Rio+20: Making it happen

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Rio+20: Making it Happen

Newsletter of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 15 April 2011, Volume 2, Issue 7

In this Issue - Harmony with Nature - Logo Rationale Page 1 - Intergovernmental Meeting - Interagency News - Major Groups - Upcoming Events Page 2

Website Update We have completed the search function for all the statements made/received throughout the mandated Rio+20 meetings on the Rio+20 website. Please see the page here:

Rio+20 website

Harmony with Nature Interactive Dialogue 20 April 2011, New York, USA - To commemorate International Mother Earth Day, the UN General Assembly will host an interactive dialogue on harmony with nature. The dialogue aims to examine how humans can better reconnect with the world around them and is expected to yield the following outcomes: proposals on ways to promote a holistic approach to sustainable development in harmony with nature; and an overview of different national experiences on the measurement of sustainable development in harmony with nature. The dialogue will consist of two moderated panel discussions with experts in sustainable development. In the morning session, the panel will address a wide array of perspectives, including sociological and anthropological ones, on how humankind can effectively reconnect with nature to achieve economic and social development that is more harmonious and balanced in relationship to the Earth’s carrying capacity. The panel, in the afternoon session, will debate on the increasing recognition that gross domestic product (GDP) needs to be supplemented by other measurement tools for measuring progress in terms of social well-being and environmental sustainability. The interactive dialogue is intended to inform the on-going preparations for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 4-6 June 2012. The event’s full programme is available at

Rio+20 Logo Rationale, Use and Guidelines For many people, the Rio+20 Conference logo has multiple meanings and interpretations. Follow Rio+20 Visit us on Facebook and Twitter

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We have decided to use this opportunity to tell you more about it and to provide you the guidelines for its use. Designed by the Graphic Design Unit, UN Department of Public information with inputs from the Rio+20 Conference Secretariat, the logo depicts the three components of sustainable development – social equity, economic growth and environmental protection – connected in the shape of a globe. The three colours blend into each other, indicating the interconnectedness of the different components. The Rio+20 logo will soon be available in all the six official UN languages and entities outside the UN system may use it for materials linked to the Conference after obtaining approval from the Rio+20 Secretariat. For more information on the logo and its usage guidelines, please visit: or contact the Rio+20 Secretariat at

Intergovernmental Meetings

Upcoming Events

CSD 19 - Commission on Sustainable Development The 19th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 19) will take place in New York from 2 to 13 May 2011. As a Policy Year for the Commission, Member States will discuss the following cluster of issues: Transport, Chemicals, Waste Management (Hazardous & Solid Waste), and 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Mining Consumption & Production Patterns (SCP). CSD was established by the UN General Assembly in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Some policy documents from CSD 19 will feed into the Rio+20 processes. More information on CSD 19 is available at:

LDCs 2nd PrepCom 4-8 April 2011, New York, USA - The 2nd session of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee (PrepCom II) for the Fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC IV) was held to discuss among others, the new support measures for sustainable development of the 48 LDCs. LDC IV will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 9-13 May 2011.

Interagency News

High-level Panel on Global Sustainability – Documents available

14 April 2011, New York, USA - The Division for Sustainable Development, UN/DESA held an inter-agency meeting to review the various programmes to be submitted by UN system agencies and regional commissions for inclusion in the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). The UN agencies and regional commissions that submitted programmes include UNIDO, UNHabitat, UNEP, UNCTAD, FAO, UNWTO and UNECE.

EC-ESA Plus 13 April 2011, New York, USA - The focal-points of the Executive Committee of Economic and Social Affairs (EC-ESA) Plus met to discuss one of Rio+20 Conference themes: the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD).

G77 Retreat on Rio+20 16 April 2011 New York, USA Spring Meeting of the Bretton Woods Institutions, World Bank and IMF 16-17 April 2011 Washington D.C., USA Rio+20 Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific 16 -18 April 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Second Session of the UNECE Group of Experts on Global Energy Efficiency 21 18 April 2011 Geneva, Switzerland

The High-level Panel on Global Sustainability

The Global Sustainability Panel has released documents on poverty, social cohesion and employment; paradigms; and the use of market tools and investments on its website.

Designing Programmes for SCP

Green Jobs Learning Forum 4-22 April 2011 Turin (Piemonte), Italy

The summary report of its second meeting is also available on the website:

Major Groups

Roundtable Foundations



20 April 2011, New York, USA – The Rio+20 Secretariat in collaboration with the Environmental Grantmakers Association, the Ford Foundation and the UN Foundation will organize a roundtable discussion for foundations to explore how the latter could provide support to major groups for the Rio+20 Conference.

17th Meeting of the UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation 19-20 April Geneva, Switzerland 5th Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, UNEP/Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention 29 April 2011 Geneva, Switzerland Stakeholder meeting to develop an Action Plan on Forests and the Green Economy 10-11 May 2011 Geneva, Switzerland Regional Conference on Renewable Energy Development in Central Asia and CIS 12-13 May 2011 Astana, Kazakhstan Complete listing of meetings and events at


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