Mexico Mining Review 2020

Page 90




Q: What should Mexico do to gain competitiveness against

I believe these resources must be directed completely to

other mining jurisdictions, such as Chile or Peru?

the mining communities. The Mining Fund can be a great

A: We are experiencing political and economic uncertainty at

complement to the work already undertaken by mining

a global level, and Mexico is going through numerous changes

companies. It is not so much about redesigning the fund,

internally. Although the country has a significant geological

as of making sure it works transparently and effectively.

potential, so do Peru and Chile, as does Argentina, to a certain extent. Newcomers include Ecuador and Colombia.

Q: What specific measures is Fresnillo taking to achieve its

The US and Canada remain very competitive in designing

production targets for 2019?

and putting in place all the conditions necessary to invest

A: We have had in 2019 somewhat difficult year. Therefore,

in mining. Against this backdrop, it is crucial that Mexico

our guidance for production was lower than in 2018, when

create long-term mining policies that promote investment

we achieved 61.8moz of silver, including our silver stream,

and guarantee legal and fiscal certainty. Right now, miners

and more than 920,000 oz of gold. Our guidance for 2019

in Mexico have a burden of around 52 percent, considering

is between 55 and 58moz of silver and between 880,000

income tax, mining rights for exploration-exploitation

and 910,000 oz of gold, reflecting some difficulties we have

concessions, royalties, PTU and other factors. Alternative

had with operations, mainly at Fresnillo on the silver side

jurisdictions have burdens as low as 25 percent. They also

and a softer production at Herradura. We also knew that

provide incentives for exploration that Mexico lacks.

Saucito would be performing with a lower silver grade, so that was not a surprise. Similarly, weaker silver production

Fresnillo is known for placing exploration at the core of its

was expected at San Julián.

business strategy. It is a crucial activity that we conduct throughout the industry’s cycles. That strategy enabled us

Of those mines, the only surprise was Fresnillo. We are putting

to double the silver resources we had 11 years ago and more

in place concrete plans to correct that and make sure we

than triple our gold resources. It resulted in a doubling of

reach our guidance for 2019. At Fresnillo specifically, we are

production. Now, exploration is decreasing in Mexico, given

implementing innovative maintenance programs to improve

lower prices for base metals and lack of incentives. Even

our equipment’s reliability. Moreover, we are introducing

Fresnillo will cut down moderately. A comprehensive fiscal

automatic drilling devices so we can continue drilling in

plan to incentivize the industry is much needed. It would

between shifts and increase productivity. We are increasing

contribute to the objectives of the current administration:

our contractors’ efficiency and hiring some foreign mining

economic growth and job creation in areas of the country

contractors for development, which is the future of the mine.

where often there is no investment because of their remote

This is not to say that we do not prioritize a strong local

locations. Mining companies bring infrastructure and

supplier network. We work closely with the Zacatecas Mining

development to such regions.

Cluster, which has been reflected in a strong supplier network in Zacatecas and the neighboring states. That is a KPI we

Q: What changes in the Mining Fund would be appropriate

follow quite closely: how many of our goods and services

so that it effectively fulfills its purpose?

come from local sources. But with respect to development

A: The original design was sensible. Directing the levied

specifically, we work with almost all the contractors in Mexico,

resource to the communities was an important initiative. It

and we have stretched them to capacity. We have had to hire

must be said, however, that after almost five years of the

foreign contractors to supplement those in Mexico.

fund’s implementation, Fresnillo, has not reduced its social investments in communities. The same can be said of almost

Q: Juanicipio is among the most important projects

all mining companies. This makes the fund an additional

in Fresnillo’s pipeline. What is the strategy for its

burden to an already heavily-taxed industry. Despite this,


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