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Andrei Kioresku
Andrei Kioresku was born December 26, 1964, in St. Petersburg, Russia. He graduated in 1988 from Art College and in 1994 from St. Petersburg Art University in Mouchina, and then received his diploma in 1995 from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His works are among private collections in Europe, America, and Russia.
Kioresku’s style could be characterized as subjective realism or post impressionistic — reminiscent of Gaughin or Cezanne. He experiments with texture and materials in order to achieve beautiful colors. Even though the artist often travels to his native Urals Mountains for inspiration, he never paints on site: reality does not dictate his expression. Kioresku paints only from his imagination and tries to convey his desire for a world of peace, beauty, and harmony between humankind and nature. In this vein, he is an ideal romanticist. He wants his paintings not to shock, as does the revolutionary, but to give joy, happiness, and optimism — the hope that life will go on and never finish.