Mexico Mining Review 2020

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Q: How would you assess the relationship between the new

of each company. Third, the market’s location. As for

administration and private industry?

the government, it must fulfill its responsibilities. For

A: In this new landscape, we have a great advantage

instance, in the previous years, Mexico was not very

given that Deputy Minister of Mines Francisco Quiroga is

competitive on electricity tariffs. To date, we still pay

knowledgeable about the sector and is committed to its

US$0.10 per kWh when in other countries like Canada

development. We speak the same language but at the same

this amount equals US$0.02 per kWh, in Peru US$0.04

time he can serve as a translator to communicate our main

kWh and in the US US$0.06 per kWh. In this industry,

interests and encourage understanding. I certainly believe

competitiveness takes place on a global scale. If Mexico

that much information that has been publicly expressed by

works with electricity prices that are two, three or even

the government is derived from the poor communication

five times higher, national competitiveness sees a relevant

between President López Obrador and public officials.

reduction. To face this challenge, we decided to generate

As soon as we approached the administration and our

our own electricity. In 2018, 92 percent of our consumed

ideas were heard, the tone radically changed. Given this

energy was acquired under a self-supply scheme and out

industry’s nature, we can reach locations where no one else

of this amount, 31 percent came from renewable sources.

is working. Our activities are backed up by infrastructure

By 2020, our goal is to increase this by 50 percent

and development opportunities for these communities and

toward our main objective to become 100 percent

mining is known for providing them. This is a long-term

renewable by 2027. This represents a double commitment

relationship and our participation must be well-received to

because we can become more efficient and increase our

achieve the social permit.

competitiveness and at the same time support the energy transition. Other basic infrastructure, such as ports, roads,

Q: What elements should be present to ensure the correct

railways, transmission lines and gas pipelines, are the

development of the industry in the coming years?

government’s responsibility. If the country does not have

A: The new policy approach must provide certainty.

an adequate vision, competitiveness will be threatened.

Investments in the mining industry are long-term and

Not only in the mining sector, but in every industrial

sponsors need to be sure that the rules of the game will

activity in Mexico.

not change. Latin America has some very good examples of these practices. For instance, Peru works under the tax

Q: What was the main motive behind the company’s

stability convention where taxes are established in periods

strategy to refinance its debt?

of 15 to 20 years. This provides certainty for economic

A: About US$800 million in Industrias Peñoles’ long-term

models of profitability projections. We executed a study

debt was going to expire in the next four years. We decided

together with CAMIMEX and an international adviser in

that the positive interest rate conditions in the market were

which we compared the tax payments and rights of the

favorable for a bond issuance under the 144A rule. This

mining industry in Mexico with other countries like Canada,

framework allows international investors to participate in

Peru, Chile, Australia and the US. The results demonstrated

the transaction. The issuance was a success as we were

that companies operating in Mexico pay up to 54 percent

able to raise US$1.1 billion in 3Q19. In these processes, you

more in taxes and rights compared to the US where the

can measure the level of appetite the company’s debt

payment is 22 percent.

attracts. In this specific case, it resulted in a 6:1 ratio, which showcases Peñoles’ positive market image and reputation.

Another indispensable topic is competitiveness,

This was a major achievement as the company had never

which depends on three main factors. First, the basic

raised a 10-year debt. Now, US$550 million is on a 10-year

infrastructure of each country, which is in the hands

a scheme and another US$550 million was raised over a

of the government. Second, the technology and staff

30-year period.

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