HAPPY FATHER’S DAY "F" riend. "A” lways there. "T" eacher. "H" onoring. "E" ver-loving. "R" ighteous. "S" upportive
Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
The Greatest Gift Ever Had Come From God, I Call Him Father.
A piece of me I give to you I Flower to say "I love you." I hope you will save it And look back someday At the Flower we shared On your special day. Happy Father's Day. Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
A Father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be. Daddy, We wish we could tell you Daddy, that how much you mean to us…. We have no words to say about how much we appreciate you… how much we admire you… how much we thank you for everything you’ve done. We love you so much Daddy… Happy Father’s Day Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.
A Father mea ns so ma ny things‌ An understa nding heart, A source of strength a nd support right from the very start.
Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
Fathers are like the candles they make daylight out of darkness. A father is someone who is concerned with every thing we do.
“Delightful And Loving, Loved And Admired, Dad, You’re My Hero, My Life You’ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings Are Counted Each Day, I Thank God In Heaven For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence Throughout Thick And Thin; You’re More Than A Parent, You’re My Wonderful Friend.” Happy Father Day! Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
God made a father who is, as sweet as a nectar, as brave as a lion, as cheerful as a bear, and he gave such dear father to me.
Presented By Mumbai Flowers World
Mumbai flowers world is the most reliable, leading and best online florist We deliver flowers in all over Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane at very reasonable price. We offer to you right choice of flowers and gifts
Phone NO: - +91-8696244169 / 8696244159 Email: - mumbaiflowersworld@gmail.com Website: - www.mumbaiflowersworld.com