Q: How does Corporativo CEMZA impact the oil and gas
the integration of more companies into our portfolio. This
offshore industry in Mexico?
approach has been supported by all our shareholders, who
A: One of our main advantages in the market is that we
see a great opportunity in the changes resulting from the
are a proud, 100 percent Mexican company, meaning we
Energy Reform.
can support our customers in reaching their local content regulatory requirement with top-quality services and products
Corporativo CEMZA has a proven track record of working
due to our qualified workforce as well as the excellent vessels
in shallow-water projects. To successfully diversify into
and materials we use.
the deepwater sector, we will continue following our longstanding tradition of providing specialized services, and
Additionally, Corporativo CEMZA offers broad experience
our deepwater business line will not be the exception. Our
working at all the Mexican ports in the Gulf of Mexico and has
maritime fleet can be adapted to cater to the specific needs
created long-lasting relationships with the authorities at these
of our projects and the same can be said for the services
ports by complying with the high standards they demand to
that deepwater operators require.
operate at each of their ports. Q: How is Corporativo CEMZA capitalizing on its lengthy Although Corporativo CEMZA is comprised of several
experience working with PEMEX to cater to the new needs
companies, we recognize that international companies prefer
of local and international players?
to work with only one integral service provider. Our strategy
A: The opportunity is vast and tangible, it is a matter of
therefore has been focused on bringing together all the
seizing opportune moments. PEMEX has a tenured track
products and services offered by our individual companies
record in terms of exploration, drilling and production, while
and offering them through Corporativo CEMZA as an
most of the new players are taking their first steps prior
integrated service, thereby presenting only one face to the
to reaching such a stage. We are working toward tying up
client. The positive and well-thought integration of companies
the cumulated experience with the NOC together with our
into the group has created positive synergies in which our
interactions taking place with new operators entering the
clients find great value. This is why we are constantly pursuing
market through each of their particular business stages.