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In the looming shadow of a massive labor reshuffle, employers are being careful about explicit demands, opting instead to develop incentives that will motivate employees to return to the office of their own volition. This is strategically necessary in a market that continues to be characterized by talent scarcity, an existential risk that threatens to curb innovation and growth. To circumvent these observed risks, companies have allocated funds to their Chief Human Resources Officers so they can oversee the digitization of their departments, the reconfiguration of their value propositions and the development of retention and recruitment initiatives. At the center of these parallel objectives are employees, who will dictate the values that should ideally be reflected in the company’s culture and objectives. Leadership roles within the organization will play a pivotal role in identifying core values and transmitting them within the disaggregated work model that is hybrid work. Downstream priorities for companies include the reconfiguration of physical workspaces that have yet to adapt to transmit and accommodate the needs of a flexible, hybrid work model. At Mexico Talent Forum 2022, industry leaders highlighted the development of human-driven business models by aligning the company’s value proposition with its market objectives. This move marks a definitive shift away from performance-driven company cultures and towards the development of healthy, purpose-driven and inclusive work propositions. As the premier event in the human resources and talent sector, Mexico Talent Forum 2022 provided an ideal space for key decision-makers to share their perspective and build a discussion around the latest trends affecting all industries and sectors of the Mexican economy.
C onf e r e nc e I mpact
conference participants
Breakdown by job title
34% 19% 18% 15% 8% 6%
HR Director/ VP CEO/Founder Director Manager Partner/President Consultant
visitors to the conference website
Conference social media impact
Pre-conference social media impact
12,440 direct impressions during MTF
5,482 direct pre-conference LinkedIn impressions
2.70% click through rate during MTF
3.06% pre-conference click through rate
8.31% conference engagement rate
7.93% pre-conference engagement rate
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Matchmaking intentions
matchmaking communications
1:1 meetings conducted
812 Trading 136 Networking Total
194 Investment 150 Recruitment 63 Mentoring
C ompan y Att e ndanc e
NIC México
Acclaim Energy
Norman Krieger Inc.
ACH Foods Mexico
ADN Well-being
Advisory Network for Wellbeing
Great Place to Work
Photon infotech
Grupo MC
AMBE Engineering LCC
grupo ruba
Grupo Salinas
Quadrant Comunicación RRPP
RM Pharma Specialists
Hasbro de México
Ben and Frank
Schenker International, S.A. de C.V.
Brella Ltd
Honeywell Mexico
Schneider Electric
Humanologo Consulting
Castor App
Hunters Of Talent
Center for Emerging Leadership
iMile Delivery Services
Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social, STPS
Inventa Financial
Someone Somewhere
Collective Academy
JCP Consulting
Coppel SA de CV
Cox Energy
Tec de Monterrey
Kimberly Clark de Mexico
Technip Energies
Dell Technologies
Dimex Capital Sofom
TMF Group
Tribal Credit
LinkedIn Talent Solutions
Vera & Asociados
Mercado Libre
Evolutive Agency
Volkswagen de México
Mexico Business
Fundación México-Estados Unidos para la Ciencia
P rogram D ay 1
Speaker: Felipe Sánchez, Assurant Mexico 09:30
Moderator: Nicolas Benenzon, Panelists: Alma Puig, Great Place to Work José Antonio Alonso, DIMEX Capital Eduardo Medeiros, Welbe Care 10:15
Moderator: Yamile Nacif, Accenture Panelists: Nora Villafuerte, Nestlé Hernan Valcarce, Danone Juan Domínguez, Clara Diva Carrillo, Honeywell 11:00
Moderator: Paulina López, Dell Technologies Panelists: Ricardo Combariza, Covalto Carlos Andrés De Silva, DHL Express Mexico Miguel Castuera, Conekta Daniel Parra, Laboratorios Silanes 13:15
Moderator: Olivia Segura Ortiz, KPMG Panelists: Victor Velázquez, Clip Martha Barroso, ManpowerGroup Hugo Salcedo Mejía, Unilever 14:00
Moderator: Regina Cabal, Momlancers Panelists: Francisco Martínez Domene, The Adecco Group Mexico Leonardo Lara, Mercer Maya Dadoo, Worky 15:45
Moderator: Diego Muradás, Panelists: Edgar Rosas, Centro de Liderazgo Emergente & APRHIFAC Nidia Garza, OneAmerica Jorge Mérida, ADN Wellbeing Joaquín Apolonio Ávila, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare 16:30
Speaker: Héctor Márquez Pitol, Coparmex and AMECH
P R O G R A M D AY 2
Moderator: Pato Bichara, Collective Academy Panelists: Sergio Porragas, OCC Mundial Hernán García, Tec de Monterrey Justyna Kroplewska, Citi 09:45
Speaker: Jorge Valencia, DocuSign 10:15
Moderator: Alejandro Ureña, Evolutive Agency Panelists: Ricardo Rodríguez, Scania Vanessa Escudero, Palacio de Hierro Alejandro Hernández, The Kraft Heinz Company Fabiola Quiroz, BOSCH 11:00
Moderator: Carolina González, EY Mexico Panelists: Mario Espinosa, Herman Miller Marcela Domenzain, BASF Ena Torres, Mercado Libre 13:00
Moderator: Jorge Ponga, Deloitte Consulting Panelists: Gabriela Villavicencio, Hyundai Fernando Valenzuela, Global Impact EdTech Alliance Mireya Rangel, Indra Karlo Mondragón, Grupo Salinas 14:00
Moderator: Carla Soto, Casai Panelists: José Ramón Fernández, Coppel Ana Isabel Orihuela, Digital@FEMSA Manuela Vélez, Tul José Carlos Aguilar, Palenca 15:45
Moderator: Belén Meza, iVoy Panelists: Diego Villarreal, Castor Nima Pourshasb, Minu Courtney McColgan, Runa David Roa, Klinc 16:30
Speaker: Santiago San Martín, Globant
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights
READJUSTMENTS EXPECTED FOR HYBRID WORK MODELS A c t i v e l i s t e n i n g e ff o r t s o f C - s u i t e
social cohesion and trigger isolation .
executives and leadership was central to
The approach also helped the company
the continued functionality of business
p i n p o i n t h e a l t h r i s k s a n d b u i l d f re e
operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
preventative programs around physical
T h i s c yc l i c a l p r a c ti ce h a s b e co m e a
and mental wellness to circumvent issues
standard that will influence the further
such as burnouts.
development of work modalities , and ultimately improve companies’ ability
These efforts helped Assurant secure first
to pivot as needed for when the next
place as a Great Place to Work in Mexico’s
disruption arises.
financial sector and close the first year of the global pandemic with a trust index rate
“The COVID-19 pandemic remined us that
of 94, the highest in its company history.
the future is always uncertain,” said Felipe
Furthermore, it was recognized as one
Sanchez, President and CEO, Assurant.
of the best companies to work for by
The social and organizational challenges
the women the company employed. This
encountered over the past two years were
was an important fist-time recognition in
the ultimate resiliency test to Assurant’s
Mexico, where women have traditionally
human resources initiatives and the strength
been disproportionally pushed out of the
of its company culture. While the company
labor market. These initiatives allowed
would go on to be awarded as a Great Place
the company to grow steadily even as
to Work for the tenth consecutive year, this
the global economy suffered numerous
did not materialize without significant effort
from both its leadership and contributors. All the added initiatives and support that
Since opening its offices earlier this year, the
contributors received were rooted in
company adopted a flexible hybrid model
constant communication such as weekly
regarding office attendance. Assurant will
townhalls and one-on-one coffee breaks
continue to refine the model based on the
with Assurant’s CEO.
needs of its contributors, said Sanchez. Although presential work is only required
“These open lines of communication were
t wi ce a we e k fo l l owi n g th e m o d e l ’s
central to providing clarity and maintaining
implementation three weeks ago, this has
company structure while safeguarding
already been met with some resistance,
the emotional and mental wellbeing of
which is a problem that other companies will
our contributors ,” said S anchez. This
likely encounter as they call workers back to
allowed Assurant to foster its company
the office. The conundrum for companies
culture even when confronted with the
will be to decide if this is something
i n h e r e n t c h a l l e n g e s e n g e n d e r e d by
that they are willing to compromise on.
remote work, which is known to undermine
Re g a rdless , fl exibilit y will re m ain a n
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights overarching feature of future work models,
Throughout this process leadership will
so long as contributors can demonstrate
once again be tasked with demonstrating
equal or increased productivity compared
empathy and support as companies enter a
to office work.
new readjustment period.
is working with clear objectives. A leader
many challenges , among them the
must know precisely what he expects from
adaptation to remote work, which generated
every job position. Generating trust in the
a shift in labor trends. This new era of digital
working environment is the second factor,”
work necessitates a change in the desired
Medeiros added. To motivate employees, the
characteristics and abilities of leaders
company’s purpose and mission statement
need to ensure an efficient workforce, as
should be clear. Furthermore, its bond of
well as to enable companies keeping their
trust must extend to the digital environment.
employees motivated and engaged, agree
This confidence can be created through
Human Resources experts.
different channels such as the Metaverse or WhatsApp groups created to talk about
“The pandemic’s main lesson was to break away from the leadership paradigms. This is how we changed toward a focus on the person, with empathy and flexibility. This must be preserved”
topics unrelated related to work, he added. “Going to work” is one of the most common human activities and has been so for ages. This changed drastically during the pandemic and altered routines severely. As a result, problems such as burnouts and mental
Alma Puig
health issues appeared more frequently. To
CEO | Great Place to Work
deal with these problems, leaders needed to adapt. “The pandemic’s main lesson was to break away from the leadership paradigms. This is how we changed toward a focus on
“Leaders must teach their collaborators
the person, with empathy and flexibility.
about the importance of planning their
This must be preserved,” said Alma Puig,
objectives and generate an environment
CEO, Great Place to Work, adding that this
of trust. This can help avoid burnouts and
understanding was especially important in
health problems,” said Eduardo Medeiros,
Mexico, where one out of four employees
CEO and Co-founder, WelbeCare. New
experience mental health issues.
practices must focus on achieving faster and more efficient processes. Such processes
Strategies to improve mental wellbeing have
eliminate tiresome practices that wear
taken leaps forward thanks to the greater
out employees, which will boost their
focus on people that companies developed,
productivity and wellbeing. Traditional
as they enhanced their communication
companies normally fill out the schedules
skills and ensured work hours remained
of employees with meetings just ensure
reasonable. “While we keep implementing
they are busy when they could be focused
the changes that new generations and
on achieving their tasks instead, mentioned
global conditions demand, we can keep on
Medeiros. However, modern-day technology
moving forward,” said Puig.
revolutionized the way meetings work and enhanced business operations.
Many companies focus solely on their clients. Nevertheless, to measure the real value of
“There are two key factors that foster an
a company, it is similarly crucial to measure
efficient and productive workforce. One
the experience of employees and adapt to
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights their needs. “To improve the organizational
the approach generated clear benefits
culture, everything that happens within the
for DIMEX. Technology should be used
company must be measured. What is not
to enhance communication and create
measured cannot be improved,” said Nicolas
space for more humane business practices.
Benenzon, CEO and Co-founder, Humand.
The challenge here is to create a hybrid environment by encouraging flexibility while
P a r t o f t h i s c u l t u r e i s a n e ff e c t i v e
ensuring people still feel trusted and remain
communication strategy. According to José
Antonio Alonso Mendivil, Vice President, DIMEX Capital, the shif t to a new era
N eve r th e l e s s , eve r y co m p a ny wo r k s
highlighted the importance of delegating
differently. “Therefore, every company
and communicating with absolute clarity.
needs to find its own recipe for success
Teamwork strategies like appointing an
and apply it. A more generalized approach
existing employee to help new newcomers
could be one where the focus is on the
to adapt and learn about the company
person, with the support of technology,”
were key to keep productivity steady, as
concluded Alonso.
HR EXECUTIVES MUST MAKE THE MOST OF SEAT AT THE BIG TABLE Among the many changes to the workplace
Nora Villafuerte Garza, Vice President of
environment that the pandemic generated,
Human Resources, Nestlé, said that this
the new role of Human Resources (HR)
change was already in the cards for some
stands out. HR executives may have been
time: “This may be the best time to be a
occasionally taken for granted in the past,
CHRO with all the changes happening
but industry experts agree that with the
around us. However, the rise in importance
advent of the Chief Human Resources
of the CHRO began at least 5 years ago. We
Officer (CHRO), the department has taken
are living through complicated, changing
on a reinvigorated relevance. C H ROs
times. In this country, we have a series of
should capitalize on this development.
new laws. Twenty-five years ago, HR was losing importance as trade unions were
Yamile Nacif Rueda, Human Capital Leader,
pushed aside and labor relations were
Accenture, underscored how the global
undermined. But now, we are back at the
pandemic has put HR workers under the
forefront of business operations.”
spotlight. “Each day during the pandemic, our strategy was under scrutiny,” she said.
Villafuerte highlighted how digitalization
This greatly increased the importance
puts a lot of pressure on HR officers. It was up
of the H R depar tment. What is more,
to them to supervise the implementation of
all evidence indicates that this elevated
new platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft
position is here to stay, so HR officers
Teams and to ensure that employees were
should utilize their sway to improve their
adapting well and not losing engagement.
company’s culture.
With such a crucial role, Villafuerte noted that HR officers are valued more than ever and no longer need to fight for a place at the
“We work out what is best for the
top table. Due to a dearth of candidates with
business by finding out what is best for
the required experience and qualifications,
people, because it is people who move
HR positions are among the most-sought
a business forward. That is how we
and competitive jobs on the current market.
earn our place at the table”
Juan Domínguez Chief People Officer | Clara
Hernán Valrcarce, Vice President H R , Danone, concurred. The importance paid to employees’ physical and mental health has been on the rise for years, while remote work
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights and flexible schedules were also already
Domínguez emphasized that the increased
considered. Nevertheless, the pandemic
digitization of business processes should
underscored their importance further.
not be synonymous with depersonalizing
Referencing inflation, Valcarce noted how
the workplace. Instead, it should be a boon
HR is transforming how businesses approach
to mental and emotional health, enabling
the managing of finances to reduce costs
personal growth and development and
and jump-start profits, too.
considering the diversity of the employees involved. He also emphasized the need
“For this reason, increased HR specialization
to personalize the digital experience,
is of immense value, said Juan Domínguez,
since “employe es ne ed to se e the
Chief People Officer, Clara, particularly
benefits themselves.” This transformation
because the pandemic has created many
must be accessible and enjoyable to all
new problems to solve. Diva C arrillo
generations, however.
Ortega, Senior HR Director, Honeywell Mexico, noted that the brunt of these
Villafuerte similarly posited that HR must
challenges fall on the HR department.
treat technology as part of a company’s
Since it provides the communication links
new value proposition. Businesses that fail
to exchange perspectives across all layers
to do this will be left behind. Nevertheless,
of the company, it was up the HR officers
company culture must not be neglected. To
to ensure remote work went smoothly and
be effective, CHROs must make use of their
that communication networks were kept
deep knowledge of people and relations
alive outside of the office.
to define and establish this culture, said Villafuerte, particularly for companies that are just getting started or seeking to grow
“Employees who enjoy a positive work experience and feel more motivated to work toward their goals are more valuable to any business”
rapidly. “Businesses do not create value, people do,” she said, adding that “How we treat people is what separates us from other businesses. Products can be copied, often more quickly than we would like. But the
Diva Carrillo
most difficult thing to copy is the human
Senior HR Director | Honeywell Mexico
factor.” Villafuerte added that in the C-suite of a modern business, a new triumvirate can be observed with the CFO and CHRO on either side of the CEO.
To this end, technology was essential. “In HR, we have to be agile in how we adapt
“We must link the goal of the company with
and respond to changes,” noted Carillo,
the capabilities and interests of its workers.
adding that HR needed to supervise how
A business is only as good as its leadership.
the digital transformation affects the
It is up to HR to work on human relationships
experience of employees. She argued that,
and ensure teams have the leadership they
going forward, people must lead the digital
need,” Valcarce subscribed.
transformation. Businesses must embrace the flexibility offered by technology and
Domínguez joked that in popular culture, HR
implement new digital processes to improve
officers were seen as the ones who disciplined
working processes. Carillo added that a
employees when they did something wrong.
main responsibility of a CHRO is creating a
However, this responsibility has been passed
collaborative workflow, as well as to allow
on to management. With the increased
employees to connect their experiences
orientation towards digitization, HR remains
with management. “Employees who enjoy
focused on human capital. However, the
a positive work experience and feel more
second technical revolution must serve
motivated to work toward their goals are more
people and not replace them. “Digitalization
valuable to any business,” she concluded.
is not done for HR but for people. This is
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights not about substituting one for the other or
is to keep asking questions and listen,”
replacing the responsibility for managing
agreed Valcarce.
human capital and talent. It allows us to focus our attention on employee wellbeing
For a CHRO to be successful, they must
and the health of the company,” he said.
be upfront and direct with leadership and not be timid lacqueys, agreed Villafuerte
To foster this wellbeing, companies adopt
and Valcarce. It is up to the CHRO to tell
different approaches. Villafuerte responded
leadership what works and what does not.
t h a t N e s tl é u s e s s o f t wa r e a i m e d a t
To earn respect, a CHRO must show that
improving the mental and physical health of
they have no ulterior agenda and tackle the
employees. This initiative was made possible
difficult questions head-on. Nevertheless,
by the startup Cuéntame, which provides
the power of actively empathic leaders who
psychological and nutritional advice that
approach people to understand needs cannot
extends to employees’ families to improve
be understated. Now that HR has a seat at
their home life too. “Businesses have been
the top table, it must make the most of it. The
lagging somewhat in how they implement
model of the HR officer who simply manages
data and analytics to boost employee
wage slips and decides who deserves a bonus
wellbeing,” she said. With Cuéntame,
or a paycut is long gone. “We work out what
h oweve r, N e s t l é m e a s u r e e m p l oye e
is best for the business by finding out what
happiness with up-to-date questionnaires
is best for people, because it is people who
with an added comparative element. “The
move a business forward. That is how we earn
key to monitoring employee wellbeing
our place at the table,” decided Domínguez.
environment hectic competitiveness,” said
technology advances, companies face
Daniel Parra, HR Director, Silanes. Now, the
different challenges. Company culture as
challenge for companies is to figure out how
part of the value proposal is imperative to
can help to observe detrimental behaviors
overcome these hurdles. Good culture can
and break paradigms. Companies must
shepherd a business toward a competitive
generate culture shifts to assure better
business model. Both company leaders and
results and a good value proposal for the
employees play a key role in building this
client, Parra added.
environment, say Human Resources (HR) specialists.
“A beneficial culture increases productivity and improves commercial performance,”
“Because of the conditions created by the
said Paulina López, CD&I Leader Latin
pandemic, new dynamics were generated,
America, Dell Technologies. Furthermore,
which has driven companies toward an
a growing amount of investors is starting to
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights look toward companies where the culture
adding that collaboration is key and that
is robust, which has increased the pressure
company culture needs to be adaptable
for companies to build such an environment.
above all. “Companies should link their culture and identity to what the market is
“Today’s working culture has to do with the
demanding, but this should also make a
everyday conducts and habits of the people
company more flexible,” agreed Combariza.
in the organization,” said Ricardo Combariza, Chief People Officer, Covalto. Culture and
However, these efforts are about more than
strategy are the same and therefore cannot
good marketing and PR. The goal is not
be separated. “To operate profitably, you
just to appear to be a company with strong
need to keep the people working toward key
culture, it is about creating a connection
objectives, as well as motivated and happy,”
what the company looks like and the
he continued, adding that “If your value
company it actually is. This is a challenge
proposal is centered around the business
many have been afraid to tackle, agree
culture’s success, companies are will have
the experts.
highly engaged employees that give their best. There is where innovation thrives and
“Listen to the voice of your culture if you
companies can attract the best talent of
really want to transform your company,”
the market,” said Carlos Andrés De Silva
said Castuera. After all, the true culture
De Silva, HR Vice President, DHL Express
of an organization strongly influences
Mexico. Conversely, displeased workers
its behavior that ultimately determines
rarely achieve their objectives.
the public perception of the company. Therefore, it is key to understand how this
“If a company focuses on improving its
culture generates value and adapt business
culture, it can have more engagement, less
processes accordingly.
rotation and better results,” concurred De Silva. Moreover, if staff feels motivated, it
If company culture is to be strong and
will deliver a better performance and offer a
enduring, leaders must lead and direct it.
great service, which will then lead to happy
“They have to be able to see what others
clients and enhance profitability.
do not see, say what others do not say and do what they have to do. More importantly,
“The goal is to hear the conversation inside
leaders must stimulate everyone else to see,
the company and turn this knowledge into
say and do, too” said Combariza, adding
an internal superpower, which helps to
that “enterprises have to connect their
accomplish targets and enables what the
purpose with the purpose of each person
company wants to be in the future,” noted
working there.”
Miguel Castuera, VP of People, Conekta, “ If company leaders do not have the
“If company leaders do not have the capacity to deeply understand what is happening internally, this is a consequence of their behavior. It will hinder their ability to change and develop culture they want to build. Only when you listen to the voice of employees, you can make a real change”
capacity to deeply understand what is happening internally, this is a consequence of their behavior. It will hinder their ability to change and develop culture they want to build . Only when you listen to the voice of employees, you can make a real change,” concluded Castuera. Business culture is a n a d de d b ut f un da m e ntal
Miguel Castuera
va l u e fo r co m p a n i e s . St a ff n e e d s to
VP of People | Conekta
collaborate successfully and have a shared sense of purpose if the enterprise is to truly succeed.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights CENTERING THE EMPLOYEE IN THE MODERN BUSINESS MODEL B efo re , b u si n e s s e s we re fo cu s e d o n
how they feel on the outside and inside.
generating performance-driven cultures,
This approach ensures we are all on the
but this outdated approach is slowly
same page. Before, we thanked employees
disappearing and replaced with an
for their product but did not consider the
environment that centers the mental and
efforts before and after,” said Barroso.
physical health of employees coming from diverse backgrounds. Employment
S h e a l s o n ote d th e i m p o r t a n ce of a
is no longer just a question of value and
b u s i n e s s a n d i t s e m p l oye e s s h a r i n g
compensation but one of providing spaces
common goals as a factor that allows
for employees to be healthy, happy and
them to connect closer. “Fifty percent
grow professionally, agree Mexico’s Human
of co l l a b o r ato r s l e ave o rg a n iz ati o n s
Resources (HR) leaders.
w h e n t h e y fi n d b e t t e r b e n e fi t s a n d connect more with another purpose,”
“We do want employees to feel like they must work a 9 to 5 in person because they feel forced to or because it looks better. Studies show that at least half the population feel they work better from home now, so we want to keep this flexibility”
said Barroso. There is no one-size-fits-all method; employers must instead listen attentively to the needs of each of their employe es . A s such , employers must understand the preferences of all the diverse demographics within their staff.
Martha Barroso
Hugo Salcedo Mejía, Human Resources
People and Culture LATAM Director | ManpowerGroup
Vice President for North LATAM, Unilever, remarked that employers must approach wellbeing from the perspective of what helps people work better. He highlighted
I n d e e d , e m p l oye e m e nt a l h e a lth h a s
the impor tance of programs focuse d
i n fl u e n c e d t h e r e c o n c e p t u a l i z a t i o n
on generating better work models with
of business models . Víctor Velázquez
leadership strategies that put people first.
Patrón, VP of People and Organization
A more personal approach is needed to
Development, Clip, underscored his pride
manage relationships, and a good leader
that his company has always been centered
must always have an eye on the wellbeing
around people, which he identified to be a
of employees. While there is still a way to
rarity in Fintech. Velázquez also remarked
go, Salcedo was proud of the progress
that this new emphasis has played in Clip’s
Unilever has made in promoting these
favor. ompanies must no longer work
work models. “Our slogan is work better,
solely toward economic goals but rather
not longer,” said Salcedo.
set targets that result in happy clients and employees as well,” he said.
“The notion that any idea of a standard solution to the issue of employee wellbeing
M a r th a B a r ro s o , P e o p l e a n d C u l t u re
is illusory, Companies must therefore be
LATAM Director, ManpowerGroup, noted
attentive to individual needs, considering
that while people focus on the pandemic’s
generational differences,” emphasized
negatives, they must also acknowledge
Olivia Segura Or tiz, Par tner People &
some of the benefits that emerged for
Change and HR & Talent Management
e m p l oye e s . Fo r exa m p l e , b u si n e s s e s
Consulting, KPMG.
are no longer zeroed in on product and profit margins , but now favor a more
Velázquez agreed, noting that Clip has
comprehensive approach that put s
designed a framework that considers these
employees front and center. “We listen
different preferences. For example, Gen
to and understand our employees, to see
X might be motivated by spending more
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights time at home while older generations, or
“After the pandemic, work became part
those who live alone, may prefer the social
of people’s private lives. Now, we must
aspect of an office. Clip has therefore put
give our collaborators the tools to balance
in place initiatives like bringing pets to
work with their own lives,” he added.
work for one day. Velázquez underscored that companies must embrace flexibility
Velázquez distinguished that Clip does
and hybrid systems to provide employees
not use the term work-life balance, since
with a better work-life balance.
such a binary implies one must oppose the other, “ We do not want people to
Salcedo emphasized that a companies’
associate one with happiness and the
reputation for employee wellbeing is of
other with drudgery. We want work and
prime importance in attracting talent.
life to complement each other rather than
For this reason, Unilever has a framework
compete.” Clip has kept the option of
focused on the company’s four pillars of
going to the office open for employees to
wellbeing: physical, professional, mental
decide what works best. “Our employees
and emotional wellbeing . This model
are adults and we must treat them as such.
nsures employees are equipped with the
We therefore trust in our employees to
tools and support they need to overcome
make the decision. If an employee requires
the challenges life throws at them. Unilever
paternity leave, or is seeking to balance
also offers more specific help to address
office work with childcare, we support
i n d ivi d u a l n e e d s , su c h a s n utritio n a l
them,” he continued.
advice for dieting and advice to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Salcedo noted that
The experts also agreed on the necessity
employees must possess the confidence
of fostering a culture of greater employee
and self-esteem to confront challenges,
autonomy and self-management. “We do
but that the company must play a role in
want employees to feel like they must work
unlocking drive and motivation that allows
a 9 to 5 in person because they feel forced
them to be more productive at work and
to or because it looks better. Studies show
manage pressure.
that at least half the population feel they work better from home now, so we want
Velázquez said that Clip has put a similar
to keep this flexibility,” said Barroso. She
framework in place. The company’s point
welcomed the fact that mental health is
of emphasis is communication, ensuring
no longer such a taboo, but noted that
there are always channels for dialogue
companies must support networks to help
o p e n w h e r e e m p l oye e s c a n ex p r e s s
employees with burnout. For example,
ideas and opinions. “ We might have a
having leisure spaces at work represents
forum for those who like to speak openly.
little extra cost for the employer, but
We have another option for those who
allows employees to break up the day
prefer to express themselves through
and escape routines that promote long
writing or anonymously through surveys,”
working days . Segura referenced the
adding that “It is important to listen to
Organization for Economic Co-operation
collaborators, but it is more important
and Development (OCDE) classification
to g e n e rate d i ff e re nt co nve r s ati o n a l
of Mexico as the country with the worst
spaces,” a point that the other experts
work-life balance, highlighting the work
emphasized, too.
that remains to be done in the country. Re ga rding th e q uestion of rete ntion ,
S alce do se es U nileve r as pion e e rs in
Barroso argued that salaries should not
fl exi b i l it y, h av i n g i m p l e m e n te d s u c h
be a trigger for one’s mental wellbeing,
policies as early as 2009. “This is now
whether positive or negative. Instead, a
common practice, but we bet on its success
bigger emphasis should be put on laying
before while other companies were obliged
out clearly how employees can progress
to do it during the pandemic,” he said.
in their career path.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights
MEXICO’S OUTSOURCING LAW: INCOMPLETE, BUT OPPORTUNE M exico’s out sourcing law has met it s
This inadvertently triggered a temporary
p r i m e o b j e c t i ve : to i n c r e a s e f o r m a l
hiring freeze that ultimately hindered
employment. But its rigid language has left
the generation of formal employment as
out new modalities of work that became
intended. However, quantifying the exact
c o m m o n p l a c e i n t h e p o s t- p a n d e m i c
impact is hard to discern completely as
realit y. A s such , th e out sourcing law
its enforcement came about during the
should be expanded to include temporary
pandemic, said Maya Dadoo, Co-Founder
staffing opportunities to reflect this new
and CEO, Worky. Prior to this regulatory
reality. It should provide the flexibility
change, it is estimated that more than 5.2
that companies need, creating a timely
million people worked under the name
opportunity that could help speed up the
of an outsourcing company, of which 4.3
country’s economic reality, according to
million were rehired by the client company,
industry experts.
according to data from ManpowerGroup Mexico. This left a discrepancy of 900,000
“ O v e r 8 5 p e r c e n t o f t h e fi r m s t h a t
people that were not registered with the
i n a d e q u a t e l y o ff e r e d o u t s o u r c i n g
Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS),
disappeared and 3 million people have
indicating that they either lost their job or
s h i f t e d f r o m o u t s o u r c i n g to f o r m a l
were pushed into the informal labor market.
employment,” said Leonardo Lara, Wealth
Altogether, this led to the demise of Mexico’s
Leader, Mercer Mexico.
once reigning subcontracting industry, shrinking by an estimated 80 percent, said
Mexico’s outsourcing law was draf ted
Francisco Martínez, CEO, Adecco Group.
to c i r c u mve n t t h e a u d a c i o u s a b u s e of subcontracting that lef t millions of
Companies coped by internalizing many
workers financially vulnerable and without
of the positions that should theoretically
legal recourse to confront their employers.
continue to be outsourced to a third party.
Its announcement and subsequent
“This is the first indication that the reform is
implementation were met with initial panic
based on an incomplete law,” said Martinez.
and a race to comply and avoid fines. For
One such task concerns payroll processing,
many, this transformative process involved
which in many cases is being handed off to
the reinvention or reconfiguration of entire
directors of human resource departments
h u m a n re so u rce d e p a r tm e nt s , wh ic h
that have never had to curate one, but if
of ten expressed the need for internal
done incorrectly could bring about hefty
support. On the other hand, employment
legal consequences coming from IMSS.
agencies saw themselves obligated to
“This has generated an overnight demand
transform their entire business models to
for talent that does not yet exist, which
accommodate the needs that arose from
needs to be developed and nurtured with
this shift.
urgency,” said Dadoo.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights While this is only one aspect of the ongoing
certainly not try to bypass compliance
confusion regarding the outsourcing law, it
standards, warned the experts. For now,
highlights the desperation of companies and
companies should focus on “meeting
the need for consulting on this unfolding
compliance measures and seek professional
process. Demand for consultancy services
advice,” so that they are not found outside
is likely to increase further in the following
of the law, agreed Regina Cabal Urquiza,
months now that the Ministry of Labor
Co-founder, Momlancers. Nevertheless, it is
and Social Securit y (STPS) and IMSS
clear that Mexico’s outsourcing law needs
have proven to be willing to come after
to be amended to include the function of
companies that do not comply. “Their
temporary staffing companies to provide
recommendation is follow the law and
the flexibility that companies and some
use the regulation to innovate internal
working people need. For this, legislators
processes,” added Martinez.
can look to similar outsourcing laws abroad and retrofit them to accommodate the
C o ll e c tive ly, th is tra n s fo r m ati o n h a s
sociopolitical reality of Mexico. This effort
incurred significant costs for companies.
will encourage the creation of more formal
Even though these players they may be
employment, which will be the central
inclined to reduce costs , they should
challenge of 2022.
NOM-35: A LEGAL FRAMEWORK TOWARD EMPLOYEE WELLBEING The conversation about mental health
Nevertheless, the norm’s implementation
problems, including the implementation of
has not yet materialized fully, even though
a regulating framework for businesses to
Mexico is one of the countries with highest
tackle the issue, has become increasingly
recorded stress rates. “Many organizations
im p o r ta nt . Th e refo re , th e discussio n
have adopted the legislation out of fear for
h a s fo u n d it s way to th e l e g i s l ative
fines and out of real faith in the regulation
debates of many countries like Mexico,
to tackle the underlying problem,” noted
where NOM-35 has reached its sluggish
Rosas , adding that Mexico is lagging
implementation stage. Still, its creation is a
compared to other countries when it comes
win for both employees and employers, say
to mental health provisions. “We should
industry experts.
be asking if we have the adequate people and auditors in place to evaluate these
“Companies should consider the management of psychosocial factors as part of their business strategies. NOM-35 must become akin to a survival strategy for businesses”
Jorge Mérida Partner | ADN Wellbeing
psychosocial issues,” he said. Adding to the problem is that 70 percent of Mexican companies are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which do not have the resources to apply strong mental health support frameworks. Therefore, collaboration to support the efforts of these SMEs to reach their social objectives is key, noted Rosas. As a new regulatory framework, NOM-35’s
NOM-35 is a legal framework aimed to
real importance is related to “the recognition,
reduce psychosocial risks in the workplace
validation and protection of mental health for
and to promote a positive organizational
workers. It is a tool to use on the path toward
environment. It is also a first in the country:
achieving a decent and dignified workplace,”
“Mexico is the last country in Latin America
said Jorge Mérida, Partner, AND Wellbeing.
to implement a norm like NOM-35,” said Edgar Rosas, Human Resources Business
“ N O M -3 5 b e n e fi t s th e h e a l th of th e
Partner, Centro de Liderazgo Emergente.
collaborators. Consequently, employers
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights perceive higher productivity and achieve
A good leader should be an active listener
success,” added Nidia Garza, Vice President
and convinced of the norm’s benefit,
of Talent Management, OneAmerica. It
because if leaders do not commit to NOM-
impacts a company’s bottom line for this
35 , it becomes arduous to encourage
reason: when colleagues are happy, the
everyone else. “Eliminating individualism
company benefits greatly, too.
and boosting social support can become a motivational driver for workers that
“O rganizational and mental health is
require help. This should be a key part of
imperative for a productive environment that
the businesses strategy as well,” added
strengthens personal and organizational
values,” concurred Garza. “Companies sh o ul d co n sid e r th e m a n a g e m e nt of
Garza considers that understanding the
psychosocial fac tors as par t of their
gap between what is being implemented
business strategies. NOM-35 must become
and what the law states is key to create
akin to a survival strategy for businesses,”
a plan that considers ever yone in the
agreed Mérida.
organization, including those that have differing perceptions regarding how to solve
“NOM-35 is of social interest because it
the problem.
benefits not only one’s coworkers, but also their families and therefore wider society,”
Recently, the Safe and Healthy Work
said Joaquín Apolonio, Subdirector of
Environments (ELSSA) agency was created
Safety and Health Special Projects at the
with the goal to help companies implement
Workplace, Ministry of Labor and Social
practices that support mental health and
Welfare. For this reason, the challenge is to
general wellbeing. Companies that may
change the mindset of Mexican companies,
lack significant resources should seek out
urging them to comply not only because
ELSSA’s support, though companies ought
is law but also because it is the “right
to also support each other by sharing best
thing to do.”
practices, agreed the experts.
“Good leadership is essential if NOM-35 is
“Above all, the fact that we are discussing
to be successful,” said Apolonio, adding
mental health issues at important
that leadership must be developed top-
p u b l i c f o r u m s i s a l re a d y a v i c to r y,”
down and be congruent in its approach.
concluded Mérida.
generate more decent and formal jobs,” he
reform, Mexico can forecast emerging trends
said. With over two years now having passed
that will influence Mexico’s wider economy,
and despite the pandemic and the challenges
said Héctor Márquez Pitol, President,
it posed to the labor market, enough data has
Human Capital Commission of the Mexican
emerged to offer a fair assessment of where
Employers’ Association (COPARMEX) as
the labor market is moving. “The reality is,
well as President, the Mexican Association
the reform has had positive results for some
of Human Capital Companies (AMECH). One
but not for many others,” outlined Márquez.
of the biggest issues to address, however,
Indeed, the data shows that 900,000 people
re m a i n s M exi co ’s d i s p ro p o r ti o n ate ly
have lost job security in the past two years,
powerful informal economy.
often in the form of reduced salaries and shorter-term contracts. Meanwhile, 3.1 million
Márquez offered an analysis on the progress
workers moved from one company that
made since the LFT reform. “As we all know,
provides personnel services to another for
the reform had one main objective: to
an array of reasons.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights
The number of workers registered in the
to MX$14,375 (US$721.51). However, as
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
Marquez highlighted, the main driving
grew from 20,613,536 to 21,011,342 between
factor pushing workers toward the informal
Feb. 2020 and April 2022, an increase of
economy is that they can simply earn more
around 400,000. However, this does not
income than in formal work. Currently
account for the fact that Mexico’s labor force
21,011,342 workers are registered for Social
grows yearly, with hundreds and thousands
Security, but informal jobs continue to
of young people entering the workforce.
outnumber formal ones. “Informality is a
Furthermore, in the same period, the number
cancer to Mexico,” bemoaned Márquez.
of people working in the informal economy
“As much as we discuss other valid issues
remained around 10 million more than those
such as the duration of holiday leave, this
in the formal economy, with figures rising
remains the main problem we have to
by around 240,000 in the same period. In
address.” Notably, the only industry to see
some states, especially the southeast, 80
the number of registered workers decrease
percent of all workers continue to earn a
post-pandemic is professional and technical
living in the informal economy. The National
services, with 342,843 having lost job
O ccu p atio n a n d Em ploym e nt S u r vey
security since Feb. 2020, representing a
(ENOE) meanwhile indicates that the rate
drop of almost 15 percent. On a positive
of informal employment has increased 0.4
note, the number of registered workers in
percent, from 55.4 percent in 1Q21 to the
financial services increased 25 percent in
current 55.8 percent.
this same period, while the registration of agricultural and construction workers is
Salary is a major indicator of job security,
showing signs of improvement this year.
and in the period between Feb. 2020 and
Furthermore, the situation in northern states
April 2022, the average monthly salary has
has improved greatly, with informal work
increased from MX$12,061 (US$605.37)
falling to around 30 percent.
attract Mexico’s top talent, according to
resources (HR) processes is incredibly
industry experts.
efficient, it should not be considered a replacement to a human touch , well-
“Technology automates different stages of
rounded value propositions and continuous
the selection process. However, the final
l e a r n i n g . C o m p a n i e s s h o u l d a i m to
decision remains with recruitment managers.
harmonize technological applications with
Human intervention is still essential,” said
a human-driven recruitment approach in a
Justyna Kroplewska, Talent Acquisition
process that considers ethical guidelines,
S e n i o r D i r e c to r, C i t i . N e ve r t h e l e s s ,
diversity and inclusion to ensure they can
recruitment is a process defined by people
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights on both sides of the table. “The question is
generating trust and is much appreciated
also how to get your job applicants to say
by candidates. A caveat to this approach
yes to your proposal,” said Pato Bichara,
is the dependency on equal transparency
CEO and Founder, Collective Academy.
on behalf of the candidates themselves, which is an important consideration for
I n n ov a ti ve a p p l i c a ti o n s a l l owe d t h e
positions that require hard, verifiable
recruitment process to advance by leaps
skills. Therefore, the recruitment approach
and bounds, with room available to expand
stands to be fortified by the introduction
toward other processes such as onboarding.
of skill ch e ck s , e ith e r in th e fo rm of
The latest transformation is defined by
preliminary tests or through the use of AI,
using artificial intelligence (AI), which
said Porragas.
takes over repetitive manual work such as candidate screening, scheduling interviews
As the urgency for talent surges, companies
and knowledge direction. This is being
have also attempted to get closer to
complemented with social media outreach,
universities , the prime generators of
data analysis and the strategic construction
highly qualified talent, said Hernán García,
of employer branding, although these tools
Vice President of Talent and Experience,
remain underdeveloped in the Mexican
Tecnologico de Monterry. Companies are
context. Furthermore, human resources
increasing their remunerative investments
experts still consider that there are crucial
and shoring-up their presence on the
gaps in the recruitment process that stand
campuses of leading academic institutions
to benefit from digitalization. This includes
as a means of influencing curriculums and
candidate-facing technologies like progress
scouting talent. This assures that students
trackers, which could encourage applicants
are being prepared with the knowledge
that have entered the process.
and skills they need to enter and succeed in their respective industries. This is perhaps
Encouraging greater rates of engagement
best exemplified by Mexico’s technology
is a top priority for recruiters in a labor
and aerospace industries, which have
market defined by scarcity. Currently, digital
participated in the curation of courses and
platforms are the preferred tool to source
have a pronounced interest in accelerating
talent, with around 87 percent of companies
talent development.
deferring to job sites such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed to solicit and screen
Nevertheless, from the perspective of a
qualified talent, said Sergio Porragas
private institution, these efforts should
Moreno, VP of Human Capital, OCC Mundial.
not be considered a substitution to a well-
“This is where strategic communication
rounded value proposition and attractive
should begin, by posting the open position
co m p a ny cultu re . “ Te ch n olo gy h e lps
with its qualifying criteria, desired skills and
us to attract talent, but having a good
renumeration clearly defined,” he added.
culture and engagement are our main promotors. Technology, good referrals and
Committing to transparency throughout
a great employee value proposition attract
the recruitment process is essential to
candidates,” concluded García.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights
DIGITALIZATION, A MUST-HAVE FOR EVERY ORGANIZATION D igit a lizatio n h a s revo l utio n ize d th e
recruitment process starts. Today, these
workplace. Among the many operations
procedures are no longer only about the
it changed is the recruitment process,
needs and purposes of a company, they also
which human resources (H R) exper ts
consider the candidate, who is making an
argue should become more amicable and
educated choice of where to work and likely
simpler for both parties involved. Outside of
evaluating several employment options.
recruitment, digital tools ensure companies become more efficient as they save time and
H i r i n g a n e m p l oye e u s u a l l y i m p l i e s
money, two factors that are essential to a
initiating a complex process. Before, this
company’s survival.
process used to be carried out in person but technology has allowed companies to
The dawn of the COVI D -1 9 pandemic
make the procedure more efficient, which
accelerated the push for digitalization
cuts costs and time. As remote work is here
in HR procedures. According to Jorge
to stay to stay, onboarding processes need
Valencia, Account Executive, DocuSign,
to be adapted to these new circumstances.
39 percent of global companies were not prepared for the switch to remote
“If issues like entry and exit registration,
work . When companies scrambled to
vacation controls and salary calculations
transition, 93 percent wasted investments
are not based on cutting-edge technology,
in technology bec ause they lacked
this could cause the collapse of a company
internal integration with other systems.
bec ause of a massive waste of time,
Nevertheless, technology enabling remote
increased costs, the deterioration the
work remains crucial since 72 percent of
organizational climate and an increase of
the workforce prefers to maintain a degree
turnover rates,” said Valencia.
of home office. What is more, studies have shown that implementing a scheme of an
Therefore, digitalization is no longer an
average 2. 5 days working from home,
added value; it has become a necessity.
companies save US$11,000 a year for each
“The digitalization of onboarding and
employee. If companies fail to adapt to this
hiring processes is also here to stay,” added
new reality, they may also lose talent and
Valencia. Sixty-six percent of the companies
face high staff turnover rates.
that digitalized these processes in the past year say they will adopt more technology in
An employment relationship starts the
the year to come. For many companies, the
moment that a company acknowledges
benefits to profitability and efficiency are
its need for a job position, after which the
already evident.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights BETTER A JACK OF ALL TRADES THAN MASTER OF ONE FOR NEW RECRUITERS For the recruiter of the past, the more
positions. “A Linkedin profile displaying a
specific someone’s skill set was, the better
tally of diverse skills and varied experience
their job prospects would be. However, the
is very attractive to us,” he emphasized.
rise of recruitment processes that value a broad range of skills is a trend that human
El Palacio de Hierro’s Organizational Talent
resources industr y insiders expect to
Director, Vanessa Escudero, concurred. She
develop further in the coming years.
added that personality traits are becoming just as important as previous experience and
With a wealth of information available
qualifications. “We look for individuals with
for anyone to access, skills that used to
the required skills and knowledge but we
be difficult to come by are becoming
also want someone who fits our company
increasingly common. “Nowadays, people
culture, which is not always an easy task.
can develop new skills free of cost and
We want someone who not only possesses
easily acquire additional expertise for a
expertise but someone who is also engaging,
range of jobs across all industries,” outlines
shows a willingness to learn and adapt and
Alejandro Ureña, Chief Innovation Officer,
displays the potential to flourish within our
Evolutive Agency. This begs the question,
infrastructure,” summarized Escudero.
how has skills-based recruitment evolved from traditional models?
“The biggest challenge is finding the right cultural fit. It used to be companies recruited
“If everyone is the same and shares the same values, aspirations and reasoning, we may risk closing the door to new ideas and innovative concepts”
on te ch nic al skills a n d q ualifi c ations with attitudinal aspects an afterthought. However, we have turned this model on its head,” agreed Alejandro Hernández Dander, People and Performance Head,
Alejandro Ureña
The Kraft Heinz Company. For Hernández,
Chief Innovation Officer | Evolutive Agency
this approach goes even further. “Many employers are beginning to focus on what a candidate could become rather than what they have to offer currently. As the
Ricardo Rodríguez, Employee Experience
pandemic showed, people can adapt quickly
& Talent Attraction Manager, Scania, set
and learn new skills with ease. Technical
out his company’s innovative approach
skills and competency can be taught, but
to recruitment: “We recruit people rather
one’s attitude, especially a willingness to
than abstract skill sets. When we talk about
learn and grow, is innate,” he said.
machines, we may say that they are wellsuited for one task or another’, but that is
Fabiola Q uiroz, Countr y H R Manager,
not how we should treat people. Of course,
Bosch, is of the same opinion. She argued
Scania looks at kills and experience, but
this transformation has been decades
our recruitment model is also based on
in the making but gained more force in
personality, assessing how an individual
recent years. Quiroz promotes “robust”
will fit within our organization and whether
recruitment methods which favor quicker
they share our values.” While it used to be
learning curves so less time and resources
a feather in your cap to have held down
are invested in employee development and
a job at one company for an extended
training. “We try to avoid having to fill a
period, Rodríguez notes that in today’s job
position right away and prefer a long-term
market, employers value those candidates
vision to manage talent. Our hiring process
with diverse resumes and a wide range
is skills-based but with an emphasis on
of experience in different industries and
the future outcome rather than short-
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights term fixes,” she said, pointing toward a
However, after this list has been established,
recruitment model that Kraft Heinz shares.
the approach changes: “We want to see how
“We want to understand who the candidates
candidates demonstrate problem-solving
really are, where their talents lie and how
skills and an ability to think quickly on the
they fit in our company’s present and future
spot. We wish to find candidates who show
goals,” added Escudero.
traits such as leadership skills. And quite simply, some skills, such as fluency in a
Likewise, soft skills are held in higher regard
foreign language, can be discerned much
than technical ones since these can be
more easily in an interview scenario.”
picked up and developed on the job while soft skills are more instinctive. “As more
“ The human fac tor simply c annot be
of the technical issues are carried out by
substituted,” Hernández agreed. However,
AI, soft skills are proving to become more
Rodríguez noted that the implementation of
important, ‘’ emphasized Quiroz. Soft skills
digital processes is imperative to speed up
are often universally useful and enable an
the application process, ensuring companies
employee to adapt to new roles and migrate
do not lose out on top candidates to their
to new positions within an industry.
competitors. Quite simply, those who do not stay up to date with the latest software will
The question, then, is how to identif y
fall behind.
these desirable profiles. Quiroz underlined the additional value in-person interviews
N eve r th e l e s s , a s U re ñ a p o i nte d o ut ,
contribute to the hiring process. “ We
com pa nies sh o uld n ot p ut to o m uch
take advantage of the digital world. As
emphasis on shared values, lest they lose
a recruitment tool, software is a great
out on much-needed diversity.. “If everyone
leveler. We use it to narrow down our list
is the same and shares the same values,
of candidates. However, once we have this
aspirations and reasoning, we may risk
shortlist, we use the interview process to
closing the door to new ideas and innovative
separate the top candidates,” she said.
concepts,” said Ureña.
“The overarching question companies should
c o m m i t te d to fl ex i b l e wo r k m o d e l s ,
be considering is: Why, as a contributor,
contributors have demonstrably proven
should I be inclined to return to the office?”
their unwillingness to return to office
said Marcela Domenzain Carmona, Human
regardless. If companies are to successfully
Resources Director Mexico, Central America
employ their hybrid work models, they will
and the Caribbean, BASF.
have to develop incentives that will motivate employees to come to the office on their
The initial transition to remote work was
own account, say industry experts.
turbulent, requiring constant communication
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights between employers and employees to
mightier than the stick. In turn, companies
develop the optimal remote work model.
are in the middle of developing incentives
This social experiment established that
centered around networking, facilitated
remote and hybrid work models could be
collaboration and free-flowing creativity,
equally productive, if not more so, than
which in turn helps “reinforce company
full-time presential work. The observed
culture and its value proposition,” said Ena
results and benefits from this exercise have
Torres, PBP Director, Mercado Libre. During
consequently transformed the worker’s
this process, leadership will play key role in
perception of flexible work models from
demonstrating that there is flexibility outside
nice-to-have to a firm expectation in the
of remote work and that there are substantive
labor market. While these truths have not
benefits to reap from presential work,
been negated by companies, remote work
emphasized Domenzain. However, this is not
models are not free from risks such as loss of
to say that leaders should be expected to
social capital, decreased collaboration and a
take on the full weight of this transformation,
loss of identification with company culture.
especially considering that that this work model has only just began to unfold.
“The overarching question companies should be considering is: Why, as a contributor, should I be inclined to return to the office?”
Fur th e rm o re , “p hysic a l offi ce sp a ces have yet to be adapted to transmit and accommodate the needs of a flexible, hybrid work model,” according to Mario
Marcela Domenzain
Espinosa Guzmán, Vice President of Latin
Human Resources Director Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean | BASF
America & Caribbean, MillerKnoll. Office spaces need to be curated around daily operational needs, as well as the comfort of a company’s contributors, the company’s
To circumvent these risks, most companies
values and ultimately the added value it they
have opted to implement flexible hybrid
provide. This is work in progress, as many
models that take the benefits of both remote
companies are still trying to gauge where
and presential work and give contributors
they should start. So far it has manifested
the autonomy to come into the office when
in a range of approaches that include the
they want to. The response of employees
depersonalization of workspaces , the
has been mixed, ranging from enthusiasm
creation of specialized work spaces and
to resentment. Nevertheless, it is clear
dynamic spaces that can be constructed
to employers that contributors require
and deconstructed on demand. Overall,
incentives to ensure their response is closer
the reconfiguration of work spaces needs
to the former. Furthermore, “rules and
to provide functionality, support social
guidelines regarding presential work must
cohesion and provide the added value to
reconceptualised, considering the inherent
draw collaborators in.
organizational function of the company and specific roles within it,” said Domenzain. This
Companies in expansion have the added
is the immediate challenge of companies
concern of ensuring that their spaces can
during this initial phase of the transition back
grow along with their enterprise. This is the
to the office, an adaptation process that will
case for Mercado Libre, which announced
likely continue until the end of 2022.
the creation of 14,000 additional jobs in Latin America. Current proposals consider
With the looming threat of a massive labor
the value in campus spaces similar to
reshuffle, where employees are more than
Google, which constructs specialized spaces
ever willing to leave their current positions
according to functions like collaboration,
in search of other opportunities, employers
learning and creativity. “The end goal is to
are being careful about explicit demands. In
create spaces that make people want to go
a labor-led market, the carrot has never been
to work,” said Torres.
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights
LEADERSHIP SKILLS MUST EVOLVE AS THE WORLD CHANGES In a fast-changing world, attracting and
s aid Fe rn a n d o Va le nzu e la , Fo u n din g
maintaining talent has become increasingly
Partner, Global Impact EdTech Alliance.
difficult for companies. For leaders, a
Consequently, leaders had to transform and
flexible mix of soft and hard skills have is
prioritize skills that they did not previously
of the essence to tackle company needs
use to motivate workers and understand
that have arisen during the pandemic if
their daily tasks more deeply.
companies are to retain and develop their talent and thrive in the process.
Adapting the skillset is crucial for those outside of the executive environment, too.
“Before, it was more important to zone in
“Companies must acknowledge that work
on what we wanted to achieve. Now, we are
dynamics change and that there is a need to
focusing more on how we are going to reach
look for different skills,” mentioned Mireya
those goals,” said Gabriela Villavicencio,
Rangel, HG Director Mexico and Central
Head of Human Resources and General
America, Indra. Even though people are
Affairs, Hyundai. The wellbeing of the
getting paid for the skills they already have,
people working for the corporations is an
being agile and learning new skills is starting
important part of this journey.
to be more relevant, she added.
The pandemic revealed the adjustments
For potential hires with an adequate skillset,
companies must make to adapt to a new
the experts are seeing an international
reality. A key factor is operational flexibility,
“war for talent” emerge. To win the war,
creating a balance between person and
companies must look toward the future, not
company to successfully confront the
just to retain talent but to be successful in
disruption of the workplace. Instead of
their operations, too. “Organizations need
at the office, companies now operated
to be aware of how the global economy is
inside the houses of their employees. This
evolving to understand the types of skills
phenomenon intensified the long-standing
that will be demanded in the future,” said
need for mental health support inside
Karlo Mondragón, Chief Human Resources
organizations. Leaders were put to the
Officer, Grupo Salinas.
test: they had to empathize with colleagues and ensure collaboration remained
There is often a large gap between the
efficient in spaces that were not geared
individual priorities of employees and those
toward teamwork.
of the company, so the experts say that the challenge is to close that gap as much as
“Currently, the issues that require the most
possible by aligning the employees with the
innovative approach are not necessarily
importance of competence enhancement
rooted in technology, but in the need to
and sustained learning. “Human beings
look toward new ways to cooperate,”
learn what they want to learn. This must
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights come from an internal sense of purpose.
where innovation flourishes. Furthermore,
Our brains do not care about our success
companies must understand that a person
but about the coherence of our actions.
will cannot learn if there is something
Learning is an action that helps us achieve
bothering them. Therefore, compassion and
something,” noted Mondragón.
empathy are some of the most important characteristics of a modern business leader.
For this learning to thrive, companies “need
Executives must have a good balance
to create an environment where people feel
in their hard and soft skills, as one is no
free to take decisions with responsibility.
longer more important than the other. “If
This will lead to the generation of ideas
you do not put the human being front and
that can support the company’s adaptation
center in the company culture, then it will
to changes and ensure it grows as an
be difficult to break harmful traditional ways
organization,” said Mondragón, adding
of thinking, leading and learning within the
that an environment of experimentation is
office environment,” Rangel concluded.
HR OFFICERS CAN BE VISIONARIES IN THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION The increased implementation of automation
dynamic shift in the role of HR: “Technology
and digitalization in the modern workplace
is transforming everything in our daily lives,
has dramatically changed the role of human
HR needs to move forward too. We need to
resources (HR) officers. Industry insiders
make use of all these technologies to make
agree that rather than rendering the HR
life easier,” adding that while others assess
department obsolete, this development
the value proposition of new technologies,
represents an opportunity for HR to take
it is the role of HR to foster a tech-driven
on a more imaginative role.
approach in the modern office. In doing so, HR officers can be visionaries. “It is also up
As Carla Adriana Soto Tejeda, People and
to us to make employees feel that they can
Culture Director, Casai, notes, new digital
be a part of these changes that affect their
tools are fulfilling many of the traditional HR
everyday lives. We do not want them to
tasks, freeing up HR officers to contribute
fear change or think new technologies are
in other ways. José Ramón Fernández
too difficult to use. It is our responsibility
D o m e n e c h , C H R O, C o p p e l , co n c u r s ,
to e n co u ra g e th e m a n d explain h ow
arguing that HR’s role has moved beyond
technology makes their jobs easier, so
administration and talent management to
that they learn to embrace change,” said
comprise elements of strategic planning.
Orihuela. “HR executives are ambassadors
With a wealth of technology now available
for technology implementation in their
to assess employee performance, HR can
organization,” agreed Manuela Vélez, Head
expand their offering by setting objectives to
of People, Tul.
improve equipment and enable employees to maximize their talent.
Implementing new technology can yield a wealth of benefits. José Carlos Aguilar,
Ana Isabel Orihuela Fuchs, Head of People
Co-Founder and Co- CEO, Palenca,
Success, Digital@FEMSA, welcomes this
celebrated how the digital revolution is leveling the playing field for startups. New
“Before committing to a digital tool or solution, companies must evaluate their current standing and readiness in relation to digitalization,”
companies that lack infrastructure can rely on digitalization as a stand-in, like Palenca did during its early stages throughout the pandemic. With just 10 full-time employees and limited resources on hand, applications
José Ramón Fernández
like Runa have been an invaluable asset
CHRO | Coppel
helping Palenca get off the ground, fulfilling 95 percent of the traditional HR role. Runa
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights simplifies the tedious and time-consuming
also kept the option open for employees to
tasks of paying taxes and sorting out wages.
work remotely. Vélez, for example, oversees
As the Palenca CEO argues, the time of
her responsibilities from Miami, making
small and medium-sized companies is
use of the management platform HiBob to
simply too valuable: “SMEs must digitalize
create journey maps for each employee. “A
their HR processes and take advantage of
journey map is a visualization of the process
technology. Spending hours on Excel sheets
that people go through to accomplish their
is no longer an option,” said Aguilar.
goals. At its most basic, journey mapping starts by compiling a series of user actions
Orihuela agreed, explaining how despite its
into a timeline. Next, the timeline is fleshed
challenges, the pandemic allowed FEMSA
out with user thoughts and emotions to
to see the potential of apps like Google
create a narrative for that process,” she
Workspace . While working re motely,
explained. The maps also help employees
Orihuela also praised the value offered
co n n e c t i n d ivi d u a l g o a l s with wi d e r
by apps such as Slack, which in many
company objectives.
ways served as the virtual office that kept communication and collaboration alive. Even
Fernández, however, advises caution. In his
after the return to the office, the software
view, a good HR officer must always ask if
enables HR departments to monitor how
the implementation of new technology is
long employees have been logged in for,
worthwhile. “Before committing to a digital
with the aim of preventing burnout.
tool or solution, companies must evaluate their current standing and readiness
“HR executives are ambassadors for technology implementation in their
in relation to digitalization,” he said. If technology is underused or considered a waste of time and money, HR will be held
accountable if they were the ones that
Manuela Vélez
pushed for it. “There is no point being tech-
Head of People | Tul
savvy just for the sake of it. We do not need to fix what is not broken,” Fernández added, pointing out that companies should not be resistant to change but remain pragmatic, as
She also noted that HR must be attentive
was the case for Coppel’s new technology
to any problems raised by employees
which has allowed it to manage its vast
surrounding new equipment. The
portfolio of branches.
demographics of an office can influence HR decisions, too. One generation of employees
Fernández underscores the importance
might be set in their ways and resistant to
of assessing whether a company is ready
change, having been used to one set of
to undergo such transformations. In his
software of operating systems their entire
view, management tasks HR with creating
work lives. However, a new generation
a company culture and analyzing it s
of e m p l oye e s m i g h t v i ew th i s s a m e
maturation to provide useful insights. As
equipment as cumbersome and obsolete.
such, the main role of HR is introspection.
For this reason, Orihuela underscores the importance of gradual, fluid change over
Orihuela agreed, underlining the
sudden overhauls: “Little tweaks every now
importance of free trials to sample the
and again are better than major, sudden
latest sof tware solutions without fully
co m m it ti n g to th e i r i m p l e m e nt atio n: “This makes employees participants in
Vélez also celebrated the role of industry-
the decision-making process. They pick
oriented social media networks in helping
the solutions which help them work best.
companies overcome the challenges posed
It is never a decision taken from above in
by the pandemic. In Tul’s case, they have
which they have no say.”
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights ON-DEMAND PAY WORKS FOR EMPLOYEES For decades , payday has come ever y
While most people continue to get paid
two weeks for most Mexican employees.
every two weeks or even once a month,
A l t h o u g h t h i s re m u n e r a ti o n m e t h o d
the technology to pay employees in real
remains popular, millions of Mexicans
time, or as often as they prefer, already
are living paycheck to paycheck. An on-
exists. “Thanks to the market penetration
demand pay model is emerging to reduce
of specialized companies that provide on-
the length of time between each payday.
demand pay, employees are increasingly
Its main benefits are solving liquidity
showing interest in this payment model,”
p ro b l e m s w h i l e p rov i d i n g e d u c a ti o n
said Belén Meza Croskey, CHRO, iVoy,
towa rd fi na ncial welln ess , e mphasize
adding that the model benefit s both
finance experts.
employers and employees while offering additional advantages to the latter. “The
“Ace s s to l i q u i d it y i s a d e e p - ro ote d
solution must not be limited to paying
p ro b l e m i n M exico . W ith a n ave ra g e
wages, it must be accompanied by financial
monthly salary of MX$11,000 (US$550)
education. You have to give employees the
and 70 percent of the population living
necessary tools to improve their financial
paycheck to paycheck without saving
lives,” emphasized David Roa, CEO annd
anything, salary on demand is logical.
Co-Founder, Klinc. While there are both B2B
People can have access to their money
and B2C solutions, some have no cost for
whenever they need it. In a world where
employees, he added.
everything is to order, it makes no sense that the most important element of your
On-demand pay can be an important tool
financial life is not,” said Nima Pourshasb,
for companies to retain talent. In the US,
CEO and Co-Founder, Minu.
the total nonfarm payroll quit rate rose to 3 percent in Nov. 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. More than
“The solution must not be limited to
4 million US citizens have quit their jobs
paying wages, it must be accompanied
every month since July 2021. Moreover, 88
by financial education. You have to give
percent of employees would consider taking
employees the necessary tools to
a lower-paying job with better benefits over
improve their financial lives”
one that paid more but had inferior benefits,
David Roa
a recent survey found.
CEO annd Co-Founder | Klinc
Market opportunities for on-demand pay represent a value of US$1 trillion across OECD countries, according to EY. “This The biweekly payment, known as the
grants a prominent role to employers and
quincena in Mexico, has not always been
financial services companies to provide
popular. In the 1800s, people working
employees access to this liquidity and, in
in factories received daily payments. “It
so doing, create meaningful societal utility
would have been unthinkable to finish
at a limited frictional cost,” says the firm.
wo rkin g h o u r s a n d g o h o m e e m pt y-
In addition, 70 percent of individuals in the
handed,” Pourshasb said. With payroll
UK and US regularly experience financial
payments moving through bank transfers,
stress. Half of these individuals have faced
s a la r y p aym e nt s b e c a m e a biwe e kly
a financial shortfall between pay periods
occurance. The salary earned by employees
and encounter this issue every four months
is calculated by the employer, which takes
taxes and further deductions into account. This makes it difficult for companies to
“ O n - d e m a n d p ay m e n t b o o s t s t a l e nt
administrate their cash flows daily.
rete nti o n . I t re p re s e nt s f re e d o m fo r
C onf e r e nc e H ighlights employees. It is absurd to pay every other
is more likely to have more knowledge
week; companies should pay interest for
about the various financial produc ts ,
using their employees’ money. Regarding
while a person with lower education and
financial stress, it is a great, flexible tool to fix
income levels will have less knowledge on
people’s financial problems,” said Courtney
the subject.” According to the most recent
Devon McColgan, CEO and Founder, Runa.
National Survey of Financial Inclusion (ENIF ), Mexico’s population suffers a
The method has great potential in Mexico
considerable lack of knowledge regarding
and it promotes financial knowhow, stated
the characteristics of financial products.
Diego Villarreal, CEO and Co-Founder, Castor. Unlike credit cards, “on-demand pay
While the technology to make on-demand
creates that knowledge and strengthens the
pay the most popular payment method is
relationship people have with money. People
already viable, some companies remain
can better understand how much money
reluc tant to switch . What is more,
they are able to spend each day,” he added.
most SMEs are usually not aware of the s o l u t i o n ’s b e n e fi t s , a g r e e d i n d u s t r y
In Mexico, an individual’s level of financial
exper ts . Never theless , in problematic
education is closely tied to personal factors,
times brought on by a global pandemic,
according to Deloitte: “A person with a
the solution may catch on much quicker
higher academic degree and higher salary
than it did before.
efficient. The quantity of data generated
strategy should be linked to its growth,
by the hiring process can be overwhelming
c u l t u re , m a n a g e m e n t , d i re c ti o n a n d
for one person, so technology can support
business focus. Whereas companies often
h um a n reso urces to id e ntif y n e e dles
measure growth in profits, experts believe
in the haystack . N ever theless , Mar tín
there should be a shift in this mindset to
underscores that companies should not
ensure human capital is also recognized as
be single-minded in their mission to find
a decisive factor.
certain skills in the labor market. “If a person can learn new abilities, that is an
“A good TA strategy is not only measured
added value,” he said.
by the number of hirings . It must be accompanied by benchmarks coming from
Furthermore, a skill does not have to be
multiple areas of the organization in order
technical. Companies need employees
to be successful,” said Santiago San Martín,
with strong sof t skills, which can help
Country Manager, Globant.
enhance the working environment and m o t i v a te t h e i r c o w o r ke r s . “A n o t h e r
If companies are to generate an optimal TA
important aspect to consider is the cultural
approach, they need to focus on internal
fit. Corporations could be overlooking
teamwork, mutual understanding, listening
hidden talent within people that may
and cross-departmental collaboration,
not have gone to the best university but
ensuring the company is unified toward the
that possess tangible sof t skills,” said
common goal of ensuring it attracts talent.
Martín. “For real change to happen we
TA strategies are therefore no longer the
must act agents of change. In order to
sole responsibility of the HR department,
have a happy and in-control company
added San Martín.
culture, with which growth will materialize automatically, we have to think about how
Automation is a great tool for companies
we want our colleagues to experience their
to make their recruitment processes more
working day,” he concluded.