37 minute read
Ranch • Farm Horse • Hunting Recreational Properties
Bobby Boe, ALC
M: 970.640.1903 bobby@brayandco.com bobby.brayandcosearch.com
John Duffy M: 970.234.4830 jduffy@brayandco.com duffy.brayandcosearch.com
O: 970.242.3647 BrayandCo.com
MANHART RANCH Mesa, Mesa County, COLORADO | $1,750,000 PRICE REDUCED to $1,600,000 | 120± Acres

Fabulous 120-acre mountain ranch property has good water rights and includes two parcels: one on 40 acres with home and outbuildings and a second 80-acre parcel. The home features commanding views from every room, including Powderhorn Ski Area. The 3,838-square-foot home has hardwood floors throughout. The master bedroom is located on the main floor, with three large bedrooms upstairs, including a second master suite. There is also a 1,980-square-foot, unfinished basement with eight-foot ceilings. Additional features include a barn, shop, older corral, and three separate garage/storage buildings. The rustic log cabin on the property could be refurbished to board a ranch hand or create VRBO. Enjoy 85-acre-feet of Vega water rights plus 60 shares of Coon Creek water. Hunting units on the Grand Mesa Southern section are 411, 52 and 521. On the north section of the Grand Mesa, hunting units are 41, 42 and 421.

Co-op Sponsors
Agrow Credit Corporation LA, NM, OK AgrowCredit.com
Alabama Ag Credit, ACA AL (District: Texas)
Alabama Farm Credit, ACA AL (District: Texas)
American AgCredit, ACA CA (District: CoBank) AgLoan.com
Capital Farm Credit, ACA TX (District: Texas)
Carolina Farm Credit, ACA NC (District: AgFirst)

FCS Financial, ACA MO (District: AgriBank)
Mississippi Land Bank, ACA MS (District: Texas)
River Valley AgCredit, ACA KY (District: AgFirst)
Southern AgCredit, ACA MS (District: Texas)
Farm Credit Bank of Texas TX, FarmCreditBank.com
AgTexas Farm Credit Services TX, AgTexas.com
Central Texas Farm Credit, ACA TX, CentralTexasACA.com
Heritage Land Bank, ACA TX, HeritageLandBank.com
Legacy Ag Credit, ACA TX, LegacyACA.com
Lone Star ACA TX, LoneStarAgCredit.com
Plains Land Bank, FLCA TX, PlainsLandBank.com
Texas Farm Credit Services TX, TexasFCS.com
AgriBank, FCB MN, AgriBank.com
AgCountry Farm Credit Services, ACA ND, AgCountry.com
AgHeritage Farm Credit Services, ACA AR, AgHeritageFCS.com
Compeer Financial, ACA WI, Compeer.com
Delta Agricultural Credit Association AR, DeltaACA.com
Farm Credit Illinois, ACA IL, FarmCreditIL.com
Farm Credit Mid- America, ACA KY, E-FarmCredit.com
Farm Credit Midsouth, ACA AR, FarmCreditMidsouth.com
Farm Credit Services of America, ACA NE, FCSAmerica.com
Farm Credit Services of Mandan, ACA ND, FarmCreditMandan.com
Farm Credit Services of North Dakota, ACA ND, FarmCreditND.com
Farm Credit Services of Western Arkansas, ACA AR, MyAgLender.com
Farm Credit Southeast Missouri, ACA MO, FarmCreditSEMO.com
GreenStone Farm Credit Services, ACA MI, GreenStoneFCS.com
AgFirst Farm Credit Bank SC, AgFirst.com
AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA NC, AgCarolina.com
AgChoice Farm Credit, ACA PA, AgChoice.com
AgCredit, Agricultural Credit Association OH, AgCredit.net
AgGeorgia Farm Credit, ACA GA, AgGeorgia.com
AgSouth Farm Credit, ACA GA, AgSouthFC.com
ArborOne, ACA SC, ArborOne.com
Cape Fear Farm Credit, ACA NC, CapeFearFarmCredit.com
Central Kentucky Agricultural Credit Association KY, AgCreditOnline.com
Colonial Farm Credit, ACA VA, ColonialFarmCredit.com
Farm Credit of Central Florida, ACA FL, FarmCreditCFL.com
Farm Credit of Florida, ACA FL, FarmCreditFL.com
Farm Credit of Northwest Florida, ACA FL, FarmCredit-FL.com
Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA VA, FarmCreditofVirginias.com
First South Farm Credit, ACA MS, FirstSouthFarmCredit.com
MidAtlantic Farm Credit, ACA MD, MAFC.com
Puerto Rico Farm Credit, ACA PR, PRFarmCredit.com
Southwest Georgia Farm Credit, ACA GA, SWGAFarmCredit.com
AgPreference, ACA OK, AgPreference.com
Farm Credit East, ACA CT, FarmCreditEast.com
Farm Credit of Enid, ACA OK, FCEnid.com
Farm Credit of New Mexico, ACA NM, FarmCreditNM.com
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado, ACA CO, AgLending.com
Farm Credit of Western Kansas, ACA KS, FCWK.com
Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, ACA OK, FCWestOK.com
Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA CA, FCSColusaGlenn.com
Farm Credit West, ACA CA, FarmCreditWest.com
Fresno-Madera Farm Credit, ACA CA, FMFarmCredit.com
Frontier Farm Credit, ACA KS, FrontierFarmCredit.com
Golden State Farm Credit, ACA CA, GSFarmCredit.com
High Plains Farm Credit, ACA KS, HighPlainsFarmCredit.com
Idaho AgCredit, ACA ID, IdahoAgCredit.com
Northwest Farm Credit Services, an Agricultural Credit Association WA, NorthwestFCS.com
Premier Farm Credit, ACA CO, PremierACA.com
Western AgCredit, ACA UT, WesternAgCredit.com
Yankee Farm Credit, ACA VT, YankeeFarmCredit.com
Yosemite Farm Credit, ACA CA, YosemiteFarmCredit.com
Chad Andrus MOCK RANCHES Austin, TX
Chad Andrus is a Land Specialist and Partner with Mock Ranches and a recipient of the 2020 Realtors Land Institute APEX Producers Club award. Chad began his real estate career in 2013 specializing in farming, ranching and recreational properties where he is able to utilize his vast experience in the agricultural and outdoor communities. When Chad is not assisting his clients he enjoys chasing deer in South Texas, bird hunting and having a fishing pole in his hand fighting the one that didn’t get away. chadandrus@mockranches.com

409.267.7220 / MockRanches.com
BECOME A CO-OP LEADER! The Co-op is seeking active Co-op Members to participate in the Co-op Ambassador program. For more information on Co-op Ambassador Benefits, or to request an application, please email ct@landbrokercoop.com.
Tim Clark has been in the real estate industry since his childhood in San Angelo, Texas, working within his family’s home building business. Tim is honored to be one of only 12,000 in North America to have a CCIM designation and continues to identify new ways to be an expert in the Commercial, Industrial and Ranch Real Estate fields. Tim resides in Weatherford, TX with his wife and two sons. Tim invests in ranches and commercial properties and understands what investors are seeking.
817.578.0609 / ClarkREG.com

Tulsa, OK
A licensed broker in OK and KS, Debbie specializes in selling country estates, horse properties, hobby farms, ranches, recreational land, and transitional land. A full-time REALTOR® since 2005, she has a passion for detail and precision garnered from her experience as a law librarian and records manager, paralegal, landman, and executive secretary to a commercial real estate developer. An advocate for landowner rights and education, especially regarding the interface between the mineral and surface estates, Debbie is a life-long learner with two Masters degrees ddurkee@nationalland.com
918.724.8201 / NationalLand.com
Todd Crosby, ALC President CROSBY LAND COMPANY Walterboro, SC
With a background in procurement and land management, Todd was led to expand into rural land brokerage, opening his own brokerage firm in 2018. Licensed in SC, GA, AL, and NC, Crosby Land Company Inc. specializes in high-end sporting properties, agricultural land, historical properties, conservation, and investment-grade timberland. Todd and his wife, Melissa, have four children and reside on their property, Holly Bluff, in coastal South Carolina.

843.782.5700 / CrosbyLandCo.com
Patti Davis ALC PEDE & ASSOCIATES Belgrade, MT
Patti was born and raised in beautiful southwestern MT. She started her real estate career in the 90s as an appraiser, then got her sales license in 2000. Today Patti is a licensed real estate appraiser, certified livestock appraiser, and real estate broker. Patti received her ALC from the REALTORS® Land Institute in 2009 and has been an active and proud member since then. Patti is the proud mother of three, and grandmother of seven. She is proud to wear the Land Broker Co-op hat!
Jeffersonville, IN
Foster, ALC Real
The founders of Land Broker Co-op are daily real estate practitioners and understand our REAL wants and needs to better serve our clients... this makes the Co-op the perfect platform for marketing our properties.

AL linda@lindaanngreen.com
I believe the Co-op is important because it provides endless resources that benefit my passion of land preservation and keeping America beautiful. Becoming a member has directly contributed to the growth of my business as a land broker, and the professional connections I have made thru the Co-op are priceless! Proud Member and Ambassador!
Land Broker Co-op Ambassador Program
Co-op Ambassadors educate their local rural real estate communities about the benefits and advantages that Co-op membership brings to the industry.
Russell Hickey ALC, CLE BACHMAN & ASSOCIATES Southern CO
Russell has a deep appreciation for the land. With his continued education in Water Law and Land Use and decades of experience, Russell specializes in ranches, large acreage, and mountain properties. As an Accredited Land Consultant, Russell carries a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for the Co-op and its mission. An all-encompassing land network was needed for clients and professionals alike while protecting our privacy as land professionals. Russell@BachmanAndAssociates.com

719.337.3234 / DiscoverBachman.com
Todd Liverman RANCHES AND LAKES Kingsland, TX

Todd has managed game properties as well as cattle operations throughout his life which, in time, has led him to following his passion of selling land in the great state of Texas. Todd’s vast knowledge of land and his ability to network with people makes him stand out. He looks forward to being an advocate and Ambassador for Land Broker Co-op while helping clients search for unique land and ranch opportunities.
Geoff Hurdle, ALC HURDLE LAND & REALTY Lebanon, TN

The Land Broker Co-op site is the site of choice for professionals in the industry and potential buyers — where one can easily navigate through properties and not have to dodge ad campaigns and pop-up windows that just distract from the purpose of being there — which is to find a quality and affordable property. It is my go-to, every time!
Reese Lovell
Montrose, CO reese@eagleland.com
Reese was raised between the banks of the Arkansas River and the Ozark Mountains, where his passion for the outdoors and wildlife began. It took only a few trips to see his family in Colorado before he fell in love with the mountains out west. Reese joined Eagle Land Brokerage, bringing his passion for the outdoors, business know-how, and client relation skills together. He specializes in raw land purchase and property development.

Kelly Johnston, Broker

Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield
Cuba, MO
Rural Missouri land sales have fueled Kelly’s decade-long career in real estate. Kelly is a proud member of RLI, actively working toward full certification as an ALC, joining the most accomplished, educated and trusted land professionals in the industry. Kelly has recently become a Land Broker Co-op Ambassador, a role dedicated to educating the local real estate communities about the Co-op.
314.412.2288 / kellyjohnston@kw.com
Reni Della Maggiore CEO RENI DELLA MAGGIORE, INC. Stockton,
Reni’s total sales volume exceeds $185 million. In
2004 & 2005
Reni received the Coldwell Banker Commercial Circle of Distinction award, an honor shared by only the top 1 percent of the company’s 5,000plus sales associates. A current member of the Association of Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) and of the Realtors Land Institute (RLI), Reni specializes in sales of agricultural, commercial, investment, and wetland mitigation properties.
David Klein
Bloomington, IL dkabklein1@gmail.com
David Klein is Vice President, Managing Broker, Agricultural Asset Manager, and Auctioneer for First Mid Ag Services. In 1997 he began his career managing farmland in IL, IN, IA, MO, SD and OK. In 2014, he was awarded his Accredited Land Consultant - Advanced designation by the REALTORS® Land Institute and named the Illinois Land Broker of the Year. In 2018 he was named an RLI APEX Top 20 Award winning producer.

309.665.0961 / FirstMidAg.com
Lovington, NM
A native of SE NM, Beth is passionate about the farm & ranch industry and rural lifestyle. She is a Broker in both NM and TX and recently received the Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) designation from the Realtors Land Institute (RLI). In addition to being Broker / Owner of Rafter Cross Realty, Beth has served on the Board of Directors for the NM MLS and her local Realtor association, is currently on the Education Committee with RLI, and is a Continuing Education instructor for the New Mexico Real Estate Commission. beth@raftercross.com
575.741.5017 / RafterCross.com maxramsey@kw.com

The Co-op caught my attention when I first heard that a group of brokers had gotten together to make a stand for land brokers and agents. I knew that this was going to be a monumental move and it was going to revolutionize the way that we work in the land industry. Between the cost increases in online marketing, and the fact that we had no data protection, someone had to make a stand. This is why I joined, and am a proud member. The Co-op is a platform by land brokers, for land brokers.
512.983.4292 / MockRanches.com
Alexis Thompson TEXAS RANCH SALES Lampasas, TX

Agriculture is Alexis Thompson’s pride and joy. Alexis and her husband run a cattle and construction company. Alexis brings her passion for south Texas agriculture to ranch real estate and attributes her success to determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Whether you need her to market your ranch property or help you find the perfect turn-key ranch, unimproved development property, or anything in between, Alexis will get it done for you.
210.897.9263 / TexasRanchSalesLLC.com
BECOME A CO-OP LEADER! The Co-op is seeking active Co-op Members to participate in the Co-op Ambassador program. For more information on Co-op Ambassador Benefits, or to request an application, please email ct@landbrokercoop.com.
Ringler CEO Designated Broker

My history has its roots in farmland, having been brought up on the family farm in Gothenburg, Nebraska. After school, I served our country for 13 years with the US Navy Submarine Force. Much of my professional background has been in Agriculture, which is what led me to start RE/ MAX Home, Farm & Ranch. I love the land and the hardworking men and women who work it. I look forward to serving landowners with their most valuable asset on earth.
koby@remaxhfr.com / 308.529.0067
HomeFarmRanch.com / Nebraska.Land
Dave started his career in real estate in 1976, becoming a broker in 1988. In 1994 he established Golden West Properties. Over his more than 31 years of experience in real estate and 19 years as a designated broker, Dave has become a highly respected, well known business man in the western Washington area and a consistent multi-million dollar producer in residential and acreage real estate.
RinglerRE@gmail.com / 253.686.2552
San Angelo, TX
Michelle is is a TX and NM Broker and a United Country Realtree Land Pro. With 45 years of ranching experience, she runs her own ranch in west Texas. She’s a member of RLI, the National Association of Realtors, Land Broker Co-op and many others. She and her partner Mike Dolan are the owners of United Country Real Estate M&M Ranch Land Investments, offering national advertising with local expertise. Their Boots are on the Ground!

Lewis Center, OH jason@homelandandfarms.com
The Co-op is important to the industry for the simple reason of control — having control over our personal and listing information. We don’t have to worry about wrong or sold data. Plus the Co-op gives the smaller companies like myself the ability to market on a higher level without being asked to mortgage our marketing budget for the year. I am involved with the Co-op because I love all aspects of the business and want people to see the importance of a land based real estate agent.
614.561.4885 / HomeLandAndFarms.com
Roland, AR
I am a native Arkansan whose life passion is land, wildlife, and conservation. From the time I began walking, I loved the land. My team and I bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and know-how to land and wildlife development. In addition to developing our own properties, I have years of experience helping other landowners improve their land and achieve their goals. My team of professionals serves our clients with the highest level of integrity and a wealth of knowledge.

501.482.LAND(5263) info@wellonsland.com / WellonsLand.com
Menard, TX tyler@findaranch.com
Tyler was drawn to real estate at a young age; his family has been in the business since 1960. In 2000, Tyler graduated from ASU with a Bachelors in Finance with a Real Estate Option and a minor in Marketing. After graduating, he moved back to Menard to help his family and begin his career. Tyler takes pride in the fact that he gets to carry on the family tradition — and truly enjoys his job, especially the awesome people he’s able to meet. Tyler is also proud to say that some of his good friends were once potential clients.
325.456.1301 / FINDARANCH.COM
Austin Ainsworth, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 295-0386, aainsworth@ dreamranch.org
Jessica Anderson, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 750-6639, jessica@ southeasternestates.com
Kevin Anderson, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, kevin@selandgroup.com
Tyler Bauer, Southeastern Land Group, (615) 417-0687, tbauer@selandgroup.com
Rick Bourne, Southeastern Land Group, (251) 978-5455, rick@selandgroup.com
Jacob Bowen, Southeastern Land Group, (678) 858-0382, jacob@selandgroup.com
Tyler Briggs, Southeastern Land Group, (706) 593-3639, tyler@selandgroup.com
Matt Burnett, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 572-1474, matt@selandgroup.com
Nikki Caballero, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 663-1130, nikki@southeasternestates.com
Brandon Caldwell, Southeastern Land Group, (803) 429-0231, brandon@ selandgroup.com
Beverly Callaway, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 825-4331, beverlycallaway7@gmail.com
Justin Chambers, Southeastern Land Group, (706) 728-0612, justin@ selandgroup.com
Jay Chambless, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, jay@selandgroup.com
Greyson Fernandez, Southeastern Land Group, (706) 574-3959, greyson@ selandgroup.com
Jonathan Goode, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 247-2005, jonathan@ selandgroup.com
Linda Ann Green, (256) 337-5922, linda@ lindaanngreen.com
Luke Greinke, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, luke@selandgroup.com
Fred Hanners, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 405-4413, fred@selandgroup.com
John Hardin, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 524-2756, johnhardin@selandgroup.com
Jeffrey Hardy, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, jeff@selandgroup.com
David Harrell, The Southern Land Brokers, (334) 224-9520, david@ thesouthernlandbrokers.com
Daniel Hautamaki, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, danielh@ selandgroup.com
Bucky Henson, True South Properties, (334) 412-2487, bucky@gulfstates.com
Cooper Holmes, Southeastern Land Group, (205) 292-6356, cooper@selandgroup.com
Jyme Jennings, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 339-3687, jyme@southeasternestates.com
Steven Jones, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 453-5565, steven@selandgroup.com
Tommy Jones, Mossy Oak Properties of Eufala, (334) 687-3690, tommyjones@ mossyoakproperties.com
Kenny King, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 372-1992, kk45@troycable.net
Robert King, Southeastern Land Group, (844) 855-0680, robert@selandgroup.com
Dale Lancaster, Midsouth Forestry Services, Inc, (205) 367-6108, info@ midsouthforestryservices.com
Shaun Lee, Southeastern Land Group, (205) 361-5002, shaun@selandgroup.com
Peyton Littrell, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 227-7430, peyton@selandgroup.com
James Logan, Mossy Oak Properties, Inc. - Logan Land Company, (205) 372-9800, jlogan@mossyoakproperties.com
Spencer Loveless, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 283-3198, spencer@ selandgroup.com
William Lyon, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 467-1830, william@selandgroup.com
George Mann, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 444-5710, GeorgeEMann@gmail.com
Nathan McCollum, Mossy Oak Properties Southeast Land & Wildlife, LLC, (256) 3838901, nmccollum@mossyoakproperties.com
Kelly McLendon, Southeastern Land Group, (251) 744-4915, kelly@southeasternestates.com
Scott Mills, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 300-6663, scott@selandgroup.com
David Milton, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, dave@selandgroup.com
Josh Milton, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 269-8277, josh@selandgroup.com
Candice Moore, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 749-3136, candice@ southeasternestates.com
John Morris, Southeastern Land Group, (205) 901-9397, johnmorris@selandgroup.com
Paul Moultrie, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 302-3504, paul@selandgroup.com
Seth Murphy, Southeastern Land Group, (850) 261-5885, seth@selandgroup.com
Adam Newton, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, adam@selandgroup.com
Bill Newton, Southeastern Land Group, (205) 932-9161, newton@selandgroup.com
Calvin Perryman, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 419-7277, calvin@ selandgroup.com
Ken Peters, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 596-0611, ken@selandgroup.com
Greg Plattenburg, Southeastern Land Group, (931) 308-1078, greg@ selandgroup.com
Poultry South Team, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 475-0490, psteam@ poultrysouth.com
Cody Rasco, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 636-1301, cody@selandgroup.com
Danny Ray, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 385-1130, danny@selandgroup.com
Gary Silvernell, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 355-2124, gary@selandgroup.com
Jason Sims, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, jason@selandgroup.com
Dent Stallworth, Southeastern Land Group, (251) 593-3220, dent@selandgroup.com
Michael Stevenson, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, michael@ selandgroup.com
Rhonda Totten, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, rhonda@ southeasternestates.com
Haley Upchurch, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 473-2088, haley@ southeasternestates.com
Randall Upchurch, Southeastern Land Group, (866) 751-5263, upchurch. farmagent@gmail.com
Braden Walker, Southeastern Land Group, (256) 506-7354, bwalker@selandgroup.com
Dale Walker, Mossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters, (334) 202-8300, dwalker@mossyoakproperties.com
Russ Walters, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 504-0851, russ@selandgroup.com
Brian Watts, Southeastern Land Group, (334) 707-4273, kbwatts08@gmail.com
Benjamin Wesley, Able Land Homes, (786) 442-7078, bnwsly@gmail.com
Fred Whitaker, Southeastern Land Group, (706) 656-6902, fredw@selandgroup.com
Chip Williams, Southeastern Land Group, (706) 844-2779, chip@selandgroup.com
Danielle Chihuly, Mossy Oak Properties of Alaska-Kenai, (907) 283-3883, dchihuly@ mossyoakproperties.com
Gene Griffith, Mossy Oak Properties Delta Land Management - Marshall, (870) 4472135, ggriffith@mossyoakproperties.com
Jordan Lambert, Riverside Real Estate, (870) 816-5646, jbfarms@gmail.com
Tom Lucas, Mossy Oak Properties of Alaska - Wasilla, (907) 357-5100, tlucas@ mossyoakproperties.com
Jeff Trujillo, Mossy Oak Properties of Alaska - Soldotna, (907) 741-2239, jtrujillo@mossyoakproperties.com
Travis Bard, Legacy Real Estate Network by Travis Bard, (928) 710-7007, travis@ legacyren.com
Nancy Garera, eXp Realty, (480) 2057142, nancy.garera@exprealty.com
Jose Colunga / Aaron Little, Dalrymple Real Estate, (501) 515-2658, jose@ dcommercial.com
Eric Camp, Mossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm, (501) 388-1947, ecamp@mossyoakproperties.com
Chad Carger, Habitat Land Company, (501) 843-1111, samantha@ habitatlandcompany.com
Laddy Diebold, Mossy Oak Properties Natural Farms and Wildlife, (479) 4435656, ldiebold@mossyoakproperties.com
Robert Eason, Mossy Oak Properties Delta Land Management Co., (501) 604-4565, reason@mossyoakproperties.com
Jeffrey Hignight, Glaub Farm Management LLC, (870) 972-6996, info@glaubfm.com
Kelly Johnson, United Country Central Ozarks Real Estate, (870) 504-1436, kelly@ centralozarksrealestate.com
Rob Rice, Mossy Oak Properties Stuttgart Land Farm, (855) 934-5263, robrice@ mossyoakproperties.com
Pamela Welch, Mossy Oak Properties, (870) 495-2123, pwelch@ mossyoakproperties.com
Donn Bree, Red Hawk Realty, (800) 3716669, Donn@Donn.com
Reni Della Maggiore, Reni Della Maggiore, Inc., (209) 649-7944, renidellamaggiore@msn.com
Forth Hoyt, The Hoyt Group, (916) 3163810, forth@thehoytgroup.com
Terry Hundemer, The Chickering Company, Inc., (530) 265-5774, ranches@ chickeringco.com
Todd Renfrew, California Outdoor Properties, (707) 455-4449, Brett Baumanninfo@caoutdoorproperties.com
Brent Scharnberg, Stadia Realty Inc., (714) 469-9348, brent@stadiarealty.com
Derek Sprague, Mossy Oak Properties California Farm Ranch, (661) 234-9555, dsprague@mossyoakproperties.com
Judy Wensloff, Yosemite Real Estate Team, (559) 797-6797, judywensloff@kw.com
Judy Willhite, Pierpont Bay Realty, (805) 901-0195, judy.pierpontbay@gmail.com
Jon Adams, Mossy Oak Properties Colorado, (719) 207-3666, jon@ landinsalida.com
Karin Adams, Southwest Centennial, (719) 539-3340, karinadams44@gmail.com
Christine Allard, C3 Real Estate Solutions, (910) 703-6389, allardmyersjohnsonteam@ c3-re.com
Sally Ball, Keller Williams, (303) 5067405, sball@kw.com
Dale Beede, Coldwell Banker Commercial, Prime Properties, (970) 244-6615, dbeede@ suregj.com
Christy Belton, Ranch and Resort Realty, (970) 734-7885, christy@ranchresortrealty. com
Robert Boe, Bray Real Estate, (970) 2423647, boebobby@rocketmail.com
John Braly, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (303) 330-3858, jlbraly@ ranchland.com
Merran Bremner, KC Valuation Services, (719) 510-4420, koalacrossing@msn.com
Dan Brunk, Hayden Outdoors, (303) 2105522, dan@haydenoutdoors.com
Jeff Buerger, Hall and Hall, (303) 8618282, jeff@hallandhall.com
Joseph Burns, Eagle Land Brokerage, (970) 249-4300, joey@eagleland.com
Olivia Cain, Acre Source Realty, (303) 898-0577, olivia@acresr.com
Cynthia Christensen, Cynthia & Co Homes @ EXP Realty, (303) 949-0737, homesbycynthiac@gmail.com
Jacky Christian, Capture Colorado, (719) 742-5550, jacky@capturecolorado.com
Gene Cruikshank, Cruikshank Realty, Inc., (719) 336-7802, gene@2cr2.com
Cynthia Daughtrey, eXp Realty LLC, (303) 548-9659, Cynthia@westwardbroker.com
Bill Davis, Bill Davis Properties, (970) 3908617, billdavisproperties@gmail.com
Adam Deakin, Hall and Hall, (303) 4768209, adeakin@hallandhall.com
Bill Dixon, RE/MAX Alliance, (303) 8655127, billdixonrealestate@comcast.net
John Feeney, C3 Real Estate Solutions, (970) 231-4172, jfeeney@c3-re.com
John Fowle, Shaffer Farm & Ranch Real Estate, (970) 835-9350, ranchbrokerjf@ gmail.com
Victoria Garrisi, True West Properties, (719) 237-1240, Vicki@TrueWestColorado.com
Virgil George, Rocking X Land Company, Ltd., (719) 346-5420, rxl@centurytel.net
Kari Girard, Ponderosa Real Estate, (970) 626-9700, kari@ponderosare.com
Dave Harrigan, Dave and Hunter Harrigan, (303) 908-1101, hunter@harriganland.com
Dax Hayden, Hayden Outdoors, (303) 210-5522, dax@haydenoutdoors.com
Seth Hayden, Hayden Outdoors, (970) 692-6321, seth@haydenoutdoors.com
Russell Hickey, Bachman & Associates, (719) 337-3234, russell@ bachmanandassociates.com
Gary Hubbell, United Country Colorado Brokers, (970) 872-3322, grandviewranch@ gmail.com
Mike Ledger, Confluence Land Company, (303) 596-8898, mledger@confluencecre.com
Billy Long, Ranch Marketing Associates, (970) 948-1333, billy@rmabrokers.com
Reese Lovell, Eagle Land Brokerage, (479) 209-0060, reese@eagleland.com
Cody Lujan, Hall and Hall, (970) 8795544, clujan@hallandhall.com
Sam Lumb, Sothebys, (501) 482-5263, slumb@livsothebysrealty.com
Karen McAnally, Capture Colorado, (719) 989-8784, karenmcanally@gmail.com
Tom Metzger, Hall and Hall, (303) 8618282, tmetzger@hallandhall.com
Barton Miller, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (970) 379-0218, bart@ ranchland.com
Kenneth Mirr, Mirr Ranch Group, (303) 623-4545, info@mirrranchgroup.com
Dan Murphy, M4 Ranch Group, (970) 944-4444, dan@m4ranchgroup.com.
Robb Nelson, Hall and Hall, (303) 8618282, rnelson@hallandhall.com
Ed Orr, Orr Land Company, (919) 8991226, eeorr@tmmoc.com
Julie Piland, United Country Real Colorado Properties, (970) 985-0913, juliepilandproperty@gmail.com
Cindy Plate, Gallas Properties, (970) 7598951, ranches@gallesproperties.com
Jack Pretti, Caldwell Banker Mason Morse, (970) 948-6468, jkpretti@gmail.com
Cooper Raines, Colorado Home Realty, (720) 470-8585, Cooper@ThecrreGroup.com
Marc Reck, Reck Agri Services Inc, (970) 522-7770, bdesormeaux@reckagri.com
Sharanna Rothenbucher, Keller Williams Performance Realty, (719) 406-1141, sharanne@kw.com
Sean Saffell, Coldwell Banker Mountain Properties, (970) 531-7677, sean.saffell@ cbmp.com
Mark Shaffer, Schaffer Realty, (970) 8359350, ranchbroker@tds.net
Reese Shay, Shay Realty, (970) 630-5006, Reese@shayrealty.com
Scott Shuman, Hall and Hall, (970) 7162120, scott@hallandhall.com
David Sietsema, Keller Williams, (720) 878-1824, david@davidsietsema.com
Brian Smith, Hall and Hall, (970) 8795544, bsmith@hallandhall.com
Lisa Smith, Keller Williams Foothills Realty LLC, (907) 632-3683, lisarayanne@gmail.com
John Stratman, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (970) 300-1315, john@ranchland.com
Bryan Walchle, Eagle Land Brokerage, (970) 209-7500, bryan@eagleland.com
Kem Winternitz, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (303) 835-0972, kem@ ranchland.com
Shiloh Wittler, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (719) 529-1414, Shiloh@ ranchland.com
Philip McGinnis, McGinnis Commercial Real Estate Co., (302) 270-0656, pjm@ mcginnisrealty.com
District Of Columbia
Kyle Majors, Keller Williams Preferred Properties, (301) 822-2805, kylemajors@ themajorsgroup.com
George L. Ballou II, Watson Realty Corp., (904) 687-6140, WeSellPonteVedra@gmail. com
Tommy Addison, Addison & Company, (863) 353-2805, tommy@addisonland.com
Debbie Banks, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (904) 637-4842, dbanks@sreland.com
Brian Beasley, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 287-2702, vbeasley4@tampabay.rr.com
Ronald Blake, Coldwell Banker Isaac Realty, (352) 475-2199, rblakecbi@yahoo.com
Charles Buckner, Robert A Buckner & Associates, (352) 796-4544, charles@ rbuckner.com
Reggie Caruthers, Oxford Land Company, (352) 748-1182, Reggie@oxfordland.com
Sara Catlett, Catlett Land Company, (239) 872-6863, sara@catlettlandcompany.com
R Mark Crews, Florida Inland Realty, (863) 634-3257, Mark@FloridaInlandRealty.com
Benjamin Crosby, Crosby & Associates, Inc., (863) 293-5600, marketing@ crosbydirt.com
Jeff Cusson, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (772) 473-8497, jeff@ SREland.com
Susanne Danella, Danella Real Estate, (407) 900-9993, susanne@ danellarealestate.com
Brett Dubois, Tarpon Blue Real Estate Services, LLC, (561) 779-9559, bdubois@ tarponblue.com
Carson Futch, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 559-0800, cfutch@SRELand.com
William Golightly, Lands of North Florida Realty Inc., (386) 590-6681, wgolightly@ landsofnorthflorida.com
Justin Harden, Land South, (863) 7381116, Justin@LandSouthRealty.com
Eric Hoyer, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 670-0734, erich@ nrpsforesters.com
Ben Jones, Mossy Oak Properties Southern Land And Homes, LLC, (850) 973-2200, benj@mossyoakproperties.com
Mac Martin, United Country Gulfland Real Estate, (863) 494-2100, landpanther@ gmail.com
Philip Ross, Ross and Co. Real Estate, (850) 503-1755, philip@rossandco.realestate
Dean Saunders, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 648-1528, dean@saundersrealestate.com
Trent Saunders, SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 640-0390, trent@sreland.com
Calvin Sibley, Solutions Land Buyers, LLC, (305) 978-0682, calvin@solutionsbuyers.com
Danny Smith, Smith & Smith Realty, (352) 748-5656, dannysmith@ccim.net
Phillip Strazulla, Coldwell Banker, (772) 216-4975, phillip.strazulla@coldwellbanker.com
Kevin Tolbert, The Florida Tolbert Team at KW Land, (772) 834-0099, kbtolbert@ gmail.com
Brandon Tucker, The Tucker Group, (863) 763-4010, brandon@the tuckergroup.com
Tammy Vanwie, Elite Property Listings, (833) 637-3482, admin@ elitepropertylisting.com
Monica Veal, Worldwide Properties, (727) 768-7558, admin@worldwideproperties.com
David (Keat) Waldron, SVN Saunders
Ralston Dantzler Real Estate, (863) 2143410, kwaldron@sreland.com
John Wallace, Natural Resource Planning Services, (352) 538-7356, twallace@ sreland.com
Sam Bowers, Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company, (770) 683-4790, sbowers@ bowersandburns.com
Terrell Brazell, Mossy Oak Properties
Coastal Land and Real Estate, (912) 4544925, tbrazell@mossyoakproperties.com
Aubrey Breiner, Landmart, (478) 4547980, aubrey@landmart.com
Austin Breiner, Landmart, (478) 414-8419, austin@landmart.com
Bill Breiner, Landmart, (478) 457-7005, bill@landmart.com
Cole Breiner, Landmart, (478) 452-5180, cole@landmart.com
Felicia Brown, Southeast Land and Homes, (407) 754-6495, fd@ southeastlandandhomes.com
Bert Carithers, Keller Williams Atlanta Partners, (706) 201-7814, bert.carithers@ kw.com
Tim Carroll, Mossy Oak Properties Sunbelt Land Brokers, LLC, (229) 985-1145, timc@ mossyoakproperties.com
Benjamin Carter, Carter Legacy Lands, (404) 285-8102, benjamin@cllre.com
Ryker Carter, Carter Group Real Estate, (912) 530-9515, ryker@cartergroupland.com
Kyle Cato, Carter Group Real Estate, (912) 530-9515, kyle@cartergrouprealestate.com
Dan Crocker, Crocker Realty Inc., (229) 228-0552, landcrocdan@gmail.com
Michael Culver, Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Premier, (770) 630-9371, michaelculverexp@gmail.com
Don Ellers, Land Crawler, (770) 424-5800, land@landcrawler.com
Cary Farrington, Southeastern Land Group, (678) 862-5483, cary@selandgroup.com
Jason Free, Keller Williams, (706) 2351515, realestate@jasonfree.com
Mike Garrett, Garrett Land Brokers, (678) 540-4300, mike@garrettlandbrokers.com
Michael Matre, Matre Forestry Consulting, Inc, (229) 639-4973, mike@matreforestry.com
Jerry Mull, Landmart, (478) 452-5180, jerry@landmart.com
Mike Newsome, US Land & Farms, LLC, (478) 238-6560, mike@uslaf.com
Calvert Pipkin, Landmart, (478) 452-5180, cal@landmart.com
Kevin Teston, Mossy Oak Properties of Augusta, (706) 854-0056, kteston@ mossyoakproperties.com
Jesse Thompson, Southeastern Land Group, (770) 317-5235, jwthompson1968@gmail.com
James Walker, Whitetail Properties, (404) 216-9061, james.walker@ whitetailproperties.com
Connie Clawson, Remax Prestige, (208) 681-7102, connie.clawson@remax.net
Jeff Hawker, United Country Northern Utah Land and Auction, (208) 260-2004, jeffhawker1@gmail.com
Jeff Hunt, Ranch Lands Realty, (208) 2218464, jeff@ranchlands.net
Mark Jones, Robert Jones Realty, (208) 733-0404, mj@rjrealty.com
Trent Jones, Hall and Hall, (208) 6224133, tjones@hallandhall.com
Michael Keady, Berkshire Hathaway, (208) 696-9588, mkeady.27@gmail.com
John Knipe, Knipe Land, (208) 345-3163, janey@knipeland.com
Earl Musick, Musick & Sons Auction & Real Estate Services, (208) 983-0069, earl@ musicklandgroup.com
Cabot Benton, Legacy Land Co, (217) 3712598, cbenton@legacylandco.com
Ray Brownfield, Land Pro LLC, (331) 9993490, ray@landprollc.us
Bradley Chandler, Property Pedder - KW, (618) 791-3289, brad@propertypeddler. com
Ginger Denton, Legacy Land Co, (217) 369-4864, gdenton@legacylandco.com
David Erickson, CBRE, Inc.| Land Services Group, (847) 840-0906, david.erickson@ CBRE.com
Jeff Evans, Whitetail Properties, (217) 2859000, jeff.evans@whitetailproperties.com
Mark Goodwin, Goodwin & Associates Real Estate, LLC, (815) 741-2226, mgoodwin@bigfarms.com
Matthew Harr, Century 21, (815) 5847289, realestate@Matthewharr.com
David Klein, First Mid Ag Services, (309) 665-0961, dklein@firstmid.com
John Leezer, John Leezer Farmland Sales, (309) 286-2221, john@leezeragency.com
Colleen Long, Brummel Realty LLC, (630) 205-2485, Colleen@brummelrealty.com
Mark Mommsen, Martin, Goodrich & Waddell, Inc., (815) 901-4269, Mark. Mommsen@mgw.us.com
John Moss, The Loranda Group, Inc., (800) 716-8189, loranda@loranda.com
Lori Paddock, Legacy Land Co, (765) 2306572, lpaddock@legacylandco.com
Chuck Paddock, Legacy Land Co, (765) 585-8207, cpaddock@legacylandco.com
Amy Rogus, Century 21, (815) 210-8633, amy@ilruralagent.com
James Shannon, Tillable, Inc, (773) 7175572, james.shannon@tillable.com
Brian Swartz, harVestco, LLC, (217) 3552085, bswartz@harvestco.com
Brandon Swartzlander, Midwest Farm & Land Co., (618) 322-1675, brandon. swartzlander@midwestfarmco.com
Travis Tarrant, Tarrant and Harman Real Estate and Auction Co., (618) 433-9436, travis@tarrantandharman.com
Brett Videon, RE/MAX, (618) 499-2520, bvideon@remax.net
Brian Waibel, Waibel Farmland Services, (217) 590-0233, brian@ waibelfarmlandservices.com
Rob Warmbir, RW Property Services LLC, (815) 693-4063, warmbir1@gmail.com
Scott Whittington, The Land Guys, (217) 899-1240, scott@landguys.net
Robert Woodrow, Farmland Solutions LLC, (217) 496-3500, robwoodrow@ farmlandsolutionsllc.com
Luke Worrell, Worrell Land Services, (217) 245-1618, lukew@worrell-landservices.com
Larry Bye, Mossy Oak Properties Hoosier Land Farm, (812) 365-9333, lbye@ mossyoakproperties.com
Karen McCartin Foster, Bershire Hathaway HomeService Parks and Weisberg Realtors, (502) 552-0411, kfoster@bhhspw.com
Patrick Karst, Halderman Real Estate Services Inc., (260) 563-8888, patk@ halderman.com
Jeff Michalic, Mossy Oak Properties Indiana Land Lifestyle, (765) 505-4155, jeffm@mossyoakproperties.com
Delmar Wagler, Integrity Realty Group, (812) 787-2683, dww@integrityar.net
Hinnerk Wolters, Hageman Realty, (317) 517-0753, hinnerk.wolter@hagemangroup.com
Nick Boley, Mossy Oak Properties Boley Real Estate, (319) 293-2575, nboley@ mossyoakproperties.com
Tyler Boley, Mossy Oak Properties Boley Real Estate - Albia, (641) 799-7837, tboley@mossyoakproperties.com
Ed Spencer, Ed Spencer Real Estate, (712) 644-2151, edspencerrealestate@gmail.com
Michelle Weinzetl, The Peoples Company, (763) 300-5055, Michelle@ PeoplesCompany.com
Brandy Criss Engler, EK Real Estate, (785) 383-3169, bbmcriss@yahoo.com
Josh Fiscus, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Fiscus Land Co., (620) 795-2228, jfiscus@mossyoakproperties.com
Alan Howard, Results Realty/Results Land Co., (620) 465-3499, alan@resultsre.com
Zurick Labrier, Mason Morse Ranch Company, (806) 680-3729, zurick@ ranchland.com
Angeliina Lawson, National Land Realty, (913) 972-1661, angeliina@nationalland.com
Cameron Roth, Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers, (785) 917-0867, cameron@vaughnroth.com
Dan Whitney, Kansas Land Advisors, (913) 927-4818, dwhitney@landadvisors.com
John Wildin, Hall and Hall, (620) 6620411, jwildin@hallandhall.com
Matt Wonser, Mossy Oak Properties, (620) 325-4046, mwonser@mossyoakproperties.com
Stephen J B Davis, Keller Williams, (248) 880-7193, stephen@sjbdgroup.com
Terry Garmon, American Land & Farm, (270) 392-1170, terry@ americanlandandfarm.com
Scott Meredith, Keller Williams, (270) 7912538, scottmeredith@kw.com
Paul Thomas, Mossy Oak Properties, (270) 537-4422, pthomas@mossyoakproperties.com
Barbara Bonnette, Bonnette Auction Company, LLC, (318) 443-6614, barbara@ bonnetteauctions.com
Gerald Brown, Brown Realty, (318) 7289544, jbrown@brownrealtyco.com
Jay Davidson, Wildlife Land Group, (337) 780-1730, jay@wildlifelandgroup.com
Paul Ferrell, Mossy Oak Properties, (318) 795-2490, pferrell@mossyoakproperties.com
Kirt Guidry, Kirt J. Guidry Real Estate, (800) 375-9518, guidryrealestate@yahoo.com
Josh Hanson, Lark Realty, (318) 747-9300, josh@la-ark.com
David Hooper, United Country, (318) 4539101, dhooper4@hotmail.com
Pam Pelafigue, Mossy Oak Properties of Louisiana - Lake Charles, (318) 795-2490, ppelafigue@mossyoakproperties.com
Pat Porter, RecLand Realty, (318) 2814900, office@recland.net
Maureen Harmonay, Coldwell Banker, 978-502-5800, Maureen.Harmonay@ nemoves.com
Brandon Cropsey, Mossy Oak Properties Michigan Land and Lakes, (269) 357-7036, bcropsey@mossyoakproperties.com
Lindsey Brown, The Peoples Company, (701) 371-5538, Lindsey@ PeoplesCompany.com
Terri Jensen, National Land Realty, (507) 382-0908, mnlandrealtor@gmail.com
David Belden, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 415-3884, dbelden@tomsmithland. com
Alan Bridevaux, Doug Rushing Realty, Inc., (601) 249-3400, alan@dougrushingrealty.com
Bo Burkes, Burkes Land Brokers, (601) 4161808, boburkes@hotmail.com
Clif Cannon, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 898-2772, clif@tomsmithland.com
Bill Crigler, Mossy Oak Properties Land Investments - Vicksburg, (318) 201-0744, bcrigler@mossyoakproperties.com
Ken Hall, Mossy Oak Properties Land Investments - Jackson, (601) 362-0059, khall@mossyoakproperties.com
Adam Hester, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 506-5058, adam@tomsmithland.com
Kerry Howell, Mossy Oak Properties
Howell Howell Est. Land, (601) 267-5141, khowell@mossyoakproperties.com
Scott Lindsey, United Country Southern States Realty, (601) 250-0017, SouthernStatesRealty@gmail.com
John Lott, Nix-Tann Associates-Oxford, (662) 515-2244, Lottscp@gmail.com
Steve Martens, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 573-2962, steve@tomsmithland.com
Robert McCraw, Crew Land Company, LLC, (601) 498-9143, rmccraw9@gmail.com
Matt McLemore, Mossy Oak Properties, (972) 816-4738, mmclemore@ mossyoakproperties.com
Tom Middleton, Mossy Oak Properties, (601) 304-0744, tmiddleton@ mossyoakproperties.com
Mike Mitchell, South and Company Properties, (601) 909-8440, mike@ mslandagent.com
Brad Morrison, Mossy Oak Properties, (816) 259-5104, bmorrison@ mossyoakproperties.com
Michael Oswalt, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 898-2772, michael@ tomsmithland.com
Marilyn Sappington, Mossy Oak Properties, (662) 488-5477, msappington@ mossyoakproperties.com
Blake Sasser, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 757-5027, blake@tomsmithland.com
Chad Smith, LandMax, (601) 835-5050, chad@landmaxproperties.com
Preston Smith, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (601) 209-7150, preston@tomsmithland.com
Tom Smith, Tom SmithLand and Homes, (601) 454-9397, Tom@TomSmithLand.com
Anthony Steen, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (662) 645-5151, anthony@ tomsmithland.com
Rick Taylor, Mossy Oak Properties Forest Investments, Inc., (601) 341-1131, rtaylor@ mossyoakproperties.com
Wesley Webb, Mossy Oak Properties of Tupelo, (662) 844-1681, wwebb@ mossyoakproperties.com
Bruce West, Tom Smith Land and Homes, (662) 873-3007, bruce@tomsmithland.com
Dennis West, Backwoods Land Company, (601) 248-4396, dennis@backwoodsland.com
Brittany Williams, Doug Rushing Realty, Inc., (601) 249-3400, alan@ dougrushingrealty.com
Fred Zepponi III, Mossy Oak Properties, Bottomland Real Estate, (662) 495-1121, fzepponi@mossyoakproperties.com
Larry Allen, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Hahn, (660) 359-7697, Lallen@ bhhshahnrealtors.com
Sierrah Ballard, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Land Lake, (417) 859-4868, sballard@mossyoakproperties.com
Bryan Bass, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland - BB Land Sales, LLC - Lamar, (417) 214-6583, bbass@ mossyoakproperties.com
Brett Boykin, Small Town Hunting Properties, (662) 820-6345, brett@ smalltownproperties.com
Phillip Brown, Trophy Properties and Auction, (636) 527-5263, leads@trophypa.com
Jason H. Cole, United Country Real Estate, (800) 999-1020, thirdpartyleads@ unitedcountry.com
Mark Corwin, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland - Blue Springs, (816) 699-1923, mcorwin@mossyoakproperties.com
Dean Eshelman, Eshelman Real Estate Group, (636) 524-6080, Dean@ EshelmanRealEstateGroup.com
Dan Hertzog, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland MD Land Sales, LLC, (660) 8855263, dhertzog@40nationalland.com
Chris Hinkle, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Dirt Sales, LLC, (417) 226-3478, chinkle@mossyoakproperties.com
Mark James, Results Realty and Auction, (573) 341-8200, mark@resultsrea.com
Jennifer Janet, Coldwell Banker Professional Associates, (573) 547-1000, jennifer.janet@coldwellbanker.com
Will Johnson, House Theory Realty, (417) 327-4894, will@417theory.com
Kelly Johnston, Keller Williams, (314) 4122288, kellyjohnston@kw.com
Kathy Loew, Lake Homes and Land Sales, (515) 391-1677, kathy@molakeandland.com
Adam Mikesch, Premier Farm and Realty Group and Auction, (314) 541-0389, amikesch@pfrgrp.com
Brian Peck, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Land Lakes Properties, LLC - Marshfield, (417) 859-4868, bpeck@ mossyoakproperties.com
Tiffanie Shook, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Town Country LLC, (636) 4325279, tshook@mossyoakproperties.com
Chad Shook, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Ozark Heritage, LLC, (417) 2346740, cshook@mossyoakproperties.com
Dewayne Sprenger, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Central Missouri Land Homes, LLC, (573) 635-3544, dsprenger@ mossyoakproperties.com
Shawn Terrel, United Country - Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, (816) 420-6237, sterrel@unitedcountry.com
Brian Utecht, Whitetail Properties, (417) 766-5595, brian.utecht@whitetailproperties.com
Cody Weeks, 37 North Realty Group, (417) 255-3801, cody@37northrealty.com
Jason Winter, West Central Auction Company, (816) 884-1987, jasonbwinter@ me.com
Cody Adams, Ramblin West LLC, (406) 570-1571, cody.adams@evrealestate.com
Bill Bahny, Bill Bahny & Associates, (406) 449-7844, bbahny@mt.net
Cody Bahny, Bahny Realty, (406) 4612824, Cbahny@mt.net
Caleb Campbell, Western Ranch Brokers, (406) 579-6812, caleb@ westernranchbrokers.com
Cody Carestia, Ursus Montana Realty, (406) 490-0973, Cody@ ursusmontanarealty.com
Staci Corder, Corder and Associates, LLC, (406) 622-3224, Staci@Corderland.com
Patricia Davis, PEDE & Associates, (406) 570-1541, pdavis52@gmail.com
Colter Devries, Ranch Investor, (406) 4251027, colter@ranchinvestor.com
Theresa Devries, Hall and Hall, (406) 8399726, theresa@hallandhall.com
B Elfland, Hall and Hall, (406) 577-3742, belfland@hallandhall.com
Erik Erickson, RE/MAX Experts Land and Ranch, (406) 861-5558, erik. landandranch@gmail.com
Gregory Fay, Fay Ranches Inc., (406) 5864001, info@fayranches.com
Ryan Flair, Hall and Hall, (406) 577-3743, rflair@hallandhall.com
Rod Freeman, BHHS Montana Properties, (406) 369-0320, rod@ bitterroothorseproperty.com
Mike Germann, Mossy Oak Properties of Montana - Gallatin, (406) 580-4842, mgermann@mossyoakproperties.com
David M. Johnson, Hall and Hall, (406) 586-4213, davej@hallandhall.com
Kate Jones, eXp Realty LLC, (406) 2701043, kat@jonesmontana@gmail.com
Janet King, Berkshire Hathaway Hamilton MT, (406) 369-4313, jan.king@bhhsmt.com
Ryan Laubach, Laubach Ranch & Land Co., (406) 223-1056, ryan@laubachranchland.com
Joel Leadbetter, Hall and Hall, (406) 5868131, joel@hallandhall.com
Trent Lister, PureWest Ranches, (406) 5950149, Trent@PureWestMT.com
Bill McDavid, Hall and Hall, (406) 3603141, mcdavid@hallandhall.com
Melinda Morton, Clearwater Montana Properties, 406.260.0472, melindakmorton@gmail.com
Tim Murphy, Hall And Hall, (406) 5773741, tmurphy@hallandhall.com
Dolly Nickerson, Engel & Völkers Livingston, (406) 698-7606, dolly.nickerson@ evrealestate.com
Stacy Ossorio, Engel & Völkers, (406) 5398553, stacy.ossorio@gmail.com
Andy Rahn, Montana Land Source, (406) 580-6882, andy@rahnland.com
Tracy Raich, Raich Montana Properties LLC, (406) 223-8418, tracy@tracyraich.com
Lincoln Roberts, Engel and Völkers, (406) 581-6283, bigskylincoln@gmail.com
Randy C Shelton, Hall and Hall, (406) 696-4966, rshelton@hallandhall.com
PollyAnna Snyder, Engel & Völkers, (406) 600-2477, pollyanna.snyder@evrealestate.com
Mike Swan, Swan Land Company, (406) 522-7342, info@swanlandco.com
James H Taylor, Hall and Hall, (406) 6567500, taylor@hallandhall.com
Jane Tecca, Montana Property Brokers, (406) 946-0097, jane@ montanaproeprtybrokers.com
Deke Tidwell, Hall and Hall, (406) 5447191, dtidwell@hallandhall.com
Jim Toth, Western Ranch Brokers, (406) 539-2550, Jim@WesternRanchBrokers.com
Tony Eggleston, Agri Affiliates, (308) 5349240, tony@agriaffiliates.com
Mark Johnson, Hall and Hall, (402) 3221991, mjohnson@hallandhall.com
Donald Kracke, Kracke Real Estate, (402) 432-3462, don@donaldkracke.com
Michael Lashley, Lashley Land, (308) 5300134, Amy@lashleyland.com
Adam Marshall, Adam Marshall Land & Auction, LLC, (308) 455-4410, adam@ adammarshallauction.com
Duane McClain, Nebraska Land Brokers LLC, (308) 530-0221, Duane@ NebraskaLandBrokers.com
Molly McClure, McClure Land Unlimited Inc., (402) 650-1816, mcclurelandinc@ gmail.com
Gary McCormick, McCormick Appraisal & Consulting LLC, (308) 539-4448 mccormickgl1@gmail.com
Jeff Moon, AgWest Land Brokers, LLC, (308) 995-8067, Jeff.Moon@AgWestLand.com
Bryan North, Lashley Land, (308) 3252858, bryan@lashleyland.com
Koby Rickertsen, RE/MAX Home, Farm & Ranch, (308) 529-0067, kobyr@remax.net
Dan Rohrer, Mossy Oak Properties Homestead Land Management, IncCreighton, (402) 358-5100, drohrer@ mossyoakproperties.com
Philip Rosfeld, Western View Real Estate, (308) 432-6828, philip@ westernviewrealestate.com
Scott Saults, Lashley Land, (308) 2891383, scott@lashleyland.com
Adam Shada, Lashley Land, (402) 9605643, adam@lashleyland.com
Tami Timmerman, Lashley Land, (308) 660-9468, tami@lashleyland.com
Dawn Bear, A Ranch Broker, (775) 7388534, dawnbear@gmail.com
Paul Bottari, Bottari Realty, (775) 7523040, paul@bottarirealty.com
Pete Nevin, Far West, (775) 829-2122, info@farwestrealestate.com
New Mexico
Kevin Bobolsky, Kevin Bobolsky Group, (505) 470-6263, kevin@ kevinbobolskygroup.com
James Delgado, Coldwell Banker Mountain Properties, (505) 699-7472, james.delgado@cbmp.com
Beth Myers, Rafter Cross Realty, LLC, (575) 741-5017, beth@raftercross.com
Tony Trujillo, Mossy Oak Properties Centerfire Realty, LLC, (505) 865-7800, ttrujillo@mossyoakproperties.com
Stacy Turney, Mossy Oak Properties NM Ranch Luxury, LLC, (575) 360-1316, sturney@mossyoakproperties.com
New York
Dan Heisey, New York Land Quest, (607) 844-9690, dan@nylandquest.com
Steve Noga, Dwell Realty Group, (336) 480-8018, landman@thedwellrealtygroup.com
North Carolina
Bud Cook, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Lake Waccamaw, (844) 4805263, budcook@mossyoakproperties.com
Adam Hunnicutt, The Clearwater Group, (336) 552-4238, landbroker@ clearwaterland.net
Kyle Keller, Keller Carolina Group, (704) 906-1693, kyle@kellercarolina.com
Marty Lanier, Rock Creek Land Company, (910) 617-4326, marty@ rockcreeklandcompany.com
Sean Maloy, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Manteo, (844) 4121200, seanmaloy@mossyoakproperties.com
Nick Marinelli, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury, (704) 658-1121, landandluxury@mossyoakproperties.com
Jeff Norwood, Mossy Oak Properties Carolina Timber and Realty, (828) 4774248, jnorwood@mossyoakproperties.com
Matthew Peachey, United Country Carolina Properties, (704) 433-2395, matt@ uccarolina.com
Chris Scruggs, We Sell WNC Team at Keller Williams Mountain Partners, (828) 727-7926, chris@wesellwncteam.com
Andrew Walters, Mossy Oak Properties, (844) 480-5263, awalters@ mossyoakproperties.com
North Dakota
Joe Bender, Four Seasons Realty, (701) 389-8934, joebender@live.com
Darin Milbrath, Dakota Plains Realty, LLC, (701) 306-0461, darin@dakotaplainsrealty.com
Brian Bauer, Mossy Oak Properties Bauer Real Estate, Company, (614) 949-6764, bbauer@mossyoakproperties.com
Jon Collins, Mossy Oak Properties Bauer Real Estate Company - Frazeysburg, (614) 419-3924 jcollins@mossyoakproperties.com
Tyler McConnell, Comey & Shepherd Realtors, (513) 582-1126, tylerm@comey.com
Melissa Smithberger, Smithberger Realty, (740) 213-4037, melissasmithberger@gmail.com
Drew Ary, KW Advantage, (918) 8845263, drew@arylandco.com
Robert Bahe, World Class Ranches/ Accredited Land Brokers, (918) 426-6006, bob@worldclassranches.com
Bobby Bennett, Bennett LAND & Home, (405) 308-7880, bennettland21@gmail.com
David Briscoe, Keller Williams, (405) 9487500, davidbriscoe@kw.com
Kasey Bullock, Re/Max Signature, (580) 430-1090, kasey@ bullockhomeandland.com
Alicia Butler, eXp Realty LLC, (918) 2006449, aliciabutlerrealty@gmail.com
Rod Canterbury, RE/MAX Advantage, (918) 424-1505, rodcanterbury@remax.net
Chuck Clark, Red River Realty, (580) 9249595, redriverrealty@yahoo.com
Audra Craycraft, Keller Williams Realty, (405) 714-8771, acraycraft@kw.com
Michael Daniels, Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Oklahoma AgRec Land, LLC., (580) 317-3412, mdaniels@ mossyoakproperties.com
Patty Dingle, Patty Dingle Home and Land, (580) 889-7977, patty_dingle@yahoo.com
Debbie Durkee, National Land Realty, (918) 724-8201, ddurkee@nationalland.com
Eric Fine, Porches and Pastures, (918) 6802673, Eric@PorchesandPastures.com
Greg Ganzkow, Coldwell Banker Select Land & Ranch Division, (918) 381-5656, gganzkow@cbtulsa.com
Levi Garrett, Mossy Oak Properties, (580) 421-3165, lgarrett@mossyoakproperties.com
Jeff Henry, Cross Timbers Land, (918) 2871996, jeff@crosstimbersland.com
Aneel Irfan, LandFix, (469) 599-5263, aneel@landfix.com
Candi Jensen, eXp Realty LLC, (918) 9318177, candi.jensen@exprealty.com
Bethany Kreutzer, RE/MAX Advantage, (918) 558-5856, bkranchgirl@outlook.com
Zurick Labrier, Mason Morse Ranch Company, (806) 680-3729, zurick@ ranchland.com
Troy Lippard, Lippard Auctioneers, (580) 237-7174, angie@lippardauctions.com
Brent Lyday, Coldwell Banker, (580) 5044608, brentlyday@vanmeterrealty.com
Jim Miller, Keller Williams Realty Elite, (405) 637-7960, jim@homes4ok.com
Robbie Potts, Mossy Oak Properties of The Heartland Midwest Farm and Land, (405) 929-9383, rpotts@mossyoakproperties.com
Gavin Price, Price Realty Group, (214) 5071806, gavin@price-realty.com
Richard Senn, 1776 Land Co. - Powered by Fathom Realty, (918) 600-7509, rich.senn@ gmail.com
Sloan Smith, Great Plains Land Company, (405) 255-0051, sloan@greatplains.land
Michael Stone, 6 Strand Land Co, (580) 877-7653, mike@6strandlandco.com
Dan Ward, Legendary Land Co., (405) 206-0914, dan@legendary.land
Brent Wellings, Schrader + Wellings, Real Estate & Auction Company, (405) 3325505, brent@schraderwellings.com
Vicki Wiggins, Wiggins Auctioneers, (580) 233-3066, stephanie@wigginsauctioneers.com
Eric Zellers, Keller Williams, (918) 6917007, Eric@AryLandCo.com
Kristian Carpenter, Cascade Sotheby’s, (541) 383-7600, accounting@cascadesir.com
Patricia Cordoni, Cascade Sotheby’s, (541) 588-6614, patty.cordoni@cascadesir.com
Tom Harrison, Oregon Opportunities Real Estate, (541) 944-3131, info@orop.com
Brook Havens, Cascade Sotheby’s, (541) 923-1376, brookmhavens@gmail.com
Colton Jacobson, Horsepower Real Estate, (541) 510-1670, oregonrualproperty@ gmail.com
Linda Long, Crater Lake Realty, Inc, (541) 783-2759, linda@craterlakerealtyinc.com
Julie Mansfield Smith, Mossy Oak Properties Cupper Creek Land Company, (541) 934-2946, jmsmith@ mossyoakproperties.com
Brian Meece, RE/MAX Key Properties, (541) 480-1630, www.brianmeece. remaxagent.com
Jake Moorhead, Cascade Sotheby’s, (541) 383-7600, dan.fox@cascadesir.com
Rachel Rhoden, Cascade Sotheby’s, (541) 771-6252, rachel@teamrhoden.com
Greg Sackos, Intermountain Realty Inc, (541) 523-4434, gsackos@yahoo.com
Brad Schaffer, Mossy Oak Properties, (541) 733-9727, bschaffer@ mossyoakproperties.com
Ken Thomas, Ken Thomas LLC, (541) 4932776, ken@kenthomasrealestate.com
Brett Veach, Agri-Investment Services Group, (503) 708-4663, bveatch@agisg.com
Jim Whitney, Whitney Land Company, (541) 601-4433, jim@whitneylandcompany.com
Elaine Shetler-Libent, Keller Williams, (724) 681-0412, eshetlerlibent@kw.com
South Carolina
Alex Campbell, Huff Creek Properties, (864) 901-3869, acampbell@ naiearlefurman.com
Todd Crosby, Crosby Land Company, (843) 782-5700, toddcrosby@crosbylandco.com
Jared Griffith, Crosby Land Company, Inc., (843) 782-5700, jaredgriffith@ crosbylandco.com
Jason Hewett, Private Land Management, Inc, (843) 247-2009, plm2010@me.com
Dustin McClure, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury, (704) 658-1121, dmcclure@mossyoakproperties.com
Mark McMillan, Advance Land and Timber, (803) 957-9503, markm@ advancelandandtimber.com
Alex Nixon, Crosby Land Co, (843) 5606196, alexnixon@crosbylandco.com
South Dakota
John DuRant, Mossy Oak Properties Black River Land and Home, (803) 435-4800, jdurant@mossyoakproperties.com
Mike Gustafson, Peoples Company, (605) 400-1909, mike.gustafson@ peoplescompany.com
Mark Heyn, Heyn Real Estate, (605) 8900006, mark.heyn@kw.com
Michael Warwick, Great Peaks Realty, (605) 641-2569, michaelwarwick23@ gmail.com
George Baird, Landmark, (901) 483-0373, gbaird@landmarkag.net
Wesley Binkley, RE/MAX, (615) 3642329, wes@wesbinkley.com
Joshua Christain, National Land Realty, (865) 235-8655, joshua.christian.agent@ gmail.com
Elliot Davenport, The Wings Group, (423) 364-2092, elliott@wingsgroupllc.com
Debra Dodd, No. 1 Quality Realty, (931) 243-6401, debradodd@no1qualityrealty.com
Brad Hawkins, Mossy Oak Properties Dixie Land Wildlife, (731) 610-2473, bhawkins@ mossyoakproperties.com
Todd Henon, Todd Henon Properties, (423) 413-4507, todd@Toddhenon.com
Geoff Hurdle, Hurdle Land & Realty, (615) 815-9364, geoffhurdle@gmail.com
Dennis Jolley, Mossy Oak Properties Tennessee Land Farm - Clarksville, (615) 8120654, djolley@mossyoakproperties.com
Lisa Mays, Keller Williams, (615) 4063067, lisamays@kw.com
Lisa McBride, Clinch Mountain Realty and Auction, (865) 993-5263, clinchmtnrealty@ gmail.com
Gabrielle Mcintosh, Find a Home In Tennessee Team; eXp Realty, LLC, (262) 3374567, gabbiemac@findahomeintn.com
Brandon Olinger, United Country, (423) 498-3649, brandon@ southeastlandsolutions.com
Steven Patterson, Patterson Farmand Land, (931) 231-6986, Stevenpatterson@kw.com
Greg Seat, Cumberland Land Company, (615) 397-1638, greg@ cumberlandlandcompany.com
Amy Shrader, TNRealEstateGal, (423) 748-8811, amy@easttnlakelife.com
John Simmons, Simmons Land Company, (901) 828-5500, simmonslandcompany@ mac.com
Bob Turner, Lakeview Holdings, LLC, (901) 302-8901, bturner@southernprop.net
Henry Walker, Keller Williams Realty, (615) 319-0168, henrywalker@kw.com
Alex Webel, The Wings Group, (434) 9891199, alex@wingsgroupllc.com
Clayton Acker, Acker Properties Group Keller Williams Central, (469) 467-7755, ackerclayton@gmail.com
Bryan Alexander, Thompson Land Company, (979) 323-8868, landandmaps@ gmail.com
Wilson Allen, West Pole Partners, LLC, (512) 762-2563, sonny@westpolepartners.com
Chad Andrus, Mock Ranches, (281) 9395019, chadandrus@kw.com
Charles Armstrong, Capital Ranch Sales, (512) 997-8855, charles@capitalranchsales.com
Mike Bacon, Texas Ranch Brokers LLC, (512) 756-7718, mike@txranchbrokers.com
Halle Beeler, eXp Realty LLC, (325) 3041425, halle@halleshomes.com
Justin Bierschwale, Bierschwale Land Company, LLC, (325) 446-3052, jbierschwale@gmail.com
Steve Bilicek, Texas Ag Realty, (281) 4972774, steve@texasagrealty.com
Carroll Bobo, Bobo Realty & Land Company, (903) 530-2475, carrollbobo@ boborealty.com
Jeff Boswell, Republic Ranches, (713) 3048186, bos@republicranches.com
Von Box, Box Land Co, (817) 832-9629, Von@BoxLandCo.com
Dee Brabham, Texas Land Group, (979) 732-5263, dee@txlandgroup.com
Lindi Braddock, Coldwell Banker Properties UnLTD, (979) 836-0011, lindi.camaron@ coldwellbanker.com
Greg Browning, Joe David Yates and Associates, (512) 317-2288
Rex Bumpus, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Lampasas Division, (512) 556-6600, rexbumpus@mossyoakproperties.com
Mac Burns, Burns Forestry, (936) 5443622, mack@burnsforestry.com
Wayne Cameron, The Ranch Group, (210) 288-7736, wayne@theranchgroup.com
Boone Campbell, Campbell Farm and Ranch, (940) 282-5500, boone@cfrland.com
Josue Carbajal, Liv Texas, (936) 641-3340, josue@livtexas.com
Norma Carleton, Keller Williams RealtyCarleton Real Estate Group, (512) 5766755, consultcarleton@cs.com
Gregory Carlson, The Carlson Group ATX, (512) 840-9502, greg@carlsongroupatx.com
Cynthia Castleberry, Century 21 Gold Award Realty, (903) 221-3016, cscastleberry3@gmail.com
Timothy Clark, Clark Real Estate Group, (817) 578-0609, tim@clarkreg.com
Mitchell Classen, Classen Realty Group, (512) 971-3415, mitchellclassen@ classenrealtygroup.com
Mac A Coalson, Coalson Real Estate, (940) 682-4993, Mac@Coalson.com
Catherine Cole, Heritage Texas Properties, (979) 251-0603, cathy@ heritagetexascountry.com
Chip Cole, Chip Cole & Associates, Ranch Brokers, (325) 655-3555, chipcole@ verizon.net
Stephen Collins, Keller Williams Realty, (469) 544-2465, stephencollins@ harkerteam.com
Leah Cox, JPAR Real Estate, (903) 4569507, Leahcox@leah-cox.com
Cody Creamer, eXp Realty LLC, (817) 8892953, creamerrealestate@gmail.com
Jonathan Davis, eXp Realty in Houston, (713) 724-1685, Jonathan.B.Davis@ exprealty.com
Michael Davis, Landmark Associates, (903) 572-1151, michael@c21lm.com
Jonathan Day, Heritage Creek Real Estate, LLC., (325) 315-3127, marketinghcre@gmail.com
Jerry DeBord, DeBord Real Estate, (325) 597-4357, jerry@debordrealestate.com
Andy Deck, Keller Williams, (512) 5890290, aadeck@gmail.com
James Dolezalek, RE/MAX Signature Properties, (903) 815-6166, jamesdolezalek1970@gmail.com
Marc Dupre, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Katy Division, (832) 689-2211, mdupre@mossyoakproperties.com
Esther Easter, Double E Properties, (254) 723-4395, land@EstherEaster.com
Monty Edwards, M. Edwards Realtors, (806) 686-6371, monty@medwardsrealtors.com
Rick Fairchild, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas, (830) 834-0485, rfairchild@hctc.net
Robert Findley, Realty Insight, (281) 7936656, robert.d.findley@att.net
Andy Flack, HomeLand Properties, (936) 295-2500, agents@homelandprop.com
Cheryl Fowlkes, Superior Town & Country Realty, LLC, (512) 749-8509, superiorfarmandranch@gmail.com
Carell Freeman, Carell T Freeman, (281) 844-3130, carellfreeman@earthlink.net
Jerry French, Century 21 Kerrville, (830) 895-1801, jerryfrench@c21thehills.com
Chris Frickel, Keller Williams Land, (512) 820-1475, cfrickel@kw.com
Steve Fryar, KW Brazos West, (325) 6421158, stevefryar@kw.com
Kristi Galbraith, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Galbraith Realty Group, (817) 9171413, kristi@mossyoakproperties.com
Anna Garcia, South Coastal Realty, LLC, (361) 225-7900, klrw716@kw.com
Harry Gibbs, Keller Williams, (512) 6269289, hgccim@gmail.com
Bryan Glass, Glass Land and Home, (903) 517-5889, bryan@glasslandandhome.com
Cari Goeke, Southern District Properties Group, (979) 203-7307, soldbycarig@ gmail.com
Greg Good, Clift Land Brokers, (806) 2288140, greg@cliftlandbrokers.com
Wendy Greenough, Century 21 BHJ Realty, Inc., (307) 217-1451, wendy@ c21bhj.com
Brett Grier, Hall and Hall, (817) 357-7347, bgrier@hallandhall.com
Jared Groce, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Cross Timbers Land Home, (940) 600-1313, jgroce@mossyoakproperties.com
JT Grubbs, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Headquarters Division, (833) 466-7389, jtgrubbs@mossyoakproperties.com
Raymond Grubbs, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Jacksonville Division, (877) 7772062, rgrubbs@mossyoakproperties.com
Waylon Grubbs, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Headquarters Division, (833) 4667389, moreoftexas@mossyoakproperties.com
Brian Haile, Haile realty Group KW, (254) 335-0500, brianhaile@kw.com
Glenda Hall, Glenda Hall Real Estate, (254) 749-6307, glenda@glendahall.com
Jennifer Hamilton, Hamilton Real Estate Group, (956) 763-1762, jhamilton08@mac.com
Renee Harvey, Century 21 Harvey Properties, (903) 785-8484, rharvey@ c21php.com
Dan Hatfield, Hatfield Realty Inc., (830) 995-4000, hat@hctc.net
JT Haynes, Triangle Realty, (806) 3678334, jamieh@trianglerealtyllc.com
Richard Hefley, Coldwell Banker, (806) 898-1786, richardhefley@sbcglobal.net
Katrina Heifner, RE/MAX Town & Country, (214) 244-3664, katrina@katrinaheifner.com
Gary Helmcamp, Tri-County Realty, LLC, (979) 725-6006, office@tricountyrealestate.com
Justin Hernandez, Keller Williams, (512) 689-0605, justinHDZ@kw.com
Kim Hill, Gore Realestate Group, (254) 248-0809, kim@hillcountrypros.com
Susan Hilton, Century 21 Beal, (979) 2193970, susanh@century21bcs.com
Rande Hodde, Hodde Real Estate, (979) 203-7050, rhodde@hodderealty.com
Lindsey Hollin, Texas Rural Land Sales, (830) 739-5469, lindsey@ texasrurallandsales.com
Don Honeycutt, Longhorn Realty LLC, (512) 289-2121, don@longhornrealty.net
Blake Hortenstine, Hortenstine Ranch Company, (214) 361-9191, blake@hrcranch.com
Brittney Horton, Keller Williams, (830) 928-1919, brittneyshorton@kw.com
Deryl Hoyt, Hoyt Real Estate, (325) 2050601, dwhoyt@sansabarealestate.com
Belinda Hyland, Keller Williams, (832) 335-0887, bhyland@kw.com
Mark Inyart, Blue Indie Realty, (281) 8456249, minyart@gmail.com
Larry Jacobs, Jacobs Properties, (936) 597-3301, larrytxland@gmail.com
Tyler Jacobs, Hall and Hall, (979) 6909933, tjacobs@hallandhall.com
Thomas Johnston, The Real Estate Ranch, LLC, (432) 934-3333, re.rancher@ therealestateranch.com
Patrick Kothmann, RD Kothmann Real Estate, (325) 446-3013, kothmannre@ verizon.net
Zurick Labrier, Mason Morse Ranch Company, (806) 680-3729, zurick@ ranchland.com
Thomas Lee, Lee, Lee, & Puckitt Associates LLC, (325) 655-6989, llp@wcc.net
Karen Lenz, Trinity Ranch Land, (254) 7254181, karen@trinityranchland.com
Lem (Joseph) Lewis, The Ranch Broker, (830) 232-5499, lem@landandranchrealty.com
Jay Leyendecker, Hall and Hall, (956) 337-2808, jay@hallandhall.com
Jim Long, Southwest Ranch & Farm Sales, (972) 542-8511, jim@swranchsales.com
Rusty Lowe, Century 21 Harvey Properties, (903) 782-4010, rustylowe@c21php.com
Monte Lyons, Hall and Hall, (806) 6986882, mlyons@hallandhall.com
Allison Mahfouz, Stone Peak Realty, (713) 303-3951, Allison@AllisonMahfouz.com
Jeff Markham, Markham Realty, (936) 295-5989, jeff@markhamrealty.com
Connie McCord, Hill Country Home and Land, (210) 971-0095, connie@ hchomeandland.com
Matt McLemore, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Wichita Falls Division, (940) 7818475, mmclemore@mossyoakproperties.com
Sam Middleton, CS Middleton and Son, (806) 763-5331, sam@csmandson.com
Kasey Mock, Mock Ranches, (512) 3303256, Kasey@mockranches.com
Rich Montgomery, Century 21 Beal, (936) 218-8488, richm@century21bcs.com
Heather Morrison, Keller Williams, (512) 940-0565, heather.morrison@kw.com
Shelly Moschak, Bevers Real Estate, (979) 251-1343, Shelly.BeversRealEstate@gmail.com
Everette Newland, North Texas Real Estate, (940) 565-8326, madison@ northtexasrealestate.com
Justin Newland, North Texas Ranch Brokers, (940) 594-9882, jnewland@ northtexasrrealestate.com
Vanessa Nunez, eXp Realty LLC, (512) 7505716, vanessa.nunez@exprealty.com
David Ortiz, The Ortiz Firm, (817) 9966604, david@theortizfirm.com
Robert Pahmiyer, TDR Real Estate Group KW, (281) 224-2094, robert.pahmiyer@kw.com
Janis Penick, Janis Penick Team RE/MAX, (512) 921-9134, janis@janispenick.com
James Peterson, LoneStar Properties, (830) 249-7979, james@petersonteamtx.com
Johnny Petty, Rafter R Realty, (806) 333-, dana@rafterrrealty.com
Wade Phillips, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Ranch Division, (210) 483-7070, wphillips@cbharper.com
Clayton Pilgrim, Century 21 Harvey Properties, (903) 767-1628, clayton@ c21php.com
Jon Price, Price Realty Group, (918) 4209118, jon@price-realty.com
Max Ramsey, Mock Ranches, (512) 4484111, maxramsey@mockranches.com
Joseph Rapp, Legacy Ag Group, LLC, (806) 236-1453, jwrapp@legacyaggroup.com
Neal Reeh, Real Estate Advisory Team, (830) 997-3400, neal@nealreeh.com
Jonathan Roberts, Keller Williams Frisco Stars, (972) 821-2112, JonathanRoberts@ kw.com
Deitra Robertson, Deitra Robertson Real Estate, (832) 642-6789, deitra@ iknowranches.com
Garrett Ruple, Ruple Properties, (830) 569-3500, info@rupleproperties.com
Michelle Rushing, M & M Ranch Land Investments, (325) 234-3077, Michelle@ MMRanchLandInvestments.com
Lani Rust, Clark Real Estate, (817) 4546676, lani@clarkereg.com
Tanya Schindler, South Central Real Estate, (361) 865-2563, tanya@sctxsales.com
Stephen Schlein, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Woodland Pines Realty Group, (936) 205-1831, sschlein@mossyoakproperties.com
Jerry Schniederjan, Clift Land Brokers, (806) 679-9407, jerry@cliftlandbrokers.com
Bobby Schwab, Schwab Ranch Investments, (830) 336-3532, sri@gvtc.com
Susan Scott Watts, Keller Williams Advantage Realty, (832) 759-7209, sswatts@kw.com
Eric Seemann, KW San Antonio, (210) 389-6324, eric@victorsgrouptx.com
Tammie Seymore, eXp Realty LLC, (512) 988-2513, sellingshores@gmail.com
Arneta Shams, eXp Realty, LLC, (214) 7046163, arneta.shams@exprealty.com
Marina Sharp Idjabe, White Rock Realty, (979) 777-5568, midjabe@realtyagent.com
Anthony Simpson, Simpson Ranches, (830) 955-1725, anthony@simpsonranches.com
Dino Smith, Texas Ranch Sales LLC, (956) 763-0884, dsmith@texasranchsalesllc.com
Gary Smith, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - Granbury Division, (303) 250-9466, gsmith@mossyoakproperties.com
Sheldon Snyder, Clift Land Brokers, (806) 333-2346, sheldon@cliftlandbrokers.com
Rene Sorola, The Rene Sorola Properties Group, (832) 819-1602, angela@ renesorola.com
Gary Steele, KW LAND, Steele Action Team, (512) 426-9800, gary@ steeleactionteam.com
Teresa Stephens Lee, Stephens Ranch Hand Real Estate, (325) 647-5461, tlee1992@gmail.com
Louis Swope, West and Swope Ranches, (512) 940-0543, lswope@ westandswoperanches.com
Grant Taylor, Silverton Real Estate, (512) 761-5850, grantctaylor10@gmail.com
Minor Taylor, Taylor Land Investments, (281) 235-5566, minor@ taylorlandinvestments.com
Jay Terry, United Country H5 Auction & Realty, (903) 918-9121, jay@ h5auctionandrealty.com
Alexis Thompson, Texas Ranch Sales LLC, (210) 897-9263, athompson@ texasranchsalesllc.com
Charlondra Thompson, Keller Williams, (469) 881-7107, Charlondra.Thompson@ kw.com
Toby Vicknair, Texas Properties Team, (830) 358-8828, toby@texaspropertiesteam.com
Daryl Weems, Twin Bends Realty, (254) 723-1248, daryl@twinbendsrealty.com
Greg West, Mason & Morse Ranch Company, (281) 910-7977, Greg@ ranchland.com
Nolan Whisenhunt, Keller Williams, (817) 733-8122, nolanwhisenhunt@kw.com,
Lewis Whitaker, Whitaker Real Estate, (806) 356-6100, lewis@whitakerrealestate.com
Bob Whitten, Mossy Oak Properties of Texas - San Saba Division, (325) 372-4011, bwhitten@mossyoakproperties.com
Joe Willingham, Willingham 5 Star Properties, (254) 413-0698, joe@w5star.com
Tyler Wright, Findaranch.com, (325) 3964477, tyler@findaranch.com
Joe David Yates, Joe David Yates and Associates, (512) 567-3036, jd@ joedavidyates.com
David Anderson, A5 Real Estate, (801) 449-1842, david@A5realestate.com
Scott Patrick Bates, Bates Land Consortium, Inc., (801) 521-4259, spb@bateslandco.com
Dan Nelson, Highland Commercial, (801) 482-7564, daniel@hciutah.com
McKinley Smoot, Engel & Völkers Park City, (435) 850-7000, mckinley.smoot@ evrealestate.com
David Spujt, eXp Realty LLC, (801) 8977202, david.spjut@exprealty.com
Randy Workman, Century 21, (801) 5606655, randy.workman@century21.net
Danny Graham, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Franklin, (844) 4005263, dgraham@mossyoakproperties.com
Lisa Jalufka, New Millennium, (703) 8582770, lisa.jalufka@c21nm.com
Alexander Long, Weichert Realtors, (540) 226-4486, along@ccim.net
John Seamster, Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Kenbridge, (844) 4805263, jseamster@mossyoakproperties.com
Sam Watts, JW Shelton Auction and Realty, (434) 572-7156, sales@sheltonauctionrealty.com
Colten Abston, Golden West Properties, (253) 906-9627, coltengwp@gmail.com
Anna Marie Dalbey, The Dalbey Team, LLC, (509) 449-6881, annamariedalbey@ kw.com
Alex Duff, eXP Commercial, (206) 6047440, alex.duff@expcommercial.com
Kelly Ringler Flores, Golden West Properties, (253) 278-6999, Kfloresre@ outlook.com
Mark Grant, Northwest First Realtors Farm and Ranch, (509) 520-1906, mark.grant@ heritagelandgroup.com
Amy Honeywell, John L Scott Real Estate, (509) 432-9329, amyhoneywell@johnlscott.com
John Love, Keller Williams Mountain to Sound, (206) 331-1000, john.love@kw.com
Gegory Reich, Coldwell Banker Bain, (253) 677-9283, gregoryreich@cbbain.com
Paul Whitney Johnson III, United Country, (509) 240-6438, Whitney@ UnitedCountryNW.com
Adam Woiblet, Agribusiness Trading Group, (509) 520-6117, adam@ agtradegroup.com
Paul Braun, Mossy Oak Properties of Wisconsin - Princeton, (920) 481-0021, pbraun@mossyoakproperties.com
Travis Hamele, Midwest Lifestyle Properties, (608) 742-5000, travis@hameleauctions.com
Ellery Jensen, Stark Company, (608) 4434818, ejensen@starkhomes.com
Kevin Raether, Land and Legacy Group LLC, (920) 342-0905, kevin@ landandlegacygroup.com
Al Wisnefeske, Land & Legacy Group LLC, (262) 305-7494, al@landandlegacygroup.com
Holly Allison, #1 Properties Ranch and Recreation, (307) 631-1876, holly@ cheyennehomes.com
Byron Barkhurst, White Stone Realty Company, (307) 326-5760, thegoodtimesvalley@outlook.com
Ree Beavers, Mossy Oak Properties Wyoming Outdoors, (307) 455-4100, rbeavers@mossyoakproperties.com
Leebett Calar, Crown Point Properties, (307) 259-1273, info@crownepointprop.com
Galen Chase, Chase Brothers, LLC., (307) 675-1964, galen@chasebrothersllc.com
Cory Clark, Clark & Associates Land Brokers, LLC, (307) 315-1274, admin@ clarklandbrokers.com
Mike Fraley, Hall and Hall, (307) 2780232, mfraley@hallandhall.com
Jeff Garrett, #1 Properties Ranch & Recreation, (308) 672-6334, jeffgarrett@ cheyennehomes.com
Jim Hickey, Engel & Völkers, (307) 4131775, jim.hickey@evusa.com
Creed James, James Land Co., (307) 3263104, creed@jameslandco.com
Ivan Judd, Home Source Realty Inc., (307) 856-4663, ruralhome@wyoming.com
Todd Kittel, RE/MAX The Group, (307) 259-1549, todd.a.kittel@gmail.com
Rita Lovell, Canyon Real Estate, LLC, (307) 899-7092, rita@canyonrealestate.net
Blair Newman, Newman Realty, (307) 532-7131, land@newmanrealty.com
Carlos Ordonez, Hall and Hall, (307) 6906375, cordonez@hallandhall.com
Jim Pederson, Arnold Realty, (307) 7462083, julie@arnoldrealty.com
Robert Pfister, Pfister Land Company LLC, (307) 684-5201, rob@pfisterlandco.com
Tim Rogers, Tim Rogers Real Estate Services, (307) 840-1974, tim@trresi.com
Larry Sutherland, #1 Properties Ranch & Recreation, (307) 634-2222, sales@ cheyennehomes.com
David G. Turner, Engel and Völkers, (307) 751-0552, davidgturner@evrealestate.com
Peter Widener, Hall and Hall, (307) 7633170, pwidener@hallandhall.com
Co-op Members as of June 7, 2023. Contents are as reported by Co-op members. Please email corrections to materials@landbrokercoop.com.