Mexico Mining Review 2020

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Q: What is the company’s strategy for developing its mines?

sustain this growth. We increased the section of the main

A: One of the first steps we undertook when I joined the

ramp from 3.5x3.5m to 5x5m. This allowed us to bring in larger

company was to create a management strategy. This strategy

equipment, surface equipment and to mechanize the entire

is quite simple. We have significant brownfield exploration

mine. As this increased productivity, we are able to feed the

potential at our three mines, so our first phase is to focus

plant at 1,200t/d and eventually at 2,400t/d. We also installed

precisely on brownfield exploration. Once we identify new

a ball mill, cyclones and crushers.

resources, we start working to increase our reserve resources via 43-101s. Last year, we increased resources at the Cusi

Q: How are you facing the challenge of automating your

mine by 130 percent and by 83 percent at our Bolivar mine,

mines and reconfiguring your human capital to meet this

both located in Chihuahua. We also succeeded in increasing

new reality?

reserves at the Yauricocha mine in Peru by 134 percent. After

A: Rather than fully automating our mines, we want to

translating our strategies into material value, we started

fully mechanize them. In all the areas where we used to

working on the expansion of our operations. Our first step

employ labor, we are striving to implement Jumbos and

was to take Cusi from 300-400t/d to 650t/d by mid-2018

other equipment that can do the job with just an operator

and then to 1,200t/d by January 2019. We are in the ramp-up

or remote controls. While it is true that we are using less

period and undertaking the calculations for Cusi to become

labor, we are also putting our equipment under the stress of

self-sustaining, which implies the production of 2,400t/d. This

working more operational hours. This requires a more detail-

is our guidance for 2019 and we expect to reach that target

oriented maintenance program. So, we use fewer operational

by 4Q19. We need to prepare the mine at the plant level to

people but more specialized and technical people. We have several partners from different countries helping our drive to mechanize our operations. All their new equipment comes

Sierra Metals is a mid-tier precious and base metals producer in

with technical support. We have spent over US$10 million

Latin America. It owns and operates three mines in commercial

just in mechanizing the Bolivar mine and about US$4 million

production, including the Bolivar and Cusi mines in Mexico. The

at Cusi. We also changed the mining method at Bolivar and

company is focused on expanding global reserves and resources

Cusi to longwall mining, although we also use sublevel caving.

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