Mexico Oil & Gas Review 2019/20

Page 304



Q: How would you characterize the relationship between

slightly higher prices, but in this way, the money returns

Mexico’s natural gas production potential and demand?

to the national economy and helps spawn new value

A: Mexico’s relationship with natural gas is characterized

chains to meet supply.

by its location. The country has great natural gas


resources and so the production of natural gas should

The petrochemical industry must also be considered.

be high, but we are in close proximity to the world’s

Mexico imports dry gas from the US but Veracruz

cheapest natural gas market, the US, and can buy at

produces gas containing components, including ethane,

very cheap prices. The availability of cheap natural gas,

propane and butane, which can be used to supply the

together with the existence of oil in Mexican territory,

country’s petrochemical industry. Mexico’s petrochemical

has offered little reason to invest in Mexico’s natural gas

industry can only grow with the aid of the gas industry;

industry across the years. This underinvestment has led to

it is a consequence of producing gas here. The financial

underdevelopment. This made sense in purely economic

benefits and long chain of the petrochemical industry,

terms: the profitability of oil is higher. But this situation

including job creation and tax generation, cannot be

also made Mexico dependent on the US, and as cheap

ignored. Carrying on the status quo of imports should

gas means cheap electricity, this dependence will only

be reassessed. We must consider the opportunity cost

grow. Mexico was originally importing 20 percent of

of not developing the petrochemical industry in Mexico.

its natural gas needs. Today, it imports 70 percent: the country depends more on US natural gas than Japan, a

To promote the growth of natural gas in Mexico, CNH

country with no natural gas reserves. While Japan has

is speaking to the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry

various providers, Mexico has only one.

of Economy, which are responsible for economic development, to communicate our ideas. We are also

Q: How does CNH view the role of natural gas within

holding meetings with Congress and have just finished a

Mexico’s energy matrix?

natural gas training seminar for the country’s senators.

A: CNH is concerned about the role of natural gas within

Recently, PEMEX has begun prioritizing gas fields to

the Mexican energy matrix. In 2018, the Commission

support its overall production goal. Investment into Ixachi

published a book titled The Natural Gas Sector: Proposals

is one such example and shows a movement toward

for the Development of the National Industry to explain

parity between fuel types.

the country’s situation and to offer ideas on how we can produce more gas. However, CNH cannot set strategies,

Q: How can land use legislation be improved to help

we can only advise. Therefore, we must try to convince

develop natural gas production?

SENER that thinking regarding the price of gas must

A: Studies show that Mexican states with natural gas

not be based on the US price at the point of sale. While

develop faster than those without, which means that

the initial price may be cheaper, the overall difference,

states like Oaxaca and Chiapas will struggle to grow if the

once the gas has been transported into Mexico, may not

federal government cannot deliver natural gas to them.

be great when compared to the price of Mexican gas,

Mexico needs to update its legislation regarding land use.

which can be fed into the network immediately. There

The Energy Reform entitled landowners to receive rent

are also other factors to consider. Buying gas from a

payments from oil and gas companies using their land.

Mexican company generates profits that can be taxed, in

But in Mexico, these matters are complicated because

addition to the salaries of the company’s employees and

there is no property census to adjudicate unquestioned

the revenues of its suppliers. Local production creates

land ownership. The US has a sound land ownership

additional revenue that must be considered within the

model with good records, even if land is owned by groups

price comparison. This may require that we sell gas at

or communities rather than individuals.

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