Architecture Portfolio + CV (English)

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Por t f ol i o’ s

2011 20082011 20042007 20012002 19942004

Spani s h Engl i s h Fr ench I t al i an

ERASMUSs t udentMa s t er1·Écol eNa t i ona l eSuper i eur ed’ Ar chi t ect ur edeGr enobl e·Gr enobl e,F r a nce Ar chi t ect ur es t udent·4t hy ea r·Bogot a ,Col ombi a Hi ghs chool di pl oma ·Col egi oGi mna s i oVer mont·Bogot a ,Col ombi a 6t hgr a de( mi ddl es chool )·Doer r eI nt er medi a t eSchool ·Hous t on,Uni t edSt a t es School ·Col egi oGi mna ns i oBr i t a ni co·Chi a ,Col ombi a

Mot hert ongue F l uent( Oney ea rex per i encei nt heUni t edSt a t es )·I EL TS7. 0 Adv a nced·DEL FB2 I nt er medi a t e(2l ev el scer t i f i edby’ Uni v er s i da ddel osAndes ,Col ombi a )

Ex cel l entdomai n Aut odes kAut oca d2D,Adobephot os hop,AdobeI ndes i gn,Googl eSk et chup,Mi cr os of tOf f i ce,Ma cOSXa ndWi ndows . Gooddomai n Aut odes k3DMa x ,AdobeI l l us t r a t or Not i ons Aut odes kRev i tAr cht i ect ur e,Aut odes kEcot ectAna l y s i s .

2010 2011 2011

2011 2011

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