IFMSA Liaison Officer to WHO CANDIDATE FOR THE TERM 2020/2021
In the world where recent economic growth was rapid, political games were at the table of every meeting, it was difficult to make someone stop and listen carefully, think rationally for more than a moment and demand collaborative efforts for areas that were still in the early stages of collaboration. The scene continued until IT happened. After IT, our leaders on various levels - politicians, University representatives, NGOs, - you name it -, were faced with the shortage of innovation, mobilization, non-profit seeking capacity building and general members of society, which would be able to act quickly and contribute to effective response side-by-side to the leaders. The train of preparedness and mutual understanding was already out of the station. Now, there is no specific name for IT, its origin is not clear, the spread and its future - too, so what is the point of this story? The outcome is not directly related to the shortage of such people as there are many of them, to give an example - you are the one, too! I am talking about the preparedness to be interconnected and collaborative, highlighting Meaningful Youth Participation, and more importantly Engagement. Aforementioned values were clearly underdeveloped and lacking in response to many situations, so let’s dig here a bit more. Dear IFMSA Friends, my name is Mindaugas Galvosas, from LiMSA Lithuania, and I am excited to share with you my candidature for the Liaison Officer to World Health Organisation 2020-2021. I have been involved in various positions since the beginning of my NMO years: from LOME to NOME, to IFMSA SCOME RA for Europe, followed by IFMSA External Affairs General Assistant. Moreover, IFMSA has given me many amazing opportunities to grow - I was involved in 5 Sessions Teams, few innovative SWGs and IFMSA training facilitations, AMEE Student Task Force twice, was a delegate to the World Health Summit 2019, attended WHO Regional Committee for Europe, PreWHA and 72nd World Health Assembly, and even was selected as an Organising Committee member for the PreWorld Health Assembly Youth Forum this year, where I was working as an Academic Coordinator for the Meaningful Youth Participation, and later attended the virtual 73rd World Health Assembly. My motivation to build partnerships has highly increased during the 72nd World Health Assembly. I was comfortable to question the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety about some of the IFMSA Priorities, later continuing the negotiations for the Commissioner to attend the EuRegMe in Lithuania. Moreover, the highlight was an incredibly successful meeting between me and fellow Lithuanian medical students attending the WHA that year, and the representatives from the Ministry of Health of Lithuania, including the Minister, and the Ambassador to the UN. We have agreed that Lithuania will have its first Youth Delegate to the upcoming WHO RC and that our NMO will be working with the Ministry to select and prepare the delegate. This agreement came into daylight and I was proud to see my good friend, the first Lithuanian delegate to the WHO RC, reading a statement on behalf of Lithuania during the meeting, where I was also present, representing IFMSA. This eye-opening outcome was a push forward to look for opportunities of promoting youth engagement and building partnerships.
The interest of the World Health Organisation and its relationships with the IFMSA came to me since I was talking to the previous LWHOs: Amine, Charlotte, Katja, and even heard many stories about earlier people in charge. The WHO is going through a transformation period and the key that IFMSA should use is - the WHO’s goal to strengthen the importance of consultations with youth and civil society organisations, and promoting partnerships. I see many ways how these goals could be reached with the IFMSA being at the front lines in representing medical students worldwide and sharing the outcomes of our work. For that - the first steps are communication! Even though the transformation is not completed, and its workforce is rotating, I am familiar with faces from social media and WHO media reports, and have always approached these figures in the IFMSA meetings and high-level external events.The personnel working in the WHO is as friendly as you can imagine - I remember sitting in the venue of the World Health Summit before a session about Primary Health Care, when a person nearby asked me which office of the WHO I am from (as I had a WHO titled bag from the previous WHA). Even after responding that I do not work for the organisation, we have continued the conversation on some topics of work, with the result being happiness in our faces, and contacts for the local NMO. Also, after I gave a statement on behalf of IFMSA in the WHO RC for Europe on the Agenda 2030 and tracking of its goals, I got notes on a great message and clear communication. The Advocacy Working Group on Global Health Workforce in the preWHA I was attending also had some guests from the GHW department of the WHO and encouraged me to further deepen my knowledge in health governance. Lastly, I have always been looking for continuous education and growth opportunities, and therefore was granted financial aid to complete the online ‘Foundations of Global Health’ specialization from the Johns Hopkins University, which is currently in progress. Moreover, I was recently selected to the class of AI in Healthcare program, supported by EIT Health, facilitated by multisectorial experts. A broad understanding of happenings in health, experience with meaningful youth participation and my continuous drive to be up to date with innovations, and be a part of them, are some values I wish to use as the IFMSA LWHO in the next term, if elected. I believe I have the right set of skills at the right time and the right place to serve you, the IFMSA members, as the LWHO in 2020-2021. Being an incredibly purpose-driven person, with a clear human focus, I would make my best to ensure the continuous collaboration between the IFMSA and the World Health Organisation, working further on developed partnerships and establishing new ones, supporting delegations to the WHO meetings and giving my best contribution to the PreWorld Health Assembly, which is the biggest and the only IFMSA Capacity Building event with a full external focus. Innovative approach to problem solving That is a big promise, but I will make it work.
I. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION - IFMSA EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN ACTION World Health Assembly, WHO Executive Board Meeting and the WHO Regional Committees - I would take big steps with the delegations to the WHO meetings to upscale IFMSA stances regarding more effective, accountable and transparent institutions by highlighting these values in the statements to be made and in communication with potential statement supporters/contributors. I would make sure that my support and experience would benefit the delegations as much as possible, be it the ones I lead or the ones led by the Regional Directors, to which I would offer my full support. So far, it was quite rare that IFMSA statements in WHO events are supported by other Non-State Actors, so the area of broadening our partnerships and representation of Civil Society in such meetings can have us, the oldest and biggest youth-led organisation with the official consultancy status to the WHO, taking actions and leading the way. I would also highly encourage IFMSA calls on strengthening the national statistical capacities to address the gaps in data on the 2030 Agenda in order to allow countries to provide high quality, timely, reliable, disaggregated data and statistics and to fully integrate the SDGs and targets in the monitoring and reporting systems, and sharing of best practices in this regard. This year I was closely following the global action and progress towards the SDGs, and it is painful to see Global Sustainable Development Report showing that the progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda continues to be too slow and uneven and that it has either stalled or been reversed in some areas. Also, the effects of the current pandemic have overwhelmed health systems globally, caused businesses and factories to shut down, affected international human mobility, severely impacted the livelihoods of half of the global workforce, exacerbated unemployment, kept hundreds of millions of students out of schools, disproportionately affected people with pre-existing medical conditions, challenged the provision of humanitarian assistance and protection, disrupted global value and supply chains, affecting the supply of products. It is expected to push tens of millions of people back into extreme poverty and hunger. It also poses risks of regression in gender equality and puts effective and transparent institutions at risk. IFMSA has the capacity and could help mobilize the youth, and report on it, so that World Health Organisation and the Member States are aware of how medical students contribute to the solutions of the pandemic.
I. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION - IFMSA EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN ACTION Annual reporting of the collaboration between WHO and International Federation of Medical Students' Associations for the period 2020 - 2021 in the context of Official Relations would also be a task of the LWHO in the upcoming term. I am already familiar with the current report and would follow up the ongoing processes together with the respected LOs as, for instance: Implementation of the PMNCH mentorship programme through IFMSA national associations; Working with Global Health Workforce Network (GHWN) through several strategies, including co-coordination of the Global Human Workforce Network Youth Hub and collaboration with WHO for organization of the 2nd Youth Forum at the 5th Global Forum on Human Resources for Health; Contribution and participation in the development of the WHO reports on, for instance, health implications of climate change, promoted among IFMSA constituencies to guide local and national initiatives; Developing training manuals, as it was done with “Climate and Health: Enabling Students and Young Professionals to Understand and Act Upon Climate Change Using a Health Narrative�, developed in collaboration with WHO; Support WHO in the development of recommendations on environmental health and climate change in medical curricula as it is still an ongoing process; Engage health students in AMR advocacy both nationally and internationally and support WHO to implement knowledge of antimicrobial resistance and stewardship to all health curricula. This year, IFMSA supported the work of the WHO AMR Secretariat in promoting the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) by engaging IFMSA National Member Organizations in the campaign; In collaboration with WHO build capacity of IFMSA association members and medical students to become effective health responders during all phases of the disaster cycle through joint planning for the Training disaster medicine Trainers course; Conduct student led side events during high-level meetings, and social media campaigns in support to end attacks against health services, as agreed with WHO. In the past, the LWHO started many of the IFMSA collaborations and moved them the LOs: NCDs and Climate Change, Social Determinants of Health for the LPH; AMR, Infectious Diseases, NTDs, Pandemic Preparedness, Emergencies for LOSO; PHC, Digital Health for LME; and more. It is clear that as the WHO transformation is under way, more WHO collaborations could be structured and passed to the Standing Committees, so that IFMSA members benefit from it the most. A newly established WHO Academy is now developing the first-ever WHO learning strategy, with an emphasis on emergency preparedness and strengthening the public health response. IFMSA is already contributing with the input from our members, which seeks to strengthen the competencies they need to save lives and improve health outcomes in their communities. I would continue the development and communication to represent the needs of medical students, together with the LOs from the Standing Committees, so that the Academy would be based as much as the demand for specific subjects is present.
I. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION - IFMSA EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN ACTION PreWorld Health Assembly and WHA - would be one of the key tasks of the LWHO. From OC and delegation selection to planning and execution of the event, there are plenty of space for action and amplification of the voices of youth. Here are some steps I would take: Send a call and select the experienced OC, ensuring the regional and gender representation; develop the friendly and comfortable working environment between the members of the OC, so that mental health of every OC member is taken into account and monitored; Improve the concept of the Advocacy Working Groups with the help of the coordinating Academic Coordinator, so that these groups are better prepared for the event and have continuing mentorship through the help of LOs; Explore the way of information delivery so that the capacity building during the event results in hands-on experience, valuable for the WHA, for instance, preparing interventions, approaching externals, social media coverage, etc; Coordinate the Statement distribution with the OC among the LOs and the VPE, based on their areas of expertise and IFMSA Policies; Regional and geneder representation and empowerment among the participants through various-levels of capacity building during the event would be the tasks of the selected OC; Measure the impact of the delegation through tracking the contacts made during the event with the Member State and Non-State Actors, and follow up with potential partners or funding sources; Use the contacts of the LOs to organise possible excursions or visits to the WHO departments for the participant groups, based on their interests; Contact externals and approach new potential partners online or in other conferences and meetings with the invitations to attend the PreWHA as speakers or facilitators; Try to find the balance between the externals-led and the interactive OC and LOs sessions during the event; Continue the partnerships and seek for more funding and scholarship opportunities so that the participation fee could be reduced; Keep the VPE, LOs and EB updated on all the ongoing processes in timely and comprehensive manner; Have a set of resources to be shared after the event with the NMOs; Prepare a report of the event and our delegation to the external partners.
I. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION - IFMSA EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN ACTION Finally, I will promote member and multi-sectorial engagement, and innovative partnerships through developing the concept of annual PreWHA Hackathons, which would ensure the multistakeholder nature, empowering everyone with an idea or willingness to collaborate, and innovate. Advocacy and partnerships, putting knowledge into practice and better preparing for the World Health Assembly by having specific Hackathon problems given for the participants would make IFMSA more visible due to valuable solutions generated in the event, and attractive for the external partners, and potential sponsors. My experience in this area lies in some IFMSA related hackathons (organiser and lead-person in the SCOME Hackathon, SCOME Sessions in EuRegMe 2019; virtual PreWHA Youth Forum Hackathon in 2020), also various health-related international hackathons (Baltic Countries, Lithuania, The Netherlands) as a participant and finalist, being a team-lead, European Union investments application coordinator, and some awards. From my experience and participation, I could clearly state that Youth is a critical agent of change that needs to be taken and grown for their full potential. And IFMSA has the right platform for it, just needing someone experienced to hold the steering wheel, which I imagine being the future TO with the future ITs.
II. SUPPORT & OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL MEMBERS In IFMSA, we should recognize more the special challenges and needs facing the members from the most vulnerable countries, in particular, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, as well as the specific challenges facing many middle-income countries, countries in conflict and post-conflict situations, in pursuing not only the partnerships between the NMOs and, for instance, WHO Country Offices to work side by side on sustainable development, but also having the opportunities and all kinds of support to global health education and IFMSA capacity building events. For that, I see myself working to secure: more financial grants from the Geneva based Alliances and Organisations so that these motivated members in need could get the support in realising their full potential in the upcoming World Health Assemblies; invite the international community and all relevant stakeholders to cooperate and mobilize resources, including through financial and in-kind assistance for the IFMSA by approaching them during upcoming live and virtual events, doing a thorough stakeholder mapping processes and analysing the partnerships of our key stakeholders; secure a great range of speakers throughout the year (not only related to the preWHA event) to be participating in various online capacity building events as webinars, advocacy working groups and potential mentorship programmes; Invite WHO representatives to meaningfully engage and share their expertise in the Theme events of the General Assemblies as well as Regional Meetings.
II. SUPPORT & OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL MEMBERS Engaging with the GPs - should there be specific GP indicators adopted, related to LWHO, I would fulfil them to my highest capacity; if none would be directly related, I would explore opportunities to aid the TO to acomplish them. I will also try to find opportunities for members to get engaged with the WHO, work with delegations and collaborate by organising virtual events and discussion forums during the free time of any IFMSA event, based on the needs of NMOs. The sharing of information during the GAs and RMs could lead to fruitful open space discussions and it is already proven with some results as, for instance, manuals for the NMOs on advocacy, and politics. For Youth Delegate Programs - I would be following up on the great work done by the previous LWHO in collecting the data, contacts (including creation of a mailing list) of the Member States’ Youth Delegates and making sure that available resources, help, and capacity building opportunities are delivered for the members of IFMSA who do not have the Delegate Program yet. My experience in contributing to the first steps of a youth delegate program in Lithuania and its negotiations with the Ministry of Health of Lithuania, also organising the Meaningful National Youth Participation session during the virtual PreWorld Health Assembly Youth Forum this year would help me to act quicker and more effectively. I would also aim to strengthen the Youth constituency development, that was started by LWHO in term 18/19, and to continue holding open access side events of PreWHA, accessible to all young people attending the WHA. One of the previous LWHOs has developed a manual on how to make and conduct WHO simulations. It might happen this term that the LWHO will use the manual and structure some capacity building opportunity, which would be open for members and cover the WHO, Global Health, and similar topics. In any way, I would be following up or developing such or similar initiative to empower more members and have more good quality resources (for instance, from the PreWHAs) to be briefed and made available to the members directly or via a method of choice as a webinar, pre-recorded video, etc. Increasing the accessibility of the advocacy and meaningful youth engagement materials would also be my priority by, for example, having them translated to the common languages of the Regions. During the IFMSA General Assemblies and Regional Meetings I wish to attend, I would ensure the continuous flow of updates and resources to the members - all things about WHO. This means being available for Trainings, Sessions and any sort of discussions (personal/group) during these events and in between.
III. TEAM OF OFFICIALS AND TEAM OF LIAISON OFFICERS I will continue to strengthen the science-policy interface through evidence-based policy making, support for research and development, harnessing science, technology and innovation, leveraging technologies to promote inclusive digital economy and meaningful youth engagement on all levels. This will be done through promoting capacity-building and technical assistance for the policy making SWGs, my fellow LOs and External Affairs IT members, supporting initiatives as well as innovation in IFMSA stances.
III. TEAM OF OFFICIALS AND TEAM OF LIAISON OFFICERS IFMSA Strategy 2017-2020 evaluation and development of a new strategy proposal would be one of a major task to be discussed and developed within the TO in the upcoming term. I would contribute with my critical thinking and data analysis skills to identify the areas which could be better formulated in the new strategy and the directions the new strategy could be shaped, according to the needs of the NMOs. Collaborations with Standing Committees is also the area of my interest, therefore, if we are going to have Directors that are interested in collaboration I am committed to be available and help with speakers for webinars/activities, data sharing and other fields of collaboration online and during the events. Support in the analysis of new potential partners from the WHO side would also benefit the IFMSA and its SCs. IFMSA 70th Anniversary is about to be celebrated next year, and I will make sure that the collaboration of the TO to prepare the celebration as a potential high-level side-event at the PreWHA/WHA or potentially General Assemblies would become a reality through the connections I would have and innovative ideas I could share with the team. Member engagement in this important date would also be ensured by seeking involvement opportunities and organising interactive approaches for engagement. Tokenism should be avoided at all costs. If we face obstacles to realizing the goals, structural inequalities, gaps and systemic challenges and risks, I would tackle them collaboratively with the members of TO. Therefore, when choosing between alternatives, I will be raising discussions within the TO that we should ask ourselves not only how to overcome the immediate threat of being tokenized or under-represented / not engaged, but also what kind of outcome could be reached as the opportunity to be represented and not engaged passes. I also see myself contributing to the coordination of possible responses to various situations that are against IFMSA stances and its impacts. I will also take the mental health and well being of my fellow Liaison Officers and TO members as the major priority and always be there for them, be it in meetings in person or virtually. I will hope to help to create safe spaces in the TO and a welcoming working environment. Additionally, I will be a very active member of TO and provide my point of view in various forms of input through all matters discussed within the TO. I will also actively contribute to the next term’s TO goals once they are decided. Lastly, I ensure my complete availability to the tasks and discussions relating to IFMSA and its advancement in both TOMs and email threads, and commitment to the deadlines and assignments as filling in reports and other.
Thank you for your time reading my plan of action. Please let me know if you have any questions or doubts and I am always available via email mindaugas.galvosas@gmail.com
IFMSA delegate to the 73rd World Health Assembly;
IFMSA delegate to the preWHA and 72nd WHA: advocacy SWG on HRH and Patient Safety; contributed to the
Erasmus+ Exchange Programmes: 2018/19 Faculty of
position paper of HRH, read the position paper of
Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia | 2019/20
Patient Safety during the WHA; the Ministry of Health of
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples,
Lithuania agreed to have a youth delegate program pilot
OC member as an Academic Coordinator for the online pre-World Health Assembly Youth Forum in 2020, "New Voices in Global Health Leadership, Policy and Diplomacy"; IFMSA External Affairs General Assistant (20192020); Member of the Global Health Workforce Network (GHWN) Youth Hub; IFMSA representative at the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth UN@75 Group; IFMSA SCOME Regional Assistant for Europe (2018-2019); Basic Research Competencies Framework SWG (SCOME+SCORE) (2018-2019); Co-author and presenter of the abstract: 'Medical education
research AMEE2020
Conference | Student Task-Force member; Co-author for the abstract 'Publich Health in Medical
conference in 2019; Article 'Simulation in Medical Education', MSI, issue 37; NOME, LiMSA (2017-2018); | LOME, LiMSA (20162017); Member of the Society of Innovative medicine, 2016-present. AWARDS YOUTH GRANT WINNER FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF LITHUANIA IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour in Lithuania | Dec 2019 UNIVERSITY
EU Commissioner agreed to discuss the possible participation in the theme event of EuRegMe 2020 with the topic of Global Health Workforce; IFMSA delegate to the 69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (2019 September), submitted a video position statement on 2030 Agenda implementation in the European Region, and read a statement at the event; IFMSA delegate to the World Health Summit 2019; AMEE STF 2019: was working on an abstract and presented it: 'Medical students' access to research and research education worldwide'; LiMSA representative in the working group of medical students and junior doctors under the Ministry of Health
INITIATIVES | Every semester since 2017
changes, national health workforce planning and for the use of rural areas in specialty trainings; Interviewed WFME president prof. D.Gordon for a project focused on future physicians; later interviewed AMBOSS representatives; also the president of a NGO, which unites youth NGOs of Lithuania; International Conference ‘Diplomats for Life’, 2018 attendee and co-facilitator of the workshop ‘Can we use simulation to teach medical ethics?’; Representing pregnant
for the
importance of healthcare (2015-16).
AMEE member since 2019;
of Lithuania (2017-2018); advocating for curriculum
myIFMSA App SWG (2019); access
AMEE STF 2020;
Contributor to the IFMSA Policy on One Health;
IFMSA General Assemblies
WHO Meetings
IFMSA Regional Meeting
Session Team member
PreGA Workshops facilitated
Team management
Health policy
Data analysis Public Speaking
Strategy development
Python Critical Thinking
Health Advocacy Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop
GERMAN - B1 FRENCH - A2 ITALIAN - A2 INTERESTS Global Health Global Surgery AI & Machine Learning Playing basketball Playing guitar Asian cultures
‘The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.’ Michelangelo 1475-1564