I am Tunisian from Monastir. I was born on the 07-03-1980 in Paris, I spent my childhood in Copenhagen & today, I’m living in Doha. I have a diploma in architecture & I feel a real passion for space & furniture design as well as graphic design. I like to work in these domains & use di ernet techniques, which led me combining several software. Interaction o ers me a lot of choices.

I’m always look ing for a new challenge in my career, in these domains that I love & I’m always ready & passionate to succeed challenges and learn new sk ills
In the professional environment, I tr y to use my experience & my creativity to have good compliments of what I do & to do it in the best way. In addition, I tr y to continually evolve my style to always design something innovative.
+ 2016: National Diploma of Architecture: National High school of Architecture & Urbanism of Tunis (ENAU).
+ 2001/2016: University Level Education: National High school of Architecture & Urbanism of Tunis (ENAU).
+ 2000: Baccalaureate Technical Saction with Mention Well: Secondary School “Fatouma Bourguiba”, Monastir.
+ 1994/2000: Secondary Studies: Secondary School “Ali Bourguiba” & Secondary School “Fatouma Bourguiba”, Monastir.
+ 1987/1994: Primery Studies: Primary School “La Liberté”, Monastir.
O thers Formations:
+ 2010: Personal Strategic Planning Training: Association for the Promotion of Human Resources, Industr y & Commerce (APRHICOM), Monastir
+ 2001: Texte & Table Processing: Word, Excel (two languages: Arabic & French): Ribat School of Formation, Monastir.
Computer Sk ills:
Architec ture & Interior Designing Professional Information:
+ Since November 2020: Architect: Doha Steel Fabrication, Doha; Qatar.
+ June 2019/August 2020: Interior Designer: IN-Concept, Doha; Qatar.
+ Februar y 2018/May 2019: Designer: ZAN Co., Doha; Qatar.
+ Since September 2016: Registered in the Order of Architec ts of Tunisia (OAT )
+ May 2017/November 2017: Projec t Leader: MAS BTP, Monastir
+ July 2016/Januar y 2017: Architec t Associate: Architec tural Design & Consulting
O ce of M r Hamdi MEHREZ, Jemmel; Monastir - Tunisia.
+ August 2015/April 2016: Intern Architec t: Architec tural Design & Consulting
Agenc y of M rs Sourour AOUN ALLAH MHALLAH, Monastir.
+ July 2006/August 2006: Intern Architec t: Architec tural Design & Consulting O ce of M r Zied ZANNAD, Monastir.
+ May 2006: Processing of a Projec ted Work: The Association for the Protec tion of the Medina of Monastir (ASM Monastir).
+ Februar y 2006/April 2006: Intern Architec t: Architec tural Design & Consulting
O ce of M r Mehdi HAMMAMI, Monastir
+ July 2005/September 2005: Intern Architec t: ASM Monastir with super vision of M r Mohamed Salah CHEKIR.
+ July 2002/August 2002: Intern Architec t: M r Moncef NAWAR Building & Public Works Company, Monastir.
Network Marketing
+ September 2012: Par ticipation in a QNE T conference, Jakarta - Indonesia.
+ Februar y 2012: Par ticipation in a QNE T regional conference, Cairo - Egypt.
+ June 2010: Par ticipation in a QNE T conference, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.
+ March 2010: Par ticipation in a «Leadership Training», Hammamet - Tunisia.
+ Par ticipation in a several other events in Tunisia.
+ Januar y 2010/January 2018: Individual Representative: QNET.
Graphic Design
Professional Information:
+ June 2007: Treatment & Presentation of the Repor t of the General Assembly: the Association of Friends of the Youth House of Monastir.
+ July 2007/August 2007: Graphic Designer: the “Modern Printing of Sahel”, Sayada; Monastir - Tuinisia.
+ Design several logos, several event posters (as Freelance).
O ther Ac tivities:
- Cinematographic
+ 2003-2006: Member of the Club of Amateur Filmmakers Le Kram, Tunis.
+ 2006-2009 & 2011: Member of the Club of Amateur Filmmakers Monastir.
+ Par ticipation in several training courses: the Tunisian Federation of Amateur Filmmakers “FTCA” (Scenario, One -minute lm, Documentar y lm, Montage, Light and shooting, Technical cutting & stor yboard).
+ Par ticipation in a training workshop: during the International Film Festival for Children and Youth “FIFE J” 2009, Sousse (Sound workshop).
+ Par ticipation in the preparation and shooting of the lm: “Histor y of a woman” direc ted by K arim SOUAKI 2005 (club Le Kram) (3rd prize in the national competition of FIFAK 2005 & AMNESTI prize 2005): Mission: Framing & design of the DVD’s cover.
+ Par ticipation in the preparation of the lms of the club Monastir 2009:
“The Faculty” of Zied MADHIOUB / “ Fatal Dreams” of Nidhal SHILI / “ White Brides” of Hazem AOUN ALLAH / “ Immor tal Soul” of Sana BOUZGARROU (3rd prize in the national competition of FIFAK 2009) : Mission: Framing & montage.
+ Assist in International Festivals of Amateur Films, Kelibia “FIFAK” (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2011): Festivalier.
- Photographic Activities:
+ Produc tion of several analogical & digital photos.
Work Abilities:
Architec ture: Subdivision of a land - Sur vey existing building - Preparing building permit - Study & preparing project execution les - Preparing technical & nancial les - Coordination supervision of execution of worksAdvice & assistance to the project owners - Group work managementEstimate of building project.
Photography & Cinema: Photography trainer - Shooting place photography - ScenographyFraming - Montage.
Interests & Hobbies:
MUSIC techno, trance, new age, epic.
Graphic Design: Photomanipulation - TypographieLogos - Business cards - Graphical charter - Posters - Flyers - BrochuresPackaging - Menus - Event ticketsCD & DVD covers - Book coversSocial media covers - Magazines.
Interieur Design: Rehabilitation - Decoration - Renovation - Re-lookingRedevelopment - RestaurationFurniture design - Shop drawingMood board - Hand drawing.
Arabic: mothe tongue French: spoken, written English: medium level
Thank you for your attention
For more informations: Linkedin: mezri-moussa Mostaql.com: Mimconception Issuu: mezriimoussa