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Local Golf Course Architect Norby reflects on Fox Hills project after first season of play

By Alice Chambers

Hole 15 expresses the unique design created by golf course architect Kevin Norby. All photos by Peter Wong.

Golf course architect Kevin Norby has reflected on the development of his new Fox Hills layout in Watford City, USA, following the completion of its opening season.

Norby began work on this project in 2008, when the club hired him to explore the possibility of extending its existing nine, which he described as “an interesting piece of property but not a course you’d go out of your way to play”, to 18.

Wetlands embrace the thirteenth hole at Fox Hills.

Initial concerns revolved around the question of whether there would be sufficient demand. “In 2008 we weren’t really sure the area could support another 18-hole course,” said Norby. By 2013, and with evidence of an increase in ‘destination’ golfers, the club decided to go ahead.

“We wanted to create a unique golf course that would attract golfers from throughout the region,” said Norby. “This will be a great course for local residents but will also attract golfers who journey to western North Dakota to play courses like Bully Pulpit and the Links of North Dakota.”

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Hole 12 shows wooden bulkhead-faced bunkers which allowed the design of deep bunkers to limit sand loss due to the windy conditions.

The project started as a nine-hole addition to the existing course but by 2014 nearly 400 acres had become available for an entirely new golf course and associated development. “The added land allowed us to work with the natural features and existing topography to create some really stunning golf holes,” said Norby.

Construction was completed by Nebraska-based golf course contractor Landscapes Unlimited in 2019, and limited play began in 2020. A grand opening followed in April 2021. The main goal at Fox Hills was “to build a golf course that would be fun for beginners and yet challenging for low handicap golfers,” said Norby.

The layout, now closed for winter, is set on 200 acres of rolling prairie and is part of a residential development that was master planned by Norby. It measures 6,980 yards from the back tees and 4,793 yards from the forward tees.

The front nine plays along the western bank of a creek that bisects the property and the back nine plays along the east side of the creek and along the higher hills. The driving range and five of the eighteen holes play on property previously occupied by the original nine-hole golf course.

One distinctive aspect of the course is the wooden bulkhead-faced bunkers. “Wind is a big factor out here in western North Dakota,” said Norby. “The wood bulkhead bunker faces allowed me to make the bunkers deep enough to minimise sand loss and at the same time ensure that the bunkers are visible”.

“The par five eighteen hole exemplifies the strategic nature of this course,” says Norby. “The hole plays just 532 yards but six bunkers demand accuracy and restraint. A well-struck tee shot which avoids the first three fairway bunkers will leave a chance to reach the green in two. The green is large, but the slope of the green requires a draw or an approach from the right side of the fairway.

Hole three blends the aspects of fun and challenge for all golfer abilities. The MGCSA membership thanks GCA and Alice Chambers for this reprint.

MGCSA needs YOUR support!!!

The following committees are looking for help during the upcoming year: Conference, Events and Education Research and UMN Support Advocacy and Government Affairs Please consider becoming active and helping your professional association by providing time and ideas. Reach out to Chris@mgcsa.org

March 22nd MGCSA Assistants*** Pro Forum and Social Bowling Event

PINZ Bowling Center Woodbury, MN

7:30 Registration treats provided by: 8:00 Welcome/MGCSA update and advocacy by: 8:30 UMN Update: Solutions to challenges that you can use NOW 9:30- 10:45 Frost Inc: Good, Better, Best and WORST spray tech solutions

11:00 - 12:30: To be determined, leadership management presentation. 12:30- 2:30 lunch/open social bowling sponsored by:

Just $30 per person! Register HERE ***Irrigation/spray techs, EMs and staff welcome

Turfgrass Research Highlights

2021 Turfgrass Field Day

In collaboration with Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association

Our Turfgrass Field Day for golf clientele took place on September 9 at the TROE Center in St. Paul. We hosted 28 attendees and spent 2 hours sharing research projects about managing turfgrass during drought, mycorrhizae and biostimulants, greens and fairway cultivar trials, shade stress, minimal-to-no mow fine fescue, and winter injury detection. Post-event survey respondents said the event was excellent, organized, and informative. Several said they would change their management practices around no-mow fine fescues and study NTEP cultivar evaluation data closely.

Turfgrass Field Day for golf at the TROE Center in St. Paul.

Improving winter stress tolerance and recovery

Re-establishment of putting greens following winterkill

Funding: United States Golf Association

Winter damage causes loss of putting green surfaces, resulting in costly re-establishment, delays in course openings, lost revenue, and unhappy golfers. This project examines to what extent permeable

covers improved the establishment of creeping bentgrass cultivars. Bentgrasses were seeded on April 16th on native soil and were either covered with an Evergreen ‘Radiant’ permeable cover or were not covered. The covers were kept on through the first 14 days. In the next 7 days, covers were removed during 2 of the days, and the covers were completely removed after 25 days.

Covers led to an increase in soil temperature compared to uncovered areas. The covers significantly decreased the number of days until germination was noted, 12.8 days compared to 14.8 days. ‘Independence’ and ‘Penn A4’ had the slowest germination of all the cultivars in either covered or uncovered plots. The covers sped up the time to both 50% and 80% turfgrass cover by ~6 and ~7 days, respectively.

Plots that were either covered or not covered, 21 days after being seeded in St. Paul.

WinterTurf: A holistic approach to understanding the mechanisms and mitigating the effects of winter stress on turfgrasses in northern climates

Funding: Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association, United States Golf Association, Michigan Turf Foundation, United States Department of Agriculture

Golf course superintendents in the northern part of the US are faced with the problem of winter damage risk every year, and to date, few viable solutions have been developed by the turfgrass research community. This problem requires a large-scale, interdisciplinary approach. To that end, we have assembled a team of collaborators from across several institutions, representing a wide array of expertise, who desire to work together toward a common goal of providing tools that golf course superintendents can use to reduce winter stress injury.

The MGCSA members appreciate the excellent support provided by the University of Minnesota Turfgrass Research Team. Thank You UMN!

We have taken important first steps in this undertaking: the development and deployment of environmental sensor nodes on golf courses that will allow researchers to learn more about how turfgrasses die during winter. This information can drive a series of future research projects that can have a great impact on the golf course industry. Ground sensors will provide detailed measurements of what is happening just above and below the soil surface on golf greens. Building on pilot work funded by MGCSA from the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 winters, we placed in-situ sensing nodes on 35 golf greens in Minnesota and other cold climates in fall 2021. The sensing nodes measure important environmental parameters including soil moisture and temperature at 3 depths (1.25 cm, 7.5 cm, 15 cm), air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, O2, and CO2 gas levels just below the soil surface; and photosynthetically active radiation. To ensure data collection system robustness, data is logged both locally to nonvolatile memory on the device and stored in real-time in the cloud. Data is accessible through an easy-to-use web portal. During November 2021, golf greens identified for sensor nodes were assessed by the host superintendent for turf health and species composition; the same assessment will be done each spring so that before and after winter comparisons can be made. In addition, each superintendent has agreed to collect snow depth information on each quadrant of the green, along with ice and water observations. Data from sensors will be stored in an integrated database along with other information obtained from golf course superintendent observations and measurements, drone flights, and satellite imagery. For almost 150 sites without sensors, golf course superintendents took before-winter and will take after-winter images to document changes due to winter stress. Using recently awarded funding from the USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative ($8 million total), these data will be collected for the next four years and used for modeling, spatial data mining, and machine learning by collaborators at the University of Minnesota, leading to new knowledge about how turfgrasses are affected by winter stresses.

Integrating new technology and products

Precision irrigation technology scaled up through on-course demonstration

Funding: United States Golf Association

A number of technologies are available to help superintendents reduce water use, but many have not been scaled up across a golf course. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that adoption of soil moisture sensor and mapping technologies can provide superintendents with actionable information that conserves resources. We have completed a second summer of data collection at Edina Country Club in Edina, where we are testing 3 different irrigation scheduling approaches: 1) precision irrigation scheduling with soil moisture sensors; 2) ET-based irrigation scheduling at 60% ET, 3 times per week; and 3) traditional scheduling as determined by the superintendent. Results indicate that the ET-based treatment used more water than the superintendent's decision-making or soil moisture sensors. In fact, the soil moisture sensor approach used the least water and saved 174,000 to 537,000 gallons of water per month compared to the ET-based approach.

Soil moisture mapped across 9 fairways at Edina Country Club.

Thistle control in fine fescue naturalized areas

Funding: Corteva

One of the most challenging weeds mentioned in a survey of Minnesota golf course superintendents was thistles in naturalized areas. To address this need, we conducted a trial to measure fine fescue safety of new herbicides designed to control broadleaf weeds like thistles: NativeKlean (2,4-D + aminopyralid) and GameOn (2,4-D + fluroxypyr + halauxifen-methyl). This experiment was conducted on an unmowed fine fescue area at Town and Country Club in St. Paul. Plots were sprayed in May 2021 and injury to fine fescue was measured over 2 months. Slight phytotoxicity (10-15%) appeared in plots treated at 2 times the label rates, but this level of injury is negligible in a naturalized area and certainly not visible to a golfer. NativeKlean and GameOn are effective options for thistle control and are safe on fine fescues. Consider adding these newer herbicides to the toolbox with established options like 2,4-D, dicamba, triclopyr, and clopyralid.

Establishment of a Minnesota turfgrass decision-making dashboard

Funding: University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association, Minnesota Turf and Grounds Foundation

Golf course superintendents use biophysical models to manage turfgrass, such as weather forecasts, disease risk models, and water use estimates. Although high-resource facilities use commercial products like irrigation software and on-site weather stations, most golf courses in Minnesota do not have access to this level of technology. Online dashboards are used to help people make data-informed decisions and optimize use of resources. We built a Minnesota turfgrassdecision-support dashboard that gathers live weather and agronomic data from multiple sources, analyzes and aggregates data, and presents the data in a visual output. The dashboard includes different models relevant to golf course turfgrass, like cool-season turfgrass growth potential, Smith-Kerns dollar spot model, a Pythium blight model, crabgrass germination and herbicide timing models, as well as weather variables like temperature and precipitation. The dashboard can be accessed at maps.umn.edu/turfgrass-decision-support-dashboard and through turf.umn.edu.

Screenshot of the Minnesota Turfgrass Decision-Support Dashboard launched in 2021.

Be sure to keep up to date by following the UMN Turfgrass Blog

Cultivar evaluation and low-input turfgrass

NTEP and SCANGREEN cultivar trials

We continue to evaluate turfgrass cultivars of all cool-season species for use on golf courses in Minnesota. Ongoing National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) trials include the 2020 Bentgrass Greens Trial and the 2020 Fine Fescue Fairway Trial. A two-year low-input cultivar evaluation trial, as part of a collaboration with scientists in Norway, was completed in fall 2021. The trial, known as SCANGREEN, includes a number of cultivars representing several cool-season turfgrass species at multiple locations: Landvik, Norway; Apelsvoll research station, Norway; and Reykjavík, Iceland. Species included in the trial were creeping bentgrass, colonial bentgrass, velvet bentgrass, rough bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, Chewings fescue, and slender creeping red fescue. Turfgrasses were maintained at mowing heights and fertilization regimes appropriate for each species when managed as a green, and the entire trial experienced traffic stress throughout the summer of both 2020 and 2021. In Minnesota, the fine fescue entries generally did well, but began to decline in quality during summer 2021 due to summer stress combined with traffic stress. Creeping bentgrass cultivars showed high levels of snow mold susceptibility, which was not surprising given that the plot area was not treated with any pesticides; in this low-input setting, many creeping bentgrass plots showed the effects of snow mold damage far into the summer. As golf course superintendents look toward a future of reduced inputs, data from trials such as SCANGREEN will be an important resource.

Improving unmown fine fescue areas

Funding: United States Golf Association

No-mow fine fescue stands can become thick and weedy, which reduces playability and requires labor for mowing and weed control. The objective of this research is to determine the impact of mowing timing (spring, fall, or spring + fall) for weed suppression, golf ball visibility, and aesthetics. Experiments were conducted on hard fescue at the TROE Center in St. Paul and at Rush Creek Golf Club in Maple Grove. Sites had differences in weed species. In St. Paul, white clover and black medic weeds were most severe in fall only and spring + fall mowing treatments. On the other hand, in Maple Grove, thistles were more severe in plots mowed only in spring. Annual mowing is important because plots that were unmowed suffered from dead areas and winter injury, but timing of mowing may impact weed populations.

For more information about these and other ongoing projects in the turfgrass program, please visit turf.umn.edu or follow us on Twitter at @UMNturf

In Bounds

by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS Following 49 years of dedicated service to our fine industry, there isn’t anything I can say other than, “Thank you for your support”.

From the time I started as a rookie on the grounds crew at the White Bear Yacht Club under the tutelage of my friendtor ,John Steiner CGCS, through my tenure as your Executive Director, I can honestly say that I have no regrets regarding the career choices I have made. Curious though, very little of that enjoyment was derived from the actual game itself. Rather, upon learning that golf course management was a vocation in 1978, I simply relished the idea of property management and all the associated variables. The opportunity to work somewhat autonomously also had romance and set me up nicely for the position I have held the last ten years.

For almost five decades I have watched our industry of professionals grow from glorified “sodbusters” to highly valued fine turf managers. Institutions were built upon our growing scientific knowledge base and turf management skills, although sadly, many have closed their doors. However, I can say with pride that I lived through the golden growth days of golf course superintendency.

It was challenging, yet fun to work with a diverse group of people with even more diverse back grounds. Seniors, juniors, guys, gals, millennials, boomers, x-ers, Hispanic, Czechoslovakian and even Wisconsinites, it has been so very rewarding to get to know such an assorted gang of individuals. Quirky, intelligent, sophomoric, sensitive, happy, depressed, hard-working, and some not-so-

much, have added to my basket of memories. Of course, my best seasonal staff were my two kids Tyler and Madeline! Work always carried over into “truck” conversations to and from North Oaks Golf Club.

Luck was with me as I was blessed with a few great assistants during my years as golf course superintendent; Paul Eckholm, Rich Anderson, Dan Swenson and Justin Bicek, and one incredible mechanic, Bob Wappula. Through seemingly continuous renovation, this gang kept me on track and helped me to be a better superintendent. Thanks guys.

I would be remiss if I didn’t share kudos to the amazing MGCSA Boards, Officers, affiliates, class members, and in particular, Presidents who have allowed me to pursue, well beyond member management, ideas and initiatives that have endorsed the industry of professional golf course turf management since 2012. Too many to name individually, I thank each of you for the direction and freedom to implement plans that promoted our industry.

And, a plug for the University of Minnesota, the Turfgrass, Research, Outreach and Education Center, Dr. Brian Horgan, Dr. Eric Watkins and especially Dr. Don White for their industry endorsement.

One could say that life’s journey is shaped by the people we meet along the way. True to a point, but I will also hold in my heart magnificent sunrises, tremendous summer storms and deep winter snows. Rainbows, bluebirds, coyotes, and ducklings. My course sidekicks Jessie BoBo, Bailey, Nugget, Tyson and Sadie. The smell of spring, taste of drought, chill of January. Zebra mussels, disease pressure, bad glue joints, dirty power, loud bands, curious politics and oh so many more challenges. Every day was an opportunity ready for action.

Who could have wished for more?

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