Mexico Oil & Gas Review 2019/20

Page 94




Q: So far this year, Talos has drilled two of three appraisal

A: Talos partnered with our local service providers to make

wells on Zama. How are these wells faring?

sure our logistics operation ran smoothly and that productive

A: We are attempting to open up and develop an Upper

time was not wasted. But as this was only our second well,

Miocene play on Zama. This is the same type of geology

we set very conservative scheduling goals. Moving forward,

that is prevalent in the US Gulf of Mexico and offers superior

we expect to move more quickly and reduce our costs as

rock properties on both sides of the border. Murphy’s

we become more assured in our operations. Our drilling

announcement of its success in Block 5 also confirms

should quicken pace as our team becomes better acquainted

our geological findings. These prolific rock properties,

with the rock. This will result in reducing time and budget

combined with the water depth and well depth we have,

estimates to more realistic levels and they will become more

will ensure the smooth and more robust development

difficult to beat.

and deliverability of this asset as we are able to use fixed structures, dry trees and a future platform rig.

Q: Talos took 714ft of whole core with a recovery rate of 98 percent at Zama-2 ST1. What is the value of the

Our platform in Zama will be the deepest fixed platform

core analysis?

in Mexico’s history, even though it is located in a shallow

A: A company can never achieve better rock property

water area. We already operate three standalone facilities

measurements than with the rock in its hands. Wireline

in water depths over 300m in the US Gulf of Mexico; these

logs are helpful, but the rock itself is the best resource for

water depths are our specialty. Many of the technologies

understanding the properties, fluid content and behavior

used at these depths were developed in the US Gulf of

under different stresses and environments. With a core,

Mexico within the last 30 years and we have employed

tests can be conducted up and down the geological

the majority of them on our platforms.

section, offering far greater insight. The data we acquired will be shared with PEMEX and will ultimately be given to

When we performed the well test in the Zama-2ST well,

the government so that the knowledge of this basin can be

we perforated two intervals with a combined rate of over

advanced and shared. This is Talos’ responsibility and we

7.9 Mboe/d (90 percent oil) with a limited drawdown and

hope our data can help the entire country. We are intending

without any particular completion technique, just a natural

to repeat our core recovery success when we commit our

flow back. As we apply well-completion technologies,

third appraisal well.

we would expect that our estimate could rise. We are comfortable with the guidance on the peak rate, which

Q: What were the strategic reasons behind the cross-

should be between 150Mb/d and 175Mb/d of oil equivalent.

assignment of Talos’ participating interest (PI) in Block 2 and Hokchi’s PI in Block 31?

Talos is in talks with midstream companies regarding the

A: When Block 2 and Block 31 went through bidding, we saw

potential of installing new infrastructure around our asset.

interesting prospects on both. And due to the smaller size

Our discovery is large enough to attract the interest of

of these blocks the ideas that both Talos and Hokchi had for

midstream groups that takes risks on infrastructure. This is

development overlapped into each block acreage. The genesis

exactly what we had hoped for. Any new infrastructure is

for the cross assignment was to progress more quickly on

broadly helpful to the reforms and other operators that may

both blocks by aligning rig programs and timelines. This has

wish to access this infrastructure in the future.

been carried out with our first rig program; one rig will drill two wells on each block. As a result, we only needed to tender

Q: The Zama-2 appraisal well was finished 28 days ahead

once for all drilling rather than tendering multiple times. This

of schedule and 25 percent below budget. How was

saves time in exploration, appraisal and development, and

this achieved?

with success, production can come online sooner.

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