largest deposits of lithium in the world and the London Stock Exchangelisted company is focused on bringing it into production by 2020. Its 2017 feasibility study calculates the project will have 8.8 million tons of lithium carbonate resources. The same study suggests the project can produce battery-grade lithium carbonate at an average operating cost of US$3,910/t, placing it among the lowest-cost producers in the world. But the high expectations for the Sonora Lithium project are rooted in more than its enticing feasibility studies. Bacanora Lithium has already been producing samples at its pilot plant for the last three years. The high-grade products have made it possible for the project to secure capital from the likes of Hanwa and BlackRock. After seeing the quality of the samples, the Japanese trading house signed an offtake agreement with Bacanora Lithium to buy up to 100 percent of the mine’s production, while also becoming a major shareholder in the company. The Sovereign Wealth Fund of The Sultanate of Oman (SGRF) also signed an offtake agreement for 13,000t/y of lithium carbonate, including a conditional commitment to invest US$65 million in the company. Considering that the project has not even started production and it has already caught the attention of such important investors, the Sonora Lithium project is expected to hit the ground running. Considering the deposit’s close proximity to the tech developers in San Francisco’s Silicon Valley, the project’s competitive advantages continue stacking up. And now other fastgrowing sectors are also starting to have an appetite for lithium. As the need for renewable energy grows so does the need for energy-storage applications. Around 500kg of lithium are required to store just one MWh of power. Against this backdrop, the global lithium-ion battery market is expected to soar from US$17.5 billion to US$70 billion by 2020, the same year that the Sonora project is expected to come online.




Mining models are fundamentally different from any

resources in the Mala Noche Footwall Zone, bringing the

other industry. For example, operators do not see fellow

total measured and indicated for all drilling up to March

operators as their competition but rather partners that

19, 2018, to 217,000 tons of contained copper,” says Pylot.

can add value to projects, says Darren Pylot, President

“Based on the exploration success we have seen at Cozamin,

and CEO of Capstone Mining. “Mining is a very capital-

we increased the brownfield exploration cost guidance an

intensive business and the industry is seeing increasing

additional US$2 million to a total of US$9 million for 2018.”

joint ventures to share infrastructure costs to bring new projects online,” he says.

Due to variations in copper prices, in 2018 Capstone branched out to start mining the previously undeveloped

In Capstone’s case, at its Cozamin mine, it has an agreement

San Rafael zinc zone at Cozamin to take advantage of

with Endeavour Silver to allow both companies access to

the elevated zinc prices and fill some of the mill’s excess

abutting land. Capstone has reaped the benefits of this

capacity. “This additional zinc production has allowed us

partnership by being able to carry out an intensive drilling

to lower our overall costs by increasing our by-product

program at Cozamin with significant exploration success.

credits,” says Pylot. “LME zinc inventories are at historic

“In mid-2018, we updated Cozamin’s Mineral Resource

lows and we continue to believe zinc prices will remain

converting an additional 115,000 tons of indicated copper

strong over the short and medium term.”



Q: In 2017, Azure Minerals made two investments. What

sources. For example, there is a mineral belt in Australia

are your expectations for these?

with low-grade cobalt concentrations but it is very difficult

A: We acquired the Alacrán Project from Teck Resources

and expensive to extract. Another major source is in the

in 2014 and we discovered two high-grade silver and gold

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) but the jurisdiction

deposits. In 2016, Teck Resources exercised a clause in

raises concerns about the way cobalt is extracted and its

our partnership agreement to buy back into the project

human cost. Having another source of high-grade cobalt is

and be the operator. As a result, we needed to find a

important, so we are really excited about the advantages

new project. In 2017, we bought two new projects that

of mining cobalt in Mexico.

met our criteria of being high-grade, near to surface and hosting advanced-stage deposits. Oposura in Sonora is

Q: What are the main challenges that exploration in Mexico

high-grade zinc and silver, starts at surface and has some

faces and what projects interest Azure Minerals the most?

significant exploration that was carried out in the 1970s

A: We are always looking for new projects, both greenfield and

by Peñoles. We acquired it from local owners and have

brownfield. As we want to stay in the precious and base metals

been busy drilling it since September 2017. We are also

segments, we are convinced that Mexico has great potential.

running a preliminary economic assessment of its viability,

Also, we are very comfortable working in the northern states

which leads to a feasibility study; we hope to start mining

of Mexico and we have based our office in Hermosillo, Sonora.

it by 2019. This will be the catalyst for Azure Minerals’

I do not think we will be exploring in nontraditional mining

transition from an exploration company into a mining

states but that would depend on the project.

company. The Sara Alicia project, also in Sonora, is gold and cobalt. As the latter metal is seeing increased demand

Our experience with canceled mining concessions shows

for technological purposes, we have been looking for such

us that the country lacks fast turnaround times in making

a project in Mexico for a while. Its geological tenure is

more land available for exploration. Once Mexico does that,

very good. We purchased it from a Mexican family in late

more companies will come in, representing more income for

2017 and drilled in November of the same year, achieving

the government and more opportunities for exploration and

outstanding high-grade results. It may be the highest-

mining. There is a big part of Mexico waiting to be explored

grade cobalt exploration project in the world. We have

but companies cannot get access to concessions.

two very exciting projects and we hope to become both an explorer and an operator. We expect to be investing

Q: Is the company considering a listing on other stock

US$6 million in exploration over the next year.

exchanges besides the ASX? A: We have discussed the possibility of listing on other

Q: Given increased battery use, what is your forecast

stock exchanges, especially in Canada. We have not yet

for cobalt?

researched the BMV, but perhaps it can be an option one

A: We are getting a great deal of interest from investors for

day. The company needs representation in the countries in

both Oposura and Sara Alicia, mainly from North America,

which it is listed and to have people to speak on its behalf.

China and Europe. Sara Alicia is especially appealing given

It is more expensive and more time-consuming. But if done

the increased demand for cobalt. A German investment

properly, it can be really beneficial.

bank and an investment fund from New York have invested in Azure because of our cobalt project. We are convinced that cobalt is going to be in demand over the next couple

Azure Minerals is Australia’s leading mineral exploration company

of years. The price has risen from US$30,000/t in early

in Mexico. The company holds 100 percent ownership of several

2017 to more than US$90,000/t in early 2018, an indicator

high-quality, precious and base metals projects in northern Mexico

of the expectations for this metal, which has many different

and is on the pathway to mine development and production



JAPANESE INVESTOR LOOKING TO MEXICO FOR ZINC SUPPLY PHILIP PYLE Vice President Exploration Mexico of Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining


Q: What is the schedule for commencing production at

because Sunshine was focused on other projects as well

the Los Gatos project?

as Los Gatos. The companies realized it would need a

A: Production will begin in the latter part of 2018. We will

significant extra investment to take Los Gatos to the next

begin mining the ore at the end of 2018 and will begin

stage. We decided we would take the time to look for the

processing that ore around 2Q19. We should be in full

right association of investors to take the mine forward.

commercial production by July 2019. We have arranged all

The mine is very rich in zinc, producing almost as much

the financing and we are in the process of constructing the

value from the metal as it does from silver. We identified

office buildings, the mine support itself and the workers’

zinc-producing companies to evaluate their interest in

camp. We are also in the process of commencing the

participation. The one that materialized quickest was DOWA.

earthworks for the processing plant. The company is already a 30 percent participant in Peùoles’

The overall pre-production capital costs for Los Gatos, according to the feasibility study, is US$316 million

Tizapa mine in the State of Mexico, and since this project

The overall pre-production capital costs for the project,

it needed to evaluate whether or not the zinc produced at

according to the feasibility study, is US$316 million. We

Los Gatos would be appropriate for its refinery as it requires

believe the actual capital cost will be slightly less than

very clean zinc concentrates. Luckily, the zinc at the mine

that. Seventy percent of the financing is coming from

has very few impurities.

was reaching the end of its lifespan, it was looking for more resources for its Akita zinc refinery in Japan. The refinery is one of the most up-to-date and efficient in the world but DOWA does not operate any mines and must import its ore. The company likes Mexico and sees it as a promising location. Prior to participation, it studied Los Gatos because

debt issuance to a consortium of Japanese banks, one of the lead banks being the Japanese Bank of International

This was still in the early stages, with only inferred resources,

Commerce. The remaining 30 percent of the financing is

so DOWA decided to fund a technical economic study, which

shared between the two operating partners. Since Sunshine

is essentially a PEA. This involves two drill holes to test

Silver owns 70 percent of the project and DOWA owns 30

metallurgy in more detail and the hiring of engineering firms

percent, both parties are supplying a proportional amount

to look at the feasibility of underground mining in the area.

of the remaining financing.

The study was completed in 2014 with a positive outcome and DOWA committed to spending US$50 million to complete

Q: How did the company obtain the trust of these Japanese

a feasibility study and earn its 30 percent interest in the


project. Normally, a feasibility study does not cost this much

A: The most important factor was the feasibility study. We

but we decided to also carry out a significant drilling program

were exploring at Cerro Los Gatos in 2008 and made the

to improve confidence in the resource, moving them from

discovery in 2009. We carried out a great deal of drilling

inferred to measured and indicated. We also had to buy one

between 2009 and 2012, and then we stopped for a period

of the ranches that was there as the project was located on private land. Additionally, we decided to construct a ramp at this stage for greater efficiency to access the mineralization.

Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining is a privately-held US-based

We took samples and ran several tons of material through a

silver company that is advancing its two main projects: the

pilot plant to demonstrate the viability of the crushing and

Sunshine Mine in Idaho and the Los Gatos Project in Chihuahua,

flotation process. When we took this bulk sample, we actually

as well as owning the Sunshine Precious Metals Refinery

saw higher grades than were predicted for the main mine.


CUSI DRILL PROGRAM SET TO DOUBLE PRODUCTION MIKE MCALLISTER Vice President of Corporate Development at Sierra Metals

Q: How has the growth in demand for zinc affected Sierra’s

build ramps and stopes there as we speak, so there is a lot

business strategy for the Cusi mine and what do you

of new opportunity.

predict will happen to zinc prices in the years to come? A: The epithermal zinc vein was found at surface and now

Q: Sierra was the first operator in Latin America to use

we have focused more at depth and we have found higher-

battery power. What spurred your decision to become a

grade silver. We underwent a geological re-interpretation

pioneer in this area?

this year and found a new area that could be mined called

A: The more battery equipment being used underground,

Santa Rosa de Lima. It starts at around 350m below surface

the less pollution there is, so it saves on certain costs such

and we are finding very good, 4m-average widths, with a

as ventilation. The benefits are twofold: one is that the

much higher grade of about 370g/t of equivalent silver.

air quality is better for the workers and the other is that

We have already progressed to this new zone and we are

ventilation costs are reduced. As well as having a social

ramping up our mill just to process the ore from this deposit.

benefit, it benefits the bottom line of the operator.

We are processing about 400t/d and we will be up to the mill capacity of 650t/d by April 2018. This represents a

Q: What cost-cutting strategies did you employ to halve

big step because our original target measured 700m strike

your net losses in the first nine months of 2017 compared

and 400m in depth, and we have already extended that to

to the same period in 2016?

1.7km of strike. We know this is part of a larger system that

A: We went through a period of maintenance in 2016. We

occurs along the Cusi fault, and we have 12km of the Cusi

replaced a lot of outdated equipment, we improved the

fault on our property.

grade and the amount of ore processed through the mill and we have used more modern methodologies. A lot of

We are drilling a lot more this year to extend the zone and

it comes down to the fact we are processing much more

we plan to ramp up production a great deal. We have also

material more efficiently with improved recoveries, which

purchased a used ball mill, which we hope to have installed

lowered operating costs.

by the end of the year, and this will double production to about 1,200t/d at the mine in January 2019. In terms of

Q: What is your view of Mexico’s political climate and the

CAPEX at Cusi, we will be spending about US$9 million in

availability of financing for mining?

total, which includes expenditure on the new mill, work on

A: There is some nervousness about the upcoming political

tailing facilities and on exploration drilling costs.

changes but overall, I think the climate is good. When speaking to the institutions that understand the industry,

Q: What have been the main advancements at the

there should be no trouble getting financing. For us,

Bolivar mine?

FIFOMI’s funding has been sufficient and has helped us

A: We had some equipment issues at Bolivar that we

with our working capital, but there are always complaints

corrected last year and we have also worked to improve

about the level of funding being constrained. I think a big

our recovery at the mill. We brought in 13 pieces of new,

company that is looking for much more financing may feel it

larger-scale equipment and we can now process about

is not enough. That being said, there are always alternative

3,000t/d. Similar to Cusi, we will install a used ball mill,

funding options available.

which will give us greater flexibility in terms of tonnage and grind size. By the end of 2018, Bolivar will be processing 3,500t/d. Bolivar is not only growing in terms of production;

Sierra Metals is a midtier precious and base metals producer in

we are also carrying out exploration work there. A survey

Latin America. It owns and operates three mines in commercial

of the property indicated a higher-grade material at the

production, including the Bolivar and Cusi mines in Mexico. It is

Bolivar West and Northwest zones and we are working to

focused on expanding global reserves and resources




When it comes to the trendiest base metals, lithium is king. But the extensive availability of this mineral opens up questions about continued demand and steady prices. In the meantime, other base metals are on the rising. Cobalt and zinc are rising stars and Mexican producers such as Peñoles and Grupo México are capitalizing on their zinc supplies. The electric vehicle revolution, other technological developments and the increasing awareness for a responsible supply chain are the factors shaping this trend the most. Industry leaders explain some of the supplydemand fundamentals of base metals, forecasting how they might behave in the future.


Lithium is the flavor of the month at the moment for several reasons, the most important being that people have not yet lost money on it in a prior market downcycle. This means investors are generally unburdened by caution when it comes to this metal and there are no bad expectations. Another factor is that the world is not short of lithium. The reason for the upsurge is that demand for lithium increased so

RICK RULE President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings

quickly that the producers of the metal could not increase their productive capacity fast enough to meet demand, and the speculators conflated the price increase in lithium with a shortage of lithium. There is no shortage of lithium, rather a shortage of lithium processing capability, and the industry is working very hard to increase productive capacity, which will fix this problem.

Bolivia has the largest lithium deposits in the world but it is also a country with social and political issues that make it difficult to open a new mine. Its permitting process is also slow. Mexico on the other hand has identified deposits that do not compare to those in Bolivia but are still quite large. Other metals such as cobalt are also competing with lithium. Cobalt has a few deposits around the world. Ultimately,

JOSÉ ANTONIO BERLANGA General Manager Mexico of Mercuria

the development of technology needs a more defined course before we can justify speculation on prices in the market. Mexico has some interesting projects in terms of lithium but these are still in the exploration or early development phases. These types of projects are subject to trends in the market and we will have to see how demand grows over the years. It ultimately depends on how the development of technology advances.

The Mexican mining industry is meaningfully growing in gold and copper production, and silver is slowly decreasing. A NASA report on mining revealed that there are rare earth elements to be explored in Sonora and Chihuahua, so we will most likely work there in the near future. Lithium, mainly used in batteries, will continue to enjoy steady demand. Also, the biggest electric car producer in the world, Tesla, has

ALEJANDRA TORIJANO Country Manager of Agilent Technologies

announced it will focus on Mexico and the country’s lithium supply.

Lithium does not compete with metals such as cobalt and nickel as they are complementary components in batteries. As demand for batteries increases, so will demand for all battery metals but lithium and nickel sulphate are the most demanded component in this product. These metals will benefit the most from a rise of consumption in the market. We understand that the government of Sonora has a longer-term strategy to turn the state into a fully integrated lithium hub that carries out lithium production and downstream lithium battery manufacturing for

PETER SECKER CEO of Bacanora Lithium

both the automotive and renewable energy storage industries. Sonora is definitely laying the groundwork for future growth.

I have been in the mining industry since 1994. In this time, there have been many


trendy metals, like rhodium, rare earth elements, molybdenum and now lithium. We do not feel the hype is sustainable over the long term as prior experience has taught us. Right now, lithium and cobalt are doing well, but molybdenum is not. We understand the supply-demand fundamentals of the metals we are involved in. That being said, we are very bullish on zinc, lead and copper and we will be a very fast follower, increasing our brownfield and shutdown silver production when prices go up.

DARREN BLASUTTI President and CEO of Americas Silver Corporation

We are convinced that cobalt is going to be in demand over the next couple of years. The price has risen from US$30,000/t in early 2017 to more than US$90,000/t in early 2018, an indicator of the expectations for this metal, which has many different sources. For example, there is a mineral belt in Australia with low-grade cobalt concentrations, but it is very difficult and expensive to extract. Another major source is in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), but the jurisdiction raises concerns about the way cobalt is extracted and its human cost. Having another source of high-grade cobalt is important, so we are really excited about the advantages of

TONY ROVIRA Managing Director of Azure Minerals

mining cobalt in Mexico.

In general, I believe base metals demand will rise significantly. This is based on wellknown optimistic expectations for growth in the global economy. More specifically, there will be an increased demand for many base metals related to the electric vehicle (EV) revolution being forecast in the next few decades. In conjunction with EV technology, which will require huge quantities of base metals, there will also be a boom in electricity storage batteries. Again, that will lead to increased demand for base metals and several minor metals.

MARTIN ROSSER CEO of Alexander Mining

Lithium and cobalt will do well as electric vehicles (EVs) become more common. However, simpler metals such as copper and nickel will remain important for those same technologies. Lithium and cobalt are not as widely produced. This is why they experience a price appreciation. Mexico will fare well in this segment because copper is still the bedrock of EVs.

TREVOR TURNBULL Director of Gold and Precious Metals Global Equity Research at Scotia Capital



Exploration is an essential element of the mining industry as it allows companies

to replace aging mines with new projects. After years of sitting on the backburner during the mining slump, the industry’s appetite for new projects is starting to increase. Drilling companies are equally blowing away the cobwebs created by halted projects thanks to the industry’s awakening. Exploration investment is on the upswing, Mexico increasing its spending by 18.9 percent to US$477 million in 2017 compared to US$400.9 million in 2016, although this is still a far cry from 2012’s US$1.17 billion.

Assuring a healthy number of exploration projects in the country is particularly important as only one out of 1,000 prospects will ever become a mine. To strengthen the development of exploration projects in the country and ensure a bright future for the industry, Mexico must improve its regulatory landscape and facilitate access to investment and mining concessions. In this chapter, leading exploration and drilling companies provide their perspectives on the main challenges the industry faces and how companies are responding.



ANALYSIS: Hitting the Bullseye Through Data, Information Sharing




VIEW FROM THE TOP: James McDonald, Kootenay Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Paddy Nicol, Evrim Resources


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Armando Lucero, Globexplore Drilling & Analytics

Jesús Flores, Globexplore Drilling & Analytics


INSIGHT: Peter Shortus, Landdrill


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Ortega, Grupo SHB


INSIGHT: John-Mark Staude, Riverside Resources


INSIGHT: Gregory Beischer, Millrock Resources


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ben Whiting, Orex Minerals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Douglas Coleman, Mexico Mining Center


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Innovative Solutions for Accurate Drilling


INSIGHT: Carl Hovey, Terrane Geoscience


INSIGHT: Ricardo Valls, Valls Geoconsultant


INSIGHT: Aaron Cumashot, SpecTIR


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Lawrence Page, Manex Resource Group


ROUNDTABLE: What are the Main Challenges for Mining Exploration in Mexico?



HITTING THE BULLSEYE THROUGH DATA, INFORMATION SHARING Exploration is the backbone of the mining industry, ensuring there are enough mines in development to replenish exhausted projects. But as one of the most capital-intensive phases, it is also the most likely to suffer from budget restrictions. Miners now find that drilling targets can be almost an exact science


During prolonged metal price slumps, drilling programs

For example, often new deposits can be found close to

are generally the first cut miners make. For some, the best

existing or historic mines, which slightly narrows down

way to mitigate exploration risk is to adopt the operator-

miners’ area of interest. “The best place to find a mine is

explorer model. “The best business model for a mining

close to where other miners already discovered one,” says

company is to have both exploration and operations

Kenneth McLeod, President and CEO of Sonoro Metals.

activities,” says Rodrigo Barbosa, CEO of Aura Minerals, which holds the Aranzazu concession in Zacatecas.

But the cost of drilling can reach into the millions of

“Operations represent a sustainable cash flow generation

dollars. “Depending on location, rig and logistics,

that can partly be used to fund exploration.”

diamond drilling costs around US$70-120/m and the average program size for juniors can range from 1,500m

But even these operators feel the pinch. According

to 5,000m,” says Cindy Collins, Chief Technical Officer of

to S&P Global Market Intelligence in its report, World

Geosite Technologies and Founder of Mining Technology

Exploration Trends, released in March 2018, deep cuts to

Partners. This would mean the average cost of drilling

exploration investment coincided almost exactly with the

would be over US$300,000 but she adds that exploration

low metals prices from 2012-2015. “Although the mining

programs for midtier miners are much more extensive.

industry widely accepts that exploration is important for

In 2017, First Majestic Silver completed 156,500m of

the sector’s future, the major miners continue to allocate

diamond drilling consisting of 807 holes and Fresnillo

only a small proportion of their revenues to exploration

398,000m. These high costs mean many explorers are

efforts,” it says. “From 2012 to 2016, these (major miners)

looking for new ways to mitigate risk, which brings them

slashed exploration spending at a faster pace than their

to information.

revenues declined, causing a fall in the group’s ratio of exploration spend to revenue, from 3.2 percent in 2012


to a 12-year low of 1.8 percent in 2016.”

Data is driving new trends in optimizing mine operations, so why not in exploration too? “Over the last few decades, a

Not only is mining expensive, it is highly risky as the

tremendous amount of data has been collected from mining

probability of finding a deposit worthy of building a mine

and exploration companies alike that goes completely

is low. “Out of 2,000 showings, only one becomes a mine

unused,” says Denis Laviolette CEO and Director of Goldspot

so drilling and testing is absolutely essential to advance

Discoveries in an interview with Mining Technology Partners.

the creation of mines,” says James McDonald, President

“When a company is hired to do remote sensing, it looks

and CEO of exploration company Kootenay Silver. In

at various maps and creates a model out of the assay

the book Designing Optimal Strategies for Mineral

information. In this process it collects all kinds of data that

Exploration, the authors point out that the Probability of

goes to waste if it is not applied to the model.”

commercial success = (Probability P1) x (Probability P2) x (Probability P3). P1 refers to “detection and delineation

Companies spend millions collecting information for

of exploration targets,” P2 to “investigating and testing

new projects but secrecy surrounding geological

of exploration targets” and P3 to “outlining ore targets

data means that the information never reaches its full

within the tested exploration targets.”

potential. “I definitely see a lack of sharing and I see data being lost around me because there is no robust


system to keep it together,” says Carrie Wong, author for

Although this seems to be a simple enough formula

Geology for Investors, a website that evaluates mineral

to follow, this is not necessarily the case. For example,

exploration and projects for resource investors. “Every

Mexico’s concessioned surface area measures over 22

time a junior mining company goes under, information

million hectares, according to figures from the Ministry

is lost.” She believes that there are three main reasons

of Economy. Within this area, there are certain methods

behind the resistance to share information: the high

miners use to increase the probability of finding a target.

costs of obtaining data, the complex approval process

that companies need to make information public and the desire to maintain a competitive edge over others.


OVERCOMING ADVERSITY Those that dare to pioneer in the use of multidisciplinary knowledge and new tools are benefiting from smoother and faster discoveries. Rob McEwen’s Goldcorp Challenge may have been the first to pave the way by daring to opensource data that was traditionally kept under lock and key.



<1% Dominican Republic

Honduras <1%

Guatemala <1% Panama <1%

<1% Nicaragua

Colombia <1%

<1% Guyana <1% Suriname

Ecuador 3% Brazil

In 1989, Goldcorp acquired Red Lake, an underperforming gold mine that McEwen believed had the potential to produce much more. But after seeing his team of geologists struggle to find the main gold deposit, McEwen had an epiphany during a conference on how the Linux software operating system used open-sourced data, according to Don Tapscott in his book Wikinomics. McEwen decided to replicate Linux’s strategy by releasing 400MB of information onto the internet and launching a contest for contestants to submit the best solution

Peru Another 7 countries and jurisidictions represent the remaining 1.3%


11% <1%

Bolivia 121



companies allocated US$2.38 billion to exploration activities

25% 7% Argentina


for his mine. The move was highly controversial considering that in

Earth AI’s founder, Roman Teslyuk explains the technology

2000 the internet was still taking its first steps. But the risk

in an interview with Mining Technology. “First of all, we can

proved to pay off as the competition attracted over 1,000

apply unsupervised machine learning to create a data-

contestants that competed for a prize of CA$575,000.

driven geological map,” he says. “Each rock has a unique

“The contestants had identified 110 targets on the Red

signature, so if you identify these you can then put those

Lake property, 50 percent of which had not been previously

signatures into a geological map. We are using our network

identified by the company,” explains Wikinomics. “Over 80

to categorize this data in a new way. There is all this

percent of the new targets yielded substantial quantities of

geological data and the geochemistry, and together they

gold. In fact, since the challenge was initiated, an astounding

make a big difference to exploration.” More information

8 million ounces of gold have been found.”

means a substantial improvement in mining companies’ capabilities to predict where future deposits lie.

The book concludes that the success of the contest validates the benefits of using nontraditional strategies

Mexico is throwing its hat into the ring too as companies

to solve challenges in the industry. “Perhaps the most

operating in the country are incorporating these new

lasting legacy of the Goldcorp Challenge is the validation

trends into their business models. Alejandra Torijano,

of an ingenious approach to exploration in what remains a

Country Manager of Agilent Technologies, says, as the

conservative and highly secretive industry,” says Tapscott.

benefits of data sharing become clearer, Mexican miners

“Rob McEwen bucked an industry trend by sharing

are becoming less secretive with their information. “We feel

the company’s proprietary data and simultaneously

optimistic about the future given the increasing number of

transformed two lumbering exploration processes into a

opportunities to analyze data within the industry,” she says.

modem-distributed gold discovery engine that harnessed some of the most talented minds in the field.”

The efficient use of data may even become a makeor-break situation for mining companies as it turns


into a standard practice. “Once measured by how well

Data in exploration is not only limited to sharing it with a

a company extracted resources, the industry’s value

broader pool of experts and requesting solutions, but also

proposition may be shifting to how well a company acts

by working collaboratively across projects. Earth AI is an

on information to optimize production, reduce costs,

online mineral exploration platform that was developed

increase efficiency, and improve safety,” says Deloitte’s

through the Sydney University accelerator INCUBATE,

report, Tracking the Trends 2018. “In short, data— and

with the aim of helping exploration companies make more

the ability to organize, manage, and process it—is rapidly

and, bigger discoveries through the use of data inputs

becoming a competitive differentiator and may even spur

and constant learning.

new business models.”




Q: What were SGM’s most important advances during the

natural events that could cause damage to their health

last six years?

and property.

A: Thanks to the hard work of our valuable personnel and the invaluable support of both the Ministry of Economy and the

In terms of exploration for radioactive minerals, anomalous

Undersecretary of Mining, during the current administration,

radiometric responses, hydrothermal alterations, geophysical

significant progress was made in SGM’s institutional activities.

responses and geological conditions to identify and locate

We achieved upward growth in the fulfillment of our goals

uranium minerals were checked and analyzed. This broadened

and objectives. There are a few successes worth mentioning.

existing research by 17 percent compared to November 2012. It expands the exploration to the states of Durango and Oaxaca,

First, through the promotion of strategic sectors outlined in

which has allowed an increase in the reserves of resources by

the National Development Plan 2013-2018, SGM generated

more than 120 percent in the same period.

a cartography specialized in geology, mapping, mining, geochemistry, geophysics and mineral resources of the

The Gas Associated with Coal Deposits project was formally

country. As of June 2018, we have mapped 861,234km ,

concluded and, in compliance with the amendments to the

equivalent to 62.6 percent of the national territory with mining

Hydrocarbons and Mining Laws, information on the geological


potential of the areas studied in the northern states of the


country was given to CNH. Simultaneously, a cooperation Support and advice were provided to 336 primarily small

agreement was confirmed that will allow SGM access to

and medium scale mining projects, as well as large mines

information related to hydrocarbons and to participate in joint

through exploration services. We used latest-generation

geological exploration.

technology, allowing us to identify with greater certainty minerals associated with economically-feasible deposits. In

SGM was rated as one of the top 10 agencies of the Federal

some cases, we applied hyperspectral technology, which

Public Administration. In 2016, it took eighth position among

consists of an overhead technique that measures the energy

270 agencies and in 2017 it ranked second. SGM revenues

from the sun reflected on the surface of the terrain. This

went from a deficit of MX$70 million in 2012 to a surplus of

allows the identification of alteration minerals on the earth’s

MX$254 million in 2017, which exceeds the MX$212 million of

surface that are the product of hydrothermal solutions and

fiscal resources received as support in the budget.

physical-chemical processes, indicative of possible deposits of minerals at depth.

SGM, has broadened the scope of the 1:50,000 scale geological mapping in Mexican states such as Veracruz,

SGM integrated 24 mining investments into its portfolio that

Oaxaca and others in Southeast Mexico. These states so far

included metallic minerals deposits such as gold, silver, copper,

have not attracted a great deal of mining activity but they

lead, zinc, molybdenum and tungsten. Of the assessed Mining

have great potential.

Assignments, SGM withdrew its rights from the Ministry of the Economy and 10 mining investment projects were proposed

Q: What are the areas of opportunity and how does SGM

for competitive bidding through a public process.

plan to face these? A: We consider it necessary to revise the current regulations

As for other activities, SGM developed the Natural Disaster

governing the functions of SGM, and we estimate that some

Risk Atlas for six municipalities in Hidalgo, as well as the

of them need to be updated, others adapted and expanded,

State Atlas of Yucatan, benefiting approximately 4 million

to allow SGM greater flexibility and efficiency in its operations.

inhabitants, whose authorities now have an instrument for

This would improve services and products generated for

consultation and guidance to protect the population from

Mexican society. Fortunately, there are several ideas and

projects that are technologically-supported, such as geo

Q: What should the next administration prioritize in terms of

hydrological issues, energy, geological and environmental

geology and exploration in the country?

risks, geology in applied research and Geoparks studies, to

A: Under the current administration, we have attempted to

name a few.

give direction to the institution. It will be up to a new body to assume the responsibility for technical evaluation of

Q: How can SGM improve the application of geological

our successes and shortcomings. We are sure this will be

knowledge in the mining sector?

assessed from an objective and impartial perspective, with

A: Although mining companies have already expressed that

full understanding of the powers conferred on SGM by the

the information generated by SGM is of tremendous value to

law and bearing in mind the present and future importance

them, the institution will continue to spread the advantages

of the mineral, energy and natural resources that the country

of using geological cartography and aerial and terrestrial

is demanding. For our part, we are confident we have

geophysical methods as a spearhead for exploration of new

accomplished our goals and carried out our responsibilities.

deposits. For this reason, the advances and achievements in important mineral deposits discovered during the current administration, which have an extraordinary value, will be announced. These include the Campanillas and Caña de Oro assignments in Sinaloa, as well as Las Granadas (Natalia) in the State of Mexico, which are just some examples of the application of geological knowledge to generate projects with

In the last six years, SGM revenues went from a deficit of MX$70 million in 2012 to a surplus of MX$254 million in 2017

the expectation of becoming medium term mining operations. For our part, in July this year, SGM was awarded the National Q: How does SGM seek to facilitate investment in exploration

Quality Prize in the Large Organization category by the

in Mexico?

federal government. This comprises the highest distinction

A: We will continue to improve our technological services

attesting to the commitment and dedication of the institution

and products, expanding territorial coverage in prospecting

as a national reference in competitivity and sustainability.

and geological exploration. We will also diversify in terms of minerals and resources facing increasing demand in national

Q: What is SGM’s next step in the mining agenda?

and international markets, such as rare earth elements, lithium,

A: In the current SGM administration, we have many plans and

and non-associated gas. Among the mineral and energy

projects, which we trust will be seriously considered by the new

resources that experience greatest demand today are copper,

administration. Among our aspirations are inclusion of SGM in

gold, silver, aluminum, zinc, antimony, bismuth, cadmium, lead,

Great Place to Work and application for the Ibero-American

chrome, nickel, platinum, gallium, cobalt, nickel, titanium,

Quality Award 2019. We want to ensure SGM’s technological

lithium, iron, coal, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, rare

infrastructure is kept up to date and strengthened alongside

earths, uranium and natural gas. We expect this trend to

our employees’ skills and knowledge base.

continue in the medium to long terms. Land was donated to SGM by the city of Pachuca in the Additionally, we will continue to offer support for the

state of Hidalgo so we would like to see the continued

management of environmental protection procedures with

development of the research regarding this area. This could

baseline studies and technology to explore with indirect

be one step toward the agency increasing its own income and

methods of exploration such as airborne and terrestrial

eventually achieving budgetary self-sufficiency. I believe the

geophysics, hyperspectral images, regional magnetometry

organizational structure of the agency should be adapted for

and high-resolution helicopter that also incorporates

optimal operation to reflect our commitment to generating

radiometry in the uranium, thorium and potassium channels.

Mexico’s geological database and contribute to the attraction of FDI and the sustainable use of natural resources, thus

We have encouraged dialogue of our technical teams with

contributing to national development. We want to reinforce

community authorities, trying to explain that the geological

the brand positioning SGM nationally and internationally,

knowledge of their territories is not only useful for mining.

perhaps through collaboration with other international

In the case of Chiapas, SGM has been promoting the


incorporation of the Tacaná Volcano Region Geopark into the UNESCO World Geoparks Network. The process is in final evaluation with UNESCO at its Paris, France headquarters.

The Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) is a decentralized public

Recently we were pleased to receive two expert evaluators

body of the federal government with its own legal status and

from the organization that were very satisfied with the

assets, governed by the Mining Law and assigned sectorially to

geosites identified and described by SGM.

the Ministry of Economy through the Undersecretariat of Mining





Q: What is your perception of the exploration market in

On top of these discoveries, Kootenay has also identified a

the country?

footprint in the mineral zone that is between 2-4km wide

A: Upcycles are the time for exploration companies to

that stretches over 10km before disappearing to the south

raise and spend capital because this is when investors

and re-emerging into the San Francisco del Oro-Santa

are interested in funding new projects. A big challenge in

Barbara districts. We have numerous targets to drill and

Mexico right now is the time it takes to obtain the title

are focused on finding not only more ounces but high-grade

to new ground. When Mexican authorities address these

ounces. These are the type of ounces that can improve the

problems, I believe that exploration expenditures will

economics of the current deposit and move the project

significantly increase within the country. This translates into

towards a feasibility study.

higher levels of employment especially in remote areas that greatly need it and would also result in more deposits being

Along with these projects the company is continuously

discovered and developed into mines.

searching for new acquisitions. It is during downcycles in the exploration business that the opportunity for high-

At La Cigarra, Kootenay Silver has 51.5 million silver ounces measured and indicated

quality assets arise and we are always on the lookout for these opportunities. It is a give and take process. We are always balancing the assets each project can offer against the capital that is required to develop them and the assets we already own. Q: How much does Kootenay Silver plan to invest in drilling in La Cigarra during 2018?

Q: What milestones has Kootenay Silver achieved in its

A: We will spend up to US$2 million throughout the next

drilling programs in Mexico?

two phases of the project. The first step will channel about

A: Kootenay Silver’s drilling programs shift according to

US$1 million into 5,000m of drilling. Kootenay Silver will then

the availability of capital and its budget. The program in

assess the results before deciding to move on to the second

La Cigarra is progressing well and we have started to drill

phase. There are so many targets in the region that we could

this site again. There are several targets in the region that

drill 100,000m if we had the capital. We believe this project

we want to evaluate and we have prioritized these areas

has tremendous potential and one day could be bought by

according to our expertise and knowledge. We believe

a mining operator. For now, we are focusing on drilling and

we are on the extension of the mineralized silver belt that

obtaining a concrete assessment of its resources.

trends northwest coming out of San Francisco Del Oro and Santa Barbara. We cover about 20 km of that trend, which

Q: How would you assess the advancement of La Negra, a

is very exciting as the trend to the south has produced over

project being developed by Pan American Silver?

500 million ounces of silver. At La Cigarra, Kootenay Silver

A: A total of 87 holes have been drilled into the La Negra

has 51.5 million silver ounces measured and indicated and

discovery to date for a total of 17,000m. We are entering

an additional 11.5 million inferred silver ounces.

the third year of the agreement between Kootenay Silver and Pan American Silver and it is on track to complete the investment it is required to make. It has spent over US$4

Kootenay Silve r is a Canadian, Mexico-based silver exploration

million and must spend US$8 million over the course of the

company engaged in the development of three major silver

four years until 2020. If it finds more mineralization similar

projects in Mexico, including La Cigarra in Chihuahua and

to that in La Negra, there is a good chance that the deal

Promontorio and La Negra in Sonora

will continue after the four years.



Q: Why did the company decide to focus on the mineral

high-sulfidation gold target and I think Newmont shares the

belts in the western North American continent?

same outlook that we do in thinking Cuale has a tremendous

A: When Evrim was launched in 2011, we were interested

amount of potential to grow into something very significant.

in a database and a group of projects that were located in Sonora, Durango and Sinaloa. They were high-quality

Cuale is a project that has never been drilled and is creating

projects and this is what initially attracted us to the region.

a lot of excitement in the market. It is not very often that a

We also have a great deal of exploration expertise in the

company comes across a target with the numbers that were

Western Cordillera of North America. Many people working

found in the trenching programs. Those numbers alone have

for Evrim are experienced in the gold belts of Mexico

generated tremendous interest from a number of groups as

and the copper porphyry belts in British Columbia. This

to what our next steps will be. It is still a fairly early-stage

strategy allows us to really focus and understand not only

project but an exciting one.

the geology of the region but also on regulations and community relations.

While most deposits in the Talpa de Allende area of Jalisco are polymetallic in nature, Cuale is a gold target, which is

Q: What are your expectations for the US$7.2 million

pretty unique for the region. The project has near-surface

private placement from Newmont Mining?

potential of high-grade gold, and high-sulfidation deposits

A: The first time we did an alliance with Newmont was in

are considered among the lowest-cost producing mines.

the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt for early-stage generative

The size of successful high-sulfidation deposits in the Sierra

exploration over a broad area. That experience created a

Madres can be in the range of 2-5 million ounces of gold,

strong relationship between both parties. When Newmont

as seen at La India, Mulatos and El Sauzal.

wanted to expand in North America over a larger scale, it made it much easier for us to have that discussion on

Q: What has been your experience working in Jalisco,

what Evrim could provide. When the discovery at Cuale

which is not a traditional mining state in Mexico?

was made, our relationship made it easier for Newmont to

A: Jalisco is a lesser-known area for exploration, especially

invest US$7.2 million into Evrim, and approximately US$5.8

from a junior perspective. But in 2012, we formed an alliance

million of that amount is earmarked for exploration of our

with a company called Callinan Royalties and through this

Cuale high-sulfidation gold project.

we were paid to conduct generative exploration and acquire projects for our own account, in exchange for a royalty. One

Q: How close is Evrim to forming a JV for Cuale?

of the prospective areas we identified through this program

A: With respect to Cuale, it is the one project Evrim has

was the southern Sierra Madres, which is where Jalisco is.

decided to keep in its own portfolio and not JV. For

As previously mentioned, the state is known more for being

every project generator, there comes a project where

a polymetallic belt rather than a gold belt but our team

the opportunity and geology are so compelling that the

was very interested in the region, and Cuale was one of

company will take its own risk capital and stake it on that,

the projects that emerged from that program. The fact that

and that is exactly what we are doing with Cuale. We have

Jalisco is a lesser-explored area is also an opportunity for

been able to use Evrim’s share value as leverage to raise

us to enter and acquire ground on a fairly inexpensive basis.

a significant amount of funding for the Cuale project. At least 80 percent of the funds raised by the Newmont private placement will be allocated to exploring Cuale. We

Evrim is a mineral exploration company operating under

generally like to mitigate exploration risk and that was one

the prospect generator/joint venture business model. It is

of our key strategies. But we will assume most of the risk

fiscally conservative and participates in multiple discovery

on Cuale. Having said that, it is an extremely prospective




A SUCCESSFUL DRILL CAMPAIGN REQUIRES FIVE IMPORTANT COMPONENTS Armando Lucero Director of Operations at Globexplore Drilling & Analytics


Jesus Flores Director of Business Development at Globexplore Drilling & Analytics

Q: Why does many of the most respected mining and

Q: Why would a mining or exploration company select

exploration companies consistently return to Globexplore

Globexplore for such a large and complicated program?

for their important drill campaigns?

AL: It all comes down to a contractor’s track record and

JF: Any successful drill campaign requires five important

reputation. In measuring the amount of decision makers

components. First it requires a team of experts that only

that select a drilling company this is a very small industry

years of experience can provide. Second is a modern

and word of mouth matters. When a job is carried out well

drill fleet with the latest technologies in safety and

or poorly, the information is quick to spread. We are very

performance. Third is the solid infrastructure needed

proud that we have built a very strong reputation through

to support efficient field operations. Fourth is a deep

good old-fashioned hard work combined with strong

corporate culture of safety, environmental and communal

ethics, innovation and technology that has consistently

responsibility. The fifth component is to provide each

given our clients industry-leading results.

of these requirements at an economically-viable and competitive cost. Because Globexplore consistently

The clients that know us contact us first and those who

delivers each of these requirements we are proud to

do not know us can verify our performance by viewing

say that every client we have ever worked for would

over 40 letters of recommendation we have earned

recommend our services and hire us again. It is this strong

from many of the most respected exploration and

track record and solid reputation that sets us apart.

mining companies in the world. We are unaware of any other drilling company that is presenting such a reliable

Q: While interviewing one of your larger clients the

and consistent performance record in writing from

company brought up that it is currently using Globexplore

their clients. We simply do not take on a new contract

with four different types of drilling at the same time in

unless we are 100 percent sure we can complete it with

the same project. Can you tell us more about that?

a satisfied client. We do all that is necessary to safely

AL: We currently have two different clients that have

complete the job on time, on target and within budget.

us drilling reverse circulation, deep-hole core, man

And ultimately that is what earns us a positive reference

portable core and underground core simultaneously on

for new and returning clients. This is simply the only way

each of their properties. These two clients hired us to

to make sure we can maintain the reputation we have

perform these four different types of drilling because

that has led every client we have ever worked with to

they know from our previous performance that we have

state that they would hire us again and recommend our

the experience and expertise to carry out this complex


activity side by side. Each drill type requires a different crew with the experience and expertise along with all the

Q: What is the future for Globexplore in 2019 and beyond?

mechanical and technical support needed. It is like running

JF: We have some exciting new technologies we are

four different drill projects, and it is further complicated

adding to our Geosite services that is currently being used

by the fact it is being carried out on one single property.

by several of our major clients. This is a combination of

It requires very detailed organization and execution of

Hyperspectral and XRF analysis and core logging with our

well-managed procedures.

partner Terracore. In addition to Geosite we are currently adding new deep-hole core rigs requested by our clients for depths up to 2,000m. While we will continue our focus

Globexplore Drilling & Analytics is an exploration drilling

on Mexico we are very close to establishing operations

company offering traditional diamond core, man portable,

in a second country. With zero debt and 95 percent of

underground and reverse circulation drilling services, as well as

our fleet on solid long-term contracts we will continue to

on-site mineralogy and geochemical analysis with core logging

acquire new rigs to meet our clients’ demands.


Globexplore currently has two different clients that have it carrying out four types of drilling simultaneously on each of their properties




Early explorers used to dig only in areas with visible

Landdrill has more than 40 years of experience in the

mineralization as they did not have the specialized tools

exploration drilling industry in Australia, Chile, Mongolia, Russia

that are available today. Technology has changed that,

and Mexico. Many of those years were spent using different

creating greater prospects for success, says Peter Shortus,

forms of drilling. “This experience leads me to appreciate the

General Manager of Landdrill. “New technologies create

impact that new technologies have on bringing about safer

greater opportunities for exploration companies to identify

production and a better use of equipment to produce quality

drilling targets with a far better likelihood of success while

samples,” Shortus says.

allowing miners to be safer and to work more easily and efficiently,” he says.

Its extensive experience has also taught the company to survive at low prices. “But this is not sustainable in the long

Technological advancements enable the rapid assessment

term as it limits the industry’s R&D opportunities,” Shortus

of a given ore body and the abundance of historical

says. Not all companies have been as resilient as Landdrill and

mines in Mexico makes it a great place to start looking.

mining downturns have forced many good technicians to move

Aiming to help operators reduce the costs of drilling

onto other fields due to lack of employment opportunities.

while optimizing production rates, Landdrill offers

The company too has lost some good employees but because

underground and surface drilling as well as man-portable

it is used to operating internationally, it has also had the

rigs for difficult-to-access areas. “We have rigs capable

flexibility to bring qualified personnel from overseas.

of drilling up to 2,500m NQ,” says Shortus. The company also offers Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling with a face

Shortus, however, does perceive an industry upturn, which

sampling hammer or kit bit, which is similar to RC rotary

is reawakening the appetite for exploration. “The positive

air blasting. “These are relatively cheap, efficient and

outlook is allowing us to expand our activities,” he says.

rapid forms of drilling to assess the potential of an area

To find new projects, the company has a precise strategy.

to become an ore body,” he adds. RC has been a preferred

“We analyze press releases to identify projects that have

form of drilling in Australia for many years as it requires

a strong potential for our services and follow up on these

minimal use of water.

companies,” he adds.



Today, any drilling company with a drilling permit can drill but only certain companies are aware of the standards and requirements of these projects” Enrique Ortega, Director General of Grupo SHB with RNG Perforación

To be friendlier to the environment, SHB and RNG are drilling high-tech wells that are made with different materials to increase efficiency in pumping and can be built more quickly, doubling cost savings. “The casings are fabricated with different materials and they are more technical in terms of the screened open area,” he says. “This allows more efficient pumping, optimizing energy consumption.” Ortega says the incorporation of technology in well construction can allow more accurate readings when monitoring the behavior of aquifers. “This enables miners with these kinds of constructed wells to study them and maintain sustainability,” he says. “This is key, as any

All too often, drilling companies adhere only to the bare

operator’s interest is to preserve water resources because

minimum requirements in terms of environmental care and

they cannot produce ore without it.” Ortega adds that

protection, says Enrique Ortega, Director General of Grupo

technology also allows the discovery of deeper sources

SHB with RNG Perforación. For this reason, RNG works

of groundwater, with the addition of SHB’s technical

according to international AWWA standards, which are

capacity making it easier to reach. “Artisanal drillers

superior to Mexican water well standards and regulations.

usually drill short wells due to their lack of technology

“It is important to meet industrial security standards

and capacity,” he says. “RNG Perforacion aims to find

and to have a workforce that understands and shares a

the right solution for our clients regardless of how deep

respectful environmental culture,” he says. “Since 2011, we

we must drill.”

have been working with top Canadian mining companies, partners that have helped us to improve our standards and

RNG Perforación aims to provide its services to AAA

organizational culture.”

mining companies starting from previous studies, design of the water wells to ensure success in all the

Ortega says mining standards are far too general in terms

projects involved. “Our value proposition is based on

of groundwater. “It must be more specific and standards

specialization so we target a very select market,” Ortega

should be applied on a case-by-case basis. It is impossible

explains. “We have already reached this level but we

to apply the same standards in the southeast of the country

believe we must continue learning and incorporating

as those in the northern region regarding aquifers.” He

technological innovations as they come. Our clients need

adds that each project should have a better focus on the

to know that we can carry out projects for them with the

specific requirements they must oversee. For example, to

same efficiency found in developed countries.”

drill a well, a company requires the CONAGUA permit. “I would like CONAGUA to consider certain guidelines that

With the new administration, Ortega requests that

guarantee qualified companies will execute these works.

CONAGUA become a more technical and less bureaucratic

Today, any drilling company with a drilling permit can drill

organization in terms of the drilling of wells. “As the

but only certain companies are aware of the standards and

years go by, Mexican aquifers remain overexploited and

requirements of these projects.”

CONAGUA is failing to take the necessary preventive measures.” He says a certification process would also help

According to Ortega, the oversight is not caused by bad

foster best practices. “I would like to see a requirement

will but rather the ease of bypassing many regulations. “I

established that, before authorizing a company to drill, it

believe the Mexican mining industry is a noble sector, full

should be mandatory for them to be certified drillers first.

of loyal and professional people who are increasingly aware

The government must implement key actions to unify and

and worried about environmental impact,” he says. “But it

improve drilling standards because with more exacting

faces regulatory challenges. The next administration must

requirements, companies such as RNG Perforación will

understand that if it wants the country to progress, it must

have a better opportunity to serve the industry.” He notes

foster the economy instead of controlling it.” He believes

that it is difficult to compete with companies that do the

the government should be an economic facilitator, not the

same thing but with lower standards and often neglecting

industry’s ruler.

environmental concerns.





The public and private sectors do not always see eye to eye,

partners do not understand why we need to take this

and that could not be truer than in mining. Since the federal

route, and it is expensive, but ultimately it appears this is

royalty taxes were introduced in 2013, many operators

the best legal way we can secure mineral titles.” He notes

have been upset with the government as operations that

that Riverside spent US$6 million on R&D in 2017, but says

were sustainable have now become sub-economic and

if the company cannot move forward and obtain more

John-Mark Staude, President and CEO of Mexico-focused

concessions, this year the investment in Mexico will be

exploration company Riverside Resources, warns this could

significantly lower.

jeopardize the future of the Mexican mining sector. This US$6 million investment is also a point of contention “The industry is sustained by mining operations, rather

with SAT due to a miscommunication, Staude says. “We

than exploration,” he says. “Exploration will follow and can

brought US$6 million in FDI into Mexico but the government

flourish where there is active mining and if operators are

says that the money is earnings and we must pay tax on

not given the conditions to be successful, there will be no

it,” he says. This misunderstanding has been unresolved for

sustained exploration and investment will dry up.”

seven years and Riverside has an active amparo preventing the government from claiming this money. Many more

For the new administration, which will take office on Dec.

companies have reported issues in trying to obtain VAT

1, Staude adds, there will be an opportunity to prove its

refunds from SAT, and Staude says this has caused many

commitment to the mining industry. “We are a public

companies to leave Mexico. “Riverside even has a division

company and we need to go where the investors want us

dedicated to tax recovery for our partners,” he says. “I am

to and where what we find can be reasonably developed.

sorry we have to do that because we are a mineral company

We are really trying to keep our operations focused on

and it should not be necessary for us to dedicate our time

Mexico and we are hopeful about the new government and

to tax recovery.”

its ability to bring fresh opportunities and shine a spotlight on the sector’s potential.”

He advocates a tax reform as the first step for the new government. “In Mexico, even things like facturas (invoices)

Although he does not expect much change in the

are much more complex than in other countries,” he says.

immediate short term, Staude indicates that 2020-22 would

He believes the current system is harming employment,

be enough time for a new government to make an impact.

since Riverside is now unable to hire so many employees.

Long permitting processes, delays in issuing mineral titles,

“We are conscientious about complying, working to

lack of liberation of cancelled concessions, lack of action

carry out exploration activities effectively and serving all

in canceling non-paid concessions and problems with the

stakeholders well,” he says.

Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) are all factors he references that contribute to a negative image of Mexico. “One of our

Staude adds that these conditions are driving companies

limitations is the inability of mining companies to obtain

to other jurisdictions like Finland, Australia, Peru and

mineral titles and we would really like to see this rectified

Ecuador, which are more workable. “Right now, there is a

by a new government,” he says.

lot of potential for Mexico, especially since zinc prices are increasing and Mexico is a zinc country.”

Staude explains that mining operations depend on a company’s ability to obtain the land for the concession

But even Riverside’s partner, Centerra Gold, has been

and slow processes are forcing Riverside to take a new

looking to other countries for new operations. The company

route. “We have five different amparos filed against the

has bought seven mining and development projects in

government in relation to mining titles,” he says. “Our

Canada over the last three years, and Staude believes this

money could have been directed at Mexico. “It is exciting to see such an increase in mining activity,” he says. “If mining rules in Mexico were adjusted to be more favorable to FDI, investment could flood in.” Investment attractiveness is especially important considering the long-term nature of mining projects. Staude explains that, prior to his time at Riverside Resources, he worked as a translator between the USGS and Mexico’s

We are hopeful about the new government and its ability to bring fresh opportunities and shine a spotlight on the sector’s potential”

geological survey. “Centerra has been a very good partner in past years,” says The Cecilia project in Sonora, now part of Riverside’s

Staude. “We were lucky to have such a strong partner during

portfolio, was a site he visited around 30 years ago, and at

the downturn, which has stood us in good stead as we head

that point only four drill holes had been completed. “Now,

into an upturn.”

30 years later, the project is more developed and Riverside has a 100 percent option agreement on it,” he says. “This

Riverside has positioned itself well for a metals price hike,

demonstrates the long-term nature of mining activities; it

not only through its strong JV partners, but with its financial

takes years and for things to line up efficiently.”

health. The company is debt free, and Staude says that, although the company has had to use equity, the strategy

All things considered, he believes Sonora is one of the

of using JV partners contributes greatly to its finances. “We

most favorable mining states in Mexico, and he identifies

were able to carry out the work for partners in Mexico to

the northern state as a focus for Riverside going forward.

remain debt free and hopefully we can do that again in the

“Sonora is very mining friendly, and not only is the

future,” he says. “Maybe if there are regulatory changes,

government welcoming but so too are ejiditarios and

partners will return to Mexico to work with us and others

landowners,” he says. “For the remainder of 2018, we are

and create jobs and prosperity in Mexico.”

looking to expand that activity and we were happy to come to long-term access agreements with landowners.” Riverside

Staude says the key to successful JV partnerships is to have

looks to make a positive impact in these communities and

local Mexican staff and work with them closely. “The vast

Staude says the company installs infrastructure as often as

majority of our employees are Mexican and we have been

possible as part of our community agreements.

bringing capital from other parts of the world,” he says. Now, 42 percent of Riverside’s shareholders are European, rather

Community relations are of the utmost importance when

than Canadian. “We really need those local operational

starting mining operations, he stresses, which is why

partners that are trustworthy and have a long-term view,”

Riverside finds states like Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango in

he explains. “We have to be constantly thinking about the

the north generally more favorable than those in the south.

return on capital we can offer investors in the long term.”

“The southern half of Mexico has great mineral potential but there are often complications in permitting,” Staude says.

This is why he believes the new administration can improve

“That being said, we feel that area could really be served by

the industry to instill much more investment certainty.

mines and the economic benefits they can bring.”

“Mexico is doing things well environmentally, but we need to ensure that permitting becomes less political and more

Riverside’s ideal projects are located in an area of high

efficient,” he says. “The industry can follow regulations but

prospectivity, according to Staude, and are often close to

they must be fair rather than politically motivated.”

historic mines with existing infrastructure. More importantly, the exploration company seeks locations that are favorable,

Staude points out that, if these few issues – permitting,

workable and rational. “We do not enter locations that are

mineral concessions, certainty – are addressed, Mexico

very anti-mining, conflict areas or areas that involve illicit

could become a leader in mining. “The government has

activities,” he says. “This is especially important for partners,

succeeded in pushing capital away from Mexico but there

who trust that we select the project well. If we had an incident,

is still money eager to enter the country if investors can

we could lose the capital and confidence of our partners.”

see a possible return for the risk,” he says. “There is a choice for the new administration on whether it wants

Strategic partner Centerra has funded its Glor gold project

to take advantage of this scenario. We are definitely

in Sonora. The 17.2km Clemente project in the same state

excited about the future of mining in Mexico. We do

is optioned to Silver Viper Minerals and is located just 7km

everything transparently, so we need to be able to expect

to the northwest of Goldgroup’s Cerro Colorado mine.

transparency in return.”






There is no doubt that mineral exploration is a risky

targets that would make a difference to the bottom line of

business. The odds of finding a valuable discovery that

a company in case of a discovery.”

has the potential to be turned into a mine are somewhere between one in 1,000 and one in 5,000, according to

Beischer explains that to make an exploration project

Gregory Beischer, CEO of Millrock Resources. “To make

attractive, exploration companies must begin by gathering

exploration financially sustainable and profitable for

all the previously available information and collect it in a

shareholders, Millrock partners with mine operators to fund

database. “We produce good maps that can clearly explain

it and share its risks,” he says.

why a company should invest several million dollars in a certain project,” he says, adding that this eases the process

While share-selling is usually how exploration companies

of finding a funding partner. For example, Millrock Resources

raise money for their projects, Beischer believes that this

has an agreement with Centerra Gold in which the latter can

is not truly sustainable. “Mining companies raise money by

earn 80 percent interest by funding the exploration work.

operating mines and reinvesting some of their profits, but

“This way we do not risk too much of our shareholders’

exploration companies usually have no income except sales

money and still end up earning 20 percent on the project’s

of shares,” he says. As investors can only buy a certain

profits,” he says.

number of shares, exploration companies can often come up short when collecting the kind of money needed to fund

Centerra Gold decided to participate with Millrock on

their discoveries.

two exploration projects, La Navidad and El Picacho. The

Our approach is to identify geological targets that would make a difference to the bottom line”

projects target an orogenic gold deposit located in the state of Sonora, similar to La Herradura, Nochebuena and other comparable mines operating in the region. “We completed the first drilling program in late December 2017. The results were good and reconfirmed what we knew from historic drilling,” says Beischer. While certain developments were disappointing – the gold mineralization did not stretch further to the west, becoming

Millrock Resources addresses this dilemma by seeking

thinner and failing to strongly mineralize, for instance –

a funding partner, so most of the money for exploration

Beischer remains hopeful about the value of the project.

comes from profitable mining companies rather than

“We have had very strong soil geo-chemical anomalies

from investors buying equity. To enhance the chances of

toward the northwest that tell us that there should be more

succeeding in finding a high-value mineral deposit, the

gold below the surface. This will be the focus of the next

company’s model involves operating several simultaneous

drilling program,” he says.

exploration programs on multiple projects. “By doing so, we increase our chances of success, but we give up a portion

Millrock Resources is also looking for a funding partner

of the project. Having said that, the portion we retain can

for the Los Cuarentas project located in northern Sonora,

still be highly valuable.” Beischer says, giving the example of

170km northeast of Hermosillo, close to the Mercedes mine,

the high-grade San Francisco mine in Sonora, operated by

which is operated by Premier Gold Mines. Along with the

Alio Gold. “Even if we owned 20-50 percent of a project like

neighboring Los Chinos project, Los Cuarentas was initially

San Francisco, we would still make a lot of money for our

funded by Centerra Gold. “It concluded that no further work

shareholders,” he says. “Since big companies are looking

should be done,” he says. “But we think that there is still a

for big deposits, our approach is to identify geologic

great deal of potential at Los Cuarentas.”


BANDING TOGETHER FOR EXPLORATION BEN WHITING Vice President, Exploration of Orex Minerals

Q: Orex Minerals has three projects in Mexico. How are

avenue to raise and add value through discovery. Orex

these progressing?

Minerals has been successful in many projects, such as the

A: We are about to initiate an exploration program on

Barsele gold deposit in Sweden, which was originally in

the San Luis del Cordero project. Paperwork with the

Orex and later spun-out into a separate company called

government has taken a little longer than we expected and

Barsele Minerals Corp and joint ventured with Agnico Eagle

the process could be smoother. But we are looking forward

Mines. In Mexico, we have JVs with Pan American Silver and

to exploring the project as a polymetallic skarn deposit.

Fresnillo, both very well respected and large operators. So, for the Belcarra Group, Orex serves as a platform in Mexico

Regarding the other two projects that Orex has, there were

to advance projects.

some delays this year with financing and joint venture changes in both. The Sandra Escobar, a JV with Canasil

Q: How can exploration companies overcome the

Resources, will be carried out in conjunction with Pan

inconsistency of revenue streams and decrease the risks

American Silver, as it has claims in the same mining district.

of investment in exploration?

We will explore the property together. The expenditures to

A: As exploration companies do not produce on a

be reached include a US$5 million by Pan American Silver

regular basis, we cannot count on a revenue stream,

and US$1 million by the Orex-Canasil JV. The former will

but on financing to raise money. Usually, equity-based

hold 51 percentage and the latter a 49 percent share. On

financing is the best option. When financing projects,

Sandra Escobar, we discovered a new silver deposit in 2016,

the markets have ups and downs depending on world

but with metallurgical challenges in extracting the silver

affairs and international metal prices. I think that the

from the rock. We expect the expertise of Pan American

best way to ameliorate those fluctuations is to have

Silver in the field of metallurgy to be a key asset for the

solid relationships with financial investment houses and

project moving forward. Once we consolidate the mineral

major mining companies. For example, we have close

concessions we aim to explore the whole mining camp as

relationships with big institutional investors such as US

a single exploration project with more diamond drilling.

Global, Sprott Asset Management and the Contrarian fund, just to mention a few.

Q: If you were to design a successful methodology for discovering high-quality deposits, what would it be?

Q: In your experience, which financial scheme suits Mexican

A: I think it would be to form a good technical and financial

mining exploration best and why?

team to tackle projects. It should include scientists,

A: I think that private placements and equity positions

engineers, financial experts and a very strong local staff

are the best options, while loans are probably the worst

working both on the technical and legal sides of the

as they require a further revenue stream for their support.

explored jurisdiction. As for discovery methodologies, this

A financial involvement directly with the company relies

depends on the mineralogical style. Often a geophysical

on the success of the company as the economic driver of

approach works well for sulfide mineralogy, while in other

decisions. A junior mining company with too many loans

locations structural control is the key to vectoring toward

outstanding is leaving itself at risk, so I would stay away

the heart of an ore deposit.

from these and work more with equity financing.

Q: What is the raison d’etre of the Belcarra Group and what is the role that Orex plays in the organization?

Orex Minerals is a Canadian-based junior mineral exploration

A: The Belcarra Group is a collection of experienced

company with a portfolio of large gold, silver, and copper

technical and financial people who team up to run mining

exploration projects on prominent mineral trends in Mexico

companies. Our objective is to find good projects with an

and Canada. Each project has strong merits of its own





Q: What needs did you identify in the market that led to

A: The focus has been on high-grade, epithermal vein

the creation of a directory for mining companies and their

deposits of silver and gold as well as high-grade copper

properties through a news portal?

and zinc deposits. Lithium is gaining importance due to

A: MMC was founded from the recognition of the mining

increased demand for battery metals and Bacanora Lithium

industry’s need for freely accessible, accurate and relevant

has been successful in exploring, developing and financing

information on mining developments in Mexico. We posted

the Sonora Lithium project which is one of the largest, most

the online mining directory first and later added the news

economically feasible lithium projects in the world. There

portal and exploration map. Today, with our daily bulletin,

is also excellent potential for discovering large porphyry

MMC News, mining executives stay on top of recent

copper deposits in Mexico, but the bulk of the activity

developments, service providers obtain leads to potential

is from Canadian junior companies seeking high-grade

clients and everyone has quick, easy access to information

deposits that can provide a quick return to investors.

specifically centered on mining in Mexico. MMC News is now received by over 35,000 subscribers and we just recently

Q: What would you like the next administration to prioritize

launched a mobile application that will make it even easier

in the next six years to make sure Mexico’s mining industry

to stay up-to-date on mining in Mexico.

remains competitive? A: Mexico has one of the best mining laws in the world

Q: What does the country’s mining industry need to make

and Mexico has a very positive, favorable environment for

sure there is a healthy flow of large discoveries that can

mining not to mention the enormous potential for new

replenish depleting mines?


A: More investment in exploration and drilling will lead to more discoveries. Mexico has enormous mineral

With that said, Mexico has been slipping in favorability for

potential. Important discoveries are still being made right

mining investment due to its lack of security and the rule of

at the surface. A good example is the Alacrán silver-gold

law and to bureaucratic delays. I believe one of the greatest

deposit near Cananea, Sonora, where high-grade silver

improvements the next administration could make would

was discovered within sight of Grupo Mexico’s world-class

be to reduce the bureaucratic delays in all steps of the

Buenavista copper mine. Dozens of geologists must have

mining concession process. Granting of titles to concessions

walked over this deposit without noticing its silver potential

should be processed in a matter of days; cancellations

until the Australian exploration company, Azure Minerals,

of concessions should be processed more quickly, and

made the initial discovery of nearly 2kg/t silver in outcrop.

thousands of cancelled concessions should be liberated

Mexico continues to reward companies willing to invest

promptly instead of being held in limbo for years as they

in exploration with important discoveries. Brownfields

are today. This will open prime exploration ground and

exploration has shown remarkably positive results,

encourage more mining investment. Also, a big incentive

expanding the reserves of mines currently in production.

for exploration companies would be if the government

There are many excellent known mineral deposits in

could speed up the process for income tax reimbursements.

Mexico that have not yet been explored using modern

Without the income tax reimbursements, the expense for

techniques. Investment in exploration will undoubtedly

exploration companies is increased by 16 percent.

result in major discoveries which are vital to the health of the mining industry. Mexico Mining Center integrates a complete directory of

Q: What trends have you identified when it comes to

mining companies and their properties with a news portal and

the types of projects that are being acquired most often

an interactive map where the geographic relationship between

in Mexico?

current projects and historic mining activity may be appreciated




INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ACCURATE DRILLING Hitting drill targets while maintaining productivity is a big challenge in mining. Due to the costs involved in drilling, access to quality survey data in real time is critical to managing the risk of drilling unnecessary holes and even missing the target completely. Accurate and reliable survey data gives mining companies the confidence to make informed drilling decisions, quickly. To tackle this challenge, IMDEX leading brands AMC and REFLEX provide end-to-end solutions to allow the accurate intersection of targets. The IMDEX Downhole Navigation meets complete downhole needs, from surveying the hole and projecting the creation of drilling programs to fast and accurate rig alignment. This innovative solution monitors the directional progress of the individual borehole with a specified directional drilling software. Understanding the need to innovate in the industry, IMDEX’s latest advancement in gyro technology is the REFLEX GYRO SPRINT-IQ, the fastest and most accurate north-seeking gyro in the mineral exploration industry. This gyro provides survey data in record time, surveying three times faster and twice as accurately as regular gyros, covering over 150m per minute. The GYRO SPRINT-IQ also allows surveying at any angle and in single or multi-shot and continuous modes. It integrates with IMDEXHUB-IQ, the company’s awardwinning cloud-based web portal, to ensure instant access to results and data anywhere and at any time. IMDEX also focuses on serving structural geologists through leading instrumentation and software for the effective discovery, planning and production of ore bodies. These integrated end-to-end solutions enable resource companies to benefit from real-time and secure access to verified structural data directly from the field, improving operational efficiencies and reducing risk from manual intervention. Each individual component of IMDEX’s offering also provide sstandalone productivity benefits for clients. A recent case study of a project in Mongolia demonstrated the improvement in the integrity of its structural model while significantly enhancing workflows. The company was encountering variable core quality and data with a significant number of holes that were either not orientated or drilled close to vertical. A large number of these holes were subparallel and had not been adequately classified. Geologist Nick Oliver from HCOV Global began using the REFLEX IQ-LOGGER and the structural measurements were seamlessly integrated with IMDEX ioGAS, which enabled a robust fault classification to be created in real time.





Exploration companies are under pressure to find their

operational and exploration costs. It was one of the first to

next big discovery as soon as possible. But attempting to

implement these services into its procedures.

meet short deadlines can push companies to skip steps and make costly mistakes, which is what Terrane Geosciences

Terrane Geoscience can provide services for mines across

strives to teach the mining industry in Latin America. “Early

every phase of the mine life cycle, from grassroots exploration

structural assessment of a project helps our clients identify

to production. It has worked on a wide range of projects,

key target areas and ensure wise investment decisions

both domestic and international. “We had a particularly tricky

versus starting to drill immediately in areas that could be

case where a high-profile client in Canada was struggling to

low potential,” says Carl Hovey, Vice President of Business

understand their ore body,” says Hovey. “The company was

Development at Terrane Geoscience. “It is best to take

asked to be part of the team in charge of unravelling the

the time to identify targets early rather than cleaning up

structural geology characteristics of the deposit. Further, we

mistakes later on.”

were able to identify new exploration targets for expansion and received extremely positive feedback.”

The Canadian company offers expertise on structural geology, rock mechanics engineering and the early adoption

He adds that this is another example of why it is important

of technology. “We use top-of-the-range technology to

for companies to invest in this work upfront and avoid

help identify targets at a low cost and can aid in baseline

situations that can slow down the development of the

environmental assessment down the road,” explains Hovey.

project. “It may seem expensive at first but in the long run

“We come from technical backgrounds and are quite used

it costs significantly more to overlook these studies. Due

to early adoption of technology, which makes Terrane

diligence is a game-changing investment that can make or

quick to utilize new tools that can facilitate the services

break a mine,” he says. “We can de-risk a project from the

we provide in structural geology and rock mechanics

very beginning on the geological side to help companies

engineering.” The company incorporates everything from

avoid wasting energy because they are targeting the wrong

digital imagery and geospatial data processing to drone

areas. Understanding the structure allows for informed

services that improve safety, increase efficiency and reduce

decision-making on projects.”



To attract more exploration investment into the country,

The company assures that it will not drill a single hole

the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) strengthened its

until it is sure that the hole will intersect the target. “We

information provision services and released a consultation

do not drill to explore but to verify,” Valls says. “Our

system called Geoinfomex. Thanks to these efforts, Ricardo

method can help companies save up to 50 percent on

Valls, President of Valls Geoconsultant, believes that Mexico

exploration programs.”

has one of the best geological information systems in the world. “It is a pity that local companies are not taking

Valls Geoconsultant calls its methodology “Lineament

better advantage of the rich information that exists in the

Analysis” and is working to introduce it to other countries. “It

country,” he says.

is important to change our mindsets and processes because although it is very easy to extract ore from a mine until the

SGM is in charge of five basic programs that focus on making

end of its lifecycle, the way the industry thinks needs to

metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources profitable through

be realigned to the reality of the sector to guarantee new

geological information infrastructure and research, among

projects,” he says. “We need technology and better thinking

other services. Its goal is to generate the most recent and thorough geological information ever published in Mexico. Geoinfomex displays geological information on a single site with over 80 layers of data and is the first of its kind in Latin America. Along with the advantage of geological information, Valls says that processes in Mexico are not as slow as many companies often say they are. “I have experience working in many countries and I find that Mexico is quite fast in comparison to these,” he says. “In Colombia, we applied

to discover the next largest projects.”

We do not drill to explore but to verify. Our method can help companies save up to 50 percent on their exploration programs”

for nine licenses four years ago and have not received a response. It can sometimes be slower than Cuba. This forced

Despite the need for new projects and the effects of the last

us to invest our money elsewhere. We would love to work

downturn, the number of attendees at PDAC 2018 could be

in Mexico if our hands were not tied to a big project in

a good sign for the industry, Valls says. “PDAC is a great way


to measure the well-being of the industry,” he adds. “Metal prices are improving and even though the industry is still in

Valls Geoconsultant specializes in geological research and

need of capital, people are optimistic. I hope that the public

has innovative solutions to reduce the expenses and time

sector learns how to treat the mining industry to reactivate

frames of drilling and exploration. According to Valls, the

exploration as companies are hungry for new projects.”

traditional method of exploring sites step by step is outdated. “It may work sometimes to test your luck and cut corners

One area hindering exploration worldwide is the lack of new

but this approach will be a lot more expensive and time

projects. “The last downturn caused big companies to focus

consuming in the long run. We have seen companies use this

only on acquiring producing mines,” Valls says. “There was not

strategy to jump start a drilling program based on the results

enough capital for exploration and this means that companies

of a neighboring license without doing any other exploration

in the industry do not have enough exploration projects to

work, and of course the results were catastrophic.” He firmly

turn into producing mines.” Due to the lack of both supply

believes it is much better to incorporate a systematic method

and new discoveries, he estimates that the price of gold could

that thoroughly analyzes the site before drilling.

rise to US$1,800/oz.





As miners continue to seek ways to reduce costs,

of mine pits to help clients make the best decisions about

digitalization of geological data is an increasingly

production and grade.

attractive option that can provide pin-point accuracy regarding exploration targets, says Aaron Cumashot,

The incorporation of increasingly complex technologies

Director of Operations at hyperspectral and geospatial

in mining processes is a double-edged sword, according

solutions company SpecTIR. “We can help to narrow

to Cumashot. While it can help meet the never-ending

the focus of exploration,” he says. “We save companies

demand for high-grade minerals, some geologists find such

money by helping them understand their claim mineralogy;

technology a threat. But Cumashot believes that instead

enabling them to be more precise about where they

of competing, technology and geologists should have a

devote resources.”

symbiotic relationship. “Technology is not here to replace geologists by any means, but to augment their power and

SpecTIR solutions can be applied across a variety of areas,

knowledge as a tool,” he says.

such as oil and gas, vegetation, the environment, and even emergency response. Within mining and minerals, the

He stresses that, while SpecTIR is at the forefront of

company specializes in analyzing surface mineralogy in

technological advancements helping companies adapt

often large and remote locations. “We are actually working

their techniques for mineral exploration, its systems

in areas that are harder to get to, basically overcoming

remain very dependent on human operations. “There are

access challenges in exploration, as we can pull very detailed

many environmental factors involved in collecting quality

geological information without setting foot on the ground.”

data,” he explains. “Even with some of our semi-automated

says Cumashot. Through its technologies, he says SpecTIR

processes there has to be an intelligent being making the

can accurately map minerals associated with specific types

decision of when, where, and how to operate.”

of alteration systems at a high level of spatial and spectral precision. Hyperspectral data is then combined with other

With the importance SpecTIR places on human capital,

remote sensing and geophysical data from sources such as

it makes sense that the company relies on a unique and

LIDAR, magnetometry, seismic, and core logging to create

diverse multinational network composed of specialized

a highly-accurate picture of the mineralogy.

scientists with a global presence and penetration. “We have the best capacity in the world for completing these

Hyperspectral data has been employed since the 1990’s,

surveys because we have many sensors in the field and

but it has just started to gain traction in Mexico over the

the right team to manage the operations in every region,”

last decade, Cumashot says. “We had an early foothold in

says Cumashot.

the digitalization of geologic data here; taking advantage of this momentum, we span off our sister company

Despite its global reach, the company is careful when

Terracore,” he explains. The latter specializes in spectral

choosing where it works and with what subcontractors. “We

imaging and digitalization of the full core record for a mine

want to work with the best and safest, even if they are not

or exploration area.

the cheapest” he says. “We seek well-established companies with outstanding reputations for our partnerships.” In

In Mexico, SpecTIR’s most in-demand products are final-

Mexico, SpecTIR has worked with SGM, contributing to the

solution mineral analyses, along with full field verifications.

GeoInfoMex platform since 2012. SpecTIR built the SGM

“Clients trust us with their mineral mapping,” says

Hyperspectral program; including training on hyperspectral

Cumashot. In operational mines, SpecTIR is implementing a

operations and basic image processing. They have worked

new mine-wall scanning service that carries out a complete

collaboratively on projects in several States of Mexico,

high-resolution hyperspectral characterization of the inside

including Guererro, Zacatecas, and Guanajuato.



Q: How have you raised the funds for your exploration

Durango. The property acquisition price was US$4 million

projects and what financial schemes have proven to be

and we spent US$11.5 million on exploration.

the most successful? A: In mining and mineral exploration, investors come from

According to our resources estimates, the property has

everywhere. There is a strong European appetite to invest

approximately 20 million tons of silver equivalent with

in exploration companies in the Americas, so we have to

strong zinc and lead components. The current estimated

be listed on their stock exchanges to make it easier for

value of those in situ resources is US$3.9 billion. We plan to

their nationals to participate in financing our projects. Our

spend another US$3 million further exploring the property

companies are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, as well

to increase its resources by upward of 10 million tons to over

as the OTC-QB and Frankfurt Exchanges. Also, Southern

300 million ounces of silver equivalent. We are presently

Silver Exploration is listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange

carrying out an internal scoping study, which gives us better

(BVS), which provided some ability to invest for Mexican

insight on underground mining methods on the property.

investors. The TSX asked us to co-list on the BVS in Chile to

We expect to move to a PEA in early 2019, which should

benefit Mexican investors. We have not yet pursued a listing

lead to a production decision.

on the BMV, but we would be happy to consider doing so. Valterra Resources is the junior company which recently We also do in-house, non-brokered placement funding’s

acquired a copper-gold property in Chihuahua. We are

ranging in value from CA$1 million to CA$5 million, as we

confident that Los Reyes has substantial opportunities to

have a significant number of investors that are happy to

be developed into more than 10 million tons of high-grade

speculate with us. In the end, we speculate to raise money

copper and gold. We are in the permitting process and

and become a more mature company, and this strategy has

expect to be drilling before the end of 2018. Los Reyes is

proven to have been successful. Of the four companies in the

surrounded by Peñoles projects and has historic value and

Manex Group, only Southern Silver Exploration and Valterra

tremendous infrastructure, which allows us to better take its

Resources have properties in Mexico, the first in Durango

products to market. It is only 2km away from Route 49 and

and the second in Chihuahua. Southern Silver Exploration

there is a rail that runs by the property. When developing

has spent around US $4.65 million in acquisition costs and

a mine, it is key to make sure it has good transportation

US$11.5 million on exploration costs on its significant Cerro

access and electricity, among other infrastructure features.

Las Minitas polymetallic property that it is now developing

It is also important to consider labor availability and to have

into what will be the next mine in that district. We are also

a good relationship with local ejidos. We believe we have

spending US$3million on the current drilling and surface

addressed all those factors in Los Reyes. Valterra Resources

program that will lead to a PEA requiring a further US$5

has been in existence for some time and it is funded by

million investment to completion.

a loyal shareholders’ base. It also has a high-grade gold property in Nevada and a porphyry copper-gold project in

Q: What are the main projects you are pursuing in Mexico?

British Columbia, but we thought that exposure to Mexico

A: Southern Silver Exploration is the most senior company

would be beneficial, which is why the board approved the

in the group by way of market capitalization. It is currently

optioning and further acquisition of Los Reyes.

conducting a US$3 million exploration program which will lead to a preliminary economic assessment on its Mexican property, which will then require additional equity financing.

Manex Resource Group is a Canadian-based company. Since

It operates the property with Electrum Group of New York

its formation in 1997, companies under the Manex management

as a 40/60 joint venture. Electrum provided US$5 million to

umbrella have raised around CA$350 million to fund their

earn its 60 percent working interest in Cerro Las Minitas in

exploration projects




As a Top 10 producer of several minerals, including silver, gold and copper, Mexico is among the leading mining jurisdictions in the world. Its mineral potential is enormous, given that a significant part of its territory remains unexplored. When seeking an answer to how to better seize the opportunities for mineral exploration in the country, industry leaders mention challenges such as security, speed of procedures and the need for more investment. In this scenario, innovation and new technologies stand as the main potential allies, along with the creation of a strong human resources support group.


Security can be an issue in certain isolated areas within the country and even though we have an interesting project in Guerrero we have not been able to deploy exploration in the area due to these issues. We have tried a couple of times to start exploring it but unfortunately, we have experienced safety problems and have removed our people from the area. Thanks to our large project portfolio we can pause our efforts in this area and direct them toward less challenging regions. We hope


that the area will be at a more stable stage in the future. The growing presence of the mining industry has the potential to change the reality of the state as it will bring economic growth and quality jobs. This will help lower violence and crime rates and will establish a more efficient context for mining.

We face the obstacle of speed. In this sector, exploration companies must move quickly because we are dependent on investors and they want to see fast, positive results and progress. We are trying to use innovation and technology to address this issue. We are now employing processes in the field that usually would be left until the laboratory stage, which saves a great deal of time. We can carry out assaying, scanning and drone flights in the field so we can greatly speed up the process.

JOHN-MARK STAUDE President and CEO of Riverside Resources

Something that would normally take months can be done in a matter of days. We are also addressing community relations by working with ranch owners and trying to build infrastructure for them in ways where we can help. We want to leave Mexico in a better condition than it was in when we started.

One of the main obstacles for exploration is the deductibility of pre-operating expenses, which is now only possible after 10 years. Also, it is key to clarify the regulations regarding land ownership and mineral concessions so there are binding rules regarding the environment and the impact that mining can have on local communities. The government must have trained and capable people who really know the mining industry placed in the right positions.

JESĂšS HERRERA Director General of Detector Exploraciones

Private funding is very difficult to access for exploration, and the best source of private capital for exploration is probably from high-net-worth career mining explorers or from mining operators that are looking to outsource exploration. Mexico is fortunate in that it has five or six private individuals who are themselves eager participants in the Mexican exploration industry. This is something even the Mexican industry does not understand about itself. The fact that national investors are eager to fund these projects gives foreign investors like ourselves some confidence. In addition, we are one of the primary funders of generative exploration worldwide, including in Mexico. The nature of generative exploration, where the expectation is

RICK RULE President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings

failure, is such that the person writing the check has to be intimately involved, at least with the development of the thesis and the process by which the thesis is tested.


Mineral exploration is a very speculative business; it is never a sure bet but it yields good rewards when a strong strategy is deployed. For example, 10 years ago we had a junior company called Western Silver Corporation that was developing a silver property in Zacatecas but it was struggling with funding. We persevered and ended up discovering the Peñasquito mine, which is today the most significant property in Goldcorp’s portfolio. In the end, our investors were rewarded to the tune of $1.2 billion. It is important to establish a human resources base in the country. Our last two properties have come to us through references from our geologists, who have a combined 40 years of experience in mineral exploration in Mexico. There is no recipe

LAWRENCE PAGE Chairman and Director of Manex Resource Group

for success when betting on an undervalued asset.

More investment in exploration and drilling will lead to more discoveries. Mexico has enormous mineral potential. Important discoveries are still being made right at the surface. A good example is the Alacrán silver-gold deposit near Cananea, Sonora, where high-grade silver was discovered within sight of Grupo Mexico’s worldclass Buenavista del Cobre copper mine. Dozens of geologists must have walked over this deposit without noticing its silver potential until the Australian exploration company, Azure Minerals, made the initial discovery of nearly 2kg/t silver in the outcropping. Mexico continues to reward companies willing to invest in exploration with important discoveries. Brownfields exploration has shown remarkable positive

DOUGLAS COLEMAN Director General and founder of Mexico Mining Center

results, expanding the reserves of mines currently in production.

Companies remain cautious and are waiting to see if prices will continue to improve. During the downturn, some mines faced great losses all of a sudden and had almost no capital to keep operations going. We also hope that exportation tariffs drop so that more investment opportunities open up in the industry. Three or four years ago there were no exportation fees and the market were lucrative, but costs are now much higher. It also is hard for us to manage high taxes for Japanese products that enter Mexico as we must compete against national companies. There is a big cost difference. Japanese companies are becoming increasingly interested in the Mexican mining industry and see great potential for their technology in the sector.

LARRY DE LA TORRE Vice President International Sales of C&C Tsurumi Pump Mexico

Goldcorp's PeĂąasquito mine



After an ore body has been identified, feasibility studies have ensured the viability of building a mine and shareholder approval has been received, operators begin one of the most expensive and time-consuming phases in the life cycle of a mine: development.

This phase requires companies to contemplate everything, from construction and site conditions to the mine layout and facilities, even down to the closure plan. All due diligence must be carried out to avoid problems in the future. As mining projects tend to be located in extremely remote areas, operators often also must invest in the creation of roads and power plants, among other infrastructure.

But smoothing the complexity of building or rehabilitating a mine and its surroundings is easier said than done. Local communities must be approached cautiously and with optimum communication, relationships with authorities must be carefully nurtured and construction must be well-planned. This chapter gathers the experience and insights of the Mexican mining industry’s leaders regarding best practices for a mine’s development.




ANALYSIS: Slow and Steady Wins the Development Race


TREND SPOTLIGHT: Water In Mining: A Shared Responsibility and Approach


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Peter Megaw, MAG Silver


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Miguel Andrés Rozo, TDM


MAP: Mapping New Projects


INSIGHT: Sergio Bartolomé, Layher Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Miranda, Orica




INSIGHT: Jorge González, DSI Underground


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Christian Bijsterveld, GroundProbe North and Central America


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Geosynthetics: the Key to Optimizing Productivity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sergio Kuroda, KRAH Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: David Juárez, Herrenknecht Tunneling Services Mexico


ROUNDTABLE: How Can Infrastructure Development Boost the Mining Industry?


SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE DEVELOPMENT RACE The development process for a mine is lengthy and costly, which is why several aspects should be considered prior to a company making a construction decision. These include the types of communities that live in the areas surrounding the mine and the existing infrastructure


The cost to build a mine can reach astronomical heights,

by the public sector. “If the private sector wants efficient,

especially if proper due diligence is not carried out. Often,

effective infrastructure, it should not leave the responsibility

operators consider the costs outlined in the PFS, and based

in the hands of the government,” says Sergio Kuroda,

on this information, must decide whether the financing can

Director General of KRAH Mexico. “It is also the private

be obtained and whether this makes the mine worth building.

sector that benefits from mining projects, so it should

But if auxiliary aspects of a mine are overlooked, this can put

balance this by contributing infrastructure and connectivity

the entire project in jeopardy over the long term.

to the communities in which it is working.”

Building a mine is a highly risky process, not least because

Not only does an operator need to consider whether the

of the time taken to carry out this process. “Lead times can

roads, telecommunications, water and energy infrastructure

range from a few years to decades, depending on the type of

are in place, but also has to consider ore processing, which

mineral, size and grade of the deposit, financing conditions,

can add considerable costs to the project. Some operators

country factors and commodity prices,” says the World Bank

are coming up with innovative solutions.

in a study. “One-third of copper discoveries since 1950 have had lead times to eventual production of 30 or more years.”

Minera Hecla, for example, operates the San Sebastian mine in Durango, on a neighboring property to Golden Minerals’

Given the slow ROI involved in mining, operators want to

Velardeña property, where it has an oxide plant. Hecla leases

guarantee that projects will reach production without a

the plant in a contract up to 2020. “We have been able to

hitch. But Mariano Calderón, Partner at law firm Santamarina

extend this agreement three times as we kept finding new

+ Steta, says that, even if these aspects are considered,

ore zones,” says Carlos Aguiar, Vice President Mexico of

intricacies in Mexican law mean companies should always

Minera Hecla. The company also entered into a toll milling

expect the unexpected. “Companies could have performed

agreement in which sulfide ore will be trucked 26 miles to

proper due diligence, acquired all the permits, made all the

Excellon’s Miguel Auza flotation mill facility in Zacatecas.

payments and on the day when operations are expected to start, a community or ejido can file a lawsuit claiming they


are the rightful owners of that piece of land, embroiling the

As metals prices slowly but surely recover from their 2015 dip,

company in lengthy litigation,” he says.

more and more mines are coming into production. Several new projects are entering development as operators see

For this reason, Alfonso Caso, Founding Partner of ANAF

greater potential. Chief among them are Bacanora Lithium’s

Energy Social, says it is important to maintain constant

Sonora Lithium project and Azure Minerals’ Sara Alicia cobalt

contact with the local communities to transmit the benefits.

project. Another sizeable investment from Fresnillo is being

He warns, however, that the fragmentation that exists in the

made in Orisyvo in Sinaloa for US$350 million.

industry can be an issue. “As one company explores, another builds the mine infrastructure and a third carries out the

But by far the greatest investment has been in Chesapeake’s

operations,” he says. “The first company will promise certain

Metates deposit in Durango. The Metates project is one of the

things to the local community to secure the exploration

largest, undeveloped disseminated gold and silver deposits in

concession, which it will most likely not fulfill because it leaves

the world, with proven and probable reserves of 18.5 million

after completing its part. As a result, when operations begin,

ounces of gold. The initial capital cost for a smaller mine

the relationship with the community is already damaged.”

is estimated at US$1.91 billion, including a US$244 million contingency, but ultimately the project is expected to cost


US$3.49 billion. With this kind of money at stake, Chesapeake

Another aspect that can complicate the mine development

is taking its time advancing it into development. Randy Reifel,

process is whether the correct infrastructure exists. Mines

the company’s President says the potential held by the deposit

are often in remote locations with lower population density,

means no mistakes can be made. “One day, Metates will be the

meaning building of infrastructure is largely not prioritized

largest gold and silver mines in Mexico,” he says.


WATER IN MINING: A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY AND APPROACH In the past, water was perceived as a mere input for

“Companies need to make sure that they have a clearly-

production but scarcity has turned it into a strategic asset

defined plan of action for social and environmental risk

for industrial operations. This is even more pronounced in

mitigation to avoid undesired surprises,” says Edna

mining as the resource is used in most stages of mineral

Rodríguez, CSO and Partner at Intelligent Social Investment.

processing. According to Deloitte, by 2030 about 25 percent

“The most important step is identifying all the ways a

of mining production will be prone to water shortages and

project will impact the environment and the people who

other climate-related risks.

are close to the mine, which implies everything from noise pollution to the use of scarce resources such as water.”

The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment has found that mining gold and copper requires the highest amount of water, followed by nickel, coal and iron ore. Ore reserve trends could mean even higher use of the resource. “As ore reserves decline, mining companies have to expand operations into increasingly remote and arid regions, which requires new ways of managing water,” says the organization. Industry leaders agree. “Any operator’s interest is to preserve water resources because they cannot produce ore without it,” says Enrique Ortega, Director

We are constantly trying to find ways to reuse water, not only from our dewatering systems but also at sewage and wastewater plants”

General of GRUPO SHB with RNG PERFORACION. Federico Casares, Business Development and Institutional Water scarcity is also starting to create competition over

Affairs Director Mexico at Veolia, believes a shared

resources between communities and the private sector, which

responsibility approach is based on a circular economy.

in turn causes tension and conflict. “As concerns around

“The circular economy demands companies have an

water availability grow, communities and environmental

extended responsibility approach to products,” he says. “I

groups are turning the spotlight to water-intensive industries,

think this is the global development model to pursue, as it

including mining,” says Deloitte’s Tracking the Trends 2018

not only shifts from a linear economy that extracts, uses and

report. Water access and management is even considered

disposes of resources, but it promotes reuse and recycling.”

by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century in its report

Collaboration in the form of community engagement can

Water in the Mining Sector. In response, operators are

also be complemented by outside-the-box thinking to

seeking solutions and best practices to better manage their

create innovative new technology, according to Deloitte.

consumption as a water-intensive industry and collaboration

“To reduce freshwater needs, mining companies are already

is turning out to be an essential part of their journey.

investing in process innovation,” the report states. “They are collaborating with commercial technology providers

In Mexico, water woes represent a particular hurdle for

to devise solutions for tailings storage and management,

miners. According to SEMARNAT, just four of the country’s

dust suppression techniques and seawater desalination

13 hydrological regions hold 67 percent of renewable water

plants. They are also increasingly collaborating with

resources but represent a mere 23 percent of the national

governments and other industry players to devise a

population. On the other hand, the northern region of

shared water-use approach.”

Mexico, where most mining activity takes place, experiences high degrees of stress on water resources. After the Valley

Larry De La Torre, Vice President of International Sales

of Mexico, which includes Mexico City, the highest strain is

at C&C Tsurumi Pump Mexico, says that more advanced

felt in the Northwest hydrological region, with a stress level

solutions can cut company costs. “Companies spend

of 81.4 percent, followed by the Baja California Peninsula

billions of dollars in water management and there are

with 79.8 percent. The Rio Bravo, which spans most of

additional processes that are starting to be a requirement

Chihuahua, comes fourth with 77.1 percent.

for operations,” he says. “We are constantly trying to find ways to reuse water, not only from our dewatering systems

As a water-dependent industry, mining faces the challenge

but also at sewage and wastewater plants.” He mentions

of improving its systems for water management. When

Industrias Peñoles as a Mexican national champion leading

addressing this issue, strategic planning is the first step.

the way for water recycling processes in mine operations.





Q: How is the industry likely to evolve during the López

loss and a lot of operations are suffering. We understand

Obrador administration?

what these special mining royalties should be used for,

A: We have yet to determine how the new administration

but it would be nice to see them actually invested that

is going to affect mining operations and the regulatory

way. I think this fiscal structure should be more flexible

environment, but I hope it will have a positive impact on

and there should be more creative ways to deal with these

the industry’s growth. The big industry challenge I perceive

expenditures. To have government deciding how this

is to define what the realities of operating under this

money is deployed locally, as opposed to having the locals

new administration will be like and to foster a feeling of

deciding, may not be the best way. There should also be

ownership in mining workers so they have a sense of having

ways for companies to deduct what they spend directly on

dignified and well-paid jobs in areas where work is often

community development from the royalties so they are not

scarce. We must also make the people more aware of the

essentially paying twice for this work, especially when it is

realities of modern mining, which is an environment that is

done in concert with the local communities.

well-lit, clean, healthy and as safe as we can make it. Q: What is your assessment of the data provided by the The previous administration implemented very stiff royalties

Mexican Geological Service and its utility in supporting

that have had a major impact on the companies operating


in the country. These, combined with slightly depressed

A: I think that the Mexican Geological Service has a

metal prices, make the difference between profitability and

tremendous, very-well organized database with easy-


REIMAGINING THE DESIGN OF MINES THROUGH GEOSYNTHETICS MIGUEL ANDRÉS ROZO General Manager of TDM Q: As an international company, how is TDM adapting to

by expanding and offering engineering advice on mine

the needs of the Mexican mining industry?

design and planning to complement our commercialization

A: We entered the industry here in 2017 and used to focus

of synthetic products. This change of perspective has

solely on mine closures. Our main intervention in the

been a success so far and we have already signed our first

market was to commercialize geomembranes, lixiviation

contract of integrated services with Metallorum. We are

pads and leaching pads, but we realized that there were

helping it develop its initial expansion phase. This is our

many companies already providing the same services. TDM

first big project in Mexico and we are competing to acquire

additionally found that the market needed more integrated

other projects in mine design with other large mining

and complex services. This is particularly important in

companies in the country.

Mexico as the country is also competing with others in North America due to its geographic positioning. We

Q: What challenges do miners face in different phases of a

decided to take advantage of the market more intelligently

project and how can you help solve these issues?

to-access information. Our focus is to find new, blind ore

on track to start production in 2020 and become one of

deposits because the vast percentage of Mexico’s known

the largest silver producers in the world by 2022. We are

mineral deposits were found in outcrop shortly after the

extremely happy with how the project is unfolding and we

Spanish Conquest. The history of mining has basically

are convinced that the property has tremendous potential

followed these discoveries since then, with updated

to hold additional veins. The Fresnillo district may be the

technologies allowing larger and larger scale mining. When

world’s largest primary silver district, but it has the chance

considering the geological map of Mexico, 60 percent of its

to become even bigger.

surface is cover and in other countries with similar cover, the governing geological surveys have identified areas of high-

As for Cinco de Mayo, we think it is a major discovery

mineral potential and carried out various kinds of airborne

that is ideally situated to become a large, clean and

geophysical surveys to help map what we cannot see. I would

modern operation. It is close enough to the local town

very much like to see the SGM undertake such surveys.

that workers would be able to go home every night but not close enough for any noise or dust problems to affect

Q: What is the main challenge that junior exploring

the community. Unfortunately, we ran into a blockade

companies face when operating in Mexico?

instigated by a few members of the local population

A: The biggest problem anywhere is making the transition

and have not had access to the property for four years.

from being explorers to being developers and operators. These

We just want the opportunity to lay out our side of the

involve a very different skillsets, so, once a major discovery

story to convince the majority of the local population. We

is made, exploration companies have to choose whether to

understand that it is a process that takes time and we

partner with somebody that already has those skills or to try

are committed to taking the time to get there. We are

to bring those skills in-house. The latter is especially difficult

pleased with the relationship we have developed with the

in large projects. We hope that the discoveries we make in the

Corral administration in Chihuahua and they are helping us

future are big enough that joint venturing with an operator is

establish open communication with the community.

the most sensible way for us to go. Q: What are your expectations for the JV for Juanicipio and

MAG Silver is focused on advancing and exploring high-

the mineral concessions of the Cinco de Mayo property?

grade silver projects in Mexico’s Fresnillo district. The much-

A: Juanicipio is moving forward very well. Fresnillo is

anticipated Juanicipio joint venture with Fresnillo is under

doing a great job in building the mine and it seems to be

construction and is expected to start production in 2020

A: We are widening the services we offer the industry to fit the

Q: How are you helping optimize production in Peñasquito?

needs in every stage of a project from beginning to end. For

A: We identified many areas of opportunity to optimize

example, we are helping start a project in Oaxaca with EPSA.

the installation of our solutions. At Peñasquito in 2017, we

We are additionally helping Metallorum develop haul roads

created a customized solution among the operator and

that can withstand the massive heavy-duty machines used in

all the technicians. We also carried out several field visits

the industry. The equipment needs to be used several times a

and invited experts from Peru to help us draft a budget

day and we have engineered solutions that can maximize the

and another from Chile that specializes in leaching plants.

performance of these paths. We also provide steel solutions

By getting to know the project and the client thoroughly

and safety barriers that can keep projects clear from nearby

we can provide a precise solution. We are trying to

debris. Copper can oxidize tubes in underground mines and

partner with Metallorum to be its main supplier. We are

we have a spray that can prevent the deterioration. It has a

proud of our work at Peñasquito as it is owned by one

foam-like texture that helps tubes last longer in mines.

of the biggest mining groups in the world. We consider ourselves to be partners in all of the projects we work

We can provide solutions for the mine closure stage as

in as we have the same goal as our clients, which is to

well, which used to be an overlooked part of the lifecycle

optimize production and reduce costs.

but is now highly prioritized. Operators know they can no longer leave mines in such a dangerous state. Mines leave gaps in the earth that can cause problems after production

TDM Group is a leader in Latin America in engineering

is stopped and jeopardizes the wellbeing of surrounding

solutions, supply and installation of construction products

communities. A proper closure can help avoid accidents if

for infrastructure, mining, energy and hydrocarbon projects,

in the future a mine is reopened in the same area.

sanitation and agriculture



2 1

2 3 5




7 4 8

6 9


5 7

10 11






10 14





14 17

18 15



Primary metal



El Boleo

Korea Resources-Baja Mining




La Herradura*




Buenavista del Cobre (ESDE II and Concentradora II)*

Americas Mining Corporation



Santa Elena

First Majestic Silver



La Yaqui

Alamos Gold





Pan American Silver




Sierra Metals




Sierra Metals



Parral Tailings

GoGold Resources

Silver, Gold, Zinc


San Julian





Rose Petroleum



San Rafael

Americas Silver Corporation



La Trinidad

Marlin Gold Mining



San Agustín

Argonaut Gold



San Sebastian

Hecla Mining



La Colorada*

Pan American Silver



Saucito II




San Ignacio*

Great Panther Silver



La Guitarra

First Majestic Silver




Impact Silver



El Limón-Guajes

Torex Gold



El Águila

Gold Resource


* World Class Deposits Source: CAMIMEX

13 13


16 22



Primary metal

Investment (milllion)










Centauro Deep




Buenavista del Cobre* Americas Mining Corporation




El Pilar

Americas Mining Corporation




Santa Gertrudis

Agnico Eagle




San Félix

Mexus Gold/MarMar Holding




Santa Elena

Mexus Gold/Mar Mar Holding





Americas Mining Corporation




Sonora Lithium

Bacanora Lithium





Minera Alamos

Gold, Silver, Copper








El Gallo II

McEwen Mining





First Majestic Silver





Telson Resources




La Pitarrilla





La Ciénega*






Chesapeake Gold




San Sebastian

Hecla Mining





Minera Frisco





MAG Silver/Fresnillo




Pyrites Plant


Gold, Silver



El Compas

Endeavour Silver


US$ 11.3



Americas Mining Corporation




Ana Paula

Alio Gold




Rey de Plata





Media Luna

Torex Gold




Morelos Norte

Torex Gold





Alamos Gold





23 19



25 24 26 21 27








Contrary to popular opinion, Sergio Bartolomé, Director

system is a modular scaffolding system that offers

of scaffolding company Layher Mexico, says that Mexican

greater versatility than any traditional systems. Originally

miners are not resistant to new technologies. On the contrary,

developed by the company in 1974, it can be constructed

they are very receptive to innovation but it has to be directly

faster than most systems and used in complex layouts. By

linked to production gains. The problem lies with auxiliary

now, Bartolomé says the technology has been replicated

tech that companies like Layher provide. “In terms of auxiliary

multiple times, which is what makes it so important for

technologies that seek to increase safety, although it may be

Layher to continue innovating in order to stay ahead

innovative and incorporate new technologies, there is not a

of the pack.

great acceptance of this equipment,” he says. “We provide auxiliary services in scaffolding, so the innovation and

The company’s newest Allround system is innovative

efficiency this offers does not tend to be taken into account.”

in terms of its materials, according to Bartolomé. The system is called Lightweight because it is lighter yet more

Fortunately, many foreign companies see the value of these

resistant, meaning it can be assembled and disassembled

products, which helps when convincing local players of the

more rapidly and even less effort is required for transport

value of a product. For example, Layher has worked with

than the previous version. This technology was launched

Goldcorp in Chile, Peru and Australia and Bartolomé says

in 2013 but Layher has been consolidating it over the

this helped it secure a contract with the operator at the

last four years to improve the quality of the steel. “The

Peñasquito mine in Zacatecas. “Some local companies have

more resistant and lighter we can make the it, the more

yet to fully accept this concept of increased safety and

time can be saved in assembly and freight,” he says. “As

efficiency through auxiliary services,” he says. “But we have

the pioneer of the Allround system and market leaders,

been able to secure business with companies that prioritize

innovation is permanent and our investment in R&D each

innovation, such as Industrias Peñoles.”

year is significant. We can almost guarantee that any new product we launch will be replicated by competitors within

Layher’s focus on innovation has made it the premier

a few years.” With so many competitors on its heels, Layher

scaffolding company on a global level. The Allround

is always thinking about the next step.



Q: How do your blasting services differ from those offered

rarely do this, so we provide a tailor-made solution to each

by other companies?

operation with each plant design already in mind.

A: We provide innovative solutions that can greatly reduce


time and costs. For companies that are not afraid to

Q: How is your business impacted by the development

incorporate new technology, we can help them to increase

of more complex mines that are increasingly going

productivity rates considerably in the same window of time


as more traditional systems. And for those that are more

A: I believe that Mexico will experience an increase in

conservative and wish to retain their existing mechanical

underground mines over the next 20 years as many

systems, we can help them find ways to improve their

open-pit mines will shift to underground to better extract

process and reduce costs.

mineralized bodies and become more cost effective. Many mines start off underground, turn into open-pit mines, then

We have noticed that initiation systems in the industry

start underground operations once again. Big open-pits

have evolved considerably and this could change the way

more likely will convert to underground when cost requires

blasting systems work. Programmability in detonators now

that shift. That is the case of big pit in copper mine in other

allows companies to adapt blasting systems to the needs of

countries like Chile, where Chuquicamata after 100 years of

the operation on a daily basis and we use these solutions

exploitation is now moving from the largest copper open

in our portfolio. We differentiate ourselves by providing

pit to one of the largest and newest underground mines

products that no one else offers in the market that can

in the world.

greatly improve operations. For example, we are the only suppliers of i-Kon, the top-selling electronic detonator

Q: What strategies will the company deploy to maintain

globally. Just recently we introduced wireless system

its leadership in global explosives?

Webgen into our portfolio. This can be initiated remotely

A: Orica is now focusing on expanding its presence

and helps mines to fully automate blasting processes. In

by acquiring companies that can provide innovative

fact, we just carried out our first tests of these products in

technology solutions to maintain its competitive edge.

Canada with Goldcorp and we are now starting to promote

We have incorporated groundbreaking solutions to our

it in Mexico as well. Fresnillo is quite likely to adopt some of

portfolio through this strategy such as GroundProbe a

these products as it is a company that prioritizes investment

novel technology in radar that can predict movements to

in technology.

avoid surprise motions within rock structures. Orica is also starting to provide services in intelligent blasting to use data

Q: In which phase of the mine production cycle do you

to create a design and improve processes continuously, with


a new technology called BlastIQ that includes the latest in

A: We participate in initial unitary process, which is drilling

geological data management. Finally, Orica also is offering

and blasting, and the result of this process impacts

high-level technology in ground support for underground

approximately 90 percent of performance of the following

operations. While Orica is focusing in new development in

downstream processes. Our services are dictated by

technology, we remain open to acquisitions that can help us

what size of fragmented rocks the operation requires. For

to continue growing and securing our position in the market.

example, milling processes require much finer rocks than a leaching system. Ideally, at the planning stage we can collaborate with mining operators in feasibility studies and

Orica is the world’s largest provider of commercial explosives

help them to incorporate the most cost-effective blasting

and innovative blasting systems. It is also a leading supplier of

system possible, thereby challenging output assumptions of

sodium cyanide and a specialist provider of ground support

the mine. This can effectively reduce CAPEX. But companies

services in mining and tunneling



JUANICIPIO Imagine a property with such mineral potential as to have its own mining company created. At the heart of Zacatecas’ Fresnillo district, the high-grade Juanicipio property has a significant silver, gold, lead and zinc vein system that meant it was worth the effort of creating Minera Juanicipio. After being discovered by a team led by tenured Geologist Peter Megaw, MAG Silver entered a JV with Fresnillo in a 44/56 percent partnership to further explore and develop the asset. But what is so mesmerizing about Juanicipio? Expected to start production 1H20, the annual average anticipated total output reaches 30 million silver ounces and 30,000 gold ounces. The asset also has attributable and inferred resources of 248 million silver ounces and 1.4 million gold ounces over a 19-year total mine life. Based on 2017’s PEA, Juanicipio appears to be an economically robust project with minimum financial or development risks. The report highlights a 4,000t/d production rate on a 100-percent project basis. Also, the initial forecasted capital cost of US$360 million from Jan. 1, 2018 to starting production in 2020 is expected to be returned in less than two years after plant startup. The property still requires a significant amount of infrastructure development, including a new plant and tailings location on flat open ground, an underground crusher, an ore conveyor system and several ramp expansions. While Minera Juanicipio has its own Board of Directors and Technical Committees to design and approve exploration and development programs, both are being carried out by the property’s operator, Fresnillo, with an estimated pre-operative CAPEX of US$305 million. Underground development on the asset began in October 2013 and has been since mainly focused on the ramp decline to the main vein, Valdecañas. So far, the drilling of the property’s deep zone is ongoing, but has already confirmed continuous mineralization extending to the Valdecañas Bonanza zone in East and West veins. The 30,944m drilled reported by Fresnillo yielded results with a 33.7 percent and 9.9 percent increase in gold and silver resources, respectively due to a 38.9 percent increase in tonnage. There was a a 3.8 percent and 20.8 percent reduction in gold and silver grades, respectively compared to those measured in 2016. Fresnillo’s next step for the property considers a 20,000m drilling program.





Mine exhaustion is making operators seek higher returns

companies demand complicated pieces and a wider range

underground, and this trend is changing the needs of the

of products as they have to comply with many standards.”

industry, says Jorge González, General Manager of DSI

DSI can also provide training to employees to ensure the

Underground. “We see a lot more underground mines in

best use and installation of the pieces.

development in comparison to what existed in the market five years ago,” he says. “Mexico will most likely have to

The tunnel and underground development specialist also

adapt its norms to foster development of underground

provides products made with materials that help keep

mines as other countries have done.”

operations safe. “Many anchor systems are made from steel but this material is very vulnerable to fire,” says González.

Underground mining tends to be much more demanding,

“This can be dangerous as mining operations involve

given that workers are in confined spaces and safety is

dynamite and explosives. We can provide products made

critical to avoid fatalities. DSI Underground provides

from plastic that may have slightly less resistance but will

pieces for specialized machines more often used by

not make emergency situations worse, therefore cutting

international companies versus national businesses. “Our

the downtime of the operation.”

clients are mostly Canadian, such as Goldcorp, Coeur Mining and Agnico Eagle,” González says. “We do not

While diversification is a strategy that can protect

get as much demand from Mexican companies as their

companies from the ebbs and flows of the mining industry,

projects require a higher volume of less-specialized

González is concerned about Mexico’s mining pipeline


because changes in regulation have had an impact on investment, especially for those mines under development

Canadian companies often must comply with strict norms

and extending to exploration. “Mexican operators such as

and international standards, meaning they see the value in

Fresnillo have many new projects in their pipelines,” says

investing in high-quality equipment. “All Canadian projects

González. “But on the other hand, we see that Canadian

are anchored while Mexican mines only add support to their

companies are not as keen to start new projects due to the

projects as they see necessary,” González says. “These

changes in the mining framework.”



Q: Of your three areas of focus, open-pit, underground

recognize the areas in which more focus is required. We view

and tailings dams, where are you seeing the most potential

it as a safety tool, similar to our surface equipment, but also

for growth?

as a way to improve underground productivity.

A: We previously focused mainly on open-pit mining but only recently we began to take our technology underground. In

While constructing the mine, this technology can be used to

September 2017, we launched an instrument called GML-

assess the stability of the structure and the need for more

Underground, adapting open-pit wall movement detection

support. Operators can create a drift, carry out some blasting

technology to the underground setting. Globally, no similar

and then evaluate the impact of this on the structural integrity

technology that offers the same level of accuracy has yet been

of the mine tunnel. Our experience in underground mines is

developed. Underground is a particular area of growth for us,

that the measurement is often done in a contained area but

especially in Mexico.

these decisions can affect huge areas of the mine. We are offering a way to take a panorama of a large area to make

We have had tailings dams and dam monitoring capabilities

more informed decisions.

but until now that area has attracted a lower level of attention from mining companies. But a number of events in Mexico and

Q: With the growing number of technology companies, how

globally have proven that this area cannot be ignored. We

is GroundProbe differentiating itself?

have a new instrument that is specifically designed to monitor

A: First of all, our technology is very much cutting edge. We

tailings dams more stringently than before and is more cost-

do not work through agents but go directly to the market

effective than radar. Although radar may be required in some

and to our clients. We are offering a particularly high level of

situations, this new equipment can negate the need for this.

innovation in this field and we are specialists so we are able to

Those that have seen the technology are very interested but

continue evolving with the customer. Two out of every three

it is too soon to tell what its success rate will be like.

radars in the world is one of ours so we are the market leaders and we were the originator of that technology in mining. We

Q: How can your company help operators go deeper

want to maintain our edge and also transition our technology

underground in the search for new deposits?

to expand and position ourselves in wider markets such as

A: Our equipment can measure to an immensely small and

underground mining and tailings dams.

accurate degree the amount of movement the walls of underground tunnels are experiencing through convergence.

We also have a 24/7 ability to monitor our products remotely

We can measure the movement to less than 0.1mm in close

from anywhere in the world, 365 days a year. Sometimes our

to real time. There is nothing else on the market that can do

clients request that we monitor their activities in this way and

that. In the past, if damage was identified in the mine drifts

giving the operator a chance to react preemptively. There

or if, after a blast, the structure needed to be assessed, a

have been examples in North America where we have been

waiting period of up to days or weeks was required. With our

able to predict collapses and structural failures and issue

instrument, we can pick up the impact almost immediately

warnings in enough time for the operator to act. I do not

and evaluate where the trends are. The speed at which we can

believe any other company has this depth of capability on

pick this up is worth a great deal of money to mines.

this continent.

Sometimes about 20 percent of the cost of underground mining is in supporting the tunnels. Many of the rules regarding

GroundProbe is a global technology leader providing advanced

support infrastructure were developed many years ago. This

hardware and software solutions to the mining industry with a

instrument allows operators to measure the effectiveness

focus on end-to-end solutions for open-cut and underground

of the support and to change strategies to reduce costs or

operations. GroundProbe is a part of the Orica Group



GEOSYNTHETICS: THE KEY TO OPTIMIZING PRODUCTIVITY Mine operations depend on a 24-hour, 365-day work schedule and setbacks can represent million-dollar losses for operators. Given the high capital risk at mine sites, operators are prioritizing maintenance and optimization, for example in haul roads and leaching pads. Understanding this need, TDM Mexico optimizes production efficiency through a technology based on geosynthetics, including geomembranes and geogrids. Geosynthetic products can be used to install waterproof systems within leaching pits and tailings dams. Essentially, geomembranes employ geotechnical material to control fluids within projects and structures. The main benefit of the material is its resistance to water, erosion, UV rays and bacteria. Regarding its installation, TDM Mexico starts by laying out the geomembrane in strategic areas, followed by the use of an anchoring system to ensure its durability. The company carries out various tests to guarantee the high quality of the installation. These include air pressure, vacuum and electric spark tests and a trial for extrusion wielding. Besides the risk of a production setback, mining projects are also vulnerable to rockfalls and landslides. Vegetation becomes a critical factor for long-term ground erosion control and for stabilizing the surrounding areas during mining closures. This can be achieved through slope protection. TDM’s technology works by anchoring a specialized erosion-control metallic grid combined with turf reinforcement mats. It combats erosion on slopes and surfaces, avoiding soil vulnerabilities and landslides. When placed on the ground, it also works as a protective cover, creating a porous and absorbent layer that in turn improves germination and plant growth. In efficiently addressing the much-needed reinforcement of soft soil, TDM also offers solutions for haul roads through geogrid technology. The high resistance to deformations in the ground and an open geometry based on strong joints that laterally confine the material used to fill haul roads provide this technology with a unique rigidity. Geogrids can be used to reinforce haul roads and platforms where loads in mine sites are transferred. To complete its solutions portfolio, Geocells are another key component of TDM’s technology. The company developed its own manufacturing facility for HDPE Geocells, now the only one in Latin America. The applications for this technology include haul roads, slope protection, retaining walls, channels and Geomembrane protection.





Q: What is the added value you offer to operators and why

the world it is replacing this outdated piping system due

should they choose KRAH over its competitors?

to its high reliability and safety levels.

A: As a Mexican manufacturer that uses German technology, we saw the opportunity to offer an added

Q: How does Mexico compare to Chile as a mining

value through our products, differentiated by their


quality. The technology allows modification of the profile

A: Mining infrastructure plays a great role in the

wall of the pipes. This improves mechanical resistance

attractiveness of a country to operators. Of course,

to flattening. One problem that tailings dams have

mineralization obviously is the No. 1 requirement but

is that the pipes sink deeper over time until they can

copper mineralization in Chile, for example, is more or

no longer withstand the weight of the soil on top and

less on par with that in Mexico, but the industry in Chile is

collapse. For this reason, we designed a wall that is

much more developed. This can be attributed to a focus on

much more resistant that the normal pipe. Almost 100

installing the relevant infrastructure and implementation of

percent of the products on the market do not allow the

regulations that may make mining easier in one jurisdiction

pressure to be modified outside the pipe, but KRAH’s

over another. If the private sector wants efficient, effective

technology permits operators to do this. Our added value

infrastructure, it should not leave the responsibility in

is the variable profile wall that can be adapted to the

the hands of the government. It is also the private sector

parameters of the project.

that benefits from mining projects, so it should balance this by contributing infrastructure and connectivity to the

Q: How do your products help operators to increase

communities in which it is working.

productivity and lower costs? A: The pipes that exist on the market have a limited

Q: In a cyclical industry like mining, how do you mitigate

diameter. In the national market, this is normally 36 inches

the risk of low metals prices?

and when importing from the US this can go up to 60

A: Because of the level of diversification we have in our

inches. Many miners require the construction of parallel

portfolio in terms of industries, cyclicality within the mining

infrastructure to that which already exists. KRAH can

industry affects us very little. What really affects us is

provide pipes with a diameter of up to 120 inches, which

government spending on infrastructure, which depends more

allows the operator to channel a higher volume of liquids,

on politics rather than metals prices. As a service provider to

using less energy and lowering costs.

the mining industry, the cost of raw materials, such as virgin resins, affects us much more than those of metals.

We also help prevent environmental damage, given our pipes need to withstand toxic substances from leaching

Q: How resistant is the Mexican industry to new

pits. Polyethylene pipes are the safest option for mining


because the material has high resistance to strong acids.

A: The private sector is very quick to adopt new

It is corroded neither by the waste fluids nor by the

technologies. It is the government that is resistant and takes

ground soil. In general, it is a material adopted by the

time to warm up to new ideas. Generally, the private sector

industry as a replacement for metal piping, and all around

is more easily able to see the long-term value and benefit of a product like ours. The industry is strong and has the potential for steady growth in the coming few years. We

KRAH is a 100 percent Mexican company that uses German

want to continue gaining a foothold in mining and bringing

KRAH technology to manufacture High Density Polyethylene

our portfolio of products from Germany to solve problems

Piping for sanitary sewage and Pluvial PKS. Krah MĂŠxico was

for operators. We would like to keep our market share in

established in 2009 in Silao, Guanajuato

infrastructure and grow within the mining industry.


ACHIEVING LOW-COST UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS DAVID JUĂ REZ Managing Director of Herrenknecht Tunneling Services Mexico

Q: What areas of opportunity has the company identified

Companies in Mexico are open to seeing and learning

in the Mexican mining industry?

about new solutions in the market. We can meet their

A: Our core business is underground infrastructure for civil

thirst for new and socialized products at a low cost. While

construction but we believe that mining is a good area of

it can be hard to prove this as the initial cost is higher,

opportunity for us. We have had a great deal of success in

the benefits of starting production in a shorter amount

infrastructure development and are seeking opportunities

of time are too great. We are not afraid of big challenges

to expand into mining. Our company has global experience

and believe that Mexico is the ideal country to work in.

in the industry. We do not seek to compete with other

The main component of our added value is to develop

underground construction companies in the area but to

the project in conjunction with our client. The Mexican

complement their services with the tools we can provide. The

office has been here for 10 years and we have a recipe for

company wants to supply new technologies and alternatives.

success to help our clients make more profit. If they are

We are leaders in mechanizing underground structures.

doing well, so are we.

Several mines throughout the country are in different

In Canada, Herrenknecht built two vertical mine shafts that were 1,000m deep

stages of development and this is an important area of opportunity for us. We can offer them tools to overcome the challenges they face, such as accessing ore bodies. This part of the development phase normally implies a significant investment of time and capital. We can provide tools and solutions that can drastically reduce these costs. We specialize in vertical access tunnels and our products have a wide variety of applications that we want to offer the sector.

Q: How are you helping Mexican companies adapt to the fact that mines are deeper and more complex?

Q: What strategies are you using to enter the sector?

A: Our company wants to show the industry that it is

A: It has not been easy entering the sector, nor has it been fast.

possible to operate deeper underground mines with cost-

The industry is still getting to know our products and the new

effective solutions and we know how to help them achieve

applications that we offer. We have been able to invite them to

this. Our company has a wide range of experience; we

meet with us. We have global success stories as proof of the

have participated in mining projects in Russia, the UK and

quality of our work. In Canada, we built two big vertical mine

Canada. We consider clients to be our partners. We start

shafts that were 1,000m deep. This was a critical step for the

collaborating with them from the first stages of the mines

mine to reach the production phase. In the first stages of the

in engineering and execution. Our specialized technicians

project, we needed to determine what was most feasible and

can support their needs from the very beginning to the end.

it trusted us to manufacture the machines it needed.

Our aftersales services are some of the best in the market. We can even provide solutions for the drilling phase of the

We seek to become an integral solution provider. We meet

mine development.

frequently with decision makers to approach the industry, holding technical meetings and explaining the concepts, machines and solutions they need for underground

Herrenknecht is the leading provider of holistic technical

construction. They can rely on our company and our

solutions in mechanized tunneling for tunnel infrastructure.

ability to provide proven technology and expertise for

The company has worked in over 4,100 projects around the

mechanized solutions.

world in all areas of application




Infrastructure is an industry of its own, but it also represents a huge area of opportunity for mining operations. From mine development to closure and from trading to obtaining the social license to operate, infrastructure development should be a crucial priority for miners. Industry leaders share their perspectives on the role that infrastructure has to play in the growth of mining. Mexico Mining Review asked the industry leaders what operators’ main infrastructure considerations should be when developing a mine and how the public sector can help.


Like any other country, we must show economic and fiscal discipline through a wellstructured model that relies on infrastructure and security. This has been the main priority during the administration of President Peña Nieto and we are prioritizing the trade negotiations to make sure that all the treaties are accurate in reflecting the interests of our industries. We strive to broaden the number of companies we support and to provide them with the training and the additional services that we offer. This

ISRAEL GUTIÉRREZ CEO of the Mining Development Bank (FIFOMI)

would help those that do not currently have enough access to fund their expansion projects. We are continuously working on our ability to support companies and to find ways to do this better. FIFOMI also helps finance projects related to Corporate Social Responsibility as when they are for a mining community located close to an active project, such as an infrastructure development.

Water management systems are fundamental in mine operations as most processes require this resource. Permits for extracting water are ever more restrictive and careful, so companies are looking to seawater as an alternative for water sourcing. But desalinization demands important infrastructure given the need to pump water to desalinization plants and to the mines. Tailings dams are also important to consider as rainwater generates leachates with high mineral concentrations. These liquids need

FEDERICO CASARES Business Development and Institutional Affairs Director Mexico of Veolia

to be treated to prevent spills. Veolia offers solutions and technologies to implement for each case, not only to treat wastewater but also to recover some minerals.

Mining infrastructure plays a great role in the attractiveness of a country to operators. Of course, mineralization obviously is the number one requirement. Copper mineralization in Chile, for example, is more or less on par with that in Mexico, but the industry in Chile is much more developed. This can be attributed to a focus on installing the relevant infrastructure and implementation of regulations that may make mining easier in one jurisdiction over another. If the private sector

SERGIO KURODA Director General of KRAH Mexico

wants efficient, effective infrastructure, it should not leave the responsibility in the hands of the government. It is also the private sector that benefits from mining projects, so it should balance this by contributing infrastructure and connectivity to the communities in which it is working.

The country has made great strides when it comes to its ports and exportation options. Tampico used to be the only port in the country but Manzanillo became more popular when it was built as it offers greater access to China and Asia. Guaymas is also a strategic port but it has limited infrastructure. Altamira is also a good option for those that need to export to Europe. Despite the advancement, Mexico could take greater advantage of its coasts. Other countries have more domestic vessel traffic while Mexico depends on trucks and railways to move goods. Increasing the internal use of ports would make them safer, cheaper and would also attract more investment to ports in the south that greatly need it. It could strengthen the country’s

EDUARDO AMARO Country Manager Mexico at Cliveden Trading AG

economy by making it better-connected.


A project needs to undergo a thorough CSR and due diligence process before it is developed. It is becoming increasingly important to collaborate with all the people involved, including stakeholders, communities, the government and businesses. Companies need to realize that they need a high level of responsibility to obtain social license and the government should facilitate communication with surrounding communities. The authorities should visualize and support these aspects. The development of infrastructure plays an equally important role. There are also many areas in the state with high geological potential that require large investments in infrastructure that companies must provide. The government should prioritize

RAMÓN DÁVILA Minister of Economy of the State of Durango

improving these areas.

We are not greatly impacted or worried about whether the US or Mexican administrations will be able to meet their infrastructure promises. These two markets are quite minimal for us and as mentioned, our main priority is China. Even if these countries were able to fulfill all their infrastructure commitments, the rise in demand for us would not be significant. The development of these projects will mostly benefit transportation and logistics companies. Logistically, the infrastructure in Mexico is adequate. Of course, it can always improve but it is good enough. Ports like Manzanillo are quite limited in size thanks to urban sprawl and cannot expand. Our job is to analyze the different options and find the most cost-effective method for exportation.

JOSÉ ANTONIO BERLANGA General Manager Mexico of Mercuria

In my opinion the main challenges that mining companies are facing in terms of mine design and planning are in how to incorporate new technologies in mines. Geosynthetics have been proven to be an economical and technical solution for the projects in waterproofing, paved and unpaved roads, erosion control solutions, mechanically stabilized walls, embankments and foundations. We want to help companies that have issues in mine design or are considering an expansion. We have a system called TecWeb that is a new TDM product that can facilitate mine closures and reforestation as well. We have had many success cases already.


Cozamin mine, Zacatecas



During the mining slump, most operators focused solely on reducing costs and improving capital management but the rebounding industry is opening the doors again for investment and expansion. However, companies learned their lesson about excessive spending in the previous cycle and will continue to be prudent

with their capital to mitigate risks. Operating mines are also struggling to maintain steady production of ore with high grades. In effect, the industry is actively seeking machines, equipment and technology that can optimize productivity while reducing costs. These are elements that help operators maintain a healthy balance between cashflow and debt.

In this chapter, best practices used by operators to maximize the life cycle of mine sites are analyzed along with exemplary cases of supply chain companies that are aligning themselves to the needs of the industry. Companies also share their success stories and how they can help to minimize costs, maintain safety and maximize production throughout the life cycle of a mine.



ANALYSIS: Scratching the Surface of Cost-Effective Mining


TREND SPOTLIGHT: A New Era Dawns and Miners Will Either Adapt or Lag Behind


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Richard Booth, MMD Mineral Sizing Central America


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ralph Buchholz, Beumer de México


INSIGHT: Rudolf Michel, Global Wear Solutions


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Álvaro Chacón, Martin Engineering


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Klaus Hepp, VULKAN do Brazil


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: The Industry’s First In-Line Knife Gate Valve


INSIGHT: Alfredo Bertrand, Epiroc México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: René Valle, MacLean Engineering


INSIGHT: Alan González, Pewag


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Axel Pineda, Beltservice Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Felipe Mues, Garlock de México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Silvera, Master Drilling Mexico


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Mine-Wall Movement Under Control


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gerardo Angulo, Timken Mexico


INSIGHT: Javier Prados, Normet


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Revolutionizing Technology With Focus on Safety and Productivity


ROUNDTABLE: How Can Companies Maximize Productivity and Reduce Costs?



SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF COST-EFFECTIVE MINING When people think about a mine, the large open-pit variety often comes to mind. But as regulations for miners become stricter, the goal is to disturb as little of the ecosystem as possible. This does not necessarily mean smaller mines but more compact underground spaces While open-pit mines imply a lower initial cost, operators

says David Juárez, Managing Director of Herrenknecht. The

are starting to ponder the long-term costs associated with

company has experience working in Russia and the UK and

underground mining. For example, brownfield projects are

Canada, where a great deal of mining is underground.

preferable in the short term since the operator does not have


to start from scratch. But as land becomes scarce, operators

Australian company GroundProbe knows the cost involved

are realizing they have far more chance of striking gold with

in stabilizing underground mines and is innovating ways

a greenfields deposit close to their existing operations than a

to make it safer. “Sometimes about 20 percent of the cost

brownfields deposit in an area with little to no infrastructure.

of underground mining is in supporting the tunnels,” says

According to Kenneth McLeod, President and CEO of Sonoro

Christian Bijsterveld, Business Manager North and Central

Metals, “The best place to find a mine is close to where other

America. The company developed an innovative technology

miners already discovered one.”

to measure movement in the underground tunnel walls to less than 0.1mm in real time.

Miners are staying close to home, and as a result, many of the new mines popping up are a result of further exploration or


underground extensions on surrounding properties. Fresnillo,

One factor operators need to weigh when searching for new

for example, operates the Herradura mine in Sonora, which

deposits is the movement to nontraditional mining states.

produced 473,638 ounces of gold in 2017. The company

The potential unfolds as 2017’s biggest silver producers,

decided to dig deeper into the Centauro pit with the Centauro

according to CAMIMEX, were Goldcorp’s Peñasquito and

Deep exploration program, with 9,000m of drilling carried out

three Fresnillo mines, followed by Fortuna Silver’s San José

to date. The project is expected to start production in 2020

mine located in Oaxaca, which produced 7.5 million ounces

with an average of 65,000oz/y of gold. Similarly, Coeur Mining

and pipped Coeur Mining’s Palmarejo, Pan American Silver’s

is gradually transitioning its Palmarejo mine in Chihuahua into

La Colorada and Peñoles’ Tizapa mines to the Top 5.

an underground project at the Guadalupe deposit. These areas are preferable for underground mining for two Additionally, costs can be saved in underground mines

reasons. First, land packages in nontraditional mining states

through unexpected means. The Zacatecas Ecological

such as Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Campeche and Queretaro

Tax was introduced in 2016, placing a levy on waste and

are broken into thousands of much smaller packages than

polluting activities. Pan American Silver operates the La

northern states, meaning obtaining social license to operate

Colorada mine in the state but Country Manager Christopher

is complicated for a large, open pit. In Sonora, for example

Warwick says the effects of the tax would have been much

while 4.03 million ha were concessioned in 2016 according to

greater had it not been an underground mine. “Certainly,

the Ministry of Economy, there were 3,632 mines, meaning an

this tax affects our La Colorada mine but the effect is not as

average land package of 1108.79ha. But in Oaxaca, 487,313ha

devastating to an underground operation in the same way it

were concessioned with 627 mines, meaning an average of

would be to an open-pit mine due to the waste movement

777ha per mine. Underground mining would negate the need

and management that is required of waste dumps,” he says.

to acquire several permits for mining activity.


Second, according to Sergio Almazán, Director General of

It used to be the case that underground mining was

CAMIMEX, there is more flora and fauna in these areas,

incredibly risky due to potential collapse and inhalation

entailing more work during the exploration, development

of hazardous fumes. Now, emerging technology means

and closure. “We believe that the south has just as much

underground shafts are more stable than ever and, in some

potential as the north,” he says. “The only thing is that the

cases, humans do not even need to be present in the mines.

abundance of vegetation and flora in the south make it

“Our company wants to show the industry that it is possible

a little harder to find these deposits in a timely manner.”

to operate deeper underground mines with cost-effective

These factors mean underground mining could be a good

solutions and we know how to help them achieve this,”

alternative for miners looking in new areas.


A NEW ERA DAWNS AND MINERS WILL EITHER ADAPT OR LAG BEHIND In the era of technological innovations, the rule is simple: adapt or lag behind. In a traditional industry like mining, where competitivity is about having efficient and productive operations, resistance to change may be an issue. Yet, to turn operational efficiency into a reality, technology is indispensable. “It is paramount to bring new thinking and operational models into the mining industry, even if it comes from adjacent industries, so we can create a more integrated and thriving business ecosystem,” says Jari Moilanen, Director of Digital Plant Outotec. According to EY’s 2017 Productivity in Mining report, productivity is on the decline, driving operators to dig

Productivity is more dependent on human capital and the training companies provide. If the mining industry invests in the development of its people, it will achieve higher returns” Jesús Herrera, Director General of Detector Exploraciones.

deeper and seek integrated solutions to boost their operational efficiency. “Companies need to adapt

productivity levels becomes as important as establishing

quickly to the changing environment or risk becoming

operational efficiency.

noncompetitive in an ever-competitive market,” says the report. Bradford Cooke, CEO of Endeavour silver, highlights

One alternative approach to measuring productivity through

the issue, pointing to the harm the company’s Guanaceví

labor evaluates workforce efficiency as the total material

mine suffered in 2017 due to flooding caused by the lack

moved per person in a given period. Another key indicator is

of integration between pumping, ventilation and electrical

the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), which calculates

systems. “As a result, the mine fell behind on its production

equipment productivity times and delays. According to

guidance for the year,” Cooke says.

Vorne Industries, a company specialized in enhancing manufacturing productivity, OEE is the gold standard for

Even after recovery, these sorts of mistakes can be costly for

measuring productivity. “It identifies the percentage of

operators, both in financial and reputational terms. “Every

manufacturing time that is truly productive,” the company

hour of downtime can cost companies millions of dollars,”

says. “An OEE score of 100 percent means you are

says Heriberto Salas, Latin America Sales Director at Eagle

manufacturing only Good Parts, as fast as possible, with no

Burgmann. For his company, “integrated solutions mean

Stop Time. In the language of OEE that means 100 percent

not only provision and manufacture of sealing technology

Quality (only Good Parts), 100 percent Performance (as fast

but also understanding the equipment, engineering and

as possible), and 100 percent Availability (no Stop Time).”

mechanical aspects of the operations.” This means that a holistic approach to mine operations becomes crucial to

Technology is not the only input to develop, as new systems

drive productivity levels.

will not entirely work on their own; they require an adequate operating team. For many Mexican explorers and operators,

Mining machinery providers believe it is key to automate

the node pushing any innovation must be human capital

processes to envision the whole production picture. For

to ensure a sustainable and responsible productivity

example, SKF helps mining companies switch their models

improvement. “The industry will always seek to cut costs and

to IIoT and Industry 4.0. “The trend is moving toward the

drive up productivity,” says Jesús Herrera, Director General

development and implementation of sensors at mine sites

of Detector Exploraciones. “I believe that productivity is

and with mining machinery,” says Nacip Fayad, Industrial

more dependent on human capital and the training that

Sales Director at SKF Mexico.

companies provide. If the mining industry invests in the development of its people, it will achieve higher returns. As

According to EY, when focusing on productivity, managers

our costs will also go down, we will be more competitive

often make operational decisions that prioritize product

and our clients will give us more work,” he says.

outcome, overlooking other measures such as total material moved. But gauging productivity levels by one variable

A cost-centered view of productivity can also negatively

can be counterproductive as it disregards certain factors,

impact the environment, Herrera adds. “It is also imperative

such as the geological conditions of ore quality, that affect

that we not lower our costs at the expense of the

the output. Coming up with an objective measurement of

environment,” he warns.



GLOBAL MINING GOING GREEN RICHARD BOOTH Managing Director for North and South America of MMD Mineral Sizing Central America


Q: How is global mining changing and what is your

Q: What is the future for In-Pit Sizing and Conveying (IPSC)

perception of the state of the industry in Mexico?

systems in Mexico and how are mine operators responding

A: Global mining is increasingly recognizing the need

to this technology?

for greener mining. For four decades, our goal has

A: Our flagship Fully Mobile Sizer, which sits at the

been to provide equipment and solutions that reduce

heart of our largest IPSC system, can process 9,000t/h

or eliminate the need for trucks. We are developing

of overburden, with peaks of 14,000t/h demonstrated,

technology that revolves around truckless mines and

and transports material away via a conveyor network.

our equipment also enables operations to become more

However, for open-pit mines, where conveyor installation

effective and efficient. So far, we are experiencing a lot

is impractical or cost-prohibitive, operators can still

of success, especially in South America. We specialize in

make use of their existing truck fleet while enjoying the

large equipment for mass mining operations. The South

benefits of continuous mining. MMD’s latest design, the

American mining industry is growing a lot faster than in

Fully Mobile Surge Loader (FMSL), is set to eliminate

Mexico. The country has fewer big mines in comparison

inefficient truck-shovel operations. A shovel’s utilization

to the mass operations in Chile. Mexico still has a

is sometimes only 60–70 percent of what it could be, as

large number of small mines that often produce about

it has to wait for trucks to return and spot. The Surge

4,000t/h. The Mexican market is not difficult to break

Loader is positioned between the shovel and haul trucks,

into but there is still a lot of uncertainty over the impact

so the shovel operator can continue stockpiling material

of the 2018 presidential elections.

into the receiving hopper. The Surge Loader’s feeder unit loads trucks faster than when they are fed directly by the

Q: What strategies are you implementing to overcome

shovel in an automated start/stop method. This ensures

resistance in the Mexican mining industry to new solutions

each truck is hauling at maximum capacity. Trucks no

and technologies?

longer need to reverse into position, thus cutting shovel

A: The resistance often comes down to a simple lack of

waiting time. With a full hopper on the Surge Loader,

knowledge or perceived higher cost of new technologies.

the shovel can reposition without stopping truck loading.

While CAPEX costs might be slightly higher in some cases,

MMD’s simulations have demonstrated the ability to

OPEX rates are often vastly reduced, and performance

increase shovel utilization to nearly 95 percent, and

increases result in favorable ROI figures. We are now

that more material can be moved with the same number

going above and beyond by connecting our customers

or fewer trucks needed to maintain the same level of

to external financial support where CAPEX cost is the


barrier. We are a highly-specialized business, but we take time to retain a presence at the top mining exhibitions

Q: How does MMD contribute to increasing safety

and conferences, enabling customers to learn more, and

in mining?

ask questions about the company and our technology.

A: I believe the biggest problem is that mines try to cut costs

Our global experience allows us to go to mines that

excessively. Sometimes the highest cost in an operation is

nobody else is willing to work in, which helps cement our

personnel, due to the number of people needed but also

reputation in Mexico.

the impact unions can have on production. With the FMSL, autonomous or semi-autonomous trucks are spotted using the latest 3D cameras and RFID sensors to assist accurate

Mining Machinery Developments (MMD) is celebrating 40

truck alignment. Our goal is to ensure the FMSL can be

years of mining innovation. The company focuses on Mineral

controlled by a single shovel operator. With personnel

Sizers, Feeders and turnkey In-Pit Sizing and Conveying (IPSC)

reduced and autonomous trucks introduced, site safety is


greatly increased.



Q: How would you describe the Mexican mining market

Our systems are manufactured in Europe and comply with

and how important is it for Beumer?

strict standards from the region. Their high quality makes

A: The company has a particular interest in Mexico as it is the

them last longer and require less maintenance. Despite the

biggest silver producer in the world and is experiencing a

fact that our products are manufactured in another country,

significant rise in new projects. We already collaborate with

we still find ways to offer lower costs and assemble the

the cement and limestone industry in the country, including

machines locally. This allows us to customize and adapt

companies such as Cruz Azul. The company also installed

our products to the needs of each project. Our systems

several machines for Grupo Calidra. We find that companies

can equally help projects become safer as they can detect

are starting to invest in more projects. Not only are Canadian

loose materials and malfunctions in real time and can be

players opening more gold and silver projects but they are

controlled from an operation room, which eliminates the

also significantly investing in base metal mines. This market

need to have a person on site at all times.

has a lot of potential as manganese is being produced by only one company in the country. Grupo Mexico is greatly

Q: What kind of logistical challenges do you face in

expanding its portfolio as well. Mexico will have a good market

underground mines in comparison to open pit mines?

for the next few years thanks to these new developments.

A: We can provide solutions for both, but underground mines are much more challenging and riskier to work in.

Our greatest challenge is in being a new market entrant.

We tend to especially avoid underground coal mines as any

However, we will be able to overcome this obstacle by

type of spark or malfunction can be extremely hazardous

demonstrating Beumer's success in the mining industry

and explosive. As providers, we can only prevent these

across the globe, as well as with many other bulk and other

types of risk through our products and management of

material-handling industries within Mexico. Establishing

them but operators also have make sure they are following

partnerships with Mexican mining companies will allow us

strict safety standards in their processes. But we are open

to demonstrate our value to them and illustrate that we are

to venture into other types of underground mines such

more than just a supplier.

as gold, silver or base metals such as manganese. Mexico also has significantly fewer coal mines than Germany, for

Q: How can Beumer de MĂŠxico help operators reduce costs

example, so it is not an issue in the country.

and improve productivity? A: Mines traditionally move materials from one place to

While we are able to accommodate many types of

another using massive trucks that can hold up to 50 tons at

mines, we are more concerned with the timeframe and

a time. The downside of this method is that these machines

development of the project. We work with a wide variety of

consume a large amount of diesel fuel, which is becoming

specialists from engineers and consultants to construction

increasingly more expensive. The weight of the load also

companies. We are prioritizing automation and work with

greatly damages road conditions, which implies a constant

control systems from around the world. Beumer also takes

need for maintenance. These factors combined with the

into consideration the end product, as liquid and dry

high price tags of tires and other automotive parts that

concentrates need different handling and packaging along

have to be replaced periodically can quickly add up. Long

with security and transportation costs.

distances can also force operators to buy a bigger fleet of trucks. BEUMER Group is an international manufacturing leader in

We can help companies reduce costs by implementing

intralogistics in the fields of conveying, loading, palletizing,

conveyer belts that may have a higher initial cost, but many

packaging, sortation and distribution technology. It offers a

long-term benefits including a lower total cost of ownership.

solution for almost every logistics challenge





Mining is typically carried out in a rough environment and

Global Wear recently made the leap to Mexico, hoping

something as simple as a rusty screw can lead to a day

to replicate its success in Australia. Michel says that,

of maintenance, hurting operations. New technology is

although it is difficult to launch a new product in a

helping lower these downtimes, says Rudolf Michel, Global

traditional industry, the company has established a

Technical Manager of Global Wear Solutions. “Maintenance

local partner and several clients after only six months

can take up to eight hours when trying to release rusted

in the market. “Through trials and presentations, we are

screws using torches and grinders. Innovative products,

showing operators in Mexico the results that we have

such as our easy-to-release screws, can reduce this time

reaped in Australian mines, and we are gaining their

to only four hours.”

trust,” he says. “We will continually enhance our product quality to achieve market leadership in Mexico just as we

Time is money in any industry and Global Wear’s priority

did in other countries.” It is already working with CMBJ

is to help companies use this resource effectively.

Peña Colorado, a collaborative project between Ternium

The company, relying on its 42-year experience in the

and ArcelorMittal.

Australian mining industry, has developed solutions that need to be replaced less often. By addressing common

Michel says this formula works because the Australian

issues like corrosion in conveyor belts and increasing

mining industry is similar to Mexico. In both countries,

the quality of the rubber in its products, Michel says the

mining is an important economic factor. Australia has

benefits for operators can be significant. “Our products

over 150 mines with a wide range of metals. Australian

last 30 percent longer while being 30 percent cheaper

companies have a large presence in Africa and are

than those offered by manufacturing leaders,” he says.

now starting to increase their presence in Mexico with

“We always endeavor not only to provide products but

increasing connectivity. “It used to be a lot more expensive

solutions based on wise investments that are beneficial

to fly from Australia to Mexico but it is becoming more

in the longer run.” The company categorizes its products

viable,” he says. “Considering the similarities and facilities

into three lines: conveyor solutions, wear and corrosion

in connectivity, Australian companies are increasingly

protection and rubber linings.

interested in entering Mexico.”


GENERATING ROI BY PRIORITIZING QUALITY AND EXPERTISE ÁLVARO CHACÓN Managing Director Mexico and Central America of Martin Engineering

Q: In what ways is Martin Engineering benefiting from the

A: In effect, we are analyzing our business model and

industry’s positive outlook?

production process to find ways to become more

A: The company is experiencing growth for the third

competitive without compromising quality. One way

consecutive year and we have not seen these kinds of

we are doing this is by an alliance we created with

results in two years. Part of the performance is due to

Pennsylvania State University Department of Minerals and

more selectivity in terms of purchased products and better-

conducting a study to identify the ROI that the presence

trained employees, which makes us more competitive. The

of these technicians is providing clients in terms of

industry is expanding in terms of volume and percentage

security. We are doing this because we believe increased

and in 1Q18 we were able to hit monthly targets within the

safety often implies higher productivity in comparison to

first week of each month.

projects that do not have a team of technicians and we are using data to prove this. This study is already having

On a global basis, mining represents 30-35 percent of

a significant impact on the industry and we have coined

our effort and resources and in Mexico, our participation

a new term, Return on Conveyor Safety, to show the true

in the industry is similar, with 35-40 percent dedicated

value of what we offer the sector.

to the sector. Our number one client is Goldcorp and we have a site in Peñasquito with a team of 25 technicians.

Q: What would Martin Engineering like the next

Goldcorp recently awarded us an additional two-year

administration to prioritize when it comes to the

contract. We are working on diversifying our portfolio and

mining industry?

acquiring new clients and we have already reached a deal

A: I would like the government to understand the

with Operadora de Minas, a subsidiary of Grupo México

differences between what the public and private sectors

in Cananea. Originally, we were working with it through a

can offer the country. They both play important roles in

distributor but believe that it is more efficient to deal with

Mexico and the administration should do its best not to

the operator more directly.

inhibit investment.

Q: What is the company’s main added value in comparison

Authorities should also try to diversify FDI in the country

to companies that offer similar services?

as we are highly dependent on Canadian companies and

A: We differentiate ourselves by prioritizing quality and

we could have more investment from other regions such

providing multifaceted services and solutions. Unlike other

as Latin America and Europe. They should also facilitate

companies we make sure that we have an experienced

processes and regulations, and one welcome effort

team of technicians who can help operators onsite. One

would be to overturn the recent regulation that dictates

downside is that it can be quite costly to maintain this

operators must wait 10 years to deduct exploration

quality as companies do not want to pay for the added

investment. Allowing them to do so within the first year

value. For example, in one project in Coahuila with Grupo

would greatly help the industry. All these factors are

Altos Hornos de Mexico, we are providing a team of 25

important because Mexico can be a difficult country to

technicians who work onsite all year long although the

work in as it has ejidos and surrounding communities that

operator does not fully pay for these costs. This greatly

have the power to impede projects.

impacts our profit margin and makes it difficult to balance quality with earnings, which is a normal paradox within the industry. We find that we are selling more but earning less.

Martin Engineering is an engineering firm with more than 70 years’ experience and a global presence of highly-experienced

Q: How do you overcome resistance from companies that

technicians and engineers in 19 countries on six continents, and

do not want to pay more for higher quality services?

customers in dozens of industries




Q: How does Mexico feature in your international

operative performance, increase efficiency, bring down lead

business strategy?

times and help avoid accidents.

A: VULKAN is a 125-year-old German company that specializes 176

in power transmission solutions for marine and industrial

As for the challenge presented by the increasing need to

applications. Brazil is home to the center of competence

adapt to the digital revolution, we have already started to

for our industrial division. We form an ideal union between

equip several of our products with digitally readable sensors,

experience, quality and German engineering combined with

which will allow our customers to connect these to their digital

a passion to promote development in Latin America. We have

networks and receive important performance information over

global factories in Germany, China, India, the US and Brazil.

distances. They can also record and analyze this systematically

We have a long-term vision for the expansion of our market

for preventive maintenance.

participation in Mexico as one of the main countries in Latin America. In line with the demands of our customers, we will

Q: What added value do you offer to the Mexican mining

adjust and grow our Mexican subsidiary. Our strong advantage

industry and why should operators choose your products

is our over 40 years’ experience and engagement in the South

over those of your competitors?

American industrial markets. Many companies in Mexico are

A: We have been extending our full product and service

our clients in Brazil and other South American countries.

portfolio to the Mexican mining market over the last year, which means we can now supply Mexican mining operators

VULKAN is a 125-year-old German company with 40 years of experience in South American industrial markets and a strong presence in Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia

in the same way as we already did over the last few decades in Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia. We have proven, stateof-the-art, high quality products and services, which are very competitive in comparison to those that currently dominate the Mexican mining market. Q: What is an example of a success story that demonstrates the unique benefit you can offer the industry? A: We recently supplied a Mexican mining operator with a complete brake system including 15 cutting-edge

Q: What are the main challenges operators face in terms

electrohydraulic brakes for installation in five conveyor

of mineral processing and how do your products help

belts. This substitutes old, inefficient brakes purchased

solve these?

from a competitor and helps our customer to increase the

A: We believe that the main challenges globally for mineral

efficiency and the security of its operations. In this case we

processing companies are based on the need to increase

have designed the system, supplied the brakes, supervised

the efficiency and profitability of operations to improve

the installation and successfully accompanied the entire

the safety of the entire process and to reduce their

initialization process.

environmental impact. Our products are technologically cutting-edge and thus guarantee the optimization of

Q: How much do you invest in research and development and what new products are you planning to release? A: We have several development centers within our group,

VULKAN Group helps the mining industry maintain high levels

including the global center for the industrial division in Brazil.

of performance and reliability through its power transmission

In Germany, we have a development center that specializes

solutions, such as couplings, backstops and brake systems,

in maritime solutions and several other industrial products.

among other products

Also, Vulkan Drive Tech has had a good deal of success and

deep expertise in the application of couplings, including fluid couplings, break systems and backstops that are especially designed for conveyor systems and other applications in heavy industry installations. We have a highly qualified and motivated service technician team that provides all kinds of customer service support across the Latin American region and that already serves several customers in Mexico. Q: What are your expansion plans in Mexico in the medium to long term? A: In Mexico, VULKAN has already launched a subsidiary of its Vulkan Drive Tech division with Sales Offices in Mexico City and Villahermosa dedicated to the mining and heavy industry applications of our products, as well as oil and gas and petrochemicals. The offices additionally receive strong technical engineering support from Brazil and product specialists and service technicians are frequently visiting Mexican clients. VULKAN’s business model in Latin America consists of a small structure supported by a network of distributors and representatives. The company currently has distributors in Monterrey, Puebla and Toluca and is continuously extending its coverage. We are therefore able to offer the Mexican industry access to our wide range of couplings, brake systems and backstops for all kind of industrial applications, including safety solutions. We expect to grow quickly in Mexico and attain a position similar to that we enjoy in Brazil, thanks to the wide portfolio of products and services that we offer. Our initial expansion plan in Mexico is divided into two phases. First, we are installing our own structure and sales and service partner network, presenting ourselves to potential customers primarily in the mining, cement and steel industries, in addition to oil and gas and petrochemicals sectors across Mexico. In the second phase, we will expand our presence in the Mexican market to all other potential industrial applications and customers. Our plan is to establish ourselves in Mexico in the midterm with a small engineering and technical service center and a local logistics platform to enhance our service for this emerging market. By doing this we will take advantage of our global group structure with distributed engineering and manufacturing centers in Germany, India, China, the US and Brazil and we will supply the Mexican market with products from all these locations. Regarding the development of the Mexican mining market and its impact on our business, we are convinced that, regardless of the short-term commodity price situation, the global market demand for metals and mining byproducts will continue to grow. For this reason, we are sure that our products and solutions will find increasing interest on the Mexican market as well as in the other Latin America countries in which we have a presence, such as Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia.



US$41.04 million can be saved in

total annual downtime costs with the Series 795 Knife Gate Valve

THE INDUSTRY’S FIRST IN-LINE KNIFE GATE VALVE Even as metals prices rebound, operators are still focusing on four main points for process optimization: safety, productivity, inventory and capital. Victaulic has developed the Series 795 Knife Gate Valve (KGV), which can address all these concerns. This Series 795 is the industry’s first KGV that does not need to be removed from the piping system for servicing. All the wear parts are contained in a single cartridge kit and can be replaced in-line in just minutes. The benefits are fourfold. Firstly, in terms of safety, there are no more chains, pulleys or ropes during maintenance for this valve and reduced rigging during maintenance protects crew from hazards. Only simple hand tools are needed to get the job done. Secondly, this valve can be maintained up to 95 percent faster when compared to competitor gate valves, saving hours of labor by eliminating the need to secure and tear out the entire valve from the pipeline. Thirdly, this valve will not burden the operator’s boneyard because it never needs to be removed from the pipeline. The only wear parts on this valve are enclosed in a single cartridge kit and after scheduled maintenance shutdowns, all that is sent away is the old kit. That equates to a fraction of the shelf space and dead weight when compared to the whole valve that would normally be dragged around. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is no need to send capital straight to the boneyard. The fact that only the seat cartridge kit rather than the whole valve needs to be replaced during shutdown saves at least 60 percent in annual maintenance costs. Another key feature is the valve’s one-piece replacement cartridge, which eliminates the need for a second maintenance valve while reducing inventory costs. The valve’s bolt pad to bolt pad assembly valve is installationready with no loose parts. The positioning bolts provide a full 360° rotation and Victaulic's grooved ends design does not require flanges or welding to install. Using the example of a facility operating with 80 valves, Victaulic’s Series 795 KGVs would require just a fraction of the downtime and manpower of replaced flange valves. At an hourly rate of US$80, downtime and labor costs would equate to just US$32 compared to US$1,344 using replaced flange valves. Considering the maintenance costs per valve, the total yearly maintenance costs would drop by over 60 percent, to US$122,560 from US$307,520. Total annual downtime costs are slashed, to US$2.16 million from US$43.2 million.





Automation is shaping the future of mining, and no company

two prototypes: one in Canada and the other in South Africa.

knows this better than Atlas Copco. Targeting a higher market

A third will be implemented in Mexico with Fresnillo, and

share in Mexico, the 145-year-old company decided in 2017

Bertrand says this emphasizes the country’s interest in being

to divide its offering in two, providing specialized services

technologically advanced. “This technology implies not only a

to the industry to expand its reach and having a focus on

large capital investment but also many engineering hours from

the mining sector. The new mining-centric company, Epiroc,

our teams in Sweden and Mexico, together with our customer

still has the global expertise of the Atlas Copco Group, but

engineering department,” he says.

can now offer products and services that are 100-percent focused on mining, says Alfredo Bertrand, the company’s

Since Mexico is a very traditional country, he says there

General Manager in Mexico. “Atlas Copco decided to make

are few early-adopters like Fresnillo, which also presents a

the split because it perceived that the business model of the

hurdle when trying to reshape the company. “Some clients

mining industry is changing and it now demands companies

are hesitant about Epiroc as they have been working with

that can provide support services in remote monitoring and

Atlas Copco for over 65 years,” Bertrand says. “We face the

control of machinery,” he says. “We are eager to meet this

challenge of breaking this paradigm, despite the fact that

new challenge.”

we are only changing the name of the company. We let our clients know that we still have the same products, with the

Bertrand says Mexico has a key feature that differentiates

same service quality and furthermore, the same human talent

it from its North and South American neighbors: its market

to support the mining sector in the country but now as a

demands high-tech equipment and the most modern

highly-specialized company. We lost our old name but gained

machinery that exists in the industry. This is leading the

a better quality of support services for our clients.”

country toward automated mines. To take advantage of these opportunities, Epiroc has already started two projects,

With Mexico’s abundance in natural resources and ore

one of which is in the Peñasquito mine with Goldcorp. These

bodies, Bertrand believes it is a top market that will allow

projects consist of the monitoring of all equipment through

Epiroc to capitalize on emerging technological advances. He

control centers, so a company can identify the status of

says investors are encouraged by the geological potential in

machinery, production rates and malfunctions. This helps

the country, but warns that, after an almost five-year slump,

companies quickly complete maintenance services and

it is important to be prepared for the coming upcycle. “It

control productivity. It also provides key information to

is very important to accurately identify ore resources in

engineers that allows them to make the right decisions and

Mexico so we are ready for a rise in project demand as metal

increase efficiency. These control systems are additionally

prices continue to go up,” he says, adding that in this new

focused on security as they provide projects the ability to

environment, Mexican operators should look to diversify away

properly monitor personnel and avoid dangerous situations.

from the country’s reputation as a gold, silver and copper

“In the case of Peñasquito, we started with a pilot project in

producer. “There are nontraditional metals that are becoming

3Q17, which was highly successful,” says Bertrand. “By the end

increasingly important in the market, such as lithium.”

of 2018 we expect to have 100 percent of the drilling remotely monitored and controlled. This will reduce security risks and

Although Epiroc has its sights set on Mexico, Bertrand also

improve mine productivity.”

highlights the importance of operators setting a footprint abroad too. “I believe that it is key to not only focus on

He believes that every leading company is prioritizing

fostering FDI in Mexico but also encourage national companies

automation up to 10 years in advance. “This technology is

to go abroad as well,” he says. Several Mexican companies

key for the mines of the future,” he says. One example is

have already expanded their operations, such as Peñoles and

Epiroc’s new machine, Mobile Miner, of which there are only

Grupo México with projects in Peru and Chile.


DISRUPTING THE MARKET WITH FULL EV FLEET FOR MINING RENÉ VALLE General Manager, Mexico and Central America at MacLean Engineering

Q: How does MacLean’s fleet of battery powered

harder to find and we must explore deeper underground.

equipment provide a value add for its customers?

Most open-pit mines often transition toward underground

A: Our diesel-free equipment was originally created on a

operations so they can access more ore. We do not want

request from Goldcorp in Canada and this turned MacLean

to offer equipment or services that we are not familiar with

into a global supplier of full fleet electrification for the

and underground mining is what works best for us.

mining industry. In Canada we will soon have 20 units working in mines. Operators are starting to see that going

Q: How is the company preparing to expand its presence

diesel-free can reap many benefits. It makes operations

in the country?

more environmentally friendly and cuts costs on power

A: We are proving our commitment to the Mexican mining

for ventilation, which is often the second most expensive

industry by investing in an assembly plant in Queretaro.

element of a mine, after labor costs, and provides lower total

Our plan is to increase our ability to meet the needs of

cost of ownership primarily due to reduced maintenance

our customers by assembling the machines in Mexico

requirements. We are also innovating by implementing the

instead of Canada. It also reduces the cost of shipping and

use of virtual reality simulators to train employees who use


the equipment. Our system even allows users to mimic hand movements and to install rigs as it would normally be done

MacLean is holding the plant to the highest standards not

in person. It makes operations safer and lowers costs as we

only in Mexico but also in Canada by acquiring certificates

can teach five to seven people at a time how to react in

and norms. We are doing this to ensure the best quality. It

cases of emergency, such as a fire, without having to actually

also opens doors to supply the needs of not only Mexico but

make a machine malfunction. These kinds of tools make

Latin America and even Canada in the long term. We would

underground mining much safer.

be the first in the country to assemble underground mining equipment. The plant will not require a large investment as

Q: How is the Mexican market reacting to the release of

it will not manufacture the pieces, only assemble them. We

an EV fleet?

plan to invest between US$2-3 million and we hope to finish

A: Mining companies around the world are actively evaluating

it by the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019.

the best way to embark on the EV fleet transition. In Mexico, there are a number of mine development projects that are

Q: How is the company preparing itself for the impact from

on pause, but as these begin to progress we feel that the

a change of administration?

opportunities for electric battery units will start to take shape.

A: Even though 2018 is an electoral year, we expect our results will be similar to the previous year in terms of sales.

For us, the real challenge in the Mexican market lies in the

Elections are always disruptive and we are prepared to

fact that we are still quite a new company in the country in

withstand the worst-case scenarios by selling as much as

comparison to competitors that have a multiyear presence.

possible before July. The industry is looking good in terms

But customers are getting to know us and to trust our

of metal prices but it is better to be safe than sorry. Any new

services. We are proving our commitment to the Mexican

administration could make significant changes to regulation

mining industry and breaking paradigms by talking to

and policies that could impact our business.

different suppliers. Q: What opportunities does the company see in Mexico

MacLean Engineering designs, manufactures and markets

for underground equipment?

engineered solutions. The company’s mining division has a

A: In Mexico, we see many areas of opportunity for

comprehensive line of mobile equipment for full-range support

underground mining as high-grade projects are getting

of the mining cycle across all underground mining processes





Mine operations are labor intensive and require machines that

Pewag manufactures its products in Austria and uses

can operate 24 hours a day. In light of price volatility, operators

dealers in Mexico to distribute its chains. “We are not

are welcoming solutions that can help them save money by

planning to open a plant in Mexico as our plants in Europe

prolonging the utility of spare parts. “Three years ago, prices

have become a trademark for Pewag,” González says.

dropped significantly at the same time that the government

The company additionally uses a distribution model that

released new tax royalties,” says Alan González, Managing

relies on dealers. “We found that it is better to retail our

Director Mexico of component supplier Pewag. “Companies

products through dealers as they have an established

needed help and we were able to provide support by offering

network of clients that have a general preference for

durable chains that can prolong the life of tires significantly.”

purchasing package solutions from trusted distributors over buying each part separately,” he says. “This has been

He says Mexico is attracting a growing number of players each

a success for us and also helps us maintain the quality of

year and that is a good development. “Despite the increased

the product as a separately sold chain can become loose.”

competition, there is enough room for everyone,” he says.

Even though the company manufactures its products in

“One example is our main competitor in Monterrey. While we

other European countries, it guarantees its ability to meet

specialize in quality tire protection chains, it specializes in

the demands of the industry by having large storage

chains for machines and construction equipment.”

capacity in Mexico.


FINDING BLUE OCEANS IN MINING AXEL PINEDA Director General of Beltservice Mexico

Q: What differentiates Beltservice Mexico’s cleated belts

A: Beltwall is Beltservice’s patented technology. Belts have

from similar options in the market and why should Mexican

interior and exterior covers with textile layers in between,

miners choose yours?

adding resistance to the rubber. Beltwall has crossed textiles

A: The black belt or heavy belting is the product that adds

that add transversal rigidity, making the belt fully tensed

the most value to the mining industry. We offer several

and using the band’s entire area in conveying material.

tension specifications, from 330piw to 600-900piw. Our

Also, to avoid material slipping, traditional conveyor belts

products comply with the highest security standards for

have up to a 35-degree incline; implying building a huge

conveyor belts. As we compete with the global majors in

structure that is expensive. Beltwall works like an L with up

belting, we make sure that our materials have the highest

to 90-degree inclines as it builds a box that avoids the need

quality and that our belts are designed with the most

for all the structure and its expenses. We can increase the

accurate calculations. Also, our international logistics

amount of moved material by 30 percent at a minimum.

system is optimum, making our response times some of the

made belts.

Traditional conveyor belts have up to a 35-degree incline but Beltwall works in an L-shape with up to 90-degree inclines

Another key differentiator is our wide solutions portfolio,

In 2015, Beltservice Corporation bought the Italian company

as we offer belts for every need. If we do not have it, we

BeltTS that provides filter belts for gold processing and

design it from scratch. We also provide field advisory to our

we want to venture into other metals too. When the ore

clients to make sure their belts are working properly and

is milled, the chemicals are added. Filter Belts separate

with the right tension specificity. We have been providing

the mud and liquids from the solids, which allows reuse

this service in Mexico since we started our operations in the

and better compliance with environmental regulations.

country in 1994.

This belt is only manufactured by three companies in

best in the market. If we have the required product in our warehouse in Monterrey, it is shipped within 24 hours, if not it will take up to five days from our facilities in St. Louis. Our stored equipment meets 80 percent of the mining industry’s needs; the remaining 20 percent are very specific tailor-

the world. It is a high-value piece of equipment. We have Q: Who are your main partners in the Mexican mining industry?

already implemented this system at First Majestic’s Santa

A: It used to be challenging for foreign suppliers to enter the

Elena mine. We want to expand it to other gold mines in

Mexican market because inventory and logistics costs were

the country.

very high. But as a US company, we have had the advantage of working under NAFTA, which means our black heavy

Mexico has a privileged geographical position and its mining

belts and other products are tariff-free, making us more

industry is becoming increasingly resilient and mature. We

price-competitive. We also have commercial partners such

hope to maintain our leading presence in the country. To

as FIMSA. There are many nontraditional mining providers

do so, our goal is to continue specializing. Our strategy is

that are gaining mining market share. For example, one of

to find the blue oceans in the sector.

our main distributors is Applied, which recently entered mining and found key opportunities in the industry. We sell directly to this company.

Beltservice offers the industry’s largest selection of cleated belts, 100-plus chevron cleated patterns and a wide array of

Q: What is behind the success of Beltwall for ore processing

light and heavy-duty belts designed for mining and a variety of

and what would you say is its key differentiator?

manufacturing, processing and logistics uses





Q: Given Garlock works across a variety of components,

developed several training courses that can help them

where can you add the most value to the industry?

understand the product and the overall system in which they

A: The most value that Garlock has delivered since its

operate. But when talking about flange systems, this means

creation in 1887 is to bring trustworthy and reliable solutions

that they need knowledge about how the components of

for dynamic and static sealing. It is important to understand

the system interact. We are changing this mindset from a

that sealing is not a commodity. In mining, millions of dollars

product point of view to a system point of view and thus

are invested on pipelines, measuring devices and equipment

creating a more holistic outlook.

to transport fluids to be used in transformation processes. It is very important to keep the fluids controlled through

Q: What is the detail all mine managers need to know

adequate sealing solutions.

about your solutions and their performance? A: Even with the best sealing solution, if the overall

Depending on the application, the KLOZURE technology can improve the life of the bearing by 3 to 4 times compared to a common oil seal

system has a gap, there will be a failure of some kind. We recently developed and patented a new gasket technology. GLYON EPIX, released in early 2018, is designed to be a technological disruption in gasket science to obtain a tight seal with the lowest stress in the system. Another useful technology for the mining industry that we are strongly promoting in Mexico is our GPA Mechanical Seal. It focuses on abrasive applications with high solid content and allows a 60 percent reduction in the use of water.

In the mining industry the fluids used for ore processing are commonly challenging, such as sulfuric acid and sodium

We also have different product lines. KLOZURE includes

cyanide. Garlock can provide the solution for dynamic

dynamic oil seals and bearings isolators used in mills,

equipment, like pumps with our compression packing or

pumps, speed reducers, motors and haul trucks wheels.

our mechanical seals, as well in static applications such as

As the mining environment deals with dust and slurries

flanged pipelines or tanks with our gasket materials. We offer

that challenge the bearing life element and the optimal

sealing solutions that have proven their safety and reliability,

functioning of machinery, all bearings have to be protected

complying with standards such as the International Cyanide

to maintain the lubricant and avoid contamination.

Management Institute (ICMI) code.

Depending on the application, our KLOZURE technology can improve the life of the bearing by three to four times

Q: How does Garlock work alongside companies to correctly

compared to a common oil seal.

process all hazardous materials used in mine operations? A: We are working with companies that produce sodium

Q: How does Garlock solve the logistical challenges of

cyanide for sealing recommendations. We know that our

delivering its products to its Mexican customers?

customers have many things to take care of, so we want

A: Garlock is a US-based company with plants in Mexico,

to help them fill blind spots in sealing processes. We have

Canada and Germany. In Mexico, we are proud to host the global manufacturing center for the fiber gasket product line, which exports to all continents. We have eight branches

Garlock is a multinational manufacturer of high-performance

and a network of authorized distributors in the country,

fluid sealing and pipeline solutions with an emphasis on

with presence in most mining areas and, in some cases,

safety, reliability, and productivity. It works in partnership with

warehouses inside the mines. This helps us gain direct access

customers, industry associations and governmental entities

to the mine and be very close to the pump or the pipeline.



Q: What role did the Mexican mining industry play in the

A: We ensure success by incorporating new technology into

company’s North America revenues?

our portfolio and widening the array of our basic services.

A: Mexico represents over 90 percent of the revenues we

We offer drilling at all depths and diameters. If a particular

make in North America as we just opened the Canadian

ground condition is complicated and conventional methods

and US market last year. Mexico is our main market in the

are not enough, we always are prepared to use other

region as we already have over 13 years in this country. We

innovative techniques to get the job done.

collaborate with Industrias PeĂąoles, Pan American Silver and Capstone Gold, among others. In 2017, we grew 40 percent

We are not only service providers but also strategic

in comparison to 2016, due to our diversification of services

partners. We even offer robots as a way to innovate the

and products. Our core business is still raise boring but we

services we offer and make drilling safer. Before,, miners

are also growing rapidly in dewatering services, shotcrete,

were lowered into mines using baskets to shotcrete the

flooded reverse circulation and many other services. This

walls, but now we have robots that can do these jobs. It

helped our company go from operating two raise boring

greatly reduces risk as there is no possibility of an employee

machines to 18 machines in the last few years. Our goal is

being hurt in their line of work. We strive to promote new

to achieve an annual growth of 20 percent but this can be

technology that can greatly and continuously improve

impacted by the stability of the market.

processes in a safe way.

We are wary of how the business can be impacted by a change

Master Drilling has gone from operating two raise boring machines to 18 machines in the last few years

of administration. Security issues also need to be dealt with to create a more stable environment. We mitigate these risks by having a strong track record to better promote ourselves as the services we offer are successful. We focus greatly on our efficiency and credibility. This is important in Mexico as its mining industry is small and part of a tight-knit community.

Q: How realistic is the future of automated mines in Mexico? Q: How do you differentiate yourself from your

A: In Mexico, employees have the capacity and the willingness


to use these tools. But it all depends on the training and

A: Our expertise in raise boring is our main differentiator.

opportunities they are being given to learn how to use it. It can

We also stand out by offering services in areas that we

greatly improve operations, particularly in underground mines.

specialize in like shotcrete. However, other services like

We can provide remote-controlled equipment and sensors to

horizontal raise boring plays a bigger role in other countries,

keep people away from risk. This keeps investments safe and

such as South Africa where our headquarters are located.

lowers costs as less capital needs to be spent in relation to

In Mexico we are specializing in the services that national

accidents. More companies are starting to incorporate these

mining requires, and our growth is focused on providing

tools. Fresnillo and Industrias PeĂąoles are leading the way and

the services the market needs. We also stand out from

investing in this equipment on a larger scale, but all mines are

the crowd by manufacturing and assembling our own

doing it on the scale they can afford.

equipment. This is important because clients trust our ability to provide the high-quality equipment they need in a fast and efficient way.

Master Drilling is divided into two main operational subgroups: South African and international operations, including Europe

Q: In what ways is the company innovating in mine

and Latin America. It provides raise boring, boxhole boring,

drilling activity?

exploration drilling and value-added services




MINE-WALL MOVEMENT UNDER CONTROL Mining is known to be a risky business. Whether open pit or underground, a mine can unexpectedly collapse, posing a fatal risk to workers. But today, human lives do not have to be in danger within mine sites. Available technology means wall movements can be monitored, guaranteeing safety while maximizing productivity. Pioneering in real-time and remote monitoring to predict collapses, GroundProbe technology can understand when wall movements become a problem. Its solutions for all slope stability needs have effectively detected the acceptable amount, shape and degree of wall movement for hundreds of mine sites across the globe. Monitoring solutions ensure customers are able to maximize mine site productivity whilst enhancing high safety standards. Breaking ground on radar technologies, GroundProbe brand was launched in 2001, coinciding with the patented Slope Stability Radar’s (SSR) commercialization. Now the firm has systems in 29 countries and Mexico is its newest office across the globe. All its monitoring solutions use the same visualization, analysis and alarming software (SSR-Viewer) to collect and process complex data. Users are enabled to see what has moved, when and to predict the time of a mine failure. But given how varied the conditions can be in different mine sites, ensuring safety requires tailored-made radars for each context. For high-risk areas, which pose the potential or immediate threat of collapse, the SSR-XT is targeted to provide highly-accurate safety-critical monitoring. For widerange monitoring, the SSR-FX was launched in 2014 as a broad-range solution. It covers vast mine areas for longer periods, providing customers with geotechnical peace of mine and of mind. When aiming for background monitoring at long distances, the long-range, high-resolution SSR-SARx monitoring is the most useful ally. Taking the next step in radar technologies, GroundProbe combined the precision of a radar with the benefits of a laser. The outcome was the GML-Underground. Launched in 2017, this solution has geotechnical convergence monitored in underground mines by detecting rock and ground support movement with sub-millimeter accuracy. Also, the Geotech Monitoring Station (GSM) added LiDAR-based technology to the company’s range of open-cut solutions. It specializes in background monitoring in open-cut pits and highly-vegetated slopes, detecting and measuring deformation on tailings dams, dumps and cuttings.




Q: How have Timken’s recent mergers and acquisitions

bearings and other product lines, which are saving a lot

modified its portfolio in Mexico?

of time and money to miners.

A: All these acquisitions are intended to strengthen our 188

portfolio so we can be present in different markets and offer

Q: How is Timken approaching its targeted market?

more solutions and services to our customers. Our previous

A: We are closer to the end users at the moment and are

acquisitions have been successful, as our customers no

focusing on being a part of all the expansions and investments

longer perceive us as a tapered roller bearings company, but

in the mining industry. We act as an expert parts supplier in

as a firm with a complete bearing and power transmission

the market. Regarding investments, we are involved with the

portfolio that is providing solutions to market.

designers of conveyors and machinery, so we can be there when the equipment is installed. Our goal is to work with

In our endeavor to become a one-stop shop by providing

our customers from the outset so it is easier to solve any

more services, we face several challenges. We must train

problems they may have. Conversely, when the equipment has

our sales engineers and distributors, as we were previously

already been installed, we work with our clients to save time

only focused on bearings and are now moving to include

and money by providing training on good practices to the

power transmission products. We are also working with all

maintenance department while our engineering department

our customers to let them know that we have become a

proposes new solutions when they are having problems in

power transmission solution player. Likewise, all our systems

their current applications.

must be aligned to create an inventory that better supports our customers. We try to be proactive and not just reactive

Q: How does Timken’s value proposition stand out from its

to the market.

competitors? A: Quality, brand recognition and the loyalty of our distributors

Q: How is the mining industry reacting to the changes

and end users. Our customers know Timken and they trust

proposed by Timken?

us, which to me is the key differentiator. With all the new

A: We are playing in a market with several highly-

products that we have now, we can provide more options

qualified national and international competitors, so we

and solutions. Our distribution network is another key asset,

have been working closely with end users as our brand

as it is strong and well-recognized by end users. If we have

is synonymous of quality and technical support. Our

good communication with the end user and our distributor,

customers are happy with our new product offering,

we can guarantee a profitable solution for both. In Mexico, our

they trust in our brand and people, so they are trying

main mining distributors are RYASA, RYBALSA, RODENSA,

our new lines with good results. We target the most

BARMEX, Casa Sommer, RESISA and Applied.

challenging applications in which our customers are having troubles and perform tests, because the best way

Q: How is Timken participating in the digitalization of the

to illustrate our quality is by showing that our products

mining industry?

perform better than the previous ones they were using.

A: Our engineering group is working with OEM

In mining, we have been promoting our couplings, house

manufacturers. As new products arrive in the market, we

units, spherical roller bearings, split roller housed unit

strive to work together with companies such as Caterpillar, Case and Komatsu. The idea is to help them reduce cost and improve performance in their applications so they can

The Timken Company engineers, manufactures and markets

be more competitive in the market. We play a very strong

bearings, gear drives, belts, chain, couplings, lubrication

role because we can design special bearings and power

systems and related products, and offers a spectrum of

transmission products to solve different challenges in their

powertrain rebuild and repair services




The hunt for ore is pushing the industry underground,

that are more comfortable for operators,” he says. “But this is

particularly in Mexico, which is considered among the most

not always easy as contractors tell us they struggle with high

important underground mining markets in the world, says

rates of employee rotation, which implies a constant need for

Javier Prados, Managing Director of Normet, which specializes

training.” Training helps optimize the use of machines so that

in providing advanced solutions for underground mining

operators can take full advantage of their benefits.

and tunneling. “Mexico is also one of the Top 3 countries for FDI in the sector, next to Canada and Peru. The country is

The underground mining specialist is also helping mines

experiencing a boom and it is a fresh market for the mining

become more cost-effective by adapting its products to the


varying needs of mine structures. “Mines in Mexico are smaller and have diameters that are on average 4mx4m to 5mx5m,”

Normet entered Mexico in 2012 and supports the industry

says Prados. “In effect, the company is adapting its portfolio

with spare parts, machines and other products like concrete

by designing a complete new line of machines that are built

admixtures. Soon after entering, however, prices dropped,

for smaller underground mines. These machines will have

sending the market into a down cycle that Prados says was

better technology, take up less space and also reduce sales

a blessing in disguise. The company collaborates with the

prices.” Aside from mining, Normet can also provide services

most relevant players in the industry, including Fresnillo, Peñoles, Grupo México and Minera Frisco, and Prados attributes these strong relationships to Normet’s success during the downturn. “We have been through some tough years but fortunately the context is improving and the industry is benefiting.” The company differentiates itself from its competitors by providing application services and training in some key processes like spraying concrete that Prados says no one else offers. “We want to make sure that companies know how to use our equipment and we offer technical advice for free,”

for civil construction through its tunneling solutions.

We have been through some tough years but fortunately the context is improving and the industry is benefiting”

Normet’s machines are manufactured in several locations

Prados says. “More often than not, clients face problems with

around the world, including Finland, China, India and Chile.

our machines when they do not know how to use it correctly.

“We considered establishing a plant in Mexico but we decided

The company wants to fix this. We offer services not only

to strengthen our manufacturing in India and China first,” he

for maintaining and operating machines but also in concrete

says. “After we solidify our position, we will consider opening

technology and design.” The latter is vital, although Prados

a plant in Mexico to better meet the needs of the market.

believes Mexico may take a few years to adapt to automated

However, we do manufacture concrete and TBM admixtures

products. “In Latin America, some operators struggle to

in the country.”

incorporate innovative machines as operators may not know how to use the technology,” he says. “This can cause problems

Despite the challenges Normet has faced in the country, it

related to operations and safety.” While he believes it may

remains positive about the future of mining in Mexico. “There

take time to adapt to these new processes, the industry can

are many projects in development and companies are looking

shorten the learning curve by focusing on training its people.

for new projects,” he says. “Fortunately, the mining sector does not depend on government investments but we do sell

Considering the risks involved in underground mining, safety

our machines in dollars and euros. If the peso continues to

is a key priority. “Our company is designing safer machines

inflate it will cause a problem for us and our customers.”




REVOLUTIONIZING TECHNOLOGY WITH FOCUS ON SAFETY AND PRODUCTIVITY As an industry leader in Electronic Blasting Systems, Orica is constantly working to make products safer, more reliable and more efficient, enabling mining operations to achieve optimal blast results. Today, Orica is revolutionizing conventional blasting practices by launching Wireless Electronic Blasting System (WebGenTM). This represents a significant step in the evolution of blast initiation and one of the most exciting initiation technologies developed in the last 35 years. Orica is the first company in the world to develop a truly wireless system without connections between the boosters, the blasthole and firing points, unlocking many safety and productivity benefits for customers. The WebGenTM system includes wireless in-hole primers which are initiated by a firing command that communicates through rock, water and air. WebGenTM removes constraints often imposed by the requirement of a physical connection to each primer in a blast. It can fundamentally change the way blasting and mining is approached and is a decisive step on the path toward full automation of drill and blast operations in the future. Ore pillars that could not be recovered before in underground operations, can be recovered now. The main body of the ore panel can now be blasted and extracted first while the temporary rib pillars hold back the waste rock backfill. The inaccessible ore pillars can be then blasted. The technology delivers reduced dilution, increases truck fill factors and improves overall productivity. Additionally, focused on solving today’s challenges for customers, Orica has developed a cloud-based digital platform called BlastIQTM. The BlastIQTM Platform delivers a range of integrated technology solutions to improve productivity and reduce overall cost of drill and blast operations. BlastIQTM provides the benchmarks and insights needed to ensure sustainable, cost-effective improvements in blast performance. BlastIQTM streamlines communications, connect engineering instructions to the bench adjusting loading process in real-time based on real conditions, efficiently captures data and produces reports and analysis, anywhere, anytime. Every stage of the blasting process is now coordinated in a single platform in real-time from the design and planning to the measurement at the end of the process, opening a window of opportunities to produce a significant impact in the productivity of mining companies.




In light of the declining ore grade in existing mine sites and the search for larger reserves, companies are driven to maximize productivity on the concessions they already own. Operators demand new and optimized operational methods while exploration companies prioritize their projects to increase their chances of succeeding in finding worldclass deposits. In the meantime, technology companies and suppliers focus on advancing down the innovation path to meet the need to optimize mine processes. Industry leaders working in several links of the mining value chain share their experiences and main challenges in the search for productivity.

We are going through the process of making our mines more efficient and productive.


We started in Guanaceví, which was our highest cost mine in 2017. Once we achieve more efficiency at this mine, we will implement a similar program to enhance productivity at El Cubo and Bolañitos. We are trying to make our mining processes leaner as quickly as possible. We are simply trying to make better use of our equipment and people, which are our two biggest assets.

GODFREY WALTON President and COO of Endeavour Silver

The mining industry is aware of the trend toward greater technological implementation. It is racing against time and if it fails to introduce the required technology, it will lose its competitiveness. SKF remains a robust player in the Mexican market because we collaborate and have a solid relationship with the national champions. But given the high competition in the sector, the product by itself is no longer a key differentiator. Our goal is to disrupt through technology by betting on Industry 4.0. This trend

NACIP FAYAD Industrial Sales Director at SKF Mexico

started in Germany 10 years ago and while in Mexico it is still developing, mining can really benefit from it, especially given the high expenses related to staff turnover. We perceive the trend is moving toward the development and implementation of sensors at mine sites and with mining machinery.

All mining equipment is designed to achieve certain daily, weekly and monthly productivity levels. But I believe that productivity is more dependent on human capital and the training that companies provide. If the mining industry invests in the development of its people, it will achieve higher returns. As our costs would also go down, we would be more competitive and our clients would give us more work. Our main concern as a company is the safety of our people. If we lack

JESÚS HERRERA Director General of Detector Exploraciones

proper security, we will end up having accidents, which will stop production, in turn lowering output. It is crucial to provide adequate safety and security training. The industry will always seek to cut costs and drive up productivity. In our case, we focus on developing our human capital and also on modifying our technologies to have more autonomous equipment.

We are reducing our operating costs in three ways. Historically we have embraced a philosophy of continuous improvement at each of our operating mines. We are currently focused on improving our metallurgical recoveries by carrying out more research and introducing new and innovative equipment and chemicals. We are also conducting programs to improve the productivity at each mine by upgrading our operational and management systems. But the biggest difference could be the construction of new, higher-quality, lower-cost mines.

BRADFORD COOKE CEO of Endeavour Silver

We provide innovative solutions that can greatly reduce time and costs. For


companies that are not afraid to incorporate new technology, we can help them to increase productivity rates considerably in the same window of time as more traditional systems. And for those that are more conservative and wish to retain their existing mechanical systems, we can help them find ways to improve their processes and reduce costs. We have noticed that initiation systems in the industry have evolved considerably and this could change the way blasting systems work. Programmability in detonators now allows companies to adapt blasting systems to the needs of the

HÉCTOR MIRANDA Mexico Country Manager of Orica

operation on a daily basis and we use these solutions in our portfolio.

Mexico has a key feature that differentiates it from its North and South American neighbors; its market demands high technology equipment and the most modern machinery that exists in the industry. This is leading the country toward automated mines. Epiroc has already started two projects: one in the Peñasquito mine with Goldcorp. These projects consist of the monitoring of all equipment through control centers, so a company can identify the status of machinery, production rates and malfunctions. This helps companies quickly complete maintenance services and control productivity. It also provides key information to engineers, which allows them

ALFREDO BERTRAND General Manager of Epiroc México

to make the right decisions quickly and increase efficiency. These control systems are additionally very focused on security as they allow projects the ability to properly monitor personnel and avoid dangerous situations.

One of the biggest challenges of the industry is compliance as projects need to meet a wide variety of national and international standards before starting production. Measuring environmental impact is particularly tricky as companies have to prove their ability to minimize risks before gaining a concession. Finding a middle point between controlling these risks and maximizing productivity is not easy and we can facilitate these processes by providing equipment with a high level of accuracy.

JAIME RAMÍREZ Director General at Mettler Toledo

We are going to look for unity between the miners and the mine workers” Andrés Manuel López Obrador

INDUSTRY WISH LIST FOR THE NEXT 6 YEARS The upturn in the mining cycle is coinciding with the arrival of a new federal administration under Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The incoming president's stated policies have aroused concern among many investors but they could prove beneficial to the mining industry. Among López Obrador’s priorities are insecurity and infrastructure, two areas that are also of concern to miners. But potential regulatory changes could prove a risk or a benefit, while the industry continues to call for greater transparency of the Mining Fund and for exploration investment to be 100 percent deductible in the first year.

Providing a clear picture of the industry’s expectations, Mexico Mining Review presents the concerns and suggestions from leading voices across the value chain as the president-elect prepares to take power.



THE LEGACY OF THE UNDERSECRETARIAT OF MINING: 2016-2018 The Undersecretariat of Mining was created in 2016 as part of the Ministry of Economy to supervise and coordinate mining activities in Mexico. It follows the guidelines of the the Mining Development Program 2013-2018. What have been its accomplishments during the Peña Nieto era and what can the industry expect next?


Mining is a strategic sector in Mexico, contributing 4 percent


of GDP, according to the Ministry of Economy. But Mexico is

A refocusing of credit gave way to new financing strategies

also strategic to mining; the country is the top-ranked silver

for mining companies, significantly increasing the direct credit

producer globally and stands in the Top 10 for another 16

provided both by FIFOMI and federal financing programs. The

minerals. In Latin America, it is the first destination for FDI in

national credit portfolio grew to more than MX$3.5 billion in

mining exploration and the sixth worldwide, according to S&P

2017 compared with the MX$2.3 billion in 2013, according to

Metals and Mining’s 2017 rankings. Given mining’s importance,

the Ministry of Finance. FIFOMI also provided training and

it is no wonder that the Ministry of Economy, through the

technical assistance to 1,891 companies in 2017.

Undersecretariat of Mining, is actively pursuing its growth. But many complain it takes too long to access funding and


that the current schemes do not suit all company sizes. “The

PROGRAM 2013-2018:

financial schemes that are offered by national banks such as FIFOMI do not fit the needs of junior mining companies,” says

Promote higher levels of investment and competition in the mining sector. Increase financing in the mining sector and its value chain. Promote the development of small, medium and artisanal mining within local communities that have mineral resources. Overhaul the institutional regulation for the sector and improve the internal processes related to mining concessions, including those related to responding to requests and inquiries from private parties.

Héctor Herrera, Partner at Haynes and Boone. “They often request details such as the property size when companies are still in the process of finding the capital to acquire land in the first place.”

THE INTEGRAL MODEL OF MINING ADMINISTRATION (MIAM): Transcending the current System for Integral Mining Administration (SIAM), the Undersecretariat of Mining undertook the creation of MIAM. “This work, which is currently at an advanced stage, will undoubtedly be fundamental to consolidate a more competitive regulatory framework that provides certainty for investment,” says Mario Alfonso Cantú,

Mexico improved its ranking in several international mining

Undersecretary of Mining at the Ministry of Economy. “It

surveys, such as the Behre Dolbear ranking. It considers seven

includes the digitalization of 42 mining concession-related

categories for its grading: political and economic systems,

procedures, updating of the Geographic Information System

currency stability, social license, permitting, taxation and

and the cross-referencing of polygons so they reconcile with

corruption. The country also enhanced its standing in the S&P

the Public Mining Registry.”

Metals and Mining rankings for 2017 and the Fraser Institute’s Investment Attractiveness Index 2017, up from 2016.

MIAM will also work on the systematization of documents with a unique electronic file of mining concessions. The objective is

But on a longer-term basis the country dropped from the

to reconcile all the related information to create a 360-degree

11th most attractive investment destination in 2011 to 44th

view of the concessions in the country. “We have also added

in 2017 in the Fraser Institute Survey and investment in

a temporary increase in the workforce to reduce the backlog

Mexico’s mining sector in 2017 reached just US$4.3 billion,

in the processing of procedures and correction of data from

a far cry from the US$8.04 billion registered just five years

the Public Mining Registry through cross-referencing with

earlier. “This shows us that something is definitely wrong.

historical physical records,” says Cantú.

The situation illustrates that it is necessary to revise the country’s fiscal framework in terms of mining,” says Sergio

This system stands as a most needed tool for the industry,

Almazán, Director General of CAMIMEX.

as the speed of securing mining concessions is a common

In the Where to Invest Report by

complaint among miners. “The priority would be to make

Behre Dolbear, in 2015 the country

the concession application and permitting process move

was 46.3, ranked as the fifth-best

smoothly and quickly to encourage more investment,” says

country to invest in mining.

James McDonald, President and CEO of Kootenay Silver.

Total mining investment from 2013-


2017 equaled US$25.2 billion. By 2018 this number is expected

can already be referred to in terms of its legacy to the

to exceed the total US$25.6

mining industry. “I think the Undersecretariat of Mining is an engaged regulator, as it makes time for the mining industry and its players, which is a big step in the right direction,” says Ben Pullinger, Senior Vice President Geology of Excellon Resources. Despite the many efforts and improvements made, there are some industry petitions to enhance its performance. Almazán voices some of the most pressing. “The Undersecretariat of


In just three years after its creation, the Undersecretariat

billion reached by the previous administration. The direct credit provided by FIFOMI increased to MX$1.25 billion yearly, surpassing the goal set for 2018 of MX$825 million and compared to the MX$318 million given in 2013. 197

Mining financing through federal

Mining should also be decentralized. This is not the first time

programs totaled MX$1.1 billion

that a decentralization has been proposed and it should not be

in 2017, exceeding the goal set

detrimental to the sector as long as it is planned strategically,” he says. “It will not be a simple process as the mining industry

for 2018 of MX$750 million and compared to the MX$117 provided in 2013.

covers the entire nation. It is a federal responsibility that needs to be perfectly evaluated to see what location would be the

SGM increased its 1:50,000 scale

most ideal for the Undersecretariat of Mining for permitting

cartography by 839,903km2 in 2017,

approvals and registrations.” A legal revision is also a key

reaching 95.7 percent of the total

concern. “The main obstacle for the incoming administration is to formulate a new mining policy that better recognizes the importance of the sector and its mineral deposits in the country, along with the high level of professionalism in Mexico and its technological achievements,” says Almazán.


goal of 877,717km2 by 2018.


FOR AMLO’S ADMINISTRATION between state and federal authorities has been a central endeavor of the Undersecretariat. “Unifying efforts is a good

While Mexico improved its investment attractiveness in 2017, according to the Fraser Institute, its 44 out of 91 ranking of surveyed

way to ensure the future of projects in the country,” says Cantú.

countries is significantly lower than

To pursue this goal, the Undersecretariat created committees

the 31 of 112 at the beginning of

with municipal and state governments in collaboration with federal authorities. These are meant to address industry needs.

Peña Nieto’s administration The number of new concessions dropped by a staggering 66

Based on his tenure working in the mining industry, Cantú

percent to 687 in 2017 from

has some suggestions for his successor. “A long-term

2,005 in 2012. In 1H18, concessions

vision and a national policy are essential to promote the

awarded totaled just 331.

development of mining and the country within a framework of sustainability, economic growth, social benefit and respect for the environment,” he says.

The mining fiscal regime was modified, increasing special and extraordinary taxes for mining companies.

AMLO has already proposed changes for the mining industry, including moving the federal Undersecretariat of mining to Chihuahua. In line with this restructuring, Cantú also proposes the constitution of a Large Projects Office to speed up response times and support mining projects in collaboration with other federal agencies.

The deductibility of pre-operational expenses was modified to 10 years. In 2017, mining exploration reached its lowest point in 10 years, experiencing an annual drop of around 8.5 percent.


Strengthening of the communication and collaboration


THE SHIFT IN POWER The July 1 elections brought the biggest change in the history

President-elect López Obrador, held less than 3 percent of

of Mexico’s federal executive power. The country now has

the chairs in the Deputies chamber for the 2012-2015 period

for the first time ever a president that is not from one of

and had no representation in the Senate for the 2012-2018

the biggest and oldest political parties PRI or PAN. But the

period, it has now jumped to holding over 40 percent of each

legislative power has also seen a tremendous shift. That

chamber. The Mexican people have spoken and it remains to

same day, Mexicans also voted for the Senators and Deputies

be seen how the President-elect will act for the benefit of the

that would represent them. While MORENA, the party of

country wielding the power in both chambers.

Mexico’s benchmark


stock index, the S&P/BMV IPC,


Opening July 2

Closing July 2



Opening July 2

Closing July 2


plummeted 7.6









































percent in May, marking its biggest one-month decline since February 2009.

Source: BMV





55 PRI 34 PAN 19 PT 8 Independent candidates 7 PRD 5 PVEM


8 7 6



5 5 1 N/A

The Mexican Senate is composed of 128 seats. Of those, 64 are elected by simple majority. Every state is represented by three senators. Each party or coalition nominates a “formula” composed of two senators. The formula that earns the most votes earns two seats in the Senate for its two candidates. Another 32 senators are elected by the “first minority” system. The party that earns the second-highest


number of votes can send one of the two senator candidates it nominated. The remaining 32 seats in the Senate are assigned according to the principle of proportional representation and are dubbed plurinominal senators.



13 MORENA 6 PAN 6 Social Encounter 2 PRI

2 PRD 2 PT 1 Citizens' Movement

Source: Mexico's Senate, INE




53.19% AMLO

Source: INE




22.27% Anaya

16.40% Meade

214 PRI 113 PAN 99 PRD 27 PVEM 12 Citizens'

5.23% Rodríguez

12 MORENA 11 PT 10 New Alliance 2 Independient candidates


12 8 5 2

HOW ARE MEXICAN DEPUTIES ELECTED? There are 500 seats in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. Each of the 300 uninominal deputies that occupy them are elected by simple majority. They each represent one of the 300 electoral districts into which Mexico is divided. The remaining 200 deputies are elected by proportional representation and are dubbed plurinominal deputies. No


party can have more than 300 deputies in total. In some districts, individual parties field their own candIdates outside of a coalition.

Together We Will Make History coalition (MORENA, PT, Social Encounter Party)

For Mexico in Front coalition (PAN, PRD, Citizens' Movement) Everyone for Mexico coalition (PRI, PVEM, New Alliance)



85 MORENA 41 PAN 37 PRI 12 PRD

11 PVEM 10 Citizens' Movement

4 PT Source: Mexico's Chamber of Deputies, INE


ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR President-elect of Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) started his political career in 1976 by supporting the candidature of Carlos Pellicer as Senator for the state of Tabasco. The next year he became the Director of the Indigenous Institute of Tabasco. After the creation of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) in 1989, AMLO 200

was named president of the party in Tabasco. He was PRD’s President from Aug. 2, 1996 to Apr. 10, 1999, a period during which the party gathered the widest national presence since its creation in 1989. On Dec. 5, 2000, AMLO became the Mayor of Mexico City. Among his achievements are the creation of programs to support the elderly, single mothers, unemployed, rural producers and micro-businessmen, together with major infrastructure projects such as Periferico’s second floor. His first attempt to become President of Mexico began on Aug. 11, 2005. He was supported by PRD, the Working Party (PT) and the Convergence Party. After his defeat, he published a document called Nation Project on March 20, 2011. After that, on Dec. 9 of the same year, he registered as pre-candidate to run for the presidency for a second time, supported by the same parties. Again, he was unsuccessful. After creating MORENA, AMLO became President of the party’s national council on Nov. 20, 2012. He held that position until Dec. 11, 2017. One day later AMLO registered as precandidate for the presidency for the third time, representing the coalition MORENA, PT and the Social Encounter Party (PES). On the evening of July 1, 2018, AMLO registered a consistent lead during the ballot counting process, leading to his opponents recognizing him as President-elect and offer their congratulations. On July 3, 2018, President Peña Nieto met with AMLO in the National Palace to discuss the transition plan of both administrations.

“We will seek unity among the miners as the division does not help the workers. We are also going to seek agreement with the mining entrepreneurs. Those Mexican producers dedicated to the production of steel are going to have support. We are going to support Mexican companies” Andrés Manuel López Obrador, April 4, 2018



Incoming Minister

Incoming Senator

of Economy The leader of the National Union of Graciela Márquez is Professor-Researcher at

Mining, Metallurgical and Similar Workers

El Colegio de México. She has a Bachelor’s in

of the Mexican Republic (Los Mineros)

Economics from UNAM, a Master’s in Economics

is the son of a respected mining union

from El Colegio de México and a PhD in Economic

leader. He was elected General Secretary

History from Harvard University. She has taught at

of the Los Mineros union in 2002. He has

the UNAM, ITESM, the Autonomous Metropolitan

a degree in economics from the National

University, the University of Guanajuato and

Autonomous University of Mexico and a

the Autonomous University of Baja California.

postgraduate degree from the University

In addition, she was Visiting Professor at the

of Oxford, England. He went to Canada

University of Chicago and has given seminars

in self-exile after an explosion in the

at Harvard and Stanford in the US. She belongs

Pasta de Conchos mine in 2006 that left

to the National System of Researchers. She has

65 dead. Allegations surfaced that he

also edited or co-published several books on the

misappropriated US$50 million destined

economic history of Mexico and Latin America.

for the workers.


CARLOS URZÚA Incoming Minister of Finance

Incoming Undersecretary of Mining

Carlos Urzúa has been a consultant for the World Bank, the Latin American Economic

Francisco Quiroga has more than 18 years of

Commission and the United Nations

experience in relation to the mining industry. He

Program for the OECD. During the period

has a background in directive positions in several

2000 to 2003 Urzúa worked as Minister

major mining-metallurgical companies, such as

of Finance in Mexico City’s administration.

Grupo Villacero and ArcelorMittal. His history

Since 2004 he has been most senior national

with the Ministry of Economy dates back to 1997

researcher at the National Researchers

when he served as Trade Remedies Director in

Institute, and in 2007 he became member

Safeguards and Antidumping until 2002. Quiroga

of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He

studied a BA in Economics at UANL, has an

graduated as mathematician from ITESM,

MA in Economics from Yale University and MS

holds a Master’s degree in mathematics from

in Operations Research from the University

IPN and a Master’s and PhD in Economics

of Auckland.

from the University of Wisconsin.




The main priority of the industry as a whole is to recover the global competitiveness we previously exhibited as a mining jurisdiction. This makes sense as mining is one of the oldest and most economically-important sectors in the country. It is unfortunate that maintaining its global ranking is one of its main challenges considering the geological potential that lies within. The past decade was


particularly complicated. At the beginning, Mexico was labeled as the main destination for exploration investment in Latin America and fourth globally after Canada, Australia and the US. We are uniting our efforts to talk to the new administration and the new leaders of the ministries to show them the role and the importance of the mining industry in Mexico. Mining is indispensable for the development of any society and we should feel lucky to have such important geological deposits within the country.

BREAKING PARADIGMS Many are not aware of the concern major companies in the sector have regarding the development of the communities near mines. We want to illustrate that the main beneficiaries of a robust mining industry are the surrounding communities. Investing in these communities is now entrenched in the law thanks to the Mining Fund. It is an important source of employment and infrastructure in remote areas. The mining industry is modern, competitive and uses state-of-the-art technology. It is sustainable and in favor of the development of surrounding communities. We want the new authorities to recognize these advantages. They need to work together with the industry to develop a more effective mining policy that can help Mexico reach the level of competitiveness it needs.

UNIFYING THE MINING POLICY We seek to establish a mining law that is recognized by all the ministries and not just the Ministry of Economy. Every ministry from Source: Oraculus, X-RATES

Environment to Tax plays an important role

in the development of the sector and they

national companies would be able to invest

need to work together to strengthen its

in the sector.


development. Coordination would improve investment in the mining industry. The first step would be to make sure that mining companies have a constant dialogue with municipal, state and federal authorities. The sector has so many opportunities to grow and establishing coordination and homogeneity

years have passed with the main percentage of mining production coming from companies with national capital

EXPLORATION It is important to revise the fiscal structures of exploration. That is the first step in the value chain of the industry and it needs to be as competitive as possible to ensure a healthy future for mining. Unfortunately, from 2012 to 2017 exploration investment

would help in this regard.

dropped 59 percent in Mexico. This is a big hit and a red The Undersecretariat of Mining should also be decentralized.

light that needs to be taken attended to.

This is not the first time that a decentralization has been proposed and it should not be detrimental to the sector as

The mining industry is requesting authorities make

long as it is planned strategically. Authorities were not able

exploration investments 100 percent deductible in the

to complete the decentralization previously due to different

first year as it was in 2014 before the fiscal reform. This is

problems that arose but they did complete a building for

important to maintain the competitivity of Mexico as a mining

the four main areas of the mining industry at the time in

country as it is competing with mining jurisdictions around

Hidalgo. In the end, the only agency that moved was SGM

the world. This investment model needs to be promoted

in the 1980s. It will not be a simple process as the mining

and maintained. We want Mexico to regain its competitivity

industry covers the entire nation. It is a federal responsibility

in exploration.

that needs to be perfectly evaluated to see what location would be the most ideal for the Undersecretariat of Mining

To achieve this deductibility, we need to continue

for permitting approvals and registrations.

talking with the authorities. Despite the fact that many governors such as those in Durango, Sonora, Chihuahua


and Zacatecas support the re-establishment of this

In many cases, it is a myth that the mining industry in Mexico

deductibility, the resounding push happened in the final

is in the hands of foreign companies. The reality is that in

year of the previous administration. We will now have

the last 10 years, the main percentage of mining production

to wait until the new administration is settled in to push

comes from companies with national capital. Only in terms

for its approval. The Ministry of Finance can ultimately

of exploration was it ever closer to 50 percent national

approve this change and generate prosperity in the mining industry.

“We seek to establish a mining law that is recognized by all of the ministries and not just the Ministry of Economy� July 12, 2018

FOMENTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NONTRADITIONAL STATES Southern states such as Guerrero are starting to show a lot of interest in mining. The sector was able to grow quickly in the north thanks to the lack of superficial vegetation that allows geologists to find deposits faster. But we believe that the south has just as much potential as the north. The only hurdle is that the abundance of vegetation and flora in the south make it a little harder

and foreign investment. Canadian companies have a better

to find these deposits in a timely manner. However, the

ability to invest in the capital-intensive phase of the sector

mineral belts in the south have started to show more

as they have a strong stock exchange to support them.

potential in the last decade.

Smaller international companies are also freer to invest in these projects as they are less burdened by the bureaucratic

Another challenge is that the authorities and surrounding

requirements that larger companies often face. It allows them

communities are less used to interacting with the mining

to enter, explore and sell their projects to companies that

industry than those in states like Sonora and Chihuahua.

are more consolidated to extract easily. While in exploration

The idea is to create awareness among these leaders

national investment represents 58 percent of the projects,

and show them the advantages of strengthening the

in production and volume the lead has by far being taken

industry within their states. This can be solved through

by Mexican companies in the last decade. If exploration

the development of forums and events that speak to the

were to return to its previous deductibility status, more

advantages of mining in the area



AMLO’S NATION PROJECT AND MINING AMLO’s Nation Project sheds insight on the political expectations for Mexico over the next six years. But there is no specific outline on his intended policies for the mining industry and no indication has been given by MORENA on how the Nation Project will be implemented, causing much speculation

AMLO’s Nation Project focuses primarily on the energy

will gradually become less involved at a local level as

industry, education, infrastructure and foreign policy.

municipal police forces continue to professionalize.

While there is no clear signal on how AMLO will address


the mining industry, his Nation Project does address


some of the policy priorities highlighted by the industry

In 2014, the government implemented a fiscal reform

in our wishlist. Could AMLO's administration be the one to

that greatly increased the taxes mining companies must

quash the mining industry's doubts and give it the priority

pay to the Mexican government. The possibility of an

it deserves as one of the drivers of Mexico's economy?

additional tax hike or change in fiscal policies could impact the competitivity of Mexico’s mining jurisdiction.


“There is no doubt from my perspective that mining has

Security is a main concern impacting Mexico’s productive

become more challenging in Mexico over the last five

sectors, including mining. Often located in isolated

to six years,” says Mitchell Krebs, President and CEO of

regions and a prime target of organized crime, miners

Coeur Mining. “If Mexico wants to continue attracting

take security seriously as this can have a damaging

foreign capital, it should re-examine its tax structure as

impact on their operations. Many industry leaders have

it now stands out as being on the high end.”

highlighted the correlation between security and FDI. Alfredo Phillips, President of the Guerrero Mining Cluster

Political transitions are times of uncertainty. Investors

says that several companies have left the region because

fear that a newly-elected president with a perspective

security levels fell short of the basic conditions that

that greatly differs from the current administration could

allow them to operate. “This is an issue that I think the

jeopardize their investments. This has the potential to

administration must address urgently. We should look

motivate mining investors to direct FDI toward other

at reconstituting the institutional capabilities of security

jurisdictions seen as more stable. “We want stability, so

provision at a local level,” he says.

the first thing we would like from the new government is that the status quo is not disrupted too much and to

“(AMLO) has not announced a stance on the mining industry but clues can be derived from his nationalistic outlook on hydrocarbons” Jorge Sánchez, Partner at Haynes and Boone

see a continuation of positive business and economic policies,” says James Bannantine, President and CEO of Great Panther Silver. According to a Baker McKenzie report, the state must guarantee judicial certainty on awarded contracts, including mining concessions, and any revision should be carried out in accordance with the law. On fiscal matters, AMLO will be promoting an austerity and anticorruption regime. “There will be no need to increase taxes in real terms or to create new contributions, as the majority of the fiscal adjustments will come from the new public expenditure policy,” the report says.

On the matter, AMLO has made it clear that his

The Nation Project also evaluates how to make tax

administration will target corruption as the main pillar

payments simpler for contributors. It highlights that

of his security strategy. The intention to reinstate the

income taxes and VAT will not increase. But while a new

Ministry of Public Security independent from the Ministry

fiscal reform is not expected at a federal level, Baker

of Governance was announced at the beginning of

McKenzie mentions the possibility of states imposing new

September. The Ministries of Governance and Military

taxes, as was done in Zacatecas when the government

are expected to continue enforcing public security but

established the Ecological Tax.


Mexican mining activity is concentrated in the northern

The Energy Reform has largely been touted as one of

states, such as Sonora, this could be beneficial for workers. It

the major achievements of Peña Nieto’s administration.

is important to bear in mind that the mining industry already

But AMLO’s announced plans for the oil and gas sector

pays one of the higher salaries in the country and according

raise concerns about the future of the mining industry.

to CAMIMEX, it was the fifth best-paid sector in 2017. For

“(AMLO) has not announced a stance on the mining

example, in Sonora, the industry’s minimum wage per day

industry but clues can be derived from his nationalistic

was MX$543.8, as reported by IMSS.

outlook on hydrocarbons,” says Jorge Sánchez, Partner at Haynes and Boone. “His view on oil could easily spill

But higher wages when economic development is not on

over to the mining industry. He has stated his intention to

par leads companies to cut payroll. As long as there is a

control natural resources and to review the concessions

favorable environment, the mining industry is not likely to

that have been granted to oil companies.”

be affected. According to IMSS, mining employment grew 4.8 percent in 2017, adding 16,854 new jobs and accounting

If this translates into mining, the industry could expect

for a total of 371,556 direct jobs. Also, CAMIMEX reports

a reconfiguration of its supply chain. But this could

that more than 2.2 million people work directly or indirectly

impact the industry positively. AMLO has made it clear

in the industry.

that he will be prioritizing hydrocarbons and increasing investment, and this economic spillover could also benefit


other extractive sectors, such as mining. He will also focus

When campaigning, AMLO’s intention to bring back the

on improving transparency and accountability in these

former union leader, Napoleón Gómez, caused controversy

sectors. Public consultations of authorizations, contracts,

among mining workers. Gómez was implicated in the

assignations, alliances and permits are intended to

disastrous Grupo México mine collapse in Sombrerete,

decrease the chances of corruption in the country.

Zacatecas that left the San Martín mine closed for 11 years.

More clarity on how mining concessions are granted, for

Only recently there has been discussion of its reopening.

example, is welcomed by the industry.

On Aug. 29, 2018, Gómez was inaugurated as a senator and the response of the mining community has been divided. Part of the unionized community gathered the

“We want stability, so the first thing we would like from the new government is that the status quo is not disrupted too much” James Bannantine, President and CEO of Great Panther Silver

same day at the Revolution Monument in Mexico City to show their support for Gómez. But others protested with a full-page advertisement in El Economista, condemning his political appointment. Baker McKenzie forecasts that the return of the new senator would intensify union and NGO activities in mining areas, which could also lead to conflict situations and a reshuffle of labor leadership. The Nation Project also sets the goal of democratizing the energy policy to enhance the role of communities and unions in decision-making. Public hearings and citizen committees are to play a greater role in public


policy creation. This goal opens up the opportunity for

According to the OECD, Mexico has the highest level

local communities to increase their participation in the

of inequality in Latin America, not to mention the

industry’s activities and regulations.

disproportionate wage parity compared with its northern partners. ProMéxico reported that the national average daily

Ultimately, change should also be seen as an opportunity

salary in 2017 was MX$333.2. While this number has slightly

for improvement. John-Mark Staude, President and CEO

increased over the years, Cepal highlights that in real terms,

of Riverside Resources, says the new administration will

the Mexican minimum wage has devalued 70 percent related

have an opportunity to prove its commitment to the

to the national basket of goods, rent and education.

mining industry. “We need to go where the investors want us to and where what we find can be reasonably

It is no wonder that raising the average salary is one of the

developed,” he said. “We are really trying to keep our

central pillars of AMLO’s intended policies. For instance, he

operations focused on Mexico and we are hopeful about

said he would “double the minimum wage in the northern

the elections and their ability to bring fresh opportunities

border as it is unfair that Mexicans can earn up to 10 times

and shine a spotlight on the sector’s potential.” The

more in the US than in Mexico.” Given that a great deal of

mining industry waits eagerly.





The schemes implemented by the current administration have been successful. We want to leave everything organized for the next administration with a report on our main advances along with suggestions on the main areas of opportunities that we did not get a chance to focus on. One example is updating legal framework that was approved in 1992. At the time, it may have been a leading example in the industry but now it is extremely outdated compared with other laws and regulations related with mining activity, like environmental law for example. A long-term vision and a national policy are essential to promote the development of mining and the country. It should be a framework that promotes sustainability, economic growth, social benefits and respect for the environment.


RAMĂ“N DĂ VILA Minister of Economy of the State of Durango There are various topics that the new administration should prioritize in the mining industry and in general when it comes to boosting the

DARREN BLASUTTI President and CEO of Americas Silver

economic development of the country. Five years ago, the mining


industry was in fourth or fifth place in the country and now it is much

I think all can agree that

lower. It is losing relevance but can gain back the importance it once

mining is an important

had. We need to revise mining regulations and concessions as well

industry in Mexico and

as access to capital.

we would hope that this means it is treated as such by the new government.


One thing we see as an

CEO of Fresnillo

that the rules in place

The new administration needs to understand the importance

in a standardized manner.

of the mining industry in Mexico and its ability to compete

As a public company we

globally with other jurisdictions. Larger companies have the

are legally and ethically

privilege of being able to choose or buy projects in different

obligated to conduct

countries and they will prioritize investments in regions that

ourselves above reproach,

have the best investment platform in terms of permitting

while it seems that others

processes, taxes, infrastructure, mining law, clear and defined

can cut corners. If the

mining development policies, and human talent. It is crucial

government wants to

that the new mining authorities prioritize strengthening the

attract more foreign

areas in which we lack competitiveness. We need to make

investment, I think it is

exploration 100 percent deductible, we need an efficient

important that oversight

area of improvement is should be complied with

and clear permitting process, clear rules and processes for

on all industry participants

indigenous consultation when and if applicable, access to land

is seen to be consistent.

policies and guidelines and reduction of security issues to lower the cost of operations in Mexico.


RANDY SMALLWOOD President and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals I would ask for more recognition of the contribution that the mining industry has made in Mexico. It is a relatively low-impact activity compared to the amount of value and income it generates, the significant financial turnover and the jobs it creates. I would ask any government to never forget how important mining is, since it creates a substantial amount of value almost from nothing.


Chief Owner at McEwen Mining Unfortunately, I am not optimistic about the future of foreign investment in the mining industry in Mexico. Crime is a massive problem. The US$8 million theft of gold from our El Gallo mine, the robberies at other mines and the very extended illegal blockade and work stoppage at Torex’s mine all illustrate the country’s glaring problem. Mexico has great potential but the problems and costs of operating there are growing too fast. To change this perception that Mexico is a dangerous place to invest in mining projects, the government must tackle the criminal element in the country. The additional tax royalties placed on the mining industry must be reinvested into the communities around the mines as promised. The government could start by increasing the pay for police and military forces engaged in reducing crime.


Partner at DBR Abogados

President and CEO of Coeur Mining

I am optimistic about the change of administration and I believe that legal regulation and enforcement

There is no doubt from my perspective that mining

will improve in several aspects as this industry is

has become more challenging in Mexico over the

one of the country’s main pillars, even if it is often

last five to six years, and there are a few things

overlooked. FDI in the country has increased greatly

I think could change that. Given how important

and will continue to do so in the coming years. The

mining is to the Mexican economy, I would think the

industry used to be managed by a handful of actors

next leader would find it to be in his best interest

including Peñoles, Grupo México, Grupo Acerero del

to invest in issues like the tax rates, which are quite

Norte and Minera Frisco. Now, the industry is much

high. We have income tax, plus VAT and the royalty

more diverse and includes players with specialized

on precious metals, which all results in a very

knowledge in mining such as Canadians who are

high tax burden compared to other jurisdictions.

experts in managing capital risk. Regardless of the

If Mexico wants to continue attracting foreign

next administration, I do not think the mining sector

capital, it should re-examine its tax structure as it

will be damaged because that would be akin to

now stands out as being on the high end.

killing the goose laying the golden eggs.

PATRICIA NAKAGAWA Managing Director of Olympus MĂŠxico When Enrique PeĂąa Nieto came to power many decisions were made that did not necessarily benefit the mining industry. I think there should be more of a focus on the promotion of mining given its economic importance. I would like to see the government sit down with the mining industry and really try to understand its needs. There also should be more security, which would allow foreign investors to feel safer investing in Mexico and would in turn attract more FDI.


JOHN MCCLUSKEY President and CEO of Alamos Gold The outgoing administration has not been too positive


for the mining industry. We have faced increased taxes, new and quite high royalties and a narrow and

Managing Director of

negative treatment of tax issues related specifically

Azure Minerals

to mining. For instance, exploration costs are written

In the 12 years that we have worked in the country, we have realized that Mexico is a very pro-mining country. The government understands the benefits of the industry so we would like to see this pro-mining attitude continue. We would not like to witness the resource nationalization trends occurring in some African countries replicated in Mexico. I would like to acknowledge the big improvements that the country has made. I believe its human capital is the reason why this industry succeeds in discovering and advancing projects. Mexico and Mexicans are making mining thrive.

off over the course of a decade rather than the year they take place. There are many mines in Mexico that do not even last a decade. Miners are already reluctant to carry out exploration because they face the risk of finding something of consequence in one of every 20 holes they drill. Discouraging companies from taking a big risk will mean companies ultimately do not take the risk. Since every reserve is a function of costs, driving up costs through higher taxes and royalties reduces the size of the ore body. We only get one chance to mine a deposit where minerals have sat for 100 million years, so whatever is left in the pit will stay there forever.


FELIPE RIVERA Industry Business/Process Automation Hub Leader Mexico and Central America of Schneider Electric Systems Mexico I believe that we must acknowledge that Mexico needs to improve its auditing process on how mining revenues are spent. We must aim for a more profitable but friendly tax structure that fosters foreign investment in the industry. Also, the regulations for resource management and land ownership are too complex to attract investment. I would ask for an improvement in this regard as there is much that can be done. For example, it is important to incorporate 210

more technological and innovative concepts increasingly moving toward digitalization and


automation, regulations on this matter must not

President and CEO of

into the legal framework. With an industry

be overlooked.

Avino Silver & Gold It would be nice if the government put

BRENDAN CAHILL President and CEO of Excellon Resources The security of land tenure and mineral concessions is quite good in Mexico but the system is very slow. I think that making the system more efficient, releasing land much more quickly and processing mineral applications faster would be at the top of my wish list. Companies usually have other concerns, such as VAT, that are not a key issue for us given our offtake structure. But we recognize this is also a huge opportunity for the country to optimize processes to foster more investment, exploration, development and the

the tax money back into the communities. I would also like to see these taxes being returned more quickly. That is our main wish. I think that about half the taxes collected from a particular operation are supposed to go back to the community for infrastructure. There is a long list of needed infrastructure projects so there is no excuse why these funds are not being directed there. Countries need infrastructure and infrastructure comes from mines. Mining is in the Mexican DNA; people have a connection to mining as it is an industry that is longingrained in the country.

creation of jobs. These are very much needed in the industry and the country.

RICK RULE President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings Lessons could be learned from Chile in that politicians there have asked me what to aspire to. The country has ensured the social rents from mining are distributed equitably and that the rule of law is employed. The mining law includes an environmental code that is contractual, easy to understand and well-enforced. I am not trying to say Chile is perfect, but when comparing the country to any other, including the US and Canada, it carries out processes in a much better way. One of the main benefits is that Chile has managed to avoid some of the main abuses the mining industry has been guilty of over the last 50 years by virtue of the fact that the authorities are aggressive enforcers of their own environmental regulations.

ENRIQUE ESCALANTE CEO of Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) Both the mining and cement industry are long-term industries and to work in them, businesses require certainty. Any person willing to invest and risk capital in the long term wants to make sure that the rules of the game are clear and they are standardized for all the players. For the new administration, I would suggest that it be made very clear that we are a country that applies the rule of law, and that this rule of law provides certainty for any investor regarding private property and the long-term concessions that have been obtained. Other more important things for the mining industry include the fiscal aspect. Since it is an industry that competes on a global level, it is important to make sure that the fiscal policy does not distort the competitiveness of the industry. We need to make sure that any project in Mexico can be competitive with similar projects in other parts of the world.

ROB PETERMAN Vice President of Global Business Development at Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV)


From a mining perspective, Mexico is a well-known and respected mining jurisdiction. The Ministry of

I think the most important thing is to spur greater

Economy is doing commendable work, but we

growth. Rather than growing 2.5 percent, Mexico

believe it would be beneficial to place mining

should grow by double that, at least. There

higher on the priority list across all governmental

have been some encouraging changes in this

levels. We believe there is an opportunity to elevate

administration with the structural reforms, but

the importance and national pride of the mining

with increased economic growth, this launches

industry at all levels of government.

a cycle whereby greater investment is attracted to the country. In August 2017, the government

Mexico is also known for its consistency. It is no

announced a series of measures for a program

secret that some of the royalties and taxes in

with the Ministry of Finance to promote the

Mexico are issues that people will raise, but overall

development of the stock market in the country.

there is a tremendous global appetite for mining

I think it would be interesting to include in the

in Mexico. Outside of Canada and the US, Mexico

agenda certain incentives to motivate companies

is the number one market for us in terms of total

to seek funding from the BMV.

corporate activity and both Canadian and Mexican mining companies echo this perception.


Dolores tailings, Chihuahua



Converting ore into a product that can be sold on the market requires the use of chemicals like sodium cyanide that can be devastating to the environment if handled incorrectly. Fortunately, the rise of new solutions and techniques are slowly but surely making the process safer and more sustainable. Operators and service providers are constantly on the hunt for safety protocols and tools that can boost ore recovery levels, productivity and profit margins throughout the processing phase of the mine.

Ore Processing highlights the top engineering firms and scientists that are innovating ore processing and mineral handling solutions in Mexico, including everything from fluid control to separation methods. The chapter asks the industry’s leaders about the main advances that have been made in ore processing and handling and their view on how far the industry still needs to go to extract ore in a sustainable way.



ANALYSIS: Market Gaps Opening Doors for New, Old Players Alike


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Leif Lindholm, Metso


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Maldonado, Grupo Calidra


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jeffrey Davis, Cyanco

Leonardo Martínez, Cyanco


INSIGHT: Brent Hutzler, Solvay Mining Solutions


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Claudia Márquez, Chemours Company


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Martin Rosser, Alexander Mining


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Breaking Paradigms in Sodium Cyanide


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Danilo Bittar, Bruker AXS


INSIGHT: Francisco Chávez, Thermo Fisher Scientific México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Víctor González, Power Tech


EXPERT OPINON: Bradley Smith, The University of Notre Dame


INSIGHT: José Juan Cruz, VEGA Measurement Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gustavo Menédez, Cribas y Productos Metálicos


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fabio Marroni, Haver & Boecker


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Miguel Gordaliza, Vibrotech Engineering


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roy Giorgio, Des-Case


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Espejel, FLSmidth




ROUNDTABLE: What Environmental Problems Does the Industry Face in Ore Processing?



MARKET GAPS OPENING DOORS FOR NEW, OLD PLAYERS ALIKE Fluctuations in metal prices pushed operators to dive deeper into their mines rather than acquire new ones. But this is quickly turning into an area of opportunity for sodium cyanide suppliers and companies developing new methods for ore processing as demand for higher grade output rises


The production process of a mine is only one element to

future put at risk their future. According to the sodium

realizing its riches. The other, mineral processing, is vital

cyanide market report released by Persistence Market

for establishing the amount of metal that can be gleaned

Research, various regulations in the industry could inhibit

from the ore. However, Jeffrey Davis, President and CEO

the use of sodium cyanide. “Regulations, such as the

of cyanide company Cyanco, says it is an often-overlooked

International Cyanide Management Code have defined a

industry. “The sodium cyanide industry has a very critical

particular limit on the use of sodium cyanide,” it says. “An

role in the global gold and silver mining value chains but

excess amount of sodium cyanide is harmful for human

for a variety of reasons, the industry is structurally under-

consumption and as a result, there has been an increased

invested,” he says. “The global market for sodium cyanide

focus on using safer alternatives.” IHS Markit emphasizes

is growing rapidly and there are only five major players

that many regions around the world are trying to ban the

that we consider to be top-tier producers. There are large

use of sodium cyanide for the recovery of gold and points

gaps between demand and supply and market capacity.”

to legislation that has been approved in US states Montana and Wisconsin to ban new operations from using sodium

The lack of supply could be of concern as analysts speculate

cyanide. In Mexico there have been no signs of trying to ban

a higher need for the chemical in the industry. According to

the chemical’s use but strict NOM-155-SEMARNAT-2007

a report released by Persistence Market Research, a third-

is in place to dictate how it should be used, transported

platform research firm, on the sodium cyanide market,

and stored.

“there has been an increase in the demand for flotation reagents, such as sodium cyanide, due to the decreasing

The use of sodium cyanide is also one of the main objections

quality of gold and silver ores.” It states that the fluctuations

against the mining industry as the chemical is highly

in gold prices have become an additional driver along with

volatile and hazardous. According to the Cyanide Code,

a bigger focus on underground mines.

“the reactivity of cyanide provides numerous pathways for degradation and attenuation” once released in the

The report states that Latin America has shown a particular

environment and can impact wildlife, aquatic organisms,

rise in local and foreign investment, which could make the

birds and mammals. One example of the detrimental effects

region a hot spot. India and China continue to be major gold-

it can have on ecosystems was seen in 2014, when a tailings

producing countries and are important drivers of demand

dam burst at the Buenavista del Cobre mine, polluting the

while Australia and South Korea are key sodium cyanide

Sonora river with toxic cyanide. The incident contaminated

exporters. IHS Markit, a research platform, emphasizes that

the water used by approximately 24,000 inhabitants in the

“close to 90 percent of sodium cyanide is used for gold and

area, according to Forbes. Greenpeace Mexico declared it

silver processing in North American markets and around 78

the “worst ecological disaster in Mexican history.”

percent is used for this purpose worldwide.” But the event is also an example of the importance of In effect, companies are rising to the challenge and

preventive methods in mine operations. Organizations

preparing themselves for those to come. “Sodium cyanide

such as the International Cyanide Management Code

is a global industry but companies achieve competitive

continuously develop international standards for the use of

advantages regionally,” says Leonardo Martinez, Business

the chemical that can greatly minimize risks when applied

Development Manager of Cyanco. “For this reason, Mexico

appropriately. Sodium cyanide producers like Chemours

is a strategic market for us as we have a factory in Houston

and Cyanco adhere to these standards and teach operators

and a distribution terminal in Hermosillo, Sonora. Mexico is

how to comply to these benchmarks. “We always want to

Cyanco’s key focus market outside the US.”

be one step ahead of possible risks,” says Claudia Márquez, Latin America Regional Director of Mining Solutions at The


Chemours Company. “Our full-time product stewards and

Despite the bright horizon that lies ahead for sodium

technical support specialists spend the majority of their

cyanide suppliers, constraints in the market could their

time at our customers’ mines, educating the industry on

Pasmex Tailings Dam


best practices. We are leaders when it comes to establishing

the world’s gold mining relies on a 125-year-old method

safety standards.”

that treats gold-containing ore with large quantities of poisonous sodium cyanide, which is extremely dangerous


for mine workers and can cause environmental issues,”

Although in their infancy, new and more ecological

said Bradley Smith, senior author of the study, and the

technologies such as bioleaching are emerging as

Director of the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility.

potential challengers. The American Geosciences Institute

“The new container molecules that our research team

explains that biomining is the process of using micro-

created are expected to be very useful for mining gold

organisms to extract metals from either ore deposits

since they can be used in an alternative process under

or mine waste or to clean up areas contaminated with

milder conditions.”

metals. But many remain doubtful of its acceptance in the market as its cost remains relatively high.

Although sodium cyanide is 125 years old, Martinez says that it is still considered state-of-the-art technology.

Despite the doubts, Chile has become an early adopter

“There is nothing that works better,” he says. “In our view,

of this technology. According to the BBC, companies in

no product will replace sodium cyanide in the medium

the country decided to adopt bioleaching techniques

term. Alternatives like bio leaching have yet to surpass

for mine deposits with a low percentage of copper

the results of sodium cyanide because in bioleaching

and approximately 20 percent of the world’s copper

every single mineral must be processed uniquely and

production is processed with this technology.

requires different solutions, whereas sodium cyanide works on a diverse range of ore bodies.”

New solutions like biomining are being met with hesitation but companies like Alexander Mining are firm believers that the greatest potential for innovation in the mining industry lies in mineral processing. “The role of mineral processing is key because it has a material impact on feasibility and



H-bond donor H


economics,” states Martin Rosser, CEO of Alexander


Mining. “By improving recovery by a few percent or more and hence reducing costs, operators can greatly affect returns. So far, many technology advancements have been

electron donor

incremental rather than revolutionary, so any technology that has the potential to transform the recovery of metals at the mine site has major importance.”

team of researchers at the University of Notre Dame. The technology uses molecular recognition to capture and contain precious metals ions. “Currently, most of




H-bond donor

H-bond donor

Another alternative was developed in mid-2018 by a

electron donor



= Au(III), Pd(II), Pt(II)

Source: University of Notre Dame


= Cl, Br


A PUSH FOR FASTER TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION LEIF LINDHOLM Vice President for Mexico, Central American and the Caribbean of Metso


Q: How does the Mexican mining industry compare to other

Automation allows workers to have better control of the

Latin American countries in terms of doing business?

mining processes and ensures that the industry will survive

A: The mining industry in Mexico may be smaller than in

and thrive. I do not believe that automation is a negative

Latin American countries such as Chile, Peru and Brazil, but

factor and it will not significantly impact the number of

business is good. The industry in Mexico is very similar to

workers employed in mine sites. It will cause the industry to

the Central America and Caribbean markets and 80 percent

shift from being labor-intensive to being more knowledge-

of our regional portfolio is located in the country. In Mexico,

based, pushing operators to train mine workers and educate

our biggest customers work mainly with copper, gold and

them on new technologies. Metso is helping the industry

silver and our main business is to provide them the highest

engineer this transition through the development of

quality service for bearings and spare parts. We have a team

products and equipment with technology that can improve

of people around the country with no limitations accessing

the control of mining processes.

remote areas and always striving to do so in a safe way. We make sure that our clients have the best equipment in the

Mining in general is a conservative industry, but like any

right place. Our goal is to make them succeed.

industry we must improve how we do things to remain competitive. For some years now, Metso

The country has several areas of opportunity. The industry is responsible for taking care of the people living in the areas around mines. Likewise, these communities should see the amount


of Metso's regional portfolio is located in Mexico

of development that mining can foster in local areas. All mining companies

has been focused on supplying solutions, not just products. We are doing this to make sure that customers receive the most cost-effective solution for their operation that will increase their bottom lines. Moreover, Metso is doubling its investment for R&D to make sure we

strive to create good relationships with their surrounding

stay at the forefront when it comes to innovative ways of

communities while also needing to maximize profits.

improving processes in the industry.

We can help them accomplish this, as we not only sell equipment but also offer operational advice on how to

Q: What role does Metso want to play in Mexico’s mining

improve processes and make sure that their equipment is

industry and how does it plan to achieve it?

meeting their needs. Our main focus in the region is to

A: Mexico is the main mining country in the region for our

provide services and spare parts to the mining industry. We

company. It has modern mining technology that is on par

also provide services to all types of mines, with almost no

with any country in the world. Our focus for the future is

limitations despite the often-remote locations.

to expand our services and maintain those that have been working for us in recent years. We have some new crushers

Q: How much of an impact will automation have on mine

and grinders that have been successful in other markets

operations and what role is Metso playing in this regard?

that we will implement in Mexico. We will also continue

A: I think that Mexico has very modern technology and

to focus on understanding the local needs of each client.

most miners are starting to automate their operations.

Growth is another key focus for the company, which we expect to be in double digits. The main drivers will be new projects coming into production as well as taking some

Metso is a global leader in the mining industry. Its knowledge,

market share from the competition. This means developing

talent and solutions lead to sustainable improvements to

better and more modern equipment for our clients. We

increase the viability of customers’ businesses. Metso’s

are here to make sure companies are improving their

products vary from mining equipment to spare parts

operations, lowering their costs and increasing their profits.



Q: What are your main priorities in Mexico in the short to

We also have a new area in the company that is in charge of

medium term?

making alliances with fleets to make sure that transportation

A: Our growth in 2017 in comparison to 2016 improved, and

is efficient. Fleets are often willing to give us a good price

we expect similar results for 2018. Mining continues to be an

since we are one of the few that can provide constant

important base for the Mexican economy and it will grow

business and timely pick up and drop offs of our material.

strongly if prices remain positive. This implies growth for the company as well. We foresee an increment in demand

Q: How will the company achieve its goals of Latin

for lime in the coming years so we are preparing for this

American market consolidation by 2020?

by increasing our production by 50 percent through an

A: In Mexico we already have a reputation for being a

additional lime kiln. By March 2019, we will start producing

serious and ethical company. Our biggest challenge is not

400t/d, which equals 12,000t/m. We have already sold 25

to expand in Mexico alone but to gain the confidence of

percent of this amount and we expect to sell 80 percent

South American miners. Our sales are growing in Argentina

of it by the end of 2019. Our biggest clients are expanding

and in Colombia where we have just installed new kilns. The

greatly, which is good news for us.

most complicated country to enter so far has been Peru, where there is a lot of market competition. We have a plant

Q: How is the rise of base metals prices impacting

in Peru that produces 400t/d and we have not been able to

your business?

gain a stronger foothold in the market despite our higher-

A: Gold, silver, copper and zinc are the metals that demand

quality product and competitive prices. Despite this, we are

the most lime. But nontraditional metals such as lithium are

acquiring more clients every day. Once we consolidate Peru,

beginning to grow as well. There is an important lithium

Colombia and Argentina, we can start to consider entering

project in Sonora and the design engineers have already

other countries in the region.

announced that it will need calcium carbonate. We want to be the project’s main supplier as soon as it starts to

Q: What will be the impact of the upcoming elections?

produce. Also, our idea is to build a calcium carbonate plant

A: We are worried certain populist policies that may be

in Hermosillo at the same time as our new lime kiln, and we

implemented. Depending on the President-elect's priorities

are investing MX$300 million for both projects. The plant

for mining, it could lead to higher taxes as that is one of

will be sustainable and dust free.

the fastest and easiest ways for a government to get income. This is not good for business and it can scare away

Q: Given the increasing competition in Mexico’s mining

investment. Populist governments are also less likely to

industry, how do you maintain your added value?

overturn the 10-year exploration deductibility policies that

A: The secret is to maintain quality, service and availability.

have caused exploration investment to drop. I would like to

This is not about having the lowest prices as the lime

see the incoming administration impose a new fiscal reform

industry implies a big capital investment, but we have

where companies can deduct the investments in the first

competitive prices. We can guarantee timely deliveries,

year or sooner. Authorities need to change their mindset to

quality in our product and good service. We make that

promote investments with policies that contemplate long-

possible by producing to no more than 80 percent of our

term payments via taxes rather than stopgap taxes.

capacity to make sure that when a client suddenly requires an unexpected amount of lime, we can provide it without a problem. When production starts to continuously surpass 80

Grupo Calidra was established in 1908 in Mexico as a supplier

percent, that is when we start to consider installing a new

of lime and lime byproducts. The company supplies various

kiln. The quality of the quarry is where the quality of lime

industries including mining, construction and food and

starts, and we have the best raw material in Sonora state.





Jeffrey Davis President and CEO of Cyanco


Leonardo MartĂ­nez Business Development Manager of Cyanco

Q: How does the sodium cyanide segment impact the

Many of our competitors are also growing their presence

mining industry?

in Mexico. Cyplus inaugurated a plant in Veracruz in 2017,

JD: The sodium cyanide industry plays a critical role in the

Chemours announced that it is building a plant in Durango

global gold and silver mining value chains, but is structurally

that will start producing in a few years and Cyanco will

underinvested. The global market for sodium cyanide is

be the next one to increase capacity. From an outsider’s

growing rapidly and there are only five major players that

perspective, it may seem that the industry is being saturated

we consider to be top-tier producers. In effect, most of the

but the demand is so great that the market requires and

major global gold producers only want to buy from one of

welcomes all these new plants.

these five companies. Considering the discrepancy between demand and supply, the industry will experience a global

Q: How are you adapting to the rise of new technologies

cyanide shortage in 2019. I would advise all our clients

such as biomining ?

to design a good supply chain strategy with trustworthy

LM: Even though sodium cyanide is 125 years old, it is still

producers. Demand is growing more quickly than capacity.

considered state-of-the-art technology. There is nothing that

We have only been in Mexico for three years and we already

works better. In our view, no product will be able to replace

have 10 percent market share. The segment will continue

sodium cyanide in the medium term. In bioleaching, every

to grow and we want to strengthen our position to remain

single mineral must be processed uniquely and requires

among the Top 3 producers in the country.

different solutions, whereas sodium cyanide works on a diverse range of ore bodies. A mine manager is not going to

Q: What role does Mexico play in the global sodium

replace a product that can guarantee an optimum percentage

cyanide industry?

recovery with something that may be more sustainable

LM: Mexico has a long history of mining and is blessed with an

but can only recover a lower percentage. The difference in

abundance of mineral resources. The level of mining activity

profits is too significant. The industry is always evaluating

also makes Mexico the second-largest consumer of sodium

alternatives but up until now no other solution provides the

cyanide in the world. Sodium cyanide may be a global industry

proven, industrial-scale reliability that cyanidation does. We

but companies can only achieve competitive advantages at a

are not closed to new technologies. If something appears

regional level. As Mexico is a strategic market for us, we have

in the market that proves to be a good alternative, we are

a factory in Houston and a distribution terminal in Hermosillo,

open to incorporating it. However, for now, sodium cyanide

Sonora. It is our key focus outside the US.

continues to be the best option for silver and gold mines.

Q: How does the company plan to expand its presence

Q: How is the company mitigating geopolitical risks and

in Mexico?

what trends are you seeing?

JD: To better serve our customers with warehoused

JD: We are not worried about the NAFTA renegotiations

products in the country, we expanded our distribution

as the Mexican mining industry is still heavily dependent

terminal in Hermosillo and our transloading capability. We

on imports and it is doubtful that anyone would allow the

also built a plant in 2012 to meet the demand in Mexico and

ecosystem to be interrupted. Otherwise, operations could

to increase our supply.

shut down overnight and there would be many angry miners. South Korea is a significant supplier of sodium cyanide for the Mexican market and any escalation on the

Cyanco is one of the world’s largest producers of sodium

Korean peninsula or disruption of shipping routes could

cyanide. Founded in 1988 in Winnemuca, Nevada, the company

have a major impact on global markets. On the upside,

offers innovative cyanide solutions to increase safety and

prices are becoming stronger and our customers are

reduce mine costs

starting to see greater cash flows.


GLOBALIZING ORE PROCESING BRENT HUTZLER North American Sales Director of Solvay Mining Solutions

Mexico’s mining market can thrive under globalization,

and increasingly sustainable solutions. But given how

as more foreign investors and companies venture in and

conservative the industry is when it comes to adopting

introduce new technologies. But in internationalizing

new technologies, commercializing new products

the industry, it is crucial to deliver the right message

becomes quite a challenge. “Nobody wants to be the

to the right people, says Brent Hutzler, North American

first,” he says. “Our strategy is to partner with companies

Sales Director for Solvay Mining Solutions’ Mineral

to test our chemistries, so we have a reference point and

Processing group. “When doing business in Mexico,

case studies when going commercial.”

dealing with multinational companies is common,” he says. “Understanding the organizational makeup and who

The company is further exploring how to apply its corporate

the key people are is extremely important when providing

social responsibility approach to its manufacturing process,

a solution.”

products and innovation portfolios. “We are focused on providing more sustainable solutions to the mining industry,

Solvay says it can deliver the right solution to the right

including NaSH and xanthate replacement products,”

people due to the combination of its global resources and

he says. “We want to have stable processes that ensure

local approach, a union that creates value for the industry and enables the company to outperform its competitors. “The way in which we are structured as an organization is unique in comparison to other chemical providers. Our company, being as large as it is, places great emphasis on our ability to support customers,” Hutzler says. He believes that mining chemicals is a broad category and that advertising as such downplays expertise. “Our technical sales group is not focused on providing mining chemicals, but rather value-added mineral processing reagents,” he says.

environmental and workforce safety.”

Nobody wants to be the first. Our strategy is to partner with companies to test our chemistries, so we have a reference point”

When it comes to safety in ore processing, chemicals logistics Hutzler says the ultimate key to creating industry value

demand careful transportation and materials management.

is to identify the stakeholders who are able to see the

“Our supply chain and transportation logistics operations allow

value in Solvay’s products. “We want employees with

us to respond to customers quickly and safely,” Hutzler says.

deep industry knowledge, such as process, metallurgical

One of Solvay’s largest mining-focused manufacturing plants

and chemical engineers, who have worked in a production

is in Mexico, with a growing product portfolio onsite, which

environment and who understand the challenges

enables it to provide a faster response to the regional market.

customers face on a daily basis,” he says. “These are people who can bring the application expertise necessary

To further ensure dependability, Solvay’s mining group

to demonstrate the performance improvement our

works under a two-year demand scenario. “Every month

solutions bring.”

we consider a two-year forecast of what the global demand for our specialty reagents will be, so we can adapt our

Yet, even if a company provides the most optimized

manufacturing assets and analyze when we need to expand

chemicals, without the correct application, the full value

according to our capacity,” explains Hutzler. The idea is to

that those chemicals can bring is not realized, Hutzler

always have the next expansion plan and equipment ready to

adds. To better develop the full potential of mining

be implemented when the right moment arrives to mitigate

reagents, Solvay innovates and disrupts with new

the possibility of shortages.



LATAM, A STRATEGIC REGION FOR CHEMOURS’ MINING SOLUTIONS CLAUDIA MÁRQUEZ Latin America Regional Director of Mining Solutions at The Chemours Company


Q: How does doing business in Mexico differ from doing

As lower grades become a growing reality, measurement

business in other mining jurisdictions in Latin America?

technology will continue to play a bigger role in the

A: Mexico faces challenges in security and with the

processing circuit. It is important to analyze and use mega

implementation of additional taxes. Even with those

data trends to predict output. Our customers need help

challenges Mexico has done quite well when compared to

with prediction the production output based on certain

other mining jurisdictions in Latin America. It’s number one

grades and the effect sodium cyanide can have on these.

in silver and number nine in gold production worldwide. In Latin America, Mexico is the second largest gold producer.

It will be interesting to see how the connection between

This implies a large number of operations, and in fact, an

automatization and digitalization continues to interact with

important consumption of chemicals to process these

mining and chemistry. We are experts in chemistry concerns

minerals. For us, Mexico has the largest demand of sodium

and we are introducing technology to further improve

cyanide in the region.

sodium cyanide usage and reduce risks.

Chemours is a global company but we have a very strong

Q: Why does Chemours internally promote a strong sense

local team that is close to our customers and understands

of entrepreneurship considering it is a global company?

their needs. Chemours sees itself as an enabler and strives

A: The prioritization of a start-up culture has been key for

to help its clients continue to grow while increasing

our success in Mexico. We treated entering the country the

productivity at a low cost. We have two strategically-

same way someone would treat the creation of a start-up.

located sites in Mexico, one in San Luis Potosi and one in

All of our team members feel a strong sense of ownership

Hermosillo, that can support the largest gold and silver

of the company and treat the business as if it were their

regions in the country. Additionally to those sites, we are

own. It also allows us to be autonomous, make faster

investing in a new production facility in the state of Durango

decisions, discover errors faster and therefore learn faster.

to meet the growing demand in Mexico.

Entrepreneurship is part of our five core values, followed by safety, customer centricity, simplicity and unshakeable

Q: In what ways can Chemours help operators that struggle

integrity. This guides the way we do business around

with falling grades in mine projects?

the world.

A: Many operators are struggling with grades that are not as high as they used to be, which affects their ability to

The mining industry is making a great effort to promote

maintain their production levels. This means the industry

human talent development and attraction in the country.

needs to use chemicals in more efficient ways to maintain

In Mexico’s mining history, there have been times when it

production levels. Our plan is to help the industry take

didn’t have a positive public perception but this is starting

better advantage of the power of chemistry to improve their

to change. The industry has started to communicate the

operations, and we are using our knowledge in chemistry to

reality of mining which should result in new generations

find innovative solutions for lower grade operations. Each

by raising interest in the sector. Also, public relations are

mine represents a unique opportunity to better measure

important to attract and retain talent within the newer

systems and create a more efficient output.

generations. At Chemours, we are making our own effort by having a diverse and inclusive team. In addition, to better understand the industry, we have included team members

The Chemours Company is a global leader in titanium

with an important background in the sector to make sure

technologies, fluoroproducts and chemical solutions, providing

we are speaking the same language as our clients. This


helps feed the innovation in the company and allows the




expertise and chemistry-based innovations


adoption of new and more sophisticated solutions.



Q: What are your key business goals in Mexico?

percent or more and hence reducing costs, this can greatly

A: Our business is based on identifying geographical areas

affect returns.

with mines that have the potential of using our technology. Firstly, we determine which countries have interesting

AmmLeach, which is our core technology, is very similar

geology with potential and Mexico is definitely one of the

in terms of methodology to conventional acid leaching.

top countries due to its significantly favorable geology and

However, the most important difference is that we are using

substantial mining industry.

an ammonia reagent. AmmLeach has significant economic, environmental and efficiency benefits. The important thing

We have adopted a flexible approach. The core business

to note is that the same equipment can be used, with no

plan we have revolves around licensing our technology to

need for elevated temperature or pressure. Yet by using our

the user in exchange for a royalty. We believe this is the

patented technology with incorporating a pre-treatment

fairest and easiest way to reward us for the provision of the

step, in many cases the targeted metals can be recovered

intellectual property and for the mine operator to pay us

in a much more cost-effective way than using acid leaching.

based on successful adoption of the technology. But we have also recognized that there are other ways to be rewarded

This technology is not suitable directly for gold and silver

for our intellectual property, whether it be through an equity

projects but it is certainly suitable for base-precious metals

stake in the project or the company, or some other direct

mixed deposits, such as gold-copper or silver-zinc. A sulfide

investment involvement instead of the royalty. We are open

deposit quite often has an oxide cap and a transition zone

to discussion depending on the owner’s interest.

with a precious metal component. In the instance of a copper-gold orebody, our AmmLeach product process

Q: Considering the innovation you provide, what challenges

can be used to extract the base metal, and the precious

have you encountered working in Mexico?

metal can then be leached using cyanide. Acid and cyanide

A: We talk to companies for which we have identified an

processes effectively do not work well together so this is a

opportunity at the stage when some drilling has been carried

big advantage over conventional processes.

out and the project has moved from early exploration to the project feasibility study decision. At that stage, companies

Q: How do you envision demand for base metals in the

begin to look at the mineral processing options. From our

midterm and beyond?

point of view, the company has already done most of the

A: In general, I believe base metals demand will rise significantly.

hard work in making the discovery. Because we are a service

This is based on well-known optimistic expectations for

provider, we are effectively detached from operating directly

growth in the global economy. More specifically, there will

in the country. Having said that, a beneficial environment for

be an increased demand for many base metals related to the

mining companies is important for us because it stimulates

electric vehicle (EV) revolution being forecast in the next few

activity and is more likely to lead to viable and successful

decades. In conjunction with EV technology, which will require

projects where we can get involved.

huge quantities of base metals, there will also be a boom in electricity storage batteries. Again, that will lead to increased

Q: What are the main differences between your leaching

demand for base metals and several minor metals.

processes and more traditional processes? A: The different processes of the mining cycle revolve around exploration, discovery, development, production

Alexander Mining is an AIM-listed mining and mineral

and closure. Within that, the role of mineral processing is

processing technology company with a reputation for strong

key because it has a material impact on the feasibility and

technical management and with financial markets expertise

economics of any project. By improving recovery by a few

and experience




BREAKING PARADIGMS IN SODIUM CYANIDE Mining has made great strides to make operations more sustainable and improve safety records. When it comes to potentially hazardous materials, sodium cyanide stands at the top of the list. The Chemours Company is introducing a new model, proving that the mining industry is perfectly capable of guaranteeing the safe handling of this chemical. Safety should be central to all phases of the mining cycle. Chemours uses its 200 years of experience in chemical production and material handling to prove that the mining industry can be productive while minimizing its environmental impact. Chemours Mining Solutions specializes in the production and safe handling of sodium cyanide (NaCN), setting the precedent for innovative solutions for its optimum management. The company is a pioneer in national and international safety protocols, as well as course development and on-site training. While breaking safety paradigms regarding chemical management, Chemours leads by example. The vision is that the process must transcend to educating the stakeholders. Chemours Mexico conducted the 11th version of the Emergency Response Course with Sodium Cyanide. The goal is to train first-responders at mines on the adequate execution of emergency protocols while developing skills for enhanced decision-making among the personal protection team and the incident command system. Also, as a reliable partner it provides training for mining staff to better avoid risks by teaching adequate NaCN handling and action protocols. But training operators and their staff only solves one part of the paradigm, as communities remain an equally important element in the equation. The Chemours Company’s social responsibility policy covers the need for information and training through various courses in different states of the country. The Chemours Company has been a signatory of the International Cyanide Management Code since 2000. Almost two decades later it continues to innovate in the safest ways to pack and transport this chemical. To guarantee it remains a leader in chemicals management in Mexico, Chemours has two distribution facilities in the country, located in Hermosillo and San Luis Potosi. Responding to a growing demand for its services, it has begun constructionat its first state-of-the-art NcCN manufacturing facility in the state of Durango.





Q: What new mining processing and handling techniques

A: Innovation is critical because moving on to the next

or products are being developed for the next five years?

phase requires the processing of a great deal of highly

A: The mining industry has undergone a great

valuable information. Today, the process is done manually

transformation. Now, digitalization and quality control are

with a large number of people but there are many tools

critical parts of the business and also drive innovation.

that can allow companies to maximize their output. Getting

The industry is increasingly automated, digitalized and

more information on the mix’s composition is critical to

interested in data. Data analysis has become key to

operations and a key part of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s work

improving product quality and ensuring that productivity

that allows customers to get valuable data that helps them

is positive in terms of reducing costs and increasing the

make better decisions.

amount of minerals obtained. Mexico is not fast to adopt technology. The country has yet to progress in several areas,

We are testing solutions and working to put all this

such as improving infrastructure for digital processes. We

information on the cloud to increase our capabilities. In

Mexicans are not known for adopting technology early in

Mexico, we have an IT Center of Excellence (ITCOE) in

comparison to the rest of the world.

Tijuana that is developing software. The products are still under development but we might launch one in 2019.

Q: What are the most important steps and considerations for a mine site that is just starting to invest in digital

Q: How are companies like Thermo Fisher helping reduce


the environmental risks of processing?


HOW GERMAN TECHNOLOGY CAN CONTRIBUTE TO PROCESS OPTIMIZATION DANILO BITTAR Director Latin America of Bruker AXS High-grade projects in Mexico are becoming increasingly

analytics, particularly now that the industry is facing tighter

tougher to find and the industry is starting to realize the

environmental and safety norms.” He adds that, typically, the

importance of investing in analytical tools that can provide

savings achieved by using X-ray mineralogy in the mine and

faster and more precise results, say Danilo Bittar, Director

process plant lead to less consumption of energy, chemicals

for Latin America at Bruker AXS, which specializes in high-

or wear parts and increases recovery grades. “This typically

performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions

pays back the initial CAPEX within months,” says Bittar.

to explore materials at the atomic level.

“Commodities that benefit most from our X-ray mineralogy solutions are copper, gold and polymetallic ores.”

“We target medium and large companies as the initial outlay for our high-end solutions is not cheap,” he says. “But

The company is well established in other sectors and is

smaller companies are also beginning to show interest in our

seeking to consolidate its position in the mining sector.

entry level fit-for-purpose solutions as they see the value

“Bruker is already collaborating with large players in the

the investment can provide to their operations in terms of

country, such as SGS, and helping them improve the quality

A: Our Environmental and Process Monitoring (EPM) area

brands are extremely well positioned, especially Thermo

works with governmental agencies and private companies

Fisher Scientific, which is widely used in the mining industry.

to develop solutions to improve their quality. Our mission

Most mines in the country have at least one piece of Thermo

is to help our customers around the globe live in a cleaner

Fisher Scientific equipment. We are an innovation company

world. This division works beyond the mining industry as

and our core across all divisions is innovation.

it helps every sector. We have R&D projects addressing solutions that reduce environmental impact. In the future,

We work closely with clients over their budget cycles and

solutions will be greener and this is increasingly becoming

help them identify their priorities. A common concern

a necessity for customers. We believe that this will continue

among clients is productivity; to optimize, it is necessary

to be a trend so we are investing in building machinery and

to invest in technology that is beneficial for clients in the

solutions that minimize the environmental impact.

medium and long terms. Mining in Mexico follows some of the best practices in the world. We have many years of

Q: What are supply chain companies doing to overcome

experience in the industry and now we have a consolidated

resistance to digital change?

presence in Mexico. More than machines, we sell solutions.

A: We are working closely with government and regulatory agencies to promote the creation of standards that

Q: How can your technology improve profit margins for

address these issues. It is necessary to ensure that we

mines and what success case demonstrates your expertise?

have adequate security around a solution to protect the

A: We always place our customers in the center of our

privacy of information. From a customer-related side, we

strategy. Our philosophy is that productivity is the driver for

help them to figure out the “job of the future,” meaning

innovation, which means reducing the effort required to get

how the workplace will be transformed by digital solutions.

minerals out of mines or reducing the time it takes for several

Digitalization will not eliminate jobs, but will change them.

processes, such as production.

We hope that this trend creates specialized types of jobs that do not even exist today. Thermo Fisher Scientific is a multinational developer of

Q: Who are your main clients in the mining industry?

biotechnological products. In the mining sector, the company

A: We are participating together with all the players in the

is a leader in mineral processing and precision laboratory

mining industry, both in Mexico and around the world. Our

equipment markets

of their services,” says Bittar. “We can provide robust tools

can complement the needs of the sector well. “We have the

that can withstand long hours that are common in operations.”

best analytical precision in the market,” he says.

The company can adapt to a wide range of needs from highend fully automated laboratories to benchtop analytical tools

When it comes to automation, the company is establishing

that can be installed in mobile laboratories or trucks. “These

key alliances to maintain its competitive edge. “We are

mobile solutions are ideal for the mining industry as they can

staying up-to-date by nurturing our relationships with

reduce costs by bringing laboratories closer to mining projects

companies such as FLSmidth and other integrators

and provide results at quicker turnaround times, rather than

that incorporate Bruker instrumentation such as the D8

sending samples to centralized laboratories.”

Endeavor dedicated minerals analyzer, the S2 Puma and the S8 Tiger elemental analyzers into their installations,”

Despite the technological advances the company can provide,

says Bittar.

Bruker has found resistance in the traditionally conservative Mexican mining industry. “It will take time to change the

As a new administration enters the country, Bruker would

mindset of the industry but we are prioritizing the mining

like the incoming authorities to address an issue that is

market as one of our Top 5 sectors,” explains Bittar. “We

widespread in the Latin America region. “Bureaucratic

already have key installations in other big mining companies

processes need to be simplified as these problems and

in North America, Chile and Peru. We want to expand in

delays are impacting investment,” he says. “To improve the

Mexico as it has an attractive GDP.” The company has a

GDP in the region, we need to improve these processes and

positive outlook for the 2018 and Bittar is sure the mining

tax issues. Added to high costs, all these factors are making

industry will contribute positively to its global revenues. He

small and medium companies think twice about investing

believes the company’s background in German engineering

in technology.”





Q: What makes Power Tech’s range of products for materials

implement in the systems we sell speak to our commitment to

management the best option for Mexican miners?

offer more to our clients. We want our customers to find an

A: Mexican materials management systems manufacturers are

ally in us. We want to work together with the mining industry

often unfamiliar with basic design features that are crucial,

and guide it in the implementation of new technologies. Our

such as chute distance and belt width. For example, when

company follows collaborative values as we believe that this

an operator orders a conveyor and asks for the technical

is the way to achieve industry growth. We see ourselves as

specifications, the provider may answer based on the design

a tool for the improvement of the companies we work with.

of similar machines. We have many years of experience

To overcome the industry’s resistance to new technologies,

developing materials management systems so we know the

we invest a great deal to test our technologies along with our

important details that guarantee the highest quality. Our

clients so they can witness the benefits beforehand.

knowledge comes from a period in which we did not have all the software and technological facilities that we have today

Q: How do you ensure Power Tech can be a cost-effective

to make these calculations; we learned to pay attention to

and safe option for your clients?

details by designing by hand.

A: Everything can be reduced to a cost-benefit relationship. High-quality products mean nothing if they come at an

In 2012, we became first Mexican member of the Conveyor

inaccessible price. The Mexican market does not buy such

Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA), which

products and Mexicans do not tend to take care of machinery

provides us with specialized expertise and support for all

installations, usually failing to read manuals or follow the

our projects. This membership has enabled us to become

correct maintenance processes. For example, when Mexicans

acquainted with experts worldwide that now support Power

buy an electric device, such as a smartphone, they often do

Tech in areas in which they have more experience. We

not read the manual but jump directly into learn by using. This

strive to offer integrated, detail-oriented and cost-effective

happens in the mining industry and impacts the longevity of

solutions. For example, we have a program called Walk-

the machines since they are often not maintained properly.

the-Conveyor that examines and compiles a report on the conveyor’s functioning. ASGO has been a strategic partner

To address this issue, Power Tech’s added value lies in providing

that has allowed us to bring in-house the required expertise

high-quality products that are easy to use and offered at an

to professionalize this service and provide our clients with a

affordable price. The proof of this is that we won the tender to

comprehensive analysis of the state of their machinery, the

provide some of our equipment and collaborate in the design

possible failures and how to improve efficiency.

of NAIM’s FerroLoop reception systems. Remaining a costeffective option for our clients is also related to the supply

We are also working hard to offer an ever-improved customer

chain for our products. Most are manufactured in the US and

service. An example is the vulcanization process for conveyor

some in China. We provide spare parts for maintenance and

belts. Previously, we were reluctant to offer this service

manufacture our own conveyors. This broad portfolio allows

because it can be replaced by other mechanical systems.

us to offer a wide range of solutions to the industry and to

But we recognized that it was key for us to integrate our

have successful collaborations with small and large operators.

solutions with these kinds of services. All the technologies we Regarding safety, as a conveyor can carry up to 5 tons, it is fundamental to have security regulations for its operation to Power Tech is a Mexican company that provides materials

avoid accidents. But it is unfortunate that some operators

management and transportation systems to the mining

are unwilling to invest in accident prevention. We focus on

industry. It offers high-quality solutions augmented by its

having the right team to design equipment that complies with

extensive experience in the sector and its highly trained staff

international security standards. The Mexican industry often

struggles to follow these standards as some companies are

for mine operations. We contribute with our grain of sand

willing to overlook them to save some money and they are not

through training courses and creating videos that explain why

legally binding. Security is a key industrial area of opportunity.

conveyors can be misaligned and the risks this implies. The

Striving to prevent accidents is also cost-effective.

industry needs to understand that technology is taking giant leaps and we must not be left behind on cost and production

Q: How are your products improving ore processing and


why must miners embrace these new technologies? A: We have been in the industry more than 10 years, always

Q: What future needs are you predicting for the mining

striving to find the most innovative materials management

industry and how are you incorporating these types of

technologies. On this path, we have discovered many systems

products into your portfolio?

that are unknown to Mexican miners. For example, we

A: Given the current context in terms of metals prices, there

represent Dos Santos International in the country. Its sandwich

will be increasingly more automation and power savings

belt allows cargo elevation in a simple and cheap way. This

needed in the near future. As we see right now, the silver

technology is being used worldwide but is largely ignored

price is low and the gold price is unpredictable. As a result,

in Mexico. I think this is due to Mexican miners’ reluctance

many projects have been put on hold. For the projects that

to adopt new technologies that they do not trust but this

are still operational, miners are trying to reduce production,

reservation is often ill-founded given that many of these

maintenance and operational costs so they can remain

technologies have thrived abroad. We also provide pneumatic

competitive in these scenarios. There are many products

systems that rather than having rollers work on an airbed with

such as soft starters, variable frequency drives, weight

the band sliding on low pressure air. These systems are low

scales and many varieties of sensors that can help operators

maintenance and long-lasting as they work on low friction. I

save money and Power Tech has the expertise to do this.

think this is innovative and people are interested when they hear about them. But I also feel that the industry is not fully

Q: What can the new government do to facilitate doing

prepared for intelligent automation systems because it lacks

business in Mexico, especially for the mining industry?

the trained staff to use and maintain these systems.

A: There are various incentives that other countries are applying and these could be replicated in Mexico to create

The industry is also lagging in the education required for our

an environment that competes well on an international

miners to make the best use of technological advancements.

level. As an example, the US economy is growing this

But I think the trend also applies to innovation, automatization

year because of considerable tax reductions. The Mexican

and improvement of the industry, especially given that it

government must try to improve investment by offering

is becoming constantly more efficient. Technology can

tax reductions to those who are willing to invest money

decrease operational costs, and while key decision-makers

in Mexico. Another issue to be addressed is tax avoidance

are aware of this, education needs to permeate the lower

because this costs the Mexican government billions

stages of the mining labor hierarchy. The mining workforce

of pesos per year. By cracking down on this alone, tax

needs to be more informed about technological innovations

collection could increase significantly and this would

and how they impact mine operation strategies; they need

also create a fairer environment for all those who pay the

to understand why technological investments are profitable

appropriate amount of tax.



NEW CHEMICAL COMPLEXATION AGENTS FOR PRECIOUS METALS BRADLEY SMITH Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Notre Dame


Large-scale mining of precious metals often involves the

is known as supramolecular chemistry. Indeed, the

use of toxic materials and also consumes large amounts of

intellectual legitimacy of supramolecular chemistry has

energy and water. In addition, the tailings produced by a mine

been recognized twice with the Nobel prize in chemistry,

site typically contain significant amounts of the sought-after

once in 1987 and again in 2016. The field has developed

metal, though it is usually not economically feasible to treat

a sophisticated understanding of how molecules interact

the tailings to obtain the remaining metal.

with each other, and this has enabled researchers to design molecular complexation agents that can recognize and

Similarly, waste streams from factories, recycling plants and

capture a target molecule based on subtle features such as

other industrial operations are often contaminated with

the molecular shape.

precious metal waste. These metals can be damaging to waterways and other portions of the environment if released.

As a result, modern molecular complexation agents can

Although these precious metals have high value, the high cost

recognize their targets with extraordinary selectivity and

and difficulty involved with water treatment severely limits

form complexes that greatly change the chemical and physical

any current practical plan to fully extract the value of these

properties of the target. This new understanding has enabled

streams. Accordingly, more efficient and greener methods

the invention of new methods of chemical separations that

of recovering precious metals from waste streams would be

can be used for water purification, pollution control and

beneficial to mining operations, wastewater treatment plants,

recovery of high-value chemicals. In the case of precious metal

and municipal agencies.

mining there is a high possibility of inventing novel classes of chemical additives that can greatly improve the efficiency and

Over the years a lot of applied research and development

lower the cost of metal recovery methods.

has examined a range of classical separation technologies such as precipitation, liquid extraction, resin adsorption, and

The potential of these innovations is illustrated by two

membrane filtration, as a way to improve the recovery of

separate discoveries recently reported by two academic

precious metals. In many cases, this has led to commercially-

chemistry laboratories in the US that may have a major

viable methods that have been employed at specific mining

impact in gold mining. Currently, most of the world’s gold

sites around the world. But the molecular basis of the

mining relies on a 125-year-old method that treats gold-

underlying technologies has not changed very much over the

containing ore with large quantities of poisonous sodium

last few decades. For example, most commercially-available

cyanide, which is extremely dangerous for mine workers

ion-exchange resins are derived from 50-year-old materials

and can cause environmental issues.

whose ion affinity is based a few simple molecular properties such as the ionic charge and molecular polarity.

Many alternative lixiviants have been explored over the years as potential replacements for cyanide, especially oxidizing

This lack of intellectual progress is curious because over

solutions that convert the ore into gold chloride or gold

the same time period there has been an explosion in

bromide. While these alternative methods are environmentally

fundamental understanding of the weak interactions

more benign, there are various technical challenges due in

between molecules - a field of scientific research that

large part to the lower stability of gold chloride and gold bromide, which complicates the purification steps. The discovery of new gold precipitation agents has the potential

Bradley Smith is an Emil T. Hofman Professor of Chemistry and

to greatly simplify the processes that separate and purify gold

Biochemistry and the Director of the Notre Dame Integrated

chloride or gold bromide from a leach solution, and keep it

Imaging Facility. His research interests encompass the areas of

in a very stable crystalline form until the reduction step that

Supramolecular and Bioorganic Chemistry

produces the pure gold metal. This technology is likely to

have financial potential in mining situations where cyanide

organic solvent after leach extraction. In all cases, the chemical

is not feasible.

additives form a gold-containing crystalline complex that can easily be separated by filtration. In addition to selective

In 2013, a research group led by J.F. Stoddart at Northwestern

precipitation, the chemical additives can be incorporated

University reported a new method of precipitating gold

into a range of green separation processes such as liquid

bromide from a leach solution using cyclodextrin, a non-toxic

extraction or membrane filtration. They may be especially

starch-like molecule that can be derived from potatoes or corn.

useful in urban mining processes that recycle gold or extract it from the waste streams of manufacturing plants that use gold.

The technology is currently licensed by Cycladex, a

Another important aspect of the Notre Dame technology is

small private company, and has led to several pilot plant

that it also can be used to capture and separate other precious

demonstrations of gold recovery from the tailings of old

metals, such as platinum, palladium or nickel, and there is high

gold mines. Cycladex claims its process reduces operating

potential for application in recycling of the precious metals

costs by approximately 30-50 percent and capital costs

that are within the catalytic converters in motor vehicles.

by 35-50 percent. It also has the major advantage of using environmentally-friendly chemicals instead of toxic and

Looking to the future, it is likely that these recent academic

expensive sodium cyanide. The Cycladex precipitation method

discoveries in selective gold complexation and precipitation

is highly selective for gold bromide and will not work for other

will catalyze further research and development efforts to

gold complexes like cyanide, chloride or thiosulfate. Thus, its

improve the current gold extraction and recovery processes

value is entirely based on the feasibility of using a lixiviant that

that are used around the world. Furthermore, the general

produces gold bromide.

supramolecular chemistry principles that underlie the selective complexation can be applied to other precious metals beyond

In 2018, a separate research group led by myself at the

gold. It is highly likely that the advanced molecular level

University of Notre Dame reported a very different series

understanding and new technologies emerging from the field

of chemical additives that precipitate gold chloride or gold

of supramolecular chemistry will have increased impact in the

bromide from either an acidic leach solution or from an

mining and recovery of precious metals.


FROM FLOTATION DEVICES TO HANDS-FREE TOOLS IN MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS JOSÉ JUAN CRUZ Director of VEGA Measurement Mexico The mining industry is eager to incorporate new products

on average in the Mexican mining industry over the next

that can not only facilitate ore processing but also make the

five years. “We like that Mexico does not rely on a single

processes involved safer. José Juan Cruz, Director of VEGA

metal, unlike in Chile, which depends almost 100 percent

Measurement Mexico, says measuring tools are the way to

on copper,” says Cruz. “The fact that the country has such a

anticipate and prevent accidents. “The 2014 accidental spill

wide portfolio of minerals that even includes lithium greatly

on the Sonora river was caused by a leakage of chemicals

diversifies risk.”

that could have been prevented with the right tools,” he says. “To avoid similar accidents, it is important to have

In the past, companies would depend on flotation devices

strong, state-of-the-art measurement systems in place.”

and buoys to measure level and density, a process that was highly inefficient. Cruz explains that electronic

Vega Measurement considers mining to be a key market,

differential pressure sensors can facilitate this process

after the chemical and aggregate sectors. “VEGA

and that they can even be used in a wide variety of

Measurement Mexico is part of VEGA Americas and the

industries. “The use of electronic differential pressure

company decided to open a branch in Mexico two years ago

sensors in mining can be beneficial as the sector uses

because of the geographical proximity,” says Cruz. Despite

them to measure the density of tanks or deposits with

these obstacles, the company expects to grow 10-12 percent

dangerous chemicals,” he says.



COMMITTED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE THROUGH GOOD AND BAD GUSTAVO MENร DEZ Director of Sales and Marketing at Cribas y Productos Metรกlicos


Q: What new trends have you identified in the industry

We have strong relationships with suppliers to ensure the

and how are you adapting to these?

products are always up to specification and that we can

A: Previously, the Mexican market was flooded with

ensure supply even with short notice. When importing,

suppliers offering the cheapest product. Our mentality

we have always tried to partner with companies that

has always been to provide the best-quality products

share the same values and commitment to quality. We

and the industry has recognized the value in this. It has

also look for complementary partners, so mutual benefits

gotten to the point where the Mexican customer demands

are provided.

high quality and is not willing to settle for a low-cost, low-quality product. The Mexican mining industry has

Q: Which of your products are the most in demand right

risen to the highest global standards and this is what we

now in Mexico?

strive to provide.

A: We work in mining but we also work in aggregates, and around 50 percent of our demand comes in the form

Now, as resources are becoming exhausted, it is necessary to drill further down and, even at depth, the product can be half coal, half ash

of wire cloth for the aggregates industry. This is a woven wire that is a very simple product. But for the mining industry, more complexity is required so generally our synthetic products tend to be more in demand. On the mining side, we used to sell all rubber screens but we saw that clients had different needs that required more innovative solutions so we began offering polyurethane screens. This product now accounts for about one-third of our mining sales. The industry is changing and we are changing with it. Q: How do you work with your clients to develop the

We are competing in Mexico against local and global

most cutting-edge technology?

companies but we are also competing globally against

A: We work in a mutually beneficial way with our clients.

these companies. We have started to export our products

While we try to provide the most innovative products, we

to the US and South America. The world has become

are not on the ground at a mine site every day, so certain

so small that it has allowed Mexican companies to sell

elements may not be visible at first glance. This is why we

internationally. It has also allowed foreign companies to

appreciate our client feedback and we try to incorporate

enter Mexico, meaning greater competition and higher

their requirements into the future development of our

standards. Customers now expect better components.

products. We have some very demanding clients, such as Grupo Acerero del Norte in Coahuila and Minera

We have always adhered to the highest standards. If the

Media Luna in Guerrero, and our relationships help us to

materials are available in Mexico, we carry out quality

incorporate into our products the things that our clients

tests and if they are not available, we import from abroad.

really need. To remain at the forefront of technological innovation

Cribas y Productos Metรกlicos is a supplier of wire screens

we have always been characterized by seeking the best

for the Coahuila coal region. It was established in 1965 and

material options in the market, both for our manufacturing

consolidated in 1968 and over the years, the product line was

process and the returns to our clients. We have created

expanded and alliances established

synergies with our suppliers in which our feedback

has helped them improve their offering, achieving the

whatever the supplier had available are over and clients

optimum chemical formulas for abrasion. We have also

are becoming more demanding. The industry has entered

been certified with the top anti-wear companies, so they

the era of tailor-made solutions and optimum cost

endorse our processes and train us in the best practices

strategies. While mining processes remain the same in

for processing and materials innovation.

essence, the industry has also improved its processes to yield better life quality to its people. Operators are

Q: What are the biggest challenges operators face when

constantly seeking for more efficient processes and

it comes to mineral processing?

better returns.

A: I think one of the biggest challenges is specifications, since they change over time with improvements in the

Q: What are your predictions for the industry in the

process and availability of materials. At first, companies

coming years given the low level of exploration activity?

wanted a certain grain sizing for the ores but as

A: This is a complicated year for exploration. It is a

technology changed, they needed purer, finer materials.

transition period for exploration whereby companies

The screening size has been a challenge for us because,

with projects at the exploration stage are waiting to see

previously we could be precise up to 1/200th of an inch,

what happens in terms of regulations and metals prices.

but regulations now demand precision to 1/2000 of an

Mining has been growing in Mexico and, although it has

inch. We have been adapting to the industry’s evolution

downcycles during which some mines are shut down,

alongside our customers.

the bad times do not tend to last long. That allows us


to think ahead and prepare for the mines re-opening. Mining is also becoming more difficult. For example,

At times, a mine can be slow to make payments but this

in coal mining, it used to be possible to skim from the

has not deterred us, and we continue to work as their

surface and the quality of the coal would be very good.

supplier because we know the industry due to our long

But now, as resources are becoming exhausted, it is

experience. We know that after bad times come good

necessary to drill further down and, even at depth, the

times, and our customers know that when business is

product can be half coal, half ash. This is why screening

back up and running, we will still be by their side.

products are ever more important because costs are becoming higher and we are able to ensure much

Q: What is Cribas’ main differentiator and added value?

more efficient processes. I predict that, in the years to

A: One of our main differentiators is that we fabricate

come, the industry will continue to demand increasingly

all the sieving components. This gives us a competitive

high-precision screens and those offered by Cribas are

advantage as each application requires a different

engineered to meet those requirements. We focus on our

material. It is not possible to only offer polyurethane or

value proposition so we can anticipate client needs and

wire. To have such a diverse offering is fundamental in

provide high-quality products.

sieving but there are only a few companies that offer it. Our goal is not to be the best company in the market but

The industry is changing and it will shift from buying

the best company for our clients. Our main responsibility

generic materials to purchasing products specifically

is to our customers and we are growing to provide a

designed with engineering expertise. The days of buying

better service and in more locations.





Q: How is Haver & Boecker helping companies cut costs

important pieces and assemble the rest in the country

and increase production?

through a contracted manufacturer. But this was a special

A: We are a German company present in countries around

case. We would consider doing something similar again

the world, including Canada and Mexico. Haver & Boecker

with large orders. 235

helps operators cut costs and increase production by providing low-maintenance heavy duty equipment. Our

Q: How are digitalization trends shaping the

durability is our main added value.

mining industry? A: Mining is a complicated industry to digitalize as it

We do not compete with companies that supply small to

involves heavy duty processes and a lot of dust. Another

medium-sized operations as this target market involves

challenge was to incorporate sensors into our screens

Chinese suppliers that can offer cheaper products. We

as they vibrate. But we offer the industry two types of

stand out the most in large projects and have successfully

management systems that facilitate the transition. One is

positioned ourselves in this niche as most big mine

being developed through an online platform that is about

operations use our equipment in Mexico. Customers like

to be released. This system can be incorporated into any

us because our equipment requires less maintenance, which

operational system and facilitates the management of

means less wasted time and more profits. We supplied 45

machines. The second option we offer is an evaluation

machines to Grupo MĂŠxico, which the company uses across

service that measures the vibration of the equipment and

its operations, with 26 in Cananea alone.

its status.

Our vibrating screens are our most popular product as they

Q: What are your expectations for the medium to long term

help classify minerals by size and type after the production

of the mining industry?

phase. Each one can process up to 15,000t/h and can last

A: The worst part of the cycle is over. I feel that the industry

between 10 and 15 years, almost the entire lifecycle of a

is starting to improve in terms of prices and we will continue

mine. These characteristics make our machines a wise

to see more gains. Our company strives to serve our clients


as best as possible no matter the stage of the price cycle. We are also always working on ways to help operations

Q: What strategies does the company employ to offer

reduce costs. The company wants to have a bigger presence

services and support?

in the country and to reach out to more potential clients.

A: We have an office in Sonora, a well-known mining state, and we can provide a wide array of support. This office

When it comes to the change of administration in 2018, I

encompasses engineers and technicians who can meet the

hope the new authorities can find a middle point between

needs of our clients. To continue improving the services the

the needs of the industry and the surrounding communities.

company offers, we are always on the lookout for additional

The industry plays an important role in the economy but

representatives throughout the country.

the interests of the communities should also be prioritized. Otherwise, blockades happen and this costs companies a

We manufacture according to the demand and the

lot of money.

product. The largest machines are produced in Brazil while the medium to small ones are made in Canada. We also manufacture in Mexico when demand is high enough.

Haver & Boecker has over 125 years of experience developing

For example, in 2012 Grupo MĂŠxico bought 12 machines

innovative solutions for the industry. It specializes in mineral

and instead of importing the machines already assembled

processing plants, primary crushing plants, washing, pelletizing,

as we normally do, we decided to only import the most

conveying, engineering, used equipment and vibrating screens




Q: How do you guarantee the provision of quick and high-

will help us provide the complete spectrum of machinery

quality maintenance even in the most remote mines?

installation for ore processing, from sieves and crusher

A: We usually work with big operators that are very

to mills. Also, we have two commercial partners in

cautious. This means they often require a robust stock

Mexico. IMAF collaborates with us for the steelmaking

of spare parts to reduce the possibility of downtime. We

and foundry sectors, and TEASA for mining. The former

do not have specialized technical service centers in all

is also our close ally for other segments in Mexico, such

the countries we work, as we work all across the globe

as recycling. Vibrotech performs all the technical aspects

and this would be burdensome for us. But we do have

and TEASA handles the commercial part alongside our

brand representatives with the best technical training

commercial directors.

so they can directly solve minor issues locally. In case of a major problem, our headquarters in Spain are only

Q: How do you differentiate yourself from your

12 hours away and we are ready to send our technicians

competitors that offer similar products?

to solve issues.

A: Vibrotech is proud to compete against the best machinery suppliers worldwide. Our designs are just as

Our manufacturing plant is in the Valley of Trapaga, in

modern and efficient. The dollar-euro parity has been

Spain, and we are also associated with several workshops

positive for our business and along with the low cost of

in San Sebastian. We are partnering with a company

labor in Spain, we remain competitive in the market. But

that develops mills from Bilbao and are evaluating the

the quality of our equipment is the main differentiator.

possibility of acquiring it in the future. This partnership

Our machines can adjust to different terrains to better address the needs of our clients. We do not provide our customers with what we have to offer but with what they


need. We have standard machines, but we also have the

core activity is the design and manufacture of vibrating

ability to design tailor-made solutions for a given client’s

machinery and installations for foundries and other sectors

specific problem. We are very agile in delivering quality at

of the industry

a commercial, engineering and productive level.


Engineering is






Q: What role does the Mexican mining industry play in

alongside our distributors to ensure that our clients have

your company’s portfolio?

the right solution from start to finish, without wasting

A: Mining is one of the top two industries for Des-Case and

energy on improperly installed or incorrectly selected

we continue to bet on the Mexican and Latin American

products. We will not suggest any solution that we believe

markets through our support and distribution team. In

will not yield at least a 30 percent return on investment. I

Mexico, we have several distributors who specialize in

have yet to see a return of anything less than 90 percent

mining. We make sure that we provide a holistic solution,

for the projects I have worked on and I once oversaw a

not just products. Anyone can provide manufacturing

project with a 2,000 percent return on repair costs alone.

services. We are expanding on our 35 years of innovation in the industry, entering the IIoT era with the market’s first connected breather with IsoLogic sensor technology. We recently acquired a Dutch company called RMF Systems that specializes in new technologies for monitoring particle counts in lubricants. Many mines are adding particle counters to monitor their lubricants and how they are performing and affecting the equipment. We

Des-Case will not advise implementing any solution that it believes will not yield at least a 30 percent return on investment

are looking at standard interfaces for standalone units or the integration into systems. Today, our most popular

Q: What is the mining industry taking for granted about

solution for the industry is portable filtration systems,

breathers and what is your message for miners?

such as our TC Series.

A: I think that there are three things that people misunderstand regarding lubricants and equipment. First,

Q: How do you differentiate from similar options in the

they believe that new oil is inherently clean. Many people

market and why must Mexican markets choose Des-Case?

believe that looking through an oil sample and seeing

A: We can help increase the lifespan and reliability of any

clear liquid means that the oil is not dirty. But the human

equipment in a mine that uses lubricants. Our contribution

eye by itself cannot see the particles that actually cause

keeps equipment running three to eight times longer,

the most damage, whereas those we can see usually will

depending on the application. We are the only company

not cause damage until broken into smaller particles.

that provides solutions to protect lubricant throughout

Most major oil manufacturers will say that new oil is

its entire life cycle. Simply focusing on protecting the

not clean enough to put into service without filtering.

lubricant while it is in use or being stored does not fully

Second, that the equipment’s onboard filter is always

address all the ways lubricant can become contaminated.

going to achieve the desired cleanliness level, which is

We teach people how to receive, store, transport and

more the exception than the norm. Many filters are only

clean lubricants safely by employing best practices. We

designed to prevent catastrophic or immediate failure.

also train them to monitor the health of the lubricant

Third, that the factory breather cap is going to keep dirt

and remove it safely from the plant when replaced. We

and moisture out of the oil, which is not usually what it

establish a strong partnership with our customers to

is designed to do.

make sure their oil is clean and fully protected from the moment it arrives at their plant. Des-Case provides leading, innovative products and services

The key difference between someone who manufactures

that enhance equipment reliability and increases profitability.

reliability products and a solutions provider such as Des-

Des-Case products extend the life of industrial lubricants by

Case is that we will work with the mines face to face

preventing contamination





Q: What challenges are operators facing in terms of mineral

Q: What added benefit do you offer Mexican mining

scarcity and falling grade and how can you help them?


A: Electricity is one of the main cost-contributors in

A: We are the only company in the industry that can

mineral processing for our customers, so we want to

provide leading mining equipment, offering a full pit-to-

provide the best solution for their entire process by

port portfolio, while also delivering strong aftermarket

looking at their operation as a whole. By working closely

services. No other company in the industry can offer this

with customers, we can deliver the solution the operation

combination of projects, products and services. At the

requires, allowing us to optimize the recovery rate for

same time, we have a strong 50-year presence locally, and

our clients. When considering water, for example, we

Mexico is one of our countries of focus. We are creating

recognize that it is a scarce resource worldwide and

new synergies as a North American region, which is one

especially for a water-intensive process like mining. Our

of the important structural changes we are undergoing.

dry tailings solution EcoTails allows our customers to

Recently, FLSmidth restructured itself to focus on seven

recover as much as 90-95 percent of the water used in

regions, one of which is North America. We are pooling our

tailings management. We think this will be very important

sales and service execution resources across Canada, the

for the industry.

US, Mexico and Central America to the benefit of customers in the entire region.

Q: What solutions in particular are you promoting for the mining industry?

Q: What demand are you seeing from the mining industry

A: Among them is the dry tailings solution, EcoTails, which is

for new technologies?

a new system that dramatically improves tailings and waste

A: There is always the need to make operations more

rock disposal while economically processing mine waste

efficient. One solution we can provide is SmartCyclone, a

and increasing water recovery and reuse. We are working

monitoring and control solution in a closed-circuit grinding

with some of our customers and other stakeholders to roll

system for improving cyclone-related processes, predicting

out this type of technology across the country. In terms

and controlling cyclone maintenance schedules and

of electricity management, we provide a product called

measuring whether the battery is operating efficiently or

SAGwise total process control for the grinding circuit that

not. The difference in efficiency can be dramatic but we can

allows our customers to optimize the feed degree of their

create an alert that goes to the control room immediately.

mills, and in that way the consumption per ton of ore that

These types of fast technology-driven response and

is being processed.

monitoring systems and solutions capable of intercepting errors will become increasingly more important in mining

We are working hand-in-hand with mining groups to see

in the long term.

what new innovative technology is best suited for their needs. Some of these products include our revolutionary

Mining companies are increasingly interested in these new

Rapid Oxiditive Leaching (ROL) technology for copper

solutions but in some cases the concepts are not easy to

and gold production and our nextSTEP advanced flotation

implement in an existing facility. Any slight change in the

technology. We are now ready to roll this out in Mexico.

process can have significant consequences in efficiency and cost of production. In general, our customers are cautious about making changes in their processes and we understand

FLSmidth is a global engineering company with almost 11,700

that. Therefore, we come to them with case studies, proven

employees worldwide. It supplies the minerals and cement

technology and solid proposals to implement pilot projects

industries globally with engineering, machines and processing

based on their specific circumstances so that they can be

plants as well as maintenance, support and operation services

confident when making these kinds of changes.


APPLYING O&G EXPERIENCE TO INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES BENNY ONG Latin America Sales Manager, Industrial Technologies of NOV

Non-oil and gas markets present oil and gas companies with

Ong notes that NOV’s main differentiator is the long

an attractive opportunity to diversify their portfolios, says

experience it has gathered from the oil and gas industry.

Benny Ong, Latin America Sales Manager in NOV’s Process

“Although there are many options on the market, we provide

and Flow Technologies business unit. He says mining is an

strong capabilities with computational fluid dynamics,

ideal market for companies like NOV since many drilling

decades of experience, and proven, reliable equipment that

technologies can add value to both industries. “In oil

will last,” he says. “None of our competitors can offer the

completion and production, a wide variety of equipment

same thing.” In addition, Ong says that NOV is continuing

and solutions help companies extract oil from the well but

to work toward expanding its presence in the region to ease

these technologies are not exclusive to oil and gas,” Ong

logistical headaches and get products to customers faster.

says. “We take oil and gas synergies and apply them to industrial sectors such as pulp and paper and mining.”

NOV’s global footprint allows the company to understand and meet client needs much more efficiently, adds Ong. For

Ong says that mining has become an increasingly attractive

example, NOV has developed the XG range gear pump for

growth sector for NOV, particularly as metal prices have

drilling and blasting customers. It is a critical product that

recovered from 2015 lows. Although oil prices tend to trend

only two or three companies in the US can supply. “We

downward in the face of geopolitical instability, metals

have a global presence in China, Australia, Europe and the

prices thrive on volatility, he says. “All the critical prices

Americas, so we are able to efficiently serve our high-value

like gold, silver, and copper have gone up, and production

customers,” Ong says.

levels at mine sites have increased,” he notes. “We are really focusing on mining, which is one of the key growth areas

Ong admits that a challenge NOV faces is the ability of

for us in Mexico.”

local companies to manufacture look-alike products, but cautions customers that in such cases, appearance and

The company, a US-based multinational that is a leading

quality do not always go hand in hand. “These companies

provider of drilling equipment for the oil and gas industry,

can manufacture locally and offer a product that looks like

also offers other oil and gas technologies for mining

ours but without our quality and expertise.” Although many

applications. “We supply pumping equipment, mixing

customers tend to lean toward those companies because

equipment, composite piping systems, and valves, among

they require a smaller upfront investment, they quickly

other products,” Ong says. On the ore processing side, NOV’s

realize the equipment is not optimum, he says. “These

most popular product is Chemineer-branded agitators.

products wear out quickly, need more maintenance and cause more downtime, especially because these companies

Although these agitators are standard in the industry,

do not have the required expertise to help operators

Ong says the added value NOV can offer is its simulation

optimize their processes,” Ong says. “A reduction in the

software, which can paint a picture for operators of tangible

price of the technology does not necessarily mean it is

production gains. “We can simulate the operator’s process in

good for customers in the long run.”

the mixing environment to instill confidence the equipment will perform the way it should,” he says. While many of

NOV works closely with clients to meet the needs of the

NOV’s competitors rely on a show-and-sell strategy, Ong

industry, and Ong says one key metric of its success is the

says valuable time can be saved by using a simulator. “This

caliber of those it works with. “We do business within three

means that, even if a customer changes its requirements,

main segments: operators, drilling and blasting customers,

we can modify the simulation at a moment’s notice and the

and EPC companies,” he says. “We work with the leading

client can see what will happen, leading to optimization and

companies in each group to develop solutions that are truly

time and cost savings.”

valuable and impactful to their operations.”




Ore processing is one of the most important steps in extracting ore. Correct processes can make all the difference in increasing the amount of minerals that can be extracted from the rock. But the best way to extract metals remains sodium cyanide, a toxic chemical that is often blamed for pollution of rivers and lakes after tailings dam spills. Mexico Mining Review interviews sodium cyanide suppliers, operators and environmentalists to understand the importance of sodium cyanide, the best practices for its use and evaluate the alternative technologies that are now emerging to challenge it.

The people that use sodium cyanide want to optimize their gold recovery. To avoid 240

a drop in recovery levels, they often prefer to err on the high side of concentrations and use more cyanide than necessary. Our proprietary Cyanide Control System technology allows companies to remove this variation and be more precise and effective when it comes to recovery levels. There is a sweet spot when it comes to the use of sodium cyanide, using too much cyanide can cause cyanide solutions to

LEONARDO MARTĂ?NEZ Business Development Manager of Cyanco

leach unwanted metals and using too little can drop recovery rates. This is where technology and applications can play an important role. Our tools are advantageous because they are easily incorporated into systems that are already fully automated.

According to citizen surveys, the greatest worry regarding mining activities is related to water use. People often think that because miners use hazardous substances such as cyanide, they want to get rid of them. But more often miners actually want to get these chemical components back so they can reuse them. These are released accidentally, but not through daily operations. Most of the allegations we receive are on water contamination concerns, usually based on speculation and with no

ARTURO RODRĂ?GUEZ Assistant Attorney General for Industrial Inspection at PROFEPA

support from further research such as from COFEPRIS regarding cancer incidence in a mining area.

Just prior to the finalization of our acquisition of San Dimas in Durango, there was an unfortunate spill caused by a series of breakdowns. It was mainly due to a failure of the onsite workers, whereby a truck driver left the truck abandoned on a hill and left the site. This truck was full of water that contained cyanide and the valve on the truck was rusted and began to leak. The contents spilled into the river. This had an impact on the fish in the river. This should not have happened but it is difficult to

KEITH NEUMEYER President and CEO of First Majestic Silver

prevent things like that. All we can do is provide training and hope employees follow company policies and best practices. This is just one example where it is necessary the state governments work with industry to deal with issues that arise regularly.

Many operators are struggling with grades that are not as high as they used to be, which affects their ability to maintain their production levels. This means the industry needs to use chemicals in more efficient ways to maintain production levels. Our plan is to help the industry take better advantage of the power of chemistry to improve their operations, and we are using our knowledge in chemistry to find innovative solutions for lower grade operations. Each mine represents a unique opportunity to better measure systems and create a more efficient output. As lower grades become a growing reality, measurement technology will continue to play a bigger role in the processing circuit. It is important to analyze and use mega data trends to predict output. Our customers need help with prediction the production output based on

CLAUDIA MĂ RQUEZ LATAM Regional Director of Mining Solutions at The Chemours Company

certain grades and the effect sodium cyanide can have on these.

We find that Mexican standards to avoid spills are good, but some mining companies 241

do not want to follow them as they are expensive and miners believe they can avoid accidents by themselves. Spills are often related to design and construction of mines and the industry lacks quality control in this regard. On the other hand, overregulation can be detrimental for the industry as it can hinder business development. But by constantly monitoring macroinvertebrates in water bodies we can accurately evaluate the impact that mine operations have in the areas surrounding them.

MARVIN ROSALES Country Manager Mexico of CTA

Large scale mining of precious metals often involves the use of toxic materials and also consumes large amounts of energy and water. In addition, the tailings produced by a minefield typically contain significant amounts of the sought-after metal, though it is usually not economically feasible to treat the tailings to obtain the remaining metal. These metals can be damaging to waterways and other portions of the environment if released. Although these precious metals have high value, the high cost and difficulty involved with water treatment severely limits any current practical plan to fully extract the value of these streams. Accordingly, more efficient and greener methods of recovering precious metals from waste streams would be

BRADLEY SMITH Director of the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility

beneficial to mining operations, wastewater treatment plants, and municipal agencies.

AmmLeachÂŽ, which is our core technology, is very similar in terms of methodology to conventional acid leaching. However, the most important difference is that we are using an ammonia reagent. AmmLeachÂŽ that has significant economic, environmental and efficiency benefits. The important thing to note is that the same equipment can be used, with no need for elevated temperature or pressure. Yet by using our patented technology with incorporating a pre-treatment step, in many cases the targeted metals can be recovered in a much more cost-effective way than using acid leaching. This is not suitable directly for gold and silver projects but it is certainly suitable for base-precious metals mixed deposits, such as gold-copper or silver-zinc.

MARTIN ROSSER CEO of Alexander Mining

Grupo México workers



Top Mexican mining companies are on the rise as leading global producers of gold, silver and copper despite the amount of international competition in the market. These companies have a long history in the sector and actively work to maintain their place at the head of the pack but foreign competitors continue to be a threat. In 2015, 75 percent of all foreign capital in the sector came from Canada, via FDI or indirectly through the TSX. There are 205 companies with Canadian capital established in Mexico not to mention companies from other mining jurisdictions such as Australia.

As the downturn forced out inefficient companies, a new breed of Mexican entrepreneurs emerged from the ashes with increasingly high-quality, safety and efficiency standards. It seems the national industry is consolidating and pushing standards ever higher to meet the needs of operators in Mexico. This chapter showcases national companies that have dared to take on the challenge of not only incorporating new international standards but also raising the benchmark through best practices. It shines a spotlight on national supply chain companies that continuously add real value to mining operations.



ANALYSIS: Cultivating National Talent for Global Expansion


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Octavio Alvídrez, Fresnillo


INSIGHT: José Jaime Gutiérrez, Grupo Minero Bacis


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ramón Dávila, Minister of Economy of the State of Durango


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Silva, Carrizal Mining


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Herrera, Detector Exploraciones




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Escalante, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jerjes Pantoja, CAM


Amelia Torres, CAM


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Francisco Alanis, DMV Mining Intelligence


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Torres, Sitsa


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Monserrat Montesinos, DICISA


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Vilchis, TMC


INSIGHT: Carlos Villarreal, Arsenal Tires


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joel Carrasco, Solum Consulting Group


INSIGHT: Gerardo Guillén, Elastómeros Taza


ROUNDTABLE: How is the Industry Preventing a Shortage of Human Talent?


CULTIVATING NATIONAL TALENT FOR GLOBAL EXPANSION Mexico holds first place in silver production and is ninth in gold, giving the country much to boast about when it comes to its national mining industry. Important states in the sector are known for having talented teams of geologists and efficient supply chains. Appetite to apply this success to global markets is growing Mexico’s mining industry is often characterized by the

those in Latin America, are ripe for the picking for Mexican

Big Four operators: Peñoles, Fresnillo, Minera Frisco

companies. “Many suppliers in Mexico excel in providing

and Grupo México. These four heavyweights alone have

new solutions that other Latin American mining jurisdictions

over 30 operating projects in Mexico with several more

could take advantage of,” he says. “There are a few large

properties held, but so far, the only one that has carried

companies that are taking advantage of the context.”

out any meaningful expansion beyond the country’s borders is Grupo México.

Although this move has been contained until now, it seems that many in the supply chain are awakening to the


Recently, Fresnillo began to see opportunities to position

opportunities that crossing the Mexican border could hold

itself in the global market. The operator, listed on the

for them. Alberto Leal, Business Development Director

LSE, owns more than 350,000ha of concessions in Peru,

of Cribas y Productos Metalicos, says many have been

making it the largest holding for exploration in the

motivated to do so due to the fact that international

country. CEO Octavio Alvídrez says Fresnillo is laying

companies are coming into Mexico to compete. “We are

the groundwork for a strong Latin American pipeline

competing in Mexico against local and global companies but

that goes beyond Mexico. “In Mexico, we have 1.8 million

we are also competing globally against these companies,”

hectares of exploration concessions and many targets

he says. “We have started to export our products to the US

to explore but we believe that it is always healthy to

and South America. The world has become so small that

diversify,” he says.

it has allowed Mexican companies to sell internationally.”

When NAFTA went into renegotiations, many industries


in Mexico saw the need to diversify away from the US

But to compete on a global level, companies need

market. Although Mexican mining does not depend

transparency, strong governance and accountability.

directly on the neighbor to the north, Mexico has a

José-Oriol Bosch, CEO of BMV Group, says this is exactly

strong mining relationship with Canada, and the seed of

the kind of opportunity that listing on a stock exchange

diversification seems to have been planted in the minds

can offer, pointing out that the exchange’s penetration

of miners. The Mining Undersecretariat is taking steps

within mining is still minimal. “We have a few mining

to form new relationships with new mining jurisdictions.

companies listed on the BMV, but not enough,” he says. “The mining sector represents 4 percent of the country’s

“Many MoUs the previous General Mining Coordination

GDP and there are many mining companies working in the

had signed were not being followed up. We decided to

country but we have only four companies listed on the

make sure these agreements were being put into action,”

BMV: Peñoles, Grupo México, Autlán and Minera Frisco.”

says Mario Alfonso Cantú, Undersecretary of Mining at the Ministry of Economy. “We also increased our outreach by

To improve the participation of the mining industry in

diversifying beyond Canada, even though this country will

the BMV or BIVA, the recently-created stock exchange

always be our main mining partner. The Undersecretariat

in Mexico, companies believe it could adapt more to the

identified the main mining events and regions in the

needs of the mining industry. “The BMV and BIVA need

world that the sector could benefit from and decided to

to incorporate additional and dedicated elements to truly

increase its presence in these areas, including Australia

attract investors,” says Alvídrez. “It needs to create a

and China.”

platform for mining investors and a defined plan to start creating a mining culture for investment in our country.”

SUPPLY CHAIN FOLLOWS As the government and major operators drive this change,

Companies like Fresnillo and Telson Resources have

so the supply chain follows. According to Ricardo Díaz

found opportunities in foreign stock markets, such as the

de León, Infrastructure, Mining, Logistics and Tourism

TSX and the LSE. But the Mexican market is beginning to

Coordinator at ProMéxico, international markets, especially

wake up and offer more funding options. Accendo Banco

is a Mexican bank that offers specialized products to


the mining sector, including term loans, revolving credit

Mexican mining is a traditional industry in Mexico but

facilities, bridge and mezzanine loans, nonconforming

for many years this seems to have held it back. With

project finance facilities, leasebacks and factoring

the blinkers focused solely on production levels, the


national industry flourished, but it was confined by its own borders. Now, Mexican miners are beginning to

Javier Reyes de la Campa, Co-CEO of Accendo Banco says

institutionalize, focusing on financing, new technology,

it sees a great deal of possibility in the recovering sector.

strong governance, transparency and developing human

“This 10-year global mining industry crisis has translated

talent to create a platform to jump into other markets.

into very limited financing for mining companies, particularly for small to medium-sized companies,” he says.

ProMéxico and other governmental agencies are

“Mexico, which is among the countries with the richest

collaborating to boost this momentum further by creating

natural resources, does not have a bank that supports the

partnerships with complementary mining jurisdictions.

sector. This crisis has presented us a unique opportunity

“We should see the growth of our southern neighbors

to provide financing across the whole mining spectrum.”

more as an opportunity to collaborate than as a danger of competitors, says Díaz de León. The trade agency is


focusing on creating an agreement with Chile that will be

Besides cleaning up their finances, Mexican companies

replicated in Peru and Argentina to exchange specialized

are also starting to focus on developing their talent. “We

products and technology. “We want mining companies

used to consider our growth objectives to be the biggest

to increase their vision beyond national growth and find

challenge that we faced but now that we are about to

areas of opportunity internationally. Many do not know

meet our IPO goals of doubling production in 10 years,

that they are ready to export and we can help them

we consider the lack of human talent to be a greater

get started.”


Fresnillo is targeting this challenge by focusing on training programs for younger generations. “We are responding to the situation by supporting educational





initiatives around the country,” Alvídrez says. “We work

Grupo México







Zacatecas, Sonora and Chihuahua, among others. We


Mine and plant

also provide training facilities where students can go and

Silver Bell

Mine and plant

improve their knowledge and skills.”







closely with universities in Mexico City, Guanajuato,

This sentiment is echoed by Carlos Silva, CEO of Carrizal


Mining. “Human capital is a big priority for us. We do not rely on recruiters and have developed a unique system to select team members that includes a threemonth probationary period,” he says. “Finding and retaining talented people is always a challenge. Through our system, we carefully identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member and create a plan to further develop each one.” In terms of the domestic market, the rising competitivity

Los Chancas

Future project

Tia Maria

Future project




Operations and plant




Future project

Industrias Peñoles







Prospect in Drilling

Santo Domingo

Early Stage Exploration

La Pampa

Early Stage Exploration


Early Stage Exploration

Alto Dorado

Early Stage Exploration

may have many companies concerned but those that see it as an area of opportunity have found many advantages. The fresh vision has helped push the industry to improve the quality and services it provides. “It has gotten to the point where the Mexican customer demands high quality and is not willing to settle for a low-cost, low-quality product,” says Leal. “The Mexican mining industry has risen to the highest global standards and this is what we aim to provide.”





Q: What is the single greatest obstacle that Fresnillo will

stage in the future. The growing presence of the mining

have to overcome in the coming years?

industry has the possibility of changing the reality of the

A: We used to consider our growth objectives to be the

state as it will bring economic growth and quality jobs.

biggest challenge that we faced but now that we are about 248

to meet our IPO goals of doubling production in 10 years, we

Q: Why did the company decide to list on the LSE over

consider the lack of human talent to be a greater obstacle.

more traditional mining markets such as the TSX?

We have a large portfolio of projects but we consider the

A: Before deciding to list on the LSE, we thoroughly

most precious asset in our company to be our talent. The

reviewed the markets in London, New York and Toronto.

downcycle in the mining industry caused many people to

Due to the size of the listing we reduced our options to

stop working in the industry and now there are many gaps

New York and London. And then we saw that mining had

to fill in medium to high-level positions.

greater weight in London than in New York. Due to the listing being primary and a secondary, the tax implications

Q: How will the new anti-bribery and corruption legislation

also had a weight on the decision. As a Mexican company

impact the mining industry?

with more than a century in mining, it was very important

A: This is a very positive initiative not only for the mining

that despite the fact that Fresnillo would be incorporated

industry but for the entire country. We are listed on the

as a UK company, we would be able to pay all taxes of the

LSE and since day one we have had to comply with the UK

listing and then those required in Mexico. This was a strong

Bribery and Corruption Act. It is very strict but with our

priority that brought us to the LSE. We have been studying

company’s values and profile we have not had compliance

the possibility of a dual listing in another market but since

problems and we have seen and we know the benefits of

only 25 percent of our capital is in the UK market, further

following these types of norms. As a company with an

dividing this percentage would only put more pressure

already-strict governance structure we comply with this

on the liquidity of our shares. For this reason, we are not

new initiative in Mexico. The sector is responding positively

considering it at the moment.

to the legislation. Q: What would you like the new administration to prioritize Q: What does the company want to see in Guerrero before

when it comes to the mining industry?

advancing projects in this state?

A: The new administration needs to understand the

A: Security can be an issue in certain isolated areas within

importance of the mining industry in Mexico and its

the country and even though we have an interesting project

ability to compete globally with other jurisdictions.

in Guerrero we have not been able to deploy exploration in

Larger companies have the privilege of being able to

the area due to these issues. We have tried a couple of times

choose or buy projects in different countries and they

to start exploring it but unfortunately, we have experienced

prioritize investments in regions that have the best

safety problems and have removed our people from the

investment platform in terms of permitting processes,

area. Thanks to our large project portfolio we can pause our

taxes, infrastructure, mining law, clear and defined mining

efforts in this area and direct them toward less challenging

development policies and human talent. It is crucial that

regions. We hope that the area will be at a more stable

the new mining authorities prioritize strengthening the areas in which we lack competitiveness. We need to make exploration 100 percent deductible. We need an efficient

Fresnillo is the world’s largest silver producer and Mexico’s

and clear permitting process, clear rules and processes

largest gold producer. It is listed on the London Stock

for indigenous consultation when and if applicable, access

Exchange and has seven operating mines across Mexico. In

to land policies and guidelines and a reduction in security

2017, it produced 58,7 million ounces of silver

issues to lower the cost of operations in Mexico.



The mining sector is ever more international, and Mexican

since the 1940s. Since then, diversification has proven to

mining companies face the threat of becoming an

be another crucial factor for competitivity and nowadays

endangered species, according to José Jaime Gutiérrez,

the Bacis group consists of several companies, while the

Director General of Grupo Minero Bacis. “Mexican mining

family also has other related but separate businesses.

has decreased in competitivity due to many factors, such

“We have had participation in various mining companies

as the cost of capital,” he says. The key is to ensure they

such as Austin Bacis. We have also participated in

remain competitive in a globalized market.

other companies that are related to the mining sector but not part of Bacis. These correspond to a personal

But guaranteeing competitivity is easier said than done. Gutiérrez proposes a series of factors that have allowed Bacis to endure in the mining market for over three centuries. Careful management of costs and pursuit of a sustained expansion is the first tip. “Our success comes from having very low costs compared to the national average. This has allowed us to grow our company over 10 times,” he says. “Keeping production costs low also enables us to operate at a zero-debt level.” Exploration should also be a priority as it is directly related to the future reserves of a company. In Bacis’ case,

diversification of our business, but with Bacis remaining the priority,” he explains.

Our success comes from having very low costs compared to the national average. This has allowed us to grow our company over 10 times”

it has been more profitable to fund its own operations. “We explore with our own resources. We own some of

Despite being a family company, Bacis understands

the most important reserves in Mexico, with resources of

the need to take the next step in its organizational

over 100 million silver equivalent ounces,” he says. “We

growth through institutionalization. “Becoming more

will keep prioritizing exploration as our company’s base

institutionalized is one of our current key programs

and growing our reserves as we have not yet explored

to professionalize the company,” explains the Director

more than 40 percent of our concessions’ land.”

General. “The possibility of listing the company in the stock exchange remains an attractive option to consider

In 2018 Bacis expects to produce 10 million ounces of

in the future,” he adds.

silver equivalent, accounting for a 30-35 percent YoY rise in production. Bacis’ current mill capacity is 1,500t/d

As for Gutiérrez' final tip to remain competitive, he

but the aim is to increase it to 2,200t/d in the short term.

firmly believes it is simply fundamental to understand

“This implies a significant investment in infrastructure

and consider those factors that are exogenous to the

of about US$45 million,” he says. “One the main factors

company’s control. In Bacis’ case, its primary focus is on

for mining competitivity is to understand it as a capital-

Durango but certain aspects of the state are not conducive

intensive industry.”

to mining activity. “The state has a significant lag of public infrastructure, which is its greatest weakness,” he says. As

The Bacis Group is a family-owned company with various

for the country outlook, Gutiérrez mentions that Mexico

operations in Durango stretching 100 years. It was

lacks a stronger and better-defined rule of law. “This

founded by a UK company and originally named Bacis

is one of the main problems for mining in Mexico. Our

Gold and Silver and listed on the London Stock Exchange.

grain of sand is aiming to be a role model in productivity,

In Mexico, the Gutiérrez family has owned the company

efficiency and as a socially responsible company.”





Q: What do you consider to be essential elements behind a

A: Companies need a high level of social responsibility to

successful mining company in Mexico?

obtain social license and the government should facilitate

A: It is important to make timely decisions and to know

communication with surrounding communities. The

how to take calculated risks. Success depends on the

authorities should visualize and support these aspects.

expertise of integrated expert teams The success of a

The development of infrastructure plays an equally

company ultimately depends on its human talent. I also

important role. The communities need to understand that

think one of the main reasons why mining does not grow

companies are not responsible for everything and will not

in Mexico is because it depends on foreign investment

take over the duties of the government. That is why the

and the country does not have a financial system that the

Mining Fund was created: to make sure the government

industry can use. We need to find opportunities to improve

can do its part in the industry.

the country’s financial context. Banks and investors in Mexico are not familiar with the industry and feel hesitant investing in it.

Ramón Dávila has been National President of AIMMGM and President of the Education Commission at CAMIMEX, as well as

Q: How should the role of the private and public sector be

President of the Private Business Sector of the State of Durango.

divided to strengthen the Mexican mining industry?

He has also held important positions in private mining companies



Q: As the Mexican mining industry becomes increasingly

Human capital is a big priority for us. We do not rely on

international, what are the main challenges that companies

recruiters and have developed a unique system to select

in the sector face?

team members that includes a three-month trial. Finding

A: Before the year 2000, the mining industry here was

and retaining talented people is always a challenge.

predominantly Mexican. It was not until 2003 that foreign

Through our system, we carefully identify the strengths and

companies started to enter Mexico and they have added

weaknesses of each member and create a plan to further

a new perspective to the sector. The transition has

develop each one.

not always been easy and we need to strengthen the leadership skills at both international and Mexican mining

Q: What are the company’s plans for the Zimapan

companies. The industry is also struggling to maintain


its strong family values. Before the sector became more

A: We are not owners of the concessions in Zimapan and

global, Mexican operators often invested in developing

this means that the mine has a limited lifespan. Carrizal

neighborhoods close to the mines so employees could

Mining plans to expand the mine’s lifecycle by acquiring the

bring their families with them. But it is no longer as

concessions. The area has a history of mining. PeĂąoles left

common for miners to take their families to projects that

the area in 2000, Trafigura then entered the area in 2004

are in remote areas and companies are no longer investing

and left in 2008 and we came into the picture in 2009.

in developing nearby neighborhoods. Miners used to work

We hope to continue the mining tradition of the area by

six days a week and rest one. Since their families were

expanding the project.

close to the mines, they were able to dedicate this day to spending time with their loved ones and to see them

Q: How are women impacting the industry and what role

at least once a week. But now miners work 20 days in a

do they play at Carrizal?

row and rest 20. Due to the family structures in remote

A: Women continue to have an important role in the

areas, often mothers must take care of the family alone

company. Most companies hire women to simply handle

for 20 days at a time. Now, Carrizal Mining is contracting

public relations with the government or for similar

families rather than employees for 20 days at a time. As

roles, but we go beyond that and make sure they are

a result, our productivity is better and the families are

an important part of our operations. We have women in

extremely happy onsite.

executive positions. We have four managers, only one of whom is male. We have a woman in charge of analyzing

Q: What have been the main results of the organizational

risk in our operations, a woman in technical services and

changes Carrizal Mining implemented?

a woman in the administrative and financial area; all are at

A: In 2013, we decided to internally change our focus

the highest level of the company. The matter of women in

because the company was in a weaker financial position.

mining is often used by companies to help strengthen their

Thanks to these changes our company has enjoyed a

reputation. But the roles that are given to women are all

steady rise in profitability over the past three years. 2017

too often superficial. Not enough women are being given

was a great year but prices did not reach the levels we

directorial or leadership positions. Carrizal is one of the few

saw in 2012. To keep profit levels up, we had to increase

companies that offers these opportunities.

productivity and efficiency. We also went back to the basics and focused on acquiring a team imbued with values that align with those of the company, such as honesty, respect

Carrizal Mining is a Mexican-owned company located in

and keeping the family close. This has helped bring more

Zimapan, Hidalgo. It produces lead, zinc and copper. It is

purpose to the company and to maintain production levels

committed to being a sustainable company, dedicated to the

at an optimal level.

environment and to the health of its human capital




Q: How can mining companies succeed in boosting

interact with nature there will always be some disruption,

productivity levels?

but we try to keep it to a minimum.

A: All mining equipment is designed to achieve certain


daily, weekly and monthly productivity levels. But I believe

Q: What is the future relationship between miners and

that productivity is more dependent on human capital

technology in the era of automatization?

and the training that companies provide. If the mining

A: It is not viable to compete against technology. The

industry invests in the development of its people, it will

mining industry will become increasingly automated and as

achieve higher returns. As our costs will also go down, we

machinery starts to perform certain processes, companies

will be more competitive and our clients will give us more

must figure out where to relocate personnel. Machines

work. Our main concern as a company is the safety of our

cannot replace human beings; there must be someone

people. If we lack proper security, we will end up having

operating the equipment. Otherwise, we would have a

accidents, which will stop production, lowering output. It

robotized world in which humans do not work but subsist

is crucial to provide adequate safety and security training.

on money paid by the government. Technology is already here but more changes are coming. As one robot can do

The industry will always seek to cut costs and drive up

the work of 20 people, for example, this can be a worrying

productivity. In our case, we focus on developing our

future. But at the same time this can be an opportunity

human capital and also on modifying our technologies to

to increase safety. Regardless of how good a company’s

have more autonomous equipment. Our drilling machinery

security protocols may be, there is always a certain risk of

is modular and transportable. But as Detector Exploraciones

accidents when humans are involved.

was designed to create jobs in the areas in which we work, we strive to be at the forefront of technology without

Technology is also helping the industry to be more efficient.

automatizing all our processes. It is also imperative that

For example, in the exploration process, we will continue to

we not lower our costs at the expense of the environment.

require engineers and other specialists to carry out regional

We are committed as a company to avoid damage to the

studies and determine the areas with mineral potential.

environment when taking drilling samples. When humans

But the available technology, such as aerial pictures and

The industry seeks continuity through implementation of a plan for the next 20 years

geophysics, helps them predefine where to go and take samples. The existing technology, by itself, cannot tell where all the mines are located or their potential mineral grade. Q: How can the Mexican mining industry promote an increase in foreign capital inflows? A: The recent taxes are certainly driving foreign capital to other mining jurisdictions where taxes are lower or more favorable. This is especially true for high-risk capital.

initiatives but these often lack stringent regulation and

Another factor that can scare off investment is the lack

enforcement. I also believe the government has made an

of security. Mexico must have physical security first but

effort to better link the country through road infrastructure.

must also strive for investment security, with its laws and

But I believe it should keep investing in railroads, which

regulations being respected. I believe we need to seek

would benefit the whole country. We are also lagging in

continuity by implementing a plan for the country over the

our airports, and at the national level this infrastructure is

next 20 years that will transcend political administrations so

very poor. I hope to see NAIM finished and boosting the

investors can have certainty that they will receive returns

Mexican economy but the government must also invest in

on their investments. As we lack this plan, governments

local airports. 253

can easily impose new taxes to fund their deficits at the expense of Mexican competitiveness.

All these factors require a long-term master plan for growth. Every government seeks to make its own

Q: What is the main obstacle you face as a junior company

contribution, but these efforts are not often aligned to

in the mining exploration industry?

an integral long-term plan and thus do not really solve

A: One of the main obstacles for exploration is the

the problem. The next administration must also focus on

deductibility of pre-operating expenses, which is now only

improving safety in Mexico. I believe it is crucial to really

possible after 10 years. Also, it is key to clarify the regulations

enforce the law and I am optimistic about this transition.

regarding land ownership and mineral concessions so there

We must strive to have transparent governments,

are binding rules regarding the environment and the impact

starting from the municipal level. Citizen committees

that mining can have on local communities. The government

must question and audit what the government is doing.

must strive to have trained and capable people who really

Everybody enjoys complaining about the things that the

know the mining industry placed in the right positions.

government does wrong but not everybody is willing to devote time to fixing it.

Q: What is on your wish list for the next administration? A: We must eliminate all the policies that are not working, which requires a deep analysis of the impact of projects

Detector Exploraciones is a Mexican company founded in 1997.

and regulations. If all government involvement in the mining

It provides geology, geomatics and other exploration services

industry were prejudicial, the sector would have collapsed

to both mining companies and the public sector throughout

long ago. Having said that, local governments have good

the country




As the mining industry once again flourishes globally,

also provides training to technical and administrative staff,”

operators need reliable contractors, staff and a strong

explains Lomelín. CLUSMIN, with the financial support of

pipeline of human capital to make operations more efficient.

its associates, provides free courses to continue nurturing

The Mining Cluster of Zacatecas (CLUSMIN) ensures the

the current workforce. The topics vary and include

state remains an industry leader through the development

sampling techniques, welding workshops, rock mechanic

of its key asset: people. “We are convinced that the most

seminars, explosives management and structural design.

important resource of a company is its human capital,” says

“We are proud of setting the standard for a collaborative

Jaime Lomelín, the cluster’s President.

economy,” he says.

Zacatecas is the No. 2 mining state in the country, after

Several mining companies, such as Minera Frisco, have shown

Sonora, with the industry accounting for 17.9 percent of

their support for the cluster’s initiatives by opening training

the state’s economic activity, according to INEGI. To meet

and research centers in the state. “The Zacatecas cluster

the growing needs of this mining hub, CLUSMIN set out

follows a unique model that brings clients and suppliers

to define the labor needs up to 2025 through a study on

together in the same association,” says Lomelín. “Its success

the future of mining in Zacatecas and its talent challenges,

is due to the joint participation of all its members. It is a

funded by CONACYT. Its findings allowed it to better

project that transcends political administrations and with

take advantage of the state’s privileged mining features

healthy finances, it retains a small, efficient management

for developing the best talent. “The strategy strives to

team and outsources most of its services.”

ensure a healthy and safe workplace for all miners and in harmony with the environment,” Lomelín says. These goals

CLUSMIN is thriving as a promoter of mining in the state,

are achieved through training and the exchange of best

but it has not been an easy initiative. “We started from

practices among all the cluster members.

nothing and it has been an exciting road,” says Lomelín. “The cluster is moving quickly and achieving its goals thanks

The association includes several universities, such as the

to the collaboration of our members to reduce industry

National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the Monterrey Institute

costs, improve services and have trustworthy partners.” At

of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM), the University

its inception, the cluster was an initiative of the Zacatecas

of Zacatecas (UAZ) and in particular the Technical

State Council for Economic Development. When the council

University of Zacatecas (UTEZ), which enables CLUSMIN to

determined that there were not enough operators to form

foster student involvement in the industry. “Within a 300km

a cluster, it decided to include clients and suppliers to

radius there are 18 mines, so there are many opportunities

increase productivity across the whole industry value chain,

for students to better prepare and obtain internships within

create more jobs in the area and reduce criminality.

the mining industry,” says Lomelín. This helps the state to develop high-quality talent that will graduate with real

Today, CLUSMIN is a civil association divided into four

work experience in the industry. “As mining companies

committees that endeavors to boost productivity and attract

participate in defining academic plans, there is a better

more mining investment to the state. These committees are

synergy between businesses and academic institutions,

for supplier development; human talent; health, safety and

and this already happens with IPN’s Metallurgy Engineering

environment; and technology and innovation. They have

students that spend three weeks in the classroom and one

80 associate companies and eight mining groups with 18

week in the field,” he continues.

units operating within a ratio of 300km. It also has become a regional cluster, with active participating members from

But it is not only about making sure the new generation of

Durango, San Luis Potosi and Aguascalientes. The state

mining professionals gets the best preparation. “The cluster

governments are also engaged participants.



Q: What role does Mexico play in the global cement market?

The company is also constantly analyzing its plants to

A: Cement is a completely globalized industry. Mexico

determine which ones need an expansion plan. We also

plays an important role in this industry because of its

look at other growth possibilities, such as acquisitions.

significant domestic consumption. Although the country

We have prepared expansion projects for our plants in

exports cement to the US, and GCC is one of the primary

Mexico and for some others in the US. As soon as we

exporters, most of the cement produced is destined for

notice that there is a solid increase in demand, we can

national consumption, given the development of the

expand these plants rapidly. These expansions in the

country’s infrastructure. Hence the importance of having

cement industry take a couple of years, but in our case,

a competitive offering. Due to the global nature of the

we have already advanced in the valuation and design

industry, many of the world’s largest cement players are in

of several projects.

Mexico, including LafargeHolcim and CEMEX. Its offering is complemented by local players such as Cementos Cruz

Q: What would GCC ask the next presidential

Azul and Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua.

administration to prioritize for the mining industry? A: Both the mining and cement industries are long-term

Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua operates in two markets, in

industries. To work in these industries, businesses require

the northern part of Mexico, almost exclusively in the state

certainty. Any person willing to invest and risk capital over

of Chihuahua except for the sale of new products or special

the long term wants to make sure that the rules of the

additives that can travel longer distances and are destined

game are clear and they are standardized for all the players.

mainly for the mining industry. We sell those across the

For the new administration, I would suggest that it be made

entire country, South America, and in the US. Both the

very clear that we are a country that applies the rule of law,

national and international markets are fairly relevant for

and that this rule of law provides certainty for any investor

the company. However, we have experienced our largest

regarding private property and the long-term concessions

growth in the US, which today represents a much larger

that have been obtained.

market than Mexico. Other important elements for the mining industry include Q: What are GCC’s plans to ensure that the company

fiscal matters. Since it is an industry that competes on a

capitalizes on all the available opportunities?

global level, it is important to make sure that the fiscal

A: The cement business requires a long-term vision.

policy does not distort the competitiveness of the industry.

Fortunately, the company’s largest shareholders have

We need to make sure that any project in Mexico can be

always had this long-term vision and have always made

competitive with similar projects in other parts of the world.

sure that all investments carried out by the company are made with this in mind. This is reflected in the company’s

Also, the insecurity levels the country has experienced

growth and the acquisition of raw material deposits that

have made some investors nervous. Federal and local

guarantee this long-term viability.

governments need to continue working to improve the country’s security conditions, particularly in those remote

In 2016, in the US, the company acquired an additional

locations where mines are normally built.

plant in the state of Texas, anticipating industry growth, both in construction cement and in the cements used by the oil industry. In June of this year, GCC acquired another

Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua was founded in 1941. It is a

cement plant in the state of Montana. We are also about

vertically-integrated company with operations in Mexico

to finish an expansion project in another plant we have in

and the US, with subsidiaries that are mainly devoted to the

South Dakota.

manufacture and sale of cement and concrete





Amelia Torres Commercial Director of CAM

Q: How does CAM’s modern and high-capacity

Q: What is your assessment of the environmental regulatory

environmental drilling improve its clients’ operations?

structure for mine operations?

JP: Our environmental drilling fleet is one of our

JP: I perceive that nowadays the mining industry is very

key differentiators as we are the only environmental

well structured on planning for the closing of a mine. New

consultancy certified by the Mexican Accreditations Entity

projects comply with environmental regulations, ensuring

(EMA) and PROFEPA to take soil, groundwater and waste

that mine sites will be rehabilitated after their closure.

sampling. These certifications bind us to fully comply

Regarding social rehabilitation, I find that the industry

with all regulations and to seek constant improvement in

aim is to generate community value and development so

our operations. We are audited each year, which we find

the community can begin working to ensure its economic

very beneficial to guarantee our clients that we work to

livelihood when the mine closes. I think the regulatory

the highest standards. We strive to be market leaders

framework for new operations is very comprehensive

and to be recognized for our innovation. This is why we

and the industry generally has good compliance levels

constantly invest in being at the forefront of technological

as it is often also governed by international standards for

advancements when it comes to machinery and procedures.

accessing international capital.

In 2005, CAM was the first company to rehabilitate a contaminated aquifer with hexavalent chromium

AT: I think there has been a significant regulatory improvement for environmental matters in the last couple of years. Foreign companies venturing in the country often arrive believing that our regulatory framework is lagging, but what they find is environmental standards similar to international ones. We accompany our customers, both national and international, during the process of

Our equipment has the versatility to develop operational

understanding and complying with Mexican environmental

monitoring plans. Also, regarding environmental liabilities,

regulations, which in some cases I find are more demanding

we have all the machinery to identify which factors could

than international ones due to our biodiversity. CAM’s

become problematic and to measure the degree of liability.

role is as a Mexican company that specializes in Mexican

Once this is identified, CAM has the technology and is

regulations due to its nationality and on international ones

authorized to implement in-situ remediation processes to

due to our number of foreign clients. Our goal is to be a

rehabilitate the environment.

guide and facilitator of mining projects collaborating with local communities and authorities.

AT: We strive to offer integrated solutions that solve our clients’ problems from beginning to end. This saves them the

Q: How does CAM’s commitment to innovation improve

need to look up for different providers to address different

its client’s operations?

topics while helping us build long-term relationships with

AM: As we innovate, we strive to have a close approach with

them. This reliance is extremely important when dealing

our clients to familiarize them with our new technologies.

with such sensitive matters as social ones.

Often it is mining companies who are looking for new methods for doing things as they aim to constantly improve their operations. We offer the innovation but also ensure

CAM has developed more than 70 environmental impact

provision of efficient and cost-effective technologies. We

statements, specializing in complex projects. It has also

do not offer technologies just for the sake of improving

successfully performed groundwater remediation of aquifers

sales. For us the need to help our clients to be successful

impacted by metals, hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds

in their operations always prevails.



Q: Why did DMV Mining Intelligence decide to cover such

Q: How do you differentiate yourself from other contracting

as wide array of business areas?

companies that offer the same services?

A: DMV was born from the synergies and experience of

A: DMV prioritizes the quality of its services through the

operating a private mine, which led the company to look for

support of its divisions such as DMV Consulting and DMV

new business opportunities within the sector. From there, the

Machinery, the use of a maintenance software and internal

opportunity to provide consulting in underground mining

operating systems. In comparison to other contractors,

became a reality and the division has grown considerably

the company has a more sophisticated service and, in the

since its inception. Since I joined DMV, my efforts have focused

audits, has been satisfactorily rated. So, the way in which

on further institutionalizing the operation of the company’s

DMV operates is the main strength and added value for

divisions and strengthening their added value. The group can

its customers, as well as the experience the company has

provide a greater added value across the entire value chain

gathered over the years working in the sector.

of the mining sector, from the exploration and acquisition of mines, through the planning, development, production and

Q: How is your company maintaining its competitive edge?

mineral processing to sale and closure of the mines.

A: The main challenge is to obtain the capital to boost competitiveness. In the case of DMV, it was achieved through

Q: Which of your five divisions is the most important to

the sale of a project with Endeavor to a Canadian company

DMV Mining and why?

with access to the TSX. It has required patience to get DMV

A: In Guanacevi, Durango DMV Mining still operates in

to the place it is and to create a synergy between the services

the mines of San Rafael and Fanny through a flotation

offered by the company. It has required us to balance our

plant. But the division is also exploring another project

competitiveness when some business cycles have ups and

in Huahuapan, located in the municipality of San Dimas,

downs. For example, DMV Mining is doing well and this has

Durango. Currently, DMV Contracting is the main mining

helped the DMV Contracting, which has presented a slower

contractor for Minas de Bacis and is also working with

progress, so both divisions complement each other and

Fresnillo in its Fresnillo mining unit. DMV Contracting has

strengthen the performance of the company as a whole.

grown considerably in sales and has become the most important for the company in terms of volume, although

Q: What are DMV’s expectations for the coming years?

it does not contribute to marginal utility like DMV Mining.

A: The central objective for DMV is to maintain its equipment

Overall, from all the business units, the mining division has

capacity and renew it through more investments. It is

shown the best performance and some minerals such as

strategic for mining operators to invest in having their own

zinc have strengthened too. Although generally mineral

equipment to guarantee the flow of the operations, since in

prices have dropped.

the mining sector in comparison to others, the possibility to buy or rent equipment can be slim or it can take up several

In the mining area the company expects to continue with

months to arrive. DMV strategically invests in underground

same exploration and development program, but there is

mining equipment to maximize the opportunities that would

also the possibility of increasing the capacity of the plant

otherwise be lost without the ownership of the right working

by 30 percent, as well as extending the scope of future

tools such as mining jumbos and low-profile front loaders.

contracts. The company wants to shift traditional contracts that are based on the development of the underground metro and exchange these for development and operation

DMV offers services that cover the entire life cycle of a mine,

of junior mines. For this project, DMV Mining will mainly

from exploration, development to mineral processing. It is

focus on junior mines of underground mining operation

composed of five divisions: DMV Mining, DMV Contracting,

in the north of the country, due to the operative facilities.

DMV Flotation, DMV Machinery and DMV Consulting





The fact that mines are often located in remote areas is

an effort is being made to develop more efficient engines,

challenging, especially toward the northwestern part of

which translates into higher power using less fuel, thus

the country in traditional mining states such as Sonora and

decreasing operational costs and the environmental impact.

Chihuahua. Héctor Torres, Director of heavy machinery

“As for the mining processes, I find that companies are

distributor Sitsa, saw the need to set up its new branch in

increasingly taking more care of sustainable operations

Hermosillo with this in mind, and two of its technicians provide

given the risk of punitive economic measures,” he says. “If

services directly to the Cananea mine. “As we are newer to

mine operations are carried out with a strategic planning,

the market and despite all the years of acquired expertise that

I am convinced that the environment can be completely

backs us up, the territory is a challenge in itself,” he says. “So,

restored after the mine closes.”

we have very clearly identified that this is a pressing issue and we have people living in key logistics points.”

Entering its 11th year in Mexico’s mining industry, Sitsa is opening its eighth branch in Hermosillo, which it expects will

Sitsa is part of a group with 45 years of experience in

be fully operational by the end of the year. It will specifically

the market but as a company it started in 2007. It has

be targeted to the mining sector, like the company’s offices

experienced the cyclicality of the mining industry, through

in Durango. “We visualize a standardized block composed

both the high points and the lows. Torres says he would

by our operations in Chihuahua, Durango and Hermosillo,”

advise foreign firms entering Mexico to look for strong

he says. Sitsa’s market is segmented into three sections: big

business partners in the country and build a solid supply

mining groups, independent mining companies and mining

chain. “As for the definition of a good business partner,

contractors. About 50 percent of its portfolio is focused

I think this encompasses many different factors like the

the latter, 20 percent on the second and 30 percent on the

market role, trajectory and years of experience, among

former, according to Torres.

others,” he says. The company’s current priority is to consolidate its portfolio. He believes that the heavy machinery industry is lagging

To do so, it is establishing strategic partnerships. One

in transitioning into more sustainable machinery. However,

company with which it is working closely is Paus Machinery.



Q: In what part of the mining cycle does DICISA offer the

Q: What are the main areas of opportunity for increasing

most value and why?

the industry’s competitivity and what is your role in

A: The mining industry represents particular challenges due

accomplishing this goal?

to its locations and demanding operations, and the goal is

A: We have to adapt and take advantage of the new

to optimize production and reduce costs. The supply chain

technologies that emerge, such as industry 4.0 or

has to be aligned to these needs and this is our role and

IOT. Our role as a channel supplier is to incorporate

the value we provide. We provide advice, technical support

manufacturers’ innovations into our customers daily

and reliable delivery service.

operations. DICISA also acts as a logistics partner as our value relies on timely delivery, so we also have to adapt

Our mandate is to provide power distribution, control and

and use these new technologies to improve our supply

lighting solutions. Based on our 35 years of experience in

chain management.

the mining segment, we have achieved a specialized and consolidated offering and our trajectory attests to our

As a Mexican company our strong values drive all our

dependability. Our clients can rest assured that we will

services, with the support of all the global firms we work

deliver on time and with the highest quality. Our goal is to

with. We are perceiving an upturn in the industry, so we

be recognized as a trustworthy solutions provider.

expect good times ahead. Our resilience to these cycles and our ability to work with our clients through the good

As an equipment supplier, we support our clients in the

and bad times has been crucial to remaining well-positioned

definition of the appropriate solution according to the

in the market. We are very focused on the mining industry

manufacturer’s offering. We are the link between end

and we want to use our industry expertise to grow our

users’ needs and manufacturer’s solutions. Our business

market participation.

model is based on our proximity to our clients. Our regular face-to-face contact allows us to identify their needs

Q: What role can women play in the mining industry and

and suggest solutions to improve their performance, all

how can the sector become more inclusive?

underpinned by the business alliances we have with the

A: I think in the mining industry, as well as in every

global manufacturers we represent.

other industry, women have to continue increasing their participation. It is proven and well-known that gender

Q: How do your services promote safer operations?

inclusion brings many benefits to any industry as it brings

A: Security is a very important element for electric

to the table different perspectives and sensibilities, and

equipment in mine operations. It has many implications,

enriches any environment. Although the mining industry

such as interrupting operations, production losses and

has been characteristically masculine, I have perceived a

especially operator security. Dealing with demanding

growing participation of women in many different activities

operations, workers are exposed to potential electrical

in the last 10 years. We still have a long way to go, as female

injuries, and technology becomes critical to increase safety.

participation is still very low, but we must break paradigms

We are key partners for mine operators to mitigate risks.

and include both men and women to progress and be more

Understanding their processes gives us the context to


offer better solutions. In line with this concept, 10 years ago we started developing a ground fault protection panel board, known as Centinela. This solution, which will

DICISA specializes in low and medium-voltage electrical

interrupt electrical supply in the event of a failure, is used

solutions, as well as lighting projects, with more than 35 years

to protect operators in underground mines and to ensure

of experience in the mining segment, providing technical

the continuity of operations in a safe way.

support and high-quality service





Q: How have gains in metal prices created opportunities

Q: In what ways is the company pioneering transportation

within the Mexican mining industry?

and logistics in the mining industry?

A: We see many opportunities arising in the Mexican

A: We are pioneering transportation and logistics in the

mining industry thanks to the rise in prices for these

industry by keeping an open mind to change and innovation

commodities. This is the principal reason why the

in the market. The mining market is growing in Mexico so

investment in Mexico’s mining industry is increasing.

competition is increasing too. Currently, there are more

There is no single state without a mining project, whether

players in the field than there have been in the past five

small or large. We see new mines and projects popping

years. The only way to stay afloat is to adapt and stay one

up throughout the country every single day. The industry

step ahead of competitors.

has experienced an extraordinary boom in the last five to 10 years that has been greatly beneficial for the country

Thanks to the trust companies have in us, our services have

and the market growth.

expanded over the years. Clients continuously ask us to join them on new ventures and we are always glad to accept

Our goal is to continue the improvement of our services to

these challenges. As mentioned, our company has grown

meet the growing needs of our customers. Our company

thanks to the invitation mining operators have given us to

is deeply rooted in the mining industry and we have a

grown with them. If a client were to ask us to join them on

strong relationship with the top Mexican companies such

an international project, we would gladly accept as we feel

as Grupo México, Frisco, and Industrias Peñoles, which

we are at the right time.

have been our clients for more than 20 years. We also work with many more foreign mining companies such as

In 2000, we created TMCa, a subsidiary dedicated to

Capstone Mining.

storage. But we started to offer this service in 1994 when Peñoles asked us to create a storage for its Tizapa mine.

Q: What advances has the country made in terms of

This was the first time a company offered storage services

logistical infrastructure?

to the mining industry for exportation. As the years passed,

A: The country has improved its highways greatly. We do

we started to get more demand and we decided to launch

not have the same highways we had 20 or 30 years ago.

a company that can offer more integrated services to

Transportation is also much more regulated. It is easier to

users for storage and transportation. We now also offer

reach mines nowadays. But the country continues to have

processing and conditioning for exportation. We have a

issues in terms of security. Operators want to be able to

presence an all major ports in the country. We collaborate

use safer and faster routes. Insecurity is a strong topic in

with traders in the country such as Trafigura and Mercuria.

the industry. One of the main issues is that raw materials and mining have become part of the black market and this

Q: What would you like the next administration to prioritize

makes transportation companies a target for organized

when it comes to the Mexican mining industry?

criminals. We are responding directly by incorporating

A: We would like to see continuity in what has been

security systems, real time video surveillance and GPS

established in the mining industry. The sector provides

trackers in each of our units.

jobs for people in marginalized areas that greatly need it. A stronger mining industry would help the country’s economy. The administration should also focus on fixing Mexico’s

TMC is a company dedicated to the provision of transportation

regulation and infrastructure. In Chihuahua, we were asked

and logistics solutions. It has over 20 years of experience and

to participate in a project that greatly lacks infrastructure

started its business in the mining industry. It has a longstanding

and this implies a big challenge. I would like SCT to be more

relationship with top Mexican miners

in favor of transportation as it is overregulating the industry.



The root of any good business is to ensure there is a

nationality of a company makes no difference, as long

steady demand for the product. Carlos Villarreal, Director

as it can offer value. Arsenal competes not only on

General of Arsenal Tires says, on the contrary, the most

performance and cost, but also offers turnkey services,

important thing for the company is to create longer-

providing everything in one place for busy operators.

lasting tires. Although this lessens demand for the

“Much like the model of an all-inclusive hotel, we want

products, he says building the client relationship is much

our clients to be able to find everything they need in one

more valuable. “We really care about customers getting

place, whether it is a tire, a tube, a flap, an O-ring, a rim

the greatest benefit from our tires and being able to buy fewer. Our goal is that when they do need to buy new tires they buy from us.” Although tires have not really experienced any significant innovation since vulcanization was introduced, Villarreal insists there is a still a lot that can be done with tires to optimize operations. The first is innovation in the rubber compounds and specifications, which he says can greatly extend the life of a tire. Other factors to consider are tire pressure, rotation and how well the roads are maintained, which can all impact optimal field performance.

or any other tire-related component,” he says.

Our goal is that when our customers do need to buy new tires they buy from us”

The company is also expanding its initial tire offering, developing the ability to supply for any piece of equipment from a pickup truck to a 400-ton rigid dump truck. Villarreal says the company’s logistics background

Another way the company is providing innovative tires is

will also help it to extend its market share further. “We

by equipping them with sensors. “This allows us not only

can supply tires anywhere in the world now,” he says.

to automatically track tires but it can also measure the air

“We are working in seven different countries across three

pressure and temperature of all the tires in a fleet,” he says.

continents and the companies now demand the Arsenal

This technology is currently being developed by Arsenal

brand.” Rather than running up export and import costs,

and he says within the year clients will be able to find out

the company manufactures most of its products in-

the pressure and temperature of all tires of all vehicles

country with local strategic partners.

across the fleet in real-time through a cell phone app. According to Villarreal, trust and strong relationships In terms of numbers, cost savings can be significant, he

are the most important things a company should

says. “There are two aspects to consider in terms of tire

prioritize to succeed, especially in a cyclical industry

cost: the first is the initial outlay of purchasing the product

like mining. For this reason, he places great importance

and the second is the cost per kilometer or hour,” he

in backing up words with actions. He gives the example

explains. “Many focus on the initial cost but in reality the

of a miscommunication between an Arsenal sales

more costly aspect is the cost per kilometer or hour.” In this

representative and a client, whereby there is a conflict

regard, he says Arsenal has carried out studies and found

in delivery points. “No matter what it costs us, we will

that operators can save 40 percent with its tires compared

always meet the client’s expectations, whether the

to cheaper alternatives and up to 25 percent compared to

miscommunication was our fault or not,” he says. Rather

Tier 1 brands.

than believing that the customer is always right, he says it is more about creating clear lines of communication

Arsenal Tires is a Mexican company that competes

and building trust. “We want to provide what is right

with global household names, but Villarreal says the

and fair,” he adds.





Q: How will Solum Consulting Group help spur innovation

Our approach is unique in the country as we help operations

and optimization in the Mexican mining industry?

optimize every phase of the project cycle even through

A: We help clients identify areas of opportunity in their

closure. For such projects we are able to increase cash flow

operations to reduce waste by reusing materials in every

by reinjecting leaching pads and using the capital to fund

phase of the mine cycle while minimizing the environmental

the closure of the mine. Clients understand the long-term

impact of projects. For instance, a conventional tailings

benefits of our solutions. Our company works in projects

process facility tends to consume large amounts of water

around the world, including Mexico, the US and Africa. We

and can be quite large. But we found that the filtered

can help our clients not only in terms of studies but also

tails can be reused to backfill underground workings and

engineering design, construction and operations.

eliminate surface environmental impacts. This method requires less water than the traditional one as most water is

Q: What role do you play in the Sonora Lithium Project?

recycled but may not be a viable option for every operation

A: Our team has been working on this project for several

because of the additional capital expense of filters. We

years now by overseeing the environmental permits helping

suggest this method as an option for mines in areas with

with the social impact studies and land-use permits. We also

high levels of water scarcity. Solum Consulting Group can

helped carry out field work and water availability studies.

also optimize existing and exhausted leaching pads at

The project is in a highly isolated part of the Sonora desert,

a low-cost relative to the ROI. One way to do this is by

which can be difficult as the area lacks water availability and

perforating and injecting in strategic areas to reactivate the

infrastructure. The initial investment may be higher as the

leaching pads known as secondary leaching.

company has to build new infrastructure. We are supporting the company find alternative sources of water. Fortunately, the project does not require large quantities of water and

Solum Consulting Group specializes in integral project delivery

people in the region are not high consumers of the resource.

services across a continuum of disciplines and project phases,

The company plans to start production in 2019. The industry

including design, feasibility, permitting, detailed engineering

is expressing interest in this project as it is expected to be

design, development, construction and oversight

one of the largest lithium producers in the world.



Mining is a cyclical industry and companies should be

the US and Chile and is incorporating new strategies to

prepared for both upturns and downturns as there are areas

diversify and expand to new target markets. “The US

of opportunity in every stage of the cycle, says Gerardo

mining industry is 10 times the size of Mexico’s,” Guillén

Guillén, CEO of Elastómeros Taza, which provides polymer

says. “At the moment, we sell through distributors in the

solutions. “We find that there are many opportunities when

country but our goal is to change our model so we can

prices go down,” he says. “Downturns give us a chance to

directly reach clients and expand our presence.” For the

test different polymer solutions for different applications

time being, the company’s portfolio is about 70 percent

and upturns allow us to demonstrate the durability of our

Mexican, with 20 percent in the US and the remaining


10 percent in Chile. It is additionally considering the Peruvian market.

Elastómeros Taza focuses on developing molecule-based formulas that can adapt to the abrasion and resistance each client requires in their operations. “Each mine is unique and has different problems,” Guillén says. “We make sure to provide the right solutions for each one, keeping in mind the variations in mineral grades and abrasiveness.” The company understands the importance of personalized solutions and innovates through the design of molecules. “Everything we do is based on molecular formulas that are tailor-made for our clients.”

Each mine is unique and has different problems. We make sure to provide the right solutions for each one, keeping in mind their variations”

To meet the demand for customized products, the company

This international approach carries the need for the

invests in research and development. “Our success is based

capacity to comply and adapt to different mining

on R&D,” says Guillén. “We develop molecular polymer

contexts For example working in the US can be complex

solutions for all types of applications.” The company

since political uncertainty abounds. Nevertheless, Guillén

reinvests 50 percent of its profits into research.

is not overly worried. “As a supplier, we expected to face changes in taxes and exploration laws,” he says. “I do

Along with its personalized solutions, the company

not think that it will have a huge impact on the mining

incorporates CSR and sustainability into its model. It works

industry. We may experience some changes in taxes but

strongly to reduce its CO2 emissions, provides its employees

not very disruptive ones in my opinion.” He says that

with constant health monitoring, uses material that is

while the US mining industry continues to grow, Mexico

100 percent recyclable and contributes monetarily to an

is maintaining its position at the head of the precious

orphanage. “The perception people have of the industry can

metals pack.

have a strong impact on business,” says Guillén. “They need to know that all big mining companies fund programs that

Fresnillo, Mexico’s biggest silver producer, for example, is

focus on sustainability and CSR.” The company employs

doubling production. To continue working with companies

800 people and Guillén is convinced that the socially

of Fresnillo’s caliber and mitigate geopolitical risk,

responsible component is key to adequately supply large

Elastómeros Taza is banking on its strengths. “The company


aims to be the best supplier in the market through the durability and quality of our material,” says Guillén. “We

But the company also is focused on expanding its

are constantly developing new products to help miners

footprint. Elastómeros Taza has operations in Mexico,

continue to cut costs.”




As the industry evolves, so does the technology. Mines are becoming more automated and complex, with the promise of autonomous equipment and man-free mines of the future. But rather than eliminating human talent, this will only create the need for more skilled, qualified workers that will be able to work remotely from cities. Mexico Mining Review asked Mexico’s mining leaders how they are adapting to this trend and what actions they are taking to strengthen the country’s human capital pipeline so it can remain a global mining powerhouse.

Mining is an important economic motor for the country and the governments at the federal and municipal levels should help promote the sector. We believe the 264

authorities should not only help Mexican companies in the industry but their international counterparts too. The help does not have to be monetary and the authorities could intervene by connecting companies with Mexican talent, which is


an important issue in the sector. The younger generations often do not get many opportunities to connect with the industry and the government could play a critical role in closing talent gaps. Companies could then train and develop people with talent. This would also help boost the economy in Mexico.

The mining industry is making a great effort to promote human talent development and attraction in the country. In Mexico’s mining history, there have been times when it did not have a positive public perception but this is starting to change. The industry has started to communicate the reality of mining which should result in new generations by raising interest in the sector. Also, public relations are

CLAUDIA MÁRQUEZ LATAM Regional Director of Mining Solutions at The Chemours Company

important to attract and retain talent within the newer generations. At Chemours, we are making our own effort by having a diverse and inclusive team. In addition, to better understand the industry, we have included team members with an important background in the sector to make sure we are speaking the same language as our clients. This helps feed the innovation in the company and allows the adoption of new and more sophisticated solutions.

The fact that mines are often in remote locations is a big challenge for the mining industry given that young people prefer to be in cities. A technology company cannot be too far from the operation. Support personnel need to speak the local language and understand the culture. You cannot simply bring a foreigner to fix the problem. It is paramount to bring new thinking and operational models into the

JARI MOILANEN Director of Digital Plant at Outotec

mining industry, even if it comes from adjacent industries, so we can create a more integrated and thriving business ecosystem. This ultimately allows companies to deliver better products to the customer by boosting collaboration not only within the industries but from other sectors as well.

Human capital is a big priority for us. We do not rely on recruiters and have developed a unique system to select team members that includes a three-month trial. Finding and retaining talented people is always a challenge. Miners used to work six days a week and rest one. Since their families were close to the mines, they were able to dedicate this day to spending time with their loved ones and to see them at least once a week. But now miners work 20 days in a row and rest 20. Due to the family structures in remote areas, often mothers now have to take care of the family alone for 20 days at a time. Now Carrizal Mining is contracting families rather than

CARLOS SILVA Director General of Carrizal Mining

employees for 20 days at a time, with better productivity as a result.

There is an increasing need for data scientists as digital disruption sets in throughout the sector. In the past, data scientists would not necessarily have been attracted to the mining industry. With its remote locations and relatively unattractive geographies, mining has always found talent attraction a challenge. This issue is one of the main reasons behind remote mining applications that can bypass the need for on-site operations. This should positively impact talent retention and the future of work within the industry, particularly the push to foster diversity and inclusion. BHP has been at the forefront of this with its aspirational plans for a 50-50 ratio target of

PHILIP HOPWOOD Global Mining Leader at Deloitte

male versus female employees by 2025.

We used to consider our growth objectives to be the biggest challenge that we faced but now we consider the lack of human talent to be a greater obstacle. We have a large portfolio of projects but we consider the most precious asset in our company to be our talent. The downcycle in the mining industry caused many people to stop working in the industry and now there are many gaps to fill in medium to high-level positions. We are responding to the situation by supporting educational initiatives around the country. We work closely with universities in Mexico City, Guanajuato,


Zacatecas, Sonora and Chihuahua, among others. We also provide training facilities where students can go and improve their knowledge and skills.

Mines that have meaningfully invested in technology are reaping results beyond expectations. The availability of accurate information allows taking the right decision at the correct time, minimizing costs and investment. This does not necessarily mean fewer employees. On the contrary, it can improve their quality of living and pay better wages as employees are more productive. Imagine giving workers more challenging jobs that can also add more value to the industry.

ALFREDO Ă LVAREZ Energy Segment Leader Mexico and Central America at EY

In the next 10 years, robotics will play a key role in operational intelligence as mines will be managed remotely, reducing the need for a human presence on-site. Technicians need to become specialized in Industry 4.0 as these services need to reach the deepest corners of a mine. Education is simply fundamental. I think Mexico is working to keep up with these new skills. Lasec is proof of this effort. As a 100 percent Mexican company, we provide our 200 employees with constant training to remain competitive because we understand the importance of this dynamic. We have aggressive internal development programs to offer our people the best education.

JESĂšS FLORES Director General of Lasec




The mining industry has a 500-year-old history in the country that dates back to the Spanish conquistadores. Considering how deeply engrained the industry is in Mexico, companies are often reluctant to keep up with new trends in technology and automation. So how can Mexican operators take advantage of the digital revolution in the face of connectivity challenges?

Innovation is allowing operators to break out of their shells and enter the digital revolution. Those that have already taken the plunge find that technology can make mines safer, more productive and more profitable. Data analytics and centralized management systems allow managers to make informed decisions from remote locations in real time while curbing operating costs and the use of energy.

The industry’s leading technology providers discuss in this chapter the main trends impacting the industry, including robots and automated vehicles that will eventually replace humans doing the most dangerous tasks at mine sites, greatly reducing the probability of accidents in projects. Experts analize the potential and the challenges related to the implementation of such advanced technology in the Mexican mining market.



ANALYSIS: Cyberattacks: A Growing Concern in the Mining Industry


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roberto Pérez, Siemens


INSIGHT: Jari Moilanen, Outotec


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Felipe Rivera, Schneider Electric Systems Mexico


INSIGHT: Bruno Juanes, Deloitte Consulting Group 269


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nacip Fayad, SKF Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: George Aguilera, GFS Corp


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gerardo Gardea, Delta Solutions


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Rotating Equipment Performance


INSIGHT: Miguel López-Hurtado, Nanoprotech

Omar de la Fuente, Nanoprotech


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandra Torijano, Agilent Technologies



Paul St. Onge, REFLEX at IMDEX


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nick Fogarty, Seequent


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Patricia Nakagawa, Olympus México


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Álvaro Rendón, ECN Scientific


INSIGHT: Jesús Flores, Lasec


INSIGHT: Luis Tejadilla, Belden


ROUNDTABLE: How Can Advanced Technology Solve the Problems Operators Face in Mines?


CYBERATTACKS: A GROWING CONCERN IN THE MINING INDUSTRY Thanks to the Internet of Things, inanimate objects such as machines and devices can now communicate with each other. While this technology is making mines safer than ever before, it has also opened new doors for hackers and competitors to break into company data and access confidential operational information Cybersecurity is a growing concern among miners as

distributes information through a synchronized network

machines and devices increasingly communicate with

in multiple sites or institutions. These transactions can

each other. According to Softpedia, 22 mining companies,

have administrators that are automatically notified when

including Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Fortescue Metals

a change is made or a new movement occurs without the

Group, reported 17 major cyber-attacks between 2010

need for a third party.

and 2016. Industries increasingly rely on technology and


automated equipment and these tools are now considered a

Blockchains may be the underlying technology of

necessity as the market-driven global economy continuously

cryptocurrencies but Ahmed explains that it has many

demands efficiency and improved quality. While technology

benefits to offer the mining industry, such as the automated

facilitates the use and manipulation of data to reduce costs

registration of mineral rights and the implementation of

and improve operations, it also means that companies

a cargo hire process that works in an “Uber-like” manner.

have the added responsibility of taking care of sensitive

It can also encrypt data being generated by IoT and

information. According to Trend Micro’s Forward-Looking

automatically execute contracts for the procurement of

Threat Research (FTR) Team, cyber attacks have a deep

everyday components such as tires and diesel.

impact on daily business operations by causing operational shutdowns, equipment damage and reputation damage,


among other events.

While blockchain can greatly protect companies from cyberattacks and facilitate processes, it has the added

The FTR team further explains that cybercriminals are much

bonus of improving the transparency of the industry. This is

more sophisticated in their technical ability and are no

a particular priority as consumers and countries are starting

longer just after money and financial information. “They are

to create requirements for companies not only to disclose

increasingly aware of the value of stolen sensitive data,” the

the source of their materials but are also increasingly

report says. Attacks can also include a wide range of players

demanding ethical supply chains.

from hacktivists, to nation-states, business competitors and even criminal syndicates.

Companies such as Samsung and Apple have declared their commitment to using ethically-sourced minerals, for

The study shows that the mining industry is particularly at

example. The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct lays out

risk as commodity trading is becoming increasingly relevant

the protections it demands for its suppliers’ employees,

in international markets, economic development relies on

including adequate living conditions, fair working hours

access to natural resources and countries need to benefit

and standards ensuring workplace safety. While this may

from their own mineral deposits. It also shares that there is

be bad news for mines that lack adequate regulation,

no clear information on the amount of cyber attacks in the

operators such as Avino Silver & Gold that can meet these

industry as companies are not required to publicly disclose

requirements are getting the opportunity to sign contracts

that they were attacked.

of exclusivity with technology companies like Samsung. “As ethical funds own part of Samsung’s stock, they


were worried about assuring an ethical source to avoid a

But the creation of cryptocurrencies through blockchain

boycott,” said David Wolfin, President and CEO of Avino

could provide a solution and the mining industry is quickly

Silver & Gold. “Samsung chose our company because it

becoming one of its earliest adopters. According to Shabir

wanted to partner with a small company that was well

Ahmed, Mining Industry Adviser at SAP Africa in his report,

established with projects in expansion.”

Leveraging Blockchain to Revolutionize the Mining Industry, the industry discovered blockchain, which was introduced


in 2008 through the release of bitcoins, had the potential

Considering the obligations that mining companies have to

to be used outside financial services and government.

meet in the 21st century, De Beers Group, a company that

Investopedia explains that it works as a digital ledger that

provides one-third of the global supply of diamonds, has

decided to lead the way by developing the first blockchain

of attacker groups, from hacktivists and hostile regimes

platform of the diamond industry called Tracr.

to organized criminals,” It added: “Certain groups may also attempt to exploit vulnerabilities, created by the

After months of research and development, the company

industry’s heavy reliance on operational automated

finally announced in May 2018 that it had successfully

systems and IT.”

tracked 100 high-value diamonds from production to retail and expects to open the platform to the public later in the

Although the incorporation of blockchain is a sign of

year. “When fully operational, Tracr will provide consumers

openness in the industry to using new tools, the mining

with confidence that registered diamonds are natural and

sector still has a long way to go, according to Bruno Juanes,

conflict-free, improve visibility and trust within the industry

Chief Innovation Officer at Deloitte Consulting Group. “The

and enhance efficiencies across the diamond value chain,”

marriage between mining and technology companies is in

the company reported on its website. Another case of

its infancy,” he says.

mineral tracing is Gemfields’ partnership with Gübelin Gem Lab to place nanoparticles in all Kagem Mine emeralds to

José Antonio Berlanga, General Manager Mexico of metals

improve levels of transparency.

streaming company Mercuria, believes blockchain has already permeated certain aspects of mining well but it

If proven successful, the use of blockchain could easily

will take time for it to trickle down the value chain. “The

spread to other segments of the mining industry and

diamond industry is already incorporating blockchain

additional initiatives have already been put in place for

technology but for concentrate it is not the ideal time yet

the gold market. The London Bullion Market Association

as it is a business that requires face-to-face interaction,” he

(LBMA), which oversees the world’s largest spot gold

says. “For this reason, blockchain will not have an immediate

market, announced in January 2018 that it seeks blockchain

impact on the mining industry but who knows how much

proposals to prevent finance terrorism, money laundering

it will grow in the next five years. It could be used as a

and avoid conflict minerals. “Blockchain cannot be ignored,”

complement to our services.”

says Sakhila Mirza, Executive Board Director of the LBMA. “Let us understand how it can help us today and address

But as technology continues to permeate mine operations, a

the risks that impact the precious metals market.”

whole new universe of possibilities will become available for the industry. “Blockchain, an important new development,


could allow tokens for underground gold to be created to

In its 2017 annual report, Fresnillo, the biggest producer

serve as currency, bypassing the need to mine it at all,”

of silver in the world and the largest producer of gold

says Philip Hopwood, Global Mining Leader at Deloitte.

in Mexico, stated that cybersecurity is one of the Top

“And virtual mining and simplified supply chains could

10 risks the company faces. “As a mining company, we

derive from this. The pace of technological innovation just

may be under threat of cyberattacks from a broad set

continues to pick up.”


• Having a strong level of

collaborators have a strong

security governance in the

sense of security awareness

supply chain



Threat and Technology


• Investing in technology

• Incorporating best practices

deployments that rely on

into operations and

a risk-based approach

management, including

through security controls

audits and reviews

Source: The Mining Journal




Q: What would you describe as the biggest needs of the

execution system replaced the 17 product management

industry when it comes the digital revolution?

solutions previously used. Development started in 2014,

A: When considering the digital revolution and innovation,

the solution was implemented in 2016 and it is expected to

we tend to think on a large scale and overlook the

generate savings of US$70 million by 2020 for the operator.

fundamentals. For example, I had initially considered that 272

a totally integrated plant using digital twins, in which

Another solution we provide is conveyor belt optimization

maintenance and operations would be fully automated,

through simulation and digital twins. Few consider the

was the big game changer. However, a year later and after

importance of conveyor belt efficiency but in fact it can

witnessing breakthroughs by my Siemens colleagues, I

create significant cost savings, reduce maintenance and

believe the common denominator in their success has

all but eliminate downtimes. Siemens continually gathers

been communication. It is essential to communicate and

data to predict failures, optimize the conveyor process and

work hand-in-hand with industry leaders and technological

ensure overall greater efficiency.

experts. This communication should also permeate the entire organization, from team meetings, to conferences,

Finally, our drive train analytics act as an overarching

think tanks and all different kinds of internal media to

monitoring system for a client’s entire operations. We

exchange experiences and information.

analyze drives, motors and gear units via a single system to match hardware and services precisely to the customer’s

Q: What kind of new products or solutions is the company

requirements. This can include the entire system or simply

planning to release in the near to medium term?

one component according to the client’s needs. This

A: Although we have a variety of products in our portfolio,

technology delivers data about the condition and health

four of these specifically offer particular added value. First,

status of the equipment to certified Siemens experts, who

Mindsphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system

can then advise the operator about any changes that may

from Siemens that connects products, plants, systems and

be required to prevent downtime.

machines. MindSphere connects these assets to the digital world and, through the vast amounts of data it is able to

Q: How are you stressing the value of your products to

gather, can optimize processes and production across

your clients?

a client’s activities. It is also highly scalable, secure and

A: We are on the right track for increasing direct sales by

can be used with either Siemens products or third-party

adding new team members with expertise in processes and


equipment. However, in our market a low initial outlay still beats long-term value. As an industry, we must change this

The second technology I would highlight would be the

mindset and highlight the benefits digitalization can bring

Manufacturing Execution System (MES), which provides

in allowing the customer to make the right decision when

full transparency across the entire value chain and facilities.

choosing a brand. When customers face a challenge, our

In 2017, this technology was implemented by Vale across its

goal is to prove we are the right partner to help them. We

38 Brazilian sites, including 22 mines, 11 pelletizing plants,

see the potential in every mine, from a small Programmable

a railroad network and ports. Our single manufacturing

Logic Controller (PLC) to a large gearless mill mine. Siemens technology plays a key role in this shift to more

Siemens provides innovative solutions to help customers

environmentally-conscious practices. Our main goal is to be

set new benchmarks in the mining industry. Siemens offers

seen as technological partners. We want the operators and

solutions for the digitalization of plants, machines and

technology companies to understand we are all working

processes that help optimize operations

toward a common goal. Teamwork is critical.



Mines are often in hard-to-reach areas and far from urban

As a technology company, Outotec is developing smart

hubs. This can cause issues when it comes to retaining talent

equipment that can provide solutions for these main issues

as trends show that more and more people are choosing

in the industry through the autonomous monitoring of

to live and work in cities thanks to the higher quality of life

operations based on a series of algorithms and artificial

on offer. “The fact that mines are often in remote locations

intelligence. This enables machines to predict failures,

is a big challenge for the mining industry given that young

allowing operators to prepare and acquire the spare parts

people prefer to be in cities,” says Jari Moilanen, Director

beforehand. Moilanen believes that the industry is heading

of Digital Plant at Outotec. “Digitalization can help as smart

toward the usage of smart and connected equipment that

plants and operations reduce the number of operators

can autonomously create technical service reports. “The


idea is to incorporate digitalization throughout the whole

value chain to also gather integrated data,” he says.

But with digitalization comes issues. On one hand, technology companies have to guarantee their clients that they will have the technical support they need even in the most remote areas. “A technology company cannot be too far from the operation,” Moilanen says. “Support personnel need to speak the local language and understand the culture. You cannot simply bring a foreigner in to fix the problem.” The provision of local services and connecting them with experts around the world is becoming a larger priority for companies. Outotec’s objective is to use technology to enable a global network of service support. It provides the mining industry

All companies want to benefit from new technologies but no one wants to be the first to try them”

Moilanen sees many areas of opportunity in the industry for this technology as it is starting to recover from its downturn.

with sustainable minerals processing solutions through a

He foresees the rise of brownfield projects over greenfield

comprehensive offer that delivers state-of-the-art process

developments, which will require the improvement, expansion

equipment, intelligent automation and control systems, as

and modernization of existing infrastructure. Beneath this

well as complete plants.

expansion is the growing demand for social licenses to operate. Moilanen says that digitalization will play an important

Like others in the industry, Moilanen recognizes a general

role in these trends as its incorporation can greatly ease and

resistance from the global mining industry to adopt new

expedite processes. But companies will have to overcome

technologies. “I call this the syndrome of proven technology,”

the syndrome of proven technology to fully benefit from new

he explains. “All companies want to benefit from new

solutions and break traditional paradigms.

technologies but no one wants to be the first to try them.” The syndrome is rooted in owners trying to minimize risks by

Outotec is focusing on strengthening its organizational

choosing traditional methods they are familiar with.

capabilities, skills and talent to constantly improve project execution and avoid wasting opportunities. “It is paramount

Moilanen also finds that operators do not know how to define

to bring new thinking and operational models into the

what they need in terms of technology. “They know that

mining industry, even if it comes from adjacent industries,

digitalization can greatly benefit the industry but they are

so we can create a more integrated and thriving business

not quite sure how,” he says. “We make sure to speak directly

ecosystem,” he says. “This ultimately allows companies

with our customers to create a common understanding of the

to deliver better products to the customer by boosting

problem and, step-by-step, to start building a solution that will

collaboration not only within the industries but from other

provide continuous improvement.”

sectors as well,” he adds.




ENERGY AS A MEASUREMENT OF OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY FELIPE RIVERA Industry Business/Process Automation Hub Leader Mexico and Central America of Schneider Electric Systems Mexico

Q: How does Schneider Electric help mining companies

to keep all equipment working at 100 percent availability; it

optimize their energy consumption?

is not viable given the high maintenance costs for this level

A: For Schneider Electric, the approach for energy

of performance. But there is an algorithm for achieving the

administration must be based on diversification of supply. This

correct operation of machinery in a certain mine that reduces

allows the creation of a strategy for cost management though

operational, energy and maintenance costs.

different energy generation possibilities. For example, some regions where mines are located are favorable for solar or

Our slogan “Energy Does Not Lie” refers to a fundamental

wind generation, among others. The idea is to build an energy

physics concept in which energy consumption reflects the

approach based on diversification and power banks, ensuring

behavior of a person, a machine and even a society. This is

availability and supply, minimizing costs and optimizing

the same principle with companies, as they must strive to


remain at their best operational performance. So, we focus on guaranteeing that their energy will be used in the best possible

All big mining companies in the country have their own

way. Within EcoStruxure there is also a specialized architecture

energy diversification plans. Schneider Electric works with

for water management that ensures the measurement of water

several of these to optimize the ways in which they can

conditions. Companies can thus manage the amount of water

generate that energy. The industry remains gas-dependent

used, how much will be cleaned, reprocessed, re-used and

so our goal is to realize a broader diversification. We are

all the energy required to achieve sustainable consumption.

convinced that the available technology, such as IoT, Big

We continuously develop technology to support EcoStruxure

Data, artificial intelligence and analytics, gives the industry a

by launching about 365 patents per year to secure optimum

tangible opportunity to optimize the use of its assets. First,

energy consumption for our clients.

companies need to strive for energy diversification and then for optimization. That is, to not depend on only one source,

Q: How can mining companies start to incorporate IoT and

but to also consume less and produce more.

IIoT into their operations for greater efficiency? A: Our technology offering can be incorporated starting

Q: How will Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure platform

from just one sensor or engine. For example, one installed

revolutionize the Mexican mining industry?

speed shifter provides real-time readings on engine

A: This data architecture is based on the collection of all

burnout. Suddenly, the mine is working with mathematical

available technology for data management plus the company’s

algorithms as it acquires the capacity to measure and

130 years of research and development on automatization,

process information. This analysis is predictive and reports

energy optimization and asset management. At its core, it

the state of operational efficiency. Our capacity to process

impacts the capacity to process information in field devices.

information will give us power, so it is key for miners to stay

The mining industry has thousands of them, so we are

at the forefront. Technological innovation no longer takes

implementing new features for data management that allow

years but just days. As commodity prices are so volatile, the

sensors to multitask. This way, they keep performing their

industry’s needs are constantly changing. So, technology

main duty, which is to measure something like temperature

developers must keep up with these changing needs in a

or vibration, while at the same time, providing a series of

collaborative way to meet shifting demand.

readings related to the main variable. For example, this allows the measuring of a field device’s vibration, temperature and atmospheric humidity, opening the possibility for correlated


analysis of multiple variables. As a result, it ensures a better

management, helping clients optimize energy levels and

monitoring of asset optimization and calls attention to any

resource consumption to create an overall more efficient and

piece of machinery that requires intervention. It is impossible

sustainable level of production

Electric is









Process automation and lean manufacturing practices

that sensors generate can be used to create a digital twin

can optimize mining operations but Bruno Juanes, Chief

of the mine where assets and equipment can be monitored

Innovation Officer at Deloitte Consulting Group, says the

in real time from a control room,” he says. “Mathematical

next step is innovating and bringing Industry 4.0 practices

models can be applied to this information to predict and

down the pits to increase ROI. “Mining companies in Mexico

prevent failure conditions.”

are starting to realize innovation is not the circumstantial 276

answer to specific problems but a long-term, structural

The potential for technological disruption extends to

solution,” he says.

blockchains used for cryptocurrencies that can be used for material tracing from the mine’s ore to the finished

As an international professional services firm, Deloitte

product. “Any transaction can be supported by a secure

Consulting Group helps companies in areas ranging from

web to ensure it will occur,” Juanes says. “Supply chains

strategy definition and operational improvement to process

supported by blockchain will replace a substantial amount

outsourcing. “We can support our mining clients locally

of infrastructure and human activity.” Even transactional

in the main mining-intensive areas in Mexico and connect

processes surrounding mining activities offer efficiency

them with our international network of mining experts,”

that is still to be captured through innovative technologies.

Juanes says. The company has identified several areas of

“Areas such as procurement, accounts payable and human

opportunity to help mining companies operating in Mexico.

resources can already be automated.”

The question mining companies should be asking themselves is when to jump onto the innovation train”

Innovation has started to permeate Mexico’s economy to the point that WEF’s Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018 ranked Mexico 70th of 137 countries in the Capacity to Innovate index. However, one of the issues that innovation faces in the country is that it has taken place unevenly among industries. “Mexico’s mining and oil and gas sectors must realize innovation is the only way to exit an adverse situation with unfavorable macroeconomic parameters,” he says.

He points out that mining operations are dangerous and complex, which makes data communication a critical topic.

Juanes says that innovation must take place at three

“We no longer bring canaries down the tunnels, but mining

levels. The core level means a company is innovative in its

has not advanced that much either,” he says, adding that

comfort zone. “It entails focusing on cost-effectiveness,

several technologies have already been developed to

social responsibility and environmental awareness while

improve mines’ safety conditions and control, but they

sticking to the markets and products where a company

are not yet widespread. He highlights smart jackets that

is comfortable,” he says. The second level is adjacent

monitor miners’ location and vital signs and sensors that

innovation, which takes place when a company attacks

detect gas leaks as examples of innovative technologies

clients, markets and products it is not familiar with and

that can improve mine security.

develops alternatives to existing products. “For mining this can mean developing special finishes for materials

Juanes also says that using drones to monitor stock piles

to cover specific needs or integrating vertically,” he

and installing sensors across a mining production chain

says. The third type is transformational innovation. This

from the mineral production point to the mineral delivery

happens “as companies develop abilities they lack but

point can enable companies to optimize costs. “The data

not necessarily need,” he adds.



Q: How can Industry 4.0 revolutionize the mining sector

in comparison to Chile and Peru, mainly due to the Mexican

in Mexico?

industry’s resistance to adopt new technologies and new

A: The mining industry is aware of the trend toward greater

operational models. We need to bet more on digitalization.

technological implementation. It is racing against time and

On the other hand, Mexico is competitive in maintenance

if it fails to introduce the required technology, it will lose its

strategies and general terms. I find that big operators like

competitiveness. SKF remains a robust player in the Mexican

Grupo México, Minera Frisco and Peñoles are really moving

market because we collaborate and have a solid relationship

forward. But the investment in the mining industry in Mexico

with the national champions. Our goal is to disrupt through

has decreased, as the country is becoming expensive in

technology by betting on Industry 4.0. This trend started in

terms of labor cost, among others. The Energy Reform is

Germany 10 years ago and while in Mexico it is still developing,

modifying the legal framework but there still needs to be

mining can really benefit from it, especially given the high

further consolidation to foster a greater level of investment,

expenses related to staff turnover. Seeking to foster that, we

exploration and production. Also, Mexican fiscal structures

opened a Solutions Factory in Monterrey to remotely monitor

could be modified to open access to more mineral deposits

client assets. We can efficiently and remotely supervise the

as Mexico has huge unexplored potential.

equipment’s vibration, temperature and productivity, among other key indicators. As Industry 4.0 has technology evolving

Q: What is the key to SKF’s broad diversification in the

at a faster rate, we perceive the trend is moving toward the

mining industry?

development and implementation of sensors at mine sites and

A: The key to our diversification is to work with our customers

with mining machinery.

and make them understand the added value of our products in the improvement of their production processes. The mining

We believe there are several ways in which Industry 4.0

industry has experienced some complicated years, which has

can revolutionize the industry. Monitoring through the

miners increasingly seeking to optimize and cut costs. We

implementation of control centers is one, for which we have

believe that our technology helps them to do so because we

strategic alliances with other suppliers to improve our offering

participate in the whole mining process.

in control systems. This specifically ensures the proper maintenance of critical equipment that needs to work 24/7.

Miners can be reluctant to adopt new technologies, which

Industry 4.0 is also related to energy generation and can help

often causes the industry to overuse their equipment.

provide miners with clean energy for their operations. At the

Our strategy is to work closely with mine operators so

moment, Grupo México and Industrias Peñoles are betting

they can realize the benefits of new technologies. We

on wind parks. Also, Cananea and Nacozari are some of the

analyze operators’ problems and seek solutions together.

biggest and most productive mines we are working with to

We place our human talent as close as possible to our

implement Industry 4.0 in the country. SKF is willing to input

customers, working with them at mine sites. We have

the technology and the expertise for data analysis but we first

understood that the industry demands a supply chain that

need to convince the miners about the benefits. We provide

works 24/7. But as machinery is designed to meet certain

a free trial period of around three to six months to develop

levels, operators also need to increase this capacity so

databases. This is the basis for the Internet of Things (IoT),

they can have nonstop production.

which can significantly decrease the cost of capital in mines. Q: How can the Mexican mining adopt the best practices from

SKF is a Swedish company that operates across different

other jurisdictions to increase its competitiveness?

industries. In the mining sector, the company has several

A: SKF’s broad experience in Latin America allows me to

platforms, including sealing solutions, lubrication systems,

say that Mexico is lagging along the path to digitalization

mechatronics, power transmission and services




Executive Vice President of GFS Corp

Q: What makes your technology unique and why should miners buy from GFS? A: We are the only company offering a field retrofit solution that enable large mine haul trucks to operate on a blend of diesel and natural gas simultaneously. The EVO-MT system is a fully-integrated solution that can be installed in the field with minimal truck downtime. Our EVO-MT technology enables a truck’s diesel engine to take in a certain amount of natural gas and displace an equivalent amount of diesel. In addition to lower fuel expenditures, the overall combustion process is a lot cleaner resulting in less soot and other contaminants. Q: What cost benefit does GFS Corp’s alternative fuel conversion technology provide the mining industry? A: It is important to note that we store the natural gas on the truck in the form of liquid natural gas (LNG). We are focused on countries that have large open-pit mines and access to LNG either through domestic production or via import terminals. In addition to LNG availability, we look at the differential between the price of diesel and LNG on a dollar-per-energy-unit basis. This differential needs to be significant enough to offset the cost of the truck conversion and the additional equipment required to receive, store and dispense the LNG at the mine. Prior to the oil price collapse in 2014, many markets had large differentials between diesel and LNG that could justify conversion projects. The differential in Mexico today is sufficient to justify a truck conversion project and this is where our focus lies right now.

GFS Corp brings smart, sustainable and cost-effective alternative fuel solutions to customers around the world by designing innovative natural gas-conversion technologies for diesel engines



Q: How has Delta Solutions’ business in the mining industry

priority since it will help create more competition, greater

evolved over its 30 years of experience?

productivity and increase safety for those working in mines.

A: When we first started working with the mining industry, radiocommunications were only used for voice systems

Q: What are the main technological trends shaping the

and their use was limited. Today, IT departments within the

future of mining communications?

industry are striving for digital radiocommunication that

A: Unified Communications is already being implemented by

includes localization services, text messaging, alert and alarms

Torex Gold’s Media Luna Mine and the Los Filos mine owned

transmission and equipment controls, as well as applications

by Leagold, in which we are also working to restructure its

for equipment and control centers, among other features.

communication systems. Delta Solutions is also working with

Of the 100 percent of our radiocommunication sales, mining

Goldcorp’s Peñasquito and Fresnillo’s Saucito mines. Besides

represents only 21 percent, but the sales volumes have grown

the unification of communications for mine operations, there

consistently as there has been a lot of industrial development

are other digitalization trends shaping the industry. The

in Mexico, especially in Monterrey. Mining is a constant

leaky feeder mine communications system operates as an

customer, as the harsh conditions of the industry require the

underground mine antenna, with the ability to work on Wi-

continuous replacement of radios. We strive to take the best

Fi. It reduces costs, it is easier to manage and it can host

care of this industry and 2017 was a record-breaking year

more devices at the same time. Delta Solutions already has

in sales for all our sectors. We took advantage of our 30-

the equipment to implement the leaky feeder wireless version

year anniversary to revolutionize the company and seek the

and have started to successfully test it in Mexico.

ISO9001 certification for technology. We also focused on the training of our human talent on strategic planning.

Technological innovation moves at a faster rate than legal processes, as every six months changes in existing technologies

Q: What is needed to achieve a unification of

emerge to improve and disrupt the industry. I think that IFT

communications in the Mexican mining industry?

should have a specific department for technology studies,

A: Radiocommunication systems are moving toward unified

so there can be a direct communication with industry

communications. This means we can provide equipment that

representatives to stay up-to-date with technological

allows cellphones calling a radio in an isolated mine. The

innovations. This will allow their timely incorporation to the

investment to change to new systems is not high as the

legal framework, achieving better integration between both.

industry already has good networks and telecommunications infrastructure. It is necessary to centralize all the different

Q: How do you break miners’ apathy to new technologies?

communications into one system that can link them all

A: I think the industry is now aware of the importance of

together. We are working in a pilot program to raise the

technology and its benefits, so we must focus on adapting

profile of unified communications in Mexico. We foresee

to companies’ budgets and investment programs, to help

a huge boom for this technology once the industry gets

them migrate from analogous to digital systems without

more acquainted with it and the Federal Institute of

interfering in their operations. To overcome the remaining

Telecommunications (IFT) passes the Secondary Law for the

resistance to change, we strive to attend mining forums and

mining industry, liberating radio frequencies for the sector.

events so we can better broadcast our technology.

This law will allow mines to increase their telecommunication investments, as the legal framework will better encompass and support them through specific mining frequencies.

Delta Solutions is a Mexican company that distributes

I think IFT is doing a great job adapting to the industry’s

radiocommunication solutions to the mining industry. The

needs, as we used to be the only country in the world with no

company represents top brands including Motorola and

specific radio frequencies for each sector. Now this is a real

Kenwood and celebrated 30 years of operations in 2018




ROTATING EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE Mining customer requirements are focused on improving the productivity, efficiency and performance of their rotating equipment. To address this market, SKF’s Rotating Equipment Performance (REP) consists of products and services that enable customers to increase the availability and reliability of industrial assets, while also reducing environmental impact and improving health and safety practices. SKF's primary goal in the development of this technology is to help end-users and OEMs meet their business goals and maintain market competitiveness throughout the whole equipment life cycle. The main premise of REP is all about combining a wide range of products, services and integrated solutions. This means the outcome is a complete portfolio of reliable engineering, high-tech condition monitoring, precision reconditioning and remanufacturing services. Most industrial companies already view maintenance as a core skill specialized to optimize processes, remanufacture critical equipment and detect early failure and corresponding root causes. These core specialties are often provided by third-party companies, as maintenance professionals recognize that day-to-day maintenance demands do not allow the time to be fully updated on the industry’s best practices. As more and more companies are taking a leap of faith and deciding to outsource maintenance functions, it becomes increasingly important to make the right choice in service providers. These must have wide-ranging knowledge of failure expertise and global standards to ensure the highest quality. This industry shift is also moving from reactive to proactive maintenance. This has led SKF to forecast a high growth in the REP market as it can meet both needs. Also, as Industry 4.0 continues to gain momentum, it is in a CEO’s best interest to implement technologies that can predict and manage industrial assets. Companies increasingly want and need to know when their equipment will fail and, most importantly, which solutions can eliminate the underlying root cause and prevent future reoccurrence. SKF’s ability to provide broad knowledge about the rotating equipment functions of applications involving bearings, seals, lubricants and power transmissions, perfectly positioning the company to take advantage of these growing trends.





Omar de la Fuente Vice President of Nanoprotech

Adequate protection against corrosion can significantly

not trust it at first. But most tend to adopt it after sampling

minimize maintenance needs and eliminate stoppages in

the product and seeing its value,” says Omar de la Fuente,

operations by prolonging the lifespan of mine equipment,

the company’s Vice President. For example, Nanoprotech

says Miguel López-Hurtado, President of Nanoprotech.

is working with Agnico Eagle, while also doing tests with

“The costs can quickly add up if these matters are not

Grupo México and Industrias Peñoles. “We take the time

taken care of properly. Offering solutions for metal

to show clients the benefits of our coatings and lubricants.

structures is the biggest area of opportunity we saw in

We want to be at the forefront of innovation and are always

the mining industry.”

on the lookout for new solutions for our clients,” he adds.

Nanoprotech’s technology studies material at a molecular

Advancing down the innovation path, the company’s

level and offers a high amount of precision. “We are the

laboratories in Russia are constantly working to develop

only company in the mining industry offering anticorrosion

new products. “For example, we are increasing the number

lubricants and electrical insulation coatings based on

of textiles for which we can provide solutions in addition

nanotechnology, especially at our price point,” says López-

to metallic structures,” says De La Fuente. These include

Hurtado. “Our products work as an invisible layer on top of

wood, leather and even cement.

materials that can repel anything from liquids to dust and chemicals. It can be applied to machines in every phase of

The company is also promoting new waterproof solutions

the mine life cycle from exploration to production,” he adds.

that, after being designed for domestic consumption,

To put into perspective the size of a nano, 1m can host up to

were adapted to work for industrial purposes. “Many

1 billion nanos and 1cm holds 1 million nanos. Such precision

machines and trucks work under humid conditions that

can also help reduce corrosion.

cause condensation, which can make windows fog up,” says López-Hurtado. “Operations often pause for two or

But while proved successful abroad, Nanoprotech has had

three hours until the machines are completely defogged.

to face Mexican miners’ resistance to new technologies.

Our products can help remove mud, water and debris to

“People here are not used to this type of technology and do

keep windows clean day and night.”



Q: What is Agilent Technologies’ added value to the

infrastructure that can help miners obtain a better

mining industry?

monitoring of their processes. We remain positive because

A: Our technology is characterized by robust equipment

we are constantly able to contribute with more tools for

and user-friendly software, all backed by an experienced

controlling mine operations, helping companies with

and high-level team of chemists to support our clients in the

optimization and efficiency. This is translated into better

development of their applications. These are features that

conditions for miners too, lowering their risk exposure.

translate into low operational costs and given how easy it

For example, through gas analysis we can better control

is to use our technologies, the operator does not need to

the risks of the production phase. Also, as our products

make a significant investment in training. I believe that our

serve gold, silver, base metals and other rare materials,

technology is so user friendly that the learning process is

we can cover a broader market. We provide support to

almost intuitive. As our equipment is onsite, the response

many industries but we have always had a focus on mining.

time is very short. We also offer virtual assessments so we can provide remote customer support.

We believe the future will bring a higher demand for rare earth elements, especially for the manufacture of green

We have been in Mexico for 45 years. At the moment, we

technologies, hybrid cars and other markets such as

have several mine operators using our products, such as

battery alloys, magnets and ceramics. The industry will

Industrias Peñoles, Grupo México, Agnico Eagle, Goldcorp

need to become more efficient with identification and

and Fresnillo, among others, with a significant presence

production, so the demand for analysis will grow. Most of

in Hidalgo and Zimapan. Agilent Technologies works

Mexico’s territory is unexplored, which has many foreign

with both, big companies and smaller operators. As we

companies investing in the country. This enhances the

experienced the growth of our clients along with them, we

need for mineral analysis, increasing the demand for

better understand their needs. This gives us a competitive

our products.

advantage in the market. At the same time, Agilent Global invests about 12 percent of its net earnings in R&D, so we

Q: Which regions and minerals have the most potential for

stay at the forefront of innovation and new technologies.

exploration in Mexico?

For example, we understand that the Mexican mining

A: The Mexican mining industry is meaningfully growing in

industry usually is resistant to change and apathetic to new

gold and copper production, and silver is slowly decreasing.

technologies. But we have found that miners are more than

A NASA report on mining revealed that there are rare earth

willing to experience change if it allows them to solve their

elements to be explored in Sonora and Chihuahua, so we

problems, especially related to production and costs. If a

will most likely work there in the near future. Lithium, mainly

supplier can help its client to reduce costs, the operator

used in batteries, will continue to enjoy steady demand.

will be attentive to all suggestions and open to invest. We

Also, the biggest electric car producer in the world, Tesla,

adapt to our clients’ needs as they evolve during the mining

has announced it will focus on Mexico and the country’s

cycle, which is another of our key value propositions as

lithium supply. Agilent Technologies’ goal is to deliver

our flexibility allows us to better accompany our customers

equipment that enables analytical certainty so our clients

throughout their processes.

can rest assured that the provided results are trustworthy.

Q: What is the company’s outlook for the mining industry in Mexico?

Agilent is a leader in life sciences, diagnostics and applied

A: We feel optimistic about the future given the increasing

chemical markets. The company provides laboratories worldwide

number of opportunities to analyze data within the industry.

with instruments, services, consumables, applications and

Agilent Technologies, as a supplier, has a growing analytics

expertise, enabling customers to gain the insights they seek




Paul St. Onge Country Manager of Reflex

Q: AMC and REFLEX provide real-time geological

in Mexico to make sure we are close to all main projects.

information under the umbrella of IMDEX. How are you

Our main work in Mexico comes from the north but we

positioned in Mexico?

do have a few projects in the south. We are prepared to

MC: Mexico has been one of the most consistent regions

expand if the number of projects in the southern region

for us in terms of business over the last several years. The

continues to increase.

country is one of the areas where we have the best growth 284

outlook and we expect this to continue considering the

Q: How do you overcome resistance to technology from

technology we provide. Our drilling fluids line is AMC’s most

the Mexican mining industry?

in-demand product here. We are also starting to launch

PS: Digitalization is where the industry is going as a whole

some additional drilling systems and base tools. These

and this makes operators in Mexico more open to trying new

products took off quite quickly in other regions and we

technologies. It also helps that more and more international

believe the same will happen in Mexico once people see

companies are starting to enter the industry as some of

the benefits.

these are listed on the TSX and must follow strict standards. This is largely influencing how the sector is benchmarked.

PS: When it comes to the products offered by REFLEX, our downhole navigation solution, which includes a range of

MC: To overcome the challenges we face with companies

leading survey instruments, rig alignment tools, downhole

that are still resisting these advances, we make sure to be

motors and software and our award winning IMDEXHUB-

present at events and in the community. We also have an

IQ, is seeing strong demand in Mexico and is continuing

agent in Mexico, COMINSA, that is greatly trusted and that

to benefit from the uptick in the market. In addition to

has over 50 years of experience in the industry. This makes

improving our product lines, both AMC and REFLEX were

it easier to gain the trust of companies as they see our

rebranded recently to provide more integrated solutions

commitment to the sector and our reliability.

and become more united under the IMDEX umbrella in terms of operations. This makes sense to us as we both

Q: Through what strategies is the company helping

work with the same drilling and resource companies and

operators adapt to new trends in technology?

can provide complementary products and services.

PS: We are continuously developing leading technologies in the industry that can optimize productivity and

Q: How do you differentiate yourself from your

penetration rates. For example, the company is developing


two new core technologies, CoreVIBE and MagHAMMER.

MC: We were one of the few companies that were investing

Drilling has not changed in the last 50 years and we

in R&D and brand expansion during the downturn. Our

believe that the technology we can provide is going to

commitment has helped us gain the trust of companies.

be a major game-changer and provide one of the biggest

We are willing to take a different approach and this is what

advances in the industry. We are also talking with Leapfrog

truly differentiates us. We also have an integrated product

and other third-party software vendors to continuously

and service offering to be able to meet client needs in a

improve our ability to manage and visualize data. The

fast and efficient manner. We have seven distribution points

new technology we announced will be able to increase the rate of productivity and penetration rates by at least 30 percent and maximize what companies can do every

AMC and Reflex are technology brands under the umbrella

day. Our idea is to transform the drilling process and help

of IMDEX, a leading global mining equipment, technology

companies do more with limited time and funds. We also

and services company. AMC and Reflex provide geological

want to provide solutions that can meet the wide variety

information in real time or near-real time

of options our clients require.



Q: What is your company’s technology strategy and how do

data management, which is about incorporating the

you meet your clients’ needs through integration?

latest data into the modeling almost as soon as it has

A: We are focused on enabling our customers to derive

been received. Our latest innovation, an advanced central

greater value from their geological data. Our integrated

management platform, creates a single source for an

solutions create insights from data that provide a

organization’s geological modeling activity. It connects

competitive advantage that delivers straight to the top

geology teams and company executives anywhere in the

and bottom line. We first introduced our revolutionary

world to offer insights and data not previously available

Leapfrog 3D geological modeling software to the mining

while improving geological risk management.

market over 10 years ago to enable quick and easy implicit modeling of data. We have a reputation as innovators and each year we make multi-million-dollar investments in product R&D to extend our capability and product offering. We partner with other like-minded innovators to provide valuable integration and a seamless end-to-end solution for the client. Our company philosophy has been that we do not reinvent the wheel in terms of acquisitions

Leapfrog 3D geological modeling software enables the quick and easy implicit modeling of data to transforms it into valuable insights

and product development. Over the past six years, we have acquired several geoscience businesses to add

Q: Why is Seequent the right partner to transform data into

new expertise and technology including a geostatistics

better business insights for mining stakeholders?

consulting business. This aided the development of our

A: In a mining operation, everything comes back to

resource estimation product Leapfrog EDGE, a grade

data. But it is meaningless if it cannot lead to a better

control solution which has allowed customers to derive

understanding of potential outcomes. There is an

greater value from the data and a science startup with

increasing recognition about the need to get on the front

valuable expertise in transforming desktop applications

foot in managing and communicating risks, off the back of

to the web.

the mining downturn. We continued to invest throughout the downturn to provide tools such as Leapfrog Geo and

Q: What is your assessment of the main mining trends and

Central to enable stakeholders including geologists,

how is Seequent helping to meet future demand through

managers and investors, to better understand the status,

its technologies?

risks and opportunities for projects. Our revolutionary

A: It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to

Leapfrog software has a powerful implicit modeling

extract high-grade minerals from deposits. Project costs,

engine that can rapidly and dynamically model data to

complexity and risk are increasing. The industry is also

transforms it into valuable insights. New data is able

coming out of a major downturn and customers are far

to be incorporated into the model workflow almost

more conscious about cost, spend and efficiencies. But

in real-time. Our new advanced model management

they are also more open to testing emerging technologies

platform Central allows single source management for

and looking to other industries. Big Data and IoT trends

an organization’s geological modeling activity.

mean we are seeing a proliferation of data sensors and technology for capturing an abundance of data. Although that sounds like a positive thing, the real challenge is

Seequent is a global leader in the development of visual data

not just about capturing data, but modeling it to enable

science software and collaborative technologies. Its solutions

valuable insights to be drawn from it. So, one trend off the

enable people to create rich stories and uncover valuable insights

back of this is increased near-time or more continuous

from geological data, and ultimately make better decisions





Q: What is the Mexican mining industry’s role in Olympus’

far superior to similar products produced by our competitors.

global strategy?

We also have a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) product that

A: In terms of Olympus’ global market, Mexico does not play

takes place at the deposit to detect any leakage or breakage

a very large role. In terms of the Latin American market,

of equipment. This latter technology has seen the greatest

Mexico will be the focus right now and later can act as a

penetration in the mining industry but we believe the X-ray

bridge for the company to jump into other countries in the

technology can also offer a broad range of benefits for

region. We have a presence in Brazil but given the country’s

our clients.

recent problems, Mexico has moved to the forefront as our key Latin American market. The support we have from other

Our Terra Mobile analyzer is another product worth

countries in the region, such as Canada and the US, also factor

highlighting as it is the first truly portable XRD/XRF device

into this. Latin America has shown steady growth for us across

in the market. The technology is patented and was developed

all our industries.

especially for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission. It is our most advanced technology product but it has a small

Q: How does Olympus differentiate itself from other

computer built into it where the results can be accessed onsite.

companies on the market offering similar services? A: Our technologies not only help to define what kind of

Q: What is your key to success in the industry and what are

mineralization exists in a deposit but also helps companies

your predictions for the sector’s growth?

make smarter decisions. We can provide all the information

A: The most important thing for us is the information that

required so a company can make a production decision based

can be extracted from the mine site. After that, the speed

on the amount of resources that can be found. In the past, a

of the information processing is of the utmost importance

sample had to be taken, it had to be sent to a laboratory and it

because even one minute on a mine site implies huge

was a waiting game. Now, we can carry out this analysis in the

amounts of money. Our focus is to provide preliminary

field, saving more time and money. We have a sales team on

information onsite for greater speed. Then we focus on

the ground that can directly offer all our products locally. We

the detail and accuracy and with a little more time we can

can even repair the equipment in-country as we have a repair

create analyses and charts to really demonstrate the story

center in Mexico City. If we need more specialized training,

behind the deposit. The customer is the one who makes

we have a team that can come from Canada to provide this

the decision based on the information provided by the

support. Our main customers are most of the main players in

instrument. Right now, we are seeing growth in exploration.

the Mexican mining industry, including First Majestic Silver,

All markets are cyclical and we believe we are in an upturn.

Agnico Eagle, Industrias Peñoles, Fresnillo and even SGM.

This is especially evident in that companies are more willing to purchase new technology.

Q: Which of your mining products are most in demand and why?

Q: How realistic are autonomous and digital mines

A: Vanta is our brand X-ray technology that we are very

for Mexico?

confident about. This technology can help identify the

A: In Mexico this seems to be a long way off. Huge

minerals in the sample and the quality of the information is

investments in technology should be made but nowadays, the main target is the investment in mining itself. Expenditure in technology should be prioritized as it is

Olympus NDT is a specialist manufacturer of portable geochemical

a catalyst for fundamental changes that must take place

analyzers for the global exploration and mining industry. It has in-

in the country. This is true not only in regulatory matters

house expertise in using technology for geological field scenarios,

to promote the industry but in security issues to make

with analyzers engineered to be rugged and reliable

investments more attractive.



Q: How are ECN’s solutions increasing efficiency of mine

a team specifically to gather the data for it but today

operations and where can you add the most value?

intelligent sensors can collect all the information

A: Efficiency derives from multiple factors. We have

automatically. IIoT and machine learning technology enable

solutions that impact several of these factors and can

companies to predict failures without needing to invest in

achieve a 3-5 percent improvement. For example, our

a team of people to do so by hand. This permits a better

ImpactFinder acts as a sound analyzer for mills to better

and more sustainable use of resources. 287

control and maintain the amount of material within the SAG and Ball mills. We measure efficiency by achieving

Q: How do you guide your clients in overcoming resistance

greater production with the same inputs, improving

to new technologies?

recovery. Also, our control and system information solutions

A: Miners never want to be the first-adopters when trying

optimize development costs and times by up to 30 percent

a new technology but they always want to be second. I

in the commissioning stage of a new plant operation. We

find this resistance not only in Mexico but also in other

contribute by delivering commissioned equipment on time

jurisdictions like Peru. What has worked for us best is

as it is preconfigured to be installed and start operations

to not have prototypes but projects. For example, we

in the easiest and fastest way. This also reduces the risk of

developed UD-Line as part of a mining project in which

failure when integrating our equipment. ECN has another

the client trusted us to provide a solution. Companies

technology called UD-Line, which helps to check that the

usually do not like to be the guinea pig when trying new

right chemical reactive dose for mineral flotation is being

technologies. But once you convince them to try it once,

used while saving reactive. An optimum dose is crucial to

they are more open to giving new technologies a chance

obtaining a higher mineral grade recovery.

with well-measured risk.

ECN also adds value to the industry by being a Main

Q: How do ECN’s strategic alliances improve the company’s

Automation Contractor (MAC). This is a company distinction

value and offer?

that enables us to participate in larger projects, as our clients

A: We ally with companies that complement our supply,

know that they can leave their whole automation process in

such as Thermo Scientific. A company that has some of

our hands. But while MAC speaks to our market offer, it is

Thermo Scientific’s equipment for measuring ore grades can

not a certification. ECN is certified by the Control System

further improve its operational efficiency by better dosing

Integrator Association (CSIA) for the high quality and

its chemical reagents through our UD-Line Technology. We

training of our staff and processes. This ensures our clients

are promoting the concept of optimization as a service,

that we will deliver a reliable service from beginning to end.

which I think is the biggest added value of Industry 4.0. It refers to the possibility of having integrated services

Q: How and to what extent does your solution impact the

through online measurements, in turn allowing suppliers

sustainability of mine operations?

to generate reports more directly. We have close alliances

A: Mining businesses get complicated during price

with supplying companies, such as MolyCorp, as we believe

downturns, which force operators to optimize their

that our optimization as a service initiative can significantly

operations. Our products help to improve efficiency, which

impact the supplier base.

results in a series of cuts that are in turn sustainable. For example, a mill operating at optimum capacity will save energy and be more sustainable. Also, UD-line reduces

ECN Scientific has a 25-year trajectory in the mining industry.

chemical dosing and its operational risks, which prevents

It is an equipment provider of automatization technology

environmental accidents. Predictive maintenance is

designed for process optimization. It works across various

increasingly important. Companies previously employed

industries, including mining, automotive, water and chemicals



It is only a matter of time before the industry achieves human-

function full time to prevent gas poisoning. But human-free

free mining, creating the dilemma of how to address the

mines will make ventilation needs almost obsolete.

problem of a displaced workforce, says Jesús Flores, Director


General of underground mining specialist Lasec. “In the next

The concept of a human-free mine also responds to the need

10 years, robotics will play a key role in operational intelligence

to develop mines beyond human capabilities. “The deeper

as mines will be managed remotely, reducing the need for a

the mine is, the riskier it is to have humans working inside,”

human presence on-site,” he says.

says Flores. “We work hard to guarantee we can provide our technologies regardless of the depth.” Lasec has strong

Flores believes digitalization is the right path because it

participation in the state of Zacatecas, mostly applicable

allows the tracking of the real-time operating conditions of

to underground mines, but it also operates in Goldcorp’s

the whole mine. “Lasec is contributing to the digital revolution

Peñasquito and Fresnillo’s Herradura open-pit mines. “Our

by offering technology solutions that add value to miners’

technological solutions work equally for open-pit and

productive processes,” he says. “We provide operational

underground mines,” he says.

intelligence though solutions such as high-definition and real-time video.”

But according to Flores, until automation takes place, it is also important to address the industry’s immediate needs. While

Technicians need to become specialized in Industry 4.0 as these services need to reach the deepest corners of a mine”

waiting for human-free mines to be a reality, Lasec’s Smart

While he is an advocate of digitalization, Flores also remains

The company is pioneering in R&D and has installed one

aware of the need to relocate the human staff displaced by

of the world’s biggest and most advanced leaky feeder

technology. The solution lies in education, he says. “Technicians

networks for Fresnillo and expanded across 270km. “The

need to become specialized in Industry 4.0 as these services

key value of this network is its functionality. Its usability

need to reach the deepest corners of a mine. There will be

is guaranteed up to 97 percent when the average for

a decrease in the required number of human staff but also

leaky feeders is 60 percent,” Flores says. “The high quality

increases in the level of skill workers will need. Education is

of the system’s operation allows integration of more

simply fundamental.” More specialized technology requires

functions and sensors within the mine.”

Flow system helps to fully control an operation’s workforce. “This system tracks the location of staff in a mine in real-time and in an emergency, it takes only 10 seconds to notifies all miners to evacuate,” he says. It also records the location and functioning of vehicles and other mine resources. “Smart Flow identifies the mine’s operational conditions to improve mine management,” he adds.

more specialized labor to manage it. Understanding the importance of this dynamic. Lasec provides its 200 employees

This system has become a binding security feature

with constant training to remain competitive.

for many mine operators in Mexico. The network is implemented across all Fresnillo mines and in others

Ultimately, Flores says the industry is willing to face the

belonging to Peñoles, Grupo México, First Majestic and

moral dilemma related to automation given the benefits it

Goldcorp, just to mention a few. “We ultimately contribute

represents. “Energy efficiency in mines though Industry 4.0

to the automation revolution by bringing tangible solutions

implementation can decrease costs by up to 40 percent,”

to our clients so they understand the real value of these

he says. For example, current mine-ventilation systems must

technologies to their production processes,” he adds.



Miners realize there is no choice when it comes to embracing

Understanding its role in this equation, Belden is moving from

the digital revolution; either thrive or sacrifice operational

selling products to selling solutions. “By selling a solution,

efficiency. But when opening the door to digitalization and

we are selling efficiency, savings, security and peace of mind

automation it is key to increase digital and industrial security,

instead of only a product. That is why we are changing the

says Luis Tejadilla, Belden’s Regional Sales Director for LATAM North. Belden works to keep companies cyber-protected and interconnected. “We are ready to support Industry 4.0,” he says. “Our solutions help companies connect the whole industrial world into their network.” Industrial cyber security is about minimizing production risk. But this poses a challenge with ever more machines integrated and a constant flow of internal and external data. “Belden provides software that allows control of the communication between devices such as a programmable logic controllers (PLC) and the industrial server through Deep

way in which we sell,” explains Tejadilla.

Our Tofino Xenon security is based on DPI, which provides better protection than industry protocols”

The company started as a cable producer for networking,

Packet Inspection (DPI),” explains Tejadilla. DPI’s advantage

broadcasting and industrial markets. Nowadays, Belden’s

lies in analyzing every packet of information shared, allowing

cables are recognized as the highest quality in the world with

it to tackle any unusual behavior to protect the whole

multiple applications, from power, control and instrumentation,

industrial network. “Unlike other cybersecurity solutions, we

to optical fiber at an industrial level and Variable Frequency

do not work with certificates. Our Tofino Xenon security is

Drive (VFD) cables. In the mining industry, Belden Cables

based on DPI, which provides better protection to industry

have the added value of a 10-year warranty as the company

protocols,” he says.

attempts to care for the investment of its customers.

With a growing flow of information, it is also key to manage

But the path for innovation also means companies need to

data traffic to ensure operational efficiency. Belden’s TripWire

compete against their core business to better serve market

software allows analysis of network devices to balance traffic

demand. In Belden’s case, a cable producer, it was about going

and prevent saturation with channels receiving too much

wireless. “Several types of cable are turning into commodities

information, as well as complete security for IT networks. “The

and we cannot remain competitive if most of our product lines

TripWire system allows greater efficiency as all devices can

are commodity-based,” says Tejadilla.

communicate better and faster,” he says. To meet the networking industry’s need to be wireless, Ultimately, network efficiency translates into a smarter

Belden provides industrial networking switches that vary

decision-making process. “The opportunity to use real-time

from Wi-Fi to GSM or LTE frequency, allowing connection

information allows better production decisions,” he says.

of devices without cabling. This saves mining companies the

“With devices talking to you all the time while creating a

expense of buying and replacing cables, a significant cut

network analysis, miners receive intelligence on how to be

in costs for big mines. The company mainly works with

better prepared for different processes,” he adds.

Hirschmann switches, which are backed up by a lifetime guarantee. “These can be used in harsh environments, high

But while it is up to miners to embrace the digital revolution

and low temperatures, underwater, in high-pressure and any

for remaining efficient and competitive, it is up to industrial

other conditions that would normally affect the functionality

providers to innovate and facilitate this transition.

of this type of device.”




Digitalization and automation are becoming essential in mine operations. To remain competitive, cut costs, reduce risk and increase production, operators have to be at the forefront of innovation. It is down to the supply chain to anticipate operator needs and continuously produce newer and more advanced technology. Mexico Mining Review asked the industry leaders about the main problems operators are facing in ramping up productivity and how technology and innovation can help solve these.

I believe the biggest problem is that mines try to cut costs excessively. Sometimes the highest cost in an operation is personnel, due to the number of people needed but also the impact unions can have on production. Understandably, many mines 290

want to automate their processes to reduce costs and increase safety. With the FMSL, autonomous or semi-autonomous trucks are spotted using the latest 3D cameras and RFID sensors to assist accurate truck alignment. Distanced from the

RICHARD BOOTH Managing Director for North and South America of MMD Mineral Sizing Central America

shovel operation, truck drivers (if present) can enjoy a safer and more controlled working environment, as they are separated from the swinging shovel bucket. Our goal is to ensure the FMSL can be controlled by a single shovel operator. With personnel reduced and autonomous trucks introduced, site safety is greatly increased.

Digitalization can help as smart plants and operations reduce the number of operators required. But there is the prevalence of the syndrome of proven technology. All companies want to benefit from new technologies but no one wants to be the first to try them. They know that digitalization can greatly benefit the industry, but they are not quite sure how. So, we make sure to speak directly with our customers to create a common understanding of the problem and, step-by-step, to start building a solution

JARI MOILANEN Director of Digital Plant at Outotec

that will provide continuous improvement. The idea is to incorporate digitalization throughout the whole value chain to also gather integrated data.

The industry will always seek to cut costs and drive up productivity. In our case, we focus on developing our human capital and also on modifying our technologies to have more autonomous equipment. Our drilling machinery is modular and transportable. But as Detector Exploraciones was designed to create jobs in the areas in which we work, we strive to be at the forefront of technology without automatizing all our processes. It is also imperative that we do not lower our costs

JESÚS HERRERA Director General of Detector Exploraciones

at the expense of the environment.

The mining industry represents particular challenges due to its locations and demanding operations, and the goal is to optimize production and reduce costs. Security is a very important aspect for electric equipment in mine operations. The implications include interrupting operations, production loses and especially operators security. Dealing with heavy and demanding operations, workers are exposed to potential electrical damage, and technology becomes critical to increase safety. Aligned with this concept we started to develop a ground fault protection panel board 10 years ago, known as Centinela. This solution is used to protect the operators in underground mines and ensure the continuity of operations in a safe


way, as it will interrupt electrical supply in a failure event.

Mexico has many similarities with Australia. Geologically they are both very resourceabundant and both share a long history in the mining industry. The difference is that Australia is a large country and the mines are normally located in isolated and remote 291

areas. The necessity to fill in the gaps created by the lack of a workforce in these areas helped turn Australia into a hub for technology in mining. People do not want to live close to the mines as these are often thousands of kilometers away from the main cities. It can also make it really expensive to fix a broken-down machine when the nearest mechanic is far away. To fix the problem, mining companies created software that can predict the life cycle of a machine to help operators prepare better for breakdowns. Australian mines also use autonomous machines and vehicles that

NICHOLAS BAKER Trade Commissioner of Mexico, Central America & The Caribbean of Austrade

can be controlled from the capital city in that State.

Mining companies around the world are actively evaluating the best way to embark on the EV fleet transition. In Mexico, there are a number of mine development projects that are on pause, but as these start to progress we feel that the opportunities for battery electric units will start to take shape. Operators are starting to see that going diesel-free can reap many benefits. It makes operations more environmentally friendly and cuts costs on power for ventilation, which is often the second most expensive element of a mine, after labor costs, and provides lower total cost of ownership primarily due to reduced maintenance requirements.

RENÉ VALLE General Manager, Mexico and Central America of MacLean Engineering

In the next 10 years, robotics will play a key role in operational intelligence as mines will be managed remotely, reducing the need for a human presence on-site. Lasec is contributing to the digital revolution by offering technology solutions that add value to miners’ productive processes. We provide operational intelligence though solutions such as high-definition and real-time video. Energy efficiency in mines though Industry 4.0 implementation can decrease costs by up to 40 percent.

JESĂšS FLORES Director General of Lasec

Workers at Cerro San Pedro



Maintaining a close relationship with surrounding communities is one of the toughest obstacles that mining operators face. Projects are prone to blockades or delays,

which end up costing thousands of dollars a day and tarnish the public image of a company. Along with the social license to operate, sustainability is an equally hot topic as international benchmarks and strict environmental norms are pressuring operators to minimize their environmental impact.

Fortunately, there are benefits to be reaped by companies that choose to align themselves to the global sustainability and social standards set by institutions such as the International Finance Corporation. Banks and investors often check compliance with these norms before investing capital in a project as adherence mitigates the risk of mining closures.

This chapter emphasizes the best practices promoted by government agencies like PROFEPA and those used by influential operators, consultancies and lawyers. It also sheds light on the success stories in the country for sustainable and responsible operations, while reviewing innovative products and technologies providing solutions for the consumption of valuable resources like water.



ANALYSIS: Social Infrastructure, a Path to Mining Prosperity


INFOGRAPHIC: The Mining Trust Fund: Where are its Resources Really Going?




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fred Stanford, Torex Gold


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gilberto Domínguez, Knight Piésold


INSIGHT: Jesús Pablo-Dorantes, Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfonso Caso, Anaf Energy Social


SPOTLIGHT: World-Class Operator Thrives as Local Development Engine


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Federico Casares, Veolia


INSIGHT: Andrés Jáuregui, GE Mining for Latin America


INSIGHT: Ugolino Durán, Ftech




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Edna Rodríguez, ISI


INSIGHT: Marvin Rosales, CTA


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Infrastructure, Jobs and Education:

the Legacy of Mining for San Jose del Progreso


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Larry De La Torre, C&C Tsurumi Pump Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gabino Fraga, Grupo GAP


ROUNDTABLE: What is Your Assesment of the Mining Fund’s Performance?



SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE, A PATH TO MINING PROSPERITY Minerals are embedded in most aspects of human life. This ensures a steady demand, making mining one of the wealthiest industries in the world. But with mines often located in poorly-developed areas, companies have the responsibility of returning some of this wealth to local communities through CSR best practices In Mexico, mining’s positive impact has permeated a wide

in the country. As part of its allocation process, mining

sphere of social and economic dynamics. For example,

companies often partner with local governments and

CAMIMEX reported in February 2018 that mining

communities to make sure the fund is being invested to

activities employ more than 2.1 million Mexicans, mostly

meet the needs of the local population.

in isolated communities, and that the industry represents 2.9 percent of national GDP. The Mining Chamber argues

However, in some jurisdictions it has been unclear to

that a mineral deposit should be interpreted as an

miners and local communities where the resources are

opportunity for progress and to reduce the inequalities

being destined. “Three years have now passed since the

of the population.

reform, which is a good time to make an impact, but we have yet to see any results,” says Fred Stanford, President


But Research Gate published a case study that examined

and CEO of Torex Gold, which operates the Media Luna

the Bowen Basin coal mining communities in Queensland,

and El Limón-Guajes mines in Guerrero. This is causing

Australia, and found that the social impacts of mining

a conundrum in the industry in which mining companies

developments on communities is not always so black and

are demanding to see their tax money being returned

white. “The limitation that isolation placed on opportunities

to surrounding communities while these communities

for economic diversification raised issues about the

continue to turn to operators for the provision of social

optimum level of social infrastructure, housing, sewage and


who should pay for and provide it,” the report says. The Mexican mining landscape shares some notable similarities

Dávila says Durango has channeled 100 percent of

with Australia, given that in both countries mining activities

the funds it has received since 2014 directly into local

generally take place in arid, remote regions with a high

communities, prioritizing highways, health and education,

proportion of indigenous communities.

among other key segments, all requiring the development or modernization of infrastructure. “The reality is that the

While many companies understand the importance of

adequate use of the Mining Fund lies in the hands of the

providing social infrastructure in mine sites to retain

governments,” says Dávila. “The trick is to collaborate with

workers and diminish social disputes, the cyclical nature of

mining companies and communities to identify the main

prices and changes in tax policies undermine the sector’s

necessities and avoid just meeting the needs of municipal

ability to invest in the social development of surrounding

leaders.” For example, a leader may believe a park is the

communities. “The communities need to understand that

most important project but the community may be more

companies are not responsible for everything and will not

in need of water infrastructure.

take over the duties of the government. That is why the Mining Fund was created: to make sure the government


can do its part,” says Ramón Dávila, Durango Minister

According to an article published by World Policy in October

of Economy. “Companies should receive support to

2017 on the price of mining wealth in Chiapas, the southern

develop their projects as long as they are respecting the

state is an example of instances where communities are

sustainability of the region.”

left out of the mining boom. It is one of the richest states in the country for natural resources and a major source of


multiple minerals such as gold, copper, silver and aluminum,

Given the increased mining duties imposed by the Fiscal

but its citizens feel harmed by mining activities. Lynn

Reform, the government created the Mining Trust Fund to

Holland, the author and a researcher and academic on

return some of these resources to local communities, with

international political economy and Latin America studies,

the specific goal of promoting their development through

visited Soconusco, an area located between two titanium

social infrastructure. SEDATU reports that since its creation

mines. “The two major rivers from which residents get their

in 2014 and up to 2018, the Mining Trust Fund has financed

drinking water are now contaminated by toxic particles used

more than 1,500 infrastructure projects in 270 municipalities

in the mining process and later released into the rivers,” she

Endeavour Silver worker at Guanaceví mine

writes. “A local doctor and nurse had established that the

impact in the communities. For example, upon closing the

cancer rate among local residents had risen by more than

mine at the end of its life cycle, the company carried out

three times in a 10-year period, in parallel with the increase

the relevant legal obligations, including reforestation. It also

in mining activity in the area.”

provided training to community members so they could take up new vocations, such as sewing, construction work

Soconusco is one of the many cases that taint miners’

or farming. “It is paramount to execute a successful mine

reputation but this is not a widespread representation

closure; one that leaves a positive and long-lasting legacy

of the industry. Also, many of the complaints blaming

at our hosting community,” says Armando Ortega, Vice

mining for side-effects are found to lack solid scientific

President Latin America of New Gold.

ground. “Most of the allegations we receive are on water contamination concerns, usually based on speculation

Another example is set by Goldcorp at its Marlin mine

and with no support from further research such as from

in Guatemala. The company started the Sierra Madre

COFEPRIS regarding cancer incidence in a mining area,”

foundation, along with local Citizen’s Development Corps,

explains Arturo Rodríguez, Assistant Attorney General for

to realize sustainable and community-based development.

Industrial Inspection at PROFEPA.

“Mining creates jobs and economic opportunities, and many companies also choose to invest in social

Constant communication between government, companies

infrastructure outside of their immediate sphere of

and local mining communities help to address social

operations,” explains The World Gold Council, highlighting

problems related to mine operations, but due diligence

the effort made in Guatemala.

in communicating about the projects to be carried out in the communities is also key. “Companies need to realize

As argued by the Mining Chamber, there is still a long

that they need a high level of social responsibility to

way to go for socially-responsible mining, but there has

obtain social license and the government should facilitate

been success in raising awareness about CSR. “Mining is

communication with surrounding communities. The

an industry that brings employment and opportunities to

authorities should visualize and support these aspects. The

parts of the country where no other industry is present,”

development of infrastructure plays an equally important

says Stanford. Ortega believes miners need to set the

role,” adds Dávila.

example in showing communities they have nothing to hide. “The main obstacle is to ensure that in the long run


our sound mining operation and community work prevails

Companies such as New Gold, which operated the Cerro

over a negative and ill-founded narrative originally crafted

San Pedro mine in San Luis Potosi, aim to have a positive

by (mining) opponents.”



THE MINING TRUST FUND: WHERE ARE ITS RESOURCES REALLY GOING? The fiscal reform levied special, additional and extraordinary

additional and extraordinary mining taxes to building social

taxes on the Mexican mining industry. The amendment to

infrastructure in mining communities. These funds are to be

Articles 271 and 275 of the Federal Rights Law created the

distributed according to regional mining production. By law,

Sustainable Regional Development Fund, best known as the

62.5 percent of the fund is allocated to municipalities and

Mining Trust Fund. This allocated 77.5 percent of the special,

37.5 percent to states.

16 1 298


5 8


9 4




billion in total (2014-2017)




77.5% Mining Fund Mining Fund Federation 20% Federation 2.5% SEDATU




The funds from 2017 have been collected from the companies but not yet distributed back to the communities



MX$3.3 billion in total (2016)

62.5% Municipalities 37.5% States



>MX$500 million MX$100 - 500 million MX$20 - 100 million MX$1 - 20 million <MX$1 million





State Allocation

Municipalities Allocation

Municipalities per state







































San Luis Potosi






Baja California Sur


















State of Mexico






























Baja California




























Nuevo Leon
































$21,161,591.32 $8,397,207.58 $6,030,388.11











regional development committees have been created to allocate the funds

15 17



11 20 26



3.70 3.33

6 10

These figures may not add to 100 due to rounding







4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0

Source: SEDATU


Caballo Blanco, Veracruz




Q: How does PROFEPA address mining-related issues?

that operated projects before the law was established

A: PROFEPA’s role is to oversee compliance with

have not acquired the permits for their later expansions.

environmental regulations established by SEMARNAT. We

Companies are not often aware of this need, but ignorance

have a policy for industrial monitoring that establishes

is no excuse for exemption from compliance. However, non-

criteria to select specific facilities for inspection. Even though

compliance is rarely due to a lack of knowledge of the law.

we lack one specific to mining these criteria are applicable

It is very typical in Mexico to ask for forgiveness instead

to it. Mining is a priority sector for us given the magnitude

of permission. 301

of its operations and the impact that an environmental accident could have. During Peña Nieto’s administration,

Day-to-day decisions are often made at low levels of

PROFEPA visited all the legal mining operations in the

the hierarchical structure. Production managers, usually

country, which is around 1,150. This monitoring effort speaks

pressed to deliver certain results to investors and

to a supervising policy that allows us to acknowledge and

shareholders, choose to violate environmental regulations.

register mine operations. This registry enables us to decide

This is what happened at Buenavista del Cobre in Sonora.

which operations we need to supervise more closely and on

The environmental recommendation said the leaching

what matters because it is not our intention to review all the

basins should not operate until the emergency ones were

environmental obligations of a mine, but only those where

functional, but management chose to take the risk. I believe

we are more likely to find a lack of compliance. It would be

environmental matters should be decided higher in the

impossible to supervise all mining operations in all aspects

company hierarchy, such as is done in other industries.

of their environmental obligations. Q: How can PROFEPA further increase its inspection and According to citizen surveys, the greatest worry regarding

enforcement capacity during the next administration?

mining activities is related to water use. People often think that

A: I think the lack of compliance is rooted in the physical

because miners use hazardous substances such as cyanide,

incapacity that the government institution has. For example,

they want to get rid of them. But more often miners actually

PROFEPA has around 300 inspectors in the whole country

want to get these chemical components back so they can

but needs to handle many companies in multiple industries

reuse them. These are released accidentally, but not through

across multiple topics. Environmental legislation in Mexico

daily operations. Most of the allegations we receive are on

keeps evolving, even if institutions are contracting. But it

water contamination concerns, usually based on speculation

is well known that environmental institutions are taking

and with no support from further research such as from

a backseat due to political will and I believe that the

COFEPRIS regarding cancer incidence in a mining area.

environmental sector has been downgraded from a political point of view. We must be aware that this sector is important

Q: What is your assessment of the main causes of

because it is in everyone’s best interest to preserve earth’s

environmental accidents in mine operations and how can

resources. Also, environmental destruction can stop huge

these be addressed?

projects, implying an economic loss. PROFEPA needs an

A: Only about 30 percent of companies are fully

urgent strengthening based on autonomy, technology and

environmentally compliant when inspected. Irregularities

proper resources.

are divided into minor errors and those severe enough to merit closure. Environmental law in Mexico was enforced in 1988 and the environmental impact regulation in 1992. So,

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA)

the main environmental obligations began on these dates,

is a decentralized administrative body of the Ministry of the

as the law is not retroactive. Current legislation demands a

Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). PROFEPA’s

permit for all the subsequent operations. Many companies

task is to increase compliance with environmental regulations



Q: How did the controversy around the El Limón-Guajes

contractors and suppliers, that have been thrown out of work

(ELG) mine develop and how has this progressed?

by Los Mineros’ actions.

A: This problem caused us to lose the last two months of


2017 and the first month and a half of 2018, which equates

Q: What importance do you place on community relations

to 25,000-28,000 ounces per month. What happened

in Guerrero?

was an old fashioned 1950s union raid. We have a union

A: We have always had excellent community relations.

to which over 50 percent of our employees have signed

The ELG mine was blockaded by a small sub-group of

membership cards. However, another union believes that

one community, and this group was taken advantage

it should be the union to represent our employees. There

of by the union, which gave it information that was not

is a perfectly legal process for sorting matters like that out

necessarily true. But despite the actions of this community,

with employees going through a government-sanctioned

the other surrounding communities actually came in and

independent ballot. This external union, instead of following

helped us open up a new access route so we could re-start

the legal process, decided to blockade the mine and shut

operations. It is because of the communities that we are

down operations. When taking into account the multiplier

back to work.

effect, they probably threw 7,000 people out of work, despite the fact that a union is supposed to look out for

Q: What support have you received from Guerrero’s

the best interests of the employees.

government to overcome these obstacles? A: The government has certainly provided us with support,

Torex made a US$1 billion investment in Guerrero with the El Limón-Guajes and Media Luna projects

albeit it took a little longer than we would have liked. Guerrero as a mining jurisdiction will need to re-earn some trust. Torex made a US$1 billion investment in the state, and we expect that in return the company will be able to operate every day. It is unacceptable that our operations were shut down for so long simply because someone thinks erroneously that the company has the capability of changing unions. Although there are a few problems left, I think we are on the right path

Likewise, the blockading union has tried to blame the

to a permanent solution.

company for everything bad that has happened around the area. There have been three fatalities that have nothing to do

Q: After your experience, to what extent do you feel Guerrero

with Torex or the blockade but because the deceased had

is a mining-friendly state?

some form of connection to the mine, the union has tried

A: Guerrero is not without its challenges, but it welcomes

to blame the company for the fatalities. I am accustomed

mining and the opportunities it brings. There are many

to working with unions that seek to improve the lives of

wonderful people that are happy to work with us to create

employees. It is hard to understand why a union would value

wealth and a better future for all. This recent experience has

political action and their own self-interest over the needs

been extremely difficult, but it is not a Guerrero issue. The Los

of the thousands of employees of our company, and of our

Mineros Union that has caused such economic distress for so many people, has done the same thing at many sites around the country. It is not a Guerrero issue, it a Mexico issue that is

Torex is an intermediate gold producer based in Canada. It

complicated by certain labor laws.

is engaged in the exploration, development and operation of its 100 percent-owned Morelos Gold Property, an area of

Q: How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the Mining Fund

29,000ha in the highly prospective Guerrero Gold Belt

given your focus on CSR?

A: There is a fundamental problem with the mining fund. We

do not think it will progress as quickly as it would have

only started paying it last year but not one peso has been

before. In terms of acquiring new properties, the purpose

returned so far, and only about one-third of the money we

is to diversify single-asset risk so we would not put it in the

pay will come back to Guerrero. And in a state as poor as

in a place where a single event can impact more than one

Guerrero, this is not understood. The communities do not look

of our assets. Our first acquisition would not be in Guerrero

to the government for assistance, they look to the company.

but our second one may be.

We have to explain to them that we have paid a heavy tax and cannot explain why this money has not be returned by

Q: What are your forecasts for gold prices in 2018 and 2019?

the Mining Fund for their benefit. There are recent signs that

A: My general world view is that civility is in decline and

the Mining Fund is going to approve some projects, which will

rogue states can become more rogue with the loss of US

be a positive thing for the communities.

influence. Civility in decline tends to be bad for the world and what is bad for the world tends to drive an increase in the

Q: What are your plans for your current properties and your

gold price. I think inflation is likely on the return, which is also

future in Guerrero?

bad for the world but good for gold. The world is also facing

A: Across the Balsas River at our US$500 million Media

uncertainty regarding how capital markets will respond to

Luna project we will continue to drill, although its access is

the unwinding of quantitative easing. This has the potential

still blockaded. Obviously, we need to evaluate the merits

to cause a decline in the prices of stocks and bonds, which

of that project, given the propensity to blockade, and I

I think will drive people to gold as a safe haven. 303


ADDRESSING THE ERROR OF SHORT-TERM PLANNING GILBERTO DOMÍNGUEZ Vice President and Senior Executive Engineer of Knight Piésold

Q: As a consultant to the mining industry, how would you

critical about enforcement of the regulations. Even though

evaluate miners’ attitudes regarding CSR?

SEMARNAT has all these requirements, there are several

A: I think miners worldwide are growing more aware of

mines in which compliance is not prioritized.

CSR’s importance, particularly in South America and Mexico, where I have seen positive changes. CSR is getting

There are important lessons to learn from the environmental

more relevant every year, as community relations are now

mistakes that have occurred in Mexico. Project

a deal breaker for projects, and the mining community is

implementation should incorporate due diligence from the

paying more attention to them. We may have not paid CSR

beginning. Mining companies need to focus on reducing

as much attention in the past, but the industry is learning,

short and long-term costs; this includes implementing good

albeit in some cases through mistakes. Knight Piésold’s

engineering practices, which in the long term represents

projects focus particularly on environmental protection

cost-efficient facilities and operations. We should not only

taking into consideration social aspects.

focus on reducing costs with cheap engineering because, in the end, that is more expensive and jeopardizes the whole

Q: How would you evaluate environmental regulations for

industry. In my case, the main lesson learned from Mexican

the Mexican mining industry?

companies is to invest in doing the right thing from the

A: As we always work and comply with international

get-go, from the studies, to the design and the operations.

requirements, when we compare those of SEMARNAT to what we typically do for our projects, we find these are at high standards. The regulations are good, but depend

Knight Piésold is an employee-owned global consulting firm

on effective enforcement. We are very environmentally

that provides specialized services to mining, power, water,

aware as a company and always strive to make sure our

infrastructure and oil and gas. It is composed of engineers,

projects do address related issues. In Mexico, I am more

environmental scientists, geoscientists and technologists




Environmental accidents can result in a long-lasting process

One of the challenges of involving so many entities in

for mine operators as reconciliation with society and the

the discussion is avoiding sensationalism by those with

surrounding communities can span years. The Mexican

ulterior motives, says Pablo-Dorantes. “Mexico needs a

Academy of Environmental Impact seeks to minimize the

neutral forum to discuss these topics. NGOs may have

occurrence of these events. “At the Mexican Academy of

good intentions but can lack technical guidance. Sometimes

Environmental Impact, we promote the use of three basic

they prioritize the protection of the most representative

steps to reduce environmental impact: prevention to avoid

species of the region but this may not be the one that needs

errors, mitigation to reduce risks and compensation in the

the most protection,” he says, adding that the creation of

event of an impact that cannot be mitigated or prevented,”

such a forum is a necessity in the country as there is not

says Jesús Pablo-Dorantes, President of Mexican Academy

enough communication among the industry’s different

of Environmental Impact.

players. “The lack of organization can be quite tragic as everyone including the government is trying to do the

The Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact strives

best they can with the information they have,” he says. But

to create a forum where every player from surrounding

creating consultations with communities and ejidos is more

communities, companies, authorities and NGOs can voice

than simply sharing information and requires a strategy, he

their concerns. “This is important as society believes

continues. “Some of these communities do not have a basic

that mining uses an obsolete model that only consumes

education. This can make the explanation of complicated

resources without giving back to the planet,” says Pablo-

chemical processes difficult.”

Dorantes. “It is impossible to have a world without mining as everything from cellphones to cars uses minerals but

Overall, he says that mining is in a unique position in terms

we can help reduce its impact on the environment and

of environmental impact as it is often located in remote

inform people of industry’s advances.” The association also

areas and is obligated to comply with stricter norms in

seeks to involve the opinion of academics and scientists to

comparison to other sectors. “The mining industry often

formulate proposals in terms of risks, impact and strategic

invests and offers employment in areas that others are not

environmental evaluation.

willing to even enter,” he says.



Q: What role does AOS play in the Mexican mining industry?

conflict is not a good business. It is worthwhile for companies

A: Community relations must be seen as processes that

to know what they are facing in a certain area to build a

last the entire lifespan of a mine, from exploration to

solution along with the local community from the outset.

closure. We strongly believe that an adequate approach to social aspects is a strategic key element for success

In this regard, it is vital to clarify from the beginning the

in the mining industry. It is very important to take into

commitments of each party. The problem is that social

account that, once first contact is made with a community

commitments made by mining companies are rarely

a process is started that needs continuous follow up. Gaps

documented. When the community starts demanding what

in communication create misunderstandings and foster the

was promised to them, operators can argue that they did

possibilities of social conflicts. We developed platforms of

not make those commitments and are not bound to them.

social understanding covering each stage from exploration through to a closure plan. As mining companies are focused

Q: What aspect of CSR do you think the industry should

on production, the social aspects can be easily neglected.

most implement?

We help them with this issue by providing manuals and

A: Companies often neglect their relationships with local

insight into what the community needs. We also provide

communities. When evaluating whether to pursue a certain

support in the social management area through certain

project, it is key to have adequate social characteristics. A

strategies of community communication.

company must evaluate the dynamics of the community, the local authorities and the experience of neighbors,

Starting 2018, there will be a market for Clean Energy

among other factors. In that case, the social feasibility

Certificates (CELs), providing companies with certain

study becomes strategic. It is very important to define the

benefits for buying energy from renewable sources. The

relationship that the mining companies want to have with

new Law of Energy Transition binds miners to consume

local communities, as often this scheme is flawed in that

at least 5 percent of their energy from clean sources. We

some want to buy short-term solutions instead of aiming to

believe that as this market matures, prices will become

build local agreements. When a company buys its presence

more competitive. Our role is to advise mining companies

in the community it becomes counterproductive because

on how to purchase energy under better conditions. It is

they may be giving money to some but, overall, they lack

important to point out that Grupo Bal and Grupo MĂŠxico

a deeper agreement.

have created their own energy supply and will benefit from the new market rules.

A company must also nurture social awareness among its personnel. For example, an operator can have the

Q: What key areas must miners consider when planning

best relationship with the local community, but if one of

their CSR programs?

its workers does not abide by this, local collaboration is

A: The industry is aware of the fragmentation issue: as one

jeopardized. Companies must educate their people on how

company explores, another builds the mine infrastructure

to properly behave and interact with the local community.

and a third carries the operations. The first company will

It is important for the company to really hear what the

promise certain things to the local community to secure the

community wants and needs.

exploration concession, which it will most likely not fulfill because it leaves after completing its part. As a result, when operations begin, the relationship with the community is

Anaf Energy Social is a multidisciplinary company that designs

already damaged. A social feasibility study, then, is just as

and develops solutions for energy, mining and infrastructure

important as the studies for ore composition and mineral

companies. It has a strong focus on CSR and complies with the

vein reserves. The best reserves in a location with a social

OECD’s Anti-Corruption Program for Latin America




WORLD-CLASS OPERATOR THRIVES AS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ENGINE An aware and vigilant society demands more socially responsible mine operations. Industrias Peñoles, a world class base metals producer, believes that miners’ commitment to CSR must be based on a collaborative approach that is inclusive of staff and local communities. Furthermore, it must be an extension of mining companies’ business models and underpinned by long-term relations with workers’ families, local leaders, authorities and institutions in the areas of operation. More than being preached, a CSR industry commitment must be quantified. In 2017 that of Peñoles amounted to a monthly economic revenue of MX$1.5 billion for the communities surrounding its mines. The operator actively participates as a national economic engine for mining communities’ development, building a long trajectory for its education, health, culture and infrastructure investment programs. Besides promoting development around its operations, Peñoles' initiatives also intend to create community self-reliance after the closure of its mines. For example, in 2017 the company carried out 1,169 social programs across 59 communities in 10 states of Mexico and three localities in Peru. The entrepreneurship program has proven to be one of the most successful as it fosters business ownership in local communities. In 2017 alone, this program consulted on the creation of 31 startups in Torreon, which in turn boosted economic growth with 78 new jobs to date. Health issues derived from mine operations is another industry stigma to be addressed to prove mining can be socially responsible. Peñoles, in alliance with Fundación UNAM, promotes Health Workshops in its mines. In 2017 these workshops carried out 2,165 dentist appointments, 2,312 optometrist appointments and donated 2,138 pairs of glasses. Also, the Healthy Lifestyle Program was designed to promote a prevention culture based on a nutritious diet and exercise to anticipate and control chronic degenerative conditions. As for education, the ultimate engine of any population, the Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos de Laguna del Rey (CETLAR) has been a training alternative for low-income youth over the last 20 years. Once their CELTAR studies are completed, graduates are offered the chance to work for the company and continue pursuing professional and academic growth. Peñoles’ educative institution has had over 543 graduates up to date. Its community centers in Coahuila are another alternative for children and teenagers to develop life skills. These currently have over 464 students enrolled and aim to regenerate the social tissue of the communities.



ALLOWING MINERS TO FOCUS ON WHAT THEY ARE GOOD AT FEDERICO CASARES Business Development and Institutional Affairs Director Mexico of Veolia

Q: When seeking to secure water supply and adequate

to prevent spills. Veolia offers solutions and technologies to

water treatment, why should the Mexican mining industry

implement for each case, not only to treat wastewater but

choose Veolia?

also to recover some minerals.

A: Veolia has extensive experience developing solutions


for the mining sector. Goldcorp, one of our main clients in

Our work in Mexico has been very focused in the last couple

Mexico, hired us to fully manage its industrial waste, including

of years on the management of hazardous industrial materials.

hazardous and recyclable residues. We have a two-year

We have a department dedicated to the industrial sector

contract that allowed Goldcorp to save US$4 million. The

called Veolia Industrial Solutions and we have a center for

company’s expertise is to produce gold but mine operations

industrial waste management in Nuevo Leon. Veolia acquired a

often yield a series of byproducts that are discarded as

company called RIMSA in 2000 that provided the foundations

garbage. As we have the expertise for separating and

for this division. RIMSA has been working in Mexico since 1985.

managing waste, we can add value to residues. We also work closely with Grupo México, for which we manage waste, treat

Q: What is the role of a circular economy in improving the

water and decrease the risk of spills. We help our clients to

water and waste management sectors in Mexico?

obtain the social license to operate. Upon contingency, such

A: Veolia is dedicated to promoting a circular economy

as leaks, we have an industrial solutions department for

through all its processes. I think this is the global development

environmental site assessment and remediation works that

model to pursue, as it not only shifts from a linear economy

include off-site, on-site and in-situ treatment technologies.

that extracts, uses and disposes of resources, but it promotes reuse and recycling. China recently launched a regulation that

Veolia works with the main operators in Mexico including Grupo México and Goldcorp to optimize water and wastewater practices

prohibits import of material for recycling. As China was the biggest receptor of this material, countries now need to find other alternatives for disposing of their waste. This entails developing more infrastructure for waste management and recycling and modernizing existing facilities. So, if a material cannot be reused, at least it can be turned into energy. For example, EU countries estimate that China’s ban will represent an additional investment of €10 billion to convert

Q: How can you help miners optimize water and waste

its recycling facilities, so that is the challenge for local and

management while reducing environmental risk of hazardous

federal governments.

materials? A: Water management systems are fundamental in mine

Regarding the industrial sector, the circular economy

operations and permits for extracting water are ever more

demands companies have an extended responsibility

restrictive and careful, so companies are looking to seawater

approach to products. This means that after manufacturing

as an alternative for water sourcing. Tailings dams are also

a given product and delivering it to the supply chain or the

important to consider as rainwater generates leachates with

end consumer, companies believe their responsibility ends

high mineral concentrations. These liquids need to be treated

and have no obligation regarding what happens with the product in the future. This is shifting to reincorporating products into manufacturing processes after their useful life

Veolia Group is the global leader in optimized resource

ends. The industry must open space in its value chain to better

management. With nearly 169,000 employees worldwide,

use materials and waste. I believe that a circular economy

the group designs and provides water, waste and energy

approach should be driving the next administration's

management solutions

industrial agenda.



The last price downturn taught companies to be more

this data to make their production more efficient, he says.

prudent in their operations, especially when it comes

GE can help companies with its innovative products, such as

to investment in technology. With the sector entering a

the Digital Mine project for asset management that optimizes

positive phase, caution remains the rule that will shape the

processes in mining operations and increases productivity.

character of the rebound but which could also prove an

“We extract the data and analyze it,” Jáuregui says. “We

opportunity for innovative developers. “We are entering a

have a team of experts that then answers our customers’

new economic cycle, but this upturn will differ from others

questions online. GE takes the lead, with specialized experts

as it will be more measured given that producers are more

in our own industry.” The company is also using the industrial

aware of price-volatility permeating the industry,” says

internet to optimize performance through a set of learning

Andrés Jáuregui, Strategic Account Director of GE Mining

analytics that allow the development of innovative solutions

for Latin America.

and strategic planning.

The industrywide desire to continue reducing costs while

Along with the use of Big Data management, digital

optimizing production is broadening the sector’s embrace

technology has another key trend: Collision Avoidance

of the digital revolution. Companies are increasingly

Systems (CAS), says Jáuregui. This is important given the

releasing new technologies that can maximize operations

high accident rate in the mining industry and the demand

while at the same time reducing environmental liabilities

for high-quality products unaffected by human costs.

and increasing operational safety. One of the leaders in this

The company is betting on technology that can provide

transition, GE, whose history in mining spans electric drives

maximum productivity with reduced human harm while

for off-highway vehicles, water-treatment technologies and

complying with mining legislation for safety in operations.

innovative Digital Mine solutions, considers Mexico to be a key market thanks to the country’s principal role in the

The digital revolution is additionally creating a demand

region. But participating here is no easy feat.

for sustainable solutions such as water management. In Chile, for example, there are many operations in the

As one of the oldest industries in the world, miners have

Atacama Desert, where aquifers are protected by national

a way of doing things that are deeply embedded into

legislation. Due to the water-intensity of drilling activities,

their culture. But miners should also understand how new

Chilean miners were forced to pursue technology for

technology can improve their existing processes and provide

water desalination to gain access to the resource. Jáuregui

added value, Jáuregui says. This is what GE calls Discovered

predicts that stricter environmental legislation will require

Value Assessment (DVA), a method used to apply pilot

many operators in other countries around the world to

tests to an asset to give the client an opportunity to try

follow suit with these types of solutions.

the product and experience its benefits. “We work very closely and collaboratively with our customers to overcome

GE is developing sustainable solutions for the mining

resistance and understand their needs. We share with them

industry that address this trend, such as its new generation

how our technology can optimize their operations,” he says.

of LHD trucks fueled by lithium-ion batteries. This technology can replace diesel-fueled trucks, reduce the

The digital revolution has the potential to transform the

release of CO2 emissions and the resulting use of fans for

sector, not only in Mexico, but globally. Jáuregui believes

underground mines. “Our focus is to develop our technology

this transition bears a key question: how can miners use

jointly with our clients,” Jáuregui explains. “In Mexico there

operational information for Big Data connectivity? Mine

is great interest among our existing associates, including

operators often collect a wide range of information from their

Parts Service Supply and Cominsa, and we are also starting

different processes but they do not know how to integrate

conversations with other companies.”




International companies are usually much more preventive as they have to follow stricter global standards than those in Mexico.” Ugolino Durán, National Business Development Manager of Ftech

Durán says. “Tunnels also need fire protection and we can collaborate with companies to make sure these structures are protected.” He adds that the company sees a significant area of opportunity in the mining industry for fire protection as few businesses dedicate themselves to these matters although the issue is growing increasingly more important for mine operators. The company also offers training for various members of an operation, from mine managers to security guards. “The best prevention mechanism is making sure that everyone in the project has the skills to make the right decision when an emergency occurs,” he says. Ftech does not limit its


Mining can be a risky business not only in terms of capital

services to the mining industry and equally serves any kind

but also safety. Considering that operations run 24 hours

of market including hotels and skyscrapers. It is currently

a day and require the use of heavy machinery, Mexico’s

working with groups such as Grupo Posadas.

regulation may not be adequately guiding operations toward practices that assure prevention and safety, says

Durán explains that while Mexico may need to step up its

Ugolino Durán, National Business Development Manager

requirements in safety, insurance companies are helping

of Ftech. “The prioritization of safety is growing in Mexico

increase the standards of the sector by requiring mines

but not enough companies have access to the right

to follow strict norms not laid out by the law. “Insurance

information or are obligated to comply with the law,” he

providers play a big role in increasing the safety of

says. “International companies are usually much more

operations as they expect projects to follow specific norms,

preventive as they have to follow stricter global standards

especially if they are international.”

than those in Mexico.” While the Mexican mining industry may have its Ftech wants to change this by proving fire protection and

challenges in increasing its standards of safety, Ftech

safety does not have to be a burden. The company offers

emphasizes that this is a widespread issue not only in the

a wide variety of services and products such as smoke,

sector but in the country and Latin America. “Regulation

fire and gas detection and alarms, specialty extinguishing

in this region does not require companies to follow strict

and human fire safety protection. “We can provide the

safety practices. For example, very few kitchens or homes

mining industry suppression fire systems by installing the

have fire extinguishers,” Durán says. “It is not part of the

highest-quality carbon dioxide tanks into equipment,”

culture yet.”



Q: How did the operating license evolve into a social

the real impact the project will have and ensure you are

license for projects and how does ERM help in this regard?

using the right lines and language of communication. If this

A: I have been part of the ERM team for over 25 years, with

communication is carried out at early stages of the project,

involvement in social and environmental impact studies and

it is more probable that locals will be in favor of the project.

commercial transactions. One significant change I have witnessed in my time in the industry concerns the operating

Q: Why should mine operators have a social investment

license for projects, which used to be awarded according to

plan and what must it prioritize?

the law. Companies could obtain it as long as they complied

A: Mining companies must always seek a way to

with all the pertinent regulations, and the environmental

collaborate and generate benefits for local communities,

authorities were entitled to shut down mine operations for

which is often done through social investment plans. But

breaching these requirements. But today, the culture has

this plan must be drafted very carefully between the

changed and this license has become social. Operators

developer and stakeholders, to manage the community’s

are now concerned about the communities surrounding

expectations and to ensure the company does not end

their projects, as environmental and social awareness

up carrying out duties that should be the responsibility

issues have gained more relevance. Communities ensure

of the government or other parties. It is also important

that processes are carried out correctly and they have the

for this investment to be aligned with the real needs of

power to permit or block a project or production. So, the

the community, the municipal urban planning and the

first thing that a mining company has to do before staring

company’s investment guidelines. I think that this is one

a project is to understand the social and environmental

of the keys for the success of a mining project; companies

context in which it will be immersed. ERM carries out pre-

cannot just impose an investment if it does not answer

feasibility studies to analyze a project’s footprint, mapping

the needs of the community. For example, if a community

the environmental and social non-technical risks that they

needs schools it is not logical for the company to invest

will face. Identification of these risks at a preliminary stage

in building wells. It is paramount to have a real interaction

allows operators to better navigate them through the

with the players involved to understand what worries

proper mitigation measures at early stages.

them and which are their main needs. It is also necessary to identify which group the operation will benefit, as

Q: How can companies better navigate the social risks of

some segments of the population are more vulnerable

a mine operation?

than others. Pre-feasibility studies are key to achieving

A: To understand the social risks of a mining project it is

this understanding.

crucial not only to analyze the communities’ involvement in the territory that will be exploited, but also the current

I am convinced that for a project to succeed the social

uses of the land. Miners must plan the way in which they

context in which it will be developed must be understood,

will respect and better coexist with locals. The best way

along with the implied risks. This allows companies

to get the community’s support for a project is through

to understand how to tackle these risks and start a

effective communication. We believe that communication

communication process with the community to better

must take place at very early stages of the project. It is

inform them about how their worries will be addressed.

also key to carry out a stakeholder mapping on the area of interest, which will identify the main players and their real concerns. For example, one community may be worried

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) is a global

about the water use or air pollution. The reality is that

provider of environmental, health, safety and social consulting

mining processes are increasingly to be environmentally

services. With more than 160 offices in over 40 countries and

friendly, but it is necessary to inform the community about

territories, ERM employs 4,500 people




Q: What added value can ISI offer the mining industry

revolves around the mine, from contractors to transportation

in Mexico?

services. There is no magic solution and all companies need

A: Our company differentiates itself by having a background

to invest time in this step.

in engineering and not only in social matters. This allows us


to talk the same language as CEOs and Directors General

Q: What strategies does your company use to prove the

and to turn plans into a series of concrete actions while

ROI on risk mitigation in CSR?

simultaneously understanding the needs of the social sector.

A: Measuring the cost of conflict is complicated, especially

ISI can provide the best techniques in project management,

within projects that have not clearly identified their social and

which is a crucial element in CSR as many social aspects

environmental risks. We show companies that prioritization

are much easier in theory than in practice.

of social issues within their project management is the best way to maintain the reputation of a brand and avoid closures

Our experience in engineering also makes us accountable for

or blockades. Our company also prioritizes the idea of shared

our promises as we can lay out our ideas with a fixed budget,

value wherein companies can increase competitiveness

benchmarks and goals, in the same way our clients lay out

by solving societal issues. The trick is to identify areas of

their production outline for the year. Our methodological

opportunity to achieve this across the entire supply chain. It

framework is well-accepted by business leaders as we include

is not only social issues. More and more people are becoming

tangible metrics that enable them to follow and understand

aware of the environment and the dangers of climate change.

what we are doing. If we did not do this, companies would

This is pushing companies to invest in sustainability to avoid

not understand why we want to execute campaigns such as

putting their brand at risk.

educational or sustainability programs. Q: What are the biggest challenges mining companies face Q: How can mining operators develop a more holistic

when it comes to balancing productivity and CSR?

approach to social and environmental risk mitigation?

A: Many companies are under pressure to move projects

A: Companies need to make sure that they have a clearly

from development to production in a short timeframe while

defined plan of action for social and environmental risk

maintaining low costs and high quality. In an ideal world,

mitigation to avoid undesired surprises. Sometimes operators

they would take the time to connect with local suppliers

leave it to their public relations team to talk to communities

that offer more cost-effective services than multinational

without truly understanding their needs. Many mine managers

companies and also regional expertise while providing

also tend to overlook the importance of the relationship

an economic boost for the surrounding communities.

between the surrounding communities and the project when

But companies often choose international suppliers they

CSR should be an integrated part of the work culture to ensure

are familiar with to save time. Contractors have the best

responsible actions. The most important step is identifying all

potential for facilitating this process by connecting projects

the ways a project will impact the environment and the people

with companies that can meet their needs from those

who are close to the mine, which implies everything from

specialized in transportation to materials.

noise pollution to the use of scarce resources such as water. This step also needs to consider the entire supply chain that

The industry is also faced with the conundrum of having to take care of the environment while at the same time extracting resources. People need to realize that mining is

Intelligent Social Investment (ISI) is a global consultancy

a necessity for the world economy and that technological

present in Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru. It offers

advances are being fed by a supply of minerals. The solution

methodologies for due diligence, risk management strategies,

is to find a balance between the environment, operations

investment protection and achievement of social license

and demand for these resources.



Managing social matters is key for the success of mining

tradition in northern states like Chihuahua, Sonora and

projects but can all projects have a social license? Marvin

Durango. “The difficulty often lies in tropical areas with

Rosales, Country Manager Mexico of environmental

large indigenous populations, which we believe are the most

consultancy CTA, believes the answer is no. “The greatest failure in Mexican mine operations is that companies do not address social issues from the exploration phase,” he says. “Not every mining project will have a social license, but even in the mining regions with the most opposition to projects it is possible to have projects developed through a sociallyfocused plan,” he says. Unfortunately, Rosales says many operators decide to ignore local communities until the project is profitable and worthy of development. “When companies eventually decide to acknowledge local communities, they are already offended

conflicted with the mining industry in Latin America,” he says.

It is easy for indigenous communities to be opposed to mining companies as they can perceive mine operations as a foreign invasion”

and opposed to the project,” he says. “Miners often face social obstacles that could have been managed from the beginning.”

NGO’s often find in indigenous communities a far-reaching sentiment. “I think there is a sense of animosity that dates

In approaching locals from the outset, it is crucial to establish

back to the Spanish conquest,” he says. “So, it is easy for

an orderly plan of what is to be offered to the communities

indigenous communities to be opposed to mining companies

throughout the whole mine cycle. For example, Rosales

as they can perceive mine operations as a foreign invasion

explains that geologists usually promise certain things to the

intended to take away their resources.” To better tackle this

community that the operator ignores. But regardless of who

issue and foster mining activity, he says it is crucial for local

promised what, locals will expect this promise to be fulfilled

governments to intervene along with mining companies in

and failing to do so could damage the social relationship.

addressing social matters. “Governments should have a specialized department to oversee the relationship between

CTA strives to prevent this from happening by making the

local communities and mining companies,” he says. “This

initial approach to local communities and gathering the

department should aim to inform communities about the

required data to create a fitting social plan. “This implies

industry and the benefits it yields.”

having regular meetings with locals to explain the project, the people involved on it and the processes they have to

To get communities on side, he says miners can also make

follow for asking clarification or giving feedback about the

extra effort not to damage local resources. He suggests

project,” he explains. CTA conducts its assessment with a

governments work from a regulatory front to enhance mining

highly-qualified staff that has extensive experience in the

performance. “We have seen that Mexico’s mining norms

industry. “Our industry expertise is broad as 90 percent of our

are lagging as they are scarcely updated due to political

clients and cases are specialized in mining,” he says. CTA has

processes,” he says. For example, laboratory provisions follow

collaborated in Mexico with Goldcorp, Coeur Mining, Minera

EPA’s standards but at a slower pace. CTA has an ISO17025

Frisco, Fresnillo and Agnico Eagle, to mention a few.

certified laboratory operating in Guatemala and outsources mainly to Canada and the US to process its samples taken in

Due to this expertise, Rosales says the central and southern

Mexico. “I advise operators to carefully vet laboratories that

regions of Mexico are the most complicated for obtaining

comply with international standards to guarantee high quality

social licenses, normally because there is a strong mining

of their reports,” he says.




INFRASTRUCTURE, JOBS AND EDUCATION: THE LEGACY OF MINING FOR SAN JOSE DEL PROGRESO Besides extracting mineral wealth, the fruits of the industry are also felt by locals who benefit from the significant economic spillover that can make a community flourish. Such is the case of San Jose del Progreso, an isolated municipality in Oaxaca, where Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán has had operations since 2010. Part of Fortuna Silver Mines, the company’s efforts to give back to the area where it operates have contributed to strengthening the social tissue through infrastructure, education and social programs. In the first seven years of operation of the San José mine, the investment in the community exceeded MX$120 million. 315

Education is at the core of the social programs promoted by the company. So far, 60 scholarships have been granted and more than 600 students receive sponsorships for school supplies. But the focus is not only on enlightening the youth, as education programs also target the elderly. According to INEGI, the rate of high school enrollment increased by 6.8 percent to 10.3 percent in 2015 from 3.5 percent in 2010. The education programs are aligned with the development of better infrastructure. Minera Cuzcatlán built the Communitarian Childs Home and contributed the roofing of the preschool institutions in Maguey Largo, El Cuajilote and San Jose la Garzona. It also donated the land for the expansion of the San José de Progreso’s local school. In line with the community’s need for enhanced infrastructure, several churches are being built and rehabilitated. In 2016, a network for sewage and drinking water supply was developed across 2.5km on the main streets of the area. SEDESOL’s numbers report the impact these investments have had. The rate of families without safe water services in San Jose del Progreso decreased to 58 percent in 2015 from 88 percent in 2010, benefiting 480 families. Vulnerable families are also given the benefit of improving their residences through the donation of construction materials. With more than 1,500 actions up to date, this program’s success has decreased the number of families living on a soil floor by 10 percent. To improve the quality of living, health facilities were also built in several localities, such as Vasquez and Cuajilote.


HELPING COMPANIES REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE WATER LARRY DE LA TORRE Vice President of International Sales at C&C Tsurumi Pump Mexico


Q: What problems are companies facing when it comes to

Q: How are your pumps different from those of other

water management in mines and how can you help?


A: Companies spend billions of dollars in water management

A: Our main added value in the mining sector is the ability of

and there are additional processes that are starting to be a

our pumps to outlast others in the industry. Durability is an

requirement for operations. Incorporating water recycling

important matter in mines. Tsurumi entered the Mexican market

processes is particularly important in underground mines as

35 years ago and quickly became the preferred distributor in

effective dewatering of tunnels can be the difference between

the country. Companies were not used to Japanese products

life and death for workers. We are continuing to work with

and we had to gain the trust of the mining industry. Little by

Industrias PeĂąoles and Fresnillo to map ways to make mine

little, mines started to replace their traditional pumps with

operations safer through water management.

ours. The industry trusts our durability and that our equipment can withstand extreme circumstances. Other pumps in the market are surprisingly more expensive than ours and do not

Tsurumi Pump has a vast range of submersible pumps

compare in quality. This is a big advantage for us. We cover

engineered to withstand the most rugged mining and industrial

40 percent of the water pump market in Mexico and we want

applications. Many of its pumps are interchangeable so that

to expand even more. We work mostly with gold and silver

companies can achieve high head and volume within minutes

companies and some copper producers.



Q: Why should companies prioritize social matters in

any sign of a conflict can end in blockades later on even if

mining projects?

an agreement is signed between both parties.

A: Companies should treat the communities they are renting or buying land from as investors. Maintaining a good relationship

We are a small firm that not only employs lawyers but also

with surrounding communities is a crucial way to guarantee

economists and social workers, which helps guarantee

the future of the project. This is especially important in Mexico,

the legal certainty of projects. The firm has a presence in

as the country’s constitution places international norms over

Guerrero with Torex Gold, Durango with Excellon Resources

federal law, which means that a human rights violation could

and in several projects throughout the country owned by

have repercussions not only at the federal level but also with

Industrias PeĂąoles.

the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Q: What social and land conflicts does the mining industry These types of consequences can be avoided by being

face in Guerrero and how do you help your clients

clear with the surrounding communities about the project

overcome these?

from the very beginning. They need to know exactly what

A: Guerrero has a great deal of potential when it comes to

they will receive and what they will have to give as well.

the mining industry but it must provide a higher level of legal

Conflict resolution is our most demanded service and our

certainty to attract more projects. During the 16th century,

main added value. We do not only facilitate access to land

the conquistadores decided to explore the land that would

but we also help clear up misunderstandings and blockades

eventually become the state of Guerrero because it was one

among other issues. Grupo GAP solves these problems by

of biggest gold-producing regions at that time.

litigating and stopping blockades as quickly as possible. Blocked operations not only cost companies thousands of

We helped Torex Gold start a project in 2011 and the

dollars, they also damage the environment because tailings

challenges were incredible. We faced continuous issues with

and waste can start to build up.

organized crime due to the location of the project. We had to establish a strong relationship with community leaders

Q: How does Grupo GAP differentiate itself from the

and make sure they understood we are not affiliated with

rising number of competitors entering the Mexican

the government. We created a new neighborhood for 120

mining industry?

families with churches, schools and more. In the end we

A: Our expertise is one of our biggest differentiators. During

were able to start the project.

a crisis, other law firms that are not specialized in mining often start to offer services to the industry but they cannot

These types of projects can show that in Guerrero it is possible

compete with our 20-year experience in the sector. We

to do business without getting involved in illicit activities.

also find that many of our competitors give advice from

Mining projects can generate employment and development

their offices without ever visiting the site, which can be a

in many areas, with the potential to change the economy

problem in social matters. When dealing with surrounding

of the state. Since we started to work in Guerrero, we have

communities, it is important to be able to perfectly

noticed that the government has become a lot more open to

combine the law with negotiations to ensure complete

the mining industry, viewing us as an ally instead of an enemy.

harmony. Other firms just send the agreements to be signed whereas we go to the field and directly get to know these communities until we can make an agreement. We also draft

Grupo GAP offers legal and social advice for mining, energy

the agreements on the spot with the communities to make

and oil projects in Mexico. It specializes in resolving conflicts

sure there are no doubts about the clauses. Sometimes this

related to land access and usage and agrarian issues, in

process can take several months but it is worth doing as

particular communication with ejido communities




The imposition of special taxes at the federal level has been much criticized by industry leaders. In the midst of all the disagreement the Mining Trust Fund stands as one of the initiatives addressing industry need to bring mining wealth to its local communities. But these funds are not easy to administer, as their distribution can end up creating more social conflict if not managed with utmost transparency. Industry leaders, from operators to international intergovernmental institutions, share their perspective on how the Mining Trust Fund can be better managed by both the industry and the government.

Centralized mechanisms for fund distributions are very difficult to implement as it is hard to please everyone. We support these initiatives but we have seen that using them adequately is not an easy task. The funds need to be used in a very transparent manner and authorities need to make sure that they are investing in projects that 318

support the wellbeing of communities. Peru, for instance, transfers 50 percent of the revenues it receives from the mining industry to surrounding communities but the

PAULO DE SA Former Practice Manager, Extractive Industries Unit at the World Bank

government was not properly overseeing its use. This meant that municipal leaders were investing in the wrong type of projects and cases of corruption arose. These initiatives are meant to eliminate conflict between authorities and communities but they can sometimes end up causing more problems than they were meant to solve.

The reality is that the adequate use of the Mining Fund lies in the hands of the governments. Authorities must prioritize the appropriate use of the funds. We have been receiving capital from the fund since 2014 and have been investing it directly into the communities. Our state has used 100 percent of the funds because we prioritize its fast use to make sure it is being directed to the right areas. The use of the fund is clearly indicated by the law and divided into several priority segments,

RAMĂ“N DĂ VILA Minister of Economy of the State of Durango

such as health, highways and education. The trick is to collaborate with mining companies and communities to identify the main necessities and avoid just meeting the needs of municipal leaders. A leader may believe a park is the most important project but the community may be more in need of water infrastructure. Constant communication clears up these doubts.

We understand that some companies do not pay the tax, but we do because this is the law of the land. The fact that other parties do not contribute means that when infrastructure is built, it is not clear who was the source of the funding. We see the infrastructure being built and the funds being distributed. We are happy that we can see some benefits from our taxes going back into the communities, but I would say that we generally prefer more direct company involvement in the process. This

DARREN BLASUTTI President and CEO of Americas Silver Corporation

would be the most efficient way to ensure that the impacted communities receive the greatest benefit from the applicable companies.

Operators are now concerned about the communities surrounding their projects, as environmental and social awareness issues have gained more relevance. Communities ensure that processes are carried out correctly since they have the power to permit or block a project and/or production. So, the first thing that a mining company has to do before staring a project is to understand the social and environmental context in which it will be immersed. To design an efficient investment plan that will benefit locals, it is key to identify the communities affected by mine operations and their most pressing needs. I believe that the industry needs to map these players to better analyze what they require the most in terms of infrastructure or health and sanitation

PAOLA ROMERO Partner at Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

services. In this way, the industry can really comprehend the social footprint it has in the country and how it can be more efficient in mitigating it.

There is a fundamental problem with the Mining Fund. We only started paying into it last year but not one peso has been returned so far, and only about one third of the money we pay will come back to Guerrero. And in a state as poor as Guerrero, this is not understood. The communities do not look to the government for assistance; 319

they look to the company. We are the ones that are present and available, so they look to us. We have to explain to them that we have paid a heavy tax and cannot explain why this money has not be returned by the authorities for their benefit. There are recent signs that the Mining Fund is going to approve some projects, which will

FRED STANFORD President and CEO of Torex Gold

be a positive thing for the communities.

We ensure an open dialogue with surrounding communities to understand what their needs are and how we can help them achieve their goals. We fund these programs along with the taxes we pay into the Mining Fund. Through these dialogues, we have realized there are two main factors that communities want us to focus on: training and employment. The company prioritizes these elements along with scholarships and normal festivities within these communities.

GODFREY WALTON President and COO of Endeavour Silver

I have seen how important it is to reinvest in the local communities. It is crucial to monitor that royalties really go to the people and not to the central government. If they do not see this investment, it will become a problem for the industry. It is also key to consider how local authorities administer these resources. Often, they do not know how to manage big influxes of money and the funds may end up being lost due to corruption, bad investment or just lack of action. I think the better practice is to let mining companies directly help communities spend the funds on what is most needed, such as building roads, hospitals or schools.

GILBERTO DOMĂ?NGUEZ Vice President and Senior Executive Engineer of Knight PiĂŠsold

View of Zacatecas



On the road to legal certainty, operators have had to maneuver speed bumps as unforeseen events can jeopardize the smooth running of the industry. Peùa Nieto’s administration entered the country during the mining sector’s peak, with gold prices breaking the US$1,800/oz mark. So, authorities found it timely to start implementing new royalties, known as the Special Mining Taxes.

Unfortunately, by the time a 7.5 percent tax on mining production and a 0.5 percent additional tax on gold, silver and platinum operations were approved in 2014, mining companies faced a steep drop in gold prices to US$1,143/oz and silver was hovering around the US$20/oz mark. Exploration too is held back as regulatory changes forbid companies from deducting pre-operative expenses incurred until after 10 years.

The nuances and complexities of Mexican mining law are addressed by top legal experts, companies and public-sector authorities throughout this chapter. Best practices and insight into strategic regulatory risk-management techniques will also be shared by executives from the leading mining companies dealing with these topics on a daily basis.



ANALYSIS: Calls Grow to Make Mining Policy More Attractive


INSIGHT: Héctor Herrera, Haynes and Boone

Jorge Sánchez, Haynes and Boone


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Torres Landa, Hogan Lovells


INFOGRAPHIC: The Mining Fiscal Requirements in Review


INSIGHT: Jorge Ruíz, Baker McKenzie


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Laura Díaz, DBR Abogados


INSIGHT: Alfonso Rodríguez-Arana, Legalmex


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Enrique Rodríguez del Bosque, RB Abogados


INSIGHT: Mariano Calderón, Santamarina + Steta


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joel Gonzalez, ALN Abogados


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alberto Vázquez, VHG Servicios Legales


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Pavón, The National Union of Miners and Metallurgists (SNMM)


INSIGHT: Adolfo Calatayud, PwC


INSIGHT: Alfredo Álvarez, EY


ROUNDTABLE: What are the Best Practices for Efficiently Navigating Mining Policies?



CALLS GROW TO MAKE MINING POLICY MORE ATTRACTIVE One of the main bumps foreign investors find on the road to a new business environment is national regulation and the legal system related to mining in Mexico is certainly complex. Often hindering investment, the industry calls for its simplification In 2005, the Mexican mining law was amended to

which is good, but some of the processes are still too

simplify the process of obtaining mining concessions


by merging the exploitation and exploration schemes.


Despite the improvements, many believe procedures

The country’s mining potential is undeniable. It is the largest

are still too complex and that the country needs greater

silver producer in the world, the second-largest economy

legal dynamism and a simplified legal framework. “Mexico

in Latin America and has more than 500 years of mining

continues to fall in the Fraser Institute’s rankings of

history. According to CAMIMEX, the industry created 16,854

mining-friendly jurisdictions. It used to score in the top

new jobs in 2017, employing a total of 371,556 direct staff,

quarter of many metrics but is now near the middle or

with 32 percent higher wages than the national average.

lower,” says Jason Reiner, President and CEO of Gold

“The authorities should acknowledge that the mining

Resource Corporation. “This is not a good trend and

industry has been vital for Mexico for the last 500 years

reflects the increased difficulties that mine operators

and it is one of the country’s most important industries,”

face regarding security and tax issues in the country.

says Alberto Vázquez, Senior Partner of VHG Abogados.

Companies want a stable government, business-friendly policies, local support, reasonable taxes and less


bureaucracy rather than more. But the trend in Mexico is

It is difficult for the law to develop at the industry’s pace.

not going in a favorable direction.”

Today, technology has evolved to the point that many activities have a much lower-impact. But the law does

The country dropped from the 11th-most attractive

not take this into account. “I would prefer the authorities

investment destination in 2011 to 44th in 2017, according

expedite processing for man-portable drilling, which lets

to the Fraser Institute Survey. Investment in Mexico’s

companies drill more quickly and with less impact on the

mining sector in 2017 reached just US$4.3 billion, a far

surrounding areas,” says Minaurum’s Jones. He says the

cry from the US$8.04 billion registered just five years

permit required to install a man-portable drill is often just

earlier. “This shows us that something is definitely wrong.

as burdensome as creating a road access.

The situation illustrates that it is necessary to revise the country’s fiscal framework in terms of mining,” says

To address this issue, Gardea believes that the mining law

Sergio Almazán, Director General of CAMIMEX.

needs to evolve hand-in-hand with technological innovation to create a framework that reflects the latest developments.

Investment in Mexico’s mining sector in 2017 reached just US$4.3 billion, a far cry from the US$8.04 billion registered just five years earlier

“Lawmakers need to remain up-to-date on industry innovation to provide investors the judicial certainty to keep betting on Mexico,” he says. Jones also encourages an urgent review of the existing regulations. “The authorities need to make distinctions to make processes easier,” he says. “The regulations could be revised to encourage lowimpact activities.”



Legislation in the mining industry is a main concern among

The lack of centralized institutions overseeing the whole

insiders, who point to this as the culprit for the drop in the

industry is another big bump in the road. The Mining

country’s investment attractiveness. “I think the complicated

Undersecretariat was established at the end of 2017 to better

legal framework is undermining our country’s competitivity

integrate regulatory matters related to mining. But the industry

and productivity,” says Gerardo Gardea, Director General of

still relies on multiple institutions due to transversally-applying

Delta Solutions. David Jones, Director of Minaurum Gold,

laws, including but not limited to those for water use, labor,

agrees. “In terms of the regulatory aspects, I think Mexico

firearms and explosives, ecological balance and environmental

is moving toward being more careful regarding oversight,

protection. This means miners must not only deal with the










































Western Australia












Northern Ireland




































Source: The Fraser Institute

Mining Undersecretariat but also with CONAGUA for water-

investment, according to Almazán. The new tax burdens

related issues, SEMARNAT for environmental permitting and

levied on the industry by the Fiscal Reform mean mining

The Ministry of Defense for explosives permissions.

in Mexico is becoming costlier. “New taxes, the lack of juridical certainty and the lack of security have become

The Undersecretariat recognizes the hurdles faced by miners

very dissuasive factors for investment in Mexico,” he says.

and acknowledges that unifying regulatory and public efforts can be the first step. “The growing investment in the mining

Felipe Rivera, Industry Business and Process Automation

sector is demanding that we increase our institutional

Hub Leader for Mexico and Central America of Schneider

capacity to provide better and easier ways for local and

Electric Systems agrees that more should be done to

foreign investors in their projects,” says Mario Alfonso Cantú,

attract investment to the industry. “We must strive for

Undersecretary of Mining at the Ministry of Economy.

a more profitable but friendly tax structure that fosters foreign investment in the industry,” he says. “Regulations

The creation of a Ministry of Mining to oversee all industry

for resources management and land ownership are too

matters is being discussed as a possibility for the upcoming

complex to attract investment. I would ask (the new

administration to boost the industry. But while creating a

administration) for an improvement in this regard as there

ministry dedicated to mining could improve its institutional

is much that can be done.”

effectiveness, it would also imply a huge allocation of public resources. Instead, Vázquez proposes changing mining’s


institutional dependency so that it no longer relies on

Uncertainty over the election outcome may have

the Ministry Economy but on the Ministry of Energy. “The

cleared after López Obrador and the MORENA party

mining sector should not be part of the Ministry of Economy

won a landslide victory with 53.5 percent of the vote,

as it is essentially part of the energy sector,” he says. “I

effectively ending the PAN-PRI presidential duopoly. But

believe that if the mining authorities came from the Ministry

his particular policies regarding mining are still unclear.

of Energy, communication would be much more fluid.”

As the industry holds its breath, waiting to see what institutional, fiscal and regulatory revisions will be made,

Vázquez says that public officers overseeing mining matters

industry leaders to agree that the key to policy success

should also have a deep understanding of the industry’s

in mining is long-term planning to complement the long-

technical dynamics, rather than just the economic factors.

term nature of the industry. “What we need is a policy that

“It is key to have government representatives for the

lays out the investment, the promotion and the objectives

industry who are committed to the sector,” he says. “We

over the course of 10, 20 or 50 years,” says Almazán.

must have officials who comply with the law and understand

“A long-term mining vision is essential for the industry’s

the nuances and importance of mining in Mexico.”

survival.” Susana Corella, Federal Deputy for Sonora and Head of the Special Mining Commission for the Federal


Government of Mexico, agrees. “It is necessary to create

An institutional and legal revision of the mining regulations

conditions that provide investments greater certainty,

should also consider the fiscal component. But in Mexico

and this includes federal and state-level mining-related

taxes are precisely one of the main hurdles to fostering

legislation,” she says.





Jorge Sánchez Partner at Haynes and Boone

Geopolitical volatility can be both a blessing and a curse:

To protect investors from the risks associated with a

it can lead to higher gold prices while an event like the

new presidential term, the Peña Nieto administration is

Mexican presidential elections could swing policy against an

incorporating the country into the International Centre for

industry such as mining and players must weigh their options.

Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), an international

“Volatility around the world is benefiting metal prices as well

arbitration institution for legal dispute resolution and

as funds in various stock exchanges,” says Héctor Herrera,

conciliation for global investors. According to Sánchez,

Partner at Haynes and Boone. “However, the country also

this tool will help investors protect themselves against any

needs to take into consideration the impacts of the 2018

attempts by the government to implement laws that are

presidential elections on investment and the exploitation of

unconstitutional. “Investors can use ICSID in Mexican courts to

mineral resources in Mexico.”

protect their investments and this will help retain investment in the country in case of volatility,” he explains. “It also protects

The wildcard Andrés Manuel López Obrador from MORENA, or AMLO as he is more commonly known, sailed to victory on July 1 with 53 percent of the vote. Despite his unequivocal win, the effects of his leadership on the mining industry are much less clear. “He has not announced a stance on the mining industry but clues can be derived from his nationalistic outlook on hydrocarbons,” says Sánchez. “His view on oil could easily spill over to the mining industry. He has publicly stated his intentions of controlling natural resources and reviewing the concessions that have been granted to oil companies.” The lawyers believe nationalizing natural resources in the country would be a grave error and this would be the least favorable scenario for the mining and hydrocarbons industry.

the country against any negative consequence from the NAFTA renegotiations.”

AMLO has not announced a stance on the mining industry but clues can be derived from his nationalistic outlook on hydrocarbons” Jorge Sánchez Partner at Haynes and Boone

The entrance of a left-wing presidential candidate could also imply a shift of power among nonprofit organizations in the

Overall, the partners say the law firm’s clients are positive

country. “Many nonprofit organizations have political interests

about the growth of the industry in Mexico but are concerned

that are not related to environmental and social concerns,”

about the political aspects of the country. To establish a

says Sánchez. “Left-wing parties have historically given leeway

healthier mining industry, the partners recommend creating

to these types of organization. In effect, a left-wing president

more fiscal equality between the mining sector and other

would give them more influence and visibility.”

industries. “The mining industry faces some of the strictest and highest fiscal requirements at a municipal, state and

He says this can be seen through PRD’s frequent attempts

federal level in comparison to other sectors,” says Herrera.

to implement mining law reforms that tie the granting of concessions to the completion of environmental studies

Along with legal inequality, mining companies also struggle

and social licenses. In Sánchez’s opinion, it is absurd to ask

to access capital, which is creating a reliance on international

companies to invest in these types of concessions before they

banks. “The financial schemes that are offered by national

can ensure the availability of the land. “These kinds of laws

banks such as FIFOMI do not fit the needs of junior mining

have been tried and tested in many other countries and have

companies,” Herrera says. “They often request details such as

failed because it is impossible to condition investment on

the property size when companies are still in the process of

environmental and social approval,” he says.

finding the capital to acquire land in the first place.”



Q: What aspects of the Mexican mining legal framework

A: Labor issues are critical as there are cases of disruptions and

should be changed to increase the country’s attractiveness

issues in this matter throughout the industry. The government

to investors?

should emphasize that as long as mining companies comply

A: One factor that is not usually related to the regulatory

with employment regulations, union leaders should not be

framework but has a strong impact on the industry is

allowed to extort those companies. I believe there must be

security. Mining companies not only must include Mexican

intra-agency cooperation on a federal level, perhaps a joint

taxes in their budgets but also security factors. As mine

agency between the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry

operations are often located in isolated places and have

of Labor, to work on these issues. A more visible and public

limited communication, they are more vulnerable to

approach can show that the government is aware of the issues

organized crime. This makes their spending budget grow

and is working to prevent more disputes from arising. It should

significantly in comparison to what they would spend in

not tolerate any parties seeking to profit from creating conflict

more secure jurisdictions. The government definitely has

within the mining industry, as it is key for development,

to do something about security, which is a very delicate

taxation and employment creation. It is a matter of public

topic as organized crime has incredible economic support

policy to make sure that those companies can operate in a

based on revenue from drug prohibition-related activities.

stable environment.

The only meaningful way to change the current trend is to end drug prohibition. The government must take

Q: What would be your advice to companies seeking to

full regulatory control and thus significantly reduce the

secure mining concessions in Mexico?

ability of organized crime to undermine the security of

A: Due diligence is key for a safe and profitable investment.

mining, other industries and the population in general.

Money invested in carrying out a sophisticated analysis is money well spent. Finding a problem after initiating

Q: What strategies can the industry use to mitigate the

exploration is 10 times more expensive than preventing it

risks of higher tax rates in the mining sector?

beforehand. Being prepared also implies being mindful of

A: The first step is to try to prevent tax proposals, such as

the local communities, how they live and the impact the

the one implemented in Zacatecas, from moving forward.

operations may have on their way of living. An environmental

When these types of bills are enacted, there are several

impact statement is an equally fundamental element for

resources available that operators can use to combat

mine operations. These statements have become more

them, such as amparos. There are two legal windows:

sophisticated with time, as mining developments are

one when the law is enacted and the second when it

considered projects with a high environmental impact. These

is actually applied. It gets very technical because often

studies must be meticulous and comprehensive in determining

those two stages start at the same time. This is called

if the operation is open-pit or underground and what impact

autoaplicativas and means that the law is automatically

it could have on fauna, flora and water basins, among other

applied to a business just by being enacted. Companies

elements. Water treatment and recycling is critical as mining

must be careful to file the amparos at the right time or

is often carried out in areas where water is scarce. I find that

they will miss the opportunity to raise objections. Failure

with greater technological tools, mining activities now tend

to file an objection within the correct window means that

to have a completely balanced use of water.

they are automatically considered to consent and no longer have the chance to challenge the constitutionality of the law.

Hogan Lovells is an international law firm that has a sophisticated team with a deep knowledge of the local market.

Q: How would you describe the main legal issues companies

Together, they specialize in various industries, including energy

face when it comes to human capital?

and natural resources, infrastructure and transportation



THE MINING FISCAL REQUIREMENTS IN REVIEW The Fiscal Reform specifies that mining companies must pay

prices and the new fiscal requirements have companies

to hold the rights for their extractive activities. New taxes

prioritizing their investments. Miners subsequently called

brought the promise that 77.5 percent of the funds levied

for the government to strive for fiscal policies that will foster

would be distributed among mining states to improve life

investment and exploration with a long-term view, considering

quality among mining communities. The volatility of metal

the importance of mining for Mexico’s economic performance.

ZACATECAS ECOLOGICAL TAXES In December 2016, Zacatecas state Governor announced green taxes on all extractive and highly-contaminating


activities in the state. The tax came into effect in January 2017 but was contested by various industries, mining chief among them. Some miners complied and paid

MX$2.85 trillion 328

the taxes, while others filed amparos questioning its constitutionality. President Peña Nieto escalated the case to the SCJN. The government of Zacatecas is still in negotiations with the main industries affected.

55.16% Income taxes (ISR) 28.58% Value-added taxes (VAT) 16.25% Other taxes



Environmental remediation tax on materials production

Charge for each m3 of extracted material during the mining process.

Tax on emissions of pollutants to the soil, subsoil and water

Charge of MXN$25 for each 100m2 impacted by dangerous substances.


Tax on gas emissions into the atmosphere

Charge of MX$250 for each ton of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

97.2% Extractive

Tax on the disposal of waste

Charge of MX$100 for each stored ton of waste in private or public landfills.



2.8% Mining*

billion in total


MX$13.25 billion


62.5% Non-tax revenues 37.5% Tax revenues MINING NATIONAL NET COLLECTION 2017 (MX$ million) Mining*







Income taxes (ISR)



Value-Added Taxes (VAT)



Production and Services







Total GDP contributions Non-tax revenues Tax revenues

Foreign trade Other taxes

30% corporate income tax (CIT) rate

Withholding taxes royalties

25% for know-how and technical assistance (10% under most tax treaties)


Not applicable


10% withholding tax (0% or 5% under some tax treaties)


Total tax in mining and extractive industries


Corporate income

• 4.9% paid to banks resident in a treaty country and by certain registered financial entities

*Metal and non-metal minerals. Except O&G, mining related services and other non-specified mining services

• 10% paid on negotiable instruments and to banks not resident in a treaty country • 21% paid on qualified acquisitions of machinery and equipment • 35% of other interest paid • 15% paid to reinsurance companies (These rates may be reduced to 15% or 10% under most tax treaties)


Since 2012, mining companies have invested US$51.1 billion in Mexico, according to CAMIMEX. With the same amount of money, it is possible to:

Build 5.6 NAIMs

Pay for the Sochi Winter Olympics

Buy 511 Boeing 757 single‑aisle jets


FISCAL REGIME Mexico does not have a tax holiday regimen, nor has it

Depreciation of assets

provided exploration incentives since 2014. As of January

Taxpayers are generally required to depreciate the cost of

2017, VAT paid during pre-operative period is creditable

fixed assets using the straight-line method. The depreciation

or refunded. Here the most relevant things to know about

deduction is adjusted for inflation from the date of

mining and taxes, explained by EY.

acquisition until the date of the deduction.

Corporate income tax

Research and development

Mexico taxes resident companies 30 percent on worldwide

A tax incentive will be granted, consisting of a 30 percent

earnings. A permanent establishment (PE) of a foreign

credit on expenses and investments made in R&D of

resident is generally taxed equally as a Mexican resident

technologies applicable against Corporate Income Tax

but only on income attributable to the PE.

payable in the fiscal year.

Pre-operating expenses

Royalties and technical assistance fees

Must be capitalized and amortized on a straight-

Withholding tax is due on royalty payments to nonresidents

line basis over a 10-year period (a longer period for

at the earlier of the date they are paid or when they become

amortization of costs is possible). Pre-operating period

due and payable. Its general rate for royalties is 25 percent,

lasts until products are sold or services are provided on

and 10 percent under most tax treaties. If royalty recipient

a continuous basis.

is subject to preferential tax regime, the rate is 40 percent.

MINING DUTIES General mining duty

Special mining duty

Mining concession holders shall pay it semiannually per

Shall be paid by mining concession holders by applying

assigned hectare (it varies depending on the size and the

7.5 percent over the extractive profits. Holders can deduct

timing of the concession)

authorized expenses for income tax purposes, except for depreciation of investments.

Extraordinary mining duty Applicable on the gross value of sales of gold, silver and

Additional mining duty

platinum, without any deductions, at a rate of 0.5 percent.

A penalty is applied when a concession is not developed.

Sources: CAMIMEX 2018 Annual Report, EY Mexico Mining and Metals Tax Guide 2017




At the core of the well-structured Mexican mining legal

like ejidos. “The regulation in terms of access to mining

framework stands the process for securing mineral rights.

operations is comprehensive but I believe ejidos are

Despite the framework’s efficiency, Jorge Ruíz, Partner

the most troublesome aspect, as we often do not fully

at Baker McKenzie, says the framework is hindered by

understand what certain properties may mean to local

environmental concerns, property rights and the mining

communities,” Ruíz says. Labor laws are equally important

royalty. “Miners increasingly need to consider additional

elements that need to be prioritized in legal frameworks,

elements that revolve around it, such as real estate laws

he adds. “Without the human factor and the workers

that play a large role in the equation.”

dedicated to the mining industry it would be impossible to do anything, even with the development of robots.”

The process for obtaining a mining concession is clear, making venturing into Mexican mining more attractive to

These new technologies, pressure from environmentalists

foreign investors. “The laws behind the core regulatory

and a growing awareness about the pollution of land

aspects of mining, which entitle firms to mineral rights,

and water are pushing mining practices to become more

known as mining concessions, are quite organized and

sustainable. Ruíz says companies with mining concessions

legally upheld by different authorities here and abroad,” Ruíz

must consider the need to dip into their pockets. “Always

says. “The process to secure them is clear and to a certain

keep in mind that green actions need to go hand-in-hand

degree, transparent and efficient.” Once a concession has

with another green element, which is money,” he says.

been acquired, it is easy to convey or transfer mineral rights

“Projects need to be developed with these two things in

that belong to the Mexican state, as everything that is in the

mind.” Despite the growth of green mining practices, he

ground is the property of the nation. It can then be loaned to

says legal regulation on this matter continues to stagnate.

an individual, a company or another entity and proceed to be

This has driven the majors in certain municipalities to

recorded on a federal registry that is easy to consult online.

encourage green practices through financial incentives. “We are starting to see some majors in certain municipalities

The property regime in Mexico can be categorized into

put pressure on supply chain companies to stop

three sections: public, private and special mechanisms

pollution,” he says.



Q: What did the Supreme Court rule in terms of the

Q: How will the change of administration in 2018 affect the

amparos that were filed against the constitutionality of

mining industry’s FDI?

the mining royalties?

A: I am optimistic about the change of administration

A: On Nov. 15, 2017, the Supreme Court of Justice voted to

and I believe that legal regulation and enforcement will

discard all amparos related to the constitutionality of the

improve in several aspects as this industry is one of the

so-called mining royalties, which are in fact new mining

country’s main pillars even if it is often overlooked. FDI in

taxes. On that day, of all of cases that were filed for revision,

the country has increased greatly and will continue to do

three were chosen for reevaluation. The final vote ended

so in the coming years. The industry used to be managed

up being rather unusual as the result was extremely close,

by a handful of actors including Peñoles, Grupo México,

with three in favor of the tax and two against. In these

Grupo Acerero del Norte and Minera Frisco. Now, the

scenarios, votes are usually more unanimous. But this

industry is much more diverse and includes players with

resolution is not definitive, as the case files that were not

specialized knowledge in mining such as Canadians that

examined have to be sent back to their original court to

are experts in managing capital risk. Regardless of the

be resolved individually based on the conclusion of the

next administration’s outcome, I do not think the mining

Supreme Court. The final resolution will likely not be in

sector will be damaged because that would be like killing

the interest of mining companies as the court has already

the goose laying the golden eggs.

declared that the royalties do not violate constitutionality or proportionality principles.

Q: What is DBR’s overview of the industry in the past years and its short-term expectations?

Q: What is your perception of the development and impact

A: I believe that 2017 was largely positive as prices did not

of mining royalties in the industry almost three years after

drop and the market was stable in general terms. It was also

the implementation of the fiscal reform?

characterized by a concentration of market share among a

A: The economic impact of the mining royalties is

few companies, which was in part created by all the policies

unquestionable as it has caused profits to decrease and

that discouraged foreign investment, such as the mining

production costs to rise. This makes Mexico a lot less

royalties. Players that have the expertise to operate in

attractive when companies are making projections of how

Mexico–mostly Canadians—were able to consolidate their

much it costs to produce an ounce of ore in the country

presence in the mining sector.

in comparison to other mining jurisdictions. Our main competitors at the moment are Peru and Canada, whose

As for DBR Abogados, we are a reflection of the industry.

general conditions are more favorable.

We may have experienced a flat year for our firm but we also did not suffer nor did our workload decelerate. Overall,

As for how the funds from the mining royalties are being

the environment in the industry is favorable as companies

used, I do not personally know of any successful case.

continue to enter the country in search of new projects and

CAMIMEX information shows that there are several

opportunities. This implies that Mexico is still an appealing

projects being developed with this capital but we do not

country to invest in. At the moment, our focus in the

have any real evidence of their advancements or impact

industry is mainly on the purchase and sale of projects.

on the industry or the local communities where the funds are supposed to be invested. There is not a clear enough correlation being shown between the use of the funds and

DBR Abogados specializes in providing comprehensive legal

what miners are paying. But we are still one of the top 10

solutions for its clients. DBR is a firm that provides personalized

mining countries thanks to our optimal ore reservoirs, this

services that adhere to the highest standards of ethics and

in spite of the business environment.





Labor law in Mexico can be particularly tricky waters to

of the system is expected to be beneficial for employers,

navigate, especially for miners. Located in remote areas, labor

unions and workers alike.

disputes with workers and trade unions often end in blockades,


giving the operator no alternative but to ride out the storm

On paper, labor unions are meant to fight for the interest

and the workers the leverage to negotiate. Alfonso Rodríguez-

of their members, but the law has limited their power in

Arana, Managing Partner of Legalmex, says the government’s

practice. “The reform includes the creation of an organism

2017 reform of the Constitution’s article 123, related to the

to support and control labor unions, which has upset their

federal labor law, was an attempt to even the playing field and

leaders because they cannot predict how this organism will

ensure Mexico remained an attractive destination for FDI. “The

change the status quo,” explains Rodríguez-Arana.

reform was intended to professionalize the delivery of labor justice through the creation of labor tribunals and the close

The idea is to create a new agency to which labor unions

regulation of the country’s labor unions,” he says.

will report so authorities can better regulate workers’ representation and limit the power of unions that do not

Specialized in advising the mining industry on how to

necessarily have the best interests of their workers at heart.

navigate intricate Mexican labor regulations, Rodríguez-

“Social justice has not been accomplished in Mexico, in part

Arana anticipates the 2017 reform will come into effect in

due to unions prioritizing personal interests instead of those

early November 2018, a delay from its expected February

of workers,” he says.

start. “There will be a transition period needed so the authorities can create and put into effect all the new

But with a labor law composed of more than 1,000 articles,

organisms,” he says. Among these are labor tribunals,

with several related and constantly-changing regulations

which will report to the judiciary and are intended to

and codes, it is hard for mine operators, other employees

replace the existing labor boards. Rodríguez-Arana says

and employers to keep up. Rodríguez-Arana believes in

these labor boards are typically tainted by corruption

seeking deregulation. “Businessmen have to focus on their

and he welcomes a change in the law that would shift the

core business and possibly have no time to be aware of

delivery of justice to the judiciary. The professionalization

such overregulation,” he says.



Q: Why is it important to maintain a healthy market for

to the current financial climate and the rise in prices,

M&A deals in the Mexican mining industry?

M&A deals in the industry are starting to pick up again.

A: It is important to ensure a healthy and continuous flow

Companies are looking to expand their portfolios and

of transactions in mining because this helps to push the

merge with other players to keep shareholders happy.

discovery of high-value assets and to replenish portfolios.

Many transactions will occur as players have to dedicate

For example, a junior exploration company may take a

themselves to either being an exploration company or

property that is only worth a few hundred thousand dollars

an operator. It is too expensive to fund both, with the

and turn it into a US$4 million asset after completing drilling

exception of large companies like Pan American Silver.

and feasibility studies. Afterward the player may decide to

Australian and Asian companies that left during the

sell the asset to another company that then continues to

mining slump are starting to take interest in Mexico again.

drill in another part of the property. The concession will

We believe this upcycle will be even more dynamic than

continue to rise in value from one hand to another until

the last one. It also helps that companies are getting used

an important ore body is discovered. The project can end

to the current administration and the changes that were

up being worth US$50 million and will commonly end up

implemented over the last couple of years.

in the hands of a major operator to start production when it reaches this point as they are the ones that have the

Q: Considering RB Abogado’s participation in the

capital to continue developing the mine. For this reason, it

acquisition of Primero Mining, what are the main

is important to promote exploration, which helps increase

advantages of this deal?

the likelihood of the next big discovery. Probably one out of

A: We are representing Primero Mining in this deal and

100 exploration projects will reach this level but the process

while the company will cease to exist and therefore no

has a strong economic impact in the country, providing

longer be our client, we are happy to see our client join

employment and capital to thousands of people in Mexico.

First Majestic Silver. The company has the advantage of primarily focusing on Mexico, which means that it greatly

Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive to maintain a mining

reduces costs as other international companies have to

concession in good condition as a variety of permits need

invest in lawyers and management in each country in

be obtained and negotiations must be concluded. Medium-

which they operate. Our firm additionally helped Primero

sized players have a significant role as they help fund and

Mining acquire San Dimas from Goldcorp, one of the

continue the exploration started by smaller companies

oldest mines in Mexico with room for growth and sell

with limited budgets, which in turn helps large operators

Cerro del Gallo to Argonaut Gold in December 2017.

maintain world-class assets in their portfolios. The industry depends on constant transactions and acquisitions. Our law

RB Abogados also represents Pan American Silver, which

firm has experience working with lawyers around the world

closed a JV with Kootenay Silver in 2016 that has had great

and we specialize in M&A and project finance.

results. The JV was not a traditional move for the company as it normally chooses to work with more developed

Q: What key trends do you foresee when it comes to M&A

projects. Through due diligence, it decided to take a risk

deals in the country’s mining sector?

and the projects are performing well.

A: The global economy is volatile and the direction in which it is heading is not clear. In times of instability, investors rely on commodities as there will always be

RB Abogados is a law firm founded in 1993 by Enrique

demand for minerals. This is what truly differentiates

Rodríguez del Bosque. It has become one of the leading

mining from other industries: it is the only sector that

law firms in Mexican mining law, M&A and project finance

can guarantee consumption upon production. Thanks





With the plethora of potential complications that could

communities to ensure no agrarian dispute arises after the

threaten mining projects, ranging from land disputes

commitment has already been made to start operations.”

to community issues and even taxes, it is imperative


that companies have access to legal representation that

While investors want legal certainty, Calderón says the

can cover all bases, says Mariano Calderón, Partner at

Mexican mining industry has come across a few stumbling

Santamarina + Steta. “Companies could have performed

blocks in this regard. “Investors do not know what to expect

proper due diligence, acquired all the permits, made all the

from the tax authorities in Mexico,” he says. “They cannot

payments and on the day when operations are expected

predict if SAT will accept their deductions, question their

to start, a community can file a lawsuit claiming to be the

accounting systems or, as happened more recently, very

rightful owners of that piece of land,” he says.

aggressively negate existing agreements on transfer pricing.” He references the case of Primero Mining, a now-defunct

Santamarina + Steta has a long history in the mining

Canadian operator. The mine had an existing streaming

industry, having worked with leaders like Grupo México.

agreement with Wheaton Precious Metals and Calderón says

While the average dispute lasts around two or three years,

an advanced ruling from the Mexican government established

“We can work with both national and international mining

this transfer pricing would be dealt with at arm’s length. “Two

companies on a variety of matters, whether it be concerns

years later, the tax authorities began questioning the validity

with the Ministry of Economy, agrarian issues, community

of the ruling from the Mexican government itself,” he says.

relations, tax, labor or civil litigation or an IPO,” he adds. Another tax issue on which the firm is working is with Carrizal Calderón advises companies to carry out thorough due

Mining, that operates a lead, zinc and copper concentrates

diligence by going much further than normally required.

mine in Hidalgo. The company filed an amparo against the

“Even within public records there may be no record of ejido

fiscal reforms in 2014 that imposed special duties mining

involvement with any part of the land but it is still possible

activities, arguing the charges were in fact a tax and

that someone may stake a claim,” he says. “We would

unconstitutional. This motion was defeated in the Supreme

recommend the company touch base with the surrounding

Court by a vote of three to two and the taxes were upheld.



Q: In which mining segments are ALN Abogados’ services

opportunities that they did not previously have and that the

most in demand?

government was not able to offer. We work hard to break

A: In the last year, we have seen a lot of interest from

these paradigms, understand each community’s necessities

companies that are in the process of expanding their

and show them what projects in their area can do for them.

operations and investing in exploration. ALN works mainly with companies dedicated to gold and silver. Our

Q: How does your firm evaluate the effectiveness of the

company has a very strong presence in mining states such

regulatory framework in Mexico?

as Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Sonora and Durango; however, we

A: The legal framework is effective, despite the fact that

have seen an increase in exploration work in states such as

it can be improved in certain areas. The real challenge lies

Jalisco, Oaxaca, Guerrero and other nontraditional mining

in the lack of certainty investors feel in the country’s legal

states, where we have been expanding our practice in the

system, especially in enforcement of the legal framework.

last year. There is a great deal of potential in these regions.

The main examples are unions and communities that

We are interested in finding new ways to work with them.

organize strikes and blockades, even if there exists a perfect formal agreement duly recorded and approved by judicial

Q: What kind of experience has your law firm had working

authorities. In case of strikes or blockades, it can take weeks

with projects in nontraditional mining states?

or even longer to solve these issues and delayed operations

A: We are expanding toward Jalisco, in particular. Thanks

can cost companies millions of dollars. The justice system is

to the great results we have reaped in this state we are

lacking in providing an effective response to these issues and

currently in the process of opening an office in Guadalajara.

providing certainty to mining companies. They often have to

This will help us affirm our presence and to further expand

pay out for these problems even if the cause is unfounded.

our practice in the central and southern states where mining

This is why we strongly believe that close communication

exploration has been increasing in the last few years.

and understanding of the needs of the communities is fundamental to every project’s success. It is unfortunate and

The main setback in nontraditional states is that the public

it is a big area of opportunity for the new administration.

sector is not familiar with the mining industry. Some authorities tend to confuse norms from the Energy Reform

Another fundamental aspect related to legal framework is

with those of the mining industry. Since the promotion of

that mining companies that start exploration in Mexico need

mining in their states is in the best interests of the local

to invest more time on proper due diligence. The primary

authorities, we collaborate hand-in-hand with them and

failures during this process are reviews of whether the

make sure they understand the legal mining framework to

project is located in a Natural Protected Area, the kind of

provide better conditions for mining investments.

property regime involved in surface rights and presence of any preferential activities according to the Energy Reform.

It can also be challenging to deal with communities in these

All these factors tend to slow down the development of

areas as they usually have a negative perception of the

mining projects in the country. Companies should protect

mining industry. They may believe that the mining industry

themselves by verifying this information before making a

is still operating as it was 50 or 100 years ago, and that

purchase or engaging in any project.

companies are environmental predators that will abuse the rights of communities. But we know that this is no longer the case. The industry generates an impressive amount

ALN Abogados is a Chihuahua-based law firm with a focus on

of investment in infrastructure, education, environmental

the mining industry and its related needs. It has over 35 years of

protection and social license projects that create alternative

experience in a variety of disciplines, including environmental,

economies. People in these communities gain access to job

contractual and mining





Q: From a legal point of view, what is keeping the Mexican

Perhaps it is unfair to say that the whole administration is

mining industry from leaping to the forefront of the

bad, since there are people within the government fighting

national economy?

for mining. The first reason why I believe the government

A: I think the Mexican mining legislation is among the best

is overlooking the mining industry is apathy and lack of

in the world but the industry is often overlooked by the

knowledge of the industry. Also, a government that makes

government. The main problem we have faced for many

decisions in favor of the mining industry can face attacks

years is the lack of commitment by the authorities to provide

from the international community, environmental agencies

the solutions companies are demanding. I have personally

and NGOs. It is a controversial topic but it should not be,

noticed that every time a new administration enters or

provided we comply with the well-established law.

there is a new initiative, the mining industry suffers. One example of this was the Energy Reform. While of course it is

The most important international treaties that are in conflict

important to open the landscape to foreign investment, the

with Mexican federal mining laws are those on human

authorities placed the mining industry in third place after

rights. These treaties clash with the process of granting

oil and energy. Conversely, private investment in mining has

mining concessions, and I deal with these issues almost

flowed into the country for years.

every day. While an international treaty is a document that all governments agree to, it is not possible to have the

A big operator that can afford to buy 100 tickets has a much greater probability of winning a concession than a small exploration company

same criteria for developed, developing and impoverished countries. That is why I think the laws of each country should remain valid over those of the treaties in the cases where there is the possibility of conflict. I am not against international treaties; I think they are a necessary tool to improve the world. But I also think that NGOs and other agencies are using these tools for other interests that do not represent the needs of the groups they claim to represent.

I also believe the mining sector should not be part of the Ministry of Economy, as it is essentially part of the energy

Q: To what extent do you think the lottery process for

sector. I believe that if the mining authorities came from the

mining concessions is successful in fostering competition

Ministry of Energy, communication would be much more

and opportunities for smaller operators?

fluid. It would be helpful if, when a new administration enters,

A: The main problem is that we have not experienced

it could appoint officers to the Mining Undersecretariat that

many lotteries for land allocation processes, which is

at least understand the mining industry.

necessary to improve how a system works. And although this administration has shown transparency in the lottery

Q: Why do you think the government is overlooking an

processes that have taken place, the chances are that a

industry that is so important for the economy?

big operator that can afford to buy 100 tickets has a much

A: I have no answer for that. I still believe this has been

greater probability of winning than a small exploration

the worst administration in terms of mining regulation.

company that can only buy one ticket. Nevertheless, this is a huge improvement on the previous system, whereby the huge company was certain it would be awarded the

VHG is a law firm founded in Mexico City. One of its main

concession; at least now the smaller companies have a

priorities is to develop an association of service, trust,

chance of winning. Since we are now almost at the end

friendship and professionalism, always with the intention of

of the administration, it is unlikely that we will see more

maintaining a long-term relationship with all its clients

lottery processes or land liberation in the next few months.


CHANGING THE MINING IMAGE IN MEXICO CARLOS PAVĂ“N General Secretary of the National Union of Miners and Metallurgists (SNMM)

Q: How do you think NAFTA renegotiations will affect

a part so the investment is not centralized. It should aim for

mining in Mexico?

more transparency. As its name states, it is a fund that should

A: I think NAFTA is a very relevant issue to consider.

be invested in mines, which is not always the case. The union

Politically the treaty is useful as it allows us to access the US

believes there should be a miners’ committee to allow workers

and Canadian markets but renegotiations need to consider

an opportunity to vote on how the fund is dispersed.

that Mexico does not have the same living conditions as the US or Canada. We must strive to gradually diminish the

Q: How does the union help mitigate the impact supercycles

gap between NAFTA members. It must be gradual because

can have on miners?

many foreign investors chose to come to Mexico because

A: We always try to seek what is best for workers amid

of the low wages, so we cannot suddenly increase them

the ups and downs of the mining cycle. During the last

to regional parity because we would lose FDI. This could

downturn most of the publicly listed companies went out of

impact investment in the country’s mining industry. We

business. Those that survived are mostly privately funded as

cannot risk bringing about more unemployment. I am a

they have a better understanding of the volatility of prices

supporter of creating more employment opportunities in

and how to financially prepare themselves to survive low

Mexico as it is a country that needs to generate more jobs.

prices. Everything that surrounds us comes from mining,

Also, the higher the profits we make in Mexico, the more

so the mining industry must prevail.

income tax increases, which can lead to high inflation rates. The mining industry is a sector that has billionaire profits but Q: What are the key challenges that mine operators face

that also requires a billionaire investment. The equipment

in terms of their workforce?

and procedures to extract ore are expensive, and most

A: A key challenge that mine operators often face is having

machines must be purchased in dollars, which makes them

optimum control of their labor force. The isolation of the

costlier for Mexican companies. Companies should really

mines can lead to unhealthy social situations like addiction

take care of their spending so they can be prepared for

to narcotics. Also, companies often experience losses due to

the impact of volatility. Our goal is to preserve and defend

theft, whether it be in material, capital or ore. These are very

wages to protect workers in this context.

delicate issues and they should be handled with extreme care. Part of our mission as SNMM is to help to prevent and

Q: What are your medium term goals for SNMM?

fight against these situations.

A: Our goal is to be the primary mining union in the country, not only in terms of growth, but also in strength

Q: What kind of relationship does the union have with the

and responsibility. We have 16 chapters representing miners

private sector in the mining industry?

across the country and we democratically-elect leaders

A: We try to foster a positive relationship with private

every two years. Our growth is based on security, labor

companies. We collaborate with the private sector to

stability and benefits for workers, either social or economic.

improve areas that surround the mines by investing in

We are creating campaigns to promote safety to show

football fields and spaces for families to spend time

miners the importance of taking care of their personal

together, among other projects. Collaboration helps us

safety as well as that of their peers.

achieve plans and goals that are adapted to the needs of each local community. The National Union of Miners and Metallurgists (SNMM) is one

Regarding the public sector, I believe the Mining Trust Fund

of the only mining unions in Mexico that is not employer-led.

is a key issue. The main problem is that it is not properly

It has 16 chapters representing miners and works with major

distributed, as the three stages of government each receive

operators to negotiate better working conditions in mines



CHANGE TAX STRUCTURE TO INCREASE COMPETITIVITY ADOLFO CALATAYUD Tax Controversy and Dispute Resolution Lead Partner in Mexico and Latin America at PwC


Boosting Mexico’s attractiveness as a mining jurisdiction

expenses. “Widening access to deductibility in Mexico

has become a hot topic in the industry with the

can help attract more capital toward the country. The

competitivity of its tax regime a key focus. According

authorities should also consider a reduction in Mexican

to Adolfo Calatayud, Tax Controversy and Dispute

income tax as an important first step toward creating a

Resolution Lead Partner in Mexico and Latin America

change in the tax regime,” he says. “Lastly, authorities

at PwC, mining jurisdictions such as Chile and Peru

need to be more transparent when it comes to their use

have implemented tax structures that are much more

of taxpayer money to gain the trust of investors.”

attractive. “Consequently, compared to other jurisdictions in the region, over the last four to eight years, the Mexican

Calatayud believes that any modifications should aim for

industry has experienced a considerable drop in revenue

cost reduction to mitigate the industry's cyclicality. “This

and profit,” he says.

remains a priority as the volatility in mineral prices are

Adapting to new electronic requirements will be a top challenge throughout the next five years, especially for companies that have over 1,000 transactions per day”

continuing to push companies to be more efficient with their capital and operational models,” he says. The rise of the digital economy is also a key factor to consider, as it requires companies to comply with electronic invoices and incorporate the use of blockchains along with other new legal requirements. Calatayud says the digital economy will not only impact mining but will paint the country in broader strokes, across all industries in general. “The government is constantly trying to innovate and increase the level of compliance in the country. The use of the digital economy will help authorities have more control over transactions

PwC works with many of the largest operators in the

and the movement of electronic capital,” he says. “But

market that produce silver, gold and other popular

the new requirements and norms will imply a challenge

minerals to help them overcome regulatory challenges

for companies as authorities will become stricter and

and guide them through legislative hurdles. “As a firm,

it will be more difficult to avoid taxes. Adapting to

we believe in having a multidisciplinary team that not

new electronic requirements will be a top challenge

only analyzes proposals but can also anticipate and

throughout the next five years, especially for companies

prevent the impact specific reforms have on the income

that have over 1,000 transactions per day.”

statements of mining companies,” says Calatayud. “We help them become more efficient and manage challenges

The use of technology and fintech will not only bring

such as overdue tax rebates, which is an issue that made

challenges for companies but significant advantages

headlines in Mexico recently.”

as they will help operators better control revenues and reduce costs. “While Mexico represents about 2 percent

The industry waits for the government to realize the need

of the global mining industry, it has a large amount of

to modify the tax system to make sure the mining sector

potential to grow as the country is rich in minerals and

can continue to grow. Calatayud believes any changes

many of its regions have still not been explored,” he says.

implemented should consider providing more advantages

Technology can contribute to enhancing the country’s

and incentives to investors. For example, the US is

logistical infrastructure to improve exportation and

proposing to allow the immediate deductibility of certain

importation processes.



When seeking to attract more FDI to the mining industry the

companies to be as flexible as possible to better adapt to

main driver is not the policy of the country but the scarcity

communities and changing environments,” he says.

shaping markets, says Alfredo Álvarez, Energy Segment Leader Mexico and Central America at EY. Market dynamics

Adaptability is also beneficial when adjusting to regulatory

are changing the industry’s concentration share and the

and fiscal changes. While he says that regulations are not the

prevailing model is that which considers economies of scale.

main driver for the industry’s attractiveness, he admits that the

“As long as compliance with antitrust policies is met, the

better the regulations, the more FDI. Security and corruption

economic trend favors bigger the better,” he says.

appear to be the main problems in Mexico according to the Fraser Institute Index; tackling these would make all industries

The nature of economies of scale is to generate big players.

flourish. “Security has been a key factor for investment in

The mining industry worldwide is already dominated by major

Mexico. But in the end, if commodity prices go up, so does

companies and Mexico is no exception. While in economics fewer larger players dominating the market is generally negative for competition, mining may be an exception. “Mining depends on commodity prices and this means healthy competition will always exist,” he explains. “No company, regardless of how big, will control the price of a given metal.” To attain higher scales, technology becomes the game changer for the mining industry, leading the way to be better prepared today for the mine of tomorrow. “Mines that have meaningfully invested in technology are reaping results beyond expectations,” says Álvarez. “The availability

investment,” he says.

Security has been a key factor for investment in Mexico. But in the end, if commodity prices go up, so does investment”

of accurate information allows taking the right decision at the

To make the industry flourish, he says Mexico also needs

correct time, minimizing costs and investment.”

to share the wealth from extractive industries with people affected by its operations so communities can feel ownership

But more technology also carries the generalized concern for

over the project and pride that mining companies are working

workforce displacement. Álvarez believes that technology

alongside them. “It is in the best interest of mining companies

does not necessarily mean fewer jobs but more meaningful

to have communities onside, as locals will be the first to

ones and with better conditions. With today’s technology,

protect the source of the wealth that they are getting from

mining can do things that it could not even imagine before.

mining operations,” he says.

“This does not necessarily mean fewer employees,” he explains. “On the contrary, it can improve their quality of living

As a strategy to give back to local communities, taxes are

and pay better wages as employees are more productive.

meant to redistribute mining wealth. “The Mining Fund aims

Imagine giving workers more challenging jobs that can also

to use resources to generate infrastructure and goodwill in the

add more value to the industry.”

communities that mining operates,” says Álvarez. But there is a lot of controversy on how resources are used and if they

Ultimately, mining is a tough industry with a lot of controversy

are really going to the right place. He says companies should

and social impact, but also with a significant economic role.

take ownership of the process and work to assure that every

Álvarez believes that technology can be a way to enhance

penny that they pay goes to the right beneficiaries. “Mining

the positives and edge out the negatives. To adapt to this

companies will be the best overseers to ensure that the funds

changing landscape, he recommends flexibility. “I advise

do not end up in the wrong hands,” he says.




The Mexican legal framework is extensive in regulating the whole mining cycle, often becoming a hurdle for national and foreign companies that want to invest in the sector. But industry leaders and regulatory experts advise several techniques that facilitate its navigation. The first trick is to seek good legal counsel that can provide a clear knowledge of the mining legal framework. Also, mining best practices are key, from being a responsible corporate citizen to promoting collaboration between government and mining companies. But the ultimate tip experts give is to ensure a thorough due diligence process to avoid regulatory issues at any stage.

Mining companies tend to be seen as the bad guys from a social perspective. In my opinion having good corporate citizenship and incorporating best practices is an efficient way to ensure the company is able to operate smoothly without disruptions. Often, mining companies want to be off the radar, which is contrary to the publicity other industries often seek. In mining, often the best approach is to attract less


attention. When I talk to clients about the regulatory framework in the Mexican

JUAN TORRES LANDA Partner at Hogan Lovells

mining industry, their complaints about the taxation structure stand out the most. However, some adjustments could be made to ensure Mexico is as competitive as other jurisdictions. The country does not have to eliminate all taxes but I believe we would be better served by reducing some of the tax charges and prioritizing the ability to attract more investment to the mining industry.

First, I think it is key to have a clear knowledge of country’s legal framework and of the rights and duties mining companies are entitled to. The second step would be to focus on acting within these rights and obligations. Afterward, companies must turn immediately to authorities when issues or blockades arise with the surrounding communities or additional actors instead of trying to resolve them independently. Mining, being such a crucial pillar of the country’s economy, has rights

LAURA DÍAZ Partner at DBR Abogados

that should take precedent over any other industry. It is also key to work together with local communities to acquire a social license. This can be achieved through the development and implementation of a CSR program that goes along with the company’s internal policies. I can guarantee that companies properly taking care of the social aspect will succeed.

Mexico’s mining industry is well-regulated and understood by the federal government. Investment is flowing into the country but higher royalties imposed by a new government could disappoint mining companies. A key area of opportunity is collaboration between all government levels and individual companies. A faster response from state governments to situations where the law is broken and mining companies are prevented from doing business is a key area of opportunity.

TREVOR TURNBULL Director of Gold and Precious Metals Global Equity Research at Scotia Capital

Mexico should take greater advantage of royalty streams to finance projects as mining requires large capital investments, but that can be tricky as shareholders may not like having to share their profits with these companies. It is important to include the participation of a lawyer to make sure these contracts and negotiations are beneficial. Another reality in Mexico is the low participation of companies on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV). This is causing First Majestic Silver to delist from the BMV as it is not profitable to participate. On the other hand, it is a lot easier to join the TSX, which has a smoother regulatory process and is less expensive. On a more positive note, Mexican companies are doing well on international stock exchanges.

ENRIQUE RODRÍGUEZ DEL BOSQUE Founding Partner of RB Abogados

The three biggest Mexican mining companies are the same size as Goldcorp and this says a lot about the state of the industry.

I like to think that mining companies are doing what they have to do. When they come to Mexico, they put their faith in legal advisers to guide them. Just like in every other industry or profession, there are good people and bad people, those with experience and those without. I think that many of the problems companies face are caused by service providers that do not have experience yet claim they are experts because


they see the money in the mining industry. I think the mining companies investing in Mexico really should do their due diligence on their local service providers and ensure they have the relevant experience an international company relies on when entering a new jurisdiction.

ALBERTO VÁZQUEZ Senior Partner at VHG Servicios Legales

Mining rights are the core of the legal mining framework and miners need to consider additional elements and exceptions that revolve around it such as real estate laws that play a large role in the mining equation. For example, a person with mineral rights cannot just simply begin exploration or production if they are not also owners of the land. It is tricky as mineral rights have priority over land rights. This means that mineral rights owners can begin expropriation even if an agreement has not been made with the land owners. But this is not advisable as this begins the project with a conflict. The regulation in terms of access to mining operations is comprehensive but

JORGE RUÍZ Partner at Baker McKenzie

I believe ejidos are the most troublesome aspect, as we often do not fully understand what certain properties may mean to local communities.

The legal framework we have in Mexico is effective, despite the fact that it can be improved in certain areas. The real challenge lies in the lack of certainty investors feel in the country’s legal system especially in issues related to unions as these jeopardize the wellbeing of operations. The county’s legal framework also needs to be cleared out to define the gray areas between environmental and mining law as there is some overlap. Sometimes a company discovers the project it just acquired is in a naturally protected area, which slows down the development of mines in the country. Companies should protect themselves by verifying this type of information before making a purchase.

JOEL GONZALEZ Partner at ALN Abogados

Mexican Stock Exchange on Reforma Avenue, Mexico City



Along with the many tasks operators must balance, such as maximizing productivity and ensuring the entrance of new projects to replace aging ones, companies must also prioritize the establishment of a strong financial structure to continue attracting investors and capital. Access to funding is a hot topic in the industry as both major and junior players are on the hunt for new projects in light of the industry’s comeback. A new stock exchange – BIVA – was launched in early 2018 to offer an alternative way to raise funds domestically.

But to make sure capital stays in the country and does not stray to competing mining jurisdictions, the industry’s financial health must be held to a standard similar or higher than those seen in countries like Canada where most banks and investors are familiar with the sector’s cycle and its benefits.

This chapter explores the most pressing financial challenges that the mining sector faces and highlights best practices used by leading commodity traders. It also shares insight into the country’s logistics and its ability to foment trade through the perspective of leading service providers and operators.



ANALYSIS: M&A Market Flourishes


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rob Peterman, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture

Exchange (TSXV)


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José-Oriol Bosch, BMV Group


INSIGHT: Fernando Pérez, BIVA


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Israel Gutiérrez, The Mining Development Bank (FIFOMI)


INFOGRAPHIC: FDI and National Investment Key to the Future of Mining in Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Reyes de la Campa, Accendo Banco




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jorge Rave, Export Development Canada (EDC)


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nicholas Baker, Austrade


INSIGHT: Donald Smallwood, ANZMEX


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Antonio Berlanga, Mercuria


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Randy Smallwood, Wheaton Precious Metals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rick Rule, Sprott US Holdings


INSIGHT: Enrique Margalef, Vander Capital Partners


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Trevor Turnbull, Scotia Capital


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfredo Nuñez, VES Capital Partners


INSIGHT: Hideki Morimoto, JOGMEC


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo Amaro, Cliveden Trading AG


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Joe Salinas, Brink’s


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Donovan Sánchez, SGS Minerals Services


VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Zozaya, Kansas City Southern Mexico


INSIGHT: Manuel Chavez, OEC Group Mexico


ROUNDTABLE: What are the Primary Financing Sources Available for Junior and Mid-Tier Miners?



M&A MARKET FLOURISHES The combination of higher revenues, more efficient operations and attractive projects for sale have allowed the M&A market to blossom throughout 2017 and 2018. In 2H18 alone, the mining industry had already racked up 15 mergers and acquisitions, making it the most active sector of the period In Mexico, 220 transactions were sealed across industries

it invested US$120 million, increasing its total investment

in 2017 and mining was also at the top of the heap. Of

to US$560 million,” explains McEwen. “We bought it for

the estimated US$21 billion that was accumulated in these

US$35 million, which was equivalent to paying US$0.06 for

activities, the sector accounted for 20 percent followed by

every US$1 it invested. It came with over 1 million ounces

real estate with 17 percent. Enrique Rodríguez del Bosque,

in resources.”

Founding Partner at RB Abogados, says an active M&A market is a sign of a healthy mining industry. “It is important

After the acquisition of the Black Fox Complex and before

to ensure a healthy and continuous flow of transactions in

First Majestic Silver acquired the company, Argonaut Gold

mining because this helps push the discovery of high-value

also dipped into Primero Mining’s portfolio by acquiring

assets and to replenish portfolios.”

Cerro del Gallo mine in Guanajuato for US$15 million in November 2017. Cerro del Gallo was part of a series of


The law firm represents Primero Mining, which closed the

projects that had been suspended in 2014 and 2015 due

acquisition of the year by selling its shares to First Majestic

to the drop in precious metal prices. Primero Mining

Silver for US$320 million. Its key asset was its flagship San

succumbed to opening the company to the market after

Dimas project. “San Dimas is the largest gold-silver mine

several years of financial struggle caused by a decision

in the state of Durango and is one of the most important

taken by SAT to change an advanced tax agreement.

in the entire country,” says Keith Neumeyer President and CEO of First Majestic Silver. “It is a mine we have had our


eyes on for over a decade and, when it became available

The downturn may have forced companies to post projects

due to Primero’s financial status, we were able to evaluate

for sale but the process revives the mining ecosystem as

the asset.” The acquisition is expected to eventually help

new owners inject new life into previously stagnant mines.

the company double its silver production.

One example is Campo Morado that was acquired by Telson Resources from Nyrstar in June 2017 for US$20 million. After a detailed evaluation of the mine, the company was able to

Of the estimated US$21 billion in M&A transactions completed in 2017, the mining sector accounted for 20 percent

identify many areas of opportunities within the project that had been overlooked. “The previous owner focused on zinc and processing a mix of mineral concentrates from various deposits that required more equipment, personnel and costs as each body has unique geological characteristics,” says José Antonio Berlanga, CEO and Director of Telson Mining Corporation. “We decided to instead mine and


process mineral from a single deposit and to only exploit

While large operators learned their lessons from the

areas with profitable grades of gold, silver, lead and copper

downturn and are being awarded with higher purchasing

to reduce costs. We do this even if the deposit has lower

power thanks to their discipline, junior companies continue

levels of zinc as it could hold profitable minerals that were

to struggle financially. This makes way for the closing of deals

ignored by previous owners.” After acquiring the project,

that are relatively cheap and quick, a context that companies

the company was able to start production in less than four

like McEwen used to stay one step ahead of the pack. “Our

months thanks to its revaluation of the project and expertise

approach is opportunistic,” says Rob McEwen, Chief Owner

in the industry.

of McEwen Mining. “We like to buy assets that are unloved by the market. While a distressed asset purchase will guarantee

First Majestic also hopes to breathe new air into San

more work, the low purchase price limits the impact of a

Dimas by diversifying its portfolio. “When Primero owned

downside price and offers a good upside potential.”

the San Dimas mine, the stream agreement in place meant the majority of the silver went to Silver Wheaton

In line with its strategy the company recently acquired

(now Wheaton Precious Metals), while Primero focused

the Black Fox complex in Canada that was also owned by

on gold production,” says Neumeyer. “Now that the

Primero Mining, purchased in 2014 for US$300 million. “Then

asset has been sold and the stream agreement has been


Original Company



Acquiring Company


Magistral del Oro


Gracepoint Mining and MX Gold

Canasil Resources

Sandra Escobar


Orex Minerals


San Juan


Argonaut Gold

Santa Cruz Silver

El Gachi


First Majestic Silver

Starcore International

San Pedrito




Los Filos


Leagold Mining



Los Lenchos




Santa María del Oro


January February March April

Minera Plata del Sur


Prospero Silver




San Luis Potosi

Santa Cruz Silver

Minera Alamos

La Fortuna


Osisko Gold

Arian Silver



Endeavour Silver

Impact Silver

Veta Grande


Endeavour Silver





Pepe Tres



San José


Distrito Pinos




KM 66



San Luis Potosi


San Luis Potosi

Minera Apolo





Mexican Gold

347 Candelaria Mining

El Gato





Riverside Resources


Campo Morado


Telson Resources





Canadian Gold Resources


Fortuna Silver

Americas Mining Corporation




Colibri Resources




Evrim Resources

Santa Cruz Silver



Marlin Gold Mining

Radius Gold



Fortuna Silver

Grupo Minero Puma



Azure Minerals

Undisclosed Mexican family

Sara Alicia


Azure Minerals

Capstone Mining

Toro del Cobre


Endeavour Silver

Hot Spring Mining



Advance Gold Radius Gold

Private Company



Torex Gold

Media Luna


Ejido Puente Sur Balsas


San Nicolas


Teck Resources

Altius Minerals



Evrim Resources

Primero Mining

Cerro del Gallo


Argonaut Gold


Camino Rojo


Orla Mining

GoGold Resources

Santa Gertrudis


Agnico Eagle Mines

Exploraciones Mineras del Bajio

San Carlos


Vangold Resources

Rose Petroleum

Molino Rose


Magellan Gold

Scion Mines

Manto Negro


Prize Mining


renegotiated, we have incorporated both gold and silver

the industry are starting to pick up again. Companies are

streams into the agreement.”

looking to expand their portfolios and merge with other players to keep shareholders happy,” says Rodríguez

As the market recovers and major players turn their eyes to

del Bosque. “We believe this upcycle will be even more

the unloved assets left behind by those that were unable to

dynamic than the last one. It also helps that companies are

withstand the bear cycle, Mexico’s M&A market continues

getting used to the current administration and the changes

to have a strong outlook for the years to come. “Deals in

that were implemented over the last couple of years.”


EXPERTISE OF THE INDUSTRY WITHIN THE EXCHANGE ROB PETERMAN Vice President of Global Business Development at Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV)


Q: What trends have TSX and TSXV identified with

A: We strive to have a good working relationship with

the participation of the mining industry in the

the Mexican mining industry. In 2017, we had 127 TSX and

stock exchange?

TSXV companies that have 392 projects in Mexico so the

A: From a stock exchange standpoint and taking into

relationship is a very significant one. Communication is

consideration the trends that drove the markets in

important, considering the integration that exists between

2017, we saw that lithium, cobalt and battery metals in

Mexican and Canadian companies. Canada and Mexico

general were major market drivers, which are all part

have a symbiotic relationship as Mexicans value the

of the vehicle electrification shift. We also saw price

capital and expertise Canadian companies are bringing

movements in certain commodities such as zinc driving

to the country and Canada appreciates the skill-set and

market activity. Looking ahead, the most important thing

knowledge of Mexican workers. We are continuously

for the mining sector is to get back to delivering returns

having healthy discussions with our colleagues at the

for investors.

BMV and share ideas about different issues in the market.

In 2017, there were 127 TSX and TSXV companies with 392 projects in Mexico

Q: How do TSX and TSXV differentiate themselves from other stock exchanges around the world? A: One of our main differentiators is the geological expertise that has been built within Canada. This technical expertise includes the development side of the industry as well as the investor and regulatory side. But it all starts with this expertise. When a company goes public in Canada, a

The numbers were fairly consistent for raised capital

technical report called National Instrument 43-101 prepared

in the mining sector. But in 2017, we noticed optimism

by a third-party geologist is required. This in turn is vetted

in the mining industry in two main ways. First, we saw

by geologists both at the provincial securities commission

momentum of new offerings in the market through

and our exchange. Investors are assured by the fact that

IPOs and new listings. And secondly, we saw a return

the technical reports they are receiving have been vetted

to companies seeking out dual or additional listings

by a number of professional geologists, both internally

to support their capital and liquidity needs. Last year

and outsourced. These reports provide clarity on what

was the first time in a few years we saw companies list

companies are doing, what their reserves are and their

either on the London Stock Exchange or Australian Stock

worth in the market.

Exchange and added a TSX or TSXV listing, showcasing capital access and attracting more investors. These were

Being public is definitely a challenge, and companies need

two key signs of confidence returning to the market that

to carefully prepare and think about the implications for

we hope continue well into 2018.

their business. But companies listed on TSX or TSXV are able to access capital from around the world. Companies

Q: What relationship does TSX and TSXV have with the

need to know that their listing is not limited only to

Mexican mining industry?

Canadian capital. We constantly monitor what investors look for in companies and we often find that TSX or TSXV listings are a high priority thanks to our National Instrument

Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange

43-101 (covering disclosure) and the regulatory landscape

(TSXV) are integrated, multi-asset class exchanges and are

as a whole in Canada. All companies on our markets have

global leaders in supporting the capital and liquidity needs of

a technical report built around the same principles so

global mining companies

investors are able to compare projects in a unique way.



Q: How are you attracting mining companies to the BMV?

Q: What are the implications of the new BIVA stock

A: The sector has a great deal of potential in Mexico simply

exchange for your strategy?

because of the country’s geological wealth. We have a few

A: We are not yet sure what BIVA’s strategy will be so I cannot

mining companies listed on the BMV, but not enough. The

comment much on that. However, we hope that the strategy

mining sector represents 4 percent of the country’s GDP

will involve developing the trading market as it has great

and there are many mining companies working here, but

potential. If, instead of focusing on growing the market, it

only four companies are listed on the BMV: Peñoles, Grupo

cannibalizes itself, the market will be equally as small, or even

México, Autlán and Minera Frisco. These companies can

smaller. And with two stock exchanges, this makes no sense.

take advantage of the BMV’s different products since we do not exclusively focus on the stock market. Some of these

Q: How has the BMV protected itself against external

companies also have short and long-term debt, so a lot of the

shocks caused by international tensions?

time private debt is listed on the BMV to attract investment.

A: The companies listed on the BMV are so diversified in terms of sectors, sizes and business segments that the

In Mexico, there needs to be a greater diffusion of knowledge

impact of geopolitical uncertainty has been much less

in terms of the benefits and the processes for listing on

intense in Mexico. The renegotiation of NAFTA presented

the BMV. The problem is that many companies that require

an opportunity for Mexico to turn to other markets. Mexico

financing to grow or to carry out their expansion plans are

does not only have NAFTA; it has a great number of free

not familiar with the BMV, its products or requirements. I

trade agreements with other countries, even though the

think this is the main challenge. Those companies that have

majority of trade is focused on the North American region.

taken advantage of the opportunities of the BMV have been extremely successful.

Q: What would be included in your wish list for the next government administration to make doing business easier?

Q: Why does Mexico not have a system like Toronto’s

A: I think the most important thing is to spur greater

designed for SMEs and junior mining companies?

growth. Rather than growing 2.5 percent, Mexico should

A: We have the legislation and, to a certain point, the

grow by double that, at least. There have been some

products. The issue is that the level of financial education in

encouraging changes in this administration with the

Canada is far more widespread. In Mexico, smaller companies

structural reforms, but with increased economic growth,

can already list on the stock exchange and the barriers

this launches a cycle whereby greater investment is

to entry are actually very low. For example, there are no

attracted to the country. Of the companies listed on the

financial requirements to seek financing in the debt market.

BMV, more than 90 percent are concentrated in four

Requirements for capital markets have been loosened and

states in the country: Nuevo Leon, Mexico City, State of

we have been creating new products like the Sociedades

Mexico and Jalisco. It should not be like this because

Anónimas Promotoras de Inversión Bursátil (SAPIB), which

the GDP of those four states is not 90 percent of the

are designed for small to medium-sized companies.

country’s GDP. This means something is failing and we need to look at how we can support those companies in

We also have a promotion department that focuses on

the other states.

seeking out these companies that are not necessarily large but that want to grow and that need resources to do so. For a while now, we have provided an incentive plan for

BMV Group is comprised of companies that together operate

companies with less than MX$500 million of shareholder

a stock exchange, derivative products, an OTC securities and

equity, whereby the listing fee is not charged and the first

derivatives brokerage company, a securities clearing house and

year’s maintenance fee is charged at a 50 percent discount.

a derivatives clearing house





Miners often lack access to funding in the Mexican market

BIVA also understands that a stock exchange by itself

and normally choose to list their companies on foreign

cannot significantly increase market participation, so its

exchanges, particularly the TSX. BIVA, the country’s new

focus is rather to perform as a disruptive player. Among the

stock exchange that will compete with the BMV, could help

desired impacts is to modernize both the stock market and

change that. “We think it is important for mining companies

its regulatory framework. “Thankfully, a regulatory overhaul

to approach financial intermediaries, expand their funding

was conducted by the Mexican Financial Authorities, not

sources and reach the public market,” says Fernando

only for the creation of BIVA but to modernize the market’s

Pérez, BIVA’s Executive Director. “Our value proposition for

regulatory framework as a whole,” says Pérez. As for stock

encouraging mining companies to list on BIVA is to provide

upgrading, BIVA will have one of the most advanced stock

them with strong visibility.”

exchange technologies worldwide, including a negotiation engine and a market-surveillance system, both provided by

With about 150 listed entities, Mexico has not yet reached

NASDAQ and used in over 70 foreign markets.

the point at which BIVA can segment the market and offer a specific value for each sector. But first things first: for

Over the next three years, BIVA’s objective is to grow the

the market to grow substantially, the myths surrounding it

number of listed companies by 30 percent and operational

need to be clarified, says Pérez. “We must help demystify

volume by 50 percent. BIVA decided to associate with

the stock exchange, which is achieved through information

FTSE Russell for the design, construction and distribution

sharing, communication and by approaching different

of its indexes. “We both benefit from this partnership. BIVA

players, such as broker dealers, investment banks, investors,

provides the market knowledge and the local relationships,

associations and universities.”

while FTSE contributes with its expertise on solid corporate governance and index-building methodology,” he says. The

Pérez adds that one of the biggest myths about the Mexican

institutional stock exchange also seeks to join efforts with

public market is that it is very expensive to join. He explains

BMV to help the stock market to develop. “We have seen a lot

that, when setting aside the effort and investment required

of willingness from BMV to collaborate with us,” says Pérez.

for companies to improve their corporate governance and financial reports, once they reach their institutional peak it is

BIVA’s strategic alliances will not extend to joining the

costly neither in relative nor absolute terms. For example, all

Latin American Integrated Market (MILA). “We believe

equity placements made between 2012 and 2017 cost less

that MILA is still a young initiative and we do not see any

than 3.5 percent of the total amount placed, on average,

particular encouragement to join it. We believe that it is

while in the US this expense fluctuates between 6 and 8

much more important to focus on the Mexican market as

percent. Pérez says that listing gives a company a rubber

well as other strategic alliances in other geographies,” says

stamp that fully repays its investment.

Pérez. Rather, BIVA will focus on promoting the national stock market, highlighting the need for all players to work

Another myth that needs to be wiped out is that the stock

together to foster a stock market ecosystem. Pérez believes

exchange is only for high-net worth investors. “The truth

the conditions exist in Mexico to promote the economic

is that broker dealers as well as investment funds are

certainty and market stability that stock markets require

welcoming retail investor participation,” says Pérez. For

to thrive, including an autonomous central bank and the

example, RLH issued MX$500 million in capital a few years

Treasury Discipline Law. These factors will outweigh any

ago and was so successful that it followed up with another

political fallout from the 2018 presidential elections. “I

option for MX$1.5 billion and has other issuances scheduled.

think that Mexico’s stability goes beyond the party that

“BIVA strives to be a much more inclusive and approachable

wins an election. I believe the country is made up of solid

stock exchange,” he says.

institutions,” he says.



Q: What are the biggest challenges FIFOMI faces when it

A: We need to change the resistance that Mexican

comes to facilitating access to capital?

companies have toward participating in the stock market,

A: We are focused on strengthening our role as an

which is more common in Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Chihuahua,

intermediary between the Mexican mining industry, mining

Durango, Sonora and Guerrero. Domestic companies

companies and financial institutions, not only in Mexico but

need to learn how to invest more wisely and how to

also around the world. This is a fairly novel service in the

take advantage of the financial tools available. We will

industry. We find that we can better meet the needs of the

continue working with the BMV and taking advantage

sector if we join forces with the financial industry to provide

of the information provided by SGM. The use of these

mining companies with a wider variety of financing options.

systems has been a success in Canada for the Toronto

Banks like the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Stock Exchange and its distribution channels as they have

(ICBC) have contacted us in international forums with the

instant access to the country’s geological information.

purpose of connecting their investors with Mexico. We can

This is an obstacle we are working to overcome in

provide a path to achieve this. Investors and international

Mexico. We also believe that BIVA, Mexico’s second stock

banks often contact us because they know that we can

exchange, will be able to attract a great deal of capital.

ease their entrance to the country and connect them with

We believe they are committed to facilitating access to

the right companies. For example, in any given project we

capital and providing more financial tools to the industry.

can offer a credit line up to FIFOMI’s maximum limit. By collaborating with other banks, we can increase this limit

Q: How can Mexico better prove its ability to provide

and help develop the industry by financing smaller projects

long-term investments?

a lot faster. We have success stories in mining Mexican

A: To gain the trust of investors we must show economic

states like Chihuahua and Sonora.

and fiscal discipline through a well-structured model that relies on infrastructure and security. This was the

We also want to bring small and medium enterprises into the

main priority during the administration of President

spotlight to promote a healthier mining industry. But only a

Peña Nieto. We are prioritizing trade negotiations to

small number of Mexican mining companies participate in

make sure that all treaties are accurate in reflecting the

the stock market, while in other countries, such as Canada,

interests of our industries. We have a strong Ministry of

SMEs are often listed on various exchanges. We also offer

Economy with the priorities of modernizing the Public

technical assistance to small mining companies. One of the

Registry of Mining, the digitalization and automation of

biggest challenges we face is creating a more democratic

Mexico’s geological information within the GeoInfoMex

access to finance. The economic reforms that were put in

platform and the strengthening of technical and

place by President Enrique Peña Nieto helped improve

financial support to companies. In addition, we work on

this by enhancing competition and availability of better

technological models involved with Industry 4.0, which

interest rates. Such significant structural reforms naturally

benefits companies. This is extremely important given

take time to be implemented. Mexico’s financial institutions,

the fact that many companies that left Mexico during

such as BANCOMEXT, NAFIN, the Agriculture and Rural

the downturn are starting to come back now that mineral

Development Bank (FIRA), The National Development

prices are starting to rise again.

Bank for Agropecuary, Forest and Fishing Industries (FND) and FIFOMI are all working together toward achieving these goals.

The Mining Development Bank (FIFOMI) is a state-owned development bank designed to promote and modernize the

Q: What are the main areas of opportunity you have

mining industry in Mexico, particularly small and medium-sized

identified in the financial culture of the mining industry?

companies, through financial loans and other forms of support



FDI AND NATIONAL INVESTMENT KEY TO THE FUTURE OF MINING IN MEXICO As a capital-intensive industry, the establishment of a

authorities are focusing on strengthening FDI in mining

healthy financial environment is key to maintaining the

to crank up the development of projects. But considering

competitivity of a mining jurisdiction. While mining

that only four mining companies are listed on the BMV

national investment rose to US$4.3 billion in 2017 from

in comparison to the 1,206 issuers on the TSX and TSXV,

US$3.8 billion in 2016, the number remains a far cry from

promoting the rise of national investment could be an

the US$8 billion the sector collected in 2012. In effect,

area of opportunity.


• Minera

sector in 2017 in

• Grupo







(up 8%)

(up 5%)

(down 27%)


comparison to



(up 21%)

FIFOMI provides up to US$25 million in national currency to eligible companies



Mineral producers


Mining industry services


• Minera

• Industrias

• FIFOMI can provide up to 100% of revolving credit for equipment to MSMEs (up to a maximum of US$5 million)


Primary mineral consumers


Processed mineral


• For supply chain companies, FIFOMI can supply up to 70% of the net value of sales • Based on the financial structure of projects already in


operation, FIFOMI can finance up to 100% of investment program, excluding VAT


——Mining FDI ——Mining National Investment

8 6.6 5.6

6 4.5


4 2 0




3.3 2.6

1.9 2007






1 2011



TOTAL FDI IN MEXICO FROM 1999-2017 (US$ million)


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





Source: The National Commission for FDI in Mexico, CAMIMEX, Ministry of Economy, Mining Companies Listed on TSX-TSXV



34,858 2015


























TSX Companies

TSXV Companies 1


75.7% Mining issuers

Franco-Nevada Equinox Gold 17,850,920,361 414,802,211

on TSXV and TSX

mining issuers on TSXV and TSX

24.3% Mining issuers on TSXV and TSX with properties and commodities in Mexico



Agnico Eagle Mines Garibaldi Resources 14,079,306,872 318,034,169


CA$285.5 billion total quoted

71.3% companies on

Wheaton Precious Metals Alphamin Resources 12,860,702,742 212,830,198

TSX of 2015 Source: CGM, Ministry of Economy market value on TSX1 With figures to March

24.3% companies on


TSX with properties and commodities in Mexico

Pan American Silver SilverCrest Metals 3,605,925,699 200,567,808



CA$21.4 billion total quoted

Alamos Gold Maya Gold & Silver 2,914,751,266 199,540,206

86.9% companies on

Source:market CGM, Ministry of on Economy value TSXV1 With figures to March TSXVof 2015


13.1% companies on

TSXV with properties and commodities in Mexico

Osisko Gold Royalties Minaurum Gold 2,245,611,598 155,547,893

7 First Majestic Silver Wealth Minerals 1,936,780,783 123,836,573 4.6





Source: CGM, Ministry of Economy With figures to March of 2015 1

2.1 0.003 2014


New Gold Advantage Lithium 1,585,770,446 114,965,003







SSR Mining Telson Mining 1,556,275,462 97,638,261


72.7% Manufacturing 16.5% Construction 5.5% Mining 5.3% Electricity Generation

MAG Silver Chesapeake Gold 1,214,146,136 88,397,732






100 200 300 400 500




Q: Why is it so difficult to access financing for mining in

medium-sized operations underserved. Accendo Banco has

Mexico and how is Accendo part of the solution?

a huge role to play in this segment. We believe that our

A: I think there are two main factors: First, the industry has

experience and our loan products for the mining industry

suffered a very severe crisis for the last 10 years and second,

will trigger investment from national and international

mining is perceived as a risky business. For these reasons,

companies once these small and medium sized operations

sourcing financing can be very difficult. Accendo Banco

grow and gain critical mass for the larger markets.

has a professional mining team with more than 20 years of


experience that gives us the ability to underwrite any type

Q: How does Accendo strive to change the perception of

of mining loan and the ability to always think outside the

mining within the finance industry in Mexico?

box. We are supported by our experience, the expertise of

A: For the past 20 years, the main shareholders in Accendo

our team, and the willingness to provide bespoke financial

Banco have been promoting financial services to the Mexican

products to our clients to help them reach the goals they

mining industry through targeted, tailored products, such

have set for themselves.

as trade finance, equipment leasing, financing of expansion plans and restructuring of existing loans. These services are

Q: What could the private and public sectors do to increase

provided to the whole mining supply chain, from the miners

national interest in mining investment?

themselves to their suppliers, such as contractors, drillers

A: Mexico, as a prominent mining jurisdiction, is well-

and reagent producers. Accendo Banco knows most of the

positioned because of its endowment of natural resources.

publicly traded foreign companies with assets in Mexico. We

Accendo Banco believes the country needs to actively

should note that the financial services offered by Accendo

promote the investment and financing opportunities

Banco are extended to every mining industry participant

available in Mexico globally as 90 percent of the

that has assets located in Mexico, meaning that foreign or

headquarters of international mining corporations are

national companies are eligible to receive these services as

in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia and the

long as they are located in Mexico.

UK. Accendo Banco participates in the most prominent international mining forums, including those in Toronto,

Financing mining companies through Accendo Banco

Vancouver, New York and Sydney, which are the cities in

intrinsically promotes mining. Also, participating in the

which the mining business is most concentrated

main international mining forums helps create awareness about Mexico’s rich natural resources, which must not be

To increase the national interest in mining investment and

compromised by bad perceptions of certain regions of

financing the government also needs to address security

the country.

issues. The security situation in Mexico directly affects the mining industry, since there is little certainty that safety

Q: What project requirements must be met before Accendo

is guaranteed in areas of the country where mines are

Banco hands out a loan?

located. One of the main reasons several mining investment

A: We think of it as the 4 Ps: place, project, people and

and financing decisions have been delayed is security. In

price. First, the project must be based in Mexico. Second,

addition to promoting Mexico as a mining destination, we

the project must pass our rigorous due diligence process,

need to show it as a country with strong rule of law.

which means projects must be technically sound and provide growth potential. Further, our due diligence

In addition, the financial sector has limited loan coverage for

includes not only analysis of financial statements,

the mining industry in Mexico due to the aforementioned

CAPEX estimates, cashflow models, and aspects such as

security concerns and due to the majority of lenders all

technological innovations, but also geology, resources

chasing the same major clients, leaving the small and

and reserves, mining methods, metallurgical test work,


social and community relations, permitting risks where

Q: How will this acquisition improve the services you can

applicable, legal and region-specific considerations. This

offer to the mining industry in Mexico?

thorough analysis allows us to finance projects that have

A: The acquisition will help us scale up our banking

all the components for success, thereby promoting the

operations and will allow us to broadly serve the sector.

mining industry’s growth. Third, people are the backbone

Combining this larger scale, our group’s unique 20-plus

of any project. We strive to work with reputable managers

years of expertise serving the sector and the bank’s superior

and boards of directors who run projects as if they were

service and expertise in serving midsize companies,

in the US, Canada or Australia. Finally, pricing needs to

Accendo should be positioned as the No. 1 mining bank in

make sense given the risk-reward profile of the opportunity.

the country in the coming years. According to the Ministry

It is important to state that we are the only bank in the

of Economy, the mining industry contributes an estimated 4

country with a fully-integrated mining team comprised of

percent of GDP. This is an area of opportunity for Accendo

geologists, engineers and financial analysts focused on the

Banco and our expertise will help to develop the industry’s

mining sector. Our team of experts allows us to guarantee

supply chain and the sector in general.

we are providing loans to projects that promise to be hugely successful.

Q: What would you like the next administration to prioritize when it comes to the mining industry?

Q: Why did the company decide to acquire Deutsche

A: Accendo Banco believes that the top priorities for the

Bank Mexico?

next administration must be guaranteeing the rule of law

A: Accendo Banco’s vision is to become one of the most

to ensure that the country has optimal conditions and

prominent trustee banks in Latin America, based on our

stability. Violence has scared away investment in different

experience, transparency and solid foundation. These

mining regions. Solving this, in and of itself, will attract more

features will allow us to reach international standards

investment to the Mexican mining sector. In addition, we

that maximize the profitability for our clients. Deutsche

believe Mexico needs to implement a tax reform to increase

Bank is one of the most prominent trustees in Mexico

productivity and create a more competitive environment

and Latin America. This acquisition, which was closed in

for mining companies.

June 2018, puts more than US$30 billion of trust assets under Accendo's management. We are confident that this transaction, in conjunction with our existing banking

Accendo Banco’s mission is to accelerate the productive

operation, will position us as one of the leading medium-

growth of medium-sized companies with growth potential,

sized banks in Mexico. Accendo should finish 2019 among

through the offer of exchange, fiduciary and credit services,

the Top 30 largest banks in the Mexican financial sector.

backed by reliable, transparent management




Q: How can Mexico and Canada strengthen their direct

other FTAs with the main world economies, such as the

commercial relationship, given the current reliance on

EU, Japan and Israel and 32 agreements to promote

the US a middleman?

and protect foreign investment with 33 countries. Were

A: Both countries are aware of the need to find direct

NAFTA to be canceled, Mexico would keep it alive with

connectivity between each other to foster bilateral

Canada, keep its economy unilaterally open and provide

trade and investment, avoiding the US as a springboard.

US investors with equivalent instruments to protect

For example, to better serve the services sector, both

their investments. NAFTA made Mexico a very appealing

Canadian and Mexican airlines, such as West Jet, Volaris,

case for investment but most importantly, it has been

Interjet and Aeroméxico, have increased direct and

an anchor of economic and financial responsibility

even daily nonstop flights to and from various cities.

and of modernization through the creation of new

The biggest challenge for trade in goods is maritime

independent institutions such as the COFECE, Federal

connection, and the East Coast can trigger the first

Telecommunications Institute and Unit of International

results: a route from Halifax to the Altamira and Veracruz

Trade Practices (UPCI).

ports is on the radar. However, geography matters and the US will always be the filling in the bilateral sandwich.

Q: How are Mexico and Canada connected through their mining activities and what impact, if any, will NAFTA

Q: In which areas of the Mexican economy do Canadian

have on this sector?

companies have the largest participation?

A: The bilateral relationship has been enriched by

A: Mining is the sector where Canadian investments

mining activity. Canada has brought to each mining

have flourished the most, measured by the number

operation in Mexico the effective application of both its

of companies devoted to this activity. Manufacturing

national and corporate labor, safety and environmental

in general and auto parts in particular are the leaders

standards in addition to abiding by Mexican regulations.

of employment and exports. Pharmaceutical, financial

Canadian companies have hired and trained Mexican

services and a big rainbow of other services illustrate

executives and workers and greatly improved salaries

the vibrant bilateral trade and investment landscape.

and working conditions. In short, Canada has raised the

Canadian investments have created more than 100,000

mining-business bar in Mexico for good. NAFTA has had

jobs in Mexico since NAFTA’s launch. For the near future,

little impact, since this sector was opened to foreign

AI and the creative industry will take the lead in our

investment by Mexico in 1992. Nevertheless, the overall

relationship. Furthermore, Mexico will become a vital

impact of NAFTA has been very important, in particular

supplier of professional services to Canada, from doctors,

regarding the protection of investments.

engineers, designers and nurses. Q: How are Canada and Mexico working toward creating a Q: Should NAFTA be canceled, what is Mexico’s value

stronger relationship in light of new trade diversification

without the treaty?


A: Mexico has made enormous economic and institutional

A: Both countries have intensified high-level governmental

changes since the signing of NAFTA, including through

contacts, including with the newly elected López Obrador team. They have also reinforced business networking and new academic research projects, with all Canadian

CanCham is the voice of Canadian business in Mexico and

universities having already committed to more than 200

promotes trade and investment between the two countries.

projects with more than 100 peer Mexican institutions.

CanCham represents over 300 companies from all sectors in

The new Canadian academic contacts have reached out


to Mexican companies for specific business partnerships.


GROWING CANADIAN EXPORTS, INVESTMENTS JORGE RAVE Senior Regional Manager Global Business Development and Representative in Mexico City of Export Development Canada (EDC)

Q: What services does EDC provide and how do you help

business opportunities because they lack the knowledge

the Mexican mining industry?

of international markets. Our EMarket platform allows us to

A: EDC is Canada’s export credit agency and has a mandate to

establish quicker and more efficient communication with

support and grow Canadian exports and investment overseas.

many of those companies. We see an opportunity to fill the

We provide financial services and strategic introductions to

information gap for these exporters. This knowledge is not

Canadian supply investment and we help foreign corporations.

only intended for small inexperienced businesses but, in the

Mexican mining companies are an example of this as we

case of the Mexican mining sector, for companies like Peñoles

introduce them to Canadian companies that can help them

and Minera Frisco that have also benefited from our financial

increase efficiency and innovation. We have many existing

support, knowledge and expertise in recent years.

and prospective clients in the Mexican mining sector and since 2016, we have seen a very clear focus from Mexican

Q: What are the factors behind EDC’s ranking of Mexico

companies on implementing cutting-edge technology, an

as Low to Medium risk?

aspect in which Canadian companies can easily assist them.

A: EDC is optimistic but prudent when it comes to the mining

Canada is a global leader in the provision of mining services

sector in Mexico and we are waiting to see how the new

and in the development of innovative technologies for the

government will address some of the challenges that are

mining industry. We have around 3,000 Canadian mining

part of doing business in mining, such as social conflict.

companies that provide technical, legal, financial, accounting,

Whenever EDC considers providing financial support to any

environmental and other expertise to the industry; many of

company, we look at three key pillars. First is the strength

those companies have a global presence and Mexico is no

of what we call the Canadian mandate. We want to ensure

exception. The fact that 70 percent of foreign investment in

that foreign companies have the ability and interest to work

the Mexican mining sector is of Canadian origin shows the

with Canadian companies and to leverage our knowledge

complementarity of the two countries.

of international supply chains and our understanding of Canadian capabilities. Second, EDC is a self-sustained

Q: How are your EMarket services leveraging the mining

financial organization. Our loans are neither grants nor


subsidies; they are commercial loans. Finally, since CSR is

A: EDC has played a significant role in helping Canadian

directly linked to sustainable financial performance over the

companies go, grow and succeed internationally by offering

long term, EDC focuses its efforts on making sure prospective

insurance and financing. At the same time, we are seeing

clients are leaders in sustainable and responsible businesses.

that leveraging our digital strategy with appropriate content

As part of country risk, it is key for us to guarantee that

can help us reach more exporters and investors with

those companies that we do business with are the best in

solutions and services that can help them along their export

dealing with any potential socio-environmental issues. Going

journey. To this end, EMarket leverages our unique and

forward, it will be important to see how social conflict is

seasoned expertise in international trade, our knowledge

addressed, not only by private companies but by local and

of international supply chains and our understanding of

central governments that also have a role to play in the

Canadian capabilities.

development of the sector. These are some of the criteria that we look at when assessing country risk.

We recognized that many of the companies that were coming to us for traditional services were only coming when they were export ready. Although it is important for us to work

Export Development Canada (EDC) is Canada’s export credit

with those companies that have international experience

agency. As an organization, EDC’s mandate is to support and

and have already exported to other countries, there are

develop, directly or indirectly, Canada’s export trade and the

many companies that may be missing out on international

capacity to respond to international business opportunities



AUSTRALIAN MINERS SET SIGHTS ON MEXICAN HORIZONS NICHOLAS BAKER Trade Commissioner of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of Austrade

Q: How would you describe the advantages Mexico has

cities. It can also make it really expensive to fix a broken-

over other mining jurisdictions in Latin America?

down machine when the nearest mechanic is far away. To

A: Australian companies first entered Latin America

fix the problem, mining companies created software that

through Chile. It became a hub for Australian companies

can predict the life cycle of a machine to help operators

in the region. Our goal is to continue motivating these

better prepare for breakdowns. Australian mines also use

companies to expand to Peru and Mexico. Colombia is

autonomous machines and vehicles that can be controlled

also starting to attract the presence of many Australian

from the capital city in that state.

companies. Mexico has a unique position as it links North 358

and South America. It has the advantage of encompassing

We use these tools in Australia because the conditions are

geological diversity as Chile mines mostly copper and

so tough. This kind of technology is still not a necessity in

Colombia coal. Peru also has mines that are in remote

Mexico as mines are not as isolated. But there are many areas

areas in the Andes. It can be expensive to open a mine

of opportunity to incorporate these solutions into the life

in these areas.

cycle of operations in the country. We also seek to motivate Australian companies to invest in Mexico as there are probably

Access to mines in Mexico is much more developed in

only about a dozen such companies that have done so.

comparison. Mexico additionally has a booming oil and gas industry that Australia can work in parallel with. The

We can also relate to the water management issues that

country is opening opportunities for deepwater oil projects

the country faces as Australia is the driest continent

and Australia has expertise in this area. BHP Billiton has

in the world. Mining is a thirsty industry and requires a

already signed a historic contract with PEMEX for the Trion

high consumption of this precious resource. We can help

farmout. We are hoping that BHP will turn its attention

companies better recycle water and optimize its use.

to mining in Mexico as well. The country also has a great deal of talent, with more engineers per capita than many

Q: What strategies is Austrade using to introduce new

other countries.

solutions to the Mexican mining industry? A: We are looking for decision-makers in the Mexican

Q: How can Mexico benefit from the similarities with the

community who can advocate for what we are trying

Australian mining industry?

to establish here. The beauty of Mexico is that mining

A: Mexico has many similarities with Australia. Geologically

conferences can attract these leaders to a single space.

they are both very resource-abundant and both share a

We will bring more Australians to these conferences to

long history in the mining industry. The difference is that

introduce them to the Mexican market and present them

Australia is a large country and the mines are normally

to supply-chain managers. We are continuously organizing

located in isolated and remote areas. The necessity to fill

networking and B2B meetings.

in the gaps created by the lack of a workforce in these areas helped turn Australia into a hub for technology in

We are also prioritizing the establishment of local

mining. People do not want to live close to the mines as

partners. Partnerships are important because they can

these are often thousands of kilometers away from the main

help guide companies through the regulatory landscape and relationships with communities. We are strategically identifying the needs in the Mexican market, such as cost-

The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)

reduction, safety and health, that can be met through



solutions created by Australian companies. We want to

relationships to offer a full suite of export services to Australian

help the country improve productivity through affordable

companies that are looking to grow their business in Mexico

and innovative technology.







Just like Mexico, Australia and New Zealand are traditional

pushing Mexico to strengthen its relationship with other

mining countries, with activities dating as far back as the

countries. The TPP-11 and Pacific Alliance trade pacts are a

gold rush of the 19th century. Oceania has produced prolific

reflection of these trends.”

mining companies, including Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. With BHP having entered the country as a PEMEX partner

Smallwood says companies join ANZMEX to network with

for deepwater oil activities, Donald Smallwood, President

other members and to create more business opportunities.

of the Australia, New Zealand and Mexico Business Council

“Chambers are important not only for companies entering

(ANZMEX), says companies from the region see increasing

Mexico but also for those that are already established as

potential in Latin America across all industries. “Australia

even competitors can find ways to collaborate and offer

used to focus on places like South Africa more due to

better services to clients,” he says. “We want our council to

geographical advantages and cultural similarities but

be a place where people can meet others that have faced

international integration has opened new opportunities

similar issues to improve their services.”

in Latin America,” he says. “Trade agreements are helping create ties across the ocean.”

The first step when entering Mexico is to understand the country well. This helps ensure success as the country

Most of the international companies in the Mexican mining

deals with complicated matters such as land ownership

industry are Canadian but Australia is starting to cement its

and ejidos. Smallwood adds that ANZMEX can help newly-

relationship at a federal and business level in the country.

arriving companies connect with good law firms that are

“Australia and New Zealand can offer Mexican companies

members of the business council. Understanding indigenous

expertise in many industries, such oil and gas, minerals and

communities is a common thread between Mexico, Australia

agriculture, as both regions have similar characteristics,”

and New Zealand, and Smallwood says companies coming

says Smallwood. He highlights that Australia has one of

from Oceania inherently understand the difficulties and

the most technologically-developed mining industries in

intricacies of these relationships. “We have experience

the world, as well as being among the biggest exporters of

dealing with indigenous communities and creating a legal

education. “It has many universities dedicated to mining that

system that works both for communities and companies,”

companies can take advantage of by sending employees to

he says. “The area has a high level of social responsibility

learn more about the latest technology,” he says.

that Mexico can learn a lot from as it has one of the biggest indigenous populations in the world.”

ANZMEX strives to develop business opportunities for all parties involved with the council and to help individuals and

Smallwood stresses that the protection of indigenous

companies with similar approaches connect. “We facilitate

communities needs to be part of the legal system and the

networking and create atmospheres where companies can

country needs to make sure regulations are being enforced.

get together and find ways to collaborate. We also work

“Unfortunately, in Mexico the law is not always respected

with the Australian Embassy and Trade Commissioner

and this affects the well-being of these communities,” he

Service to achieve this,” Smallwood says.

explains. He says Mexico could be more open to companies that want to share expertise and collaborate as seeing

Given the global geopolitical situation and the US pulling

other people’s experience and expertise can improve best

back from its traditional alliances, ANZMEX sees great

practices. But he says small steps are being made to lay

opportunities in Mexico and is working to raise its profile.

the foundations. “Large companies in Mexico are doing

“There are many opportunities considering the increasing

this more and more each day,” he says. “Joint ventures and

integration that is being seen in the world,” Smallwood

developing legal and financial relationships with global

says. “The US pulling back from its role in the region is also

companies are beneficial steps.”




Q: How advanced are Mexico’s practices when it comes to

nickel. Construction in China paused for a while but it is

commercialization and where does Mercuria fit in?

starting to pick up pace again, which will impact the mining

A: In terms of commercialization, Mexico has good

industry as well.

practices. The market has become more open and has


incorporated international standards. Previously, the

When it comes to precious metals, China’s stock exchange

market was quite closed and mostly overseen by the large

in Shanghai calculates its own prices for precious metals.

Mexican operators that internally commercialized their

This used to create a considerable discrepancy between the

products. But as there are more companies in the industry,

prices in China and the rest of the world. But the variation

new opportunities for traders have opened up. There

has lowered a great deal, and now it has somewhat leveled

used to be little space for traders. Some companies may

out. There will always be a difference but it is much more

want to save money by trading their products themselves

minimal. China is an important region for traders and

but they have to realize that we do much more than buy

represents more than 80 percent of exportation destinations

and sell material. We also provide solutions and offer

for metals. Overall, Asia represents a significant amount of

expertise in terms of logistics and even taxes. The return

the world’s trade, followed by Europe.

of tax money is a big issue in Mexico that can take several years. Our company offers to take over these matters in

Q: How do you expect copper prices to perform in the

the supply chain. It is also not so easy to find smelting

medium term?

companies willing to purchase material as each one is

A: Copper will continue to rise but to no more than

looking for very specific requirements and characteristics.

US$7,500/t. Eventually supply and demand will make prices fall back to a more stable position around US$6,500/t

Mexico exports around 1.6 million tons from ports such as Manzanillo in the Pacific Ocean for products moving toward the Asian market

taking into consideration the history of the metal. The prices will motivate many companies to start evaluating more projects in copper. The amount of nonferrous concentrates Mexico exports is around 1.6 million tons from ports such as Manzanillo in the Pacific Ocean for products moving toward the Asian market. There is some movement of copper toward the US but it does not compare to the level of concentrates that are exported to China.

Q: How is Chinese consumption influencing the metals trading market?

Q: What factors are behind the rise and fall of zinc prices?

A: China continues to grow technologically and its

A: Supply was greatly affected by the closure of zinc

internal demand is likely to keep rising and surpass global

mines globally. Demand rose after stocks dropped,

supply of these metals. We believe that the exportation

bringing zinc to US$3,800/t as there was a great deal of

business in China will continue to be favorable. Demand

speculation regarding EVs and batteries. Some analysts

for vehicles, both traditional and electric, will continue to

have even predicted a price of US$4000/t but this is

require lead and other battery metals such as zinc and

too optimistic. Prices will probably be further impacted as new mines

Mercuria is one of the largest energy and commodity trading

come online in the next couple of years. We believe prices

companies in the world, with over 1,000 employees and

could drop to around US$2,500/t. It may seem like a steep

operating bases in over 50 countries. Founded in 2004, its

drop but considering that this metal is normally around

turnover in 2015 was US$56 billion

US$2,300/t, it should level out at an optimal price.



Q: What is your outlook for the San Dimas project after the

A: I think Mexico is a country in which anyone in the

acquisition of Primero Mining by First Majestic?

mining industry will feel most at home. It has a welcoming

A: San Dimas was the first streaming agreement, not only

environment from an industry perspective. Mining in Mexico

for Wheaton Precious Metals, but in the world. We took a lot

is well-accepted socially. Mexican society and culture

of value, so we needed to shrink the size of the streaming

recognize the value that mining delivers.

agreement on the asset. When Primero Mining was having difficulties, we sought a mutually beneficial process in

Our focus is silver and gold. Mexico is one of the biggest silver

which this asset was sold to a company that could take over

producers in the world and has a healthy gold production too.

Primero and pay us to reduce the streaming agreement. We

It has always been among our Top 3 countries to invest in but

terminated the original streaming agreement with Primero

the challenge is finding quality assets and funding partners.

and agreed to a new streaming agreement with First Majestic,

Also, the lack of exploration activity has been difficult.

which included 25 percent of the gold and 25 percent of the

But I think Mexico has done reasonably well compared to

silver paid in gold equivalent at a fixed exchange rate.

other mining jurisdictions in terms of maintaining a decent exploration pipeline. We do not have exact numbers of how

The challenge of the previous streaming agreement was

much we will be investing in the country but I am certain we

that Primero Mining was greatly focused on the gold-rich

will pursue any quality opportunities that we find in Mexico.

areas. We have significantly improved the restructured streaming agreement to maximize the potential of the

Q: What are the main factors driving Wheaton Precious

asset. We think the partnership with First Majestic will

Metals’ portfolio?

be very positive as the operator is excited about what

A: Silver prices have definitely reached a peak. As most

San Dimas has to offer. Wheaton Precious Metals has a

silver comes from lead-zinc mines, the rise of lead prices is

great deal of mining industry expertise. First Majestic is a

stimulating exploration. As 60 percent of silver is produced

company that has great respect for the capabilities of the

from base metals mines, if we do not see investment in base

domestic mining industry and we are confident it will have

metals, the supply of silver will be affected. If supply is cut

great success at San Dimas.

down, the price of this commodity will go up. I think that in the near and long term the price of silver will rise. Gold is a

Q: What characteristics do you look for in projects for

very important part of our company; our revenues consist

streaming agreements?

of 55-60 percent gold income and the rest is from silver. If

A: We look for healthy operating margins; the mine has

the silver industry picks up, we will be more than happy to

to be profitable after the stream is in place. We are taking

step up our participation in silver streaming. At the moment,

some of the value of the mine so if our partners are not

about two-thirds of our opportunities are gold-focused. I

happy, we are not happy. We have to make sure that when

do not think we will venture in other base metals, as we

we make this investment our partners will be happy on

try to keep our business model as simple as we can. We

an operating basis and will keep investing in growing the

seek high-quality and long-life assets with high revenue

mines. We typically limit exposure to less than 20 percent

margins to deliver the best exposure to precious metals to

and on average we have 10 percent of the revenue tied to

our clients. We are sticking to our specialty.

our stream. It has to have good margins so our partners are healthy and prosperous and we can profit from this prosperity when they reinvest in the asset.

Wheaton Precious Metals, formerly Silver Wheaton, is the world’s largest pure silver and gold streaming company. It

Q: What are Mexico’s main advantages in comparison with

offers investors cost predictability, direct leverage to increases

other mining jurisdictions in which you work?

in silver and gold prices, and a high-quality asset base



IN MEXICO FOR THE LONG HAUL RICK RULE President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings


Q: As a brokerage and investment management firm, how

basis. But we have a very extensive project lending portfolio

do you select your investments in Mexico and how do you

and, if the project lender has 65 percent of the capital

evaluate the country as a mining jurisdiction?

deployed, by definition it becomes involved. We have been

A: We have been in Mexico for a very long time, essentially

involved in a variety of projects in Mexico. In addition, we

since the change of the mining law. We are very comfortable

are one of the primary funders of generative exploration

here, understanding there are regional sociological

worldwide, including in Mexico. The nature of generative

challenges. But we have operated in jurisdictions like

exploration, where the expectation is failure, is such that

Guerrero and Sinaloa, so we can take these aspects into

the person writing the check has to be intimately involved,

account prior to investing. Sprott is particularly well-known

at least with the development of the thesis and the process

for precious metals – in particular for silver – and we have

by which the thesis is tested.

relatively deep exposure to Mexico. Our comfort in Mexico is related to the fact there is a long-standing mining culture

Q: The majority of exploration companies in Mexico are

in place but the attraction involves, most importantly,

listed on the TSXV. What are the benefits of sourcing

geological prospects. There is also an increased availability

private funding?

of not only skilled labor but also of national Mexican

A: Private funding is very difficult to access for exploration,

talent, and this is internationally competitive. The Mexican

and the best source of private capital for exploration is

government seems to be on par with other governments

probably from high-net-worth career mining explorers

in that it is mindful of the contribution made by mining to

or from mining operators that are looking to outsource

the national economy, which is very helpful.

exploration. Mexico is fortunate in that it has five or six private individuals who are themselves eager participants

The issues we see in Mexico are common around the world.

in the Mexican exploration industry. This is something

The main issue is that the rents from mining and extractive

even the Mexican industry does not understand about

industries have traditionally been channeled to the center

itself. The fact that national investors are eager to fund

– in Mexico’s case it goes to the federal government in

these projects gives foreign investors like ourselves some

Mexico City – while the localities have been subjected to


the costs of mining without the benefits. Despite the fact that it is not our business to insert ourselves into Mexican

Q: How do you mitigate the inherent risk that comes from

politics, we try to now be part of the process whereby we

both exploration and jurisdictions that may not be free of

as investors ensure that the benefits flow more equitably

security issues?

so we ourselves are working in jurisdictions that are largely

A: When operating in dangerous jurisdictions, the best

free of local disputes.

we can do is to know who the main players are, and to let the authorities know the company is not implicit while

Q: To what extent does Sprott get involved in the projects

assuring the local players that it does not pose a threat.

in which it invests?

There are jurisdictions where extortion and drug trafficking

A: We manage a reasonable amount of passive money,

are problems that can make things very difficult. But the

whereby we participate in a company at an arm’s length

truth is that every industry would like to mitigate all risks, but we have to juxtapose the risk with the prospects. The answer to the question is that there is no answer; there

Sprott US Holdings is a holding company made up of three

are challenges in several parts of Mexico – and Mexico is

companies: Sprott Global Resource Investments, Sprott

not alone in this – where there are very real risks. We draw

Asset Management USA and Resource Capital Investment

the line when we believe our people, whether nationals or

Corporation, a SEC-registered investment adviser

expats, are at risk. We will not take that risk.



Financing for mining in Mexico is notoriously hard to come

he says. “Both also have significant exploration potential

by. Enrique Margalef, Partner at Vander Capital Partners,

and neither are running at full capacity so we want to grow

says this is because the requirements for private equity

the resource bases at the current properties and search for

funding or listing on a stock exchange typically conflict

new mines to incorporate into the portfolio.”

with the business of exploration. “To list on the BMV or seek private equity, a mining company must demonstrate it has

According to Margalef, the next step for the company’s growth

been cash-flow positive for at least two years,” he says. “But

is to attract more institutional investors, such as Afores and

the main premise of the mining cycle dictates that there is

foreign pension funds. He says the problem with this is that,

no return until the mine has been built.”

often these entities are governed by strict investment rules

and have a lack of understanding of the intricacies of mining.

Margalef says this creates a vicious cycle wherein exploration companies need money to fund their activities but cannot obtain it through a public listing in Mexico. He pinpoints this as the reason why 75 percent of mining companies are listed on the TSXV. “On the TSXV, there is no requirement to be cash-flow positive; as long as a company has the experience and a promising project, it can obtain the funds.” Vander Capital Partners, an investment firm, began as an exploration company but when the downturn hit in

Our strategy at the moment is to acquire new mines that are ready to be moved into production”

This means institutionalization could be a long-term goal, since requirements for institutional investment include

2012, it had to change strategies to survive. “Since foreign

a proven track record of cash generation. Telson began

investment was allowed in Mexico in 1992, there have been

making money in 2Q18 but the nature of mining dictates

more than 25 years of exploration, equating to over 1,000

that its EBITDA is still negative since all the revenues it

projects,” Margalef explains. “These concessions had been

accrues are directly reinvested into the operation of Campo

explored over this time and some were ready to be put

Morado and the construction of Tahuehueto. “If we went the

into development.”

traditional route, we would have to wait until both mines were in production and then wait another two to three years

The firm took advantage of this landscape when it came

to prove our profitability,” he says. “This would be a three

across Telson Resources, a small-sized Canadian company

to five-year plan.”

with the Tahuehueto project in Durango. At the time, Vander was working with experienced miners José Antonio

The firm is now in talks with the new stock exchange,

Berlanga and Jesus Robles and jumped on the opportunity

BIVA, to evaluate the possibility of this requirement being

to acquire Telson. Campo Morado is now in commercial

eliminated. Margalef is hopeful that the new SPACs available

production, while Telson is working on advancing

in Mexico will help companies like Telson. His goal is to be

Tahuehueto. “I expect Tahuehueto to reach production

the first company to use these tools to raise funds for the

within the next year,” says Margalef.

mining industry. In the meantime, he says Vander alongside Telson will work to prove two to three years of positive

Today, Vander is focusing only on its relationship with Telson,

cash generation. “When we make it to this milestone, we

as Margalef says there is still plenty of room for the operator

can return to these funds and prove we delivered on our

to grow. “Our strategy at the moment is to acquire new

profitability promises,” he says. “This will then open us up

mines that are ready to be moved into production in much

to a wider range of investors that hopefully have a better

the same way we did with Campo Morado and Tahuehueto,”

understanding of the mining industry.”



JUANICIPIO, MEXICO’S BIGGEST PRECIOUS METAL MINE IN DEVELOPMENT TREVOR TURNBULL Director of Gold and Precious Metals Global Equity Research at Scotia Capital

Q: How does Scotia Capital differentiate itself in Mexico’s

in Mexico. America Silver Corporation’s project in Sinaloa,

mining industry and how important is the industry to the

San Rafael, is also interesting. Little mining is done in this

company’s global strategy?

state so it is important to see whether Sinaloa will emerge

A: Scotiabank is quite active in Mexico through its operations

as a new mining area. It is off to a good start.

in the country. We see mining as an extremely important


sector because it plays such an important role in the Mexican

There are also some interesting expansion projects. The San

economy. We serve international companies investing in

Dimas operation now belongs to First Majestic, which is well-

the Mexican mining industry, such as Canadian operators.

capitalized. It should be able to ramp up investment more

Scotia Capital is one of the biggest lenders in the mining

than the previous owner. It is a good district and it will be

industry. We are known to strategically choose the locations

interesting to see how it gets developed. The Camino Rojo

and sectors we lend money to so our programs in Mexico

project that Goldcorp sold to Orla Mining may be developed

show that we have faith in the stability of the Mexican mining

soon and it is an interesting project to keep an eye on.

industry. Other banks are not as open to lending money to mining as it is a highly technical industry. Entering this sector

Q: How do you expect the prices of precious metals to

often implies hiring a new team of people but Scotiabank

perform in the short term?

has been known as a mining-friendly bank for a long time.

A: Our official long-term forecast for gold prices is US$1,300/oz, which is the current price. On the other hand,

Scotia's official long-term forecast for gold prices is US$1,300/oz, while the price of silver is expected to increase to US$19.25/ oz over the long term

the price of silver is expected to increase to US$19.25/oz over the long term but it is still quite below this benchmark. Nonetheless, we expect silver prices to catch up to gold as industrial demand and usage of this metal continue to rise. A lack of silver supply is not a particular concern as up to 70 percent of the world’s silver is processed as a byproduct. There are several large silver mines in the world but many gold and copper mines also happen to produce silver. What we need is not more supply but more industrial and investment demand for silver.

Q: What projects do you think are bound to attract more

Q: How can companies find a more stable middle point

investors or deliver a greater ROI in the short term?

between the short-term needs of investors and the long-

A: In terms of gold and silver, the biggest project is the

term goals of mining operations?

Juanicipio JV operated between Fresnillo and MAG Silver. It

A: We understand that this is not easy but mining

is going to be a large gold, silver and base metal operation

companies need to continue focusing on their long-term

and it is quite similar to Fresnillo’s Saucito, which has been

goals and educating investors as to why this is the right

incredibly profitable. It will start production by 2020 and

way to do business. Mining is a long-term industry and it

this is going to be the newest large precious metal mine

is not always possible to deliver short-term gains every quarter. Companies can also gain the trust of investors by having a strong track record that shows they can make solid

Scotia Capital is a leading provider of financial products

investments that generate real returns. It can be challenging

and services to the global mining industry. Its global mining

as sometimes operators may need to slow production to

platform incorporates corporate banking, investment banking

focus on expansion. This can easily scare off investors even

and M&A, among others

though these strategies can reap more profits in the future.



Q: What is your financial model for the mining industry and

or to launch it on the stock exchange. For this endeavor,

how do you choose which projects to pursue?

we require a solid mineral bank, so we are targeting 1 billion

A: Before venturing into the mining industry, we conducted

ounces in situ. We also own the titles to several mines but

a financial analysis and saw that it represented a good cost

we first want to fully develop our ongoing projects while

opportunity for us, given the potential for high returns.

awaiting the geopolitical uncertainty in Mexico to subside.

We do not approach mining from an operational front, as

This will help us avoid making rush decisions. For the Veta

we outsource experts. For example, we collaborate with

Grande project, we had a steep learning curve as we were

Canadian laboratories like SGS and renowned drilling

selling the mined ore at the price of barite when it contained

companies. Our firm’s vision is based on trading. We can

high levels of gold and silver.

either participate in a joint venture for production, list the project on the stock exchange or sell the whole mine. We

Much of our venturing into projects has been circumstantial.

focus on doing selective mining and only for underground

For example, we made a loan to a company that repaid

mines. We do not participate in open-pit mining as our

us with the titles of several mines in the state of Guerrero.

experience has taught us that it is more profitable to explore

We started to explore these and realized the project may

the mine tunnels and underground veins, which have higher-

have an interesting upside. So, we are constantly open to

grade ores without the need to crush so much material.

analyzing the feasibility of these sorts of exchanges. If we find them viable, we present the proposal to our committee

Our philosophy is that the mining industry is no sprint, but

so it can greenlight its continued development.

rather a marathon. We think that metals back up investments despite macroeconomic hurdles. That is why we are willing

Q: What main challenges have you faced when venturing

to take the risks that the mining industry may represent.

into the mining sector?

We think we are moving in the right direction. We consider

A: I think we have faced every challenge a company can

ourselves juniors in selective mining, which is why all our

possibly face when venturing into the industry. For example,

acquisitions are targeted to only high-grade deposits. This is

regarding geology, it is common to get opposing opinions

how we aim to become a key player in silver mining.

for an exploration project. This experience working with geologists tells us that some may be opportunistic and extend

Q: What are your main projects and how are they

the project to earn more money, while it is in our company’s


interest to advance fast and potentialize our investments. All

A: Regarding the projects we have under the VES Capitals

our projects have been carried out through our stakeholders’

concessions, our strategy is to adapt to the mine and

funds, with no subsidies or loans. We learned that to fully

the project. Five years ago, when we acquired a cluster

rely on geologists is naive, so we outsource more wisely. We

of properties known as the Veta Grande project, our goal

are used to high risk, but it is important to establish clear

was to mine barite but we discovered high-grade silver,

communication channels with the outsourced experts to

changing the whole vision of the project. After sending

prevent abuses of trust. Today, we work with trustworthy

the ore samples to our laboratories in Canada we also

companies, such as Detector Exploraciones, whose

discovered an interesting gold percentage. Just by

recommendations we know we can follow.

extracting the gold byproduct we can cover the costs of silver production, thus clearing the income we receive for its production. So, we constantly resize our projects based

VES Capital Partners is a mining company focused on silver

on the mine’s behavior. According to our studies, we have at

production in Mexico. The company’s objective is to develop its

least US$300 million of in situ ore to be extracted. We are

existing mineral property assets, while pursuing the acquisition

working to make the project more attractive to a partner

of other potential mineral assets





Minerals are a finite resource and as high-grade projects

Considering its dependency on resources imports, Japan

get harder to find and the exploration pipeline shrinks,

is responding to the changing circumstances surrounding

governments around the world are starting to prepare

resources and energy by strengthening its ties to resource-

themselves for the possibility of a resource scarcity in the

rich countries like Mexico. As noted in JOGMEC’s 2017 annual

near future. The Japanese government established Japan

report, Japan consumes considerably more oil, natural gas

Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) to

and mineral resources than can be domestically produced.

make sure it has a constant supply of natural resources

Moreover, the global competition for resources is fierce.

through a wide range of activities. “In the global resources

According to provisional figures from the International

market, the extent and rapidity of change in the global

Lead & Zinc Study Group, there was a global refined zinc

resources and energy sector has been further exacerbated

deficit of 485 billion tons in the first 11 months of 2017, a 135

by uncertainties associated with geopolitical risks and the

percent increase on the 206-billion-ton deficit in January-

rising tide of resource nationalism,” says Hideki Morimoto,

November 2016.

General Manager of JOGMEC Mexico. “This underlines the ongoing need for a comprehensive and multi-faceted

For this reason, JOGMEC provides support to Japanese

resources and energy strategy.”

companies that are involved in exploration and development



Q: What advantages does Mexico offer in terms of

port in the country but Manzanillo became more popular

trading minerals?

when it was built as it offers greater access to China and

A: Mexico has a mixed market divided between national

Asia. Guaymas is also a strategic port but it has limited

and international companies. It has high-quality minerals

infrastructure. Geographically, inland freight can be cheaper

that can be marketed in Europe and Asia and provide

at times to take material from Guaymas to Manzanillo

flexibility in allocation. There are many great opportunities

and then ship from there as the latter offers better rates.

to be found in the country both in local business and in

Altamira is also a good option for those that need to export

exportation. Mexican companies such as Peñoles are some

to Europe.

of the biggest producers in the world. It is also strategically located near the North American market.

Despite the advances, Mexico could take greater advantage of its coasts. Other countries have more domestic vessel

Q: How would you describe the quality of the

traffic while Mexico depends on trucks and railways to

country’s ports?

move goods. Increasing the internal use of ports would

A: The country has made great strides when it comes to its

make them safer and cheaper and would also attract more

ports and exportation options. Tampico used to be the only

investment to ports in the south that greatly need it. That

projects by providing equity capital and liability guarantees.

panhandle belonging to Constantine Metal Resources. Both

“In Mexico, Japanese companies participate in silver, zinc

projects are expected to produce zinc.

and lithium projects in states such as Chihuahua and Sonora,” says Morimoto. “We also strengthen relationships

Combined with the capital and expertise it offers to promote

with resource-producing countries in the field of mine

exploration, recycling and the development of alternative raw

pollution control. JOGMEC can provide a variety of technical

materials, Japan is protecting itself against the instable supply

support such as holding seminars on mine pollution control

of rare metals by stockpiling resources. “Japan is ensuring it

and hosting trainees in Japan.”

has enough resources to last for several years in the case of any type of emergency that could stop the flow of mineral

Despite JOGMEC’s eagerness to carry out joint mineral

importation,” says Morimoto. In 2017, the country reported a

production, Morimoto says it can be challenging to work

national rare metals stockpiling target of 42 days and a private

with mining companies in Mexico. “Many concessions are

stockpiling target of 18 days in terms of domestic consumption

too small for us to support, while major Mexican companies

levels. It is a short-term measure the country deems necessary

have almost everything they need from capital, to technical

considering the rising risk of “supply disorder.”

expertise and the right personnel,” he says. “This makes it hard to identify areas of opportunity in which we can participate.”

Despite the precautions the government is taking, JOGMEC

Furthermore, Japanese companies are struggling to keep up

is sure that business will redesign itself to the reality of

with costs related to security and theft issues.

the industry as the deficit becomes more real. “Companies will continue to adjust to the necessities of the industry

Although its participation in Mexico is not as smoothly as

and adapt to the availability of resources,” says Morimoto.

desired, JOGMEC provided new financial assistance valued

But he adds that Mexico holds a privileged position in the

at more than 15 billion yen in its 2016 fiscal year budget

Japanese company’s portfolio. “Mexico is a lot more open

to support four exploration projects around the world,

to international investment than South American countries

including the Sunshine Silver-DOWA Los Gatos project

with mining potential that are more nationalistic. This helps

in Chihuahua and the Palmer Property in the Alaskan

us mitigate risks.”

would strengthen the country’s economy by making it

pays dividends. The issue for many small miners is obtaining


the capital to install these controls and filters and visualizing it as long-term investment. Many end up relying on traders and

Q: What should the industry be considering when it comes

warehouses to control elements such as moisture and quality

to insuring fleets?

but these costs can quickly add up.

A: Many mining companies do not know how to insure their cargo based on their incoterm contract agreements. This

Q: How can Mexico improve its exportation facilities?

is a common risk of trading and many companies use a

A: Ports should offer a more unified and uniform service.

variety of strategies to minimize that risk. Big companies

Traders do not want to share information with competitors

like Peñoles and Grupo México often have good insurance

but having more open data would help reduce corruption

and can cover losses in shipment but smaller businesses

and robberies at ports. The government needs to do

often cannot cover the costs. This can lead to canceled

more than just track who is paying taxes and who is not.

contracts even after they have been signed. We recommend

Fortunately, we have experience in these processes and

incorporation of a variety of control points in the process,

we can help new businesses and suppliers navigate these

whether loading the vessel at the port or in the mine.

issues. We also have the advantage of being a smaller company that can offer customized services. We are

Q: What can companies do to reduce the costs of shipping

constantly on the lookout for the best rates in the country.

and trading?

We provide services to big players such as Peñoles and

A: Small and medium companies often do not want to invest in

Fresnillo but also to medium and smaller miners.

filters for the plant that improve the conditions of the material before shipping. We try to explain that it is better to make the initial investment as international standards are quite strict. It

Cliveden Trading AG is a professional trading and marketing

can be more expensive to have material or samples rejected

company. It specializes in offering bespoke services to junior

and be forced to make adjustments right before shipping.

miners. It has a combined raw materials trading experience of

Adding this kind of quality control during the processing plan

over 50 years




Q: What is the role of Mexico’s mining industry within your

transporting valuable cargo remains high in the country, so

international business strategy?

Brink’s keeps adapting but cannot cut corners and put our

A: Brink’s Global Services’ (BGS) strategy in Latin America

people and cargo at risk. Our solution is to leverage our

heavily relies on our two main pillars: Mexico and Brazil.

carrier network, adhere to our internal security procedures

Mexico is the No. 1 exporter of silver ore in the world,

and ensure we keep clients’ products safe until delivery.

a market expected to grow to US$17.8 billion by 2020,


mainly driven by an increase in gold exports. Due to the

Q: What is your main added value to the Mexican

market’s size, we continue to invest in equipment and

mining industry?

resources along with a fully dedicated team of supply

A: As the market leader in this industry, we focus on

chain experts who focus on multimodal transportation

developing strong commercial relationships, operational

of precious metals from Mexico to various parts of the

excellence and price competitiveness. Our strategy is to listen

world. The shipment flows are toward Canada, the US and

to what our customers need, adapt and implement. In 2017,

Switzerland, where we also have our own infrastructure to

we implemented Key Performance Indicators to measure

provide our customers with door-to-door services.

Brink’s, our subcontractors and our customers, which has lead us to an exceptional level of service performance. We

Mexico’s silver ore export market is expected to grow to US$17.8 billion by 2020

add value through 158 years of industry experience and our global network, instilling confidence in our customers when we are handling their valuable cargo. The Brink’s brand was built on trust and integrity, on its people, security and service. We will continue to build on those foundations. Also, at Brink’s we look out for the best interest of our customers. As the market and flows of precious metals

Q: What are your most demanded services in the Mexican

change, we have to work with our partners to provide

mining industry?

seamless transportation solutions to the US, Canada,

A: Brink’s Global Services has a key market position in

Europe and Asia. We ship most of our cargo by air and

the precious metals exports from Mexico. Our customers

we constantly look for the most effective way to reach

demand fast transit times and reduced costs, so we have

the various destinations. We are improving and adding

a strong nationwide network in Mexico and can provide a

value by carrying out door-to-door multimodal seamless

variety of door-to-door services through helicopters, air

international shipments with full cargo liability coverage

charters, commercial airlines and our own fleet of armored

for our customers.

trucks. The market pressure and client demand drive our teams to be creative when managing their supply chain.

Unlike general cargo, valuable cargo requires strict and

We are constantly searching for new airfreight partners

confidential flows of information. Our customers need

and routes that can improve transit times. We know there

visibility regarding their cargo throughout the supply chain.

is a need for a competitive logistics cost, yet the risk of

We have a very personalized relationship with each of our customers, so the challenge we face is providing visibility while limiting information to reduce the risk of losses. To

Brink’s is a premier provider of secure logistics and security

support our clients, we have expanded and customized

solutions including cash-in-transit, ATM replenishment and

our tracking and tracing visibility tool, Brink’s Online. Our

maintenance and cash management services. It offers the

portal is used by customers to safely track and trace their

mining industry management of the entire logistical process

shipments in a centralized and secure way.



Q: What role does the Mexican mining industry play in your

usually considered complex materials, requiring blending

international business strategy?

to reach an acceptable quality, we also have to perform

A: Mining represents a large portion of our business in

analysis during the blending process to make sure that

Mexico. We offer the industry a wide array of services

the blend is according to the clients’ expectations,

from geochemistry to geometallurgy. SGS specializes

keeping all the elements within acceptable limits.

in providing detailed ore analysis so that operators can make better decisions about their production strategies.

Each load is different as the particle size and type of

But the lack of exploration is impacting our business and

material can vary greatly so we have to be extra cautious

at the same time condemning the future of the industry

with every client. We normally take samples at ports or

and its development. Sadly, when prices drop, exploration

warehouses near them such as at Manzanillo when the

is often the first to suffer. We remain cautious about the

vessels are ready to load the material prior to it leaving

rise of the industry as we believe that some analysts are

the country or as soon as possible once the material is

being more wishful than realistic about its outlook.

discharged from the vessel.

Q: What are the main issues companies face in terms of

Q: How do you help companies with traditional mindsets

mineral analysis and how do you help them?

overcome their resistance to change?

A: The biggest challenge companies face at the moment

A: Mining companies can be quite traditional as it is an old

is their restricted budget. Exploration departments

industry. Certain operators may fear straying from processes

often have very small budgets to complete studies.

that have been giving them decent results for decades.

Based on their objectives and goals, we meet their

But we strive to show them that there is a new world of

needs by adapting our services to their limited capital.

possibilities and efficiency that can be achieved through

We can also help facilitate and optimize the process of

new processes. It also helps that regulators are starting

commercialization to help them reduce costs. Another

to direct companies in the right way by incentivizing new

issue is that not enough companies know that we have

models. Some operators are quite up to date on the newest

a high-end laboratory in the country and many shipping

technology and trends in the industry.

samples to other countries, which can be expensive. Our local knowledge is an additional advantage.

We also believe that the best way to foment change in the industry is by setting the example. By overcoming

Q: What challenges do operators face when it comes to

internal resistance to new processes, we can successfully

commercialization and trade?

show others how to do this as well. We have worked with

A: Trade and commercialization are particularly tricky as

companies and helped them install onsite laboratories in

one bad sample can put at risk an entire lot or shipment

their mines. We make sure to only install the equipment they

of concentrates. We have to make sure that we take

need to optimize costs. We seek to be well-positioned in the

representative samples of the materials according to the

country, not just in mining but across a variety of industries.

applicable international norms. This is important since our

SGS is showing companies that we are much more than just

clients need to be sure that the material they are exporting

service providers; we can be business partners.

complies with the local regulations in each country regarding contaminant levels. They also need assurances that they are below the limitations that a smelter might

SGS was established in 1878 and is the world’s leading

have to treat certain materials. If a material is not within

inspection, verification, testing and certification company.

the specification it could be rejected, wasting time and

With more than 90,000 employees, SGS operates a network

money. Since the concentrates produced in Mexico are

of more than 2,000 offices and laboratories around the world





Q: How is KCSM helping unlock railway transportation

A: KCSM has already opened a dialogue with the newly-

potential in Mexico and what impact has it achieved in

elected administration. We have discussed the projects

the economic development of the country?

that it has planned and we believe that the scenario ahead

A: KCSM currently has 4,251km of railway in Mexico. We are

is encouraging. The national and international markets

committed to further upgrading our rail network through an

have responded to the election calmly, which is a very

annual investment in its modernization; this in order to have

good sign. Our company has worked with all types of local

a more competitive and efficient railway system. In 2018 we

governments. At a federal level we have collaborated with

have planned to invest US$165 million, but the total outlay

two parties and now will have the opportunity to work with

may end up being higher.

a third. Our line of work will continue to be institutional and very respectful of the law. We hope to carry on a very good

We believe that we are achieving our efficiency goal as

relationship, as we have for the 22 years we have spent

our key actions attest to our progress. For example, we

operating in Mexico.

collaborated with the Mexican and US authorities to establish an inspection booth at the border, which has

Q: How does KCSM remain at the forefront of innovation

helped to establish a more efficient train crossing in the

adding value to the mining industry?

area. We are also working on international crew matters

A: We cannot move our rail network to reach new mines,

to avoid having our trains stopped at the border. We

so we strive to offer greater availability instead. Regarding

have contributed a great deal financially to control and

the mining industry, we are mainly moving steel. All the

monitoring equipment for our trains, to better monitor the

investments we make in upgrading our network benefit

products we move. We think that it is key to take more

the industry as they are aimed at having a more efficient

preemptive actions instead of reactive ones.

and competitive railway. I believe that the mineral terminals enhance the process of storing ores. To add

We are also making a considerable investment in our rail

more value to the industry, it is also important to be in

yard in Nuevo Laredo, building the biggest rail infrastructure

constant communication with our clients to make sure we

that we have in the country. We expect this project to help

are helping them in the best way to achieve their growth

us speed up train movements on the northern and southern

expectations. The industry has the same rail needs across

crossings, increasing our efficiency and competitivity. Our

countries, so KCSM implements the same best practices

outlay is also focused on new equipment and locomotives.

in Mexico, the US and Canada. We build a single railway,

All of these actions may seem independent but they pursue

instead of dividing it across borders. This helps us be more

the objective of making our trains more efficient and

efficient and competitive by achieving a greater fluency

competitive. We move around 40 percent of the total rail

in circulation. The sooner we can take a carriage from

freight in the country. While we do not expect to increase

origin to destination, the greater availability we will have

this percentage, the volumes moved keep growing.

for the industry.

Q: Given López Obrador’s victory, what impact will his

Q: What are the main obstacles that the mining industry

government have on Mexico’s industrial competitiveness?

faces in terms of logistics and trade? A: The mining sector requires more availability of rail freight transportation and thus of railways. But it is up to


the authorities to determine when and how to tender for

transportation between Mexico and the US, with customs

new rails. I think that the Mexican mining industry is very

pre-clearance for faster, lower-cost service than trucks can

well developed and has received the service that it requires

traditionally offer

through shipping lines and railways.




Mexico offers



The logistics industry in Mexico is shifting in the wake

improvements, rail transportation is much cheaper than

of the NAFTA renegotiations. Manuel Chavez, General

road freight. This will allow us a more competitive market.”

Manager of OEC Group Mexico, says that bilateral relationships like the initial deal struck between Mexico

Comparing Mexico’s railway to that of the US, Chavez

and the US, are more likely than trilateral agreements.

points to the domestic system’s inefficiencies. “In the

“Because of NAFTA’s structure, we are seeing more

US, it takes five days to travel thousands of kilometers

bilateral negotiations with each party involved in the

by train from Los Angeles to Chicago,” he says. “In

NAFTA treaty,” he says.

comparison, in Mexico, there is a three to four-day transit window from Manzanillo to Guadalajara, which is just

The reshaped agreement, he adds, could be a blessing

300km.” According to Chavez, there is no other way to

in disguise as Mexico turns to alternative markets such

make it a more efficient form of transport without new

as China, the world’s largest consumer of raw materials.

infrastructure, which remains an expensive option.

“China is the logical choice as an export destination for raw materials because it is the world’s manufacturer,”

Monopolies are also a factor, leading to high prices, Chavez

Chavez says. “Everything from smart phones to soft toys

says. The majority of Mexico’s system is owned by three

are made in China.”

companies: Ferromex, Ferrosur and Kansas City Southern Mexico. “In this country, the monopolies are our greatest

Trade to the US will remain a key factor in the logistics

problem because a very small concentration of companies

industry due to the shared border and the substantial

are attracting all the business and charging high prices,” he

market that already exists. Nevertheless, Chavez says

says. “There is a limited number of brokers and the larger

that the change that is afoot is positive because it is

players can afford to undercut the smaller ones.”

motivating the industry to adapt and reshape itself. “Everybody is looking for new partners, which helps to

To solve this, he again looks to the US example. “In the US,

open up new opportunities around the world.”

there is a government entity called the Freight Maritime Commission (FMC). This organization oversees trade

It is also driving companies like OEC Group to find

so there is healthy competition and a correct protocol

more innovative solutions to meet the market’s needs.

and sanctions related to various circumstances. This

Chavez says the company’s philosophy is to always

organization takes everyone’s opinion into account, from

offer the client options. “We do not want to just be a

the public and private sectors, which makes it a more

freight forwarder doing something that has always been

organized, structured and cohesive way of doing business.”

done,” he says. “We want to look at problems and offer innovative solutions.” This does not necessarily mean

Chavez adds that this goes straight to the heart of

tampering with proven systems, but exploring different

what Mexico’s industries really need: a long-term vision.

options that suit the customer’s needs.

“Although there is a huge list of requests for the new government, I believe we must create far-reaching

To help improve the country’s logistics landscape in an

solutions to make everyone competitive,” he says. “The

ever-changing world, Chavez would like to see Mexico

government should evaluate and understand the current

update its once-legendary rail infrastructure, which would

market necessities and craft a long-term strategy with

speed up logistics processes. “All developed countries

real value for the industry, far beyond six years. To create

have robust railway systems,” he says. “There are fewer

a competitive country, it is necessary to consider the

accidents on railroads, it is a more environmentally-

future, envisioning where the world is going and where

friendly option and if we can make the necessary

technology is going.”




Only 30 percent of Mexico’s terrain has even been explored, and from that 30 percent a great deal of mineral wealth has been reaped. But as for the other 70 percent, among the factors holding miners back is access to funding for their projects. To put one mine into operation can cost millions or even billions of dollars, and while the majors can offset risk with production from their other projects, junior and mid-tier companies often need help in finding financing. Mexico Mining Review asked industry leaders about the often-heard complaint that there is limited funding available and asked for their solutions.

Private funding is very difficult to access for exploration, and the best source of private capital for exploration is probably from high-net-worth career mining explorers or from mining operators that are looking to outsource exploration. Mexico is fortunate in that it has five or six private individuals who are themselves eager participants in the Mexican exploration industry. This is something even the Mexican industry does not understand about itself. The fact that national investors are eager



to fund these projects gives foreign investors like ourselves some confidence.

President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings

In mining and mineral exploration, investors come from everywhere. There is a strong European appetite to invest in exploration companies in the Americas, so we have to be listed on their stock exchanges to make it easier for their nationals to participate in financing our projects. Our companies are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, as well as the OTC-QB and Frankfurt Exchanges. Also, Southern Silver Exploration is listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange (BVS), which provided some ability to invest

LAWRENCE PAGE Chairman and Director of Manex Group

for Mexican investors. The TSX asked us to co-list on the BVS in Chile to benefit Mexican investors. We have not yet pursued a listing on the BVM, but we would be happy to consider doing so.

There is some nervousness about the upcoming political changes but overall, I think the climate is good. When speaking to the institutions that understand the industry, there should be no trouble getting financing. For us, FIFOMI’s funding has been sufficient and has helped us with our working capital, but there are always complaints about the level of funding being constrained. I think a big company that is looking for much more financing may feel it is not enough. That being said, there are always

MIKE MCALLISTER Vice President of Corporate Development at Sierra Metals

alternative funding options available. There are different opportunities, including private equity, which funds a lot of strong, early-stage projects. There is also access to the TSX or other exchanges, such as the Venture exchange. There are many listed mining companies and they have access to public markets. Some companies will finance via a stream or off-taker agreement. The opportunities definitely exist.

A group of investors, including myself, have acquired a stake in Accendo Banco, (formerly Investabank) and through this entity we have acquired Deutsche Bank Mexico, which will be merged into our bank. Within Accendo Banco, there will be a niche whereby we will focus on the mining sector in Mexico. We will provide typical mezzanine debt financing in Mexico, for projects in the development and production stages rather than exploration. This is not new to us, as we have done it before with mining companies in Mexico and Ecuador. But now we will be more proactively seeking to finance companies domesticallythat are worth investing in.

RAMON PÉREZ President and Director of Candelaria Mining

This 10-year global mining industry crisis has translated into very limited financing for mining companies, particularly for small to medium sized companies. Mexico, being one of the richest natural resources countries, does not have a bank that supports the sector. This crisis has presented us a unique opportunity to provide financing throughout the whole mining spectrum. We are the only Mexican bank that actively serves the mining industry. We serve the mining companies, as well as the whole supply chain, such as mining industry service provides, like drillers, contractors, and reagent producers, to name a few. Mining is one of the most important sectors that Accendo Banco targets with the aforementioned bespoke products.



The sector has a great deal of potential in Mexico simply because of the geological wealth of the country. We have a few mining companies listed on the BMV, but not enough. The mining sector represents 4 percent of the country’s GDP and there are many mining companies working in the country, but we have only four companies listed on the BMV: Peñoles, Grupo México, Autlán and Minera Frisco. These companies are able to take advantage of the BMV through different products since we do not exclusively focus on the stock market. In Mexico, there needs to be a greater diffusion of knowledge in terms of the benefits and the processes for listing on the BMV. The


problem is that many companies that require financing to grow or to carry out their expansion plans are not familiar with the BMV or its products or requirements.

One of the biggest challenges we face is creating a more democratic access to finance. We are focused on strengthening our role as an intermediary between the Mexican mining industry, mining companies and financial institutions. We find that we can better meet the needs of the sector if we join forces with the financial industry to provide mining companies with a wider variety of financing options. Banks like the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China have contacted us in international forums with the purpose of connecting more of their investors with Mexico. Investors and international banks often contact us because they know that we can ease their entrance to the country and connect them with the right companies. In any given project we can offer a credit line of up to the maximum limit but, by collaborating with other banks, we can provide several times that amount.

ISRAEL GUTIÉRREZ CEO of The Mining Development Bank (FIFOMI)

San Dimas Mine, Durango



The mining industry is undergoing constant change. From the colonial silver mines of Taxco to the era of canaries detecting methane until now, the journey has been remarkable. But now, with new technologies and ever-increasing demand for minerals globally, the industry is accelerating at an almost unstoppable pace. In Mexico, as President Peña Nieto’s term comes to an end, the industry is preparing itself to wade through a transitional period marked by a new presidential term. In effect, the space created by the turnover of authorities could be taken as an opportunity to evaluate the current state of the industry and design the next chapter of the mining sector.

Reflecting the upcoming changes, this chapter will evaluate the strengths and shortfalls of the outgoing administration in terms of mining policy and will examine how the new administration can learn from past mistakes to unleash mining’s potential for accelerating economic growth. It will discuss ways to keep the sector ahead of the curve and remain one of the world’s top mining destinations.



ANALYSIS: Securing Minerals Amid Scarcity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Philip Hopwood, Deloitte


INSIGHT: Eduardo Salgado, KPMG in Mexico

Mario Hernández, KPMG in Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ricardo Díaz de León, ProMéxico


ANALYSIS: Seabed Mining, From a Pipe Dream to Reality


INSIGHT: Rubén del Pozo, AIMMGM


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Heriberto Salas, EagleBurgmann

Alejandra Rondon, EagleBurgmann


INSIGHT: Donald Hulse, Gustavson Associates


INSIGHT: Efraín Martínez, Dräger


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Salomón, Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial


INSIGHT: David Ducote, IDS


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jaime Ramírez, Mettler Toledo


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfredo Phillips, Guerrero Mining Cluster


ROUNDTABLE: What are the Features You Look for in a New Project?



SECURING MINERALS AMID SCARCITY As world-class deposits become harder to find and end users increasingly demand ethically-sourced products, both governments and the private sector are creating new strategies to assure access to minerals in the long term. Some do so through offtake contracts, others through metal streaming deals The lack of new projects and a rise in demand for consumer

they already have. “Governments are trying to mitigate

goods fueled by a growing population are driving the

the risks of minerals and metals scarcity by using scarce

need for a strategy that guarantees mineral supply. The

minerals and metals more efficiently in applications, by

UN estimates that by 2050, the global population will

recycling and by developing substitutes,” says the report.

reach 9.8 billion, and this will further increase to 11.2

It also mentions that authorities are starting to promote

billion by 2100. This swelling population is expected to

trade policies that favor international and open markets for

bring with it growing urbanization, development of new

minerals and metals.

technologies and hunger for new infrastructure. This, in turn, demands raw materials in the form of metals.

CONFLICT MINERALS Along with the drop of supply, companies are worried


One of the main issues standing in the way of a hungry

about the global outrage that was sparked in 2016 when

consumer base is that the recent bear market created

Amnesty International released a report that connected

a steep drop in exploration investment in 2016 and

industry giants such as Apple and Samsung to operations

operators are struggling to find high grade projects.

in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The report included

According to S&P Global Market Intelligence report,

allegations of child labor and adults working under life-

World Exploration Trends (WET), global spending on

threatening situations. Technology companies reacted

exploration dropped 21 percent in comparison to 2015.

quickly and publicly announced their commitment to

“The potential to discover new ore bodies and acquire

ethically source their materials. Apple became the first

new mining projects is still strong in Mexico, but with

company to publish the names of its cobalt suppliers.

rising costs and rising risks, new mining projects have to be higher and higher quality to be economical for

“The DRC has raised concerns about the way cobalt

development,” says Bradford Cooke, CEO of Endeavour

is extracted and its human costs,” says Tony Rovira,

Silver. “Silver supply has fallen due to the few mines built

Managing Director of Azure Minerals, which is moving

during the recent five-year bear market of low metal

its Sara Alicia gold-cobalt project in Sonora into the

prices.” However, S&P’s 2018 report found a 14 percent

development stage. “Having another source of high-

rise in global exploration investment between 2016 and

grade cobalt is important, so we are really excited about

2017, to US$7.95 billion from US$6.95 billion, for the first

the advantages of mining cobalt in Mexico.”

time in four consecutive years. By far the lion’s share of the world’s cobalt reserves is The problem with exploration having all but halted

held by the DRC. The country has 53.82 percent of the

over the course of the five-year bear market is the time

world’s cobalt, followed by Australia with 18.45 percent

frames involved in bringing a mining project online. When

and Russia and Canada are tied with 3.84 percent.

considering a greenfields project, from the process of

Given the fact that the majority of the world’s cobalt is

acquiring concessions, permitting, carrying out a drill

located in a conflict zone, Rick Rule, President and CEO

program, creating feasibility reports, raising the funding

of Sprott US Holdings, expects the price to soar in the

and developing the mine, miners look at long waits before

coming years.

they can extract a single ounce of metals. “Lead times can range from a few years to decades, depending on the

“The supply of cobalt is constrained in many senses,

type of mineral, size and grade of the deposit, financing

but in particular politically. If Mexico is seen as a risky

conditions, country factors and commodity prices,”

jurisdiction, the DRC is many times worse, and if a

according to a study by the World Bank.

company is engaged in cobalt production, it will be located in the DRC,” he says. “That is a metal where

According to PwC’s report Minerals and Metals Scarcity

there is so much fabrication utility that we have been

in Manufacturing: The Ticking Timebomb, policymakers

told the price could double if miners were able to double

around the world are starting to take matters into their

supply because fabrication technologies are not being

own hands, securing new mineral streams and employing

developed for cobalt due to a fear of restricted supply.

recycling, reuse and efficiency drives with the resources

This is unique.”






250,000 Russia


Papua New Guinea

23,000 US







South Africa

270,000 Zambia



280,000 Philippines

Source:The Cobalt Institute


Azure Minerals is equally starting to catch the attention of the

Although the streaming model is now well-know in the

industry. The Sara Alicia project has the potential to become

industry, it was only introduced for Durango’s San Dimas

the highest-grade cobalt exploration project in the world. “It

mine in 2004 by Silver Wheaton, now Wheaton Precious

is especially appealing given the increased demand for cobalt,

Metals and one of the most successful silver streamers

so a German investment bank and an investment fund from

in the world. The concept is based on long-term supply

New York have invested in Azure because of this project,”

agreements, which benefits both parties as the miners do

states Tony Rovira. “We are convinced that cobalt is going

not need to worry about finding a buyer for their product,

to experience high demand over the next couple of years.

and the streaming company can obtain the metals at a

The price rose from US$30,000/t in early 2017 to more than

below-market value. Of course, there is also a great deal

US$90,000/t in early 2018, an indicator of the expectations

of risk involved for both parties given the price of metals

for this metal.”

can change drastically, but this also brings a great deal of reward.

The star metal of the moment is lithium, and Mexico holds potentially the world’s largest deposit. Although this project

Another way to secure long-term sources of supply

has taken many years to get off the ground, it is now in the

is through offtake agreements, and now these are

development stage and companies are already scrambling

appearing more and more between miners and

to secure offtake agreements for the coveted metal. The

technology companies, cutting out the middle man: the

Sonora Lithium mine, owned by Bacanora Lithium, already has

metals trader. A successful example is the partnership

agreements with Japanese company Hanwa and investment

between Avino Silver & Gold Mines and Samsung C&T. The

fund BlackRock. The Sovereign Wealth Fund of The Sultanate

agreement gives Samsung exclusive access to Avino mine

of Oman (SGRF) has also signed an offtake agreement for

concentrates until Dec. 31, 2021 and includes a US$10

13,000t/y of lithium carbonate, including a conditional

million advanced prepayment for concentrates to Avino.

commitment to invest US$65 million in the company.




Q: What trends has Deloitte identified in the mining

that is not necessarily a bad thing. The traditional financing

industry and how are these reshaping the sector?

model involved issuing shares, requesting a loan from the

A: We are in the middle of a bull run for the industry.

bank, or setting up a joint venture, among other measures.

Gold is in fairly stable territory while silver unfortunately

The banks are still a major part of new financing schemes

is still waiting for its moment to shine. Copper and zinc

but are becoming increasingly risk averse. But now the

are enjoying positive momentum mainly because of supply

industry has a variety of financial models to choose from

constraints. Many commodities are in a good place thanks

such as gold and silver streamers. These become more

to the growing popularity of electric vehicles (EV). Cobalt,

complex but have generally done pretty well, especially

copper, high-grade nickel, lithium, and graphite have all

during harder times when they proved a reliable source

gained renewed interest as a result of EV growth. While

of financing to build projects or to develop new assets.

today’s vehicles usually require 20kg of copper on average,

Then there’s working with investors, pension plans, and

the vehicles of the future will require as much as 80kg per

the like, that are a rather new practice. The TSX, the LME,

unit. Disruptions from digitalization and new technologies

and other sizable private equity funds are also mainstream

are also fueling major trends within the industry.

finance sources. Given the variety of options, the financing landscape is much more complex as it is different from

Q: How is technological disruption affecting human talent?

what we had in the past and we have to spend more time

A: One example is that there is an increasing need for data

structuring it.

scientists as digital disruption sets in throughout the sector. In the past, data scientists would not necessarily have been

Q: How do you expect recent geopolitical developments

attracted to the mining industry. With its remote locations

to impact the mining industry in the foreseeable future?

and relatively unattractive geographies, mining has always

A: Despite the recent political noise about threats of

found talent attraction a challenge. This issue is one of

steel and aluminum tariffs, the reality is the world needs

the main reasons behind remote mining applications that

commodities. There is a prevalent belief that countries such

can bypass the need for on-site operations. This should

as China or India will reach a point where they will need

positively impact talent retention and the future of work

fewer commodities but the numbers say otherwise. While

within the industry, particularly the push to foster diversity

there will always be peaks and valleys in the mining industry,

and inclusion. BHP has been at the forefront of this with its

the outlook remains quite positive. The fundamentals are

aspirational plans for a 50-50 ratio target of male versus

in place, mining companies have gone to great lengths to

female employees by 2025.

get their houses in order, and more collaboration within the industry is the order of the day and is helping to sort

Q: What lessons can Mexico learn from Canada regarding

out mining’s image. Technology issues are being addressed

its nascent financing models?

with chemistry innovations and miners are working with

A: Despite some nervousness in the short term, there is an

communities to develop friendlier practices when it comes

overwhelming sense of optimism for the medium term. This

to explosives, among other examples.

is because financing mechanisms have drastically changed in response to the industry’s technological disruptions, and

Yet, technology can have an impact in other ways. Blockchain, an important new development, could allow tokens for underground gold to be created to serve as

Deloitte consists of dedicated professionals in a global firm

currency, bypassing the need to mine it at all. And virtual

who collaborate to provide audit and assurance, consulting,

mining and simplified supply chains could derive from

financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services to

this. The pace of technological innovation just continues

select clients

to pick up.



Eduardo Salgado Head of the Mining Industry at KPMG in Mexico

Mario Hernández Head of the Tax Mining Practice at KPMG in Mexico

With the external factors faced by miners in terms of price

lead to other states levying the same duty,” agrees Mario

volatility and cycles, they at least need protection against

Hernández, Head of the Tax Mining Practice at KPMG in

the local factors that impact their operations, says Eduardo

Mexico. “Under the current economic conditions, it could

Salgado, Head of the Mining Industry at KPMG in Mexico.

be catastrophic for the industry to impose new taxes. I think

“Legal certainty is vital to foster investment. Companies

the government should aim to help mining companies,

must be certain that they will be able to exploit and operate

instead of seeking to collect more money from them.”

the concessions they are granted,” he says, highlighting that Mexico’s tax structure is not necessarily conducive to

Hernandez proposes the implementation of Tax Certainty

a friendly business environment.

Contracts in Mexico. Already successful in Peru, these

If a mine is established in an undeveloped community and the company is committed to creating education and infrastructure, the government should give special incentives” Eduardo Salgado, Head of the Mining Industry at KPMG in Mexico

are used to guarantee miners that the government will maintain a stable tax regime during the time a company is investing in and operating a mine. “I think these could be very beneficial to foster investment in the country,” he says. New duties are not the only concern regarding the country’s fiscal policies. Salgado also points to the fact that exploration expenses are deductible over 10 years, while other industries can deduct their expenses as long as they comply with the lawful requirements. Hernandez proposes the mining sector should be provided incentives similar to those for Special Economic Zones (ZEEs), given the similarities in creating social development in isolated, often impoverished communities. “If a mine is established in an undeveloped community and the company is committed to creating a certain number of jobs and generating a

Legal certainty often equals tax certainty. Salgado says the

certain standard of development through education

federal royalty taxes, which impose 7.5 percent on all metals

and infrastructure, the government should give special

profits and 0.5 percent on precious metals, sent ripples

incentives,” says Salgado. “It is a clear win-win situation.”

through the industry. He says that, even though other jurisdictions have similar taxes, the issue is the punitive

Hernandez is convinced that as mine operators are obliged

percentages charged and the risk that states will follow suit

to restore the land to its previous condition, the social and

and implement other fees. “Government representatives

environmental cost of mining is covered by the law. But

claim that they will try to help and support the mining

the investment that companies make for environmental

industry,” he points out. “It would be contradictory for

recovery is made after the mine has closed and is no longer

states to impose more taxes, as that would go against their

yielding returns. “This does not make any accounting or

stated intentions.”

economic sense, as this expense is not deductible during the mine operation because it has not been paid and when

Zacatecas recently pushed forward efforts to collect an

it finally is, the company is no longer receiving income from

additional Ecological Tax, which was designed to protect

the mine,” he says. “I believe this payment should follow the

the environment and benefit local communities. “The

model of a pension fund,” he says. “Companies would pay a

possibility has the industry worried as the greatest risk of

certain amount to a trust fund for the closing of the mine,

having any new tax approved in a mining state is that it may

which could be tax-deductible.”



LATIN AMERICA A GROWTH OPPORTUNITY FOR MEXICAN COMPANIES RICARDO DÍAZ DE LEÓN Infrastructure, Mining, Logistics and Tourism Coordinator at ProMéxico


Q: What are ProMéxico’s priorities when it comes to the

products and technology. Many of these countries are also

mining industry?

opening to more importation and we should mirror these

A: Our main priority is identifying the strengths and

opportunities by exporting more to these areas. We want

weaknesses of the mining industry across the country. For

mining companies to increase their vision beyond national

example, we found that northern states such as Sonora,

growth and find areas of opportunity in the international

Chihuahua and Zacatecas have an excellent network of

arena. Many do not know that they are ready to export and

suppliers while growing southern states like Guerrero greatly

we can help them get started. It is also an important strategy

lack suppliers. By identifying these gaps in the market, we can

to mitigate the risks of trade wars. China is interested in

better provide solutions and advice. To better coordinate the

investing with our mining industry and exchanging abilities.

activities of the mining industry in Mexico, we believe that it is

We should not forget about key success cases, such as

important to create a variety of meetups and forums so that

Canada and its growing mining industry that can equally

businesses in the south know what is happening in the north.

provide opportunities to the Mexican mining industry.

It is also important to note that there are differences even within the regions such as mining policies and openness to

Q: What should the Mexican mining industry do to

new projects that can also make a difference. The south faces

increase its international competitivity?

a variety of challenges such as getting the cluster organized

A: The biggest issue that the country faces is its

and promoting the participation of the public sector in the

insecurity. Companies often have to invest in their own

mining industry.

security teams and this can imply up to 4 percent of the costs of the operations. It can quickly add up. For a

Companies often have to invest in their own security teams and this can imply up to 4 percent of the costs of the operations

large company, it is not such a great issue but it is hard for smaller companies to invest and guarantee safety in its operations. We need to help these small companies as they are the ones that are supplying transnational operators with the machines and products they need. This is especially important in growing states like Guerrero that have high levels of insecurity and projects in areas

Q: Why should the Mexico collaborate more with

that are not urbanized.

competing mining jurisdictions in Latin America? A: We should see the growth of our southern neighbors

Q: How can a company that wants to enter the mining

more as an opportunity to collaborate than as a danger or

industry mitigate these risks?

competitors. Many suppliers in Mexico excel in providing

A: There are many success cases to learn from and of

new solutions that other Latin American mining jurisdictions

companies that are reinventing themselves and have been

could take advantage of. There are a few large companies

able to prosper and survive. The best way to mitigate risks is

that are taking advantage of the context. We are building ties

to understand the industry well. In these matters, companies

by creating an agreement with Chile that will be replicated in

should take advantage of the intelligence that ProMéxico

Peru and Argentina. The agreement is to exchange specialized

has collected and has made available to the public to make the best investment decisions. Our goal is to not be passive promoters but to play an active role in helping companies

Proméxico is a government agency that promotes the

thrive and grab important business opportunities that are

attraction of FDI and exports of products and services. It also

arising. We also participate in international fairs and events to

strengthens the internationalization of Mexican companies to

educate companies that are interested in entering the country

contribute to economic and social development of the country

or doing business in Mexico.


SEABED MINING, FROM A PIPE DREAM TO REALITY Approximately 70 percent of earth’s surface is water, so why limit an essential industrial activity for mankind to less than 30 percent of its potential? But, just as environmental impact is a huge industry concern onshore, for deep sea the fears of ecological harm are even more overwhelming The technological revolution is slowly but surely

discovered beneath the Pacific Ocean sea floor. This is equal

integrating itself into traditional mining operations, with

to about 1,000 times more than current proven recoverable

the incorporation of IoT and Industry 4.0, among other

onshore rare-earth reserves, according to the US Geological

technologies. But increasingly more technologies are

Survey and the study says it would be enough to supply the

being developed for offshore and deepwater oil and gas

world on a “semi-infinite basis.”

production and miners are beginning to turn to the oceans too. If it holds oil and gas potential, what other minerals

But with six recognized coral reef regions across 1,780km2

exist beneath the seabeds? “I am convinced that deep-sea

and the unknown environmental implications of deep-sea

mining will become a vital alternative to traditional mining

mining, there is hesitance among the Mexican population

methods and a solution to resource scarcity in the future,”

to begin operations. The first Mexican deep-sea mining

says Henk Van Muijen, Managing Director of IHC Mining.

project was proposed by Exploraciones Oceánicas, a subsidiary of Florida-based Odyssey Minerals, but was

Given the upturn of mineral commodity prices, exhaustion of

initially unsuccessful due to an amparo filed by locals. The

onshore deposits and the new technological advancements

Don Diego offshore phosphate initiative, in Baja California

enabling offshore production, seabed mining is attracting

Sur, was denied a license by SEMARNAT in May 2016.

the industry’s investment more and more. “Deep-sea deposits have, on average, much higher grades than those

The objective of the project is to produce 7 million t/y of

commonly found onshore and with commodity prices

phosphoric sand, over its 50-year lifetime. According to a

recovering, it is becoming more attractive by the day,” says

report compiled by Exploraciones Oceánicas, “Prices for

Van Muijen.

phosphate rock are currently US$130/t but have historically exceeded US$800/t and may considerably exceed this in

IHC Mining is one of the pioneers taking offshore experience

the future as phosphate resources become scarcer.” The

and technologies for oil and gas into the mining industry.

Mexican Supreme Court of Justice overruled the denial of

In 2000, the company launched its first subsea crawler to

the project in March 2018, setting a precedent for these

operate in depths up to 1.5km. “There is a concentrated

types of operations.

effort to improve the maximum operating depth of the subsea crawlers to at least 2km,” he adds. The world’s


first seabed mine is to start production in the territorial

To further address deep-sea mining reluctance and mitigate

waters of Papua New Guinea in 2019 with the Solwara 1

any potential environmental impact, the industry is trying to

Project for high-grade copper, silver, gold and aluminum.

develop technologies to make this new technique sustainable.

This groundbreaking initiative could be the pioneer that

“If we are going to dig into the seabed, we are inevitably

gives seabed mining the green light abroad. But its failure

going to influence the ecosystem to a certain degree so we are

would be a setback that would be difficult for the industry

working alongside various knowledge and research centers

to recover from, warns Van Muijen.

to minimize these impacts,” explains Van Muijen.


Deep-sea mining pioneers, such as IHC Mining and

Regarding Mexico’s position, located between two oceans

Odyssey Minerals, are carrying out offshore environmental

and with more than 11,000km of shoreline, not to mention

impact tests to measure variables like noise, plumes, CO2

the country’s already-discovered oil potential, seabed

footprint and seabed alteration. “Simulated seafloor mining

mining could represent a significant boost for the country’s

experiments have revealed significant information on the

economy. Due to the novelty of seabed mining and lack

potential impacts that may occur as also several measures

of exploration activity, there are few hard figures about

for conserving the environment have been suggested,” says

the potential the ocean beds hold. But in April 2018, a

ScienceDirect. “The idea is not to close the door to deep-

team of Japanese scientists published a paper detailing

sea mining given its unknown risk, but to start treading its

an estimated 80-100 billion tons of rare-earth deposits it

waters with extra precaution.”




The mining guild is well aware of the misconceptions society

To put the industry front and center, the Zacatecas Chapter

has about the sector. Rubén Del Pozo, President of the

of AIMMGM pushed for the creation of a mining employment

Zacatecas Chapter of AIMMGM, says dark and dangerous

fair in collaboration with the state’s government. Del Pozo

places, workforce exploitation and contamination are just

says the initiative was a great success. “During its first edition

some of the many stigmas the industry carries. “One of the

we had huge lines of people seeking jobs: men and women,

worst ills afflicting mining is misinformation,” he says. “But

miners and geologists, workers and engineers,” he says.

the industry is responsible for this misguided perception.


We have been working in our industry without properly

But tackling mining misconceptions is not only about

informing society about it.”

providing better informing but also about integrating the local community into the industry’s activities. The

To better tackle misinformation, AIMMGM taps into mining

Zacatecas chapter of AIMMGM promotes the creation

expos, congresses and employment fairs, among other

of family workshops near mines to produce inputs that

initiatives. The Zacatecas Chapter of AIMMGM hosts a

miners require. For example, eye protection can be easily

yearly mining international expo to connect industry

fabricated by locals, just as a community sewing workshop

leaders, students and the general population. In 2018, the

could provide mining vests and overalls. “These workshops

event borrowed from another expo to better generate

initially provide for the mine but ultimately teach locals a

goodwill among citizens. The Mexico Minero Exhibition

new vocation to better provide for themselves.”

is an initiative promoted by the Zacatecas’ Chapter of AIMMGM in collaboration with CAMIMEX. “The purpose

This is an important initiative, especially when closing mines

of this effort is to foster sustainable mining, generate

leave behind ghost towns, Del Pozo says. “As mining is a

jobs and create a liaison between the industry and

finite activity, towns near thriving mines are often left to die

local communities,” Del Pozo says. “When I first saw

out when the mine closes,” Del Pozo says. “Usually, there

Mexico Minero during a mining convention in Acapulco, I

is nothing left because the mine plan was not developed

perceived a wonderful connection between civilians and

with its closure in mind.”

the interactive exhibit. I immediately thought about taking the exhibit to our event in Zacatecas.”

Del Pozo believes the government should help prevent this. While he disagrees with the implementation of mining

Mexico Minero Zacatecas took place for the first time in June

taxes, he emphasizes that if they are to be enforced, at

2018. To better capitalize on the MX$4 million investment

least they should be used for a good purpose. “If mining

it required, the exhibition opened a week before the expo

taxes are to be implemented, as they currently are, the ideal

opened and finished one week after it concluded. “We know

is for them to be properly applied. The authorities often

it was a worthy bet as thousands visited the exhibit’s tent.

focus on a fleeting benefit instead of a long-term vision.

It better acquainted people with mining activity, which is

It is important to invest taxpayer money into projects that

crucial to change the industry’s misconceptions,” he adds.

will really serve and improve the community.”

Del Pozo says there is also a need to inform people of the

Despite the wealth a mine can generate, it also represents a

economic benefits mining provides. The industry represents

significant investment of time and money. Del Pozo believes

around 11,000 direct jobs in the state, with wages 30

that the government and people often ignore this reality,

percent higher than the Zacatecas average. “I am sure that

believing that a mine inherently represents a treasure. “No

mining companies offer the best wages. But being in the

other industry is able to wait so long for its investment

middle of other industries during a general employment fair,

returns,” he says. “We must make people understand the

this information is not communicated,” he says.

real value and the huge effort that mining represents.”



Alejandra Rondon Commercial Director Mexico of EagleBurgmann

Q: What is the main added value you offer the mining

AR: We also realized that there was a big need in the

industry in terms of sealing technology?

market for one-stop shops after being called for sealing

HS: We offer sealing technology that is superior to what

services in projects that actually needed to replace their

is available in the country. We believe the Mexican mining

equipment. Our job is to educate and provide clients

industry and the market in general are being greatly

with the information they need. For this purpose, we

underserved in terms of sealing technology. We can

have five service centers in the country that focus on

provide the durability that mine operations require through

the strategic areas of Tampico, Monterrey, Guadalajara,

innovative products such as diamond washers.

Mexico City and Queretaro. The company will continue to grow. Our main clients include companies like Agnico

AR: But this is not always easy to prove to clients as there

Eagle, Industrias Peñoles, Grupo México, Fresnillo and

are many companies in Mexico that offer replica products

Minera Frisco, among others.

that are much cheaper than ours. Our goal is to prove the value of investing in better quality products that can prolong the utility of equipment and reduce downtime. Cheaper sealing can also cause machines to break down faster. This is our main added value. We are also starting to improve our portfolio and offering more integrated services. Q: What are the market’s needs and how are you addressing those requirements? AR: The market demands fast response times with the best product in price and quality. EagleBurgmann always

EagleBurgmann's main clients include Agnico Eagle, Industrias Peñoles, Grupo México, Fresnillo and Minera Frisco

adapts to the market’s needs, trying to standardize our products for volume management and thus improve our

Q: How would you describe your experience doing

effectiveness in the production system. Additionally, we are

business in Mexico?

always at the client’s side to offer an appropriate solution

AR: The mining industry is a quite closed community.

at a reasonable cost.

Achieving the first sale was the hardest part for us as we are offering a new product and service in the country. But

Q: What steps is the company taking to become a one-stop

once you gain the trust of the sector it becomes much

shop for the mining industry?

easier to expand. Another limitation in the country is

HS: Every hour of downtime can cost companies millions

that mines are often in remote areas with security issues.

of dollars and our goal is to help them avoid breakdowns

Other industries have plants and projects in much more

as much as possible. Sometimes mining companies acquire

visible areas. We highly prioritize the safety of our team.

products that are not the best fit for their operations when

But we are willing to step up to the challenge because

they are in a rush to start producing again after a malfunction.

we see value in the Mexican mining industry and in the

We want to help them make sure they are choosing the

solutions we can provide.

right equipment. For us, integrated solutions mean not only provision and manufacturing of sealing technology but also understanding the equipment, engineering and mechanical

Eagle Burgmann is a joint venture of the German Freudenberg

aspects of the operations. It is costly and time-consuming for

Group and the Japanese Eagle Industry Group. It is among the

companies to have to separately contact service providers

global leaders for industrial sealing technology. It also serves

to repair a pump, seal or plumbing.

various other industries





As the largest silver producer in the world, Mexico

with former public officials,” according to Lexology. But

has proven its ability to attract those seeking mineral

the legal source says that federal and state authorities have

wealth within its mountains and deserts. But despite the

yet to fully incorporate this new system, and the judges in

attractiveness of its unexplored mineral potential, many see the legal framework as an important area of opportunity in the country. “The legal framework is well-written but it is not reinforced adequately,” says Donald Hulse, Vice President of Mining at Gustavson Associates. “Other countries such as Chile have a precedent-based system with a broader perspective of the law. This works better than trying to write every possible contingency into the law; with this method, certain situations are bound to be overlooked.” Nonetheless, Hulse says the international oil, gas and mining consulting firm believes advances are being made to bridge

charge of hearing the trials have not yet been appointed.

Government officials are finally starting to implement the National Anticorruption System, which facilitates doing business in Mexico”

the gaps in the system. “Government officials are finally starting to implement the National Anticorruption System,

Along with respect for the law, competition in the region is

which gives US and Canadian companies a tool to combat

being hindered by increased tariffs, says Hulse. “Companies

any type of corruption they may face while doing business

were upset when the special mining tax announced in 2014

in Mexico.”

was much higher than expected. After the announcement, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexican mining dropped

This constitutional amendment was approved on May

almost in half,” he says. Some operators were preparing

27, 2015 and confirmed the country’s commitment to

themselves to move operations to Chile but to everyone’s

transparency and accountability. Secondary supporting laws

surprise the country announced a similar tax months later.

were published on July 18, 2016, and these propelled the

Now that several years have passed, the law firm has noticed

system into full force and effect. According to Lexology, an

that companies are finally getting used to the additional

international source for legal updates, the laws announced

taxes. “Companies are learning to incorporate these costs

in 2016 established sanctions for public officials, individuals

into their planning and financial models,” Hulse says.

and companies found guilty of administrative misconduct. Gustavson Associates can help the companies in the The decision has leveled out the playing field by holding

Mexican mining industry untangle these complexities.

national companies to standards their international

“We can provide operational studies to help companies

counterparts were already tied to in their home countries.

improve their costs and revenues and complete technical

“This is a big step forward considering the history of illicit

reports used to file securities on the stock exchange,” he

transactions in Mexico,” says Hulse. “We have already seen

says. The company is providing technical support to an

several success stories of companies that have used this

unnamed bank to support an investment in a mining project

tool.” The sanctions can range from fines to the dissolution

in Mexico, Hulse says. “Our main added value is that we can

of a company in the case of a particularly grave offense.

provide a variety of international expertise from geology

The General Law considers grave administrative conduct

to engineering to comparative regulatory framework and

to include “bribery, unlawful participation in administrative

international reporting standards. This is important for

proceedings, influence peddling, submitting false or altered

Canadian companies participating in Mexico or Mexican

information, misuse of public resources and contracting

companies that are listed on international stock exchanges.”





Mining is a high-risk environment that can easily put a labor

With over 100 years in the industry, mining is a key segment

force in jeopardy or risk workers' lives but safety regulations

in Dräger’s global strategy, along with oil and gas. In 1903, it

for mine processes differ significantly. Efraín Martínez,

developed one of the first autonomous breathing apparatuses,

Regional Segment Mining Marketing Manager CSA for

used for the first time one year later during a mine fire in

Dräger Mexico, says that in Mexico, plans are finally afoot to

France. Since then, the company has grown globally and

strengthen the rules. “Mexico has not done a thorough review

across several industries. “I believe that we are very well-

of these norms since 2012 but I know there are plans to do it

positioned in mining, especially due to the quality our safety

soon to implement more strict policies,” he says.

equipment,” says Martínez.

Dräger, a leading safety technology company that

Dräger also specializes in everyday workplace safety

collaborates with the industry’s key players, such as Grupo

equipment, such as gas detectors. This technology is

México, Industrias Peñoles, Pan American Silver, Goldcorp and

particularly relevant in underground mining, where many

Endeavour Silver, contributes to the safety revisions carried

operators have adopted a zero-accident target. The company’s

out by the regulatory bodies. “Usually, these entities review

expertise extends to self-contained self-rescue devices and

international standards and replicate them, instead of creating

refuge shelters for emergency situations, providing solutions

their own,” says Martínez.

across the entire safety and security value chain.

We must make miners aware of why they must use personal protection equipment and how to do so properly”

Despite technological advances and efforts to improve

existing regulations, the mining industry still experiences many accidents. To address this issue, Martínez believes the first priority should be to focus on training and promotion of a safety culture. “We must make miners aware of why they must use personal protection equipment and how to do so properly. The government should make a concerted effort to promote a safety culture and to foster investment.” It is also vital to regulate the safety equipment operating

Gases, dust, exposure to high vibrations and stress, just to

in the country and to ensure that it is of the highest

mention a few, are factors present in mine operations that

quality, he says.

often cause long-term illnesses. “We strive to promote safety and make the industry realize why the issue plays

With mine development involving bigger, deeper and

a vital role in mine operations,” says Martínez. “We cover

more isolated mines, the industry faces significant security

the operational part of worker safety, such as breathing

challenges. “As a technology company, Dräger endeavors

and eye protection. Dräger has always been recognized

to develop new technologies that allow our clients to

as a high-quality technology provider.”

address these risks,” Martínez says. Many mines are using drones for safety purposes. One application is to

Mining shelters, rescue vehicles, gas detectors and

measure the potential gases left after an explosion without

monitors, are some of the products Dräger offers. The

risking the well-being of a miner. But as new technologies

company also specializes in rescue and escape strategies,

revolutionize the industry, he says the purpose of safety

detection of high-risk environments and in ensuring

equipment may change. “We must analyze the industry

that the equipment matches the quality required by

trends to better understand what miners require,” he adds.

international standards to guarantee miners’ safety,

“Besides the need of the companies to protect humans,

says Martínez.

they also need to protect their assets.”


PREVENTION IS KEY TO ENSURE MINING SAFETY MARIO SALOMĂ“N Country Manager of Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial

Q: How can mining companies successfully prevent small-

company to identify threats with greater certainty, and in

scale internal robbery and finished-product theft and what

real time, and to then take preventive and reinforcement

are the key factors to consider?

measures to ensure that there are no casualties.

A: GMSI provides a return on investment to its customers because the implementation of its security strategies

Q: How did GMSI achieve the current relationship it has

can reduce the number of thefts and casualties within a

with public security agencies?

company. This translates into fewer stolen products and

A: The relationship with the public security forces has been

fewer economic loses for the company. When addressing

built at the municipal, state and federal levels. One of the

private security matters, the company should emphasize

reasons for our close relationship with public security forces

above all the prevention of casualties. This means around 80

is due to our philosophy of strict discipline that is similar

percent of the security operations of a company should be

to that of the army and other public security agencies. Our

focused on preventive measures and strategies to prevent

collaboration processes with the authorities are very clear

future casualties.

and GMSI knows what to do in case of an emergency and how to coordinate with the public security forces such as

GMSI focuses on reinforcement of preventive actions

the army, federal police and gendarmery.

for the security of the company so employees are not tempted to steal from it. Then, GMSI reinforces its security strategy with two other measures: deterrence and reaction. The deterrence strategy inhibits criminal behavior and discourages criminality. Reaction is a counter-measure to eliminate or minimize the impact of certain criminal activity. However, prevention remains the main strategy that

GSMI candidates undergo 22 different filters and at the end of the process, only one out of 10 are contracted

together with technology helps GMSI guarantee a greater maintenance of private security. GMSI relies on several

Q: How do you ensure you attract the best security talent

security systems with strong software and state-of-the-art

to the industry?

equipment to manage all stages of security and control of

A: Our candidates undergo 22 different filters. At the end of

a company.

the process, GMSI only contracts one out of 10 candidates, although in the mining sector this widens to out of 15 people.

GMSI is the only private security company in Mexico with its

The selection of private security personnel is based on the

own C5 that allows it to execute an intelligent and coordinated

physical and mental characteristics required to work in the

program that operates collaboratively with GMSI’s security

security field for the mining industry, so GMSI ensures all our

network, which is connected to our 34 security and

people are rigorously vetted regarding their ability to act

monitoring subsidiaries, as well as with public and state

in high-pressure situations. This involves gauging when it is

security forces. Our new C5 system is the latest technology

appropriate to use force. Our people are constantly trained

that combines security and intelligent computer systems. This

and also tested to ensure that they keep and develop their

system has facial recognition software to detect the presence

technical, physical and moral standards.

of those who may previously have stolen from the company and issues an alert. People not only have fingerprints and defining facial features but also their gait and gestures can be

Grupo Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial (GMSI) is the

analyzed by the intelligent C5 system. Thus, even if a person

leading company in the private security sector in Mexico with

tries to change his or her physical appearance, the system

operations through its 34 subsidiaries and with more than

can recognize that person. This filter allows GMSI and the

13,000 employees




Thanks to digitalization and technological advances, the

errors such as using magnetic tools in magnetic areas

days when survey tools required specialized technicians

that are better suited to gyroscopic tools,” says DuCote.

to decipher collected data and map out geological

“It is important to avoid these types of errors. Deposits

structures are long gone. Processing has advanced

are getting deeper, more expensive and more difficult

to the point where information can be visualized and

to find, which makes the price of mistakes much higher.

structured with the click of a few buttons. “Drilling

This is where our services can help companies reduce

systems are incredibly user-friendly today and simple to run,” says David DuCote, Mexico Operations Manager at International Directional Services (IDS). “Tools are 390

handheld and becoming not only easier to use but more reliable.” Still, DuCote finds that some companies are not taking full advantage of the tools available in the market. The drilling experts particularly promote the use of borehole and geotechnical surveys for drilling programs as it can increase resource model accuracy. “We find that some companies are very aware of the importance of

the most costs.”

Once silver prices reach US$20/oz, the market in Mexico will accelerate rapidly and revenues will increase for everyone”

surveys but others are not,” says DuCote. “It can be a bit disheartening to see that drilling programs are still

Along with a need for more investment in geotechnical

being executed with surveys that are not being done

surveys, Ducote believes that Mexican mines will become

frequently enough or not at all. Samples are often taken

increasingly deeper. “In Canada, it is common to drill

too far apart.”

holes that are 2,000m deep, while in Mexico, boreholes rarely reach 1,500m or even 1,000m,” he says. “We have

IDS was founded in 1997 to target these gaps in the

experience in these matters and can help companies

industry by providing directional drilling and surveying

perform multiple kick-offs from a single master hole to

services for surface and underground boreholes, which

recapture the cost of re-drilling or coring the overlaying

allows operators to have more control of the drilling bit.

formations above the mineralized zone.” This helps

“IDS is a global company but it has a specialized team

projects start drilling at 700-800m, for example, instead

in Mexico that can offer geotechnical surveys that the

of 0m. IDS achieves this by placing a steel wedge near

company is still not providing in other markets such as

the target to start the kick-off process. The company

the US and Canada,” explains DuCote. The company

also has the capability to complete straight-hole drilling

specializes in maximizing results in mineral exploration

and pilot holes for raise bore shafts and utility boreholes.

and offers precise directional drilling services and core applications. “Mexico is an excellent market for us. It is

When it comes to the number of drilling programs that

friendly to mining and has many underexplored deposits

exist in the country, DuCote says that exploration is not

that we can help companies take advantage of.”

as lucrative as it was in 2011. “Metal prices have gone up but I do not think the margin for service providers or the

IDS promotes the use of surveys because the information

miners have gone up,” he says. “Silver prices need to rise

can help companies cut down on costs that can arise

but are struggling to surpass US$17/oz. Once prices reach

from mistakes. “The lack of information about the

US$20/oz, the market in Mexico will accelerate rapidly

characteristics and controls of the deposit can cause

and revenues will increase for everyone."



Q: What are the main needs of the industry in terms of

oxygen levels and improving data acquisition systems that

technology and analysis equipment?

can integrate with our IoT services. The company has a

A: One of the biggest challenges for the industry is

variety of clients it can serve from operators to third party

compliance as projects need to meet a wide variety

laboratories. We understand that while there are companies

of national and international standards before starting

like Industrias Peñoles that have the size and capital to have

production. Measuring environmental impact is particularly

their own laboratories, there are smaller companies that

tricky as companies must prove their ability to minimize

need the support of external laboratories. It can make more

risks before gaining a concession. Finding a middle point

sense for companies as it reduces the costs of updating and

between controlling these risks and maximizing productivity

maintaining equipment required by inhouse laboratories.

is not easy and we can facilitate these processes by providing equipment with a high level of accuracy.

Q: What are the industry’s main concerns when it comes to the use and management of data?

Q: What opportunities have you identified in the Mexican

A: All industries, including mining, should keep an eye on

mining industry?

the advancements of the privacy law that was approved

A: The cyclicality of the mining industry greatly impacts

in Europe. A similar regulation could be implemented in

investment. This can cause companies to struggle with the

Mexico but not in the near future. Companies were given

lack of capital during the lows. Mettler Toledo continuously

only a month to incorporate the new requirements regarding

works to improve its ability to provide solutions and help

use of data as stated in the privacy law and to inform their

companies overcome these challenges. We can help

users. The use of data is becoming increasingly limited as

operators adapt to IoT, also known as Industry 4.0.

governments release new legal frameworks for technology. In Mexico, we are trying to remain one step ahead by

We have the ability to measure and weigh using a scale that

predicting these kinds of changes. Our databases are

ranges from 16 decimals to thousands of tons. The company

sophisticated enough to adapt easily to these new systems.

has over 55 technicians in the country. We just established a team in Sonora that is solely dedicated to the mining

Q: What are Mettler Toledo’s top mining goals for the

industry. Our specialists can help companies negotiate the

near term?

changes in technology and legal requirements thanks to

A: We are always open to receiving new clients and want to

our state-of-the-art equipment. We can also help weigh

expand our share by being present at the biggest mining

material for distribution and exportation.

events of the industry. The mining industry differs greatly from other sectors. Directors are often quite hard to access

Q: How does your equipment compare to what already

because they are constantly traveling and visiting mines.

exists in the market?

Being present at conferences and events is one of the

A: We are the market’s premium service providers. Our

best ways to position a company in the sector. We want to

company is a blend of fine swiss technology and robust

penetrate the market even more and expand in Sonora. The

industrial knowledge from the US. All our equipment is

Mexican mining industry is experiencing a unique time. It is

developed with extensive R&D and is highly functional. We

attracting many international companies and investment.

have a support system that monitors projects and the state of our equipment to offer the best services to our clients. The company also provides inspection services but these

Mettler Toledo is a global manufacturer and marketer of

are less demanded by the mining industry. Mettler Toledo

precision instruments for laboratories, industrial and food

is certified by the EMA and several associations as well.

retail applications. In mining, the company offers solutions in

We are working on improving our ability to read PH and

the flow of materials across the mine life cycle





Q: How is the mining industry in Guerrero contributing to

In addition, as part of the change in the government and

the state’s GDP and how does it benefit the local economy?

the 2018 elections, the Cluster’s Board held a meeting

A: The official information we have indicates that in 2017

with the mayors-elect from the Guerrero gold belt and

about MX$800 million of services and products were

that was very important in terms of setting up a common

purchased from companies fiscally based in the state of

agenda between the companies, the cluster and the

Guerrero. That was basically a calculation of what Minera

communities through their mayoral representation. We

Media Luna and Los Filos spent, keeping in mind the former

want to create a common working group to develop

was blockaded for two months. We estimate that this year,

the value chain and for the cluster to understand

Telson’s Campo Morado is spending about MX$30 million a

regional needs and areas where we can help. This will

month on services and products, half in the Arcelia region

also help the mayors to understand the importance of

and half in Guerrero. Los Filos is spending about MX$80

the mining industry. The Cluster has also held meetings

million per month and Torex Gold is spending around MX$100

with the newly-elected members of the State Congress

million per month. The numbers for this year could be well

to openly discuss the benefits of mining for the region

above MX$2 billion, which would far exceed our initial goal of

and make sure that public policy is aimed at making the

MX$1.5 billion. In terms of direct employment and permanent

environment more conducive to increased investment

contractors, the mining sector in Guerrero provides direct

with a responsible focus.

jobs to around 6,000-7,000 people. Multiplied by five or six mines, this equates to around 40,000 total direct and

Q: What steps is the cluster taking to bolster the

indirect jobs in the state. Assuming each of the workers

competitiveness of the region’s mining companies?

provides for a family of four, mining is providing for around

A: The illegal blockade Minera Media Luna experienced

200,000 people in the state. It also should be taken into

from November to April was very helpful in making it

consideration that mining jobs are the best-paid jobs in the

clear that social license can almost never be granted

region and among the best paid in the country. According

without a strong local supplier base. Although Guerrero

to IMCO’s 2017 study, mining-related degrees are the fourth

is not a traditional, industrialized mining state, with the

best paid professions in the country with an average salary

large-scale projects that exist in Sonora, Chihuahua or

above MX$17,000 a month plus benefits.

other northern states. It has some of the most attractive opportunities and is a prolific and historical silver state

Q: What have been the Guerrero Cluster’s biggest

that hosts Taxco.

achievements in the last year? A: In 2018, we had a few ups and down in terms of mining

Becoming a service provider for a company such

operations. Minera Media Luna, the state’s largest operation

as Minera Media Luna or Los Filos helps strengthen

and the country’s third largest gold mine, experienced an illegal

the national industry. These mines do not relax their

blockade for several months, which distracted our attention.

requirements, expectations or the standards to which

Although we were not working to our full capabilities, the

they work just because they are working with a local

main achievement was the strengthening of our value chain.

supplier. It is the responsibility of the local supplier to

We launched an ambitious value chain project together with

raise its standards to meet those of the international

CONCAINGRO. The cluster alongside CONCAINGRO has

operator so it can continue working on the project.

developed a technological platform that includes a directory

This motivates the national industry to adhere to higher

of companies and their specifications. We are developing

standards and constantly improve its offering.

a registry of the needs of the mining companies to crossreference. This is based on a national CONCAMIN platform

In this process of strengthening the value chain, we help

and this really simplifies the process for many businesses.

existing companies meet the expectations of the mining

industry as well as assisting those companies that want

Q: What would you suggest to the new administration to

to set up operations in Guerrero. The business culture

strengthen mining in Mexico?

in Guerrero is at a different stage of development than

A: We would request the same things we asked from

that in Sonora or other states in the north. In Sonora

Peña Nieto’s administration: a stable environment, rule of

or Monterrey, many companies are listed on the stock

law and security and safety. This latter is still a massive

exchange, but in Guerrero there are many family-owned

issue even though thankfully the mining industry has not

companies that are still working toward integration. We

been as directly affected as others. Some companies,

want to help them become competitive on a national

such as FEMSA-Coca Cola and Bimbo, have left the

scale and we will continue to work in collaboration with

region because the level of security falls short of what

federal and state agencies to make sure our suppliers

is necessary for them to be able to operate reasonably.

have access to all the programs that can help them

This is an issue that I think the administration must

develop into national and internationally competitive

address urgently. We should look at reconstituting the


institutional capabilities of security provision at a local level. The municipalities of Cocula and Iguala still do

Q: What role does the Mining Fund play in the sustainable

not have local municipal police but rather federal police

development of states such as Guerrero?

acting on a contractual basis. But it is impossible to

A: I believe the concept of the Mining Fund adheres

enforce the law without a centralized control mechanism.

to the concept of responsible mining, supporting local community development, whatever the established duty rate may be. It goes directly to the economic development of the region in which the mine is operating. But the issue of making the mining benefits available to the communities is extremely important to responsible mining. This allows miners to obtain social license to operate. Even with all the relevant permits from authorities, without the social license, the mine project

The investment numbers for this year could well exceed MX$2 billion, above the state's initial goal of MX$1.5 billion

simply cannot go ahead. It is important to ensure that the Mining Fund is transparent, that people are aware of the

Rule of law is also important because we cannot have

way it operates and the projects it is carrying out and that

situations like that at Minera Media Luna where the mine

the projects selected should have a medium to long-term

was illegally blockaded for two months. This is a billion-

view. It is also important that the municipal authorities

dollar project and the implications of this blockade

are aware of the fund’s distribution rules so greater

were felt all the way down the value chain. While in this

institutionalization may be required in some cases.

case, the mine paid its workers during the suspension of operations, it is entirely legal to suspend payroll, and this

Q: What have been the main advancements of your

would have had a direct effect on the local community.

agreement with Sudbury, Canada?

It was at the discretion of Torex that salaries were paid.

A: With all the recent events, the establishing of the Technology Hub in Iguala was not a priority but right now

There also needs to be a vision of transparency in fiscal

it is a topic that greatly interests the new mayor-elect

matters. In some other jurisdictions, fiscal stability

of Iguala. There are many companies from Sudbury that

agreements ensure that a 30-year project will be

have been working with the mines in their underground

charged fixed duties over the course of its life cycle.

operations and as such they are setting up shop in Iguala.

Unfortunately, I do not believe Mexico has a stable fiscal

We have continued promoting a joint collaboration

environment and we do not know what will happen from

with Sudbury and we are still working on the idea of a

one administration to another. Right now, the US through

mining industrial shelter program in Iguala. I believe the

President Trump’s reforms has reduced corporate tax to

municipality can be an example for the mining industry.

20 percent, which makes Mexico even less competitive. As a long-term sector, miners need the government to

We are also working on an agreement between Sudbury’s

show a long-term vision and fiscal stability.

Laurentian University, which is one of the leading universities in underground mineral exploration globally, and Universidad Español in Acapulco to create specialized training programs.

The Guerrero Mining Cluster aims to strengthen the industry

The initially agreement will focus on four key areas, including

and its supply chain in the state of Guerrero. It works with the

environmental protection. We hope to have one of the first

government and the private sector to establish priorities for

training programs released by the end of 2018.

the health of the industry




Coming off the back of a downturn, miners in Mexico have learned to become ever more selective about the projects in which they invest. As the survivors of the last bear cycle learned, prudence and due diligence pays off. Some world-class miners seek scalability, while others prioritize location, fiscal incentives or installed infrastructure. Ultimately, it all boils down to mineral reserves, and in that regard Mexico is extremely wellpositioned. Mexico Mining Review asked those that came out swinging after the downturn what they look for in their ideal mining project.

Our approach is opportunistic. We like to buy assets that are unloved by the market. While a distress asset purchase will guarantee more work, the low purchase price limits the downside price and offer good upside potential. For example, our recently acquired Black Fox complex was originally purchased by Primero Mining in 2014 for US$300 million along with the assumption of US$140 million in liabilities. Then


Chief Founder of McEwen Mining

they invested US$120 million bringing their total investment to US$560 million. We bought it for US$35 million, which was equivalent to paying 6 cents for every dollar they invested. It came with over 1 million ounces in resources, annual production of 40-50,000 ounces of gold however with a short mine life, an operating mill with excess capacity, numerous exploration targets and a US$190 million-dollar tax pool, which means we can shelter US$190 million of future profits.

We expect all our projects to have a minimum of 150 million ounces of silver when it comes to reserves or 3 million ounces of gold for us to consider it suitable for our portfolio. Most of our mines are also in the first quartile in terms of production costs so this is a key aspect to consider in our projects before we think to develop them. We prioritize a stream of quality production ounces in our portfolio. The project also


must be able to provide at least 15 percent IRR that can be achieved with higher grades or competitiveness in terms of the investment required to develop it.

I prefer to invest in projects involving people I have already done business with, meaning in the case of a dispute or disagreement this could be easily solved. I am commodity-agnostic, so although the Sprott brand is built around precious metals, the commodity that generates value is where my attention is drawn. I would also like local partners in the truest sense, so if a project were to take place in Mexico I

RICK RULE President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings

would like to involve Mexican shareholders. We like projects with scale, and in my experience, small mines have all the risk of big mines but they can only make small money. This means the risk-reward ratio in small mines does not make them attractive to the kind of business we want to do. Grade is useful but the most important factor is the difference between return on invested capital and cost of capital.

Rather than acquire other projects, we prefer to grow our own projects, starting with a mill expansion and underground pit. This is our main focus. The Oxide Tailings project was an open-pit mine we opened in the 1970s with poor recovery rates. With new modern technology we have been able to reprocess and produce more metals and this will continue to be one of the expansion plans we prioritize over the next three years. We have grown organically, not through mergers or acquisitions, so we do not have a large management team and we hire mainly locals. We do not have any interest to expand outside North America at the moment. Our goal is to continue

DAVID WOLFIN President and CEO of Avino Silver & Gold

as a major producer and employer in Mexico.

In the last year or two, many countries have created significant losses for stockholders. We feel that if we want to attract investors back to our industry, we need to be careful not to subject them to those kinds of risks. Mining is already a risky enough business that we should try to minimize as much as possible the geopolitical uncertainty that exists. We focus on only three proven mining jurisdictions where there is rule of law, contracts are honored, permitting processes are well understood, there are educated and experienced workforces and good infrastructure, and we still see plenty of opportunity in North America.

MITCHELL KREBS President and CEO of Coeur Mining


We look for healthy operating margins; the mine has to be profitable after the stream is in place. We are taking some of the value of the mine, so if our partners are not happy, we are not either. We have to make sure that when we make this investment our partners will be happy on an operating basis and will keep investing in growing the mines. We typically limit exposure to less than 20 percent and on average we have 10 percent of the revenue tied to our stream. It has to have good margins so our partners are healthy and prosperous and we can profit from this prosperity when they reinvest in the asset.

RANDY SMALLWOOD President and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals

We are a public company and we need to go where the investors want us to and where what we find can be reasonably developed. We are really trying to keep our operations focused on Mexico and we are hopeful about the elections and their ability to bring fresh opportunities and shine a spotlight on the sector’s potential. Right now, there is a lot of potential for Mexico, especially since zinc prices are increasing and Mexico is a zinc country. It is exciting to see such an increase in mining activity. If mining rules in Mexico were adjusted to be more favorable to FDI, investment could flood in. The southern half of Mexico has great mineral potential but there are often complications in permitting.

JOHN-MARK STAUDE President and CEO of Riverside Resources

We continue to look for high-grade, district scale projects like we found in Juanicipio and Cinco de Mayo. We set a high bar, so very few projects fit our requirements. We have actually reduced the number of properties we have in Mexico. We sold the claims we had in Zacatecas district to Defiance Silver so they can consolidate that historic 1-billion-ounce silver district. Zacatecas is probably one of the most underexplored major districts in Mexico, in large part because the land situation has been very fragmented, so we are delighted to help Defiance put together a coherent exploration package there.

PETER MEGAW Chief Exploration Officer of MAG Silver


Mexican Association of Mining Engineers,


Mergers and Acquisitions

Metallurgists and Geologists


Memorandum of Understanding


Andrés Manuel López Obrador

MW Megawatts


Australia, New Zealand and Mexico


North American Free Trade Agreement

Business Council


Preliminary Economic Assessment


Institutional Stock Exchange

PFS Pre-Feasibility Study


Mexican Stock Exchange


Pounds per Inch Width


Mexican Mining Chamber


Federal Attorney’s Office for


Canadian Chamber of Commerce


Capital Expenditure


Federal Electricity Commission


National Water Commission


Corporate Social Responsibility


Earnings Before Interest, Taxes,


National Miners and metallurgists Union

Depreciation and Amortization


Mexican Geological Survey


Export Development Canada


Toronto Stock Exchange


Mining Development Trust Fund


Toronto Venture Exchange

Environmental Protection SEDATU

Ministry of Agricultural, Farming, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food


Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources

FY Full Year


tons per day


Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua


tons per year


Internet of Things


National Autonomous University of


Industrial Internet of Things


International Finance Corporation


Joint Venture


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHTS 136-137 IMDEX: Innovative Solutions for Accurate Drilling and An Enhanced Structural Geology 160-161

TDM: Geosynthetics: the Key to Optimizing Productivity

178-179 VICTAULIC: The Industry’s First In-Line Knife Gate Valve 186-187 GROUND PROBE: Mine-Wall Movement Under Control 190-191

ORICA: Revolutionizing Technology with Focus on Safety and Productivity

224-225 THE CHEMOURS COMPANY: Breaking Paradigms in Sodium Cyanide 280-281 SKF: Rotating Equipment Performance





108-109 BACANORA LITHIUM: Sonora Lithium 156-157 FRESNILLO: Juanicipio


STARCORE INTERNATIONAL: A Closer Look at Improving Mine Operations

306-307 INDUSTRIAS PEÑOLES: World-Class Operator Thrives as Local Development Engine 314-315 FORTUNA SILVER: Infrastructure, Jobs and Education: the Legacy of Mining for San Jose Del Progreso


Gold Production: the Bull Stirs in Mexico


Silver, the Glowing Beacon of the Mexican Mining Industry

102-103 Copper Supply in Review 198-199 The Shift in Power 298-299 The Mining Trust Fund: Where are its Resources Really Going? 328-329 The Mining Fiscal Requirements in Review 352-353 FDI and National Investment Key to the Future of Mining in Mexico


Sonora: Mexico's Leading Mining State


Mining Brings Employment, Growth to Chihuahua


Zacatecas Still Mexico's Silver Titan


Tapping into Durango's World-Class Deposits


Guerrero’s Golden Comeback


Mexico’s Main Gold Mines


Mexico’s Main Silver Mines


Mexico’s Main Base Metals Mines


152-153 Mapping New Projects


How is Geopolitics Affecting Miners and How Can They Hedge Against Volatility?


How is the Rise of Blockchain Gold’s Safe-Haven Status?


How are You Mitigating the Risk Caused by Stagnating Silver Prices?


What are the Main Factors Shaping Base Metals Demand?

142-143 What are the Main Challenges for Mining Exploration In Mexico? 164-165 How Can Infrastructure Development Boost the Mining Industry? 192-193 How Can Mining Companies Maximize Productivity and Reduce Costs? 206-209 What is on Your Wish List for the New Administration to Strengthen Mexico’s Mining Industry? 240-241 What Environmental Problems Does the Industry Face in Ore Processing? 264-265 How is the Industry Preventing A Shortage of Human Talent? 290-291 How Can Advanced Technology Solve the Problems Operators Face? 318-319 What is Your Assessment of the Mining Fund’s Performance? 340-341 What are the Best Practices for Efficiently Navigating Mining Policies? 372-373 What are the Primary Financing Sources Available for Junior and Mid-Tier Miners? 394-395 What are the Features You Look for In a New Project?

| INDEX A-G Accendo Banco 16, 246, 247, 345, 354-355, 373

Cliveden Trading AG 164-165, 366-367

Agilent Technologies 94-95, 114-115, 120-121, 283


Agnico Eagle Mines 34, 38, 39, 52, 133, 153, 158, 282, 283,

Coeur Mining 8-11, 28-29, 36-39, 68-69, 72, 84-85, 158, 170,

286, 313, 347, 385

204-205, 206-211, 313, 394-395

AHMSA 68-69, 175

Cribas y Productos Metálicos 232-233, 246

AIMMGM 13, 250, 377, 384

CTA 240-241, 313

Alamos Gold 36-39, 46, 152-153, 206-211

Cyanco 216-217, 220, 240-241

Alexander Mining 114-115, 216-217, 223, 240-241

Cyprium Mining 98

Alio Gold 26, 34, 36-39, 52, 132, 152-153

DBR Abogados 206-211, 331, 340

ALN Abogados 323, 335, 340-341

Defiance Silver 69, 395

AMC 136-137, 284

Deloitte Consulting Group 8-11, 60-61, 120-121, 149, 264-265,

Americas Silver Corporation 66, 68-69, 78, 88-89, 93, 94-95,

270-271, 276, 380

101, 114-115, 152-153, 206-211, 318-319

Delta Solutions 279, 324

Anaf Energy Social 295, 305

Des-Case 237

ANZMEX 28-29, 345, 359

Detector Exploraciones 142, 171, 192, 252-253, 290, 365

Argonaut Gold 8-11, 34, 36-39, 47, 152-153, 333, 346-347

Dicisa 259

Arsenal 261

DMV Mining Intelligence 257

Aura Minerals 23, 58, 98-99, 120-121

Dräger 388

Australian Trade and Investment Commission 290-291, 358

DSI Underground 158

Avino Silver & Gold Mines 53, 98-99, 206-211, 270-271, 378-

Durango Ministry of Economy 24, 164-165, 206-211, 250,

379, 394-395


Azure Minerals 8-11, 111, 114-115, 135, 142-143, 148, 206-211,

Dyna Resource 38

346-347, 378-379

EagleBurgmann 385

Bacanora Lithium 8-11, 94-95, 98-99, 106-107, 108-109, 114-

ECN Scientific 287

115, 135, 148, 152-153, 378-379

Elastómeros Taza 263

Baja Mining 98-99, 152-153

Endeavour Silver 66, 67, 68-69, 74-75, 88-89, 110, 152-153,

Baker McKenzie 204-205, 330, 340-341

171, 192-193, 296-297, 318-319, 346-347, 378-379, 388

Belden 289

Epiroc 180, 192-193

Beltservice 183

ERM 311, 318-319

Beumer de México 173

Evrim Resources 125, 346-347

BIVA 8-11, 28-29, 52, 246-247, 343, 349, 350, 351, 363

Excellon Resources 68-69, 86, 88-89, 148, 196-197, 206-

BMV Group 8-11, 28-29, 53, 106-107, 111, 141, 198-199, 206-211,

211, 317

246-247, 340-341, 342, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352-353, 363,

Export Development Canada (EDC) 345, 357


EY 171, 264-265, 328-329, 339

Brink's 368

FIFOMI 12, 14-15, 22, 26, 113, 164-165, 196-197, 326, 351, 352-

Bruker AXS 226-227

353, 372-373

C&C Tsurumi Pump Mexico 142-143, 149, 315-316

Firma Holdings 36-39

CAM 256

First Majestic Silver 8-11, 23, 24, 34, 36-39, 66, 67, 68-69, 73,

CAMIMEX 8-11, 14-15, 19, 25, 27, 35, 44-45, 80-81, 102-103,

88-89, 120-121, 152-153, 183, 240-241, 286, 288, 333, 340-341,

120-121, 152-153, 170, 196-197, 202-203, 204-205, 246-247,

346-347, 361, 364

250, 296-297, 324, 329, 331, 346-347, 384

FLSmidth 226-227, 238

CANCHAM 345, 356, 396

Fortuna Silver Mines Mexico 36-39, 66, 68-69, 79, 170, 315-

Candelaria Mining 28-29, 36-39, 52, 346-347, 372-373

316, 346-347

Candente Gold 57

Fresnillo 8-11, 23, 34, 35, 36-39, 44-45, 60-61, 66, 68-69,

Capstone Mining 93, 98-99, 102-103, 110, 152-153, 185, 260,

70-71, 76-77, 80-81, 88-89, 96-97, 120-121, 133, 142-143, 148,


150-151, 152-153, 155, 156-157, 158, 170, 180, 185, 189, 206-211,

Carrizal Mining 98-99, 102-103, 152-153, 246-247, 251, 264-

246-247, 248, 257, 263, 264-265, 270-271, 279, 283, 286, 288,

265, 334

313, 315-316, 347, 346-364, 366-367, 385, 394-395

Chesapeake Gold 34, 36-39, 148, 152-153

Ftech 310

Chihuahua Ministry of Economy 20

Garlock 184

INDEX G-P | GE 309

Legalmex 332

Geologix Exploration 39

MacLean Engineering 181, 290-291

GFS Corp 278

MAG Silver 34, 66, 68-69, 147, 150-151, 152-153, 156-157, 364,

Global Wear Solutions 174


Globexplore Drilling & Analytics 126-127

Manex Resource Group 141, 142-143, 372-373

GoGold 34, 36-39, 152-153, 346-347

Marlin Gold Mining 36-39, 43, 152-153, 346-347

Goldcorp 8-11, 23, 34, 35, 42, 53, 60-61, 66, 68-69, 120-121,

MarMar Holding 38, 153

142-143, 144, 154, 155, 158, 170, 175, 180, 181, 192-193, 279, 283,

Martin Engineering 175

288, 296-297, 308, 313, 333, 340-341, 346-347, 364, 388

Master Drilling 185

Goldgroup Mining 36-39, 52, 131

McEwen Mining 8-11, 33, 34, 35, 36-39, 41, 60-61, 120-121,

Gold Resource Corporation 36-39, 59, 152-153, 324-325

152-153, 206-211, 346-347, 394-395

Great Panther Silver 36-39, 68-69, 82, 152-153, 204-205

Mercuria 60-61, 114-115, 164-165, 260, 270-271, 360

GroundProbe 159

Metallorum Holding 150-151

Grupo Bacis 36-39, 98-99, 152-153, 249, 257

Metso 218

Grupo Calidra 173, 215, 219

Mettler Toledo 192-193, 391

Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) 206-211, 255

Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact 304

Grupo GAP 317

Mexico Mining Center 135, 142-143

Grupo México 8-11, 98-99, 102-103, 114-115, 152-153, 175, 180,

Mexus Gold 36-39, 152-153

189, 204-205, 206-211, 235, 246-247, 260, 277, 282, 283, 288,

Millrock Resources 132

305, 308, 331, 334, 346-347, 349, 352-353, 366-367, 372-

Minaurum Gold 34, 56, 324-325

373, 385, 388

Mincore 98-99

Guerrero Mining Cluster 26, 204-205, 392-393

Minera Alamos 36-39, 98-99, 346-347

Guerrero Ministry of Economy 26

Minera Frisco 8-11, 23, 36-39, 68-69, 98-99, 102-103, 152-153,

Gustavson Associates 387

189, 206-211, 246-247, 254, 260, 277, 313, 331, 349, 352-353,

Haver & Boecker 235

357, 372-373, 385

Haynes and Boone 28-29, 196-197, 204-205, 326

Minera Hecla 8-11, 68-69, 87, 87, 148, 152-153

Herrenknecht Tunneling Services Mexico 163

Ministry of Economy

Hogan Lovells 327, 340-341

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal 12, 26

IDS 390

Mario Alfonso Cantú 14-15, 196-197, 206-211, 246

IMDEX 136-137, 284

-247, 325

IMPACT Silver 69

MMD 169, 172, 290

Industrias Peñoles 8-11, 23, 24, 26, 36-39, 66, 96-97, 98-99,

Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial 389

102-103, 111, 112, 114-115, 141, 149, 152-153, 154, 170, 180, 185,

Nanoprotech 282

189, 206-211, 246-247, 251, 260, 277, 282, 283, 286, 288, 306-

Normet 189

307, 315-316, 317, 331, 349, 352-353, 357, 366-367, 372-373,

Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility 216-217, 230-231,

385, 388, 391


Intelligent Social Investment 149, 312

NOV 239

Invecture Group 36-39, 98-99, 102-103, 152-153

OEC Group Mexico 371

Jinchuan Group 98-99

Olympus 206-211, 286

JOGMEC 366-367

Orex Minerals 133, 346-347

Kansas City Southern Mexico 370, 371

Orica 155, 159, 190-191, 192-193

Knight Piésold 303, 318-319

Orla Mining 36-39, 346-347, 364

Kootenay Silver 68-69, 102-103, 120-121, 124, 196-197, 333

Outotec 264-265, 273

Korea Resources 98, 152

Pan American Silver 8-11, 23, 24, 68-69, 102-103, 124, 133,

KPMG 28-29, 381

152-153, 170, 185, 333, 388

Krah México 162

Pewag 182

Landdrill 128

Power Tech 228-229

Lasec 264-265, 288, 290-291

Premier Gold Mines 36-39, 132

Layher Mexico 154

Primero Mining 8-11, 34, 36-39, 41, 66, 73, 333, 334, 346-

Leagold 27, 34, 36-39, 279, 346-347

347, 361, 394-395

| INDEX P-Z PROFEPA 240-241, 256, 293, 296-297, 301

Starcore International Mines 36-39, 49, 50-51, 346-347

ProMéxico 21, 23, 25, 204-205, 246-247, 382

Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining 8-11, 68-69, 112, 366-367

PwC 28-29, 60-61, 338, 378-379

TDM 150-151, 160-161, 164-165, 264-265

RB Abogados 34, 333, 340-341, 346-347

Teck Resources 98-99, 111, 152-153, 346-347

Red Tiger Mining 98-99

Telson Resources 27, 34, 36-39, 66, 98-99, 102-103, 105,

REFLEX 136-137, 284

152-153, 246-247, 346-347, 363, 392-393

Riverside Resources 130-131, 142-143, 204-205, 346-347,

Terrane Geoscience 138


The Chemours Company 216-217, 220, 222, 224-225, 240-

Rochester Resources 36-39

241, 264-265

Rose Petroleum 36-39, 152-153, 346-347

Thermo Fisher 226-227

Santamarina + Steta 148, 334

The Silver Institute 66, 67, 80-81, 83, 88-89

Schneider Electric 210, 275, 324-325

Timken Mexico 188

Scotia Capital 35, 60-61, 114-115, 340-341, 364

TMC 260

Seequent 285

Torex Gold 8-11, 26, 27, 34, 36-39, 102-103, 152-153, 206-211,

SEMARNAT 13, 52, 56, 149, 216-217, 301, 302-303, 325, 383

279, 296-297, 302-303, 317, 318-319, 346-347, 392-393

SGM 14-15, 36-39, 68-69, 98-99, 122-123, 139, 140, 150-151,

Toronto Stock Exchange 14-15, 53, 141, 206-211, 243, 246-

197, 202-203, 286, 351

247, 248, 257, 284, 340-341, 348, 350, 351, 352-353, 362,

SGS Minerals Services 226-227, 365, 369

363, 372-373, 380

SHB Perforación 129, 149

Valls Geoconsultant 139

Siemens 272

Vander Capital 363

Sierra Metals 68-69, 82, 84-85, 98-99, 102-103, 113, 125,

VEGA Measurement 231

152-153, 296-297, 372-373

Veolia 149, 164-165, 308

Sitsa 258

Ves Capital Partners 365

SKF 171, 192-193, 277, 280-281

VHG Servicios Legales 324-325, 336, 340-341

SNMM 28-29, 337

Vibrotech 236

Solum Consulting Group 262

Victaulic 178-179

Solvay Mining Solutions 221

Vulkan 176-177

Sonora Ministry of Economy 18

Wheaton Precious Metals 73, 88-89, 206-211, 334, 346-347,

SpecTIR 140

361, 378-379, 394-395

Sprott US Holdings 35, 94-95, 114-115, 133, 142-143, 206-211,

World Bank 17, 148, 200-201, 318-319, 378-379

362, 372-373, 378-379, 394-395

Xtierra 69

SSR 8-11, 68-69, 152-153, 186-187, 346-347

Zacatecas Ministry of Economy 22


Grupo México


Bacanora Lithium


Ministry of Economy


Baconora Lithium


Starcore International


Capstone Mining

14 MBP


Azure Minerals

16 MBP

112 MBP



Sierra Metals


Sprott US Holdings, Mercuria,


Bacanora Lithium, Americas Silver Corporation, Master Drilling

World Bank

18 MBP 20

Chihuahua Ministry of Economy


Zacatecas Ministry of Economy


Durango Ministry of Economy


Guerrero Ministry of Economy



Coeur Mining, MBP, KPMG

122 SGM


MBP, Haynes and Boone, PwC, MBP, BMV Group

124 MBP


Primero Mining


Evrim Resources


McEwen Mining


Globexplore Drilling & Analysis


McEwen Mining


Globexplore Drilling & Analysis

gilent Technologies Azure Minerals, MBP, Scotia Capital

42 Goldcorp

128 MBP


Marlin Gold Mining


Riverside Resources


Alamos Gold


Millrock Resources


Argonaut Gold


Orex Minerals


Starcore International


Mexico Mining Center


Starcore International



52 MBP

138 MBP


139 MBP

Avino Silver & Gold

56 MBP

140 SpecTIR

57 MBP


Manex Group


Aura Minerals


Fresnillo, Riverside Resources, MBP


Gold Resource Corporation


Sprott US Holdings, Manex Group,


Fresnillo, McEwen Mining, Goldcorp


Scotia Capital, Deloitte, Mercuria, PWC

144 Goldcorp


Excellon Resources



Excellon Resources

150 TDM

Mexico Mining Center, C&C Tsurumi Pump MAG Silver

70 Fresnillo


71 Fresnillo

155 Orica


Coeur Mining



First Majestic Silver

158 MBP


Endeavour Silver, Endeavour Silver

159 GroundProbe

Layher Mexico MAG Silver

76 Fresnillo

160 TDM


162 MBP

Americas Silver Corporation

79 MBP

163 MBP


Great Panther Silver




The Silver Institute


MBP, Durango Ministry of Economy,


Coeur Mining

Mercuria, TDM

86 MBP


Capstone Mining


Excellon Resources, Excellon Resources


MMD Mineral Sizing


Excellon Resources, Americas Silver


Beumer de Mexico

Corporation, Fresnillo

174 MBP

First Majestic Silver, Endeavour Silver,


Martin Engineering

The Silver Institute, Wheaton Precious Metals


Vulkan do Brasil


Grupo México

178 Victualic


Industrias Peñoles

180 MBP


Americas Silver Corporation



MacLean Engineering

105 MBP

182 MBP


183 MBP

Bacanora Lithium



185 MBP

263 MBP

186 Groundprobe


TDM, MBP, Outotec

188 MBP


MBP, Deloitte, Fresnillo, EY, MBP

189 MBP


MAG Silver

190 Orica

272 Siemens


Endeavour Silver, MBP, MBP

273 Outotec


Endeavour Silver, Orica, MBP, MBP


Solum Consulting Group

Schneider Electric

194 Fresnillo

276 Deloitte


277 MBP

Marcos González

203 MBP


206 MBP

279 MBP


Durango Ministry of Economy, Americas Silver

280 SKF





Canadian Trade Minister, DBR Abogados


Agilent Technologies


MBP, Azure Minerals, Alamos Gold




Avino Silver & Gold Mines, Sprott US Holdings

285 Seequent


Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua,

286 MBP

TSX, BMV Group

287 MBP


Pan American Silver

288 MBP


Pan American Silver


GFS Corp

ECN Scientific

218 MBP

289 Belden

219 MBP


MMD Mineral Sizing, MBP, Outotec




MBP, MBP, Maclean Engineering, MBP


Solvay Mining Solutions


New Gold

222 MBP


Endeavour Silver

223 MBP


Candelaria Mining


The Chemours Company

301 MBP


MBP, Bruker AXS



Power Tech

303 MBP


University of Notre Dame

304 MBP

Torex Gold

231 MBP

305 MBP



Cribas y Productos Metálicos

Industrias Peñoles

235 MBP

308 MBP


309 MBP

Vibrotech Engineering

237 Des-Case

311 ERM

238 FLSmidth

312 MBP

239 NOV

313 MBP


MBP, MBP, First Majestic Silver


Fortuna Silver Mines


MBP, MBP, University of Notre Dame, MBP


C&C Tsurumi Pump


Grupo México

317 MBP

248 Fresnillo


249 MBP 250

Durango Ministry of Economy

World Bank, Durango Ministry of Economy, Americas Silver Corporation


ERM, Torex Gold, Endeavour Silver, MBP

251 MBP


Zacatecas Ministry of Economy

252 MBP


Haynes and Boone

254 MBP

327 MBP


Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua

330 MBP




DBR Abogados

257 MBP

332 MBP

258 MBP

333 MBP

259 MBP

334 MBP

260 MBP

335 MBP

261 MBP

336 MBP



SGS Minerals Services

338 PwC


Kansas City Southern de México

339 EY

371 MBP


MBP, DBR Abogados, Scotia Capital


Sprott US Holdings, Manex Group, Sierra Metals






BMV Group


Primero Mining

348 TSX

380 Deloitte


381 KPMG

BMV Group

350 MBP

382 MBP

351 MBP

384 MBP


Accendo Banco

385 EagleBurgmann


Accendo Banco

387 MBP

356 MBP

388 MBP

357 EDC

389 MBP

358 MBP

390 MBP

359 MBP

391 MBP

360 Mercuria


Guerrero Mining Cluster


Wheaton Precious Metals


McEwen Mining, Fresnillo, Sprott US Holdings


Sprott US Holdings


Avino Silver & Gold, Coeur Mining, Wheaton

363 MBP

Precious Metals, Riverside Resources,


Scotia Capital

MAG Silver



Inner Back Cover Aura Minerals

368 Brink’s


Accendo Banco


Elastómeros Taza

Inside Front Cover Fresnillo

214 Metso



Accendo Banco

Powertech Services

32 Cyanco

233 Cribas

40 Chemours



Marlin Gold Mining

236 Des-Case


Argonaut Gold


Industrial Peñoles


Starcore International Mines LTD.


Carrizal Mining


Brinks Global Services

252-253 Detector Exploraciones


Coeur Mining

258 Dicisa


Endeavour Silver



Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial

268 SKF

Haver & Boecker

VHG Abogados


Grupo Calidra


Schneider Electric


Americas Silver Corporation


Delta Solutions


Telson Mining Corporation

282 Agilent


Azure Minerals


Mexico Business Publishing

118 Globexplore


Anaf Energy


310 ERM

RNG Perforación at Grupo SHB

134 Reflex


Grupo GAP


Master Drilling


Sindicato Nacional Minero Metalúrgico


Bacanora Lithium


DBR Abogados

154 Orica


RB Abogados

158 GroundProbe


ALN Abogados Consultores

168 Victaulic

344 Mercuria



Mexico Mining Forum


IOS Offices

Martin Engineering

177 Vulkan


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